Literary Work
The Perfect Bouquet WINSTON DERDEN
I’d like a bloom that says, “This is a tentative opening, but hopeful,” a stem that says, “I don’t know how long I can keep this up.” Blossoms that say, “I’m hypoallergenic, “quite safe to be around.” Maybe more than a few of those. Ferns and greenery, full and lush — baby’s breath may be presumptuous. No arrangements with thorns, I bleed easily, should the flowers be returned. And, please, perhaps for later, an additive for the water that won’t let buds decay.
Winston Derden is a poet and fiction writer residing in Houston, Texas. His poetry has appeared in journals including Blue Collar Review, Big River Poetry Review, Barbaric Yawp, Soft Cartel, Plum Tree Tavern, Literary Yard, Ekphrastic Review, and numerous anthologies. He holds a BA and an MA from the University of Texas, Austin.