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EMail lEttERs to RENolEttERs@NEwsREviEw.coM.

Skipping the first step Holiday spirit Welcome to this week’s Reno News & Review. I’ve got a serious questions for some you. What are your Christmas decorations still doing up? Isn’t it bad enough that they start showing up in stores two months before the holiday? And do you realize it’s now been almost two months since the holiday? I don’t want to sound like a scrooge, but I’m sick of looking at Christmas decorations—especially the ornaments hung from fishing line on people’s porches, now tangled up and coated in a nice layer of grime from two months of storms. I suppose there are no firm rules that dictate when it’s time to take down the tree and put the decorations away, but there is at least somewhat of a tradition. A lot of Christians have marked the end of the Christmas season on the Twelfth Night—that is 12 nights after Christmas—on an evening also known as the Eve of the Epiphany. The Epiphany marks the three kings (or wise men) visiting baby Jesus. It’s celebrated either on Jan. 5 or Jan. 6. There are some people who believe leaving your Christmas decorations up longer can actually bring bad luck. I’m not actually a religious person, but the whole 12 days things seems totally reasonable to me. Furthermore, I’m sure I’m not the only one who thinks it’s wicked tacky to pair spring blooms in your yard with a plastic Santa Claus and reindeer. And, besides, while you’re packing away the decorations and taking down the lights, you can clean the gutters and the garage. It’ll be great.

—Jeri Chadwell je ric @ ne wsrev i ew . com

Re “Lessons from history” (Left Foot Forward, Feb. 7): Sheila Leslie cites Yoni Applebaum, senior editor at the Atlantic, as stating that our country has been through presidential impeachment three times—Nixon in 1974, Clinton in 1998, and Andrew Johnson way back in 1868. Any attentive student in a high school civics class would tell you that there have been only two presidential impeachments in US history. Nixon, while subject to an initial impeachment process, was never impeached by the House of Representatives. Maybe Ms. Leslie should go back to high school. David Georgi Reno Re “Lessons from history” (Left Foot Forward, Feb. 7): Concerning “Lessons from History”, perhaps Ms Leslie should review actual history a bit closer. Especially since she wishes to bloviate about the matter, trying to make a comparison to President Trump in office. The facts are, President Nixon never went through impeachment proceedings, even though hundreds of left leaning talking heads have said that he did. Now, had he not resigned, by all accounts he would have then faced the actual proceedings. Impeachment, is simply a $64 word for “accusation”. As I understand it, this joker in Virginia, cannot be impeached as such, due to the fact that their state constitution requires the misdeed to have taken place while said miscreant was in office! Yet what is the current buzzword of the week? Now, the other impeachment circus that needs corrected, is with President Clinton. He was not impeached, for not keeping his pants zipped in office, he was impeached for lying about it to Congress!

Jessica Santina, Todd South, Luka Starmer, Bruce Van Dyke, Ashley Warren, Allison Young Our Mission: To publish great newspapers that are successful and enduring. To create a quality work environment that encourages employees to grow professionally while respecting personal welfare. To have a positive impact on our communities and make them better places to live. Editor Brad Bynum Associate Editor Jeri Chadwell News Editor Dennis Myers Special Projects Editor Matt Bieker Calendar Editor Kelley Lang Contributors Amy Alkon, Kris Vagner, Bob Grimm, Andrea Heerdt, Holly Hutchings, Shelia Leslie, Josie Glassberg, Eric Marks,

Creative Services Manager Elisabeth Bayard Arthur Art Directors Maria Ratinova, Sarah Hansel Publications Designer Katelynn Mitrano Ad Designer Naisi Thomas, Cathy Arnolds Office Manager Lisa Ryan RN&R Rainmaker Gina Odegard Advertising Consultant Latricia Huston

FebRuaRy 14, 2019 | Vol. 25, ISSue 01

Speaking of the Clintons, had the country really needed another impeachment, based on possible smoke, rather than actual concrete facts, Ms Clinton would be the perfect mark. Her sketchy past would make the Kennedy family seem irreproachable, and saintly. Ron Ryder Fallon Editor’s note: Just for the fun of it, we checked a high school textbook, American Government (Independence Hall Assoc., 2008) and found this: “Committees help to organize the most important work of Congress.” The notion that committees are not a part of the impeachment process is novel but false. Articles of impeachment don’t materialize on their own, and completed impeachments are not the only impeachment proceedings. The House Judiciary Committee voted for three articles of impeachment in the Nixon case. Saying it was not a part of the impeachment proceeding is like saying that an indictment is not part of a trial. If articles of impeachment—the equivalent of an indictment—are not researched, drawn up and approved, then there is no impeachment by the House, no trial by the Senate. In addition, after the House approves the committee’s indictment, members of the House Judiciary Committee then become the prosecutors for the Senate trial, called managers in impeachments, because the members of House Judiciary are the most familiar with the evidence. The House Judiciary Committee’s work in impeachment is the essential first step. The committee is part of the impeachment proceeding. The Nixon impeachment was not completed, but it still happened. It’s not Ms. Leslie who needs more study.

Shutdown If you have any doubts about who is responsible for all the government shutdowns let me give you some help.

Distribution Director Greg Erwin Distribution Manager Bob Christensen Distribution Drivers Alex Barskyy, Corey Sigafoos, Gary White, Joe Wilson, Marty Troye, Timothy Fisher, Vicki Jewell, Olga Barska, Rosie Martinez, Adam Martinez President/CEO Jeff VonKaenel Director of Nuts & Bolts Deborah Redmond Director of People & Culture David Stogner Director of Dollars & Sense Debbie Mantoan Nuts & Bolts Ninja Norma Huerta Payroll/AP Wizard Miranda Hansen Accounts Receivable Specialist Analie Foland

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Republicans despise government. Shutting down the government and putting out 800,000 workers (not to mention contractors) is simply sport. Taxes and regulations, a function of government (regulations keep you from being poisoned, robbed, etc.) are an anathema to Republicans. There is no reason to close our government for a single made-up item that can be negotiated separately. Any competent deal maker would call that stupid. So on February 15 the Republicans do not have to shut down anything except their pay checks. Don McKechnie Sparks


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By matt bieker

What’s your ideal date? ASkeD At Piñon Bottle CoMPAny, 777 S. Center St. Angelo SiSAnte Environmental planner

I’ve never gone on a date where I go backcountry skiing. I normally go with my friends … but never on a date. That’d be fun. I think the girl who’d be interested in backcountry skiing on a date would make it the ideal date, you know?

Meg She A Development officer

My ideal date is spending time with really close friends, sitting around, enjoying some really good food, some good wine or beer and playing old-school games like board and card games.

MAt t green Airline worker

The silence is deafening, and lethal It’s hard to believe that it has been four years since the last widespread scare about vaccinations. In 2015, so much controllable disease was spreading that we reported, “From Vermont to California, state legislators are considering measures to deal with the failure of a minority of parents to have their children vaccinated.” Whooping cough, which can kill, had declined for years until there were only a couple of dozen cases each year. Then it burst out again, with 22 cases in Nevada alone. We need to be clear. On a planet where population has exploded, there is no right to spread disease—and failing to vaccinate in a crowded society is spreading disease. The fate of any one of us is engaged with the fate of all of us, and herd immunity protects us all—even those irresponsible ones who want to be endangered and want their children unprotected. There have been several reports about wellinformed children trying to learn how to get around their superstitious or ideological or ignorant parents to get themselves vaccinated. “At the time I was born, both of my parents agreed on anti-vaccination,” an 18 year old told NBC News. “Almost a year and a half ago, I moved out of my mother’s house and in with my dad. My dad has a pretty neutral view on vaccinations, but when I was born he essentially just agreed with my mom and her family’s beliefs.” One big problem is that the noisy, tiny minority is controlling the debate and setting the agenda because

others will not speak up. We are familiar with this syndrome—people write letters to the editor mostly to be against something, rarely to be for something. Satisfied people don’t speak up. That’s no longer good enough. People are dying of silence. “The small amount that don’t believe in [vaccination] are very vocal, while most parents who are vaccinating don’t speak up,” Immunize Nevada director Heidi Parker said four years ago. “It’s important for those parents to speak up and show their support for vaccinating. We need those positive voices.” Parents who do not speak up on the dangers of not vaccinating are a public health threat. Those who went through the 1950s and were saved from polio by the Salk and Sabin vaccines had an experience the newer public needs to hear and read about. And scientists need to get over their reluctance to be public figures. There is no scientific case to be made against vaccination. What case is often given is a hodgepodge of myths and bad information endlessly repeated within enclaves. And yet politicians keep listening to those who peddle that nonsense because they are the loudest voices out there. Right now, the greatest threat is from measles— but mumps and rubella are next in line. Children cannot be subjected to such dangers based on nonsensical blather produced by echo chambers and professional troublemakers. It’s time to speak up. Ω

Honest answer? A couple beers, a pizza and a concert. I’m a happy man with that. My wife and I travel, and we go to shows. That’s what we do. That or a drag queen show.

DiAnA Avil A Mental health counselor

If I’ve known the person for a while, I probably would just want to stay at home and do nothing and order a lot of wings from Pizza Plus. And then, if I was trying to get to know them, take me to, like, Olive Garden, somewhere nice ... where we can sit and get to know each other for a while. MinervA Benite z Outpatient program leader

So I’m married, but if I was single, I guess I’d want a nice dinner date and then maybe something fun afterward. Probably bowling or just going out and doing something fun, something different. But for my husband, I would say get me something real nice, and make me dinner.

02.14.19    |   RN&R   |   5

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Democratic leaders oppose their own Opening day of the Nevada Legislature was full of celebration, promises and predictions of bi-partisanship while the season’s biggest blizzard raged in the Sierra and bad road conditions sent state workers home early. Inside the building, families watched as beaming legislators were sworn in and their leaders pledged to cooperate, collaborate and set aside personal animosities in order to get the people’s work done. We actually could see less bluster in the legislature this year, with seasoned leadership in place and Democrats in firm control of both houses and the governor’s office. The absence of former Senate Republican Leader Michael Roberson, flamethrower extraordinaire, will undoubtedly help. Progressives are expecting policy advancements in 2019, despite enduring regrettable words from Senate Majority Leader Kelvin Atkinson in the state’s largest newspaper. Atkinson told the Las Vegas Review-Journal, “I do believe we’ll have to do a yeoman’s job to temper some of our allies. Some have this mentality that we

have all three chambers, so let’s go after everything we haven’t been able to do in the last 25 years.” While it’s obvious that 25 years of bottled up Democratic priorities can’t be satisfied in one legislature, his quote conjured up memories of the 2013 session, when Democrats controlled both houses but not the governorship. That session Senate leaders suddenly decided to kill a sex education bill that had deep support in both houses on the premise that they had “done enough for progressives.” As I wrote in 2013: “This was after months of careful preparation, personally difficult testimony, and a door-to-door canvass during the session by a coalition of progressives who decided it was past time Nevada youth had the opportunity to access comprehensive, medically accurate sex education in public schools. Despite the all-out effort by the Democratic base, and an affirmative vote by every Democrat in the Assembly, the bill was unceremoniously killed by the Senate Democratic caucus on deadline day, with little warning and

a mangled message. ... The absence of a reasonable explanation enraged young progressives in particular, with an eruption of a rare intra-party firestorm on Twitter. As a furious Sin City Siren tweeted: “By the way, if you are worried that voting on progressive issues will hurt your reelection, you may be in the wrong party.’ ” In the bi-annual Progressive State of the State speech, given this year by Laura Martin, the executive director of the Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada, themes from the 2018 campaign were reiterated and expounded upon as a reminder of what progressives want: economic justice featuring a significant increase in the minimum wage, affordable and accessible health care, immigrant rights, criminal justice reform, environmental justice, adequate funding for public education and enforcement of the background checks initiative passed by voters in 2016. Martin also emphasized the need to reel in predatory payday lenders who charge an average of 652 percent in interest for a short-term

loan, noting “There are more payday lenders in Nevada than McDonalds and Starbucks combined.” Despite Governor Sisolak’s lack of enthusiasm for rate caps, a solution other states have found effective, legislators need to ignore the obscene amount of campaign money these companies spread around and get something done. As a wise Speaker once told me, “If you can’t vote against them, don’t take their money.” Democrats must exercise caution about overreaching this session, but that shouldn’t prohibit them from building a solid record of progressive achievements. Instead of “tempering” allies, Democratic leaders should include them in ongoing discussions of potential policy changes and avoid the type of back-room secret deal-making that killed the sex education bill in 2013. Progressives know massive change doesn’t magically happen in just a few months. But we’ve also watched for years as business interests have rarely been “tempered.” Don’t dismiss us so easily. Ω

02.14.19    |   RN&R   |   7

by Dennis Myers

Open meeting waiver asked

Plutonium was transferred from a Trump state to a Clinton state by the Trump administration. Trump is seen here in a file photo with Ronny Jackson, his physician who he appointed to head Veterans Affairs.

