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COMPASSIONATE SOLUTION A Chico harm reduction group’s bold plan to save lives BY Ashiah Scharaga PAGE 20










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Vol. 42, Issue 28 • March 7, 2019 OPINION



Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Guest Comment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Second & Flume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 This Modern World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Streetalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7



Downstroke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Sifter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9



Appointment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Weekly Dose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15



Eco Event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16



15 Minutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 The Goods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19






Arts Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 This Week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Fine Arts listings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Nightlife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Reel World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Chow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Arts DEVO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Brezsny’s Astrology . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36






Our Mission: To publish great newspapers that are successful and enduring. To create a quality work environment that encourages employees to grow professionally while respecting personal welfare. To have a positive impact on our communities and make them better places to live. Editor Melissa Daugherty Managing Editor Meredith J. Cooper Arts Editor Jason Cassidy Contributing Editor Evan Tuchinsky Staff Writer Ashiah Scharaga Calendar Editor Neesa Sonoquie Contributors Robin Bacior, Alastair Bland, Michelle Camy, Vic Cantu, Charles Finlay, Bob Grimm, Howard Hardee, Miles Jordan, Mark Lore, Landon Moblad, Brie Oviedo, Ryan J. Prado, Juan-Carlos Selznick, Ken Smith, Robert Speer, Carey Wilson Managing Art Director Tina Flynn Creative Services Manager Elisabeth Bayard Arthur Ad Designers Naisi Thomas, Cathy Arnold Custom Publications Designer Katelynn Mitrano Director of Sales and Advertising Jamie DeGarmo Advertising Services Coordinator Ruth Alderson Senior Advertising Consultants Brian Corbit, Laura Golino Advertising Consultants Adam Lew, Jordon Vernau Office Assistant Jennifer Osa Distribution Director Greg Erwin Distribution Staff Ken Gates, Bob Meads, Pat Rogers, Larry Smith, Placido Torres, Jeff Traficante, Bill Unger, Lisa Van Der Maelen, David Wyles

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Send guest comments, 340 words maximum, to gc@newsreview.com or to 353 E. Second St., chico, ca 95928. Please include photo & short bio.


Take care with cannabis Tuesday evening’s regular Chico City Council meeting

felt a little bit like it did nearly a decade ago, when the panel made its first attempt to come to terms with a state law that allowed for the use of marijuana. Back then, the council attempted to regulate medicinal cannabis under what was then the 15-year-old Compassionate Use Act—also known as Proposition 215—which state voters approved in 1996. Under consideration was cultivation, processing and distribution facilities. The panel spent a lot of time and effort coming up with a plan based on zoning and finally voted to adopt an ordinance. However, ultimately, after pushback from the Butte County district attorney and veiled threats of prosecution via a letter from the U.S. Department of Justice, it rescinded the ordinance on a split vote. This past Tuesday (March 5), cannabis regulation was back on the agenda. This time, however, the council is looking to regulate the plant under the state law that legalized it for recreational use, Proposition 64. Among other things, that 2016 voter initiative allows local governments to regulate commercial cultivation and sales, including collecting taxes. (It also allows jurisdictions to ban cannabis businesses.) A lot has changed over the past nine years,

including the fact that marijuana is now legal for either recreational or medicinal use in at least 33 states and the District of Columbia. Interestingly, despite the fact that an existing black market has thrived behind the scenes in Chico for decades, many residents showed up to express opposition. We found some comments hyperbolic and out of touch. However, we saw validity in some concerns. Chief among them were two points: One, the panel appeared to be moving at breakneck speed to get something on the books. And two, the formation of an ad hoc cannabis advisory committee would be composed solely of pro-pot community members. The CN&R has long advocated for the legalization of marijuana for adults. That’s because prohibition has served only to buoy the black market. We think it would be safer and more cost-effective for the public to be able to purchase cannabis as they would alcohol or tobacco. Now that it is legal in California—and the federal government has continued a hands-off policy—it’s time for Chico to get with the program. We believe the best way to make that happen is transparently and with a diverse range of local stakeholders shaping the way forward, one step at a time. This isn’t a race. Ω


Frank and Molly IneverOnelearned is named Molly. The other I shall call Frank (I his name). Both are significant reminders

bedtime. He asked if I could loan him some money for gas. He and his partner were living in the VW and using the heater to keep it warm. I first noticed Molly more than a month ago. We of the aftermath of the wildfire. Or, both might simply have a “half cat,” a male stray that we and another be frauds taking advantage of the neighbor feed. He is black and white. Then, we began moment. I am an easy person. noticing another black and white feline, and this one I ran into Frank about a month seemed shy and wary but not feral. ago, walking What seemed remarkable was that through the our resident cats had accepted this Chapman neighborMy newcomer. hood carrying a gas personal After a couple of weeks of negotiacan. He was headed tion, she simply walked in the door one in the wrong directheory is and has never left. I named her tion. I gave him a Molly was a evening Molly. She is a sweet, mature cat who ride up to a station clearly was someone’s pet. My personal Camp Fire on East Eighth by theory is Molly was a Camp Fire Street, and gave him Ronald Angle refugee. refugee and then walked away from a some money to fill The author has been temporary home, which was possibly his gas can. a chico resident the fairgrounds just south of us. He was sharing a since 1980. An effort was made to find her former family, but friend’s rental in Paradise when the reunification of Camp Fire cats and families is difficult. fire came down the Ridge. He got Molly is here to stay. She sleeps with two other older out with an old VW and not much else. female cats. She has a home. On a recent evening, as the temperature dipped Frank still lives in his old VW. That is his home. Ω toward freezing, Frank knocked on my door near have made two new friends since the Camp Fire.



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SECOND & FLUME by Melissa Daugherty m e l i s s a d @ n e w s r e v i e w. c o m

Trump fatigue A few weeks after Donald J. Trump was sworn in as president of the United States—a mind-boggling occurrence to this day—I started writing a news feature called Eye on 45. Regular readers of this newspaper will recall its format: basically a rundown of the major news items from the previous couple of weeks related to his administration. Each little nugget, a paragraph or two in length, contained the gist of a national story, as reported by reputable news outlets. My go-to sources were The Washington Post and The New York Times, though I also gathered information from other news organizations, press conferences and live coverage of speeches. Oh, and the president’s favorite communication method: Twitter. Longtime CN&R readers may remember a similarly structured feature about a decade ago called California Meltdown. A weekly read at first, starting in July 2009, the piece distilled the many events that were shaping California, including at the municipal level, as a result of the Great Recession. It transitioned to a biweekly offering that winter and shortly thereafter an occasional one before ending a year after it began. I took inspiration from that write-up as the CN&R’s editorial staff gathered shortly after the 2016 general election to form a plan on keeping up with Trump and where he would lead the country. Having followed his campaign, we were quite concerned. We’d opined regularly on his dangerous rhetoric and vigorously opposed the candidacy and election of someone we viewed as a demagogue. Of course, we still believe he fits that descriptor—and worse. Eye on 45 began as an every-other-week endeavor, but after about six months it became a monthly feature. Then, we ran it only occasionally. The last one appeared in June, roughly 17 months into Trump’s presidency. I’ve been asked why I quit publishing it, but I’ve never addressed that question in the newspaper. The main reason: Oftentimes I wanted to use the space for happenings closer to home. While it’s nice to present readers with a single read on a variety of news items about the president, there simply are too many important local stories to tell. That’s doubly true post-Camp Fire. Another reason: It was taking a toll on me. I ended up spending too much time—at work and home, day and night—reading about POTUS. I call it Trump fatigue. Sure, I still read about the commander in chief, but I don’t do so obsessively, and I don’t feel compelled to write about it all. It’s interesting to look back at the first Eye on 45 published on Feb. 9, 2017. That single write-up includes the president contradicting media reports on the size of his inauguration crowd; floating the idea of an import tax on Mexico right after then-President Enrique Peña Nieto shut down the idea of that country paying for the wall; and firing acting Attorney General Sally Yates, who we later learned had warned the president that Michael Flynn, then his national security adviser (now disgraced and awaiting sentencing for lying to federal investigators), was vulnerable to Russian blackmail. Anyone who’s paid attention over two years thereafter will recognize those early instances of lying, bullying and obstruction for what they are: hallmarks of the Trump administration.

Melissa Daugherty is editor of the CN&R


Send email to cnrletters@newsreview.com

Communication is key Re “Missing in action” (Newslines, by Ashiah Scharaga, Feb. 28): Your basic assumption and compassion for the homeless community will have an impact on what you do as a community and as an individual. —Lloyd Pendleton, director of the Utah Homeless Task Force on the Oct. 12, 2016, Without a Roof radio program on KZFR 90.1 FM The Butte Countywide Homeless Continuum of Care (CoC) mission is to end homelessness in Butte County. This governing body manages various state and federal grant funding streams, the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS), the biennial Homeless Point in Time Survey and all other federal, state and county requirements attached to the execution of grant allocations and data collection within Butte County. It’s vital that the general public, stakeholders and policy makers understand and respect the dire challenges, hard work

and dedication of the CoC toward eliminating homelessness in Butte County and how to connect to the CoC to assist with its endeavors. I’m happy to champion the development of a CoC communication plan and look forward to helping to educate community members, of all persuasions, to the facts on the ground and the need for all of us to feel grateful for having a roof. Bill Mash Chico

Beds versus housing Re “Omission” (Second & Flume, by Melissa Daugherty, Feb. 28): “We need shelter beds, and we need them yesterday.”: This makes sense, with a few caveats: 1) We must remember that “beds” are not housing and housing is the honorable solution. 2) Unless the homeless are supplied with materials needed for survival on the streets, they are vulnerable to deprivation-based coercion. That is, to being forced into a shelter at the

point of a “deprivation gun”; this is de facto incarceration. 3) As long as we continue to criminalize the lifesustaining actions of the homeless, they are vulnerable to legal coercion, with shelters serving as county jail annexes. 4) Many on the streets would respond well to a supportive housing approach, but would not respond well to life in a high-density homeless shelter. Mental illness is rampant on the streets and shelters are typically inappropriate settings for the mentally ill. 5) There is strong interest in getting poor people out of sight—and human rights be damned. That’s why authoritarian types enthusiastically support “consolidation”—a one-size-fits-all compound for the homeless. To guard against this direction and all it implies, the citizens of Chico will have to be vigilant: Not all shelter is created equal; Hitler provided “beds.” Patrick Newman Chico

LETTERS c o n t i n u e d

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LETTERS c o n t i n u e d f r o m pa g e 5

She listened, responded Re “Listen up, Trump-bashers” (Letters, by Mick Watkins, Feb. 28): It is heartening to see that conservatives also read the CN&R (i.e., the letter from Mick Watkins, who criticizes our state’s Democratic leaders. But I think he is wrong on all accounts). First of all, Gov. Gavin Newsom’s withdrawal of National Guard troops from the Mexican border was a rational act, given the fact that by law they can do nothing there but mend existing fences and offer medical care (a waste!). Secondly, former Gov. Jerry Brown did not call for an open-border policy. Nobody has. Not wanting to waste money on a wall is different from proposing the elimination of customs and border patrol agents. As for Brown’s horrible punishment of “working taxpayers” by championing the 12 cent per gallon gas tax, did you not notice the results of the last election? Apparently 57 percent of the voting population prefers to pay a bit more on gas to contribute to improved roads, bridges and public transportation. Lastly, Brown calling the proliferation of devastating fires in California the “new normal” is not the same as saying we should do nothing. He was warning us that climate change is real and we are now suffering the consequences of our inaction. Denise Minor Chico

Political comebacks  Re “Bernie defenders united” (Letters, by Walter Ballin, Emily Alma and Charles Holzhauer, Feb 28): Only in a so-called democracy like America could you win an election by more than 3 million votes and be accused of running a bad campaign. In 1991, I was at the playoff game at Candlestick Park between the S.F. 49ers and the Washington Redskins attended by 65,000 fans. Before the game started, jet airliners flew over the stadium with a deafening roar, only to have their sound drowned out after the start of the game by the roar of the raucous crowd. Try to imagine a stadium that held 3 million fans (46 times the crowd size in the “Stick”), then you’d get an idea of how bad Comrade Trump was actually 6


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The thought of Bernie becoming our next president or even just continuing to influence the Democratic debate gives me more hope than I have had since he lost the primary to Hillary in 2015. —emily alma

clobbered in the 2016 disastrous presidential election. I realize the Electoral College will never be abolished because of the “unfairness” to states with small populations, but calling a candidate corrupt, stupid or incapable of running a good campaign ignores the reality that the Electoral College is long past its purpose of protecting Southern plantation owners from being “snowed under” at the polls by their former slaves who they considered to be two-thirds of a human being. Ray Estes Redding

A recent letter about the 2016 presidential election needs clarifications. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton won the Democratic presidential nomination by 3.7 million votes over Bernie Sanders. The two candidates nationally split the white vote, but minority Democrats voted for Clinton by 3-to-1 margins over Sanders. Thus, Clinton won the most grassroots delegates by 451, so the superdelegates did not swing the election to Clinton. Clinton won California by 438,537 votes; thus, she got the most grassroots delegates from California. As a DNC member, I remind new activists that a majority of white Americans have not voted for the Democratic nominee for president since LBJ in 1964. Thus, the minority voters in the 2016 presidential primaries had a lot of sway with most superdelegates. Sanders recently acknowledged he ran a terrible campaign with minority Democrats and he has brought on a new campaign team to replace the all-white male campaign team. It was the Russians who hacked into the DNC systems to cause rift among Democrats. Those who did not vote for Clinton in the general election

got what they wanted—President Trump. Now let’s focus on electing a Democrat next year to send Trump home to Russia.

was initially approved verbally for a $200,000 SBA loan at 2 percent. I later received written confirmation that I had been approved for an SBA loan of $238,000 at 2 percent. After some more time passed, I recently received the full loan package from the SBA; it’s about an inch thick. When I finally went through each and every page, guess what I found? I found a document that says I must assign any and all of any insurance proceeds that I have received (and any future insurance proceeds) to the SBA before any loan funds can be disbursed. Of course, my answer to the U.S. government is: No, thanks. The battle for survival continues. George Gold Magalia

Bob Mulholland Chico

Speaking of Sanders Continuing our dialogue regarding blaming Bernie for Hillary’s loss to Trump: In your editor’s note you state, that “12 percent of those who supported Sanders during the primary went on to vote for Trump.” Bernie took the high road, did not chastise mainstream Democrats for the many ways they undermined his candidacy, energetically campaigned for Hillary, yet according to this analysis, 12 percent of Sanders’ supporters voted for Trump. Why blame Bernie? Maybe, dear staunch, die-hard Hillary defenders, they voted for Trump because he spoke to their concerns more effectively than Hillary did. Bernie Sanders is a true activist for justice—economic, social, environmental, racial. He has had decades of experience to hone his views; he is a man of true integrity. Sanders’ platform in 2015 has now taken hold for Democratic policy. As a presidential candidate he will influence the progressive platform even more. The thought of Bernie becoming our next president or even just continuing to influence the Democratic debate gives me more hope than I have had since he lost the primary to Hillary in 2015. Emily Alma Chico

‘Battle for survival’ I have spent the last 100 days or so working every single day on my fire insurance claims and in my application to the Small Business Administration (SBA) for a loan. I

Parking questions Re “Parking plan advances” (Downstroke, Feb. 7): Parking. It seems like it has always been an issue and always will be. The more parking spots there are, the more cars will try to park. But, why are there no parking meters on handicapped parking spots? Not on street parking, city parking lots nor in the parking structure. Why don’t disabled people have to pay but nonhandicapped people have to? Is this a state law or where is this coming from? And what about half the parking that Hotel Diamond is taking from the parking garage? Do they pay the full amount for it? It does not seem right for one establishment to take almost half the parking structure. Daniel Lassotta Chico

Walking the talk I’ve known good Christians, my mother was one; I have known those who were Christians for the sake of convenience; Christians who donned the mantel to make a buck; and Christians who wore it on their sleeve to make a political point. For many years my wife and I have enjoyed visiting majestic cathedrals and historically significant churches while traveling in Europe. During our last visit to London we changed our itinerary so as to explore smaller churches, their history and architecture. So on an August afternoon we strolled into a northeast London

neighborhood to visit a quiet church on a quiet street. As we entered the church, the sun showing through the stain glass windows brought comfort and a sense of peace. As we made our way around the interior, we noticed that a number of pews in the back and side parts of the church were occupied by homeless people softly sleeping, using jackets as pillows. I didn’t take a picture; I thought it would be rude. As we left, I said to my wife, “Finally, a church doing what it’s supposed to be doing.” It was very touching, but also surreal. Roger S. Beadle Chico

Open the files, CPD The public may now obtain certain police officer personnel records by making a request under the California Public Records Act (CPRA). Senate Bill 1421, written by California State Sen. Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley) and signed by former Gov. Jerry Brown, mandates that police release certain personnel files of officers involved in alleged police misconduct. Effective Jan. 1, 2019, SB 1421 requires release of police records when sustained findings by law enforcement or oversight agencies have shown officers to have lied, been involved in sexual assault, shootings, and other incidents where death or great bodily injury are a result, even when the use of force was found to be justified. The officer involved receives some form of discipline and their personnel files note the conduct. Until now, these records have been private in California. The Chico Police Department has yet to implement SB 1421. Police departments in Oakland, San Francisco, San Jose, Palo Alto, Richmond, B.A.R.T., and Berkeley have independent oversight commissions in which civilians review complaints against their departments. Concerned Citizens for Justice’s vision is for a civilian oversight committee in Chico. Diane Suzuki Chico

Write a letter tell us what you think in a letter to the editor. Send submissions of 200 or fewer words to cnrletters@ newsreview.com. deadline for publication is noon on the tuesday prior to publication.

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No, I’d rather not. It’s very devastating, and they are my neighbors. If I went there for my own personal curiosity, it would be disrespectful to the people who were affected. I would like to be there for them any other way I can.

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I have. It’s really devastating, but you see a lot of people building and getting back into the grind of what they’re doing. So it’s really inspirational, but at the same time you understand a lot of people are going through things.

Eric Rodriguez barista

I haven’t worked up my courage to get up there. I grew up in the area and it’s kind of hard to imagine what the community is going through. I grew up playing soccer against Paradise High and coached soccer at Chico High. Last year, we played there and I didn’t realize it would be the last time I would see that school.

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The Butte County Probation Department’s drug treatment program for inmates received $500,000 from the U.S. Department of Justice last month. Butte County Treatment Court (formerly known as Drug Court) provides qualified defendants an alternative to prison time and, in some cases, the chance to reduce a felony conviction to a misdemeanor. The Probation Department partners with service providers, such as Butte County Behavioral Health, to provide treatment and substance abuse counseling. The grant will fund the program for four years, and provide “more intensive supervision, case management, medication-assisted treatment, and drug tests,” Jennifer Hard, Probation Program Manager, said in a press release.


Chico’s Public Works Department is hoping to tackle some major roadway rehabilitation improvements for Upper Bidwell Park. It has applied for a grant of nearly $1 million to repair erosion damage along the entire roadway and surrounding trails, funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and administered by the California State Water Resources Control Board. Tuesday night (March 5), the City Council unanimously approved vehicle access between Horseshoe Lake and Salmon Hole, along with the associated road improvements. The council also directed city staff to offer a 29 percent match (25 percent is required), leveraging $250,000 from the public works capital budget and about $40,000 in labor. A discussion about vehicle access past Salmon Hole, as well as possible daily and annual parking fees, will return to the Bidwell Park and Playground Commission.


Our county’s furry friends will benefit from a $1.5 million grant from Clif Bar, which chose the Butte Humane Society (BHS) as its first beneficiary for the Second Responder Fund, created after the Camp Fire to help communities recover from natural disasters. BHS has three locations, and needs more space for animal medical treatment and housing, as well as staff offices. BHS Development Director Brad Montgomery (pictured), former head of the Torres Community Shelter, said BHS is honored by the donation, and hopes to break ground later this year.

Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. owners Ken Grossman and Katie Gonser already have donated

10 acres of land in north Chico.



M A R C H 7, 2 0 1 9

Petty squabbling Animal welfare groups clash over Camp Fire response

Oessential and her boyfriend were packing a few belongings when she opened n the morning of Nov. 8, Abigail Lopez

the back door and one of her cats, Friday, slipped out. “He was scared—the story and photo by sky was black, and we Meredith were scared and he was J. Cooper reacting to that,” she recalled. They were able m ere d i t h c @ n ew srev i ew. c o m to pack up their two other cats, a dog and a bird. The cockatiel, she said, died a month later, presumably due to the smoke inhalation and stress. Despite their house being saved by a neighbor, Stewart Nugent (see “Lonely living,” Newslines, Jan. 3), they have yet to locate Friday. After the evacuation order was lifted for her portion of central Paradise, Lopez started heading up the hill regularly to check on the house—and to search. In January, she decided to help others in her situation, and started volunteering with the FieldHaven Feline Center, based in Lincoln, whose efforts continue to focus on the large number of cats that are still roaming the Ridge.

Despite what Lopez characterizes as a well-run operation, FieldHaven—and other independent groups like it—have faced pushback from local government. Executive Director Joy Smith says she’s had her methods as well as her motives questioned, despite having worked in animal welfare since opening FieldHaven in 2003. On the flip side, Smith and others— including Heidi Schwartz, who volunteered with the North Valley Animal Disaster Group (NVADG) when the Camp Fire hit and has since joined Smith—charge that the government-run animal response has fallen short and that independent groups needed to jump in and help. They also contend that the messaging going out to the general public is that the job is done, since NVADG closed down the animal shelter at the airport on Jan. 4. That’s far from the truth, they claim. “It’s been four months since the fire, and we are a long ways from being done,” Schwartz said during a recent interview at FieldHaven’s Paradise headquarters on Clark Road, dubbed the Transfer Station. “Some people are trying to say there are no animals left out here,” Smith added.

“Last week, we trapped three that were chipped—and all of them have gone home.” Inside their warehouse shelter, about 40 cats rested in cages. Others have been transferred to a shelter in Marysville. The more social ones poked their noses out, while the shy ones—some of them feral—preferred to curl up in a back corner. It can be difficult to tell the difference between pets and ferals, Smith explained, because the pets still up there have been traumatized. Jen Robbins was at work as animal control

supervisor for the town of Paradise when the fire hit. She remembers immediately loading all the animals in their care into a van to be transported down to Chico. Then she and her staff spent the rest of the day trying to help animals—and humans—to safety. Their facility didn’t burn, though it had no electricity or running water for several weeks after, so they worked alongside the NVADG volunteers rescuing injured pets, doing welfare checks for people with pets whose homes were standing. In many instances they “sheltered in place,” meaning they offered food, water and other necessi-

Heidi Schwartz (left) holds a cat trapped at 141089 Temple Circle in Magalia on Feb. 22. Joy Smith, who heads FieldHaven Feline Center in Lincoln and opened the Transfer Station in Paradise to help Camp Fire pets, holds one trapped Feb. 23 at 5700 Woodglen Drive in Paradise.

ties without trapping all the animals they found. Once the evacuation orders had been lifted, Butte County told NVDAG to “stand down,” said Norm Rosene, the nonprofit’s vice president. The animals left were transferred to existing shelters throughout Butte County. “Our frustration with other groups is they didn’t work within the system,” Rosene said. Meaning, they didn’t always keep proper logs of where animals were trapped or where they were currently located. Some—FieldHaven included—have moved animals out of the county, “making it harder to reunite people with their animals.” Robbins agreed. “We don’t want to stop you from helping us, we just want you to work within the protocol,” she said. Schwartz said she left NVADG because of the county’s system, which she said was chaotic and ultimately led to frustration for people trying to find their beloved pets. Without a centralized website, people waited hours to look at thousands of animals at one of four locations. Rosene countered that the group had put together a website, but with so many other groups compiling information, it was too difficult to maintain. They stopped updating it on Friday (March 1). “Did it always run smoothly? No,” Rosene acknowledged, with the caveat that no one had predicted a disaster on such a large scale. “Did we lose [track of] some animals? Yes.” Smith, Schwartz and volunteer Lopez have been trying to track down several cats they say went missing from Paradise Animal Shelter. Thirteen had been euthanized, they say. Robbins said those cats had tested positive for various communicable diseases and that they were all feral. Going forward, everyone agreed they’d like to work together, though the obvious animosity could get in the way. Schwartz is planning a large-scale display at the Chico Mall for after St. Patrick’s Day, where she hopes to include photos and information of every animal still displaced to facilitate reunifications. Those are still happening daily, she said. “There was a 70-something-year-old man who came in on Saturday and found one of his cats,” Smith said. “The tears came rolling down his face. That’s why we do this.” Ω

Legal jeopardy and weed Chico city attorney comes under fire at meeting with cannabis on the agenda A closed session item became controversial

during the Chico City Council’s regular meeting Tuesdsay evening (March 5)—an unexpected turn considering the agenda largely focused on cannabis regulation. That’s what happened when public speakers alleged malpractice on the part of the city attorney and called on the council to terminate its contract with his firm, Alvarez Glasman & Colvin, which has offices in Yountville and outside of L.A. The closed session item: Chico Scrap Metal’s (CSM) lawsuit against the city, alleging that the council made CSM an illegal business by adopting the Chapman-Mulberry Neighborhood Plan while refusing to help find it an alternative location. The owners are requesting personal damages and attorney’s fees. City Attorney Vince Ewing, ostensibly the subject of the comments, was absent for this discussion. In fact, he’s been absent in the chambers for months, which Councilman Karl Ory said has not been explained to the council. Instead, the city has been working with Andrew Jared, the deputy city attorney. Jared has maintained that Ory should refrain from participating in any closed session conversations regarding any of the CSM-related cases, citing a “common law conflict of interest.” That stems from Ory having participated

in a citizen signature-gathering referendum effort dubbed Move the Junkyard, which called for the former, conservative-majority council to rescind its decision to allow CSM to stay put, or place the issue on the ballot. The city subsequently sued Move the Junkyard—and Ory—and after multiple appeals on both sides, the council ultimately rescinded the ordinance. During Tuesday’s meeting, Ory protested, calling for an independent review of his alleged conflict of interest. “There is a suggestion here I’m being silenced, so that a contracted employee’s agenda can go forward and not be embarrassed by their mistakes,” he said. Chico attorney Richard Harriman, who previously represented Ory, elaborated to the CN&R by phone: “The city attorney, Vince Ewing, advised the City Council that Chico Scrap Metal had a duty to pay the

SIFT ER VP in the lead We know, we know, it’s March 2019, not March 2020—kind of early to look ahead to the presidential primaries. But with challengers already jumping into the fray, it’s hard not to pay at least some attention to the impending election. As of the CN&R’s deadline, a dozen Democrats had stated intentions to run, including Sen. Bernie Sanders, the Vermont independent who finished

Chicoans protest the City Council’s decision to look into commercial cannabis deliveries and sales, starting with the formation of a committee. PHOTO BY ASHIAH SCHARAGA

[city] attorney’s fees … that were going to be incurred in suing Move the Junkyard and Karl Ory. And that advice was wrong.” At the meeting, Harriman told the panel the city should bring a legal malpractice claim against the firm, because the city taxpayers are out at least $200,000, and “the City Council, as public trustees, has a duty to collect that money. They can’t just waive it.” Aaron Haar, a city park commissioner, said the whole saga “has been a jobs program for an L.A. law firm” and “it’s time we get our own attorney.” Ewing was not able to comment before deadline. Ultimately, the majority of the council voted 6-1 (Councilman Sean Morgan dissented) to delay consideration of any cases regarding CSM for two weeks, while an independent legal opinion is sought. Earlier that evening, while the panel

second to Hillary Clinton for the 2018 nomination. Early polling suggests Democrats still feel the Bern. However, though former Vice President Joe Biden hadn’t declared, he led all the polls compiled by Real Clear Politics between Jan. 15 and Feb. 24. Here’s the polling average.

Joe Biden: 27.3% Bernie Sanders: 18.3% Kamala Harris: 10% Elizabeth Warren: 7.3% Beto O’Rourke: 6.8% Corey Booker: 4.8%

discussed the composition of a Commercial Cannabis Citizens Advisory Committee, things got heated at the dais. As Ory began to criticize the “draconian actions” of the former conservative-majority council, led by then-Mayor Morgan, Morgan retorted by calling Ory an “asshole.” What followed was a convoluted series of substitute motions and several friendly amendments, as the panel tried to come to a consensus on who could serve on the committee and a timeline for reporting back to the council. Ory and Stone then got into an awkward, unrelated standoff about Ory making “incorrect” assertions about meeting procedures. This prompted Councilman Scott Huber to ask his colleagues to remain polite and “set a NEWSLINES C O N T I N U E D M A R C H 7, 2 0 1 9

O N PA G E 1 0





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On stage he’ll be joined by local favorites Sourdough Slim and Gordy Ohliger, as well as Willi Carlisle and Kevin Carr in an evening of music and stories that are meant to be shared intimately with a community, as well as among friends down at Grange hall.



M a r c h 7, 2 0 1 9

NEWSLINES c o n t i n u e d f r o M pa g e 9

better example.” Ultimately, the council decided to create an advisory committee that will consider the regulation of commercial cannabis, with discussion including but not limited to the types and number of businesses allowed, where they can be located, and the permitting process. Committee members will apply and be chosen by the council, and must include representation from several areas, including business, realty, education and the cannabis industry. City staff, including a law enforcement and code enforcement representative, will be present. The vote fell 4-3, with Morgan and Councilwomen Kasey Reynolds and Ann Schwab dissenting. Schwab advocated for a slower process, adding that more questions need to be answered, including the implications of moving forward while cannabis is federally illegal, potential impacts on crime and how much the city could gain in taxes— or lose to a black market if those taxes are too high. More than 20 attendees spoke to the issue, most in protest of the effort. Many cited fears of increased crime and easier access for children. More than a dozen picketed outside the chambers before the meeting. Pat Jones advocated for a crimeprevention committee, and said she was concerned about increased cases of illegal activity and mental illness. “You’re really playing with the lives of a lot of our teenagers and our students at the college,” she said. Speaking for the other side, Jessica MacKenzie, head of the Inland Cannabis Farmers’ Association, said there is a mature, robust cannabis industry that has been here for more than 20 years— and it has been unregulated. “I don’t think the conversation is about ‘cannabis is good, cannabis is bad,’” she said. “I think the conversation is about, we have an unregulated industry that we’re trying to move into a regulated industry, where we can benefit from revenue, we can benefit from controls, we can benefit from safety, we can benefit from jobs.” There will be a two-week nomination period for applicants wishing to be on the committee. —AshiAh schArAgA ash ia h s@ newsr ev iew.c o m

Lamont Grant hugs his dog, Bandit, at the Sacramento Triage Shelter. PHOTO BY MAX WHITTAKER COURTESY OF CALMATTERS

Sheltered together Bill aims to get people off the streets by incentivizing care for companion animals When police officers found Julie

Hemingway bedded down on the asphalt of a Taco Bell parking lot, she wasn’t interested in moving to a homeless shelter. No way was she leaving her cat, Tammy. Caring for Tammy allows Hemingway, who said she suffers from major depressive disorder, to push past thoughts of suicide. “Waking up and having to feed her,” she said, “it’s enough About this story: to keep me It is an abridged version going.” produced by CALmatters. org, a nonprofit, nonBut the partisan media venture officers told explaining California her about policies and politics. a triage The author, Elizabeth Castillo, is a former shelter in CN&R intern. Sacramento that would let her keep Tammy by her side—and see that the tabby was vaccinated, microchipped and given her own kitty condo. “To me, it was lifesaving,” Hemingway said, stroking Tammy at the shelter, a collaboration between of Volunteers of America and Front Street Animal Shelter.

“They really helped me.” Most shelters for people experiencing homelessness don’t accept pets. But a bill under consideration in the California Legislature aims to make such shelter partnerships more common. Sponsored by Democratic Sen. Bob Hertzberg of Van Nuys, Senate Bill 258 would create $5 million in state general fund grants for homeless shelters to offer shelter, care and veterinary services to the pets of people staying there. “If you want to get people off the street—and I see it as an emergency—we’ve just got to change how we treat people,” he said. “Then let’s provide a shelter for their pets. It’s a small price to pay for a much a larger issue.” A no-pet policy is one of the biggest barriers that keep people away from shelters, he said. In a city the size of Los Angeles, he said, only a handful of homeless shelters accept pets—but those that do are finding it successful. “I think that people come to us because we allow companion animals,” said Stephanie KlaskyGamer, president and CEO of

LA Family Housing, an organization that provides housing to those without a home. Its shelters include dog runs. “Sometimes when you are in charge of taking care of somebody else, you do better taking care of yourself,” she said. “People step up differently when they’re taking care of somebody else.” The National Coalition for the

Homeless estimates that 5 percent to 10 percent of people experiencing homelessness have pets; other studies suggest the number is even higher. One study of nearly 400 homeless youth using drop-in centers in Los Angeles found that nearly a quarter of those young people had a pet, and that nearly half of them reported that having a pet made it more difficult to find shelter—not to mention long-term housing. Yet those with pets also reported less loneliness and depression than their peers without animal companions. Within the facilities, animals typically reside in a crate alongside their human partner. The crates protect other residents who may be

afraid of the animals, and help keep the shelters clean. When speaking to people experiencing homelessness, said Megan Hustings, director of the organization, she often observed people with pets would feed their companions before feeding themselves. “Pets do become our family members and especially when you’re going through a traumatic situation like homelessness,” she said. “You’re going to rely on those connections because they’re usually pretty far and few between.” Pets of the Homeless, a nonprofit based in Nevada, has created a map of resources. Founder Genevieve Frederick said owners typically have dogs, but the organization has also handled 240 cats, plus a bird and a pet pig. She said she receives a lot of calls from California, and that Hertzberg’s bill is an important step. “This is something that I have been trying to advocate to homeless shelters across the country for years,” she said. Of course, there are challenges. Many residents are used to sleeping with their pets in their arms, and must adjust to putting them in crates near their bunks. Other shelter residents may have allergies, or anxiety around certain breeds of dogs. And not all shelters are large enough to accommodate animals. “You have to build for that or plan for it, but it’s something that’s definitely needed,” said Christie Holderegger of Volunteers of America. Still, advocates say the pros outweigh the cons. “It’s absolutely changed my views and beliefs when it comes to homelessness,” said Gina Knepp, manager of Front Street Animal Shelter. It was powerful, she said, to see people settle into the shelter who had opted to stay unsheltered for years. “The most poignant thing was ... seeing light come back into their eyes,” she said. “There are real human beings underneath the sadness.” —ELIZABETH CASTILLO

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HEALTHLINES Oroville Hospital CEO Robert Wentz says water inspires design features of the new five-story building.

said. “We want to make sure we have the capacity to be able to accommodate the services that people in this community require and deserve, without having to leave town.” Goodson noted that a third of the population in the Oroville area lives below the poverty line, “and how that equates is many do not have that transportation to go outside to the surrounding communities. This pulls the community together—this expansion project is going to catapult our community into the vibrant, healthy and prosperous community that we have deserved for a very long time.” The project stems from a distinct vision, much

Growth served Oroville Hospital has green light, greenbacks for expansion story and photo by

Evan Tuchinsky

evantuc hin sk y @ n ewsrev i ew. com

ROroville parent for the expansion project at Hospital. He’s happy to show pic-

obert Wentz has the pride of an expectant

tures—renderings, crisper than ultrasounds, from various vantages—and gush about how his child is different from others. He also can share stories of sleepless nights, uncertainty and waiting. Soon enough, everyone in the community will see the offspring. Oroville Hospital recently secured $200 million in bond funding to build a five-story, 165,000-square-foot tower on hospital grounds. Wentz, CEO since 1988, anticipates breaking ground in May and 30 months of construction; by late 2022, he said, “hopefully we’ll be opening our doors and ready to serve the public in that building.” Once completed, the project will increase the hospital’s capacity to 211 patients, from



M A R C H 7, 2 0 1 9

its current post-fire accommodation of 153, and double its square footage. Oroville Hospital will expand its intensive care unit; add neurosurgery and cardiothoracic surgery to services offered; and change both the scope and design of the maternity ward. The plan also has upgrades for the existing emergency room, pharmacy and dietary services, plus a new parking lot.

“Our communities are growing, and the wait time for beds and emergency services has really been affected. This is going to expedite an individual’s healing process.” —Janet Goodson

Wentz got the ball rolling six years ago. He credits Bill LeGrone—the city’s public safety chief and assistant city administrator—with getting the project over “bureaucratic hurdles.” The Oroville City Council unanimously approved it Nov. 6, by way of accepting an environmental report and authorizing the bond issuance. Councilwoman Janet Goodson, vice mayor in 2017 and ’18, told the CN&R by phone that the expansion is “a long time coming. This community has been held captive, so to speak, because of the lack of the services that are needed. “Our communities are growing, and the wait time for beds and emergency services has really been affected,” added Goodson, a behavioral health counselor. “This is going to expedite an individual’s healing process.” Wentz said he considered alternate locations for the expansion, separate from the main hospital, both inside and outside city limits. He even considered moving the entire hospital outside Oroville proper. “But the city was very supportive,” he continued. “We were able to work with them to get a project plan that worked out well for the hospital and the city.” Keeping the hospital consolidated within its footprint, and the expansion as new construction more than renovation, offers advantages. Oroville Hospital will remain open and fully operational as the new building goes up. Patients who receive care at the medical center, which includes clinics and doctors’ offices in the vicinity, needn’t travel. “I think the big key is access,” Wentz

of it Wentz’s. Glass, reflecting blue, dominates exterior views of the rectangular structure. The two-story main lobby contains a water wall, 30 feet in height, as one of its translucent space dividers. Those elements and others, such as art pieces, anchor the building as specific to the city. “I feel like Oroville is a water town, and it’s one of our great resources,” Wentz explained. “So we wanted to carry that theme HEALTHLINES C O N T I N U E D

O N PA G E 1 5


Self-care for caregivers Butte County’s branch of the National Alliance on Mental Illness, otherwise known as NAMI, will start the next round of its free Family to Family Education Course series Wednesday (March 13) at 6 p.m. in the Enloe Conference Center (1528 Esplanade). If you are a caregiver for a loved one struggling with severe mental illness, this 12-week program offers resources and tools to help you cope, manage and heal. Presenters also provide updated information about brain disorders, medications and side effects, as well as strategies for communication and self-care. Visit namibutteco.com for more information.

WE arE rapE Crisis CEntEr advoCatEs! s tat e c e Rti fi e d tR a i ne d , s e x u a l as sau lt c o u ns e l o Rs p R o v i di n g p R i v i l eg e d / c o mmu ni c at i o n ( c o nfi d e nti a l i ty ) o n ly R a p e c R i s i s ce nteR f o R t h e c o mm u n i t i e s w i t h i n b u t t e , g l e n n & t e h a ma co u n t i e s

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Spirits Soared at the 2019 Snow Goose Festival! We had it all – spectacular weather, lots of birds, exceptional people, generous community involvement and incredible volunteer support that makes our festival thrive year after year! A huge THANK YOU to all sponsors, presenters, field trip leaders, participants and the amazing, dedicated, hardworking and very talented steering committee members and volunteers who helped organize and plan this celebrated regional event.

