13-19, 2020
Not dead Punk houses set for demolition See Arts&Culture, page 16
serving northern nevada, tahoe and truckee
This publication was made possible by grant number CFDA 93.217 from Title X, and its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Office of Population Affairs. 2 | RN&R | 02.13.20
Happy birthday to us
With friends like these
Welcome to this week’s Reno News & Review. I’m not sure if anyone outside of our offices pays much attention to our issue or volume numbers, but this week’s edition is Issue 1 of Vol. 26. That means this newspaper is now 25 years old. That’s not quite old enough to be a storied institution, but it’s probably about 23 years longer than many skeptics in the valley expected when the paper launched. I was a reader of the paper long before I was a writer or an editor. I remember reading Bob Grimm’s movie reviews, D. Brian Burghart’s reporting, and Bruce Van Dyke’s ruminations long before I met and befriended any of them, and I loved feeling like I was encountering new, local versions of the alternative media journalists from a slightly earlier generation, like Hunter S. Thompson and Lester Bangs , whom I was also discovering, reading and loving at that time. I’ve always aspired for our paper to have the best, most entertaining writing possible, a quality of material that rivals national publications despite the hyper-local focus of our coverage. Alternative newspapers, like ours, exist in a weird gray area: We’re too loose, subjective, opinionated and messy to really fit in with traditional old-media daily newspapers, but we’re also too grounded, too factual and too material to be simple figments of the imaginative internet. We’re the misfit middle child. The older generation thinks we’re a bunch of stoner slackers, and the kids think it’s weird that we put our thoughts on paper instead of in YouTube videos. But I love existing in that gray area—one foot in traditional media, and the other foot in the digital chaos of social media and other online content. I like to pick and choose the best of both worlds. But our real world is, has been and will continue to be: Reno, Sparks, Carson City, Lake Tahoe, Truckee and the surrounding communities. It’s an honor to serve this region, and thank you for reading our little fishwrap rag.
The miscreants Trump and Netanyahu seen together, the recently indicted and the soonto-be-indicted, two peas in a pod. Perfect. Ever notice how Trump is like, tight with all the bad guys? Duterte. Bolsonaro. Kim Jong-un. Johnson, and my favorite: Vladimir (Ras) Putin. BTW, how did a relatively common bureaucrat like Putin get so rich? Jon Obester Reno
—BRAD BYNUM bradb@ ne ws r ev i ew . com
Fair plan The Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit (LTBMU) of the U.S. Forest Service has an opportunity to adopt a balanced approach to winter recreation that is fair to non-motorized and motorized users. Careful planning can mitigate safety hazards and minimize conflicts between users which, by law, the LTBMU must work to do. The LTBMU should adopt the lands along the Mt. Rose Hwy corridor, as non-motorized because 95 percent of the use is pedestrian—cross-country skiing, snowshoeing and family snow play. North of McKinney Rubicon Creek Road to Hwy 267, Brockway, on the West side of the Lake should be open to snowmobile use with small areas designated for non-motorized use. The same for the area south of Hwy 50 and North of Kingsbury Grade, Hwy 207, on the East side of the Lake. This allows for large areas for motorized use while protecting the safety of pedestrians along the Mt. Rose corridor. Gail Ferrell Reno
More caucus concerns I believe the Committee for the Democratic Party for Nevada is anti-semitic. Reasons: they chose the sabbath for the caucus in 2016 and 2020 to keep the Jewish people from attending because it would break their sabbath. Bernie Sanders lost by only 5.3 percent. This year they have four days of early voting, but many sites of early voting are open one day, which is Saturday the
Leslie, Eric Marks, Kelsey Penrose, Jessica Santina, Todd South, Luka Starmer, Kris Vagner, Bruce Van Dyke, Allison Young Our Mission: To publish great newspapers that are successful and enduring. To create a quality work environment that encourages employees to grow professionally while respecting personal welfare. To have a positive impact on our communities and make them better places to live. Editor Brad Bynum News Editor Jeri Davis Special Projects Editor Matt Bieker Calendar Editor Kelley Lang Contributors Amy Alkon, Jane K. Callahan, Mark Earnest, Bob Grimm, Oliver Guinan, Andrea Heerdt, Holly Hutchings, Shelia
Creative Services Manager Elisabeth Bayard Arthur Art Directors Maria Ratinova, Sarah Hansel Art of Information Director Serene Lusano Publications Designer Katelynn Mitrano Publications & Advertising Designer Nikki Exerjian Ad Designers Naisi Thomas, Cathy Arnold Office Manager Lisa Ryan Sales Manager Gina Odegard Advertising Consultant Caleb Furlong, Owen Bryant Distribution Director Greg Erwin
FEBRUARY 13, 2020 | VOL. 26, ISSUE 01
15th—such as mineral county, which leaves the Jewish people out. In other places, they make it highly inconvenient for them, thereby making early voting a farce. Also, the caucuses has no absentee voting—eliminating people who have to work, are too sick to attend, and our brave men and women who are deployed. What is there to keep your delegate voting as you wish? Richard Davis Reno
Foundational decay While wrapping themselves in our Constitution, Republicans have been actively and methodically chipping away at that very foundation of our republic. Bits of that foundation are lost with every Republican-backed voter suppression effort. When the likes of Newt Gingrich and Karl Rove replaced rational argument with character smears and outright lies, a large pillar of the foundation fell. A large chunk was torn away when, to protect a lie, Republicans began systematically attacking the press and used it to out a working CIA asset in their desire to invade Iraq. That chipping away continues, and it’s notable that Trump got to play a part when he pardoned Scooter Libby. Mitch McConnell continued the process when he attempted but failed to make Obama a one-term President. With each blocked judge, culminating with denying Judge Garland his constitutionally mandated hearings, large blocks of foundation were removed. And the process continues with every unqualified judge McConnell shoehorns into the vacancies he created. Several large blocks of our foundation were compromised with the Trump impeachment trial. The Democrats took their swings when they cut procedural corners, but the dust got thick from the frantic chipping that happened when Senate Republicans ignored facts and denied truth its day in court. I can forgive the corner-cutting because no matter how Democrats did it, Republicans would create an outrage. But not holding this President and Senate Republicans to any kind of account for their continued assaults on the foundations
Distribution Manager Bob Christensen Distribution Drivers Alex Barskyy, Corey Sigafoos, Gary White, Marty Troye, Vicki Jewell, Olga Barska, Ashley Martinez, Rosie Martinez, Adam Martinez, Duane Johnson, Andy Odegard , Terry Carlson President/CEO Jeff VonKaenel Director of Nuts & Bolts Deborah Redmond Director of People & Culture David Stogner Director of Dollars & Sense Debbie Mantoan Payroll/AP Wizard Miranda Hansen Account Jedi Jessica Kislanka Sales & Production Coordinator Laura Anthony Developer John Bisignano System Support Specialist Kalin Jenkins
N&R Publications Editor Debbie Arrington N&R Publications Associate Editors Derek McDow, Thea Rood N&R Publications Editorial Team Anne Stokes, Nisa Smith Marketing & Publications Lead Consultant Elizabeth Morabito Marketing & Publications Consultants Joseph Engle, Sherri Heller, Rod Maloy, Julia Ballantyne, Laura Golino, Chris Cohen Publications Support Specialist Chelsea Hall
that keep this republic from becoming something else is not just accepting the damage being done, it’s contributing. Michel Rottmann Virginia City Highlands
Party down Apologies to you who work so hard trying to give us good governance. Caucus and political workers deserve praise, but we’re running out of time for needed rapid changes. Caucus is not easy, and voting should never, ever be difficult. Some countries have a dozen or more parties in their retrievablemail-in-physical-paper voting ballots. We’re stuck with two dueling behemoth$, and no moderating third, fourth or even 13th party influence. Marihuana Party anyone? Craig Bergland Reno
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Cover design Sarah Hansel 760 Margrave Drive, Reno, NV 89502
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by matt bieker
Best date you’ve been on? aSked at coffeebar, 682 mt. roSe St. reneé Swackhamer Nurse
I recently met this fellow, and the minute we met, it felt like we’d known each other forever. … He invited me to go to Las Vegas, and there was this really cool pool. When I arrived, he had already had everything set up like a big cabana. … It was very classy.
a aron Schnobrich Business owner
One this year that was a good one, I don’t know if it was the best one, I went down to Yosemite and did a nice long hike. … We hiked to the top of Cloud’s Rest in Yosemite, and then had dinner at the Yosemite Hotel. For me, that’s a pretty good date.
alliSon incze Esthetician
Our endorsement First, for folks emerging from beneath their mineral slab domicile for the first time in however many months, a friendly reminder: The 2020 Nevada Democratic Presidential Caucus is on Feb. 22. (The Republicans, whose presumptive nominee is the incumbent, are not holding a caucus in the state this year.) A caucus is an electoral process in which voters express support for their favored candidates with a bit of discussion among neighbors of the same party affiliation. For more information, including how to determine your caucus location, visit nvdems.com. It’s a good idea to check it. Your caucus location might not be where you usually vote. There are several appealing candidates still in the mix— and strong arguments for and against voting for them. After a great deal of hand-wringing and internal debate, the New York Times recently decided that, rather than endorse a single candidate, they would split their endorsement in half and endorse two candidates, which meant that, for all practical purposes, they didn’t really endorse anybody. We’re not nearly so cowardly. Still, though, that split endorsement is a demonstration of how difficult it is to chose a single candidate this year. We like the steadfast demeanor and eloquence of Pete Buttigieg. We like the passionate, persistent innovation of Elizabeth Warren. We like that Joe Biden is friends with Barack Obama. Amy Klobuchar is what we wish Republicans were like in 2020, and we can see how she’s likely to have some crossover appeal to conservatives who are fed up with Donald Trump’s dishonesty. We like that Tom Steyer is spending a ton of money in Nevada. 5
Every candidate in the pool has an Achilles’ heel—an issue of electability or a policy position that gives us pause. Our favored candidate is no different. For one thing, he’s an old white guy running for a job that’s been held almost, but not quite, exclusively by old white guys. Diversity matters in 2020. And what’s more, he’s a really old guy. When Trump took office, he was the oldest person ever elected to a first term as U.S. President, at 70. If elected, our favored candidate will be nine years older than that. That’s a real problem. It creates a lot of pressure on his eventual running mate. And we’re predicting this now: whoever it is, they will probably be young and most likely a woman. The electability problem of our favored candidate is that, in the general election, he will be routinely criticized as a socialist. That might be an electability problem, but we don’t see it as a policy problem. The Democratic nominee in 1932 was also routinely criticized as a socialist. He won the election, used social programs to save the economy from its worst ever condition, and then saved Democracy itself by leading the country to victory during the worst military conflict the world has ever known. We’ve got no problem with socialists. Authenticity is a problematic concept and an impossible thing to gauge, but we appreciate our favored candidate’s unflinching honesty and his remarkable consistency. His long career and positions on nearly every issue are guided by an unwavering principle: Helping working families. We endorse Bernie Sanders for U.S. President. See you at the caucuses. Ω
It was late at night, and we were drinking, and then Will took me to his shop because he’s a tattoo artist. He tattooed this Aries sign on me, and I did the heart on him. It was just a magical night.
ben Stone Nurse
Snowshoeing and a picnic. It was only our third date. Both of us like snowshoeing. We went out about three miles, just breaking trail—had a picnic. It was a perfect day. It worked out well. We’re married now.
erick a mauban Medical student
He took me out to sushi. … After that, we wanted to spend more time together. … We went to my house and baked cookies. After he left, I was like, “He didn’t kiss me. That’s sad.” He called me and said he forgot his wallet. … He came in and said, “I didn’t forget my wallet. I just wanted to kiss you.”
Avoid caucus chaos Not a fan of Nevada’s chaotic presidential caucus? Join my club. But with so many choices this year, Nevada’s third-in-thenation, first-in-the-West contest means our collective votes could influence the rest of the country. Lucky for us caucus-haters, we don’t have to attend the Feb. 22 caucus to have our voices heard. Some people enjoy going to their neighborhood caucus, especially in a competitive year like this with lots of choices. They like the freewheeling caucus atmosphere, which allows people to “realign” if their candidate doesn’t have enough support to be “viable.” I’ve heard stories of well-organized caucuses where votes were calmly counted and people relished the debate. These are usually caucuses in smaller precincts held in facilities large enough to communicate easily, with well-trained volunteers who manage the process in a neutral, calm manner. But I know far more people who had the same experience as me in the last
two contested caucuses, which were held in overcrowded rooms with no place to sit, not even for the elderly or disabled. Caucus leaders wore the T-shirt of their preferred candidate while they carelessly counted the sea of hands in the air on a freezing playground as “votes.” There were no sound systems, no order and lots of angry people storming out saying they would never caucus again. Whatever your experience, there is now another option. Beginning this Saturday, you can early vote for four days, from Feb. 15-18, at various locations in the community. Learn more by checking out bit.ly/37lvG9E for voting sites and days/hours they are operational in Washoe County. You will be asked to select a minimum of three candidates in order of your preference, and you may select up to five, to allow your early vote to be realigned if your preferred candidate does not have enough votes in your precinct—at least 15 percent—to be viable. Early votes will be counted
on caucus day in their home precincts, so your vote will be calculated then for viability purposes. And cross your fingers our vote-counting process is smoother than Iowa’s. Nevada has a closed primary/caucus system, so only members of a political party can select their candidates. If you’re not already a Democrat, no problem. You can change your registration when you early vote or show up to caucus. You’ll likely be cheered by the crowd for joining the team. If you’re a Republican and want to vote for a presidential candidate, you’re out of luck. Last September, Nevada’s Republican party changed its rules to avoid a 2020 caucus, saying they wanted to save resources since Trump would be the inevitable winner. Of course, this also effectively eliminated any competition, leaving the President free to continue to crow about his popularity, although he hardly needs an excuse to celebrate himself.
