Literary Work
The Itsy-Bitsy Dream Catcher BILL ARNOTT
Sun peers from horizon sparrow’s two-note song day breaks, a promise of heat sensory start of summer
Solitary thread to guys wire, rope, and anchor line high to low, starboard to port rudimentary pagan cross
A spin, a spindle, a strand knit, purl, reef and square cloven hitches, granny knots embroidered into a matrix
Moist morning air jasmine, lilac someone mows a lawn crows carry on, conversing
Between guy-lines, connectors a structural frame takes form glinting silver, sunrise dew subtlest vibrating thrum
Working toward a center unseen an octet weaves as one, this trapping trapeze an open mouth net yawning airborne weir
Outside our front door something new unfolds artisanal architect construction underway
Alchemic straight starts to curve turns to round, the touch of fly-tied fibers cinched in solidity
Commenced, concluded, completed a hunter-gatherer space in time. Yet all I see is a catcher of dreams and wonder what wonders it holds