“Two Wings Up” for our 2019 Sponsors! Major Sponsors – Snow Goose ($2,500+)

Altacal Audubon Society • California Conservation Corps • California State Parks Northern Buttes District Chico News & Review • Explore Butte County • The Nature Conservancy • Rancho Esquon, inc. • River Partners

Supporting Sponsors – Great Blue Heron ($1,000)

The Printed image • Denis & Carlla Westphal • Llano Seco Rancho

Tundra Swan ($500) California Rice Commission • Central Valley Joint Venture • Chico Creek Nature Center • David & Patria Forster/Yellow Rose Ranch Lake Oroville Marina • Northern California Regional Land Trust • Out of this World Optics • Oxford Suites

Snowy Egret ($250) Brome Bird Care • Chico Chamber of Commerce • Western Canal Water District

White-Faced Ibis ($100) Baker’s Birkenstock • Dr. Scott Hood • Zachary Lipman, MD • Sacramento River Discovery Center • Snow Plows Direct

Super Snow Goosers of the Festival Steering Committee Members/Volunteers

Don Beers / Field Trips • Sherry Bloker / Silent Auction • Barbara Buchanan / Silent Auction • Cathy Carter / Art Reception • Kathryn Carter / Banquet / Reg • Debbie Chakarun / Youth Activities • Pat DelFrate / Silent Auction • Carolyn Denero / Explore Butte Co. • Lollie DeYoung / Silent Auction • Amber Drake / Youth Activities • Dede Ferris / Silent Auction / Art Exhibit • Janet Fournier / Silent Auction / Art Exhibit • Claire Green / Facebook / Youth Activities • Lyn Harrod / Youth Activities • John Merz / Sponsors • Marvey Mueller / Field Trips • Steve Overlock / Field Trips / Workshops • Jennifer Patten / Festival Director • Lynne Pryde / Exhibits • Caitlin Reilly / Silent Auction • Trish & Tom Reilly / Field Trips • Carla Resnick / Media • Sue & John Scott Art Reception / Workshops • Karen Smith / Silent Auction • Billie Sommerfeld / PR / Media • Kathy Trevino / Registration / Program • Pamela Waldsmith / Silent Auction • Liz Webster / Silent Auction • Mary Wrysinski / Art Reception

20th Annual Snow Goose Festival Field Trip Leaders / Workshop Presenters

Carol Anderson • Linda Angerer • Jo Anna Arroyo • Skip Augur • Jon Aull • Everett Ayers • Anasuya Basil • Donald Beers • Jay Bogiatto • Joyce Bond • Keith Book • Jim Burcio • Carol Burr • Dean Carrier • Ranger Zack Chambers • Gary Cole • Andrew Conlin • Charlie Cornell • Robert Cromwell • David Dahnke • Amy Darwin • Michael Denega • Colin Dillingham • Jerry Dirnberger • Amber Drake • Dan Efseaff • Steve Emmons • Kirby Flanagan • Matt Forster • Bill Frey • Henry Ganzler • Dave Garcia • Dawn Garcia • Gaylord Grams • Herman Gray • Matthew Greening • Heidi Gysin • Lora Haller • Timmarie Hamill • Wyatt Hersey • Mike Hubbartt • Scott Huber • John W. Hunt • Phil Johnson • Bob Joseph • Maya Khosla • Jeff Kidd • Paul Kirk • Shelly Kirn • Jesse Klingler • Kathy Landini • Mike Landini • Roger Lederer • Noel Lopez • Laura Lush • Jan Martinez • Charlie Mathews • John Mac McCormick • John Meserve • Mary Muchowski • Gary Nielsen • Michelle Ocken • Joseph O’Neil • Breanna Owens • Ruth Paz • Victor Paz • Gregory Purifoy • Jeffrey Rich • Michael Rogner • Shane Romain • Marilyn Rose • Craig Roth • • David Samuels • Peter Sands • Miguette Sansegundo • Ross Schaefer • John Seid • Joe Silveira • Bill Smith • Lorraine Smith • Lise Smith-Peters • Ken Sobon • Bob Solari • Marty Steidlmayer • Bob Steinacher • Richard Thieriot • Fred Thomas • Scott Thomas • Andy Tomaselli • Scott Torricelli • Pamela Waldsmith • Bruce Webb • Carrie Wendt • Dale Whitmore • John Whittlesey • David Wimpfheimer • SPECiALTY TOuR / PRESENTATiON LEADERS: Henry Lomeli • Christine Mac Shane • Kate Marden – West Coast Falconry • Liz Smith-Oettinger – The Center for Reconnecting with Nature • Lindsay Wood LEAD DRiVERS: Larry Crisman • Alan Mendoza • Warren Patten • Carolyn Short

THE SNOW GOOSE FESTiVAL WOuLD ALSO LiKE TO GiVE SPECiAL THANKS TO the California Conservation Corps, Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge Complex, Rancho Esquon, Big Chico Creek Ecological Reserve, Sohnrey Farms, Cole Farm, Book Family Farms, Maywood Organic Fig Farm, Black Butte Lake, Chico Certified Farmers Market, Chico Creek Nature Center, iris Software, inc., Mission Linen Service, Museum of Northern California Art (monca) Llano Seco Rancho, Divide Ranch, City of Chico, Kidd Biological, inc. and H. T. Harvey & Associates, Ecological Consultants, Mathews Farms, The Nature Conservancy.

See you all at next year’s 21st Annual Snow Goose Festival of the Pacific Flyway • January 22 – 26, 2020 14


m a r c h 7, 2 0 1 9

HEALTHLINES of water through our architecture.” Patient rooms will enhance rest and privacy by minimizing disturbances. Wentz said each new room is designed for a single patient only, with a windowed space enabling nurses to look in on the patient without needing to open the door. The new tower will connect to the existing hospital through the lower two floors. The ground floor will include eight rooms for outpatient procedures—treatments, diagnostics and minor surgeries that don’t require hospitalization— as well as areas for surgical prep and recovery. The second floor will feature maternity, with 14 beds (nine for deliveries) and a garden reserved for expectant mothers and families. Intensive care, divided into two 12-bed units, will occupy the third floor. The fourth and fifth floors will hold patient rooms, 70 total, for the medical/surgery unit. Before the Camp Fire, Oroville Hospital had 133 beds. The California Department of Public Health granted an emergency dispensation for reopening a closed unit to increase capacity by 20. “We’re working with them to make that more permanent, until the expansion [is complete],”

c o n t i n u e d f r o M pa g e 1 2

Wentz said. “People always think about the crisis [itself], but it doesn’t just stop when they put the fire out.” The fire and the Oroville Dam spillway crisis 21 months earlier prompted concerns about funding the project. After deciding to finance by way of bonds, Wentz and his consultants at Morgan Stanley had to assure potential investors. “We had a lot of questions [asked] about the various disasters that seem like they’re always happening in Butte County,” Wentz said. “We were able to talk with them about the realities of [the disasters], and they understood this is a resilient region—and obviously this was a place where they felt comfortable putting their money.” Oroville Hospital raised the $200 million off 48 investors’ orders placed Feb. 13. Wentz commissioned Chicobased Modern Building Co. for the construction, in large part because brothers James and Mike Seegert— president and project manager, respectively—grew up in Oroville. He said keeping the money local matters. Goodson agreed: “That is appropriate.” Ω


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AdvocAtes Needed

Sleep is easy for some and like the holy grail for others, and we need it more than you may think. In fact, a new study published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine suggests that the health of our immune systems actually might depend on it. It’s all about T cells, which help battle viruses and cancer cells, and little adhesion molecules called “integrins.” Researchers in Germany have found that, in order for T cells to do their work, they have to stick to all the bad stuff. However, certain stress hormones prevent that necessary bond. These stress hormones get sleepy when you sleep, though, so that is when T cells have the most power to battle all the nasty stuff and muscle-up your immunity. Lesson for the day: If you want to stave off that cold and prevent infection, find a good pillow and turn off the lights.

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GREENWAYS Paul Kirk (left) and John Hunt of the Northern California Regional Land Trust have fielded new inquiries about conservation since the Camp Fire.

Wide open spaces Land trust helps preserve North State’s natural assets

story and photo by

Evan Tuchinsky

evantuc hin sk y @ n ewsr ev i ew. com

W from Chico, they see the landscape in the way artists would, as a panorama of poshen Paul Kirk and John Hunt drive south

sibilities. They appreciate what we all enjoy and many take for granted: rolling fields dotted with grazing cattle; rice farms, doubling as takeoff and landing points for waterfowl; fruit and nut orchards displaying seasonal colors; groves of majestic oaks; chaparral rising from the valley floor up foothill canyon walls. They particularly appreciate what’s absent. These places, outside city spheres, have been spared from development. Apart from fencing and the occasional farm house or outbuilding, most every acre overflows with natural assets. “Places people see from town, places people see from the road that they just assume [are] and appreciate as open space— those things can’t be taken for granted,” Hunt said. “Driving down [Highway] 99, all that rangeland and open space, those are values in our region conveyed simply by virtue of existing; they’re not necessarily protected, they’re not necessarily going to stay … unchanged.” Preservation takes intent—effort. As staff members at the Northern California Regional Land Trust, a Chico-based nonprofit with a shoestring budget, Kirk and Hunt focus on protecting, as their site says, “open spaces, working lands, and natural resources for generations to come.” To do so, they facilitate conservation easements: compacts under which owners agree to keep land undeveloped, in perpetuity, for financial gain (compensation and tax benefits). The trust finds funding, brokers the transaction, then monitors the property to



mAaRrCcHh 07,7,2 2001 91 9 M

ensure it remains preserved. The nonprofit owns one property, Lower Deer Creek Falls, 600 acres of riparian corridor in eastern Tehama County. Otherwise, its staff manages easements acquired by others. Those funders include the state and federal government, and ecological organizations. The inventory includes Rancho Llano Seco, properties along Comanche Creek and Little Chico Creek, mitigation sites by Meridian Road and, as of 2018, Berkeley Olive Grove. All told, the trust—founded in 1990 as the Parks and Preserves Foundation—holds 32 easements with over 25,000 acres conserved in Butte and Tehama counties. “We are the frontier of open space in California,” said Hunt, conservation director of the land trust, which he led for five years as executive director; Kirk has filled that role since last spring. “There’s enormous value up here.” The Camp Fire touched a half-dozen proper-

ties in the trust, but not as severely as other areas. That’s because these either are working lands—forests, ranches, farms—or wildlands, where fire often has a function, as opposed to urban sites. Hunt and Kirk inspected each location with its landowner. Then they collaborated with agencies such as Cal Fire, the Butte County Fire Safe Council and California Deer Association, and experts such as Chico State fire ecologist Don Hankins, to craft vegetation management plans that adhere to conservation terms. Kirk explained that some affected landowners got approached by outside interests about restoring damage—for example, timber harvesters offering to remove trees.

That’s not necessarily beneficial; “we want to make sure what we’re doing is going to be good for the restoration of coniferous forests of this area,” he continued. That’s a key reason they’re consulting “other agencies in the community that have more experience than we do in doing coniferous forest habitat management.” Burned most was the Hanford property in upper Paradise: 100 acres of oaks and ponderosa pines, overlooking the west branch of the Feather River. The trust has held that easement since 1999. Among others, fire reached its first easement, Blue Oak, a .39-acre open space near Cherokee set aside in 1992. “There’s the footprint of the fire, but there’s also the corollary of what does that mean to the larger landscape?” Hunt said. Responding to a disaster that’s in many ways unprecedented, “this is rolling out in real time.” Additional funding has become available since November, from sources such as Cal Fire. A new set of landowners approached the land trust expressing interest in easements, both in and adjacent to the burn zone. Hunt said these are “substantive properties that are in good locations for the maintenance of timber [and] good forest management that could convey good open space values [as] a community asset—in that fashion, possibly help support emerging considerations for fire planning on the landscape.” The land trust has interest from property

owners elsewhere in the valley, too. Kirk and Hunt estimate they could triple the holdings with the conversations they’re having, including follow-ups to prefire discussions.

“Which is more than we can really do,” Kirk said with a laugh. Besides those two, the organization consists of a part-time bookkeeper and a five-member board (which has a vacancy). Property owners’ decision to preserve their land takes time: “You’ll reach out to someone and three years later, all of a sudden, you get a call,” Kirk said. “‘Hey, I’m kind of interested. I wasn’t interested before, am now.’” Transactions also take time. The trust must secure funding and file the requisite paperwork on landowners’ behalf. Acquisition monies rarely include an amount for work costs; the organization must raise its own operating budget. The land trust hopes to expand partnerships with like-minded local groups. California Open Lands, also based in Chico, manages seven preserves totaling 68 acres in Northern California—the largest, 42.5 acres within Meriam Park, comprises two parcels off Humboldt Road. “Many hands make small work,” Hunt said. “We can increase our coordinated community endeavor. Some of the conversations definitely have arisen as a result of the Camp Fire; it’s brought a certain perspective, because it’s a pretty unprecedented scenario.” Ω

ECO EVENT Fill the bucket Local clean water warriors Bridging the Gap by Giving will host the group’s 11th annual Walk4Water, in which participants feel what it’s like to gather and haul water, Saturday (March 9) at 8:30 a.m. at OneMile Recreation Area. Participants carry an empty bucket for half of either a 2k or 5k, then fill the bucket and walk the rest of the way. The route through Bidwell Park is filled with educational stations about water conservation in our community. Visit btg4water.org to register.

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Rebuilding the Ridge Supporting Local Businesses on the Ridge and Surrounding Communities RE-opEnEd aftER thE camp fiRE California VoCations, inC

ProsPerity investment management, inc.

JiM’s auto

564 Rio Lindo Suite 204, Chico (530) 877-4146

2610 HWY 32, Chico (530) 872-8080

Coldwell Banker Ponderosa

John J. rank, attorney at law

2561 California Park Dr., Suite 110, Chico (530) 877-4111

rancho engineering, inc.

2061 Dr. MKL Pkwy #167 & #169, Chico (530) 877-6244

116 Henshaw Avenue, Suite C, Chico (530) 891-4000

330 Wall Street #40, Chico (530) 877-3700

doBriCh sePtiC serViCe

keVin Baker insuranCe agenCy allstate

re construction

(530) 873-0199

dr. wilson dds 1074 East Avenue Suite S, Chico (530) 877-7661

dr.Bent MaCkay dds 1279 E. 1st Avenue, Chico (530) 877-8694

farMers insuranCe Carly foster agenCy 572 Rio Lindo Avenue, Suite 202, Chico (530) 762-2594

hairdresser Colleen Connor 3028 Esplanade Suite D, Chico (530) 228-8718

hanosh & hunter dental grouP 1660 Humboldt Rd, Suite 1, Chico (530) 877-9800

hudson aPPlianCe Center 2525 Dominic Drive, Suite D, Chico (530) 877-6312

hunters Pest Control

389 Conners Ct. Suite G, Chico (530) 872-4644

kyle nelson PhotograPhy 11 Commerce Court #3, Chico (707) 799-5630

laufer ChiroPraCtiC 1810 Esplanade, Suite A, Chico (530) 895-1151

Matthews, hutton & warren, CPas

2639 Forest Avenue, Suite 100, Chico (530) 877-6793

neVin & witt insuranCe and finanCial serViCes 1600 Mangrove Avenue #195, Chico 530-872-0111

Paradise drug

Paradise reCreation & Park distriCt

376 Vallombrosa Ave, Chico (530) 891 - 1676

1074 East Avenue, Suite S, Chico (530) 877-7661

scott shaw Painting

645 Normal Avenue, Ste 100, Chico (530) 872-1738

select ProPerty management

1101 El Monte Avenue, Chico (530) 872-6807

soul Posse Dance BanD 341 Broadway #308, Chico (530) 828-8040

summit FunDing 300 Salem Street, Chico (530) 413-0072

terri’s hair Design, reoPening as ParaDise salon

iMMediate Care MediCal Center

564 Rio Lindo Avenue, Suite 103, Chico (530) 872-6393

gary Bess associates

heartshine FounDation

(530) 877-3435 277 Cohassett Road, Chico (530) 872 - 6650

1255 E. Vista Way #109, Vista (530) 520-7360

Ron Wilson DDs general Dentistry

Paradise garden CluB, inC.

2555 Zanella Way, Chico (530) 876-1457

moll’s legal Doc PreP

844 Baronial Lane, Rocklin (530) 877-3426

1388 Longfellow Ave, Chico (530) 514-7082

Paradise MediCal grouP

1388 Longfellow Avenue, Chico (530) 520-6475

(530) 872-8338

teresa munjar / main event salon

195 Cohasset Road, Chico (530) 877-4981

worlD graPhics

1600 Mangrove Ave #140, Chico (530) 399-0777

western heating & rain gutters (530) 345-8550

Red Bluff (530) 762-2219

chatFielD Dental (530) 877-9308

aDam anD eves salon (530) 872-1890

Dr. mac aPPle technician anD training Business (530) 386-2616

sweDe’s small engine rePair Mobile Service (530) 990-5676

anDy’s Bullseye rePair (530) 877-7387

DraPer & Kramer mortgage corP (530) 877-8800

jenn BrooKs, arBonne international consultant Contact for Information (530) 864-1211

magneson tractor service, inc. Operating Remotely (530) 961-3171

SPonSoRed by

Check back next week for more businesses and organizations that have re-opened. Listings provided by Paradise Ridge Chamber of Commerce. paradisechamber.com 18


m a r c h 7, 2 0 1 9

EVERYBODY’S BUSINESS photo By vic cantu



Lots of juicy tidbits

dancing dynamo When considering the lifestyle of a typical 88-yearold woman, most don’t immediately think of someone who goes out dancing four times a week and teaches dance one night as well. But, Oroville’s Pat Donahue is no typical octogenarian. She’s been teaching stints at Chico’s Studio One, her church and Feather Falls Casino since the 1990s. Tuesday (March 5) marked her fifth anniversary teaching every Tuesday at the Tackle Box—without missing a week. “I don’t know how I dance so much,” Donahue says. “I guess I just love life.” Take free line dance lessons from Donahue and check out her handmade jewelry at the Tackle Box, 379 E. Park Ave., Tuesdays at 6:30 pm. She’s also on Facebook and can be reached by email at pdresearch@sbcglobal.net.

How do you stay inspired to dance? Your mindset determines who you are and what you do. My saying is, “What your mind can conceive, your body can achieve.” Also, many decades ago, I worked with troubled teens and adopted a 17-year-old, David, whose family abandoned him. At 19, he had an aneurysm that paralyzed him, and I cared for him until he died at 53. I promised David I would keep on keeping on.

Are your classes for beginners, too? Yes, I always have students who’ve never line danced before. The ages are from 6 to 93. People say, “I can’t dance, I’ve got two left feet.” I say, “Come to class, I’ll give you two right feet!”

What tips do you have for people who want to learn to dance? If you can walk, you can dance. I tell young guys, “If you want to have dates, learn to dance, because women love to dance.” If you can’t feel the rhythm, I’ll take your hands and help you feel it. One woman, about 70, was using a walker and moving to the music. I held her hands and we danced. Her


Meredith J. Cooper meredithc@newsreview.com

I’m happy to report that Poke N Dumplings finally opened next door to Momona Noodle & Bao on Third Street (in the old Rallo’s West space, RIP) and it seems promising. Owned by the folks behind now-defunct House of Dumplings, the menu offers options for poke, sushi or dumplings. I chatted briefly with the sushi chef, who came to Chico from Los Angeles, and he seems legit. I tried the crunch scallop roll and was not prepared for what I was served, as it was different from any other sushi I’ve had—fried bay scallops piled on California rolls and topped with masago. Delicious. Can’t wait to try the soupy dumplings—they sound divine. The pork buns also look authentic and awesome. Check ’em out at 243 W. Third St.

coMing soon Who knew there was such a huge market for bundt cakes that there’s a fast-growing franchise bakery called Nothing Bundt Cakes? Well, I didn’t! But I grew up on the sweet deliciousness of moist chocolate bundt cake. I can almost conjure up the flavor just thinking about it. Chico’s getting a franchise soon, on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway. Stay tuned for updates. daughter came up after and said, “I’ve never seen my mother so happy!”

