
Page 1

Letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Opinion/Streetalk . . . . . . .5 News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Election . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Green . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Arts&Culture . . . . . . . . .14 In Rotation . . . . . . . . . . .16

Art of the State . . . . . . .17 Foodfinds . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Film . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Musicbeat . . . . . . . . . . .23 Nightclubs/Casinos . . . .24 This Week . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Free Will Astrology . . . .34 15 Minutes . . . . . . . . . . .35 Bruce Van Dyke . . . . . . .35



THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE See Arts&Culture, page 14.

SOUL S FOR SALE See Art of the State, page 17.





OCTOBER 25–31, 2012

Tips for Avoiding and Spreading the Flu Since the flu is generally transmitted from person to person, the best way to prevent infections is to follow the tips below and regularly wash your hands with warm, soapy water for at least 15 seconds. Respiratory droplets can be picked up in the air or by touching a droplet on a person or contaminated object, and then touching your mouth, nose or eyes. If you don’t have access to water, use alcohol-based anti-bacterial wipes or hand sanitizers to clean your hands. Consider keeping wipes where you might need them most – in the car, your purse and at the office.

Symptoms Flu symptoms typically pically include a fev fever ver b between 102° F and 104° F, headache, che, body aches, ach hes, severe fatigue and ough, sore sore throat and stuffy nose may weakness. A dry cough, sy ymptoms. Children may also accompany these symptoms. a, vomiting and ear infections. experience nausea, en or, if after some improvement, you If symptoms worsen ptoms such as nausea, vomiting, high develop new symptoms fever, chills, chest pain or coughing, call your doctor. ns of pneumonia. These can be signs

People who are vulnerable to developing complications of the flu such as infants, the elderly and those with suppressed immune systems, should avoid public areas where the chances of being exposed to a virus are high. If a high-risk loved one gets the flu, call their doctor immediately.

A Shot at Prevention ention

Stop the Spread

If you get the flu, stay home and encourage others with the flu to do the same.

For otherwise healthy adults, take extra precautions to avoid infection or to stop the spread: ƌɄɄ !Ʉ4*0Ʉ" /Ʉ/# Ʉū0ƇɄ./ 4Ʉ#*( Ʉ ) Ʉ ) *0- " Ʉ*/# -.Ʉ2$/#Ʉ the flu to do the same.

An annual flu shott can greatly lower your chance of getting the flu. Ask your doctor if flu immunizations are right for you and your family.

ƌɄ *)Ɩ/Ʉ.# - Ʉ!** ƇɄ -$)&.ƇɄ/*2 '.Ʉ ) Ʉ/*$' /-$ .ƆɄ ƌɄɄ $.$)! /Ʉ/ ' +#*) .ƇɄ **-&)* .ƇɄ& 4 * - .Ʉ ) Ʉ*/# -Ʉ$/ (.ƆɄ ƌɄɄ $. - Ʉ0. Ʉ/$..0 .Ʉ-$"#/Ʉ 2 4ƆɄ *Ʉ)*/Ʉ' 1 Ʉ/# (Ʉ in your bathroom wastebasket, or in any other moist environment.

Paul Mozen, DO Board Certified, Internal Medicine

Dr. Mozen is a board-certified internal medicine physician who has practiced for more than 24 years. He enjoys the privilege of building and maintaining lifelong relationships with his patients. He was inspired to pursue a career in medicine by his father, who was a surgeon. After graduating with honors from Grand Valley State University in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Dr. Mozen earned his osteopathic medicine degree from the University of Health Sciences at Kansas City, Missouri. He completed his residency at the University of Nevada School of Medicine, Reno. Dr. Mozen enjoys the lifestyle, people and scenic mountains of the spectacular Reno/Sparks community. Some of his favorite activities include biking, kite boarding, skiing and music.

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Mozen, call 775-352-5300. Medicare and most of the area’s health plans are accepted.

Exceptional People. Exceptional Quality. Experience the Difference. 5575 Kietzke Lane | Reno, NV | 352-5300 | NNMC.com Information is provided for educational purposes only, and is not intended to constitute medical advice or to be relied upon for the treatment of any particular condition. If you have concerns or questions about specific symptoms that may affect your health, please contact your healthcare provider.

2   |   RN&R   |   OCTOBER 25, 2012



Duct-tape solution

Biggest little Vegas

Welcome to this week’s Reno News & Review. So the Reno News & Review did this really cool thing. Starting about nine months ago (OK, three years ago, when we decided to move the Best of Northern Nevada so it wouldn’t impact Election 2012 coverage), I started interviewing partners to help us have a great election site. We selected Democracy Live because they promised to include our local “down-ballot” races. At any rate, problems were had. The RN&R did our part. Most of the candidates did theirs by responding to an online questionnaire. The Washoe County Registrar of Voters did its job. (In fact, during this election, I’ve been floored by the level of competency of the Registrar’s office, particularly Brian Takemoto and Luanne Cutler, while Registrar Dan Burk is out, having had emergency surgery.) Democracy Live experienced innumerable technical difficulties, first promising a Sept. 28 launch, then an Oct. 5 launch, then a whole variety of dates and reasons for delays. All the while, our readers were deprived of the information they needed. So, anyway, our operations team, led by John Bisignano and Jonathan Schultz, went into action, creating a downand-dirty gadget based on the responses the candidates gave us. If I’m able, I’ll also link to candidates’ info on the Registrar’s site for those who didn’t respond to us. Today is Tuesday. I have no idea what the site is going to look like come Thursday, but I know people are voting now, and I want those voters to see what the candidates had to say. For all I know, Democracy Live may have gotten their act together. Our duct-tape solution may not be beautiful, but it couldn’t wait any longer. Please go to www.newsreview.com/reno/ liveballot. Plug in your address, and you’ll get some combination of what Democracy Live did along with information from the candidates. It may not be pretty, but you’ll get the information you need.

Re “Recovery?” (News, Oct. 18): This is hysterical! I give you Jon Ralston’s latest: “New poll shows Obama leads in Nevada by 7, Oct. 17, 2012” http://tinyurl.com/95dmj6b. I think we sometimes forget that Reno is not Las Vegas. Cheers! Ursula Powers Reno

Don’t trust parents We’re told we can depend on our parents until we’re 25. Maybe no one’s saying it outright, but FAFSA [Free Application for Federal Student Loan] requires information about your parents’ income if you’re under 25, health insurance companies are mandated by law to cover children up to age 25 on their parents’ health plans, and parents of full-time students can claim their children on their tax returns up to age 24. But what about those who can’t even depend on their parents up to age 18? At a 2012 youth-targeted homeless count in Reno, 56 homeless youth under 24 were counted. These included some who had recently aged out of foster care and some who were exiting the juvenile justice system with no family support. It didn’t include youth who don’t even recognize that they’re homeless; who sleep on friends’ couches or live with another family on a temporary basis. Washoe County’s annual spending on the homeless exceeds $14 million. We need to educate youth to be independent and prevent them from becoming homeless in the first place. We need required life skills classes in high schools, teen mentoring programs, and youth-centered supportive housing. These youth cannot do it for themselves. It is up to us. Jeanine Moreland Reno

God bless you, Brad Bynum Re “Mr. Rotten” (Musicbeat, Oct. 11): Hats off to Brad Bynum and his interview with John Lydon of Public Image Limited! It was the most soul-

Our Mission To publish great newspapers that are successful and enduring. To create a quality work environment that encourages people to grow professionally while respecting personal welfare. To have a positive impact on our communities and make them better places to live.

Send letters to renoletters@newsreview.com










Don’t trust politicians Re “Separation of powers battle” (Election, Oct. 11): Thank you to RN&R for your recent article about the different items on the upcoming ballot. I recently moved back to Nevada and was not aware of Question 1. Reading the article, I was thinking it sounded like a good idea. That is until I came to the quote by Sen. Moises Denis where he states, “I think it’s an opportunity for us to do things that we didn’t do at the Legislature that are important.” Really? If these things are important, please explain to the people of Nevada why you didn’t address them at the Legislature while you were in session. You didn’t have time because you spent too much time on things that weren’t important? This is a power grab by the Legislature so that they can unilaterally extend their session (and therefore their pay) without any say by their constituents. This bill should be defeated in its present form and only passed when it allows the Legislature to call itself into special session only for the impeachment or removal from office of State Officers as allowed under the State Constitution.



Robert Orlin Franklin Johnson Sun Valley

Don’t trust doctors Suppose you needed surgery. You then find out the surgeon injured a previous patient due to serious neglect. This was a preventable injury

Keith E. Deutscher Reno

Editor/Publisher D. Brian Burghart News Editor Dennis Myers Arts Editor Brad Bynum Special Projects Editor Ashley Hennefer Calendar Editor Kelley Lang Editorial Intern Bethany Deines Contributors Amy Alkon, Amy Beck, Megan Berner, Matthew Craggs, Mark Dunagan, Marvin Gonzalez, Bob Grimm, Michael Grimm, Dave Preston, Jessica Santina, K.J. Sullivan, Bruce Van Dyke


Re “For the pets” (Letters to the Editor, Oct. 18): “We have no problem with the extinction of domestic animals. They are creations of human selective breeding.”—Wayne Pacelle, Humane Society of the United States The above is a direct quote. Sound familiar? What exactly does it mean? It means my Chihuahuas and my pit/lab mix, none of whom have done harm to anyone—ever. It means everyone’s dogs and cats. It means Farmer Joe’s cows, chickens, hogs and sheep. It means all pets and all livestock, including exotic birds. Snake and lizard fanciers are also not exempt from this HSUS madness. Laws against keeping reptiles will also proliferate and become more draconian. The HSUS is all about laws, going state by state, making trouble for honest ranchers and animal breeders who treat their animals well. All this harassment carries a hefty price tag, however; not all lawyers work pro bono. In 2008, for example, HSUS paid out less than one-half of 1 percent of their $100 million budget towards actual care of sheltered animals. The rest went to pension plans, lobbying efforts for laws to put ranchers and breeders out of business, reimbursement of their huge legal team, and God knows what other facets of their warped anti-human/anti-pet agenda. Logic tends to suggest that the numbers haven’t improved in the animals favor in the years leading to current. There is also the matter of approx $500 million which may have been under reported income for HSUS (IRS tax fraud case #29-92012). People, do not support the HSUS! Donate to local shelters only. Otherwise, you merely feed the monster.

Rob Pelikan Reno

—D. Brian Burghart brianb@newsreview.com OPINION

Don’t trust HSUS

ful interview with a musician I’ve read in a long time. Cut it out and put it on the refrigerator door type of stuff. John Lydon is an incredibly insightful human being. I find it awesome that he has gone from frontman and iconic vocalist of a punk rock band that helped ignite a whole generation of musical change and spawn countless genres of musical territory, to an “elder statesman” of sorts, with that same fire and attitude—just listen to the latest PIL album—as his younger years, but now tempered with wisdom and maturity...I didn’t want the interview to end. (I read the whole interview on line!). So, thanks Brad ... nice job.


Executive Assistant/Operations Coordinator Nanette Harker Assistant Distribution Manager Ron Neill Distribution Drivers Sandra Chhina, Gil Egeland, Neil Lemerise, John Miller, Russell Moore, Jesse Pike, David Richards, Martin Troye, Warren Tucker, Matthew Veach General Manager/Publisher John D. Murphy President/CEO Jeff vonKaenel Chief Operations Officer Deborah Redmond Human Resource Manager Tanja Poley

Design Manager Kate Murphy Art Director Priscilla Garcia Associate Art Director Hayley Doshay Design Brian Breneman, Marianne Mancina, Mary Key, Skyler Smith, Melissa Arendt Art Director at Large Don Button, Andrea Diaz-Vaughn Advertising Consultants Gina Odegard, Matt Odegard, Bev Savage Senior Classified Advertising Consultant Olla Ubay Office/Distribution Manager/ Ad Coordinator Karen Brooke Business Manager Grant Ronsenquist







that any surgeon of similar training would have recognized. This surgeon ignored complaints of the patient and requests that would decrease pain and injury. Due to the failure to perform further evaluation and preventive measures this resulted in permanent pain and disability, medication dependence, further medical testingprocedures-surgeries. At conclusion, to prevent embarrassment and a lawsuit, the hospital surgeons did their best to hide the whole incident. They even had an attorney threaten the patient. Are these medical professionals you would entrust your life or that of a loved one to? This is exactly what happened in Reno. Nevada Medical Board and Health Quality Assurance do a very poor job of protecting patients’ interests. Connie Mckamy Eureka, Calif.

Trust good stuff Re “Recovery?” (News, Oct. 12): I get a lot of my “news” from the internet. I am often startled by the number of unpaid amateurs out there posing as journalists. I once was forced by a lawyer to define what a reporter does. I haltingly told him: “They go out and find out stuff and tell it to people.” Dennis Myers did a pretty sterling job of “reporting” this story. He actually “went out.” He visited the Obama headquarters, actually witnessed the conditions he found there. He “found out stuff.” And he “told us” about it. While he filtered those facts through a journalist’s mind, his conclusions were pretty well confined. By the time this information is aggregated by the bloggers on the internet, the information will be diluted and twisted beyond recognition. Fox News: Lazy staffers blow election for Liberal Obama. Rush Limbaugh: Feminazis demonstrate Obama’s four years of a failed policies. Ann Coulter: Even Obama campaigners hate their candidate. Mitt Romney: If I had a campaign headquarters it would be better managed. Just like I saved the Olympics. Oh, well. Larry L. Wissbeck Paonia, Colo.

Credit and Collections Manager Renee Briscoe Business Zahida Mehirdel, Shannon McKenna Systems Manager Jonathan Schultz Systems Support Specialist Joe Kakacek Web Developer/Support Specialist John Bisignano 708 North Center Street Reno, NV 89501 Phone (775) 324-4440 Fax (775) 324-4572 Classified Fax (916) 498-7940 Mail Classifieds & Talking Personals to N&R Classifieds, Reno Edition, 1015 20th Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 or e-mail classifieds@newsreview.com





Web site www.newsreview.com Printed by Paradise Post The RN&R is printed using recycled newsprint whenever available. Editorial Policies Opinions expressed in the RN&R are those of the authors and not of Chico Community Publishing, Inc. Contact the editor for permission to reprint articles, cartoons or other portions of the paper. The RN&R is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts. All letters received become the property of the publisher. We reserve the right to print letters in condensed form. Cover design: Hayley Doshay Feature story design: Hayley Doshay

OCTOBER 25, 2012





4   |   RN&R   |   OCTOBER 25, 2012


by Dennis Myers

BIG HE ADERS GIZA 25pt 25kDo debates change SMALL HEADERS GIZA 15pt 55k (60% OF BIG HEyour AD) votes?



Asked at the Great Basin Brewing Co., 846 Victorian Ave., Sparks Paul Maineri Quality control worker

They have yet to because they talk about a bunch of mostly useless information that is not very pertinent. Neither candidate talks about the National Defense Authorization Act, section 1021. Neither candidate talks about the restrictions that are really taking place on the second amendment.

Gary Bench Retiree

I don’t put a lot of credence in debates. What you find is not reliable. It’s sound bites, and it’s for the effect it will have in the moment.

By all means, vote

Karen Murdock Banker

No. When you get tired of hearing them every day, day in and day out, it becomes aggravating to the point where it all runs together.

We’ve got just a few more election endorsements before our favorites. Go team! the main event on Nov. 6. We’re not endorsing in every On the state board of education District 2, we like race. There are lots of reasons for that. First, we don’t want Donna Clontz. Come on, we need to be sensible. Education to endorse in races where we don’t have a clear preference, is underfunded. Period. It’s just possible that some reasonas in the general improvement districts. Our advice in the able, rational people will recognize that education has to GIDs: Pick your neighbor. improve in order for the economic climate to improve in Likewise, we don’t really need to endorse in some of the urban areas of the Silver State. People who take options the state races. We think Heidi Waterman is a nice person, for improvement off the table before they are even disbut we don’t need to endorse David Bobzien to be pretty cussed need to stay retired. Clontz has been strong in this sure which way this race is going to go. In uncontested state in many ways for many years. Let’s put the sensible Supreme Court “races”, vote either person in charge. way, and you get the same result. Vote In that Justice of the Peace race, “None of these candidates,” and you Reno/Verdi, Department 1, we’re pretty Keep the good ones. can feel like you cast your protest ambivalent. Both Patricia Lynch and votes. Seems like in the future, the Greg Shannon are qualified and skilled Independent American Party could candidates. But Lynch has held the seat float some candidates into these nonpartisan races to for five years or so, and we haven’t seen any particular really screw up the judiciary. That would make people reason to replace her. She’s got the direct experience. She pay attention. doesn’t come as much from a prosecutorial point of view So let’s go. We like Teresa Benitez-Thompson in (which is heavily overrepresented in local judgeships), she Assembly 27. In fact, except in races where there’s no seems much more agreeable than she did as Reno city Democratic competition, we’re looking at a Democratic attorney. On the other hand, there are people who think plate: Rodney Petzak, Mike Sprinkle, Skip Daly and Rich incumbency and a prosecutorial attitude are exactly what Dunn (Assembly 26, 30, 31, 40, respectively). Marsha they want in a Justice of the Peace. We’re still endorsing Berkbigler will probably win the District 1 spot on the Patricia Lynch—let’s keep the good ones. Washoe County Commission, but you should vote Andrew In fact, let’s make that our theme for Election Diss, just so it won’t be so obvious that rich people bought 2012. Keep the good ones, replace the tools with eduthe seat. We can endorse Republicans Pat Hickey in cated, thoughtful people, stay home if you don’t like Assembly 25 and Ira Hansen in Assembly 32 because, our suggestions. well, Democrats are pussies. Same with Republican One more suggestion: Now, at the end, pay no attention Vaughn Hartung for Washoe County Commission District to complaints filed with official government bodies like the 4—until they come up with a write-in option or a “none” state Ethics Commission by desperate candidates. option with teeth, the uncontested candidates are among But if you do want change, by all means, vote. Ω OPINION


















Art Young Highway worker

No. I’ve already pretty much—I’ll vote the party. I’ve already got my idea up as far as the candidates go. It’s nice to watch the candidates argue their points.