Instead, Nevada Republicans will hold a “preference poll” in Pahrump on caucus day, but only the party’s executive committee of about 300 people can vote. And alternatives to Trump will only be considered if 20 executive committee members sign a nomination form, an unlikely prospect. This decision also removes the opportunity to register new Republican voters at the caucus. The party already is substantially behind Democrats in statewide voter registration and is having a difficult time attracting younger members, women or people of color—but they seem oblivious to the impending crash in membership in the post-Trump era. If you want to caucus for a Democrat, doors open at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Feb. 22, and the caucus starts at noon. Or skip the caucus and vote early; that’s what I’m going to do. Who knows, if enough of us use the early vote option, maybe we can make the caucus irrelevant and have a presidential primary instead. Ω
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Northern Nevada 02.13.20
Chris Love, an attorney from Arizona, came to Reno last weekend to speak with the Washoe County Democratic Party’s black caucus about endorsing Elizabeth Warren.
Former Reno mayor Bob Cashell died on the morning of Feb. 11. He was the city’s mayor from 2002 to 2014. In a statement released by the City of Reno that morning, Cashell was remembered as a man who liked to call Nevada “the home of opportunity” and who “guided our city during our most turbulent times.” Reno Mayor Hillary Schieve is quoted in the statement as having said, “He touched so many lives with his larger-than-life personality. He loved the entire Reno community like they were his very own family. His legacy will forever be remembered as one of Reno’s greatest. We all love you, Cash, and will miss you more than you ever know.” Late RN&R News Editor Dennis Myers wrote of Cashell upon his leaving the mayor’s office in 2014, “This is not an age when politicians get much positive feedback from the public. But Cashell is a throwback to an earlier kind of politics, when competing politicians worked together even while disagreeing.” Myers wrote that Cashell “was able to bring other members of the Reno City Council to see the value in that way of doing business. One of the reasons he ran for mayor—and one of the reasons he was recruited for the job—is that Reno’s City Council then was riven by disagreements. In addition, it had alienated many residents by its high-handedness toward citizens in getting rid of the Mapes Hotel and funding the train trench.” Cashell was 81 years old.
IMMIGRANT IMPACT New American Economy (NAE), a bipartisan immigration research and advocacy organization, launched its “Map the Impact” project, an interactive map that quantifies immigrant contributions and voting power across the country. According to NAE’s yearly analysis, Nevada immigrants paid $4.1 billion in taxes & wielded $13.7 billion in spending power in 2018, and the state’s number of eligible immigrant voters rose by two percent that same year. According to an NAE press release about the map launch, “at least one in 10 immigrants, or 388,318 people, owned their own businesses in Nevada in 2018. And immigrants made up 31.3 percent of the state’s nurses and 35.9 percent of health aides in 2018.”
NEVADA’S GRADE GOES UP Nevada’s gun safety rating went up on the annual Gun Law Scorecard issued by Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence. Each year, the law center grades each state on the strength of its gun laws, showing that states with stronger gun laws have lower gun rates of gun deaths. Nevada raised its grade in 2019, from a D to a C+ after passing new gun safety legislation. In November 2016, Nevada voters approved Ballot Question 1, changing the law to require background checks for private gun sales between individuals and at events like gun shows. However, then Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt cried foul, saying that the way the law was written made it unenforceable. A revised version was signed into law on Feb. 15, 2019 to fix the deficiencies of Question 1.
Up for debate Black women’s activist group canvasses for Warren in Nevada Last week, news broke in several national media outlets that six black women had left Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s Nevada team following complaints of racial insensitivity within the campaign. According to Politico’s reporting on the matter, the departures happened over the course of months, beginning in November. The revelations about the departure came just weeks ahead of Nevada’s caucuses—which are scheduled for Feb. 22, just a week prior to Super Tuesday on March 3. The staffers who left the 70-person operation in the battleground state reported to media outlets that they felt “tokenized” by the campaign because of their race. One staffer said to Politico reporters that felt like they were “there to literally bring color into the space, but not the knowledge and voice that comes with it.” In a Feb. 6 interview with MSNBC’s Chris Hayes, Warren did not
contest the women’s allegations and apologized, saying, “I believe these women without any equivocation, and I apologize personally that they had a bad experience on the campaign. I really work hard to try to build a campaign and a work environment where it is … open, and everyone is welcomed and celebrated, and gets to bring their whole self to work every day. … But I’m also very aware that racism and oppression in this country have left a long legacy, and it creates the kind of toxicity where … power structures people take advantage of other people. It’s something for which we have to be constantly vigilant and constantly determined to do better. I take responsibility for this, and I’m working with my team to address these concerns.” Warren’s campaign declined an RN&R request for comment on how the issues are being addressed, but for activist Chris Love, an attorney in
Arizona, Warren’s statement to Hayes was a good place for her campaign to start the process of rectifying problems. “I know there were the issues with black staffers who left from here,” Love said during a recent interview. “And they were very clear in their statements that it wasn’t Elizabeth personally. … I think that’s a symptom of being a black woman working for any campaign. We’re supposedly valued. We save the day, but when it comes down to it, people don’t listen to us. And rather than be defensive about that, Elizabeth Warren came out with a statement that said, ‘I believe you. I believe that what you’re saying is true.’” Love thinks Warren’s statement showed her ability to “listen to folks, really absorb things and be accountable.” It was one of many issues that Love discussed during a visit to Reno last weekend as a part of an effort by activist group Black Womxn For to persuade more voters—of every race— to vote for Warren. Black Womxn For is a political action and advocacy group that was formed over the summer with the goal of giving black women—both cis, transgender and gender nonconforming—a platform from which to voice their policy preferences and opinions on the upcoming election. The group sent Love to Reno to meet with the Washoe County Democratic Party’s black caucus on Feb. 7 and to launch a canvassing campaign for Warren on Feb. 8. The group endorsed Warren back in November in a statement that touted Warren as not a “savior” but a “stalwart who can be challenged when necessary, moved when appropriate, and held accountable to a base led by Black community leaders.” Warren, the statement read “is a leader with a track record of taking on the predatory policies and practices that harm our communities and implementing structural changes that give power back to working people. … She is a partner with a deep understanding of how racism and gender discrimination don’t just compound income inequality but are actually central to maintaining the status quo. She is a woman who is willing to learn, open to new ideas, and ready to be held accountable by us and our communities.”
about how to talk to your friends and family about Joe Biden,” she said. “I just don’t Black Womxn For has praised Warren’s know that Joe Biden is really leaning into plans surrounding private prison reform, the space where we’re at. I think he’s relying agriculture, student debt and myriad other on the nostalgia and his connections with issues. And, as primary season continues, Obama. But Elizabeth Warren has connecthe group is organizing meet-and-greets with tions with Obama as well. … I want to talk black voters and canvassing efforts in Reno to people about her plans and policies, with and places across the nation. regards to racial justice. … We can talk “We’ll be doing the same thing about environmental justice. And on that’s happening right now in every issue, we can have a converSouth Carolina and the same sation about why Elizabeth is thing that’s happening the better candidate.” here,” Love said. “We’re Love also believes going to be on the Black Womxn For is ground. We’re going well positioned to keep to be talking to black up momentum in the voters, specifically, months ahead. preaching the gospel “I’ll come whenever of Elizabeth Warren asked because I believe and trying to convince in the campaign,” she those folks of why she’s said. “I believe in Black Chris Love the best candidate to vote Womxn For. I believe in Black Womxn For for in the primary. Black black women. I believe that organizer Womxn For is in it for the we make the world go around. long haul. … We’re there for as But, more importantly, I think that long as she needs us to be there.” we’re at the forefront of every political Love admitted that convincing people movement you can think of. We’re willing why Warren is the best candidate may be an to be here. We’re willing to be wherever we uphill battle, especially black voters who—at need to talk to other black folks about our least in media reports—tend to strongly candidate.” Ω favor former Vice President Joe Biden. But Love believes it’s possible. “I think we put out a piece with the hashtag ‘Say it ain’t Joe,’ and it was a guide Learn more about Black Womxn For by visiting blackwomxnfor.com.
“We save the day, but when it comes down to it, people don’t listen to us.”
Up and running
Ali Ball nears the finish line of the “undie run” she organized to benefit research for neurofibromatosis (NF). Ball’s son was diagnosed with the disease in 2016. The condition can cause tumors to form in the brain, spinal cord and nerves. Ball organized the run with help from Cupid’s Charity, a national nonprofit that funds research for NF. The event took place Feb. 8. PHOTO/JERI DAVIS
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30% AMoUNts oWed How much of your total credit have you used? Less is more! Lowering debt can be the key to a better credit score.
10% NeW credit Have you opened new credit lines lately? Opening several accounts in a short time can lower your credit score.
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10% tYPes oF credit Used Do you have more than one credit line? Having experience with different types of credit (e.g., a car loan and a credit card) can help your score.
More credit score FActs reVeALed: ed:
of college students
don’t know their credit score.
AMericANs (33%)
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(Student Monitor LLC Survey)
(FICO Score Trends Service)
18 YeArs
is the average consumer’s oldest open credit line.
(FICO Score Trends Service)
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20% or Less
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oPeN credit cArds is the average per consumer.
144 MiLLioN N
57% of women
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by JerI DavIs
Finding your Dream Home Starts Here!
Samuel Olson
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Taking a photo of one’s adorable new apartment seems a bit vain, but I’ll go with it.
Homing in Rental apps My friend Patrick and I met up on a Saturday afternoon in January to go apartment hunting. Both of us were interested in places in midtown and figured we’d grab some coffee and beat the streets in search of “for rent” signs. After a little more than an hour of crisscrossing the neighborhood, we’d only seen three or four signs. Disheartened, we called it quits and went for a beer—and I began contemplating installing a rental app on my phone. Apps are not my preference, really, for anything. I don’t want one to tell me where to eat or shop. I’ve never even considered dating apps. I’m an analog woman living in the midst of a digital world, but later that night I decided to break the trend. I downloaded the Zillow Apartments & Rentals app onto my Android. After it seemed easy to set the parameters to meet my needs for things like location, cost, private apartments only—no rooms for rent. Within in minutes, though, I realized I hated this app. Every time I clicked on a property to learn more about it, the app would reset my search area. When I tried it again in the morning, it or I had failed to save my search settings. I deleted it. And then I decided to try my luck with another app. I didn’t find the Apartments.com app to be any better. My session expired every few minutes, and When I looked at a listing and then tried to go back to the map, it would zoom back out to show all of Reno every time. I deleted it also. I thought about not trying another. I thought about contacting a property management company directly. I considered just using a website, but the ones I’d tried were clogged with listings for Siegel Suites locations
Eric Medgyesi aBR
S.0180505 The Olson Group RE/MAX Realty Affiliates Eric@OlsonRealEstateGroup.com
FEAturED LiSting PEnDing
like the old El Cortez. But I needed to find a place. I had a week of paid time off scheduled for the week ahead, and I intended to use it to get matters sorted. I went back to the app store. This time I chose an app called HotPads—an editors’ choice with what I consider an unfortunate, ill-considered name. To my surprise, the experience of using it was immediately better than it had been with the prior two apps. I was able to set filters that narrowed my search to the midtown area, set an upper price limit of 1,000 bucks a month and excluded rooms for rent. The app also comes with the option to receive updates when new properties are listed. I set the frequency for this to once daily. There were a slew of other options available, too. I chose to keep my search broad but could have narrowed it to seek places with a certain number of rooms, square footage and amenities ranging from the presence of a doorman to a dishwasher. Within a few hours, I’d reached out to three property management companies via the app to schedule viewings. At first, I tried calling the numbers listed but found that literally not one of them answered. And while I was disappointed to not have the option of speaking with a person and annoyed by the text message confirmations of my showings, it was pretty painless—until my first showing was canceled (also via text message) 30 minutes before the scheduled time. When the leasing agent missed our rescheduled showing, I was miffed and becoming increasingly displeased with the app experience. But I’d also found a different place to look at right on Virginia Street, one with a leasing agent from whom I’d received a text instead of some automated response. If that one didn’t pan out, the map in the HotPads app showed another that looked promising. In the end, I took the second place I viewed and was happy to delete the app—and, perhaps grudgingly, happy I’d had it. Ω
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Emily: He’s my soul person. We share similar values. We value family and community, and the pursuit of the arts, and making a difference, and service, and he has really good taste in music, and he’s really good in bed. We have very matched sex drives, as well.
