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Sacramento’S newS & entertainment weekly


Volume 30, iSSue 24


thurSday, September 27, 2018



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EditoR’S NotE

SEptEmbER 27, 2018 | Vol. 30, iSSuE 24

Who do you

love? Stiavetti, Dylan Svoboda, Bev Sykes, Graham Womack

Our Mission: To publish great newspapers that are successful and enduring. To create a quality work environment that encourages employees to grow professionally while respecting personal welfare. To have a positive impact on our communities and make them better places to live. Interim Editor Rachel Leibrock News Editor Raheem F. Hosseini Managing Editor Mozes Zarate Staff Reporter Scott Thomas Anderson Copy Editor Steph Rodriguez Calendar Editor Maxfield Morris Contributors Daniel Barnes, Ngaio Bealum, Brad Branan, Rob Brezsny, Skye Cabrera, Aaron Carnes, Jim Carnes, Maia Paras Evrigenis, Joey Garcia, Kate Gonzales, Becky Grunewald, Howard Hardee, Ashley Hayes-Stone, Jeff Hudson, Rebecca Huval, Jim Lane, Ken Magri, Rachel Mayfield, Michael Mott, James Raia, Patti Roberts, Steph Rodriguez, Shoka, Stephanie

Adam Emilio, Stephanie Stiavetti, Lucas Fitzgerald






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Joan, of the arc







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You may not know Joan Burke’s name,  but Sacramento has benefited from  her work. Burke, who announced her  retirement from Sacramento Loaves  & Fishes after 35 years with a typically understated, four-sentence email  last month, was a quietly influential  advocate for those experiencing the  destabilizing effects of homelessness. The charity’s longtime director of  advocacy was just that—a crusader  for compassion, working behind the  scenes and on the frontlines, where  she absorbed the humanity too  many dismiss from afar. All you had  to do was stroll through Friendship  Park with Burke to know she walked  her gentle-but-firm talk, which is  why local politicians grew visibly  uncomfortable any time she took the  podium to (diplomatically, it should  be said) tell them how their laws  against sleeping outside and asking  for donations criminalized the poor. But don’t just listen to me. “Joan Burke’s compassionate  voice for social justice will be greatly  missed,” said Bob Erlenbusch, executive director of the Sacramento Regional Coalition to End Homelessness,  which charted a shameful 75 percent  rise in homeless deaths last year.  “Joan was a champion of defending  the civil rights of people experiencing  homelessness and a strong advocate  for safe, decent, affordable and accessible housing.” The arc of the moral universe  may not be bending toward simple  human decency as quickly as we  would like, but Burke and those who  came before and after her are a big  reason it’s bending at all. Burke and  her ilk are the conscience that City  Hall sometimes tries to tune out.  Here’s hoping she keeps speaking her  conscience, even while enjoying some  well-deserved R&R.

SN&R is printed at PressWorks Ink on recycled newsprint. Circulation of SN&R is verified by the Circulation Verification Council. SN&R is a member of Sacramento Metro Chamber of Commerce, CNPA, AAN and AWN.

—RAhEEM F. hOSSEINI raheemh@newsreview.com





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“It seems lIke dOWntOWn Is gettIng nIcer and nIcer ...”

asked on the k street mall:

What is a ‘Best Of’ category you’d like to see?

Carole Ward

re y PaCis

web designer

IT consultant, New Jersey

One in general that I would like to see is a “Best of home repairs” … I recently [have been] undergoing a situation where I have to deal with a home repair and it’s been dragging on.

The best hangout place, especially for travelers like me … At night, it’s nice to find a way where we are gonna hang out, where locals hang out.

dana saW yer

miChael Vanderburg

looking for work

state employee

Best nails. Because I just had my nails done around the corner—well, not right now—and they were really good.

Best of affordable restaurants downtown … It seems like downtown is getting nicer and nicer, which is good. However, it means prices are going up.

Chris klein

sue gardner

senior legal analyst

Folks are starting to get into this “Farm-to-Fork” thing. Big chefs from San Francisco are coming out here and settin’ up shop. I would go like, “Best highend restaurant” to see if we could compete with San Francisco or Los Angeles or something of that nature.

meeting planner

I would say “Best places to hear live music”... It could be any genre.

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Nowhere to go Sacramento’s affordable housing crisis is pressuring domestic violence victims to stay with abusers by Scott thomaS anderSon

8   |   SN&R   |   09.27.18

“And did he stop?” asked Deputy District Attorney Allison Dunham. “No,” Severi said. Standing just feet away, Wallace shot Lida three times in the chest and stomach. He then walked off. Lida and her children survived. In 2016, seven other local women were not so lucky. According to Sacramento County’s Domestic Violence Death Review Team, the No. 1 “lethality factor” in their murders, all of which were preceded by stalking or spousal battery, involved the victim not having a plan to safely leave their abuser and then stay housed and hidden. In other words, short- and long-term escape routes can be critical to survival. Yet three of the nonprofits supporting domestic violence victims in the region told SN&R that California’s affordable housing crisis is creating insurmountable barriers for women and their children who need protection. “What’s increased is women opting not to leave, because there is no place to go,” said Elaine Whitefeather, executive director of A Community for Peace in Citrus Heights, which operates emergency shelters and transitional housing for victims. “Now we have to do safety planning not just for the women preparing to escape, but also for the women deciding to stay.” Wallace was led into a courtroom on August 17 in an orange jumpsuit, his hands and ankles shackled by a fourpiece chain. A jury found him guilty of premeditated attempted murder and felony child endangerment with a gun enhancement. Sacramento Superior Court Judge Laurel White sentenced him to 32-years-to-life in prison. The survivors of his attack weren’t there to see it.

IllustratIon by serene lusano

On March 10, Sacramento police Detective Michael Severi sat in a courtroom describing a crime scene from last summer, after officers rushed into a house to find a woman lying on a sofa with multiple gunshot wounds. She was pleading for help, her 5-year-old son at her side. Police noticed blood running down the child’s face as he cried hysterically. Severi soon learned from witnesses what had happened. The woman, who would come to be known in court documents as “Lida Doe,” had arrived at her house that afternoon to find ex-boyfriend Randy Wallace waiting outside. Wallace was on probation at the time and had prior convictions for felony assault, child endangerment and violating a restraining order. Prosecutors would later say he had a history of domestic violence. According to Lida’s roommate, as soon as she exited the car, Wallace began arguing with her. Then witnesses saw Wallace pull a revolver from his backpack and fire into Lida’s Volkswagen, striking it where her son and young daughter were sitting. Glass sprayed into her son’s eye and ear as Lida started screaming. Wallace allegedly blurted, “I’m going to shoot you now, bitch,” fired three rounds into the dirt and then pistolwhipped Lida in the head. She toppled to the ground. When Lida looked up, the gun was pointed at her. She pleaded for her life. “She said [that] the only thing that seemed to bring him down from the stage of emotions that he was in, she thought, was saying she loved him and wanted to be with him,” Severi testified from the witness stand. “She [thought] that he would stop.”



EsCapE artist

IllustratIon by serene lusano

“Our victims’ advocate has been in constant contact with Lida Doe,” prosecutor Dunham told the judge. “She did not want to be in the courtroom today.” Whether working for the district attorney’s office or local nonprofit groups, victims’ advocates are trained to get women in Lida’s position as far from their abuser as possible. But with the capital region suffering some of the highest year-to-year rent increases in the nation, the push to add desperately needed shelter beds and find victims affordable housing options is becoming something like mission impossible, says Nilda Valmores, executive director of My Sister’s House. Valmores’ nonprofit operates six emergency shelter beds and 12 transitional housing beds for domestic violence victims in Sacramento. It also offers a program for assisting them with rental challenges that come up when leaving a dangerous home life. Valmores says her agency fields about 3,000 crisis calls a year; and too often her advocates aren’t in a position to help everyone reaching out. “When people call, I’ll tell them, ‘You have to call every night, because our shelter is full, and timing is everything,’” Valmores said. “Sometimes people get discouraged when they call, because we can’t guarantee them housing.” Valmores’ agency has funding to expand the number of apartments and houses it’s leasing for shelter, but with Sacramento County reportedly lacking an estimated 58,550 low-income rentals needed to keep up with demand—at the same moment it’s gaining interest from Bay Area “super-commuters” willing to pay steeper rents—experts agree the region has become a landlord’s market, one with plenty of opportunities to go with the highest bidder. “Ultimately it comes down to a landlord picking our organization to work with,” Valmores explained, “as well as the nearby residents saying, ‘Yes, we’ll have a shelter in our neighborhood.’” Lynnette Irlmeier, executive director of the nonprofit Empower Yolo, says her team’s also experiencing a housing bottleneck for victims. Empower Yolo operates 35 emergency shelter beds in West Sacramento, Davis and the Woodland area, along with its own transitional housing initiative. Irlmeier says the crisis is having a major impact on those services. “Eight years ago, the average length that a woman would stay at our emergency shelter was 28 days; but now it’s 58 days,” Irlmeier observed. “I do think

not having housing available weighs that nearly half of all female homicide a victim’s decision to go back to an victims in the United States are killed by abuser.” an intimate partner. And Irlmeier isn’t just talking about Aware of how housing plays into such temporary housing, but realistic rental situ- stats, Crabtree’s reached out to a network ations for the long run. She says Empower of real estate agents for help. Good Yolo has roughly 20 victims who are intentions from them, she says, haven’t currently approved for rental assistance, resulted in getting more victims safe yet. but still can’t find a house or apartment There’s another issue at play. Many they can maintain even with the support. victims of domestic violence have seen “They could get help paying,” she their credit score and rental history stressed, “but there’s still nowhere for completely compromised by their abuser. them to go.” Not paying bills and running up Whitefeather, who’s been debt can be used as a form a victim’s advocate for 40 of control. In other cases, years, has never seen the victims simply aren’t “Not having housing situation as aware of their spouse’s housing available dire as it is today. She financial activity. weighs a victim’s said that lately her Either way, in a organization has more hyper-competitive decision to go back to an success transitioning rental market, that abuser.” victims into housing often drops an appliLynnette Irlmeier by sending them out of cation to the bottom of executive director, Empower the region, or even out the list. Yolo of the state. “It’s one of the most “We’ve located more common things we find,” people out of Sacramento Crabtree said of the financial County—and sometimes to sabotage. “A lot of times the Nevada and states that are farther— woman had no idea what was going on, because that’s easier, too,” Whitefeather and then it comes out after the separation. added. “The rents here are extraordinary.” So, when they’re trying to reestablish their lives, that makes it even more the housing crisis is also endangering difficult. I don’t think that’s something victims in rural corners of the region, most landlords and property managers says Tammie Crabtree, executive director consider.” of Operation Care. Crabtree’s nonprofit Irlmeir agrees that educating landlords operates emergency shelter beds and tran- is vital to making headway. sitional housing for victims in Amador “Even something as simple as not County, population 38,000, an hour east charging an application fee if you know of Sacramento. it’s a victim of domestic violence would Similar to her counterparts, Crabtree help,” Irlmeir observed. “They have has a fully-funded program to get victims really limited funds and having to pay into long-term housing, though she says for application after application makes it escalating prices and dwindling availreally hard.” ability often render it moot. Whitefeather’s organization has been “We’ve increased the stay-time at our trying to get more Sacramento realtors safe house up to six months now, so we and property managers interested in have more time to help the victims look combating domestic violence. It’s even for a place,” Crabtree said. “The problem formed a second nonprofit toward that is, too often there’s just nothing—affordaim. Called the Foundation for a Peaceful able or unaffordable.” Community, it’s tailored to raise funds The stakes around domestic violence for housing victims ACP is working with, were brought home for Crabtree’s along with hammering out lease agreecommunity in June when, just across the ments with local investors who specialize river in Calaveras County, 27-year-old in flipping houses. Desiree Licon was allegedly beaten to “We need the private sector to step death by her fiancé, Jesse Almer. Licon’s up,” Whitefeather said. “This crisis is not family told The Calaveras Enterprise they just a crisis of low housing inventory, or were just now hearing from the couple’s of affordable rent, it’s a crisis of women friends about troubling incidents leading and children staying in trauma—staying up to the killing. in danger—and we’re all going to pay a A 2017 report by the U.S. Centers for price for it down the road.” Ω Disease Control and Prevention found

He escaped criminal charges after authorities say he admitted to pummeling a cellmate into a coma from which he never recovered. Now, Willie Fred Roberson is about to be tried a second time for a murder rap he evaded once already. The separate incidents reveal the challenges of holding alleged perpetrators of violence accountable when their mental stability is in question. According to hundreds of pages of internal documents obtained by SN&R, Roberson’s mental competency to stand trial was being evaluated at the very moment he allegedly attacked cellmate Clifton Harris at the downtown jail in June of last year. Roberson gave conflicting accounts for why he punched and stomped Harris in the psych ward cell they shared last June, but didn’t deny doing so, internal records showed. While the District Attorney’s office has yet to charge Roberson with anything related to Harris’ death, it is prosecuting Roberson for the murder of Shelly Allen, whose body was discovered inside a Sacramento home in March 2016. A mistrial was declared July 31, after the jury was unable to reach a verdict, said a court spokesperson. The DA’s office quickly moved to retry Roberson after the prosecutor in the case straw-polled several jurors, according to a statement from Assistant Chief Deputy District Attorney Rod Norgaard. Roberson’s retrial was scheduled to begin this week. According to the Sheriff’s Department’s website, Roberson is currently being held on the west side of the jail’s eighth floor, which is classified as “discipline segregation housing.” A class action lawsuit has made the jail’s version of solitary confinement central to its argument that conditions at the jail are inhumane, especially for those with mental or physical infirmities. Both Harris and Roberson had documented psychological issues and spent multiple stints in solitary before they were partnered up in the jail’s outpatient psychiatric pod, internal records showed. They were cellmates for eight days prior to the attack. (Raheem F. Hosseini)

BaCklog BustEr After years of determined legislative advocacy, sexual assault survivors and their allies are on the verge of forcing law enforcement agencies in California to account for an untold backlog of rape kits. If signed by Gov. Jerry Brown, the two bills at the heart of their campaign will require counties across the state to do what Sacramento has been doing for five years. In Sacramento County, the crime lab is run by the district attorney’s office, and has been testing every rape kit it receives since 2013. While more than half of sexual assaults go unreported to authorities, the victims who do come forward overwhelmingly consent to forensic exams in the hopes of identifying their perpetrators, local data shows. Last year, rape kits were collected from more than 65 percent of survivors who reported their attacks in Sacramento County, according to an analysis of data from the DA’s office and state Department of Justice. In 2016, nearly 73 percent of survivors underwent the evidentiary exams. But promptly testing rape kits doesn’t always lead to justice, either. As SN&R reported last month, the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department is the worst large agency in California at solving rapes, despite a majority of victims agreeing to sexual assault forensic exams that are analyzed by the crime lab. (RFH)

09.27.18    |   SN&R   |   9

10   |   SN&R   |   09.27.18

for the week of September 27

by maxfield morris

POst eveNts ONliNe FOR FRee at newsreview.com/sacramento


RevOCatiON: Exhumed, Rivers of Nihil and more

iRON aND WiNe: Folk music is mellow and often unplugged, Sam Beam fits the bill with a

sound that’s been hugged. 7:30pm, $45.50$65.50. Crest Theatre, 1013 K St.

JasON alDeaN: The tour’s High Noon Neon,

ICE CUbE If you want Too Short,

Warren G and Tha Dogg Pound, this is the place where together they’ll be found.

10/13, 5:30pm, $19.50-$115, on sale now.

Shoreline Amphitheater in Mountain View, concerts1.livenation.com.

FERRON Canadian folk music is good for

the liver, Ferron’s strong tunes will make your spine shiver. 10/14, 8pm, $30, on sale now. Harlow’s, ticketfly.com.

JOURNEY LIVE No, not that Journey— it’s music from gaming. Austin Wintory composed it, and there’s no more nerd-shaming. 10/16, 7:30pm, $28-$52, on sale now. Harris Center in Folsom, harriscenter.net.

CURREN$Y You like money, like

rappers, like fun name conventions? Well, here’s your chance to hear Curren$y’s

Like a show? Pick it—then go buy a ticket.


two biggest rock bands go head-to-head, even though half of the Beatles are dead.

10/17, 7:30pm, $26-$55, on sale now. Crest Theatre, ticketfly.com.

PHIL COLLINS Collins the mythos, the

legend from Genesis, invites fans to see him (but stay home if nemesis.) 10/25, 8pm, $50-$275, on sale now. Oracle Arena in Oakland, concerts1.livenation.com.

THOMAS RHETT As his tour, Life

Changes, takes to the stage, so do Brett Young and Midland, two acts of the age.

10/27, 7:30pm, $64.75-$300, on sale now. Golden 1 Center, ticketmaster.com.

THE INTERNET No, not the linked-up, world-wide-web; it’s the soul, hip-hop

action. Come see Set it Off, Chapel and De’Wayne Jackson. 6:30pm, $18-$20. Holy Diver, 1517 21st St.

sHONeN KNiFe: The Japanese punk band expresses inexpressibles; they’re joined by rock bands Fornis and the Decibels. 7:30pm, $20-$22. Goldfield Trading Post, 1630 J St.

sOFi tUKKeR: Join Tukker and Crush Club for a night of sound clarity, and a buck per person goes to an LGBTQ charity. 7pm,

$26. Ace Of Spades, 1417 R St.

stePHeN stills: If it takes Crosby and Nash to

aNGRa: Joined by Graveshadow, Scarlet Aura

one more shove: With music from Sunny War, Dawes and Wood Brothers (along with Jessica Malone, IdeaTeam and others), plus activities, demos and all kinds of drink, there’s hardly a reason to pause, hem or think. Our town is the bomb, it’s patently clear, so get on downtown, there’s nothing to fear. Capitol Avenue between Third and Eighth Streets, farmtofork.com.

inventions. 10/16, 9pm, $25.50, on sale now. Harlow’s, ticketfly.com.

set it OFF: Pop punk’s a style, a genre in

FRIDAY, 9/28

Capitol Mall, 4pM Friday and 11aM Saturday, no Cover


and that we’ll agree on. Aldean does that country music thang; he inputs your money and outputs some twang. 7:30pm, $39$109. Toyota Amphitheatre, 2677 Forty Mile Road in Wheatland.

get you your thrills, your teeth might just gnash at Judy Collins and Stills. 7:30pm, $52$88. Three Stages at Folsom Lake College, 10 College Parkway in Folsom.

that sacto farm charm The Farm-to-Fork Festival’s again come around, to celebrate produce and foods that abound. Take to the Festivals capitol, take to the streets, to celebrate growers, vendors and treats! We live in abundance—a town for the books—that’s full up of veggies, good food and cooks. This event highlights all the above, if you need more reasons, here’s


8GH 2 tHROU 29

and Niviane, Angra may steal the show as heavy metal Brazilians. 7pm, $22-$25. Holy Diver, 1517 21st St.

CaNDleBOX: Candlebox is up and about for an axe fight, they’re playing with other bands Aeges and Max Fite, 7pm, $27.50. Ace Of Spades, 1417 R St.


DISNEY ON ICE Characters fond

with memories warm take to the ice in impeccable form. 11/1-11/4, various times, $20-$140, on sale now. Golden 1 Center, ticketmaster.com.

ANDY GRAMMER RAMMER The singer is on tour in your neck of the wood, so get your stubs quick, because honey, he’s good. 11/5, 7pm,

do you get? It’s Gearfest, a unique-ish event. Woolly Bandits are playing as is TILLI, and at least three more that don’t rhyme with TILLI. Noon, $10. Blue Lamp, 1400 Alhambra Blvd. music shows only with gimmicks, you’ll love this show of two big band mimics. As Harry James’ and Glenn Miller’s sounds get repressed, so the audience will learn who was really the best. 2pm & 7pm, $49-$59. Harris Center, 10 College Parkway in Folsom.

SUNDAY, 9/30 DeeP PURPle & JUDas PRiest: Two metal bands that played their shows oft—hard rock

from the ’60s today’s a bit soft. 7pm, $29.50$149.50. Toyota Amphitheatre, 2677 Forty Mile Road in Wheatland.

NiCK CaNNON PReseNts WilD ’N OUt: It’s a live concert version of Nick Cannon acclaim— with musical guests Waka Flocka and The Game. 8pm, $31.44-$145.94. Golden 1 Center, 500 David J Stern Walk.

$27.50-$200, on sale now.

Ace of Spades, eventbrite.com.

Thrill, Phil!

join Revocation: It’s one night of metal, then you’ll need a vacation. 6:30pm, $16-$20. Holy Diver, 1517 21st St.

TUESDAY, 10/2 DaKHaBRaKHa: Ukranian folk-punk is a unique performance. This show makes a good

act of hipster nonconformance. 7:30pm, $18-$38. Harris Center, 10 College Parkway in Folsom.

WEDNESDAY, 10/3 CaliFORNia GUitaR tRiO & MONtReal GUitaR tRiO: Trios on trios, this is a delight. There’s

no way not to see this show as a fight. 8pm,

$35. Harlow’s, 2708 J St.

CHieF KeeF: As Sosa says, “Macaroni time.” Come check him out, plus hear him rhyme. 7pm, $25. Ace Of Spades, 1417 R St.

FESTIVALS FRIDAY, 9/28 FaRM-tO-FORK Festival: Get ready for two days of food grown in loam, look to the left for the farm fest at home. 4pm, no cover. Capitol Mall between Third and Fifth Streets.

JUst eXaCtlY PeRFeCt Fest ii: Pack up your tent, you irascible prunes! The riverside’s open for camping and tunes! Of course there’s Joe Craven, but look, here’s the deal: There’s Old Mule, Vintage Find and Achilles Wheel. It’s nature meets music in a weekend of bliss, the kind of event that you don’t want to miss. Noon, $40-$195. The Nugget Campground, 6045 Rafters Lane in Placerville.

saCRaMeNtO valleY COiN ClUB: The fall show

GeaRFest 2018: Mix cars with music and what

1940s Battle OF tHe BiG BaNDs: If you like band, you uncultured pleb! 10/28, 7pm, $32-$85, on sale now. Ace of Spades, eventbrite.com.

Online listings will be considered for print. Print listings are edited for space and accuracy. Deadline for print listings is 5 p.m. Wednesday. Deadline for NightLife listings is midnight Sunday. Send photos and reference materials to calendar editor Maxfield Morris at snrcalendar@newsreview.com.

MONDAY, 10/1


It’s time to get chummy with food in your tummy.


brings coins, those timeless round monies, that rustle our loins and respawn like bunnies. Forty-plus dealers bear change that’s been glazed, and if you bring gold, you can get it appraised. 10am, no cover-$3. The Four Points by Sheraton, 4900 Duckhorn Drive.

SATURDAY, 9/29 21st aNNUal saCRaMeNtO RePtile sHOW: A gecko approaches, its own eyes it’s licking, (a habit it’s picked up to keep them from sticking.) This is one scaly beast you might see—at the reptile show, or just up in a tree. Of course there are vendors to show off their pets, but none for your licking, even if it’s on bets. 10am, $9-$20. Sacramento Convention Center Complex, 1400 J St.

