2019 Pan-University Viewbook

Page 1

Parsons Sch�l of Design Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts

The New Sch�l for Social Research

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College of Performing Arts


Sch�ls of Public Engagement Parsons Paris

bell hooks W.E .B. Dubois

hannah arendt Marc jacobs

ai weiwei

harry bel afonte

ani difr anco

mar tha gr aham john c age

For 100 years, we’ve shared with the world the power of “the new”— creative thinking put into action. Our name has become synonymous with progress. This year, we honor the innovators from our community who have come before you, the scholars, artists, activists, and designers who have made their mark on the world. You join this remarkable lineage when you become a New Schooler. newschool.edu/100

Margare t Me ad




Undergraduate Majors & Programs


Parsons School of Design


Parsons Paris


Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts College of Performing Arts

14 17

Bachelor’s Program for Adults and Transfer Students


Other Academic Opportunities


University Minors


Graduate Degrees & Programs


Parsons School of Design


The New School for Social Research


College of Performing Arts


Schools of Public Engagement


Graduate Minors


Additional Academic Offerings


Parsons Associate’s Degrees


Open Campus


Executive Education


Summer Programs


University Spaces & Resources


Student Support & Admission


Begin anywhere.

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The New School was founded nearly a century ago in New York City by a small group of prominent American intellectuals and educators who were frustrated by the intellectual timidity of traditional colleges. The founder among them Charles Beard, John Dewey, James Harve Robinson, and Thorstein Veblen, set out to create a new kind of academic institution, one where faculty and students would be free to honestly and directly addres problems facing societies in the 20th century. Their vis was to bring together scholars and citizens interested questioning, debating, and discussing the most import issues of the day. In 1919, they founded The New Scho for Social Research. Now formally named The New Sch the university has grown to include five colleges, with courses that reflect the founders’ interest in the emerg

Challenge your audience.

W.W. Norton, 2010. Paul Auster. Oracle Night. Picador, 2004. Rita Dove. Thomas and Beulah: Poems. CarnegieMellon Press, 1986. Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Collected Stories. Harper Perennial Modern Classics, 1999.

You are here.

Alternative Fashion Strategies 1 Anthropology

Curatorial Studies

Art and Design History

Music Composition 1

Capitalism Studies


Chinese Studies

Photography 1

Comics and


Graphic Narrative Communication Design 1

Post-Genre Music: Performance and Creation 1

Contemporary Dance

Printmaking 1

Contemporary Music


Creative Coding

Religious Studies

Creative Entrepreneurship


Creative Technologies for

Social Practice

Performative Practice


Culture and Media

Sustainable Cities

Data Visualization

Techniques of Music (Theory,

Design Studies

Disrupt the status quo.

Museum and

Ear Training, Dictation)

Digital Humanities

Temporary Environments

Dramatic Arts 1



Urban Studies

Environmental Studies

Visual Studies

Ethnicity and Race


Fashion Communication 1

Application required.

Fashion Studies Film Production Fine Arts 1 Food Studies French Studies Gender Studies Global Studies Hispanic Studies History Immersive Storytelling Interdisciplinary Science

New York City

Welcome to The New School, a university founded in 1919 by a group of intellectuals looking for a new model of education.

The New School

Our changing world is inspiring you to rethink, reimagine, and redesign. Now is the time; this is the place.

Learning here will forever change the way you think about and engage with the world around you. The acclaimed colleges and programs that make up our university can help you discover a unique path that begins with inquiry and ends in creative problem solving. Ours is a space designed for critical theory, creativity, and experimentation that defy convention and help create a


more just, more beautiful, and better-designed world.


Our Colleges The New School is the only university where a world-renowned design school comes together with progressive colleges and programs offering courses in liberal arts, performing arts, management, social research, and more. New School students can combine areas of study and cross-pollinate ideas in new and unexpected ways. Our multidimensional approach to education helps you view traditional disciplines from new perspectives. With learning opportunities that cross subject areas, you will stretch yourself both within and beyond traditional academic pathways. Hone your critical thinking skills as you propose, prototype, and implement solutions. Develop problem-solving skills through hands-on research and learning. Forever change the way you investigate and create. The following pages introduce you to the colleges within our university, all surprisingly interconnected, each dedicated to using intensive scholarship and creativity to effect positive change in the world.

Parsons School of Design Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts College of Performing Arts The New School for Social Research The New School

Schools of Public Engagement Parsons Paris


distinguished. Fields of study include art and design at Parsons, liberal arts at Lang, and classical and contemporary music and drama at our College of Performing Arts. Our students learn across disciplines, fearlessly take on new challenges, and engage with the most pressing issues facing our society. This comprehensive education fosters a multidimensional understanding of the world and inspires groundbreaking investigations and collaborations.

Parsons School of Design Parsons Paris Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts College of Performing Arts Bachelor’s Program for Adults and Transfer Students Other Academic Opportunities University Minors


programs are among the nation’s most

Undergraduate Majors & Programs

The New School’s undergraduate degree

Undergraduate Majors & Programs

Parsons School of Design

Undergraduate Majors Architectural Design BFA Communication Design BFA

Parsons has been a pioneer in art and design education since its founding in NYC in 1896, championing innovative movements and teaching methods that have shaped generations of artists, designers, scholars, entrepreneurs, and community leaders. Today, as the only leading art and design school within a comprehensive university, it offers students the unique opportunity to learn and collaborate across all of our disciplines.

Design and Technology BFA Design History and Practice BFA Fashion Design BFA 1

Our approach to art and design education and sustainability results in a passionate commitment to improving all aspects of society through inquiry, radical ideas, iterative experimentation,

Fine Arts BFA

and creative collaboration. Guided by world-renowned faculty

Illustration BFA

and curricula, a diverse international community disrupts

Integrated Design BFA

the status quo, fostering social and environmental good and

Interior Design BFA

preparing for an evolving workplace. Today, as industries and fields of study merge and branch

The New School

Photography BFA

off into new realms, artists and designers work freely in a range

Product Design BFA

of disciplines and collaborations. Our integrative approach

Strategic Design and

to making elevates your creativity and helps you thrive in a

Management BBA 1 Parsons BFA students can also complete a five-year BA/BFA dual degree, combining their art and design studies with liberal arts studies at Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts. 1 Offered

in both New York and Paris.

dynamic global landscape. First-Year Study Parsons’ first-year course of study immerses students in an exploration of art and design concepts, skills, and critical practices that train them to become flexible thinkers, proficient makers, and lifelong learners. The curriculum offers a range of approaches to art and design that prepare students for undergraduate programs at Parsons and enable them to envision paths beyond the confines of a single discipline.





PUFY 1000 Integrative Studio 1


PUFY 1010 Integrative Seminar 1


PUFY 1100 Sustainable Systems


LMTH 1950 Quantitative Reasoning 1


PUFY 1030 Drawing/Imaging*


PUFY 1001 Integrative Studio 2


PUFY 1011 Integrative Seminar 2


S 3 3

PUFY 1020 Space/Materiality* or PUFY 1040 Time*


ULEC 2230 Intro to Political Economies: Lecture


3 0

ULEC 2231 Intro to Political Economies: Recitation - 3

Program Elective 3




PUDM 2315 Marketing, PR, and Branding


PSDS 2115 Managing Creative Teams


PLDS 2190 History of Design: 1850–2000 Lecture


S -

PLDS 2191 History of Design: 1850–2000 Recitation 3 -

PUDM 2700 Information Visualization


PSDS 2100 Research and Development Methods



Parsons Paris, located in the heart of this global city, offers you an intimate, atelier-like environment in which to create, guided by Parsons’ signature curriculum. The learning community at Parsons Paris is made up of full-time undergraduate and graduate students from around the world, including students visiting from the university’s New York City campus and other American and international colleges. Bachelor’s programs currently offered are Art, Media, and Technology (BFA); Fashion Design (BFA); and Strategic

New York City

Parsons Paris

Undergraduate Majors Art, Media, and Technology BFA Fashion Design BFA 1 Strategic Design and Management BBA 1 1 Offered

in both New York and Paris.

