March 2018

Page 1

Business Intelligence for the New North

Dear Gen X

It’s Your Time to Lead! N







Northeast Wisconsin experts offer strategies for managing a variety of generations within an organization


Battling Trolls Online


Sunshine for the K-C Brand?

From the Publisher

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Business Intelligence for the New North










March Features 20 COVER STORY

Dear Gen X

Northeast Wisconsin experts offer strategies for managing a variety of generations within an organization BO




Battling trolls online 24

Advice for dealing with online attacks to your business reputation and how to minimize the long-term damage


Full Scope Creative

Chris Robinson never expected his entrepreneurial journey would lead down a path toward owning and operating a full-service creative firm

Departments 28


From the Publisher


Since We Last Met

10 Corporate Earnings 13 Guest Commentary 14 Build Up Pages 31 Professionally Speaking 32

Who’s News

37 Business Calendar 37 Advertising Index 38 Key Statistics On the cover Cover illustration by Candeo Creative

NNB2B | March 2018 | 3

From the Publisher

Sunshine for the K-C brand?

State tax incentives on steroids seem like a valiant attempt to save Kimberly-Clark jobs, but may not be the smartest use of taxpayer resources

by Sean Fitzgerald, New North B2B publisher

News from Kimberly-Clark Corp. during its annual earnings report in late January of plans to cut costs by $1.5 billion over the next three years captured the ear of many institutional investors. For the following three days, the stock price climbed more than $7 per share, or 6.2 percent of its value, on trading volume of more than 12.7 million shares. By comparison, average daily trading volume is roughly 2.3 million shares. But a week later, when more particular details of the costcutting strategy were announced, the news was far more sour in northeast Wisconsin and across the state. Among the 10 manufacturing facilities K-C planned to close and the 5,000 positions it planned to trim from its global workforce, two of those plants and roughly 610 jobs were targeted from the Fox Cities. Just a few days after the consumer goods product manufacturer unveiled the details of its global restructuring plan – which closes the personal hygiene products plant in Fox Crossing and its nonwoven products facility in Neenah – Gov. Walker proposed providing additional Enterprise Zone program tax credits to Kimberly-Clark if it retains those jobs. The proposal urges the legislature to increase the tax credits available for job retention from the current 7 percent of a company’s payroll in the state all the way up to 17 percent – more than double the amount currently allowed and equal to the percentage used in the tax incentive attraction package for Foxconn.

over the 15-year life of the deal, and any remaining value to this sweetheart deal would depend on any capital investments incurred by K-C. But the effort state government leaders put into potentially special dispensation for the company may all be for naught. Kimberly-Clark is anything but a company in desperate financial straits. The globally recognized brand continues to increase sales, although modestly, in a shrinking, yet competitive, consumer segment. Its bottom-line profits in 2017 grew 5 percent from the previous year and represent nearly 12.5 percent of total receipts on the year. Lastly, K-C’s dividends to stockholders have increased each year for 46 consecutive years. The company’s decision to further cut back on cost inputs between 2018 and 2021 isn’t an attempt to resuscitate flailing sales and returns. As company leaders indicated in its 2017 annual report, the effort to “reduce the company’s structural cost base by streamlining and simplifying its manufacturing supply chain and overhead organization” is expected to “accelerate the company’s return to delivering its long-term growth objectives over time.” To accept the state’s offer would mean K-C would need to commit to retaining these jobs in the Fox Valley for 15 years, and I can’t imagine that after 15 years and one day, those jobs would be shed once again. Even Gov. Walker expressed doubts about whether K-C leaders would accept the offer from the state. But he said it was important for the state “to put its best foot forward” in attempting to retain the jobs. Kimberly-Clark’s leadership responded quickly to Hogan’s letter, writing the very next day to express their appreciation for the offer, but fell short of considering any kind of offer until after negotiations with the company’s union labor are wrapped up. Whether such labor negotiations are occurring in the Fox Valley or across all of Kimberly-Clark’s represented workforce wasn’t made clear, but it does remind northeast Wisconsin residents of Fond du Lac’s 2009 economic development efforts to retain and grow Mercury Marine’s commitment as an employer in the community.

That proposal was followed up little more than a week later with a letter from Wisconsin Economic Development Corp. CEO and Sec. Mark Hogan pitching a generous offer to Kimberly-Clark to not close its Fox Cities facilities. Hogan’s three-pronged overture extended K-C refundable tax credits on 17 percent of its in-state payroll for the next 15 years (current law allows for 7 percent for 12 years); refundable tax credits of 15 percent on capital expenditures incurred over the next five years (current law allows for 10 percent); and a five-year sales tax exemption on those same capital expenditures.

Maybe Kimberly-Clark workers in the Fox Valley will also agree to negotiate an employment compact more favorable to the company in order to protect their jobs, just as Mercury workers were flexible when the prospect of their jobs moving to Oklahoma became a more concrete reality.

It’s a nice gesture. In fact, it’s an extraordinary offer that any other business owner in the state would be envious of just to keep its jobs in Wisconsin. The payroll tax credits alone are estimated at between $100 million to $115 million

But even if that’s enough for K-C officials to decide to keep plants open in Neenah and Fox Crossing for the next 15 years and it takes the state up on its offer, won’t Kimberly-Clark still be looking to cut $1.5 billion in costs one way or another? n

4 | March 2018 | NNB2B

Sean Fitzgerald Publisher & President x Kate Erbach Production x Rachel Yelk Sales and Marketing Intern x Contributing writers Jan Padron Lee Marie Reinsch

NEW NORTH B2B is published monthly by WINNEBAGO B2B LLC for $20 per year or $3.95 for a single issue. POSTMASTER: send address changes to: WINNEBAGO B2B LLC, 923 S. Main St., Oshkosh, WI 54902. Bulk-rate postage paid at LaCrosse, WI. Reproduction of any contents of NEW NORTH B2B without express written permission of its publishers is strictly forbidden. The appearance of any advertisement or product information does not constitute endorsement of any product or service by WINNEBAGO B2B LLC. Copyright 2018.

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1.800.642.6774 NNB2B | March 2018 | 5

Since We Last Met

Since We Last Met

Since We Last Met is a digest of business related news occurring in the Greater Green Bay, Fox Cities, Oshkosh and Fond du Lac areas in the one month since the previous issue of New North B2B.

January 24 U.S. District Court Chief Bankruptcy Judge Susan Kelley denied a request from the University of Wisconsin System to dismiss a claim from the UW Oshkosh Foundation that the state should have some responsibility to repay the $15.8 million in debt from five financially-troubled development projects it constructed between 2010 and 2014. The foundation filed for bankruptcy in August after several months of difficulties stemming from improper financing and credit backing for five projects: Best Western Waterfront Hotel in downtown Oshkosh, Oshkosh Sports Complex, UW Oshkosh Alumni Welcome and Conference Center, and two dry-fermentation biodigestors in Oshkosh and Rosendale. The University of Wisconsin System was considering a potential settlement with creditors to avoid filing bankruptcy, but withdrew involvement earlier in August after facing political pressure from state legislators.

2004 March 1 – Gov. Jim Doyle signed into law a measure providing a tax credit of up to $50,000 to cover expenses of modernizing or expanding a dairy farm. The credit is broad, and applies to improvements of any size, ranging from better fencing to new milking facilities. 2005 March 17 – The Wisconsin Department of Commerce gave a $380,000 grant to the Northeastern Wisconsin Economic Development Partnership, which developed a regional collaboration to attract and retain business, encourage entrepreneurialism and business expansion, attract top talent, and strengthen the region’s existing workforce. The partnership – which eventually became New North Inc. – used the funds for administration and operational costs. 2006 March 14 – The Fond du Lac YMCA announced plans for a $12 million expansion project that will increase the facility by 18,000 square feet. The plan includes doubling the size of the fitness area and providing two swimming pools.

6 | March 2018 | NNB2B

January 26 The Green Bay Water Utility applied to the state Public Service Commission for a 9 percent increase in its water rate to keep pace with inflating costs and to accelerate the utility’s pipe replacement schedule. The utility plans to replace about five miles of aging water pipes a year, nearly doubling the pace of the replacement schedule it has been undertaking. January 31 Kimberly-Clark Corp. announced plans to close its Cold Spring plant in Fox Crossing and its nonwovens plant in Neenah by mid-2019 as part of the company’s larger efforts to contain costs. About 610 people are employed at the two plants, which manufacture personal care products for feminine hygiene and adult incontinence, as well as nonwoven fabric products. Kimberly-Clark intends to save nearly $500 million annually through 2021 through this cost-cutting strategy.

2008 March 17 – A Brown County jury determined nine insurance companies will have to pay costs assessed to Appleton Inc. for the cleanup of the PCB contamination of the lower Fox River. Those costs could amount to between $550 million to $730 million. Six other paper mills have been ordered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to present a plan for dredging and capping PCB-contaminants from the lower Fox River. 2011 March 7 – Advance, the economic department of the Green Bay Area Chamber of Commerce, launched its new Brown County MicroLoan entrepreneurs and small businesses to purchase machinery and equipment, inventory, working capital, as well as other certain business expenses. The microloan program includes a pool of capital loaned by 10 partnering financial institutions in Brown County. 2013 March 20 – Iowa-based Frantz-Hobart LLC announced plans to purchase the former Hotel Northland in downtown Green Bay and invest more than $20 million in improvements to the eight-story, century-old property. The historic preservation development firm placed a bid for $3.1 million to acquire the vacant building from Wisconsin Historic Preservation Corp. Frantz-Hobart’s restoration plans call for 100 hotel rooms, a full-service restaurant and various retail spaces at the ground level.

January 31 Officials from Oshkosh Corp. unveiled plans for a new fourstory, 180,000-sq. ft. corporate headquarters building it plans to build on the site of the former Lakeshore Municipal Golf Course in Oshkosh near the Lake Butte des Morts Causeway on Interstate 41. The new global headquarters is expected to hold 650 employees and will house a training academy, innovation center and wellness center, among other features. Construction is expected to begin later this spring.

February 3 Employees from the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers Lodge 1947 at Mercury Marine in Fond du Lac ratified a new collective bargaining agreement with the marine outboard engine manufacturer that runs through August 2023. The new contract includes wage increases and enhanced benefits, but specific details of the new agreement. February 5 Bon-Ton Stores Inc. announced plans to close the Younkers department stores at both Fox River Mall in Appleton and Forest Mall in Fond du Lac sometime in April, as it filed for federal Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. The company is also closing several other Younkers and Boston Store retailers across the state. The Appleton store employs about 75 people, while Fond du Lac has about 55 employees.

An artist’s rendering of the proposed headquarters for Oshkosh Corp.

February 2 The U.S. Department of Labor reported 200,000 new jobs were created across the country in January, leaving the national unemployment rate relatively unchanged at 4.1 percent. Employment continued to trend up in construction, food services and drinking places, health care and manufacturing.

February 7 Oshkosh Corp. was awarded a $476 million contract from the U.S. Army to produce an unspecified amount of medium tactical vehicles for the military. Oshkosh Defense won the bid from the army that required manufacturers to produce an upgraded fleet of vehicles with improved payload, underbody protection, ride quality, mobility, engine power, electronics, diagnostics, and safety enhancements.


