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women on wheels HAvoc motorcycle club See Arts&Culture, page 14

Movie guy BoB griMM has high hopes for the season's new flicks

s e rv i n g n o rt h e r n n e va d a , ta h o e a n d t r u c k e e

Email lEttERS to RENolEttERS@NEwSREviEw.Com.

Generally excellent Welcome to this week’s Reno News & Review. Some good news for once! We did really well in the Nevada Press Association’s annual Better Newspaper and Magazine Contest. I’m especially happy to see that Dennis Myers got some posthumous recognition, and I’m proud of Matt Bieker’s all-star performance in his rookie year. In our category, Urban Weeklies, Dennis won first place for News Feature Story. That was for “The secret history of Reno,” his thorough telling of the story of the city, including its history of hate crimes. He also won second place for Investigative Story and second place for Business Feature. Matt won first place for Explanatory Journalism, second place for Local Column, and third place for Business Feature. He’s also one of the names on our first-place plaque for Page One Design, alongside our designers Maria Ratinova and Sarah Hansel, and last year’s Best of Northern Nevada artist, Jaxon Northon. Our critics did well: Movie reviewer Bob Grimm won first place for Critical Writing, and our theater critic, Jessica Santina, took second place. Arts writer extraordinaire Kris Vagner won second place for Feature Writing for her story “Walled in.” As did our columnists: Sheila Leslie won first place for Local Non-staff Column, while Bruce Van Dyke took third in the same category. Meanwhile, I took third place for Local Column. The folks on the advertising side did well, too. Designer Cathy Arnold won second place for InHouse Advertising Promotion, and the advertising team won first place for Special Section or Campaign for the Kids News & Review. And the paper won some overall awards: Third place for Overall Design, and we won the big one: first place in General Excellence. I’m really proud of the efforts of everyone on the team. It’s been a tough year for many of us personally, and we’ve kicked butt despite the setbacks. Big congrats, fam!

—Brad Bynum bradb@ ne ws r ev i ew . com







Take action


What issues is the local community most interested in this election period? This was the question asked by a local social-action group, ACTIONN, when it sponsored 30 focus groups of local voters this past summer and spent September organizing the results. “We are giving local candidates a gift,” explained Daphne DeLeon, a member of ACTIONN. “We pulled together the information and will be presenting it to candidates who are interested in talking with us about what we found,” she said. An audience of about 200 gathered at Little Flower Catholic Church in Reno for the presentation of the Community Platform Thursday, Oct. 3. The platform has four areas of focus: housing, immigration, education and health care. The housing concerns are to significantly increase the creation and preservation of affordable housing for low- and middle-income communities; to protect renters from evictions due to rising rents; and to ensure equitable and sustainable development for low-income communities of color. Immigration issues are to increase legal resources and information available to the immigrant community; and to ensure that all immigrants, regardless of status, are safe and protected in our community. Education concerns are to attract and retain quality teachers, to decrease class sizes, and to address economic and racial disparities in our schools. Health care issues are to increase access and affordability of mental health services, to increase access and affordability to substance abuse treatment, and to support local solutions to increase overall access and affordability of healthcare. “We will be watching local office holders, being sure to follow through thanking those who advance the community concerns we have identified and calling out those who work against them,” ACTIONN member Kelby Peeler explained to the audience. “It is sort of a thank and spank approach,” he added. Ruth Stacy Reno

Re “Dreamer” (Letters to the editor, Oct. 03): Dreamer looks both ways and whispers, “Is socialism in the room with us now?” The dictionary definition of socialism is very unlike your fear. I don’t see our government taking over business and industry over private ownership. Activist channel Fox News uses the “red meat” word “socialism” about every 10 minutes, but though they try to convince its viewers that socialism is a threat, alas it is not. If you’re so convinced that socialism is going to ruin our democracy, then you should opt out of your own social security. … You don’t want folks to think you’re a socialist/communist, right? Our fire departments, police departments, FBI, CIA … these are all funded by the collective citizens or, in other words, a social framework. Our roads and bridges and infrastructure are paid for by the collective citizens, or a social framework. Socialism is only an economic theory of social organization that believes that the means of making, moving and trading wealth should be owned or controlled by the community as a whole. I don’t see this in the United States. The term “American Dream” was apparently invented in 1931 by historian James Truslow Adams; he was referring to “That dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for every man, with opportunity for each according to his ability or achievement.” Kelley Shewmaker Reno

South, Luka Starmer, Kris Vagner, Bruce Van Dyke, Allison Young

Our Mission: To publish great newspapers that are successful and enduring. To create a quality work environment that encourages employees to grow professionally while respecting personal welfare. To have a positive impact on our communities and make them better places to live. Editor Brad Bynum Associate Editor Jeri Davis Special Projects Editor Matt Bieker Calendar Editor Kelley Lang Contributors Amy Alkon, Mark Earnest, Bob Grimm, Oliver Guinan, Andrea Heerdt, Holly Hutchings, Shelia Leslie, Eric Marks, Kelsey Penrose, Jessica Santina, Todd

Creative Services Manager Elisabeth Bayard Arthur Art Directors Maria Ratinova, Sarah Hansel Art of Information Director Serene Lusano Publications Designer Katelynn Mitrano Publications & Advertising Designer Nikki Exerjian Ad Designers Naisi Thomas, Cathy Arnold Office Manager Lisa Ryan Sales Manager Gina Odegard Advertising Consultant Caleb Furlong, Owen Bryant

Horse whispers Re “From the horse’s mouth” (News, Oct. 03): Thank you for elucidating the so-called “Path Forward” that is being presented before Congress. As a lifetime observer and supporter of the naturally living horses and burros, I see this plan as a spiritless compromise that abandons the true rights of the wild horses and wild burros upon their legal habitats on BLM and U.S. Forest Service lands. There has already been far too much compromise—the many millions of acres

Distribution Director Greg Erwin Distribution Manager Bob Christensen Distribution Drivers Alex Barskyy, Corey Sigafoos, Gary White, Joe Wilson, Marty Troye, Timothy Fisher, Vicki Jewell, Olga Barska, Rosie Martinez, Adam Martinez, Duane Johnson, Linda Berlemann President/CEO Jeff VonKaenel Director of Nuts & Bolts Deborah Redmond Director of People & Culture David Stogner Director of Dollars & Sense Debbie Mantoan Nuts & Bolts Ninja Norma Huerta Payroll/AP Wizard Miranda Hansen Account Jedi Jessica Kislanka Sweetdeals Coordinator Trish Marche Developer John Bisignano

System Support Specialist Kalin Jenkins N&R Publications Editor Debbie Arrington N&R Publications Associate Editors Derek McDow, Thea Rood N&R Publications Editorial Team Anne Stokes, Nisa Smith Marketing & Publications Lead Consultant Elizabeth Morabito Marketing & Publications Consultants Steve Caruso, Joseph Engle, Sherri Heller, Celeste Worden, Rod Maloy, Julia Ballantyne Cover design Maria Ratinova








that have been zeroed out and the atrocious, so-called Appropriate Management Levels that have been assigned to the herds, 177 left on BLM lands and only a relative handful on USFS lands. Livestock receives 85 percent of the forage allocation within the reduced Herd Management Areas, which is against the Wild Free Roaming Horses and Burros Act, which names the wild horses and burros as recipients of the principal resources. The “Path Forward” is a path backward to the days when people did whatever they wanted to and with the free-roaming horses and burros, and it aims to have only a paltry number of semidomesticated horses and burros left as mere tokens that will have the “wild” taken out of them, at least in their realized lives. And this would be a terrible shame and disgrace to America! (See my book, The Wild Horse Conspiracy, for further details.) Craig Downer Minden


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by matt bieker

Scariest movie memory? aSKeD at century riverSiDe theaterS, 11 n. Sierra St. McK ayl a Stutz Financial consultant

That’s an easy one. When I was a kid, I was terrified of the Gremlins. I had to be about 6 or 7 when I watched it, and it scared me so bad I couldn’t sleep at night. It was a home movie night, me and my family, and joke’s on them because it ruined everybody’s day. DaviD tille y Visitor Services at NMA

I saw about 30 seconds worth of the 1980s remake of Invaders From Mars when I was maybe 7, and it’s seared into my memory. There’s this bit where people are falling through the sand and people are getting stabbed in their necks, and I’m a little scaredy cat 8-yearold, and I couldn’t handle it.

l ana chriStian Project manager

Shut down hate On Monday, some students at the University of Nevada, Reno, gathered to listen to a visiting speaker, while others protested outside of the venue. College campuses are meant to be places for discussion, for debate, places where people can go to be exposed to knowledge and opinions different from their own. But protests against speakers are becoming increasingly common—and with good reason. That’s because students aren’t protesting free speech. They’re protesting hate speech. The speaker who came to UNR early this week was Charlie Kirk, founder of the conservative group Turning Point USA (TPUSA), which has chapters on campuses across the nation. He says that his group denounces racism. At the beginning of his UNR speech, which was the kickoff to his “Cultural War Tour” of eight universities, Kirk told the crowd, “The evil, wicked ideology of white supremacy has no place in our organization.” That said, let’s take a brief look at the racism that’s come from within TPUSA since its founding in 2012: Crystal Clanton, former national field director for the group, sent text messages to another employee of the group saying, “I HATE BLACK PEOPLE. Like fuck them all … I hate blacks. End of story.” Before she said it, Kirk had said of Clanton, “Turning Point needs more Crystals; so does America.” Clanton was replaced by Troy Meeker and Shialee Grooman. Both are known to have used anti-Black slurs on Twitter, and Grooman has also made anti-gay tweets.

Kirk’s own Twitter feed hasn’t been clean either. He once tweeted the following fallacious statistic: “Fact: A police officer is 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed man is to be killed by a police officer.” In 2018, TPUSA’s Student Action Summit listed Gab—a white supremacist-friendly social media platform—as one of its sponsors before quietly dropping the company’s name from the event shortly before it occurred. Anyone remember plagiarizer and former BuzzFeed editor Benny Johnson? He’s TPUSA’s chief “creative officer”—and he kicked off one of the group’s events by saying, “Oh, my God. I’ve never seen so many white people in one room. This is incredible.” TPUSA is not just a conservative group. It’s a hate group, and those who protested Charlie Kirk’s appearance at UNR were right to do so. Swastikas have been found painted on campus in recent years. The community was ashamed when we learned that a UNR student had marched in the white nationalist rally in Charlottesville—the rally that turned deadly. We should rally as a community to protect free speech when it’s under threat. Hate speech is something else entirely. We should rally together to condemn it. In the future, UNR’s administration should consider joining the protests. Ω

Predator. Just the thought that there was something that you couldn’t that see was coming after you. I saw it in theaters. I went with my husband at the time. Hellraiser came out around the same time, and it was nothing compared to Predator.

eugene SiMon Engineer

Probably, when I was younger, Chucky. It was when he popped out of the closet and started stabbing people out of the blue. I was probably like 5 or 7, in that age group. I still love it, though.

Steve loMbarDi Retired psychotherapist

If there is such a movie I don’t remember. … None really. I don’t know what it is—I have no reason to be afraid of fictional stuff, even if it’s historical fiction. Nothing can come out of the screen and hurt me.

