28& 30 SUMMER OF ’69
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Lawrence a. Puritz F o r m e r I n s u r a n c e D e F e n s e at t o r n e y
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Vol. 42, Issue 49 • August 1, 2019 OPINION
Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Guest Comment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Second & Flume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 This Modern World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Streetalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Downstroke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Sifter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Appointment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Weekly Dose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
16 17
15 Minutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 The Goods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Music feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 This Week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Fine Arts listings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Nightlife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Reel World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Chow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Arts DEVO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Brezsny’s Astrology . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Our Mission: To publish great newspapers that are successful and enduring . To create a quality work environment that encourages employees to grow professionally while respecting personal welfare . To have a positive impact on our communities and make them better places to live . Editor Melissa Daugherty Managing Editor Meredith J . Cooper Arts Editor Jason Cassidy Staff Writers Andre Byik, Ashiah Scharaga Calendar Editor Neesa Sonoquie Contributors Robin Bacior, Alastair Bland, Michelle Camy, Vic Cantu, Nate Daly, Charles Finlay, Bob Grimm, Howard Hardee, Miles Jordan, Mark Lore, Landon Moblad, Juan-Carlos Selznick, Ken Smith, Robert Speer, Carey Wilson Managing Art Director Tina Flynn Creative Services Manager Elisabeth Bayard-Arthur Ad Designers Naisi Thomas, Cathy Arnold Publications Designers Katelynn Mitrano, Nikki Exerjian Director of Sales and Advertising Jamie DeGarmo Advertising Services Coordinator Ruth Alderson Senior Advertising Consultants Brian Corbit, Laura Golino Advertising Consultants Adam Lew, Jordon Vernau Office Assistant Jennifer Osa Distribution Director Greg Erwin Distribution Manager Matt Daugherty Distribution Staff Ken Gates, Vickie Haselton, Bob Meads, Larry Smith, Placido Torres, Jeff Traficante, Bill Unger, Lisa Van Der Maelen, Jim Williams, David Wyles
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august 1, 2019
Send guest comments, 340 words maximum, to or to 353 E. Second St., Chico, CA 95928. Please include photo & short bio.
County must prioritize evacuation routes The CN&R got a tour this week of Centerville Road,
which winds up from the Honey Run Covered Bridge site all the way into Magalia. Many residents who couldn’t reach the Skyway to escape the Camp Fire last November used that road to seek safety. Thing is, it already was breached at that time, reduced to one lane along a portion of its southern stretch after a tree toppled over in January 2017. Now, after heavy debris flows washed it out above the community of Centerville during a storm this past winter, it’s impassable. Residents living in Helltown, Nimshew and neighboring communities have no way to get out going south. Those in Centerville and Butte Creek Canyon can’t go north—Centerville Road is the only designated evacuation route identified by Butte County. For those who live between the breaches, well, they’re in for a bottleneck. Fire season is upon us. And all evacuation routes, especially for our foothills communities, should have been addressed by now. Cleaning up properties and cutting down trees that could serve as fuel
are important measures to take, yes. But as Laura George, a concerned Butte Creek Canyon resident, told the CN&R this week (see “No way out,” page 8): “Fire prevention doesn’t mean a wit if the road is closed.” The county says it’s dragging its feet because of property rights—it doesn’t own the land adjacent to the road; it only owns the road. It also cites bureaucracy on the part of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which says it’ll foot the bill. Neither answer is good enough. Eminent domain is a tricky, timeconsuming process, but if Butte County had gone that route immediately following the 2017 storm, that portion of Centerville Road might have been fixed by now. The property owners, too, should recognize the safety of their neighbors—it’s time to stop haggling. Stories of people abandoning their vehicles while evacuating during the Camp Fire and running through flames are vivid in our memories. Some even died in their cars trying to escape. When it comes to ensuring a route to safety, there’s simply no time to waste. Ω
The new war against America’s homeless M living without housing and many of us are a medical crisis, layoff or car repair away from joining the illions of America’s 140 million poor already are
ranks of our country’s unhoused. Cities are increasing the sweeps of camps and discarding people’s tents, blankets and other survival property. Meanwhile, economists are warning that there could be a global recession as a result of a number of issues, including the trade wars, tax breaks for the super wealthy and student loan debt. There is a potential catastrophic increase in the number of Americans living on our by streets. Keith McHenry This could be one reason for The author is a the new attacks against those living co-founder of the outside that attempts to paint homeglobal movement less people as mentally ill drug Food Not Bombs. addicts beyond help or redemption and the wave of recall campaigns of political leaders who attempt to introduce humane solutions for the growing homeless crisis. The Seattle-based Discovery Institute’s Center on Wealth, Poverty, and Morality is initiating a media campaign against the construction of shelters and affordable housing solutions by claiming the homeless are basically mentally ill drug addicts who will never
AUGUST 1, 2019
have the resources to rent housing so there is no reason to build it. A Sinclair Broadcasting affiliate’s hate film, Seattle Dying, is the first shot in this well-financed and nationally coordinated effort to dehumanize homeless people. It’s even more disturbing than the Manhattan Institute’s anti-homeless attacks in the 1980s, which included vigorous promotion of municipal criminalization against sitting on commercial streets, so-called aggressive panhandling and public sleeping. Yet another disturbing development is the use of the recall process against politicians who advance solutions to the homeless crisis, as is the case in Santa Cruz, Los Angeles and Chico, where a group launched a campaign to unseat Mayor Randall Stone and Councilman Karl Ory. All three efforts use the fear of the homeless spreading disease and lawlessness. Based on past dehumanization campaigns, these actions suggest a forthcoming dramatic increase in the passage and enforcement of harsher laws, destruction of people’s survival property and the possibility of internment, as is already the case with people fleeing the chaos and violence caused by decades of U.S. wars in Central America. The phrase “life unworthy of life,” or “lebensunwertes leben” in German, was a Nazi designation for the segments of the community that, according to Hitler’s regime, had no right to live. We cannot let this happen here. We are homeless, not helpless. Ω
by Melissa Daugherty m e l i s s a d @ n e w s r e v i e w. c o m
Neighborly I’m on vacation this week, so please enjoy this column from last summer. Fred Rogers was an evolved human being. I recognize that now— as an adult, as a mother, as a person who would have benefited from having someone like him around during childhood. I didn’t see that as a kid. In fact, though I watched Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood countless times, I viewed him as the chief weirdo in his whacky Neighborhood of Make-Believe. To be honest, his puppetry creeped me out—especially Lady Elaine Fairchilde, the witch-like, rednosed puppet whose voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard. As for Rogers, I couldn’t quite wrap my head around his tender, deliberative style of talking to kids like me. That’s not to say I disliked the show. Like other Gen-Xers, I watched it quite often, likely because there weren’t many options in the early 1980s. I may have tuned in as a warmup to Sesame Street. I can’t recall. What I do remember is that Rogers was reliable. He started each show with his signature entrance: singing that cheesy yet catchy theme song while taking a stroll to the closet to swap his jacket for a comfy sweater, and then winding it down while changing from loafers to sneakers. Clearly, he was a good person—predictably and perhaps unrealistically so. I mean, who talks to kids like that? Nobody in my life— that’s for sure. Recently, I was drawn to the new documentary about the reallife Rogers, Won’t You Be My Neighbor? I watched it last weekend in a sold-out Pageant Theatre with folks who, like me, were seeking relief from the news of the day. I was crossing my fingers that the guy I remembered was at least similar to the man on public television. I discovered several things about Rogers, including the fact that he was an ordained minister. In hindsight, that makes sense. Mister Rogers didn’t preach religion, but he certainly preached love—for others and oneself. That whole “love thy neighbor as thyself” thing really stuck with him, it would seem. Perhaps one of the stranger things the documentary reveals is that Rogers had a bit of an obsession with the number 143, which, when broken into three numbers, connotes the message “I love you.” For those who didn’t have pagers in the 1990s, I’ll translate: “I” is one letter, “love” is four letters, and “you” is three letters. He also prided himself on weighing exactly 143 pounds. Eccentricities aside, Rogers was brave and his show resulted in breakthrough television. In one episode that originally aired in 1969, for example, he invites the local police officer, played by a black man, to join him in cooling his feet off in a mini pool. That was a big deal in the year after the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. Indeed, for the millions of kids who got to know Mister Rogers during his show’s national run on PBS—from the late 1960s to 2001—Fred Rogers was a hell of a role model, a bold visionary with a calming presence in a chaotic world. We just didn’t realize that at the time—or at least I didn’t. There are several takeaways from Won’t You Be My Neighbor? For me, the biggest is that America needs more people like Fred Rogers, especially now. Melissa Daugherty is editor of the CN&R
Attention Boomers
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Questionable intelligence Regardless of the mixed-message chatter on Russian intelligence interfering in our 2016 election, and Russia’s effort to continue its attacks, it is dismissed by Trump as a hoax, and he maintains his election is legitimate. He has forced those who publicly support our intelligence agencies’ findings to resign. Our intelligence agencies concur that the Russians attacked the presidential election, and maintain a threatening presence. The director of national intelligence, Dan Coats, has testified to Congress on this serious matter, supporting the findings of our 17 intelligence agencies. Republicans in the Senate, led by majority leader Mitch McConnell, have twice in 24 hours blocked the advancement of bills aimed at strengthening election security. This just hours after special counsel warned of
the continued threat from foreign powers, and Trump’s recent claim that he welcomes foreign help. Following Coats’ announced resignation, Trump said he intended to nominate Rep. John Ratcliffe to replace Coats and would name an acting director in the interim. I guess his audition with the audience of one during his unabashed attacks on Robert Mueller went well. The DNI unifies our intelligence community toward a stronger, safer nation. To put a William Barr clone in this key leadership slot puts our nation at risk.
shelter to men. Catalyst provides emergency shelter to victims of domestic violence regardless of gender. This is true of all the agency programs and services. Additionally, providing safe housing for victims of domestic violence who are homeless or at risk of homelessness is an identified national, state and local funding priority in the continuum of services designed to address homelessness. Anastacia Snyder Chico
Editor’s note: Ms. Snyder is executive director of Catalyst.
Roger Beadle Chico
Correcting the record Re: “Funding and farming,” Letters, by Patrick Newman, July 25: Mr. Newman is incorrect in his statement that Catalyst Domestic Violence Services doesn’t provide
Write a letter Tell us what you think in a letter to the editor. Send submissions of 200 or fewer words to cnrletters@ Deadline for publication is noon on the Tuesday prior to publication.
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AUGUST 1, 2019
A UGUS T 1 , 2 0 1 9
Worried about war? Asked at Fork in the Road, DeGarmo Park Ronda German accountant
Yes, it is a little concerning all the escalation between Iran, us and even our allies. I don’t think it should be as bad as it is. I think we should be using more diplomacy and negotiation instead of rhetoric and egos.
John Myers musician
I’m not really worried about war. What will be will be. In the end, the first shall be last, and the last shall be first. With my faith belief system I’m not worried. I’m just looking forward to the end, so to speak.
Loretta Read
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Jaymes Clements VP of operations
Most definitely. The issue is that with this administration you really don’t know how something is going to escalate. Sometimes you hear even from the president’s mouth: “I heard about how many people might have died, so I called it off.” Which means something was already operationally ready to go.
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Yes, I am. I feel like tensions are escalating between us and Iran. I’m more of a peace kind of a person, so yes, I am worried.
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Cnrsweetdeals.newsreview.Com Buy online anytime with a credit card or in person with cash, check or credit card M-F 9am – 5pm at 353 E. Second Street, Downtown Chico. AUGUST 1, 2019
On Tuesday (July 30), U.S. District Judge John A. Mendez threw out the civil case brought against the city of Chico by the family of Desmond Phillips, granting a city motion for summary judgment during a hearing in Sacramento. Phillips was shot and killed by Chico police officers during a mental health crisis on March 17, 2017. Attorney Benjamin Nisenbaum, a highprofile civil rights attorney out of Oakland, told the CN&R the family is reviewing its options, and will either move for reconsideration or appeal directly to the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. “We are concerned that the court minimized the clear material factual disputes regarding whether Desmond was actually threatening at any time after he was tased,” he wrote via email. An attorney for the city did not provide comment before deadline.
Golden State Finance Authority (GSFA) has donated $725,000 to help Paradise and Butte County residents rebuild. Paradise received $475,000 and Butte County $250,000, which will fund development services fees for granting permits, reviewing plans and conducting inspections, along with other aspects of housing construction regulation in the town of Paradise and unincorporated Butte County. In a press release, Butte County Supervisor Doug Teeter said that “GSFA’s generosity towards reducing building permit fees is a wonderful incentive for rebuilding homes within the footprint of the Camp Fire.”
Joe Deal has been appointed interim director of public safety for the city of Oroville, a position that oversees the police and fire departments. He was appointed during closed session at the City Council’s last meeting July 16, according to Jackie Glover, assistant city clerk. His salary was set at $111,933. Deal’s appointment—he had been serving as assistant director—comes after Bill LaGrone, the former public safety director, was appointed city administrator at the same council meeting July 16. LaGrone’s salary was set at $175,000. Deal (pictured) and his wife have been longtime members of the Oroville community, where they have raised four children, he told the CN&R. He has 23 years of law enforcement experience, and he transferred to the Oroville Police Department from the Butte County Sheriff’s office in 2016. 8
AUGUST 1, 2019
No way out Two breaches on Centerville Road leave residents without an escape route
W residents were told to evacuate their homes, they quickly weighed their hen the Camp Fire hit and Magalia
options. Those close to the Skyway took that route—north or south. But others, on story and photo by the western edge, chose Meredith J. Centerville Road, which Cooper leads down through m er e d i t h c @ Butte Creek Canyon. n ew sr ev i ew. c o m For many, it was the only option. Earlier this year, during a heavy storm, that road washed out just above Centerville. That leaves residents to the north without a way south and those in the canyon without a way north. With fire season here, residents have begun to worry. One of them, Laura George, took it upon herself to start a petition. It had gotten almost 250 signatures when she submitted it to the Butte County Board of Supervisors last week (July 23). “We are almost 1.5 miles from where Centerville and Nimshew [roads] meet. To get to Skyway and off the Ridge was impos-
sible in November. This route saved three generations of my family,” Heather Walker, a resident of Nimshew, submitted with her online signature. Compounding the issue is another breach, not far past the turnoff from Honey Run Road. That happened 2 1/2 years ago and has yet to be fixed—the road is one lane, with a temporary signal at both ends. “We can’t predict where a fire or flood is going to happen,” George said while giving the CN&R a tour of the road. “You’d think after the Camp Fire, which killed 85 people, there’d be some priority of evacuation routes. There’s an urgency ordinance for log decks— what about an urgency ordinance for this?” The road already is a bit treacherous, as it’s situated along a cliff side with no guardrails. Potholes and sinkholes are prevalent and have only gotten worse since the fire, George said—the debris-removal trucks are wreaking havoc. Beyond being listed as an official evacuation route for area residents, it’s a one-lane nightmare waiting to happen, she charges. When there’s not an evacu-
ation, it’s tough enough to get through— what’s worse, ambulances take longer to reach people in medical emergencies. “There are two failures on Centerville Road,” acknowledged Dennis Schmidt, director of public works for the county. The first occurred in January 2017. A large tree rooted into the cliff toppled over, taking large chunks of the road with it. To deal with the situation, the county blocked off that part of the road for safety. Then it brought in a pair of mobile signals and placed them at either end of the breach, which is large enough that you cannot see one signal from the other. Then traffic is allowed to go one way at a time. The Federal Emergency Management Agency says it will pay for repairs (to the tune of $2.5 million), as the storms that January were deemed an emergency, Schmidt said, but plans for fixing the road have stalled due to ownership issues. The county owns the road, but not the land adjacent to it. The first option was to “riprap” the cliff—basically add rock to rebuild that
Laura George started a petition to urge the county to fix Centerville Road, which is one lane in one portion and completely washed out in another.