8tH aNNUal BaRKtOBeRFest: The German tradition of sausage and beer now’s made for canids, though why is unclear. Bring out your dogs to this SPCA shindig, if you enter the raffle you might even win big. It’s the biggest event since a party with toga, as the fun of the day includes dog-and-you yoga. Dress up with your pet, as you’re wont to do, but as for the drinks; the brew’s just for

CaleNDaR listiNGs CONtiNUeD ON PaGe 12

09.27.18    |   SN&R   |   11

see More evenTs and subMiT your own aT newSreview.com/Sacramento/calendar

wedneSday 9/26Sunday 9/30

to draw out your yucks, so bring your laugh attitude, plus 30 bucks. 8pm. Through 9/28. $30. 400 Idaho Maryland Road in Grass Valley.

Harris CenTer: Rita Rudner. Renown for one-

sacramento Film and Music Festival VariouS locationS and timeS, $15

liners and unique enunciation, she’s leaving Las Vegas for a comedic vacation. saturday 9/28, 8pm. $40-$60. 10 College Parkway in Folsom.

laugHs unliMiTed CoMedy Club: Daniel

Come one, come all, to see what Sac’s screening! There’s films, shorts and docs—depends on your leaning. PHoto courteSy oF Jakob owenS There’s showings at IMAX, FilM Crocker and Crest, so spring for some tickets and see what’s the best. The 10X10 Contest’s a 10-day long film sprint, and Sac Music Seen is a film-and-song mixed stint. The creative ambition is so thick you can taste it; so grab the opportunity— and try not to waste it. Sacfilm.com.

Weingarten. Daniel’s definitely good for a chuckle, with an earnest, sweet charm just like honeysuckle. 8pm. Through 9/27. $20. Mike Marino. Marino is known as Jersey’s Bad Boy, so settle in for pretty much one ploy. Through 9/30. $10. 1207 Front St.

punCH line: Andrew Schulz. New York comic and certified funny dude, Schulz will rope

you into his comedic attitude. Through 9/29. $20. Comedy Juice. This show’s been the number one one in New York, as well as L.A.,

now it’s come farm-to-fork. sunday 9/30, 7pm. $15-$20. 2100 Arden Way, Suite 225.

universiTy union ballrooM: San Francisco Calendar lisTings ConTinued FroM page 11

Saturday, 9/29 all aMeriCan rib and CHili CooK oFF: Mmm-

you. 9:30am, $10-$30. The Grounds, 800 All America City Blvd. in Roseville.

FesTival oF Colors saCraMenTo: Bring a friend and your spirit to get doused in dye. If you need more encouragement, here is the why: The reason is Holi, which is really in March, but the colors are still jolly, and they’re made from corn starch. Do yoga, dance freely, watch bands and ideally, the whole dang event will make you love—really. 11am, $6.50-$38. Southside Park, 2115 6th St.

JusT eXaCTly perFeCT FesT ii: See description above, if you’ve got the time; yes, this is rough, even these have to rhyme. It runs through on Sunday, and it wraps up on Monday. noon, $40-$195. The Nugget Campground, 6045 Rafters Lane in Placerville.

roManian FesTival: You’ve been to the fests that root for Albania; Maurit- and Lithuand even Tasm-ania. Your cultural efforts were all done in vain again, you forgot the best: the festival Romanian. Stuff food down your throat, take in folk dancing, to your friends you can gloat of this culture entrancing. noon, no cover. Royer Park, 190 Park Drive in Roseville.

saCraMenTo woMen’s eXpo 2018: Ladies, get tickets, ’cause it’s time to empower! With products and shopping and fun every hour. Hear some sick seminars presented and planned, but call let’s them fem-inars, as that’s more on brand. 11am, $10. Sacramento Convention Center Complex, 1400 J St.

Food & drink Friday, 9/28 Hops & brew FesTival: Triple J Brewing is bringing the booze, and the Elk Grove historians are there to infuse—the conversation with the saga of hops— combined to make this event the top of the tops. 4pm, $45. Mahon Ranch, 10171 Grantline Road in Elk Grove.

mmm, it’s meat! Ooh, it’s so sweet. Beans in the chili? Let’s not get silly. Twenty teams vying—each of them trying—to be the best chef, or just better than Jeff. (That’s my friend’s name, and he’s got chili game!) 11am, $10-$50. Recreation Park, 123 Recreation Drive in Auburn.

aniMals on Tap release parTy: The zoo went and partnered with brewers of yeasts to make up some drinks based off of beasts. Sudwerk went third and filled their carafes with a hoppy, tart lager gleaned from giraffes! Check out the suds and their swell fermentation, plus some of the funds go to cool conservation. 2pm, no cover. Sudwerk Brewing Company, 2001 2nd St. in Davis.

Film wedneSday, 9/27 saCraMenTo FilM and MusiC FesTival: See the event highlight over on page 12, which is actually this page, so you don’t have to delve. 7pm, $15. Crest Theatre, 1013 K St.

Saturday, 9/29 THe lasT saMurai: The story of samurais, starring Tom Cruise, shows a United States captain with nothing to lose. He’s teaching the soldiers to fight in the present, with guns more than swords and not like they’re peasants. 8pm, no cover. Wakamatsu Farm, 941 Cold Springs Road in Placerville.

monday, 10/1 polTergeisT: Scary and spooky, Spielberg’s piece is alright. Ghosts invade home, they proceed to make fright. I guess it’s a classic, it’s what I’ve been told, though I’ve never seen it, so I can’t really scold. 7pm, $9. The Tower Theatre, 2508 Land Park Drive.

comedy FooTHills evenT CenTer: San Francisco Comedy Competition. American laughsters vie for the crown of best funny person from this-or-that town. They’re people competing

12   |   SN&R   |   09.27.18

Comedy Competition. Another night of comedic fighting, each show adds points to the winner’s laugh-knighting. This night of laughs is one of the final, so come laugh it up, from your head to cord, spinal. Thursday 9/27, 7:30pm. no cover. 6000 J St.

faction, it’s gymnasts-meet-wonder, and it’s jam-packed with action. Through 10/2. $10$37. 11761 Ridge Road in Nevada City.

HarTer Hall: 12 Angry Jurors. The judicial system’s never more fun—than the deliberation of 12 folks ready to be done. If you’ve recently served, you might choose to miss it, but it’s a classic story; I’m not one to dis it. Through 10/13. $25. 21338 Dumetz Road in Woodland.

House oF oliver wine lounge: Jekyll and Hyde, The Musical. Robby “Lou” Stevenson whipped up this story, but neglected to give it a musical quarry. It’s dinner and theatre blended in one, so come eat some vittles as you take in the fun. sunday 9/30, 6:30pm. $40. 3992 Douglas Blvd., Suite 140 in Roseville. Wild Kratts Live. If you, like me, were a huge fan of Zoboomafoo, come see the makers, the Kratt brothers, whom are two. You’ll see Chris and Martin Kratt live—in the language of pageantry, in which they thrive. Tuesday 10/2, 6pm. $29.75-$99.75. 1400 J St. It. Shakespeare again—he was pretty prolific—so check out his comedy, rated okay-to-terrific. Rosalind’s running away from the Duke, and Touchstone is there too; he’s a kook. Through 10/14. $15-$30. 203 E. 14th St. in Davis.

on StaGe big idea THeaTre: Othello. Tragedy strikes in this age-old play, where Iago and ‘Ello go at it in a big way. It’s about jealousy, love, hate and race, so in a modern arena, it’s always a place. Through 10/27. $12-$22. 1616 Del Paso Blvd.

CirCus vargas aT wesTField galleria: Circus Vargas “Dreaming of Pirates”. Some will remember that pirates annoy me, but these ones are more acrobat than thief-employee. Enter the big top with hopes astronomic, and come watch the spectacle, active and comic. Through 10/7. $25-$57. 1151 Galleria Blvd. in Roseville.

don baggeTT THeaTer: Chinese Warriors of Peking. See martial arts and breathtaking spectacle! It’s warrior dancers, and it waxes dialectical. An historic tale of martial art

art penCe gallery: Jeff Carter, Encounters Up Close and Personal. With models he’s painted, he’s a loose brush stroke wooer. Carter crafts to connect with the viewer. Through 11/2. no cover. 212 D St. in Davis.

muSeumS CaliFornia sTaTe railroad MuseuM: Two VIP Cocktail Train Ride Experiences. See below for the event’s highlights, it’s a train excursion chock-full of eye sights. 6pm. Through 9/30. $100. 111 I St.

Photography. Want your museums to teach more directly? Come learn from Terry— Professor Nathan, correctly. He’ll walk you through photos over the ages, detailing fine points in their historical stages. Thursday 9/27, 6pm. $20-$30. 216 O St.

MCKinley library: Pop-Up Adventure Play Day. There’s cardboard forts, chalk art, a paint wall and mud play. This is, guaranteed, to not be a dud day. Friday 9/28, 3:30pm. no cover. 601 Alhambra Blvd.

saCraMenTo Zoo: CELEBRATE! Red Pandas. The

saCraMenTo ConvenTion CenTer CoMpleX:

veTerans MeMorial CenTer: As You Like

CroCKer arT MuseuM: History of Portrait

zoo’s a fun place however you spin it, but red pandas are superstars hidden within it. The raccoon cousins are the word of the day, so come for the pandas, be ready to play. There’s face painting, awareness, flag making and more, and if you’ve got money to spare, hit the gift store. saturday 9/29, 9am. $10-$15. 3930 W. Land Park Drive.

claSSeS Friday, 9/28 baby & Me in THe gallery: You’ve got a child, you’re an art backer, so combine the two, you genius life-hacker! Your baby and you will take on the gallery, come one and come all, even you, Valerie! 10:30am, $5-$8. Blue Line Arts, 405 Vernon St. Suite 100 in Roseville.

Saturday, 9/29 Flavors oF CHeMisTry beer and CHeese: Beer and cheese learning is whey cool, fun doubly. Learn what makes cheese cheese and what makes beer bubbly. 1pm, $25. UC Davis, 1 Shields Ave. in Davis.

peT FirsT aid & Cpr: Learn how to do CPR on your dog, or if you’re unique, how to rescue your hog. I’ve got space to fill, one, two or three lines, so you can ask to learn mouthto-mouth just for felines. If you’re inclined to be a pet first aid wizard, you can ask if they’ll teach you to workup your lizard. It’s time to go wild with animal healing, so learn what you can to keep pets from squealing. 3pm, $89. The Animal Den Pet Resort, 4060 Power Inn Road.

Saturday, 9/29 and Sunday 9/30

Farm-to-Fork Cocktail Train Front Street between J and K, 6pm, $100

Ride aboard a train in style—wear fancy clothes and sit for awhile. It’s VI-people train-ride time, with first-class stewards in a romantic clime. Live MuseuMs my lifelong fantasy of being a railroad baron, with special cocktails, food, dessert, all for you to share in. You’ll hit the rails in Oldtown Sac, along the water, then double back. Farm-to-Fork, it never fails, and this event is off the rails. Californiarailroad.museum.

PHoto courteSy oF tHe caliFornia State railroad muSeum


2003 k ST., (916) 448-8790






Poprockz 90s Night, 7pm, call for cover

Fierce Fridays, 7pm, call for cover

Spectacular Saturdays, 7pm, call for cover

B.P.M. & Sunday Funday Remixed, 4pm, call for cover

Karaoke Night, 9pm, T, call for cover; Trapicana, 10pm, W, call for cover

BaR 101

Pint Night and Trivia, 6:30pm, M, no cover; Open-Mic, 7:30pm, W, no cover

101 MAIN ST., ROSEvIllE, (916) 774-0505

Blue lamp

Work Dirty, D-Lo and more, 9pm, call for cover

The BoaRdwalk

War of Ages, Capsize, Ghost Key and more, 7pm, $12

1400 AlHAMbRA blvD., (916) 455-3400 9426 GREENbAck lN., ORANGEvAlE, (916) 358-9116

CapiTol GaRaGe

1500 k ST., (916) 444-3633 PHOTO cOURTESY OF kIM blAck

Iron & Wine 7:30pm Thursday, $46-$66 Crest Theatre Folk

Goddamn Gallows, Gutter Demons and the Strikers, 8pm, $12-$15

Gearfest 2018, noon, $10; RocDaMic Showcase, 9pm, call for cover

Capitol Fridays, 10pm, no cover before 10:30pm

Dinner and a Drag Show, 7:30pm, $5-$25 Capitol Cabaret, 7pm, $5-$25

Geeks Who Drink, 8:30pm, W, no cover

CResT TheaTRe

Iron & Wine, 7:30pm, $45.50-$65.50

Sacramento Film and Music Festival, 7pm, $15

Sacramento Film and Music Festival, 11am, $15

Benise: Fuego! Spirit of Spain, 7pm, $29-$95

Amos Lee and Caitlyn Smith, 8pm, T, $65-$95


Faces Karaoke, 9pm, call for cover

Absolut Fridays, 9pm, call for cover

Sequin Saturday, 9:30pm, call for cover

Pool Party, 9pm, no cover

Every Damn Monday, 8pm, M, no cover; Noche Latina, 9pm, T, no cover

FaTheR paddY’s iRish puBliC house

Ralph Gordon, 6pm, call for cover

One Eyed Reilly, 7pm, call for cover

RoadHouse 5, 7pm, call for cover

Fox & Goose

According to Bazooka, 7pm, no cover

Kally O’Mally & the 8-Tracks and James Israel, 9pm, $5

Henry’s Family Magic Band and JIGO, 9pm, $5

1013 k ST., (916) 476-3356 2000 k ST., (916) 448-7798 435 MAIN ST., WOODlAND, (530) 668-1044 1001 R ST., (916) 443-8825

FooThills evenT CenTeR Golden 1 CenTeR

Wild ’N Out Live with the Game, Waka Flocka and more, 8pm, $31-$125

500 DAvID J STERN WAlk, (888) 915-4647

GoldField TRadinG posT 1630 J ST., (916) 476-5076

halFTime BaR & GRill

5681 lONETREE blvD., ROcklIN, (916) 626-3600

Shonen Knife and the Decibels, 7:30pm, $20-$22

CRSB, 7:30pm, $13-$15 Scoles & Young, 9pm, call for cover


with the Decibels 7:30pm Thursday, $20-$22 Goldfield Trading Post Punk pop

hideawaY BaR & GRill hiGhwaTeR

1910 Q ST., (916) 706-2465

holY diveR 1517 21ST ST.


1217 21ST ST., (916) 440-0401

Geographer and Madi Sypes & the Painted Blue, 8pm, $15-$18 Hippie Hour Jam, 5pm, no cover

2565 FRANklIN blvD., (916) 455-1331 Highwater Friday Nights with Joseph One, 10pm, $5 Set it Off, Chapel and De’Wayne Jackson, Angra, Scarlet Aura, Graveshadow and 6:30pm, $18-$20 Niviane, 7pm, $22-$25

California and Montreal Guitar Trios, 8pm, W, $35 Shitshow Karaoke, 8pm, M, no cover The Trivia Factory, 7pm, M, no cover; Geeks Who Drink, 6pm, T, no cover

HOF Saturdays, 9pm, $5 Kingdom Come, Scott Allen Project and Blue Fiction, 7pm, $20-$25

Rituals of Mine, So Much Light and Destroy Boys, 7:30pm, T, $15-$17 Let’s Get Quizzical, 7pm, T, no cover; Paint Nite, 6:30pm, W, call for cover

Latin Touch, 9pm, $7 Saint Ashbury, 6:30pm, $10-$12; Zepparella, 10pm, $18-$20

2708 J ST., (916) 441-4693

Shonen Knife

Open-Mic Night, 7:30pm, M, no cover

43rd Annual San Francisco Comedy Competition Final Round, 8pm, $28-$30



Exmortus, Hatchet, Cultural Warfare and Tyrannocannon, 7:30pm, $12

Assuming We Survive, Rivals, Riot Child and Knockout, 6:30pm, $15

Revocation, Exhumed, Rivers of Nihil, Yautja and more, 6:30pm, M, $16-$20

Kupros Quiz, 7:30pm, no cover

Open Mic, 8pm, T, no cover; Ross Hammond, 7:30 pm, W, no cover

09.27.18    |   SN&R   |   13

TO THE CURRENT TRUMP ADMINISTRATION 2018 ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Somewhere along the line you have forgotten that the United States of America is a democracy not a dictatorship! You have gone out of your way to destroy everything that President Obama had done to make our country better! You have divided our once united country with your hatred and bigotry. Your administration breeds hatred! You have fired all who disagree with you, or don’t give you 100% loyalty. You run the White House like your TV show. AMERICA WAS FOUNDED BY AND FOR IMMIGRANTS! ALL IMMIGRANTS! Just in case you have forgotten, even your family were immigrants! Your wives! Maybe even some of your hookers! You have alienated all our allies! You have greeted communist countries run by dictators with open arms. They have played you and you have fallen for it! You and your family have shown that you care nothing for the average American who isn’t in the 1%. Your wife’s motto should be “Let Them EAT Cake,” since we know she doesn’t care about immigrant children! Do you? Her war on bullies should begin with you, Trump! Now you are kicking out immigrants from the military who are willing to fight for our great country and sacrifice their lives for it. Has any of your family served in the military or do they all also have bone spurs? What kind of person enjoys tearing families apart? Those families come to us for help and a better life. They risk their lives to get here. And this is how you treat them. God Bless AMERICA! Here’s an idea for you … since you already have the camps and the people in them and running them with our tax dollars, start the legalization process there in the camps for all immigrants, give them a starting chance. Show them that AMERICA REALLY DOES CARE! Turn this bad situation into a good one, you can take the credit for it, just DO IT! You cut health care, social security, started a tariff war, still trying to build a wall, you are against Roe v. Wade, LGBT, you never showed your taxes, you started internment camps, concentration camps, and holding camps. You use I.C.E. like Nazi Gestapo to do your dirty work. THIS IS NOT OUR AMERICA, TRUMP! You must learn from the mistakes of past history. Do not repeat them! As Americans we should all be proud of our country and the person voted to be our President. But you Trump, have embarrassed us throughout the whole world. I am sorry to say that you represent us. YOU DON’T REPRESENT US! OUR CONGRESS, BOTH REPUBLICAN AND DEMOCRAT, SHOULD STAND UP TO YOU WITHOUT FEAR OF LOSING THEIR JOBS! HATS OFF TO THOSE WHO DO, FOR YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO THE POSITION OF PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Regretfully by an American citizen whose family was also immigrants!!

Richard Alcala

14   |   SN&R   |   09.27.18

SuBmiT your cAlenDAr liSTingS for free AT newSreview.com/SAcrAmenTo/cAlenDAr THursDay 9/27

friDay 9/28

saTurDay 9/29

Poetry Unplugged, 8pm, $2

Toadmorton’s and Snake Shovelers, 8pm, $5

David Houston & String Theory, Natalie Cortez, 8pm, $6

Fendi P, 7pm, $15-$18

Kid Cadaver, Breakup Shoes, Locus Pocus and more, 6:15pm, $10

The Mindful, What Rough Beast and Deacon Free, 8pm, $10

One Leg Chuck & the Hustle, Black Knight Satellite and more, 8:30pm, $7

Luna’s Cafe & JuiCe Bar 1414 16TH sT., (916) 737-5770

momo saCramento 2708 J sT., (916) 441-4693

oLd ironsides

Americana Dance Party with Sicky Betts, 8pm, $5

on tHe Y

670 fulTOn ave., (916) 487-3731

Open-Mic Comedy/Karaoke, 8pm, no cover

PLaCerviLLe PuBLiC House

Thinkin’ and Drinkin’, 6pm, no cover

PowerHouse PuB

Chris Scoville, 9:30pm, call for cover

1901 10TH sT., (916) 442-3504

414 main sT., Placerville, (530) 303-3792 PHOTO cOurTesy Of THe Harris cenTer

DhakaBrakha 7:30pm Tuesday, $12-$38 Harris Center Ukranian folk

614 suTTer sT., fOlsOm, (916) 355-8586

tHe Press CLuB

sunDay 9/30

mOnDay-WeDnesDay 10/1-3 Creative Music and Jazz, 7:30pm, M, $10; Open-Mic Comedy, 8pm, T, no cover

Live Music With Heath Williamson, 5:30pm, M, no cover

Wooden Nickel Band, 8pm, call for cover

Open 8-Ball Pool Tournament, 7:30pm, $5

Tuesday Night Karaoke, 9pm, T, no cover

Loose Engines, 8pm, call for cover

The High Water Line, 8pm, call for cover

Island of Black and White, 5pm, call for cover

Karaoke Wednesday, 8pm, W, no cover

Wiz Kid, 10pm, call for cover

Spazmatics, 10pm, call for cover

Shari Puorto, 3pm, call for cover

Live Band Karaoke, 8:30pm, T, call for cover; 98 Rock, 9pm, W, call for cover

Pop 40 Dance with DJ Larry, 9pm, $5

Sunday Night Dance Party, 9pm, no cover

2030 P sT., (916) 444-7914

Jesus & the Dinosaurs, Las Pulgas and more, 8pm, $8-$10

sHadY LadY

Hot City, 9pm, no cover

The Golden Cadillacs, 9pm, no cover

The Bumptet, 9pm, no cover

Peter Petty, 9pm, no cover

2700 caPiTOl ave., (916) 443-5300

Sacramento Ballet Presents: Telling Stories, 7:30pm, $65

Sacramento Ballet Presents: Telling Stories, 7:30pm, $65

Sacramento Ballet Presents: Telling Stories, 7:30pm, $65

Sacramento Ballet Presents: Telling Stories, 2pm, $65

stoneY’s roCkin rodeo

Stoney’s Thursdays, 9pm, no cover

Hot Country Fridays, 7pm, $5-$10

1409 r sT., (916) 231-9121

tHe sofia

1320 Del PasO BlvD., (916) 927-6023

swaBBies on tHe river

5871 garDen HigHWay, (916) 920-8088

tHe torCH CLuB

City of Trees Brass Band and Gary Farmer & the Troublemakers, 9pm, $6

904 15TH sT., (916) 443-2797

West Coast Swing, 7:45pm, T, $5; College Wednesdays, 9pm, W, $5-$10

Sunday Funday, 8pm, no cover

Harlis Sweetwater, 6pm, call for cover

Riff Raff, call for time and cover

Garratt Wilkin & the Parrotheads, 2pm, call for cover

Walrer Salas-Humara and Jeff Crosby, 9pm, $10

Coffis Brothers & the Mountainmen, 9pm, $10

You Front the Band, 8pm, no cover

YoLo BrewinG Co.

