SOUTHWEST EDITION ~ AUGUST 2022 Florida’s Most Read 50+ Publication Since 1989 VOLUME 33 ISSUE 8
Cool Summer Recipes
Beat the heat with sweet treats, drinks and heatless meals
Nutritional Needs for Seniors
Know what you need to help your body in the summer Articles in each issue: • Local news and events • Humor • Health
• Recipe • Book Review • Pop Culture and Music Flashbacks
FREE Take One Home!
Bourbon Slush
THE HEALTHY GEEZER Q. My daughter heard that grapefruit juice can be toxic for some people. Is that true? The juice itself is not toxic, but you should be careful taking medicine with any grapefruit. Grapefruit juice can raise the level of some medications in the blood. The effect of grapefruit was discovered after using juice to mask the taste of medicine. So, be sure to ask your doctor or pharmacist if it is safe to have grapefruit with your medications. Taking medicine can be hazardous to your health. You have to know what you’re doing. For example, calcium-rich dairy products or certain antacids can prevent antibiotics from being properly absorbed into the bloodstream. Ginkgo biloba can reduce the effectiveness of bloodthinning medications and raise the risk for serious complications such as stroke. You should educate yourself so you know what active ingredients are in the prescription and overthe-counter medicines you are taking. Some people treat over-the-counter pain relievers as if they are harmless. They can hurt you if you take them improperly. They contain drugs such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, naproxen sodium and aspirin. Acetaminophen is in Tylenol. Ibuprofen is in Advil. Naproxen sodium is in Aleve. Many prescription or over-the-counter medicines that treat multiple symptoms, such as cold and flu medications, also include acetaminophen and other pain-relieving ingredients. So you have to be careful not to take too much of any one ingredient by ingesting more than one medication that contains that ingredient. Seniors take more medicines than any other age group because they have more health problems. Taking several drugs a day presents dangers. Here are some more tips to avoid these hazards: Always inform your doctor or pharmacist about all medicines you are already taking, including herbal products and over-the-counter medications. Tell your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist about past
Lifestyles After 50 • August 2022 • 2
problems you have had with medicines, such as rashes, indigestion or dizziness. Don’t mix alcohol and medicine unless your doctor or pharmacist says it’s okay. Some medicines may not work well or may make you sick if you take them with alcohol. The best advice is this: Don’t be afraid to throw a lot of questions about your medicines at your doctor, nurse or pharmacist. Here are some good ones: •
When should I take it? As needed, or on a schedule? Before, with or between meals? At bedtime?
How often should I take it?
How long will I have to take it?
How will I feel once I start taking this medicine?
How will I know if this medicine is working?
If I forget to take it, what should I do?
What side effects might I expect? Should I report them?
Can this medicine interact with other prescription and over-the-counter medicines— including herbal and dietary supplements— that I am taking now?
And, ask your pharmacist to put your medicine in large, easy-to-open containers with large-print labels. All Rights Reserved © 2022 by Fred Cicetti Send your general health questions to Healthy Geezer with Lifestyles After 50 in the subject line to
Looking for a super refreshing frozen cocktail featuring fresh fruit juice? This boozy, cooling slushie drink is sure to be a new favorite for you and your guests. • 2 cups sweet tea, homemade or store bought • 1 cup lemonade • 2 1/2 cups orange juice • 2 cups pineapple juice • 2 cups bourbon 1. In a large mixing bowl, combine the tea, lemonade, orange juice, pineapple juice and bourbon. 2. Pour the mixture into a 9 x 13 x 2-inch casserole dish. 3. Place the container in the freezer for eight hours until firm. 4. Fifteen minutes before serving, remove the dish from the freezer. Scrape the frozen liquid with a fork, then scoop individual servings into glasses.
Summertime Sweet
Here we are in A ugust again. T he sweltering S t raw b er r y P ret ze l S a l a d heat may be getting to some of us at this Servpoint e s 8 to 1 0 (if I’m not in air co nditioning or a body of water, • 2 c u ps c rushed pretzels I turn into a different person) . B ut fe ar not— we • ¾ c u p butter, melted have plenty of tips inside on how to get through the heat, stay hydrated and even enj oy the rest • 3 tablespoons white of the summer with tasty rec ipes. sugar
Published monthly by Lifestyles After 50 Volume 33, Issue 8
Publisher Adam Hansen Editor Rebecca Fending
• 1 ( 8 ounc es) pac ka ge Website Editor As a kid, I loved summer because it meant no Allie Shaw school. Summer was f ull of trips to the pool c ream c h eese, sof tened • 1 c u p white sugar and long afternoons in the bac k yard, shielded Distribution by the shade of trees. However, as I grew up, • 1 ( 8 ounc es) container 813-336-8247 the season turned into summer proj ec ts and f rozen whipped topping, Questions/Customer Service working dinky retail j o bs to earn ex tra ca sh thawed 813-336-8247 that I couldn’t while in sc hool. T hat’s not to • 2 ( 3 ounc es) pac ka ges Press Releases say summer got less f un; it j ust turned into a strawberry f l avored J ell- O different kind of f reedom. Advertising Sales • 2 c u ps boiling water Sales: When May would roll around, it meant catc h ing • 2 ( 1 0 ounc es) pac ka ges (813) 336-8247 Ext. 2 back up with old f r iends who would be in town f rozen strawberries visiting family to enj oy their co llege summer Aspen Hansen: (813) 336-8247 Ext. 2 1 . P reheat oven to 4 0 degrees break. Late nights of giggling about nothing .F and pretending we k new what to ex p ec t onc e Joe Gess: 813-817-9855 adulthood would f inally hit us. T he j oe k was 2 . onStir together c rushed pretzels, melted butter and us because we’re still not sure what the f u ture Mervyn Hollander 3 tablespoons sugar; mix well holds in the cu rrent c limate. and press mix ture into the Jim Commiskey: bottom of a 9 x 1 3 inc h bak i ng The late summer heat may have us look i ng fo r easy, no-heat rec ipes that aren’t j u st salads dish, Event Sales and fresh fruit. A s muc h as f resh produc e is 3 . B ae k 8 to 1 0 minutes until set. refreshing and delic ious, it can def initely get Set aside to cool. boring. And it’s hard enough to e k ep your home To Learn More, call 813-336-8247 or email cool without the added heat f rom the k i tc h4 .en,I n a large mix i ng bowl c ream together so that definitely leaves out the oven for any c ream c h eese and 1 c u p sugar. Fo ld in cooking or baking. Lifestyles After 50 whipped topping. Spread mix t ure onto P.O. Box 638 cooled c rust. Seffner, Florida 33583 I remember my mom mak ing this no- b ake dessert when I was a k id, and it was always hit 5 . aD i ssolve gelatin in boiling water. Stir in still (Fax) 813-331-2634 with our family or any guests we had over. fIr toz s ’ en strawberries and allow to set brief l y. ideal for feeding a c rowd of all ages. B u t don’t W h en mix ture is about the co nsistenc y of let the name fo ol you; it is c ertainly not a salad. egg whites, pour and spread over c ream Far from it, really. I t s ’ f roze n f resh strawberries, c h eese layer. Ref rigerate until set. Jell-O, cream cheese and c r ushed pretzels. Attention Readers: The articles printed in Lifestyles That’s pretty muc h it, but the f lavors all work After 50 do not necessarily re ect the opinion of the Editor or the staff. Lifestyles After 50 endeavors to together so well that it’s the perfec t summer Rebecca Fending, Editor accept reliable advertising; however, we cannot be dessert for any oc casion. held responsible by the public for advertising claims.
e a great month and H av
we'll see you
! er b te m in Sep
Lifestyles After 50 reserves the right to refuse or discontinue any advertisement. Our advertising deadline for each issue is the 15th of the previous month. Magazines are out by the 10th of each month. All rights reserved.
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Lifestyles After 50 • August 2022 • 3
Fulfilling Summer Nutritional Needs for Seniors By Rebecca Fending
Summer is when it’s easy to slip behind on your health regimen due to having lots of fun in the sun. Whether that means sweating more than usual or not properly caring for a sunburn, here are several ways to make sure you stay looking and feeling your best: IT STARTS WITH A FRESH DIET Summer is a wonderful time of year solely due to the fantastic produce you can find at farmers’ markets and even in your local Publix. There’s never a better time than right now to work more fresh whole foods into your diet. Whether you’re looking to build a salad or just prep fresh fruit as a snack, focus on ingredients that have a high water content. Produce like cucumbers, watermelon, tomatoes and lettuce are great additions to your daily diet, especially if you sweat a lot throughout the day. SENIOR-SPECIFIC MEAL IDEAS As we age, our bodies demand more from us in terms of nutrient-dense foods. Seniors need to increase their vitamin D and calcium intake in order to keep their immune systems, bones and general well-being in check. Dishes heavy on robust, leafy greens are a great way to meet this demand in a delicious and direct way. Load up a bowl with spinach, kale or collard greens and jazz it up with beans and fish like sardines, salmon, perch and rainbow trout. Another great way to sneak more calcium into your diet is by
Lifestyles After 50 • August 2022 • 4
purchasing calcium-fortified foods such as orange juice with added calcium or oatmeal. As an added bonus, calcium-rich foods tend to also include vitamin B12, another crucial vitamin needed in larger quantities by seniors. AFTER SUN CARE Ideally, there wouldn’t be a sunburn to care for in the first place. Seniors are at a higher risk for skin cancer, meaning preventative sun care is absolutely imperative. However, we’re human and either decide we don’t need sunblock or forget to reapply throughout the day. If you find yourself with a nasty sunburn that’s keeping you down, here’s what you can do: Keep the skin hydrated. The best thing you can do once you realize that you may be developing a sunburn is to keep it well hydrated with lotions, hydrating oils or aloe. Sunburns can take up to 72 hours to develop, so be sure to keep your skin hydrated for the next several days. This will help pacify the burning and tightening skin as the burn settles in. Have the aloe on deck. It’s well known that aloe vera is a necessity during the summer, especially for those with fair skin. Whether you’re using bottled or fresh-from-the-leaf aloe, it acts as instant relief for burning, angry skin. That goes for common household burns from styling tools, hot cooking utensils and more. Keep an eye out for any strange marks. If you have any moles or beauty marks that seem to be changing in shape or color, reach out to your doctor for a consultation.
