In and around Kingsthorpe Oct Nov 2015

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Kingsthorpe in and around

& Boughton

October / November 2015


A community magazine and business directory for local residents

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Kingsthorpe in and around

& Boughton

This issues highlights . . .

Becca’s Best:


More innovative suggestions on staying slim and trim!

Dear Readers,

Quiz Corner:

We’d like to extend a big thank you to all of you who filled our mailboxes with kind comments about our new style magazine. The huge response to our Whittlebury Spa competition, has also meant we’ve been chained to our office desks over the last 6 weeks! With Summer now at a close and pupils back in school, it’s back to normality. Before we know it, Christmas will be upon us and another year will have flown by. In this issue there’s the chance to win theatre tickets to a world famous London production . . . . so best of luck, but above all, enjoy your read!


Can you solve these sports, maths & general knowledge brain teasers ?

Local History:


A ‘Jack the Lad’ tale that was always going to end in tears . . .

Competition Time: Win free tickets to this London Theatre production . . .






A look back at the life and times of the king of reggae . . . .

Ukelele Lady:

We chat with a local talent that’s worth keeping tabs on .

Eyes Sore:

Are you X-Box mad, but suffering the consequences?

Bev & Dez


In & Around Kingsthorpe Magazine

Something to warm you up when the dark nights draw in!

If you would like to advertise in this magazine or have an event to promote, please contact us:

Local Sport:

07747 632918

We take a look at just how our three senior teams have started . . .

What’s On:

A selection of local events for those who want to get out

This journal does not accept any responsibility for errors and omissions in this publication, or for the accuracy of claims made by advertisers. Views expressed by contributors are their own and are not necessarily shared by the publishers. This publication has no political bias.

13 15 28 35 41 50 60

Front Cover Image: ‘Quaint cottages in Boughton village’. By kind permission of the owners. Photo by PSD images.

The Intrepid Kids-Can You Find Korky?Kingsthorpe Kat!

Simply flick through this magazine and find the other seven pages that Korky is hiding on. Have more fun by timing how long it takes you . . . and see if Mum or Dad can beat you! 3

Detoxing your body by Becca Mclachlan It’s no good doing a detox programme for just one week, two weeks or even a month you should be aiming to remove toxins from your body 365 days a year. Proper detoxification is so essential for health and fat loss, you’ll always struggle to lose weight and overcome health issues if you have a toxic body! Here are my top twelve tips to help detoxify your body. 1. Stop poisoning your body with sugar and processed foods — eat as clean as you can preferably organic produce and include lots of detoxifying foods into your diet like cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, collards, kale, cabbage, Brussel sprouts) and the garlic family (garlic and onions), which help increase sulphur in the body and help detoxification. 2. Water — Drink plenty of clean water, aim for 2/3 litres of filtered water a day this will keep you urinating regularly throughout the day to flush out the toxins. 3. Eliminate Properly — It’s really important that you are having regular bowel movement at least once or twice a day. If you are dehydrated this will prevent your bowels from working regularly so this is another reason you need to drink loads of water. Including flax seed, chia seeds and lots of green veg in your diet will also help to keep you regular. 4. Minimise drugs & stimulants — I’m not suggesting you stop taking your medication but often we don’t always need medication. The reality is that most of us are overmedicated and use medications to treat problems for which there are better solutions, such as lifestyle and diet. 5. Get Moving — Be as active as you can and exercise regularly. 6. Sweat — Sweat profusely at least three times a week through exercise or using a sauna or steam.

7. Removal of Amalgam fillings - this is a biggy if you have amalgam fillings. Mercury is constantly leaking into your body, it really is worth having a discussion with your dentist about getting these replaced. 8. Alcohol - Causes the pancreas to produce toxic substances and prevents proper digestion. It also weakens the immune system, inflames the liver and damages the heart. 9. Choose natural skin care products - We actually absorb 60-80% of all creams, lotions and potions that we put onto our skin. 10. R&R - Rest & Recovery is an important part of any detoxification programme, find time to relax whether its getting lost in a book, beauty treatments, reflexology, yoga, Tai chi, meditation or a walk in the countryside. Try to do something every day which will get your nervous system in a state of calm, rest, and relaxation. 11. Box breathing - this is something you can do every night when you get into bed before you go to sleep. Start by breathing in through your nose for 2 secs, hold for 2 secs, breath out through your mouth for 2 secs, hold for 2 secs, repeat again for a 3 sec cycle then a 4 sec cycle. Focus on taking each breath down to your belly. Box breathing will also assist you to have a decent nights sleep. 12. Learn to love yourself as well as others Anger, jealousy, and hostility, all create toxins in our system. Constantly beating yourself up will make your body and mind more toxic, focus on your good points and stop being so harsh on yourself, also try to distance yourself from people with toxic minds! Simply following these steps will help to correct problems caused by toxicity, maximise your body’s own detoxification capacity and help you safely eliminate toxins stored in your body. If you would like to join one of Becca Mclachlan’s fitness classes, visit her website: Brampton Health Golf Centre, Church Brampton, Northampton. NN6 8AX 4

The wait is over Now selling

WARDINGTON COURT Welford Road, Kingsthorpe, Northampton, NN2 8AG 58 one and two bedroom Assisted Living apartments Exclusively for the over 70s, Wardington Court has been designed to make you or a loved one’s life easier, with an on-site restaurant, homeowners’ lounge and beautiful landscaped gardens. With our staff on-site 24 hours per day and a 24 hour emergency call system, we provide the support you or a loved one will need to continue a fulfilling, independent retirement. Ideally situated in close proximity to local shops and amenities, next to the Kingsthorpe Recreation Grounds, our brand new Assisted Living development is now selling off-plan. Book an appointment today to see how Assisted Living can benefit you or a loved one.

Call 0800 919 132 to book an appointment, or visit our website for more details please mention In & Around Kingsthorpe when responding to adverts


Coffee time


Mindbogglers You’ll find all the answers on the events page at the back!



1. Introductory musical pieces (8) 6. Look or enter? (4) 8. Part of a loaf (5) 9. Eased up (9) 11. Endure (7) 12. Anglo-saxon monster (7) 13. Beyond the sound barrier (10) 15. Ignore (4) 17. Part of an ear (4) 19. Parcel wrap (5,5) 22. Californian port (7) 24. Eucharist psalm (7) 25. Type of pasta (9) 26. Homers epic (5) 27. An entry point (4) 28. Badly written comic verse (8)

Down 2. A cattle gathering (7) 3. A formal writing (8) 4. Stain (9) 5. Colloquialism (5) 6. Type of printer (6) 7. Found a frequency (5,2) 8. Advisors (11) 10. Arrived at a decision (11) 14. Type of application (2,7) 16. Legendary aircraft (8) 18. French or Turkish pastry (7) 20. Information on a person (7) 21. Girls name (6) 23. Took out? (5)

SPORTSWORD Answer questions 1-7, fill in the grid and use the initials to name a new recruit at the Etihad Stadium. Answers to all 3 puzzles are on the events page near the back of this magazine!