10.10.19    |   RN&R   |   3







On the house As I sloshed through muddy water up to my ankles on my trek through the Reno airport’s surface lot during our first minisnowstorm, I wondered why people and their suitcases are forced through a deep puddle of muck to get to their cars. Has no one noticed the drain at the only pedestrian entrance isn’t working? If it’s a chronic problem, why not move the entrance to higher ground? It seems like a problem that can be solved. But there are no easy solutions for our Lemmon Valley neighbors who have suffered greatly from flooding in recent years, with more to come if we have another wet winter. And now we have to worry about future residents of the just-approved Daybreak project who undoubtedly will be facing their own flooding disaster in years to come since our city council has decided building risks present in a floodplain can be mitigated by developer promises. Three Council members—Jenny Brekhus, Naomi Duerr and Mayor Hillary Schieve—voted against the Daybreak

project, which will produce 3,995 housing units in a large floodplain in southeast Reno. Although proponents of the development dismissed the overwhelming community opposition as NIMBYs, people from all over the valley were opposed to the project, which doesn’t comply with the Re-Imagine Reno Master Plan and has lots of environmental concerns—including mercury contamination, a nearby high-hazard dam holding back effluent and potentially devastating floods, which may also impact existing neighborhoods. Proponents claim the need for housing is more important than these concerns, ignoring the key lesson learned from the Lemmon Valley debacle about the danger of building homes in a floodplain. The housing crisis directly affects an astonishing 47 percent of Reno’s residents who rent and must abide by Nevada’s tenant-landlord laws that are decidedly prolandlord when compared to other states. ACTIONN, a local advocacy group, has been working hard to create momentum

around solutions for housing low-income residents, many of whom struggle constantly with rising rents and no-cause evictions. They recently sponsored a tour of Reno’s downtown weekly motel district for Presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg to help him understand how gentrification is removing these ‘last resort’ options for many families, as sub-standard and nasty as they often can be. Buttigieg wants to address the problem by expanding federal affordable housing incentives and encouraging local government to offer abandoned properties to residents in need. He also wants more funding for Section 8 vouchers, although those vouchers don’t work well in Reno right now as escalating rents render them useless in many cases. There are lots of luxury apartments going up around town, but far too little has been built for fixed-income residents who are being unceremoniously dumped from their housing in favor of new tenants willing to pay more. ACTIONN convinced the Washoe County Commissioners to approve an

Affordable Housing Trust Fund months ago to offer subsidies to developers as an incentive to build affordable housing instead of luxury units. But the Trust Fund sits empty, with no funding. Last week, the City Council approved Mayor Schieve’s proposal to defer sewer and traffic fees until the end of a project for developers working on “in-fill” projects but there’s no requirement to build affordable rather than luxury housing. At least renters will now have an outlet for their frustrations as the Council also approved a plan by Councilwoman Jenny Brekhus to create a Tenant Issues and Concerns Board. The Board will gather information about our housing catastrophe and study ways the City can address rent gouging and no-cause evictions. If there are proposals that must be approved by the state legislature, the board will hopefully provide the backbone our elected representatives will need to act. Maybe living as a renter in Reno will get a little bit easier. Ω

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10.10.19    |   RN&R   |   5

By Jeri Davis

IndIgenous PeoPles’ day The Reno City Council last week approved a resolution recognizing Indigenous Peoples’ Day. The recognition will not supplant the federally recognized Columbus Day on Oct. 14, however. Councilmember Oscar Delgado raised a concern after an initial draft of the city’s proclamation did not mention Columbus Day. “One of the issues that I have with not removing Columbus Day and putting in Indigenous Peoples Day is, really, it’s not answering the very question in terms of why we’re even doing this,” he said. “I think the really big idea we need to consider here is that it’s really an acknowledgment that we’re rejecting oppression, that we’re rejecting systematic racism.” The council’s adoption of the resolution came from the city’s Human Rights Commission, which put forward the effort. Ray Valdez wrote the language for the resolution, and the commission worked with staff to modify it. Valdez was joined by tribal members and supporters in August when they asked the city to remove Columbus Day from city recognition. There’s been a simmering discontentment since the Columbus Day incident of 2016 when Nicholas Mahaffey, who is white, plowed through a crowd of Columbus Day protestors downtown. He ran over one protestor after being punched by two of the activists. Mahaffey faced charges for provoking an assault, and the two protestors faced simple battery charges. Activists, who were advocating at that time for the adoption of Indigenous Peoples’ Day, wanted to see Mahaffey face hate crime charges. That didn’t happen. The Reno City Attorney’s Office said that there was not enough evidence to support such charges. Raquel Arthur, with the American Indian Movement of Northern Nevada, was critical of the city’s handling of the incident at the time. “We are disappointed in the charges brought against the driver,” she said. It is unreasonable that the victims of this hate crime are being charged.” Valdez told the City Council in August that First Nations people are still healing from the incident, which made national headlines. He also said the proclamation had hundreds of local supporters. Councilmember Devon Reese said that Columbus Day, because it is a federal holiday, won’t be impacted by the city’s adoption of Indigenous Peoples’ Day. He also said, “I believe the time has come for us to acknowledge that Columbus Day is not something we need to celebrate.” Only two cities, according to City of Reno staff, have replaced Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples’ Day. Numerous other municipalities recognize both days. “I think the Human Rights Commission, looking at those examples, felt strongly that we should recognize Indigenous People’s Day but didn’t necessarily feel that we needed to go so far as to abolish Columbus Day,” said Tess Opferman, the city’s community liaison. Reese, however, proposed that the city’s proclamation make note that Indigenous Peoples’ Day is being recognized in place of any official Columbus Day recognition by the City of Reno. His motion unanimously passed. Indigenous Peoples Day began in 1989 in South Dakota. This story was produced in partnership with ThisisReno.com.

—BoB Conrad






The Park Lane development is one of many underway in Reno, but more still are needed to meet the city’s housing needs. PHOTO/JERI DAVIS

Home stretch City council approves housing initiative after approval from the Reno City Council, it was announced last week that developers would have 120 days to submit proposals to the City of Reno for new housing projects of 30 units or more that would receive deferrals for impact fees that are usually paid up front, including sewer connection and traffic impact fees. It’s a part of Mayor Hillary Schieve’s “1,000 Homes in 120 Days” initiative, announced last month in a city press release. Two people made public comment before the council voted to proceed with initiative—which is being described by the mayor and her staff as a pilot program. The first was Melinda Smith of the Builders Association of Northern Nevada. “As we all are very much aware, there is not enough housing to meet the current demand,” Smith said. “And anything that can help move that needle is an enormous relief to the community as a whole. We’re currently visiting with our builder and developer members on the implementation of this proposal. We received positive feedback and hope

that, in working together, the mayor, city council and staff that some detailed building proposals will be forthcoming that will help address this critical need.” Also present to provide comment on the initiative was JD Klippenstein, executive director of local social justice nonprofit ACTIONN, who expressed concern about the fact that the initiative doesn’t have any affordability requirements written into it. “This would be kind of a one-off initiative, and I think we’re at a time in our housing challenges that we need bolder and larger policy solutions,” Klippenstein said. He also said he wanted to draw the council’s attention to Senate Bill 103, which passed during the last state legislative session. “It gives you the ability to offer greater incentives by outright reducing or waiving these impact fees—not having to defer them, in order to more greatly incentivize developers to build lowincome or housing that’s affordable to folks making 60 percent of [the average median income] or lower,” he said. “My

concern is that this initiative is close to that, but it does not offer enough of an incentive to build that level of housing.” The mayor, who spoke next, was quick to reiterate that the initiative— which does not require affordability as a requirement for proposals—is a pilot program. “First of all, so, obviously, we all know we’re in a housing crisis,” Schieve said. “Let me kind of start off with where we’re at. This is the very premature sort of level—and it was meant for more of a pilot, because sometimes we do things with unintended consequences. … We want to check the temperature of what kind of development we get in, what kind of interest we get in—and also to look and check the temperature, because what we hear a lot is, ‘Hey, I can’t make affordable pencil.’ … We were curious— could we make it pencil by doing this?” The initiative is designed to specifically target developments in what are known as “opportunity zones.” Created through the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, these zones are geared toward driving long-term capital into lowincome communities across the nation through tax incentives to encourage private investment into these designated census tracts. Assistant City Manager Bill Thomas explained, “There won’t be a thousand homes built in 120 days, but, within this experimental window of 120 days, we’re asking people to come forward who are within opportunity zone areas, which are by definition blighted, economically challenged properties that the federal government designated under the Enterprise Zone process and the governor of the state of Nevada picked.” A thousand homes within the city’s opportunity zones is the goal of the initiative, but Thomas explained that if there are more or fewer units proposed, the city council would have the option to hear from developers proposing new homes, even outside of those zones. “And with each of these projects, we’re asking the people who are building them, ‘Where’s the place at which you can pay us back that works for you?’ Thomas said. “So it’s not predetermined. It could be a payment schedule over years at a lower rate to pay us back. It could be a lump-sum payment after a certain number of years. We’ve not defined it. We’ve said to them, ‘You need to ask.’”

Several council members had questions the 10-year term and, therefore, they would of their own to ask prior to approving the be losing their tax benefit of the opportunity initiative. zone,” she said. “So that’s kind of why there Vice Mayor Naomi Duerr asked if the wouldn’t be individual ownership. It would be council could “provide yet another kind of more on a rental … basis.” incentive—even to go to SB 103—to waive, “It is envisioned that most of these would defer or even forgive” impact fees for those be rental properties,” Thomas confirmed. “But, developers proposing affordable housing. The again, we didn’t want to limit it.” answer, according to assistant city manager Brekhus also posed the question of what, if Thomas, was that, yes, the council could any, safeguards would be in place in the consider these options, too. event a development went south and Councilmember Jenny remained incomplete after receivBrekhus, concerned that develing impact deferrals, to which “We’ve got to opers might end up passing Thomas responded that the city be realistic, but on the deferred costs to home would likely respond with a lien we’ve also got to do buyers, asked if the proposed on the property. developments would be After discussing the something.” limited to rental properties? initiative, present council Mayor Schieve Thomas explained that the members—excluding Oscar initiative is designed specifically Delgado and including Devon to facilitate developments that Reese via phone—approved it, with include 30 dwelling units for more, the general consensus of it as a first, not not single-family homes, adding, “I think your ultimate, step. concern about how it might relate to financing “I get a little frustrated with all of these and carrying it forward, I mean, if we’re honest people that are like, ‘Oh, the mayor thinks this with ourselves, the cost is going to be borne by is going to save the housing crisis,’” Schieve the buyer no matter how you cut it.” said during the meeting. “I don’t. I don’t. Councilmember Neoma Jardon jumped We’ve got to be realistic, but we’ve also into the conversation shortly thereafter to note got to do something. And we’ve got to keep that owners of property in opportunity zones trying to do something—because that’s where receive tax benefits but must own the property we’d be really letting down the public, if we for 10 years prior to receiving them. don’t keep trying.” “So they would not be in a position of In the coming months, the city council will individual-ownership condos, because, obvireview each development proposal prior to ously, they would be selling them off before approving or rejecting it. Ω

Word on the street

The Virginia Street road construction project continues. Last week, according to the project website, crews paved the lower section of Virginia Street from Plumb Lane to Mt. Rose Street. Sidewalks, paving, median island construction, striping, signs, landscaping and aesthetics are underway. Side streets have been paved in the area, and crews are installing signs, striping and sidewalks this week. PHOTO/JERI DAVIS

10.10.19    |   RN&R   |   7


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Intelligent Lifecycle Solutions 3911319

Habitat for Humanity 323-5511 Big Brothers Big Sisters 3523202




Down to Earth Composting 4762332

Big Brothers Big Sisters 3523202 Grassroots Books 828-2665

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Northern Nevada HOPES 7864673 Washoe County Health District 328-2434





Schnitzer Steel 331-2267 Pick-n-Pull: 359-4147 NN Auto Wrecking Group 3298671


Goat Grazers 530-6324 RT Donovan 425-3015

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by MArk EArnEST

Christina’s Home Guardians co-owners Hunter Smith, left, and Shane Bennett are helping Christina Avila, who also owns the company, in efforts to help South Lake Tahoe seniors. COURTESY/CHRISTINA’S HOME GUARDIANS

Helping hands Christina’s Home Guardians Running her own small business with her family, Christina Avila daily sees the need that seniors in South Lake Tahoe have concerning help with cleaning and upkeep of their homes. Now, she has decided to do something to alleviate some of the burdens the aging population in her community sometimes faces. Avila is the co-owner of Christina’s Home Guardians, a cleaning business she runs with her husband, Shane Bennett, and her son, Hunter Smith. Avila has lived in South Lake Tahoe her entire life, and she wanted to give back to the community in some way. That’s where other residents can also join her and help. Christina’s Home Guardians is sponsoring an ongoing effort to find volunteers who can donate time to help seniors who live in the community with basic cleaning needs and everyday chores around their homes. To that end, Avila and her family will be putting together a sign-up booth for this volunteer effort. It takes place from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Oct. 12 and 13, near the Raley’s supermarket at 4000 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, in what the locals call the South Y shopping complex.

Avila first had the idea for doing something that would benefit seniors in May 2018. That year, though, her mother, Kelly Jo Miller, passed away and Avila ended up postponing the effort. Avila said that her mother’s death partially inspired her need to do something for Tahoe’s senior population. “My mother had rheumatoid arthritis, and she really couldn’t do anything for herself,” Avila said. “Toward the end of her life, she couldn’t even walk by herself. I think that’s one of the reason why I wanted to start this charity effort, to help others who aren’t as able to help themselves.” It’s especially good timing, since Tahoe winters can be rough ones, even for the most hearty residents. Avila said those who volunteer “can help seniors either outside or inside of their homes, whatever the case may be.” Among the different duties that Avila said volunteers could help with are washing dishes and other kitchen cleaning, vacuuming or mopping floors, making beds, cleaning bathroom areas and handiwork and maintenance outdoors. Avila gets to see this need first-hand during her own cleaning routes. “I have a couple of clients that are in the senior plaza over here,” she said. “I clean for them for a discount, but there are so many of them that are in real need for help that I don’t even have the people to help out.” Avila also said that the seniors get another benefit from volunteers helping out with the housework. “Sometimes, all they want is someone to visit them, so this is one way that can also happen,” she said. One interesting aspect about this particular effort is that it’s very flexible. Avila said whatever a person can spare in terms of time will be meaningful for South Tahoe seniors. “I want to make this effort so it’s convenient for everyone,” she said. “If someone can volunteer for an hour or two a week that is fine, or they may wind up going back every week for more time. Really, whatever people are willing to give, and can give, is fine.” As far as the size of the effort, Avila is also keeping that loose: “I’ll take as many as I can get. I can even take people from Carson City, because I do have some seniors there that could benefit from this. Ω

For more information on the effort to help seniors in their homes, go to facebook.com/homeguardians1828, or write Avila at homeguardianstwo@gmail.com.

