2 | RN&R | 08.04.16
CL_Softball_Underdogs_10x10_5__203312JC.indd 1
7/29/16 1:32 PM
AUGUST 4, 2016 | Vol. 22, ISSUe 25
Best friends Welcome to this week’s Reno News & Review. Well, here it is—the results of our 2016 Best of Northern Nevada readers’ survey. Congratulations to all the winners! Some seasoned veterans took home gold—as well as some deserving newcomers. And there were a few results that made us wonder if perhaps the oftregarded brilliance of our readership might sometimes be overstated. Nevertheless, we consider managing this contest important, and it’s an honor to serve as a conduit for Northern Nevadans to define the best of themselves. I’m really happy with the artwork this year. Jeff “Metal Jeff” Rogers is a local artist who deserves more recognition. He’s already well known in local heavy music circles because he’s a music lover, and his work is well suited to the needs of bands. If you’re a rock band, he’s the guy you want designing your posters, pins, album covers, videos and T-shirts. I’ve gotten to know Jeff well over the last couple of years because he’s done some work like that for my band, and I knew he would be creative and reliable. And he delivered. This is a laborious undertaking, so thanks to the editorial team, Dennis Myers, Jeri Chadwell-Singley, Kris Vagner and Kelley Lang, for all their work this week and every week. Thanks also to photographer Eric Marks and designer Brian Breneman for their work on the project. Thanks to all our regular contributors and support staff, and big thanks to the sales staff, who seemed busy down the hall at the west end of the office, working hard, keeping the lights on for all us sinners. On a personal note, I’d like to offer up some thanks to my girlfriend, Margot Choltco, for her tremendous patience, love and support while we were putting this thing together. And once again, the biggest thanks of all to all the readers who took the time to vote! You’re the best. The winners are listed in this issue, but be sure to check our website,, to see the runners up as well.
—Brad Bynum bradb@ ne ws r ev i ew . com
Third way I am a Nevada voter. I’m sure you’ve given coverage to Joe Heck and Catherine Cortez Masto, but there is a third candidate for Nevada Senate who I think deserves some press. The presidential race this cycle was spent casting Bernie Sanders aside as a “fringe candidate,” yet he amassed a large following and gathered a great amount of support from an unacknowledged group of people—independents. This election year could very well be the end of the two party system as we know it, leading to an opportunity for at least one more party to join the race, and I feel that you could be ahead of the curve, by showing some information about an independent candidate who is still in the race for senate—Jarrod Williams. I think it is a very exciting idea to be opening the floodgates of this race to more than just the standard two parties. Website: www.jarrod4nevada. Brandon Fowle Reno
People like Mr. Kazmierski like to throw around lots of dollarbased facts, using numbers that can’t be proven by any real means of testing and verification. For if their numbers could be tested and verified, they would do so. They would weigh the so-called dollar benefits against the declines in quality of life factors. When asked to prove their numbers they get loud, red faced, angry and personally insulting, as if we are questioning their integrity—which, and in a way, we are and deservedly so. Our elected and appointed tourism officials are masters at the same game, constantly telling us how this or that event brings millions of dollars in room tax, gaming tax and other revenues to our area. Then, at the end of the year our hotels and casinos seek tax relief because of a horrible year—year after year after year. And year after year after year, those same elected and appointed officials grant the tax relief. If it makes you feel better, keep patting yourself on the back, Mr. Kazmierski. It shows somebody loves you. Marcus Krebs Reno
Round three
Re “Always try to come in 49th” (Left Foot Forward, June 30) and Re “Give to get?” (letters, July 21): Since Mike Kazmierski raised the subject, let’s address the “temporary reduction in taxes that actually brings more revenue to the state than the taxes that are not collected.” Just how does that work, Mr. Kazmierski? Nevada doesn’t have a personal income tax, like 43 other states. So there’s no additional state tax revenue from the employees imported to Nevada from other states. Is that additional tax revenue you mention a result of higher housing costs and the increases in property and the real property transfer taxes? We all end up suffering from and paying those taxes. How is that a benefit to all of us? As for the “over half were reductions in taxes on manufacturing equipment, a tax that most states don’t even have!” you fail to define for us “over half.” Would that be 50.1 or 99.9 percent? I suspect your lack of specificity is because “over half” is probably closer to 50.1 percent. What were the reductions in the other, almost, half? The real difference between Nevada and the “most states [that] don’t even have” a manufacturing equipment tax is those states have a personal income tax—instead. Again, we don’t. Don’t get me started on how a new company coming to Nevada can avoid payment of taxes on manufacturing equipment while an existing company must at the same time pay that tax. A clear violation of Nevada’s constitution! If there’s going to be a tax holiday, it should be for a designated period of time and for all manufacturing companies to benefit, equally. Somehow, I doubt you ever mention that to our elected officials when you lobby them—which causes me to wonder who you really work for. Us? Or for the companies you convince to come here and price us out of the housing market?
Re “Latest straws in the wind” (Upfront, July 14): We reported that Nevada is one of two states with a male majoirty in its population. It turns out that, according to the 2010 census, there are 10 such states: Alaska, Wyoming, North Dakota, Nevada, Utah, Montana, Colorado, Idaho, Hawaii, and South Dakota,.
Eric Marks, Jessica Santina, Todd South, Brendan Trainor, Bruce Van Dyke, Allison Young Our Mission: To publish great newspapers that are successful and enduring. To create a quality work environment that encourages employees to grow professionally while respecting personal welfare. To have a positive impact on our communities and make them better places to live. Editor Brad Bynum News Editor Dennis Myers Special Projects Editor Jeri Chadwell-Singley Arts Editor Kris Vagner Calendar Editor Kelley Lang Contributors Amy Alkon, Kelsey Fitzgerald, Bob Grimm, Ashley Hennefer, Shelia Leslie,
Design Manager Lindsay Trop Art Directors Brian Breneman, Margaret Larkin Marketing/Publications Manager Serene Lusano Marketing/Publications Designer Sarah Hansel Production Coordinator Skyler Smith Designer Kyle Shine Senior Advertising Consultants Gina Odegard, Bev Savage Advertising Consultant Emily Litt
Distribution Director Greg Erwin Distribution Manager/Operations Coordinator Kelly Miller Distribution Assistant Denise Cairns Distribution Drivers Tracy Breeden, Alex Barskyy, Debbie Frenzi, Vicki Jewell, Patrick L’Angelle, Marty Lane, Marty Troye, Warren Tucker, Gary White, Dave Carroll, Denise Cairns President/CEO Jeff VonKaenel Director of Nuts & Bolts Deborah Redmond Marketing/Promotions/Facilities Manager Will Niespodzinski Executive Coordinator Jessica Takehara Business Manager Nicole Jackson Payroll/AP Wizard Miranda Dargitz Accounts Receivable Specialist Kortnee Angel
Sweetdeals Coordinator Courtney DeShields Nuts & Bolts Ninja Christina Wukmir Senior Support Tech Joe Kakacek Developer John Bisignano System Support Specialist Kalin Jenkins N&R Publications Editor Michelle Carl N&R Publications Writers Kate Gonzales, Anne Stokes Cover Design: Brian Breneman Cover Illustration: Jeff Rogers
405 Marsh Ave.,Third Floor, Reno, NV 89509 Phone (775) 324-4440 Fax (775) 324-2515 Website Got a News Tip? Fax (775) 324-2515 Calendar Events Want to Advertise? Fax (775) 324-2515 or Classified Fax (916) 498-7910 or Job Opportunities Want to Subscribe to RN&R?
Editorial Policies: Opinions expressed in rn&r are those of the authors and not of Chico Community Publishing, Inc. Contact the editor for permissions to reprint articles, cartoons, or other portions of the paper. rn&r is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or review materials. Email letters to rnrletters@ all letters received become the property of the publisher. We reserve the right to print letters in condensed form and to edit them for libel. Advertising Policies: all advertising is subject to the newspaper’s Standards of acceptance. The advertiser and not the newspaper assumes the responsibility for the truthful content of their advertising message. rn&r is printed at Sierra nevada media on recycled newsprint. Circulation of rn&r is verified by the Circulation Verification Council. rn&r is a member of CnPa, aan and aWn.
08.04.16 | RN&R | 3
Join us in honoring those that have supported our efforts to make justice accessible for all Nevadans Event Program Adver tising oppor tunities star ting at $100 Table Sponsorship star ting at $750 Par tnerships star ting at $1000 Deadline to reser ve your par ticipation level is: Thursday, August 25, 2016
For Additional Details contact Renee at (775) 334-3051
4 | RN&R | 08.04.16
Tell me about the best day of your life. aSKed aT reno pubLiC houSe, 33 SainT LawrenCe ave. Sar ah L aSheLLe Salon owner
When I saw my daughter’s face out of my body. It was January 17, 2011. I was next to my husband and a nurse, and she came out, and I was crying out of pain, and then I was crying out of love. And it was the best fucking day of my life.
robyn Myer Graphic designer
The best day of my life was when I moved across country to Tahoe. I always wanted to. I had an opportunity presented to me, and I just jumped on it. … I went home … quit my job, packed up all my shit, moved out here and it was literally the best decision I ever made. I met my husband. ... It literally changed my world. CaSe y SChuMaCher Clothing designer
b ri a nrb @ne w s re v i e w . c o m
Extreme RN&R makeover Notice anything different about the look of your paper? How about—everything? A few months ago, we decided to change the size and dimensions of RN&R (did you notice that?), so we figured it’d be a great time to give the old girl a makeover—sort of a late 21st birthday present. Brad—the guy who writes the editor’s note on page 3—and I came to the process with different but nonexclusive goals: I wanted to increase the size of the photos and make the whole paper easier to read, and Brad wanted to make sure that you wouldn’t be getting any less of the stuff that makes RN&R great, like Bob Grimm’s film reviews, Dennis Myers’s hard-hitting news writing, and our comprehensive entertainment listings. We thought a lot about what you might be looking for when you pick up the RN&R and did our best to make it easier for you to find and more enjoyable for you to read. Throughout the paper, we color-coded every section: yellow for the “front of the book” content like letters, Streetalk and the editor’s note; red for news and opinion; blue for Arts & Culture (the largest section of the paper—there’s a lot going on!); purple for the “back of the book” stuff like 15 Minutes and Bruce Van Dyke; and green for (duh) Green. We’ve also commissioned new portraits of our
regular columnists from freelance illustrator extraordinaire Jonathan Buck, whose work longtime readers might recognize from 2014’s Fatal Encounters series and more recently the Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton cover stories from earlier this year. A lot of the changes that I’m most excited about are in the Arts & Culture section. We’ve added an “info box” to all of our review content that collects everything you’d need to know—when is that restaurant open? Who’s in this movie? Where can I see that art show?—in one place that jumps right off the page. I’m also very happy with the revamp of the This Week section. There’s a huge amount of information there, and our goal was to clarify and simplify the presentation so that you can find something fun to do quickly and easily. There’s also a lot of small tweaks—nerdy things like gutter widths, white space and nested styles— that only a designer could love. Hope you like it! If you have any feedback, please email me at brianrb@newsreview.
How we got this way.
Brian Breneman is RN&R’s Art Director.
My favorite day was my 29th birthday, and I was whisked away by my best friend. I didn’t know where we were going. … She took me to Napa. ... We did some tastings. We found random-like tractors in the middle of vineyards and decided to have photo shoots. … We ordered a big fancy meal. CeSar Lope z State employee
I just really don’t know, because it’s like I’ve never really thought about the best day of my life. … When I have a really good day, or something awesome happens, it’s just awesome. … I feel like if you say, “This is the best day of your life.” Then what’s the rest of your days? Are they just mediocre days? K yLie rowe VP of relocation
I mean, basically, instead of giving you an answer, I’m processing my experience of trying to come up with the answer. … I start identifying all of these singular memories. … They all were important me in some way … but I’m not ready to tell you, “It’s my best day ever.”
08.04.16 | RN&R | 5
by Sheila leSlie
Political panorama in Philadelphia Lady Gaga, Carole King, Broadway stars, Alicia Keys, Paul Simon, Demi Lovato, Katy Perry. After the GOP last week the music was definitely better at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia last week. It wasn’t just the music. Delegates and speakers were delightfully diverse in characteristics of race, gender, sexual orientation, and even candidate preference. The convention deliberately and effectively showcased “real people”—non-politicians whose lives are affected by politics every day. Mothers who’ve lost children to gun violence. Families of police officers murdered for no reason. Struggling immigrant families with children forced to grow up far too quickly. The convention was lively and dramatic at times. Sure, there were lots of protests and far too much screaming. But there were also plenty of superb speeches from party superstars. And not one of them had to sound out the letters of LGBTQ like they were trying to read the bottom line of an eye chart as Donald Trump did in his convention speech.
6 | RN&R | 08.04.16
Michelle Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, and President Obama gave extraordinary speeches as if the necessity of defeating a madman provided their speechwriters extra incentive. These party luminaries inspired delegates and millions more watching at home in nightly “must-see TV.” There were Republicans on stage, explaining why they supported Clinton. The convention also featured a famous non-partisan, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a billionaire who destroyed the mythology surrounding Donald Trump’s prowess as a businessman in a calm, methodical manner, a calculated message aimed at the business sector and independent voters. He closed with a plea to elect a “sane and competent” president. Although Nevada’s elected Republicans were in short supply at their convention, the Democrats showcased a surprising number of Nevadans. On Monday night, little Karla Ortiz, born in Las Vegas, appeared with her undocumented mother, Francisca. She recounted her constant fear of coming home
from school one day to an empty house, her parents deported. Astrid Silva, an organizer for PLAN Action in Las Vegas and Nevada’s most famous DREAMer, told her story of crossing the border on a raft as a 4-year old, saying “My family believed so deeply in the promise of this country that we risked everything for the American dream.” Clark County Sen. Pat Spearman spoke of how far Nevada and the nation have come on LGBTQ rights. She pointed out the insistence of Gov. Mike Pence in passing a so-called Indiana “religious freedom” bill, saying he “used religion as a weapon to discriminate.” Nevada’s U.S. Senator Harry Reid blamed Republicans for the dubious gift of Donald Trump. On Thursday, U.S. House candidate Ruben Kihuen electrified the crowd, speaking directly in Spanish to Señor Trump: “Nosotros somos americanos.” Then there was the big speech by the Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton. She delivered it well, looking poised and
comfortable with herself, painting a clear picture of the choice in leadership before us. But the speech that captured my heart came from Khizr Khan, the Muslim father of a heroic fallen soldier, This immigrant father reminded us of our shared core values in the most dignified and powerful way, chastising Trump for “having sacrificed nothing” and offering to lend him his copy of the Constitution so he could review how loathsome his proposal to ban one religion truly is. While Republicans portrayed Democrats as being fractured and at war with each other, it was a message difficult to sustain as Bernie Sanders told the California delegation on day two: “It is easy to boo, but it is harder to look your kids in the face who would be living under a Donald Trump presidency.” Ω
To watch the Khizr Khan address, go to watch?v=uG0K_9RDeFE
by brendan Trainor
Look out behind you H.L. Mencken: “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.” Donald Trump is the first nonpolitician to be nominated for President by a major party since Wendell Willkie in 1940. But he wasn’t just nominated—he took over the Republican Party and is remaking it in his own image. He has completely thrown out former Sparks resident Karl Rove’s Southern strategy, which placed the Republican Party base in the socially conservative South. That strategy hasn’t worked, so Trump single handedly shifted the party’s focus to the socially liberal Northeast and economically ravaged Rust Belt Midwest. Libertarian billionaire Peter Theil, speaking at the Republican convention, announced that he is gay and proud, and declared that the transgender bathroom battles many conservatives love to indulge in—including here in Nevada—are
nothing but a distraction. The Republican Party has to show tolerance, or it will soon be irrelevant. Will Nevada’s conservative politicians take Theil’s words to heart, or will they continue to fight culture wars that doom the party’s future? The social conservatives and neocons managed to maintain control over the Republican Party platform, condemning pornography, refusing to endorse legal marijuana, gay marriage and sex ed in schools (except abstinence). Still, the platform is actually softer on these issues than in past years. The neocons, led largely by Ted Cruz supporters, for the first time did not endorse the two-state solution for the Israel-Palestinian mess in the platform. The platform even endorses the illegal West Bank settlements, baking Cruz’s and Sheldon Adelson’s “no daylight” between the U.S. and Israel policy into Republican dogma. The one foreign policy platform that Trump fought successfully against was the demand to send heavy arms to the Ukrainian government, which would only
inflame civil war in a country where the United States has no vital national interest. While the Republicans and the Hillary Clinton Democrats believe that Palestinians have no rights America needs to respect, the Democrats are revisiting the mistake they made in 2000 by ignoring the existence of the Second Amendment in their platform. Gun control cost them that election, and it could cost them this election as well. Hillary Clinton sees more government as the solution to the problem of violence in America, but Americans instead are buying more guns and learning how to use them. Gun control could cost Clinton Arkansas, as it cost Al Gore Tennessee. The Republican platform condemns safe spaces and political correctness on America’s campuses, but its candidate, while certainly not politically correct, has expressed disdain for the press and wants to censor the internet and expand libel laws. Clinton is just as bad. Clinton has a long record of attacking the First
Amendment and sees free speech as little more than an obstacle to be overcome rather than the pillar of the Bill of Rights. She is the first candidate who wants a constitutional amendment to keep Citizens who Unite from criticizing her! The collapse of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren into obeisance to Clinton has infuriated many Democrats, while many Republicans are defecting from Trump. Could it be that there is no longer a binary choice in politics, that the menu is no longer simply chicken or fish? If Libertarian Party nominee Gary Johnson can avoid sounding like Gary Busey, he may rise enough in the polls to qualify for the presidential debates. Green Party nominee Jill Stein threatens Clinton from the left. Will we finally have a historic, multi-generational political realignment? Ω
More on third parties:
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08.04.16 | RN&R | 7
by Dennis Myers
Reno City Manager Andrew Clinger, right, on a lobbying trip to the Nevada Legislature last year with Mayor Hillary Schieve.
Welcome to Nevada. Get screWed.
Workers pay a price for working in Reno—less pay. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported on July 27 that workers in the Reno metropolitan statistical area had an average (mean) hourly wage of $21.35 in May 2015, about 8 percent below the nationwide average of $23.23. That is the most recent month for which figures are complete. A BLS statement said that “after testing for statistical significance, wages in the [Reno] local area were lower than their respective national averages in 11 of the 22 major occupational groups, including management; computer and mathematical; and life, physical, and social science. Four groups had significantly higher wages than their respective national averages, including healthcare practitioners and technical; community and social service; and healthcare support.”
Pot tale of the Week In the Carson Valley Times, prohibitionist lawyer Jim Hartman was quoted on the initiative petition, ballot Question Two, that provides for regulation of marijuana: “It’s a 13-page initiative that was written by the marijuana industry,” Hartman was quoted as saying. “It protects the industry while doing a disservice to Nevadans. It never went through the legislative process. It hasn’t been vetted. It’s tremendously skewed toward the industry.” In fact, the initiative petition was submitted to the 2015 Nevada Legislature for exactly that purpose, to be vetted. The legislators passed up the chance. Under the law, the lawmakers can enact an initiative petition outright, eliminating the need to put it on the ballot, or they can draft an alternative version of the petition which would appear side-by-side on the ballot with the original version and the voters can take their pick. The legislators chose a third option—they more or less ignored the whole thing. Only one house dealt with it at all. The Assembly sent it to the Judiciary Committee, which took its time dealing with it, though it was waiting for the legislators on the first day of the legislature, Feb. 2. Not until March 9 did the committee have a hearing on it, at which committee chair Ira Hansen said, “Just so everyone knows, I intend to move both I.P. One and Initiative Petition Two out of committee without any recommendation to let them go to the leadership, and if the leadership wants to hold an actual vote on them, it will be a vote of the Committee of the Whole [the entire Assembly]. That is all I am doing with these.” (At that point marijuana was IP One and weapons background checks was IP Two. For unknown reasons, the numbers were switched by the secretary of state’s office when they went on the ballot.) Thereafter, it was mentioned once in the Legislative Operations and Elections Committee but otherwise was ignored and allowed to go on the ballot. The job of scrutinizing its policy implications or workability was never done. By turning the matter over to legislative leaders, the legislative fate of the petition was determined behind closed doors. The legislators—or their leaders—did not avail themselves of the opportunities to vet the petition or to draft a better version. The failure of the Assembly to act on the petition meant that the Senate never saw it.