1 2 3 4 5 6 7




1. Motorcyclist, known as the Prince of Speed. 2. Undefeated Mexican Light Welterweight. I Y 3. Australian cricket coach, E working in England. 4. Singles and doubles Grand Slam winner. 5. Liverpool’s all-time leading goalscorer. 6. Kiwi & Canterbury hooker destined for a bright future. 7. Striker currently in a third spell with Arsenal. 6

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Is it true?

serving on the Western Front in WW1 and had not regained consciousness until his hospital train passed through Bedford. As a result of this experience, his doctors recorded that he was easily excited and laughed immoderately at times. Above all, Rouse just could not stop talking and the grim irony was that when Rouse finally returned to Bedford, it was to be hanged. Had he not popped up from behind that hedge, there would have been no murder trial and no burial of an Unknown Man. What remained of Alfred Rouse, found in a blazing car, would have been interred, possibly in London where he had lived. Around 1930, Rouse, a commercial traveller, was one of a new breed. A dapper style, with sleeked back hair and one of those tiny Hitleresque moustaches. To top it off, Rouse had a car, a Morris which played a large part in the story. The one thing Rouse remembered about his victim was that he had hardly ever been in a car before. The car became instrumental in the life of Rouse as he took a wide variety of young women for trips and left a substantial slipstream of seduction behind him. With a documented income of £8 and his outgoings totalling in excess of £5 (for there was also a Mrs Rouse), outstanding paternity suits had gradually made life uncomfortable. Alfred Rouse became a man who needed to disappear. As he pondered his next move, he found himself engaging in social chatter with a total stranger in a north London pub and after hearing the man claim he’d no relations, the free drinks began to flow. Things were suddenly falling into place . . . the unemployed stranger, needed to journey north, and as sly as a fox, Rouse agreed to take him as far as Leicester without charge. He bought him a bottle of whisky, and in the vicinity of Northampton, in the early hours, he noticed his passenger had passed out. Now was his chance, so he parked the car, took a can of petrol from the boot and doused his passenger before laying a trail along the ground. He could so easily have got away with it. But that one remark to the two young men had revealed the presence at the scene of a second

In amongst the overgrown nettles and brambles you may find the little wooden cross that bears no name or date of birth, just the bland inscription, “In Memory of an Unknown Man, Died November 6th, 1936”. But then that is all that’s known, that and the fact that briefly, in Hardingstone churchyard, this was once the most famous grave in Britain! Forgive the pun, but graveyards are a dying culture with seven out of ten of us choosing cremation, allowing the grave as a family object to slip away into history as well as the future chore of tending a resting place that also denies weekly rememberances. Close by to that small wooden cross is a memorial to a man described simply as “Artist” with the inscription below reading “Remembered with Joy”. It’s a mystery in itself but only a few feet away, in the undergrowth, is a truly macabre story. Even in the mid 20th century, not many of us thought it possible for a man to disappear completely without trace, but in this small village it happened. Yet, in the full glare of publicity, this man was buried, with not a member of his family, with not a friend present . . . no one missed him . . . not even the slow trawl of bureaucracy revealed his absence. Even his murderer did not know his name. This is known because at two in the morning, two young men, coming from a dance that November evening, saw a car ablaze just outside of Hardingstone village. As the first thoughts of intrigue transformed into investigation a figure rose from behind a hedge and said in a strangely upbeat tone “Looks as if someone has had a bonfire.” Alfred Rouse had just started to talk his way to the gallows. At the age of 22, Rouse had been blown up whilst 9


man, and Rouse panicked. He hitchhiked back to London and then took a bus to South Wales, where there was yet another girl. And during all of this time he was talking, telling the booking clerk and the bus driver that his car had been stolen. By the next morning, the police had traced the car, and his name was in the papers. Still talking, he returned to London, and at Hammersmith the police were waiting. During questioning, he told them it had been an accident, that the two of them had run out of petrol and before he went to relieve himself, had asked his passenger to get some petrol from the can in the boot. The man had mentioned that he needed a smoke, and the next thing he knew was that the car had gone up in flames. He had tried to rescue him, but failed and afterwards he panicked and lost his head. It was a convincing story. The dead man had been drinking, which would explain the petrol spilt in the car. The police could not identify him meaning that they could not prove a connection between the two! They knew there was no motive so putting Rouse on trial at this stage was pointless.

The vital breakthrough came when, in a Northampton police station, Rouse (right) was relaxing with a few officers and continued talking, not noticing that one of them had his notebook open. This time he touched on his private life claiming that he was very friendly with several women, but that it was an expensive game! He said, grandly; “I was on my way to Leicester on Wednesday. I was then going on to Wales for the weekend. My harem takes me to several places!” ”Harem” . . . that one word doomed him. He was still talking in the death cell, where he admitted everything but claimed his victim was the sort of man no one would miss. That unknown man was buried near where he died. A metal box containing newspaper accounts of the trial was buried with him, and village children used to put flowers there every November. That custom died out during the Second World War, but his memory is preserved by a number of local archives.


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THEATRE TICKETS Agatha Christie’s ‘The Mousetrap’ has kept audiences guessing for six decades. Now in its 63rd incredible year, this world record-breaking production continues to attract audiences to the St. Martin’s Theatre from every corner of the globe. In her own inimitable style, Dame Agatha Christie has created an atmosphere of shuddering suspense and a brilliantly intricate plot where murder lurks around every corner! Here’s your chance to win a champagne package to see this legendary epic at St. Martin’s Theatre in the West End of London. The champagne package includes: . A pair of tickets (normal cost £90) . A Bottle of Champagne (normal cost £47) . Souvenir & standard Programmes In all, the prize value exceeds £150 and there are three of these packages to be won. Please note that the package can only be used Monday to Thursday (including Tuesday matinee), excluding bank holidays and travel or hotel expenses are NOT included. To enter this competition simply answer the question below and email your answer along with your name and full address by November 10th, 2015. All entries need to include “Northampton Magazines Mousetrap Competition” in the email header. All correct entries will then go into the hat and three lucky winners will be drawn. Winners need to use their prize within three months of their email notification. Q: Who wrote the Mousetrap? Send your entry to: Terms and Conditions apply. This prize is non-transferable and non-refundable, and has no cash equivalent. This prize cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or promotion. Winners details will be shared with the promoter. Should you be unsuccessful and still want to see this epic, visit or call the Box Office on 08444 991515. There are no additional charges when you buy direct from the theatre online or by phone. 13

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The lost king of reggae

Worshiped by millions, Rastafarian reggae superstar Bob Marley captivated audiences worldwide until he collapsed whilst performing in Pittsburgh in October, 1980. Originally named Nesta Robert Marley, his middle and first name were swapped around to preserve his masculinity after a comment was made that Nesta was seen as a girl’s name. Born on 6th February 1945, Bob turned out to be good at mathematics but his school life was truncated when he managed to secure himself employment as an apprentice welder. After a dangerous injury in which a piece of metal flew into his eye, he decided to leave, ultimately for the whole world’s benefit.

Reggae’s loping, hypnotic rhythms carried a catchy and unmistakable signature that rose to the fore of the music scene in the seventies, largely through the recorded work of Marley and the Wailers on the Island and Tuff Gong labels. Such albums as ‘Natty Dread’ and ‘Rastaman Vibration’ endure as reggae milestones that gave a voice to the poor and disfranchised citizens of Jamaica and, by extension, the world. In so doing, he also instilled them with pride and dignity in their heritage, however sorrowful the realities of their daily existence. Moreover, Marley’s reggae anthems provided rhythmic uplift that induced what Marley called “positive vibrations” in all who heard it. Regardless of how you heard it - political music suitable for dancing, or dance music with a potent political subtext – Marley’s music was a powerful potion for troubled times. After being arrested for possession of marijuana, the singer spent a month in prison, during which time he met many prisoners that he formed strong relationships with. These prisoners motivated him to write songs with a stronger political message.

In Kingston, he was known by the natives as a “white boy”. This was due to his mixed raced origins being clearly visible in his facial skin tone. This made Bob feel very alienated although it was a huge aid in helping him build confidence and selfesteem, turning him into the man he was. As a teenager, Marley formed a vocal trio in 1963 with friends Neville “Bunny” O’Riley Livingston (later Bunny Wailer) and Peter McIntosh (later Peter Tosh). The group members had grown up in Trench Town, a ghetto neighbourhood of Kingston, listening to rhythm and blues on American radio stations. They heard such R&B legends as Ray Charles, the Drifters, Fats Domino and Curtis Mayfield. They took the name the Wailing Wailers (shortened to the Wailers) because they were ghetto sufferers who’d been born “wailing.” As practicing Rastas, they grew their hair in dreadlocks and smoked ganja (marijuana), believing it to be a sacred herb that brought enlightenment.