Emily Scott, 35 + Ian Rice, 39 TOGETHER 1.5 YEARS
Emily is a paralegal who works for a Reno divorce attorney, and Ian is a pipefitter who lives in Calgary, Canada. They met at Burning Man. Amanda Burden (left) and Jaci Goodman have been together 20 years. COURTESY/JACI GOODMAN
COZY CO-WORKERS Jaci Goodman, 55 + Amanda Burden, 53 TOGETHER 20 YEARS
In 1999, they exchanged numbers on cocktail napkins. Today, they’re in business together. Jaci is the advertising director at Edible RenoTahoe magazine. Amanda is the editor. They still have those cocktail napkins. Amanda: I was in The Lexington [in San Francisco]. … It was just packed with all of these women with piercings and tattoos, very severe looking. Jaci’s from Dallas, where all the women are very feminine looking, and she wasn’t ready for that. Jaci: The sea parted, and I saw her. I ran at her, splashing my cosmopolitan out of my glass. We are so different, and I think that works. I sell. I’m the outside grip ’n’ grinner. She’s a little bit more introverted. She’s the editorial side. She’s the business side. She’s everything I’m not, and I can sell her because of how great she is. We work really well together. Amanda: Opposites do attract. I mean, she’s got skills that I could never have. I have such a hard time selling anything.
I like her. She makes me laugh. Jaci: I respect what she does, and I can only sell things that I believe in, and it was really easy to sell her. I love working with her. I love watching her shine and lifting the community up, and it’s perfect. Amanda: If I leave for a few hours, we miss each other tremendously. Jaci: This is going to sound so stupid, but I left the house for three hours today, and the whole time I was thinking, “I miss Amanda.” Like, who in the hell— 20 years of being together—still
hese couples’ backstories and life experiences vary quite a lot, but when it comes to talking about the building blocks of a great relationship, well, you’ll notice some common threads.
thinks that way? I like her. She makes me laugh. Amanda: Jaci is absolutely hilarious. I love her stories. Jaci: My mother always told me, “You never go to bed angry.” Oh, forget about it! When Amanda gets mad about some shit, she’s not talking till 3 before she goes to bed. … Then she’s calm the next day, so you can actually talk it through. I’m not saying that we don’t upset each other. I’m not perfect. She’s not perfect, you know? But we always come back together, and we work that kind of stuff out. Amanda: You have to have that base of respect and love to start with. I think those are the two most important things, personally. Jaci: We have a mutual respect and a trust. And I think that’s key. If you don’t have that, then forget about it. Get yourself a good lawyer because you’ll need that.
Emily Scott holds up photos of her with Ian Rice. PHOTO/KRIS VAGNER
Ian: We get a few days together every five to six weeks. But we talk a lot. We stay together that way. Fortunately, both of us are grammatically picky. Emily: He’s a really good writer, too. Ian: You don’t want to read into messages too much. It’s tough, understanding where the other person is at, when you’re just kind of communicating in little bits through the day, as opposed to being able to see them. Emily: It’s like a whole different level of intimacy when you have to communicate everything with your words. We talk every day for an hour or more at night. At the beginning of our relationship we were talking for three and four hours a night, like teenagers. Now we go to bed at a sort of decent hour. When you live with someone, you kind of fall into a routine. You can achieve intimacy by just physically being present in a room with someone. I can’t imagine that a lot of couples who do cohabitate do talk for an hour a day. Ian: Lots of communication is kind of a given. But also, what you’re communicating is super important. “Being honest” can look like honesty, but it’s not, if you’re not being honest with yourself. Start there, and then put that out there.
If you feel disconnected, and you feel unseen, and you feel unvalued, I guarantee your partner feels the same way. I watch people get divorced every day. Everyone who walks in my office. Within five minutes, I’m like, “I understand why you married this person, and I understand why you’re divorcing them. Usually the same fucking reason.” … I think you have to want the relationship, not the person. You can want the person all day long, but if you don’t value relationships and understand that those take work, then it doesn’t matter how much you like another person. If you feel disconnected, and you feel unseen, and you feel unvalued, I guarantee your partner feels the same way. Ian: Emily changed the paradigm of love for me. It looks totally different now. Everything is exciting that we do. It’s the way we can talk and are willing to talk, and the way we just vibe on the same frequencies, and we just seem kindred in ways that make it easy.
“LOVE AFFAIRS” 02.13.20
continued on page 14
continued from page 13
IN FOR THE LONG RUN Brian Smith, 68 + Maggie Smith, 71 TOGETHER 48 YEARS
Brian and Maggie Smith are part owners of Jub Jub’s Thirst Parlor, and Maggie runs a rescue facility for domestic horses. Their story goes back almost 50 years. Maggie: I used to manage a Jimboy’s Tacos. I used to have to kick him out of there. Brian: Jimboy’s Tacos used to be the hangout when we used to drag main still, Virginia Street. Maggie: My boss didn’t like him. Brian: We’re living in a Volkswagen van down by the river. Maggie: My boss said him or my job. And I chose him.
You dont have to hold hands and be together every minute of every day to have a complete life. Brian: Was it your 21st birthday party? I actually somehow or another got invited to the birthday party and slept there that night and never left. She had two kids, and so I took in two kids. I was 19, and ended up adopting them. It was a whole new thing—19 years old trying to raise kids and be a dad. Maggie: We started raising horses. Brian: We were both country people. She was raised on a ranch. Maggie: I’ve got 23 horses. Brian: And I’m still getting drunk every weekend.
Dominic Martin (left) and Steven Gunderson got engaged in Paris.
Maggie: It’s comfortable because I get to
do what I want, and he gets to do what he wants. He likes Burning Man. Not my thing. Brian: We’ve got seven grandkids. Five of them were born in two years. They’re all like 26 now. We had kids in our house for 35 years. We raised a granddaughter. Maggie: My granddaughter and I started a nonprofit rescue, for the horses that would have gone to slaughter. … That’s pretty much full time. Brian: I’m retired. I was a graphic artist. I was a construction worker. I’ve had a heart attack. I’ve had triple bypass. We just never gave up. My parents were married forever, and they never split up. And we never got so mad that one of us left and had to reconnect. Maggie: We believe that when you leave, it’s harder to come back. So no matter what happened, we never left. Brian: There was a couple of close calls, probably. In 50 years, who doesn’t have a couple close calls? Make the decision that you love each other and that love’s going to be forever, and then you just got to get there. Maggie: He’s much better temperament than me. Brian: She laughs at my humor. I’ve got some weird, sick humor. Maggie: Yes, he does. His humor is awesome. He’s just off the wall sometimes. Sometimes I have to go, “Brian, I can’t believe you said that.” Brian: I think a breakthrough came when we figured out that you don’t have to hold hands and be together every minute of every day to have a complete life. When we were able to do that, that was a pretty big transition in our lives—to give the other one permission to go out and have a good time without them. Maggie: My advice is—you find your friend. You have to be friends. He is my best friend.
LOVE AND LET LOVE Dominic Martin, 28 + Steven Gunderson, 50 TOGETHER 1.5 YEARS
For Dominic and Steven, it was love at first sight—well, a few minutes before that, actually. They got engaged on a recent trip to Paris. The wedding’s in October. Steven: I had just gotten out of a five-year
Brian and Maggie Smith have been together for nearly five decades. PHOTO/KRIS VAGNER
relationship, and I was sitting around feeling sorry for myself. So, I just randomly put a profile up on an app. I didn’t even put up a picture. I could have been a bridge troll. And within like 10 minutes, this guy had answered. And I was like, “Wow, how do I not know you?” You’re literally around the block. And It didn’t hurt that he looked like a French actor that I really admire. Dominic: I had been single for about two years. Playing the field, as they say. And one night I was bored looking for Mr. Right—or Mr. Right Now, maybe. And there he was. I remember his screen name was “scotch & soda.” Steven: My dumb screen name was literally the cocktail that I was having at the time. … I’d went through kind of an
If you’d asked me, I would not have said that Steve was my type before we met. odd death of a relationship and had kind of a face plant for five years. I feel like I’ve been waiting my entire life to meet someone like him. We can sit at the kitchen table and literally drink a bottle of wine and talk for six hours about design and architecture and traveling. Dominic: I think the first week we added each other as Facebook friends finally, we were like, “Oh my God, we have 110 friends in common.” Steven: I knew that I was popping the question in Paris. Dominic: I had a feeling. Steven: I had asked his parents. And they had maybe mentioned it. Dominic: No. That night, I could just tell something changed. They’d never seen me so happy and so comfortable in my own skin and so confident about what I was doing.
TRANS PARENTING Annette Lucero, 34 + Adam Lucero 36 TOGETHER 17 YEARS
Adam and Annette were teenage sweethearts who’ve been through their share of challenges together— including a gender change and a child with an illness. They use the word “adventure” a lot.
Adam: Right after high school, we both joined this church program—which since has been classified as a cult. We were really good friends that got really close really quickly. Annette: This was before his transition. In the church it’s a huge no-no, two girls. They separated us. We had to go see a person that would exorcise our demons. They tried.
Adam: Unsuccessfully. … We got married in 2016. I think we complement each other in a lot of ways. She’s more of the emotional type. She can sense other people’s emotions really well. And I’m more of a logical type thinker. I see how to get through things, and she can feel for people, and we make up for that in each other’s lives. Annette: We’ve grown up together. We’re both very
We’ve grown up together. We’re both very forgiving. We call our relationship an adventure.
The word “adventure” comes up a lot when Adam and Annette Lucero discuss their relationship. PHOTO/KRIS VAGNER
Steven: We’re so much alike. I’ll show him a picture in a magazine, and he’ll bring a magazine over and show me the exact same picture. Dominic: We started living together pretty quickly. We can just sit there, and we are very on the same wavelength. If one of us has a rough day and just needs to vent. … I just get blue, and he’s very good at just letting me be and working it out myself because it’s not about him. I’ve never had that in a partner. He doesn’t try to fix me. He just lets me be, and he knows that I’ll get over it. Like I can talk to him. And I can be honest, and even if that’s not pretty sometimes. He gets it and he accepts it, and he
respects it. … Not to be cliché and take a RuPaul thing, but if you can’t love yourself, how the hell are you going to love somebody else? Can I get an amen? Steven: Everyone has, like, an ideal, and I think everyone thinks that you need to jump on the ideal. Sometimes the ideal, or the ultimate goal that you have in your head, is not the ultimate goal that you should have in your head. Dominic: If you’d asked me, I would not have said that Steve was my type before we met. And he was the most handsome. Biggest heart. Best fit. I couldn’t see it any other way. I really couldn’t.
forgiving. We call our relationship an adventure. When the punches come, and we have arguments or life happens, we’re like, “That was part of the adventure.” His family isn’t in his life at all. It sucks. He gave birth to [now 9-year-old daughter] Rory, and we did that on our own. It was different for the staff at St Mary’s, but they were really supportive of us. Our daughter has primary immunodeficiency. That kind of runs everything, really, but we’re figuring it out. I think for a lot of gay couples, when they first get together—at least in our generation and before us in older generations—codependency can be something that happens just because it is “them against the world,” and there isn’t a support system. We’ve evolved
out of that codependency, where it’s like, “You’re all I have, and nobody else.” That was part of growing up, and now we’re like a well oiled machine. He works, and I take care of Rory, and we just kind of go-go-go. Adam: As a family, we like to play board games, and we play on the Switch. We like hiking, movies and hanging out. Annette: As a couple, I want to take him out on a sexy date or something. Adam: It’s been hard to be able to get a babysitter because people are critical of the fact that our kid has primary immunodeficiency. Annette: Every morning, we stop and look at each other like, “I love you. Have a good day.” And when he comes home, he comes straight to me and gives me—even if it’s
just five minutes—he’s like, “How are you?” Adam: She’s very much a quality-time type person. Those five minutes will fill her for the day. Annette: Therapy, too. I’m not going to lie. I’m sure people always wonder. I really believe that at some point in every person’s life, seeing a therapist is beneficial. We both have had our times with therapists—who’ve been really amazing and helped us put things in a row. … Most people say communication is important. Definitely. But for me, I learned in the last year that respect is really important. You have to respect that person and trust that they’re doing their best. Expect the good. I’ve learned over the last year that if you lose respect for somebody, everything else, even communication, goes out the window. But if you respect them, you’re willing to communicate and hear what they have to say, less defensively. As a trans couple, I’m really fortunate and proud of him, that he’s been true to himself his entire life. When he came out, we didn’t know anybody that was still a couple. People were like, “Oh, you’re going to break up because he’s going to change, and you’re not going to like it.” And I had to think about it. I hate to say it, but it was like, “Whoa.” I told him, “We’re in an adventure, and so, come what may, you know, let’s just figure it out.” And we’re still together. He’s still putting up with me. Adam: Vice versa. Annette: I know for trans couples, a lot of times it’s hard to keep a relationship that you’re already in. I just want people to know that it’s possible. And as long as you both accept each other and where you’re at. For all the trans couples out there—and the gays and the lesbians and everybody in between and outside of it—it’s your love and your rules. Ω
eno house R g n i n n u of long-r A couple rn down o t e b o t slated venues are STORY AND PHOTO BY MICHELLE BAKER
sometimes have a feeling of maybe being almost Reno famous when I tell people I live behind the house known as Fort Ryland, straddling midtown and downtown Reno. I have absolutely nothing to do with its past or its rise to notoriety for being a major part of Reno’s DIY music scene, but as a resident of the neighborhood, I know that my fellow neighbors and I reap the benefits of some sort of grandfathered rent control, but that’s all about to come to an end. It’s these older, often overlooked homes that have allowed the music scene to thrive in the basements and living rooms of Reno, numerous roommates
packed in and cycled through for as long as they can handle it, all for the sake of having a dirt cheap place where people can host bands and hang out. More than the structures themselves, the residents’ unwillingness to take no as an answer kept the basement shows alive and well. Yet after decades of being some of the longest standing house venues, Fort Ryland and Clark Lane Maul will be some of the first houses demolished as part of Reno’s new housing initiative, “1,000 Homes in 120 Days,” taking over a decade of paint, sweat and beers down with them.
