steal our
Tech and economic experts weigh in on the workforce of the future page 18
One week left! See BEST OF CHICO BALLOT, page 22
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Vol. 41, Issue 2 • September 7, 2017 4
Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Guest Comment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Second & Flume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Streetalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 4 5 5 7
Downstroke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Sifter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Appointment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Weekly Dose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
15 Minutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 The Goods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Music feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 This Week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Fine arts listings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Scene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Nightlife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Reel World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Chow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 In The Mix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Arts DEVO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Brezsny’s Astrology . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
This guy saves you money.
ON tHe COVer: DesigN by tiNa FlyNN
Our Mission: To publish great newspapers that are successful and enduring . To create a quality work environment that encourages employees to grow professionally while respecting personal welfare . To have a positive impact on our communities and make them better places to live . Editor Melissa Daugherty Managing Editor Meredith J . Cooper Arts Editor Jason Cassidy Contributing Editor Evan Tuchinsky Staff Writers Ken Smith, Kevin Fuller Calendar Editor Howard Hardee
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353 E. Second Street, Chico, CA 95928 Phone (530) 894-2300 Fax (530) 892-1111 Website www .newsreview .com Got a News Tip? (530) 894-2300, ext 2224 or chiconewstips@newsreview .com Calendar Events cnrcalendar@newsreview .com Calendar Questions (530) 894-2300, ext . 2243 Want to Advertise? Fax (530) 892-1111 or cnradinfo@newsreview .com Classifieds (530) 894-2300, press 2 or classifieds@newsreview .com Job Opportunities jobs@newsreview .com Want to Subscribe to CN&R? chisubs@newsreview .com Editorial Policies: Opinions expressed in CN&R are those of the authors and not of Chico Community Publishing, Inc. Contact the editor for permissions to reprint articles, cartoons, or other portions of the paper. CN&R is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or review materials. Email letters to All letters received become the property of the publisher. We reserve the right to print letters in condensed form and to edit them for libel. Advertising Policies: All advertising is subject to the newspaper’s Standards of Acceptance. The advertiser and not the newspaper assumes the responsibility for the truthful content of their advertising message. CN&R is printed at Bay Area News Group on recycled newsprint. Circulation of CN&R is verified by the Circulation Verification Council. CN&R is a member of Chico Chamber of Commerce, Oroville Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Chico Business Association, CNPA, AAN and AWN. Circulation 41,000 copies distributed free weekly.
Contributors Robin Bacior, Alastair Bland, Michelle Camy, Vic Cantu, Bob Grimm, Miles Jordan, Mark Lore, Conrad Nystrom, Ryan J . Prado, Juan-Carlos Selznick, Robert Speer, Brian Taylor, Carey Wilson Intern Josh Cozine
Join Us
President/CEO Jeff von Kaenel Director of Nuts & Bolts Deborah Redmond Director of People & Culture David Stogner Nuts & Bolts Ninja Leslie Giovanini Executive Coordinator Carlyn Asuncion Director of Dollars & Sense Nicole Jackson Payroll/AP Wizard Miranda Dargitz Accounts Receivable Specialist Analie Foland Sweetdeals Coordinator Hannah Williams Project Coordinator Natasha VonKaenel Developers John Bisignano, Jonathan Schultz System Support Specialist Kalin Jenkins N&R Publications Editor Michelle Carl N&R Publications Associate Editor Laura Hillen N&R Publications Writer Anne Stokes Marketing & Publications Consultants Steve Caruso, Ken Cross, Joseph Engle
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Send guest comments, 340 words maximum, to or to 353 e. Second St., Chico, CA 95928. please include photo & short bio.
Stop criminalizing poverty A majority of Chico’s elected representatives have backed a couple of laws
criminalizing homelessness over the past four years—attempts to take what they assumed was the easy route when dealing with vagrancy in the community. The result: Homeless people have moved deeper into Chico’s neighborhoods to avoid being hassled by the police, more of them have been arrested, and more taxpayer money has been spent on enforcement. That’s according to a recent study by a group composed of Chico State faculty and staff members (see “Costs of criminalization,” by Ken Smith, page 10). Meanwhile, according to the Butte County Continuum of Care (CoC), the number of homeless folks has only increased. In other words, those ordinances have been abject failures in addressing this complex issue. They’ve served only to criminalize poverty. What’s more, those laws—the sit/lie and offenses against waterways ordinances—have actually hampered local service providers’ efforts to mitigate homelessness in substantive ways. Indeed, as this newspaper has previously reported (see “Dollars disappear,” Newslines, Jan. 12), local organizations tasked with helping the destitute get off the streets have lost funding from U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development based on the City Council’s punitive policies. That decrease in federal revenue applies not only to organizations focused on Chico, but also those throughout the county. So, here’s a question: Why are those laws still on the books? That’s a query for the members of the City Council, all of whom have known for the better part of the year that their efforts do a disservice to those organizations and the poor people they serve. Each of them can sit at the dais and pay lip service to their concerns for the community, but until they roll back those ordinances, they are contributing to the problem. □
Letter to a houseless person called “the homeless” by people who live in Bhouses/pay rent, this steals the dignity of being a
safe place to sleep. A place to belong. Some way to contribute, to connect, to be of service. Included nowhere are these things: Paying bills. Working for a boss. Having cable. Paying rent. specific and particular person. Owning a car. Going to college. Belonging to a And regarding the “homeless club. Having Grey Poupon. question”—code language for Not having these things doesn’t mean your life is “What can we do to get rid of all those awful homeless people?”— worth any less. You, person, are living an that’s not the only way intense experience. Try to be that people with houses You ... deserve kind. Support each other in feel. joy in your life harm reduction—for addiction, You do have a home. by and for all of the ways that we It’s our community. It’s no less than Julia Murphy harm ourselves and each other. a house you lack. Many anyone on the author is Maybe you’re saying, “Eff of us know and believe co-creator of pedal this planet. your la-la BS, I need real help: that. press, a youthhousing, services, medical Some of you are centered community strung out on one thing or another. care.” I want those things desperately for you, and art project, and a I work for them. But the one thing that I can do is volunteer with Safe That’s a reasonable response to Space winter shelter. say: I see you. You deserve to be here, you deserve a life in which pleasure is both your dignity. So that’s what I’m doing. desperately needed and hard to I know that when I was houseless it seemed like come by on the natural. But also: the whole housed world was against me. It would You, houseless person, deserve joy in your life have made me feel better to know different. no less than anyone on this planet. Houselessness May we all get where we’re trying to go. doesn’t mean that you deserve to feel awful. —Your neighbor □ What we need as human people: Food. Water. A ecause you’re mostly lumped into a category
S e p t e m b e r 7, 2 0 1 7
Quarantine ill will When President Trump announced Tuesday (Sept. 5) that the federal
government would discontinue Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, which had removed fear of deportation from young undocumented immigrants, he sent a clear message that his politics of divisiveness will continue unabated. Sure, his administration couched the decision as a legal issue, stating that his predecessor had made an end-run around the Constitution by allowing the “Dreamers” a legal avenue not prescribed by the legislative branch—and that delays in Trump’s order give Congress time to remedy the situation. But let’s be real: The president’s motivation is tribal, not legal. Trump has telegraphed sympathy for white nationalists since the campaign. His “America First” sloganeering echoes the America First Committee pre-World War II—isolationist, with pro-fascist and antiSemitic elements. He equates white-power marchers in Charlottesville with protesters alarmed by such demonstrations; witness his statements declaring “violence on many sides, on many sides” after the one-sided attack and excusing “very fine people” amid the torchbearers. Prejudice—hate—is a slippery slope. The Healthlines article this week (“Extremist mentality,” page 12) details how ordinary people can do extraordinarily bad things when empowered in a group that shifts their morality. Unchecked, words turn to action. That’s where we are with the White House. POTUS sought to add English-language and job-skills provisions to immigration applications. He pardoned Joe Arpaio, the Arizona sheriff convicted of ordering his department to stop people merely on suspicion of being illegal immigrants. Now, while holding firm on his border wall, he’s gone after DACA. Trump’s acts have drawn firm opposition from congressional Democrats and some Republicans as well. More need to get on board. United we must stand and contain discrimination, whether from white nationalists or the White House. □
LETTERS Send email to
SECOND & FLUME by Melissa Daugherty m e l i s s a d @ n e w s r e v i e w. c o m
Letters and the new guy When we put together our special 40th anniversary issue a few weeks ago, I’d intended to thank the folks who’ve written letters to the editor over the years. That section is one of my favorite regular reads. I never know what we’re going to get, so I enjoy the surprises each week in that inbox. A lot of the submissions in recent months have been too long to print, so here’s a reminder of our policy: Each letter must be no longer than 200 words and contain the writer’s full name and city of residence. I also need contact info (for verification, not publication). If a letter comes in well ahead of deadline, and it’s too long, I try to ask the author to cut it herself. Otherwise, I’ll pull out the scalpel. Cutting for space is part of the CN&R’s policy, as is editing for clarity and libel. Letters are fact-checked, but we’re not perfect, so we appreciate folks vetting their own submissions with reliable sources. And while I’m not averse to snail mail, there’s no guarantee those will make it to print. As has long been the case, our preferred method of getting letters to the editor is via email (cnrletters@ Speaking of letters, there are several in this issue that triggered an internal Amen. One of them is about Trump’s plans for DACA. Another is from a longtime Chicoan who laments the state of disrepair of one of our fair city’s favorite streets: Vallombrosa Avenue. I don’t know Michael Van Ert, but I, like many locals, share his sentiments. A glimmer of hope—albeit miniscule in relation to Chico’s needs—surfaced when the City Council earmarked revenues from its wastehauling franchise agreement to capital projects. That happened on Tuesday (Sept. 5), during its regular meeting (see “Money on roads,” Downstroke, page 8). Let’s hope that allows Chico’s badly degraded streets to see more than only patchwork repairs (i.e., pothole-filling). Mr. Van Ert also notes that Bidwell Park’s Petersen Memorial Way needs repaving. He’s correct on that one, too. But don’t expect to see much aid for that part of the park or other city-owned greenways in the coming years. Yet another council decision on Tuesday is bound to lead to the further deterioration of that space (see “Guns get goahead,” by Howard Hardee, page 8).
in other newS, after an excruciatingly long search for just the right candidate, the CN&R welcomed a new colleague into the editorial department this week. Staff writer Kevin Fuller comes to the CN&R by way of New York, where he worked for about a year at the Rochester City Paper, that region’s alternative newsweekly. His journalism experience goes back about a decade. On Tuesday (Sept. 5), his first day in the office, Fuller spied in my office a concert poster I picked up at a Ryan Adams show 13 years ago in San Francisco. Turns out he’s a pretty big fan, too. I’ve proselytized about my favorite singer-songwriter now and again in this space—and in vain to my friends and journalism comrades for, oh, the past 15 or so years—so it’s nice to chat with someone who gets it. Bonus: Fuller is a dog person. We’re looking forward to getting to know him better. You can reach out and welcome him at kevinf@ Melissa Daugherty is editor of the CN&R
‘Kudos for persevering’ Re “How’d we get here?” (Cover story, by CN&R staff, Aug. 24): I have been reading CN&R front to back since moving here in 2015 as a way to learn about and connect with my new community. I moved here in part because I was looking for a small town that was also reasonably progressive. Having grown up in San Francisco, I was delighted to hear the motto “keep Chico weird,” and figured it would be a good place to live. Apparently CN&R has a lot to do with that spirit. Reading your 40th anniversary edition was especially poignant because I grew up in the Good Times Commune that evolved out of the Good Times, a tiny SF newspaper back in the 1960s and ’70s. Eventually, the paper and the commune disbanded due to economics. So, kudos for persevering all these years, so that a former hippie child like me can enjoy all the fine articles and events you cover.
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Dear City Council: I have been a resident of Chico for over 60 years. I have never seen Vallombrosa Avenue in such disrepair. Chico is lucky to have one of the largest and most beautiful city-owned parks in the nation. I believe it deserves a decent roadway from which to enjoy it. When the city takes up repair of Vallombrosa Avenue, it should also consider a repave of Petersen Memorial Way, as it is also in terrible condition.
Kenneth B. Keith Chico
LETTERS c o n t i n u e d
o n pa g e 6
The desperate screams of families still underwater in southeast Texas are being drowned out even more by the shout outs from those boasting full volume the amount of their own contributions.
Michael Van Ert Chico
Blowhards and Harvey
Nicolette Gamache Chico
Note to city reps
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S e p t e m b e r 7, 2 0 1 7
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LETTERS c o n t i n u e d f r o m pa g e 5
‘Dooming America’
Alliteration again
Notice that the tighter Bob Mueller pulls the proverbial noose around comrade Trump’s neck, the bigger the North Korean threat becomes? Trump’s “poorly educated” supporters do not believe except what they see. Affected by the skepticism of a skeptical age, Trump will, with help from his goon Stephen Miller, conjure up a Hollywood-like nuclear war with North Korea to avert attention from Mueller’s Russian probe. This is pooh-poohed as “fake news” by illiterate Trump fanatics, of course. I saw a Bernie bumper sticker this morning. Little do they know they joined Trump’s “poorly educated” supporters in dooming America to destruction by allowing him to take the White House hostage. Hopefully Trump’s firsttime voter hicks will be drafted to fight in his World War III. Poetic justice?
Pardoner; pandering. Pilfering. Pathetic.
Ray Estes Chico
A terrible reminder
s e p t e m b e r 7, 2 0 1 7
By ordering an end to DACA, the president is threatening the deportation of some of the best, brightest, most hard-working children of immigrants to this country. They comprise a large group (over 800,000) of often educated individuals who are working hard to fulfill the promise that this country has always offered to immigrants and on which it was built. It is so reminiscent of Martin Niemōller’s poem (now in the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C.) that I would amend it as follows: First they came for the Dreamers, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Dreamer. Then they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. Marcia Moore Chico
Editor’s note: For more on this subject, see Editorial on page 4.
Naz Esposito Chico
Regarding the DNC In late August, a Florida judge dismissed a lawsuit against the Democratic National Committee’s handling of the 2016 presidential primary brought by supporters of Bernie Sanders, who claimed they had been defrauded by the DNC. The lawsuit cited six legal claims of the DNC’s deceptive conduct, negligent misrepresentation and fraud, and that the DNC violated Article 5, Section 4 of its own charter by working with a single campaign to effectively choose who would win the Democratic ballot. The DNC reportedly argued that the organization’s neutrality among Democratic campaigns during the primaries was merely a “political promise,” and therefore it had no legal obligations to remain impartial throughout the process. Essentially, the DNC is a private corporation and is not in the business of promoting democracy, but of promoting its brand. The August Harvard-Harris Poll again showed Bernie Sanders is the most popular U.S. politician, with 54 percent of voters viewing him favorably. This poll got little media coverage because the establishment does not want to recognize the power of Bernie’s ideas. Those who support Bernie’s vision should be wary of the Democratic Party. There is serious discussion on forming a new progressive party, with a planning convergence in Washington, D.C., Sept. 8-10. Lucy Cooke Butte Valley
Want to do something? If you saw Before the Flood, a powerful documentary about the causes, effects and politics of global warming, you may be wanting to do something. Join us. We are an international bipartisan organization that works toward a market-based approach to reducing carbon. Many economists, environmentalists, politicians and climate
scientists think our carbon fee and dividend plan is probably the most effective strategy for cutting global emissions. Citizens Climate Lobby will meet at the Chico branch of the Butte County Library on Sunday, Sept. 10, at 5 p.m., and you can read about us at cicizensclimate Carrie McGranahan Chico
Dog helpers Early Sunday morning on Labor Day weekend I exited Highway 32 on 99 north heading to In Motion Fitness to swim laps. Shortly after entering the highway near the Bidwell Park overpass, I noticed two police cars moving slowly with their lights flashing. I assumed there must be an accident ahead. One of the policemen got out of his car to warn approaching traffic to slow down. I was directed to the left lane with both police cars on the right. As I was creeping by their cars, I noticed that the officers were escorting an old German shepherd limping down the highway on the far right side. The police were slowing traffic so this shepherd could make it to the nearest exit. With all the bad press about cops these days, I am glad to give some good press where it is due. In this case, it is an example of the good works of Chico’s fine police force. I, for one, am glad to see cops around (not necessarily right behind me). I respect them for all that they do to protect and serve the Chico community. It is time we began looking for what works rather than what is wrong. Bud Inzer Chico
Correction A story last week (“The Congressman and the kid,” Newslines, by Ken Smith) incorrectly characterized Joshua Brown’s visit to Rep. Doug LaMalfa’s Redding office. He was not invited by LaMalfa staffer Erin Ryan, but rather went of his own accord. We apologize for the mistake, which has been corrected online. —ed.
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For me it was definitely getting my national [certification] for an EMT. That was really hard. I failed the first time, then passed the second time with flying colors. The class lasted six months. .
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I lost my grandfather about a year ago. I’d never lost anybody in my life and it was pretty hard. I’m still getting over it, and it’s hard on the family.
Mercedes Beavers student
Growing up and turning 18. Moving out of [my] parents’ house, paying bills, working every day, being an adult.
