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s e rv i n g n o rt h e r n n e va d a , ta h o e a n d t r u c k e e







The best of times. The worst of times. Welcome to this week’s Reno News & Review. Our job, as a community newspaper, is to reflect our community. Sometimes that job is to reflect serious problems like corruption or homelessness. But this week, our job is to reflect those things in this community which the community itself—by voting in our readers’ poll—defines as superlative. We highlight our community’s best barbershop, best new restaurant, best church, best barista, and a whole lot more. This is our annual Best of Northern Nevada issue. Huge congrats to all the winners, and thanks to everyone who took the time to vote. The winners are listed in this week’s feature section, starting on page 13, but be sure to also visit our website, www.newsreview. com/reno, to check out the first, second and third place winners in many of the categories. The runners-up are often just as great as the winners—if, perhaps, not quite as well known. It can be hard to fully embrace a celebration of all the nice things here in our nice little corner of the globe when there are so many nasty things happening out there in the world. Regular readers of this column might recall that last week I lamented the tragic massacre in Gilroy, California. That column attracted some snarky replies from readers, like the guy who wrote, “Way to take a stand against violence against young children! Are you also for double coupons?” And then, during the week that issue was on the stands, there were two more horrible shooting sprees—in Dayton, Ohio, and El Paso, Texas. The problem is that this subject is indeed politicized. Taking a stand for children, and innocent people, isn’t just common sense. Some people think that protecting guns is more important than protecting people. It’s a “topic of debate,” not just a problem to be dealt with. And meanwhile, mass shootings keep happening in this country. Over and over again.

—Brad Bynum bradb@ ne ws r ev i ew . com

One size doesn’t fit all Everyday I hear the radio ads for the Good Feet Store in Reno, and I am taken back to the years of 2005 to 2007 when I was still living on the Monterey Peninsula. As an avid hiker and former trail runner, and author of hiking and trail running books, I was always in the mountains of Big Sur (a.k.a. Ventana Wilderness) doing long, fast hikes. In 2005, I started developing a hip issue most likely brought on by all the legslamming steep downhills, so I went to the Good Feet Store in Monterey and was fitted for inserts for my shoes. Like magic, the hip issues vanished, and I was a believer in the Good Feet Store. But by 2007 I started developing chronic and painful knee issues that were almost crippling me. But I noticed when I was barefoot my knees didn’t bother me at all. So I stopped using the Good Feet Store inserts in my shoes and Tevas, and overnight the knee issues vanished. I’ve had zero hip and knee issues in the ensuing 12 years. So the lesson in my story is that shoe inserts are not for everyone, and Mother Nature intended us to be barefoot as much as possible, which is what I am now 95 percent of the time, even in cold snowy Truckee! Jeffrey Middlebrook Truckee

No more one-stop? A few words about the VA in Reno. I have been taking clothes and shoes to the VA for the vets. Today I take some in, and I am told that I have to take it to Saint Vincent church give it to them, and the VA will give the vet a voucher to go there. The way it looks to me is that it makes the VA look good with the church but it doesn’t help the vet. They have to come get a voucher from the VA, then go find the church, and the church decides what they want to give to the vet. Who knows how much else that they will have to do in order to get some clothing? It makes me think that they want to make it as easy as possible for them and they don’t really care about vets. I did see that they are

Penrose, Jessica Santina, Todd South, Luka Starmer, Kris Vagner, Bruce Van Dyke, Allison Young Our Mission: To publish great newspapers that are successful and enduring. To create a quality work environment that encourages employees to grow professionally while respecting personal welfare. To have a positive impact on our communities and make them better places to live. Editor Brad Bynum Associate Editor Jeri Davis News Editor Dennis Myers Special Projects Editor Matt Bieker Calendar Editor Kelley Lang Contributors Amy Alkon, Mark Earnest, Bob Grimm, Oliver Guinan, Andrea Heerdt, Holly Hutchings, Shelia Leslie, Eric Marks, Kelsey

Creative Services Manager Elisabeth Bayard Arthur Art Directors Maria Ratinova, Sarah Hansel Publications Designer Katelynn Mitrano Publications & Advertising Designer Nikki Exerjian Ad Designers Naisi Thomas, Cathy Arnold Office Manager Lisa Ryan RN&R Rainmaker Gina Odegard Advertising Consultant Caleb Furlong


in a nice and expensive office building. They probably pay a pretty high price for the place. Mark Turner Sun Valley

Key party Re “Skill unlocked” (Arts and Culture, July 25): The Key Bearer Project sounds like a genuine attempt to help people find the good in each other and also within ourselves. With so much negativity in our lives today this is a very refreshing idea The Key Bearer Project has undertaken. There is still hope for us all! Hats off to the project, especially the masterminds behind it. Donna Straub Wallkill, N.Y.

Engines of what? The use of social media to store kitty pictures and emoticons exceeds available fossil energy. Essential systems start shutting down. Will people give up their media addictions to keep the engines of civilization running? Or not? Like. Comment. Share. Stay tuned. Craig Bergland Reno

Blessing stops at the water’s edge? Re “Trump” (letters, Aug. 1): While I agree with Mark Murray’s assessment of Trump’s doings, I find myself asking where people get the idea of “God Bless America.” God has his own plan, and it will continue to bear fruit. His plan is a global plan. Just because Americans like to label themselves as Christians, evidence falls way short of that. What is God, a Democrat, Republican, far left, far right? What? Stop including God in your political lives. He could care less about man’s feeble attempts to create political answers to one’s problem. Remember what Jesus said. “Render Distribution Director Greg Erwin Distribution Manager Bob Christensen Distribution Drivers Alex Barskyy, Corey Sigafoos, Gary White, Joe Wilson, Marty Troye, Timothy Fisher, Vicki Jewell, Olga Barska, Rosie Martinez, Adam Martinez, Duane Johnson President/CEO Jeff VonKaenel Director of Nuts & Bolts Deborah Redmond Director of People & Culture David Stogner Director of Dollars & Sense Debbie Mantoan Nuts & Bolts Ninja Norma Huerta Payroll/AP Wizard Miranda Hansen Account Jedi Jessica Kislanka Sweetdeals Coordinator Trish Marche Developer John Bisignano

System Support Specialist Kalin Jenkins N&R Publications Editor Debbie Arrington N&R Publications Managing Editor Laura Hillen N&R Publications Associate Editor Derek McDow N&R Publications Editorial Team Anne Stokes, Nisa Smith, Thea Rood Marketing & Publications Lead Consultant Elizabeth Morabito Marketing & Publications Consultants Steve Caruso, Joseph Engle, Sherri Heller, Celeste Worden, Rod Maloy Cover design Sarah Hansel Featuring art Eunkang Koh








to Caeser what is Caeser’s, but what is God’s to God.” If you take the time to look up the meaning of “bless” you’ll find there is no way you can fit America in there. Jim Martinez Reno

Last week All affected by the tragedy at the Gilroy Garlic Festival are in our thoughts and prayers. Nevada, please pray the Litany of Saint Joseph every day to atone for this tragedy. Matthew R. Dunnigan Rome, Italy


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Editorial Policies: Opinions expressed in RN&R are those of the authors and not of Chico Community Publishing, Inc. Contact the editor for permissions to reprint articles, cartoons, or other portions of the paper. RN&R is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or review materials. Email letters to renoletters@ newsreview.com. All letters received become the property of the publisher. We reserve the right to print letters in condensed form and to edit them for libel. Advertising Policies: All advertising is subject to the newspaper’s Standards of Acceptance. The advertiser and not the newspaper assumes the responsibility for the truthful content of their advertising message. RN&R is printed at PrintWorks, Ink on recycled newsprint. Circulation of RN&R is verified by the Circulation Verification Council. RN&R is a member of CNPA, AAN and AWN.





4   |   RN&R   |   08.08.19

By matt bieker

Best part of living in Northern Nevada? aSkeD at reno City hall, 1 e. FirSt St. Sherry DaviS Lifeguard

I think the best part of living in Northern Nevada is there’s so many new people coming in—but it’s also the worst thing. There’s more money coming in, more money going out. But the crime is going up with more people coming in.

JoSiaS PartiDo Student

Just the crazy stuff you see downtown most of the time [laughs]. It all kind of blends together after a while. Drunkees, crackheads just passing stuff around. I like how it looks downtown at night, with all the lights on.

Dorene CamP Retiree

By ken Prentice

Gun range needed We awoke one morning to another stunning day here in the Truckee Meadows—YEE HAW! Then, we managed to accidentally burn down an entire community and be arrested on felony charges because the Regional Shooting Facility is closed to the public. It is actually open seven days a week, but the public is refused most weekday access to our own range even during this terribly dangerous fire season. The cost to fight the tiny Jasper fire started by a spark from target shooters was just under $1 million, according to Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District, and the Bureau of Land Managment, both of which like the idea of opening this range up to the public seven days a week. Our proposal is a fire season safety measure that would be a pretty simple solution to help us all shoot more safely—and keep us from felony charges. We don’t need millions of dollars or years of debate to make this work. You see, we found out that the Regional Shooting Facility on the Pyramid Highway is closed on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. each week to the public even during this critical fire season. However, it’s open those days for the FBI, DEA, ATF, Homeland Security and others, which equates to about 40 percent of the range’s time being unavailable to the public. Those agencies pay for their range time. The range lost $40,000 dollars last year. It is being subsidized by the county. Washoe County is also cutting the range’s budget and eliminating employees. If you do not raise your

voice, your Washoe County Shooting Facility will be downsized into nonexistence. Don’t kid yourself. What if we raised the fees for law enforcement use and eliminate the subsidy? What if we actually sent the law enforcement agencies down to take over the dysfunctional Carson City Gun Range, or to the Nevada Highway Patrol, Nevada Threat Analysis Center or the Regional Public Safety Training Center on Spectrum Boulevard during fire season? I went to our Pyramid Highway range. I found one soda machine, otherwise no other nourishment that might help with additional revenue. I counted more than 20 vehicles with folks driving from the other side of Carson City to the only fire/spark safe outdoor public facility available in our region that they knew. Citizens driving over a hundred miles roundtrip to help us all be a little safer from fire danger? Responsible. You bet. A quick vote from the Washoe County Board of Commissioners, motivated by all of us calling, emailing and attending every community meeting available, contacting county managers—especially Washoe Parks operations director Eric Crump—can assist responsible gun sport enthusiasts, many of whom are current/former law enforcement/fire/military, heading out to the boonies for a day of fun, to stay out of jail and help keep our communities that much safer. What say you? Ω Ken Prentice is a target shooter and community activist who has worked against excessive costs for public records requests.

I’ve lived here my whole life and it’s just home. I love the river. I love the atmosphere here. The only thing I don’t love is the trash. I see it all. ... It’s very disturbing that, with all the people that we have coming in, the tourists, that they have to look at that trash. t yler DuPont Warehouse worker

I came from a place where most of the land is flat, and you had a lot of water—bayous, sluices and such. Out here, it’s more beautiful scenery. Yes, there’s this huge city in the middle of nowhere, but it’s pretty nice. You can sit and look at the mountains and all the nature around you. FernanDo roDrigue z Manager

There’s an abundance of opportunities here, and you don’t see that at first. A lot of people have the misconception that Reno’s what you see when you walk down Virginia Street, and I beg to differ. To me, the best part’s the natural parts like Galena or the outskirts, Spanish Springs or Stead.

08.08.19    |   RN&R   |   5

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Pride and pay for winners As the U.S. National Women’s Soccer Team enjoyed the limelight of a New York City ticker-tape parade to celebrate their fourth World Cup victory, the crowd broke into a spontaneous chant of “Equal pay” as fans also did in France during the championship game. Despite the pay disparity with male soccer players, the celebration was full of joy, led by Megan Rapinoe, the tournament star who inspired millions of Americans who need something to cheer for these days. How big is the pay difference between the men and women in the World Cup? Consider that the men’s teams took home $400 million during their last World Cup in 2018, while the women’s teams shared just $30 million this year. And that was double the prize money the women received in 2015 as Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) officials responded to the growing criticism of the obvious and huge pay gap. Even if the doubling of prize money continues every four years as some expect,

it’s going to take until 2039 to achieve pay equity with the men, who will share $440 million at their next World Cup in 2022. The women of soccer refuse to wait that long for what they’re due and have filed a class action lawsuit against FIFA, which has agreed to mediate a settlement now that the 2019 World Cup is over. A spokeswoman for the U.S. players summed up their position by telling reporters, “At this moment of tremendous pride for America, the sad equation remains all too clear, and Americans won’t stand for it anymore. These athletes generate more revenue and garner higher TV ratings but get paid less simply because they are women. It is time for the Federation to correct this disparity once and for all.” A lawsuit is probably the best way to force the issue. But we also need to keep updating our laws to ensure that women are paid equally for their toil. There is no doubt that the passage of Title IX, a follow-up to the federal

Civil Rights Act of 1964, dramatically increased opportunities in education for female students, especially in sports. President Richard Nixon signed the law in 1972, and participation by women in high school sports increased nine-fold, while the number of women in college sports increased by 450 percent. I graduated from high school in 1973 from a mid-coast California town—Pacific Grove—and remember well how limited the opportunities were for female athletes. The girls played club sports through the Girls Athletic Association, and our basketball team could only use the gym when the boys had an away game. Every other time we practiced in the cold foggy mornings outside where the asphalt was rocky and unforgiving. A friend of mine was one of the school’s best golfers but couldn’t officially compete even though she routinely beat most of the boys on the team in area tournaments. When the boys were released from school

to serve as caddies during the annual Bing Crosby Pro-Am tournament, her only option was to join the girls in our service contribution to this community event by making sandwiches for the players early each morning. After Title IX was implemented all of that changed, and quickly too. Today it’s unthinkable—and illegal—for schools to only sponsor boys’ teams and relegate girls to the sidelines. More recent legislative changes have had a much smaller impact, although the 2019 Nevada Legislature did pass new pay equity legislation to codify the federal Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act into state law and establish a new tier of civil penalties for employers who are out of compliance. We should all be rooting for the U.S. soccer women in their quest for equal pay. They’ve proven they’re the best—but even if they weren’t, they’d deserve it. Ω

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4865 Longley Lane, Ste. C • Reno • 786-4464 08.08.19    |   RN&R   |   7

by Dennis Myers


This is an artist’s concept of the facility planned for the Washoe County Courthouse.

