AuguSt 29-SEptEmbEr 4, 2019
Dennis Myers
1948—2019 See Editor’s Note, page 2
ways to be ready
s e rv i n g n o rt h e r n n e va d a , ta h o e a n d t r u c k e e
EmaiL LEttErS to rENoLEttErS@NEWSrEviEW.Com.
R.I.P. News
Bowled over
Welcome to this week’s Reno News & Review. We lost a beloved colleague this week. Dennis Myers, who had been the news editor of the RN&R since 2003, died after suffering a stroke. He was an award-winning journalist who contributed to dozens of local publications. The RN&R will feature several in-depth memorials in the upcoming weeks, but for now, suffice it to say that Dennis was a walking encyclopedia of Nevada history, an incisive analyst of current events, and a fearless reporter who never hesitated to speak truth to power. I sat about 10 feet away from him for the last 12 years, and we’d often talk about all sorts of matters— from tax policy to Hitchcock movies. I’m sure I benefited more from those conversations than he did. Dennis taught me to check some of my worst impulses. My instincts were often to chase the big stories. I’d say, “Hey Dennis, how about we do a story about [insert hot-button, over-publicized story of the day here]?” And he’d reply, “Why? Everybody else is already covering it.” And then a week later, he’d say to me, “I’ve got three stories in this week’s paper, and you’ll be happy to know that none of them are being covered anywhere else.” It would always crack me up how Dennis would answer the phone. He’d just say, “news.” Not “hello.” Not “Reno News & Review. This is Dennis. How can I help you?” Just “news.” More often than not, the next thing I’d hear him say, after a long pause, would be, “This is Dennis.” Once, I said to him, “You know, Dennis, if you just answered the phone, ‘This is Dennis,’ you might avoid some confusion.” But he didn’t care. He liked identifying himself as “news.” Sometimes, he’d even accidentally write “news” instead of his own name. He often said he wished our articles didn’t need bylines. He hated it when we had a “best journalist” category in Best of Northern Nevada—even though he would usually win. It feels like half this paper just vanished. This week, it’s just the Reno Review.
Re “New cop shop?” (news, Aug. 22): As a former Reno Gazette Journal employee starting on West Second Street and ending up on Kuenzli, I always envisioned the demise of Gannett and the RGJ; the tarnished brass facade would read: “BOWLING, OPEN 24 HOURS,” and not “The City of Reno Police Department. John Fisher Reno
—Brad Bynum bradb@ ne ws r ev i ew . com
Zip file Re “Fix the spaghetti bowl” (editorial, Aug. 22): Traffic squeezing down to one lane in construction zones is a perennial problem worldwide, but one approach that significantly mitigates the situation is use of “zipper merge” as found in California, for one. Rather than the current situation, with most drivers playing nice and forming a single line, while privileged characters (a.k.a., “side zoomers”) whiz to the front and muscle in, zipper mergers form two lines and at the front, courteously alternate merging. While not a cure-all, the formerly empty lane can be used to “queue” vehicles as they wait their turn to merge and potentially shorten the overall line of drivers approaching the merge point. Easy-peezy but an educational challenge that might be surmounted with appropriate signage. Steve Waclo Carson City
Dennis Myers He was honest. He had integrity. And for both he was willing to sacrifice. He didn’t come out “on top.” He always remained above and that is why for 30 years, each time he seemed to disappear, I did everything I could to find out where he was. He always turned up somewhere doing his thing as he had to do it, righteously. An under appreciated gift to the community that did not seek to be rewarded for what he
Penrose, Jessica Santina, Todd South, Luka Starmer, Kris Vagner, Bruce Van Dyke, Allison Young Our Mission: To publish great newspapers that are successful and enduring. To create a quality work environment that encourages employees to grow professionally while respecting personal welfare. To have a positive impact on our communities and make them better places to live. Editor Brad Bynum Associate Editor Jeri Davis News Editor Dennis Myers Special Projects Editor Matt Bieker Calendar Editor Kelley Lang Contributors Amy Alkon, Mark Earnest, Bob Grimm, Oliver Guinan, Andrea Heerdt, Holly Hutchings, Shelia Leslie, Eric Marks, Kelsey
Creative Services Manager Elisabeth Bayard Arthur Art Directors Maria Ratinova, Sarah Hansel Publications Art Director Serene Lusano Publications Designer Katelynn Mitrano Publications & Advertising Designer Nikki Exerjian Ad Designers Naisi Thomas, Cathy Arnold Office Manager Lisa Ryan RN&R Rainmaker Gina Odegard Advertising Consultant Caleb Furlong
did. He did it ever so well. Thanks Dennis. Thanks so much. Stephen Lafer Reno I just learned that our beloved RN&R editor/Master investigative journalist has died. To paraphrase Mr. DBB, “the great Dennis Myers has left the building.” This is so fucking sad. God help us. We are all poorer for this. R.I.P. Dennis. Craig Bergland Reno
Score to settle Re “Scoring the candidates” (editorial, July 3): I thought you were reviews interesting, and as a watcher of the debates I concur with most of your commentary. However, I take exception to your dismissal of Andrew Yang’s UBI proposal of $1,000 a month as a “bribe.” Andrew Yang has put together a serious policy as a way to address the future needs of all U.S. citizens in the workplace of the 2030’s his UBI proposal will help those displaced by “robotization” and the “Greening of the U.S. economy” stay solvent. One way of thinking about it is like giving every American stakeholder in our country a return on the GDP. This proposal will be funded in two ways, one by a VAT on all goods and services (as is done in most other advanced countries), taxes on consumption of goods are difficult to avoid. Secondly, by reducing the need for a plethora of income support programs—such as food stamps, child support, housing support, etc.—and reduce their administrative costs. Folks will have a choice of either collecting from a myriad of federal and state agencies or taking $1,000 a month no questions required no forms to fill in. I believe the taxes on consumption are a fair way to raise revenues, especially as most businesses are adept at avoiding taxes on income. Amazon, for example, zero federal taxes. Distribution Director Greg Erwin Distribution Manager Bob Christensen Distribution Drivers Alex Barskyy, Corey Sigafoos, Gary White, Joe Wilson, Marty Troye, Timothy Fisher, Vicki Jewell, Olga Barska, Rosie Martinez, Adam Martinez, Duane Johnson President/CEO Jeff VonKaenel Director of Nuts & Bolts Deborah Redmond Director of People & Culture David Stogner Director of Dollars & Sense Debbie Mantoan Nuts & Bolts Ninja Norma Huerta Payroll/AP Wizard Miranda Hansen Account Jedi Jessica Kislanka Sweetdeals Coordinator Trish Marche Developer John Bisignano
System Support Specialist Kalin Jenkins N&R Publications Editor Debbie Arrington N&R Publications Associate Editors Derek McDow, Thea Rood N&R Publications Editorial Team Anne Stokes, Nisa Smith Marketing & Publications Lead Consultant Elizabeth Morabito Marketing & Publications Consultants Steve Caruso, Joseph Engle, Sherri Heller, Celeste Worden, Rod Maloy Cover design Serene Lusano
Andrew Yang is the only candidate so far proffering solutions. The other candidates seem to spend most of their time talking about the past. Geoffrey Brooks Reno
Correction Re “New cop shop?” (news, Aug. 22): The byline on this story indicated that it was written by Dennis Myers. The late Myers wrote the feature story of our Aug. 22 issue; however, the news column was contributed by Bob Conrad. We deeply regret the error.
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by matt bieker
How are classes so far? asKed at the Quad, university of nevada, reno, 1664 n. virginia st.
Keegan Colbert Student
So far, pretty well. For the most part I already know where all my classes are, and I already met my instructors. So far, band’s been really fun. It’s my first time in marching band.
Megan Kelly Student
I think it’s going well so far. I got here a week ago, and I’m at the Republic [student apartments], so I’ve just been hanging out with my friends all week. Last year, I was in the dorms, and I had a meal plan, so I didn’t have to cook or anything. Now I’m pretty much on my own. aliyah Johnson Student
A note from the publisher
by Jeff vonkaenel
j e ffv @ne w s re v i e w . c o m
Dennis Myers, R.I.P. After filing a Reno News & Review cover story about how Nevada’s state legislature is the first with more women than men as well as three news stories, one of which included former Sen. Harry Reid saying that Al Franken deserves another shot, longtime RN&R reporter Dennis Myers passed away last weekend. Over the last 17 years, I have been his colleague, his employer and his biggest fan. He was a reporter’s reporter. He was super smart, hard working, fair and productive. And he had an incredible ability to absorb and retain a massive amount of information, which he then transformed into interesting stories. He brought life to a vast array of topics, including music and the defense budget. But his primary area of expertise was Nevada politics. He covered the state for 50 years. He knew all the major players, and they knew him. Several times, when I was vising RN&R’s offices, Reid was there talking with him. I will not even attempt to list all the phenomenal stories that Dennis wrote for RN&R, or during his previous journalistic career. RN&R will be dedicating a special issue to some of these. But I would like to tell you about one story. In the Aug. 15 issue, he wrote a story, “Lost dollars: Nevada lets gold royalties slip away.” What is most remarkable about this story is that it was not remarkable for him. It is typical of what he wrote every week for the last 20 years. In this story, he reveals that large amounts of taxes “are going uncollected from the mining industry for lack of legal authority.” Which is significant, given that “Goldman Sachs is predicting the price of gold will hit $1,575 an
ounce within three months.” In 2014, if Nevada voters had closed this loophole and taxed the mining industry similarly to other industries, it would have brought in significant tax revenue at a time when so many government services are underfunded in Nevada. The article pointed out that neither Republicans nor Democrats, who are now in charge of both legislative chambers, nor the governor’s office, have found the political courage to take on the powerful mining industry. This is classic Dennis. He finds a story not covered by anyone else and connects the dots—in this case, the recent rise in gold prices to the ongoing lack of Nevada government funding. He explains the political process that got us into this mess and the possible path that could get us out. And he does it without any over-the-top rhetoric. There will only ever be one Dennis Myers. He used his 50 years of experience to bring light to Nevada politics. There are now three million people living in the Silver State, who may never have had the pleasure of knowing him. But all of those people are living in a better state because of him. I don’t know if there is an afterlife. But I would suggest that if there is any hanky-panky going on behind the Pearly Gates, it’s time to knock it off. Dennis is coming. Ω
Jeff vonKaenel is the president, CEO and majority owner of the News & Review newspapers in Sacramento, Chico and Reno.
I just had my first class. It was fine. I did NevadaFIT, so I prepared beforehand, so I wasn’t as nervous for today. NevadaFIT is where freshmen pick their majors and then go into, like, a camp. It was from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. every day for a week. It prepared me for college. ... I’m a nursing major.
Zae Chung Student
It’s been pretty good. I started my day at 9 a.m. with Stats. I’ve actually had four back-to-back classes so far. I had Stats, Organic Chemistry, after that, Nutrition, and I just had Core Humanities. I’m only guessing it’s going to get harder from here.
sCot t boZarth Manufacturer
Seems like it’s a lot busier than last year this time. … There’s a lot of facilities workers that weren’t here last year, a lot of construction. A lot of landlords on the perimeter, nickle-and-diming. ... It’s a little frustrating even though I’m not a student.
08.29.19 | rn&r | 3
Dennis Myers, 1948-2019 It’s the end of an era. New legislators will never be interviewed by Dennis Myers or grow to understand the depth of his knowledge or passion for Nevada history. They won’t be surprised by the flash from the old-fashioned camera he wore around his neck to be ready for candid photo opportunities. They won’t be rendered inarticulate by a tough question from the unassuming reporter far more knowledgeable than they on just about any political topic. Dennis Myers, reporter extraordinaire, died after a stroke last week. I met Dennis 40 years ago when he covered the creation of the Food Bank of Northern Nevada, wanting to know how the food would be donated and distributed and what exactly was in those lunches in the Summer Food Program. Later, when I was the Executive Director of the Children’s Cabinet, he’d call me at all hours, especially on the weekends when he was working on a news story and thought I had a piece of information he might need.