THIS LAND IS RYLAND Reno was a haven for underground shows in the ’90s and early 2000s, thanks to the efforts of a now older generation of punks who wouldn’t have it any other way. Pete Menchetti, of Sticker Guy and Slovenly Records fame, hosted house shows nearby at a different house also on Ryland Street back in the ’90s, continuing for about seven years until the landlord sold the property. “Pete went tooth and nail to start shows in Reno,” Eka Bajwa, a former resident of Fort Ryland, said. “It [the music scene] was a weird underbelly a lot of people didn’t know about.”
It just became this weird hangout for everybody. I would go there after school almost every day. ... It's where I found community, in a broader sense, of, like, having a show house and letting people stay over, and it just expanded my world." CL A R K DE M E R IT T Clark Lane Maul
Back then, there were limited clubs that were willing to have all-ages shows, so the demand for more spaces to see and play music grew out of necessity. Mac Schopen, a Reno local now living in Oakland, recalls his first two shows in his hometown, and just how different they were. “My first show at Pete’s house was the second show I went to, ever,” he said. His first show was at the Fallout Shelter, a venue in downtown Reno. “I remember going to that show and that was just total culture shock—literally it was like something you would see out of a movie, and it was pretty overwhelming,” he said about the show at the Fallout Shelter. At Menchetti’s house, however, he said, “It was a completely different atmosphere. I don’t want to romanticize it to the point where it was like this hippy love-in, but it was like, this is clearly a thing in my hometown that I did not know about. This was like a real community of friends, and I think more than anything that’s kind of the feeling that stuck with me.” Throughout the early 2000s, other house venues continued sprouting up as others closed their doors, predictable in nature, with their names perfectly balanced with puns, song lyrics and inside jokes. There was a house on Park Street just across from The Hideout (R.I.P.), and Joe’s Garage up in northwest Reno (apparently a hassle to get to but usually worth the trek). Things finally came back down to central Reno, with Zeke’s Casa de Hardcore, the Spacement and then the House of Dread, later known as Ground Zero, all in the midtown and Wells neighborhood. The Proxy House, also known as Clark Lane Maul, and Fort Ryland, are two neighboring brick homes on Ryland Street that had some of the largest impacts on Reno’s DIY music scene. Rent at Fort Ryland in the late 2000s was around $825 for six makeshift bedrooms and huge basement, and
throughout the years it has hosted some of the most memorable—and totally forgettable—shows Reno has seen. “The Ryland house was especially interesting too because it started off as a weird vegan straight-edge house,” Clark Demeritt, former music director of the Holland Project and the Clark of Clark Lane Maul, reflected on the changes Fort Ryland has seen. “Well, it started off as an everything punk house, then kind of turned out to be a mean punk house, and then it turned into the Eyeball. … It was crazy, you could write on the walls there. It just became this weird hangout for everybody. I would go there after school almost every day, sometimes I did homework there, which was weird. It’s where I found community, in a broader sense, of, like, having a show house and letting people stay over, and it just expanded my world. Just to be anywhere on the west coast, I had a friend or a place to stay or a place to play at.”
DEPENDS ON WHAT YOU MEAN BY ‘AFFORDABLE' In effort to provide respite to the housing crisis in Reno, in October, the Reno City Council adopted a resolution enacting the “1,000 Homes in 120 Days” initiative, designed to entice developers to Reno’s urban core of downtown, midtown and surrounding areas. There had been attempts to renovate the neighborhood in the past, but with the block known as ‘Little Portland’ a stone’s throw from Fort Ryland, the incentives to develop have never been so successful before. “They’ve been trying to develop on that parking lot on Ryland Street for years,” Bajwa said. Even before there was a housing shortage, the landlords were searching to bring more buzz to the area. According to the deal, City Council has agreed to offer both a sewage connection fee deferral and building permit fee deferral for the 1088 units that have already agreed to the standard agreement, with the other 950 units awaiting project-specific agreements. This deal defers upward of 11 million dollars of fees which are to be paid incrementally over a five-year span once construction is complete. Nine of the 10 houses on Ryland and Pine streets, between Sinclair and River Rock streets, will be demolished to make room for 49 townhouse units. The nine
An old flier from a punk show at the Eyeball, which later became known as Fort Ryland. CREATED BY AND COURTESY OF JAWSH HAGEMAN
doomed houses, including Fort Ryland, Clark Lane Maul and my own house, are all currently occupied. None of the new units are expected to be subsidized, meaning they will not rent or sell for under market price. When punk homes were sold and the doors were closed in the past, there were two options: don’t have a show or make something else happen. The combination of hands-off landlords, cheap rent and the DIY spirit was how these basement shows existed throughout the years, and still to this day. Schopen praises places like the Holland Project for being an outlet, especially as more underground venues become less common, but he is adamant that changing times have always produced even more fruitful efforts to keep Reno’s music scene alive throughout the years. “It was definitely an era, but it was one era of many,” Schopen said. “It was a really exciting time. I knew it wasn’t going to last forever, but I knew once it went away, something else would come around.” It’s hard to see anything beloved change in front of your eyes, and for me personally, I’m not excited about having to find a rental that is going to be well above the current $1,075 per month. Clark Lane Maul, Fort Ryland and my house will all become relics of the past, and as the cost of living in Reno continues to increase, irrespective of how much people are earning, it might be worth asking, are the punks still here? Ω
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Fired up Richard Jackson When it comes to ceramic art, there’s always a simple way to look at it—and a complicated way to look at it. Take the work of Richard Jackson. A description of his style always sounds pretty straightforward: He’s been using one motif over and over for years—a realistically proportioned human skull. He glazes them with images that explore themes such as his favorite music and his love of the high desert. The pictures might include an eight ball, a silhouette of Hank Williams, or a wobbly, goopy heart. Jackson’s work has the “lowbrow” aesthetic that was born in 1970s Los Angeles, embracing punk and hot-rod cultures in one big blast of gritty, high-octane, cartoon-like imagery that—50 years in—still has a tight grip on the hearts of many artists and viewers. Jackson’s description of what draws artists and students to ceramics sounds pretty simple, too: “It’s all earth, oxygen, water and fire.” (The “earth” part means that clay is made from mined ingredients, mostly silica and metal oxides.) But within the simplicity of the skull shapes and pop-surrealist bytes of imagery, there’s a lot of room to explore, to push the limits of craftsmanship, expression and technique. And behind Jackson’s hypercondensed summary of the entire medium’s techniques and ingredients, there’s a headspinning amount of scientific detail. “I tell my students, if I would’ve known I needed that much chemistry in this job, I wouldn’t have cheated my way through chemistry in high school,” Jackson said. “You have to relearn it all. When you’re making clay and the glazes and firing, it’s 90 percent chemistry.” For a long time, Jackson’s skulls each wore a hat—dunce hat, pope hat or upside-down Nevada shaped hat,
Richard Jackson has been using one motif over and over for years—a realistically proportioned human skull. PHOTO/KRIS VAGNER
depending on how you want to read them. The hats were the parts he glazed the pictures onto. The current batch of skulls face down toward the floor, and the top of each dome is the canvas. His work is on view in three separate venues in Reno right now, inside the passenger gate at Reno Tahoe International Airport, in Ferino Distillery and at the Metro Gallery in City Hall. In the City Hall show, his skulls are paired with wall sculptures by Fred Reid, who works within similar limitations. Reid also uses an often repeated motif—dog heads or duck heads—simplified and boxy, blown up to about two feet, with flat surfaces on each side, where he paints portraits, landscapes or biographical tributes to other artists. The show’s title, Only Two Ways to Fire, is a nod to both artists’ long-term commitment to the finickiness of their medium. Reid once told Jackson, “There are only two ways to fire” ceramics, high-fire and raku. In reality, there is another way to fire. Low-fire techniques use commercially mixed glazes and yield colors that can be as bright and consistent as you want them to be. But an assurance of guaranteed results would take the magic out of the whole affair for artists like these two. For them, it’s more about embracing the parts of the medium that are harder to control. “I always say it’s like Christmas morning because you can try and predict everything, then you’re going to be surprised,” said Jackson. As for his newest work, “I’m pretty happy with it,” he said. “I’m never 100 percent happy with anything I make. … While you’re working on something, you better be thinking about the next thing.” Ω
Only Two Ways to Fire will be on display in the City of Reno’s Metro Gallery at City Hall—1 E. First St.—until March 13. There will be a reception on March 5 from 5-7 p.m.
b g ri m m @ne w s re v i e w . c o m
I can’t believe the Lunachicks wouldn’t even watch my audition tape.
Broken wings After being the only thing worth your time in Suicide Squad, Harley Quinn gets her own show in Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn, a marked improvement over the film that housed Margot Robbie’s first go at the role. Sadly, in this case, improved doesn’t necessarily mean good. There’s something very askew plot-wise in this movie, in that it doesn’t really have one, and the shards of a plot it does have are presented in especially sloppy fashion. The movie hops around time like a tweaker on a pogo stick. Also, while I love Robbie, her Harley Quinn shtick can get a little grating at times. Back to the review … Harley Quinn is joined by the Birds of Prey this time out, and the likes of Black Canary (Jurnee Smollett-Bell), the Huntress (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) and Renee Montoya (Rosie Perez) all get high marks for what they bring to the party. The basic plot involves bad guy Roman Sionis, a.k.a. Black Mask (Ewan McGregor), trying to get a big diamond from a young pickpocket (Ella Jay Basco). That’s about it for story. Much of the film is spent talking about the Joker, which is a bit strange because this movie is supposed to be proof that the Birds of Prey don’t need the stupid Joker in their movie. OK, Harley broke up with the Joker so, mercifully, we don’t have to endure Jared Leto’s take on the character again. Get that plot element out of the way, and then move on. Instead, the film contains near constant references to the fact that Joker is not in this movie. Director Cathy Yan and screenwriter Christina Hodson seem afraid to let go of the Clown Prince of Crime as a plot presence. Newsflash … nobody cares about the Suicide Squad incarnation of Joker. He was quite underwhelming. It’s all about Joaquin Phoenix now.
The movie, despite being a bit of a fluster-cuck, is sporadic fun. There’s a running bit involving the perfect egg sandwich that is pretty good. The asskicking scenes, where the Birds fly into action, are kinetic and have pop. McGregor’s Roman Sionis has a sadomasochistic relationship with his henchman Victor (Chris Messina) that’s good for some laughs. And, I love, love, loved Bruce, Harley’s pet hyena, named after a certain morose billionaire. Of the Birds, Smollett-Bell registers the highest as Black Canary, a character who deserves her own movie. Smollett-Bell has the sort of screen presence that you only see come around a few times a decade. She’s done some good work in the past, but she really makes a mark here. Rosie Perez, as a tough Gotham cop willing to bend the rules to get the job done, hasn’t been this much fun since Pineapple Express. And the always reliable Winstead is good as the Huntress, although she’s a bit underused. Robbie is still fun as Harley, but the film’s effort to make her a kinder, warmer Harley Quinn renders her a slight bit boring at times. She’s better when she is pure nasty with a little bit of funny. This time out, the movie asks her to be a constantly up, hyper, maybe too heroic, safer character. Mistake. Also, the sequence where Harley reenacts the iconic Marilyn Monroe’s Gentleman Prefer Blondes routine is just plain dumb. Harley Quinn will be back for the James Gunn helmed The Suicide Squad. I think the failures of this installment might put future Harley-centric ventures on hold. Harley and her Birds of Prey have a lot of potential, but their first film misses the mark. It also needed at least 10 more minutes of Bruce the Hyena.Ω
Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn
Bad Boys for Life
Twenty-five years have passed since detectives Marcus Burnett (Martin Lawrence) and Mike Lowrey (Will Smith) first suited up for Captain Michael Bay in Bad Boys, and 17 years have passed since they joined him again for Bad Boys II. For this third helping, the directing team of Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah does a sufficient job of continuing the mayhem, easily topping Bay’s lame original and providing a chapter that is as good, and sometimes better, than chapter two. Burnett is eying retirement, while Lowrey is dealing with the psychological and physical ramifications of aging. (He’s dyeing his goatee, so it’s all good.) A crazy witch lady gangster Isabel (Kate del Castillo) has escaped from prison and has put out a hit list for her son Armando (Jacob Scipio) to work his way through. Isabel has some vengeance in mind. The targets are former associates, and they have connections to Lowrey. Lowrey himself is on that list, and he takes a couple of bullets early in the film. I’m not giving too much away here in telling you that Lowrey doesn’t die. There’s no movie if Lowrey dies. So, a brief healing time later, Lowrey and a very reluctant Burnett are back in action, wisecracking and shooting people in slow motion. Some familiar faces return, including Theresa Randle as Burnett’s long suffering wife. She’s good in a subplot that has Burnett becoming a grandad while getting more house time in attempted retirement. House retirement doesn’t go well. Bad things happen with ceiling fan repair. Joe Pantoliano makes a welcomed return as Pepto-Bismol-swigging Captain Howard, a still capable riff on all of those screaming captains from Beverly Hills Cop movies.