Though the Wailers were popular in Jamaica, it was not until the group signed with Island Records in the early Seventies that they found an international audience. Their first recordings for Island, ‘Catch a Fire’ (1973) and ’Burnin’’ (1973), were hard-hitting albums full of melodic propaganda. The latter contained “I Shot the Sheriff.” Reggae aficionado Eric Clapton’s version of the song went to the top of some charts in 1974, which further carried the name of Marley and the Wailers beyond their Jamaican home base.

Marley became reggae’s foremost practitioner and emissary, embodying its spirit and spreading its gospel to all corners of the globe. His extraordinary body of work embraced the stylistic spectrum of modern Jamaican music - from ska to rock steady to reggae - while carrying the music to another level as a social force with universal appeal. Few others changed the musical and cultural landscape as profoundly as he did.

With the departure of founding members Peter Tosh and Bunny Wailer after ‘Burnin’, Marley took centre stage as singer, songwriter and rhythm guitarist. Backed by a first-rate band and the 15


I-Threes vocal trio – which included his wife, Rita – Marley rose to the occasion with 1974’s ‘Natty Dread’ (his first album to chart in America) and the string of politically charged albums that followed.

that claimed his life less than a year later. Though he died prematurely at age 36, the heartbeat reggae rhythms of the enormous body of music that Bob Marley left behind have endured. Many Jamaicans believe that their country has been transformed by his charismatic personality and musical output. Marley was buried on the island with full state honours in May, 1981.

By now Marley had become an influential and cultural icon on his home island and on December 5, 1976, he was scheduled to give a free “Smile Jamaica” concert, aimed at reducing tensions between warring political factions. Two days before the scheduled concert, he and his entourage were attacked by gunman. Though Bob and Rita Marley were grazed by bullets, they electrified a crowd of 80,000 when both took to the stage with the Wailers - a gesture of survival that only heightened Marley’s legendry status. It further galvanized his political outlook, resulting in the most militant albums of his career: ‘Exodus’, ‘Survival’ and ‘Uprising’.

In a crowning irony, given the reviled status that Rastafarians and their music had once suffered at the hands of the Jamaican government, Marley’s pacifist reggae anthem, ‘One Love,’ was adapted as a theme song by the Jamaican Tourist Board. Meanwhile, Marley’s music continues to find an audience. With sales of more than 12 million worldwide. Alone, ‘Legend’ - a best-of spanning the Island Records years (1972-1981) - remains the best-selling album by a Jamaican artist and the best-selling reggae album in history.

Given the violent culture that he survived and transcended, Marley’s death seems almost cruelly flukish. In 1977, surgeons removed part of a toe that had been injured in a soccer game, upon which a cancerous growth was found. This led to the discovery of spreading cancer in 1980,

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Pandas have long been seen as a bit of a lost cause. The argument goes that it is an animal unwilling to help itself survive whilst funding is poured into saving it which could arguably be better spent elsewhere. Whilst stories about its incredibly fussy eating habits do not help its cause, the truth about wild populations breeding habits do.

Endangered species

So why should we save the panda? Well, the explanation lies in where the pandas natural habitat is . . . . China, one of the worlds fastest growing industrial nations. Population and industrial growth in China has inevitably fuelled a construction boom and one of the chief components in rural housing and scaffolding is bamboo, therefore with a massive growth in building comes a massive increase in bamboo harvesting. This has a knock on effect to panda populations as their habitat is destroyed to fuel this construction boom. Population growth is another factor too, pushing humans further and further into the pandas natural environments.

Over the last few years, experts have uncovered further evidence of the pandas’ general ineptitude when it comes to surviving as a species. It will come as no surprise to any of us that their exclusive diet is bamboo, but what is not common knowledge is how ill suited this diet is to this unique animal. It also offers an insight into why these strange bears spend all day sleeping and eating bamboo. Pandas can spend up to 14 hours a day consuming up to 12.5 kg of leaves and stems, but they digest less than 20% of it. To conserve energy, the bears can also spend up to 12 hours each day sleeping. All in all, their dietary habit appears to be yet another nail in the coffin for endangered species the only exception being that the pandas seem to be nailing themselves willingly into coffins. The other well known fact about pandas is that they avoid sex almost as comprehensively as a convention of nuns and their prudish behaviour is so well documented that Edinburgh Zoo even resorted to building a ‘ tunnel of love’ to encourage their captive pair to breed. This experiment met with little success as their pair stoically refused to consecrate their love tunnel. Building a tunnel to encourage pandas may seem a bit like placing a male rabbit in with a herd of female giraffes, but it shows how desperate officials are to get pandas to breed. It also feeds in to the assumption that pandas are the biggest prudes of the animal kingdom. This is remarkably untrue though; pandas unwillingness to breed is only confined to captive populations and wild Pandas have equivalent reproductive rates to the American black bear.

This construction boom in pandas natural habitat makes protecting pandas simply more important than just protecting the bear itself. Protection of the panda offers protection of wild and pristine bamboo forest that would otherwise go the same way as swathes of the Amazon have. Using pandas as cultural landmarks also helps bring money and investment to local communities who would otherwise be cut off from industrial China and engaging in the (often illegal) trade in bamboo. It is also worth noting that as China’s national animal, conserving pandas can bring a much needed voice of conservation into China, no matter how small this voice is, it is very important. The problem with panda conservation is it immediately conjures up images of slightly awkward bears, sleeping, munching on something that is not very good for them and completely failing to breed. Our impression of them and media images of them are dominated by the panda trade amongst zoos. Whilst zoos around the world build their love tunnels and other pointlessly expensive attractions, the real focus needs to be on those pandas out in the wild . . . . something we are all in danger of forgetting! 19

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Friendly . Honest . Trustworthy . Affordable 44 Abington Square, Northampton NN1 4AA One regular occupant of my fridge is a green pepper. Sometimes there are two or three of them and inevitably they end up in food waste. Like most people, we buy our peppers in a sealed pack that usually contains a red, a yellow and a green pepper and the least popular is the poor old green pepper. Annoyed by this waste, I decided to do a bit of research and found out that it is highly nutritious, more so than its more popular relatives. In comparison, a cup full of chopped green pepper has a carb count of 2.5 grams, a fibre count of 1 gram and has a calorie count of 9. A similar amount of chopped red pepper has a carb count of 3 grams, a fibre count of 1.5 grams and has a calorie count of 23. The red pepper is merely a ripened version of the green but has a slightly fruity flavour, whereas its green rival has more of a tangy or sometimes, bitter taste. However, when chopped into small pieces and used in a salad, I am of the opinion that the difference in taste becomes negligiable, especially if eaten with tomato, cucumber or lettuce. Salad

Stay healthy by


green! peppers in general are packed with nutrients and are a good source of vitamins, key minerals and phytochemicals. Antioxidants can seriously slow down the buildup of cholesterol in your blood vessels which supresses the likelihood of stroke and heart disease. As they are also rich in fibre, the degree of exposure of colon cells to bacteria and toxins is greatly reduced. This is because it speeds up the transit time of waste matter through the gut. Research has shown that vitamins A, C and B9 significantly reduce the risk of colon cancer. In particular, green peppers are an excellent source of these vitamins. Go on, give ‘em a try!

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Should we stop turning our clocks back & forward?

and locals alike would have more time in the day to spend on outdoor recreational activities. This equates to approximately 235 hours of post-work daylight each year, something that the tourism industry would greet with open arms. Then there’s the sports industry to think about. The Football Association, The Lawn Tennis Association and the England and Wales Cricket Board have all backed year-round daylight savings, and with good reason. The extra hour of daytime increases the time available for exercise, makes people more likely to attend evening sporting events and means professional athletes can train for longer. In the 1980s, the golf industry estimated that one extra month of daylight savings could generate up to £246m a year in extra sales and fees. Although these facts present an overwhelming case in support of a permanent change, there is a valid argument for staying with the current format. In parts of Scotland, the sun wouldn’t rise until around 10am in winter. Some of the country’s 1,000 plus dairy farmers, whose working day starts as early as 5am, would in effect, almost be working a night shift. Based on the 5am start, these farmers would only see two to three daylight working hours. Other farmers and construction workers, who need sunlight to perform their jobs, would end up working later into the evening. Naturally, UK and Scottish parliamentarian, Alex Salmond strongly opposes a change, and says that any campaign for change would be an attempt to “plunge Scotland into morning darkness.”