Design and Management (BBA). Summer Intensive Studies programs are open to pre-college students (ages 16 years and older) and college students. In Paris—recently voted one of the best cities in which to study2—you discover how French and global brands, new media, and social innovation come together and enrich your work and knowledge of design around the world. Small classes foster close interaction with faculty and

The New School

interdisciplinary collaboration with peers across fields of study.

Quacquarelli Symonds World University Rankings (2018), a London-based global provider of specialist higher education and career information. Ranking based on feedback from both academic peers and employers.



2 By

Undergraduate Majors & Programs

Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts This small, forward-thinking liberal arts college in the heart of Greenwich Village brings together scholarly rigor, social relevance, and academic freedom in new and exciting ways. Our flexible writing-based curriculum offers fiercely independent students the opportunity to study primary texts and conduct Undergraduate Majors

scholarly investigation in small seminar classes. This allows them to work closely with faculty, many of whom are practitioners in their fields and global leaders closely connected

Anthropology BA

to organizations and industries addressing some of today’s

The Arts BA

most pressing issues. Students become part of an intimate and

Concentrations in Arts in Context

curious community that takes a critical and active approach to

and in Visual Studies

social engagement and cultural change. Our liberal arts students

Contemporary Dance BA

also benefit from studying at other schools in the university,

Contemporary Music BA

like Parsons School of Design and The New School for Social

Culture and Media BA Economics BA

The New School

Environmental Studies BA, BS Global Studies BA

Research, and collaborating with them to conduct integrated research in exciting and unforeseen ways. Lang: Where the Classroom Meets the World At Lang, the classroom is in constant dialogue with the outside world. Lang courses connect what students are learning to

History BA

the big questions and problems of the day. Students can study

Interdisciplinary Science BA

directly with activists, artists, policymakers, and community

Journalism + Design BA

leaders who co-teach courses with Lang faculty through

Liberal Arts BA, BS Self-designed program Literary Studies BA Concentrations in Literature and in Writing Philosophy BA Politics BA Psychology BA Screen Studies BA Sociology BA Theater BA

our Civic Liberal Arts program. And in addition to providing traditional internship and study abroad opportunities, Lang offers a range of fellowships, grants, and student conferences that support our students’ engagement with the world around them by combining research, theory, and practice. These include:

»» Academic Fellowships »» Social Science Fellowships »» Civic Engagement and Social Justice Mini-Grants »» Civic Liberal Arts Fellowships »» Dean’s Honor Symposia »» Eugene Lang Opportunity Awards »» Mohn Family Science and Social Justice Fellowships

Urban Studies BA


newschool.edu/lang newschool.edu/lang-elr

New York City

College of Performing Arts This center for artists lives at the heart of the country’s performing arts hub, New York City, and is home to three legendary schools—the School of Drama, the School of Jazz and Contemporary Music, and Mannes School of Music. We nurture each individual artist in order to cultivate fearless and embrace collaboration. Our students are supported in becoming artistic leaders and entrepreneurs who can make a positive difference in today’s world. Where the Arts Converge At the College of Performing Arts, we collaborate with a lively, entrepreneurial spirit. Actors, directors, composers,

Undergraduate Programs Mannes School of Music Composition BM Guitar BM

musicians, producers, and playwrights perform together and

Harpsichord BM

cross disciplines to create daring new work. Performing arts

Instrumental Performance BM

students can also pursue minors and courses in a range of

Orchestral Conducting BM

disciplines offered across The New School, including liberal arts, design, technology, and management—to name a few.

Piano BM Theory BM Voice BM

School of Drama

The New School

risk takers who value cultural relevance, pursue excellence,

Dramatic Arts BFA This studio-based program provides integrated training in acting, directing, playwriting, aesthetic inquiry, design, and new dramatic media.

School of Jazz and Contemporary Music Jazz and Contemporary Music BFA Concentrations in Instrumental and in Vocal. Areas of study include Bass, Drums, Guitar, Horn, Piano, Saxophone, Strings, Trumpet, Trombone, Voice, and Other Instruments.



BFA Jazz and Contemporary Music students can also complete a five-year BA/BFA dual degree, combining their music studies with liberal arts studies at Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts.

Undergraduate Majors & Programs

Bachelor’s Program for Adults and Transfer Students

undergraduate degree programs Liberal Arts BA, BS Self-designed program Creative Writing BA

Designed specifically for adult learners seeking an alternative to the traditional college experience, the Adult Bachelor’s Program offers flexible study options (including part-time or full-time study and on-campus or online study), the freedom to tailor curriculum to individual goals, and the opportunity to earn credit for college-level learning from work and life experience.

Environmental Studies BA, BS Food Studies BA, BS, AAS Global Studies BA

The Adult Bachelor’s Program community includes adults who wish to complete a degree after several years away from formal education, transfer students coming from two-

Media Studies BA, BS

year colleges, and professionals and veterans who want a

Musical Theater BFA

bachelor’s degree to advance their careers.

AMDA Integrated graduates only

Students may design their own degree or choose one

Psychology BA

of our majors. Whichever degree path students choose, our

Urban Studies BA

faculty, advisors, and staff support them in incorporating their

The New School

experiences and perspectives into their studies.



The Seven Study in

ure. New

s Co l l e g e ,

U n i v e r s i t y . N e w Yo r k : Co l u m b i a U n i v e r s i t y P r e s s , 1 9 7 7.

versity, 1906.

Bell, Daniel. The Reforming

rvia B. uel. The


of General Education: T h e Co l u m b i a Co l l e g e

d Practice of In Its National Setting. N e w Yo r k : A n c h o r, 1 9 6 8 .

n Fr a n c i s c o : 1978.

ph. ange: A l y s i s .” T h e

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ment in Higher 030 355. -$2.96.