Applicants for appointment to the vacancy on the Reno City Council were asked to sign a waiver of their rights under the open meeting law on the application form. No reason was given for the request, and most applicants are believed to have acceded to it. A heading on the item read, “WAIVER OF NOTICE REQUIRED UNDER NRS 241.033(1) TO ALLOW CITY COUNCIL TO CONSIDER CHARACTER, MISCONDUCT, OR COMPETENCE OF PERSON TO BE APPOINTED TO A BOARD, COMMISSION, OR OTHER PUBLIC BODY FOR THE CITY OF RENO” There is speculation that the request was made to scare off some applicants. “I don’t know what’s in everybody’s resume,” said one observer familiar with the open meeting law. “But this would scare some people off with the idea that anything might come up in an open session.” One applicant told us, “If you ask me, nothing is ever perfect, but keeping it fair and open is the best possible way.“

rgJ parent threatened The corporation that owns the Reno Gazette Journal, Gannett Co. Inc., is being targeted by another corporation for a hostile takeover. Gannett for years vacuumed up small and mid-size newspapers and retooled them to fit a one-size-fits-all pattern. So a takeover would seem to be an encouraging development—except that the potential buyer is a hedge fund called Digital First that Bloomberg Media columnist Joe Nocera described as “notorious as a destroyer of newspapers.” That ran under the headline “Imagine If Gordon Gekko Bought News Empires.” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York said in a Jan. 26 statement, “We simply can’t accept the cliché that ‘journalism is dying.’ Journalism will only die if we choose not to fight for it—and if journalism dies, our democracy will, too.” Gannett rejected the offer, which was below share value, and issued a statement: “[T]he Gannett board concluded that MNG’s unsolicited proposal undervalues Gannett and is not in the best interests of Gannett and its shareholders. In addition, Gannett does not believe MNG’s proposal is credible. ... Indeed, given MNG’s refusal to provide even the most basic answers to Gannett’s questions, it appears that MNG does not have a realistic plan to acquire Gannett.” Digital First responded: “MNG will consider its options in the coming days, including nominating a slate of individuals to the Gannett board who agree that Gannett shareholders should decide for themselves whether to accept our premium cash offer or other alternatives for immediate and certain value.” A Feb. 7 meeting between execs of the two corporations reinforced Gannett’s stance against the deal. Nieman Journalism Lab director Joshua Benton told the Times, “Digital First is the worst owner of newspapers in America, and they will do their best to draw blood from even Gannett’s already desiccated stone.” The Nation Magazine got specific: “In 2006, [Digital First] purchased San Jose’s Mercury News for $1 billion and swiftly fired the paper’s staff, sold off its real estate, and carted away the printing presses, gobbling up management fees, tax breaks, and dividends in the process. Only a skeleton of the Merc remains today.”

—Dennis Myers






Fast actiOn

Playing favorites Was the plutonium shipment Trump payback? the trump administration has long had a reputation for dealing roughly with those who supported Hillary Clinton for president—and the states that supported her. In 2017, the business website MarketWatch reported, “Trump’s plan to end the federal deduction of state and local property taxes will strip a staggering $355 billion in annual deductions from people living in the states that voted for Hillary last November. That works out an average of $5,400 for each tax filer—single or joint—in those 20 states.” About the same time, the Washington Post said, “Since gaining control of Washington, President Trump and Republicans in Congress have pushed an array of policies that tend to punish states that voted Democratic in last year’s presidential election.” During the battles over repealing the Affordable Care Act, a Republican/ Trump replacement measure had noticeably different impacts on funding for Trump and Clinton jurisdictions. Clinton states would have lost funding under the GOP bill, while Trump states would have gained. Last month, Trump blocked oil drilling off the coast of Florida (Trump state) but not off the coasts of Virginia, Oregon or California (Clinton states). On climate change, Trump’s decision to pull the United States out of the

Paris agreement was bad news particularly for coastal states, which tended to be Clinton states. During the Camp Fire, when Trump was lecturing California on its forest treatments, most people wrote it off to ignorance on Trump’s part of the fire terrain. But radio host Thomas Hartmann wrote, “California is one of the most progressive and diverse states in America. Perhaps [that is] at least part of the reason that Donald Trump is threatening the Golden State by denying FEMA funds unless they rake their forest. Although forest management is an important part of stopping wildfires, especially as climate change creates more uncontrollable wild fires; it seems inconsistent with Donald Trump’s policy to care about this but consistent with Trump and Republican Party policy is [sic] punishing progressives, denying care to people of color and then blaming the results on the Democratic Party.” Trump’s hope of cutting mass transit assistance to states is particularly hurtful for urban areas in Clinton states. All of which raises the question of whether the Trump administration’s decision to move plutonium from South Carolina (which voted for Trump) to Nevada (which voted for Clinton) was motivated by something other than good government—that it was engaged in punishing another state that voted for Hillary Clinton.

The U.S. Energy Department is not often noted for fast action, which—given its dubious performance record—is probably good. But in this case, the department somehow went through a decision making process, packed and transported half a ton of plutonium, and offloaded it in Nevada, quickly and secretly, then announced it in a court filing. “Because sufficient time has now elapsed after conclusion of this campaign, DOE may now publicly state that it has completed all shipment of plutonium (approximately ½ metric ton) to Nevada,” wrote DOE counsel Bruce Diamond. “Although the precise date that this occurred cannot be revealed for reasons of operational security, it can be stated that this was done before November 2018, prior to the initiation of the litigation.” “Quickly,” in this contest, is a relative term. But U.S. District Judge J. Michelle Childs ordered DOE to remove a metric ton of plutonium from the Savannah River Site in South Carolina on Dec. 20, 2017. She gave the department two years to do it, and DOE accomplished it in less than one. In DOE terms, that was quick. “The department led the State of Nevada to believe that they were engaging in good-faith negotiations with us regarding a potential shipment of weapons-grade plutonium, only to reveal that those negotiations were a sham all along,” Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak said in a prepared statement. “They lied to the State of Nevada, misled a federal court, and jeopardized the safety of Nevada’s families and environment.” Nevada should probably expect more of that in the future. South Carolina’s Sen. Lindsey Graham wants more of it dumped in Nevada, and soon. “Yeah, that’s not much of a comfort to me,” he told the Aiken Standard when its reporter reminded him that his state had just been relieved of a half ton of waste. Graham seems to have taken the view that while the Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility, which was intended to turn weapons-grade plutonium into fuel for nuclear reactors, was operating in his state, he was content since it dealt with waste. But now that

the Trump administration has mothballed the in states like New York. But as Republicans facility, he wants waste removed. love to remind us, the wealthiest 20 percent “I want the stuff out.” Graham said. “I of Americans pay most of the income taxes want a pathway forward out of the state.” and most of those people live in blue states There have been earlier cases of Republicans are targeting for effective presidents who favored some tax hikes. To raise spending by states over others based $200 billion and then claim on election results—the the moral high ground based Kennedy administration, on fake news is exasperatfor instance. But most of ing even by Washington’s those involved benefits standards.” for supporting states, not Even so, some may find punishment for opposing it difficult to believe that states. This is one more vindictiveness could guide way this era of polarization federal actions. But Donald Gov. Steve Sisolak has changed the normal rules. Trump is not the usual presiNewsweek says that dent. His own interests tend to since Trump and the Republican guide his actions. His life is littered Congress increased spending more with people he liked until they disagreed than Democrats ever dreamed of doing, with him—Michael Cohen, Steve “Therefore, Republicans are going to have Bannon—and last year NBC reported, “He to raise taxes to avoid bigger deficits. They praises and pardons friends/allies who have set out to do exactly that to their politihave committed crimes (Manafort, Joe cal opponents while cutting taxes for their Arpaio, Dinesh D’Souza), but calls for supporters. All of this makes their current the prosecution of enemies who haven’t narrative about eliminating the state and been charged at all (Hillary Clinton, James local deduction from federal tax liability Comey, Peter Strzok, Christopher Steele).” especially unseemly. They claim the deducThis is not a president whose actions are tions force low tax states to subsidize high predictable, but his earlier actions against tax states like California, but that’s not true. Clinton states are relevant. Ω California and New York pay more in federal taxes than they reap in federal benefits. That isn’t to defend the egregious taxation

“Those negotiations were a sham all along.”

rock on

Attendees at the second Reno Punk Rock Flea Market watched as local band Basement Tapes performed on the afternoon of Feb. 9. The event drew thousands of people to the Reno Generator arts space in Sparks. Photo/Jeri Chadwell

02.14.19    |   RN&R   |   9







by KriS VagNer

Why Not Now is a short film about Vivian Stancil, who is blind and learned to swim at age 48.

Snow daze February film festivals Tahoe-area ski resorts reported snowfall between two and three feet last weekend, and forecasters are calling for more this weekend. Normally, this kind of news splits RN&R readers into opposite camps. Some are eager to get out and play in the powder. Others want to curl up in a warm house until it all thaws. But this month, both groups have a chance to see eye to eye. Two groups are gearing up for their annual film festivals, and both offer a glimpse of outdoor culture—snow-covered or not—from the comfort of the indoors. Mountainfilm and Mountain Festival are not the same thing, explained Brendan Madigan, owner of Alpenglow Sports in Tahoe City, California. Mountain Festival is a nine-day celebration of sports such as back-country skiing, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing and splitboarding. (For the uninitiated, that’s traveling on a type of snowboard that splits in half and becomes high-traction skis, so you can ski uphill, then board down.) Mountainfilm, on the other hand, is Mountain Festival’s kickoff event. The main Mountainfilm is a four-day, 100-film festival in Telluride, Colorado. A condensed, evening-long version travels to places like Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and around the U.S., including a stop on Feb. 16 at Squaw Valley’s Olympic Village Lodge. The organizers in Colorado don’t tend to release a lot of detailed information about the films. “They keep them under wraps,” Madigan said. But this will be the third year he’s hosted the films, and he’s already expecting to be moved by them. He summarized the gist of the festival this way: “The films are really inspirational and beautiful. ... What we tell people is they use the power of film and ideas for bettering the world. ... They’re not just the traditional ski/climb


films glamorizing the adventure aspect of it. They have a message, whether it’s environmental, social, cultural.” Mountainfilm’s web site touts “documentaries on environmental issues, epic adventures, eye-opening politics and humanitarian causes ... short gems and rare films.” This year’s lineup includes a two-minute snapshot of a skateboarder in Havana, Cuba, a threeminute piece about a blind woman who conquered her fear of swimming at age 48, and a 3D film addressing the high amount of wasted seafood in the fishing industry. Another group in the region is hosting a February film festival, too. Meghan Robin is a rep from Tahoe XC, a cross-country ski area in Tahoe City, where a day pass is around $30 and rentals are another $20-30. She acknowledges that not every Truckee and Tahoe resident has a winter sports budget, so she and her colleagues look for ways to offer locals access to their groomed trails for free or cheap. They run programs that provide discounted after-school access for students and free skiing for school groups. To fund these programs, they use proceeds from the Winter Wildlands Backcountry Film Festival. This festival originates in Boise, Idaho, and makes about 100 stops each year, including one at North Tahoe High School on Feb. 27. This year’s program should appeal to hardcore adventurers. The lineup introduces a Latinx mountain climber named Yesenia, a teacher on a quest to climb a frozen waterfall in China, and “Surfer Dan,” a man whose surfing expeditions are not thwarted by large chunks of ice. “It’s a way for us help kids who live in the area but can’t afford to get on the snow to get a nice ski day,” said Robins. Ω Mountainfilm on Tour takes place at Squaw Valley’s Olympic Village Lodge, 1901 Chamonix Place, Olympic Valley, California, 5:45-9 p.m. Feb. 16. Tickets are $12 and up. Visit www.alpenglowsports.com. The Winter Wildlands Backcountry Film Festival takes place from 6-8:30 p.m. Feb. 27 at North Tahoe High School, 2945 Polaris Road, Tahoe City, California. Tickets are available at the door for $10.

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02.14.19    |   RN&R   |   11







Can cannabis improve your love life?

ry dp




In the 1977 Woody Allen film Annie Hall, the title character, played by Diane Keaton, likes to get stoned before having sex. But her boyfriend thinks it cheapens the experience. When he takes the pot from her hand, Keaton’s character tries getting intimate sober. Maybe you know how that worked out. Or perhaps you’ve never seen Annie Hall’s sober outof-body experience—her spirit seemingly having left her body suggesting it might do some drawing until the lovemaking has concluded. It’s a funny scene, but Keaton’s character isn’t a Cheech-andChong-type caricature of a pothead, and that’s part of what makes the movie so great. Annie Hall’s just like a lot of stoners—maybe you’re among them— who think a bit of cannabis tends to make things generally smell, taste and feel better. In fact, a lot of cannabis users report enhanced sexual experiences while under the influence. And academic studies corroborate the claim.



retty much everyone’s heard the old idiom about how “opposites attract.” But who buys into that? When’s the last time you found yourself seriously attracted to someone with wildly different perspectives, values and interests than your own? And how did that work out?