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NNB2B | March 2018 | 7

Since We Last Met February 7 Big Top Baseball, the ownership group for the Green Bay Bullfrogs summer league baseball team, announced plans to move to a proposed $10 million stadium in Ashwaubenon for the 2019 season. The Village of Ashwaubenon will develop the 2,500-seat stadium on six acres near the intersection of Holmgren Way and Cormier Road later this year to accommodate baseball, soccer and community events. The Bullfrogs had previously indicated interest to move into the City of Green Bay’s proposed Shipyard development project, but team ownership indicated too many delays during the nearly four years of attempting to assemble the project lead to the decision to move to Ashwaubenon. The stadium development will primarily be financed through tax incremental financing, which will largely be funded by future lease payments the Bullfrogs make to the stadium. February 7 Wisconsin Economic Development Corp. reported state businesses exported $22.3 billion in goods and services to 202 countries during 2017, marking a 6 percent increase over 2016 state exports. Wisconsin’s export growth in 2017 was generated by significant increases in shipments to Canada ($6.9 billion), Mexico ($3.2 billion), and China ($1.7 billion), the state’s three largest export destinations. State exports to Saudi Arabia surged by 71 percent to $796 million due almost entirely to an increase in military vehicle exports. As a

result, that country jumped from ninth place on the list of top export destinations in 2016 to fourth place in 2017. Industrial machinery continued to be Wisconsin’s top export product category at $5.4 billion, accounting for 24 percent of all state exports. Wisconsin ranked No. 19 in the U.S. in total exports, up from No. 21 in 2016. February 7 Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development issued more than $1.6 million for 17 Fast Forward grant contracts across the state, including two grants to Fox Crossing-based Fox Valley Workforce Development Board for manufacturing skills training through Fox Valley Technical College. One grant for $110,194 will provide press brake training to 24 existing employees from Jay Manufacturing, Muza Metal Products and SMC Metal Fabricators, all of Oshkosh. A second grant for $200,000 will provide training in mechanical equipment repair and maintenance to 36 existing employees from six manufacturers, including Hoffmaster Group in Oshkosh, JM Smucker in Ripon and Arrowhead Conveyor in Oshkosh. A separate grant for $300,000 will provide basic welding training to 55 unemployed workers who will then be eligible for jobs at a consortium of eight companies, including Creative Metal Products in Neenah and SMC Metal Fabricators in Oshkosh. A final Fast Forward grant of $56,329 was awarded to Ministry Health Care to train 100 existing registered nurses from St. Elizabeth Hospital in Appleton to become lead nurses.

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February 9 The University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents approved UW Green Bay’s request to establish a bachelor of science degree in mechanical engineering beginning in fall 2018. The Board of Regents also approved establishing the Richard J. Resch School of Engineering on campus, named for the CEO of Bellevue-based office furniture manufacturer KI, who provided $5 million toward the engineering school. The school of engineering will eventually be housed within the proposed $15 million STEM Center, which will be located on the UW Green Bay campus as part of Brown County’s Phoenix Innovation Park. February 12 American Airlines announced plans to add a third daily flight between Appleton International Airport and Chicago O’Hare International Airport starting May 4. American Airlines began service to Appleton in July 2017 with two daily flights to Chicago, and discovered customer demand exceeded expectations. American Airlines is also increasing the aircraft size for two of the daily flights to jets which seat 70 passengers and include first-class seating.

February 20 The Wisconsin Department of Transportation began work on the $13 million project to improve 4.8 miles of U.S. Highway 41 in northern Brown County from County Road M to Norfield Road in Suamico. The project improvements include resurfacing and pavement repairs to the entire length of the roadway; five bridge deck rehabilitations; and median cable guard installation, among other improvements. The highway will not close during the project, though there will be long-term and off-peak lane closures. The project is expected to finish in November. February 20 Voters in Kaukauna narrowed down the list of seven candidates running for mayor from seven to two, giving the most votes to Tony Penterman (644) and the second most to Marty DeCoster (496). Penterman has served on the city’s common council for the past 11 years, while DeCoster has been on the council for the past year. The two will challenge one another in the general election on April 3. Incumbent Mayor Gene Rosin is not seeking re-election after serving 12 years in the city’s top elected position. n

February 16 Gulfstream Aerospace Corp. announced plans to invest $40 million in its Greenville facility at Appleton International Airport for a 315,587-sq. ft. addition to complete large-cabin aircraft, a development that will create 200 new jobs. New positions the company will hire for in 2019 jobs will mostly be technicians and support staff. HAPPY HOUR SPECIALS

February 16 State officials issued nearly $1.8 million in Wisconsin Employment and Transportation Assistance Program grants to 10 organizations providing employment transportation services to low-income workers. Local grants include $152,803 to Advocap for mobility management, operating and vehicle loans in Fond du Lac, Winnebago, Calumet and Green Lake counties; and $235,972 to Forward Service Corp. for mobility management, operating and vehicle loans in 40 counties, including Brown, Fond du Lac, Outagamie and Winnebago. February 19 The Hotel Northland under renovation in downtown Green Bay agreed to become a Marriott Autograph Collection Hotel when it opens later this summer. The Autograph Collection Hotels are a specific brand within Marriott focusing on unique experiences, designs and locations.


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NNB2B | March 2018 | 9

Once each quarter, New North B2B runs a digest of quarterly financial reports from local publicly traded companies, or from out-of-the-area parent companies with significant operations in our northeast Wisconsin coverage area.

Associated Banc Corp. Income EPS

4Q 2017 $47.7 million 31 cents

4Q 2016 $52.5 million t 9% 34 cents t 9%

The Green Bay-based financial institution reported fiscal 2017 earnings of $220 million, or $1.42 per share, up from 2016 annual income of $191 million, or $1.26 per share. During the recent fiscal year, commercial real estate lending increased $228 million, or 5 percent, to a total of $5.0 billion, while commercial and business lending decreased $141 million, or 2 percent, to $7.3 billion.

Oshkosh Corp. Revenue Income EPS

1Q 2018 $1.6 Billion $56.4 million 74 cents

1Q 2017 $1.2 Billion s 31% $19.2 million s195% 26 cents s185%

Illinois Tool Works Inc. 4Q 2017 4Q 2016 $3.6 Billion $3.4 Billion s 7% ($76 million) $507 million t115% (22 cents) $1.45 t115%

The parent company of Miller Electric Manufacturing operations across the Fox Cities reported full fiscal year 2017 sales of $14.3 billion, up 5 percent from 2016 annual sales of $13.6 billion. Earnings for the quarter and the year were down as a result of a one-time $658 million charge associated with the federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Revenues for quarter climbed 6 percent in the company’s welding segment, which includes Miller Electric operations. 10 | March 2018 | NNB2B

Revenue Income EPS

1Q 2018 $677 million ($98.5 million) ($2.93)

1Q 2017 $635 million s 7% $28.2 million t449% 82 cents t457%

The Neenah-based contract electronics manufacturer reported record sales during the first quarter, though it registered a one-time loss of $125 million, or $3.59 per share, resulting from a tax expense associated with the recently enacted U.S. Tax Cuts & Jobs Act. During the quarter Plexus won 44 contracts worth an estimated $200 million in annual revenue.

Bemis Company Inc.

The manufacturer of specialty vehicles reported its defense segment revenues increased 68 percent on the quarter to $494 million due to the ramp up of sales to the U.S. Army. The company also reported revenue growth in its access equipment segment of 28 percent to $628.2 million, while receipts in the company’s commercial segment grew 21 percent to $241 million.

Revenue Income EPS

Plexus Corp.

Revenue Income EPS

4Q 2017 $1.0 Billion ($40.7 million) (44 cents)

4Q 2016 $988 million s 1% $60.5 million t153% 64 cents t169%

The Neenah-based manufacturer of flexible packaging reported full year 2017 revenues of $4.0 billion were up 1 percent from a year ago, driving 2017 annual income of $94.0 million, or $1.02 per share, down from 2016 full year earnings of $236 million, or $2.48 per share. Both the fourth quarter and full year earnings were negatively impacted by a $196 million goodwill impairment charge as well as a $67 million tax expense related to recent federal legislation.

Brunswick Corp. Revenue Income EPS

4Q 2017 $1.1 Billion ($117 million) ($1.32)

4Q 2016 $986 million s 11% $17.7 million t750% 19 cents t795%

The parent company of Mercury Marine operations in Fond du Lac reported full fiscal year 2017 revenues of $4.5 billion increased 9 percent from 2016, driving annual earnings of $146 million, or $1.62 per share. Receipts in the company’s marine engine segment increased 8 percent on the year, and improved 13 percent compared with the fourth quarter 2016.

Kimberly-Clark Corp.

Humana Inc. 4Q 2017 4Q 2016 Revenue $13.3 Billion $13.7 Billion t 3% Income $490 million ($486 million) s201% EPS $1.29 ($2.68) s148% The health and benefits company with extensive operations in the Green Bay area reported full year 2017 income of $4.0 billion, or $16.81 per share, increased substantially from 2016 income of $1.6 billion, or $4.07 per share, based upon accounting gains associated with the terminated merger with Aetna earlier in 2017. The company reported year-over-year earnings improvement in its individual commercial, retail, and group and specialty segments.

4Q 2017 4Q 2016 Revenue $4.6 Billion $4.5 Billion s 1% Income $617 million $505 million s 22% EPS $1.75 $1.40 s 25% The manufacturer of consumer paper and tissue products with significant operations in the Fox Cities reported annual receipts of $18.3 billion – up less than 1 percent from fiscal 2016 sales – driving 2017 annual income of $2.28 billion, or $6.40 per share, compared with 2016 earnings of $2.17 billion, or $5.99 per share. The company also announced a new global restructuring initiative aimed at saving more than $1.5 billion through 2021 by closing 10 manufacturing facilities and trimming its worldwide workforce by at least 5,000 employees.

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NNB2B | March 2018 | 11

Corporate Earnings

Bank First

Schneider National

4Q 2017 4Q 2016 Income $3.3 million $3.6 million t 8% EPS 50 cents 57 cents t 12% The Manitowoc-based financial institution with significant operations across northeast Wisconsin reported full fiscal year 2017 income of $15.3 million, or $2.44 per share, increased 3 percent from fiscal 2016 earnings of $14.9 million, or $2.40 per share. Bank First reported total loan growth during fiscal 2017 of $371 million, or 36 percent. It also reported total deposit growth during the year of $380 million, or 34 percent.

Revenue Income EPS

WEC Energy Group Inc. 4Q 2017 4Q 2016 Revenue $2.1 Billion $2.0 Billion s 5% Income $433 million $194 million s123% EPS $1.36 61 cents s123% The parent company of Wisconsin Public Service Corp. and WE Energies reported full year 2017 income of $1.2 billion, or $3.79 per share, increased 28 percent to $939 million, or $2.96 per share, compared with fiscal year 2016. For the full year, the company’s delivery of electricity was down 1.6 percent due to the significantly cooler summer temperatures this past year compared to the summer of 2016.

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4Q 2017 $1.2 Billion $284 million $1.60

4Q 2016 $1.1 Billion s 11% $47.8 million s492% 30 cents s433%

The Ashwaubenon-based transportation and logistics services company indicated full fiscal year 2017 revenues of $4.4 billion increased 8 percent from year ago receipts of $4.0 billion, driving fiscal 2017 earnings of $390 million, or $2.28 per share, compared with full year 2016 income of $157 million, or $1.00 per share. Improved market dynamics and additional drivers onboarded during the third quarter helped drive quarterly increases.

Neenah Inc. Revenue Income EPS

4Q 2017 $244 million $18.9 million $1.10

4Q 2016 $221 million s 10% $16.4 million s 15% 95 cents s 16%

The papermaker with significant operations in the Fox Cities reported 2017 fiscal revenue of $980 million was up 4 percent from 2016 receipts of $942 million, generating income of $80.3 million, or $4.68 per share, up from 2016 earnings of $73.0 million, or $4.24 per share. Both the fourth quarter and full year revenue reports were records for the company, which also announced a name change at the beginning of 2018 from Neenah Paper to Neenah Inc.

County Bancorp Inc.