Trivia with Geeks Who Drink, 6pm, T, no cover

Yoga at Yolo, 11am, no cover

1520 Terminal sT., (916) 379-7585

All ages, all the time PHOTO cOurTesy Of TOma KOsTygina

Sofi Tukker

aCe of sPades

Sofi Tukker, LP Giobbi and Crush Club, 7pm, $26

1417 r sT., (916) 930-0220

Candlebox, Aeges and Max Fite, 7pm, $27.50

Amanda Miguel and Diego Verdaguer, 7pm, $49.50

Lecrae, Andy Mineo, Wordsplayed and more, 6:30pm, T, $29.50-$49.50

tHe CoLonY

Fake It, Flourish, the Co Founder and more, 8pm, T, $7-$10

3512 sTOcKTOn BlvD., (916) 718-7055

with LP Giobbi 7pm Thursday, $26 Ace of Spades House

tHe Harris Center

10 cOllege PKWy., fOlsOm, (916) 608-6888

Stephen Stills and Judy Collins, 7:30pm, $52-$88

Rita Rudner, 8pm, $40-$60

1940s Battle of the Big Bands, 7pm, $25-$59


The Shine Jazz Jam, 8pm, no cover

The Classic Jazz Quartet, 8pm, $10

Salt Wizard, Emerald Pools and Your Local Cemetery, 8pm, $8

1400 e sT., (916) 551-1400

The Kingston Trio, 7pm, $28-$52

DakhaBrakha, 7:30pm, T, $12-$38 Speak Out Sacramento Open-Mic, 8pm, W, no cover

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The hideaway

Bar & Grill

Weekly events:

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09.27.18    |   SN&R   |   15

16   |   SN&R   |   09.27.18

09.27.18    |   SN&R   |   17

18   |   SN&R   |   09.27.18

by r Ac h e l l e i b r o c k

It’s tIme, once agaIn, for sn&r’s annual Best of sacramento Issue. Each year, it’s a fun undertaking

brainstorming, researching and discovering the best things that make Sacramento, well, Sacramento. But what do we really mean by the term “best”? With the readers’ voting results, that’s easy to define: These are all the things that you decided were worthy of that honor via a monthslong campaign that netted thousands upon thousands of votes in the following categories: Food & Drink, Shopping & Services, Arts & Entertainment, Sports & Recreation, People & Places and—introduced this year—Cannabis. Also new in 2018: We expanded Food & Drink to span the region. Readers voted in categories including best pizza, burger and brunch for Sacramento, Elk Grove and Placer and Yolo counties. The process for choosing the writers’ picks, however, isn’t always as clear-cut. It’s not about the literal best taco in town, the inarguably top workout spot or the hands-down, no-questions-asked No. 1 place to get a haircut. Rather, SN&R’s Best Of issue epitomizes our team’s efforts to unearth and share things we love. Some of them are established treasures, others long-held secret passions or word-of-mouth gems. Find out for yourself. In the pages that follow, we bring you just some of our favorite things about Sacramento, plus your top picks in hundreds of categories. There’s a silky-voiced deejay and a cheese goddess, a vegan guru and an imitable drag queen. There are guides to ethnic bakeries and cannabis delivery services, team spirit shoutouts and an homage to local sports heroes of yesteryear. And that’s just for starters. Read on to share our love for all things Sacramento and beyond. The best really is yet to come.


Daniel Barnes, Janelle Bitker, Maia Paras Evrigenis, John Flynn, Becky Grunewald, Ashley Hayes-Stone, Raheem F. Hosseini, Ken Magri, Rachel Mayfield, Maxfield Morris, James Raia, Shoka, Steph Rodriguez, Stephanie Stiavetti, Graham Womack, Mozes Zarate

Food & drink

Shopping & ServiceS

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09.27.18    |   SN&R   |   19

20   |   SN&R   |   09.27.18

Food & drink

writers’ picks

best worldly treats

continued on pg 23


writer’s picks continued on pg 23

F i v e e t h n i c b a k e r i e S t h at a r e d e c i d e d ly n ot w h i t e b r e a d by Ste phan ie Stiavet ti

Sacramento boasts a very diverse population, and it’s great to see that creating an equally diverse baking culture. Whether you’re into sticky sweets, fancy desserts or freshly baked bread, the next time you have a craving, consider branching out on the international stage with these five globally delicious options.

new old-school



S ta r b r e a d : This South Sac Filipino bakery is part of a larger, Northern California-based chain, but it feels hyperlocal. And it sits atop this list because it’s got one must-have treat for Sacramentans: Señorita Bread. These soft knuckles of warm bread are baked in butter and sugar to sticky, caramelly perfection. At $2 for five you can’t beat the price, but you’ll likely eat 10 in one sitting and refuse to share. 6127 mack roaD; (916) 427-8598;


by Ja n e l l e b i t k e r


e l i t e b a k e r y c a F e : This tiny, family-run Armenian bakery makes one of the area’s most epic Napoleons. Made with egg-free custard and coated with crispy pastry shards, this dessert is not only delicious—it’s also visually and texturally beautiful. 5150 fair oakS boulevarD, Suite 107 in carmichael;

Solomon’s Delicatessen executive chef Aimal Formoli has mastered the art of the crisp yet chewy bagel. photo by shoka

a new York bagel iS a beautiful thing, with itS ShinY, criSp anD bliStereD cruSt that giveS waY to a SatiSfYinglY chewY interior.

It does not need to be toasted. It is totally delicious all by itself. And it’s not remotely similar to the soft rolls masquerading as bagels served by California chains. Now, thanks to Solomon’s Delicatessen in Davis, the Sacramento region finally has a real, legit bagel. “Here, we’re more used to the larger, more doughy kind of bagel,” said Andrea Lepore, a co-owner at Solomon’s Delicatessen. “We really wanted the New York style.” “We wanted to get it as traditional and old-school as possible,” executive chef Aimal Formoli added. It wasn’t a simple task. Lepore and Formoli brought on Dan Graf as a bagel consultant. (Graf operates Bagel Baron in the Bay

(916)765-9327; elitebakerYcafe.com.

S o l o m o n’S D e l i c a t e S S e n Area and has been widely praised for his mastery, including by The New York Times.) While Noah’s Bagels, for example, cooks their pudgy orbs in steam ovens, real bagel purveyors boil and bake them separately. But Formoli learned about a secret ingredient from Graf: lye, or sodium hydroxide. The lye increases the pH level of the water the bagels are boiled in, which results in an extra-crisp, almost pretzel-like crust. “It makes a complete difference,” Formoli said. Formoli also infuses more flavor by slowly fermenting the dough for two days. But Solomon’s bagels aren’t exact replicas of Baron’s, and some of the toppings are different, such as the black lava salt option.

Regardless, they’re made fresh every day offsite at Grateful Bread and taste great with a smear of cream cheese, loaded with buttery lox or stacked with egg, tomato and smoky pastrami. While the drive to Davis isn’t far—really, it’s not—Sacramento denizens can also get their hands on Solomon’s bagels via catering and special orders. Meanwhile, construction is underway at the future downtown Sacramento location, but Lepore said it should open sometime later this year. Considering how long Sacramento has waited for a true bagel, a few more months will feel like nothing. 500 firSt Street, Suite 9 in DaviS; (530) 792-7015; SolomonSDelicateSSen.com.


p e g a S u S b a k e r y & c a F e : The Chinese baked goods selection here is incredible. Dainty cream rolls, cloudlike sponge cake and perfectly executed filled buns are what keep locals coming back. If you’re looking for a Hong Kong-style birthday cake, theirs are the best in town. 6825 Stockton

boulevarD, Suite 265; (916) 662-7733; pegaSuS-bakerY-cafe.local-cafeS.com.


n e r o e ’ S b a k e r y: Fresh bread is the name of the game here. Think rye bread, Armenian bread, Russian bread, French bread, challah, the list goes on. You’ll also find a large selection of Russian and Eastern European goodies.

6451 fair oakS boulevarD in carmichael; (916) 485-1886; neroeSbakerY.com.


o S a k a -ya : One of only a few traditional Japanese sweet shops left in California still making fresh mochi and manju, you’ll find row upon row of brightly colored rice-based sweets alongside an assortment of classic Japanese snacks and groceries. And don’t miss their famous snow cones. 2215 10th Street; (916) 446-6857;


09.27.18    |   SN&R   |   21

22   |   SN&R   |   09.27.18

Food & drink

writers’ picks

continued on pg 25

Best friendly cup of coffee B r o a dw ay c o f f e e

On most mornings, people want a hot cup of coffee to awaken the senses—minus the bougie ambience and attitude. At Broadway Coffee, the friendly baristas won’t roll their eyes when you ask for a little vanilla in your cup of joe. Rather, they’ll remember your name and even ask how the day’s going. It’s a welcome change of pace in lieu of the all those corporate craft coffee bars with flights of exclusively curated espresso (I’m looking at you, Starbucks Reserve). Some notable menu items at this happy little Oak Park coffee shop include the Tuxedo, espresso poured over a blend of mocha and white chocolate mocha; and the classic Dirty Chai, toasty espresso balanced with a sweet and spicy chai tea, with steamed or iced milk. 3200 BroadWay, (916) 594-9058,

Broadway Coffee co-owner Jimmy Gayaldo brews hot coffee and warm smiles. photo by shoka

BroadWaycoffee company.com. S.r.

Best meat candy

Best place to soak up adult Beverages

Best Big coffee experience

N i x t ac o

Pe tra Greek

ideNtit y coffeeS

The cult of chicharrones has found its mecca in Nixtaco, where Patricio Wise fries up his fresh pork rinds to new levels of salty-sweet delight. Light as a cloud and crisp as a potato chip, his chicharrones con chile are dusted with chili powder for a kiss of heat without going overboard. One serving gets you a big plateful, but it’s easy to mow through an entire dish in 10 minutes without realizing it. Order a beer to wash them down and you’ll be set for the afternoon. 1805 cirBy Way, suite

Locals don’t have to look very far to get a taste of Greece. Petra Greek has fed its customers like gods and goddesses since it opened its door eight years ago. With its Midtown location open late Wednesday through Friday (until 3 a.m.!), Petra dishes up affordable Greek cuisine, including its signature dish: seasoned beef and lamb gyros filled with crispy golden fries. It makes for a great after-hours hang, whether you’re trying to avoid a hangover or want to keep the party going. various locations, petragreek.com. aHS

Many things are big at Identity Coffees. Order a large coffee, and it’s served in a pint glass. If you sit inside the cavernous 4,500-square-foot shop, most of the tables, made by co-owner Lucky Rodrigues, are giant varnished slabs of locally fallen trees. Several more large wood chunks perched against the back wall are part of the industrial, minimalist décor—and are for sale. There’s also seating at a monstrous metal vintage jointer. It’s also hard to miss the place, on the corner of 28th and O streets, with huge, blockletter signage out front. The coffee is excellent, the karma big. 1430 28th street, (916) 225-0738,

12 in roseville; (916) 771-4165;nixta.co.




09.27.18    |   SN&R   |   23

03 0 2 d he s i l b a e st

open late every night Sun.-Tues. until 1am | Wed. & Thurs. until 2am | Fri. & Sat. until 4am

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saturday - sunday 9am - 2:30pm

2730 N Street, Sacramento, CA | 916.456.2800 24   |   SN&R   |   09.27.18

Food & drink

writers’ picks

continued on pg 27

Best sushi for traditionalists

Best new vegan food truCk

Shige SuShi

B a m B i V e g a n T ac o S f o o d T r u c k

I’m not necessarily against giant sushi rolls stuffed with deep-fried shrimp and drizzled with multiple mayo-based sauces—but let’s call this what it is, which is American sushi. Sacramento does Americanized sushi extremely well. But for traditional sushi, you’ll want to drive out to Carmichael and visit chef Shige Tokita. Nigiri rules here, particularly seasonal fish ordered off the specials board. Tokita lets the fish speak for itself, sometimes serving it in its purest form, draped over seasoned rice and a dab of wasabi; other times amping it up with subtle flourishes, such as a shiso leaf tucked under monkfish liver, or a brush of citrus over a sweet scallop. Either way, you’ll want to put the menu away and eat whatever Tokita chooses to feed you. 5938 Madison avenue in CarMiChael,

Bambi Vegan Tacos food truck has only been around since spring, but it already has proven to be the best local all-vegan food truck—but not just because of a lack of competition, but because its food is colorful, inventive (like the corn-fried eggplant taco) and, as Bambi states on its website, “delicious AF.” Owner and chef (and omnivore) Chad Novick said he’s been most surprised at how well-received Bambi’s food has been by non-vegans. It makes sense, because Novick and his team don’t treat their vegetables, like housemade cauliflower chorizo, nacho cheese and black harissa slaw as if they are just garnish—they are the main, mouthwatering attraction. Catch Bambi on Saturdays at the Oak Park Farmers Market or check their Instagram for other dates and times.

(916) 331-7300.




Best pan dulCe CoMo la aBuela

Best plaCe to win over a CyniC

La eSperanza Bakery

o a k h au S

When I was a little girl, my Grandma Lily would babysit my brother and I. In the late afternoons, the pan dulce man would drive through the streets of la colonia selling sweet pastries to families and kids riding their bikes until they were called in for dinner. Pan dulce is a dish of Mexican sweet breads best enjoyed with coffee, in the evening or for breakfast. Childhood staples include conchas: round, dense rolls named for its seashell-like appearance with crunchy ridges of brightly colored yellow or pink frosting. The pastry case at La Esperanza Bakery is lined with conchas, plus spongy jelly rolls filled with tart raspberry jam dusted in coconut shavings, puerquitos—thick, soft cookies shaped like little pigs, spiced with cinnamon and ground ginger—and more. The smell of the bakery alone takes me back to those days when Grandma would hand us a few bucks to pick out our favorites. 5044

When Oakhaus moved into the Oak Park neighborhood, my eyebrows raised. Hof brau? This isn’t Sam’s! But after many pints, dinners and even a few breakfast trips later, Oakhaus won me over. Everything at this restaurant is worth a taste. Whether it’s the spitfire roasted chicken plate with your choice of perfectly cooked, crunchy vegetables and a comforting helping of mashed potatoes, or the kids menu that goes beyond the boring and unhealthy burger and hot dog with fries—the food here is all undeniably delicious. The topper: The staff goes out of their way to fill drinks and offer yummy suggestions (the cupcakes are bomb). It’s a welcome addition to the strip that’s sure to warm the hearts of even the most skeptical diner. 3413 Broadway, (916) 376-7694

franklin Boulevard, (916) 455-0215.




09.27.18    |   SN&R   |   25

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26   |   SN&R   |   09.27.18

Food & drink

writers’ picks

continued on pg 29

Best vegan sando D a D ’ s s a n Dw i c h s h o p

Carnivores and vegans alike will find common ground when they bite into the delectable glory that is Dad’s Sandwich Shop’s Vegan Meatloaf sandwich. (Full disclosure: I love to make it non-vegan by adding provolone.) This sando is served hot with a housemade “meat” loaf that’s made from scratch daily. Soy-based meat grounds, diced carrots and other secret veggie bits are formed into a loaf and grilled until it gets a light crust on both sides. Then the thick loaf is piled high with red onion, romaine lettuce, juicy tomatoes and Dad’s house barbecue sauce in between sliced sourdough. Each bite is a savory, messy mouthful that will have even the most dedicated meat-eater thinking of all the cows they spared. 1310 s street,

Call for

Reservations 916.351.9100

(916) 448-3237, dadssandwiches.com. s.R.

Dad’s Sandwich Shop owner Shann Marriott Jr.’s vegan masterpiece is messy and delectable. photo by shoka

Voted best Steakhouse & Happy Hour

USDA Prime Steaks Please call for reservations ’16

Banquet Rooms Available

604 Sutter Street • Downtown Historic Folsom • (916) 351–9100 Parking garage available • www.sutterstreetsteakhouse.com

09.27.18    |   SN&R   |   27


COME FOR THE TACOS, STAY FOR THE SMILES When Ismael Pantoja opened Rey Azteca, it was a one-man operation. Fourteen years later, he and his son Jonathan manage two popular Carmichael restaurants while still keeping sight of what made them successful in the first place: good food, great value and friendly service, whether you’re a regular face or a first-time customer. Calling upon his years of experience in kitchens and corporate management, Ismael opened his own restaurant — Rey Azteca — in 2004. “He would serve, he would cook, he would do everything. On certain hours, it would just be him running [everything],” says his son Jonathan, who today manages the business’ promotion and online presence which have helped it grow from a small business to the epitome of the American dream. By 2016, business was doing so well, they opened a second restaurant, Cantina Azteca, which features a full bar and more menu options, including breakfast and daily happy hour specials. “You can get margaritas anywhere, you can get tacos anywhere,” Jonathan says. “We’re constantly changing, we’re constantly improving [because] we want to make sure people are happy when they leave here.” One recent improvement is Cantina Azteca’s new menu. While still serving breakfast and classic dishes like tacos, burritos and menudo (seven days a week!), they’ve recently added vegan options like enchiladas and stuffed peppers. At its heart, Cantina Azteca and Rey Azteca remain local favorites, where staff know the names (and usually the orders) of regular customers who come in for date nights, family dinner and to catch Sunday games. “Pop is still out there greeting customers as they come in,” Jonathan says of his father. “He has a really big soft-spot for the people who were there with him when he opened and saw him do the one-man-band thing. He’s like, ‘It’s because of these guys that I’m doing really well now.’”

“We’re constantly changing, we’re constantly improving because we want to make sure people are happy when they leave here.” Jonathan Pantoja District manager, Rey Azteca restaurants

DINE-IN OR ORDER ONLINE AT: CANTINA AZTECA 6400 Fair Oaks Blvd., Carmichael 916-993-8411 www.reyaztecabreakfast.com REY AZTECA 6140 Fair Oaks Blvd., Carmichael 916-481-4995 www.reyaztecarestaurantbar.com 28   |   SN&R   |   09.27.18

Cantina Azteca offers diners a full bar where they can enjoy hand-crafted margaritas.

Delicious arrachera tacos feature skirt steak, fire-roasted corn and cilantro with an avocado-tomatillo sauce

Food & drink

writer’s picks continued on pg 24

writers’ picks Best handmade udon

Best vegan coffee tReat

Buddhist ChurCh of s aC r a m e n t o

insight Coffee

While there are plenty of restaurants specializing in ramen around Sacramento, udon is a little more rare—the thick wheat noodles are too often an afterthought. For handmade udon, your most reliable option is actually a church. The Buddhist Church of Sacramento makes more than 500 pounds of noodles every year for its Japanese Food & Cultural Bazaar, which takes place every August. The lines are long, but the udon line moves quickly, and your reward is a soothing bowl of chewy, slippery noodles bathed in a classic dashi broth. There are a lot of delicious eats at the festival, but nothing is as simple yet satisfying as the udon. Don’t miss it next year—always the second full weekend of August. 2401 RiveRside BoulevaRd, (916) 446-0121, BuddhistchuRch.oRg . J.B.

Best unappReciated BRunch s h a dy L a dy s a Lo o n

It doesn’t seem to be on everyone’s radar, but R Street’s Shady Lady Saloon serves up a next-level weekend brunch spread. Chef Salvador Gutierrez brings his Mexico City sensibilities to the table with a host of intensely satisfying Mexican breakfast dishes. Particularly noteworthy are his chilaquiles: tortilla chips baked with chorizo, eggs, red onions and black beans, topped crema fresca, cotija cheese and guacamole. The whole lot is dressed with Gutierrez’s famous rancho salsa, which takes a full five days to make. You’ll also find regular breakfast favorites, like French toast and eggs Benedict, which go well with your breakfast cocktail. Hey, it’s 5 o’clock somewhere, right? 1409 R stReet, (916) 231-9121, shadyladyBaR.com.

Besides selling ethical beans with a superlative roast—Ethiopian Wenago Sunrise—Insight Coffee’s in-shop drink offerings are some of the best in the city. Both vegans and non-vegans will appreciate the oat milk cappuccino, made with a particularly flavorful brand of baristastyled oat milk called Oatly. Steamed up hot and foamy, each sip tempers Insight’s darkish espresso with a whisper of gently toasted oats, reminiscent of a bowl of Cheerios. It just might remind you of breakfast growing up, hunkered down at the coffee table in front of Saturdaymorning cartoons. Can you think of a better way to start your day? multiple locations, insightcoffee.com.


Best place to calmly staRt youR day orphan Breakfast house

Orphan Breakfast House, tucked away in a leafy corner of East Sacramento, exudes a calming ambience, thanks in part to its attentive staff. Here you can linger over breakfast or brunch at a reasonable price. Start with a cup of Naked Coffee brewed to perfection. Then try a hearty dish such as the artichoke scramble, served with rosemary bread (ask for a side of jam) and tasty potatoes. The pancakes are also a must-try—the banana blackberry are especially good. Orphan is cash-only, but the food is so good, you won’t mind. 3440 c stReet, (916) 442-7370, oRphanBReakfast.com. mpe


09.27.18    |   SN&R   |   29

Food & drink

Organic Coffee Directly from Farmers They own the company, You drink the coffee


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food & drink

r e a d e rs c h o o s e t h e B e s t d i n i n g c h o i c e s i n s a c, e l k g ro v e, a n d p l a c e r a n d yo l o c o u n t i e s Best affordaBle eats

Best Brewery

1 . C h a n d o ’ s T aC o s

1 . T r aC k 7 b r e W i n g Company

1 . au b u r n a l e h o u s e

3747 W. Pacific Ave., Suite F; 826 Professor Lane, Suite 100; (916) 520-4677; track7brewing.com

289 Washington St. in Auburn; (530) 885-2537; auburnalehouse.com

2. bike dog breWing Company

2. broderiCk roadhouse

various locations; chandostacos.com 2 . J i m b oy ’ s T aC o s

various locations; jimboystacos.com 3. Willie’s burgers

various locations; williesburgers.com

2534 Industrial Blvd., Suite 110 in West Sacramento; (916) 572-0788; bikedogbrewing.com 2 . u r b a n r o oT s

Best Baked goods 1. FreeporT bakery

2966 Freeport Blvd.; (916) 442-4256; freeportbakery.com 2. pushkin’s bakery

1820 29th St.; (916) 376-7752; pushkinsbakery.com 3. e TTore’s european b a k e r y & r e s T au r a n T

Pachamama is a global cooperative owned by thousands of families in Ethiopia, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua and Peru, established in 2001