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Mat Bacior speaks against arming Chico’s park rangers during the City Council meeting on Tuesday (Sept. 5).
convinced gun-toting rangers would remain approachable ambassadors of the park, however. Former Chico park services coordinator Lise Smith-Peters presented the council a petition with the signatures of 1,125 people opposed to the change. Other speakers decried the strong-arm solution to poverty-related problems in the city’s public spaces. “You conflate public safety with the bearing of arms,” said Sarah Salisbury. On the other hand, several residents who live adjacent to the park supported the move and described a series of alarming confrontations with shady characters. Morgan and Vice Mayor Reanette Fillmer argued the city has been hit with a wave of hard criminals thanks to Assembly Bill 109—the state’s so-called prison realignment— along with other recently enacted laws that reduce penalties for certain crimes. Fillmer seemed to lay specific blame on Gov. Jerry Brown’s voter-approved Proposition 57, which gave new power to the state parole board to consider the early release of prisoners who serve their primary sentences, and whose crimes are not designated as “violent” under the California penal code, according to the Los Angeles Times. “Years ago—35 years ago—when there was a rape in Chico in the park, they arrested one or two people,” she said, “not because there were several hundreds of people in the park committing crimes. As well, people used to go to jail because they had a rape. Now rape is a nonviolent crime in the state of California. … You’re right, we didn’t need armed officers 35 years ago, because we had one or two people and if they did get arrested, they actually went to jail.” (As was widely reported, Brown excluded all sex offenders from early parole consideration, whether their crimes were designated as violent or not. In other words, rape remains a violent crime in California.) Following Fillmer’s speech, Councilman Mark Sorensen made a motion to convert all three park rangers to sworn officers by July 1 of next year, which drew a second by Fillmer. Councilwoman Ann Schwab requested an amendment that would ensure funding for educational and interpretive programs, but Sorensen declined. “I don’t see the rangers’ jobs changing from what they are today,” he said. His motion passed 4-2, with Schwab and Stone casting the dissenting votes; Councilman Karl Ory was absent. □
dam failure informs protocol Forensic team finds problems with Oroville spillway, offers advice for future hile human error or negligence haven’t been ruled out when it comes to the W Oroville Dam spillway failure in February, one
thing is for certain: Decades-old technology and infrastructure certainly played a part. More significantly, the widely accepted inspection process was lacking in at least one key area. That’s according to an interim report issued Tuesday (Sept. 5) by the Oroville Dam Spillway Incident Independent Forensic Team, a panel of engineering and other experts that convened in May to study the failure—independently of the Department of Water Resources, which owns the dam. After submitting the results to DWR Tuesday, the Association of Dam Safety Officials and the U.S. Society on Dams moderated a press briefing with team leader John France. “We’re at a point where we’ve nearly completed [investigating] the physical factors,” France explained during the briefing. “Regarding human and organization factors, it’s still work in progress.” Perhaps the most significant conclusion the team has reached thus far was that no review of the original dam design and construction had been conducted since the dam was built nearly 50 years ago. “Physical inspections, while necessary, are not sufficient to identify risks and manage safety,” the report reads. “Any profession, any practice like
this, has ways it goes about doing business,” France said. “Sometimes we learn how to improve the way we do things when things don’t go well. “Some things you can’t identify by physical inspection alone,” he continued. “We’re always learning how to design and do things better. They may have done what others were doing at the time, but we know better now. We need to look at the difference between what was built in 1960 and what we do today—is it significant?” Based on this finding, the forensic team is recommending a protocol change across the board when it comes to safety inspections: In addition to taking physical stock of the structure, officials also should conduct thorough, critical reviews of original design and construction documents. “Such a review would likely have ‘connected the dots’ and informed the [evaluation] process, by identifying the physical factors that led to failure of the service spillway chute …,” the report reads. It goes on to suggest that a review of original designs may
SIFT ER the business end of partisanship Nothing is immune from being politicized in America today, including entire industries. That’s according to poll results published by Gallup last week that show significant differences in how Republicans and Democrats feel about entire business sectors. The greatest disparities relate to the movie industry, which 60 percent of Democrats view favorably compared with just 35 percent of Republicans. Views on the oil and gas industries are a close second in polarized views, with 50 percent of conservatives reporting positive feelings toward that industry compared with 27 percent of Democrats. Other darling industries for the Democrats include publishing (53 percent versus 37 percent) and education (61 percent versus 51 percent), while Republicans feel more positively about the electric and gas utility industries (51 percent versus 39 percent) and retail (58 percent versus 47 percent). Overall, respondents reported positive views toward nine of 25 industries included, the highest number since Gallup began asking in 2003.
Workers access preliminary damage to Oroville Dam spillway in February. photo courteSy of dwr
have indicated potential problems with drain flows and “subsurface geologic conditions that left portions of the spillway susceptible to uplift and subsequent foundation erosion.” Uplift, it turns out, is the most likely cause of the spillway failure, according to the report. Even a small portion—how big is unknown because most of the original material has since washed away, France said—of a spillway slab that lifted above the rest could allow water to rush underneath, causing the massive erosion seen in February. “Water pressure developed underneath a section of the spillway chute,” France explained. In addition to that, the investigation revealed some major flaws in both the main and emergency spillways, including a lack of erosion protection. Whether that was a flaw in the original design or something overlooked during more recent inspections is still under investigation and will be included in the team’s final report, France explained. The main reason the team released an interim report was because the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and the California Division of Safety of Dams have required evaluations of all dams following the Oroville disaster. Out of 24 dams in Butte County, all but Oroville Dam—the condition of which is labeled “unsatisfactory”—are in “satisfactory” condition. However, three Butte County dams— Magalia, Paradise and Sly Creek— are among 93 in California that are in the process of in-depth spillway re-evaluations. The team wanted its results to inform those evaluations, France explained. France said the public can expect the forensic team’s full report on the Oroville Dam spillway failure this fall. —Meredith J. Cooper me r e d i th c @ newsr ev iew.c o m
NeWSLiNeS c o n t i n u e d S e p t e m b e r 7, 2 0 1 7
o n pa g e 1 0
c o n t i n u e d f r o m pa g e 9
Costs of criminalization Study finds increased costs, arrests since implementation of sit/lie ordinance ocal laws criminalizing aspects of living homeless have led to Lincreased arrests and policing costs
Violation of the sit/lie law is not
in itself an arrestable offense, and a total of only 72 citations were issued for that charge during the study’s time frame. With that in mind, the group’s first question was whether that law had indirectly lead to an increase in arrests of homeless individuals. What they found was a significant increase after the law’s implementation. Before sit/lie, an average of 2.7 homeless people were arrested each day, accounting for 21.6 percent of all arrests made by Chico police. After sit/lie, an average of 4.1 homeless individuals were arrested daily, accounting for 34.4 percent of all arrests. The group’s second line of inquiry was whether the location of arrests of homeless individuals changed over time. Again, the data showed a clear trend, with the mean location of arrests moving northward, away from the city center, each year. That seems to confirm community perceptions. “We’re hearing a lot of anecdotal evidence when we present the information from people saying
Mean location of homeless arrests by year 2016 714 arrests 1,578 charges
2015 1,327 arrests 2,926 charges
Chico Junior High School
2014 1,245 arrests 2,434 charges
Chico Cemetery Man grov e Ave.
Ole and er A
2012 978 arrests 1,710 charges
Memorial Way
Cam ellia Way
and pushed vagrancy issues out of Chico’s city center and into surrounding neighborhoods, a recent study conducted by a group of Chico State experts suggests. The study, titled “Impacts of Chico’s Public Safety Approach to Homelessness: Initial Analyses,” was released in June, and the team behind the research recently redoubled its efforts to disseminate the results, says political science professor Jennifer Wilking. Copies were sent to each member of the Chico City Council last week. “I’ve been working with North Valley Housing Trust for about three years, and through that work I started getting an education in local issues around homelessness.” Wilking said. “As a researcher who puts a lot of value in evaluating things systematically with data, I was inspired to look at what our community’s approach to addressing homelessness is, and if that approach is working.” For the effort, Wilking drafted four other Chico State faculty and staff members (Susan Roll from the School of Social Work, David Philhour from the Psychology Department, Peter Hansen from the Geographical Information Center and Holly Nevarez from the Department of Health and Community Services). The group chose to focus on the effects of the sit/lie ordinance passed by the City Council in November 2013, as well as other public safety policies aimed at homeless individuals. Wilking said the Chico Police Department provided the bulk of the data, with arrest records from Jan. 1, 2010, to June 30, 2016, and estimates of police time and costs provided by the CPD to the Butte County Grand Jury. The team narrowed its research down to three
questions and started crunching numbers.
they see a lot more visible homeless in other parts of town now,” Wilking said. Finally, the researchers wanted to know the overall cost of policing the homeless population. Wilking said the research was able to account for only some of those costs, as housing status is not recorded unless an arrest is made. The cost from arrests was $882,065 from 2010 to 2016. An additional $19,768 in citations for camping, property storage, waterways and other violations likely issued to homeless individuals during that time is noted in the study. Wilking added that the county’s cost of jailing homeless individuals was not included. Wilking acknowledged the study has some shortcomings due to unavailable data. Still, she said she’s confident in its methodology and results, which she presented at a Western Political Science Association conference in Vancouver earlier this year. The study also has been submitted for publication in the sociology journal City & Community and is undergoing peer review. Wilking said the group’s research is ongoing, and that it will choose new topics related to local homelessness to explore in upcoming months.
2013 1,107 arrests 2,064 charges
om Va l l
sa A
Read the report:
the entire report can be can be found on the butte countywide Homeless continuum of care’s website at
2010 785 arrests 1,392 charges
om Va l l
sa A
ve. 2011 769 arrests 1,394 charges Annie’s Glen
Woodland Ave.
illuStration by Sandy peterS
S e p t e m b e r 7, 2 0 1 7
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Chico State professor Jennifer Wilking photo by Ken Smith
Locally, the study has been pre-
sented to several groups, including the Greater Chico Homeless Task Force. City Councilman Randall Stone was at that presentation and on Tuesday (Sept. 5) said he’d read the entire report. He said he thinks the data is valuable, but that he’s not confident his colleagues on the council will. Stone expressed frustration with the City Council’s previous decisions to pursue “hard-line conservative” tactics that target the local homeless population despite a lack of data to suggest such efforts are effective. He said he’s presented quantitative and anecdotal evidence similar to the Chico State group’s findings from other cities, which he gathered as a member of the League of California Cities’ Housing, Community, and Economic Development Committee. “I told the council when they passed sit/lie in 2013 that this is exactly what would happen,” he said. “I specifically cautioned that this is what’s happened in literally every other community that’s tried similar tactics. You cannot cite your way out of vagrancy issues. Clearly, if [the other council members] didn’t get the message the first four or five times, and they’ve stood by and watched the consequences unfold, then they aren’t going to accept it now. “You can lead them to the knowledge, but you can’t make them think.” —Ken Smith kens@ n ew sr ev i ew. com
S e p t e m b e r 7, 2 0 1 7
HEALTHLINES The “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Va., highlights how white supremacists have changed their look to appeal to millennials. photo by eze amos
extremist mentality Psychologists explain why people join hate groups
Sharon Jayson
Aignited raw, angry passions across the country. What are people thinking when they ctions of far-right fringe groups have
spew hate? Are they all true believers? What’s more, how does someone get that way? The uncovered American faces of white supremacy and neo-Nazism were broadcast on TV and the Internet for all to see at the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Va., last month, which ended in violence and with one person dead. The forces that drew them there are not new. Hate groups in the U.S. number 917 and have been on the rise for two years, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. It attributes the trend partly to the attention given to extremist views during the 2016 presidential campaign. But all people don’t perceive extremist groups’ beliefs the same way. 12
s e p t e m b e r 7, 2 0 1 7
Those who study human behavior attribute hate speech more to deep personality issues than to a diagnosable mental illness. But they’re also intrigued by how the white supremacy movement is rebranding itself for the 21st century. The well-known racist symbols of white robes and hoods or shaved heads and torches have given way to a clean-cut subtlety for the millennial generation. With heightened tensions on all sides, there’s a renewed interest in explaining how minds turn toward hate. Young people with a troubled past are especially vulnerable, said psychologist Ervin Staub, of Holyoke, Mass., a professor emeritus at the University of MassachusettsAmherst who studies social processes that lead to violence. “Why would people join groups like that? It usually involves them finding no other socially acceptable and meaningful ways to fulfill important needs: the need for identity, the need for a feeling of effectiveness, the need for a feeling of connection,” Staub said. “Often, these are people who don’t
feel like they’ve succeeded or had a chance to succeed across normal channels of success in society. They may come from families that are problematic or families where they’re exposed to this kind of extreme view of white superiority and nationalism. “If you don’t feel you have much influence and power in the world, you get a sense of power from being part of a community and especially a rather militant community.” A 2015 report from the National Consortium
for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (known as START) found that former members of violent white supremacist groups showed almost half (45 percent) reporting being the victim of childhood physical abuse and about 20 percent reporting being the victim of childhood sexual abuse. The study by sociologist Pete Simi of Chapman University in Orange suggests that influences on these followers may be related more to the group’s social bonds than ideology. Simi, an expert on violence and extremist groups who has interviewed hundreds of former believers, co-wrote the book American Swastika: Inside the White Power Movement’s Hidden Spaces of Hate with sociologist Robert Futrell of the University of Nevada-Las Vegas. Now that these groups are courting millennials, they’ve taken to changing their image, Futrell said. “It’s an attempt to distance from the past when the picture in all our minds of a white
supremacist was the KKK with a hood and cape or a neo-Nazi with a shaved head and tattoos. That’s gone by the wayside over the last decade,” he said. The term “alt-right”—referring to a loosely organized group that developed in response to mainstream conservatism and has been associated with white nationalism and anti-Semitism—was unknown to a majority of Americans in late 2016, according to a Pew Research Center survey. Familiarity rose in tandem with a respondent’s education—about three-quarters of those with postgraduate degrees recognized the term, as did about 60 percent of college graduates; among those with only a highschool education, about a third had heard the term. Groups advocating white superiority have always preyed on “young, impressionable people who are loners or had a traumatic thing in their background,” Futrell said. “What’s different now is the range of ways the white power movement is reaching them. The Internet is a boon to those who are stigmatized and relatively powerless.” The alt-right has gained power online, as
its proponents use Twitter, YouTube and other social media platforms to spread their message. A study last year from George HEALTHLINES c o n t i n u e d
o n pa g e 1 5
HEART & BRAIN HEALTH Learn about the latest research on the importance of lifestyle choices during Healthy Heart, Healthy Brain—a free presentation hosted by Enloe Medical Center and the Alzheimer’s Association. Guest speakers Kaci Fairchild, Ph.D., and David Welch, RN, will discuss the risk factors for dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, and how mitigate them with diet and exercise. The event is set for Sept. 19 at 6 p.m. at the Enloe Conference Center (1528 Esplanade); RSVPs are required. Go to or call 895-9661.
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C o n t i n u e d F r o m pa g e 1 2
Washington University found that white nationalists are heavy users About the article: this is an abridged version of a story of Twitter. originally published by California Healthline, Yet while organizing has an editorially independent service of the gone virtual, the power of a realCalifornia Health Care Foundation. life crowd also fuels behaviors, said media psychologist Pamela Rutledge, director of the nonnorm at that moment, and they profit Media Psychology Research act.” Center in Newport Beach. Forensic psychologist Laurence “There’s a long history startMiller, of Boca Raton, Fla., said ing with [psychoanalyst Sigmund] there’s a misunderstanding about Freud on the impact of crowd the motivations of those who join behavior and mob mentality,” she fringe groups—that they have an said. “People give up individual ideology and search for a group identity to support the norm of when, really, it’s the other way the group and affiliation with the around. group and end “People will up behaving pick a belief in ways they system that best “If you don’t feel wouldn’t othmatches their peryou have much erwise indisonalities and their influence and vidually.” identities,” he said. In such But he emphapower in the world, tense consizes that humans you get a sense of flicts, Futrell are complex. In the power from being said, the natuDeep South, it was ral cues that common for othpart of a commupeople use to erwise upstanding nity—especially understand citizens—mayors, a rather militant appropriate sheriffs and judges, behavior get among others—to community.” skewed. —ervin staub be members of the “It’s not KKK. surprising in a “You can have combustible situation, when people people who put on a hood and are on edge, once an aggressive march with a torch and take their move is made, it cues to others kids to the playground,” Miller that it’s OK,” he said. “This is the said. □
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s e p t e m b e r 7, 2 0 1 7
Challenge met, work continues
Bryce Goldstein, a familiar face at Chico events while promoting the Million Watt Challenge, completes her CivicSpark fellowship this week.
But, in the end, “it’s really hard to reach people”—and, as Goldstein pointed out, the program is voluntary. “I didn’t realize how large of a disconnect there is between the knowledge I was gaining in college and what the average person knows about energy and climate,” she said. “Getting at least a little bit of awareness out there in the community—that these topics are not scary, they’re approachable, you don’t even have to believe in climate change to want to save energy [because] saving energy improves community health and saves money—framing all these issues is really important.”