On the evening of Aug. 3, downtown Sparks— which is heavily residential—went dark at the very instant that the first note of music from an outdoor concert in the downtown was heard across the area. Residents who gathered on the sidewalks of the darkened neighborhood speculated on whether the concert caused the outage, particularly given the fact that it still had power and no one else did. A statement from NV Energy said, “The cause of the power outage in Sparks on Saturday night was equipment failure in a vault.”

trump and aIdS “We will eradicate AIDS in America, and we’re very close,” Donald Trump said on Aug. 1 in a Cincinnati speech. “We will lay the foundation for landing American astronauts on the surface of Mars. ... We will be ending the AIDS epidemic shortly in America, and curing childhood cancer very shortly.” The comment has drawn widespread questions among Nevada AIDS activists on how an administration that has been opposed to AIDS programs of all kinds could accomplish such a thing. TruMp • Trump proposed cutting AIDS research and prevention funding by more than $300 million. • He supports reducing funding to the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, established under the second George Bush, but Congress has resisted the cuts (Kaiser Health News reports the program “is credited with saving millions of lives).” • Trump tried to divert more than $5 million in HIV/AIDS funding for detention of migrants. • Under Trump’s rejected health care plan, the cost of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)— a daily HIV preventive pill—would have risen sharply. • Trump has left the directorship of National AIDS Policy vacant, with the result that the program has languished, with six members of the White House advisory board resigning in protest and the remaining members fired.

nOw, there’S a hIgh Standard Nevada Current: “You have to admit the national political press corps has been at least as good during the Trump era as it was during the run-up to the Iraq invasion.” —Dennis Myers






Courting readers Installation planned for downtown with little fanfare, a political group called Foundation Forward, Inc. is planning to install an elaborate reading display on the grounds of the Washoe County Courthouse. The installation will feature waist-high mounts for tilted panels on which passersby may read from three historical documents—the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution. The Washoe County Commission approved the facility at Foundation Forward’s request on Oct. 9 on a 3-to-0 vote, two members absent. Two representatives of the group, Mike Widmer and Chuck Slavin, pledged to raise the money for the project, which has raised alarm among local history and culture figures. Based in North Carolina, Foundation Forward Inc. (FFI) is an organization subsidized by the Koch brothers, noted for their support of conservative causes. The group is incorporated under a federal 170(b)(1) (A)(vi) license, meaning it receives at

least a third of its funding from government units or the public. In one promotional video, FFI’s treasurer, Ron Lewis, said, “We’re in the beginning of what could be a massive reeducation of our founding principles.” In June 2014, FFI’s assets totaled $156,869 and its income was $617,929. The reading facilities, which FFI is trying to install across the nation—one is also planned for Carson City—feature three of the most easily available historical documents, quickly accessible online. Indeed, the Reno installation will be just outside the Washoe County Law Library, which has the documents in several volumes. Foundation Forward is headed by defeated U.S. House candidate Vance Patterson of Morganton, N.C. His former website contained this bio: “Vance Patterson has been a lifelong conservative Republican. Vance is a committed Christian and Sunday School teacher, and he is dedicated to defending the social conservative

values that are the bedrock of American society. Vance is a firm believer in the brilliance of our Constitution, written on Biblical principles, and designed to protect us from tyranny as long as we protect those principles.” The courthouse reading display project is used by FFI to fault public education, as in language in a Foundation Forward video: “After one visit, these grade school children will know more about our history and government than most of the people in the United States.” Grade school is a term used for elementary school, which in Washoe County is kindergarten through the fifth grade. The Washoe school district curriculum for that age cohort not only touches on independence, rights and constitutional law, but also the national anthem. In first grade, Washoe students work their way through 12 lessons on independence, from Jamestown and Roanoke through the difficulty of enduring the long revolution (“Lesson 7A: Will This War Never End?”), to the achievement of independence. In terms of the Constitution, early grades ease students into the concept, but by fifth grade, the curriculum requires familiarity with “legislative branch, executive branch, judicial branch, checks and balances, veto, Articles of Confederation, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, Constitution, civic virtue, democracy, law, government, individual rights, citizen, and three fifths clause.” There are discussion topics on the role of slavery, religion, suffrage and other factors in the writing of the Constitution. Students are expected to know players like the Federalists, Antifederalists and the framers. They learn about Shay’s Rebellion, the constitutional convention, the Virginia and New Jersey plans, and the Northwest Ordinance of 1787.

wOrrISOme allIanceS In 2014 in North Carolina, where FFI is based, when there was a proposal that high school social studies teachers use curriculum materials prepared by the Bill of Rights Institute—also Koch-subsidized—the Charlotte News & Observer reported, “But history teachers said in interviews Wednesday that they already have a wealth of

resources available for teaching the founding layout. There is one marker already in place, principles. Some said it was not appropriate commemorating World War II, but its small for a Koch-connected group to write public site did not fundamentally alter the neat, school course materials, and none knew that uncluttered look of the property. One local the state had hired the institute to develop a cultural leader worries about the reading curriculum.” FFI has used some of the Bill display’s “detrimental effect on the historic of Rights Institute’s materials in its sales setting.” pitches for the reading display project. None of these matters were dealt with A question raised by the display planned at the Oct. 9 county commission meeting by Foundation Forward is whether where the facility was approved, nor did other political organizations county staffers raise them. who approach the county will In the 1950s, to publicize now have a precedent the his second filming of The “We’re in the Ten Commandments, movie commission should follow. beginning of what director Cecil B. DeMille In addition, it raises could be a massive started an effort to install the issue of whether the granite TC monuments county wants to be in reeducation of our across the country. Eagles the position of identifyfounding principles.” Lodges helped push the ing itself with political project. Two such markers groups, which members of Ron Lewis were installed in this valley, this commission have done Foundation Forward, Inc. both on public property. One in the past. One commiswas across the street from the sioner—Jeanne Herman—has Washoe courthouse, on the section donated tax dollars to a conservaof Powning Park south of Court Street. It tive political group and the full commislater became the site for the Squaw Valley sion donated $5,000 in tax dollars to the Olympics headquarters in Reno when it was same group—the Nevada Lands Council, the host city and is now filled with several which agitates for public lands to be turned war memorials. The other TC marker was in over to state government (“Taxing issue,” Burgess Park at the corner of Pyramid and RN&R, Jun 9, 2016). Greenbrae in Sparks. Both were eventually There is also the issue of whether the removed from public property, as were FFI courthouse array is suitable for the others around the nation. Ω currently rather simple and tidy courthouse

Getting ready

At the military recruiting offices on Moana Lane, Marine recruits did calisthenics in the parking lot. An office spokesperson said this is done after recruits have signed up but before they’ve actually joined the service. PHOTO/DENNIS MYERS

08.08.19    |   RN&R   |   9

The Lineup

Purchase TickeTs aT hardrockcasinolakeTahoe.com Must be 21+

10   |   RN&R   |   08.08.19


by Jeri DAvis

j e ri d @ne w s re v i e w . c o m

A Mysis shrimp can be seen up close on a slide under a microscope.

Clear view Mysis shrimp People who’ve read news coverage of the 2019 State of the Lake report from the Tahoe Environment Research Center probably also heard about one of its highlights— a program geared toward removing a tiny, non-native shrimp species called Mysis shrimp (or Mysids) from the lake, with the aim of improving its famed clarity. According to the TERC website, the shrimp were purposefully introduced to the lake from 1963-1965 by the California and Nevada Departments of Fish and Game. The idea was that they’d provide a plentiful food supply for lake trout, Tahoe’s main sport fish. Unfortunately, this didn’t happen. By 1971, the shrimp were well established in the lake. But rather than being eaten by fish, they Mysids were eating the fish’s main food source—native zooplankton species called Daphnia and Bosmina—at night and hanging out deep in the dark to avoid fish during the day. How does this relate to clarity? In 2011, TERC researchers discovered that the Mysis shrimp had largely disappeared from Emerald Bay, and, as native Daphnia and Bosmina had rebounded, the bay’s clarity had improved drastically. The Mysids later returned to the bay. In 2018, TERC began a pilot program to remove them by night trawling with a huge net. When the program wraps up next year, they’re hoping to have more thorough data documenting the relationship between Mysids, zooplankton and lake clarity. In the meantime, those wanting to learn more about these tiny species that have such a big impact on the lake can head up to TERC’s Tahoe Science Center on the Sierra Nevada College campus in Incline Village.


“We do have some preserved samples of mysis shrimp in the education center, as well as video footage,” said Program Manager Alison Toy. “They are the ones that we’re trawling off the lake. We actually have been freezing cubes of Mysis shrimp, and we do feed them to the fish that are in our Tahoe Science Center in Incline Village as well as our Tahoe City Field Station.” At the center, Toy said, visitors can learn about “the environmental timeline of the shrimp—when they were introduced, the effect on the lake, and also the ongoing research that’s been happening.” “We have pictures available,” she said. “We also have live specimen of the Daphnia. And the Daphnia is actually the target zooplankton that we’re trying to restore the population of.” According to Toy, it’s the Daphnia that researchers believe has the greatest effect on lake clarity. “The Daphnia are like indiscriminate little cows that swim around Lake Tahoe, and they’re just pretty much, like, mouths open and eating everything—including these really small diatoms, these small, single-cell algae that we have … as well as potentially fine particles that are all floating in its path. It’s just kind of taking everything out. Visitors can also see a two-thirds scale model of the boat researchers will continue to use to trawl for Mysis shrimp during the program’s final year. “We’re definitely hopeful, and I think with another year we might be able to more conclusively say,” Toy said. “This is only being done in Emerald Bay right now. It’s kind of like an in-lake experiment. But if it works out, then this is definitely something that we’ll look to apply to the entire whole of the lake.” Ω

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Learn more about the 2019 State of the Lake Report here: tahoe.ucdavis.edu/stateofthelake.

08.08.19    |   RN&R   |   11

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by RN&R EditoRs Edito


his is it! Our biggest, baddest edition of the year, our annual Best of Northern Nevada issue. In the following pages, you’ll find the results of our readers’ poll about the best our region has to offer—from best antique store to best local politician. There are nearly 300 categories, and tens of thousands of locals voted in the two rounds of the contest. Huge congrats to all the winners! But, of course, like every prom king runner-up, you might want to point out that it’s just a popularity contest. To which we say, “Yep, you’re right. What’s wrong with that? Do you hate democracy, you pinko?” Still, there are places where we might disagree with the results of the readers’ poll, or we just want to highlight a comparable but undersung

alternative. So pay close attention to those editors’ picks—they’re also an opportunity to bask in some of our award-winning blather. In the BONN issue, we showcase the work of one of the area’s best artists. This year, it’s Eunkang Koh, an art professor up at the University of Nevada, Reno. Her surreal illustrations, with the anthropomorphic cast doing all kinds of Nevadan things, are a perfect complement to this year’s contest results, which are just as bizarre as ever. Every year, we have a different feature section focused o n something special in our community. This year, it’s “Green Thumbs,” a section partly inspired by Koh’s artistic interest in culinary practices. If you or your business won a first place prize, that means you score two tickets to our annual Best of Northern Nevada party later this fall. You should receive an invitation to the party from someone on our sales staff in the next few weeks. But if you want to make it easier for them to track you down, send a “Hey! I want to party!” message to contest@newsreview.com. A friendly reminder: Winners, if some shady operator calls you up and asks you to purchase a plaque to commemorate your victory, you can just hang up. They’re not affiliated with the RN&R. You get your plaque free at the party. And a heartfelt thank you to everyone who took the time to vote— especially if you voted in both rounds. You’re the absolute best.


14 Goods & services

Featuring art by Eunkang Koh

26 NiGhTLiFe

20 PersoNALiTies

29 ouTdoors

23 GreeN Thumb

30 Food & driNk

25 cAsiNos &

35 kids & FAmiLY


37 cuLTure 08.08.19






Featuring art by Eunkang Koh

n o rt h e r n neva da 2019

goods services &

readers’ choices Best adu ltth em ed store The ChoColaTe Walrus 1278 s. Virginia st., 825-2267

Best antiqu e store Junkee CloThing exChange & anTiques 960 s. Virginia st., 322-5865

Best ath letic shoe selection nike FaCTory sTore 1330 scheels Drive, sparks, 358-7871

Best Ban k greaTer neVaDa CreDiT union Best BarBer shop CommonWealTh BarBer Company

editors’ choices Best wine shop

CraFT Wine & Beer 22 martin st., 622-4333

it probably won’t shock anyone that we prefer the small, locally owned, midtown store over its big box competitors. But Craft is really just the best. The shop has a friendly neighborhood bar vibe, and the back room has become a bit of a community center for non-profit fundraisers and the like. owner Ty martin and his staff— including Brooke Walshaw, voted northern nevada’s best gardener elsewhere in these pages—are helpful and knowledgeable without being pretentious—a neat feat in an industry that cultivates pretension like so many grapes.

14   |   RN&R   |   08.08.19

Best Boutiqu e cloth i ng store Junkee CloThing exChange & anTiques 960 s. Virginia st., 322-5865

Best Bri dal salon DaViD’s BriDal Best car wash huTCh’s mission Car Wash 6355 s. mcCarran Blvd., 827-4222

Best carpet clean i ng com pany eVergreen CarpeT Care 990 s. rock Blvd., 825-7569

Best ch i ldren’s cloth i ng Boutiqu e onCe upon a ChilD

200 s. Center st., 409-4972

6015 s. Virginia st., 984-5831

Best Beauty salon eye CanDy salon

Best cloth i ng store DillarD’s

235 s. sierra st., 336-0285

13933 s. Virginia st., 852-3080

Best Bicycle shop reno Bike proJeCT

Best com puter store BesT Buy

216 e. grove st., 323-4488

Best Bookstore grassrooTs Books 660 e. grove st., 828-2665

5575 s. Virginia st., 448-9797

Best credit u n ion greaTer neVaDa CreDiT union

Best doggy daycare Pet Play House

Best h ead shop art Dogs & graCe

2403 e. Fourth st., 324-0202

218 Vassar st., 324-278

Best dry clean ers BoBBy Page’s Dry Cleaners

Best hom e fu rn ish i ngs store rC Willey Home FurnisHings

530 W. Plumb lane, 825-4443

Best event promoter amPliFieD entertainment Best fram e shop miDtoWn FrameWorks 243 California ave., 451-5983

Best gadget store Best Buy 5575 s. Virginia st., 448-9797

Best grocery store raley’s 1441 mayberry Drive, 786-0270

Best gym saint mary’s Fitness Center 645 n. arlington ave., 770-3800

Best hardware store Home DePot

1201 steamboat Pkwy., 337-4600

Best hospital renoWn regional meDiCal Center 1155 mill st., 982-4100

Best house clean i ng service molly maiD 1380 greg st., 359-1503

Best j ewelry store miCHael & sons JeWelry ComPany 1401 s. Virginia st., 786-5110

Best liquor store total Wine & more 6671 s. Virginia st., 853-3669

Best local Busi n ess eartHe energe 1023 rock Blvd., sparks, 583-7444

Best of


continued on pg 17

(From left) Jacqueline Harbey, Erica Jones, Jessica Abbot, Josie Veneziano, Maya Wilson and Tom Abbot of Eye Candy Salon, winner of the “best salon” category. PHoto/Jeri DaVis

08.08.19    |   RN&R   |   15

16   |   RN&R   |   08.08.19

Best of


continued from pg 15

Best local place to work PataGonia 8550 White Fir st., 747-1887

Best mall outlets at leGenDs 1310 scheels Drive, 358-3800

Best m edical marij uana dispensary mynt CannaBis DisPensary 132 e. second st., 686-6968

Best mortgage com pany Bay equity quity Home loans 200 s. Virginia st., 685-4678

Best motorcycle dealer miCHael’s reno PoWersPorts 10828 s. Virginia st., 825-8680

Best n ew Busi n ess Perenn Bakery 20 st. lawrence ave., 451-7722

Best n ew car dealersh i p Dolan lexus 7175 s. Virginia st., 826-5050

Best optical shop CostCo oPtiCal 2200 Harvard Way, 689-2214

Best outdoor gear selection rei 2225 Harvard Way, 828-9090

Best pet Boardi ng Pet Play House 2403 e. Fourth st., 324-0202

Best pet su pply store Pet Play House 2403 e. Fourth st., 324-0202

Best pharmacy CVs Best pi lates stu dio eVoke Fitness 895 e. Patriot Blvd., 827-1995

editors’ choices

Best place for m usic lessons JamPro musiC FaCtory 9300 Prototype Drive, 800-1772


kWnk 97.7 Plenty of people like to define their superior musical tastes with some rendition of the phrase “i’m not into what they play on the radio.” those people obviously aren’t referring to kWnk, as the music featured on northern nevada’s first community-programmed Fm radio station is way too eclectic to suit any one specific taste. lots of tunes are from local bands, which is important in reno—a city stuffed full of musicians with few venues to share it. the DJs are motivated volunteers sharing original programming that ranges from enlightening and groovy, to experimental and kooky. the whole thing is commercial-free thanks to community support, and their shared office with laika Press, 1717 s. Wells ave., is wedged between two other awesome community fixtures, our Center and magpie Coffee roasters. Community action, great music, local art and fresh coffee? We can get behind all of that.