In the weeds Studying cannabis and how it affects people has historically been difficult. The drug is classified by the Drug Enforcement Administration as Schedule I, making it more difficult to study than lower schedule drugs— those deemed less addictive—like cocaine, opium and PCP. But though they’ve been few and far between, some older studies do exist. For example, in 1984, the Journal of Sex Research published a survey of college students that found cannabis users reported increased sexual desire and pleasure as well as more frequent sexual encounters. Studying cannabis is still difficult. But as states around the country have relaxed their marijuana laws with legislation clearing the way for medical and, in some cases, recreational use, academic studies have corroborated the claim that it’s high time to accept that cannabis and sex go hand in hand—at least for people who already use the drug. A 2017 study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine showed a positive correlation between cannabis use and sex frequency in both men and women and across demographic groups. Stanford University urologists Dr. Michael L. Eisenberg and Dr. Andrew J. Sun






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used the Centers for Disease Control’s National Survey of Family Growth to evaluate whether or not there’s an association between marijuana use and the frequency with which people have sex. They looked at information from more than 50,000 people and determined that pot users have sex more often. In fact, daily users reported having 20 percent more sex than people who said they never used the drug. In another 2017 study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, researchers used a smaller sample of subjects to try to determine the relationship between marijuana use prior to sex and sexual function in women. The researchers found that among cannabis users, 68 percent reported the drug made sex more pleasurable, while only 16 percent said it ruined sex. The remaining 16 percent were undecided or unaware of how cannabis “ ” affected their sex lives. Among the continued on page 14 women who said cannabis improved sex, 02.14.19    |   RN&R   |   13

sex Pot

sex pot”

continued from page 13

72 percent said this was always the case, while 24 percent said pot only sometimes increased their erotic pleasure. Sixteen percent of pot users surveyed said they purposefully, regularly got high before sex. When the same research team widened its survey sample to include 289 women who admitted to using cannabis before sex, the results were similar, with 65 percent of ladies saying it enhanced their sexual experiences, 23 percent reporting it made no difference and three percent claiming it ruined sex for them. One thing pretty much all of the recent cannabis studies and surveys have in common is an assertion by the researchers in their conclusions that more studies are needed to fully understand the intersection of pot and sex. Provided marijuana legalization isn’t rolled back in the U.S., it seems likely these studies will be conducted. There may even come a time when people talk with their regular physicians about pot and its potential to improve their sex lives. Some doctors and sex therapists with strong online presences already advocate for the drug, like sexologist Dr. Nick Karras—author of The Passionate High: A guide to using cannabis for better sex & creativity. According to a post on Karras’ website, combining sex and cannabis can help people in a variety of situations, including “long-term couples who have lost their spark, new partners getting intimate for the first time, people experiencing pain during sex, women with difficulty achieving orgasm, men with trouble ejaculating too quickly, partners with mismatched libidos, elderly couples looking to reignite their passion,” as well as people who suffer from depression, body dysmorphic disorder “or other social anxieties that inhibit sexual desire and performance.” But don’t expect your regular doctor or even a sex therapist to talk too openly with you about cannabis— and for good reason. Because cannabis is still illegal at the federal level, medical professionals can lose their jobs over it. In October 2018, Vice News published a story about doctors who’ve had their medical licenses suspended for smoking pot off duty, like a “neurosurgery resident in California who said she smoked weed on her days off” or a doctor in Washington, “who was only reported and tested when a patient complained about him after he refused to prescribe unnecessary opioids.” And that’s to say nothing of the doctors who’ve lost their licenses in states around the country for the ways they’ve prescribed or recommended marijuana to patients. When it Oil-based lubes aren’t comes to sex condom safe. therapists, 14   |   RN&R   |   02.14.19

Christine Gamez (left), general manager of Blüm, and budtender Lindsey Salinas are used to talking about sex and cannabis with customers.

some may be willing to chat about sex and cannabis—but many may not. And their concerns about doing so aren’t without merit. Sex therapists sometimes see people who are not good candidates for drug use—sometimes even people who’ve been convicted of sex crimes for having done just that. Take Reno family and marriage therapist Steven Ing. Talking about sex and sexual health is something he does often with clients—but talking about pot and sex is not. In an email, Ing explained, “recommending different chemical or pharmaceutical agents is beyond the scope of my licensure and patients who seek consultation of this kind are referred to a physician.” He went on to explain that while he sees no problem with people in safe, healthy relationships exploring a myriad of sexual possibilities, “pot, like alcohol, when used for sexual purposes carries tremendous risk.” Ing said he’s even had some clients over the years who were convicted of sex crimes “because, even though they also were under the influence, they were convicted of a felony for having sex with someone when they ‘knew or should have known there was an impaired ability to give consent.’” Therapists like Ing might recommend a person talk to their physician if they ask about cannabis, but whether or not physicians can—or will—speak to it, may be another matter. Reno physician Dr. Robert Watson responded to an interview request, saying he’d have been happy to help but isn’t particularly familiar with “the work done with cannabis and libido or sex.” Watson explained that he, too, is aware of reports that people who partake in cannabis have more frequent sex and often report it as more enjoyable. And he’s aware of the human body’s endocannabinoid system and how it works. The body, he wrote, “produces its own cannabinoids, anandamide and 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG).” It’s this system that cannabinoids from pot interact with to produce medical and sensory effects. “It is involved with pain, reproduction, mood, memory, appetite and more,” Watson said. “It is the

largest receptor system in our bodies and yet remains left out of medical education with the exception of only a couple of medical schools.” Watson asked the only other physician in town he’s aware of who knows a good deal about cannabis if he could speak to questions about pot and sex, but that doctor said it’s not his area of expertise either. “I know of no other physicians in town who know cannabis,” he wrote. “I hope that begins to change.” In the meantime, people’s best resource for learning about mixing cannabis and sex may be their local budtenders.

Best Buds “Because the nature of what we’re doing is quasi medical, I think that a lot of our staff members are comfortable having those kinds of conversations,” said Amy Oppedisano, creative marketing and branding manager for Blüm and a co-founder of its parent company Terra Tech Corp. “People come in for a lot of things,” she said—including advice on pot and sex. And most dispensaries these days carry cannabis-infused sex products, like lubricants and massage oils. In Blüm’s Nevada stores, the only pot lubes currently for sale are oil based, making them unsafe for use with condoms, which will degrade and break down when exposed to oil and friction. But according to Oppedisano, the dispensary’s California locations carry a lube that’s condom safe—and the product could be rolled out in Nevada stores soon, too. In the meantime, the dispensary offers several other products that are conducive to sexy time and even sexual health. “We have menstrual relief oil, as well as an intimacy oil,” said Blüm budtender Lindsey Salinas. “I also have a CBD tea that we just got in. That’s really nice.” CBD, or cannabidiol, is a non-intoxicating cannabinoid found in pot. After tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), it’s the second-most abundant one in marijuana. Salinas said she’d only just begun experimenting with CBD-only products. “And I really enjoy it,” she said. “It’s very calming, very euphoric, without it feeling like you’re all high or you’re out of control and loopy.” According to Salinas, Sexy Time, a product made by the company Apothecanna, is the most popular among the intimacy oils for sale at Blüm. As of press time, the product is only available with CBD, but the company

“People think, specifically, there’s a sex weed, but I haven’t discovered one.”

nerves to take that next step. And, of course, it’s more of a pregame thing. It’s not like you’re going to be in the bedroom sipping tea, but you can kind of get there before you’re there.” But how often are potentially anxious customers comfortable asking their budtenders to recommend products to aid them in the bedroom? “I would say daily I get asked that question,” Salinas said. “I’m not sure if it’s easier for folks to approach me because I’m a woman. They may feel more comfortable. I actually kind of push it because I feel like most people don’t know. Anyone who comes in—you’ve got a mother, you’ve got a grandma, a girlfriend, an auntie who can benefit from [these products].” “And we do have some people who don’t even know that these types of products exist,” Gamez added. “They just expect to suffer from cramping or irritability or anxiety. And so we do try to display these products in our displays so it’s like, ‘Sexy Time? What’s that?’ All of the questions roll out, and 25 minutes later they’re still having a conversation about these issues and finding a remedy for them.” What kinds of issues do budtenders like Salinas help tackle—like how do I combat the vaginal

Lindsey Salinas Budtender has recently released a version with a one-to-one ratio of THC and CBD, and Salinas thinks customers will respond well to it. “A lot of times a lot of customers see more benefit from that, especially when they’re trying to get in the mood because it creates more of an effect with the body,” she said. “It kind of gets them out of their heads. I’ve even found for myself that if you’ve had too much THC, you can’t concentrate, and you’re just kind of all over the place.” Blüm General Manager Christine Gamez said she thinks CBD-only products are particularly great sex facilitators for millennials. “So many people in our generation struggle with anxiety, in general,” she said. “CBD-only products help relieve that, especially if it’s a newer relationship where you might be feeling nervous, or feeling

equivalent of cottonmouth or is there a strain of bud that’s particularly conducive to sex? “I get that question often,” she said. “A lot of people think there’s a sex weed, and that’s a common misconception. It breaks down into the terpenes. And the terpenes, of course, are the essential oils of the cannabis plant. And, for example, limonene is great. It’s an anti-inflammatory. It’s also one that’s known to help you de-stress, to kind of just wind down and get out of your head. Anytime I’ve referred any flower that’s high in limonene, I’ve had customers come back and say, ‘That’s really worked for me. I was really in the mood.’ ” But she said, it depends on the person. People should be prepared to look for strains high in limonene, but also be ready to experiment with a few different strains with varying concentrations of THC and CBD to find out which ones work best for them. “People think, specifically, there’s a sex weed, but I haven’t discovered one,” Salinas said. “If I had, I’d have smoked it already.” Ω

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Full STEAM by Holly HutcHings


Nevada teachers discuss interdisciplinary education with an emphasis on art

n a drizzly gray Saturday in early February, hundreds of educators from across the state braved the weather to attend a day-long STEAM conference at the Nevada Museum of Art in Reno. More than 250 teachers, librarians and educators from 15 of the state’s 18 school districts funneled through the entrance of NMA. Two Tesla cars flanked the entrance, their DeLorean-like doors spread high and bird-like, beckoning visitors to check them out and foreshadowing that something exciting was afoot. Pretty much everyone has heard about STEM education. It’s an interdisciplinary approach to educating students. The acronym stands for science, technology, engineering and math. It’s been in practice in public and private institutions across the nation for long enough now for educators to see the effects. And to some of them, there was something missing in STEM—prompting the addition of an “A” for arts to the well-known acronym. The new letter sparked controversy in some education circles. But cheerleaders for STEAM say that by adding arts to


16   |   RN&R   |   02.14.19

STEM education, kids will be better and brighter in their fields and more ready for the workforce in a changing world, especially in Northern Nevada. “Because of the presence of companies like Tesla and Switch and Apple and Google, we have made a really strong foundation to move Nevada toward a future that is really defined by innovation and technology,” said Marisa Cooper, museum spokesperson. “We want to make sure that as we’re moving in that direction, we’re remembering that the arts still a play a really vital role in being able to accomplish that. So, as we’re promoting STEM in our schools and STEM skills for our workforce, we want to make sure we’re doing it with the arts, which is why we’re promoting STEAM education.” The focus of this year’s conference was to take a high-level view of the arts, looking to the past and asking who was doing this interdisciplinary practice before STEAM was a thing and teachers in classrooms all over began considering how to blend art and science education. “We were really inspired by the practice of the traditional naturalists, like John James Audubon and John Muir—to think about the world and really be inspired by nature and really look and observe and think about what’s happening around you, then use the arts, use STEM to innovate in a new direction,” Cooper said. The sold out, day-long conference was anchored by two keynote speakers and filled with hands-on workshops for the educators about

everything from biomimicry to scientific illustration taught by a Centers for Disease Control illustrator to workshops using charcoal from wildfires to create botanical sketches of burning plants. The goal was to provide something tactile that teachers could leave with and implement in their classes on Monday. Art is what lured a group of Battle Mountain Elementary School teachers to make the trek to Reno, but the team building activities focusing on blending natural sciences and creativity made their trip worth the mileage. “Rural Nevada is a difficult place to bring culture and the arts to, but I think we try,” said Jonie Davenport. Davenport has been an educator for 30 years. She and her Lander County peers said seeing separate subjects as overlapping was a huge takeaway they hope to pass on to their students. “If you can tie the arts in with your other curriculum and end up with something you create, that’s actually our goal,” Davenport said. “A lot of things we’ve done today we had to work in teams, and … I think we would’ve gotten frustrated and quit with some of the projects we were doing if we weren’t part of a team.” Davenport’s colleague Sandra Eslick has also taught for 30 years and wants to give her firstgraders the space and ability to think broadly. “Reading has so many patterns in it,” Eslick said. “So, I’m thinking if I can tie some reading patterns into what patterns there are in nature,


Teachers from around the state participated in workshops during the conference.

“We have to remember that arts education cannot be addressed through STEAM.”

maybe those kids that are “So, we see creativity to being really into nature will go, ‘Oh! essential to everything we do Reading’s got patterns like across the board. Tesla’s a very nature!’” flat organization so you’re That’s what it’s about constantly working with differfor Craig Rosen, community ent subject matter experts and engagement and professional different teams, and the arts can Pilar Biller, development administrator of also teach you to deal with that Teacher the Desert Research Institute’s ambiguity and get used to it and Science Alive outreach get excited about it.” program, which works with Putting the arts into the teachers in the state year-round. He started STEM mix is said to foster innovation and this conference six years ago with teacher problem solving, but there are those that trainings and has watched it grow into the hope STEAM is not replacing traditional arts contemporary event. education. Pilar Biller, visual arts teacher at “It’s those catches, those ways to get Damonte Ranch High School and the 2018 teachers excited about presenting the Nevada Teacher of the Year attended the science through creative means,” Rosen conference to keep her finger on the pulse said. “It also allows students who experiof what’s happening in the field she loves. ence this the opportunity to really get their She wants people to understand that arts hands on it in ways they might not normally and STEAM are not the same and should be do through a book or a story or a lesson utilized in different ways. She worries that or lecture. To really get their hands on the by bringing some of the art components into science, and that’s where the creative piece STEAM, we’re not covering what arts educacomes in. Art is definitely an entry way into tion is all about. science. It’s a great tool to be able to bring “I value both of them,” Biller said. “It’s the science to life.” a concern that we are already struggling to Those thinking-outside-the-box kids are maintain value for people and to say, ‘We’ll who businesses in our state want in a future add art to STEM, and it’ll be a thing.’ No, workforce. Chris Reilly—head of workit’s not that thing. It is important, but we force development and education for lead have to remember that arts education cannot conference sponsor Tesla—said that when be addressed through STEAM. It can’t. designing a factory line from idea to reality, The arts can enhance STEM, but it’s not a they’re vital. replacement.” “You need to be able to think about The conversation will continue when those skill sets differently and I think the the Nevada STEAM Conference hosts a arts really bring that balance right into play symposium for educators later this month with engineering together,” Reilly said. in Southern Nevada. Ω







Ge n u

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ine “Silk and Rust” is one piece in Giannecchini’s exhibition. PHOTO/JERI CHADWELL

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18   |   RN&R   |   02.14.19

