harry bel afonte
Parsons School of Design ani difr anco
mar tha gr aham
john c age
Undergraduate Programs
For 100 years, we’ve shared with
Margare t Me ad
the world the power of “the new”— creative thinking put into action. Our name has become synonymous with progress. This year, we honor the innovators from our community who have come before you, the scholars, M IS S IO N artists, activists, and designers who Par so ns have made their mark on the world.
stu de nts are de si g ne r s, ar ti sts, and
sch o lar s wh o le ar n to apply th e transfo r m ati v e capaci ty
You join this remarkable lineage when and
de si g n
re spo nsi b ly,
cre ati v e ly,
pu r po se f u lly. O u r di v e r se co m m u ni ty o f
you become a New Schooler.
stu de nts and f acu lty explo re m u lti ple si te s
newschool.edu/100 newschool.edu/parsons
re se arch i ni ti ati v e s to par tne r sh i ps th at b r i ng
and scale s o f e ng ag e m e nt, f ro m o n- cam pu s ab o u t ch ang e i n Ne w Yo r k and i n th e wo r ld. Par so ns’ f u tu re wi ll b e sh ape d b y th e co re
bell hooks W.E .B. Dubois
hannah arendt Marc jacobs
ai weiwei
harry bel afonte
ani difr anco
mar tha gr aham john c age
For 100 years, we’ve shared with the world the power of “the new”— creative thinking put into action. Our name has become synonymous with progress. This year, we honor the innovators from our community who have come before you, the scholars, artists, activists, and designers who have made their mark on the world. You join this remarkable lineage when you become a New Schooler. newschool.edu/100
Margare t Me ad
Programs in NYC Architectural Design BFA
Communication Design BFA
Design and Technology BFA
Design History and Practice BFA
Fashion Design BFA
Fine Arts BFA
Illustration BFA
Integrated Design BFA
Interior Design BFA
Photography BFA
Product Design BFA
Strategic Design and Management BBA
Other Learning Opportunities Parsons Paris
BA/BFA Dual Degree (with Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts)
Youth and Teen Programs
University Resources
Student Support and Admission
Begin anywhere.
Parsons School of Design has an academic structure composed of
schools: the School of Art and Des
and Theory; the School of Art, Me
Technology; the School of Constru
Environments; the School of Desig and the School of Fashion.
The organizational structure ackn
the historical segregation of disci
within university-level art and de
programs. It also recognizes the i
interdisciplinary nature of problem
Literary Translatio
Alternative Fashion Strategies
Moving Image Art
Art and Design History
Museum and Cura
Capitalism Studies
Music Compositio
Chinese Studies
Comics and Graphic Narrative
Communication Design
Contemporary Music
Post-Genre Music
Creative Coding
and Creation
Creative Entrepreneurship
Creative Technologies for Performative Practice
Culture and Media
Social Practice
Data Visualization
Design Studies
Sustainable Cities
Digital Humanities Dramatic Arts
Techniques of Mu Ear Training,
Temporary Enviro
Environmental Studies
Ethnicity and Race
Urban Studies
Fashion Communication
Visual Studies
Fashion Studies
Stretch the system.
Film Production Fine Arts Food Studies French Studies Gender Studies Global Studies Hispanic Studies History Immersive Storytelling Interdisciplinary Science Japanese Studies Jewish Culture Journalism and Design
Religious Studies
Question every answer.
You are here.
PUF Y 1000 In tegrati v e Stu di o 1
PUF Y 1010 Integrati v e Semi nar 1
PUF Y 1100 Sustai nab l e Systems*
PUF Y 1020 Sp ace/ Mater i al i ty* *
PUF Y 1030 D rawi ng/ Imagi ng* *
PUF Y 1040 Time* *
PUF Y 1001 Integrati v e Stu di o 2
PUF Y 1011 In tegrati v e Semi nar 2
PL HT 1000 Ob jec ts as Hi sto r y*
Program Electi v e -
3 3
15 15
New York City
Parsons School of Design—recently named the Best School for Art and Design in the United States and ranked third in the world 1 — has offered innovative approaches to education since its founding in 1896. Today we’re the only major American art and design school within a comprehensive university, The New School, which also houses a rigorous liberal arts college, a progressive performing
The New School
arts school, a legendary graduate school, and other renowned programs. Here you can master established creative practices or advance emerging ones and study across all university disciplines. Surrounded by fresh perspectives and the university’s extensive resources, you research and create in broader, deeper, and more forward-looking ways. And, guided by Parsons faculty, you produce work that reflects human experience while responding to the call for innovation and change.
Quacquarelli Symonds World University Rankings (2018), a London-based global provider of specialist higher education and career information. Ranking based on feedback from both academic peers and employers.
1 By
Expanding the Boundaries of Design At Parsons, you discover that art and design have the capacity to disrupt the status quo and spark the change needed in the world today. They can be employed to confront climate change, address race relations, and transform management through thoughtfully conceived objects and ideas. Here becoming an artist, designer, or business strategist means working across disciplines, learning to collaborate, and questioning every assumption in order to create more reflectively and responsibly. We give you the freedom to do so by integrating disciplines, inspiring personal change, and offering you support as you forge new paths in art, design, and industry.
NYC: A Global Center of Creativity, Thought, and Industry Innovation NYC offers endless creative inspiration and opportunity. And for Parsons students, it’s an expansive open field for making and research. From the first semester, courses take you out into the city to design creative ways to improve urban life. In internships and collaborations with nonprofit, government, and commercial partners, you test ideas and develop skills Parsons Undergraduate Programs
and networks that support you during your time on campus and beyond.
TOP: For the Empowerhouse project, students partnered with local agencies in developing ways to use design and policy to improve socioenvironmental conditions at several scales. The project resulted in a two-family house built with Habitat for Humanity, which inspired Habitat to adopt new energyefficient building methods.
BOTTOM: Parsons students used weather balloons outfitted with digital cameras to map Union Square and other Manhattan green spaces to study change in urban ecosystems over time.
FACING PAGE: An NYC government partnership enabled students to transform a campus parking spot into a public space with seating and tables, built from sustainable materials with Parsons’ Making Center facilities.
TOP AND BOTTOM: Experienced in a range of media and teaching methods, Parsons instructors help you express your ideas, explore techniques, and develop solutions to problems through design. FACING PAGE: Your community lasts long after you graduate. Faculty remain mentors, alumni connect professionally, and peers form organizations and businesses together after graduation.
New York City
At The New School, you’re surrounded by teachers who help you bring together the people, projects, and classes you need for your unique creative journey. Our accomplished faculty encourage you to boldly experiment and guide you to become technically proficient, conceptually sophisticated, and reflective about your work. They are also working professionals who
The New School
A Learning Community of Faculty and Peers
share their experience and connections. Based in a global center of culture, commerce, and innovation, faculty put you in contact with the city’s game changers—the United Nations, Planned Parenthood, Google, and Teen Vogue, to name a few—for collaboration on projects. Peers test your ideas and inspire new directions—and often become your professional colleagues. Open-minded, independent, diverse, and aware, they come from every state in the United States and more than 100 countries worldwide, making our university’s student body one of the most international in the country.
Four Years That Last a Lifetime Learning here readies you to design a life according to your own goals, values, and roadmap. For four years, you’re challenged to elevate your creativity with critical thought. You partner with peers throughout the university—performers, media makers, policy analysts—sharpening your collaborative skills. You focus your vision while broadening your abilities. Parsons’ approach to education sets us apart and sets you on your path—
with the tools and a creative community to last a lifetime.
Art and Design in Global Contexts Art and design speak clearly in the global conversation. Learn the language through workshops and courses in which you work directly with creative communities around the world, bringing together knowledge, perspectives, and resources to address critical conditions facing the world today. International educational partners—and Parsons Paris, our European hub—offer opportunities for sustained cultural and academic immersion. Parsons orients you in global contexts, where creativity catalyzes innovation and change.