What are your lessons like? The dances are 32 steps, with four sets of eight counts each. I encourage them to learn the dance names, and even have hand signals for them. Like for Gin & Tonic, I’ll raise an invisible glass and drink it.

How do you stay so healthy? I’m not on any meds, and only see the doctor about every 12 years. My diet is terrible, but if you think healthy, you are healthy.

You also regularly go out and dance for fun, right? Yes, I drive myself and a friend four nights a week to different casinos that have good bands. When Gold Country Casino reopens senior dance day, soon, I’ll be dancing five nights a week! I once asked my church pastor if it was a sin to have this much fun, and he said, “No, you’re blessed.” Every night I dance I get hugs from people who say, “You’re an inspiration,” and, “I want to be like you when I get older.”

A Menu From Around the World • 10 New Menu Items • Breakfast & Lunch


Best naMe ever Chico is getting a new egg handler, and its name caught my attention (which I’m guessing is the point): Just Got Laid. Clever … It got me searching; according to the California Department of Food and Agriculture, there are a little over 1,200 licensed egg handlers in the state, as of November. Of those, 23 were in Butte County. I know TurkeyTail Farm is still selling duck eggs, despite much of the farm burning in the Camp Fire. Sadly, it looks like Paradise’s Marema’s Hens is no more (though the hens survived!) and Jacqro Farms burned. another reopening Downtown Chico is getting a new tenant from Paradise: Wilson Printing and Signs. The owners, Ray and Kathy Wilson, bought The Print Shop at the corner of Eighth and Main streets, and will be changing the name and providing all the services their customers came to expect in their former space. Look for a grand opening sometime this month—and check out the Paradise Strong car window stickers! Call 877-8721 or email wilprint@comcast.net for more info. tasty surprise I found myself thirsty for something fruity and caffeinated recently and made my way over to Boba TeaLicious in downtown Chico’s Garden Walk Mall. Their Red Bull-infused teas with bursting juice balls are almost addictive! The surprise here was the adorable little bird’s nests inside the pastry case. Owner Stacy Tran informed me they are similar to baklava and come from Cafe Petra around the corner. I had to have one, and wow—the nest is made of delicate pastry strands, and is filled with candied pistachio “eggs.” Delicious! get trained Butte College just received a hefty grant—$600,000!—to train folks in hazardous debris cleanup and emergency response following the Camp Fire. The money, from the Employment Training Panel, will help train and certify 350 people through Butte College’s Training Place.

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A vital exchange

Group addresses addiction with compassion, aims to save lives via syringe program


egan Miklovich knows


ASHIAH SCHARAGA as h i a h s @new srev i ew. c o m

“I cried each time [I overdosed],” Miklovich told the CN&R during an interview on the patio of Blackbird Cafe between drags of a cigarette. For her, that night what it’s like to cheat death. was the last straw. She was determined to get clean. Miklovich had turned to drugs as a teenager. At 24 years old, she’d been At 15, she left her crowded childhood home, where her family was struggling financially. As she traveled, she met other people who using heroin for eight years. One night, felt they didn’t fit in elsewhere. Her drug use, which had been experimental at that she came to, disoriented. She soon found point, escalated during a toxic relationship. out her then-boyfriend had given her a After that third overdose, Miklovich weaned herself off of heroin vital medication: naloxone hydrochloride. with buprenorphine—an opioid medication used to treat addiction—and by staying with friends she knew would kick her out if It didn’t take long for her to figure out she used. “It was hard, but, for me personally, once I what had happened. This was her third started feeling physically better, the mental stuff got better,” she said. “I didn’t have as much anxiety, I time overdosing. The naloxone didn’t want to just go out and get a ‘get-well shot.’” Others she met over a decade traveling the States would not be as lucky. had saved her life. “I can’t even tell you how many of my friends over the years have died of overdoses,” she said. Miklovich, now 29 and nearly six years sober, settled down in Chico last May, moving in with her best friend, Alexx Collins, who introduced her to the volunteers of a passionate group determined to help reduce harm among drug users—the Northern Valley Harm Reduction Coalition (NVHRC). They were propelled to act by the region’s troubling mortality statistics. Butte County’s drug-induced death rate, 18.94 per 100,000 residents, was the 13th highest in the state for 2017, the last year of available data, and much higher than the state average (11.58 Get involved: Megan Miklovich struggled with heroin per 100,000 residents), Northern Valley Harm Reduction addiction for nearly a decade. Naloxone, a according to the California Coalition (nvhrc.com)is in need of medication known for reversing overdoses, Department of Public volunteers and is accepting donations. saved her life. Now she’s trying to save the lives of others. Health’s California Opioid nvharmreduction@gmail.com. Syringe litter hotline: 332-8065.



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Overdose Surveillance Dashboard. Its death rate due to opioids paints a similar picture. The county has made strides in addressing the overprescription of opioid painkillers such as Norco, Oxycontin and fentanyl, but illicit drug users often fall through the cracks. NVHRC is attempting to change that, and save lives. The approach it takes is in its name: Rather than requiring sobriety for services or support, the coalition focuses on meeting people where they are in their addiction, with the goal of reducing harm. That manifests in myriad ways. A harm-reduction tool is what saved Miklovich’s life. Naloxone, also known by the brand name Narcan, helps halt the potentially fatal effects of opioid overdose, reversing sedation and unconsciousness and restoring breathing. Local use of the drug gained widespread attention in January, when medical personnel and police responded to a fentanyl-related mass overdose that killed one man and sent 14 others to the hospital. It’s not the only tool that can save lives. Providing clean supplies for drug users can prevent the spread of life-threatening, costly, easily transmitted viruses, like HIV and hepatitis C. In Miklovich’s home state of Massachusetts, naloxone, clean syringes and other sterile drug supplies, sharps disposal containers, and testing for HIV and hepatitis C were readily available via harm-reduction centers and syringe exchanges. In other parts of the country? Not so much. There is no central location for some of the most vulnerable populations to access free, potentially life-saving resources. The harm reduction coalition aims to change that in Butte County, and open up such a center this year.

Northern Valley Harm Reduction Coalition volunteers regularly search Chico’s parks for used syringes and provide outreach to homeless drug users. From left: David Showalter, Angel Gomez, Bill Mash and Cassie Miracle.

Evidence-supported, but controversial Harm-reduction practices were first established in California in the 1970s, but became increasingly common in the 1980s and ’90s, as communities scrambled to react to the deadly AIDS crisis. These practices, including providing access to sterile syringes and injection supplies, have proven effective in preventing HIV transmission among people who inject drugs, according to Alessandra Ross, an injection drug use specialist with the California Department of Public Health (CDPH). Today, there are 44 syringe-exchange programs in the state. Miracle said the CDPH has been an incredible partner, helping the local coalition apply for state funding and understand the ins and outs of launching its programs. “Supporting harm-reduction approaches to

A public health necessity It was a cold evening in late January, but Blackbird Cafe was toasty, its foyer packed with people nearly as tightly as its walls are packed with books. NVHRC co-founder Javi Pinedo launched into the night’s scheduled overdose-prevention training with a basic explanation of harm reduction. Think of it this way, Pinedo said: using a condom during sex, or including more vegetables in a diet, are both examples of harm reduction. For service providers, “harm reduction is that practice of, ‘I’m going to meet you, talk to you, see what resources you need to be healthy,’” Pinedo told the room. Pinedo was joined by fellow NVHRC cofounders Angel Gomez and Cassie Miracle, and for the rest of the 45-minute presentation, they educated the group about what leads to opioid overdoses, the signs of an overdose, and—the most vital part of the night—how to use naloxone nasal spray to revive people. The process involves performing rescue breathing and spraying dosages into the nostrils, which will be absorbed even if the person is not breathing. Before the night was over, every person received reference materials and a box of Narcan with two doses (worth more than $100). NVHRC, an all-volunteer group, has participants from a variety of backgrounds, including public health, homeless services, LGBTQ advocacy, health care and environ-

mental stewardship. In addition to organizing the trainings, they have collected and disposed of more than 1,000 syringes found during weekly street outreach, when they also give out sharps containers and Narcan. Though naloxone became available over the counter in 2014, it could not be distributed by local organizations like NVHRC until this past summer, when California’s public health officer issued a standing order. As soon as NVHRC heard the news, it applied to distribute it. So far, the group has received nearly $120,000 worth of the life-saving drug to give to community members. While NVHRC works on becoming a formal nonprofit, the North American Syringe Exchange Network is serving as its fiscal sponsor, Miracle said. NVHRC also connected with a Chico physician to receive a local standing order to distribute Narcan and develop a medically sound training program. Butte County Public Health has received state funding to distribute naloxone as well, and has gotten it into the hands of first responders and the county’s Behavioral Health Department, which has been giving it to clients. Though NVHRC volunteers have plenty to do between outreach and naloxone trainings, the group is pursuing state authorization to set up a syringe-access and -disposal program, also known as a syringe exchange. One of its first tasks: conducting a vulnerability assessment to show that Butte County is at risk for significant increases in hepatitis infections or

an HIV outbreak due to injection drug use. Miracle, who has a background in public health education, doesn’t think that will be hard to prove. Butte County has experienced a 13 percent rise in hepatitis C cases, from 318 reported in 2013 to 359 in 2017 (see “Beneath the surface,” Healthlines, Sept. 6, 2018). Syringe exchanges, and their related services, are a public health necessity, she added, and the group stepped up because it felt that local leaders were not acting quickly enough. Miracle said such programs often are misunderstood and controversial primarily due to a lack of education. “I think it’s scary for people, honestly,” she said. “I think they fear harm reduction and they think all sorts of things instead of dealing with the fact that, whether we like it or not, prescription and nonprescription drug use is a part of our world. “And we are trying to minimize the harmful effects that it has, not just condemn the folks that are affected by it,” Miracle continued. “We, as a community, have to come together and support each other, and support [the health of] these folks that are using drugs.” Miklovich felt motivated to get involved with NVHRC because of the friends she has lost to overdose. “I hope to break down stigmas, to just really execute the whole idea of harm reduction, make things safer, make people happier, save lives even,” she said. “A lot of people have the idea [addiction will] just go away if we don’t enable any harm reduction.”


O N PA G E 2 2

What is naloxone? Naloxone hydrochloride, a so-called “opioid antagonist,” is used for the emergency treatment of opioid overdoses. In high doses, opioids can cause breathing to slow or stop. Someone who has overdosed can become sleepy and unresponsive to others’ voice or touch, and also will exhibit pinpoint pupils. That’s when naloxone should be used via nasal spray or injection. It binds to the opioid receptors in the brain, temporarily reversing the overdose. It can be purchased under the brand name Narcan at California pharmacies without a prescription, and is covered by most major insurance plans. The Northern Valley Harm Reduction Coalition provides free Narcan and trainings to community members, as well. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, naloxone distributed via opioid overdose-prevention programs reversed 10,000 overdoses between 1996 and 2010. M A R C H 7, 2 0 1 9




F R O M PA G E 2 1

drug use is an effective way of stopping overdose deaths,” Ross wrote via email. “In Butte County, organizations like NVHRC have local expertise, which will ultimately save lives and money.” Ross pointed out that harm-reduction programs are widely supported by major public health organizations, including the CDPH, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, World Health Organization, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, and American Medical Association. This is because research conducted over decades has found syringe exchanges to be effective in reducing HIV and hepatitis C transmission among injection drug users, as well as promoting entry and retention into drug treatment programs. According to the CDC, such programs do not increase drug use or crime in the areas in which they are located. The programs also decrease needle-stick injuries among first responders. Another benefit: saving health care dollars by preventing infections. It takes more than $400,000 to treat one person living with HIV over his or her lifetime, according to the CDC. In 2014, $6.5 billion was spent on the hepatitis C medication Sovaldi, making it the top drug in terms of expenditures in the United States that year, according to an article published in the Journal of Health Biomed Law last September. Medicare’s share was

reportedly $4.5 billion. Syringe-exchange programs still face political hurdles, however. In Orange County, a state-authorized program has been temporarily barred from operating after being sued by several of its cities, which cited concerns of increased needle litter. Studies paint a different picture, however, indicating the opposite to be true. In a 2011 study funded by the San Francisco Department of Public Health and National Institute on Drug Abuse, 80 percent of injection drug users reported disposing of needles via syringe-exchange programs. Of the few found during visual inspections, most were hard to access, found behind fences, in gutters, capped or with tips broken off. The following year, a study published in the international journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence compared San Francisco to Miami, which had no needle exchanges. Visual inspectors found 44 syringes per 1,000 census blocks in San Francisco, compared with 371 per 1,000 census blocks in Miami. In Miklovich’s experience, most drug users don’t want to harm their communities: She came up with her own harm-reduction practices when she didn’t have access to a center or syringe exchange, including disposing her sharps by capping them and stashing them in old water bottles. Now, when Miklovich does street out-

Left: NVHRC co-founders Angel Gomez, left, and Javi Pinedo train more than 40 community members on the use of opioid-reversing medication, naloxone, at a free event at Blackbird Cafe. Below: Chico Police Officer John Barker administered overdose-reversing medication naloxone for the first time last December. He said it has been a “game-changer” for the department, which started carrying the overdose reversal kits in August.

reach, she has noticed drug users often feel wary when she brings up harm-reduction resources, like Narcan. They try to justify their interest or even lie, saying things like, “Oh, I don’t need this, but my friend does.” Miklovich tries to stop them right there: “I’m not one to judge,” she says, and often shares her story. Gomez said people often express gratitude—and surprise: “When I’m giving out sharps containers, they’re just amazed there’s somebody who actually cares,” she said.

Hope for the future NVHRC envisions a program not unlike what has been established in Plumas County, Butte’s easterly neighbor with a population of 20,000. The opioid epidemic hit that region particularly hard. In 2009, Plumas County had the highest rate in the state for overdose deaths from prescription opioids. The public health agency has focused on preventative education, prescribing guidelines for doctors and Narcan distribution, similar to Butte County’s approach. After observing a dramatic drop in prescription-related deaths, James Wilson, health education coordinator for the Plumas County Public Health Agency, and his colleagues realized there was more to be done. “People inject drugs, and so we had to face that,” Wilson said. His agency, in partnership with the Northern Sierra Opioid Safety Coalition—a group of public health, hospital, law enforcement, criminal justice, nonprofit and community representatives—has “really tried to tackle a whole comprehensive approach” in response to the opioid epidemic. The county’s syringe exchange, certified by the state, has been operating from three locations—in Quincy, Chester and Portola—two days a month for two hours, since last June. It is entirely funded by the state and federal government through grants and the California Syringe Exchange

In 2009, Plumas County had the highest rate in the state for overdose deaths from prescription opioids. Supply Clearinghouse. For everyone involved in the process of setting up the program, it was a “no-brainer public health intervention,” Wilson said. “We didn’t have a big problem with syringe litter when we started. We were, of course, like any other small county in America right now, at risk of an HIV or hepatitis C outbreak.” This was public health’s chance to take a preventative approach, he continued. “When you’re presented with the evidence that [harm reduction] works so effectively, there’s not really an argument against it that’s not fear-based,” he said. The agency conducted a series of focus groups with people who inject drugs to create the best program. In addition to sterile syringes, the Plumas syringe exchange locations offer cotton swabs, water, wound-care kits and fentanyl testing strips. There is HIV and hepatitis C testing, and, for those seeking sobriety, referrals are made to medicationassisted treatment and other social services or behavioral health programs. Wilson said that over time, as people heard about the program and started to trust that they would not get arrested for accessing its resources, participation grew. The first four months, 1,600 syringes were distributed. In the past four, 19,000 were given away. Most people use them to inject illicit drugs, he said, though the department has seen a variety of other users, such as underinsured diabetics who need the syringes for insulin shots and transgender individuals seeking them for hormone treatments. In fact, the first person to use the program was a woman who came to dispose of syringes she’d used to vaccinate her horses.

Why isn’t there one already? This isn’t the first time a syringe exchange has been suggested in Butte County. About a year ago, the Chico City Council tasked its Internal Affairs Committee with looking into 22


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needle-exchange and -disposal programs. Mayor Randall Stone, then a councilman and part of the political minority, had brought forward the initiative. The conversation was then passed to Chico’s Local Government Committee, made up of Butte County supervisors and Chico City Council members. Dr. Andy Miller, the county’s public health officer, was scheduled to discuss syringe exchanges at the committee’s Nov. 14 meeting. After the Camp Fire broke out, it was canceled. Butte County Assistant Chief Administrative Officer Brian Ring told the CN&R it will “very likely be recalendared at the next meeting, at a date to be determined.” Miller said the county supervisors would have to decide if a syringe exchange is something they would like to support. He believes harm reduction is important, and should continue to be pursued, but with buyin from elected officials and law enforcement. “Their cooperation and their support ... is vital” for any harm-reduction program to work. The county has been tackling the opioid epidemic, but on a different front. Its focus has largely been on the overprescription of opioids and addiction to painkillers. A medication-assisted treatment clinic was founded in 2015. There, buprenorphine as well as naltrexone (aka Suboxone and Vivitrol, respectively) are used to help patients manage opioid and alcohol dependence. At any given time, the clinic is treating 100 to 120 patients, according to Jennifer Stofa, program manager of substance use treatment and recovery services. When it comes to prescription use, the county has helped reduce the amount of morphine milligram equivalents prescribed per resident per year nearly in half since 2010, from 2,521 to 1,302. However, “we still prescribe at a rate significantly higher than the state or national average,” Miller said, so that remains a focus of the department. Dr. James Moore, an Enloe Medical Center emergency room physician, said though there are regular instances in which intravenous drug users have been “Narcaned” in the field and end up in the emergency room, it’s much more common that he sees chronic pain patients who’ve taken too many prescription pills. Most of the time, patients require observation to make sure the drugs wear off before the naloxone does. Sometimes, they must be treated with additional doses to keep them alive. Since there has been a lot of progress made in clamping down on the prescription side of the opioid epidemic, Moore anticipates the problem “is going get worse before it gets better,” with more people turning to heroin because they cannot access painkillers.

