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Sacramento’S newS & entertainment weekly
By Daniel Barnes aNd Jim lane
Volume 30, iSSue 21
thurSday, September 6, 2018
page 1 1
Editor’s notE
sEptEmbEr 6, 2018 | Vol. 30, issuE 21
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Labor mayday Barring scandal, Brett Kavanaugh is probably joining the U.S. Supreme Court. And really, now that we’ve become so horribly inured to our rapey, racist, hush-money-paying, white-supremacistdefending, child-molester-endorsing, kidnap-legalizing president, what scandal could possibly swing two Republicans against their one true lord and savior— corruptible power? Not gonna happen. Here’s what is going to happen: The right-wing siege on Democratic ideals continues. Coming fresh off Labor Day, I think back to last month’s Janus decision, which amounted to a gutshot for organized labor. In a narrow 5-4 opinion, the conservative wing of the high court ruled that unions can no longer collect agency fees from nonunion members. That may sound downright rational, but these agency fees fund contract negotiations that all workers benefit from, even nonunion ones. Like everything the neocon illuminati is doing these days, this attack on an institution most Americans support amounted to a fourth-dimensional chess move that plays on 2018 America’s short-sightedness and longterm desperation. Working-class families desperately need money and are told over and over again how unions are bad. But we in the capital have some pretty tangible examples of how whack that is. Exhibit A: minimum wage. Exhibit B: rent stabilization. Organized labor’s, well, organizing right here in Sacramento was instrumental to the first being raised statewide and to the second being a real conversation inside City Hall now. While unions were already precluded from using agency fees to subsidize their politicking, Janus will hurt indirectly. It’s a slow bleed, one that regular Americans won’t notice until it’s too late. That’s its genius.
—Raheem F. hosseini r a h e e mh @ ne wsr e v ie w.c o m
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Should counties be able to secede from California?
Jaime Gonzale z
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It doesn’t sound like a well-thought-out idea. It sounds sort of like a way to cause more disparity throughout California.
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If they locally vote that they want to secede and then it goes up through the right channels, sure.
I like California the way it is. We’re what, the seventh-largest economy? … I like the air that I breathe, I like the Earth, I like animals treated humanely. I like all of those things.
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I think to a certain point if both the current state they’re in and the state that wants to form wants to secede … I don’t see why [there would be a problem] if everyone’s in the majority for that. But then you have certain things also where there would just be a giant logistical nightmare.
There needs to be, honestly, a social balance before any big decision can be made.
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It’s a hopelessly worthless endeavor. ... Los Angeles gets most of its water from Northern California. They would be cutting their own throats. There’s no way in the world L.A. wants to let go of its water rights from Northern California, which makes everything that people do about secession useless.
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n e w S r e v i e w.c o m 09.06.18 | SN&R | 5
Sister Libby Fernandez hands a cup of coffee to Quintin Grant, who she has known since 2009, when a tent city existed near downtown Sacramento. Photo by John Flynn
Mercy on wheels She fought City Hall over tent city. Now Sacramento’s crusading nun is delivering coffee and compassion on a tricycle. by John Flynn
During a crisp morning ride on August 20, Sister Libby Fernandez spotted her friend, David, who sat in a wheelchair with a black, padded boot wrapped around his leg. Startled, she cried, “What happened!” as she pulled her tricycle up on the sidewalk and gave him a hug. “I got hit by a car,” David responded. “Broke my leg in three places.” Fernandez, who eschews a nun’s habit for basketball shorts and a T-shirt, handed David her card and told him he could use her as a reference if he found a personal injury lawyer. Then she opened up a custom-made cubby on the back of
the Mercy Pedalers will celebrate their one-year anniversary September 14 at Uptown Studios (2415 23rd Street). tickets/suggested donations are between $15 and $250.
her tricycle, poured him a cup of coffee and loaded up his bag with water bottles, nutritional bars and soap. “It was a God drop to see you,” Fernandez told David. “A what?” “That means: God sent you on my path.” After a week-long retreat in the Grand Canyon, Fernandez came home eager to get back on her trike and reconnect with folks experiencing homelessness as part of her Mercy Pedalers program. In Sacramento, where thousands of people fall through the cracks, Fernandez rides
along these fault lines, handing out food, water and hygiene products, and provides a sympathetic balm against the harshest of living conditions. After spending over 20 years as executive director of Loaves & Fishes, the city’s largest homeless charity, Fernandez craved a new form of service. In her prior role, she fought on behalf of those experiencing homelessness against elected officials seeking less-thancompassionate solutions to the statewide epidemic. Because of this advocacy, she was called “the conscience of this community” by Mayor Darrell Steinberg
in a Sacramento Bee article marking her retirement. The idea for Mercy Pedalers was born after a visit to Crater Lake National Park last year. Today, on the eve of the program’s first anniversary, Fernandez has accrued 60 volunteers who join her on two-hour rides at least once a week to hand out essentials, mostly in downtown Sacramento, but also Oak Park, West Sacramento and Arden-Arcade—with talks developing to spread this service along the river. While running a multimillion-dollar nonprofit entails countless intricacies, her new mission is comparably simple and based on a passage from the Gospel of Matthew: “For I was hungry and you gave me food. I was thirsty and you gave me drink. I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” Fernandez said the last part’s the most important, as it goes both ways. “It’s all about entering someone’s space and befriending them,” she said. “The first time, they may not want you. And of course, you don’t take it personally. But you don’t give up. And the next day may be a different moment for that person.”
Shelter criSiS debate See NeWS
Gold ShovelS, bad opticS See NeWS
employiNG the differeNtly abled See GreeNliGht
hiGhWay from hell journeying alongside fernandez entails looking at places differently than most do. As K Street professionals hobknob and hustle from meeting to meeting, Fernandez zigs and zags across the street in a parallel world, personally greeting those who are often ignored with a friendly hello, a ring of her bell and an ice-breaking offer of a cup of coffee. Probably 95 percent of the people she visits respond positively to her efforts. “Through her life, there’s a consistency of care for all the people in need,” said Mercy Pedaler Richard Hernandez. “She covers young people to old people to all the different ethnic groups. She’s just totally inclusive. So I think people are drawn to that and made to feel welcomed immediately by her.” Typically, Fernandez spends between one to 10 minutes with each person she visits. To be a Mercy Pedaler, she said, volunteers must possess boundaries so they don’t engage where “it may be unsafe” as well as a desire to communicate and connect during visits. After a ride-along orientation, she can tell if a volunteer “gets it.” Mercy Pedalers is a 501(c)3 nonprofit, so all her members are volunteers and the vast majority of her wares are donated, largely thanks to the efforts of her board, which is comprised of people from diverse religious and socioeconomic backgrounds. She also works with homeless navigators, street nurses, service providers and law enforcement officials to help ensure each person she visits has easy access to get what they need. “If we stay connected and everyone does their part, we can make a big impact,” she said. Due to her years of serving this community, Fernandez knows many people living on the street who are difficult to find solutions for. One woman named Whitney, Fernandez said, is a paranoid schizophrenic who was kicked out of Section 8 housing, arrested for assaulting another person during a mental health episode and incarcerated for over a year. Now, she no longer qualifies for public housing and may have lost her Supplemental Security Income while behind bars, Fernandez said, adding that she’s working on connecting Whitney with a homeless outreach navigator. Still, Mercy Pedalers’ main goal isn’t to heal or house everyone they meet. Instead, they prioritize providing perhaps the most lacking substance on the street: comfort. After their visit concludes,
Fernandez leaves them with a hug or a a man wanted me to put coffee into a cup handshake and a “God bless you” or a with water in it. I did, but said, ‘That’ll “You’re in my prayers.” At a time when water it down.’ He said, ‘No, no, it’s the Catholic Church struggles to atone for vodka.’” another widespread sexual abuse scandal, Fernandez’s life fits closer to what one as fernandez continues along K Street imagines Jesus would have wanted the mall, she meets Melanie Tadakawa, who church’s representatives to be doing. said she and her husband became homeBorn in Spain on an Air Force base, less after they gave rent to a property Fernandez first volunteered at Loaves & manager who neglected to pay their Fishes in 1985. Five years later, she earned landlord. a masters in social work from Sacramento Tadakawa owns a dog, Blaze, a big State and became a Sister of Mercy fella who lets you know he could after briefly following her take your wrist off with playful, father’s footsteps to the Air soft chomps. Blaze provides “Our Force. protection to Tadakawa, “I wanted to serve who said she was attacked mission is to be even deeper, in a near Cesar Chavez Plaza present—to make more humble way,” last February. In addition relationships.” Fernandez said. to helping her and her “Instead of serving my husband deal with their Sister Libby Fernandez country, I wanted to post-traumatic stress disorfounder, Mercy serve my people.” ders, she said Blaze adds Pedalers While at Loaves some structure to their days. & Fishes, she worked on “He just gives us something programs for women and children, to do,” she said. “Being homeless, founded the Genesis Mental Health program we don’t have much to do. It would be and oversaw a renovation of its campus. cool if they actually employed homeless, She’s also represented the voice of those because wherever we go, we always try to experiencing homelessness as the city clean up, pick up garbage.” implemented ordinances against panhanTadakawa said she and her husband dling and camping. visited the triage shelter near Railroad “The citations are expensive,” said Bob Drive and appreciated being able to Erlenbusch of the Sacramento Regional bring Blaze. But she didn’t love living Coalition to End Homelessness. “The in a warehouse with few windows and camping citation is $230 for people who bunk beds for nearly 200 residents, have no money. And then, irony of ironies, some of whom were people “that you panhandle to pay it off, then get another weren’t used to living inside,” she said. citation for panhandling. She understands Outside a shelter, she said, the lack the impact on people’s lives.” of publicly available restrooms makes Fernandez lives humbly in a Midtown taking care of her personal needs a daily apartment with a kitchen and living room challenge. filled with the supplies she distributes to “It’d be nice to have actual restrooms those in need. Minus the administrative that are everywhere and open 24 hours,” responsibilities inherent to her former role Tadakawa said. “Any business that I at Loaves & Fishes, Fernandez said she can come into, they ask me to buy something. devote most of her energy to her people. And they all say that homeless are dirty “Our mission is to be present—to and they go everywhere. But if there are make relationships,” she said. “When you actual facilities and actually things that can meet someone eye-to-eye, they feel help, it wouldn’t be like that.” like they’re worthy. They feel like they As they commiserate, Fernandez hands mean something. It’s simple as that. How Tadakawa a mocha made with powdered can you make a change if you don’t feel hot chocolate mix, then helps her find good about yourself?” her requested items: food, water, hygiene In contrast to some helpers of the homeproducts and a small pamphlet containing less, Fernandez puts almost no limits on scripture verses and reflections. who she will help. Often, when she pours a “My favorite passage is when Jesus cup of coffee, she loads it up with a someis sleeping in the boat with his disciples what shocking amount of sugar—which and a storm came,” Fernandez said isn’t for the added calories. to Tadakawa as she hands over the “They like it, especially people who pamphlet. “And they’re all afraid. And have addictions, they love that sugar,” she Jesus said, ‘Don’t be afraid, I am with said, then added with a laugh: “One time, you.’ And it calmed the storm.” Ω
California’s largest highway has been named among the most dangerous in the country. Using data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Value Penguin found interstate 5 to be the fourth-most hazardous highway in the United States. Government officials say funding is needed if California wants its freeways to avoid such dubious distinctions. “[Our] highways are going to continue deteriorating without monetary investment,” said Mark Dinger, a spokesperson for the California Department of Transportation. Although the study named I-5’s portion running through Los Angeles County as the most unsafe, Sacramento’s slice is also prone to trouble. Accidents and victim rates through the capital region have been on a steady rise for nearly a decade, according to preliminary data from the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System. From 2008 to 2017, total collisions and injuries increased by 44 and 60 percent, respectively. Emergency Labor Day weekend repairs of massive potholes notwithstanding, the California Transportation Commission recently awarded Caltrans $15 million to build bus and carpool lanes on I-5 from downtown Sacramento to Elk Grove to relieve congestion and thus provide a safer driving experience. But the money would come from the gas tax initiative, which is the subject of a referendum headed for the November ballot. Norman Hom, executive director of the Sacramento Transportation Authority, told SN&R the project is at risk of being stalled or postponed if voters repeal the gas tax. Andrew Alexis, who drives his son from East Sacramento to his job at the airport four days a week, has noticed increased traffic over the last decade. “There really shouldn’t be traffic going out of downtown at 2 p.m. but there is,” Alexis said. “And at 5 p.m. it’s just unbearable.” (Dylan Svoboda)
GraNd jury myStery Earlier this summer, the Sacramento County Grand Jury issued its 2017-18 report. One conspicuous absence from it: anything relating to the county assessor’s office, despite two staffers talking to the grand jury. “It was an investigation,” said Vicki Korsak, a real property appraiser for the assessor’s office. “We were spoken to. We did go in.” Korsak is one of five employees who’s come forward in recent years with numerous allegations of malfeasance, including that top brass benefited from artificially lower appraisals on their properties. (Read “Assessed damages,” News, May 31, 2018.) The Sacramento Bee reported in May that Assessor Christina Wynn, who didn’t respond to an interview request for this story, “was interviewed” about the allegations Korsak and others made. A county-commissioned investigation dismissed most of the allegations on May 25, though that wouldn’t have precluded grand jury findings. Section 933(a) of the California Penal Code directs each grand jury to “submit to the presiding judge of the superior court a final report of its findings and recommendations that pertain to county government matters.” (Graham Womack)
09.06.18 | sN&R | 7
The region’s top homeless advocates and providers gave hurried comments on how millions in homeless service dollars should be spent. Soon, the public will get their chance to do so, too. Photo by Michael Mott
The $20 million plan Sacramento is on the verge of declaring a shelter crisis. Let the debate begin. by Michael Mott
After years of rebuffing calls to do so, Sacramento leaders are likely on the verge of declaring a shelter crisis to secure millions in onetime homeless aid—and irking some advocates after an initial planning meeting made little mention of emergency shelter. The first inkling that the process for figuring out what to do with some $19.9 million in emergency funds wouldn’t go smoothly was during a hastily scheduled meeting at Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services on August 23. A week before the meeting, Sacramento Steps Forward emailed regular attendees of its continuum of care advisory board meetings, where the region’s cohort of homeless service providers gather to provide policy recommendations to the private nonprofit. Seats quickly filled. Then a potential spending proposal was sketched out, leaving some grassroots organizers concerned
Raheem F. hosseini contributed to this report.