Conservation campaign wraps as environmental fellow passes baton story and photo by
Evan Tuchinsky
evant@ n ewsrev i ew. com
Lconvened Hall, Chico’s Sustainability Task Force to bandy suggestions for getting
ast fall, after welcoming a new ally to City
residents energized about climate action. The newcomer, Bryce Goldstein, had graduated recently from Humboldt State and came to the city as a CivicSpark fellow: one of 68 environmental specialists paid by AmeriCorps to spend a year helping local governments statewide implement ecooriented projects. Goldstein played a significant part in brainstorming that led to the Million Watt Challenge, a campaign through which the city called on homeowners and businesses to cut electricity use. Both the goal and timeframe had vagaries. The task force chose 1 million watts because that number was both round and attainable, though group member Cheri Chastain said last Monday (Aug. 28) she felt “we set the bar too low.” Brendan Vieg of the Community Development Department, city staff’s liaison to the task force, told the CN&R in May—ahead of home-energy workshops—that the city hoped to achieve the savings by the end of 2017 but had not set a firm deadline. Goldstein concludes her fellowship Friday (Sept. 8), so she’s tying up loose ends, such as compiling results to date for the Million Watt Challenge. How’s Chico doing? Crushing it. By the end of August, Chicoans had reduced use of electricity by over 1.6 million watts since the start of the year. That figure includes city projects as well as residences and businesses, but not Chico State, which is independent of the challenge. Also not factored in: solar installations at 445 residences
S e p t e m b e r 7, 2 0 1 7
CivicSpark’s impact on Chico will continue
and 10 businesses this year. “A lot of those [municipal] projects have been in progress since the beginning of my term with the city, so I can’t attribute it all to myself or anything,” Goldstein said. “But that’s pretty great; the community has definitely done a lot to become more energy-efficient.” Chastain says “Bryce is being modest” when minimizing her contribution. The task force benefited from fresh perspectives brought by Goldstein, who not only could draw on her academic background in environmental science and resources from the CivicSpark program but also knowledge of the North State, as she hails from Redding. “Bryce laid a foundation, and she’s started the conversations with everybody in the community,” Chastian said. “And she created a face and a sense of visibility for the work that our task force has done.” Looking at Goldstein’s contributions in the
most tangible sense, “she brought time,” Chastain said. Task force members have full-time jobs—Chastain, for instance, is sustainability manager at Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.—so having a person at City Hall dedicated to implementing their ideas yielded dividends. The city now has a sustainability website ( and Facebook page ( “populated with content and information that none of us really had the time to focus on.” Goldstein also helped organize the Chico’s CivicSpark fellows:
2016-17—bryce Goldstein (city of Chico) 2017-18—molly marcussen (Chico and butte County) more info:
Sustainable Business Expo held in May. She spent the bulk of her energy on the Million Watt Challenge, however. Goldstein reached out to the general public at Chico events such as Thursday Night Market; the homeowner workshops co-sponsored by North Valley Energy Watch and the Butte Environmental Council, nonprofits that put together tool-and-testing kits available through the Chico library; and meetings with business leaders. Goldstein said “it’s definitely gratifying” that Chicoans surpassed the million-watt mark. “We knew we’d reach our goal, in part because we were building on the city’s projects that were already happening, but we knew there was this momentum—this number was out there in the community.” Chastain, somewhat pleased, sees room for improvement. “Yes, we met our challenge, and yes, we blew it out of the water, but I feel like we didn’t really reach as many people as we wanted to reach,” she said. “We met our goal because of a couple large accounts, like Sierra Nevada and the city of Chico.” The city made the largest dent, cutting 563,000 watts by switching to LED bulbs for buildings and streetlights. Continued Chastain: “I’m slightly disappointed that we didn’t have more residents acting on this, more residents participating, and we weren’t able to come up with this large sense of community that we were trying to accomplish.” One reason, in Chastain’s view, is “there was nothing really on the line—we weren’t competing against anybody, and it’s kind of human nature to want to compete.” The city did offer prizes to workshop participants and survey-takers at the sustainability site.
beyond Goldstein: She has a successor. Molly Marcussen, a recent graduate of Chico State, began her CivicSpark fellowship this week, transitioning into City Hall as Goldstein transitions out. The two met in one of Marcussen’s classes last fall—Community Service Practice in Geography, taught by Sustainability Task Force chair Mark Stemen—but otherwise have not worked together. Marcussen will split her time between city and county projects, focusing on climate adaptation and resiliency preparedness. She’ll compile data and projections related to extreme weather events, such as Hurricane Harvey, to assist the Chico City Council and Butte County Board of Supervisors in considering action plans. “The climate we’ve had for the last 100 years is changing, and we’ve built all this infrastructure and our agriculture and our waterways based on the past,” she said. “What didn’t flood 100 years ago [could] flood now. “We’re seeing Houston with an 800-year [occurrence] flood event—things like that are going to be happening.” Whether a disaster or an incremental shift, impacts will ripple to influence food supply and health, she said. Those are just two examples she’ll bring forth to local government officials, with quantifiable explanations. Her work will help the city and county determine “how we plan for it; this is how we can mitigate and adapt to these changes.” Even after ceding her desk to Marcussen, Goldstein will remain in Chico for a while— longer if she lands a job. Whatever the future holds, she reflects with satisfaction on the number of people who’ve come up to her saying they implemented an energy-efficiency tip they learned from her booth or a workshop. “People telling me they’ve had successes, even with little things, is pretty cool.” □
EVERYBODY’S BUSINESS pHoto courtesy of facebook
Home on the range
Delivery, please!
High school sweethearts with backgrounds in rice farming, Haiden and Savana Waterbury recently switched gears to realize a lifelong dream of entering the food industry. With The Range food truck, the Gridleybased couple focus on sourcing ingredients locally and creating unique variations on dishes from around the world. Take, for example, their Vietnamese tacos, which come filled with ginger- and lemongrass-marinated pork and topped with tangy coleslaw, cilantro, jalapeño and Sriracha sauce. The truck launched this past April and has since become a regular vendor at the Fork in the Road gatherings, in addition to catering private events. The CN&R caught up with the Waterburys outside of Chico’s Hooker Oak Distillery, currently the truck’s steadiest weekend location. Go to to find out more and to get in touch with the Waterburys.
How did you decide on the name? Savana: We felt like it represented us and the fact that we have a range of foods and really like to mix up what we’re doing seasonally. Also, we live in Gridley and our backyard is a beautiful view of the Buttes, so we wanted to play on that. Haiden: The mountain in the logo is a rough outline of the
north Butte, which is the closest one to us.
How has this area and your farming background influenced your food? And how do you decide what makes it onto the menu? Haiden: Farming definitely influenced our decision to want to go really local. Seeing all the variety of produce we get around here, we wanted to highlight what’s best in this area. Savana: It’s really important to us to focus on the community, focus on local ingredients, and to show people that you can cook amazing food with what’s right in your own backyard. Haiden: We try to do multicultural cuisine, so we’re looking at a lot of foods that are maybe popular around the world but not here, and then trying to put our own twist on them. There’s a lot of trial-and-error and testing on family and friends.
How does your relationship outside of business benefit your dynamic working together? Savana: We’ve been together since we were juniors in high school, so we work together really well [laughs]. It’s a completely equal partnership. We pick up each other’s slack and both do a little of everything. Haiden: Especially when it comes to cooking, that’s something we’ve always been able to work together really well on.
Do you have a favorite item on your menu to recommend to newcomers? Haiden: We definitely like to mix it up, because we feel that if you do one thing for too long it can get a little stale, but we really like the Vietnamese tacos and the Mediterranean sliders. Those always seem to find their way back onto the menu for big events. —LANDoN MoBLAD
Meredith J. Cooper
Picture this: You’re at your house with your buds, you run out of beer and … no one is sober enough to drive. Bummer, right? You either cab it to the liquor store, hoof it or give up. Maybe now you don’t have to. In the past couple of weeks, two businesses have popped up on my radar for delivering … drum roll … booze. The first was Celestino’s in Paradise. The pizza and pasta joint on the Skyway now will deliver beer with your Godfather, according to co-owner Alfonso Magdaleno. He tells me the change, which took place around the first of August, is going well so far. (Throw in some fried raviolis with your order—they’re the best!) The second spot to offer alcohol delivery is Spike’s Bottle Shop, which announced last week that it would begin taking delivery orders on Sept. 1. You can call the shop between 3 p.m. and midnight and order anything in the store, owner Kevin Jara tells me. He says he’s been wanting to add the service for a while and just recently some friends started up Chico Express Delivery, which he described as “Similar to Entree Express for food, but for booze!” Delivery costs $12 (or $10 with a $50 order) and cards are charged by phone (delivery fee paid in cash along with showing ID). In other Spike’s news, Jara tells me he’s in the process of growing his whisky selection, so check in for new additions. Call Celestino’s at 876-0460 or Spike’s at 893-8410.
Downtown o-town I popped into Butte County Wine Co. on Myers Street in downtown Oroville last week and chatted up owner Colin Nelson. I’d written about the place a little over a year ago, just before its opening, so I was excited to see how things were going. Turns out they’re going pretty well, Nelson told me. First of all, he bought out his partners, so he’s now the sole proprietor of the wine bar, which has well over a dozen offerings from wineries in Butte County, including a few that don’t have their own tasting rooms (Straw House in Butte Valley and Rolling Hills in Oroville), plus a few taps from local breweries like Feather Falls Casino Brewing Co. and British Bulldog Brewery. He’s currently open till 8 p.m., but check back soon because he says he’s considering staying open till 10 to catch more after-dinner customers. (Note: Butte County Wine Co. doesn’t serve food but does have cheesecake from the Joker’s Bakery, if you’ve got a sweet tooth!) Nelson tells me he’s working with other businesses in downtown Oroville to liven up the district, and the opening of The Exchange just down the road on Montgomery Street already has made its mark. I decided to mosey on over and see it in action. Inside, the place was lively, with most of the bar and tables occupied. I ordered a Spiced Cherry Press cocktail—subtle, delicious and presented nicely. For eats, they just serve small plates (and brunch on weekends). I opted for the crab cakes, which came three to a plate, nicely spiced and crusted and with a complementary aioli. With the beautifully refurbished décor, the place is a fun addition to downtown Oroville. Between those two stops, I had a perfectly pleasant afternoon there and will happily go back.
got mosquitoes? Need to make a service request? Need Mosquitofish? Got Yellowjackets/Ticks?
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Are robots going to steal our obs? j
he reality is that we are facing a jobless future: one in which most of the work done by humans will be done by machines. Robots will drive our cars, manufacture our goods, and do our chores, but there won’t be much work for human beings.”
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That’s the dire warning of software entrepreneur and Carnegie Mellon engineer Vivek Wadhwa. Former Microsoft CEO Bill Gates agrees: Technology “will reduce demand for jobs, particularly at the lower end of skill set,” he has predicted. Gates has also proposed taxing robots to support the victims of technological unemployment. “In the past,” software entrepreneur Martin Ford declared last year, “machines have always been tools that have been used by people.” But now, he fears, they’re “becoming a replacement or a substitute for more and more workers.” A much-cited 2013 study from the Oxford Martin Programme on Technology and Employment struck an even more dire note, estimating that 47 percent of today’s American jobs are at risk of being automated within the next two decades. The conventional wisdom among technologists is well-established: Robots are going to eat our jobs. But economists tend to have a different perspective. Over the past two centuries, they point
Technology experts believe they will, while economists point to history to counter the claim
out, automation has brought us lots more jobs—and higher living standards too. “Is this time different?” the Massachusetts Institute of Technology economist David Autor asked during a lecture last year. “Of course this time is different; every time is different. On numerous occasions in the last 200 years scholars and activists have raised the alarm that we are running out of work and making ourselves obsolete. These predictions strike me as arrogant.” “We are neither headed toward a rise of the machine world nor a utopia where no one works anymore,” University of Cincinnati economist Michael Jones said last year. “Humans will still be necessary in the economy of the future, even if we can’t predict what we will be doing.” When the Boston University economist James Bessen analyzed computerization and employment
About the author:
Ronald Bailey is a science correspondent at Reason magazine and author of The End of Doom.
Ronald Bailey
trends in the U.S. since 1980, his study concluded that “computer use is associated with a small increase in employment on average, not major job losses.” Who is right, the terrified technologists or the totally chill economists?
This time is always different In 1589, Queen Elizabeth I refused to grant a patent to William Lee for his invention of the stocking frame knitting machine, which sped up the production of wool hosiery. “Thou aimest high, Master Lee,” she declared. “Consider thou what the invention could do to my poor subjects. It would assuredly bring to them ruin by depriving them of employment, thus making them beggars.” In the early 19th century, English textile workers calling themselves Luddites famously sought to protect their livelihoods by smashing industrial weaving machines.
The economist John Maynard Keynes warned in 1930 that the “means of economising the use of labour [is] outrunning the pace at which we can find new uses for labour,” resulting in the “new disease” of “technological unemployment.” In 1961, Time warned: “Today’s new industries have comparatively few jobs for the unskilled or semiskilled, just the class of workers whose jobs are being eliminated by automation.” A 1989 study by the International Metalworkers Federation forecasted that within 30 years, as little as 2 percent of the world’s current labor force “will be needed to produce all the goods necessary for total demand.” That prediction has just two years left to come true. This year the business consultancy McKinsey Global Institute issued a report that analyzed the potential impact of automation on individual work activities rather than entire occupations. The McKinsey researchers concluded that only 5 percent of occupations are fully automatable using currently available technologies. On the other hand, the report also estimated that “about half of all the activities people are paid to do in the world’s workforce could potentially be automated by adapting currently demonstrated technologies”—principally the physical work that takes place in highly structured and predictable environments along with routine data collection and processing. In March, the consultancy Pricewaterhouse Coopers concluded 38 percent of jobs in the U.S. are at high risk of automation by the early 2030s. Specifically, jobs in transportation and storage, retail and wholesale trade, food service and accommodation, administrative and support
The number of jobs lost due to robots since 1990 is somewhere between 360,000 and 670,000. By contrast, last year some 62.5 million Americans were hired in new jobs ...
Queen Elizabeth I wouldn’t grant a patent to the inventor of a knitting machine in the belief it would destroy jobs. Like the queen, Microsoft’s Bill Gates also sees technology as a job-killer, especially when it comes to lowskill jobs.
services, insurance and finance, and manufacturing are particularly vulnerable. And that 2013 study from Oxford’s Martin Programme on Technology and Employment? Economist Bessen points out that of the 37 occupations it identified as fully automatable—including accountants, auditors, bank loan officers, messengers and couriers—none has been completely automated since the study was published. Bessen further notes that of the 271 jobs listed in the 1950 Census, only one has truly disappeared for reasons that can largely be ascribed to automation: the elevator operator. In 1900, 50 percent of the population over age 10 was gainfully employed. (Child labor was not illegal in most states back then, and many families needed the extra income.) In 1950, it was 59 percent of those over age 16. Now the civilian labor participation rate stands at 63 percent. Of course, the jobs that people do today—thanks largely to high productivity made possible by technological progress—are vastly different than those done at the turn of the 20th century.
Are we working less? In a 2015 essay titled “Why Are There Still So Many Jobs?,” MIT economist Autor points out that most new workplace technologies are designed to save labor. “Whether the technology is tractors, assembly lines or spreadsheets, the first-order goal is to substitute mechanical power for human musculature, machine-consistency for human handiwork, and digital calculation for slow and error-prone ‘wetware,’” he writes. Routinized physical and cognitive activities—spot welding car chassis on an assembly line or processing insurance claim paperwork at a desk—are the easiest and first to be automated. If the technologists’ fears are coming true, you’d expect to see a drop in hours worked at middleskill, middle-wage jobs—the ones politicians often refer to as “good jobs.” And indeed, in 2013, Autor, and David Dorn of the Center for Monetary and Financial Studies in Madrid, found a significant
ROBOTS c o n t i n u e d
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o n pa g e 2 0
ROBOTS c o n t i n u e d
f r o m pa g e 1 9
decrease in hours worked in construction, mining and farm work between 1980 and 2005; the researchers concluded that this was because the routine manual and cognitive activities required by many of those middleclass occupations were increasingly being performed by ever cheaper and more capable machines and computers. They also found a 30 percent increase in hours spent working at low-skill jobs that require assisting or caring for others, from home health aides to beauticians to janitors. But this year a better-designed study by two more economists—Jennifer Hunt of Rutgers and Ryan Nunn of Brookings—challenged that conclusion. Instead of focusing on the average wages of each occupation, Hunt and Nunn sorted hourly workers into categories by their real wages, reasoning that the averages in certain jobs could mask important trends. Hunt and Nunn found that men experienced downward wage mobility in the 1980s, due largely to deunionization and the decline in manufacturing. Beginning around 1990, the percentage of both men and women in their lower-wage category declined, while rising in the higher-wage group. After adjusting for business cycle fluctuations, they found that there was a small increase in the percentage of workers in their best-compensated category (people earning more than $25.18 an hour) between 1979 and 2015, with very little change in the other groups—certainly nothing that looked like the radical polarization Autor and others fear. So far, robots don’t seem to be grabbing human jobs at an especially high rate. Take the much-touted finding by MIT economist Daron Acemoglu and Boston University economist Pascual Restrepo in a working paper released in March. Since 1990, they say, each additional industrial robot in the U.S. results in 5.6 American workers losing their jobs. Furthermore, the addition of one more robot per thousand employees cuts average wages by 0.5 percent. The pair defined a robot as a programmable industrial machine that operates in three dimensions— think of spot welding and door handling robots on an automobile assembly line. In total, Acemoglu and Restrepo report that the number of jobs lost due to robots since 1990 is somewhere between 360,000 and 670,000. By contrast, last year some 62.5 million Americans were hired in new jobs, while 60.1 million either quit or were laid off from old ones, according the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The impact of robots, in other words, is quite small, relatively speaking. Moreover, when the researchers include a measure of the change in computer usage at work, they found a positive effect, suggesting that computers tend to increase the demand
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“Of course this time is different; every time is different. On numerous occasions in the last 200 years scholars and activists have raised the alarm that we are running out of work and making ourselves obsolete. These predictions strike me as arrogant.” —david autor
for labor. In 2015, economists Georg Graetz of Uppsala University and Guy Michaels of the London School of Economics analyzed the effects of industrial robots on employment in 17 different countries between 1993 and 2007. In contrast to the Acemoglu and Restrepo study, “We find a negative effect of robots on low-skilled workers’ employment,” Michaels said in an interview, “but no significant effect on overall employment.” Their study also found that the increases in the number of robots boosted annual economic growth by 0.37 percent.