‘Game-changer’ Chico Police Officer John Barker first used Narcan this past December. As he arrived at the Regency Inn one afternoon, a woman frantically ran toward him. Her friend had overdosed, she said. Upon entering the motel room, Barker found a man doing CPR on a woman. Other people scrambled about, grabbing stuff (likely drugs, Barker said) and clearing out, now that a police officer had arrived. “She looked pretty bad,” Barker recalled. “Her skin was gray and mottled … usually it means they’ve been deprived of oxygen for a while.” He used the Narcan while the man continued CPR, with Barker coaching him through it. After about five minutes, she started to slowly regain consciousness. When first responders from the Chico Fire Department and Butte County Emergency Medical Services arrived, they told Barker the Narcan he’d used “most definitely saved her life.” Since August (after going through training earlier that year), Chico police officers have used Narcan on 12 people, according to Commander Billy Aldridge. Six of those were used during the mass overdose in January, Police Chief Mike O’Brien confirmed. “It was a huge game-changer” for the police department, Barker said. When police arrived at a home in a quiet

Drug deaths in Butte County Here are the total number of opioid-induced deaths and drug-induced deaths in Butte County for the past 10 years. Year

Opioid-induced deaths

Drug-induced deaths































Source: California Department of Public Health’s California Opioid Overdose Surveillance Dashboard

suburban neighborhood just after 9 a.m. on Jan. 12, several people were found unconscious. Officers soon were joined by fire department and Butte County EMS first responders. They worked together to revive people, performing CPR and giving naloxone to six of the victims. Aris Turner, a 34-year-old Chicoan and father of four, died. Fourteen others were sent to the hospital. Several were admitted for a few days. Chico Police announced at a press conference two weeks later that the partygoers had ingested a combination of cocaine, methamphetamine and fentanyl. If police hadn’t been carrying naloxone, the outcome would have been much different, O’Brien said. “From my perspective, there’s no doubt that ... naloxone saves lives,” he said. “We think this is something we can’t back away from.” Members of the NVHRC agree. Like Miklovich, Collins had a rough young adulthood, and was homeless for 12 years (see “The long road home,” Cover story, Aug. 31, 2017). She was kicked out of her home at 14 and became a regular user of hard drugs in her late teens. Alcohol and methamphetamine were her drugs of choice, but she also used cocaine and heroin. When Collins was seven months pregnant, she was diagnosed with hepatitis C. Several of her drug-injecting friends have died of liver failure after contracting the disease. During a recent interview, she noted that she rarely had access to clean syringes. “I probably used 20 to 25 clean needles in the years I used,” Collins said. A syringe exchange in Butte County

At a press conference (from left): Chico Police Commander Ted McKinnon, Police Chief Mike O’Brien and Dr. Andy Miller, Butte County’s public health officer, confirm that fentanyl was involved in a mass overdose in January. A criminal investigation is underway.

would make a huge difference, she continued, “not just for the reason of not transmitting diseases, but not getting infections” related to use, like abscesses, which can get infected. Gomez said NVHRC is pleased with the progress it has made so far, and wants to encourage more service providers to incorporate harm-reduction methods into their practices, and provide a wide range of services for people beyond the abstinence-only model. “We’ve had abstinence treatment centers for a long time, and yet the problem keeps getting worse,” Gomez said. “Those work for some people. It doesn’t work for everybody, and that’s a big [aspect] of harm reduction, figuring out what that person needs, and not deciding for yourself what that person needs. “Having a syringe-access and -disposal program for the people who use drugs, it shows somebody cares, and someone sees them as worthy of having a healthy life, and their drug use doesn’t make them less worthy as a person.” The way Collins sees it, harm-reduction services help people survive long enough to make a change in their lives. She’s now four years sober, a working single mom with a healthy 3-year-old. She shared excitement at receiving her first tax return this year. “There’s always room for someone to change,” Collins said. “You can’t change if you don’t get out of your habit. … You can’t get over an addiction if you can’t survive.” Ω M A R C H 7, 2 0 1 9



Arts &Culture All They Will Call You author Tim Hernandez.

What were their names?





Special Events 18TH ANNUAL EMPTY BOWLS FUNDRAISER: Benefit for the Torres

Ilearned singer Woody Guthrie, having freshly of the death of 28 Mexican n January of 1948 the legendary folk-

farmworkers in a plane crash in Los Gatos Canyon, near by Coalinga in the San Robert Speer Joaquin Valley, wrote a poem about the rober tspeer@ disaster that he titled newsrev i ew.c om “Plane Wreck at Los Preview: Gatos (Deportee).” Chico Performances Several years later, presents 2018-19 Book in 1957, a young songin Common author Tim Hernandez Wednesday, writer named Martin March 13, 7:30 p.m. Hoffman set the poem Tickets: $18-$20 to music and played (Chico State students it for the famous folkand youth free) singer Pete Seeger, Laxson Auditorium who subsequently Chico State recorded it. The song 898-6333 was a huge hit and chicoperformances.com later was recorded by such luminaries as Joan Baez, Dolly Parton, Johnny Cash, Arlo Guthrie, Bob Dylan, Judy Collins, Bruce Springsteen, Odetta, Kris Kristofferson and The Byrds. The song’s heart-wrenching refrain soon entered the nation’s collective consciousness: Goodbye to my Juan, goodbye Rosalita/Adios mis amigos Jesus y Maria/You won’t have a name when you ride the big airplane/All they will call you will be … deportees. Flash-forward to 2001, when poet 24


M m AaRrCcHh 07,7,2 20 01 91 9

and novelist Tim Z. Hernandez was hired to travel to various rural communities in the San Joaquin Valley and gather their residents’ stories. Hernandez had grown up in the valley. Most of his family members lived there. So, when his grandfather was in the hospital, Hernandez naturally went to visit him. When he arrived, he found his grandfather, “an aged campesino,” asleep in a dim, cold room. He waited for the old man to awake, and while waiting closely regarded his grandfather’s weather-worn face. “This old man, to whose seed I owed my existence,” he later wrote, “was the last living grandparent I had. He was the single thread connecting me to my past.” He pulled out his recorder, determined to capture his abuelo’s stories. He also determined to answer a question that had popped up during his research: Who were the 28 laborers who died in Los Gatos Canyon? Five decades after the crash—the worst airplane disaster in California history—and their burial in a mass grave, they remained anonymous. What were their stories? The only victims of the crash whose names were known were the pilot, Frank Atkinson, his wife, Bobbie, who was serving as the stewardess, co-pilot Marion Ewing, and Frank Chaffin, an Immigration and Naturalization Service officer. No effort was made to learn the names of the

28 Mexican deportees—until Hernandez came along determined to tell their stories. Thus began an epic search for information, one that has lasted seven years and shows no sign of waning. Hernandez has pored through historical records, interviewed eyewitnesses and traveled to small villages and towns in Mexico to learn the names of those who died and their loved ones left behind. The first book in a planned trilogy is All They Will Call You, which came out in 2017 and is the 2018-2019 Butte County Book in Common. It tells the stories of seven of the farmworkers who died, as well as those of the flight crew and songwriter Hoffman, whose life took a poignant twist. The author will visit Chico State’s Laxson Auditorium for a lecture, with music and video, on Wednesday (March 13) at 7:30 p.m. Hernandez is now a professor of creative writing at the University of Texas at El Paso. In a phone interview from his home there, he said that he’s located the families of four more people who died in the crash and is developing their stories. His intention is to write the trilogy based not only on the stories of the crash victims and their families, but also to explore the current debate over immigration from the perspective of the immigrants themselves. “It’s a lifelong endeavor,” he said. “I plan to keep working on this for the rest of my life.” Ω

Community Shelter. Select a ceramic bowl handmade by local Chico students and Torres Shelter guests. Several local restaurants will be donating soup. Thu, 3/7, 5pm. Chico High School, 901 Esplanade. torresshelter.org

CARNIVAL: Rides, games, food and fun behind Dick’s Sporting Goods. Thu, 3/7, 5pm. Chico Mall, 1950 E. 20th St. chicomall. com

MAI DER VANG: This month’s Writer’s Voice will feature the author of Afterland, winner of the 2016 Walt Whitman Award. The book recounts the Hmong exodus from Laos and the fate of refugees seeking asylum. Thu, 3/7, 7:30pm. Free. Zingg Recital Hall, Chico State, ARTS 279. csuchico.edu

VICTOR, VICTORIA: Good movie, a complimentary bag of popcorn and a glass of lemonade. Thu, 3/7, 1pm. Lakeside Pavilion, 2565 California Park Drive. chicorec.com

Music CHICO BACH FESTIVAL: Three days of Bach, kicking off on Thursday with a performance of “The Coffee Cantata” with free coffee and a side of soprano and bass. The festival will include an organ workshop and a series of masterclasses as well as a lecture exploring the comedy of Bach. An orchestral performance of “The Spirit of Improvisation” and an organ recital of “Bach and Sons” will close the celebration. The Sinfonia Spirituosa Baroque Orchestra and organists Annette Richards and David Yearsley will be participating throughout. See website for details. Thu, 3/7. Chico State. csuchico.edu/soa


Sunday, March 10 Paradise Performing Arts Center SEE SUNDAY, SPECIAL EVENTS





Special Events 11TH ANNUAL WALK4WATER: Bridging the Gap by

KZFR PRESENTS T SISTERS: Indie-folk Americana with a bluegrass twang. These three sisters from Oakland blend clean harmonies with the washboard, mandolin, fiddle and more. Partial benefit for Camp Fire survivors via North Valley Community Foundation and Sierra Nevada Brewery relief funds. Thu, 3/7, 7:30pm. $20 - $25. Chico Women›s Club, 592 E. Third St. 895-0706. kzfr.org



Special Events CARNIVAL: See Thursday. Fri, 3/8, 4pm. Chico Mall, 1950 E. 20th St. www.chicomall.com

SPRING EQUINOX DINNER & AUCTION: Familyfriendly evening to benefit the Children’s Choir of Chico, featuring live performances by the choir, 2018 Chico Idol contest winners, and Decades. See website for more details. Fri, 3/8, 5:30pm. $10 - $25. Chico Elks Lodge, 1705 Manzanita Ave. 342-2775. childrenschoirofchico.org

Music CHARLIE ROBINSON EBONY AND IVORY CONCERT: Featuring the Charlie Robinson Group and Higgy Lerner on the grand piano. Also showing the film Beautiful Charlie Robinson. No host bar and light snacks provided. Fri, 3/8, 6pm. $15. Chico Women’s Club, 592 E. Third St. chicowomensclub.org

CHICO BACH FESTIVAL: See Thursday. Fri, 3/8. Chico State. csuchico.edu/soa

Theater GARAGE FEST 2019: Theater festival taking place at five secret venues around Chico. The theme of this year’s festival is “Love.” Five productions will take place in three showings each night (Friday and Saturday); locations and further details provided upon ticket purchase. See website for more info. Fri, 3/8. $30. Various Locations. slowtheatre.com

THE LITTLE MERMAID: Oroville YMCA Children’s Theater presents their debut show, a fun and sweet adaptation of the Hans Christian Andersen classic. Fri, 3/8, 6pm. $10. Birdcage Theatre, 1740 Bird St., Oroville.

Giving’s annual event to raise funds for safe water and training in sanitation and hygiene in developing countries around the world. See website for registration and details. Sat 3/9, 8:30am. Bidwell Park, One-Mile Recreation Area. 342-5746. btg4water.org

BUTTE COLLEGE FOUNDATION’S 2019 SPRING GALA: The evening includes dinner, a silent auction, dessert auction, and live auction. All proceeds benefit the Butte College Foundation and Athletics and will be used for programs, services, and scholarships. Sat 3/9, 6pm. Sierra Nevada Big Room, 1075 E. 20th St.

Oroville choral groups for Beethoven’s 9th Symphony, 4th Movement. Sat, 3/9, 7pm. $20. State Theater, 1489 Myers St., Oroville. paradisesymphony.org

CHICO BACH FESTIVAL: See Thursday. Sat, 3/9. Chico State. csuchico.edu



GARAGE FEST 2019: See Friday. Sat, 3/9. $30.

THE LITTLE MERMAID: See Friday. Sun, 3/10, 1pm. $10. Birdcage Theatre, 1740 Bird St.,

Various Locations. slowtheatre.com

THE LITTLE MERMAID: See Friday. Sat, 3/9, 1pm & 6pm. $10. Birdcage Theatre, 1740 Bird St., Oroville.




CONTRA DANCE: Traditional folk dancing with

CHICO BACH FESTIVAL: See Thursday. Sun, 3/10, 2pm. Chico State. csuchico.edu

being given away to Camp Fire survivors in the parking lot behind Faith Lutheran Church and Mangrove Medical Center. Must be registered to the Living Spaces mattress program and have a FEMA or insurance letter indicating loss. Email paradisere cover@gmail.com to register. Sat 3/9, 12pm. Faith Lutheran Church, 667 E First Ave. 895-3754.


Special Events





CARNIVAL: See Thursday. Sat 3/9, 12pm. Chico Mall, 1950 E. 20th St. chicomall.com a live caller. Newcomers are welcome to attend. Sat 3/9. $5-$10. Chico Guild Hall, 2775 Nord Ave.

perform “Ode to Joy,” Beethoven’s 9th Symphony, 4th Movement, and the premiere of “The March of the First Responders.” All first responders and teachers get in free. Sun, 3/10, 7pm. $15-$20. Paradise Performing Arts Center, 777 Nunneley Road, Paradise. paradisesymphony.org

Rights” training and community meeting. Mon, 3/11, 6:30pm. Free. Chico Peace & Justice Center, 526 Broadway St. chicopeace.org

COMING HOME!: The Paradise Symphony Orchestra returns home for a special concert dedicated to the heroic first responders of the Camp Fire. They will be joined by Paradise and Oroville choral groups to




CHICO BACH FESTIVAL Thursday-Sunday, March 7-10 Chico State


plant people. An event of solidarity for herbalists and medicine makers who lost their herbal supplies in the Camp Fire: re-stock and get guidance. Sat 3/9, 2pm. Blackbird, 1431 Park Ave.

LIBRARY BOOK SALE: Oroville Friends of the Library book sale Sat 3/9, 10am. Oroville Branch Library, 1820 Mitchell Ave., Oroville. buttecounty.net

PLANT TREES FOR BUTTE COUNTY: Dress for a mess to help restore the area for both wildlife and the community after the Camp Fire. Meet-up at Scooter’s Cafe, carpool encouraged. Organized by Butte County RCD and One Tree Planted. Sat 3/9, 8:30am. Scooters Cafe, 11975 CA-70, Oroville.

Music AFTER THIS JAZZ TRIO: Brunch time jazz over some ham n’ eggs. Sat, 3/9, 11am. La Salles, 229 Broadway St.

BEETHOVEN: Performance will be conducted by Dr. Lloyd Roby and feature the combined chorale talents of Paradise and

FREE LISTINGS! Post your event for free online at newsreview.com/ calendar, or email the CN&R calendar editor at cnrcalendar@newsreview.com. Deadline for print listings is Wednesday, 5 p.m., one week prior to the issue in which you wish the listing to appear.

THEATER UNDERGROUND Five productions, two nights, three shows a day at surprise venues across town—no, this isn’t your mission impossible. Local masters of the stage, Slow Theatre, are harkening back to the olden days of the Butcher Shop festival with Garage Fest 2019. The theme is “Love,” and the fest will be taking place this Friday and Saturday (March 8-9) at a handful of backyards, houses and garages (specific locations unknown until ticket purchase). The festival was produced, in part, with a City of Chico Arts & Culture grant, and will also include the Butte College Drama Club, Chico State Theatre Club, Chico Live Improv Comedy and the Chico Dance Lab. See slowtheatre.com for the deets.

MmA aR rC cHhO7, 2 0 1 9




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Special Events PRISONER LETTER WRITING: The North Valley Prisoner Support crew gathers to write letters to incarcerated individuals. Tue, 3/12, 6pm. Free. Blackbird, 1431 Park Ave.

Music DERIK NELSON & FAMILY: Northwest pop-folk from popular Glee-ster Derik Nelson and his siblings. Seamless three-part harmonies accompany unique arrangements of your favorites from a variety of genres, styles, and eras. Tue, 3/12, 7:30pm. $25. Oroville State Theatre, 1489 Myers St., Oroville. orovillestatetheatre.com


KEN WALDMAN AND THE WILD MEN: Known as Alaska’s fiddler poet, Waldman will perform original poetry, stories, and bluegrass tunes. Joined by local favorites Gordy Ohliger and yodeler/accordionist Sourdough Slim. Tue, 3/12, 7:30pm. $10-$18. Harlen Adams Theatre, Chico State. chicoperfor mances.com



Special Events FIBER ARTS NIGHT OUT: Bring your own knitting, crocheting, hand sewing, cross-stitch, embroidery, or other fiber project and work on it in the company of other hand-crafters. Wed, 3/13, 4pm. Butte County Library, 1108 Sherman Ave.

TIM Z. HERNANDEZ: Lecture by author of critically acclaimed All They Will Call You, a narrative account of what is considered the worst airplane crash in California history, claiming the lives of 32 passengers, including 28 Mexican farmworkers being deported by the U.S. government. Hernandez will discuss his research of the wreck, humanitarian issues around immigration, and the still ongoing process of identifying the 28 Mexican nationals. Wed, 3/13, 7:30pm. $18$20. Laxson Auditorium, Chico State. 898-6333. chicoperformances.com

YELLOW DOOR GOES OUT!: Join Wine Time and Lost Dutchman Taproom to raise money for the Yellow Door, whose mission is to support individuals with autism and their families while promoting student leadership and involvement in the Chico community. Wed, 3/13, 3pm. Lost Dutchman Taproom, 25 Lost Dutchman Dr.

Music THE QUEBE SISTERS: Three sisters sing in sweet harmony backed by archtop guitar, upright bass, and fiddle. Progressive Western swing with an old-timey sound straight out of Texas. Wed, 3/13, 7:30pm. $20. Big Room, 1075 E. 20th St. sierranevada.com

Art & Art History Open Studios, check out what the Chico State Art Studio and Interior Architecture BFA students have been working on this semester. Work will include painting, drawing, printmaking, ceramics, and glass. Through 3/7. Chico State.

ENLOE CANCER CENTER: Beth Bjorklund, oil paintings in our Healing Art Gallery by Northern California artist. The Enloe Cancer Center, Healing Art Gallery features artists whose lives have been touched by cancer. Through 4/19. Free. 265 Cohasset Road., 332-3856.

IDEA FAB LABS CHICO: Opening Doors, Breaking Barriers, grad student Morea Milgrom Martin presents her master›s thesis: a collaborative art show that matches artists with adults with disabilities. The purpose of this art exhibit is to break down the barriers of stigma towards disability and cultivate community through inclusion. Through 3/8. 603 Orange St. ideafablabs.com

JACKI HEADLEY UNIVERSITY ART GALLERY: IDEA | MATERIAL | PROCESS, showcases the diverse and innovative art practices of the Chico State art studio faculty in ceramics, painting, photography, printmaking, performance, and sculpture. Through 3/29. Chico State, ARTS 121.

JANET TURNER PRINT MUSEUM: California Society of Printmakers, a juried exhibition featuring the nationally significant California Society of Printmakers. Through 4/13. Chico State, 400 W. First St. theturner.org

MUSEUM OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA ART: Dennis Leon I am here, the sculptor’s work has been exhibited at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the Oakland Museum, the Corcoran Gallery and beyond. Panel discussion on Sunday, March 10 from 3-5pm. Through 3/24. $5. 900 Esplanade. Paint, showcasing works by Peter Piatt, Steve Crane, Sharon Crabill and Eve BergPugh. Through 3/23. 732 Fourth St., Orland. orlandartcenter.com




m a r c h 07,7,2 20 01 91 9



ORLAND ART CENTER: Perfection in Pencil and


Shows through May 17 Valene L. Smith Museum of Anthropology

and Transformational Experiences, The Works of Peter Treagan, interactive tech

art complete with 3D glasses and hidden imagery so visitors can participate in what is described as a transformational visionary art experience achieved through ritual, ceremony and prophecy. Wander the inner landscapes and otherworldly vistas of the mind. Through 5/17. Chico State, 400 W. First St.

Museums BOLT’S ANTIQUE TOOL MUSEUM: Ongoing exhibit, this fascinating, unique museum has over 12,000 hand tools on display, charting cataloging the evolution and history of tools. Through 6/15. $3. 1650 Broderick St, Oroville.

CHICO CHILDREN’S MUSEUM: Ongoing exhibit, featuring tons of cool stuff for kids to explore including a miniature city, complete with a junior vet clinic, dentist, cafe and farmer’s market, a giant fish tank, multi-sensory room, imagination playground and much more. Check the website for hours and admission information. Through 8/3. $7-$9. 325 Main St. chicochildrensmuseum.org

CHICO CREEK NATURE CENTER: Living Animal Museum & Nature Play Room, learn all about local critters, plants and wildlife. Through 5/25. $2-$4. 1968 E. Eighth St. chicorec.com

GATEWAY SCIENCE MUSEUM: From Here to There, explore the science of how things move by land, sea and air. Also on display are The Foothills and America’s Wolves: From Tragedy to Inspiration. Through 5/12. $5-$7. 625 Esplanade. csuchico.edu

PATRICK RANCH MUSEUM: Ongoing exhibit, working farm and museum with rotating exhibits open every Saturday and Sunday from 11am to 3pm. Through 5/26. 10381 Midway, Durham. patrick ranchmuseum.org

VALENE L. SMITH MUSEUM OF ANTHROPOLOGY: Remarkable Lives, exploring the intertwined worlds of birds and human, in partnership with the Altacal Audubon Society and Snow Goose Festival. Exhibits include bird songs and behaviors, local photography and a robotic recreation of the late Jurassic Archaeopteryx. Through 7/31. 400 W. First St.