that city and county officials were seeking to earmark the mini-windfall without much input from, you know, actual homeless people. “There weren’t a lot of people there who experienced homelessness,” Kimberly Church, who runs Sacramento Safe Space for Unhomed Youth, said after the meeting. “It was a bit strange given that the city sees advocates and people without homes at City Council every Tuesday.” The disagreement dates back years, which is how long people experiencing homelessness and those who work with them have been calling upon officials to declare a shelter crisis, which would allow local governments to ease zoning regulations to quickly turn public buildings into emergency shelters. Such a prospect was a non-starter for local politicians until state lawmakers
sent Senate Bill 850 to the governor’s “I know this is a fast process, and I desk. Signed in June, the legislation know people are here because there’s a freed up an extra $500 million for area lot of money to be spent. Some are here governments to address homelessness. because there’s an actual shelter crisis,” The catch? Any municipality that wants a she said at the meeting. “Why can’t they share must declare a shelter crisis. Under open shelters? Why not let people open the legislation, funding is for “one-time tents? … Think about what power you uses that address homelessness, including, have and understand it’s a crisis.” but not limited to, prevention, criminal Alyson Collier, a homeless liaison justice diversion programs to homeless for the Sacramento County Office of individuals with mental health needs, and Education, noted that 5 percent of the emergency aid.” funds are mandated for youth, “yet we Steps Forward is the lead applicant for don’t have youth-specific objectives. That the funding, but there are many cooks in needs to be added.” this kitchen. The three-way partnership Rivkah Sass, director of the involves the city, the county and the Sacramento Public Library system, one of continuum, with its 22-member advisory the few respites for people living on the board. streets, cited the overall lack of resources. The lion’s share of the aid—$14.3 “We have a navigator; he’s wonderful. million—would go to the continuum, with But he needs something to navigate to,” the city receiving $5.6 million. Halcon she said, citing the lack of housing—emersuggested the city’s portion would go to gency, permanent or otherwise. adding an unspecified number of beds at its There’s also the age-old debate about existing triage shelter in North Sacramento, who the money should be targeted toward: which currently has room for 200. the chronically homeless who are the Cindy Cavanaugh, Sacramento hardest to treat and most visible on the County’s director of homeless initiatives, streets of Sacramento—and thus, the highspoke of using the rest of the funds to est priority for businesses—or the larger streamline the region’s disparate services, number of families and young people who provide financial assistance to those at try to stay invisible out of shame or fear, risk of becoming homeless and “cultivate and who may be easier to stabilize. Bob landlords”—with little mention of shelter. Erlenbusch put his vote in for the latter. As part of that proposal, Tiffanie “We have 2,500 people outside with Synnott, of the Sacramento County public no fault of their own who are homeless defender’s office, outlined a diversion because of no shelter beds. We should program to keep nonviolent homeless really target who’s underserved: Women, defendants out of jail or a “jury trial that seniors and youth,” said Ehrlenbusch, costs $10,000 a day.” executive director of the Sacramento A draft proposal will be published Regional Coalition to End Homelessness, and go to the advisory board on which released a report last week September 12, then to city showing homeless deaths and county leaders on spiked 75 percent in 2017. “There September 25. The “We now lose one application is due homeless person every weren’t a lot December 31. six days at an average of people there “We have to age of 50 for men who experienced implement this really, and 45 for women. Forty-five.” really quickly,” homelessness.” Church said all Halcon said. “We Kimberly Church of this might not could draw funds as Sacramento Safe Space for be necessary if local early as this fall and Unhomed Youth leaders sought their input have to expend it by June seven years ago, when civil 2021. … That’s why it’s rights attorney Mark Merin important we rely on existing asked City Hall to declare a shelter administrative infrastructure.” crisis. Some other things might be differNot everyone was sold on the idea of ent, too, she added. spending new money on old systems. “They wouldn’t need court diversion Niki Jones, an advocate with if we didn’t criminalize them for being Sacramento Youth Council, pushed stakeoutside,” she told SN&R. Ω holders to do more than “what they’ve always done.”
Photo by Mark heckey
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Midtown Sacramento’s long static housing stock is getting juiced by several new projects, many of them by local developer Sotiris Kolokotronis, or SKK. Ground broke August 21 at SKK’s latest development, complete with local dignitaries holding 10 golden shovels that spelled S-A-C-R-A-M-E-N-T-O. For some, it spelled a missed opportunity to provide affordable housing. “The Press” will be loaded with amenities—a resort-style pool, outdoor kitchens, a state-ofthe-art fitness center, a bike lounge and a pet spa. The high-end apartments will range in size from 450 to 1,300 square feet. The developers and local officials described the project as “market-driven” multi-family housing designed to meet Midtown’s shortage of residential rentals. Proposed rental rates have not yet been disclosed. The Press name refers to the former owners of the property, McClatchy Corp., of Sacramento Bee fame. The land, which was used as a former parking garage for Bee employees, was sold to SKK in December 2016 when McClatchy performed a major restructuring, selling off most of its holdings and leasing them back in a move designed to generate cash. McClatchy, as with many newspaper companies, is experiencing declining revenues and print circulation. Over the past decade, SKK has built several mixed-use projects downtown. The company was temporarily halted by bankruptcy, but now has multiple properties moving forward. For this one, SKK partnered with DeBartolo Development, former owners of the San Francisco 49ers. The major Bay Area real estate investor will be a co-equity owner of the new building, prompting a hearty “Go Niners!” from Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg during the groundbreaking. “Conventional wisdom used to be that people don’t want to live in the downtown. This project turns that idea on its head,” Steinberg said. “People do want to live next to their work. This is a great day for Sacramento. The old Sacramento
was car-dominated. The new Sacramento will be people-oriented, led by the new visionaries like Sotiris and SKK.” Other speakers included Midtown Association Executive Director Emily Baime Michaels and Councilman Steve Hansen, who applauded staff efforts to streamline the planning process. “We want to restore the downtown to a place where people want to live,” he said. According to Colliers International, Sacramento rental rates have risen quickly since 2016. Average rents for an 870 square-foot apartment in the area have increased from $1,487 per month to $1,723 per month. The vacancy rate is low at 2.4 percent. Assistant City Manager Michael A. Jasso thinks The Press can help indirectly. “The construction of any rental housing helps with the overall supply of needed rental housing,” he said. “All new housing construction helps ease affordability issues by easing economic conditions that have driven rents higher. The more housing we can provide, the more affordable it will become.” Housing advocates feel this supply-side approach falls short. “This is a missed opportunity,” said Cathy Creswell, president of the Sacramento Housing Alliance. “The housing needs of Sacramento, particularly of the downtown, are urgent. People are living in substandard housing, face rents that are an economic hardship and are vulnerable to unjust eviction laws. New housing is a positive trend, but we need projects to provide affordable units at each location.” SHA estimates 62,000 below-market-rate units are needed to accommodate existing needs. As for long-term solutions, Creswell suggested residents support a local push to create a rent-control ordinance and support a ballot initiative now slated for 2020. One of the purposes of the “Sacramento Community Stabilization and Fair Rent Charter Amendment” would be requiring just-cause protections against predatory evictions. Ω
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Telling stories of inclusion by jeff vonkaenel
Not living in a cave, I have met many people over the years with developmental disorders and disabilities such as autism, cerebral palsy and epilepsy. And I know many people who are providing supports. But I never thought about just how many people have such disorders or disabilities or how many organizations were providing supports until N&R Publications Consultant Elizabeth Morabito told me about her meeting with the Sacramento Manager for the State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD), Sonya Bingaman. Sonya told Elizabeth that California organizations working with people with developmental disorders and disabilities are trying to help them find educational opportunities, employment and housing. The state is in the process of removing resources from developmental centers where these individuals have been isolated, and is putting resources into supportive services and training to help those with developmental disorders and disabilities move out of institutions and become members of the community. To be successful, we need employers to offer jobs, landlords to offer housing, schools to embrace these students, and communities to value all of its members. And we need to increase awareness of the potential of individuals with such disorders and disabilities. Elizabeth and Sonya thought that a publication could introduce our region to these concepts. They hoped to start a communitywide discussion of inclusion for people with developmental disabilities. Our first step in producing this publication was to set up a storyboard session with a group of experts. We ask questions, they explain the complexities of what they do and our job is to turn this into stories. At our storyboard, we had activists, nonprofit organizations providing services and supports, and officials from the State of California. I was stunned to learn that there are 23,000 people with developmental disabilities in the Sacramento area receiving services. 10 | SN&R | 09.06.18
je ffv @ ne wsr e v ie w.c o m
But, the coolest thing about the storyboard was to see how much all of these people cared. They clearly were passionate about supporting individuals with developmental disabilities and ensuring that they are as included and as independent as possible in the community. They celebrated their victories. And they knew the importance of their work. After the storyboard session, we knew we wanted to tell the story of inclusion by illuminating the experiences of people in our region. Elizabeth and Sonya worked hard to pull together a diverse group to collaborate on the project. Twenty-six different organizations came together to support the project, with Strategies to Empower People (S.T.E.P.) leading the way with the largest donation. The finished piece ran last week in SN&R, as well as in the Auburn Journal, the Colusa Sun-Herald, the Davis Enterprise, the Folsom Telegraph, the Marysville Appeal-Democrat, the Roseville Press Tribune, the Lake Tahoe Sierra Sun and The Union in Western Nevada County. The total press run was almost 150,000, including copies for each participating organization. We heard last week that over 12,000 emails with links to the digital version of the publication were sent across the country to other organizations working in this field. We at N&R Publications were happy to be able to share these important stories of people with developmental disabilities. We hope we’ve helped to facilitate a communitywide discussion on equity, access and inclusion. And we hope we’ll able to produce similar publications in other communities around the country. We should all agree that removing barriers for people with disabilities improves the community for all of us. Those who feel isolated should feel like they belong, like we all want to. Ω Jeff vonKaenel is the president, CEO and majority owner of the News & Review.
by Jim Lane and DanieL Barnes
s tic i r c lm i f r’s st & o N m S r hei ms t l i k f pic ted a nd p i a c i , t son an a e s the e f h t le o of t t a a b s ’ it s pic o i b
Film onto International he 43rd annual Tor the ng rki ma , s weekend Festival opens thi season. ds ar aw 8 201 the unofficial start to will edict which films It’s too early to pr Academy ate itim leg as ck pa emerge from the t one tha t be , but it’s a sure Award contenders l be wil rs ne win g tin ar’s ac or more of this ye o of the g a real person. Tw rewarded for playin rformers pe to nt we ar ye last four acting Oscars e Darkest Th in n le (Gary Oldma playing actual peop in 19 d an ), a ny To I, ey in Hour and Allison Jann the Academy of e on st lea at s, of the last 20 year one playing a have gone to some Awards for acting no surprise fore, it’s probably real person. There ipated tic an st mo g their 10 that when selectin Barnes and Jim l nie Da s tic cri films of the fall, film t which of seven biopics. Bu Lane chose a total can only We e? em pr su gn rei doppelganger will watch and wait.
“ Fall movie preview” continued on page 13
“Fall Movie preview” continued from page 11
Can You Ever Forgive Me? (October 19) Melissa McCarthy forgoes her usual broadly drawn slapstick silliness to star as Lee Israel, a real-life downand-out writer who started forging, stealing and selling letters from dead celebrities in the early 1990s. As for the supporting cast, any film that finds a juicy role for Jane Curtin has captured my attention, while drunk best friend specialist Richard E. Grant (Withnail & I) plays Israel’s drunk best friend Jack. Marin County native Marielle Heller directs her first film since her 2015 debut The Diary of a Teenage Girl (although she is already working on a Fred Rogers biopic starring Tom Hanks), this time working from a script by Nicole Holofcener and Jeff Whitty.
The Favourite (November 23)
As much as I loved Dogtooth and The Lobster, the singularly airless and sadistic cinema of Yorgos Lanthimos felt a little threadbare when placed in a compara tively conventional revenge movie setting with last year ’s The Killing of a Sacred Deer. That said, I’m still extremely curious to see The Favourite, Lanthimos’ first historical costume drama. Working from an original screenplay by Deborah Davis and Tony McNamara, the film stars Olivia Colman as the 18th-century British monarch, Que en Anne. Rachel Weisz and Emma Stone co-star as her scheming cousins, who both become fierce rivals for the mentally and physically frail queen’s affections.
Peterloo (November 9)
Once the most pitiless chronicler of contemporary working-class England, 75-year-old master Mike Leigh follows up his excellent 2014 film Mr. Turner (not to mention his 1999 classic TopsyTurvy) with yet another rough-edged, 19th-century costume drama. Rather than chronicling an iconic artist, Leigh this time tells the story of the 1819 Peterloo Massacre that occurred in his hometown of Manchester. The ironically named Peterloo saw British soldiers attack a crowd of peaceful protesters, killing 15 people and injuring several hundred more, an event that horrified the public yet only led to greater government suppression. Peterloo sounds difficult and dark and depressing as hell, and I can’t wait to watch it.
Widows (November 16)
Five years after delivering his Oscar-winning triumph 12 Years a Slave, Steve McQueen wades into Michael Mann waters with his follow-up film, a highly stylized crime thriller based on a 1980s television series. The short-form series Widows, an original work penned by crime writer Lynda La Plante, aired from 1983 to 1985 on British television. I have never seen the show, but this film adaptation certainly looks and sounds like high-gloss trash. However, I choose to trust the talent involved in this update, including McQueen, Gone Girl writer Gillian Flynn and star Viola Davis, who heads a strong cast as a newly widowed woman forced to pay off her criminal husband’s debts.
If Beale Street Could Talk (November 30)
In a possible repeat of two Oscar ceremonies ago, it seems increasingly likely that this season’s awards competition could come down to a two-horse race between the latest from La La Land director Damien Chazelle (First Man) and this third feature film from Moonlight director Barry Jenkins (whatever happens, just please keep Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway a thousand miles away from the ceremony, thank you very much). First Man looks interesting enough, but I’m far more excited about the smaller-scale If Beale Street Could Talk, an adaptation of the James Baldwin novel about a young black couple in early 1970s Harlem.
“Fall Movie preview” continued on page 15
building a
HealtHy S a c r a m e n t o
District and advocates Work to Reduce Suspensions of Black Students by Edgar SanchEz The number is stunning: One of every five African American males in the Sacramento City Unified School District was suspended in 2016-17, according to a report released this summer. In their report titled “The Capitol of Suspensions,” researchers from San Diego State University and the University of California, Los Angeles, analyzed numbers provided by schools to the state Department of Education. The findings showed black male students in SCUSD had a 20.7 percent suspension rate, a rate substantially higher than their peers’ rates, which may have unfairly put many black youth on track to failure. A full understanding of why that occurred will only be possible when the discipline structure is “broken down to the smallest details” and systemically examined, said Darryl White, chair of Sacramento’s Black Parallel School Board (BPSB), a nonprofit that promotes black student achievement and holds SCUSD accountable. “Once the dysfunction is isolated, the system can be restructured by eliminating the weaknesses and keeping the strengths,” to keep students in the classroom and away from the prison pipeline, the retired educator said. Jorge Aguilar, superintendent of SCUSD, was 11 months into his new job when he received the June report. “The Board of Education and I are concerned by these numbers. We are working to create a system where all students are being steered toward achieving their full academic potential,
not being suspended,” said Superintendent Aguilar. “Our goal will be to make sure that students receive appropriate and ongoing supports to reduce suspensions and ensure that student achievement levels of those students previously suspended are reflected through increased grade level proficiency rates.”