Where did the jobs go? In a 2011 television interview, President Barack Obama worried that “a lot of businesses have learned to become much more efficient with a lot fewer workers.” To illustrate his point, Obama noted, “You see it when you go to a bank and you use an ATM, you don’t go to a bank teller.” But the number of bank tellers working in the U.S. has not gone down. Since 1990, their ranks have increased from around 400,000 to 500,000, even as the number of ATMs rose from 100,000 to 425,000. In his 2016 study, Bessen explains that the ATMs “allowed banks to operate branch offices at lower cost; this prompted them to open many more branches, offsetting the erstwhile loss in teller jobs.” Similarly, the deployment of computerized document search and analysis technologies hasn’t prevented the number of paralegals from rising from around 85,000 in 1990 to 280,000 today. Bar code scanning is now ubiquitous in retail stores and groceries, yet the number of cashiers has increased to 3.2 million
today, up from just over 2 million in 1990, outpacing U.S. population growth over the same period. This illustrates why most economists are not particularly worried about the notion of widespread technological unemployment. When businesses automate to boost productivity, they can cut their prices, thus increasing the demand for their products, which in turn requires more workers. Furthermore, the lower prices allow consumers to take the money they save and spend it on other goods or services, and this increased demand creates more jobs in those other industries. New products and services create new markets and new demands, and the result is more new jobs. You can think of this another way: The average American worker today would have to work only 17 weeks per year to earn the income his counterpart brought in 100 years ago, according to Autor’s calculations—the equivalent of about 10 hours of work per week. Most people prefer to work more, of course, so they can afford to enjoy the profusion of new products and services that modern technology makes available, including refrigerators, air conditioners, next-day delivery, smartphones, air travel, video games, restaurant meals, antibiotics, yearround access to fresh fruits and vegetables, the Internet and so forth. But if technologically fueled productivity improvements boost job growth, why are U.S. manufacturing jobs in decline? In a new study published in April, Bessen finds that as markets mature, comparatively small changes in the price of a product do not call forth a compensating increase in consumer demand. Thus, further productivity gains bring reduced employment in relatively mature industries such as textiles, steel and automobile manufacturing. Over the past 20 years,
U.S. manufacturing output increased by 40 percent while the number of Americans working in manufacturing dropped from 17.3 million in 1997 to 12.3 million now. On the other hand, Bessen projects that the ongoing automation and computerization of the nonmanufacturing sector will increase demand for all sorts of new services. In fact, he forecasts that in service industries, “faster technical change will create faster employment growth.” Since the advent of the smartphone just 10 years ago, for example, an “app economy” has emerged that “now supports an astounding 1.66 million jobs in the United States,” Progressive Policy Institute economist Michael Mandel reports. According to the Entertainment Software Association, more than 220,000 jobs now depend on the game software industry. The IBISWorld consultancy estimates that 227,000 people work in web design, while the Biotechnology Innovation Organization says that U.S. bioscience companies employ 1.66 million people. Robert Cohen, a senior fellow at the Economic Strategy Institute, projects that business spending on cloud services will generate nearly $3 trillion more in gross domestic product and 8 million new jobs from 2015 to 2025. In 2014, Siemens USA CEO Eric Spiegel claimed in a Washington Post op-ed that 50 percent of the jobs in America today didn’t exist 25 years ago—and that 80 percent of the jobs students will fill in the future don’t exist today. Imagine, for instance, the novel occupations that might come into being if the so-called Internet of things and virtual/ augmented reality technologies develop as expected. In a report this year for the Technology CEO Council, Mandel and analyst Bret
Swanson strike a similar note, arguing that the “productivity drought is almost over.” Over the past 15 years, they point out, productivity growth in digital industries has averaged 2.7 percent per year, whereas productivity in physical industries grew at just 0.7 percent annually. According to the authors, the digital industries currently account for 25 percent of private-sector employment. “Never mind the evidence of the past 200 years; the evidence that we have of the past 15 years shows that more technology yields more jobs and better jobs,” said Swanson. Mandel and Swanson argue that the information age has barely begun, and that the “increased use of mobile technologies, cloud services, artificial intelligence, big data, inexpensive and ubiquitous sensors, computer vision, virtual reality, robotics, 3D additive manufacturing, and a new generation of 5G wireless are on the verge of transforming the traditional physical industries.” They project that applying these information technologies to I.T.-laggard physical industries will boost U.S. economic growth from its current annual 2 percent rate to 2.7 percent over the next 15 years, adding $2.7 trillion in annual U.S. economic output by 2031, and cumulatively raising American wages by $8.6 trillion. This would increase U.S. GDP per capita from $52,000 to $77,000 by 2031.
The unknown future “Electrification transformed businesses, the overall economy, social institutions and individual lives to an astonishing
degree—and it did so in ways that were overwhelmingly positive,” Martin Ford writes in his book Rise of the Robots. But why doesn’t Martin mourn all the jobs that electrification destroyed? What about the ice men? The launderers? The household help replaced by vacuum cleaners and dishwashers? The firewood providers? The candle makers? To ask is to answer. Electricity may have killed a lot of jobs, but on balance it meant many more. Developments in information technology will do the same. Imagine a time-traveling economist from our day meeting with Thomas Edison, Henry Ford and John D. Rockefeller at the turn of the 20th century. She informs these titans that in 2017, only 14 percent of American workers will be employed in agriculture, mining, construction and manufacturing, down from around 70 percent in 1900. Then the economist asks the trio, “What do you think the other 86 percent of workers are going to do?” They wouldn’t know the answer. And as we look ahead now to the end of the 21st century, we can’t predict what jobs workers will be doing then either. But that’s no reason to assume those jobs won’t exist. “I can’t tell you what people are going to do for work 100 years from now,” Autor said last year, “but the future doesn’t hinge on my imagination.” Martin and other technologists can see the jobs that might be destroyed by information technology; their lack of imagination blinds them to how people will use that technology to conjure millions of occupations now undreamt of. Ω A study by economist Jennifer Hunt of Rutgers challenges technologists’ warnings of radical changes in employment due to automation.
S e p t e m b e r 7, 2 0 1 7
Best of Chico 2017
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It’s time to be voting now! That’s right, it’s Best of Chico season—time to let us know about all your favorite people, places and things that make Chico so special. Where’s your go-to lunch spot? How about fine dining? Who’s your favorite florist? Doctor? We want to know all of it! As in years past, we also hope you’ll take a moment to let us know, in your own words, one very special thing about Chico so we can share it with other readers. So, don’t be shy! Here’s a little added incentive to vote for all your faves: Everyone 18 and over who votes in
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Serving Chico since 1975, Mountain Sports specializes in clothing and equipment for hiking, backpacking, climbing, mountaineering, travel and just being outside. Check them out at 176 E. Third St. *For full contest rules and to vote, go to:
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Arts &Culture The funky bunch: Turkuaz. pHoto coUrtesy of tUrkUaz
Team funk
Strength in numbers with Brooklyn’s Turkuaz
Special Events MEETING IN THE MIDDLE: A social experiment in finding common ground hosted by Depolarize Chico, a local group that arose following the 2016 election. Thu, 9/7, 6pm. Free. City Plaza, downtown Chico.
W everyone. “Too many cooks in the kitchen,” as the saying goes. orking in large groups isn’t for
However, sometimes it takes many hands to achieve the best results. Brooklyn-based Turkuaz is a product of the latter. The nine-piece power-funk group has been touring constantly since 2012, by some years playing Robin Bacior more than 180 shows, ranging from small clubs to large gigs, like the High Sierra Music Preview: Festival in Quincy. turkuaz performs “It honestly keeps thursday, sept. 14, things interesting, 8 p.m., at Lost on main. mixes things up,” said tickets: $20/advance lead singer and guitar(; ist Dave Brandwein. $25/door “It’s a lot of things, Lost on Main 319 main st. but what it isn’t is ing. It just wouldn’t lostonmain be Turkuaz without a large group of people.” Watching Turkuaz isn’t watching a frontman with a backing band; it’s watching nine distinct, brightly dressed powerhouses put their strongest feet forward, fusing notes of soul, funk and pop into one energetic performance. That, of course, didn’t grow overnight. The project began back when
s e p t e m b e r 7, 2 0 1 7
THURSDAY NIGHT MARKET: Downtown streets are closed to traffic each Thursday night for a community event featuring local
produce and products, live music, food trucks and more. Thu, 9/7, 6pm. Free. Downtown Chico, Broadway. www.downtown
Brandwein and bassist Taylor Shell were roommates while attending Berklee College of Music (living across from their future namesake, a Turkish market called Turkuaz). The two set up a studio in their apartment and began recording demos, inviting whoever stopped by to participate. “There’s probably, between all those demos, 30 or so musicians,” Brandwein said. “It was collaborative from the very beginning. We knew that once it would find its way to the live stage—which it didn’t for another year—it would involve a large band.” Part of that large-band inspiration came from the Talking Heads live concert film, Stop Making Sense. Brandwein saw David Byrne and company’s large funk-fusion ensemble and wanted to expand on the idea even further. By 2012, Brandwein and Shell had relocated to New York, formed a full band, and begun averaging nearly half the year touring. Though the time on the road was a quick way to build momentum, it wasn’t always easy. “We’re getting out of one show at 4 or 5 a.m. ... by the time everything’s loaded. And we’re already at the next
location loading in at noon or 1 the next day,” Brandwein said. “I think the one thing we all have in common is the adrenaline. Even if we’ve only slept for three hours and we’re not feeling well, [it’s in] those moments before you step up onto the stage [when] all the real preparation happens.” That adrenaline transforms the group into a well-oiled machine, with buoyant horn lines, rippling guitar solos and strong female harmonies. The consistent touring is evident in the precision of the group’s execution—the easy interplay and flawless hot-potato toss when handling lead melodies. Though Brandwein’s been the primary ring leader, the dynamic has been taking a shifting slightly, most recently with a majority of the band contributing song ideas to a new record in the works. Though the album won’t be out in its entirety for a while, the group will be touring throughout the rest of the year and gradually releasing one song at a time, the first of which is scheduled to come out this month. That single, “On the Run,” happens to have been produced by Jerry Harrison of the Talking Heads. Team work pays off. □
Music LOCAL MUSIC VIDEO NIGHT: A benefit for Blackbird, the soon-toopen bookstore/art space on Park Avenue, featuring music videos by Chico artists past and present. Featuring filmmaker interviews with Josh Funk, Brandon Squyres and Michelle Camy, and live music by Viking Skate Country. Thu, 9/7, 7pm. $5 - $10 donation. The Pageant Theatre, 351 E. Sixth St.
raDIoLaND’s faLL faNtasIa Thursday-Saturday, Sept. 7-9 Theatre on the Ridge
see tHUrsDay-satUrDay, THEATER
Madison Hudson
SUMMERFEST Saturday, Sept. 9 Manzanita Place
Music CODY JINKS: JMAX Productions presents the outlaw country musician with a smooth baritone and dark-hued songs. Ward Davis opens. Fri, 9/8, 8:30pm. $27. Senator Theatre, 517 Main St.
FOUR HANDS, FOUR FEET, & MORE THAN 3,000 PIPES: David Rothe and Ryan Enright will play a concert of music for two organists playing one organ, and several solo organ pieces. Fri, 9/8, 7:30pm. $6-$15. Harlen Adams Theatre, Chico State. 530-898-6333.
FRIDAY NIGHT CONCERT: Chico’s signature concert series closes out with The Jeff Pershing Band playing rock and funk originals. Fri, 9/8, 7pm. Free. City Plaza, downtown Chico.
Theater RADIOLAND’S FALL FANTASIA: See Thursday. Fri, 9/8, 7:30pm. $16-$22. Theatre On The Ridge, 3735 Neal Road, Paradise. 530-877-5760.
Theater THE LION KING, JR.: Actors with the Blue Room Young Company perform Disney’s classic musical set on the African savanna. Co-presented by Chico Performances and Enloe Medical Center. Thu, 9/7, 7:30pm. $8-$15. Laxson Auditorium, 400 W. First St. performance
RADIOLAND’S FALL FANTASIA: A play/variety show written and directed by Jerry Miller. An homage to the “Fallidays” with a cornucopia of musical talent, rising stars and old favorites. Thu, 9/7, 7:30pm. $16-$22. Theatre on the Ridge, 3735 Neal Road, Paradise. 530-8775760.
Special Events
projects and advancements in diverse fields. Also includes hands-on science exhibits for kids, auctions, live music by Jazzuppa Jazz Duo and a presentation by Chico State professor Eric Bartelink titled, “Tell Me What You Eat, and I Will Tell You What You Are.” Proceeds benefit the Chico Science Fair. Fri, 9/8, 5pm. $40. Canyon Oaks Country Club, 999 Yosemite Drive. 530-828-1129.
SMALL WORKS RECEPTION: Opening night for the open-entry exhibition of small works in collage, assemblage, textile, wire sculpture, paper clay, origami, found objects, or whatever else artists got their hands on. Fri, 9/8, 5pm. Free. Chico Art Center, 450 Orange St.
WHISKY & WINE: Tastings for a cause. All proceeds benefit adults with developmental disabilities through Do-It Leisure. Fri, 9/8, 6pm. $15 - $35. Chico Women’s Club, 592 E. Third St. 530-343-6055.
DINNER AT THE DISTILLERY: Drinks, food trucks, live music, raffles and more. Fri, 9/8, 5pm. Free. Hooker Oak Distillery, 2420 Park Ave.
DINNER WITH A SCIENTIST: Tables of five enjoy a catered dinner with a scientist of their choice, and learn about current science
Special Events BIKES & BEERS: A totally Chico event featuring 15- or 30-mile bike rides, beer, live music, food trucks, raffles and games. Proceeds benefit Chico Velo Cycling Club. Sat 9/9, 9am. $40-$45. Sierra Nevada Brewing Co., 1075 E. 20th St.
CHIKOKO BACKYARD TRADING POST: Arts and crafts vendors peddle jewelry, natural body and bath goods, accessories and clothing behind the store. Sat 9/9, 10am. Free. The Bookstore, 118 Main St.
live music with the Big Bad Boogie Rock band to benefit the Active 20-30 Club of Chico. Sat 9/9, 6pm. $20-$25. Rolling Hills Casino, 2655 Everett Freeman Way, Corning. www.rolling
Sitar Trek
Music BIG NIGHT OUT: A fundraiser to benefit Cast Hope featuring live music from Chuck Ragan and The Fearless Kin, dinner, a silent auction, a photo booth and games. Sat, 9/9, 6pm. $35-$60. Sierra Nevada Big Room, 1075 E. 20th St.
CELEBRATING OUR FUTURE: The Chico State Department of Music and Theatre presents a student showcase running the gamut from classical to jazz and drama to musical theater. Sat, 9/9, 7:30pm. Free. Rowland-Taylor Recital Hall, Chico State.
CHICO WORLD MUSIC FESTIVAL: Chico State’s annual festival brings together musicians from all over the world to play on four stages. Plus, there’s dancing, crafts tables, art classes, science booths, a kid’s stage and food and vendors from a variety of cultures. New this year: an imagination playground
songs, character pieces and concert works. Sun, 9/10, 2pm. Free. Zingg Recital Hall, Chico State.
CLASSICAL GUITAR PROJECT: The SF Guitar Quartet brings impeccable technique, a warm sound and big stage presences. Sat,
9/9, 7:30pm. $15. New Vision church, 1600 Mangrove Ave. 530-899-0308.
SUMMERFEST: 103.5 The Blaze presents the annual celebration of life in Chico complete with beer, food samples, vendor booths, volleyball and more. Plus, live music with Northern Traditionz, Devoll, Black Slax, Madison Hudson and Chad Bushnell. Sat 9/9, 3pm. $5-$35. Manzanita Place, 1705 Manzanita Ave. 530-894-4809. www.summer
Theater RADIOLAND’S FALL FANTASIA: See Thursday. Sat, 9/9, 7:30pm. $16-$22. Theatre On The Ridge, 3735 Neal Road, Paradise. 530-877-5760.
Music FOUR ESSAYS IN MUSICAL: Pianist John Milbauer is joined by clarinetist Russell Burnham, violinist Scott Cole and cellist Michal Palzawicz for a diverse program of 19th and 20th century compositions demonstrating classic romantic notions relating to creativity. Presented by the School of the Arts. Mon, 9/11, 2pm. Free. Zingg Recital Hall, Chico State.
Special Events
FOOD TRUCK PARADISE: A gathering of local food vendors, plus a bounce house for kids. Tue, 9/12, 5pm. Beyond Fitness, 7224 Skyway,
Special Events
CHICO CONCOURS CAR & MOTORCYCLE SHOW: The annual event offers a full day of music, refreshments, entertainment and, of course, beautiful automobiles in a park-like setting. Sun, 9/10, 10am. Free. Butte Creek Country Club, 175 Estates Drive. 530-5134683.
WINE & BEER TASTING FUNDRAISER: A benefit for Pug Sunday (pug rescue). Includes adult refreshments, food, raffles, a silent auction and more. Sun, 9/10, 2pm. $20-$30. Chico Women’s Club, 592 E. Third St. 530-570-8947.
Paradise. 530-680-9900. multimedia performance featuring acrobatics, juggling and kung-fu. Presented by Chico Performances. Tue, 9/12, 7:30pm. $20-$42. Laxson Auditorium, 400 W. First St.. 530-8986785.
Music AMY HELM BAND: The product of a very musical family, Helm is a multi-instrumentalist and songwriter dabbling in Americana, folk and country music. Tue, 9/12, 7:30pm. $22.50. Sierra Nevada Big Room, 1075 E. 20th St.
SUNDAYS AT TWO—WITH & WITHOUT WORDS: The Chico State Department of Music and Theatre’s recital series continues with
to benefit a local family that lost their home to a fire. Festivities include an Italian dinner, bake sale and silent auction, plus live music by Lazy Lester and Alan Rigg. Sat 9/9, 4pm. $5-$10. Paradise Veterans Hall, 6550 Skyway, Paradise. 530-513-7231.