Space for Making, Reflecting— and Innovating At Parsons, we embrace the new, the unknown, the unimagined. It’s our tradition of innovation, dating back to the school’s founding in 1896. Discover creative problem solving, collaboration, visual communication, iteration, prototyping, and analysis—tools that enable you to confidently, thoughtfully bring about change in a swiftly evolving world. Building on the solid platform of your Parsons education, you can become a leader in fields Parsons Undergraduate Programs
that already exist—or pioneer new ones.
TOP: At Parsons Paris, the atelierlike learning environment fosters collaborative work in heritage luxury industries such as couture. BOTTOM: Designers at Parsons’ PETLab gaming incubator and residents of St. Louis, Senegal, created a climate disaster– preparedness game for the Red Cross/Red Crescent, which was presented at the UN Climate Change Conference.
FACING PAGE: Students and faculty of Parsons’ DESIS Lab, the U.S. branch of an international social innovation incubator, interviewed Brooklyn residents with the aim of developing environmentally sustainable alternatives to cars.
BFA FIRST YEAR F S PUFY 1000 Integrative Studio 1 3 PUFY 1010 Integrative Seminar 1 3 PUFY 1100 Sustainable Systems* 3 PUFY 1020 Space/Materiality** 3 PUFY 1030 Drawing/Imaging** 3 PUFY 1040 Time** - PUFY 1001 Integrative Studio 2 - PUFY 1011 Integrative Seminar 2 - PLHT 1000 Objects as History* - Program Elective - 3 15 15
3 3 3
* Objects as History and Sustainable Systems may be taken in any sequence, one in the fall semester and one in the spring.
3 3
0 -
** The three first-year studio courses — Drawing/Imaging, Space/Materiality, and Time — may be taken in any sequence, two in the fall semester and one in the spring.
BBA FIRST YEAR F S PUFY 1000 Integrative Studio 1 3 PUFY 1010 Integrative Seminar 1 3 PUFY 1100 Sustainable Systems 3 LMTH 1950 Quantitative Reasoning 1 3 PUFY 1030 Drawing/Imaging*** 3 PUFY 1040 Time*** - 3 PUFY 1001 Integrative Studio 2 - PUFY 1011 Integrative Seminar 2 - ULEC 2230 Intro to Political Economies: Lecture - ULEC 2231 Intro to Political Economies: Recitation 3 Program Elective - 3 15 15
New York City
Academics— an Overview Our curriculum spans established art and design disciplines and includes newer interdisciplinary fields, such as resilience and sustainability studies, service design, and immersive storytelling media. Minors in a variety of disciplines—such as management, creative entrepreneurship, foreign languages, and psychology—enable you to tailor your course of study to your goals and interests. See page 50 for details. Majors Offered in New York City Architectural Design (BFA) Communication Design (BFA) Design and Technology (BFA) Design History and Practice (BFA) Fashion Design (BFA) Fine Arts (BFA) Illustration (BFA) Integrated Design (BFA) Interior Design (BFA) Photography (BFA) Strategic Design and Management (BBA) Majors Offered at Parsons Paris Art, Media, and Technology (BFA) Fashion Design (BFA)
The New School
Product Design (BFA)
Strategic Design and Management (BBA)
Schools Undergraduate and graduate programs at Parsons are grouped into the following schools to facilitate collaboration and resource sharing:
»»School of Art and Design History and Theory (ADHT) »»School of Art, Media, and Technology (AMT) »»School of Constructed Environments (SCE) »»School of Design Strategies (SDS) »»School of Fashion (SOF) The School of Art and Design History and Theory offers an array of seminars and lectures in history, criticism, and writing that focus on visual and material culture. These courses are integral to studio work and help you develop an understanding of the role of visual culture, art, and design
over time, in various settings, and as a means of fostering change.
Overview Parsons Undergraduate Programs
Your First Year Your first year is one of discovery and exploration. Studio courses build a variety of making skills, while seminars expand your ability to reflect critically on art and design and their connections to the wider world. Together they provide a foundation for your creative practice and intellectual development over the next three years. They also introduce you to systems-based approaches to design, in which you consider a range of factors—sustainability, technological change, user experience, globalization—to create work suited to an evolving world. The forces of change in society today aren’t one-dimensional, and neither are your interests. Our approach to education gives you the tools you need to explore complex issues and bring together a range of talents and passions in studies that are wholly your own. The process takes you throughout New York City, where you encounter firsthand the ways creativity fuels urban life. You apply your new perspectives and critical-thinking and communication skills to share your insights. The first year also allows those entering as undeclared students the opportunity to explore a range of art and design disciplines, which helps them decide on a major.
TOP: For a course project, students placed 3D letterforms throughout the city, engaging subway riders with public art while developing an understanding of the effects of changing scale and setting. BOTTOM: Students in the first-year Sustainable Systems course learn how policymaking at the United Nations directly affects global climate change. FACING PAGE: First-year students develop their color theory abilities on-site at a Brooklyn handcrafted wallpaper firm.
Architectural Design BFA Communication Design BFA Design and Technology BFA Design history and practice BFA
Programs in NYC
Fashion Design BFA Fine Arts BFA Illustration BFA
Interior Design BFA Photography BFA Product Design BFA Strategic Design and Management bba Other Learning Opportunities
Parsons Paris Minors Ba/Bfa Dual Degree Youth and Teen Programs
Integrated Design BFA
School of Constructed Environments
Architectural Design BFA Career paths include Architecture Landscape architecture Environmental art Urban design Exhibition design Product and industrial design Interior design
In this pre-professional program, you investigate the history, language, and social practice of architecture within a fine arts context. You create socially engaged, collaboratively made, and globally oriented work. In internships, courses, and workshops, you build collaborative skills and broaden your design knowledge with peers in related interior, product, urban, and lighting design
Furniture design
programs. Visits to architectural firms and manufacturers
City planning
provide further insight into the world of professional practice.
Facilities management
The program offers design-build opportunities within New
Construction management
York City, such as the Street Seats public seating initiative
Parsons Undergraduate Programs
and housing studios with community partners.
TOP: Alexander Floyd, Aquatic Axis, rendering. Aquatic Axis, created in the BFA Architectural Design course Design Studio 5, proposes a mass transport connection between northern Manhattan and the South Bronx. The project is designed to facilitate commuting and provides opportunities to interact with the natural environment.
BOTTOM: Jialei Tang, Playnature, rendering. Designed in a studio course, Play-nature is a care center for four-year-olds in the Bronx. Design features including acoustic ceilings and recessed classrooms are intended to accommodate the school’s teaching methods and address children’s needs.
FACING PAGE: Naiky Paradis, Transit Hub, model created for Design Studio 5.
TOP: Grace Hong, Like-Like, digital interface MIDDLE: Kaisha Murzamadiyeva, Ornek Typeface, type design BOTTOM: Dylan Hughes, Identity, identity design FACING PAGE: Whitney Badge, Shift to Question, digital interface and publication
Communication Design BFA In this major, you focus on typography and interaction and choose an industry-related area of study, such as Information Design, Branding, Editorial, Motion Graphics, Type Design, or Web/Mobile Product Design. You learn how to create compelling messages, from concept stage to final form, and share them. You explore the social and environmental dimensions of communication.