“Once the dysfunctiOn is isOlated, the system can be restructured.” darryl White chair, Sacramento black Parallel School board
Creation of a data-and-tracking system that detects when a student is in trouble and needs intervention was a priority for Aguilar, who used a similar system to dramatically increase the graduation rate in Fresno Unified, where he worked previously. After reading the report, Aguilar commissioned a cross-departmental workgroup to review and propose procedures and policies, including those dealing with suspensions, “as part of our larger focus on improving outcomes” for all 43,000 district students, Aguilar said. The district has stated that the 20.7 percent rate reported in the study included suspensions
From left, Carl Pinkston and Darryl White of Black Parallel School Board say the nonprofit will work with Sacramento City Unified School District to improve school discipline policies. Photo by Edgar Sanchez
from the district’s independent charter schools. In those schools, which are not controlled by the district, the suspension rate for black males was 26.4 percent. White said one reason for the higher suspension rate in independent charters may be that they lack veteran staff. Too often, he said, charter school teachers are not trained in “culturally responsive instruction.” BPSB, which is supported by The California Endowment, will continue to work with Aguilar to develop solutions to suspension rate disparities, White said.
Your zIP code shouldn’t predict how long you’ll live – but it does. Staying healthy requires much more than doctors and diets. Every day, our surroundings and activities affect how long – and how well – we’ll live. Health Happens in Neighborhoods. Health Happens in Schools. Health Happens with Prevention.
paid with a grant from the california endowment 14 | SN&R | 09.06.18
BUIlDINg HEalTHY COmmUNITIES In 2010, The California Endowment launched a 10-year, $1 billion plan to improve the health of 14 challenged communities across the state. Over the 10 years, residents, communitybased organizations and public institutions will work together to address the socioeconomic and environmental challenges contributing to the poor health of their communities.
“The capitol of Suspensions”
Read the report at cceal.org/black-minds-project
“fall movie preview” continued from page 13
musical motley
Bohemian Rhapsody
(November 2)
I admit it, I’m putty in the hands of a good movie musical, and with luck, this could be one of the best. With the Queen songbook on the soundtrack, it at least has one essential ingredient: great music. For the rest …well, this bunny might hop either way. The production was stormy; director Bryan Singer was fired for erratic behavior after two months on the set (20th Century Fox also canceled his future production deal), and Dexter Fletcher brought the thing home (though he won’t have screen credit). Still, I have high hopes that the film will deliver on Queen’s most famous promise: “We will, we will, rock you!”
ber 19) Returns (Decyeaem Mary Poppins , with Julie ago rs e had this sequel 50
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The Old Man & the Gun (September 28)
Writer-director David Lowery made, for my money, the best picture of 2017, A Ghost Story. It earned barely $1.5 million, but on a budget of $100,000 that makes for a reasonably tidy profit. For his next movie, Lowery goes higher profile, with Robert Redford as career criminal and jailbreak artist Forrest Tucker (not to be confused with the old-time actor), Sissy Spacek as a woman he encounters while at large, Lowery regular Casey Affleck as a cop on Tucker’s trail—plus Danny Glover, Tom Waits and Keith Carradine. An impressive cast list in itself, and after A Ghost Story I’ll follow Lowery anywhere—at least once.
The Happy Prince (October 5)
Welcome to Marwen (December 21)
Director Robert Zemeckis’ premise—the victim of a savage beating finds therapeutic release in fantasies of a doll village in his yard—admittedly may play to his penchant for visual effects over character and story. But his undeniable strength in that area, plus Steve Carell as his hero and Leslie Mann, Merritt Weaver, Janelle Monáe, Eiza Gonzáles and Gwendoline Christie as various heroines (with animated doll avatars for all of them), make this one an intriguing idea. If nothing else, it should be unlike any other movie this year.
The fall of Oscar Wilde from glittering celebrity to social pariah, dying penniless at 46, was so scandalous, it’s said, that for 50 years there wasn’t a newborn named Oscar anywhere in the British Empire. Some worthy actors over the years (Peter Finch, Robert Morley, Stephen Fry, Vincent Price, Michael Gambon) have portrayed Wilde, trying with varying success to capture his unique blend of insouciance and sybaritic charm (Wilde was, after all, one of a kind). Rupert Everett may just come closer than most—he’s a dead-on physical match, and The Happy Prince is a true labor of love: Everett also wrote and directed it.
by AAron CArnes The CUF, from left to right: nate Curry sr. aka “n8 the Gr8,” Pete “PB” Bettencourt, George “DJ Mad G” Loera, sol “solibowl” Bettencourt, robert Hollins “Brotha r.J.,” nate Curry and Marc “Crush” Hayes.
Photo by nicole fowler
Photo caption italics
Photo credit
g n i d n e c s n tra the
game Sacramento’s legacy rap crew has been together for 25 years. But why is The CUF only celebrating 20?
8 the GR8 remembers a pinnacle memory from his hiphop crew’s career: Seeing their name, The CUF, beaming down at him from a Tower Records marquee. “That was a huge deal for us. That thing ran for a minute,” said the local rapper of that moment 20 years ago. The CUF had officially released its first CD, I Love This Game. Record stores were the primary music distributors, and Tower— particularly in Sacramento—was king. Inside the Watt Avenue location, they did an in-store performance and record signing. The name on the marquee was an unexpected bonus. The fan turnout—and rocking in-store gig—was not. “Our fan base in Sacramento came,” he said. “They went everywhere we went. So it was just like another CUF party.”
The release show marked a new beginning for the crew. From the late ’90s to early 2000s, The CUF played 50 to 100 shows locally and nationally every year. They packed clubs with sweaty headlining gigs and opened for old-school greats like Wu-Tang Clan, Ice Cube and Run-DMC. They even met Biggie Smalls in an elevator; They’d just finished an interview with radio host Sway Calloway at KMEL in San Francisco, and Biggie was up next. The I Love This Game CD release was particularly important: The group had inked a deal with Tower Records’ distribution company, Bayside, meaning that their music would be in Tower locations around the world. It’s such a key moment for them, that when the group decided to do a reunion show, they made it a 20th
anniversary party celebrating that release, rather than the 25th anniversary of the group’s formation. That show’s happening at Holy Diver this Saturday. They’ll take the stage in the entire original lineup, which formed in 1993: emcees Crush, Pete B, N8 the GR8, Brotha R.J. and their DJ, Mad G.
Back in the ’90s Now, they’re seeing what they did in the music world as something historically important. Saturday marks a show where they’re looking back. Their first album, Federal Expressions, was released on tape in 1995 or 1996, depending on who you ask. But the I Love This Game CD was special. In those days, releasing a CD was huge and often a painstaking
fresh folsom pub grub see DIsh
ordeal, crucial for a music career. The record was a solid, stripped-down, lo-fi hip-hop album with lively crew flow. Right around that time, the group started to dominate the local scene with big crowds and crazy, lose-your-shit shows. They alleged that the Press Club on P Street downtown redesigned its layout specifically to sustain the insanity. The way they built a fan-base was distinctly ’90s-Sacramento; The CUF were a piece of a larger, highly diverse music scene, regularly playing with bands and artists of all alternative genres. Doing so, the crowd grew. “We fit in with everyone. It was the downtown music scene at the time,” said Crush. “We will rock a metal show. We will rock a ska show.” Early Sac stars like Brotha Lynch Hung and C-Bo were more traditional gangsta rap acts, while Gift of Gab and the Solesides scene that was bubbling in Davis were more distinctly alternative and conscious. The CUF didn’t exactly fit in any of those camp. It was hood-adjacent, Brotha R.J. said. “No matter what the person’s lifestyle was in the hood, they still liked it,” R.J. said. “You had people that mainly listened to gangsta rap, they would like us. You would have people that listened to rock, they would like us. The music transcended hip-hop.” With that in mind, they referred to this Saturday’s anniversary show, specifically its diverse lineup, as a metaphor for The CUF. The other acts, all from Sacramento, include reggae band The Scratch Outs, N8’s son (and occasional CUF contributor) Nate Curry, and eclectic future-funk artist the Philharmonik.
masterIng the pInt see DrInk
a rowdy reunion It’ll be The CUF’s first show in a year and a half. Before that, it was close to three, as they hadn’t been active for a while. Last year’s show wasn’t a CUF show per se, but a celebration of 20 years of DJ Larry Rodriguez’s Sunday Night Dance parties. They agreed to play the show because Rodriguez was a friend, and back in the day, he would book them all the time. Then something funny happened. Even though the night wasn’t about The CUF, people came out to see them—a lot of people. Too many. At least 60 that showed up specifically for them were turned away at the door after the max capacity was reached. “We got a crazy response. I didn’t expect it to be that,” N8 said.
“We fit in with everyone. It was the downtown music scene at the time…. We will rock a metal show. We will rock a ska show” crush emcee, The CUF
pHoTo by niCole Fowler
That got the gears turning. In the last decade, The CUF’s musical output and live shows had been less frequent. Despite surprising fans with CUF Caviar Vol. 1 in 2011, and individual members staying active with other projects, there was always something special about the whole crew getting together. “Right now, we’re at the point where we’re celebrating our legacy,” R.J. said. “It’s not no start-up-type thing. We’re not just doing a show. We’re celebrating what we have done and the memories that
sac theatre company’s next see stage
we have done rocking shows all over Midtown and all over Sacramento.” That legacy is hard to put to words for people that weren’t part of the scene. They were playing rap that was simultaneously alternative and straightforward boom-bap, with energy that was punk rock but with a treatment of the genre that was rooted in respect for the architects of classic hip-hop. That’s not an entirely uncommon approach these days, but in the ’90s, it was rare. “This is the era when hip-hop is hella gawdy. Like, motherfuckers are flashing money. We couldn’t compete with that. There was no way. At that time, it was that shit or nothing,” Pete said. “We sucked at business. We’re in it for the music. When I got into it, I was like, ‘I just want to make a motherfucking tape.’ That’s all I wanted out of it.” Their audience followed them around—and still follows them— without the help of a hit single or even releasing a critically lauded album. At the same time, much of the community that loved them gave more than support. One of the most notable people was Ebro Darden, then a college student, now a famous hip-hop DJ. He helped connect them with other influential folks and soon-to-be CUF fans. “They say it takes a village to raise a child, and hip-hop was a child. And Sacramento was the village. We had all the people, all the players in place,” R.J. said. When the group thinks about this upcoming show, it includes Sacramento and the scene that helped them come together. Even if they never caught on in the mainstream, the amount of people that continue to show them love is significant. “All our shows and basically our whole movement was audience involved. It’s really not like we have fans, we just have a whole bunch of homies and they come to the shows,” R.J. said. “We’re very approachable. I think that’s why through the years people want that nostalgic feeling of how it felt when we were rocking out shows, selling out capacity, breaking records.” Ω
Check out The CUF at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, September 8 at Holy Diver, 1517 21st Street. Tickets are $17-$20. For info, visit holydiversac.com.
revereD Doom see musIc
Everyday is Halloween Heading into Golden 1 Center last Tuesday night, my wife and I witnessed hundreds of crows darkening the sky above the K Street entrance. They kept coming. Weird. In hindsight, this had to be a spell, likely cast by visiting musicians ready to take the stage soon. the smashing pumpkins, recently reuniting three-fourths of its classic lineup, performed songs exclusively from their first five records as part of the ambitious, 38-date shiny and oh so bright tour. The tour commemorates the 30th anniversary of the band’s formation and quick ascent to alt-rock darlings alongside Nirvana, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam and others. Hurried anticipation fueled the just-short-of-a-speedwalk trek to the front entrance, and my mind interjected with the memory of standing in line behind kurt cobain and courtney love (who were fans of the music just as much as the rest of us) at the Hollywood Palladium during the Siamese Dream tour in ’93. Overhearing a conversation on the way up to the arena, I learned that frontman billy
corgan suffered a food poisoning bout which cut the band’s set short in oakland the night before. Would it affect
Colorful notes and scribbles danced on top of images warning that the innocence of childhood could and would be broken at anytime.
tonight’s concert? I guess we were about to find out. Corgan appeared first with just a guitar to perform the opening track to Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness in front of a giant video screen, which flooded the arena with childhood photos and super-8 footage of corgan. But oddly, the visuals were also of us, the fans. Colorful notes and scribbles danced on top of images warning that the innocence of childhood could and would be broken at anytime, giving way to the experience of our shadow selves. Pretty heavy stuff to start out the show, but what the hell. halloween came early this year. Next, the band launched into why I had shown up in the first place: the “take no prisoners” attitude the band had on the Gish-, Siamese Dream- and Pisces Iscariot-era recordings. Bring on the lush walls of guitar backed by the punchy finesse of one of my favorite drummers, and let the games begin. Brushing away any doubt about his health, Corgan sounded strong and driven. Tight from weeks of rehearsal, the Pumpkins were having fun and stayed near each other throughout a two-plus hour set of carefully chosen, mostly anthemic songs, with the addition of a few noteworthy covers. As David bowie’s “space oddity”’s first chords began to ring out, we were all singing along creating a moment, part-eulogy and part-joy. Equally surprising, causing a shared “no way” whisper in the arena, was the moment “stairway to heaven” and its all-too familiar chord progression began to play. We were under their spell. The crows outside had been summoned, the incantations had been spoke, spirits were rising and the songs were LOUD.
—Mark kates ma r k k @ ne wsr e v ie w.c o m
illuStration By Sarah hanSel
Impossible to put down iMpoSSible burger, KaSbah
Piled high with microgreens, mango salsa and red and green cabbage, the Blackened Mahi-Mahi “Street” Tacos aren’t so street at $15 a plate. Photo By Becky GrunewalD
Bites beyond the pale Out of Bounds Craft Kitchen and Biergarten 13407 Folsom Boulevard, Suite D; (916) 357-5250 Good for: hoppy beers and filling pub grub. Notable dishes: Mary’s Grilled chicken & kale Bowl.
Pub grub, Folsom
As I marinate in after-work traffic on Highway 50, my annoyance grows at how far Out of Bounds Craft Kitchen and Biergarten, a recently opened Folsom outpost of the Rocklin-based brewery, is from my downtown home. Exiting the freeway, the traffic clears but we still have a couple of miles to go, past generic strip malls and gated communities. My judgment swells as we finally park a ways away. The parking lot is packed, and we enter the restaurant to a crowd of folks in Volcom snapbacks and white fedoras. I feel regret at straying from my usual grid and South Sac food playground as the smiling hostess informs our hangry party of four that the wait will be 45 minutes and that, “We’re always busy.” But then I try my first beer and the regret dissipates. It’s the Meander 6 Mosaic IPA, and damned if it isn’t a superlative example of the form. It’s crisp and lacking the logy sweetness that can sometimes bog down brews loaded up with mosaic hops. My husband, thinking to get us some bar snacks while we wait, orders two “Pretzillas,” at $13 a pop. A high-top table for four clears up within moments, apparently not subject to a wait, so we are seated and brewed up within five minutes of stepping in. The toasty, buttery Pretzillas arrive, hanging on metal racks, not as
Usually the dim lighting in Kasbah makes it difficult to get good Instagram shots, but you’ll be glad for the lack of wattage when you order the vegan Impossible Burger ($15.50). This thing is so ooey-gooey messy and good that you’ll need and want to wolf it down in a decidedly indelicate manner. Vegan cheese is usually to be avoided, but fused to this realistically meaty, plantbased patty, it takes on a plasticky texture that almost exactly mimics American cheese, which many burger aficionados recognize as the superior burger cheese. The greasy caramelized onions add to the unctuous richness, and romaine lettuce brings some crunch. Order it and eat like no one’s watching. 2115 J Street, kasbahlounge.com.