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CREATIVE CORNER “Summer’s Storm” by Sandi Jean G.
It wasn’t like this earlier it wasn’t peaceful, wasn’t calm but thunder cracked and lightning lit the skies so very loud and strong! Intense were many bolts of brilliance closing around me as I drove should I be pulling over now? should I not be so bold? Well bold was I as I continued to drive on my scary, hairy way barreling through the stormy streets that mid-afternoon one summer’s day I wondered would I make it home? Would I survive this rocky ride? then suddenly the switch had flipped and all was quiet, calm and bright! For submissions: Send your poem (150 words or less) to editor@ with the words “Creative Corner” in the subject line.
Lifestyles After 50 • August 2022 • 6
SANTANA AND EARTH, WIND AND FIRE “MIRACULOUS SUPERNATURAL TOUR” AT MIDFLORIDA CREDIT UNION AMPHITHEATRE Delivered with a level of passion and soul equal to the legendary sonic charge of his guitar, the sound of Carlos Santana is one of the world’s best-known musical signatures. For more than four decades, Carlos has been the visionary force behind artistry that transcends musical genres and generational, cultural and geographical boundaries. During the 1970s, a new brand of pop music was born thanks to Earth, Wind & Fire – one that was steeped in African and African-American styles – particularly jazz and R&B but appealed to a broader cross-section of the listening public. When: August 27 at 7 pm Where: MidFlorida Credit Union Amphitheatre At The Florida State Fairgrounds, Tampa, FL; 4802 US-301, Tampa Cost: $30 for general admission
BOOK REVIEW Author Colin Salter is a non-fiction history and science writer based in Edinburgh, Scotland, who writes CD liner notes, encyclopedia entries, books on natural history and historical biographies. His website has his full list of books, and most readers are familiar with his “100 Books That Changed the World,” “100 Diagrams That Changed the World,” and his current project, “Remarkable Treks,” about the world’s finest long-distance footpaths.
Image from Amazon
But in this volume on letters, there is a new take on understanding world history through the most important, impassioned, inspiring, heartfelt, impactful, and worldchanging letters ever written. They demonstrate the power of the written word to astonish, entertain, and affect others from those ink-inscribed tablets
100 Letters That Changed the World by Kathy A. Megyeri vividly describing life in ancient Rome to remarkable last wills and testaments, diplomatic notes with deadly consequences, and passionate outpourings of love and despair. So, who are a few of these writers, and of what historical significance are the letters they wrote? There’s Leonardo da Vinci’s resume with no reference to his artistic abilities, Henry VIII’s love letters to Anne Boleyn that ended up at the Vatican, Beatrix Potter’s correspondence with a friend’s son that inspired “Peter Rabbit,” and even Martin Luther King’s open letter from a Birmingham jail. And why is this book especially important now? Emails and texts have taken the place of letters, sealed in envelopes with postmark stamps, but they really aren’t personal or private. They’re not hand written, as Salter reminds us; no one has selected writing paper, they can be read by anyone, they all look the same, they can be deleted, they are never scented, there’s nothing to hold on to, nothing to keep, nothing to re-read in years to come, and as any consummate letter writer knows all too well, there’s nothing to treasure.
Change Your Information and Get a New Card with My Social Security Article from the Social Security Administration
If you receive Social Security benefits, the easiest way to change your address and phone number is by creating a personal my Social Security account at Once you create your account, you can update your contact information from your preferred location. This feature is available for people who receive retirement, survivors, or disability benefits, along with Medicare enrollees. If you receive Supplemental Security Income, you can check the address that we have on record with your account.
Visit our my Social Security webpage to get started. To create an account, you must:
Please note, if you already have a or account, you can select the appropriate button to sign in with either one and access your personal my Social Security account. If you previously verified your identity with Login. gov or, you don’t need to do so again. If you don’t have a or account, please select the “Create an Account” link to start the one-time registration process.
be at least 18 years old.
Provide a valid email address.
Have a Social Security number (SSN).
Provide a U.S. mailing address (includes military addresses, APO/FPO/ DPO, AE, AP, or AA).
Once you have a valid email address, you are ready to create your personal my Social Security account. When you visit my Social Security, select the “Create an Account” button. You will have the option to create your new my Social Security account with one of our two credential partners: or • is the public’s one account for simple, secure, and private access to participating U.S. government agencies. is a single sign-on provider that meets the U.S. government’s online identity proofing and authentication requirements.
If you create a new credential, we will still complete the identity verification part, so you will need to provide some personal information to us. You will also receive an activation code from us to complete the process.
Lifestyles After 50 • August 2022 • 7
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Events, days, times, performers and prices are subject to change without notice. Additional fees will apply.
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Medicare Open Enrollment
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Sweet Summer Treats that Beat the Heat From Family Features wooden spoon. Immediately remove from heat and carefully pour through fine mesh sieve. Cool completely in refrigerator.
Whether your ideal summer day consists of swimming, hiking, biking or simply enjoying the sunshine, all that time in the heat calls for a sweet way to cool off. For a lighter, better-for-you solution, this Watermelon Gelato has about half the fat and fewer calories than traditional ice cream but with an equally mouthwatering flavor. While sweet and tasty, these desserts also provide a bite of hydration with the power of watermelon, which is 92% water, for a delicious way to rehydrate. What you eat also provides a significant portion of daily fluids, fruits and vegetables like watermelon can help you stay hydrated for whatever summer days bring your way. Find more sweet summer recipe ideas at Watermelon Ice Cream Bars Servings: 8
To make crust: 1. Preheat oven to 350 F. 2. In food processor, pulse graham crackers until rough crumbs form. Add honey, salt and melted butter; pulse until mixture resembles wet sand. 3. Line 8-by-8-inch pan with parchment paper then press graham cracker mixture into bottom of pan in even layer. Bake crust about 10 minutes, or until just beginning to brown. Allow crust to cool completely. To make whipped cream: 1. When crust and curd are completely cooled, in large bowl, whip cream until stiff peaks form. To assemble: 1. Gently push cream to one side of bowl and pour in watermelon curd. Using spatula, gently fold cream and watermelon curd together until no streaks are visible. 2. Pour creamy watermelon mixture over graham cracker crust. Freeze dessert completely, 4-6 hours or overnight. 3. When ready to serve, loosen sides with small spatula or butter knife. Turn out onto cutting board and use large spatula to flip so graham cracker crust is on bottom. Cut into eight bars and top each with basil leaf.
Watermelon Curd: • ¾ cup watermelon juice • 2 tablespoons lime juice • ½ cup honey • 1 pinch salt • 3 eggs, lightly beaten • ½ cup butter (1 stick), cut into small cubes Crust: • 8 graham crackers, crushed • 2 tablespoons honey • 1 pinch salt • 4 tablespoons butter, melted and cooled • basil leaves, for garnish Whipped Cream: • 1 cup heavy whipping cream To make watermelon curd: 1. In medium, heavy-bottomed saucepan, combine watermelon juice, lime juice, honey and salt. Stir to combine then add eggs. 2. Place pan over medium heat and cook, adding cubed butter to pan and stirring constantly, until mixture thickens and coats back of
Lifestyles After 50 • August 2022 • 10
• • • • • •
Watermelon Gelato Servings: 8 2 cups pureed watermelon ½ cup sugar 1 ½ tablespoons cornstarch 1 cup fat-free half-and-half 3 tablespoons lemon juice ½ cup whipping cream
1. In blender, blend watermelon, sugar, cornstarch, half-and-half, lemon juice and whipping cream until smooth. 2. Using ice cream maker, process gelato according to manufacturer’s instructions.
BLT Wedge Salad with Buttermilk Blue Cheese Recipe by Lisa LaFontaine Bynum With temperatures ruthlessly high and rising, many of us may be looking for light, refreshing recipes to try out. Whether it’s swapping a smoothie for oatmeal
in the morning or enjoying this super satisfying BLT wedge salad for lunch or dinner, be sure to stay cool and hydrated as we ride out the rest of summer.
For the salad: • 1 head iceberg lettuce, cut into quarters (eighths if the head is large) Buttermilk Bleu Cheese Dressing:
• 1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved • 4 strips bacon cooked, diced
• 1 large egg • 3 cloves garlic • 1 cup vegetable oil • 1/4 cup buttermilk • 1/2 teaspoon salt
• 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper • 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper • 8 ounces blue cheese, coarsely crumbled
1. In a blender or food processor, combine egg and garlic cloves.
4. Pour dressing into a bowl and stir in cheese.
2. While the machine is still running, slowly add oil in a thin stream.
5. To assemble salad, arrange one wedge on a plate. Drizzle with dressing. Sprinkle with halved cherry tomatoes and bacon crumbles.