Come to Daddy
A troubled artist (Elijah Wood) answers a letter from his long last dad (Stephen McHattie) and goes to visit him at his ocean front property. What starts out as a sweet get together quickly devolves into a hellish experience where dad proves himself to be a lousier father than even first thought. Rather than being a supportive pop, he drinks a lot and declares his long lost son full of shit. He’s also got a few things going on in the basement. Director Ant Timpson throws in twists aplenty, and Wood delivers good work, but the film ultimately doesn’t come together. It flirts with dark comedy early on, and seems to be on its way to being a terrific nasty laugher, but it loses its way as it goes the cheap thriller route. It also opts to be depressing in its second half rather than outlandish, and the writing doesn’t back up that leap. Too bad. I legit laughed a few times during the first half, and this one gave me high hopes with its setup. In the end, it’s a tonal mess and a blown opportunity for a memorable genre effort. (Available for home rental during a limited theatrical release.)
The Gentlemen
There are many reasons to happily hop to your local cinema for a showing of Guy Ritchie’s return to gangster comedy, The Gentlemen. Chief reason is the cast, led by Matthew McConaughey and an extremely amusing Hugh Grant. Throw in Colin Farrell, Charlie Hunnam, Michelle Dockery and Eddie Marsen, all in top form, and you’re talking about what’ll probably be one of the best casts of the 2020—and it’s only January. Also, if you’re a big fan of weed, this movie might be your bag. The film, directed and co-written by Ritchie, isn’t an amazing piece of screenwriting. It feels like the other films Ritchie contributed to the gangster comedy drama (Snatch and Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels), in that it has zippy dialogue and a fairly routine mystery at its core. But it’s also a lot of fun, from start to finish, and you will forgive it its familiarities and foibles. McConaughey is at his best as Mickey Pearson, a pot gangster who has built a large illegal weed empire as that particular plant seems
headed for legalization. He’s toying with getting out, offering his empire to Matthew (Jeremy Strong) for a tidy, yet semi-reasonable sum. Wife Rosalind (Dockery), a shrewd businessperson, is fine with him retiring, as long as it doesn’t mean he will always be hanging around, bothering her while she’s trying to get stuff done. Bodies start piling up. Mickey’s farms are getting raided, and somebody in the cast is responsible. Again, it’s fun stuff on a relatively mediocre scale.
Gretel & Hansel
Little Women
Director Robert Eggers is two films into his career, and people are already trying to rip off his style. Coming off like a low-rate The Witch, Gretel & Hansel shoots for the slow-burn, deliberately paced, lushly photographed style that Eggers employed in his 2015 masterpiece. While director Osgood Perkins has put together a movie that looks OK, the script by Rob Hayes provides little to nothing in the way of chills. The movie is all atmosphere with little substance. On the verge of starvation centuries ago, Gretel (Sophia Lillis) is kicked out of her home with little brother Hansel (Sammy Leakey) in tow. They head into the forest where the only meal they have is hallucinogenic mushrooms—yes, they trip out—until they come upon a house inhabited by a strange old lady named Holda (Alice Krige). Holda is all by herself without a supermarket in sight, yet her table is full of freshly baked and roasted goodies. Hansel and Gretel, just like the fairytale, settle in for some good country cooking. Little do they know that the obviously totally evil Holda—I mean, look at her, she’s definitely a witch—has nefarious plans that involve a different kind of mealtime. As the kids mull about the house and stuff their faces, Holda seems to have some sort of witch training future in store for Gretel. Gretel has “visions” that suggest she could have witchcraft in her blood, so Holda encourages her witchy woman side while Hansel moves closer to the roasting oven. Will Gretel get ahold of herself before Hansel achieves an uncomfortable alliance with parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme? Trust me, you’ll be so bored you won’t give two shits. You won’t be scared, either.
This is the umpteenth adaptation of the classic Louisa May Alcott novel, and it’s safe to say this one is in the running for best adaptation of the story—ever. Directed by rising directorial juggernaut Greta Gerwig (the magnificent, ultra-fantastic Lady Bird)—who has a vision with her films that declares, “Hey, we aren’t screwing around here!”—her third feature is an across-the-board stunner. It’s also chock-full of tremendous performances, and it’s written and directed by Gerwig, whose vision makes this an admirable update of a precious work. The incredible Saoirse Ronan, who also starred in Lady Bird, headlines as Jo March, eldest sister of the March clan, which includes three others: Meg (Emma Watson), Amy (Florence Pugh) and Beth (Eliza Scanlen). Ronan, not surprisingly, makes the intrepid character of Jo her own, a budding writer who is trying to get her ideas past a crusty editor (Tracy Letts, who had a damn fine 2019). Gerwig, in a departure from past adaptations, focuses more on the girls as adults, with flashbacks to their younger days. In doing this, she has chosen not to cast Amy with two different actresses. Pugh, who is well into her 20s, plays Amy at every stage, even falling through the ice as a pre-teen. I’d say that was an odd choice, but the other choice would be to have less screen time for Pugh, and I say a big no to that. Yes, she doesn’t look like she’s 12, but who cares? She’s a master in every scene. Timothée Chalamet steps into the role of Theodore “Laurie” Laurence, and there couldn’t have been a better choice for the role.
by Todd SouTh
La Cucina Italian Eatery serves this porcini truffle ravioli with mushrooms.
Carb load
this PaPeR * ♥
*After you read it! 20
La Cucina Italian Eatery has a bistro vibe combined with fine dining service. I imagine it would be perfect for a business lunch, with salads, sandwiches, pizza and pasta. But it’s also a very welcoming environment for a family dinner, including a kids’ menu. While deciding on entrees, we were served a couple of loaves of warm, herbed bread, with a mix of olive oil and balsamic vinegar for dipping. I followed this with a shared bottle of chianti ($24), a cup of portabella mushroom cream soup ($4), and a few orders of sautéed provolone ($9, three pieces each). The flavor of the completely puréed soup was good, but I was disappointed with its lack of discernible ’shrooms. Our appetizer featured large, thick slices of cheese—fried crispy in butter, garlic and white wine—topped with a sauté of sun-dried tomato and pine nuts. It was an excellent pairing with the light, fruity vino. A plate of porcini and truffle ravioli ($16) included a mushroom demi-glace cream sauce and the mushroom chunks I’d hoped to find in the soup. There was just a hint of truffle, which amplified the porcini with great effect. As a dedicated fungi fan, I had to restrain the desire to sample more of my daughter-in-law’s meal than necessary. My daughter ordered off-menu with a nest of angel hair alfredo ($15), while her boyfriend tried his firstever bowl of spaghetti à la bolognese with meatballs ($15.50). The butter, cream and Parmesan alfredo sauce was very smooth, holding onto the capellini noodles better than expected. A good meat ragu is one of my favorite things, with a well seasoned, tender meatball a close second. Though the pasta was a bit beyond al dente, it was a pretty good example for one’s first experience with this classic Italian dish.
My son and I ordered from the menu of house specialties, each served with angel hair in marinara and perfectly cooked, fresh green beans. The marinara was a little under seasoned, but we agreed that the veg side almost upstaged the entrees. His Parmesan crusted calamari steaks ($20) were tender, but the crunchy cheese crust was a little overwhelming, even to my cheese-loving self. It was tempered a bit with a squeeze of lemon, but it will be a while before we’ll want Parmesan again. There are plenty of delicacies on the menu to choose from, yet I ended up ordering the same thing as on my previous Italian food review. I guess there’s just something about veal piccata ($23) that catches my eye, and this combination of veal medallions sautéed with butter, lemon and capers was pretty spoton. It was tender to the fork, with the salty-sour bite that lures me in. My baby grandson enjoyed everything, particularly the fried cheese appetizer and meatballs. The growling, near-feral noises he makes while masticating make me smile. His older brother enjoyed Papa’s Sketty ($6), a kid’s portion of spaghetti with marinara and one meatball. But he was more entranced with our shared dessert of tiramisu ($6.50), ladyfinger cookies dipped in espresso and brandy, layered with a mascarpone mousse, topped with cocoa powder and shavings of dark chocolate. I had to fend him off to get a sample of the chocolate, and we hadn’t thought about the brandy issue until he’d already enjoyed more than one bite. Oops. His dad reported, “It’s likely unrelated, but the boy slept like a rock.” It was probably just the carb load. Probably. Ω
La Cucina Italian Eatery 3600 Lakeside Drive, 826-3939
La Cucina Italian Eatery is open from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Learn more at lacucinareno.com.
by Mark EarnEST
Boss’ Daughter is one of the local headliners of this year’s Skate Jam, Feb. 29. They are, clockwise from bottom left, Jamie Locks, Danny Paul and Chris Fox. COURTESY/BOSS’ DAUGHTER
Free wheelin’ Skate Jam 7 The worlds of punk and skateboarding have been intertwined for decades, but as the popularity of skating evolves with new generations, so does the soundtrack. The annual Skate Jam music and skating event at Jub Jub’s Thirst Parlor is reflecting this with its first hip-hop artist featured on the bill. Landon Wordswell is a rapper who splits his time between San Francisco and Eugene, Oregon, when he’s not touring around the country. “When I was growing up, obviously hip-hop was a part of skateboarding, but then it was so much more on the punk rock side of things,” said Skate Jam organizer Dave Masud. “It’s seems now that hip-hop is the more predominant style of music that skateboarders are into, so I thought it would be a good way to open it up for a wider crowd.” Wordswell will perform not only during the day’s event Feb. 29, but he’s also a part of the all-hip-hop afterparty, which—unlike the main event—is not all-ages. Wordswell will be with Art of Rhyme, JB and T-LaShawn. The rest of the music at Skate Jam 7 is definitely more guitar-driven, but it treats the definition of “punk” pretty broadly. The two local bands repeating from past Skate Jams—Boss’ Daughter and the Shames— and the other locals range from punk to garage rock to indie to metal: the Saturday Knights, Heterophobia, Ummm Jr., Hired Fun and Opposite Ends.
The outta-towners are similarly diverse. Masud is really happy that he’s snagged Protected Left, a bracing Oakland band that skirts the line between melodic punk and speedy thrash. “I saw them last year in Carson City at Shoe Tree [Brewing Company], and they are just an incredible band,” Masud said. “They remind me a lot of Propagandhi, just really good songwriting and really nice people as well.” The other traveling bands are Black Crosses, hardcore punks from Sacramento; and Ratz on Acid, a noisy “death rock” duo from Oakland. Masud has managed to build an event that’s become a Reno scene tradition, and there’s a lot of organizing to get the balance right. “It takes me six months to plan out,” Masud said. “In the early stages, I start putting out posts saying, ‘Hey, if you want to play, put in your submissions now.’ This year, I had 40 bands submit, so it was kind of hard to pick. It was like, ‘Nothing personal,’ but I want to get in as many bands that haven’t played the event yet.” Of course, music is just half of the point of Skate Jam. There will be huge ramps, including some new ones, set up all around the floor of Jub Jub’s big room for open skating and competitions, for which there will be prizes donated by Carson City Wheelhouse. It’s also an awareness event for Safe Crowds Initiative, a national group that works to make events, venues and festivals safe from sexual and physical assault. Masud was inspired to re-start Skate Jam after his youthful memories of Reno’s past skating-and-punk events. “The Skate Jams I went to as a kid really had a big effect on me both in music and skateboarding, and I just wanted to be able to pass that on to the younger kids,” Masud said. “Despite how much work it is and how stressful it can be, it’s just rewarding at the end of the day to think, ‘Hey, I made that happen.’” Ω
Skate Jam 7 takes place starting at noon Feb. 29 at Jub Jub’s Thirst Parlor, 71 S. Wells Ave. Door cover is $15. Get more details at facebook.com/jubsreno.
