Newsec Breakfast-event

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8:30 Morgenmad 9:00 Velkomstv/MortenJensen,adm.direktør,NewsecAdvisory 9:15 NordicPropertyOutlookReportv/RobinRich,HeadofResearch, Newsec 9:35 Pause 9:40 IntroduktiontilProptech v/SteenMalmberg,HeadofESG,ProptechandPublicClients,Newsec 9:45 PræsentationafProptivity v/CEOMikaelLundman 10:15 PræsentationafSpacetiv/CEOMaxVertelskyi 10:45 Spørgsmålogafrunding 11:00 Afslutning
20 September 2023 Nordic PropertyOutlook– efterår 2023 Markedstendenser

ResuméafNewsecProperty Outlook

▪ Detglobalelandskab-der er meget at bekymre sig om, men det ligner ikke en traditionel krise.

▪ Europa– investeringsmarkeder har reageret som forventet, men udviklingen på ejendomsmarkederne er ikke entydig.

▪ Norden–ikke længere økonomisk duks og ”safe-haven”. Forandret økonomisk og finansielt klima har ændret forudsætninger for investeringer, men det kan der også være muligheder i.



▪ Danmark–på Nordens makroøkonomiske A-hold i 2023, men det betyder næppe en tilbagevenden til et boom på ejendomsmarkedet foreløbig. Der skal arbejdes med ejendommene.




▪ Investeringerieuropæiskeerhvervsejendommevar52% lavereiH12023sammenlignet medH12022–detlaveste niveaui10år.

▪ Faldpå40-80%påtværsafeuropæiskemarkeder.

▪ Afkastkraversteget75-170bps.


▪ Lokaleforholdpåvirker brugerefterspørgsel.

▪ Bløderelandingforbruger/lejemarkedet.

▪ Udviklingitomgangerikkein’sync.

▪ Nominellelejestigninger deflestesteder.



6 ▪ Nordenerikkelængere økonomiskduks. ▪ DanmarkogNorgepå makroøkonomiskeA-hold ▪ SverigeogFinlandpåBholdet ▪ Ikkelængere”flightto Nordicquality” ▪ Ejendomsinvesteringer er faldetmed50-70% -70% -60% -50% -40% -30% -20% -10% 0% H12023 2023F Udviklingiejendomsinvesteringeri2023 Danmark Norge Finland Sverige Check Sverige Newsec -2,0% -1,0% 0,0% 1,0% 2,0% 3,0% 4,0% 5,0% 6,0% BNP Privatforbrug Inflation Nordiskeøkonomieri2023 Danmark Norge Finland Sverige



▪ MYSerejendommemedafkastpå5,5%-7,5%.

▪ Fokuspå“prime”ilavrentemiljø.

▪ Nyvirkelighedsidenstartenaf2022.

▪ Behovfortilpassetinvesteringsstrategi.


▪ Kontormarkederidenordiskestorbyerkompæntigennem Covid-19,ogfremstårrelativtstærkemedhøjefterspørgselog lavtomgang.

▪ Newsecforventerændredemønstreikontoranvendelsen,der kanmedføreøgetfokuspåkontorerudenforcentrale lokationer.

▪ KontoreriMYS-segmentet.

-2,0% -1,0% 0,0% 1,0% 2,0% 3,0% 4,0% 5,0% 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023E 2024E Afkastkravogrente Afkastkrav, primær kontorejendom Pengepolitisk rente Finansieringsomkostning Newsec


8 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%20.000 40.000 60.000 80.000 100.000 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Ejendomstransaktioner( 1.halvår 2.halvår Andeludenlandsk(h.a.) -60% ▪ Alleejendomstyperramt. ▪ Færreudenlandskekøbere. ▪ Fåstorehandler. ▪ Flerebrugere. ▪ Højereafkastkrav. 4,00% 4,50% 5,00% 5,50% 6,00% 6,50% 7,00% 7,50% 2,0% 2,5% 3,0% 3,5% 4,0% 4,5% 5,0% 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Afkastkrav,primæreejendommei København Kontor Bolig Logistik(højreakse) Newsec


9 15% 11% 85% 89% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 2021-2.kv.2022 3.kv.2022-2.kv.2023 Fordelingaftransaktionerefterpris Over100mio Under100mio 105 52 77 100 97 78 41 44 82 70 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Gns.prispåtransaktioner( 2021-2.kv.2022 3.kv.2022-2.kv.2023 41% 21% 59% 79% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 2021-2.kv.2022 3.kv.2022-2.kv.2023 Fordelingaftransaktionerefter afkastniveau Under5,5% Over5,5% Gns.6,1% Gns.6,6% Newsec

Næppeentilbagevendentiletejendomsmarkedsboom …foreløbig

10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023F 2024F Ejendomstransaktioner( -0,5% 0,5% 1,5% 2,5% 3,5% 4,5% 2020 2021 2022 2023F 2024F PrimærekontorejendommeiKbh. (ultimoåret) Afkast Yieldgap Gns.yieldgap2012-2021 Newsec -3% -2% -1% 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023F 2024F Danskøkonomi Økonomiskvækst Inflation 10-årigrente