Barbara Hinspark Retiree

No, because I’ve usually made up my mind pretty much before they go on. Sometimes you can get an idea of how strong a candidate is. So I guess sometimes they influence me, but I don’t think they’d make me change [my vote] necessarily.







OCTOBER 25, 2012






If prayer counts, some religious groups are ready for the November election.

Paycheck message The Reno-Sparks Chamber of Commerce has provided employers with a “paycheck stuffer”—a list of candidates that will fit inside a paycheck envelope—and is encouraging them to “print out, copy ... and insert [it] into your paycheck envelopes.” The candidates are about who would be expected— conservatives, plus inevitable winners in non-competitive races who under other circumstances would not get the time of day from the Chamber. “Studies have shown that employees trust the recommendation of their employers when it comes to political matters and candidates,” reads an accompanying letter from Chamber lobbyist Tray Abney. “In order for the business community to have an impact on this election, we need to get the word out about our pro-economic freedom candidates. That means ensuring that this endorsement list is distributed beyond the people in your company who receive this email. It means making sure that every person in your company has this list in their hands when they go into the voting booth.” The list does not include a choice for the presidential race.

Warning film There’s a movie that is getting praise from both right and left. The Forbes magazine film critic called it a “chilling documentary about the portrayal of women and its impact on young girls and boys.” The Mother Jones film critic wrote that it describes the “dangerous potential side effects for girls sitting on the other side of the screen.” It is Miss Representation, a movie that takes on the portrayal of females by the media—advertising, television, movies, etc.—and the way that portrayal shapes the self image of young women, drives rates of ill-health and depression, reduces school performance and ambition. A preview can be seen at www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gkIiV6konY. There will be a local showing of Nov. 8 at the McKinley Center, 925 Riverside Drive, Reno, 5 p.m.. Donation, $20, students $10. The Reno showing is sponsored by the Nevada Women’s Lobby.

School’s out In a postcard mailed to voters about Democrat Debbie Smith, the State Senate campaign of Republican Kathy Martin reported, “Smith has been in the Legislature for 11 years with Nevada’s low ranking education, it is no surprise that the Nevada State Education Association gave her a ‘D’.” Education could use help, if only to do something about run-on sentences and comma splices.

School’s in The state jobless rate in September dropped to 11.8 percent from 12.1 percent in August. Washoe County unemployment fell from 11.5 to 10.8 percent. The number of new jobs statewide—about 14,600—is nearly twice the number expected. State officials attributed it mostly to new private sector hiring. September is usually a month in which jobs jump as a result of back-to-school hiring, but it was uncertain what would happen this year because the state’s population growth has leveled off.

—Dennis Myers





OCTOBER 25, 2012

Political prayers There are religious vibes headed Nevada’s way If the ears of Nevadans are burning, it may be because they are the targets of remote prayer in the weeks before by Dennis Myers Election Day. Across the nation election prayer guides are being distributed, some of them tailored to Nevada and the other swing states. They mostly— but not entirely—reflect evangelical Christian concerns. Remote prayer—also called intercessory prayer—has mostly come to public attention when used to try to affect the health condition of sickly people. The election purpose, however, is to “return to the foundations of our nation—foundations that are based solely on the Word of God … to become engaged ‘in the spirit’ in this battle for the future of America,” according to one of the guides.

“Pray for God’s Spirit to stir the hearts and minds of Christians.” 40 Prayers in 40 Days Booklet There are at least three or four of the guides and they are not just used by the groups that originated them. They have been recycled by other religious groups, a practice encouraged with verbiage like, “This article may be freely downloaded, provided copyright statement and links are included.”

Most of the Christian guides are imprecisely worded. They do not usually reference specific issues, presumably because they expect that the users of the guide know their own minds. Where they are vague, they still contain language that manages to communicate messages. Intercessors for America, a group based in Purcellville, Virginia, has produced a guide, “Spiritually Swinging the Swing States,” that is the most specific and detailed of those available. IFA’s guide has an entry on each swing state, provides background for those states, and recommends particular approaches in prayers for the different states. For Colorado, for example, it discusses the importance of women and Latinos as voting blocs and then suggest prayers that the votes of the state’s women “be motivated by a desire to seek goodness, opportunity, and to follow a path of wisdom, that their decisions would be neither selfseeking nor self-defeating. Pray for responsible choices, the protection of unborn life, commitment to family, and personal fulfillment in marriage and in singleness.” For Colorado Latinos, other types of prayers are recommended: “Ask the Lord to shield them from busyness, apathy, cynicism and misinformation on election day.” Sources listed for each of these state entries are news coverage. In the case of Nevada, the authors relied on reports in the Salt Lake Tribune, Washington Post, and United Press International. UPI has

been a favored media source in evangelical circles since it was purchased by the Unification Church in 2000. Though it is not specifically cited, the Nevada entry in the guide appears to draw especially on an Aug. 11 piece by David Montero in the Salt Lake Tribune (“Latino vote key in Nevada, a swing state ravaged by housing crisis”). The Nevada entry first discusses voting laws in the state, particularly voter identification and the “displacement of voters” as a result of the high mortgage foreclosure rate. It claims that union members will be active in “pushing back against voter ID laws.” However, Nevada does not have a voter identification law, at least at the polls. Only in registering are voters required to produce identification. The guide then describes the job situation in the state. In its next section it highlights Latinos as the key voting bloc in the state. Finally, it recommends prayers, advice that is less specific than in the case of some other states: “Intercede for voters to register and engage. Pray for those undergoing economic difficulties in Nevada and specifically Washoe County. In the midst of their struggles, pray that the Lord would guard them from cynical or naïve thinking, that He would grant them a balanced perspective and remarkable foresight.” It then recommends Proverbs 23:1-7 as particularly applicable to Nevada. The IFA guide takes a particular interest in U.S. Senate races and provides descriptions of the candidates that are fair and respectful. In the case of Nevada, Democrat Shelley Berkley is portrayed in part as working hard to create jobs in the state and obtaining funding for renewable energy projects. Her opponent, Republican Dean Heller, is described as having worked for transparency in elections and for consumer protection when he was secretary of state. It has little on his record in the House, where he began serving in 2007, or the Senate. He was appointed to the Senate last year.


Another guide, written by David Butts, was produced by Harvest Prayer Ministries, which publishes Prayer Connect magazine. Its recommendations for prayer are more general than in the IFA guide. It suggests prayer for candidates so that each “come to know the fear of the lord so that they will walk in wisdom throughout this long campaign

season … that they will surround themselves with skilled staffers, men and women who will offer wise counsel … [and that the candidates] may be energized and invigorated by the campaign process, rather than drained.” There are numerical themes to the guides that are reminiscent of the moral reform groups like the mostly Protestant moral reform groups of the early 20th century (Committee of Fifty, Committee of Nineteen, Committee of Sixty) that pushed for alcohol prohibition. Guides include the “Nine Points for Prayer for 2012 Election,” “7 Prayer Targets for the November General Elections,” “40 Prayers in 40 Days,” which kicked off a prayer regiment on September 28. Sample from day 5, Oct. 2: “Pray for God’s Spirit to stir the hearts and minds of Christians who are still disengaged from the political process.” Zechariah 8:16; Thessalonians 5:14: “And we urge you, brother, admonish the idle, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with them all.” The “7 Prayer Targets” guide seems to foresee a turbulent election day: “For those who may be planning to plan riots or unlawful demonstrations, pray that they be found our [out?] before these events take place, and that they be brought to justice. ‘… those who are evil will be destroyed, but those who

Questions about questions

hope in the LORD will inherit the land (Psalm 37:9).’” Most of the guides exhibit a certain distrust of journalism. “Nine Points for Prayer”: “Pray for the media (Pray for a miracle!) Intercede that each member of the print and broadcast media will report the facts of this election cycle in truth, avoiding any bias in their comments. … Pray that God will make Himself real and personal in their lives. … Pray that any corrupt practices that may be present in these circles be exposed and brought to justice. ‘There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known.’”

“Pray for the media.” Nine Points of Prayer Booklet We were unable to find an Islamic guide, but there is “Elections 2012/A Jewish Perspective.” This guide has all the detail and specificity that most of the Christian guides lack, dealing with economic fairness (“Wealth must be redistributed”). Sermon Central, an evangelical organization based in Colorado Springs, is also providing a postelection prayer guide, presumably for celebration or commiseration, whichever is needed. Ω


On Oct. 20, the first day of early voting, shortly before 11 a.m., there were 47 people in line or voting at the Scolari’s grocery store on Caughlin Parkway. In all 9,638 people voted in Washoe County that first day, shattering records. There were 4,604 Democrats, 3,619 Republicans, with the remainder being third party members or non-partisan voters. OPINION















Only two county-level ballot questions will appear on Washoe County’s 2012 general election ballot, but both have important implications regarding the health and well-being of residents. WC-1 asks voters if local governments should unite in an agreement to proStory and photo by vide the closest unit emergency response to fire and medical emergencies—an Bethany Deines arrangement known as automatic aid. If passed, WC-1 would require emergency response teams from both the Reno Fire Department and the Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District (TMFPD) to disregard their jurisdictional boundaries, responding instead to the emergencies which they can reach first. Opponents of WC-1 say an automatic aid agreement would leave the TMFPD shorthanded. According to the ballot language argument, the City of Reno relies too heavily on automatic aid from the TMFPD, habitually closing stations closest to TMFPD boundaries when strapped for money. As a result, the ballot wording argues that over the past two years TMFPD units responded to the City of Reno “550 times annually more than City units responded to TMFPD.” County Commissioner David Humke, a member of the TMFPD Board, said that although the commission recognizes that the City disproportionately benefits from an automatic aid agreement, he believes that the public benefit of automatic aid outweighs any disparity. Into town or out into the county? “Automatic aid just makes sense—it’s a good neighbor policy,” he said. In a Sept. 11 meeting of the TMFPD Board of Fire Commissioners, Chief Charles A. Moore said the reluctance of the City and TMFPD to reach an automatic aid agreement unnecessarily endangers the public. Because emergency units respond only to calls within their own jurisdictional boundaries, certain areas in Washoe County cannot be reached in under eight minutes—the regional standard. Automatic aid, Moore said, would provide a quick remedy. “I believe the citizens need to know that the closest fire truck to the scene of the emergency is not being dispatched. It defies logic, in my opinion,” he said. “Jurisdictions should and even must have automatic aid if you’re going to have the best possible service delivered to your citizens.” WC-2, the second of the two county questions, asks Washoe County voters if more funding should be provided for “essential public services such as senior services, public safety services, and public infrastructure.” If passed, the measure would increases the Government Services Tax from its current rate at 4 percent to a maximum of 5 percent of the depreciated value of a motor vehicle. If the Government Services Tax is increased by one percent, the average additional cost to a motor vehicle owner would be roughly $43 dollars per year. County Commission chair John Breternitz said although he traditionally does not favor tax increases, he supports WC-2. Breternitz, a Republican, said senior services are particularly under-funded in Washoe County. WC-2 opponents fault the question for its broad focus. Instead of dedicating the funds raised through the proposed tax increase solely to senior services, it that a portion of the funds would be directed toward “public safety services” and “public infrastructure.” Last week in the North Lake Tahoe Bonanza, Republican Jim Clark—who said he drafted the sample ballot argument against the measure—wrote that WC-2 does not actually bind the county to use the new revenue for “the purposes they are implying” such as senior services. Republican Humke said the broad focus of WC-2 was intended, as a safeguard against wasteful taxing. He said the commission once made the mistake To read the ballot of dedicating a tax source to a single purpose, earmarking a $0.03 property tax measures, both local rate strictly for animal control services. “The property tax raised more money and state, go to than the county could spend on animal services, and that’s not a good situawww.co.washoe.nv.us/ voters. tion,” he said. “I subscribe to the theory that in government, you don’t spend more money just because you have it.” Both ballot measures, WC-2 not only provides much-needed funding for senior services, but by the way, are-non binding, and the allows the commission to address other manifest needs in Washoe County, such county commission as the under-funded Sherriff’s Department. Humke said the sheriff’s departalready has the ment currently has 28 empty deputy positions—a serious public safety issue. authority to do what In public infrastructure, Humke said the money would be used for small, the measures propose. but necessary capital improvement projects such as replacing roofs on public buildings. He also said such projects create creating jobs in the valley. Ω










OCTOBER 25, 2012







GREENSPACE All shook up Last week, schools and businesses in the area participated in the Great Nevada ShakeOut, an effort to increase earthquake preparedness. The event, held on Oct. 18 at 10:18 a.m., led participants through a drill about what to do in the event of an earthquake: “Drop to the ground (before the earthquake drops you!); take cover by getting under a sturdy desk or table, and hold on to your shelter and be prepared to move with it until the shaking stops,” according to the Recommended Earthquake Safety Actions guide, available on the ShakeOut website, along with other information pamphlets, such as preparedness for people with disabilities. More than 510,000 people participated in the drill, most of whom were students in the Washoe County School District and local colleges. Every county in Nevada registered, and Washoe County had around 100,000 participants. The Great Nevada ShakeOut is part of the global ShakeOut program, and other states and countries—including New Zealand, southern Italy and Japan—take part. While the main ShakeOut drill was Oct. 18, people were encouraged to participate throughout the month of October. To read the information pamphlets or register an organization for a drill, visit http://www.shakeout.org/nevada/.

Pipe blockage Progress on the Keystone XL pipeline was put on hold for a few days due to potential safety risks, reported by the Associated Press last week. According to the report, “The possible safety issues were found on part of the pipeline that extends between Missouri and Illinois.” Engineers were sent to investigate the problem, which was referred to as a “small anomaly,” to ensure that the crude oil would not leak, despite the claims that the pipeline is the “safest ever built,” according to TransCanada, the company leading the project. The pipeline has been highly controversial, particularly since it will run through the Ogallala aquifer, which provides water to several states in the west and Midwest regions of the U.S.

Backpedaling This year’s Edible Pedal drew in nearly 1,000 participants, exceeding last year’s numbers. The website is already set up to take registrations for the 2013 ride. In our coverage of the event, “Bikes and bites” (Aug. 30), we did not include the efforts of local publication Edible Reno-Tahoe, who help organize the event. “Edible Reno-Tahoe is the ‘edible’ in Edible Pedal,” Amanda Burden, editor and publisher of Edible Reno-Tahoe, said in an email correspondence. We regret the omission. For more information about Edible Pedal, visit http://www.ediblepedal100.org/.

—Ashley Hennefer ashleyh@newsreview.com

ECO-EVENT Build a hoop house to protect fall and winter crops at a workshop hosted by the Western Nevada College Specialty Crop Institute. Local gardeners, including Ray Johnson from Custom Gardens Organic Farm, Rick Lattin from Lattin Farms, and Mark O’Farrell from Hungry Mother Organics will demonstrate hoop production and gardening practices. Participants will also be taken on tours to Lattin Farms and Custom Gardens Organic Farm. Nov. 3, WNC Fallon Campus, 160 Campus Way, Fallon. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. $35 for early bird registration, $45 after Oct. 26. Registration required, so visit http://bit.ly/X2os2b.

Got an eco-event? Contact ashleyh@newsreview.com. Visit www.facebook.com/RNRGreen for more.





OCTOBER 25, 2012

Nevada Energy Office director Stacey Crowley speaks at a Builders Association of Nevada news conference.

Get fit EnergyFit Nevada Homeowner Tish DeValliere likes saving time by not dusting her home constantly and clearing surfaces of the black dust that comes in through the attic. She also appreciates the quiet, now that her ducts have been properly sealed, considering by 70 percent of the ducts were not connected in her 50-year-old home. DeValliere Ashley and her family are members of the EnergyFit Nevada program, which helps Hennefer assess and finance energy improvements to residential buildings. ashleyh@ “I wanted to better conserve energy,” DeValliere says. For around $200, newsreview.com homeowners in the EnergyFit Nevada program can get a home assessment, also often referred to as an energy audit (“Homepowered,” Aug. 9). An assessment will target specific improvements a homeowner can make to reduce wasted energy, improving heating/cooling and saving money on energy bills. Then, EnergyFit will help homeowners finance retrofits through rebates or low interest loans. Homeowners can receive $3,000 in rebates if homes meet a 15 percent energy savings. The program is organized by HomeFree Nevada, an organization that serves as the Nevada branch of Home Performance with Energy Star (HPwES), and is funded by the Nevada State Office of Energy (NSOE). “This is a check-up for your home,” says Stacey Crowley, director of For more info, see energyfitnevada.org NSOE, relating the home assessment to receiving a diagnosis from a doctor. Crowley also says energy efficiency is “really an economic development driver” because it employs people trained in the construction industry who may be unemployed because of the housing market. But Crowley notes that it’s not just about money—energy efficiency also contributes to better home comfort by improving air quality and better maintaining temperatures within a home. Bob Conrad, energy outreach coordinator for NSOE, agrees. Conrad had his home assessed earlier this year by the EnergyFit Nevada assessors, who were able to target several areas in need of improvement. After changing the can lighting in his home, which had been letting air in through the garage, Conrad says the difference “was almost instantaneous.” “We’ve noticed an improvement with the air quality, and the house is much quieter.” Oct. 22, 23 and 24 were proclaimed as EnergyFit Nevada days by Reno, Sparks and Washoe County. According to Denee Evans, director of HomeFree Nevada, these days are intended to bring awareness to financially feasibly options homeowners have for retrofits. Energy experts encourage homeowners, who are considering adding renewable energy resource to the homes, to start first with an energy audit, in which an auditor will survey a home to find areas where energy is being wasted. “It’s like putting a Band-Aid on a shotgun wound,” Conrad says. “You’re not addressing the air being let out unless you look at that first.” During the fall and winter season, hot air generated by heaters escapes through poorly insulated windows, through vents leading to garages or attics, or other features, like skylights or screen doors. After existing problems have been dealt with, then a homeowner can invest in new appliances or energy generators like solar panels. EnergyFit Nevada recently announced a winter rebates program to help tackle winterization projects. The organization reported that around 150 residents have made home improvements since the program’s inception last fall. Ω



























OCTOBER 25, 2012





10   |   RN&R   |   OCTOBER 25, 2012


I stayed in my off ice in the state capitol all evening. As chief deputy secretary of state of Nevada, I wanted to be on hand in case there were problems. There were none. The only calls I got were from the Japanese consulate in Los Angeles asking who was winning the U.S. Senate race. (For some reason, import car dealers had poured money into Nevada, trying to defeat Gov. Richard Bryan’s run for the Senate.) But down south something was happening. We’d heard about official-looking notices arriving in African-American precincts in Clark County that threatened people with prosecution for voting. On election night, I monitored what turnout looked like in some of those precincts. It foreshadowed what has now become a more sophisticated strategy—suppressing the votes of usually Democratic voters using ethically dubious means. Today, the technique is OPINION








much more advanced, though no more ethical, and its advocates want to use state laws to accomplish their ends. In state after state, Republicans and conservatives have generated publicity about nonexistent voter fraud in order to get laws requiring voter identification cards that are least likely to be in the hands of low-income people, groups noted for voting Democratic. At a time when voters have to be dragged kicking and screaming to the polls, Republicans want one more way to discourage them.


