Master of Arts
Degree Requirements The MA TESOL curriculum is a 30-credit program of study. All students complete five core courses and a concentration in either Teaching or Curriculum Development. The complete program description and list of courses are published on the website: newschool.edu/matesol.
Language Analysis: Phonology, Lexis, and Syntax Language Analysis: Grammar and Discourse Principles of Language Learning and Teaching English in the World E-Portfolio Either Observation Research or Practitioner Research Concentrations (15 Credits) The remaining 15 credits are determined by the student’s concentration. There are three-credit, two-credit, and onecredit classes. Career changers and all applicants with less than two years’ ESL teaching experience must choose the teaching experience can choose the Curriculum Development concentration. Note: Certain courses, such as Curriculum Development, can be taken by non-matriculated students for professional development. For more information, call or email the Office of Admission. Admission The Office of Admission can help you decide whether The New School’s MA TESOL is the right program for you. We welcome applications from aspiring teachers of diverse backgrounds. Prior teaching experience is not necessary for admission to the Teaching concentration. An approved ELT certificate and prior ESL/EFL teaching experience are required for admission to the Curriculum Development concentration. When making admission decisions, we carefully consider all aspects of the application, including the statement of purpose, prior work and life experience, and academic achievement. A personal interview is required, which will be scheduled after receipt of all application materials.
master of arts
Teaching concentration. Individuals with appropriate ESL
Unravel it and start from scratch.
The New School was founded in 1919 by a group of socially progressive educators looking to address critical issues in a relevant and conscious way. Today this university, composed of five renowned schools, continues to be a force of new ideas in linguistics through the MA TESOL program, a culturally empathetic curriculum that expands the boundaries of traditional language pedagogy. These groundbreaking courses explore the way new modes of teaching English affect culture and society around the world. The content of the MA TESOL curriculum
Theory to Practice
at The New School is cutting edge: It
The cornerstones of the MA TESOL
explores the theoretical as well as the
are bridging theory and practice,
practical issues relevant to current praxis.
remaining relevant and up-to-date in a
Rather than taking a purely linguistic
dynamic and ever-evolving field, learning
stance, we adopt social, cultural, and
experientially, and staying focused on the
political perspectives on global English.
needs of all language learners. We base
Our MA TESOL students practice strategies
our theory on practice and vice versa.
and techniques that make language and
We encourage students to explore their
intercultural communication accessible
own areas of interest throughout the
to learners. Bringing their own unique
program. Some students opt to complete
backgrounds and skills to bear, they
independent studies under the guidance
learn to motivate and empower learners
of MA TESOL teachers. Examples of
to achieve their academic, professional,
groundbreaking studies by our students
and personal goals.
include research into effective techniques to motivate learners, the design of
• Teach English anywhere in the world. • Empower adults to speak English as a second language for work, study,
specialized curriculum, and the development of training courses for English language teachers.
and travel.
• Create programs relevant to the
MA students can participate in the
needs of speakers of other languages
MA TESOL Outreach Program, which
and sensitive to their experiences
allows them to gain valuable classroom
and aspirations.
experience while addressing the dire
• Bridge cultural and linguistic divides. • Teach a global language responsibly, with respect for local values.
need for free English language classes for immigrants in New York City. This program provides a space in which to
• Challenge current orthodoxies with
hone your teaching skills while building
regard to language learning and
your awareness of how vital the ability
to speak English can be in the lives of
• Join a community dedicated to your
language learners.
success in the field.
“The MA program did an incredible job of not only preparing me to be a good teacher, but also connecting me with individuals with a wide range of teaching and life experiences.” —Emily Burnett, MA TESOL ’16
One program, two concentrations,
A Summer Intensive in NYC
infinite possibilities
to Accelerate your studies
You can choose between two concentrations:
MA TESOL students interested in studying on-site
Teaching and Curriculum Development. Students in
at The New School’s Greenwich Village campus
the Curriculum Development concentration have at
can take up to 12 credits in our eight-week Summer
least two years’ English language teaching experience
Intensive program. The Summer Intensive curriculum
and plan to work in the area of curriculum and
includes seminars, guest lectures, field trips, workshops,
programmatic design, teacher training, or program
and the opportunity to teach in the MA TESOL
management. Students in the Teaching concentration
Outreach Program. During the intensive, you
typically want to develop their in-class skills and teach
can gain invaluable experience teaching language
English to adults in programs both in the United States
learners while being observed and mentored by
and abroad. Whichever direction you take, you will
our distinguished faculty.
thrive in our MA TESOL program, which is rooted in experiential learning.