Best place to Buy a fi rearm CaBela’s 8650 Boomtown Garson road, Verdi, 829-4100

Best place to Buy a m usical i nstru m ent Bizarre Guitar 2677 oddie Blvd., 331-1001

Best place to Buy cds or vi nyl records reCyCleD reCorDs 822 s. Virginia st., 826-4119

Best place to Buy playa garB tHe meltinG Pot WorlD emPorium & smoke sHoP

Paul Doege, owner of Recycled Records, voted “best place to buy CDs or vinyl records.” PHoto/Jeri DaVis

Best place to Buy vi ntage cloth es Junkee ClotHinG exCHanGe & antiques 960 s. Virginia st., 322-5865

Best place to get a car repai red reno VulCanizinG auto Care anD tires 450 e. Plumb lane, 826-0464

Best place to get an auto smogged instant smoG 6355 s. mcCarran Blvd., 824-0101

Best place to get pi erced BlaCk Hole BoDy PierCinG 912 s. Virginia st., 329-6010

Best pri nt shop laika Press 1717 s. Wells ave.

Best of


continued on pg 19

08.08.19    |   RN&R   |   17

18   |   RN&R   |   08.08.19

continued from pg 17

Best pu Blic relations agency Design on eDge 1 e. First st., 746-0717

Best pu Blication (that’s not us) eDible Reno-Tahoe Magazine Best recreational marij uana dispensary MynT Cannabis DispensaRy Best selection of local art nevaDa MuseuM oF aRT 160 W. liberty st., 329-3333

Best shoe selection DillaRD’s 13933 s. virginia st., 852-3080

Best spa spa aTlanTis atlantis Casino Resort spa, 3800 s. virginia st., 825-4700

Best specialty foods store TRaDeR Joe’s 5035 s. McCarran blvd., 826-1621

Best spectator sport Reno aCes baseball Best tattoo parlor aCes TaTToo 675 s. virginia st., 333-0915

960 s. virginia st., 322-5865

Best used car dealersh i p CaRMax 35 auto Center Drive, 852-1594

Best used cloth i ng store Junkee CloThing exChange & anTiques 960 s. virginia st., 322-5865

Best vape shop pyRaMiD vapoRy & aRT sTuDio 2995 n. McCarran blvd., sparks, 502-3393

Best veteri narian cli n ic klaiCh aniMal hospiTal 1990 s. virginia st., 826-1212

Best vi deo gam e store gaMesTop 5116 Meadowood Mall Circle, 825-7544

Best weddi ng reception site The elM esTaTe 1401 W. second st., 384-9081

Best wi n e shop ToTal Wine & MoRe 6671 s. virginia st., 853-3669

Best workout wear selection hello yoga 732 s. virginia st., 420-5357

Best yoga stu dio JuiCe box yoga

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132 e. second st., 686-6968

Best th ri ft store Junkee CloThing exChange & anTiques

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08.08.19    |   RN&R   |   19



n o rt h e r n neva da 2019

Featuring art by Eunkang Koh

Readers’ choices Best aesth etician Teresa MarTinez

Best clu B or event dJ erik riekenBerG

Best fam i ly doctor Dr. DaViD zUCker

Posh salon, 250 Crummer Lane, 826-7674

epik Weddings & events, 748 s. Meadows Pkwy., 250-3745

645 n. arlington ave., 329-2525

Best attorn ey MariLyn york

Best college i nstructor BoB FeLTen

548 California ave., 324-7979

Best BarBer VinCenT GraVaLLese Derby supply Company, 123 W. First. st., 440-1930

Best Barista MaTTheW LeBLanC Bibo Coffee Co., 945 record st., 348-8087

Best Barten der LaCey shea shea’s Tavern, 715 s. Virginia st., 786-4774

Best Bu dten der Brian saLazar Blüm, 1085 s. Virginia st., 420-2586

Best ch i ropractor Dr. ToDD sTeVenson

Best gyn ecologist Dr. sTaCi PaUL

University of nevada, reno

oB/Gyn associates, 645 n. arlington ave., 329-6241

Best creative writer ChrisToPher DanieLs

Best hai r stylist Brian Jensen

Best dance i nstructor FanCi VaLLes The Loft Dance Theater arts, 7025 Longley Lane, 762-5376

Jensen & Co., 495 Morrill ave., 657-6576

Best h igh school teach er roD hearn Damonte ranch high school

Best dentist ChaMPaGne FaMiLy DenTisTry 735 sparks Blvd., sparks, 359-3934

Best elem entary school teach er JesseCa LUnarDeLLi smithridge sTeM academy

Best i nterior design er sarah BLaCkBern sarah Blackbern interiors, 636-0699

Best local activist MereDiTh Tanzer Best local actor/actress sTaCy Johnson

Peak Performance Chiropractic, 241 ridge st., 786-7325

editoRs’ choices Best local activist

PaM rUsseLL For almost as long as anyone can remember, Pam russell has been helping people who are hurting. These days, she directs the Women and Children’s Center of the sierra, an organization that assists women who got off track in their teens or thereabouts get back on track. Before that, she worked for Washoe Legal services. Before that, she was with United Way. Before

20   |   RN&R   |   08.08.19

that, she was with the Committee to aid abused Women. somewhere in there, the region lost her for a time while she was running Turning Point of Lehigh Valley, a domestic abuse agency in allentown, Pennsylvania. With any kind of luck, we won’t lose her again, because she’s a community asset.

Best local ath lete DaViD Wise

editoRs’ choices Best local politician

Best local author MikaLee ByerMan

DaViD Parks

Best local colu m n ist Cory FarLey

The “best local politician” category is always an interesting one. and the winner often also places in the “Most handsome or “Most beautiful” categories. nevada is home to a lot of dedicated public servants, but perhaps the most exemplary among them is nevada senator David Parks. Parks was elected to the state senate back in 2008 and, before that, served in the state assembly since the 1997 session. yep, Parks is from southern nevada, but every other year he parks his butt in Carson City from February to June to make a difference for all nevadans. Parks is a consistent Democrat. he was the state’s first openly gay legislator. he stands up for LGBTQ rights, women’s rights, workers’ rights and more—and he does it all in his characteristic, slightly buttoned-up, well-spoken way.

reno Gazette Journal

Best local fi lm maker eMiLy skyLe-GoLDen Best local m usician GraCe hayes Best local politician hiLLary sChieVe Best local radio dJ or dJ team Chris Payne alt 92.1

Best local songwriter GraCe hayes

Traner Middle school

Best local tv n ews anchor krisTen reMinGTon kTVn

Best local rapper saVy BaLBoa

Best m i ddle school teach er shaUGhn riCharDson

Best massage th erapist roBerT BaUM Baum Therapy, 895 e. Patriot Blvd., 247-4947

Best m i n ister/ spi ritual advisor ChrisToPher DanieLs Best model Cassi saLo

Best m u ralist Joe C. RoCk Best m usic teach er Tim Wood Best nai l tech n ician Shannon oChoa Jensen & Co., 495 morrill ave., 657-6576

Best personal trai n er SheRilyn CabanTing allen orangetheory Fitness Reno, 8056 S. Virginia St., 800-2308

Best pet groom er lulu’S PeT gRooming 11331 S. Virginia St., 852-5252

Best photograph er ePik WeddingS & eVenTS 748 S. meadows Pkwy., 250-3745

Best pi lates i nstructor liSa CaSTaneda evoke Fitness, 895 e. Patriot blvd., 827-1995

Best plastic su rgeon dR. TiFFany mCCoRmaCk 10791 double R blvd., 284-2020

Best police officer JaSon SoTo Reno Police Chief

Best power cou ple JenniFeR Janiga & TimoThy Janiga Best pri nci pal kRiSSy bRoWn mount Rose School

Best pu Blic relations professional abbi WhiTakeR abbi agency, 1385 haskell St., 323-2977

Krissy Brown of Mount Rose School, winner of “best prinicipal.” PhoTo/JeRi daViS

Best tattoo artist Tony medellin lasting dose Tattoo & art Collective, 888 S. Virginia St., 324-0666

Best th erapist/ cou nselor leSlie delaCRuz 403 Flint St., 233-6789

Best veteri narian klaiCh animal hoSPiTal 1990 S. Virginia St., 826-1212

Best visual artist maTTheW mCdoWell Best volu nteer eVelyn mounT Best weddi ng plan n er kaRie maCleod She Said yes Weddings and events, 240 bonnie briar Place, 276-8798

Best yoga i nstructor angie FRaley om2yoga.com

Christopher Daniels, the best person to give an award to, and winner of “best minister/spiritual advisor” and “best creative writer.” PhoTo/JeRi daViS

most Beauti fu l person kRiSTen RemingTon Best real estate agent kayla dalTon dickson Realty, 4870 Vista blvd., Sparks, 685-8800

most han dsom e person eRik RiekenbeRg

08.08.19    |   RN&R   |   21 08.08.18







n o rt h e r n neva da

Featuring art by Eunkang Koh


Green g green Green

thumBs Best local farm andelin Family Farm

readers’ choices

editors’ choices

8100 pyramid Way, sparks, 530-8032

local Business with the Best landscape or garden

720 tahoe 720 tahoe st., 453-8222

traditional landscaping companies and nurseries have the means to care for their outdoor spaces—it comes with the job description. a business that goes out of its way to incorporate growing things, however, should be commended, and the coworking space 720 tahoe street does so to an impressive effect. the large atrium features planters full of tropical trees and leafy plants that grow dozens of feet through the steel rafters towards the full-glass ceiling. the ground-floor koi pond and various vines and succulents hanging from the second floor create the illusion that nature has reclaimed the building—if it weren’t for the several small businesses and private contractors who rent spaces there. it’s a feat similar to the downtown library on a smaller scale. While a well-kept garden is impressive at any business space, it’s even more so indoors.

Best can naBis grower Kynd Cannabis Company

Best flower shop sparKs Florist

1645 Crane Way, sparks

1001 pyramid Way, sparks, 358-8500

Best can naBis product Kynd balm

Best garden n u rsery moana nursery

Best farm er Wendy baroli Girl Farm

1100 W. moana lane, 825-0600

Best garden er brooKe WalshaW

Best harvest festival andelin Family Farm Fall harvest Festival Best lan dscapi ng com pany moana nursery 1100 W. moana lane, 825-0600

Best local com post doWn to earth CompostinG www.downtoearthcomposting.com

Best locally grown food Great basin Community Food Co-op 240 Court st., 324-6133

Best yard sierra Water Gardens 2110 dickerson road, 622-4090

local Busi n ess with th e Best lan dscape or garden the stone house CaFe 1907 s. arlington ave., 284-3895

editors’ choices Best local farmer

CraiG Frezzette

Farming on an industrial level looks very different from the old ma and pa, dustbowl-esque imagery the term might suggest. Gone are the ox and plow, replaced by a fleet of combine harvesters and pesticide sprayers. and while reno is home to a handful of small organic farms that prioritize sustainability and ecology, Craig Frezzette at City Green Gardens has been doing it longer. since the ’80s, he’s been feeding his family, the neighbors and, lately, the local restaurant scene from his usda-certified organic, half-acre backyard

farm. every carrot, apple, leafy green and herb is hand-planted and cared for by Frezzette without a drop of pesticide, and he takes care not to harvest his produce until the morning he personally delivers them to places like 4th street bistro and old Granite street eatery. Frezzette’s patience, stewardship of the land, and dedication to quality make him a farmer in both the practical and philosophical sense. in his own words, “look after the earth, and it’ll look after you.”

08.08.18    |   RN&R   |   23




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Featuring art by Eunkang Koh

n o rt h e r n neva da 2019

casinos &

gamBling Readers’ choices Best casi no PePPermill resort sPa Casino

editoRs’ choices

2707 s. Virginia st., 826-2121

editoRs’ choices

Best casi no arcade gam es CarniVal midway & XP arCade Circus Circus Hotel Casino, 500 n. sierra st., 329-0711

Best casino restaurant

Best casi no Bar Fireside lounge

tHe Brew BrotHers

Best casi no Barten der Joe taussig

eldorado resort Casino, 345 n. Virginia st., 786-5700 maybe you don’t go often on your own, but you know you take your visiting family members to the casinos when they come to town. and one of the best things about a casino visit can be the chance to get down on the good food these gambling dens serve in their restaurants. often when people think about casino restaurants, they think of the fancy steakhouses. they’re good, but what about when you’re looking for a place to take the whole family—from grandma to the little screaming meanies? go for the Brew Brothers inside the eldorado. the restaurant pours craft beers and serves up a menu that includes a wide enough variety of items to satisfy everyone in your crew, from the picky eaters to the epicureans.

Peppermill resort spa Casino, 2707 s. Virginia st., 826-2121

Peppermill resort spa Casino, 2707 s. Virginia st., 826-2121

Best casi no Bu ffet touCan CHarlie’s BuFFet & grill

Best casino

grand sierra resort 2500 e. second st., 789-2000

For locals—especially locals with kids—the gsr is the best. there are plenty of places to gamble in the valley, and the gsr might not be the best place to do that, but its resort attractions can’t be beat. it has a great arcade, complete with laser tag, and its pool is actually worth paying to visit. there’s a movie theater, which isn’t as cool as it used to be, and there’s leX, voted the best local dance club by rn&r readers. But the real

reason the gsr is the best is the grand theatre. the stage, one of the largest in the world, was home to the long-running Hello Hollywood, Hello! stage show back when the building was owned by mgm. But the theater itself was recently renovated and updated. a diverse assortment of acts come through the space, so find something you want to see and check it out. it’s incredible.

atlantis Casino resort spa, 3800 s. Virginia st., 825-4700

Best casi no hotel PePPermill resort sPa Casino 2707 s. Virginia st., 826-2121

Best casi no restau rant tHe steakHouse western Village inn & Casino, 815 nichols Blvd., sparks, 331-1069

Best casi no-hotel for romantic getaway PePPermill resort sPa Casino 2707 s. Virginia st., 826-2121

Best custom er service PePPermill resort sPa Casino 2707 s. Virginia st., 826-2121

Best player’s clu B rewards casi no PePPermill resort sPa Casino 2707 s. Virginia st., 826-2121

Best sportsBook PePPermill resort sPa Casino 2707 s. Virginia st., 826-2121

Best poker room PePPermill resort sPa Casino

most eco-fri en dly casi no PePPermill resort sPa Casino

2707 s. Virginia st., 826-2121

2707 s. Virginia st., 826-2121

08.08.19    |   RN&R   |   25


Featuring art by Eunkang Koh

n o rt h e r n neva da 2019

nightlife editoRs’ choices Best place to cure a hangover

gold ’n SilVer inn 790 W. Fourth St., 323-2696

if a hospital had a dedicated “hangover Ward,” it might look like the inside of the gold ’n Silver inn—slot machines and ashtrays included. The greasy spoon has been open 24-hours-a-day for over 60 years, and is just a few blocks from the downtown casinos. That math alone suggests maybe even millions of patrons have sought treatment here over the years, and as the food-based hangover cure is a fickle and highly personal science, consider the expansive menu your own personal laboratory. maybe it’s a greasy, calorie-laden carb-bomb, or just some early morning coffee and toast—or a big-ass piece of cherry pie and a Pbr—consider the wait staff your friendly nurses in your quest to cure what ails you.