Ever since my earliest memories, policymakers have been urged to permanently adopt Daylight Savings Time, more commonly known as British Summer Time. This would put an end to gloomy winter evenings, making it feel a bit more like summer all year round. As usual, there are arguments for and against. Conserving energy was one of the main reasons summer clocks were moved forward in the first place; Britain changed its clocks during the Second World War to help save electricity and boost working hours. It would also bring the UK in line with Central European Time, which means London would work the same business hours as Brussels, Paris, Frankfurt and Milan. For businesses that operate internationally, this could cut down staff overtime costs - not to mention any confusion over scheduling, from conference calls to deliveries. It would also give the UK an extra hour of overlap with the growing economies of Asia. Though some parents may be concerned about children travelling to school in the dark, winter daylight savings could improve safety on the roads and reduce crime. A three-year experiment to keep British Summer Time year-round, held between 1968 and 1971, found an 11% reduction in road casualties in England and Wales during the hours affected by the time change - and a 17% reduction in Scotland. In addition, the Home Office believes crime would see a 3% drop, as crime is more likely to be committed in the evening than in the morning. Lighter and longer winter evenings could provide an annual boost of £3.5bn to the tourist industry, according to the Tourism Alliance. The yearly income boost from the 60,000 to 80,000 extra jobs this would create could amount to £720m. Businesses would be inclined to stay open longer, while tourists

The debate about Daylight Savings Time stretches back into past years and the future of British time is still unclear. As they say, only time will tell. As winter draws closer and we are once more plunged into darkness, one can’t help but think of the benefits of lighter evenings, cheaper energy bills, reduced crime rates and maybe even some British sporting successes. Had the Scots voted in favour of independence, a decision may have been easier to make. For the time being, it’s on ice! 22

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Firework failures!

The annual Bonfire night celebrations are now part of English heritage. It’s an evening where joy often fills the skies, but the occasion has always had its risks so care needs to taken with all pyrotechnics. In 1975, George Plimpton, a New York citizen, decided that it was going to be the year when he’d become famous. His idea was to break the world record for the most spectacular firework ever ignited. In order to achieve his aim, he devoted a great deal of time and money to the manufacture of a Roman Candle that weighed in at around 720 pounds. This ticking time bomb was nicknamed ‘Fat Man’ and was about 40 inches long.

collections of the century was set out along the banks of the River Thames in London. As a large audience waited with excitement, an over enthusiastic spark gave premature encouragement to the rest of the collection and inside one minute ultra loud banging and simultaneous wheezing created mayhem nearby. Dozens of spectators chose to take their sanctuary in the Thames.

Come the big night, Plimpton, who’d predicted that his firework of art would go higher than 3000 feet, stepped forward and set light to his pride and joy. As he raced for cover, a large ‘FUT’ echoed around the sky followed by a hissing and whistling noise just before the untested concoction exploded, leaving a ten foot crater in the earth.

Elsewhere, countless horses were spooked and became detached from their coachmen who had little option but to give chase!

Nearly 300 years earlier, King James II came to the throne and one of the most spectacular firework

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Lowdown on bullying!

The lowdown is a counselling and support service for 12-25 year olds. Providing free & confidential counselling, information and support on all issues including: Mental Health, Sexual Health, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Issues. The lowdown also has school based services, an in-house Nurse (sponsored by First Point Insurance), plus does a lot of campaigning on behalf of young people. BULLYING affects all of us at some point and can happen at school, college, work or in the home. Bullying affects the mental health and well-being of those who experience it and the lowdown feel that NOW IS THE TIME to put a stop to it. Lots of schools/organisations have brilliant ways to address bullying but as yet no-one seems to be addressing it as a whole. The lowdown, are beginning this global war on bullying in our County, with the help of the NCC. To ensure that every school/college within the County becomes accountable for bullying and that every person within their walls feels safe to attend. The steps

we are taking are: . A countywide annual anonymous anti-bullying survey for 7-18 year olds, the results of which will be collated and published by the NCC. . A tool kit for schools/colleges to ensure that they all have and adhere to an agreed set of minimum standards for immediately and effectively dealing with bullying in an aim to reach a zero tolerance level for bullying. . An anti-bullying awards programme for schools/ colleges to attain . An anti-bullying conference on 20th November 2015 to bring together and launch the above points. For more information or to pledge your support please visit: or contact Dawn Wright. the lowdown’s

NOW IS THE TIME! Anti-bullying Campaign

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We’ve moved next door, where the old Allen Ford site was (Air-ows)


I see that Jools Holland has said some nice things about you. Can you tell us more? We were playing a residency at the Boisdale Club of Belgravia in London. Afterwards he shook our hands and was effusive and excited about what he’d heard. It was a very special moment and I was so surprised to see him standing there in front of me! I was lost for words! We’ve also had a fantastic endorsement from Shadows legend, Hank Marvin who raved: “If you haven’t heard and seen Sara Spade & The Noisy Boys you haven’t lived – HEAR THEM! SEE THEM! ASAP!” At the recent ‘Let’s Celebrate Duston’ day, I noticed that you offer Ukulele tuition and workshops. Tell us more:

Who is Sara Spade? THE UKULELE LADY . . . . . . Are you local? I was born in Northampton but grew up in Daventry, attending Southbrook Comprehensive where I played Mary Magdalene in Jesus Christ Superstar when I was 13. That was some education for a 13 year old let me tell you! How long have you been playing the Ukulele? I taught myself guitar at the age of 10 or 11 and became obsessed. I made up funny little songs and recorded them in my bedroom using two separate tape decks to record multi-track harmonies. Then I met a lady who played the Uke, and was absolutely charmed by it’s character and was feeling the need to play music that was upbeat, got people dancing, made them smile and feel happy. The Uke seemed like the perfect candidate and offered me fresh inspiration. What music did you grow up with and who are your biggest musical influences? Pop music! Plus jazz, blues and classical. One Christmas I was given a Sony Walkman with bright orange foam earphones. I used to RollerSkate around my neighbourhood listening to the Eurythmics, Depeche Mode, Queen and Barry Manilow! I was obsessed again. Somehow the word jazz has a weirdly negative connotation for some people and is misunderstood, so I brand my cover versions as ‘vintage’. Seriously though, they are jazz songs! . . . . I just don’t tell anyone. The jazz era was a glowing golden age of music. Who else is in the band? The core members of the band are myself, Jonny Mattock on snare drum (also from Northampton), Jonny Gee on the double bass and Rod Fogg on guitar (both from London). Natasha Thompson (from Towcester) also plays double bass.

When I’m not touring, I offer all kinds of brilliant Ukulele tuition for beginners to advanced, countywide. There’s one-to-one lessons, group workshops and private hen parties as well as corporate away days and even a special, full on interactive children’s show featuring myself and Katy Ashworth (pictured bottom left). I also run a weekly Ukulele Club at The Old Cherry Tree pub in Great Houghton and love to teach, having been judged as outstanding by OFSTED. I make sure that everything is fun, as well as progressive, creative and rewarding. Find out more at: So what have you been up to of late? During September I had a creative diversion and performed with my friend Katy Ashworth (of CBEEBIES) at Butlin’s Holiday camps! She has a childrens’ show called ‘Time with Katy’ and I played Ukulele and supported her. I was basically her side-kick! It was terrific fun! Have you got any local dates coming up? We have a few residencies including the Gin Parlour in St Giles Street, Northampton (a members club), the Blitz Tea Rooms in Kettering (a war-time themed café) and the Kings Arms in Farthingstone. There are quite a few local gigs working up to Christmas. All dates are listed at 28

See page 62 for School term dates & emergency phone numbers

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Pastures Community Centre Mob: 07741 493625