portion of the road. That was met with opposition from the community, which expressed environmental concerns, Schmidt said. Then it was on to plan B—cut into the cliff on the other side, which looms above the road. Problem is, someone owns that property. They’ve been resistant, Schmidt said. “There are 15 people on the title,” he said, “and they have four different legal counsels.” He said he believes progress is being made. Last week the county submitted a new proposal and he’s hopeful the property owners will be cooperative. The Board of Supervisors likely will be presented with news at its Aug. 13 meeting—Schmidt will be asking either to move forward with hiring a contractor or to resort to seeking eminent domain. The latter could mean a long, arduous court process, he said. The second failure, Schmidt said,
occurred when debris flow coming off the Ridge washed out a portion of the road, which is gravel in that section. Photographs show a clearance of less than one lane; a truck that failed to maneuver it is still stuck in the ditch below. During the tour with George, not far beyond the Centerville School House and just past a residence, a sign warns that the road is closed ahead. Schmidt is hoping for a speedier process to fix that portion. The bid process already is underway. Estimated cost is $400,000. And with just one property owner to contend with, Schmidt said the county is “charging forward” with those repairs. It won’t even wait for FEMA to approve the price tag, he said, but will ask for repayment afterward. He said that project likely will take 70 to 80 days to complete. “We’re right up against that weather window. We really can’t wait much longer,” he said. “I’m cautiously optimistic we’ll get them both approved at the Aug. 13 meeting.” That, of course, would make George and her neighbors happy. But she says she’s seen it all before—construction on the lower breach was supposed to begin in the spring, then it was summer, now it’s fall. Instead, it appears priority has been given to debris removal and taking out trees. “Fire prevention doesn’t mean a wit if the road is closed,” she said. Ω
The Post perseveres Paradise’s town newspaper finds way to reach scattered readers post-Camp Fire On Nov. 7, 2018, Rick Silva was editor of the
Paradise Post, a twice-weekly newspaper that for 74 years had served the residents and businesses on the Ridge. By the end of the next day, Nov. 8, Silva was editor of a newspaper serving a town that, because of the Camp Fire, had no residents— and, thus, no readers. At 6:30 on the morning of the fire, Silva was awakened when his phone signaled receipt of a tweet. It advised him that a fire had broken out in the Feather River Canyon and was moving toward Paradise. He dressed and raced to the offices of the Chico Enterprise-Record, where for the last several years, since the closure of the Post’s Paradise offices, its small editorial staff had shared work space with their E-R colleagues. (The publications are among several Sacramento Valley newspapers, including the Oroville Mercury-Register and the Red Bluff Daily News, owned by MediaNews Group, which also owns the Bay Area News Group.) The newsroom was buzzing. Everybody sensed that this story was huge—bigger even than the 2017 Oroville Dam spillway story, which chronicled the evacuation of more than 180,000 people under threat of dam collapse. Of all the people gathered at the E-R that morning, none was as strongly connected to the Paradise community as Silva. Back in 1994, freshly graduated from Chico State, he had applied for a sports reporting job at the Post. Much to his sur-
prise, he got it. He’s since worked there for 25 years, 17 of them as editor. He’d covered Paradise-area fires before, most notably the Humboldt Fire of 2008. Determined to get as close as possible to the blaze, Silva had gotten lost in the smoky darkness and begun to think he was done for when two Paradise residents stepped out of the murk and directed him to Chico. “I was so unprepared for that fire,” he said, lamenting especially the lack of a gas mask. In 2008, the Post’s editorial staff numbered 11 and was housed in a large building on Clark Road in Paradise. By the time of the Camp Fire, however, budget cuts had made the paper a shadow of its former self. Its editorial staff was down to just two people— Silva and reporter Amanda Hovik—and the whole operation had been moved to Chico. Fortunately, they weren’t alone in covering the Camp Fire. E-R reporters and editors pitched in, and crews from the Bay Area News Group arrived to help out. Their work
SIFT ER Tracking pain pills The Washington Post recently won access to a Drug Enforcement Administration database that tracks the path of prescription pain pills sold in the U.S., and it published a tool showing how much hydrocodone and oxycodone went to individual states and counties from 2006 to 2012. The Post says the “records provide an unprecedented look at the surge of legal pain pills that fueled the prescription opioid epidemic, which resulted in nearly 100,000 deaths” during the seven-year time frame. The
database shows the North State as a hot spot in California for the rate of pills per person. Butte County received 126,438,275 pain pills, enough for each resident to have 82 pills per year. Shasta County received 117,341,864 pills, enough for 94 pills per person. Actavis Pharma, which has since been acquired by Teva Pharmaceuticals, was the top manufacturer in both counties. Sacramento County received many more pills total—443,063,171—but had a rate of just 45 pills per person per year.
Rick Silva, editor of a paper with no readers immediately following the Camp Fire, continues to tell his town’s stories. PHOTO BY ROBERT SPEER
was invaluable. “There’s no way we would have been able to do what we did without their help,” Silva said. For his part, Silva took advantage of his media access and spent nearly a week driving around Paradise with a video camera, documenting the disaster and posting the videos on YouTube and his Facebook page. He helped hundreds of people learn the fate of their homes—those he could find, that is. Landmarks and street signs, like everything else, were burned beyond recognition. He also accumulated more than 3,000 new Facebook friends. Since the fire, a kind of new normal has settled in at the Post. The staff—since Hovik left, it’s mostly Silva, though he does get some backup from the E-R and other sister papers—has had to learn how to put out a newspaper in a town that has almost no residents. To that end, they made one especially smart decision: to insert a four-page version of the Post into the E-R twice a week, on Wednesdays and Saturdays. It’s an unconventional distribution system, but it has attracted subscribers and even a few advertisers, giving the Post a new, if fragile, lease on life. As for Rick Silva, these days he’s not only the Post’s editor, he’s also its staff reporter, covering meetings of the Town Council, the Paradise Irrigation District and the school board as these entities struggle to bring their town back to life. He is determined to keep the Post alive to benefit the people of Paradise, whom he knows so well. “The last thing I want to be,” he said, “is the last editor of the Paradise Post.” —ROBERT SPEER r ob e r tspe e r @ newsr ev iew.c o m
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C O N T I N U E D F R O M PA G E 9
Council Ring confrontation Group calls for police transparency in wake of officer encounter with children Earlier this week at the Campfire
Council Ring in Lower Bidwell Park, 15-year-old Jane described what it was like being arrested by police on July 5. The incident was caught on cellphone cameras and has caused quite a stir in the community. In the videos, an 11-yearold girl (Jane’s friend) is tackled to the ground by a police officer. According to Jane, an officer had told the girl she could walk away “peacefully.” Then the situation escalated. “They just tackled her for walking Watch the videos: away like they said she could do,” said Jane (whose name was changed because she is a minor). Emily Alma and her organization Concerned Citizens for Justice (CCJ) say the incident highlights the need for more comprehensive training for officers when it comes to use of force. “Our underlying concern is to see a change in culture—it feels like there’s this command-andcontrol mindset that is traditionally part of law enforcement culture everywhere,” she recently told the CN&R. “We’re concerned by the fact that an 11-year-old girl ended
up on the ground in handcuffs.” All of the footage is viewable on CCJ’s website (see infobox). In one video, an officer and a park ranger are seen struggling with the 11-year-old girl on the ground, putting her in handcuffs while at least one person asks the officer to let the girl fix her bikini top, which had become askew, exposing her chest. In another video, an officer is seen shoving people on the scene, and another officer appears to grab a detained girl by the hair. The Chico Police Department issued a press release the following day, saying officers responded to the Council Ring for a “possible assault” and a “welfare check” regarding a missing or runaway juvenile. “When the officers attempted to detain the missing juvenile at the request of her guardians, several other juveniles attempted to interfere and prevent the detention,” the release says. “One juvenile attempted to physically pull a detained juvenile from a police officer’s hands. The crowd of approximately 10 other juveniles interfered and exasperated the already tense situation. The officers ultimately arrested five juveniles for resisting/delaying a
peace officer.” Police Chief Mike O’Brien told the CN&R that the department had received a complaint regarding the incident and is reviewing the matter, but wouldn’t comment further. It’s unknown whether body camera footage of the incident was recorded. Butte County District Attorney Mike Ramsey said Wednesday (July 31) he personally was not aware of any pending charges against any of the children arrested. Some cases may not fall under his jurisdiction because of the kids’ ages. CCJ emerged two years ago following
the law enforcement shooting deaths of two young men experiencing mental health crises in Chico, and its main focuses are on police department transparency and increased crisis intervention and de-escalation training. Last October, its members spoke out against the handcuffing of an 8-year-old boy by Butte County Sheriff’s Office deputies. The recent encounter in Bidwell Park brought the issue back to the forefront. “[Concerned Citizens for Justice] is dismayed to learn that another incident has occurred in our community where law enforcement officers used force to subdue a child,” reads a press release the organization penned. “It is critical that law enforcement personnel are trained in de-escalation techniques and that de-escalation is a first response in every response.” David Blake, a retired California peace officer and consultant on use of force, reviewed the cellphone videos posted by CCJ and the statement issued by police for the CN&R, prefacing his analysis by saying it would be “very difficult” and “likely negligent” to develop an accurate Emily Alma of Concerned Citizens for Justice says a recent physical encounter between police and youths at Bidwell Park highlights the need for more comprehensive use-of-force training for officers. PHOTO BY MEREDITH J. COOPER
AUGUST 1, 2019
opinion without access to officer reports and witness accounts. However, Blake said it appeared officers had a lawful reason to investigate a crime, and their attempts to detain or arrest some of the youths on the scene were met with resistance. He said he also saw “behaviors” officers may have perceived as threatening, such as one person approaching an officer quickly. To Blake—who cited state laws pertaining to resisting arrests in his analysis—the “question is not how we see it on the video, but rather how this was perceived by the officers on the scene.” He said he saw “nothing out of line” regarding the uses of force by the police. “As far as the female who is on the ground—she is clearly actively resisting their attempts to arrest her, but using very little force to do so (trying to get her hands behind her back). Whether or not there were opportunities to deescalate are a matter of subjective opinion but certainly cannot be derived from what little we know from these videos.” Alma emphasized that she’s no expert and CCJ doesn’t claim to have all the answers, she said. But the group does advocate for more transparency when it comes to training for police officers. “Mike O’Brien has said that he’s brought in more training since Desmond Phillips’ death,” she said. “That’s great, but this just happened. There’s so little transparency that we don’t know what kind of training they’ve had.” CCJ sees children as a vulnerable population—much like minorities, people with mental illness, and people who are homeless. Those are the groups for which transparency will add protection, she said. Whether or not the use of force was warranted, what happened on July 5 was a particularly negative encounter with law enforcement for Jane, the 11-year-old girl and even Jane’s sister, who can be seen in a video being grabbed by the hair. “The people who are supposed to protect us are the ones threatening us,” Jane said.
Make a
difference. California MENTOR is seeking individuals and families who have an extra bedroom and want to make a difference in the life of an adult with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Special Needs Adult(s) live with you in your home and you Mentor them toward a brighter future. Receive ongoing support and a generous monthly payment (Approx. $1100/ mo - $4400/mo). Requirements: *Valid drivers license *Vehicle *Must be at least 21 years of age *A spare bedroom *Clean criminal record
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—Andre Byik And Meredith J. Cooper
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HEALTHLINES Tom Lewis will provide volunteer dental work for those who attend the California CareForce Clinic this week at the fairgrounds.
Emerald Carroll, CareForce’s volunteer and outreach coordinator, said the Chico area already was on the organization’s radar because of its need for health care services. Lewis, who has been volunteering with the organization for years, was “the driving force” behind making the clinic happen. He became part of the board of directors and the host committee chairman for the clinic, helping it meet a $150,000 fundraising target, secure a location and recruit volunteers. Local sponsors include the Northern California Dental Society, Northern Valley Community Foundation and Chico Adventist. “Especially because of the fires that happened [last year], we know that a lot of the providers are impacted or have very long wait times to see people,” Carroll said. “Although maybe some people do have certain insurance [coverage], the wait is just too long. You can only go so long with a cavity before it gets worse and starts affecting other areas of your health.”
An important investment Free health clinic aims to serve 2,000 under- and uninsured story and photo by
Ashiah Scharaga ashiahs@ n ewsrev iew. com
The’sfromprovided the approximately 20 years that free dental care at volunteer om Lewis remembers countless stories
clinics. Take, for instance, the 50-year-old woman who told him she had never been to a dentist and cried with gratitude after receiving a filling. Or the single father and contractor who needed two teeth pulled. The man told him, “I work really hard for my kids. And my kids have great teeth. And I can afford, on my income, to pay the rent, feed them and pay for [their] care. I cannot afford me.” A retired dentist, Lewis is part of California CareForce, a Roseville-based volunteer organization of medical professionals, citizens and community leaders.
AUGUST 1, 2019
It was formed with the goal of serving under- and uninsured Americans, many of whom forgo medical, dental and vision care because they cannot afford it. Since 2011, over 15,000 CareForce volunteers have provided health services to more than 32,000 individuals at two- to threeday clinics, delivering $14 million worth of care for free. On Aug. 3-4, CareForce will host its first clinic in Chico (see infobox), aiming to bring in 300 volunteer health care professionals from across California to serve about 2,000 people. The clinic will provide services including dental cleanings, X-rays, fillings and extractions; vision exams, eye health checks and prescription glasses; and general medical exams, blood pressure and HIV testing, diabetes screening and counseling, flu shots and immunizations, and chiropractic and acupuncture services. There also will be representatives from
local health and social services agencies on-site for referrals, and health education resources. Ken MacKell, assistant director of the Butte County Department of Employment and Social Services, said the division is aiming to reach folks who are traditionally harder to serve, like homeless individuals, and help the uninsured sign up for Medi-Cal. No proof of insurance, employment, income, residency, immigration status or identification is required. Priority will be given to Camp Fire survivors and veterans. Lewis says he was raised by a tight-knit family that taught him to value generosity: his father, for example, provided financial assistance to approximately five children in his community to help them get to college. “I’ve had a really wonderful life, [and] I’ve been able to make more than adequate income,” he said. “I feel like it’s really my moral obligation to give back.” Though the number of Californians with
health insurance has increased more than 90 percent under the Affordable Care Act, there are still over 3 million statewide who are uninsured, according to a 2016 report by a team of researchers from UC Berkeley and UCLA. About 73,000 are uninsured in Northern California (not including the Sacramento Valley).