B e n n e t t , J o h n . “ Li b e r a l E d u c a t i o n -W h y ? ” Li b e r a l Education 63 (March Bergquist, William H. “ E i g h t Cu r r i c u l a r M o d e l s .” I n D e v e l o p i n g t h e Co l l e g e Cu m k u l u r n : A H a n d b o o k f o r Fa c u l t y a n d Administrators, by Arthur Chickering, David Halliburton, William H. Bergquist, and Jack Li n d q u i s t . Wa s h i n g t o n ,

m. The

D . C . : Co u n c i l f o r t h e

hnique: A aning in a

A d v a n c e m e n t o f Si n a l l Co l l e g e s , 1 9 7 7. E D 1 5 2

Ci v i l i z a t i o n . N e w Yo r k :

1 2 5 . M F - $ 0 . 9 8 ; P C- N o t available from EDRS.

an: A Study Philosophy. New

Berry, Donald L. “The Li b e r a l A r t s a s At t i t u d e .” Journal of General Education

ay, 1958.

rt L., and d . Tr a d i t i o n n: General

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2 9 ( Fa l l 1 9 7 7 ) : 2 2 8 -2 3 4 . Blackburn, Robert; A r m s t r o n g , E l l e n ; Co n r a d , Clifton; Didham, James: and

New York City

Other Academic Opportunities Take advantage of our BA/BFA Dual Degree At The New School, you can simultaneously pursue liberal arts studies and an art and design or music education and complete two degrees in five years. You can combine the professional training provided by Parsons School of Design or the School of Jazz and Contemporary Music with the seminar-style liberal arts education offered by Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts—all within a single university. newschool.edu/babfa Begin earning a master’s while still an UNDERGRADUATE If you are pursuing a bachelor’s degree at Lang, College of Performing Arts, or in the Bachelor’s Program for Adults and Transfer Students, you can take graduatelevel courses beginning in your junior year. You can earn up to 18 credits (depending on the master’s program) and apply those credits to both undergraduate and graduate degrees at The New School. To explore the list of bachelor’s-master’s options, go online. newschool.edu/bachelors-masters Study abroad and gain a world of experience An early leader in international education, The New School continues to expand scholarship. These undergraduate and graduate opportunities foster deeper student and university-wide engagement with pressing world issues and include short-term to yearlong stays in countries such as Norway, South Africa, France, Poland, China, the Netherlands, Brazil, and more.

The New School

the scope of its study abroad programs and other opportunities for international

newschool.edu/study-abroad BE A VISITING STUDENT—LEARN SOMETHING NEW Certain programs at The New School accept applications from those wishing to attend as visiting, nondegree, or exchange students. For information about applying to and studying at The New School as a visiting, nondegree, or exchange student, visit newschool.edu/visiting-students. Seize the summer With Summer Intensives Light up your summer with immersive programs in a range of disciplines, including art and design, writing, film, social justice, activism, and entrepreneurship. Offerings like the Summer Writers Colony, the United Nations Summer Study Program, and Parsons Summer Intensives in New York and Paris draw on our university’s many schools and academic strengths. These programs, designed for students from second-graders through adults, offer an environment in which you can develop technique, create a portfolio for college applications, earn university credit, or gain new career skills.



Undergraduate Majors & Programs

University Minors Minors at The New School offer you major opportunities to immerse yourself in new disciplines. Our wide range of minors enables New School students to explore their interests in all of our schools and colleges. Students can acquire professional skills, develop an interdisciplinary outlook, and gain a competitive edge on job and graduate school applications. Alternative Fashion Strategies 1

Interdisciplinary Science


Japanese Studies

Art and Design History

Jewish Culture

Capitalism Studies

Journalism + Design

Chinese Studies

Literary Translation

Comics and Graphic Narrative


Communication Design 1

Moving Image Arts

Contemporary Dance

Museum and Curatorial Studies

Contemporary Music

Music Composition 1

Creative Coding


Creative Entrepreneurship

Photography 1

Creative Technologies for


Performative Practice Culture and Media

Post-Genre Music: Performance and Creation 1

The New School

Data Visualization

Printmaking 1

Design Studies


Digital Humanities

Race and Ethnicity

Dramatic Arts 1

Religious Studies



Environmental Studies

Social Practice

Fashion Communication 1


Fashion Studies

Sustainable Cities

Film Production

Techniques of Music (Theory,

Fine Arts 1

Ear Training, Dictation)

Food Studies

Temporary Environments

French Studies


Gender Studies

Urban Studies

Global Studies

Visual Studies

Hispanic Studies


History Immersive Storytelling

1 Application




Abelson, Paul. The Seven Li b e r a l A r t s : A S t u d y i n M e d i e v a l Cu l t u r e . N e w Yo r k : Te a c h e r s Co l l e g e , Co l u m b i a U n i v e r s i t y , 1 9 0 6 . Anderson, Scarvia B. and Ball, Samuel. The Profession and Practice of Program Ev a l u a t i o n . S a n Fr a n c i s c o : Jossey-Bass, 1978.

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Axelrod, Joseph. “ Cu r r i c u l a r C h a n g e : A M o d e l f o r A n a l y s i s .” T h e Research

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Reporter 3 (1968). University of California,


B e r k e l e y : Ce n t e r f o r Research and Development in Higher Education. ED 030 355. M F - $ 0 . 9 8 ; P C- $ 2 . 9 6 . Barrett, William. The I l l u s i o n o f Te c h n i q u e : A Search for Meaning in a Te c h n o l o g i c a l Ci v i l i z a t i o n . G a rd e n Ci t y , N e w Yo r k : A n c h o r, 1 9 7 8 . . Irrational Man: A Study in Existential Philosophy. G a rd e n Ci t y , N e w Yo r k : D o u b l e d a y , 1 9 5 8 . Belknap, Robert L., and K u h n s , R i c h a rd . Tr a d i t i o n and Innovation: General Education and the Reintegration of the U n i v e r s i t y . N e w Yo r k :

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most celebrated graduate, professional degree, and certificate programs. These distinguished offerings include programs in art and design at Parsons, the social sciences at The New School for Social Research, classical music and drama at our College of Performing Arts, and professional management, public policy, media and communications, creative writing, and international affairs at the Schools of Public Engagement. Integrating in-class and


The New School offers some of the world’s

in-the-field work, these programs guide graduate students through convention-defying courses of study. Many classes are held in the evening to accommodate busy schedules, and some graduate degrees can be completed online. In addition, the university’s growing series of graduate minors enable students to dissolve the walls between disciplines by providing structured pathways through which they can immerse themselves in subjects outside of

Parsons School of Design The New School for Social Research College of Performing Arts Schools of Public Engagement graduate minors

graduate Degrees & Programs

their primary field of study.

Graduate Degrees & Programs

Parsons School of Design Graduate Programs Architecture MArch Architecture/Lighting Design MArch/MFA 1 Communication Design MPS Concentration in Digital Product Design Data Visualization MS Design and Technology MFA

Art and design professionals in the 21st century must navigate a fluid and highly networked global culture. Parsons prepares students for this rapidly evolving world by offering a range of graduate programs that center on advanced studio practice and research and specialized courses of study taught by some of the world’s most renowned creative practitioners.

Design and Urban Ecologies MS

The curriculum allows for both focused and interdisciplinary

Fashion Design and Society MFA

paths of study. Working in teams and on their own, students

Fashion Management MPS 2 Fashion Studies MA 3

master concepts, technologies, and research methods drawn from a range of fields. Advanced studio work, research and immersion in the social sciences, and an array of programs

Fine Arts MFA

prepare students to shape scholarship and practice in their fields,

History of Design and

become leaders of innovation across industries, and make art

Curatorial Studies MA

The New School

Industrial Design MFA

and design that matter. A Community of Scholars

Interior Design MFA

Graduates at Parsons become part of a select, diverse

Interior Design and

community of creative independent thinkers. An expanding

Lighting Design MFA 4 Lighting Design MFA Photography MFA Strategic Design and Management MS 5, 6 Textiles MFA Theories of Urban Practice MA Transdisciplinary Design MFA 1 Dual

degree. can complete the program on campus or online. 3 Offered in both New York and Paris. 4 Double major. 5 Students can complete the program on campus, online, or through a combination of on-campus and online study. 6 Global Executive option available. 2 Students

network of experimental design laboratories and research institutes, like the Tishman Environment and Design Center, Sheila C. Johnson Design Center, Center for Data Arts, and Center for New York City Affairs, allow students to collaborate with faculty and peers from Parsons and other New School graduate programs, connect with external partners, and explore unique learning opportunities outside of the classroom. Parsons Paris A gateway to Europe’s diverse cultural, intellectual, and business resources, Parsons Paris is a unique extension of The New School. Innovative master’s-level courses allow graduate students to rigorously explore, investigate, and immerse themselves in one of the world’s foremost design capitals.