In spirit The Celestials Sue Fawn Chung started teaching at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, in 1975. The author and historian has been a member of National Trust for Historic Preservation and the Nevada’s Board of Museums and History. In her book, The Chinese in Nevada, produced in collaboration with the Nevada State Museum, Chung discusses the lives of Nevada’s 19th century immigrants and the roles they played in their respective communities. Chung explains that when Chinese people first began arriving in Nevada in the 1850s and settled near Genoa and Dayton, no one really imagined that a few decades later they’d constitute nearly nine percent of the state’s population. Many people know the huge role Chinese laborers played in building the transcontinental railroad, but Chung’s book explains that they also worked in other construction fields as well as industries like mining, ranching, sheepherding, logging, medicine, merchandising, gambling—and their restaurants and laundries could be found throughout the state. But according to Chung, anti-Chinese legislation—like the Chinese Exclusion Act, a federal law signed by President Chester A. Arthur on May 6, 1882 that prohibited all immigration of Chinese laborers—had a devastating effect on their population during the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries. According to Nevada Humanities’ Online Nevada Encyclopedia, by 1890, the Chinese population in Nevada was less than 3,000, “but they remained the most

numerous of the foreign-born. Ten years later, the Chinese had continued their retreat, with only 1,276 still living in the state. Chinatowns that were flimsily built of dry wood became easy victims of fire, too often caused by arson. Today, remnants of the Chinese experience in nineteenthcentury Nevada are rare and typically restricted to archaeology.” Today, according to the American Immigration Council, China is still among the top five countries from which Nevada residents have emigrated, but Chinese people make up only 3.1 percent of the state’s population. As the Online Nevada Encyclopedia points out, there’s not much left in Nevada that speaks to the experiences of the state’s early Chinese immigrants—but another resource are the archival collections of photos of Chinese immigrants kept in museums around the state. It was these that artist Joan Giannecchini used to create the exhibition The Celestials: Chinese of the Old West, now on display at the Northwest Reno Library. In the book Women Artists of the Great Basin, Giannecchini explained to author Mary Lee Fulkerson that she wanted to use digitized archival photos of Chinese immigrants to give them a place in the state’s history and bring to mind the hardships, loneliness and uncertainty they faced. According to Fulkerson’s book, it took Giannecchini seven years to complete the exhibit, which attempts to give a sense of Chinese immigrants’ emotions, thoughts and ideas. Giannecchini started by creating the type of shadow boxes common to dioramas—but the artist’s are made from materials like wood and metal she found scattered around the ghost town of Tuscarora, where she lived. The boxes are filled with additional found materials accompanying digital images of Chinese immigrants printed on materials like paper transparencies, silk and vellum. LED lights that shine from the bottom of the shadow boxes create a ghostly effect in the photos, whose subjects’ eyes seem to follow viewers as they move past them. The exhibition is on display through Feb. 28 and is well worth a visit for anyone curious about some of the forgotten people from Nevada’s past. Ω

The Celestials: Chinese of the Old West is on display at the Northwest Reno Library, 2325 Robb Drive, through Feb. 28.

by BoB Grimm

b g ri m m @ne w s re v i e w . c o m



“Give up my reputation as a hard-boiled action star? Snow way.”

Mind numbing Cold Pursuit sees Liam Neeson in another tired revenge formula film, this time set in the snowy Rocky Mountains. It allows for some impressive scenery. That’s about the best thing I can say for this one. It’s not a good thing when the best part of a murder mystery is shots of a snow plow cutting through large quantities of white stuff. That, oddly enough, is a beautiful thing to watch and had me wishing this was a documentary about a guy trying to keep a mountain pass clear in the winter rather than another Fargo rip-off. Neeson plays Nels Coxman and, yes, the film contains plenty of jokes about that last name. Nels has just won citizen of the year for keeping the roads clear, just in time for his son Kyle (Michael Richardson) to be killed by a criminally forced heroin overdose. Turns out Kyle interfered in some drug dealings with a major dealer nicknamed Viking (Tom Bateman) and got put in a fatal predicament made to look like an addict’s accident. Nels knows better and seeks out answers. When he starts getting them, he kills off those responsible, one by one, until the path leads to Viking. When he gets there, the plan involves Viking’s young son (“You took my son’s life. You have a son. He’s going to be taken!”) This is a remake of the 2014 Norwegian film In Order of Disappearance, which had Stellan Skarsgard in the Neeson role and also had the same director, Hans Petter Moland. Moland straight up repeats much of what happened in his original film, shooting many of the scenarios identically. There’s little to no reason for this remake to exist, other than cashing in on the Neeson name. By the way, Skarsgard’s last name in the original was Dickman. Get it? Dickman becomes a Coxman? Give me a break. In the original, the drug lord’s misinterpretation of what’s going on leads to a turf war between

Norwegians and Serbians. This time out, the misbegotten turf war is between a mix of typical American assholes and guys from a nearby Native American reservation. Oh, hey, I just figured out that the character named Viking is an ode to the original Norwegian film. There you have it—another lame change posing as clever. Laura Dern shows up as Nels’ wife and mom to Kyle, but—clearly—her paycheck wasn’t all that sizeable, so she bolts from the film fairly early on. Emmy Rossum is given the role of the only police officer on the force trying to make a go at solving what’s going on. That, mixed with the frozen tundra and attempts at dark humor, is what gives the film that feeling of Fargo rip-off. As for Neeson, this is a role he’s played many times before. He’s picking his roles slightly better than, say, the also aging Bruce Willis, but he’s definitely allowed himself to get typecast at this point. His small role in last year’s The Ballad of Buster Scruggs was his best work since his other frozen tundra action flick, The Grey. Actually, if you have a hankering for Neeson running around in the snow and have never seen The Grey, get on it. That one is a classic. If there’s a stand-out performance in Cold Pursuit, it’s probably Bateman. He’s the only one in the movie who seems to get that it’s supposed to be a little funny and outlandish. His compulsive tweaking of his son’s diet and strange take on bullying make him a nightmare dad but a pretty funny bad guy. He deserved a better movie. If you must see a movie about a snow plow driver killing a bunch of people Charles Bronsonstyle, watch the original (Hey, Bruno Ganz is in it!) As far as movies about snow plow driving killers go, Cold Pursuit is a boring ride. Ω

Cold Pursuit



The latest DC effort, Aquaman, is middling fun for about 20 minutes before it becomes one of the worst films of 2018. It’s the typical DC garbage can of a film and proof that Warner Brothers has learned next to nothing when it comes to making a good comic book movie since Christian Bale took off the cowl (Yes, Wonder Woman was good—the lone exception.) Jason Momoa returns as big, tattooed, beefy Arthur, the dreamy son of a Lost City of Atlantis queen (Nicole Kidman) and Jango Fett (Temuera Morrison), a lowly lighthouse keeper. Fett finds the queen washed up on the rocks and takes her home, where she promptly eats his goldfish. (What a laugh riot! She ate his pet fish!) She gives birth to Arthur, and the origin story part of the movie is well on its way. We see a few more moments in the fish man’s young life. Momoa eventually shows up in full party mode, and it looks like we could be on our way to some goofy fun. Alas, like Zack Snyder before him, director James Wan doesn’t know how to keep a leash on his epic, and this things goes bonkers in a bad way. The undeniable charms—and admittedly glorious hair—of Momoa can only go so far in this unholy mess.



Following one bomb after another during a 15-year stretch, in 2017, M. Night Shyamalan showed us he was still capable of good cinematic things with Split—a showcase for James McAvoy’s multi-persona performance and a creepy little thriller thanks to Shyamalan’s surprisingly deft direction. An after-credits scene showed us Bruce Willis as David Dunn, his superhumanly strong Unbreakable character, and the possibilities became very intriguing. The director announced his intention to make Glass and that Split was, in fact, the second part of what would be a trilogy. Glass would bring back the brittle-boned character of that name played by Samuel L. Jackson in Unbreakable, along with Willis and the newly introduced McAvoy character(s). OK, sounds good. Let’s go! Well … shit. 2019 has its first legitimate clunker. Shyamalan is up to his old tricks again—the kind of loopy, half-assed filmmaking that made the world scratch its collective head with The Happening, The Village, The Last Airbender, After Earth and Lady in the Water—all wretched stink bombs. He has a remarkable ability to employ both lazy and overambitious writing simultaneously. He puts a lot in play with Glass but doesn’t seem to have a distinct idea of where to take it. Plot holes abound like wolf spider offspring jumping from their momma’s back when you slam a shoe down on her. There are so many, it’s hard to keep track of them.


The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part

Taking some cues from Mad Max, the Book of Revelations and, yes, Radiohead, The Second Part is another healthy dose of family-friendly fun where both sides of the age spectrum should laugh heartily. One of my favorite moviegoing things is to hear an adult blast out laughing, and then their kid follow suit. Either the kid is, indeed, in on the joke, or he/she just wants to be like the parent. Either way, it’s just a lot of fun and really cute when a movie produces these kinds of reactions for its entire running time. Cut to five years after the end of the first movie, and our hero Emmet (Chris Pratt) is happily buying coffee in Apocalypseburg, a devastated Lego land of sullen tones and broken dreams. Wyldstyle (Elizabeth

Banks) has taken to dramatic narrating at all times, things are getting knocked down as soon as they are built up, and invading aliens called Duplos are mostly to blame—invading forces that are at once undeniably adorable and unabashedly destructive. It’s a crazed world where Batman (Will Arnett) winds up engaged to Queen Waterva Wa-Nabi (Tiffany Haddish), leader of the Duplo, and Emmet winds up running with a Kurt Russell-type antihero who is suspiciously like him. The reasons for all of the craziness will not be revealed here. Take the kids, and find out for yourself.


The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then the Bigfoot

The title of this one implies some campy fun, right? The fact it stars Sam Elliot has you thinking tongue-in-cheek, cult classic adventure in the making, perhaps? I’m all for a movie deviating from expectations—bring it on—but this one has no idea what it is trying to accomplish. Elliot plays an old soldier drinking his life away. Through flashbacks, we see that he was part of some covert operation to kill Hitler. That part of the movie’s title is handled in a couple of quick, unimaginative scenes. Then, his character is approached by the government to go and kill Bigfoot because he’s spreading a disease in Canada that could wipe out the entire planet. Again, this part of the film’s title is handled in a couple of flimsy scenes, one including Bigfoot vomiting all over Elliot. The movie actually takes itself seriously, trying to depict a sincere look at a mercenary defeated by lost love and looking for one last chance, replete with a sappy soundtrack and real attempts at emoting. Come on? This could’ve been goofy fun, and moments like Bigfoot spouting vomit all over the place show that there may have been loony cult aspirations with this one. Instead, it’s a real drama with a cult title meant to fool geek chumps like me into plunking down the dough for a viewing. Avoid this. It’s terrible. (Available for download during a limited theatrical release.)


Velvet Buzzsaw

The reliable combo of writer-director Dan Gilroy and Jake Gyllenhaal (they partnered up on Nightcrawler) takes a creative step backward with this art world satire/horror effort. Gyllenhaal plays Morf Vandewalt, an art critic losing his lust for the profession. His love affair with Josephina (Zawe Ashton), an art house employee, gets confusing in many ways when she comes across paintings by a dead man in her apartment building. The paintings, which the artist had literally put his blood into, have deadly consequences for those who gaze upon them. Gyllenhaal is his usual sharp self in the role, creating something funny without obviously going for laughs. Rene Russo is equally good as a ruthless art dealer, willing to cut down anybody who gets in her way. The supporting cast includes Toni Collette, John Malkovich and Billy Magnusson, which lends to the feeling that the film should be more than what it is. It’s sharp satire for its first half, then a sloppy horror film for its second. It’s not scary by any means, and it tries a little too hard to be. Gilroy takes his eye off the ball, loses focus and wastes a promising premise and solid performances. (Streaming on Netflix during a limited theatrical release.)






by Todd SouTh

2 Special MealS + 2 DrinkS & 1 DeSSert*



Valentine ’s Day s pecial

Homestyle Mexican food 2144 Greenbrae Dr. sparks, nV 89431 • 775-870-1177 Open everyday 11am-10pm *house margaritas or bottled beer (does not include special flavors) sHOW tHis cOupOn WitH purcHase

Bakery manager Carli Call preps a box of pastries for a customer.

