From Smart to Y2K: Refashioning the 2000s Youth Style in 2020s China by JiaHao Li

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discusses the current media discourse around the 2000s style in China. Similar to the last chapter on Smart, online contents are also used, since two styles are both tied with and discussed on the Internet. Besides, the generation born after 1995s grew up along with the development of the Internet, so looking at comments on Y2K and the 2000s in general online is crucial to understand what they mean to the youths. Through analysis, this chapter seeks to find the possible connections between Smart from the 2000s and Y2K from the 2020s.

Y2K Sold Online In the chapter of her book that discusses the sixties as vintage style, Jenss writes,

When we speak about the “the sixties” we are not just using a numerical shorthand to refer to the succession of ten years, but instead this reference to time describes a wider imaginary and often mythic construction of time, or zeitgeist narratives, we come to produce around and associate with a past decade, usually in retrospect, and by way of the identification of temporal contrast.80

In fact, since the twentieth century, fashion change started to be categorized more according to the “time-specific qualities of past styles.” This could turn into Jenss, Heike. “Icons of Modernity: Sixties Fashion and Youth Culture.” In Jenss, Heike Fashioning Memory : Vintage Style and Youth Culture: 37-64: 37. London: Bloomsbury 2017. 80


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