3. Turn the machine off and add buttermilk, salt, and peppers. Blend for a few seconds more to combine.
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Lifestyles After 50 • August 2022 • 11
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Movie Preview: Thirteen Lives BY RANDAL C. HILL
Ron Howard, it seems, has always been around. We watched him grow from portraying Opie Taylor on The Andy Griffith Show to Richie Cunningham on Happy Days. When he moved behind the cameras, he gave us such nowclassic movie releases as Apollo 13 and A Beautiful Mind. Now there’s buzz thrumming about the forthcoming Howard-produced Thirteen Lives, and industry predictions have him carting home numerous prizes next year. (He already owns nine Academy Award statuettes.) But why would he want to film a story that attracted worldwide interest only four short years ago—and one in Image from IMDb which everyone knows the outcome? “Like a lot of people, I was aware of what was going on,” Ron says in explanation of his interest in the rescue story of 12 Thai boys and their assistant coach trapped in a flooded underground cave. “When I had a chance to read William Nicholson’s script, it not only delivered on everything I had recalled, but it suggested so much more. “There were more levels and dimensions to the heroics and to the people involved, especially the Thai people…I just felt I could make something really visceral and immediate, and do what a scripted version of a telling of a true story is supposed to do, which is to engage the nervous system of the audience, in addition to trying to give all the information.”
Lifestyles After 50 • August 2022 • 12
Howard is one of five producers of the endlessly pulse-pounding release about danger and daring. Nicholson, who was also responsible for the five-time Oscar-winning Gladiator epic back in 2000, scripted the story here. The rescue effort that fuels the story involved over 10,000 people around the globe, although the movie spotlight mainly illuminates a trio of courageous white men. Colin Farrell, Viggo Mortensen and Joel Edgerton become the driving forces behind the mission struggling to try to save trapped young people, all of whom seem to be moving inexorably toward a tragic but unavoidable demise. Farrell and Mortensen portray British rescue divers John Volanthem and Richard Stanton, respectively, while Edgerton is Dr. Richard “Harry” Harris, an Australian medical doctor who offers a unique contribution. There’s little doubt that the number crunchers at MGM are gleeful about the forthcoming release; audience test scores showed that Thirteen Lives reigns supreme as the highest-rated movie in the studios’ history. MGM’s promotional trailer promises that audiences will “witness the greatest rescue the world has ever seen.” Ron’s creation will have a theatrical release on July 29, then move to Amazon Prime Video a week later on August 5.
TikiFest at Fishermen’s Village Wanting to celebrate summer the island way? Authentic island music and dance will be presented in various locations at Fishermen’s Village throughout this event. Event admission and parking are free. Enjoy a fun, engaging day at Punta Gorda’s gem, located in Charlotte Harbor. Dine at waterfront restaurants, shop with independently owned boutiques and turn the outing into a getaway! Stay the weekend at the suites located on the second level of Fishermen’s Village. Visit www. or 941-621-6046 for reservations. TIKIFEST HIGHLIGHTS/SCHEDULE: • THE HAWAIIAN BAND OF ORLANDO – Noon, 1 and 2:30 pm, Center Court • TRADITIONAL HAWAIIAN DANCE BY HULA CONNECTION OF SWFL – 12:30, 2 and 4 pm, first section
Grocery stores feature an abundance of flavored waters, and social media is abuzz with fancy recipes for summer drinks. Save your money and enjoy a cold glass of water, the healthiest and most refreshing summer beverage of all. HYDRATION AND AGING Staying hydrated is crucial for everyone, but it becomes even more important as we age. According to the National Council on Aging (NCOA), adults older than 60 are at a higher risk for dehydration due to a natural decline in thirst levels and other reasons. HOW MUCH WATER SHOULD YOU DRINK? For the most part, eight glasses of water a day is still good advice, but recent recommendations by the Mayo Clinic reveal that may not be enough for everyone. They list a goal of 15.5 cups of fluids per day for men and 11.5 cups for women. Keep in mind, this metric includes fluids from all beverages and food. WHY SHOULD HYDRATION CONCERN YOU? NCOA provides several reasons in an online article. Below are just a few.
• FESTIVAL GLITTER AND MATTE TATTOO ARTISTS – Noon to 6 pm, near center court
Brain performance. Even mild dehydration can impair cognitive function in older adults.
• SPECIALTY VENDORS – Noon to 6 pm, throughout the promenade
Digestion. Bowel movements can become more irregular as we age. Drinking plenty of water can help your body break down food and keep the digestive process running smoothly.
Joint lubrication. Cartilage in joints contains 80% water. Drinking plenty of water is akin to “oiling” your joints to keep them supple and healthy. A lack of lubrication leads to pain and impaired movement.
Weight loss. Drinking plenty of water along with a high-fiber diet will make you feel fuller and less likely to overeat and snack.
• ISLAND MUSIC BY THE RAGADY LAPSEY BAND – 5 to 9 pm at Center Court
• TROP ROCK SINGER BETH TRAVERS – Noon to 4 pm, third section
• STEEL DRUM MUSIC FEATURING DAVE LAPIO – 5 to 9 pm at Sunset Beach Club TikiFest at Fishermen’s Village When: August 6, from noon to 9 pm Where: Fishermen’s Village in Punta Gorda Cost: Free
Meeting daily water intake goals is easier said than done. If you refill water bottles as I do, here is a strategy that I use. Try keeping the empty water bottles on the kitchen counter so you can keep track of your water intake during the day. My tendency is to drink less water in the afternoon. However, I get motivated to pick up the pace if I see a dearth of empty bottles on the counter. Whatever strategy you use for hydration, water is always the best choice for a cool summer refreshment. Mark Grevelding is the founder of PoolFit, a fitness app and website that includes over 130 water fitness & in-home workouts suitable for older adults.
Lifestyles After 50 • August 2022 • 13
Summer Travel Tips for Seniors By Omar Kaywan, Co-Founder & Chief Growth Officer at Goose Insurance After two years of Covid restrictions and canceled travel plans, older Americans are eager to travel again. While taking a trip will give you a much-needed break, there’s no guarantee your travel plans won’t be disrupted, especially as U.S. airlines continue to deal with staffing shortages and flight cuts. CHECK HEALTH ADVISORIES
Collier Commissioners Could Kick Butts off Beaches Information from According to Southwest Florida Fox 4, regulations on smoking at Southwest Florida’s beaches are now in the books, and Collier County may restrict the practice on its shores. Commissioners recently discusses a ban on smoking at beaches. Options included the outright ban or designating smoking areas. Commissioners could also create stricter ordinances on disposing smoking materials and impose a fine system for violations.
First, it’s important to check if there are any health and travel advisories that could impact your travel plans. You can stay up-to-date with the current Health Notices and Advisories found on WWW.CDC.GOV/TRAVEL. Not only does this site provide insights on COVID-19 travel health information, but also environmental, political and other virus information. Check for Destination Vaccine and Global Entry Requirements Next, you’ll want to make sure you check COVID-19 testing and vaccination requirements. While most U.S. cities have lifted testing and vaccination requirements, traveling abroad will require a little more research as border closures start to shift to vaccine requirements. Many countries have opted to lift their Covid testing requirements for vaccinated travelers, but unvaccinated travelers may still need a negative PCR test. PURCHASE TRAVEL INSURANCE Original Medicare plans travel with you between states, but if you have a Medicare Advantage Plan, you’ll have to check your individual policy to see if you may face higher costs if you must visit a doctor or hospital out of your network. A travel medical insurance policy can cover any unexpected medical bills, hospital, physician and ambulance services and prescription drugs. When considering insurance policies for a trip, it’s important to keep in mind that trip cancellation coverage likely won’t be enough, as the loss is limited to the cost of the trip. If you don’t purchase emergency travel medical insurance the risk exposure is unlimited. It is also critical to get policies that cover pre-existing medical conditions. PRO-TIPS: 1. Upload your vaccination information to your phone. Take a picture, on iPhone you can also add it to your wallet.
Under the “Florida Clean Air Act” previously signed into law by
2. Download the airline app—lots of good resources there for entry requirements.
Governor Desantis, local leaders can now regulate smoking at beaches
3. Get the Goose Insurance app for travel insurance information and proof of COVID-19 Insurance policy right in the app.
and parks or ban it altogether. One of the biggest advocates for the law is the Ocean Conservancy, a nonprofit organization that says cigarette butts are among the most commonly left-behind item on the sands.
Lifestyles After 50 • August 2022 • 14
Author Bio Omar Kaywan, Co-Founder & Chief Growth Officer of Goose Insurance, follows travel trends in the U.S. and overseas to stay on top of industry trends that could impact the travel insurance business. Omar loves to travel, explore new cultures and try ethnic cuisines. For more information visit:
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Lifestyles After 50 • August 2022 • 15
5 Great Places to Live After 50 By Rebecca Fending Whether you’re thinking of moving to Florida, or just shopping around to see what’s out there, Florida has a number of fantastic 55+ communities throughout the state. For those with active lifestyles, to those looking to wind down and enjoy a sunset view each night, here are just a few great places to call home: Cypress Lakes – Lakeland, FL Image and information from www. Located in the heart of Central Florida, Cypress Lakes is a 55+ community that is designed for retirees in search of fun, active lifestyles in a securely gated neighborhood nestled among beautiful natural surroundings. The defining feature of this community is the 36 holes of PGA championship golf – two challenging courses that wind their way through 1,000-plus acres of stately cypress trees, glistening lakes and beautiful manufactured homes. The 32,000-square-foot clubhouse is a vibrant gathering spot that is buzzing with activity throughout the day. It has a full-service restaurant and tavern, spacious ballroom, cozy library, craft and ceramics room, and a state-ofthe-art fitness center just next door. Nearby, there are lighted tennis courts, bocce courts, shuffleboard courts, two heated swimming pools and hot tubs. Learn more at Village Green – St. Petersburg, FL Image and information from villagegreen55. com Step into this active 55+ community in St. Petersburg and be amazed at how affordable a resort lifestyle can be! You’ll discover friendly people, luxury amenities and newly remodeled homes from $30k and rentals from $825.