—beCKy grunewald
Beautifully murky by BeCKy Grunewald
huge as you would think for the price and accompanied by bland sauces. The Out of Bounds Craft Burger ($16), topped with “Peruvian” potato chips, is far too tall for me to bite, as I regrettably lack a snake-like jaw. Once it is de-chipped and smashed into a reasonable size, the smoky cheddar and juicy Angus beef dominate, and it’s only four pickle slices away from greatness. All pub-grub nachos are to be judged against the pulled pork nachos at Pangaea Bier Cafe on Franklin Boulevard. With its right-on combo of liquid cheese and melted cheese, Out of Bounds’ version comes up short. They are widely ignored by our party after the three-cheese blend turns to cold clogs. The large serving of Blackened Mahi-Mahi “Street” Tacos (not sure what makes $15 tacos “street” exactly) are un-pick-up-ably piled with microgreens, mango salsa, and red and green cabbage. The fish tastes strongly of chili powder, and the dish, like the burger, again lacks acidity and brightness. A surprise star is Mary’s Grilled Chicken & Kale Bowl ($14 and gluten-free), made with dense, chewy black rice and dressed with a lightly sweet and thick balsamic reduction. This dish has umami to spare and would be at home on the menu of a healthy spot like Backbone Café. No current brewery beer list is complete without a hazy Northeast-style beer, in this case the Hazer Lazer, a pale with a strong lemongrass note. I take home two fresh crowlers (32-ounce cans), one Hazer Lazer and one Meander 6 Mosaic, to enjoy later at home. Will I be back? Probably not, unless a designated driver volunteers to take me. Would I hit it up for some brews and a chicken bowl if it was downtown? Hell yeah! Ω
The Manda, STaTion 38 Coffee Thai teas are beautiful drinks. The swirling cream and orange tea delight my inner monkey brain, as does the way the drink’s flavor profile shifts as it mixes into a rusty-brown taste ombre. Station 38’s specialty version of the drink, The Manda ($4 for a regular), smartly adds coffee to the mix, adding to the subtle tannin bitterness and bringing a much-appreciated complexity. It’s still an incredibly sugary drink, but the ambiance of the shop is the real sweet treat. They’ll take your name for the order and refer to you by it for the remainder of the visit. It’s like having friends. 3711 J Street, Suite A, station38coffee.com.
—Maxfield MorriS
THe V WorD
Dinner with strangers The venue changes every time—it might be someone’s dining room, backyard or a community garden—but the food is always vegan at Food Simply pop-up dining events. It’s run by 23-year-old Camille McArdle-Hankin, an El Dorado Hills resident, who is fresh out of college in San Diego. The longtime vegetarian transitioned to being vegan two-and-a-half years ago, and the self-taught chef has been whipping up four- and five-course plantbased meals with seasonal, local and organic produce for strangers for about a year. One of her missions is to build community at the dinner table: “I believe the way we change the world is through conversation,” she said. The next event is on Saturday, September 8, in Midtown and is likely to be sold-out by the time this is in print, but keep an eye on food-simply.com for the following format buster—a yoga-on-the-lawn and brunch event on Saturday, September 29.
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The art and techniques behind the perfect pint by James Raia
Ciaran McDunphy has worked as a chef and sous chef in hotels, chain restaurants and at Heathrow Airport in London. He’s frequented his share of pubs as an employee and patron. He also knows a clean glass by its smell. “I’ll go behind the bar and smell the glassware, and I’ll know if the machine is working properly,” says the Ireland native, who’s been the general manager of Clubhouse 56 Restaurant & Sports Bar in East Sacramento. “I’ve been doing it for so long, and you will see a lot of bartenders doing that. Especially these days when you’re pouring like a $17 glass of scotch and the glass has that chemical smell. Well, the customer can say, ‘I don’t like that.’ That’s an expensive pour out.” Expensive spirits or a quick lunchtime pint, McDunphy knows the pub business is competitive. Pour a pint of beer properly—from a Guinness to a pilsner—and customers take note. Rush the process, and regular bar patrons undoubtedly notice. But start with a dirty glass, and you’ll likely get called out. “If the dish machine is out of calibration, and there’s too much sanitizer, you’ll get a coating on the glass,” McDunphy says. “We get our dish machines calibrated. So, again, it’s another part of the package. It’s making sure the customer gets a good beer.” McDunphy isn’t shy about testing his skill set. He doesn’t serve Guinness, but he knows well that it takes six minutes to pour because of its nitrogen-dominated carbonation. But pouring beer carbonated with carbon 22 | SN&R | 09.06.18
$5 OFF
dioxide also requires care. He also isn’t one to serve beer in a chilled glass. YouTube videos abound spout proper beerpouring techniques, and not all agree on the best method. But Robin Shellman, a Certified Cicerone (the equivalent of a wine sommelier), echoes prevailing wisdom. As the founder of the Minneapolis, Minn.-based Better Beer Society, Shellman stresses the necessity for a skillful pour. “Hold the glass at a 45-degree angle and open the nozzle fully,” he explains in a short video called “Pouring A Proper Pint.” When the glass is about halfway full, he advises to gradually tilt it upright and pour straight down the middle. If done correctly, the head of the beer will be about one to 1 1/2 inches. This method allows the carbonation to escape and release the beer’s aroma and flavors. Larry Morla, a bartender at Clubhouse 56, adds other standard practices. “You want to make sure the glass is cool and fresh,” Morla says. “You can spray it with water, so there’s less friction. Then I just run the draft for about a halfsecond so that you’re not pouring a foamy beer right away. Then you’re going to have a more natural pour.” Good food, a pleasant atmosphere and lively banter can all help a pub’s success. But McDunphy knows the business. “It comes down to a simple question,” he says. “Are the bartenders pouring the beer right?” Ω
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22 | SN&R | 09.06.18
now playing
OMG, WTF’s playing at STC? by Jeff Hudson
Anthony D’Juan directs an outstanding cast in this audacious, semiautobiographical play about growing up gay and black in America. It’s outrageously funny and likely to offend more than a few. Contains adult themes and sexual content, including nudity.
Thu 8pm, Fri 8pm, Sat 8pm, Sun 2pm. Through 9/8;
$12-$22; Big Idea Theatre, 1616 Del Paso Blvd. (916) 960-3036, bigideatheatre. org. J.C.
that eerily parallels present day. Thu 8pm, Fri 8pm, Sat
Tsakopoulos Center for the Arts, 2700 Capitol Ave.; bstreettheatre.org. P.R.
5pm & 9pm, Sun 2pm, Tue 6:30pm, Wed 2pm & 6:30pm. Through 9/9; $28-$47; Sofia
We’re Gonna Be Okay
A clever, compelling and often amusing production set in 1962 during the daunting days of the Cuban Missile Crisis that provides an intriguing look at a moment in history
short reviews by Jim carnes and Patti roberts.
5 suBLIme– Don’t mIss
Photo courtesy of charr craIL
If you’re still alive in december, you can watch A Christmas Carol live on stage! fingers crossed! the sacramento theatre company does plays at 1419 h street. reach them at (916) 443-6722 or at sactheatre.org.
The Sacramento Theatre Company—the region’s oldest continuously operating theater, founded in the 1940s—is revving up for a new season, getting underway later this month. The roster of shows includes three venerable classics, a musical whodunnit, a Sacramento author’s original play with local connections and several shows with ties to Hollywood. Here’s an overview: Sept. 26-Oct. 21, Main Stage. The Crucible. Arthur Miller’s timeless 1953 drama about mass hysteria during the Salem Witch Trials in colonial Massachusetts during the 1690s is one of those great American plays that continues to draw large audiences with each succeeding generation. Oct. 31-Dec. 9, Pollock Stage. Steel Magnolias. This popular comedy (with a—spoiler alert—tearjerker ending) about six female characters in a beauty parlor in the South may not be regarded as “highbrow” material, but it enjoyed an extended run in New York in the late ’80s, later became a highgrossing Hollywood film and is still widely staged around the country. The Sacramento cast will include veterans Jamie Jones and Janis Stevens. Nov. 28-Dec. 23, Main Stage. A Christmas Carol. In 1987, STC premiered this musical version of the Dickens classic, commissioned from playwright Richard Hellesen (American River College) with music by the late David de Berry of STC, in 1987. They did a good job, and their adaptation continues to be staged in multiple cities each year in
Photo courtesy of sacramento theatre comPany
December. The venerable Matt K. Miller returns as Scrooge. Tickets are sold separately from the subscription season. Jan. 2-Feb. 10, Pollock Stage. Murder for Two. A light-hearted whodunnit/musical comedy/spoof with two actors—one playing an investigator, the other playing all of the multiple suspects. Both actors take a spin playing the piano on stage. This show was popular when it premiered in Chicago in 2011, and later enjoyed a popular New York run. Feb. 20-Mar. 17, Main Stage. A Midsummer Night’s Dream. STC is reviving this most durable and adaptable of Shakespeare’s comedies in early spring (the play’s title notwithstanding, but who cares?). The cast will include the always compelling Ian Hopps (prominent in many Davis Shakespeare Festival productions) as the mischievous sprite Puck, famous in certain circles for his quip “What fools these mortals be.” Mar. 20-Apr. 28, Pollock Stage. When We Were Colored. The premiere of an original play by Ginger Rutland (for many years a writer for The Sacramento Bee), based on her late mother Eva Rutland’s memoir about a black family moving to Sacramento during the years following World War II. Apr. 17-May 12, Main Stage. Disaster! This pop culture musical comedy, set in 1979, is a spoof of the numerous Hollywood disaster films of that decade. The story involves a floating casino that is struck by multiple disasters, including an earthquake, a tidal wave and an inferno … as well as “killer rats,” and (if the poster art is to be believed) a shark. The music features disco-era dance hits like “Knock on Wood” and “Hot Stuff.” Ω
Kick off
Teens on the green—the soccer green. That’s not a good caption, let’s change it.
A pack of wolves is descending upon Capital Stage to help launch the theater’s 14th season. The all-female cast of The Wolves has goals in mind. Soccer goals. This dramedy circles around a teenage girls’ soccer team as they warm up before each game of their season. Their discussions give us a glance into teen angst, life challenges, personal identities and team bonding, all under the direction of Bay Area director Nancy Carlin. Wed 7pm, Thu 7 pm, Fri 8pm, Sat 2pm & 8pm, Sun 2pm. Through 9/30; $25-$40; Capital Stage, 2215 J Street; (916) 995-5464; capstage.org.
—Patti RobeRts
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24 | SN&R | 09.06.18
The Wife “Hello, officer? My name is Glenn Close and I’d like to report my absolutely stunning performance in The Wife.”
by DanIel Barnes
dance, and for the rest of the trip, she carries a quiet, emotional aloofness that practically screams, “I’ve got a Big Secret!” If not for the amazing performance by Close, one of the few actresses alive In Swedish director Ingmar Bergman’s 1957 classic who can turn ambivalence and repression into a barn Wild Strawberries, an aloof professor reexamines the burner tour de force, the film would undoubtedly compromises and disappointments of his life while fall flat on its face. Pryce does strong work in the traveling to receive a career-capping honor from showier of the two main roles, but The Wife goes his old university. Since then, many movies have nowhere without Close’s powerful performance. reused the road trip-as-psychotherapy trope of Wild Rather than the dream worlds and harsh truths Strawberries, including several made by Woody Allen of Wild Strawberries, Runge revels in novel-like (most notably Stardust Memories and Deconstructing textures, embedded flashbacks and sneaky misdiHarry), but rarely have the strawberries been less wild rects. As Joan watches Joe shamelessly soak in the than in The Wife. semi-absurd ceremonies and fawning acclaim Directed by Björn Runge (Happy End) in Stockholm, the story jumps back and adapted by Jane Anderson (The to 1958, when Joan was a writing Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio) student in Joe’s class at Smith If not for from Meg Wolitzer’s novel of the College (Annie Starke and Harry same name, The Wife returns the Lloyd play the young Joan and the amazing trope to its native Sweden, as a Joe). A smitten Joan first agrees performance by Glenn revered writer (Jonathan Pryce) to become Joe’s babysitter, but Close … the film would and his oft-overshadowed wife their relationship inevitably (Glenn Close) travel to Stockholm evolves into romance, until an undoubtedly fall flat to accept his Nobel Prize for unexpected ultimatum changes on its face. Literature. However, the quasithe course of their lives. august The Wife contributes little It should be noted that there else to the subgenre besides a master appears to be no reason for the class lead performance and a multitude of “present-day” action of The Wife to be credibility-straining plot twists. set in 1992, other than to establish the young Close plays Joan Castleman, the spotlight-avoiding, Joan of the late 1950s as part of a “pre-feminist” stereotypically “long-suffering” spouse of Professor world, thereby making her a gullible patsy. With Joe Castleman, an archetypal charismatic jerk-novelist its leaden symbolism, leaky plot and remarkably who badgers his wife for sex before receiving the call convenient resolution, The Wife is often painfully from the Nobel Committee. Joe has all the classic trapon-the-nose in this manner, but whenever Glenn pings of the “Great American Writer”—a resentful and Close’s piercing gaze comes on the screen, the self-loathing son (Max Irons), a persistent but ethically film becomes a riveting piece of entertainment. Ω dubious would-be biographer (Christian Slater), an endless stream of smiling sycophants and a rich history of extramarital affairs. At first, the longtime married couple ecstatically celebrates his legacy-cementing honor together, but Poor Fair Good Very excellent Good Joan quickly grows tired of her husband’s touchdown
1 2 3 4 5
fiLm CLiPS
A teenage motocross racer (Alex Neustaedter) bonds with a robot dog, an escapee from a government contractor that is developing canine weapons for the military. As ridiculous as it sounds, that summary of this dim teen romance/sci-fi hybrid is more credible than the finished product. Writerdirector Oliver Daly expanded his script from a seven-minute short, but the added 93 minutes were too much for him. Didn’t anyone notice that the story made no sense, that it was just remnants of Short Circuit, E.T., WarGames and other better movies, strung together more or less at random? What did the movie’s 10 producers actually do? Despite the money and effort lavished on the CGI pooch, the only redeeming feature is some good racing footage in the opening scenes—about seven minutes’ worth, come to think of it. J.L.
Crazy Rich Asians
A Chinese American college professor (Constance Wu) flies to Singapore with her boyfriend (Henry Golding) to meet his family, little suspecting how wealthy he is—or what a severe examination she’s in for at the hands of his “crazy rich” relatives. Director Jon M. Chu and writers Peter Chiarelli and Adele Lim adapt Kevin Kwan’s bestselling novel into an engaging, eye-filling tour of Singapore’s upper crust. Chu’s career has been a tad uneven in the past, but he shows a sure hand here, drawing fine performance from a large ensemble— especially Wu, Golding, Awkwafina (as Wu’s college chum) and Michelle Yeoh (Oscar-worthy as Golding’s imperious mother). The movie falters with a trite, groan-inducing ending that would sink most movies, but a reservoir of goodwill gets us over that late bump in the road. J.L.