Readers’ choices





Best dance clu B leX nighTclub

Best karaoke WeST Second STreeT bar 118 W. Second St., 348-7976

Best all-ages spot The eddy

Best Bowli ng alley grand Sierra reSorT

grand Sierra resort, 2500 e. Second St., 789-2000

16 S. Sierra St., 276-6622

2500 e. Second St., 789-2000

Best Bar Pignic Pub & PaTio

Best com edy clu B reno-Tahoe comedy

Best disti llery The dePoT

235 Flint St., 376-1948

100 S. Virginia St., 322-5233

Best Beer selection beer nV

Best concert ven u e grand TheaTre

15 Foothill road, 448-6199

grand Sierra resort, 2500 e. Second St., 789-2000


Best m icroBrewery greaT baSin breWing co. 846 Victorian ave., Sparks, 355-7711

325 e. Fourth St., 737-4330

Best dive Bar Shea’S TaVern

Best n erd hangout The glaSS die 675 holcomb ave., 384-1456

715 S. Virginia St., 971-4774

Best gay hangout 5 STar Saloon 132 West St., 499-5655

Best place for a fi rst date ZePPelin reno 1445 S. meadows Pkwy., 387-4937

Jordan Page (front) and Gabe Caballero of Pignic Pub & Patio, winner of “best bar.” photo/Jeri DaVis

Best place to Buy sexy u n derwear ChoColate Walrus 1278 s. Virginia st., 825-2267

Best place to cu re you r hangover tWo ChiCks 752 s. Virginia st., 323-0600

Best sports Bar the stiCk

Best stri p clu B reNo MeN’s Club 270 N. lake st., 786-7800

Best trivia n ight sierra tap house 95 N. sierra st., 360-5799

Most roMantic Bar Death & taxes 26 Cheney st., 324-2630

95 N. sierra st., 360-5799

editors’ choices Best place for a first date

taste of ChiCago 180 e. first st., 971-4462

When it comes to a first date, you’ve got choices to make—important choices. too many people jump immediately to expensive fine dining experiences for first dates. and it’s a mistake. Many smart people—rN&r’s advice columnist, amy alkon, included—think that a first date should be a few simple things: local, cheap and short. You want to go on a great first

date? ask him/her/them if they want to go to taste of Chicago for a hot dog. the dogs are good. the—basically domestic only—beers are served ice cold. You can play the crane machine and pinball games while you wait for your food—and, best of all, you’ll walk out the door with bellies full of franks and beer for a whole lot less than if you make your first date an awkward, $30-plates affair.

08.08.19    |   RN&R   |   27 08.08.18

get more, spend less. rnrsweetdeals.newsreview.com







Featuring art by Eunkang Koh

n o rt h e r n neva da 2019

outdoors editors’ choices Best hiking trail

Jumbo Grade during the Comstock boom, ore was taken over the mountain, down a grade into washoe Valley, and across a bridge over washoe lake to the ophir mill. as it happened, they were hauling it past another source of ore, which was discovered in the mid-1930s and set off the Jumbo boom. The Jumbo Grade is still there, and one of the best hiking experiences in the area. It’s easy to find—there’s a street sign in New washoe City marked Jumbo Grade.

readers’ choices Best place to swi m lake Tahoe Best Bicycle-ri de desti nation lake Tahoe Best snowBoardi ng mT. rose skI Tahoe 22222 mt. rose highway, 849-0704

Best golf cou rse moNTreux Golf & CouNTrY Club 18077 bordeaux drive, 849-1090

Best local hot spri ngs daVId walleY’s hoT sPrINGs resorT aNd sPa

editors’ choices

2001 foothill road, Genoa, 782-8155

Best picn ic spot IdlewIld Park Best ski resort mT. rose skI Tahoe 22222 mt. rose highway, 849-0704

Best h i ki ng trai l huNTer Creek TraIl

Best place to swim

IdlewIld Pool

No disrespect to the perennial favorite of this category, lake Tahoe, but swimming in that lake ain’t easy lately. Yes, its pristine blue waters are—aside from absolutely frigid most of the year—full to the brim, but so are its parking lots. and, yes, lounging on the beach is a rare treat in the desert, but if you want to actually swim, look a little closer to home. The pool at Idlewild Park, 1805 Idlewild drive, has helped renoites beat the heat since 1937. with an olympic-sized lap pool, one-meter springboard, dedicated kiddy pool and ada access ramp, Idlewild can accommodate swimmers of every age and skill level. Prices are nominal, seating is plentiful, and there’s a lifeguard to make sure everyone stays safe. Take that, Tessie.

08.08.19    |   RN&R   |   29


Featuring art by Eunkang Koh

n o rt h e r n neva da 2019

food drink &

readers’ choices

Best ch ef MARk eSTee liberty food & Wine exchange

editors’ choices Best Burger

Royce 115 Ridge St., 440-1095

Meat and bread, and hopefully condiments and cheese, bacon if you’re lucky—hamburgers are a thing of beauty, period. of course, you’ve got your choice of burgers in town, but have you been to the Reno restaurant that does them best? Tucked inside one of Reno’s tiny historical el Reno Apartment homes, Royce provides a cozy bar environment and, hands down, the best burger in Reno. It’s a juicy double decker of meat and cheese. you can and should order it with bacon. (Pro tip: order it with the Royce Refresher—a combination of gin/vodka and tasty cucumbers and soda—to drink.)

Best appeti zers BISTRo NAPPA, ATlANTIS cASINo ReSoRT 3800 S. Virginia St., 825-4700

Best Bagel TRuckee BAgel coMPANy 538 S. Virginia St., 420-5903

Best Bakery JoSef’S VIeNNA BAkeRy cAfé & ReSTAuRANT 933 W. Moana lane, 825-0451

Best BarBecu e restau rant BJ’S NeVAdA BARBecue coMPANy 80 e. Victorian Ave., Sparks, 355-1010

Best Basqu e restau rant louIS’ BASque coRNeR 301 e. fourth St., 323-7203

Best Bloody Mary The SToNe houSe cAfe 1907 S. Arlington Ave., 284-3895

30   |   RN&R   |   08.08.19

Best Breakfast Peg’S gloRIfIed hAM N eggS 420 S. Sierra St., 329-2600

Best Bru nch The SToNe houSe cAfe 1907 S. Arlington Ave., 284-3895

Best Bu rger The lITTle NuggeT dINeR 233 N. Virginia St., 323-0716

Best carson city restau rant Red’S old 395 gRIll 1055 S. carson St., carson city, 887-0395

Best cateri ng coM pany BATTle BoRN food TRuck ANd cATeRINg co. www.battleborntruck.com

Best ch eap eats IN-N-ouT BuRgeR 280 Pyramid Way, Sparks, 786-1000

Best ch icken wi ngs NoBle PIe PARloR MIdToWN 777 S. center St., 323-1494

Best ch i n ese restau rant PAlAIS de JAde 960 W. Moana lane, 827-5233

Best coffee BIBo coffee coMPANy 460 S. Sierra St., 329-2114

Best coffee roaster huB coffee RoASTeRS 727 Riverside drive, 453-1911

Best dessert lIBeRTy food & WINe exchANge 100 N. Sierra St., 336-1091

Best dough n uts/ pastri es doughBoyS doNuTS 5115 Mae Anne Ave., 787-8586

Bartender Brittney Filut of Wild River Grille, the winner of “best Reno restaurant.” phoTo/JerI daVIS

BEST fi n E di n i ng The STeak houSe Western Village Inn & Casino, 815 Nichols Blvd., Sparks, 331-1069

BEST food Truck Nom eaTS www.renonomeats.com

BEST frEnch fri ES BJ’S NeVada BarBeCue CompaNy 80 e. Victorian ave., Spark, 355-1010

BEST frEnch rESTau ranT BeauJolaIS BISTro 753 riverside drive, 323-2227

BEST frozEn yogu rT yogurT BeaCh 3882 mayberry drive, 787-2024

BEST gluTE nfrEE di n i ng greaT Full gardeNS 555 S. Virginia St., 324-2013

BEST grEEk rESTau ranT NIko’S greek kITCheN 171 disc drive, Sparks, 499-5777

BEST hawai ian rESTau ranT l&l haWaIIaN BarBeCue

BEST laTE-n ighT di n i ng NoBle pIe parlor doWNToWN

5150 mae anne ave., 322-8888

239 W. Second St., 622-9222

BEST hoT dog CoSTCo Food CourT

BEST MargariTa mIguel’S mexICaN Food mIdToWN

Costco Wholesale, 2200 harvard Way, 689-2200

BEST i n dian rESTau ranT INdIa kaBaB & Curry 1091 S. Virginia St., 348-6222

BEST iTalian rESTau ranT JohNNy’S rISToraNTe ITalIaNo 4245 W. Fourth St., 747-4511

BEST Japan ESE rESTau ranT IChIBaN JapaNeSe STeakhouSe & SuShI Bar

1415 S. Virginia St., 322-2722

BEST MarTi n i roxy eldorado resort Casino, 345 N. Virginia St., 786-5700

BEST M Exican rESTau ranT mIguel’S mexICaN Food SummIT SIerra mall 13901 S. Virginia St., 851-0550

BEST n Ew rESTau ranT ZeppelIN 1445 S. meadows pkwy., 387-4937

206 N. Virginia St., 323-5550

BEST J u icE JüS


555 S. Virginia St., 323-1794

food & drink


continued on pg 33

08.08.19    |   RN&R   |   31

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food & drink

continued on pg 31

editors’ choices BEST ouTdoor di n i ng the stone house CaFe 1907 s. arlington ave., 284-3895

BEST pi zza parlor noBLe pie parLormidtown 777 s. Virginia st., 323-1494

BEST placE To EaT wh En dru n k the LittLe nuGGet diner

Best indian restaurant

taste oF india 1255 stardust st., 237-3608

all of a sudden, in the last few years, indian food has really caught on in the valley. there are a couple of great places that have been around for years—like india kabab & Curry, a midtown lunch spot, which is deservedly the perennial favorite indian restaurant among rn&r readers. But there are a bunch of newer places that are worth your

time, money and stomach space. don’t overlook taste of india just because of the generic name and hidden location. they nail the staple dishes—like chicken tikki masala—but also include a lot of seafood and deep cuts. plus, the service is really friendly, and the naan—which comes in about a gazillion different varieties—is amazing.

233 n. Virginia st., 323-0716

BEST producE Great Basin Community Food Co-op 240 Court st., 324-6133

BEST rEno rESTau ranT wiLd riVer GriLLe Server Brandon Longmire of Zeppelin, winner of the “best new restaurant” category. photo/Jeri daVis

17 s. Virginia st., 284-7455

BEST rESTau ranT worTh Th E long waiT peG’s GLoriFied ham n eGGs 1495 e. prater way, sparks, 331-3388

editors’ choices

mi ranChito 500 denslowe drive, 337-8411

if you judge your restaurants by their outer appearance, you’ll give mi ranchito a pass. if you judge it by the food, you’ll be here again and again. it’s housed in the old sterling Village, one of reno’s first shopping centers. the menu is reasonable, particularly given the quality of the food, and the employees are very friendly. this is how all restaurants should be.

555 s. Virginia st., 323-1794

BEST Sou pS süp 669 s. Virginia st., 324-4787

BEST SparkS rESTau ranT Great Basin BrewinG Co. 846 Victorian ave., sparks, 355-7711

BEST STEak the steak house

BEST Salad Great FuLL Gardens

western Village inn & Casino, 815 nichols Blvd., sparks, 331-1069

555 s. Virginia st., 324-2013

BEST SuSh i tha Joint

BEST Salad Bar whoLe Foods market 6139 s. Virginia st., 852-8023

Best Mexican restaurant

BEST SmooTh i E Jüs

BEST San dwich Shop deLi towne usa 3650 Lakeside drive, 826-4466

222 Los altos pkwy., sparks, 626-8677

BEST TahoE rESTau ranT Gar woods GriLL & pier 5000 n. Lake Blvd., Carnelian Bay, California, (530) 546-3366

BEST Thai rESTau ranT thai Lotus 6430 s. Virginia st., 852-5033

BEST TruckEE rESTau ranT squeeze in 10060 donner pass road, truckee, California, (530) 587-9814

BEST vEgan food Great FuLL Gardens 555 s. Virginia st., 324-2013

BEST vEgETarian food Great FuLL Gardens 555 s. Virginia st., 324-2013

BEST vi ETnam ESE rESTau ranT GoLden FLower Vietnamese restaurant 205 w. Fifth st., 323-1628

BEST vi rgi n ia ciTy rESTau ranT red doG saLoon 76 n. C st., Virginia City, 847-7474

BEST wh iSkEy/ Bou rBon/ScoTch SElEcTion death & taxes 26 Cheney st., 324-2630

BEST wi n E Bar whisperinG Vine wine Co. 4201 w. Fourth st., 786-1323

BEST wi n E liST whisperinG Vine wine Co. 4201 w. Fourth st., 786-1323

BEST SEafood rapsCaLLion

moST romanTic rESTau ranT BeauJoLais Bistro

1555 s. wells ave., 323-1211

753 riverside drive, 323-2227

BEST SErvEr traCy quatro Gold ’n silver inn

08.08.19    |   RN&R   |   33

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n o rt h e r n neva da

Featuring art by Eunkang Koh


kids &

family Readers’ choices

Best arcade gam es CoConut Bowl at wild island 1855 E. lincoln way, sparks, 359-2927

Best elem entary school Mount RosE sChool 915 lander st., 333-5030

Best fam i ly outi ng lakE tahoE Best h igh school REno high sChool 395 Booth st., 333-5050

Best i n door activity for ki ds tERRy lEE wElls nEvada disCovERy MusEuM 490 s. Center st., 786-1000

Best local li Brary downtown REno liBRaRy 301 s. Center st., 327-8300

Best m i ddle school kEndyl dEpoali MiddlE sChool 9300 wilbur May pkwy., 852-6700

Best park RanCho san RafaEl REgional paRk 1595 n. sierra st., 785-4512

Best toy store lEaRning ExpREss toys 197 damonte Ranch pkwy., 853-7884

Best weeken d activity lakE tahoE Best weekn ight activity aCEs BasEBall greater nevada field, 250 Evans ave., 334-4700

most ki d-fri en dly restau rant REd RoBin gouRMEt BuRgERs and BREws 4999 kietzke lane, 825-7246

editoRs’ choices Best family outing

aniMal aRk 1265 deerlodge Road, 970-3111

for a fun-for-the-whole-crew family outing, going to the zoo is kinda a no-brainer. Because who doesn’t want to watch a bear eat her lunch? and animal ark is better than an average zoo because it’s a not a zoo; it’s a non-profit animal sanctuary. all of the animals

are rescues—orphans, abandoned pets, domesticated animals that probably couldn’t survive on their own in the wild. the enclosures are spacious, and the setting—30 minutes north of Reno—is distinctly great reat Basin. it’s like going evada ranch, but with cheetahs. to a nevada

m ost kid-friendly most restaurant

sCoopERs dRivE-in sC 1356 prater way, sparks, 331-6221

once an a&w, this drive-in has been locally owned for 30 years. it’s always jammed during hot august nights, but there’s no reason to wait for that event to come around. and this is a good place to bring children and fill their ears with your experiences with places like this when you were younger. Children like to hear that kind of thing. while it still has the trappings like intercoms and trays next to the cars, you’ll actually have to get out and walk to the window to order.

08.08.19    |   RN&R   |   35

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Featuring art by Eunkang Koh

n o rt h e r n neva da 2019

culture readers’ choices Best an i mal sh elter Nevada HumaNe Society 2825 Longley Lane, 856-2000

Best art gallery Nevada muSeum of art 160 W. Liberty St., 329-3333

Best charity race or walk momS oN tHe ruN Best ch u rch Grace cHurcH 1220 robb drive, 747-9000

Best dog park raNcHo SaN rafaeL reGioNaL Park

Best local podcast WorSt LittLe PodcaSt

1595 N. Sierra St., 785-4512


Best h istoric Bu i ldi ng doWNtoWN reNo PoSt office

Best local th eater com pany reNo LittLe tHeater

the Basement reno, 50 S. virginia St.