Lifestyles After 50 • August 2022 • 16
Village Green is a gated community that offers a year-round calendar of social events planned by the Activity Director, a courtesy shuttle bus to get around town, a beautiful clubhouse, heated pool and so much more. Imagine having a brand new, multi-million-dollar clubhouse, unlimited activities and luxury amenities all within your own community. That’s the resort lifestyle at Village Green. The community features a heated pool, indoor spa, fully equipped fitness center, BBQ area for cookouts, lake for fishing, lighted shuffleboard court and plenty of walking and biking paths. Inside the clubhouse you’ll find a library with computers and WiFi, billiards, gourmet kitchen and an Activities Director with a year-round calendar full of events. Learn more at Buttonwood Village – Punta Gorda, FL Image and information from Located on the sunny Gulf Coast in Southwest Florida, an outgoing, active luxury retirement community beckons your arrival, situated on a 54-acre landscape of majestic pines, sparkling lakes and breathtaking natural surroundings. Come discover Buttonwood Village’s enchanting upscale 55+ community located in the idyllic Gulf Coast town of Punta Gorda. Pursue your passions, indulge in your favorite hobbies, take classes, stay fit, make wonderful new friends and join in the leisurely fun with an endless array of recreational activities and social gatherings. The recreation complex also boasts a heated swimming pool, shuffleboard courts, and horseshoe pits for more outdoor enjoyment. With on-site customer service and lawn maintenance included, relaxation is your top priority at Buttonwood Village! Find out more at
5. Hide preparers 7. Greek letter 17. OfPart a generation 16.Stratford-on-__ of a horse’s collar 8. 15. 6. Corncob Creator 8.Italian Expunge 18. Pocket bread 17. Digs for ore 9. three 16. High rating 7. Enthusiastic 9. Refer 19. Procrastinator’s word Custodian 10. on you!” 17.18.Burstyn or Pompeo 8. “__ 6th day of Lent: abbr. 10. Spring 20. Warm lunch 20.Spain’s Terrorist org. 11. Michigan 18. Juan Carlos I 9. __ Hook and line user 11.Word Bit ofofcereal 23. Originally named 21.Ms. __Lee machines; Las 12. affirmation 19. 10. Embraced 12.Confidential: Take advantage of 24. Felt CallVegas a halt attractions to about 20. indignant 13. abbr.item 11. Cosmetic case 13.City German 25. Nemesis 23.Feudal Auguries 22. subjects 12. Put underground 19. in Ohioarticle 21.Majors, High schooler 24.Change Root vegetable 28. Rhythm 24. direction 13. Beauty’s 22. formovie one partner 22.Farm Startbuilding 25. 25.Final “Oldcourse King __” 32. Cuts 21. Article of faith 24. ANSWER TOmilligrams #5138 26. 25.200 Cat 27.Bar Bawl out 23. “...__ by your outfit 34. Lament 25. TO #5128 ANSWER TO #5161 29. an electrician’s job ANSWER that you are...” 30.Does Whittle 26.Russian Praying figures 35. Bee colony 26. city 30. __;me!” no longer aAminor 25. 31.Of 90˚ from ENE C O ASBreakfast GHad A a S meal S OB NOSL D 27. Winding roads 37. “Ah, FT A V O R S 27. request 31. or Taurus 26. __ on; 34.Jetta Spanish love 28. Rough crocodile 38. Character in A Othello O D O R A28. G Shed OKeep R A P Rtears O MO E 33. seeker watch carefully 35.Moray Ventilated 29. Part summer 29. Line ofPof travel 39. West Point student T I L T M A N I U L A T EO N M 37. region 27. Taj Mahal’sloop city thread 36.Cheese-producing Parents’ 30. Fellow 40. Out of __; org. behaving T U C U30. T Decorative EBride’s R E N of E E ES through 39.37.__inappropriately over; helped 28. item Recorded one’s intake 31. over a drink 31.Knocked Sea duck M E L E 29. E Flamingo A G or E aGiant difficult period 41.Word Mel 32. pillarheron 33.Engraved Certain love messages 41. with stick or roll 41.42.Plunge 32. Cut into small M A N U A L T R E N Dpieces S Distribute in shares D 33. Slackened 34. Fictional king 42. One who acts 42.43.Seasons 34. A B I R D 35. B Psychologist RIn E__Aofe.g. D Alfred E K T E C Magazine title __ 36. Miles, like another C 44.44.Surrenders 35. Always Barbara BushS__ Pierce O S O T R I L L A R E A 38. Social spot 39. Tosses 43. Lets C O 46.45.Poet’s contraction 36. France’s Coty __ Cong __ Wiesel 43. Public disturbance B R39. I Activist DSermon E Stopic P A I N 44. Ardent Evaluate 47. 38. IT N T 46.Pillages Tried Remainder 45. Sight and 46. E S T E E 40. M B A Staste I N S 49. Fascination 40. Bargains 48.Do Change direction job 46. for “It” 47.Game Existing on aL 48. a hairdresser’s 51. Rejected with disdain 43. Not crackers H A Y N A V E 49.Follower Fountainoforder 47. Impulsive lover flat surface 49. 7 Down 54. Lotion ingredient hill A R L E S 45. Brink BLike A a R E M E T 50.Force Fencing weapon 50. Bach Fourth page of 51. Building 55. intosite an CC HO U N T E 48. 48. or Wagner R A C T C E D E 53. Shakespearean villain 49. __ a wall hanging 52. Admirable people who awkward position 50. Alma Like more expensive A I “Nonsense!” M I S C M50. O Gilbert I Preposition R E of “Roseanne” I N G E 52. 56.54.Gives up others influence hamburger SE S T E 57.Asia’s Decoration U51. T Mine TDandruff E passage R site I amount T E M 60. __and Mountains 53. Insignificant 51. 58. William Sean T O 60.Tract Siteof wasteland 52. for concern one 61. 52. Salk’s 54.Rib, Complaint 61. Reddish-brown animal 62. Fiancé’s purchase 53. wordboundary 63. 53. Divider’s Europe/Asia to a dermatologist 62. Place Tack to spend rupees 63. Before: pref. tune 54. 64. rhythmic 54. Nest 55.Commanded Hot spot 63. Light, Gladden 64. Down 55. defeated 65. foeproducer 56. Periods 56.__ __out; PM; 2100 hours 64. Pro’s “__ Wonderful Life” 65.Lacks To __; exactly E. Curtis, overwhelmingly 66. 57. Conception Jacqueline F. O’Keffe, Ft. William N. Ft. Myers 57. Did in Myers 65. Slave of old 66. Reason to bathe 56. andin__ 67. 58. Disencumbers 58.His Item a desk drawer 66. Flower Chihuahua children Tall marsh grasses 58. leader 68.67.Schnozzola 59. Brat’s talk 59.Chinese Mr. Whitney 67. Late actor Bert 69. Meadow covering Zedong 62. lady 60. Lennon’s Girl’s nickname 68. Worry DOWN 59. Put a stop to 1. Sleep outside 5 account 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 61. Made-up 9 10 11 12 13
#5139 #5129 #5162
DOWN ACROSS 1. Heavenly Mlles. 1. Bargain-hunt ACROSS DOWN ACROSS 2. Seed covering 2. Nag 5. Fog __; clench 1. Make 1. State 1. Chocolate substitute 3. Nevada city 3. Not 9. Read __; recite one’s hand 2. Office cabinetjust tacit 6. Assist in wrongdoing 4. Small bill dad, or madam 4. Mom, 14. Novel member setting 6. Family 3. Misfortunes 10. Strike 5. Droopy-eared animal 10. Baby’s 15. Of thespot U.S.A. 4. Coat5.partTake place 14. Game site 6. Famed British racecourse 14. Country home 5. Hide 6.preparers Friend at the école 16. Rent long-term 15. Fly high 7. Barge, for one 15. Stratford-on-__ 6. Creator 7. Greek letter 17. Of a generation 16. Partrating of a horse’s collar 8. Corncob 16. High 7. Enthusiastic 8. Expunge 18. Pocket 17. Digs fororbread ore 9. Italian three 17. Burstyn Pompeo word 8. 6th day Lent: abbr. 9. of Refer 19. Procrastinator’s 18. Custodian 10. “__ on you!” 18. Spain’s Juan Carlos I 9. Hook and line user 10. Spring 20. Warm lunch 20. Terrorist __ Michigan 19. Ms. Lee org. 10. 11. Embraced 11. Bitofofaffirmation cereal 23. Originally named 21. __ machines; Las Word 20. Felt indignant about 11. 12. Cosmetic case item 12. Take advantage of 24. Call a subjects halt to Vegas attractions 22. Feudal 12. 13. PutConfidential: underground abbr. 13. article 25. Nemesis 23. Auguries City German inmovie Ohiopartner 24. Change direction 13. 19. Beauty’s 21. schooler 28. Rhythm 24. Root vegetable Majors, one 25. Final course 21. 22. Article ofHigh faithfor 22. 32. CutsKing __” 25. “Old 26. Bar Farm building 23. 24. “...__ byStart your outfit 25. 34. Lament 27. Bawl out 29. Does an electrician’s job that youCat are...” 25. 200 milligrams 26. Praying 30. Of __; colony no longer a minor 30. Whittle 35. Bee 25. 26. Had a meal Russian city figures 31. Jetta orme!” Taurus 26. 27. Keep __Winding on; request 31. 90˚ ENE 27. roads 37. “Ah,from Breakfast I28. remember it like it was yesterday. My family and I were eating 33. Moray seeker watch carefully 34. Spanish love Rough 28. Shed crocodile tears 38. Character in Othello 37. Cheese-producing region 27. 29. Tajburgers Mahal’s city 35. Ventilated Line of travel 29. Part ofin summer 39. West Point student a small local restaurant. A jukebox was playing some music 39. __ over; helped through 28. 30. Bride’s item 36. Parents’ org. Decorative 30. Fellow loop of thread 40. Out of __; behaving I’d never heard before. a difficult period 29. Flamingo or heron 37. Recorded one’s intake 31.31. Knocked over a drink Sea duck inappropriately 41. Plunge 32. 