Tahoe Comedy Show: P.K. Hutchinson, Brian Lee, Andrea B, 7:30pm, no cover
Feb. 15, 8 p.m. Cargo Concert Hall 255 N. Virginia St. 398-5400
1044 E. Fourth St., (775) 324-5050
10040 Donner Pass Rd., Truckee, (530) 587-2626
Carson Comedy Club, Carson Nugget, 507 N. Carson St., Carson City, (775) 8821626: Myles Weber, Fri, 8pm, $15 Laugh Factory, Silver Legacy Resort Casino, 407 N. Virginia St., (775) 3257401: Quinn Dahle, Thu, Sun, 7:30pm, $21.95; Fri-Sat, 7:30pm, 9:30pm, $27.45; Jeff Richards, Tue-Wed, 7:30pm, $21.95 LEX at Grand Sierra Resort, 2500 E. Second St., (775) 789-5399: Justin Rupple, Thu, 8pm, $10 The Library, 134 W. Second St., (775) 6833308: Open Mic Comedy, Sun, Wed, 8pm, no cover Pioneer Underground, 100 S. Virginia St., (775) 322-5233: DisMANtled Comedy Tour, Thu, 7pm, $7-$15; Fri, 7, 9pm, $16-$22; Sat, 6:30pm, 9:30pm, $14-$19
555 E. Fourth St., (775) 499-5549
MON-WED 2/17-2/19
Metal Echo, 8:30pm, no cover
931 Tahoe Blvd., Incline Village, (775) 831-8300
10069 Bridge St., Truckee, (530) 536-5029
Eliminate, Butterz, KYU, Jay Golden, Kemochi, D-Abba, 10pm, $10-$20
214 W. Commercial Row, (775) 813-6689
Singles Mingle, 7pm, no cover
Trivia Night, 7pm, Tu, no cover
Bluegrass jam, 6pm, no cover
Cellar Door (postpunk, experimental): DJs Jon Potter, Tigerbunny, 9pm, $5
Sounds of the City: Doug Sandall, Marty Hruz, 5pm, no cover
Blues Monsters, 9pm, no cover
Blues Monsters, 9pm, no cover
SubDocta, SFAM, TLZFM, Jars, 10pm, $15-$25
Sage Armstrong, Philthy, TDR, ZebraCat, 10pm, $15-$20 Winter Whiteout 6: Eptic, Whipped Cream, Kowta, Noizon, 8pm, $30-$35
255 N. Virginia St., (775) 398-5400
Open Mic Night, 7pm, M, no cover Swing dance, 7:30pm, Tu, no cover
Snow Line, 9pm, no cover
Post shows online by registerin g at www.newsr eview. com/reno. D eadline is the Frida y before public ation.
The Glorious Sons, Des Rocs, Matchstick Skeletons, 8pm, $22.50
Keith Shannon, 9pm, no cover
John Garrett Band, 9pm, no cover
Reverse the Cycle, 9pm, no cover
Dust in my Coffee, 9pm, no cover
Burlesquernauts Presents: Nerdgasm, 8pm, $15-$20
Burlesquernauts Presents: Nerdgasm, 8pm, $15-$20
Girls Night Out The Show, 8pm, Tu, $21.95-$39.95
235 W. Second St., (775) 470-8590
Cupid’s Playhouse, 9pm, $5, no cover with local ID
Bad Boys: Valentines Edition, 10pm, $TBA
XanderRoxX, 9pm, W, no cover
Kayla Meltzer, 8:30pm, no cover
538 S. Virginia St., (775) 329-5558
275 E. Fourth St., (775) 324-1917
432 E. Fourth St., (775) 409-4431
1401 S. Virginia St., (775) 453-2223
join the
Traditional Irish session, 7pm, Tu, Wed. Night Showcase, 7pm, W, no cover
First Take featuring Rick Metz, 7pm, Tu, no cover
27th Season 2020
Written by Lucy Kirkwood
Directed by Bob Ives
A Cautionary Tale For
Apocalyptic T imes
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feB 13, 15, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28, 29 @ 7:30PM MatInees: feB 16, 23 @ 2:00PM tICKets Students - $20 • General - $22 at the Door - $25 www.bruka.orG 775-323-3221 99 N. VirGiNia ia Street
The holland ProjecT
SATURDAY 2/15 Split Persona EP release, Loomis Manor, Flamingoes in the Tree, 7:30pm, $7
140 Vesta St., (775) 448-6500
jUB jUB’S ThIrST Parlor
1) Afroman, George Utrilla Angulo aka The Randomartist, 7pm, $20-$25
140 Vesta St., (775) 448-6500 1) Showroom 2) Bar Room
2) Dezz’s Wedding Bash Showcase, 8pm, no cover
The loVInG cUP
Unplugged: Open Mic Thursdays, 7pm, no cover
MON-WED 2/17-2/19 Spoken Views: For the Love of Slam, 6:30pm, W, $3-$5
2) Andy & Annie Dickson’s Benefit Bash: Leroy Virgil, Roxxy Collie, noon, donations Big Business, A Deer A Horse, 9pm, $15-$20
188 California Ave., (775) 322-2480
MIdTown wIne Bar
Motown Mondays, 9pm, M, no cover
The Band Apothic, 8:30pm, no cover
Jimmy Kress, 8pm, no cover
Pancho Barraza, 10pm, $45
Oak Room; St. Valentine’s Party, 10pm, $TBA
Drink-182: The Seafloor Cinema, 7pm, $6 DJ EthiK, 9pm, no cover
Johnny Harpo, Max Volume & Friends, 7pm, W, no cover Karaoke, 8pm, M, no cover DG Kicks Band, 8pm, Tu, no cover
1527 S. Virginia St., (775) 800-1960
2100 Victorian Ave., Sparks, (775) 507-1626
235 Flint St., (775) 376-1948
The Polo loUnGe
DJ Trivia, 7pm, no cover
Valentines Speed Dating, 7pm, $15 DJ Chris Payne, 9pm, no cover
Chili Sauce Band, DJ Bobby G, 9pm, no cover
rUe BoUrBon
Adam Springob, 6pm, no cover
Leroy Virgil, 8pm, no cover
Spike McGuire, 8pm, no cover
TEASE Cabaresque Show, 9:30pm, $15-$20
HIRIE, Nattali Rize, Jason J, 8pm, $21
1559 S. Virginia St., (775) 322-8864
1401 S. Virginia St., (775) 384-6526
The SaInT
761 S. Virginia St., (775) 221-7451
Shea’S TaVern
215 S. Virginia St., (775) 786-4774
Jerk!, Donkey Jaw, Ummm Jr., 8pm, $5-$6
ST. jaMeS InFIrMarY
445 California Ave., (775) 657-8484
VIrGInIa STreeT BrewhoUSe 211 N. Virginia St., (775) 433-1090
Preacher Album Release, 8pm, $0-$5 Silent Disco, 10pm, $TBA
Tommy and the Tongues, Basha, Kill On Command, 9:30pm, $5-$7
Jason King, 7pm, W, no cover
Country line dance lessons and dance party, 6pm, W, no cover Trivia Night, 8pm, no cover
New Wave Fridays with DJ Montague, 9pm, no cover
Saturday Soul Power with DJ Jose Vera, 9pm, no cover
Valentine’s Day Soirée, 11pm, $5
Showdown at The Heartbreak Saloon, 8pm, $10-$20 Don’t Be Bitter Ball, 11pm, no cover
Feb. 15, 8 p.m. The Saint 761 S. Virginia St. 221-7451
Wheatstone Bridge, Myke Read, 8pm, W, $6
Big Business Feb. 16, 9 p.m. The Loving Cup 188 California Ave. 322-2480
CABARET JUST US: Thu, 2/13, 8pm, Fri, 2/14, Sat, 2/15, 4pm, no cover
TWO WAY STREET: Fri, 2/14, Sat, 2/15, 10pm, Sun, 2/16, 8pm, no cover
KICK: Mon, 2/17, Tue, 2/18, 10pm, Wed, 2/19, 8pm, no cover
BOOMTOWN CASINO HOTEL 2100 GARSON ROAD, VERDI, (775) 345-6000 GRAND BALLROOM ORLEANS: Thu, 2/13, 6pm, 8pm, $25-$60
GUITAR BAR EBONY NOT QUITE IVORY: Thu, 2/13, 5pm, Fri, 2/14, Sat, 2/15, 9pm, no cover
THE LOOK: Thu, 2/13, 9pm, no cover THE ACT: Fri, 2/14, Sat, 2/15, 5pm, no cover STEPHEN LORD: Sun, 2/16, 5pm, no cover ROSS LEWIS: Sun, 2/16, 9pm, no cover TANDYMONIUM: Mon, 2/17, 6pm, no cover JASON KING: Tue, 2/18, 6pm, no cover MICHAEL FURLONG: Wed, 2/19, 6pm, no cover
The touring production features all the drama, the gossip and the romance of ABC’s reality romance TV show The Bachelor. Previous Bachelor and Bachelorette favorites will serve as your hosts, as one eligible Reno Bachelor is introduced to local ladies from the audience for a chance at love. For the first time ever, Bachelor Nation will have a say in the rose ceremony. From the first impression rose to group date challenges and coveted one-on-ones, watch it all unfold live on stage. Audience members and hosts will guide the Bachelor in his journey to find love. If the leading lady accepts the final rose, the night could end with the start of a beautiful romance. The show begins at 8 p.m. at the Grand Theatre inside the Grand Sierra Resort, 2500 E. Second St. Tickets are $29.50-$59.50. Visit www.grandsierraresort.com.
1627 HIGHWAY 395, MINDEN, (775) 782-9711
Sat, 2/15, 9pm, no cover
CABARET MICHAEL FURLONG BAND: Thu, 2/13, 7pm, Fri, 2/14, Sat, 2/15, 8pm, no cover
Sun, 2/16, 9pm, $23-$25
BIM TIM, MICAH J & ALL GOOD FUNK ALLIANCE: Fri, 2/14, 11pm, no cover
500 N. SIERRA ST., (775) 329-0711
DJ BIRD & VJ RIZZO: Fri, 2/14, Sat, 2/15, 10pm,
DJ MARK TWYMAN: Sun, 2/16, Tue, 2/18, 10pm,
THE RUN UP: Fri, 2/14, Sat, 2/15, 9pm, no cover
EL JEFE’S CANTINA SKYY HIGH FRIDAYS: Fri, 2/14, 10pm, no cover
REVEL SATURDAYS: Sat, 2/15, 10pm, no cover
no cover no cover
Pigeons Playing Ping Pong Feb. 16, 9 p.m. Crystal Bay Casino 14 Highway 28 Crystal Bay (775) 833-6333
LIVE BAND KARAOKE WITH ROCK U ENT.: Mon, 2/17, Wed, 2/19, 10pm, no cover
NOVI DJ SCENICK & DJ RONI V: Fri, 2/14, Sat, 2/15, 9pm, no cover
ROXY’S LIVE PIANO BAR LIVE PIANO: Thu, 2/13, Fri, 2/14, Sat, 2/15, Sun, 2/16, Mon, 2/17, Tue, 2/18, Wed, 2/19, 4:30pm, no cover
DJ OSCAR PEREZ: Fri, 2/14, 10pm, no cover DJ MO FUNK: Sat, 2/15, 10pm, no cover
Post shows online by registering at www.newsreview.com/reno. Deadline is the Friday before publication.
Collie Buddz Feb. 19, 8 p.m. MontBleu Resort, Casino & Spa 55 Highway 50 Stateline (775) 588-3515
2500 E. SEcond St., (775) 789-2000 GRAnd tHEAtRE THE BACHELOR LIVE ON STAGE: Sat, 2/15, 8pm, $29.50-$59.50
6pm, no cover
VALENTINE’S BODY PAINT PARTY: Fri, 2/14, 10pm, $10
15 HIGHWAy 50, StAtELInE, (800) 427-7247
COUNTRY MUSIC NIGHTS & DANCE LESSONS: Fri, 2/14, Sat, 2/15, 10:30pm, no cover
HARD ROCK LAKE TAHOE 50 HIGHWAy 50, StAtELInE, (844) 588-7625 cEntER BAR DJ SET: Fri, 2/14, Sat, 2/15, 9pm, no cover
VInyL SHoWRooM SMOKE & MIRRORS PART DEUX: Fri, 2/14, 8pm, $25
BROTHER ALI: Tue, 2/18, 8pm, $20
SoUtH SHoRE RooM DARK STAR ORCHESTRA: Sun, 2/16, 7:30pm, $34.40
18 HIGHWAy 50, StAtELInE, (775) 588-6611 HARVEy’S cABAREt THE NEVADA SHOW: Fri, 2/14, 10pm, $26.83-$36.83
2707 S. VIRGInIA St., (775) 826-2121
DJ MO FUNK: Thu, 2/13, Sun, 2/16, 9pm, no cover THE VEGAS ROADSHOW: Fri, 2/14, Sat, 2/15, 9pm,
THE SPAZMATICS: Sat, 2/15, 9pm, no cover DJ R3VOLVER: Fri, 2/14, Sat, 2/15, 9pm, no cover
SPIN THURSDAYS: Thu, 2/13, 10pm, $20 LATIN DANCE SOCIAL WITH BB & KIKI OF SALSA RENO: Fri, 2/14, 7pm, $10-$20, no cover
no cover
before 8pm
5 HIGHWAy 28, cRyStAL BAy, (775) 831-0660
LADIES NIGHT: Fri, 2/14, 10pm, $20, no cover charge for women
cASIno FLooR CHRIS COSTA: Fri, 2/14, Sat, 2/15, 8pm, no cover
tERRAcE LoUnGE KEYSER SOZE: Thu, 2/13, 7pm, Fri, 2/14, Sat, 2/15, 8pm, no cover
VERBAL KINT: Sun, 2/16, Mon, 2/17, Tue, 2/18,
Wed, 2/19, 6pm, no cover
55 HIGHWAy 50, StAtELInE, (775) 588-3515
219 n. cEntER St., (775) 786-3232
AFROMAN: Sat, 2/15, 9pm, $20-$25 COLLIE BUDDZ: Wed, 2/19, 8pm, $25-$30
IGNITE CABARESQUE: Sat, 2/15, 9pm, $30.04-$39.22
JONNY LANG: Sat, 2/15, 8pm, $35-$55
345 n. ARLInGton AVE., (775) 348-2200
Wed, 2/19, 6:30pm, no cover
407 n. VIRGInIA St., (775) 325-7401
The Elbow Room Bar, 2002 Victorian Ave., Sparks, (775) 358-6700: Wednesday Night Karaoke, Wed, 8pm, no cover Pizza Baron, 1155 W. Fourth St., Ste. 113, (775) 329-4481: Wacky Wednesday Karaoke with Steve Starr & DJ Hustler, 9pm, no cover The Point, 1601 S. Virginia St., (775) 3223001: Karaoke, Thu-Sat, 8:30pm, no cover West 2nd Street Bar, 118 W. Second St., (775) 348-7976: Karaoke, Mon-Sun, 9pm, no cover
GRAnd EXPoSItIon HALL JOHNNY MATHIS: Fri, 2/14, 8pm, $72.94-$91.28 LOS TIGRES DEL NORTE: Sun, 2/16, 8pm, $89-$119
FOR THE WEEK OF FEBRUARY 13, 2020 For a complete listing of this week’s events or to post events to our online calendar, visit www.newsreview.com. EVENING BOOK CLUB: The book club meets to discuss Silent Spring by Rachel Carson. Wed, 2/19, 5pm. Free. Northwest Reno Library, 2325 Robb Drive, (775) 787-4100.
