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College crunch PAGE


B AC K t o S C H O O L S P E C I A L R E P O RT

Higher-ed hardships: Housing shortage, enrollment declines part of post-Camp Fire landscape Plus: Butte College expands free tuition program


See SAMPLE BALLOT, page 26





35 & 42


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Lawrence a. Puritz F o r m e r I n s u r a n c e D e F e n s e at t o r n e y

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AUGUST 15, 2019

343-0500 northvalleylawyer.com



Vol. 42, Issue 51 • August 15, 2019 OPINION


Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Guest Comment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Second & Flume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 This Modern World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Streetalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7




Downstroke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Sifter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9



Appointment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Weekly Dose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15



Eco Event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16



15 Minutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 The Goods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18






Music feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 This Week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Fine Arts listings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Scene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Nightlife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Reel World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Chow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Arts DEVO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Brezsny’s Astrology . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45





ON tHE COVER: DEsigN by tiNa FlyNN

Our Mission: To publish great newspapers that are successful and enduring . To create a quality work environment that encourages employees to grow professionally while respecting personal welfare . To have a positive impact on our communities and make them better places to live . Editor Melissa Daugherty Managing Editor Meredith J . Cooper Arts Editor Jason Cassidy Staff Writers Andre Byik, Ashiah Scharaga Calendar Editor Neesa Sonoquie Contributors Robin Bacior, Alastair Bland, Michelle Camy, Vic Cantu, Nate Daly, Charles Finlay, Bob Grimm, Howard Hardee, Miles Jordan, Mark Lore, Landon Moblad, Juan-Carlos Selznick, Ken Smith, Robert Speer, Carey Wilson Managing Art Director Tina Flynn Creative Services Manager Elisabeth Bayard-Arthur Ad Designers Naisi Thomas, Cathy Arnold Publications Designers Katelynn Mitrano, Nikki Exerjian Director of Sales and Advertising Jamie DeGarmo Advertising Services Coordinator Ruth Alderson Senior Advertising Consultants Brian Corbit, Laura Golino Advertising Consultants Adam Lew, Jordon Vernau Office Assistant Jennifer Osa Distribution Director Greg Erwin Distribution Manager Matt Daugherty Distribution Staff Ken Gates, Vickie Haselton, Bob Meads, Larry Smith, Placido Torres, Jeff Traficante, Bill Unger, Lisa Van Der Maelen, Jim Williams, David Wyles

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august 15, 2019




Send guest comments, 340 words maximum, to gc@newsreview.com or to 353 E. Second St., Chico, CA 95928. Please include photo & short bio.



Cooling centers are money well spent We’ve been hearing complaints about the city of

Chico’s efforts to open a cooling center when the temperatures reach triple digits, as is expected to happen for several days in a row this week. Our take: The community should be grateful the much-needed safety net is up and running. For those who aren’t familiar with the terminology, cooling centers are places where the public can find relief from hot weather. The goal, of course, is to protect people from heat-related illness, such as heat exhaustion and heat stroke. In communities where they don’t exist, vulnerable folks often end up in hospital emergency rooms. Locally, this newspaper has been calling for a cooling center in Chico for years. Indeed, back in 2017, we noted in an editorial the death of a homeless woman who was found outside on one of the hottest days of the year. Cooling centers and warming centers are common in regions of the country that experience periods of extreme heat and cold. Such facilities often are set up by county health departments in coordination with their emergency management and preparedness personnel. But that hasn’t happened around these parts, as we noted several years ago while reporting on the inadequacies of the county’s so-called Extreme

Cold Weather Plan, a piece of the larger Emergency Operations Plan that dictates certain services be provided by the county during disasters (see “Freeze out,” Newslines, Dec. 18, 2014). We followed up on its failings this past winter when the temperatures dropped below freezing and there weren’t any preparations despite the closure of the Red Cross facility at the fairgrounds and a burgeoning homeless population following the Camp Fire (see “Asleep at the wheel,” Editorial, Feb. 14). Thankfully, the city of Chico set aside funding for such safety nets. The municipality initially paid for overnight warming centers in the form of tents with heating lamps, portable toilets, hand-washing stations and safety personnel. Then it began partnering with the Jesus Center, which opened its doors to provide respite. The partnership has continued during this summer’s heatwaves, including the current cycle. According to city management and the Jesus Center’s executive director, Laura Cootsona, the arrangement with the nonprofit costs the city $550-$600 on each day that it’s open (winter warming centers cost more because they are open overnight). One day, she told us, upward of 90 people sought refuge from the heat. In our minds, that’s money well spent. Ω


Good people and an unrecognizable America Imechanics, more every day. They are neighbors, store clerks, plumbers, medical professionals and civil ’ve known many good people all my life, and I meet

servants. They have high moral standards and abide by the Golden Rule. I’ve worked with them, played with them, drank beer with them, argued with them and cried with them. So where are they today? They’ve been absent as the president of the United States continually and purposefully brings the scum within their ranks to the by surface; a man who supports those Dean Carrier who believe their only responsibilThe author, a longtime ity is to personal gratification. Paradise resident Where are they when our governand retired biologist, ment looks more favorably at the moved to the coast after losing his home current economic and political in the Camp Fire. polls than it does at the immediate and long-term health and safety of its citizens and the environment? Where are they when their president publicly blames ethnic groups for all the ills of the nation?



AUGUST 15, 2019

It scares me to see them sitting in the front rows of the Trump rallies, waving placards and laughing when he condemns those of differing ethnicities, political views and religions. By all outward appearances, they look like “good” people. It scares me to see how many of them are accompanied by children who are too young to vote but already indoctrinated in the hate their parents support. What scares me even more is my realization that some of the “good” people I’ve known for a long time have successfully hidden from me their prejudices and self-serving interests over the rights of others. The appearance of rational people reminds me of author Jack Finney’s The Body Snatchers. But in this case, what we see is belied by a determination to move American society to a herd mentality, a lack of morality, and domination through physical and economic strength. This is not the America I was brought up to respect. It’s not the place that brought tears to my eyes when I heard the “The Star-Spangled Banner.” It’s not the nation where I can continue to place my hand over my heart and repeat the Pledge of Allegiance. This is a foreign country I never dreamed of residing in. □

by Melissa Daugherty m e l i s s a d @ n e w s r e v i e w. c o m

Bad PR Chico State doesn’t want the public to know it’s worried about enrollment. That’s my take following a frustrating week in which yours truly—the busy editor of this fine publication—had to prod the folks in Kendall Hall to hand over information of community interest. The campus’ public relations arm—the newly (and amusingly) titled University Communications department—attempted to withhold the numbers from the CN&R’s reporters. That is, the public university didn’t want to give the local watchdogs public information. Among the things we eventually learned: Fall enrollment for Chico State’s freshman class is down 8.3 percent over the previous year. That’s not a big deal right now, but it could be if the trend holds. We’ve been wondering how the campus landscape might change as a result of the Camp Fire, especially in light of our reporting on the contracted housing supply, particularly rentals. For this week’s cover story, our annual Back to School issue, we spoke with students struggling to find a place to live. We also spoke with campus officials charged with helping address such challenges. Housing students was a concern long before the fire. Indeed, the university commissioned a study on the subject before the blaze. It also looked at the post-disaster market. The CN&R asked for that (ahem, taxpayer-funded) report back in May. We attempted again in July and were basically told it didn’t exist. Finally, after that aforementioned prodding, we received the 200-plus-page document late last week. Some of the highlights: Chico State has entertained the idea of mandating that freshmen live on campus and knows exactly how many beds it would need to add to make that happen by 2028 (about 1,400). As it turns out, even though officials there told us that option isn’t being implemented, the plan is to build precisely enough units to fit 1,400 extra beds. I guess, you know, should there be a change of heart. Irrespective of the current decision to forgo such a requirement, the community should know about it and have an opportunity to consider the implications, both positive and negative. Considering the PR folks wanted us to run questions for one source through their department, and shut us down when I wouldn’t agree to that, I’d describe what the CN&R encountered as a combination of stonewalling and incompetence. Our last interaction was me sending an email voicing my displeasure with their overt maneuvers. Actually, our last interaction was the department sending us one of its typically hard-hitting press releases, this one on the opening of the University Farm’s U-Pick peaches operation. One would hope that the public university would recognize and appreciate the importance of transparency, and value the work of journalists to bring light to important issues. That’s especially true in the wake of the fire. Pretending there aren’t difficulties in our region may convince a few prospective students to choose Chico State over another school. But it’s dishonest and not in the public’s interest. In any case, it’s deserving of a crystal clear message from this longtime newspaperwoman in a larger forum: The public has a right to this information, the university has an obligation to adequately respond to media inquiries, and we don’t appreciate the efforts to hinder our work.

Melissa Daugherty is editor of the CN&R


Attention Boomers

Send email to cnrletters@newsreview.com

Forum forthcoming Re “Fear of the unknown” (Editorial, Aug. 8): On Aug. 7, I attended the Local Government Committee meeting, where one of the key agenda items was a Public Health presentation on syringe access programs. As a social worker who has always applied a prevention and harm reduction lens, I have long supported the benefits a program like this would bring to our region. A presentation of the facts from some of our county’s Public Health professionals was an informative and welcome dialogue in the midst of mixed information. The committee had the chance to ask questions and clarify concerns our community has broached. It was clear how significantly this information could benefit the broader community, so I made an immediate request to agendize the presentation from Public Health at an upcoming

City Council meeting. I’m hopeful that a public forum to explore the research related to these programs and build a better understanding of their local application is on the horizon. Stay tuned. Alex Brown Chico

Editor’s note: Ms. Brown is the vice mayor of Chico.

Ignoring the science I have been waiting for information on the city of Chico Cannabis Committee meetings. The city’s website posted some of the agendas, but no minutes of the past meetings. After nine meetings, the agendas lacked information of whether the health issues of cannabis were discussed. The majority of people smoking pot today were not alive when the debate started over the highly addictive drug nicotine, which is found in cigarettes. Cigarette companies denied for

decades the effect that nicotine had on the brain and body of smokers. Nicotine is a chemical that is dangerous because it causes addiction to cigarettes. Doctors and scientists are now discovering that tetrahydrocannabinol, known as THC, which is an ingredient in cannabis, is now found to be addictive. In the early 1990s, marijuana contained just under 4 percent THC. Today marijuana can contain upward of 30 percent potency of THC. A study by the National Institute of Drug Abuse found “substantial evidence from animal research and a growing number of studies in humans indicate that marijuana exposure during development can cause long-term or possibly permanent adverse changes in the brain.” Advocates for cannabis distributors are ignoring the adverse health effects of THC. Steve Simpson Chico

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auguSt 15, 2019



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No-response rep I wrote our Congressman, Doug LaMalfa, asking two questions: 1. Have you read the Mueller report? 2. What is your response to that report? That’s all. After a few weeks, I received his reply: an email rehashing Attorney General William Barr’s questionable summation of the report, with no reference to Mueller’s report itself. I responded by pointing out that I was asking about Mueller’s report, not Barr’s synopsis. I repeated my two questions: 1. Have you read the Mueller report? 2. What is your response to that report? Again, I requested a reply. Then I waited ... and waited. This was several months ago, and still no reply. Lynn Elliott Chico

Speaking of LaMalfa A disingenuous debate tactic is where one overwhelms their opponent with a rapid fire of different arguments, without regard to accuracy, such that the opponent cannot address any of the points in real time. It’s what the Sunrise Movement, a youth-led organization demanding bold climate action, received when they met with Rep. Doug LaMalfa’s chief of staff, Mark Spannagel, seeking clarification of the congressman’s negative stance on the Green New Deal. The meeting with Mr. Spannagel was not unlike that of Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a group of children demanding climate action, as we were similarly reminded that LaMalfa “had been doing this longer” than we have. If it hadn’t been clear already, it was by the end of the meeting: Doug LaMalfa doesn’t take the climate crisis or climate activists seriously. We must elect someone who does. Sisarie Sherry Chico

Beware of local “crisis pregnancy centers.” What they are really offering is pregnancy testing and religious-based counseling.

Editor’s note: For more on Mr. LaMalfa and his stance on climate change, see Andre Byik’s report on page 11.

Trump’s character Women on Reproductive Defense

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auguSt 15, 2019

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A nationalist who won’t condemn white supremacy, a bigot, a racist, an advocate for violence.

In a published transcript of a 1994 interview on ABC, Trump said, “I don’t want to sound like a chauvinist, but when I come home at night and dinner’s not ready, I go through the roof.”

—roger S. Beadle

This is Donald Trump’s character and, if you pay attention to what he’s saying and doing, you should draw the same conclusion. “I’d like to punch him in the face,” he said about a protester; laughs when someone yells, “Shoot ’em” regarding how to stop immigrants crossing the border; pantomimes a congressional candidate who body slammed a reporter because he didn’t like the question. In a published transcript of a 1994 interview on ABC, Trump said, “I don’t want to sound like a chauvinist, but when I come home at night and dinner’s not ready, I go through the roof.” Another gem: “I tell friends who treat their wives magnificently and get treated like crap in return, ‘Be rougher and you’ll see a different relationship.’” Is this the new normal where all things will pass, including this year’s 244 mass shootings? If Sandy Hook didn’t move the needle, then our nation’s moral fiber is damaged. Maybe a shock and awe campaign of published four-color pictures of what a weapon of war did to these children might jolt our nation’s collective backbone and common sense and decency will prevail.

of experience in water policy with the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board. She spoke about forest management and what we all know: that the forests need to be thinned to stop the catastrophic fires our state has been experiencing. I believe she has the knowledge and is willing to work hard toward helping us safely manage our land, water and forests. “What I see is that policies are created that recognize the resources we bring to the state but they don’t recognize the people that [bring them there],” she said. I encourage you to support and vote for Elizabeth Betancourt for California’s District 1 Assembly seat. Help us get back to good land and water management. Mona Uruburu Janesville

Clash in Hong Kong The flame of democracy is burning on high in Hong Kong. People around the planet have our hearts and hopes with them. Marvin Wiseley Chico

Roger S. Beadle Chico

Fresh face in race After watching Elizabeth Betancourt speak, I could see she is a very intelligent person with an extensive background in water resources. She is 39 and has worked as a watershed specialist and a farmer. She has 20 years

Write a letter  tell us what you think in a letter to the editor. Send submissions of 200 or fewer words to cnrletters@ newsreview.com. deadline for publication is noon on the tuesday prior to publication.


What would be your dream concert?

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I would love an entire jam-band lineup: String Cheese Incident [etc.]—just a bunch of cool bands.

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Department of Toxic Substance Control

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August 2019

Public Notice The mission of DTSC is to protect California’s people and environment from harmful effects of toxic substances by restoring contaminated resources, enforcing hazardous waste laws, reducing hazardous waste generation, and encouraging the manufacture of chemically safer products.