HEALTHLINES c o n T i n U e d
o n pA G e 1 5
Fitness can be fun! Grab your kiddos and get ready for an adventure—American Fitness Contests presents the second annual Sierra
Nevada Classic Kids Adventure Course
at Sycamore Field this Saturday (Aug. 3) from 9 a.m. to noon. One part fundraiser for Camp Fire relief, one part fun day of play and family fitness featuring free snacks, activities, and prizes. In addition to two adventure courses there will be a bouncy castle, face painting, a raffle and music. All donations go toward Camp Fire victims and the town of Paradise. Visit for more info and to reserve your spot.
“I smiled less because I didn’t want to be embarrassed by somebody seeing the anchor for my partial. Dr. Kremer explained Hybridge Implants in detail to me, what was involved and that was the obvious choice for me. Now I feel more confident. I recommend Dr. Kremer... Everybody is so friendly, and they make you feel comfortable.” — Ray Q: I’m tired of my partial coming loose, is there a permanent solution? A: Yes! If you’re considering an upper or lower full arch dental implant bridge, or maybe even a full-mouth of restorations, the Hybridge Full Arch treatment is the most quick and cost effective answer. The final restoration is a chrome cobalt bridge replacing up to 12 teeth which is supported on five or six dental implants. By attaching permanently to the implants, instead of the gums or natural teeth, Hybridge’s full arch dental implant solution eliminates the many problems associated with conventional treatments. The result is full dental function for less than half the cost of traditional bridgework of implants and in a fraction of the time.
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AUGUST 1, 2019
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Check in:
Those seeking free medical, dental or vision services should arrive at the Silver dollar fairgrounds main gate at 9:30 a.m. on friday or Saturday (Aug. 2-3) to receive a wristband and appointment time for the following day (Aug. 3-4). for more information or to volunteer, go to
services. Whenever he recalls a moment, like the one he shared with the contractor who went without care to provide for his kids, he calls them the best paychecks of his career. “When you really made a difference in somebody’s life and they look at you with such gratitude and appreciation, it’s like, I just did what I know how to do,” he said. “It made a difference in this guy’s life. He didn’t have toothache pain anymore.” Ω
This guy saves you money.
Lewis said he anticipates seeing folks from the Ridge who were lacking care before the fire, as well as those who just haven’t been able to establish new doctors in the impacted Butte County market. “We’ll take out hundreds, and perhaps over 1,000 teeth,” Lewis said. “These are just teeth that we call ‘bombed out.’ They’re not restorable and they’re infected. Frequently, people are in pain.” Carroll said CareForce plans to bring the clinic back again next year “so we can capture more people who didn’t get the chance to see us the first time around.” Lewis has been aware of the need for a while, attempting to host his own free clinic years ago. He hopes Chico will become a frequent location for such
conTinUed from pAGe 12
Foster Grandparents are volunteers who provide support in schools, afterschool programs, preschools, and child care centers in Butte and Colusa County. They are role models, mentors, and friends to children, focusing on literacy, mentoring, and school readiness. If you are 55 or over and want to stay active by serving children and youth in your community, you have what it takes to be a Foster Grandparent. Foster Grandparents serve 5 to 40 hours per week. Volunteers may qualify to earn a tax-free, hourly stipend. You’ll receive pre-service screening, orientation, placement at your volunteer station and monthly training.
Attend An upcoming orientAtion: August 8th or 15th Crying isn’t so bad after all
Source: Forbes
Have you ever felt better after a good cry? There may be some new evidence as to why. According to a study published recently in the journal Emotion, crying actually may serve a physiologic purpose. Long story short, researchers at the University of Queensland recruited 197 female undergraduate students to watch sad videos. Non-criers showed elevated breathing rates while criers maintained their initial breathing rates, which suggests that crying may help regulate arousal and serve as an emotional release. Also, right before crying, participants experienced a decrease in their heart rates. Beyond these findings, tears can kill bacteria, lower stress hormones and elevate your mood, remove toxic byproducts from your system, and help you see better. Crying is also a way of communicating when you may not have the words. So, the next time someone gives you a hard time for crying, tell them you are actually doing your body good.
reservations in Advance are required
cAll to reserve A spot todAy! orientatons are from 10am-3pm and lunch is provided
AUGUST 1, 2019
GREENWAYS Randy Iwasaki with an autonomous bus, deer decoy and other objects in a GoMentum Station warehouse. PHOTO BY MARIA J. AVILA FOR CALMATTERS
A driverless future Self-driving cars will be part of ride-sharing fleets, help wean motorists off gasoline by
Julie Cart
Ctoward next, slightly scary, phase in its push zero-emission transportation: self-
alifornia is laying the groundwork for the
driving cars packed with computers using finely tuned algorithms, high-definition cameras, radar and other high-tech gadgetry. What the driverless cars won’t feature: steering wheels, brake pedals and gas pedals. Autonomous vehicles, mostly electric, are already here in a limited fashion—as a slow van, for example, to move people around a Bay Area office park. That kind of shuttle, and small delivery trucks, likely will be the first self-driving vehicles in wide use, employing GPS, 3-D imaging and other technology to process and respond to what their cameras see on the road: other cars, pavement markings, traffic signals, pedestrians, etc. Officials say automated cars will dovetail in two ways with greenhouse-gas-cutting policies in California, where the transportation sector belches out nearly half of the state’s climate-warming emissions. They’ll be included in the fleets of ride-sharing companies, reducing the number of personal cars on the road as the state transitions to electricity-powered transportation. And they’ll almost certainly operate on batteries (though some could run on zero-emission hydrogen fuel cells), helping motorists wean themselves off gasoline.
AUGUST 1, 2019
If properly managed, the coming driverless-car revolution could address other vexing problems as well, said Daniel Sperling, who directs the Institute of Transportation Studies at UC Davis. He cited his sister’s poor peripheral vision, which prevents her from driving. “It could lead to a dramatic improvement in safety, a dramatic improvement for mobility for the elderly, for physically disabled people and for low-income communities,” he said. For many, autonomous vehicles will mean emancipation. In addition, computer-driven cars are expected to reduce fatalities. They will never be afflicted with road rage, will not stop off after work for one too many and won’t nod off after endless hours on the road. And productivity could rise as motorists who now lose hundreds of hours idling in traffic each year are freed from the tyranny of paying attention and can legally text, work, answer email and even watch YouTube. But it’s a significant step from allowing testing of automated cars in protected, supervised settings to unleashing them solo on the road, which experts say remains on a far horizon. There is much to be perfected: how best About this story:
It’s an abridged version of the original, published by, an independent public journalism venture covering California state politics and government.
to turn left in traffic, for example, a maneuver that bedevils many human drivers. Although the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says human errors cause 94 percent of serious crashes, motorists are reluctant to turn over the controls to computers, telling pollsters they prefer to drive a car, not interface with one. And the potential for hacking has led some doubters to paint a future in which bad actors “weaponize” a vehicle, taking over the controls with harmful intent. Still, California is pressing ahead. It was
among the first states to contemplate a future for autonomous cars, when the Legislature in 2012 authorized the Department of Motor Vehicles to devise rules for them. Those regulations are now the nation’s most extensive; in April the DMV proposed allowing testing of autonomous lightweight delivery trucks. California’s controversial 2017 gastax increase encourages the transportation department and local jurisdictions to tap road funds to build infrastructure that smart cars will require, such as traffic lights that tell them how much time remains on a green light and freeway signs that announce their messages digitally. The DMV has doled out permits to more than 60 companies for testing autonomous cars—nearly 800 of them—on California streets. Those vehicles have traveled more than 3.6 million miles and have been involved
in 177 collisions. It’s not a free-for-all. Testing has been allowed since 2014, in nearly every case with a human “safety driver” on board, able to take over the car’s controls. And, although one company, Waymo, has a permit to conduct tests without a driver, it has yet to do so. The future can be glimpsed at a former Navy base near the Bay Area city of Concord, converted to the nation’s largest autonomous-vehicle proving ground where computer-driven cars are let off their leashes and are free to roam across 2,100 acres. The facility, GoMentum Station, run by AAA Northern California, Nevada & Utah, is an innovation hive where Silicon Valley marries its futuristic vision to the automobile industry’s traditional know-how. California could reap economic benefits from a smart-car industry, attracting new business and jobs, officials say. Researchers forecast that investment in the technology, by traditional industry players and newcomers alike, will grow to $85 billion nationally through 2025, on top of $225 billion in spending on electric vehicles through 2023. This transformation in transportation is taking place in a deceptively modest setting. The testing area has all the dusty charm of an abandoned town: shuttered buildings and empty parking lots, along with cattle, wild turkeys and coyotes wandering freely. That’s perfect in the eyes of Randy Iwasaki, executive director of the Contra Costa Transportation Authority, which is a partner in the facility. He guided his electric (though not autonomous) car along some of the 20 miles of rough streets on a recent day. “Look at this road—it’s cracked, you can barely see the center line it’s so worn, there are weeds growing all over,” Iwasaki said with a trace of pride. When testing first began, researchers had to mow the streets because the earliest automated vehicles perceived that they had wandered off-road. The imperfections provide excellent preparation for the vehicles to navigate California’s bumpy, clogged and often chaotic streetscape. The facility also features 45 types of intersections, various railroad crossings and a warehouse full of “targets”—vinyl deer decoys, pedestrian mannequins, bicycles and traffic cones. Such accessories help the vehicles “learn” to process what they see and make decisions through artificial intelligence. The current generation of automated vehicles, Iwasaki reckons, is still in its 20s and has much to learn from errors on the road. That ignorance of some learned conventions and courtesies of driving gives many motorists pause. But they can relax: California is a long way—a decade or more—from hosting truly autonomous cars on city streets. Ω
prepared with care
Downtown moving and shaking
Alan von der Mehden rarely can be found sitting still. In addition to teaching more than 100 students each year as a full-time culinary instructor at Las Plumas High School, he also provides students with soft-skill learning opportunities through the campus’ Las Plumas Catering program. On top of that, von der Mehden is the executive chef and owner of Del Sol Elite Catering and Hospitality—where, separate from his school duties, he often hires students to give them paid job experience. He told the CN&R his aim is to give young people “an opportunity to see a very viable trade,” and at the very least, “know how to cook for themselves.” When he isn’t teaching or cooking, von der Mehden travels, coaches the high school’s volleyball team, works on other projects (like repurposing furniture into home theater speakers) and fishes in Oregon, where he also has a home. To inquire about a catering gig, call 520-0898 or email
Tell me about your catering business. With [Del Sol], I hire my students to do the actual work—back of the house, front of the house. I usually do all of the [cooking], plating and everything like that. Everything is attention to detail, seasoning, every part of
Meredith J. Cooper
Remember when Crepeville and Burgers and Brew joined forces to transform that old bank building at the corner of Third and Broadway into a dual restaurant? It was weird, to be sure. Then the respective owners had a falling out and B&B stayed put while Crepeville got to work on its own spot. Not to be outdone, it was nearly the same size, patio and all, and just a block away. But while Burgers and Brew is consistently filled with patrons, Crepeville is not. With such vast divided dining areas and a strange open kitchen, I dare say I’ve never seen the place full. That’s not to say that the food wasn’t good—I had several meals there that I thoroughly enjoyed. But, it’s not really all that surprising to learn of its recent closure. I’m happy to report that that huge restaurant space won’t be sitting vacant again. That’s because news hit this week that Woodstock’s Pizza, which was damaged during the spring storms, will be relocating there (240 Main St.). No firm opening date yet, except I’m told it will be in September. I have to assume it’ll breathe some new life into that corner. And maybe into Woodstock’s, too. everything—I made baked beans last weekend, and people were like, “I’ve never had baked beans with mushrooms and vegetables in it.” And I’m like, “That’s how I get my students to eat them, so you got them.” And they’re like, “It was great!” [With Las Plumas Catering], we’ve done five or six weddings with students ... and they’re like, “I didn’t have any idea the food was going to be this fantastic, and the service.” The kids rise to the occasion.
Tell me more about your work at Las Plumas High. [I teach] five periods of culinary. We plate on every level, but in [my advanced class] they get more sophisticated, and then they’re the ones that help me with catering. The first thing we do is safety and sanitation, then we do knife skills, and then we
go into things like soups, salads, breads, then desserts, and then we get into meats. Then we’ll go into barbecue and then we’ll go into stews or slow cooker stuff. It’s a full-on culinary experience for the kids. And every one of my students gets a California Food Handlers certificate.
What do you enjoy about catering? I know that I cook well, and I just love to see how people react to the food. Like contractors, caterers [are known for being] kind of flaky. [But] we’ll be there on time, we’ll have enough food, we’ll never run out. It’s one of those things that I pride myself on, making sure that your event is the way you want it. I want the catering job to be what the client wants. —AsHiAH sCHARAGA as h i a h s @new srev i ew. c o m
SAyonArA There is more news in the restaurant-closure world. This one also comes with few surprises. Hibachi Grill Buffet had decent food the one time I went there, although I’m generally skeptical of large-scale buffets outside of, say, Vegas. But it had taken over the space abandoned by the abysmal Hometown Buffet— and it had done little to nothing with the ambiance. It closed without fanfare. We still have Kwando Buffet—this town just wasn’t big enough for two Asian buffets. ExpAnSion TimE The Axelssons, who opened up Old Barn Kitchen kitty corner to Crepeville early this year, are expanding their footprint downtown. While Anton is the mastermind behind the restaurant, Chrystal’s passion is in interior design. So, in that vein, she’s opening up Old Barn Milk Paint—a business she’s run online for some time—just a few doors down East Third Street. According to their website (, Chrystal discovered milk paint because she was searching for a paint that was chemical-free. It worked wonders, so now she has her own line of it, with a variety of colors, topcoats, waxes and oils. Look out for a grand opening soon. BUilDinG TimE Clayton Homes recently opened an office on Feather River Boulevard in Oroville and is offering a $15,000 incentive to Camp Fire survivors whose homes were destroyed. While the company specializes in all types of building—from traditional homes to tiny ones—the $15,000 only applies to modulars built off-site. Even so, every little thing helps. Go to for more info.
GooD riDDAncE It’s tire amnesty time at Neal Road Recycling and Waste Facility. That means it’s time to clean up all those old tires junking up your yard. Those interested must make an appointment for Aug. 9 or 10, but the drop-off is free. Call 879-2352 Tuesday-Friday to make a reservation.
got mosquitoes? Need to make a service request? Need Mosquitofish? Got Yellowjackets/Ticks?