Our paths crossed socially here and there as we were friends with some of the same people, mostly feminist women who naturally gravitated toward him as someone who understood their struggles and valued their voice. His last feature for the Reno News & Review focused on the difference a female majority made during the 2019 legislative session. Dennis, with all his interesting quirks, was one of the good guys. As a journalist, he was in a class of his own. His knowledge of Nevada history was deep and detailed. He understood the nuances of Nevada politics and asked people the right questions to elucidate the truth. He worked for many years as a television reporter before he was fired for broadcasting a story an advertiser didn’t like. He had too much integrity to ignore the facts. Dennis was indefatigable as a reporter, logging long hours of research to follow his nose for news. Remember when Ira Hansen was set to be Speaker
after the Republicans unexpectedly took control of the Assembly in 2015? It was Dennis who recalled the derogatory columns about women, minorities and gays that Hansen had written decades earlier in the Sparks Tribune and spent days combing through 800 of them, many on microfiche. He then wrote a compelling cover story putting the pieces of the puzzle together. In the pre-Trump days when Republicans still cared about the bad optics of supporting racist and bigoted leaders of their party, the story forced Hansen to step down from the top leadership post. Dennis had strong personal ethics. When people tried to usher him to the registration table at a Human Services Network awards breakfast where he was to be honored as the Media Champion, he firmly refused and went to the back of a long line to wait his turn. When I ran a bill to increase penalties for stalking at the request of Jerry Lewis, he objected to the Legislature offering a
rare Committee of the Whole so Lewis could address the full Assembly instead of a mere Judiciary Committee. He told me a woman terrorized by a stalker would never get that opportunity, so why bend the rules for a celebrity? And the man could write. As my editor, he fact-checked me without mercy. Once in awhile he would question how I used a word or two, and we’d go back and forth on email before I inevitably changed it to something we both could agree on. Recently, I quoted a famous author in my column, and he dryly wrote to me that he would expect such an accomplished writer to be able to use the word Democratic correctly. Rest in peace, my friend. Nevada will never be the same. Ω
Thursday, September 12, 2019 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Washoe County Administration Complex 1001 E. Ninth Street Washoe County is a leading employer in the Northern Nevada area with over 2,600 employees and County officials who take great pride in serving our local community. Come join us to learn more about the services we provide to the citizens of Washoe County and the many exciting career options you can explore! Human Resources will be there to explain the recruiting and selection process to help you put your best foot forward when applying for job openings. We look forward to seeing you at this exciting event and invite you to become one of Washoe County’s everyday heroes.
08.29.19 | RN&R | 5
by Jeri Davis
Pot holes
Invocell is a new type of IVF that is less invasive and may be more cost effective.
During an Aug. 26 Reno City Council meeting, the Reno Police Department and business staff spoke to the council about Reno’s marijuana industry and reported that DUI arrests have increased, possibly as a result of the accessibility of marijuana. “There are over 20 cannabis facilities and stores, with eight more in the approval process,” noted a City of Reno press release on the subject.
Matter of Miles Nevada lawmakers are looking for alternatives to the gas tax as they seek to provide for future infrastructure funding, and—as a result—the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles plans to soon begin tracking the miles drivers travel each year. Last week, the Reno Gazette Journal reported the state will begin collecting odometer readings on the majority of vehicles in the state beginning in October. In the state’s populous areas, like Clark and Washoe counties, the department will gather mileage with the smog check data collected during the vehicle registration process. In many rural areas, people will have to submit odometer readings when they register their vehicles. Department of Motor Vehicles spokesperson Kevin Malone told the Las Vegas Sun the information will not be linked to individuals and will only be used for reports to the Nevada Legislature.
Dennis Myers As many people now know, stalwart Nevada journalist Dennis Myers has died. Quite a few people and organizations have reported on his death in the last week. In this week’s edition of the paper, many of our columnists have taken the opportunity to memorialize him. Next week, the paper will publish its own memorial edition dedicated to the journalist who manned our news department
Jeri Davis, Dennis Myers and Kris vagner at the 2017 Nevada Press association awards. faithfully and capably for many, many years. We would like to invite our readers to send us their recollections of and thoughts on the loss of one of the finest journalists ever to
—Jeri Davis
je r id @ ne wsr e v ie w.c o m
New life New in vitro fertilization treatment coming to Reno Difficulty conceiving a child can be a deeply troubling struggle for couples. And it’s more common than many people think. “If you have eight friends, usually one of them will be really struggling with it—that’s how frequent it is,” said Dr. Russell Foulk of the Nevada Center for Reproductive Medicine. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, just over 12 percent of women aged 15 to 44 have impaired fertility. The percentage of married women in that same age group who are infertile is 6.7 percent, yet only 12 percent of who’ve struggled to get pregnant have sought fertility services. Dr. Foulk has been providing them in Reno for more than 20 years. He’s a board-certified reproductive endocrinologist and associate clinical professor at both the University of Washington School of Medicine and the University of Nevada, Reno, School of Medicine. His reasons for choosing infertility treatment as a specialization were personal.
“I was in my residency choosing which type of specialty to go into, and my wife and I had struggles with infertility for six years,” Foulk said. “I was planning to be an orthopedic surgeon … but then when I found that we suffered from infertility, I studied it really well and thought that would be a great career. I’ve made it my quest ever since.” Foulk has started fertility treatment centers in four states, including centers in Northern and Southern Nevada—where he provides in vitro Fertilization (IVF) services and other fertility treatments. Within the month, he’s preparing to introduce a new type of IVF treatment to his Reno office. “To understand what IVF is, you’re basically taking an egg out; you’re putting it with the sperm and letting it fertilize,” Foulk said. “In vitro Fertilization, conventionally, is to watch it grow in the lab over five days before it’s placed back in the uterine cavity.” The new treatment, called Invocell, will bypass the five-day embryo in a
Petri dish stage associated with traditional IVF. “So [IFV] was originally invented for women who had tubes that didn’t work because of endometriosis or scar tissue or something in the past,” Foulk said. “Of course, it’s been expanded now to treat all forms of infertility, but the original intent of IVF was to bypass the tubes. … With Invocell, the idea is to put the egg and the sperm together in this little device, and then return the device back into the top of the vagina, so it’s right next to where the uterus is. … So it’s in the natural incubator of the patient’s body that basically provides the right temperature, gas exchange and everything that helps an embryo thrive.” Patients should be aware that the process is different, but Invocell is still a form of IVF, Foulk said. “Invitro means ‘in glass’ in Greek— and so it’s just a name to describe the egg and sperm coming together in a Petri dish or glass dish. And here the Invocell device is a plastic dish still. It just happens to go inside the patient’s body. So it’s still considered in vitro fertilization, even though it’s placed in vivo—in her body.” But, according to Foulk, because it bypasses the traditional five-day lab time and “lessens the degree of intervention” that’s necessary to get a woman pregnant, it may also be more cost-effective than traditional IVF—which can be expensive for each round of treatment. And many people require more than one. “The typical cost ranges anywhere, depending on the type of IVF you do, from $8,000 to $15,000, which is very expensive for something that often isn’t covered by insurance,” Foulk said. It’s true that fertility services are often not covered by insurance, and many people have heard this is because these services are considered voluntary. “That’s not the reason, actually,” Foulk said. “It’s interesting. Some people say that, but lots of medical care that’s considered elective or voluntary is covered.” In truth, he said, it’s often because the people who choose what coverage exists are employers, and fertility services is the type of coverage that can lead employees to miss more work, not less. But, these days, more companies— including big ones like Tesla—are covering fertility treatment, Foulk said,
“because they realize it’s not right to not solution and different forms of IVF need to cover it. Building a family is not elective. be considered. It’s essential for most of us. It’s a very “But it still gives us an alternative for important part of life. a lot of folks that could otherwise not be “And with Invocell, the hope is that we able to afford it or just want a more natural can minimize some of that extra work, so way to let the process unfold,” Foulk said. that it becomes cheaper—it becomes more “It’s very good for a group of people—and cost effective for the patient,” he said. it’s usually the younger folks that tend to Foulk said he’s been using Invocell in be struggling more financially. They’re his Salt Lake City and Las Vegas practices not as set in there jobs and such, and those for almost nine months now and has been are the ones it helps most. So it’s directed pleased with several resulting pregnantoward those that need it the cies. It’s a great, and possibly most.” cheaper, option, he said—for the In his centers where “It right type of patient, which Invocell has been still gives us an isn’t everyone. deployed, Foulk alternative for a lot of said the resulting embryos—and pregfolks that could otherwise Facts oF liFe nancies—have been not be able to afford it or “The most ideal candiencouraging. dates, I’ve learned, are just want a more natural way “What’s remarkyoung women—young able is that the embryo to let the process unfold.” meaning women that quality you see from have a good ovary reserve, Dr. Russell Foulk the Invocell often is and that’s just a measure Nevada Center for better than what you’d of how many eggs they have Reproductive Medicine see if it was grown in vitro, left—who have tubal issues,” in artificial conditions— Foulk said. “Their Fallopian tubes which kind of makes sense, right? don’t work well. What IVF is for, essenWe’re never going to be as good as tially, is to bypass what normally happens in mother nature.” Ω the Fallopian tube. And normally fertilization happens in the distal Fallopian tube.” In cases where a couples’ problems are different—say if sperm are unable to fertilize Learn more about the Nevada Center for reproductive Medicine at eggs on their own—Invocell is not a viable
in session
Classes resumed for the fall semester at the University of Nevada, Reno on Monday, Aug. 26. As part of the school’s Welcome Week events schedule, the Associated Students of the University of Nevada (ASUN) gathered several local food trucks, vendors and campus and community groups for the Taste of Reno & Service Palooza on the lawn of the Mathewson IGT Knowledge Center. The event was meant to both feed students and inspire them to become civically engaged during their college careers. Photo/Matt Bieker
08.29.19 | RN&R | 7
8 | RN&R | 08.29.19
by MArk EArnEsT
Performing horses are a part of the annual Wild West Fest event at Tahoe Donner, which takes place on Aug. 31 this year.
Horse play Wild West Fest Last year, the Tahoe Donner homeowners association started what they hoped was a new tradition: the annual Wild West Fest. It’s a close to the summer, taking place on Labor Day weekend, and also a chance for people to partake in the living history of the West, especially horse culture. “The event was inspired by our love of horses, the equestrian lifestyle and the fun we have with our guests at Donner every summer,” said Krystal-Rae Mecham, equestrian manager for Tahoe Donner and one of the organizers of the event. For this year, the Wild West Fest continues, and although there aren’t new events as part of it, there are some changes that organizers believe will help it appeal to everyone in the community. Wild West Fest, which takes place on Aug. 31, features horses and their owners who will show off riding styles during the event. “We really wanted to incorporate everybody that uses the equestrian center,” Mecham said. “People who board horses with us help with the show and are able to showcase their horses, and we can also showcase our Tahoe Donner horses and provide pony rides. There’s also a roping station that anyone can try out.” Letting the public see the different breeds of horses is one of the missions of the event. “We talk about the history of the different breeds of horses,” Mecham said. “It’s quite the range we have here.” There’s also the Truckee Donner Junior Horseman Drill Team, which this year will perform twice as part of the event. The team includes horse riders who are age 18 or younger. The group practices every week during the summer and performs at events
other than Wild West Fest, including the annual Truckee Rodeo. Among the other events at Wild West Fest are a children’s craft corral and roping station, arena games like balloon tosses and a photo booth where patrons can dress up in Old West gear. As for music, there’s the band Everyday Outlaw, a country group that hails from North Lake Tahoe. The band includes Jake Zender on guitar and vocals, Morgan Hargrave on guitar, Mark Henasey on bass, and Rory Koff on drums. They’ve also been featured on radio shows with a tune of their own called, “This Ain’t No Love Song.” One of the changes for this year is in price, as Mecham said that tickets for Tahoe Donner members are now $10 for adults and $5 for children ages 4-12. For the public, the price is $15 for adults and $10 for children. Children age 3 and under have no admission charge. There’s also an optional Western barbecue for a separate price—$20 for adults, $12 for children—as well as beer and wine that adults can buy at the Trailside Bar near the center. The dinner includes tri-tip, fried chicken or a veggie burger. The event is also a showcase for the Equestrian Center itself. Located in the Euer Valley, it includes horseback opportunities through high mountain forests as well as meadowlands. Among the other events at the center are riding lessons, trail rides, guided tours and horsemanship camps. The Equestrian Center is part of the Alder Creek Adventure Center, which also includes a 60-plus mile trail system along with a variety of other amenities. “We just really want to provide something for everybody,” Mecham said about the event. “It’s an all-age-range event, and the whole family can come and enjoy it.” Ω
Wild West Fest is on Aug. 31 at the Adler Creek Adventure Center, 15275 Adler Creek Drive, Truckee, California. Get more details at
08.29.19 | RN&R | 9
PrePPing for
disaster 8 ways to be ready in the climate change era by Tess Townsend and Jeri Davis
Here’s a timeline of the types of extreme weather can occur in the Truckee Meadows and its surrounding areas during the different seasons:
Winter: Winter in Northern Nevada is long and generally cold, but there’s no guarantee of moisture in the Truckee Meadows, which exists in the rain shadow of the
when Sierra Nevada Mountains. When winter is wet in this region, storms can vary from frigid blizzards to warm, wet storms driven in an atmospheric river from around the Hawaiian Islands. Sometimes called “Pineapple Express” storms, they can cause massive winter flooding. Spring: Spring, especially early in the season, is a time when the Truckee Meadows may again be wet or dry. As with the fall season, visitors and those who live here should be aware that snow is a possibility. Three inches of snow fell on Tahoe City on May 16 of this year.
