Lifestyles After 50 Southwest Edition, August 2022

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Summertime Sweet

Here we are in A ugust again. T he sweltering S t raw b er r y P ret ze l S a l a d heat may be getting to some of us at this Servpoint e s 8 to 1 0 (if I’m not in air co nditioning or a body of water, • 2 c u ps c rushed pretzels I turn into a different person) . B ut fe ar not— we • ¾ c u p butter, melted have plenty of tips inside on how to get through the heat, stay hydrated and even enj oy the rest • 3 tablespoons white of the summer with tasty rec ipes. sugar

Published monthly by Lifestyles After 50 Volume 33, Issue 8

Publisher Adam Hansen Editor Rebecca Fending

• 1 ( 8 ounc es) pac ka ge Website Editor As a kid, I loved summer because it meant no Allie Shaw school. Summer was f ull of trips to the pool c ream c h eese, sof tened • 1 c u p white sugar and long afternoons in the bac k yard, shielded Distribution by the shade of trees. However, as I grew up, • 1 ( 8 ounc es) container 813-336-8247 the season turned into summer proj ec ts and f rozen whipped topping, Questions/Customer Service working dinky retail j o bs to earn ex tra ca sh thawed 813-336-8247 that I couldn’t while in sc hool. T hat’s not to • 2 ( 3 ounc es) pac ka ges Press Releases say summer got less f un; it j ust turned into a strawberry f l avored J ell- O different kind of f reedom. Advertising Sales • 2 c u ps boiling water Sales: When May would roll around, it meant catc h ing • 2 ( 1 0 ounc es) pac ka ges (813) 336-8247 Ext. 2 back up with old f r iends who would be in town f rozen strawberries visiting family to enj oy their co llege summer Aspen Hansen: (813) 336-8247 Ext. 2 1 . P reheat oven to 4 0 degrees break. Late nights of giggling about nothing .F and pretending we k new what to ex p ec t onc e Joe Gess: 813-817-9855 adulthood would f inally hit us. T he j oe k was 2 . onStir together c rushed pretzels, melted butter and us because we’re still not sure what the f u ture Mervyn Hollander 3 tablespoons sugar; mix well holds in the cu rrent c limate. and press mix ture into the Jim Commiskey: bottom of a 9 x 1 3 inc h bak i ng The late summer heat may have us look i ng fo r easy, no-heat rec ipes that aren’t j u st salads dish, Event Sales and fresh fruit. A s muc h as f resh produc e is 3 . B ae k 8 to 1 0 minutes until set. refreshing and delic ious, it can def initely get Set aside to cool. boring. And it’s hard enough to e k ep your home To Learn More, call 813-336-8247 or email cool without the added heat f rom the k i tc h4 .en,I n a large mix i ng bowl c ream together so that definitely leaves out the oven for any c ream c h eese and 1 c u p sugar. Fo ld in cooking or baking. Lifestyles After 50 whipped topping. Spread mix t ure onto P.O. Box 638 cooled c rust. Seffner, Florida 33583 I remember my mom mak ing this no- b ake dessert when I was a k id, and it was always hit 5 . aD i ssolve gelatin in boiling water. Stir in still (Fax) 813-331-2634 with our family or any guests we had over. fIr toz s ’ en strawberries and allow to set brief l y. ideal for feeding a c rowd of all ages. B u t don’t W h en mix ture is about the co nsistenc y of let the name fo ol you; it is c ertainly not a salad. egg whites, pour and spread over c ream Far from it, really. I t s ’ f roze n f resh strawberries, c h eese layer. Ref rigerate until set. Jell-O, cream cheese and c r ushed pretzels. Attention Readers: The articles printed in Lifestyles That’s pretty muc h it, but the f lavors all work After 50 do not necessarily re ect the opinion of the Editor or the staff. Lifestyles After 50 endeavors to together so well that it’s the perfec t summer Rebecca Fending, Editor accept reliable advertising; however, we cannot be dessert for any oc casion. held responsible by the public for advertising claims.


e a great month and H av

we'll see you

! er b te m in Sep

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Lifestyles After 50 • August 2022 • 3

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