New York City
School of Art, Media, and Technology
Career paths include Motion graphics Publication design Branding Information visualization UI/UX design Interaction design Exhibition and retail design Environmental graphics
You work directly with peers throughout The New School, including students in programs at other schools within the university, and with external partners in hands-on, collaborative courses. Electives on topics like package design,
and business—enhance your learning.
and ones in areas including the humanities, media studies,
The New School
environmental graphics, and design for social engagement—
School of Art, Media, and Technology
design and technology BFA Career paths include Creative technology Creative coding Game design, development, and art Experience design Digital product and software design Interaction design Computational arts Digital advocacy
Choose a pathway—Game Design or Creative Technology—and solve design problems by remixing software, hardware, art, and design creatively. Code becomes your second native tongue and expressive means of connecting with others. You develop a sustainable, unique process for researching, experimenting, designing, prototyping, iterating, and producing projects that keeps pace with an evolving industry. Students pursue a pathway in Game Design or Creative
Parsons Undergraduate Programs
Technology through their studies in Core Studio Systems and Core Lab Systems, which are complemented by program electives. The Game Design pathway in the BFA DT program immerses you in the world of indie game design and development. It gives you tools and pipelines that grow and expand with your skill set and provides you with an understanding of the process from brainstorming to game publication. Creative Technology focuses on bringing art and humancentric design into programming and engineering, providing a set of tools drawing on physical computing, creative coding, user experience design, and fabrication.
TOP: Jon Murry, Ready Made Exhibition, virtual reality project MIDDLE AND BOTTOM: Yumeng Wang, KAIR (Klapaucius Artificial Intelligence Resort) 2030. KAIR is a multimedia interactive installation featuring fictitious monologues by emulation workers from the year 2030. The project explores the relationship between humans and AI machines. FACING PAGE: Or Zubalsky, Meeting Table, installation and instrument with electronics
TOP: In Making + Meaning courses, students integrate hands-on and scholarly learning from studio work and seminars. BOTTOM: Traditional scholarly exploration is complemented by studio courses, in which students develop relevant design and making skills. FACING PAGE: This program gives students the opportunity to collaboratively explore disciplines beyond design in courses offered by Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts.
design history and practice BFA This one-of-a-kind program provides you with an education in art and design that involves both practice and theory. You learn through multiple modes of text-based and material analysis in studio and seminar classes. This interdisciplinary experience provides you with the skills needed for hands-on design work along with related historical and social knowledge drawn from the liberal arts.
New York City
School of Art and Design History and Theory
Career paths include Design Art and design research Museum education Publishing
As a student in the program, you choose a pathway in Art History, Design Studies, Fashion Studies, Museum and Curatorial Studies, Spatial Design, or Visual Studies. You combine this with a studio pathway that immerses you in Data Visualization, Sustainable Cities, or Fashion Strategies. By studying ideas and their application simultaneously, you develop informed aesthetic judgment, an understanding of the historical context in which art and design are created, and the ability to approach your own practice from that informed perspective.
The New School
a specific area of design practice, such as Photography,
Incorporating curricular offerings from both Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts and Parsons’ BFA programs, BFA Design History and Practice integrates design practice with the study of history and theory. Students benefit from the rich knowledge of guest lecturers from diverse Parsons
programs and from Lang.
“Seeing a design go from paper to the physical realm and watching the public engage with it inspire me for the work I want do in the future.”
Before coming to Parsons, Finn attended two other universities, whose rigid, traditional approach to education limited his ability to question and experiment. At Parsons, he found an open, diverse, collaborative community eager to engage his values and imagination. “I think my 16-year-old self would be surprised to see the freedom that I have here to explore and play,” Finn says. One way Finn has taken advantage of his freedom at The New School is enrolling in classes offered at Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts, also part of the university. “It gives my architecture work a new layer of depth and gives me a new perspective to approach creative problem solving,” Finn says. In his Sustainable Systems class at Parsons, he learned that responding to environmental threats doesn’t have to mean design sacrifices. And in his Design & Build class, he put this idea into practice, collaborating with 15 students from different disciplines to build Street Seats—sustainable public seating at the corner of Fifth Avenue and 13th Street that gave New Yorkers a much-needed outdoor
space in which to rest and enjoy conversation After conducting intensive research for
or a meal. Street Seats, students chose fast-growing, lightweight, weather-resistant Vietnamese bamboo for their hand-built 40-foot-long sculptural seating project. Seventy-five planters made from recycled plastic were placed inside its frame; lit by solar panels, “As an undergraduate architecture
they gave off an inviting glow at night. student, I think it’s rare to have the opportunity to take a project from the first sketch to putting the final nail in the frame, and it’s even more rare to build that project in one of the most prominent cities in the world,” says Finn. “It’s both surreal and really satisfying to see our design in the real world. It inspires me for the work I want to do in the future.”
The background is a rendering of a café Finn designed for a hydroponic facility in Gowanus, Brooklyn.
FINNegan Harries
BFA Architectural Design
such as a tagging system that helps them
designed to assist sight-impaired individuals,
Kendall created garments with features
articles of clothing,” Kendall explains.
such as distinguishing between different
but that are really tough for blind people,
that you never think of when you have sight
“Garments have all these design features
clothing for people with visual impairments.
She applied her learning to Sensory, a line of
with the world outside of the classroom.
to create clothes that allow for engagement
materials come from, where they go, how
the clothing manufacture process: where the
Kendall learned to consider every facet of
In her Systems and Society class,
scientist or environmentalist might use.
designer in terms not unlike those a social
people.” Now she describes her role as a
powerful. It can spread ideas and connect
possible,” Kendall says. “Fashion is really
things with a garment that I didn’t think
could be much more. “You can do so many
became a senior, she had learned that design
make beautiful clothes. But by the time she
first came to Parsons, she simply wanted to
Kendall always loved fashion. When she
“You can do so many things with a garment that I didn’t think possible. Fashion is really powerful. It can spread ideas and connect people.”
Shown behind Kendall is a garment she created for Kellektiv, her thesis, which was aimed at empowering women recovering from sexual assault.
the world.
thinker, and maker—could mean in
understand what her voice—as designer,
feel empowered, and it helped Kendall
Kendall says. Her project helped wearers
can really affect our sense of self-worth,”
what we wear and how we feel, and it
huge psychological connection between
put together their own outfits. “There’s this
BFA Fashion Design
Kendall Warson
TOP LEFT: Ji Won Choi, Excessivism. Created in the Collection pathway, Excessivism features symbols intended to draw attention to clothing overconsumption and construction techniques that reduce material waste. BOTTOM LEFT: Paris Amaro, Carnal. Created in the Fashion Product pathway, Carnal is a line of handcrafted jewelry designed to celebrate the body. Amaro’s minimal, abstract pieces were inspired by the lines of the body. BOTTOM RIGHT: Lucy Jones, Seated Design. Created in the Systems and Society pathway, Seated Design is a methodology for analyzing and modifying design infrastructure to facilitate the creation of functional, attractive, and comfortable garments for seated individuals while raising awareness of their needs. FACING PAGE: Jacob Olmedo, And the World Will Be As One. Created in the Materiality pathway, Olmedo’s thesis project explores—from the perspective of a bee—the political and social implications of climate change and species extinction while examining guerrilla gardening as a means of connecting humans and the natural world. Shown is a runway look by Olmedo and his research project.
New York City
School of Fashion
In the BFA Fashion Design program, you are encouraged to challenge existing perceptions of fashion by employing your own unique lens, disrupting norms with the objective of proposing innovative outcomes. By examining advanced
Career paths include Academic research Arts residency Brand strategy Concept development Creative technical design Fashion curation
social, theoretical, and contextual applications of fashion
Fashion design
design, you learn to express deeper levels of messaging and
Fashion product
critical thinking and practice through your work.
