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MINDS Post-Camp Fire, students thrive with increased access to counseling services page 18









NOVEMBER 3, 2022



Vol. 46, Issue 5 • November 3–November 30, 2022

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Endorsements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Editor’s Note. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Guest Comment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 This Modern World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Second & Flume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Streetalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7


•Medicare Supplement Plans •Medicare Advantage Plans


•Social Security Maximization


Downstroke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Help for climate anxiety . . . . . . . . . . 8


Local heroes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Post-Camp Fire counseling . . . . . . . . 18



November Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Scene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Reel World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Chow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Arts DEVO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Brezsny’s Astrology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 ON THE COVER: DESIGN BY TINA FLYNN

Mailing Address P.O. Box 56, Chico, CA 95927 Our Mission: To publish great newspapers that are successful and enduring. To create a quality work environment that encourages employees to grow professionally while respecting personal welfare. To have a positive impact on our communities and make them better places to live. Editor Jason Cassidy Editor at large Melissa Daugherty Contributing Editor Evan Tuchinsky Staff Writers Ashiah Scharaga, Ken Smith Contributors Alastair Bland, Howard Hardee, Ken Pordes, Juan-Carlos Selznick, Robert Speer Managing Art Director Tina Flynn Publications & Advertising Designers Cathy Arnold, Katelynn Mitrano, Jocelyn Parker Sales & Business Coordinator Jennifer Osa Advertising Consultant Ray Laager

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Send guest comments, 300 words maximum, to gc@newsreview.com or to P.O. Box 56, Chico, CA 95927. Please include photo & short bio.



CN&R recommendations redux which is why we published our endorsements in Bthe 8Oct.election, 6 issue (see “The CN&R recommends …” at chico. y now, most readers will have received their ballots for the Nov.

newsreview.com). Turning in the ballot is another matter; that’s why we’re republishing the list here, in excerpted form, with an additional endorsement for state Assembly. We always encourage voters do their own research. A good starting point is the League of Women Voters’ site and forum videos (my.lwv.org/california/butte-county) as well as Voter’s Edge (votersedge.org/ca). Get informed. Vote. Our lives depend on it. U.S. Representative, District 1: Max Steiner This moderate Democrat supports women’s right to choose, acknowledges Joe Biden won the 2020 election and supports the Voting Rights Act—all things entrenched Republican Doug LaMalfa does not. Steiner promises to try to bring a measure of sanity back to Congress. California Assembly, District 3: David Leon Zink Republican incumbent James Gallagher and first-time candidate Zink, a Democrat, tip the scale on their points of divergence. On California’s Proposition 1, which would codify reproductive freedom in the state, Gallagher is opposed and Zink is in favor. On reducing carbon emissions in the state,

by Jason Cassidy j a s o n c @ n e w s r e v i e w. c o m

Gallagher argues against mandates for phasing out gas-fueled vehicles, while Zink doesn’t see the free market acting fast enough to stave off climate change. Add in Gallagher’s irresponsible grandstanding and constant obstruction of public-health policies during the COVID-19 pandemic, and Zink is our pick.

Chico City Council: Morgan Kennedy (District 2); Monica McDaniel (District 3); Addison Winslow (District 4); Jesica Gianola (District 6) Two candidates with high level of civic engagement and on-the-ground experience working with the unhoused (Kennedy, Gianola); a planning wonk with creative ideas on development and raising funds for it (Winslow), and a longtime Arts Commissioner with years of experience working with city staff and the council (McDaniel) would bring welcome approaches to the spectrum of city issues. Chico Unified School District board: Scott Thompson (Trustee Area 1); Thomas Lando (Trustee Area 4); Eileen Robinson (Trustee Area 5) Measure H: City of Chico Sales and Use Tax Measure: Yes Measure L: City of Chico Public Nuisance Measure: No Ω

LETTERS Slash and burn The truth is government on both sides has mishandled our forests and water forever, and for 10 years, [Congressman Doug] LaMalfa is the lead terminator of both. For 30 years, they have allowed unscrupulous companies like Sierra Pacific to clear-cut our forests, especially around Mount Lassen, where the Dixie Fire raged. When forests are clear-cut, the edges of good trees dry out, allowing the beetles to get into the healthy trees. Trees keep the snow cool. Clear-cuts evaporate before water goes into the ground. They also allow erosion, and without good soil, and duff trees can’t regrow. Add to that the mess and slash and healthy trees cut and left to die by the Forest Service, Sierra Pacific and PG&E, there is still plenty of slash to burn what’s left of our forest, and no one is cleaning it up.

The Forest Service and PG&E left huge slashes right behind our Mill Creek homes, which was one third of a mile from the Dixie Fire. They are still there. No one worried about burning up Mill Creek or Mineral with the next fire. Pat Johnston Red Bluff

‘Time for a change’ Doug LaMalfa belongs in prison, not in Congress. If LaMalfa was not actually present and cavorting with the treasonous rabble that ransacked and defiled our nation’s capitol on January 6, 2021, he might as well have been. Just hours after the MAGA mob left five people dead and our Capitol in shambles, LaMalfa joined their attempted coup d’état and did exactly what they had demanded: He voted (twice!) to effectively overturn the American presidential election that Joseph Biden won by over 7 million popular votes.

By placing his abject subservience to Donald Trump above his loyalty to our democracy, LaMalfa betrayed his oath of office and his sworn constitutional duty as a congressman to check the abuses of a reckless and dangerous chief executive. In so doing, he disgraced and embarrassed the law-abiding citizens of the First Congressional District who have entrusted him with his high office for nearly 10 years. It’s time for a change. Northern California needs a patriotic American congressman who genuinely believes in democracy and can be trusted to faithfully uphold and defend the Constitution. Between now and Nov. 8, please join me in voting for Max Steiner as our new representative in Congress. Michael Magliari Chico



NOVEMBER 3, 2022

O N PA G E 7

One year, one theme One year ago, I became the editor-in-chief of this newspaper. It feels like forever, and it feels like I just started. As I sat at my desk thinking about what to write to mark the occasion, I read through my dozen previous Editor’s Notes, and there was an unmistakable thread sewn through most of the columns. From the first regular Editor’s Note: So, even though I might think your ideas or actions are wrong, I see you (or imagine you), and I’m going to try and be kind, to listen when I can, and if there’s a dog involved, I’ll ask if I can pet it. From the last one: Just know that the groups, sides, teams, whatever you want to call them, are likely set and not going away anytime soon. No matter how strongly we disagree with folks from the other side, if we want to solve problems and improve together, we have no choice but to work together. There’s a difference between saying, “Your ideas are terrible,” and saying “You are terrible.” Same as it ever was? Kind of. The main theme of my vision for the paper when taking over was to try to play a part in healing a divided community. As you might read between the lines, my understanding has evolved a bit. I no longer see bridge-building as possible with every separation, and in those intractable situations the only hope is to tamp down the ad hominem dust-ups, then try and refocus on the problem while realizing imperfect compromise is often the only solution. As for the CN&R itself, I am very proud of what our small editorial/design staff has continued to create and I am blown away by the Herculean efforts of our salespeople over the past year. I am also grateful that our advertisers and readers have continued to support this paper and its mission. It has been disappointing that this alt-weekly print newspaper has had to remain an alt-monthly. There’s a lot the CN&R can and should do in shining a light on our community and speaking truth to power, and in my first year as editor, putting out 12 print editions instead of 52, I feel like I’ve been able to meet maybe one quarter of those responsibilities. I remain hopeful that this kick-ass CN&R team can continue to build on what we’ve done, and I look forward to the opportunity for us to show even more of what we’re capable of. You can contribute to the paper’s current efforts at tinyurl.com/cnrdonation, and support CN&R projects at tinyurl.com/cnrarts. Thank you for reading!

Jason Cassidy is editor of the Chico News & Review


Convening for Paradise, in Paradise was great need for the residents of the IRidge to gather. But with so much of

n the immediate wake of the Camp Fire, there

Paradise destroyed, there were few opportunities to do so. Town Council meetings saw immense participation, with so many folks lined up to condense their experiences into three allotted minutes. It was clear we needed more time together; a space to by grieve, reminisce, check Allen Myers in on each other and The author is a third share resources and generation member of the Paradise ideas. By rekindling community, a the social bonds of our filmmaker and community, we could co-founder of take agency in our own Regenerating Paradise. recovery. A group of Paradise locals rented the Terry Ashe Recreation Center in December 2018, a month after the fire. We felt it was

important to gather as the community of Paradise, in Paradise. Even with short notice, more than 120 people attended. Six months later, this core coalesced into a group called Regenerating Paradise. One of our primary goals is to host gatherings for the Ridge community to reweave of our social fabric. As our largest annual event—held each year near the fire’s Nov. 8 anniversary—the Paradise Revival Festival aims to create a space for the community to acknowledge our shared loss and honor our journey of recovery. For folks curious about been happening in Paradise, the event is a great way to make it visible that Paradise is recovering. This year’s event happens Saturday, Nov. 5, 11 a.m.-5 p.m., at the Terry Ashe Recreation Center and will feature live music; theater; dancing; arts displays and workshops; guest speakers on wildfire- and recovery-related topics; a meal prepared by World Central Kitchen, and more. Entry is free. For more on the event and on Regenerating Ω Paradise, visit regeneratingparadise.org.

NOVEMBER 3, 2022





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by Melissa Daugherty m e l i s s a d @ n e w s r e v i e w. c o m

Rebel with a cause Excuse my absence for a month while I become a full-blown journalism cliché. In November, inspired by the annual National Novel Writing Month (aka NaNoWriMo), I’m embarking on a sizable writing project. The goal: write a novel-length manuscript (50,000 words) in 30 days. I’m writing about it here because doing so will help keep me accountable. I’m goal-oriented and deadline-driven, so having a plan is key to the followthrough. That’s where the nonprofit NaNoWriMo comes in. The organization came up with the aforementioned word count and timeline when it was established more than two decades ago. Since then, by providing support through tools and discussion forums on topics such as theme (at no charge), it has helped tens of thousands of would-be authors write a novel, or at least the start of one. I’m an experienced wordsmith, but that’s not a prerequisite. In fact, one of the core ideas is to encourage aspiring writers. Still, it’ll be a challenge for me to keep pace. Between attempting to write an average of roughly 1,600 words per day and my regular duties as a mom, I’ll be fairly busy throughout the month. Therefore, it’s more than likely I’ll be too busy to contribute anything new to the next issue of this beloved publication. Like many reporter types, I’ve always harbored a secret desire to write a book. Not the Great American Novel, mind you. I’m not trying to live up to the literary masterpieces, like Harper Lee’s moral tale To Kill a Mockingbird or John Steinbeck’s exploration of poverty and capitalism in The Grapes of Wrath. For now, at least, I’m determined to stay in my lane. My passion lies with creative nonfiction, which basically means narrative writing of factual events. Technically, in terms of NaNoWriMo, this makes me a “rebel,” someone who participates in the effort by writing something other than a novel. As an editor at an alt-weekly for three-quarters of my 20 years in journalism, I know a bit about both rebellion and storytelling. I’ve especially enjoyed writing a column for the past decade, and it’s likely that you’ll see a reprint of one that I’m partial to in December. My favorite subject, of course, is my sweet, disabled son, whom I’ve written about quite often over the years. Life with Henry has been an adventure since the day he was born, one that his father and I never expected to go on when we decided to become parents 11 years ago. We’ve spent countless hours in doctors’ offices and hospitals, so much so that I’d have to sit and really think about the number of surgeries he’s had in his short life. The latest was to lengthen the tendons in his left leg, a procedure that is expected to greatly aid his mobility. It took place in early August and Henry has been in two different casts since then, wheelchair-bound for the first eight weeks post-operative. He’s scheduled to get his second (and hopefully final) cast off around the time this newspaper hits the racks, and I think I’m more excited than he is. I’ve been lugging his clunky wheelchair in and out of my car every day for the past three months, reminding myself that it’s a minor inconvenience considering the future benefits. Meanwhile, Henry, who’s been stripped of his independence, has lodged nary a complaint. After we explained how the surgery was going to help him, and that having a cast was part of the deal, he quickly accepted his temporary life on wheels. I’m biased, but the kid is my personal hero. Someday I should write a book about him.

Melissa Daugherty is editor-at-large for the Chico News & Review 6


NOVEMBER 3, 2022



C O N T I N U E D F R O M PA G E 4

Message to messengers

What are you thankful for? Asked in downtown Chico

Hilda Gaspar student

The people I’ve met here [in Chico]. I came here to go to school, met amazing people here through a job, mentors, friends. It’s impacted my life in a positive way.

