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Walker, Lorelei

Walker, Lorelei

When I think of who I want to be for others, I think of what I want in a friend, and traits I would want them to have. To be a friend is to be loyal, selfless, personable, and reliable. I am loyal to my friends and take their needs into account. I am selfless and put people before myself and make sure they are okay. I am personable, I let my friends know their lives and experiences are special and share my own with them as well. I am reliable, you can count on me to be there for you in many situations. When it comes to the future, I have passion in what I want to accomplish and do for others in design. This passion comes with traits a designer should have, which I believe I possess. Creativity is needed in all aspects of design; expressing yourself and ideas is what draws people to you. Each concept and design comes with a purposeful attitude as well, I do everything with purpose and intention. To make sure each design is carried out and neat, I have to have order, and an ordered mindset. As I work through my design process, I have to make sure all parts of my life and work live in harmony. Finally, what is very important to me in who I am as a person, and what I bring to the design world, is trust. You must trust yourself, others, and your processes in life and work.

Do you have any plans after this semester?

This summer, I plan on acquiring an internship position in Dallas, TX. There, I will also be spending time with family and friends.

What type of designer would you like to be?

I have always been interested in Residential Design but, I have developed an interest in hospitality design as well. I am open to all kinds of design but, my inspiration lies within those two fields first.

Can you tell me about any problems you ran into in the studio or outside?

During this semester, some of the problems I ran into was balancing my studio work, mental health, social life, and mentor job. It takes great time management to be able to prioritize all aspects of your life.

What kind of place would you like to design next?

Next, I would like to design a residential space. In studio classes, we have designed community centers, an office/workplace, a psychology center, and a motel. Although I have enjoyed each of these projects, I feel as if residential design could further my inspiration and knowledge in all design fields.

What do you think makes a good workplace?

Designing a great workplace takes research, empathy, passion, drive, a concept, and an end goal. In all fields of design, the designer must put themselves in the shoes of the guest occupying the space and how all aspects of design makes a person feel.

Can you tell me what evidence-based design means to you?

Evidence-based design is when each design choice is made with intention and has background research and knowledge to support it. This shows that the designer is putting in the time to reach every detail that goes into designing a space.

Compared to previous semesters, the semester may be challenging in many ways, but you may be able to see your accomplishments. Reviewing your accomplishments, what did you learn from this studio?

This semester, I have realized that I am able to be pushed past my limits. I have learned that I am capable of more than I thought, and looking back at my previous works compared to this year’s work, I can visually see a difference. Pushing boundaries and stepping out of your comfort zone can increase work value as well as personal accomplishments.

Would you like to share anything with future students of this studio?

For future students of this studio, I have to say, don’t give up. Don’t get in your head. Stay focused on the things that matter, don’t compare yourself to others. No matter how hard it gets physically and mentally, keep your eyes on the end goal because in the end, you will feel so accomplished and proud of yourself. You want to be able to look back at all you have done and say, wow I did that!




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