Fashion theory
Students select one of four pathways—Collection,
Fiber art
Materiality, Fashion Product, or Systems and Society—
Sustainability research
through their coursework in Design Studio and Specialized
Textile design
Studio, which helps them develop an approach to fashion
Textile conservation
design that aligns with their personal interests. While
Virtual reality
fundamental practices related to garment and collection development, research, materiality, and systems thinking are employed in all of the pathways, each one focuses on a specific area of fashion design. Your senior thesis is self-proposed and is expressed through a range of outcomes. Faculty, visiting lecturers, and
The New School
This innovative program has trained generations of designers who continue to redefine the global fashion landscape.
external critics engage with you on creative, intellectual, and practical levels throughout the process. External partners offer you opportunities to develop a professional practice through collaborative projects and competitions that augment your academic experience.
Offered both in New York City and at Parsons Paris.
School of Art, Media, and Technology
Fine Arts BFA Career paths include Fine art Curatorial studies and practice Arts administration Museum, auction house, gallery, and art fair management Art history and criticism Art education
This major prepares you to maintain a studio practice in fine arts. You learn to express your unique concepts in a wide range of artistic media, using a variety of strategies. You develop the historical and critical awareness you need to establish an art practice while gaining the professional knowledge you need to launch a career in fine arts.
Publishing Art therapy
This program guides you to discover your artistic voice,
Art installation
familiarizing you with traditional techniques of painting, drawing, sculpture, and video, as well as interdisciplinary methods that can include performance, multimedia installation, and digital interaction. Internships and electives in topics such as art history, theory, and professional
Parsons Undergraduate Programs
practices broaden your perspective and prepare you for a future in the field.
TOP: Andrea Sundt, Water Compulsion, sculpture BOTTOM: Robert Hickerson, Objekt Permanence, photograph FACING PAGE: Yu Tada, Comment series, digital print
TOP: Sophia Coco, Love Immortal, handmade book BOTTOM: Anna Outridge, Eliot Trix, animated short still FACING PAGE: Paula Searing, The Best Time I Have Had in a Long Time, storyboard for a toy theater
New York City
School of Art, Media, and Technology
Illustration BFA Cultivate your vision, authorial voice, creative problem-solving abilities, and curiosity while translating ideas into forms including picture books, comics and graphic novels, animation, hand lettering, editorial and advertising illustrations, toy and puppet designs, and surface and display design.
Career paths include Entrepreneurship Service design Urban design Fashion design Sustainability management Consulting Fine arts
In this major, you create work for mass reproduction and distribution, developing your visual storytelling skills through representational drawing, writing, and painting in two and three dimensions and across time. University electives broaden your skills and perspectives. You apply your learning in projects and internships with partners including Nickelodeon, 350.org, the New York
Fest and gatherings of professional organizations build your network.
Industries. Events like Comic Arts Brooklyn and MoCCA
The New School
Times, Moleskine, City Lore, Barnes & Noble, and Brooklyn
School of Design Strategies
Integrated design BFA Career paths include Entrepreneurship Service design Urban design Fashion design Sustainability management Consulting Fine arts
Today, as technology and global networks transform the world, designers must be versatile, knowledgeable problem solvers. This program allows you to engage in a research-based studio practice, exploring a range of materials and methods and bringing together diverse design fields. Prepared to enter social, cultural, and ecological fields, many graduates go on to combine design and entrepreneurship in innovation-focused businesses. The flexible curriculum, which provides a creative and
Parsons Undergraduate Programs
intellectual base for integrative work through thematic interdisciplinary studios and labs, facilitates focused study and disciplinary exploration. Areas of inquiry include object-based art making, community partnerships, communication design, performance methods, entrepreneurship, fashion design, and creative technology. You can design your own unique interdisciplinary pathway by taking elective courses in other Parsons programs and at other colleges of The New School. Core classes in the Integrated Design program focus on creative inquiry, research methodologies, collaboration with community partners, business strategy, and professional development. Learning is anchored in collaborative and entrepreneurial approaches applied in projects with partners including the Urban Homesteading Assistance Board, SWALE, the Center for Urban Pedagogy, and the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra.
TOP: Alexis Walsh, LYSIS. For her fashion collection, Walsh designed couture garments featuring 3D sculptural elements created with Shapeways software. BOTTOM: Yu Ling Wu, Know Your Rights. Wu’s round accordion booklet contains legal rights information for immigrants facing the possibility of deportation or ICE raids. The book can be disguised as a wearable, coaster, or magnet. FACING PAGE: Amplify: Creative and Sustainable Lifestyles in the Lower East Side. Amplify addressed sustainability and the everyday needs of older adults in New York City through collaborative support services.
When Rohil moved to New York from Cape Town, South Africa, his new city seemed “larger than life”—the perfect place to make big-budget action movies at a traditional film school. Then he saw that students at Parsons were taking traditional narratives and turning them into video games and VR, creating ways for the “audience to feel like they’re uncovering the story themselves.” And the Parsons students were using new media to Rohil enrolled at Parsons and now creates
tell stories that mattered. work that pushes him out of his comfort zone, like a project bringing together set design, film and immersive technology, and a life-sized robot or a video game in which the player battles hordes of demonic fast food avatars that stand in the way of getting healthy— At Parsons, Rohil feels free to work in
projects that unite fun and substance. a range of media and finds opportunity in the collaborative interplay of programs throughout The New School. For one project, he enlisted students from the university’s School of Media Studies to record zany voiceovers for his game. Above all, Parsons
“At Parsons, you’re provided with a structure, but you’re also encouraged to challenge it. It makes you a fearless creative force.”
encourages Rohil to experiment, make mistakes, and keep going. “At Parsons, you’re provided with a structure, but you’re also encouraged to challenge it,” Rohil says. “It makes you a fearless creative force.” He is learning to design with intent, emphasize inclusivity and diverse perspectives, and reflect deeply on the power of creativity—or, as he puts it, to ask, “What impact does this have on the world?”
The background is the interface from Rohil’s game Here Comes the Neighborhood, in which players explore individual identity in urban settings.
Rohil Aniruth
BFA Design and Technology
her to develop a booklet titled How the F*ck to Vote. Designed to strip the “political jargon” out of election information, the book clarifies the voting process with snappy, informal language, graphic design, and Yu Ling’s signature humor. “It’s one of the projects that I’m most proud of,” she says. “The New School
Theater major with a minor in Ethnicity and
Race at Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts,
a blend made possible by the university’s
BA/BFA program. At Lang, she was inspired
by one of her courses to consider political
systems, oppression, and social justice, and
“What I’m making now is unlike anything I ever imagined making. I feel like I found who I am and who I want to be.”
was creating something. These influences led
Integrated Design major at Parsons and a
Shown behind Yu Ling is an artist’s book she made with an unusual folding scheme meant to evoke the stimulating environment of New York City.
am and who I want to be.”
ever imagined making. I feel like I found who I
What I’m making now is unlike anything I
has enabled me to see the world differently.
at Parsons, she learned to ask herself why she
Yu Ling has become something of
a master of combining fields: She’s an
combine her interests.
and the perfect medium through which to
realizing that books could be an art form
her hands and designing things digitally,
She discovered her love of working with
she learned much more than bookbinding.
studies. In her Artist’s Books class at Parsons,
diverse fields and care deeply about her
The New School challenged her to explore
unsure of her adequacy as an artist. But
When Yu Ling came to Parsons, she felt
BFA Integrated Design/ BA Liberal Arts
Yu Ling Wu
TOP: Pei Chun Liao, Story Corps, rendering BOTTOM: Elysia Belilove, Kin Steps and Co-Work Space, rendering
FACING PAGE: Hayden Manders and Meredith Woolfolk, co-housing project for homeless mothers, created for the Design Studio 3 course, rendering
New York City
School of Constructed Environments
Interior design BFA In 1906, Frank Alvah Parsons established the country’s first interior design curriculum, framing the discipline as an intellectually rigorous practice and a creative force in everyday life. Today this research-based, design-intensive major prepares you for careers in which you create comfortable, imaginative, and intelligently designed interiors.