Cleanup Plan Remains Protective Former Chico Manufactured Gas Plant Site 825 West 2nd Street, Chico, California 95928 The Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) has completed a Five-Year Review to confirm the continued effectiveness of cleanup activities at Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s (PG&E’s) former Chico Manufactured Gas Plant (MGP) located at 825 West 2nd Street in Chico, California (Site). From 1874 to 1928, a MGP operated across two parcels on the southeast side of Second Street. The MGP provided gas for the community. The plant was abandoned and dismantled by 1930, except for a gas holder and generator building. Today, only the generator building remains on the southwest side of Orange Street, which PG&E uses as an electrical substation and carpentry shop. The other parcel is a paved parking lot owned by the California State University. As a result of historic operations, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) were found in soil and groundwater samples collected from the Site. PG&E implemented a DTSC-approved cleanup that included the removal of contaminated soil in 2006, 2007, and 2010. The remedy also included ongoing groundwater monitoring, and the placement of land use restrictions on the Site to restrict future property and groundwater uses. PG&E continues to monitor groundwater semi-annually and to inspect the Site annually for compliance with the Land Use Covenant (LUC) restrictions. The LUC limits the Site’s land use to industrial/commercial use and requires a soil management plan for disturbance of any areas where possible MGP contaminants remain. This review concluded that the remedy remains protective. DTSC also concluded that the groundwater plume is stabilized and slowly decreasing through monitored natural attenuation. DTSC accepts the report as final; however, PG&E’s recommendations on reducing the groundwater monitoring frequency and decommissioning wells are not approved until an updated Groundwater Monitoring Decision Tree is established. This Decision Tree will determine the method used to test the well, depending on location, depth, and frequency. On March 28, 2019, DTSC placed an advertisement in the Chico Enterprise Record to notify the public before conducting the Five-Year Review. PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT: Community involvement is an important part of the Five-Year Review Process. If you have any questions or comments regarding the Site and the Five-Year Review, please send your comments to Mera Golo, DTSC Project Manager, 8800 Cal Center Drive, Sacramento, CA 95826 or Mera.Golo@dtsc.ca.gov. WHERE CAN I VIEW PROJECT DOCUMENTS? Project documents are available at the following locations: • https://www.envirostor.dtsc.ca.gov/public/profile_report?global_id=04490019 • Butte County Library, 1108 Sherman Avenue, Chico, CA 95926, (530) 891-2726, Call for hours • DTSC – File Room, 8800 Cal Center Drive, Sacramento, CA 95826, (916) 255-3758, Call for an appointment FOR MORE INFORMATION: If you have any questions about the Site or the Five-Year Review process: • Mera Golo, DTSC Project Manager, (916) 255-3585, Mera.Golo@dtsc.ca.gov • Kerry Rasmussen, DTSC Public Participation Specialist, (916) 255-3650, toll-free at (866) 495-5651 or Kerry.Rasmussen@dtsc.ca.gov FOR MEDIA INqUIRIES: • Russ Edmondson, DTSC Public Information Officer, (916) 323-3372 or Russ.Edmondson@dtsc.ca.gov

HEARING IMPAIRED INDIVIDUALS may use the California Relay Service at 1-800-855-7100 or 711 (TTY). AUGUST 15, 2019




The Camp Fire claimed its 86th victim on Aug. 5, according to a Butte County Sheriff’s Office press release. Paul Ernest, a 72-yearold Paradise man, spent the last nine months of his life at hospitals being treated for burn injuries. According to news reports, Ernest and his wife, Suzie, became trapped in Paradise on Nov. 8 while fleeing the blaze. They sought refuge behind a boulder, where Ernest shielded his wife. They were rescued and flown to UC Davis Medical Center. Suzie was discharged earlier this year, and has been recovering in Chico. Ernest was on a ventilator and died at a rehabilitative facility in West Sacramento after his lungs stopped functioning. Of the 86 dead, BCSO has yet to conclusively identify six.

On the prowl Ranchers concerned about increased predator sightings following Miocene Canal shut-off


For folks who live in Butte Creek Canyon— particularly those on the middle stretch of Centerville Road—an improved escape route is in the works. It just might take a year to get it completed. That’s because the county has come to an impasse with a group of property owners whose land is needed to expand Centerville Road where a full lane collapsed during a rain storm in January 2017 (see “No way out,” Newslines, Aug. 1). The Butte County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday (Aug. 13) voted unanimously to move forward with claiming the land through eminent domain. That process will take at least a month, at which point work would have to be delayed till after the rainy season. A second portion of the road, which washed out after the Camp Fire, is set to be repaired this fall.


Chico Police arrested a woman for animal cruelty after she left eight dogs in an RV in Chico on Tuesday (Aug. 13) in 95-degree weather. One of the animals died. According to a press release, officers could see and hear small dogs through the windows of the vehicle parked on Orchard Drive around 1 p.m. They contacted Annabella Ray, 42, who allegedly admitted she’d left them unattended for more than three hours. Officers noted there was poor ventilation and no water in the RV. The surviving dogs were taken to a local veterinary clinic and Ray to Butte County Jail.



AUGUST 15, 2019

Lhorses on Aug. 2 to the sound of screaming at her boarding facility, Wade Arena. yndi Wade woke with a start around 2 a.m.

She did some investigating, “running around [the ranch] with no gun, just a flashlight and my slippers.” After speaking with other folks at the ranch, she determined that a gunshot must have spooked them, and went back to bed. The next morning, however, a boarder found scratches on her horse’s rear, and there were mountain lion tracks nearby. The mare’s colt was trampled during the attack, and had to be put down. Wade said she was shocked by the incident. Her family has owned the property, at the intersection of highways 191 and 70, for 40 years. “We’ve never had [mountain lions] here. But I guess now we’ve got to expect by them,” she said. “It’s got Ashiah everybody on high alert.” Scharaga Wade isn’t the only as h i a h s @ rancher in the Butte n ew srev i ew. c o m Valley area who has experienced an unexFile a report: pected predator sighting Go to apps.wildlife. lately. Several folks who ca.gov/wir to report spoke with the CN&R an animal sighting, nuisance activity or reported coming across property damage to the bears and mountain lions. California Department In each case, the ranchof Fish and Wildlife. ers expressed concern over the animals’ proximity to their livestock and homes, and said they believed this year has been markedly different because of the Camp Fire, which destroyed the upper portion of the Miocene Canal. PG&E, which owns the upper and middle portions, has

since shut the canal down. All 25 miles of it, from Magalia to Oroville, have run dry. The animals are thirsty, Wade suspects, because “there’s no water out here,” she told the CN&R. In the past month or so there have been more bear- and mountain lion-related reports east and south of Chico, said Jason Holley, supervising wildlife biologist for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s (CDFW) north central region, “but it’s nothing out of the ordinary.” The department is not aware of any significant population increases in the area, he continued. “Every summer we have different hot spots throughout Northern California,” he told the CN&R. Black bears and mountain lions have always resided in Butte Valley, Holley said. “This time of year, this elevation always dries out and gets brown and wildlife have to adapt and get resources,” he said. He urged residents to report sightings

directly to CDFW (see infobox). Then the agency can work with folks to develop plans to deter predators. This includes fencing and proper garbage containment, and in some cases the issuance of depredation permits, which allow property owners to kill an animal. Local residents aren’t convinced there

hasn’t been an increase. They are worried their encounters are yet another consequence of the fire that will only get worse. Gail Tozier, who has raised cattle in Butte Valley for 16 years, said she is concerned for the safety of her livestock, family and neighbors. Her husband spotted a bear with three cubs when he was checking on the cattle about three weeks ago. They also recently spotted a mountain lion sprinting through their property while being chased by a coyote. Tozier said it’s typical to see turkeys, deer, skunks and coyotes. But mountain lions and bears are “a rarity.”

Megan Brown had to put down her boar Itty Bitty (pictured at center) after a bear attacked and critically injured him this past December. PHOTO COURTESY OF MEGAN BROWN

“The coyote had a litter of pups. … My husband said he’s never seen two animals run so fast in his life,” she said. “If they’re going after [coyote] pups, they’re going to go after dogs and kids and chickens and cats and goats and sheep.” One morning in December, rancher Megan Brown discovered a portion of the electric fence protecting her pig pen at Table Mountain Ranch in Oroville had been destroyed. Further investigation uncovered blood, bear tracks and droppings. Her boar Itty Bitty was wounded, his hip broken. After a few weeks passed, he still couldn’t put pressure on his back leg. “The most humane thing to do was put him out of his misery,” she said. Brown said local ranchers understand the risks that come with their livelihoods and where they live, and she has taken steps to minimize those risks: In addition to the electric fence, she has two great Pyrenees livestock guardian dogs and four cowdogs. “I have a loaded rifle by my bed. I sleep with my windows open so if I hear a screaming pig I can get up there [to the pen] and at least save it or kill it if it’s suffering too much,” she said. After the attack, Brown, who has a hunting license, purchased a bear tag to kill the predator. And she did just that when it returned less than a week later. Now that the bear is gone, she’s come across another problem: In July, two of her butchering pigs and a 900-pound sow went missing. “They don’t disappear. And even if they do die, you find the bodies,” Brown said. “That makes me think they’re being eaten.” Since the canal was shut off, the springs and streams on her land dried up. The only source of open water on her property is the trough she uses for her pigs. Brown said she encourages folks to co-exist with bears because they are part of the ecosystem, “but normally they mind their manners.” “I think with the fires and the stress and no water, they’re moving lower; they’re a little hungrier, they’re a little thirstier,” she said. “We watched the fire destroy our lands and homes and now we’re watching the drought destroy all the flora and fauna. It’s psychological horror and [my] hair is starting to fall out. … Everybody is a hot mess.” Ω

Beating the heat Chico and Oroville cooling centers offer respite in extreme weather For people without a home to retreat to when the

weather hits triple digits, summers in Chico can be especially brutal. Laura Cootsona, executive director of the Jesus Center, sees that firsthand—her facility stays open longer in the summer months, and a new partnership with the city extends those hours to 9 p.m. when the heat is extreme. “People are coming. And they’re really grateful,” she said this week, as the Jesus Center prepared to be open late Wednesday (Aug. 14) and today for the triple digits. It’s the third time the partnership has been triggered this summer. In counting individuals who stopped in, Cootsona said it ranged from a low of 23 one day to a high of 88. The issue of an extreme weather shelter came to the forefront during a cold snap in February that prompted the city of Chico to open a warming center overnight so people had a heated place to sleep when temperatures dropped below freezing. That setup cost $2,000 a day, according to Mark Orme, city manager. With the Jesus Center partnership, the city’s cost could go as high as $1,500 in the winter—when the facility will remain open overnight—but has run around $550-$600 a day this summer. “Bottom line is, it’s been very successful,” Orme said. “And it’s a lot more cost-effective than the city running it.” At the Jesus Center, the “cooling center” is essentially the dining room. Folks can hang out,

SIFT ER Melting away As the world continues to show the signs of climate change, the planet just keeps getting hotter. According to the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service, which analyzes and reports on the climate in Europe and the rest of the world, the global average temperature for July 2019 made the hottest month on record. July is typically the hottest month of the year, and 2019’s average was .072 degrees Fahrenheit (or .04 degrees Celsius) hotter than in 2016, the previous record-holder, and more than 1 full degree hotter than the July average (between 1981-2010).

charge their cellphones, and there might be a movie to watch, Cootsona said. Her staff made a trip to the food bank for extra snacks, and there’s cold water to drink. “We really push hydration,” she said. “Because when they go back out, they lose it.” The Chico City Council in March tackled the

issue of establishing a policy for extreme weather, choosing to partner with the Jesus Center on the effort. An annual budget was set at $30,000. In the summer, if tempera-

Many Alaskan cities recorded their highest daily numbers ever, with early July temperatures 20 to 30 degrees above normal in some areas; wildfires burned across Greenland, Alaska and Siberia; and many European cities had record temperatures during the July heatwave.

Sources: Copernicus Climate Change Service, World Meteorological Organization and climate.gov

tures reach 100 degrees or higher for two or more consecutive days, a “Code Red” is triggered, prompting the opening of the shelter. In winter, the threshold is 32 degrees or colder, triggering a “Code Blue.” “One of the things the City Council requested city staff to do is to put a collaborative effort together to ensure there’s a venue for extreme weather,” Orme said. “In working with the Jesus Center in this effort, we’ve been able to successfully implement it.” The money goes to added staff, including security, as well as utilities. The council’s decision didn’t come without controversy. In fact, it was forced to act quickly in February when temperatures reached below freezing because the county, which typically handles issues of public health, failed to act. Its Extreme Cold Weather Plan doesn’t kick in until the National Weather Service indicates conditions endangering human life, such as extreme cold or freeze, wind chill and low daytime temperatures accompanied by nighttime temperatures of 25 degrees or lower. “People are coming here expecting us to provide safety for them,” Mayor Randall Stone said at the time. “It’s literally freezing cold outside. People die in this weather, and we’re going to wait for the county to take action?” The city of Oroville also has stepped up this summer and formed a partnership with the Oroville Rescue Mission to open a cooling center there. That facility NEWSLINES C O N T I N U E D AUGUST 15, 2019

O N PA G E 1 0



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AUGUST 15, 2019

NOTICE TO CITY OF CHICO RESIDENTS: OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE ARCHITECTURAl REVIEw AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD The Chico City Council has an unscheduled vacancy on the ARHPB and is seeking to fill one seat on this board. The seat will serve through January 2021. In addition to its authority established by Chapter 19.18 of the Chico Municipal Code for the review of architectural drawings prior to the issuance of certain building permits, the ARHPB reviews building proposals that may affect buildings or other resources listed on the City of Chico Historic Resources Inventory, including making recommendations to the City Council for new listings on the Inventory. (CMC Sec. 2.56.020) Applicants must be residents of the City of Chico and qualified voters (18 years or older). The Board meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 4:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber Building, 421 Main Street. An application and supplemental questionnaire must be completed for this position. All applications, with required supplemental are due by August 19, 2019 by 5:00 p.m. in the City Clerk’s Office, City Municipal Building, 411 Main Street. The City Council will make its appointment at a regularly scheduled meeting determined after the closure of the recruitment period.

is set to be open this week from Wednesday through Friday. The Jesus Center is scheduled to be open Wednesday and Thursday, though temperatures are expected to stay in the 100s through Friday, which would result in it reopening then, too. Part of the contract with the Jesus Center included the stipulation that there would be security measures in place, according to City Councilman Scott Huber. That stipulation has the potential to deter some people from using its services. Social media posts indicate some pushback from the larger community as well, but Orme says the city has received no formal complaints.

“It makes it so much easier if they’re not in that constant, relentless barrage of heat. No human does well in that— they need respite. These guys are already compromised physically.” —Laura cootsona, Jesus center executive director

Huber said he sees the center as a much-needed relief for both homeless folks and people with homes but without the means to afford air-conditioning. “I’m gratified that we have this available. I know it’s not ideal for everyone, but it’s more than we had a year ago,” he told the CN&R. “It makes it so much easier if they’re not in that constant, relentless barrage of heat,” Cootsona said. “No human does well in that—they need respite. These guys are already compromised physically.” —Meredith J. Cooper me r e d i th c @ newsr ev iew.c o m


Protesters on Monday (Aug. 12) line the entrance of the Chico Elks Lodge, where lawmakers held a meeting focused on Camp Fire recovery efforts. PHOTO BY ANDRE BYIK

secure another funding source to remove dead or dying trees on the Ridge, which he said has only been partially addressed so far. He added that PG&E should pay for part of the effort. Gordon Gregory, a Paradise resident and small-

State of denial After Camp Fire, survivors urge lawmakers to address climate change Susan Dobra lost her home—and possessions

collected during a lifetime of adventure—in the Camp Fire, she told lawmakers gathered for a wildfire recovery discussion on Monday (Aug. 12) at the Chico Elks Lodge. Wearing a shirt emblazoned with the words “Green New Deal,” she said she plans to rebuild but urged Rep. Doug LaMalfa, Assemblyman James Gallagher and state Sen. Jim Nielsen to address the “climate crisis” at hand and support what portions they could of the Democrat-backed plan to battle climate change and economic inequality, lest Paradise burn again. “The climate is changing, and this isn’t a partisan issue and it’s not theoretical,” Dobra said. “It burned down my town. It burned down my house.” Several hundred other locals attended the event. There, lawmakers and state and federal officials provided updates on initiatives supporting the recovery and fielded complaints that home insurance policies have become unaffordable or unavailable in and around the fire zone (see “Insurance fallout,” Newslines, June 13). They also heard assertions like Dobra’s about a changing climate contributing to the fire risk in Butte County, a topic that drew animated discussion between lawmakers and the public. Gallagher told Dobra he appreciated her

comments and noted town officials have begun addressing smarter and safer ways to rebuild. He added, however, that he wanted to “set the facts straight” and lamented politicians who he said have called the Camp Fire a “climate disaster” to further their political goals. “It’s not right,” Gallagher said. “It’s not true either. … The bottom line is: This was a spark that came from a PG&E line that probably should have been hardened. That’s one of the factors, and the most primary factor is the forestry management that has not been done for five decades now.” Dobra, then mic-less, interjected, saying, “The science is clear,” but Gallagher continued, his voice amplified through the lodge. The climate, he said, is a contributing factor, but not a primary one. “If we care about climate, and we care about our carbon footprint, then we better get out in that forest and start doing something … because everything that we’ve done here in California just got extinguished by all these fires and all the carbon that went into the air after that fact,” Gallagher said. “So let’s be smart about our carbon and climate investments and strategy, not just do this kind of pie-in-the-sky Green New Deal stuff that doesn’t do a thing to address the underlying problems.” Gallagher noted officials have been trying to

business owner, also took to the mic at the meeting, saying he’d heard encouraging updates about the recovery effort but not much about confronting climate change. “We know that we have built in dangerous places,” Gregory said. “We know we have to change the way we think about wildfire risk, but we also have to acknowledge that warming temperatures are driving a lot of problems that we’re facing today.” Gregory pointed to a 2018 climate assessment released by President Trump’s administration, which found the “cumulative forest area burned by wildfires has greatly increased between 1984 and 2015, with analyses estimating that the area burned by wildfires across the Western United States over that period was twice what would have burned had climate change not occurred.” (Trump has dismissed portions of the report.) “I would love to see you gentlemen acknowledge that that’s an issue,” Gregory said. “That we need to address it. That we can’t protect our communities without beginning to deal with our greenhouse gas emissions.” LaMalfa said he would not address how or why temperatures are changing, “but certainly we can be proactive of whatever the effect of the weather is by forest management and water storage and some other measures.” He added: “If, indeed, we’re not keeping snowpack, then we’d have to have more receptacles to hold water … and the same thing would apply to how many trees per acre is sustainable for the amount of groundwater or snowpack that is or isn’t there.” Gregory told the CN&R that LaMalfa’s response was disappointing but expected. The congressman has said he does not believe humans are responsible for climate change, but Gregory said he did hear positive ideas for addressing the effects of a warming climate, if not the underlying issue. LaMalfa, he said, may have a point regarding the number of trees per acre in high-firerisk areas like Paradise and surrounding communities. And he agreed that a better job must be done to manage the forests in the Sierra Nevada. But “when the town burns down, it’s not forest management,” Gregory said, adding that “fire in the West is one of the leading symptoms of climate change.”

