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Section A
Wisconsin Newspaper Association 2012 Large Weekly Division
EAGLE RIVER, WI 54521 • (715) 479-4421 • vcnewsreview.com
VOL. 127, NO. 10
Memorial Day, muskie opener to boost North Woods tourism ___________ BY GARY RIDDERBUSCH NEWS-REVIEW EDITOR
The multimillion-dollar tourism industry is expected to get a big boost this week with the three-day Memorial Day weekend and the opening of the muskie fishing season on North Woods lakes. By far the highlight of May tourism, Memorial Day weekend signals the end of the school year and the start of the summer vacation season are just around the corner. Figures released earlier this month by the Wisconsin Department of Tourism highlight the economic impact of travelers in Vilas and Oneida counties, where tourists spent $353 million in 2010. In addition to the three-
day weekend for many vacationers who will visit the North Woods for community events or to open their cottage or summer home for the summer, many will come here to fish for muskies as the season opens this Saturday, May 26. Terry Margenau, a Department of Natural Resources (DNR) fisheries supervisor, says that now is an exciting time to be a muskie angler in Wisconsin as the new 40-inch muskie size limit takes effect. “Twenty-five years ago, our muskie populations were growing in numbers, but many fish were midsized, or 32 to 36 inches long,” he said. “However, with the continued practice of live release by sport anglers and more restrictive regulations, there
has been a shift toward more larger fish — what the muskie angler wants.” That growing catch-andrelease ethic has made a big difference that anglers this year will enjoy, he said. “Over the past several years, our crews are seeing more and more 30-pluspound fish in our nets, not to mention that occasional 40pounder and larger,” said Margenau. “Some of our populations in the north have more than 50% of the adult muskie population over 40 inches. This is an exciting time to be a muskie angler in Wisconsin — expect some big things with a little hard work in 2012.” New size limit The new 40-inch size limit is in effect statewide and
applies to 94% of muskie waters in Wisconsin, Tim Simonson, DNR fish biologist who chairs the DNR’s muskie committee, said. There are 41 waters that continue to have either lower size limits or higher size limits. The daily bag limit for muskellunge is one on all waters statewide, except Escanaba Lake in Vilas County (no daily bag limit) and Yellowstone Lake in Lafayette County (daily bag limit is 0). Simonson says the new size limit, increased from 34 inches the past decade, will allow muskie populations to better reach their full biological growth potential. “Angler harvest is low, but even low harvest of the larger fish still impacts the averTo BUSINESS, Pg. 8A
Three Lakes, Phelps to host graduations ___________ BY ANTHONY DREW NEWS-REVIEW ASST. EDITOR
Seniors at Three Lakes and Phelps high schools will receive their diplomas this weekend, while Northland Pines High School will have commencement ceremonies in two weeks. Indoor ceremonies are set for Friday, May 25, at 7 p.m. at Three Lakes and Saturday, May 26, at 2 p.m. at Phelps. Northland Pines in Eagle River will hold its graduation ceremony Sunday, June 3. The details of the graduation ceremonies at Three Lakes and Phelps are as follows: Three Lakes The Three Lakes grad-
uation ceremony for 46 seniors will begin at 7 p.m. in the high school gymnaTo SENIORS, Pg. 2A
Two Vilas panels approve Hwy. A for ATV route Supervisors agree on 2-year trial period ___________ BY KEN ANDERSON NEWS CORRESPONDENT
NESTING TIME — A common loon settled in on its nest, made out of reeds and grasses on the edge of the water. Boaters this
Former Vilas leader, Marquardt, dies at 98 ___________ BY JOE COSTANZA SPECIAL TO THE NEWS-REVIEW
Charles L. Marquardt Jr., a longtime town of St. Germain resident who was active in Vilas County politics and community service for more than 40 years, died Thursday, May 17, 2012. He was 98. Marquardt, known to his many friends and former colleagues as “Chuck” or “Charlie,” was a member of the Vilas County Board of Supervisors for 32 years, representing St. Germain’s Ward 1. Until his retirement in 2004, he served on five county board committees — Advertising and Publicity, Forestry and Recreation, Law Enforcement, Legislative and Judicial, and Finance and Budget. For 25 years, he chaired the county Planning and Zoning Committee. Before service on the Vilas County Board, Marquardt was elected St. Germain town