Career paths include Interior design Sustainable design Set design Exhibition design Historic preservation Consulting Facilities design
In this program, you work with faculty, peers, and outside professionals designing interior environments that reflect an understanding of sustainability, cultural differences, and the human need for comfort, safety, and well-being. Courses guide you through the study of materiality and two- and three-dimensional form and space. The studio complexity in a wide range of project types, with a focus on design process, lighting, building systems, color, textiles, and stakeholder engagement. You develop and analyze your designs through a combination of hand drawings, physical models, collage, computer renderings, and
The New School
experience introduces interior design issues of increasing
animations created using both digital and analog methods. An interdisciplinary curriculum, along with lectures and access to New York City’s premier firms and showrooms,
broadens your practice.
School of Art, Media, and Technology
PHOTOGraphy BFA Career paths include Commercial, editorial, documentary, and fashion photography Visual art Publishing
In this major, you develop the technical, conceptual, aesthetic, and professional skills needed to establish a successful creative practice. You explore analog and digital processes for video/motion production and the creation of photobooks and installation art.
Gallery and studio management Arts production and administration
The BFA Photography curriculum enables you to study photography in relation to social engagement, fashion culture, creative industry, imaging technology, and contemporary art while developing research, critical writing, and technical skills. You focus your interests in electives offered throughout the university and in
Parsons Undergraduate Programs
internships at galleries, publishing houses, and cultural and commercial organizations. Access to state-of-the-art labs, shooting studios, and equipment supports your creativity; student exhibitions and critiques build your network.
TOP: Zeta Gao, Youthquake, fashion editorial BOTTOM: Joanne Imperio, untitled, from the Centre of Equal series FACING PAGE: Patricia Lopez Ramos, Food for Thought, digital C-print
TOP: Daniel Martinez, Prism BOTTOM: Miriam Josi and Stella Lee, Nomad planters FACING PAGE: Gabriella Ravassa, Coco, coffee bean– collecting bucket
Product Title
Stick Up-Sticks
$28.00 SRP
2.3x2.7x1.4 Inches 5.9x6.8x3.6 cm
K5 Crystal Glass
Daniel Martinez
Prism Magnifier is a desk magnifier ma glass crystal that renders image and tex the actual size. The magnifier was desig by Daniel Martinez for the class Small Matter, a collaboration between Areaw Parsons The New School for Design.
Daniel Martinez is a Product / Industri Designer based in NYC. His designs ex simple beauty, form and function, crea construction.
New York City
School of Constructed Environments
PRODUCT DESIGN BFA In this major, you cultivate the technical and critical skills needed to design objects, systems, and services that enhance human abilities and relationships. You address contemporary realities including sustainability and technological change while exploring materials, manufacturing, aesthetics, and social engagement in both local and global contexts.
Career paths include Industrial design Product development Manufacturing Furniture design Humanitarian and service design Health design Toy design
In this program, you acquire broadly applicable
Creative direction
studio, making, and critical thinking skills including research, graphic representation, sketching, modeling, prototyping, and presentation. Electives—on topics such as digital and physical model making, professional practice and entrepreneurship, material and process and metalworking—deepen your practice. Projects and internships with companies like Poltrona Frau, IKEA, Roche Bobois, and Areaware connect you to the industry. Museums, archives, and exposure at international design fairs supplement Parsons’ resources, such as the Parsons
The New School
innovation, experimental ceramics, and woodworking
Making Center and Healthy Materials Lab.
School of Design Strategies
STRATEGIC Design and management BBA Career paths include Innovation consulting Entrepreneurship Brand strategy Marketing and public relations Design-led research Leadership and management
The business of design and the design of business are at the center of the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Strategic Design and Management. In studios and seminars combining business, design, and liberal arts, you apply interdisciplinary learning through projects and research. Engaging and dynamic courses cover a range of topics including innovation and sustainability research, entrepreneurship, systems thinking, quantitative reasoning, financial management, visual communication, and information design. Through these courses, you
Parsons Undergraduate Programs
develop a broad and integrated set of skills that can be applied across the design strategy spectrum. Courses and projects led by practicing professionals enable you to work with entrepreneurs, designers, activists, and academics at companies and organizations ranging from HUGO BOSS, Panasonic, and Design Within Reach to the United Nations Development Fund and the City of New York. You explore interests and career paths in electives offered throughout The New School. Internships give you real-world experience. You graduate prepared to develop design-driven strategies, manage projects, and assume entrepreneurial and leadership positions. Offered both in New York City and at Parsons Paris.
TOP: Maurice Dusault, Portrait of a Drowning City, multiplatform urban intervention (installation, print booklet, Web interface) BOTTOM: L. Curry Aycock, The Art of Balance, mobile app FACING PAGE: Suzannah Tarkington and Bozhou Luo, BOUW, digital publication
Alex Ficquette Alumnus, BBA Strategic Design and Management
If you wonder whether design can bring people together—or drive them apart—ask Alex. While a student in the BBA Strategic Design and Management program, Alex delved into the human factors that designers take into consideration to make products and services successful. His aptitude for listening, reflecting, and finding creative solutions to problems big and small brought him success in internships at Michael Kors, Stella McCartney, Barneys New York, and a Broadway PR company. He ended up in one of his field’s most coveted positions: design researcher at IDEO, the legendary design and innovation consultancy.
At IDEO, Alex took the human-centered
“what if we ...?” approach he learned at
Parsons and applied it to projects for
local nonprofits and global firms. He
interviewed research participants across
the country, synthesizing his insights on
untapped opportunities and proposing
design-based approaches to address needs.
From his studies at Parsons Alex knew
that problem-solving techniques based in
design research are surprisingly adaptable
to a range of settings. But in the course of
researching user experience for a media
client, he learned just how valuable his own
design and management skills had made
him. Word of his talent at predicting user
behavior and his success in coordinating
the many steps to positive user experience
quickly got around. Soon he was approached
for a media job, which led to his current
position as associate plaza producer for NBC
television’s TODAY Show. Reflecting on his
providential career shift, he says, “Parsons
taught me that observation and asking
questions are as important as studio skills—
they can take you anywhere.”
“Parsons taught me that observation and asking questions are as important as studio skills—they can take you anywhere.”
Parent of Keeler Near, BFA Fashion Design ’18
William Near
Shown in the background are William Near and his son Keeler. Keeler is wearing a shirt he made for his thesis fashion collection.
could take a business course. Or he could take
could take courses outside of his discipline. He
resonated with me was the fact that Keeler
was there. And one of the things that really
was wild; it was cool. The design element
situation,” Billy recalls. “The energy of Parsons
background. “It was a really fun, upbeat
the ceiling while Kanye West played in the
of New School courses projected across
students’ day event, they saw a constellation
The New School’s campus for an admitted
When Billy and his son Keeler first arrived on
dad, I’m really proud of him.”
become. His creativity has flourished. As his
things I’ve noticed is how confident Keeler’s
career as an artist,” Billy says. “One of the big
a lifetime and are hugely influential in his
forming relationships that will probably last
up to and admires these teachers. He’s
are renowned in their fields. “Keeler looks
develop relationships with professors who
At Parsons, Billy has also seen Keeler
education has set him up to thrive after
the imagination,” Billy says, “but Keeler’s
world is not a sure thing by any stretch of
his own. “Surviving as an artist in today’s
lay the groundwork for two fashion lines of
a minor in Creative Entrepreneurship—and
design degree, enabling him to complete
classes added a new dimension to his
Keeler bloom at Parsons. Keeler’s business
Over the next four years, Billy saw
was going to have amazing opportunities.”
university’s liberal arts school. I knew Keeler
of the 1980s at Eugene Lang College, the
a class delving into the punk movement
“Surviving as an artist in today’s world is not a sure thing by any stretch of the imagination, but Keeler’s education has set him up to thrive after graduation.”