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—ANDRE BYIK a nd r e b @ newsr ev iew.c o m 18

AUGUST 15, 2019





Unforeseen tailspin Postpartum mental illness, the health crisis no mother expects by

Barbara Harvey

Ethatillness. There were never any indicators the birth of her first child would spark a

va Schwartz didn’t have a history of mental

years-long struggle that would threaten her marriage and her life. Schwartz was 29 in 2015, with a stable home life in Sacramento, as she awaited the arrival of her firstborn son, Isaac. She felt prepared. She had taken all the classes, followed all the mommy pages on Facebook. She was going to have a natural birth, she said, and exclusively breastfeed once Isaac was born. Those plans started to go awry during labor, when doctors decided she needed an unscheduled caesarean section. Then her breast milk didn’t come in. Schwartz panicked, fearing Isaac would somehow be “damaged” if he wasn’t exclusively breastfed, or that she wouldn’t be able to bond with him. Her psychological health went into a tailspin. Her ability to mother her child became a fixation. At night, her husband said, he would awaken to her crying in bed, detailing scenarios in which she would kill herself and he would remarry before Isaac was old enough to “know that [she] existed.” Eventually, Schwartz began raving to a neighbor who told her husband to take her to the emergency room, where her mania spiked. Forcibly sedated, Schwartz was taken to Heritage Oaks Hospital on a 51-50 hold,



AUGUST 15, 2019

where she was diagnosed with postpartum psychosis, a condition that can begin in the first few days after childbirth, even in women with no history of mental illness. “There’s all sorts of prenatal classes that they do to help you prepare for a new baby,” Schwartz said. “But no one warned me that mental illness can hit.” The health of expectant mothers has been an urgent concern, nationally and in California, as studies have shown maternal mortality rates falling worldwide, yet steadily increasing in the United States. Health initiatives here have focused on reducing complications of pregnancy and childbirth, and California’s progress, with a few exceptions, has been held up as a national model. But the mental health side of the picture, which can be just as lethal, has received less attention, say lawmakers and public health experts. A recent report by researchers at UC Merced and Michigan State University linked nearly one in five postpartum deaths among California women to drug abuse or suicide— psychological crises. The death toll was highest, the study found, among socioeconomically disadvantaged women and white women, but it added that data is generally scant on mental health-related deaths of new mothers. Sidra Goldman-Mellor, a psychiatric epidemiologist at UC Merced who is one of the study’s authors, said official maternal mortality rates in the U.S. focus only on causes of death immediately linked to pregnancy or

childbirth—medical complications such as hemorrhages or preeclampsia, for example. “They’re not even counting deaths that are due to other problems,” Goldman-Mellor said. Assemblywoman Sabrina Cervantes agrees that

postpartum mental health has been neglected as an issue. “We celebrate the birth of children, but the well-being of the mother who gives birth often gets forgotten,” she said. The Riverside Democrat is working to establish a pilot program to provide greater mental health services to new mothers. Her Assembly Bill 798 would create a privately funded pilot program that would provide mental health screenings, psychiatry, teleconsultations and mentoring services aimed at detecting and treating postpartum mothers for up to one year after delivery. Already in effect as of last month is Assemblyman Brian Maienschein’s Assembly Bill 2193, which requires health insurers to develop a maternal mental health program and requires prenatal or postpartum providers to ensure that new mothers are offered screening for maternal mental health conditions. Maienschein has also put forth Assembly Bill 845. That bill would require the California medical board to consider including a course in maternal mental health among its continuing education requirements for providers. Meanwhile, in June, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a budget bill temporarily expanding access to Medi-Cal maternal mental health services from two months to one full year after giving birth, an $8.6 million initiative funded by revenue from the tobacco tax passed by voters in 2016. The experimental expansion, slated to start next year, will sunset at the end of 2021 unless state lawmakers

vote to keep it. That longer-term access to care is key, said Goldman-Mellor, particularly in rural areas with fewer providers and among mothers who have had substance abuse issues. Her study found that mental health risks were particularly high among women whose deliveries were paid for by Medicaid rather than private insurance. The study also found that most mental health-related deaths among new mothers took place late in the postpartum period, often after the 60-day cutoff for postpartum care under Medicaid (or Medi-Cal, as it’s known in California). “If a woman [on Medicaid] was previously accessing treatment for substance abuse or mental health, her coverage for that treatment could end a couple months after the birth of her child,” said Goldman-Mellor. “That could place her at risk for relapsing, or just not getting the treatment she needs later in the postpartum period.” This is not the first appearance of maternal mental health on California’s policy agenda. In 2010, former Democratic Assemblyman Pedro Nava of Santa Barbara authored a resolution declaring the month of May to be Perinatal Depression Awareness Month in the state. That led to the creation of the California Maternal Mental Health Collaborative, an independent nonprofit organization later tasked with assessing the status of maternal mental health care in California. The collaborative later became 2020Mom, an advocacy group that promotes research and legislation HEALTHLINES C O N T I N U E D

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Conscious activism The nonprofit 350.org is a global movement of ordinary people working to replace the use of fossil fuels with community-led renewable energy, and part of that work includes taking part in protests and strikes around the world. In partnership with the Sunrise Movement Chico branch, a nonprofit working to end climate change, members from 350.org will be hosting a Nonviolent Direct Action Training event at the Butte County Library this Sunday (Aug. 18) from 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. Training will include theory/philosophy of nonviolent direct action, hands-on physical tactics, legal rights and more. Food will be provided, go to 350 Butte County on Facebook to RSVP.

AUGUST 15, 2019



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It is an abridged version of the original, published by CalMatters and available at calmatters.org.

allowed to see her newborn, which only compounded her trauma. Over the following year, she said, she was in and out of the hospital as doctors experimented with different types of medications and treatments. At her low point, during a manic episode that started when she tried to stop taking her medication, her husband, Brent, filed for divorce. “I thought I couldn’t take it anymore,” he said. Eventually, she resumed her medication, found a sustainable treatment plan and reconciled with her husband, she said, but her recovery has been a long process. She counts herself lucky that she had the health insurance and access to care that allowed her to reclaim her life. “I didn’t get a divorce. Most women do. I didn’t end up on the street. And I didn’t, as people I met in the mental hospital did, end up on methamphetamines or heroin,” Schwartz said. “I had health care. The fact that these women don’t is absolutely terrifying. They need it. It’s the basics of everything else. I didn’t lose my mind, because of that.” Ω

WEEKLY DOSE Back-to-school health checklist The first day of school is just around the corner, so take a little time to check in on the health of your kids to ensure them a happy and successful school year. First stop, an eye exam. Children often don’t complain if their vision isn’t normal, so it’s important to look for possible signs such as squinting while reading or watching television. Ideally, school-age children should have an exam at least once every two years. Second stop, the dentist. Oral health equals good overall health, yet tooth decay is the most common chronic disease among children. With that in mind, parents should schedule regular dental exams every six months. Lastly, make sure to get your kids their recommended immunizations. Children’s vaccines are 90 percent to 99 percent effective and protect kids from diseases such as mumps, tetanus and chicken pox. They’re also required—so don’t forget to make that appointment. These few steps may give your kids a better chance to succeed inside and outside the classroom.

CN&R will NeveR CoNtaCt a meRChaNt to puRChase a Best of plaque

About this story:

All first place winners of CN&R’s Best of receive a plaque for fRee

on the issue. But as female representation in the Legislature has rebounded to its 30.8 percent high point, and as a governor with four young children has taken office, the issue of maternal health, particularly among low-income women, has gathered momentum. Cervantes, a 31-yearold, second-term lawmaker, for example, comes out of Riverside County, where more than half of births are paid for by Medi-Cal. As many as “one in five new or expectant mothers will experience a mental health disorder during pregnancy or the first year following childbirth, including depression, anxiety and postpartum psychosis,” Cervantes notes in her bill. Because socioeconomic factors and stigma also can prevent women from seeking treatment, the bill includes an opt-in pilot program for counties, including Riverside, to offer remote mental health teleconsultations to new mothers. Testifying earlier this year in favor of Cervantes’ bill, Schwartz said she would like to see programs specifically for women with postpartum depression, separate from existing mental health services that don’t always take women’s unique circumstances into account. At Heritage Oaks, she said, she was placed with drug addicts and wasn’t

C O N T I N U E D F R O M PA G E 1 2

AUGUST 15, 2019




Green state Californians ready to protect the environment— at the polls and at the pump, survey reveals

Tserious warming is happening now and that it’s a threat to the Golden State’s future,

he majority of Californians believe global

according to the results of a poll released last month. What’s more, Californians are ready to by cast their votes and spend Rachel Becker their money to fight it. The findings from the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC), a nonpartisan think tank that’s asked Californians for their take on environmental issues for nearly two decades, suggest Californians place a high value on the environment and want the state to fight to protect it. PPIC found 78 percent of Californians say it is somewhat to very important to them for California to lead the charge to fight climate change. The issue was especially key for Democrats, with 69 percent saying it was very important compared with 46 percent of independents and 24 percent of Republicans. That’s useful information from a political perspective, according to Ed Maibach, director of the George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication. “This will likely encourage Republican leaders to recognize that opposition to climate solutions may come at a steep cost during their next election,” said Maibach, who was not involved in the polling. The latest survey of more than 1,700 Californian adults asked how they feel about everything from wildfires to coastal drilling to the candidates running for president. The survey suggests recent catastrophic wildfires might have played a role in shaping



AUGUST 15, 2019

public opinion. The majority—63 percent—of Californians understand that global warming has played a part in the wildfires tearing through the state. More—71 percent—are very worried about a future of more severe wildfires as a consequence of climate change. Californians think the state’s future is at risk, with 79 percent calling climate change a somewhat or very serious threat to the state’s future economy and quality of life. The wildfire results stood out to Mark Baldassare, president and chief executive officer of the PPIC. “That to me was the most significant finding related to both attitudes with global warming and the environment, but also how people are thinking about the public policy needs in the state, differently.” As for policy, Californians are generally in favor of the state’s work to curb greenhouse gas pollution. About two-thirds of residents support state targets for cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent below 1990 levels by the year 2030. And even more— 71 percent—are on board with a new law that aims for 100 percent clean electricity in the state by the year 2045. Californians even support reducing emissions from their beloved cars. With the state’s air board embroiled in a battle against the Trump administration over its efforts to roll back Obama-era standards for tailpipe emissions, three-quarters of Californians want the

About this story:

It is an abridged version of the original, published by CalMatters and available at calmatters.org.

state to require cleaner cars from automakers. And 74 percent want the state and federal governments to encourage local lawmakers to make transportation and land use decisions that help people spend less time in their cars. Of course, asking people about their attitudes is one thing. Asking them whether they’d be willing to pay is another. “That’s the telltale question,” said Suzanne Reed, former vice president of the public policy research company Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin & Associates and a former commissioner of the California Energy Commission. She was not involved in this survey. It’s true that most Californians—58 percent—suspect the state’s efforts to combat climate change will mean higher gas prices at the pump. But half also said they’d be fine with paying more for clean electricity. That’s particularly true for Democrats, 68 percent of whom said they’d pay more compared with 28 percent of Republicans—but independents come in as a close second at 52 percent. Knowing that people are willing to pay more for long-term benefits is important information for the state’s policymakers, Reed said. “That allows you to be a little more courageous about what you’re going to propose,” she said. The results should be reassuring to the state’s environmentalists, Reed said. Other highlights from the poll:

The survey asked Californians how big a problem marine debris and plastic pollution are on their nearest chunk of coastline. The numbers were surprisingly even geographically, with 73 percent on the north and central

coast, 72 percent on the south coast, and 70 percent in inland California reporting that they’re a big problem. Although concerns about wildfires are up, worries about the water supply are down now that the state is no longer officially in a drought. About 41 percent say water supply is not much of a problem. However, scientists anticipate that human-driven climate change will set the stage for major droughts in the future. Water quality, however, is on Californian minds, with 58 percent worried that lowerincome areas of their region are more threatened by contaminated drinking water than other areas. Far fewer—only about 27 percent—think air pollution is a big problem in their region; another 35 percent call it “somewhat of a problem.” And 52 percent think air pollution is a somewhat to very serious health threat to themselves or their immediate families. California cities regularly top the American Lung Associations’ lists for worst air pollution, which can harm lung development in children, worsen asthma, and has been linked to heart attacks and strokes. When Californians look to the future, they see rising seas and rising temperatures. When asked about future consequences of global warming, 71 percent said they were somewhat or very concerned about rising sea levels, and 77 percent said they were somewhat or very concerned about more severe heat waves. The environment may influence voting in the presidential election: 80 percent of likely voters said that presidential contenders’ environmental stances would be somewhat to very important to their votes. □

ECO EVENT Beat the heat The Sierra Club Yahi Group of Chico is hosting a spectacular day hike through a dazzling area of Lassen National Park this Saturday (Aug. 17). The Kings Creek Falls & Sifford Lakes Loop trek will take you on a moderate 5-mile loop through glorious meadows and past late summer wildflowers to a stunning waterfall and the beautiful Bench and Sifford lakes. Meetup is at Chico Park & Ride at 7:30 a.m. Call hike leader Alan at 891-8789 or email ajmendoza777@comcast.net for more

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filling a niche

History, music and connection

While Julie Avery sat in the shade at the corner of Clark and Pearson roads in Paradise, a truck driver passed and leaned on the horn. After the bellow rippled away, Avery, owner of the Julie’s Grill trailer stationed in the parking lot of Ace Hardware, laughed and said, “We get to deal with that all day.” Avery opened Julie’s Grill at the beginning of June, offering quickly prepared breakfast and lunch eats at one of the busiest intersections in town. Avery’s family roots in Paradise go way back— “100-plus years,” she says. She currently lives in Chico but grew up in Paradise and attended high school there. After the Camp Fire, which claimed homes of her family members, she seized an opportunity to feed the rebuild effort, filling a food niche that has her considering an expansion. Julie’s Grill, at 5720 Clark Road, is open Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 2 or 2:30 p.m. Avery stepped away from her crew of helpers on a recent morning to catch up with the CN&R.

What do you cook at Julie’s Grill? We have hot dogs—Polish dogs, kraut dogs, chili dogs—and then ... we have hamburgers, cheeseburgers, bacon burgers, Philly cheesesteaks. Actually, we call them Paradise cheesesteaks, which are really popular. French fries. We do breakfast burritos.

We do have a veggie burger, and we also have a chicken sandwich that we do. So, we have a little bit more variety there.

How’s the reception been so far? Well, you’re working with truck drivers, and they want hearty food. … They’re really happy to see us here. I do get a lot of acknowledgment for my business. People are getting to know it, and that’s one of the reasons why I want to expand. I want to offer them more.

Where would you expand? Well, I have a trailer right now I’m looking at, and I would leave it here. I would park it here with the hot dog cart and then possibly take this one and move it across the other side of town. Possibly towards the Magalia area.

Did you have previous experience in the food industry? Nope.