2376 Fair Oaks Blvd.; (916) 482-0708; ettores.com

Best BarBecue 1. souTh

2005 11th St.; (916) 382-9722; weheartfriedchicken.com 2 . u r b a n r o oT s

1322 V St.; (916) 706-3741; urbanrootsbrewing.com 3. sandra dee’s barbeCue & seaFood

601 15th St.; (916) 448-6375; sandradeesbbq.com

2 Cafés: East Sacramento: 3644 J Street and Midtown: 919-20th Street 30   |   SN&R   |   09.27.18

1322 V St.; (916) 706-3741; urbanrootsbrewing.com 3. river CiT y breWing Company

Best BrewpuB placer county

1516 Eureka Road in Roseville; (916) 771-2722; broderick roadhouse.com/roseville 3 . F i n a l g r av i T y

9205 Sierra College Blvd. Suite 100 in Roseville; (916) 782-1166; finalgravitybeer.com

Best BrewpuB sac

6241 Fair Oaks Blvd., Suite G, Carmichael; (916) 550-5093; rivercitybrewing.net

1 . u r b a n r o oT s

Best BrewpuB elk grove

2. alaro CraFT breWery

1. dreaming dog breWery

2004 Capitol Ave.; (916) 436-7711; alarobrewing.com

2501 West Taron Court in Elk Grove; (916) 714-2735; dreamingdogbrewery.com 2 . T i lT e d m a s h b r e W i n g

9175 Union Park Way in Elk Grove; (916) 714-6274; tiltedmash.com 3 . F l aT l a n d b r e W i n g C o .

9183 Survey Road, Suite 104 in Elk Grove; flatlandbrewingco.com

1322 V St.; (916) 706-3741; urbanrootsbrewing.com

3. hop gardens Taproom

2904 Franklin Blvd.; (916) 476-3889; facebook.com/ HopGardensCurtisPark

readers’ picks

2 . s u dw e r k B r e w i n g Co. doCk store

2001 Second St. in Davis; (530) 302-3222; sudwerkbrew.com 3. ruhstaller shop

800 Business Park Drive, Suite G in Dixon; (530) 601-8240; ruhstallerbeer.com/shop

1 Main St. in Winters; (530) 7952682; putahcreekcafe.com

403 Third St. in Davis; (530) 750-3600; burgersbrew.com

2. three ladies Cafe

2 . t h e B u r g e r s a lo o n

130 G St., Suite A in Davis; (530) 302-3434; threeladiescafe.com

601 Main St. in Woodland; (530) 668-2747; theburgersaloon.com

3. farMer’s kitChen C a f e at n at u r a l food works

3 . p l a i n f i e l d s t at i o n Bar & grill

624 Fourth St. in Davis; (530) 7561862; farmerskitchencafe.com

Best BurGer elk Grove 1. flaMing grill Cafe

1. the waffle experienCe

2513 West Taron Court; (916) 226-9918; flaminggrillcafe.com

2. Mel dog’s Cafe

9766 Waterman Road, Suite B in Elk Grove; (916) 686-4615 3 . s t ag e C o aC h r e s t au r a n t

8713 Elk Grove Blvd. in Elk Grove; (916) 685-7803

Best BrunCh plaCer CountY 1. four sisters Cafe

9050 Fairway Drive, Suite 165 in Roseville; (916) 797-0770; foursisterscafe.com 2 . Z o C a lo

1182 Roseville Parkway in Roseville; (916) 788-0303; zocalo sacramento.com/fountains

Best BrunCh saC 1 . B aC o n & B u t t e r

5913 Broadway; (916) 346-4445; baconandbuttersac.com 2 . t ow e r C a f e

1518 Broadway; (916) 441-0222; towercafe.com 3 . f ox & g o o s e

1001 R St.; (916) 443-8825; foxandgoose.com

2 . lo C a l B u r g e r

3443 Laguna Blvd., Suite 150; (916) 226-2900; localburgereg.com 3. Boulevard Bistro

8941 Elk Grove Blvd.; (916) 685-2220; blvdbistro.com

806 L St.; (916) 442-7092; frankfats.com 2 . g o l d e n d r ag o n

2800 Broadway, Suite 1; (916) 451-3888 3. Journey to the duMpling

7419 Laguna Blvd., Suite 180 in Elk Grove; (916) 509-9556; journeytothedumpling.com

Best BurGer plaCer CountY

Best ChoColatier

1. BroderiCk roadhouse in roseville

1. ginger eliZaBe th C h o C o l at e s

1516 Eureka Road in Roseville; (916) 771-2722; broderick roadhouse.com/roseville

1801 L St., Suite 60; (916) 706-1738; gingerelizabeth.com

2. squeeZe Burger

2. le grand ConfeCtionary

106 North Sunrise Ave. in Roseville; (916) 783-2874; squeezeburger.com

2580 Fair Oaks Blvd., Suite 12; (916) 485-8000; legrandconfectionary.com

3. la Zy dog r e s t au r a n t & B a r

3. raMon pereZ, p u u r C h o C o l at

238 Gibson Drive in Roseville; (916) 727-6321; lazydogrestaurants.com

(530) 277-0139; puurchocolat.com

Best BurGer saC 1. Burgers and Brew

1409 R St.; (916) 442-0900; burgersbrew.com 2. BroderiCk roadhouse

1820 L St.; (916) 469-9720; broderickroadhouse.com 3. pangaea Bier Cafe

2743 Franklin Blvd.; (916) 454-4942; pangaeabiercafe.com



Best Chinese 1 . f r a n k f at ’ s


8351 Elk Grove Blvd., Suite 100 in Elk Grove; (916) 647-3877; thewaffleexperience.com

now open on J street

We br

Best BrunCh elk Grove

23944 County Road 98 in Woodland; (530) 668-0207


403 Third St. in Davis; (530) 750-3600; burgersbrew.com

Best BurGer Yolo CountY 1. Burgers and Brew


1. Burgers and Brew

Best BrunCh Yolo CountY 1. putah Creek Cafe



Best BrewpuB Yolo CountY

continued on pg 33


s e h e a t, f r e



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Best CoCktails

Authentic Thai Cuisine with a modern twist, in an atmosphere to make you feel at home

1 . s h a dy l a dy s a lo o n

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32   |   SN&R   |   09.27.18

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7271 Franklin Blvd, Sacramento 916-228-4599 www.littleSheephotpot.com


Food & drink readers’ picks

BUY 1 GET 1 1/2 OFF continued on pg 34

Best coffee elk Grove

Best dim sum

1. 18 Grams C offee & Tea

1 . H o n G ko n G i s l a n d e r

9677 E. Stockton Blvd.; (916) 895-2672; 18gramscoffee.com

5675 Freeport Blvd.; (916) 392-3388; hongkongislander.com

2 . C o f f e e s p oT C o .

2. abC bakery

8896 Elk Grove Blvd.; (916) 385-6722

1309 Florin Road; (916) 421-4259

3 . r e s C aT e C o f f e e r o a s T e r s

Best dive Bar

2475 Elk Grove Blvd., Suite 160; (916) 897-8459; rescatecoffee.com

1 . m e r C a n T i l e s a lo o n

Best coffee Placer county 1 . au b u r n C o f f e e C o m p a n y

1425 Lincoln Way in Auburn; (530) 613-6500; auburncoffeecompany.com 2. foursCore Coffee House

325 Lincoln St. in Roseville; (916) 390-0367; fourscorecoffee.com 3 . e dw i n ’ s C o f f e e & T e a

2 . Z e b r a C lu b

1900 P St.; (916) 442-3972; zebraclubbarsacramento.com 3. elixir bar & Grill

Best douGhnut shoP 1. marie’s donuTs

Best coffee sac

5880 Florin Road; (916) 392-8466

1. Temple Coffee roasTers

3 . T H e p a r lo r i C e C r e a m p u f f s

various locations; templecoffee.com

2620 Fair Oaks Blvd.; (916) 977-3997

2. bakers donuTs

Best fried chicken

1104 R St., Suite 150; camelliacoffeeroasters.com

1. souTH

3. old soul Co.

2005 11th St.; (916) 382-9722; weheartfriedchicken.com

Best coffee yolo county 1. Temple Coffee roasTers

239 G St. in Davis; (530) 341-0574; templecoffee.com 2. misHka’s Café

2. sandra dee’s barbeque & seafood

1315 21st St • Sacramento 916.441.7100

TrusT us, you will noT be disappoinTed

601 15th St.; (916) 448-6375; sandradeesbbq.com 3 . e m p r e s s T av e r n

1013 K St.; (916) 662-7694; empresstavern.com

Best frozen treats

610 Second St. in Davis; (530) 759-0811; mishkascafe.com

1. GunTHer’s iCe Cream

3. bella bean Coffee

2801 Franklin Blvd.; (916) 457-6646; gunthersicecream.com

729 Main St. in Woodland; (530) 379-4769; facebook.com/BellaBeanWoodland

Voted “Best of Sacramento” 3 years in a row!

1815 10th St.; (916) 442-0693

2950 Freeport Blvd.; (916) 444-5245

various locations; oldsoulco.com

Happy Hour

Monday–Friday 3–6pm

1928 L St.; (916) 447-0792; facebook.com/ themercantilesaloon

2600 Sunset Blvd., Suite 108 in Rocklin; (916) 632-9753

2. Camellia Coffee roasTers

Buy any dinner entree at regular price, get the second for HALF OFF! Must present coupon, cannot combine with other discounts. One per table. Valid Mon-Thu only. Expires 10/24/18.

2 . l e aT H e r by ’ s f a m i ly C r e a m e r y

various locations; leatherbys.net

Fried Green Beans!

Redneck Burger!

Great selection of craft beer & Gourmet burgers with a twist

3. viC’s iCe Cream

3199 Riverside Blvd.; (916) 448-0892; vicsicecream.com

5050 Rocklin Road Rocklin, CA 95677

(916) 824-1411

09.27.18    |   SN&R   |   33

Because You Have Taste

Authentic Italian family recipes made with fresh ingredients Over 70 wines available by the glass

1410 E Roseville Pkwy, Ste 140

(916) 782-0404 ciaoroseville.com

fire up the grill

authentic armenian grill everything from grilled lamb to beef dumplings

Food & drink Best ImpossIBle Burger

Best Korean

Best outdoor patIo

1. Broderick roadhouse

1 . oz ko r e a n B B Q

1 . t ow e r c a f e

various locations; broderickroadhouse.com

3343 Bradshaw Road; (916) 3629292; 2605 Riparian Drive in Elk Grove; (916) 478-9292; ozkoreanbbq.com

1518 Broadway; (916) 441-0222; towercafe.com

2. Burgers and Brew

various locations; burgersbrew.com 3. dad’s kitchen

2968 Freeport Blvd.; (916) 447-3237; ilovedadskitchen.com

Best IndIan

1030 Howe Ave.; (916) 646-2004; bluehouseus.com 3 . t a ko ko r e a n B B Q

3030 T St.; (916) 346-4933; sactako.com

1 . B o m B ay B a r a n d g r i l l

1315 21st St.; (916) 441-7100; bombaybarandgrill sacramento.com 2 . k at h m a n d u k i t c h e n

1728 Broadway; (916) 441-2172; kathmandukitchen sacramento.net 3 . i n d i a ov e n

5925 Birdcage Centre Ln Ste 109 Citrus Heights, CA | 916.9677320

2 . B lu e h o u s e ko r e a n r e s t au r a n t

various locations; indiaoven.com

Best ItalIan


2. Pho cit y

various locations; petragreek.com

6175 Stockton Blvd., Suite 200; (916) 754-2143

2. oPa! oPa!

3. Pho king ii

5644 J St.; (916) 451-4000; eatatopa.com

6830 Stockton Blvd., Suite 180; (916) 395-9244

3. cafe morocco

1221 Alhambra Blvd.; (916) 731-4637.

2. BiBa ristorante italiano

1. rey a zteca r e s t au r a n t & B a r

2801 Capitol Ave.; (916) 4552422; biba-restaurant.com

6140 Fair Oaks Blvd. in Carmichael; (916) 481-4995; reyaztecarestaurantbar.com

Best pIzza elK grove 1 . o l d t ow n P i z z a & taP house

9677 Elk Grove Florin Road in Elk Grove; (916) 686-6655; otpmenu.com 2. lamPPost Pizza

various locations; lamppost-backstreet.com

5215 Folsom Blvd.; (916) 5386434; allorasacramento.com

2. tres hermanas

3 . f at m i k e ’ s P i z z a

2416 K St.; (916) 443-6919; treshermanasonk.com

Best Japanese

3 . z o c a lo

8970 Grant Line Road in Elk Grove; (916) 686-8543; fatmikespizza.com

1. akeBono

various locations; zocalosacramento.com

2215 10th St.; (916) 446-6857; osakaya-wagashi.com 3 . t a ku m i i z a k ay a B a r

826 J St.; (916) 228-4095; takumibar.com

3. chando’s cantina

805 15th St.; (916) 400-3929; chandoscantina.com

Best new restaurant 1 . u r B a n r o ot s

1322 V St.; (916) 706-3741; urbanrootsbrewing.com 2. wedashii

1841 Howe Ave., Suite B; (916) 571-5595; wedashii.com

34   |   SN&R   |   09.27.18

Best pho

1. Pe tra greek

2. osaka-ya

B R E A K FA S T, L U N C H & D I N N E R

1401 28th St.; (916) 457-5737; paragarysmidtown.com

3110 Bradshaw Road; (916) 331-3888; phobachoaviet.com

Best mexIcan food

4960 Freeprt Blvd.; (916) 731-8288; akebonojapaneserestaurant. com


3 . P a r ag a r y ’ s

Best medIterranean/ mIddle eastern eats

various locations; paesanos.biz

3 . a l lo r a

1050 20th St.; (916) 706-2636; lowbrausacramento.com

1 . P h o B ac h o a v i e t

1. Paesanos

$2 O F F

2 . low B r au

3. canon

1719 34th St.; (916) 469-2433; canoneastsac.com

Best pIzza placer county 1. camPelli’s Pizza

7480 Foothills Blvd. in Roseville; (916) 784-8440; campellispizza.com 2 . i l P i z z a i o lo

3640 Taylor Road in Loomis; (916) 672-6556; 230 S. Auburn St., Colfax; (530) 388-8412; ilpizzaiolowoodfiredpizza.com 3 . o l d t ow n P i z z a

various locations; otpizza.net

readers’ picks Best pizza sac 1. Pizza Rock

1020 K St.; (916) 737-5777; pizzarocksacramento.com 2. oneSPeed

4818 Folsom Blvd.; (916) 706-1748; onespeedpizza.com 3 . c h i c ag o F i R e

various locations; (916) 443-0440; chicagofire.com

Best place for meat-free eats

Best place to watch sports

1 . M ot h e R

1. FiReStone PuBlic houSe

1023 K St.; (916) 594-9812; mothersacramento.com 2 . S u n F loW e R d R i V e i n

10344 Fair Oaks Boulevard in Fair Oaks; (916) 967-4331 3 . andy nguyen’S Vege taRian ReStauRant

2007 Broadway; (916) 736-1157

Best pizza Yolo countY 1 . V i l l ag e P i z z a & g R i l l

Best place for something sweet

403 G St. in Davis; (530) 750-0100; villagepizzagrill.biz

1. Rick’S deSSeRt dineR

2. Manny’S Pizza

2401 J St.; (916) 444-0969; ricksdessertdiner.com

638 Cottonwood St. in Woodland; (530) 723-5577; mannyspizzawoodland.com 3 . Sy M P o S i u M R e S t au R a n t & Pizza houSe

continued on pg 36

2. gingeR elizaBe th c h o c o l at e S

1132 16th St.; (916) 446-0888; publichousedowntown.net 2. de VeRe’S iRiSh PuB

1521 L St.; (916) 231-9947; 217 E St., Davis; (530) 204-5533; deverespub.com 3. Pizza Rock

1020 K St.; (916) 737-5777; pizzarocksacramento.com

Best poke 1 . F i S h F ac e P o k e B a R

1104 R St., Suite 100; (916) 706-0605; fishfacepokebar.com 2. Poke Fix

1801 L St., Suite 60; (916) 706-1738; gingerelizabeth.com

3880 Truxel Road, Suite 200; (916) 333-4366; thepokefix.com

3. FReePoRt BakeRy

3. Poke noke

1620 E. Eighth St. in Davis; (530) 756-3850; symposiumpizza.com

2966 Freeport Blvd.; (916) 442-4256; freeportbakery.com

2254 Fair Oaks Blvd.; (916) 568-9811; pokenoke.com

Best place for Breakfast

Best place to get a Beer

Best ramen

1 . B ac o n & B u t t e R

1 . t R ac k 7 B R e W i n g coMPany

5913 Broadway; (916) 346-4445; baconandbuttersac.com 2. the WaFFle exPeRience

various locations; thewaffleexperience.com

3747 W. Pacific Ave., Suite F; 826 Professor Lane, Suite 100; (916) 520-4677; track7brewing.com 2 . ku P R o S c R a F t h o u S e

3. haRRy’S caFe

1217 21st St.; (916) 440-0401; kuproscrafthouse.com

2026 16th St.; (916) 448-0088

3 . loW B R au

Best place for latenight eats 1 . i n k e at S & d R i n k S

2730 N St.; (916) 456-2800; inkeats.com 2. BuRgeRS and BReW

various locations; burgersbrew.com 3. uncle Vito’S S l i c e o F n .y .

various locations; unclevito.com

1. RaMen houSe Raijin

1831 S St.; (916) 341-0488; ryujinramen.com 2. Shoki RaMen houSe

1201 R St.; (916) 441-0011; shokiramenhouse.com

Thai Food & gluten free options



Thank yoU for voTing for US

10 beers on tap Happy Hour 4:30-6pm $3 beers, wine & appetizers 1110 T ST. SacramenTo, ca 95811 | 916-822-4665

check yelp for daily $2 beer SpecialS

3. kanSai RaMen & SuShi houSe

2992 65th St., Suite 288; (916) 455-0288; kansairamensushi.com

drunken noodle

Best place to sip wine

Best restaurant elk grove

Thai Food & Gluten Free Options

1. old SugaR Mill

1. BouleVaRd BiStRo

35265 Willow Ave. in Clarksburg; (916) 744-1615; oldsugarmill.com

8941 Elk Grove Blvd. In Elk Grove; (916) 685-2220; blvdbistro.com

1050 20th St.; (916) 706-2636; lowbrausacramento.com

2. 58 degReeS & holding co.

2. Pla za del Sol

1217 18th St.; (916) 442-5858; 58degrees.com

8523 Elk Grove Blvd. In Elk Grove; (916) 686-1550

2. the Rind

3. Sheldon inn R e S t au R a n t & B a R

1801 L St., Suite 40; (916) 4417463; therindsacramento.com 3. aMadoR Wine countRy


on t

9000 Grant Line Road in Elk Grove; (916) 686-8330; silvassheldoninn.com


Powered by The Coconut

$2 BEEr Daily happy hour 4:30-6pm • $3 beers, wine & appetizers 2502 J St. Sacramento, CA • 916.447.1855 Check Yelp for Daily $2 Beer Specials 09.27.18    |   SN&R   |   35


Mediterranean Cuisine Made with Local Cage-Free Chicken and Halal Meat • Many Vegetarian & Vegan Options to Choose From

Food & drink Best restaurant Placer county 1 . N i x t ac o

1805 Cirby Way, Suite 12 in Roseville; (916) 771-4165; nixta.co

• Customizable Plates & Wraps • Separate Oven Fryer for Falafels

2. carpe ViNo

• Homemade from Scratch

1568 Lincoln Way in Auburn; (530) 823-0320; carpevinoauburn.com 3. Kabab Hut

6661 Stanford Ranch Road, Suite J in Rocklin; (916) 315-3315

$5 OFF

3. tHe reD rabbit KitcHeN & bar

2718 J St.; (916) 706-2275; theredrabbit.net

Best sPot for sandwiches

Best restaurant sac 1. tHe KitcHeN r e s t au r a N t

2225 Hurley Way; (916) 568-7171; thekitchenrestaurant.com

Open Tues-Sun 11am-9pm

2 . t H e W at e r b oy

www.fnsplanet.com / 916-272-2939 4220 Florin Rd., STE K, Sacramento, CA 95823

2000 Capitol Ave.; (916) 4989891; waterboyrestaurant.com 3 . Lo c a L i s

Start your journey here

2031 S St.; (916) 737-7699; localissacramento.com

5810 Folsom Blvd.; (916) 7363802; cortibrothers.com

Best taco Placer county

2 . t H e s a N DW i c H s p ot

1 . N i x t ac o

various locations; thesandwichspot.com

1805 Cirby Way, Suite 12 in Roseville; (916) 771-4165; nixta.co

Best steakhouse 1. rutH’s cHris steaK House

501 Pavilions Lane; (916) 2862702; 1185 Galleria Blvd., Suite P-120 in the Westfield Galleria at Roseville; (916) 780-6910; ruthschris.com

2 . t ac o t r e e

180 Oakwood Dr. in Auburn; (530) 823-0969; 3995 Grass Valley Highway in Auburn; (530) 889-8206 3. meZcaLito o a x ac a N c u i s i N e

5065 Pacific St. in Rocklin; (916) 701-4772; mezcalitocuisine.com

Best taco yolo county

1112 Second St.; (916) 442-4772; firehouseoldsac.com

various locations; tgtacos.com

1. seasoNs

3. mortoN’s tHe steaKHouse

3 . o s t e r i a F a s u Lo

2657 Portage Bay East, Suite 8 in Davis; (530) 758-1324; osteriafasulo.com

Best sPot for haPPy hour 1. eLLa DiNiNg room & bar

1131 K St.; (916) 443-3772; elladiningroomandbar.com 2 . s H a Dy L a Dy s a Lo o N

36   |   SN&R   |   09.27.18

1310 S St.; (916) 448-3237; dadssandwiches.com

Best restaurant yolo county

132 E St., Suite 100 in Davis; (530) 753-0154; zentorosushi.com

1409 R St.; (916) 231-9121; shadyladybar.com Thank You for Voting for us!

various locations; supertacomex.com

1 . t aq u e r i a g u a D a L aJ a r a

2. ZeN toro JapaNese bistro

7 4 1 9 L a g u n a B Lv d . # 1 8 0

3 . s u p e r t ac o m e x i c a N r e s t au r a N t

2. tHe FireHouse r e s t au r a N t

102 F St. in Davis; (530) 750-1801; seasonsdavis.com


8451 Elk Grove Blvd., Suite 10; (916) 627-1339; flakostakos.com

1 . c o r t i b r ot H e r s

3 . D a D ’ s s a N DW i c H e s

$20 with th is ad

2 . F L a Ko ’ s t a Ko s

621 Capitol Mall; (916) 442-5091; mortons.com

Best sushi 1. WeDasHii

1841 Howe Ave., Suite B; (916) 571-5595; wedashii.com

2 . t aq u e r i a D aV i s

505 1/2 L St. in Davis; (530) 758-8453; taqueriadavis.com 3 . s t r e e t c r aV i N g s (FooD trucK)


Best taco sac 1 . c H a N D o ’ s t ac o s

2. Kru

various locations; chandostacos.com

3135 Folsom Blvd.; (916) 5511559; krurestaurant.com

2 . J i m b oy ’ s t ac o s

3 . Lo u ’ s s u s H i

various locations; jimboystacos.com

2801 P St.; (916) 451-4700; lousushi.com

2 . m i Dt oW N ’ s caNtiNa aLLey

Best taco elk Grove

2320 Jazz Alley; (833) 232-0639; cantinaalley.com

1 . L a F aV o r i t a t aq u e r i a

3 . t aq u e r i a m ay a

8924 Elk Grove Blvd. in Elk Grove; (916) 226-2707; lafavoritataqueria.com

2700 Broadway; (916) 457-7208; mayastaqueria.com 3 . t aq u e r i a J a L i s c o

330 16th St.; (916) 446-4834; facebook.com/taqueriajaliscos

readers’ picks Best taproom/ Bottle shop 1. Pangaea Bier Cafe

2743 Franklin Blvd.; (916) 454-4942; pangaeabiercafe.com

2 . P o r t o B e l lo fries, eCHo & rig

500 NW J St., Suite 150; (916) 619-8939; echoandrig.com

2 . f i e l dw o r k Brewing Co.

2 . V e g a n B u f f a lo , B u f f a lo P i z z a ; B u f f a lo P i z z a & iCe CreaM Co.