Contact 530.533.6038 or AUGUST 1, 2019
WHO WILL LEAD Eight years after Gen. Vang Pao’s death, no clear successor in sight BY
bout 600 Hmong from across generations and time zones packed the Hmong Palace Church in South Sacramento on May 5 to honor one of their heroes and greatest shamans, Xa Houa Lee, who died peacefully in his sleep in April at age 79. All along the right wall of the church were poster-size photos showing Lee leading his people out of Laos ahead of the pursuing Pathet Lao across mountains and the treacherous Mekong River into Thailand. The ceremony—which blended Christian and Hmong traditions— drew Hmong leaders from as far away as Minnesota to celebrate Lee, “beloved husband, father, and grandfather, respected leader and shaman,” according to the program, written in English and Hmong. The eulogy was delivered by a younger member of the Lee clan, Elk Grove Mayor Steve Ly, one of the most prominent Hmong elected officials in the nation. A decade ago, that eulogy would have been given by “The General,” Vang Pao, who led his people from Laos to Vietnam to safety in Thai refugee camps and finally to the United States, now home to some 350,000 Hmong refugees and their offspring. But more than eight years after his death in Clovis from pneumonia and heart failure at 81, the next generation of Hmong leaders is struggling to find a new collective identity—and someone to emerge as their champion, godfather and guide. “That is the most important question facing our Hmong people,” Ly said in an interview. A statue of the late Hmong leader, Gen. Vang Pao, was unveiled in front of Chico’s city offices in 2015. PHOTO BY MELISSA DAUGHERTY
AUGUST 1, 2019
‘The General’ For centuries, Hmong have relied on powerful leaders, and Vang Pao has been called the greatest general of the Vietnam War by the American officers who served alongside him. He was an almost mythic figure, believed to be invulnerable to communist bullets. He traveled California and the nation, lobbying public officials, visiting Hmong communities, settling disputes, attending weddings and funerals and promising his people a better future. Every year around Thanksgiving, there were
multiple Hmong New Year celebrations across California, Minnesota and Wisconsin to accommodate The General. He led a secret jungle army of more than 10,000 guerillas, some as young as 12, who were paid about $4 a month by the CIA to battle the Vietnamese communists and Pathet Lao from 1961 to 1975. He helped unify the 18 Hmong family clans, including the influential Chang (or Cha), Ly (or Lee), Her, Moua, Thao, Vang and Xiong. Since his passing on June 6, 2011—a date thousands of Hmong have committed to memory—the old Hmong clan councils have lost some of their power. Hmong in their 30s and 40s are retelling Hmong history through documentaries and online forums. Sacramento has emerged as the new Hmong capital of California, eclipsing Fresno, and several nonprofits are trying to
provide new leadership and direction. Vang Pao’s brother-in-law and righthand man, Col. Ly Teng, and another brother-in-law, Dr. Touxa Lyfong, both spoke in Hmong at Xa Houa Lee’s funeral, along with one of Vang Pao’s sons, Ci Vang. They noted that Xa Houa Lee protected his village of Fuesai for a decade, then was elected village chief (Naiban) and became known for his compassionate, fair, openminded judgment. “Houa Lee would want everyone who is living to love one another. That is the way it’s supposed to be for us to survive,” said Ly Teng. “He was a leader most of his life. A loving person and hardworking family man, and he would want the next generation to work even harder and go to school.” Mayor Ly delivered a similar message, speaking passionately in Hmong and then
English, since many Hmong under 30 aren’t fluent in their elders’ language. “Today, we are sending home a hero,” Ly said. “For us to send him home, we must remember his contributions to the Hmong community … and also American society by saving American lives during the Vietnam War…. This is a story each of us children of the Hmong army should be proud of. This has earned us the right to be here. “In this time and this nation, when people look at us, some say maybe we don’t belong here. I’ve heard it: ‘Maybe refugees shouldn’t be mayors, maybe we shouldn’t be here at all,’” Ly said. “Your father and grandfather is more than just an elder, he kept his village safe and served as a village leader … you young people, listen to my words.” He is revered as “Uncle Ly,” though he
Hmong from around the country attended a memorial in south Sacramento on May 5 to honor shaman Xa Houa Lee. PHOTO BY STEPHEN MAGAGNINI
was too young to serve in the Secret Army alongside his father and uncles. Trained as a lawyer and youth counselor, Ly also is serving as a bridge between Hmong pot growers and law enforcement as far away as Siskiyou County. But no single leader has emerged nationally. According to 2017 Census Bureau figures, more than 101,000 Hmong live in California, the largest concentration in the U.S. Community leaders say those numbers don’t reflect thousands of Hmong who haven’t been counted, often because they— HMONG C O N T I N U E D AUGUST 1, 2019
O N PA G E 2 0
F R O M PA G E 1 9
like their ancestors who moved from Siberia to China to Southeast Asia to the United States, France and Australia—are constantly on the move from city to city and state to state. Some of Sacramento’s key Hmong leaders have moved to the “Hmong Paris,” Minneapolis-Saint Paul, home to 81,260 Hmong. Several thousand more Hmong from the Central Valley moved to North Carolina and Alaska after the 2008 recession. Xiong estimates there are as many as 40,000 Hmong living in the Sacramento metropolitan area, far more than the 31,000 reported in 2015 by the Pew Research Center using Census data. Fresno reported 34,000 and Chico 5,000, making the latter the ninth largest Hmong population center in the country. During the Great Recession, thousands of Hmong from Sacramento and other Central Valley cities—struggling to feed their large families—moved to Alaska, where after a year’s residence, each family member qualified for the Alaska oil fund dividend, ranging from $1,500 to $3,000 per person per year, said community leader Prasat Lee. Hmong families, often 10 or more people, started receiving upward of $20,000 a year. Lee, 73, left Clovis and his security job in Fresno and in March 2008 founded the nonprofit Hmong Alaska Community in Anchorage with his wife, Mai, who speaks fluent English. At one point, “we had 6,000 Hmong in Alaska, but they go up and down, from California, Wisconsin and Minnesota,” Mai said. Hmong from Sacramento have found jobs working at Walmart, Target,
McDonald’s and car rental agencies, and as janitors, housekeepers and sky caps, Lee said. Lee, who served in Vang Pao’s guerrilla army for 10 years at $5 a month, remembers President Richard Nixon’s promise in 1972: “Defend the Ho Chi Minh Trail and if you lose you can be Americans.” Both he and his wife revere Vang Pao. “After he died there is a problem, there is no leader,” Mai said. “Some people say we want to be the new leaders, and there’s another Hmong organization, representing the younger generation, wanting to compete with us.” Hmong Center of Alaska Inc., also in Anchorage, has a website featuring eight young Hmong leaders promising to help new arrivals “bridge the gap” with state and local officials and provide translation services to deal with issues such as early pregnancy, school dropouts, domestic violence and suicide.
Divided clans Sacramento’s Vaming Xiong—considered the Hmong Martin Luther King Jr. just as Vang Pao was called the Hmong George Washington—said that since Pao’s death, “different clan leaders and heads of different organizations throughout the U.S. are proposing people to take over for V.P., at least someone who would have a voice that the majority would listen to, someone who would unify the Hmong people in the U.S. But there is no agreement, and there hasn’t even been an election.” Xiong, 52, a career development coach in Sacramento, galvanized the largest pro-
tests ever at Sacramento’s federal building in June 2007, calling for the release of The General and the rest of the so-called Laotian 11, charged with terrorism for plotting the overthrow of communist Laos. Those nonviolent protests—drawing more than 10,000 Hmong at a time—led to Vang Pao’s release. All charges were dropped. “No matter what we do, we can’t replace V.P., we can’t even come up with an umbrella organization,” Xiong said. “The 18 clans used to be the Hmong International Council, but since V.P. died, that council collapsed. Now each clan has their own association. And V.P. himself said clans are only for marriages, not for governing.” Without a unifying leader such as Vang Pao, competing Hmong organizations now are battling for control over the annual Hmong New Year celebrations, political representation and public funds to provide social services. Sacramento, Fresno, Minneapolis-Saint Paul and other Hmong enclaves often hold multiple New Year celebrations, where Hmong from across the state, nation and world come to reconnect with their clans and meet their future wives or husbands, Xiong said. “New Year has become a battleground over who gets the most money to put it on. The whole Hmong world used to come to New Year’s in Fresno; now the tradition is dissolving.” Xiong’s wife, community leader Mycie Xiong, said that “an increasing number of people are saying, ‘We do not want to be a part of the in-fighting.’” Indeed, Mycie Xiong sees a brighter future in the post-Pao era. “There are many more Hmong entering the mainstream through political office all over the nation, from Sacramento to Washington, D.C., from Minnesota to Wisconsin to North Carolina,” she said. Women like Mycie Xiong—who works with Hmong kids who have behavioral issues and belongs to the nonprofit Hmong International Culture Institute—are stepping into leadership roles and more Hmong women than men are graduating from college. Of the 326 Hmong who graduated from Sacramento State between 2012 and 2014, 62 percent were women. Another female Hmong leader, Mai Vang, the oldest of 15 siblings, said she was elected to the Sacramento City Unified School District board in 2016 on a platform that calls for separating data on Asian students so all national backgrounds aren’t lumped together. She supports an Early Identification and Intervention system for unique cultural and social problems. “We have about 4,000 Elk Grove Mayor Steve Ly, second from left, is revered as “Uncle Ly,” though he was too young to serve in the secret army alongside his father and uncles during the Vietnam War. PHOTO VIA MAYORSTEVELY.COM
AUGUST 1, 2019
President John F. Kennedy speaks at a press conference about Laos on March 23, 1961. PHOTO COURTESY OF JOHN F. KENNEDY PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM
U.S./Hmong connection About 10,000 Hmong guerrilla fighters, organized by the CIA, battled Vietnamese communists and Pathet Lao from 1961 to 1975 during the Vietnam War. After the war, they fled to refugee camps in Thailand and then resettled in the United States, where there are now 350,000 Hmong and their children. More than 101,000 live in California, the largest concentration in the U.S., including as many as 40,000 in the Sacramento region, 34,000 in the Fresno area and 5,000 in Butte County.
Hmong students in our district, and 70 percent are low-income students,” she said.
The next generation The future of Hmong America was on display June 7 at a gala for Project HMONG (Help Mentor Our Next Generation), one of several initiatives at Sacramento State designed to foster Hmong academic success. From fall 2005 to fall 2018, Hmong
enrollment at Sac State jumped from 153 to 1,075, making them the second-largest Asian group on campus, said President Robert Nelsen. But only about 2 percent of Hmong students graduate from Sac State in four years; 97 percent grew up speaking Hmong, 79 percent are first-generation college students. Sac State has one of the largest Hmong student populations in the nation, said one of the gala’s co-chairpersons, Kaying Hang of the Sierra Health Foundation. “There is much to learn from the Hmong diaspora and their journey,” Nelsen said. “It’s a legacy of the Vietnam War … but it is also a legacy of what our future will be.” More than 350 people attended the gala, including Hmong educators and administrators, police and sheriffs, health care professionals, entrepreneurs and public officials. The theme: “Threading the Needle of Hope Through Education.” During the program, event co-chairmen Danny Chao Vang of Sac State and Sac State student Andrew Yang noted that the median age of the Sacramento region’s Hmong is 19, many of them college-bound. “While we serve as cultural brokers and straddlers, we as the children of refugees are reminded of the journey our parents or grandparents took. It was not easy and their generations may never fully transition to life in America,” said a Project HMONG statement in the gala program. “However, thanks to their efforts … we are hopeful that one day a cadre of Hmong professionals will actively participate on issues impacting our community and successfully negotiate a path for positive change.” The audience gave a standing ovation to the family who started it all, represented by Nhia Khang, whose dad and brother fought in Vang Pao’s guerilla army. The family escaped to a Thai refugee camp and then became the first Hmong to resettle in Sacramento in 1976, when Khang was 13. “My dad found a job as a dishwasher, and we were living on $20 a week,” Khang recalled. He spoke no English and had almost no education. He told Sacramento State senior writer Cynthia Hubert he’d carry a HmongEnglish dictionary with him so he could learn his new language a few words at a time. But he went straight from middle school to American River College, got his associate degree and enrolled at Sac State. In 1985, he became the first of thousands of Hmong students to graduate from Sac State. Khang also earned his master’s degree in social work at Sac State and worked for San Joaquin County children’s services until he retired in 2017. His mother, a shaman in the mountains of Laos, inspired him to pursue a career in public service. Three of his children also have graduated from Sac State. He advised the dozens of Hmong students in attendance to “know what you want in life
and work as hard as you can for it. Do it as quickly as you can! Anyone can do it, but you need to put your heart into it.” While members of the younger generation appreciate the sacrifices made by their elders, they are making their own music, starting their own businesses and winning on the academic front instead of the Ho Chi Minh Trail. Between fall 2008 and 2016 at Sac State, 2,950 Hmong graduated in health and human services; 2,091 in social sciences and interdisciplinary studies; 1,723 in natural sciences and math; 1,701 in business; and 1,177 in engineering and computer science, according to numbers compiled by Vang. A gala scholarship winner, Mai Xiong, told a familiar story: “We moved to America in 1996 and me and my siblings missed classes to translate at my parents’ doctor’s appointments after my mother suffered a stroke at 34. “My dad, a nurse’s assistant who worked for the Chao Fa [Hmong freedom fighters], got a job in construction. We lived in Willows, Chico and Sacramento. For years, there were 11 of us crammed into a two-bedroom apartment infested with rodents.” Now treasurer of the Sac State Hmong student association, she said her parents always
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Nhia Khang, right, the first Hmong to graduate from Sacramento State University, poses with Oakland City Councilwoman Sheng Tao at a gala on June 7.
put their education first. “My dad walked through three villages in Laos to go to school,” she said. “He wanted me to be able to use my voice to help others.” Before her mom had a stroke, she would drive to her cousin’s house in the middle of the night so he could help her and her siblings with their homework. “My parents taught me something very important—resilience,” she said. “Failure paralyzes you. If you remember your motivation, you will bounce back stronger and better.” Ω
the Chico news & review is a family owned business that has been part of the Chico community since 1977. our mission is to publish great newspapers which are successful and enduring, create a quality work environment that encourages employees to grow while respecting personal welfare, and to have a positive impact on our communities and make them better places to live.
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equal opportunity employer AUGUST 1, 2019
French producer brings his ‘ethno-electronica’ to the U.S.
Smusician—currently in this country is yet. The French based in
eb el Zin doesn’t know who his audience
Amsterdam—has been playing venues as varied as hole-inby the-wall cafes and Howard Hardee cavernous warehouses on his current summer tour of the United Preview: Seb el Zin performs States. People are Wednesday, Aug. 7, still feeling him out. 8 p.m., with openers Everywhere he goes, Esquire Ali, Static they tell him they’ve Declarations and DROME. never heard anything Cost: $7 like his Middle Easterninfluenced electronic Blackbird compositions. 1431 Park Ave. Take “Funk the 433-1577 Casbah,” for example, blackbirdchico an all-instrumental track off his debut album, Grand Bazar. It’s a scattershot yet super-slick production that would pair perfectly with a bank heist scene in a movie. It features modern synthesizers, big blasts of horns, handdrumming, and a circular Middle-Eastern vibe. Like most of his compositions, it’s a totally bizarre mash-up of new and old, Eastern and Western, traditional and experimental. During a recent phone interview, el Zin said he doesn’t have any particular creative process and that he’s willing to follow inspiration wherever it leads him. His only true guiding principle is “trying to give a futuristic, cyber touch to a Middle Eastern perspective,” he said. “Sometimes, I tell myself I’m trying to make Daft Punk, but like the Cairo version.” This so-called “enthno-electronica” didn’t come out of nowhere, however. 22
AUGUST 1, 2019
Special Events RAWBAR POP-UP: Rawbar will be offering a special menu at Argus while closed for a few months; the bar will provide a small sake and Sapporo menu alongside. Thu, 8/1, 8pm. Argus Bar + Patio, 212 W. Second St.
