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Telles, Kennedy

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Stratman, Zoe

Stratman, Zoe

I like to devote myself to a project by creating an objective for myself to follow. I tend to be thoughtful of the requirements, while also maintaining the creativity aspect within projects. I am constantly determined to work diligently and develop a passion for what I am currently working towards. I understand what is being asked of me when being introduced to new content. I have respect for my professors, and I trust that I am in their best interest.

Do you have any plans after this semester?

I plan to spend time with friends and family. I also intend on updating my portfolio, as I will start applying for summer internships.

What type of designer would you like to be?

I would like to design within the commercial and hospitality field. However, I am also interested in residential design.

Can you tell me about any problems you ran into in the studio or outside?

It took me a second to adjust to the new teaching style, as it was very different compared to past semesters.

What kind of place would you like to design next?

I would like to design a hotel or residential space.

What do you think makes a good workplace?

I think flexibility makes a good workplace. A mix between private and collaborative spaces is useful in order to provide options to the users of the building. Also, the flexibility in furniture such as standing desks provides more comfort to users.

Can you tell me what evidence-based design means to you?

Evidence-based design is design that is intentional based on proven research. This can create a more effective and useful design.

Compared to previous semesters, the semester may be challenging in many ways, but you may be able to see your accomplishments. Reviewing your accomplishments, what did you learn from this studio?

I have been able to learn the more technical side of design, especially with construction documents.

Would you like to share anything with future students of this studio?

Make sure you are intentional with how you spend your time. Don’t wait until the last minute, because you can quickly become behind. Other than that, you learn a lot and you will grow as a designer. Just remember to also have fun!

Next is an architecture and interior design firm based in Los Angeles, California that wants to expand in the Dallas area. The firm is all about collaboration between their employees, but also with clients in order to promote growth. The new design needs to allow for collaboration in public spaces, but still offer intimate private spaces. The design needs to be functional and useful for the design firm to continue growing.

Upward Trajectory

Next is an upcoming firm in the design industry. Their focus and drive have lead them to grow worldwide. To continue the company’s growth, it is important that the firm has an upward trajectory. The design will provide employees with access to resources in order to help them succeed. These resources include collaboration spaces and access to technology such as VR stations to allow growth within the firm’s projects. The use of color, material, and light will also be used as a way-finding tool throughout the space, emphasizing the idea of trajectory.

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