Summer: It’s fire season, regardless of whether it’s hot and dry or hot and stormy. By summer, the landscape is always at great risk of burning—in part because our region receives an annual average of 7.4 inches of precipitation, most of it between November and March. However, when it does rain, be aware that rivers and creeks can quickly swell to dangerous sizes.
“prepping for disaster”
Fall: The summer heat may be breaking, but don’t be fooled into thinking fire season is gone. Until the Truckee Meadows and Lake Tahoe Basin begin receiving snow, wildfires pose a serious risk. Anything from late summer thunderstorms to the careless flick of a cigarette butt can ignite one. On the other end of the spectrum, people visiting or living in the Tahoe Basin should be aware that the first snowfall there usually occurs sometime during the first two weeks of October. In some years—including 2017—it’s happened as early as mid-September.
Know what to worry about and
continued on page 12
Climate change is here. On average, temperatures are already 1 degree Celsius warmer than in pre-industrial times. And according to the Environmental Protection Agency, people “have increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the air by 40 percent since the late 1700s.” It’s important to understand we are not helpless. We can pressure government officials to take the actions necessary to curb carbon emissions and to prepare our infrastructure, including sustained investment in renewable energy. But in the meantime, we have to start thinking about whether we are prepared for the impacts of warming that have already happened or are inevitable. According to the EPA, Nevada’s climate is already changing. In a 2016 report, the agency noted that the state has warmed about two degrees Fahrenheit “in the last century. Throughout the southwestern United States, heat waves are becoming more common, and snow is melting earlier in spring. In the coming decades, the changing climate is likely to decrease the flow of water” in Nevada’s rivers and increase the frequency and intensity of wildfires, while decreasing the productivity of ranches and farms. Climate change also makes extreme weather events like floods, blizzards more intense and, in some cases, more frequent. Being prepared is not “an achieved state,” said Samantha Montano, an assistant professor of emergency management at North Dakota State University. That’s the wrong approach because “at an individual level, our preparedness is changing literally minute to minute.” How prepared you are depends on where you are when disaster strikes, your relationships with other people and your information sources, among other factors. This guide offers tips and resources for how you can be more ready.
08.29.19 | RN&R | 11
continued from page 13
“prepping for disaster”
Throw a
block parTy
your space ►
Those who’ve followed news coverage of major fires have likely come across some firefighting lingo with which they may not be familiar. One phrase that comes up often is “wildland urban interface.” In past interviews with the RN&R, Reno Fire Marshal Tray Palmer has explained that the term refers to areas where human development meets unoccupied, undeveloped land— and, for the City of Reno, most of it lies near the official jurisdiction borders. For the Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District, which serves unincorporated Washoe County, the majority of its 1,000-mile jurisdiction lies within the wildland urban interface. Another term people may have heard is “defensible space.” It refers to space surrounding a building that’s been cleared of brush and combustible materials to make it easier to defend from encroaching fire. In an interview last fall, RFD Battalion Chief Mark Winkelman recalled that when a swath of the Caughlin Ranch neighborhood burned in November 2011, it was largely due to a lack of defensible space around homes— and one type of plant in particular that the department wants homeowners to get rid of. “I’ll tell you from experience, Winkleman said.
“After investigating the houses after the Caughlin Fire—the majority of the houses that burned, even the stucco houses, had junipers right up against the exterior walls.” It’s part of the reason the RFD runs an awareness campaign called “Junk the Junipers” during fire season. “We’re trying to get people to pull out super fire-reactive juniper plants and replace them with less reactive things, … and it’s hard to convince people to do a lot of this, and so they take a lot of this risk on themselves when they don’t,” Winkleman said. For renters, making a defensible space may not be as easy, as they’ll have to get approval from landlords or property owners before taking action to create one. Laurie Shoemann, who oversees the resiliency and disaster recovery program at Enterprise Community Partners, an affordable housing nonprofit, says tenants should organize themselves and work with property owners to ensure a property has defensible space and other safety precautions in place. “Residents are the eyes and ears for the building and the community,” she said. Enterprise offers a “Ready to Respond” kit for property owners and renters on its website. Renters should also purchase renters’ insurance.
12 | RN&R | 08.29.19
In preparing for disasters, we often think about having enough food and water to hold out. But a significant factor is a lot less tangible: social connections. How involved are you in your community? How far does your social network extend? One study found that during the March 2011 tsunami that killed about 20,000 people in Japan, those living in communities with high levels of trust and
social interaction had higher survival rates. In another study by Daniel Aldrich, director of Northeastern University’s security and resilience program, researchers found that Facebook users were more likely to evacuate during Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria if their friends-of-friends network on Facebook included more people in different geographic areas. “Broader, more diverse networks give you more diverse information,” said Aldrich.
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Community trust and social networks are examples of social capital. “The nice thing about social capital, like other forms of capital, is it can be built,” he said. Cities can invest in parks, libraries and other public spaces. Individuals can take even simpler steps: Introduce yourself to your closest neighbors. Organize block parties and other neighborhood events. Attend public meetings. And join social media groups based in your community.
be reaDy for
The Truckee Meadows and surrounding areas have a history of flooding. Flash floods in the summer can pose serious risks and have happened on dozens of creeks, streams and drainages—but most major floods on the Truckee River have happened in winter, including floods in 1862, 1875, 1890, 1904, 1907, 1928, 1937, 1943, 1950, 1955, 1963, 1986, 1997 and 2005. In January 2017, the region prepared for another major flood that thankfully never manifested. The City of Reno’s Flood Information Center online recommends residents, “check ditches and culverts on or around your property. Remove any debris immediately, even a small object can cause a backup and overwhelm ditches. During highwind advisories, it is recommended
to secure loose objects” so they don’t add to flood hazards later. The website also offers sandbag locations: Renters and homeowners should have flood insurance; standard renters’ insurance policies may not cover flooding, so you may need to buy a separate policy. Floodwater is often contaminated and you should avoid contact with it, according to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Flooding can also contaminate drinking water, so it’s important to store containers of clean water at your home and workplace in case of emergency. The best method for making water safe in an emergency is boiling it. First, filter the water through clean fabric, a coffee filter or a paper towel and let any contents settle.
EvacuatE! ►
Climate change increases the likelihood and intensity of wildfires, and these fires can move fast. When officials issue evacuation orders, “you have to take and heed the directions,” said Brian Marshall, fire chief at the California Office of Emergency Services. “Time is of the essence.” “You’re not going to hop in your car and just drive out quickly. Everyone else is going, too,” Johnson added. Evacuation can mean leaving town, and routes may not be predetermined. In the Truckee Meadows, the Washoe County Emergency Management Program assists local agencies and communities in preparing for emergencies and developing evacuation plans and procedures. On its website, you can find a regional evacuation and shelter plan. In the event of an emergency like a wildfire, tune your radio to KKOH 780 AM or KUNR 88.9 FM for official information and evacuation orders. You can also follow local fire and police agencies on social media. If your neighborhood is at risk of fire or flooding, even if you don’t feel threatened, the safest thing to do is leave if you’re able. Don’t just think about yourself. Think about others trying to get out and first responders coming in, all of whom can benefit if you evacuate promptly.
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orDErS ►
In their 2017 book Enviromedics, doctors Jay Lemery and Paul Auerbach write that environmental change “has been proclaimed the biggest global health threat of the twenty-first century.” The book looks at a long list of health impacts of climate change, including increases in heat illness, greater spread of diseases, poor air quality and declining access to clean water. If you have any health problems, climate change could make them worse. Talk to your doctor about whether you should change your asthma or allergy care during pollen season or heavy wildfire smoke. Be aware of any medications, including for psychiatric conditions, that make you more sensitive to heat.
Staying in a
After a disaster, you may not be able to return home for some time. If you are unable to stay with friends and family, you can check into a shelter. Often these shelters are run by the American Red Cross, which coordinates in advance with community facilities willing to host disaster victims. For up-todate information about shelter locations during an emergency, Washoe County residents can turn to the region’s Red Cross Facebook page at RedCrossUtahNV. On its website—www.—the organizaiton hosts a variety of free mobile apps designed to help individuals during disasters.You can look
also look up open shelter locations on the website, though local police and fire departments will also be aware of sites. Service and comfort animals are allowed into many shelters, but some cannot accommodate pets. Sometimes, veterinarians will take pets in for free. People who choose to stay with their pets outside a shelter may still use shelter facilities. The Red Cross does not require ID from people seeking shelter and does not ask about immigration status, said national headquarters spokesperson Don Lauritzen. The organization has also said it will not allow immigration agents into a shelter without a court order.
One thing to watch for during the sweltering summer months is heat illness. By the end of the century, average daily maximum temperatures could increase by 10 degrees, according to UC Davis researchers. Be alert for symptoms of heat exhaustion and more severe heat stroke. Get to a cooler location, ideally somewhere with air conditioning. Drink some water, and if symptoms don’t subside in 15 minutes, go to the hospital. Heat stress can be deadly, leading to problems such as kidney failure. The National Kidney Foundation recommends against using nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen when you know you’re going to be exposed to heat.
7 Exposure to heat is a major health risk for people who work outside and in high-heat indoors, such as farm workers, landscapers and factory workers. If you pack an emergency “go-bag,” try to include extra supplies of your prescription medications. If you have insurance, see if you can move up your refill date to have extra pills on hand. You can also ask your doctor to prescribe an additional one-time supply. Some insurance providers may have special programs to help disaster victims get prescription medications.
gEt trainED ►
A number of local organizations offer free and low-cost disaster preparation and response training, as well as opportunities to participate in coordinated disaster response. Joining these groups can help better prepare yourself, your family and your community. CERT (Community Emergency Response Team): This federally recognized program trains volunteers for a range of disasters, from basic individual response to coordinated response by teams after large-scale disasters. In the Truckee Meadows, CERT is administered through the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office. You can learn more at Training is free. ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service): Ham radios and other alternative communication methods become indispensable when regular communications systems like cell networks are overloaded or fail. Locally, we’ve got
the Washoe County Amateur Radio Emergency Service. You can learn more about this group and how to join it by visiting MRC (Medical Reserve Corps of Washoe County): If you’ve got clinical skills, great, but this group is looking for volunteers ranging from licensed medical practitioners to those with clerical skills. MRC is designed to support public health efforts during natural disasters and emergencies by providing volunteers to help staff shelters and places where medicine and medical care are dispensed. Learn more at September is National Preparedness Month. Since 2004, this FEMA-sponsored campaign has encouraged people to take steps to prepare for emergencies in their homes, businesses, schools and communities. This year’s theme is “Prepared, not scared.” You can learn more at Ω
08.29.19 | RN&R | 13
The Bobolobo music festival is for everyone, from
punkers to
boots on the
ground T
kind of how we became friends,” she said of Sims. “We’d be in her car traveling a lot, and she’d have music on, and I’d say, ‘Oh, you like the same kind of music I do.’ Classical music, country music, death metal, really, we don’t care.” Together, McKendricks and Sims have planned events before forming the Believe Events company that’s putting on Bobolobo. Their past events were more like craft-and-food functions than full-on music festivals, and they do have some root elements at this larger event, as there will be local food trucks and artists at the show. They include Breanna Brown, who is recreating her recent Art Signals painting that was vandalized in south Reno. The idea for Bobolobo was hatched when Sims and McKendricks were discussing ideas for some kind of event at the “Believe” sign downtown, and the idea just evolved from there. There’s also a personal reason why Sims wants to go into the music business—she was born with hearing loss, and it has steadily worsened over the years. “I will be deaf at some point, so at this time of my life I want to enjoy as much new music as I can that’s good before it goes, so I’ll have nice little memories,” Sims said with a chuckle. Sims’ forthright and gregarious manner has come in handy when she and McKendricks were scouting bands for Bobolobo. They posted on Facebook for bands and were surprised immediately by the results. “We had 62 bands send in music before we selected our 10, and then there
here’s a lot of talk about the do-it-yourself ethos in music, and it’s certainly true in served Reno, where there’s a ton of bootstrapSims and McKendricks have been pulling to get your music heard, especially longtime friends, meeting while if you write all of that music yourself. both were working on projects The organizers of the inaugural Bobolobo starts at 10 a.m. with the Good Luck Macbeth aug. 31 at Wingfield Park, 2 s. Bobolobo festival on Aug. 31 at Theater Company. “We’ve arlington ave. tickets are $15 Wingfield Park in downtown Reno both done acting for a lot of advance, $18 door, free for definitely know how to DIY. With years,” Sims said. children ages 10 and under. Get more details at event-planning experience, but no McKendricks is also believeeventsnv experience in music festivals, they’re a singer with the P’Opera group, and she shares a broad bringing together 10 bands from across musical taste with her pal. “That’s the genre spectrum for a distinctive event that closes out summer in the city. “We wanted to touch every genre that we could,” said Emily McKendricks, who with Sara Sims are two music fans who’ve decided to take a leap of faith, along with the help of some other volunteers. In fact, about two weeks ago they were already discussing dates in 2020 for a second Bobolobo, even if they don’t get the 1,000 attendees they hope to have this weekend. And, they’re doing all of this with a festival name that is, frankly, nonsensical. It’s what they wanted. “Bobo is my nickname by nephew Coleman gave me a long time ago,” Sims said. “And we added Lobo just because it rhymed.” “We wanted something that was kind of catchy but didn’t mean anything,” McKendricks A few of the principals involved in the first Bobolobo festival. From left, Alex Alcantar, guitarist with added. “It’s like Lollapalooza or Coachella.” Heterophobia; Emily McKendricks of Believe Events; Daniel Lee, drummer with Ozymandias; Sara Sims of
All styles
Believe Events; and Brett Masterson, bassist with Heterophobia. Photo/Mark EarnEst
14 | RN&R | 08.29.19
were another 20 or 30 that reached out after the deadline,” Sims said. “Honestly, we were thinking, with Reno being a smaller scene, that maybe we’d get five good bands and five mediocre ones, but there were 30 out of those first 62 that I would have bought their album right now. We were really surprised and impressed by how much we had to narrow it down.”