32. Cut33. into Certain small pieces 41. Giant Engraved pillar love messages 41. Word Mel with stick or roll 42. Seasons 34. In __ of 42. Distribute shares 33.“Well Slackened 34. Fictional king 42. One who in acts Since My Baby Left Me…” I believe it was also the first time I had 44. Surrenders 35. Always 43. Magazine title 35.36. Psychologist Alfred __ Miles, e.g. like another 46. Poet’s contraction 36. France’s Coty heard any music played with the echo-chamber effect. 44. Barbara Bush __ Pierce 38.39. Social spot Tosses 43. Lets 47. Ardent 38. Sermon topic 45. __ Cong 39. Activist __ Wiesel 43. Public disturbance 44. Evaluate 49. Fascination 40. Bargains 46. Tried 40.I45. Remainder Sight andmyself, taste 46. Pillageswith disdain excused got up from the table, and walked over to the 51. Rejected 43. Not crackers 48. Change direction 46. Game for “It” on a 47. 54. Lotion 48. Do a ingredient hairdresser’s job 45. Like a hillExisting 49. Fountain order jukebox to find out what this amazing music was. I recall saying to no 47. Impulsive lover 55. Force into an 48. Bach or Wagner flat surface 49. Follower of 7 Down 50. Fencing Brink 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 awkward weapon position 50. 48. Like more expensive one in particular: “Elvis Presley!? What kind of name is that? Is this a 50. Fourth page of 51. Building site 14 15 16 53. Shakespearean villain 49.hamburger Alma __ 56. Gives up a wall hanging 52. Admirable people who 54. “Nonsense!” man or a woman??” 50. Gilbert of “Roseanne” 14 15 16 60. Asia’s __ Mountains 51. Dandruff site 52. Preposition influence others 57. Decoration 17 18 19 Mine passage 61. Tract of wasteland 52. 51. Salk’s concern 53. Insignificant amount 58. William and Sean 60. Site 52. Rib, for one 63. Place to spend rupees 17 18 19 53. Europe/Asia boundary Before two 54. Complaint 61. Reddish-brown 62. Fiancé’s purchase 20 21 22 Divider’s word months had gone by, my buddies and I had become “Elvis64. Light, rhythmic tune animal 54. 53. Nest to a dermatologist 62. Tackfoe pref. 63. Before: Commanded 65. Pro’s Obsessed.” We dressed like him; we talked like him. We weren’t 56. 54. Periods 20 21 22 23 55. Hotdefeated spot 63. Gladden 64. Down producer __ out; 23 24 25 26 27 66. Lacks 57. 55. Conception delinquents any means, but we were “cool” with a capital “C.” We 56. __ PM; 2100 hours 64. “__ Wonderful Life” 65. To __; exactly 67. Flower overwhelminglyby 58. Disencumbers 24 25 26 57. Did __ in printed glossaries to learn the latest “hep talk” (now “hip”) 65. Slave oftooldbathe 66. Reason 68. Schnozzola 59. 56. Brat’s Histalk and 28 29 30 31 32 33 perused 58. Item in a desk drawer 66. Chihuahua children 67. Tall marsh grasses 62. 58. Lennon’s ladyleader Chinese 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 words and phrases. 59. Mr. Whitney 67. Late actor Bert Zedong 34 35 36 37 168. 2 Worry 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 60. 11 nickname 12 13 Girl’s DOWN 59. Put 10 a stop to ACROSS 34 35 36 1. Sleep outside 61. Made-up account 1. Make __; clench 38 39 40 1. State ACROSS I personally perfected the vocal “C’mon Baby!” which The Big E used 2. Seed3 covering DOWN ACROSS 16 9 1 14 2. 2 Office 4 5 15 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 one’s40hand cabinet 37 38 39 1. Bargain-hunt Chocolate substitute Heavenly 1. 1 3.1. 2Nevada 3 4city Mlles. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 when he sang “Got a Lotta Livin’ To Do” in the movie “Loving You.” 6. 43Family member 41 42 17 3. Misfortunes 18 19 6. Fog Assist in wrongdoing Nag bill 5. 14 4.2.Small 15 16 10. Baby’s spot 4.Droopy-eared Coat part tacit animal 41 42 43 14 5.3. 15 16 10. Strike Not just 9. Read __; recite 14. Country 20 5. Hide preparers 21 22 23 44 45 46 14. 47 Game site home We 19 let19 our hair grow and adopted the newly popular “Ducktail” or Mom, British dad, orracecourse madam 14. Novel setting 17 6.4.Famed 18 15. Stratford-on-__ 6. Creator 17 18 44 45 46 47 15. Of Flythe high 7.5.Barge, Take for place 15. U.S.A. 24 one 25 16. High rating “D.A.” 7. Enthusiastic 48 49 50 16. 51 Part of a horse’s collar 20 8.6.Corncob 21 école 22 Friend the 16. Rent long-term 57 58 17. Burstyn or Pompeo 20 21 abbr. 22 23 8. 6th day ofatLent: 48 49 17. Digs for ore 26 27 28 29 9. Italian three 7. Greek letter 17. Of18. a generation Spain’s Juan Carlos I 23 24 25 were 26 27 too young to grow sideburns, so my Little League 52 53 54 55 56 57 18. Custodian 10. “__ on you!” Of course, we 8. Expunge 18. Pocket 24 25 26 19. 63 Ms.bread Lee 30 __ Michigan31 33 34 35 36 50 51 52 53 55 56 20. Procrastinator’s Terrorist org. 54word 11. 9. Cosmetic Refer case item 32 19. 20. Felt indignant about 11. teammate schoolmate “Jack” would paste some of the hair from 28 29of affirmation 30 3031 32 33 31and 58 59 60 61 62 subjects 21. Warm __ Las 2712. 28 29underground 32 33 Word 10. Spring 20. lunch 22.machines; Feudal 12. Put 37 38 39 40 41 57 58 59 60 attractions 61 Vegas 13. Confidential: abbr. the side of his head down in front of his ears with superglue and used 11. Bit of cereal 24. Change direction 23. Originally named 13. Beauty’s movie partner 34 36 37 36 34 3535 23. Call Auguries 63 64 19. in Ohio 25. aFinal course 42 43 44 45 46 12. Take advantage of 21.City Article of faith 24. halt65 to Vaseline among other things to keep his hair perfectly coiffed. 62 63 64 24. Nemesis Root vegetable one 26. Bar 23.Majors, “...__ byfor your outfit 39 13. German article 25. 3822. 37 38 4839 40 40 47 are...” 49 50 25. Rhythm “Old 66 67 29. King Does68__” an electrician’s job 24. thatbuilding you 21.Farm High schooler 28. 65 66 27. Cuts Bawl out 30. 67 Of __; no longer a minor 41 25.200 Had a meal 42 milligrams Once,43Jack and I went to the barbershop together. When he was 22. Start 32. 4125. 42 43 51 52 53 54 31. Jetta or Taurus 30. Lament Whittle 26.Russian 26. city 25. Cat 34. finished, he asked the barber if he would gather up the sweepings for 33.from Moray seeker 31. Bee 90˚ ENE 4427. 45 46 44 45 4647 47 57 26.Breakfast Praying request figures 35. colony 55 56 58 59 37. Cheese-producing region 28. 27. Taj Mahal’s city 34. Spanish love Send your answers for a drawing. First correct answers Shed crocodile tears him. I asked him what he wanted that for. He said, “I save it for the 27. Winding roads 37. “Ah, me!” 39. __ over; helped through 4829. 28.Line Bride’s item 49 61 62 50 48 49 35. Character Ventilated 60 63 51 of travel 28. Rough in Othello selected from the drawing on 38. the 20th of the month will girls.” a difficult period 29.Decorative Flamingo orloop heronof thread 36. West Parents’ org. 30. 29. Part of summer 39. Point student win. Send to: Lifestyles After 50, 41. Plunge 50 6432. 51 Cut 52into 52 5353 54 55 55 5656 57 small 54 66 37. Out Recorded one’s intake 31. Knocked over pieces a65drink 30. Fellow 40. of __; behaving 42. 33583 Seasons 34.Engraved In __ of pillar P.O. Box 638, Seffner, FL 41. Giant Mel 32. I went so far as to keep an Elvis scrapbook, which I believe may have 31. Sea duck inappropriately 67 68 69 57 58 59 60 61 44. Surrenders 58 35. 59 Always 60 61 62 42. Word Distribute shares 33. Slackened 33. Certain Coty love messages with in stick or roll 46. Poet’s contraction 36. France’s caused my mom to think that I might be gay until my stepdad found I want information on: Insurance 41. Personal Health 43. One Magazine title 35.38.Psychologist Alfred 62 63 __64 64 Fictional king 42. acts 47. who Ardent Sermon topic 63 34. 65 44. Barbara Bush __ Pierce Travel / Cruises Elder Law / Financial & Fitness 38. Social spot my secret stash of Brigitte Bardot pictures hidden in a hollowed-out 36. Miles, e.g. like another 49. Fascination 40. Bargains 45. Lets __ 6539. 66 67 __ Wiesel Tosses Recreation / Leisure Housing Options Homewith Improvements 43. 51.Cong Rejected disdain 66 39. 67 68 43.Activist Not crackers book when he used it to prop open a window. 46. Evaluate Tried 40. 43. Public 54. Lotion ingredient 44. 45.Remainder Like a hilldisturbance Entertainment / Events Reverse Mortgages Automobiles 48. Change direction 46. Game for “It” 55. Force into an 48. Bach Wagner 45. Sightorand taste 46. Pillages 49. Do Fountain orderposition 47. awkward 50.Impulsive Like morelover expensive I wanted to be like Elvis and play guitar, so on my 13th birthday, my 47. Existing on a 48. a hairdresser’s job 50. Fencing weapon 48. Brink 56. Gives up hamburger flat surface 49. Follower of 7 Down Name grandmother bought me my first guitar: a Gibson acoustic, to which I 53. Shakespearean villain 60. Asia’s __ Mountains 49. Alma __ 51. Dandruff site of 50. Fourth page 51. Building site 54. Admirable “Nonsense!” 