Seb el Zin
THURSDAY NIGHT MARKET: Local produce, fresh flowers, music, arts and crafts, and food trucks. Thu, 8/1, 6pm. Downtown Chico. 345-6500.
El Zin is also frontman and guitarist for “ethno-psych-punk” band Ithak, which mixes elements of traditional Turkish music and energetic punk rock, and has bases in Paris, Amsterdam and Istanbul. “I really wanted to build a new repertoire of compositions because Turkish people have such an interesting and strong tradition of music, but nobody cares about new compositions,” he said of the inspiration behind Ithak. “They already know the old songs by heart and [they] just meet to play music together.” El Zin started composing electronic music on his own about five years ago, but the unreleased tracks sat on his desktop until his friends convinced him it was “some really cool shit” that he should turn into a proper album—which became last year’s Grand Bazar. “I decided if I was going to release [the music],” he said, “I might just have to tour it. And, obviously, it’s much more simple to tour when you’re one person instead of a whole band.” This is el Zin’s first solo tour of the U.S., and it will include a stop at another hole-in-the-wall cafe, Chico’s Blackbird, on Wednesday (Aug. 7), where he’ll play along with the The Saragossa
Manuscript, a 1965 film by Polish director Wojciech Has. For practical reasons, he’s traveling with very little musical equipment—only a synthesizer, a laptop and a few MIDI controllers. That might sound like DJ gear, but the producer makes a distinction between DJs and performing musicians such as himself. “I guess I could just press play and pretend like I’m doing something, like most DJs, but I prefer taking risks,” he said. “I’m totally depending on my electronic devices, which might just break at any moment. Sometimes the MIDI connection doesn’t pass through my laptop to my synthesizer and there’s no sound. Stuff happens, but that’s what makes it challenging.” Given that he loves to travel, play music and meet new people, el Zin already considers this tour a win. Before it’s over, though, he’d like to play at least one nightclub, just to see how people react. “I haven’t played to audiences that are there to dance,” he said. “Either there haven’t been enough people, or they’re just too shy.” Or maybe they’re still figuring what to make of his music? □
Theater SHIRLEY VALENTINE: A middle-age, working-class Liverpool housewife goes to Greece with a friend and finds freedom. Thu, 8/1, 7:30pm. $12-$18. Theatre on the Ridge, 3735 Neal Road, Paradise. 877-5760.
A MIDSUMMER’S BREWFEST Sunday, Aug. 4 Chico Women’s Club
JOHN BIDWELL’S 200TH BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION: Victorian celebration with cake, ice cream, games, music, and more. Sun, 8/4, 4pm. Bidwell Mansion State Historic Park, 525 Esplanade.
BREW KETTLE COMEDY NIGHT Friday, Aug. 2 The Brew Kettle Taproom and Bottle Shop SEE FRIDAY, SPECIAL EVENTS
Theater SHIRLEY VALENTINE: See Thursday. Sun, 8/4, 2pm. $12-$18. Theatre on the Ridge, 3735 Neal Road, Paradise. 877-5760.
Music TANNER RICHARDSON: Tender-hearted guitar and vocals for brunch. Sat, 8/3, 11am. La Salles, 229 Broadway St.
Special Events
Theater SHIRLEY VALENTINE: See Thursday. Sat, 8/3, 7:30pm. $12-$18. Theatre on the Ridge, 3735 Neal Road, Paradise. 877-5760.
Special Events BREW KETTLE COMEDY NIGHT: Dillon Collins presents fantastic lineup of local comedians. Show is free and all-ages. Fri, 8/2, 7pm. The Brew Kettle Taproom and Bottle Shop, 995 Nord Ave., Suite 150.
POTLUCK, OPEN MIC AND JAM: Bring a dish to share, an acoustic instrument, your voice, a song or your favorite joke. Small donation requested. Fri, 8/2, 5pm. Feather River Senior Center, 1335 Meyers St., Oroville.
RAWBAR POP-UP: See Thursday. Fri, 8/2, 8pm. Argus Bar + Patio, 212 W. Second St.
SHIRLEY VALENTINE: See Thursday. Fri, 8/2, 7:30pm. $12-$18. Theatre on the Ridge, 3735
cream and all your favorite toppings in historic Victorian home. Fri, 8/2, 6pm. $6. Stansbury Home, 307 W. Fifth St.
VOLUNTEER FRIDAYS: Join in picking up litter and pulling weeds. For more info call Shane at 896-7831. Fri, 8/2, 9am. Bidwell Park.
Music KYLE WILLIAMS: Enjoy music under the stars by local singer/songwriter. Fri, 8/2, 4:30pm. Sierra Nevada Hop Yard, 1075 E. 20th St.
TYLER DEVOLL: Soulful melodies to start the weekend. Fri, 8/2, 4pm. La Salles, 229 Broadway St.
JOHN BIDWELL’S 200TH BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION Sunday, Aug. 4 Bidwell Mansion State Historic Park
Neal Road, Paradise. 877-5760.
Special Events COHASSET BAZAAR AND MUSIC FESTIVAL: Ninth annual country fair in the pines with live music, games, food, parade, beer & wine and more. Sat, 8/3, 10am. $5. Cohasset Community Association Building, 11 Maple Creek Ranch Road, Cohasset. 332-9550.
SIERRA NEVADA CLASSIC KIDS ADVENTURE COURSE: Family-friendly day filled with adventure courses, games, music, face painting and more. Donations go to Camp Fire relief. Sat 8/3, 9am. Sycamore Field, Bidwell Park.
SNOW MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS: Hike to the southernmost alpine zone in the Coast Range. Meet at Chico Park & Ride (Highway 32/99) west lot. Call John Whittlesey at 774-4955 for more info. Sat 8/3, 8am. Mendocino National Forest.
FREE LISTINGS! Post your event for free online at www., or email the CN&R calendar editor at Deadline for print listings is Wednesday, 5 p.m., one week prior to the issue in which you wish the listing to appear.
FARM STAND: Fun farmer’s market featuring local growers, plant starts, homemade bakery goods and medicinal herbs. Mon, 8/5, 4pm. Blackbird, 1431 Park Ave.
Special Events
A MIDSUMMER’S BREWFEST: Day drink with the Blue Room folks at annual fundraiser with brews from more than 12 breweries and wineries. There will be food trucks, raffle prizes and more. Sun, 8/4, 12pm. $25-$30. Blue Room Theatre, 139 W. First St.
SISTER SPARROW & THE DIRTY BIRDS: Sierra Nevada Heritage Series presents brass-fueled, contemporary pop from Brooklyn-based band. Tue, 8/6, 7:30pm. $25. Sierra Nevada Big Room, 1075 E. 20th St.
FREE HEALTHCARE SERVICES: See Saturday. Sun, 8/4, 6:30am. Silver Dollar Fairgrounds, 2357 Fair St.
FREE MOVIE: Free movie every week, call 8912762 for title. Sun, 8/4, 2pm. Chico Branch
Library, 1108 Sherman Ave.
FREE HEALTHCARE SERVICES: Free health care provided for those in need, no strings attached. Dental, including fillings and X-rays; vision, including free prescription glasses; medical, including immunizations and tests, and much more. For more info visit Sat 8/3, 6:30am. Silver Dollar Fairgrounds, 2357 Fair St.
ESCAPE THE HEAT, KIND OF ... The 49th annual Cohasset Bazaar and Music Festival takes place this Saturday (Aug. 3) deep in the pine-y woods of Cohasset. This family-friendly shindig promises a wide array of good food and drink from area vendors, local arts and crafts for sale, fun activities for the kids, a raffle, and a full day of live music. Performers include Mandalyn May, the Red Dirt Bullies and 3 Pints Down, and there will be a parade! So, take a drive into the shade—and the slightly cooler temps—this weekend and chill out. Proceeds go to the Cohasset Community Association.
AUGUST 1, 2019
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Antarctica, hand-cut photographs and illustrations by Michelle Ott. Presentation by Dr. Fraka Harmsen, Antarctic explorer and geologist on Saturday, Aug. 3, 1-2pm. Reception Saturday, Aug. 17, 6-8pm. Through 8/17. 1710 Park Ave.
CHICO ART CENTER: Master Remix, juried exhibition featuring creative remakes and appropriations of famous artworks by contemporary artists. Reception Friday, Aug. 9, 5-7pm. Through 8/30. 450 Orange St.
Cnrsweetdeals.newsreview.Com Buy online anytime with a credit card or in person with cash, check or credit card M-F 9am – 5pm at 353 E. Second Street, Downtown Chico. 24
CN&R A U G U S T 1 , 2 0 1 9
Cancer Center Healing Art Gallery featuring Northern California artists whose lives have been touched by cancer showcases series of watercolor paintings. Through 10/18. 265 Cohasset Road, 332-3856.
MUSEUM OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA ART: Walls We Create, exhibition reflects the cultural experience of “barriers.” Opening
reception Thursday, Aug. 1, 6-8pm. Through 9/29. $5. 900 Esplanade.
ORLAND ART CENTER: Group Show, 29 artists from all over California show their work. Through 9/21. 732 Fourth St., Orland.
Museums CHICO CHILDREN’S MUSEUM: Featuring tons of cool stuff for kids to explore including a miniature city, complete with a junior vet clinic, dentist, cafe and farmer’s market, a giant fish tank, multi-sensory room, imagination playground and much more. Check the website for hours and admission information. Through 8/3. $7-$9. 325 Main St. chicochildrens
GATEWAY SCIENCE MUSEUM: Before and Beyond the Moon, interactive multimedia exhibition celebrates the human and technological achievements needed to reach the moon and envisions a future Mars landing. Through 12/15. 625 Esplanade.
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Big Sam’s Funky Nation
Big Sam’s big New Orleans sound
Bandtraditions of New Orleans jazz R&B behind him. Far from
ig Sam Williams has not put the
it. The music, and the culture surrounding it, by always will be Bill Forman part of him. How could it not be? Williams was Preview: born and raised Big Sam’s Funky Nation performs in the Crescent Friday, Aug. 9, at City and learned 9 p.m. Sounds Good to play trombone opens. in his middleTickets: $15/advance school marching (; $20/door band. He studied with well-known Lost on Main New Orleans 319 Main St. jazz saxophonist/ lostonmain music educator Kidd Jordan; co-founded the Stooges Brass Band in his teens; and even played with the city’s famed Dirty Dozen Brass Band. But through it all, the largerthan-life singer, trombonist and bandleader also has leaned heavily on the funk. And with Songs in the Key of Funk (Vol. 1)—the latest album with his current band, Big Sam’s Funky Nation—the title (a nod to Stevie Wonder and his 1976 album, Songs in the Key of Life) is a clue to the deep 1970s and ’80s funk influences contained within. I spoke to Big Sam about the sounds of New Orleans and the new album, working with the late Allen Toussaint and returning to his hometown after Hurricane Katrina.
How has your sound changed for Songs in the Key of Funk? Well, with this album, I wanted to represent the band the way that we should have been represented all of these years. When you listen to it, you can hear a heavy Gap Band influence—or Morris Day and The Time—but then you’ll also hear those little hidden rhythms in the background that are more like the Neville Brothers, The Meters and Allen Toussaint. Some of the earlier albums were kind of like detours, but we still had some of these grooves within those albums. We’re really a dance band, and Songs in the Key of Funk is really a dance album. You pop it in, and you want to shake something. When Toussaint passed away in 2015, you and Trombone Shorty led his second-line tribute. That must have been an emotionally powerful moment for you. It was crazy, man. It was devastating. You know, we all love Allen, and by that point I had played with him for 12 years. It was just very emotional—it was hard for all of us. He was like the nicest, most genuine person you would ever meet. And he’s a genius, man, he has all of these hits, and a lot of people never heard of him. That’s the crazy part. He’s also the only cat I’ve ever toured with where, every single night, I’d get chills just listening to him play. If a young musician were to ask how you take all these different New
Orleans rhythms—second-line, funk, bounce, etc.—and make them all work together, what would you say? I’ll say this: It’s all related, and they’re all syncopated. With bounce, you have the hand claps going like nonstop, all eighth notes—or quarter notes, depending how you want to think of it. And then with second line, you got that back beat. And with funk, you just kind of cut that back a little bit. So all New Orleans music is related, it all goes back to African rhythms and things like that. In the wake of Katrina, you commuted back and forth between San Antonio and New Orleans every week to play gigs. What did you see in your city? It was like a ghost town. Like nothing was here, it was just empty, it smelled really bad, it smelled like death. And they had the National Guard, they had the military, you know, everybody was down here, the streets were lined with tanks and stuff. It looked like a third-world country, man, and I was heartbroken. I said, “Man, I can’t believe this is my city.” And then, slowly but surely, it started coming back. But … some areas are still not up to par. There are still abandoned properties, and the insurance companies refuse to pay people their money so they can get their houses back. So, you know, I’d say we’re 87 percent back. But the culture, the way we live, the lifestyle, everything is still here. Ω
648 W. 5th St, Chico (530) 924-3171
@SierraNevada AUGUST 1, 2019
THURSDAY 08/01—WEDNESDAY 08/07 THUMPIN’ THURSDAY ROCK ’N’ BLUES JAM: Hosted by the Loco-Motive Band plus special guests. All musicians and music enthusiasts welcome. Thu, 8/1, 8pm. Studio Inn Lounge, 2582 Esplanade, (408) 449-2179.
JEFFREY SILVERSTEIN Wednesday, Aug. 7 Naked Lounge
BREW KETTLE COMEDY NIGHT: Dillon Collins presents a fantastic lineup of local comedians. Show is free and all-ages. Fri, 8/2, 7pm. The Brew Kettle Taproom and Bottle Shop, 995 Nord Ave., Ste.150.
CHAD BUSHNELL: Popular country
artist, originally from Red Bluff. Fri, 8/2, 9pm. $7-$10. Tackle Box, 379 E. Park Ave.
THE ASCENDERS: A jam in celebration of Jerry Garcia’s 77th birthday featuring the popular Chico family band. Thu, 8/1, 8pm. $10. Chico Women’s Club, 592 E. Third St.
FREE BEER: It’s a band! Come for the blues and jams. Thu, 8/1, 6pm. La Salles, 229 Broadway St.
LOCAL SHOWCASE: Webster Moore and his trio, plus Zoe Karch, Ilani Welsh-Johnson, Sierra Hall and Tiffany. Thu, 8/1, 6:30pm. Farm Star Pizza, 2359 Esplanade.
THE RETROTONES: Local band plays
classic rock and country tunes. Thu, 8/1, 6pm. Almendra Winery & Distillery, 9275 Midway Road, Durham.
THE RUGS: Local quintet returns with throwback rock with a twist of pop. Thu, 8/1, 8pm. Argus Bar + Patio, 212 W. Second St.
SUMMER CONCERTS IN THE PARK: Classic rock with 8 Track Attack. Thu, 8/1, 6:30pm. Riverbend Park, 60 W. Montgomery St., Oroville.