Bread winner Perenn Bakery in midtown proudly proclaims, “Embrace the gluten.” This is Old World baking focused on a limited number of breads and pastries that are almost too beautiful to eat—almost. If you’re doing the low-carb thing, this place is worthy of a cheat day. My friend and I arrived bright and early on a Saturday, counter to my policy that Saturday mornings are for sleeping in. Good thing we did, because they’d nearly sold out of goods by the time we left. There is a huge communal table in the center of the room—all seats were taken—and some strip counters around the walls; some with stools, some standing-room-only. After receiving our goods we chose to stand. Giant boules of seeded and unseeded sourdough were on display, accompanied by a basket of yard-long baguettes. The display counter featured an array of croissant and kouign-amann pastries. Beverages include ice water and locally roasted coffee. A short menu of prepared items makes for a nice, light brunch. Tartine refers to an open-faced sandwich, harkening back to the medieval Europeans’ use of a slab of bread in lieu of a plate. My lox tartine tartine ($8) was a sizeable, toasted slice of sourdough with schmear of labneh (thick, tart yogurt), a sprinkle of za’atar (a Levantine-Arabic herb and spice blend), mild pickled cucumber, sesame seed, fresh pea shoots and—of course—thin-sliced, brined salmon. It sounds pretty fancy, but the young woman who delivered it said simply, “Here’s your toast.” That’s some pretty fantastic toast. The sour notes of the bread, spread and pickle countered well with the slightly salty fish and spices, and I particularly enjoyed the fresh note of just-plucked 20   |   RN&R   |   02.14.19


microgreens. My friend equally enjoyed her six-inch sandwich ($8) made with baguette, triple cream brie and fig jam. The bread was a perfect combination of crunch and chew, and the fruit and cheese combo was pretty solid. There’s an option to add dry cured ham for another $2, but she apparently isn’t the ham fan that I am. I made up for it with a prosciutto and gruyere croissant ($5), which was so sexy I kind of hated to bite in and ruin it. The buttery flakiness, the layers, the air pockets—I almost didn’t notice the small layer of quality pork and cheese in the center, having lost myself in a truly transcendent example of what a croissant should be. My friend’s young daughter appeared to agree, making short work of a chocolate-filled croissant ($3.75). I actually didn’t get to taste that one; she was pretty protective of her morning bounty, with good reason. A plain kouign-amann ($3.75) is a sort of cousin to the croissant. The Breton word literally means “butter and cake.” The flaky, layered texture is similar, but it’s got a nice, light sweetness and composition all its own. Perenn’s is as good as I’ve encountered, maybe the best. The seasonal variety of the day—coconut creme brulee ($5.25)—kicked it up to another level. Shaved coconut topped the crown of the cake, with a surprise filling of coconut custard gushing forth on my first bite. It was a little messy, and though I’m not a huge fan of coconut, this lightly sweet use of the palm fruit/nut was quite pleasant. I took a hefty loaf of sourdough home ($9), extending my cheat day with no regrets. Ω

Perenn Bakery

20 St. Lawrence Ave., 451-7722

Perenn Bakery is open Wednesday through Sunday from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Learn more at perennbakery.com.

by Luka StarMer

Dave Masud has organized Skate Jam for the last six years, but the vision for it began in 1997, when he was 12 years old. PHOTO/LUKA STARMER

Rock ’n’ roll Skate Jam 6 It’s cold out for skateboarding. This week, Reno skate parks have snow sitting in the bottom of the bowls and ramps—but you can bet there are still some skaters out there dialing in their tricks. They’re getting ready for Skate Jam 6, an annual skate competition held at Jub Jub’s Thirst Parlor. On Saturday, Feb. 23, the large showroom space will be converted into something looking like a fantasy level from the Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater video games. Skate Jam is a skateboarding competition mixed with a music festival. And it’s open to all ages. Contenders skate in the middle, relegating the crowds to standing against the back railing. Punk rock bands play on the main stage. The event goes from noon until midnight. Dave Masud, manager at Jub Jub’s, has organized Skate Jam for the last six years—but the vision began for him back in 1997 when he was 12 years old. He says he went to a skate and music event at the Reno Livestock Events Center, and it changed his life. “Murphy’s Law was headlining, and they let me come up and play drums with them,” Masud said. “I was so stoked on it.” Since then, he’s Venn Diagrammed himself within the skate and punk rock

scenes here in Reno. He and his friends began building their own skate ramps, including a half-pipe they’ve been bringing to Black Rock City for their theme camp called Voted Best Camp. Now, every winter, Masud and friends bring a bunch of lumber to the back of Jubs Jub’s and cobble together a temporary skate park for their own event. “We have a six-foot quarter pipe, two smaller quarter pipes and a wedge ramp,” said Masud. “The middle feature has been a curved rail [in the past], but we’ve been talking about doing something a little more interesting for the middle this year.” The event features competitive age brackets for those 6 years old and up. The main event is later in the afternoon. Winners take home prizes from Suffix Skateboarding, a Nevada skate apparel company, and Carson City Wheelhouse, a skate shop in Carson City. Headlining are punk rock groups M.D.C., Verbal Abuse and The Elected Officials. Thirteen bands total are playing back-to-back on the main stage. Music will continue late into the night in the front room for those who are 21 and older. “I think skateboarding and punk rock have kind of been going hand in hand for a long time,” said Zach Ryan, guitarist and singer for the Reno band Donkey Jaw, which will perform at the event for the third time. “It’s really cool for everybody. It’s more of a family event than a typical night club type of show.” Ryan said Donkey Jaw has always had an interest in punk music and skateboarding. At this event, the bandmates look forward to sharing their music with kids who might not get into it otherwise. “I think personally think that’s the best part—seeing the little rippers get out of their comfort zone with the loud music and people watching them laugh and pump each other up,” said Jossue Molina, a past competitor and representative from Suffix Skateboarding. “It gets the older guys pumped up, too.” Ω

$180 value

W i n 4 TickeTs To cirque du soleil thursday, marCh 21st @ 7:30Pm laWlor EvEnts CEntEr 1664 n vIrgInIa st. rEno, nv 89557 httPs://WWW.CIrquEdusolEIl.Com/CortEo

To enTer -Email contest@newsreview.com -Put “Corteo Cirque” in the subject line -Include your full name and daytime phone number EntrIEs must bE rECEIvEd by WEdnEsday, marCh 13th at mIdnIght thE WInnEr WIll bE randomly sElECtEd on thursday, marCh 14th

Skate Jam 6 will happen at Jub Jub’s Thirst Parlor, 71 S. Wells Ave., from 12 p.m. to 12 a.m. on Feb. 23. Advanced tickets are available at Jub Jub’s and Recycled Records, 822 S. Virginia St., for $15. Those 18 and under must have a helmet and sign a waiver with a parent or guardian. Learn more here: https://goo.gl/RHLbTN.

02.14.19    |   RN&R   |   21

Men Get Huge Surprise From Rub on Cream PAID ADVERTISEMENT

Research shows a new sex cream may be all that’s needed to improve a failing sex life; works directly where its applied, enhancing erections, arousal, and so much more.

By Dr. Henry Esber, PhD BOSTON − New research has uncovered that men’s sexual failures may also result from lack of sensation vs. lack of blood flow as we originally suspected. That’s why men are turning to an amazing new sex cream for help. The sex cream catogorized as a male cosmetic, called Sensum+®, activates a sensation pathway on the penis known as TRPA1. When applied as directed, it leads to incredible arousal and much more satisfying erections. It also promotes powerful climaxes and ultimately results in significant improvements in performance. “Men can expect outstanding sexual improvements with regular use. The penis will become hyper sensitive, making them easily aroused and excitable” explains Dr. Henry Esber, the Boston based scientist who introduced Sensum+® to market. “And that’s because Sensum+® does what no other sex pill or drug has done before − it stimulates a special sensory pathway right below the skin, which leads to phenomenal sensation.” Overtime, constant exposure (especially if circumcised) leads to decreased penis sensitivity, which can cause problems with arousal and erection quality. There just isn’t enough feeling to get excited.” “Diabetes, anti-depressants and normal aging also leads to desensitization, a can make the situation even worse.” “This is what makes Sensum+® so effective and why the clinical studies and clinical use studies have been so positive.”

MISDIAGNOSIS LEADS TO UNNEEDED PRESCRIPTIONS After years of clinical research and testing, Dr. Esber and his team have discovered an incredible compound that triggers arousal while helping men achieve erections more easily. This compound isn’t a drug. It’s the active ingredient in Sensum+®. And according to users, it produces sensational results. Many men report remarkable improvements in sexual performance and overall satisfaction. They are more sexually active than they’ve been in years with the average Sensum+® user over the age of 50. Clinical studies show Sensum+®’s key ingredient activates the TRPA1 sensation pathway right below the skin of the penis. According to research, many men adults and seniors who suffer sexually have lost sensation in their penis due to constant rubbing and exposure and health related issues such as diabetes, hernia surgery, use of some anti-depressants, multiple sclerosis, and other type of illnesses. This desensitization often makes sex extremely challenging. Without a 100% feeling in the penis, its next to impossible to get truly aroused. Worse, modern day sex drugs have absolutely no effect on sensation

and are laden with side effects. They simply stimulate an erection by enhancing blood flow. It’s why most men are rarely satisfied after taking them and why Sensum+® users are always stocking up on more and couldn’t be happier. “We knew the science behind Sensum+® was there, but we never expected results like we’re seeing. It’s far exceeded our expectations” said a spokesperson for the company.

A STAGGERING 80% IMPROVEMENT IN SENSITIVITY Researchers have conducted several clinical studies on Sensum+® and the results from the most recent are undoubtedly the most impressive. A data analysis of three clinical surveys of 370 men showed that an amazing 80% of Sensum+® users experienced dramatic improvements while using the cream and as a result were aroused easier and a phenomenal boost in performance. Additionally, 77.4% of men also reported much more satisfying climaxes, making sex for both them and their partners nearly 300% more satisfying. “I have full feeling and sensitivity back in my penis. Everything feels better. My erections are harder, I’m more easily aroused, I can finally climax again. This stuff honestly works like magic in the bedroom. I couldn’t be happier at 66!” raves one Sensum+® user.

HOW SENSUM+® WORKS Sensum+® is a new sex cream for men that’s to be applied twice a day for the first two weeks then just once every day after. There are no harmful side effects for either the user or partner. It also does not require a prescription. The active ingredient is an organic compound known as cinnamaldehyde with a patented combination of sexually rousing extracts. Research shows that as men get older, they often lose sensitivity to the penis. Although very subtle, this desensitization can significantly hinder sexual performance and lead to serious problems with becoming aroused and staying/getting hard. The cinnamaldehyde in Sensum+® is one of the only known ingredients to activate a special sensation pathway on the penis called TRPA1. Once activated, it restores tremendous sensation to the penis, stimulating arousal and powerful erections. This would explain why so many users are experiencing impressive results so quickly and why the distributors of Sensum+® offer their low cost cream with an amazing guarantee.

GUARANTEE DISCOUNTED SUPPLY TAKES RISK OFF CONSUMERS A large percentage of men report life changing results with Sensum+®. That’s why it is now being sold with an above-industry

RESEARCH FINDS RESTORING SENSATION VITAL FOR RESTORING SEX LIFE: Sensum activates a special sensory pathway on the penis, enhancing erections and triggering arousal.

standard guarantee. “We can only make this guarantee because we are 100% certain this cream works,” says Esber. “We want to take risk off the consumers. So besides offering massive discounts, we’re also offering this guarantee, so they don’t have to risk a cent.” Here’s how it works: Use the cream exactly as directed and you must feel a significant improvement in sexual sensations. You must be more easily aroused with harder, longer lasting erections and be having the best sex you’ve had in years. Otherwise, simply return the empty bottles. Then, the company will refund your money immediately.

HOW TO GET SENSUM+® This is the official release of Sensum+®. As such, the company is offering a special discounted supply to any reader who calls within the next 48 hours. A special hotline number and discounted pricing has been created for all Nevada residents. Discounts will be available starting today at 6:00AM and will automatically be applied to all callers. Your Toll-Free Hotline number is 1-800-963-5879 and will only be open for the next 48 hours. Only a limited discounted supply of Sensum+® is currently available in your region. Consumers who miss out on our current product inventory will have to wait until more becomes available and that could take weeks. The company advises not to wait. Call 1-800-963-5879 today.


22314427_10_x_9.875.indd | RN&R



2/6/19 1:53 PM




Karaoke, 9pm, no cover

Dance party, 10pm, $5

Dance party, 10pm, $5

Karaoke, 9pm, W, no cover

Só Sol, 9pm, no cover

Barn Dance with Everyday Outlaw, Western Specters, 9pm, $7

Bluegrass Open Jam, 6pm, M, no cover Swing dancing, 7:30pm, Tu, no cover

Bar oF aMErICa

Under the Radar, 9pm, no cover

Under the Radar, 9pm, no cover


Boogie T, MERSIV, Vampa, 9pm, $15-$25

Pink Mammoth Freaky 15, 9pm, $15-$25

5 Star Saloon

132 West St., (775) 329-2878

40 MIlE Saloon

Sonic Mass with DJ Tigerbunny, 9pm, no cover

alIBI alE WorKS

A Steampunk Victorian Valentines Supper with Bazooka Zac, 6:30pm, $75

1495 S. Virginia St., (775) 323-1877 10069 Bridge St., Truckee, (530) 536-5029

Reverend Horton Heat Feb. 14, 8 p.m. Cargo Concert Hall 255 N. Virginia St. 398-5400

Comedy Carson Comedy Club, Carson City Nugget, 507 N. Carson St, Carson City, (775) 882-1626: Kathleen Dunbar, Fri-Sat, 8pm, $15 Laugh Factory, Silver Legacy Resort Casino, 407 N. Virginia St., (775) 3257401: Tim Gaither, Thu, Sun, 7:30pm, $21.95; Fri-Sat, 7:30pm, 9:30pm, $27.45; John Caponera, Tue-Wed, 7:30pm, $21.95 LEX at Grand Sierra Resort, 2500 E. Second St., (775) 789-5399: Geechy Guy, Fri, 6:30pm, $15-$20 The Library, 134 W. Second St., (775) 683-3308: Open Mic Comedy, Wed, 9:30pm, no cover Pioneer Underground, 100 S. Virginia St., (775) 322-5233: Geechy Guy, Thu, 7:30pm, Fri, 8:30pm, Sat, 6:30pm, 9:30pm, $15-$22; Fundraiser for Music With Confidence, Sun, 3pm, $20-$25

10040 Donner Pass Rd., Truckee, (530) 587-2626 555 E. Fourth St., (775) 499-5549

CarGo ConCErt Hall

255 N. Virginia St., (775) 398-5400

Reverend Horton Heat, Big Sandy, Voodoo Glow Skulls, 8pm, $20


Keith Shannon, 9pm, no cover

538 S. Virginia St., (775) 329-5558

CottonWooD rEStaUrant

10142 Rue Hilltop, Truckee; (530) 587-5711

Conor McAlindin Band, 6:30pm, no cover


Myke Read, 9pm, no cover

275 E. Fourth St., (775) 324-1917

DEaD rInGEr analoG Bar 432 E. Fourth St., (775) 409-4431

Galentine’s Day with Gina Rose, Jen Scaffidi, Raksha Paksha, 7pm, $5 Bob the Drag Queen, 8pm, $10-$25

HEllFIrE Saloon

Baker Street, 8pm, no cover

3372 S. McCarran Blvd., (775) 825-1988

tHE HollanD ProjECt

Castaway$ x Woda 530 Takeover, 7pm, $5

140 Vesta St., (775) 742-1858


180 W. Peckham Lane, Ste. 1070, (775) 686-6737

jUB jUB’S tHIrSt Parlor 71 S. Wells Ave., (775) 384-1652

Thursday Night Trivia, 7pm, no cover

MON-WED 2/18-2/20

Post shows online by registerin g at www.newsrev iew. com/reno. D eadline is the Frida y before public ation.