61. Tract ofpeople wasteland Salk’s concern 50.52.Gilbert of “Roseanne” added a DeArmond pickup in the sound hole. a wall hanging 52. who Address 63. Place to spend rupees 57. Decoration 53.Mine Europe/Asia boundary 51. passage 52. Preposition influence others 64. Light, rhythmic tune 54. Nest 60. William Site 52. for one amount 53.Rib, Insignificant 58. and Sean If I was a kid nowadays, I’d probably want to grow up to be Dave Grohl. 65. Pro’spurchase foe 56.Divider’s Periods 62. Reddish-brown Fiancé’s 53. word 54. Complaint 61. animal 66. Lacks 57. Conception 63. Before: pref. 54. Commanded to a dermatologist 62. Tack 67. Flower 58.__Disencumbers 64. Gladden Down producer 55. out;spot defeated 55. Hot City State63. Zip These days Mike can be found doing “finger crawls” up and down the 68.__; Schnozzola 59. overwhelmingly Brat’s talk 65. To exactly 56. __ PM; 2100 64. “__ Wonderful Life” 69. Meadow covering 62. Lennon’s lady hours neck of his Japanese Les Paul in an attempt to combat the effects of 66. Reason to bathe 56. His and __ 57. Did in 65. Slave of old 67. Chihuahua Tall marsh children grasses Age Phone 58. Chinese leader 66. early-stage Dupuytren’s Contracture. Share your rock life with him at 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 858. 9 Item in10a desk 11 12drawer 13 59. Zedong Mr. Whitney 67. Late actor Bert DOWN 59. Put a stop to 14 15 16 60. Girl’s nickname 68. Worry E-mail 1. Sleep outside 61. Made-up account
Last Month’s Answers
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Last Month’s Winner is Cherryn Ross, Matlacha
11 14 14
5 15
17 17 26
Lifestyles After 50 • August 2022 • 17
21 21
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20 20
24 25
Lifestyles After 50 • August 2022 • 18
Better Health. It’s About Time. The VIPcare Patient Experience Going to see your doctor is probably never on your list of things to do for fun; however, it’s important in maintaining your health, especially for adults 65 and older. Patients who have an ongoing relationship with their primary care physician have fewer unnecessary trips to the ER. That’s why you need a doctor that you’re comfortable with and who you trust. One you can turn to 24/7. Quality over Quantity It can be hard to find that doctor with whom you truly connect. Healthcare has become so rushed. It’s like doctors compete to see the most patients. Sadly, that doesn’t leave much time for one-on-one time. That was the key difference Dan and Tina DiFrancesco noticed with VIPcare after moving from Pennsylvania. “They make you feel like you’re the only one,” Tina said. “It’s really the first doctor that I’ve had like that.”
experience upon switching. “The doctors, they care,” he said. “You get an X-ray or something, they call you, ‘how did you make out.’” By taking the time to know you and your health history, your primary care physician can provide you with the specialized care you need and deserve. No more running around from doctor to doctor for answers. Your doctor is your direct link to comprehensive care. “The whole office, they follow up,” Tina said about her VIPcare experience. “The next day they’re on the phone with you. It’s great.” Your Journey to Better Health Real health care is getting you healthy and keeping you healthy. Find a trusted partner in your health and get the care and attention you deserve.
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# 315 ## 378 305
Sudoku #314 Sudoku #304 Sudoku #337 Solution #336 #313 Solution Solution #303
Last Month’s Answers Sudoku Sudoku requires no arithmetic skills. Sudoku Sudoku requires requiresno noarithmetic arithmeticskills. skills. The object of the game the The object of isis TheLast objectMonth’s of the thegame game istoto tofillfill fillallall allthe the Winner: Last Month’s Winner is blank squares with the correct numbers. blank squares with the correct numbers. blank squares with the correct numbers.
Nichole Veesaert, Beach Dennis Zagaglia, Nokomis Carol Sands, Port Apollo Charlotte
Each row of numbers must include Each Each row row of of 999 numbers numbersmust mustinclude includeallall all digits 1 through 9 in any order. digits 11 through 99ininany order. digits through any order. G ood od column of numbers must GoEach Each Linclude Each column column of of 999numbers numbersmust mustinclude include uck! Luck!all digits 1 through 9 in any order. all all digits digits 11 through through99ininany anyorder. order. Each 33 by by 33 subsection subsection the Great Prizes! Each 3 ofof EachWin by 3 subsection ofthe the999byby by9 99 square must include all digits 1 through New winner selected each month square must square must include includeall alldigits digits11through through9.9. 9.
8 91 34 3 7 65 5 46 1 59 2 5 9 2 96 2 71 4
76 7 28 95 7 1 4 84 77 21 3 23 7 84 8
93 37 25 51 76 62 88 19 44
51 82 48 15 24 99 77 66 33
9 61 5
37 25 93 49 81 56 64 78 12
6 58 84 72 13 35 41 27 99
91 14 27 49 86 72 35 53 68
28 36 65 73 54 11 92 49 87
84 99 73 62 25 47 51 38 16
WORD SEARCH WORD SEARCH August Word Search September Word Search APRIL Word Search
52 47 11 36 99 88 63 24 75
WORD In the grid below, twenty answers SEARCH can be found that fit the category for In the grid below, twentyanswers answerscan canbe be found found that fit fit the the category for Intoday. the grid below, twenty category for Circle each answer that youthat findfitand list it inthat the space provided at In thetoday. grid below, twenty answers can be found the today. Circle each answer today. Circle each answer that you findand andcategory list itit in infor the space provided atat that Circle each answer that you find list the space provided the right of the grid. Answers can be found in all directions -forwards, you find and list itofinof thethe space provided at the right offound the can be found in all directions – the right grid. Answers can be found inAnswers all directions — the right the grid. Answers can be all directions --isforwards, forwards, backwards, horizontally, vertically and diagonally. An example given to forwards, backwards, horizontally, vertically and diagonally. An example is given tois get you started. backwards, horizontally, vertically and diagonally. An example example given toto backwards, horizontally, vertically and diagonally. An is given get you started. Can you find the twenty answers in this puzzle? Can youyou find the twenty answers in thisin puzzle? started. Can find the twenty answers in this puzzle? puzzle? get get youyou started. Can you find the twenty answers this Today's Category: Dances Today's Category: Things Found in a Bedroom T S A N NS GL OI DP SP AE MR BS AR C Y A R Z A R I DG DB BE GD GA GO M T KA AU
Sudoku requires no arithmetic skills. The object of the game is to fill all the blank squares with the correct numbers. Each row and each column of 9 numbers must include all digits 1 through 9 in any order. Each 3 by 3 subsection of the 9 by 9 square must include all digits 1 through 9 as well. Good luck! The first correct answers selected from the drawing on the 20th will win.
Send your answers along with your name, address, telephone number & email to:
Send your answers along with your name, address, email and telephone number to: LIFESTYLES AFTER 50 P.O. BOX 638, SEFFNER, FL 33583
Lifestyles After 50 P.O. BOX 638, SEFFNER, FL 33583
WIN GREAT PRIZES! Sudoku muST bE REcEIvEd by ThE 20Th of ThE moNTh.
377 357 314 674 762 539 48 619 121 3 82 5 94 8# 12.Penguin John 12. 13.Pigeon Keith 13.
Bryan Canary David Crow
14.Robin Kevin 14.
Frank Cuckoo Gary agle
George gret Greg Hawk Henry ark Jacob oon James Oriole
Word Search Solution: Word Search15. Solution: Michael 11. Jerry 1. Andrew15. Sparrow 11. Parrot 1. Bluejay
16. Oliver 12.Penguin John 2. 12. 2. Bryan Canary16. Stork 13.Pigeon Keith 13. 17. Oscar 17. Swallow 14.Robin Kevin 4. 14. 4. Frank Cuckoo 18. Paul 15.Sparrow Michael 5. 15. 5. Gary Eagle 18. Swan 19. Steve 16. 6. George Egret 19. Woodpecker 16.Stork Oliver 6. 17. Swallow 7. Hawk 17. Oscar 7. Greg 20. Thomas 18. 8. Lark 20. Wren 18.Swan Paul 3. 3. David Crow
8. Henry
9. Jacob Loon 9. 10. Oriole
10. James
19. 19.Woodpecker Steve 20. Wren
20. Thomas
Lifestyles After 50 • August 2022 • 20
443 234 5 98 9 76 1 823 598 657 176 767 956 8 75 4 48 2 136 211N 3W 4S5 CD93 NO EB DD DC WI EK DE CV RI O 882 318 7 64 2 3 4 599 456E 9O1R1 TH265 I C RD GR FV LP AO PL AI RV R 2 595GY4SR3 7SR82NA6 G7C 1ES16R3O 5D9K9 GM488 WA1BH UA 2 5 679LG9LA47 8A# 3 K64T377 5ND98A2S 1X2E4 HM857 S# S2 1R314 DV6AG GJ 1 E6 I8D 7DCD6UL1R6 1GEN5WCE7G W21SP 4OAJ 84UP5DL 4C3I3 CS322 A8N EB7 ND 9 O BY D JC P 95P482C 2D51I E3KV69EFC9V A48HI 8ONO3SS7CD2C7T6 VJ741 LD ES 5 C D R V P O L I V E R H A F Y H E A G D H J H E S 4I P2 O3 P 3 9 G6R 17AJ 5C H96S 2LO 72KU9M8A8K614 A4A7H3 Y1 R U N B S W A L
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The first correct answers selected from the drawing on the 20th of the month will win.