ROCK-A-RITA: A night of margaritas, food and
Saturday, Sept. 9 Chico State
by the Chico Children’s Museum and a beer garden. Sat 9/9, 11:30am. Free. Chico State, 400 W. First St. 530-898-6333.
RIDE SLOW Chico people know a cold beer goes down real well after a long bike ride in the late-summer heat. In fact, it’s such a good pairing, there’s an event dedicated to it called Bikes and Beers set for Saturday, Sept. 9. Riders will follow 15- or 30-mile routes through Chico starting and ending at Sierra Nevada Brewing Co., and then hang out at the brewery for live music, food trucks, raffles, games and beer. Best part is, proceeds benefit Chico Velo Cycling Club. Just ride home safe, OK?
S E P T E M B E R 7, 2 0 1 7
Shows through Oct. 31 Museum of Northern California Art see ART
Art ARABICA CAFE: Either/Or, works by mixed media artist Kandis Horton-Jorth. Through 9/30. Free. 142 Broadway, 530-828-6296.
CENTER FOR SPIRITUAL LIVING, PARADISE: Landscape Photographs, a display of local scenes from Bidwell Park and Table Mountain captured by Tom Hedge. Through 9/30. Free. 789 Bille Road, Paradise, 530-877-5673.
CHICO ART CENTER: Small Works, an open-entry exhibition of small works in collage, assemblage, textile, wire sculpture, paper clay, origami, found objects, or whatever else artists got their hands on. Through 9/29. Free. 450 Orange St., 530-895-8726.
HEALING ART GALLERY: Art by John Schmidt, paintings by Northern California artist John Schmidt. The Healing Art Gallery of Enloe Cancer Center features artists whose lives have been touched by cancer. Through 10/13. Free. 265 Cohasset Road, 530-332-3856.
JACKI HEADLEY UNIVERSITY ART GALLERY: Two Truths & A Lie, photography by Weegee, Zoe Crosher and Jessamyn Lovell. Through 9/30. Free. Chico State.
JAMES SNIDLE FINE ARTS: New Works by Avery Palmer, surrealist paintings on display. Through 10/31. Free. 254 E. Fourth St., 530343-2930.
JANET TURNER PRINT MUSEUM: Printing Obsessions, advanced printmaking students select works that speak to the meticulous side of printmaking, showcasing obsessive technique, psychological intent or eliminative construction. Through 9/23. Free. Chico State.
MUSEUM OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA ART: Affinity, a collaborative exhibition with NIAD, with more than 20 works created by artists involved with Nurturing Independence Through Artistic Development paired with paintings from Northern California artists. Through 10/31. $5. 900 Esplanade.
PARADISE ART CENTER: Member’s Show, an exhibition with no stated theme and open to all media. Through 9/20. 5564 Almond St., Paradise.
SALLY DIMAS ART GALLERY: Ongoing Exhibit, rotating exhibits featuring local artists. Through 9/16. 493 East Ave., 530-345-3063.
s e p t e m b e r 7, 2 0 1 7
THE NAKED LOUNGE: Paper Art & Metal Prints, collages & metal prints created from cocktail napkins by Molly Amick. Through 9/30. Free. 118 W. Second St., 530-828-9417.
Museums BOLT’S ANTIQUE TOOL MUSEUM: Tools of history, including a display of more than 50 branding irons. Through 11/4. $3. 1650 Broderick St., Oroville.
CHICO CREEK NATURE CENTER: Banding by Day and Night, a close look at birds in hand with incredible detail. Through 9/16. $2-$4. 1968 E. Eighth St.
COLMAN COMMUNITY MUSEUM: Cultural artifacts from Butte Creek Canyon, from Native American pre-history to the early 20th century. Through 9/16. 13548 Centerville Road.
GOLD NUGGET MUSEUM: Permanent Exhibits, including a collection of Maidu Indian artifacts, blacksmith and print shops, gold sluices, a miner’s cabin, a schoolhouse and a covered bridge that spans the width of a rushing creek. Through 12/31. Free. 502 Pearson Road, Paradise., 530-872-8722.
GOLD NUGGET MUSEUM – SPECIAL EVENT: Days of Living History, two days of hands-on activities, demonstrations and recreations of 100 years of Paradise Ridge history. Through 9/10. $5. 502 Pearson Road, Paradise., 530872-8722.
PARADISE DEPOT MUSEUM: The refurbished Paradise Depot serves as a museum with a working model train. Through 9/19. Free. 5570 Black Olive Drive, Paradise, 530-872-8722.
PATRICK RANCH MUSEUM: History Through the Lens of a Camera, an exhibition featuring vintage cameras and photos dating from the mid-1800s to mid-1900s. Through 10/28. Free. 10381 Midway, Durham, 530-342-4359.
VALENE L. SMITH MUSEUM OF ANTHROPOLOGY: Shadow & Water, a display of puppets from Indonesia and Vietnam. Through 12/20. Free. Chico State.
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240 Broadway St. | Chico, CA | 530.899.2847 | Deception Dioramas at The Butcher Shop. photo by CAtheriNe SullivAN
Art in the orchard Social issues and humor in Butcher Shop exhibits
Emusicians, mers, Chico’s far-flung community of visual artists, thespians and writers converges—or very Labor Day weekend for the past eight sum-
congeals—at the end of Estes Road for the eclectic and ever-expanding celebration of all things creative known as The Butcher Shop. by What began 28 years ago as a Carey backyard show has blossomed into Wilson one of the most popular community events of the year. And while the featured original play is still the thing Review: butcher Shop that inspires and drives the event, the art shows, outdoor, orchard venue provides an Sunday, Sept. 3, expansive setting for art exhibitions, end of Normal. side-stage musical performances and an eclectic array of food and beverage vendors. As one friend remarked, the preshow entertainment and peripheral exhibitions have become as much of a draw as the actual play. For last weekend’s show, the currently displaced 1078 Gallery organized a couple of displays of visual art: Seeing is Believing, featuring various interactive sculpture installations spread across the grounds, and Portraits of Desmond. The latter featured a selection of paintings by local artists depicting Desmond Phillips, a 25-year-old who was shot and killed in his home by Chico police officers after his father called for assistance during a mental health episode on March 17. The gallery’s statement reads: “The goal of this project is to raise awareness of this case and ... to address the high incidence of fatal police encounters in our community, especially where mental health issues are involved.” The images in the modest exhibit included straightforward portraits, such as Katherine Sherman’s realistic depiction of a dreadlocked young man with downcast eyes and an expression of melancholic silence on his lips. Equally expressive, Jonathan Green’s ink sketch over a cloudy background of blue and lavender stares from the paper with lips parted as if asking a question we can never answer.
Julia Murphy’s “Darkness Goes Down to Light” uses six panels to present a more abstract image, with a dark, somewhat splattered background figure seemingly contemplating the image of an innocent, naked baby floating in the foreground. Natalie Windt’s black-and-white collage, “Icarus,” is graphically and symbolically striking, using a woodcut image of the title figure surrounded by silhouettes of hands cut from pages of text juxtaposed with images of feathers and accented with what could be hair snipped from a frayed dreadlock. Presented tightly spaced on one large panel, the group of portraits—accompanied by Cory Hunt’s powerful poem, “Peace for Desmond,” which the writer also performed as a spoken-word piece during the preshow—makes a powerful case that art and social consciousness can and do make powerful allies. Folded into the Seeing is Believing sculptural garden was another group exhibit, Deception Dioramas, linked with the theme of this year’s play, My Name Was Deception. It was created by students in Butte College’s summer art appreciation course who were instructed to create “layered dioramas expressing how they see deception in our world today,” and the pieces combined whimsy and humor with genuine self- and social-reflection. The arrangement of the identically sized pieces side-by-side atop a wall of matching cardboard boxes gave an impression of glimpsing into the imaginations and concerns of the artists, from Sara Thomas’ “Lies We Tell Ourselves” to Patty Thatford’s “Healthy Smoothie.” Standing like a totem in the apex of the arc of the Deception Dioramas was another piece from the 1078’s sculpture exhibit. Bob Howard’s “Wanderer” used a charred wooden beam, colorful paint and sparkling marbles to create the evocative, largerthan-human figure of “Fred—King of Liars.” Weird, beautiful and perhaps a bit scary under the smokeyellowed, near-full moon, the piece seemed to sum up the enigmatic but life-affirming humor that formed the essence of the whole event. □
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12 2017 Roots/Americana giant Sara Jarosz won two Grammy Awards in 2017—Best Folk Album for Undercurrent and Best American Roots Performance for “House Of Mercy”. Undercurrent also picked up the award for 2017 Album of the Year from Folk Alliance International.
@SierraNevada S e p t e m b e r 7, 2 0 1 7
NIGHTLIFE CODY JINKs Friday, Sept. 8 Senator Theatre see FrIDAY
tHUrsDAY 9/7—WeDNesDAY 9/13 FOUR HANDS, FOUR FEET, & MORE THAN 3,000 PIPES: David Rothe and Ryan Enright will play a concert of music for two organists playing one organ, and several solo organ pieces. Fri, 9/8, 7:30pm. $6-$15. Harlen Adams Theatre, Chico State. 530-898-6333.
JOHN SEID & LARRY PETERSON: NASTY BASS: Another night of nasty, filthy, dirty, heavy bass music hosted by Dub Heezy. Featuring DJ Rizz, Shiner, Beats Impact and Trippy Mane. Thu, 9/7, 9pm. $5. Lost on Main, 319 Main St.
SURROGATE: The indie-rock outfit gets loud on the patio. Thu, 9/7, 9pm. $5. Argus Bar + Patio, 212 W. Second St.
JAZZ NIGHT: A weekly performance by
The Chico Jazz Collective. Thu, 9/7, 8pm. Free. Down Lo, 319 Main St.
JOHN SEID, LARRY PETERSON & BOB LITTELL: An eclectic mix of tunes for
BASSMINT: A weekly bass music party with a rotating cast of local and visiting producers and DJs. Fri, 9/8, 9:30pm. Peking Chinese Restaurant, 243 W. Second St.
dining pleasure. Thu, 9/7, 6pm. Free. Grana, 198 E. Second St.
LOCAL MUSIC VIDEO NIGHT: A benefit for Blackbird, the soon-to-open bookstore/art space on Park Avenue, featuring music videos by Chico artists past and present and live music by Viking Skate Country. Thu, 9/7, 7pm. $5-$10. The Pageant Theatre, 351 E. Sixth St.
CODY JINKS: JMAX Productions presents the outlaw country musician with a smooth baritone and darkhued songs. Ward Davis opens. Fri, 9/8, 8:30pm. $27. Senator Theatre, 517 Main St. www.jmaxproductions. net
An eclectic mix of tunes in the lounge. Fri, 9/8, 6pm. Free. Two Twenty Restaurant, 220 W. Fourth St.
KALIMBA: An Earth, Wind and Fire
cover band. Fri, 9/8, 9:30pm. $5. Feather Falls Casino & Lodge, 3 Alverda Drive, Oroville.
THE LOKI MILLER BAND: The killer local guitarist leads a trio playing blues, rock and country. Fri, 9/8, 9pm. Free. White Water Saloon, 5771 Clark Road, Paradise.
MADISON HUDSON: A country singer out of Sacramento. Fri, 9/8, 9pm. $5. Tackle Box, 379 E. Park Ave.
MAGICK GARDENS: Punk rock out of Portland, Ore. The Primers and Licky Lips also make loud noises. Fri, 9/8, 8pm. $7. The Maltese Bar & Tap Room, 1600 Park Ave.
MIC CHECK TOUR: A hip-hop bill featuring Kung Foo Grip, Remember Face, Pervert and Uncle Pill. Fri, 9/8, 8pm. $7. Naked Lounge, 118 W. Second St.
GrIppING tHe mIC Something about classic, old-school rap really gets a crowd pumped, and that’s to be expected when Kung Foo Grip rolls through Naked Lounge on Friday, Sept. 8 on their Mic Check Tour. The Seattle duo makes totally badass rap music in the vein of Mobb Deep, with a gritty aesthetic, sharp lyrics and fat, party-ready beats. Also on the bill: Remember Face, Pervert and Uncle Pill.
country in the lounge. Fri, 9/8, 8:30pm. Free. Gold Country Casino &
Hotel, 4020 Olive Highway, Oroville.
OPEN MIC: An open mic hosted by Thunder Lump and Steve Givens. Music only. Fri, 9/8, 7pm. Free. DownLo, 319 Main St.
SNEAKY PETE & THE SECRET WEAPONS: A super danceable funk-rock fivepiece out of Wyoming. Big Fuss opens. Fri, 9/8, 9pm. Lost on Main, 319 Main St.
BEE GEES GOLD: A cover band rec-
reating the look and sound of the kings of disco. Sat, 9/9, 9:30pm. $5. Feather Falls Casino & Lodge, 3 Alverda Drive, Oroville.
BLU AND EXILE: JMAX Productions presents the hip-hop duo celebrating the 10th anniversary of their acclaimed debut album, Below the Heavens. Sat, 9/9, 9pm. $12. Lost on Main, 319 Main St. www.jmax
BLUE HIPPIES: A longtime Chico band playing dance and party music in the lounge. Sat, 9/9, 8:30pm. Free. Feather Falls Casino & Lodge, 3 Alverda Drive, Oroville.
HERD ON THIRD: Iconic songs from the ’60s, ’70s and ’80s re-inspired with blues and jazz influence. Sat, 9/9, 5pm. Free. Rock House Restaurant, 11865 Highway 70, Yankee Hill.
JOSH BUDRO BAND: Playing country hits from artists such as Garth Brooks, Alabama and George Strait. Sat, 9/9, 9pm. $5. Tackle Box, 379 E. Park Ave.
THE KELLY TWINS DUELING PIANOS: Identical twins trade piano licks and smart remarks. Sat, 9/9, 9pm. $5. Argus Bar + Patio, 212 W. Second St.
MATT MCBRIDE BAND: Playing blues,
rock and jazz. Sat, 9/9, 8:30pm. Ramada Plaza, 685 Manzanita Court.
MILES CORBIN AND ROBERT KARCH: Original surf music by two local guitarists. Sat, 9/9, 6pm. Free. Grana, 198 E. Second St.
country in the lounge. Sat, 9/9, 8:30pm. Free. Gold Country Casino &
Hotel, 4020 Olive Highway, Oroville.
ROCK FOR REEDS: A fundraising show featuring Rigmarole, Holly and Tom, The Swigs and Brad Peterson. Proceeds go toward music supplies
Live Comedy Bobby Lee Brendan Schaub Bert Kreischer October 7th
November 3rd
Tickets Available at 32
s e p t e m b e r 7, 2 0 1 7
December 1st
Must be 21+ to attend. Management Reserves All Rights ©2017
THIS WEEK: FIND mOre eNtertAINmeNt AND speCIAL eVeNts ON pAGe 26 THE VELVET TEEN: Casey Deitz of The
bLU & eXILe
Americas returns to Chico with his indie/post-rock crew, The Velvet Teen. Locals Surrogate and Scout open. Sat, 9/9, 9:30pm. $7. Duffy’s Tavern, 337 Main St.
Saturday, Sept. 9 Lost on Main see sAtUrDAY
HANK DUKE’S GOOD TIME VARIETY HOUR: A variety show with the
theme “Hank Bless America.” Proceeds benefit the California Fire Foundation Sun, 9/10, 9pm. $5. The Maltese Bar & Tap Room, 1600 Park Ave.
TRIVIA NIGHT: Get quizzed on useless and reeds for the 2017-18 school year. Sat, 9/9, 8pm. $7-$10. The Maltese Bar & Tap Room, 1600 Park Ave.
ROCK-A-RITA: A night of margaritas, food and live music with the Big Bad Boogie Rock band to benefit the Active 20-30 Club of Chico. Sat, 9/9, 6pm. $20-$25. Rolling Hills Casino, 2655 Everett Freeman Way, Corning.
SEMI-ACOUSTIC MUSIC SHOWCASE: A weekly showcase and benefit for Chico schools. Hosted by Keith Kendall and friends. Sat, 9/9, 5pm. Scotty’s Boat Landing, 12609 River Road.
SUMMER OF TAINTED LOVE: An outdoor concert featuring food trucks, lawn seating and the 1980s cover band Tainted Love. Sat, 9/9, 5pm. $5-$10. Gold Country Casino & Hotel, 4020 Olive Highway, Oroville.
knowledge. Mon, 9/11, 9pm. Free. Down Lo, 319 Main St.
AMY HELM BAND: The product of
a very musical family, Helm is a multi-instrumentalist and songwriter dabbling in Americana, folk and country music. Tue, 9/12, 7:30pm. $22.50. Sierra Nevada Big Room, 1075 E. 20th St. www.sierra
BREAD & BUTTER: Trashy power-pop from Seattle. Mr. Malibu and Viking Skate Country open. Tue, 9/12, 9pm. $5. Duffy’s Tavern, 337 Main St.
OPEN MIC: A weekly open mic hosted by local singer-songwriter Andan Casamajor. Tue, 9/12, 6pm. Free. Gogi’s Cafe, 230 Salem St.
EDDY B & PURE COUNTRY PLUS: Classic and original blues, country and rock. Wed, 9/13, 6pm. Free. The Cabin Saloon, 8057 Highway 99, Los Molinos.
LIVE MUSIC OPEN MIC: Early evening open mic. Bring guitars, fiddles and whatever other instrument you enjoy and share some tunes. Wed, 9/13, 5:30pm. Maltese Bar & Tap Room, 1600 Park Ave.