THE GREAT BUSTER—A CELEBRATION: Artemisia MovieHouse presents a screening of this 2018 documentary/ biography directed by Peter Bogdanovich. Hollywood luminaries Quentin Tarantino, Johnny Knoxville, Werner Herzog, Carl Reiner, Mel Brooks and more share the joy of revisiting the classics that made Buster Keaton one of the immortals of silent era films. Sun, 2/16, 6pm. $5-$9. Good Luck Macbeth Theatre Company, 124 W. Taylor St., www.artemisiamovies.weebly.com.
Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows kicks off its annual kids extravaganza this Saturday, Feb. 15. The weeklong celebration offers non-stop fun for kids of all ages, including street parties and kids’ concerts, a game and craft room, face painting and ice carving demonstrations, as well as events such as Big Truck Day, featuring fire trucks, snowplows and grooming machines, on Monday, Feb. 17, and the Oakley Grom Jam, a mini-terrain park competition open to skiers and snowboarders ages 6-12, on Saturday, Feb. 22. Kid-O-Rama takes place Feb. 15-22 at Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows, 1960 Squaw Valley Road, Olympic Valley. Call (800) 403-0206 or visit squawalpine.com.
Mountainfilm is a documentary film festival that showcases nonfiction stories about environmental, cultural, climbing, political and social justice issues that matter. The Alpenglow Mountain Festival kicks off its nine days of events with the Lake Tahoe screening of this global tour. Mountain Festival sponsors will be on hand with booths, gear displays and giveaways. Sat, 2/15, 5pm. $7-$12. Olympic Village Lodge, 1901 Chamonix Road, Olympic Valley, www.alpenglowsports.com.
MYSTERY BOOK CLUB: The book club meets to discuss Button Man by Mark Pryor. Sun, 2/16, 1pm. Free. Spanish Springs Library, 7100-A Pyramid Highway, Sparks, (775) 424-1800.
S.M. HULSE READING AND SIGNING: Author S.M. Hulse presents her new book Eden Mine. Thu 2/13, 6:30pm. Free. Sundance Books and Music, 121 California Ave., www.sundancebookstore.com.
EVENTS ALPENGLOW SPORTS MOUNTAIN FESTIVAL: The annual festival is a nine-day celebration of human-powered mountain sports, events, clinics, equipment demonstrations, critically acclaimed films and more. Geared toward beginner and intermediate winter recreation enthusiasts, Alpenglow Mountain Festival showcases some of the best activities Lake Tahoe has to offer. Sat, 2/15-Wed, 2/19. Free for most events. Various locations across Truckee-Lake Tahoe, www.alpenglowsports.com/ mountainfestival.
AN EVENING OF HEARTS AND ROSES: Enjoy a romantic evening featuring a prime rib and roasted garlic chicken buffet and live music by country singersongwriters Lacy J. Dalton and David John. The event benefits the Let ’em Run Foundation and the Comstock Cemetery Foundation. Fri, 2/14, 5pm. $50. Piper’s Opera House, 12 N. B St., Virginia City, (775) 847-0433, pipersoperahouse.com.
THE ANIMATION ACADEMY EXHIBIT: This interactive exhibition explores the history of animation, from traditional, hand-drawn cels to CGI. Read the stories of real-life animators, see tools of the trade, watch classic cartoons and try your own hand at animating. The show opens Feb. 15 and runs through May 10. Sat, 2/15, 10am, Sun, 2/16, noon, Wed, 2/19, 10am. $9-$10. Wilbur D. May Center, Rancho San Rafael Regional Park, 1595 N. Sierra St., (775) 785-5961.
BLACK HISTORY MONTH FILMS: South Valleys Library continues its film series celebrating Black History Month with a screening of the 2014 film Selma, starring David Oyelowo and Carmen Ejogo. Sat, 2/15, noon. Free. South Valleys Library, 15650-A Wedge Parkway, (775) 851-5190.
CLIMATE CHANGE AND ME—TAKING ACTION TO SAVE OUR PLANET: Join environmentalist Stallar Lufrano-Jardine to learn how climate change impacts us and what you can do to help save our planet. The presentation will cover the climate science behind warming and the global action governments and what actions businesses and individuals can take to stave off detrimental effects. Sat, 2/15, 10am. $5 suggested donation. Galena Creek Visitor Center, 18250 Mount Rose Highway, (775) 849-4948.
Churchill Arts Council continues its film series with a screening of the 2004 drama Crash, directed, produced and co-written by Paul Haggis. The film features an ensemble cast, including Sandra Bullock, Don Cheadle, Matt Dillon, Jennifer Esposito, William Fichtner, Brendan Fraser, Terrence Howard, Chris “Ludacris” Bridges, Thandie Newton, Michael Peña and Ryan Phillippe. Fri, 2/14, 7pm. $7-$27. Barkley Theatre, Oats Park Art Center, 151 E. Park St., Fallon, (775) 423-1440, www.churchillarts.org.
VALENTINE’S POP-UP CARD-MAKING FUNDRAISER: Hand print a card for your valentine using a printmaking press and letterpress equipment. This event will kick start Laika Press’ February fundraiser to build a permanent darkroom and purchase a new washout sink. Thu, 2/13, 2-6pm. $10-$20. Sierra Water Gardens, 2135 Dickerson Road, www.laikapress.org.
THE VISUAL CULTURE OF FOOD AND DESIRE: Eunkang Koh, associate professor of printmaking in the Department of Art at the University of Nevada, Reno, discusses popular culture’s obsession with documenting food and food consumption. Wed, 2/19, 6pm. Free. Wells Fargo Auditorium, Room 124, Mathewson-IGT Knowledge Center, University of Nevada, Reno, 1664 N. Virginia St., (775) 784-4278.
WILBUR D. MAY: Samantha Szesciorka,
assistant curator at the Wilbur D. May Center, talks about explorer and philanthropist Wilbur D. May. Wilbur was the third son of David May, founder of The May Department Stores Company. He was a rancher, pilot, artist, philanthropist and world traveler who lived in Reno from 1936 until his death on Jan. 20, 1982. Wilbur D. May Museum’s collection derives from over 40 trips Wilbur made around the world. Wed, 2/19, 5:30pm. Free. Northwest Reno Library, 2325 Robb Drive, (775) 787-4100.
family entertainment series continues with a performance by Chris Wessel’s Jazz-Dixie Review. Sat, 2/15, 7pm. Free. Western Heritage Interpretive Center at Bartley Ranch Regional Park, 6000 Bartley Ranch Road, (775) 828-6612.
FORTUNATE STRANGERS: Brewery Arts Center’s Celtic Music Series continues with a program of Scottish and Irish songs by this three-piece band featuring singer Celia Ramsay and musicians Joe and Kathy Bly. Sat, 2/15, 7pm. $15-$25. Brewery Arts Center, 449 W. King St., Carson City, (775) 883-1976.
CITY HALL METRO GALLERY: Only Two Ways to Fire. The Reno City Hall Metro Gallery hosts an exhibition of ceramic work by Fred Reid and Richard Jackson. Reid and Jackson’s work is inspired by their Nevadan heritage and the process of firing ceramics. The sculptures are made by using high fire or raku techniques. Thu, 2/13-Fri, 2/14, Tue, 2/18Wed, 2/19, 8am-5pm. Free. City Hall Metro Gallery, 1 E. First St., (775) 334-6264.
GALLERY EAST, MCKINLEY ARTS & CULTURE CENTER: Saving Faces. Gallery East in the McKinley Arts & Culture Center hosts this collection of portraiture by the members of the Portrait Society of Reno. The portraits range from life-size paintings to small, intimate sketches. The show runs through March 13. Thu, 2/13-Fri, 2/14, Tue, 2/18-Wed, 2/19, 8am-5pm. Free. McKinley Arts & Culture Center, 925 Riverside Drive, (775) 334-6264.
GALLERY WEST, MCKINLEY ARTS & CULTURE CENTER: 4th Street—A Legacy of Change. Gallery West in the McKinley Arts & Culture Center hosts this exhibition of photographs by Scott Hinton, Sebastian Diaz and Jeff John Sison. The photographs focus on three motor lodges that lined Arlington Avenue and faced the Sands Casino. The photographs were made mere hours before the motels’ demolition. The works were created in the documentary style, seeking to capture the state of the buildings and their surroundings for posterity and future research. The show runs through March 13. Thu, 2/13-Fri, 2/14, Tue, 2/18-Wed, 2/19, 8am-5pm. Free. McKinley Arts & Culture Center, 925 Riverside Drive, (775) 334-6264.
ONSTAGE THE CHILDREN: Brüka Theatre presents Lucy’s Kirkwood’s cautionary tale for apocalyptic times. Two retired scientists live in an isolated cottage by the sea as the world around them crumbles, then an old friend arrives with a frightening request. Thu, 2/13-Sat, 2/15, 7:30pm; Sun, 2/16, 2pm. $22-$25. Brüka Theatre, 99 N. Virginia St., www.bruka.org.
This multimedia dance work features dance film by Tweaking Reality Studios, poetry by Valerie Padovani, light installations by Jared Clemmensen and choreography by Reno-based contemporary dance company, Collateral & Co., and New York-based choreographer Leisa DeCarlo. The Space Above explores the vast Nevada sky, the thoughts that exist in our own minds and attempts to make sense of our place in a world of darkness and light. Thu, 2/13, 6:30pm. $10-$20. Nevada Museum of Art, 160 W. Liberty St., (775) 329-3333.
JIMMY BUFFETT’S ESCAPE TO MARGARITAVILLE: Broadway Comes to Reno continues its 2019-2020 season with the musical comedy featuring original songs and beloved Jimmy Buffett classics, including “Fins,” “Volcano,” “Cheeseburger in Paradise.” Fri, 2/14,
8pm; Sat, 2/15, 2pm & 8pm; Sun, 2/16, 1pm & 7pm. $48-$88. Pioneer Center for the Performing Arts, 100 S. Virginia St., pioneercenter.com.
MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS: Reno Little Theater presents Agatha Christie’s classic murder mystery. Thu, 2/13-Sat, 2/15, 7:30pm; Sun, 2/16, 2pm. $15-$25. Reno Little Theater, 147 E. Pueblo St., (775) 813-8900, renolittletheater.org.
NEVADA WIND ENSEMBLE AND CONCERT WINDS: The University of Nevada, Reno’s Nevada Wind Ensemble and Concert Winds will perform. Wed, 2/19, 7:30pm. $7, free for UNR students with ID. Nightingale Concert Hall, Church Fine Arts, University of Nevada, Reno, 1335 N. Virginia St., (775) 784-4278.
SLOWGIRL: Restless Artists Theatre presents Greg Pierce’s story of a teenager who flees to her reclusive uncle’s retreat in the Costa Rican jungle to escape the aftermath of a horrific accident. The week they spend together forces them both to confront who they are as well as what it is they are running from. Fri, 2/14-Sat, 2/15, 7:30pm; Sun, 2/16, 2pm. $8-$20. Restless Artists Theatre, 295 20th St., Sparks, (775) 525-3074, rattheatre.org.
TOBYMAC: The Christian hip-hop recording artist brings his “Hits Deep Tour” to Reno. Sun, 2/16, 7pm. $19.75-$89.75. Reno Events Center, 400 N Center St., (775) 335-8800.