How has starting out been? A lot of blood, sweat and tears. Yeah, it’s been really interesting. It’s a lot of work. People think that, you know, running a food trailer, “Oh, that’s gotta be easy.” And it’s not easy. It’s a lot of hard work. I work 12-hour days at least six days a week. It doesn’t end.

Any advice? Don’t give up. Don’t give up. It’s worth it.

That sounds like advice that could apply to the town, too. Yes. Yep. Don’t give up. Keep pushing forward. Paradise is going to rebuild again. It’s a great community. There’s a lot of support up here. It’ll never be the same, but it will be great again. —AnDRe Byik a nd re b @new srev i ew. c o m

speaking of … A few weeks ago, I was invited to attend a party at The Lounge at the Apollo School of Music, a fundraiser for the Arc of Butte County. It was the debut performance of the Chico Latin Orquesta, which was accompanied by salsa dance lessons—and, fittingly, a salsa bar. I’m super bummed that I missed the dance instruction, though I caught glimpses of the teachers on the dance floor and they were great, making sure everyone was having a good time. The band was really fun and the space naturally has great acoustics. I’d not thought of a music school putting on events like that, but, I don’t know, why not? Turns out the idea sprouted from working with Correlare, a company I was unfamiliar with but seems pretty cool. It offers a different way to market your business, by connecting you with the community, but in a nonforced way. Hence Apollo hosting events for nonprofits—it gets people in to the school while also helping a good cause. Check it out at correlare.com. Apollo has a different fundraiser night planned each month—and they’re hiring dance instructors. The next event is “One Hot Irish Night,” Aug. 24. Ha’Penny Bridge will be playing and proceeds benefit Little Red Hen and children’s music programs (tinyurl.com/onehotirishnight). for tHe pets I recently got word that VCA Valley Oak Veterinary Center received

some well-deserved kudos earlier this summer for its efforts taking care of animals that were burned or injured during the Camp Fire. They were presented with the California Veterinary Medical Association’s Meritorious Service Award for their tireless efforts. I didn’t even know until reading the award website that the field next to the center became a staging ground for emergency workers. Just thinking about all those scared and injured pets makes me weepy, so I think it’s awesome that the Valley Oak staff—some of whom lost their own homes in the blaze—recognized the toll it took on everyone trying to treat them. They brought healthy found pets around to the first responders to lift their spirits. Well done.





august 15, 2019


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Back in 2011, a group of locals launched a major project to preserve the historic Jonesville Hotel (see “Saving the Jonesville Hotel,” Cover story, Oct. 6, 2011). The structure—the last remaining hotel along the old Chico and Humboldt Wagon Road—was in bad shape. I’m happy to report that, eight years and a whole lot of work later, progress has been made. The red two-story building got a new foundation and the first floor restoration has been completed. It’s all gussied up, too—filled with period décor. To celebrate, the Jonesville Cabin Owners—the folks who own the cabins behind the hotel, as well as the historic barn across the street—are hosting a dinner there Oct. 24, titled “Dinner and Music on the Meadows Edge.” Bacio Catering will be whipping up a farm-to-table feast; Apollo School of Music will provide the entertainment. Tickets are $100 and must be purchased by Aug. 17 (go to tinyurl.com/jonesvillehoteldinner).

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august 15, 2019





ug. 26 is the start of Butte College and Chico State’s first academic year after the state’s deadliest and most destructive wildfire. In this week’s special Back to School issue, we take a look at the post-Camp Fire landscape that includes declines in enrollment at both institutions, including a steep drop in Chico State’s incoming freshman class. One of the challenges for new and returning students is the contracted rental market—an environment that has forced folks displaced by the fire into what traditionally has been student housing. One bright spot at the university is that, even before the Camp Fire, it had been working to make room for more students on campus. The best news comes out of Butte College—the Orovillebased campus is attracting students with two years of free tuition for first-time students who enroll full-time. More impressive: It is offering new programs, in areas such as construction management, developed specifically in response to the needs of the community following the disaster. Here at the CN&R, we recognize students as a vibrant part of Butte County. We want to acknowledge the challenges they face and at the same time wish them a successful start to the new school year.

Crunch time University enrollment is down post-Camp Fire, but students are scrambling for housing


hico State student James Troupe has been couch surfing. He says he knows he can stay with his parents— they’ve invited him to come home. But right now, home is an RV parked at their property in Oroville, where they are building a new house since their place on the Ridge was destroyed in the Camp Fire.



AUGUST 15, 2019

“I’m always welcome to sleep there, but having me and my dog in their already small little fifth-wheel—they already have two dogs in there—it’s burdensome for them,” Troupe said. Troupe, who grew up in Paradise, lived in a run-down home adjacent to Chico State the past two years while going to school. When that living arrangement ended this summer, he began crashing here and there as he looked for a long-term option. It’s been a frustrating and fruitless search thus far, he said. “All my stuff is in boxes at my friends’ houses and just getting up and finding something clean to wear can be hard at times,” Troupe said. The rental market was tight before the fire—with about a 3 percent vacancy rate in

James Troupe has been homeless since early August while searching for housing in Chico. PHOTO BY ASHIAH SCHARAGA

October—but it has become more constricted since then, as Camp Fire survivors have had no choice but to find new places to live, including in what is traditionally considered student housing. Then came a second wave of displacement, as landlords around the region began selling their properties. Many displaced renters have moved out of the area, to other counties and even out of state. As for the enrollment at Chico State, preliminary data show it has dropped for fall 2019. As of Aug. 5, approximately 17,200 students are attending; about 16,150 are full-time. Compared with fall 2018—when there were

17,475 students, 16,435 of them full-time—that’s a 1.3 percent and 1.7 percent decrease, respectively. The most significant drop is in first-year students: The incoming freshman class is down 8.3 percent. Transferstudent enrollment increased 2.8 percent and graduates remained about the same. Even still, there’s no shortage of students who, like Troupe, are frantically seeking a place. Take one group from Facebook with over 2,000 members, the Chico Student Housing 2019-2020 Roommate Search: Some students have been searching for weeks with no luck, others have had a living situation fall through at the last minute. Several try to advertise themselves as being flexible, writing that they’re willing to share rooms. One poster even said he’d live “under any social conditions.” As the semester approaches, ASAPs and exclamation points are ubiquitous. A Chico State student housing study dated spring 2019 by consultant The Scion Group concluded that the off-campus rental market adjacent to the university appears to be keeping pace with demand post-fire. However, availability is decreasing in that particular region, and the average vacancy rate is predicted to be roughly 4 percent this academic year, the study notes. Citywide, there are very few rentals open. On the positive side, the university was trying to address rental shortages prior to the fire. As a result, there will be more beds available for students on campus this year, University Housing Director Connie Huyck told the CN&R (see sidebar). Plus, over the next 10 years, the university plans to add 1,400 more student beds.

In the university’s Off-Campus

Student Services, a division of Student Affairs, Director Dan Herbert has been fielding many calls and emails daily from students and parents worried about Chico’s post-Camp Fire rental market. He told the CN&R that he immediately tries to quell their concerns: For the traditional student, there are plenty of housing options, he says. He works with local apartment complexes, and knows where to point students who aren’t sure where to go. In some cases, he has even played matchmaker for folks seeking roommates. There are vacancies, he said, partly due to the resurgence of building in Chico in the past several years as the economy improved. Since 2016, 810 multifamily units and 34 duplex units have been built in Chico, according to data from the city’s building division. Last year alone, three large student-focused complexes went up along the Nord Avenue/ Walnut Street corridor. Catherine Wilcox, who manages the Timber Creek and Hidden Oaks apartments about a half-mile from campus, says she has noticed a tightening of the market post-Camp Fire. The Scion Group describes Timber Creek Apartments as “purpose-built student housing” because it is popular with students and within a mile of campus. (Wilcox told the CN&R that the complex rents to all qualified applicants.) “We’re miles ahead of where we were last year in terms of leasing up,” she said. “Across the market in Chico, it’s so impacted, [renters] have to sort of rush their decision … because stuff goes much more quickly than it did in the past.” The complexes, which have 149 units, took in 30 households from the Camp Fire between November and January. The property managers did their best to accommodate folks, waiving deposits and offering six-month leases with the option for renewal. Eighteen HOUSING C O N T I N U E D

O N PA G E 2 2

› Increasing capacity University master plan includes 1,400 more beds for students in campus core


hico State has considered requiring freshmen to live on campus, but such a mandate isn’t in the immediate plans. Earlier this year, the university enlisted a consultant to weigh the options. In the study, Student Housing Market & Demand Analysis, The Scion Group indicated that the university would need to add approximately 1,400 beds by 2028 for such a requirement. Without it, accommodating the campus’ future growth would take 560 additional beds.

Top: Chico State’s residence hall capacity increased by 71 beds this year—from 2,173 to 2,244. The university created some tripleand quadruple-bed rooms to accommodate more students, says University Housing Executive Director Connie Huyck. PHOTO BY ASHIAH SCHARAGA

Below: Mike Guzzi has been tasked with updating Chico State’s master plan, which currently suggests building more residence halls on the central campus and demolishing outliers. CN&R FILE PHOTO

Mike Guzzi, associate vice president of facilities and capital projects, said it was determined that the idea was not “in the best interests of our students” at this time. “While we continue to make on-campus housing as affordable as it can be, for lower-income students, sometimes living on campus can be a challenge,” he said. However, the university is aiming to provide enough housing that if all freshmen wanted to live on campus, they could do so, he added. Over the next decade, it plans to add 1,400 more student beds, per its 2020-2030 master plan update. In the meantime, for the upcoming academic year, University Housing has increased its capacity by 71 beds—from 2,173 to 2,244—by creating some triple- and quadruple-bed rooms to accommodate more students at University Village and Sutter Hall, according to Connie Huyck, the department’s executive director. In Sutter Hall, for example, a study room was repurposed to create a four-bed room. The long-term vision for the campus’ orientation also has shifted. During outreach meetings for the master plan update, Guzzi said students made it clear they “wanted to be near the heart of campus,” he said, to live in a place “so they could walk out of their dorm and go right to class. So we heard that and made some adjustments.” The intent is to build up, by adding more stories to Lassen and Shasta halls, as well as construct new residence halls nestled along the creek, just south of Yolo Hall near the practice fields. Guzzi said that while the university has not yet finalized the plan and its priority projects, he anticipates adding 600 beds on campus in the next two to five years. Konkow, Mechoopda and Esken residence halls—which typically have lower student occupancy rates, according to The Scion Group analysis—will be demolished in favor of more beds in central campus. The university will create athletic fields in their place, which will be situated near an arena planned for the former College Park neighborhood (see “Grand ideas,” Newslines, May 23). The university also is eyeing the Rio Chico Way neighborhood, just north of the Wildcat Recreation Center. It’s made up of privately owned homes, many of which are rented by students, Guzzi said. The idea is to seek private-public partnerships to create residence halls there, as well as affordable housing for faculty. —ASHIAH SCHARAGA ash ia h s@ newsr ev iew.c o m

AUGUST 15, 2019




F R O M PA G E 2 1

families are still there, Wilcox said. As of the CN&R’s deadline, Troupe had two leads on housing. He noted, though, that affordability post-Camp Fire is also an issue. “It seems like all the prices have gone up,” he said. Herbert has worked for the uni-

versity for five years and coowned a local property management company from 2000 to 2014. He says it isn’t out of the ordinary for housing to be tougher to secure as the school year inches closer and the more popular or affordable units are snatched up. If affordability is an issue, he suggests that students consider sharing rooms, or he connects them with the university’s Basic Needs Project, which helps displaced or homeless students secure emergency and transitional housing and loans (see “Home at last,” Cover story, Aug. 16, 2018). Herbert said a particular demographic has been struggling in this market: student couples and families. Because many may want to forgo typical student housing complexes, they end up competing with the rest of the renters in Chico. “If there was a crisis in the student housing market, that’s the most prominent place it is, because they’re really in the market with everybody else in our community,” he said. “And we do have a housing crisis in Chico. Apartments have wait-lists right now.” The Scion Group study confirms this, reporting that nontraditional student groups, including graduate students and those with families, were most impacted both pre- and post-Camp Fire. The campus community discussed this issue during Chico State’s recent 2020-2030 master plan update outreach events. Mike Guzzi, associate vice president of facilities and capital projects, recalled hearing from a single mother who said she would love to be able to move into a family residence hall with her child. In the current market, she couldn’t afford to move out on her own, and was staying with relatives. 22


AUGUST 15, 2019

Dan Herbert, Chico State director of Off-Campus Student Services, says for the traditional, single college student, there are plenty of housing options in Chico. PHOTO BY ASHIAH SCHARAGA

“Throughout the master planning process, we talked about that a lot: How do we get to a place where maybe we put enough beds … near the academic buildings, and [then] maybe we can convert portions of University Village for students with family housing? Because that’d be a more appropriate living environment for someone who has a family,” Guzzi said. “That’s a long-term goal we’d like to work towards.” Those seeking to live on campus also face challenges every year: As of Aug. 6, even with the addition of 71 residence hall beds, there were 191 students on the wait-list, Huyck said—which is “a little high” for the time of year. It typically hovers between 150 to 200, she said. The university sends updates to wait-listed students before school starts, she continued, but it’s hard to predict how much space might free up for a variety

of reasons, including health or financial struggles or choosing another college. “It’s tough, right? It’s this waiting game, because we don’t know how much movement there is going to be on the list,” she said. Maria Zepeda, an incoming freshman from Ukiah, said she wasn’t too worried about housing at first, but when she discovered she was wait-listed behind dozens of other students for the residence halls, she started searching for an affordable room elsewhere. In July, Zepeda had the same experience over and over: She’d inquire about an available bedroom posted online, only to hear that there were four or five other people interested. “[Finding housing] has been really weighing on me, and it’s been stressing my parents out as well. They’re like, ‘Are you going to have a place?’ And I’m like, ‘I don’t know. I’m trying my best.’ … Everybody’s looking for a place.” —ASHIAH SCHARAGA ash ia h s@ newsr ev iew.c o m

The promise Butte College expands tuition-free scholarship, develops Camp Fire programs to buoy enrollment


iley Hollstrom had a choice to make. After graduating from Paradise High School in 2018, she weighed starting her undergraduate studies at Butte College against moving south and enrolling at Santa Barbara City College. And while the 18-year-old business major had been leaning toward Santa Barbara—where she has family—the scales ultimately tipped in favor of Butte College for a simple reason: free tuition and fees. Hollstrom said she completed her first year at Butte College under the school’s Promise Scholarship Program, which was instituted last fall and pays all tuition and fees for eligible full-time students. The scholarship, which is set to expand this fall from one year to two, has made purchasing books more manageable and generally eased the costs of living, Hollstrom told the CN&R. Essentially, it’s made college affordable. “A lot more affordable,” said Hollstrom, who also works at Butte College as a receptionist and lost her home in the Camp Fire. These days Hollstrom lives in Chico, where she says she has a reliable group of friends and supporters. With the scholarship program extended, she intends to continue her studies at Butte College this year, with an eye toward transferring to Chico State. Hollstrom’s story illustrates what

school officials hoped its Promise Scholarship Program would accomplish: attract first-year students, including first- and second-generation college students and retain them and grow enrollment. “We were on an upward trajectory, and then all of a sudden the fire happened,” said Tammera Shinar, director

of financial aid and veterans services. “We were really excited because we were like, ‘Yes, the Promise is doing what we wanted it to do.’ We saw the numbers. … We were going in an upward motion.” Butte College’s fall 2018 enrollment totaled 11,820 students, up from 11,689 in fall 2017, according to California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office data. Shinar said the school lost more than 1,000 students in the wake of the fire, with many moving out of the area. And according to Clinton Slaughter, dean of student services for Butte College, Butte’s estimated fall enrollment will be down between 400 and 500 students from fall 2018. Shinar said officials hope the Promise Scholarship Program serves as an incentive for fire survivors to attend Butte College. The school also has developed programs that are designed to train students in skills that can be applied to the rebuild effort, such as new construction management programs and its heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVACR) program. “We went to work instantly,” Shinar said. “We started working with our community partners and being part of the conversation of, ‘What is Paradise going to need?’”