chairman for two terms from 1967 to 1971. He also was a member of the Vilas County Chamber of Commerce. “Everyone remembers To MARQUARDT, Pg. 3A
INSIDE THIS ISSUE Anglers offered muskie tips n Muskie experts say anglers should use small baits early in the season. Pg. 11A
Memorial Day weekend are reminded to keep their distance from loon nests. —Staff Photo By KURT KRUEGER
The Vilas County Highway Committee, meeting jointly with the county Forestry and Land Committee, voted 8-1 last Friday to draft a resolution to allow allterrain vehicles (ATV) on a portion of Highway A in Phelps. That vote came after supervisors discussed the Phelps town ordinance that eliminated Highway E from the town’s ATV route proposal and set a two-year trial on the ATV route system — the first in Vilas County. With committees approving the draft resolution, the county board, at its next meeting, will consider allow-
ing use of ATVs on Highway A for a two-year trial period. County board Chairman Steve Favorite cast the only negative vote. Vilas County recreation trail coordinator Dale Mayo and county highway commissioner Jarred Maney told the committees and the standing-room-only crowd that Highway E had no connectivity with any other trail or route, but that Forest County had extended use of Highway A in the town of Alvin to the Vilas County line, thereby providing connectivity. Mayo and Maney also conTo ATV, Pg. 8A
Veterans to be honored Memorial Day programs set across North Society of Wisconsin and the Greater Milwaukee Fire/Police Pipes and Drums; area Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts offering poppies at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, a fallen soldier memorial delivered by Jensen; and a performance by the Northland Pines High School choir. The ceremony will close with a cannon salute, the benediction from Trosien, a rifle salute by Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 8637 and the playing of taps. The choir will conclude the program with “God Bless America.”
Men and women who died in military action for their country will be remembered during Memorial Day services Monday, May 28, in communities across the North Woods. Veterans, area residents, government officials and North Woods visitors are welcome to attend all the ceremonies. Veterans organizations in Eagle River, Three Lakes, Land O’ Lakes, Phelps, St. Germain and Rhinelander have provided the following details of Memorial Day weekend programs. St. Germain’s program will be Sunday, May 27. Eagle River The Eagle River Memorial Day ceremony is scheduled for Monday, May 28, at 11 a.m. at Veterans Memorial Park (front grounds of the Vilas County Courthouse) in Eagle River. Ceremony participants are asked to assemble at 10:45 a.m. at the park. The program will be held rain or shine. The program will open with the Northland Pines High School band performing “The Star-Spangled Banner.” Following a cannon salute from the 8th Wisconsin Artillery, The Rev. William Trosien will lead the opening prayer. The master of cere-
North Woods residents and visitors will attend Memorial Day services and visit veterans memorials in communities across Vilas and Oneida counties Monday. —STAFF PHOTO
monies will be retired U.S. Army 1st Sgt. Scott Jensen. Retired U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. John M. Erpenbach
will be the guest speaker. Other highlights will include bagpipe music by Tom McKale of the Emerald
Three Lakes Memorial Day in Three Lakes will be observed Monday, May 28, with a program at the Three Lakes Cemetery preceded by a solemn procession down Superior Street, beginning at 10 a.m. The procession will include the American Legion Color Guard and Firing Squad, the Three Lakes High School band and the traditional riderless horse provided by Ginny Sidlowski. Three Lakes American Legion Post 431 Commander Mike Silber will be the main speaker. Other speakers will be Three Lakes To SERVICES, Pg. 2A