Best local Ban d tHe NoveLiStS Best local dance com pany reNo daNce comPaNy

Best day tri p Lake taHoe

editors’ choices Best animal shelter

147 e. Pueblo St., 813-8900

Best local tV n ews cHaNNeL 2 ktvN Best month ly eVent firSt tHurSdayS at tHe Nevada muSeum of art 160 W. Liberty St., 329-3333

Best moVi e th eater GaLaxy Luxury + imax 1170 Scheels drive, Sparks, (888) 407-9874

Best non-profit grou p eddy HouSe 423 e. Sixth St., 384-1129

reGioNaL aNimaL ServiceS 2825 Longley Lane, 353-8900

often overlooked because private organizations are better known, regional animal Services is noted for not trying to guilt people and for its friendliness. the employees are loving toward the animals and helpful without being overbearing—and they do not require an appointment to do business. there’s probably no such thing as a perfect animal shelter, but workers here try.

Best open m ic PiGNic PuB & Patio 235 flint St., 376-1948

Best radio station aLice 96.5 Best special eVent at lake tahoe Lake taHoe SHakeSPeare feStivaL

Best special eVent i n carson city Nevada day Parade Best special eVent i n downtown reno artoWN Best special eVent i n downtown sparks BeSt-iN-tHe-WeSt NuGGet riB cook-off Best special eVent i n Vi rgi n ia city iNterNatioNaL cameL & oStricH raceS

editors’ choices Best theater company

reStLeSS LeSS artiStS’ tS’ tHeatre eatre comPaNy aNy 295 20th St., Sparks, 525-3074

the truckee meadows is fortunate to be home to a lot of great theater companies. each of them offer something unique, from Good Luck macbeth to reno Little theater—but best among them is restless artists’ theatre. Located in an intimate venue in Sparks, rat stages contemporary plays and awesome renditions of the classics too. rat also works hard to involve and educate new theater artists and stages readings of works in development and local works. and the company’s productions are often delightfully irreverent, thanks to the input of local chautauquan, actor and rabble rouser doug mishler.

08.08.19    |   RN&R   |   37


Old cars lined C Street in Virginia City for the kickoff of Hot August Nights 2019. PHOTO/JERI DAVIS

The classics Hot August Nights www.myfavoritemuffin.com/reno The drive up the hill to Virginia City is scenic and relaxing. It’s hot and bright, with empty blue skies, along the snaky roads to the hilltop where the old mining town sits. Round the final bend, the town comes into view—a quaint settlement that’s rustic and be autiful. It’s a fitting location for the start of one of Nevada’s most iconic events: Hot August Nights. “When you go up there, it really brings you back to the olden days,” said Heather Libretti, marketing and PR manager for Hot August Nights. “It’s nostalgic.” The main street is closed, effectively transforming the town into a vintage car showroom. Classic cars are parked on both sides of the street, glistening in the sunshine. There’s a 1927 Willys Knight Cabriolet with a side golf door, a 1936 Ford Cabriolet with an open roof, a 1957 Ford Fairlane with fins, a 1965 Ford Mustang with its iconic grill, a 1971 Chevy Chevelle, and many others. All the cars are meticulously clean from engine to tires—shined, waxed, polished and buffed to perfection. It’s a car lover’s paradise. “This is their Disneyland,” said Mike Whan, executive director of Hot August Nights. “It’s on their bucket list to come to our event just because of the classic car show they’ve heard so much about.” 38   |   RN&R   |   08.08.19

“Every car has an appeal,” said Dave Brady, the owner of a poppy blue 1957 Chevy Impala. “Everyone here is proud of what they have, and love to show them.” Last year, they estimated that 300,000 people attended across multiple locations in Reno, Sparks, Virginia City and South Lake Tahoe. This year could see even more people. The history and tradition behind the event continues to draw attendees—and providing a comfortable experience is crucial. “[Reno] is growing, and so are we— but there’s only so much room for both of us to grow,” Whan said. “The challenge is to find a space to have our events in the places that people can easily get to.” It’s not the only major challenge. The nonprofit organization often struggles to generate enough revenue to break even. This year, their costs ran as high as $2.3 million, but with registrations only bringing about a third of that in revenue, there was still a huge deficit to make up in order to be successful. To that end, they relied on sponsorships and donations to cover the rest of the expenses, but sponsorships aren’t very forthcoming. “We’re a victim of our own success,” Whan said. “We bring so many people here, and everyone benefits from it, and they don’t understand the cost of it. [They think,] ‘Why should we help out? The cars are already here. I’m already booked. You guys make a lot of money,’ but the problem is we don’t make a lot of money.” In spite of the thin margins, the overall economic impact of Hot August Nights on the community is sizeable. A lot of that money is from out-of-town, a boon for the local economy. According to Whan, a private study conducted with University of Nevada, Reno in 2016 found that Hot August Nights generates about $81 million every year for the Reno-Sparks area, from tourists that attend. Additionally, they gave away $1 million in charity this year through the Hot August Nights Foundation. “This event isn’t just for us, it’s for the whole community,” Whan said. “Everyone gets to benefit from our event financially and emotionally.” Ω

Learn more about Hot August Nights at hotaugustnights.net.

by BoB Grimm

b g ri m m @ne w s re v i e w . c o m



Off the rails While the poster for Hobbs & Shaw declares it is presented by Fast & Furious, it has very little in common with that franchise other than the participation of Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham reprising their characters from the Furious films. In other words … rejoice! … the leaden, dreary Vin Diesel is nowhere to be seen in this movie! Let’s have some real fun! Hobbs & Shaw is a bizarre hybrid of spy thrillers, action pics and science fiction. While Fast & Furious movies are certainly outlandish, they remain somewhat grounded in reality, except for my personal favorite sequence of a car jumping from skyscraper to skyscraper. This movie goes totally off the rails of realism. It’s too damn long, but when it works, it works well. It also functions as a comedy in that Johnson and Statham have great timing and work really well together. In fact, I’m hoping they jettison the Fast & Furious car chase with the mushed-mouth guy movies altogether and keep themselves sequestered in this corner of the franchise. Hobbs (Johnson) and Shaw (Statham) find themselves protecting Shaw’s sister, Hattie (Vanessa Kirby of Mission: Impossible – Fallout), after she injects herself with something that will have worldwide consequences if she’s captured. The main antagonist is Brixton (Idris Elba), a former Shaw ally who has been turned into some sort of bionic badass dubbed, by himself, “Black Superman.” This is one of those places where the film goes totally batty in a fun way. The movie also goes a little crazy when it comes to the sibling relationship of Shaw and Hattie, who we see performing evil schemes like “the Keith Moon” in flashbacks to their youth. Problem here is that Statham is 20-something years older than Kirby, yet their characters are virtually the same age in the flashbacks. So the movie defies reality in more ways than one.

“it takes sacrifice to get this strong. We gave up junk food, free time and our hair.”

And you won’t really care, because director David Leitch, who gave us the first John Wick, knows his way around an action scene, and edits his films in a way where the laughs come constantly. While it’s expected that Johnson and Statham will kick ass in action scenes in a movie such as this, which they do, it’s Kirby who steals the show as action hero of this institution. She is, simply put, a total badass. The film has enough star power with Johnson and Statham, but Leitch has some nice surprises for you with uncredited cameos. I won’t give them away here, but they blindsided me and enhanced the “let’s just go nuts” essence of the movie. The people holding down the uncredited cameos have extensive time, and they are very funny. Elba makes for a good bad guy, and he has a super smart motorcycle that would make Bruce Wayne jealous. Helen Mirren reappears for a scene or two as Shaw’s incarcerated mom, and she’s always good to have around. Now, I will say again, this film is way too long at over two hours. There’s a scene near the end involving a chase around some nuclear reactors that has all the makings of a climax. Then, the film takes off to Hobbs’ native Samoa for an extended ending that lost me a bit. This movie would’ve been just right between 90-105 minutes. It wears out its welcome a bit. It’s still a blast for the majority of the running time, though, and definitely calls for more stories about Hobbs and Shaw. With Johnson and Statham on the scene, it’s time to send Diesel packing. Hobbs and Shaw movies from here on out in the Fast & Furious universe, please. And give Kirby her own franchise. She deserves to be center stage. Ω

Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw



Two films in, and it’s safe to declare writer-director Ari Aster a master of horror. His Midsommar, the sophomore effort following his masterpiece Hereditary, is two and a half hours of nerve-fraying terror staged mostly in broad daylight, and it is a thing of demented beauty. Dani (dynamite Florence Pugh) and Christian (excellent Jack Reynor) are having relationship issues. Dani is super dependent on Christian during a major time of need, as her sister is constantly bombarding her with dark mood swing modern correspondence (translation: toxic emails). Then, tragedy strikes Dani’s family, and it’s time for Christian to step up for his part of this committed relationship. His solution? Take Dani along on what was supposed to be a bro trip to Sweden for a traditional family summer festival. He sort of asks her to go, she sort of says yes, and, before you know it, Dani is on a plane to Sweden with Christian and his friends. Shortly after arrival, Dani and friends ingest hallucinogenic mushrooms. The weirdness kicks in immediately, and the movie comes off as a really bad trip. Pugh, so good in this year’s Fighting with My Family, makes a grand statement with this movie. She’s an acting force that puts her in the upper echelon. She throws everything out on the table, and it all pays off in a performance that will surely be one of the year’s most memorable. One of the pleasures of Aster’s latest is that it’s obvious where things are going. It’s a mystery that puts a ton of clues right in front of your face in vividly visible fashion as the sun shines brightly. While the movie is a deliberately paced slow burn, it’s nearly two and a half hours pass by pretty quickly. Aster never loses the sense of dread, so while you could call his movie predictable in some ways, it’s not even close to being a letdown. It’s a movie that constantly delivers on the dread it promises in every frame.


Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood

The ninth movie from Quentin Tarantino is a dreamy doozy, his most unapologetically Tarantinian film yet. History and conventionality be damned, for QT is behind the camera, and he favors mayhem and a little thing called artistic license. Set in 1969, Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood captures the ’60s film scene and culture as they are dying, and they most certainly die hard. Through the Tarantino storytelling lens, they also die in mysterious and hallucinogenic ways. Making a run at Newman and Redford, we get Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt as insecure, has-been actor Rick Dalton and his trusty stuntman, Cliff Booth, respectively. Dalton’s career has devolved into playing the bad guys on TV’s The F.B.I. while past-his-prime and blackballed Booth is relegated to driving him around and being his confidante. The setup allows Tarantino to go hog wild with the ’60s visuals and soundtrack. Hollywood is a monumental achievement on the art and sound direction fronts. Some of Tarantino’s soon-to-be most famous shots are in this movie, including a crane shot over a drive-in screen that dropped my jaw. The looks and sounds are so authentic that you might wonder if Dalton and Booth were real people. They were not, but they’re based on folks like Burt Reynolds, Clint Eastwood and Hal Needham. The end of the ’60s was bona fide nutty times, and this is a nutty movie. It also manages to be quite heartfelt and moving.



White supremacist Bryon Widner (Jamie Bell), after being raised on a doctrine of hate within a skinhead camp, has a change of heart when he finds love with a single mother (Danielle Macdonald). Of course, putting a skinhead past behind you, especially when you’ve opted to tattoo your face with hate images, is not an easy

thing. Writer-director Guy Nattiv, basing his film on the true story of Bryon Widnor, does a nice job of showing that redemption sometimes comes at a high price. Bell is great here as Widnor, as is Macdonald as the woman who manages to love him even though he’s a complete asshole. The film feels like a distant cousin of the Edward Norton starring American History X, although it doesn’t have near the artistry of that movie. Still, the movie is a solid story, well-acted, and proof that Bell is perhaps a bigger actor than his resume has revealed. Supporting cast includes Bill Camp as the leader of the skinhead camp, and Vera Farmiga as his nurturing yet classless and evil wife. Blink and you’ll miss a quick appearance by Mary Stuart Masterson as Agent Jackie Marks. She acts that part like she’s in a different movie, but it’s fun to see her all the same. (Available to stream during a limited theatrical release.)


Spider-Man: Far from Home

Tom Holland cements his status as best-ever Spider-Man with what amounts to the goofiest, but still major fun, Spider-Man movie yet. Jon Watts once again directs as Peter Parker looks to vacation with his friends after the events of Endgame, traveling to Europe and leaving his superhero responsibilities behind. When a strange breed of elemental monsters start striking the planet, Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) interrupts Peter’s sojourn and gets him back into the swing of things. Jake Gyllenhaal gets into the shenanigans as Mysterio, a crime fighter from another dimension that slides right into the Tony Stark mentor role. Holland is good fun as Spidey, giving him a nice, youthful effervescence to go with his comic timing. Zendaya rules as MJ, Jon Favreau gets a lot more screen time—it’s a good thing!—as Happy, and the film doesn’t have nearly enough Marisa Tomei. It’s a bit lightheaded at times, but it’s the sort of breezy affair that the Marvel universe needed to get things revved up again. Hopefully, this is just the beginning for Holland and he has a bunch of these in his future, because he’s perfect for the role.



Danny Boyle (127 Hours, 28 Days Later) directs the straining saga of Jack Malik (Himesh Patel), a wannabe musician working part-time in a grocery store while also busking on street corners and playing small solo gigs with his trusty guitar. Jack’s burgeoning music career is managed by Ellie (Lily James), who is fostering a decades-old crush on Jack while getting him gigs at closing hotels and side tents at music festivals. Riding his bike home from a gig, the world suffers a solar flare and a worldwide power loss, and Jack gets hit by a bus, knocking out a couple of his teeth and sending him to the hospital. Post-accident, Ellie and some friends give Jack a new guitar and suggest he bust out a song for them. He goes with “Yesterday” by the Beatles, and the group is moved, as if hearing the song for the first time. That’s because they are hearing it for the first time. A quick Google check by Jack confirms the impossible: Somehow, someway, Jack now lives in a parallel world where John, Paul, George and Ringo never came together to make music. So what does Jack do? Why, he plagiarizes the entire Beatles catalog, of course. Rather than exploring the dark side of plagiarism in a comedic way, Boyle’s movie begs you to love Jack— and to sympathize with him while he tries to figure out his romantic interest in Ellie. Rather than crafting a film that seriously addresses a world without the Beatles, the movie becomes scared of itself and becomes nothing but a lame rom-com.







by Todd SouTh

EvEry Friday & Saturday


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A platter of bone-in wild boar schnitzel is served with lemon wedges.