—Dennis Myers
8 | RN&R | 08.04.16
Harassment charged City manager is target of new complaints sexual harassment charges by three unidentified women against Reno City Manager Andrew Clinger have intruded on regular city business as city councilmembers grapple with the sudden controversy. An Aug. 3 council session on housing issues has been canceled, and an Aug. 4 meeting on Clinger has been scheduled. The agenda item for the new meeting, posted Aug. 1, reads: “Discussion, consideration and potential action to authorize appointment of Special Counsel to manage an investigation into complaints of alleged misconduct by City Manager Andrew Clinger; and, if approved, delegate to Mayor Hillary Schieve the authority to select, contract with, and direct the Special Counsel, in an amount not to exceed $100,000. (For Possible Action).”
It was not explained why outside investigators were being sought instead of official investigators in offices such as the county district attorney or the state Bureau of Investigation, which would be less expensive. State law does not actually use the term “sexual harassment,” but the statute that covers the issue—Nevada Revised Statute 33.240—reads: “Acts that constitute harassment in workplace. Harassment in the workplace occurs when: 1. A person knowingly threatens to cause or commits an act that causes: (a) Bodily injury to the person or another person; (b) Damage to the property of another person; or (c) Substantial harm to the physical or mental health or safety of a person; 2. The threat is made or the act is committed
against an employer, an employee of the employer while the employee performs the employee’s duties of employment or a person present at the workplace of the employer; and 3. The threat would cause a reasonable person to fear that the threat will be carried out or the act would cause a reasonable person to feel terrorized, frightened, intimidated or harassed.” A message by Mayor Hillary Schieve was sent out on July 30: “I take these allegations very seriously, and I believe they must be investigated thoroughly and promptly for the sake of everyone involved. I have always said I believe in transparency, and I continue to be committed to that. So I will be calling a special meeting of the council to discuss this issue. I plan to propose an independent counsel to investigate these allegations. I caution everyone that peoples’ reputations are at stake here. So until the special meeting of the council is convened, I will not comment further so as not to influence the investigation and I urge others to do the same.”
earlier disPute The matter has been complicated by an open meeting complaint filed by the attorney for the three women with the Nevada attorney general’s office, which alleged that the law was violated when the council met with the city attorney about the case privately on July 20. It also argues the matter is being dealt with in a forum the city manager himself is in a position to influence. “The absence of city council oversight has the apparent purpose of preventing the allegations of misconduct from public exposure and protecting the city manager and the city from ‘public oversight’ which the Open Meeting Law is expressly designed to ensure,” wrote attorney William Peterson in the complaint. The Nevada open meeting handbook contains a section entitled “Non-meetings to confer with counsel” that says a quorum of a public body can meet with its lawyer without it being considered a public meeting. “In addition, the law specifically allows the members to deliberate, but not act, on information obtained from its counsel in the non-meeting,” it
Phone lookup
“People’s reputations are at stake here.”
reads. “The receipt of information from the walked in unannounced while my wife was attorney and deliberation may both occur there sitting on my lap and my wife stood in the non-meeting.” up.” It was never confirmed whether that Peterson objected to information being was, in fact, what Keating referenced in provided on the case to Clinger by the city the lawsuit. attorney’s office without the same material Keating’s attorney in that case was going to the three women. former Washoe County district attorney In 2008, when Clinger was state budget Cal Dunlap, who also represented Dawn director in the administration of Gov. Jim Gibbons, wife of Gov. Gibbons, in their Gibbons, Gibbons and Clinger were divorce case. both the target of a lawsuit by This week, Dunlap said he Mary Keating, an employee in was reluctant to talk about Clinger’s office. Gibbons the new Clinger case had been the subject because there is a chance of unfavorable news he may enter in in some coverage about his role When asked about text messages, and the Keating case, he Keating’s lawsuit said it is under a confiargued that she had dentiality agreement. been transferred to Asked if that means it Hillary Schieve a different post in was settled, he said, “It Reno mayor retaliation for a mistaken was resolved.” Asked conclusion that she had the difference between a leaked the text messages. settlement and a resolution, The suit also contended that he said some attorneys prefer Clinger wanted her removed because the term resolved over settled she complained “of his improper sexually because “settlement” can indicate a win or oriented conduct with his wife while on state the award of financial remuneration and premises” in March 2006 or thereabouts. thus give information that confidentiality No details were made available about the should not allow. Ω conduct Keating alleged, but Clinger at the time said it meant an occasion when his wife was sitting on his lap in his office. According to the Las Vegas Sun, Clinger said, “One of Mary Keating’s employees
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Workers tend cell phone antennae atop the Ponderosa Hotel in Reno, right, and work is underway on a cell phone mast along the expanded path of the McCarran/Pyramid interchange in Sparks.
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08.04.16 | RN&R | 9
k r isv @ ne wsr e v ie w.c o m
by Kris Vagner
ON sTANds 08.11
Stay cool UNR: new central temperature unit
“ Whiskey is for drinking. Water is for saving.” - Mark Twain? The truth is, to live here is to know that water is the most precious liquid we can pour into a glass or sprinkle on our lawns. You hold on to water, no matter if it’s a good year or a bad year. Water. Be responsible. Care about it, and only use what you need.
For wise words about smart water use, visit 10 | RN&R | 08.04.16
Last week when the temperature hit 103 degrees, it was still a nice and cool 70 to 75 degrees inside the buildings at the University of Nevada, Reno. That’s because large cooling systems on campus are connected to an underground grid so buildings can share cooling power. If each building depended solely on its own system, a few degrees of heat or cool would be sacrificed when the temperatures reached either extreme. This underground system includes a network of pipes, valves and pumps— and something John Sagebiel from UNR’s Department of Environmental Health & Safety called, “a lot of really sophisticated controls.” The network, largely underground, has been added onto any time there’s been construction on campus over the last several years so that future buildings can be connected to it. On July 14, the system got a new addition, a central cooling unit that’s expected to slash UNR’s energy bill. The new unit, which took up two lanes of freeway traffic as it arrived by truck with a police escort, was placed just east of the Ansari Business Building. The unit chills water, which is dispersed around campus to cool the buildings, by piping it through large tanks of R-134A refrigerant. “That’s the same stuff that’s probably in your car’s air conditioner,” said Sagebiel. This new equipment will allow for a fully centralized cooling system to go online soon, serving 23 buildings. After more buildings are renovated or
John sagebiel has high hopes for lower air conditioning bills now that Unr is about to connect campus-wide centralized air. PHOTO/KRIS VAGNER
built over the next few years, it should serve 28. Although this will be UNR’s first leap from shared cooling to centralized cooling, centralized heating has existed on campus since 1908. Sagebiel called these two underground systems part of “the invisible campus.” “I bet you could interview a thousand graduates of UNR, and maybe one of them has seen the inside of this thing or knows it’s here,” he said of the central heating facility, a nondescript brick structure also east of Ansari. “If we put up a big solar array, everybody’s going to come by and look at it. Nobody’s going to look at this.” Invisible as the system may be, experts predict it’ll yield some noticeable advantages. “By centralizing, you gain efficiency,” said Sagebiel. For example, UNR runs its centralized heat system using four boilers, the largest of them about the dimensions of an oversized dump truck. When the cold weather starts in the fall, it’s likely that only one of those boilers will be in use, and it’ll be running at full efficiency. That, said Sagebiel, is far more efficient than it would be to heat a couple of dozen buildings, each with its own boiler running at partial efficiency. According to campus Facilities Mechanical Engineer Candice George, the new cooling system is estimated to save around $334,000 annually in energy and around $11,000 in maintenance. In addition, buildings such as the new Pennington Student Achievement Center, which opened earlier this year, can be constructed without devoting square footage to boiler rooms and air conditioning systems, making way for a few hundred square feet of classroom and office space. Ω
©2016 SFNTC (3)
*Plus applicable sales tax Offer for two “1 for $2” Gift Certificates good for any Natural American Spirit cigarette product (excludes RYO pouches and 150g tins). Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer. Offer and website restricted to U.S. smokers 21 years of age and older. Limit one offer per person per 12 month period. Offer void in MA and where prohibited. Other restrictions may apply. Offer expires 06/30/17. Reno New and Review 08-04-16.indd 1
08.04.16 | RN&R | 11 6/29/16 11:33 AM
6LOYHU 6WDWH $UPV Buy * Sell * Trade Call 775-827-0303
Practice Emphasizing Criminal Defense
There are many firearms dealers to choose from. Northern Nevada's leading firearms specialist is Silver State Arms at 3020 Kietzke Lane, in Reno (at Gentry). This well known shop features one of the best selections of guns in the region and they're known for the best value. Stop in and browse. You'll see a fine assortment of famous name rifles, handguns and shotguns. Choose from well-known brands. Meet the staff, Dennis, Joe and Sharon. They'll help you with your selection and answer your questions. Visit them on the web at There's ammunition, too, in all calibers. Silver State Arms features a full line of accessories and supplies for hunting. The editors of this 2016 Consumer Business Review are proud to recommend Silver State Arms to our readers for the 7th time! We know you will be pleased with their quality products and services.
Arrested? Get Help Now!
CALL: 775-786-4188
Would you represent yourself if you became the defendant in a criminal matter? No, of course not! You'd retain an attorney. But, it's difficult to know whom to call, unless you know someone. We'd like to help! Criminal defense is not something you should consider lightly. You could spend significant periods of incarceration and large fines & assessment fees should you lose your case. Your personal freedom and your financial well-being are at stake when you are accused of a crime. David R. Houston is engaged in the practice of criminal defense. He knows the laws and knows how to properly prepare your case. Call 775-786-4188 today for a confidential consultation. Mr. Houston's office is located at 432 Court Street, in Reno and he is prepared to offer you aggressive & experienced legal representation which may make the difference in avoiding jail and large fines. The editors of this 2016 Consumer Business Review feel you owe it to yourself to have David R. Houston on your side and be on the winning team. We're proud to recommend him to our readers. When you can't afford to lose…you need the very best!
E.A. "Bo" Pollard
Dr. Sarasue Spielman
Highest Ranked Child Development Expert In The State of Nevada
Attorney & Counselor At Law Drunk Driving Defense Nevada And California Licensed
Award Winning Programs & Staff Reno's Most Affordable Quality Educational Childcare
Phone 775-884-9000
Nevada has the toughest DUI laws in the Nation. Those charged with a DUI are facing possible significant jail time and/or community service, mandatory loss or suspension of their driver's license, and costly fines and statutory assessments. "Bo" Pollard has more than 28 years of experience and has handled hundreds of DUI cases throughout Northwestern Nevada and Northern California. He has earned a reputation among his peers as an innovator in the field of DUI defense, and he approaches every case with the knowledge that the only battle that cannot be won is the battle that is not fought. Mr. Pollard understands that a DUI charge can turn your whole life upside down, so he will fight hard to preserve your driving privilege, your liberty, and your dignity. Call for a free consultation and speak with "Bo" personally about your case! Call 775-884-9000 or visit the office at 100 N. Arlington Avenue, in Reno. The editors of this 2016 Consumer Business Review are pleased to once again name as the DUI Defense Attorney of the Year, we recommend him to our readers! Email: This childhood program makes "A World of Difference" year after year. Their family atmosphere, personal attention, experienced staff, community involvement and affordability is the partnership you need to ensure your child's success. Custom curriculum generates new ideas that teach children to be creative, confident thinkers and lifelong learners! The Editorial staff of the "Consumer Business Review" is proud to present the 2016 Early Childhood Educator of the Year Award to A+ Learning Center for the 14th year! Celebrating 44 years of Educational Devotion
Jack's Café
Exquisite Chinese Cuisine
Delivery Available * Limited To Certain areas Open 7 Days * Banquet Facility
Great Food * Comfortable Dining
Phone 775-348-7020
Featured In Numerous Hollywood Movies
"If You Don't Know Jack's…You Don't Know Reno!"
Sparks 775-331-8184
Outstanding breakfasts, quick and satisfying lunches and man-sized dinners are what they serve at Jack's Café. Jack's Café is known as the local residents' favorite when it comes to great eating and down to earth prices! Jack's Café, located at 2200 Victorian Avenue in Sparks, strives to make everyone who comes in feel welcome! You'll always notice a smile and a friendly greeting when you stop in for coffee, a sandwich or a complete meal. It's become a favorite of locals and visitors, too. Families like the courteous service and outstanding food they specialize in. The management insists on spotlessly clean establishments, and it shows. In compiling this 2016 Consumer Business Review, the editors are pleased to, once again, recommend Jack's Café to all our readers.
For real Chinese food and great service, knowledgeable diners make it a point to stop in at China East Restaurant at 1086 S. Virginia Street, (near Vassar Street), in Reno. People always find their favorite Chinese dishes prepared in the traditional Cantonese, Mandarin and Szechuan styles. Whether you order egg foo yung, pepper steak, shrimp in lobster sauce, pork lo mein or anything else from the extensive menu, the skilled chefs always take great care to use the freshest ingredients, and follow the original recipes closely. China East Restaurant has a nice selection of meat, fowl and seafood dishes, all cooked to perfection. There's something for every member of the family. China East Restaurant is open 7 days a week for lunch and dinner, and they feature family dinners and weekday lunch specials. If you would rather eat at home, just call 348-7020 and your order will be packaged to take out. The editors of this 2016 Consumer Business Review, for the 21st consecutive year, recommend China East Restaurant. Dine'll return again and again!
Los Compadres
"Always The Finest In Mexican Dining"
4th Street: 775-786-9966 Foothill Road: 775-284-1301 Disc Drive In Sparks: 775-800-1822
Reno's Full Line Music Store Pianos * Keyboards * Guitars * Fretted Instruments Band And Orchestra Instruments * Music Lessons
Call 775-852-7618
"The Best Mexican Food In Town!" That's what you'll always find at Los Compadres! This outstanding Mexican restaurant features all of the traditional south of the border favorites cooked in the authentic manner. Bring the whole family for a truly great dinner. Los Compadres is located at 1490 E. 4th Street, in Reno. Visit their new locations at 25 Foothill Road in Reno and in Sparks at 1250 Disc Drive. Hearty combination dinners are available and your appetite is the only thing that will stand in your way! Select from great tasting main dishes such as handmade tamales and carne asada. You'll also want to try some nachos. How about the fantastic shrimp cocktail before the main course? Whatever you decide, you can be assured that you are getting some of the finest Mexican food anywhere throughout the Truckee Meadows! Don't worry about the hot's served on the side and you season your food to your own taste! Make plans now to stop in at Los Compadres and enjoy a real Mexican dinner. The editors of this 2016 Consumer Business Review, for the 13th time, recommend you soon become a regular customer at Los Compadres!
12 | RN&R | 08.04.16
Whether you are looking for a new or pre-owned piano or keyboard, you are sure to find the perfect fit for your home and décor, as well as your budget, at Carpenter's Music World. We feature such famous brand names as Steinway, Baldwin, Kawai, Mason & Hamlin and Wurlitzer, and we are exclusive, authorized dealers for the world famous Yamaha, Bluthner and Ritmuller Pianos, and also Yamaha Clavinova Keyboards. We also have a full line of new and used guitars, amplifiers PA systems and accessories, featuring such famous brand names as Gibson, Fender, Breedlove and Peavey. We are an exclusive dealer for Peavey Guitars, amplifiers and PA systems. Carpenter's Music World has provided 49 years of service to the community. Bring the appreciation and true enjoyment of music into your home with a new piano from northern Nevada's oldest and most reliable music center at 1090 Kietzke Lane in Reno.
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Larry E. Gilman, DDS Michael S. Gilman, DDS
"Get Your Pain Free Life Back" Dr. Bryan Hansen, Chiropractic Physician, Est. 2004 Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression & Deep Tissue Laser Therapy
Implant, Restorative & Cosmetic Dentistry 5220 Neil Road, Suite 210, Reno
Call (775) 826-7883 For Appointment
775-336-DISC (3472)
The family dental office that has cared for the oral health of Reno since 1978 wants you to know they can make your visit a pleasant and relaxing experience. Dr. Gilman and his team have taken a great deal of time and effort to make their office a friendly, fun and comfortable one. Everyone on staff shares a common goal of providing the best dental care, making it a relatively fun experience, and at a reasonable cost. They all know just how important your family's teeth are, not only for appearance, but also for general good health. The best way to keep your teeth and gums healthy is to have regular check-ups and good, professional dental care. Dr. Gilman can help your family keep their healthy, happy smiles. CALL TODAY FOR AN APPOINTMENT. The editors of this 2016 Consumer Business Review of leading professionals highly recommend Dr. Larry Gilman, DDS & Michael S. Gilman, DDS and their team to our readers. Since 2008, ProSpinal has been providing the community with one of the best alternatives to surgery. Their reputation for maintaining the "old-fashioned" business policies of trust, courtesy, and a personable staff has won them many new patients and solidified the faith of their existing patient base. A major factor in the pain free lifestyle of the Truckee Meadows, ProSpinal with Dr. Bryan Hansen has proven to be a valuable asset to the overall well-being of the community and, in particular, those in the community who depend on ProSpinal. This well-known community leader is located at 10635 Professional Circle, Suite B in Reno. Dr. Hansen has successfully treated patients suffering from disc herniations, disc bulges, degenerative disc disease, sciatica, and stenosis with tremendous unprecedented results. The editors of this 2016 Consumer Business Review recommend that you get to know Dr. Bryan Hansen and the team at ProSpinal. They have the modern method, proven and safe solution to chronic and severe back and neck pain! "Call Today For A Pain-Free Tomorrow"
Practice Emphasizing Criminal Defense
Arrested? Get Help Now!
CALL: 775-786-4188
With some of the finest facilities anywhere, Stone Valley Alzheimer's Special Care Center has become the preferred Alzheimer's special care center of many families throughout the community. The quality of care that the resident receives at Stone Valley is rated with the very best, located at 6155 Stone Valley Drive in Reno. Ideally suited for Dementia care services for residents, here's a care center where the resident can get the kind of attention and professional care that's needed by caring staff members. Here you'll find all of the things that make life worth living: good friends, light filled rooms with beautiful furnishings and outdoor courtyards, perfect for enjoying the fresh air. Personal attention and lots of love makes Stone Valley Alzheimer's Special Care Center in Reno a nice place to be as well. The editors of this 2016 Consumer Business Review recommend Stone Valley Alzheimer's Special Care Center in Reno to anyone needing the utmost in quality care for your loved ones!
Cornerstone Monuments
1681 Glendale Avenue Sparks, NV *Locally Owned & Operated for 28 years* Proudly Serving The Truckee Meadows Since 1988 As Microsoft Partner For Business And Home
Serving All Of Nevada, Lake Tahoe & Truckee 2768 Clapham Lane, Minden
* Serving All Faiths *
Phone 775-267-1958 Creating masterpieces in stone, granite and bronze is the full time job of Cornerstone Monuments, one of the regions most highly regarded monument makers. A beautiful final tribute when your family selects one of the many fine designs in granite, bronze or marble that this experienced craftsman has to offer. Cornerstone Monuments offers one of Northern Nevada's largest selections, and every stone has the touch of the master on it. Artistic quality and eternal beauty is what you find when you choose your monument from the outstanding collection available at Cornerstone Monuments. Cornerstone Monuments is always available to help you select the monument or marker, which best suits your needs and desires. Call for an appointment TODAY at 775-267-1958! The editors of this 2016 Consumer Business Review urge all Northern Nevada, Lake Tahoe and Truckee residents to make Cornerstone Monuments your choice when it comes to investing in an eternal tribute.
Specializing in designing custom servers, systems, networks as well as repairs, printer repair, parts, and service. The experience, training and the right products to assist any size business or home user in upgrading their present system, Technology Center offers the latest software, computers, peripherals and repairs. They can show you how to get the utmost use out of your system at prices you can afford; printer repair and service, along with computer repair and service. Competitive with the mass marketers such as department or chain stores, remember to buy local! It helps your local Truckee Meadows community, and you get the best quality with all the "right stuff", great service and support. The editors of this 2016 Consumer Business Review of leading businesses are proud to recommend Technology Center as your source for great value in technology. Stop in today!