Tel: 01604 821716 Email: Directory of regular user groups and contact details Monday – Friday Mornings: Highfield Pre-School - Julia 07974 615733 Mondays: 10.00-11.00: R Conley Food & Fitness with Miranda 01536 724376 / 07979 042925 4.30-6.00: Margaret Scaldwell Children’s tap and ballet - 01604 712440 6.15-9.15 Whitehills Beavers, Cubs and Scouts - contact Gary 07740 181999 (Email:

Tuesdays: 11.30-12.30 Age Concern Tai Chi - 01604 611200 2.00-4.00pm Tea Dance - Derek on 01604 846869 4.15-7.15pm Unified School of Dance - NEW! 7.30-8.30pm MindBody Hatha Yoga: 7.45-8.45 Meditation/Relaxation Deborah T:07525808632 E: W:

7.30-9.30pm Girl Guiding - Linda on 01604 858105, Sally 07989 568071 Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 3.00-6.00 First Class Learning - Carol 01604 315191 (

Wednesday 10.00-11.30 Line Dancing - Derek 01604 846869 1.30-3.00 Yoga with Lorna 01604 719260 5.00-9.00pm Slimming World - Gayle 07156 339822 Thursday 10-11.30am Yoga with Lorna 01604 719260 1.45-2.45 Keep Fit Moves Patricia 01933 674263 7.30-9.30 The first Thursday of every month Heart Support Group 6.00-8.00 Rokakai (Karate) Brian (Email:

Friday 9.30-10.30 am Pilates with Louise 07766 807184 (Email:

2.00-4.00 50 plus club 5.30-7.30 Unified School of Dance - 30

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Pastures Community



Pastures Community Company Number 8002182 Registered Charity Number 1151055

Party enquiries and bookings email: Except for special events Saturday and Sunday afternoons are reserved for children’s parties All groups are very friendly and welcome new members. Call them, attend just before session or contact the centre and we ask them to contact you.

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BODY CONTROL CLASSES with a fully qualified instructor Classes held as follows:

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There's something missing from this picture.......



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LEDs are also increasingly popular as room lights, but “warm white” bulbs, with less blue, tend to be a better choice than “cool white” for evening use.

Are you

The Philips lighting company also makes a bulb, called ‘Hue’, that can change the intensity of its component colours via an app, and GE recently announced a reduced-blue LED bulb, meant to be used before bedtime.

suffering from


For those of you who are serious gamers, you may well want to follow the growing trend in the States where the entourage of online gamers are exhausting stocks of orange-tinted goggles. However, be aware that not all brands of orangetinted glasses have undergone independent testing for their ability to aid sleep. An industrialsafety brand called ‘Uvex’ is popular, but some say that they make some colours, notably blues and greens, harder to distinguish.

In today’s high tech world, one of the biggest health issues mankind faces is the amount of screen time we subject our eyes to every day. People nowadays are spending more and more time staring at computer screens, tablets and other handheld devices – a phenomenon that threatens to degrade our eyesight prematurely and inhibit sleep patterns.

If you are not willing to sit in your home looking like an extraterrestrial zombie wearing orange glasses then there are other options. Applications designed to alter the blue light impact of electronic devices depending on the time of day could be one answer. Look out for an app called ‘f.lux’ for computer and ‘Twilight’ for mobile phone. On offer at www. are filters said to block blue light by covering the screens of electronic devices like the iPhone or iPad. They also market “low blue” LED lights and orange eyewear.

Studies have shown that such light, especially from the blue part of the spectrum, slows down the body’s production of melatonin, a hormone that helps us fall asleep. Options are growing for blocking blue light, though most experts stress that few have been adequately tested for effectiveness and the best solution is to avoid brightly lit electronic devices at night. Older adults may be less affected by blue light as the yellowing of the lens and other changes in the aged eye filters out increasing amounts of blue light. But blue light remains a problem for most people, and studies of adults aged between 18 and 68 proved that those who wore ambertinted glasses for three hours before they went to bed improved their sleep quality considerably. Experiments using yellow-tinted lenses, which only blocks ultraviolet light proved to be largely ineffective.

Daytime exposure to blue light is not overly frowned on, but the best is sunlight, which contains many different wavelengths of light. Short of cutting out all evening electronics, experts say, it’s advisable to use a small screen rather than a large one; dim the screen and keep it as far away from the eyes as possible; and reduce the amount of time spent reading the device – gawping at an iPhone for 10 minutes rather than three hours, could help you in the long run.

Devices such as smartphones and tablets are often illuminated by light-emitting diodes (LEDs), that tend to emit more blue light than incandescent products. Televisions with LED backlighting are another source of blue light, although because they are viewed from much farther away than phone screens etc., they may have less effect. 35

“Empowering stroke survivors, their families and friends to reclaim their lives and ambitions through active support.” Different Strokes Northampton was set up in 2010 with the aim of helping stroke survivors to optimise and take control of their own lives and regain as much independence as possible. We have weekly exercise sessions, aphasia conversations and guest speakers, mostly health professionals, who have relevant knowledge of stroke, for example speech therapists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and dieticians. We also have teachers of Yoga and Tai Chi and there is a ”Drop-In Cafe” and Carers support Group to continue the rehabilitation of stroke survivors. Our fun activities include trips out, walks, picnics, Ten pin bowling, boat trips, curry nights and a Christmas lunch.

Our new season for 2015/16 starts on Thursday September 3rd 2015 from 10.00am until 1.00pm, every week at Spencer Dallington Community Centre. We ask for a weekly contribution of £3 but a range of refreshments are included. Come along and meet other stroke survivors, their families, carers and friends, where you will be given a warm welcome. STOP PRESS: Christmas Masquerade Ball on Sunday 13th of December at Marriott Hotel Northampton. 11.30am to 6.00pm. Non-members £30 but Membership Card holders and children 0-17 yrs are £20 per person. PROFESSIONAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE. J. R. DAWSON.

Rose House, 39 Kingswell Street, Northampton NN1 1PP

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Lancashire Hotpot

A succulent, slow-cooked classic for when only meat and potatoes will do!

Serves: 4 Cook time: Ready in about 2 hours Ready in: 60 Minutes Freezer friendly. Ingredients: Low calorie cooking spray; 8 lamb leg steaks, all visible fat removed, cut into bite-size pieces; 3 large onions, roughly chopped; 4 celery sticks, roughly chopped; 4 large carrots, peeled and roughly chopped; 1 level tbsp plain flour; 1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce; 4 tbsp tomato purée; 500ml lamb stock; 2 bay leaves; 800g potatoes peeled and thinly sliced; A handful of fresh flat-leaf parsley, finely chopped, to garnish. Method: Preheat your oven to 160°C/140°C Fan/ Gas 3. Place a large casserole dish sprayed with low calorie cooking spray over a high heat. Cook the lamb in 2 batches for 3-4 minutes each, or until browned. Transfer to a plate with a slotted spoon, cover and set aside. Add the onions, celery and carrots to the dish and stir-fry for 3-4 minutes. Sprinkle over the flour and cook for a further 2 minutes. Add the Worcestershire sauce, tomato purée and stock, and bring to the boil.

Return the lamb to the dish, stir in the bay leaves and remove from the heat. Arrange the sliced potatoes on top of the meat and veg, cover and cook in the oven for 1½ hours, or until the potatoes and lamb are tender. Turn up the heat to 200°C/180°C Fan/Gas 6, spray the potato slices with low calorie cooking spray and cook the hotpot for a further 10 minutes, uncovered, until golden. Garnish with the parsley and serve. Tip: Make it a beef hotpot by using 800g beef stewing steak (all visible fat removed) in place of the lamb. 41



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01604 883688 Don’t let your money go down the drain! If you’re on a water meter and need to make savings, you may want to read on. In these times of austerity, these tips may seem minimalistic, but over time, money will stay in your pocket! Did you know that washing machines use around 14% of the water used in the home so as an economy measure, fill the machine to its optimum load or use the half-load button. You’ll save water, energy and detergent! The same set of rules apply to dishwashers. Plus, if the dishwasher was purchased after the year 2000, use the Eco-setting and it’ll only use up to 10 litres per cycle.