OPEN MIKEFULL: At Paradise’s only open mic, all musicians get two songs or 10 minutes onstage. Wed,
9/13, 7pm. $1-$2. Norton Buffalo
TRIVIA NIGHT: Face off against rival teams with your squad of up to six fellow trivia enthusiasts. Wed, 9/13, 8pm. Free. Woodstock’s Pizza, 166 E. Second St.
Hall, 5704 Chapel Drive, Paradise.
PUNK ROCK SHOW: Acid Teeth roll through out of Seattle to mix it up with local punks Handsome Devil and Hörriblé! Wed, 9/13, 8pm. $5. The Maltese Bar & Tap Room, 1600 Park Ave.
UPPER RIVER BLUES SOCIETY JAM: A blues jam on the river to benefit Inspire School of Arts and Sciences. Wed, 9/13, 6pm. Free. Scotty’s Landing, 12609 River Road.
LOUD COLOrs The ’80s were a time of questionable hairdos, bold colors and cheesy metal bands. There was also a lot of good music on the radio, and that’s what Tainted Love is all about. The ’80s cover band is doing it big with an outdoor show at Gold Country Casino on Saturday, Sept. 9, running through classics from Michael Jackson’s “Beat It” to The Ramones’ “I Wanna Be Sedated.”
MILES CORBIN & ROBERT KARCH: Original surf music by guitarists
Miles Corbin and Robert Karch. Wed, 9/13, 6:30pm. Free. Izakaya Ichiban, 2000 Notre Dame Blvd.
OPEN MIC AT THE LIBRARY: Share everything from haiku to sonnets, short stories to autobiographies, and folk songs to instrumental guitar pieces. Wed, 9/13, 7pm. Free. Chico Library, 1108 Sherman Ave.
319 Main St. • Downtown Chico TM
WEEK It’s coming October 5–14
Open Mic Night is Back! Every Friday @ The Downlo SEP 8 Sneaky Pete & The Secret Weapons with Big Fuss SEP 9 Blu & Exile’s Below The Heavens: 10 Year Anniversary SEP 14 Turkuaz! SEP 16 Noche Latina SEP 17 Mac Lethal, Under House Music SEP 21 Royal Jelly Jive, Sam Chase & The Untraditional, & Pat Hull SEP 21 NthPower, Ghost-Note w/ Mononeon OCT 11 TAUK w/ Klozd Sirkut
/lostonmain s e p t e m b e r 7, 2 0 1 7
Reviewers: Bob Grimm and Juan-Carlos Selznick.
Opening this week Note: Due to the holiday, not all theaters had posted schedules by press time. Please check with venue for updated listings.
All Saints
A Christian faith-based flick about a man who faces a crisis of conscious when he leaves the corporate world to become a pastor. Paradise Cinema 7. Rated PG.
it’s even better than that—maybe not quite Iinexcept the same league with Dunkirk and Wind River,
’d say Logan Lucky is the best movie of the summer,
A big-screen adaptation of Stephen King’s 1986 novel about a being—often taking the form of a murderous clown—terrorizing the kids of a New England town. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas, Paradise Cinema 7. Rated R.
but still among the very best of the year so far. And in terms of smart, rambunctious comic-dramatic entertainment, it’s a by “summer movie” of an exceptionally Juan-Carlos Selznick rewarding sort. The central story, as you may have heard by now, involves the somewhat farcical scheme of some Deep South small-timers to pull off a big heist during a major NASCAR event in North Carolina. And since Steven Soderbergh is the director/ Logan Lucky Cinemark 14, Feather auteur on this one, too, there’s a real river Cinemas. rated aptness to the wisecracks about the pG-13. film being a hillbilly variation on his Ocean’s Eleven remake and its sequels. There’s so much going on in Logan Lucky that the heist, at times, seems almost beside the point. But Soderbergh and company make good on plenty of action and suspense, even as the film gives rapt attention to darkly comical digressions and bittersweet ventures into miscellanies of bespangled Southern kitsch. The script (credited to the heretofore unknown “Rebecca Blunt”) is a wildly flavorsome stew of local lingos, crackpot pronouncements and misspoken catchphrases. The pivotal figures in a large and very lively cast of characters are a rather tattered pair of brothers, a recently laid-off working man and divorcee named Jimmy (Channing Tatum) and a one-handed bartender and war vet named Clyde (Adam Driver). They and their saucy, pedal-to-the-metal sister Mellie (Riley Keough) are Logans, a family known in local legend as cursed with bad luck (hence the film’s title). The wild card in all this is an imprisoned safecracker/bank robber named Joe Bang (played by a fine and fiery Daniel Craig with bleach-blond crew cut and peckerwood accent). He’s the expert in the bunch, and a focal point in perhaps outlandish subplots that entail
S e p t e m b e r 7, 2 0 1 7
criminal acts and their deliberate reversal as a strategy for further activity, lawful and otherwise. Driver and Craig are the acting standouts here, but Tatum, Keough and nearly a dozen others do good work as well. Katie Holmes plays Jimmy’s not entirely estranged ex-wife. Katherine Waterston is good (and almost too good to be true) as a health care volunteer with whom Jimmy becomes intimate. An aging Dwight Yoakum is amusingly feckless as the prison warden. With a couple of mirthless FBI agents (Hillary Swank and Macon Blair) on the one hand, and Fish (Jack Quaid) and Sam (Brian Gleeson), the nitwit “faith-based” brothers of Joe Bang, on the other, Soderbergh hints at the extremes of Southern Gothic, but never really loses touch with an abiding air of sardonic amiability. Seth MacFarlane seems beyond the film’s subtleties as the aptly named Max Chilblain. In Good Time, The Nikas brothers, Connie (Robert
Pattinson) and Nick (Benny Safdie), may seem a little like a New York version of the buffoonish Bang brothers in Logan Lucky, but they are a little closer to the conflicted gravitas of the brothers played by Channing Tatum and Adam Driver in that film. Good Time Connie is a chronic screw-up Cinemark 14. with a criminal history. He plans to rated r. get out of jail, help his emotionally disabled brother escape from a mental hospital, rob a bank in order to finance their escape to a different life in a different state. He puts every phase of that plan into action, but it’s no surprise that nearly everything goes wrong. Plus, Connie’s irascible girlfriend (Jennifer Jason Leigh), and a not that innocent teenager (Talitha Webster) and her Haitian grandmother (Gladys Mathon) get variously entangled in the brothers’ tragicomic misadventures. The not entirely unwelcome surprise in all this is that the film’s co-directors, brothers Benny and Josh Safdie, keep a glimmer of humanity percolating throughout most of this grim, urban picaresque tale. □
An adaptation of Jeannette Walls’ bestselling 2005 memoir about her tumultuous upbringing with her three siblings and their dysfunctional parents. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas, Paradise Cinema 7. Rated PG-13.
Good Time
Reese Witherspoon plays a recently separated woman who, after moving out on her own with her two daughters, boards three handsome young men in her home. Rom-com shenanigans ensue. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas, Paradise Cinema 7. Rated PG-13.
Two fine summertime heist flicks
The Glass Castle
Home Again
brothers who steal together ...
to Kenneth Branagh. He plays Commander Bolton, the British naval officer in charge of the evacuation to the hospital ship who stays on to oversee further evacuations when the civilian vessels arrive. Branagh quietly brings a full range of large-scale emotion to key scenes with little or no dialogue. Cinemark 14. Rated PG-13 —J.C.S.
Local Music Video Night
A night of music videos by Chico artists past and present, including shorts set to the music of Surrogate, Severance Package, Cold Blue Mountain, The Yule Logs, GravyBrain, The Shimmies and many more. Plus, filmmaker interviews and live music. A benefit for Blackbird Books, Gallery & Cafe. One showing: Thursday, Sept. 7, 7 p.m. Pageant Theatre. Not Rated.
A buddy action-comedy starring Ryan Reynolds as a bodyguard tasked with delivering a notorious hitman (Samuel L. Jackson) to a court appearance as assassins and other baddies make the assignment very difficult. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas, Paradise Cinema 7. Rated R.
A 3-D animated feature about an orphan girl (voiced by Elle Fanning) who sets off for Paris with dreams of becoming a ballerina. Released in Canada and France last year under the name Ballerina. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas, Paradise Cinema 7. Rated PG.
Logan Lucky
See review this issue. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas. Rated PG-13 —J.C.S.
The Nut Job 2: Nutty by Nature
Behind-the-scenes documentary on the North Carolina sibling Americana duo The Avett Brothers. Directed by Judd Apatow and Michael Bonfiglio. One showing: Tuesday, Sept. 12, 7 p.m. $10 advance tickets available at Melody Records and the Pageant box office. Pageant Theatre. Not Rated.
Whose Streets
Documentary on the Feruguson uprisings in the wake of the police killing of unarmed black teen Michael Brown. Pageant Theatre. Rated R.
Now playing The Big Sick
Silicon Valley star Kumail Nanjiani wrote the screenplay with his wife, Emily Gordon, and stars as a fictionalized version of himself in the real-life story about their relationship and her time spent in a hospital with a life-threatening illness. Paradise Cinema 7. Rated R.
The Hitman’s Bodyguard
May It Last: A Portrait of The Avett Brothers
See review this issue. Cinemark 14. Rated R —J.C.S.
Christopher Nolan’s extraordinary new movie is a riveting tale about a major event from World War II—the 1940 rescue and evacuation of the massive numbers of Allied troops trapped and hemmed in by the German army on the beaches of Dunkirk on the French side of the English Channel. As such, it has great appeal both as a fastmoving, multicharacter action drama and as an artfully complex war film in which the stories of several sets of individual characters are intricately intertwined with each other and with the unfolding events of an epic moment in modern history. The best performance of all, however, may belong
A 3-D animated feature about a purple squirrel and his animal friends trying to save a natural park from being bulldozed to build a less critter-friendly amusement park. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas. Rated PG.
Wind River
Taylor Sheridan’s Wind River is a crime thriller that distinguishes itself both as an outdoor action film and as a nuanced multicharacter drama. The central mystery of the story revolves around the violent death of a young woman whose battered body is found in snowy mountainous terrain on the Wind River Reservation in Wyoming. The somewhat scrambled investigation that ensues is conducted by a disillusioned tribal policeman (Graham Greene), an eager but young and ill-prepared FBI agent (Elizabeth Olsen) and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife hunter/ tracker (Jeremy Renner) who found the body while tracking wolves that have been preying on local livestock. Wind River delivers a good deal more than the conventional satisfactions, including some uncommon twists of emphasis in what may sound at first like a routinely familiar tale. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas, Paradise Cinema 7. Rated R —J.C.S.
Still here
Annabelle: Creation
Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas. Rated R —B.G.
Despicable Me 3
Cinemark 14. Rated PG.
Spider-Man: Homecoming Cinemark 14. Rated PG-13.
1 2 3 4 5 Poor
Very Good
CHOW A four-beer flight all aglow in the window light at Lost Dutchman. photo by Jordan rodrigueS
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A craft beer pilgrimage to the north side of Chico and I pulled our bikes up Tto Abby The Lost Dutchman Taproom. he blazing sun was setting as
Thirsty after the ride across town, I ordered a pint of Sierra Nevada’s by Howard Otra Vez ($6) Hardee brewed with lime and agave, a h owa rdh@ super-refreshing newsrev iew.c om summertime beer. The bartender made a friendly The Lost suggestion to try Dutchman Tahoe Mountain Taproom 25 Lost dutchman Brewing Co.’s drive Blood Orange 809-1797 Saison ($6.50), www.lostdutchman which is in the same ballpark. Abby ordered one of those. The beers came quickly. Mine was only about half full—they had just tapped out the keg of Otra Vez, so the bartender offered it on the house. Score. Parched as we were, the crisp, tart beers hit the spot, especially Abby’s saison; it was fruity and vinegary at the start, bitter in the middle and light at the finish. The Lost Dutchman is basically just two small rooms separated by a curtain. The bar and table tops are highly polished, dark-stained wood that contrast a
row of 19 gleaming, stainless steel taps. Old-timey light fixtures hang all around, as does contemporary art by Butte College instructor Simone Senat. It adds up to a warm atmosphere and a good place to have an intimate conversation. Tucked away in a compound that includes Hotel James and Wine Time, The Lost Dutchman opened about a year and a half ago, and is one of Chico’s best-kept secrets. It’s among a handful of top-notch craft beer bars that have popped up around town over the past few years. This one is far from downtown, which is fine—maybe even desirable—except for people who want to ride out from other parts of town, because there’s no good way to get there on a bicycle. There’s a small food menu with dishes priced $10 and under. I ordered the mac and cheese ($8) and it was delicious, with a crispy top layer of cheese, gooey stuff underneath and a hint of basil. Abby ordered the goat cheese panini ($10), which I didn’t try because I’m not down with funky cheese, but she said it was solid. We ordered a flight of four 5-ounce beers of our choice ($10), and our first sample was Sierra Nevada’s CBE Imperial Stout. It was crafted with input from the
Chico Beer Enthusiasts group during a Beer Camp visit, and it’s a real monster (9.7 percent alcohol), made with toasted coconut, vanilla and cold brew coffee. It was jetblack and smooth. Next up was 2 Towns Cider House’s Made Marion marionberry cider, which was pretty incredible. I tend to expect ciders to be sickly sweet, but this wasn’t, and it tasted spot-on like blackberries. Then there was Dust Bowl Brewing Co.’s Super Tramp wheat-wine style ale, which had a straightforward foundation of wheat flavor with a strong strawberry finish (strawberry puree is one of the ingredients). We were both lukewarm on it. Our last sample was my favorite beer of the night. I’ve been told that hazy IPAs—cloudy and unfiltered in the New England style—are the new, trendy thing, so in the spirit of being cool, we made sure to be seen sipping Barebottle Brewing’s Mango Shakes IPA. It was juicy and not the least bit bitter. Abby, who usually hates hop-bombs, said, “It tastes like an IPA, except not bad.” It was around closing time when we finished the flight. We paid the bill (about $40 with a tip) and agreed it was well worth it. We stepped into the Chico night for the (long) ride home. □
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more info:
F RE E S e p t e m b e r 7, 2 0 1 7
s e p t e m b e r 7, 2 0 1 7
Amy O Winspear
—Robin Bacior
Two tributes John Vanore & Mark Masters Ensemble Acoustical Concepts & Capri On Stolen Moments, trumpeter John Vanore has assembled a cast of 16 players to realize this tribute to late composer/saxophonist Oliver Nelson (1932-75). Rather than slavishly duplicate Nelson’s effort (“This isn’t a ghost band,” Vanore stresses), he’s wisely chosen to reinterpret the nine tunes. Acclaimed saxophonist Steve Wilson gets the lion’s share of the solos, one a lovely soprano sax interpretation of “I Hope in Time Change Will Come.” The high point is the eight-minute version of the stunning title track, which led me to dig out Nelson’s 1961 original. Vanore’s compares very favorably! On another tribute album, noted arranger Mark Masters reimagines the music of Charles Mingus and Gerry Mulligan on the challenging Blue Skylight. It features a trio of his heroes—bassist Putter Smith and saxophonists Gene Cipriano and Gary Foster—plus a few others knocking themselves out on such fare as Mulligan’s lively “Apple Core” and Mingus’ stately “Eclipse.” Mulligan’s “Strayhorn 2” and “Motel” feature baritone saxophonist Adam Schroeder. A varied and challenging collection of tunes.
—Miles Jordan
Call It Love Briana Marela Jag jaguar Sometimes rather than choose one, the best thing is to merge two together. Seattle-based Briana Marela was caught between two styles, straddling stark ambient noise on one side and more radiating, electronic-based pop tunes on the other. She’d intended to keep her newest record split between the two, but she brought them together instead. Call It Love is an intimate album with attention-holding undertones, a mix of ethereal, angelic melodies and seamlessly stitched synths. The turns are subtle, like on “Feel What I Feel,” when the chorus eclipses the verse with pulsing low bass, and when little delicate synth blips fall like confetti, the moment feels reminiscent of something by the Animal Collective. Marela’s lyrics are less hooks and more wheels, slow and repetitive, rolling the melodies forward, solidifying the simple phrases into the listener’s brain. Her instrumental builds are just as steady. On “Give Me Your Love,” Marela builds a simple pop chorus before taking a midsong twist, bringing in new sonic colors while slowly weaving in the initial licks, ending with a massive tapestry. —Robin Bacior
IT IS MAGIC It doesn’t seem possible that The Butcher Shop exists.
Arts DEVO biked out to the arts/music/theater festival on Sunday and was bowled over as usual by the scope of this celebration of original art and the fact that so many people are down for the weird party. The word “magic” was thrown around a lot among those in attendance, and that fits with the image of the colorful, communal scene appearing overnight in an orchard. Kudos to Slow Theatre and all the collaborators involved. As for the main feature, the two-act My Name Was Deception musical, it was a lot of fun, and mostly successful. While I do respect the process, the methodical Slow Theatre approach of taking several months to create a community-centered work would seem to be at odds with the necessarily condensed production schedule of doing a one-off show in an orchard where many environmental and staging factors made it sometimes hard to follow along. The wildness in vibe and setting might just be better suited to multiple bursts of My Name Was Deception, with Zoe Karch (as Polly), weirdness that were Mim Roeder (Tiger) and Wendell Seitz (Snake). the hallmark of the PHOTO BY MICHAEL BONE Butcher Shop’s former approach of producing multiple one-acts. I prefer that myself. In fact, that’s how I enjoyed my experience this year, by absorbing each scene as an individual set piece, and each was wonderful in its own right—with fantastical costumes and incredible backdrops, groovy/ weird live band accompaniment and exuberant performances. So, not much of a complaint in the end.