10.10.19    |   RN&R   |   9

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m G r i mc o m B o by B sreview.

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Movie guy BoB griMM has high hopes for the season's new flicks

he final quarter of 2019 is loaded up with Martin Scorsese, Robert Eggers, Star Wars, Terminator, Breaking Bad, a happy Hitler and a deranged Joker. Let’s hope they deliver the goods. I would hate to think Rambo: Last Blood is a harbinger of things to come. Below is a list of many, though not all, of the movies coming your way in the next three months. Keep in mind that some of the release dates reported below represent limited theatrical releases for awards consideration. Some of them won’t get a wide release, including in Reno, until January— which is a cinematic release practice that drives me crazy, but it’s how the world works, so there you go.

Parasite (Oct. 11): This already awardwinning effort from director Joon-ho Bong (The Host, Snowpiercer) looks to be social satire at its darkest and finest. Gemini man (Oct. 11): Here’s one of the season’s big attempts at de-aging a movie star, in this case Will Smith. The twist here is that a younger Will Smith is hunting the older Will Smith. The big question here is will the movie provide Will Smith his ultimate film fantasy, that being the opportunity to make out with himself? the addams Family (Oct. 11): This is an animated take on the infamously morose family that looks like it’s visually faithful to the look of the original Charles Addams comic. el Camino: a BreakinG Bad movie (Oct.11): Do I want a Breaking Bad continuation without Walter White (Bryan Cranston)? I love Better Call Saul, but that’s a prequel where Walter still walks the Earth teaching chemistry class (albeit off screen), unaware of his cancer-ridden, blue meth future. This movie follows Jesse (Aaron Paul) from the moment he escapes captivity after Walter (apparently … most likely) died. One of the

the addams Family

maleficent: mistress of evil

joys of Breaking Bad was watching Paul and Cranston bounce off of one another, and that won’t happen here unless the film is flashback heavy. It’s a Netflix event. Jay and silent BoB reBoot (Oct. 15): I saw a couple of scenes for Kevin Smith’s latest View Askew Universe foray at this year’s San Diego Comic Con, and it looks to be a blast. Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back is my favorite of his comedies, so this is in my wheelhouse. JoJo raBBit (Oct. 18): Talk about risk taking. This film, set in World War II and directed by Taika Waititi, features a boy being mentored by his imaginary friend, an amiable and good spirited Adolf Hitler (also Waititi). ZomBieland: douBle taP (Oct. 18): The gang—including Woody Harrelson, Emma Stone and Jesse Eisenberg—all return for more zombie shenanigans, with Bill Murray doing another cameo, possibly as a zombie since he died in the first one. Dan Aykroyd is in it, too, so there must be some sort of Ghostbuster zombie gag on the way. les miseraBles (Oct. 18): So, it’s not a musical and not based on the Victor Hugo novel. It’s just a movie with the same name. It’s a crime drama set in modern day France, and it looks pretty damn good—a stolen loaf of bread apparently not part of the plot. the liGhthouse (Oct. 18) Robert Eggers, director of The Witch, a film I loved so very, very much, returns with a black-and-white thriller starring Willem Dafoe and Robert Pattinson as two men having big trouble in a lighthouse. Sorry to be presumptuous, but I have a space reserved on my best of list for this movie, and I haven’t seen it yet. “Why’d you spill your beans?” maleFiCent: mistress oF evil (Oct. 18): I just watched the video of Angelina Jolie getting made up for this movie and, I have to admit, she looks kind of hot with fangs. Which got me to wondering—is Maleficent a vampire? If so, do I have a thing for vampires? Now that I think of it, I thought Kate Beckinsale was hot as a vampire, too. I think I have a vampire problem. They probably carry every blood-borne disease in the book. Oh, this isn’t good. I’m deleting my Vampire Tinder account profile right now.

Fall movie guide continued on page 12

10.10.19    |   RN&R   |   11

Fall movie guide

conti nued from page 11

the irishman

Harriet (Nov. 1): Hopefully, with this release, Harriet Tubman (played here by Cynthia Erivo) will get the sort of tribute she deserves. Say, whatever happened to the Harriet Tubman $20 bill? Let’s get those into circulation. tHe irisHman (Nov. 1): In a movie that is allegedly 2,056 hours long, Robert De Niro and Al Pacino are de-aged in a Martin Scorsese picture that has the master playing in his most vital gangster sandbox. A Netflix—I’ll say “Netflix” a lot in this article—film vying for Oscars, it will have a limited theatrical release starting in early November and Frozen ii move to streaming three weeks later. Hopefully, it will find a big screen near you, because this looks like an epic event that would be right at home on a big screen, with you perched in a chair right next to somebody who is filling the air with the latest, rancid strain of influenza. On second thought, streaming sounds pretty good. motHerLess BrookLyn (Nov. 1): Edward Norton directs himself as a private investigator with Tourette’s trying to solve the murder of his buddy Frank (Bruce Willis). Norton hasn’t really done anything of note since Birdman (2015), so hopefully this is the return of a great actor. terminator: dark Fate (Nov. 1): While James Cameron is living in Avatar Land— no, seriously, he lives in that Avatar amusement park in Disney World, feasting on the feral Disney cats for sustenance and speaking Navi to perplexed tourists—he produced this. Allegedly, he never showed up for a day of shooting, but it does have his name on it, and that’s marketing for ya! Arnold Schwarzenegger plays an aged Terminator with an enlarged prostate who doesn’t eat enough fiber and hates all this newfangled smartphone technology. Linda Hamilton has returned after her royalties for Dante’s Peak ran out. doCtor sLeep (Nov. 8): This sequel to Stephen King’s The Shining actually references the Stanley Kubrick film a lot, a movie King hates. So, if you’re watching this movie somewhere, and you notice a 12  |   RN&R   |   10.03.19 10.10.19 12


doctor sleep

cascade of Sprite and Dots hitting the movie screen when they recreate Danny Torrance riding his Big Wheels in the Overlook Hotel, King just might be the culprit. Honey Boy (Nov. 8): This year is looking like a bit of a resurgence for Shia LaBeouf, whose odd behavior, which got him ostracized a few years ago, is nothing compared to today’s dummies getting ensnarled in the #MeToo movement for jerking off into plants and forcing naked massages. Shia looks like a Boy Scout now, so he’s coming back! Last CHristmas (Nov. 8): Emilia Clark plays a woman working as a Santa’s elf in a department store. While it does feature the music of George Michael, terminator: it, allegedly, does dark Fate not feature Clark riding atop a dragon as it blasts yuletide commercialism with a stream of vengeful fire. Opportunity missed. midway (Nov. 8): There was a 1976 movie called Midway, based on the infamous Pacific Theatre battle during WWII, and I saw it with my Uncle Mike in a theater when I was a mere pup. It starred Charlton Heston, and it was kind of shitty. At one point, a character—I think it was the one played by Edward Albert—gets shot down during a plane battle, and there’s this quick shot of him all charred and screaming as his plane plummets towards Earth. That moment is still one of the most jarring, unintentionally funny movie moments I’ve experienced in my decades of film viewing. Anyway, they’re making another Midway, and Charlton Heston is long dead, so maybe it will be better. CHarLie’s angeLs (Nov. 15): Look, Kristen Stewart has been making some fine indie films these past few years, but a girl has got to get paid sometimes, so here we go. Ford v. Ferrari (Nov. 15): Matt Damon plays legendary car designer Carroll Shelby, and Christian Bale is on hand as driver Ken Miles in this vroom-vroom movie from director James Mangold. Word has it that Bale had four ribs, 10 feet of intestine, the sunny side of his personality, and his butthole removed to look the part. Damon simply put on 15 pounds eating melted Haagen-Dazs, because melted Haagen-Dazs is the fattener of choice among movie stars. That, and lots of pancakes.

tHe report (Nov. 15): Good lord, does Adam Driver ever stop to take a breath? He’s in five movies released this year, including that indie movie where he plays the guy with the mask who likes to take his shirt off during randy, telekinetic phone calls. This one costars Annette Benning and is based on real events during a post-9/11 investigation. a BeautiFuL day in tHe neigHBorHood (Nov. 22): Tom Hanks playing Fred Rogers is about as surprising as Tom Hanks playing Walt Disney. dark waters (Nov. 22): Mark Ruffalo plays a lawyer who defends a city against the DuPont chemical company, which has been poisoning their waters for years. I swear to god, I feel like I’ve already seen 10 different versions of this movie, none of them starring the Hulk. Frozen 2 (Nov. 22): Will they come up with a track catchier than “Let it Go” for the sequel? I don’t know, but I’m sure my ears will bleed as they make their attempt. WRITER’S HONEST ASIDE: The previous sentence is a lie to make me look masculine and cool. I am a Disney junkie, and I sing “Let it Go” in the shower and on nature hikes. 21 Bridges (Nov. 22): It’s an NYPD detective story starring Chadwick Boseman, a.k.a. Black Panther. knives out (Nov. 27): After pissing off legions of Star Wars fans with his sub-par The Last Jedi (That ill-timed Finn and Rose kiss during the climactic AT-AT showdown still ticks me off), Rian Johnson returns to a less expensive narrative before fronting his very own Star Wars trilogy (not excited about that). This Agatha Christie-like mystery starring Daniel Craig is getting good buzz. Queen & sLim (Nov. 27): A couple on their first date (Daniel Kaluuya and Jodie Turner-Smith) become fugitives after an unfortunate encounter with a cop. tHe two popes (Nov. 27): Anthony Hopkins and Jonathan Pryce play the title characters in a film chronicling that religiously historical tennis match where two popes played for the title of “Jesus’s Favorite.” The match went on so long that the two pontiffs wound up spitting up blood, losing toes and, most notably, oft taking their boss’ name in vain. This not only resulted in Jesus canceling the employee Christmas party, but also the Son of God deeming both of the Popes wimps and not worthy of wearing the funny hats. marriage story (Dec. 6): Netflix strikes again with another high-profile dramatic film effort, this one starring Scarlett Johansson and the always working Adam Driver as a deteriorating married couple. Adam Driver is in everything. He’s like the male Kristen Bell! tHe aeronauts (Dec. 6): In 1862, two hot air balloon pilots (Eddie Redmayne and Felicity Jones) on a scientific expedition are accidentally sucked into a time traveling tunnel, and wind up in the present day nearly crashing into the Darth Vader balloon during the Great Reno Balloon

Race. They land safely, and enjoy some S’mores and cocoa with the locals, where star Wars: The they annoy nearby geeks with questions like rise of skywalker “What’s a Darth Vader?” A Hidden Life (Dec. 13): Terrence Malick, one of the greatest movie directors to ever walk the planet, offers up his latest—a World War II drama about a conscientious objector. Satan. Cuddly and cute has All indications are that this is a return to form been traded for twisted and for the auteur, and ends a late career slump demonic. If I saw something that has included the massive missteps: Song like that on the streets I to Song, Knight of Cups and To the Wonder. would shoot first and ask Next up for Malick? He’s currently questions later, even if it did filming a Jesus movie. Oh my. have Taylor Swift’s sweetly JumAnJi: THe nexT LeveL (Dec. 13): angelic voice. Not going to lie; this looks really, sTAr WArs: THe rise of skyWALker really funny. Kevin Hart’s avatar (Dec. 20): After The Last Jedi, a divisive is Danny Glover, while Dwayne chapter for sure, Disney will play it safe Johnson’s is Danny DeVito. This and hand control of Star Wars back to all strikes me as a hundred different J.J. Abrams, who made the far superior kinds of brilliant. The trailer has The Force Awakens. I think Rey (Daisy already made me laugh more than Ridley) has an evil clone, and that’s most full comedies this year. who we are seeing with the impractical uncuT Gems (Dec. 13): Adam double light saber thing in the preview. Jumanji: The Sandler gets serious in this heist Let’s see if I’m right, or if I’m just a next Level film based on a true story. If you loser geek who spends way too much are irked that you didn’t hear about time thinking about shit like this. As a Charlize Theron look EXACTLY like this sooner I fully admit that I Star Wars fan, I’m more jazzed about Megan Kelly. SHOULD HAVE TOLD YOU ABOUT IT the TV shows (The Mandalorian, the Obi-Wan cATs (Dec. 20): Yeah, um, this looks seriYESTERDAY!!! (That’s a The Wedding Show, the Darth Vader Variety Hour featuring ously messed up. I don’t know how they’ve Singer reference right there.) the late Don Rickles) than the films beyond achieved those cat costumes (digital, body BomBsHeLL (Dec. 20): We’ve already this year. Rian Johnson is doing his own paint, invasive surgery). I just know that I learned plenty from this movie about sexual trilogy, and I believe it is tentatively called don’t like them. They look too much like harassment in the early days at Fox News, Star Wars Canon: I Shit My Ass On Thee! a cat screwed a human while possessed by mainly that it doesn’t take much to make The Game of Thrones guys also have a trilogy

coming as with the working title Star Wars: We are Family Members with Light Sabers Instead of Swords? Let’s Do Sex Stuff and Kill Each Other! I’m starting to miss George Lucas and his midi-chlorians. JusT mercy (Dec. 25): Michael B. Jordan, Jamie Foxx and Brie Larson star in a film about famed civil rights attorney Bryan Stevenson. This has the makings of something special. LiTTLe Women (Dec. 25): Director Greta Gerwig follows up her fantastic Lady Bird with the latest adaptation of the classic Louisa May Alcott novel, and it stars the great Saoirse Ronan and new sensation Florence Pugh (one of the year’s best performances in Midsommar). Next up for Gerwig: possibly directing a Barbie movie starring Margot Robbie and co-written by her husband, Noah Baumbach. That’s not a joke … it’s a real project. While I’m enjoying her directorial efforts, I’m hoping Gerwig hasn’t given up on acting. She’s an on-screen presence that is totally unique—and needed. 1917 (Dec. 25): Sam Mendes directs a World War I movie that might just be an awards season, under-the-radar surprise, judging by the stellar trailer. Ω


10.10.19    |   RN&R   |   13

Rd A Hee b y AndRe


The women of HAVOC WMC pose under the Reno Arch on a frigid fall evening.


