Literary Work
How Should You Heal? VIVIAN MARTINEZ
How does one start on the path to happiness? Is there a formula for this? Is there a one-step way to healing? – The process appears impossible especially at times of sadness. Perhaps, healing begins when a person transforms himself into something other than his or her own sentiments. However, when viewed from a broader viewpoint, the world is a man-made realm of psychodrama that drags you away from its true nature. Time, for example, is one factor that influences the process of healing. The majority of it pushes you to places where light is not shed, attacking weak spots that disrupt your equilibrium; physical, emotional, and mental energy. Firstly, most people equate healing solely with its physical element, ignoring the factors that contribute to it as a whole. Traditionally, this has only been possible because of cultural knowledge. Until recently, recovery was heavily centered on one’s emotional strength and was given the most care, much like asthma or any other dangerous ailment. Knowingly, there are those people who pray while others observe rules, fast or meditate. Though healing has always been linked to one’s faith or belief in something from previous generations, everyone’s path is valid even in ways that provide their own connection to their own god. We must all recognize the fact that everyone has their own manner of approaching god. Parallel to how a patient chooses a doctor who shares his or her own core beliefs. Meanwhile, healing may take its journey in the form of physical feelings. People injure themselves in order to experience a scolding sensation, which makes them be aware of the thoughts that are preventing them from moving forward. Other individuals would go about transforming themselves and see no harm, but our bodies are so intelligent that these sensations would have a significant impact on one’s healing route. Because there are those that see things like this regardless
of the repercussions. Being able to associate these things would give meaning to the fundamental pillars of emotional sustenance, thus an essential part to feed emotional, physical and mental hunger. Similarly, accepting one’s pain is a necessary step towards recovery. Understanding its fundamental reason is a crucial step for progress. As human beings, we are designed to overcome the hardships that will establish a barrier in the way of our progress. We give a nuance of hope to one’s existence in this way, a method to resuscitate the drowning into deep pain. Healing otherwise does not give you a set of rules to follow, nor tell you to overcome hard situations in this type of way. It does the contrary, it is safe to say that this is on the foundation that directs your own pacing on things and not by means of how it is perceived by other people. It is important that we may be able to break down like a puzzle and enter juggling one’s struggle and break into shattered pieces. It is significant to choose how we clean, HOW WE HEAL. So, HOW SHOULD YOU, WE HEAL? The answer is, no one knows. No one ever dared to know. Because the process makes it a guilty pleasure, it will never be an issue if one may want to take a long peak of it. Indulgence to grit will help you determine your focus on healing and progress thus reclaiming your confidence of overcoming it through time. We should in a way declare how we want to rearm ourselves through putting order on those that allocate a big factor on our own thoughts, will and ideas. The decision of moving forward from something that kept you stagnant for a long period of time may be hard to handle but will be worth it.