“We once heard of a woman who continued to vote for her husband after he died, although our ability to contact that person failed. That was six years ago.” That’s Washoe County Registrar of Voters Dan Burk trying to come up with some actual cases of voter fraud. Down in Carson City, Clerk-Recorder Alan Glover also searched his memory. He laughed as he recalled one case. “Had a little lady, I think it was four years ago. … She was 87 years old with Alzheimer’s, and they didn’t find out until Thanksgiving when her granddaughter and her daughter were at the table: ‘No, I took Grandma to early votes.’ ‘Well, I took her down on Election Day’”









who were given voter registration forms when they renewed their driver licenses and filled out those forms. Not until five years into the Bush administration did its own U.S. Justice Department study the problem. That study’s conclusion: There is virtually no serious voter fraud. Most cases involved simple mistakes or poorly informed citizens. That didn’t dissuade either the administration or Republican forces. Each time subsequent studies have shown the same thing, they dispute the evidence with anecdotal evidence or name calling. Voting fraud peddlers are masters of the anecdote. They constantly cite isolated cases involving tiny numbers of people but never provide evidence of a broader pattern. Here, for instance, is an excerpt from a fundraising mailing from Catherine Engelbrecht, founder of the Tea Party group True the Vote: “In Mississippi, an NAACP executive was recently convicted on 10 counts of casting fraudulent absentee ballots. In Maryland, a Democratic candidate for Congress just dropped out of her race after it was discovered she had been voting in BOTH Maryland and Florida for a number of years. And, in Arkansas, four men were just arrested for trying to buy votes with food, ‘cheap vodka’ and whiskey. … These aren’t isolated cases.” These are the very definition of isolated cases, because she provides no evidence that the cases of the six people she describes represent any broader problem and because, using the U.S. Census Bureau’s estimate of

It’s not surprising that such cases stand out in their memories. Although they investigate all charges of fraud, the cases of it actually happening are so rare that they’re easy to remember. Nevada voters do have to provide identification to register to vote. After that, the problem is to get them to vote at all. From 2001 to 2009, the Bush administration ran a crackdown on voter “fraud” cases. It was a factor in the U.S. Attorneys Scandal when six U.S. Attorneys—including David Bogden of Nevada—were fired on Dec. 7, 2007. Some and possibly all of them were regarded by Bush officials as unwilling to prosecute weak voter fraud cases. The administration did get some cases into court. Most resulted in not-guilty verdicts or were thrown out. Most involved innocent circumstances, such as already-registered voters

“FRAUD OF VOTER FRAUD” continued on page 12









OCTOBER 25, 2012





“FRAUD OF VOTER FRAUD” continued from page 11

the six people constitute 0.0000019 percent of the nation. Nowhere does she provide any evidence of a pattern of illegal voting. Moreover, her language does not suggest that her activism is on behalf of all voters. Rather, she portrays herself as a combatant in a political contest: “True the Vote’s national volunteer ballot security program has the liberals very, very scared.” On those rare occasions when voting fraud peddlers do move beyond anecdotes and get specific, it’s a fiasco. In July, True the Vote claimed that the registered voters in LaSalle County, Ill., amounted to 520 percent of the county’s population. It turned out that the group was using stale census figures to make its calculation. It has not apologized to JoAnn Carretto, the offended county clerk who had suddenly faced a media frenzy. Last year after both the New York Times and Washington Post ran reports on the lack of voter fraud in the U.S., Hans Von Spakovsky, head of the Bush adminstration’s failed voter fraud program, responded with— anecdotes. He cited individual instances in North Carolina, Mississippi, the District of Columbia, and Florida, but no evidence of any broad pattern of fraud. “All claims about vote suppression and supposedly huge numbers of voters who don’t have ID are based on a dubious study released a week ago by the Brennan Center, a partisan and unobjective advocacy organization,” he said. Setting aside the fact that Von Spakovsky’s essay was posted on the website of the Heritage Foundation—a partisan and unobjective advocacy organization—in fact, numerous reports on the absence of major voter fraud depend not on Brennan but on other sources, such as those who actually administer elections.


What’s unfortunate is that the accusers seldom have to confront those election officials whose performances they impugn. It did happen here in Reno earlier this year, though, when Jim Moneyhun, a Republican activist who heads a group called NV Clean Up the Vote, was on a panel with Registrar Dan Burk (“Government approved voters?” RN&R, Jan 26). Each time Moneyhun made an accusation, Burk gave simple explanations for the luridly expressed claims or audience members demanded evidence from Moneyhun. Each time, Moneyhun was unable or unwilling to substantiate his claims, as when he said he had personal knowledge of a Californian voting in Nevada but refused to provide names or other information. Burk’s calm approach was successful in defusing concern among all but the most dogmatic in the audience as he urged people to use common sense and not succumb to outrageous claims that cannot pass a “smell test.” On the question of illegal aliens voting, for instance, he asked whether it was really sensible to believe that most such people would 12




OCTOBER 25, 2012

take the chance of coming to official attention: “Does it really seem like a person would do that to cast a single vote … at the risk of getting kicked out of the country?” In the end, voter fraud accusations were not validated in a situation where the accuser had to face one of his targets. One charge Moneyhun made has been discredited but voting fraud peddlers keep using it. Moneyhun said that in 2010 the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) “set the software [of the Clark County ballot system] so that when you want to vote for senator, the button had already been pushed for Senator Reid.” This story was generated by a single viewer to a Fox television news station in Las Vegas in 2010. The station put it on the air

without checking it out. Both the union and Clark County Voter Registrar Larry Lomax denied it. Lomax pointed out that no complaint had been made to election officials who would have investigated it. No evidence was ever provided, but the accusation took on a rich life of its own. Lomax’s denial is posted on more than 3,500 websites—but voting fraud peddlers have posted the original charge on more than a million sites. Once accusations are made, they harden into fact in the conservative blogosphere, as at the website of the “National Legal and Policy Center.” On that page, the Center—whose slogan is “Promoting ethics in public life”—has false information posted that has never been corrected: “Votes without voters—the notion seems like something from The Twilight Zone. Yet this outcome, the result of a mysterious computer glitch, may have helped re-elect Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid over his Republican challenger, Sharron Angle, last week by a 50.2%-44.6% margin. Actually, the

‘mystery’ is very likely the doing of a local of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). … Critics are charging that voting machines throughout Clark County (Las Vegas), where about three-fourths of Nevada’s population resides, were rigged to place check marks next to Reid’s name before a person even had voted. County officials insist that no tampering occurred. But the possibility can’t be dismissed, especially given that one of Reid’s sons is county commission chairman.” As an example of the way this kind of false information is spread, note that nowhere does the Center flatly state anything as fact. That might be legally actionable. It’s all innuendo—“may have helped,” “very likely,” “critics are charging,” “can’t be dismissed.”

“WE WANT TO FIND FRAUD.” Dan Burk Washoe Voter Registrar


Today, the hazard is less in the voting end than in the counting end—something voter suppression outfits studiously ignore. True the Vote’s website is devoid of any mention of the Bush fundraiser, Walden O’Dell, whose Diebold Corporation provided voting machines and software used in the 2004 election. Nor is there any reference to Hart Intercivic, which Gerry Bello and Bob Fitrakis of Free Press have reported was founded by former Bain and Company executive Tony Tamer. Hart supplies voting equipment to several states and a report commissioned by the Ohio secretary of state found Hart equipment flawed by security problems.

But even counting errors are rare, with numerous safeguards in place. In some states, Republicans who don’t want to pay for health care want elaborate “voter protection” bureaucracies established. Strategic Allied Consulting, a business used by Republicans in Nevada and four other states to sign up new voters, was itself accused of dumping Democratic registration forms and other improprieties. Voting fraud peddlers find ominous meaning in ordinary and innocent things, such as people who have inconsiderately died without remembering to cancel their voter registrations first. The “Voter Integrity Project” in North Carolina posts “Nearly 30,000 Dead Voters Found on NC Election Rolls” on its website. What the Project doesn’t tell the reader is that in a state of 9,656,401 people, 30,000 dead voter registrations is not out of line. But even that number that did not withstand scrutiny— not even close. But it lives on, online. Or there are charges about lots of false registrations. It sounds sinister. But this is a mobile society. People move from place to place, usually because of employment. They register at their new address without thinking to cancel their registration at their old address, but eventually they’re purged for inactivity. And would someone really try to vote at their new address in Sante Fe and then get to their old polling place in Portland to cast one more vote? Common sense, Burk asks. Critics point to instances of voter fraud that are actually alleged registration fraud or other problems that have nothing to do with—and would not be remedied by—voter identification cards on election day. Then there’s the technique of pointing to disputes that sound suspicious but represent cases where no one ever got close to a voting booth because election officials spotted the problem and dealt with it. Glover describes a tax resident of Carson City who registered here to avoid taxes in his home state—and then was caught when he cleverly submitted an application for an absentee ballot to be sent to his actual out-of-state residence, triggering an investigative tripwire. It’s not just private groups and Republican organizations that claim voter fraud is rampant. Sometimes public officials do, too. In January, South Carolina Atty. Gen. Alan Wilson notified the U.S. Justice Department that more than 900 dead people voted in the state’s presidential primary. But when the S.C. Election Commission undertook name-byname scrutiny of the claim, it was unable to substantiate Wilson’s charge. Colorado Secretary of State Scott Gessler claimed an estimated 11,805 noncitizens were on the rolls, but after he got the publicity, he could only confirm 141 cases, 35 of whom actually voted—according to him. No independent investigation was done. So it goes. Reliable private studies, official probes, press investigations repeatedly reach the same conclusions—only to be dismissed as “liberal.” After the New York Times ran a 3,136-word piece that found little evidence of voter fraud, von Spakovsky—he of the Bush administration—wrote in National Review that the “latest voter-fraud convictions in Troy, N.Y., must be very inconvenient to … liberal media outlets like the New York Times.” What happened in Troy? Here’s the anecdote: Two municipal officials were convicted of casting absentee ballots in the primary election of a

third party. “Our democracy is under siege from an enemy so small it could be hiding anywhere,” Stephen Colbert has said. All this voter fraud activity serves a financial purpose. Pitting the people of the United States against each other is big business, an industry that generates hundreds of millions of dollars a year through political figures like Richard Viguerie, the conservative direct mail fundraiser who regularly sounds the alarm about supposedly illegal voting. Voter fraud alarmism helps fund plenty of rightist causes.


The spectre of voter fraud as a political weapon has a long history. Three days before the 1916 election, the administration of white supremacist Woodrow Wilson announced that an army of “60,000 negroes have been transported recently from the south into Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and other states” and that “a number of the negroes have fraudulently registered and that other election frauds disclosed include padding of registration lists reaching into thousands of false names in one city alone.” Threats against voters have also had a recognized value, because there are always a certain number of voters who don’t want the hassle of engaging with officialdom. Three days before the 1918 election, in which Nevadans voted on whether to ban alcoholic beverages from the state, an ad headed “ILLEGAL VOTERS NOTICE” ran in the Reno Evening Gazette. Above the signature “MARK WALSER/Manager Nevada Dry Campaign,” it read, “We will arrest at the









polls those who case illegal ballots. We have a list of occupants of hotels, lodging houses, certain residences and other localities and will prosecute to a final ending every one, man or woman, who casts an illegal ballot. …” No one today says there is no voter fraud. But this is a nation of 300 million people and election officials are good at preventing it, and they get better all the time. And no one says the number of people who would be discouraged from voting would be large. But at a time when the United States is competing with other nations for the lowest voter turnout, what is the benefit (other than political) in driving any voters away? Urban political machines were once famous for “voting the graveyard.” But that was in the days when political bosses controlled all the levers in local governments—county clerks, prosecutors, police. Today there is rarely that kind of control, but there are many electronic tripwires. In addition, trying to vote the kind of numbers needed to influence the outcome of an election is too easily detectable—and getting more so all the time, given the new concern over identity theft. While voting fraud peddlers chase their will o’ the wisp, election officials plug away, getting better all the time at erecting barriers to fraud. At one point—Glover believes it was when Dean Heller was secretary of state—screening was done in all the California counties that border Nevada “and they did not come up with one person who had voted in both states.” It is becoming easier for people to cancel old registrations. With the advent of online registration, Nye County Clerk Sandra Merlino last










week told the Pahrump Valley Times that of every 50 people who have used the system so far, about 20 do so to cancel previous registrations. Washoe’s Burk works with the U.S. Postal Service using a tracking system that cross references change-of-address forms with voter records to remove some former county voters from the lists. Western secretaries of state are working on a similar interstate system. All of that deserves attention. But it’s more politically marketable to demonize election officials. If voter fraud were being covered up, there would be a reason for it. Dan Burk is one of our neighbors. He lives here, pays taxes here, sometimes has lunch at Michael’s Deli on South Virginia Street. He’s been Washoe voter registrar for 15 years, and was an election official in Oregon for more than 18 years before that. What’s his motive for covering up? Alan Glover is a member of a family that goes back generations in Carson City. While still a student at the University of Nevada, Reno, he was elected to the Nevada Legislature where he served as a conservative Democrat in both the Assembly and Senate. He sold insurance before eventually becoming clerk-recorder. He’s a member of Carson Rotary. What’s his motive? Before citizens listen to political con artists about the performances of people like Burk and Glover, they should demand more than anecdotal evidence. Burk, Glover, and other officials like them have earned a better hearing when they are under attack from voting fraud peddlers. Ω






Alan Glover Carson City Clerk Recorder




OCTOBER 25, 2012





In Rotation 16 | Art of the State 17 | Foodfinds 18 | Fi¬m 20

“It’s a rock ’n’ roll movie,” Nick Ramirez says as if that’s the only description needed. He’s talking about the film Nowhere Nevada, described by its website, www.nowherenevada.com, as “a drug-fueled, embittered journey through the gritty streets of underground Nevada where recently fired exotic dancer Christy and street-hustler T.J. find themselves on the run from drug dealers, plunge rockers, alien integration authorities and more! … A dreamscape-laden examination of the frailty of existence, the happenstance of inherited bedfellows, and last ditch efforts of self-discovery/validation.” What could be more rock ’n’ roll A fundraiser for Nowhere Nevada will be held at Jub than that? The movie centers on subJub’s Thirst Parlor, on cultures surrounding the Northern Saturday, Oct. 27, at 2 p.m. For more information, visit Nevada music scene. The movie is www.nowherenevada.com. predominately about music, even though the plot deals more with the lives of the two main characters and the people and environments unique to the Northern Nevada area they interact with. Music is the heart and soul of the film.





OCTOBER 25, 2012

Musical inspiration

The story starts long before the production of this movie began with a woman entrenched in the Northern Nevada underground music scene, Marianne Psota. Psota, a long time promoter of local bands, wrote the original script for Nowhere Nevada. Ramirez, the director of audio, soundtrack and script for the production, met Psota while promoting bands in the ’90s and the two were partners until she passed away in May 2004. “She first started writing it when she worked in a little audio shop on Ralston Street,” remembers Ramirez. “We’d sit in bed and she’d ask, ‘Did you read it? What do you think?’ ‘Yeah, I like it, but wouldn’t it be cool if this happened here?’” he says. “I figured a couple more rewrites, and Mary would have her script, and then we could go shop it around.” Psota finished two drafts of the script, working on it while she was sick, before she died. Ramirez founded Marianarchy Productions in her honor and puts on the musical event

Marianarchy, a fundraiser featuring local bands that raise money for local families or organizations in need. Ramirez carried around the script for years before approaching a friend, David Richards, a once-a-week delivery driver for the RN&R, now the director of Nowhere Nevada, about turning it into a film. “When Mary passed, I promised I would turn this into a movie,” says Ramirez. “You never want to commit yourself emotionally to it when it still can be disappointing and turn around and not happen at all. Once we started day one of filming I was like this is for real, it’s really happening. … It’s cathartic. On the emotional side, it brings up dormant emotions. Thinking about how the movie and music and everything is going to come together—I hope that they do Mary proud.” As musical director, Ramirez has a pool of around 30 bands—all of them local—that will somehow be involved in the film. The list includes Gunshot Licker, Kate Cotter, The Atomiks, Phat

Couch, Candyshoppe, Los Pistoleros and The Shames. The soundtrack will most likely be a double disc featuring music from these bands and others and, some of the bands and musicians will actually show up in cameos or be featured in the production. “A lot of this stuff is music that Marianne loved and nurtured,” says


From left, producer Brian Sutherland, Juli Green of Nevada Casting, Shane Whitecloud of Seasons of Insanity, Guerilla Productions co-owner Riana Ekins and Candyshoppe singer Cheyenne Leigh. PHOTOS/MEGAN BERNER

University of Nevada, Reno Performing Arts Series presents

Director of audio, soundtrack and script Nick Ramirez founded Marianarchy Productions in Marianne Psota’s honor.