newschool.edu/parsons newschool.edu/parsons-paris

Graduate Cours e PROB LEMS IN A NT HROP OLOGY FALL 2 018 TAUGH T BY: ANN STOLER SECTION: A CRN: 2 62 1 Credits : 3 Col l ege: New S c h o o l fo r Social Research (GF) Department: An th ro p o lo g y (GANT ) Campus : New Yo rk City (GV ) Cours e Format: Semin a r ( R) Max Enrol l men t: 2 5 Topic s

CONTAGION: A FFECT, LAW & BIOINSECURIT IES NEW SCHOOL FOR SOCIA L RESEARCH: ANT HROPOLOGY Liberal Arts Graduate Cours e Deg ree Students (with Restrictions) CONTAGION TAUGH T BY: ANN STOLER SECTION: A CRN: 7794 Credits : 3 Col l ege: New S c h o o l fo r Social Research (GF) Department: An th ro p o lo g y (GANT ) Campus : New Yo rk City (GV ) Cours e Format: Semin a r ( R) Max Enrol l men t: 15 Topic s Meeting Info: Days : Thurs day Times : 4:00pm - 5: 50p m B uil ding: TB D Room: TB D

New York City

The New School for Social Research The New School for Social Research is an internationally renowned graduate school where scholars, practitioners, and innovators guide students to understand the world around them through inquiry and investigation. Students build new knowledge through research, become critical and socially engaged scholars, and learn to grapple with the tensions of contemporary society.

Graduate Programs

Both graduate students and faculty here believe that research

Historical Studies MA

and pedagogy should advance economic justice, promote

Liberal Studies MA

understanding of social change and social movements, and

Philosophy MA,2 PhD

train the next generation of scholars and leaders to influence

Politics MA, PhD

provide further opportunities for innovative collaboration at the

Creative Publishing and Critical Journalism MA Economics MA, MS, PhD Global Political Economy and

Gender and Sexuality Studies graduate certificate1

Psychology MA,2 PhD General Psychology MA

intersection of social theory, policy, and critical inquiry.

Clinical Psychology PhD Cognitive, Social, and

Interdisciplinary Centers That Define the Present


The New School for Social Research supports an array of centers and special programs, including the Graduate Institute for Design, Ethnography, and Social Thought; the Zolberg Institute on Migration and Mobility; and the Robert L. Heilbroner Center for Capitalism Studies. These centers and institutes foster interdisciplinary research, fuel policy debates, and promote public discussion about pressing

Finance MA

Psychology PhD

Sociology MA, PhD 1 The

graduate certificate is an Advanced Certificate program open to students who have completed an undergraduate degree. 2 MA Concentration in Psychoanalytic Studies. 3 MA Concentration in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Counseling.

The New School

public debate. Interdisciplinary research centers and institutes

Anthropology MA, PhD

social issues including globalization, democracy, inequality, and development. For a full list of centers and institutes, see page 51 or visit newschool.edu/nssr-scp. Our Scholars and Their Work The New School for Social Research fosters progressive scholarship that engages with the most critical issues of our time. In keeping with our history of heterodox inquiry, our faculty, students, and alumni are constantly rethinking and redefining research and pedagogy in the social sciences, history, and philosophy. The quality of our faculty’s work has been recognized with a number of prizes, including the Legion of Honor, an Andrew Carnegie Fellowship, and a Guggenheim Prize, to name a few. Our faculty also produce a growing list

newschool.edu/nssr newschool.edu/nssr-scp newschool.edu/nssr/journals-publications


of respected books, journal articles, and other publications.

Graduate Degrees & Programs

College of Performing Arts

Graduate Programs Arts Management and Entrepreneurship MA Performer-Composer MM

School of Drama Master of Fine Arts MFA1

Graduate programs at the College of Performing Arts immerse students in the greatest performing arts city in the world—New York City. Acclaimed faculty mentors work individually with students to cultivate risk takers who value cultural relevance, rigorously pursue excellence, and embrace collaboration. These artists become leaders and entrepreneurs who make a positive difference in today’s world. The community at the College of Performing Arts strives to break down the walls between performing arts disciplines, both figuratively and literally. Students enter a world-class building

Mannes School of Music Collaborative Piano MM, PDPL2

tailored to performing artists of all kinds. There are state-ofthe-art practice rooms, sound booths, ensemble classrooms, adjustable performance spaces, and percussion classrooms

Composition MM, PDPL2

throughout the building. The ground-floor Glass Box Theater

Guitar MM, PDPL2

opens up our performances to the world outside. Within this

The New School

Harpsichord MM, PDPL2 Instrumental Performance MM, PDPL2

ideal environment, our graduate students hone their craft and expand creative boundaries, graduating not only as masters of their disciplines but as complete artists, prepared to meet

Orchestral Conducting MM, PDPL2

the numerous challenges of today’s rapidly evolving creative

Piano MM, PDPL2


Theory MM, PDPL


Voice MM, PDPL2

MA in Arts Management and Entrepreneurship To establish sustainable and satisfying careers, today’s performers must be enterprising and innovative, flexible and

1 The

School of Drama’s MFA program is not accepting applications for the 2020–2021 academic year. 2 The Professional Studies Diploma (PDPL) is an Advanced Certificate program open to students who have completed an undergraduate degree.

fearless. Our one-of-a-kind MA in Arts Management and Entrepreneurship enables performing artists to advance their practice while acquiring the competencies needed to excel as independent artists, reinvent cultural organizations, and launch their own arts-related enterprises.3 3 Students

enrolled at the College of Performing Arts can complete both a BFA and an MA in Arts Management and Entrepreneurship in five years; those with a bachelor’s degree can complete an MA in two years.



New York City

SCHOOLS OF PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT These graduate schools and programs are designed for the intellectually curious, creative, and socially engaged at all stages of their careers. Our students are passionate about social justice around the world and challenge the conventions others take for granted. Our innovative graduate programs in media, creative writing, languages/TESOL, international affairs, policy, and management integrate real-world practice with cutting-edge theory.

Milano School of Policy, Management, and Environment and environment programs engage students in addressing major social, economic, environmental, and political problems

Graduate Programs Environmental Policy and Sustainability Management MS

in real time. Our innovative interdisciplinary curriculum brings

Concentrations in Management

together faculty and students to facilitate social change through theory, policy, management, and project-based fieldwork.

and in Policy Leadership and Change 1

Whether you’re interested in advancing environmental justice through policy and activism, addressing inequity through public

graduate certificate Organization Development 1

and urban policy, or learning the management, leadership, and entrepreneurial skills needed to run an organization, our programs prepare you to become an agent of change in an increasingly connected and complex world. newschool.edu/milano

graduate certificate Public and Urban Policy MS,2 PhD 3 Sustainability Strategies 1 graduate certificate

The New School

The Milano School’s public and urban policy, management,

1 The

graduate certificate is an Advanced Certificate program open to students who have completed an undergraduate degree. 2 An accelerated option is available for the MS program. 3 Areas of specialization are available in health policy, economic development, housing, community development, and social policy.