Mike Strishak warehouse grunt

I’m grateful for under-100-degree temperatures. And trees. And buildings.

Zac Collins stay-at-home father

I’m grateful for my kids and I’m grateful for another one on the way. I’m grateful for being alive. We’re moving to Mount Shasta so we’re pretty excited—starting a new life.

Seems like Citizens for a Safe Chico, a political action committee supporting [Kasey] Reynolds, [Dale] Bennett, [Nichole] Nava and [Tom] Van Overbeek for City Council, are missing the mark by breaking rule No. 1 for safety, which is eliminating violence. The mailers they have been sending out include name-calling, which is bullying, which is a form of violence. The written materials are intended to injure opposing candidates’ reputations unjustly, which is another form of violence. I think that Citizens for a Safe Chico need to attend some violence prevention training so that they can see that their behavior is hurting our community, not helping it. Lynn Haskell Chico

Her 1 cent’s worth It has been a number of years since I was elected to the Chico City Council and served as mayor in 1985. But our issues then were the same as the issues today: How does a city provide for the needs and wishes of the community with the resources available? Chico’s growth and needs have far outgrown our ability to keep up with the resources available to us. The list of needs is long. For some the most important thing is our public safety; for others, our parks and recreation facilities; others believe it is our roads. One can not complain about the need to revitalize Chico but not be willing to step up. Mark Twain is given credit for the quote, “Everyone complains about the weather but no one does anything about it.” Voting yes Measure H [the 1 cent city sales tax] is a chance for the citizens of Chico to do something now. Measure H is not a party-line issue. It has been well thought out and will work to give the city needed resources to improve Chico for generations to come. Please join with me and a long list of past mayors in voting yes on Measure H. Georgie Bellin Chico

Stephanie Terhune baker

The community we have here, and friends and family. Yeah, that’s what I’m thankful for.

Write a letter Tell us what you think in a letter to the editor. Send submissions of 200 or fewer words to cnrletters@newsreview.com. Deadline for December 1 print publication is November 17. NOVEMBER 3, 2022



NEWSLINES DOWNSTROKE ELECTION REFRESHER Voting for the 2022 general election ends Nov. 8, and there’s more than one way to turn in your ballot: By mail, no postage necessary. Ballot must be postmarked by Election Day—Nov. 8—and received by the county Elections office by Nov. 15. Or deliver to a drop box or Voting Assistance Centers (VAC). Ballot must be turned in before 8 p.m. on Nov. 8. Refer to your Voter Information Guide or visit buttevotes. net for a list of locations and hours. Track your ballot—when it is mailed, received and counted—at california.ballot trax.net. Check your registration status at voterstatus.sos.ca.gov. If you missed the registration deadline, there’s still a way: Conditional Voter Registration is available, and you can fill out a provisional ballot at the Butte County Clerk-Recorder Elections Division office (155 Nelson Ave. Oroville) or at a VAC through Nov. 8.

SKATE SEASON The Chico Ice Rink in the Plaza (pictured) is returning for its second year. The City of Chico is again partnering with the Downtown Chico Business Association, which will manage the temporary rink in the City Plaza Nov. 17-Jan. 9. Last year, the ice rink attracted more than 20,000 visitors, as well as some controversy. Among the criticisms was the fact that the effort ultimately brought in less money than the $300,000 cost to the city’s general fund, and that a temporary fence kept non-skating visitors out of the park for months. The plaza will be closed Nov. 1-17 to prepare for installation. A fence will surround the property during this period, but will be taken down while the rink is in operation. Chico City Manager Mark Sorensen said he hopes “attendance and sponsorship will be better this year so it pays for itself or comes close to breaking even. … It’s a heckuva good community event that drives a lot of folks to downtown businesses.”



NOVEMBER 3, 2022

Hope for an anxious generation Author shares how to find purpose in era of climate anxiety longside global temperatures and sea levels,

A climate anxiety is on the rise, too, and according to author and researcher Britt Wray, the latter is “a natural and normal response to a dangerous situation.” When climate anxiety and other environment-related by emotions and fears are welAshiah comed without judgment and Scharaga not suppressed, she says, that’s as h i a h s @ when truly transformative n ew srev i ew. c o m work can begin. There are “ways of psychologically adapting to scary realities that can help us become stronger, more connected, resilient individuals as Read it we live in an era of climate criVisit brittwray.com to sis,” Wray told the CN&R via find out more about Britt Wray and her phone on a recent afternoon. latest book. Joyful and meaningful living is

still possible even as we face the effects of climate change. Wray is a Human and Planetary Health Fellow at Stanford University and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine—and in her new book, Generation Dread: Finding Purpose in an Age of Climate Crisis, she details social interventions and strategies to help people “extract meaning from this difficult experience” and “conjure existential courage and connection.” This was the subject of her Q&A at Chico State on Oct. 13, part of a free ongoing series of events hosted by Teaching Climate Change and Resilience, a faculty learning community created by the Campus Sustainability Office and Office of Faculty Development. “The worst outcomes are not inevitable,” she writes in the book’s introduc-

tion, “and much can still be healed—but as emotions get bulldozed by world events and scientific predictions, the ability to create a more just and healthy world depends largely on how these difficult feelings are tended to. My hope is that by being explicit about these inequalities in Generation Dread, this book can contribute to us getting better at looking out for each other as things get harder and heat up.” Wray’s research on climate change and mental health was motivated by her struggles with eco-anxiety in 2017, when she and her partner began discussing having a child. “Almost overnight, I’d turned into that annoying person who manages to bring up climate trauma in every discussion,” she writes in her Gen Dread newsletter. “Congratulating friends who were newly

Left: Chico State professor Mark Stemen and graduate Kim Michl-Green interview Britt Wray, researcher and author of Generation Dread: Finding Purpose in an Age of Climate Crisis.

pregnant became a tightrope walk tinged with tragedy. And when I cried about the climate, it hurt like the wind was knocked out of me. It was real deep grief, like someone I loved had died.” Wray “became rather obsessed” with gaining a deeper understanding of what she was experiencing and why, and how she could validate it and cope. She wanted to do this not only for herself but for others suffering from climate anxiety who were also unsure how to handle it. That’s when she tapped into her skills as a science communicator, journalist and broadcaster. “It’s been pretty head-spinning, actually, to see the need, the hunger for these resources that I was also desiring myself a couple years ago, just explode,” she told the CN&R. This path wasn’t one she planned for herself, “but it was really about following what felt deeply meaningful and urgent.” At the Q&A event, Kim Michl-Green—a Chico State graduate who interviewed Wray alongside professor Mark Stemen, vice chair of the city’s Climate Action Commission— told Wray and attendees that she related with the intense feelings that prompted Generation Dread. Just before graduating with her degree in psychology, Michl-Green became increasingly conscious of the severity of the climate crisis, “talking about it constantly to anybody who would listen.” She recalled a discouraging interaction with a teacher who dismissed her desire to

discuss how depression and anxiety are related to the climate crisis. Michl-Green said she felt frustrated, helpless, apathetic and often betrayed by people in power, and she asked Wray for guidance: What would she say to students who are feeling the same way? Wray replied: “You’re not alone. Students who feel this way are not alone.” The author then pointed to disaster studies showing that humans can recover more quickly from acute trauma when they have strong social ties and a sense of connectedness where they live—and that belonging is “the antidote to the things that basically rip away our resilience.” Social movements are how monumental societal changes such as women’s suffrage and the abolition of slavery happened, she added: “We have tools at our disposal, and they lie in community.” Similarly, Wray encouraged educators to empathize with their students and validate the moral outrage they are feeling. It’s important that they “pierce the bubble of silence around the fact that [climate crisis] news carries this existential weight,” she said. “People feel really strained and stressed by it, and we can’t continually deliver the science without addressing that,” Wray continued. “Therefore, shifting educational norms, talking about emotional coping tools, talking about mindfulness, mediation, yoga, gratitude, forms of community building, contemplative practices—things that have always helped humans co-exist with difficult realities—are needed in environmental science spaces.”

Putting in the work together The day Wray spoke with the CN&R, her eco-anxiety was pretty much in check, she shared—she’d been speaking with colleagues about the topic and examining it from her lens as a researcher. The importance of connection and a shared community highlighted in her talk is also a central theme in her book. “It’s a form of meaning-focused coping—being able to see others and surround myself with people who are similarly resolved and convicted is super strengthening. It fights this feeling of helplessness and powerlessness, which breeds inaction on the climate,” Wray said. “It is really uplifting and hopeful even in the midst of devastating evidence. Without that, it’s hard to feel one’s actions do matter, if you’re swimming out there alone and not connected to others who are similarly doing the work. … which is why it’s really important to find community, no matter where you are, to be able to take on some of these actions.” NEWSLINES C O N T I N U E D

O N PA G E 1 0

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C O N T I N U E D F R O M PA G E 9

While it’s difficult for humans to sit with discomfort, she continued, “that is really our task in this crisis—to get more comfortable at being uncomfortable” and transform those emotions into a courageous commitment to climate work. It’s certainly not easy work—as Wray writes in Generation Dread, “facing your fears and authentically committing to the belief that it isn’t too late to strive for better futures is long and exhausting work that requires all forms of care.” But it’s work that will lead to a greater wellbeing. “We are here for a brief moment of time and can maximize our experience of this in many ways, including through climate work,” she said. “While the situation is not good and not ideal, it’s not the worst case scenario of what we can be facing, and we are in a game of preventing harm, which is always worth it.” Wray’s advice for those wanting to do what she calls “the work of our lifetimes” is to take personal stock and find where they fit. “These kinds of explorations of what brings us love, power, joy … [and] making the most of our time [here] are important ingredients for identifying the type of work we’re going to do with others.”

Britt Wray says, “The worst outcomes are not inevitable, and much still can be healed.”

That’s how Wray found herself at the forefront of this work, which has helped her learn how to manage her eco-anxiety while proving both personally and professionally fulfilling. “It’s very rewarding when people reach out who say that the work I’m putting out has helped them understand what was formerly making them feel insane,” she said. Stanford has embraced her research in this burgeoning field of study, she added, and is “really taking it seriously.” Through this work, she and her team have engaged in activism-based scholarship, expanding upon the traditional lane of a researcher into one who connects with policy makers, politicians and media. She and her partner, Sebastian, decided to become parents, and Wray says she does have hope for her son’s future and the future of his generation. Generation Dread was one of her first gifts to him. “To Atlas,” she writes, “and every soul who is overwhelmed by this crisis yet refuses to look Ω away.”

NOVEMBER 3, 2022



Local E

ach November, the Chico News & Review takes a little break from the news to carve out some space for giving thanks. As we head into the holidays, we offer our 2022 Local Heroes— three groups made up of people giving their time and money to support their neighbors in need—to lift your spirits as we ring in the season of cheer by shining a light on charity.

Driven to help Franklin’s Tower Mission Relief Frank Martinez knows the fear that comes with encroaching flames. He first experienced that particular horror—one shared by so many North State residents—in 2016, when fire forced him to evacuate from the east Oroville home he’d recently moved into. The next year was even worse, he said, when flames from the Wall Fire “came 20 feet from my front door.” “They looked like they were 150 feet tall,” he said recently. “We could feel our skin burning and couldn’t breathe from the smoke. Cal Fire saved our house. I witnessed our neighbors’ houses above us getting wiped out.”