Income EPS

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Mechanical & Fire Protection Contractor

4Q 2017 $2.1 million 30 cents

4Q 2016 $3.5 million t 39% 50 cents t 40%

The Manitowoc-based financial institution with significant operations across northeast and central Wisconsin reported full fiscal year 2017 income of $10.4 million, or $1.49 per share, were down 2 percent from full year 2016 earnings of $10.7 million, or $1.61 per share. The bank reported its non-performing assets continued to improve during 2017, decreasing from 1.84 percent at the beginning of 2017 and ending the year at 1.15 percent. n

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Guest Commentary

Foxconn showing they’re in Wisconsin to stay

While many in the state still have their doubts about the deal given to Foxconn, the company is already demonstrating its intent is genuine by Tom Still, Wisconsin Technology Council

There are still plenty of people in Wisconsin who think the Taiwanbased Foxconn Technology Group is giving the state a giant head fake. Skeptics think the company has no intention to put down roots in Wisconsin, and is simply waiting to abscond with our tax dollars and scamper home. The recent company announcement in early February rammed home the fact that nothing could be further from the truth. Foxconn is buying a seven-story building in downtown Milwaukee from Northwestern Mutual, Wisconsin’s 161-yearold insurance giant. It will be the company’s North American headquarters and a center for activities outside its planned manufacturing plant in Racine County. Those activities will include innovation, incubation, venture capital investment possibilities and other commercial dealings. The building has the capacity to hold 650 people and will be renamed Foxconn Place. The move was praised by Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele and Gov. Scott Walker, who joined in the Feb. 5 announcement. “Foxconn is putting a stake in the ground,” said Abele, once touted as a Democratic candidate for governor. “This is an extraordinary opportunity…” At the same news conference, Foxconn executive Louis Woo pledged the company will “work for the next 161 years to not only witness but actively participate in the transformation and growth of Wisconsin.” If that’s a head fake, it beats anything we saw in Super Bowl LII. People may continue to debate whether Foxconn’s 13,000 direct jobs and its predicted supply-chain effects are worth the state tax credits, but they need to remember Foxconn won’t get those credits unless the company meets specific job and capital goals over time. The contract between the state and Foxconn is tightly written, as it should be, and lays down job and capital investment markers over a 15-year schedule. It’s a “pay-as-you-grow” strategy that can throttle up or down depending on the company’s performance. In the meantime, skeptics should at least acknowledge that Foxconn is working hard to be a permanent and active corporate citizen of Wisconsin.

It shows not only in the Milwaukee headquarters announcement, but in job fairs, research and development relationships, supply chain spadework, land acquisition, transportation planning and more across the state. In Milwaukee, the Regional Talent Partnership organized through the Milwaukee 7 economic development group is trying to meet the area’s workforce attraction and retention demands – including those tied to Foxconn. University of Wisconsin Milwaukee Chancellor Mark Mone is leading that partnership, which involves other universities and technical colleges. The group includes UW Parkside and Gateway Technical College, which is knee-deep in Foxconn workforce planning in Racine and Kenosha counties. Mone will speak at the March 19 Wisconsin Tech Summit in Waukesha, where Foxconn representatives will meet with emerging companies. Marquette University and the Milwaukee School of Engineering are examples of colleges where Foxconn representatives have met with students and faculty; MSOE has announced plans for a gift-funded $34-million computational science and artificial science center to keep up with growing talent and R&D demands. The City of Milwaukee is examining the possibility of expanded Amtrak service in the Milwaukee-to-Chicago rail route, in part to accommodate anticipated Foxconn workers traffic from the city to Racine County and back. Meanwhile, reconstruction of Interstate 94 south of Milwaukee is set to begin in earnest in 2019. The highway will be widened from six lanes to eight from College Avenue in Milwaukee south to Highway 142 in Kenosha County. Interchanges will be rebuilt, as will frontage roads between Highway 20 and County Road KR, the stretch of interstate closest to the planned Foxconn campus. While it’s a bittersweet experience for many farmers in the Racine County town of Mount Pleasant, Foxconn is paying about five times per acre – about $50,000 – what land sold for before the company decided to build there. Many people still have their doubts about the size of the Foxconn deal and remain concerned about environmental effects. At this point, however, those who still believe Foxconn is giving a giant head fake are only faking themselves. n Still is president of the Wisconsin Technology Council. He is the former associate editor of the Wisconsin State Journal. NNB2B | March 2018 | 13

Build Up Fond du Lac



Build Up

Fond du Lac

Indicates a new listing

1 - 545 W. Pioneer Road, Fond du Lac Mercury Marine, an addition to an office building on the manufacturing campus. Project completion expected in March. 2 - 45 S. National Ave., Fond du Lac Marian University, a two-story, 18,200-sq. ft. addition to the existing science bulding on campus. Project completion expected in late summer.

Without execution, they’re just numbers. Let us do the math.

Successful Journeys Need a Guide™ 920.427.5077 14 | March 2018 | NNB2B

Build Up Oshkosh 3



Build Up


Indicates a new listing

3 - 1041 Emmers Lane, Oshkosh Choice Bank, a two-story, 30,000-sq. ft. financial institution building. Project completion expected in June. 4 - 1025-1033 N. Washburn Ave., Oshkosh ATI Physical Therapy, a two-tenant commercial retail building. 5 - 100 Osceola St., Oshkosh University of Wisconsin Oshkosh RecPlex, a 181,000-sq. ft. intramural sports complex. Project completion expected in spring. Projects completed since our February issue: None

Coming to B2B in April 2018 Finance

Identifying Solutions for Working Capital

NNB2B | March 2018 | 15

Build Up Fox Cities

Build Up

Fox Cities

Indicates a new listing

1 - County CB & State Road 15, town of Greenville Cintas, a 54,000-sq. ft. industrial facility for laundry and maintenance. Project completion expected in July. 2 - 3030 N. Victory Lane, town of Grand Chute Bergstrom Jaguar/Land Rover, a 9,034-sq. ft. addition to the existing automotive dealership. 3 - 3000 W. Wisconsin Ave., town of Grand Chute Kolosso Toyota, a 68,732-sq. ft. automotive dealership and offices. Project completion expected in late 2018. 4 - 3600 Commerce Ct., Appleton Commercial Horizons, a two-story, 24,000-sq. ft. commercial office building. 5 - W2801 Evergreen Dr., Little Chute Pods, a 40,000-sq. ft. storage warehouse facility. Project completion expected in July. General contractor is Bayland Buildings of Green Bay. 6 - 327 Randolph St., Little Chute Trigger Action Sports & CR Structures Group, a 29,838-sq. ft. multi-tenant commercial building. Project completion expected in late summer. General contractor is CR Structures Group of Kimberly. 7 - 1650 Freedom Road, Little Chute Kwik Trip, a new convenience store, fuel canopy and car wash. 8 - 1402 Freedom Road, Little Chute Little Chute Area School District, a two-story addition to the existing middle and high schools for combined administrative offices. Project completion expected in summer. 9 - 311 Oak Grove Road, Kaukauna Poly Flex, a 36,000-sq. ft. addition to the existing industrial building for expanded warehousing space. Project completion expected in March. General contractor is CR Structures Group of Kimberly.

16 | March 2018 | NNB2B

10 - 3921 E. Endeavor Dr., Appleton Security Luebke Roofing, a 20,000-sq. ft. commercial building and warehouse. Project completion expected in June. General contractor is Millennium Construction of Appleton. 11 - 2310 S. Kensington Dr., Appleton Aldi, a new retail grocery building. Project completion expected in March. 12 - 410 S. Walnut St., Appleton Outagamie County, an 87,000-sq. ft. addition to the existing county administrative office building. 13 - 720 W. Fifth St., Appleton Harbor House, an addition to increase bed capacity at the existing community services facility. 14 - 5714 Technology Cir., town of Grand Chute Team Services, a 5,940-sq. ft. office and warehouse building. 15 - County Road CB, Fox Crossing Secura Insurance, a 350,000-sq. ft. corporate headquarters office building. Project completion expected in early 2019. 16 - 1265 W. American Dr., Fox Crossing Wisconsin Institute of Urology, a 34,837-sq. ft. medical clinic. Project completion expected in March. 17 - 601 S. Commercial St., Neenah Galloway Company, a truck bay addition to the existing industrial facility. Project completion expected in March. 18 - 590 Enterprise Dr., Neenah Horseshoe Beverage Co., a 20,000-sq. ft. addition to the existing manufacturing facility for a bottling plant. Project completion expected in March. General contractor is Keller Inc. of Kaukauna. Projects completed since our February issue: • Fox Valley Spring Co., N912 Craftsmen Dr., town Greenville. • Darboy Corner Store, N9690 County Road N, Harrison.


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Education Religious Government Assisted Living Meeting the needs of your business future - 920.498.9300

NNB2B | March 2018 | 17

Build Up Greater Green Bay area 3

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14 & 15




Build Up

Greater Green Bay area 1 - 4725 Anston Road, Howard Prefinished Staining Products Inc., a 12,000-sq. ft. warehouse facility. Project completion expected in March. General contractor is Bayland Buildings of Green Bay. 2 - 2810 Howard Commons, Howard Village of Howard, a mixed-use commercial retail and multifamily residential development. 3 - 1510 Brookfield Ave., Howard BCS International, a 92,400-sq. ft. warehouse and office building. General contractor is Bayland Buildings of Green Bay.

18 | March 2018 | NNB2B

Indicates a new listing

4 - 1457 Donald St., Green Bay Hurckman Mechanical Inc., replace two existing smaller buildings with a new 8,400-sq. ft. industrial warehouse facility. 5 - 2125 Main St., Green Bay Royal Cleaners, a new commercial retail building. Project completion expected in early spring. 6 - 2878 Ontario Road, Bellevue Carnivore Meat Company, a 5,350-sq. ft. addition to the existing warehouse facility. Project completion expected in March.

7 - 1695 Bellevue St., Bellevue Cedar Corp., an 8,487-sq. ft. office building. Project completion expected in spring. 8 - 1317 Lombardi Access Road, Ashwaubenon US Bank, a 3,895-sq. ft. bank branch office. 9 - 2800 Ashland Ave., Ashwaubenon Wisconsin Public Service, a 31,788-sq. ft. regional employee training center. Project completion expected in March.

Projects completed since our February issue: • Feldstein’s Jewelers, 1803 Condor Lane, Howard. • Great Lakes Energy Education Center at Northeast Wisconsin Technical College, 2740 W. Mason St., Green Bay. • Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District, 2231 N. Quincy St., Green Bay. • Uncle Mike’s Bake Shoppe, 2999 E. Mason St., Green Bay. • Eagle III, 1751 Allouez Ave., Bellevue. • Battlehouse/Ninja Warrior, 2125 American Blvd., De Pere.

10 - 1040 Circle Dr., Ashwaubenon Circle Kennel Club, a 10,000-sq. ft. dog kennel. Project completion expected in March. 11 - 1580 Commanche Ave., Ashwaubenon Bellin Health Family Medical Center, an addition to the existing health care facility. 12 - 1901 Airport Dr., Ashwaubenon Jet Air, a 42,504-sq. ft. aviation hangar. Project completion expected in July. 13 - 1200 Flightway Dr., Hobart Synergy Sports Performance, an 18,000-sq. ft. indoor athletic training facility. Project completion expected in June. General contractor is Bayland Buildings of Green Bay. 14 - 4400 block of County Road U, Wrightstown Tweet/Garot Mechanical, a 90,000-sq. ft. manufacturing facility. Project completion expected in late summer. 15 - 1450 Poplar St., Wrightstown Print Pro, a 65,000-sq. ft. manufacturing and warehousing facility. Project completion expected in April. General contractor is CR Structures Group of Kimberly. 16 - 1400 Richco Ct., De Pere Midland Plastics, a new manufacturing and warehouse facility with offices. Project completion expected in summer. General contractor is Keller Inc. of Kaukauna. 17 - 1881 Commerce Dr., De Pere Kay Distributing Co., a 25,008-sq. ft. addition to the existing beverage distribution facility.