Happytime Murders
In an L.A., where puppets live side-byside with humans (albeit as despised second-class citizens), a puppet private eye (performed by Bill Barretta) investigates the murders of the stars of a 1980s kiddie show, uneasily reunited with the cop (Melissa McCarthy) who was his partner before he was kicked off the force. The premise may sound like Who Framed Roger Rabbit, but don’t bring the kids to this raunchy, doggedly profane spoof of film noir. Director Brian Henson seems determined to shake off the shadow of his late father Jim by going hard-R adults-only, aided by Todd Berger’s cleverly derivative script. The puppet work is brilliant, the jokes (however tasteless) are often funny, and McCarthy and Barretta have a strong chemistry. Maya Rudolph all but steals the show as Barretta’s faithful gal Friday. J.L.
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Twenty thousand years ago, a teenage member of a hunter-gatherer tribe (Kodi Smit-McPhee) is grievously injured and left for dead. He not only survives but forms an uneasy alliance with a wolf (also wounded); in time, human and canine bond in the archetypal boy-and-his-dog story. Give director Albert Hughes (who co-wrote with Daniele Sebastian Wiedenhaupt) an A for ambition, but a C for cornball achievement. As a piece of prehistory, the movie is maybe a cut above One Million Years B.C., but with cheesier visual effects. Smit-McPhee and his co-star get upstaged by the Canadian and Icelandic scenery. The superfluous Native American dialogue comes with equally superfluous English subtitles—but at least the subtitles may keep the smart alecks in the audience from supplying their own sarcastic translations. J.L.
Juliet, Naked
The curator of a small-time English museum (Rose Byrne) breaks up with her neglectful, philandering boyfriend (Chris O’Dowd)—then, as luck would have it, strikes up an email flirtation with the reclusive American rocker (Ethan Hawke) who is the
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The Little Stranger
In post-World War II England, a young doctor (Domhnall Gleeson) becomes embroiled in the lives of a once-proud family (Ruth Wilson, Will Poulter, Charlotte Rampling) in the crumbling manor house he once visited as a child during its glory days. Directed by Lenny Abrahamson and written by Lucinda Coxon (from Sarah Waters’ novel), the movie is moody but slowmoving, low-key and unsatisfying, one of those movies that simply stops without notice. Neither a horror movie nor a ghost story, it’s just a lot of atmosphere and earnest acting looking in vain for a story. The movie invites comparison with Robert Wise’s classic The Haunting (1963), where the house itself was the evil spirit, but ultimately it falls flat. Despite this, Liv Hill does contribute some nice moments as the family’s timorous maid. J.L.
focus of her ex’s Internet obsession. The script by Evgenia Peretz, Jim Taylor and Tamara Reynolds (from Nick Hornby’s novel) is a bit aimless, perhaps, but amiable, and we enjoy this look at small-city English life. Jesse Peretz’s direction smooths out any wrinkles in the text, and the movie draws a nervous, energetic charm from Byrne’s performance (she somehow makes her character humdrum and luminous at the same time). In fact, all three leads are in good form, especially O’Dowd, who gives the discarded boyfriend’s pathetic fixation a kind of hangdog dignity. J.L.
Ian Bonhôte directs this serviceable documentary about British fashion designer Alexander McQueen, a boundarypushing artist and provocateur who committed suicide in 2010, one day before his mother’s funeral. McQueen mostly takes a straightforward approach in documenting McQueen’s short life (he was only 40 years old when he died), using archival footage and recruiting his former friends and collaborators to paint a mostly spotless portrait of an extremely complex person. Born in London as Lee Alexander McQueen, he quickly ascended to the top of the fashion world, starting his own label in his early 20s, taking over Givenchy and gaining notoriety for his singular designs and shock-heavy theatricality. Bonhôte structures the film around a handful of keystone runway shows, including the infamous “Highland Rape” collection, while also waving away any criticism of McQueen. While entertaining enough, McQueen feels more like an attempt to protect the estate than to understand the man. D.B.
Mile 22
The leader of an elite strike team (Mark Wahlberg) is assigned to get an “asset”—a police officer with sensitive information (Iko Uwais)—out of an unnamed Asian country. Written by Lea Carpenter and Graham Roland and directed by Peter Berg with his usual loutish flailing, the movie consists of scenes of indigestible exposition inserted at intervals into a numbing series of high-bodycount shootouts covering several square miles of urban territory and room-wrecking-
battles of martial arts (the laconic Uwais is dizzyingly good at the latter). The result is a low-class Mission: Impossible wannabe, brutally effective in its way (with “brutal” being the operative word), and culminating—spoiler alert!—in a complete bummer of an ending, with the good guys completely fooled and the bad guys triumphant. J.L.
Operation Finale
Director Chris Weitz and writer Matthew Orton solemnly dramatize the Israeli Mossad operation to sneak into Argentina and kidnap Nazi fugitive Adolf Eichmann (Ben Kingsley), one of the masterminds of the Holocaust, taking him to Israel for trial. Unfortunately, the movie lacks the ring of truth because much of it isn’t—for example, making the leader of the mission (Oscar Isaac) the ex-lover of the doctor who drugged Eichmann (Mélanie Laurent) when the real doctor was a man. And that’s the least of it; false details abound, clouding the effect of decent performances (though Kingsley does chew the scenery a bit; Weitz dropped that ball too). The role played by the blind immigrant Lothar Hermann (Peter Strauss) and his daughter (Haley Lu Richardson) is also distorted. All in all, a disservice to history. J.L.
As a producer, Marc Turtletaub has been cranking out one drippy and formulaic indie film after another since 2004, but the jumbled Puzzle is only his second stint in the director’s chair. Like so many drippy and formulaic indie films before it, Puzzle centers on a repressed and depressed person and their quirky obsession, and most of the movie’s pieces feel like they were borrowed from other boxes. Only a couple of likable actors keep the film from completely falling apart. Kelly Macdonald stars as the repressed and depressed Agnes, a sheltered Catholic housewife with a clueless husband and two growing sons ready to leave the nest. Ever since her debut role in Trainspotting, Macdonald has always been a welcome onscreen presence, and Puzzle offers the actress maybe her meatiest movie role yet. She finds the honesty amongst the inauthenticity of the script, even when her Scottish accent peeks out. D.B.
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Life after near-death Yob’s frontman survived a deadly disease. Now, the doom metal band thrives with new music. by Anthony Siino
For YOB, one of the most revered names in doom metal, playing a Sacramento show with CHRCH and Acid King might seem like a retread; happened before, feels like it should happen again. But as guitarist, vocalist and composer Mike Scheidt knows, every tour develops in ways unique to itself. “You end up in environments that may be familiar—maybe it’s a club you’ve played before, but it’s a new moment, it’s a new time, we’re playing new music,” Scheidt told SN&R in a recent phone interview. Scheidt looks ahead as he prepares to carry new perspectives, and a new album into old settings. On it’s West Coast tour, YOB brings with it two doom heavyweights: San Francisco’s Acid King and CHRCH, from Sacramento. The tour launches in Sacramento at Harlow’s Restaurant & Nightclub on September 6. Much of the tour’s freshness will come from the band’s recent release, Our Raw Heart, a seven-track album that evolves YOB’s transcendental, hypnotic style of doom metal. Through over 73 minutes, crushing heaviness loops, weaves and gracefully opens into stretches of delicate minimalism. The album further asserts the band’s ethos sonically as much as it does nearly literally. Scheidt suffered a near-deadly bout of acute diverticulitis in 2017. The disease
Photo courtesy of orIoN LANDAu
yoB guitarist and vocalist Mike Scheidt (left) hangs back dressed in black.
left him, bassist Aaron Rieseberg and drummer Travis Foster wondering if the band would survive. Once the good news came that Scheidt would live, it changed everything, he said, and the new record can’t help but reflect a newly charged perspective. “We just kind of hung our asses out there and put something out that we really felt and meant,” Scheidt said. “So when the praise comes, it feels really good, and when the arrows come, it’s arrows into our hearts, versus something surface. But that’s OK. That’s what you sign up for when you put music out into the world.” A YOB show in Sacramento doesn’t come often, despite the band calling somewhat-close Eugene, Oregon, home. The band last came through in 2015 for a Press Club show with CHRCH and local legends Will Haven. “We’re looking forward to getting down to the southwest and being able to play this new music,” Scheidt said. Scheidt promised new tracks as well as gems for the true heads. “We’re going to be playing at least one very deep cut, like a song that’s old that maybe a lot of people don’t even know of,” he said. “I don’t want to spoil anything there, but it’s one of the very first ballad-y things we ever wrote.” And just like that, the band rebounds from what looked like death, intermingling the new and the old on tour to discover growth waiting ahead. “Being on stage and talking to people and taking in music—hell, you know, having a beer or a cup of coffee—everything’s different,” Scheidt said. “It’s hard to quantify in words, but nobody knows when their last good day is before their time on this planet may reach the final scene.” Ω
catch yoB at harlow’s restaurant & Nightclub on thursday, september 6. chrch and Acid King open. shows starts at 8 p.m. tickets are $18 advance, $20 day of show. for info, visit harlows.com.
09.06.18 | SN&R | 27
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28 | SN&R | 09.06.18
for the week of september 6
by maxfield morris
Online listings will be considered for print. Print listings are edited for space and accuracy. deadline for print listings is 5 p.m. wednesday. deadline for NightLife listings is midnight Sunday. Send photos and reference materials to calendar editor maxfield morris at snrcalendar@newsreview.com.
Post eVeNts oNLINe FoR FRee at newsreview.com/sacramento
Amphitheater at Quarry Park, 4000 Rocklin Road in Rocklin.
tHe FoReIGN eXCHaNGe: Luke Tailor presents a
delicate smattering of musical artists from Sacramento to Portland: Igwe Aka, Nate Curry, Saevon—the list goes on. High energy is the name of the game. 8:30pm, $10. 1400 Alhambra Blvd.
LIVe oN tHe BoULeVaRd: The Folsom Lake Symphony, which is basically a whole bunch of people playing a whole bunch of instruments, comes to the boulevard for a night of free music and atmosphere. 7pm, no cover. Steven Young Amphitheater, 4364 Town Center Blvd. in El Dorado Hills.
defiling the canvas
tICKet WINdoW THE ALAN PARSONS LiVE PROjECT From prog rock icon and
producing legend Alan Parsons’ musical mind to your ears. 9/16, 7:30pm, $45-$85, on sale now. Crest Theatre, ticketfly.com.
THE EAGLES Without Glenn Frey, the
Eagles won’t be the same—but they’re
still rockin’. 9/18, 8pm, $95-$225, on sale now. Golden 1 Center, ticketmaster.com.
CiTY OF TREES 2018 The first City of Trees Festival since Radio 94.7 became Alt 94.7 features ODEZSA, Bastille, CHVRCHES and several more. Several! 9/22, 3pm, $42.50, on sale now. Papa Murphy’s Park, ticketmaster.com.
graduation of a bunch of people you don’t
Psy-FIVe: The fifth-ever Psychedelicious show features psychill, psydub, chillgressive and psybient downtempo music. It’s free with a mandatory meal purchase—a delicious Ethiopian meal. 4:20pm, no cover. Queen Sheba Restaurant, 1704 Broadway.
mIKe amaRaL’s CaLIFoRNIa BeaCH Boys eXPeRIeNCe: This is about as authentic a Beach Boys experience you can get without a time machine, as the performers have the look, sounds and equipment of the world’s original sexy surf rockers. 8pm, $34-$39. Harris Center, 10 College Parkway in Folsom.
SUNdAY, 9/9 eL teN eLeVeN: The band’s 10th album,
PoetIC JUstICe II: “Best Poet” award-winner Terry Moore will share his poetry, and a number of singers will also be performing, like Mia Aja and Dallis Johnson. 8:30pm, $10-$15. Laughs Unlimited Comedy Club, 1207 Front St.
tHe QUeeN eXtRaVaGaNZa: Before Queen, there were no Queen tribute shows. Not even one! Once they came onto the scene, though, everything changed. The market opened up for tribute shows, and it’s been a thriving business ever since. Come out to appreciate the royal music of the aforementioned band. 7pm, $29.50. Ace Of Spades, 1417 R St.
tHURsday NIGHt LIVe at tHe PLaZa: Val Starr
Comedy Spot, 7pm, $15-$20 If you’re like me, you’re an Aquarius who’s tired of boring old art auctions. Well, we’re in luck. The San Francisco Comedy based Art Critique Comedy show is making the trek to Sacramento for a night of criticizing creations. Art is an expression of the artist’s soul, and sometimes those souls need to be taken down a peg. Comedians will take on the
Take your art with a dose of roast.
most versatile of human creations—cheap art—in a one-sided roast battle. Tearing into a curated smattering of thrifted and found art pieces of varying quality, the roasters will give their hottest takes before opening up the bidding. Bring your rainy day funds in case you fall in love with a piece of art. 1050 20th Street, saccomedyspot.com/art.
know—no tickets needed. 9/22, 1pm, no
cover. Golden 1 Center.
CHiLdiSH GAmbiNO mbiNO As Lord
Macduff said in Macbeth, “‘Tis not for you to hear what I can speak.” Gambino feels the opposite of this quote.
sHoReLINe maFIa: The Los Angeles rap group with truly wild and wacky music videos is headed to town. 7pm, $24-$52. Ace Of Spades, 1417 R St.
sLaVes: The post-hardcore band with a heart of Sacramento gold plays with Escape the Fate, Set to Stun, Famous Last Words and Picturesque. 5pm, $22-$25. Holy Diver, 1517 21st St.
mONdAY, 9/10 energy performances. A diverse range of musicality. Maybe a version of their biggest hit, “All You Ever Do Is Bring Me Down,” but I can’t and shouldn’t make promises like that. 8pm, $55. Crest Theatre, 1013 K St.
wEdNESdAY, 9/12 daVIs FaRmeRs maRKet PICNIC IN tHe PaRK: It’s About Time is playing this week’s PitP. They’re a big band. Also included in the offerings are a bicycle-powered carousel for the kiddos and a beer and wine garden not for the kiddos—they could lose their license otherwise. 4:30pm, no cover. Central Park, 301 C St. in Davis.
yoB: The doom metal musicians that wield their axes like sledgehammers and their mics like sledgehammers are playing, along with Acid King and CHRCH. 8pm, $18$20. Harlow’s, 2708 J St.
aN eVeNING WItH LyLe LoVett aNd HIs LaRGe BaNd: Flaunting typical band-name are playing with Machine Gun Kelly and L.I.F.T. 9/30, 7pm, $27.50-$70.50, on sale now now. SAP Center in San Jose, ticketmaster.com.
CHiEF KEEF One of the CH
forerunners of the modern mumble rap genre, Keef is coming to town town. 10/3, 7pm, $25, on sale now now. Ace of Spades, eventbrite.com.
9/27, 7:30pm, $110-$240, on sale now. Oracle Arena in Oakland, ticketmaster.com.
iRON & wiNE NE Folk is on
the menu for one night of mellow, uplifting music. 9/28, 7:30pm,
See how a battle between the two bands might have gone down— with tribute bands playing the hits in a sonic showdown showdown. 10/17, 7:30pm, $26-$55, on sale now now. Crest Theatre, ticketfly.com
$45.50-$65.50, on sale now. Crest Theatre,
The pop rockers and former emo band
Banker’s Hill, is their first made with a producer. It also “explores the paradox of beauty in anxiety,” so if that’s your jam, open up this jar and put it on your toast. 8pm, $15. Harlow’s, 2708 J St.
tHe maVeRICKs: Things to expect: high
& The Blues Rocket are playing the blues in downtown Woodland—though there’s nothing to be blue about when you’re in Woodland, a tourist’s paradise! Yes, Woodland has everything to offer, with a thriving art scene and lots of culinary treats! Woodland: the place where this event is. 5pm, no cover. Heritage Plaza, 701 Main St. in Woodland.