NOVEMBER 3, 2022

Martinez was inspired to help fire survivors after the first instance, donating his camping gear and other essentials to people who’d lost their homes. During the second event, with nowhere else to go, he ended up at Lakeside Market in Oroville. There, he saw people had donated hundreds of cases of water to anyone who needed it and was moved to start volunteering with the Oroville Hope Center, where he served food to other evacuees and people in need. Soon after, Martinez decided to jump into fire relief with both feet. Being the drummer for Grateful Dead tribute band Franklin’s Tower gave him an in with a vast network

Heroes CN&R shines light on organizations helping others in 2022 of Northern California’s Deadheads, who he characterized as exceptionally “kind, generous and helpful people.” He collected donations of food, water, money and basic necessities, loaded up his Dodge Caravan and started distributing them where they were needed most—on the frontlines and in evacuation centers during every major North State conflagration since, including the 2018 Camp Fire. He dubbed this effort Franklin’s Tower Mission Relief (FTMF). Close personal connections in Berry Creek motivated him to get especially involved in the recovery of those impacted by the North Complex (aka Bear) Fire. After that town and neighboring Feather Falls were mostly obliterated by the blaze in 2020, he partnered with three PHOTO COURTESY OF FRANK MARTINEZ

fire survivors to form Berry Creek United, a nonprofit dedicated to helping that and other fire-stricken communities recover. Martinez said his partners in that effort—all of whom had lost their homes—have shifted their efforts to other personal and community relief efforts, so he’s filed paperwork to revert back to the original Franklin’s Tower Mission Relief moniker. “We still have the same purpose: to help anyone, anywhere,” he said. “And I’ll never give up working on rebuilding Berry Creek; that’s one of my life’s missions.” Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and generally poor economy, Martinez said FTMF’s mission has expanded in recent years beyond fire relief, to provide food and needed supplies to the North State’s unhoused residents. Every week he picks up 350 pounds of food from the North State Food Bank to make deliveries to various efforts to feed this community. One of his regular beneficiaries is the Chico Community Fridge (CCF), located on Pine Street between East Sixth and Seventh streets. “What Rebecca Lampke does is amazing—she’s an angel,” Martinez said of the CCF’s primary caretaker (who was featured in the 2021 Local Heroes issue). Martinez has a newer Dodge Caravan now and continues to work tirelessly in his volunteer efforts in spite of his own disabilities—he suffers from COPD, diabetes, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. “I still wake up in a panic and look out the window to see if there’s flames coming down the hill toward my house,” he said. “I’m in pain every day and sometimes, like after a big food giveaway, I’m so worn down I can’t do anything else for two or three days,” Martinez added. “But I think the adrenaline from doing this, and knowing that I’m helping people, keeps me going.” For more information and to donate to Franklin’s Tower Mission Relief, visit at tinyurl.com/ftowermission. —KEN SMITH kens@ newsr ev iew.c o m

Frank Martinez stands by the Franklin’s Tower Mission Relief company vehicle, his “new” 2013 Dodge Caravan, which replaced his old delivery Caravan (right). ABOVE PHOTO BY KEN SMITH


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Going the

extra mile(s) Cal State Gleaners

Richard Mosell had barely escaped the Camp Fire when he resumed serving his neighbors. For five years, he’d volunteered with the Paradise Gleaners, an organization that distributed donated food to seniors and others in need. (A college student in his 50s, Mosell was a beneficiary as well.) Days after the fire, he borrowed a pickup truck to bring bread and produce to refugees camped out in the Chico Walmart parking lot. During one such delivery, he reunited with JoAnne Bond, the Gleaners’ president. She asked Mosell, “You want this?”—meaning, leadership of the group—“You want to do this?” Richard Mosell (right) and two volunteers unload a semi-truck full of food donated to Cal State Gleaners Disaster Response in Oroville. PHOTO COURTESY OF TRUE NORTH HOUSING ALLIANCE

He replied, “Well, sure, I’ll do that. I was going to to something; it might as well be this.” In four years since, Mosell and a core quartet have not only revived the half-centuryold organization, they’ve also reinvented it. Paradise Gleaners is now Cal State Gleaners Disaster Response, based out of two warehouses at 125 Oro Dam Boulevard in Oroville, and transcends its original mandate. The Gleaners still provides food for needy recipients: 600 a week who visit the facility. The group also warehouses and/or donates food for others—such as True North Housing Alliance, Berry Creek United and I AMS Garden in Concow—and supports students in need through the Butte County Office of Education and schools in the Oroville area.

“Well over 6,000 people are eating something that came from our warehouse every week,” Mosell said. “It’s really incredible.” Meanwhile, per the addition to the name, Cal State Gleaners’ volunteers respond to disasters, notably wildfires. They’ve gone up and down Northern California to offer relief, on-site, to survivors of every wildfire

since 2020. Since that fire season, the organization has provided more than $3 million in aid. The Gleaners’ facility is officially open 16 hours a week— Wednesday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.—but Mosell is usually there a lot more. He organizes deliveries Mondays and Tuesdays; he stays late. “It’s gotten so huge, I need a clone of me,” he said. He also needs financial help. Mosell estimated he’s put $200,000 into Cal State Gleaners, which currently is running a $21,000 deficit pending its Camp Fire settlement. (Those inclined to support his cause can learn more at calstatedisaster response.org.) Yet the Gleaners still distributes food for free rather than reinstituting a previous weekly charge—and donates to other nonprofits such as True North, which operates the Torres Community Shelter in Chico. The Oroville-based group is separate from, but occasionally works with, the smaller-scale Chico Gleaners. Paul Wolfe, True North’s donations and volunteer coordinator, attributed 50,000 meals

The Cal State Gleaners group dedicates part of its warehouse space to donations for True North Housing Alliance’s Torres Shelter and housing programs. PHOTO COURTESY OF TRUE NORTH HOUSING ALLIANCE

served to homeless Chicoans since January to a partnership with Cal State Gleaners and the Latter-day Saints Church. Supplies from the Gleaners go beyond food: True North regularly gets bedding, and Mosell said the Torres Shelter (and others countywide) can expect twin beds following a donation from the Adventist Church in Paradise. “We don’t have a ton of resources,” Wolfe said. “The ability of those organizations to fill our gaps has been just a real blessing to the shelter.” And when he’s at the warehouse and points to something True North needs, Gleaners volunteers don’t hesitate to get it—no matter how high the fork lift needs to rise. “They’re just really helpful, and they’ll go the extra mile for anybody,” Wolfe added. “They are a local hero.” —EVAN TUCHINSKY eva nt@ newsr ev iew.c o m


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Giving circle Power of 100+ Women

Behind the local heroes named in this special issue each year, there’s usually a nonprofit organization that provides the framework of the good work being done, including the critical and difficult job of raising money to fund the effort. Applying for grants and courting donors can be a long and often complex process. That is, unless the funder is Power of 100+ Women. The Chico “giving circle” has streamlined the process of getting money to nonprofits, operating under the motto: 100 women, one hour, $10,000. “We’re just a bunch of volunteers who get together and donate money,” said Cindy Lares, a co-founder of Chico’s Power of 100+ Women and one of its core group of organizers. Since the first meeting, Feb. 7, 2018, this bunch of volunteers has donated a total of $332,100 to Chico nonprofits. “It’s kind of staggering,” Lares added. “For the amount of time we spend, that kind of return is hard to beat.” The Chico group is one of hundreds across the country connected to 100 Who Care, a loosely organized alliance of giving circles (100 Women Who Care, 100 Men Who Care, 100 Businesses Who Care, etc.) that streamline donating and maximize impact by combining resources. The local group meets four times a

year, often at Butte Creek Country Club, and members commit to donating $100 apiece at each meeting. After 30 minutes of social time, the schedule kicks off with five-minute presentations from three different Chico-based nonprofits, followed by a brief Q&A, then a member vote. (“You’re going to be in and out in an hour” is the promise, Lares said.) The winning nonprofit gets the funds right away—in the form of checks written directly to their organizations and submissions via online donation. The minimum amount given out at each meeting is $10,000, but with the 100+ women reaching sometimes as high as 192, the prize can be much larger. On top of that, the Schulze Family Foundation—a charitable organization created by Best Buy founder Dick Schulze—matches 50 percent of the donation amounts (up to $5,000) of any group affiliated with 100 Who Care. Chico Meals on Wheels—which delivers low-cost meals to seniors and adults with disabilities—is one of the local recipients. In February 2021, sheltering mandates during the COVID19 pandemic created a huge demand throughout Butte County for the nonprofit’s service, said Eric Moxon, board president for Meals on Wheels. “We were delivering 30,000 meals a year pre-COVID. Last year, we delivered 57,000 meals.”

To meet the increase, Moxon said the organization augmented a two-van fleet with unreliable pickup trucks. After his pre-recorded pitch (due to COVID restrictions) was chosen, Power of 100+ Women donated more than $16,000 dollars, which, when added to $5,000 from the Shulze foundation, gave Meals on Wheels enough to add a third van. “This was huge. Our pickup trucks kept breaking down,” said Moxon. “It gave us the ability to have a dependable vehicle; it gave us the ability to have another route. It would have been very difficult to do without it.” Other local nonprofits Power of 100+ Power of 100+ Women members gather for meetings at Butte Creek Country Club. PHOTO COURTESY OF POWER OF 100+ WOMEN



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Vicki Hightower hands checks donated during the Power of 100+ Women’s May meeting to volunteers from the Butte County Sheriff’s nonprofit Search and Rescue unit. PHOTO COURTESY OF POWER OF 100+ WOMEN

Women has given to include Chico Housing Action Team (CHAT), Catalyst Domestic Violence Services, From the Ground Up Farm, Butte County Sheriff’s Search & Rescue, Ability First Sports and many others. According to Lares, the catalyst for the Chico group was Allison Travis-Bee (who is no longer a member). “She did countless hours of research, visited other Power of 100 groups to observe their meetings, and brought the initial seven of us together to collectively launch the Chico group,” Lares said. In addition to Lares, the current organization team includes Connie Adams, Vicki Hightower, Ami Snow, Amy Hornick, Andrea Stile and Nicole Hill. Lares says that the only difficult part of their operation is getting enough nonprofits to reach out to them. Those interested can apply online at 100womenchico.com. —JASON CASSIDY jaso nc @ newsr ev iew.c o m

New Project at Neal Road Butte County’s up against short-lived climate pollutant reduction challenge BY ANH NGUYEN


ow do we deal with pollution and climate change? Not how they implement the residential collection of food waste mixed with green waste. easily, and not without disrupting how we collect and “Food waste is considered putrescible, which by definition manage our waste. requires more environmental and public health protections,” The California legislature authored SB 1383 which was adopted in 2016 and implemented in January 2022. A statewide says Cissell. “We cannot compost food waste that is contaminated with plastic or Styrofoam packaging.” mandate to fight climate change, SB 1383 regulations pose new And by definition, putrescible food waste must be challenges to not only landfills and recycling facilities collected weekly. across California, but also to local governments Organic waste is the largest waste responsible for managing solid waste. stream in California. Landfilled organic With the passage of California’s waste emits methane gas/natural gas, SB 1383 organic waste diversion pollutants more impactful than CO2, law, by 2025 Butte County must according to CalRecycle’s report. divert 75% of organic wastes from Under SB 1383, Californians landfill disposal at the Neal Road must remove organic material Recycling and Waste Facility. from the waste stream, and “We understand the convert that waste into compost motivation, which is to reduce and soil amendments. The nearest greenhouse gasses and global facility capable of producing warming, but the challenges are compost from mixed organic waste huge,” says Deputy Director Craig D E P U TY DIRECTOR is located in Yuba County, more than Cissell, who oversees Butte County’s CRAIG CISSELL 60 miles away. solid waste disposal, management, and Butte County Public Works “I have been working on municipal landfill operations. waste and recycling programs for almost Butte County is developing a transload 30 years and SB 1383 is one of the most facility at the Neal Road Recycling and Waste comprehensive and onerous regulations I have seen,” says Facility to receive, remove and transport mixed organic waste Natural Resources Manager Linda Herman, who oversees for composting by 2023. Mixed organic waste consists of solid waste and recycling programs in the Public Works yard trimmings, leaves, and brush that are typically collected Department at the City of Chico. from residential green waste collection bins. “Implementing food waste recycling in multifamily Now add food waste to that mix. State law will soon complexes is also going to be challenging, especially in a college require the mandatory collection of food waste mixed with town where tenants change frequently,” says Herman. “Having yard waste. According to Cissell, Butte County does not have enough space for additional food waste recycling containers is a nearby compost facility that can process food waste mixed also a problem for businesses and multifamily properties.” with green waste. Solid waste planners also face challenges in

“We understand the motivation, which is to reduce greenhouse gasses and global warming, but the challenges are huge.”

TOP: Yolo County invested nearly $30 million to build a facility to co-compost mixed organic waste. Construction took over a year and the facility opened in September 2022. Disposal fees are $78 per ton (nearly double the current fees at the Neal Road Recycling and Waste Facility). PHOTO COURTESY OF BUTTE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS BOTTOM: The City of Chico compost facility only processes green waste. The facility is not permitted nor designed to incorporate food waste. PHOTO COURTESY OF THE CITY OF CHICO

“California’s SB 1383 disrupts how we collect our waste and how we manage it,” says Cissell. “Projected cost impacts to rate payers are substantial, especially since we’ll need to rely on other out-of-area facilities for solutions.”