Did you know that a running tap can use up to 6 litres of water a minute? Similarly, a dripping tap can waste around 15 litres in a day! Further savings in the kitchen include keeping a jug of water in the fridge so you don’t have to run the tap to get a cold drink and washing your vegetables in a bowl of water prior to cooking also cuts out that running tap. Venturing into a bathroom or cloakroom, always remember to turn off the tap when brushing your teeth. Wasted water = wasted money! By turning off the tap you could save enough water for a nice soak in the bath once a week. For a change, have a shower instead of a bath. A standard 5 minute shower uses less water than a bath, but be careful as a power shower can use a third more than the average bath! Lastly, place a cistern displacement device in your toilet cistern to reduce the volume of water used in each flush. You can get one of these from your water provider or use a sealed container filled with clean stones.

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It’s time to put your Pelargoniums to bed! by Emily Mitchell of Cramden Nursery

I hope you have had a wonderful display from all your Pelargoniums this summer? As the days begin to draw in it is time to begin to think about putting the garden to bed for the winter and that includes your Pelargoniums. They are not frost hardy so will not survive our winters. Ideally they would like you to pack them up and send them off to the Med for the winter months. However if Mediterranean residency is not a possibility then I can give you some good advice on how to overwinter your Pelargoniums here in England.

They will look dreadful but by removing the aerial part of the plant you are removing the need to water them and all that material that would offer perfect conditions for botrytis (grey mould) to grow during the winter months. These ‘stumps’ now need to be kept frost free and dry for the winter, so no watering, not even a little bit! You are putting them into hibernation for the winter. They do not need light so a garage will work or a spare room. The most important point is to keep them dry and frost free from here on.

So, the most important point is that wherever you choose to keep your plants for the winter is that it is frost free and dry. So a cold greenhouse will not do, nor will a shed if we get a cold winter. Neither will stay frost free for long.

Do not cover them in plastic to give them extra frost protection; they will just sweat in there and the dampness will encourage grey mould which will just kill them off.

If you have a heated greenhouse or a conservatory that will be heated through the winter, these are ideal places for your Pelargoniums to be overwintered as green plants. Many will continue to flower well into the winter for you if they get enough winter sunshine and food.

Fleece can be used to offer a little extra protection but it would be good to make sure it is removed occasionally to allow fresh air round your plants to ward off any possibilities of grey mould. Now here is the tricky part: You have to leave them alone till the end of the winter, no well meaning watering after New Year when we all get that ‘January itch’ to start doing things in/for our gardens. A well meaning watering at this point will just lead to a soggy mess of grey mould for you to find at the end of winter, leave well alone!

If neither of these are an option for you then a garage attached to the house (to benefit from some of your residual central heating warmth) or a spare room will do nicely. For this option you must prepare your plants for the winter. They need to be allowed to dry out in their pots and then with clean sharp secateurs cut them back hard.

Now this is not a failsafe system, sometimes for reasons unknown plants do not survive but if you can get say 50% through the winter then it is well worth a go.

Now, this is where you will need to be mentally strong, you will feel awful, after all summer feeding and watering your plants, I am now asking you to cut them right back. Cut them back to about 3inches and then take off any leaves that are left, you should be left with just stumps.

For a video with step by step instructions showing you how hard to cut your plants back find the You Tube channel “GeraniumTv” and look for the video “How to cut back Pelargoniums (Geraniums)”. 45

Something to consider

Footie farce! With the new football season already well into its stride, the meaningless pre-season friendlies are now all but forgotten. However, for one West Midland team, the memory of one such friendly will never disappear after one of the most bizarre foul-ups in world football occurred back in 1973. It was decided that the lads of Oxbarn Social Club F.C. would get a bit of pre-season practice during a holiday trip to celebrate the marriage of two team members. A friendly match was arranged in Germany. It was an opportunity for the lads, who played in division seven of the Wolverhampton Sunday League, to get a holiday abroad and also meet some new opposition. Only when they entered their opponents luxury stadium did 46

they realise that they had mistakenly arranged a friendly with a top bundesliga side. For their part, SVW Mainz were expecting to play Wolverhampton Wanderers, one of the strongest teams in Britain at that time. The Oxbarn Club secretary said, “I thought it looked a bit posh, and when I heard the other side were on an £80 win bonus, I thought ‘this ent right’!” Naturally, the Mainz crowd were delighted to watch a team like Oxbarn rather than mighty Wolves and gave them a prolonged cheer on the rare occasion they got the ball. Oxbarn lost 21-0. The foul-up can be traced back to the Mayor of Mainz who received a hopeful letter from a team in Wolverhampton asking about the possibility of a friendly who he thought was the famous Wolves. Hurriedly, the game as well as a civic reception was arranged. Although Oxbarn didn’t exactly cover themselves in glory on the football field, they did repair some of the damage at the civic reception. When the alcohol began to flow there was only one team in it as they drunk the Germans under the table!

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If you live in a town or city, you’re likely to encounter people who ask you for money. You may also come across beggars when you are travelling overseas. Begging children, elderly people, or disabled people can be difficult to encounter and hard to walk away from without giving them some money or buying their wares. But according to many workers at homeless shelters, giving a beggar money will only provide a very short term solution to a long standing problem. Instead of giving a beggar money, try to treat them with polite dignity and if you want to help them, offer them food, or tell them that you will donate to a local charity or shelter that supports their needs. The argument over giving money to a beggar is complicated. Let’s face facts; it’s virtually impossible for us to detect a genuine need or a scam so giving money on the spot seems like you are rewarding their begging behaviour or enabling them to simply continue begging for a living. Offering food instead of money shows a beggar that you want to help them. A cup of coffee or a sandwich from a local shop nearby is adequate and if you tell the shop assistant who you are buying it for, it is always worth asking them if they can reduce the price – they can only say no! Always acknowledge a beggar with eye contact. Often, we view beggars as obstacles or as rude intrusions, but this creates a disconnect between you and the beggar, as a person. Though they are in a tough situation, beggars are also people and it’s important not to assume anything about their situation. It’s easy to think it’s their choice to live on the streets or that they may be drug addicts, but we can’t be certain. Offering food or charity donations is a safe way of helping them.

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Local Football Update by Andy Goldsmith

With the close season seemingly getting shorter each year, the UCL season 2015/16 started even earlier this year with the second UCL hop (a planned set of games over the weekend to allow ground hoppers/fans to see up to 6 local games in space of three days) commenced in July. Friday’s opener between Harborough and Yaxley was the first ever July league match in the competition and meant that UCL football has been played in every month of the calendar year - after the fierce winter of 1947 some matches were played in June. This season the UCL bids farewell to AFC Rushden & Diamonds, who have been promoted to the Southern League Central Division, with the void filled by Leicestershire side, Kirby Muxloe who have been moved sideways by the FA in a Pyramid reorganisation. The Premier Division will have two further new club’s with Northampton Spencer promoted after last season’s excellent campaign and runners up Rothwell Corinthians. Relegated Long Buckby are joined in Division one by Oakham United, the first club from Rutland to join the UCL. The Town now boasts two top flight UCL teams with Spencer joining Sileby after last season’s promotion, with the two sides scheduled to come head to head on Boxing Day and over the Easter weekend. Northampton Sileby Rangers have a new man in charge this season with Lee Duffy taking up the reigns after the departure of Darren Young. Sileby have added a couple of new faces to their strikeforce and have recruited possibly the league’s tallest player in 6 foot 9 inch striker Leon Simpson who joins from AFC Dunstable having played for a host of higher level clubs and joining him in attack is Brian Farrell who helped Corby Eagles win the Northants Combination last term. Rangers started the season with a draw on the opening day, but this has been followed by two defeats, the latest a narrow 2-1 reverse in the local derby against Cogenhoe. In the National competition FA Cup the club have progressed after seeing off Sun Postal Sports and now have an attractive home tie

