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Vancil, Haden

Vancil, Haden

I have drive, purpose and vision. I love people and the world around me. I know what I am doing and do my best to be creative in how I do it. There is so much to see in the world and not much time to see it. I think that our lives should be purposeful, and in order to do that you have to have discernment in how to walk through life. It is important to always be teachable and be a learner with a positive attitude. The way we connect and communicate with people affects both our lives and theirs and how you communicate effects your abilities to be a leader and contributor. Nobody is perfect and you must have humility to see your faults and admit to when you fall short. Nobody respects a prideful person and pride gets in the way of our relationships and accomplishments. In order to be teachable, we must be humble and recognize that we are not at perfection. I am a big believer in grace. We all receive it, and we all need to show it. Life is not easy all the time and there is a huge importance in showing unconditional love to those around you. There is busy and there is rest. Nobody can pour from an empty cup. I advocate for rest everyday and every week in order to do the things you do well.

Do you have any plans after this semester?

Over winter break I plan to take the time to work on personal development both in my career and personal goals. I plan to apply for summer internships, update my portfolio, prepare for my Fall 2024 study abroad in Rome, and meet with local professionals to grow my understanding of the professional design industry. I also plan to spend quality time with my family, rest, and read.

What type of designer would you like to be?

I want to be a designer that helps people live better. I want to improve people’s lives and make their life healthier, more functional, and beautiful.

Can you tell me about any problems you ran into in the studio or outside?

In this design project I had a hard time designing a floor plan that was functional and was consistent with my design principles and concept. Not letting myself feel stuck was hard but I had to keep going and problem solve to the best of my ability. Outside of the studio, I dealt with some grief and processed the many questions that come with life and loss. I grew in assurance of my faith, and have become further inspired to love others well and do my small part in making people’s lives better.

What kind of place would you like to design next?

I would love to design a residential project or a boutique storefront.

What do you think makes a good workplace?

A good workplace has good people who care about their work and each other. A good workplace has options for working environment, access to natural light and room for personalization by the employees.

Can you tell me what evidence-based design means to you?

Evidence based design means designing based on the needs of the client and research. Evidence based design is not about personal taste, but the function and productivity of the space designed.

Compared to previous semesters, the semester may be challenging in many ways, but you may be able to see your accomplishments. Reviewing your accomplishments, what did you learn from this studio?

I learned about the design process and scheduling out a project well to make revisions in an orderly way. I learned how to use AI rendering software and apply it to my designs. Additionally, I learned to balance a healthy lifestyle and academics.

Would you like to share anything with future students of this studio?

Having structure is helpful and it allows you to reflect on every piece of your work, so you make sure that what you are doing is purposeful. Don’t let yourself get hung up on one thing that isn’t perfect and keep moving forward in the design process so you do not get discouraged. Take care of yourself and others! This semester can be fun!

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