SAYMYNAME, Dack Janiels, 10pm, M, $20-$30

Traditional Irish session, 7pm, Tu, Wed. Night Showcase, 7pm, no cover

Hollywood Trashed, 9pm, no cover Kayla Meltzer Band, Travis Rigsbee, 8pm, $5


239 W. Second St., (775) 470-8590

Cole Adams, 9pm, no cover


ManorLady, Slow Wow, Basha, 7pm, $5

Twin Peaks Bingo Night, 4pm, $5

Daniel Romano, 7pm, Tu, $8-$10 SVP Open Mic, 6pm, W, $3 -$5 Open mic with Monsterbug Productions, 9pm, W, no cover

Friday Night Karaoke, 9:30pm, no cover Afroman, Mr. Mixx of 2 Live Crew, 7pm, $20

Syndrome 81, Dissidence, 8pm, M, $5 Blueface, 7:30pm, Tu, $27











Jazz Jam Session Wednesdays, 7:30pm, W, no cover


Live Jazz Jam Wednesdays, 7:30pm, W, no cover

941 N. Virginia St., (775) 870-9633 1480 N. Carson St., Carson City, (775) 841-4663


Magic Fusion, 7pm, 9pm, $22-$47


Chance Hayden, 8:30pm, no cover


DJ Trivia, 7pm, no cover

1021 Heavenly Village Way, S. L. Tahoe, (530) 523-8024

Yo Yolie

188 California Ave., (775) 322-2480

Feb. 16, 10 p.m. Peppermill 2707 S. Virginia St. 826-2121

Magic Fusion, 7pm, $22-$47 Magic After Dark, 9pm, $32-$47

La Gran Sonora Santanera, Los Terrícolas, 10pm, $25

Banda El Rocodo, Los Dinnos, Brandon Solano, 10pm, $TBA

Blues and Brews Jam, 7pm, no cover

Karaoke with R&B Productions, 9pm, no cover

Silverwing, 9pm, no cover

235 Flint St., (775) 376-1948

Better Than Sax Spaghetti Valentine’s Dinner with Chris Gillette, 8pm, $12

Token Girl, 8pm, no cover


Bingo with T-N-Keys, 7pm, no cover

T-N-Keys, DJ Bobby G, 8pm, no cover


2100 Victorian Ave., Sparks, (775) 378-1643

PIGNIC PUB & PATIO 1559 S. Virginia St., (775) 322-8864



Bloody Valentines, Pink Awful, At Both Ends, 4th Street Rippers, 8:30pm, $6-$10

715 S. Virginia St., (775) 786-4774


Valentine’s Day Soirée, 11pm, no cover

Don’t Be Bitter Ball, 11pm, no cover

3155 Eastlake Blvd., New Washoe City, (530) 470-8128

FEBRUARY 16TH AND 17TH Last Ever Tanners Marketplace at the Livestock Events Center but it’s not ending…it’s just moving to the big Reno Sparks Convention Center! Upcoming Show DateS at Reno SpaRkS convention centeR 4590 S. viRginia StReet

SaTuRday 9-5 & Sunday 10-3: adMiSSion $5, $4 SEnioRS and STudEnTS

$1 off wiTh ThiS ad oR by donaTing a Can of food RENo livEsTock EvENTs cENTER 1350 N. WElls AvENUE, RENo (FREE pARkiNg!)

FoR moRe inFoRmation, call Dan clementS 775-741-9524 tanneRSReno.com |


Trivia Night with Aubrey Forston, 8pm, no cover Trivia Night, 8pm, W, no cover

Preacher, Our Last Days, Inaniment, 7pm, $5 at door or free with advance tix Open Mic Night with James Ames, 6:30pm, Tu, no cover


May 11th & 12th July 27th & 28th Sept. 21st & 22nd Nov. 23rd & 24th Magic of Santa Craft Faire Dec. 14th & 15th


Sick Thoughts, Pressure Drop, Stupid Maynard, 9pm, $5-$6

get more, spend less.



Open mic, 7pm, W, no cover

Tiffany Pollard, Exposed, 10pm, $10-$20

340 Kietzke Lane, (775) 686-6681



Karaoke, 7pm, M, no cover DG Kicks, 8pm, Tu, no cover

DJ Bobby G, 9pm, no cover

Urban Cowgirls Country Night, 8pm, no cover

761 S. Virginia St., (775) 221-7451

211 N. Virginia St., (775) 433-1090

Magic Fusion, 7pm, M, Tu, W, $22-$47

Bingo w/T-N-Keys, 6:30pm, Tu, no cover Jason King, 7:30pm, W, no cover

Big Heart, 8pm, no cover

76 N. C St., Virginia City, (775) 847-7474


Magic Fusion, 4:30pm, 7pm, $22-$47

Motown on Monday, 9pm, M, no cover B.E. Chicken Bingo, 9pm, W, no cover Mel & Gia, 8pm, no cover

906-A Victorian Ave., Sparks, (775) 359-1594

Feb. 18, 10 p.m. The BlueBird 555 E. Fourth St. 499-5549

Magic Fusion, 7pm, 9pm, $22-$47

Adrenaline, 8pm, no cover

1527 S. Virginia St., (775) 800-1960



MON-WED 2/18-2/20





MON-WED 2/18-2/20

3800 S. Virginia St., (775) 825-4700 1) Ballroom 2) Cabaret

2) Melissa Dru, 8pm,no cover

2) Melissa Dru, 4pm, no cover Palmore Remix, 10pm, no cover

2) Melissa Dru, 4pm, no cover Palmore Remix, 10pm, no cover

2) Palmore Remix, 8pm, no cover

2) American Made Band, 8pm, M, Tu, W, no cover


1) Ambrosia, 6pm, 8pm, $40-$70 2) The Look, 5pm, no cover Jason King, 9pm, no cover

2) The Starliters, 5pm, no cover Ebony Not Quite Ivory, 9pm, no cover

2) The Starliters, 5pm, no cover Ebony Not Quite Ivory, 9pm, no cover

2) Bob Gardner, 5pm, no cover Mike Furlong, 9pm, no cover

2) Tandymonium, 6pm, M, no cover The Robeys, 6pm, Tu, no cover Keith Allen, 6pm, W, no cover

2) Reckless Envy, 7pm, no cover

2) Reckless Envy, 8pm, no cover

2) Reckless Envy, 8pm, no cover

2) Reckless Envy, 6pm, no cover

2) Bill Wharton, 6pm, M, no cover Hans Eberbach, 6pm, Tu, W, no cover

2) Fast Lane, 9pm, no cover

1) DJ MoFunk, 10pm, no cover 2) Fast Lane, 9pm, no cover

1) DJ Chris English, 10pm, no cover 2) Fast Lane, 9pm, no cover

2) The Dowdy Bros., 10pm, no cover

1) Winter Snow-down: Willy Tea Taylor, Sam Chase, 9pm, $15-$20

2) Afrolicious, 10pm, no cover

1) John Medeski’s Mad Skillet, 9pm, W, $22-$25

2) Stop Light Party, 10pm, $10

2) Jeremih, 10pm, $30

1) Dark Star Orchestra, 7:30pm, $34.40

2) Buddy Emmer and guests, 8pm, Tu, no cover


2100 Garson Rd., Verdi, (775) 345-6000 1) Events Center 2) Guitar Bar

Afrolicious Feb. 17, 10 p.m. Crystal Bay Casino 14 Highway 28 Crystal Bay (775) 833-6333


1627 Hwy. 395, Minden, (775) 782-9711 1) Valley Ballroom 2) Cabaret


500 N. Sierra St., (775) 329-0711 1) El Jefe’s Cantina 2) Cabaret


14 Highway 28, Crystal Bay, (775) 833-6333 1) Crown Room 2) Red Room


Karaoke Pizza Baron, 1155 W. Fourth St., Ste. 113, (775) 329-4481: Wacky Wednesday Karaoke with Steve Starr & DJ Hustler, 9pm, no cover. The Point, 1601 S. Virginia St., (775) 322-3001: Karaoke, Thu-Sat, 8:30pm, no cover Spiro’s Sports Bar & Grille, 1475 E. Prater Way, Ste. 103, Sparks, (775) 356-6000: Karaoke, Fri-Sat, 9pm, no cover West 2nd Street Bar, 118 W. Second St., (775) 348-7976: Karaoke, Mon-Sun, 9pm, no cover

2500 E. Second St., (775) 789-2000 1) Grand Theatre 2) LEX 3) Crystal Lounge


15 Hwy. 50, Stateline, (800) 427-7247 1) South Shore Room 2) Casino Center Stage


1) Lifehouse, 8pm, $50-$60

50 Highway 50, (775) 588-3515 1) Showroom 2) Blu 3) Opal

PePPerMILL reSOrT SPA CASINO 2707 S. Virginia St., (775) 826-2121 1) Terrace Lounge 2) Edge 3) Capri Ballroom


407 N. Virginia St., (775) 325-7401 1) GEH 2) Rum Bullions 3) Aura 4) Silver Baron

1) Keyser Soze, 7pm, no cover

1) Keyser Soze, 8pm, no cover 2) Latin Dance Social , 7:30pm, $10-$20

1) Keyser Soze, 8pm, no cover 2) Yo Yolie, 10pm, $20

1) Verbal Kint, 6pm, no cover

4) DJ Mo Funk, 9pm, no cover

1) Oak Ridge Boys, 8pm, $40-$50 2) Rock Monsterz, 9pm, no cover 4) Mike Furlong Band, 9pm, no cover

2) Rock Monsterz, 9pm, no cover 4) Mike Furlong Band, 9pm, no cover

4) DJ Mo Funk, 9pm, no cover

1) Verbal Kint, 6pm, M, Tu, W, no cover

presidents day weekend storewide sale discounts up to 30% off feb 16th,17th & 18th • sale hours 10am-5:30pm Vintage Clothing, Jewelry, Books, Furniture & Lighting From nevada’s oLdest antique maLL open Daily 10:00am - 5:30pm

1251 S. Virginia St • Reno • 775-324-4141 www.facebook.com/vsamreno Virginia Street Antique Mall & Vintage Clothing 02.14.19





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FOR THE WEEK OF FEBRUARY 14, 2019 For a complete listing of this week’s events or to post events to our online calendar, visit www.newsreview.com. MINT 150 PROGRAM LECTURE—STEAM POWERED MACHINERY: Celebrate the sesquicentennial of the Carson City Mint with a lecture and special demonstration of the Coin Press No. 1. Chris DeWitt, chief mechanical officer at the Nevada State Railroad Museum, will discuss the steam engine and the machinery that made the mint run. The talk will be followed by the pressing of the Merci Train medallion at noon. Sat, 2/16, 11am. $8 adults, free for members, children age 17 and younger. Nevada State Museum, 600 N. Carson St., Carson City, (775) 687-4810.

MYSTERY BOOK CLUB: This month’s title is

Dead Man’s Puzzle by Parnell Hall. Sun, 2/17, 1pm. Free. Spanish Springs Library,

7100-A Pyramid Highway, Sparks, (775) 424-1800.

QUAD MAKERSPACE: The Quad contains



Squaw Valley | Alpine Meadows kicks off its annual week-long kids’ extravaganza this weekend. The recent snowfall should mean plenty of skiing and snowboarding for the family, but there’s also lots for kids to do when they’re not tearing up the slopes. Highlights include the Big Truck Event featuring fire trucks, snowplows and grooming machines, street parties, kids’ concerts and a craft and game room, among other attractions. The festival takes place Saturday, Feb. 16, through Sunday, Feb. 24, at Squaw Valley | Alpine Meadows, 1960 Squaw Valley Road, Olympic Valley. For a schedule of events, visit squawalpine.com/events-things-do/kid-o-rama.

EVENTS 2019 GOLDEN PINECONE SUSTAINABILITY AWARDS: GREENevada hosts the annual awards show to honor organizations and people for their achievements in improving and sustaining the environment. The event begins with a cocktail hour at 5:30pm. The dinner will begin at 6:30pm, followed by the awards ceremony at 7pm. Wed, 2/20, 5:30pm. $60. Renaissance Downtown Hotel, 1 S. Lake St., greenevada.org.

ANIMAL ARK WILD WINTER WEEKEND: See the Animal Ark residents in their winter coats. Wear appropriate clothing for winter conditions. Call prior to departure as changing weather or facility conditions could cancel the event. Sat, 2/16-Sun, 2/17, 11am-3pm. $11$14, free for children age 2 and younger. Animal Ark Wildlife Sanctuary, 1265 Deerlodge Road, (775) 970-3111, www.facebook.com/AnimalArk.Nevada.

CATURDAY NIGHT OUT FUNDRAISER: Catmandu, a non-profit, cage-free cat center and sanctuary, hosts a fundraiser featuring dinner, live music by One Way Street, door prizes, raffle and an auction. Sat 2/16, 5pm. $50-$65. Carson Nugget, 507 N. Carson St., Carson City, www.catmanducc.org.

THE INSIDE WORLD—CONTEMPORARY ABORIGINAL AUSTRALIAN MEMORIAL POLES: The panel discussion features Aboriginal artists Gunybi Ganambarr and Barayuwa Mununggurr, Henry Skerritt, curator of Indigenous Arts of Australia at the Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection of the University of Virginia and Will Stubbs, director of BukuLarrnggay Mulka Art Centre in Australia. Fri, 2/15, noon. $5-$12. Nevada Museum of Art, 160 W. Liberty St., (775) 329-3333, www.nevadaart.org.