NNB2B | March 2018 | 19

Cover Story

Dear Gen X

It’s Your Time to Lead!

Northeast Wisconsin experts offer strategies for managing a variety of generations within an organization

Story by Jan Padron










20 | March 2018 | NNB2B



Never before has there been such a generational divide in the workplace. What makes it a challenge is that the three generations grew up in very different ways, facing different challenges that define who they are. From how they communicate to how they work, Baby Boomers, Gen X’ers and Millennials couldn’t be more different from one another. Those differences are highlighted in how they want to be communicated with, how they lead, how they want to be managed to how they view the world. As Boomers start to retire, Gen X is being asked to step up into leadership roles managing both the generation before them and after them. All over social media and the Internet, there are videos of Baby Boomers mocking Millennials, but quietly, in between them is Generation X.

Gen X: Stuck between the “Me” generations

Born between 1961 and 1981, Generation X is in a unique position. Sandwiched between what is defined as two of the most self-absorbed generations, Generation X is at a point where they are moving into executive roles. Initially described as ‘the slacker’ generation because their desire for work-life balance, it’s important to understand what shapes them, and the generations that bookend them. According to Karen McCullough, an entrepreneur and team management expert who’s sought out around the country to speak about generations in the workforce, it’s not the years in which a generation defines us, but rather it’s the experiences. “It comes down to knowing what experiences shaped one another,” added McCullough. “When I’m presenting to a group, I like to point out the differences in how the generations were raised, what life was like for them.” McCullough has presented to companies throughout the country including Procter & Gamble, Symantec, and Lockheed Martin on how to lead

and sell to the generations. She’s made a career out of helping Boomers, Gen X and Millennials understand what makes the other tick. Writer Tom Wolf defined the 1970s as the “Me” decade. He commented on the rise of a culture of narcissism among the younger generation of that era. The notion caught on at the time that the generation of Boomers became more focused on self-realization and self-fulfillment. They were waiting until they were older to have children, more women were going to college and entering the workforce. “Adults didn’t coddle this generation,” said McCullough. “Gen X saw first hand that their parent was human and fallible. They often found themselves giving their parents advice and comfort. Autonomy and self-reliance rather than respect for authority were natural byproducts of the Generation X childhood.” Generation X learned a lot of distrust as their parents lost their jobs in droves. More than 43 million jobs were downsized between 1979 and 1995. As laid-off workers started new jobs that often meant lower pay, more and more mothers – who had stayed home and were raised by a stay-at-home mom themselves – started joining the workforce to help keep the family afloat. It created the ‘latch-key kid’ who went home after school, did their homework, completed a list of chores, and started dinner – all without any supervision. This contributed toward making them far more self-sufficient than any other generation before them. “It’s easy to see that Gen X could be the last generation of teens to grow up with freedom, independence, and the luxury to try different things on their own, fail, and try again,” added McCullough. That freedom is not a luxury Millennials have enjoyed. Born between 1982 and 1996, Millennials are the children of

Management tips by generation Shelia Leonard, human resource consultant and owner of HR Energized in Green Bay, breaks down the generational differences in a way that helps managers build success with each type of employee.

Gen-X was encouraged and molded to be independent and self-reliant. Find ways to show them how one gains the influence necessary to affect change by developing strong work relationships and team building. Millennials grew up believing their

voice matters in every circumstance. Gently guide them toward understanding that in a workplace, there will be situations where their views and opinions will matter and be taken into consideration, but there will also be situations when their opinion is not sought or needed. Navigating this terrain is significant and may determine how you are viewed and at what level you are accepted.

Boomers value hard work, loyalty and

good communication. The path to success was a very different one from today. One chose an industry, profession or employer and stuck with it, oftentimes for decades. Understand that frequent job change, increased communication via technology, and blurred lines of authority make adapting to today’s work environment a challenge for Boomers.

the ‘helicopter parent.’ Their parents often waited until later in life to have them, and as a result were much older parents than previous generations. Millennials are far more technologically advanced, having grown up with technology all of their lives. The younger members of this generation were the ones who grew up with social media. They were told by parents and teachers they were special, and that everyone was a winner just for participating in any activity. This treatment led to an increased sense of entitlement that’s often the punchline to many jokes. NNB2B | March 2018 | 21

Cover Story bridge generations in the workplace.

A 2016 study by digital marketing agency Syzygy Group focused on two narcissistic traits: 1) grandiose narcissism, characterized by attention-seeking behavior, power, and dominance; and 2) vulnerable narcissism, defined by an acute sense of self-entitlement and defensiveness. In studying those traits among various generations, it found that Millennials exhibited 16 percent more narcissistic behavior than older adults.

“As managers, we sometimes tend to focus more on what makes us different from each other and less on what we have in common,” said Bouche. “We value a lot of the same things. It’s just that we express our value for them in different ways.” One way to help the generations realize their similarities is by creating multi-generational work teams.

As a manager of people, the goal is and has always been to get the best out of each employee. To do that, the Gen X leader is going to have to make some significant changes in their handsoff approach to management.

“Give your employees the opportunities to work in crossgenerational teams. It helps promote team building and is a great way to help people to know each other as individuals rather than judging them by the stereotype of the category they are part of,” he said.

Focus on similarities

It’s not just about team building when it comes to blending the generations together within an organization. It also comes down to managing them the way they are most receptive.

According to Millennial Branding and, 75 percent of the global workplace will be made up by Millennials by 2025 – just seven years from now. That same report found 45 percent of companies experience high turnover with those employees identified as Millennials. With the last of the Baby Boomers reaching the age of retirement by 2025, this is the time to integrate the workforce.

Gen X’ers tend to be hands-off managers. They are trusting employees to get the work done, and only bother them when they need help. But that’s not necessarily effective for the other two generations. Shelia Leonard, owner of Green Bay-based human resource consulting firm HR Energized, agrees. “Before Gen X can bridge the generation gap, they need to understand both sides,” Leonard said. “Take the time to understand the differences in mindsets of Boomers and Millennials. Focus on the similarities as both Boomers and Gen Y are typically optimistic and invested in performing good work.”

To make sure the transition is a successful one, more and more companies are focusing on ways they can retain the talent pool of younger workers. Lee Bouche, a corporate trainer with Northeast Wisconsin Technical College in Green Bay, is one area consultant helping local companies understand how to


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She also warns not to deny or downplay the differences. “Those differences are there and are real,” said Leonard. “It’s a balancing act. You need to capitalize on the best characteristics of each generation and encourage them to recognize and respect the strengths and contributions of the other. Encourage focus on what each brings to the party rather than the differences in methods and mindsets.”

Gen X’ers tend to be hands-off managers. They are trusting employees to get the work done, and only bother them when they need help. Taking a more hands-on approach

With their independent nature, Gen X’ers are not naturally inclined to foster the critical, supportive relationships that effective leadership requires. As the saying goes, once you recognize a problem, you can work to change it.

A sure way to fail

It’s time for Gen X to step up to the plate and take a swing at a leadership role in their organizations. The sure way for them to fail is if they don’t. McCullough, who claims Generation X as the one she associates most with, doesn’t sugar coat the challenges that this generation faces. “Gen X has a very challenging road ahead as they manage three different generations in the workplace, and soon to add a fourth who comes with their own set of uniqueness. They have a few critical choices to make. Are they willing to change how they work? Are they willing to change how they view work?” This new leadership role for the generation currently in their late 30s, 40s and early to mid-50s means different hours, a more hands-on approach to management, and leading the team rather than just getting their work done and heading home. “I want Gen X to know, that it’s never too late to change,” added McCullough. “But if they don’t, and if they don’t step up to the challenge of leadership, there are plenty of Millennials who will.” n Jan Padron is a freelance writer and owner of Oshkosh-based Padron Marketing Communications. She has more than 12 years of experience in feature, public relations and copywriting.

“Gen X needs to recognize they need to make some fundamental changes,” stated Judy Ruhl, a management development consultant and instructor at Fox Valley Technical College in Appleton. “To me, they need to learn how to communicate aggressively. They’ve got to communicate in a lot of different ways. Email, face-to-face, text messaging, phone.”


Ruhl also suggests creating opportunities for employees to learn from one another. “Millennials are very tech savvy – there is a lot that they can teach older employees about technology today. This fluidity makes them very open to change,” added Ruhl. “Boomers have experienced a lot of different things throughout their careers. They can impart that wisdom to younger employees.” The one area Boomers and Millennials are similar in is needing feedback. Gen X will need to break out of their comfort zone and provide that. “Both of these generations want to be heard. They also want to know that their opinions and experiences are valued,” said Ruhl. “It’s important to them to create opportunities to provide feedback.” While Gen-X doesn’t need to be told they’re doing a good job, they need to make sure their subordinates know that they are. They also need to foster opportunities for mentorship. “Because of how Millennials were raised, they didn’t learn a lot of the core skills older employees have,” added Ruhl. “Rather than let the younger employee struggle, successful Gen-X managers are creating mentorship opportunities to help develop and strengthen employees in areas where they aren’t strong.”










I T ’ S D I F F E R E N T AT F I R S T

NNB2B | March 2018 | 23


Battling trolls online Advice for dealing with online attacks to your business reputation and how to minimize the long-term damage

Story by Lee Marie Reinsch

Before they were nasty lurkers in online forums, trolls were cute little dolls with upcombed fluorescent hair. Before that, they were the stuff of terrifying Scandinavian fairytales, hiding under bridges and bullying billy goats. In their digital iteration, trolls are back to their barbarous nature … concealed by cute monikers and hell-bent on causing grief. Especially for business owners. Drew Mueske learned this the hard way over the Christmas holiday. His company, Oshkosh screen printer Offbeat Press, found itself the target of what started as a single comment and snowballed into scrolls of snark and untruths. The troll posted a close-up on Facebook of a giant rip in a shirt he claimed was an example of Offbeat Press’s poor quality. Mueske knew it wasn’t. He told the troll he didn’t find his name in Offbeat’s records and asked for more information. He also expressed dismay that someone who hadn’t actually patronized him would try to ruin a small business. It only made the troll roar louder.

24 | March 2018 | NNB2B

By then, a Saturday, the final hours were counting down to Christmas Eve – and while Mueske didn’t check Facebook every minute, he checked frequently enough for a holiday weekend. The troll bashed him for not responding immediately. “He said, ‘See? Four hours later and no response – terrible customer service,’” Mueske reported of the troll’s post. It spiraled from there. “He (the troll) tagged 92 others, most of whom appeared to be friends from high school,” Mueske said. Many of them proceeded to give Offbeat poor (one-star) reviews, with some spouting insults like ‘thief,’ ‘dirtbag’ and ‘scam artist.’ One claimed to have placed a $2,000 order that Offbeat failed to deliver. “That didn’t happen in any facet,” Mueske said. Within half a day, Facebook analytics of the troll’s posts reached some 6,500 viewers. Naturally it alarmed Mueske. He’d worked nine years to achieve an excellent rating. “In 12 hours, we went from 4.9 stars to 3.1 – mediocrity, essentially,” he said. “As a small business, your (Facebook) rating is pretty important, and you see how vulnerable it is when something like that can happen so suddenly and with somebody we don’t even consider to be a client.”

“In 12 hours, we went from 4.9 stars to 3.1 – mediocrity, essentially, ... As a small business, your (Facebook) rating is pretty important, and you see how vulnerable it is ... Drew Mueske, owner, Offbeat Press in Oshkosh

Can I sue?

