Employee Sustainability Guide

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New School Bikes! A new student, faculty, and staff group designed this bumper sticker to encourage commuting to campus by bike.


Human Resources Facilities Management


Sus•tain•a•bil•it•y: Environmental, economic, and social justice that abides by the definition of “sustainable development” formed by the Brundtland Commission, established by the United Nations in 1983: Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The New School is committed to becoming a more sustainable institution and to improving the eco-literacy of the campus community. With these objectives in mind, The New School has signed on to the following public initiatives: PlaNYC University Challenge—In 2007, New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg asked local colleges and universities to commit to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 30 percent in ten years—a goal that is more ambitious than the citywide goals proposed in the PlaNYC sustainability master plan. The New School was one of the original nine signatories of the PlaNYC University Challenge. American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment (ACUPCC)—The New School is one of nearly 700 universities and colleges that have pledged to become carbon-neutral institutions as part of the

The new University Center is designed with a focus on efficiency and conservation.


ACUPCC. The university is committed to attaining carbon neutrality by 2040. Sustainability Tracking, Assessment, and Rating System (STARS®)—Designed by universities for universities, STARS® is a rating system used to assess sustainability performance in a number of categories. In 2010, The New School signed on as a charter participant to this initiative, launched by the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE); the university was one of approximately 200 schools to sign on as early adopters. The New School received a Silver rating in August 2011. For details about current sustainability initiatives on campus, visit www.newschool.edu/sustainability.


Employee Green Best Practices We ask that every member of the New School community makes smart choices every day that will help the university reduce its environmental footprint, conserve natural and financial resources, and achieve the sustainability goals described previously. Below are best practices that all New School employees are expected to adopt as their own.

A highly-reflective roof was installed on 66 West 12th Street to reduce energy usage.

Power Down Use energy wisely on campus. Help reduce the university’s carbon footprint by following The New School’s Power Down guidelines: –Turn your computer completely off at the end of each day. –Set your computer to go into Sleep mode after ten minutes of inactivity. See Energy Settings for Personal Computers on page 7. – Turn off your personal printer at the end of each day; turn it on only when it is needed. – Shut off lights when you leave a room or see lights on in an unoccupied room, including office kitchens and lavatories. – Unplug device chargers when they are not in use. These chargers draw electricity even when a device is not attached. – Use a powerstrip at your workstation so you can shut down all plug loads with one button.

– Use common kitchens where they are available; personal refrigerators and microwaves are prohibited.

–Employees are encouraged to park bicycles indoors at Imperial Parking Garage (7 East 14th Street); register with Facilities Management (71 Fifth Avenue, 9th floor) during normal business hours with a valid New School ID and payment (cash or check). The cost is $25 per semester.

–The use of personal heaters on campus is prohibited as they pose a fire risk and unnecessarily increase electricity consumption. – Dress appropriately for thermal comfort; consider leaving an extra sweater or jacket at your desk. Contact Facilities Management at 212.229.5456 with heating or cooling problems.

–Citi Bike, a new bike share program introduced by the NYC Department of Transportation, will eventually provide 10,000 bicycles at 600 stations around the city, several of which are on The New School campus. Visit citibikenyc.com for information about annual membership and day passes.

Travel Green Bike, Take Transportation, or Walk to reduce fossil fuel consumption and carbon dioxide emissions. The university is situated at a public transportation hub. There are bicycle lanes throughout Manhattan, and bike racks are available curbside in front of most university buildings.

A student participating in the university’s field internship program on a project focused on alternative power.



Waste collection signs on campus were designed by Parsons students through a Green Fund award.

Recycle Right

Use Less Paper

Shop Responsibly

Follow the directions on the color-coded recycling signs around campus to properly sort your paper, glass, metal, and plastic waste. It’s the law—and it keeps waste out of landfills.

Use double-sided (duplex) printing This can reduce The New School’s paper consumption by 30 percent (approximately 1,200 cases) each year. Most network printers have double-sided printing capability. Employees are expected to use this function for everyday printing. Read How to Set Your Computer to Double-Sided (Duplex) Printing.

Use eco-friendly office products—Using products with recycled content reduces the consumption of raw materials and energy. All standard office paper and toilet tissue on campus contains 100 percent recycled content, and all paper towels contain 70 percent recycled content.

–At everyone’s desk, there should be a blue bin for recycling clean paper only. If you do not have a blue bin at your desk, or your office does not have easy access to a recycling station, contact Facilities Management to remedy this: facilitiesmanagement@newschool.edu, 212-229-5456. –Take all glass, metal, and plastic waste from your workstation to a nearby recycling station (usually placed in main corridors and kitchens). –If your office lacks appropriate signage, download recycling signs to print and post by communal bins.

–Order office supplies sparingly. Inquire whether others in your office have surplus supplies for your use before reordering.