School of Media Studies The media landscape is changing rapidly. Increasingly digital, diverse, and international, the industry requires media makers and managers to possess skills in media production, critical analysis and reflection, entrepreneurship, and management. Get the contemporary media experience you need from faculty who are practitioners and industry leaders. Build a solid portfolio of creative media projects, critical thinking skills, and professional experience. Take advantage of the professional resources available in New York City, one of the most dynamic media capitals in the world, or explore new media through online curriculum. Prepare to join the media makers, entrepreneurs, researchers, designers, and scholars

Graduate Programs Documentary Media Studies graduate certificate 1, 2 Media Management MS, graduate certificate 1, 2 Media Studies MA 3 1 The

graduate certificate is an Advanced Certificate program open to students who have completed an undergraduate degree. 2 Students can complete the program on campus, online, or through a combination of on-campus and online study. 3 On campus only.

creating the media cultures of the future.



Graduate Degrees & Programs

Julien J. Studley Graduate Programs in International Affairs Graduate Programs

The field of international affairs is changing, and approaches in and outside of the classroom must change as well. In the renowned

International Affairs MA, MS MA Concentrations in Cities and

Studley Graduate Programs in International Affairs, we constantly

Social Justice; Conflict and

adapt our curriculum to respond to pressing current issues, such

Security; Development;

as the rise of authoritarian regimes, population displacement,

Governance and Rights; and

youth unemployment, and climate change. We stand out from

Media and Culture

conventional programs with our unique blend of pedagogical and scholarly commitments. Named among the top international affairs programs by the Foreign Policy Association, the graduate degrees in International Affairs are distinctive in the New School tradition: critical, engaged, and truly global. International Field Program The International Field Program enables emerging practitioners and researchers to gain in-field experience in topics ranging from community development, policy advocacy, citizen journalism, and postconflict state building in more than 30 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Europe. In the course of nine weeks, master’s and PhD students, undergraduates (rising juniors and seniors), and continuing education professionals conduct research with experts examining pressing issues in their fields. newschool.edu/ia newschool.edu/ifp

The New School

Creative Writing Program Graduate Program

Live the writer’s life in New York City. In our creative writing graduate program, you join a community of diverse voices,

Creative Writing MFA Concentrations in Fiction;

immerse yourself in New York’s publishing world, and build a

Nonfiction; Poetry; and Writing for

network that will support you through graduation and beyond. MFA Creative Writing students develop their craft in

Children and Young Adults

workshops and literary seminars led by an internationally recognized faculty with close ties to New York publishing and the city’s literary scene. Courses and events are held in the evening, enabling students to work during the day while in the program. newschool.edu/writing

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Graduate Programs Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) MA

1, 2

English is the primary language of global communications, and demand for TESOL (teaching English to speakers of other languages) professionals trained in the best practices of teaching

Concentrations in Curriculum

adults is greater than ever. The New School’s MA TESOL program

Development and in Teaching

is one of the leading programs of its kind in the country, offering

1 Students

can complete the program on campus, online, or through a combination of on-campus and online study. 2 The New School offers an on-campus intensive summer session that starts in June.

professional teachers training that helps them address major political, social, and cultural concerns and address the needs of adult students seeking to learn English.



i v i c S e rv i c e D e s i g n

ransmedia and i g i ta l S to ry t e l l i n g

i g r at i o n S t u d i e s

ethods and oncepts of Political c o n o m y ( a p p l i c at i o n equired)

pac t ntrepreneurship a p p l i c at i o n r e q u i r e d )

lo b a l U r b a n utures

esign Studies

i v i c S e rv i c e D e s i g n

a p i ta l i s m S t u d i e s

New York City

Graduate minors Master’s and doctoral students at The New School now have the opportunity to engage in cross-disciplinary study and university-wide collaboration through graduate minors. These structured pathways of study immerse you in disciplines outside of your primary field, expose you to alternative modes of research and practice, and broaden your skills and career options. The New School’s graduate minors currently include: Capitalism Studies Civic Service Design Design Studies Global Urban Futures Impact Entrepreneurship Methods and Concepts of Political Economy Migration Studies Transmedia and Digital Storytelling


The New School


We offer many ways to study at our university and benefit from our vast, open scholarly network. Students of all backgrounds take advantage of The New School’s curriculum throughout the calendar year from around the world. Join us, and take for-credit or noncredit courses reflecting the latest developments in contemporary pedagogy

Parsons Associate’s (AAS) Degrees Open Campus Executive Education


Summer programs

Additional Academic Offerings

Parsons Associate’s (AAS) Degrees Challenging, rigorous, industry-focused design coursework defines Parsons’ AAS programs. These degrees are designed for nontraditional students with significant life and professional experience. Candidates should be clear about their interests in the field of design and prepared for rapid immersion in a professional course of study that propels them to the very forefront of design practice. Parsons AAS degrees include: Communication Design Fashion Design Fashion Marketing and Communication Interior Design newschool.edu/parsons/associates-degrees

Open Campus With Open Campus, The New School’s access point for continuing, professional and pre-college education, you can study a range of disciplines alongside a growing network of innovative creative minds. Here learners of all kinds benefit from programming in a variety of fields—including professional certificates in design and design thinking, management, community development, social impact, and more—along with youth and teen programs and individual courses in art and design, writing, media, and liberal arts. Many courses and certificates are available online, offering students maximum flexibility. Our forward-looking approach to learning brings together a vibrant network of faculty, scholars, The New School

professionals, and students committed to changing the world. opencampus.newschool.edu

Executive Education Leaders need to continually upgrade their knowledge, strategies, and skills to compete in an increasingly complex and rapidly evolving professional landscape. The New School’s professional and executive education offerings draw on the intellectual strengths of our interdisciplinary university as well as the design-led approaches of Parsons School of Design. Programs include customized solutions tailored to the needs of businesses, two- to five-day immersive experiences that provide professionals with actionable tools and insights, and graduate executive programs in which professionals build practical expertise and management skills. corporatepartner.newschool.edu

Summer Programs At The New School, creativity and scholarship continue to thrive during the summer in a range of disciplines, including art and design, drama, writing, film, social justice, activism, entrepreneurship, chamber music, and jazz. Our immersive summer coursework allows youth and teen students in grades 2–12, college students, and adults and professionals to seize the summer by studying with respected scholar-practitioners at Parsons, Lang, Mannes, and the Schools of Public Engagement. Earn university credit while exploring emerging theories and techniques, developing a portfolio, and gaining new career skills. Programs


are offered in NYC, Paris, and other locations abroad. opencampus.newschool.edu/summer

New York City

Stand in the footsteps of groundbreakers—then follow your own path At The New School, you learn the rules by breaking them, just like the legendary students and faculty who preceded you.