Garden variety

(N e x t t o S h o e m a N ’ S C u S t o m C y C l e )

Von Bismarck—the newly opened biergarten on Wells Avenue—seems about as likely as a former transmission shop being reborn as an upscale eatery. Which is exactly what it is, and it’s beautiful. Walking from my parking spot past older, earthier businesses into this meld of modern design and old world charm was a bit surreal but plenty appealing. My group of four started with a round of imported wines and draft beers. My Weltenburger Kloster HefeWeisbier Hell ($9, 20 ounces) was just the thing for a pleasant summer evening on the patio. If you’re really thirsty, a full liter stein of the brew is available for $12. Other adult beverages include barrel-aged schnapps, not to be confused with the cheap, syrupy stuff found in American frat houses and ski lodges. Next was a handful of shared small plates—starting with a warm, crusty soft pretzel ($9) reminiscent of a twisted doughnut, though smaller than I’d expected. Served with a very good housemade mustard and fresh quark (a soft cheese made from soured milk), we each got a bite and wished for more. A small cast-iron crock of kasespatzle followed ($8). The “little sparrow” fresh pasta was combined with melted cheese and a sprinkling of herbs. The cheese sort of glued the whole thing together, but we managed to separate individual bites and enjoy it. Orders of sauerkraut ($4) and plastered potatoes ($8) followed. The roughly chopped, house-fermented cabbage wasn’t as sour as store-bought brands lead you to expect, with a mellow sharpness and pleasing hint of juniper. Crusty fingerling tubers doused in spicy garlic oil and herbs were anything but mellow, though I enjoyed their pillowy texture and vampirewarding fire. A big bowl of mussels with bits of bratwurst ($22) was swimming in a mix of wine, garlic oil and 40   |   RN&R   |   08.08.19


fronds of fresh fennel. Here the heat was absent, the flavors balanced, the shellfish perfect. Just as good was a whole, boned and grilled, head-on trout ($22) served with rosti and a schmear of quark. The “potato pancakes” were actually haystacks of crispy shredded potato, topped with julienned sour apple—essentially a hash brown on steroids. The fish looked like it was wearing a fur coat of fennel, and I removed the head so it wasn’t “staring” at one of the ladies. I recommend including the seasoned skin with each bite. A huge coil of grilled bratwurst ($20) was set atop a bed of rotkohl (a traditional sweet and sour dish of onion and red cabbage), finished with sour apple and chives. The skin was snappy, the flavor rustic, and the cabbage just as good as the kraut. But most impressive was a platter of bone-in, wild boar schnitzel ($32) served with mushroom and caramelized fennel gravy, grated hard cheese and lemon wedges. Proof of the meat’s origin: a bullet fragment discovered by my friend, which I assured meant he got the “lucky” schnitzel. Paired with a side, just one of those big, delicious chops would have satisfied me. Turns out the spendiest item on the menu is also the best deal, perfect for sharing. Macerated berries with fennel ash dusted cream ($7) and strudel with cream and cherry compote ($8) completed the experience, both adorned with edible blossoms. My German-fluent friend had low expectations but declared our meal comparable to the best stuff he’s eaten in Deutschland. Not being a traveler myself, I’ll take his word for it—but next time I’m getting my own pretzel. Ω

Von Bismarck

805 S. Wells Ave., 622-3687

Von Bismarck is open Wednesday through Saturday from 5 to 11 p.m. and from 2 to 9 p.m. Sundays. Learn more at vbreno.com.

by TEMi DuRojaiyE

Rachael McElhiney grew up in Gardnerville and has been a mainstay in Reno’s music scene for more than a decade.

Sweet solo Rachael McElhiney Growing up in Gardnerville, Rachael McElhiney never figured her grandpa’s love for apricots would become enshrined in her music, but when former bandmate and lifelong friend Bryan Jones suggested Apricot Trees as the name for her debut solo EP released on June 8, it felt right. The EP, which is hosted on Bandcamp, contains just four songs—a collection of personal stories, sung almost a capella, with only light accompaniment from her ukulele and saxophone. They’re her first complete solo songs ever, highlighted by “Grandpa’s Song,” a heartfelt message from her grandpa to her. “I had written it for my family, ’cause it’s all these little stories that all of us know,” McElhiney said. “I was just at a big family gathering, and everyone laughs at all the little parts because every lyric is something about our grandpa.” It’s not the journey she envisioned when she first played the saxophone as a sixth grader to get closer to a crush she had. The crush graduated that year without ever meeting her, but music became a central part of her life—and a major factor in all her decisions from then on. She continued playing through middle school, then high school—where she joined the marching band and even the choir. Following high school, McElhiney moved to Reno in 2007 to study music education at the University of Nevada, Reno while also performing in the university’s marching band. That’s when Jones convinced her to join Buster Blue, a folk music band he founded. “We would have a football game or a basketball game, and that would last till like 9:30, and then I’d rush to whatever bar we were playing at—and usually play in my band uniform,” McElhiney said.


Then came a decisive moment. In 2009, Jones suggested that they go on tour, and she had to choose if she wanted to finish school or try to break out with the band. It wasn’t an easy decision, but she eventually dropped out of school to join them on tour, mostly across California and also in Seattle. “I didn’t want to regret not doing that, so I took off,” McElhiney said. The band struggled with generating income, sometimes sleeping in their van. Yet, even amidst the struggle, McElhiney bloomed, growing from saxophone player to a co-lead vocalist with Jones, all without losing any of the joyful, whimsical personality that’s at the core of her new EP. “She kept things light and fun when we were miserable on tour, in a van without air conditioning. She’d say something little, and make us all smile,” said Jason Ricketts, who played accordion. “She definitely was the heart.” Buster Blue took a break in 2013, but McElhiney was not about to stop. She began a solo career with the name “Pocahontas” before being recommended to Spencer Kilpatrick, lead guitarist for the rock band Failure Machine in 2016. After a few guest performances with the band, they invited her to join, and she’s been part ever since. She’s also still focused on her solo career, but now under her actual name. McElhiney hopes to spend the rest of this year writing and recording as many songs as she can, and exploring her sound, while remaining true to herself. “I always want to be me,” McElhiney said, “Certain things might change, but, hopefully, it’ll always have a feel like, ‘Oh, yeah, that sounds like Rachael.’ I’m hoping I always have something that’s just very me, whatever that is.” Ω

Listen to Rachael McElhiney’s debut solo EP, Apricot Trees, here: rachaelmcelhiney.bandcamp.com.

08.08.19    |   RN&R   |   41


Deify, DJ Tigerbunny, 8pm, $TBA


Space Heaters, 8:30pm, no cover

1495 S. Virginia St., (775) 323-1877 10069 Bridge St., Truckee, (530) 536-5029


1044 E. Fourth St., (775) 324-5050



10040 Donner Pass Rd., Truckee, (530) 587-2626

Aug. 8, 8 p.m. Virginia Street Brewhouse 211 N. Virginia St. 433-1090




Walk Talk, 9pm, no cover

Lovely Sand Dunes, 8:30pm, $7

Jake Nielsen’s Triple Threat, 8:30pm, $7

World Beatnix, 9pm, no cover

World Beatnix, 9pm, no cover


The Grups, 9pm, no cover

10142 Rue Hilltop, Truckee; (530) 587-5711


Keyser Soze, 9pm, $5

Justin Jay’s Fantastic Voyage Takeover, 10pm, $20-$25


Carson Comedy Club, Carson City Nugget, 507 N. Carson St., Carson City, (775) 882-1626: Rodney Norman, Fri-Sat, 8pm, $15 Laugh Factory, Silver Legacy Resort Casino, 407 N. Virginia St., (775) 325-7401: Andrew Rivers, Thu, Sun, 7:30pm, $21.95; Fri-Sat, 7:30pm, 9:30pm, $27.45; Dennis Blair, Tue-Wed, 7:30pm, $21.95 LEX at Grand Sierra Resort, 2500 E. Second St., (775) 789-5399: Steve Mazan, Fri, 6:30pm, $10 The Library, 134 W. Second St., (775) 6833308: Sunday Night Comedy Open Mic, Sun, 8pm, no cover Pioneer Underground, 100 S. Virginia St., (775) 322-5233: Anthony K, Thu, 7:30pm, $10$15; Steve Mazan, Fri-Sat, 8:30pm, $12-$18


555 E. Fourth St., (775) 499-5549 538 S. Virginia St., (775) 329-5558



Live music, 5pm, no cover


Peter DeMattei, 6pm, no cover


Karaoke with Nightsong Productions, 8pm, no cover


The Snowbiz Cabaret fundraiser: Groove Session, 8pm, $TBA Adriana and The Wildflowers, 8pm, $TBA


239 W. Second St., (775) 470-8590

Queens of Karaoke with Gina G, Aspen Meadows, 9pm, no cover


Karaoke Night, 9pm, no cover


Jamie N Commons, 5:30pm, no cover

275 E. Fourth St., (775) 324-1917

432 E. Fourth St., (775) 409-4431

599 N. Lake Blvd., Tahoe City; (530) 583-3355 846 Victorian Ave., Sparks; (775) 355-7711

Live music, 9pm, no cover


2) The Goat Hill Massacre, Human Obliteration, 8pm, $5

Musicka, 7pm, M no cover Ike & Martin, 7pm, Tu, no cover Sounds of the City with Glynn Osborn, Kevin Timm Sample, 5pm, no cover

Post shows online by registerin g at www.newsr eview. com/reno. D eadline is the Frida y before public ation.

Traditional Irish session, 7pm, Tu, Wed. Night Showcase, 7pm, no cover Julie Courtney & Doug Nichols, 6pm, W, no cover

Dogger, 9pm, no cover House Party Luau with Jimmy Dirt, Bridges, Chuck Tyler, 5pm, $10,

The Moondawgs, 10pm, no cover Whitney Myer, 7:30pm, no cover

140 Vesta St., (775) 448-6500

71 S. Wells Ave., (775) 384-1652 1) Showroom 2) Bar Room

MON-WED 8/12-8/14

Karaoke, 9pm, Tu, no cover Drag Queen Bingo, 8pm, W, no cover


Kelly Ann, 9pm, no cover


2) Basha, Emily Davis & The Murder Police, 9pm, $5

Panda, 8:30pm, no cover

Trivia Night, 9pm, Tu, no cover

SadGirl, OC Hurricanes, JUICEBOX, 8pm, $10-$12

Bay Faction, 8pm, M, $10-$12 Prince Daddy & The Hyena, 7:30pm, W, $10-$12

Beatles Flashback, 7pm, no cover

1) Erra, Currents, We Predict A Riot, Inaniment, 7:30pm, Tu, $15





MON-WED 8/12-8/14


One Way Street, 6pm, no cover

Live music, 6pm, Tu, no cover Live jazz, 7:30pm, W, no cover


Killer Whale, 7pm, $TBA

Motown on Mondays, 9pm, M, no cover

1480 N. Carson St., Carson City, (775) 841-4663

188 California Ave., (775) 322-2480


1527 S. Virginia St., (775) 800-1960

DJ Trivia, 7pm, no cover


Jake’s Garage, 8:30pm, no cover

Bingo w/T-N-Keys, 6:30pm, Tu, no cover No Drama, 6pm, W, no cover

Andi Kilgore, 8pm, no cover

Marco Flores y La Jerez, Los Sembradores, 10pm, $40

2100 Victorian Ave., Sparks, (775) 507-1626


DJ Trivia, M, 7:30pm, no cover

235 Flint St., (775) 376-1948


Ladies Night with DJ Bobby G, 8:30pm, no cover

1559 S. Virginia St., (775) 322-8864


1401 S. Virginia St., (775) 384-6526


DJ Trivia, 1pm, no cover


Me Time, The Flithy Lowdown, Working Class Skumbags, 9pm, $5-$6

ONOFF, Engine Fire, Acid Box, 9:30pm, $5-$6

Condemned Existence, Ozymandias, Grimedog, 9:30pm, $6 donation


340 Kietzke Lane, (775) 686-6681

Poprockz ’90s Night with DJ Zive, 10pm, no cover

Fierce Fridays, 11pm, $10, no cover before 10pm

Noche Latina, 10pm, $5 no cover before 10pm


Metalachi, 8pm, $15

When Doves Cry: A Night of Prince, 8pm, $20


Hemlock, Black Plague Wolves, 8pm, $10

MADDSkillz Showcase, 8pm, no cover

211 N. Virginia St., (775) 433-1090

2660 Lake Tahoe Blvd., S.L. Tahoe, (530) 544-3857

DJ Bingo, 7pm, W, no cover

Hemlock, From the Ruins, Claymore, 8pm, $10-$15

761 S. Virginia St., (775) 221-7451

715 S. Virginia St., (775) 786-4774

Aug. 10, 9:30 p.m. Shea’s Tavern 715 S. Virginia St. 786-4774

Karaoke, 8pm, M, no cover DG Kicks, 8pm, Tu, no cover

Chili Sauce, DJ Bobby G, 8pm, no cover

Los Davids, 7pm, no cover


Linda Marie

Massage Therapy By Appointment Only NVMT#6457

Trivia Night hosted by Aubrey Forston, 8pm, no cover

Whitney Myer Karaoke, 9pm, Tu, W, no cover

Aug. 9, 7:30 p.m. Great Basin Brewing Co. 846 Victorian Ave., Sparks 355-7711

Open MOnday thru Saturday 4pM tO... art

“We pOur an hOneSt drink at a Fair priCe”

BilliardS COCktailS Mention this ad & receive 20% off


142 Bell St. Ste. 2D, Reno

dartS 241 S. Sierra Street renO nv 89501 775-324-2468 08.08.19







2100 Garson rd., Verdi, (775) 345-6000


Guitar Bar DAVID LEWIS: Thu, 8/8, 6pm, no cover MIKE FURLONG: Thu, 8/8, 10pm, no cover THE STARLITERS: Fri, 8/9, Sat, 8/10, 6pm, no cover VELVET DUO: Fri, 8/9, Sat, 8/10, 10pm, no cover THE ROBEYS: Sun, 8/11, 6pm, no cover TANDYMONIUM: Mon, 8/12, 6pm, no cover STEPHEN LORD: Tue, 8/13, 6pm, no cover JASON KING: Wed, 8/14, 6pm, no cover

Young the Giant Aug. 14, 7 p.m. Grand Sierra Resort 2500 E. Second St. 789-2000

LOVERBOY: Fri, 8/9, 8pm, $59-$69

Sat, 8/10, 8pm, no cover

3800 s. VirGinia st., (775) 825-4700

CHRIS TWOMEY: Tue, 8/13, Wed, 8/14, 6pm,

no cover

no cover no cover

CIrCUS CIrCUS rENO 500 n. sierra st., (775) 329-0711 el Jefe’s Cantina SKYY HIGH FRIDAY WITH DJ MO FUNK: Fri, 8/9, 10pm, no cover





14 HiGHway 28, Crystal Bay, (775) 833-6333 Crown rooM ASLEEP AT THE WHEEL WITH JON WOLFE: Sat, 8/10, 8pm, $35-$40

red rooM


tJ’s Corral


COOK BOOK: Mon, 8/12, Tue, 8/13, Wed, 8/14, 8pm,


1627 Hwy. 395, Minden, (775) 782-9711

JOHN PALMORE: Sun, 8/11, Mon, 8/12, 6pm,

8/11, 8pm, no cover

9pm, no cover


THE BLUES MONSTERS: Thu, 8/8, 7pm, Fri, 8/9,

HARMONISTICS: Fri, 8/9, Sat, 8/10, 10pm, Sun,

WE ARE THE ’60S: Thu, 8/8, Fri, 8/9, Sat, 8/10,




8/10, 10pm, no cover


no cover

345 n. VirGinia st., (775) 786-5700 sHowrooM THE ILLUSIONISTS EXPERIENCE: Thu, 8/8, 7pm, Fri, 8/9, 8:30pm, Sat, 8/10, 5pm & 8:30pm, Sun, 8/11, 5pm, Tue, 8/13, Wed, 8/14, 7pm, $39.95-$59.95



While classic American-made cars will get the lion’s share of attention this week, one festival will showcase the best in vintage European automobiles. In conjunction with Hot August Nights, the inaugural Sierra Nevada European Car Festival will feature world-class European cars made between 1940 and 1979. The collection will be on display as musical acts perform and on-site chefs prepare culinary treats for purchase. There will also be car cruises, award ceremonies and a grand finale parade. The festival takes place from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Aug. 9-10, and 8 a.m. to noon on Sunday, Aug. 11, at the Sands Regency Casino Hotel, 345 N. Arlington Ave. Admission is free. Visit www.sierranevadaeuropeancarfestival.com.

GrAND SIErrA rESOrT 2500 e. seCond st., (775) 789-2000

leX niGHtCluB

Crystal lounGe

Grand tHeatre



LEON BRIDGES WITH PJ MORTON: Sat, 8/10, 8pm, $37-$57


Thu, 8/8, 6pm, no cover

LEX FRIDAYS: Fri, 8/9, 10pm, $20 T-PAIN: Sat, 8/10, 9pm, $20


tHe Pool INFINITY SUNDAYS AT THE POOL: Sun, 8/11, 11am, $20, no cover for locals before noon

Post shows online by registering at www.newsreview.com/reno. Deadline is the Friday before publication.