1805 Capitol Ave.; (916) 3298367; fieldworkbrewing. com

2600 21st St.; (916) 451-6555; buffalobreakfastpizza.com

3 . ku P r o s C r a f t House

3. Mysore Masala d o s a , k aV e r i Madras Cuisine

1217 21st St.; (916) 4400401; kuproscrafthouse. com

1148 Fulton Ave.; (916) 481-9970

Best thai

Best vegan fine dining

1. tHe CoConut on t

1110 T St.; (916) 822-4665; thecoconutthai.com 2. tHai Basil

2431 J St.; (916) 442-7690; thaibasilrestaurant.com 3. tHai Canteen

1 . a n dy n g u y e n ’ s Vege tarian r e s t au r a n t

2007 Broadway; (916) 736-1157 2 . e l P a P ag ay o r e s t au r a n t

1501 16th St.; (916) 3829196; canteensac.com

5804 Marconi Ave. in Carmichael; (916) 487-7742; elpapagayocarmichael. com

Best vegan Bargain dining

2. Veg Cafe & Bar

1 . M ot H e r

1023 K St.; (916) 594-9812; mothersacramento.com 2. anna’s Vegan Cafe

3500 Stockton Blvd.; (916) 451-6842; annavegancafe. com 3. noBle Vege tarian

2431 J St., second floor; (916) 448-8768; vegmidtown.com 3. Cantina a zteCa

6400 Fair Oaks Blvd. In Carmichael; (916) 993-8411; reyaztecabreakfast.com

Best wine list

5049 College Oak Dr., Suite A; (916) 334-6060; noblevegan.com

1. grange r e s t au r a n t & B a r

Best vegan dish in non-vegan resto

2 . a l lo r a

926 J St.; (916) 492-4450; grangesacramento.com

1 . C a r r ot n u t B u r g e r , M ot H e r

5215 Folsom Blvd.; (916) 538-6434; allorasacramento.com

1023 K St.; (916) 594-9812; mothersacramento.com

3 . H aw k s r e s t au r a n t

5530 Douglas Blvd. in Granite Bay; (916) 7916200; hawksrestaurant. com

Best Bartender 1. karina Martinez, tHe golden Bear/ tHe red raBBit kitCHen & Bar

2324 K St.; (916) 441-2242; goldenbear916.com; 2718 J St.; (916) 706-2275; theredrabbit.net 2. art rodriguez, old ironsides

1901 10th St.; (916) 4423504; theoldironsides.com 3 . J aC k w i n k s , C a n o n

You should be

getting it once a week.

1719 34th St.; (916) 4692433; canoneastsac.com

Best chef 1 . P at r i C k M u lV a n e y , M u lV a n e y ’ s B & l

1215 19th St.; (916) 441-1771; mulvaneysbl.com 2. n’gina and ian k aV o o k J i a n , soutH

2005 11th St.; (916) 3829722; weheartfriedchicken. com 3. CHris BarnuMd a n n , lo C a l i s

2031 S St.; (916) 737-7699; localissacramento.com

Best pastry chef 1. lisa deBernardi, t H e w at e r B oy

2000 Capitol Ave.; (916) 498-9891; waterboyrestaurant.com 2. kira o’donnell BaBiCH, real Pie CoMPany

2425 24th St.; (916) 8384007; realpiecompany.com 3 . k a r i H aw l e y , tHe PorCH r e s t au r a n t & B a r

Sacramento’S newS and entertainment weekly. on StandS every thurSday.

1815 K St.; (916) 444-2423;

if you have a buSineSS and would like to carry the paper for free, call GreG at 916.498.1234, ext. 1317 or email GreGe@newSreview.com

n e w S r e v i e w. c o m

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Empower Others Volunteer

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shopping & services

writers’ picks

continued on pg 43

best nursery

with a purpose T h e P r i c k ly P e a r by S t e p h a n i e S t i av e t t i

SacramenTo SucculenT loverS who gaTher under The #SacSuccS haShTag on inSTagram have found a PerfecT Place To gaTher in PerSon aS well: The Prickly Pear. Nestled along a quiet

Mona Bahraini’s backyard succulent nursery celebrates plants and people. photos by stephanie stiavetti

Mona Bahraini, N’Gina Kavoojian, Rebecca Lujan Loveless and Alaina Gallenti with their newly potted succulents during a Pot & Sip session at The Prickly Pear.

street in Oak Park, Mona Bahraini’s tiny succulent nursery focuses not only on selling succulents, but also bringing people together for “Pot & Sips,” group potting sessions in which folks chat while enjoying their favorite beverages. Bahraini’s events have become a favorite of bachelorette parties, group date nights and team-building workshops. A self-proclaimed “earth muffin,” Bahraini knows that working with nature is healing. In fact, therapeutic is a good word to describe her warm little shop, located in the backyard of her home. Outfitted with a large potting table and a bright yet shaded greenhouse that’s lined with rows of cheerful succulents, you can’t help but experience a sense of calm here—and Bahraini’s open smile and easy demeanor seal the deal. Bahraini started The Prickly Pear after a 2017 accident left her disabled and unable to return to her dental hygienist job. She turned to her passion—plants and supporting people. Besides the Pot & Sips and open-house Sundays, where she opens her greenhouse to the public, Bahraini works with developmentally disabled adults to help them find joy and build skills through gardening. She also works with children from disadvantaged neighborhoods, including a program with Leataata Floyd Elementary School in Oak Park. “I wanted to start a nursery with purpose,” Bahraini said. “I work with the disabled because I truly believe nature has the ability to heal.” Gardening can be therapeutic, she added. “It’s also great for kids, because gardening teaches basic life skills and keeps you balanced. It can make you more conscious and mindful of your choices.” 3956 firST avenue; (480) 717-8452; ShoPThePricklyPear.com.

09.27.18    |   SN&R   |   41

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Contact us today at careers@lazboyhome.com 42   |   SN&R   |   09.27.18

All thAt’s


is yOu!

shopping & services

writers’ picks

continued on pg 45

The Cellar Door

Cellar Door cheesemonger Julie Cassotta makes your artisinal dairy dreams come true.

by S t e p h a n i e S t i av e t t i

photo by stephanie stiavetti

Best swoon-worthy

#cheesegoals platter

WiTh more Than 30 Cheesemakers loCaTeD WiThin a Three-hour Drive of saCramenTo, arTisan Cheese is a key parT of norThern California’s Culinary CulTure. Yet it’s not often one finds cheese plates

that transcend snack-status to verge on fine art. Cheesemonger Julie Cassotta is changing that. When Cassotta returned to Sacramento after running a Los Angeles-based cheese shop, along with stints at Block Butcher Bar and Whole Foods Market, she found exactly zero local shops that focused solely on cheese. What’s a woman with dairy dreams to do? She combined her passion with her artistic background to create Cellar Door, where she designs gorgeously curated cheese platters. Each of Cassotta’s creations begin with a foundational element: the platter upon which the cheese will sit. A former woodworker, she devotes a great deal of time to shopping for unique plateware in thrift stores, which the client gets to keep. Cassotta then begins composing layers of cheese, meat, nuts, fruits, vegetables and anything else that might heighten guests’ gustatory experience. Her primary goal? To surprise and delight. “I play with color and height so my platters look vibrant and bountiful from every angle,” Cassotta said. “Every time someone picks up a piece, I want them to uncover another layer. Like, ‘Oh! There are almonds under here!’” Cassotta, who delivers in Sacramento and Placer counties, creates platters of all sizes from minis for small gatherings to entire curated tables, where she fills a huge surface with a dizzying array of colorful foods. She also creates multilayered “cakes,” stacked cheese wheels decorated with fresh flowers to resemble wedding cakes. Besides being swept away by the beauty of her platters, customers also feel Cassotta’s infectious passion for cheese, with many following her adventures on Instagram. “The more I learn about it, the more I love it,” she said. “There’s always something new to explore, a thousand kinds I’ve never tried.” CellarDoorplaTTers.Com.

BesT posT- laDy BirD ThrifT sTore

BesT high fashion for a Broke BuDgeT

the thrift Store

f r e e S t y l e C lot h i n g e x C h a n g e

As Greta Gerwig’s Lady Bird pulled at many Sacramentans’ heartstrings last fall with its scenes of familiar landmarks and eateries, and that one crucial mother-daughter moment filmed inside Thrift Town (the El Camino Avenue location), one thing was bound to happen: That particular thrift store became quite busy. So busy that I went in search of new, secondhand treasure-hunting adventures. Luckily, I found a new spot. The appropriately named Thrift Store is a thrifter’s dream. Its aisles are well curated. Its clothing racks are aptly labeled by size. And it’s full of the best kitschy home décor just waiting to add that touch of odd to your humble abode. Just don’t tell anyone. 6606 fruiTriDge

Freestyle Clothing Exchange makes it easy to dress to impress and not break the bank. Freestyle, a gender-neutral shop focused on recycled goods, also makes it easy for you to clean out your closet—sell or trade in your in-season clothes. Freestyle’s racks are packed with stylish offerings. If you’re not quite sure what you want, book a free appointment with a stylist to help you decide. mulTiple loCaTions, freesTyleCloThing.Com.


BesT plaCe To meDiTaTe your Way To gooD aBs Zuda yoga

A class at Zuda Yoga makes for a fiery, full body workout that’s mixed with an ongoing, mental meditation. Power vinyasa flow classes are challenging but never overboard, centering but never boring. Zuda is about more than just flowing hard and sweating your feelings out. It’s a place to gather and radiate positive energy with one another. Not only will you see physical results from the power you build in classes here, but feel mental change in your approach to day-to-day life. 1515 19Th sTreeT; (916) 441-1267; zuDayoga.Com. Mpe

roaD; (916) 383-3651; faCeBook.Com/ThrifT sToresaCramenTo . S.r.

09.27.18    |   SN&R   |   43

44   |   SN&R   |   09.27.18

shopping & services writers’ picks

continued on pg 48

Best simple BarBer experience La RivieRa BaRBeR Shop

Travis Gassaway has a quiet demeanor, but like many barbers, he enjoys a good conversation while he’s providing a topnotch haircut. The La Riviera name remains from several years ago when the establishment was located in a remote location on its namesake street. Now in East Sacramento for several years, the shop is simple. The waiting area has several directors’ chairs, a floor heater and stacks of magazines. Progressive rock ’n’ roll is often the music of choice. Tell Travis what you want and a precision, never-rushed haircut is what you’ll get for $16. It’s a few dollars more for extras like beard trimming, shampoos, etc. The good banter is free. 6313 Folsom Boulevard; (916) 362-4823.


La Riviera Barber Shop barber Travis Gassaway (right) offers a deft touch and a good chat. photo by adam emilio

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46   |   SN&R   |   09.27.18

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shopping & services writers’ picks

continued on pg 51

Best sportswear fit for a king All Good

Last winter, 2024 presidential frontrunner LeBron James netted a game-winning jumper in New York City. In the postgame media scrum, James wore an “All Good Never Better” hat, made by a Sacramento-based apparel brand of the same name. Hours later, founder Jason Maggio said his website had sold out of the black cap James wore. Characterized by blocky patterns, bright colors and an outdoorsy utility, All Good captures the down-to-earth hipness that’s made Sacramento an up-and-coming metropolis. Want some threads fit for the King? Check out their new flagship store in the Ice Blocks. 1715 r street, suite 150; (916) 376-7641; allgxxd.com.




Best place to Build strong community Fitness RAnGeRs

Fitness Rangers classes are led by trainers who encourage, challenge and commit to caring about personal improvement and fitness goals—all while holding safety as a No. 1 priority. The gym is beloved by many for its boot camp class, a fullbody workout that’s completed in under an hour. Other classes include indoor cycling and the Barbell Academy, a class that teaches weightlifting methods to develop strength and improve overall health. Check out this spot for its welcoming atmosphere and state-of-the-art equipment, stay for the strong community it builds. 1717 34th street; (916) 739-1100; fitnessrangers.net.


Best place to geek out oblivion CoMiC s & CoFFee

Comic books? Coffee? Oblivion Comics & Coffee has both. Named after the bar in the DC Universe where villains and heroes can co-exist and enjoy a beer together, this place has everything your nerdy heart desires. Oblivion opened its portal to downtown Sacramento when the owners Laura Benson and Neil Estaris won the 2016 Calling All Dreamers competition—Sacramento’s version of TV’s Shark Tank. Sip on espresso drinks such as the Latte of Truth (caramel, white chocolate, steamed milk and espresso, topped with a cinnamon Wonder Woman design) and nosh on snacks like the Winter Is Coming toast (country French bread with a cream cheese, Oreos and a chocolate drizzle). Oh, and, of course, there are comics. Lots and lots of comics. 1020 11th street; (916) 329-8839; oBlivioncomics.com. AHs

48   |   SN&R   |   09.27.18

09.27.18    |   SN&R   |   49

building a

HealtHy S a c r a m e n t o

‘Parallel’ School Board Reflects on 10 years of advocacy for Black Students by Edgar SanchEz During a recent school board meeting in Sacramento, 40 parents, educators, and local activists discussed various issues in a former classroom, including schools’ relationships with school resource officers.

District (SCUSD), along the way building a collaborative relationship with the district and earning the support of The California Endowment.

One parent expressed the frustration many parents feel about the disproportionate suspension rates for African American students, particularly boys, in local schools.

“We decided We needed an entity that Would Work on education issues.”

“Things that used to be a beef between two students are now a crime,” the parent claimed. This conversation was not before the regular school board, but at the monthly meeting of the Black Parallel School Board (BPSB), a volunteer organization that promotes black student achievement. On Saturday, Nov. 3, the BPSB will celebrate its 10th anniversary of doing good for African American youth with a noon luncheon at 4625 44th St., Sacramento. “It doesn’t seem like it’s been 10 years,” said Faye Wilson Kennedy, a founding BPSB member and its current vice chair, recalling BPSB’s beginnings in 2008. Then as now, the BPSB was critically needed, said Kennedy, a retired early childhood educator who was with the Sacramento Area Black Caucus before BPSB was created. “Parents would come to the Caucus with issues about their children’s education,” she said. “We would try to assist them. We decided we needed an entity that would work on education issues.” From the get-go, the BPSB has monitored the Sacramento City Unified School

darryl White Founding bPSb member and current Vice chair

“BPSB is one of the district’s most committed stakeholders,” SCUSD spokesman Alex Barrios said. “We look forward to continuing to receive BPSB’s perspective” to improve academic outcomes for all students. Luther Burbank High Principal Jim Peterson is an active participant at BPSB meetings. “Twenty-three percent of my school is African American, so I believe it’s important to openly communicate with and be in partnership with organizations like BPSB,” he said. BPSB board members said the group has created representation for black voices and elevated the conversation around inequities in our school system — inequities that are starting to be addressed both in the school district and on a larger scale. On August 31, the California Legislature approved SB 607, a measure that would protect many students from being suspended for willful defiance. Under willful defiance,

Faye Wilson Kennedy, a founding BPSB member and its current vice chair, shows pro-education booklets she distributes to parents. “It’s never too early to start talking to your child about college,” she said. Photo by Edgar Sanchez

students have been suspended for minor infractions such as refusing to remove a hat. BPSB was in a coalition that supported SB 607, introduced by Senator Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley). The bill now awaits the Governor’s signature. Locally, the BPSB and the Sac City Unified Board will continue to work together to effect more positive change. “Things are changing for the better because we are developing a good relationship with the new school administration, with the teachers and the parents,” Kennedy said.

In 2010, The California Endowment launched a 10-year, $1 billion plan to improve the health of 14 challenged communities across the state. Over the 10 years, residents, communitybased organizations and public institutions will work together to address the socioeconomic and environmental challenges contributing to the poor health of their communities.

Your zIP code shouldn’t predict how long you’ll live – but it does. Staying healthy requires much more than doctors and diets. Every day, our surroundings and activities affect how long – and how well – we’ll live.

For more info about bPSb’s 10th anniversary celebration:

Health Happens in Neighborhoods. Health Happens in Schools. Health Happens with Prevention.

Call 916-484-3729 or e-mail info@ blackparallelschoolboard.com

paid with a grant from the california endowment

50   |   SN&R   |   09.27.18



Your Downtown Service Shop

shopping & services readers’ picks

continued on pg 55

shopping & services




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S N&R R e a d e RS e l e c t t h e i R top SpotS to Shop aNd Style up BeSt SommelieR

BeSt Boutique

1. Mario ortiz, the F i r e h o u s e r e s t au r a n t

1 . F r e e s t y l e C lot h i n g exChange

1112 Second St.; (916) 442-4772; firehouseoldsac.com

various locations; freestyleclothing.com

2. elizabe th-rose M a n d a lo u , a l lo r a

2. strapping

5215 Folsom Blvd.; (916) 5386434; allorasacramento.com 3 . C o r t i b r ot h e r s

5810 Folsom Blvd.; (916) 7363802; cortibrothers.com 3. leon Moore, Canon

1719 34th St.; (916) 469-2433; canoneastsac.com 3. heringer Winery

3405 Broadway; (916) 476-3376; strappingsacramento.com 2. old gold

1104 R St., Suite 110; (916) 329-8569; shopoldgold.com 3. Kra zy Mary’s boutique

1. l’aMour shoppe

2531 Broadway; (916) 736-3467 2. Kiss n tell

3 . g - s p ot

BeSt place to Buy SupplieS foR youR aNimal fRieNdS

2 . p ot t e r y W o r l d

1. inCredible pe ts

4419 Granite Drive in Rocklin; (916) 624-808; 1006 White Rock Road in El Dorado Hills; (916) 358-8788; potteryworld.com

various locations; incredpets.com

3 . lu M e n s

2028 K St.; (916) 444-5585; lumens.com

3. Fade Masters

497 El Camino Ave.; (916) 6962886; fademasters916.com

BeSt place to Buy Sexy-time Stuff

2007 J St.; (916) 441-3200

BeSt BaRBeRShop

2408 21st St.; (916) 457-1120; sacramentobarbershop.com

5601 Folsom Blvd.; (916) 4518150; talinisnursery.com

BeSt home fuRNiShiNgS 1215 18th St.; (916) 594-7971; scoutliving.com

2. anthony’s barber shop

3. talini’s nursery

2401 Arden Way, Suite A; (916) 920-5477; kissntellstore.com

1. sCout living

1017 24th St.; (916) 662-7695; jimmysbarbergarage.com

W and Eighth streets; california-grown.com

3230 Folsom Blvd.; (916) 442-6279; facebook.com/ krazymarysboutique

35265 Willow Ave., Suite 203, Clarksburg; (916) 744-1919; heringerestates.com

1. JiMMy’s barber g a r ag e

2 . s aC r a M e n t o C e n t r a l FarMers MarKe t

2. Western Feed & p e t s u p p ly

various locations; westernfeedonline.com 3 . p e t s u p p l i e s p lu s

BeSt place foR plaNtS aNd floweRS

2018 Sutterville Road, Suite 112; (916) 452-9738; petsuppliesplus.com

1 . g r e e n aC r e s n u r s e r y & s u p p ly

3. land barK pe t supplies

various locations; idiggreenacres.com

3200 Riverside Blvd.; (916) 4488020; landbarkpetsupplies.com

09.27.18    |   SN&R   |   51

52   |   SN&R   |   09.27.18

09.27.18    |   SN&R   |   53

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54   |   SN&R   |   09.27.18

shopping & services

Inexpensive alternative to high legal fees!

readers’ picks

Best place to Buy vintage 1. Eco ThrifT

7224 55th St.; (916) 254-5730; 7305 Greenback Lane in Citrus Heights; (916) 729-8474; ecothrift.com 2 . f r E E s T y l E c loT h i n g ExchangE

various locations; freestyleclothing.com 3 . T h r i f T T ow n

various locations; thrifttown.com

Best place to get a Bike 1. MikE’s BikEs

1411 I St.; (916) 446-2453; 705 Gold Lake Drive, Suite 320 in Folsom; (916) 355-8901; mikesbikes.com 2 . s ac r a M E n T o BicyclE kiTchEn

1915 I St.; (916) 442-3177; sacbikekitchen.org 3. suTTErvillE BicyclE coMpany

2365 Sutterville Bypass; (916) 737-7537; suttervillebicycle.com

Best place to get a piercing 1 . E M E r a l d T aT T o o & piErcing

9410 Elk Grove Florin Road in Elk Grove; (916) 897-8781; emeraldtattoo.com 2 . T h E E x oT i c B o dy

807 30th St.; (916) 447-6824; facebook.com/TheExoticBody 3. aMErican graffi Ti T aT T o o & p i E r c i n g

608 12th St.; (916) 443-7778; facebook.com/americangraffiti tattoosacramento

Best place to get pampered 1 . M E l low M E o u T d ay s p a

3421 Arden Way; (916) 482-2772; mellowmeout.com

2 . h o s h a l l ’ s s a lo n & s p a

6608 Folsom-Auburn Road, Suite 4 in Folsom; (916) 987-1995; hoshallsfolsom.com 3. slEEk wax Bar

1050 20th St., Suite 170; (916) 256-2991; sleekwaxbar.com

Best place to get your hair done 1 . T h E c o lo u r B a r

5539 H St.; (916) 583-8574; 2314 K St.; (916) 583-8785; thecolourbar.me 2 . E v E r g r E E n s a lo n and spa

2847 35th St.; (916) 917-5676; evergreensalonandspa.com 3 . J i M M y ’ s B a r B E r g a r ag E

1017 24th St.; (916) 662-7695; jimmysbarbergarage.com 3 . h o s h a l l ’ s s a lo n & s p a

6608 Folsom-Auburn Road, Suite 4 in Folsom; (916) 987-1995; hoshallsfolsom.com

Best place to put a ring on it

3. MEdiuMrarE/ kicksvillE: a vinyl & v i n T ag E c o l l E c T i v E

1104 R St., Suite 140; (916) 442-5344; (916) 706-0536; kicksvilleshop.com

Best strip cluB 11363 Folsom Blvd. in Rancho Cordova; (916) 858-0444; goldclubcenterfolds.com 2 . d é J à v u s h ow g i r l s

11252 Trade Center Drive in Rancho Cordova; (916) 853-2202 dejavusacramento.com 3 . p u r E g o l d s h ow g i r l s

3000 Sunrise Blvd. in Rancho Cordova; (916) 631-3520; puregoldshowgirls.com

2737 Riverside Blvd.; (916) 760-7461; reclamareart.com

License # 286171

Best vape shop

935 Front St. in Old Sacramento; skaletjewelers.com

1 . y o M o M M a s f av o r i T E v a p E s h o p ( f o r M E r ly planE T of ThE vapEs)

Best record store

various locations; yomommas favoritevapeshop.com

1715 10th St.; 916-822-4096; facebook.com/deltabreeze records

916.489.2730 sealtightroofing.net

2 . v i c T o r y i n k T aT T o o

4393 Arden Way; (916) 973-1699; scurtisfinejewelry.com

2 . d E lT a B r E E z E r E c o r d s

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9410 Elk Grove Florin Road in Elk Grove; (916) 897-8781; emeraldtattoo.com

3 . r E c l a M a r E T aT T o o

various locations; dimple.com

(916) 581-1178 info@sacezlegal.com

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Best tattoo shop

2. s. curTis finE JEwElry

1. diMplE rEcords

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1 . E M E r a l d T aT T o o & piErcing

various locations; sharifjewelers.com

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1 . g o l d c lu B c E n T E r f o l d s

1001 Jefferson Blvd., Suite 900 in West Sacramento; (916) 502-6682; facebook.com/ victoryinktattoo

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2 . v a p E B ox

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09.27.18    |   SN&R   |   55

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Tickets available at all Dimple Records, and www.aceofspadessac.com 56   |   SN&R   |   09.27.18

BORNS SOLD OUT! Tech N9ne The Devil Makes Three Beartooth – The Disease Tour Stryper Andy Grammer 30H!3 & Emo Nite The Struts SOLD OUT! G HERBO Colt Ford Lil Xan – Total Xanarchy River City Chili Cook Off Municipal Waste & High on Fire The Dan Band - Holiday Show Silverstein – When Broken Is Easily Fixed

arts & entertainment writers’ picks

continued on pg 59

The Jan Shrem and Maria Manetti Museum of Art showcases proactive, dynamic art—for free. photo by shoka

best awesome

free art show by Ja n e l l e b i t k e r

jan ShreM and Maria Manetti S h r e M M u S e u M o f a rt When the Manetti ShreM MuSeuM of art opened in noveMber 2016, the firSt Major exhibition WaS very daviS-focuSed: a dozen artiStS Who Were once uc daviS faculty. There

was also a video piece showcasing the relationship between students and animals on the UC Davis campus, and a smaller exhibit detailed the design of the on-campus museum itself. While it was thoroughly exciting to have a new art center open in the area, it wasn’t immediately clear how the museum’s artistic vision would grow from there. Almost two years later, we have a much better idea: The Manetti Shrem is awesome. Founding director Rachel Teagle has curated a number of visually arresting, politically charged and culturally relevant shows. A recent exhibit, You Broke the Ocean in Half to Be Here, hosted San Diego artist Andrea Chung’s collages, prints, video and more that all investigated the histories of

Caribbean islands—specifically the colonization and racism that broke apart communities. And last year, Dimensions of Black featured more than 30 works by myriad black American artists from the past three decades, including Dread Scott’s 2007 flag that reads “A Man Was Lynched by Police Yesterday.” Repeatedly, Teagle has proven she’s not shy about confronting current realities. Added bonuses: The docents are helpful, there are often interactive elements, and the striking architecture of the space is worth a visit alone. But the best part is that it’s free to visit for everyone, every day that it’s open. We’re all for Sacramento’s galleries and art walks, but only 15 minutes away is a regional treasure built on the belief that art should be a public good—and that’s pretty special. 254 old daviS road in daviS, (530) 752-8500, ManettiShreMMuSeuM.ucdaviS.edu.