FRidAY, 9/7 Get ready to have your stub torn.
Soar, Don.
conventions, Lyle Lovett and his Large Band bring a fusion of folky, swingy, gospelly jazzy Americana-y music to the stage that can’t easily be beat. 8pm, $17.50-$125. Mondavi Center at UC Davis, 1 Shields Ave. in Davis.
Los LoBos: The wolves are howling for Los Lobos—who, it should be noted, are a rock ’n’ roll band famous for their cover of “La Bamba” and being a musical group. 7pm, $29.50-$50. Ace Of Spades, 1417 R St.
sIGNING tIme FamILy CoNCeRt: Learn some ASL and sign along to your favorite songs at this fun family concert hosted by Rachel Coleman. Hopkins the Frog will be in attendance—will you? 6:30pm, $21-$185. William Jessup University, 2121 University Ave. in Rocklin.
snr c a le nd a r @ ne wsr e v ie w.c o m
FESTiVALS THURSdAY, 9/6 tHe ReaL RV sHoW: Are you thinking about buying an RV, or do you enjoy ironically going to events? This one could make for some pretty great Instagram posts. Come see the best recreational vehicles dealers have to offer. If you’re not 100 percent satisfied with your RV purchase, I will personally refund you. 10am, no cover-$10. Cal Expo, 1600 Exposition Blvd.
NeXt moVe BLoCK PaRty: The homeless services organization is committed to moving people from homelessness into a permanent place to live. If that sounds good to you, come support their goal with
SATURdAY, 9/8 FRaNKIe aVaLoN: Check out the event highlight on page 28. 6pm, $30-$120. Platinum Living
CaLeNdaR LIstINGs CoNtINUed oN PaGe 30
screenings at the Nevada Theatre, the Onyx Theatre and Pioneer Park. There are over 100 short films and long films, an opening night block party and lots of opportunities to hear from filmmakers. Take in one screening or go absolutely off the rails and spend a week in an independent film coma. 1pm, $11-$89. The Onyx Theater and Nevada Theater in Nevada City.
Sac Open Studios Launch Party verge Center for the artS, 6pm, no Cover
Learn how the creative sausage gets made: More than 230 local artists ART are opening up their studios to the public over the next two weekends. Immerse yourself in the sheer volume of creators in the area, PHOTO COURTESY OF MAKOTO HAwKINS see where they create and support their act of creation by taking some art home with you. Ask first, though. The whole ordeal kicks off at a launch party with art, drinks and music. 625 S Street, vergeart.com.
garbage like Michelob Ultra? Treat yourself for just one night—just one chunk of your time on this planet. It’s a five-course meal with five beer pairings. You can even meet the chefs and brewers, and they’ll even make eye contact with you. 6pm, $95. Mulvaney’s B&L, 1215 19th St.
CALENDAR LISTINGS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 29 a block party. 5pm, $10-$40. Next Move Sacramento, 2925 34th St.
SATURDAY, 9/8 CRAWFISH & CATFISH FESTIVAL: My major qualm with Woodland is that it’s not New Orleans. When I found out about this festival, I was truly shocked—and awed. You see, it’s a celebration of all things Louisiana, from the authentic smorgasbord of food to the musical culture. It’s a two-day delight down in the Bayou, but in Woodland instead. 11am, $11-$35. Yolo County Fairgrounds, 1250 East Gum Ave. in Woodland.
CALIFORNIA CRAFT BEER SUMMIT: Another beer event. Come for the hands-on ingredient experiences, stay for the beer tastings. With a sensory training event, you’ll learn how to tame your nose, tongue, ears and eyes to appreciate crafted beverages. 8am, $99-$299. Sacramento Convention Center Complex, 1400 J St.
FRANKLY AND SEISMIC BREWING COLLAB DINNER: Okay, I realize how this looks—three beer events in a row. Well, sue me. Beer is good, food is good. Anyway, this one is a threecourse dinner with three beer pairings. The food will be made by Frankly, and Seismic Brewing is providing the suds. 6pm, $75. Highwater, 1910 Q St.
SUMMER CHALK ART FESTIVAL: It feels like it was just last week that Chalk it Up happened—and it was. But the chalk art isn’t over! No, it’s not, not by a longshot, you idiot. The second annual edition of this chalk chicanery has free activities and performances alongside all the chalk artwork. With more than $3,000 in prizes available for artists, this is some high stakes chalking. 9am, no cover. Southgate Plaza, 4420 Florin Road.
SATURDAY, 9/8 2ND ANNUAL DINNER IN THE PARK: This dinner event is a dream—you drive to Carmichael Elementary School and instead of taking classes, you hop onto a shuttle that takes you to Sutter Community Gardens for a pampered night of wine, appetizers and dinner. Buy tickets at the park district office. 5:30pm, $100. Sutter Park and Jensen Botanical Gardens, 6141 Sutter Ave. in Carmichael.
THIS MIDTOWN SUMMER FINALE: Summer is winding down, finally. Hit the final Second Saturday of the season like a ball-peen hammer hitting a cold chisel. Justin Martin will be performing—he is a DJ. Beer garden, cool art, long hours: It’s a night guaranteed to be almost exactly the same as every other Second Saturday you’ve ever been to. 4:30pm, no cover. Lavender Heights, 20th and K Streets.
SUNDAY, 9/9 CRAWFISH & CATFISH FESTIVAL: The Cajun festival continues in fine form. See the somewhat informative event description for 9/8. 11am, $11-$35. Yolo County Fairgrounds, 1250 East Gum Ave. in Woodland.
FILM THURSDAY, 9/6 READY PLAYER ONE: Spielberg is a fixture in American cinema, much like a faucet in a sink. See his most recent washbasin filler, the virtual reality thriller set in 2045 that has so many 1980s and 1990s references you’ll wish the decades never happened. 7:30pm, no cover. University Union at Sacramento State, 6000 J St.
you eat at home terrible? Do you drink liquid
entire week of film starts Friday, with
SATURDAY, 9/8 THE LITTLE MERMAID: See the Disney film that changed what people visualize when they think of mermaids. Relive the magic of all the toxic relationships under the sea. 7:30pm, $7.50-$9.50. Crest Theatre, 1013 K St.
COMEDY CREST THEATRE: Maz Jobrani. Don’t watch Jobrani’s Netflix special before you head on down to support the comedian. He’s got great political commentary, and he’s a funny guy, but the special’s first 10 minutes really doesn’t showcase that. Friday 9/7, 7:30pm. $35-$55. 1013 K St.
PUNCH LINE: Chris Porter. This comedian has one voice to tell anecdotal jokes in: gruff and a bit cantankerous. I think it would be hard to listen to for an extended period, as the cadence and vocal quality rarely varies. Through 9/9. $17.50-$22.50. 2100 Arden Way, Suite 225.
STAB! COMEDY THEATER: Thursday Open Mic. Come see the people from Sacramento who think they’re funny enough to entertain a crowd of people. You can write about your experience watching them on your Medium blog only your niece reads. Thursday 9/6, 9pm. $5. 1710 Broadway.
SACRAMENTO COMEDY SPOT: The Art Critique Comedy Show. Watch five pieces of art get torn to shreds verbally by comedians. The artistic works, found at thrift stores, yard sales and other locations, will be auctioned off at the end of the show. Saturday 9/8, 7:30pm. $15-$20. 1050 20th St., Suite 130.
THUNDER VALLEY CASINO: Bill Burr. Aaron Burr is well-known for killing Alexander Hamilton. Bill Burr, on the other hand, is well-known for not killing Hamilton. He wasn’t even alive at the time. Erstwhile, Bill Burr spends his time entertaining crowds
as a comedian. Friday 9/7, 8pm. $42.95$59.95. 1200 Athens Ave. in Lincoln.
ON STAGE BIG IDEA THEATRE: Bootycandy. The raw and challenging story of Sutter is based on Robert O’Hara’s own experiences. It’s not always an easy watch, but it’s powerful. See it while you can. Through 9/8. $18. 1616 Del Paso Blvd.
CAPITAL STAGE: The Wolves. Following a girl’s high school soccer team practice, this intense play was a finalist for the 2017 Pulitzer Prize for Drama. Through 9/30. $22$47. Out&BOLD! This evening for the LGBTQ community has Hoppy Brewing Company beer tastings. The event is included with your ticket to a performance of The Wolves. Friday 9/7, 8:30pm. $22-$47. 2215 J St.
JEAN HENDERSON PERFORMING ARTS: Bye Bye Birdie. Want to not really be challenged by your theater experience? Great! Go live in a sterilized version of the 1950s for a few hours, where everything was peachy keen and systemic racism wasn’t prevalent. Through 9/29. $20. 607 Pena Drive in Davis.
SUTTER STREET THEATRE: In The Heights. The Lin-Manuel Miranda musical that follows the community of Washington Heights in New York. Feel the hopes, the dreams and the legacy of a neighborhood, and look for an eerie Lin-Manuel Miranda doppelgänger. Through 9/30. $23. 717 Sutter St. in Folsom.
THE GUILD THEATER: Brian Copeland: Not a Genuine Black Man. This show, which is apparently the longest-running solo show in San Francisco history, explores upbringings and their effects on shaping people. Through 9/9. $20-$50. 2828 35th St.
THEATER ONE: Special Request. A dying man has a special request for a barista—what happens next will shock you and make you reconsider your entire life. Nobody understands their relationship, but you just might by the end of the show. Through 9/16. $13$15. 2425 Sierra Blvd.
VFW POST 8762: Pin-Ups on Tour. It’s a vintage variety and burlesque show. Dress like it’s the 1940s, because that’s the vibe this event
is going for. With dancing, drinks and a vaudeville-style entertainment line-up, it’ll make you really appreciate Netflix. Friday 9/7, 7pm. No cover for service people-$50. 905 Drever St. in West Sacramento.
ART ALPHA FIRED ARTS: Art by Fire. It’s the second annual art show from members of Alpha Fired Arts. With ceramics on display, it will not be boring if you love staring at ceramics. Through 9/8. No cover. John Weber Clay and Paint. As one clay exhibit leaves, another enters. Discover herein a force to be reckoned with, as Weber exhibits not only oil paintings, but sculpture and other ceramic as well. Runs 9/12 through 10/20. No cover. 4675 Aldona Lane.
BEATNIK STUDIOS: Light/Weight. Raphael Delgado will perform live art. As a noted user of shapes, Delgado will likely do something very special. 6pm. Through 9/7. No cover. 723 S St.
GALLERY 1855: Some Play & Even More Cheer. Charles V. McDonald’s exhibition shows off his photography and the relationship between athletes and spectators. 1pm. Through 9/9. No cover. 820 Pole Line Road in Davis.
JAYJAY: Non Linear, New Paintings By Michaele LeCompte. LeCompte uses bright colors in her art. See if you can spot any green colors, or reds, in her abstract works. Thursday 9/6, 5:30pm, through 10/20. No cover. 5520 Elvas Ave.
JOHN NATSOULAS GALLERY: International Figurative Biennale. Want to get figurative? This is the place for you. There are all kinds of styles and cultures represented, so come out to bear witness to some stylish art trends. The subject is the human figure, something nearly everyone can relate to. Through 9/22. No cover. 521 1st St. in Davis.
VERGE CENTER FOR THE ARTS: Sac Open Studios Launch Party. Give a human some art, they’ll eat for a day. Teach a human not to eat art, they’ll appreciate it for the rest of their life. See the event highlight on page 27, up and to the left. Thursday 9/6, 6pm. No cover. 625 S St.
California Admission Day Party State Capitol, 10:30am, no Cover
The newest teen craze is certified wacky: celebrating states’ birthdays. I know what you’re thinking, first MUSEUMS Tide PODS and now ironic holidays? Anyway, California was admitted into the union September 9, 1850, 168 years ago. Come join the festivities with a slice of California State Seal cake and ice cream. By popular demand, there’s also a barbershop quartet and historically garbed museum volunteers on the Capitol’s south steps—all ages are welcome. 10th and N Streets.
Saturday, 9/8
Frankie Avalon Quarry Park, 6Pm, $35-$120
Teen idolatry is a fickle thing. You can be the hottest thing in the 1950s and 1960s, but 50 years later, it’s hard to stay up on all the new trends (like state birthday celebrations). Frankie Avalon may not have the same pull with the Music youths, but he’s still singing his hits with abandon. Expect “Venus” and “Beauty School Dropout,” as well as some classic Avalon patter. 4000 Rocklin Road, rocklin.ca.us/ frankieavalon.
WEsT sAcRAMENTO cOMMuNiTY cENTER: All Things Paper. Charles Todd’s works of paper crafts show off all the things he can do with paper. Nature themes pervade, landscapes rejoice as they are represented painstakingly with paper. 4:30pm. Through 9/6. No cover. 1075 West Capitol Ave. in West Sacramento.
muSEumS cALiFORNiA sTATE cAPiTOL: Admission Day 2018. It’s California’s 168th birthday, y’all—see the event highlight on page 27. sunday 9/9,
PHOtO COurtESy Of tHE PubliC dOmain, y’all
Saturday, 9/8 cHALLENGE FAiLuRE RAcE: Run or walk to the beat of your heart at this race to benefit Challenge Failure. They aim to raise funds for research on heart failure, encourage healthy lifestyles and increase awareness through education. Nobody cool likes heart failure, so come be one of the cool kids and support tickers everywhere. 7:30am, $30. William Land Park, 3800 W. Land Park Drive.
taKE aCtiOn
10:30am. No cover. 1315 10th St.
cROcKER ART MusEuM: Views of America. Hopefully the Crocker gives a nuanced discussion of the classic film Gone with the Wind. It’s one of those movies that whitewashes slavery and makes it seem like sort of a fun vacation. Their screening of it is definitely a statement piece, hopefully the right kind. Thursday 9/6, 5:30pm. $8-$16. Mayan Art, Artifacts, and Chocolate! In somewhat lighter fare, come learn about the roots of cacao with chocolate tastings, a presentation by anthropology professor (and former chocolatier) Michael Grofe and a Q&A session. 1pm. Through 9/23. $75-$95. 216 O St.
FAiRYTALE TOWN: Grandparents Week. As if the delight of being a grandparent just isn’t enough for you greedy, greedy people, you also get to accompany your grandkids to Fairytale Town for free. Seriously, we’re all super happy for you. Through 9/15. No cover$6. 3901 Land Park Drive
bOOKS friday, 9/7 ARDEN-DiMicK LiBRARY FRiENDs BOOK sALE: Buy old library books at low, low prices! If you’re one of the only people without a pile of books they have left to read, you can feel good restocking your literary selection at this event that helps the library run programs and buy shit, and stuff. 1pm, no cover. Arden-Dimick Library, 891 Watt Ave.