HARRAH’S LAKE TAHOE 15 HigHway 50, Stateline, (800) 427-7247 SOUtH SHOre rOOM MASTERS OF ILLUSION: Thu, 8/8, Fri, 8/9, Sat, 8/10, Sun, 8/11, Mon, 8/12, 8pm, $24-$45

CaSinO Center Stage TUESDAY NIGHT BLUES WITH THE BUDDY EMMER BAND: Tue, 8/13, 8pm, no cover

Lake Street Dive Aug. 14, 8 p.m. MontBleu Resort 55 Highway 50 Stateline (775) 588-3515

HARD ROCK LAKE TAHOE 50 HigHway 50, Stateline, (844) 588-7625 Vinyl GEORGE! STARRING NICK BOLD AS GEORGE HARRISON: Fri, 8/9, 7:30pm, $25 MARK MACKAY AND FRIENDS: Sat, 8/10, 8pm, $15

Center Bar DJ SET: Fri, 8/9, Sat, 8/10, 9pm, no cover

HARRAH’S RENO 219 n. Center St., (775) 786-3232 SaMMy’S SHOwrOOM THE RAT PACK IS BACK: Thu, 8/8, Fri, 8/9, Sat, 8/10, 7:30pm, $27-$37

OUtdOOr plaza ’60S SUMMER OF LOVE: Thu, 8/8, 8pm, no cover CHICAGO THE TRIBUTE: Fri, 8/9, 8pm, no cover SIMPLY THE BEST—A TRIBUTE TO THE MUSIC OF TINA TURNER: Sat, 8/10, 8pm, no cover

HARVEYS LAKE TAHOE 18 HigHway 50, Stateline, (775) 588-6611 laKe taHOe OUtdOOr arena JACKSON BROWNE: Sat, 8/10, 8pm, $39.50-$99.50

HarVeyS CaBaret JESUS TREJO WITH MITCH BURROW: Thu, 8/8, Fri, 8/9, 9pm, $25, Sat, 8/10, 8:30pm & 10:30pm, $30, Sun, 8/11, 9pm, $25


MONTBLEU RESORT, CASINO & SPA 55 HigHway 50, Stateline, (775) 588-3515


SilVer BarOn lOUnge DJ MO FUNK: Thu, 8/8, Sun, 8/11, 9pm, no cover BREAKFAST CLUB: Fri, 8/9, Sat, 8/10, 9pm, no cover

2707 S. Virginia St., (775) 826-2121 terraCe lOUnge


MESTIZO BEAT: Thu, 8/8, 7pm, Fri, 8/9, Sat, 8/10,

5 Hwy. 28, CryStal Bay, (775) 831-0660

8pm, no cover

KYLE WILLIAMS: Sun, 8/11, Mon, 8/12, Tue, 8/13, Wed, 8/14, 6pm, no cover

CHRIS COSTA: Fri, 8/9, Sat, 8/10, 8pm, no cover



LATIN DANCE SOCIAL WITH BB & KIKI OF SALSA RENO: Fri, 8/9, 7pm, $10-$20, no cover before

COLLECTIVE SOUL: Sun, 8/11, 8pm, $42.50-$60 LAKE STREET DIVE: Wed, 8/14, 8pm, $34.25-

DJ SPRYTE: Sat, 8/10, 10pm, $20





SANDS REGENCY 345 n. arlingtOn aVe., (775) 348-2200

1100 nUgget aVe., SparKS, (775) 356-3300


nUgget eVent Center


KING FINGER: Thu, 8/8, 5pm, no cover MUMBO GUMBO: Thu, 8/8, 8:15pm, no cover JOHN DAWSON BAND: Fri, 8/9, 5pm, no cover DON FELDER: Fri, 8/9, 8:15pm, no cover LADY AN THE TRAMPS: Sat, 8/10, 5pm, no cover CHUBBY CHECKER: Sat, 8/10, 8:15pm, no cover

CaSinO FlOOr

Fri, 8/9-Sun, 8/11, 8am, no cover

407 n. Virginia St., (775) 325-7401

Fat Cat Bar & Grill (Midtown District), 1401 S. Virginia St., (775) 453-2223: Karaoke with Chapin, Tue, 9pm, no cover Pizza Baron, 1155 W. Fourth St., Ste. 113, (775) 329-4481: Wacky Wednesday Karaoke with Steve Starr & DJ Hustler, 9pm, no cover The Point, 1601 S. Virginia St., (775) 322-3001: Karaoke, Thu-Sat, 8:30pm, no cover

grand eXpOSitiOn Hall THE RIGHTEOUS BROTHERS: Thu, 8/8, 8pm,

Spiro’s Sports Bar & Grille, 1475 E. Prater Way, Ste. 103, Sparks, (775) 356-6000: Karaoke, Fri-Sat, 9pm, no cover


rUM BUlliOnS DJ R3VOLVER: Fri, 8/9, Sat, 8/10, 9pm, no cover AUDIOBOXX: Fri, 8/9, Sat, 8/10, 9pm, no cover

West 2nd Street Bar, 118 W. Second St., (775) 348-7976: Karaoke, Mon-Sun, 9pm, no cover











FOR THE WEEK OF AUGUST 8, 2019 For a complete listing of this week’s events or to post events to our online calendar, visit www.newsreview.com. JAZZ & BEYOND—CARSON CITY MUSIC AND ART FESTIVAL: The Mile High Jazz Band Association and Carson City, collaborating with businesses and other arts organizations, present 17 days of music, art, film, dance and more. Music includes big bands, jazz combos, blues, Latin, bluegrass and tangos. Concerts and activities are held in a variety of Carson City venues. Fri, 8/9-Wed, 8/14. Free. Various locations in Carson City, (775) 883-4154, jazzcarsoncity.com.

KATHRYN REED BOOK SIGNING: The author will read from and sign her book The Dirt Around Lake Tahoe: Must-Do Scenic Hikes. Thu, 8/8, 7:30pm. Free. South Lake Tahoe Senior Center, 3050 Lake Tahoe Blvd., South Lake Tahoe, (530) 542-6094, kathrynreed.com.

NATIVE PLANTS: Learn about plants that are



Tahoe Heritage Foundation holds its 35th annual event celebrating the music, fashion and history of the 1920s. The weekend gathering includes guided tours, displays of vintage automobiles, historical talks, period clothing and jewelry vendors, family games and activities and food and drink. Attendees are encouraged to wear 1920s attire, but it’s not required. The festival begins at 10 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 10-11, at the Tallac Historic Site, 1 Heritage Way, South Lake Tahoe. Admission is free with the exception of the Gatsby Afternoon Tea & Vintage Fashion Show on Aug. 11. Tickets for the fundraiser are $65. Call (530) 544-7383 or visit www.tahoeheritage.org.

EVENTS 9TH ANNUAL SUMMER SIZZLE: MRD Foundation’s annual fundraiser includes a barbecue, silent auction, art show, raffle and music by Jake’s Garage. Fri, 8/9, 6:30pm. $20. MidTown Wine Bar, 1527 S. Virginia St., www.mrdfoundationinc.org.

THE AMERICAN LOOK—GEORGIA O’KEEFFE AND THE FASHION OF HER TIME: This talk, presented by Melissa Leventon, will look at the elements and sources of O’Keeffe’s signature wardrobe and locate them within the larger story of American fashion of her era. Fri, 8/9, noon. $10 general admission, $5 students, free for NMA members. Nevada Museum of Art, 160 W. Liberty St., (775) 329-3333, www.nevadaart.org.

CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE WOODEN BOAT SHOW: The 47th annual wooden boat show features more than 85 of the world’s finest wooden boats. The Exhibitors’ Barbecue and Awards Presentation, Men’s Grill and the Ladies’ Luncheon and Fashion Show are some of the social events surrounding the Concours. Fri, 8/9, 10am; Sat, 8/10, 9am. $0-$65. Obexer’s Boat Company, 5300 W. Lake Blvd., South Lake Tahoe, laketahoeconcours.com.

FREE OUTDOOR SUMMER MOVIES AT SQUAW VALLEY: Snuggle up under the stars while enjoying new releases and family classics on the big screen in the Events Plaza at The Village at Squaw Valley. This week’s film is Spider Man: Into the Spiderverse. Thu, 8/8, 8:30pm. Free. Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows, 1960 Squaw Valley Road, Olympic Valley, squawalpine.com.

native to the Great Basin. This program will involve a short, easy walk. Sun, 8/11, 10am. $5 parking fee. Washoe Lake State Park Maze Parking Lot, 4855 Eastlake Blvd., New Washoe City, (775) 687-4319, parks.nv.gov/events/native-plants.

RENO 1868 FC: Reno’s professional soccer

team takes on San Antonio FC. Sat, 8/10, 7:15pm. $15-$75. Greater Nevada Field, 250 Evans Ave., www.reno1868fc.com.

RENO FOR REPRODUCTIVE JUSTICE BENEFIT SHOW: This is an all-locals bill featuring Common Mishap, Skew Ring, Slow Wow and Dissidence. Food will be provided by the Washoe Food Not Bombs. There will be a raffle and other artists and vendors selling merchandise at the event. All funds will be donated to the National Network of Abortion Funds. Fri, 8/9, 6:30pm. $5. The Holland Project, 140 Vesta St., www.hollandreno.org.

SMOKEY BEAR’S 75TH BIRTHDAY: Meet Smokey Bear, learn about his history, get a fire safety lesson with a ranger and enjoy some birthday cake. Sat, 8/10, 2pm. Free. Galena Creek Visitor Center, 18250 Mount Rose Highway, www.facebook.com/GalenaCreekVC.

TA-HOE NALU LAKE TAHOE PADDLE FESTIVAL: HANDS ON! SECOND SATURDAYS: Nevada Museum of Art holds its monthly event offering free admission, hands-on art activities, storytelling, a docent-guided tour, live performances and community collaborations. Sat, 8/10, 10am6pm. Free. Nevada Museum of Art, 160 W. Liberty St., www.nevadaart.org.

HOT AUGUST NIGHTS: The 33rd annual celebration of classic cars and rock ’n’ roll features a wide variety of events, including show ’n’ shines, controlled cruises, an auction, drag races and live music and entertainment. Thu, 8/8-Sun, 8/11. Free for most events. Various locations in Reno and Sparks, hotaugustnights.net.

INCLINE VILLAGE FINE ART FESTIVAL: Artists will present original work in all mediums, including paintings in acrylic, oils and watercolors, photography, etchings, sculpture in clay, glass, metal, stone and wood. Fri, 8/9-Sun, 8/11, 10am. Free. Preston Field, 700 Tahoe Blvd., Incline Village, (916) 936-9393, cwbevents.com.

The stand-up paddle board race is open to all ages and skill levels with an Elite Race offering $10,000 in prize money. The festival includes a reception party, live music on the beach, vendors and manufacturer exhibits, free paddle clinics and demos for beginners and advanced paddlers. Sat, 8/10-Sun, 8/11, 7am. $0-$10. Kings Beach State Park, 8318 N. Lake Blvd., Kings Beach, www.tahoenalu.com.

TAHOE STAR TOURS: Led by amateur astronomer and poet Tony Berendsen, each tour of the night sky includes a lively science-based talk about the cosmos and telescopic view of the constellations through high-powered, professional Celestron telescopes. Thu, 8/8, 8pm, Sat, 8/10, 8pm. $25-$45. Northstar Cosmoarium, 5001 Northstar Drive, Truckee, www.tahoestartours.com.



thriller author Todd Borg presents Tahoe Deep, the 17th book of the Owen McKenna mystery series. Thu, 8/8, 5pm. Free. Word After Word Books, 10118 Donner Pass, Truckee, (530) 536-5099, www.wordafterwordbooks.com.

TRUCKEE THURSDAYS SUMMER STREET FESTIVAL: The 12th annual street party features live music, a food court, artisan vendors, merchant and community displays, children’s activities and a beer garden. Thu, 8/8, 5pm. Free. Various locations in Historic Downtown Truckee, www.truckeethursdays.com.

ONSTAGE perform as part of the 10th annual outdoor concert series. Tue, 8/13, 6pm. Free. Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows, 1960 Squaw Valley Road, Olympic Valley, squawalpine.com.

BREWS, JAZZ & FUNK FEST: Festival-goers can sip a wide selection of beers from over 20 different breweries, as well as enjoy music by Anders Osborne, Five Alarm Funk, Rigmarole, Jellybread, Reno Jazz Syndicate, Sister Sparrow and the Dirty Birds and The Humidors. All proceeds from the event benefit the Humane Society of Truckee-Tahoe. Sat, 8/10-Sun, 8/11, 2pm. Free. Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows, 1960 Squaw Valley Road, Olympic Valley, squawalpine.com.

concert series concludes with a performance by Grammy-nominated jazz vocalist Jazzmeia Horn and her ensemble. Sun, 8/11, 7pm. $14.50-$129. Classical Tahoe Concert Pavilion at Sierra Nevada College, 291 Country Club, Incline Village, classicaltahoe.org.

festival’s 47th season is headlined by productions of The Taming of the Shrew and Million Dollar Quartet. The festival also features the Showcase Series and the D.G. Menchetti Young Shakespeare program. The Showcase Series takes place on Monday evenings with two Saturday evening performances on Aug. 31 and Sept. 7. Thu, 8/8-Wed, 8/14, 7:30pm. $15-$99. Sand Harbor State Park, 2005 Highway 28, Incline Village, laketahoeshakespeare.com.

LAZY 5 SUMMER MUSIC SERIES: The 15th annual music series concludes with a performance by R&B band Escalade. Wed, 8/14, 6:30pm. Free. Lazy 5 Regional Park, 7100 Pyramid Way, Spanish Springs, (775) 424-1866.

LIVE AT LAKEVIEW: Shamarr Allen & The Underdawgs perform with opening act Truckee Tribe. Thu, 8/8, 4:30pm. Free. Lakeview Commons, Highway 50 and Lakeview Avenue, South Lake Tahoe, liveatlakeview.com.

CLASSICAL TAHOE OPEN ORCHESTRA: This event offers an insider’s view into how Maestro Joel Revzen, guest soloists and the Classical Tahoe Orchestra refine their performance and showcase the repertoire. Thu, 8/8, 10am. Free. Classical Tahoe Concert Pavilion at Sierra Nevada College, 291 Country Club, Incline Village, (775)298-0245, classicaltahoe.org.


CLASSICAL TAHOE ORCHESTRA: The orchestra performs Tower’s Fanfare for the Uncommon Woman No. 1, Haydn’s Symphony No. 104 and Stravinsky’s Firebird Suite. Fri, 8/9, 7pm. $14.50$129. Classical Tahoe Concert Pavilion at Sierra Nevada College, 291 Country Club, Incline Village, (775)298-0245, classicaltahoe.org.

The Los Angeles band performs Fleetwood Mac’s greatest hits. Mon, 8/12, 7:30pm. $30. Sand Harbor State Park, 2005 Highway 28, Incline Village, laketahoeshakespeare.com.

MONESSAN FALLS: Good Luck Macbeth

CLASSICAL TAHOE ORCHESTRA WITH ITAMAR ZORMAN: The orchestra performs Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto No. 3, Schubert’s Symphony No. 9 and Sibelius’ Concerto for Violin and Orchestra featuring violinist Itamar Zorman. Sat, 8/10, 7pm. $14.50-$129. Classical Tahoe Concert Pavilion at Sierra Nevada College, 291 Country Club, Incline Village, (775)298-0245, classicaltahoe.org.

bluegrass band performs. Tue, 8/13, 7:30pm. $22-$34. Boathouse Theatre, Valhalla Tahoe, 1 Valhalla Road, South Lake Tahoe, valhallatahoe.com.

