3 minute read
Procrastinator’s word
Dear Ms. Price, When COVID-19 began, I joined an online dating site and eventually started a correspondence. He is perfect for me in every way, from our interests in music, sports and our love of cooking. We were even both raised Catholic, which is important to both of us. The problem is he finally broke it to me that he prefers to keep our relationship long distance and doesn’t want to meet in person. He feels things are great the way they are and told me, “Why ruin a good thing?” I’m crushed. I know he is Mr. Right, but now I’m confused and don’t know what to do. Sincerely, Virtual Love
Dear “Virtual,” A good rule of thumb with online dating and relationships is that if you are not interacting in person or at the very least via phone, it is not real. It is a fantasy. If he isn’t willing to make the transition from online to real-time, then that is a major red flag and a dealbreaker. You need to walk away. Chances are you are dodging a bullet. Make room for the real thing to enter your life and good luck to you.
Dear Ms. Price, I have been in a relationship with the love of my life for the past three years. We are happy and I plan on marrying this woman one day. Problem is, she loves to text. Lately, it’s becoming a problem, especially when we have a disagreement. She says some of the nastiest things. Things I know she would never say in person. I admit to responding in anger, saying things I don’t mean. I have tried to talk to her about this and we agree not to text fight, until the next time it happens. I have to be honest; I can’t take it anymore. Sincerely, Text Vexed in Clearwater
A Slice of Advicewith Ms. Price
To submit your questions, email advicemsprice@gmail.com.
Dear “Vexed,” I would try once more to sit down and discuss this issue. Explain again that texting hurts you deeply and is damaging your relationship. You might want a safe word or phrase that you both can use when things are going too far. Something like, “This is becoming too heated. Let’s take a break and talk in person in an hour.” You will need to resist the temptation to answer in anger and take the high road. Hopefully with consistency, this will solve this problem.
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Are you in search of advice? We want to help!
Send us your situation that requires outside guidance. We want to help anyone looking for advice from an anonymous third party, Ms. Price. Although your submitted material would be published in print and online, our advice column will NOT include your name or email.
For submissions:
Send the information (150 words or less) to advicemsprice@gmail.com with a catchy subject line. Submissions must be made before the 15th of every month, otherwise it will be held as potential publishing in the following issue’s publication. No need to include your name with your submission, and feel free to change the name of any other key people in your situation for complete anonymity. Stories are published on a basis of what space is available.