It’s natural to feel upset and angry when your business is being treated unfairly and to panic when you can’t stop the verbal vandalism. Even if you block the instigator, there’s no guessing how many of his troll mafia are hiding around the corner, waiting to gang up on you. Words like defamation, libel and slander spring to mind, and those victimized no doubt want to call police or an attorney: Can’t something be done? Can I sue the troll? Can I get a legal injunction or have my lawyer write a cease-and-desist letter? Not so fast, says one lawyer. “You don’t always get the quickest, fastest or even best resolution by going to the courts,” said attorney Nathan Olson of Olson Legal Group in Oshkosh. defines the verb troll, in digital technology, as “to post inflammatory or inappropriate messages or comments online for the purpose of upsetting other users and provoking a response.” – say maybe I did have a bad experience with you and your business; I didn’t get the intended product, and it is your fault – then I do have every right to go online and give that review.” If the comments are threatening, not based in fact, clearly malicious, and you can prove your business suffered damaged, legal routes may stand a better chance. But taking action isn’t simple, Olson noted. You have to find out who the troll is, get papers served, and figure out what the damages are. Often damages are unclear, hard to prove or haven’t manifested themselves, yet. If a customer canceled a $25,000 order because of lies the troll wrote about your brand, then the monetary damages are more straightforward, according to Olson. “We can say, yes, I would’ve got that contract were it not for these horrible statements. We can say to the court it’s defamatory and sue for damages,” Olson said. But while they’re comparatively easy to start, lawsuits and judgments aren’t as likely to satisfy the damage done to the business. “You can sue practically anyone you want for practically anything you want,” he said. “And a judgment is really just a piece of paper. It doesn’t force anyone to pay you.” Many times, trolls don’t have any assets anyway, so that adds to the frustration.

Take a deep breath.

So what’s a beleaguered business to do? Olson encourages the client to ask: “How did it happen? How can we prevent it from happening again? Who is the person who attacked our business – a customer or just a nasty person who had a bad day and is looking to harm somebody?” Many times it’ll blow over, he said. Be aware of how you’re reacting. Could you be overreacting? “It’s important not to engage them, because it’s an unwinnable kind of argument,” Olson said. “That’s what they want, that’s what they feed on.”

Even if it’s against the law, legal routes take time and aren’t guaranteed to yield results.

Sometimes a client insists the attorney write a cease-anddesist letter. “If you do that, the letter needs to be done the right way,” Olson said. “If not, the troll will just upload the letter to Facebook, and that keeps it all going.”

“If it’s someone’s opinion, that’s protected. Or if it’s the truth

Most business owners don’t want to sit back and do nothing,

NNB2B | March 2018 | 25

Marketing although arguably choosing to not react takes more strength than lashing out. If you choose to respond, think of who may end up reading what you write: Your employees. Your mom. Your present and future customers. Your future self. Will they respect you in the morning? Your audience isn’t solely the troll and his little troll friends, but everyone. So, behave. “It’s really a PR thing at this point,” Olson said. Instead of pounding out an obscene-laden retort or getting colorfully defensive, take some deep breaths and view it from an altitude. “Address it not by engaging the person but responding more generally — more for everyone else out there,” Olson said. “They’re thinking, ‘How is this business owner going to respond? Are they going to get as nasty and sink to the level of the troll? Or are they going to use some tact and in a way that everyone else knows this guy’s just a troll?”

Is it a troll, or not?

There’s a difference between somebody who is a troll and somebody who has a bad brand experience, and it’s important to differentiate between the two, said Derek Blaszak, director of digital marketing for De Pere-based agency Element. “Somebody who’s had a bad brand experience will still resonate a little bit of truth and include some factual things, and they’ll be in your

26 | March 2018 | NNB2B

Even if you block the instigator, there’s no guessing how many of his troll mafia are hiding around the corner, waiting to gang up on you. customer database,” Blaszak said. A troll is just out to purposely start a fight or create controversy at the expense of others, he said. “I don’t know if it’s a form of entertainment for a group of people, but there doesn’t seem to be a foundation of truth to a troll’s statements, or it’s heavily based on opinion rather than fact.” Anywhere people can comment, review or post about your business is where you’re vulnerable to trolls and where you should be monitoring. That includes all of your online channels, including local listings, Google reviews and even Google map, Blaszak said. He suggests businesses have an online comment policy in place before any fur starts flying. “State it across all your social channels or link to your website,” Blaszak said. “Lay the groundwork for the rules of engagement, such as whether you’ll comment or respond, what’s not accepted – swear words, untruthful statements – and the protocol for violations.” Will you delete, block, hide the comment, ignore – or none of

the above? The New York Times website’s online commenting policy includes this paragraph:

“A few things we won’t tolerate: personal attacks, obscenity, vulgarity, profanity (including expletives and letters followed by dashes), commercial promotion, impersonations, incoherence and SHOUTING.”

The Harvard Crimson’s policy at reads: “A comment may be removed, without notice to the commenter, if any of its content meets one or more of the following criteria: w Comments that are excessively long, irrelevant, or off-topic. Examples include, but are not limited to, spam, advertisements, and gibberish. w Excessive or unnecessary profanity, obscenity, or words that are racist, sexist, homophobic, or hateful in some other way. w Threats or encouragement of violence and/or other illegal behavior. w Disclosure of personal and private information about any individual …. w The comment is written under the name or username of an individual other than the author of the comment. It goes on to state that repeat violators may be banned from making further comments and concludes: The application of this policy, including decisions to delete comments, close commenting, or ban commenters, is at the discretion of the moderator.

“Of course not,” Mueske said. “We hear all the time, people say they came to us because of our good ratings on Facebook.” Eventually he wrote a personal post about the trolling experience and shared it with his clients and contacts. The response overwhelmed him. “Pretty much every business I tagged and many others we’ve worked with gave us great reviews, so we ended up with like 220 five-star reviews in response to what happened,” Mueske said. “So our rating is back up to where it was before, and every single one-star review is from somebody we’ve never worked with.” But he noted the one-star reviews remain on the Facebook page. Many business owners have complained to Facebook about troll sabotage and poor reviews by non-customers. They say it’s difficult or impossible to get rid of them, and reporting trolls to Facebook seldom remedies quickly, if at all. In its help pages, Facebook indicates troll comments on business pages can be hidden from users but not deleted. It doesn’t recommend hiding troll comments from everyone lest it spur the troll to trash your business on another forum where you have even less control. Blaszak said removing comments can fuel the fire, and he usually doesn’t recommend it. “Certainly if it’s defamatory, hurtful, grotesque, or inappropriate from a sexual standpoint, then of course those would be the appropriate actions,” he said. “Trolls just want attention and are trying to stir the pot.”

— The Harvard Crimson,

Anywhere people can comment, review or post about your business is where you’re vulnerable to trolls and where you should be monitoring. Derek Blaszak, director of digital marketing, Element in De Pere

Thank you very little, Facebook

Mueske used every tool he could think of. He tried politeness. He tried reasoning with some of the troll’s groupies via direct messaging. “Most of them came back with aggressive and rude responses,” he said. “They all were convinced their friend was ripped off and taken advantage of, so it didn’t matter if they made up lies.” He contacted Facebook – to no avail. “Facebook has a pretty robust bullying policy for personal pages, but for business, there really seems to be no oversight and no protection as such,” Mueske said. “There are things we can do as a business, though, such as eliminate your business’s ability to do reviews and ratings, and there are some people who’ve done that after getting some poor reviews.” But after working nine years for top ratings, did it make sense to off them?

Friends to the rescue

Defusing troll comments or taking them offline may work, Blaszak said. Those with the resources and enough online activity to make it worthwhile might get a customer-service line dedicated to social or online resources. “You can say something like ‘I’m sorry, we don’t see you in our database; please call XYZ,’” he said. “You’re letting the community know this guy isn’t for real and not to take this post into consideration when you’re forming an opinion of us.” One tip offered is to hide troll comments from everyone but the troll. That way, he doesn’t realize you’ve disappeared him. Olson says red tape takes too long. That’s where friends pay off. “A lot of times what we have to do is (reach out to) other people … and when other people see that this is happening to you, they don’t want that to happen to them, so they’ll start flooding your site with good reviews, overcompensating those bad reviews,” he said. That’s not to say trolls can’t harm your business. “But there’s a silver lining to it, where you can sit back and see all the good customers, clients or friends that you have step in and say some really nice things and give more relevant and good reviews.” n Lee Marie Reinsch of Green Bay worked 18 years at daily newspapers before launching her freelance business, edgewise, in 2007.

NNB2B | March 2018 | 27



oices isions &

A monthly conversation with New North small business owners, each shedding light on the local economy through the perspective of their industry sector.

A web designer by training, Chris Robinson never expected his entrepreneurial journey would take him down a path toward owning and operating a full-service creative firm. The former technical college instructor taught website coding for five years while launching his business – which was originally just a website design and hosting company – but eventually drew requests from clients seeking additional marketing services.

Chris Robinson Full Scope Creative

Robinson found his knack for networking and making community connections attracted other like-minded graphic designers, copywriters and other marketing professionals who wanted to partner with him to fulfill Full Scope’s mission to help small businesses reach out to the rest of the world. In doing so, he’s been engaged in various community activities aimed at strengthening northeast Wisconsin’s business community and helping to make the region a better place to live.

Green Bay by B2B staff

28 | March 2018 | NNB2B

How did you get started in business? I had always wanted to run my own business since I was a kid. Two of my uncles had their own businesses, and I always wanted to run a business like them. After high school I went to Northeast Wisconsin Technical College for website design and then worked for three years for another design company. I had worked my way to about as high a level in that company as I figured I could and was ready for a new challenge. I started to teach website coding at NWTC in the spring semester of 2010, and that was when I started the company as well.

How did you learn business management? For the first five years it was really just trial and error, learning from mistakes and getting better. Then in 2015 Full Scope Creative was selected as a protégé in the Green Bay Packer’s Mentor Protégé program and we were mentored by Schreiber Foods.

Coming JUnE 2018 2018 CorporatE WEllnEss aWards

Throughout the course of that program I learned all about working on my business and building systems and processes to help the company. That was really a big turning point for the company and where I learned the most about the business side of Full Scope.

What services do you offer to clients? We focus on website design, graphic design and website hosting for our clients. In addition, we can also help out with the copywriting for any project we’re working on. We’ve got a couple of clients that work with us and think of it kind of as a one-stop shop for their marketing needs. Whether they are looking for website design, updates to their site, secure hosting, graphic design or proofreading a blog article, we can help out.

Think your wellness plan sets the pace? Nominate it for B2B’s 2018 Corporate Wellness Awards. Download a nomination form at Nominations due by May 7, 2018.

Does Full Scope cater to particular industries? Our clients are in a pretty wide variety of industries from restaurants and retail to manufacturing and construction, transportation and logistics, as well as a waste management company.

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While we don’t specialize in one industry, we do quite a bit of work with and for nonprofit groups. Nonprofits are by far my favorite to work with – they have so much passion for what they do, and getting to help them and the communities they serve is a lot of fun.

NNB2B | March 2018 | 29

Entrepreneurship How much of your work is for nonprofits?

What’s the most exciting project you’ve done?

I’d say probably about 10 to 15 percent of our clientele is non-profit groups. Some of it is done as in-kind trade, but we always we give a discount on hosting and hourly rates.

There have been a lot of really fun projects. Obviously the site for Poppin’ Z’s Gourmet Popcorn was great. Not only was it a fun design with some really cool features – or the fact that I got to eat a lot of the delicious popcorn – but it’s also just such an amazing story with the company. It’s been a blast to help them share that story.