The Neal Road Recycling and Waste Facility is owned and operated by the County of Butte and is located at 1023 Neal Road, Paradise, CA. For more information, visit www.recyclebutte.net




Rallying a Local educators work to keep postCamp Fire counseling programs in place to support struggling students story and photos by

Ashiah Scharaga as hi ahs @ n ew sr ev i ew. com


hen Kayden Schroyer is at her lowest, she turns to letters and notes she’s received from her friends and her counselor at Ridgeview High School in Paradise. Schroyer, 17, lost everything when her family’s home was destroyed in the 2018 Camp Fire. Her beloved grandmother, who was like a mother to her, died one year later, and the pandemic began shortly after. Schroyer experiences depression, and in her sessions with her school counselor, Robert Lester, she’s been able to express and process her feelings. She often does that through writing letters exploring her thoughts about past traumatic experiences or current struggles. In response, her counselor and friends have replied with letters or messages of support and encouragement, which Schroyer cherishes. They help remind her of her strength, she said. “I can find answers on how to make myself feel better, because other people will see qualities in me that I cannot see in myself.” Lester began working as a crisis counselor in 2019, joining a team of six



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counselors and two program coordinators deployed countywide by the Butte County Office of Education (BCOE) to help children and teens process and recover from the impacts of the Camp Fire. This program is new. Before the fire, Paradise Unified School District (PUSD) and BCOE schools did not have a system for providing student mental health services beyond those for special education and Medi-Cal eligible stuCarrie Dawes, principal of Ridgeview High School, is also Paradise Unified School District’s grant writer and liaison for a counseling program that she says has changed school culture and eliminated barriers to mental health care access for students.

around the kids dents. Though this grant-funded counseling program was initially created as an emergency response, it has become so integral for student wellbeing that administrators with PUSD and BCOE are pursuing additional grant funding to keep those counselors in place. School officials say the program has knocked down barriers to vital mental health care for youth in a trauma-strick-

en rural county. It also has helped shift campus culture. Students, like Schroyer, are asking for help when they are struggling. “If we didn’t have [school] counselors, it’d be a downward spiral, with nobody having anybody to talk to or observe them and help them when they’re breaking down,” Schroyer said. “We need counselors.”

Disaster response After working nearly 40 years as a school psychologist and student support coordinator, Scott Lindstrom decided to retire. His retirement didn’t last long, however—one year later, he was compelled to help respond to the devastating impacts of the Camp Fire. Since the

disaster, he and coworker Matt Reddam, a licensed therapist with decades of experience in trauma intervention and recovery, have been coordinating the placement of counselors at schools across the county, supervising the program and securing grants and training for staff. The initial crisis response depended on rallying a lot of volunteers, Lindstrom said, but then they started focusing on finding funding to keep counselors in schools “so we could have people who built relationships with staff and kids stay in place for an extended duration of time.” These efforts have largely been funded by the North Valley Community Kayden Schroyer seeks the support of her school counselor to help her cope with depression and remind her of her strength.

Foundation’s Butte Strong Fund, which has granted approximately $2.8 million to BCOE to support counseling/trauma response and recovery in schools since the fire. BCOE has used this funding to hire counselors and deploy them to schools, coordinating with campuses based on their needs. It has been a collaborative partnership between BCOE, school districts, charter schools and Butte County Behavioral Health contractors like Youth for Change, Lindstrom said. Most counselors are working part-time, and some, like Lester, split their time between school sites. In February, NVCF awarded an additional grant totaling $425,000 to PUSD, which intends to create its own in-school counseling program, bringing in the counselors from BCOE who already have close relationships with their students. The grant will help the district pay for those positions until the 2024-25 school year, by which point PUSD plans to have secured other sources of funding. BCOE will continue to have counselors serving charters in Paradise and schools in communities like Berry Creek, Concow and Bangor. Lindstrom said they have already secured grant funding for at least the next four years. “What we want is for this to become a permanent part of the school culture,” he added, “and what we are seeing is more and more people in positions of making policy and budget decisions both locally, at the state level and federal level are see-


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ing this as well, and the funding is starting to come more and more this way.”

Culture shift Before the Camp Fire, there weren’t school counselors like Lester who could see students on a drop-in basis for free and with no insurance requirements in BCOE or PUSD schools. Campuses did (and continue to) partner with agencies like Youth For Change, which has been a referral- and appointment-based service for students who have Medi-Cal. This meant that oftentimes academic counselors would try their best to help students who were having breakdowns and in need of immediate support, said Carrie Dawes, principal of Ridgeview High School. In the immediate aftermath of the Camp Fire, Dawes was working in PUSD’s Student Services. She and her colleagues drove where they were needed to help kids, she said, working out of their car trunks and then out of a mall. Given her background as a former English teacher, her role with the district moved in a new direction post-fire as a grant writer and PUSD’s liaison for the counseling program; she has worked closely with Lindstrom and Reddam at BCOE. At the same time, Dawes stepped in to serve as principal of Ridgeview, a continuation high school, which, like many of its students’ families, has moved from place to place post-fire. Construction of Ridgeview’s new campus was finished in Paradise just in time for the 2022-23 school year. Over the past four years, Dawes has witnessed how the counseling program has changed campus culture and improved mental health care access for students. Having social-emotional counselors embedded within schools has eliminated the two largest barriers for many students in need of mental health care: transportation and cost, Lester added. This is significant because access on the Ridge is limited. Local families often struggle with transportation, and even if they can get to another town, like Chico, many providers have long wait-lists. At school, students can receive immediate, drop-in crisis care as well as schedule counseling appointments to work on shortterm and intermediate goals. “Pre-fire, we would never have a student walk in and say, ‘I need a counselor,’” Dawes said. “We’d also never have a parent call and say, ‘Hey, is there a counselor available? My kid needs help.’” But that’s the norm now, she said. Students ask to see Lester and are coming



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and going from his office all day. The students know “it’s okay to not be okay,” Dawes said. This culture shift has been happening at schools countywide, Lindstrom said. More than ever, people are seeing that students need to have resources to address their mental health and wellness, he said, so when they are experiencing grief, loss and trauma, this can be addressed in a supportive place. “We understand kids need and deserve this support, and the best place to have that is in a school setting,” he continued. “That impacts learning and a child’s ability to sit at a desk and take in what’s in front of them … it impacts kids’ relationships with each other, it impacts the teacher-child relationship. All those aspects we’re trying to address from multiple different angles.” According to a PUSD District Mental Health Report that utilizes data from the California Healthy Kids Survey, a higher percentage of PUSD seventh graders and students at “non-traditional” schools (i.e., Ridgeview) reported experiencing chronic sadness and considering suicide than the state average in 2021. The largest disparity: 59 percent of PUSD students at Ridgeview reported experiencing chronic sadness compared to the state average of 38 percent. In 2022, over a quarter of PUSD seventh graders, ninth graders and Ridgeview students reported considering suicide. For school officials, this is evidence of the continuing tremendous need for mental health support in local schools, especially after the isolation of the COVID-19 pandemic on top of the trauma from fires.

Lindstrom said students have indicated seeing their teachers as a resource, which is a good thing. “They want adults to be there to talk to. They want adults to talk about [topics like] suicide,” he said. “So let’s be there for them, and let’s make it clear that we are there for them.” For Dawes, retaining the current counseling staff is an important part of that support. “These kids have had no continuity since the fire, period,” she said. “We cannot afford to lose these counselors. … Though the community is recovering, there are so many triggers.” Dawes is driven to continue working to secure funding for social and emotional

We understand kids need and deserve this support, and the best place to have that is in a school setting. —Scott Lindstrom, Butte County Office of Education

Construction of Ridgeview High School’s new campus in Paradise was completed just in time for the 2022-23 school year.

support “as long as the need is there” for students and staff, she added. “I don’t think there’s anybody in this district who will say these counselors aren’t worth keeping,” Dawes said. “I have been supported 100 percent by my superintendent, BCOE, my colleagues and the school board, who recognize the need post-fire for ongoing social-emotional supports within PUSD. “It’s how are we going to pay for it, not if we’re going to pay for it, and that’s thinking positively and using every resource opportunity possible.”

Hope for the future Four years after the Camp Fire, students and staff are still sensitive and hyper-aware of fire danger. In September, as gusts of wind brought in smoke from nearby fires, Dawes found herself recalling Nov. 8, 2018, when she had to send elementary students on a bus to Forest Ranch to flee for their lives, hoping they’d be able to get out of harm’s way.

Counselors have noticed that, on such smoky days, students are particularly attached to their phones—their lifeline, Lester said. When Lester sees students who are in crisis, he helps them soothe and manage the distressing emotional response they are experiencing through co-regulation: doing seemingly simple things like speaking in a calm manner, pouring them tea and joining them in breathing exercises. This helps ground students and bring them back into the present and out of a crisis state. When students are not in crisis but need support, Lester works with them on resiliency practices: going through exercises that help them recognize and internalize positive traits about themselves. For example, in one exercise, he’ll ask the student to think of somebody who respects and admires them, then relay what they think that person would say about them. “For these students in particular, it’s hard for them to see what’s bright about themselves,” Lester explained. These exercises help provide students with the tools to combat negative thoughts and judgment or damaging labels they may have internalized. In addition to his counseling, every Friday before classes begin, Lester goes into Ridgeview’s central dining area and Robert Lester, an in-school mental health counselor for students at Ridgeview High School and Paradise Ridge Elementary School, says positions like his created postCamp Fire have helped eliminate transportation and cost as barriers to accessing care.

addresses the campus’ small group of students. As with other ridge schools, attendance numbers dramatically decreased following the disaster. Ridgeview has about 60 students now, down from about 100 before the fire. Lester’s talks, which began this school year, cover a range of health and wellness topics to educate students and help them learn how to take better care of themselves. (This also helps vary morning announcements for groggy-eyed high schoolers.) On a recent afternoon in Lester’s office with Schroyer, both recalled a moment during a recent group talk where Schroyer spoke up and shared something hopeful about her life. What she said stuck with Lester. “You said, ‘I believe in what I’m building,’” he said to Schroyer. She smiled and added that she’s been forming more friendships lately and focusing on self-care. As for her career goals, she can see herself as a chef, a criminologist, an animator or a motivational speaker. Regardless of where she ends up after high school, her core desire is to comfort others and change the world for the better, she said. “I’ve lost a lot of things, but even before the fire I’d lost a lot of things, too,” Schroyer continued. “I’m just trying to find ways to cope, feel better and find hope in myself to keep living. … I’ve accepted [that] a lot of good things go away, but there’s a lot of good [left], too.” Ω

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Arts &Culture Birdcage Theatre, 1740 Bird St., Oroville. birdcagetheatre.org

HOCKS UNLIMITED MELODRAMA: The Oroville theater troupe presents The Villian Wore a Dirty Shirt. Thu-Sat, 7:30pm; Sun., 2pm, 11/10-13. $20 (available at Marcozzi Jewelers and eventbrite.com.) Monday Club, 2385 Montgomery St., Oroville.