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THE FRITZ: Local band playing Latinrock and salsa. Fri, 8/2, 7pm. City Plaza, downtown Chico, 132 W. Fourth St.
JIM SCHMIDT AND LARRY PETERSON: Relaxing dinner tunes by popular local duo. Fri, 8/2, 6:30pm. Diamond Steakhouse, 220 W. Fourth St.
JOHNNY CASH TRIBUTE: Get rhythm with this tribute to the Man in Black. Fri, 8/2, 9:30pm. $5. Feather Falls Casino & Lodge, 3 Alverda Drive, Oroville.
KYLE WILLIAMS: Enjoy music under the stars by local singer/
songwriter. Fri, 8/2, 4:30pm. Sierra Nevada Hop Yard, 1075 E. 20th St.
LITTLE BLACK CLOUD EP-RELEASE SHOW: Local rockers debut first EP and are joined by Sunny Acres. Fri, 8/2, 8pm. $5. Argus Bar + Patio, 212 W. Second St.
LOOKING 4 ELEVEN: “Legends of Rock”
Near and Dear Baked Goods looks to be branching out—the local vegan bakery is hosting a heck of a hipster hoedown this Sunday (Aug. 4) with the sweet old-timey sounds of Nick Shoulders, a guitar-slingin’ yodeler visiting from New Orleans. Truck Stop and WRVNG will be there to turn up the twang. Festivities take place in a backyard, and it is suggested you “bring yer own beer-verage.” Find “Near and Dear” on Facebook for more details.
tribute with tunes from Zepplin, Foghat, Pink Floyd and more. Fri, 8/2, 8:30pm. Feather Falls Casino & Lodge, 3 Alverda Drive, Oroville.
OLD-SCHOOL CHICO ROCK: A marathon of music to celebrate local musician (and CN&R Arts Editor) Jason Cassidy’s 50th, with performances by Death Star, Uncle Rosco, Cowboy, Viking Skate Country, West by Swan, and tons more. Fri, 8/2, 7:30pm. The Maltese, 1600 Park Ave.
OPEN MIC: Bring an instrument. Acoustic/electric guitar and drum set available to use. Sign-ups at 7:30pm. All ages welcome until 10pm. Fri, 8/2, 8pm. $1. Down Lo, 319 Main St., 966-8342.
RETROTONES: Classic rock and coun-
try tunes by local band. Fri, 8/2, 6pm. Almendra Winery & Distillery, 9275 Midway Road, Durham.
SOUL POSSE: Rock ’n’ roll hits from a
fun five-piece dance band. Fri, 8/2, 6pm. Purple Line Urban Winery, 760 Safford St., Oroville.
music for dancing. There will also be a DJ playing bachata, cumbia and merengue. Sat, 8/3, 8pm. Naked Lounge, 118 W. Second St.
Local band performs live salsa
duo covers popular songs from
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AUGUST 1, 2019
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MALTEAZERS PRIDE BURLESQUE: Chico Pride kick-off with local burlesque troupe; dance party to follow. Sat, 8/3, 10pm. The Maltese, 1600 Park Ave.
REESE WEILS: Singin’ and guitar-slin-
Tuesday, Aug. 6 Sierra Nevada Big Room
gin’ for late night happy hour. Sat, 8/3, 10pm. La Salles, 229 Broadway St.
CHICO PRIDE RAINBOW ALE KICK-OFF PARTY: Celebrate Pride with a special beer release, food trucks, and live music by Lo & Behold, Black Fong and Channel 66. Sun, 8/4, 7pm. $5. Secret Trail Brewing Company, 132 Meyers St., Ste. 120.
NICK SHOULDERS: Enjoy some melt-
several decades and genres with a blues-y twist. Sat, 8/3, 6:30pm. Farm Star Pizza, 2359 Esplanade, 370-3573.
FOREVERLAND: Fourteen-piece band performs tribute to the King of Pop, hits from the Jackson 5 era and beyond. Sat, 8/3, 9:30pm. $5. Feather Falls Casino & Lodge, 3 Alverda Drive, Oroville.
JIM SCHMIDT AND LARRY PETERSON: See Friday. Sat, 8/3, 6:30pm. Diamond Steakhouse, 220 W. Fourth St.
Southern rock at the Box. Sat, 8/3, 9pm. Tackle Box, 379 E. Park Ave.
LOOKING 4 ELEVEN: See Friday. Sat,
8/3, 8:30pm. Feather Falls Casino &
Lodge, 3 Alverda Drive, Oroville.
yer-heart yodelin’ from one man band out of New Orleans. Joined by local sad song sweeties WRVNG and Truck Stop. BYOB. Sun, 8/4, 7pm. $5-$7. Local backyard. Find “Near & Dear” bakery on Facebook for more info.
OPEN MIC COMEDY NIGHT: Working on a bit? See if it’s a hit or heckle-worthy, and enjoy cheap beer specials. Sign-ups start at 8pm. Sun, 8/4, 9pm. The Maltese, 1600 Park Ave.
KYLO REN & COMMON WAR: Hardcore bands from Oregon and So-Cal join locals Snuff and Teeny Nymph for a banger of a show. All ages. Mon, 8/5, 7:30pm. $5. Ike’s Place, 648 W. Fifth St.
Fera, Sean Corkery, and Cat Depot. All ages. Wed, 8/7, 7:30pm. Naked Lounge, 118 W. Second St.
MEMORIES OF ELVIS DINNER SHOW: Put on your blue suede shoes and catch this tribute to the King of Rock. Wed, 8/7, 6:30pm. Feather Falls Casino & Lodge, 3 Alverda Drive, Oroville.
OPEN MIC: Hosted by veteran
Chico singer/songwriter Andan Casamajor. There’s always a guitar to borrow and a house cajón for frisky fingers, so come on down and get on the list. Tue, 8/6, 7pm. Tender Loving Coffee, 365 E. Sixth St.
SISTER SPARROW & THE DIRTY BIRDS: Sierra Nevada Heritage Series presents brass-fueled, contemporary pop from Brooklyn-based band. Tue, 8/6, 7:30pm. $25. Sierra Nevada Big Room, 1075 E. 20th St. sierranevada. com
TUESDAY TRIVIA: Show what you
know and win prizes. Tue, 8/6, 6:30pm. Secret Trail Brewing Company, 132 Meyers St., Ste. 120.
OPEN MIC: Open mic hosted by Mr.
Bang! Sign-ups: 5:30pm. Wed, 8/7, 6pm. Blackbird, 1431 Park Ave.
SEB EL ZIN: A night of sound experimentation with music producer from France playing along to film The Manuscript found in Saragossa. Esquire Ali, Static Declarations, and DROME open. Wed, 8/7, 8pm. $7. Blackbird, 1431 Park Ave.
Chico Pride festivities are just around the corner, and Secret Trail Brewing Co. already is getting into the mix. In partnership with Stonewall Chico Pride, the local brewery has created a special brew—the Heart of Gold Ale. The release party and fundraising benefit takes place this Sunday (Aug. 4) at the brewery and will feature local food trucks, Pride T-shirts and tickets, and live music by Lo & Behold, Black Fong and Channel 66.
artist performs. Local support from
AUGUST 1, 2019
Reviewers: Bob Grimm, Juan-Carlos Selznick and Neesa Sonoquie.
alligators that have moved into their town. Cinemark 14. Rated R.
Opening this week
Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw
Death of the sixties
Stuntman-turned-director David Leitch (Deadpool 2) takes over the franchise for film No. 9, with The Rock and Jason Statham returning to team up to pursue a rogue British agent (Idris Elba) with cyberenhanced physical abilities. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas. Rated PG-13.
Wild Rose
Tarantino cuts loose in the summer of ’69
W hem and artistic license win out—history and conventionality be damned. Movie No. 9 is a dreamy hen Quentin Tarantino is behind the camera, may-
doozy, and maybe the director/screenwriter’s most unapologetic film yet. by Set in 1969, Once Upon a Time Bob Grimm in … Hollywood captures the bg r i mm@ dying days of both sixties culture newsrev i ew.c om and the Golden Age of Hollywood. And through Tarantino’s storytelling lens, they die hard—in mysterious and hallucinogenic ways. For leading men, we get the Once Upon a Time pairing of Leonardo DiCaprio in … Hollywood and Brad Pitt starring as insecure, Starring Margot has-been actor Rick Dalton and Robbie, Leonardo his trusty stuntman, Cliff Booth, DiCaprio and Brad Pitt. Directed by Quentin respectively. Dalton’s career has Tarantino. Cinemark 14, devolved into playing the bad guys Feather River Cinemas. on weekly installments of TV’s The Rated R. F.B.I., while the blackballed and past-his-prime Booth is relegated to driving the actor around and acting as his confidant. The setup allows Tarantino to go hog wild with the sixties visuals and soundtrack, and the film is a monumental achievement on the art and sound direction fronts. Some of the scenes are destined to become Tarantino’s most famous, including a crane shot over a drive-in screen that dropped my jaw. And the soundtrack pops with the likes of Neil Diamond, Jose Feliciano (doing a much-less-sunny version of the Mamas and the Papas’ “California Dreamin’”) and Paul Revere & the Raiders. The looks, sounds and performances create such an authentic setting that you might find yourself wondering if the Dalton and Booth characters were based on real people. They were not, though they do owe a debt to old-school Hollywood players like Burt Reynolds and Hal Needham. The most notable “real” character would be actress Sharon Tate, played beautifully by Margot
AUGUST 1, 2019
Robbie. She’s the luminous center of the movie, and Tarantino and Robbie take this opportunity to show Tate as the beautiful person and promising star she was before becoming a murder victim and footnote in the annals of Charles Manson’s bloody history. The Manson family also plays a big part in Tarantino’s twisted fairy tale. Dalton happens to live on Cielo Drive next door to the home of Tate and husband Roman Polanski, and Booth pays a visit to the Spahn Ranch, where the Manson family squatted. Unlike recent movies that strangely afford the Mansons some level of grace (Charlie Says), Tarantino shows them as bumbling, idiotic and pathetic. It’s a solid choice. DiCaprio, in his first role since taking home his much deserved Oscar for The Revenant (and his second teamed up with Tarantino after Django Unchained), is a nervous, hilarious mess as Dalton, a man prone to crying in public over his career, but still capable of blowing up a TV set with tremendous fireworks. He has a trailer rant and a hostage-taking bad guy speech here that stand as two of his finest acting moments. In what is also his second teaming with Tarantino (after Inglourious Basterds), Pitt is funny throughout as a man just coasting through life with little care in the world. He faces off with Bruce Lee (Mike Moh) on set just to shush his big mouth, and buys an aciddipped cigarette for kicks. And when he smokes that cigarette, very strange things happen, and the wonderful Pitt laugh is put to its best use since he played Tyler Durden in Fight Club. The end of the sixties was bona fide nuts, and this is a nutty movie. It also manages to be quite heartfelt and moving. Tarantino says he might have only one more film in him after this one. I’m curious to see if he can top himself again, or if he just does that rumored Star Trek movie and calls it a day. Either way, he will have left a distinctive mark on American cinema. □
Tom Harper (Peaky Blinders) directs this story of young country singer Rose-Lynn Harlan (Jessie Buckley), trying to navigate her complicated life as an ex-con and single mother in Scotland to become a performer in Nashville. Pageant Theatre. Rated R.
Now playing Aladdin
Guy Ritchie (Sherlock Holmes, Snatch) wrote and directed this live-action adaptation of the classic Middle Eastern folk tale starring Naomi Scott as Princess Jasmine, Mena Massoud as impoverished thief Aladdin, and Will Smith as the genie who can make wishes come true. Cinemark 14. Rated PG.
Avengers: Endgame
There are tons of questions this movie needed to answer: Is everybody really dead? Where’s Thanos (Josh Brolin)? Where’s Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner)? Is Tony Stark/Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) doomed in space? Does Star-Lord (Chris Pratt) still have his Walkman in the great beyond? And, how can I really talk about anything specific in this film without becoming the Spoiler King? I can say that the movie answers many of the questions everyone’s been asking, and more, thanks to another well-balanced screenplay and a crack directorial job from the team of Anthony and Joe Russo. All of this zips by in spectacularly entertaining fashion and very rarely misses the mark. And in the midst of all the action, Downey Jr. delivers another soulful, endearing performance, well beyond anything you would’ve expected from a Marvel movie before he started showing up in them. Cinemark 14. Rated PG-13 —B.G.
Actress Olivia Wilde makes her directorial debut with this comedy about a couple of teen girls who try to make up for a highschool career focused solely on studying with one night of partying. Cinemark 14. Rated R.
After a major hurricane hits Florida, a woman and her father must evade hungry
1 Poor
The Lion King
Jon Favreau (Elf, Iron Man) directs this photorealistic CGI remake of the 1994 Disney animated classic that features an impressive cast of voice actors, including Chiwetel Ejiofor, Donald Glover, Beyoncé, Seth Rogen, John Oliver and, naturally, James Earl Jones as Mufasa. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas. Rated PG.
Once Upon a Time in … Hollywood
See review this issue. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas. Rated R —B.G.
Spider-Man: Far From Home
This sequel to Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) picks up after the events of Avengers: Endgame, and finds Peter Parker/SpiderMan recruited by Nick Fury to battle new threats to the world. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas. Rated PG-13.
A comedy starring Kumail Nanjiani (Silicon Valley) as an Uber driver who picks up a detective and joins him in his pursuit of a deadly terrorist. Cinemark 14. Rated R.
Toy Story 4
The whole computer-animated gang is back—including Woody (Tom Hanks), Buzz Lightyear (Tim Allen) and Bo Peep (Annie Potts)—for a new adventure with a new homemade toy pal named Forky. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas. Rated G.
Danny Boyle (Slumdog Millionaire) directs the strained saga of Jack Malik (Himesh Patel), a wannabe musician working part-time in a grocery store. One day while riding his bike home—at the same time the world suffers some sort of momentary power loss—Jack gets hit by a bus. Post-accident, his manager/ would-be girlfriend Ellie (Lily James) and some friends gift Jack a new guitar and suggest he bust out a song . He goes with “Yesterday” by The Beatles, and they are moved, as if hearing the song for the first time. That’s because they are hearing it for the first time. A quick Google check by Jack confirms the impossible: Somehow, someway, he now lives in a parallel world where John, Paul, George and Ringo never came together to make music. So what does Jack do? He plagiarizes The Beatles’ catalog and—with the band’s music propelling him—starts to go places and maybe starts to develop a relationship with Ellie. So, rather than explore the dark side of plagiarism, or seriously address a world without The Beatles, the movie seems scared of itself and becomes nothing but a lame rom-com. Cinemark 14. Rated PG-13 —B.G.