“It can only benefit the Reno scene at large if we’re able to
and get in front of people that might not go see a heavier show, or people that might see a
heavier show and then not go to a
folk or country show.” A L E x A L C A n TA R Heterophobia
One crazy jukebox As a venue, Wingfield Park has played host to all sorts of different festivals and shows, but it’s hard to remember if there’s been one as musically diverse as Bobolobo. Sure, there have been festivals that cover electronica, folk, country, hiphop and alternative music. The month-long arts festival Artown also tends to showcase some diverse sounds. Bobolobo ups the ante, though. The most popular band on the bill is likely Pink Awful, the guitar-driven indie rock band that combines ’90s sounds with modern styles. Also in the indie-or-alternowhatever queue is longtime Reno band Pushbox, who add some funkier beats and elements of acoustic rock to their sound.
Metal band Ozymandias will perform at Bobolobo on Aug. 31.
Acoustic music is also represented by Wheatstone Bridge, a quintet that plays folk music with influences from early Americana to the present day. There’s also the duo of Steve and Raena, who add some pop harmonies to their mix of acoustic folk, country and rock. For heavier sounds, there are two bands that more than fit that bill. Together for decades, Ostracized plays raucous metal that veers between modern hard rock and death metal’s distinctive bark. A newer band called Ozymandias opts instead for metal’s beginnings, combining doom, sludge and straight-ahead rock influences. Daniel Lee, Ozymandias’ drummer, said that his band has played festivals before, including Earth Day and Alive in the Desert—but never on the scale of a Wingifeld Park show. “I’ve always wanted to play here,” Lee said. “It couldn’t have been more than a week from when I moved here that I saw a band on that stage and thought, ‘That looks like a ton of fun.’”
Some square
And then, there are the oddballs. These are the Bobolobo bands that have their own little corner of the musical world among the 10 acts, and Reno in general. There’s HIZ Nation, a Christian hip-hop artist who combines music in that style from several different eras. Contrast that with another act, One Ton Dually, the group featuring scene vets. The band plays straight-ahead rock with tinges of early punk and ’70s rock thrown into the mix. Spur Crazy is representing country music for this show, and they even have their own
description to help them stand out: “high energy modern country with a slight ’80s rock edge to it.” That’s the way Spur Crazy bassist and singer Steve Rosenthal describes his band, which has plenty of experience with festivals and larger stages. “We’ve played the Wing Fest (in downtown Reno), played outdoors at Baldini’s, all over Victorian (Square),” he said. Although they commonly mix covers with originals in their sets, Spur Crazy will only be doing their own songs during Bobolobo. Rosenthal said his band was honored to be part of the 10 bands selected from the pool of 60 or so. “I like the idea behind it, and what they did with the lineup,” he said. The band Heterophobia is miles away from Spur Crazy as far as sound and content goes. This melodic punk band revels in writing LGBT-themed songs that are as catchy as they are button-pushing, at least for those not ready to hear the message. With a bunch of new songs to play from a forthcoming album, Heterophobia’s bandmates are looking forward to representing their side of Reno to a diverse Bobolobo crowd “It can only benefit the Reno scene at large if we’re able to crosspollinate and get in front of people that might not go see a heavier show, or people that might see a heavier show and then not go to a folk or country show,” said Alex Alcantar, one of the band’s guitarists. “It gives everyone a good sampling of what’s being offered right now.” □
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Country band Spur Crazy will bring their ’80s rock edge to Bobolobo.
08.29.19 | RN&R | 15
winners! WE n EEd your Email addrESS! S a v e
t h e
d a t e
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october 17th Contact so that we have an email to send your formal invitation to.
each winner will receive an invitation for themselves and a guest and additional tickets can be purchased for $25
WE can’ T WaiT To parTy WiTh you! T h i s
16 | RN&R | 08.29.19
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by BoB Grimm
b g ri m m @ne w s re v i e w . c o m
Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw
Good Boys
While the poster for Hobbs & Shaw declares it is presented by Fast & Furious, it has very little in common with that franchise other than the participation of Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham reprising their characters from the Furious films. In other words … rejoice! … the leaden, dreary Vin Diesel is nowhere to be seen in this movie! Hobbs & Shaw is a bizarre hybrid of spy thrillers, action pics and science fiction. While Fast & Furious movies are certainly outlandish, they remain somewhat grounded in reality, except for my personal favorite sequence of a car jumping from skyscraper to skyscraper. This movie goes totally off the rails of realism. It’s too damn long, but when it works, it works well. It also functions as a comedy in that Johnson and Statham have great timing and work really well together. Hobbs (Johnson) and Shaw (Statham) find themselves protecting Shaw’s sister, Hattie (Vanessa Kirby of Mission: Impossible – Fallout), after she injects herself with something that will have worldwide consequences if she’s captured. It all comes together in a big, dumb summer fun kind of way.
For whom the bells toll After some strong but smallish roles in Ash vs Evil Dead and Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri, Samara Weaving gets a lead role and totally kills it in Ready or Not. As Grace, a newlywed who has one of the worst wedding days in cinema history—right up there with Uma Thurman in Kill Bill—Samara is so good it makes you wonder how she hasn’t had more big starring roles in the 11 years she’s been acting. She commands the screen with a fierce, comedic energy that helps make Ready or Not a memorable, if predictable, horror/thriller show. Directed by Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillett, and written by Guy Busick and Ryan Murphy, the movie is a scathing indictment of the rich and the institution of marriage, all in good fun, of course. When we meet Grace (Weaving, niece of Hugo), she’s about to marry Alex Le Domas (Mark O’Brien), and enter into a very rich family. That family, led by Tony (Henry Czerny) and Becky (Andie MacDowell), has built its empire upon board games and sports teams, so their requirement that Grace play a game with them on her wedding night, while wacky, does make a little sense. As part of tradition, Grace must draw a card from a mystery box and determine which game she must play with her new in-laws. The card she draws: Hide and Seek. As it turns out, she would’ve been much better off drawing chess or checkers. Armed with historic weapons and a bewilderingly crazed purpose, the Le Domas family, which includes seemingly grounded brother Daniel (Adam Brody)and crazily bitter Aunt Helene (Nicky Guadagni) are determined to find and kill Grace by dawn. Hey, tradition is tradition, and Grace has got to go. Unfortunately for them, Grace is not going to go easy like a typical horror film whimpering victim. She’s got a lot of fight
“i said, the centerpieces should be lilac—not magenta.”
in her, and a lot more than one person will be dying on this particular wedding night. There have been plenty of movies where a family isn’t all that happy about the new bride trying to enter their lives, but this one has matriarchs and patriarchs wielding crossbows. Czerny is especially outrageous as the dad who refuses to veer from tradition, even if it involves his new daughter-in-law getting an arrow through her neck rather than a good night’s sleep. MacDowell, who has developed a reputation for a being a little bit of a stiff actress through the years, proves perfect as the wicked mom whose bow and arrow skills are a little rusty. Brody has fun as the wild card brother who may or may not be evil, while Guadagni’s permanent scowl is one of the funniest things in the movie. While satire is the main driving force behind the plot, the ending throws a curve that breaks from the predictability of some of the character arcs. Weaving, who progresses from blushing, pristine bride to blood smeared, determined warrior delivers pitch perfect work. As crazy as things get, she makes Grace all the more real. The movie is a not-too-distant cousin of 2017’s Revenge, where an isolated heroine proves to be far more badass than her adversaries. While both are blood soaked, this one is a little on the funnier side. While it’s fun indeed, and there are some laugh out loud moments, the movie doesn’t stand out as a genre original. It’s more a goof than anything truly eventful. Still, it’s undeniably fun. Of note on Weaving’s future slate: she’ll play Alex Winter’s daughter in Bill & Ted Face the Music, the long-awaited second sequel to Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure. She clearly has a future in comedy but, as she proves in Ready or Not, her talents are multidimensional, and more deep dramas coming her way would not be a big surprise. Ω
ready or Not
You have to have big balls to release a movie like Good Boys in today’s PC environment. Kids swear like sailors, unknowingly sniff anal beads and run across busy highways without looking both ways in this movie. It might just be the winner for child-delivered profanity when it comes to cinema, easily topping the likes of the original The Bad News Bears. Actually, delete the word “might.” It’s the winner for sure. Sweetheart Jacob Tremblay, the cute little dude from Room, goes full stank mouth mode as Max. He’s a member of the Beanbag Boys (they call themselves that because, well, they have beanbags), along with pals Lucas (scene-stealing Keith L. Williams) and Thor (wildly funny Brady Noon). Their junior high social activities consist of bike rides and card games, but things are taken up a notch when they are invited to a party that will include a—gasp—kissing game. The Beanbag Boys get themselves into trouble involving the ruination of Max’s dad’s (Will Forte) drone, a predicament that involves a stash of Molly/ Ecstasy pills and two older, meaner girls, Hannah and Lily (Molly Gordon and Midori Francis). The goal to reach the kissing party unscathed, and with a bottle of beer so that they look cool, is blocked by many tween drama obstacles.
Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood
The ninth movie from Quentin Tarantino is a dreamy doozy, his most unapologetically Tarantinian film yet. History and conventionality be damned, for QT is behind the camera, and he favors mayhem and a little thing called artistic license. Set in 1969, Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood captures the ’60s film scene and culture as they are dying, and they most certainly die hard. Making a run at Newman and Redford, we get Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt as insecure, has-been actor Rick Dalton and his trusty stuntman, Cliff Booth, respectively. Dalton’s career has devolved into playing the bad guys on TV’s The F.B.I. while past-his-prime and blackballed Booth is relegated to driving him around and being his confidante. The setup allows Tarantino to go hog wild with the ’60s visuals and soundtrack. Hollywood is a monumental achievement on the art and sound direction fronts. Some of Tarantino’s soon-to-be most famous shots are in this movie. The looks and sounds are so authentic that you might wonder if Dalton and Booth were real people. They were not, but they’re based on folks like Burt Reynolds, Clint Eastwood and Hal Needham. The end of the ’60s was bona fide nutty times, and this is a nutty movie. It also manages to be quite heartfelt and moving.
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark
Spider-Man: Far from Home
Alvin Schwartz’s collection of short horror stories for kids gets a big-screen attempt with Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark, directed by Andre Ovredal and produced by Guillermo del Toro. The three original books gathered together some stories from folklore and urban legend, with Schwartz putting his own spin on them, even instructing young readers on how to scare their friends while reading them aloud. They were micro-short, they were sometimes grisly, and they had no connective thread. They also managed to make their way into campfire stories in the ’80s. Rather than do an anthology movie, like a Creepshow for kids, Ovredal and del Toro opt for a framing device that is a direct nod, one could say rip-off, of the Stranger Things/ Stephen King’s It nostalgia genre involving plucky kids dealing with various horrors. The resultant film feels derivative, disconnected and quite boring, a bunch of decent ideas crammed into a storyline that just doesn’t work. The gimmick attempting to hold everything together is the story of Sarah Bellows (not a character in the books), an abused, long-deceased girl whose journal of stories is discovered by the aforementioned plucky teens led by Stella (Zoe Colletti) in 1968. Others in the group include Auggie, the slightly intellectual guy (Gabriel Rush); Chuck, the goofy guy (Austin Zajur); and Ramon, the mysterious newbie (Michael Garza). All the group really needs is a young, quiet girl with a short haircut and an affinity for Eggos, and the Stranger Things circuit would be complete.