Richards started working on the script earlier this year, and the movie went into production in June. Such a short turnaround time could have been problematic for anyone trying to put together such a big production. However, community support has been overwhelming. Everyone involved in the film has talks about how many people came out to back this endeavor. “Everywhere we went, people offered help,” says Brian Sutherland, the film’s executive producer. “We didn’t even have to ask them—just nothing but an outpouring of fellow Northern Nevada recognition.” The production received a donation from Sani-Hut for a portable toilet to blow up for one scene in the movie,








and Bill Woody has donated studio time and access to equipment at the Musicians Rehearsal Center, among other numerous donations of goods and time. Juli Green of Nevada Casting played a huge part in recruiting local talent. In the process, the crew found that they didn’t need to bring in anyone from outside the community. They found plenty of local talent in Northern Nevada—musicians, actors, directors. On top of that, the entire movie is shot in the area. “We’ve almost gotten to the point where we’re not pitching the movie anymore, we’re pitching Northern Nevada,” says Sutherland. “We have our own thing going on here.” Green has worked on many films made in the area for the last 10 years and says that this is the one of the projects she is most proud of and excited about. “The vibe, the feel, the story, the commitment has just been amazing,” Green says. “I don’t know if it’s Marianne’s story, but the people were so in love with Marianne. Everybody that you talk to talks about their commitment to Marianne and Nick and how much they love them. It’s a blessed project. It’s the love that everybody is putting into this.” “Everybody is giving 110 percent,” says Ramirez. “The people who knew Mary are doing this out of love, and you can tell. This is the best art project I’ve ever been a part of.” It seems only right that all the energy, effort and love that Psota put into this community would be given back to a project that promotes all of the things that she worked on in her life to highlight. The fact that she made such a huge impact is shown in the massive amount of support and coming together of people to make this movie a reality. Ω







featuring Subhasis Bhattacharya, tabla, and Anandi Bhattacharya, tamboura, vocals

Wednesday, Oct. 31, 2012 | 7:30 p.m. | Nightingale Concert Hall Flawless and fluid, the renowned Grammy-nominated, BBC-awarded, world-music innovator Debashish Bhattacharya earned his country’s reverential Pandit (master) designation as what one critic has called “the Indian embodiment of Jimi Hendrix.” Not only is he one of the best guitarists in the world, but when his basic slide guitar failed to support the astounding range of his modern riffs and spiritual ragas, Bhattacharya just invented several new ones. His intermingling of American jazz and Delta blues with the ethereal traditions of India is simply otherworldly.

Forget the ‘deal of the day’! Visit www.newsreview.com

she was all about that, too, always wanting to hear new bands she’d never heard of.” Some of the bands will be playing at Jub Jub’s Thirst Parlor on Saturday, Oct. 27, to help raise money to pay for postproduction, distribution and festivals. The event starts at 2 p.m. and goes on into the night—the organizers are calling it a circus. It will include a pet adoption van from the Humane Society, a dunk tank, an ass grabbing booth—apparently it goes both ways—a raffle with prizes including donated gift certificates, an art auction, food trucks, a silent auction, and live music from Los Pistoleros, Hella A Capella, Candyshoppe and more. The money raised from the fundraiser will be used for media kits and festival submittals. The ideal goal is to find a proper distributor that can carry the film nationally and internationally—and show the rest of the world a slice of Northern Nevada.

Debashish Bhattacharya



Tickets: Adult $24/ Senior $20/ Youth $12

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OCTOBER 25, 2012





Eric Andersen Close to Home

In the Mix is a monthly column of reviews of albums by musical artists local to the Reno area. To submit an album for review consideration, send a physical copy to Brad Bynum, Reno News & Review, 708 N. Center St., Reno NV 89501 or a digital link to bradb@ newsreview.com. For more information, visit www.reverb nation.com/eric andersen or www.yeah nomusic.com.

Local songwriter Eric Andersen is an agreeable throwback to an earlier era—particularly the softly rockin’, piano-led sounds of ’70s singer-songwriters, like Elton John, Billy Joel and Randy Newman. He also has the unerring knack for melody of Ben Folds, and a bit of his satirical lyrical wisdom. “Turn off Your Brain,” for example, the upbeat opener of Close to Home, Andersen’s new seven-song super set, is an ode to getting fucked up (at least that’s one interpretation). SOFT More than half the disc is re-recorded ROCK versions of songs that Andersen has previously released. “Milo” is from his 2010 album Plane Rides & Ocean Tides. “Blue Green,” “Soul Sucker” and “Fortnight,” are from Backstory, an album released earlier this year by the songwriting collective/acoustic rock group The Novelists, a band of which Andersen is an integral part. But it’s a testament to Andersen’s ever sharpening development as a songwriter that the best songs on this record are the three new cuts. In addition to “Turn off Your Brain,” there’s the mini prog rock epic “Reign,” and “Save Face,” easily the disc’s best song, which finds the usually sunny Andersen in a plaintive, even mournful mood. The album gathers together many top-tier local

YeahNo Leveraging a Down Market

musicians, including Andersen’s band mates in The Novelists, as well as local chanteuses Whitney Myer and Kate Cotter, guitarist Eric Stangeland, and drummer-who-can-play-anything Jason Thomas. There are also guest spots from some semi-famous guys, like Daryl Stuermer, of Phil Collins’ band. But on “Save Face”—again, the album’s best song— it’s just Andersen’s voice and piano, a minor key, a slow tempo, a haunted melody, and some very minimal string accompaniment (it sounds like just two cellos). Lyrically, there are hints of condescension—the song seems to be directed at a spurned ex-lover who doesn’t appear to handle the break-up very well—but the melody and arrangement are so sad and spacious as to invite repeated listens. Sometimes less is more.

Often the key to good rock music is not individual musicianship, but the relationships among the band members. Singer-songwriter-multiinstrumentalist Charles Mallett and drummer Mike Adamo are both solid—even exceptional—musicians, but their project YeahNo, at least on their new album, Leveraging a Down Market, only sounds like half a band. The sonic architecture is great, with ROCK some fantastic guitar playing, sometimes many overdubs worth, and moody keyboard and bass backdrops. But Mallett’s singing voice is limited, and his songwriting is strong on arrangements but weak in structure. In other words, it works well in space, but not in time. It sounds good, but doesn’t go anywhere. If Mallett and Adamo hook up with a stronger vocalist, with a good sense of strong structure, there’s a lot of potential here. But for now, it’s a Yin in search of a Yang.

BIG HE ADERS GIZA 25pt 25k SMALL HEADERS GIZA 15pt 55k (60% OF BIG HE AD) —Brad Bynum





| OCTOBER 25, 2012


Sell your soul

The good angel (Ashley Gong) and the evil angel (Scott Davis) overlook the devilish doings of Faustus (Ethan Leaverton) and Mephistopheles (Cassandra Ambe).

The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus If you’re looking for a little fire and brimstone this Halloween season, Nevada Repertory Company’s Doctor Faustus has it in by spades. Thanks to a recent theater upgrade, Jessica Santina its staging provides a delicious atmosphere of fear and dread. It took almost $1 million to upgrade the Redfield Proscenium Theatre in the University of Nevada, Reno’s Church Fine Arts building, to bring its 50-year-old, potentially dangerous rigging system up to date. The new, computer-operated, motorThe Nevada Repertory ized system installed this past summer Company presents The Tragical History of the enables new levels of creativity and stunt Life and Death of work, as well as vital skills for UNR theDoctor Faustus at the ater students. Redfield Proscenium And it’s clear the department used Theatre, Church Fine Arts Building, every tool in its chest for The Tragical University of Nevada, History of the Life and Death of Doctor Reno, 1664 N. Virginia Faustus by Christopher Marlowe, the story St., on October 24-27


at 7:30 p.m. $15

paper. this this paper.

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of a man so greedy and conceited that he sells his soul to Satan to get a little otherworldly magical power. Faustus (Ethan Leaverton), clutching his doctoral degree, opens with a soliloquy about the pointlessness of life. He’s learned everything worth learning: Why study logic, when argument for its own sake yields nothing? Why study medicine when, ultimately, everyone dies? The only thing he doesn’t yet know is magic. For this, he must summon the power of hell. After a few incantations, under the watchful eyes of his good angel (Ashley Gong) and his bad angel (Scott Davis)— harnessed to wires and patiently floating overhead for the duration of the play— Faustus repudiates God and calls upon Lucifer to take his soul in exchange for 24 years of power. It is Mephistopheles (Cassandra Ambe), Lucifer’s servant devil, who arrives at Faustus’ door in the figure of a beautiful woman. I liked this departure from

Marlowe’s script, which originally indicates that Mephistopheles arrives as a Franciscan friar. It provides lustful overtones to the relationship between Faustus and Mephistopheles, whom Lucifer (Lucas Peterson) agrees to let serve Faustus for 24 years in exchange for the man’s soul. The stage trap doors and below-stage staircase, combined with the wire work up above, really give Nevada Rep the opportunity to play with the ideas of heaven and hell, and audiences will be impressed by how much scenery there is to absorb. Costuming and make-up are tremendous here as well, lending marvelous authenticity and beauty.

Ambe is lovely to watch, and makes it hard to imagine the character ever being male. Additionally, Sarah Rodriguez is hilarious as Robin the clown, the play’s comic relief. While the acting on the whole is quite good, and Ethan Leaverton ably portrays the damned Faustus, the weighty Elizabethan language becomes difficult to follow due to two things: 1) the proscenium, in-the-round staging forces actors to deliver most lines with their backs to part of the audience; and 2) the tendency to just get through the difficult lines causes lightning-speed delivery. Leaverton, in particular, often compromises meaning for expediency, rushing his lines out so quickly that his powerful soliloquies are lost on the audience. And Peterson’s Lucifer lacks fire; his muttered lines portray boredom rather than intimidation and evil. Despite these few flaws, Nevada Rep’s Doctor Faustus is visually spectacular and delightfully sinful. ℌ


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OCTOBER 25, 2012







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Wow factor SoDo

275 Hill St., 322-2710 SouthDowntown Restaurant and Bar—SoDo— is a low-key, airy space that is off the beaten path in downtown Reno by Dave Preston but offers a world of palatable pleasures. Partner and executive chef davep@ David Stern, who has the business newsreview.com in his blood, CIA Hyde Park training, a respectable resumé, and is fresh from the Charlie Palmer kitchen, has created a sophisticated menu with worldwide trappings. Front-of-the-house is another multibistro veteran, Joel Giandalia, with stints at the Eldorado and Bully’s, and he’s another Palmer grad with 22 years in the Reno foodie scene.

Hostess Serafina DeVincenzi and coowner David Stern at SoDo.

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OCTOBER 25, 2012

I went with the “Lower 48” geographic selection and chose the hanger steak ($25), a cut of beef steak prized for its flavor and derived from the diaphragm of a steer. In the past, it was sometimes known as “butcher’s steak,” because butchers would often keep it for themselves rather than offer it for sale. Hanger steak resembles flank steak in texture and flavor. The meat was amazing. It was marinated for three days in Balsamic vinegar, soy and maraschino cherry juice. This married a rich, tart, salty and slightly sweet fusion into a piece of moist meat that took over my taste buds and created a savory, enjoyable flavor memory bit in my brain. There was a wow factor to this morsel. The chef’s creativity went even further with a potato medley beneath the steak. Sweet potato, Yukon gold, pink Yukon, and purple Peruvian were the assemblage. Add to this baby arugula and sugar snap peas, tossed in a beurre blanc sauce combined with chimichurri—a thick Argentinean herb sauce made from finely chopped parsley, minced garlic, olive oil, oregano and white vinegar—and a little poblano pepper for a lift. To hell with garlic mashed potatoes, this spud creation was brilliant and bursting with flavors of savory, aromatic mint and texture, a perfect complement to the meat. The wine list is proper and features several by-the-glass selections ($7$14). I needed something worthy, with complex flavors to stand up to this sensory celebration, so I chose the Apaltagua pinot noir ($8). It filled the glass with a clear, brilliant red ruby color. On the nose, it emphasizes aromas of cherries and raspberries well combined with soft notes of oak. In the mouth, it has smooth and elegant tannins that finish soft and delicate. Stern and Giandalia use a lot of local ingredients and the gastronomic creativity in their menus is well worth your time. They deliver solid execution, fair prices, good service and offer a menu that’s not too avant garde or too retro, and I promise you’ll come away SoDolighted. Ω PHOTO/ALLISON YOUNG

*Regular Menu Only. No lunch specials. Minimum $20 purchase. Cash only. Expires 10-31-12

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SoDo is open Monday through Saturday, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m., and Sunday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

The lunch menu emphasizes sandwiches ($10-$14), with a few entrées ($12-$22), and four salads and a couple soups ($4-$11). There’s a “Bar Bites” menu with noshes like BLT sliders, jalapeño crab poppers and salmon tartar (1-$5/2-$8/3-$10), and cocktails galore, beer and wine. You’ll find linen napkins on the tables and a congenial staff. There’s seating for 70 insides and a patio that will accommodate 50. The dinner menu was in play for me and it’s a globe-trotting bill-offare ($12-$25), a starch and veggie included. The soup of the day was a jalapeño bacon mushroom ($4-$6). I had a cup. In a beef stock, they used cremini mushrooms in a mature state, meaning they have a browner color, firmer texture, and better flavor than immature mushrooms. They absorb flavors better and deliver the taste to your mouth with authority. Creamed with the jalapeño bacon, this bisque-like starter was bold, pork-savory with an olé finish.


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OCTOBER 25, 2012







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Boring October tradition Paranormal Activity 4 While watching Paranormal Activity 4, the latest in a series of bland found footage films trying to squeeze scares out of home security and cellular phone videos, I compiled a list in my head to keep from falling asleep. I listed the reasons why I would rather watch the grainy, live black and white security footage on the monitor behind the counter at a convenience store than watch the wannabe scary security video in Paranormal Activity 4. by Number 1: The convenience store video Bob Grimm doesn’t feature an actress—like Kathryn bgrimm@ Newton in PA4—who looks like she’s always newsreview.com going to laugh whenever delivering a line, even if that line requires her to be serious or scared out of her fancy pajama bottoms. Number 2: I strike a rather impressive figure on black and white security video while waiting in line to buy my Altoids. I really do. Number 3: It’s fun to wonder whether the guy standing next to me in the convenience store video plans to use his Ben & Jerry’s “Cherry Garcia” as a snack or weapon. Have you ever been hit in the head by a pint of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream? That shit is like a minicinder block. A sweet, awesome cinder block that’s tasty in a thousand different glorious ways, but a cinder block all the same.



Yikes! So scary!

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OCTOBER 25, 2012

Number 4: I wonder whether the angry Russian guy two people over will start a fight with one of the attendants about cigarettes, followed by the other ex-con male attendant picking a physical fight with the Russian guy, with me stuck in the middle trying to keep them apart, thus creating an awesome action scene better than anything in Paranormal Activity 4. (This actually happened to me one Christmas Eve at a convenience store. It was awesome!)









I guess the overriding reason I would want to watch the convenience store security video rather than PA4 is because the convenience store video has Twinkies in it. That’s better than anything in PA4, for sure. In my humble, and sometimes somewhat contested, opinion, the Paranormal Activity franchise peaked in the final two minutes of the first installment. That would be when a rather boring movie about bed sheets moving by themselves actually became recommendable based on a startling ending that left me legitimately shaken and wanting to hold someone’s—anyone’s—hand. Since that moment, the series has been one scene after another of rooms where something, be it a sound, be it a shadowy figure strolling through, or a basketball coming down the stairs by itself, is going to happen. Or sometimes it doesn’t happen, and the director fakes you out. The directors of this installment, Henry Joost and Ariel Schulman, are big fans of the open refrigerator door fake-out. This is a film that wants you to think the “front door open” voice on some people’s home security systems is creepy. While that voice is bland and sad, it’s far from creepy, yet we hear it MANY TIMES in Paranormal Activity 4. The film also fails in the scary child department. The movie I reviewed last week, Sinister, had a bunch of decent scary kids in it. I give it a B+ for scary kids, and place it in a league with The Shining and Pet Sematary when it comes to spooky children. The kids in this movie are supposed to be creepy and perhaps demon-possessed, but they just look depressed, as if somebody took their video games and juice boxes away. So, I’ve officially graduated from dreading the next horrid Saw flick to dreading the next Paranormal Activity flick every October. Halloween used to be fun at the movies, with stories about werewolves and gargoyles and masked serial killers and whatnot. Now it’s about watching a couple of jerky kids Skype each other. A Google search reveals that Paramount is prepping another Paranormal Activity for next year. Joy of joys. Ω

Alex Cross


Tyler Perry tries to fill Morgan Freeman’s shoes as detective Alex Cross, a role Freeman occupied in Kiss the Girls and Along Came a Spider. Perry is actually not terrible here, but everybody and everything surrounding him is. Director Rob Cohen employs sloppy editing, a maudlin soundtrack and bad supporting performances all around this hackneyed story of an assassin (played very poorly by an extremely thin Matthew Fox) and his inexplicable vendetta for Cross. Fox got real skinny for the role, and the effort shows in his physique. Unfortunately, the film also reveals that Lost may’ve represented his acting peak, because he’s ridiculously overwrought and amateurish in every scene. Perry handles a couple of heavy emotional scenes with palpable strength, although he doesn’t quite cut it as an action star. Edward Burns shows up as Cross’s partner, and it turns out he’s a pretty bad actor as well. Horribly edited fight scenes and silly dialogue kill this movie. I have a feeling Perry isn’t going to get a franchise out of this one.





Tim Burton directs this enjoyable blackand-white stop-motion animated movie based on his own short film about a family dog being resurrected … Frankenstein style! Burton made the short film 28 years ago. While the story isn’t an especially electric one, the art direction is superb, and there are enough good laughs to make it worthwhile. Also worth noting: Winona Ryder voices a young girl character that looks suspiciously like Lydia, her character in Burton’s Beetlejuice. Other voices include Burton alumni such as Catherine O’Hara and Martin Landau, once again using his Bela Lugosi voice from Ed Wood. A finale sequence involving a giant, Gamera-like turtle and rabid sea monkeys gives the film a nice retro-horror feel. It’s a little sleepy in spots, but too impressive in other ways to completely overlook.