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Business whirled I’m a woman who’s fiercely competitive in the business world. I’ve been rewarded for pursuing deals as relentlessly as highly successful men do. Yet, taking this approach in my dating life— energetically pursuing men and confidently asking them out—has been a bust. The men I go after seem to find my openness, excitement and confidence off-putting. I keep hearing that I need to chill out and let men pursue me. This seems crazy. I shouldn’t have to act like a debutante, waiting for a man to ask me out. As a heterosexual woman, pursuing romantic partners as ferociously as you’d pursue a business deal is especially counterproductive. Though we’re living in modern times, we’re stuck with an antique psychological operating system, calibrated to solve ancestral mating and survival problems. This means the psychology driving us is sometimes seriously mismatched with our modern world. For example, we now have reliable birth control, and even if that fails, children won’t die of starvation or be eaten by feral goats because the dude who fathered them “hit it ’n’ quit it.” Yet, we’ve still got our evolutionary legacy running the show. In vetting potential sex partners, women evolved to be more quality-conscious—choosier, more “hard to get”—while men evolved to take a more, shall we say, quantity-driven approach. These differences in sexual choosiness emerge from what evolutionary biologist Robert Trivers explains as men’s and women’s differing levels of “parental investment.” The members of a species with the greatest possible costs from having sex—like pregnancy and a screaming kid to feed—evolved to be more selective in mate choice. Women’s emotions are their parental investment watchdogs, pushing them to make sure a man’s willing and able to stick around and provide resources. Though some women can take an emotionally Teflon approach to casual sex, anthropologist John Marshall Townsend finds that for many, hooking up comes with some emotional reflux —even when a woman knows a one-nighter is all she wants from a guy. She’ll boot some himbo out of bed only to get
all angsty afterward, worrying that the guy she wants nothing more from doesn’t want anything more from her. These differences in male and female mating selectivity showed up in a big way in a recent study looking at heterosexual Tinder users. Belgian econ doctoral candidate Brecht Neyt calculated the percentage of profiles men and women gave “super likes” to—a function on Tinder as of 2015. For those uninitiated in Tinderese, swiping right “likes” another user, but they will be none the wiser unless they, too, swipe right on you. Swiping up, however, is a “super like,” which triggers an automatic notification to the super-liked person. Neyt and his colleagues found that men super liked 61.9 percent of women’s profiles, while women super liked only 4.5 percent of the men’s. Their finding is a pretty dramatic reflection of men’s evolved quantity-over-quality default. So, if you’re reasonably attractive and in a man’s age range, there’s a good chance he’ll go out with you simply because you ask— though he may not be interested beyond a hookup. But let’s say he’s somebody who would be interested in you. Because men co-evolved with women, men expect women to be choosy, and they tend to devalue women who just tumble out of the sky into their lap. The best test for whether a man has real interest in you is seeing whether he’ll lay his ego on the line to ask you out. You aren’t without control in this approach—you can flirt with a guy you’re interested in to signal that you’re open to being pursued by him. Should things be different? Well, sure, in a more perfect mating universe. But if you want to be successful in this one, you should do what works. Though men will eventually take a selective approach when considering a woman as a long-term partner, many will have sex with anything this side of a pound of liver in the refrigerator (and sometimes that will just have to do). Ω
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30 | RN&R | 02.13.20
by ROb bRezsny
For the week o F February 13, 2020 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Now that she’s in her
late forties, Aries comedian and actress Tig Notaro is wiser about love. Her increased capacity for romantic happiness has developed in part because she’s been willing to change her attitudes. She says, “Instead of being someone who expects people to have all the strengths I think I need them to have, I resolved to try to become someone who focuses on the strengths they do have.” In accordance with this Valentine’s season’s astrological omens, I invite you to meditate on how you might cultivate more of that aptitude yourself. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Taurus artist Joan Miró loved to daub colored paint on canvases. He said he approached his work in the same way he made love—“a total embrace, without caution, prudence thrown to the winds, nothing held back.” In accordance with astrological omens, I invite you to invoke a similar attitude with all the important things you do in the coming weeks. Summon the ardor and artistry of a creative lover for all-purpose use. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): In 1910, Gemini businessman Irving Seery was 20 years old. One evening he traveled to the Metropolitan Opera in New York City to see an opera starring the gorgeous and electrifying soprano Maria Jeritza. He fell in love instantly. For the next 38 years, he remained a bachelor as he nursed his desire to marry her. His devotion finally paid off. Jeritza married Seery in 1948. In 2020, I think you will be capable of a heroic feat of love that resembles Seery’s. Which of your yearnings might evoke such intensely passionate dedication? CANCER (June 21-July 22): I’ve been married twice, both times to the same woman. Our first time around, we were less than perfectly wise in the arts of relationship. After our divorce and during the few years we weren’t together, we each ripened into more graceful versions of ourselves and we developed greater intimacy skills. Our second marriage has been far more successful. Is there a comparable possibility in your life? A chance to enhance your ability to build satisfying togetherness? An opening to learn practical lessons from past romantic mistakes? Now is a favorable time to capitalize. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): In 1911, the famous Russian poet Anna Akhmatova and the famous Italian painter Amedeo Modigliani were in love with each other. Both were quite poor, though. They didn’t have much to spend on luxuries. In her memoir, Akhmatova recalled the time they went on a date in the rain at the Luxembourg Gardens in Paris. Barely protected under a rickety umbrella, they amused each other by reciting the verse of Paul Verlaine, a poet they both loved. Isn’t that romantic? In the coming weeks, I recommend you experiment with comparable approaches to cultivating love. Get back to raw basics. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): I hope there’s someone in your life to whom you can give a note like the one I’ll offer at the end of this oracle. If there’s not, I trust you will locate that person in the next six months. Feel free to alter the note as you see fit. Here it is. “When you and I are together, it’s as if we have been reborn into luckier lives; as if we can breathe deeper breaths that fill our bodies with richer sunlight; as if we see all of the world’s beauty that alone we were blind to; as if the secrets of our souls’ codes are no longer secret.” LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): In the course of your life, how many people and animals have truly loved you? Three? Seven? More? I invite you to try this Valentine experiment: Write down their names on a piece of paper. Spend a few minutes visualizing the specific qualities in you that they cherished, and how they expressed their love, and how you felt as you received their caring attention. Then send out a beam of gratitude to each of them. Honor them with
sublime appreciation for having treasured your unique beauty. Amazingly enough, doing this exercise will magnetize you to further outpourings of love in the coming weeks. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): I invite you to copy the following passage and offer it to a person who is receptive to deepening their connection with you. “Your healing eyes bless the winter jasmine flowers that the breeze blew into the misty creek. Your welcoming prayers celebrate the rhythmic light of the mud-loving cypress trees. Your fresh dreams replenish the eternal salt that nourishes our beloved song of songs. With your melodic breath, you pour all these not-yet-remembered joys into my body.” (This lyrical message is a blend of my words with those of Scorpio poet Odysseus Elytis.) SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): The poet Virgil, a renowned author in ancient Rome, wrote three epic poems that are still in print today. His second was a masterpiece called the Georgics. It took him seven years to write, even though it was only 2,740 lines long. So on average he wrote a little over one line per day. I hope you’ll use him as inspiration as you toil over your own labors of love in the coming weeks and months. There’ll be no need to rush. In fact, the final outcomes will be better if you do them slowly. Be especially diligent and deliberate in all matters involving intimacy and collaboration and togetherness. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): I invite you to copy the following passage and offer it to a person who is ready to explore a more deeply lyrical connection with you. “I yearn to earn the right to your whispered laugh, your confident caress, your inscrutable dance. Amused and curious, I wander where moon meets dawn, inhaling the sweet mist in quest of your questions. I study the joy that my imagination of you has awakened. All the maps are useless, and I like them that way. I’m guided by my nervous excitement to know you deeper. Onward toward the ever-fresh truth of your mysterious rhythms!” AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Aquarian author Derek Walcott had a perspective on love that I suspect might come in handy for you during this Valentine season. “Break a vase,” he wrote, “and the love that reassembles the fragments is stronger than that love which took its symmetry for granted when it was whole.” I urge you to meditate on how you could apply his counsel to your own love story. How might you remake your closest alliances into even better and brighter versions of themselves? PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Piscean poet Saul Williams wrote a meditation I hope you’ll consider experimenting with this Valentine season. It involves transforming mere kisses into sublime kisses. If you choose to be inspired by his thoughts, you’ll explore new sensations and meanings available through the act of joining your mouth to another’s. Ready? “Have you ever lost yourself in a kiss? I mean pure psychedelic inebriation. Not just lustful petting, but transcendental metamorphosis, when you became aware that the greatness of this other being is breathing into you. Licking your mouth, like sealing a thousand fleshy envelopes filled with the essence of your passionate being, and then opened by the same mouth and delivered back to you, over and over again—the first kiss of the rest of your life.”
You can call Rob Brezsny for your Expanded Weekly Horoscope: (900) 950-7700. $1.99 per minute. Must be 18+. Touchtone phone required. Customer service (612) 373-9785. And don’t forget to check out Rob’s website at realastrology.com.
Tom Steyer, a philanthropist and former hedge fund manager, is one of the candidates seeking the Democratic nomination for president. His campaign has spent more on advertising in Nevada than the other Democratic frontrunner have spent on their entire national campaigns. PHOTO/MATT BIEKER
Most of the other Democratic candidates are in New Hampshire tonight, yet you just launched a bus tour in Gardenerville. Why are you focusing so much on Nevada? Yeah, well I think all the four, like, primary states are important. Nevada is the first really diverse state, you know. It’s a state where I’ve spent—literally that’s 43 years ago when I first came here. And I worked here, and I’ve been organizing here through NexGen since at least seven years ago. We’re in almost every single college campus. And with our partners in labor, we knocked on 500,000 doors in Nevada in 2018. And I ran Question 6, which was 50 percent clean energy by 2030 in Nevada in 2018. So, I spend a lot of time politically in Nevada.
Would you say you’re pretty familiar with the political climate in Nevada? You know, I’ve been here for the flip. We’ve been organizing the whole time to push for Democratic governor, Democratic state senate, Democratic state legislature, Democratic senators,
Democratic Congress people. We’ve been here the whole time and so, you know, I do feel more akin because that, definitely.
What elements of your platform resonate with Nevadans? Well, one thing that definitely resonates here is I’m not one of the people who’s for a Medicare for all. OK. You know, I’m one of the people who believes we should have a public option as part of the Affordable Care Act and let the people who have negotiated for their health care through their employment keep their health care through the employment if they think that’s better. Believe or not, that’s a pretty big Nevada issue. That’s very different from, you know, I think Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, for instance. I’m talking about a 10 percent tax cut for everybody who makes less than 250,000
bucks. That’s something I think people here care about. There’s a pretty hefty Latino population in Nevada. I have a long history of working on immigrant rights. … And I’ve spent millions of dollars trying to represent and protect fair immigration policies. I’ve spent over $3 million hiring lawyers to represent people under threat of deportation. … There’s a whole bunch of specific Nevada issues like Yucca Mountain, which, if you live in California, you know what Yucca Mountain is, you have an opinion about that.
Commentators have referred to you as a billionaire who bought his way into the race. How do you feel about that? Look, the only way that anyone’s going to do well in this race is by having a message that resonates, and having people trust him or her. Those are the only two things that really matter. And so I think the idea that you can buy something, you know, votes, is not true. You either have a message that resonates with people, or you don’t. I think if you look at my history, I’ve tried to see the biggest problems and then try and go as hard as I can after them in terms of time and energy and work and money, and that’s all I’m doing. Americans, last I checked, we’re a super hardworking and competitive group of people. … Do I think rich people should pay their share? Yes. I took the Giving Pledge to give most of this money away while I’m alive. Ω
Follow the money My rant last week about people perpetually screwing up the word “asterisk” was one of the finest examples of “get off my lawn” journalism you’re gonna find anywhere. Really top notch crabbery. Thank you. • Back in October, we all knew what was gonna happen—Libtards and Deplorables alike. The House was gonna impeach Trump. Check. The case would be beyond solid. Check. Moscow Mitch was gonna railroad it on the fast track to Whitewash City. Check. The Senate, with its 52 card-carrying members of Cult 45, would acquit Prez Capone. Check. In the entirely predictable melodrama, there was only one surprise. The fella from Utah. Was the Big Story last week Romney’s vote to convict? Where one Republican dared to look at the case, dared to see that it was a total slam dunk and dared to vote
accordingly? How dare he?! Expel this imposter! Or was the bigger story the fact that 52 Retrumplican senators went full tilt Ostrich? That 52 senators failed utterly and chose, once again, to grovel at the foot of Trump, history, honesty and oaths be damned? • Of course I like Bernie. And Liz. And Pete. And Joe. But let’s admit they all have their Achilles’ heels. They have their strengths, no doubt. But there are soft spots. Yes, Hillary beat Trump’s ass by 3 million votes. And, yes, a black guy won the thing. Twice. So we can indeed make some headway, despite America’s various dumbass prejudices. I wonder, though, if it’s Mike Bloomberg who scares the fuck out of Dipshit. Is it possible that “Little Mike” just might … be the guy? The ReDumplicans have their billionaire (a fake one, for sure). OK, with Bloomberg, we got our
billionaire, and he’s the real Don Steele. Indeed, our billionaire could put The Trump Organization in a friggin’ trash compactor. Forbes estimates Bloomberg’s fortune is $62 billion. That’s what’s known as real money. Let’s not dismiss the other billionaire. Tom Steyer has some genuine cred, seeing as he was calling for Dum Dum’s impeachment long before anybody else. He was as horrified by Twitler as you and I, and he did something about it. That counts. And … he was right. Yes, they’re buying their way into the Game. If that’s the way it is, that’s the way it is. Just because a guy is a billionaire doesn’t mean he’s automatically an asshole. Chances are very good, yes, but it’s also somewhat possible that he’s a decent, reasonable human being. Hey, it could happen! And their money is now having a real impact. Here it comes. Ω
April 4th, 4 PM to 8 PM & April 5th, 11 AM to 3 PM
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