Photo by Paul Kingston

against Southern League Leighton Town to look forward to. There has been little change in personnel for Northampton Spencer with boss Ben Stone giving his promotion winning squad their chance to establish the Millers back in the top flight. One player making a return to Kingsthorpe Mill is midfielder Sean McBride who has had spells with Newport Pagnell and AFC Rushden & Diamonds since his previous stint in Spencer colours. It’s a steady start for Spencer as they find their footings in their higher grade surroundings, with 3 draws and a single defeat from their opening 4 games. On a positive note, Spencer progressed in the FA Cup after a 3-0 away win at Whitworths of Wellingborough, but now face a difficult away tie against higher grade opponents - Uxbridge. Meanwhile the O.N. Chenecks Junior Cup winners will be back in action this season. The addition of some new faces will give Graham Cottle’s squad greater depth. Tom Caton and Ben Foster have switched from Bugbrooke while a trio of players have also been signed from Woodford. Goalkeeper Darren Smith, left back Perry Moore and striker Justin McKenzie are the new arrivals. The forthcoming season will see Chenecks make history as they compete in the FA Vase for the first time. Chenecks kicked off the campaign with a win, a draw, and a defeat in their opening three games, which have all been away because of cricket commitments at their Billing Road ground. The victory being a 3-2 victory at Woodford United, which also saw them score their first goals of the new campaign, Ben Foster and a brace from the marauding Ben Lewington secured three valuable points. 50

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Park Life

Photo by Jonathan Hazell, Tree Consultant - www.

As summer fades into autumn but still time to enjoy getting out and about in the fresh air. It has been good to see many families enjoying Thornton Park. Eating picnics, walking, playing and enjoying the playground just some of the activities enjoyed over the summer. The Friends of Thornton Park and Queens Park Residents Association have been successful in raising enough money to buy a new see-saw for the play area and this was put in place late August. We hope it will provide pleasure to many children for years to come. The new see-saw replaces a former see-saw which had to be taken away when it became broken beyond repair many years ago leaving an empty space between the roundabout and swings. For years this piece of play equipment did good service providing great fun for local families. It was in the shape of a horse which rocked and several children would climb onto its back to enjoy the ride. I have yet to track down a photo of the old see-saw in use. Or indeed any photos of children using the play area so if you have any please get in touch with the editor so that we can share them with other readers. Memories of playing in the park wherever you live stay in the mind as part of childhood Where would a park be without its swings and roundabout? The Ornamental Gardens have been very colourful this year and a delight to see. We still need help with the weeding and tidying so spare us a little time on Monday afternoons if you can.

On your next visit to the park look out for the signs of Autumn. The leaves on the trees will be changing colour, there will be fruits such as acorns, beechnuts and conkers. Why not visit Kingsthorpe Library and buy one of our Tree Trail leaflets and make a special visit to the park to find out more about some of the trees we have in the Ornamental Gardens? Friends of Christine Teulon Thornton Chairman of the Friends of Thornton Park

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We are a Christian Organisation that operates on a Friday evening every week during school term from 5.45pm onwards and cater for boys from 5 years to 18 years. Activities we offer include crafts, football, cooking, ten pin bowling, archery, canoeing, debates, team games, summer camps, Duke of Edinburgh Award and much more. We have our own marching band which offers the boys an opportunity to learn a new instrument . We regularly take part in activities with other local Boys’ Brigade companies and are pleased to say that we have won the Northamptonshire Best Company Shield 5 times in the past 7 years. All our volunteer staff are fully trained and CRB (DBS) checked and offer lots of new activities for your son on a weekly basis. To find out more about the 31st Boys’ Brigade and possibly your son joining then please email or contact us on 07702096195 or check out our web site The BB Adventure starts here

31st Boys Brigade Each week The Boys’ Brigade works with thousands of young people, many of whom have no other connection with the Church. Today we are working with over 60,000 children and young people in over 1500 companies (groups) in the UK & Republic of Ireland every week. We hope through the programmes of activities they will be able to make a positive contribution to a young person’s life and be able to share their faith. The 31st Boys Brigade based at Queensgrove Methodist Church, Alcombe Road, Northampton was originally formed in 1948. After a short closure during the 90s it was reopened 7 years ago in 2008 and has grown from strength to strength since.

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Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm OpenOpen Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm Open Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm please mention In & Around Kingsthorpe when responding to adverts

A dream interview!

A few weeks ago, I went for a job interview at Google in London. I sat in the waiting room with one other applicant. He was about ten years older than me and judging by our clothes, it was clear that we were taking different approaches to this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. He dressed professionally. Black suit, white shirt, striped tie. His shoes were polished and shone like the buckle on his belt whereas I dressed casually. Smart blue jeans, matching suede shoes, a brown collared sweater that hid the geeky maroon “Computer Wizard” t-shirt that I was using as an undershirt. I was trying to dress the part by wearing what I would if I got the job but sitting across from ‘Mr. Business Suit,’ I started wondering if I’d made a huge mistake. For whatever reason, Mr. Business Suit hadn’t acknowledged my presence since I arrived. He sat cross-legged with a magazine in his lap, halfheartedly thumbing through it without looking up. He kept this up until the Resource Manager opened the door to the adjacent office and called his name. “Good luck,” I said. He nodded at me and followed the Resources Manager out of the room. I took pleasure noticing that the manager was wearing a sweater and jeans. Now that I was the only applicant left in the room, I started reviewing the Portfolio I’d brought with me to the interview and imagined that I had at least ten minutes until it was my turn. I was therefore surprised when a petite woman entered the room and called my name: “Shaun?” “Hello “I replied. “I’m Stacy,” she said, extending her arm. I stood up, tucked the Portfolio under my arm, and shook her hand. “Shaun Boyle. How do you do?” “Just fine, thanks. I have good news for you.” She replied. “Oh? What’s that?” “Your application has been fast-tracked to a second stage interview. I’ll be giving you a quick tour of our facility, and then I’ll introduce you to the team that’s interested in your background.” “Oh my, that is good news,” I said through a huge smile. “How exciting!” Stacy led me into her office and told me to have a seat. She checked her instant messages and said. “We have about 30 minutes until the entire team will be available to meet with you. Would you like to join me for some lunch in our cafe?” 57

“Absolutely,” I said. The cafe was intimidating, with well over forty employees in line for their lunch, most engaging in geeky chatter. Since they were already familiar with the protocol, they moved around the cafe with ease while I stood in the queue, holding an empty tray. Stacy pointed to the different foods that were on offer there. “Everything is always tasty and nutritious,” she said, more or less reciting everything I had heard about Google’s cafe verbatim. I decided to go for the Chinese cuisine and took a helping of General Tso’s Chicken with boiled rice. A chef asked me if I’d like some orange slices to go with it and I said “Yes please!” Once we’d finished lunch, Stacy and I took the lift to the fifth floor where the meeting with the entire team would take place. I followed her around a corner and through some large wooden doors. I stepped onto the boat and felt disoriented. I suddenly found myself on a sailboat with my father, in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, rocking violently in a horrendous thunderstorm. My dad was signaling for me to grab the lines near the bow, but before I could grab a hold of them a giant wave crashed into the broad side of the boat and knocked me overboard. Just before I hit the surface of the water, I woke up . . . . . . . I’m actually jobless! For the past month, I’ve been relentlessly applying to and interviewing for various local jobs with next to no success. As of last night, the job hunting process has permeated my subconscious mind to the point where I’m literally dreaming about it. What I experienced in my dream was so vivid that I felt compelled to share it. No, it never happened. No, it’s not an accurate representation of the application and interview process at Google. It is, however, more interesting than my recent experiences in the real world!

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Open Day, Sat 3rd October, 10am til 3pm

The Northamptonshire Country Centre offers training in horticulture to adults with learning disabilities. We offer a safe environment where vulnerable adults can interact with others, increase their confidence and practice general life skills. We currently have spaces for new Service User’s to join us, please call Clare to book your FREE TRIAL SESSION! The produce grown onsite, such as plants, fruit, vegetables and potatoes, is sold within our Community Farm Shop, which is run by our Service User’s. The shop is open Monday to Friday 9am til 4pm, and Saturdays 10am til 4pm.