Trivia Palooza!
: Josephine N. Ft. Myers BevalieJimenez, Winder, Cape Coral
dSearch SearchSolution: Solution: 11.Parrot Jerry Andrew 11. luejay
Samba 1. Bed 1. ____________________ ____________________ 2. ____________________ 2. ____________________ 3. 3. ____________________ ____________________ 4. 4. ____________________ ____________________ 5. 5. ____________________ ____________________ 6. 6. ____________________ ____________________ 7. 7. ____________________ ____________________ 8. 8. ____________________ ____________________ 9. 9. ____________________ ____________________ 10. ____________________ ____________________ 10. 11. ____________________ ____________________ 11. 12. ____________________ ____________________ 12. 13. ____________________ ____________________ 13. 14. ____________________ ____________________ 14. 15. ____________________ ____________________ 15. 16. ____________________ ____________________ 16. 17. ____________________ ____________________ 17. 18. ____________________ 18. ____________________ 19. ____________________ 19. ____________________ 20. ____________________ ____________________ 20.
74 16 69 8 37 43 92 51 25
21 82 7 64 3 9 16 5
QuestIoN: NAtIoNAL grANdPAreNts dAy Is sePtember 13. WhAt Is the offIcIAL soNg ANd offIcIAL fLoWer for thIs NAtIoNAL dAy of observANce? ANsWer: _____________________________________
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Mail to: Lifestyles After 50, P.O. Box 638, Seffner, FL, 33583
Mary Tursellino, Port Charlotte was last months winner! Last month’s answer: NORAD, Col. Harry Shoup.
The more you play the better chance you have to win! Go to and click on the Trivia Palooza icon to play each week.
I’m the new kid! oes. t y m m o r f my tail w o n k ly e r I ba It’s only my first day, but before you know it, I’ll be ready to bring hope to someone’s life. Maybe that person is someone you love.
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Lifestyles After 50 • August 2022 • 21
5427 – SEEKING SINCERE, HONEST 4907 - SWF. 59 yo, lbs,NS, smoker, COMPANION. I’m5’9”, 70’s,160 HWP, ND. blonde eyes. I50’s like music, fishing,walk, movLike tohair, read,blue sightsee, ies, traveling, dancing, good food. Seeks animals, no drama. ISO friend, honest SWM likesReply the same. man who for LTR. phone number. Send description. Pasco County. 5409 - WRETCHED old hagg seeking 5502 – LOOKING LOVE. Hi. a 78 miserable old troll.FOR If U respond U I’m obviYY, WW, 5’5”, NS, ND, blue eyes, white hair, ously have a sense of humor & R adventurHWP, I like to petite, dance earthy, to 50’s & 60’s, ous. I’mSOH. 76, blonde, easy taking walks. a giving person & love to B with. LoveI’m singing, dancing, biking, life. I do have a little dog and fat cat and cooking, vintage cars & vintage men. Must I would likeclass to meet a WM in his late 70’s. have a little & a lot of character. NS, SD, or not. Looks aren’t important. SOH,-HWP, a good heart. PR 5422 VERYjust PRETTY WWF ISONPR, FF. Long & Hudson area. Send name & phone blonde hair, youthful 60’s, 5’4”, slim, ND, number. Good dancing, luck and theatre, God bless. NS. Fine dining, travel. Looking for retired W gentleman, 5’9”, 655506 – LOVING BLUE EYED BLONDE. 75, HWP, SOH. Will speak soon. Send photo DWF. 60. Healthy 5’4”, lives in SWF. Tired &ofphone. working and no play.. Have many interest, theater, music, beaches, flea 5436 - TAMPA VETERAN NEEDS markets, antiques. Seeking SWM,COMhealthy, PANION QUICKLY. SW, 60, looking for 58-62, HWP, SD, ND, NS, independent, healthy, W, 45-65 for LTR. Need compuer responsible, easy going. FF, LTR. operations, applications expert and handy 5525 – FRIENDS W widower, homemaker. QuietFIRST. music, ISO parks, swim8/0’s, local honest, SOH, HWP, NS,literary LT SD. a(ME) ming, touring. Veteran plus. Attractive, WW, 5’4”, 120 lbs, Enjoy life, it Tampa. goes by so fast. Ft Myers to Naples area. 5427 SINCERE, HONEST 5524- –SEEKING RETIRED WW READER. W, C, 84 GENTLEMAN. I’m 70s, HWP, ND, like128, young, SOH, NS, ND, NDrg, NS, HWP, 5’2”, to meet SWM with same interest for FF, Lots TLC. ISO, kind, loving, cool &LTR. loves Laid back, no drama. Like animals. Hillsto laugh. I am healthy, outgoing. Need to borough & Pasco. meet before we judge each other. Port Charlotte. 5425 - SINCERE CHRISTIAN WOMAN 5518 –C-man LIFE PARTNER desires who reallyNEEDED. loves God and is Soulmate. DWF, like active, lives 60, a healthy life,theater, helps hisflea neighmarkets, moonlight, quiet cabor, enjoysbeaches, nature (including picnics), evenings, animals, cooking,I’m all noeing andmusic, a friend to all animals. SeeksI’m SWM, withwith good offishing. the above. a W 59-65 ,etite lady long hygiene, commonAge sense, NS, SD, hair and chearful. 60’s,SOH, Age preferred: Mid 50’sLTR, andHWP, up. IFF, liveTLC, in Hillsborough NDrg, down to earth. County. Please write me, tell me about 5522 – LOOKING FOR yourself. COMPANIONSHIP. SWF, 78YY (acts younger), NS, ND, blonde hair, green 5431 – LONELY WWF, looking for love & eyes, ISO someone who likes eating out, companion. Man should be 70 to 80 yrs movies, country western, gospel music, old. I am financially secure, have a car & sport condo. I live in N. St. Pete. 5538 – SEEKING HONEST COMPANION. ISO W. Widower, NS, ND, loving partner 5429 - HERE, DURING COVID-19 IN S. FT. friendship W, to MYERS. enjoy life.ISO Secure, happyonly andwith healthy. widower in early 80’s. SOH, NS. I I am Filipina lady, easy andhonest, outgoing, am W, WW, attractive & intellgent. petite, veryHWP, honest, physically fit. Please Please respond with phone/email. Be safe reply with letter, photo & phone. Thanks & well. 5532 – BEAUTIFUL LADY looking forward to meeting the man of her 5413 - WW ISO BUDDY, FRIEND to pal dreams here. A man between the ages around with who’s about my age, 80’s, gal of 49 to 79 yrs. old. I am looking for or guy with SOH. Good health, finansomeone to share with me the simple cially secure to have fun & enjoy life. No pleasuresorofreligious life. I amzealots willingplease. to relocate Trumpers Let and enjoy life with that special person the good times roll. that contacts me. Lets meet and have fun.
Lifestyles After 50 • August 2022 • 22
5540 - BEAUTIFUL BLACK QUEEN. 80yy, ISO friend/king, 75+, intellectual, P, astute, honest, single, SOH, NS, SD. Enjoys reading, 5419 - HAVE A NICE DAY. SWF, 75 yo,poetry, 5’5”, reggae,brunette, classics, jazz, swimming. No wife. slender, green eyes, adventurous, Tampa. Send name and phone number. love walks, parks, outdoors, healthy food. Am happy, loving, kind. LTR, intimacy? Have photo. 5544 - ACTIVE - ADVENTUROUS Tampa. PHYSICALLY FIT. W, WW, HWP. Passionate, fun-loving, easy-going, straight forward. I 4119 - Seeking Honest gentleman. Forlike bowling and exploring the outdoors. mer airline stewardess and model, 5’4”, 104 What’s your story? Seeking male 65-89. St. lbs., slender, white with Ph.D. in healthcare. Petersburg. Fulbright scholar, eats healthy and exercises. 5547sports - COUPLE SEEKING FRIENDS. Likes and animals. WW. Loves theWM,64. Lord. WF, 63 looking for fun, excitement. Trying Florida. new experiences. Open minded to all who’s interested. Couples. Singles. Contact us. MEN SEEKING WOMEN Clearwater. 5411 - BM seeks LTR with 50-65 yr old 5549 - SEEKING FUN, FRIVOLITY, FANTASY woman of character. I am 6’0”, 180 lbs, 60 freely with a fantastic man. Not necessarily year old. NS. Children are adults. Free to travel. of my dreams. Definitely NOT from my I am a one woman man. Race is not an issue nightmares. Me over 60, eclectic interests, OM, character is! smart and sassy. 5407 ISO BF, 50+, slender build who likes to MEN-SEEKING WOMEN read, go out to eat, movies, laid back, enjoys 5520 – MAN SEEKING MAN. W. male, 80, laughter & is drama free. Look forward to hearartist/sculpter, for friendship and fun. Love ing from you. I am a WM, 5’11”, 155 lbs, NS and food and wine and interesting, fun people. drama free. Sarasota.
5535-–M, SEEKING DWM, 5415 WW, NS,LIFE SD, PARTNER. HWP, P, FF,63 likes cards, 6’, 175cooking, lbs., living in South walks, travel, fun. Cape Coral, semiretired, from S. CAL, was patent attorney and 5424 - HI,estate Lonelyinvestor, guy, WM, , 160 lbs, now real like5’8” boating anda young NS, NS, fit, active and travel, mid-seventies, two 20’s daughters in NYC and Boston. adventuresome. Seeks lady, mid-sixties to early 5536 – MATURE, DOCILE MALE. ISO seventies, HWP, exercises, possible romance, dominant, strong, take control female. 60 to70 LTR. Let’s be happy and celebrate life. years young. FUN and games. St Pete only please and thank you. 5393 - SWM, 69, 5’11”, AVG. Hair black, thin5537DAV, – DSWM A YOUNG attractive looks ning, honest, sincere, 81 relocated Hudson. 70. Looking for WHF, a gal to sharepreferred, my life with. Retired Leo. ISO widow at- Love travel, dining, dance. Hashandy a nice homemaker, family. Lives in tractive, sm. butt, NS, ND, intimacy baggage, drama. Nokomis.yes, Willno move. 5533 – LOOKING FOR FEMALE FRIEND. 60, 5428 - M, WW, NS, SD, HWP, R, TLC, 70’s. 5’7”, 160. Tan, physically fit, likes beaches, art Likes sharing many activities together, quiet fest’s, going out, sense of humor, quiet times, evenings; be adventurous. 50’s to 60’s. ND, NDrg.