THE LOST WORLD OF DRAGONS: Discover the stories and mythology of dragons throughout history and around the world. The exhibition includes largerthan-life animatronic dragons, a virtual reality experience that lets you ride a flying dragon, sit on a throne and sneak through a dragon’s lair and more. The exhibition is open through May 12. Thu, 2/14-Sun, 2/17, Wed, 2/18, 10am. $9-$10. Wilbur D. May Museum at Rancho San Rafael Regional Park, 1595 N. Sierra St., (775) 785-5961.

MACY CHADWICK VISITING ARTIST LECTURE: Macy Chadwick will discuss her work as an artist and her new venture developing a new artist residency, In Cahoots Press & Residency. Thu, 2/14, 6pm. Free. Mathewson-IGT Knowledge Center, Wells Fargo Auditorium, Room 124, University of Nevada, Reno, 1664 N. Virginia St., (775) 784-4278.

equipment and tools that the public can use free of charge to create, learn new skills and new technology and practice artistic expression. It is open on Thursday afternoons from 3-6pm. Quad staff will lead instruction sessions on different tools or equipment each week. Project time ends at 5:45pm so everything can be put away and cleaned up by 6pm. Thu, 2/14, 3pm. Free. Downtown Reno Library, 301 S. Center St., (775) 327-8300.

SPRING FILM SERIES—THREE FROM KATHRYN BIGELOW: The film series continues with a screening of director Bigelow’s 2008 war thriller The Hurt Locker starring Jeremy Renner, Anthony Mackie, Brian Geraghty, Christian Camargo, Ralph Fiennes and David Morse. Fri, 2/15, 7pm. $7-$10. Barkley Theatre, Oats Park Art Center, 151 E. Park St., Fallon, (775) 423-1440, www.churchillarts.org.

TAHOE TREKS: In 2016, Samantha Szesciorka and her adopted mustang journeyed 1,100 miles across Nevada. Join Szesciorka for her inspirational talk and learn about her trek across the desert. Tue, 2/19, 6:30pm. Free. Incline Village Library, 845 Alder Ave., Incline Village, (775) 832-4130.

TEEN MIUCHI: Make new friends at this group for teens that features anime movies, manga making and Japanese snacks. Tue, 2/19, 5pm. Free. Spanish Springs Library, 7100-A Pyramid Highway, Sparks, (775) 424-1800.

TELL ME YOU LOVE ME SHORT ROMANCE FILM COMPETITION: Wired Wednesday Digital Arts Association hosts this Valentine’s Day dinner and film screening event. Reservations recommended. Thu, 2/14, 6pm. $25 per person, $40 per couple. Brewery Arts Center, 449 W. King St., Carson City, (775) 830-7939, wiredwednesday.org.

THE VALENTINE POP-UP STORE: The pop-up shop offers handmade cards and gifts, featuring the work of local artists. Proceeds benefit Laika Press and DJD Foundation. Thu, 2/14-Fri, 2/15. Free. Outlets at Legends, Ste. F126, 1310 Scheels Drive, Sparks, (775) 722-2856.



CANCIONES DE MIS ISLA (SONGS OF MY ISLAND): University of Nevada, Reno faculty Olga Perez Flora, mezzosoprano, and James Flora, tenor, celebrate the history of Cuban song at this recital featuring Cuban pianist Orlay Alonso. This recital is a preview of one of two concerts Flora and Perez Flora will perform at Humanas Linguas Multiples festival in Havana, Cuba, on Feb. 26-28 in the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de La Habana. Sun, 2/17, 5pm. Free. Joe Crowley Student Union Theatre, University of Nevada, Reno, 1664 N. Virginia St., (775) 784-4278.

THE COLLECTIVE: For the Love of Jazz and

COME IN FROM THE COLD: The 2019 season of the family entertainment series continues with a performance by cowboy poet and singer Richard Elloyan. Sat, 2/16, 7pm. $3 suggested donation per person. Bartley Ranch Regional Park, 6000 Bartley Ranch Road, (775) 828-6612, www.facebook.com/ BartleyRanch.

ELIZABETH PITCAIRN: TOCCATA-Tahoe Symphony Orchestra and Chorus presents celebrated American violin virtuoso Elizabeth Pitcairn performing Wieniawski’s Violin Concerto No. 2. More than 100 singers and instrumentalists will perform Mendelssohn’s Elijah. Sun, 2/17, 4pm. $25-$40. St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church, 100 Bishop Manogue Drive, www.toccatatahoe.org.

The all-woman bluegrass/Americana ensemble celebrates the release of their new CD. Fri, 2/15, 7pm. $13-$18. Brewery Arts Center, 449 W. King St., Carson City, (775) 883-1976, breweryarts.org.

Deborah Zoe Laufer’s dramatic comedy. For 25 years, songwriter Sam Abrams has been looking for the creative spark that this first flush of love had inspired in him—to no avail. Sam and his wife Rose are now celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary with a cruise in the Mediterranean. While on this cruise, Sam hears the most sublime music ever heard, jumps overboard and winds up with a siren. There on her island he must struggle with the terrors of middle age, the tortures of creative failure and the desire to live in his past rather than face his uncertain future. And he must find a way to get home and win his wife back. Thu, 2/14-Sat, 2/16, 7:30pm; Sun, 2/17, 2pm. $8-$15. Restless Artists Theatre Company, 295 20th St., Sparks, (775) 5253074, rattheatre.org.

SOMETHING ROTTEN!—THE MUSICAL: Set in 1595, this musical comedy tells the story of Nick and Nigel Bottom, two brothers who are desperate to write a hit play. When a local soothsayer foretells that the future of theater involves singing, dancing and acting at the same time, Nick and Nigel set out to write the world’s very first musical. Fri, 2/15,

GATOR NATION BAND: Formerly known as Gator Beat, the group plays high-energy Cajun, zydeco and New Orleans R&B. Fri, 2/15, 7pm. $22-$26, free for youth age 17 and younger. CVIC Hall, 1602 Esmeralda Ave., Minden, www.cvartscouncil.com.

HEARTHROB: Lavish presents a postValentine’s Day event featuring dancing, singing, male and female revues, audience participation and more. Sat, 2/16, 8:30pm. $5-$10. The Library Taphouse and Hookah Lounge, 134 W. Second St., (775) 376-4137.

Morgan, longtime music director of the Oakland Symphony, will guest conduct a program that includes Schubert’s Overture in the Italian Style in C major, D. 591, Schumann’s Cello Concerto in A minor, Op. 129 and Strauss’ Le bourgeois gentilhomme (Der Bürger als Edelmann). Guest cellist Matthew Linaman will perform Schumann’s Cello Concerto. Sat, 2/16, 7:30pm; Sun, 2/17, 2pm. $5-$55. Nightingale Concert Hall, Church Fine Arts Building, University of Nevada, Reno,1335 N. Virginia St., www.renochamberorchestra.org.


SIRENS: Restless Artists Theatre presents

KUNR present the University of Nevada, Reno faculty jazz ensemble featuring trumpeter Ralph Alessi, pianist Adam Benjamin, bassist Hans Halt, drummer Andrew Heglund and saxophonist Peter Epstein. Sun, 2/17, 7:30pm. $10 suggested donation. Reno Little Theater, 147 E. Pueblo St., www.renojazz.org.


presents Lee Hall’s play adapted from the film of the same title. Young Will Shakespeare has writer’s block—the deadline for his new play is fast approaching but he’s in desperate need of inspiration. That is, until he finds his muse Viola. Thu, 2/14-Sat, 2/16, 7:30pm; Sun, 2/17, 2pm. $18-$30. Good Luck Macbeth Theatre Company, 124 W. Taylor St., (775) 322-3716.

8pm; Sat, 2/16, 2pm & 8pm; Sun, 2/17, 1pm & 8pm. $50-$85. Pioneer Center for the Performing Arts, 100 S. Virginia St., (775) 686-6600, pioneercenter.com.

T SISTERS: Mountain Music Parlor presents a concert by the sibling indie folk group. Sat, 2/16, 7:30pm. $25-$30. Mountain Music Parlor, 735 S. Center St., (775) 843-5500.

TEENS SPEAK OUT—THOUGHTS & PRAYERS ARE NOT ENOUGH!: This event gives voice to local teens as they examine the effects of gun violence in schools and the ways in which it impacts their lives everyday through a collage of art forms, including theatrical productions, music, visual art and multimedia. Fri, 2/15-Sat, 2/16, 7pm; Sun, 2/17, 2pm. $10-$15. Reno Little Theater, 147 E. Pueblo St., (775) 813-8900, renolittletheater.org.

TRES NOCTAMBULE: Brewery Arts Center’s Celtic Music Series continues with a performance by the trio featuring mandolinist Marla Fibish, guitarist Bruce Victor and Irish fiddle player Suzuki Cady. Sat, 2/16, 7pm. $15-$20. Brewery Arts Center, 449 W. King St., Carson City, (775) 883-1976, breweryarts.org.






Karen James is a noted journalist who specializes in relationships, romance, and sex.


Ask the Expert

The Amazing Sex Secret of 78 Year-Old ‘Italian Stallion’ “My husband shocked me with more energy and passion than he’s had in years. He took me in the bedroom like we were newlyweds and gave me a night I’ll never forget” The Inside Story on a Great Sex life! This week I got a letter from a reader about a “little secret” that has made her sex life with her husband absolutely explosive! (Those Texas women are spicy!) Tina writes: Dear Karen, For years my husband and I had a great love life. He was sexy, passionate and so confident. But when he reached his 50s, he started to struggle with getting and keeping an erection. The few times we did have sex, his erection was definitely softer, leaving us both unsatisfied. He tried every product out there; prescriptions, creams, testosterone, male enhancement pills… but nothing worked. I know this is terrible, but I found myself thinking “My strong, passionate husband has become a sexual weakling.” I had no idea it would all turn around in just 3 weeks! Last month, he came home from a business trip in Europe and shocked me with more sexual energy and passion than he’s had in years. Hard as a rock, he tossed me around the bedroom like we were newlyweds and gave me a night I’ll never forget! It was incredible and so exciting! He flat wore me out that night and it’s been like that ever since. His erections are so hard and powerful, they trigger the most intense, toe-curling ‘moments’ I’ve ever had! So here we are, enjoying the best sex of our lives… in our late50’s! On his trip he stayed in a hotel room next to an Italian nutritionist and his wife. Through the walls, he heard them passionately making love every single night, and sometimes again in the morning. One afternoon, he saw the husband leave their room and he couldn’t believe it. The man looked much too old to be having so much sex. My husband couldn’t help himself, so he asked the man his secret. The nutritionist smiled, introduced himself as Vito, and told my husband he was 78 years old, his wife

65, and that after 32 years of marriage, their sex life was as good as ever. Then he took a small pack of tablets from his satchel, gave it to my husband, and said “These come from a small town up north and are made from naturally pure extracts, packed with densely rich sexual nutrients. They will give you back the sex-drive you had when you were young, and make you harder than you can imagine.” Then he laughed and said, “You’ll become an Italian Stallion like me!” Italian Stallion is right! These past several weeks have been a dream. My husband's desire for me is through the roof. He takes me whenever he wants, and he even wakes up most days with a ‘morning salute’ like he did years ago. I love it! He’s a sexual powerhouse, beaming with confidence, and our marriage is stronger than ever. Karen, here’s why I’m writing you. The pack of tablets is about to run out and we desperately want more. I’ve looked everywhere but can’t find them. Do you know anything about these tablets from Europe and how to get some here in the States? Sincerely, Tina C., Fort Worth, TX Tina, you and the rest of my readers are in luck because I do know about these secret European sex tablets. Ever wonder why older men from Italy, Greece, Spain, and all over Europe are famous for staying energized, passionate and sexually active well into their golden years? Well, for decades, these men have relied on a unique blossom extract called Provarin to enhance their sexual performance and satisfaction. Milled on the fertile northern plains, the key ingredients come from pure extracts found along the Sea. Finely ground and pressed into tablets, Provarin has a legendary reputation throughout the European sexual underground for fueling extremely hard erections, and a powerful climax. As Giovanni from Amsterdam put it, “It's like sexual rocket fuel, especially for us older guys!”

The best part from a woman’s perspective, as you well know, is that the extreme hardness and ongoing power is enough to send us over the blissful edge! I found out about Provarin a few years ago when I was dating a cowboy from Wyoming. He took Provarin every morning and believe me, that good ol’ boy sure rocked my nights! All-natural and safe to take, Provarin is still a well-kept secret for those in the know and they like to keep it that way. It’s an old-school, family business and product is still harvested by hand. They don't have a website and don’t do any advertising. They don't need to. Long-time customers and word of mouth ensures their limited stock is sold out every year. They do have a distributer here in the U.S. and you’ll be happy to know that Provarin is surprisingly inexpensive. When I reached out for this article, a spokesman said they were proud to produce the highest quality product for men and couples. He went on to say that if any of my readers call today and mention this article, they’ll be offered a ONETIME 50% DISCOUNT, FREE RUSH SHIPPING, AND 30 BONUS TABLETS FREE! Wow, so there you go, Tina – and the rest of you readers! This offer is only good while supplies last so just give them a call today and mention this article. The number is 1-800-711-7799. Aren’t you glad you asked?

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Dramatic portrayal. Results atypical. Your results may vary. To assure confidentiality, identifying details, scenarios have been modified or fictionalized. The pen name Karen James is used for privacy purposes. Always consult a health care provider before taking any supplement.