MUSIC Rebirth Brass Band

Something new from something old



MOndAy, MArcH 18, 2019 sIErrA nEVAdA BrEWInG cO. 1075 E. 20TH sT., cHIcO. TIcKETs On sALE nOW! $25 AVAILABLE In THE GIFT sHOP Or OnLInE OnLI LIn nE AT WWW.sIErrAnEVAdA.cOM/BIGrOOM WWW.sIE WWW.s IErr rrA An

Rebirth Brass Band honors its home city of New Orleans

HRebirth Orleans’ favorite sons, the Brass Band? In a speech ow wide is the appeal of New

commemorating the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, former President Barack Obama talked about looking forward to retirement so that he could finally see the band play at its Tuesday night by residency at the Robin Bacior Maple Leaf Bar. The Rebirth Preview: Brass Band has Rebirth Brass Brand performs Sunday, been at the bar March 10, 7:30 p.m. since 1992, and TAJAC opens. after 35 years Tickets: $15 playing in New (eventbrite.com) Orleans, it has Lost on Main become an insti319 Main St. tution there. The 892-2445 members have facebook.com/ gathered various lostonmain communal ingredients—gospel hymns, parade culture, the influence of the city’s jazz greats (especially the Marsalis brothers), the burgeoning hip-hop scene—and distilled it into a sonic reflection of their musically diverse city. Led by brothers Phillip and Keith Frazier (on tuba and bass drum, respectively), Rebirth also has spread the gospel beyond the Crescent City. They’ve spent decades touring extensively throughout the U.S. and Europe, taken home a Grammy (for Best

Regional Roots Music Album in 2012) and made several appearances in the HBO series Tremé. The pre-history started in 1983, when Phillip was still in high school and was asked to put together a few marching-band friends to perform for at a booster club event. Phillip and friends kept the new band going by busking on Bourbon Street for tips, playing casually under the name The Group. “It was something to make a little extra money,” Keith said during a recent phone interview. Things evolved quickly—the guys started playing venues around town, the lineup changed with the addition of new members, including Keith (then in junior high), and the group became Rebirth Brass Band, a nod toward youth reviving brass and carrying on traditions. “Rebirth is the rebirth of New Orleans,” Keith said. “When we started playing, [people said], ‘Why are these young guys trying to do this old music?’ Because it’s fun. Now there are like 20 or more brass bands, but a lot of guys are doing it because it’s a fad. We did it when it wasn’t popular. People respect that.” Rebirth’s sound is further distinguished by the fact that it includes more than the typical brass standards. “Any genre you can think of we have incorporated into our music,” Keith said. “Because the setup is horns, we can do almost any

genre. So, when we’re traveling, we hear something and say, ‘Hey, that was cool, let’s try to incorporate that into what we’re doing.’ In the process of making a song, we’re always thinking about what [it’ll] sound like in a New Orleans kind of way. If you pay close attention to it, it’s really new. It hasn’t been done by a brass band before.” As the band evolved, the connections remained communal and familial (a majority of past and present members are related by blood or marriage). “It’s a very strong generational connection,” Keith said. “People our age tell their kids about it like, ‘Hey, when we were coming up in ’83 we were listening to these guys.’ There was no rap icon in the ’80s in New Orleans. We were their rap icons. They looked up to us and saw us having some success with traveling, being played on the radio.” What started as casual has become a full-time job, but it’s always remained an homage to the community, one that still feels new. “It never really gets old because it’s always like the first time,” Keith said. “A lot of stuff we do— despite knowing the format of the song—[is] improvise on old songs. We’ll create new out of something old, which is kind of like New Orleans; it’s very old and historic, but there’s always something new being created.” Ω




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ThUrSDaY 3/7—WEDNESDaY 3/13 ThE QUEBE SISTErS Wednesday, March 13 Sierra Nevada Big Room SEE WEDNESDaY

STONING GIANTS: Larry Sawyer solo performance with The Locomotive Band Thu, 3/7, 7pm. Studio Inn Lounge, 2582 Esplanade.


ATMOSPHERE, DEM ATLAS, THE LIONESS, DJ KEEZY: Hip-hop mainstays Atmosphere bring their new album Fishing Blues and 20 years of hits. Joined by deM atlaS, The Lioness, and DJ Keezy. Fri, 3/8, 8pm. $27.50. Senator Theatre, 517 Main St. senatortheatrechico.com


THE GOSSAMER STRINGS: Old-time folk music duo with rich harmonies accompanied by guitar, banjo and mandolin. Joined by locals Sunday Iris & Garrett Gray. Thu, 3/7, 6pm. Free. Tender Loving Coffee, 365 E. Sixth St.

HILLCREST AVENUE BAND: Soft-rock KZFR PRESENTS T SISTERS: Indie-folk Americana with a bluegrass twang. These three sisters from Oakland blend clean harmonies with the washboard, mandolin, fiddle and more. Partial benefit for Camp Fire survivors via North Valley Community Foundation and Sierra Nevada Brewery relief funds. Thu, 3/7, 7:30pm. $20-$25. Chico Women’s Club, 592 E. Third St., 895-0706. kzfr.org

covers in historic downtown Oroville. Fri, 3/8, 5:30pm. Copa de Oro, 1445 Meyers St., Oroville. 370-3573.

MAX MINARDI: Popular folk singer-

songwriter. Fri, 3/8, 7pm. The Exchange, 1975 Montgomery St., Oroville. theexchangeoroville.com


OPEN EYES, OPEN HEART BENEFIT: Support Rape Crisis Intervention and Prevention with Susurrus, Black Fong and The Empty Gate. Fri, 3/8, 8pm. $7-$10. The Maltese, 1600 Park Ave., 228-8702. maltesebarchico.com

OPEN MIC: Bring an instrument, acoustic/electric guitar and drum set available to use. Sign-up at 7:00pm, all ages welcome until 10pm. Fri, 3/8, 7:30pm. Down Lo, 319 Main St., 513-4707.

PUB SCOUTS: Traditional Irish music for happy hour. Fri, 3/8, 4pm. $1. Duffy›s Tavern, 337 Main St.

THE RICE BROTHERS: Brothers Johnny and Chris combine a unique blend of classical music, ragtime and boogiewoogie. Fri, 3/8, 7:30pm. $30. Red Bluff State Theater, 333 Oak St., Red Bluff. statetheatreredbluff.com

TANNER RICHARDSON: Tender-hearted guitar and vocals for happy hour. Fri, 3/8, 4pm. La Salles, 229 Broadway St.


BELLYSUTRA PRESENTS SPIRIT OF THE ANIMAL: Spiritual belly dance with a nature and animal theme. Prizes from local vendors. Sat, 3/9,



M a r c h 7, 2 0 1 9

PAT HULL: Soft vocal stylings of a Chico

8pm. Down Lo, 319 Main St.

FREE BEER: It’s a band. Come for the

ARE 28

Melting Elk rises from the pristine earthscape of Tahoe like a strange primordial beast to bring its atmospheric watery beats to the 1078 Gallery this Saturday, March 9. The group’s experimental hip-hop is described as cosmic with lyrics as deep and psychedelic as the murky bottom of a lake. An array of live instruments adds the juice. Also on the bill, beloved local funksters Lo & Behold, and Bungo. You won’t be sitting down for this one.

blues and jams for late night happy hour. Sat, 3/9, 9:30pm. La Salles, 229 Broadway St.

MELTING ELK: Experimental hip-hop band from Tahoe joined by locals Lo and Behold and Bungo. Sat, 3/9, 7pm. $7. 1078 Gallery, 1710 Park Ave. 1078gallery.org

favorite. Sat, 3/9, 7pm. The Exchange, 1975 Montgomery St, Oroville. theex changeoroville.com

PLAYERS FOR PARADISE: Both touring and local bands perform a whopper 10-hour concert to raise money for Camp Fire-affected musicians. The list includes Skip Culton, Bad Boy Eddy, Nukelele Aliens, Moawk, After Thot, The Breedloves and more.

Chico Area Music Festival & Awards Show April 20 Sierra Nevada Big Room Sponsored by



Saturday, March 9 Tender Loving Coffee

Latin, Asian, Eastern-European and Jamaican dancehall sounds. Joined by Lsdream, Champagne Drip, G-Rex, and Lucii. Tue, 3/12, 8pm. $25. Senator Theatre, 517 Main St. jmax productions.net


OPEN MIC: Hosted by veteran Chico singer/songwriter Andan Casamajor. There’s always a guitar to borrow and a house cajón for frisky fingers, so come on down and get on the list. Tue, 3/12, 6pm. Tender Loving Coffee, 365 E. Sixth St.

All proceeds go toward replacing instruments lost in the fire. Sat, 3/9, 3pm. $10. Tackle Box, 379 E. Park Ave.

SAFETY ORANGE: San Diego band brings surf vibes with beach rock and reggae. Sat, 3/9, 8:30pm. Feather Falls Casino & Lodge, 3 Alverda Drive, Oroville. featherfallscasino.com

SOUR DIESEL TRIO: Fusion music featur-

ing sax, flute, bass and drums. Sat, 3/9, 8pm. $7-$12. Tender Loving Coffee, 365 E. Sixth St.

TEMPO REGGAE PARTY: Day and night party featuring reggae, dancehall, dub and roots from NorCal’s top DJs, bands and soundsystems, plus a delicious $20 buffet. Sat, 3/9, 5pm. Free. Sipho’s, 1228 Dayton Road, 805-801-3844.

THREE PRODIGIES IN CONCERT: An evening of virtuoso piano performances with gifted local pianists Tyler Braito, Mark Cohen and Sophia Hackler. Music will include classical works by Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, Debussy and Tchaikovsky. Sat, 3/9, 7:30pm. $5-$15. State Theatre of the Arts, Red Bluff, 333 Oak St., Red Bluff., 529-2787. state theatreredbluff.com


Half Plastic and _Kendusk. Sat, 3/9, 10pm. $5. The Maltese, 1600 Park Ave.

UP TO 11: Local ’80s metal and hard rock cover band parties a week before St. Paddy’s. Sat, 3/9, 9pm. Studio Inn Lounge, 2582 Esplanade.



bit? See if it’s a hit or heckle-worthy, and enjoy cheap beer specials. Sun, 3/10, 8pm. The Maltese, 1600 Park Ave. maltesebarchico.com

REBIRTH BRASS BAND: Grammy-Award Winning Rebirth Brass Band outta New Orleans will be bringing the funk. TAJAC, composed of Chico State jazz/music students, will be opening. Sun, 3/10, 7:30pm. $15. Lost on Main, 319 Main St.


LIQUID STRANGER: Swedish master of transnational dubstep covering

THE QUEBE SISTERS: Three sisters sing in sweet harmony backed by archtop guitar, upright bass and fiddle. Progressive Western swing with an old-timey sound straight out of Texas. Wed, 3/13, 7:30pm. $20. Big Room, 1075 E. 20th St. sierra nevada.com

SURF NOIR DUO: Miles Corbin and Robert Karch perform original surf music. Wed, 3/13, 6:30pm. Izakaya Ichiban, 2000 Notre Dame Blvd., 342-8500.

TRIVIA NIGHT: Trivial questions for

serious people. Wed, 3/13, 8pm. Woodstock›s Pizza, 166 E. Second St.

Black Fong


Chico’s Rape Crisis Intervention and Prevention is now in its 45th year of providing knowledgeable and compassionate support for survivors of sexual assault, and this Friday, March 8, The Maltese is hosting Open Eyes, Open Heart, a benefit for the organization that brings together some of Chico’s finest bands to raise some funds and rock out. Folkpunk mom rockers Susurrus join the one and only Black Fong and goth-pop slingers The Empty Gate.

M A R C H 7, 2 0 1 9




art and war Real moments of beauty from multigenerational historical drama

Nbefore, formative years of a young German painter, during and after World War II. But with

ever Look Away presents itself as an account of the

! y e n o m u o y s e sav

those historical settings and a large cast of interesting characters, this Oscarnominated German-language by Juan-Carlos film from Florian Henckel von Selznick Donnersmarck is also a sprawling sort of historical drama, a mixture of melodrama and docudrama that sometimes plays as if it were doing off G ERIN a run-up to miniseries status. S CAT T T O O R URAN A T The young painter character is S E & R LANADE 3 ESP named Kurt Barnert in the film, but 3221 , CA, 9597 O CHIC 1.4500 9 Never Look Away he’s pretty clearly based on one of 530.8 Opens Friday, March 8. the major figures of late 20th-century Starring Tom painting, Gerhard Richter. That’s Schilling, Paula Beer, Sebastian Koch, Saskia created a stir of sorts, all by itself, rosendahl and Oliver but part of what’s most interesting in Masucci. Directed this case is that Barnert/Richter is the by Florian henckel recurring central figure in an extendRoots Catering & von Donnersmarck. ed and complex set of reflections on Restaurant Pageant Theatre. rated r. art and morality and politics over $10 Value roughly 40 years of modern history. You pay $6 And a good many other noteworthy characters emerge in the course of those reflections. Barnert’s development as an artist is a major narBuy online anytime with a credit card rative thread throughout, but it’s not the only story in or in person with cash, check or credit Never Look Away. The love story between the Kurt card M-F 9am – 5pm at 353 E. Second character and Ellie Seeband (Paula Beer), an art stuStreet, Downtown Chico.


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dent and kindred spirit, is one of them, as is the tale of Kurt’s childhood adoration of his wildly unconventional and inspiring Aunt Elizabeth (Saskia Rosendahl). Professor Carl Seeband (Sebastian Koch), Ellie’s father, is also a striking shadow figure throughout— a gynecologist much involved in the Nazis’ genetic purification schemes, a post-war captive who wins a respected role in East Germany via some pediatric heroics, and later still, a haunted but still successful defector to the West. He’s an obvious and seemingly omnipresent villain here, but he’s also the most sharply developed character in the film, thanks in particular to the ironies in Koch’s shrewdly nuanced performance. For Kurt in particular, the key counter forces to Professor Seeband and the sins of the German patriarchy are found in the ecstasies and insights of his doomed Aunt Elizabeth, and the radical musings and practices of Professor Antonius van Verten (Oliver Masucci), an experimental artist and teacher (who is clearly a version of the legendary post-WWII avant-gardist, Joseph Beuys). The performances of Rosendahl and Masucci in the latter two roles are definite high points in the film’s celebration of the visionary potential in art—all art and any art. All in all, von Donnersmarck’s script is more than a little overloaded with coincidences, recurring motifs, and thematic shortcuts. But whatever its limitations in terms of realism, its bluntly stylized moments of “inspiration” bring forth some real and unexpected beauty. Ω

Public Notice


Brie Larson stars as the Marvel comics character—a former U.S. Air Force pilot who has some kick-ass cosmic superpowers— who fights for good, this time amid a war between alien races. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas. Rated PG- 13.


Never Look Away

See review this issue. Pageant Theatre. Rated R —J.C.S.

Now playing Alita: Battle Angel

Robert Rodriguez (Sin City) directs this film adaptation of Yukito Kishiro’s Japanese cyberpunk manga series, Gunnm, featuring a cyborg heroine named Alita (Rosa Salazar) who was rendered for the big screen using CGI technologies developed for James Cameron’s Avatar. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas. Rated PG-13.


Bohemian Rhapsody

Rami Malek gives it his all as Freddie Mercury, the late lead singer of Queen, in the new biopic, Bohemian Rhapsody. That and a competent recreation of Queen’s famous Live Aid domination at Wembley Stadium are just about the only good things you can say about this mostly embarrassing effort that falls way short of telling the actual story of this incredible person and his sadly short life. The movie screws with Mercury’s timeline, invents a bunch of unnecessary events and homogenizes this hard-living rock star’s life for a generic PG-13 film that doesn’t feel anything close to authentic. Why distort the story like this, especially when the life in focus is so damned interesting and could fuel five incredible movies instead of one hokey, mostly made-up soap opera? The musical sequences, including the Live Aid gig, are fun to watch. But if I wanted to simply experience music by Queen, I’d just seek out the albums and videos of music by Queen. Feather River Cinemas. Rated PG-13 —B.G.

Fighting With My Family

A biopic based on the life of English wrestler Paige (played by Florence Pugh), her wrestling family and her journey to the WWE. Also starring Vince Vaughn and The Rock. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas. Rated PG-13.


Green Book

Mahershala Ali and Viggo Mortensen start in this feel-good movie about race relations in America that goes light on the grit and heavy on the sentiment. Based on a true story, it starts off with Tony Lip (Mortensen), an Italian-American bouncer who gets a gig as a driver and bodyguard for Dr. Don Shirley (Ali), a black classical pianist who is touring the Deep South. It’s a road movie, with Tony driving and Don sitting in the back seat. The two use the book of the movie’s title—a guide offering a listing of safe havens for black travelers in segregated Southern states—to find places where Don can find shelter and eat. Things get ugly when Don tries to do such mundane things as buy a suit or eat in a restaurant


The latest from director Neil Jordan (The Crying Game) is a horror-mystery about a young woman (Chloë Grace Moretz) who gets pulled into the dark orbit of a reclusive widow (Isabelle Huppert). Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas. Rated R.


PUBLIC NOTICE – NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to Chapter 9.32., Glass-Free Zone of the Chico Municipal Code, the City Manager has declared the Glass-Free Zone ordinance operative from 6:00 p.m. on Friday, March 15, 2019, through 6:00 p.m. on Monday, March 18, 2019. Generally, the possession of glass containers on city owned property is prohibited within the Glass Free Zone during this time period.

A map of the Glass-Free Zone is set forth below.

Happy Death Day 2U

The sequel picks up where the 2017 original left off, but this time multiple people are being murdered and reliving the same day over and over as a slasher in a baby-face mask hunts them down. Cinemark 14. Rated PG-13.

How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World

The third entry in the animated franchise picks up a year after the events in the previous film, with Hiccup the dragon (voice of Jay Baruchel) searching for a dragon utopia. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas. Rated PG.

Isn’t It Romantic

A fantasy-satire starring Rebel Wilson as an unlucky-in-love woman who finds herself stuck in a stereotypical rom-com universe. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas. Rated PG-13.













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The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part

Another healthy dose of family-friendly fun at which both kids and parents should laugh heartily. The Second Part picks up five years after the end of the first movie, and our hero Emmet (Chris Pratt) is happily buying coffee in Apocalypseburg, a devastated LEGO-land of sullen tones and broken dreams where master builder Wyldstyle (Elizabeth Banks) has taken to dramatic narration at all times as things in their world have turned from awesome to bleak. The culprits are aliens called Duplos, invading forces that are at once undeniably adorable and unabashedly destructive. It’s a crazed world where Batman (Will Arnett) gets engaged to Queen Waterva Wa’Nabi (Tiffany Haddish), leader of the Duplo, and Emmett winds up running with a Kurt Russell-type antihero named Rex Dangervest, who is suspiciously like him (and who is also voiced by Pratt). The movie feels a bit repetitive in places, and some of the action is too fast to be fully taken in, but flaws aside, it’s still a lot of fun. There’s a slightly dark underbelly at play here, and it’s fun to see a kid’s flick that doesn’t totally play it safe. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas. Rated PG —B.G.

A Madea Family Funeral

Tyler Perry is back for film No. 11 in the Madea series, this time the hijinks unfold at a family funeral in the backwoods of Georgia. Cinemark 14. PG-13.

The Upside

A buddy dramedy about the relationship that develops between a wealthy quadriplegic (Bryan Cranston) and the ex-con (Kevin Hart) hired to take care of him. Cinemark 14. Rated PG-13.

1 2 3 4 5 Poor

Declared March 15 – March 18, 2019


Captain Marvel

Glass–Free Zone

7T H

Opening this week

where he’s been hired to play. Tony steps in for his boss during these racially charged episodes, and occasionally cracks a few skulls. As his eyes are opened to the realities of life for Dr. Don, Tony learns lessons about loving people no matter the color of their skin and perhaps about how to drop fewer racial slurs before the credits roll. Cinemark 14. Rated R —B.G.