1(9$'$ 9$&880
36 Years Family Owned With A 30,000 Sq. Ft. Showroom With 2 Floors The Finest Quality & Choice In Home & Office Furniture In Reno
Since 1955
"We Sell Vacuums!" Sales * Service * Repair Of Vacuum Cleaners
Would you represent yourself if you became the defendant in a criminal matter? No, of course not! You'd retain an attorney. But, it's difficult to know whom to call, unless you know someone. We'd like to help! Criminal defense is not something you should consider lightly. You could spend significant periods of incarceration and large fines & assessment fees should you lose your case. Your personal freedom and your financial well-being are at stake when you are accused of a crime. David R. Houston is engaged in the practice of criminal defense. He knows the laws and knows how to properly prepare your case. Call 775-786-4188 today for a confidential consultation. Mr. Houston's office is located at 432 Court Street, in Reno and he is prepared to offer you aggressive & experienced legal representation which may make the difference in avoiding jail and large fines. The editors of this 2016 Consumer Business Review feel you owe it to yourself to have David R. Houston on your side and be on the winning team. We're proud to recommend him to our readers. When you can't afford to lose…you need the very best!
Great Powerful Vacuum Cleaners Built With Long Lasting Quality
Stylish, made with quality and definitely unique! These are just a few words that could describe Forever Yours Fine Furniture the area's furniture specialist. With showroom at 701 E. 4th Street, in Reno, open Monday through Sunday, closed on Tuesday, this respected family owned furniture store deals in very special lines of home and office furniture. Their selection is one of the very finest to be found anywhere in the Truckee Meadows community, and they add their own "very special" service to every transaction. You'll like doing business with this quality minded store as much as you'll like their distinctive furniture! Forever Yours Fine Furniture specializes in real wood furniture, much of it made in America, from traditional to eclectic, with a great selection of rustic furniture. Custom designs are easy; choose the wood color and style for your home or office decor! The editors of this 2016 Consumer Business Review compliment Forever Yours Fine Furniture for their beautiful selection of quality and stylish home and office furnishings! Stop in today. You'll be a customer forever!
Nevada Vacuum, at 4966 S. Virginia Street in Reno, has built a reputation for dependable, courteous service on virtually all makes and models. Every year more and more people insist on and recommend Nevada Vacuum to their friends. Free diagnostic test of your vacuum: electrical, mechanical, and performance. They are a great warranty service center. If it can be repaired, they'll repair it. If it can't be repaired, they'll give you a great trade-in allowance on a new machine and let you test-drive your new vacuum for a night. You will find a complete line of bags, hoses, brushes, cords, belts and many other accessory items to help make your cleaning jobs go more easily. Something else people talk about "service with a smile" with a great showroom with over 100 vacuum cleaners on display. The editors of this 2016 Consumer Business Review of leading businesses in Truckee Meadows offer our full recommendation of Nevada Vacuum to all of our readers. You'll quickly learn to appreciate the fair and honest treatment you'll receive when you do business with Nevada Vacuum! "The right products to solve your cleaning needs."
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08.04.16 | RN&R | 13
Buying All Scrap Metal * Top Prices Paid Industrial Pick-Up & Containers Furnished Open To The Public * Drive Thru Service
Call: (775) 358-8880
Locally Owned & Operated Since 1972
RV * Boat * Car (Covered or Enclosed) Tall & Wide Doors
Buying of aluminum cans and scrap metals is the full time job of Western Metals Recycling. This established firm deals in all types, and pays top dollar for these commodities. Western Metals Recycling, at 1325 Hymer Avenue, in Sparks, will pay cash or check by the pound for recyclables of all types. They buy scrap metals including aluminum cans, copper, brass, steel insulated wire and more. By re-using these materials, we can prevent further dredging up of the Earth in order to obtain new raw materials and this is, of course, a big help to the ecology. You're doing a service to the ecology AND to your pocketbook when you make it a point to take all excess recyclables to Western Metals Recycling. They, in turn, sell materials to many places of business where they're converted back into useful products again. It's an excellent way to help the environment and the economy. If you have a business that discards a lot of scrap metals regularly, make the most of it by contacting Western Metals Recycling for regular pick-up. Visit them on the web at The editors of this 2016 Consumer Business Review strongly recommend Western Metals Recycling for their significant contribution to the ecology. It's Up To You!
16 Popular Sizes * 24-Hour Access
Call (775) 786-7850
It seems like "Self-Storage" facilities are everywhere. But, who has the most convenient, clean and secure storage units in the Truckee Meadows? Stor-All Self-Storage at 777 Panther Drive, in Reno has the perfect size from closet size to motor home size, for homeowners, military personnel, business people or anyone needing a clean, secure and weather tight storage unit. Rest easy, knowing your business files, equipment, car, RV, boat, household items and furniture are safely and securely stored away. Plenty of space is available to store your RV, car or boat and you can be sure your possessions are completely secure, with electronic gate access 24/7, digital video surveillance and fully fenced and lighted. The editors of this 2016 Consumer Business Review are pleased to recommend Stor-All Self-Storage to our readers as the community's favorite Self-Storage Facility, a secure place for your precious valuables!
Take Care Of Your Investment Paint Protection With Clear BraTM
"We Support Hot August Nights!" Complete Auto Repair
Paintless Dent Repair (PDR) * Detailing (Auto Spa)
Foreign & Domestic
Wheel/Rim Repair Specialist * Scratch Repair/Touchup
775-848-9651 * 775-901-DING (3464)
Phone 775-356-6439 Wouldn't it be nice to be able to take your car to just one place for all of your repair work? In the Truckee Meadows, there is such a place and we're talking about Blazing Wrenches! With facilities at 965 Glendale Avenue, in Sparks, Blazing Wrenches is one of the area's leading repair shops. Ask any one who's used their services, they'll tell you that this is the only stop you need to make on your way to worry-free driving! From a simple oil change to a complete engine overhaul, Blazing Wrenches has the equipment, parts and skill to repair or replace most any part that may malfunction. With years of glowing recommendations behind them, Blazing Wrenches has established the type of reputation that other shops may be envious of, but just cannot compete with in terms of service and quality. So, when you need anything done to your car, see the best...first. The editors of this 2016 Consumer Business Review for the 18th consecutive year recommend Blazing Wrenches as the only stop you'll need to make!
14 | RN&R | 08.04.16
What detracts more from the appearance and resale value of your car or truck than unsightly dents and scratches in the body? The time to have that dent repaired is RIGHT NOW before the exposed metal starts to rust and major damage begins. So for paintless dent repair and bumper repair see Dents And Dings today and they will give you the quality service you've been looking for. With years of experience behind them, Dents And Dings, at 2255 Glendale Avenue, Ste #1 in Sparks, is a shop that is always preferred by people who know quality…and for good reason! With the latest tools and techniques at their disposal. Clear BraTM, to protect your vehicle with a virtually invisible urethane paint film, defends your car from rocks, gravel, insects, and more. Dents And Dings is one shop that is fully equipped to turn out a perfect job time after time! The editors of this 2016 Consumer Business Review recommend YOU see the pros at Dents And Dings. Take care of your investment by preventing damage to the paint and preserving its showroom quality. Mobile Dents And Dings Repairs
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irst of all, big thanks to everybody who voted. Your time is valuable, and we appreciate it whenever you choose to spend it with us. We know you have better things to do, and we appreciate you postponing those things long enough to participate in our contest. Actually, scratch that. Maybe you don’t have better things to do. You love this town. We love this town. You love the whole region—from the beautiful Sierra Nevada to the kitschy old motel signs in downtown Reno, from the local restaurateurs who take themselves way too seriously to the local rock bands who take themselves way too seriously, from the Truckee’s silvery rills to the Virginia Range’s silvery hills, from the ski resorts to the Black Rock Desert, and from Tahoe to Pyramid—you love this place. And so do we.
17 Goods & Services That’s why we value this contest. It’s a chance to recognize all the people, places and things that make this community easy to love. It’s a chance to praise the barbers, the bartenders, the police officers, the artists, the bookstores, the banks, the parks and the teachers. And what really makes this community the best is that so many people here are willing to take the time to scroll through this sprawling contest in order to honor their friends and neighbors. And speaking of sprawl, for this year’s special featured section, we chose to focus on neighborhoods. As the population of Northern Nevada has continued to grow in recent years, many of the neighborhoods around the Truckee Meadows have devel-
oped new identities and unique characters. We explore the many things that make Northern Nevada’s neighborhoods the best. Every year, we ask a different local artist to make work for the contest results issue. This year, Jeff “Metal Jeff” Rogers, a talented dude who works in a variety of media, did fantastic work, creating a series of illustrations that look like science fiction book covers and that perfectly capture the spirit of each section of the contest. We’re proud to feature his work. And big, fireworks-exploding, champagne-popping, noisemaker-blowing congratulations to all the winners! Y’all have worked hard and played hard, and now it’s time to party hard. You’re the best.
16 | RN&R | 08.04.16
Best seeds to spread Rail City Garden Center 1720 Brierley Way, Sparks, 355-1551
Near Wild Island Family Adventure Park, this garden center offers a variety of plants that you won’t find in ornathe big box stores. Whether you’re into edible or orna mental plants, there’s something for every gardener. In a dry climate like ours, we need more drought-tolerant plants, and the nursery offers an impressive selection of plants for a xeriscape or rock garden—sedum, yucca, cactus, agave, agastache, salvia, even desert willow. Rail City also sells garden art, seeds, growing kits, and water garden plants and pond supplies, and offers tree care, landscaping and rock delivery services.
Best lesser known shelter Safe Embrace 780 E. Lincoln Way, Sparks, 322-3466
It began as a faith- and people-of-color-based domestic violence shelter program in Sparks, but the sheer size of the problem in the Truckee Meadows made that kind of specialization a problem. So now all are welcome. It is the lesser known of the local domestic battery programs, and it’s good to know that when the facilities of one program are full to overflowing, there’s another program, too. Need help? Call 322-3466. Pets can be accommodated like the rest of the family.
Best place to get pierced Black Hole Body Piercing
Best spa Dolce Vita Wellness Spa
Best thrift store Junkee Clothing Exchange & Antique Mall
912 S. Virginia St., 329-6010
16640 Wedge Parkway, 772-0032
960 S. Virginia St., 322-5865
Best new car dealership Bill Pearce Motors/Courtesy Honda
Best place for music lessons Bizarre Guitar and Guns
Best tanning salon Element Tanning
1401 S. Virginia St.
780 Kietzke Lane, 789-7999
2677 Oddie Blvd., 331-1001
3600 Warren Way, 829-8267
Best place to get a car repaired A Plus Collision Center
Best print shop International Minute Press
Best publication (that’s not us) Reno Tahoe Tonight Best place to buy a musical instrument Bizarre Guitar
Best place to buy vintage clothes Junkee Clothing Exchange & Antique Mall
6147 Lakeside Drive, 827-2777
2677 Oddie Blvd., 331-1001
677 S. Virginia St., 657-6192
Best wine shop Total Wine & More
Best antique store Junkee Clothing Exchange & Antique Mall
Best local non-casino business Bristlecone Holdings
1100 Gentry Way, 827-1003
1380 Greg St., 355-8866
Best pilates studio Evoke Fitness Training Complex
Best specialty ice cream store Icecycle Creamery
895 E. Patriot Blvd., 827-1995
Best optical shop Adlington Eye Center & Eyeglass Gallery 500 W. Plumb Lane, 284-3937
6671 S. Virginia St., 853-3669
960 S. Virginia St., 322-5865
960 S. Virginia St., 322-5865
Best women’s clothing boutique Culture Best motorcycle dealer, shop Chester’s Reno Harley-Davidson 2315 Market St., 329-2913
More readers’ pICks on paGe 19... 08.04.16 | RN&R | 17
18 | RN&R | 08.04.16
Jessica Schneider, owner of Junkee Clothing Exchange, poses with staff.
Best jewelry store BVW Jewelers
Best frame shop Fastframe
Best garden nursery Moana Lane Garden Center
35 Foothill Road, 622-9015
940 W. Moana Lane, 825-4499
1100 W. Moana Lane, 825-0600
Best outdoor outfitter REI 2225 Harvard Way, 828-9090
Best children’s clothing boutique Sippee’s
Best place to buy CDs or vinyl records Recycled Records
Best bank Wells Fargo
Best place to buy a firearm Bizarre Guitar 2677 Oddie Blvd., 685-4867
Best shoe selection Dillard’s 13933 S. Virginia St., 852-3080
Best wireless phone service coverage Verizon Best hair stylist Vicky Brown Best hotel for a romantic getaway Whitney Peak Hotel 255 N. Virginia St., 398-5400
Best veterinarian Southwest Veterinary Hospital 960 W. Moana Lane, 825-7984
Best independent bookstore Sundance Books & Music 121 California Ave., 786-1188
Best tattoo parlor A Toda Madre 1465 S. Wells Ave., 622-8173
Best independent used bookstore Grassroots Books 660 E. Grove St., 828-2665
Best independent coffee shop Purple Bean 1315 W. Seventh St., 787-2827
955 S. Virginia St., 329-2110
822 S. Virginia St., 826-4119
701 Kietzke Lane, 327 7960
Best independent hardware store Carter Bros Ace Hardware
Best independent grocery store Great Basin Community Food Co-op
1215 S. Virginia St., 337-1200
Best photography supply store Gordon’s Photo Service 5067 S. McCarran Blvd., 826-6488
Best place for photo prints Gordon’s Photo Service 5067 S. McCarran Blvd., 826-6488
Best men’s clothing store Macy’s 5100 Meadowood Mall Circle, 826-8333
Best video game store Cap’n Games 621 Pyramid Way, Sparks, 677-0311
Your college. Your future.
240 Court St., 324-6133
Best used car dealership Bill Pearce Motors 11555 S Virginia St., 826-2100
Best barber Vicky Brown Best gym Saint Mary’s Center for Health and Fitness
for your support & v o t e s e a c h y e a r.
We’re honored!
645 N. Arlington Ave., 770-3800
Best flower shop Sparks Florist 1001 Pyramid Way, Sparks, 358-8500
Best used clothing store Junkee Clothing Exchange 960 S. Virginia St., 322-5865
Breast Augmentation, Tummy Tuck, Liposuction, SmartLipo (laser liposuction), SculpSure (lazer cellulite removal), PicoSure for tattoo removal.
Best tattoo artist L’Bert
Best doggy day care Pet Play House
Best barber shop Maxwell’s Barbershop
A Toda Madre Tattoos
2403 E. Fourth St., 324-0202
555 S. Virginia St., 322-2466
Best bookstore Sundance Books & Music
Best pet boarding Pet Play House
121 California Ave., 786-1188
2403 E. Fourth St., 324-0202
Best carpet cleaning company Evergreen Carpet Care
Best public relations agency The Abbi Agency
Best athletic shoe selection Scheels All Sports
275 Hill St., 323-2977
1200 Scheels Drive, 331-2700
Best yoga studio The Studio
Best gadget store Scotland Yard Spy Shop
1085 S. Virginia St. 284-5545
1085 S. Virginia St., 323-3232
Best place to shoot firearms The desert Best hospital Renown Regional Medical Center
Best boutique clothing store Never Ender Boutique & Art Gallery
1155 Mill St., 982-4100
Best dry cleaners Fabric Care Specialist 900 W. Moana Lane, 827-1411
25 Saint Lawrence Ave., 348-9440
Best selection of local art Lasting Dose Tattoo & Art Collective 888 S. Virginia St., 324-0666
Best spectator sport Reno Aces Best mall The Summit 13925 S. Virginia St., 853-7800 Best home furnishings store RC Willey Home Furnishings
Best yoga instructor Angie Fraley Best pet supply store Scraps Dog Company
1201 Steamboat Pkwy., 337-4600
2225 Harvard Way, 828-9090
Best house cleaning service White Lotus 35 N. Edison Way, 856-2345
Best adult-themed store Suzie’s 195 Kietzke Lane, 786-8557
Best pet store Scraps Dog Company 7675 S. Virginia St., 853-3647
Best business Facebook page One Nevada Credit Union OneNevada
Best aesthetician Madison Holland Metamorphosis Salon and Day Spa
Best beauty salon Jensen & Co. Salon 495 Morrill Ave., 657-6576
7675 S. Virginia St., 853-3647
Best outdoor gear selection REI Best brothel Moonlite Bunny Ranch 69 Moonlight Road, Carson City, 246-9901
Best computer store Apple Store 13925 S. Virginia St., 333-5460
Best credit union Greater Nevada Credit Union 5150 Mae Anne Ave., 882-2060
Best specialty foods store Whole Foods Market 6139 S. Virginia St., 852-8023
Best place to get an auto smogged GK Smog Inspection 1960 E. Second St., 323-4524
Best car wash Buggy Bath Car Wash 2525 S. Virginia St., 826-6679
Best cheap liquor store Total Wine & More 6671 S. Virginia St., 853-3669
20 | RN&R | 08.04.16
990 S. Rock Blvd., 825-7569
Best event promoter Amplified Entertainment Best grocery store Trader Joe’s 5035 S. McCarran Blvd., 826-1621
Best head shop Art Dogs & Grace 218 Vassar St., 324-2787
Best newspaper Reno News & Review Best mortgage company Guild Mortgage 5390 Kietzke Lane, 200-0155
Best nail technician Shannon Ochoa Jensen & Co. Salon
Best place to buy playa garb Melting Pot World Emporium 1049 S. Virginia St., 322-9445
Best landscaping company Signature Landscapes 3705 Barron Way, 857-4333
Best wedding reception site The Grove 95 Foothill Road, 324-7683
Best local place to work Greater Nevada Credit Union 5150 Mae Anne Ave., 882-2060
Best new business Kit Kat Guest Ranch 51 Kit Kat Drive, Mound House, 246-5683
Best recording studio Tanglewood Production 125 Brinkby Ave., 688-6282
Best vape shop Knuckle Dusters Vape Shop 1100 E. Plumb Lane, 410-8462
Best workout wear selection Scheels All Sports 1200 Scheels Drive, 331-2700
on DInInG & Dessert Calafuria is an Italian Deli, Espresso Bar, and Livornese Bistro. Calafuria serves traditional dishes such as delicious Roman style “Pizza a taglio” and Fried Baccala “alla livornese”. It’s the perfect Italian Bar to meet friends after work for a light Aperitivo and some good wine, just to pique your appetite before dinner. When you crave something different but you don’t feel like cooking, come to Calafuria and you’ll find delicious food to-go, yummy desserts and great wines. Voilà, your dinner has been taken care of for you!
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Batch is committed to providing a unique bakery experience. Batch bakes like no other bakery! We bake organic, clean, pure, right from the oven to you! Batch uses only the finest, natural, organic ingredients, and products. We bake fresh from scratch every day! Batch uses coconut, olive, and canola oils for a heart healthy establishment. Our chocolate and vegan cupcakes are cholesterol-free. Even the most fitness oriented customers can enjoy our new Paleo Cupcake. It is made with organic coconut flour, almond flour, nuts and seeds. Eat like a “Caveman” your body will thank you! You can enjoy our products guilt-free!
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Best electric avenue Wells Avenue If you want to learn about the history of the Wells Avenue neighborhood, the person to talk with is realtor and historic preservation activist Barrie Lynn. She gives tours of the neighborhood for the Historic Reno Preservation Society during the summer months, and she can tell you all about the wonderful old homes that line the streets between Holcomb and Wells Avenues, and Ryland and Cheney Streets. Did you know that the Virginia and Truckee Railroad once ran on Holcomb Avenue, or that trolley cars used to run from downtown along Moran Street and Wells? Sure, the Wells Avenue neighborhood fell on hard times when people left for suburbia in the ’60s and ’70s, but it’s been making a comeback for more than a decade now. Historic preservationists and neighborhood residents worked to get the area designated a conservation district so the history and architecture there can be preserved. Go check it out. The businesses on Wells Avenue—from Spectre Records to La Milagrosa—are seriously cool. And you can drop into Speedy Burritos for pupusas and carnitas.