White supremacist Bryon Widner (Jamie Bell), after being raised on a doctrine of hate within a skinhead camp, has a change of heart when he finds love with a single mother (Danielle Macdonald). Of course, putting a skinhead past behind you, especially when you’ve opted to tattoo your face with hate images, is not an easy thing. Writer-director Guy Nattiv, basing his film on the true story of Bryon Widnor, does a nice job of showing that redemption sometimes comes at a high price. Bell is great here as Widnor, as is Macdonald as the woman who manages to love him even though he’s a complete asshole. The film feels like a distant cousin of the Edward Norton starring American History X, although it doesn’t have near the artistry of that movie. Still, the movie is a solid story, well-acted, and proof that Bell is perhaps a bigger actor than his resume has revealed. Supporting cast includes Bill Camp as the leader of the skinhead camp, and Vera Farmiga as his nurturing yet classless and evil wife. Blink and you’ll miss a quick appearance by Mary Stuart Masterson as Agent Jackie Marks. She acts that part like she’s in a different movie, but it’s fun to see her all the same. (Available to stream during a limited theatrical release.)
Tom Holland cements his status as bestever Spider-Man with what amounts to the goofiest, but still major fun, Spider-Man movie yet. Jon Watts once again directs as Peter Parker looks to vacation with his friends after the events of Endgame, traveling to Europe and leaving his superhero responsibilities behind. When a strange breed of elemental monsters start striking the planet, Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) interrupts Peter’s sojourn and gets him back into the swing of things. Jake Gyllenhaal gets into the shenanigans as Mysterio, a crime fighter from another dimension that slides right into the Tony Stark mentor role. Holland is good fun as Spidey, giving him a nice, youthful effervescence to go with his comic timing. Zendaya rules as MJ, Jon Favreau gets a lot more screen time—it’s a good thing!—as Happy, and the film doesn’t have nearly enough Marisa Tomei. It’s a bit lightheaded at times, but it’s the sort of breezy affair that the Marvel universe needed to get things revved up again. Hopefully, this is just the beginning for Holland and he has a bunch of these in his future, because he’s perfect for the role.
by Todd SouTh
Michael croft
Author, literary editor
4 Week Writers’ Workshop for Novel excerpts · short stories · Creative Non-fiction · Genre Writing Level II: (One Opening) September 9 - 30, Mondays, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m Level I: (Registration currently open) October 21 - November 11, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Señor Tequila’s Camarones al gusto can be served spicy, or a la diabla.
Sunday service Sooth the Bu n!
9650 Pyramid Way, Spanish Springs, NV 89441 RiSe SPANiSh SPRiNgS RiSeNeVAdA For Use Only by Adults 21 Years of Age and Older. Keep Out of Reach of Children.
18 | RN&R | 08.29.19
Some of the best food and service in Reno can be found tucked away in humble environs at recently opened Señor Tequila’s. Taking over from a previous restaurant in an industrial neighborhood, they’ve done a nice job refurbishing the place. It was perfect for a Sunday family dinner after high exertion at a trampoline fun house. To start things off, complimentary tortilla chips and pico de gallo were accompanied by warm chicharones—just the things to accompany a rocks margarita ($7) garnished with blood orange and fresh mint. We also ordered a cazuela ($12), an earthenware crock filled with tequila, grapefruit soda and fresh slices of grapefruit, lime, and orange; and a La Llorona ($10), named after the tale of “the weeping woman” of Latin American folklore. Usually a take on a pisco sour, this expression involved tequila, mango, jalapeño and chile/lime/salt on the rim. All were quite good, but the citrus/tequila loaded, clay booze bowl should be shared with a friend or two. Queso fundido ($7) was next, with plenty of spicy chorizo atop a sea of stretchy, melted cheese. Great on both chips and fried pork skin. A dozen ostiones (oysters) ($16) served with plenty of lemon and medium hot sauce were large, fresh and briny. Further, a couple of orders of ceviche ($7 each) featured a pair of heavily laden tostadas on each plate, accompanied by half of a sliced avocado. The citrus-cured fish version was good, but on request my pulpo-loving grandson received a great mix of octopus, shrimp, and fish at no extra charge. Camarones al gusto ($15), i.e. “shrimp to the taste” was ordered diabla style, served with a ton of rice and salad. The rice was fine, and the prawns were good in a thick, medium hot sauce. But the salad had— unexpectedly—been dressed in the house habanero sauce—a delicious-yet-devilish pile of lettuce, tomato, cucumber and onion.
I love Mexican vegetable and meatball soup, but sopa de albondigas o pescado ($13) was new to me. The large balls of minced whitefish in a savory, spicy broth were quite tasty, and the side bowl of onion, cilantro, lemon and dried chiles to punch it up were a nice touch. My 12 year-old nephew played it safe with the kid’s meal of tiras de pollo con papas ($5), two chicken planks with fries and ketchup. He said they were “fine” and made a brave face as we slurped down raw oysters. I have previously seen him eat Caesar salad, so there’s hope. I went with chuleta de res ($15), a thin, bone-in, marinated beef chop topped with grilled Cambray onion and jalapeño and sides of salad, rice, frijoles and an exemplary guacamole. The meat was akin to carne asada, the veg charred and tender, and the beans had plenty of flavor. My son chose the molcajete el santi playero ($25), translated as a big lava rock bowl filled with delicacies you might enjoy on a particularly attractive beach. It was served hot and bubbling, the spicy mix of red sauce and melted cheese supporting a complement of head-on shrimp, mussels, clams, scallops, fish and crab legs. I’ve had good and not-so-good seafood molcajete, but this was among the top contenders. He declared it to be one of the best meals he’s ever had. Despite being pleasantly stuffed, we shared a couple of orders of fresh, warm churros dusted in cinnamon sugar ($4 each), with caramel and dark chocolate dipping sauces—a sweet end to our Sunday fun day. Ω
Señor Tequila’s Mexican Kitchen & Cantina 1490 E. Fourth St., 384-2933
Señor Tequila’s Mexican Kitchen & Cantina is open Monday through Thursday from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. and from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Friday through Sunday. Happy hour is from 4 to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday.
by MarK EarNEST
The Saturday Knights in their tiki-rampant rehearsal basement. From left, Noland Magnuson, Tim Eschrich, Dan Steinmetz and Tim Blake.
Blood lust The Saturday Knights There’s that old saying that you sometimes have to bleed for your art. It’s something Noland Magnuson knows all too well. “I cut my finger at work down to the bone on a Friday and then went and had to get stitches,” Magnuson explained. He’s the guitarist and singer with the Saturday Knights and works as a truck mechanic. “Then, I had to play a show on a Tuesday, and I knew I couldn’t play guitar, so I just sang. Right off the bat, someone smashed into my hand and popped all the stitches open, and it was a bloodbath. “So, I decided if I’m gonna bleed, then I might as well rub blood on my face and paint an upside down cross on my chest in blood,” Magnuson said. Now before you get the impression that the Saturday Knights are led by a bloodthirsty freak, know that the venue asked Magnuson “politely to clean up” afterward, he said. And he complied. Really, though, it’s just another memorable show for this band, now on the upswing since their lineup has solidified. Joining Magnuson are Tim Eschrich on bass and vocals, Tim Blake on guitar, and Dan Steinmetz on drums. Getting this final lineup took time; the seeds were sown more than 20 years ago. In 1998, Blake and Magnuson met during a show from Blake’s band Ample in Carson City. Magnuson met Eschrich when they were both living in the same house in Portland in 2008, and they played in what Eschrich called “a shitty heavy metal band called the Fucking Wizards.” They broke up on stage. Magnuson and Eschrich moved back to Reno in 2017, the same year that Magnuson asked Blake to start the Knights. At the time, the band was a trio, with Blake as drummer. In March of this year, they asked Steinmetz to take over on drums and Blake switched to
guitar. Steinmetz said he was already a big fan of the band. “I feel like they have a lot of the same influences I do, just good American rock and roll that has some European influences, basically where America dropped the ball,” Steinmetz said. “We were looking for a second guitarist, but we couldn’t find anybody,” Blake said. “We knew people who were great guitarists, and some people that were a good fit, but couldn’t find anyone who was both.” “And that wasn’t a total liability,” Magnuson added, “because we had three of them already.” It’s clear from their freewheeling interview during a recent practice that this is a tight band, and not just musically. There was lots of finishing each other’s sentences and good natured ribbing throughout. The band also writes communally, with Magnuson and Eschrich bringing in skeletons of songs and Blake and Steinmetz arranging. Those songs are mostly four-to-thefloor rockers with titles like “Life of Crime,” also the name of their EP on local Humaniterrorist Records. A few are even topical, such as “Shit Where You Eat,” which bemoans commerce concerns that are “taking all the soul out of West Fourth Street and driving people out of the places where they at least had a stable place to live,” Magnuson said. But, for the most part, the Saturday Knights are a flat-out rock band with all the hedonism and good times that implies. “I just tell people that we’re in a loud rock and roll band,” said Magnuson. “I hate the description ‘dirty rock and roll.’ In what sense? Is it because you stink or you like playing in a shithole bar, or both?” “I have fun telling people it’s like Mötley Crüe sped up three times,” Blake said. Ω
The Saturday Knights play with Gutter Demons, Drinking Machine Guns and the Sonic Dead on Sept. 7 at Shea’s Tavern, 715 S. Virginia St. Hear them at
08.29.19 | RN&R | 19
Dance party, 10pm, $5
Karaoke, 9pm, W, no cover
Horsemouth, 8:30pm, no cover
Soul Project NOLA, 9pm, $5
South Tahoe Funk Union, 9pm, no cover
Bluegrass jam, 6:30pm, M, no cover
Dysfunctional, 8:30pm, $5
Bastard Sons of Johnny Cash, Cowboy Indian, 8:30pm, $10
New Wave Crave, 9pm, no cover
New Wave Crave, 9pm, no cover
1044 E. Fourth St., (775) 324-5050
10040 Donner Pass Rd., Truckee, (530) 587-2626
Nitti Gritti, Howker, Coma Tek, Cancel, 8pm, $30-$35
555 E. Fourth St., (775) 499-5549
255 N. Virginia St., (775) 398-5400
Rogue Rage Duo, 8:30pm, no cover
Kat Heart, 9pm, no cover
Mark Sexton, 6pm, no cover
George Souza, 6pm, no cover
George Souza, 6pm, no cover
Karaoke with Nightsong Productions, 8pm, no cover
Whiskey Preachers, 9pm, no cover
538 S. Virginia St., (775) 329-5558
10142 Rue Hilltop, Truckee; (530) 587-5711
DAVIDSON’S DISTILLERY 275 E. Fourth St., (775) 324-1917
Sounds of the City: Romeo Sebastian, Mark Miller, 5pm, no cover
Post shows online by registerin g at www.newsr eview. com/reno. D eadline is the Frida y before public ation.