Meet Northern Nevada’s first official women’s motorcycle club 14   |   RN&R   |   10.10.19


orthern Nevada’s first all-female motorcycle club officially hit the streets of Reno this spring. Its six members formed the organization, HAVOC Women’s Motorcycle Club, so like-minded women could come together and share their passion for motorcycles and—in their words—“handle their own in a man’s world.” One of the organization’s founders, Hannah Thornton, said HAVOC was created in order to form a sisterhood and a family for its members, as well as to erase the stigma that is often associated with motorcyclists due to TV shows like Sons of Anarchy. Members of HAVOC do not consider themselves typical bikers. They are a small, tenacious group whose members include moms, a nail and eyelash technician, a social media expert, a project manager,

a pediatric dental assistant and Reno Harley-Davidson employees. You’ll find them riding around town with their black and burgundy vests often matched with a bright pair of Converse All Stars or Vans to complete the look. Although there have long been women’s motorcycle clubs in places across the country, HAVOC is the first one in Northern Nevada to be approved by the Northern Nevada Confederation of Clubs, which represents and supports the region’s motorcycle riding community in relation to the National Coalition of Motorcyclists. After a six-month approval process, which included being signed off on by all of the 50-plus clubs associated with the Northern Nevada Confederation of Clubs,

“Learning and finding these other women who are doing this likeminded thing—you’re more inclined to push yourself a little bit further in the community or into riding.” Sarah Chong HAVOC WMC co-founder

HAVOC became the first official all-female club in Reno’s history.

Road to learning

Not all of HAVOC’s members are motorcycle veterans. The club’s newest member has only been riding for about four months. By contrast, Thornton said she has been riding motorcycles since the age of 7. According to another HAVOC founder, Sarah Chong, the difference in experience levels has contributed to the group in a positive way—because it allows the members to learn from one another, giving them the skills they need to safely navigate everything from road trips to everday traffic as a motorcyclist. With a laugh, Chong said she’d definitely take riding advice from Thornton over her husband, simply because the experience of riding a motorcycle is a bit different for a woman than for a man. She said while many female riders get their start riding as a hobby with their significant others, finding a group of women can elevate the experience. “Learning and finding these other women who are doing this like-minded thing— you’re more inclined to push yourself a little bit further in the community or into riding,” she said.

When it comes to pushing their limits, HAVOC sets goals for its members like an annual mileage goal that they set out to ride with each other. “I think it’s really important for us to all bond and ride with each other just to become better riders and better riders with each other,” said Thornton. So far this year HAVOC members have traveled as far as Idaho and Oregon together, navigating long, winding roads and wide open highways while putting thousands of miles on their motorcycles.

Serving the community

According to Chong, there is a charity event put on by a different motorcycle club in Northern Nevada almost every single weekend out of the year. HAVOC members try to attend as many events as possible in order to show their support for both the biker community and the Northern Nevada charities they support. One notable event is the annual Reno Toy Run that provides underprivileged children with gifts during the holidays. The event is put on by the Northern Nevada Coalition of Clubs. This year, it’s set to be held on Sunday, Dec. 8. According to Thornton, a lot of motorcycle clubs in Northern Nevada go unrecognized for the charitable work they do, so one of HAVOC’s principles is to help get other clubs recognition and raise support for their philanthropic efforts. Despite HAVOC being a relatively new organization, its members have big goals, including eventually creating a motorcycle safety class specifically for women. Thornton said they would love to partner with Reno Harley-Davidson to have a garage day, which would include safety tips and lessons on how to keep up with motorcycle maintenance. The idea is to create a welcoming environment where all women can feel comfortable to learn about their bikes. Thornton believes this will increase confidence and motorcycle safety for female riders out on the road. “Being an all women’s motorcycle club, it’s just a different kind of support when you have a bunch of women together versus a unisex club or anything,” said Thornton, “Whenever you have the support of women and like-minded women there to support each other, you’ll build each other up as well as growing individually as women.” Ω

Any women interested in joining or learning more about HAVOC WMC are encouraged to message the club’s Instagram page, @havocwmc.

10.10.19    |   RN&R   |   15

by Matt Bieker

ma ttb @ ne wsr e v ie w.c o m

Stephanie Haigney is a local illustrator and comic book artist working on her own original series. Photo/Courtesy stePhanie haigney

Comic relief Stephanie Haigney During the day, Stephanie Haigney assumes the role of a mild-mannered shop clerk, helping the patrons of Nevada Fine Arts find the materials to bring their artistic visions to life. In her private life, however, she consults with superheroes, battles mysterious beasts, and breathes life into worlds invisible to rest of us. The 22-year-old Haigney is a comic book artist who released her longest project to date in August, and will soon be releasing her own original web comic series. “I decided in high school that there was nothing else that seemed more perfect than doing [art] as a career,” Haigney said. “So, I was like, ‘fuck it.’ I’m going to basically say screw what everyone else says and just do what I want. Because if I don’t, I’m going to be very unhappy and very unsatisfied with my life.” Haigney’s newest full-length comic, Divine Intervention, was written by local author Spencer Stoner and is the first installment in his Ophelia Legacy graphic novel series. The story, according to Haigney, is essentially a fantasy-world murder mystery. After approaching Stoner about illustrating his work, Haigney began the collaborative process of designing characters—a specialty of hers, she said— drafting individual pages and adapting Stoner’s script into the dialogue box format with which comic book fans are familiar. “He did draft a lot of these characters’ designs and had very specific elements that 16   |   RN&R   |   10.10.19

they had to have in the big designs,” Haigney said. “I want to say it’s usually the case for comics and, like, scripts and stuff is that these characters are already planned out as far as what they should look like. It’s just how they actually look like is up to the artist’s style.” While attending Reed High School, Haigney discovered both traditional Western comic books and Japanese manga, and grew to love the storytelling capacity of the medium. She dedicated her free time to improving her self-taught style, which incorporates elements of both. Haigney is currently working on the second installation of Stoner’s series, but also plans to release her own original comic on the free digital platform Web Toons on Halloween night—at midnight, specifically. The comic, Fears, takes place in a fictional world where her characters’ real-world phobias manifest as invisible spirits that hunt their victims— and consume them whole. “So, like, if you’re afraid of being buried alive, they’ll have, like, big claws for digging stuff, or be more mole-like, or whatever,” Haigney said. “You just can’t get rid of them. Basically, they haunt you until they’re able to kill you with that specific fear that they embody.” One of Haigney’s other specialties is a part of the illustration process called storyboarding, wherein she lays out a rough sequence of how a visual story might progress through rough sketches and dialogue— an integral part of the animation and feature film making process. After taking courses on animation both online and in-person, including a Truckee Meadows Community College course taught by former Simpsons animator Brian Wells, Haigney decided to move to Austin, Texas, at the end of the year to find work in an animation studio. “I’ll be leaving at the end of this December, so really soon,” Haigney said. “It’d be really rare to find that kind of work here. But there, you could get on Craigslist and see postings for animation and games studios all the time.” Ω

stephanie haigney’s work can be found on her instagram account @ruffledraven and at shaigney.artstation.com.

by BoB Grimm

b g ri m m @ne w s re v i e w . c o m



Ad Astra

Director James Gray and Brad Pitt come up with a halfway decent-looking, meditative and ultimately unsettling mess of an attempt at meaningful science fiction. Pitt plays Roy McBride, an astronaut following in his father’s (Tommy Lee Jones) footsteps decades after his dad disappeared on a scientific expedition searching for alien life somewhere around Neptune. When major power surges start threatening the planet, it’s believed Roy’s still possibly alive father is the culprit, so Roy is sent on a mission to reach his father and get him to knock it the fuck off. This leads to a journey that involves a lunar buggy shootout on the moon, an unimaginative visit to Mars, and, finally, a trip to Neptune. On top of the major scientifically impossible things that happen in this film, it’s stitched together with the ultimate crutch, the Apocalypse Now voiceover. Pitt is restricted to sad puppy eyes duty as his character deals with his daddy issues in a cosmic sort of way. They throw in a space monkey attack to try to liven things up, but it doesn’t work. The movie is a missed opportunity, strung out, and a little too boring and listless.

Not funny Joker, a new take on DC’s Clown Prince of Crime, will go down as one of the year’s big missed opportunities. Director Todd Phillips, mostly known for his Hangover movies, apparently got the green light to do whatever he wanted with the Joker mythos. He managed to get Joaquin Phoenix, pretty much perfect casting, to sign on for the title role. This was a chance to tell a dark origin story from the Joker’s point of view. Phillips blows this chance. Phoenix is otherworldly good as Arthur Fleck, a severely troubled clown and standup comedy wannabe—and mama’s boy—with a condition that causes him to laugh uncontrollably at inappropriate moments. He physically and mentally disappears into the part, to the point where you may become concerned for the actor’s well-being. He accomplishes this in a film that has a major identity crisis, in that it wants to be a DC movie using a DC icon without really existing within DC lore. Could that have been OK? Sure, but the movie builds to a conclusion that frustratingly teases the great Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns graphic novel. So, why not do a film that tells the story of The Dark Knight Returns entirely from the Joker’s perspective, instead of dancing around Batman lore? The experience of watching this left me, ultimately, unfulfilled. Many borrowed elements from comic books, Bernie Goetz, Death Wish and Martin Scorsese movies are thrown into the pot, resulting in a muddy work that feels oddly routine given the crazed and wonderful performance at its center. When we first see Fleck, he’s dressed as a clown, spinning a sign and generally having a good time. He promptly gets his ass kicked, and not for the last time. We then see him in therapy and living in poverty with his quirky mother (Frances Conroy). Fleck slowly but surely starts to lose all sense of his humanity as he grows into a criminal monster.

“mom always said that one day my fingers would get stuck.”

We’ve seen all these plot mechanics before in Scorsese’s Taxi Driver and The King of Comedy. Heck, Phillips even casts a game Robert De Niro to play a talk show host that winds up being a nod to Miller’s David Letterman riff (David Endocrine) in The Dark Knight Returns. At its most derivative, the screenplay echoes A Beautiful Mind, filmed in a way that feels like a hackneyed Shyamalan twist. Is the violence too much? That’s based on your personal threshold for mayhem in movies. I was appropriately shocked at times by how visceral the movie got and can say this goes well beyond your typical Avengers movie or the playfully crazed violence of something like, say, Deadpool. The violence in this movie is ugly, extremely downbeat, and leaves you with knots in your stomach. Phoenix does a thing with the hysterical laughing early in the movie, when he shows Fleck struggling as it hurts his throat and challenges his smoker’s lungs. As the film progresses, it appears that the Joker’s hysterical laugh muscles are strengthening, a sort of training for his future criminal career where that laughter will cause no pain and flow out of him with no need for lozenges afterward. Touches like these, and depicting Gotham very much like a pre-Giuliani New York City in the ’70s—I assure you, folks, that place was a hellhole—are impressive. The good is ruined by the paint-by-numbers plot. Fleck’s standup comedian aspirations don’t make a whole lot of sense, other than providing a convenient plot device to reach the movie’s predictable finale. Everything with Fleck’s mother plays like a poor man’s Psycho. For a movie that was supposed to be an entirely original approach to the Joker, nothing really feels original other than the spark of creativity Phoenix brings to the enterprise. Ω




Between Two Ferns: The Movie

While this movie, giving a backstory to the terrific online acerbic talk show hosted by Zach Galifianakis, is a little on the unnecessary side, just the outtakes during the closing credits alone are enough to warrant a watch. When Zach, doing his show in North Carolina, almost kills Matthew McConaughey due to a ceiling leak, Will Ferrell, his boss, sends him on a mission to tape a bunch of shows, or else. So Zach and his crew go on a roadtrip. It’s a dumb premise, and not all of the jokes land, but the interviews with the likes of Paul Rudd and Tessa Thompson are a riot, and the occasional non-show related gag works. (I loved when Zack checked his email on his laptop while driving at night.) Ninety minutes of back-to-back Ferns interviews would’ve been better than this, but then we wouldn’t have the scene where Zach and crew steal Peter Dinklage’s Faberge eggs, so I guess I’m happy this exists in the end. (Streaming on Netflix.)


