Newsletter ‘PERIOD’ Issue IV

As we launched into the 2024 legislative session, our united front has been palpable. Our boots-on-theground approach in Albany, engaging with influential figures like Senate Majority Leader Andrea StewartCousins and Deputy Minority Leader Mike Gianaris, has set a solid foundation for our 2024 advocacy initiatives.
In a landmark move, we orchestrated a virtual lobby for the SVSTA, championing the cause that sex work is indeed legitimate work that demands decriminalization Foremost in our agenda is the critical need for the expungement of criminal records related to sex work, a barrier that disproportionately hinders the progress of TGNCNBI individuals within black and brown communities.
Looking ahead, we're gearing up for the GIRDS Day of Action on April 9th, in collaboration with the Trans Prisoners Rights Coalition. This will be a pivotal moment at the state capitol, as we unite our voices with elected officials.
Our efforts have already started to bear fruit, as reflected in the senate aid to localities budget S.830B, which now boasts an additional $2 million earmarked for the Lorena Borjas Transgender Wellness and Equity Fund. Moreover, the executive budget is set to allocate $1 million towards workforce development for TGNCNBI New Yorkers, a move we owe in large part to Senator Brad Hoylman's unwavering support and investment in this transformative initiative.
Let's continue this momentum Your support, voice, and action are crucial as we forge ahead in making tangible changes for the TGNCNBI community Together, we're not just advocating; we're making history.
It is imperative that we unite and advocate for the passage of the GIRDS Act. Your support and participation are crucial in making a meaningful difference Sign up today to join us in Albany and be a part of this historic movement for equality and justice.
Join the New Pride Agenda on April 9th as we stand in solidarity with the Trans Prisoners Rights Coalition of New York at the state's capital Our collective effort aims to champion the Gender Identity Respect, Dignity, and Safety (GIRDS) Act. This pivotal legislation, once passed in New York, will ensure that jails and prisons provide a safe environment for transgender, non-binary, and intersex individuals by housing them in accordance with their gender identity. Furthermore, the GIRDS Act will guarantee access to gender-affirming medical care and personal items, addressing the urgent needs of these communities within the correctional system.
Currently, the vast majority of transgender, gender non-conforming, non-binary, and intersex (TGNCNBI) individuals are not housed in accordance with their gender identity in New York State prisons, leading to alarmingly high rates of violence and sexual assault Shockingly, 50% of Black transgender women have reported being incarcerated at some point in their lives.
TGNCNBI individuals often face additional discrimination, heightened police scrutiny, and surveillance based on race, gender, and immigration status
On March 18th, the NEW Pride Agenda hosted an online community forum about the Nassau County executive order that was issued in February to ban trans girls and women from playing sports in county-run facilities and fields. We were joined by attorneys Gabriella Larios from the New York Civil Liberties Union, Omar GonzalezPagan from Lambda Legal, and Kyle Rapiñan from the New York State Attorney General’s Office. The speakers discussed the ways the executive order violates New York's civil rights and human rights law, the detrimental impact that sports bans have on the trans community, and updates on the legal challenges their offices are using to strike down the executive order. Our speakers also addressed questions and concerns from the audience members. To file complaints or find legal assistance, community members are invited to use the following resources:
NYS Civil Rights Bureau Complaint Form
NYS Division of Human Rights Complaint Procedure
Lambda Legal's Help Desk
NYC Commission on Human Rights Complaint Form
NYCLU's Legal Assistance Request Form
The NEW Pride Agenda (NPA) Advocacy Coalition Call, or 'ACC', is designed to unify LGBTQ+ community members, organizers, and allies from both Upstate and Downstate New York. With a focus on enhancing civic engagement and advancing political education initiatives, this monthly virtual gathering (running from March to October) aims to strengthen our statewide network. Key outcomes include fostering a robust presence of LGBTQ+ NPA Advocacy Champions across New York, initiating our Advocacy Leadership Development Program, and deepening knowledge on legislative matters affecting the LGBTQ+ community. Additionally, the ACC will support the 'Gearing Up' Community Forums Tour through collaborative facilitation efforts. Led by Brittan Hardgers and Faris Ilyas, this initiative welcomes all LGBTQ+ New Yorkers and allies committed to the journey 'Towards Equity', including community members, leaders, and coalition builders.
1. **Advocacy and Policy Change**: To contribute to and amplify efforts in advocating for policy changes that ensure housingequityandrightsforLGBTQ+individuals.