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2/8/19 10:07 AM


Eat, gray, love I am almost 50 but look much younger, and I’m noticing that a number of the guys who are pursuing me are in their early 30s. I’m flattered but not really interested, as I want to get married again, and I’m thinking that these guys are too young to consider that and probably want to have babies. Am I a magnet for guys with mommy issues? What gives? Nothing like rolling up to your guy’s band’s gig and having everybody be all, “Mike, your mom’s here!” As for these young whippersnappers’ intentions, chances are the only “aisle” they’re looking to walk down with you is the one from the front door to their bedroom in the pizza box graveyard-slash-apartment they share with a bunch of dudebros. Of course, men, just like women, can get to a point where they’re ready for a relationship. However, evolutionary psychologist David Buss explains that there’s strong evidence from a good deal of research that men (who don’t have to worry that they’ll get pregnant from sex) evolved to “have a greater desire for short-term mating”—casual sex with a variety of partners. Buss notes that there are some stumbling blocks for men in shortterm mating mode. A major one is “the problem of avoiding commitment.” That’s where you olderbut-still-hot ladies sometimes come in. Older women are less likely to demand a relationship with an age-inappropriate partner. Of course, older women are also likely to be sexually experienced and sexually adventuresome in a way younger women aren’t. The thing is, sometimes two people with the most casual of sexual intentions unexpectedly fall for each other. But if you and the young hardbodies can stay in the sex-only lane, your having regular sex might help you take your time getting to know dates with real partner potential for you rather than flying right into bed. Finally—generally speaking—there’s the obvious plus in sex romps with the young Turks: fewer occasions when the manparts are like papier-mache fruit—for decorative purposes only.

The Bedder Business Bureau I’m a woman with a male business partner. He just got a new girlfriend, and he pretty much goes MIA whenever he goes to visit her. It can take him up to two days to return my phone calls (I’m contacting him about business, not social stuff.) His disappearing act when he’s with the girlfriend is really annoying and detrimental to our business and, frankly, pretty disrespectful. I’ve made jokes about it, but nothing’s changed. Tempting as it must be to blast your partner for leaving you in the telephonic lurch, you’d be better off simply telling him that it feels really crappy to have your calls and texts go ignored for days—you feel disrespected. Research by social psychologist C. Daniel Batson and his colleagues suggests that we have an evolved motivation to try to alleviate others’ pain, to help other humans who are struggling emotionally. However, there’s a caveat: If a person’s pain or need is expressed with an attack on our behavior, we’re likely to go into fight-back mode. As for why you have yet to get through to him, you write, “I’ve made jokes about it, but nothing’s changed.” Jokes are just the thing if you’re putting on a show with a two-drink minimum—not so much if you’re trying to communicate your needs. The same goes for hints. Instead, opt for healthy assertiveness—from the start. Figure out how soon you’d like to have a callback—and then express that. You may not get exactly the timetable you want, but this at least opens up a discussion: “Call you back within three hours?” he responds—countering with “Ehh... how about five hours?” You should ultimately find this approach vastly more productive than going snarky and, say, suggesting that he and his girlfriend make love like they do in the movies—specifically, the video in which Paris Hilton answers the phone in the middle of having sex. Ω


Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave., No. 280, Santa Monica, CA 90405, or email AdviceAmy@aol.com (www.advicegoddess.com).

02.14.19    |   RN&R   |   29

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30   |   rN&r   |   02.14.19

by ROb bRezsny

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say, “It’s a wrap,” they mean that the shooting of a scene has been finished. They may use the same expression when the shooting of the entire film is completed. That’s not the end of the creative process, of course. All the editing must still be done. Once that’s accomplished, the producer may declare that the final product is “in the can” and ready to be released. From what I can determine, Aries, you’re on the verge of being able to say, “It’s a wrap” for one of your own projects. There will be more work before you’re ready to declare, “It’s in the can.” TAURUS (April 20-May 20): In accordance with astrological omens, I invite you to create your own royal throne and sit on it whenever you need to think deep thoughts and formulate important decisions. Make sure your power chair is comfortable as well as beautiful and elegant. To enhance your ability to wield your waxing authority with grace and courage, I also encourage you to fashion your own crown, scepter and ceremonial footwear. They, too, should be comfortable, beautiful and elegant. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): In 1995, astronomer Bob Williams got a strong urge to investigate a small piece of the night sky that most other astronomers regarded as boring. It was near the handle of the constellation known as the Big Dipper. Luckily for him, he could ignore his colleagues because he had been authorized to use the high-powered Hubble Space Telescope for ten days. To the surprise of everyone but Williams, he soon discovered that this seemingly unremarkable part of the heavens is teeming with more than 3,000 galaxies. I suspect you may have a challenge akin to Williams, Gemini. A pet project or crazy notion of yours may not get much support, but I hope you’ll pursue it anyway. I bet your findings will be different from what anyone expects. CANCER (June 21-July 22): A study by the Humane Research Council found that more than 80 percent of those who commit to being vegetarians eventually give up and return to eating meat. A study by the National Institute of Health showed that only about 36 percent of alcoholics are able to achieve full recovery. And we all know how many people make New Year’s resolutions to exercise more often, but then stop going to the gym by February. That’s the bad news. The good news, Cancerian, is that during the coming weeks you will possess an enhanced power to stick with any commitment you know is right and good for you. Take advantage! LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Are there two places on Earth more different from each other than Europe and Africa? Yet there is a place, the Strait of Gibraltar, where the two continents are just 8.7 miles apart. Russia and the United States are also profoundly unlike each other, but only 2.5 miles apart where the Bering Strait separates them. I foresee a metaphorically comparable phenomenon in your life. Two situations or influences or perspectives that may seem to have little in common will turn out to be closer to each other than you imagined possible. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Virgo basketball star Latrell Sprewell played professionally for 13 years. But in 2004, he turned down a $21 million contract extension from Minnesota, complaining that it wouldn’t be sufficient to feed his four children. I will ask you not to imitate his behavior, Virgo. If you’re offered a deal or opportunity that doesn’t perfectly meet all your requirements, don’t dismiss it out of hand. A bit of compromise is sensible right now. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): In 1992, an Ethiopian man named Belachew Girma became an alcoholic after he saw his wife die from AIDS. And yet today, he is renowned as a Laughter Master, having dedicated himself to explore the healing powers of ebullience and amusement. He presides over a school that teaches people the fine points of laughter, and he holds the world record for longest continuous laughter at three hours and six minutes. I nominate him to be your role model in the next two weeks. According to my analysis

of the astrological omens, you will be especially primed to benefit from the healing power of laughter. You’re likely to encounter more droll and whimsical and hilarious events than usual, and your sense of humor should be especially hearty and finely tuned. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): A study published in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science suggests that people who use curse words tend to be more candid. “Swearing is often inappropriate but it can also be evidence that someone is telling you their honest opinion,” said the lead researcher. “Just as they aren’t filtering their language to be more palatable, they’re also not filtering their views.” If that’s true, Scorpio, I’m going to encourage you to curse more than usual in the coming weeks. It’s crucial that you tell as much of the whole truth as is humanly possible. (P.S. Your cursing outbursts don’t necessarily have to be delivered with total abandon everywhere you go. You could accomplish a lot just by going into rooms by yourself and exuberantly allowing the expletives to spill out.) SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): In the mid-1980s, a California carrot farmer grew frustrated that grocery stories didn’t want to buy his broken and oddly shaped carrots. A lot of his crop was going to waste. Then he got the bright idea to cut and shave the imperfect carrots so as to make smooth little baby carrots. They became a big success. Can you think of a metaphorically comparable adjustment you could undertake, Sagittarius? Is it possible to transform a resource that’s going to waste? Might you be able to enhance your possibilities by making some simple modifications? CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Mongolia is a huge, landlocked country. It borders no oceans or seas. Nevertheless, it has a navy of seven sailors. Its lone ship is a tugboat moored on Lake Khovsgol, which is three percent the size of Lake Superior. I’m offering up the Mongolian navy as an apt metaphor for you to draw inspiration from in the coming weeks. I believe it makes good astrological sense for you to launch a seemingly quixotic quest to assert your power, however modestly, in a situation that may seem out of your league. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): “A freshness lives deep in me which no one can take from me,” wrote poet Swedish poet Gunnar Ekelöf. “Something unstilled, unstillable is within me; it wants to be voiced,” wrote philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. I propose we make those two quotes your mottoes for the next four weeks. In my opinion, you have a mandate to tap into what’s freshest and most unstillable about you—and then cultivate it, celebrate it and express it with the full power of your grateful, brilliant joy. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): According to the Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, the word “obsession” used to refer to the agitated state of a person who was besieged by rowdy or unruly spirits arriving from outside the person. “Possession,” on the other hand, once meant the agitated state of a person struggling against rowdy or unruly spirits arising from within. In the Western Christian perspective, both modes have been considered primarily negative and problematic. In many other cultures, however, spirits from both the inside and outside have sometimes been regarded as relatively benevolent, and their effect quite positive. As long as you don’t buy into the Western Christian view, I suspect that the coming weeks will be a favorable time for you to consort with spirits like those.

You can call Rob Brezsny for your Expanded Weekly Horoscope: (900) 950-7700. $1.99 per minute. Must be 18+. Touchtone phone required. Customer service (612) 373-9785. And don’t forget to check out Rob’s website at realastrology.com.

by JERi ChADwEll

Gift giver


Barbie Marcoe founded the nonprofit Lexie’s Gift two years ago in honor of her daughter Lexie Valverde, killed in a car accident. The nonprofit also runs Lexie’s Prom Boutique, a place for local kids in need to get free prom attire, including dresses, tuxes, shoes and jewelry. It’s in Shoppers Square. Learn more here: https://goo.gl/rURahG.

What is Lexie’s Gift? Lexie’s Gift was started in memory of my daughter. Lexie was in a car accident when she was 29, right before her 30th birthday. And we had been planning a 30th birthday for her, so rather than planning her birthday, I now had to just kind of keep busy. And we decided to do gift bags in her honor. So we put together 30 gift bags, and I put out a plea to all of my friends just to bring something cool to put in the gift bags. So people brought shampoo and blankets and whatever.

And you distributed them just to people in need? Yep. We went to Bristlecone, where Lexie used to work—and we handed out the 30 gift bags to the clients at Bristlecone Family Resources. From there, it just kind of exploded. People just kept bringing stuff, and I kept finding a place for it. Pretty soon it was taking up a room in my house—and then two rooms in my house. As it grew, I had friends convince me to start a nonprofit. I started the nonprofit, basically,

with what I’ll call my village by my side. … We were never supposed to be this big. … And it just got bigger and bigger. We started out working with a couple of different charities as the behind-the-scenes people. We started donating things to charities. … It was just carloads of stuff delivered on a weekly basis. We went through the donations and made sure they weren’t stained or outdated. …

How did the prom boutique come about? We had started Lexie’s Gift. We’d built a tiny house and brought it around, and people got to shop in the tiny house. We were contacted by a couple of people who said, “Can you guys do a prom boutique, a prom closet?” We said, “Absolutely not. We have no prom dresses. When is the season?” And they said, “In two weeks.” We said, “Absolutely not.” And then the

girls started calling us. … And so we put a plea out and partnered with Junior League and said, “OK, you guys. We have to find lots of prom dresses so we can do this closet.” ... And in about a week’s time we’d collected about a hundred prom dresses. We set up at various businesses and go into their parking lots and set up dresses. The dresses kept coming in, and the kids kept coming in. We were open about a month, like twice a week, and I think we handed out just shy of 200 dresses.

How does it work? This year Shoppers Square donated space to us. All of the space was free. Otherwise, we couldn’t have done it. We put a plea out this year and said, “We have the space. We need dresses.” Lulus.com donated a thousand dresses. We went down to Chico to pick them up. … This took us about two months to set up. We have it through the end of the month. It’ll take us a month to take down. ...

And it’s free for them? It’s all free. Everything we do is free. The majority of these people don’t have five dollars for a dress, or 10 dollars. It doesn’t sound like much to us, but to a kid who doesn’t have anything—whose parents are trying to pay the power bill—10 bucks is a lot.

How can people get involved? Right now, we’re trying to raise money for space—for permanent space. … Facebook is the best way [to make contact]. We have a website, lexiesgift. com, and we have a donate space there.Ω


Running the numbers OK, so us donkey Dems have approximately 10 declared candidates for the presidency, and this situation appears to be, as we like to say these days, fluid. While I couldn’t tell you much about the positions of specific candidates at this time, I can say with unbudgeable confidence that each and every one of them would be at least 759 times better at the job than the current dim bulb dotard. Give an ear to the humble mayor of South Bend, Pete Buttigieg (boot-a-judge), who turns out to be a rather brilliant man, a guy who is to genuine intellectual competence what Trump is to french fries. Buttigieg knows how to competently and confidently express himself, and he sounds like a quality, substantial human being every time he opens his mouth. I’m guessing he will accumulate some cred early on in the campaign and eventually be taken seriously. Those in charge of

organizing the debates are gonna have their hands full. • You wanna see a Republican launch a prime time, 4-star shart? (And really, who doesn’t?) Well, just mention “Green New Deal” and “Big Taxes on Ultra-Rich.” Two large national programs that are obviously sane, productive and timely. And AOC? The daughter of Lucifer herself! A socialist demon queen who supports mandatory rabies! Hey ReTrumplicans, mess with AOC at your peril. This woman is a budding superstar. As usual, it’s completely appropriate to tell Trumpazoans, as civilly as you can, to calm the fuck down. Here are the numbers behind the thoroughly reasonable proposal of the wealth tax, that great affront to American greed. It would kick in on all estates of $50 million or more. Fifty million! As in fifty million. Those folks fortunate

enough not to have been busted as they accumulated these massive estates would be required to pay a two percent tax (minimum of a mill). For estates of a billion or more, the tax would be three percent (a minimum of 30 million). The number of people who would actually be affected by this tax is frightfully tiny—as in 75,000 households would incur the 50 mill tax, and a eentsy teentsy miniscule 1,000 households would get slapped with the billionaire action. That’s it! A grand total of 76,000 households, and if we compute four peeps per household, then about 300,000 people would be affected by this plan. In other words, slightly less than .1 percent of the population. One-tenth of one percent, to be ravaged by this savagely sinister socialism. Gee, what a tragedy. You think Reginald will be able to top off the bleeping yacht? Ω






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