Mind & body feels so renewed. Sarasota seeking fit, attractive, female. Very hand- to Venice senior. 5’11”, 175, blue eyes, some, very silver -hair. Let’s enjoy life’sHELLO. pleasures. 5539 LIVE RENT FREE. SWM, 76, Dunedin. 5’6”, 180lbs, NS, SD, NDrgs, condo. Likes Elks, dancing, restaurants, shopping, TV, holding 5417 - ISO PINELLAS LOVING hands. W or A PARK, Female,FUN SOH, fun loving. SWM,drive. seeking SWWPark. to enjoy sports activiMust Pinellas ties, bridge, dominoes, pinochle and swim5545 GUY, 77, ISO W and GALvery OVER 50. I’m ming -atWMainlands. I’m 88 active. almost like6’3”, to drive. Not Lookinghousebound, for SWW overbut 70.I I’m 235 lbs great but I gotPark. heart. I want a gal and alooking dancer. Pinellas t love. I appreciate kindness, United States and God. NS, ND, NDrg. Please write letter. Pasco/Pinellas/Hillsborough. 5546 - MAY I HAVE THIS DANCE. SWM, 70’s+ wishes to meet mature lady interested in travel, reading and staying young. Non smoker. Must have great sense of humor. Sarasota/Bradenton. 5548 - SEEKING COMPANIONSHIP/ PARTNER in life. Semi-retired, S. A. male, 5’6”, medical and financially secure. Loves travel, scenic drives, cruises, ballroom dance, plays, classical piano. Seeking nice lovely lady 76-88 y/o
To PLACe An AD: Send your ad, stating what edition(s) you would like it placed in, along with a $6 8 fee for 30 words (25¢ for each additional word, abbreviations not charged) to the Lifestyles After 50 address listed below. Ads received by the 15th of the month will appear in the following issue. To ReSPonD To An AD: Write a letter to the person you want to contact. Place that letter in a stamped envelope and write the ad # on the bottom left hand side of the envelope. Place your stamped, numbered envelope(s), along with $2 for each letter enclosed, into another envelope and address it to: Lifestyles After 50 Seniors Getting Together P.O. Box 638, Seffner, FL 33583 CommonLY USeD ABBReViATionS: F-Female, M-Male, S-Single, D-Divorced, WWWidow, A-Asian, B-Black, H-Hispanic, I-Indian, W-White, C-Christian, J-Jewish, YO-Years Old, YY-Years Young, ISO-In Search Of, SOH-Sense Of Humor, SM-Smokes, S-Light Smoker, NSNon Smoker, ND-Non Drinker, SD-Social (Light) Drinker, DR-Drinks, NDrg- No Drugs, LTR-Long Term Relationship, HWP-Height & Weight Proportional, R-Retired, P-Professional, FF-Friendship First, TLC-Tender Loving Care.
Seniors Getting Together
Personal Ad Placement only $68 per month! Deadline for ads is the 15th of the month prior to placement. MArk The ediTiOn(S) YOu WOuLd Like TO run YOur Ad in: ❍ Tampa Bay & Suncoast (Hillsborough/Pinellas/Pasco) ❍ Lake/Marion/Sumter ❍ Southwest & Sarasota (Lee, Charlotte/Manatee)
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5534–MANGOING SEEKING MAN. 5426 - EASY MAN. I’m Single, 69, 14070’s lbs, 5’7”, +, clean, safe, drugs to giveother and receive widower, lives no alone. Seeking gentlemen enjoyment and for friendship, to satisfaction. get together and enjoy each other’s company. Will answer alll.relocateable 5543 - HI LUV. SWM SEEKING female to be my companion, life partner, lover, 5369 – Looking For Ms Right. Retired New beat friend. I’m secure, easy going, loving, 5’7”, York Attorney, former New York Police Officer, 150#, NS, ND. Save that rent money. Come looking for loving relationship with kind and share my beautiful place. sincere, self-caring lady. 65 – 75. Widow pre5542-Clearwater ISO F, HWP. I am a man, 70’s, HWP, ferred. area. active, agile. Would like to build LTR, friendship, laughter, explore, love life, 5412 - LOOKING FORtravel, ADVENTEROUS WOMhaveSWM, someNS, fun,healthy, laugh. retired, Please send recent full AN. enjoys country view photos. Will do same. Meet coffee? music, home cooking, day trips to for scenic attractions, sun rises, sunsets, movies, walks in the Fort Myers. park. For more info, write me. Pinellas County. 5541 - SEMI RETIRED SWM. 61, 5’10”, 185. ISO SWF, NS, SD, HWP, who would enjoy taking 5416 - LOOKING FOR COMPANION. SWM hikes in quiet and peaceful nature preserves.
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Dear Ms. Price, I am a 38-year-old man with four children, all under the age of 15. Three years ago, my wife moved out of the house to care for her mother. She never moved back to our house. At first, she said that her mother wasn’t well, but then she finally came clean and admitted that she was rethinking our marriage. She comes over for family events and sees the children each week. She also pays for a lot of their activities and clothes, so she is contributing to their welfare. I have been trying to talk with her and work things out, but I am getting nowhere. How long do I keep trying to save our marriage? -Holding On for Dear Life in Florida Dear “Holding,” If your wife moved out three years ago and is not trying to work things out with you, then you have your answer. It will help if you let go and move on with your life. My advice is to make two phone calls: an attorney and a therapist. The first is to start the divorce process, and the second is for you and your children to receive some emotional support through this confusing time. I’m sending my very best wishes to you and your family.
A Slice of Advice with Ms. Price To submit your questions, email
family. As I was hosting the dinner, I decided to use some of our grandmother’s china set that she passed down to me. As I was serving the main course, my cousin, we’ll call her Tammy, offered to help serve. I had everything handled, and I was clear that I did not want or need her help. While Tammy was getting up and down, she dropped an antique sugar bowl from the china set and shattered it. I was devastated. I found a replacement piece on a website, and it’s over $500. Should I send Tammy the bill? -Shattered to Bits Dear “Shattered,” You can call your cousin and tell her you found a replacement piece for the sugar bowl she broke. She might offer to pay, or she might not. Prepare yourself for either answer. You have every reason to be upset, and your cousin is absolutely in the wrong. Since you used this set to honor your grandmother at your dinner, continue to honor her memory by letting this incident go and being the bigger person.
-Ms. Price Dear Ms. Price, I recently had a small family reunion with some cousins on my father’s side of the
“You Don’t Mess Around with Jim” BY: RANDAL C. HILL In Jim Croce’s brief career, Jim released five Top 10 singles, the first of which was one of the best story songs of modern times. “You Don’t Mess Around with Jim” on the ABC label brought music fans into Jim Croce’s fun-loving world, one that was often replete with rather bizarre (but always memorable) characters. Born in Philadelphia, Jim played the accordion before switching to guitar. After high school, he attended Villanova University, where he worked as a guitarist in numerous bands. He graduated college in 1965, became a guitar instructor at summer camps and briefly taught at a Philadelphia middle school. He met Ingrid Jacobson at a folk music party in 1966. They married and began writing and recording their own compositions, frequently touring and trying in vain to catch a break. Eventually discouraged, the Croces settled onto a Pennsylvania farm with their infant son, Adrian. Jim drove trucks and worked construction while Ingrid finished college. All the while, Croce continued to write songs, never abandoning a lifelong dream of having a music career one day. He turned to selling advertising time on Philadelphia radio stations. His work occasionally took him into the darker corners of the city, where he would sometimes visit less-than-savory pool halls. Ingrid recalled later, “He would sit there and watch the pool games and see what people were doing. He ended up with a guy named Jim Walker, who was one of the guys who used
to play pool there.” And what a character Big Jim Walker became in “You Don’t Mess Around with Jim”! In Croce’s mind, he imagined a cartoonish version of an intimidating New York City pool hustler. Walker reigns supreme around town as “the King of 42nd Street,” and he cruises his Image from Amazon domain in a “drop-top” Cadillac. As the story unfolds, we learn that Big Jim hustles people for money with his well-honed pool skills. But one day, a southern boy nicknamed Slim comes to town, explaining that Walker had recently hustled him and that Slim was there to get his money back. A bloody melee erupts, and to everyone’s surprise, Slim manages to dispatch the fearsome bully. Big Jim’s followers then acknowledge the new order, and the last time we hear the catchy chorus, we’re made aware of one crucial change: You don’t tug on Superman’s cape You don’t spit into the wind You don’t pull the mask off he old Lone Ranger And you don’t mess around with Slim Lifestyles After 50 • August 2022 • 23
B.E. F.A.S.T. To Reduce Stroke Impact Balance
Sudden loss of balance
Sudden loss of vision in one or both eyes
Sudden facial weakness or drooping
Sudden weakness or numbness
Sudden slurred speech or difficulty speaking
Someone in the U.S. has a stroke* *On average
When it comes to having a stroke, every second matters. If you or someone you know is experiencing these symptoms, don’t wait. Get help immediately. Learn the signs and symptoms of a stroke, and the location of your nearest BayCare emergency room.
For more information:
If you observe any of these signs, call 911 immediately, noting the time of the onset of symptoms.
Lifestyles After 50 • August 2022 • 24