SPOrtS & OutdOOrS friday, 9/7 TOGA BiKE PARTY: If your typical Friday night doesn’t already involve you wearing a toga, then mix it up a little and put one on to bike with a group of local bike-oholics. 7pm, no cover. Under the freeway, 8th and W streets.
tHurSday, 9/6 ARTFEsT AND siLENT AucTiON: The Women Lawyers of Sacramento Foundation’s fundraising event raises funds for their foundation. The aforementioned foundation awards scholarships to law school students and other organizations serving the area. 6pm, $40. Beatnik Studios, 723 S St.
WEdnESday, 9/12 THE ART OF ADVOcAcY: Fundraise for foster children like there’s a tomorrow, because there is, and foster children need advocates and legal representation. The Children’s Law Center of California works to give that to them. 6pm, $100-$150. The Sawyer Hotel, 500 J St.
ClaSSES Saturday, 9/8 BuTcHERiNG 101: Want to get the inside scoop on how to slice and dice an animals’ body? Well, with any luck, you fit that description, read this event highlight, look up the class online and register for this “Hunters Special” butchering class. 10am, $40. Taylor’s Market, 2924 Freeport Blvd.
cOFFEE AND cLAY: Mix your clay with coffee! Not literally, of course, that’s disgusting. But sip some coffee and shape some clay. 8am and 10am, $12. Sincere Ceramics, 5931 Power Inn Road, Suite B.
DiVORcE OPTiONs WORKsHOP: We’ve all been there. Found your spouse betrayed you somehow, or maybe you’ve just been growing apart for years. The usual cliches don’t sound so tired and typical when you’re living them. Come out and get some resources for handling the situation, from the legal, financial and personal sides of things. Sorry about your divorce. 8:30am, $40-$45. Holiday Inn Express and Suites, 1398 East Roseville Parkway in Roseville.
THURSDAY 9/6 Badlands
2003 k ST., (916) 448-8790
Poprockz 90s Night, 7pm, call for cover
Fierce Fridays, 7pm, call for cover
Spectacular Saturdays, 7pm, call for cover
B.P.M. & Sunday Funday Remixed, 4pm, call for cover
Karaoke Night, 9pm, T, call for cover; Trapicana, 10pm, W, call for cover
BaR 101
Blue lamp
Erasure & New Order Tribute Night, 8:30pm, $10-$15
1400 AlHAMbRA blvD., (916) 455-3400
The BoaRdwalk
9426 GREENbAck lN., ORANGEvAlE, (916) 358-9116
Sufferer, Kaonashi, Outlier, Without Hope and more, 7pm, $12
CapiTol GaRaGe
The Foreign Exchange, 9pm, $10
Sorxe, Endless Yawn, Sky Pig and Dustern, 8pm, $10
The Honest, Seafloor Cinema, Eazy Dub and more, 8pm, M, $10
Arminius and Abeyance, 8:30pm, $10
Honky Tonky Sunday Sermon Series, 4pm, $15
Unleash the Archers, Striker and more, 7:30pm, T, $12
1500 k ST., (916) 444-3633
Capitol Fridays, 10pm, no cover before 10:30pm
Dinner and a Drag Show, 7:30pm, $5-$25
Capitol Cabaret, 7pm, $5-$25
Geeks Who Drink, 8:30pm, W, no cover
CResT TheaTRe
Maz Jobrani, 7:30pm, $35-$55
The Little Mermaid, 7:30pm, $7.50-$9.50
American Pie, 7pm, $7.50-$9.50
The Mavericks, 8pm, M, $55
Pool Party, 9pm, no cover
Every Damn Monday, 8pm, M, no cover; Noche Latina, 9pm, T, no cover
1013 k ST., (916) 476-3356
Drag Out the Vote, 5pm, $25-$100
Absolut Fridays, 9pm, call for cover
Sequin Saturday, 9:30pm, call for cover
FaTheR paddY’s iRish puBliC house
Gabe Lewin, 6pm, call for cover
The Bottomdwellers, 7pm, call for cover
Mike Blanchard and the Californios, 7pm, call for cover
Irish Jam Session with Stepping Stone, 8pm, no cover
Dirty Blonde and the Lisa Soto Band, 9pm, $5
2000 k ST., (916) 448-7798
with Cardboard Houses 8pm Tuesday, call for cover The Colony Fuzzy pop
435 MAIN ST., WOODlAND, (530) 668-1044
Fox & Goose
1001 R ST., (916) 443-8825
Golden 1 CenTeR
GoldField TRadinG posT 1630 J ST., (916) 476-5076
Stephan Hogan, 8pm, no cover
halFTime BaR & GRill 2708 J ST., (916) 441-4693
Let’s Get Quizzical, 7pm, T, no cover; Paint Nite, 6:30pm, W, call for cover
Aaron Gayden Band, 9pm, call for cover
5681 lONETREE blvD., ROcklIN, (916) 626-3600
YOB, Acid King and CHRCH, 8pm, $18-$20
This Charming Band and Madferit, 9pm, $15-$18
Rash, 9pm, $15
hideawaY BaR & GRill
2565 FRANklIN blvD., (916) 455-1331
1910 Q ST., (916) 706-2465
Maz Jobrani
holY diVeR
7:30pm Friday, $35-$55 Crest Theatre Comedy
1517 21ST ST.
The CUF, the Philharmonik and Nate Curry, 7:30pm, $17-$20
El Ten Eleven, 8pm, $15
Creation District Records and So Much Light, 7pm, W, $7-$10
Hippie Hour Jam, 5pm, no cover
Shitshow Karaoke, 8pm, M, no cover The Trivia Factory, 7pm, M, no cover; Geeks Who Drink, 6pm, T, no cover
Slaves, Escape the Fate, Set to Stun and more, 6pm, $22-$25
(Hed) P.E., Andrew W Boss, Beauty Is Betrayal and more, 6:30pm, M, $18-$20
Kupros Quiz, 7:30pm, no cover
Open Mic, 8pm, T, no cover; Ross Hammond, 7:30 pm, W, no cover Creative Music and Jazz, 7:30pm, M, $10; Open-Mic Comedy, 8pm, T, no cover
’s independent Journalism Fund at
Poetry Unplugged, 8pm, $2
Donate to
Mac Sabbath, Princess Kitten, Nothing But Losers and more, 7pm, $17-$20
help support it
HOF Saturdays, 9pm, $5
if you like it,
1414 16TH ST., (916) 737-5770
Jesse Royal, Ras Rebel, Two Peace, DJ Nice Up and more, 6:30pm, $15
Highwater Friday Nights with Joseph One, 10pm, $5
1217 21ST ST., (916) 440-0401
luna’s CaFe & JuiCe BaR
Open-Mic Night, 7:30pm, M, no cover
Camila & Sin Bandera, 8pm, $65-$135
500 DAvID J STERN WAlk, (888) 915-4647
Pint Night and Trivia, 6:30pm, M, no cover; Open-Mic, 7:30pm, W, no cover
Forest Beutel, 9:30pm, no cover
101 MAIN ST., ROSEvIllE, (916) 774-0505
$2 O F F
B R ING TH IS AD FO R D ISCO UNT E X P. D AT E 9 / 2 7 / 1 8
SuBMit YOur calendar liStingS fOr free at newSreview.cOM/SacraMentO/calendar THursday 9/6 momo sacramento 2708 J sT., (916) 441-4693
friday 9/7
saTurday 9/8
The Lagoons, Tim Atlas and Harry Paradise, 6:30pm, $10-$13
Back in the Day: Old School Hip-Hop and R&B, 10pm, no cover-$5
Blues & Bourbon: John Németh, 6:30pm, W, $20
Grub Dogs Birthday, the Amazing Sweethearts and more, 8pm, $8
Live Music With Heath Williamson, 5:30pm, M, no cover
old IronsIdes
Eugene Ugly, Alvie & the Breakfast Pigs and Van Goat, 7:30pm, $6
Close to Normal, the Roa Brothers Band and Heather Evans, 9pm, $7
on tHe Y
Open-Mic Comedy/Karaoke, 8pm, no cover
Nova Sutro with Malcom Bliss, J and the 9’s and Common Ground, 8pm, $10
1901 10TH sT., (916) 442-3504 670 fulTOn ave., (916) 487-3731
sunday 9/9
Open 8-Ball Pool Tournament, 7:30pm, $5
Palms PlaYHouse
PlacervIlle PublIc House
Thinkin’ and Drinkin’, 6pm, no cover
Barefoot Brigade, 8pm, call for cover
PowerHouse Pub
Free Line Dance, 10:30pm, no cover
Metalachi, 10pm, call for cover
614 suTTer sT., fOlsOm, (916) 355-8586
tHe Press club
2030 P sT., (916) 444-7914
tHe sofIa
Just Bill, 1pm, call for cover
Karaoke Wednesday, 8pm, W, no cover
Aqua Nett, 10pm, call for cover
Brad Wilson, 3pm, call for cover
Live Band Karaoke, 8:30pm, T, call for cover; 98 Rock, 9pm, W, call for cover
Pop 40 Dance with DJ Larry, 9pm, $5
Sunday Night Dance Party, 9pm, no cover
Wild Animals, Sun Valley Gun Club and Fake It, 8pm, W, call for cover
Poly Varghese, 7pm, $30
2700 caPiTOl ave., (916) 443-5300
stoneY’s rockIn rodeo
Stoney’s Thursdays, 9pm, no cover
Barb & Linda’s Birthday Bash, 7pm, $5
Sunday Funday, 8pm, no cover
5871 Garden HiGHWay, (916) 920-8088
Lydia Pense & Cold Blood, 7:30pm, call for cover
Skid Roses, 6pm, call for cover
Stung and Hot for Teacher, 1:30pm, call for cover
tHunder valleY casIno
Bill Burr, 8pm, $42.95
V101’s Big Block Party, 6pm, $49.95
Birds of Fortune, 9pm, $10
Afro Funk Experience, 9pm, $10
swabbIes on tHe rIver
1200 aTHens ave. in lincOln, (916) 408-7777
tHe torcH club
904 15TH sT., (916) 443-2797
Dusty Green Bones, 9pm, $6
Yolo brewInG co.
1520 Terminal sT., (916) 379-7585
West Coast Swing, 7:45pm, T, $5; College Wednesdays, 9pm, W, $5-$10
You Front the Band, 8pm, no cover
Keesha Pratt, 8pm, T, $10; Felix Y Los Gatos, 9pm, W, $6
Yoga at Yolo, 11am, no cover
Trivia with Geeks Who Drink, 6pm, T, no cover
PHOTO cOurTesy Of sHOreline mafia
Shoreline Mafia 7pm Saturday, $24-$52 Ace of Spades Hip-hop
Seekers of the Strange, 7pm, $12
Hot Country Fridays, 7pm, $5-$10
1320 del PasO Blvd., (916) 927-6023
Tuesday Night Karaoke, 9pm, T, no cover
Evan Price and Ultrafaux, 3pm, $22
13 main sT., WinTers, (530) 795-1825 414 main sT., Placerville, (530) 303-3792
mOnday-Wednesday 9/10-9/12
all ages, all the time ace of sPades
1417 r sT., (916) 930-0220
cafe colonIal
3520 sTOckTOn Blvd., (916) 718-7055
Queen Extravaganza, 7pm, $29.50
Los Lobos and Sol Peligro, 7pm, $29.50-$50
Shoreline Mafia, 7pm, $24-$52
tHe colonY
Blushh, Cardboard Houses and Worthy Goat, 8pm, T, call for cover
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“It’s clear that the current tax structure is too high during this implementation period and the illicit market remains strong,” he said. Another hurdle for the cannabis industry has been the ban on commercial sales by approximately three-fourths of cities and counties in the state. One way around those bans would be to allow delivery companies to bring cannabis to consumers in towns where dispensaries can’t operate. That was the intent of a bill introduced by Senator Ricardo Lara, (D-Bell Gardens) and backed by the cannabis industry and advocates. The League of California Cities, the California State Association of Counties, the California Police Chiefs Association and others Combined state and local taxes can add as much as 45 percent in cost to a cannabis purchase, creating sticker opposed it. shock for people who were previously buying weed under The bill died in the Senate. While the the state’s medical laws that didn’t include a state tax. state Bureau of Cannabis Control later issued a proposed regulation that could photo by istock.com/yarygin have the same effect, passage of Lara’s bill could have prevented or hurt any legal challenges from local governments. The industry also had a victory turned into a defeat—thanks to a veto from Gov. Jerry Brown. The legislature approved How state politicians killed key cannabis bills this year a bill introduced by Assemblyman Jim Cooper, (D-Elk Grove), allowing the industry to hold educational events for by Brad Branan public officials. In his veto message, Brown said the bill was unnecessary because nothing in the law precludes such events. But Amy The bill died in committee. It during this year’s legislative session, the cut taxes, created a banking system for Jenkins, a lobbyist for the California cannabis businesses and allowed delivery needed support from twocannabis industry sought major changes Cannabis Industry Association, thirds of the legislature to of weed into cities that have banned to a system of commercial sales that only said it was needed because amend the Adult Use cannabis sales, among other proposals. recently launched and is still being shaped Another the Bureau of Cannabis of Marijuana Act, Those bills failed. by state regulators. Overall, lawmakers hurdle for the Control warned the a tall order when Perhaps the biggest defeat for rejected the key ones. industry not to hold trying to reduce the industry was a bill calling for a The industry’s primary motivacannabis industry such an event at the tax revenue in temporary tax reduction introduced tion: sluggish sales, as high taxes and has been the ban on capitol. a Democratby Assemblyman Tom Lackey, extensive regulations made it tough for commercial sales by Brown has been controlled (R-Palmdale). Combined state and companies to compete with the black opposed to legalizastatehouse. But local taxes can add as much as 45 market. Although legal sales picked up approximately threetion in the past, the bill also faced percent in cost to a cannabis purchase, in the second quarter of the year, they fourths of cities and saying that cannabis opposition from creating sticker shock for people who were still 25 percent lower than state counties in the could make the state the Drug Policy were previously buying weed under projections for the first half of 2018. lose its competitive Alliance, which California voters approved the Adult Use state’s medical laws that didn’t include state. edge at a time it needs to said the proposal was a state tax. of Marijuana Act in November 2016, and be alert. The industry may get “premature … and has the Citing his experience in policing the three state agencies are still approving more support from Gavin Newsom, potential to reduce revenue to black market when he was a highway regulations for a system of sales that Brown’s likely successor after the important state funds enacted by the patrolman, Lackey said the state should started January 1 this year. November election. Although Newsom voters of California.” temporarily reduce its excise tax from 15 In the legislative session that maintains he has never tried weed, he has Weak sales figures show that action to 11 percent and suspend a cultivation concluded last week, the cannabis been a strong supporter of legalization. Ω is still needed, Lackey said last week. tax that is based on weight. industry backed bills that would have 09.06.18 | SN&R | 35
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NOTICE TO CONSUMERS: The Compassionate Use Act of 1996 ensures that seriously ill Californians have the right to obtain and use cannabis for medical purposes where medical use is deemed appropriate and has been recommended by a physician who has determined that the person’s health would benefit from the use of medical cannabis. Recommendations must come from an attending physician as defined in Section 11362.7 of the Health and Safety Code. Cannabis is a Schedule I drug according to the federal Controlled Substances Act.Activity related to cannabis use is subject to federal prosecution, regardless of the protections provided by state law.