HOGFATHER: Jerry Miller directs a stage adaptation of a book in Terry Pratchett’s comic-fantasy Discworld series, this one starring the God/Santa-like Hogfather, Death, Death’s granddaughter and an assassin named Mr. Teatime. Thu-Sat, 7:30pm; Sun., 2pm, 11/3-19. $14-$18. Theatre on the Ridge, 3735 Neal Road. totr.org

RENT: California Regional Theatre presents the rock musical that tells the story of a group of struggling musicians living in New York City. It will be at least five hundred, twentyfive thousand, six hundred minutes until you get that song out of your head. ThuSat., 7:30pm, 11/3-12. $30-$35. First Street Theater, 139 W. First St. crtshows.com

THE THREE MUSKETEERS: A new twist on the famous swashbuckling story about three heroic swordsmen who fight for justice. Wed.-Sat, 7:30pm; Sat.-Sun., 2pm, 11/913. $6-$20. Wismer Theatre, Chico State. (530) 898-6333. www.csuchico.edu/soa


NOVEMBER Galleries & Museums 1078 GALLERY: Looking for A Sign, Shirin Towfiq is a conceptual artist of Iranian descent who works in textile, photography, installation, performance and socially engaged art to address cultural, communicative and interpersonal relationships. Artist reception: Nov. 4, 5–7pm. Through 11/27. 1710 Park Ave. 1078gallery.org

B-SO SPACE: BFA Culminating Exhibitions, works by Delaney Cox (Nov. 14-17; reception 11/17, 5pm); and works by Joel Solis (Nov. 28-Dec. 2; reception 11/30, 5pm). Through 12/2. Ayres Hall, Chico State. www.csuchico.edu/hfa

CHICO ART CENTER: Beyond Craft, the pieces of this group show are “lovingly fabricated and conceived in the rich and varied arts and crafts tradition,” says juror Adrienne Scott. Reception: Nov. 4, 5-7pm. Through 12/4. 450 Orange St. chicoartcenter.com

GATEWAY SCIENCE MUSEUM: From Earthquakes to Epidemics, an exploration of the impact of natural and man-made disasters and pandemics in California, using the humanities as a lens to give context to the impacts of recent and historic disasters in the Golden State. Through 12/17. $5-$7. 625 Esplanade. www.csuchico.edu/gateway

MUSEUM OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA ART: Black Voices in Art and Footsteps to You, contemporary art created by Northern California Black artists; a collaboration with Butte County Office of Education and Black Voice Foundation. Through



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12/4. 900 Esplanade. monca.org

THE TURNER: Making Her Mark, celebrating women printmakers in the Turner collection, investigating the links between women’s work and artistic labor. Curator talk/opening reception: Nov. 10, 5:30pm. Through 12/17. Arts & Humanities Building, Chico State. www.csuchico.edu/turner

Holiday fun CHICO ICE RINK: The plaza is transformed into a winter wonderland for the season. 11/171/9. $4-$8. City Plaza, downtown Chico. (530) 345-6500. downtownchico.com

PARADISE ICE RINK: The annual holiday tradition returns to Paradise. 11/11-1/2. $14. Terry Ashe Recreation Center, 6626 Skyway, Paradise. paradiseprpd.com

Markets FARMERS MARKETS: Butte County’s markets are open and selling fresh produce and more. Chico: Downtown (Saturdays, 7:30am-1pm); North Valley Plaza (Wednesdays, 8am-1pm); Chico State University Farm (Thursdays, noon-4 p.m.). Magalia: Magalia Community Center (Sundays, 10am). Paradise: Alliance Church (Tuesdays, 7:30am-2pm); “Farmers Market Mobile,” 1397 South Park Drive (Thursdays, 2pm).

Open Mics & Karaoke CASINO COMEDY NIGHT: Live comedy every other Thursday at the Spirits Lounge in the casino. Thursdays, 8pm. Gold Country Casino, 4020 Olive Highway, Oroville.

COMEDY THURSDAY: Weekly comedy show and open mic hosted by Dillon Collins. Thursdays, 8pm. Free. Bella’s Sports Pub, 231 Main St. (530) 520-0119.

GNARAOKE: Karaoke hosted by Donna & Mike. Thursdays, 7pm. Free. Gnarly Deli, 243 W. Second St.

OPEN MIC AT THE DOWNLO: Hosted by Jeff Pershing. Sign up to perform two songs. All ages until 10pm. Fridays, 6:30pm. Free. The DownLo, 319 Main St.

OPEN MIC COMEDY: Open mic comedy night hosted by Dillon Collins. Wednesdays, 9pm. (Sign-ups 8pm.) Free. Studio Inn Lounge, 2582 Esplanade. (530) 520-0119.

SECRET TRAIL OPEN MIC: Weekly event at the brewery. Wednesdays, 6pm. Secret Trail Brewing Company, 132 Meyers St., Ste. 120.

Theater ANOTHER NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS: Santa is staying over, whether you want him to or not, in this modern holiday musical. Thurs.Sat., 7:30pm; Sun., 2pm, 11/25-12/18. $22-$25. Chico Theater Company, 166 Eaton Road, Ste. F. chicotheater.com

EVIL DEAD - THE MUSICAL: What could be added to the funny violence of the campy horror franchise to make it even better? Let the demons sing! Thu-Sat., 7pm, 11/3-5. $20-$21.

for two performances in one night. Fri, 11/4, 6:30pm & 9pm. $55-$99. Gold Country Casino & Hotel, 4020 Olive Highway, Oroville. goldcountrycasino.com

Music DUFFY’S HAPPY HOUR: The Pub Scouts bring traditional Irish music weekly to Duffy’s. Fri, 11/4, 5pm. Free. Duffy’s Tavern, 337 Main Street. (530) 343-7718.

KCSC LIVE: Chico State’s KCSC Radio hosts a night of live music. Fri, 11/4, 7:30pm. Naked Lounge, 118 W. Second St.

LANGDON KENNEDY: Live music. Fri, 11/4, 5:30pm. Odyssey Winery & Vineyards, 6237 Cohasset Road.

LIVE MUSIC IN THE LOUNGE: Live music and DJs for dancing in Spirits Lounge. Fri, 11/4, 8:30pm. Free. Gold Country Casino & Hotel, 4020 Olive Highway, Oroville.

MARK 3: Nor-cal power trio. Fri, 11/4, 9pm. Tackle Box, 379 E. Park Ave. tacklebox chico.com

SOULFISTICATION: Live funk/jam music. Fri, 11/4, 4:30pm. The Barn at Meriam Park, 1930 Market Place. meriampark.com

TYLER DEVOLL: Happy hour (4-6) and music (5-7). Fri, 11/4, 5pm. La Salles, 229 Broadway. lasalleschico.com



Special Events

Special Events

EMPTY BOWLS: This year is the 20th anniversary of the Torres Shelter’s annual fundraiser. Buy a hand-crafted bowl, and fill it with soup for dinner! Two seatings: Thu, 11/3, 5pm & 6:30pm. Lincoln Center at Chico High, 901 Espladande. Visit truenorthbutte.org for ticket link.

THE GRATITUDE WALK: The goal for the 3-mile Gratitude Walk is to get the Chico community thinking about what they’re grateful for. All proceeds will benefit up to three local nonprofits selected by the walkers

Music WEBSTER MOORE: Local singer/songwriter. Thu, 11/3, 6pm. Free. Mulberry Station Brewing Co., 175. E. 20th St., (530) 809-5616. mulberrystationbrewery.com

ANIMALS AS LEADERS & CAR BOMB: JMax Productions presents a night of heavy music with Portland metal crew Alluvial, D.C. instrumental prog trio Animals as Leaders and New York metalcore act Car Bomb. Thu, 11/3, 7pm. $28. Senator Theater, 517 Main St. jmaxproductions.net

BROKEN COMPASS: Bluegrass on the patio (inside if there’s rain). Thu, 11/3, 6pm. La Salles, 229 Broadway. lasalleschico.com

HIPPY HAPPY HOUR: Live music during happy hour by Doug Stein, Bryan Gravy, and a rotating cast of local musicians. Thu, 11/3, 4pm. Free. Om on the Range, 301 Main St.

LIVE MUSIC AT THE PUB: Live music at the pub. Thu, 11/3, 6pm. The Allies Pub, 426 Broadway, Ste. 130. thealliespub.com

XDS, DONALD BEAMAN, GREYLOOM: All-local night with experimental disco (XDS), indie singer/ songwriter (Donald Beaman) and soundscape duo (Greyloom). Thu, 11/3, 7pm. $8 - $10. Argus Bar + Patio, 212 W. Second St.



Special Events

Through Dec. 4

KATHLEEN MADIGAN: Comedian visits Oroville

Museum of Northern California Art



Submit events for the online calendar as well as the monthly print edition at chico.newsreview.com/calendar

Downtown Chico

Music when they sign up. Sat, 11/5, 9am. $15-$30. One Mile Recreational Area. thegratitudewalk.com

BASSMINT: Dance to bass music every second Saturday night. Sat, 11/12, 9pm. Om on the Range, 301 Main St.

LEGEND AND LORE OF CHICO’S MYSTERY TUNNELS: Is there a secret network of underground tunnels connecting the older buildings and sections of downtown Chico? Molly Meyers will present on what she has “unearthed.” Sat, 11/5, 10am. Chico History Museum, 141 Salem St.

BRITTANY AND THE BLISSTONES: Intimate set with local band. Sat, 11/12, 7pm. Free. Nor Cal Brewing Company, 800 Broadway.

LIVE MUSIC: Brunch-time performance. Sat, 11/12, 11am. La Salles, 229 Broadway.



LIVE MUSIC AT THE PUB: See Nov. 3. Sat, 11/12, 1pm. The Allies Pub, 426 Broadway, Ste. 130.

BLUNTS & BLONDES: Blazin’ dubstep party. PLSMA opens. Sat, 11/5, 8pm. $20-$35. El Rey Theater,


230 W. Second St. elreychico.com

LIVE MUSIC IN THE LOUNGE: See Nov. 5. Sat, 11/12, 8:30pm. Free. Gold Country Casino & Hotel,

DEBAJITO: Latin hip-hop collective with members from Chile, Peru, Mexico and the United States. Sat, 11/5, 7pm. The Commons Social Empourium, 2412 Park Ave.

4020 Olive Highway, Oroville. goldcountry casino.com

LOVERBOY: Everybody’s been working for this

EMMA & WILL: Live music & brunch. Sat, 11/5, 11am.

weekend! Put on your tight pants; this could be the night! Sat, 11/12, 7pm. $49-$79. Gold Country Casino & Hotel, 4020 Olive Highway, Oroville. (800) 334-9400. goldcountrycasino. com

La Salles, 229 Broadway. lasalleschico.com

HEIRLOOM QUARTET: A broad range of genres from local group. Sat, 11/5, 8:30pm. $5. Mulberry Station Brewing Company, 175. E. 20th St. (530) 809-5616. mulberrystationbrewery.com

THE PURPLE XPERIENCE: Live Prince covers in the brewery’s tap room. Sat, 11/12, 10:15pm. Free.

LIVE MUSIC AT THE PUB: See Nov. 3. The Allies Pub, 426 Broadway, Ste. 130. thealliespub.com

Feather Falls Casino & Lodge, 3 Alverda Drive, Oroville. featherfallscasino.com

LIVE MUSIC IN THE LOUNGE: See Nov. 4. Sat, 11/5, 8:30pm. Free. Gold Country Casino & Hotel, 4020

THE RATTLESNAKES: Live music. Sat, 11/12, 8:30pm. $5. Mulberry Station Brewing Company,

Olive Highway, Oroville. goldcountrycasino.com

175 E 20th St. mulberrystationbrewery.com

PETTY ROCKS : Tom Petty tribute. Sat, 11/5, 7pm. $12-$15. Jen’s Place, 7126 Skyway,

SOUL POSSE: Live danceable rock. Sat, 11/12, 4:30pm. The Barn at Meriam Park, 1930


Market Place. meriampark.com

ROCKHOUNDS: Live classic rock in the brewery’s tap room. Sat, 11/5, 10:15pm. Free. Feather Falls

TRIBUTE TO TOOTS: Local jam-rockers Blü

Casino & Lodge, 3 Alverda Drive, Oroville.

Egyptian pay tribute to Toots and the Maytals with Toots’ own son Junior Toots on the bill, plus local reggae-rock crew Jamm. Sat, 11/12, 7pm. $15 - $20. El Rey Theater, 230 W. Second St.. (530) 566-3852. elreychico.com

SUN6 Special Events SOCIAL DANCE: Informal partner dance party. Don’t know how? Studio One instructors will provide an hour-long lesson (6-7pm). Live music by Chico Swing Band. Sun, 11/6, 6pm. CARD, 545 Vallombrosa Ave.

Music S.R. LAWS: Nor-Cal singer/songwriter. Sun, 11/6, 3pm. Secret Trail Brewing Company, 132 Meyers St., Suite 120. secrettrailbrewing.com

SUNDAYS AT 5TH STREET STEAKHOUSE: Live music in the lounge every Sunday evening Sun, 11/6, 5pm. 5th Street Steakhouse, 345 W. Fifth St.

TUE8 Music DOUBLE TROUBLE, TOIL AND TROUBLE: Chico State Concert Band and Jazz Too Ensemble present jazz and classical compositions. Tue, 11/8, 7:30pm. Free. Harlen Adams Theatre, Chico State, PAC 144. www.csuchico.edu/hfa

PEARL & THE OYSTERS, RONI JEAN : L.A. psych/R&B/ pop duo Pearl & The Oysters come to town. Roni Jean opens. Tue, 11/8, 8:30pm. $10. Duffy’s Tavern, 337 Main St.

Cafeteras, as well as interpretations of traditional Mexican folk songs. Wed, 11/9, 7:30pm. $35-$45. Laxson Auditorium, Chico State. (530) 898-6333. chicoperfor mances.com

THU10 Special Events OPEN STUDIOS AT CHICO STATE: Student works will be displayed throughout the Art Department. Thu, 11/10, 10am. Free. Arts & Humanities Building & Ayres Hall, Chico State. www.csuchico.edu/hfa

Music COUSIN CURTIS: Live music on the patio (rain moves show inside). Thu, 11/10, 6pm. La Salles, 229 Broadway.