W .

Reviewers: Bob Grimm and Juan-Carlos Selznick.


Very Good



2018–2019 Book In Common


Tim Z. Hernandez


All They Will Call You is the harrowing account of “the worst airplane disaster in California’s history,” which claimed the lives of 32 passengers, including 28 Mexican citizens—farmworkers being deported by the US government. Combining years of painstaking investigative research and masterful storytelling, award-winning author Tim Z. Hernandez weaves a captivating narrative from testimony, historical records, and eyewitness accounts, reconstructing the incident and the lives behind the legendary Woody Guthrie protest song “Deportee: Plane Wreck at Los Gatos.”




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Beyond the ale Craft brewers move past the stigma of lager yeasts

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Iway. changing, at least in one major IPAs of various renditions

n the craft beer world, tastes are

continue to draw the most demand by Alastair Bland and attention, but at breweries around the nation, craft brewers are trying their hands at making lagers. This is not news, but the extent to which it is happening is remarkable. Just a decade ago, a couple of the handful of lagers readily available among craft brewers were Sierra Nevada’s Summerfest (a Czech pilsner-style lager) and Sam Adams’ flagship Boston Lager. Most lagers have a distinct flavor profile—and one that craft beer enthusiasts tended to revile for decades. They have a bready, rice-and-biscuit flavor that I used to associate with dirty movie theaters and ballpark bleacher seats. To me, that smell and taste were the trademark sensory cues of Big Beer—of Bud, Coors, Corona, Miller and other such large-scale brewers. As breweries reemerged from the ashes of Prohibition around the World War II era, they primarily brewed lagers. Lagers owe themselves to a distinct species of yeast, Saccharomyces pastorianus, which ferments at low temperatures and



M A R C H 7, 2 0 1 9

over a long period of time. In the decades that followed, the general public began to associate beer with lagers. The two were essentially synonymous. When craft brewers began to appear en force in 1980s and 1990s, they focused on ales—basically the technical counterpart to lagers, brewed with a different species of yeast, S. cerevisiae, which works rapidly at higher temperatures and produces a different profile of flavors, often heavy and malty. The result was two separate beer cultures with their own signature flavors and styles. As a general rule, giant breweries did not make ales, and craft brewers did not make lagers. Moreover, for craft beer drinkers, the lager has long been the enemy—a weak and watery symbol of everything craft brewers stood against, including monotony, monopolies, corporate interests, and cost-cutting as a business ethos. A few years ago, craft brewers everywhere began to step over this line, and in the past five years we have seen an explosion in the number of European- and Mexican-style pilsners and other lagers flowing from America’s craft brewpub tap handles. One might say that Big Beer had stolen the lager and that craft brewers are now stealing it back.

If you haven’t tried a craft lager yet, the important thing to remember is that even though many of these new beers won’t taste exactly like the major lager brands, they will be familiar. That isn’t meant to be a knock on the style; it’s just true. Lagers have a classic flavor profile, and Big Beer companies generally have done a good job of consistently replicating it. Now, craft brewers are embracing it, and as more and more small breweries make lagers, it’s likely that the negative feelings many people harbor toward these beers will dissipate. Several weeks ago, at a small family dinner gathering, I was faced with two beer choices: an IPA from 21st Amendment Brewery and Sufferfest Beer Co.’s Flyby, a German-style pilsner. I went with the pilsner. Not only did I enjoy the beer, but I recognized in the moment that this beer did not taste like Bud or Heineken or Stella Artois, or some other mainstream lager. That is just an association we have been trained to make. Rather, the Flyby tasted like a fine example of a pilsner. For those of us still getting used to craft lagers, it’s time we leave our stigmas as the door. Ω

r o f s u join

h c n u l y a

d i r f 13










345 West FiFth street ChiCo, CA 95928 (530) 891–6328 Please call for reservations Open Fridays for Lunch 11:30am to 2:30pm Join us for Happy Hour 7 days a week 4:30 to 6:00pm m a r c h 7, 2 0 1 9



ARTS DEVO by JASON CASSIDY • jasonc@newsreview.com

HERE’S TO THE WEIRD Arts DEVO hates missing out on the fun. Last week, I was unable to attend two of the most anticipated events on my calendar for 2018: Terry Riley at the New Music Symposium (Feb. 28-March 1) and the Keep Chico Weird Art Show reception at the 1078 Gallery on Saturday (March 2). I haven’t heard anything about Riley’s Saturday talk/gig yet, but reports on the Chico State student/ faculty performance of his “In C” on Friday have ranged from “really neat!” to “inspiring.” And the reception for the Chico News & Review’s KCW Art Show looks to have been off the hook, with wild art, wild costumes, live music and a super-wild burlesque act by the Psychochix. The Best of Show unicorn went to Wayne Wade and his not-that-weird-but-still-superrad “Tacos de Chico” art book—a stylized photo essay on the master Wayne Wade’s “Tacos de Chico” wins Best of Show. purveyors of what might be our PHOTO BY ERIN WADE city’s signature food. Congrats! A huge thank you goes out to Erin Wade and Mathew Houghton and the rest of the folks at the 1078 Gallery for going above and beyond to hold down the weird fort while I was away. (By the way, I had the time of my life partying with Mrs. DEVO’s side of the family for four days at my nephew’s wedding in Redondo Beach, so I’m really not that sad.) BUSTIN’ OUT For her master’s project, Chico State art student and 7th Street Centre for the Arts instructor Morea Martin has paired artists from the greater Chico community with local artists with disabilities to create collaborative pieces. The aim was to bring “people of all abilities together in and inclusive environment,” and the works born of the project will be on display this Friday (March 8), 6-8 p.m., at the Opening Doors, Breaking Barriers exhibit at Idea Fab Labs. Opening Doors, Breaking Barriers artist Glenda Davidson.

COMING HOME The Paradise Performing

Arts Center continues its resurgence in the aftermath of the Camp Fire. This Sunday (March 10), at 7:30 p.m., the Paradise Symphony Orchestra—60 musicians and 85 choir members—will return home for its first performance in town since the fire. In addition to Beethoven’s Ode to Joy and “Festival Overture” from his 9th Symphony, the PSO will premiere “The March of the First Responders,” a composition by conductor Lloyd Roby. Tickets available at paradisesymphony.org or by calling 513-1507. At the end of the month, Ed Asner is coming! (Depending on your age, you remember the veteran television/ movie actor from The Mary Tyler Moore Show or as Santa in Elf.) On March 30, the folks at Theatre on the Ridge are bringing Anser’s touring play God Help Us!—a modern-day left vs. right political comedy with Asner playing God—to the PPAC. Local theater vets Jerry Miller and Teresa Hurley-Miller will co-star alongside Asner for a onetime benefit performance. Tickets available at totr.org. Ed Asner is God.



M A R C H 7, 2 0 1 9

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m a r c h 7, 2 0 1 9



s t r o s s u e o u p l o a d

FREE WILL ASTROLOGY For the week oF March 7, 2019 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Genius inven-

tor Thomas Edison rebelled against sleep, which he regarded as wasteful. He tried to limit his time in bed to four hours a night so he would have more time to work during his waking hours. Genius scientist Albert Einstein had a different approach. He preferred ten hours of sleep per night and liked to steal naps during the day, too. In my astrological opinion, Aries, you’re in a phase when it makes more sense to imitate Einstein than Edison. Important learning and transformation are happening in your dreams. Give your nightly adventures maximum opportunity to work their magic in your behalf.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): The Danish flag has a red background emblazoned with an asymmetrical white cross. It was a national symbol of power as early as the 14th century, and may have first emerged during a critical military struggle that established the Danish empire in 1219. No other country in the world has a flag with such an ancient origin. But if Denmark’s Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen, who’s a Taurus, came to me and asked me for advice, I would urge him to break with custom and design a new flag—maybe something with a spiral rainbow or a psychedelic tree. I’ll suggest an even more expansive idea to you, Taurus: Create fresh traditions in every area of your life!

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): On June 7,

1988, Gemini musician Bob Dylan launched what has come to be known as the Never Ending Tour. It’s still going. In the past 30-plus years, he has performed almost 3,000 shows on every continent except Antarctica. At the age of 77, he did 84 gigs in 2018 alone. He’s living proof that not every Gemini is flaky and averse to commitment. Even if you yourself have flirted with flightiness in the past, I doubt you will do so in the next five weeks. On the contrary. I expect you’ll be a paragon of persistence, doggedness, and stamina.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): The otters

at a marine park in Miura City, Japan are friendly to human visitors. There are holes in the glass walls of their enclosures through which they reach out to shake people’s hands with their webbed paws. I think you need similar experiences in the coming weeks. Your mental and spiritual health will thrive to the degree that you seek closer contact with animals. It’s a favorable time to nurture your instinctual intelligence and absorb influences from the natural world. For extra credit, tune in to and celebrate your own animal qualities.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Between 1977 and

1992, civil war raged in Mozambique. Combatants planted thousands of land mines that have remained dangerous long after the conflict ended. In recent years, a new ally has emerged to address the problem: rats that are trained to find the hidden explosives so that human colleagues can defuse them. The expert sniffers don’t weigh enough to detonate the mines, so they’re ideal for the job. I foresee a metaphorically comparable development in your future, Leo. You’ll get help and support from a surprising or seemingly unlikely source.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Imagine

a stairway that leads nowhere; as you ascend, you realize that at the top is not a door or a hallway, but a wall. I suspect that lately you may have been dealing with a metaphorical version of this. But I also predict that in the coming weeks some magic will transpire that will change everything. It’s like you’ll find a button on the wall that, when pushed, opens a previously imperceptible door. Somehow, you’ll gain entrance through an apparent obstruction.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Not all of

the classic works of great literature are entertaining. According to one survey of editors, writers, and librarians, Goethe’s Faust, Melville’s Moby Dick, and Cervantes’ Don Quixote are among the most boring masterpieces ever written. But most experts agree that they’re still valuable to

by rob brezsny read. In that spirit, and in accordance with astrological omens, I urge you to commune with other dull but meaningful things. Seek out low-key but rich offerings. Be aware that unexciting people and situations may offer clues and catalysts that you need.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Many of

you Scorpios regard secrecy as a skill worth cultivating. It serves your urge to gather and manage power. You’re aware that information is a valuable commodity, so you guard it carefully and share it sparingly. This predilection sometimes makes you seem understated, even shy. Your hesitancy to express too much of your knowledge and feelings may influence people to underestimate the intensity that seethes within you. Having said all that, I’ll now predict that you’ll show the world who you are with more dazzle and flamboyance in the coming weeks. It’ll be interesting to see how you do that as you also try to heed your rule that information is power.


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21): Sagittarian actress and producer Deborra-Lee Furness has been married to megastar actor Hugh Jackman for 23 years. Their wedding rings are inscribed with a motto that blends Sanskrit and English: “Om paramar to the mainamar.” Jackman and Furness say it means “we dedicate our union to a greater source.” In resonance with current astrological omens, I invite you to engage in a similar gesture with an important person in your life. Now is a marvelous time to deepen and sanctify your relationship by pledging yourselves to a higher purpose or beautiful collaboration or sublime mutual quest.

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CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19):

In 1997, a supercomputer named Deep Blue won six chess matches against grandmaster Gary Kasparov. In 2016, an artificial intelligence called AlphaGo squared off against human champion Lee Sodol in a best-of-five series of the Chinese board game Go. AlphaGo crushed Sodol, four games to one. But there is at least one cerebral game in which human intelligence still reigns supreme: the card game known as bridge. No A.I. has beaten the best bridge players. I bring this to your attention, Capricorn, because I am sure that in the coming weeks, no A.I. could out-think and out-strategize you as you navigate your way through life’s tests and challenges. You’ll be smarter than ever, and I’m guessing your acumen will be extra soulful, as well.

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AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): At

regular intervals, a hot stream of boiling water shoots up out of the earth and into the sky in Wyoming’s Yellowstone National Park. It’s a geyser called Old Faithful. The steamy surge can reach a height of 185 feet and last for five minutes. When white settlers first discovered this natural phenomenon in the 19th century, some of them used it as a laundry. Between blasts of water, they’d place their dirty clothes in Old Faithful’s aperture. When the scalding flare erupted, it provided all the necessary cleansing. I’d love to see you attempt a metaphorically similar feat, Aquarius: Harness a natural force for a practical purpose or a primal power for an earthy task.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Who was

the model for Leonardo da Vinci’s iconic painting “Mona Lisa”? Many scholars believe it was Italian noblewoman Lisa del Giocondo. Leonardo wanted her to feel comfortable during the long hours she sat for him, so he hired musicians to play for her and people with mellifluous voices to read her stories. He built a musical fountain for her to gaze upon and a white Persian cat to cuddle. If it were within my power, I would arrange something similar for you in the coming weeks. Why? Because I’d love to see you be calmed and soothed for a concentrated period of time and to feel perfectly at ease, at home in the world, surrounded by beautiful influences you love. In my opinion, you need and deserve such a break from the everyday frenzy.

www.RealAstrology.com for Rob Brezsny’s EXPANDED WEEKLY AUDIO HOROSCOPES and DAILY TEXT MESSAGE HOROSCOPES. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 1-877-873-4888.



32ft 2014 Forrest River RV Salem. Sleeps 9, 2 slides, 35’8” length, outdoor kitchen with refridgerator & sink bbq attached to back. Great condition, practically new. Contact George 707-3102156 $19,999 Out of State Home for Sale by owners Baulden, AZ ‘05 2551 sq ft custom 3 bdrm plus office 2 1/2 bath chef’s ktchn 3 car garage 4 acres private well quiet & beautiful area $415K motivated sellers. For more info call 1 (928) 718-0441 Fatten Me Up 6ft 199lbs wants to be 260lbs? Have you ever dreamed of fattening a guy u? Come on you chefs & homecookers here’s your chance. Brian 530-899-9068


FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as PINKACHII, PINKACHII.COM at 1125 Sheridan Avenue Apt 67 Chico, CA 95926. FAIRE PAJ HUAB YANG 1125 Sheridan Avenue Apt 67 Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: FAIRE YANG Dated: January 22, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000121 Published: February 14,21,28, March 7, 2019

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS ANME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as CHINA MASSAGE at 236 W East Avenue, Suite F Chico, CA 95926. JAMES RANDALL HILLYARD 249 E. Tehama Street Orland, CA 95963. XIUFENG LI 249 E. Tehama Street Orland, CA 95963. This business is conducted by a Married Couple. Signed: JAMES HILLYARD Dated: February 5, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000180 Published: February 14,21,28, March 7, 2019

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as CRUNCH BOOK at 272 Rio Bravo Court Corning, CA 96021. APRIL MARIE HAMBEK 272 Rio Bravo Court Corning, CA 96021. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: APRIL HAMBEK Dated: January 22, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000119 Published: February 14,21,28, March 7, 2019

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as GEODEV SOLUTIONS, GEOSPATIAL DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS at 14023 Pineland Circle Magalia, CA 95954. MATTHEW KYLE BRUSH 14023 Pineland Circle Magalia, CA 95954. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: MATT BRUSH Dated: February 6, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000182 Published: February 14,21,28, March 7, 2019


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The following person is doing business as BUYVET at 10 Mione Way Chico, CA 95926. KURT STEVEN LARSEN 10 Mione Way Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: KURT LARSEN Dated: February 1, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000167 Published: February 14,21,28, March 7, 2019

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as CHICO USED CARS at 2405 Esplanade Chico, CA 95926. DR AUTO INC 2405 Esplanade Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by a Corporation. Signed: ROBERTO J. LUGO, PRESIDENT Dated: February 6, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000183 Published: February 14,21,28, March 7, 2019

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as PARADISE STRONG COFFEE HUT at 6840 Skyway Paradise, CA 95969. KIM RENEE REINOLDS 573 Castle Dr Paradise, CA 95969. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: KIM REINOLDS Dated: January 4, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000024 Published: February 14,21,28, March 7, 2019

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as AGS CONSTRUCTION SERVICES at 1252 Wagstaff Road Paradise, CA 95969. ALPHONSE G SPERSKE 1252 Wagstaff Road Paradise, CA 95969. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: ALPHONSE SPERSKE Dated: February 8, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000196 Publsihed: February 14,21,28, March 7, 2019

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as FOTOVISION PRODUCTIONS at 2990 Alamo Avenue Chico, CA 95973. PHIL FOTO 2990 Alamo Avenue Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: PHIL FOTO Dated: February 6, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000187 Published: February 21,28, March 7,14, 2019


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This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: DANIEL P. ESCUDERO Dated: February 11, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000202 Published: February 21,28, March 7,14, 2019

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as CERTIFIED FORTRESS at 2952 Esplanade, Suite 150 Chico, CA 95973. KEITH NELSON MITTEN II 3174 Rogue River Drive Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: KEITH MITTEN Dated: February 13, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000210 Published: February 21,28, March 7,14, 2019

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as LA FONDA at 330 Main Street Chico, CA 95928. HENRI SPITERI 1308 Kentfield Road Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: ENRIQUE SPITERI Dated: February 7, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000191 Published: February 21,28, March 7,14, 2019

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as LOOMCHI at 184 E Washington Ave Chico, CA 95926. CHEYENNE KRISTINE NG 184 E Washington Ave Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: CHEYENNE NG Dated: February 13, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000209 Published: February 21,28, March 7,14, 2019

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as ROPP PAINTING COMPANY at 4658 Hicks Lane Chico, CA 95973. DAVID C ROPP 4658 Hicks Lane Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: DAVID C. ROPP Dated: February 14, 2019 FBN Number; 2019-0000215 Published: February 21,28, March 7,14, 2019

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing busienss as CLARK FAMILY MILLING at 85 Bull Creek Lane Cohasset, CA 95973. KENNETH G CLARK 85 Bull Creek Lane Cohasset, CA 95973. TRENTON G CLARK 1740 Vilas Road Cohasset, CA 95973. This business is conducted by a General Partnership. Signed: KENNETH G. CLARK Dated: February 8, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000198 Published: February 21,28, March 7,14, 2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT

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The following person is doing business as VALLEY COUNTERTOPS at 43 Norfield Ave, Suite 2 Chico, CA 95928. JON RUSSELL LAWSON 43 Norfield Ave, Suite 2 Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: JON LAWSON Dated: January 16, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000092 Published: February 28, March 7,14,21, 2019

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as PURE IN LUCK at 9109 Stanford Lane Durham, CA 95938. MARIAH OSEN 9109 Stanford Lane Durham, CA 95938. MICHAEL OSEN 9109 Stanford Lane Durham, CA 95938. This business is conducted by a Married Couple. Signed: MARIAH OSEN Dated: February 15, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000218 Published: February 28, March 7,14,21, 2019

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as AMTC LLC at 711 Waterford Drive Chico, CA 95973. AMTC LLC 711 Waterford Drive Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by a Limited Liability Company. Signed: CHARLIE POOLER, CEO Dated: February 8, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000197 Published: February 28, March 7,14,21, 2019

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as JBR EARTHWORK AND ELECTRIC at 2139 W Sacramento Ave Chico, CA 95973. JUSTIN BROWN 2139 W Sacramento Ave Chico, CA 95973. JOSEPH RANKIN 2139 W Sacramento Ave Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by a General Partnership. Signed: JUSTIN BROWN Dated: February 19, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000223 Published: February 28, March 7,14,21, 2019

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as DOUBLE BARREL SMOKIN BBQ at 2549 White Ave Chico, CA 95973. ROBERT CLIFFORD HENDERSON 2549 White Ave Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: ROBERT HENDERSON Dated: January 31, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000155 Published: February 28, March 7,14,21, 2019

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as HEALING CENTER at 574 Manzanita Ave #4 Chico,

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CA 95926. JANETTE Y VOTAW 854 Muir Ave Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: JANETTE Y VOTAW Dated: February 11, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000205 Published: February 28, March 7,14,21, 2019