Hotel Transylvania


This animated take on Dracula (Adam Sandler) and other big monsters like Frankenstein’s monster (Kevin James) and the Werewolf (Steve Buscemi) has a fun setup and some great gags. But its overall feeling is that of total mania in that it barely slows down long enough for you to take it in. It’s often unnecessarily spastic in telling the tale of a nervous Dracula dealing with his daughter on her 118th birthday—young in vampire years). A human (Andy Samberg) shows up at the title place, a building Dracula created to keep dangerous humans away, and his daughter (Selena Gomez) falls for him. The overall story is hard to digest, but there are some great moments, such as every time the vampires turn into bats (cute) and a werewolf baby knowing what plane flight somebody is taking by smelling his shirt (unbelievably cute). Even with the cute moments, there were too many times when I just wanted to look away because the animation was far too frantic.

Reno Century Park Lane 16, 210 Plumb Lane: 824-3300 Century Riverside 12, 11 N. Sierra St.: 786-1743 Century Summit Sierra 13965 S. Virginia St.: 851-4347 www.centurytheaters.com







Joseph Gordon-Levitt plays Joe, a loner living in 2042 who has actually been sent back from the year 2072 to kill people that organized crime wishes to dispose of. He stands in a field with his gun aimed at a tarp, waiting for his hooded victim to zap back from the future and receive a very rude greeting. Very bad, and very entertaining, things happen when the man sent back to be executed is actually Joe’s future self (Bruce Willis). Willis is great here as a tired and scared old criminal hell bent on fixing his future. Gordon-Levitt is even better as an embittered, callous young man looking to preserve his future and get his older self out of the picture. Gordon-Levitt, made up to look like a younger Willis, does a nice job of capturing the Willis stare and growl. Emily Blunt is on hand as a mother trying to protect her child, and Paul Dano lights up the screen with a pivotal supporting role. This is one of the year’s most ingenious films, and one of the best time travel yarns you’re going to see.

The Perks of Being a Wallflower


Writer Stephen Chbosky makes an impressive directing debut with this adaptation of his semi-autobiographical novel about high school kids in the early ’90s. Logan Lerman plays Charlie, a shy freshman looking to make friends who eventually winds up hanging out with a fringe group of students including Patrick (Ezra Miller) and Sam (Emma Watson). The new friends help Charlie come out of his shell, and he ultimately realizes things about himself that need to be examined. Lerman is especially good here as the film’s anchor, while Miller continues to exhibit the great talents he showed in We Need to Talk About Kevin. Watson gets to step away from her Hermione role, and she does so successfully, making Sam a complex, real kid. One of the better films about high school to come along in quite some time.

Seven Psychopaths


This is a wildly engaging movie from Martin McDonagh, the man who brought us the brilliant In Bruges, my pick for the year’s best movie in 2008. Like Quentin Tarantino, Paul Thomas Anderson and Wes Anderson, McDonagh creates movies that transcend genres. Colin Farrell stars as Martin, a character modeled after the director. Martin is trying to write a screenplay called Seven Psychopaths, and he’s wracking his brain for seven characters with distinctive killing methods. The way these characters appear to him is part of this film’s unending fun. Sam Rockwell plays Billy, Martin’s best bud, a struggling actor who makes money on the side kidnapping dogs with Hans (a scene-stealing Christopher Walken). When they kidnap the beloved dog of a psychopath (Woody Harrelson) very funny and violent things happen. Martin is trying for depth and beauty with his screenplay, while Billy screams for shootouts. Both characters get their wishes.



Ethan Hawke, who did a great job looking scared in movies like Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead and Training Day, gets to put his awesome hyperventilating on display in this sometimes very spooky demon-in-thehouse yarn. Hawke plays a nonfiction writer long past his last hit who moves his family into a house where the prior family met their death hanging from their necks in the backyard. He finds some home movies in the attic, which turn out to be snuff films, and, rather than calling the cops, watches them as research. He soon discovers an evil force is after his family’s children, and he perhaps should’ve chosen a house where people didn’t die in the backyard or leave snuff films in the attic. And, like most horror movie idiots, he sticks around while very bad things happen. The movie has some bad performances from supporting players, but Hawke anchors it well. Much, much scarier than any Paranormal Activity movie.

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Ben Affleck makes another meaty movie with this spellbinding recreation of the late ’70s/early ’80s Iran hostage crisis, and the strange CIA mission that helped to extricate six American citizens from Iran at a most inopportune time. Affleck directs and stars as Tony Mendez, who hatches an elaborate plan to pose as a Canadian film director scouting Iran for shooting locations, with the six Americans posing as his Canadian film crew. The whole scenario seems ridiculous, yet it actually happened. Having lived through this period of American history, I can tell you that Affleck does a terrific job of capturing the look and mood of the time. The late ’70s were sort of humiliating both in terms of our status overseas and the way folks were wearing their hair. Bryan Cranston, John Goodman and Alan Arkin are all superb in supporting roles. This one will be in the running for some Oscars.















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In the meantime Helmet Page Hamilton is the bandleader of Helmet, a band that exists at a weird crossroad of metal and post-punk. They by Brad Bynum group had a series of hits, like “Unsung” and “Milquetoast,” in bradb@ the ’90s heyday of alternative rock newsreview.com and is coming back to town with the Toadies on Sunday, Oct 28.

Helmet is fronted by guitarist and vocalist Page Hamilton, far left.

If somebody says they like Helmet, you don’t necessarily know what other bands they like. I was having a conversation about this with somebody recently in terms of bands we’ve toured with and played with. We toured with the Beastie Boys in Australia. We did shows with Slayer, Mötley Crüe, Marilyn Manson in Europe. We did shows with Aerosmith. We did shows with Rage Against the Machine. We did shows on the Warped Tour … Thursday, Rise Against—completely different. I like that about the band … but from the standpoint of being a saleable commodity, it’s not good, because people need to identify with it.

Helmet performs with Toadies and Ume at Cargo in CommRow, 255 N. Virginia St., on Oct. 28 at 8 p.m. For tickets or more information, visit http://commrow.com





But the albums Betty and Meantime were both commercial hits. Meantime sold 650,000 records in the U.S., and that’s huge. We never really expected that. … We were as surprised as anyone, but at the same time we thought we were a really good band. … But there was always going to be a limit. We’re never going to sell 6 million records, and the record label probably thought we were—that we were going to do Nirvana. Have you listened to Nirvana in terms of Helmet? There’s nothing—Nirvana is a great pop rock band. It’s accessible. There are hooks. And we’re about these riffs and weird rhythms disguised in 4/4 drumbeats, and a guy that has a—let’s just say, interesting voice [laughs]. Stream of consciousness lyrics and he’s singing kind of, but he’s more of a vocalist than an actual singer. I always loved Iggy Pop, GREEN






Jim Morrison and Nick Cave. Are they singers? Yes, in a sense, but we’re not talking about vocal histrionics or American Idol—but I have no interest in that. To me that’s not music. To me music is about having your own personality and developing your own vocabulary, and that’s way more exciting and interesting to me. When I heard bands like Wire, Killing Joke, Gang of Four and the Buzzcocks, I was excited. I was like, what is this? It’s rock music, but it’s not like the Aerosmith and Zeppelin I grew up on, but it’s just as cool. You did a stint as a touring guitar player for David Bowie? Yeah, in ’99. I had a terrible year turn around quickly. I broke up with my wife and companion of 10 years in July, and in August, David Bowie phoned me, which was a real trip. It was just such a great learning experience and confidence booster and an honor, needless to say. It’s weird to imagine you in a supporting role … I feel like part of being a musician is to adapt to whatever situation. Once you accept a gig … you be a team player. It’s not about me. It’s about doing what’s right for the situation. Right now I’m writing music for a movie … serving somebody else’s vision, but within those confines you have the opportunity to be creative yourself, and that’s really exciting and fun. … You have to be humble to be a musician, and be a good musician. … I’ve written a couple of jazz tunes this year. I got together with Tony Bennett’s daughter, Antonia, and worked on a bossanova thing I had. It was really fun and a different kind of challenge. I like all those challenges. If I was only in Helmet for 25 years, I’d be boring and one-dimensional. When I see these guys that are just rock musicians, and I won’t name any bands, but some of these new metal bands that started to get together with Desmond Child just to write hits to support their lifestyle, and the guitar-shaped pools and the mansions and whatever. I’m like, man, is that why you do this? And the answer’s yes, that’s why they do it. That’s not why I do it. I mean, I wish I had a guitar-shaped pool—it would be saltwater, because I don’t like chlorine—but I don’t need it to be happy. It’s not what I got into music for. I got into it because I’m genuinely a complete geek and it’s so exciting when something blows my mind. Ω IN ROTATION














OCTOBER 25, 2012





THURSDAY 10/25 3RD STREET 125 W. Third St., (775) 323-5005


906 Victorian Ave., Sparks; (775) 358-8891

Blues jam w/Blue Haven, 9:30pm, no cover

FRIDAY 10/26 Chango, Mener, Serg Rockwell, DJ Sulli, Infinite Luv, 5657, 9pm, $5


Bike Night Blues Jam w/live music, 7pm, no cover


Pub Quiz Trivia Night, 8pm, no cover

Neil O’Kane, 9pm, no cover


Sonic Mass w/DJ Tigerbunny, 7pm, no cover

Good Friday with rotating DJs, 10pm, no cover

538 S. Virginia St., (775) 329-5558 1099 S. Virginia St., (775) 324-2244


255 N. Virginia St., (775) 398-5400 1) Cargo 2) Centric 3) Main Floor

1) Jeremy Jones Further, 8pm, $12-$20

Catch a Rising Star, Silver Legacy, 407 N. Virginia St., 329-4777: Ben Hague, Kinsie COTTONWOOD RESTAURANT & BAR J.J. von Briesen, 7pm, no cover Damon, Th, Su, 7:30pm, $15.95; F, 7:30pm, 10142 Rue Hilltop, Truckee; (530) 587-5711 9:30pm, $15.95; Sa, 7:30pm, 9:30pm, DAVIDSON’S DISTILLERY $17.95; Thea Vidale, Tu, W, 7:30pm, $15.95 275 E. Fourth St., (775) 324-1917 The Improv at Harveys Cabaret, Harveys Tre and Chango Hip Hop Experience, Lake Tahoe, Stateline, (800) 553-1022: THE GRID BAR & GRILL 8545 N. Lake Blvd., Kings Beach; (530) 546-0300 9pm, no cover Dat Phan, Marc Price, Th-F, Su, 9pm, $25; Sa, 8pm, 10pm, $30; Nick Griffin, David Gee, THE HOLLAND PROJECT W, 9pm, $25 140 Vesta St., (775) 742-1858

The Clarke Brothers, 9pm, no cover

1) The Rocky Horror Halloween Bash 1) Fright Fest Halloween Party, w/Pinky Polanski, 8pm, midnight, $10 10pm, $12, $15 2) Marc Yaffee, Adam Stone, 8pm, $14.95 2) DJ Double B, 10pm, no cover (21+)

Jack Ruby, 9:30pm, no cover

JUB JUB’S THIRST PARLOR 71 S. Wells Ave., (775) 384-1652





OCTOBER 25, 2012

Jazz Jam w/First Take featuring Rick Metz, 6pm, no cover

1) Toadies, Helmet, Ume, 8pm, $20-$60

1) 12 Stones, 8pm, M, $8, $10 2) Blues Callin’ Band, 7pm, W, no cover

Karaoke, 9pm, Tu, no cover Open mic, 9pm, W, no cover

Downtime, 9:30pm, no cover Karaoke w/Andrew, 9pm, no cover

Monday Funday w/Gurbtron, 9pm, M, Bass Heavy, 9pm, W, $TBA

Sunday Music Showcase, 4pm, no cover

Java Jungle Open Mic, 7:30pm, M, no cover

Buster Blue, Maldives, Farewell Belladonna, 7:30pm, $8-$10

246 W. First St., (775) 329-4484 1180 Scheels Dr., Sparks; (775) 657-8659

Celtic Sessiuns, 7pm, Tu, no cover

Large Bills Accepted, noon, M, no cover



Monday Night Open Mic, 8pm, M, no cover

Open mic comedy night, 9pm, no cover

Celtic/American Tune Session, 7pm, no cover

312 S. Carson St., Carson City; (775) 883-2662

3rd Street, 125 W. Third St., 323-5005: Comedy Night & Improv w/Wayne Walsh, W, 9pm, no cover

DG Kicks, Jakki Ford, 9pm, Tu, no cover

Nevada Day Party w/Mark Castro Band, 4:30pm, no cover

2282 Main St., Genoa; (775) 782-3870


Sunday Night Acoustics/Open Mic, 8pm, no cover BLITZKRIEG POP! w/DJ Endif, Hyperkarma, 9pm, $5

188 California Ave., (775) 322-2480

Oct. 26, 7:30 p.m. The Holland Project 140 Vesta St. 742-1858

Moon Gravy, 8pm, no cover


Hallo Folkin’ Ween hosted by Spike McGuire, 8:30pm, W, no cover

Freestyle firespinning, 9pm, no cover

816 Highway 40 West, Verdi; (775) 345-0806

9825 S. Virginia St., (775) 853-5003

Seasons of Insanity, 9:30pm, no cover

SUNDAY 10/28

Determined, Takin’ Names, Downtime, Up Heavy Metal Halloween Bash w/Haf-Ded, Against It, Nuke Vegas, 8pm, no cover Hell Pig, others, 8pm, no cover


Buster Blue


Live jazz w/First Take featuring Rick Metz, 6pm, no cover The Jelly Project, 10pm, $5

Los Pistoleros, Reno We Have A Problem, Candyshoppe, guests, 9pm, $TBA

Open mic, 9pm, M, no cover


FRIDAY 10/26


1) PiL (Public Image Ltd), Merkin, 8:30pm, $25-$50 2) Mike Madnuss, 11:30pm, no cover

SUNDAY 10/28


1) Boogieman’s Ball w/Jelo, Erik Lobe, DJ Freez, Sam Kane, 7pm, $10 2) Erik Lobe, 11:30pm, no cover

211 N. Virginia St., (775) 323-5648 1) Main Stage 2) Top Shelf Lounge

2) Boggan, 11:30pm, no cover


Acoustic Open Mic hosted by Roger Scime, 8pm, no cover

Steve Starr Karaoke, 9pm, W, no cover


Open Mic Night w/Dale Poune, 7pm, no cover

Open jazz jam, 7:30pm, W, no cover


Karaoke hosted by Gina Jones, 7pm, no cover

1155 W. Fourth St., (775) 329-4481 318 N. Carson St., Carson City; (775) 887-8879

1) Waka Flocka Flame, 8pm, W, $29-$60

Karaoke hosted by Gina Jones, 9pm, no cover

Karaoke hosted by Gina Jones, 7:30pm, W, no cover

Gemini, 9pm, no cover

Halloween dance party w/Gemini, 9pm, no cover

Corky Bennett, 7pm, W, no cover

106 S. C St., Virginia City; (775) 847-7210

Karaoke w/Rockin’ Steel, 7:30pm, no cover

Halloween party w/Hired Gunnz, 8pm, no cover


Dust on the Bottle, 8pm, no cover

Lady and the Tramps, 8pm, no cover

3001 W. Fourth St., (775) 322-3001


1559 S. Virginia St., (775) 322-8864


76 N. C St.; Virginia City (775) 847-7474


Oct. 26, 8:30 p.m. Knitting Factory 211 N. Virginia St. 323-5648

Lady and the Tramps, 8pm, W, no cover

Hip Hop and R&B Night, 10pm, $5; no cover charge for women before midnight

1483 E. Fourth St., (775) 622-9424

PiL (Public Image Ltd.)

Karaoke w/DJ Hustler, 9pm, Tu, no cover Hip Hop Open Mic, 9pm, W, no cover


Halloween Costume Party, 9pm, no cover

Karaoke, 9pm, no cover

924 S. Wells Ave., (775) 323-4142


Live jazz, 7:30pm, W, no cover

Halloween party w/Formerly Known As (A Tribute to Prince), 10pm, $3

715 S. Virginia St., (775) 786-4774


Halloween party w/Alias Smith, 9:30pm, no cover

1237 Baring Blvd., Sparks; (775) 355-1030

Halloween party w/Greg Golden Band, 9:30pm, no cover

Black and Blues Jam, 8:30pm, Tu, no cover


Strange on the Range, 7pm, M, no cover Tuesday Night Trivia, 8pm, Tu, no cover

445 California Ave., (775) 657-8484


Skaraoke, 9pm, no cover

Na Na Nonchalant, Stabby Unicorn, 9pm, no cover


DJs/dancing, 7pm, no cover

DJ Casket, Motorhome, Punktematrix, Gasmik, 9pm, $5 after midnight

Nigel St. Hubbins Halloween Party w/Cheap Lick, 8pm, no cover

Saxaholic, 8pm, no cover

Rock’N J Entertainment, 8pm, no cover

Brian Callahan, Thomas Riek Band, 7pm, no cover

Reno Music Project Acoustic Open Mic, 6:30pm, no cover

310 S. Arlington Ave., (775) 348-9911 432 E. Fourth St., (775) 410-5993


1545 Vassar St., (775) 348-7197

WALDEN’S COFFEEHOUSE 3940 Mayberry Dr., (775) 787-3307

Judgment Day, 9pm, no cover

Sunday Night Strega Mic, 9pm, no cover


Ladies Night Halloween Dance Party, 9pm, W, no cover

Tainted Love Oct. 27, 9 p.m. Crystal Bay Club 14 Highway 28 Crystal Bay 833-6333

Sunday Jazz, 2pm, no cover

17 S. Virginia St., (775) 284-7455


Thank you reno!