09.27.18    |   SN&R   |   57

58   |   SN&R   |   09.27.18

arts & entertainment

writers’ picks

Best new music venue in a Beloved old space

Best way to get lost in halls of art

H o ly D i v e r

The metal community was understandably devastated when Starlite Lounge closed and Holy Diver went in its place. (And the electronic dance music community was understandably peeved when Starlite took the place of the Townhouse. So it goes.) But Sacramento desperately needed a venue like Holy Diver, an allages, small-but-not-coffee-shop-small space inviting to both touring acts and local bands across a range of genres. The music sounds better than ever, thanks to upgrades by owners Bret Bair and Eric Rushing, former Ace of Spades owners who also run Goldfield Trading Post. And they still book a lot of metal. 1517 21st street; h o lyd ivers a c.c om. J.B.

continued on pg 61

J a z z N i g H t at t H e C r o C k e r

Artist Lin Fei Fei recently gave Holy Diver a dark makeover fit for a music venue that regularly toasts to the metal gods. photo by nicole fowler

A light liquor buzz, a fine art maze and a muffled score of the region’s best jazz bands feeling it out in the courtyard; that’s a winning combination to lose your way for a few hours, possibly every summer at the Crocker Art Museum—you’ll have to wait for it to return next May, however. Jazz Night at the Crocker, which happens every fourth Thursday through August, features two 45-minute jazz sets a night. There’s buyable dinner at the café, too, but the best part: the museum, all three of its floors, is open after-hours. Sit yourself in the courtyard and ride out the music, get up to dance, or wander, corridor through corridor, as interstellar jazz jams whisper to you. $8-$24; 216 o street; crockerart.org.


Best weird music pairing S aC r a M e N t o au D i o W a f f l e at t H e r e D M u S e u M

The tradition started at the first Norcal Noisefest. On the last morning of the weekend music festival, the palate of experimental racket blustering inside of the Guild Theater got its balance: a sodium-high meal of waffles and coffee for concertgoers. It’s where Lob Instagon got the idea for the “loudest breakfast in the Valley,” or the Sacramento Audio Waffle, which he started in 2006 and revived this year (Lob works at SN&R, by the way). On the third Sunday of every month, six noise artists, vegan waffles and coffee at Red Museum continue the tradition of cross-hatched pancakes and ear-aches going strong since 1995. It starts at noon, so sleep in and get there early. $8-$10 sliding scale; red museum, 212 15th street; norcalnoisfest.com/audiwaffle. M.z.

09.27.18    |   SN&R   |   59

60   |   SN&R   |   09.27.18

arts & entertainment writers’ picks

Best place for art from the Upside down Groundswell Ar t

In a city pulsing with artistic talent, abstract artist Micah Crandall-Bear and Seattle-based photographer John William Johnson aim to create even more. The pair collaborated on a Warehouse Artists Lofts show in 2015, and decided to keep the partnership going with Groundswell Art. The space opened earlier this year and in the months since, Crandall-Bear and Johnson have showcased brightly vibrant, thought-provoking and fun works. A recent exhibit, for example, was inspired by the Netflix hit series Stranger Things. 2508 J street; groUndswellart.com . AHs

Best place to contemplate sacramento’s changes r e v i v A l At t H e s Aw y e r

Whether it’s the gentrification of Oak Park or skyrocketing rents in Midtown, there are a lot of places in Sacramento to consider how the city is changing. What—if any—of these changes are beneficial for the greater community? Perhaps the most stark place to think such thoughts is Revival at The Sawyer, Sacramento’s first-ever rooftop pool, bar and lounge. Perched atop the boutique hotel, Revival overlooks the Golden 1 Center and the Downtown Commons—shiny behemoths that weren’t here all too long ago—with Las Vegas-style luxury cabanas, bottle service, deejays, oysters and a dress code. You might forget you’re in Sacramento at all. 500 J street; (877) 678-6255; sawyerhotel.com . J.B.

Best honoraBle mention H o B o J o H n s o n ’ s “ P e Ac H s c o n e ”

There was only one NPR Tiny Desk Concert winner this year, and it wasn’t Sac rapper Hobo Johnson. The cake went to Columbus, Georgia alternative guitarist-singer-virtuoso Naia Izumi, who scored the coveted performance in front of All Songs Considered host Bob Boilen’s office desk in Washington, D.C., an opportunity for rising indie musicians given every year. But what about Johnson, the Loomis-born sad-boi slam poet-slash-rapper and his band the LoveMakers? NPR did give “Peach Scone,” his uncut ode to unrequited love, a shout-out in a write-up of standout contest entries. The story also recognized the hype: “Peach Scone,” released in March, was an overnight success, gathering some 3 million Facebook views in under a week. Since then, the band and the man have sold out venues across the U.S. and Europe, performed at Outside Lands, got signed to a record label and became Sacramento’s latest claim to fame. And, happier ending: On September 12, NPR aired a Tiny Desk Concert with Johnson & the LoveMakers, where they performed four songs, including “Peach Scone” in front of Boilen’s table—or desk. Whatever. hoBoJohnson.com . M.Z.

Best watering hole for heshers B lu e l A M P

If you’re into the heavy metal headbanger underdogs: Pallbearer, Yob, Ruby the Hatchet and stoner/doom, the dirge lives on at Blue Lamp, where former Starlite Lounge show booker Chris Lemos has staged worth-it metal shows for the past year. There’s good beer to slosh and good crowds to mosh with. 1400 alhamBra BoUlevard, BlUelampsacramento.com.



GREEK festival More seating! Faster service! New layout! October 5-7, 2018

Greek Orthodox Church, 616 Alhambra Blvd.


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62   |   SN&R   |   09.27.18

arts & entertainment readers’ picks continued on pg 64

arts &

entertainment S N&R R e a d e RS S o u N d o f f o N t h e b e S t e N t e Rt a i N m e N t v e N u e S beSt all-ageS muSic veNue 1 . Ac e o f S p A d e S

1417 R St.; (916) 930-0220; aceofspadessac.com 2 . Lu n A ’ S c A f e & Juice BAr

1414 16th St.; (916) 441-3931; lunascafe.com 3. Shine

1400 E St.; (916) 551-1400; shinesacramento.com 3 . c A f e c o Lo n i A L / T h e c o Lo n y

beSt caSiNo/caRdRoom 1. Thunder vALLey cASino reSorT

1200 Athens Ave. in Lincoln; (877) 468-8777; thundervalley resort.com 2 . r e d h Aw k c A S i n o

1 Red Hawk Parkway in Placerville; (888) 573-3495; redhawkcasino.com 3. LimeLighT BAr & cAfe

1014 Alhambra Blvd.; (916) 4462236; limelightsac.com

beSt ciNema expeRieNce

3520 Stockton Blvd.; (916) 736-3520; facebook.com/ cafecolonialsacramento

1. cenTury Arden 14 And Xd

beSt bRewfeSt

1590 Ethan Way; (916) 922-4241; cinemark.com/theatre-1137

1. cApiToL Beer feST

2 . T h e T ow e r T h e AT r e

capitolbeerfest.com 2. cALiforniA BrewerS feSTivAL

2508 Land Park Dr.; (916) 4420985; readingcinemasus.com/ tower


3 . c r e S T T h e AT r e

3. cA crAfT Beer SummiT

1013 K St.; (916) 476-3356; crestsacramento.com

californiacraftbeer.com/ craft-beer-summit

09.27.18    |   SN&R   |   63

arts & entertainment Best comedy experience

2. oLd ironSideS

1 . S ac r a m e n t o c o m e dy S p ot

1901 10th St.; (916) 442-3504; theoldironsides.com

1050 20th St., Suite 130; (916) 444-3137; saccomedyspot.com 2 . p u n c h L i n e S ac r a m e n t o

2100 Arden Way; (916) 925-8500; punchlinesac.com 3 . L au g h S u n L i m i t e d

1207 Front St.; (916) 446-8128; laughsunlimited.com

Theater Creations

California Stage

Theater Creations

Theater Creations

Fridays & Sat at 8PM, Sun at 2PM October 19 to November 18 TICKETS: $15-20 • 916-451-5822


The play takes place in Hitler’s Berlin between 1934 and 1938. Meta Wolff, Germany’s most famous actress, is banned from the stage because she is a Jew. She attacks the only way she can: through her actor-husband, Oskar Weiss, whom she directs behind the scenes in a production of “Hamlet” to boldly satirize the Nazis.

The play takes place in Hitler’s Berlin between 1934 and 1938. Meta Wolff, Germany’s most famous actress, is banned from the stage because she is a Jew. She attacks the only way she can: through her actor-husband, Oskar Weiss, whom she directs behind the scenes in a production of “Hamlet” to boldly satirize the Nazis.

Fridays & Sat at 8PM, Sun at 2PM October 12 to November 11

Fridays & Sat at 8PM, Sun at 2PM October 12 to November 11

Fridays & Sat at 8PM, Sun at 2PM October 12 to November 11

supp rt


TICKETS: $15-20 • 916-451-5822

TICKETS: $15-20 • 916-451-5822

1928 L St.; (916) 447-792; facebook.com/themercantilesaloon

California Stage in the R25 Arts Complex

California Stage in the R25 Arts Complex

25th & R St, Midtown • Free parking • 916-451-5822

25th & R St, Midtown • Free parking • 916-451-5822

25th & R St, Midtown • Free parking • 916-451-5822


Donate to ’s InDepenDent JournalIsm FunD:

InDepenDentJournalIsmFunD.org 64   |   SN&R   |   09.27.18

3. BadLandS

2003 K St.; (916) 448-8790; sacbadlands.com

7997 California Ave., Fair Oaks; (916) 9663683; fairoakstheatrefestival.com

Best live music venue

3 . g r e e n v a L L e y t h e at r e c o m p a n y

1 . ac e o F S p a d e S

3823 V St.; greenvalleytheatre.com

1417 R St.; (916) 930-0220; aceofspadessac.com

Best dance spot

2 . h a r Low ’ S r e S t au r a n t & n i g h t c Lu B

1. BadLandS

2003 K St.; (916) 448-8790; sacbadlands.com 2 . t h e p r e S S c Lu B

2030 P St.; (916) 444-7914; facebook.com/thepressclub 3 . F ac e S

2000 K St.; (916) 448-7798; faces.net

Best independent gallery 723 S St.; (916) 400-4281; beatnik-studios.com 2. SoL coLLective

2574 21st St.; (916) 585-3136; solcollective.org

TICKETS: $15-20 • 916-451-5822

California Stage in the R25 Arts Complex

2000 K St.; (916) 448-7798; faces.net

1 . B i g i d e a t h e at r e

1 . B e at n i k S t u d i o S The play takes place in Hitler’s Berlin between 1934 and 1938. Meta Wolff, Germany’s most famous actress, is banned from the stage because she is a Jew. She attacks the only way she can: through her actor-husband, Oskar Weiss, whom she directs behind the scenes in a production of “Hamlet” to boldly satirize the Nazis.

Best lgBtQ cluB 1 . F ac e S

2 . m e r c a n t i L e S a Lo o n

2 . F a i r o a k S t h e at r e F e S t i v a L

California Stage

1017 Front St.; (916) 476-5206; skyktvlounge.com

Best community-theater group 1616 Del Paso Blvd.; (916) 960-3036; bigideatheatre.org

California Stage

3. Sky ktv

2708 J St.; (916) 441-4693; harlows.com 3 . t o r c h c Lu B

904 15th St.; (916) 443-2797; torchclub.net

Best museum 1. crocker art muSeum

216 O St.; (916) 808-7000; crockerart.org 2 . c a L i F o r n i a au t o m o B i L e m u S e u m

2200 Front St.; (916) 442-6802; calautomuseum.org 3 . c a L i F o r n i a S t at e raiLroad muSeum

125 I St.; (916) 323-9280; californiarailroad.museum

3. verge center For the artS

Best open-mic night

625 S St.; (916) 448-2985; vergeart.com

1 . Lu n a ’ S c a F e & J u i c e B a r

Best karaoke 1 . p i n e c ov e t av e r n

502 29th St.; (916) 446-3624; pinecovetavern.com

1414 16th St.; (916) 441-3931; lunascafe.com 2. Shine

1400 E St.; (916) 551-1400; shinesacramento.com 3. oLd ironSideS

1901 10th St.; (916) 442-3504; theoldironsides.com

readers’ picks Best performing arts center

Best professional theater company

1 . C r e s t t h e at r e

1 . B s t r e e t t h e at r e

1013 K St.; (916) 476-3356; crestsacramento.com

2700 Capitol Ave.; (916) 443-5300; bstreettheatre.org

2. Golden 1 Center

2 . B r o a dw ay at M U s i C C i r C U s

500 David J. Stern Walk; (888) 915-4647; golden1center.com

1419 H St.; (916) 557-1999; broadwaysacramento.com

3 . M o n d av i C e n t e r

3 . s aC r a M e n t o t h e at r e C o M P a n y

1 Shields Ave. in Davis; (530) 754-2787; mondaviarts.org

Best place to hear poetry

1419 H St.; (916) 443-6722; sactheatre.org

Best spot for pool

1 . P o e t r y U n P lU G G e d at lU n a ’ s C a f e & J U i C e B a r

1 . B lU e C U e

1414 16th St.; (916) 441-3931; lunascafe.com

1004 28th St.; (916) 441-6810; bluecue.com

2 . t h e s aC r a M e n t o Poe try Center

2. hard tiMes Billiards o f s aC r a M e n t o

1719 25th St.; (916) 240-1897; sacramentopoetrycenter.com

5536 Garfield Ave.; (916) 332-8793

3. MahoGany UrBan Poe try s e r i e s at Q U e e n s h e B a

1704 Broadway; mahoganypoetry.com

Best place to knock down pins 1 . C a P i t o l B ow l

900 West Capitol Ave. in West Sacramento; (916) 371-4200; capitol-bowl.com 2 . C o U n t r y C lU B l a n e s

2600 Watt Ave.; (916) 483-5105; countryclublanes.com 3. aMf land Park lanes

5850 Freeport Blvd.; (916) 421-3671; amf.com

3. Jointed CUe Billiards

2375 Fruitridge Road; (916) 456-3243 3 . h i l lt o P t av e r n

4757 Folsom Blvd.; (916) 456-2843; hilltoptavern.net

Best trivia night 1 . t r aC k 7 B r e w i n G C o M P a n y

3747 W. Pacific Ave., Suite F; 826 Professor Lane, Suite 100; (916) 5204677; track7brewing.com 2. Pizza roCk

1020 K St.; (916) 737-5777; pizzarocksacramento.com 3. stree ts PUB & GrUB

1804 J St.; (916) 498-1388; streetspubandgrub.com

Best place to stock your Bookshelves 1. Beers Books

915 S St.; (916) 442-9475; beersbooks. com 2. diMPle Books & vinyl

1600 Broadway; (916) 239-3750; 2433 Arden Way; (916) 925-2600; dimple.com

Photo taken of a cosPlayer guest at Wizard World chicago 2018

3. tiMe tested Books

1114 21st St.; (916) 447-5696; timetestedbooks.net

09.27.18    |   SN&R   |   65

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916.442.3927 | www.capitalac.com | conveniently located at the corner of 8th & p 66   |   SN&R   |   09.27.18

sports & recreation writers’ picks

continued on pg 69



sportswriter richard ivanowski

Before moving to sacramento in 2013, richard ivanowski moved around the country, following various nBa teams.

Growing up in the Bay Area, Ivanowski, now 30, attended numerous Golden State Warriors games, long before Steph Curry and company revitalized the team. Then Ivanowski moved south, where he followed the Los Angeles Clippers, often moribund historically. Later, Ivanowski lived in Florida where he followed the Orlando Magic, who’ve struggled some over the years. A theme emerged: Ivanowski liked underdogs. “I always kind of prefer, not to get harsh, the bad teams that are struggling, the teams that are rebuilding,” Ivanowski said. “That’s always just been a more interesting process for me to watch.” This mentality has prepared Ivanowski to excel in recent months writing for Sacramento Kings fan website Sactown Royalty. Ivanowski has a long-struggling franchise to cover. And having moved

Best out-of-work local sports figure Dust y Baker

OK, technically, Dusty Baker is currently employed. The local baseball legend, who lives in Granite Bay, was hired this spring as a special adviser to Larry Baer, CEO of the San Francisco Giants. Baker also dabbles in the solar energy industry. But he could be doing something more high-profile. Baker was inexplicably fired as manager of the Washington Nationals last year after going 95-67 and winning the National League East. It was his seventh division title in 22 years managing. At 69, Baker’s past the age most managers retire. But others, like Casey Stengel, Jack McKeon and Connie Mack, have managed well beyond. G.W.

By G r a h a M Wo M aC k

around often, Ivanowski has been able to employ a thoughtful, analytical and detached approach. “I haven’t been through the ups and downs and I haven’t had the emotional ties to the team that a lot of the city has,” Ivanowski said. “I’m a little different in that way … but it’s kind of good to have another perspective as well.” Where other fan websites sometimes feature shameless homerdom, Ivanowski has coolly opined on topics like why it’s time for the Kings to trade former first-round pick Skal Labissière and, quantitatively, how Sacramento does better with Buddy Hield and Bogdan Bogdanovic sharing the floor. A delivery driver and college student by day who lives in Midtown with his fiancée, Ivanowski says he hopes long-term to work for the Kings or cover the team for The Sacramento Bee. He also wouldn’t mind staying in town awhile. Every day that Ivanowski interacts with the local fanbase, he said, “I’m falling more and more in love with Sacramento.” sactownroyalty.com .

Satown Royalty sportswriter Richard Ivanowski roots for the underdogs. photo by adam emilio

Best unexpected place to connect with local sports history s t. M a r y C e M e t e r y & F u N e r a L C e N t e r

Much of Sacramento’s baseball history rests in St. Mary Catholic Cemetery & Funeral Center, where 19 former major leaguers are buried according to the website Baseball-Reference.com. That’s by far the most of any cemetery in town. Some of the best ballplayers in city history also rest at St. Mary. They include Joe Marty, once considered a better prospect than his Pacific Coast League teammate Joe DiMaggio. There’s Tony Freitas, longtime ace of the Sacramento Solons, who pitched only briefly in the majors. Others in the cemetery carved out longer big league careers, such as Merv Shea, Tiny Bonham and Alex Kampouris. 6509 fruitridge road; (916) 452-3831 . G.W.

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68   |   SN&R   |   09.27.18

sports & recreation

writers’ picks

continued on pg 7o

Stay & Play at the historical icon of the North Shore

The Tahoe BilTmore

Best primordial team spirit T ow e r B r i d g e B aT T a l i o n

“We are the Battalion / Tower Bridge Battalion / We are the Battalion / Who are you?!?!” I don’t know who I am, but I do know that all of a sudden, I like soccer? Even if you’re not a rabid fan of the Republic FC or the world-famous sport, the Battalion’s enthusiasm is undeniably infectious and one of the main draws of attending a home game. With its perpetual flag-waving, drumbeating and primordial chanting, this is an army with a level of organization that goes beyond any other local sports fandom. Last December, they flew all the way to New York City in solidarity with the boys in red when Sacramento was considered for a Major League Soccer expansion. While the Republic lost the bid to Cincinnati, the team’s indomitable spirit remains in the hearts of its most dedicated supporters. tBBattalion.com. r.M.

The Tower Bridge Battalion waves the flag for the Republic FC. photo by daniel tyree

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09.27.18    |   SN&R   |   69

sports & recreation writers’ picks

Best player-run rec sports league S ac r a m e n t o U lt i m at e P l ay e r S a S S o c i at i o n

Better Alternative To Viagra

Plastic discs hurtling across the sky are a pretty whimsical sight; that’s probably why the frisbee sport compensates by calling itself “Ultimate.” Pretty badass. The Sacramento Ultimate Players Association has been a city staple for 15 years, and it’s continued to build community all along the way. This summer, they started up an incredibly affordable youth league, $10 for eight weeks of games, lessons and a free disc. That’s an absurdly good deal—you can’t buy a frisbee for that price, and the youth league continues in the fall. SUPA is an incredible addition to the city, whether you’re an adult looking to chuck some plastic or a kid learning a new sport. sacultimate.org . m.m.

Best Bar to see (living) former Ballplayers

Do you have soft erections, eractile dysfunction (ED), or want to perform your best

Now there is a breakthrough solution for men seeking better erections and optimal sexual performance. It is a treatment that is completely drug-free pain-free and surgery free, called LowIntensity Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (LI-ESWT) or GAINSwave:

old ironSideS

Numbers have dwindled in recent years of living ballplayers active with the Sacramento Solons before the Giants and Dodgers moved west in 1958. Sam Kanelos, 87, owns a fine spot to catch the remaining old-timers, Old Ironsides. Kanelos, who played infield for the Solons from 1950 to 1951, is at the bar at lunchtime most weekdays. Other former ballplayers who visit regularly include Solons and Chicago Cubs catcher Cuno Barragan; longtime Major League Baseball coach Harry Dunlop; and 89-year-old Don Larsen, who pitched a perfect game in the 1956 World Series and generally makes two trips a year from his Idaho home to Old Ironsides. 1901 10th street; (916) 443-9751; theoldironsides.com . G.W.