Best ’BurB Spanish Springs It may be suburbia, but Spanish Springs is actually a pretty nice place to live. It’s close to parks, schools and shopping centers, but it’s still far enough from the city to get a sense of open space (that is, before more housing developments fill up the valley). It can take 20 minutes or longer to get into town when traveling on Pyramid Highway—and it isn’t going to get much better until the Pyramid/McCarran intersection improvement project wraps up sometime in 2018—but the views of the valley, surrounding hills and the Pah Rah Range make the commute a little more
NEIGHBORHOODS Best neighborhood Old Southwest Reno
Best neighborhood for garage sales Old Southwest Reno
Best neighborhood for young professionals Midtown District
Best neighborhood for green living
Best neighborhood for historic homes
Best neighborhood for people watching
Midtown District
Old Southwest Reno
Downtown Reno
Best neighborhood for kids
Best neighborhood for new businesses
Old Southwest Reno
Best neighborhood for retirees
Midtown District
Sierra Canyon by Del Webb
Best neighborhood for parties
9185 Summertree Court
University of Nevada, Reno neighborhoods
Best neighborhood for trick or treating Old Southwest Reno
Best neighborhood to avoid Neil Road
Best neighborhood park Idlewild Park
08.04.16 | RN&R | 23
Best inspiration for a new category Angie & Levi Watson One of the new categories we added this year is “best power couple,” a category inspired by a few local couples we love, including Angie and Levi Watson. Angie’s business, Black Hole Body Piercing, has won “best place to get pierced” every time we’ve ever held this contest—a win streak more than two decades long. And Levi is such a popular teacher at Mount Rose K-8 that this year he won both best elementary school teacher and best middle school teacher. He’s also the singer of Fall Silent, one of the all-time great Reno bands, which recently started playing shows again after a long hiatus. And they’re two of the most genuine, caring and hilarious people you could hope to meet. Honestly, the fact that they’re there every year is one of the best things about our Best of Northern Nevada party.
Best courtroom quality control Mari Kay Bickett Locals are vaguely aware there are some national judicial organizations on the hill north of downtown but probably don’t see them as all that connected to their lives. Mari Kay Bickett stepped down July 31 from a fine tenure as director of the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, where she brought a local’s sensibilities—she was raised in Reno and graduated from Reno High and the University of Nevada, Reno—to the job. Sooner or later, she said, everyone walks into a courtroom, “So we should care about the quality of our courts and how they are run and how we’re treated. You want dignity in a courtroom, and you want due process, and that’s what healthy courts can deliver.”
PERSONALITIES reaDers’ picKs on page 27...
24 | RN&R | 08.04.16
This publication was supported by the Nevada State Division of Public and Behavioral Health through Grant Number 5U62PS003654-05 from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official view of the Division nor the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
08.04.16 | RN&R | 25
26 | RN&R | 08.04.16
Best volunteer Lynette Schweigert
Best dentist
Best family doctor Dennis Brown
“Most handsome” Dale Ennen works at Coach’s.
Best local politician
Tom G. de Bruin
Hillary Schieve
Best local actor/actress
Best local TV news anchor
Jef Derderian
Kristen Remington KTVN Channel 2
Best visual artist Alfyn Gestoso
Best local TV news hairstyle
Best interior designer
KTVN Channel 2
Kristen Remington
John Ludwig
Best real estate agent
Best go-go dancer
Cary DeMars
Adrienne Zaccone
Best muralist
Best chiropractor
Erik Burke
Karl V. Forsberg
Best midwife
Best local TV news
Lynn Anderson
KTVN Channel 2
Best public figure to fantasize about
David Wise
Chris Payne
Best local musician
Best music teacher
Canyon White
Ashley Monin
Best gynecologist
Best social networker
Best local athlete
Larry Klaich
Best attorney Tory D. Allen
Best barista A.J. Martin
Best local columnist Britton Griffith Douglass Reno Tahoe Tonight
Best plastic surgeon James E. Murphy
Best local filmmaker Jason Spencer
Best police officer John Mandagaran Reno Police Department
Best local radio DJ or DJ team Dead Air Dave 100.1 KTHX
Best model Ashley McDermaid
Chris Payne
Best pet groomer Caroline Johnson CJ’s Grooming
Best bartender Jayme Craig
Best elementary school teacher
Best local rapper
Mount Rose K-8
Tony Walker
Best college instructor Greg Nielsen University of Nevada, Reno
Best beard Chris Payne
Best creative writer Britton Griffith Douglass
Best doula Ashley Maas
Best high school teacher Josh Bronson Galena High School
Levi Watson
Best middle school teacher Levi Watson Mount Rose K-8
Best photographer Jeramie Lu
Best local comedian Drake Nelson
Best local songwriter Canyon White
Best minister/spiritual advisor Father Tony Vercellone Our Lady of the Snows
Best politician Hillary Schieve
Best power couple Britton Griffith Douglass & Samuel Douglass
Best principal Krissy Brown Mount Rose K-8
Best public relations professional Natasha Bourlin Biggest Little Group
Best massage therapist Sara Freschi
Most Beautiful Person Shanda Golden
Most handsome person Dale Ennen 08.04.16 | RN&R | 27
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08.04.16 â&#x20AC;&#x192; â&#x20AC;&#x192;|â&#x20AC;&#x192; â&#x20AC;&#x192;RN&R â&#x20AC;&#x192; |â&#x20AC;&#x192; â&#x20AC;&#x192;29
CASINOS & GAMBLING Best ge geM M hidden in a terrifying nightMare clown night Kokopelli’s Sushi at Circus Circus Reno 500 N. Sierra St., 329-0711
Is it possible for a restaurant in one of Reno’s biggest casinos to be described as a hidden gem? Well, considering that Kokopelli’s is a little buried, just a single bar in the back of a Mexican restaurant, it’s plausible. Add to that the fact that many locals avoid the casino floors because they’re dens of drunk tourists and horrible reminders of jobs had and lost decades ago, and yeah, it’s easy to see how this place has gone under-noticed. But Renoites love stuffing face with massive amounts of fish and rice. And Kokopelli’s deserves a mention in any conversation about the best all-you-can-eat sushi places in town. What this place does well isn’t so much the rolls, as the nigiri. At Kokopelli’s, the cuts of fish are fresh, large, pretty and flavorful, not the thin slivers of stink draped over snowballs of rice found at other AYCE joints.
Best casino Peppermill Resort Spa Casino 2707 S. Virginia St., 826-2121
Best casino arcade games Peppermill Resort Spa Casino 2707 S. Virginia St., 826-2121
Best casino band Decoy
Best sportsbook Peppermill Resort Spa Casino 2707 S. Virginia St., 826-2121
Best casino bartender
Best casino hotel
Best casino buffet
Jamie Adkisson
Peppermill Resort Spa Casino
Toucan Charlie’s
Atlantis, 3800 S. Virginia St., 825-4700
2707 S. Virginia St., 826-2121
Atlantis, 3800 S. Virginia St., 825-4700
Best casino spa
Best casino promotion
Peppermill Resort Spa Casino
Money Madness
Best casino for a romantic getaway
2707 S. Virginia St., 826-2121
Atlantis, 3800 S. Virginia St., 825-4700
Best casino carpet
Best casino color scheme
Peppermill Resort Spa Casino
Peppermill Resort Spa Casino
2707 S. Virginia St., 826-2121
2707 S. Virginia St., 826-2121
Best casino bar
Best casino security
Fireside Lounge
Peppermill Resort Spa Casino
Peppermill, 2707 S. Virginia St., 826-2121
2707 S. Virginia St., 826-2121
Best casino game dealer
Best casino wedding planning
Olivia Vasquez
Peppermill Resort Spa Casino
Grand Sierra Resort, 2500 E. Second St. 789-5399
30 | RN&R | 08.04.16
2707 S. Virginia St., 826-2121
Peppermill Resort Spa Casino 2707 S. Virginia St., 826-2121
Best customer service Peppermill Resort Spa Casino 2707 S. Virginia St., 826-2121
Best casino dance club Edge Nightclub Peppermill, 2707 S. Virginia St., 689-7444
Best place to cash your check Peppermill Resort Spa Casino 2707 S. Virginia St., 826-2121
Best players’ club reward casino Peppermill Resort Spa Casino 2707 S. Virginia St., 826-2121
Best casino restaurant Atlantis Steakhouse 3800 S. Virginia St., 825-4700
Best poker room Peppermill Resort Spa Casino 2707 S. Virginia St., 826-2121
Most eco-friendly casino Peppermill Resort Spa Casino 2707 S. Virginia St., 826-2121
08.04.16 | RN&R | 31
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32 | RN&R | 08.04.16
Best place to have an acid flash flashBack The Loving Cup 188 California Ave., 322-2480
Listen, we know that if some psychedelic kernel is dislodged in your brain, you’d prefer to be outside, way out in the desert or the forest somewhere. But, you never know what’s going to happen, and you might find yourself tripping out and trapped in town—and then where to go? The Loving Cup has you covered. Your mind propelling you back to 1972? Go admire Jaxon Northon’s realistic painting of Mick Jagger on the wall. But the hippies of the ’60s and ’70s don’t have a monopoly on drug flashbacks, much as they like to think they do. What if your brain sprawls back to 2004? The Loving Cup has the location—and vibe—of Satellite Lounge, unquestionably the coolest Reno bar in that era. But what if you’re just flashing back to a drug trip from last week? Well, that’s fine too. Take in that wild wallpaper and eclectic mix of music. Remember to breathe.
Best name for rememBering which street a Bar is on 3rd Street Bar 125 W. Third St., 323-5005
3rd Street Bar has been a favorite locals’ spot for almost a decade now. What makes 3rd Street great is the crowd that frequents it. The young and old all seem to flock to this spot. Throughout the week, you’ll find the recently 21 set mixing it up with retirees—dancing to music that ranges from blues to Latin to big band jazz. The owners, Mikkel and Tim, run a $3 happy hour from 5 to 7 p.m. and 1 to 3 a.m. Tuesday through Sunday. And Wednesday nights are reserved for open mic comedy.
NIGHTLIFE Best place to hear loud music
Best dance club
Best bar
Cargo Concert Hall
Edge Nightclub
Coach’s Grill & Sports Bar
Peppermill, 2707 S. Virginia St., 689-7444
1573 S. Virginia St., 329-2202
Best concert venue
Whitney Peak Hotel, 255 N. Virginia St., 398-5400
Cargo Concert Hall
Best dive bar
most romantic bar
Best happy hour
3rd Street Bar
Death & Taxes
125 W. Third St., 323-5005
26 Cheney St., 324-3287
Best trivia night
Best place to cure your hangover
Ceol Irish Pub
Coach’s Grill & Sports Bar
538 S. Virginia St., 329-5558
1573 S. Virginia St., 329-2202
Best place for a first date
Best place to watch monday night football
Whitney Peak Hotel, 255 N. Virginia St., 398-5400
Best place to watch movies
The Depot Craft Brewery Distillery 325 E. Fourth St., 737-4330
Foxy Olive
Galaxy Luxury + IMAX
220 Mill St., 997-3733
1170 Scheels Drive, Sparks, 313-0118
Best microbrewery
Best all-ages spot
Great Basin Brewing Company
Holland Project
846 Victorian Ave., Sparks, 355-7711
30 Cheney St., 742-1858
Best beer selection
Best karaoke
Craft Wine & Beer
The Point Night Club
22 Martin St., 622-4333
1601 S. Virginia St., 322-3001
Best bowling alley
Best place to buy sexy underwear
Grand Sierra Resort
Chocolate Walrus
2500 E. Second St., 789-2000
1278 S. Virginia St., 825-2267
Best gay hangout
Best place for live music
5 Star Saloon
Cargo Concert Hall Whitney Peak Hotel, 255 N. Virginia St., 398-5400
132 West St., 329-2878
Pignic Pub & Patio 235 Flint St., 376-1948
Best neighborhood bar 3rd Street Bar 125 W. Third St., 323-5005
Best comedy club 3rd Street Bar 125 W. Third St., 323-5005
Best place to have sex in public
Coach’s Grill & Sports Bar 1573 S. Virginia St., 329-2202
Best sports bar Coach’s Grill & Sports Bar 1573 S. Virginia St., 329-2202
Best strip club Men’s Club of Reno 270 N. Lake St., 786-7800
Sagebrush Ranch 51 Kit Kat Drive, Carson City, (888) 852-8144
08.04.16 | RN&R | 33
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34 | RN&R | 08.04.16
Best hike that’s not as good as it was a few weeks ago Hunter Creek Trail Even if you missed this spring’s epic wildflower show at Hunter Creek—it looked like Switzerland for a couple of weeks there— there’s no need to wallow in Fear Of Missing Out. In summer, the trail still boasts a lovely creek, and the narrow-ish canyon makes for afternoon shade. In fall, aspens paint the margins of the creek a luscious gold. Then there’s that waterfall almost three miles in. In winter, you can shed that FOMO altogether upon seeing a glorious, glistening, snowy, icy version of that waterfall. All this outdoor magic is just past a sign welcoming you to Mt. Rose Wilderness and still under 20 minutes from downtown Reno, thus earning it our coveted “Best of Both Worlds” award.
Best BaBy animals Andelin Family Farm 8100 Pyramid Way, Sparks
The farm dates back to the early 1900s, when the Gaspari family grew alfalfa and raised cattle on this land that lies among sagebrushcovered terrain and wetlands in the center of the Spanish Springs valley. It’s now owned by the Andelins. The family raises pigs, chickens and sheep, among other animals, and grows a variety of produce, including the squash and pumpkins which take center stage when the popular pumpkin patch and corn maze opens in October. Visitors can enjoy the changing of the season as they pick a bright orange gourd on a warm autumn day under a clear blue sky with the Sierra Nevada in the distance. The farm also offers its Baby Animal Days event in the spring, as well as a kids farm camp in summer and educational field trips throughout the year.
Best local hot springs Best bicycle-ride destination Truckee River
Best place to swim Lake Tahoe
Best spot to hike Mount Rose
Best place to ride a personal watercraft
Carson Hot Springs
Best picnic spot Rancho San Rafael Regional Park
1500 Old Hot Springs Road, Carson City, 885-8844
Best street for biking
Best snowboarding
Best golf course
Mt. Rose Ski Tahoe
LakeRidge Golf Course
22222 Mt. Rose Highway, 8490704
Best spot to run around naked Burning Man
Mayberry Drive
1218 Golf Club Drive, 825-2200
Best spot to smooch under the stars Windy Hill
08.04.16 | RN&R | 35
36 | RN&R | 08.04.16
Best omnivore’s dilemma Great Full Gardens 555 S. Virginia St., 324-2013
This place is pretty much a shoo-in for things like “best vegan” and “best vegetarian.” But if you’re thinking of it strictly in those terms, you’ve got it all wrong. Great Full Gardens has plenty to offer for the carnivores among us, too. It’s also a good place to put your picky eating preconceptions aside. If the thought of a warm kale salad sounds about as appealing to you as a side of fresh Styrofoam, you might be doing your tastebuds a disservice by sticking to your guns on this one. Who would have thought that warm kale would stay pleasantly crisp? Well, it totally does. Plus, when you order takeout, the staff members will write sweet, encouraging notes on the top of your to-go containers.
Best place to eat pork shepherd’s style Mi Ranchito 500 Denslowe Drive, 337-8411
It’s impossible to distill Reno’s best Mexican food down to a single choice—not surprising, considering that about a quarter of our burg is Latino. We’ve got good spots for Mexican seafood, Mexican breakfast, traditional Mexican cuisine, gourmet Mexican fusion, and of course cheap and delicious taquerias. Need to take your in-laws out to a gringo-friendly Tex-Mex “Mexican” restaurant? Well, we’ve actually got some really good places for that too. Mexican food in the valley is so eclectic that the best destination differs on what dish you want. The best place for chicken mole is not the same as the best place for fish tacos. Now, case in point: You want al pastor—grilled and marinated pork cooked in the style of lamb, probably inspired by Lebanese shepherds who immigrated to Central Mexico? (Al pastor means “in the style of the shepherd.”) That one is easy. You’ve got to go to Mi Ranchito. Thank us later.
Best local holiday Booze Francovich Egg Nog It’s not something to worry about for five months yet, but if “buy local” applies to booze in your consumer ethic, consider Francovich Egg Nog. Each winter for more than a century, this locally formulated, family-recipe nog has appeared, originally made by the Francoviches to be given away to friends and, in more recent decades, to be sold in local stores. It originated in the Wine House, opened in 1874 by Eli Francovich, eventually occupying 16-18 Commercial Row, then Reno’s main street. Watch for it in grocery stores when the holidays arrive.
readers’ picks on paGe 38... 08.04.16 | RN&R | 37
We’re Humbled by Your Support, Year After Year. Thank you for your votes!
Best Carson restaurant
Best business lunch
Best French restaurant
Adele’s Restaurant and Lounge
Mario’s Portofino Ristorante Italiano
Beaujolais Bistro
1112 N. Carson St., 882-3353
1505 S. Virginia St., 825-7779
753 Riverside Drive, 323-2227
Best ambience
Best catering company
Best fresh bread
Two Chicks
Collaborative Catering
House of Bread
752 S. Virginia St., 323-0600
615 Spice Island Drive, Sparks, 830-5323
1185 California Ave., 322-0773
Best cheap eats
Yogurt Beach
Best Bloody Mary Two Chicks 752 S. Virginia St., 323-0600
Best breakfast Clary’s Bar & Grill
Open for Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner, 6 days a week
2780 S. Virginia St., 823-9444
Best brunch 09
09 10
12 10
09 10 10
09 10
12 10
1210 1109
09 11 10
Two Chicks
10 12 11
752 S. Virginia St., 323-0600
11 12
1109 10 12
1110 12
Best new restaurant
11 10 09
10 09
1112 North Carson ’12Street, Carson City • 775.882.3353 • Reservations Recommended 09 10 09
516 S. Virginia St., 686-6969 15
Best outdoor dining
Wild River Grille 15
17 S. Virginia St., 284-7455
Best pizza parlor
Noble Pie Parlor 10 10 09
10 09
10 10 12
10 12
239 W. Second St., 622-9222
Best local beer Red Rye Lager Pigeon Head Brewery
Try Reiki
For $30 an Hour EXPERIENCE THE JAPANESE TECHNIQUE IN A PROFESSIONAL OFFICE ENVIRONMENT Reduce Pain, Stress, Anxiety and Fatigue, Improve Sleep-Strengthen Overall Well Being Now offeriNg: Adult and Child Reiki Sessions – Distance Reiki Other Healing Modalities Incorporated Call Now aNd start the healiNg!
Reiki House
Michael Hovenic R.M.T. 305 W Moana Lane Suite B-3 Reno, NV
38 | RN&R | 08.04.16
Best place to eat when drunk
Jox 3652 S. Virginia St., 827-6688
Best chef Carlos Douriet, Mario’s Portofino
Best chicken wings Jox 3652 S. Virginia St., 827-6688
Best Chinese Palais De Jade Fine Chinese Cuisine 960 W. Moana Lane, 827-5233
Best food truck Nom Eats
Best frozen yogurt 3882 Mayberry Drive, 787-2024
Best gluten-free dining Great Full Gardens 555 S. Virginia St., 324-2013
Best barbecue restaurant Famous Dave’s BBQ 4925 Kietzke Lane, 826-7427
Best greasy spoon Gold-N-Silver Inn 790 W. Fourth St., 323-2696
Best hot dog
Sinbad’s Hot Dogs of Nevada
Best coffee
418 N McCarran Blvd., Sparks, 331-4762
The Hub Coffee Co. 727 Riverside Drive, 323-1911
Best Indian
Best cooking school
1091 S. Virginia St., 348-6222
Nothing to It! Culinary Center
India Kabab & Curry
225 Crummer Lane, 826-2628
Best coffee roaster
Best dessert
727 Riverside Drive, 453-1911
Hub Coffee Roasters
Reno Nugget
50 N. Sierra St., 737-9555
Best Italian
233 N. Virginia St., 323-0716
Best salad bar
1505 S. Virginia St., 825-7779
Best produce
Whole Foods Market
Great Basin Community Food Co-op
6139 S. Virginia St., 852-8023
Best Japanese
240 Court St., 324-6133
Best doughnuts/pastries
206 N. Virginia St. 323-5550
Best Reno restaurant
Doughboy’s Donuts
Mario’s Portofino Ristorante Italiano
57 Damonte Ranch Pkwy., 853-6844
Best juice
1505 S. Virginia St., 825-7779
Best fine dining
50 S. Virginia St., 384-3468
Best burger
Beaujolais Bistro
Awful Awful at the Nugget
753 Riverside Drive, 323-2227
233 N. Virginia St., 323-0716
Best French fries Jox 3652 S. Virginia St., 827-6688
Mario’s Portofino Ristorante Italiano
Best appetizers Bunny Ranch Bar 10025 US Hwy 50 E., Mound House, 246-4477
K I A | L E X U S | M A Z DA | T OYO TA
08.04.16 | RN&R | 39
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Brother and sister Bhupinder Singh and Gurdip Kaur, along with her husband, Bishan Singh (not shown), own India Kabab & Curry.