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OCTOBER 25, 2012





THURSDAY 10/25 ATLANTIS CASINO RESORT SPA 3800 S. Virginia St., (775) 825-4700 1) Grand Ballroom Stage 2) Cabaret


1627 Hwy. 395, Minden; (775) 782-9711 1) Valley Ballroom 2) Cabaret Lounge



Oct. 26, 9 p.m. John Ascuaga’s Nugget 1100 Nugget Ave. Sparks 356-3300

500 N. Sierra St., (775) 329-0711


SUNDAY 10/28


1) Thunder From Down Under, 8pm, $35, $39 2) Red Hot Smokin’ Aces, 8pm, no cover 2) Red Hot Smokin’ Aces, 4pm, Decoy, 10pm, no cover

1) Thunder From Down Under, 8pm, $35, $39 2) Red Hot Smokin’ Aces, 4pm, Decoy, 10pm, no cover

2) Decoy, 8pm, no cover

2) Atomika, 8pm, M, Tu, W, no cover

2) Jo Mama, 7pm, no cover

2) Jo Mama, 8pm, no cover

2) Jo Mama, 8pm, no cover

Joey Carmon, 10pm, no cover

Joey Carmon, 10pm, no cover

Joey Carmon, 10pm, no cover

2) Who Cares, ErnieFresh, IVJ, VinylRichie, 10pm, no cover

1) Creepers Ball w/Tainted Love, 9pm, $25

1) Jersey Nights, 7pm, $19.95+ 2) Audioboxx, 10pm, no cover 4) Live piano, jazz, 4:30pm, no cover

1) Jersey Nights, 8pm, $19.95+ 2) Audioboxx, 10:30pm, no cover 3) Skyy High Fridays, 9pm, $10 4) Live piano, jazz, 4:30pm, no cover

1) Jersey Nights, 7pm, 9:30pm, $19.95+ 2) Audioboxx, 10:30pm, no cover 3) Addiction Saturdays, 9pm, $10 4) Live piano, jazz, 4:30pm, no cover

4) Jason Buell, 9pm, no cover

4) Jason Buell, 9pm, no cover

1) Back to Back w/Piolo Pascual and Angeline Quinto, 8pm, $58-$98 4) Jason Buell, 9pm, no cover


14 Hwy. 28, Crystal Bay; (775) 833-6333 1) Crown Room 2) Red Room


345 N. Virginia St., (775) 786-5700 1) Showroom 2) Brew Brothers 3) BuBinga Lounge 4) Roxy’s Bar & Lounge

FRIDAY 10/26


2500 E. Second St., (775) 789-2000 1) Grand Theater 2) WET Ultra Lounge 3) Xtreme Sports Bar 4) Mustangs 5) 2500 East 6) The Beach 7) Summit Pavilion

Karaoke Bottoms Up Saloon, 1923 Prater Way, Sparks, 359-3677: Th-Sa, 9pm, no cover Elbow Room Bar, 2002 Victorian Ave., Sparks, 359-3526: F, Tu, 7pm; Su, 2pm, no cover Flowing Tide Pub, 465 S. Meadows Pkwy., Ste. 5, 284-7707; 4690 Longley Lane, Ste. 30, (775) 284-7610: Karaoke, Sa, 9pm, no cover Red’s Golden Eagle Grill, 5800 Home Run Drive, Spanish Springs, (775) 626-6551: Karaoke w/Manny, F, 8pm, no cover Sneakers Bar & Grill, 3923 S. McCarran Blvd., 829-8770: Karaoke w/Mark, Sa, 8:30pm, no cover Spiro’s Sports Bar & Grille, 1475 E. Prater Way, Sparks, 356-6000: Music & Karaoke, F, 9pm; Lovely Karaoke, Sa, 9pm, no cover Washoe Club, 112 S. C St., Virginia City, 8474467: Gothic Productions Karaoke, Sa, Tu, 8pm, no cover






15 Hwy. 50, Stateline; (775) 588-6611 1) South Shore Room 2) Casino Center Stage 3) VEX

3) DJ/dancing, 10:30pm, $20

1) Leon Russell, 7:30pm, $38.50 3) DJ/dancing, 10:30pm, $20

1) The Magic of Eli Kerr, 8pm, $25, $35 2) Craig Prather, Zach, Smiley & Shy, 10pm, no cover 3) Club Sapphire w/DJ I, 9pm, no cover

1) The Magic of Eli Kerr, 8pm, $25, $35 2) Live local bands, 10pm, no cover 3) Club Sapphire w/DJ I, 9pm, no cover

2) Steppen Stonz, 7pm, no cover 3) Scot Marshall, 5:30pm, no cover 5) Ladies ’80s w/DJ Larry Williams, 7pm, no cover

1) Clannad, 9pm, $28 2) Steppen Stonz, 8pm, no cover 3) Scot Marshall, 6pm, no cover 5) Shaka, 6pm, no cover

2) Halloween Hoedown w/Rick Hays & American Steel, 9pm, no cover 3) Scot Marshall, 6pm, no cover 5) Shaka, 5:30pm, no cover

2) Carolyn Dolan Duo, 7pm, no cover 3) Bad Girl Thursdays, 10pm, no cover charge for women

2) Tony Vee, 9pm, no cover 3) Salsa dancing, 7pm, $10 after 8pm, DJ Chris English, 10pm, $20

2) Tony Vee, 9pm, no cover 3) Rogue Saturdays, 10pm, $20

3) Ladies Night & Karaoke, 7pm, no cover

1) Wild Erotic Ball, 9pm, $20, $25 2) Chili Sauce, 9pm, no cover

2) Chili Sauce, 9pm, no cover 3) Dance party w/DJ Teddy P, 9pm, no cover


219 N. Center St., (775) 788-2900 1) Sammy’s Showroom 2) The Zone 3) Sapphire Lounge 4) Plaza 5) Convention Center


1100 Nugget Ave., Sparks; (775) 356-3300 1) Showroom 2) Cabaret 3) Orozko 4) Rose Ballroom 5) Trader Dick’s

PEPPERMILL RESORT SPA CASINO 2707 S. Virginia St., (775) 826-2121 1) Tuscany Ballroom 2) Terrace Lounge 3) Edge


407 N. Virginia St., (775) 325-7401 1) Grand Exposition Hall 2) Rum Bullions 3) Aura Ultra Lounge 4) Silver Baron Ballroom 5) Drinx Lounge

OCTOBER 25, 2012

2) Steve Lord, 6pm, Tu, W, no cover

1) Jersey Nights, 7pm, $19.95+ 2) Audioboxx, 10pm, no cover 4) Live piano, jazz, 4:30pm, no cover

1) Jersey Nights, 7pm, Tu, W, $19.95+ 2) Live Band Karaoke, 10pm, M, DJ Chris English, 10pm, Tu, Steele Breeze, 10pm, W, no cover

The RN&R no longer a ccepts emailed or phoned-in listings. Post show s online by registering at www.ne wsreview.c om/reno. Deadline is the Friday b efore publication .

5) Shaka, 5:30pm, no cover

3) Nils, 6pm, W, no cover

2) Recovery Sundays, 10pm, no cover 3) Salsa Etc., 4pm, Midnight Mass, 7pm, no cover

2) Gong Show Karaoke, 8pm, Tu, no cover 3) Sin Biggest Little Locals Night, 4pm, M, no cover

special aDVeRTising secTion

special aDVeRTising secTion


It’s happen ing in

TERRIFYING TALES FROM NEVADA HISTORY Fred Horlacher retells Nevada’s stories of human sacrifice, murder, putting a witch to death, weird and repulsive types of food, and a headstone that glows in the dark. Th, 10/25, 7PM, $10 adults; $5 for children under age 12 (includes museum admission). Sparks Heritage Museum, 814 Victorian Ave. (775) 355-1144 NEVADA DAY WALKING TOUR OF SPARKS Celebrate Nevada Day and learn about the history of downtown Sparks. This onehour walking tour includes 18 buildings, many on the National Register. F, 10/26, 8AM-noon, $15/person; $10/museum members. Sparks Heritage Museum, 814 Victorian Ave. (775) 355-1144 DTR POTTERY OPEN HOUSE Dreams to Reality Pottery Studio is hosting its first open house and pottery sale, featuring Artist and ceramics instructor Karen Vetter. F, 10/26, 9AM-6PM and Sa, 10/27, 10AM-5PM. DTR Pottery Studio, 9105 Spanish Trail Dr., Spanish Springs (775) 425-9271 SCOT MARSHALL Th, 10/25, 5:30PM, F, 10/26, 6PM and Sa, 10/27, 6PM, no cover. John Ascuaga’s Nugget, 1100 Nugget Ave. (775) 356-3300 STEPPEN STONZ Th, 10/25, 7PM, F, 10/26, 8PM and Sa, 10/27, 8PM, no cover. John Ascuaga’s Nugget, 1100 Nugget Ave. (775) 356-3300 SHAKA F, 10/26, 6PM, Sa, 10/27, 5:30PM and Su, 10/28, 5:30PM, no cover. John Ascuaga’s Nugget, 1100 Nugget Ave. (775) 356-3300 CLANNAD F, 10/26, 9PM, $28. John Ascuaga’s Nugget, 1100 Nugget Ave. (775) 356-3300 HALLOWEEN PARTY WITH ALIAS SMITH F, 10/26, 9:30PM, no cover. Sidelines Bar & Nightclub, 1237 Baring Blvd. (775) 355-1030 PUTTING YOUR GARDEN TO bED FOR THE WINTER Presented by Roxanne Martin. Covers what you need to know to winterize your yard and garden. Plant protection, mulching, pruning, cleaning and creating










Follow me to Sparks - where it’s

happening now!

micro-climates. Sa, 10/27, 11AM, free. Rail City Garden Center, 1720 Brierley Way (775) 355-1551 SCARY GUITAR CLINIC Make your electric guitar play scary good! Sponsored by: Sundance Guitars and the Musician Rehearsal Center. Free. Sa, 10/27, 3:13-4:20PM. Musician Rehearsal Center, 581 Dunn Circle (775) 355-9494

Nugget, 1100 Nugget Ave. (775) 356-3300

HENRY AND FRIENDS Live music with Henry and friends, Oct. 27 at 8PM Sa, 10/27, 8PM, no cover. Elbow Room Bar, 2002 Victorian Ave. (775) 356-9799

ITCN 47TH ANNUAL CONVENTION The Inter-Tribal Council of Nevada, Inc. (ITCN) will host its 47th Annual Convention, 10/29-11/1. Opens 10/28, 8AM-5PM. John Ascuaga’s Nugget, 1100 Nugget Ave. (775) 356-3300

MUSIC AT THE MARINA Pocket City will be making its third appearance at the Sparks Marina. Prize for the best Halloween costume. Sa, 10/27, 9PM, no cover. Anchors Bar & Grill, 325 Harbour Cove Dr. (775) 356-6888

TRICK OR TREAT SAFELY AT SCHEELS Play games! Get candy! Have fun! Scheels will create a safe atmosphere for your child to trick or treat. Wear your costumes. W, 10/31, 5-7PM. Free. Scheels, 1200 Scheels Dr. (775) 331-2700

HALLOWEEN PARTY WITH THE GREG GOLDEN bAND Sa, 10/27, 9:30PM, no cover. Sidelines Bar & Nightclub, 1237 Baring Blvd. (775) 355-1030

ITCN 47TH ANNUAL HALLOWEEN DANCE Come celebrate Halloween with the Inter-Tribal Council of Nevada, Inc. There will be a costume contest, so dress in your scariest, most unique costume. Music. W, 10/31, 9PM-midnight. $10 at the door. Poolside Terrace Room, John Ascuaga’s Nugget, 1100 Nugget Ave. (775) 356-3300

SCHEELS KIDS KLUb: HALLOWEEN COOKIES Stop by Scheels and decorate your very own Halloween sugar cookie! All participants will receive a free ride on the Scheels Ferris Wheel. Please meet... M, 10/29, 6PM, free. Scheels, 1200 Scheels Dr. (775) 331-2700 SAFE ZONE FOR TRICK OR TREATING This Halloween, the Outlets at Legends is hosting a safe zone for trick or treating. With parental concerns ranging from safe neighborhoods to safe candy... W, 10/31, 5-7PM, free. Outlets at Legends, 1310 Scheels Dr. (775) 358-3800 NILS W, 10/31, 6PM, no cover. John Ascuaga’s Nugget, 1100 Nugget Ave. (775) 356-3300


HALLOWEEN HOEDOWN PARTY John Ascuaga’s Nugget and KBUL Radio present Halloween Hoedown This free party will cast a spell on the Casino Cabaret from 9PM to midnight. Sa, 10/27, 9PM. No cover. John Ascuaga’s Nugget, 1100 Nugget Ave. (775) 356-3300

E-mail to: sparks@newsreview.com


CITY OF SPARKS Geno Martini - Mayor, Julia Ratti Ward 1, Ed Lawson - Ward 2, Ron Smith - Ward 3, Mike Carrigan - Ward 4, Ron Schmitt - Ward 5, Shaun Carey - City Manager, Tracy Domingues - Parks & Recreation Director.

JAZZ With First Take, featuring Rick Metz. Th, F, Sa 6PM. Jazz, A Louisiana Kitchen, 1180 Scheels Dr. (775) 657-8659 bEADS AND bOOKS! Learn basic beading techniques with volunteer beading expert, Jamie, and work on projects with other beaders. First Su of every month, 1-3PM, free. Spanish Springs Library, 7100A Pyramid Lake Highway, Spanish Springs (775) 424-1800

Mayor and Council members can be reached at 353-2311 or Sparks City Council Chambers, 745 Fourth St.

KARAOKE ASPEN GLEN bAR Every Sat night. Hosted by Mike Millard of Cycorockstar Entertainment. Sa, 9PM-2AM through 9/14. Aspen Glen Bar, 5215 Vista Blvd. 89436 / (775) 354-2400

ART ADVENTURES FOR KIDS It’s painting, collage, clay and more! Explore different media and techniques weekly. Give your child a sound base for a lifelong appreciation of the arts. Th, 4-5PM through 11/1. Opens 9/27, $45 for six classes. Alf Sorensen Community Center, 1400 Baring Blvd. (775) 353-2385

WEb RESOURCES: www.cityofsparks.com

SPIRO’S F, 9PM, no cover. 1475 E. Prater Way (775) 356-6000

www.sparksrec.com www.thechambernv.org

THE ROPER DANCEHALL & SALOON Country music dance lessons and karaoke, Th, 7:30PM, no cover. 670 Greenbrae Dr. (775) 742-0861

FUN WITH DRAWING Give your child a lifelong gift learning the fundamentals of drawing. Your child will learn value, shading and an introduction to perspective while developing techniques. Th, 5:15-6:15PM through 11/1. Opens 9/27, $45 for six classes. Alf Sorensen Community Center, 1400 Baring Blvd. (775) 353-2385

OPEN MIC GREAT bASIN bREWING Open mic comedy. Th, 9PM, no cover, 846 Victorian Ave. (775) 355-7711

www.sparksitshappeninghere.com THis secTion anD iTs conTenTs aRe noT FUnDeD BY oR cRea cReaTeD BY THe ciTY oF spaRKs

DJ LARRY WILLIAMS DJ Larry Williams at Trader Dick’s. No cover. F, 10PM, Sa, 10PM. John Ascuaga’s


















OCTOBER 25, 2012





28   |   RN&R   |   OCTOBER 25, 2012

For Thursday, October 25 to Wednesday, October 31 NEON NEVADA: Journalist and writer Peter Laufer and photographer Sheila Swann will talk about exploring Nevada’s neon past and the cultural and visual effects of neon’s rich history in Nevada. Th, 10/25, 67pm. $8 NMA members; $10 non-members. Nevada Museum of Art, 160 W. Liberty St., (775) 329-3333, www.nevadaart.org.

To post events to our online calendar and have them considered for the print edition, visit our website at www.newsreview.com/reno and post your events by registering in the box in the upper right of the page. Once registered, you can log in to post. Events you create will be viewable by the public almost immediately and will be considered for the print calendar in the Reno News & Review.

NEVADA DAY CARSON CITY: The annual celebration marks the 148th anniversary of Nevada’s statehood. The festival features the Nevada Day Parade, RSVP Carnival, Pancake Breakfast, Nevada Day Classic Run/Walk, World Championship Rock Drilling Contest, Beard Contest, Annual Chili Feed, free local concerts and more. Th-Su through 10/28. Opens 10/25. Free for most events. Call or visit website for details, (775) 882-2600, http://nevadaday.com.

Listings are free, but not guaranteed.

The deadline for entries in the issue of Thurs., Nov. 8, is Thursday, Nov. 1. Listings are free, but not guaranteed.



2012 RENO ZOMBIE CRAWL: “Undead” hordes

Celebrate Nevada Day and learn about the history of downtown Sparks during this one-hour walking tour and fundraiser for the Sparks Museum. The tour includes 18 historical buildings and spots that have played an important role in the history and development of Sparks and Nevada. Tours are every hour on the hour. F, 10/26, 8am-noon. $15 per person; $10 for museum members. Sparks Heritage Museum, 814 Victorian Ave., Sparks, (775) 830-4369, www.sparksmuseum.org.

will descend on downtown Reno during the annual pub crawl which features a Zombie Fashion Show, Zombie Wedding and a “Thriller” dance under the Reno Arch. More than 40 downtown bars will offer drink specials to participants in costume and with an official pub crawl cup. The crawl can start at CommRow, St. James Infirmary or Imperial Bar. Sa, 10/27, 8pm. $5 for commemorative cup and map. Locations vary, (775) 3429565, http://renozombiecrawl.com.

BATTLE BORN DAYS: The inaugural event is a


salute to the men and women who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces for the past 236 years. There will be living history and battle re-enactments, tributes and military honors, static displays, military equipment, weaponry, military aircraft and vehicle displays, as well as The Traveling Vietnam Wall, USO Dance and Bomber Girl Pin-Up Pageant. All shows, exhibits and attractions are free except for the Battle Born Days Gun Show and the USO Dance. Th, 10/25, 12-

annual event heralds the beginning of winter ski and snowboard season. This year, in addition to snow sports gear, the event will offer all types of sporting and outdoor equipment and clothing, including water sports, hiking and biking. To sell your gear, registration will be from 4pm to 9pm on Oct. 26. Sa, 10/27, 9am-3pm. $1. North Tahoe High School, 2945 Polaris Road, Tahoe City, (530) 581-4001.

PAULA POUNDSTONE: The Friends of the

5pm; F, 10/26, 12-5pm; Sa, 10/27, 10am-9pm; Su, 10/28, 10am-3pm. Free. Mills Park, 1111 E. William St., Carson City, (775) 720-7216, www.battleborndays.com.



Nugget and KBUL Radio present this party in the Casino Cabaret, featuring music by Rick Hays & American Steel, Halloween drink specials for patrons in costume, $1,000 costume contest and giveaways. Sa, 10/27, 9pm. Free. John Ascuaga’s Nugget, 1100 Nugget Ave., Sparks, (800) 843-2427, www.janugget.com.