DELAYED REACTION Regular readers of this column know that David
Lynch is my guy, a quirky personal hero who created three of my favorite films of all time—Blue Velvet, Wild at Heart and Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me. And it’s undoubtedly my history of yammering about my arts crush that prompted a reader to email me asking that I share my thoughts on Lynch’s recently concluded Showtime series, Twin Peaks: The Return, but I’m reticent to do so. First off, I’m not close to finishing the series. Vacations and work and other life excuses have made it difficult to keep up, and as I write this column, I’m only on episode six. And, as much as I love Lynch’s work and pretty much everything about him, I’ve been struggling a bit with his return to moving pictures. I will say that what I’ve watched so far has been at turns thrilling, terrifying, inspiring, fun, hilarious, cheesy, tedious and confusing. But my overall feeling is that Lynch is figuring it out as he goes, like I’m watching while he works, as in one of the behindTwin Peaked the-scenes documentaries of him chain smoking as he assembles a large painting. There are expressive moments and compelling abstract images, but whatever narrative— or vision, or whatever—that there might be hasn’t been fully realized. I’m sure I’m wrong. And I’m mostly enjoying it. But the experience is unlike any of my previous interactions with Lynch’s art. Hopefully that ends up being a good thing. I’ll binge and get back to you.
Hit me up: Share your art, music and culture news and gossip. Message “Arts DEVO” on Facebook, or email
Learn to be you. That seems to be the sentiment of Amy O’s newest record, Elastic. It’s up for debate how many records Amy O has under her belt. She’s put out at least seven as she’s hopped around the U.S., playing and recording music for a handful of years. Her songs feel unapologetic and direct, but far from abrasive. Her straightforward, timeless rock style feels akin to indie-rock pioneers like Sleater-Kinney, or the breezy/gritty sonic approach of The Breeders. Her songs are built on dynamics of simple shifts that boost rather than derail, like on the bass-thumping “Sunday Meal,” when it downshifts into the outro, or “Soft Skin,” as her vocals unroll into the bouncy hook “What do you want to eat today?” Songs like “History Walking” have a high-speed ’90s rock/pop feel, gliding swiftly along with little time for a breath between quick verses and fastspun guitar lines. It stretches but never breaks; elasticity at its best.
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Content: Maui Wowie Sativa (82.5% THC); Cookies and Cream Hybrid (87.62% THC); Blue Dream Hybrid (86.91% THC) PriCe: $50/cartridge Uses: Relaxation; mood enhancement Pros: Sky-high THC levels; easy to take huge hits Cons: Occasional throat and nasal harshness from the huge inhales ratings
ne of the most annoying aspects about vape pens and cartridges is how hard you need to work just to ingest a minimal amount of vapor. Short and quick puffs accomplish almost nothing, and often you need to inhale through the sixsecond maximum to accomplish any effects. Oregon-based extracts experts Select Oils have circumvented this problem, not by reimagining the humble vape pen — their silver-hued version looks and behaves like any other on the market — but rather by designing the cartridge for maximum inhalation. Rather than a mere plastic slit, the metal mouthpieces of the Select Elite cartridges are wide enough to insert the business end of a chopstick. As a result, vapor robustly pours out upon inhalation, and a series of short puffs is recommended as opposed to reaching the six-second maximum, which can result in a fair amount of throat and nasal harshness.
We sampled three different varieties of Select Elite cartridges: the orange-heavy tropical notes of Maui Waui, the deliciously berry-flavored Blue Dream and a slightly disappointing Cookies and Cream. Our favorite was the Blue Dream, but all three versions weighed in with THC levels of 80 percent or higher.
A series of short puffs is recommended as opposed to reaching the six-second maximum, which can result in a fair amount of throat and nasal harshness. Although the Select Elite cartridges appear unusually small, each one contains 0.5 mL of cannabis oil, enough for 150 “servings.” Dope Magazine recently named Select Oils the best concentrate company of 2017, so they’re clearly doing something right. Select Oils also produces a low-dose line of extract cartridges called Social. Produced by N&R Publications, a division of News & Review.
FREE WILL ASTROLOGY For the week oF september 7, 2017 ARIES (March 21-April 19): You’re half-
intoxicated by your puzzling adventures— and half-bewildered, as well. Sometimes you’re spinning out fancy moves, sweet tricks, and surprising gambits. On other occasions you’re stumbling and bumbling and mumbling. Are you really going to keep up this rhythm? I hope so, because your persistence in navigating through the challenging fun could generate big rewards. Like what, for example? Like the redemptive transformation of a mess into an asset.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): “Free
your mind and your ass will follow,” sings funk pioneer George Clinton in his song “Good Thoughts, Bad Thoughts.” And what’s the best way to free your mind? Clinton advises you to “Be careful of the thought-seeds you plant in the garden of your mind.” That’s because the ideas you obsess on will eventually grow into the experiences you attract into your life. “Good thoughts bring forth good fruit,” he croons, while “Bullshit thoughts rot your meat.” Any questions, Taurus? According to my astrological analysis, this is the best possible counsel for you to receive right now.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): James
Loewen wrote a book called Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong. He said, for instance, that during the Europeans’ invasion and conquest of the continent, it wasn’t true that Native Americans scalped white settlers. In fact, it was mostly the other way around: Whites scalped Indians. Here’s another example: The famous blind and deaf person, Helen Keller, was not a sentimental spokesperson for sweetness and light, but rather a radical feminist and socialist who advocated revolution. I invite you to apply Loewen’s investigative approach to your personal past, Gemini. The coming weeks will be an excellent time to uncover hidden, incomplete, and distorted versions of your history, and correct them.
CANCER (June 21-July 22): Roger
Hodge writes books now, but when he worked for Harper’s Magazine, he had an unusual specialty. He gathered heaps of quirky facts and assembled several at a time into long sentences that had a nutty poetic grace. Here’s an example: “British cattle have regional accents, elephants mourn their dead, nicotine sobers drunk rats, scientists have concluded that teenagers are physically incapable of being considerate, and clinical trials of an ‘orgasmatron’ are underway in North Carolina.” I’m offering Hodge as a worthy role model for you in the coming weeks, Cancerian. Be curious, miscellaneous, and free-flowing. Let your mind wander luxuriantly as you make unexpected connections. Capitalize on the potential blessings that appear through zesty twists and tangy turns.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): In Japan you can
buy a brand of candy that’s called The Great Buddha’s Nose Snot. Each piece consists of a rice puff that resembles the Buddha’s nose filled with bits of brown sugar that symbolize the snot. The candymaking company assures customers that eating this treat brings them good luck. I invite you to be equally earthy and irreverent about your own spiritual values in the coming days. You’re in a prime position to humanize your relationship with divine influences … to develop a more visceral passion for your holiest ideals … to translate your noblest aspirations into practical, enjoyable actions.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Will a routine
trip to carry out an errand take you on a detour to the suburbs of the promised land? Will you worry you’re turning into a monster, only to find the freakishness is just a phase that you had to pass through on your way to unveiling some of your dormant beauty? Will a provocative figure from the past lead you on a productive wild-goose chase into the future? These are some of the possible storylines I’ll be monitoring as I follow your progress in the coming weeks.
by rob brezsny LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Let’s meet
in the woods after midnight and tell each other stories about our origins, revealing the secrets we almost forgot we had. Let’s sing the songs that electrified our emotions all those years ago when we first fell in love with our lives. Starlight will glow on our ancient faces. The fragrance of loam will seep into our voices like rainwater feeding the trees’ roots. We’ll feel the earth turning on its axis, and sense the rumble of future memories coming to greet us. We’ll join hands, gaze into the dreams in each other’s eyes, and dive as deep as we need to go to find hidden treasures.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): I don’t
usually recommend giving gifts with strings attached. On the contrary, I advise you to offer your blessings without having any expectations at all. Generosity often works best when the recipients are free to use it any way they see fit. In the coming weeks, however, I’m making an exception to my rule. According to my reading of the omens, now is a time to be specific and forceful about the way you’d like your gifts to be used. As an example of how not to proceed, consider the venture capitalist who donated $25,000 to the University of Colorado. All he got in return was a restroom in a campus building named after him. If you give away $25,000, Scorpio, make sure you at least get a whole building named after you.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21):
Now that you’re getting a taste of what life would be like if you ruled the world, I’ll recommend a manual. It’s called How To Start Your Own Country, by Erwin Strauss. (Get a free peek here: tinyurl. com/YouSovereign.) You could study it for tips on how to obtain national sovereignty, how to recruit new citizens, and how to avoid paying taxes to yourself. (P.S.: You can make dramatic strides toward being the boss of yourself and your destiny even without forming your own nation.)
CLASSIFIEDS Print ads start at $6/wk. or (530) 894-2300 ext. 2 Phone hours: M-F 9am-5pm. Deadlines for print: Line ad deadline: Monday 4pm Display ad deadline: Friday 2pm
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Science fiction proposes that there are alternate worlds alongside the visible one—hidden, yes, but perhaps accessible with the right knowledge or luck. In recent years, maverick physicists have given the idea more credibility, theorizing that parallel universes exist right next to ours. Even if these hypothetical places aren’t literally real, they serve as an excellent metaphor. Most of us are so thoroughly embedded in our own chosen niche that we are oblivious to the realities that other people inhabit. I bring these thoughts to your attention, Aquarius, because it’s a favorable time to tap into those alternate, parallel, secret, unknown, or unofficial realms. Wake up to the rich sources that have been so close to you, but so far away.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): I’m always
in favor of you cultivating a robust relationship with your primal longings. But I’ll be rooting extra hard for you to do that during the next eleven months. I hope you will dig deep to identify your primal longings, and I hope you will revere them as the wellspring of your life energy, and I hope you will figure out all the tricks and strategies you will need to fulfill them. Here’s a hint about how to achieve the best results as you do this noble work: Define your primal longings with as much precision as you can, so that you will never pursue passing fancies that bear just a superficial resemblance to the real things. for Rob Brezsny’s EXPANDED WEEKLY AUDIO HOROSCOPES and DAILY TEXT MESSAGE HOROSCOPES. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 1-877-873-4888.
All advertising is subject to the newspaper’s Standards of Acceptance. Further, the News & Review specifically reserves the right to edit, decline or properly classify any ad. Errors will be rectified by re-publication upon notification. The N&R is not responsible for error after the first publication. The N&R assumes no financial liability for errors or omission of copy. In any event, liability shall not exceed the cost of the space occupied by such an error or omission. The advertiser and not the newspaper assumes full responsibility for the truthful content of their advertising message. *Nominal fee for some upgrades.
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CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19):
There was a time when not even the most ambitious explorers climbed mountains. In the western world, the first time it happened was in 1492, when a Frenchman named Antoine de Ville ascended to the top of Mont Aiguille, using ladders, ropes, and other props. I see you as having a kinship with de Ville in the coming weeks, Capricorn. I’d love to see you embark on a big adventure that would involve you trying on the role of a pioneer. This feat wouldn’t necessarily require strenuous training and physical courage. It might be more about daring creativity and moral courage.
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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as MERCHANDISE RESALE COMPANY at 1027 Rushmore Ave Chico, CA 95973. SCOTT ORTIZ 1027 Rushmore Ave Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: SCOTT ORTIZ Dated: August 8, 2017 FBN Number: 2017-00001067 Published: August 17,24,31, September 7, 2017
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as DEEP HEART CONNECTION at 143 1/2 West 21st Street Chico, CA 95928. KIMBERLY DAVIS 143 1/2 West 21st Street Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: KIMBERLY DAVIS Dated: July 28, 2017 FBN Number: 2017-0001011 Published: August 17,24,31, September 7, 2017
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as ANGEL LOVE at 1197 Ravenshoe Way Chico, CA 95973. ADRIANA COVARRUBIAS 1197 Ravenshoe Way Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: ADRIANA COVARRUBIAS Dated: August 4, 2017 FBN Number: 2017-0001060 Published: August 17,24,31, September 7, 2017
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as THE BANSHEE at 134 W 2nd Street Chico, CA 95928. MAD RAVEN INC 134 W 2nd Street Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by A Corporation.
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Signed: SEBASTIEN TAMARELLE, SECRETARY Dated: August 10, 2017 FBN Number: 2017-0001075 Published: August 17,24,31, September 7, 2017
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as UPPER PARK HONEY at 2640 Lobo Way Chico, CA 95973. AARON RODRIGUEZ 2640 Lobo Way Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: AARON RODRIGUEZ Dated: July 24, 2017 FBN Number: 2017-000985 Published: August 17,24,31, September 7, 2017
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as ALTERATION NANDAS at 2059 Forest Ave #1 Chico, CA 95928. LAURA KARIZA OLIVA 2489 Nakia Ct Durham, CA 95938. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: LAURA K OLIVA ACOSTA Dated: July 27, 2017 FBN Number: 2017-0001009 Published: August 17,24,31, September 7, 2017
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as UNTAMED BAKESHOP at 627 Broadway St. Ste 170 Chico, CA 95928. KALA RIDDLE 1661 Forest Ave Apt. 89 Chico, CA 95928. KYLE RIDDLE 1661 Forest Ave, Apt 89 Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by A Married Couple. Signed: KALA RIDDLE Dated: August 18, 2017 FBN Number: 2017-0001123 Published: August 24,31, September 7,14, 2017
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as KOVACH MEDIA at 1665 N Cherry Street Apt 12 Chico, CA 95926. DUSTIN SMITH 1665 N Cherry Street Apt 12 Chico, CA 95926. TIFFANY SMITH 1665 N Cherry Street Apt 12 Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by A Married Couple. Signed: DUSTIN SMITH Dated: August 18, 2017 FBN Number: 2017-0001122 Published: August 24,31, September 7,14, 2017
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as PITOIP LLC, PLUGGED IN AND TURNED ON IN PARADISE at 5972 Royal Point Drive Paradise, CA 95969. PITOIP LLC 5972 Royal Point Drive Paradise, CA 95969. This business is conducted by A Limited Liability Company. Signed: CLAY REID, PRES. Dated: August 11, 2017 FBN Number: 2017-0001079 Published: August 24,31, September 7,14, 2017
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as HEARTSONG YOGA at 6311 Skyway Paradise, CA 95969. HUGH HOOKS JR. 1363 Brill Rd Paradise, CA 95969. CARMI HOOKS 1363 Brill Rd Paradise, CA 95969. This business is conducted by A Married Couple. Signed: CARMI HOOKS Dated: August 15, 2017 FBN Number: 2017-0001097 Published: August 24,31, September 7,14, 2017
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as 2 ENGLISH LADIES, TWO ENGLISH LADIES at 309 Westin Lane Chico, CA 95973. PATRICIA M HOLDSTOCK 309 Westin Lane Chico, CA 95973. CLAIRE STEPHENS 2 Rugosa Oak Court Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by A General Partnership. Signed: PATRICIA M HOLDSTOCK Dated: July 7, 2017 FBN Number: 2017-0000926 Published: August 24,31, September 7,14, 2017
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as ORO PLAZA at 1900 Oro Dam Blvd Oroville, CA 95966. KIRK BENGTSON 1037 Village Lane Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: KIRK BENGTSON Dated: July 31, 2017 FBN Number: 2017-0001030 Published: August 24,31, September 7,14, 2017
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as TEB PANTRY at 1982 Modoc Drive Chico, CA 95928. ALI EMDADIAN 1982 Modoc Drive Chico, CA 95928. MOHAMMADREZA SOLEYMANI 1982 Modoc Drive Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by A General Partnership. Signed: ALI EMDADIAN Dated: August 16, 2017 FBN Number: 2017-0001106 Published: August 24,31, September 7,14, 2017
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as LA BUENA TIERRA at 50 Cameo Dr. Apt 3 Chico CA, CA 95973. AUTUMN HOPE MENDEZ 50 Cameo Dr. Apt 3 Chico CA, CA 95973. GABRIEL MENDOZA 50 Cameo Dr. Apt 3 Chico CA, CA 95973. This business is conducted by Copartners. Signed: AUTUMN MENDEZ Dated: August 11, 2017 FBN Number: 2017-0001083 Published: August 24,31, September 7,14, 2017
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as WOODS GENERAL STORE at 19175 New York Flat Rd Forbestown, CA 95941. RHEANNA MARIE WOODS 94 Buckeye Dr Forbestown, CA 95941. SCOTT WALTER WOODS 94 Buckeye Dr Forbestown, CA 95941. This business is conducted by A Married Couple. Signed: RHEANNA MARIE WOODS Dated: August 1, 2017 FBN Number: 2017-0001043 Published: August 24,31, September 7,14, 2017