Best bagel
Best martini
Truckee Bagel Company
538 S. Virginia St., 420-5903
Eldorado, 345 N. Virginia St., 785-9066
Best Greek Niko’s Greek Kitchen 148 West St., 284-3678
Best bakery Rounds Bakery 294 E Moana Lane, 329-0800
Best Basque Louis’ Basque Corner Restaurant 301 E. Fourth St., 323-7203
Best late-night dining Golden Flower Vietnamese Restaurant 205 W. Fifth St., 323-1628
Best Margarita Si Amigos 1553 S. Virginia St., 348-1445
Best Mexican Si Amigos 1553 S. Virginia St., 348-1445
UPCoMInG SHoWs FrIDAY AUGUsT 12 THrOUgH SUnDAY AUGUsT 14 IJ #/M!4O0)! IJ 4(E "R/T(%R3 #/M!4O3E
Best vegan Great Full Gardens 555 S. Virginia St., 324-2013
Best milk shake Scoopers 1356 Prater Way, Sparks, 331-6221
Best Vietnamese
&R)$!9 3E0T%M"E2 4(R/5G( 35N$!9 3E0T%M"E2 IJ #!-P 7!++! #()++! IJ KARl DEnSoN’S TInY UNIVeRsE THe MotEt SUnDAY NIgHT SHoW WITH El MeTAtE
Golden Flower Restaurant 205 W. Fifth St., 323-1628
4(5R3$!9 IJ 3E0T%M"E2
Best Virginia City restaurant
(((FoLKYeAH!))) PrEseNtS
BrEtT DeNnEn
Café Del Rio 394 S. C St., Virginia City, 847-5151
Red Dog Saloon 76 N. C Street, Virginia City, 847-7474
08.04.16 | RN&R | 41
thank you northern nevada!
FIRE UP. First brewed in 1993, Cerveza Chilebeso is one of the first and most award-winning chile beers out there. Handcrafted with a crisp and clean malt profile finished by an alluring “beso” (kiss) of fresh Jalapeño peppers. Enjoy this seasonal craft beer from Nevada's oldest and most award-winning brewery.
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42 | RN&R | 08.04.16
Best seafood Rapscallion Seafood House & Bar 1555 S. Wells Ave., 323-1211
Best smoothie RAWBRY 50 S. Virginia St., 384-3468
Most romantic restaurant Beaujolais Bistro 753 Riverside Drive, 323-2227
Best solo dining Two Chicks 752 S. Virginia St., 323-0600
Best soups Süp 669 S. Virginia St., 324-4787
Best steak Harrah Steakhouse 219 N. Virginia St., 788-2929
Best Tahoe restaurant
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Gar Woods Grill & Pier 5000 N. Lake Blvd., Carnelian Bay, (530) 546-3366
Family owned and serving Northern Nevada for over 50 years!!
Best restaurant worth the long wait Two Chicks 752 S. Virginia St., 323-0600 Bill Gilbert is the owner of Beaujolais Bistro.
Bangkok Cuisine 55 Mt. Rose St., 322-0299
Best whiskey/bourbon/ Scotch selection
Best restaurant view
Best Truckee restaurant
Chapel Tavern
La Vecchia
Moody’s Bistro, Bar & Beats
3005 Skyline Blvd., 825-1113
10007 Bridge St., Truckee, California, (530) 587-8688
1099 S. Virginia St., 324-2244
Best wine bar Whispering Vine Wine Co. 85 Foothill Road, 622-8080
Best Sparks restaurant Great Basin Brewing Company
Best salad Great Full Gardens 555 S. Virginia St., 324-2013
Best sandwich shop Deli Towne USA
90% UV Blocking Solar Shade
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Best vegetarian Great Full Gardens 555 S. Virginia St., 324-2013
Best sushi
3650 Lakeside Drive, 826-4466
Hiroba Sushi
846 Victorian Ave., Sparks, 355-7711
Best wine list
3005 Skyline Blvd., 829-2788
Best server
Beaujolais Bistro
Jayme Craig-Broome
753 Riverside Drive, 323-2227
Coach’s Grill & Sports Bar, 1573 S. Virginia St., 329-2202
Sea Cloud Raft 2, 3, & 4-Person Sea
per running foot 1675 E. 4th St. Reno. NV 89512 Mon-Sat 9:00am - 6:00pm Sunday 10:00am - 4:00pm (775) 323-5630 08.04.16 | RN&R | 43
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Best place For a love-skate relationship
Best unpaved place
Roller Kingdom Family Fun Center
Reno has a long list of cool amenities for kids, but the reigning champion is our Own Back Yard. No! Not the RN&R’s parking lot! We mean the accessible public land and open space you’ll find if you just drive in any direction until the pavement ends, which is usually only a few miles. Watch the sunset from Rattlesnake Mountain. Take an easy break from South Reno shopping in Huffaker Hills. Swim in the Truckee River in Lockwood (or a dozen other great spots). Catch a moonrise from Peavine’s foothills, or, for maximum view and practically zero elevation gain, stroll along the winding Steamboat Ditch Trail. These are the backdrops for some of the best kinds of quality family time we can think of. And you don’t even need a map. Just look up from wherever you are now, pick a hill, drive to it, and marvel in the privilege that is raising kids in a small city nestled between the Sierra Nevada and the Great Basin.
515 E. Seventh St.
Many kids who grew up in the 1980s probably spent many a weekend or summer break at the local roller skating rink. Remember the girls with the feathered hair and the big comb in the back pocket of their Jordache jeans, or the skating wiz who always had to show off his fancy moves? You can revisit your roller king/queen days of yore at Roller Kingdom, which has been attracting a new generation of young people to its rink. These days, you’re more likely to hear Taylor Swift than Journey playing overhead, but you’ll still see giggling pre-teen girls forming human chains and youngsters taking their first wobbly strides on the floor among the more experienced skaters. The skating rink offers open skating hours Wednesday through Sunday, as well as skating lessons and theme nights, including a monthly ’80s night and an adult night on Sundays.
Best arcade games Game Lab at Peppermill Resort Spa Casino 2707 S. Virginia St., (866) 821-9996
Best weekend activity Great Reno Balloon Race
Best local library Downtown Reno Library 301 S. Center St., 327-8300
Best weeknight activity Food Truck Friday
Our back yard
Best charter school
Best park
Best place to take the kids
Coral Academy of Science Charter School
Rancho San Rafael Regional Park
Terry Lee Wells Nevada Discovery Museum
1701 Valley Road, 322-1328
1595 N. Sierra St., 785-4512
490 S Center St., 786-1000
Best family outing
Best picnic spot
Best toy store
Lake Tahoe Terry Lee Wells Nevada Discovery Museum
Rancho San Rafael Regional Park
Toys “R” Us
1595 N. Sierra St., 785-4512
5000 Smithridge Drive, 827-8697
Best high school
Best place to introduce kids to nature
Best thing to do on a Friday night
Reno High School
Lake Tahoe
Food Truck Friday
490 S. Center St., 786-1000
395 Booth St., 333-5050
Best middle school B. D. Billinghurst Middle School 6685 Chesterfield Lane, 746-5870
Best elementary school Mount Rose K-8 Academy of Languages 915 Lander St., 333-5030
Idlewild Park
Most kid-friendly restaurant Red Robin Gourmet Burgers 4999 Kietzke Lane, 825-7246
Idlewild Park
08.04.16 | RN&R | 45
“Digiprint not only gets my printing done right and on time, but their staff treats me like family. I can’t imagine using anyone else.” –Suzanne, Sparks Florist Inc.
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11 09
This guy saves you money.
CULTURE Best green event
Best art gallery Nevada Museum of Art 160 W. Liberty St., 329-3333
Earth Day
Downtown Riverwalk
Best dance instructor Lesa Dusich
Best charity race or walk
Best church
Best radio station
Moms on the Run
Our Lady of the Snows Catholic Church
100.1 KTHX
1138 Wright St, 323-6894
Best local theater company
Best local dance company
Brüka Theatre
Reno Dance Company
Best local band Mojo Green
Best local band album Greg Golden Band by Greg Golden Band
Best nonprofit group Moments of Memory 2346 Palmer Court, 848-4757
Best day trip Lake Tahoe
Best mural
Best independent art gallery The Holland Project
Best local farm
Best reason to live in reno
Urban Roots 3001 W. Fourth St., 636-5105
The weather/seasons/climate
Best kept secret
Oliver X, KNEZ
Best talk show host
One Nevada Credit Union 1296 E. Plumb Lane, 827-3880
Best place to meet gay singles
Most environmentally conscious company
132 West St., 329-2878
We know, it doesn’t quite sound right to say, “Drive all the way to Fallon for the most memorable night on the town you’ll have all season.” But here’s how it works: Two Churchill Arts Council reps travel to a global performing arts conference in New York each winter, where they connect with acts you’ve never heard of from afar and acts you have heard of but can’t believe you’ll see on the bill in a town of 8,000. Come show date, you arrive in Fallon in the afternoon, shoot the breeze with the artist or musician over a cold draught beer during a Q+A in this artfully remodeled 1910 school building, disperse for dinner at one of a few recommended nearby eateries, reconvene for the show in what looks like a European concert hall, and during intermission stroll the galleries to check out some of the most tasteful yet adventuresome visual artwork of the contemporary West.
Great Basin Community Food Co-op
Best comedy troupe
2000 Del Monte Lane, 851-5185
The Utility Players
240 Court St., 324-6133
Best local instagram account
Best dog park
Amplified Entertainment
Best 4th of July fireworks John Ascuaga’s Nugget 1100 Nugget Ave., Sparks, 356-3300
Open Spike Night at Pignic Pub & Patio 235 Flint St., 376-1948
Best green store
1595 N. Sierra St., 785-4512
Best open mic
140 Vesta St., 742-1858
151 E. Park St., Fallon
Rancho San Rafael Regional Park
Downtown Riverwalk
Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful
Oats Park Arts Center
Best place to people watch Best local website
99 N. Virginia St., 323-3221
“Blueprint of a Mother” by Erik Burke
Best counterintuitive cultural attraction
Best non-casino thing to do downtown
Best animal shelter Nevada Humane Society 2825 Longley Lane, 856-2000
Best monthly event Wine Walk
5 Star Saloon
Best special event at lake tahoe Lake Tahoe Shakespeare Festival
Best special event in virginia city International Camel and Ostrich Races
Best special event in downtown sparks Best-in-the-West Nugget Rib Cook-off
Best special event in downtown reno Artown
Best public art “Believe” sculpture in Reno City Plaza
08.04.16 | RN&R | 47
Nomads no more After 15 years of borrowing rehearsal space, Sierra Nevada Ballet has a permanent home—and has already expanded to fill it
n a small, nondescript shopping center on the corner of South McCarran Boulevard and Longley Lane, there is a space that has been transformed into a dream come true. As of June 1, it’s the new home of the Sierra Nevada Ballet and the first space that is truly its own. From the outside, it’s unremarkable but, inside, everything is fresh and new. The first room to the left of the lightfilled lobby is a spacious, mirrored studio with a recently constructed sprung floor. Farther down the hall is another, smaller studio space and dressing rooms with showers. The whole facility is outfitted specifically for dancers. “It had to have the right ambiance,” said Rosine Bena, the company’s artistic director. “The windows and the airy, light feeling. I really loved it. The atmosphere of the studio is really important.” She said the space just felt right, like coming home. The new space houses the Sierra Nevada Ballet Company and the Sierra Nevada Ballet Academy. “They have been begging, borrowing and stealing space for the past 15 years, and now they
have their own,” said SNB board member Tom Clark, explaining how monumental this is for the organization. The Sierra Nevada Ballet was officially established in 2001, growing out of the Reno Ballet, which went on hiatus in the late ’90s. Rosine Bena, who was living in the Bay Area at the time, was invited to direct the Reno Ballet from 1995-96 and fell in love with the area. She comes from a family of dancers— her parents were both dancers and had started a company and a ballet school in the Bay Area, Peninsula Ballet Theatre. Bena had a 28-year stage career as a professional ballerina, dancing in productions such as Swan Lake and The Nutcracker with the Stuttgart Ballet and the Washington Ballet. Bena helped her parents with their dance company, danced for Peninsula Ballet Theatre, and eventually became director of the ballet school. When she married a man living in Nevada and moved to Reno, she became director of ballet at Western Nevada Performing Arts Center in Carson City. She quickly realized that there was nothing for the students to look to.
48 | RN&R | 08.04.16
“There were very few ballet companies that came to this area,” said Bena. “So, my mother said, ‘You need to start a professional ballet company so that [your students] have something to look at.’ That was our inspiration to start Sierra Nevada Ballet.” In the beginning, SNB provided an apprentice program and a trainee program for 12- to 24-year-olds. The program was so successful—even producing a number of professional dancers—that the board decided to start a program for younger dancers. Thus the Sierra Nevada Ballet Academy was established in 2013, which was housed in Fascinating Rhythm School of Performing Arts—until now.
RooM to GRow As the Academy began to gain momentum there was no room to expand since it was renting space in an already established performing arts school that had its own classes. “The board elected to find our own home, which is a very big
step for us,” Bena said. “As far as the academy goes, we are able to expand, to do more classes. The only way we could think of to do that was to have our own space where we could actually offer somebody a professional training to be a professional ballet dancer. You can’t do that without your own space.” SNB’s new home will also allow for freedom in scheduling classes or adding in an extra rehearsal and the ability to rehearse in costume without having to move equipment back and forth. Plans are in the works to start a youth group to feature the younger dancers and a program for older adults interested in exercising, based on a popular class Bena taught in the Bay Area. Already, SNB has filled out its academy schedule with offerings including pilates, classical and musical theater, mime and ballet, both traditional and contemporary. “In today’s ballet world you have to be able to do all kinds of things,” Bena said enthusiastically, explaining a new class called Modern Hip-Hop that combines ballet, modern, and hip-hop style dancing taught by Alex Kaskie. It’s a class that challenges the dancers
to try something new but that relates to what they are learning in other areas. SNB stages five or more individual productions per year, including a spring concert made up of new works, a summer event performed in Reno and at the Lake Tahoe Shakespeare Festival, and a piece for Artown’s Dancing by the River series. The company performs in various venues including the Pioneer Center, Brewery Arts Center in Carson City, and Oats Park Arts Center in Fallon. SNB also intends to start touring more in rural Nevada. The goal is to eventually have a professional company with fully paid dancers for 10 months out of the year. One of the company’s most popular performances is the annual Peanutcracker, a version of The Nutcracker condensed into 45 minutes for young children. This production reaches over 4,000 children in the area, and SNB offers reduced ticket prices for children and buses students from at-risk schools. Carlee Bertero saw the Peanutcracker ballet in
kindergarten and decided she wanted to be a ballet dancer. She auditioned for and got into the SNB apprentice program and eventually danced in Peanutcracker herself. “I just moved up to the company this year,” said Bertero who also started teaching at the academy a year ago. “Ballet has really opened up a lot of doors for me. Sierra Nevada Ballet has given me so many opportunities, whether it’s dancing or working with children. It’s everything I dreamed it would be.” SNB’s current production is a new version of Cinderella. There are thousands of versions of the story, the first dating back to ancient times. For this new version, Bena took an excerpt to the spring performance series in May and solicited feedback from the audience on what to do with the stepsisters. “I couldn’t decide what their fate should be,” said Bena. “The audience came up with the most amazing ideas, so I took those ideas and put some of them together, and the ending for
the stepsisters, well, the audience absolutely loved it.” If you’d like to see the ending for yourself and find out what happens to the stepsisters, there is a final performance on Aug. 6 at Nightingale Concert Hall.
on Point With funding from the Carol Franc Buck Foundation and an anonymous donor, SNB was able to completely redo the new space. Professionals donated time and expertise to complete the work—including an architect, contractors, and people with construction experience to build it out. And, the company has enough money to pay for the first six months of rent. In-kind donations came in, including a printer and a desk for the office area. “In one way, it’s wonderful to start in your own space,” Bena said. “In another way, it’s frightening. It’s truly a miracle that we had so many people come out of the woodwork to support us. I had no idea so many people cared.” Ω
With new funding and help from volunteer contractors, Sierra Nevada Ballet’s artistic director Rosine Bena and her dancers now have a space that’s airy, light and perfect for dancing.
Sierra Nevada Ballet presents Cinderella, 7:30 p.m., Aug. 6 at Nightingale Concert Hall, 1335 N. Virginia St. For tickets, which are $22-25, visit
08.04.16 | RN&R | 49
e r ’ u o y k n i Th r the
k r isv @ ne wsr e v ie w.c o m
ready fo
& trades r desert gear fo us e se e m Co
ing & • Vintage Cloth Accessories & boots • Leather, Furs es u • Various Antiq • Collectibles Virginia Street Antique Mall & Vintage Clothing
Gypsy Wagons
1251 S. Virginia St • Reno • 775-324-4141
Ever dreamed of turning all your boring but valuable work experience into an art project that satisfies your creative urges and also puts food on the table? Meet Jeff Deming. He just pulled that off. After about 20 years working in hospitality, he’s now the proprietor of Gypsy Wagons, a company that designs, constructs and rents travel trailers with bright, storybook exteriors and crafty interiors. “I was running a guest ranch up in Lassen Volcanic Park last year,” said Deming. “I finished up in, like, November. I got back down here to Reno. I’m like, ‘What do I want to do?’” He didn’t just want a new job and creative satisfaction. He’d found the solitude in the national park alluring, so he also wanted access to some kind of quiet getaway. Deming ascended a small ramp to one of his wagons, one with a lime green façade and a pointed roof that looks like a fairytale church. He stepped inside through a set of narrow, pink French doors with blue trim and explained that the inspiration had come in his neighbor’s driveway. “My neighbor’s just a super artistic, crafty woman,” he said. The neighbor is Sheila LeDrew, who teaches art classes to kids. She’d had an arty trailer built for herself. As soon as Deming laid eyes on it, late in 2015, he decided that his future would be in making and leasing travel trailers. He called builder and designer Mike Mechanic, who signed on to build, weld and sculpt. The two have made four wagons so far and had a few rental customers.