Very Good
old-world fermentation
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A vAcAtion for your mouth! Brewing with a Norwegian yeast ring. PhoTo by LArS GArShoL
Norwegian kveik yeast strain is ideal for hot-weather brewing
Sdegrees, homebrew. Most ale yeasts do well at about 70 but much above that will result in unpleasant ummertime heat has spoiled many a batch of
off-flavors. I’ve had to pour out more than one batch that was fouled by heat. But right now, a long-kept brewing by secret from Norway is emerging as, Alastair among other things, a tool for brewers Bland without air conditioning. It’s called kveik, a hardy and genetically distinct yeast type that has lived for centuries in the homes of small-scale brewers. They cultured and preserved this fermenting critter—often letting it dry onto wooden rings that could then be dipped into the next batch of brew—and, probably, traded their own unique house strains among one another, much the way people might save and trade seeds or vinegar mothers. Kveik, which produces heavy citrus and fruit flavors, was available only in Norway until recently, when it was dispensed to commercial yeast producers. The yeast is still confined mostly to Europe, but word is spreading among brewers everywhere, and coaxing kveik farther and farther out of its ancient hiding places. In Chico, the Home Brew Shop regularly carries the “voss kveik” strain from Omega Yeast. “In summers, it’s perfect for homebrewers,” says Novato homebrewer Kevin McMahon, who has been using kveik for many styles of beers—“farmhouse saisons, fruit beer, IPAs, pale ale, wild, you name it,” he says—for about three years. He has relied on kveik especially when making larger beer batches that wouldn’t fit in his refrigeration unit and had to be left fermenting in the hot ambient temperatures. Cellarmaker Brewing Co. in San Francisco has made kveik beers, and Drake’s Brewing Co. just released the Kveik and Strata, a hazy IPA made with kviek yeast plus the new Strata variety of hop. And in Chico, Secret Trail Brewing Co. has been experimenting
with the yeast and releasing it as part of its Explorer Series (small-batch beers released in the taproom on Mondays), said brewery co-owner Jesse Fischer. At press time, a Kveiking Valkyrie farmhouse blonde ale was on tap. McMahon, in fact, expects this yeast to get popular, partly for its temperature tolerance and also for the marvelous fruit flavors it makes. He tells the story of when he entered an IPA made with kveik into a local contest. The judges mistook his beer, which smelled powerfully of pineapple and mango, for a fruit beer and advised him he had entered his ale into the wrong category. “You’d have sworn there was tropical fruit in that beer,” McMahon says. The yeast, when used at high temperatures, also works rapidly. Beers that might normally take a week to brew can be made literally overnight. (McMahon says he once fermented a 7 percent alcohol IPA in 18 hours using kveik.) That heat tolerance developed as a genetic attribute in a yeast that started and evolved in a Nordic country—where even in the summer temperatures are mild—seems strange, but that’s apparently what happened. Kveik’s genetic isolation was so long and so extreme, in fact, that—even though it’s probably just a subspecies of ale yeast—it is being treated as “the fourth yeast,” McMahon says. The other three main beer yeast categories are ale yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), lager yeast (S. pastorianus) and the wild yeasts of the Brettanomyces genus. So, if this rare yeast, with its storied farmhouse country past, becomes popular, will it still be cool? Were the Beatles cool after they left Hamburg? For now, kveik remains largely at the homebrewer’s scale, and I wonder: Which other craft breweries will join the trend? The heat of summer is upon us, so let the race begin. Ω
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AUGUST 1, 2019
Get Your FREE Posters Now!
THE HALF-CENTURY MARK Two-and-a-half weeks before I was born, Neil Armstrong planted his big puffy boot on the moon’s surface. By the time I turned a week old, Richie Havens was starting his three-hour-long festivalopening set at Woodstock. Arts DEVO turns 50 years old this week. I really didn’t want to mark the
ATTENTION LOCAL BUSINESS OWNERS: The CN&R has designed Best of Chico Posters with a QR code that links directly to the Official Best of Chico 2019 online ballot. It’s the perfect way to remind your customers that it’s time to vote for you, their favorite! This 11x17 poster will be available at no cost to you (limit 2 per business).
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AUGUST 1, 2019
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occasion in this space by sharing a Wikipedia rundown of the year I was born, but I can’t deny that 1969 was a mind-boggling year, and it’s proven difficult for me to ignore. In addition to that giant leap for mankind and those three days of peace and music, it was Richard Nixon’s first year as president, the U.S. was deep in the thick of the Vietnam War and the Cold War, and the good vibes of Woodstock and the flowerpower movement were dashed when 18-yearold Meredith Hunter was stabbed to death in front of the stage as the The Rolling Stones performed at Altamont. It was also the year of the first HIV death in the U.S., The Beatles’ last live performance, and the transmission of the first message on an internet (the ARPANET). The same week I was born, the Zodiac Killer sent his first cryptograms to newspapers, and a week after that, the Manson family pulled up Cheers to the next 50! to the Benedict Canyon home of actress Sharon Tate and started their infamous two-day murder spree. And we think life in 2019 is stressful?! (Imagine the shit show that would’ve played 24/7 if social media existed then?) Actually, there are a lot of parallels between ’69 and ’19, and it’s depressing and infuriating how, in the 50 years I’ve been dragging this meatsack under the sun, many of the ills of society remain unchanged or worse from the days of that crook Nixon to these of that crooked Trump. Marginalized groups still struggling to make strides in America today trace their activist roots to 1969: LGBTQ folks (Stonewall riots), Native Americans (occupation of Alcatraz) and African-Americans (FBI kills Black Panther Party leaders). The 1969 Santa Barbara oil spill was the impetus for the creation of Earth Day and the spread of modern environmentalism, yet greenhouse gas emissions have nonetheless doubled since then. The poverty rate in America is unchanged, while the share of national income of the top 1 percent has doubled in half a century. I know, it’s not the most uplifting birthday speech ever, but if I’m going to look outside my personal bubble, it is the picture formed by drawing that 50-year line. Thankfully, there are also a bunch of Clash and Prince records on that timeline, and legalized same-sex marriages, and Larry Bird threes, and Bernie Sanders, and tacos, and the Woody Guthrie archives, and David Lynch films, and Toni Morrison, and watermelon slices in Whiskeytown Lake, and driving lessons in the Galaxie 500, and Sonic Youth concerts, and people having sex and creating rad humans that have become my friends and bandmates and wife, and glasses of rosé in a garden in southern France, and stories shared over beers with sisters and in newsprint with Chico. I, personally, have a lot to be thankful for. I am living a very good life thanks to a lot of help from a lot of people. Nearly every single success in five decades has been due to some degree to someone else doing something on my behalf. Mrs. DEVO asked me out. Former CN&R Editor Tom Gascoyne hired a college dropout to be an arts editor. Aunt Lori gave me my first guitar. Uncles Rob and Craig home-schooled me with their record collections, and lifelong friend Conrad Nystrom continued my education with decades of countless mixed tapes and CDs. I’ve been given cars, airline tickets, tools, more instruments, free rides and the benefit of the doubt. My grandma gave me the superpower of making the best of any situation (aka creating my own luck), and my sweet mother gave me an unending example of kindness and being generous of spirit—together the three guiding principles of my life. At 50, that’s what I’ve got. Thanks, everyone, for my life. Be kind, fight the jerks, have fun with people, and create stuff— especially your own reality.
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The following houses were sold in Butte County by real estate agents or private parties during the week of July 15- July 19 , 2019 The housing prices are based on the stated documentary transfer tax of the parcel and may not necessarily reflect the actual sale price of the home. ADDRESS
322 W Frances Willard Ave #1
SQ. FT. 2328
282 White Ave
SQ. FT. 1098
13 Marlin Ct
1128 Wendy Way
2610 Lakewest Dr
1374 Manzanita Ave
1076 Lupin Ave
3016 Coronado Rd
1445 Normal Ave
8 Walnut Park Dr
239 Gooselake Cir
2684 Chantel Way
658 Grafton Park Dr
2866 Bancroft Dr
1169 Hill View Way
236 Somerset Pl
1558 Filbert Ave 1118 Yosemite Dr
Chico Chico
$435,636 $415,000
4/2 3/2
1722 Hemlock St
458 Nord Ave #10 Apt
2350 Notre Dame Blvd #7 Apt
3274 Tinker Creek Way
4876 Foothill Blvd
61 Pauletah Pl
177 Culet Ranch Rd
64 Hercules Ave
1907 Feather Ave
4364 Kathy Ln
258 Vail Dr
1837 Devonshire Dr
2333 Fair St
1260 Glenshire Ln
1063 Arcadian Ave
2717 Ceanothus Ave
2598 White Ave
2681 Oro Garden Ranch Rd
21 Palermo Dr
42 La Colina Dr
145 Crane Ave
90 Tuscan Dr
1045 Blue Ridge Ave
250 Pinewood Dr
3618 State Highway 32
5655 Chaney Ln
a ug ust 1, 2019
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an Unincorporated Association. Signed: BREE JONES Dated: June 25, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000768 Published: July 11,18,25, August 1, 2019
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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as RHAPSODY RESALE at 2860 Burnap Ave Chico, CA 95973. KRISTY NALL 2860 Burnap Ave Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: KRISTY NALL Dated: July 1, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000792 Published: July 11,18,25, August 1, 2019
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as STEWART PROPERTY MANAGEMENT at 1924 Mangrove Avenue Chico, CA 95928. BREE L. JONES TRUSTEE OF THE STEWART 2019 FAMILY TRUST 1924 Mangrove Avenue Chico, CA 95928. RICHARD L STEWART TRUSTEE OF THE STEWART LIVING TRUST 1924 Mangrove Avenue Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by this Legal Notice continues
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as NORD AVE. MINI STORAGE at 1424 Nord Ave Chico, CA 95926. KATHLEEN PATRICIA BETTY TRUSTEE 3634 Bell Rd Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by a Trust. Signed: KATHLEEN BETTY Dated: June 20, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000751 Published: July 11,18,25, August 1, 2019
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as TOUCHSTONE TRUCKING at 172 Rich Gulch Road Oroville, CA 95965. CHRISTOPHER SWAIN 172 Rich Gulch Road Oroville, CA 95965. SANDRA SWAIN 172 Rich Gulch Road Oroville, CA 95965. This business is conducted by a Married Couple. Signed: SANDRA SWAIN Dated: July 1, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000793 Published: July 11,18,25, August 1, 2019
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as EVERYDAY VIETNAMESE CUISINE at 951 Nord Ave #1 Chico, CA 95926. SHUK CHING LO 1001 W. Sacramento Ave #18 Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: SHUK CHING LO Dated: June 27, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000778 Published: July 11,18,25, August 1, 2019
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as LA FAMILIA RESTAURANT at 1008 West Sacramento Ave Suite E Chico, CA 95926. ROSA ELBA VASQUEZ 1336 Oak Ranch Ln Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: ROSA ELBA VASQUEZ Dated: July 8, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000814 Published: July 18,25, August 1,8, 2019
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as THE PEDDLERS CLOSET at 1285 Filbert Ave Chico, CA 95926. JOHN KIRK POWELL 1285 Filbert Ave Chico, CA 95926. LEANN MARIE POWELL 1285 Filbert Ave Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by a Married Couple. Signed: LEANN M. POWELL Dated: July 9, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000816 this Legal Notice continues
Published: July 18,25, August 1,8, 2019
Published: July 25, August 1,8,15, 2019
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as GLAM MORE GODDESS at 562 Manzanita Ave #5 Chico, CA 95926. JENNIFER BRUN 13231 Taylor Street Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: JENNIFER BRUN Dated: July 9, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000818 Published: July 18,25, August 1,8, 2019
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as GUNDOG PRODUCTIONS at 1576 Hidden Haven Lane Paradise, CA 95969. JOANNE LORRAINE GRAHAM 2344 Casandra Drive Butte Valley, CA 95965. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: JOANNE GRAHAM Dated: June 25, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000769 Published: July 25, August 1,8,15, 2019
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as CLASSIC CLEANING CO. at 1285 Filbert Ave Chico, CA 95926. JOHN KIRK POWELL 1285 Filbert Ave Chico, CA 95926. LEANN M POWELL 1285 Filbert Ave Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by a Married Couple. Signed: J. KIRK POWELL Dated: May 21, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000636 Published: July 18,25, August 1,8, 2019
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as MERAK BRANDS at 1039 Blue Ridge Ave. Chico, CA 95973. SHANNON ROSAN 1039 Blue Ridge Ave. Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: SHANNON ROSAN Dated: July 18, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000855 Published: July 25, August 1,8,15, 2019
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as WINDOW WASHER BOB at 175 N. Villa #8 Willows, CA 95988. ROBERT HAMILTON 175 N. Villa #8 Willows, CA 95988. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: ROBERT HAMILTON Dated: June 27, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000777 Published: July 18,25, August 1,8, 2019
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME - STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT The following persons have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name MADISON AGAVE at 3117 Bay Ave Chico, CA 95973. GARRETT GALLUS 1833 Roth St # B Chico, CA 95928. STEPHANIE VALDES 3117 Bay Ave Chico, CA 95973. This business was conducted by a General Partnership. Signed: STEPHANIE VALDES Dated: July 1, 2019 FBN Number: 2018-0000359 Published: July 25, August 1,8,15, 2019
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as ONCE UPON A WISH at 5270 Harrison Road Paradise, CA 95969. KELLY BENNETT 24 Arroyo Way Chico, CA 95926. AMBER THOMPSON 5270 Harrison Road Paradise, CA 95969. This business is conducted by a General Partnership. Signed: KELLY BENNETT Dated: July 18, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000854 this Legal Notice continues
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as SPARKLE PRODUCTIONS at 633 Orange St Chico, CA 95928. RICHARD STERLING SPARKLE 1065 Citrus Ave Chico, CA 95926. SUSAN MARIE SPARKLE 1065 Citrus Ave Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by a Married Couple. Signed: RICHARD S. SPARKLE Dated: July 22, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000867 Published: July 25, August 1,8,15, 2019
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as L AND T FARMS at 1005 Liberty Lane Chico, CA 95928. LINDSEY CAFFERATA 1005 Liberty Lane Chico, CA 95928. TODD SIMMONS 1005 Liberty Lane Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by a Married Couple. Signed: TODD SIMMONS Dated: July 15, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000836 Published: August 1,8,15,22, 2019
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as LO AND BEHOLD BEAUTY at 940 Mangrove Ave. Chico, CA 95926. LOREAL MATSON 1718 Magnolia Ave. Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: LOREAL MATSON Dated: July 23, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000873 Published: August 1,8,15,22, 2019
this Legal Notice continues
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as M R ELECTRICAL at 3947 Keefer Road Chico, CA 95973. MARK REHBRUG 3947 Keefer Road Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: MARK REHBURG Dated: July 1, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000789 Published: August 1,8,15,22, 2019
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as WIENER MAN at 200 Broadway St Chico, CA 95926. KEEFER SWEET 178 Terrace Dr Chico, CA 95926. LEROY LIN SWEET 178 Terrace Dr Chico, CA 95926. WENDY ERIN SWEET 178 Terrace Dr Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by a General Partnership. Signed: LEROY SWEET Dated: July 25, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000888 Published: August 1,8,15,22, 2019
NOTICES CITATION TO PARENT IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BUTTE THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO: MICHAEL STOFFER By order of this Court you are hereby advised that you may appear before the judge presiding in Department 9 of this court on September 4, 2019 at 1:30p.m. then and there to show cause, if any you have, why KARLY ABIGAIL ZUCKER should not be declared free from your custody and control for the purpose of freeing KARLY ABIGAIL ZUCKER for placement for adoption. The following information concerns rights and procedures that relate to this proceeding for the termination of custody and control of said minor as set forth in Family Code Sections 7800 et seq., Family Code Section 7822 and Probate Code Section 1516.5. 1. At the beginning of the proceeding the court will consider whether or not the interests of the minor child require the appointment of counsel. If the court finds that the interests of the minor do require such protection, the court will appoint counsel to represent her, whether or not she is able to afford counsel. The minor will not be present in court unless she requests or the court so orders. 2. If a parent of the minor appears without counsel and is unable to afford counsel, the court must appoint counsel for the parent, unless the parent knowingly and intelligently waives the right to be represented by counsel. The court will not appoint the same counsel to represent both the minor and her parent. 3. The court may appoint either the public defender or private this Legal Notice continues