Karaoke Night, 9pm, no cover
Tyler Stafford Band, 7pm, no cover
846 Victorian Ave., Sparks; (775) 355-7711
G. Jones, Tsurada, 9pm, W, $29.50 Traditional Irish session, 7pm, Tu, Wed. Night Showcase, 7pm, no cover
Cirque du Freakz, Westwood Label Showcase, 8pm, Tu, $10-$50
239 W. Second St., (775) 470-8590 599 N. Lake Blvd., Tahoe City; (530) 583-3355
Chase Manhattan, Pressha, 10pm, M, $10, Ivy Lab, 11pm, W, $20-$25
Tonic Zephyr, Sell The Sun, Post Humous, Gina Rose, 8pm, $5
432 E. Fourth St., (775) 409-4431
140 Vesta St., (775) 448-6500
Live music, 5pm, no cover
Walker & Royce, Mikey Lion, 10pm, Tu, $30
Dance party, 10pm, $5
Carson Comedy Club, Carson City Nugget, 507 N. Carson St., Carson City, (775) 882-1626: Bob Zany, Fri-Sat, 8pm, $15 Laugh Factory, Silver Legacy Resort Casino, 407 N. Virginia St., (775) 3257401: K-von, Thu, Sun, 7:30pm, $21.95; Fri-Sat, 7:30pm, 9:30pm, $27.45; Murray the Magician, Tue-Wed, 7:30pm, $21.95 LEX at Grand Sierra Resort, 2500 E. Second St., (775) 789-5399: Kris Tinkle, Fri, 6:30pm, $10 The Library, 134 W. Second St., (775) 6833308: Sunday Night Comedy Open Mic, Sun, 8pm, no cover Pioneer Underground, 100 S. Virginia St., (775) 322-5233: Kris Tinkle, Thu, 7:30pm, $10-$15; Fri-Sat, 8:30pm, $12-$17
MON-WED 9/2-9/4
Sevenn, Mr. Smeaggs, 3sum, 10pm, $5-$15
Karaoke, 9pm, no cover
10069 Bridge St., Truckee, (530) 536-5029
132 West St., (775) 499-5655
Aug. 31, 8 p.m. The BlueBird 555 E. Fourth St. 499-5549
Crankdat, Butterz, TOMSIN, Kwaby, Moot, 10pm, $10-$25
214 W. Commercial Row, (775) 813-6689
Nitti Gritti
Roem Bauer, 7pm, no cover
The Moondawgs, 10pm, no cover
Panda, 8:30pm, no cover
Beatles Flashback, 7pm, no cover
Harpo De Roma, 1pm, no cover Keyser Soze, 7pm, no cover Summer End’s Zine + Tape Release, 6pm, $5
Randy Blake, 8pm, M, no cover Trivia Night, 9pm, Tu, no cover
Dogbreth, Bug Bath, Matching Jackets, 8pm, Tu, $5
JUB JUB’S THIRST PARLOR 71 S. Wells Ave., (775) 384-1652 1) Showroom 2) Bar Room
MON-WED 9/2-9/4
2) Ranchero, Little Black Cloud, Fear & Miss Trust, Eden’s Sleeves, 8pm, $5
1) Extreme Midget Wrestling, 8pm, $20
1) Mr. Criminal, Lil Cuete, 7:30pm, $20-$60
1) Black Flag, The Linecutters, 7pm, $20
1) Apathy, Celph Titled, 7:30pm, Tu, $20
941 N. Virginia St., (775) 870-9633
Jazz Jam Session Wednesdays, 7:30pm, W, no cover
Motown on Mondays, 9pm, M, no cover
188 California Ave., (775) 322-2480
1527 S. Virginia St., (775) 800-1960
DJ Trivia, 7pm, no cover
Carin Leon, Valle 3RZ, Tomas Ballardo, 10pm, $30
Hot To Trot: Reno Jazz Syndicate, 10pm, no cover
2100 Victorian Ave., Sparks, (775) 507-1626
235 Flint St., (775) 376-1948
1559 S. Virginia St., (775) 322-8864
76 N. C St., Virginia City, (775) 847-7474
T-N-Keys, 8pm, no cover
Ladies Night with DJ Bobby G, 8pm, no cover
The Sam Chase, Spike McGuire, 7pm, no cover
The Nell & Jim Band, 7pm, $12 Suspect Terrane, 9pm, no cover
Los Principes, Alacranes Musical, 10pm, no cover for women before 11pm Spaghetti Western II: Cowboy Indian, 6pm, $5 for spaghetti dinner Tequila Social, 8pm, $20-$25
715 S. Virginia St., (775) 786-4774
DG Kicks, 8pm, Tu, no cover Sweet & Lethal, 9pm, W, $5
G. Jones
DJ Bingo, 7pm, W, no cover
Karaoke, 9pm, Tu, W, no cover
Poprockz ’90s Night with DJ Zive, 10pm, no cover
Brook Lynn Hytes, 10pm, $15
Silent Disco, 10pm, $5
Ladies Night with DJs, 10pm, no cover for women, $5 for men
Noise Pollution, 8pm, $15
Alex “Muddy” Smith, 6pm, no cover
Eric Andersen, 6pm, no cover
Colin Ross, 6pm, no cover
17. S. Virginia St., (775) 284-7455
Aug. 31, 7 p.m. The Saint 761 S. Virginia St. 221-7451
DJ Trivia, M, 7:30pm, no cover
The Emo Night Tour, 9pm, $8-$12
340 Kietzke Lane, (775) 686-6681
211 N. Virginia St., (775) 433-1090
The Young Dubliners
The Young Dubliners, 3-17, 7pm, $30
761 S. Virginia St., (775) 221-7451
Bingo w/T-N-Keys, 6:30pm, Tu, no cover Krystal & Paul Duo, 6pm, W, no cover
Arizona Jones, 8:30pm, no cover
Sept. 4, 9 p.m. Cargo Concert Hall 255 N. Virginia St. 398-5400
TYLER STAFFORD: Mon, 9/2, Tue, 9/3, Wed, 9/4, 8pm, no cover
CIrCUS CIrCUS rENO 500 n. sierra st., (775) 329-0711 eL JeFe’s Cantina SKYY HIGH FRIDAY WITH DJ MO FUNK: Fri, 8/30, 10pm, no cover
Candlebox Aug. 31, 7 p.m. Nugget Casino Resort 1100 Nugget Ave. Sparks 356-3300
BOOMTOWN CASINO HOTEL 2100 Garson rd., Verdi, (775) 345-6000 Guitar Bar BROTHER DAN: Thu, 8/29, 6pm, no cover TYNAN PHILLIPS: Fri, 8/30, 6pm, no cover EBONY NOT QUITE IVORY: Fri, 8/30, Sat, 8/31, 10pm, no cover
ATLANTIS CASINO rESOrT SPA 3800 s. VirGinia st., (775) 825-4700 atLantis BaLLrooM PAM TILLIS & LORRIE MORGAN: Fri, 8/30, 8pm, $45-$65
CArSON CITY NUGGET 507 n. Carson st., Carson City, (775) 882-1626 tHe LoFt TOMMY ROCKER: Fri, 8/30, Sat, 8/31, Sun, 9/1, 9pm, no cover
CaBaret JOEY CARMON BAND: Thu, 8/29, Fri, 8/30, Sat, 8/31, 4pm, no cover
PALMORE REMIX: Fri, 8/30, Sat, 8/31, 10pm, Sun, 9/1, 8pm, no cover
AMERICAN MADE BAND: Mon, 9/2, Tue, 9/3, Wed, 9/4, 8pm, no cover
CArSON VALLEY INN 1627 Hwy. 395, Minden, (775) 782-9711 CaBaret WHISKEY MAIDEN: Thu, 8/29, 7pm, Fri, 8/30, Sat, 8/31, Sun, 9/1, 8pm, no cover
8/31, 10pm, no cover
CaBaret GOTCHA COVERED: Fri, 8/30, Sat, 8/31, 9pm, no cover
CrYSTAL BAY CASINO 14 HiGHway 28, CrystaL Bay, (775) 833-6333 red rooM ELZO B2B ECTO: Fri, 8/30, 10pm, no cover BIG STICKY MESS: Sat, 8/31, 10pm, no cover BASTARD SONS OF JOHNNY CASH: Sun, 9/1, 10pm,
After a week on the playa, burners are invited to relax and recharge in downtown Reno before heading back to “the default world.” The Great Depressurization, which kicks off on Sunday, Sept. 1, features a week of pool parties, concerts, comedy acts and other entertainment at various locations, including Circus Circus Reno, Eldorado Resort Casino, Sands Regency and Silver Legacy Resort Casino, among others. Visit
no cover
ELDOrADO rESOrT CASINO 345 n. VirGinia st., (775) 786-5700 sHowrooM THE ILLUSIONISTS EXPERIENCE: Thu, 8/29, 7pm, Fri, 8/30, 8:30pm, Sat, 8/31, 5pm & 8:30pm, Sun, 9/1, 5pm, Tue, 9/3, Wed, 9/4, 7pm, $39.95-$59.95
GrAND SIErrA rESOrT 2500 e. seCond st., (775) 789-2000 Grand tHeatre SKILLET WITH SEVENDUST: Fri, 8/30, 7:30pm, $34.40
CHRIS ISAAK: Sun, 9/1, 8pm, $35-$95
LeX niGHtCLuB THROWBACK THURSDAY WITH DJ SWERVE-1: Thu, 8/29, 6pm, no cover
LEX FRIDAYS: Fri, 8/30, 10pm, $20 LEX SATURDAYS: Sat, 8/31, 10pm, $20
tHe PooL MALTESE WITH ARISTOL3: Sun, 9/1, Mon, 9/2, Tue, 9/3, Wed, 9/4, $8-$20
Post shows online by registering at Deadline is the Friday before publication. CENTER BAR
DJ SET: Fri, 8/30, Sat, 8/31, 9pm, no cover
Sept. 1, 8 p.m. Grand Sierra Resort 2500 E. Second St. 789-2000
Tue, 9/3, $8-$20
HARD ROCK LAKE TAHOE 50 HIgHWAy 50, STATELINE, (844) 588-7625 VINyL TERRY PARRETT: Fri, 8/30, Sat, 8/31, 9pm, $20
9pm, $25
219 N. CENTER ST., (775) 786-3232
1100 NUggET AVE., SPARKS, (775) 356-3300
THE GREAT AMERICAN VARIETY SHOW: Thu, 8/29, Fri, 8/30, Sat, 8/31, 7:30pm, $27-$37
55 HIgHWAy 50, STATELINE, (775) 588-3515
8/31, Sun, 9/1, Mon, 9/2, 8pm, $24-$45
Chris Isaak
8/30, 9pm, $25, Sat, 8/31, 8:30pm & 10:30pm, $30, Sun, 9/1, 9pm, $25
OUTDOOR PLAzA THE WIZ KID: Sat, 8/31, 8pm, no cover
NUggET RIB COOK OFF—MAIN STAgE (VICTORIAN AVENUE) CRASH TEST DUMMIES: Thu, 8/29, 7pm, no cover DAVID NAIL: Fri, 8/30, 7pm, no cover CANDLEBOX: Sat, 8/31, 7pm, no cover DEVIN DAWSON: Sun, 9/1, 7pm, no cover MUMBO GUMBO: Mon, 9/2, 2pm, no cover
NUggET RIB COOK OFF—PLAzA STAgE (VICTORIAN AVENUE) THE BLUES MONSTERS: Thu, 8/29, 2pm, no cover VALENTINE RODEO: Thu, 8/29, 6pm, no cover WESLEY ORSOLIC BAND: Fri, 8/30, 11am, no cover
KING FINGER: Fri, 8/30, 2pm, no cover GARAGE BOYS: Fri, 8/30, Sat, 8/31, 6pm,
RUM BULLIONS DJ R3VOLVER: Fri, 8/30, Sat, 8/31, 9pm, no cover
no cover
JAKE’S GARAGE BAND: Sat, 8/31, 11am, no cover AUDIO SKY: Sat, 8/31, 2pm, no cover MILTON MERLOS: Sun, 9/1, 11am, no cover VALENTINE RODEO: Sun, 9/1, 2pm, no cover GREG GOLDEN: Sun, 9/1, 6pm, no cover DELTA CAT: Mon, 9/2, 11am, no cover NUGGET RIB COOK-OFF AWARDS: Mon, 9/2, 2pm, no cover
SILVER BARON LOUNgE DJ MO FUNK: Thu, 8/29, Sun, 9/1, 9pm, no cover
TAHOE BILTMORE 5 HWy. 28, CRySTAL BAy, (775) 831-0660 CASINO FLOOR CHRIS COSTA: Fri, 8/30, Sat, 8/31, 8pm, no cover
TERRACE LOUNgE SANG MATIZ: Thu, 8/29, 7pm, Fri, 8/30, Sat, 8/31, 8pm, no cover
KYLE WILLIAMS: Sun, 9/1, Mon, 9/2, Tue, 9/3, Wed, 9/4, 6pm, no cover
Fat Cat Bar & Grill (Midtown District), 1401 S. Virginia St., (775) 453-2223: Karaoke with Chapin, Tue, 9pm, no cover Pizza Baron, 1155 W. Fourth St., Ste. 113, (775) 329-4481: Wacky Wednesday Karaoke with Steve Starr & DJ Hustler, 9pm, no cover
EDgE LATIN DANCE SOCIAL WITH BB & KIKI OF SALSA RENO: Fri, 8/30, 7pm, $10-$20, no cover before 8pm
DJ EXCEL: Sat, 8/31, 10pm, $20
SILVER LEGACY RESORT CASINO 407 N. VIRgINIA ST., (775) 325-7401 gRAND EXPOSITION HALL ROBERTO TAPIA: Fri, 8/30, 8:30pm, $45.83-$64.17
The Point, 1601 S. Virginia St., (775) 3223001: Karaoke, Thu-Sat, 8:30pm, no cover Spiro’s Sports Bar & Grille, 1475 E. Prater Way, Ste. 103, Sparks, (775) 356-6000: Karaoke, Fri-Sat, 9pm, no cover West 2nd Street Bar, 118 W. Second St., (775) 348-7976: Karaoke, Mon-Sun, 9pm, no cover
FOR THE WEEK OF augusT 29, 2019 For a complete listing of this week’s events or to post events to our online calendar, visit FREE OUTDOOR SUMMER MOVIES AT SQUAW VALLEY: Families and friends can snuggle up under the stars while enjoying new releases and family classics on the big screen in the Events Plaza at The Village at Squaw Valley. Blankets and warm clothes are recommended. This week’s film is Lego Movie 2. Thu, 8/29, 8:30pm. Free. The Village at Squaw Valley, 1960 Squaw Valley Road, Olympic Valley,
The 33rd annual event features some of the best Native American dancers, singers and drummers from across the country. Vendors will sell traditional native foods and handcrafted silverwork, beadwork, baskets and other Native American traditional and fine art. The grand entry will include over 200 dances of all ages. Other events happening in connection with the weekend celebration include a community feed, a three-mile walk/run and the 5.2 mile Warrior Run. The grand entry, when the dancers enter the arena, starts at on 7 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 30, 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 31, and at noon on Sept. 1 at the Hungry Valley Pow Wow Grounds, 266 Loop Road, off Eagle Canyon Road, in Hungry Valley, about 19 miles north of Reno. Admission is free. Call 338-3723.