HAVE YOU BEEN A GAY COUPLE FOR TWO YEARS? We are seeking volunteers for a research study on relationship checkups for lesbian, gay, transgender, and genderqueer relationships in Northern Nevada. This relationship checkup is for couples that would like to know about the health of their relationship. To participate you must be over 18 and English speaking, and have access to internet and email. As a couple you must be in a committed relationship, have been together at least two years, live together, and not currently participating in couples therapy. If you or someone you know is in a committed lesbian, gay, transgender, or genderqueer relationship and would like to have a relationship checkup much like an annual doctor’s visit please contact Mary Minten at 775.329.4582 or Study Title: A Relationship Checkup for Lesbian, Gay, Transgender and Genderqueer Couples. PI Name: Cass Dykeman. 50 | RN&R | 08.04.16
Trailer treasure
Jeff Deming turned a long-time hospitality career and a penchant for craft and design into a roving art project that doubles as a fleet of vacation getaway rentals. PHOTO/KRIS VAGNER
On the outside, each wagon has an insulated, canvas roof, quirky-shaped entryways, and tiny front porches with exuberant paint jobs. “My daughter is my chief painter, my 13 year old,” said Deming. Affixed to the back of each trailer is an 18-gallon water tank with a pump, a shower spigot, a sink made of a thrift-store cooking pot, and a small mural space that customers are encouraged to paint on. (Paint is included in the rental. You don’t need to BYO.) Inside, the wagons are miniature versions of a Dwell magazine spread. Each has one or two beds with colorful, comfy bedding; raw, exposed ceiling beams that are still aromatic with the smell of fresh wood; and a list of list of amenities that could only have been made by someone who wanted to translate the experience of having hosted thousands of travelers into an art project. On one hand, Deming pores over fine details. On the other hand, there are a lot of things he decided you really don’t need with you on a vacation. “When you’re running a guest house, you think, ‘I need shelf space. I need counter space. I need a cutting board,’” he said. “When I put the mattress in, I needed a couple extra inches so I can make the bed without destroying my knuckles. Stuff like that.” Remember, one of his original goals was to indulge in “getting away from it all,” so Gypsy Wagons’ standard amenities were designed with that in mind, and with Deming’s own preferred mix of extravagance and asceticism. TV? Satellite dish? Microwave? Nowhere to be seen. Frenchpress coffee maker? Solar-powered-cooler stashed inside a hand-hewn bench made from a thick slab of maple or cherry wood? Yes. Hand-crafted, stained-glass window in every unit? Of course. Ω For more information about Gypsy Wagons, visit http://
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by Todd SouTh
a little cigar, coated in seasoned flour and deep-fried. The navrattan korma ($10.99) made me wish I’d requested a double order. Mixed My first taste of Indian food was at a garden vegetables and paneer are cooked little hole-in-the-wall on Glendale Avenue in a yogurt sauce with almonds, cashew in the early ’90s—blink and you’d miss and spices. The cheese was perfect, and the it. I was hooked after one bite of murgh sauce had a creamy start with a spicy finish. korma with naan—yogurt curried chicken I want this dish served at my wake. with flatbread. Other places have come and Saag paneer ($9.99) is spinach—or gone, but the kitchen at Flavors of India whatever leafy greens are available— is producing food reminiscent of that first, cooked with more spices than I have wonderful taste. room to name and cubes of that simple, Located in what was, for years, a motel wonderful Indian cheese. This was the coffee shop, the ambiance doesn’t evoke second Indian dish I fell in love with waymuch of a subcontinent vibe. Still, TVs back-when, and Flavors’ rendition did not are tuned to Bollywood music videos and disappoint. the aromas coming from the kitchen offer Murgh makhani ($11.99)—also known plenty of enticement. There is an $8.99 as Indian butter chicken—is the gateway lunch buffet seven days a week, but we drug of Indian cuisine. If you don’t swoon chose to try the dinner menu. over this dish, we just can’t be friends. Shortly after being seated, we were Boneless tandoori chicken—so-called served complimentary papadum with sweet because it’s cooked in a cylindrical tandoor tamarind sauce and a spicy mint chutney. oven—is prepared in The tasty lentil and a rich, creamy sauce cumin crackers were of ghee (clarified about the size of a butter), tomatoes, tortilla and were very 1885 S. Virginia St., 323-4100 cashews and spices. thin and crispy. When Flavors of India is open 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. The Seekh kebab we ordered our meal ($11.99), a skewered the server asked if and grilled blend of we wanted it spicy or minced lamb, spices, ginger-garlic paste, “Indian spicy.” Bring it on. green chili and herbs was awesomely Pakora ($3.99 each) are small appetizer spicy. Similarly, the mushroom tikka bites of chopped vegetables, meat or ($11.99) included bell pepper, red onion, cheese, coated in batter or flour and deepand white button mushrooms coated in a fried. We chose plates of paneer—fresh, spicy tandoori paste. Last but certainly not unaged cheese—and fish pakora. The least, the Flavors of India special chicken chickpea batter coating the paneer was ($16.99) was a healthy serving of tender good, but the cheese was dried out and a bit chicken breast marinated with cream and tough. The fish bites’ coating of corn flour “secret ingredients,” served on a sizzling and spices was very good. cast-iron skillet with onions and peppers. A pair of meat samosas ($3.49)—a The chicken was moist, and the spices were crisp, pyramidal turnover stuffed with hot and scrumptious. minced lamb, peas, and spices—were full All this gooey food was supported by of flavor and one of the best examples I’ve plenty of basmati rice, as well as naan and tasted. We followed this with hara bhara garlic naan (white flour flatbread, $1.99 kebab ($10.99), which is a mix of minced and $2.49). Ω veggies that are formed into the shape of
This guy saves you money.
Tikka look
At Flavors of India, dishes, like this special chicken, can be ordered mild, medium, spicy or “Indian spicy.”
BAGELS Baked In House Daily BAGELS- Baked In House Daily Serving Bagels, Bagel Sandwiches, Real Fruit Smoothies, Espresso, Locally Roasted Coffee and Teas
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Flavors of India
08.04.16 | SN&R | 53
by BoB Grimm
b gr imm@ ne wsr e v ie w.c o m
“Hey, will you take the blame for that fart for me?”
Still Bourne
It’s embarrassing to watch Damon and Greengrass go through the motions of the tired scenario they have put into play. One year after perhaps the most enjoyable and multidimensional It’s been nine years since the last Bourne movie performance ever from Damon in The Martian, that mattered. (2012’s The Bourne Legacy, with he’s forced to put the now boring Bourne pants on Jeremy Renner, was a joke.) After saying he again. His performance lacks dimension, emotion wouldn’t play the part again, Matt Damon is back and humor. It’s not entirely his fault. The part is as Jason Bourne, with his director buddy Paul written that way. Ten years ago, Bourne was a cool Greengrass in tow. role for Damon, one that allowed him to strip down The result: Jason Bourne, a tedious, desperand do something different. He’s grown as an actor ate and sad extension of the Bourne storyline. since then, and has essentially outgrown Bourne. It Jason Bourne is currently holding hands with feels like a step backward for him. Ghostbusters as a film prominently displaying Greengrass tries to beef things up on the villainhow not to continue a beloved franchise. ous end by employing Tommy Lee Jones as a CIA At the end of The Bourne Ultimatum, jerkface, which is a move as predictable and cliché Damon’s Bourne woke up after a bridge dive as casting Tommy Lee Jones as Tommy Lee Jones. and swam off into an unknown and unpredictJones invests nothing new into his character, a type able future. It seemed a fitting and perfect end that he has played many times before. to the character or, perhaps, Oscar winner Alicia Vikander that particular story arc. Bourne shows up as an ambitious CIA found out his real name, learned employee looking to make her why he was an assassin with mark. Her performance here is amnesia, and got himself a little more robotic than her work as revenge. Case closed, right? an actual robot in Ex Machina. Wrong. Money matters, and Vincent Cassel is also on board Director: Paul Greengrass Universal wanted to keep the as a hired assassin called “The Starring: Matt Damon, Julia Bourne locomotive on track. An Asset.” Man, somebody had to Stiles, Alicia Vikander attempt to keep the franchise going work overtime to come up with with a new star—Renner’s awful that name. Legacy—was stale. Universal saw an opportunity There had to be a better way to do this. How with Damon, who hadn’t had a major hit in many about giving Bourne a new career, one that he’s years. Damon decided to go back to the well before happy with, and then he finds out something is still the release of The Martian last year, a movie that wrong in his past? Or just make him a paid assassin garnered him an Oscar nom and showed he was who is truly screwed up thanks to his messed up still bankable. past. The new gimmick Greengrass and friends Greengrass and his writers have come up with come up with to further extend Bourne’s identity a way to further confuse Bourne about his identity. crisis is not shocking, surprising or inventive. It As it turns out, there’s more to his amnesia. He feels drawn out. doesn’t know everything after all! He’s also got Attempts to modernize Bourne with mumbo some daddy issues. jumbo involving a tech mogul (Riz Ahmed) and his The film starts with Bourne pulling a Rambo new social media platform make parts of this movie III, subjecting himself to public fights as a means feel like a jettisoned episode of Silicon Valley. of fueling his unquenched inner violent side. Star Wars: The Force Awakens stands as the best Former work associate Nicky Parsons (Julia Stiles) recent attempt to continue a franchise story without meets up with Bourne in Greece to tell him that making it feel forced, desperate—there’s that word she discovered more stuff about his identity while again—and a blatant attempt to cash some checks. doing some computer hacking. For Jason Bourne … Jason Bourne does nothing to better the franchise, it’s not over yet. and this story line needs to stop, and stop now. Ω
Jason Bourne
54 | RN&R | 08.04.16
Eat That Question: Frank Zappa In His Own Words
While it’s been over 20 years since the great Frank Zappa left the planet, there’s been surprisingly little in the media about his life and times. Director Thorsten Schutte finds a nice way of getting Frank back in the public eye, through a solid documentary featuring Zappa interviews, concert footage and appearances. Like The Beatles Anthology before it, Eat That Question tells the artist’s story by using his own words. I’m a big fan, so I’ve seen some of the footage Schutte uses, like Zappa playing bicycle with Steve Allen, and Frank’s final interview before dying from cancer. Thankfully, Schutte, with help from the Zappa Family Trust, has unearthed a lot of rare footage—footage even the most ardent fan might not be familiar with. This isn’t a concert film, but it does have some great concert moments, enough that fans of his music will be satisfied. The fact that Zappa was a brilliant philosopher and extremely wise man was sometimes lost in the controversy he could cause with his lyrics, especially in the late ’70s. Schutte’s film gives us plenty of Zappa talking, and he’s simply one of the most engaging speakers who ever walked the planet. It’s also quite a kick to see this gathering of interviews and interviewers, some of whom Frank didn’t exactly hit it off with. If he didn’t like the interviewer, he still made the session interesting. I found myself missing the man very much when the movie was over.
I was not expecting anything near the brilliance or originality of the 1984 original from Paul Feig’s reboot/remake/ whatever-you-want-to-call-it entry into a movie franchise that has remained dormant since the miserable 1989 sequel Ghostbusters 2. Considering the cast that Feig assembled (Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones), I did expect to have a good time. That didn’t happen. I was bored. Super bored. I laughed a total of two and a half times at the new Ghostbusters, not once due to anything the headlining stars did. It’s as if Feig (Bridesmaids, Spy, The Heat) figured, “Hey, I have these stars and a big budget for special effects. I don’t really need a funny script, do I? These stars can just stand in front of a camera and be funny, right?” Perhaps they can, but not this time out. Ghostbusters is a stale facsimile of the original. If you watched those lousy preview trailers and worried that the franchise was creatively bankrupt, know that the stupid jokes in that trailer (“Ow, that’s gonna leave a mark!”) are about the best the film has to offer. It is utterly void of laughter. The ghosts are dull, fluorescent things bolstered slightly by some decent 3-D effects if you should choose the more expensive viewing route. In one of the only real compliments I can bestow upon the film, the folks putting together some of the 3-D action did a pretty good job.
Into the Forest
A couple of great actresses make a fair script movie-worthy in this apocalyptic thriller from writer-director Patricia Rozema. Ellen Page and Evan Rachel Wood star as Nell and Eva, two sisters living with their dad (Callum Rennie) in their home deep in the forest. One routine evening, they are enjoying the luxuries of modern civilization when, for some unknown reason, the power goes out. They react as people usually do to a power outage at first, busting out the flashlights and planning a trip for supplies. A mishap involving a car battery delays their trip, and when they finally make it into town, they discover the city has been swept of food and gasoline, with no end to the power outage in sight. Situations develop that lead to the girls living on their own, learning how to hunt for their own food, and fending for themselves. Page and Wood, two actresses who haven’t gotten many roles to match their talents lately, rip into this movie with everything they’ve got. Their work here is a major triumph, even though the movie feels a little routine at times. (Available for download and rent on iTunes and during a limited theatrical run.)
Lights Out
The Secret Life of Pets
Star Trek Beyond
Three years ago, director David F. Sandberg made a great short about a woman home alone at night, noticing a dark figure when she switched the light off. The payoff was both hilarious and scary as shit. So, of course, producer James Wan got a hold of Sandberg and now there’s a full length feature film based on that light-switch premise. Writer Eric Heisserer takes the idea, fleshes it out, and comes up with a pretty good story to go with Sandberg’s strong horror directing abilities. Rebecca (Teresa Palmer) is an angry woman with mommy and commitment issues. Her mom, Sophie (Maria Bello), recently lost her husband and has fallen into a depression where she is talking to herself. Her son, and Sophie’s brother, Martin (Gabriel Bateman) is seeing a strange dark figure when the lights go out. It all leads up to a finale where flashlights are very valuable and potential victims behave like idiots. Sandberg repeats the same jolt scare over and over again and makes it all work nicely. The film is genuinely scary when it tries to be. The background story is a little flaccid, but Palmer and Bello are good in their roles, and Bateman plays a scared kid with major aplomb.
A bunch of comedians lend their voices to some cartoon characters, and the results are moderately entertaining. Louis C.K. voices Max, a Jack Russell terrier who loves his master, Katie (Ellie Kemper of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt), with that undying loyalty that makes dogs so damn cool. Katie brings home a new brother for Max, a big brown shaggy dog named Duke (Eric Stonestreet), and it creates some turmoil in the household. Max and Duke eventually wind up in the hands of Animal Control, and eventually fend for themselves in the sewers of Manhattan. There they become enemies of the Flushed Pets, a group consisting of alligators, lizards, snakes and furry critters led by Snowball the Rabbit (Kevin Hart on a sound booth tear). The advertised premise for the film suggests the movie might be about what our pets do in the house when we leave home. That part of the film is out of the way early in the movie’s opening minutes. The rest of the movie is the band of pets in Max’s neighborhood trying to find him and Duke when they get lost. Some of the sequences are borderline deranged. Max and Duke wind up in a sausage factory, where they gobble down hot dogs in an almost hallucinatory scene set to Grease’s “We Go Together.” This doesn’t feel like the stuff of kids’ movies.
While the latest Star Trek film lacks a little bit in soul and story cohesiveness, it scores high on the zip factor and introduces a creepy new villain. The third film in the franchise’s reboot might be the weakest chapter featuring the newish cast, but it’s still a lot of fun. J.J. Abrams stepped down from the conn to direct his revamped Star Wars, relegating himself to a producer’s role. In stepped Justin Lin, best known for making cars jump between skyscrapers in the Fast & Furious franchise. It’s no surprise that Lin’s take lacks a certain depth that Abrams managed to bring to his two installments. It’s also not a surprise that some of the action scenes motor along with the efficiency of a Dodge Challenger Hellcat. The film picks up with James T. Kirk (Chris Pine) and his crew in the midst of their five-year mission. Kirk, as he did in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, is starting to get a little bored. He’s up for an admiral’s position, and might soon find himself grounded to a desk job. The movie has barely started when the U.S.S. Enterprise is attacked by thousands of marauding spaceships, and the crew finds themselves shipwrecked on a sparsely inhabited planet. Unfortunately, one of those few is Krall (Idris Elba), a nasty looking alien with evil intentions involving an ancient weapon. The crew must reform to band against Krall, get off the foreboding planet and save the Federation. What follows is a slightly above average Star Trek adventure that will satisfy fans while not necessarily blowing them away.
08.04.16 | RN&R | 55
56 | RN&R | 08.04.16
by AnnA HArt
Athena McIntyre, Eli Paxton and Aren Long are youthful spirits with a lot of experience, and you can hear it in their music.
Lost and found Athena McIntyre & The Lost Boys On a sultry evening in Virginia City, Athena McIntyre & The Lost Boys took the stage at the historic Red Dog Saloon. A soulful yet edgy folk tune drifted out of the open doors and into the street, where passersby crowded the entrance. The sound was driven more by melodic intentions than by rhythm, but a groove still permeated into the crowd as they swayed along. The group is a trio, formed in the spring of this year. The lineup consists of McIntyre, who heads the band with lead vocals and acoustic guitar, Aren Long on violin, and Eli Paxton on the bass. The set-up is atypical, especially with the exclusion of drums. The instrumentation provides the intimacy of a string trio in the setting of folk rock, while varying musical backgrounds contribute to a postmodern take on the genre. Long’s violin skills fit smoothly into the folk setting, but an occasional Saint-Saëns harkens back to his classical roots, while Paxton forgoes the pedestrian role of establishing the chord roots in favor of adding a funk-infused contrapuntal ingenuity with the bass line. Meanwhile McIntyre adds a rock edge to the group, with vocals akin to Pat Benetar and Pink. The trio’s musical inventory is split fairly evenly among original songs and reorchestrated covers of classics by artists such as Pink Floyd, Johnny Cash and the Animals. For each of their shows, the three construct the set list to be something of a musical journey, from songs about the dangers of conformity and consumerism,
to finding one’s identity, to a particularly excellent cover of an angst-ridden rock hit, Radiohead’s “Creep.” Athena McIntyre & The Lost Boys carries a message of punk rock individualism spoken through the storytelling language of an acoustic folk aesthetic. Sometimes the music reverberates with perceptive insights on society. Other times, it dances to the beat of freedom with a samba flair. “We set up our shows carefully,” said Long. “People come in, and at best, they leave with gaining an emotional experience, and at worst they can come and listen and dance to good music.” In the four months since the trio formed, its members have written an inconceivable amount of original music and played shows all around Northern Nevada. They already have their eyes set on a cross-country tour, which is in the works. Reaching that point so quickly is a feat that could only have been accomplished through each member’s musical professionalism, as well as the camaraderie between them, despite their differences in background and age. Visually, the three seem to be an unlikely combination. For their concert, Long dons a button-down dress shirt, while Paxton ties his mane into a bun and McIntyre rolls up her sleeves to show off a myriad of forearm tattoos. But the bond between them is palpable. “We work with each other so well,” said Paxton. “Our personalities just mesh. And when we play, it’s like we all go to another level together.” So where did the name, Athena & The Lost Boys come from? “One day I was driving and it just came to me,” laughed McIntyre, the eldest of the group. “I knew that it was perfect. I’m just like Peter Pan, and these are my lost boys.” Ω
For show dates, music and information visit
08.04.16 | RN&R | 57
214 W. Commercial Row, (775) 329-9444
Poupon, Case, MrSmeagss, Roger That, 10pm, $10, free with online RSVP
First Friday Funnies, 8pm, no cover VIBE Friday, 10pm, no cover
HEAT w/Dzastre, DJ Juuj, Shady Acres, 10pm, no cover
DG Kicks, 9pm, Tu, no cover
125 W. Third St., (775) 323-5005
Foals Aug. 4, 8 p.m. Cargo 255 N. Virginia St. 398-5400
Karaoke, 9pm, no cover
DJ Izer, 10pm, $5 after 10pm
DJ Izer, 10pm, $5 after 10pm
Rustler’s Moon, 8:30pm, no cover
Dippin’ Sauce, 9pm, no cover
Dippin’ Sauce, 9pm, no cover
Foals, 8pm, $25
Pub Quiz Trivia Night, 8pm, no cover
132 West St., (775) 329-2878 10042 Donner Pass Rd., Truckee; (530) 587-2626 255 N. Virginia St., (775) 398-5400 538 S. Virginia St., (775) 329-5558
10142 Rue Hilltop, Truckee; (530) 587-5711
3rd Street, 125 W. Third St., 323-5005: Comedy Night & Improv w/Patrick Shillito, W, 9pm, no cover Carson Nugget, 507 N. Carson St., Carson City, 882-1626: Cheryl “The Soccer Mom” Anderson, F, 7:30pm, $13-$15 The Improv at Harveys Cabaret, Harveys Lake Tahoe, Stateline, (800) 553-1022: Charles Fleischer, Th-F, Su, 9pm, $25; Sa, 8pm, 10pm, $30; Darryl Lenox, Ahmed Bharoocha, Tu-W, 9pm, $25 Laugh Factory at Silver Legacy Resort Casino, 407 N. Virginia St., 325-7401: Josh Nasar, Th, Su, 7:30pm, $21.95; F-Sa, 7:30pm, 9:30pm, $27.45; Rocky LaPorte, Tu, W, 7:30pm, $21.95 Reno-Tahoe Comedy at Pioneer Underground, 100 S. Virginia St., 686-6600: Kelly Hilbert, Drew Shafer, Sa, 8:30pm, $12-$15
Bias & Dunn, 6pm, no cover
846 Victorian Ave., Sparks; (775) 355-7711
Merle Jagger, 9pm, no cover
Jack Di Carlo, 7pm, no cover
VooDooDogz, 8pm, no cover
T-N-KEYS, 7pm, no cover
Blues Monsters, 7pm, no cover
Trey Stone Band, 7pm, no cover
Trey Stone Band, 7pm, no cover Karaoke Kat, 9pm, no cover
10603 Stead Blvd., Stead; (775) 677-7088 3372 S. McCarran Blvd., (775) 825-1988
Takeover Sundays: Open Mic for DJs, 5pm, no cover
Post show s online by registering at www.newsr /reno. Dea dline is the Friday befor e publication.