Truckee Tahoe Lumber present the annual ball featuring live music by The Whitney Myer Band, music spun by DJ Silver BoomBox Thief, a raffle and costume contest with $500 cash for first place, $300 for second and $200 for third. The event is a fundraiser for the Contractors Association of Truckee Tahoe. Sa, 10/27, 7pm. $20 advance; $25 at the door. Hangar No. 1, Truckee Tahoe Airport, 10356 Truckee Airport Road, Truckee, (530) 550-9999, www.ca-tt.com.


Little ghosts and goblins will roam the streets on Halloween night, but many locals believe spirits are active all year at Virginia City. Nevada’s most popular boomtown will celebrate its haunted history with several events through the end of the month. Ghost tours will be held at various Virginia City locations, including the Washoe Club, 112 South C St., the Silver Queen Hotel, 28 North C St., and several Comstock cemeteries, through Oct. 31. Call 847-7500 or visit www.visitvirginiacity.com for links to various ghost-hunting tours. The Washoe Club is also the site for the Washoe Club Halloween Spook Show, a paranormal magic show featuring James Anthony, on Oct. 26-27. Tickets are $10. Call 847-4467 or 250-8222 for details. Costumed trick-or-treaters can participate in the Virginia City Goblin Parade down C Street starting at 5 p. m. on Oct. 31. Finally, there’s the Ghost Hunt and Dinner on Halloween night featuring a champagne reception, dinner and a ghost hunt at the historic Mackay Mansion, 129 South D St. Tickets are $100. Call 721-9305.

BRÜKA’S ANNUAL HALLOWEEN FREAKERS’ BALL: Dress as your favorite character from past Brüka Theatre shows or as your own creation at Brüka’s 15th annual party featuring theatrical antics, dancing, costume contests and a raffle. Open to guests age 21 and older. Sa, 10/27, 8pm. $20 advance, $25 at the door. Brüka Theatre, 99 N. Virginia St., (775) 323-3221, www.bruka.org.

DOLLAR EXCHANGE AT NEVADA STATE MUSEUM: Reno Coin Club and The Nevada State Museum presents the Nevada Day Coin Exchange and Minting on Old Coin Press No. 1 in celebration of Nevada Day. All new U.S. coins will be available at face or cost. There will be presidential dollars and national park quarters, including four of the San Francisco mint quarters, a display of ancient and obsolete U.S. coins and free foreign coins for kids, as well as the Old Coin Press minting a new medal. F, 10/26, 8:30am-3:30pm; Sa, 10/27, 8:30am-3:30pm. $8 adults, free for children age 17 and younger. Nevada State Museum, 600 N. Carson St., Carson City, (775) 687-4810 ext. 237, http://museums.nevadaculture.org.

—Kelley Lang

Company holds this fundraiser featuring performances by the entire dance company, music spun by DJ XM Fredie and DJ R Boogie mixing salsa, bachata, cumbia and merengue. Dance lesson from 7:30 to 9pm. Th, 10/25, 7pm-1am. $10 advance; $15 at the door. Mambos Nightclub, 3652 S. Virginia St., Ste. D1, (775) 813-1143 ext. 775, www.salsareno.com.

HALLOWEEN WALK: The gates of the old Virginia City Cemetery open to visitors. W, 10/31, 6-11pm. $5 adults; $3 children age 12 and younger. Downtown Virginia City, C Street, Virginia City, (775) 8470281, http://comstockcemetery.com.

ITCN 47TH ANNUAL HALLOWEEN DANCE: The Inter-Tribal Council of Nevada, Inc. celebrates Halloween with a costume contest and music will be provided by Wild 102.9 DJ-Boogie. W, 10/31, 9pm-midnight. $10. Poolside Terrace Room, John Ascuaga’s Nugget, 1100 Nugget Ave., Sparks, (775) 355-0600 ext. 140, www.itcnccdf.org.

Carson City Library present a performance by the comedian. Poundstone is the national spokesperson for The Association of Library Trustees Advocates Friends & Foundations (ALTAFF). She is supporting libraries on a local level by partnering with promoters and the local Friends organization in cities where she performs. F, 10/26, 7:30pm. $35-$45. Bob Boldrick Theater, Carson City Community Center, 851 E. William St., Carson City, (775) 887-2290, www.ticketderby.com/event/paulapoundstone-id-9193.

PEOPLES AND ENVIRONMENTS OF NEVADA: Galena Creek Visitor Center presents a new series of talks that will focus on the history, prehistory and past and present environments of Nevada. The talks, which will be held on the last Thursday of each month, will be presented by local experts in the fields of federal and state resources management and specialists in their fields. Last Th of every month, 6pm. $5 per person. Galena Creek Visitor Center, 18250 Mt. Rose Highway, (775) 849-4948, www.galenacreekvisitorcenter.org.

PUTTING YOUR GARDEN TO BED FOR THE WINTER: Roxanne Martin will discuss what you need to know to winterize your yard and garden. Plant protection, mulching, pruning, cleaning, creating micro-climates, winterizing containers and winter watering requirements will be covered. Sa, 10/27, 11am. Free with canned food donation. Rail City Garden Center, 1720 Brierley Way, Sparks, (775) 355-1551, www.railcitygardencenter.com.


MEET THE COLLECTOR: WILL DURHAM ON THE LIGHT CIRCUS: Celebrate Nevada Day at the Nevada Museum of Art by learning about the artistic significance of neon in Nevada with collector Will Durham. F, 10/26, 12-12:30pm. $10; free for Nevada Museum of Art. Nevada Museum of Art, 160 W. Liberty St., (775) 329-3333.

for Sierra Nevada Cancer Center includes an evening of trains, spirits (wine & beer), music and appetizers. Sa, 10/27, 6pm. $55 per person; $100 per couple. V &T Railroad Train Depot, 370 F St., Virginia City, (775) 883-3336.


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OCTOBER 25, 2012





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TERRIFYING TALES FROM NEVADA HISTORY: Fred Horlacher retells Nevada’s stories of human sacrifice, murder, putting a witch to death, weird and repulsive types of food, a headstone that glows in the dark and ghosts that wonder through the night. Th, 10/25, 7pm. $10 adults; $5 for children under age 12 (includes museum admission). Sparks Heritage Museum, 814 Victorian Ave., Sparks, (775) 355-1144, www.sparksmuseum.org.

VIRGINIA CITY HAUNTED 5K RUN/WALK: A haunted run around the cemetery in historic Virginia City. Wear a Halloween costume that you can safely run in. This event is a fundraiser for Global Voice, an international youth volunteering group in Virginia City. Sa, 10/27, 8am. $10-$25. Miners Park, 135 E. Carson St., Virginia City, (775) 847-9311 ext. 108, www.active.com/running/virginia-citynv/virginia-city-haunted-5k-run-walk-2012.

All Ages


ANDELIN FAMILY FARM PUMPKIN PATCH: The annual pumpkin patch features a one-acre corn maze, pedal cart track, hay bale maze, tractor-pulled hay rides, an Art Barn and plenty of pumpkins and gourds to pick. M-Th, 10am-

3pm through 10/31; F, Sa, 10am-6pm through

10/27. $6 per person. Andelin Family Farm, 8100 Pyramid Highway, Spanish Springs, (775) 4256315, http://andelinfamilyfarm.blogspot.com. BLOOD MOON: The first full moon after the Harvest Moon is called the Hunter’s Moon or Blood Moon. Join Galena Creek Visitor Center to learn more about names of the moon and the lunar cycle and view a nearly full moon right before Halloween. Advance registration required. F, 10/26, 6:30-8pm. $5 per person suggested donation. Galena Creek Visitor Center, 18250 Mt. Rose Highway, (775) 8494948, www.thegreatbasininstitute.org.

maze, pick through the pumpkin patch, ride a mechanical bull, take a hayride, jump around in the bounce house and see farm animals. F, Sa, 9:30am-10pm through 10/27; MTh, Su, 9:30am-8pm through 10/31. Call for info. Ferrari Farms, 4701 Mill St., (775) 856-4962.

GREAT MAY CENTER PUMPKIN WALK: Check out a display of hundreds of lighted, carved pumpkins and Halloween decorations. Along the way, you’ll meet costumed characters passing out candy. This event is stroller friendly, not too spooky and appropriate for all ages. Sa, 10/27, 6:30-8pm. $4 per person suggested donation. Wilbur D. May Museum, Rancho San Rafael Regional Park, 1595 N. Sierra St., (775) 785-5961.

I got spew, babe You wrote in your column, “Men are compelled to ditch what’s chasing them and chase what’s trying to ditch them.” It seems you’re advising that the simple desire to love a man must be approached without authenticity and personal integrity. Must a woman really scheme to get a man, using a painfully conscious strategy based on men’s psychological makeup, and wait and wait like Cinderella until he reaches out to her?

S T E K C I T N I W TO ENTER: • Send an e-mail to contest@newsreview.com and put “THUNDER DOG” in the subject line • Include your full name, birth date and day phone • Deadline to enter is 11:59PM on Wednesday, 10/31/12. Winners will be notified by phone and e-mail





OCTOBER 25, 2012

You think of employing restraint as “scheming.” Um, scheming is talking a guy into a $10 million insurance policy and then sending him skydiving with a busted parachute. The notion that it’s morally bankrupt to refrain from chasing a man is an idea out of some future gender-neutral utopia where everyone wears “Star Trek” uniforms, eats single little cubes of lunch, and grows babies in Mason jars. As I’ve written before, any sexual encounter had a hefty potential cost for a woman during the Stone Age—a particularly crappy time to be a single mother. Because of this, women evolved to be choosier about partners, and men coevolved to expect that of them. Times have changed, but our psychology really hasn’t. So, when a woman throws herself at a man like a big flopping flounder, he’s likely to duck—suspecting that she probably isn’t worth having, for anything beyond a quick romp, if she’s so easy to get. This is unfortunate, but whining endlessly about it is an ineffective strategy for getting what you want, unless what you want are polyps on your vocal cords.

What you’re really arguing for is, “Why shouldn’t I be able to throw all self-discipline out the window and have the man I want drop down my chimney like Santa?” In a similar vein, I often wonder why I’ve been unable to become incredibly wealthy by napping. (Welcome to real life. Please visit often in the future.) The answer is neither throwing yourself at a man nor waiting for him to notice that you dropped your glass slipper. You flirt to indicate that you’d be interested in going out with him, if only he’d ask. Flirting takes patience and self-control, but it isn’t exactly a horrible chore. It’s playful and fun. Kind of like tag. You run a little, and if all goes well, the guy chases you. Men just love to chase things—women, animals, purse-snatchers. In the U.K., they even have a tradition of chasing a big wheel of cheese down a hill. Wait—don’t get ideas. You will need to flip your hair and make eye contact and teasing remarks. You can’t just throw yourself down a grassy incline.

Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave., No. 280, Santa Monica, CA 90405, or email AdviceAmy@aol.com (www.advicegoddess.com).

JEREMY JONES FURTHER: Teton Gravity Research presents Further, the second installment in the Jeremy Jones snowboard movie trilogy, Deeper, Further, Higher. Further will explore some of the world’s most remote mountain terrain while continuing Jones’ mission to camp deep in the backcountry and on the summits of unridden lines to access nearly vertical spines and wide-open powder fields. Th, 10/25, 8pm. $12-$20. CommRow, 255 N. Virginia St., (775) 398-5400, www.commrow.com.

NEVADA DAY PARTY WITH ANTSY MCCLAIN AND THE TRAILER PARK TROUBADOURS: Antsy will share new music from his just released CD Living the Dream, as well as expected crowd favorites. Sa, 10/27, 8-10pm. $23-$35. Brewery Arts Center Performance Hall, 511 W. King St., Carson City, (775) 883-1976, www.breweryarts.org.

THIBAULT CAUVIN: The classical guitar performs. M, 10/29, 7pm. $15 donation. First Congregational Church of Reno, 627 Sunnyside Drive, (775) 298-1686, www.sierraguitar.org.

ONIBABA: Artemisia Moviehouse presents a screening of Kaneto Shindo’s horror-drama.

Tu, 10/30, 7-10pm. $7 general; $5 members, bicyclists, students. Midtown Good Luck Macbeth, 713 S. Virginia St., (775) 337-9111, www.artemisiamovies.org.

Onstage FRANKENSTEIN: THE MODERN GAY PROMETHEUS: This modern variation on the Frankenstein story follows Frankie Stein, still green, coming home from his first semester of college and has he got big news for his parents—Victor who’s vying to keep his boys attention and Elizabeth, an empty-nester trying to fill her life with something to replace her son. Th-


HALLOWEEN HOWLS MOVIE NIGHT: Families can choose between two Halloween-themed movies. Popcorn and other refreshments will be available. Kids are invited to wear their Halloween costume for free admission to the museum and a special Halloween scavenger hunt. Wallace & Gromit starts at 3pm, followed by Hocus Pocus at 6pm. F, 10/26, 3 & 6pm. $3 per movie. Wilbur D. May Museum, Rancho San Rafael Regional Park, 1595 N. Sierra St., (775) 785-5961, www.maycenter.com.

TRICK OR TREAT SAFELY AT SCHEELS: Play games, get candy and have fun at this safe trick or treat event. Kids in costume will receive a free ride on the Scheels Ferris Wheel. W, 10/31, 5-7pm. Free. Scheels, 1200 Scheels Drive, Sparks, (775) 331-2700.

Art ARTISTS CO-OP OF RENO GALLERY: Wings and Waves: Air and Water Features. Ann Weiss and Larry Jacox are the featured artists for October. Their show is themed around their love for planes, birds, skies and water. The co-op also hosts three guest artists: Sandi Burke, Marilyn Newton and Jenny Antonucci. Through 10/31, 11am-4pm. Free. 627 Mill St., (775) 3228896, www.artistsco-opgalleryreno.com.

LATTIN FARMS FALL FESTIVAL & CORN MAZE: Lattin Farms celebrates the fall harvest with a pumpkin patch, hayrides, corn maze, freshfrom-the-farm produce, home-baked goods and more. F, 5-8pm through 10/26; Sa, 10am8pm through 10/27. Corn maze: $7 adults, $5 children ages 4-14; free for children under age 4. Lattin Farms, 1955 McLean Road, Fallon, (866) 638-6293, www.lattinfarms.com.

DTR POTTERY STUDIO: DTR Pottery Open House. Dreams to Reality Pottery Studio hosts its first open house and pottery sale. Works include pit fire, raku, horse hair and functional pottery. F, 10/26, 9am-6pm; Sa, 10/27, 10am-5pm. 9105 Spanish Trail Drive, Spanish Springs, (775) 425-9271.

R.I.S.E. AND DINE: PEOPLE FEEDING PEOPLE: Each week Reno activists and volunteers shop, prepare and cook for local persons and families without a home. On Saturdays at 5pm, volunteers meet outside of the Community Assistance Center and serve about 250 or more of Reno’s most povertystricken until 6pm. All assistance and donations are appreciated. Sa, 5-6pm through 12/29. Free. Community Assistance Center, 335 Record St., (775) 322-7143, www.renoinitiative.org.

HOLLAND PROJECT GALLERY: 80 Million Gallon Summer, 40 Million Gallon Winter. Sculptor Cait Finley combines found objects with ceramic fauna and flora, presenting them like a natural science museum. Tu-F, 3-6pm through 10/26; Third Annual Stranger Show, This project and exhibition pairs Hug High students with local artists for a month to collaborate on and create an art piece. Tu-F, 3-6pm through 10/26. Free. 140 Vesta St., (775) 742-1858, www.hollandreno.org.

SAFE TRICK OR TREAT AT NAM: Stay warm while your goblins, princesses and action heroes collect their treats. The museum will have a book walk and games specifically for youngsters. W, 10/31, 4:30-7:30pm. $2 per person. National Automobile Museum (The Harrah Collection), 10 S. Lake St., (775) 333-9300, http://automuseum.org.

NORTH TAHOE ARTS CENTER: Fall Cornucopia and Teapots & Teas. North Tahoe Arts embraces the changing of the season with an exhibition of fall-inspired photography by award-winning photographer Geoff McGilvray and an exhibit of teapots, tea accessories by Nancy Olson, a selection of locally made teas and wall art by Heidi Reeves, Deb Rich and Eileen Blodgett in the Main Gallery. M, W-Su, 11am-5pm through 10/29; Bits & Pieces: A Sculpture & Mosaic Exploration. North Tahoe Arts features five sculpture and mosaic artists whose body of work includes glass, ceramics, wood, canvas, found objects and paint swatches. M, W-Su, 11am-5pm through 10/29. Free. Art Gallery & Gift Shop, 380 North Lake Blvd., Tahoe City, (530) 581-2787, www.northtahoearts.com.

SAFE ZONE FOR TRICK OR TREATING: The Outlets at Legends invites parents and kids to spend the evening trick or treating throughout the outlet. In addition to the traditional candy and costumes, there will be free bounce houses and face painting for the kids. Bring trick or treat bags. Costumes are required. No masks allowed. W, 10/31, 5-7pm. Free. 1310 Scheels Drive, Sparks, (775) 358-3800, www.outletsatlegends.com.

SCHEELS KIDS KLUB: HALLOWEEN COOKIES: Stop by Scheels and decorate your own Halloween sugar cookie. All participants will receive a free ride on the Scheels Ferris Wheel. Meet in Gramma Ginna’s. M, 10/29, 6pm. Free. Scheels, 1200 Scheels Drive, Sparks, (775) 331-2700, www.scheels.com/events.

OXS GALLERY, NEVADA ARTS COUNCIL: A Study of Human. Eunkang Koh uses intaglio printmaking to depict creatures that are part human and part animal. Through 11/16, 8am-5pm. Free. 716 N. Carson St., Ste. A, Carson City, (775) 687-6680.

TOLL HOUSE PUMPKIN PATCH: The annual pumpkin patch features a haunted house, climbing wall, bounce houses, petting zoo, hay fort, pony rides, train rides and lots of pumpkins to pick. M-Th, Su, 9am-8pm through 10/31; F, Sa, 9am-9pm through 10/27. $1-$20 for tickets. Toll House Pumpkin Patch, 12185 S. Virginia St., (775) 636-5100, www.tollhousepumpkins.com.