CARSON CITY GHOST WALK: Carson City’s rich and intriguing history is explored and theatrically re-lived in this guided walking tour of the downtown district’s west side historic homes and businesses. Hear about lingering spirits, paranormal stories and gossip from the past. Tours leave rain or shine. Please arrive at least 10 minutes before the walk begins. Sat, 8/31, 7pm. $15-$20. McFadden Plaza, 310 S. Carson St., Carson City, (775) 348-6279,
150TH V&T ANNIVERSARY TRAIN: Celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Virginia & Truckee Railway with an on-board performance and portrayal of business tycoon William Sharon, the “father of the Virginia & Truckee Railroad.” Fri, 8/30, 10am. $35-$55. Carson City Eastgate Depot, 4650 Eastgate Siding Road, Carson City,
ALPEN WINE FEST: The 31st annual event includes an all-inclusive wine tasting from more than 40 wineries, live music and a silent auction. All proceeds benefit Can Do MS. Sun, 9/1, 2pm. $40-$60. Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows, 1960 Squaw Valley Road, Olympic Valley,
CIVIL WAR DAYS & BATTLE TRAIN: Hundreds of Civil War reenactors will battle along the route of the Virginia & Truckee Railroad and even in the middle of C Street as part of the Labor Day Parade. Dress in your finest Victorian garb and join the ladies for a high tea or take a ride on an evening champagne train and see a battle from your seat. Fri, 8/30Mon, 9/2. Prices vary. Various locations in Virginia City,
BEST IN THE WEST NUGGET RIB COOK-OFF: Two dozen of the world’s top barbecue cooks compete for prizes and bragging rights to the best ribs in the West during the 31st annual festival. The end-ofsummer celebration also features arts and crafts vendors, a kids’ area and live entertainment on two stages. Thu, 8/29-Mon, 9/2, 10:30am. Free. Victorian Square, 764-794 Victorian Ave., Sparks, (775) 356-3300,
FOAM FEST: The craft beer festival features
more than 25 breweries and 40 different types of beer to keep you sampling all afternoon. ALO and Lost Whiskey Engine headline the festival. All proceeds from the event will benefit Achieve Tahoe. Sat, 8/31, 2pm. $35-$45. Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows, 1960 Squaw Valley Road, Olympic Valley,
From an early date, Georgia O’Keeffe’s reputation as an artist was tied to her image—a public person crafted principally through photography of Alfred Stieglitz, Ansel Adams and Todd Webb. This talk presented by Ariel Plotek, curator of fine at the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum in Santa Fe, New Mexico, focuses on photographs from the museum’s collection. Thu, 8/29, 6pm. $5-$12. Nevada Museum of Art, 160 W. Liberty St., (775) 329-3333.
GOOD NATURE! WALKING TOURS FOR SENIORS: Use photography, art and nature to discover the benefits that plants bring to our everyday lives and how plants have the power to make our world possible. Enjoy light conversation, being outdoors and learning new things. Tours will be led by volunteers of the May Arboretum. Registration is required. Email Danielle at dornelas@ Fri, 8/30, 9am. Wilbur D. May Arboretum & Botanical Gardens, 1502 Washington St., (775) 785-4153.
HEAVENLY VILLAGE MIDWAY ART & MUSIC FESTIVAL: This Labor Day weekend event includes carnival rides, an art show, caricature artists, jugglers, fortune tellers, face painters, a 5k run and a classic car show ’n’ shine. There will also be two stages featuring regional and local artists performing bluegrass, funk, country and rock. The Second Annual Midway 5k Run will kick off festivities on Saturday, Aug. 31, at noon. Entry fees for the run are $20-$30. Fri, 8/30-Sun, 9/1, 8am. Free. Heavenly Village, 1001 Heavenly Village Way, South Lake Tahoe,
LABOR DAY WEEKEND STEAM UP: Visit the Nevada State Railroad Museum during Labor Day weekend to experience a steam train ride behind Virginia & Truckee locomotive No. 25. View the Glenbrook, a wood-burning locomotive built in 1875, in operation during the weekend. Sat, 8/31-Mon, 9/2, 10am-4pm. Nevada State Railroad Museum, Carson City, 2180 S. Carson St., Carson City,
NEW COINS AT THE NEVADA STATE MUSEUM: The Reno Coin Club and the Nevada State Museum will run the old 1869 coin press, minting a replica 1870-CC half dollar to celebrate 150th anniversary of the mint and old coin press No. 1. All the new U.S. coins will be available, including a new club medal commemorating Eva Adams, U.S. Mint director from 1961-1969, and the moon landing in 1969. There will also be a display of ancient and obsolete U.S. coins. Fri, 8/30, 10am. $0-$8. Nevada State Museum, 600 N. Carson St., Carson City,
RAINBOW WALK: Join a naturalist for a walk down the Rainbow Trail. Learn all about the connections between Lake Tahoe and the meadow, marsh and stream located at the Taylor Creek Visitor Center. Fri, 8/30, 10:30am. Taylor Creek Visitor Center, 35 Visitor Center Road, South Lake Tahoe,
RENO 1868 FC: Reno’s professional soccer
team plays Portland Timbers 2. Sat, 8/31, 6:45pm. $15-$75. Greater Nevada Field, 250 Evans Ave.,
RENO STREET FOOD—FOOD TRUCK FRIDAY: The weekly food truck events features over 30 rotating gourmet food, craft desserts, beer, wine and mixed drink vendors. Enjoy live music, free parking, a large playground and train rides for the kids. Fri, 8/30, 4pm. Free. Idlewild Park, 2055 Idlewild Drive, (775) 825-2665.
TAHOE STAR TOURS: Led by amateur astronomer and poet Tony Berendsen, each tour of the night sky includes a lively science-based talk about the cosmos and telescopic view of the constellations through high-powered, professional Celestron telescopes. Thu, 8/29, Sat, 8/31, 8pm. $25-$45. Northstar Cosmoarium, 5001 Northstar Drive, Truckee,
WHEELED FOOD WEDNESDAYS: The BAC hosts this food truck event every Wednesday through Sept. 19. Wed, 9/4, 5:30pm. Free. Brewery Arts Center, 449 W. King St., Carson City, (775) 883-1976.
aRT ARTIST CO-OP GALLERY RENO: Our Western Landscape. The Artist Co-Op Gallery presents its fundraising art show. Thu, 8/29-Sat, 8/31, 11am-4pm. Free. Artist Co-Op Gallery Reno, 627 Mill St.,
MCKINLEY ARTS & CULTURE CENTER GALLERY EAST: EMERGE. McKinley Gallery East presents works by Ricardo Rubalcaba,
Kyle Brown and Beck Neal. Thu, 8/29-Fri, 8/30, 8am-5pm. Free. McKinley Arts & Culture Center, 925 Riverside Drive, (775) 334-6264.
MCKINLEY ARTS & CULTURE CENTER GALLERY WEST: Sun Shadows—Nevada Botanical Cyanotypes. McKinley Gallery West presents a show produced by Laika Press and created by local community members and artists. There will be a reception on Aug. 29, 5-7pm. Thu, 8/29Fri, 8/30, 8am-5pm. Free. McKinley Arts & Culture Center, 925 Riverside Drive, (775) 334-6264,.
RENO CITY HALL METRO GALLERY: Bound Figure and Made Up Bodies. The Reno City Hall Metro Gallery features paintings and ceramics by Tom Drakulich. Thu, 8/29-Fri, 8/30, 8am5pm. Free. Reno City Hall Metro Gallery, 1 E. First St., (775) 334-6264.
ONsTagE AN EVENING WITH KURT ELLING AND THE RENO JAZZ ORCHESTRA: The Grammy Awardwinning jazz vocalist Kurt will perform accompanied by the 18-piece Reno Jazz Orchestra. Fri, 8/30, 7:30pm. $32-$40. Pioneer Center for the Performing Arts, 100 S. Virginia St., (775) 686-6600; Sat, 8/31, 7:30pm. $29-$89. Sand Harbor State Park, 2005 Highway 28, Incline Village,
BLUESDAYS: The 10th annual outdoor concert series concludes with a performance by Popa Chubby. Tue, 9/3, 6:30pm. Free. Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows, 1960 Squaw Valley Road, Olympic Valley,
CONCERTS AT COMMONS BEACH: The summer concert series concludes with a performance by Lebo & Friends. Sun, 9/1, 4pm. Free. Commons Beach, 400 N. Lake Blvd., Tahoe City,
LIVE AT LAKEVIEW: The summer concert series concludes with a performance by J. Ras & The Higher Elevation with opening acts Miki Rae and Taking Root. Thu, 8/29, 4:30pm. Free. Lakeview Commons, Highway 50 and Lakeview Avenue, South Lake Tahoe,
THE NEW YORK BEE GEES: The tribute show delivers songs from every decade of the Bee Gees catalog. Tue, 9/3, 8pm. $43.60-$65.40. Pioneer Center for the Performing Arts, 100 S. Virginia St., (775) 686-6600.
REMEMBERING JAMES: The Valhalla Arts, Music and Theatre Festival concludes with Remembering James, which tells the story of The Godfather of Soul, James Brown. Spanning early two decades of what would become a monumental career, audiences will see how a divided country, the growing Civil Rights movement and the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. shaped the artists’ work. Fri, 8/30, 7:30pm. $22-$34. Valhalla Tahoe, 1 Valhalla Road, South Lake Tahoe,
SANS MERCI: Black Ice Theatre Co. presents by this drama by Johnna Adams. Kelly, an idealistic young woman and a survivor of rape and attempted murder by South American revolutionaries, is visited three years after the attack by the conservative mother of Tracy, the other victim. Slowly, the survivor and mother dance through their grief at losing Tracy, while negotiating the truth of what brought the two young women together, why they undertook their dangerous humanitarian mission, and what happened on that final day. Contains adult content, language and nudity. Thu, 8/29-Sat, 8/31; Sun, 9/1, 2:30pm. $15-$18. Duke Theater, Lake Tahoe Community College, 1 College Drive, South Lake Tahoe, sansmerci.
Charlie Brawn If a guy is trying to amp up his attractiveness by working out, what areas of the body should he focus on? What do women notice and want? And how much of that can I get without any kind of surgery or dangerous potions? Women seem to go for the body shape that evolutionary psychologists Rebecca Burch and Laura Johnsen refer to as “Captain Dorito.” This describes the golden triangle seen in cartoonishly masculinized male superhero bodies: broad shoulders leading down into a small tight waist and butt. As for why women might have evolved to prefer this body type, evolutionary psychologist David Buss explains in Evolutionary Psychology: The New Science of the Mind that ancestral women were obviously better off with a “physically formidable” partner, able to protect them and their children. The inner biochemical landscape of physical formidability is high testosterone. Accordingly, Buss notes that, in men, high testosterone is associated with a very masculine body and facial features like a square jaw and more pronounced cheekbones. Noting that high levels of testosterone compromise the immune system, Buss cites psychologist Victor S. Johnston’s observation that only males who are very healthy can “afford” to produce high levels of testosterone during their development. The bodies of less healthy males need to suppress T production so they can hang on to the limited immune resources they have. “If Johnston’s argument is correct,” Buss adds, women’s preference for masculine features is “a preference for a healthy male.” And interestingly, in nations where overall health is poor, women show an especially strong preference for more masculine faces. The same goes for women who are more easily yucked out by cues to pathogen-causing diseases—substances and things that could contain infectious microorganisms, like poo, sexual fluids and dead bodies. As for you, when you hit the gym, your areas of focus should be your shoulders, arms and butt. However, you should do wholebody workouts, too, lest you end up pairing superhero pecs with broomstick thighs and calves.
Even if you’re built like a paper cut and can’t bulk up a lot, just looking strong, especially in the essential areas, is a step in the right direction.
