Judged as Wisconsin’s Wisconsin Newspaper Association 2012 Large Weekly Division
Section A
VOL. 127, NO. 13
EAGLE RIVER, WI 54521 • (715) 479-4421 • vcnewsreview.com
Walker wins historic recall over Barrett Vilas and Oneida voters Give support to governor ___________ BY GARY RIDDERBUSCH NEWS-REVIEW EDITOR
SPRING SHOW — The spring wildlife show is in full swing in midJune, a time when new life emerges and adults are busy protecting nests and caring for young. Top: An American bald eagle hones in on its target, likely a fish it spotted from a distant tree. Right: A barred owl stares down the intruding photographer as it prepares to feed its young with a freshly caught bird. Below: A common loon performs the dance it often uses to distract predators away from a nest or chick. Bottom: The fawns of whitetail deer are showing up everywhere in the North Woods. This newborn was curled up in a hardwoods thicket. The experts say fawns are scentless and does usually stay away when not nursing them. —Staff Photos By KURT KRUEGER
Like the rest of the state, Vilas and Oneida county voters gave their support to Republican Gov. Scott Walker in last TuesWALKER day’s historical recall election. Walker maintained his position as Wisconsin’s top political leader with a 53% to 46% victory over Democrat and Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett. It was the third recall election of a governor in U.S. history, but only the first time the incumbent survived the recall attempt. “This is such a tremendous victory for Wisconsin taxpayers,” said Ciara Matthews, Walker campaign communications director.
“Wisconsin voters have told the nation they stand with Gov. Walker because he stands with them.” Following his victory over Barrett, Walker thanked the voters for their support and focused on the future. “Bringing our state together will take some time, but I hope to start right away,” Walker said. “It is time to put our differences aside and figure out ways that we can move Wisconsin forward.” The vote here Vilas County voted like the rest of the state. The governor garnered 7,289 votes in Vilas, while Barrett had 4,152. Independent Hari Trivedi had 72 votes. The only Vilas County town where Barrett beat Walker was in Lac du FlamTo WALKER, Pg. 2A
Vilas to decide Phelps ATV plan ___________ BY ANTHONY DREW NEWS-REVIEW ASST. EDITOR
The Vilas County Board will decide whether to allow all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) on a six-mile segment of Highwa y A i n P h e l p s f o r a two-year trial period at its regular meeting next Tuesday, June 19, at 9 a.m. The agenda item was put in place after the Vilas County Highway Committee, meeting jointly with the county Forestry and Land Committee, voted 8-1 to draft a resolution. County Board Chairman Steve Favorite cast the sole dissenting vote. Phelps Town Chairman Colin Snook said Highway A is the only option for connecting to trails in Forest County and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. “If the county will allow us to do this test trial and that
trial is successful, that opens the door for building routes and trails off the highway in the future,” he said. “I don’t think anybody’s excited about running them on the highway, but that’s our only option to explore if this will be a benefit to the community or not.” The issue will be effectively stamped out, should the Vilas County Board vote against the proposed resolution Tuesday, according to Snook. “If the county shoots this down, the ordinance is null and void, and this is pretty much a dead issue,” he said. The ordinance proposed by the Phelps Town Board maintains that ATVs must To ATV, Pg. 2A
Eagle River Airport to host annual fly-in Airplane rides, aircraft exhibits and fly-bys will be featured at the 22nd annual Eagle River Union Airport Fly-in and Air Show Friday and Saturday, June 15-16. The event will kick off Friday night with a fish boil and hangar dance from 5 to 10 p.m. The traditional Fly-in and Air Show festivities will take place Saturday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., beginning with a Boy Scout Troop 601 pancake breakfast. A burger and brat cookout sponsored by the Civil Air Patrol along with an American Legion corn roast will
take place from 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Eagle River Historical Society will serve root beer floats. The fly-in and aviation day is an opportunity for the public to view activities at the airport and to learn more about aviation, according to airport manager Robert Hom. This year’s air show will feature performances by the 82nd Airborne All-American Freefall Team, the Trojan Horsemen in their T-28s, Bill Cowden in a Yak-55 and DarTo FLY-IN, Pg. 3A
INSIDE THIS ISSUE Youths receive hunting dogs n Two area youths were named winners in a Ruffed Grouse Society essay contest. Pg. 10A