Karaoke w/C.J. Tirone, 7pm, no cover
71 S. Wells Ave., (775) 384-1652 1) Showroom 2) Bar Room
Mile High Jazz Band, 8pm, Tu, $5 Dave Leather, noon, W, no cover
Open Mic Jam Slam, 8pm, Tu, no cover C.J. Tirone, 7pm, W, no cover
Canyon White Open Mic Night, 8pm, no cover
Prey for Son, 8pm, no cover Open Mic Night, 9pm, M, no cover Trivia Night, 9pm, W, no cover
3819 Saddle Rd., South Lake Tahoe; (530) 314-7665
140 Vesta St., (775) 742-1858
Tune-In Tuesdays (traditional Irish music), 8pm, Tu, no cover
Karaoke w/Nitesong Productions, 9pm, Tu, Border Line Fine, 9:30pm, W, no cover
Karaoke, 9pm, Tu, W, no cover
Julie Courtney & Doug Nichols, 6pm, no cover
“Knees-up” Social, 8pm, no cover
Merle Jagger, 9pm, no cover
275 E. Fourth St., (775) 324-1917
2002 Victorian Ave., Sparks; (775) 358-6700
Roger the Lodger, 9pm, no cover Songwriters in the Round, 6pm, no cover
312 S. Carson St., Carson City; (775) 883-2662
The Sloths, Snack, Viva Revenge, 8pm, $5
Lisa Prank, The Encounters, JGBD, 8:30pm, $5
1) Glasses Malone, Keak Da Sneak, The Federation, 8pm, $20-$25
Golden Pelicans, 8pm, Tu, $5 Invalids, The Lunch, Characters, 8pm, W, $5
2) Blazin Mics!, 9:30pm, M, no cover Outspoken: Open Mic Night, 7pm, M, no cover
246 W. First St., (775) 329-4484
ON sTANds 08.11
THESE DON’T MIX Think you know your limits? Think again. If you drink, don’t drive. Period.
58 | RN&R | 08.04.16
THE LOFT THEATRE-LOUNGE-DINING 1021 Heavenly Village Way, South Lake Tahoe; (530) 523-8024
188 California Ave., (775) 322-2480
Magic Fusion, 7:30pm, 9:30pm, $19-$27
Magic Fusion, 7:30pm, 9:30pm, $19-$27
Magic Fusion, 4:30pm, 7:30pm, 9:30pm, $19-$27
Baker Street Band, 8pm, no cover
Jamie Rollins, 8pm, no cover
Sunny Ozell, 8:30pm, no cover
Sunny Ozell, 8:30pm, no cover
1527 S. Virginia St., (775) 800-1960 10007 Bridge St., Truckee; (530) 587-8688
906-A Victorian Ave., Sparks; (775) 358-5484
Lost Whiskey Engine, 8pm, no cover
BarzFest, 11pm, $10, free for women before 10pm
Open mic and jam, 7pm, no cover
Rockaraoke, 8pm, no cover
761 S. Virginia St., (775) 221-7451
715 S. Virginia St., (775) 786-4774
DJ/dancing, 10pm, no cover
111 N. Virginia St., (775) 329-2909
1237 Baring Blvd., Sparks; (775) 409-3340
Absence of Despair, Qarin, 7pm, W, $5
Mojo Green, 9pm, $10-$12
St. Christopher Project, 6pm, no cover
Sunny Ozell, 8pm, Tu, $10-$12 Strange on the Range, 7pm, W, no cover
The Curly Wolf, Los Pistoleros, DJ GQuick, 9pm, $5
The Walking Toxins, South Shore Riot, Murderock, 8pm, $TBA
Maestro Tango, 8:30pm, $7-$10
432 E. Fourth St., (775) 737-9776
Aug. 7, 8:30 p.m. The Holland Project 140 Vesta St. 742-1858
Step Back Saturday, 10pm, no cover
Saturday Night Dance Party, 9pm, no cover
Lisa Prank
Sunny Ozell
445 California Ave., (775) 657-8484
Aug. 9, 8 p.m. The Saint 761 S. Virginia St. 221-7451
Tuesday Trivia, 8pm, Tu, no cover
Ritual (industrial, EDM, ’80s) w/David Darkness, Rusty, Tigerbunny, 9pm, $3-$5 Thick As Thieves, 9pm, no cover
2660 Lake Tahoe Blvd., South Lake Tahoe; (530) 544-3425
17 S. Virginia St., (775) 284-7455
Karaoke with Steve Starr, 8pm, no cover
Thursday Blues Jam hosted by Rich Maloon, 8:30pm, no cover
Tandymonium, 6:30pm, Tu, no cover
U Play Wednesday (open mic jam), 8pm, W, no cover
555 E. Fourth St., (775) 322-4348
211 N. Virginia St., (669) 255-7960
MONDAY-WEDNESDAY 8/8-8/10 Magic Fusion, 7:30pm, M, Tu, $19-$27
Acoustic Wonderland singer-songwriter showcase, 8pm, no cover
PSYCHEDELIC BALLROOM AND JUKE JOINT (PB&J’S) 76 N. C St., Virginia City; (775) 847-7474
SUNDAY 8/7 Magic Fusion, 4:30pm, 7:30pm, $19-$27
Live jazz, 8pm, no cover
Alex Muddy Smith, 6pm, no cover
Eric Andersen, 6pm, no cover
Alex Muddy Smith, 6pm, no cover
Erika Paul, 2pm, no cover
1) Comedy Power Hour Open Mic, 8:30pm, Tu, no cover
1) The Writers Block, 7pm, no cover 4275-4395 W. Fourth St., (775) 787-3769 1) Golden Rose Cafe 2) Green Fairy Pub 3) Cabaret
★BEST ★no covEr ★ShowS★ sat 9:30pm
Metalbilly trucker
fri 9:30pm The Trainwrecks
2 night engagement
pm fri 9:30
Scumbag country
with Leroy & rico
TaTToo arTiST
08.04.16 | RN&R | 59
3800 S. Virginia St., (775) 825-4700 1) Grand Ballroom Stage 2) Cabaret
Futurebirds Aug. 10, 10 p.m. Crystal Bay Club 14 Highway 28 Crystal Bay 833-6333
2100 Garson Rd., Verdi; (775) 345-6000 1) Event Center 2) Guitar Bar
The Point, 1601 S. Virginia St., 322-3001: Karaoke, Th-Sa, 8:30pm; Su, 6pm, no cover Spiro’s Sports Bar & Grille, 1475 E. Prater Way, Ste. 103, Sparks, 356-6000: F-Sa, 9pm, no cover West Second Street Bar, 118 W. Second St., 384-7976: Daily, 8pm, no cover
2) Jim Anderson and The Rebels, 7:30pm, no cover
2) Harmonistics, 8pm, no cover
2) Jason King, 6pm, no cover
2) Jamie Rollins, 5pm, no cover Stephen Lord, 9pm, no cover
2) Greg Austin, 5pm, no cover Stephen Lord, 9pm, no cover
2) Crush, 6pm, no cover
2) Tandymonium, 6pm, M, Clemón Charles, 6pm, Tu, Paul Covarelli, 6pm, W, no cover
2) Decades, 8pm, no cover
2) Shark Sandwich, 8pm, no cover
2) George Pickard, 6pm, no cover
2) George Pickard, 6pm, M, Tu, W, no cover
2) Whitney Myer, 10pm, no cover
1) Miner, 10pm, no cover
1) The Full Monty, 7pm, $36.95 2) The Wiz Kid, 10:30pm, no cover 3) DJ Roni V, 9pm, no cover
1) The Full Monty, 7pm, 9:30pm, $36.95 2) The Wiz Kid, 10:30pm, no cover 3) DJ Roni V, 9pm, no cover
2) Lex Fridays, 10pm, $15 3) Country Nights w/DJ Colt Ainsworth, 10pm, no cover
2) Lex Saturdays, 10pm, $15 3) Country Nights w/DJ Colt Ainsworth, 10pm, no cover
1) Alex Ramon IMPOSSIBLE, 7:30pm, $29.35 2) DJ JosBeatz, 10pm, $20 3) Arty the Party, 9pm, no cover
1) Alex Ramon IMPOSSIBLE, 7:30pm, $29.35 2) DJ Shift, DJ Rick Gee, 10pm, $20 3) Arty the Party, 9pm, no cover
1) Sammy’s Showroom 50th Anniversary Show, 8pm, $39.50-$40.50 4) Ronny & the Classics, noon, no cover Timeless Wonder, 8pm, no cover
1) Sammy’s Showroom 50th Anniversary Show, 8pm, $39.50-$40.50 4) Night Flight, noon, no cover Simply The Best, 8pm, no cover
1) Sammy’s Showroom 50th Anniversary Show, 8pm, $39.50-$40.50
1) Sammy’s Showroom 50th Anniversary Show, 8pm, M, $39.50-$40.50
1) Roy Orbison and The Everly Brothers Reimagined, 8pm, $20 3) DJ/dancing, 6pm, no cover Justin Lee Band, 9pm, no cover
1) Roy Orbison and The Everly Brothers Reimagined, 8pm, $20 3) DJ/dancing, 6pm, no cover Justin Lee Band, 9pm, no cover
3) DJ/dancing, 6pm, no cover Justin Lee Band, 9pm, no cover
3) DJ/dancing, 6pm, no cover
3) DJ/dancing, 6pm, W, no cover
2) The Inciters, 7pm, no cover
2) The Inciters, 8pm, no cover
2) The Inciters, 8pm, no cover 3) Fashen, 10pm, $20
2) Joshua Cook & The Key of Now, 6pm, no cover
2) Joshua Cook & The Key of Now, 6pm, M, Tu, W, no cover
1) Acoustic Jimmys, 8pm, no cover
1) Acoustic Jimmys, 8pm, no cover
3) Fashion Friday, 9pm, no cover
1) Daughtry, 8pm, $65.50-$85.50 3) Seduction Saturdays, 9pm, $5
14 Hwy. 28, Crystal Bay; (775) 833-6333 1) Crown Room 2) Red Room
The Man Cave Sports Bar, 4600 N. Virginia St., 499-5322: Karaoke, Sa, 8pm, no cover
SATURDAY 8/6 2) Jim Anderson and The Rebels, 4:30pm, no cover Harmonistics, 10:30pm, no cover
345 N. Virginia St., (775) 786-5700 1) Theater 2) Brew Brothers 3) NoVi
Corkscroo Bar & Pizzeria, 10 E. Ninth St., 284-7270: Cash Karaoke w/Jacques, W, 6pm, no cover La Morena Bar, 2140 Victorian Ave., Sparks, 772-2475: Karaoke, Sa, 9pm, no cover
FRIDAY 8/5 2) Jim Anderson and The Rebels, 4:30pm, no cover Harmonistics, 10:30pm, no cover
2) Shark Sandwich, 7pm, no cover 1627 Hwy. 395, Minden; (775) 782-9711 1) Valley Ballroom 2) Cabaret Lounge 3) TJ’s Corral
1) The Full Monty, 7pm, $36.95 2) The Wiz Kid, 10:30pm, no cover 2) Lex Thursdays, 10pm, no cover
3) Country Nights w/DJ Colt Ainsworth, 2500 E. Second St., (775) 789-2000 1) Grand Theater 2) Lex Nightclub 3) Sports Book 10pm, no cover
15 Hwy. 50, Stateline; (775) 588-6611 1) South Shore Room 2) Peek Nightclub 3) Center Stage Lounge
1) Alex Ramon IMPOSSIBLE, 7:30pm, $29.35
1) Sammy’s Showroom 50th Anniversary
219 N. Center St., (775) 788-2900 Show, 8pm, $39.50-$40.50 1) Sammy’s Showroom 2) The Zone 4) Hot Gossip, noon, no cover 3) Sapphire Lounge 4) Plaza 5) Convention Center
1100 Nugget Ave., Sparks; (775) 356-3300 1) Celebrity Showroom 2) Nugget Grand Ballroom 3) Gilley’s
2707 S. Virginia St., (775) 826-2121 1) Tuscany Ballroom 2) Terrace Lounge 3) Edge
1) Will Durst, 8:30pm, W, $16-$20 2) Futurebirds, 10pm, W, no cover 1) The Full Monty, 7pm, $36.95 2) The Wiz Kid, 10:30pm, no cover
1) The Full Monty, 7pm, Tu, W, $36.95 2) Karaoke, 10pm, M, DJ Chris English, 10pm, Tu, Audioboxx, 10:30pm, Tu, W, no cover
1) Alex Ramon IMPOSSIBLE, 7:30pm, Tu, W, $29.35 3) Buddy Emmer Band and guest, 8pm, Tu, no cover
SANDS REGENCY CASINO HOTEL 345 N. Arlington Ave., (775) 348-2200 1) 3rd Street Lounge 2) Copa Bar & Grill 3) The Tent 4) Pool
SILVER LEGACY RESORT CASINO 407 N. Virginia St., (775) 325-7401
1) Grand Exposition Hall 2) Rum Bullions Island Bar
3) Aura Ultra Lounge 4) Silver Baron Lounge
60 | RN&R | 08.04.16
2) Banzai Thursdays w/DJ Trivia, 8pm, no cover 4) Jamie Rollins, 9pm, no cover
4) Wednesday Blues Jam Pool Party, 6pm W, no cover 2) Recovery Sundays, 10pm, no cover 3) Industry Night, 9pm, no cover
2) Country-Rock Bingo w/Jeff Gregg, 9pm, W, no cover
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08.04.16 | RN&R | 61
FOr tHE WEEK OF August 4, 2016 For a complete listing of this week’s events or to post events to our online calendar, visit OPEN HOUSE & TELESCOPE CLINIC: Visitors can explore the observatory at their leisure, ask questions of observatory volunteers, learn how telescopes work and even learn how to image celestial objects. Guests are encouraged to bring their own telescopes and use the observation deck to view the evening sky. First Sa of every month, 7pm. Free. Jack C. Davis Observatory, 2699 Van Patten Drive, Carson City, (775) 445-3240.
RENO ACES: The minor league baseball team takes on the Salt Lake Bees. Su, 8/7,
6:05pm; M, 8/8, 7:05pm; Tu, 8/9, 7:05pm; W, 8/10, 7:05pm. $8 general admission, $7 for
military, kids under age 12 and seniors over age 62. Greater Nevada Field, 250 Evans Ave., (775) 334-7000.
Jazz and Beyond: Carson City Music Festival
Whether you like your jazz hot or cool, there will be something to please most jazz lovers at the 12th annual music festival. The two-week celebration will feature more than 100 musicians performing in 60 events at venues across Carson City, including the Third Street Stage, Brewery Arts Center, Comma Coffee, Carson Mall and Legislative Plaza. Acts include the Reno Jazz Orchestra, Mile High Jazz Band, Millennium Bugs, Brass Knuckles, Cherie and John Shipley with Take This, Red Tango, New World Jazz Project and SambaDá (pictured). The festival kicks off on Friday, Aug. 5, and runs through Sunday, Aug. 21. Admission to most shows is free. Call 883-4154 or visit
The 34th annual celebration of music, theater and the visual arts features events and activities through August. Events take place in the Boathouse Theater, the Valhalla Grand Hall and the Grand Lawn. M-Su through 8/31. Prices vary. Tallac Historic Site, 1 Valhalla Road, South Lake Tahoe, (530) 541-4975.
WILD WEST SHOW AND RODEO: The rodeo features 30 of the best bull riders on the West Coast, barrel riding, some surprise guests and more. Kids are encouraged to sign up for the Mutton Bustin’ and other kids’ activities. Sa, 8/6, 6:30-10pm. $12-$15, free for kids age 9 and younger. Fuji Park, 601 Old Clear Creek Road, Carson City, (775) 220-4065.
WINE & RIBS: Community Health Alliance
HOT AUGUST NIGHTS: The 30th annual classic car event and celebration of rock ’n’ roll features show ’n’ shines, nightly cruises, drag races and burnouts, AutoCross, live music and entertainment, swap meet and Hot August Nights Auction presented by Motorsport Auction Group. Tu-Su through 8/7. Free for most events. Call or visit website for details, (775) 356-1956,
GOLD HILL GHOST TOUR: Enjoy a meal at the Crown Point restaurant and then join a guided ghost tour through the Gold Hill Hotel sharing stories of ghostly legends. Dining begins at 4pm. The tour starts at 8pm. M, 4 & 8pm. $40 for dinner and tour, $20 for tour only. Gold Hill Hotel, 1540 S. Main St., Gold Hill, (775) 847-0111.
LAKE TAHOE SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL: The 44th annual festival presents William Shakespeare’s The Comedy of Errors and the Off-Broadway musical revue Forever Plaid, written by Stuart Ross. The productions will be performed in rotating repertory Tuesday through Sunday through Aug. 21. The Showcase Series takes place on Monday through Aug. 15 and continues on Friday, Aug. 26, and Saturday, Sept. 3 and Sept. 10. M-Su, 7:30pm. Prices vary. Sand Harbor State Park, 2005 Highway 28, Incline Village, (775) 747-4697.
staff will host demonstrations and activities at the Science Station mobile lab in the lobby of the Exhibit Hall. HOW Science will explore themes of astronomy, chemistry, geology, biology, physics and space exploration. Sa, Su, 10am-2pm through 9/4. Free. Fleischmann Planetarium and Science Center, 1650 N. Virginia St., (775) 784-4812,
HEALTH FAIR: Northern Nevada Medical Center hosts its community health fair in the main lobby of the hospital. Screenings include blood pressure, complete blood count, lipid profile, thyroid function, among other tests. First Th of every month, 7-10am. $0-$40. Northern Nevada Medical Center, 2375 E. Prater Way, Sparks, (775) 331-7000.
Meet the Tilting the Basin artists and celebrate this statewide survey of Nevada’s diverse and far-flung voices. The event includes a performance by Michelle Lassaline, music by Guitar Woody and the Boilers and a limited edition cask created with indigenous Nevada ingredients served by Great Basin Brewing Company. Th, 8/4, 5-7pm. $10; free for NMA members. Nevada Museum of Art, 160 W. Liberty St., (775) 329-3333,
presents the fifth annual fundraiser featuring a silent auction and live entertainment from The Novelists and Lake Tahoe’s Luke Stevenson. Ribs and sides from Famous Dave’s Bar-B-Que and a selection of 25 fine wines from Whispering Vine will be served. Proceeds benefit the programs and services of Community Health Alliance. Sa, 8/6, 5-10pm. $25-$60. Bartley Ranch Regional Park, 6000 Bartley Ranch Road, (775) 336-3065.
Art HOLLAND PROJECT GALLERY: Greg Allen + Evan Dent. Local painter Greg Allen’s exhibit features photorealistic paintings of remaining relics from the oil age American West. Evan Dent’s exhibit features large-scale charcoal murals drawn directly on the wall in a style reminiscent of early 20th century-era animation. Tu-F, 3-6pm through 8/12. Free. 140 Vesta St., (775) 742-1858.
LAKE MANSION: From the Walls of the Riverside Artist Lofts to the Lake Mansion. Arts for All Nevada presents artists of the Riverside Artist Lofts. Through 8/26. Free admission. 250 Court St., (775) 826-6100.
SIERRA ARTS: Haunted. Meg Regelous’ installation combines ceramics, etchings printed on silk, drawings, paintings and found objects. M-F through 8/26; Th, 8/18, 5-7pm. Free. 17 S. Virginia St., Ste. 120, (775) 329-2787.
UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIP OF NORTHERN NEVADA (UUFNN): Looking Out—Seeing Within. Twenty artists show their renditions of Nevada two ways: one realistic/impressionist paired with an abstract work of the same location. M-F, Su, 11am-2pm through 8/24. Free. 780 Del Monte Lane, (775) 851-7100.
Music CLASSICAL TAHOE: The classical music festival features 40 top classical musicians performing 11 concerts under the direction of Maestro Joel Revzen. Venues include the Jet Blue Pavilion at Sierra Nevada College and Cornerstone Church in Incline Village. F, Sa, 7pm through 8/13; Su, 8/7, 11am; Tu, 8/9, 7pm. $25-$100. Call or visit website for details, (775) 298-0245,
COUNTRY TRIBUTE CONCERT: The show features Garth Brooks and Tim McGraw impersonators Garth Guy and Adam D. Tucker and special guests Jake Armer and the Hot Dogs. F, 8/5, 7-11pm. $15 for general admission, $25 for VIP ticket. Fuji Park, 601 Old Clear Creek Road, Carson City, (775) 220-4065.
AN EVENING OF CHAMBER MUSIC: The Aurelia Chamber Players will perform works by Beethoven, Chausson and Dohnanyi in a fund-raising concert featuring guest musicians from the Reno Philharmonic Orchestra. Sa, 8/6, 7-10pm. Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, 501 California Ave., (775) 265-4248.
SAMBADA: The Afro-samba-funk dance
band performs. Sa, 8/6, 6-10pm. Free. Brewery Arts Center, 449 W. King St., Carson City, (775) 883-1976.
TOCCATA: MOZART IN THE MOUNTAINS: TOCCATA-Tahoe Symphony Orchestra and Chorus continues its Summer MusicFest with a new concert series featuring Mozart’s Violin Concerto No. 5 in A major, Coronation Mass KV 317, “Laudate Dominum” from Vesperae solennes de confessore, KV 339, and Piano Concerto No. 17 in G major. Su, 8/7, 4pm. St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church, 341 Village Blvd., Incline Village; W, 8/10, 7pm. $5-$35, free for youth under age 18 in non-preferred seating. Shepherd of the Sierra Lutheran Church, 3680 Highway 395, Carson City, (775) 313-9697.
Safari Soiree
The May Museum will hold an opening event for its two new exhibitions titled
Married to Adventure: Photographs and Artifacts from the Travels of Martin & Osa Johnson and On Safari: Photographs from Wilbur May’s First African Expedition. There will be live music, refreshments, a presentation from the curator of the Martin & Osa Johnson Safari Museum in Chanute, Kansas, and more. Attendees are encouraged to wear safari attire or 1920s period clothing. Tickets are $20 and will be sold in advance of the event, which begins at 5 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 6, at the Wilbur D. May Museum, Rancho San Rafael Regional Park, 1595 N. Sierra St. Call 785-5961.
CINDERELLA: Sierra Nevada Ballet’s artistic director Rosine Bena combines aspects of the French, Russian, Greek and German versions of this famous tale. Filled with romance, comedy and drama, the production features a full company of 45 dancers led by top professionals from around the country. Sa, 8/6, 7:30pm. $25 general admission, $20 students, seniors. Nightingale Concert Hall, Church Fine Arts Building, University of Nevada, Reno, 1335 N. Virginia St., (775) 784-4278,
HAMLET, RUSSIANS AND MONKEYS: An evening of five one-act plays including Christopher Durang’s The Actor’s Nightmare and David Ives’ Sure Thing, Words, Words, Words, Universal Language and Variations on the Death of Trotsky. Sa, 8/6, 7:30pm; Su, 8/7, 7:30pm. $20-$28. Valhalla Boathouse Theater, Tallac Historic Site, 1 Valhalla Road, South Lake Tahoe, (530) 541-4975.
OnstAgE CABARET: Laughing Owl Productions presents John Kander & Fred Ebb’s musical about American writer Cliff Bradshaw’s journey into the nightclub scene in Berlin during the era of Weimar Germany. W-Sa,
8-10:30pm through 8/27; Su, 2-4:30pm through 8/21. $25 in advance, $30 at the door. Laughing Owl Productions, 75 S. Wells Ave., (775) 384-9967.
clAssEs LEAVE NO TRACE TRAINER COURSE 2016: Join Nevada Outdoor School for a weekend camping out on the Black Rock Desert playa and learn the principles of Leave No Trace to become a LNT trainer. This two-day course is designed to instill the skills and ethics of Leave No Trace so that each trainee feels comfortable passing on their skills and knowledge. Sa, 8/6, 9:30am. Free. Friends of Black Rock/ High Rock Canyon, 380 Main St., Gerlach, (775) 557-2900.
Crazy cad lady Four months ago, I started hooking up with this hot guy I met on Tinder. He isn’t someone I’d normally go for—he’s a total mess and serious trouble. He always made me come to his place, and I always left feeling gross rather than satisfied. However, about once a month, I’d feel attached and confess this to him. He’d go into hiding, but he always came back for sex. The whole thing made me worried, anxious and sad, so I deleted his contact info, but I miss him and think about him constantly. How do I stay strong? If he texted me, I’d just run back to his bed. Yes, it’s pretty amazing to find yourself missing a man you dislike. This probably comes out of how there’s a potentially higher price for women from naked fun—ending up with a sex dumpling (uh, child)—and whoops, where did that Hunky McHunkington run off to, now that the kid needs food, diapers and a college education? Because women can get “impregnated and abandoned,” anthropologist John Marshall Townsend explains, female emotions evolved to act as an “alarm system” to monitor the “quality and reliability” of male investment and “remedy deficiencies even when [women] try to be indifferent to investment.” In a study of Townsend’s, even when women wanted nothing but a shag from some dude—basically seeing him as useful meat—they often found themselves fretting the morning after about whether he cared about them or only wanted sex. These women aren’t mushy-minded idiots. Chances are, they’ve been roofied into these feelings—by their own bodies. Oxytocin—a hormone associated with emotional bonding—gets released in both men and women through cuddling, kissing and orgasm. However, men’s far greater supply of testosterone can act as a sort of nightclub bouncer, blocking the uptake of oxytocin. As for the monthly pull this guy has on you, research by evolutionary psychologists Kelly Gildersleeve and Martie Haselton suggests that once a month—during ovulation—a woman seeking casual sex is more likely to be drawn to a cad’s more masculine features (like a square jaw and a muscular build). As for how you might quit this particular cad, let’s get real. Deleting somebody’s number
’15 doesn’t stop them from calling. You’ve got to block his number. For added fortitude, make a list of the ways sex with him makes you feel. Being worried, anxious, sad and grossed out can sometimes be a reason to get a man over pronto—but only if he’s a miracle worker of a plumber.
Meet Joe Blackboard I’ve been in love with my former high school teacher for five years. We grew close when I was a student, but nothing physical happened. I’m now an adult, and we talk frequently and flirtatiously on the phone. I would pursue him if he weren’t married with a family. Now I just need to admit my feelings to him and ask what his intentions ever were. I refuse to believe that he finds our constant chats completely innocent, and I don’t think I can go on without telling him how crazy he’s making me. Sure, you’re now an adult. Unfortunately, he’s still a husband. But never mind that—you’ve got feelings clawing to get out. And that is a problem. James Pennebaker, who researches emotional expression, explains that “actively holding back or inhibiting our thoughts and feelings can be hard work.” It causes a lot of tension—which is uncomfortable, making you long to release your pent-up feelings. In other words, a crushing need to be “honest” isn’t necessarily courageous or noble. It’s the psychological version of needing to pee. As for how Mr. Homeroom feels, probably like a guy whose wedding vows are supposed to trump “hot for teacher.” Luckily, there’s a simple way to avoid the impulse to tell him “how crazy” he’s making you: Cut off all contact. No doubt, it can be a highly rewarding thing for a teacher when his life is changed by a student—except if that change is from happily married daddy to miserably separated dude living in his kids’ backyard playhouse. Ω
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64 | RN&R | 08.04.16
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Print ads start at $6/wk. or (775) 324-4440 ext. 5 Phone hours: M-F 8am-5pm. All ads post online same day. Deadlines for print: Line ad deadline: Monday 4pm Adult line ad deadline: Monday 4pm Display ad deadline: Friday 2pm
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*Nominal fee for adult entertainment. All advertising is subject to the newspaper’s Standards of Acceptance. Further, the News & Review specifically reserves the right to edit, decline or properly classify any ad. Errors will be rectified by re-publication upon notification. The N&R is not responsible for error after the first publication. The N&R assumes no financial liability for errors or omission of copy. In any event, liability shall not exceed the cost of the space occupied by such an error or omission. The advertiser and not the newspaper assumes full responsibility for the truthful content of their advertising message. Train for an Exciting Career in Beauty! Financial aid for those who qualify. Employment services for graduates. Milan Institute of Cosmetology Reno Campus Call Now 1-877-205-4113
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66 | RN&R | 08.04.16
ARIES (March 21-April 19): I apologize in advance
for the seemingly excessive abundance of good news I’m about to report. If you find it hard to believe, I won’t hold your skepticism against you. But I do want you to know that every prediction is warranted by the astrological omens. Ready for the onslaught? (1) In the coming weeks, you could fall forever out of love with a wasteful obsession. (2) You might also start falling in love with a healthy obsession. (3) You can half-accidentally snag a blessing you have been half-afraid to want. (4) You could recall a catalytic truth whose absence has been causing you a problem ever since you forgot it. (5) You could reclaim the mojo that you squandered when you pushed yourself too hard a few months ago.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): August is Adopt-a-
Taurus month. It’s for all of your tribe, not just the orphans and exiles and disowned rebels. Even if you have exemplary parents, the current astrological omens suggest that you require additional support and guidance from wise elders. So I urge you to be audacious in rounding up trustworthy guardians and benefactors. Go in search of mentors and fairy godmothers. Ask for advice from heroes who are further along the path that you’d like to follow. You are ready to receive teachings and direction you weren’t receptive to before.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): When a parasite or
other irritant slips inside an oyster’s shell, the mollusk’s immune system besieges the intruder with successive layers of calcium carbonate. Eventually, a pearl may form. I suspect that this is a useful metaphor for you to contemplate in the coming days as you deal with the salt in your wound or the splinter in your skin. Before you jump to any conclusions, though, let me clarify. This is not a case of the platitude, “Whatever doesn’t kill you will make you stronger.” Keep in mind that the pearl is a symbol of beauty and value, not strength.
CANCER (June 21-July 22): It’s your lucky day!
Spiritual counsel comparable to what you’re reading here usually sells for $99.95. But because you’re showing signs that you’re primed to outwit bad habits, I’m offering it at no cost. I want to encourage you! Below are my ideas for what you should focus on (but keep in mind that I don’t expect you to achieve absolute perfection): (1) Wean yourself from indulging in self-pity and romanticized pessimism. (2) Withdraw from connections with people who harbor negative images of you. (3) Transcend low expectations wherever you see them in play. (4) Don’t give your precious life energy to demoralizing ideas and sour opinions.
chick a favor by helping it hatch. For the sake of its well-being, the bird needs to peck its way out of the egg. It’s got to exert all of its vigor and willpower in starting its new life. That’s a good metaphor for you to meditate on. As you escape from your comfortable womb-jail and launch yourself toward inspiration, it’s best to rely as much as possible on your own instincts. Friendly people who would like to provide assistance may inadvertently cloud your access to your primal wisdom. Trust yourself deeply and wildly.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): I hear you’re growing
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FRee will astRology
weary of wrestling with ghosts. Is that true? I hope so. The moment you give up the fruitless struggle, you’ll become eligible for a unique kind of freedom that you have not previously imagined. Here’s another rumor I’ve caught wind of: You’re getting bored with an old source of sadness that you’ve used to motivate yourself for a long time. I hope that’s true, too. As soon as you shed your allegiance to the sadness, you will awaken to a sparkling font of comfort you’ve been blind to. Here’s one more story I’ve picked up through the grapevine: You’re close to realizing that your attention to a mediocre treasure has diverted you from a more pleasurable treasure. Hallelujah!
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Could it be true that
the way out is the same as the way in? And that the so-called “wrong” answer is almost indistinguishable from the right answer? And that success, at least the kind of success that really
matters, can only happen if you adopt an upsidedown, inside-out perspective? In my opinion, the righteous answer to all these questions is “YESSS???!!!”—at least for now. I suspect that the most helpful approach will never be as simple or as hard as you might be inclined to believe.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Your strength
seems to make some people uncomfortable. I don’t want that to become a problem for you. Maybe you could get away with toning down your potency at other times, but not now. It would be sinful to act as if you’re not as competent and committed to excellence as you are. But having said that, I also urge you to monitor your behavior for excess pride. Some of the resistance you face when you express your true glory may be due to the shadows cast by your true glory. You could be tempted to believe that your honorable intentions excuse secretive manipulations. So please work on wielding your clout with maximum compassion and responsibility.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Did you
honestly imagine that there would eventually come a future when you’d have your loved ones fully “trained”? Did you fantasize that sooner or later you could get them under control, purged of their imperfections and telepathically responsive to your every mood? If so, now is a good time to face the fact that those longings will never be fulfilled. You finally have the equanimity to accept your loved ones exactly as they are. Uncoincidentally, this adjustment will make you smarter about how to stir up soulful joy in your intimate relationships.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You may experi-
ence a divine visitation as you clean a toilet in the coming weeks. You might get a glimpse of a solution to a nagging problem while you’re petting a donkey or paying your bills or waiting in a long line at the bank. Catch my drift, Capricorn? I may or may not be speaking metaphorically here. You could meditate up a perfect storm as you devour a doughnut. While flying high over the earth in a dream, you might spy a treasure hidden in a pile of trash down below. If I were going to give your immediate future a mythic title, it might be “Finding the Sacred in the Midst of the Profane.”
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): I’ve worked hard
for many years to dismantle my prejudices. To my credit, I have even managed to cultivate compassion for people I previously demonized, like evangelical Christians, drunken jocks, arrogant gurus and career politicians. But I must confess that there’s still one group toward which I’m bigoted: super-rich bankers. I wish I could extend to them at least a modicum of amiable impartiality. How about you, Aquarius? Do you harbor any hidebound biases that shrink your ability to see life as it truly is? Have you so thoroughly rationalized certain narrow-minded perspectives and judgmental preconceptions that your mind is permanently closed? If so, now is a favorable time to dissolve the barriers and stretch your imagination way beyond its previous limits.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Are you lingering
at the crux of the crossroads, restless to move on but unsure of which direction will lead you to your sweet destiny? Are there too many theories swimming around in your brain, clogging up your intuition? Have you absorbed the opinions of so many “experts” that you’ve lost contact with your own core values? It’s time to change all that. You’re ready to quietly explode in a calm burst of practical lucidity. First steps: Tune out all the noise. Shed all the rationalizations. Purge all the worries. Ask yourself, “What is the path with heart?”
You can call Rob Brezsny for your Expanded Weekly Horoscope: (900) 950-7700. $1.99 per minute. Must be 18+. Touchtone phone required. Customer service (612) 373-9785. And don’t forget to check out Rob’s website at
by KRis VAgNER
The artist
bands, like this band Cult Leader from Salt Lake City. I go on tour with them and I do merch for them, but I also help, like, getting their t-shirt designs lined up. ... I got to help with the layout on a 7-inch, which is really cool because their name is getting out there. It’s cool to be able to be attached to that and have my name with that and be a part of it. PHOTO/KRIS VAGNER
Jeff Rogers, widely known as “Metal Jeff,” is the illustrator who drew all those alien pictures for the Best of Northern Nevada in this week’s RN&R. He’s also done album cover art and posters for several bands, and he makes his own buttons, painting and prints. Learn more at
How’d the alien theme come about? I pull a lot of influence, first and foremost, from comic books, because I grew up reading comic books. My childhood obsessions were dinosaurs, Ninja Turtles, comic books. That’s how I learned how to draw, just looking at them and drawing them and doing that over and over again. And then, in my adult years, when I hit college I started really falling in love with vintage sci-fi and horror poster art, like for movies and books and stuff like that. I found Basil Gogos. He’s really popular for doing Famous Monsters of Filmland magazine covers. So these really colorful, beautiful images of these horror icons, like I have a Vincent Price tattoo that’s done of his painting. … And then in the last couple years I’ve started doing these space pieces.
What happens to these images after they’re printed in Best Of? I’m going to try and find somewhere to put ’em up, try to sell ’em. I’ll get some
simple frames, I always go simple when I frame stuff.
Tell me about your art background. I majored in art at [the University of Nevada, Reno] with an emphasis in oil painting. The last three oil paintings I’ve done have been album covers.
For which band? Black Sheep Wall. They’re from the L.A. area, Moorpark, and they’re actually recording their fourth album right now. So far the plan is for me to do art for that too. ... I want to try and put myself out there to do more albums and layouts and stuff like that. Hopefully bands will be like, “Hey, we want you to do this.”
Yeah, at some point you get enough work out there that they call you. It’s cool ’cause I’ve gotten to do more graphic stuff and layout stuff for other
This guy saves you money.
What other types of art do you make? I print my own T-shirts. We’ve got a screen press in our living room. My roommate has helped me learn how to do that. So like when I do a T-shirt design, I’m the one pulling it and putting it out there, which is kind of cool. … Recently, when Fall Silent played with Elephant Rifle at the Holland Project, I did a screen-printed poster.
Is it important to do things by hand instead of mechanically? It gives it a quality and a life, and I feel like for somebody else looking at it going, “Oh wow, he’s that involved in it. It’s got a life, and he’s truly involved in it.”
How’d you become Metal Jeff? Early 2000s, I went to a lot of hardcore shows in town with all my friends. That’s the music scene they were involved in. But I was the one that listened to metal. And everybody seemed to have a nickname, and people just started calling me Metal Jeff. … I’ll be on tour, and I’ll be across the country, and people are like, “Are you Metal Jeff?” Ω
Musical numbers Recently, the SF Chronicle had a story about pot use in contemporary California, with one of the factoids of note being that in the last month, 15 percent of Friscans smoked/vaped/ate with that notorious emerald strumpet Mary Jane. The article seemed to carry a tone of “Wow, a lot of people in around here are using weed.” And indeed, SF was number one on the list of pot-consuming places. I learned a manuever in college from a prof who liked to take percent stats and flip them, asserting that one got a bit of extra depth on overall perspective. It’s often instructive to remind oneself to do so, and to use this approach here would result in us saying, “Yes, we see here that last month, 85 percent of San Franciscans didn’t use marahoonie.” Which also seems like a lot. This particular stat flip also helps us realize that a whole lot of people are watching TV (1) straight
or (2) drunk, which is troubling unto itself. (SF ain’t the only town in double digits with Ms. Jane. Not a surprise to see the Denver metro area posting a solid 14.8 figure on the Big Board. Not at all.) Anyway, this exercise in flipping numbers can be used to make one feel better—a lot better—about the violent zaniness that’s been popping up regularly. Here’s how. Current estimate of U.S. population is 324 mill. So let’s say that sometime this month, somebody, whether a pissed-off black guy or a drunk depressed Baptist or an IS-man, goes off, grabs his guns, and take a few unfortunate bystanders with him as he commits suicide by cop. When that happens, we can always just flip the number and combat any bumitude that such incidents may instill by cheerily realizing that, well, yes, while it’s too bad that some guy snapped and commit-
ted insane mayhem on innocent bystanders, we can also note that, impressively enough, 323,999,999 Americans managed to keep it together today. And hey, that’s pretty damn good! Let’s hear it for creative rationalization, ladies and gentlemen. • I’m just waiting for Trump, up there in his Tower (folks, the guy is running for president from his freakin’ Tower!), concerned about the latest polls showing his support among the crucially important Hispanic demo to be in the low tenths of one percent, to uncork an emergency tweet along the lines of “I love the Mexicans. Love ’em! Nobody—and I mean nobody—edges a yard like the Mexicans. The sharpness, the straightness, just incredible. And chimichangas? Love ’em. Love the chimichangas! Nobody loves chimichangas more than Trump! Nobody!” Ω
08.04.16 | RN&R | 67