2. **Community Support and Solidarity**: To show solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community and support initiatives that address the unique housing challenges faced by queer individuals,includingdiscriminationandhomelessness.
3. **Resource Sharing and Collaboration**: To pool resources, share best practices, and collaborate on initiatives that can more effectively address the housing needs of LGBTQ+ individuals.
4. **Increased Visibility and Impact**: To be part of a collective voice that has a greater impact on public awareness and policychangethanindividualorganizationsmighthavealone
5. **Education and Awareness**: To engage in and promote educationaleffortsthatincreaseawarenessaboutthespecific housing issues faced by the LGBTQ+ community and the importanceofinclusiveandaffirminghousingpolicies.
6. **Networking and Community Building**: To connect with other organizations and individuals dedicated to LGBTQ+ rights, creating a stronger and more unified front in the fight againsthousingdiscriminationandinequality.
We firmly believe that housing is a fundamental human right, yet LGBTQ+ New Yorkers face disproportionately high rates of homelessness, with the numbers rising each day. In response, we seek partnerships with organizations committed to our cause, aiming to guarantee the effective implementation of the Housing Acts Voucher Program.
Sign up for NPA's Quarterly Organizing newsletter, PERIOD, to be in the know of all things advocacy and organizing related in NYS.
Make sure you view the 2024 Legislative Calendar in Albany to be aware of when you can arrange to meet your elected officials in person, to share what matters to you as a constituent.
Learn who your State Senator and Assemblymember are, so you can know who represents you in Albany.
Join our new monthly statewide Advocacy Coalition Calls (ACC), where we dive into the latest issues impacting LGBTQ New Yorkers and plug you into local advocacy opportunities in your area.
Attend our upcoming GIRDS Day of Action in Albany on April 9th, 2024
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all of our 2024 Community Agenda Endorsement Partners. Through our collective efforts, we are poised to significantly amplify our impact and champion equity for every member of the LGBTQ+ community across New York.
Over the past two years, the New Pride Agenda has embraced a democratized approach to identify our annual legislative priorities This method, powered by the contributions of hundreds of LGBTQ+ New Yorkers, allies, and accomplices, has been instrumental in launching the 2024 legislative session. Our success in steering dialogues with elected officials on behalf of the community is a direct result of this inclusive, statewide community ballot initiative.
2024 By:
Jocelyn milan1. Fucked My Way Up To The Top - Lana Del Rey
2. Government Hooker - Lady Gaga
3. Get Mine, Get Yours - Xtina
4. Cinderella - Mac Miller
5. Lady Marmalade - Xtina, Pink, Mya, Missy Elliot & Lil Kim
6. Work it - Missy Elliot
7. Rake it Up - Yo Gotti feat. Nicki Minaj
8. Kream - Iggy Azalea feat. Tyga
9. Get On Your Knees - Nicki Minaj Feat. Ariana Grande
10. Dirty Sexy Money - Afro Jack and
Notetoreader:TheSexTradesActisoftenshroudedinviolence andmisconceptionsaboutsexwork.Recognizingthesignificance andresiliencewithinthisprofession,we'vecuratedaplaylistto honortherichhistoryandongoingpresenceofsexwork, emphasizingthatsexworkisindeedvalidwork.Afteraday dedicatedtoadvocatingfortransformation,letthisplaylistserve asareminderofthestrengthanddignitywithinthesexwork community.Decriminalizingsexworkisacrucialsteptowards ensuringthenecessaryprotectionsandrightsforthosewithinthe industry.
The definition of equity is fairness and justice. In an unfair world where justice isn’t always served that can seem so out of reach, but is it really?
Why is it so difficult to love and respect one another for the sake of humanity?
We have dealt with so much division due to skin color, gender, sexuality and political or religious views and I feel we should and can get to a space where equality and fairness worldwide is the narrative.
We’ve spent enough time dissecting, segregating, and focusing on all of our differences.
For the sake of being human and being apart of the human experience I think we owe each other fairness.
To have love for each other with no buts, to stand with each other when threatened by our enemies, to protect each other as brother and sister.
We need to open our hearts and minds to understanding that we need each other and without each other we won’t stand a chance at creating true change.
Fairness is a hard promise to keep because we’ve accepted that “life isn’t fair” but life can evolve.
So many changes have been made and I believe more change can and will be created.
I pray to see the day where love is the only truth, where love is the only reason and where love is the only way.
We began the year by hosting a virtual Townhall focused on promoting equity across the state During this event, we listened to insights from policy leaders regarding legislation that affects LGBTQ+ individuals in New York in 2024. Additionally, this event served as the launchpad for our 2024 LGBTQ+ Community Ballot Initiative.