FREE WILL ASTROLOGY counsel. If private counsel is appointed, he or she will receive a reasonable sum for compensation and expenses, the amount of which will be determined by the court. That amount must be paid by the real parties in interest, but not by the minor, in such proportions as the court believes to be just. If, however, the court finds that any of the real parties in interest cannot afford counsel, the amount will be paid by the county. 4. The court may continue the proceeding for not more than thirty (30) days as necessary to appoint counsel to become acquainted with the case. Attorney for Jessica and Benjamin Houchin, Petitioner: MIRIAM E. MCNALLY (SBN 233092) Attorney at Law 669 Palmetto Avenue, Suite H-I Chico, CA 95926 (530) 342-4033 Signed: KIMBERLY FLENER Dated: June 28, 2019 Case No.: 18AB00134 Published: July 11,18,25, August 1, 2019
NOTICE OF LIEN SALE Pursuant to CA. Business Code 21700, in lieu of rents due, the following units contain boxes, personal household items, tools, furniture, miscellaneous. Unit 18, Unit 62, Unit 63 TERRY SMOOT personal/household items, tools, furniture, miscellaneous. Contents to be sold to the highest bidder on Saturday August 17, 2019 beginning at 10 am Sale to be held at: South Chico Mini Storage 426 Southgate Ct Chico CA 95928 530-891-5258. Published: July 25, August 1, 2019
NOTICE OF LIEN SALE Notice is hereby given pursuant to the California Self-Storage Self-Service Act, Section 21700-21716 of the Business & Professions Code, the undersigned intends to sell the personal property described below to enforce a lien imposed on said stored property. The undersigned will sell at public sale by competitive bidding at the location where the said property has been stored. GRIDLEY SELF STORAGE 1264 Highway 99 Gridley, CA 95948 Butte County, State of California Unit No. #B028 MICHELLE SMITH Items: Miscellaneous household items, Furniture Lien Sale will be held: Date: Saturday, August 10, 2019 Time: 10:00am Location: 1264 Highway 99 Gridley, CA 94948 Successful bidders must present a valid form of identification and be prepared to pay cash for purchased items. All items are sold “as is” and must be removed at the time of sale. Sale is subject to cancellation in the event that a settlement is reached between the owner and tenant. Published: July 25, August 1, 2019
court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: CRIS ALAN CUMMINGS Proposed name: CRIS ALAN STEWART THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: August 14, 2019 Time: 9:00 AM Dept: TBA Room: The address of the court is: Butte County Superior Court 1775 Concord Ave Chico, CA 95928 Signed: TAMARA L. MOSBARGER Dated: July 2, 2019 Case Number: 19CV01796 Published: July 11,18,25, August 1, 2019
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner EVAN JAMES DODD filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: EVAN JAMES DODD Proposed name: EVAN JAMES GUILLEN THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: September 4, 2019 Time: 9:00 AM Dept: TBA Room: TBA The address of the court is: Butte County Superior Court 1775 Concord Ave Chico, CA 95928 Signed: TAMARA L. MOSBARGER Dated: July 8, 2019 Case Number: 19CV02025 Published: July 18,25, August 1,8, 2019
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner EILEEN JOANNE HOWESON filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name:
For the week oF AUGUSt 1, 2019 ARIES (March 21-April 19): “Dear Diary:
Last night my Aries friend dragged me to the Karaoke Bowling Alley and Sushi Bar. I was deeply skeptical. The place sounded tacky. But after being there for 20 minutes, I had to admit that I was having a fantastic time. And it just got better and more fun as the night wore on. I’m sure I made a fool of myself when I did my bowling ball imitation, but I can live with that. At one point I was juggling a bowling pin, a rather large piece of sweet potato tempura and my own shoe while singing Led Zeppelin’s ‘Kashmir’—and I don’t even know how to juggle. I have to admit that this sequence of events was typical of my adventures with Aries folks. I suppose I should learn to trust that they will lead me to where I don’t know I want to go.”
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TAURUS (April 20-May 20): In his
poem “Wild Oats,” W. S. Merwin provided a message that’s in perfect alignment with your current astrological needs: “I needed my mistakes in their own order to get me here.” He was not being ironic in saying that; he was not making a lame attempt to excuse his errors; he was not struggling to make himself feel better for the inconvenience caused by his wrong turns. No! He understood that the apparent flubs and miscues he had committed were essential in creating his successful life. I invite you to reinterpret your own past using his perspective.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Even if
you’re an ambidextrous, multi-gendered, neurologically diverse, Phoenician-Romanian Gemini with a fetish for pink duct tape and an affinity for ideas that no one has ever thought of, you will eventually find your sweet spot, your power niche and your dream sanctuary. I promise. Same for the rest of you, too. It might take a while. But I beg you to have faith that you will eventually tune in to the homing beacon of the mother lode that’s just right for you. P.S.: Important clues and signs should be arriving soon.
CANCER (June 21-July 22): What
would a normal, boring astrologer tell you at a time like now? Maybe something like this: “More of other people’s money and resources can be at your disposal if you emanate sincerity and avoid being manipulative. If you want to negotiate vibrant compromises, pay extra attention to good timing and the right setting. Devote special care and sensitivity to all matters affecting your close alliances and productive partnerships.” As you know, I’m not a normal, boring astrologer, so I wouldn’t typically say something like what I just said. But I felt it was my duty to do so because right now you need simple, basic, no-frills advice. I promise I’ll resume with my cryptic, lyrical oracles next time.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Let’s check in
with our psychic journalist, LoveMancer, who’s standing by with a live report from inside your imagination. What’s happening, LoveMancer? “Well, Rob, the enchanting creature on whose thoughts I’ve been eavesdropping has slipped into an intriguing frontier. This place seems to be a hot zone where love and healing interact intensely. My guess is that being here will lead our hero to breakthrough surges of love that result in deep healing, or deep healing that leads to breakthrough surges of love—probably both.”
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Virgo figure
skater Scott Hamilton won an Olympic gold medal and four world championships. He was a star who got inducted into the U.S. Olympic Hall of Fame and made a lot of money after he turned professional. “I calculated once how many times I fell during my skating career—41,600 times,” he testified in his autobiography. “But here’s the funny thing: I also got up 41,600 times. That’s the muscle you have to build in your psyche—the one that reminds you to just get up.” In accordance with current astrological omens, I’ll be cheering you on as you strengthen that muscle in your psyche during the coming weeks.
by rob brezSny LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): What’s the
story of your life? Psychologist James Hillman said that in order to thrive, you need to develop a clear vision of that story. How do you do that? Hillman advised you to ask yourself this question: “How can I assemble the pieces of my life into a coherent plot?” And why is this effort to decode your biography so important? Because your soul’s health requires you to cultivate curiosity and excitement about the big picture of your destiny. If you hope to respond with intelligence to the questions and challenges that each new day brings, you must be steadily nourished with an expansive understanding of why you are here on earth. I bring these ideas to your attention because the coming weeks will be an excellent time to illuminate and deepen and embellish your conception of your life story.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): “Artists
are people driven by the tension between the desire to communicate and the desire to hide,” wrote psychoanalyst Donald Winnicott. I think that description fits many people born under the sign of the Scorpio, not just Scorpio artists. Knowing how important and necessary this dilemma can be for you, I would never glibly advise you to always favor candid, straightforward communication over protective, strategic hiding. But I recommend you do that in the coming weeks. Being candid and straightforward will serve you well.
21): Sagittarian poet Aracelis Girmay writes, “How ramshackle, how brilliant, how haphazardly & strangely rendered we are. Gloriously, fantastically mixed & monstered. We exist as phantom, monster, miracle, each a theme park all one’s own.” Of course that’s always true about every one of us. But it will be extraordinarily true about you in the coming weeks. According to my analysis of the astrological omens, you will be at the peak of your ability to express what’s most idiosyncratic and essential about your unique array of talents and specialties.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19):
Sometime soon I suspect you will arrive at a crossroads in your relationship with love and sex—as well as your fantasies about love and sex. In front of you: a hearty cosmic joke that would mutate your expectations and expand your savvy. Behind you: an alluring but perhaps confusing call toward an unknown future. To your left: the prospect of a dreamy adventure that might be only half-imaginary. To your right: the possibility of living out a slightly bent fairy tale version of romantic catharsis. I’m not here to tell you what you should do. My task is simply to help you identify the options.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): How
many handcuffs are there in the world? Millions. Yet there are far fewer different keys than that to open all those handcuffs. In fact, in many countries, there’s a standard universal key that works to open most handcuffs. In this spirit, and in accordance with current astrological omens, I’m designating August as Free Yourself from Your Metaphorical Handcuffs Month. It’s never as complicated or difficult as you might imagine to unlock your metaphorical handcuffs; and for the foreseeable future it will be even less complicated and difficult than usual for you.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): People who
sneak a gaze into your laboratory might be unnerved by what they see. You know and I know that your daring experiments are in service to the ultimate good, but that may not be obvious to those who understand you incompletely. So perhaps you should post a sign outside your lab that reads, “Please don’t leap to premature conclusions! My in-progress projects may seem inexplicable to the uninitiated!” Or maybe you should just close all your curtains and lock the door until your future handiwork is more presentable. P.S. There may be allies who can provide useful feedback about your explorations. I call them the wounded healers. for Rob Brezsny’s EXPANDED WEEKLY AUDIO HOROSCOPES and DAILY TEXT MESSAGE HOROSCOPES. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 1-877-873-4888. AUGUSt 1, 2019
EILEEN JOANNE HOWESON Proposed name: JOANNE EILEEN HOWESON THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: September 11, 2019 Time: 9:00 AM Dept: TBA Room: TBA The address of the court is: Butte County Superior Court 1775 Concord Ave Chico, CA 95928 Signed: TAMARA L. MOSBARGER Dated: July 11, 2019 Case Number: 19CV01982 Published: July 18,25, August 1,8, 2019
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ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner GERMAN E. RAMIREZ TORRES filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: GERMAN E. RAMIREZ TORRES Proposed name: GERMAN E. TORRES THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: September 11, 2019 Time: 9:00 AM Dept: TBA Room: TBA The address of the court is: Butte County Superior Court 1775 Concord Ave Chico, CA 95928 Signed: ROBERT A. GLUSMAN Dated: July 18, 2019 Case Number: 19CV02154 Published: July 25, August 1,8,15, 2019
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: EIDEN AARON CHURCH Proposed name: EDEN AARON KING THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. this Legal Notice continues
august 1, 2019
Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: September 11, 2019 Time: 9:00 AM Dept: TBA Room: TBA The address of the court is: Butte County Superior Court 1775 Concord Ave Chico, CA 95928 Signed: ROBERT A. GLUSMAN Dated: July 18, 2019 Case Number: 19CV02152 Published: August 1,8,15,22, 2019
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner CITLALLY SILVAS ESQUIVEL filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: BRIAN GIOVANNI CRUZESQUIVEL Proposed name: BRIAN GIOVANNI CRUZ-ESQUIVEL THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: August 28, 2019 Time: 9:00 AM Dept: TBA Room: The address of the court is: Butte County Superior Court 1775 Concord Ave Chico, CA 95928 Signed: ROBERT A. GLUSMAN Dated: July 5, 2019 Case Number: 19CV01967 Published: August 1,8,15,22, 2019
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner CITLALLY SILVAS ESQUIVEL filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: ALEJANDRA YOHANNA ESQUIVEL Proposed name: ALEJANDRA YOHANNA SILVAS ESQUIVEL THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the this Legal Notice continues
matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: August 28, 2019 Time: 9:00 AM Dept: TBA Room: The address of the court is: Butte County Superior Court 1775 Concord Ave Chico, CA 95928 Signed: TAMARA L. MOSBARGER Dated: July 8, 2019 Case Number: 19CV01966 Published: August 1,8,15,22, 2019
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner CITLALLY SILVAS ESQUIVEL filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: CITLALLY SILVAS ESQUIVEL Proposed name: CITLALLY SILVAS ESQUIVEL THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: August 28, 2019 Time: 9:00 AM Dept: TBA Room: The address of the court is: Butte County Superior Court 1775 Concord Ave Chico, CA 95928 Signed: ROBERT A. GLUSMAN Dated: July 5, 2019 Case Number: 19CV01965 Published: August 1,8,15,22, 2019
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner RAFELIO PADILLA CORDENAS filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: RAFELIO PADILLA CORDENAS Proposed name: ROGER PADILLA THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: September 18, 2019 this Legal Notice continues
Time: 9:00 AM Dept: TBA Room: TBA The address of the court is: Butte County Superior Court 1775 Concord Ave Chico, CA 95928 Signed: ROBERT A. GLUSMAN Dated: July 25, 2019 Case Number: 19CV02261 Published: August 1,8,15,22, 2019
SUMMONS SUMMONS NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: FRANK PROSINSKI, JOSE ACENCION MALDONADO, and DOES 1 TO 20 YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF: FRED BARICKMAN NOTICE! You have been sued. The court may decide against you without your being heard unless you respond within 30 days. Read the information below. You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after this summons and legal papers are served on you to file a written response at this court and have a copy served on the plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not protect you. Your written response must be in proper legal form if you want the court to hear your case. There may be a court form that you can use for your response. You can find these court forms and more information at the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (, your county law library, or the courthouse nearest you. If you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the court clerk for a fee waiver form. If you do not file your response on time, you may lose the case by default, and your wages, money, and property may be taken without further warning from the court. There are other legal requirements. You may want to call an attorney right away. If you do not know an attorney, you may want to call an attorney referral service. If you cannot afford an attorney, you may be eligible for free legal services from a nonprofit legal services program. You can locate these nonprofit groups at the California Legal Services Web site (, the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (, or by contacting you local court or county bar association. NOTE: The court has a statutory lien for waived fees and costs on any settlement or arbitration award of $10,000 or more in a civil case. The court’s lien must be paid before the court will dismiss the case. The name and address of the court is: Superior Court of California, County of Butte 1775 Concord Avenue Chico, CA 95928 The name, address, and telephone number of the plaintiff’s attorney, or plaintiff without an attorney, is: ROONEY LAW FIRM 1361 Esplanade Chico, California 95926-4900 Dated: July 25, 2018 Signed: Kimberly Flener Case Number: 18CV02409 Published: July 18,25, August 1,8, 2019
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