Paperless Agendas—With so many conference rooms on campus equipped with AV capabilities, consider projecting your meeting agendas instead of using printed agendas. If paper agendas are more effective for you, encourage attendees to use them to take notes on or collect them for scrap to be reused in the office.

–Green items are available in several categories in W.B. Mason’s online catalog and appear first on The New School’s preferred items list. Purchase paper products that have a minimum of 30 percent recycled content. –Offices are required to purchase cleaning products, including spray surface cleaners and dish soap, that meet The New School’s Green Cleaning Program guidelines to


ensure a safe and eco-friendly workplace. Look for “non-toxic” and “biodegradable” labels when buying these products. Bleaches and aerosols are discouraged.

BYOMug Disposable coffee cups make up a large part of the university’s waste stream. –If your office does not stock reusable mugs, bring your own or develop a plan with your colleagues to purchase reusable mugs and glasses for the office. –You can fill up on fair trade coffee or tea at any campus eatery for only 99¢ when you bring your own mug.


Reduce Plastic Waste Drink tap water from your own reusable bottles and cups. Doing so will dramatically reduce the amount of disposable plastic the university discards (and will save you money). Plastic bottles are made from petroleum, and fewer than 30 percent of disposable bottles are recycled; the rest end up in landfills or oceans. (There’s no such thing as “throwing it away.” Plastic does not biodegrade; it just breaks down into smaller toxic pieces in landfills and oceans.) –The New School has banned the sale of bottled water on campus. –Filtered and chilled water bottle filling stations are available throughout campus; most offices also have water coolers.

Reuse utensils—All employees should bring in their own reusable utensils from home, or office management can decide to purchase reusable utensils if there is an office kitchen with a sink or dishwasher. Disposable utensils are a needless expense, and, like plastic bottles, they end up in landfills Say “No thanks” to plastic bags. When you’re at the cash register, consider whether you really need to take a plastic bag. Plastic bags, like plastic bottles, are not biodegradable. They trap and poison wildlife on land and in the oceans. They remain toxic even after they break down into small particles. Cheap reusable tote bags are readily available at New York City stores. If you must take a plastic bag, recycle them at stores in the area such as Best Buy, Barnes & Noble, and Whole Foods.

Compost Compost food scraps, certain paper products, and biodegradable utensils at any campus eatery: Lang Café (65 West 11th Street), Café 55 and Library Café (55 West 13th Street), and the 13th Street Residence Cafeteria. Compost collection is also available on every floor of 25 East 13th Street. The reward for taking the time to bring your compostable items to

Students installed this rooftop garden, part of Parsons’ Urban Dyeing project.


one of these locations is knowing that your trash will make its way back to the earth as fertilizer on a regional farm.

Reduce E-Waste Electronic equipment often contains toxic chemicals, including lead, cadmium, mercury, and other heavy metals that are harmful to the environment if they end up in landfills. Examples of e-waste are computers, accessories (such as mice and keyboards), copiers, and fax machines. The New School’s recycling vendor meets the highest global standards for responsible practices. Visit www.newschool.edu/ sustainability/waste for more information. –To dispose of unwanted computer equipment, contact the Help Desk at 212.229.5300 x2828. –Dispose of both personal and institutional e-waste at collection events, held on campus in December and May.

Recycle batteries and small portable electronics, such as MP3 players and cell phones, in the blue tubes found in the lobbies of most university buildings. For exact locations visit www.newschool.edu/ ehs/waste-management/. Recycle toner cartridges. Give all used toner cartridges from both personal and network printers to the W.B. Mason delivery person when office supplies are delivered to your office. Each office should maintain a central collection point for cartridges. Go to www.newschool.edu/sustainability/waste for more information.

Cleaning Shop? If your office is tossing out large quantities of supplies, books, storage containers, etc. contact the Parsons Green Supply Center at 2 West 13th Street, 4th floor to inquire if your items are appropriate for reuse. Email GSC@newschool.edu with a description. green.parsons.edu


Get Involved Take the Pledge—Join over 1,000 New School staff, faculty, and students who have committed to helping the university reduce its carbon footprint and achieve its sustainability goals by taking The New School Sustainability Pledge: www.newschool.edu/sustainability/pledge. Buy local—Corbin Hill Farm, started by a Milano professor, lets you purchase a summer and winter farm share with pickup on campus. Learn more about Corbin Hill’s roots at The New School and sign up for NY State-fresh fruits and veggies at corbinhillfarm.com. Stay informed—The New School hosts many sustainability-related public programs that address issues of climate change, urban resilience, agriculture and design; and bring thought leaders in these areas to campus. To find a listing of such events select Environment/Science on The New School University Events Calendar. Be a green champion—Download these student-designed posters to hang in your office to raise awareness of everyday environmental impacts. Corbin Hill Farm brings farm-fresh local fruits and vegetables into Harlem and the Bronx and has a weekly pick-up on campus. Many New School students have been involved in the operations of the organization.