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as ARCHWAY MANAGEMENT at 1469 Arch Way Chico, CA 95973. BETH ANN WHITE 1469 Arch Way Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: BETH WHITE Dated: July 27, 2017 FBN Number: 2017-0001010 Published: August 24,31, September 7,14, 2017
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as FONG FINANCIAL SERVICES at 120 Independence Cir Ste E Chico, CA 95973. FONG MICHAEL LO 1877 Modoc Drive Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: FONG MICHAEL LO Dated: August 21, 2017 FBN Number: 2017-0001133 Published: August 24,31, September 7,14, 2017
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as CHICO DRINK, CHICO DRINKS at 1148 Stanley Ave Chico, CA 95928. CARLIE RAE ADAMS 1148 Stanley Ave Chico, CA 95928. SAMUEL L ADAMS 1148 Stanley Ave Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by A Married Couple. Signed: SAMUEL L. ADAMS Dated: August 16, 2017 FBN Number: 2017-0001105 Published: August 24,31, September 7,14, 2017
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as GEOLOGY ROCKS! AND MINERALS, KCV CONSULTING at 835 Main St Chico, CA 95926. KASEY CARLOS VALLE 835 Main St Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: KASEY VALLE Dated: August 24, 2017 FBN Number: 2017-0001151 Published: August 31, September 7,14,21, 2017
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing
SsEePpTtEeMmBbEeRr 7,7, 22001177
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business as FAMILY TREE HYDROPONIC SUPPLY at 2961 Hwy 32 Unit 27 Chico, CA 95973. KASEY VALLE 852 Grass Ct Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: KASEY VALLE Dated: August 24, 2017 FBN Number: 2017-0001150 Published: August 31, September 7,14,21, 2017
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as BROTHERS FOUNDATION, PEACE BROTHERS FOUNDATION, REDWOOD GROVE CONNECTION at 1436 Salem St Chico, CA 95928. RONALD BROWN 1617 E Lassen Ave Chico, CA 95973. CHARLES THOMPSON 1436 Salem St Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by A General Partnership. Signed: CHARLES THOMPSON Dated: August 24, 2017 FBN Number: 2017-0001152 Published: August 31, September 7,14,21, 2017
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as MICROBLADING BY CHEYANN at 142 W 2nd Street Suite C Chico, CA 95928. CHEYANN VELASQUEZ 1048 Montgomery St Oroville, CA 95965. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: CHEYANN VELASQUEZ Dated: August 2, 2017 FBN Number: 2017-0001052 Published: August 31, September 7,14,21, 2017
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as NOR CAL CREAMERY at 66 North Valley Ct Chico, CA 95973. RICK WRIGHT 66 North Valley Ct Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: RICK H. WRIGHT Dated: August 22, 2017 FBN Number: 2017-0001139 Published: August 31, September 7,14,21, 2017
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as BECKY’S EARTHWORM FARM at 598 E Street Suite 140 Chico, CA 140. JUAN GABRIEL GARCIA 4968 Durham Pentz Oroville, CA 95965.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as DG AND T TRUCKING at 1693 Park View Lane Chico, CA 95926. DONALD P CASSONE 1693 Park View Lane Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: DONALD P. CASSONE Dated: August 24, 2017 FBN Number: 2017-0001149 Published: September 7,14,21,28, 2017
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as NORTH VALLEY AUTO AND TRUCK at 4950 Cohasset Rd Suite 6 Chico, CA 95973. GREGORY THEODOR HOWELL 19 Top Flight Court Chico, CA 95928. BUSTER RICH 10 San Gabriel Dr Unit A Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by A General Partnership. Signed: GREG HOWELL Dated: August 8, 2017 FBN Number: 2017-0001069 Published: September 7,14,21,28, 2017
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as NORTHERN CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND WELLNESS CENTER at 8 Governors Lane Chico, CA 95926. RICHARD PRUETT 3500 Cory Canyon Rrd Oroville, CA 95926. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: RICHARD PRUETT Dated: August 29, 2017 FBN Number: 2017-0001168 Published: September 7,14,21,28, 2017
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as JUMPSTART NUTRITION at 167 E. 3rd Ave Chico, CA 95926. JUDY AKEMI HAMAMOTO 476 Hoopa Circle Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: JUDY A HAMAMOTO Dated: August 29, 2017 FBN Number: 2017-0001169 Published: September 7,14,21,28, 2017
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as STRONG AGAIN at 1916 Oleander Ave Chico, CA 95926. MARISA ELISABETH SMILEY-JARRELL 1355 Palm Ave Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: MARISA SMILEY-JARRELL Dated: August 28, 2017 FBN Number: 2017-0001166 Published: September 7,14,21,28, 2017
this Legal Notice continues
SAYEGH BROTHERS, INC 598 E Street Suite 140 Chico, CA 140. VERONICA SOLORIO 4968 Durham Pentz Oroville, CA 95965. This business is conducted by A General Partnership. Signed: SAM SAYEGH Dated: August 30, 2017 FBN Number: 2017-0001171 Published: September 7,14,21,28, 2017
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as MARSHALL AND MARSHALL ACCOUNTING at 1294 E 1st Ave, Ste 100 Chico, CA 95926. STEFANIE MARIE MARSHALL 1927 Ackerman Avenue Durham, CA 95938. WALTER THOMAS MARSHALL JR 1660 Lance Terrace Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by
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A General Partnership. Signed: STEFANIE MARSHALL Dated: August 18, 2017 FBN Number: 2017-0001120 Published: September 7,14,21,28, 2017
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as CREATIVE NERD, ESSENCE ART STUDIO, GRAPHIC DESIGN FOR A CAUSE at 40 Hampshire Drive Chico, CA 95926. CONNIE MAY CASPARIE 40 Hampshire Drive Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: CONNIE MAY CASPARIE Dated: August 14, 2017 FBN Number: 2017-0001094 Published: September 7,14,21,28, 2017
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as J’S HOME REPAIRS at 9225 Good Speed Unit N Durham, CA 95938. JAY DARREN DORNER 9225 Good Speed Unit N Durham, CA 95938. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: JAY DORNER Dated: August 28, 2017 FBN Number: 2017-0001160 Published: September 7,14,21,28, 2017
NOTICES NOTICE OF LIEN SALE Pursuant to CA Business Code 21700, in lieu of rents due, the following units contain clothes, furniture, boxes, etc. DAVID BRANTLEY SR. #229ss (rocking chair, old boxes, misc. items) DOLORES DAVENPORT #072cc (Dresser, bedframe, desk) DOLORES DAVENPORT #173 cc (boxes, dresser) AMANDA FARRIS #301 (clothes, boxes, misc. items) AMANDA FARRIS #268ss (boxes, bed, dresser) FRANCINE KNOWLES #395cc1 (kids toys, boxes) WILLIAM MARTIN #426cc (boxes, misc. items) CARA MAYS #205ss (boxes, clothes) JAMES PFIEFLE #066cc (tools, bed, boxes) JAMES TROXEL #327cc (dresser, boxes, couch) AMY WOOD #468BCC (boxes, toys) Contents to be sold to the highest bidder on: September 23, 2017 Beginning at 12:00pm Sale to be held at: Bidwell Self Storage 65 Heritage Lane Chico, CA 95926. (530) 893-2109 Published: September 7,14, 2017
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner KENT CAULFIELD filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: KENT CAULFIELD Proposed name: CASEY CAULFIELD THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the
this Legal Notice continues
petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: September 22, 2017 Time: 9:00am Dept: TBA The address of the court is: Butte County Superior Court 1775 Concord Ave Chico, CA 95928 Signed: SANDRA L. MCLEAN Dated: August 7, 2017 Case Number: 17CV02227 Published: August 17,24,31, September 7, 2017
SUMMONS SUMMONS NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: JAMIE C SANTULLI YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF: BUTTE COUNTY CREDIT BUREAU A CORP NOTICE! You have been sued. The court may decide against you without your being heard unless you respond within 30 days. Read the information below. You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after this summons and legal papers are served on you to file a written response at this court and have a copy served on the plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not protect you. Your written response must be in proper legal form if you want the court to hear your case. There may be a court form that you can use for your response. You can find these court forms and more information at the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (, your county library, or the courthouse nearest you. If you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the court clerk for a fee waiver form. If you do not file your response on time, you may lose the case by default, and your wages, money and property may be taken without further warning from the court. There are other legal requirements. You may want to call an attorney right away. If you do not know an attorney, you may want to call an attorney referral service. If you cannot afford an attorney, you may be eligible for free legal services from a nonprofit legal services program. You can locate these nonprofit groups at the California Legal Services Web site (, the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (, or by contacting your local court or county bar association. NOTE: The court has a statutory lien for waived fees and costs on any settlement or arbitration award of $10,000 or more in a civil case. The Court’s lien must be paid before the court will dismiss the case. The name and address of the court is: Superior Court of California, County of Butte 1775 Concord Avenue Chico, CA 95928 LIMITED CIVIL CASE The name, address and telephone number of plaintiff’s attorney is: JOSEPH L SELBY (#249546) Law Office of Ferris & Selby 2607 Forest Avenue Ste 130 Chico, CA 95928.
this Legal Notice continues
(530) 366-4290 Dated: February 24, 2017 Signed: KIMBERLY FLENER Case Number: 17CV00570 Published: September 7,14,21,28, 2017
SUMMONS NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: ADRIAN J ESTERLINE YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF: BUTTE COUNTY CREDIT BUREAU A CORP NOTICE! You have been sued. The court may decide against you without your being heard unless you respond within 30 days. Read the information below. You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after this summons and legal papers are served on you to file a written response at this court and have a copy served on the plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not protect you. Your written response must be in proper legal form if you want the court to hear your case. There may be a court form that you can use for your response. You can find these court forms and more information at the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (, your county library, or the courthouse nearest you. If you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the court clerk for a fee waiver form. If you do not file your response on time, you may lose the case by default, and your wages, money and property may be taken without further warning from the court. There are other legal requirements. You may want to call an attorney right away. If you do not know an attorney, you may want to call an attorney referral service. If you cannot afford an attorney, you may be eligible for free legal services from a nonprofit legal services program. You can locate these nonprofit groups at the California Legal Services Web site (, the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (, or by contacting your local court or county bar association. NOTE: The court has a statutory lien for waived fees and costs on any settlement or arbitration award of $10,000 or more in a civil case. The Court’s lien must be paid before the court will dismiss the case. The name and address of the court is: Superior Court of California, County of Butte 1775 Concord Avenue Chico, CA 95928 LIMITED CIVIL CASE The name, address and telephone number of plaintiff’s attorney is: JOSEPH L SELBY (#249546) Law Office of Ferris & Selby 2607 Forest Avenue Ste 130 Chico, CA 95928. (530) 366-4290 Dated: March 2, 2017 Signed: KIMBERLY FLENER Case Number: 17CV00687 Published: September 7,14,21,28, 2017
PETITION NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE KEVIN C. FREEMAN, ALSO KNOWN AS KEVIN CHRISTOPHER FREEMAN To all heirs and beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of: KEVIN C. FREEMAN, ALSO KNOWN AS KEVIN CHRISTOPHER FREEMAN A Petition for Probate
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has been filed by: JOHN B. FREEMAN in the Superior Court of California, County of Butte. The Petition for Probate requests that: JOHN B. FREEMAN be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The petition requests authority to administer estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or conseted to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: Date: September 19, 2017 Time: 9:00 a.m. Dept: Probate Address of the court: Superior Court of California County of Butte 1775 Concord Ave. Chico, CA 95926. IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult an attorney knowledgeable in California law. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for Petitioner: NICOLE R. PLOTTEL 466 Vallombrosa Ave. Chico, CA 95926. (530) 893-2882 Case Number: 17PR00301 Dated: August 24, 2017 Published: August 31, September 7,14, 2017
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New homes in Chico! 3 or 4 bedrooms. Stainless steel appliance, Granite counters, whole house fan, fenced yard. listed at: $310,000 - $339,000
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Open Houses & Listings are online at:
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COMING SOON! Custom home in town with shop, .52 ac, 2006 built $475,000
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Country living, 3/2 with shop $375,000
Home with Guest House 3/2 ranch home w/pool! Plus 500 sq ft guest house on lg .35 acre lot in West Aves $345,000
EMMETT JACOBI KIM JACOBI (530)519–6333 CalBRE#01896904 (530)518–8453 CalBRE#01963545
Jennifer Parks | 530.864.0336
2/1 one-car garage downtown $215,000
Homes Sold Last Week ADDRESS
19 Burney Dr 429 Southbury Ln 1992 Poppy View Ter 6 Wellington Ct 2864 Beaumont Ave 816 Dias Dr 23 Marci Way 382 Silver Lake Dr 350 Autumn Gold Dr 317 Cherry St 17 Bunker Ct
Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico
$650,000 $520,000 $469,500 $445,000 $442,000 $434,000 $405,000 $389,000 $368,000 $362,500 $325,000
3/2 4/3 4/3 4/3 4/3 3/3 3/2 3/2 4/2 4/2 3/2
SQ. FT. 2584 3073 2356 2239 1927 2520 2013 1778 1705 1428 1506
Sponsored by Century 21 Jeffries Lydon ADDRESS
2 Westminster Ct 3015 Sandi Dr 861 Lorinda Ln 1165 Spruce Ave 624 Larch St 696 Eastwood Ave 17 Comstock Rd 2294 Ceanothus Ave 27 Cottage Ave 1 Coolwater Cmns 2851 Pennyroyal Dr
Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico
$325,000 $322,500 $322,000 $290,000 $290,000 $290,000 $287,000 $272,000 $260,000 $199,000 $195,000
3/2 3/2 3/2 3/1 3/2 3/1 3/2 2/2 4/3 2/2 2/2
SQ. FT. 1435 1356 1387 1376 1194 1526 1305 1272 1528 1296 904
S E P T E M B E R 7, 2 0 1 7
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NEWER 3 BED/2 BTH, 1,485 sq ft open floor plan and super nice, gently lived in home ..............................$299,000
3.4 ac, well, septic and power in place $129,000
CAL PARK, updated and beautiful 2 bed/1 bth, 904 sq ft condo. 1-car garage ........................................$189,900
5800 sf with 26 ac walnuts $1,795,000
BUILDING LOT WITH CITY SERVICES IN TOWN. .21 of an acre lot............................................................................ $99,000
5 ac lot. Owner carry $39,500
ING N Chico 1750 4/2 $345,000 PEsfND
STUNNING ONE OF A KIND. 2 homes on .77 of an acre in town. 3 bed/ 2 bth 3,000 sq ft PLUS 3 bed 2 bth, 1,100 sq ft, lovely homes with lush landscaping and a spa/sauna detached building! REDUCED ......$599,000
Teresa Larson (530)899-5925 BIDWELL PARK IS YOUR NEIGHBOR, in-ground pool and beautifully updated 3bed/2 bth, 1,900 sq ft ..........$379,000 STUNNING HARDWOOD FLOORS, updated kitchen, large family room, are just a few of the many features this home has to offer. 3 bed/2 bth, 1,662 sq ft..............................................................................................................$335,000
1,200 sq ft 3bd/2 ba,LD nice remodel $269,000 SO
MARK REAMAN 530-228-2229 • •
The following houses were sold in Butte County by real estate agents or private parties during the week of August 21, 2017 – August 25, 2017. The housing prices are based on the stated documentary transfer tax of the parcel and may not necessarily reflect the actual sale price of the home. ADDRESS
1520 Palm Ave
1850 Lillian Ave
2445 El Paso Way
826 Roe Rd
667 Four Seasons Way
515 Boquest Blvd
6 Avery Ct
5802 Nielsen Dr
22 Onyx Cir
1659 Pamela Dr
11 Rockridge Rd
597 Renato Way
6250 Lower Wyandotte Rd
810 Seneca Dr
25 Sorrel Ct
6585 Firland Dr
2505 Yard St
6162 Lois Dr
4856 Seacrest Dr
5956 Wagon Wheel Way
5099 Malibu Dr
1420 Juniper Ln
S E P T E M B E R 7, 2 0 1 7
ComiNg sooN! iNCrease your reaCH To people iNTeresTed iN selliNg or buyiNg a New Home.
More Home for Your Money, on the Ridge in... For all your Real Estate Needs call (530) 872-7653 “Price Reduced� 3BD/3BA, Den & swimming pool. Covered outdoor patio, beautiful landscaping, Open floor plan, lrg kitchen, dining/living area. A must see! $419,000 Ad#987 Wendee Owens 530-872-6809
CUSTOM HOME WITH ASTOUNDING VIEWS! 5Bd 4Ba 3,133+/-SqFt ,1 owner home, 3.27 Acres, nicely updated, guest/inlaw quarters lrg deck, 3 Car garage, 1000+/-SqFt shop, RV & Boat parking $539,000 Ad#25 Chari Bullock 530-872-6818
Come build your dream home on this .58 ac. Lot on Showdown Circle in area of nicer homes. Not in the P.O.A $72,000 Ad # 929 Donna Mae Cass Direct 530 872-6831 Cell 530 520-8156
Donna’s Kitchen! Turnkey Restaurant completely remodeled in 2014, sale Includes restaurant equipment, new Pressure dose septic system $395,000 Ad#20 Amber Blood 530-570-4747
BRE# 01011224
5350 Skyway, Paradise | |
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13895 Cascade Dr., Magalia—$225,000 1453 Elliott Rd., Paradise—$199,000 9300 Lott Rd., Dunham—$625,000 2 Beds, 2 Baths, 2-Car Garage, 1557 Sq.Ft. 2 Beds, 1.5 Baths, 2-Car Garage, 1100 Sq.Ft. 3 Beds, 2.5 Baths, 3-Car Garage, 2209 Sq.Ft. Ask for Ron Knauff: (530) 877-6244 Larry Knifong: (530) 680-6234 Troy Davis: (530) 570-1630
CALL Ę˜ CALL Ę˜ TEXT TO Ę˜ 5575 Grand Canyon Dr., Paradise—$319,900 165 Fairgate Ln., Chico—$269,000 6270 Oliver Rd., Paradise—$195,000 3 Beds, 2 Baths, 2-Car Garage, 1756 Sq.Ft. 3 Beds, 2.5 Baths, 2-Car Garage, 1251 Sq.Ft. 2 Beds, 1 Bath, 1-Car Garage, 1231 Sq.Ft. Larry Knifong: (530) 680-6234 Lynn Franklin: (530) 520-6900 Larry Knifong: (530) 680-6234
14206 Wingate Cir., Magalia—$189,000 2 Beds, 2 Baths, 2-Car Garage, 1549 Sq.Ft. Troy Davis: (530) 570-1630
4960 Midway, Richvale—$179,000 2 Beds, 1 Bath, 1-Car Garage, 906 Sq.Ft. Jacob Tiffany: (530) 514-7635
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6593 Woodward Dr., Magalia—$163,500 3 Beds, 2 Baths, 3-Car Garage, 1417 Sq.Ft. Troy Davis: (530) 570-1630
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