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By Ngaio Bealum
as k 420 @ne w s re v i e w . c o m
What’s the difference? Is there really that much difference between strains, or are a lot of people bullshitting? Because, honestly … I’m not seeing a giant difference personally in terms of effects.
Does getting my medical card help support the cause? Or should I stick with recreational to support the new legalization efforts?
GettinG reaquainted with cannabis? r e c r e at i o n a
i d l a c i d l & me
—The ArmchAir AcTivisT
Good question. Back in the day, everyone was encouraged to get a letter of recommendation from the doctor. Not only did it allow you to visit I feel you. Getting high is getting dispensaries; it kept you from being high. I mean, there are definitely arrested. Now, with weed being mostly genetic differences in cannabis strains. legal, a majority of folks don’t need Some are short and bushy and mature to visit the doctor. However, there are quickly. Some are tall and long and still a few advantages to keeping take a while to reach maturity. your letter of recommendation. Some smell like blueberries. For instance, you can carry Some strains smell like more weed. State law allows mangoes or pine trees. for anyone over the age of It’s kinda like apples; 21 to carry up to an ounce Thousands of different with no fear of arrest, but if types, but they are all still you a have a letter, you can apples. And when it comes carry up to 8 ounces. Most to being stoned, THC is still people don’t really need to the drug that gives you that 10 find ces walk around with more than “high” feeling. However, we en an ounce in their pocket, but are learning that terpenes (the d iffer one never knows. Maybe you chemicals that give different are attending a music fest strains their distinctive and you want to be well aromas) are what can create prepared. Also, if you take different effects for most the time and spend money people. Myrcene (smells to get an MMJ card from the like OG Kush) can enhance county, you don’t have to pay the effects of THC, so the state tax for your cannabis while you may have only had purchases. For people that use a lot two puffs, you feel like you have of cannabis, this can save quite a bit of had more than a few. Pinene (think money, And don’t worry about the state Trainwreck or Jack Herer) is known as putting you on a list. The county card a bronchodilator and can help increase is fairly anonymous. Besides, privacy alertness, and so on. However, every died at least 10 years ago. Ω person is different, and cannabis affects different people in different ways. If all you feel is “high” and you are happy with that, stick with it. I feel like some people want to make it seem like that if you just find the right cannabis strain, all of your problems will disappear. It Ngaio Bealum is a Sacramento comedian, activist and marijuana doesn’t really work that way. Being expert. Email him questions at fancy-pants about weed is fun, but it ask420@newsreview.com. isn’t necessary to know the differences between Blueberry and Blue Dream to enjoy smoking weed. @Ngaio420 —WeedisWeed
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“Machete don’t text.” Machete (2010)
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system and hold the belief system more lightly to keep an open mind and open heart. Once that becomes your way of being in the world, practice allowing difficult emotions to pass through you. That way, there’s more room inside for love and joy. I’m in love with this girl, and then I find out that before we got together, basically when we were dating and getting to know each other, I was her backup because she was in love with someone else. I feel like she cheated on me. I can’t trust her. What should I do? Strip away your fear that you were cheated on. It’s possible, of course, and could happen to anyone. Is it happening to you right now? If not, why stress? Trust you will learn what you need to know. Ask her directly, or meditate and wait for a clear answer. You can also decide it doesn’t matter because if it happened, it’s over. You must also strip away your fear of being second best. If you’re in a relationship, you’re “The One.” Act accordingly. Ω
If you’re in a relationship, you’re “The One.” Act accordingly.
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Before me, my boyfriend had weird emotional affairs with married women where he was their best friend and handyman but it never goes further. He wants it to, but the woman doesn’t think of him that way. He does more and more for the woman until she loses interest in him. He just told me about this and it sickened me. I thought I was in love with him, but now I have no respect. It’s like he was this sick little puppy dog following women around. Ewww! I don’t know if my feelings for him will come back. Advice, please! You don’t love the man he was before he met you. You love the man he is now. There’s nothing wrong with preferring the evolved version of someone. Your boyfriend is no longer needy. At some point he saw himself, admitted his behavior wasn’t healthy and started to make smarter choices. Isn’t that something to appreciate? Your disgust will disappear when you focus on the present. But when you invest yourself in images from your own mind to imagine your boyfriend’s past, your mind and body will have a reaction. It’s happening inside you. You’re the filmmaker, and your life experiences are the filters that control what you can see. If you don’t like those images, or the way you feel when you see them, stop creating them in your mind. Emotions are energy attached to a belief system. So when you feel disgust, hurt, anger, sadness (or any other emotion), investigate what you believe created those feelings. A belief like, “Men shouldn’t be weak,” could inspire you to cringe if you perceive a man behaving in a manner that conflicts with that belief. So be curious about your feelings. Without curiosity, people tend to sit in their feelings and then behave as if the feelings are valid and of the utmost importance. Here’s another perspective: Emotions are information that teach us about ourselves. It’s helpful to acknowledge a feeling, notice what it’s attached to within our belief
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“These go to 11.” This is Spinal Tap (1984)
Free will astrology
by Rachel Mayfield
by ROb bRezsny
For the week oF September 6, 2018 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Now is an excellent
time to feel and explore and understand and even appreciate your sadness. To get you in the mood, here’s a list of sadnesses from novelist Jonathan Safran Foer: sadness of the couldhave-been; sadness of being misunderstood; sadness of having too many options; sadness of being smart; sadness of awkward conversations; sadness of feeling the need to create beautiful things; sadness of going unnoticed; sadness of domesticated birds; sadness of arousal being an unordinary physical state; sadness of wanting sadness.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Do you have any feral
qualities lurking deep down inside you? Have you ever felt a mad yearning to communicate using howls and yips instead of words? When you’re alone, do you sometimes dispense with your utensils and scoop the food off your plate with your fingers? Have you dreamed of running through a damp meadow under the full moon for the sheer ecstasy of it? Do you on occasion experience such strong erotic urges that you feel like you could weave your body and soul together with the color green or the sound of a rain-soaked river or the moon rising over the hills? I ask these questions, Taurus, because now is an excellent time to draw on the instinctual wisdom of your feral qualities.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): “Close some doors
today,” writes novelist Paulo Coelho. “Not because of pride, incapacity, or arrogance, but simply because they lead you nowhere.” I endorse his advice for your use, Gemini. In my astrological opinion, you’ll be wise to practice the rough but fine art of saying NO. It’s time for you to make crisp decisions about where you belong and where you don’t; about where your future fulfillment is likely to thrive and where it won’t; about which relationships deserve your sage intimacy and which tend to push you in the direction of mediocrity.
CANCER (June 21-July 22): To casual observers,
you may seem to be an amorphous hodgepodge, or a simmering mess of semi-interesting confusion, or an amiable dabbler headed in too many directions at once. But in my opinion, casual observers would be wrong in that assessment. What’s closer to the symbolic truth about you is an image described by poet Carolyn Forché: grapes that are ripening in the fog. Here’s another image that resonates with your current state: sea turtle eggs gestating beneath the sand on a misty ocean beach. One further metaphor for you: the bright yellow flowers of the evening primrose plant, which only bloom at night.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): I want to make sure that the groove you’re in doesn’t devolve into a rut. So I’ll ask you unexpected questions to spur your imagination in unpredictable directions. 1. How would you describe the untapped riches in the shadowy part of your personality? 2. Is there a rare object you’d like to own because it would foster your feeling that the world has magic and miracles? 3. Imagine the perfect party you’d love to attend and how it might change your life for the better. 4. What bird most reminds you of yourself? 5. What’s your most evocative and inspiring taboo daydream? 6. In your past, were there ever experiences that made you cry for joy in ways that felt almost orgasmic? How might you attract or induce a catharsis like that sometime soon?
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): By volume, the Amazon
is the largest river in the world. But where does it originate? Scientists have squabbled about that issue for over 300 years. Everyone agrees the source is in southwestern Peru. But is it the Apurímac River? The Marañón? The Mantaro? There are good arguments in favor of each. Let’s use this question as a poetic subtext as we wonder and meditate about the origin of your life force, Virgo. As is the case for the Amazon, your source has long been mysterious. But I suspect that’s going to change during the next 14 months. And the clarification process begins soon.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): When Warsan Shire
was a child, she immigrated to the UK with her Somalian parents. Now she’s a renowned poet who writes vividly about refugees, immigrants and other marginalized people. To provide support and inspiration for the
part of you that feels like an exile or fugitive or displaced person, and in accordance with current astrological omens, I offer you two quotes by Shire. 1. “I belong deeply to myself.” 2. “Document the moments you feel most in love with yourself—what you’re wearing, who you’re around, what you’re doing. Recreate and repeat.”
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): “Once in a while came a moment when everything seemed to have something to say to you.” So says a character in Alice Munro’s short story “Jakarta.” Now I’m using that message as the key theme of your horoscope. Why? Because you’re at the peak of your ability to be reached, to be touched, to be communicated with. You’re willing to be keenly receptive. You’re strong enough to be deeply influenced. Is it because you’re so firmly anchored in your understanding and acceptance of who you are?
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): In 1928, novelist
Virginia Woolf wrote a letter to her friend Saxon Sidney Turner. “I am reading six books at once, the only way of reading,” she confided, “since one book is only a single unaccompanied note, and to get the full sound, one needs ten others at the same time.” My usual inclination is to counsel Sagittarians to focus on one or two important matters rather than on a multitude of semi-important matters. But in accordance with current astrological omens, I’m departing from tradition to suggest you adopt Woolf’s approach to books as your approach to everything. Your life in the coming weeks should be less like an acoustic ballad and more like a symphony for 35 instruments.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Not many goats
can climb trees, but there are daredevils in Morocco that do. They go in quest of the olive-like berries that grow on argan trees. The branches on which they perch may be 30 feet off the ground. I’m naming them as your power creature for the coming weeks. I think you’re ready to ascend higher in search of goodies. You have the soulful agility necessary to transcend your previous level of accomplishment.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): From 49-45 B.C.,
civil war wracked the Roman Republic. Julius Caesar led forces representing the common people against armies fighting for the aristocracy’s interests. In 45 B.C., Caesar brought a contingent of soldiers to Roman territory in North Africa, intent on launching a campaign against the enemy. As the general disembarked from his ship, he accidentally slipped and fell. Thinking fast, he exclaimed, “Africa, I have tight hold of you!” and clasped the ground, thus implying he had lowered himself on purpose in a ritual gesture of conquest. In this way, he converted an apparent bad omen into a positive one. And indeed, he won the ensuing battle, which was the turning point that led to ultimate victory and the war’s end. That’s good role modeling for you right now.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Below are sweet
words from poets I love. I invite you to use them to communicate with anyone who is primed to become more lyrically intimate with you. The time is right for you to reach out! 1. “You look like a sea of gems.”– Qahar Aasi 2. “I love you with what in me is unfinished.”– Robert Bly 3. “Yours is the light by which my spirit’s born.”– E. E. Cummings 4. “Tell me the most exquisite truths you know.”– Barry Hannah 5. “It’s very rare to know you, very strange and wonderful.”– F. Scott Fitzgerald 6. “When you smile like that you are as beautiful as all my secrets.”– Anne Carson 7. Everything you say is “like a secret voice speaking straight out of my own bones.”–Sylvia Plath
You can call Rob Brezsny for your Expanded Weekly Horoscope: (900) 950-7700. $1.99 per minute. Must be 18+. Touchtone phone required. Customer service (612) 373-9785. And don’t forget to check out Rob’s website at realastrology.com.
Screen, don’t stream It took two years for raúl Gonzo to complete the short film Margo Hoo Couldn’t Sleep! “This was a long time in the making,” Gonzo confided to the crowd at the film’s July premiere at the Crest Theatre. “I’ve had other [projects] that have been longer, but this one is finished!” Margo Hoo flashed across the screen of the movie palace in a story that combines childlike whimsy with sobering themes of ostracization and overcoming loneliness. It pays homage to the idyllic 1950s Sirkian suburb, neatly wrapped in a colorfully loud visual package that seems to jump straight out of a pop-up book. A professional filmmaker since 2010, Gonzo developed his unique style through directing music videos and shooting conceptual photography. Now, he’s hoping this narrative short will garner attention at film festivals. As an official selection for the Sacramento Film and Music Festival, Margo Hoo will once again screen at the Crest later this month. SN&R caught Gonzo at the premiere and asked him about his short film, the local filmmaking community and his future plans.
how does it feel to have your short film finally premiere? It’s a relief, for sure. It’s nice having a screener like this in a place like the Crest, which is a beautiful theater. It feels better than if we were to just put it online or something like that. When you spend that much time on something, there’s sort of a feeling like you want to do a little bit more than just drop it on Vimeo.
how does margo hoo differ from your music videos? In some ways, not at all. Once I started doing the concept photos, they started out as a series and I realized: This colorful stuff is actually just me. Someone approached me about doing a music video in this style, and I was hesitant. I didn’t know if it would translate. … But I loved the song, and they were open to whatever I wanted to do, so I started making my music videos that way. … It was a good way to actually test and see if I could do motion instead of still-work. Also, just having a story is the difference I think, having a narration.
Raúl Gonzo, in the yellow suit holding Crookshanks, poses with Alina Lee, who stars as Margo Hoo. PHOTO COURTESY OF RAÚL GONZO
how would you describe the Sacramento filmmaking community? It’s nice, because everyone kinda knows each other. But it’s also growing, so it’s hard to say. I think when they did Lady Bird, they brought up their own crew, because [Sacramento] is not necessarily a place people think of where there are these big companies or studios. ... It’s gonna take things that come out of here and people who come from here to give [Sacramento] a little more clout.
what would it take for margo hoo to become a feature film? The way that money works in Hollywood, you have to find these big people … a studio, or a dentist or someone who has a million dollars, and for them, it’s just an investment. They’re hoping to get their money back, plus more. But the way that has to happen is through film festivals, as far as I know. It’s probably also connections, but for me, it’s festivals.
what are your artistic influences? Dr. Seuss is a big one. I read his books to my son all the time. That’s like our thing. ... There are photographers—usually they are European ones—Europeans like colors so much more than Americans do. Also, different sorts of cartoons. … A lot of kids’ stuff, of course. The one thing I always tell people is early Tim Burton, like Beetlejuice and Pee Wee’s Big Adventure.
Any other projects you’re working on? I’m always working on music videos. As far as films go, I have another short that I’m working on, it’s not colorful like this. It’s an ’80s film, so it’s got a Paul Thomas Anderson sort of vibe … the music is very intense and the characters are just going through a crazy bad day. But [the Margo Hoo] aesthetic is really what I’m working on.
how else can folks see margo hoo? It won’t be online, that’s for sure. I feel weird about it, because I have friends of mine who are like, “Send me a link!” And I don’t really want to do that now. I want it to be in film festivals, I want people to go out and see it. I’m like, “Yeah! Where do you live? I’ll submit it to a film festival there, and when it comes, you can go to the theater and watch it and sit with an audience.” I really like that idea. Eventually, I’m sure it will end up online in a few years, but I would much rather people see it at a film festival—and I mean that in the best possible way—it would mean so much to me, for people to actually go out, not sit down and watch it at their computer. Ω
You can see Raúl Gonzo’s short film, Margo Hoo Couldn’t Sleep!, September 29 at 4 p.m. at the Crest Theatre.
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