The state Legislature established the

California College Promise in 2017 through Assembly Bill 19, giving community colleges the option to waive fees for one year for first-time students who enroll in 12 or more semester units and complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid or a California Dream Act application. State funding is distributed by the chancellor of California Community Colleges. The Legislature has introduced legislation meant to expand California College Promise for two years, and Butte College announced it was expanding its scholarship program to two years this fall through a combination of state and private funding. Most notably, Shinar said, Butte College previously received a $1 million endowment from alumnus Ken Grossman, founder of Sierra Nevada Brewing Co., and his wife, Katie Gosner, to support the school’s scholarship program. Shinar said Butte College’s scholarship program cost about $480,000 to fund in its first year, with most of the money coming from the state. The school funded 609 students last year, and it estimates about 1,200 will be eligible for the scholarship this fall. Subsidized tuition and fees, Shinar said, appears to be the future of community college funding in the state. “I think that we have had plenty of

talks about—why do we even charge tuition and fees?” she said. “Why don’t we just get rid of it, right? And so the Legislature’s response was, ‘Well, show me the price tag for that.’ And that’s always a fun conversation to have.” At the Thursday Night Market in Chico last week (Aug. 8), Butte College staff set up booths promoting the Promise Scholarship Program, handing out free T-shirts, water and information to passersby. Some stopped for the T-shirts. Others, the water. But some also learned about the program for the first time. “They’re excited,” said Christine Miller, financial aid and veterans services assistant for Butte College. “A lot of people are like, ‘I wish they had that when I was going to school,’ which I can understand.” Miller said the school’s scholarship program opens the door for students who may not have otherwise had the means to attend college. And those who do attend because of the program appear to be succeeding. The school, she said, is seeing students move on to their second year of eligibility. The goal of Thursday’s informational session at the market was clear. “To get the word out,” Miller said. “To encourage people to apply and go to Butte College.”

Butte College set up information booths at City Plaza in Chico last Thursday (Aug. 8) to educate people about its Promise Scholarship Program. PHOTO BY ANDRE BYIK

—ANDRE BYIK a nd r e b @ newsr ev iew.c o m

AUGUST 15, 2019





august 15, 2019

august 15, 2019







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Arts &Culture Party on the river

Mojo Green  with a festival  of horns, aka  Hornmageddon.



A (mostly) sunny weekend of dancing and fun at annual For the Funk of It festival

Special Events THURSDAY NIGHT MARKET: Local produce, fresh flowers, music, arts and crafts, and food trucks. Thu, 8/15, 6pm. Downtown

Lwildfires festival in Belden had nearby causing concern, and this

ast year’s For the Funk of It music

year—Aug. 10-12—it was the rain. On Saturday, the photos by Beach Stage had to Ken Pordes be moved indoors temporarily due Review: to threat of thunFor the Funk of It derstorms, but by Music Festival, Aug. 9-11, Belden. Sunday the bands were back on the sand, the audience was cooling off in the Feather River, and both the Beach and Main stages were jumping with high-energy funk acts.

Chico. 345-6500. downtownchico.com

Music SUMMER CONCERTS IN THE PARK: Classic rock and originals with Mark 3. Thu, 8/15, 6:30pm. Riverbend Park, 60 W. Montgomery St., Oroville.



Special Events Groovin’ on  the Feather  River.

Mojo Green  frontwoman  Jenes Carter.

FORK IN THE ROAD: Celebrate the 50th anniversary of Woodstock with Soul Posse playing the music from the era. Plus, a bunch of food trucks, beer, and a playground for the kids. Fri, 8/16, 5:30pm. Free. Degarmo Park, 199 Leora Court., 828-8040.

Object Heavy  vocalist  Richard Love.


City of Trees  Brass Band  roams the  festival grounds.

Opens Friday, Aug. 16 Chico Theater Company SEE FRIDAY-SUNDAY, THEATER



AUGUST 15, 2019


FORK IN THE ROAD Friday, Aug. 16 Degarmo Park




CRIMES OF THE HEART: See Friday. Sat, 8/17, 7:30pm. $14-$18. Chico Theater Company, 166 Eaton Road, Ste. F. chicotheatercompany. com

MURDER AT THE HOEDOWN: Murder-mystery dinner theater to benefit the California / Hawaii Elks Purple Pig project to help children walk, talk, see and play. Come dressed as your favorite Old West character and see if you can solve the who dun’ it! Call 343-1992 for tickets. Sat, 8/17, 5pm. Chico Elks Lodge, 1705 Manzanita Ave.



will include theory/philosophy of nonviolent direct action, hands-on physical tactics, legal rights, and more. Food provided. Sun, 8/18, 4:30pm. Chico Branch Library, 1108 Sherman Ave.

Music AARON LYON: Vegan brunch and chill tunes. Sun, 8/18, 11am. Tender Loving Coffee, 365 E. Sixth St.

JAZZ AT SCOTTY’S: The Miami Rogue Roosters jazz up the patio at Scotty’s. Sun, 8/18, 12pm. Scotty’s Landing, 12609 River Road.

Theater CRIMES OF THE HEART: See Friday. Sun, 8/18, 2pm. $14-$18. Chico Theater Company, 166

Special Events

Eaton Rd., Ste. F. chicotheatercompany.com


HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON: Chico Mall Family Movie Nights presents animated classic about finding courage and growing up. Takes place near Dick’s Sporting Goods. Fri, 8/16, 7pm. Free. Chico Mall, 1950 E. 20th St., Ste. 727, 343-0706.

POTLUCK, OPEN MIC AND JAM: Bring a dish to share, an acoustic instrument, your voice, a song or your favorite joke. Small donation requested. Fri, 8/16, 5pm. Feather River Senior Center, 1335 Meyers St., Oroville.

HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON Friday, Aug. 16 Chico Mall


VOLUNTEER FRIDAYS: Join in picking up litter and pulling weeds in the park. For more info call Shane at 896-7831. Fri, 8/16, 9am. Bidwell Park.

Theater CRIMES OF THE HEART: Sisterly love and laughter turn to anger and tears when old resentments resurface and three sisters come to terms with the consequences of their own actions in this heartwarming classic. Fri, 8/16, 7:30pm. $14-$18. Chico Theater Company, 166 Eaton Road, Ste. F. chicotheatercompany.com

Music FRIDAY NIGHT CONCERTS: Classic and original rock, world and funk music in the plaza with

Jeff Pershing Band. Fri, 8/16, 7pm. City Plaza, downtown Chico, 132 W. Fourth St.



Special Events CHLOE’S MOUNTAIN SCREENING: Inspirational feature film about a young woman who faces life-altering challenges. Net proceeds will go toward building a permanent memorial for those who perished in the Camp Fire. Sat 8/17, 6pm. $6-$12. Paradise Performing Arts Center, 777 Nunneley Road, Paradise.

Nelson’s annual production featuring a day filled with free food and music in the park. This year, the “fourth and final,” is a tribute to the 50th anniversary of Woodstock, with performances by Dead Awake, Channel 66, Electric Redemption and Get Foxy. Plus, tri-tip sandwiches, vegan food and bottled water. Sun, 8/18, 1pm. Free. Oak Grove Picnic Area, Bidwell Park.

CHLOE’S MOUNTAIN SCREENING: See Saturday. Sun, 8/18, 2pm. $6-$12. Paradise Performing Arts



Special Events FARM STAND: Fun farmers’ market featuring local growers, plant starts, homemade bakery goods and medicinal herbs. Mon, 8/19,

4pm. Blackbird, 1431 Park Ave.

Center, 777 Nunneley Road, Paradise.

FREE MOVIE: Free movie every week, call 8912762 for title. Sun, 8/18, 2pm. Chico Branch Library, 1108 Sherman Ave.



DAY HIKE-KINGS CREEK FALLS & SIFFORD LAKES LOOP: Hike 5-mile loop through Lassen National Park through meadows, wildflowers and by a spectacular waterfall and lakes. Meet at Chico Park & Ride, contact Alan at 891-8789 or ajmendoza777@comcast.net for more info. Sat 8/17, 7:30am. $5-$20. Lassen National Park, 891-8789.

PRE-PRIDE DRAG SHOW: Kick off Chico Pride a week early with a fun night of drag, drinks and dancing. Sat, 8/17, 10pm. $7. The Maltese, 1600 Park Ave.

Music DEVOTCHKA: Legendary Colorado-based quartet performs unique style of modern indie music with a global sound influenced by immigrant dance music, punk and cabaret. Sat, 8/17, 8pm. $20-$30. Sierra Nevada Big Room, 1075 E. 20th St. sierranevada.com

ERIC PETERS & KEZIRAH BRADFORD: Chill brunch tunes. Sat, 8/17, 11am. La Salles, 229 Broadway St.

FREE LISTINGS! Post your event for free online at www. newsreview.com/calendar, or email the CN&R calendar editor at cnrcalendar@newsreview.com. Deadline for print listings is Wednesday, 5 p.m., one week prior to the issue in which you wish the listing to appear.

MUSICAL MELTING POT What began as a cabaret-style backing band for a traveling burlesque crew is now an internationally popular, multi-instrumental tour de force known as DeVotchKa. Wielding old-timey, exotic instruments like the theramin, bouzouki and glockenspiel, the band’s sound weaves spaghetti Western twang, indie rock and punk with an Eastern European Gypsy aesthetic for a thoroughly unique style of world music that you can dance to. Catch the Denver-based crew this Saturday (Aug. 17) at the Sierra Nevada Big Room as they visit in support of their new album, This Night Falls Forever. LA..-based female Americana folk singer and songwriter Jamie Drake opens the show. AUGUST 15, 2019





august 15, 2019


cn&r is Looking for • advertising consuLtant Art 1078 GALLERY: Outer Space Is Closer Than Antarctica, hand-cut photographs and illustrations on Antarctica by Michelle Ott. Reception Saturday, Aug.17, 6-8pm. Through 8/17. 1710 Park Ave. 1078gallery.org

CHICO ART CENTER: Master Remix, juried exhibition features creative remakes and appropriations of famous artworks by contemporary artists. Through 8/30. 450 Orange St. chicoartcenter.com

HEALING ART GALLERY AT ENLOE CANCER CENTER: Art by Connie G. Adams, Enloe Cancer Center Healing Art Gallery featuring Northern California artists whose lives have been touched by cancer showcases series of watercolor paintings by breast cancer survivor. Through 10/18. 265 Cohasset Road, 332-3856.

MUSEUM OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA ART: Walls We Create, exhibition reflects the cultural experience of “barriers.” Through 9/29. $5. 900 Esplanade. monca.org


Shows through Aug. 31 Naked Lounge SEE ART

Museums CHICO CHILDREN’S MUSEUM: Featuring tons of cool stuff for kids to explore including a miniature city, complete with a junior vet clinic, dentist, cafe and farmer’s market, a giant fish tank, multi-sensory room, imagination playground and much more. Check the website for hours and admission information. Through 8/3. $7-$9. 325 Main St. chicochildrensmuseum.org.

GATEWAY SCIENCE MUSEUM: Before and Beyond the Moon, interactive multimedia exhibition celebrates the human and technological achievements needed to reach the moon and envisions a future Mars landing. Through 12/15. 625 Esplanade.

• distribution driver Do you love Chico? Do you want to help local businesses succeed? So do we! the Chico news & review is a family owned business that has been part of the Chico community since 1977. our mission is to publish great newspapers which are successful and enduring, create a quality work environment that encourages employees to grow while respecting personal welfare, and to have a positive impact on our communities and make them better places to live.

NAKED LOUNGE: UMA & the Dragon, collaborative art show featuring Uma Misha (age 2 1/2) and her father David Dragonboy Sutherland (old). Reception Wednesday, Aug. 28, 6-8pm. Through 8/31. 118 W. Second St.

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ORLAND ART CENTER: Group Show, 29 artists from all over California show their work. Through 9/21. 732 Fourth St., Orland.

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AUGUST 15, 2019



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august 15, 2019


Shannon & ThE CLamS

Selector’s choice Outpatient Records celebrates five years of selling and spinning vinyl in Chico

W Records pop-up shops, it’s more than just a sale. The small-business owner also brings along turntables hen Matthew Garcia sets up one of his Outpatient

and plays his favorite records while customers dig through the vinyl. But Garcia doesn’t spin for the by duration. Every hour, a new DJ Jason Cassidy takes over, and as he says, “it’s j aso nc@ always selector’s choice.” It isn’t newsrev i ew.c om your typical DJ party, however, with dancer requests and well-worn favorites. Rather, much like creating Pop-ups: a mix CD for a road trip or curating Outpatient DJs and live a personal Spotify playlist, Garcia music (with The False sees it as a chance for music fanatFace Society): tonight, Aug. 15, 9 p.m., at ics—himself included—to share the Argus Bar + Patio music they like. (212 W. Second St.) “If I’m the person having the best Outpatient Records time, then people will get it.” Summer Pop-Up Shop, And Garcia isn’t a snob about Saturday, Aug. 17, who takes over the turntables; 10 a.m.-2 p.m., at the Naked Lounge everyone is welcome. “I can teach (118 W. Second St.) anybody how to DJ in less than five Outpatient Records minutes,” he said. That kind of connection with felfive-year anniversary with DJs plus live music low music fans was exactly what by Howlin’ Rain, Horse Garcia was after when he started the Hunter and WRVNG, Sept. 12, at Argus, $10/ Outpatient Records (that and providadvance tickets ing a means to support his vinyl habit), (eventbrite.com) and this month marks five years he’s been sharing music with Chico. “For me, it’s [about] community interaction. I have not gone to Discogs or eBay,” he said, preferring the social model he’s created. Now 34 years old and with a day job as a children’s therapist, Garcia originally moved here from his hometown of Visalia in 2010 to pursue a master’s in social work at Chico State. Outpatient Records originally was conceived as a business that Garcia and his brother (also a therapist) would open: a record shop that had a private counseling practice in the back. But after his first Chico pop-up gig during a Mixed Media Mixer at 1078 Gallery, Garcia usurped the name. From there he branched out to set-

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Matthew Garcia hosting an Outpatient pop-up shop at the Winchester Goose.

ting up shop at various hip PHOTO COURTESY OF social businesses around town, OUTPATIENT RECORDS including the old Winchester Goose beer bar and the Naked Lounge coffeehouse downtown. He’s continued to post up at the latter every other month since (see infobox). To stock up for his shop, as well as satisfy his own cravings, Garcia goes on “digs” all over the Western states, and like many vinyl junkies he’s surrendered a good chunk of real estate in his home for record storage (though he says he’s always “in constant purge mode”). While talking with the CN&R, he thumbed through the neatly organized boxes and shelves and played the kinds of music that he prefers listening to—whether at home or at a gig. It’s mostly stuff that takes him back to his roots, both his Mexican heritage and his years as a jazz DJ at Fresno State. The session started off with No Room for Squares, a hard bop classic by tenor saxophonist Hank Mobley. From there, Garcia moved on to a groovy Latin-funk mash-up by Fresno-raised Ray Camacho, and then an album he said was one of his most treasured, a disc his mom had given him titled Noche Bohemia, the 1961 debut by the late Chavela Vargas. The passionate voice of the much-loved ranchera singer—whom Garcia called “the Mexican Billie Holiday”—popped from the grooves and the uncompromising legend came alive. For the last two or three years of Outpatient, Garcia has expanded the scope of his musical endeavors beyond just sharing records; he added live music to the equation. He and co-promoter Boris Breckenridge (of Mockingbyrd Coffee) have promoted a wide range of visiting and local artists alongside the pop-ups—most often on the patio of Argus Bar + Patio—including Nigerien guitar wizard Mdou Moctar and So Cal garage rockers OC Hurricanes. “I just want to bring things that I’d be into,” Garcia said, adding that they are trying to add something atypical to the scene, including many Latin and female artists. The next live show will function as the official Outpatient five-year anniversary party, with local allfemale crew WRVNG joining San Francisco rockers Howlin’ Rain Sept. 12 at Argus. Ω




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Saturday, Aug. 17 Sierra Nevada Hop Yard SEE SATURDAY

with a rotating list of DJs spinning all vinyl till late. Thu, 8/15, 8pm. Bill’s Towne Lounge, 135 Main St.

TLC THURSDAYS: Free music series featuring North State artists. This week, “beat professor” and MC, Gutter the Saint. Thu, 8/15, 7pm. Tender Loving Coffee, 365 E. Sixth St.

FALSE FACE SOCIETY: Local live tunes plus Outpatient Records spinning the wax. Thu, 8/1, 9pm, $5. Argus Bar + Patio, 212 W. Second St.