Eugene Goossen, art critic and historian Stephanie Kelton, chief economist on the U.S. Senate Budget Committee (2015) Abraham Maslow, a founder of humanistic psychology Kevin Mattson, historian and political analyst Sidney Mintz, anthropologist Franco Modigliani, 1985 Nobel Prize in Economics winner Richard Noll, clinical psychologist and writer Franklin Delano Roosevelt III, economist Yossi Sarid, political scientist and journalist Dr. Ruth Westheimer, sex therapist ACTING Bea Arthur, actor Marlon Brando, actor and activist Bradley Cooper, actor Paul Dano, actor Deepti Divakar, actor Elisa Donovan, actor Jesse Eisenberg, actor Jonah Hill, actor Adam Pally, actor Kevin Smith, actor Shelley Winters, actor

Narciso Rodriguez, fashion designer Alina Roytberg, co-founder of beauty brand Fresh Anna Sui, fashion designer Alexander Wang, fashion designer Bob Williams, founder of Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams Robert Wong, CCO of Google Creative Lab LITERATURE James Baldwin, novelist, essayist, playwright, and poet Lorraine Hansberry, playwright Jack Kerouac, novelist and poet Madeleine L’Engle, novelist Mario Puzo, screenwriter Danyel Smith, editor and journalist William Styron, novelist and essayist Tennessee Williams, playwright MUSIC Burt Bacharach, composer

Victoria Hagan, interior designer Marc Jacobs, fashion designer Alex Lee, product designer and former president of OXO Jenna Lyons, fashion designer Tracy Reese, fashion designer

SOCIAL JUSTICE & ENTREPRENEURSHIP Ray Acheson, director of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom Medea Benjamin, co-founder of Code Pink William Donohue, sociologist and president of the Catholic League Abraham Foxman, director of the Anti-Defamation League Janine Jackson, program director of Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting Ellen Johnson, president of American Atheists Leandra Medine, founder of Man Repeller Stephan Said, activist and songwriter

Richard Avedon,

music theorist Ani DiFranco, singer-songwriter Robert Glasper, jazz pianist Yonghoon Lee, opera singer Sufjan Stevens,

and filmmaker

prodemocracy activist


Sheila Bridges, interior

Tom Ford, fashion designer

president of Israel Tinga Seisay, diplomat and

John Cage, composer and

Matisyahu, reggae artist

Peter de Sève, illustrator

politician, and diplomat Shimon Peres, former

Harry Belafonte, singer

DESIGN designer

Millicent Fenwick, editor,

singer-songwriter Marcus Strickland, jazz saxophonist Roman Turovsky-Savchuk, composer POLITICS & GOVERNMENT Nelson Barbosa, economist and Brazil’s former minister of finance

The New School

Peter L. Berger, sociologist

photographer Ed Feingersh, photojournalist Edward Hopper, painter and printmaker Jasper Johns, painter, sculptor, and printmaker Ryan McGinley, artist and photographer Steven Meisel, fashion photographer Norman Rockwell, painter, author, and illustrator Ai Weiwei, architectural designer, artist, and activist Brian Wood, graphic novelist, illustrator, and designer



Additional Academic Offerings

Innovative Careers across Industries New School alumni, and even current students, thrive in rewarding careers in an array of leading industries and institutions. Art & Design


Technology &

Acne Studios




Complex magazine



Condé Nast


Alexander McQueen

Epic Records


Art Institute of Chicago




Fast Company


Calvin Klein




NBC Universal


Design Within Reach






Indianapolis Museum of Art



LVMH Ventures






Marvel Entertainment

ZOOM Media

Whole Foods

New York Times Nike Prada Proenza Schouler Refinery29 The New School

SHoP Architects Studio Ashby Under Armour Arts & Culture Jazz at Lincoln Center Jewish Museum Madison Square Garden Metropolitan Opera Parkwood Entertainment Sotheby’s Communications, Advertising & Strategy BBDO Huge IDEO Pentagram

Public sector American Red Cross International Rescue Committee New York City Council United Nations U.S. Department of State Women in Need


The New School’s facilities and resources are designed to support the academic endeavors of the diverse students who make up our community. The university ensures that all New School students are firmly planted in an environment that helps them achieve and surpass their intellectual and creative goals. Supporting this commitment is an array of state-of-the-art facilities, such as our Making Center and an assortment of libraries and gallery spaces.

The MAKING CENTER Libraries Galleries & Exhibition Centers Practice, Rehearsal & Performance Spaces


University Spaces & Resources

Public Programs

University Spaces & Resources

The making center—

Galleries & Exhibition centers

a new paradigm in design

The New School houses two galleries in the

The Making Center at Parsons, located in the

Sheila C. Johnson Design Center, an award-

Sheila C. Johnson Design Center, is a spacious

winning building designed by Lyn Rice

The New School

collaborative studio that is dedicated to innovative

Architects that measures more than 4,000

making of all kinds—the creation of new objects,

square feet and includes plasma screens,

ideas, systems, and partnerships—and anchors

a rotating wallpaper design, and a student

the university’s network of campus resources.

critique area. Filled year-round with exhibitions

New School students can meet the

of work by outside artists and designers,

requirements of workshops and interdisciplinary

faculty, and students, our galleries are an

and project-based courses by using the Making

important downtown destination for art and

Center to develop their making practice, using

design programming. Students and faculty

our cutting-edge equipment and tools. Housed

also present their work in other on-campus

in the studio’s center are new 3D printing

and satellite venues throughout the city.

technologies, a complete ceramics “wet lab,” up-to-date printmaking facilities, laser cutters,

Practice, Rehearsal &

CNC routers, rapid prototyping labs, digital

Performance Spaces

imaging, and configurable work spaces for

The New School has designed practice, rehearsal,

developing and sharing ideas.

and performance spaces to help students realize their goal of becoming successful artists. The


school’s 20,000-square-foot facility at 55 West

The New School Libraries & Archives provides

13th Street houses the Performance Space (seating

university scholars with access to collections,

120), now featuring The Stone, the landmark

services, and spaces sufficient in quality, depth,

avant-garde, experimental performance series

diversity, format, and currency to support the

founded by legendary musician John Zorn.

groundbreaking research and teaching missions of The New School. In addition to using our on-site

The building also holds the School of Drama’s undergraduate program and contains


facilities—including the List Center Library,

six BFA studios. Graduate programs are

University Center Library, Performing Arts

located at 151 Bank Street in the West Village,

Library, and Archives & Special Collections

which includes several MFA studios and a

at the Sheila C. Johnson Design Center—New

black box performance space with state-of-

School faculty and degree-seeking students have

the-art sound and lighting systems. Tishman

access to the extensive resources of New York

Auditorium at the University Center, The

University’s Bobst Library, the Cooper Union

Auditorium at 66 West 12th Street, and other

library, the New York School of Interior Design,

prominent performance spaces across New

and other institutions across New York City.

York City also serve as venues for student and faculty productions.


The New School

New York City

University Spaces & Resources

The New School


Public Programs at The New School offers more than a thousand events each year—most presented free—providing fresh perspectives

Environment Healthy Materials Lab Tishman Environment and Design Center International Affairs and Global Perspectives

and unique learning opportunities for our

India China Institute

university and the broader community.

Janey Program in Latin American Studies

These lectures, conversations, exhibitions,

Observatory on Latin America (OLA)

concerts, and performances feature a range of

Transregional Center for Democratic

intellectual leaders and include the Nth Degree, a series of events spotlighting creative minds who create critical change in the world.