Parsons Paris, located in the heart of the city, offers you an intimate, atelierlike environment in which to create, guided by Parsons’ signature curriculum.
New York City
Parsons Paris Undergraduate Degrees Art, Media, and Technology BFA Fashion Design BFA Strategic Design and
The learning community at Parsons Paris is made up
Management BBA
of full-time undergraduate and graduate students from around the world, including students visiting from the university’s New York City campus and other American and international colleges. Bachelor’s programs currently offered are Art, Media, and Technology (BFA); Fashion Design (BFA); and Strategic Design and Management (BBA). Summer Intensive Studies programs are open to pre-college students (ages 16 and up) and college students. In Paris—recently voted one of the best cities in which to study1—you discover how bringing together French and global brands, new media, and social innovation enriches Small classes foster close interaction with faculty and interdisciplinary collaboration with peers across fields of study. Our special partnerships with fashion companies, luxury maisons, academic institutions, museums, and archives across Paris present unique opportunities to expand
The New School
your work and knowledge of design around the world.
and diversify your learning. Parsons Paris is proud to offer students a complete range of student services, career support, and year-round activities to make their study abroad experience as safe, academically challenging, and enjoyable as possible.
Quacquarelli Symonds World University Rankings (2017), a London-based global provider of specialist higher education and career information.
1 By
Other Learning Opportunities
Minors The growing array of minors offered in New York City at Parsons and throughout The New School advance your study of art and design, broaden your professional skills and perspectives, and give you a competitive edge on job and graduate school applications.
Alternative Fashion Strategies 1
Moving Image Arts
Museum and Curatorial Studies
Art and Design History
Music Composition 1
Capitalism Studies
Chinese Studies
Photography 1
Comics and Graphic Narrative
Communication Design
Post-Genre Music: Performance
Contemporary Music
and Creation 1
Creative Coding
Printmaking 1
Creative Entrepreneurship 1
Creative Technologies for
Race and Ethnicity
Performative Practice 1
Religious Studies
Parsons Undergraduate Programs
Culture and Media
Social Practice
Data Visualization
Design Studies
Sustainable Cities
Digital Humanities
Techniques of Music
Dramatic Arts 1
Temporary Environments
Environmental Studies
Visual Studies
Fashion Communication 1
Fashion Studies Film Production Fine Arts 1 Food Studies French Studies Gender Studies Global Studies Hispanic Studies History Interdisciplinary Science Japanese Studies Jewish Culture Journalism + Design Literary Translation Literature
1 Applications
are necessary for certain minors because
of space limitations. For updated information, visit newschool.edu/academics/minors.
New York City
BA/BFA Dual Degree In this five-year interdisciplinary pathway, you study both art and design and the liberal arts in depth, earning a BA from Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts and a BFA from Parsons.1 The BA/BFA (BAFA) pathway equips you with the superior critical thinking and studio skills you need to succeed in today’s complex globalized workplace or in advanced study. newschool.edu/babfa
Youth and Teen Programs Start your Parsons experience now in a pre-college program on Saturdays throughout the year in New York, or join us for Summer Intensive Studies, offered in June and July at our New York and Paris campuses. Build a portfolio or take art and design courses before beginning undergraduate fashion styling, design and management, and more. Offered through Open Campus, The New School’s home for continuing, professional, and pre-college education, Parsons youth and teen programs enable you to explore creativity, build skills, network with peers, and, in some cases, earn college credit.
The New School
studies in disciplines such as graphic design, photography, animation,
1 Students
in BBA Strategic Design and Management cannot participate in the BA/BFA pathway.
The Making Center Libraries
and Archives Galleries, Exhibition Spaces, and Performance Venues New School Art Collection Social Justice at The New School Industry Partnerships
Centers, Institutes, and labs
University Resources
New School Public Programs
University Resources Parsons Undergraduate Programs
disciplines and design studies. The archives
span Parsons’ history, from its founding
to today, conserving primary-source
Access to state-of-the-art and traditional
materials produced by our community,
tools at the Making Center facilitates your
including illustrations, graphic design
creative growth and gives you hands-on
samples, fashion sketches, articles,
experience using everything you’ll need
photographs, and recordings. Learn more
as a creator. Available resources include a
at newschool.edu/parsons/facilities.
motion capture studio; 3D printers; laser cutters; CNC routers; high-speed plotters;
Galleries, Exhibition Spaces,
printmaking equipment for all media;
and Performance Venues
woodworking, metalworking, and sewing
The Sheila C. Johnson Design Center (SJDC),
tools; and digital imaging, audio, and
an award-winning space designed by Lyn
production gear. The inviting, light-filled
Rice Architects, is a university hub of
space is also a place where community
creativity and scholarship. Located on
forms: Students and faculty collaborate and
the ground floor of Parsons’ building at
discuss creative challenges at the center’s
the corner of Fifth Avenue and 13th Street,
many ample work tables.
the center offers programming including exhibitions curated by the SJDC staff, student
work exhibitions, and a rich variety of
Supporting your research are the university’s
events advancing the university’s mission of
libraries and some of the country’s finest
promoting public dialogue on the role of art
academic resources, available through the
and design in civic life. The center’s more than
online Research Library Consortium of South
4,000 square feet of gallery space, equipped
Manhattan. On-campus resources include
to support the full range of media, offers
the List Center Library, the University Center
students opportunities to curate and create
Library, the Performing Arts Library, and
programming for courses or by invitation.
the Kellen Design Archives & Special
The New School also maintains a number
Collections at the Sheila C. Johnson Design
of practice, rehearsal, and performance
Center. Degree-seeking students can also
spaces, including the university’s
use the extensive resources at NYU’s Bobst
20,000-square-foot facility at 55 West 13th
Library, the Cooper Union library, and the
Street, Tishman Auditorium at the University
New York School of Interior Design and
Center, and The Auditorium at 66 West 12th
Cardozo libraries.
Street. Our black box performance space at
At the Kellen Design Archives, you can explore Parsons’ celebrated history in studio
151 Bank Street features state-of-the-art sound and lighting systems.
TOP, FACING PAGE: The Making Center, the university’s network of cutting-edge creative tools, is located primarily in the Parsons building at Fifth Avenue and 13th Street. MIDDLE: The Kellen Archives, part of the university’s extensive archival holdings, contains materials documenting Parsons’ history and creative output, including project work by our celebrated alumni. BOTTOM: Exhibitions at the Sheila C. Johnson Design Center invite the public to participate in discussion of the role of design in fostering social good.
MIDDLE: The Sheila C. Johnson Design Center presents exhibitions on timely topics such as the intersection of technology and craft. Shown here is an exhibition developed with the Royal College of Art (RCA), London. BOTTOM LEFT: Projects involving partners like fashion retailer H&M challenge students to design within realworld industry constraints. BOTTOM RIGHT: Sol LeWitt’s Wall Drawing #1073 A and B, Bars of Color (New School), 2003/2015, shown here, enlivens the first and second floors of the university’s 55 West 13th Street building.
Some of our recent partners:
The New School’s Art Collection makes
passing through campus buildings a
Aperture Foundation
transformative experience. Installations
created expressly for our community—such
Baltimore Symphony Orchestra
as Glenn Ligon’s site-specific commission
Children’s Museum of the Arts
For Comrades and Lovers (facing page,
Chinese American Planning Council
top right), which envelops visitors to
Citi Community Fund
the University Center’s Event Café; José
Clemente Orozco’s A Call for Revolution and
Condé Nast
Universal Brotherhood, a sweeping fresco
Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum
cycle created in 1931; and Kara Walker’s
Cornell Tech
Event Horizon (facing page, top left), an
immersive artwork filling Arnhold Hall’s
Gilt Groupe
stairwell—explore themes particularly
relevant to The New School. Pioneering
works from the collection of nearly 2,000,
Habitat for Humanity
including pieces by Martin Puryear,
Adrian Piper, and photographer and New
School teacher Berenice Abbott, are found
throughout campus, offering you moments
of inspiration and discovery.