ROYAL JELLY JIVE: Sierra Nevada Full Moon Series presents hardswingin’ soul-jive with this Bay Area favorite. Seattle’s Chris Kink and the Gutterballs open. Thu, 8/15, 7pm. $15. Sierra Nevada Hop Yard, 1075 E. 20th St. sierranevada.com


COMEDY NIGHT: Headliner Carlos

Rodriguez is joined by Taylor Evans, Andre Morton and more for a big night of laughs. Thu, 8/15, 7pm. Unwined Kitchen & Bar, 980 Mangrove Ave.

EMO/SCREAMO NIGHT: Eclectic lineup with locals and out-of-towners: Culture Tourist, Popular Kids, Mai, Eras, Carcosa and Moon Saler. All ages. Thu, 8/15, 7pm. $5. Ike’s Place, 648 West Fifth St.

SUMMER CONCERTS IN THE PARK: Classic rock and originals with Mark 3. Thu, 8/15, 6:30pm. Riverbend Park, 60 W. Montgomery St., Oroville.

SURF NOIR KINGS: Original surf rock on the patio with special guest Miles Corbin (from The Aqua Velvets). Thu, 8/15, 6pm. La Salles, 229 Broadway St., 894-3463.

THUMPIN’ THURSDAY ROCK ’N’ BLUES JAM: Hosted by the Loco-Motive Band plus special guests. All musicians and music enthusiasts welcome. Thu, 8/15, 8pm. Studio Inn Lounge, 2582 Esplanade, (408) 449-2179.


3 PINTS DOWN: Country, rock and

gospel sing-along tunes from local trio. Fri, 8/16, 6pm. Almendra Winery & Distillery, 9275 Midway Road, Durham.

CHRIS WENGER AND FRIENDS: Relaxing dinner tunes by talented local musicians. Fri, 8/16, 6:30pm. Diamond Steakhouse, 220 W. Fourth St.

FRIDAY NIGHT CONCERTS: Classic and original rock, world and funk music in the plaza with Jeff Pershing Band. Fri, 8/16, 7pm. City Plaza, downtown Chico, 132 W. Fourth St.

HARDCORE NIGHT: West Coast punk with Chico straight-edgers The Choice, on tour with Scowl from Santa Cruz. Oakland’s Cell Rot and World Peace share the bill. All ages. Fri, 8/16, 8pm. $7. 1078 Gallery, 1710 Park Ave. 1078gallery.org

INFAMOUS: New local rock band with

Jon Spielman, Tom Aragon and Mark Rose. Fri, 8/16, 9pm. $5. Tackle Box, 379 E. Park Ave.

JOSH BUDRO BAND: Nor-Cal band sings about God and country with a twist of outlaw honky-tonk twang. Fri,

8/16, 9:30pm. $5. Feather Falls


D.I.Y. underground booking crew Chico Area Punks presents Hardcore Night this Friday (Aug. 16) at the 1078 Gallery with a killer lineup of West Coast hardcore punk. Local straightedge duo The Choice swings by on its tour with Scowl, from Santa Cruz. Cell Rot and World Peace, a double whammy out of Oakland and touting a new shared EP, fill the bill. All ages!

Casino & Lodge, 3 Alverda Drive, Oroville.

KYLE WILLIAMS: Enjoy music under the stars with local singer/songwriter. Fri, 8/16, 4:30pm. Sierra Nevada Hop Yard, 1075 E. 20th St. sierranevada.com

MOMMA T & THE SHAKY GROUND BAND: Sacramento-based band plays roots, blues, jazz, pop and country. Fri, 8/16, 8:30pm. Feather Falls Casino & Lodge, 3 Alverda Drive, Oroville.

OPEN MIC: Bring an instrument. Acoustic/electric guitar and drum set available to use. Sign-ups at 7:30pm. All ages welcome until 10pm. Fri, 8/16, 8pm. $1. Down Lo, 319 Main St., 966-8342.

PARK STREET RIOT: Psychedelic garage rock band from Nevada City performs, and locals Bogart the Monster and Scarlet Pumps share the bill. Fri, 8/16, 8pm. Ike’s Place, 648 West Fifth St.


grass string band performs. Fri, 8/16, 8pm. The Exchange, 1975 Montgomery St., Oroville. theex changeoroville.com

TYLER DEVOLL: Happy hour music with a talented singer/songwriter. Fri, 8/16, 4pm. La Salles, 229 Broadway St.

Z-MAN: Hardcore, metal, rap night headlined by the popular S.F. rapper. Plus, DJ True Justice, DJ MattleAxe and Mucid share the bill. Fri, 8/16, 8pm. $7. The Maltese, 1600 Park Ave.


BIG MO & FRIENDS: Popular local blues/

funk band performs, and local guitar stud Loki Miller opens. Sat, 8/17, 8pm. $7-$10. Tender Loving Coffee, 365 E. Sixth St.

BLACK FONG: Chico’s favorite partyfunk band kicks off Unwined’s fall concert series. Sat, 8/17, 9pm. Unwined Kitchen & Bar, 980 Mangrove Ave.

BOARD GAMES AND BEERS: Games available and you are welcome to bring your own. Sat, 8/17, 6pm. The Chico Taproom, 2201 Pillsbury Road, Ste. 114. thechicotaproom.com

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artists! the Cn&r artbox proje projeCt is looking for creative minds to transform our newsracks into functional works of art.

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AUGUST 15, 2019


Saturday, Aug. 17 Unwined Kitchen & Bar SEE SATURDAY

PRE-PRIDE DRAG SHOW: Kick off Chico Pride a week early with a fun night

of drag, drinks and dancing. Sat, 8/17, 10pm. $7. The Maltese, 1600 Park Ave.

RISE AND FALL: Hardcore metal CAT DEPOT: Solo guitar + loops + noodles + tricks + silly banter and special guests. All ages. Sat, 8/17, 4pm. Sierra Nevada Hop Yard, 1075 E. 20th St. sierranevada.com


Friday. Sat, 8/17, 6:30pm. Diamond Steakhouse, 220 W. Fourth St.

DEVOTCHKA: Legendary Coloradobased quartet performs unique style of modern indie music with a global sound influenced by immigrant dance music, punk and cabaret. Sat, 8/17, 8pm. $20-$30. Sierra Nevada Big Room, 1075 E. 20th St. sierranevada.com

DRIVER: Classic rock, rhythm and

blues from local band. Sat, 8/17, 9pm. Studio Inn Lounge, 2582


THE KELLY TWINS DUELING PIANOS: Popular piano bros play your requests. Sat, 8/17, 9pm. Feather Falls Casino & Lodge, 3 Alverda Drive, Oroville.

KYLE WILLIAMS: Mellow tunes with local singer songwriter. Sat, 8/17, 8pm. The Exchange, 1975 Montgomery St., Oroville. theex changeoroville.com


with Madonna covers. Sat, 8/17, 9:30pm. $5. Feather Falls Casino & Lodge, 3 Alverda Drive, Oroville.

NO QUARTER: Led Zeppelin tribute band performs, Richvale’s Amahjra and Sacramento’s Cities You Wish You Were From open. Sat, 8/17, 9pm. $10$13. Lost on Main, 319 Main St., 892-2445.

from Belgium. Bungo Machine, Mike Justice and Shades of Glam open. Sat, 8/17, 8pm. $5. Naked Lounge, 118 W. Second St.

SOUL POSSE: Country-style dance party with five-piece cover band. Sat, 8/17, 7pm. $8. Oroville VFW Auxiliary, 1901 Elgin St., Oroville.

TOWNSHIP: Rockin’ tunes for late night happy hour. Sat, 8/17, 10pm. La Salles, 229 Broadway St.


trio from Sacramento. Sat, 8/17, 9pm. $5. Tackle Box, 379 E. Park Ave.


TRIBUTE TO BILLIE EILISH: Third Monday Jazz Jam kicks off with interpretation of Eilish’s catalog of pop hits. Mon, 8/19, 7:30pm. Tender Loving Coffee, 365 E. Sixth St.


bit? Signups start at 8pm. Sun, 8/18, 9pm. The Maltese, 1600 Park Ave.

St., 892-2445.

OPEN MIC AT THE LIBRARY: Presenters share everything from poetry and memoir to folk songs and instrumental guitar pieces. Call Katy at 434-3794 with questions. Wed, 8/21, 7pm. Free. Butte County Library, Chico Branch, 1108 Sherman Ave.

with experienced and first-time comedians. Sign-ups start at 8pm. Wed, 8/21, 9pm. Studio Inn Lounge, 2582 Esplanade.

STEVE COOK, LARRY PETERSON, JOHN SEID: Relaxing dinner tunes by local musicians. Wed, 8/21, 6pm. Izakaya Ichiban, 2000 Notre Dame Blvd.

OPEN MIC COMEDY: Your weekly Wednesday dose of free comedy

OPEN MIC: Hosted by veteran

Chico singer/songwriter Andan Casamajor. There’s always a guitar to borrow and a house cajón for frisky fingers, so come on down and get on the list. Tue, 8/20, 7pm. Tender Loving Coffee, 365 E. Sixth St.

MOUTH PAINTER & WEST BAY SWAN: Mouth Painter stands “at the intersection of country/folk, drone and exotica,” and the Portland, Ore., band joins local noisemakers West by Swan, and new crew Wild Plants (featuring Jesse from XDS). All ages. Tue, 8/20, 7pm. $7. 1078 Gallery, 1710 Park Ave. 1078gallery.org



8:30pm. $15. Lost On Main, 319 Main

MIKE LOVE: Reggae/rock and posi-

tive vibrations from Hawaii-based singer/songwriter. Chase Makai and DJ O’ Snap share the bill. Wed, 8/21,


No, Billie Eilish isn’t in town, but the Third Monday Jazz Jam music series at Tender Loving Coffee this Monday (Aug. 19) will honor the pop innovator currently slaying the radio with amazing/ weird songs like “Bad Guy” and “Bury a Friend.” Check out the best jazz musicians in town performing their take on Eilish’s signature sound—it should be rad. The tribute set kicks off the night and an open jam follows.






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Race for equality The all-female crew that challenged the establishment and sailed around the world Maiden Alength tion to an exceptionally rich season for featuredocumentaries. Like The Rolling Thunder lex Holmes’

Revue, Toni Morrison: The Pieces I Am, Echo in the Canyon, etc., Holmes’ film is not only strong in subject matter, but by Juan-Carlos also richly engaging in movie terms. Selznick The press kit for Maiden pitches the film as the “story of Tracy Edwards, a 24-year-old cook on charter boats, who became the skipper of the first ever all-female crew to enter the Whitbread Round the Maiden World Race in 1989.” And Holmes’ Opens Friday (Aug. film certainly delivers in those 16). Directed by Alex terms, but—somewhat surprisHolmes. Pageant Theatre. Rated PG. ingly—there’s even more to it than that. Edwards’ story is indeed central to the entire film, but with straight-up biography taking a backseat to a steadily fascinating account of the 1989 Round the World Race, before, during and after. And both the racing drama and the biography gain a good deal from the on-camera reflections of Edwards’ crew, three decades after the fact. Those retrospective on-camera reflections play into some observations about photographic portrayals of women. Such issues arise during the 1989 voyage as media attention to the all-female crew takes off, and they carry over into the latter-day interviews and reminiscences and, just as importantly, into the distinctive manner by which Holmes and cinematographer Chris Openshaw make the present-day


Publication Date: September 13 Call your News & Review advertising representative today, (530) 894-2300 38


AUGUST 15, 2019

A FREE Guide for Visitors and Locals, too.

is yet another outstanding addi-

talking-head close-ups into subtle moments of vivid portraiture. The film’s emerging portrait of Edwards is a study in the paradoxes personality—a kind of feminist heroine growing out of the grassroots rebellion of an angry young woman. She’s the central character in all this, and yet she’s also the most mysterious. Much to the film’s point, she’s the one we learn the most about, but she’s also the least likely to be understood in any conveniently conventional way. The film’s then-and-now portraits of Edwards and her crew add richness of character all around. Jo Gooding, a friend of Edwards’ since childhood, and Marie-Claude Heys, an experienced sailor whose rivalry with Edwards cut short her tenure on the crew, both make particularly striking contributions. Crewmates Sally Creaser, Nancy Hill, Jeni Mundy, Claire Russell, Dawn Riley and Tanja Visser have brief but vivid moments as well. The title is the name of the second-hand racing yacht that Edwards and her crew whipped into shape for the race in 1989. As such, that refurbished sailing vessel is a distinctive character of sorts in the parts of Maiden that are also a very lively sporting story. With each leg of the race, Holmes builds a fresh sense of immediacy and suspense via limited POV and the use of footage shot by the crew in 1989. □

1 2

3 4




Very Good

5 Excellent

Opening this week 47 Meters Down: Uncaged

Teen girls diving among Mexican ruins on holiday find themselves stranded in sharkinfested waters. Feather River Cinemas. Rated PG-13.

The Angry Birds Movie 2

It’s angry birds vs. green pigs in installment two of the video game-turnedanimated-film series. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas. Rated PG.

Blinded by the Light

Gurinder Chadhatk (Bend It Like Beckham) directs this story of a British teen of Pakistani descent who begins to develop his own voice as he connects his circumstances with the lyrical themes in Bruce Springsteen’s music. Cinemark 14. Rated PG-13.

Good Boys

Three sixth-grade boys embark on an epic, R-rated coming-of-age odyssey. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas. Rated R.



See review this issue. Pageant Theatre. Rated PG-13 —J.C.S.

Where’d You Go, Bernadette

Cate Blanchett stars as a devoted mother/ wife who runs away in order to reconnect with her long-sacrificed passions. Directed by Richard Linkater (Boyhood, Before Midnight, Before Sunset). Cinemark 14. Rated PG-13.

Reopening this week


Toni Morrison: The Pieces I Am

A two-hour portrayal of the great American novelist and Nobel Prize winner (who died earlier this month). In a way it’s a documentary-style biopic, but with a strong autobiographical element. Morrison tells her own story here, in her own words, speaking directly to the camera (and to her unseen and unheard interviewer, Timothy Greenfield-Sanders, who is also the film’s director). As such, The Pieces I Am gives us a dramatically detailed sketch of her life story—novelist, editor, teacher, mother, African-American icon. But its most extraordinary and rewarding qualities reside in its extended up-close encounters with the woman herself—the exceptionally large-spirited human being this film lets us see and hear. One showing: Sunday, Aug. 18, 7 p.m. Pageant Theatre. Rated PG-13 —J.C.S.

Now playing

The Art of Racing in the Rain

Film adaptation of Garth Stein’s 2008 bestselling novel about a dog name Enzo (voiced here by Kevin Costner) preparing for his future reincarnated life by studying his race-car-driving caretaker, Denny (Milo Ventimiglia). Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas. Rated PG.

Dora and the Lost City of Gold

A live-action adaptation of the popular Nickelodeon animated series about the adventure-loving 7-year-old, Dora, and her monkey pal, Boots. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas. Rated PG.


Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw

Hobbs & Shaw is actually a spinoff from the series. In other words, rejoice! The leaden, dreary Vin Diesel is nowhere to be seen in this movie. Now we can have some real fun! Hobbs & Shaw is a bizarre hybrid of spy thriller, action flick, screwball comedy and science fiction. Here, Furious franchise regulars Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson) and Shaw (Jason Statham) are tasked with protecting the latter’s sister, Hattie (Vanessa Kirby), after she injects herself with something that will have worldwide consequences if she’s captured. The main antagonist is Brixton (Idris Elba), a former Shaw ally who has turned into some sort of bionic badass dubbed, by himself, “Black Superman.” Stuntman-turned-director David Leitch, who gave us the first John Wick and Deadpool 2, knows his way around an action scene, and his edits create constant action and laughs— thanks in large part to Johnson and Statham’s great timing and onscreen chemistry. And while it’s expected that the tough-guy leads will kick ass in movies such as this, it’s Kirby who steals the show as the action hero of this installment. She is a total badass. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas. Rated PG-13 —B.G.

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The Kitchen

Melissa McCarthy, Tiffany Haddish and Elisabeth Moss star as three women living in New York City’s ’s Hell’s Kitchen in the 1970s. After their mobster husbands are put in prison, they join forces to take over their criminal enterprises. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas. Rated R.

The Lion King

Jon Favreau (Elf, Iron Man) directs this photorealistic CGI remake of the 1994 Disney animated classic that features an impressive cast of voice actors, including Chiwetel Ejiofor, Donald Glover, Beyoncé, Seth Rogen, John Oliver and, naturally, James Earl Jones as Mufasa. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas. Rated PG.