DONATIONS NEEDED Donations of books, dvd’s, brica-brac, bottles, jars etc needed for our Open Day. Collection within 3 miles, please call to organise. Thank you!

Northamptonshire Country Centre, Berrywood Drive, Duston, NN5 4BB Tel: 01604 582141 Email: or 58

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40 Moore Street, Kingsley, Northampton - Established in 1983

Oxjam Takeover Northampton 2015 Oxjam began in 2006, with the aim of creating a network of music-loving people across the UK, all united by a shared goal - to raise money to fight poverty and suffering around the world. Nine years on we’re still going strong, with hundreds of incredible gigs taking place each October. The great thing about Oxjam is the diversity of the events on offer, this year in Northampton a Multivenue Takeover is happening on the 17th & 18th October at venues such as Charles Bradlaugh, Labour Club, Thomas a Becket, Barratts, The Vic Inn and featuring bands and artists from Northampton and surrounding area.

(discounted for concessions or when bought in advance). Not only will you enjoy a whole week and weekend of the incredible talent and diverse music that our town has to offer, you will also be helping to fight poverty across the world. Wrist band tickets costs £9 / £7 advance / £6 concessions. Full details can be found at the Oxjam Northampton site Also there are many ways to get involved with Oxjam and be a part of the fun. You could organise your own event or help out at a local Oxjam gig? For more information contact Alison Frank on 07743 585948 or email: or find us on social media Facebook: oxjam northampton / twitter: oxjam_northants

You can go to the festival and gain access to a variety of venues across the town by buying a reasonably-priced wristband on our website please mention In & Around Kingsthorpe when responding to adverts

What’s on in October & November 1-3 Oct Hairspray at Derngate 2 Oct Golden Gate of Magic at Royal 2 Oct Murder Mystery Eve at Wheatsheaf Dallington 3 Oct Right on Song at Abbey Centre T: 752771 3 Oct O.N’s 1st XV v Peterborough at Billing Rd (3pm) 3 Oct Autumn Craft fair at The Beehive Centre, Harborough Road, Kingsthorpe 4 Oct Harvest Festival at St.Davids & St.John Baptist Church’s, Kingsthorpe 5 Oct Jeeves & Wooster at the Royal 8 Oct Paddy McGuiness at Derngate 9 Oct Flower Festival at St.Davids Church, Kingsthorpe 9 Oct Steve Hackett at Derngate 10 Oct Cobblers v Hartlepool at Sixfields 13 Oct All Star 60’s at Derngate 16 Oct-7 Nov Gaslight at the Royal 16 Oct Masquerade Ball in aid of Autism at Guildhall 17 Oct Duston Craft Fayre at Utd Ref’d Church 10-4pm 18 Oct OPEN MIC EVENING at King Billy in Kingsthorpe village, IAO ‘LoveLightRomania’. All welcome. 2-8pm 20 Oct Cobblers v Carlisle at Sixfields 23 Oct Elvis Tribute at Derngate 24 Oct Cobblers v Stevenage at Sixfields 24 Oct Saints v Newcastle Falcons (AP) at Franklins 24 Oct Jumble Sale (for Bethany Homestead Adm 20p, refreshments at Kingsthorpe Baptish Church 24 Oct O.N’s 1st XV v Scunthorpe at Billing Rd (3pm) 24-31 Oct Big Draw Event at Delapre Abbey Every Tues in Oct Health Walks from Kingsthorpe Community College

1 Nov Glen Miller Story at Derngate 2 Nov Paul Potts at Derngate 4-7 Nov Last Night a DJ saved my life at Derngate 5 Nov Comedy All Stars at Duston Sports Centre 7 Nov Fireworks at Parklands Community Ctre 8pm 7 Nov Saints v Saracens (AP) at Franklins Gardens 7 Nov Autumn Food festival at the Beehive Centre, Kingsthorpe 7 Nov Craft fair at St.John Baptist Church Kingsthorpe 9-14 Nov Daphne Du Mauriers Rebecca at Derngate 12 Nov Pam Ayers at the Royal 14 Nov Cobblers v Mansfield at Sixfields 14 Nov Christmas Craft Fayre Admisson 20p, 10 -2pm at Kingsthorpe Baptish Church 14-15 Nov Xmas Craft Fairs at Hanger 1, Sywell A 14 Nov Saints v Scarlets (HC) at Franklins Gardens 14 Nov O.N’s 1st XV v Birm’ham at Billing Rd (2.15pm) 15 Nov NMPAT (Young Musicians) at Derngate 15 Nov – 03 Jan 16 The Snow Queen at the Royal 17 Nov Glitz, Blitz & 70’s Hitz at Derngate 21 Nov Strictly Northampton at Derngate 25 Nov Jools Holland at Derngate 26 Joe Brown at Derngate 28 Nov Cobblers v Yeovil at Sixfields 28 Nov Saints v Gloucester (AP) at Franklins Gardens 28 Nov O.N’s 1st XV v Hinckley at Billing Rd (2.15pm) 28 Nov Winter Fayre at St. Davids Church Kingsthorpe 28 Nov That’ll be the Day at Derngate 28-29 Nov Christmas at Castle Ashby 29 Nov Steeleye Span at Derngate

QUIZ ANSWERS CROSSWORD: ACROSS 1. Preludes 6. Into 8. Crust 9. Slackened 11. Undergo 12. Grendel 13. Supersonic 15. Snub 17. Lobe 19. Brown Paper 22. Oakland 24. Introit 25. Spaghetti 26. Iliad 27. Gate 28. Doggerel DOWN: 2. Roundup 3. Literary 4. Discolour 5. Slang 6. Inkjet 7. Tuned in 8. Counsellors 10. Deliberated 14. In writing 16. Spitfire 18. Baklava 20. Profile 21. Daphne 23. Dated. Brampton Footgolf Competition Winner: K. Marriott, Duston

SPORTSWORD: 1. Phil Read 2. Antonio Orozco 3. Trevor Bayliss 4. Roy Emerson 5. Ian Rush 6. Codie Taylor 7. Kelly Smith. The new man at Manchester City is Patrick Roberts, signed from Fulham. Did you find Korky the Kat? No? Take a closer look on pages 6, 19, 30, 41, 48, 58 & 62. 60

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please mention In & Around Kingsthorpe when responding to adverts

ÂŁ150.00 To ADVERTISE in IN & AROUND KINGSTHORPE magazine call BEV on 07747 632918 or EMAIL: Deadline for our DECEMBER issue is 5th of NOV 2015* *Subject to advertising / editorial space being available. Please book early to avoid disappointment.

School Term Dates Term 1 (2015/16)

Thursday 3 September 2015 to Friday 23 October 2015

Term 2 (2015/16)

Tuesday 3 November 2015 to Friday 18 December 2015

Term 3 (2015/16)

Tuesday 5 January 2016 to Friday 12 Febuary 2016

Term 4 (2015/16)

Monday 22 February 2016 to Thursday 24 March 2016 (dates taken from N.C.C. website & may vary)

USEFUL PHONE NUMBERS Kingsthorpe Medical Centre 01604 713823 Queensview Surgery 01604 713315 Kingsthorpe Library 0300 126 1000 Kingsthorpe Community Centre 01604 838792 Kingsthorpe Grove Dental Practice 01604 719955 Kingsthorpe Parish Council 01604 720781 Citizens Advice Bureau 0870 1202433 Electricity (power loss) 0800 056 8090 Gas (emergency) 0800 111 999 National Assoc for Blind 01604 719193 Neighbour Watch 08453 700700 ext.7536 Northampton General Hospital Main 01604 634700 A & E 01604 545601 Outpatients 01604 545485 Police Non - Emergency 101 Kingsthorpe Post Office, Harborough Rd 01604 792794 Water (emergency) 08457 145 145



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please mention In & Around Kingsthorpe when responding to adverts

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