This year marked the introduction of a new initiative. During these forums, we celebrated the achievements of 2023 and delved into future legislative priorities, offering guidance on ways to participate. Recognizing the importance of a statewide presence, we ensured that these discussions took place in upstate New York, emphasizing the significance of involving this region in crucial conversations and civic activities.
For the second consecutive year, we've embraced a democratic process to establish our legislative priorities for 2024. Your contributions have been invaluable, and we want to extend our heartfelt thanks for your engagement.
On February 6, we organized a comprehensive statewide advocacy event, featuring an array of workshops, networking opportunities, and panel discussions focused on the critical issues facing LGBTQ+ New Yorkers. By bringing together individuals from across the state in this dynamic environment, we fostered a collective power aimed at driving meaningful progress for the queer and trans communities in New York.
The "Mapping Hate in a Safe State" campaign by the NPA Mapping Project aims to transform the narrative around bias-related incidents affecting TGNC youth, families, and LGBTQ+ individuals in New York State through visualization. The initiative focuses on data collection, creating supportive spaces, enhancing resources, and advocating for robust policies and protective measures for the community Liz Edman from the Office of the State Comptroller has played a key role as a collaborator in the project It's important to note that the project is ongoing, and data may be subject to updates, potentially not encompassing all incidents.
If any worse case scenario happens, and one finds themselves or someone else they know that ends up homeless and needs help finding a place to go, here are some numbers that can help based on where in NYS they are:
Statewide Housing Information; If you or someone you know is in need of emergency shelters in NYS call:
Saratoga Springs: (518) 581-1097
Kingston : (845)334- 5440
Poughkeepsie: (845) 454-5176
Middletown: (845) 343-7115
Orange County: (845) 342-3978
Eden: (716) 992-4972
Dutchess County: (845) 473 –5166
Albany : (518) 463-2124
New Rochelle : (914) 654-2190
Syracuse Homeless Services: (315) 449-3552 / (315) 472-6251
Buffalo Homeless Services : (716) 834-3131 / (716) 858-6265
Rochester, NY: (585) 753 – 2780
Affirmations for
I am confident and comfortable in my own skin.
I am deserving of the love I give so freely I am creating a life that aligns with my purpose I accept and love my body and understand that I am a work in progress I respond to turbulence with grace a and calmness .
I am far more than how they made me feel.
I am attracting people who are good for my life. I trust my intuition.
I am worthy of love, respect, and happiness.
I am disciplined and focused. I learn from past mistakes and forgive myself. I am deserving of a healthy love.
I am surrounded by support.
I am aligned with my purpose and passion. I trust in the divine timing of my life.
I am a powerful creator.
I am confident in expressing my authentic self. I am open to better possibilities.
I am confident in my ability to obtain success.
I am self-aware and I will not let the fear or failure or judgment hold me back. I am worthy of the life I dream of.
I am courageous enough to walk away. I choose each day to live in joy.
I am going to get myself exactly where I want to be.
Mon., March 18 – Fri., March 22, 2024
This year's theme speaks to the VITAL need for VIBRANT and diverse VOICES to address LGBTQ health issues through awareness, education, and advocacy!
Did you know that according to the CDC… – from 2017 to 2021, primary and secondary syphilis rates rose 72% in the US and rose 48% in New York State
– New York State also has some of the highest cases of Chlamydia with 97,722 cases in 2023 alone.
Did you know that according to the New York State Department of Health…
You can take care of yourself and still have fun! We are committed to helping everybody stay safe and stay connected to care. Sexual health is getting better with more resources and access. NPA’s linkage to care program can connect you to providers in your area.
Did you know that according to the office of New York Comptroller..
In 2023, almost 32% of adults in New York reported symptoms of anxiety and/or depressionand every year, more than 1 in 5 New Yorkers has symptoms of a mental disorder.
If you wanna find out more about your sexual health, reach out to New Pride Agenda – we got you covered!
– New York’s opioid overdose death rates exceeded national rates in 2020 and 2021 (opioid overdose deaths increased 38% nationally and 44% in New York Stat in these years)
….fatalities and death rates among Africa Americans increased about five-fold (wit over 200 deaths in 2010 to over 1,000 deaths in 2020),
….while fatalities death rates among Whites almost tripled (over 1300 in 20 to over 3800 in 2020); fatalities and death rates among Hispanic or Latino New Yorkers quadrupled, (with over 180 dea in 2010 to over 1200 deaths in 2020)