Downton Abbey

This movie is a mess, although it’s the sort of mess a true fan might be willing to tolerate. Director Michael Engler seems to be working with enough subplots in this movie to fuel an entire season of the former TV show. The big plot twist here is that King George V (Simon Jones) and Queen Mary (Geraldine James) are coming to Downton Abbey, a big estate with a reasonably sized staff, for a quick visit during one of their tours. So the staff, taken a bit by surprise, must prepare for a visit from the royal family. Much of this movie is staff running around trying to prepare for this visit. In fact, the first half of this movie is almost entirely about preparing for the visit. They go to the store for eggs. They try to fix the boiler so the Queen will have hot water, and they endure some minor staff shakeups in anticipation of the big visit. Then the visit happens, and then the visit ends. That’s the main thrust of the movie. In the background, there are all sorts of little affairs and plot threads that even the most hardcore fans might have a hard time keeping track of. There’s even a blink-and-you-will-miss-it assassination plot involving King George that just sort of happens, without any attention to anything resembling details. Hey, a movie where King George V almost gets assassinated should be at least slightly exciting.



Hustlers, starring Jennifer Lopez as a stripper who goes smooth criminal during the Great Recession, is getting some great reviews. I’m going against the grain on this one, for I find it derivative, boring and hampered by a shallow script. Why has the film been receiving Scorsese comparisons—hey, it has tracking shots!—and high scores on Rotten Tomatoes? I think it’s because of the powers of Jennifer Lopez’s multimillion dollar ass.

No question, as talented an actress as Lopez has been in the past (Selena, Out of Sight, shit, I liked her in Maid in Manhattan), this is a movie in which Lopez bares and displays her crazily potent ass. I think that this has caused some sort of distraction—disruption if you will—in the movie critic ecosystem. People are so hypnotized by her backside that they fail to recognize the movie kind of blows.


It Chapter Two


Memory: The Origins of Alien

With It Chapter Two, we have a needed, yet pretty bad, conclusion to a saga started with a previous, far superior film. If you saw and liked the first movie, you have to watch this one to get the full story. You’ll also witness a decline in quality. In a strange way, I’m happy it exists, because it does have some good scares and Bill Hader rocks the house as a grown-up Finn Wolfhard. If you look at It as one long movie consisting of two chapters, the overall “two-movie” experience is still cool. The first movie focused on the Losers Club as children, concluding with them seemingly defeating Pennywise the Clown (an always frightening Bill Skarsgard). This one picks up 27 years later, welcoming the likes of Hader (Ritchie), Jessica Chastain (Beverly) and James McAvoy (Bill) to the proceedings. When evil seems to revisit their hometown, the adult Losers return for a rematch with the morphing clown. That’s it for the plot. The adults split up, suffer some individual horrors at the hands of Pennywise, then wind up back together for the finale. A big, central problem in this movie is that the kids from the first film, who actually play a large part in this one, have grown mightily since the first chapter wrapped. While there have been some nice advancements in digital de-aging, this film is not a boasting component of that movement.

There have been plenty of looks into the making of Ridley Scott’s Alien, most notably when the director’s cut Alien DVDs came out years ago, followed by the special feature saturated Blu-rays. This documentary from director Alexandre O. Philippe is one of the best, although it doesn’t feature new interviews with the likes of Sigourney Weaver or Ridley Scott, who has a couple of archived interview moments. Instead, it talks to folks like Roger Corman, who almost made Dan O’Bannon’s original Alien script on a shoestring budget, while getting the likes of Tom Skerritt to sit down for some original insights on the filming. Veronica Cartwright also joins the fray, once again recounting the great story of witnessing the chest-burster scene live. The movie goes beyond typical behind-thescenes looks, tracing the origins of Alien back to some old timey comics depicting Navy sailors accidentally eating alien eggs. For fans of the movie and moviemaking, it’s fascinating. (Available for streaming during a limited theatrical release.)


Rambo: Last Blood

Sylvester Stallone takes his iconic John Rambo character and places him in what amounts to little more than an ultraviolent MAGA wankathon in Rambo: Last Blood, easily the worst film in the franchise and one of the worst in Stallone’s career. The Rambo movies have been on a slow downhill slide from the beginning. First Blood was awesome, Rambo: First Blood Part II was fun and silly, Rambo III was passable action fare but a little tired, and Rambo (2008) was a bit of a drag, albeit with some decent action scenes and carnage. Rambo: Last Blood is an abomination. This film does absolutely nothing to merit its existence. As a Rambo/Stallone fan, I wish I could pretend it didn’t happen. Stallone has said he will continue to play this character if the film is a success. I almost want this piece of crap to be a success so we can get a better swan song for Rambo. It would be a shame for the saga to end this way.






by Todd SouTH

The historical Santa Fe Hotel Basque family-style restaurant and bar has reopened in downtown.

Basque in order

When the venerable Santa Fe Hotel closed a couple of years ago, many longtime Renoites lamented the potential loss of a local landmark, myself included. Thankfully, the new owner recently reopened the restaurant with a freshyet-classic look and updated amenities. My friends and I wandered in on a busy weeknight to check it out. I’m not a huge fan of picon punch ($5.50), but when at a Basque-American dining hall I feel compelled to order at least one. As they go, this iteration of the syrupsweet cocktail wasn’t bad, if not the most complex. Meals are served “family style,” with your choice of an entree alongside bottomless servings of French bread, soup, salad, beans and fries. A carafe of house wine is shared, and a choice of vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce, or dry jack cheese are included for dessert. You can upgrade the sweet course to bread pudding, cheesecake or flan for $7. Entrees such as steaks, beef tongue stew, braised oxtail and pork loin milanesa sounded good, with daily specials including seafood paella on Friday and Saturday. Since it was Wednesday, I chose the special lamb shank ($32), while my friends played it safe with an eight-ounce Atlantic salmon filet ($29), Mary’s roasted chicken ($28) and the day’s special fried chicken ($27). One friend skipped the entree, enjoying unlimited sides for $19. Either way you go, you’re not going home hungry. The red wine was tart and dry, served chilled. Bread rounds were the natural complement to a hearty chickpea and potato soup, good enough I would have been satisfied with just that. The salad vinaigrette had more flavor than some, but I stuck with tradition and ladled on the hot beans. Yeah, 18   |   RN&R   |   10.10.19


it’s weird, but it’s good. The beans were swimming in a terrific gravy and loaded with plenty of Basque chorizo. Here again, a side dish I would have been happy with as my sole dinner item. The peel-on, handcut shoestring fries were exactly what I’m looking for—crispy, right amount of salt and downright dangerous. Oddly, the fried chicken basket was three pieces of meat, surrounded by yet another dose of fries. I’m a bit confused as to why you’d include fries when they’re already part of the broader meal, but the chicken itself was moist, crispy and tasted like it might have been garlic brined. Too bad there wasn’t more of it. The roasted chicken was more impressive, a shockingly moist and flavorful half-bird, attractively presented with stewed veggies and fresh herbs. The salmon was a simple piece of fish, served with herbs and lemon. But it was sublime, with a golden crust and flaky, moist flesh. Really, it was just about the best piece of grilled fish you could hope for. I feel fortunate my friend shared a couple of bites with me. Yet, my own entree was definitely the best of the bunch. The bonein lamb shank was huge, fall-off-the-bone tender and loaded with flavor—dressed with fresh rosemary, garlic cloves, braised carrots and whole a tomato in a richly savory sauce. Being I’d already enjoyed the sides a bit too much, most of that beautiful meat came home to be a ridiculously decadent next-day lunch. My friends tucked into ice cream, while I enjoyed dry jack cheese with the last of the wine, musing about the rebirth of this Reno institution. Some things can be old and new again at the same time. Ω

Santa Fe Hotel 235 N. Lake St., 323-1891

Santa Fe Hotel is open Tuesday through Sunday from 5 to 9.m.


Huckleberry Road members are, from left, Anthony Vairetta, Dillon Secklin, Robert James Clark and David Zavesky.

Rocky terrain Huckleberry Road Call yourself a country band these days, and it could mean you sound like late ’80s Def Leppard or—Merle forbid—modern pop and all its attendant cliches. Or, you could be a trailblazer like Sturgill Simpson or Kacey Musgraves, absorbing many styles but not completely losing your country sound. Locals Huckleberry Road are in that latter category. In fact, they do the direct opposite of many modern country stars—actually look for ways to distinguish themselves. “We were talking about this earlier: what can we do to create that one little thing that will give us a whole new sound that sets us apart,” said Robert James Clark, guitarist/vocalist with Huckleberry Road. “I don’t think we could ever be commercial or mainstream or a stagnant thing.” “We’re definitely not going out of our way to fit in the cookie mold,” said Anthony Vairetta, the band’s guitarist and backup singer. Clark and Vairetta have deep rustic roots. They first played together when they were teens in Clark’s aunt’s band in Susanville, California. “He took my job as lead guitar player, and I hated him for it,” Clark said in his deadpan drawl. Actually, they became fast, best friends and that’s lasted for close to two decades, including time together in Reno rock band Sil Shoda. After Sil Shoda ended, Vairetta and Clark decided to play as a duo and then expand to a full band. “We took our time to make sure we found very welltempered, great human beings to play with,” Clark said. Enter Dillon Secklin, drummer, and David Zavesky, bassist. Both were pals with


the duo before joining up with Huckleberry Road. Clark and Vairetta still play as a duo, though, when the occasion calls for it, as it will when they play on Oct. 17 at Piper’s Opera House in Virginia City. Even in duo mode, Huckleberry Road centers on great songs and musicianship. Both Clark and Vairetta are excellent pickers. Vairetta in particular can shred like a metal maniac when it’s warranted. Add on the duo’s gift for a deft lyrics—presented in Clark’s rich, tuneful voice—and you have a recipe for great country-rock that sucks you in with its classic song-craft and storytelling. The rhythm section also helps give some straight-forward rock drive to the band’s take on twang. “My style is pretty much indie, but I grew up on classic rock,” Zavesky said. “I found my dad’s records when I was young, and he had the Beatles and the Stones, but also some more obscure metal bands like April Wine and Dokken, so that’s the kind of stuff I like to listen to.” The band’s biggest opportunity thus far was Night in the Country, a music festival in Yerington that rarely books locals. Although Vairetta described it as “utter chaos,” he and the other band members agreed it was a great experience overall. That chaos came from the rains, which were on and off during the event, including right at the tail-end of the band’s main set at a smaller stage next to the main one. “We probably drug over about 500 to 1,000 people,” Clark said. “It was epic, man. People screamed the whole time.” For the future, Huckleberry Road is auditioning for festival shows, as well as releasing a new single and video for their song “Ray-Bans,” all late this year or early next. “With Dillon, we have some new recordings, and that’ll be shaping up to be a new EP around that single,” Vairetta said. Ω

The duo version of Huckleberry Road plays as part of the Loud as Folk series for a show on at 6 p.m. Oct. 17 at Piper’s Opera House, 12 N. B St., Virginia City. Learn more about the band at huckleberryroadmusic.net.