Full Scope is really geared at working with small businesses, and because of that our price points work out great for non-profit groups as well.

How do you develop the network of vendors you partner with? I’ve found all of my team members through different networking events and business activities that we’re involved in. For example, I’ve met vendors through my involvement the Green Bay Packers Mentor Protégé program, a marketing team meeting for the Green Bay Civic Symphony, and I even met my copywriter when I was getting coffee. Each of my team members takes on a piece of the workload that is beyond my area of expertise, such as design and copywriting. I spend a lot of time getting to know my team members, whether it’s going out for coffee or lunch to learn more about them and strengthen the relationship.

MillenniuM ConstruCtion, inC.

The sites for Howard Dental Center and Super Herd were also a lot of fun. Both of those sites have great videos that we put on the home pages and again, it’s so fun to be a part of the way different companies do business and the issues they work to solve.

How do you market your own business? Networking events have been our biggest source of new clients. We obviously do a fair amount online, but I’ve met most of the clients we work with through different networking events I attend and professional organizations I am involved in. When I’m at these networking events, I do my best to let people see what Full Scope Creative can do for them and why we are different from other design companies. By focusing on not just website design but also doing graphic design, copywriting and secure web hosting, I can easily market the company as that ‘one-stop shop’ for prospective clients.

What do you say to businesses who throw all their eggs in the social media basket? First of all, I would say throwing eggs is never a good idea. But putting all your marketing into social media is a very risky move.

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30 | March 2018 | NNB2B

I hear from some businesses that say that they don’t have or need a website because they have a Facebook page. Since social media posts have a relatively short life span, there’s a good chance that only 10 percent of your audience will even see the posts you make. I’m by no means saying not to do social media, but you need to have a website to push users back to. That’s where key conversions can happen, whether it’s signing up for a company newsletter or making a purchase. Furthermore, we have full control over what we do on a website. With any social media platform, there are going to be limits to what we can do. So yes, in today’s world, social media is a key part to a well-rounded marketing campaign, but social media is not a magic silver bullet to take care of all your marketing needs. n

Professionally Speaking

Professionally Speaking is a paid promotional spot in B2B.

Buyer Beware on Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrency by John W. Schuster of Caliber Law, s.c. Virtual currencies have become extremely popular recently, with their promises of huge profit swings and the benefit supposedly being anonymous spending and trading. However, a couple of things that all people should be aware of before they decide to invest in virtual currency: Its Property, Not Currency. While they call these investments “cryptocurrency” and “virtual currency,” the IRS has specifically classified cryptocurrency as being property/an investment, as it is speculative and is not actual legal tender. That means you will have to pay capital gains on your cryptocurrency if you sell it for a profit, and if you do not hold it as an investment for over a year, can be subject to full capital gains treatment.

920.292.0000 Trading and Spending Virtual Currencies is Not Untraceable or Anonymous. This statement is simply not true. In fact, the IRS has successfully been able to subpoena companies that help you buy and invest in cryptocurrency, meaning that all of your ownership of and transactions regarding virtual currency are fully traceable, both by governments and by cyber investigators. The IRS is fully on to cryptocurrency, and you can bet there is going to be an extremely large upswing in enforcement now that this type of investment has gained such popularity. Virtual currency takes place in an unregulated market. Unlike normal investments, cryptocurrency is completely unregistered, so you have no idea what is really affecting the ups and downs of the virtual currency market, and it can be easily manipulated

by its creators. In addition, there is no insurance at all if someone were to virtually steal your virtual currency, as it is unregulated, unprotected, and most importantly, uninsured by its exchanges. Please be careful when deciding to buy cryptocurrency or enter into the virtual currency trading markets, as it is what you don’t know about something that can kill a deal and make it a much less attractive option.

Atty. John W. Schuster, J.D., MBA is the owner and an attorney at Caliber Law, S.C., a law firm located in Oshkosh which specializes in business law and real estate. Schuster helps business owners start, protect, buy, sell and grow their businesses.

NNB2B | March 2018 | 31

Who’s News


New North B2B publishes monthly new business incorporations filed with the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions. Brown County

RENEE GASCH FREELANCE LLC, Renee K. Gasch, 719 Lewis St., De Pere 54115. KELLY KOCKEN SALON LLC, Kelly Kocken, 737 Park St., De Pere 54115. A & P SPRAY FOAM TECHNOLOGIES LLC, Albert Paul Weber III, 1901 Ridgeway Dr., Apt. 80, De Pere 54115. JIM LANDWEHR FARMS LLC, James Robert Landwehr, 708 Grant St., De Pere 54115. MEULEMANS ROOFING SIDING LLC, Robert Edward Meulemans, Jr., 3466 Mid Valley Dr., De Pere 54115. HAIR BY CLARE LLC, Clare Carter, 3413 County Road PP, De Pere 54115. REED PROPERTY RESTORATION LLC, Blaise R. Reed, 6273 Schleis Lane, Denmark 54208. NYSSE LAND AND CATTLE LLC, Kevin C. Nysse, E612 County Road BB, Denmark 54208. FLYING DOLLAR FARMSTEAD LLC, Josh Shimanek, 539 Jacob Dr., Denmark 54208. DENMARK DISTILLING LLC, James Robert Ploetz, 5046 County Road R, Denmark 54208. KANE DAIRY LLC, Timothy P. Kane, 4367 Lark Road, Denmark 54208. FAITH TRANSPORT LLC, Mark Tielens, 1304 Division St., Green Bay 54303. ACME BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION LLC, Shane Robert Costello, 304 Huth St., Green Bay 54302. 3RDI GRAPHICS LLC, Andrew Francis Hetzel III, 1851 Juniper Dr., Green Bay 54302. SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY REPRESENTATIVES LLC, Cheryl Kay Rotherham, 158 Custer Ct., Green Bay 54301. ARJON CLEANING SERVICES LLC, Denisse Arjon-Rivera, 852 Irvington St., Green Bay 54304. A & S CLEANING SERVICES LLC, Amy J. Adlebush, 1318 Hobart Dr., Green Bay 54304. INDO-US ONCOLOGY LLC, Umang Gautam, M.D., 4343 Chatham Pl., Green Bay 54313. UP TOP CLEANING LLC, Mauro Chavez, 1210 Gail Dr., Green Bay 54311. ACME CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC, Matthew Deneys, 1255 Raleigh St., Green Bay 54304. AMERICAN RED CROSS OF WISCONSIN INC., Ian Richard Hosang, 2221 Webster Ave., Ste. 2, Green Bay 54301. JYV ROOFING AND SIDING LLC, Samuel J. Sanchez, 1312 Harvey St., Green Bay 54302. K & JEN JANITORIAL LLC, Jennifer Macias, 1722 Lilac Lane, Green Bay 54302. SABATI TRANSPORT LLC, Muktar K. Ibrahim, 1819 Badger St., #5, Green Bay 56303. WINDORFF LAW LLC, Carley Nicole Miller Windorff, 127 S. Washington St., Green Bay 54301. DAIRY STRONG SUSTAINABILITY ALLIANCE INC., Tim Trotter, 2763 Manitowoc Road, Ste. B, Green Bay 54311. BRAIN CENTER OF GREEN BAY INC., Rolf S. Lulloff, 2520 Betty Ct., Green Bay 54301. REFRIGERATION SERVICES OF GREEN BAY LLC, Gregory J. Pautz, 750 Parkview Road, Green Bay 54304. BONIFAS FLOORING LLC, Jonathan Bonifas, 4434 Milltown Road, Green Bay 54313. DEBBIE’S DAYCARE LLC, Deborah Pahl, 154 Brookridge St., Green Bay 54301. ANDREA’S BOUTIQUE LLC, Andrea Longley, 1141 Chicago St., Green Bay 54301. GEORGE D. WARRINER CHARTER SCHOOLS INC., Robert W. Burns, 318 S. Washington St., Ste. 300, Green Bay 54301. KNOWLES TAX LLC, Christopher A. Knowles, 2551 Continental Ct., Green Bay 54311. 32 | March 2018 | NNB2B

H.S. GROUP HR INC., Joey Leonard, 2611 Libal St., Green Bay 54301. GET NAIL’D LLC, John Nguyen, 2120 Eastman Ave., Green Bay 54302. DAVID DUTKOWSKI ARCHIVING LLC, David Dutkowski, 3023 White Sands Terr., Green Bay 54313. KEMBERTON HEALTHCARE SERVICES LLC, Amber Vergauwen, 2724 Aquarius Ct., Green Bay 54311. ATAC TRANSPORTATION LLC, Andrea Martzahl, 6578 Ledge Top Dr., Greenleaf 54126. SK WOODWORK LLC, Samuel F. Kerksieck, 500 Pebblestone Cir., Hobart 54155. TITLETOWN BASEMENTS LLC, Robert Andrew McGraw, 4820 Adriana Ct., Hobart 54155. KUXMANN LANDSCAPING AND LAWN CARE LLC, Bryan J. Kuxmann, 4894 Sandburr Tr., Suamico 54173. CPR EQUINE MASSAGE LLC, Carly McGowan, 512 Main St., Wrightstown 54180. MCD DRYWALL & PAINTING LLC, Michael C. Denkins, 384 Longwood Lane, Wrightstown 54180.

Calumet County

ERIC LARSEN EDUCATION CONSULTING LLC, Eric A. Larsen, W4831 Cliff View Dr., Sherwood 54169. ORIGAMI ANALYTICS LLC, Angela G. Westerhouse, W4793 Cliff View Dr., Sherwood 54169.

Fond du Lac County

EICHE FARMS LLC, Brian J. Eiche, Jr., N11271 Centerline Road, Brownsville 53006. KOHN’S FILLING STATION 259 INC., Brandon Kohn, 259 N. Fond du Lac Ave., Campbellsport 53010. CLEARBROOK FARMS LLC, Mark A. Patin, N4896 Mushroom Road, Eden 53019. FOLK & FOX PHOTOGRAPHY LLC, Christy G. Beck, N3452 U.S. Hwy. 45, Eden 53019. CLUB BREAKOUT VOLLEYBALL CLUB INC., Samantha Boyke, N5119 County Road K, Fond du Lac 54937. HANSON EQUIPMENT SALES LLC, Timothy Scott Hanson, W3876 Somerset Ct., Fond du Lac 54937. PRAIRIE ROCK SEEDS LLC, Robert Simon, W3056 County Road Q, Fond du Lac 54937. PARKVIEW CREMATION LLC, Lee C. Uecker, 524 N. Park Ave., Fond du Lac 54935. FOX VALLEY CPR LLC, Shawn Michael Kneeland, 1329 Primrose Lane, Fond du Lac 54935. LYLE NETT CARPENTRY LLC, Lyle William Nett, W3972 Linden Dr., Malone 53049. KRAUS TRANSPORT LLC, Michael Steven Kraus, W3631 County Road WH, Malone 53049. KJ DRYWALL AND PLASTERING LLC, Kevin Joseph Jacobs, N9558 County Road GG, St. Cloud 53079. HELD TRUCKING LLC, Joe Held, 1106 Rock Ave., Waupun 53963. RANDA’S ROADSIDE RELICS LLC, Randa Strook, 10 Jackson St., Waupun 53963.

Green Lake County

CLASSIC CAR REPAIR SHOP LLC, Gloria Larson, W 1964 Cypress Ave., Berlin 54923.

Oconto County

INSULATION PLUS LLC, Alex Patrick Trepanier, 5837 Wedgewood Dr. South, Little Suamico 54141.