Best illustration that men are primates P l ay i n G P o o l at S U t t e r c lU b S P o r t S b a r

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Sutter Club is not a pool hall. (It’s not even really a club, if you want to know the truth.) But the Ol’ Fol’ legacy establishment in the city’s quaint historic district does have a pool table. The green beast stands just past the doorman-guarded entrance under hanging lights. It has a subtle lean, loose pocket liners and a lockjawed coin slot that doesn’t always spit out every ball. It’s a beautiful old nag, in other words. And, at the moment, my friend Dave and I are riding high in the saddle. Dave is a pretty good stickman. I’m streaky at best. But we’re having one of those nights where our loose change adds up to more than enough. Smug suburbanites, hillbilly hustlers, a staggering drunk who throws cash on the table—they all come up short. This one table starts to take on a totemic status. It is the lone adult female in a tribe of mountain gorillas. Primates wooed by her strange gravity try to kill off our billiard-ball babies so that only their offspring survives. OK, it’s not a perfect metaphor, but you get the gist. Finally, we’re dispatched by two easygoing buds. In billiards, it’s the polite assassins you have to worry about. Someone else has quarters down, so we exit with a 7-1 record. We figure it’s better to leave while this is still just a game and we’re still mostly upright homo sapiens. 720 sutter street in folsom; (916) 351-1070. rFH

readers’ picks

sports & recreation S N&R R e a d e RS v o t e f o R t h e beSt home team aNd placeS t o S t ay a c t i v e beSt outdooR-geaR StoRe 1. REI

various locations; rei.com 2. SpoRtSman’S WaREhouSE

2344 Sunrise Blvd. in Rancho Cordova; (916) 635-7800; 6640 Lonetree Blvd. in Rocklin; (916) 782-9900; sportsmans warehouse.com 3 . p L a S k at E b o a R d I n g

1006 J St.; (916) 508-9537; 330 E. Bidwell St. in Folsom; (916) 6084300; plaskateboarding.com

Suite 150 in Roseville; (916) 774-2696; primetimeboxing.com

2 . S ac R a m E n t o pIpEWoRkS

1 . u Lt I m at E F I t n E S S

116 N. 16th St.; (916) 341-0100; touchstoneclimbing.com/ pipeworks

6700 Folsom Blvd.; (916) 4443357; ufultimatefitness.com 2. RobInSon’S taEkWondo

various locations; robinsonstkd.com

3 . b o dy t R I b E F I t n E S S

1106 North D St., Suite 7; (916) 365-2716; bodytribe.com

3 . b R o a dW ay b ox I n g

beSt team

5708 Broadway; (916) 247-8326; broadway-boxing.com

1 . S ac R a m E n t o REpubLIc Fc


beSt place to play golf

2 . S ac R a m E n t o k I n g S

1 . h ag g I n o a k S goLF compLEx

nba.com/kings 3 . S ac R a m E n t o R I v E R c at S

beSt place foR a pick-up game

3645 Fulton Ave.; (916) 481-4653; hagginoaks.com

1. mckInLEy paRk

2. topgoLF RoSEvILLE

601 Alhambra Blvd.

1700 Freedom Way in Roseville; (916) 200-1002; topgolf.com/us/ roseville

1. thE yoga SEEd coLLEctIvE

3. WILLIam Land goLF couRSE

1400 E St., Suite B; (916) 668-0949; theyogaseed.org

1701 Sutterville Road; (916) 277-1207; williamlandgc.com

2. Zuda yoga

beSt athletic club, health club oR gym

3. SoLFIRE yoga

2 . R o o S E v E Lt p a R k

1615 Ninth St. 3. SouthSIdE paRk

2115 Sixth St.

beSt place to kick Some butt 1 . p R I m E t I m E b ox I n g

1931 Del Paso Blvd.; (916) 9272697; 10600 Industrial Ave.,

1 . c a p I t a L at h L E t I c c Lu b


beSt yoga Studio

various locations; zudayoga.com 2613 J St.; (916) 330-1825; solfirejstreet.com

1515 Eighth St.; (916) 442-3927; capitalac.com

09.27.18    |   SN&R   |   71





72   |   SN&R   |   09.27.18

people & places

writers’ picks KDEE deejay Tristen Mayes plays grown-up music for grown-up folks. photo by adam emilio

best silky smooth

voice on the radio

T r i s T e n M ay e s

by S t e p h R o d R i g u e z

“real” Music for grown folks is played over The radio waves, Thanks To The deejays aT 97.5 fM kdee—and There’s one silky-sMooTh voice in parTicular ThaT geTs people Moving in The Morning: TrisTen Mayes.

Mayes hosts his Midday Cafe show weekdays from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., where he plays the likes of R&B and old-school, funk, gospel and jazz for dedicated listeners, who call up and speak to him as if he’s an old friend or family member. The relationship Mayes builds with the station’s listeners is what makes him truly genuine as a radio personality. And if you ask him just what is grown folks’ music? He’ll tell you in that same laid-back tone that gets listeners all giddy in the a.m: “Real music. Real instruments. Real artists. The music that we grew up with that actually was more a part of your fabric of life as opposed to the stuff there is now,” Mayes said. “So we as grown folks, we know Earth, Wind & Fire, we know all

of Motown. These aren’t just songs on the radio, it’s how we live.” Mayes has worked on the air for 20 years in various forms, playing music and covering sports, news and traffic. He even played some country music at one station. In all, he boasts about 30 different stations on his résumé in cities such as Philadelphia and San Francisco. Now, as program director for KDEE, Mayes—along with his soulful voice—is tailor-made for radio. “I don’t care how your life started out, how crazy things got, if you stay focused and do what you love to do, you can experience some successes and some joys,” Mayes said. “It’s a pleasure gettin’ up on Monday morning to go do the show as opposed to a lot of people not having that same joy on Monday morning. My thing is, find some joy in what you do, or do something that gives you some joy.” kdeefM.org.

continued on pg 74

BesT place To hide your side piece X o Lo u n g e

The XO Lounge is, arguably, one of Sacramento’s grungiest bars. It’s dark. It smells a certain way. It’s kind of a local diamond in the rough. (Hella rough.) Even so, it still remains the perfect place for some folks to yes, hide their side piece. What’s a side piece? If you have to ask, you’re probably good in not knowing. But for those who want to front, it’s a man or woman that you date on the side when you’re in a committed—or in this case— semi-committed relationship. At the XO, you know you’ll be safe to be triflin’ because your main boo would probably never guess you’d be chillin’ in this place. Still, at the end of the day, everyone knows the XO is good for stiff drinks and perhaps the occasional shade. 1400 Broadway; (916) 444-0252.


BesT coMedian To Make you lol Lance WoodS

When you see comedian Lance Woods, he’ll probably drop a few lines claiming that he’s an international sex symbol. Do we know this to be true? No. But we want to believe! Looks aside, Woods brings the funny no matter what medium. He’s performed in front of the U.S. Marine Corps in Japan and was also featured on shows such as The Comedy Time Show. Woods also uses social media to share his hilarious comedy videos about pop culture. In them, he pokes fun at celebrities like LeBron James and Mike Bibby. The Bibby clip alone was shared more than 500 times on Facebook. While there’s no proof (yet) that Woods is a global sex symbol, it’s easy to prove he’s funny A.F. faceBook.coM/lancewoodscoMedy. S.R.

BesT sMelling secTion of The Bike Trail b Lu e d i a m o n d a L m o n d F ac t o R y

Biking in Sacramento can be miserable, often synonymous with breathing clouds of exhaust fumes and getting to know every bump in the road very personally—but there’s a half-mile stretch of bike-trail heaven along the east side of the Blue Diamond Almond Factory. If you happen to bike by during a roast, you’ll cruise gently through incredible wafting aromas—blueberry, cinnamon, vanilla, chocolate. It all depends what day it is. Incredibly, the ingredient lists behind the irrepressible scents don’t contain artificial flavors. It’s an all-natural almond-palooza, and a brief section of sanctuary for the often tormented cyclists of the city. sacraMenTo norThern Bikeway near 20Th and c sTreeTs; BluediaMond.coM. m.m.

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people & places Bethany Davis, organizer of the Great Sacramento Vegan Burger Battle, spreads plant-based love and awareness one event at a time. photo by shoka

writers’ picks

Best sacto foodie instagram s o u t h s ac r a m e n t o

With more than 4,500 followers, Instagram micro-influencer “South Sacramento” celebrates the architecture and signage of South Sac, but most people come for the food photos, specifically the taco pics. And the bao photos. And the banh mi photos. This ’grammer prefers to remain anonymous as he documents the gloriously multi-ethnic food and cultural offerings of this section of Sac, or as he puts it in the bio, “A native’s love letter to the hood that shaped me.” Many posts sport a lively comments section, which may yield locals-only tips such as the fact that the “crispy ass chicharron” from La Esperanza is restocked at 3 p.m. daily. instagram.com/southsacramento.


Best place to host a high school reunion the rink

You got roped into planning a reunion; it happens. Remember, these events are really contests to see who has the most amazing life now. Well, you aren’t famous, you never backpacked through France, you flunked out of dental school—but you’ve got to level the playing field somehow. Here’s the thing: Skating backwards is impressive, and you can get pretty decent after a few months of practice. You’ll shine at The Rink, guaranteed. And if the invite to your old pal Josephine, the former figure skater, happens to get lost in the mail, so be it. 2900 Bradshaw road; (916)

bands—a rotating crew of regional acts jamming working-class blues, folk and roots rock to that rare audience that’s actually there for the music. On this evening, a band called South Fork invited a guest vocalist up for one song, and three guesses which one they performed. The band took “Simple Man’s” on-the-nose, well, simplicity, and turned it into a dirge-y blend of Grateful Dead guitar riffs and Animals organ solos. I may have teared up. I definitely thought of my mom and shut up. 718 sutter street in folsom; (916) 358-9447; gaslightcofolsom.com . rFh

Best goth picnic date olD cit y ceme tery

There’s something about the Old City Cemetery that’s both romantic and intriguing. As the oldest burial ground in Sacramento (established in 1849), its centuries-old stones and monuments in honor of the dead are beautifully accented by fragrant and rare roses. The manicured grassy areas throughout its 44-acre grounds even make the perfect picnic spot for two. What better way to appreciate its beauty then to grab a friend and sit in awe of it all while enjoying the sounds of Bauhaus or Siouxsie and the Banshees? And although Bela Lugosi’s not buried here, some famous and infamous Sacramentans are, including Edwin B. Crocker, Elisabeth Zimmermann (a Donner Party survivor) and the son of Alexander Hamilton, William. Pay them all respects. 1000 Broadway; (916) 264-5621; historicoldcitycemetery.org.


363-2643; therinksacramento.com. m.m.

Best vegan meal enaBler B e t h a n y D av i s

In June, Bethany Davis was basically responsible for Sacramentans eating more than 16,000 burgers. But Davis is not a chef or restaurateur. She’s the organizer of the Great Sacramento Vegan Burger Battle, a monthlong event that she wrangled 36 local restaurants to make vegan burgers—and by the number of burgers sold, diners were hungry for it. This is Davis’ second monthlong vegan competition: She began the annual Sacramento Vegan Chef Challenge in 2010, which happens every October. When she started, only six or so restaurants participated, but it has grown every year—it was up to 31 in 2017. Her dining events not only raise diners’ awareness of plant-based eating in a fun, social way, but it’s just as important to chefs, who can experience firsthand that having substantial vegan options on their menu is good for the environment, personal health and really good for business. theveganchefchallenge.com . S. 74   |   SN&R   |   09.27.18

Best Bar to cry in puBlic over a live version of an old song you never liked GasliGht co.

About one week before she died, my mom rested on her living room couch surrounded by relatives. She was pretty weak and not very talkative. The radio murmured in the background. Then a song came on. It was “Simple Man” by Lynyrd Skynyrd. You’ve probably heard it. It’s an indelible piece of AM nostalgia rock. I don’t like this song. Turns out my mother loved it. She roused from her thousand-mile remoteness and shushed us. We listened for a bit, but our family only shuts up for so long. Soon the simple chord progressions and sentimental lyrics about a mother’s advice to her son were lost to crosstalk. Mom gestured angrily. One of her final requests denied. That memory rushed back recently at the Gaslight, a warmly lit beer-and-wine spot on the second floor of a rustic, Gold Rush-era building in historic Folsom. This is one of my absolute favorite places to come on the weekends, and I don’t particularly like beer. What brings me back are the

Best rising youtuBe personality o D i n a B B ot o F o D i n m a k e s

There are a handful of YouTube stars that claim the Sacramento area: fashion vlogger Tiffany Ma, basketballer-comedian Marcelas Howard. The Smosh duo Anthony Padilla and Ian Hecox both grew up in Carmichael, and are one of the longest-running skitcomedy shows on YouTube. Few stick around town it seems, but count Odin Abbott as an exception. An Emmy-winning editor for KVIE by day, Abbott’s side gig, the YouTube channel Odin Makes, has garnered him around 300,000 subscribers. What does the smith make? Impressively accurate fantasy props like the Blue Shell from Mario Kart, the Infinity Gauntlet from The Avengers and Saruman’s wizard staff from The Lord of the Rings, all made from low-budget materials you can find at stores like Home Depot and Michael’s. Abbott’s videos are less piece-by-piece instructions, more like stories narrating his creative process as PVC pipe and toilet paper rollers are crafted into that king-sized revolver from Hellboy. youtuBe.com/odinmakes. m.Z.

readers’ picks

BeSt dRag queeN who will pRoBaBly tRy to put heR wig oN youR BaBy mercury riSinG

One of the most effervescent queens to have blessed Sacramento’s deeply talented drag community, Mercury Rising hosts the Dinner and a Drag Show every Saturday night at Capitol Garage on K Street. It’s a delightfully entertaining all-ages show that attracts cool theater kids and senior citizens alike. A riveting performer who can just as easily bedazzle an audience as elicit laughter (sometimes at her own expense), Mercury knows how to both build a crowd’s enthusiasm and—when necessary—defuse the occasional, overly rambunctious bridesmaid party. Mercury, who also performs regularly at Sidetrax, exhibits a drag style that eschews the wellknown practice of padding to

appear as biologically feminine as possible in favor of a more androgynous approach. At a recent show, she referenced her lack of, uh, assets: “The more you tip, the bigger my breasts become,” she joked as she stuffed a handful of $1 bills down her chest for safe-keeping. In addition to her humor and talent, Mercury Rising is a queen who possesses the uncanny ability to make everyone feel welcome, whether you’re a community regular, a RuPaul’s Drag Race fanatic or drag show newcomer. She once put her wig on a baby, and if that isn’t the most sacred of drag initiation rituals, then what is? faceBook.com/meRcuRyRiSiNg2000 . r.m.

people & places S N&R R e a d e RS e l e c t t h e i R f a v o R i t e SacRameNto localeS aNd localS

BeSt place foR a fiRSt date 1 . S ac r a m e n t o c o m e dy S p ot

1050 20th St., Suite 130; (916) 444-3137; saccomedyspot.com 2 . p u n c h B ow l S o c i a l S ac r a m e n t o

1 . t h e k i t c h e n r e S t au r a n t

2225 Hurley Way; (916) 568-7171; thekitchenrestaurant.com 1 . m u lv a n e y ’ S B & l

1215 19th St.; (916) 441-6022; mulvaneysbl.com

2. hiStoric old cit y c e m e t e r y o f S ac r a m e n t o

2. ella dininG room & Bar

1000 Broadway; (916) 448-0811; historicoldcitycemetery.org 2 . w o r l d p e ac e r o S e G a r d e n

10th and L streets; capitolmuseum.ca.gov 2. temple coffee roaSterS

3 . a l lo r a

1131 K St.; (916) 443-3772; elladiningroomandbar.com 3 . a l lo r a

5215 Folsom Blvd.; (916) 538-6434; allorasacramento.com 3 . t h e w at e r B oy

2000 Capitol Ave.; (916) 498-9891; waterboyrestaurant.com 3 . m ox i e

5215 Folsom Blvd.; (916) 538-6434; allorasacramento.com

2028 H St.; (916) 443-7585

BeSt place foR a SecRet meetiNg

3135 Folsom Blvd.; (916) 551-1559; krurestaurant.com

1 . p r e f l i t e lo u n G e

photo by luis bererra

BeSt place foR aN aNNiveRSaRy diNNeR

500 J St.; (916) 925-5610; punchbowl social.com/location/sacramento

various locations; templecoffee.com

Yes, Queen: Mercury Rising blesses audiences weekly at Capitol Garage.

continued on pg 76

3. kru

BeSt puBlic SeRvaNt

1011 10th St.; (916) 441-7963; preflitelounge.com

1 . m ay o r d a r r e l l S t e i n B e r G

2. SouthSide park

2 . G ov . J e r r y B r ow n

2115 Sixth St.

3 . u . S . r e p . d o r i S m at S u i

2. ten ten room

1010 10th St.; (916) 272-2888; tentenroom.com 2 . f ox & G o o S e

1001 R St.; (916) 443-8825; foxandgoose.com 2. hiStoric old cit y c e m e t e r y o f S ac r a m e n t o

1000 Broadway; (916) 448-0811; historicoldcitycemetery.org

BeSt political activiSt 1. imani mitchell

president, Black Women United 2 . a r t lu n a

proprietor, Luna’s Cafe & Juice Bar 2. tanya ikemBa faiSon

Black Lives Matter Sacramento 2 . m ay a w a l l ac e

Sacramento Metropolitan Arts Commission 2. mark merin

civil rights attorney

09.27.18    |   SN&R   |   75

people & places

readers’ picks

Best radio personality

Best tV weatherperson

1 . C h r i S t i , t h e M ox i e M A M A

1 . A r n i e S t At e S

1. MArk finAn, kCrA


Best place to take an out-of-town guest


2. tAMArA Berg, kCrA

1. williAM Burg

1 . o l D S AC r A M e n t o


1124 Second St.; oldsacramento.com

2 . M i k e y f r o M t h At D A M n S h ow

98 Rock, KRXQ 98.5 FM 3. DonnA ApiDone

3 . C o Dy S t A r k , g o o D D Ay S AC r A M e n t o 3 . D Av e B e n D e r , C B S S AC r A M e n t o

Capital Public Radio, KXJZ 90.9 FM 3. SugABeAr

Hot 103.5, KHHM 103.5 FM

Best stand-up comic

Best sacramento weBsite

2 . S AC t o u r C o M p A n y


1 . A r n i e S t At e S

3. CroCker Art MuSeuM


216 O St.; (916) 808-7000; crockerart.org

2. Donut Shop StorieS

1. Stephen ferriS


Best morning radio show

2 . A r n i e S t At e S

2 . S AC f o o D A n D B o oz e

1 . t h e r o B , A n y B o Dy & D Aw n S h ow



1. MCkinley pArk

3 . w e n Dy l e w i S

2 . u n D i e t AC o S

601 Alhambra Blvd.



2. lAnD pArk

2. Cit y SCout

3800 W. Land Park Drive; (916) 808-6060

98 Rock, KRXQ 98.5 FM 2. the wAke up CAll

Best park

106.5 The End, KUDL 106.5 FM

Best Blog


3. CApitol pArk

2 . A r n i e S t At e S

1 . S AC f o o D A n D B o oz e

2 . D ow n t ow n S AC r A M e n t o

10th and L streets; (916) 324-0333




3. CApitAl puBliC rADio

2. Donut Shop StorieS

Best local athlete

7055 Folsom Blvd.; (916) 278-8900; capradio.org


Best instagram

1. urijAh fABer, ufC

2 . t h e p e o p l e o f S AC r A M e n t o

1 . w e n Dy l e w i S

2 . M i l e S S i lv A S , S k At e B o A r D e r

Best reason to watch local tV



2 . t h e M ox i e M A M A

2 . v i S i t S AC r A M e n t o



2 . t h e k AC h e t l i f e

3. Bill wAlliS



1. kCrA

kcra.com 1 . g o o D D Ay S AC r A M e n t o

gooddaysacramento.cbslocal.com 2. SABrinA roDriguez

Luna Light Productions; lunalightproductions.com

2 . S AC r A M e n t o v e g A n

sacramentovegan.blogspot.com 2. fine wine poe t

2 . p At r i C k h A r B i S o n


Patrick Harbison Public Relations; patrickharbisonpublicrelations.com

2 . C h e e t A h i S t h e n e w B l AC k

2. oliviA DegennAro

2 . n At u r A l ly e l l A




2 . t o n y lo p e z

Best place to people-watch 1. CApitol pArk

10th and L streets; (916) 324-0333 2 . D ow n t ow n C o M M o n S

660 J St.; (916) 273-8124; docosacramento.com 3 . S AC r A M e n t o i n t e r n At i o n A l A i r p o r t

Best person to follow on twitter

6900 Airport Blvd.; (916) 929-5411; sacramento.aero/smf

Best reporter

1 . A r n i e S t At e S

3. ArDen fAir

1 . C o Dy S t A r k , g o o D D Ay S AC r A M e n t o


1689 Arden Way; (916) 920-1166; ardenfair.com

CBS Sacramento

1. gulStAn DArt, kCrA 2. eDie lAMBert, kCrA 2. MArk S. Allen, ABC10 2. frAnCiS wAng, ABC10 2. AShley williAMS, g o o D D Ay S AC r A M e n t o

76   |   SN&R   |   09.27.18

1. thoMAS DoDSon

@shockthomas 1. ChAirMAn of the BoreD

@firstklassriot 1. roBert Berry


3. MCkinley pArk

601 Alhambra Blvd. 3 . low B r Au

1050 20th St.; (916) 706-2636; lowbrausacramento.com

2 . B o B By j AC k S o n , S AC r A M e n t o k i n g S 2. Alex honnolD, f r e e S o lo C l i M B e r

Best historic cemetery 1 . S AC r A M e n t o h i S t o r i C Cit y CeMe tery

1000 Broadway; (916) 448-0811; historicoldcitycemetery.org 2 . o l D Au B u r n C e M e t e r y

170 Fulweiler Ave., in Auburn; (530) 8855922; auburncemetery.com 3 . j AC k S o n h i S t o r i C C e M e t e r y

33 Broadway, in Jackson; (209) 223-1646 3 . e A S t l Aw n

various locations; (916) 732-2000; eastlawn.com 3. Mount vernon MeMoriAl pArk

8201 Greenback Lane, in Fair Oaks; (916) 969-1251


writers’ picks

writer’s picks continued on pg xx 79

Fastest delivery times Crystal nugs

reasons to stay home by D a n i e l b a r n e s

If you’re in the need for speed, consider Crystal Nugs, billed as “the first minority and women-owned licensed cannabis home delivery service” on their website. With a delivery area that stretches from El Dorado Hills to Woodland, Crystal Nugs covers almost the entire region, and they also offer a 10 percent discount on every order to veterans and seniors. crystalnugs.com .

loWest minimum purchase Dank Dash

Note that every delivery service has a different minimum purchase amount, with most of them landing somewhere between $40 and $60, but the lowest we could find was $30 at Dank Dash (formerly EZ Tree). Dank Dash doesn’t have the largest menu, but they always carry a good blend of indica, sativa and hybrid strains, as well as a mix of high- and low-end price points, not to mention edibles, pre-rolls, vape cartridges, waxes, shatters and other concentrates. dankdash.org .

most expansive menus by D a n i e l b a r n e s

W e e d d e l i v e ry s e rv i c e s aFter years oF gritting my teeth through aWkWard, pineapple express -style transactions in the dirty apartments oF pot dealers, the World oF medical cannabis dispensaries Felt like heaven. Imagine if all pizza

Hungry for cannabis-infused sweets? Relax at home and let Ohana Gardens deliver directly to your door.

was illegal, and the only way to get pizza was to go to a weird guy’s house, and you had no idea where the pizza came from, but you really, really liked eating pizza and watching reruns of The Simpsons, and then overnight there was a pizza joint on every corner. Today, legal weed can be delivered to your door just like pizza by one of the dozens of delivery services currently operating in the Sacramento area. But just as no two dispensaries are precisely the same, there is some variance among the local home delivery services. Whether you prioritize a speedy delivery, low prices or a lot of menu options, these three services will bring the hookup directly to your door.

s i lv e r s t r e a k s o lu t i o n s & ohana garDens

People who like a lot of menu options should check out Silverstreak Solutions, a delivery service that started in 2016 with one strain and one cookie but now has well over 100 separate products for sale. Most impressive is their wide selection of edibles, including cannabis-infused cereals, brownies, cookies, candies and even fruit punch mix. Another impressive menu comes from Ohana Gardens, which boasts a list of edibles that includes marijuana-infused cookies, candies, bonbons and beverages. silverstreaksolution.com and ohanagardens.org.

photo by lucas fitzgerald


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78   |   SN&R   |   09.27.18


writers’ picks

cannabis Best thoughtfully designed dispensary interior F lo r i n W e l l n e s s C e n t e r

With black paneling and gray hardwood floors, the main cannabis room at Florin Wellness Center is a clean, vivid contrast of lights and darks. Brightly lit showcases at the counter make product-viewing easy. Menu items are displayed on a row of TV monitors along the back wall. Cloud wallpaper and close-up photos of cannabis plants accentuate the easygoing atmosphere in this smartly appointed interior. Should customers have a wait, Florin Wellness thoughtfully designed rows of waist-high viewing cases alongside each line. It helps pass the time by providing a close-up look at available items before approaching the main counter. 1421 47th avenue; (916) 706-0563; florinwellnesscenter.com. K.M.