Japan Society
New York City
New School
The New School’s Office of Social Justice
Luxury Education Foundation
develops and supports university initiatives
Made in NY
that promote social justice in the world in
Marie Claire
four thematic areas: stratification (by race,
class, income, sexuality, and sexual identity),
immigration and migration, climate and
New York Times
environment, and technology in society.
The Office of Social Justice also supports
internal policy and culture change to foster
NYC Department of Parks and Recreation
a welcoming and inclusive university
NYC Department of Transportation
environment and advance The New School’s
NYC Housing Authority
mission of cultivating engaged innovators
NYC Media Lab
equipped to address pressing social issues.
The New School
Kering Social Justice at The
Poltrona Frau
Industry partnerships at the university
Red Cross
connect you to leading organizations and
Roche Bobois
brands whose mission, knowledge base,
Saks Fifth Avenue
leadership, and creativity align with yours.
Partnerships challenge faculty and students
to develop customized solutions that drive
Tag Heuer
innovation and help businesses thrive in a
Teen Vogue
complex, diverse global economy.
Theory United Nations Under Armour Woolmark
University Resources
Research communities of practice at
Public Programs at The New School offers
The New School:
you more than a thousand events each
Center for Data Arts
year—most presented free—providing fresh
Center for New York City Affairs
perspectives and expanding your network.
Center for Public Scholarship
These lectures, conversations, exhibitions,
Center for Transformative Media
concerts, and performances feature a range
of intellectual leaders and include the Nth
Community Development Finance Lab
Degree, a series of events featuring thinkers,
Designed Realities Lab
visionaries, and creators who bring about
DESIS (Design for Social Innovation
positive change in the world.
and Sustainability) Lab Digital Equity Lab
ELab (a design-led entrepreneurial lab)
Scholarship and creative learning happen
Engage Media Lab
both in and outside of the classroom
Graduate Institute for Design, Ethnography,
at The New School. Across our campus,
and Social Thought (GIDEST)
students and faculty come together in
Healthy Materials Lab
interactive, collaborative spaces to rethink,
Humanities Action Lab
reimagine, and redesign the world. In these
Open Style Lab
labs, centers, facilities, and research
PETLab (Prototyping, Evaluation,
institutes, they produce groundbreaking
Teaching, and Learning Lab)
Parsons Undergraduate Programs
work that challenges the way we
Sheila C. Johnson Design Center
traditionally solve problems.
Tishman Environment and Design Center Transregional Center for Democratic Studies (TCDS) Urban Systems Lab Vera List Center for Art and Politics Zolberg Institute on Migration and Mobility newschool.edu/parsons/research-projects
TOP: Parsons—the U.S. home of DESIS, a global service design organization—recently hosted “Resilient Cities, Livable Futures,” a conference on strategies for building urban centers’ resilience in the face of weather-related disasters. MIDDLE: A student creates a composition using samples from the Healthy Materials Lab’s library of nontoxic products such as rubber flooring, tile backing made from reused juice boxes, and flooring made from linseed oil, wood flour, and jute. Also shown are eco-fabrics created in a collaboration with Tide detergent. BOTTOM: At far left is Elaine Welteroth, editor in chief of Teen Vogue, in conversation with Amy Farid and Anastasia Garcia at Fashion Culture and Justice, a campus event. FACING PAGE: A DESIS Lab research exhibition.
 Student Resources and admission Academic and
 Career Advising Internships International Student and Scholar Services Housing
Student Support & Admission
Financial Aid
You Are Here.
W 26 ST
In downtown New York—a celebrated hub for creative minds.
W 25 ST
W 24 ST E
W 23 ST
New School University Buildings
04 20th Street Residence 300 West 20th Street
09 Parsons East 25 East 13th Street 10 School of Drama 151 Bank Street 11 Albert and Vera List
Academic &
Parsons Undergraduate Programs
Administration 05 Fanton Hall/ Welcome Center 72 Fifth Avenue 06 University Center 63 Fifth Avenue
Academic Center 6 East 16th Street 12 Alvin Johnson/ J.M. Kaplan Hall
15 68 Fifth Avenue
W 19 ST
16 66 Fifth Avenue
Administrative Offices 17 71 Fifth Avenue
W 17 ST
18 79 Fifth Avenue
318 East 15th Street
of Design
14 2 West 13th Street
03 Stuyvesant Park
64 West 11th Street
10 AVE
135 East 12th Street
65 West 11th Street 08 Lang Annex
W 21 ST
Center/Parsons School
65 Fifth Avenue 02 Loeb Hall
of Liberal Arts
Sheila C. Johnson Design
01 Kerrey Hall
07 Eugene Lang College
Residence Halls
Student Support and Admission
W 16 ST
19 80 Fifth Avenue 20 Buildings Office
W 15 ST
113 University Place
66 West 12th Street
W 14 ST
13 Arnhold Hall/College of P erforming Arts 55 West 13th Street
NYC Highlights Museums & cultural Institutions 21 AIA New York/ Center for Architecture 536 LaGuardia Place 22 Cooper Hewitt,
31 National Museum of the American Indian 1 Bowling Green 32 The New Museum 235 Bowery 33 Type Directors Club 347 West 36th Street 34 The Whitney Museum of American Art
99 Gansevoort Street
199 Cook Street, Brooklyn 24 The Guggenheim Museum 1071 Fifth Avenue 25 International Center of Photography Museum 250 Bowery 26 The Kitchen 512 West 19th Street 27 The Jewish Museum 1109 Fifth Avenue 28 The Metropolitan Museum of Art 1000 Fifth Avenue 29 MoMA 11 West 53rd Street
30 MoMA PS1 22-25 Jackson Avenue, Queens
Music & Theater 35 Blue Note Jazz Club 131 West 3rd Street 36 Brooklyn Academy of Music 30 Lafayette Avenue, Brooklyn 37 Lincoln Center 10 Lincoln Center Plaza 38 The Public Theater 425 Lafayette Street Politics & social Justice 39 International Rescue Committee 122 East 42nd Street 40 The United Nations 405 East 42nd Street 41 Urban Justice Center 40 Rector Street
33 East 17th Street
43 Bluestockings
West Village
Bookstore 172 Allen Street 44 The Strand Bookstore 828 Broadway Food, Coffee & Supplies 45 Adorama
23 Eyebeam
2 East 91st Street
Smithsonian Design
Bookstores 42 Barnes & Noble
42 West 18th Street 46 The Bean 824 Broadway 47 Blick Art Materials • 21 East 13th Street • 650 Sixth Avenue 48 Breads Bakery
18 East 16th Street
New School Building
49 The Grey Dog 90 University Place
NYC Highlight
50 Hu Kitchen 78 Fifth Avenue 51 Joe Coffee
Subway Station
9 East 13th Street 52 Mood Fabrics
Subway Line
225 West 37th Street 53 Murray’s Bagels
Bike Path
500 Sixth Avenue 54 Num Pang Kitchen 28 East 12th Street
Citi Bike Station
New York City
22 24 27 28
E 24 ST F
E 23 ST
W 23 ST
W 22 ST
W 14 ST 50
W 13 ST 53
W 11 ST
East Village
W 12 ST W
E 13 ST
E 12 ST
E 11 ST
Greenwich Village B
E 8 ST E 7 ST
E 4 ST
W 3 ST
E 3 ST
E 2 ST
E 1 ST
ST 1
E 6 ST
E 5 ST
7 AV S
6 AV E
43 32
36 23
4 A
E 14 ST
The New School
48 1
W 18 ST
W 20 ST
Student Support and Admission
Student Resources and
In addition, the New School alumni
community keeps you connected to a
We have staff dedicated to helping you join
thriving network of leaders in art, design,
the Parsons community and making your
academia, the performing arts, the social
experience transformative. Our team is
sciences, and many other fields. Take a look
available at the planning stages—applying,
at what alumni are doing around the world
making the financial commitment, finding
at newschool.edu/alumni.
housing—and once you’re on campus as well. Staff members devoted to addressing
learning-related needs ensure that your
Internships encourage our students to
academic life flourishes. If you have
take theory from the classroom and put
questions, we have answers, on these
it into action. They are an integral part of
topics and more:
the university–New York City experience.