Once Upon a Time in … Hollywood

When Quentin Tarantino is behind the camera, mayhem and artistic license win out—history and conventionality be damned. Movie No. 9 is a dreamy doozy, and maybe the director/screenwriter’s most unapologetic film yet. Set in 1969, Once Upon a Time in … Hollywood captures the dying days of both sixties culture and the Golden Age of Hollywood. And through Tarantino’s storytelling lens, they die hard—in mysterious and hallucinogenic ways. For leading men, we get the pairing of Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt starring as insecure, has-been actor Rick Dalton and his trusty stuntman, Cliff Booth, respectively. Dalton’s career has devolved into playing the bad guys on weekly installments of TV’s The F.B.I., while the blackballed and pasthis-prime Booth is relegated to driving the actor around and acting as his confidant. The setup allows Tarantino to go hog wild with the sixties visuals and soundtrack. The end of the sixties was bona fide nuts, and this is a nutty movie. It also manages to be quite heartfelt and moving. Cinemark 14. Rated R —B.G.

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark

Alvin Schwartz’s 1980s series of children’s scary short stories gets the cinematic horror treatment. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas. Rated PG.

Spider-Man: Far From Home

This sequel to Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) picks up after the events of Avengers: Endgame, and finds Peter Parker/Spider-Man recruited by Nick Fury to battle new threats to the world. Cinemark 14. Rated PG-13.


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Summertime is the right time for stouts, too

Bbeershighlikein sugar and alcohol in the winter and lighter pilsners, kolsches, sours and IPAs in

eer-drinking conventions call for heavy, dark beers,

the summer. This makes intuitive sense. Dark beers—and I’m thinking especially of stouts—can taste and look like chocolate pudding or fudge, by typically desserts we consume Alastair Bland in the winter. On the other hand, crisp, lighter styles might resemble thirst-quenching lemonade, ideal for baking-hot afternoons. But stouts can and do have a valid place in summertime drinking. They can even be refreshing. Moreover, stouts vary. While giant stouts high in alcohol and aged in booze barrels gain the most attention in their category on social media, they are almost cloyingly sweet and filling. More subdued stouts, including many made by Nor Cal breweries, are just as good—and arguably better. They are also deceptively light and easydrinking, with their rich, roasty flavors belying the fact that 12 ounces of low-alcohol stout have no more calories than, say, a session IPA. At Moylan’s Brewing Co. in Novato, a 22-ounce bottle of Dragoons Dry Irish Stout runs just 5 percent alcohol by volume (ABV), has hearty flavors of coffee and roasted grain, and settles into a glass beneath a thick head of foam. In Fort Bragg, North Coast Brewing Co.’s Old No. 38 Stout is made in the tradition of dry Irish stouts. It runs 5.4 percent ABV, has plenty of flavor, but won’t fill you up. And Anderson Valley Brewing Co.’s Barney Flats Oatmeal Stout, at 5.8 percent, is

another light beer in flavorful disguise. At Sierra Nevada Brewing Co., its year-round stout was actually the first beer that the Chico brewery ever produced. At 5.8 percent ABV, it’s in the same realm as the warm-weather fave, Summerfest (5.0), and the same strength as the flagship Pale Ale (also 5.8). And both the smooth, roasted-malt flavored stout and the somewhat more mild porter (5.6 ABV) are two dark beers that pair as well with summer as the colder seasons. If you’re thinking that these beers, brewed in northern European traditions, hardly make a case for drinking stouts in the summer, consider that there is even a style of beer called the tropical stout. Represented by a handful of commercial products— Lion Stout, from Sri Lanka, and Dragon Stout, from Jamaica (brewed by Desnoes and Geddes, makers of Red Stripe), for instance—these beers are made with lager yeasts at relatively high temperatures and are brewed to be slightly sweet and fruity. But not every stout is suited for summertime drinking, as there is some logic to the guidelines of drinking lighter beers in hot weather and saving the big guns for winter. Indeed, I was taken aback to receive an email notification last week that Trillium Brewing Co., in Massachusetts, was about to release Coconut Cake, an imperial stout brewed with coconut and vanilla. It almost makes me sweat just to ponder a pint of this 13.5 ABV beer—part of a dubious substyle known as “pastry stouts”—on a hot August evening. I’ll save dessert beers for Christmastime (and even then, just a sip will do). For now, and through the summer, traditional stouts will find a place in my beer rotation. Ω

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rived just in time. The DJs have the next killer song queued up and are ready to spin a soundtrack for the rest of your endless Chico summer. There are now enough vinyl DJs in town for fans of collector-curated sets to have choices, with multiple venues and a wide range of selectors on the scene. Below is a handy guide to what’s currently spinning around town. If you’re hauling the steel wheels around and we’re missing your gigs, let this arts columnist (jasonc@newsreview.com) and the CN&R’s friendly calendar editor, neesa sonoquie (cnrcalendar@newsreview.com), know and we’ll get into your groove.

dJ Byrdie: The freshest events on the local scene are the various badass parties curated by Mindy Curtian— Throwback Thursdays, soulMotion, Low & slow, Rocksteady social Club, etc. As DJ Byrdie, her jam is soul, oldies and vintage reggae (ska, rocksteady, etc.), and for her theme nights she brings in DJs of all stripes—Esco Chris (reggae/ska), King Tommy (punk, reggae), plus all kinds of out-of-town visitors—and works with live bands and local promoters (including outpatient Records) as well to put on shows all over town (argus Bar + Grill, duffy’s Tavern and Bill’s Towne Lounge). Next up: Throwback Thursdays continue every week at 8 p.m. at Bill’s (with SoulMotion nights owning the firstDJ Byrdie Thursday slot in the series). And on phoTo by Tommy GhIorSo Aug. 24 at Bill’s, it’s a Bay Area version of Low & Slow, with abrilita and sultana joining Byrdie for the night. outpatient Records pop-ups: When local vinyl purveyor Matthew Garcia (see “Selector’s Choice,” page 35) sets up one of his regular pop-ups—every other month at naked Lounge and the occasional rock show at Argus Bar + Patio—he not only spins his own jazz and Latin-funk faves, he also invites local guests (both beginner and pro) to take a turn at the tables and play whatever they please. Next up: tonight (Aug. 15, 9 p.m.) at Argus (with local band The False Face society) and the August Naked Lounge Pop-Up shop this Saturday (Aug. 17, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.). dance nights at duffy’s Tavern: Weekends in Chico start Wednesday, at 10 p.m. The weekly dJ dance night at Duffy’s might be the longest-running dance party in town, with a four-woman roster of rotating DJs—amburgers (cohost of KZFR’s Funky Reservation), dJ amee, dJ Lois and dJ selecta Tali 1—playing

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everything from classic ’80s and hip-hop to groovy electronic and funk, plus just the right amount of disco. Also: Every six weeks or so, the man with possibly more records than anyone else in town (measured in the tens of thousands), Jeff “dJ J-Ho” Howse—host of the long-running Random Pick show on KZFR—steps behind the turntables for a special Saturday night edition of Dance Night at the downtown bar. Next up: Sept. 7.

24/7 dJ “services”: Why is services in quotes? You’ll have to ask the resident DJs— Beesus, Hardcore Jherri and Mattle axe—yourself. With an eclectic shared collection of classics and rarities from most every genre—from rap to metal—the trio is available for your wedding, bar mitzvah, corporate event and underground bike party. For bookings contact twentyfourseven djservices@gmail.com.

Cnrsweetdeals.newsreview.Com Buy online anytime with a credit card or in person with cash, check or credit card M-F 9am – 5pm at 353 E. Second Street, Downtown Chico. 42


AUGUST 15, 2019

selector City: Those are just the current regular happenings. Chico is home to a wide array of music fiends-turned-DJs, and chances are that many of the hip events you’ll be attending this semester will feature names like: Thrasher Trasher (Aug. 22 at Queer Justice is social Justice, at 1078 Gallery), aye Jay (hear his “rap-hop, Soweto Town jive, black rok and stone-cold white” Friday, Aug. 16, at The Maltese during the Z-Man show), sprech Magic (“polka and disco”), Esco Chris (reggae/ska); organ donor, Rat Boy and more.


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1122 W Sacramento Ave





31 Fairway Dr





2099 Hartford Dr #5 Unit





7 Lanai Ct





3299 Sespe Creek Way





231 Gooselake Cir





8 Knotts Glen Ct





1180 Lupin Ave





1265 Bruce St





819 Orient St





945 Sequoyah Ave





1244 Magnolia Ave #6 Apt






139 W Lassen Ave #32 Apt






2375 Notre Dame Blvd #6 Apt













3122 Eagle Lake Ct





2077 Rochester Dr





4 Noyo Ct 1291 E 5th Ave

Chico Chico

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3/2 3/2

719 Picaso Ln





619 Royce Ln

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3861 Adobe Ln

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514 Mission Santa Fe Cir





2591 White Ave





1195 Viceroy Dr





754 E Lassen Ave





1340 Greenwich Dr





810 Sequoyah Ave





106 Canyon Dr





2540 V6 Rd





16 Nikki Ct





170 Mountain View Dr





3735 Hildale Ave





22 Coventry Dr





40 Mission Rd





656 E 12th St





1527 Elm St





4514 Sierra Del Sol





2357 Lombard Ln





6186 Sawmill Rd





august 15, 2019





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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME - STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT The following persons have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name MADISON AGAVE at 3117 Bay Ave Chico, CA 95973. GARRETT GALLUS 1833 Roth St # B Chico, CA 95928. STEPHANIE VALDES 3117 Bay Ave Chico, CA 95973. This business was conducted by a General Partnership. Signed: STEPHANIE VALDES Dated: July 1, 2019 FBN Number: 2018-0000359 Published: July 25, August 1,8,15, 2019

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as ONCE UPON A WISH at 5270 Harrison Road Paradise, CA 95969. KELLY BENNETT 24 Arroyo Way Chico, CA 95926. AMBER THOMPSON 5270 Harrison Road Paradise, CA 95969. This business is conducted by a General Partnership. Signed: KELLY BENNETT Dated: July 18, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000854 Published: July 25, August 1,8,15, 2019


this Legal Notice continues

The following person is doing business as GUNDOG PRODUCTIONS at 1576 Hidden Haven Lane Paradise, CA 95969. JOANNE LORRAINE GRAHAM 2344 Casandra Drive Butte Valley, CA 95965. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: JOANNE GRAHAM Dated: June 25, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000769 Published: July 25, August 1,8,15, 2019

The following person is doing business as M R ELECTRICAL at 3947 Keefer Road Chico, CA 95973. MARK REHBRUG 3947 Keefer Road Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: MARK REHBURG Dated: July 1, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000789 Published: August 1,8,15,22, 2019

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as MERAK BRANDS at 1039 Blue Ridge Ave. Chico, CA 95973. SHANNON ROSAN 1039 Blue Ridge Ave. Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: SHANNON ROSAN Dated: July 18, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000855 Published: July 25, August 1,8,15, 2019

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as WIENER MAN at 200 Broadway St Chico, CA 95926. KEEFER SWEET 178 Terrace Dr Chico, CA 95926. LEROY LIN SWEET 178 Terrace Dr Chico, CA 95926. WENDY ERIN SWEET 178 Terrace Dr Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by a General Partnership. Signed: LEROY SWEET Dated: July 25, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000888 Published: August 1,8,15,22, 2019

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as SPARKLE PRODUCTIONS at 633 Orange St Chico, CA 95928. RICHARD STERLING SPARKLE 1065 Citrus Ave Chico, CA 95926. SUSAN MARIE SPARKLE 1065 Citrus Ave Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by a Married Couple. Signed: RICHARD S. SPARKLE Dated: July 22, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000867 Published: July 25, August 1,8,15, 2019

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as L AND T FARMS at 1005 Liberty Lane Chico, CA 95928. LINDSEY CAFFERATA 1005 Liberty Lane Chico, CA 95928. TODD SIMMONS 1005 Liberty Lane Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by a Married Couple. Signed: TODD SIMMONS Dated: July 15, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000836 Published: August 1,8,15,22, 2019

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as LO AND BEHOLD BEAUTY at 940 Mangrove Ave. Chico, CA 95926. LOREAL MATSON 1718 Magnolia Ave. Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: LOREAL MATSON Dated: July 23, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000873 Published: August 1,8,15,22, 2019


FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as A AND M ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES at 660 Manzanita Court, Suite 6 Chico, CA 95926. MASON AXEL MCKELLIPS 24 El Cerrito Dr Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: MASON MCKELLIPS Dated: July 26, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000890 Published: August 8,15,22,29, 2019

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as DRIVE THRU STOP AND SHOP at 6433 Skyway Suite 9 Paradise, CA 95969. GABRIELL HERNDON 5858 Tika Lane Magalia, CA 95954. ESTEFANIA MIRANDA 5858 Tika Lane Magalia, CA 95954. This business is conducted by a General Partnership. Signed: GABRIELL HERNDON Dated: July 12, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000829 Published: August 8,15,22,29, 2019

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as SIERRA POOLS INC at 3150 Hwy 32 Suite B Chico, CA 95973. SIERRA POOLS INC 3150 Hwy 32 Suite B Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by a Corporation. Signed: TYLER MORELAND, PRES/OWNER Dated: July 29, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000896 this Legal Notice continues

Published: August 8,15,22,29, 2019

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as CHICO’S FINEST LANDSCAPING at 6727 County Road 20 Orland, CA 95963. RAUL J RAMIREZ 6727 County Road 20 Orland, CA 95963. MARCOS F SANDOVAL 220 West 22nd St Apt 1 Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by a General Partnership. Signed: RAUL J RAMIREZ Dated: July 26, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000894 Published: August 8,15,22,29, 2019

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as SUMMIT STRUCTURAL DESIGN at 383 Rio Lindo Ave., Suite 200 Chico, CA 95926. SUMMIT STRUCTURAL DESIGN 383 Rio Lindo Ave., Suite 200 Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by a Corporation. Signed: RYLAND BURDETTE, VICE PRESIDENT Dated: July 24, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000882 Published: August 8,15,22,29, 2019

FICTITIIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as MACKRAY MANAGEMENT at 2599 Oak Park Ave Chico, CA 95928. JESSE GRIGG 1704 Oak Park Ave Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: JESSE GRIGG Dated: July 17, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000850 Published: August 15,22,29, September 5, 2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as ROOTS LANDSCAPING at 1513 Sherman Ave. Chico, CA 95926. BRADLEY SULLIVAN RELF 1513 Sherman Ave. Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: BRADLEY RELF Dated: July 17, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000851 Published: August 15,22,29, September 5, 2019

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as DEER PARK COUNSELING AND CONSULTING at 15A Williamsburg Lane Chico, CA 95926. DEVJANI BANERJEE-STEVENS 2446 Villa Vista Drive Oroville, CA 95965. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: DEVJANI BANERJEE-STEVENS this Legal Notice continues

Dated: August 6, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000925 Published: August 15,22,29, September 5, 2019

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as ILLUMINAID, OMPT, ONE MEDIA PLAYER PER TEACHER, ONE MOBILE PROJECTOR PER TRAINER, POLDER, INC at 645 Mangrove Avenue Chico, CA 95926. POLDER, INC 645 Mangrove Avenue Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by a Corporation. Signed: PATRICE YORK, SECRETARY/TREASURER Dated: August 6, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000922 Published: August 15,22,29, September 5, 2019

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as LG CONSTRUCTION at 15283 Cana Pine Creek Road Chico, CA 95973. LUIS ALBERTO GARCIA 15283 Cana Pine Creek Road Chico, CA 95973. MA DEL ROSARIO GARCIA 15283 Cana Pine Creek Road Chico, CA 95973. LG AND SONS CONSTRUCTION INC 15283 Cana Pine Creek Road Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by a Corporation. Signed: LUIS GARCIA, PRESIDENT Dated: August 9, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000930 Published: August 15,22,29, September 5, 2019

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as CRYO SKIN AND BODY at 1366 Longfellow Ave Chico, CA 95926 AMANDA MICHELE BATES 1531 Downing Ave Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: AMANDA BATES Dated: July 29, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000901 Published: August 15,22,29, September 5, 2019

