July 4, 2012

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Judged as Wisconsin’s

Section A



Wisconsin Newspaper Association 2012 Large Weekly Division

EAGLE RIVER, WI 54521 • (715) 479-4421 • vcnewsreview.com

VOL. 127, NO. 16



Health care, state officials react to ruling ‘Obamacare’ gets upheld, but GOP vows to repeal ___________ BY GARY RIDDERBUSCH NEWS-REVIEW EDITOR


VIETNAM WALL — The Vietnam Traveling Memorial Wall arrived in Eagle River last week and will be on display at the Derby Track through July 4. Some of the scenes from the tribute to more than 58,000 U.S. soldiers killed while serving in Vietnam included: above, looking for names on the 300-foot wall; below, Charles Hamilton of Irma looking at the names of soldiers from Wisconsin killed in Vietnam on his special exhibit; bottom left, a fly-by of a Stearman airplane during the opening ceremony Friday; and left, committee member Todd Achterberg welcoming visitors to the memorial. —Staff Photos By GARY RIDDERBUSCH

Local health-care officials and regional insurance providers say they are prepared to meet the guidelines established by President Barack Obama’s controversial Affordable Care Act, which was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court. Last Thursday’s narrow 54 ruling impacts how North Woods residents and Americans across the United States get medicine and health care, and also provides new court guidelines on federal power. The law, which doesn’t take full effect until 2014, allows the government to continue implementing the health-care package passed by Democrats in 2010. It means provisions such as prohibiting insurers from denying coverage for preexisting medical conditions

and allowing parents to keep their children or family policies to the age of 26 will continue. Nick Deisen, president and CEO of Ministry Health Care, said the Ministry system will continue to implement the reform law. “At Ministry Health Care, we will continue to work toward implementing the health-care are law,” said Deisen. “We have been and continue to be committed to providing high-quality and high-value care for our patients.” Steven R. Youso, Security Health Plan chief administrative officer, reacted to the high court announcement. “At Security Health Plan, we are committed to the To RULING, Pg. 8A

City gets grant for four cameras ___________ BY KEN ANDERSON NEWS CORRESPONDENT


Eagle River has received a grant from the state Office of Justice Assistance to place surveillance cameras within the city to aid the police department in watching for vandalism. Police Chief Mark Vander Bloomen told the City Council last week he has received notice the grant will be for $10,000, with no matching funds required. “We have been awarded this as a demonstration project,” said Vander Bloomen. “It’s a Web-based surveillance system using four cameras mounted in locations where we’ve had questionable activity and does not require matching funds. If we accept the grant, the state wants a one-year log of its use.” Vander Bloomen said the log must document the over-

all effectiveness of the system, including its specific successes and possible problems the city experiences using the system. The locations for the cameras will be Silver Lake beach, Riverview Park, the area of the mural on the former Collins building just west of Railroad Street, and the entrances to the bathrooms at Depot Museum. An additional location suggested was a camera facing east down Wall Street, with the unit located near the intersection of Wall and Railroad streets. The council supported the effort, with Councilman Jerry Burkett saying the real savings will be in manpower. “These are trouble spots,” said Burkett. “This is equivaTo CAMERAS, Pg. 2A

Library campaign exceeds $606,000 ___________ BY GARY RIDDERBUSCH NEWS-REVIEW EDITOR


The Olson Library Foundation building project cabinet announced it has raised more than $606,000 of the $3.26 million fundraising goal to build a new library in Eagle River. Phil Jensen, co-chairman of the library building project and a member of the foundation, said the current facility is not meeting the needs of the community. “Just visit the library,” he said. “On any given day,

especially during the summer months, the meeting room is reserved, the computer lines are long and the tables are occupied with patrons.” The crowded conditions were developing a decade ago. The foundation examined library needs and potential facility sites in Eagle River since 2002, when a study was completed by Anders To LIBRARY, Pg. 11A

INSIDE THIS ISSUE DNR studying walleye, bass n State fisheries experts are concerned about the bass boom and walleye wane. Pg. 12A

ST. GERMAIN PARADE — Community members and visitors gathered in St. Germain Saturday to celebrate Independence

Day. The Plum Lake Ski-ters waterski team created one of the many parade floats. —Staff Photo By ANTHONY DREW

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