Best art-worthy head shop Hella glass boutique and glass gallery

Not your father’s head shop, Hella Glass Boutique and Glass Gallery features the most exotic selection of water pipes and bubblers in town. Showcased in a separate viewing room, many of these handmade creations reach the level of sculpture, except you smoke cannabis in this art. Hella Glass carries the brands of papers, pipes and lighters one would expect at any head shop. But they also sell child-resistant containers, lockable carrying bags and the most sophisticated vaporizers and dab rigs on the market. Their range of CBD products rivals that of dispensaries. In short, they have everything but the cannabis itself. 1620 fulton ave, suite 300; (916) 274-4294; faceBook.com/ hellaglassgallery . K.M.

Best cannaBis advocate

Best one-size-fits-all grow supply store

K i m b e r ly C a r g i l e

g r oW e r ’ s s u p p ly H o u s e

As the owner of A Therapeutic Alternative dispensary, Kimberly Cargile sets a high standard for cannabis retailing while fighting for better regulations that change the way society views cannabis. A former grower who studied cellular molecular biology and social injustice at Humboldt State University, Cargile takes a holistic approach toward cannabis as a natural medicine. She advocates within the process, creating opportunities for women and minority business owners, while organizing medical patients to speak for themselves at public policy hearings. 3015 h street; (916) 822-4717;

Grower’s Supply House isn’t necessarily a cannabis grow shop. But its clerks are serious practitioners. Unabashedly proud of their experience in the field, they’re happy to show it off by answering the most complicated questions. They can scale up for large commercial orders, or recommend a simple two-stage fertilizer for a budget backyard setup. Whether you’re trying to grow great-tasting cherry tomatoes or cherry cola buds, this shop carries the products to get you cultivating like a pro. 1537 fulton avenue; (916)


934-2476; grower-supply-house.Business. site. K.M.


readers’ picks

cannabis s n&r r e a d e rs v o t e f o r the Best cannaBusinesses to get high with Best overall experience—dispensary

Best selection— dispensary

1. CC101

1. CC101

6435 Florin Perkins Road; (916) 387-6233; cc101sac.com

6435 Florin Perkins Road; (916) 387-6233; cc101sac.com

2. a tHerapeutiC a lt e r n at i v e

2. a tHerapeutiC a lt e r n at i v e

3015 H St.; (916) 822-4717; atherapeuticalternative.com

3015 H St.; (916) 822-4717; atherapeuticalternative.com

3. doCtor’s orders

3. doCtor’s orders

1704 Main Ave.; (916) 564-2112; docssacramento.com

1704 Main Ave.; (916) 564-2112; docssacramento.com

most knowledgeaBle staff—dispensary

Best overall experience—delivery

1. CC101

1 . H u m b l e r o ot

6435 Florin Perkins Road; (916) 387-6233; cc101sac.com

(916) 793-5182; humbleroot.com

2. a tHerapeutiC a lt e r n at i v e

2. oHana gardens

(916) 354-9646; ohanagardens.org

3015 H St.; (916) 822-4717; atherapeuticalternative.com 3. doCtor’s orders

1704 Main Ave.; (916) 564-2112; docssacramento.com

3. ganjaH guru

(916) 587-1634; ganjahguru916.com

most knowledgeaBle staff—delivery 1 . H u m b l e r o ot

(916) 793-5182; humbleroot.com 2. oHana gardens

(916) 354-9646; ohanagardens.org 3 . W e d r o p s aC r a m e n t o

(209) 395-7231; wedrop.co


09.27.18    |   SN&R   |   79

For more cannabis news, deals & updates visit capitalcannabisguide.com

keepin’ receipts see goatkidd


In addition to its chocolate bars (pictured), Satori Chocolates produces a delicious line of low-dose, chocolate-covered fruits, nuts and coffee beans. Photo courtesy oF satori chocolates

slow and low Lower dosage regulations on cannabis-infused edibles help curious consumers ease into stoney treats by Daniel Barnes

Local tokers will remember the high times of June 2018 for a long time to come, if they remember anything at all. Bargains abounded on dispensary menus all throughout June, with discounts reaching 50 percent and higher. By the end of the month, some businesses chose to give away their remaining products to customers. But at midnight on July 1, the party abruptly came to an end, as new testing and packaging regulations for cannabis products took effect. These new requirements were originally instituted when cannabis became legal in California on January 1 of this year, but enforcement was suspended

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for six months to allow companies time for compliance. On July 1, though, any noncompliant goods had to be destroyed, and experts estimate that over $500 million of merchandise was discarded. The laws mandate that all marijuana flowers and oils must be tested for pesticides and other chemicals before being sold, and that cannabis-infused edibles and beverages should be sealed in child-resistant packages and clearly labeled by the producer. One problem in meeting the new regulatory requirements is that not enough companies are licensed to do the testing, especially since

many California cities have already banned commercial cannabis activity. Currently, only 31 licensed testing labs are operating in the state. The new laws showed their teeth earlier this month when it was announced that one in five batches of cannabis failed the first round of testing, while a recall was triggered for vape cartridges made by Los Angeles-based The Bloom Brand that exceeded state standards for pesticides. In addition to the testing and packaging requirements, new dosage limits were placed on cannabis-infused edibles and beverages. Gone are the days of Korova’s powerhouse

canna-best of sacramento see ask 420


500-milligram cookies and paralyzing 1,000-milligram Black Bars. According to the new laws, cannabis products are not permitted to contain more than 10 milligrams of THC per serving, or a total of 100 milligrams in a package. By contrast, Korova previously produced a “three dose” cookie with 200 milligrams of THC, or nearly 70 milligrams per “serving.” This cookie nearly induced a panic attack in an inexperienced friend who took the serving size literally, when he probably should have ingested about one-tenth as much. For their part, Korova was able to survive by rebranding around a new line of 10 milligram mini-cookies, including 10 cookies per package to meet the new 100 milligram maximum. On the other hand, the cannabis company Auntie Dolores, which produced crackers, nuts and other harder-to-standardize snacks, went out of business rather than update their inventory. After the July 1 deadline for compliance, some dispensaries and delivery services in the area held low stocks of edibles, some places had empty shelves and at least one dispensary was forced to temporarily close, while other businesses were better prepared. This market is extremely important to the future of the marijuana economy, as dispensaries across the country are reporting a rise in cannabis food and drink sales, with customers finding that ingesting edibles (not to mention gel capsules or sublingual drops) is both healthier and more discreet than smoking or vaping. According to a recent report from BDS Analytics, a cannabis consumer research firm, edibles and potables account for 18 percent of legal marijuana sales in California. Meanwhile, international conglomerates are angling to control the cannabis beverage market, with giants like Molson Coors, Heineken and Constellation Brands rolling out lines of cannabisinfused sparkling waters, sodas and even nonalcoholic beers. As it stands under the current California laws (it should be noted


that we are operating under emergency the Petra line of cannabis-infused mints, regulations, and that rules foremergency permanent where each line pieceofweighs in at a featherweight that we are operating under the Petra cannabis-infused mints, that we are operating under emergency the Petra line of cannabis-infused mints, regulations are and 2.5where milligrams of THC. Theyinalso regulations, andbeing that negotiated rules for permanent each piece weighs at amake featherweight regulations, and that rules forend permanent where each piece weighs in atbeans a featherweight should be inare place by the of the chocolate-covered withmake a regulations being negotiated and 2.5 milligrams ofespresso THC. 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Candies in “fun” shapes bakery includes that“top-shelf is to act as an grown” aphrodisiac. Candies in shapes contains “asupposed mix of libido-boosting herbs” The and organically sell products. in and bakery likejars) fruits orsome bears,perishable as“fun” well as cartoon The “top-shelf andas organically like fruits bears, as well as cartoon in Sensuali-Tea includegrown” hibisthatingredients is supposed to act an aphrodisiac. branding ororother packaging that might products. Candies in “fun” shapes ingredients in orange Sensuali-Tea include hibisor other might The cus, rose petals, peel, lavender, appeal to bears, children, are also offthat limits. “top-shelf and organically grown” like branding fruits or as packaging well as cartoon cus, rose orange peel,root. lavender, appeal children, are off also limits. cardamom, cloves and licorice Other Some people are put byoff the new ingredients in petals, Sensuali-Tea include hibisbranding ortoother packaging that might cardamom, cloves licorice root. Other Some people arealso put off the new pun-loving teas from and Kikoko include regulations, including medical cannabis cus, rose petals, orange peel, lavender, appeal to children, are off by limits. pun-loving teas from Kikoko include regulations, medical cannabis Tranquili-Tea to and improve sleeproot. function patients whoincluding require a larger dose to get the cardamom, cloves licorice Other Some people are put off by the new Tranquili-Tea to improve sleep function patients whoneed require a larger dose tousers, get the and Positivi-Tea to boost your mood. results they (unlike recreational pun-loving teas from Kikoko include regulations, including medical cannabis and Positivi-Tea to boost your mood. results they need patients (unlike recreational users, medical can still purchase patients whocannabis require apatients larger dose get the Tranquili-Tea to improve sleep function medical cannabis can to still purchase Cannabis Quencher 1,000-milligram and 2,000-milligram and Cannabis Positivi-Tea to boost your mood. results they need (unlike recreational users, Quencher 1,000-milligram and 2,000-milligram A major player in the medical cannabis jars cannabis of cannabutter). other 10 medical patientsFor can stillpeople, purchase A market major player in theVCC medical cannabis jars of cannabutter). For other people, 10 since 2008, Brands milligrams of THC is way too large Cannabis Quencher 1,000-milligram 2,000-milligram market since 2008, VCC Brands milligrams ofand THC is waynew too large produces weed-infused beverof a single serving, while A major playerproduces in the medical cannabisbeverweed-infused jars of acannabutter). Forwhile other new people, 10 single serving, ages under its Cannabis adopters of the drug under market since 2008, VCC Brands ages under its Cannabis adopters of the is drug under milligrams of THC way too large Gone Quencher label. Doses legalization have no way Gone produces weed-infused Quencher label. Doses beverhave no way of a legalization single serving, are doled out by the of knowing howwhile their new are the are its doled out by the of knowing how their ages under Cannabis adopters of will the drug are the capful, with each cap bodies react.under capful, with each cap Gone bodies will label. Doses days legalization havereact. nosmart way lugging a mere 2 It’s always daysofofKorova’s Korova’s Quencher lugging a mere 2 It’s always smart are doled out by the of knowing how their milligrams of THC are the to start slow and powerhouse milligrams of THC to start slow and powerhouse capful, with each cap bodies will react. (or(or CBD, depending gradually increase gradually increase days of Korova’s 500-milligram cookies aCBD, meredepending 2 It’s always smart on on thethe product) 500-milligram cookies lugging your dosage as product) your dosage as milligrams of THC to start slowand andmany into your system. needed, powerhouse and paralyzing into your system. needed, and many and paralyzing (or CBD,include depending Flavors gradually increase cannabis companies Flavors include cannabis companies 1,000-milligram 500-milligram cookies 1,000-milligram onHibiscus, the product) Hibiscus, Mango, yourmake dosage as make products that Mango, products that Wildberry into yourGuava, system. caterand to those needed, manylow-dose and Black paralyzing Wildberry Guava, BlackBars. Bars. cater to those low-dose Strawberry Lemonade andand Flavors include lovers. Here cannabis companies Strawberry Lemonade lovers. Here are are some some 1,000-milligram Old-Fashioned examples sub-10 Hibiscus, Lemonade. Mango, make productsof Old-Fashioned Lemonade. examples ofthat sub-10 millimilligram edibles and Wildberry Guava, catergram to those low-dose edibles and beverages beveragesthat thatBlack Bars. Kushy Punch Gummies appeared on Kushy Punch Gummies Lemonade and Strawberry appeared on local local dispensary dispensarymenus menuslast last lovers. Here are some Most ofof the new-school edibles taketake week: of sub-10 milliMost the new-school edibles Old-Fashioned Lemonade. week: examples the obvious route of of compliance by by the obvious route compliance gram edibles and beverages that breaking 100 milligrams of THC intointo Satori Chocolate Chocolate Bites breaking 100 milligrams of THC Satori Bites Kushy Punch Gummies appeared on local dispensary menus last 1010equal at at 10 10 milligrams a shot, In addition to pieces milligrams a shot, In to aa couple coupleof ofchocolate chocolatebars, bars,Most ofequal thepieces new-school edibles take week: Kushy Punch portions their allotted Satori Chocolates Chocolates produces but Kushy Punch portions their Satori producesaadelicious delicious thebut obvious route of compliance by allotted 100 milligrams into 16 16 gummies at 6.25 100 milligrams into line of low-dose, line low-dose, chocolate-covered chocolate-covered breaking 100 milligrams of gummies THC into at 6.25 Satori Chocolate Bites a pop. Kushy Punch offers milligrams a pop. Kushy Punch offers fruits, nuts and fruits, and coffee coffee beans. beans.Essentially Essentially 10 milligrams equal pieces at 10 milligrams a In addition to a couple of chocolate bars, their delectable gummy candies inshot, strains their delectable gummy candies in strains high-end Raisinet, aa high-end Raisinet, the theHighbush Highbush butranging Kushy Punch portions their allotted Satori Chocolates a delicious from Sativa Strawberry to Indica ranging from Sativa Strawberry to Indica Blueberries in Dark are Blueberries in produces Dark Chocolate Chocolate area a 100Plum milligrams into 16 gummies at 6.25 line personal of low-dose, chocolate-covered to to Hybrid Tropical Fruit, and Plum Hybrid Tropical Fruit, and personal favorite, with favorite, witheach eachpiece piecepackpackamake pop. Kushy Punchcandies offers fruits, coffee beans. Essentially they also make CBD-infused candies they also CBD-infused in in ing onlyand milligrams ofTHC. THC. Dosages milligrams ingnuts 2 milligrams of Dosages delectable gummy candies in strains a high-end Highbush various flavors. various flavors. vary product, the with theSalted SaltedCaramel Carameltheir vary byRaisinet, product, with the ranging from Sativa Strawberry to Indica Blueberries a Almonds DarkChocolate Chocolateare containing AlmondsininDark Dark Chocolate containing to Hybrid Tropical Fruit, and Somatik Sparks Chocolate Coffee Beans Somatik Sparks Chocolate Coffee Beans personal favorite, with each per piece pack6.25 of THC THC perpiece piece while Plum 6.25 milligrams milligrams of while This decidedly high-end product also make CBD-infused candies ina a This decidedly high-end product waswas each the Wild Wild Strawberries Strawberries Milk they ing only of THC. Dosages each 2ofmilligrams ininMilk collaboration between SF-area heavycollaboration SF-area heavyvarious flavors. between carries milligrams the varyChocolate by product, with 33the Salted Caramel Chocolate carries milligrams ofofthe weights Ritual Coffee, Endorphin Foods nonpsychoactive cannabidiol (CBD). weights Ritual Coffee, Endorphin Foods nonpsychoactive cannabidiol (CBD). Almonds in Dark Chocolate containing and Somatik, each bean ferries and Somatik, andand each bean ferries 3 3 Somatik Sparks Chocolate Coffee Beans 6.25 milligrams of THC per piece while milligrams of THC. addition toa the BlueberryTerra Terrain Bites milligrams THC. In In addition to the KIVA Confections Blueberry Bites This decidedlyofhigh-end product was eachKIVA of Confections the Wild Strawberries Milk beans, Somatik also produces a line This KIVA Confectionsproduct productsubs subsininmilk milk collaboration beans, Somatik also produces a line of of This KIVA Confections between SF-area heavyChocolate carries 3 milligrams of the CBD-heavy, chocolate-covered Goji chocolate for the the dark darkchocolate chocolateofofthe theSatori Satori weights CBD-heavy, chocolate-covered Goji chocolate for Ritual Coffee, Endorphin Foods nonpsychoactive cannabidiol (CBD). Berries, well 10-milligram and blueberries, and then thenmore morethan thandoubles doublesthe the andBerries, as as well as as 10-milligram blueberries, and Somatik, and each bean ferriesand 3 30-milligram bottles of iced coffee. Ω Ω dosage, with each mouth-watering piece 30-milligram bottles of iced coffee. dosage, with each mouth-watering piece milligrams of THC. In addition to the KIVA toting Confections Blueberry Terra Bites milligrams of ofTHC. THC.KIVA KIVAalso alsomakes makes toting 5 5 milligrams

beans, Somatik also produces a line of This KIVA Confections product subs in milk CBD-heavy, chocolate-covered Goji chocolate for the dark chocolate of the Satori Berries, as well as 10-milligram and blueberries, and then more than doubles the 30-milligram bottles of iced coffee. Ω dosage, with each mouth-watering piece toting 5 milligrams of THC. KIVACANNABIS also makes SN&R CAPITAL

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By Ngaio Bealum


GettinG reaquainted with cannabis? r e c r e at i o n

ical d d e m & al


Ngaio’s Canna-Best of Sac Hey, so what are your pics for “best cannabis things” in Sacramento? —C.T. O’Trees

I’m glad you asked. I feel like Sacramento is doing very well when it comes to dealing with the new cannabis legalization. Sure, there are some things that can be smoothed out. (We hella need social clubs.) And although we aren’t as far ahead as San Francisco or Oakland, we are definitely doing better than Los Angeles and Fresno. Herewith, a few of my favorite things: Best underground cannabis event:

Sacramento loves a good farmers market. So do cannabis-users. There are plenty of “grey market” farmersmarket-style cannabis events that use a small loophole from Proposition 215 to allow farmers and patients to interact. You have to be a medical cannabis patient to attend, so bring your letter of recommendation. Supersesh is cool. O.R.B.I.T.S. is out of this world, but my fave is the 1130 Club. Three days a week, this club lets people meet the growers and learn about their different growing techniques. I look forward to the day when a cannabis farmers market doesn’t have to be an underground event.

Best local(ish) growers: Space Monkey

Meds have been producing great strains for years. You can find their little yellow cans all over Sacramento. Lab-tested and consistent, they offer a rotating array of delicious strains. I am waiting for them to bring back the Blueberry Muffin. You can find a list of their latest flavors at spacemonkeymeds .com. Best place to blaze: The best place, of course, is in a van, down by the river. Kidding. Although the river is a great place to smoke. If it’s just one or two of you, there’s a bench deep in the heart of Effie Yeaw Park that is great for sitting and smoking and observing nature. I’m not gonna tell you the exact spot. Just walk around until you find it. Second place: In your car while watching movies at the West Wind Drive-in Movie Theater. Best good idea: The Sacramento Cannabis Opportunity Reinvestment and Equity (CORE) program makes it easier for people that have been targeted the most by the war on drugs (nonviolent drug offenders, folks that have an incarcerated family member, or people that live in a highly targeted ZIP code all qualify) to get into the legit cannabis industry by waiving certain fees. This is a good first step. Who knows, maybe one of these new entrepreneurs will open a social club. Ω


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Best big cannabis event: I’m kind of

cheating because there was only one, but the High Times Cannabis Cup was off the hook. Thousands of people, no violence and a great musical lineup. Hell, Lauryn Hill even showed up more or less on time. I hear tell that the Cup is coming back in late October. I am looking forward to it.

Your cannabis c onsultants si nce 2 0 0 9

Ngaio Bealum is a Sacramento comedian, activist and marijuana expert. Email him questions at ask420@newsreview.com.


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attractive, less desirable, less likely to be in relationship with the guy you want—you prepared yourself to feel less than her. Another perspective is to celebrate your uniqueness and allow yourself to be equal to others. When you live from that internal space, you might notice that you’ve been competing with your roommate for quite a while. So the confrontation you witnessed was an external representation of your internal dialogue. Change the script and you change your life. Are you willing to become your own best friend? Forgive yourself for not seeing the competitive and unkind side of your roommate, and yourself, sooner. Remind yourself regularly that it’s safe to accept your roommate and yourself (and others) as whole people. That is, everyone has good qualities and challenging attitudes, behaviors and beliefs. So not everyone should be in our lives forever. Some people pass through to provide us with the gift of revealing where we’re stuck. It’s our job to set ourselves free. Ω

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My best friend and I got an apartment together, not far from campus. We had a party and I invited a guy she knows I like. We were drunk and he kissed me. She pulled me aside and said he kissed her, too, like six months ago. She confronted him in front of me (and everyone) and made him say which one of us he wanted. People started leaving. He tried to avoid answering, but then picked her. She immediately dragged him into her bedroom and started having extremely loud sex. I get it, she’s a lot prettier than me. I left. She blew up my phone crying she’s sorry, doesn’t like him and the sex was terrible. I snuck back when she was at work and got stuff so I don’t have to see her. I’m staying with my sister who won’t give me advice (long story). Please help. Welcome to planet Earth, where people do crazy shit. Sneaking back into your own apartment as if you’re not half-owner of that space? Crazy. Standing in front of someone who is supposedly your BFF and listening while she intimidates a guy into choosing between you? Crazy. Not noticing that your best friend isn’t a friend at all? Weird. Can you see how you are using this situation to make yourself small? You have as much right to be in that apartment as she does. You don’t have to go when she is present if you’re not ready to talk to her. But you do have to walk in like you belong there because you do. Watching a guy you like crumple when confronted by (let’s be honest) your former best friend is devastating. But hanging around while she eviscerates you? No, just no. FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real) can inspire us to freeze or fight or run away. Here’s what it means: We believe something so profoundly that it influences our body. Sometimes that’s a good thing. Other times, it helps to investigate our beliefs about ourselves or others or the world. If you velcroed to thoughts about being inferior to your roommate—less

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90   |   SN&R   |   09.27.18


09.27.18    |   SN&R   |   91

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