JEZZMEIA HORN: The Classical Tahoe


BLUESDAYS: Jimmy Thackery & The Drivers

DIRTY CELLO: The cello-led, blues and

winning violinist Itamar Zorman, accompanied by pianist James Winn, will perform at a benefit concert. The program features music by Ludwig van Beethoven, Paul Ben-Chaim, Joseph Achron and Naomi Shemer. Thu, 8/8, 6pm. $25-$120. Atlantis Casino Resort Spa, 3800 S. Virginia St., (775) 530-7071.

presents the U.S. premiere of Greg Burdick’s drama. Returning to his childhood home for the first time in 17 years when his mother dies, Kip must grapple with the ghosts of his past, his hostile and jobless brother who never managed to move out and the financially crushing debts now left behind by his parents. Wed, 8/14, 7:30pm. $18-$30. Good Luck Macbeth Theatre Company, 124 W. Taylor St., www.goodluckmacbeth.org.

POOR MAN’S WHISKEY: The Concerts at Common Beach series continues with a performance by the Northern California band whose music fuses bluegrass/ old time, southern rock and old-school jam band music. Sun, 8/11, 4pm. Free. Commons Beach, 400 N. Lake Blvd., Tahoe City, concertsatcommonsbeach.com.

WHITNEY MYER & ERIC ANDERSEN: Soul singer Whitney Myer performs with pianist Eric Andersen. Thu, 8/8, 6:30pm. $25. The Hytch at Sierra Water Gardens, 2110 Dickerson Road, www.whitneymyer.com.












The Feud Pyramid Two weeks ago, I finally dumped my totally abusive jerk of a boyfriend. I do miss him, but I know I made the right decision. I came to see that he was cruel, manipulative, sociopathic and toxic. However, I stupidly went on Facebook and saw that he already has a new girlfriend! I’m so pissed that I was replaced so quickly. I do not want him back, but I do want to make him suffer, basically to get revenge for all he put me through. My friend keeps telling me revenge is unhealthy and toxic and forgiveness is good for you, and I need to forgive him. Is she right? The desire for revenge is basically the urge to punish people who’ve harmed us or those close to us. It’s widely believed to be a poisonous and maladaptive feeling that leads to poisonous and maladaptive behavior. In fact, evolutionary psychologist Michael McCullough explains in Beyond Revenge that the revenge motive seems to be “a built-in feature of human nature,” a sort of psychological police force guarding our interests. It was likely vital to the evolution of human cooperation. Research that McCullough cites suggests the revenge motive has three functions: deterring aspiring aggressors, deterring repeat aggressors and punishing (and reforming) freeloading moochbags. The thing is, revenge has a companion motivation, forgiveness, which McCullough describes as “an internal process of getting over your ill will for an offender.” Interestingly, whether we forgive appears to be context-sensitive, meaning it usually isn’t the particular crime so much as the particular criminal that matters. McCullough notes that the forgiveness motivation seems to switch on when there’s a valuable relationship at stake—a continuing relationship between the harmer and harm-ee. In your situation, however, there’s no ongoing relationship to motivate you to forgive the guy. And though forgiveness is correlated with mental health and even physical well-being, the assumption that forgiveness is always the best course of action is a little under-nuanced. McCullough writes that people with strong social support networks that encourage hostile responses to offenders can end up feeling “justified, comforted and satisfied

(by) their unforgiving stance” and “may not experience any negative emotional or physical consequences.” On the other hand, he notes that “people who feel coerced to ‘forgive and forget’ may find their post-offense distress exacerbated.” To decide what’s best for you, consider the reason you give for wanting revenge: because your ex was on to the next woman pronto after you dumped him. Also consider that you now identify him as a pretty terrible person and partner. Of course, the reality is, we all want to be wanted, sometimes even by people we really don’t have any business wanting. But ask yourself something: In light of the sort of person you now see him to be, is it surprising in the least that he immediately latched onto his next victim? Next, look at your life and calculate how much time and energy you’re investing in thinking dark and nasty thoughts about him. Is keeping the hate fires burning for him benefiting you? Does it feel energizing (that is, rewarding), or does it feel a bit poisonous, psychologically and maybe even physically? Sure, it’s understandable that you’d long to do something—take some action, even the score—in response to feeling angry. However, if the reason for your anger is ultimately that you didn’t look too closely at whom you were getting together with, maybe what’s most productive for you now is deciding to let go of the past and working on being better at boyfriend vetting in the future. This starts with reviewing your last relationship from start to finish. Be intensely honest with yourself about all you overlooked about the guy and how you got used to his escalating levels of abuse as your continual “new normal.” By focusing on your part in this and how selective you need to be, you can shift into a sense of satisfaction that things will be different for you in the future. You should find this a welcome replacement for the head versus heart loop you’ve probably been stuck in. Ω


Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave., No. 280, Santa Monica, CA 90405, or email AdviceAmy@aol.com (www.advicegoddess.com).

08.08.19    |   RN&R   |   49

Free will astrology

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For the week oF August 8, 2019

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ARIES (March 21-April 19): When it came time to write your horoscope, I was feeling unusually lazy. I could barely summon enough energy to draw up the planetary charts. I said a weak prayer to the astrological muses, pleading, “Please don’t make me work too hard to discover the message that Aries people need to hear; just make the message appear in my mind.” As if in response, a voice in my head said, “Try bibliomancy.” So I strolled to my bookcase, shut my eyes, pulled out the first book I felt, and went to a random page. Here’s what I saw when I opened my eyes: “The Taoist concept of wu-wei is the notion that our creative active forces are dependent on and nourished by inactivity; and that doing absolutely nothing may be a good way to get something done.”

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50   |   rN&r   |   08.08.19

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): There’s an old Rosicrucian vow you might have fun trying out: “I pledge to interpret every experience that comes my way as a communication of God with my soul.” If you carry out this intention with relaxed playfulness, every birdsong you hear is an emblem of Divine thought; every eavesdropped conversation provides hints of the Creator’s current mood; the shape that spilled milk takes on your tabletop is an intimation of eternity breaking into our time-gripped realm. In my years of offering you advice, I have never before suggested you try this exercise because I didn’t think you were receptive. But I do now. (If you’re an atheist, you can replace “God,” “Divine,” and “Creator” with “Life.”)

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Below are unheralded gifts possessed by many Geminis but not commonly identified by traditional astrologers: 1. A skill for deprogramming yourself: for unlearning defunct teachings that might otherwise interfere with your ability to develop your highest potentials; 2. A sixth sense about recognizing artificial motivations, then shedding them; 3. A tendency to attract epiphanies that show you why and how to break taboos that may once have been necessary but aren’t any longer; 4. An ability to avoid becoming overwhelmed and controlled by situations you manage or supervise.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): In 1993, I began writing a

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book titled The Televisionary Oracle. By 1995, I had generated over 2,000 pages of material that I didn’t like. Although I was driven by a yearning to express insights that had been welling up in me for a long time, nothing about the work felt right. I was stuck. But finally I discovered an approach that broke me free: I started to articulate difficult truths about aspects of my life about which I was embarrassed, puzzled and ashamed. Then everything fell into place. The process that had been agonizing and fruitless became fluidic and joyful. I recommend that you try this strategy to dissolve any mental blocks you may be suffering from: Dive into and explore what makes you feel ashamed, puzzling or embarrassed. I bet it will lead to triumph and fulfillment, as happened for me.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): I am overjoyed that you’re not competing for easy rewards or comparing yourself to the mediocre crowd. Some people in your sphere may not be overjoyed, though. To those whose sense of self isn’t strong, you may be like an itchy allergen; they may accuse you of showing off or acting puffed up. But freaks like me appreciate creative egotists like you when you treat your personality as a work of art. In my view, you’re a stirring example of how to be true to one’s smartest passions. Keep up the good work! Continue to have too much fun! I’m guessing that for now you can get away with doing just about anything you want as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone.

Right now, the details about how people express their needs to give and receive love seem to be riddles for which there are no correct answers. So what do you do? How do you proceed with the necessary blend of confidence and receptivity? Can you figure out flexible strategies for being true both to your need for independence and your need for interdependence? I bring these ruminations to your attention, Libra, just in time for the “Transforming Togetherness” phase of your cycle.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): It’s time for your once-ayear shoutout to your most audacious possibilities. Ready? Go ahead and say, “Hallelujah! Hosanna! Happiness! Hooray for my brilliant future!” Next, go ahead and say, “I have more than enough power to create my world in the image of my wisest dreams.” Now do a dance of triumph and whisper to yourself, “I’m going to make very sure I always know exactly what my wisest dreams are.”

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): During the next three weeks, I advise you to load up on copious amounts of caffeine from Monday at 8 a.m. until Friday at 6 p.m. Then drastically cut back on the coffee and consume large amounts of alcohol and/or marijuana from 6:01 p.m. on Friday through 6 p.m. on Sunday. This is the ideal recipe for success. JUST KIDDING! I lied. Here’s the truth, Sagittarius: Astrological indicators suggest you would benefit from making the coming weeks be the most undrugged, alcohol-free time ever. Your potential for achieving natural highs will be extraordinary, as will your potential to generate crucial breakthroughs while enjoying those natural highs. Take advantage!

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): I don’t presume you should or will gleefully embrace the assignment I’ll propose. The task may indeed be too daunting for you to manage right now. If that’s the case, don’t worry. You’ll get another chance in a few months. But if you are indeed ready for a breathtaking challenge, here it is: Be a benevolent force of wild nature; be a tender dispenser of creative destruction; be a bold servant of your soulful dreams—as you demolish outmoded beliefs and structures that have been keeping a crucial part of your vitality shackled and latent.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): I have cast a feisty love spell that will be triggered in anyone who reads the first line of this horoscope. And since you have done that, you are now becoming even smarter than you already were about getting the most out of your intimate alliances. You’re primed to experiment with the delights of feeling with your head and thinking with your heart. Soon you’ll be visited by revelations about any unconscious glitches that might be subtly undermining your togetherness, and you’ll get good ideas about how to correct those glitches. Astrological rhythms will be flowing in your relationships’ favor for the next seven weeks!

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): I estimate that about 25 percent of your fear results from your hesitation to love as deeply and openly and bravely as you could. Another 13 percent originates in an inclination to mistake some of your teachers for adversaries, and 21 percent from your reluctance to negotiate with the misunderstood monsters in your closet. But I suspect that fully 37 percent of your fear comes from the free-floating angst that you telepathically absorb from the other 7.69 billion humans on our planet. So what about the remaining 4 percent? Is that based on real risks and worth paying attention to? Yes! And the coming weeks will be an excellent time to make progress in diminishing its hold on you.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Let’s enjoy a moment of poignant silence in honor of your expired illusions. They were soulful mirages: full of misplaced idealism and sweet ignorance and innocent misunderstandings. Generous in ways you may not yet realize, they exuded an agitated beauty that aroused both courage and resourcefulness. Now, as those illusions dissolve, they will begin to serve you anew, turning into fertile compost for your next big production.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Old rules and traditions about how best to conduct intimate relationships are breaking down. New rules are still incubating.

You can call Rob Brezsny for your Expanded Weekly Horoscope: (900) 950-7700. $1.99 per minute. Must be 18+. Touchtone phone required. Customer service (612) 373-9785. And don’t forget to check out Rob’s website at realastrology.com.

by MAtt BiEKER

BONN Artist

When Brad called you, were you familiar with Best of Northern Nevada artwork in past issues?

Eunkang Koh Born in South Korea, Eunkang Koh started her career as an artist after receiving her Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree from Hong-Ik University in Seoul. In the 2000s, she moved to California to pursue her master’s degree at Cal State Long Beach and accepted a teaching position at the University of Nevada, Reno shortly afterward. Koh’s artwork adorns this year’s Best of Northern Nevada issue.

Can you tell me about your art and the philosophy behind it? I have a style that I use animals to show, kind of, humans ... as animals living in society. So, it was a long process over the period of time I developed the idea. My background, kind of Buddhist, kind of Korean [mythology], it’s a mixture of all these kind of old tales and stories from my grandma—[my] upbringing in Asian culture. I started kind of thinking, you know, like animals—we are animals, and animals are animals. So, we’re like a different species of animal, and a lot of behavior we have … [it’s] like animals too. Also, I get a lot of ideas from language, kind of a linguistic perspective. My first language is Korean, and I later learned English. So, as I was learning English, a lot of expressions,

Yes, I know some of the artists who have done that project. ... So, yes, I’m pretty familiar with that newspaper.

Did you approach the project any differently than you normally would?

sometimes they’re similar to Korean. Like, you know, we have expressions that we describe humans like animals, like, “Chicken head,” “like a pig,” “snake,” “rat” or things like that. … I’ve been really influenced by those ideas and philosophy, and I adapt those ideas to my art. So when I was asked to do illustrations for the newspaper, [RN&R editor Brad Bynum] said, “Yeah, you make all kinds of hybrid animals doing something human, and maybe they’ll be interested in that for this year’s [Best Of] edition.”

Sounds like when we talk about an “urban jungle.” Yes. It was really fun to do research and go through the process. I’ve never done commission work, but that was really interesting. I’m really glad you guys asked me.

A little bit. At the beginning, as I said, I really haven’t done much commercial work. ... Sometimes my work is very provocative, kind of crazy. So, I didn’t want to go with that. But at the same time ... with the family theme, there was all these birds hanging out with baby birds. When I heard “family,” that kind of made me think about what a family is in the contemporary world. A lot of times, when people think “family” they figure, like, mom, dad. But then, I kind of started thinking like, “What if a little kid doesn’t have a mom and dad?” Like, they only have mom, which happens a lot. Or, like, they don’t even have a dad or mom, they only know uncle and grandpa. So, my theme is not typical. I always like thinking about philosophy because of things that I do in my work, which was really interesting. So, it was commission work, but I definitely thought about, like, how to approach my art as well. And I think that part became really interesting, too, because I think there is a flat form that I was supposed to do. There’s a theme, but then, like, plugging in kind of my idea into that was a very interesting part of this process. Ω


Do something It was an ugly ass week in America. I’ll see your Gilroy and raise you an El Paso. Yeah, well, I see your El Paso and raise you a Dayton. And I’ll even throw in a nifty little sororicide. Yeah, it was kind of a drag. But there were some things to love about it. First, folks in Kentucky showed up at a Mitch McConnell rally armed with signs proclaiming his brand new nickname— Moscow Mitch. That’s a perfect call for this villainous bastard who hickeys Putin’s ass almost as much as Trump. The Turtle thing is fine, but it’s too dopey. Not sinister enough. And make no mistake, McConnell is horrible with a capital H. He and Trump are easily the two largest evildoers in this utterly detestable phase of the Republican Party (and as Megan McCain said about Twitler recently, “Democrats, if you can’t beat this guy ...”).

Also fun was the group of folks in Dayton who sounded off during Gov. DeWine’s remarks, chanting, “Do Something. Do Something. Do Something.” In so doing, they spoke simply and eloquently for all of us who are sick to death of Thoughts and Goddamn Prayers. Gee, Retrumplicans, them thoughts and prayers don’t seem to be workin’ all that swell. You pious hypocrite slaves to the N R fucking A must not know how to pray real good. The GOP (Gang Of Putin) will gaslight us with the usual steer manure about video games and mental illness and the media. Meanwhile, the things that need to happen are precisely the things that won’t happen—national background checks and a ban of all weapons of war. We all know it. Everybody knows it. Moscow Mitch and Dum Dum know it. And don’t you dare blame Congress. The Democratic half of Congress

has already passed legislation that would create a national background check system. That legislation currently sits in Moscow Mitch limbo. So don’t say the Dems haven’t done anything. They have. And they’re consistently stymied by the two worst shitheads in American political history. A “Do Something” March would be timely. Following the lead of our brothers and sisters in Puerto Rico, who recently hit the streets en masse and got rid of their Trump-sucking governor. I’d say the same treatment for Moscow Mitch is in order, yes? You think some folks would show up in D.C. to yell at Moscow Mitch and Agent Orange to do something about gun madness? No, not marches in cities all over America, but one huge event in D.C. You think a million folks would show up for that one? Two? Three? Twenty? Ω






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