10.10.19    |   RN&R   |   19


214 W. Commercial Row, (775) 813-6689


132 West St., (775) 499-5655

Karaoke, 9pm, no cover


FRIDAY 10/11


Ardalan, Jimmy Dirt, Chuck Tyler, Bridges, 10pm, $15-$20

Zooly, BeRazz, Crisp Rice, DJPJ, Cloud, Dio, 9pm, $15-$20

Dance party, 10pm, $5

Dance party, 10pm, $5


Oct. 10, 8 p.m. Cargo Concert Hall 255 N. Virginia St. 398-5400


10040 Donner Pass Rd., Truckee, (530) 587-2626


Live music, 9pm, no cover

Arizona Jones, 9pm, no cover



255 N. Virginia St., (775) 398-5400

Reno Zombie Prom with Decoy, 8pm, $20-$25

Dirtwire, 8pm, $18


Dave Manning, 9pm, no cover

538 S. Virginia St., (775) 329-5558


Dave Manning, 6:30pm, no cover

Guitar Town, 6:30pm, no cover


Karaoke with Nightsong Productions, 8pm, no cover

Cold Steel, 9pm, no cover


RuPaul’s Drag Race UK viewing party, Fantasy Friday, 11:30pm, $TBA 8pm, Queens of Karaoke, 9pm, no cover

10142 Rue Hilltop Rd., Truckee, (530) 587-5711 275 E. Fourth St., (775) 324-1917

235 W. Second St., (775) 470-8590

Arizona Jones, 9pm, no cover ATLiens, Benda, Kyu, Cvyptvgon, JohnnyBoi, 10pm, $25-$30

555 E. Fourth St., (775) 499-5549

Carson Comedy Club, Carson Nugget, 507 N. Carson St., Carson City, (775) 8821626: Jen Murphy, Fri-Sat, 8pm, $15 Laugh Factory, Silver Legacy Resort Casino, 407 N. Virginia St., (775) 3257401: Eddie Ifft, Thu, Sun, 7:30pm, $21.95; Fri-Sat, 7:30pm, 9:30pm, $27.45; Bruce Jingles, Tue-Wed, 7:30pm, $21.95 LEX at Grand Sierra Resort, 2500 E. Second St., (775) 789-5399: Steve Simeone with Lee Syatt, Fri, 6:30pm, $10 The Library, 134 W. Second St., (775) 6833308: Sunday Night Comedy Open Mic, Sun, 8pm, no cover Pioneer Underground, 100 S. Virginia St., (775) 322-5233: Steve Simeone with Lee Syatt, Thu, 7:30pm, $10-$15; Fri, 8:30pm, $12-$17; Sat, 6:30pm, 9:30pm, $12-$17

Bluegrass jam, 6:30pm, no cover

Open Mic Night, 7pm, M, no cover Swing dance, 7:30pm, Tu, no cover

Candy Apples and The Razor Blades, Unchained, 8:30pm, $5

1044 E. Fourth St., (775) 324-5050


Trivia Night, 9pm, Tu, no cover Silver, 9pm, no cover

10069 Bridge St., Truckee, (530) 536-5029

MON-WED 10/14-10/16

Karaoke, 9pm, W, no cover

Feelin’ Young, 8:30pm, no cover

931 Tahoe Blvd., Incline Village, (775) 831-8300


SUNDAY 10/13

Haystack Slim, 9pm, no cover

Post shows online by registerin g at www.newsr eview. com/reno. D eadline is the Frida y before public ation.

Strong: The Destry Abbott Story film premiere party, 7pm, W, $20 Traditional Irish session, 7pm, Tu, Wed. Night Showcase, 7pm, no cover

Whiskey Preachers, 9pm, no cover Girls Night Out with DJ Heidalicious, 10pm, $5


Haunted Faces, 10pm, Tu, $8 First Take featuring Rick Metz, 7pm, Tu, no cover

1401 S. Virginia St., (775) 453-2223


Double Scoop anniversary party, 5pm Candy, Sever, 8:30pm, $10

140 Vesta St., (775) 448-6500

Boy Scouts, Matching Jackets, Jasmine (Just Guys Being Dudes), 8pm, $7

Spoken Views Poetry Open Mic & Slam, 6:30pm, W, $3-$5




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THURSDAY 10/10 JUB JUB’S THIRST PARLOR 71 S. Wells Ave., (775) 384-1652 1) Showroom 2) Bar Room

FRIDAY 10/11


SUNDAY 10/13

MON-WED 10/14-10/16

1) The Amity Affliction, 7:30pm, $20 2) Barren Altar, Dissidence, 8pm, $5

1) Bezz Believe, Statik-G, 7:30pm, $20

2) Bad Cop/Bad Cop, The Barstool 2) Dreadful Children, Lincoln Skinz, Preachers, Boss’ Daughter, 8pm, $12-$14 8pm, W, $5


UNR Student Jazz Jam Session Wednesdays, 7:30pm, W, no cover

941 N. Virginia St., (775) 870-9633


1527 S. Virginia St., (775) 800-1960

Unplugged Thursdays, 6:30pm, no cover

Audio Breeze, 8:30pm, no cover


Los Humildes, Los Caminantes, Tentacion, Fito Olivares, 9:30pm, $40


Matt Talbott, 8pm, $25 Ernie “Fresh” Upton, 10pm, no cover

2100 Victorian Ave., Sparks, (775) 507-1626

235 Flint St., (775) 376-1948


DJ Trivia, 7:30pm, no cover

DJ Club Night with DJ Bobby G, 8:30pm, no cover


Adam Springob, 6pm, no cover

Kat Heart, 8pm, no cover

1559 S. Virginia St., (775) 322-8864

1401 S. Virginia St., (775) 384-6526


340 Kietzke Lane, (775) 686-6681

RuPaul’s Drag Race viewing party, 9pm, ’90s Night with DJ Zive, 10pm, no cover


Silent Disco, 10pm, $5

211 N. Virginia St., (775) 433-1090

Bingo w/T-N-Keys, 6:30pm, Tu, no cover

Los Hijos de Barrón, Tamborazo San Marcos, Grupo Alta Potencia, 10pm, $20

Saturday Night Live, 8:30pm, no cover

Karaoke, 8pm, M, no cover

You deserve

Karaoke hosted by Tabitha, 9pm, Tu, W, no cover

Hammerfall, 8pm, $22.50

GWAR, Sacred Reich, 8pm, W, $25

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Oct. 16, 8 p.m. Virginia Street Brewhouse 211 N. Virginia St. 433-1090


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Queens of the World, 10pm, $5

Margret’s Funk Band, 8pm, no cover Ladies Night, 10pm, $0-$5

ATLiens Oct. 12, 10 p.m. The BlueBird 555 E. Fourth St. 499-5549

7-Out, The Scattering, Sneeze Attack, 9:30pm, $6

715 S. Virginia St., (775) 786-4774


Nigel St. Hubbins, 8pm, no cover

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CLIFF & DAVE: Tue, 10/15, Wed, 10/16, 8pm,

2100 Garson road, Verdi, (775) 345-6000


GUiTar Bar GARY DOUGLAS: Thu, 10/10, 6pm, no cover RAT PACK EVENTS: Fri, 10/11, 5pm, no cover THE STARLITERS: Sat, 10/12, 5pm, no cover EBONY NOT QUITE IVORY: Fri, 10/11, Sat, 10/12, 9pm, no cover

Willie Nelson Oct. 11, 7 p.m. Nugget Casino Resort 1100 Nugget Ave. Sparks 356-3300

ATLANTIS CASINO rESOrT SPA 3800 s. VirGinia sT., (775) 825-4700 CaBareT RECKLESS ENVY: Thu, 10/10, Fri, 10/11, Sat, 10/12, 4pm, no cover

JUST US: Fri, 10/11, Sat, 10/12, 10pm, Sun, 10/13, 8pm, no cover

THE VEGAS ROAD SHOW: Mon, 10/14, Tue, 10/15,




500 n. sierra sT., (775) 329-0711 eL JeFe’s CanTina SKYY HIGH FRIDAY WITH DJ MO FUNK: Fri, 10/11, 10pm, no cover


THE ROBEYS: Sun, 10/13, 6pm, no cover TANDYMONIUM: Mon, 10/14, 6pm, no cover STEPHEN LORD: Tue, 10/15, 6pm, no cover JASON KING: Wed, 10/16, 6pm, no cover



14 HiGHway 28, CrysTaL Bay, (775) 833-6333

507 n. Carson sT., Carson CiTy, (775) 882-1626

Crown rooM

THe LoFT DECEPTION: Fri, 10/11, Sat, 10/12, 9pm, no cover

CArSON VALLEy INN 1627 HiGHway 395, Minden, (775) 782-9711 CaBareT BUDDY EMMER BAND: Thu, 10/10, Fri, 10/11,

Wed, 10/16, 8pm, no cover


no cover


Sat, 10/12, 8pm, no cover

FASTLANE: Fri, 10/11, Sat, 10/12, 9pm, no cover



red rooM MIRA & VIC CRULICH: Sat, 10/12, 11:30pm, no cover



The 38th annual festival transforms downtown Reno into Little Italy with a grape stomp, wine walk, gelato-eating contest, an Italian farmers' market, food booths and live entertainment on two stages all weekend long. Another highlight is the Great Italian Festival Sauce Cook-off, in which Italian families from across the West Coast bring their recipes to life right on the street for guests to taste. People’s Choice ballots for favorite sauce will be given with the purchase of pasta. The event takes place from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 12, and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 13, outside the Eldorado Resort Casino, 345 N. Virginia St. Admission is free. Visit www.eldoradoreno.com.

Post shows online by registering at www.newsreview.com/reno. Deadline is the Friday before publication.

The Brothers


Oct. 11, 9 p.m. Crystal Bay Casino 14 Highway 28 Crystal Bay (775) 833-6333

gUitar PLaZa

gamE oN

ROCKTOBERFEST: Sat, 10/12, Sun 10/13, noon,


no cover




SoUth ShorE room

2707 S. VirgiNia St., (775) 826-2121



345 N. VirgiNia St., (775) 786-5700


Showroom THE ILLUSIONISTS EXPERIENCE: Thu, 10/10, 7pm, Fri, 10/11, 8:30pm, Sat, 10/12, 5pm & 8:30pm, Sun, 10/13, 5pm, $39.95-$59.95

BrEw BrothErS STUDENT BODY THURSDAYS WITH VJ RIZZO: Thu, 10/10, 10pm, no cover

KARAOKE WITH ROCK U ENT.: Mon, 10/14, Wed, 10/16, 10pm, no cover


GRAND SIERRA RESORT 2500 E. SEcoNd St., (775) 789-2000 graNd thEatrE GODSMACK: Fri, 10/11, 9pm, $52.50-$155

8pm, $55-$105

THROWBACK THURSDAY WITH DJ SWERVE-1: Thu, 10/10, 6pm, no cover

LEX FRIDAYS WITH DJ RYON: Fri, 10/11, 10pm, $20 LEX SATURDAYS WITH DJ P JAY: Sat, 10/12, 10pm, $20


MONTBLEU RESORT CASINO & SPA 55 highway 50, StatELiNE, (775) 588-3515

wiLLiam hiLL racE aNd SPortS Bar

moNtBLEU Showroom



10/10, Fri, 10/11, Sat, 10/12, 10pm, no cover

Sat, 10/12, 9pm, no cover


AUDIO SKY: Sat, 10/12, 9pm, no cover


caSiNo cENtEr StagE


10pm, no cover

15 highway 50, StatELiNE, (800) 427-7247

7:30pm, $59.17


MIKE FURLONG BAND: Fri, 10/11, Sat, 10/12, 9pm, no cover

TAHOE BILTMORE 5 hwy. 28, cryStaL Bay, (775) 831-0660 caSiNo FLoor

LATIN DANCE SOCIAL WITH BB & KIKI OF SALSA RENO: Fri, 10/10, 7pm, $10-$20, no cover

CHRIS COSTA: Fri, 10/11, Sat, 10/12, 8pm, no cover

before 8pm

DJ SPRYTE: Sat, 10/12, 10pm, $20

tErracE LoUNgE RENO JAZZ SYNDICATE: Thu, 10/10, 7pm, Fri, 10/11, Sat, 10/12, 8pm, no cover

TRISTAN SELZLER: Sun, 10/13, 7pm, Mon, 10/14, Tue, 10/15, Wed, 10/16, 6pm, no cover

SANDS REGENCY CASINO HOTEL 345 N. arLiNgtoN aVE., (775) 348-2200 3rd StrEEt LoUNgE



50 highway 50, StatELiNE, (844) 588-7625

1100 NUggEt aVE., SParkS, (775) 356-3300


cENtEr Bar


407 N. VirgiNia St., (775) 325-7401

DJ SET: Fri, 10/11, Sat, 10/12, 9pm, no cover

NEC BLOCK PARTY WITH DJ KENTOT: Fri, 10/11, 4pm, no cover



TYLER STAFFORD: Fri, 10/11, Sat, 10/12, 7pm, no cover

graNd EXPoSitioN haLL

Fat Cat Bar & Grill (Midtown District), 1401 S. Virginia St., (775) 453-2223: Karaoke with Chapin, Tue, 9pm, no cover Pizza Baron, 1155 W. Fourth St., Ste. 113, (775) 329-4481: Wacky Wednesday Karaoke with Steve Starr & DJ Hustler, 9pm, no cover The Point, 1601 S. Virginia St., (775) 3223001: Karaoke, Thu-Sat, 8:30pm, no cover Spiro’s Sports Bar & Grille, 1475 E. Prater Way, Ste. 103, Sparks, (775) 356-6000: Karaoke, Fri-Sat, 9pm, no cover

TONY DANZA: Sat, 10/12, 8pm, $36.65-$50.41

Fri, 10/11, 7pm, $50-$105






FOR THE WEEK OF OcTObER 10, 2019 For a complete listing of this week’s events or to post events to our online calendar, visit www.newsreview.com. LET’S TALK TRASH—ROT!: Learn how to turn


organic waste into nutrient-rich soil for your garden or indoor house plants. Sat, 10/12, 1:30pm. Free. Galena Creek Visitor Center, 18250 Mount Rose Highway, www.galenacreekvisitorcenter.org.

National Automobile Museum’s presents its Second Thursdays Talk featuring speaker William N. Cathey. Cathey will talk about William Crapo “Billy” Durant, a co-founder of General Motors. Thu, 10/10, 1:30pm. $5 for talk, free for NAM members. National Automobile Museum, 10 S. Lake St., www.automuseum.org.