World-Renowned Tesol Professors The teachers in our program demonstrate exceptional
A flexible program designed
teaching skills and the energy and dedication needed
around you
to ensure your success. Our faculty includes some
The MA TESOL program at The New School is ideal for
of the most highly respected professionals in the
working professionals looking for maximum flexibility
field, including Steve Cornwell (Osaka, Japan), Jeremy
in study options. You can take the program either
Harmer (Cambridge, United Kingdom), Anne Katz
entirely online, on-site in New York City, or through
(San Francisco, California), Jeff Mohammad (Austin,
a combination of online and on-campus study.
Texas), Lesley Painter-Farrell (New York, New York), Carol Lethaby (San Francisco, California), Michael
In-Depth Online Learning
Griffin (Seoul, South Korea), Emily Reynolds (Boulder,
MA TESOL online classes offer you a unique
Colorado), and Scott Thornbury (Barcelona, Spain). The
and exciting learning environment. You will have
faculty are distinguished by their commitment to social
the opportunity to communicate with and learn
justice in education; this commitment is unique to TESOL
from classmates and faculty all over the world.
at The New School, a university founded in 1919 by
Lively, in-depth conversations with students
a group of progressive intellectuals looking for a new,
based in the United States, Canada, Switzerland,
more relevant model of education.
Turkey, China, Japan, South Korea, Poland, Dubai, Hungary, South Africa, Brazil, Spain, Saudi Arabia,
and Vietnam facilitate real learning, insight, and
The friendships you make and the community you
discovery. We offer an array of online courses every
join when studying in the MA TESOL are strong and
term—fall, spring, and summer. View our courses at
supportive and one of the key reasons we describe the
MA TESOL as more than a program. Webinars, monthly on-site meetings, conferences, and blogs ensure that the supportive MA TESOL community lasts past graduation. This community fosters excellence in the field by supporting and encouraging constant experimentation and innovation. Our graduates work for universities and other public and private schools, international corporations, nonprofits, governments, and NGOs and in private practice in the United States and abroad. They teach English to people of all ages and circumstances, administer ESOL programs, and create innovative programs of their own. They have received Fulbright Fellowships, have published, and have presented at international conferences. In other words, they continually raise the standards of the TESOL profession.
Think of it as a system.
“ The MA TESOL program helped me build a global network of experts and challenged me to grow as a learner and a teacher-trainer.” —Autumn Westphal, MA TESOL ’17
Our University at a Glance
A Few Facts that Set Us Apart
Founded in 1919.
#1 for small classes Among national universities, The New School has
Located in Greenwich Village, in the heart of NYC, with a branch campus in Paris.
the highest proportion of classes with fewer than 20 students.1
#1 art and design school Parsons School of Design is the top art and design
Houses five schools and colleges.
school in the nation.2
Offers more than 130 degree and diploma programs and majors and more than 50 minors. Has more than 10,000 degree-seeking students. Students come from all 50 states and 116 countries.
#1 most international university We have a higher percentage of international students than any other U.S. university with more than 10,000 students.3
#1 for sustainable building The American Institute of Architects named the New School University Center one of the greenest buildings in the United States—and it’s the largest LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Gold-certified urban university building.
The New School offers a range of programs. See details at newschool.edu/academics.
Membership and Accreditation The New School is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. MSCHE is a regional accreditor and federally recognized body. The New School has been accredited by MSCHE since 1960. All degree programs at the New York City campus of The New School are registered by the New York State Department of Education. Both NYSED and MSCHE provide assurance to students, parents, and all stakeholders that The New School meets clear quality standards for educational and financial performance. For full information on the university’s accreditation, visit newschool.edu/provost/ accreditation. The information published here represents the plans of the university at the time of publication and does not constitute an irrevocable contract between the student
and The New School. The university reserves the right to change without notice any matter contained in this publication,including but not limited to tuition, fees, policies, degrees, programs, names of programs, course offerings, academic activities, academic requirements, facilities, faculty, and administrators. Payment of tuition or attendance at any classes shall constitute a student’s acceptance of the administration’s rights as set forth above. The New School is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution. For important information including student rights, campus safety statistics, and tuition and fees, visit newschool.edu/your-right-to-know.
Published 2018 by The New School. Produced by Marketing and Communication, The New School.
U.S. News & World Report (2018) Quacquarelli Symonds World University Rankings (2018) 3 U.S. News & World Report (2018) 1
Photo credits: Tore Hanssen Grimstad, Jacob Pritchard, Martin Seck
The New School is a university housing five extraordinary colleges and programs, including the TESOL program. Talk to us. We are here to provide more information, answer questions, and introduce you to infinite possibilities. If you are ready, we invite you to visit and apply. Contact the Office of Admission
Office of Admission 79 Fifth Avenue, 5th floor New York, NY 10003 Welcome Center 72 Fifth Avenue New York City 212.229.5150 nsadmissions@newschool.edu
The New School—a university where world-renowned colleges come together to seek out new ways to create a more just, more beautiful, and better-designed world. Learn more about our colleges and programs: Parsons School of Design Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts College of Performing Arts The New School for Social Research Schools of Public Engagement
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