Lifestyles After 50 Southwest Edition, September 2021

Page 16


Little Tyke, Billy, Pet Detective by Ann Marie of Englewood, FL Little Tyke, Billy, was coming home from school. He noticed a dog lying

growling, but could not be coached out from under the van. Little Tyke had

under a van in a store parking lot. It was a hot day and the dog looked

an idea (just like a Pet Detective would think of), he started throwing small

scruffy from oil spots on his back, and he was panting from the heat. Billy

pieces of hamburger toward him, each time just a little bit closer to where

got him some water and the dog drank it right up. A local neighbor said he

he was sitting on the lawn. He started singing “How Much Was That Doggie

had been there all day and no one knew who it belonged to. She called

in the Window.” Slowly the small dog started coming out. When he got

the police at noontime. An officer came out and approached the dog but

close enough, he grabbed the leash and very gently began to walk the dog

he started running away. He told us they had been looking for this dog for

around the parking lot and into his house. He called the police again, telling

three days, but had not been successful in catching him. At suppertime, the

them he saw an identification tag on his collar. When the officer came out,

little tyke went back outside and noticed the dog was back, lying under the

he said, “In, boy,” and the dog jumped right in the back seat of his cruiser.

van again. This time he called Animal Control. They said he would have

The officer told him “Thank you son, I could have never gotten him in

to wait until tomorrow until they could assign an officer to come and get

without you. I don’t usually carry a hamburger with me.” The owner picked

the dog. Little Tyke had finished supper and thought maybe the dog was

up the dog the next day and both of them were very happy to be rejoined.

hungry, too. He scooped up the rest of his hamburger and put it on a paper

Little Tyke, Billy, a great Pet Detective, was the happiest of them all.

plate. Very cautiously, he approached the dog who was whimpering and

For submissions: Send your poem (150 words or less) to with the words “Creative Corner” in the subject line.

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Lifestyles After 50 • September 2021 • 16

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