HIPPY HAPPY HOUR: See Nov. 3. Thu, 11/10, 4pm. Free. Om on the Range, 301 Main St. HOLUS BOLUS : One-man psychedelic acoustiloop. Thu, 11/10, 6pm. Free. Mulberry Station Brewing Company, 175. E. 20th St., (530) 809-5616. mulberry stationbrewery.com


LIVE MUSIC AT THE PUB: See Nov. 3. Thu, 11/10, 6pm. The Allies Pub, 426 Broadway, Ste.


RIOT TEN: EDM dance party with Riot Ten, Jiqui, COM3T, Afterthought. Thu, 11/10, 8pm. $20. Senator Theater, 517 Main St.

HASTA LA MUERTE, A DAY OF THE DEAD CELEBRATION: The evening features new works from Las

130. thealliespub.com


THIN AIR, CAT DEPOT: Two solo experimental local dudes make your Thursday night soundtrack. Thu, 11/10, 7:30pm. $7. Argus Bar + Patio, 212 W. Second St..

FRI11 Music DUFFY’S HAPPY HOUR: See Nov. 4. Fri, 11/11, 5pm. Free. Duffy’s Tavern, 337 Main Street. (530) 343-7718.

clean, process and store your seeds with Sherri Scott and Jennifer Peterson. Sun, 11/13, 2pm. Free. Harvests & Habitats Nursery, 1710 Park Ave.

Music EMMA & WILL: Singer/songwriter duo. Sun, 11/13, 3pm. Secret Trail Brewing Company, 132 Meyers St., Ste. 120. secrettrailbrewing.com

SUNDAYS AT 5TH STREET STEAKHOUSE: See Nov. 6. Sun, 11/13, 5pm. 5th Street Steakhouse, 345 W. Fifth St. 5thstreetsteakhouse.com

TUE15 Music BRASS WIND; BRASS CHOIR: A student/faculty concert featuring classical, romantic and contemporary works. Tue, 11/15, 7:30pm. Free. Zingg Recital Hall, Chico State. (530) 898-3300.

THU17 Music BOB MCDANIEL: Live music. Thu, 11/17, 6pm. Free. Mulberry Station Brewing Company, 175 E. 20th St. mulberrystationbrewery.com

HIPPY HAPPY HOUR: See Nov. 3. Thu, 11/17, 4pm. Free. Om on the Range, 301 Main St. LIVE MUSIC AT THE PUB: See Nov. 3. Thu, 11/17, 6pm. The Allies Pub, 426 Broadway, Ste. 130. thealliespub.com

ROGER JAEGER: Live music on the patio (rain brings show inside). Thu, 11/17, 6pm. La Salles, 229 Broadway. lasalleschico.com




Special Events

AMERICAN MILE: L.A. rock crew at The Box. Fri, 11/18, 7pm. Tackle Box, 379 E. Park Ave.



O N PA G E 2 4

HOGFATHER Nov. 3-19 Theatre on the Ridge (See Theater, page 22)

HONEYBEE JAZZ: Live jazz/Americana. Fri, 11/11, 4:30pm. The Barn at Meriam Park, 1930 Market Place. meriampark.com

LIVE MUSIC IN THE LOUNGE: See Nov. 4. Fri, 11/11, 8:30pm. Free. Gold Country Casino & Hotel, 4020 Olive Highway, Oroville. goldcountrycasino.com

MAX MINARDI: Happy hour (4-6); live music (5-7). Fri, 11/11, 5pm. La Salles, 229 Broadway. lasalleschico.com

SAT12 Special Events WHISKEY & WINGS: An upscale whiskey tasting event to honor veterans and support the Chico Noon Exchange Foundation. Sat, 11/12, 4pm. $80. Chico Air Museum, 165 Ryan Ave. chicobrew fest.ticketleap.com

NOVEMBER 3, 2022




C O N T I N U E D F R O M PA G E 2 3

EDITOR’S PICK tackleboxchico.com

DUFFY’S HAPPY HOUR: See Nov. 4. Fri, 11/18, 5pm. Free. Duffy’s Tavern, 337 Main Street. (530) 343-7718.

LANGDON KENNEDY: Live music. Fri, 11/18, 5:30pm. Odyssey Winery & Vineyards, 6237 Cohasset Road.

LIVE MUSIC IN THE LOUNGE: See Nov. 4. Fri, 11/18, 8:30pm. Free. Gold Country Casino & Hotel, 4020 Olive Highway, Oroville. goldcountry casino.com

THE RATTLESNAKES: Live Southern rock. Fri, 11/18, 4:30pm. The Barn at Meriam Park, 1930 Market Place. meriampark.com

TYLER DEVOLL: See Nov. 4 Fri, 11/18, 5pm. La Salles, 229 Broadway. lasalleschico.com

SAT19 Music CHICO DIVAS SING CHUCK EPPERSON JR.: Vocalists perform songs of longtime Chico musician. Sat, 11/19, 8:30pm. $10. Mulberry Station Brewing Co., 175 E. 20th St. mulberrystationbrewery.com

DIRTWIRE & BANJOELECTRIC: Bay Area based trio Dirtwire is hard to pin down ... “future revival, swamptronica, spaghetti-step, electro-twang” is one description— another is: acoustic trio experiments with electronic effects for extended jams. Banjoelectric opens. Sat, 11/19, 8pm. $25. Om on the Range, 301 Main St. jmaxproductions.net

THE GNARLY PINTS: Live acoustic folk. Sat, 11/19, 4:30pm. The Barn at Meriam Park, 1930 Market Place. meriampark.com

Foot Massage with reflexology points and essential oils, as well as mini treatments to help with daily frustrations, goals and deeper trauma issues.

130. thealliespub.com


om EN e.c

LIVE MUSIC IN THE LOUNGE: See Nov. 5. Sat, 11/19, 8:30pm. Free. Gold Country Casino & Hotel, 4020 Olive Highway, Oroville. goldcountrycasino.com

LUKE SWEENEY: S.F. psych-rock hero Luke Sweeny at the lounge. Locals the Bella Locas and Roni Jean open.. Sat, 11/19, 7pm. Naked Lounge, 118 W. Second St.

PETTY THEFT: Live Tom Petty covers in the brewery’s tap room. Sat, 11/19, 10:15pm. Free. Feather Falls Casino & Lodge, 3 Alverda Drive, Oroville. feather fallscasino.com

SMOKEY THE GROOVE ALBUM RELEASE: Local fun-makers debut their latest album at release party featuring local friends Gold Souls and Lorna Such opening. Sat, 11/19, 7pm. $15. El Rey Theater, 230 W. Second St. elreychico.com

SUN20 Special Events CHRISTMAS PREVIEW: A downtown Chico tra-

Happy Feet is a healthy body and a blissful soul!

dition, with the shops open late and the streets and storefronts filled with live entertainment, holiday treats, Santa Claus and more. Sun, 11/20, 4pm. Downtown Chico. downtownchico.com



NOVEMBER 3, 2022

Chico for an encore show Nov. 19 at Naked Lounge with openers The Bella Locas and Roni Jean (again!); and, also on Nov. 19, JMax Productions scales down to put on a relatively intimate show at Om on the Range featuring Bay Area “future revival, swamptronica, spaghetti-step, electro-twang” trio Dirtwire.

Salles, 229 Broadway. lasalleschico.com

LIVE MUSIC AT THE PUB: See Nov. 3. Sat, 11/19, 1pm. The Allies Pub, 426 Broadway, Ste.

ur o TMunct Chic IN cup ve., 0 O yA A 30 PP unit grove 5-5 4 A m R Com Man 0) 3 3 O F hico 815 (5 C 1


Some fresh sounds blowing in from the road this November. Three visitors hitting downtown clubs: LA-based French-American chill bedroom-pop duo Pearl & The Oysters (pictured) will visit Duffy’s Tavern Nov. 8 (Roni Jean opens); S.F. psych-pop songwriter Luke Sweeney’s new album, Rishi, comes out this month and he returns to

LIVE MUSIC: See Nov. 12. Sat, 11/19, 11am. La



THU24 Music HIPPY HAPPY HOUR: See Nov. 3. Thu, 11/24, 4pm. Free. Om on the Range, 301 Main St.

FRI25 Music ARTHUR BUEZO: Happy hour (4-6); live music (5-7). Fri, 11/25, 5pm. La Salles, 229 Broadway. lasalleschico.com

DUFFY’S HAPPY HOUR: See Nov. 4. Fri, 11/25, 5pm. Free. Duffy’s Tavern, 337 Main Street. (530) 343-7718.

LIVE MUSIC IN THE LOUNGE: See Nov. 4. Fri, 11/25, 8:30pm. Free. Gold Country Casino & Hotel, 4020 Olive Highway, Oroville. goldcountry casino.com

MOTLEY 2: Live Motley Crue covers in the brewery’s tap room. Fri, 11/25, 10:15pm. Free. Feather Falls Casino & Lodge, 3 Alverda Drive, Oroville. featherfallscasino.com

SURF NOIR KINGS: Live surf rock. Fri, 11/25, 4:30pm. The Barn at Meriam Park, 1930 Market Place. meriampark.com



SUNDAYS AT 5TH STREET STEAKHOUSE: See Nov. 6. Sun, 11/20, 5pm. 5th Street Steakhouse,

Special Events

345 W. Fifth St. 5thstreetsteakhouse.com

HOLIDAY CRAFT FAIRE: Handicrafts for sale at

the brewery. Sat, 11/26, 12pm. Secret Trail Brewing Company, 132 Meyers St., Ste. 120. secrettrailbrewing.com

Music CANA ROAD BAND: Blues rock, live. Sat, 11/26, 4:30pm. The Barn at Meriam Park, 1930 Market Place. meriampark.com

HEARTLESS: Live Heart covers in the brewery’s tap room. Sat, 11/26, 10:15pm. Free. Feather Falls Casino & Lodge, 3 Alverda Drive, Oroville. featherfallscasino.com

KEZIRAH BRADFORD: Live music & brunch. Sat, 11/26, 11am. La Salles, 229 Broadway. lasalleschico.com

LIVE MUSIC AT THE PUB: See Nov. 3. Sat, 11/26, 1pm. The Allies Pub, 426 Broadway, Ste. 130. thealliespub.com

LIVE MUSIC IN THE LOUNGE: See Nov. 4. Sat, 11/26, 8:30pm. Free. Gold Country Casino & Hotel, 4020 Olive Highway, Oroville. goldcountrycasino.com

SOUNDS GOOD?: Dance away that Thanksgiving meal! Sat, 11/26, 8:30pm. $5. Mulberry Station Brewing Co., 175 E. 20th St.

TUE29 Music DEORRO: Mexican-American EDM DJ from L.A. Ookay and Radtape open. Presented by JMax Productions. Tue, 11/29, 8pm. $25. Senator Theater, 517 Main St. jmaxproductions.net

NOVEMBER 3, 2022



UP CLOSE and personal Meet CHIP staffers who grew up in CHIP homes BY EDGAR SANCHEZ


n a brilliant day in mid-2021, Cristina Calva require down payments. Instead, it demanded “sweat witnessed an epic event: a celebration of the equity,” with the couple working a combined 30 hours a 2,000th home completed through a do-it-yourself week until the home’s completion in Hamilton City, with program that enables people to build their own houses the help of friends and CHIP craftspeople. in Northern California. Construction was financed with a low-interest loan As fundraising and communications coordinator from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, a loan similar for the Community Housing Improvement Program, to what other CHIP homebuyers receive. or CHIP, the nonprofit catalyst for the much-needed The four-bedroom, two-bath home with a garage and dwellings, she organized the ceremony. She also a spacious backyard took seven months to complete. spent most of her childhood in one of those 2,000 The family would later have four more children, includhomes, a residence built by her parents in Glenn ing Erika. County when she was a toddler. “It’s the only home my parents have had (that we all Along with gratitude, Calva experienced a sense of lived in together),” Ramirez says. “They still own it.” honor at the historic fete. The Calvas built their home circa “I felt proud to be part of CHIP’s 1997, not far from other relatives. story, both as someone who grew Previously, Cristina’s father, up in a CHIP home and now as Roberto, had assembled mobile an employee,” she says. homes in Chico. His wife, For 50 years, CHIP has Raquel, had held various made it possible for thoujobs. They and their two sands of local families children lived in the CHIP to move into CHIP rental home until 2010, when properties or self-built the Calvas purchased a homes in Butte, Glenn, larger home. Today, Tehama, Shasta, Sutter, Raquel Calva is a 15-year Yuba and Colusa counCHIP employee, a selfties. Like Calva, several help loan packager, in the Cristina Calva other CHIP workers were agency’s headquarters, helpCHIP’s communications raised in CHIP homes, giving ing families apply for USDA coordinator them special insights into the construction loans. agency’s functions. Speaking from experience, “CHIP is a great company to work Raquel stresses that home building for,” says Erika Ramirez, who spent the first half requires commitment. Nevertheless, she tells of her life in her parents’ CHIP home in Glenn County. loan applicants: If she could build a home, so can they. Hired in 2015, Ramirez is a CHIP resident manager Raquel joined daughter Cristina at the ceremony for in Yuba County. the 2,000th CHIP home, an inspirational milestone for CHIP residents, she says, come from all walks of life. all 65 CHIP employees. “As a CHIP employee, I’ve helped families who “It was very special,” Raquel Calva, 60, says. were running away from domestic violence,” Ramirez says. She also has aided the homeless, single parents raising young children, seniors on limited income, and many others. For more information on “CHIP residents are great people,” says Ramirez. Ramirez’ parents—her father was then a farm CHIP’s Housing programs, laborer, her mother an in-home caregiver—were renters visit chiphousing.org with five children when they joined CHIP’s build-a-home program in 1984. Then as now, the program did not

I felt proud to be part of CHIP’s story, both as someone who grew up in a CHIP home and now as an employee.”