SIERRA ARTS GALLERY: Master of Fine Arts: MidWay Exhibitions. An exhibition by Colby Stephens, a master of fine arts candidate at University of Nevada, Reno. M-F, 10am-5pm through 11/2. Artist Reception, F, 10/26, 5pm. Free. 17 S. Virginia St., (775) 329-2787.






UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, RENO: Perspectives International Festival of Digital Art. The University of Nevada, Reno presents the third iteration of the Perspectives International Festival of Digital Art, to be held on and around the university campus. The festival is focused on the work of graduate student artists, from a range of disciplines, who use and experiment with digital media. This year’s offering includes a month-long exhibition in the Sheppard Gallery in the Church Fine Arts Building and other campus and off-campus venues. Through 11/2. Free. 1664 N. Virginia St., (775) 784-1110, www.unr.edu.

nated world-music innovator performs music that blends American jazz and Delta blues with traditional Indian sounds. W, 10/31, 7:30pm. $5-$24. Nightingale Concert Hall, Church Fine Arts Complex, University of Nevada, Reno, 1664 N. Virginia St., (775) 784-4278, www.unr.edu/arts.

NEVADA HISTORICAL SOCIETY: Latimer Art Clubs Miniature Show. More than 100 paintings, including water media, oils and acrylics, pastels, graphite and mixed media will be for sale during this show of miniature paintings, hosted by the Latimer Art Club. This year’s theme is “Nevada: Heart of the West.” W-Sa, 10am-5pm through 12/8. Free. 1650 N. Virginia St., (775) 688-1190.

NEVADA MUSEUM OF ART: Rebeca Méndez: At Any Given Moment, W-Su through 1/20; The Book of the Lagoons: Helen Mayer and Newton Harrison, W-Su through 1/6; Bovey Lee: Undercurrents, W-Su through 1/2; Jorinde Voigt: Systematic Notations, W-Su through 1/6; Juvenile-In-Justice: Photographs by Richard Ross, W-Su through 1/13; Jacob Hashimoto: Here in Sleep, a World, Muted to a Whisper, W-Su through 1/1; Ice Music, W-Su through 10/28; The Light Circus: Art of Nevada Neon Signs, W-Su through 2/10; Hoor Al Qasimi: Off Road, W-Su through 1/27. $1-$10. 160 W. Liberty St., (775) 329-3333, www.nevadaart.org.

Good Luck Macbeth, 713 S. Virginia St., (775) 322-3716, www.goodluckmacbeth.org.

GUYS AND DOLLS: TMCC Performing Arts presents this musical fable of Broadway based on a story and characters of Damon Runyon. F, Sa, 7:30pm through 11/10. Opens

JAMES WINN WITH ADELA H. PARK: The master pianist presents an evening featuring works generated by religious sensibilities through the ages. Winn will be joined by Dr. Adela H. Park, for “Visions de lamen” by Olivier Messiaen. The concert will also feature music by Bach, Liszt and Charles Wuorinen. M, 10/29, 7:30pm. $20 general; $5 UNR students. Nightingale Concert Hall, Church Fine Arts Complex, University of Nevada, Reno, 1664 N. Virginia St., (775) 784-4278, www.unr.edu/arts.



Sa, 7:30-10pm through 10/27; Su, 3-5pm through 10/28; W, 10/31, 7:30-10pm. $14-$20. Midtown

during the fall semester, the departments of Music and Art at the University of Nevada, Reno team up for free lunchtime concerts and exhibitions. W, noon through 11/28. Free. Randall Rotunda, Mathewson-IGT Knowledge Center, 1664 N. Virginia St. University of Nevada, Reno, (775) 784-4278,

10/26; Su, 2pm through 11/11. Opens 11/4; Th, 11/8, 7:30pm. $10-$17. TMCC Redfield

Performing Arts Center, 505 Keystone Ave., (775) 789-5671, https://www.showtix4u.com.

MACBETH: Brüka Theatre opens its 20th season with William Shakespeare’s tragic play about a couple’s ruthless quest for power. Th, 10/25, 8pm; F, 10/26, 8pm. $12-$20. Brüka Theatre, 99 N. Virginia St., (775) 323-3221, www.bruka.org.

THE TRAGICAL HISTORY OF THE LIFE & DEATH OF DOCTOR FAUSTUS: Based on the Faust story, this Christopher Marlowe drama tells of a brilliant academic who sells his soul to the Devil for the promise of knowledge and power. Although the play dates back more than four centuries, Nevada Repertory Company promises a modern twist with Cirque du Soleil-style aerial stunts. W-Sa, 7:30pm through 10/27. $15 general, $12 seniors, $10 general students and UNR faculty, $5 UNR students. Redfield Proscenium Theatre, Church Fine Arts Building, University of Nevada, Reno, 1664 N. Virginia St., (775) 784-4278, www.unr.edu/arts.

MARINA ROZNITOSVKY ON HARP: Roznitosvky is the harp teacher at the University of Nevada, Reno and Truckee Meadows Community College. She is also the principal harpist with the Reno Chamber Orchestra, Susanville Symphony and the Nevada Opera. Sa, 10/27, 7pm. Free. Nightingale Concert Hall, Church Fine Arts Complex, University of Nevada, Reno, 1664 N. Virginia St., (775) 784-4278, www.unr.edu/arts.

SPARKS HERITAGE MUSEUM: A Salute to Our Military, This exhibit commemorates the nation’s battles from the Civil War to the global war on terrorism. The show includes photos, weapons, artifacts, models and uniforms donated by more than 30 local veterans and their families. Tu-Su through 11/17. $5 adults; free for children under age 12, museum members, active duty military. 814 Victorian Ave., Sparks, (775) 355-1144, www.sparksmuseum.org.

Film HAUNTED NEVADA SERIES: Zomboo, the host of TV’s Zomboo’s House of Horrors, will stop by to meet and greet with his fans. He will show a Nevada-themed sci-fi movie called The Wizard of Mars (1965). It was filmed in two Nevada locations: Fallon and the Great Basin National Park. Free temporary parking permits are available. Sa, 10/27, 11am-2:30pm. Free. Nevada Historical Society, 1650 N. Virginia St., (775) 688-1190, www.nevadaculture.org.













OCTOBER 25, 2012





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OCTOBER 25, 2012






AWAY HUNGER this Thursday, October 25th! Join the RN&R for the “Scare Away Hunger Food Drive” to benefit the Food Bank of Northern Nevada! Bring two cans of food and you’ll get into Reno’s best haunted house attraction, Slaughter House at Meadowood Mall, for just $5! If you can’t make it to Reno, bring two cans of food and you’ll get into The Dungeon in Carson City for just $5 from 7-10PM!

One day only. Two cans of food. Two great haunted houses.Five dollars. Help us Scare Away Hunger on October 25th in Reno and Carson City!


ARIES (March 21-April 19): In the coming

days, many of your important tasks will be best accomplished through caginess and craftiness. Are you willing to work behind the scenes and beneath the surface? I suspect you will have a knack for navigating your way skillfully and luckily through mazes and their metaphorical equivalents. The mists may very well part at your command, revealing clues that no one else but you can get access to. You might also have a talent for helping people to understand elusive or difficult truths. Halloween costume suggestions: spy, stage magician, ghost whisperer, exorcist.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): The coming

week could have resemblances to the holiday known as Opposite Day. Things people say may have meanings that are different or even contrary to what they supposedly mean. Qualities you usually regard as liabilities might temporarily serve as assets, and strengths could seem problematical or cause confusion. You should also be wary of the possibility that the advice you get from people you trust may be misleading. For best results, make liberal use of reverse psychology, freaky logic and mirror magic. Halloween costume suggestion: the opposite of who you really are.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): I don’t have a

big problem with your tendency to contradict yourself. I’m rarely among the consistency freaks who would prefer you to stick with just one of your many selves instead of hopscotching among all nine. In fact, I find your multilevel multiplicity interesting and often alluring. I take it as a sign that you are in alignment with the fundamentally paradoxical nature of life. Having said all that, however, I want to alert you to an opportunity that the universe is currently offering you, which is to feel unified, steady and stable. Does that sound even vaguely enticing? Why not try it out for a few weeks? Halloween costume suggestion: an assemblage or collage of several of your different personas.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): An avocado

tree may produce so much fruit that the sheer weight of its exuberant creation causes it to collapse. Don’t be like that in the coming weeks, Cancerian. Without curbing your luxuriant mood, simply monitor your outpouring of fertility so that it generates just the right amount of beautiful blooms. Be vibrant and bountiful and fluidic, but not unconstrained or overwrought or recklessly lavish. Halloween costume suggestion: a bouquet, an apple tree, a rich artist or an exotic dancer with a bowl of fruit on your head.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): I hope your father

Slaughter House Meadowood Mall, Reno (near JC Penney)

The Dungeon 1803 N. Carson St., Carson City (next to Grocery Outlet)

All food donations will benefit the Food Bank of Northern Nevada. For more info, visit www.renofrightfest.com or call 1-877-SO-SCARY or 775-324-4440





OCTOBER 25, 2012

didn’t beat you or scream at you or molest you. If he did, I am so sorry for your suffering. I also hope that your father didn’t ignore you or withhold his best energy from you. I hope he didn’t disappear for weeks at a time and act oblivious to your beauty. If he did those things, I mourn for your loss. Now, it’s quite possible that you were spared such mistreatment, Leo. Maybe your dad gave you conscientious care and loved you for who you really are. But whatever the case might be, this is the right time to acknowledge it. If you’re one of the lucky ones, celebrate to the max. If you’re one of the wounded ones, begin or renew your quest for serious and intensive healing. Halloween costume suggestion: your father.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Do you know

how to tell the difference between superstitious hunches and dependable intuitions? Are you good at distinguishing between mediocre gossip that’s only 10 percent accurate and reliable rumors that provide you with the real inside dope? I suspect that you will soon get abundant opportunities to test your skill in these tasks. To increase the likelihood of your success, ask yourself the following question on a regular basis: Is what you think you’re seeing really there or is it mostly a projection of your expectations and theories? Halloween costume suggestions: a lie detector, an interrogator with syringes full of truth serum, a superhero with Xray vision, a lab scientist.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): I am officially

protesting you, Libra. I am staging a walkout and mounting a demonstration and launching a boycott unless you agree to my demand. And yes, I have just one demand: that you take better care of the neglected, disempowered and underprivileged parts of your life. Not a year from now, not when you have more leisure time, now! If and when you do this, I predict the arrival of a flood of personal inspiration. Halloween costume suggestion: a symbolic representation of a neglected, disempowered or underprivileged part of your life.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): “It’s so fine

and yet so terrible to stand in front of a blank canvas,” said French painter Paul Cezanne. Many writers make similar comments about the excruciating joy they feel when first sitting down in front of an empty page. For artists in any genre, in fact, getting started may seem painfully impossible. And yet there can also be a delicious anticipation as the ripe chaos begins to coalesce into coherent images or words or music. Even if you’re not an artist, Scorpio, you’re facing a comparable challenge in your own chosen field. Halloween costume suggestion: a painter with a blank canvas.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): As

you contemplate what you want to be for Halloween, don’t consider any of the following options: a Thoroughbred racehorse wearing a blindfold, a mythic centaur clanking around in iron boots or a seahorse trying to dance on dry land. For that matter, Sagittarius, I hope you won’t come close to imitating any of those hapless creatures even in your non-Halloween life. It’s true that the coming days will be an excellent time to explore, analyze and deal with your limitations. But that doesn’t mean you should be overwhelmed and overcome by them. Halloween costume suggestions: Harry Houdini, an escaped prisoner, a snake molting its skin.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): “Does

anyone know where I can find dinosaur costumes for cats?” asked a Halloween shopper on Reddit. In the comments section, someone else said that he needed a broccoli costume for his Chihuahua. I bring this up, Capricorn, because if anyone could uncover the answers to these questions, it would be you. You’ve got a magic touch when it comes to hunting down solutions to unprecedented problems. Halloween costume suggestion: a cat wearing a dinosaur costume.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): The Live

Monarch Foundation made a video on how to fix a butterfly’s broken wing (http://tinyurl.com/FixWing). It ain’t easy. You need 10 items, including tweezers, baby powder, toothpicks and glue. You’ve got to be patient and summon high levels of concentration. But it definitely can be done. The same is true about the delicate healing project you’ve thought about attempting on your own wound, Aquarius. It will require you to be ingenious, precise and tender, but I suspect you’re primed to rise to the challenge. Halloween costume suggestion: herbalist, acupuncturist, doctor, shaman or other healer.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): It’s not a

good time to wear Higher Power Spanx or any other girdle, corset or restrictive garment. In fact, I advise you not to be a willing participant in any situation that pinches, hampers or confines you. You need to feel exceptionally expansive. In order to thrive, you’ve got to give yourself permission to spill over, think big and wander freely. As for those people who might prefer you to keep your unruly urges in check and your natural inclinations concealed, tell them your astrologer authorized you to seize a massive dose of slack. Halloween costume suggestions: a wild man or wild woman; a mythical bird like the garuda or thunderbird; the god or goddess of abundance.

Go to RealAstrology.com to check out Rob Brezsny’s expanded weekly audio horoscopes and daily text message horoscopes. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone at (877) 873-4888 or (900) 950-7700.

by Dennis Myers

Al la carte candidate

about that, very unhappy that he did that, officially stripping habeas corpus from American citizens. He’s done a lot of things that I really, really don’t like and the fact that I’m willing to call him out on it and say that, “Look, these aren’t the things that our country is supposed to stand for,” didn’t make the powers in the party very happy.

Samuel Koepnick

Short of a political earthquake, one prediction about the 2012 election can be safely made—that the Democrat running for the northwest Nevada U.S. House seat will lose. Samuel Koepnick of Carson City came up the winner of the Democratic primary after no big name got into the race. He’s a liberal who emphasizes personal liberty issues.

What made you take on a race this difficult? I didn’t actually choose this race. I chose to enter the Democratic primary really as a symbolic gesture … against the SOPA bill [Stop Online Piracy Act] that was going through the House at the time. So really, it was just a way of saying, “You know what? We’re here, we’re angry about this, and we’re bipartisan.”

Since you did win the nomination, did you hear from the national or local Democratic Party offering you a threshold of financial support to tie up [Republican candidate] Mark Amodei so he’s not helping other Republicans?

If you felt like that, why didn’t you file as a Republican?

throw good money after bad in a race that they already consider to be a loss. I don’t share a lot of Democratic ideals. … I’ve got some really funny hate mail addressed to me. I’ve been called a DINO, which I later found out was a “Democrat in name only.”

Where do you differ with the party? Basically it comes down to support of the president and constitutionality. There’s a lot of things the president has done that I don’t like, and I don’t officially support him. I don’t support Mitt Romney, either, but I don’t have unwavering support for the party and I treat it like I treat everything else in life, piecemeal. I take the good ideas, where I take the good ideas but I refuse to deal with the bad in this case, so for instance when President Obama signed the NDAA [National Defense Authorization Act]—very, very critical

Because I feel that the Democratic party is closer … to what I believe. Let’s not fool ourselves, it’s a two party system. There’s a couple of third parties, but they’re always going to be also-rans, so we just start changing the fundamental nature of the system. And personally, I think that the two-party system is disgraceful for any kind of democratic society.

What are the areas where you do agree with the Democratic party? Universal health care. Huge on decreasing defense spending. Make education … available for everybody. But really, where I agree with the Democrats mostly is on social issues. I actually tell my friends, “Look, I’m a fiscal conservative but I’m still a social liberal and that’s not going to change.”

After this is over, do you think you’ll run for office again? Ω

Absolutely not.

No. … I’ve got some local support, but I think the problem is that they don’t want to

∫y Bruce Van Dye

Do it straight


If President Obama loses this election, I would point my finger at his inability to pound one very important message through the ever-thickening skull of America—“I’ve done some good stuff, and here’s what it is.” It’s continually frustrating to see the Dems flub and fluster when it comes to defining their achievements. Election after election, they come up short in this crucial department. In this campaign, for example, I would have taken half the millions spent on anti-Romney bashing and used it instead to smash the following into America’s ADD-addled consciousness: 1. “I became president at the beginning of a Very Bad Recession. I walked into the Oval Office on Jan. 20, 2009 and you know what I saw on my desk? A big flaming sack of dogdoo, that’s what! Thanks a heap, Dub’n’Darth! So Job One—stop the bleeding, put on the brakes, and make damn sure this doesn’t blow up into a full tilt Depression. You’re welcome.” 2. “Unemployment at the peak of

The Recession, October ’09, was 10.2 percent. Now, three years later, it’s 7.8 percent. Is this great? No. But obviously, we’re heading in the right direction. Stick with me, because I think we can get it back to 5.0 percent. And I know we can do it if you get McConnell, Boehner and Kantor outta my face!” 3. “There have been no terror attacks on the U.S. during my first administration. Zero. We’ve been beatin’ Al Qaida’s ass. Those drones are damn handy. And, of course, we got The Big O. Just sayin’.” 4. “I’ve decreased the number of wars we’re fighting by 50 percent. I think that’s cool. Agree? One down, one to go.” 5. “We refused to let GM go belly up. It was not a popular decision at the time. But now, it looks like a pretty good move. Right?” 6. “The Dow Jones Industrial Average in March of ’09 was at 7,000. Now, it’s back in the 13,000s. So about 85 percent growth in three years?













Not too shabby.” 7. “Finally, we got a national health care system in this country. This is a big deal. Or, as the Vice President so memorably put it at the signing ceremony, ‘This is a BFD.’ I’m proud of this. It’s a good thing. And it will get better.” These points, cleaned up for proper presentation, would make a good, solid, positive 60 second ad. The antiRomney barrage is old, stale and over already. Sooner or later, we want to hear about (1) what you’ve done, and (2) what you’re gonna do. Especially important is point number 2. Stress current reality over yesteryear’s nightmare. The economy was horrible. It’s now below average. We are, indeed, bouncing back. Reasonable people can be spoken to reasonably. The question—is the Reasonable demographic being buried by goons, blowhards and dimwits? Ω













OCTOBER 25, 2012





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