»» Recreation »» Student organizations »» Health and wellness »» Student disability services »» Meal plans »» Registration »» Safety and security »» Technology labs Parsons Undergraduate Programs
ACADEMIC AND CAREER ADVISING You will receive ongoing, holistic support from academic and career advisors, who will help you design your unique degree pathway and prepare to effect change in the world after graduation. This innovative approach means you visit only one office to embark upon and complete your academic and career advising journey. And at the Parsons Career Expo, more than 100 recruiters gather to discuss creative positions with you, review your portfolio, and invite you to apply for jobs. We also offer resources for those who want to pursue advanced studies or start their own businesses. Advisors are here to help you:
»» Articulate your values »» Select courses and graduate on time »» Think about career options »» Consider study and work abroad opportunities
»» Connect with faculty members »» Locate relevant support services if you are a first-generation student, student veteran, or student with a disability
In a single year, New School students interned at more than 1,000 organizations, including MTV, HBO, Beth Israel Hospital, the Village Voice, the International Rescue Committee, Nike, Diane von Furstenberg, and more. Students find internships by meeting with their success advisor (their career and academic advisor), attending Career Services events, and drawing on relationships with university partners, faculty, and fellow students. INTERNATIONAL STUDENT AND SCHOLAR SERVICES We welcome students from around the world. Whether you are an international student or scholar or an exchange visitor, you are joining a thriving academic and artistic campus in one of the world’s great cities. We offer both immigration advice and cultural support in a welcoming and friendly environment.
The New School
New York City
Student Support and Admission Parsons Undergraduate Programs
We want The New School to be your home
away from home. We achieve this by:
The New School is for students from a
»» Providing expertise and support
variety of backgrounds. The university
throughout the U.S. visa application process and offering advisement on the maintenance of F-1 and J-1 immigration status, employment, program changes,
funds a variety of institutional scholarships, fellowships, grants, and stipends through its comprehensive financial aid program. We also participate in government grant,
and other immigration-related matters
loan, and work study programs as well as
scholars on higher education practices
»» Advising incoming students and
in the United States and other cultural
programs for veterans of the U.S. armed If you are admitted to a degree program,
adjustment issues
you will automatically be considered for
programs at The New School and with
and, if applicable, artistic ability. Admission
»» Providing international student other institutions both in New York City and in other countries
merit aid on the basis of your academic counselors can answer questions about merit eligibility. U.S. citizens and residents who wish
to receive need-based aid must first
Housing isn’t just four walls and a roof.
complete the Free Application for Federal
It’s an opportunity to form bonds, ease
Student Aid (FAFSA). The FAFSA determines
the transition from home to college, learn
students’ eligibility for federal and state
to appreciate differences, and make new
grants, federal loans, and work study. File
friends for life. Our four residences extend
this application online at fafsa.ed.gov using
from Greenwich Village to Chelsea and
The New School’s code, 002780.
offer students a nurturing, supportive environment as well as many social, educational, and cultural activities. For more information, visit newschool.edu/housing.
Collab: Intel Fashion & Tech Intel challenged students to demonstrate how to integrate the Intel™ Curie Module int... Curate the Future by Reimagining the Past Ethnographic studies are examined through a curatorial lens. Spark a Conversation with the City the civic sphere. Empower a House
Embrace ambiguity.
Parsons School of Design celebrates art and design in
A bright idea illuminates the world like a porch light in the night. Rewrite the Ethics of Drones Two Design and Technology graduates explore the contentious relationship between huma... Don’t Tell a Story — Illuminate a Manuscript We embrace new media, design, and technology to reimagine the power of storytelling.
Close Silicon Valley’s Gender Gap Two MFA Design and Technology graduates spark a love of technology in girls.
Change your vantage point.
Wikipedia History of Visual Communications Graphic Design Referenced Meggs’ History of Design Graphic Design: A New History The Design Library at the Design Museum Thinking for a Living IconofGraphics AIGA Medalists The ADC Hall of Fame The best and the brightest. The Design Shadow SpeakUp Alki1’s Photostream on FlickR
A Library of Design Images. This History of Graphic Design and its Audiences
University Programs
Our University at a Glance
Membership and Accreditation The New School is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. MSCHE is a regional accreditor and federally recognized body. The New School has been accredited by MSCHE since 1960. All degree programs at the New York City campus of The New School are registered by the New York State Department of Education. Parsons School of Design is also accredited by the National Association of Schools of Art and Design and is a member of the Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design. The New School is a nonprofit university. For full information on the university’s accreditation, visit newschool.edu/provost/ accreditation. The information published here represents the plans of the university at the time of publication and does not constitute an
A Few Facts that Set Us Apart
irrevocable contract between the student and The New School. The university reserves the right to change without notice any matter contained in this publication, including but not limited to tuition, fees, policies, degrees, programs, names of programs, course offerings, academic activities, academic requirements, facilities, faculty, and administrators. Payment of tuition or attendance at any classes shall constitute a student’s acceptance of the administration’s rights as set forth above. The New School is an Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Institution. For important information including student rights, campus safety statistics, and tuition and fees, visit newschool.edu/your-right-to-know. Published 2019 by The New School. Produced by Marketing and Communication, The New School.
2018–2019 academic year. 2017–2018 academic year. Does not include non–New School aid or loans. 3 U.S. News & World Report (2018). 4 Quacquarelli Symonds World University Rankings (2018). 5 U.S. News & World Report (2018). 1
Photo credits: David Barron, Michael DiVito, ESTO, James Ewing, Ben Ferrari, Michelle Gevint, Jonathan Grassi, Don Hamerman, Bob Handelman, Hulton Archive, Spencer Kohn, Christopher Lawrence, Diego Ledezma-Perez, Library of Congress, Colleen Macklin, Matthew Mathews, Fred W. McDarrah, Jessica Miller, Michael Moran, Julien Mouffron-Gardner, Siobhán Mullan, Jacob Arthur Pritchard, Puxan BC, Sarah Rocco, Martin Seck, Michael Kirby Smith, Ai Weiwei
Here you are. Now that you have discovered our acclaimed design school, located in a city of innovators, you are ready for the next step in your creative journey. Start yours at Parsons, where you will find the space to investigate, learn something new, and solve problems of all kinds. We are catalyzing action and new ideas on campus and beyond, making the world better by design. Talk to us. We are here to provide more information, answer questions, and introduce you to a unique path to academic excellence. Office of Admission 72 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10011 212.229.5150 or 800.292.3040 thinkparsons@newschool.edu newschool.edu/parsons newschool.edu/visit-undergrad
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As we celebrate our Centennial, The New School remains committed to being a university where world-renowned colleges come together to seek out new ways to create a more just, more beautiful, and better-designed world. Learn more about our colleges and programs:
Parsons School of Design
Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts
College of Performing Arts
The New School for Social Research
Schools of Public Engagement
Parsons Paris
Learn something new.