NOVEMBER 3, 2022

(Clockwise) A group of CHIP staffers at a new housing development in Paradise; Cristina Calva (l) and Erika Ramirez (r) both grew in CHIP housing; building CHIP homes has a special significance for Ramirez, pictured here. PHOTOS BY RAY LAAGER


e r a m t h g i n l u f i A beaut

The witches and vampires of Nightmare on Mulberry Street dance to summon the Dark Lord. PHOTO BY KEN PORDES

gy of this community of performers is amazing,” she continued. “It’s been perfect.” The overarching plot tying together

New troupe brings spooky burlesque to Mulberry Station

Obutions maker Ed Wood’s many contrito the horror-camp canon ne of infamous/legendary film-

is the screenplay for 1965’s Orgy of the Dead. by In the movie, Ken Smith a couple of kens@ squares crash new srev iew.c om their car near a graveyard, and two baddies— Review: the Emperor Hypnotique Productions’ Nightmare on Mulberry and the Street, Oct. 21 at Black Ghoul, Mulberry Station played by Brewing Co. The Amazing Check facebook.com/ hypnotique.production Criswell and for info on future shows. proto-goth babe Fawn Silver, respectively—force them to watch a series of sinister stripteases. The dancing and exotica-style soundtrack are excellent, but the film is best known for its so-ridiculousit’s-brilliant dialogue, like Criswell’s classic, horny declaration that “A pussycat is born to be whipped!” Even if Kelsi Judge—the pri-

mary force behind Hypnotique Production’s Nightmare on Mulberry Street—isn’t a Wood-ophile, it’s easy to imagine that the long-gone director/writer of camp would be a fan of the latest Hypnotique burlesque extravaganza. Bawdy, funny, sexy and sometimes crass (in the best possible sense), the show ran for seven days in October, often to sold-out audiences. The Halloweenseason production, staged at Chico’s Mulberry Station Brewing Co., was brought to life by a dozen-strong troupe of dancing, singing, bumping, grinding, wise-cracking performers and a crack live band. In addition to playing the seductive Sue the Scissorer, Judge wrote the script and directed and co-choreographed the show—with assistant director/head of P.R. Sandii Buckman and co-choreographer Kiersten Gama (both of whom performed as well). A veteran of the much-missed local musical-theater hub Chico Cabaret, she said she was moved to get something new rolling during the

artistic drought brought on by the COVID-19 crisis. “I was so thirsty to do shows and had so many ideas in my head,” Judge said during an interview the evening of Nightmare’s penultimate performance. This prompted her to put together Trinity Cabaret at Oroville’s Union bar and grill last Halloween That show’s success led to the formation of her own company, Hypnotique Productions, which put on another burlesque show called Eden at Mulberry Station in February. It was so successful that the restaurant gave the production bearing its name a three-weekend run. Of Nightmare’s inspiration, Judge said: “I knew this group of performers would really dive in and love this theme, so figured what better outlet than a campy horror thing and to do it on Halloween? Plus, we could get creative with the song selection and give the band room to explore, to make things more rock-’n’-roll or creepier or campier as needed. “The music and the overall ener-

the titillating dance numbers and cheeky sketches of Nightmare on Mulberry Street was the summoning of Big Daddy, aka Satan Themself (portrayed by assistant director Buckman), who “left to get a pack of cigarettes 6,669 years ago and never returned.” A hive of vampires, led by Sue the Scissorer and brother Vharaz (Judge’s real-life husband, Jojo Judge), teams up with a coven of witches, led by Madame Zelda (Sierra Hall) and drag queen Miss Ruby (Alexander Asher Garcia), to engage in a prolonged ritual. Each stage of the ritual included song-and-dance routines featuring contemporary music performed by a live band directed by local musician Ethan Swett; songs ranged from Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” to Jace Everett’s “Bad Things” (the theme song for HBO’s vampire campfest True Blood). Performers punctuated the musical numbers with dialogue that included (sometimes intentionally cringe-worthy) sexual bits and double entendres, a lot of wit and the occasional pop culture or political quip (generally in response to political efforts to control women’s bodies and oppress sexuality of all stripes). Of note was the quality of vocal performances, especially since they were often given while simultaneously dancing. In fact, the song deliveries were so smooth and faultless that I—and other audience members overheard expressing the same sentiment—initially thought they were pre-recorded (kudos to sound engineer Justin Thomas for his part in this accomplishment). Most of the dancers took a turn fronting a song, and while each did so well it’s hard to single any out, Samaria Mckenzie’s take on Jefferson Airplane’s “White Rabbit” was exceptional. Mackenzie also joined the band to provide backup

vocals for several other songs. Another highlight was the surprise appearance of local musician Scout who performed an original song as the ritual’s human sacrifice. The audience—its sheer enthusiasm and participation—provided a huge part of the show’s appeal. Many attendees came dressed in their sultry Halloween best, making it difficult at times to determine which lingerie-clad witches and handsome warlocks were cast members, spectators or off-stage support. Tipping was encouraged, and watching people gleefully throw money at the performers was itself entertaining; they certainly earned it. A pair of fire dancers served as a warm-up act in the brewery’s parking lot before the show and kept the spectacle going through intermission with a hula hoop routine. Judge credited the staff of Mulberry Station, her co-organizers and her fellow performers for the show’s overwhelming success and plans to do more local productions in the future. “I have something in the early spring planned and I want to try to do two shows a year, plus community projects,” she said, adding these efforts will all be collaborations with local performers. Ω

Kelsi Judge, head of Hypnotique Productions, before her transformation into Sue the Scissorer for the Oct. 21 show. PHOTO BY KEN SMITH

NOVEMBER 3, 2022





NOVEMBER 3, 2022

REEL WORLD Left: Rachel Brosnahan, Christoph Waltz (center) and Warren Burke in Dead for a Dollar. Below: Willem Dafoe as outlaw Joe Cribbens.

tal video with color mostly in the key of brown, Dead for a Dollar sometimes looks a little like a bare bones made-for-TV movie, but the sepiatone-like images and the stray period details (it’s the “Old West,” except that it’s also 1897) have a nice cumulative effect that’s very much in keeping with the grubbily earnest character dramas that are the film’s main action. It is a bit distressing, at first, that Waltz and Dafoe tend to speak a little like “modern” middle-aged men. But that too, I’m thinking, seems in keeping with the film’s nudging emphases on stray bits of archaic and “old-fashioned” behavior rattling around in what is almost the 20th Century. Brosnahan’s Rachel Kidd is similarly conflicted—a 19th Century woman of privilege who is also a modern feminist and “revolutionary” in the making. Standout performances include Warren Burke as Sgt. Alonzo Poe, a Buffalo soldier charged with assisting Max in the mission

of retrieval; Linklater, a study in lethal fecklessness as the villainous husband; and Luis Chávez as Esteban Romero, a meek young man with a law degree who tries mightily to deal with Max on behalf of the cruelly domineering land baron played by Bratt. And Bratt cuts a fine malevolent figure as the film’s other major villain— a well-dressed oligarch on horseback, wearing a large black hat pulled down to his eyebrows. Sardonic dialog adds some special flavor: in a particularly tense moment, Max tells Sgt. Poe he needn’t worry: “If he kills you, I’ll kill him.” When Max with his faint German accent is quizzed about his exact nationality, he simply declares he’s “American.” When Joe is asked a similar question in Mexico, he starts to say “American,” but catches himself and firmly asserts, “Texan.” You might say that some of the film’s best duels have no gun play—they are instead intensely compact wars of words. And there is one spectacularly violent duel without guns: When a redneck outlaw comes after him with a bullwhip, Sgt. Poe responds in kind with a whip of his own. Ω

‘If he kills you, I’ll kill him’ Veteran director and cast of heavy-hitters team up for unique western

DandernApple (now streaming on Amazon TV) from veteran ead for a Dollar is the new west-

action director Walter Hill (Hard Times, The Driver, Streets by of Fire, Southern Juan-Carlos Comfort, as well Selznick as noteworthy westerns such as The Long Riders, Geronimo: An American Legend, Wild Bill and the Broken Trail miniseries). It has Christoph Waltz and Willem Dafoe in the lead roles, and their individual dramas are variously entangled with stories of a rebellious woman (Rachel Brosnahan) and a diverse gallery of quirky

secondary characters played by Benjamin Bratt, Hamish Linklater and a small but distinctive group of relative unknowns. Waltz is Max Borlund, a nononsense bounty hunter, and Dafoe is Joe Cribbens, a raffish outlaw and would-be free spirit. The film begins with the former making a quietly confrontational visit to the latter in the prison from which he’s soon to be released. Both will meet again later on in Mexico, but the main story has Waltz’s bounty hunter being hired by wealthy businessman Martin Kidd (Linklater) to retrieve his wife Rachel (Brosnahan) who has ostensibly been kidnapped by an

Army deserter and held for ransom in Mexico. Max soon learns the kidnapping claim is bogus: The wife, who has the wealth coveted by her very estranged and reprehensible husband, and the deserter, who is black, have been lovers and they’re bargaining for an escape to Cuba, from whence they just might go their separate ways. Several showdowns will eventually converge, character-wise and action-wise. While there’s a good deal of customary western-movie action, Hill foregrounds the scenes of shifting alliances and unexpected moral reckonings. Filmed on digi-

NOVEMBER 3, 2022





NOVEMBER 3, 2022


Bem-vindo a minha casa Colorful, homey Brazilian restaurant opens downtown

Sgoodwhenchance the doors are open, and there’s a you’ll find the restaurant’s pro-

tep into Lili’s Brazilian Bistro most any time

prietor and namesake, Lili Da Silva, somewhere within. If she’s not at the front counter—greeting story and each customer with a disarmphotos by ingly sincere “Bem-vindo!” Ken Smith (Welcome!)—she’s likely kens@ newsrev iew.c om in the kitchen, cooking up recipes passed through her Lili’s Brazilian family for generations. “I do all the cooking,” she Bistro 142 Broadway said during a recent visit to (530) 399-0675 the new restaurant in downfacebook.com/ town Chico. “It’s all traditionlilisbrazilianbistro al, things I learned from my Open Monday- grandma, my mom, my aunts. Saturday, “All the women in my 11 a.m.-9 p.m. family are very good cooks,” she continued, noting that some of her cousins run a catering business and her sister-in-law is “an amazing baker” and chef’s assistant. “I have to say, ‘Thank you,’ especially to my mother and grandma, and all the mom’s I’ve met on my journey who teach me their secrets.” Da Silva’s journey has carried her from her native Sao Paulo, Brazil, to Chico—which she’s called home since 2016—via a circuitous route. She’d visited America several times, seeing such cities as Miami, Orlando, New York, Philadelphia and San Francisco. Her

Owner Lili Da Silva inside her colorful new downtown restaurant, Lili’s Brazilian Bistro.

fourth visit had a special purpose: Prompted by a favorite aunt’s cancer diagnosis, she attended a multi-day Native American ritual retreat at Point Reyes, on the California coast, and fell in love with the Golden State. She stopped in Las Vegas on her way back home, where she met friends who convinced her to stay in the country. “Then, God brought me to Chico,” she said. Da Silva opened the bistro on Broadway (in the former home of OM Foods) in June. It’s beautifully appointed, with interesting paintings lining walls painted in bright yellow and a soft, mixed turquoise. One corner of the dining area is decorated with flags, Brazilian drums and other curios from her homeland. Lasanha Brazilian