Not a good lurk My girlfriends and I have had this experience numerous times: A guy who’s interested in one of us will suddenly stop texting us but then reappear a few months later liking our social media posts. This just happened to me. It’s about three months since he vanished, and he’s suddenly all up in my Instagram. Why do guys do this? This guy might’ve initially been interested in you. However, chances are you eventually became what evolutionary psychologists like Joshua Duntley call a “backup mate” (basically the dating-andmating version of a spare tire). Duntley’s work suggests humans evolved to identify and cultivate backup mates so we wouldn’t be left high and dry for long if our main boo died or ran off with the hot neighbor. I know ... so romantic. That said, it isn’t wrong to have backup mates. Research by Duntley and his colleagues points to many or most of us having them, though we’re often not aware of it. The thing is, this guy’s disappearing and then sliding back into your life with likes on some of your Instagram posts, is a big red flag. Character is revealed in how people behave when they feel they have nothing to gain from someone. Maybe this guy got the hots for some other woman and the lukewarms for you. Or maybe he just got busy. Whatever the reason, it takes minimal effort to make a kind exit—even saying, “I’ve got a lot going on right now, and I need to take a break from talking.” When someone shows themselves to be a jerk, you may want to broom them out of even the edges of your life. This is clickably easy on Instagram, thanks to the block function. Blocking a guy like this should be a wise preemptive measure. Ω
Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave., No. 280, Santa Monica, CA 90405, or email (
08.29.19 | RN&R | 25
Free will astrology
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For the week oF Aug. 29, 2019
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ARIES (March 21-April 19): Here are examples of
activities I recommend you try in the coming days. 1. Build a campfire on the beach with friends and regale each other with stories of your most interesting successes. 2. Buy eccentric treasures at a flea market and ever thereafter refer to them as your holy icons. 3. Climb a hill and sit on the grass as you sing your favorite songs and watch the moon slowly rise over the eastern horizon. 4. Take naps when you’re not supposed to. 5. Sneak into an orchard at night and eat fruit plucked just moments before. 6. Tell a beloved person a fairy tale in which he or she is the hero.
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TAURUS (April 20-May 20): The hardiest creature
on the planet may be the bacterium known as Deinococcus radiodurans. It can endure exposure to radiation, intense cold, dehydration, acid and vacuum. I propose we make it your power creature for the coming weeks. Why? Not because I expect you’ll have to deal with a lot of extreme conditions, but rather because I think you’ll be exceptionally robust, both physically and psychologically. If you’ve been waiting for the right time to succeed at demanding challenges that require you to be in top form, now is a good time to do it. P.S. Deinococcus radiodurans is colloquially referred to as Conan the Bacterium, borrowing from the spirit of the fictional character Conan the Barbarian, who is renowned for his strength and agility.
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26 | rN&r | 08.29.19
by ROb bRezsny
Geminis, retreating into a state akin to hibernation makes sense during the end of August and the first three weeks of September. But since many of you are high-energy sophisticates, you often override your body’s signals. And then nature pushes back by compelling you to slow down. The result may be a rhythm that feels like constantly taking three steps forward and two steps backward. May I suggest a different approach this year? Would you consider surrendering, even slightly, to the invitation to relax and recharge?
CANCER (June 21-July 22): If you decide to travel to a
particular place via hot air balloon, you must be prepared for the possibility that your route will be indirect. At different altitudes, the wind may be blowing in different directions—toward the east at a hundred feet high, but toward the southwest at two hundred feet. The trick for the pilot is to jockey up and down until finding a layer that’s headed toward the desired destination. I see your life right now as having a metaphorical resemblance to this riddle. You have not yet discovered the layer that will take you where you want to go. But I bet you will soon.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Considering how bright
you have been burning since the Flame Angels designated you as the Hottest Cool Person of the Month, I hesitate to urge you to simmer down. But I must. Before there’s a meltdown in your vicinity, please lower your thermostat. Not a lot. Just a little. If you do that, everyone will continue to see your gleaming charisma in the best possible light. But don’t you dare extinguish your blaze. Don’t apologize for your brilliant shimmer. The rest of us need your magical radiance.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Shogun is a bestselling
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novel about an Englishman who transforms himself into a samurai warrior in seventeenthcentury Japan. Written by James Clavell, it’s more than 1,100 pages long. Clavell testified that the idea for the story sprang up in him when he read one line in his daughter’s school book: “In 1600 an Englishman went to Japan and became a samurai.” I suspect it’s highly likely you will soon encounter a seed like that—a bare inspiration that will eventually bloom into a Big Thing.
said that Mantle compensated for his injury with “neuromuscular genius.” I’m thinking that in the next few weeks you’re in a position to accomplish an equivalent of Mantle’s heroic adjustment.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Most people who belong
to the Church of Satan neither believe in nor worship Satan. (They’re atheists, and don’t believe in the supernatural.) I think a comparable principle is true for many right-wing fundamentalist Christians. Their actions and words are replete with bigotry, hard-heartedness, materialism and selfishness—so contrary to what the real Jesus Christ taught that they in effect don’t believe in or worship Christ. I mention this in hopes of inspiring you to take inventory of whether your stated ideals are reflected in the practical details of how you live your life. That’s always an interesting and important task, of course, but it’s especially so for you right now. The coming weeks will be an excellent time to purge any hypocrisy from your system and get your actual behavior in close alignment with your deepest values.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): It’s the right time
for you to create a fresh mission statement and promotional campaign. For inspiration, read mine: “My column ‘Free Will Astrology’ offers you a wide selection of realities to choose from. With 4,212 years of dedication to customer service (over the course of my last 13 incarnations), I’m a reliable ally supporting your efforts to escape your oppressive conditioning and other people’s hells. My horoscopes come with an ironclad guarantee: If the advice you read is wrong, you’re under no obligation to believe it. And remember: A panel of 531 experts has determined that ‘Free Will Astrology’ is an effective therapy for your chronic wounds and primordial pain. It is also dramatic proof that there is no good reason to be afraid of life.”
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Here are good ques-
tions for you to meditate on during the next four weeks. 1. How can you attract resources that will expand your mind and your world? 2. Are you bold enough to reach out to wise sources and provocative influences that could connect you with useful tricks and practical treasures? 3. What interesting lessons can you stir up as you explore the mercurial edges, skirt the changeable boundaries, journey to catalytic frontiers and make pilgrimages to holy hubbubs? 4. How best can you encourage lyrical emotion over polished sentimentality? Joyous idealism over astringent zealotry? Exuberant integrity over formulaic kindness?
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): “It is the beginning of
wisdom when you recognize that the best you can do is choose which rules you want to live by,” wrote author Wallace Stegner, “and it’s persistent and aggravated imbecility to pretend you can live without any.” That will be an excellent meditation for you during the coming weeks. I trust you are long past the time of fantasizing you can live without any rules. Your challenge now is to adjust some of the rules you have been living by, or even dare to align yourself with some new rules—and then completely commit yourself to being loyal to them and enjoying them.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Given the astrological
omens that will symbolize your personal story in the coming weeks and months, I think Piscean author Nikos Kazantzakis articulated the perfect prescription for you. I invite you to interpret his thoughts to fit your circumstances. “We’re going to start with small, easy things,” he wrote. “Then, little by little we shall try our hand at the big things. And after that, after we finish the big things, we shall undertake the impossible.” Here’s an additional prod from Kazantzakis: “Reach what you cannot.”
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Libran athlete Mickey
Mantle is in Major League Baseball’s Hall of Fame. He had a spectacular 18-year career, winning the Most Valuable Player Award three times, playing in 12 World Series and being selected to the All-Star team 16 times. So it’s astounding that he played with a torn ligament in his knee for 17 years, according to his biographer Jane Leavy. She quoted an orthopedic surgeon who
You can call Rob Brezsny for your Expanded Weekly Horoscope: (900) 950-7700. $1.99 per minute. Must be 18+. Touchtone phone required. Customer service (612) 373-9785. And don’t forget to check out Rob’s website at
by MAtt BiEKER
Feeding a village
make all of this happen and, you know, and putting up a big structure, albeit for two months.
Where are we sitting right now? How does this whole set up work?
Heidi Rich
What happened after the explosion? Our team was amazing in that, you know, the same day that all of that happened—I mean, obviously, we still had people to feed. We still had summer groups, summer conferences, summer school, students that were living in Argenta, and all those people needed to eat. So immediately we converted what was the Overlook Cafe into our dining hall and were able to offer food for the first responders, food for the students, and food for the summer
The July 5 boiler explosion at Argenta and Nye Halls rendered the two buildings unlivable one month before the start of the fall semester. And while the problem of where to house over a thousand new students was obvious, the damage to the Down Under Cafe (the main dining hall on campus) raised another question—how to feed them. Heidi Rich is the Marketing Director for Nevada Dining, which worked with outside vendors to create Howler Village, several furnished, climate controlled tents meant to provide students lunch and dinner for most of the fall semester before a new, semi-permanent structure is slated to take its place this November.
camps and groups and conferences that had already contracted to be here with the university. So, I mean, it was within a matter of hours that we were like, “Here’s what we’re doing. Here’s how it’s going to happen, and here’s how it’s going to function for the rest of the summer.”
How did you decide on tents? Our district manager who works here on campus, he was just immediately thinking of solutions and brought in external companies, reached out to schools that had similar disaster type scenarios or, you know, just kind of quick-fix kitchens, dining options, things like that. And so we ended up connecting with a company called Kitchens To Go, and they were able to come in and help offer some solutions both short term and then longer term. And then it was working with the university, and the university’s been amazing partners in helping to
So we are in Howler village, and Howler village is phase one of our two-phase dining solution, or temporary dining solution. So, the eatery at Overlook is operating as our primary dining hall for the next two years while Argenta is being rebuilt. Howler Village as phase one is, kind of, temporary hospitality tents. We’ve got the service tent. We’ve got the three seating, dining areas. We’ve got the patio pavilion where we’ve got games. We’ve got Connect Four, Cornhole, things like that for the students to just come out and enjoy, connect, you know, meet new people, build existing relationships—all that good stuff—and just have a good meal. Howler village will be up until, like, mid-November, and then, in the next couple of weeks, they’ll start working on the Den. And the Den will be down in the in the grass area, or the Jot Travis lawn. Right in between the Jot Travis building and Thompson. Right. That will be a semi-permanent, modular sprung structure where it’ll be all encompassing. All the tables and the chairs and the kitchen, will all be in one area.
So we’ll go from four or five good sized tents to one larger structure? Yeah, and that’ll be like—The Overlook and the Den will be what gets us through the remainder of time until the Argenta building is rebuilt. Ω
The great editor If you’re running a weekly newspaper, credibility is a real nice thing to attain. Indeed, it’s the one trait a paper needs to attain. And doggone it, last week we lost, in a flash, a truly valuable Minister of Cred. Dennis Myers was my editor here for the last … well, lots of years. I would send my column in every week (pushing my deadline to the wall more often than not, which kinda drove him occasionally cuckoo, but he was an admirably tolerant man), and there were plenty of times I’d get a reply. If he was making a correction or chiding me for some sloppy inaccuracy (and doing so in a smooth and professional way), I gotta admit the dude was correct about 99 times out of 100. Rare and memorable were the instances where I could justify my position after his initial finger-wag.
And if he had praise for a sentence, a graf or a column, it was nice. A compliment from Dennis meant something. The guy was a stone cold pro’s pro. On occasion, I would harken back to our old fart roots and Boomer cultural context, and quote good ole Perry White, the editor of The Daily Planet, that great metropolitan newspaper that was home to reporters Clark Kent, Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen. I would borrow Perry’s timelessly memorable favorite oath, and say something along the lines of, “Great Ceasar’s Ghost, Myers, I’ve given you the lede of the century!” (A statement to which D.M. rarely agreed.) So, yeah, my Perry White has departed The Daily Planet. His replacement will not be easily found. There are times when a columnist deeply appreciates his ass being
saved by his editor, and the best save Dennis ever bestowed upon me happened on the day after the Nightmare Election of 2016. That incendiary event took place on a Tuesday night, but my latest possible deadline was Tuesday morning. Feeling I simply had to write about the election, I said to myself, “Oh, fuck it, of course, Hillary is gonna win,” and then cranked out an excellent celebratory column, hailing Hill’s historic achievement while also declaring that the Republicans, as a party, were now Total Toast. It was good stuff. Unfortunately, by Wednesday morning, it had a slight accuracy problem. I sent Dennis a message that accursed morning after a shitty night of sleep. “Great Caesar’s Ghost, Myers, I’m a chowderhead! And a fool!” His reply was swift. “You’ve got 20 minutes. Not 21. 20.” My reply? “I’m on it!” Ω