Outagamie County

RICE MARKET LLC, Lor Lee, W3192 County Road KK, Appleton 54915. LOON PADDLE COMPANY LLC, Ryan S. Burns, 1314 Oakcrest Ct., Appleton 54914. ACE BLACK ASPHALT SEALCOATING INC., William Scott Martin, 1303 S. Lawe St., Appleton 54915. SUMMIT PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LLC, Jeffrey L. Daines, 4740 W. Packard St., Appleton 54913.

WEBSTER INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CONSULTING LLC, Edward Bierl, 2110 Omega Dr., Appleton 54915. HAPPY HOME CONTRACTING LLC, Craig Herrell, 1120 E. Layton Ave., Appleton 54915. POINTTERS HOME CARE LLC, Oladimeji Tomori, 4216 N. Terraview Dr., Appleton 53913. FOX VALLEY MEMORY PROJECT INC., Beth Belmore, 3003 N. Richmond St., Appleton 54911. PR FITNESS & WELLNESS COACHING LLC, Patricia Janet Ruhle, 2661 Northern Road, Unit D, Appleton 54914. FC MEDIA AGENCY LLC, Francisco J. Cabrera Rodriguez, 621 W. Lawrence St., Appleton 54911. DREAM MAKER HOMES LLC, Lori L. Muller, 2711 N. Mason St., Ste. A1, Appleton 54914. PURA VIDA STREET KITCHEN LLC, Eric Walters, 5681 N. Calmes Dr., Appleton 54913. C & J FITNESS LLC, Cassandra R. Niles, 2925 W. Capitol Dr., Appleton 54914. APPLE VALLEY CAMPING & RENTALS LLC, Robert D. LaFave, 5200 W. Greenville Dr., Appleton 54913. TGIF TAX PREP LLC, Jennifer L. Wautlet, 2515 W. First Ave., Appleton 54914. FOX VALLEY FENCING LLC, Joshua T. Jared, 1921 E. Marquette St., Appleton 54911. NORTHEAST GRAPHIC & EMBROIDERY LLC, Barry P. Gill, 501 S. Nicolet Road, Appleton 54914. NORTHEAST WISCONSIN CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY PARTNERSHIP INC., Ted Gumieny, 2828 N. Ballard Road, Appleton 54911. MT & HV NAIL SALON LLC, Minh Tran, 341 S. Kools St., Appleton 54914. FIRE FITNESS DE PERE LLC, Brian Keith King, 516 E. Frances St., Appleton 54911. CAVAIANI BASEBALL TRAINING LLC, Rick Cavaiani, 4917 N. Cherryvale Ave., Appleton 54913. CREATIVE CABINETRY II LLC, Edward Turek, W4221 Mackville Road, Appleton 54913. JAEGER HAIR AND TATTOO LLC, Jody Lynn Jaeger, 4022 Towne Lakes Cir., Appleton 54913. SBA LOAN CONSULTING LLC, Kent Nelson, 4910 N. Cherryvale Ave., Appleton 54913. FOREVER YOUNG SALON & SPA LLC, Julie Mae Petersen, 32 Fiesta Ct., Appleton 54911. THERAPY 30-MASSAGE FOR YOUR HEALTH LLC, Kelly Watras, W6905 Parkview Dr., Greenville 54942. KEN’S YARD SERVICE LLC, Kenneth Stoffel, N2814 N Road, Hortonville 54944. BROTHERS TRUCKING LLC, Cheryl L. Kuettel, N2057 County Road T, Hortonville 54944. NO LIMITS SIGNS & DESIGN LLC, Bryan Ervin Hohn, W9068 Black Otter Ct., Hortonville 54944. AMY’S NAIL SPA LLC, Xuan T. Nguyen, 330 E. Ann St., Kaukauna 54130. FOX VALLEY CRUZ ROOFING LLC, Cruz Arvizu, 912 Washington St., Little Chute 54140. BRYAN MCEWEN CONCRETE LLC, Bryan McEwen, 4497 Forest Road, Oneida 54155. DAS SECURITY SOLUTIONS LLC, David Steffens, W4100 Stingle Road, Seymour 54165. QUANTUM CABLING LLC, Zachary Ryan Hirn, N8877 County Road Y, Seymour 54165.

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Winnebago County

OPEN TRAILS COUNSELING LLC, Janet Veith, 5558 Grandview Road, Larsen 54947. TRUE CLEANING SERVICES LLC, Jaime Rios Banuelos, 1020 Woodland Pl., Menasha 54952. NORTHEASTERN WISCONSIN ROBOTICS CLUB INC., Joseph A. Polzien, 823 Terrace Ave., Menasha 54952. RELIABLE ROOFERS LLC, Brittany Ann Bohlen, 636 Tayco St., Menasha 54952. WILZKE’S PUB LLC, Barbara Wilson, 528 Milwaukee St., Menasha 54952.

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NNB2B | March 2018 | 33

Who’s News JUNIOR’S ROOFING CORP., J. Oscar Baeza-Urbina, 1106 Woodland Dr., Menasha 54952. KALEKA FARMS LLC, Gurmit Kaleka, 2655 Oakridge Road, Neenah 54956. ALL TRANSPORT SERVICES LLC, Daniel W. Knedle, 623 Knight Ave., Neenah 54956. ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN PARTNERS LLC, Joseph Anthony Azzarello, 3524 Golden Harvest Dr., Neenah 54956. MAXIMUS MOTORS LLC, Cameron Ryan Melzer, 1065 Gillingham Road, Neenah 54956. BPT QUALITY SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS LLC, Terrance P. Buck, 1433 Westwood Dr., Neenah 54956. MYSTIC OAK PHOTOGRAPHY LLC, Erin Jean Brueggen, 3767 County Road FF, Omro 54963. K ANDERSON ACCOUNTING LLC, Kim Anderson, 105 E. River Dr., Omro 54963. FAMILY NAILS AND SPA INC., Quangminh Nguyen, 300 S. Koeller, Oshkosh 54902. STAND FIRM CONSTRUCTIONS LLC, Juanita Medina, 1109 Waugoo, Oshkosh 54901. SUPPLE BAR & BAIT LLC, Jay Patrick Supple, 1621 Congress Ave., Oshkosh 54901. ALGOMA LANDSCAPING AND SNOWPLOWING LLC, Jon C. Daniels, 1419 Central St., Oshkosh 54901. NEVER FORGET FLAG SERVICES LLC, Peter John Smith, 4278 County Road N, Oshkosh 54904. AFTERMARKET FINANCING LLC, Tyler G. Reilly, 3420 Jackson St., Oshkosh 54901. OSHKOSH GLASS COMPANY LLC, Joseph Frank Novotny, 1335 Planeview Dr., Oshkosh 54904. FANNIN PLUMBING LLC, Patrick Fannin, 3467 Oregon St., Oshkosh 54902. FABISCH PLUMBING LLC, Jerome Todd Fabisch, 861 W. 10th Ave., Oshkosh 54902. NURTURE WELLNESS CENTER LLC, Brittany Angela Nennig, 541 W. 9th Ave., Oshkosh 54902.



Building permits

B2B includes a monthly list of building permits (not to include residential projects) in excess of $400,000. NEENAH DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT, 1 Neenah Center, Neenah. $600,000 for an interior renovation of the sixth floor of the existing multi-tenant office building. Contractor listed as self. January 3. VILLAGE OF HOWARD, 2800 Howard Commons, Howard. $16,796,861 for a mixed-use retail and multi-family residential development. General contractor is Altius Building Co. of Milwaukee. January 5. ASSOCIATED BANK, 200 N. Adams St., Green Bay. $750,000 for interior alterations to the existing bank building. General contractor is J.H. Findorff & Son Inc. of Madison. January. BMO HARRIS BANK, 310 W. Walnut St., Green Bay. $600,000 for interior alterations to the second floor of the existing bank building. General contractor is JP Cullen of Janesville. January. BELLIN HEALTH FAMILY MEDICAL CENTER, 1580 Commanche Ave., Ashwaubenon. $2,663,152 for an addition to the existing health care facility. General contractor is IEI General Contractors of De Pere. January. WOW LOGISTICS, 4808 W. Converters Dr., town of Grand Chute. $596,761 for an interior alteration to the existing warehousing facility. General contractor is Utschig Inc. of Greenville. January 18.

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34 | March 2018 | NNB2B

AURORA HEALTH CARE, 2845 Greenbriar Road, Green Bay. $1,562,447 for an interior build out of the third floor neuroscience clinic. General contractor is Miron Construction of Fox Crossing. January. HORIZON PLAZA, 3825 E. Calumet St., Appleton. $689,000 for an interior remodel of the existing multi-tenant retail center. General contractor is Innovative Construction Solutions of Brookfield. January 23. TEAM SERVICES, 5714 Technology Cir., town of Grand Chute. $492,786 for a 5,940-sq. ft. office and warehouse. General contractor is Utschig Inc. of Greenville. January 24. DELTA HOTELS BY MARRIOTT – GREEN BAY, 2750 Ramada Way, Ashwaubenon. $3,000,000 for interior alterations to the existing hotel building. General contractor is Guardian Construction s of Delaware. January. HOLIDAY INN, 150 S. Nicolet Road, town of Grand Chute. $800,000 for various interior alterations to the existing hotel facility. General contractor is Zepeda Hotel Restoration of California. January 31. COMMERCIAL HORIZONS, 3600 Commerce Ct., Appleton. $3,400,000 for a two-story, 24,000-sq. ft. commercial office building. General contractor is Miron Construction of Fox Crossing. January 31. TRIGGER ACTION SPORTS and CR STRUCTURES GROUP, 327 Randolph St., Little Chute. $2,400,000 for a 29,838-sq. ft. multi-tenant commercial building. General contractor is CR Structures Group of Kimberly. January 5. KWIK TRIP, 1650 Freedom Road, Little Chute. $2,000,000 for a convenience store, fuel station canopy and a two-bay car wash. Contractor is self. February 14.

Business honors Future Neenah presented the following partnership awards for 2018: Corporate Citizen of the Year Award to TUNDRALAND of Kaukauna; Friend of Neenah Award to JAKE LAMB/PUMP N’ MUNCH in Neenah; Volunteer of the Year Award to TROY NOEL of Edward Jones in Neenah; Downtown Business of the Year Award to TOWN COUNCIL KITCHEN AND BAR; and Civic Partner of the Year Award to DOTY ISLAND DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL. FAITH TECHNOLOGIES of Menasha ranked No. 33 on Engineering News Record magazine’s 2017 Top 600 Specialty Contractors list. The company jumped five spots in that ranking from 2016. Faith also ranked No. 13 on the electrical firm listing. Envision Greater Fond du Lac presented its 2017 Business Excellence Awards to DREXEL BUILDING SUPPLIES of Campbellsport and FAT JOE’S BAR AND GRILL in Fond du Lac.