LIFEBOAT: Artemisia MovieHouse presents a screening of the 1944 war drama directed by Alfred Hitchcock. At the height of WWII, survivors of a torpedo attack crowd into a lifeboat. Adrift in the North Atlantic, their rations shrinking, the tension mounts—for one German on board is suspected of being the U-boat captain who sunk their ship and put them all in peril. Sun, 10/13, 6pm. $5-$9. Good Luck Macbeth Theatre Company, 124 W. Taylor St., (775) 636-3386, www.artemisiamovies.weebly.com.

LOCAL AUTHOR DAY: Meet local authors



The Nevada Museum of Art holds its monthly event offering free admission, hands-on art activities, storytelling, a docent-guided tour, live performances and community collaborations. This month’s happening will have a Dia de los Muertos theme and will feature activities such as making sugar skulls, paper flowers and papel picados and entertainment, including a Day of the Dead festival and a performance by Danza De Matlachines Guadalupana. There will also be children’s storytelling sessions with Kathleen Durham and a bilingual, docent-led tour of the galleries. The fiesta takes place from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 12, at the NMA, 160 W. Liberty St. Admission is free. Call 329-3333 or visit www.nevadaart.org.


FALL FESTIVAL: Tahoe Donner’s 10th annual family-friendly harvest festival offers live music, a costume competition, kids’ carnival area, arts and crafts vendors, a pumpkin patch, pony rides, Oktoberfestinspired food, the popular Doggie Dip and more. Sat, 10/12, 11am. $5-$25, free for children under age 2. Tahoe Donner, Northwoods Clubhouse, 11509 Northwoods Blvd., Truckee, (530) 5879400, www.tahoedonner.com.

2019 VOICES FROM THE PAST—SILVER TERRACE CEMETERY TOUR: Funtime Theater presents its 17th annual walking tour to raise funds for the cemetery’s restoration. Sat, 10/12-Sun, 10/13, 10am & 1pm. $10-$15. Silver Terrace Cemetery, North E and Carson streets, Virginia City, www.funtimetheater.com.


FERRARI FARMS FALL FESTIVAL: The annual fall celebration features a pumpkin patch, hay rides, corn maze, corn walk, farm animals, mechanical bull, bounce house and other attractions. The festival runs daily through Nov. 2. Pumpkins are priced by variety and weight. Thu, 10/10Wed, 10/16, 9:30am. Free. Ferrari Farms, 4701 Mill St., (775) 997-3276.

craft fair features Native American and non-Native American local and regional vendors selling items such as jewelry, beadwork, arts and crafts, blankets, baked goods and more. There will be a raffle, food vendors and free trick-ortreat bags for kids. Fri, 10/11-Sat, 10/12, 10am. Free. Reno/Sparks Indian Colony Gym, 34 Reservation Road, (775) 842-1385.

ANDELIN FAMILY FARM PUMPKIN PATCH HARVEST FESTIVAL: The annual harvest celebration features a pick-your-own pumpkin patch, corn maze, hay rides and other attractions and activities. Zombie Paintball and the Corn Creepers Haunt will be offered on selected dates in October with a separate admission fee. The pumpkin patch is open TuesdaySaturday through Oct. 31. Pumpkins are not included in the admission and are priced by variety and weight. Thu,


10/10-Sat, 10/12, Tue, 10/15-Wed, 10/16, 10am. $0-$7. Andelin Family Farm, 8100 Pyramid Way, Sparks, (775) 530-8032, www.andelinfamilyfarm.com.






present this festival offering music and dance performances, science and natural history demonstrations, short science documentaries, museum tours and art projects at Fleischmann Planetarium, Nevada Historical Society, Lilley Museum of Art, Museum of Natural History, Keck Mineral Museum, Wilbur D. May Museum and Nevada Space Center. Visit website for a daily schedule. Thu, 10/10-Sun, 10/13, 9:30am. University of Nevada Reno, 1664 N. Virginia St., www.nevadaspacecenter.org.

Jacqueline Green, Craig Prather, Kathryn Reed, Wendy Swallow and Robert Sweifach. Sat, 10/12, 1pm. Free. Sundance Books and Music, 121 California Ave., (775) 786-1188.

MID-CENTURY MODERN ARCHITECTURE IN THE BIGGEST LITTLE CITY: Reno launched into the 21st century on a wave of the economic, cultural and technological currents that are reshaping American cities. Architect Alan Hess will explore how Reno took advantage of similar trends in the mid-20th century by creating its own unique modern architecture that spread the fruits of those trends to all its citizens and visitors. Thu, 10/10, 6pm. $5-$12. Nevada Museum of Art, 160 W. Liberty St., www.nevadaart.org.

NOCHE LATINA: Celebrate Latin American culture by viewing country displays, enjoying samples of various LatinAmerican food or challenging your friends to an obstacle course while listening to a DJ and the UNR Mariachi band perform. Thu, 10/10, 9pm. Free. Glick Ballrooms, Joe Crowley Student Union, University of Nevada, Reno, 1500 N. Virginia St., (775) 784-6505

PUMPKIN PATCH TRAINS: Catch a train to the Gold Hill pumpkin patch and pick your special pumpkin to carve or cook. Trains depart from the historic 1870 depot in Virginia City. Sat, 10/12Sun, 10/13, 10:30am. $10-$19. Virginia Truckee Railroad, 166 F St., Virginia City, virginiatruckee.com.

REKO RENNIE—ALWAYS WAS ALWAYS WILL BE: Reko Rennie is a contemporary Aboriginal artist based in Melbourne, Australia. Learn about Rennie’s current work and his first large-scale mural for an American museum, commissioned by the Nevada Museum of Art. Fri, 10/11, 6pm. $5-$12. Nevada Museum of Art, 160 W. Liberty St., (775) 329-3333.

RENO FRIGHT FEST—SLAUGHTERHOUSE: The 14th annual haunted attraction returns with a fresh layout and brand new scares, as well as a frightening, 10-minute ride on the Terror Train. A train pass can be purchased at a discount by buying a combo ticket online or at the box office. Fri, 10/11-Sat, 10/12, 7pm. $17-$24. Greater Nevada Field, 250 Evans Ave., renofrightfest.com.

THROUGH OUR EYES—THE WOMEN VETERANS’ EXPERIENCE: The exhibition features images and stories of local women who have served in the armed forces. Francie Mahoney will talk about the project at a reception on Oct. 12. The exhibition will be on display through Nov. 22. Sat, 10/12, 2-3pm. Free. Northwest Reno Library, 2325 Robb Drive, (775) 787-4100, events.washoecountylibrary.us.

TRAIN TO VIRGINIA CITY: Rediscover Nevada’s rich history on the V&T Carson City-Virginia City route as you meander through tunnels, canyons and mining towns aboard a restored 1914 Pullman coach led by a 1916 Baldwin 2-8-0 steam locomotive. This all-day train excursion is fully narrated with historical facts and anecdotes. Departing from Carson City’s Eastgate Depot, the 24-mile round-trip tour includes a 3.5-hour stopover in historic Virginia City, where you can stroll the boardwalks and explore restaurants, shops, saloons, museums, mines and more. Please arrive at the depot a half hour prior to departure. Fri, 10/11-Sun, 10/13, 10am. $35-$55. Carson City Eastgate Depot, 4650 Eastgate Siding Road, Carson City, vtrailway.com.

ART ARTE ITALIA: NeoRealismo—The New Image in Italy, 1932-1960. This exhibition portrays life in Italy through the lens of photography before, during and after World War II. Fri, 10/11-Sun, 10/13, noon. Free. arte italia, 442 Flint St., (775) 333-0313.

ARTIST CO-OP GALLERY OF RENO: Tiny Treasures. The Latimer Art Club presents its 12th annual juried and judged exhibition of miniature art. Thu, 10/10-Wed, 10/16, 11am-4pm. Free. Artist Co-op Gallery of Reno, 627 Mill St., www.artistsco-opgalleryreno.com.

CITY HALL METRO GALLERY: Icons of MidCentury Nevada. Reno City Hall Metro Gallery presents paintings and prints by Greg Allen. The show runs through Oct. 24. Thu, 10/10-Fri, 10/11, Mon, 10/14-Wed, 10/16, 8am-5pm. Free. City Hall Metro Gallery, 1 E. First St., (775) 334-6264.

MCKINLEY ARTS & CULTURE CENTER: Art Matters. The City of Reno McKinley Galleries presents an exhibition of work by the art teachers of the Washoe County School District. The show runs through Oct. 18. Thu, 10/10-Fri, 10/11, Mon, 10/14-Wed, 10/16, 8am-5pm. Free. East and West Galleries, McKinley Arts & Culture Center, 925 Riverside Drive, (775) 334-6264.

RENO ART WORKS: Art of the Spirit gallery opening. Reno Art Works presents its Halloween group show. Sat, 10/12, 10am. Reno Art Works, 1995 Dickerson Road, www.facebook.com/ RenoArtWorks.

WILBUR D. MAY CENTER: Art of the Aloha Shirt Keoni of Hawaii, 1938-51. Explore the history, artistry and production of Hawaii’s enduring fashion statement, the Aloha shirt. Thu, 10/10-Sun, 10/13, Wed, 10/16, 10am. $4-$6. Wilbur D. May Center, Rancho San Rafael Regional Park, 1595 N. Sierra St., (775) 785-5961.

ONSTAGE THE CAKE: The University of Nevada, Reno’s Department of Theatre presents Bekah Brunstetter’s comedy. Della makes cakes, not judgment calls—those she leaves to her husband. But when the girl she helped raise comes back home to North Carolina to get married, and the fiancé is actually a fiancée, Della’s life gets turned upside down. Fri, 10/11-Sat, 10/12, 7:30pm; Sun, 10/13, 1:30pm. $10-$15. Redfield Studio Theatre, Church Fine Arts Building, University of Nevada, Reno, 1335 N. Virginia St., (775) 784-4278.

HARVEY: The Pulitzer Prize-winning comedy is the story of Elwood P. Dowd, a friendly man with a very strange best friend—a six-foot, three-and-one-half-inch invisible rabbit named Harvey. Elwood’s sister tries to have him committed at the sanatorium but Elwood and Harvey have other plans. Thu, 10/10-Sat, 10/12, 7:30pm; Sun, 10/13, 2pm. $15-$25. Reno Little Theater, 147 E. Pueblo St., renolittletheater.org.

THE LEGEND OF GEORGIA MCBRIDE: Brüka Theatre presents Matthew Lopez’s comedy centering on a young Elvis Presley impersonator barely making a living who finds a path to prosperity by becoming a lip-syncing drag queen. Thu,

10/10-Sat, 10/12, 7:30pm; Sun, 10/13, 2pm. $20-$26. Brüka Theatre, 99 N.

Virginia St., (775) 323-3221.

LET THE RIGHT ONE IN: Good Luck Macbeth presents Jack Thorne’s enchanting, brutal vampire myth and coming-of-age love story adapted from the best-selling novel and award-winning film. Thu,

10/10-Sat, 10/12, 7:30pm; Sun, 10/13, 2pm;

Wed, 10/16, 7:30pm. $18-$30. Good Luck Macbeth Theatre Company, 124 W. Taylor St., (775) 322-3716.

UNIVERSITY SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA SEASON OPENER: The ensemble will explore the significant works in the orchestral repertoire. Thu, 10/10, 7:30pm. $7, free for UNR students. Nightingale Concert Hall, Church Fine Arts Building, University of Nevada, Reno, 1335 N. Virginia St., (775) 784-4278.