New York City

Public programs

Studies (TCDS) Zolberg Institute on Migration and Mobility Media and Communication Engage Media Lab

Industry Partnerships Industry Partnerships at The New School

Re/Lab Philosophy and Intellectual Culture

connects leading organizations and brands

Hannah Arendt Center

with the unique combination of knowledge,

Husserl Archives

thought leadership, and creativity offered by our world-renowned faculty and emergent innovators. Deploying advanced technology, data, and human-centered design thinking,

Sándor Ferenczi Center Politics, Policy, and Society Bernard Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis (SCEPA)

our faculty and students develop customized

Center for Public Scholarship

solutions that drive innovation and help

Digital Equity Lab

businesses thrive in a complex, diverse global

Hannah Arendt Center


Heilbroner Center for Capitalism Studies Observatory on Latin America (OLA)

Scholarship and creative learning happen both in and outside of the classroom at The

Urban Systems Lab Vera List Center for Art and Politics Social Research and Design

New School. Across our campus, students

Center for Attachment Research

and faculty come together in interactive,

Center for Research with Infants and

collaborative spaces to rethink, redesign, and reimagine the world. In these labs, centers, facilities, and research institutes, academic rigor combines with intellectual freedom, generating groundbreaking work that challenges

Toddlers Eugene Lang College Social Science Fellowship Program Graduate Institute for Design, Ethnography, and Social Thought (GIDEST)

traditional approaches to problem solving.

Integrative PhD Fellowship Program

Listed below are centers and institutes on our

Institute for Critical Social Inquiry

campus. Art, Design, and Theory Center for Data Arts Center for Transformative Media Designed Realities Lab ELab

The New School

Centers, Institutes & Labs

Safran Center for Psychological Studies Urban and Community Development Center for New York City Affairs Community Development Finance Lab Digital Equity Lab Urban Systems Lab

Parsons DESIS (Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability) Lab Sheila C. Johnson Design Center Tishman Environment and Design Center Vera List Center for Art and Politics Education Collaboratory Humanities Action Lab Institute for Retired Professionals




Student Support & Admission


10 A

11 AV

12 A




You Are Here.

W 26 ST

W 25 ST

In downtown New York— a world-renowned hub for creative minds.

03 Stuyvesant Park

25 East 13th Street 10 School of Drama 151 Bank Street

300 West 20th Street Academic &

11 Albert and Vera List Academic Center

The New School

Administration 05 Fanton Hall/ Welcome Center

6 East 16th Street 12 Alvin Johnson/ J.M. Kaplan Hall

72 Fifth Avenue 06 University Center 63 Fifth Avenue


of Design

09 Parsons East

318 East 15th Street 04 20th Street Residence

Center/Parsons School

65 West 11th Street 64 West 11th Street

135 East 12th Street

Sheila C. Johnson Design

of Liberal Arts 08 Lang Annex

W 19 ST

14 2 West 13th Street

W 17 ST

15 68 Fifth Avenue W 16 ST

16 66 Fifth Avenue Administrative Offices

W 15 ST

17 71 Fifth Avenue 18 79 Fifth Avenue


19 80 Fifth Avenue 20 Buildings Office

66 West 12th Street 13 Arnhold Hall/College of Performing Arts G


31 Apollo Theater

41 Barnes & Noble

24 The Jewish Museum 1109 Fifth Avenue 25 The Metropolitan 1000 Fifth Avenue 26 MoMA 11 West 53rd Street 27 MoMA PS1 22-25 Jackson Avenue, Queens 28 National Museum of the American Indian 1 Bowling Green 29 The New Museum 235 Bowery


30 The Whitney Museum of American Art 99 Gansevoort Street

34 Carnegie Hall 881 Seventh Avenue 35 Lincoln Center 10 Lincoln Center Plaza 36 The Public Theater 425 Lafayette Street 37 Upright Citizens Brigade 45 Bleecker Street Politics & social Justice 38 International Rescue Committee 122 East 42nd Street 39 The United Nations 405 East 42nd Street 40 Urban Justice Center 40 Rector Street

Bookstore 172 Allen Street 43 The Strand Bookstore 828 Broadway Food, Coffee & Supplies 44 The Bean 824 Broadway 45 Blick Art Materials • 21 East 13th Street • 650 Sixth Avenue • 1-5 Bond Street 46 Breads Bakery


18 East 16th Street


New School Building

47 The Grey Dog









Museum of Art


33 East 17th Street


250 Bowery

30 Lafayette Avenue,


West Village

42 Bluestockings




of Music



of Photography

131 West 3rd Street 33 Brooklyn Academy



1071 Fifth Avenue 23 International Center

253 West 125th Street 32 Blue Note Jazz Club






22 The Guggenheim




2 East 91st Street



Music & Theater







Museums &

Smithsonian Design



113 University Place

NYC Highlights

21 Cooper Hewitt,


W 14 ST

55 West 13th Street



02 Loeb Hall



65 Fifth Avenue

W 21 ST

10 AVE

07 Eugene Lang College

01 Kerrey Hall


Residence Halls



W 23 ST


New School University Buildings


W 24 ST


Student Support & Admission


90 University Place 48 Hu Kitchen

NYC Highlight

78 Fifth Avenue 49 Joe Coffee



Subway Station

9 East 13th Street 50 Murray’s Bagels

Subway Line

500 Sixth Avenue 51 Num Pang Kitchen

Bike Path

28 East 12th Street 52 Stumptown Coffee 30 West 8th Street

Citi Bike Station



3 A







New York City


21 22 25




E 25 ST



E 24 ST F






E 23 ST

W 23 ST


W 22 ST













W 14 ST




E 14 ST L








E 13 ST

East Village


E 12 ST


W 11 ST





W 12 ST W












E 11 ST












7 AV S



E 7 ST



E 4 ST

W 3 ST E 3 ST


E 2 ST 42




E 1 ST 6





ST 1


E 6 AV








E 6 ST

E 5 ST




E 8 ST


6 AV E






23 29



















4 A





Greenwich Village

The New School


41 46

W 13 ST







W 18 ST




W 20 ST






Student Support & Admission

Student resources

and friendly environment. We want The New

We want you to enjoy yourself, make new

School to be your home away from home. We

friends, and have a smooth adjustment to

achieve this by:

college life. We are here so that you don’t have

»» Providing expertise and support

to do it alone. If you have questions, we have

throughout the U.S. visa application

answers, on these topics and more:

process and offering advisement on the

»» Athletics and recreation »» Health and wellness »» Student disability services »» Student employment »» Meal plans »» Safety and security »» Technology help

maintenance of F-1 and J-1 immigration status, reinstatement, changes of status, program changes, and other immigrationrelated matters

»» Advising incoming students and scholars on higher education practices in the United States and other cultural adjustment issues

Academic and career advising

»» Providing international student programs at

Undergraduate and graduate students receive

The New School and with other institutions

ongoing, holistic support from academic and

in New York City and in other countries

career advisors, faculty, and other advisors who help them design unique degree pathways


and prepare them for careers through which

Housing isn’t just four walls and a roof. It’s an

they can effect change in the world.

opportunity to form bonds, ease the transition

Advisors are here to help students:

»» Articulate their values »» Select courses and graduate on time »» Think about career options »» Consider study and work abroad opportunities

The New School

»» Connect with faculty members »» Locate relevant support services for first-generation students, veterans, students with disabilities, and others Internships Internships encourage New School students to take theory from the classroom and put it into action. They are an integral part of the New School—and New York City—experience. In a single year, New School students interned at more than 1,000 organizations, including MTV, HBO, the Village Voice, the International Rescue Committee, Nike, and Diane von Furstenberg. Students find internships by meeting with their success advisors (career and academic advisors), attending Career Services events, and drawing on relationships with university partners, faculty, fellow students, and alumni. International student and scholar services We welcome students from around the world; in fact, we have one of the highest percentages of international students among major American universities, making the New School community uniquely diverse. Whether you are an international student or scholar or an exchange visitor, you are joining a thriving


academic and artistic campus in one of the world’s great cities. We offer both immigration advice and cultural support in a welcoming

from home to college, learn to appreciate differences, and make new friends for life. Our four residences extend from Greenwich Village to Chelsea and offer every student a nurturing, supportive environment as well as social, educational, and cultural activities. For more information, visit newschool.edu/housing.