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as SIMPLE SIMIAN, SIMPLE SIMIAN CREATIVE, SIMPLE SIMIAN SUSTAINABLE ARTWEAR at 1483 Trenta Dr Chico, CA 95973. JOSHUA ANTHONY BIGGINTON 1840 Manzanillo Lane Corning CA, CA 96021. This business is conducted by an Indivdual. Signed: JOSH BIGGINTON Dated: August 9, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000935 Published: August 15,22,29, September 5, 2019

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are this Legal Notice continues

FREE WILL ASTROLOGY doing business as SIINXBRE at 2181 Oroville Chico Hwy Durham, CA 95938. CINDY CASTANEDA SANCHEZ 1564 Nord Ave Spc 1 Chico, CA 95926. BREANNA VALDOVINOS 1425 Nord Ave Apt 20 Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by a General Partnership. Signed: BREANNA VALDOVINOS Dated: August 12, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000944 Published: Aug 15,22,29, September 5, 2019

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as OLOFAT ONE-BITE BARBEQUE, OLOFAT ONE-BITE BBQ at 2769 Ceres Avenue Chico, CA 95928. SIGRAH BILLYOS 757 Hillgrove Court Chico, CA 95926. MD OBET 1050 Columbus Ave. #19 Chico, CA 95926. This busisness is conducted by a General Partnership. Signed: SIGRAH BILLYOS Dated: August 12, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0000939 Published: August 15,22,29, September 5, 2019

NOTICES NOTICE OF LIEN SALE Pursuant to CA Business Code 21700, in lieu of rents due, the following units contain clothes, furniture, boxes, etc. 238SS ARTEAGA JOSE 6x10 (Couches, Table, Totes) 459CC MATHEW BOYD 6x15 (Totes, Furniture, Bags) 332CC GRIFFIITH ANTOINETTE 6x12 (Boxes, Furniture, Bags) 276SS RAKES AARON 6x10 (Totes, Bags) 532CC RODGERS GUNNER A 6x7 (Boxes) 258SS WELSHANS LAVETTE 7x7 (Boxes, Bags) 230SS TAYLOR RACHELLE 5x10 (Couches, Bags) Contents to be sold to the highest bidder on: Saturday August 24, 2019 Beginning at 1:00PM Sale to be held at: Bidwell Self Storage, 65 Heritage Lane, Chico, CA 95926. (530) 893-2109 Published: August 8,15, 2019

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner GERMAN E. RAMIREZ TORRES filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: GERMAN E. RAMIREZ TORRES Proposed name: GERMAN E. TORRES THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the

this Legal Notice continues

name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: September 11, 2019 Time: 9:00 AM Dept: TBA Room: TBA The address of the court is: Butte County Superior Court 1775 Concord Ave Chico, CA 95928 Signed: ROBERT A. GLUSMAN Dated: July 18, 2019 Case Number: 19CV02154 Published: July 25, August 1,8,15, 2019

least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: August 28, 2019 Time: 9:00 AM Dept: TBA Room: The address of the court is: Butte County Superior Court 1775 Concord Ave Chico, CA 95928 Signed: ROBERT A. GLUSMAN Dated: July 5, 2019 Case Number: 19CV01967 Published: August 1,8,15,22, 2019

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: EIDEN AARON CHURCH Proposed name: EDEN AARON KING THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: September 11, 2019 Time: 9:00 AM Dept: TBA Room: TBA The address of the court is: Butte County Superior Court 1775 Concord Ave Chico, CA 95928 Signed: ROBERT A. GLUSMAN Dated: July 18, 2019 Case Number: 19CV02152 Published: August 1,8,15,22, 2019

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner CITLALLY SILVAS ESQUIVEL filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: ALEJANDRA YOHANNA ESQUIVEL Proposed name: ALEJANDRA YOHANNA SILVAS ESQUIVEL THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: August 28, 2019 Time: 9:00 AM Dept: TBA Room: The address of the court is: Butte County Superior Court 1775 Concord Ave Chico, CA 95928 Signed: TAMARA L. MOSBARGER Dated: July 8, 2019 Case Number: 19CV01966 Published: August 1,8,15,22, 2019

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner CITLALLY SILVAS ESQUIVEL filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: BRIAN GIOVANNI CRUZESQUIVEL Proposed name: BRIAN GIOVANNI CRUZ-ESQUIVEL THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner CITLALLY SILVAS ESQUIVEL filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: CITLALLY SILVAS ESQUIVEL Proposed name: CITLALLY SILVAS ESQUIVEL THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard

this Legal Notice continues

this Legal Notice continues

and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: August 28, 2019 Time: 9:00 AM Dept: TBA Room: The address of the court is: Butte County Superior Court 1775 Concord Ave Chico, CA 95928 Signed: ROBERT A. GLUSMAN Dated: July 5, 2019 Case Number: 19CV01965 Published: August 1,8,15,22, 2019

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner RAFELIO PADILLA CORDENAS filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: RAFELIO PADILLA CORDENAS Proposed name: ROGER PADILLA THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: September 18, 2019 Time: 9:00 AM Dept: TBA Room: TBA The address of the court is: Butte County Superior Court 1775 Concord Ave Chico, CA 95928 Signed: ROBERT A. GLUSMAN Dated: July 25, 2019 Case Number: 19CV02261 Published: August 1,8,15,22, 2019

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner LOR ZE LEE and SEE VANG filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: LINA MAI NENG LOR-LEE CHARLIE LOR Proposed name: LINA MAI NENG LEE CHARLIE TOU LEE THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, this Legal Notice continues

the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: October 2, 2019 Time: 9:00 AM Dept: TBA Room: The address of the court is: Butte County Superior Court 1775 Concord Ave Chico, CA 95928 Signed: ROBERT A. GLUSMAN Dated: August 6, 2019 Case Number: 19CV02210 Published: August 15,22,29, September 5, 2019

SUMMONS SUMMONS NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: RACHEL LIZA GOMEZ YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF: BUTTE COUNTY CREDIT BUREAU A CORP NOTICE! You have been sued. The court may decide against you without your being heard unless you respond within 30 days. Read the information below. You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after this summons and legal papers are served on you to file a written response at this court and have a copy served on the plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not protect you. Your written response must be in proper legal form if you want the court to hear your case. There may be a court form that you can use for your response. You can find these court forms and more information at the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (www.courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp), your county library, or the courthouse nearest you. If you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the court clerk for a fee waiver form. If you do not file your response on time, you may lose the case by default, and your wages, money and property may be taken without further warning from the court. There are other legal requirements. You may want to call an attorney right away. If you do not know an attorney, you may want to call an attorney referral service. If you cannot afford an attorney, you may be eligible for free legal services from a nonprofit legal services program. You can locate these nonprofit groups at the California Legal Services Web site (www.lawhelpcalifornia.org), the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (www.courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp), or by contacting your local court or county bar association. NOTE: The court has a statutory lien for waived fees and costs on any settlement or arbitration award of $10,000 or more in a civil case. The Court’s lien must be paid before the court will dismiss the case. The name and address of the court is: Superior Court of California County of Butte 1775 Concord Avenue Chico, CA 95928 LIMITED CIVIL CASE The name, address and telephone number of plaintiff’s attorney is: JOSEPH L SELBY (#249546)

this Legal Notice continues



For the week oF AUGUSt 15, 2019 ARIES (March 21-April 19): How did

sound technicians create the signature roar of the fictional monster Godzilla? They slathered pine-tar resin on a leather glove and stroked it against the strings of a double bass. How about the famous howl of the fictional character Tarzan? Sonic artists blended a hyena’s screech played backwards, a dog’s growl, a soprano singer’s fluttered intonation slowed down and an actor’s yell. Karen O, lead singer of the band Yeah Yeah Yeahs, periodically unleashes very long screams that may make the hair stand up on the back of her listeners’ necks. In accordance with astrological omens, I’d love to see you experiment with creating your own personal Yowl or Laugh or Whisper of Power in the coming weeks— a unique sound that would boost your wild confidence and help give you full access to your primal lust for life.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): “If your

dreams do not scare you, they are not big enough,” said Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, ex-president of Liberia. In accordance with astrological imperatives, I propose that we make that your watchword for the foreseeable future. From what I can tell, you’re due to upgrade your long-term goals. You have the courage and vision necessary to dare yourself toward an even more fulfilling destiny than you’ve been willing or ready to imagine up until now.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): How did our

ancestors ever figure out that the calendula flower can be used as healing medicine for irritated and inflamed skin? It must have been a very long process of trial and error. (Or did the plant somehow “communicate” to indigenous herbalists, informing them of its use?) In any case, this curative herb is only one of hundreds of plants that people somehow came to find had healing properties. “Miraculous” is not too strong a word to describe such discoveries. According to my analysis of the astrological omens, you now have the patience and perspicacity to engage in a comparable process: to find useful resources through experiment and close observation—with a hardy assist from your intuition.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Today

the city of Timbuktu in Mali is poor and in the throes of desertification. But from the 14th to 17th centuries, it was one of the great cultural centers of the world. Its libraries filled up with thousands of influential books, which remained intact until fairly recently. In 2012, al-Qaeda jihadis conceived a plan to destroy the vast trove of learning and scholarship. One man foiled them. Abba al-Hadi, an illiterate guard who had worked at one of the libraries, smuggled out many of the books in empty rice sacks. By the time the jihadis started burning, most of the treasure had been relocated. I don’t think the problem in your sphere is anywhere near as dire as this. But I do hope you will be proactive about saving and preserving valuable resources before they’re at risk of being diluted, compromised or neglected.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Moray eels have

two sets of jaws. The front set does their chewing. The second set, normally located behind the first, can be launched forward to snag prey they want to eat. In invoking this aggressive strategy to serve as a metaphor for you in the coming weeks, I want to suggest that you be very dynamic and enterprising as you go after what you want and need. Don’t be rude and invasive, of course, but consider the possibility of being audacious and zealous.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): It’s relatively

rare, but now and then people receive money or gifts from donors they don’t know. Relatives they’ve never met may bequeath them diamond tiaras or alpaca farms or bundles of cash. I don’t think that’s exactly what will occur for you in the coming weeks, but I do suspect that you’ll garner blessings or help from unexpected sources. To help ensure the best possible versions of these acts of grace, I suggest that you be as generous as possible in

by rob brezSny the kindness and attention you offer. Remember this verse from the Bible: “Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.”

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Libra-born

Ronald McNair was an African American who grew up in South Carolina in the 1950s. Bigotry cramped his freedom, but he rebelled. When he was nine years old, he refused to leave a segregated library, which prompted authorities to summon the police. Years later, McNair earned a doctorate in physics from MIT and became renowned for his research on laser physics. Eventually, NASA chose him to be an astronaut from a pool of 10,000 candiAUGUST 15s. That library in South Carolina? It’s now named after him. I suspect that you, too, will soon receive some vindication—a reward or blessing or consecration that will reconfigure your past.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Scorpio

author Zadie Smith wrote, “In the end, your past is not my past and your truth is not my truth and your solution—it is not my solution.” I think it will be perfectly fine if sometime soon you speak those words to a person you care about. In delivering such a message, you won’t be angry or dismissive. Rather, you will be establishing good boundaries between you and your ally; you will be acknowledging the fact that the two of you are different people with different approaches to life. And I bet that will ultimately make you closer.


21): “Nothing fruitful ever comes when plants are forced to flower in the wrong season,” wrote author and activist Bette Bao Lord. That’s not entirely true. For example, skilled and meticulous gardeners can compel tulip and hyacinth bulbs to flower before they would naturally do so. But as a metaphor, Lord’s insight is largely accurate. And I think you’ll be wise to keep it in mind during the coming weeks. So my advice is: Don’t try to make people and processes ripen before they are ready. But here’s a caveat: You might have modest success working to render them a bit more ready.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): “For though we often need to be restored to the small, concrete, limited and certain, we as often need to be reminded of the large, vague, unlimited, unknown.” Poet A. R. Ammons formulated that shiny burst of wisdom, and now I’m passing it on to you. As I think you know, you tend to have more skill at, and a greater inclination toward, the small, concrete, limited and certain. That’s why, in my opinion, it’s rejuvenating for you to periodically exult in and explore what’s large, vague, unlimited, unknown. Now is one of those times.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): “Look

into my eyes. Kiss me, and you will see how important I am.” Poet Sylvia Plath wrote that, and now, in accordance with astrological omens, I’m authorizing you to say something similar to anyone who is interested in you, but would benefit from gazing more deeply into your soul and entering into a more profound relationship with your mysteries. In other words, you have cosmic permission to be more forthcoming in showing people your beauty and value.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): In his Anti-

Memoirs, author André Malraux quotes a tough-minded priest who served in the French Resistance during World War II. He spent his adult life hearing his parishioners’ confessions. “The fundamental fact is that there’s no such thing as a grown-up person,” the priest declared. Even if that’s mostly true, my sense is that it is less true about you right now than it has ever been. In the past months, you have been doing good work to become more of a fully realized version of yourself. I expect that the deepening and maturation process is reaching a culmination. Don’t underestimate your success! Celebrate it!

www.RealAstrology.com for Rob Brezsny’s EXPANDED WEEKLY AUDIO HOROSCOPES and DAILY TEXT MESSAGE HOROSCOPES. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 1-877-873-4888. AUGUSt 15, 2019



Law Office of Ferris & Selby 2607 Forest Avenue Ste 130 Chico, CA 95928. (530) 366-4290 Dated: December 21, 2018 Signed: KIMBERLY FLENER Case Number: 18CV04121 Published: August 8,15,22,29, 2019


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SUMMONS NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: JODIE LYNN BROWN AKA JODIE LYNN MORSE YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF: BUTTE COUNTY CREDIT BUREAU A CORP NOTICE! You have been sued. The court may decide against you without your being heard unless you respond within 30 days. Read the information below. You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after this summons and legal papers are served on you to file a written response at this court and have a copy served on the plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not protect you. Your written response must be in proper legal form if you want the court to hear your case. There may be a court form that you can use for your response. You can find these court forms and more information at the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (www.courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp), your county library, or the courthouse nearest you. If you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the court clerk for a fee waiver form. If you do not file your response on time, you may lose the case by default, and your wages, money and property may be taken without further warning from the court. this Legal Notice continues



august 15, 2019

There are other legal requirements. You may want to call an attorney right away. If you do not know an attorney, you may want to call an attorney referral service. If you cannot afford an attorney, you may be eligible for free legal services from a nonprofit legal services program. You can locate these nonprofit groups at the California Legal Services Web site (www.lawhelpcalifornia.org), the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (www.courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp), or by contacting your local court or county bar association. NOTE: The court has a statutory lien for waived fees and costs on any settlement or arbitration award of $10,000 or more in a civil case. The Court’s lien must be paid before the court will dismiss the case. The name and address of the court is: Superior Court of California County of Butte 1775 Concord Avenue Chico, CA 95928 LIMITED CIVIL CASE The name, address and telephone number of plaintiff’s attorney is: JOSEPH L SELBY (#249546) Law Office of Ferris & Selby 2607 Forest Avenue Ste 130 Chico, CA 95928. (530) 366-4290 Dated: September 28, 2018 Signed: KIMBERLY FLENER Case Number: 18CV03195 Published: August 15,22,29, September 5, 2019

SUMMONS NOTICE TO RESPONDENT JENNY L. MASON You have been sued by this Legal Notice continues

petitioner: JASON E. BONHAM You have 30 calendar days after this Summons and Petition are served on you to file a Response (form FL-120) at the court and have a copy served on the petitioner. A letter, phone call, or court appearance will not protect you. If you do not file your Response on time, the court may make orders affecting your marriage or domestic partnership, your property, and custody of your children. You may be ordered to pay support and attorney fees and costs. For legal advice, contact a lawyer immediately. Get help finding a lawyer at the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (www.courts.ca.gov/selfhelp) at the California Legal Services website (www.lawhelpca.org), or by contacting your local county bar association. FEE WAIVER: If you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the clerk for a fee waiver form. The court may order you to pay back all or part of the fees and costs that the court waived for you or the other party. The name and address of the court are: Butte County Superior Court North Butte County Courthouse 1775 Concord Avenue Chico, CA 95928 The name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner’s attorney, or the petitioner without an attorney, are: JASON E. BONHAM 2455 Oro Bangor Hwy. Oroville, CA 95966 Signed: KIMBERLY FLENER Dated: June 28, 2019 Case Number: 19FL01149 Published: August 15,22,29, September 5, 2019

august 15, 2019



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