To-Read List New Reader Media, a creative marketing firm working in partnership with New Reader Magazine, takes on the challenge of bookmarking emerging voices in the indie publishing world. Presented in no particular order, here’s New Reader Media’s reading list for this quarter of 2020!
The Adventures of Charlie Chipmunk MICHAEL J. RUBEL For most creatures, making one's way in the world can be hard even when life seems better than most days. It's a whole other story for Charlie Chipmunk who thinks it's downright scary. Follow along as he grows and learns through his adventures to find a mate and his place in the world.
What on Earth Are You?: In Heaven's Name RICHARD H. PALMQUIST An engaging read containing commentaries exploring personality aspects relating to God and to society. Palmquist shows how defining the inner workings of one's relationships with God and friends play a part in creating a favorable quality of life.