Members’ Only—The New School is a member of the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) as well as the US Green Building Council (USGBC). Students, faculty, and staff have access to members-only resources such as webinars, discounts on conferences, publications, and LEED credential examinations. Contact sustainability@newschool.edu for online access information. Funding for Bright Ideas—In spring 2010, The New School Green Fund was launched as part of an annual initiative to increase community involvement in the sustainability efforts of the university and promote research around environmental issues. Every year, awards support student and faculty-led projects and research. To learn more about how to apply and view past Green Fund projects, visit: www.newschool.edu/greenfund. If you have any questions or comments about these best practices and sustainability awareness initiatives on campus, please email sustainability@newschool.edu.


Energy Settings for Personal Computers Please be mindful of your daily computer use. Desktop computers account for a large part of total electricity use on campus so power your computer down when it is not in use. Changing your computer settings can greatly reduce the amount of energy you use in the office.

The Student Study Center.

How to Set Your Computer to Save Energy Windows XP Step 1: To configure power management, click on Control Panel. Step 2: Control Panel has two views. In Theme View, double-click on Performance and Maintenance and then on Power Options. In Classic View, double-click on Power Options. Step 3: The Power Options Properties dialog box will be displayed with the Power Schemes tab selected. Here time-outs can be set for your monitor, system standby, and hibernation. Desktop users should set Hibernate to Never. Laptop and notebook computer users can specify an alternative power scheme to take effect when the PC is running on battery power, either standby


or hibernate. If you are unable to select a hibernate time-out, you may need to enable the hibernate feature: Select the Hibernate tab in Power Options Properties, check Enable Hibernation, and click Apply, then OK.

Step 1: Click on the Apple Menu (apple icon) in the upper left corner of your screen. Step 2: Go to System Preferences. Step 3: Click Show All (if necessary).

Step 4: Set monitor to enter sleep mode after five to 30 minutes of inactivity; ten minutes is recommended. The lower the setting, the more energy is saved. The Turn Off Hard Disks setting does not save much power and can be ignored.

Step 4: Select Energy Saver from the Hardware row. Step 5: Set Put the Computer to Sleep When it is Inactive to 30 minutes or less using the slider.

Windows 7 users will find that this process has been made easier: To adjust your settings, just go to Control Panel, select Hardware and Sound, and open Power Options. Consider using the Balanced option, which balances performance with energy consumption, or Power Saver, if you are a true sustainability champion. All settings can be adjusted under Edit Plan Settings.

Step 6: Set Put the Display to Sleep When the Computer is Inactive to between five and ten minutes using the slider. For more information, visit www.energystar. gov. If you have questions related to these Power Down procedures, send an email to sustainability@newschool.edu.


Consider the following facts: Windows Idle state consumes between 32.21 and 91 watts. Sleep mode consumes between 2.64 and 3.18 watts. Standby mode consumes between 1.23 and 0.93 watts.

Macintosh Idle state with display on consumes about 150 watts. Idle state with display off consumes about 47 watts. Sleep mode consumes about 1.45 watts


Windows Step 4 Note: Your screen may not look exactly like this if you have a different operating system, but the instructions are basically the same.

Macintosh Step 3

How To Set Your Computer To Double-Sided (Duplex) Printing

Step 4: In Layout, change Print Type to 2-Sided or click 2-Sided Long Edge; click Apply, then OK.

Windows XP

Step 1: Open File and select Print.

Step 1: Open Control Panel and Select Printers and Faxes.

Step 2: Click Preferences or Properties button.

Step 2: Right-click your default printer (verify that the printer has the duplex option installed). You will have to repeat this process for each printer you use.

Step 3: Open Layout tab.

Step 3: Select Printing Preferences (also accessible from Print in a program such as Microsoft Word) by right-clicking on the printer you would like to use.

Macintosh Step 4

Macintosh Step 1: Open the File menu in a program such as Microsoft Word and select Print.

To go back to single-sided printing for a single document, follow these steps:

Step 2: In the window that appears, select your shared network printer. Step 3: Click on the pull-down menu labeled Copies and Pages and select Layout/Finish. Note: All network printers should have this duplex printing option, but personal desktop printers may not. Step 4: In the Layout section, under Print Type, select 2-Sided. In some Macintosh operating systems, there may be an option under 2-Sided to specify the binding. Select Long-edged Binding if you usually print in Landscape. If you are printing two pages per sheet, choosing Short-edged Binding may provide more convenient page breaks.

Step 4: Under Print on Both Sides, select None, or under 2-Sided Printing, select 1-Sided, then OK.


Macintosh Step 5

Step 5: To set duplex printing as the default, click on the pull-down menu labeled Presets and choose Save as.... Enter a name for the printing preset you are creating, such as Duplex; click OK.

To go back to single-sided printing for a single document, follow these steps: Step 1: choose Standard from the Presets pull down menu. Your printing will continue to be single-sided until you reselect the Duplex preset you created.

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