On Saturday evenings, Lili’s hosts dance nights, plus lessons, dedicated to salsa and other Latin American forms, including forró, which originates from northern Brazil. “We do this dance during Carnival [pre-Lent festivities, like Mardi Gras, held during springtime] and for Festas Juninas, which are celebrations in June,” she said. “For like a month or two, we just dance and go to lots of parties. It’s so fun!” I haven’t made it to a dance night

yet, but I did visit one recent Monday evening for a Brazilian dinner. My companion and I kicked off our meal with the pão de queijo ($6)—a round of traditional (and tasty!) Brazilian

cheese bread—from the appetizer menu and washed it down with a can of Guaraná Antarctica, a refreshing soft drink made from guaraná fruit. I’ll admit my knowledge of and previous experience with Brazilian food is limited to a few visits to an all-you-can-eat steak joint at a mall in the Inland Empire. My companion and I opted for more familiar dishes that were highly recommended by friends who frequent Lili’s— strogonoff and lasanha Brazilian (each $18 a plate). Though they resembled the more commonly consumed (in America) Russian and Italian versions of beef stroganoff and lasagne, there were subtle differences that made them unique. Most prominently, the strogonoff was chicken-based, with the delicious creamy, meaty, mushroom sauce served over rice instead of pasta, with a fresh vegetable salad on the side. The Strogonoff with chicken lasanha was made with ground beef, lots of cheese, tomato sauce and a lovely blend of garlic and spices. My dining companion used a perfect descriptor, appropriately referring to both meals as “gentle”— which doesn’t usually come to mind when I imagine these dishes, but described both of Lili’s versions well. There’s plenty more to check out at Lili’s, including more traditional items such as the feijoada, a black-bean and pork stew. I’m particularly excited to try the soups, salads and sandwiches for lunch, especially the sandwich de frango ($12 and featuring mushrooms, chicken, cream cheese, garlic and onion). The desserts also sound (and look, in pictures posted to online social media) delectable. Overall, Lili’s Brazilian Bistro is a great place for an interesting introduction, or a deeper dive, into the culture of Brazil and to enjoy a good meal. “These are parts of my culture I want to share,” Da Silva said. “The dancing, and of course the food.” Ω

NOVEMBER 3, 2022



ARTS DEVO by JASON CASSIDY • jasonc@newsreview.com

TURN ME LOOSE Dolphin shorts, checkerboard muscle shirt, Walkman loaded with Loverboy cassette. Arts DEVO was ready for his paper route, delivering copies of the Redding Record Searchlight by bike as rock-’n’-roll worlds bloomed in his headphones. That was 1982. The year it got into my head to get on a stage and sing songs. It would be 5 years before I’d start to learn how to play guitar, another year before I’d play music in front of anyone, but the fantasy was solidified on that BMX bike. In my head I was in red leather pants and going through my stage moves—grab the mic stand, put the foot Mike Reno is coming to Oroville! on the monitor and wink at the guitarist as I whispered along in real life: “Only the lucky ones ...” The vision is as clear to me now as it was in junior high, and it came back in a flash when I saw that Loverboy was among the many bands to be covered in tribute locally this month—a list that includes two Tom Pettys (Petty Rocks, Nov. 5 at Jen’s Place and Petty Theft, Nov. 19 at Feather Falls Casino); two Hearts (Heart by Heart, Nov. 10, Rolling Hills Casino and Heartless, Nov. 26, Feather Falls); Prince (The Purple Xperience, Nov. 12, Feather Falls); and Motley Crue (Motley 2, Nov. 25, Feather Falls). But wait! Loverboy at Gold Country Casino on Nov. 12 is not a tribute. It’s Loverboy, the original dudes. They’ve never stopped playing, and they’ve even put out a bunch of new music over the years. Dang! Newspaper boy money might not have been enough to score red leather pants, but newspaper editor money is! Faux ones at least. What are the words? “Everybody needs a second chance!”

Winchester Goose

Wolfe’s Neck IPA at the Goose.



NOVEMBER 3, 2022

THE GOOSE IS BACK After an extended tease throughout the pandemic, owner Rob Rasner has pulled down the paper from the windows and unveiled his new Winchester Goose bar. The doors were opened early October, and I gotta say that the revamped space that used to house Herreid Music and before that a couple of old-school Chico nightclubs (the Blue Max, Cabo’s) is sexy: Charred wood paneling and benches, gorgeous gnarled claro walnut bar, checkboard floor. And its huge inside! And there’s a giant stage! And just like the previous location, it’s within walking/biking distance from my house! I missed the grand opening party, but was able to sneak in with my dog Rosie for a one-beer (amazing Wolfe’s Neck IPA from Maine Beer Co.) visit one recent Thursday night. Hours are limited for now (4 p.m. to close, Thursday-Saturday) as they work out the kinks, but there is already a small decadent-looking menu and a full bar in addition to an impeccably curated beer list. My favorite neighborhood watering hole is back!

TRANS IS BEAUTIFUL at Rape Crisis Intervention

The holidays may be a particularly difficult time for transgender and gender non-conforming individuals lacking support, especially for those who are survivors of sexual violence. Transgender people are disproportionately impacted by sexual violence, as well as physical violence, discrimination, poverty and a lack of access to support services - especially transwomen of color. At Rape Crisis Intervention we affirm your gender identity and gender expression and support survivors and significant others of all genders on their path to healing from sexual violence.

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• MORE THAN 50% of transgender individuals experience sexually abuse or sexual assault at some point in their lives, with some reports stating that 66% of transgender people experience sexual assualt, often with physical violence. This means that the majority of transgender people are survivors and deal with the trauma, anxiety, fear and isolation caused by sexual violence, in addition to the stigma of being transgender in our society. • SEXUAL VIOLENCE has been found to be experienced at higher rates among transgender youth, transgender people of color, transgender sex workers, those with disabilities and those experiencing homelessness. • SEXUAL ASSAULT against transgender individuals may occur as an anti-transgender hate crime, or as forced “corrective sex” intended to stop a person from transitioning or to make someone straight. • ONLY ONE IN FIVE LGBTQ VICTIMS of intimate partner violence or sexual assault get help from service providers • MANY TRANSGENDER SURVIVORS do not seek services due to concerns of discrimination, safety and lack of access to transgender informed support.

We are open and affirming to all regardless of ability, gender, gender identity, race, or sexual orientation.

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FOR THE WEEK OF NOVEMBER 3, 2022 ARIES (March 21-April 19): In the coming weeks, I encourage you to work as hard as you have ever worked. Work smart, too. Work with flair and aplomb and relish. You now have a surprisingly fertile opportunity to reinvent how you do your work and how you feel about your work. To take maximum advantage of this potential breakthrough, you should inspire yourself to give more of your heart and soul to your work than you have previously imagined possible. (PS: By “work,” I mean your job and any crucial activity that is both challenging and rewarding.)

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Here’s my weird suggestion, Taurus. Just for now, only for a week or two, experiment with dreaming about what you want but can’t have. And just for now, only for a week or two, go in pursuit of what you want but can’t have. I predict that these exercises in quixotic futility will generate an unexpected benefit. They will motivate you to dream true and strong and deep about what you do want and can have. They will intensify and focus you to pursue what you do want and can have.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Your most successful times in life usually come when all your various selves are involved. During these interludes, none of them is neglected or shunted to the outskirts. In my astrological opinion, you will be wise to ensure this scenario is in full play during the coming weeks. In fact, I recommend you throw a big Unity Party and invite all your various sub-personalities to come as they are. Have outrageous fun acting out the festivities. Set out a placemat and nametag on a table for each participant. Move around from seat to seat and speak from the heart on behalf of each one. Later, discuss a project you could all participate in creating.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): A Cancerian reader named Joost Joring explained to me how he cultivates the art of being the best Cancerian he can be. He said, “I shape my psyche into a fortress, and I make people feel privileged when they are allowed inside. If I must sometimes instruct my allies to stay outside for a while, to camp out by the drawbridge as I work out my problems, I make sure they know they can still love me—and that I still love them.” I appreciate Joost’s perspective. As a Cancerian myself, I can attest to its value. But I will also note that in the coming weeks, you will reap some nice benefits from having less of a fortress mentality. In my astrological opinion, it’s PARTY TIME!

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Leo poet Antonio Machado wrote, “I thought my fire was out, and I stirred the ashes. I burnt my fingers.” I’m telling you this so you won’t make the same mistake, Leo. Your energy may be a bit less radiant and fervent than usual right now, but that’s only because you’re in a recharging phase. Your deep reserves of fertility and power are regenerating. That’s a good thing! Don’t make the error of thinking it’s a sign of reduced vitality. Don’t overreact with a flurry of worry.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Virgo author Siegfried Sassoon became renowned for the poetry he wrote about being a soldier in World War I. Having witnessed carnage firsthand, he became adept at focusing on what was truly important. “As long as I can go on living a rich inner life,” he wrote, “I have no cause for complaint, and I welcome anything which helps me to simplify my life, which seems to be more and more a process of eliminating inessentials!” I suggest we make Sassoon your inspirational role model for the next three weeks. What inessentials can you eliminate? What could you do to enhance your appreciation for all the everyday miracles that life offers you?

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): You Libras have a talent that I consider a superpower: You can remove yourself from the heart of the chaos and deliver astute insights about how

BY ROB BREZSNY to tame the chaos. I like that about you. I have personally benefited from it on numerous occasions. But for the next few weeks, I will ask you to try something different. I’ll encourage you to put an emphasis on practical action, however imperfect it might be, more than on in-depth analysis. This moment in the history of your universe requires a commitment to getting things done, even if they’re untidy and incomplete. Here’s your motto: “I improvise compromises in the midst of the interesting mess.”

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): “Fear is the raw material from which courage is manufactured,” said author Martha Beck. “Without it, we wouldn’t even know what it means to be brave.” I love that quote—and I especially love it as a guiding meditation for you Scorpios right now. We usually think of fear as an unambiguously bad thing, a drain of our precious life force. But I suspect that for you, it will turn out to be useful in the coming days. You’re going to find a way to transmute fear into boldness, bravery, and even badassery.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): For decades, the Canadian city of Sudbury hosted a robust mining industry. Deposits of nickel sulphide ore spawned a booming business. But these riches also brought terrible pollution. Sudbury’s native vegetation was devastated. The land was stained with foul air produced by the smelting process. An effort to re-green the area began in the 1970s. Today, the air is among the cleanest in the province of Ontario. In the spirit of this transformation, I invite you to embark on a personal reclamation project. Now is a favorable time to detoxify and purify any parts of your life that have been spoiled or sullied.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): The literal meaning of the ancient Greek word aigílips is “devoid of goats.” It refers to a place on the earth that is so high and steep that not even sure-footed goats can climb it. There aren’t many of those places. Similarly, there are very few metaphorical peaks that a determined Capricorn can’t reach. One of your specialties is the power to master seemingly improbable and impassable heights. But here’s an unexpected twist in your destiny: In the coming months, your forte will be a talent for going very far down and in. Your agility at ascending, for a change, will be useful in descending—for exploring the depths. Now is a good time to get started!

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Evolved Aquarians are often blessed with unprecedented friendships and free-spirited intimacy and innovative alliances. People who align themselves with you may enjoy experimental collaborations they never imagined before engaging with you. They might be surprised at the creative potentials unleashed in them because of their synergy with you. In the coming weeks and months, you will have even more power than usual to generate such liaisons and connections. You might want to make a copy of this horoscope and use it as your calling card or business card.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): I surveyed the history of literature to identify authors I consider highly intuitive. Piscean-born Anais Nin was my top choice. She used language with fluidity and lyricism. She lived a colorful, unpredictable life. No one better deserves the title of Intuition Champion. And yet she also had a discerning view of this faculty. She wrote, “I began to understand that there were times when I must question my intuition and separate it from my anxieties or fears. I must think, observe, question, seek facts and not trust blindly to my intuition.” I admire her caution. And I suspect it was one reason her intuition was so potent. Your assignment, Pisces, is to apply her approach to your relationship with your intuition. The coming months will be a time when you can supercharge this key aspect of your intelligence and make it work for you better than it ever has before.

www.RealAstrology.com for Rob Brezsny’s EXPANDED WEEKLY AUDIO HOROSCOPES and DAILY TEXT MESSAGE HOROSCOPES. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 1-877-873-4888.

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