New hires WOMEN’S HEALTH SPECIALISTS, S.C. in Appleton hired Julie Meyer, D.O. as an OB/GYN physician. Dr. Meyer has more than 10 years of experience as an OB/GYN physician, previously working in the UP Health System in Hancock, Mich. The GREEN BAY PACKERS hired Charlie Millerwise as director of development and hospitality. Millerwise will be involved in the daily operations at the Titletown District development and also oversees all food and beverage and events at Lambeau Field. Millerwise previously worked as vice president of innovation and concepts at Delaware North Sportservice since 2006, where he also served as general manager of all food and beverage service at Lambeau Field. Oshkosh advertising agency CANDEO CREATIVE hired Chad Fulwiler as account services director, Colleen Bies as traffic and finance manager and Cassie Murray as media buyer. Fulwiler has nearly 30 years of marketinga and business development experience, having previously worked as an independent marketing consultant. Bies has more than a decade of managerial experience with the U.S. Army National Guard and Wisconsin Army National Guard, and ran her own business for nearly a decade. Murray previously worked five years as a regional marketing representative for Biolife Plasma Services. THE FOX CITIES PERFORMING ARTS CENTER in Appleton hired Lisa Shovan as its chief financial officer. Shovan has 20 years of accounting and administrative experience, most recently serving as vice president for administration and finance at a state university in New York. ORTHOPEDIC & SPORTS MEDICINE SPECIALISTS in Green Bay hired Darin Schumacher as its marketing manager. Schumacher worked the past six years in marketing roles for Dental Associates. FOX VALLEY PRO BASKETBALL named Deb Allison-Aasby as senior vice president at Menominee Nation Arena in Oshkosh. In addition to her new duties, Allison-Aasby retains her role as a financial planner and relationship manager for Windward Wealth Strategies in Oshkosh, where she’s worked since April 2017. PREVEA HEALTH added Dr. Karen Nelson as a cardiothoracic surgeon at HSHS St. Vincent Hospital in Green Bay and added Dr. Rishi Subbarayan as a vascular surgeon at the Prevea Allouez Health Center. PIEPER ELECTRIC, INC. – HITECH AUTOMATION in Neenah hired Luke Rein, Sr. as an account manager. BAYLAND BUILDINGS in Green Bay hired Jordan Birshbach as a project superintendent, Kevin Verheyen in agriculture business development and preconstruction, and Michael Conroy in sales for the company’s Agristeel division.




NNB2B | March 2018 | 35

Who’s News









KERBER ROSE, S.C. named Jamie Rosin, CPA as a shareholder in the firm’s Appleton office. Rosin has more than 10 years of accounting and auditing experience.

STACY E. JEPSON, an environmental project engineer with Martenson and Eisele, Inc. in Menasha, was certified as a Wisconsin DNR Assured Wetland Delineator. She joins a group of less than 25 assured wetland delineators in the state.

BREAKTHROUGH FUEL in Green Bay promoted Doug Mueller to president and CEO. Mueller joined Breakthrough Fuel in 2007. The GREEN BAY PACKERS promoted Jason Wahlers to vice president of communications. Wahlers joined the Packers in 2011 as director of public relations. Prior to joining Green Bay, he worked as the Tampa Bay Buccaneers public relations manager for six years. SHAPES UNLIMITED, INC. in Little Chute promoted Victor Thern to general manager, Michelle Gietman to vice president of marketing, and Joe VandeVen to vice president of engineering & design. Thern has beenwith Shapes Unlimited for 29 years, while Gietman has been with the company for 18 years. BAYLAND BUILDINGS in Green Bay promoted the following employees: Abe Farley to chief executive officer; Chad Calmes to chief operating officer; Roger Thiel to vice president of engineering services; William Aubrey to vice president of architectural services; Steve Wenninger to vice president of fulfillment; Shawn Mueller to vice president of acquisitions; Dean Hunt to vice president of marketing and business development; Chris Stevenson to project superintendent; John Newman to project executive for agricultural sales; Nick Van Lanen to project executive for commercial markets; Jill Peeters to commercial/industrial marketing specialist; and Ashley Ambrosius Werner to agricultural marketing and customer relations.

Individual awards Envision Greater Fond du Lac presented its 2017 Volunteer of the Year Award to STEVE LEAMAN of Horicon Bank in Fond du Lac and presented a Lifetime Achievement Award to DR. DAROLD TREFFERT, M.D. of Agnesian HealthCare’s Treffert Center in Fond du Lac.


36 | March 2018 | NNB2B



Business calendar

New North B2B encourages businesses and organizations looking to attract interested persons to upcoming events to email MARCH 6 Greater Green Bay Chamber Power Networking Breakfast, 7:30 to 9 a.m. at the chamber office, 300 N. Broadway, Ste. 3A in Green Bay. No cost to attend for chamber members and $35 for nonmembers. For more information, visit or email MARCH 7 Envision Fond du Lac Area Coffee Connection, 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. at Autumn’s Closet, 812 S. Main St. in Fond du Lac. Cost to attend is $5 for members. For more information or to register, visit MARCH 7 Greater Green Bay Chamber Lunch n’ Learn – “People Are Scary: Our Defenses and Other Barriers to Conflict Resolution,” 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Hall of Fame Chophouse, 1004 Brett Favre Pass in Green Bay. Cost to attend is $15 for chamber members and $35 for nonmembers. For more information, visit or email MARCH 8 Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce Breakfast Briefing: “Legal Staffing Options in a Full Employment Economy,” 7:30 to 9 a.m. at the law firm of von Briesen & Roper, 2905 Universal St. in Oshkosh. No cost to attend. For more information or to register, call 920.303.2266 or go online to

Van Lanen



MARCH 8 Women in Management – Oshkosh chapter monthly meeting, 11:15 a.m. to 1 p.m. at La Sure’s Banquet Hall, 3125 S. Washburn St. in Oshkosh. Cost to attend is $12 for members or $15 for nonmembers. For more information or to register, visit www. or email Susan at MARCH 13 Heart of the Valley Chamber of Commerce Business Before Hours, 8 to 9 a.m. at the chamber office, 101 E. Wisconsin Ave. in Kaukauna. No cost to attend. For more information or to register, visit MARCH 13 Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce Connection Breakfast, 7:30 to 9 a.m. at the chamber office, 120 Jackson St. in Oshkosh. No cost to attend for members. For more information or to register, call 920.303.2266 or go online to MARCH 14 Greater Green Bay Chamber Business After Hours, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at YMCA, 235 N. Jefferson St. in Green Bay. No cost to attend for members and $35 for nonmembers. For more information, contact Micky at MARCH 14 Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours, 5 to 7 p.m. at Benvenuto’s Italian Grill, 300 S. Koeller St. in Oshkosh. Cost to attend is $6 for members and $20 for nonmembers. For more information or to register, call 920.303.2266 or go online to MARCH 15 Heart of the Valley Chamber of Commerce Business Card Exchange, 8 to 9 a.m. at St. Joseph Food Program, 1465A Opportunity Way in Menasha. No cost to attend for members. For more information or to register, visit MARCH 20 Financial Executives International of Northeastern Wisconsin chapter meeting, 2 to 7:30 p.m. at Radisson Conference Center, 2040 Airport Dr. in Green Bay. Speaker is John McHugh, director of corporate communications, leadership development and Ttraining at Kwik Trip Inc. For information or to register, visit

MARCH 20 Heart of the Valley Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours, 5 to 7 p.m. at Gerhards, 2100 W. College Ave. in Appleton. No cost to attend for members and $30 for nonmembers. For information or to register, visit MARCH 27 Business Owners Sharing Solutions, a networking event sponsored by Epiphany Law LLC, 5 to 6:30 p.m. at Holidays Pub and Grill, 1395 W. American Dr. in Neenah. Speaker Attorney Kevin Eismann of Epiphany Law will address any legal-related topics from attendees. Cost is $10 and includes pizza and soda. For more information or to register, visit or contact Shannon at 920.996.0000 or MARCH 28 A.M. Oshkosh, a morning networking event from the Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce, 7:45 to 9 a.m. at Boys & Girls Club, 501 E. Parkway Ave. in Oshkosh. Cost to attend is $2 for chamber members and $2 for nonmembers. For more information or to register, call 920.303.2266 or go online to APRIL 3 Greater Green Bay Chamber Power Networking Breakfast, 7:30 to 9 a.m. at the chamber office, 300 N. Broadway, Ste. 3A in Green Bay. No cost to attend for chamber members and $35 for nonmembers. For more information, visit or email APRIL 4 Envision Fond du Lac Area Coffee Connection, 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. at Haentze Floral, 658 Fond du Lac Ave. in Fond du Lac. Cost to attend is $5 for members. For more information or to register, visit APRIL 12 Heart of the Valley Chamber of Commerce Business Before Hours, 8 to 9 a.m. at the chamber office, 101 E. Wisconsin Ave. in Kaukauna. No cost to attend for members. For more information or to register, visit APRIL 12 Heart of the Valley Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours, 5 to 7 p.m. at Prime Steer Supper Club, 704 Hyland Ave. in Kaukauna. No cost to attend for members. For more information or to register, visit n

Thank you

to the advertisers who made the March 2018 issue of New North B2B possible. Bank First National x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

The Maple Pub x . . . . . . . . . . 9

Bayland Buildings x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Millennium Construction Inc. x . . . . . . 30

Caliber Law, s.c. x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

National Exchange Bank & Trust x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Candeo Creative x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Network Health x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Consolidated Construction Company x . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

NWTC Corporate Training & Economic Development x

Fox Valley Technical College x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Guident Business Solutions x . . . . . . . 14

Oshkosh Public Museum x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Hoffman Planning, Design & Construction x . . . . . . . . . . 19

Prevea LeadWell x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Investors Community Bank x . . . . . . . . 26

Sadoff Electronics Recycling x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

J. F. Ahern x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Stolley Studio x stolley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Keller Inc. x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Strang, Patteson, Renning, Lewis & Lacy x . . . . 34

NNB2B | March 2018 | 37

Key Statistics

If there are indicators you’d like to see in this space, contact our office at 920.237.0254 or email



Per gallon of regular unleaded gasoline.


FEBRUARY 18. . . . . . . $2.41 FEBRUARY 11. . . . . . . $2.43 FEBRUARY 4. . . . . . . . $2.47 JANUARY 28. . . . . . . . $2.48 FEBRUARY 18, 2017. . $2.17

$492.0 BILLION 0.3% from December 3.6% from January 2017

Source: New North B2B observations




(2012 = 100)

HOMES SOLD MEDIAN PRICE BROWN County .................150.......................$175,000 FOND du LAC County .........68 ......................$156,500 OUTAGAMIE County ......... 115 ......................$158,000 WINNEBAGO County ........121.......................$129,900 WI DEPT. REVENUE COLLECTIONS



0.1% from December 3.7% from January 2017 AIR PASSENGER TRAFFIC


$1.627 BILLION 9.4% from December FY 2017

(Local enplanements) JAN. 2018 JAN. 2017 Appleton Int’l ATW..................... 25,424..........21,415 Austin Straubel GRB.....................22,429 .......20,331

LOCAL UNEMPLOYMENT DECEMBER NOV. DEC. ‘16 APPLETON ........2.5% .......2.6% ........ 3.5% FOND du LAC ....2.4% .......2.5% ........ 3.2% GREEN BAY........2.7% ...... 2.8% .........3.7% NEENAH .............2.4% ...... 2.4%......... 3.3% OSHKOSH ..........2.4% .......2.7% ........ 3.2% WISCONSIN .......2.7% .......2.7% .........3.7%

NATURAL GAS PRICES Prices for small businesses using less than 20,000 therms. Listed price is per therm.

FEBRUARY....................$0.519 JANUARY..................... $0.494 FEBRUARY 2017...........$0.491 Source: Wisconsin Public Service

ISM INDEX Numbers above 50 mean expansion. Numbers below 50 mean contraction. JANUARY . . . . . . . . . 59.1 DECEMBER. . . . . . . . 59.3

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38 | March 2018 | NNB2B

My name is Chris, and I work at Network Health.

We have members who rely on us to take good care of them, and that has to be in the forefront of everything we do.

Chris, volunteer firefighter and vice president of finance at Network Health

Network Health is more than your typical health plan. We’re a locally owned, Wisconsin-based company that’s been around for more than three decades. We partner with and live in the communities we serve, helping our members live healthier lives while reducing their health care costs. | 800-276-8004

HMO plans underwritten by Network Health Plan. POS plans underwritten by Network Health Insurance Corporation, or Network Health Insurance Corporation and Network Health Plan. Self-insured plans administered by Network Health Administrative Services, LLC.


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