The New School

New York City

Student Support & Admission

Financial Aid


The New School is for students from a

The New School is a bastion of intellectual

variety of backgrounds. We help fund

freedom and creative expression. We look

institutional scholarships, fellowships, grants,

for students who will both contribute to and

and stipends as part of a comprehensive

benefit from our bold learning community.

financial aid program. We also participate

Each program has its own criteria for

in government grant, loan, and work study

admission. Below is a list of general

programs as well as programs for veterans of

application requirements:

the U.S. armed services. If you are admitted to a degree program, you will be considered for merit aid on the basis of academic and creative ability. Students interested in applying for federal financial assistance programs must file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), using The New School’s code of 002780. File this application electronically at fafsa.ed.gov. You can email your questions to sfs@newschool.edu. For more information on financial options, visit newschool.edu/student-financial-services. Admission

»» An online application »» Official transcripts (official transcripts are required only upon enrollment, not for application)

»» Letters of recommendation »» A CV or résumé »» A statement of purpose »» Creative work (required for some programs)

»» An academic writing sample/portfolio (required for some programs)

»» A GRE score (required for some programs) »» A TOEFL, IELTS, or PTE score (required for some applicants whose first language is one other than English)

The New School


For complete information, visit the website

Move past preconceived ideas about under-

for the school or individual program published

graduate studies, and imagine yourself at a

in this brochure, or contact the Office of

university where you can chart your own course

Admission (see below).

to develop your interests and passions, no matter what your area of study is. We’re looking

Connect with us

for self-motivated students who are intellectually

We are here to provide more information,

curious and ready to question the status quo in

answer questions, and introduce you to

a rigorous academic and creative environment.

infinite possibilities. If you are ready, we

Each of our programs has its own criteria for

invite you to apply now.

admission. Below is a list of general application requirements:

»» An online application »» Official transcripts »» Letters of recommendation »» A statement of purpose or personal/ academic essays

»» Creative work (required for some programs)

»» A TOEFL, IELTS, or PTE score (required for some applicants whose first language is one other than English) A clear understanding of the program to which you’re applying is essential to the application process. For complete information, visit the website for the school or individual program published in this brochure, or contact the Office of Admission.

University Welcome Center 72 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10011 212.229.5150 or 800.292.3040 admission@newschool.edu newschool.edu/admission For information on Parsons Paris student support services and admission, visit newschool.edu/parsons-paris.


Drawing from political science, conomics, sociology, and anthropology, mphasizes, “I’m a heterodox thinker. My work is interdisciplinary in and of self.” She aims to move away from the ormality of creating an interdisciplinary ducational experience and instead aturally and effortlessly expose tudents to the whole breadth of sources. s she frees herself from traditional iloed thinking, she encourages her tudents to do the same and strive for gor as the ultimate standard.

When people talk, Deva Woodly stens, and not just to individuals, but o groups, too. She analyzes how people rticulate their own situations, how they ee the world, and how these discourses irculate online. The examination of the iscourses of ordinary people reveals ow their words and ideas affect the olitical sphere and shape our views of what is possible.

social movements. Through her research, she has tracked how movements since the late 20th century have used blogs and social media to create spaces for self- articulation, frame messages to the wider world, and spur individuals to action.

Woodly is quick to note that social media is not a panacea, but it has been a useful tool for movements savvy enough to realize that it is a dynamic means of communication rather than a substitute for old-fashioned face-to-face organizing. Ultimately, Woodly wants her work to help people understand how powerful they are and how to use that power to do good. Unfamiliarize yourself.

he cornerstone of Woodly’s work is the

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discussing the most important issues of the day. In 1919, they founded The New School for Social Research. Now formally named The New School, the university has grown to include five colleges, with courses that reflect the founders’ interest in the emerging social sciences, international affairs, liberal arts, history, and philosophy, as well as art, design, management, and performing arts.

Over the decades, some of the finest minds of the 20th century have pioneered courses in new areas of social sciences and liberal arts at The New School. Faculty members and visiting scholars have included Harold Laski, Franz Boas, and John Maynard Keynes. In 1948, W.E.B. Du Bois taught the first course in AfricanAmerican history and culture ever taught at a university. Around the same time, Karen Horney and Erich Fromm introduced their new approaches to psychoanalysis. From 1954 to 1978, Margaret Mead taught courses in anthropology. The New School’s groundbreaking courses attracted students from around the world, including the young Shimon Peres. In 1962, Gerda Lerner offered the first university-level course in women’s history.

Membership and Accreditation The New School is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. MSCHE is a regional accreditor and federally recognized body. The New School has been accredited by MSCHE since 1960. All degree programs at the New York City campus of The New School are registered by the New York State Department of Education. Parsons School of Design is also accredited by the National Association of Schools of Art and Design and is a member of the Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design. The New School is a nonprofit university. For full information on the university’s accreditation, visit newschool.edu/provost/accreditation. The information published here represents the plans of the university at the time of publication and does not constitute an irrevocable contract between the student and The New School. The university

reserves the right to change without notice any matter contained in this publication, including but not limited to tuition, fees, policies, degrees, programs, names of programs, course offerings, academic activities, academic requirements, facilities, faculty, and administrators. Payment of tuition or attendance at any classes shall constitute a student’s acceptance of the administration’s rights as set forth above. The New School is an Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Institution. For important information including student rights, campus safety statistics, and tuition and fees, visit newschool.edu/your-right-to-know. Published 2019 by The New School. Produced by Marketing and Communication, The New School.

018–2019 academic year. 2 2017–2018 academic year. Does not include non–New School aid or loans. 3 U.S. News & World Report (2018). 4 Quacquarelli Symonds World University Rankings (2018). 5 U.S. News & World Report (2018). 1


Photo credits: David Barron, Puxan BC, Mariana Bomtempo, Anne Ditmeyer, James Ewing, Ben Ferrari, Andrew Friedman, Michelle Gevint, Jonathan Grassi, Don Hamerman, Bob Handelman, Dimitra Kourrisova, Christopher Lawrence, Diego Ledezma-Perez, Matthew Mathews, Jessica Miller, Michael Moran, Siobhan Mullan, Luisa Munera, Mel O’Callaghan (Galerie Allen, Paris; Galeria Belo-Galsterer, Lisbon; Kronenberg Wright Artists Projects, Sydney), Jacob Arthur Pritchard, Angelina Putri, Martin Seck, Matthew Septimus, Michael Kirby Smith, Zach Van Hoozer, Phillip Van Nostrand, Scott Wynn.


Here you are. You now have more information than when you started. You now know that The New School is a rigorous, creative, and innovative university where ideas always serve as catalysts to action. This is a space in which to explore, investigate, and address global challenges. No silos. No prescribed paths. Just infinite opportunities to learn something new. Talk to us. We are here to provide more information, answer questions, and introduce you to a unique path to academic excellence. Office of Admission 72 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10011 212.229.5150 or 800.292.3040 admission@newschool.edu newschool.edu/admission newschool.edu/visit

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