The Dumpster fire within About six weeks ago, I started dating the nicest guy. I have some intimacy issues (basically, fear of abandonment), and having somebody be nice to me is new and uncomfortable. I freaked out one night and had sex with somebody else. I know this guy I’m dating isn’t sleeping with other women, but we haven’t had the official talk. I don’t plan on doing this again, but I really want to confess. The guilt is terrible. You and Neighbordude might be all kinds of fond of each other, but you have no agreement for sexual exclusivity. Still, assuming that he isn’t getting it on with anyone else, it’s natural that you’d feel guilty about an apparent asymmetry in sexual grazing. Human psychology evolved to have a sort of inner accounting staff monitoring the fairness level of our behavior—calculating whether we’re giving as much as we’re getting. However, evolution doesn’t care whether we’re nice people. It just wants us to survive so we can pass on our genes. Accordingly, this fairness monitoring system safeguards our physical survival through safeguarding our social survival. Even today, when we perceive that we’re getting more than our fair share of something—whether it’s cake or sex with hot strangers—our behavioral accounts payable team pings us in the form of feelbad—the noxious, gut-churning feeling of guilt and/or shame. Research by evolutionary psychologist Daniel Sznycer and his colleagues deems guilt a “recalibrational emotion.” This means that our wanting to stop the feelbad from guilt motivates us to even the balance between ourselves and somebody we’ve shorted in some way. The thing is, emotion, which rises up automatically, needs to be fact-checked by reason. Unfortunately, reason has to be dragged out of bed and forced to work. And that’s what you need to do with yours. You and this guy had no exclusivity agreement that would have barred you from venturing into other men’s beds, back seats or sex dungeons. Also, let’s get real on why you’re longing to tell. It isn’t to

make the guy feel better but to make yourself feel better. Next, consider the view from psychiatrist and evolutionary researcher Randolph Nesse that painful emotions are important motivational tools. You can use your guilt-induced discomfort in a positive way—as reinforcement against your stepping out on the guy once you two do have a relationship. Other helpful insight comes from research on “attachment.” The “attachment behavioral system,” explain social scientists Mario Mikulencer and Philip Shaver, motivates human beings, from infancy on, “to seek proximity to significant others (attachment figures) in times of need.” A person’s “attachment style” indicates the degree to which a person “worries that a partner will not be responsive in times of need,” including the worry that one’s partner will flee the relationship entirely. However, Mikulencer and Shaver note that “a growing body of research shows that attachment style can change, subtly or dramatically.” One way to change it is through asking your partner to be very physically and emotionally expressive with you in loving, cuddly-wuddly ways. Research by psychologist Brooke C. Feeney finds that the more an insecurely attached person sees their partner is there for them—like with touch that “conveys acceptance, warmth and intimacy”—the more independent they can be. Finally, there’s something you can do to help yourself feel more secure, per Mikulencer and Shaver’s research: Turn on the TV in your head and run helpful programming—mental video of warm, fuzzy “attachment figures.” The researchers explain that “thoughts of an available and supportive attachment figure” lead people with a lot of attachment insecurities “to behave more like secure people.” Putting this another way, your response to a man being really loving to you would be to give love in return. Ω


Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave., No. 280, Santa Monica, CA 90405, or email AdviceAmy@aol.com (www.advicegoddess.com).

10.10.19    |   RN&R   |   25

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by ROb bRezsny

For the week o F october 10, 2019 ARIES (March 21-April 19): “Love is when you meet

someone who tells you something new about yourself,” wrote poet André Breton. I think that’s an excellent principle to put at the top of your priority list in the coming weeks. To be in maximum alignment with cosmic rhythms, you should seek input from allies who’ll offer insights about you that are outside your current conceptions of yourself. You might even be daring enough to place yourself in the paths of strangers, acquaintances, animals and teachers who can provide novel reflections. There’s just one caveat: Stay away from people who might be inclined to fling negative feedback.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): C.P. Cavafy’s poem “Waiting for the Barbarians” imagines the imminent arrival of an unpredictable agent of chaos. “The barbarians are coming today,” declares the narrator. Everyone in town is uneasy. People’s routines are in disarray. Faces look worried. What’s going to happen? But the poem has a surprise ending. “It is night, and the barbarians haven’t come,” reports the narrator. “Some people have arrived from the frontier and say that there aren’t any more barbarians.” I propose that we use this scene as a metaphor for your life right now. It’s quite possible that the perceived threat isn’t really a threat. So here’s my question, taken from near the end of the poem: “What are we going to do now without the barbarians?”

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Some folklorists prefer the term “wonder tales” rather than “fairy tales.” Indeed, many such stories are filled with marvelous events that feature magical transformations, talking animals and mythical creatures such as elves and dragons and unicorns. I bring this up because I want to encourage you to read some wonder tales. Hopefully, as you do, you’ll be inspired to reimagine your life as a wonder tale; you’ll reframe the events of the “real world” around you as being elements in a richly entertaining wonder tale. Why do I recommend this? Because wonder tales are like waking dreams that reveal the wishes and curiosities and fascinations of your deep psyche. And I think you will benefit profoundly in the coming weeks from consciously tuning in to those wishes and curiosities and fascinations.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): I suspect that in the

coming days you’ll be able to see into everyone’s souls more vividly than usual. You’ll have a special talent for piercing through the outer trappings of their personalities so as to gaze at the essence beneath. It’s as if your eyes will be blessed by an enhancement that enables you to discern what’s often hidden. This upgrade in your perception may at times be unsettling. For some of the people you behold, the difference between how they present themselves and who they actually are will be dramatic. But for the most part, penetrating to the depths should be fun, enriching, even healing.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): “This heart is rusty,” writes

poet Gabriel Gadfly. “It creaks, it clanks, it crashes and rattles and bangs.” Why is his heart in such a state? Because he has been separated from a person he loves. And so he’s out of practice in doing the little things, the caring gestures and tender words, that a lover does to keep the heart well-oiled. It’s my observation that most of us go through rusty-heart phases like this even when we are living in close proximity to an intimate ally. We neglect to practice the art of bestowing affectionate attention and low-key adoration. We forget how important it is for our own welfare that we continually refresh and reinvigorate our heart intelligence. These are good meditations for you right now.

Here’s a good place to begin: Visualize in exuberant detail all the reasons you started doing them in the first place.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): I hope you are embarking

on a vigorous new phase of self-redefinition. I trust you are excited about shedding old ways of thinking about yourself and eager to revise and re-imagine the plot of your life story. As you do, keep in mind this helpful counsel from physicist Richard Feynman: “You have no responsibility to live up to what other people think you ought to accomplish. I have no responsibility to be like they expect me to be. It’s their mistake, not my failing.”

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You’ve probably heard

the saying, “Genius is 99 percent perspiration and one percent inspiration.” It’s often attributed to inventor Thomas Edison. Michelangelo expressed a similar idea. “If you knew how much labor went into it, you would not call it genius,” he said about one of his masterpieces. I’m guessing that you have been in a phase when these descriptions are highly apropos. The work you’ve been doing may look productive and interesting and heroic to the casual observer, and maybe only you know how arduous and exacting it has been. So now what do you do? I say it’s time to enjoy the fruits of your efforts. Celebrate! Give yourself a thrilling gift.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): “The universe is

under no obligation to make sense to you,” declared astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson. If that’s even a little bit true, I bet you won’t believe it in the coming weeks. According to my analysis, the universe will make a great deal of sense to you—at times even exquisite, beautiful, breathtaking sense. Life will be in a revelatory and articulate mood. The evocative clues coming your way about the nature of reality could tempt you to believe that there is indeed a coherent plan and meaning to your personal destiny.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): In 2005, Facebook

was a start-up company barely on the map of the internet. Its president asked graffiti artist David Choe to paint murals on the walls of its headquarters. Choe asked for $60,000, but the president convinced him to be paid with Facebook stock instead. Years later, when Facebook went public, Choe became a multi-millionaire. I suspect that in the coming months you will be faced with choices that are less spectacular than that, but similar and important. My conclusion: Be willing to consider smart gambles when projects are germinating.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): “Experiment is the sole

source of truth,” wrote philosopher and polymath Henri Poincaré. “It alone can teach us something new; it alone can give us certainty.” He wasn’t merely referring to the kinds of experiments that scientists conduct in laboratories. He was talking about the probes and explorations we can and should carry out in the course of our daily lives. I mention this because the coming days will be prime time for you to do just that: Ask provocative questions, initiate novel adventures, and incite fun learning experiences.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): In my opinion, Piscean

singer, poet and actor Saul Williams produces high-quality art. So he has earned a right to critique mediocre art. In speaking about movies and TV shows that are hard to enjoy unless we dumb ourselves down, he says that “we have more guilty pleasure than actual f---in’ pleasure.” Your assignment in the coming weeks is to cut back on your “guilty pleasures”—the entertainment, art, and socializing that brings meager returns—as you increase and upgrade your actual f---in’ pleasure.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): “All the effort in the

world won’t matter if you’re not inspired,” writes novelist Chuck Palahniuk. I agree! And that’s a key meditation for you right now. Your assignment is to enhance and upgrade the inspiration you feel about the activities that are most important to you—the work and the play that give you the sense you’re living a meaningful life. So how do you boost your excitement and motivation for those essential actions you do on a regular basis?

You can call Rob Brezsny for your Expanded Weekly Horoscope: (900) 950-7700. $1.99 per minute. Must be 18+. Touchtone phone required. Customer service (612) 373-9785. And don’t forget to check out Rob’s website at realastrology.com.

by MAtt BiEKER

Manager Maya Rupert

Let’s start with some of the specifics of the Castro platform for Nevada. I guess we could start with alleviating the housing crisis. So, one of the things I think that comes from the fact that Secretary Castro ran the Housing Department is a particular focus on affordability and how that really works. Because we say, “the housing affordability crisis” like it’s one crisis, and depending on where you’re living and how you’re living, it operates very, very differently. You have folks that are in urban areas where the issue is rents are too high because there aren’t enough units, and we need to increase the number of units. But it can’t just be private developers. … They have to be, not just incentivized, but required to actually be building affordable units.


Maya Rupert has dedicated her career to drafting policy on behalf of organizations like the Center for Reproductive Rights, National Center for Lesbian Rights, and the Department of Housing and Urban Development. When former Housing Secretary Julian Castro announced his 2020 bid for President, he named Rupert as his campaign manager, making her the third black woman ever to run a national presidential campaign.

… But the second thing is, if you go to a rural community and you say, “All right, we’re going to build a bunch of new units, and that’s how you’re gonna be able to afford houses.” People are gonna look at you like, “There are vacant units.” The issue is that people’s wages aren’t high enough, right? So, it’s like one of the things that Secretary Castro has been really adamant about is that—the kind of people-first agenda is how we talk about it—is that it’s about connecting the dots. It’s not just housing affordability, it’s also jobs. It’s transportation so that folks can actually get to high enough paying jobs so that they can afford rent. It’s a $15 minimum wage.

Education is another huge issue in Nevada, where does Castro stand on improving Nevada’s 50th-in-the nation ranking?

So, basically, what he’s proposing is extending our concept of public education to be preschool through university, right? Because we’re talking about eliminating tuition and making that a universal system. … For this to work as well, we do need to incentivize teachers staying in certain areas. … What he sort of talked about was getting raises to teachers, but actually making it so that money is specifically going to teachers that are going to work in under-served communities. … One of the things that he proposes is a fellowship program that kind of looks like Teach for America, but Teach for America is the kind of thing that, basically, somebody goes in for a couple of years with the idea that they’re probably not going to be a lifelong educator. … It doesn’t create that sort of pipeline of long-term educators that are staying in communities, investing in the communities who teach generations of the same family and the kind of stuff that builds that kind of social capital. And then … student debt relief. … So what he’s actually proposing is to reform the way that system works so that you automatically are entered into a graduated debt repayment program. … Basically, how it works out, until you’re working a job that would pay you the equivalent of $15 an hour, you are not paying loans and not, “those loans are deferred.” Your payment is actually zero because the idea is you go into higher education because you’re making an investment in your future. If that investment isn’t paying off for you, we don’t want that to limit your potential. Ω


Day after day Ho hum. Another official from the Trump Administration, this time Gordon Sondland, who literally bought his ambassadorship to the European Union, was ordered by Dum Dum not to testify to the House Intelligence Committee about those “Call me” texts in the Ukraine mess. So Prez Capone is stonewalling Congress? Again? ZZZZZZZZ. Gee, must be a day ending in Y. Dipshit has one, and only one, strategy at this time—stonewall, stonewall and more stonewall. And goddammit, Congress has, so far, let him get away with it. As the tremendous Rick Wilson tweeted just after Twitler ordered Sondland to STFU, “This is the part where Donald Trump rubs the Democrats faces in his contempt and they smile and issue some anodyne statement. Without consequences, he will continue to abuse power until Congress is rendered a toothless

debating society. On your feet or on your knees. Pick one.” I’m guessing that tweet speaks for many of us. As in, Jesus H. Christ, Congress, when are you gonna start frog-walking these flaming bleepsuckers into a frigging jailhouse for their sneering contempt? When are you gonna start playing some good old-fashioned hardball? When are you going to start kicking some goddamn orange ass?” Congress: “We want to question so and so about something.” Trump: “Yeah? Well, piss off. You can’t.” Congress: “Boy, oh, boy, Mr. President, you are really burning us up!” Trump: “Heh heh heh. Too effing bad. Like I said, piss off.” Congress: “Grrrrrrrrr!” Congress can indeed bust an insolent no-show for inherent contempt, but it hasn’t used this procedure since 1934, for a whole pile of boring technical legal reasons. And, usually, congressional

subpoenas eventually work, and the committee gets its hearing. But there’s something different about Trump. This is one rogue mob boss of a POTUS. He’s the first President ever to say “Rules? I don’t no need stinking rules. I do, however, need my team of 17 lawyers. See you in court … in about, oh, four months? Heh heh heh.” We’ve never seen anything like it. And it’s getting tired—very tired. We’re impatient as hell with this Waltz of the Courts. Would somebody just please shove a coconut cream pie in the mug of Mr. Stable Genius? I’m writing this on Tuesday and am fully aware of the distinct possibility that, by the time you read this, all of this orange drama might have changed or been upended somehow. It’s the chance we weekly columnists take as we skate on the thin ice in Trump Town. Our stuff can be made moot in a flash! Ω








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