FICTITOUS BUSINESS NAME - STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT The following persons have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name FEATHER RIVER ROWING CLUB INC at 930 Garden Drive Oroville, CA 95965. FEATHER RIVER ROWING CLUB INC 930 Garden Dr Oroville, CA 95965. This business was conducted by a Corporation. Signed: ANTHONY CATALANO, BOARD MEMBER Dated: February 4, 2019 FBN Number: 2017-0000922 Published: February 28, March 7,14,21, 2019

FICTITOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as SIERRA STREET PROPERTIES at 23 Herlax Circle Chico, CA 95926. JEFFREY SCOTT MELLUM 23 Herlax Circle Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: JEFF MELLUM Dated: January 29, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000140 Published: February 28, March 7,14,21, 2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as COLLEGE CARE CONSULTING at 260 Wild Rose Circle Chico, CA 95973. NATHALIE MARGUERITE THOMAS 260 Wild Rose Circle Chico CA 95973. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: NATHALIE THOMAS Dated: February 19, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000220 Published: February 28, March 7,14,21, 2019

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMEN The following persons are doing business as H AND A HYBRID SEED COMPANY at 3030 Thorntree Dr #4 Chico, CA 95973. STEEN HENRIKSEN 13384 Moonlight Court Chico, CA 95973. TAMERA HENRIKSEN 13384 Moonlight Court Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by a Married Couple. Signed: STEEN C. HENRIKSEN Dated: February 25, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000252 Published: March 7,14,21,28, 2019

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as STERLING SPARKLE METAL WORKS at 633 Orange Street, #4 Chico, CA 95926. RICHARD STERLING OGDEN 1065 Citrus Ave Chico, CA 95926. SUSAN MARIE SPARKLE

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2055 Park Way Village Dr. Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by a General Partnership. Signed: RICHARD S. OGDEN Dated: February 22, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000242 Published: March 7,14,21,28, 2019

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as THE STYLE CORE at 1641 Oak Vista Ave Chico, CA 95926. BODY BEAUTIFUL LLC 1641 Oak Vista Ave Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by a Limited Liability Company. Signed: ERIC MATHIS, MANAGING MEMBER Dated: February 26, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000258 Published: March 7,14,21,28, 2019

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as CAL JAVA at 1601 Esplanade Ste. 1B Chico, CA 95926. CHRISTOPHER MCHENRY 1015 Lupin Ave Chico, CA 95973. NICOLE MICHELLE MCHENRY 1015 Lupin Ave Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by a Married Couple. Signed: NICOLE MCHENRY Dated: February 26, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000261 Published: March 7,14,21,28, 2019

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as RAILFLOWER FARM at 3000 Chico River Rd. Chico, CA 95928. ELLEN MARIE KNIGHT 14011 Limousin Dr. Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: ELLEN KNIGHT Dated: February 26, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000262 Published: March 7,14,21,28, 2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as HARRISON ASSOCIATES at 94 Orange Ave Bangor, CA 95914. MARK HARRISON 94 Orange Ave Bangor, CA 95914. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: MARK HARRISON Dated: January 28, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000139 Published: March 7,14,21,28, 2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as DOMESTIC GOODS at 1032 Neal Dow Avenue Chico, CA 95926. MATTHEW SHAUN DAUGHERTY 1032 Neal Dow Avenue Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: MATTHEW DAUGHERTY Dated: February 28, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000268 Published: March 7,14,21,28, 2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT

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The following person is doing business as ACCESS LOCK AND SAFE at 6 Fremont St Apt 37 Chico, CA 95928. TREVOR TOMLINSON 6 Fremont St Apt 37 Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: TREVOR TOMLINSON Dated: Fevruary 28, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000272 Published: March 7,14,21,28, 2019

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as SEELADAVID SALON at 1209 Esplanade Unit 6 Chico, CA 95926. AMANDA ANNE BANKS 2 Picual Ct Chico, CA 95928. CHRISTOPHER PAUL BANKS 2 Picual Ct Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by a Married Couple. Signed: CHRISTOPHER P BANKS Dated: February 21, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000238 Published: March 7,14,21,28, 2019

NOTICES NOTICE OF INTENTION TO SELL REAL PROPERTY AT A PRIVATE SALE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BUTTE In the Conservatorship of the Person and Estate of SUE ERWIN, Conservatee. NOTICE is herby given that, subject to confirmation by the above entitled Court, on March 26, 2019, at 10:30 a.m. or thereafter within the time allowed by law, the undersigned, as conservator of the estate of SUE ERWIN, will sell at private sale to the highest and best net bidder on the terms and conditions hereinafter mentioned, all right, title and interest of conservatee and subsequently all right, title and interest of the estate in real property thereon located in the County of Butte, State of California, and more particularly described as follows: A single family residence located at 14348 Sinclair Circle, Magalia, California. All that certain real property situated in the County of Butte, State of California, described as follows: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: AP#: 064 440 007 000 All that certain real property situate in the County of Butte, State of California, described as follows: PARCEL I: LOT 71, AS SHOWN ON THAT CERTAIN MAP ENTITLED, “PARADISE PINES UNIT NO. 6”, WHICH MAP WAS RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF BUTTE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ON AUGUST 26, 1970, IN BOOK 35 OF MAPS, AT PAGE(S) 92, 93 AND 94. CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION RECORDED DECEMBER 2, 1970, IN BOOK 1648, PAGE 3, OFFICIAL RECORDS. EXCEPTING THEREFROM ALL MINERALS, OIL, GAS, ASPHALTUM AND OTHER HYDROCARBON SUBSTANCES, WITH PROVISION THAT ANY AND ALL MINING OPERATIONS SHALL BE DONE FROM ORIFICES OUTSIDE THE SURFACE AREA OF THE LAND DESCRIBED HEREIN, AND THAT NO DAMAGE SHALL BE DONE TO THE SURFACE OF SAID LAND. PARCEL II: A NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT OVER LOTS E AND F (THE COMMON AREAS) OF SAID PARADISE PINES UNIT NO. 6, AND LOTS DESIGNATED FOR

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COMMON AND RECREATION AREAS, AS DESCRIBED IN THE DECLARATION OF ANNEXATION FOR UNITS IV, VIII AND X. The sale is subject to current taxes, covenants, conditions restrictions, reservations, rights, rights of way, and easements of record, any encumbrances of record to be satisfied out of the purchase price. The property is to be sold on an “as is” basis except as to title. The conservator of the estate has an exclusive listing with Blue Team Realty, Inc. Interested parties may contact Evie Cameron, Broker Associate at (530) 941-7955. The terms and conditions of the sale are: cash sale, taxes, rents, operating, and maintenance expenses, premiums on insurance acceptable to the purchaser shall be pro-rated as the date of confirmation of sale. Escrow charges, examination of title, recording of conveyance, any title insurance policy shall be paid 1/2 by Buyer and 1/2 by Seller. The undersigned reserves the right to reject any and all bids prior to entry of an order confirming the sale. Signed: SHELBY BOSTON, Public Guardian Case No. 17PR00390 Published: March 7,14,21, 2019

NOTICE OF LIEN SALE Pursuant to CA Business Code 21700, in lieu of rents due, the following units contain clothes, furniture, boxes, etc. 256SS TODD J JOHNSTON 7x10 (Boxes, Totes, Furniture) 156AC TERRI JORDAN 12x12 (Furniture, Bed Set, Totes, Boxes) 250SS WHITNEY WHEATON 5x5 (Bags, Boxes, Bicycle) 360CC1 SHERRI WHEATON 12x12 (Furniture, Boxes, Household Items) Contents to be sold to the highest bidder on: Saturday March 23, 2019 Beginning at 1:00pm Sale to be held at: Bidwell Self Storage, 65 Heritage Lane, Chico, CA 95926. (530) 893-2109 Published: March 7,14, 2019

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner CONNIE ANN RODDEN filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: CONNIE ANN RODDEN Proposed name: CONNIE ANN MULLEN THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: March 27, 2019 Time: 9:00 AM Dept: TBA Room: The address of the court is: Butte County Superior Court 1775 Concord Ave Chico, CA 95928 Signed: ROBERT A. GLUSMAN Dated: January 23, 2019 Case Number: 19CV00111 Published: February 14,21,28, March 7, 2019


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JORDAN LANE MONATH and KATIE ELIZABETH ARRIGONI filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: JAYDON LANE BRASIER-MONATH Proposed name: JAYDON LANE MONATH THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: April 10, 2019 Time: 9:00 AM Dept: TBA Room: The address of the court is: Butte County Superior Court 1775 Concord Ave Chico, CA 95928 Signed: ROBERT A. GLUSMAN Dated: February 4, 2019 Case Number: 19CV00413 Published: February 14,21,28, March 7, 2019

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner MARIJANE RHEANN DAVIS filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: MARIJANE RHEANN DAVIS Proposed name: MARIJANE RHEANN STAUSS THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: April 10, 2019 Time: 9:00 AM Dept: TBA Room: The address of the court is: Butte County Superior Court 1775 Concord Ave Chico, CA 95928 Signed: TAMARA L. MOSBARGER Dated: February 4, 2019 Case Number: 19CV00403 Published: February 21,28, March 7,14, 2019

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner DEVIN JOSE LANDAVAZO BLANCO filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: DEVIN JOSE LANDAVAZO BLANCO Proposed name: DEVIN DANNY LANDAVAZO GALOS THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at

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least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: April 3, 2019 Time: 9:00 AM Dept: TBA Room: TBA The address of the court is: Butte County Superior Court 1775 Concord Ave Chico, CA 95928 Signed: ROBERT A. GLUSMAN Dated: February 15, 2019 Case Number: 19CV00494 Published: February 28, March 7,14,21, 2019

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner MICHAEL BENSON filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: MICHAEL BENSON Proposed name: BENSON BENSON THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: March 27, 2019 Time: 9:00 AM Dept: TBA Room: TBA The address of the court is: Butte County Superior Court 1775 Concord Ave Chico, CA 95928 Signed: TAMARA L. MOSBARGER Dated: January 16, 2019 Case Number: 18CV03571 Published: February 28, March 7,14,21, 2019

SUMMONS SUMMONS NOTICE TO RESPONDENT ANTHONY BUNCE You are being sued by plaintiff: JANET DONNELLY You have 30 calendar days after this Summons and Petition are served on you to file a Response (form FL-120) at the court and have a copy served on the petitioner. A letter, phone call, or court appearance will not protect you. If you do not file your Response on time, the court may make orders affecting your marriage or domestic partnership, your property, and custody of your children. You may be ordered to pay support and attorney fees and costs. For legal advice, contact a lawyer immediately. Get help finding a lawyer at the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (www.courts.ca.gov/selfhelp) at the California Legal Services website (www.lawhelpca.org), or by contacting your local county bar association. FEE WAIVER: If you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the clerk for a fee waiver form. The court may order you to pay back all or part of the fees and costs that the court waived for you or the other party. The name and address of the court are: Superior Court of California, County of Butte 1775 Concord Avenue Chico, CA 95928

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The name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner’s attorney, or the petitioner without an attorney, are: MICHAEL M. ROONEY/ JEFFREY MONSELL 1361 Esplanade Chico, CA 95926-4900 (530) 345-5678 Signed: KIMBERLY FLENER Dated: November 2, 2018 Case Number: 18FL02331 Published: February 21,28, March 7,14, 2019

PETITION NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE VIRGINIA ROSE VANCE To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of: VIRGINIA ROSE VANCE a petition for Probate has been filed by: DEBI OLSZEWSKI in the Superior Court of California, County of Butte. The Petition for Probate requests that: DEBI OLSZEWSKI be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The petition requests the decendent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court. The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: Date: March 19, 2019 Time: 9:00 a.m. Dept: Room: Address of the court: Superior Court of California County of Butte 1775 Concord Ave. Chico, CA 95926. IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult an attorney knowledgeable in California law. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice

this Legal Notice continues

form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for Petitioner: SONYA K. FINN The Law Offices of Leverenz & Finn 515 Wall Street Chico, CA 95928. (530) 895-1621 Case Number: 19PR00068 Dated: February 20, 2019 Published: February 28, March 7,14, 2019

NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE JIMMY H. MYERS, also known as JIMMY MYERS, JIMMY HENRY MYERS To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of: JIMMY H. MYERS, also known as JIMMY MYERS, JIMMY HENRY MYERS A Petition for Probate has been filed by: JAMES A. MYERS in the Superior Court of California, County of Butte. The Petition for Probate requests that: JAMES A. MYERS be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: Date: March 26, 2019 Time: 9:00 a.m. Dept: Probate Room: Address of the court: Superior Court of California County of Butte 1775 Concord Ave. Chico, CA 95926. IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult an attorney knowledgeable in California law. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for Petitioner: NICOLE R. PLOTTEL 466 Vallombrosa Ave. Chico, CA 95926 (530) 893-2882 Case Number: 19PR00105 Dated: February 28, 2019 Published: March 7,14,21, 2019

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Love’s Real estate

Disaster Loan

Butte County is an official, presidentially-declared federal disaster area. Therefore, people in Butte County who were affected by the Camp Fire are eligible for several disaster relief programs for housing, financial assistance, tax exemptions, and more. Check out wildfirerecovery.org.

2226 DE MillE RD, PaRaDisE, Ca 95969 | 2bD/2 ba 1,382 sq ft 0.43 aCRE lot | $350,000

All the insurance work has been completed to be ready for its new owners. Very comfortable layout. Living room is spacious and airy, with large front windows and a gas fireplace. Dining area has a ceiling fan and a large slider to back yard. Tile counters in kitchen with built-in microwave. Utility room comes off of the kitchen and has a large pantry! Washer and dryer to stay. Spacious master bedroom with fan and lots of light. Kitchen, utility room and both bathrooms have laminate flooring. Dual-paned windows throughout Presented by: home. Partially enclosed breezeway between house and garage. Low maintenance landscaping. 2 storage sheds and great RV parking.

Blue Team RealTy, Inc

530.941.7955 evIe cameRon

One program to help home buyers or home rebuilders who lost their residences, either owned by them or rented by them, is the FHA 203(h) loan, which requires little or no down payment. If the home was damaged or destroyed in the fire, the borrower can get a loan for buying a replacement property or for fixing up their damaged home. Here’s the way FHA describes the loan: “The previous residence (owned or rented) must have been in a [federal disaster area] and destroyed or damaged to such an extent that reconstruction or replacement is necessary. A list of the specified affected counties and cities and corresponding disaster declarations are provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The purchased or reconstructed Property must be a

single-family property or a unit in an FHA-approved Condominium Project.” But there’s a time-crunch. FHA also says: “According to HUD 4000.1, the FHA case number must be assigned within one year of the date the [federal disaster] is declared, unless an additional period of eligibility is provided.” So, you have a year from November 14, 2018, the day the disaster was officially declared. You need to speak with a loan officer to figure out how your individual circumstances apply in qualifying for the loans available. In general, the property being bought or fixed up must be a single-family residence up to four units, and owner-occupied. Condos, manufactured homes, duplexes, triplexes and fourplexes are all good. The credit score limit is 500, and your income needs to meet the criteria for qualifying for the loan amount. That’s also where your loan officer come in. Not enough people know about this opportunity. True, finding a property to buy in Butte County is tough right now. But it can be done. We’ve seen a few of these loans put into effect. But not enough.

Doug Love is Sales Manager at Century 21 in Chico. Call 530-680-0817 or email dougwlove@gmail.com License #950289

broker# 01950098

Homes are Selling in Your Neighborhood Shop every home for sale at www.C21SelectGroup.com

530.345.6618 Newer Home in Wildwood Park with views of Foothills. $425,000 2 bed 2 bath Condo in Chico in a great area. $167,500

“Building trust one home at a time.”

Alice Zeissler | 530.518.1872

Brad Smith | 530.894.4533 DRE #02032624

DRE #01312354

Homes Sold Last Week ADDRESS


3355 Shallow Springs Ter 85 Quail Covey Ct 102 Cornwall Pl 10401 Bogie Way 30 Lobelia Ct 164 Estates Dr 3053 Sweetwater Fls 2756 Beachcomber Cv 208 Tonea Way 7 Budlee Ct 2534 Valhalla Pl

Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico



m a r c h 7, 2 0 1 9

Butte County is Experiencing an Extreme Housing Shortage! It is great to time sell - give me call to see if the time is right for YOU

Nice 3 bedroom homes coming on the market soon, call me for details.



$865,000 $659,000 $629,000 $575,000 $550,000 $512,000 $445,000 $431,500 $426,000 $425,364 $420,000

3/3 4/3 4/3 4/3 3/2 3/2 3/2 3/2 3/2 4/3 4/2

Jennifer Parks | 530.864.0336 BRE# 01269667

Sponsored by Century 21 Select Real Estate, Inc. SQ. FT. 2875 2951 2528 2481 2062 1865 1697 1580 1473 2613 1923





1138 Autumnwood Dr 297 E 10th Ave 6 Donner Ln 33 Redeemers Loop 1180 Metalmark Way 6 Wysong Ct 811 W 11th Ave 1826 Locust St 20 Nicole Ln 555 Vallombrosa Ave #75 11 Dorset Ct

Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico

$407,000 $400,000 $380,000 $371,000 $360,500 $355,500 $350,000 $349,000 $347,000 $335,000 $331,000

3/2 2/1 3/3 4/2 3/2 3/2 3/2 2/1 3/3 2/1 3/2

SQ. FT. 2016 1308 1665 1402 1471 1127 1699 829 1568 952 1233

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License #0680951


How Much is Your Home Worth Today? Ask the Professionals at Century 21 Select

530.345.6618 | www.C21SelectGroup.com FOR sALE

LisTings 235 acres located in the Beautiful setting of Butte Valley. Offering 2 newer stunning custom homes, horse set up, out buildings, and fully fenced property. Wonderful opportunity to have privacy with $1,650,000 enough acres to have horses, cattle or just the peaceful setting that this has to offer

Teresa Larson (530) 514-5925 DRE #01177950 chiconativ@aol.com


adoraBle 3 bed/2.5 bth, 1,502 sq ft with front and back porches plus a formal dining room and living room ING N Dhome with an open floor plan, in door laundry room, 2-car garage and all furnishing PinEthe are included.


6ac Creekside on Butte Creek $249,000 3.4 ac, well, septic and power in place $115,000 5 ac lot. Owner carry $29,500 LD S Oremodeled Campus condo tastefully $159,000 26.6 ac walnuts with 5800 sq ft home SOLD $1,455,000

3 bed 2 bath in Magalia with lots of upgrades! Call now for more info & private showings! CalDRE #02056059

Olivia Larrabee l (530) 520-3169 Olivia.Larrabee@c21selectgroup.com

Mark Reaman l (530) 228-2229 Lic# 01265853


The following houses were sold in Butte County by real estate agents or private parties during the week of February 18 - February 22, 2019 The housing prices are based on the stated documentary transfer tax of the parcel and may not necessarily reflect the actual sale price of the home. ADDRESS










414 W 4th Ave





143 Lariat Loop





2350 Moyer Way





1310 7th St





96 Lexington Dr





6292 Woodman Dr





16 Phlox Way





1465 Kelley St





2058 Marilyn Dr





1144 Placer Ave





2250 Elm St





1911 Forbestown Rd





1519 Mulberry St





70 Acacia Ave





1519 Boucher St





1790 Chris Ct





555 Vallombrosa Ave #36





392 Bay Tree Dr





1420 Sherman Ave #20





1392 Manhattan Dr





1112 Marian Ave





6152 Sawmill Rd





m a r c h 7, 2 0 1 9



We are rebuilding with our neighbors, friends and families. Paradise’s Century 21 Select Real Estate office was lost but their agents are currently working in our Chico Century 21 Select Real Estate office. Together, Century 21 Select Residential and Commercial, Select Property Management and Stanford Mortgage are all here to help you!

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