11 0 100.000 200.000 300.000 400.000 500.000 600.000 2021 2022 2023F 2024F Kontorbyggeri (m2) Restenaflandet Aarhus,Aalborg,Odense,Trekantsområdet Københavnomegn Københavnby 98 100 102 104 106 108 2022 2023 2024 Udbudogefterspørgselpå (2022=indeks 100) Kontorbenyttelse Kontorbestand 0,0% 1,0% 2,0% 3,0% 4,0% 5,0% 6,0% 7,0% 8,0% 9,0% 10,0% 2020 2021 2022 2023F 2024F Tomgang
12 NewsecResearch,Danmark RobinRich +4520605737 På


8:30 Morgenmad 9:00 Velkomstv/MortenJensen,adm.direktør,NewsecAdvisory 9:15 NordicPropertyOutlookReportv/RobinRich,HeadofResearch, Newsec 9:35 Pause 9:40 IntroduktiontilProptech v/SteenMalmberg,HeadofESG,ProptechandPublicClients,Newsec 9:45 PræsentationafProptivity v/CEOMikaelLundman 10:15 PræsentationafSpacetiv/CEOMaxVertelskyi 10:45 Spørgsmålogafrunding 11:00 Afslutning

Hvorfor ejendomsejere har brug for en 5G strategy


5 milliarder brugere (globalt 2028)

5G er en global standard, der vil være drivkraften bag digitaliseringen i hele samfundet i de kommende år


Hurtigere: Genererer datahastigheder på over 1 Gb/s med meget lav latenstid

Bedre kapacitet: Et indendørs 5G-netværk

giver 50 x kapacitet i forhold til traditionelle systemer (passiv DAS-løsning)

Mere sikkert: Indbyggede sikkerhedsfunktioner i alle dele af systemet

5G giver hidtil uset ydeevne, kapacitet og sikkerhedsfunktion

For at få pålidelig og stabil 5G mobildækning er det nødvendigt med et indendørs netværk

Udfordringer med indendørs 5G

Større signaldæmpning pga.isolered byggematerialer

Ældreindendørsnetværk understøtterikkeMIMO,højere modulationog højere frekvenser

Nyeaktivesystemer kostermereogkræver driftkapacitet

Lejere bruger allerede 5G i DK, og det vil være en forudsætning for at

undgå at gå glip af vigtige produktivitets- og innovationsforbedringer

Outdoor 5G availability in Denmark of >96,7%

as of August 2023* and majority of all phones sold being 5G compatible

* Open signal

Mobilt 5G indendørs netværk med gigabit-hastighed, perfekt dækning og kapacitet til alle brugere

Indoor 5G udleder en monumental mulighed for ejendomsejer, der med succes ønsker at eksekvere en digitaliserings- og ESGstrategi

Cameras All sensors AR/VR Drones Robots Doors Building Systems

Internetforbindelse –en nøglekomponent i attraktive lejemål…


af alle lejere mener, at hurtigt og

ukompliceret internetadgang er det vigtigste parameter på en arbejdsplads

80% af al mobildata bruges indendørs

Kilde:Wiredscore Kilde:Ericsson

alligevel, er det typisk en af de hyppigste

udfordringer for kontorlejere

41% mener at wi-fi-forbindelsen er dårlig på kontoret

48% synes, at indendørsdækningen er et problem på kontoret

45 min. spildes hver dag i en gennemsnitlig virksomhed pga. problemer med internetforbindelsen

Kilde:Undersøgelserlavetaf Proptivity ~500 respondenter

Lejerne betaler gerne en højere pris for god og stabil

forbindelse - markedsdata underbygger dette…

WiredScore certification recognizes and promotes best-in-class digitally connected buildings globally

>80m Square meters certified

WiredScore certificerede kontorer opnår i

gennemsnit 5 % højere lejeværdi I London og

7% i New York

>9m People in WiredScore buildings


Ownership and Structure

A company driven by Telecom veterans that has been developed from Partnership with the most prominent real estate owners in Sweden

Organization and Capabilities

Mikael Lundman (CEO)

Associate Partnerat McKinsey with telecomas focus

Fredrik Zetterlund (CFO)

Founder of Spring Mobileand OnePhone leadingroles

Thomas Björklund (CTO)

PreviousCTO Tele2

Stein Hansen - Norway

Various rolesTelenor

Henrik Johansson (CRO)

Various B2B salesrolesTelia

Christoffer Lundgreen

Norway Sales

Various B2B salesroles

Anders Björkman (Chairman)

CEO of Tele2 and Onephone

Tommy Ljunggren


Previousgroup director and head of Architecture at Veon

Johnny Svedberg (COO)

CEO/COOat severalleading telecomoperators

Morgan Curby (CMO)

Ex. Ericsson &experienced telecomB2B CMO

Christopher Högberg


Real estatetransactionsales

Viktor Augustsson

Business Development

Ex. ManagementConsultant

Proptivity is created to unlock the full potential of 5G in buildings and we are happy to engage with all of you

Proptivity delivers a high-performing 4G & 5G service that all operators can connect to

Futureproof and value driving for real estate

New level of digitalization for tenants and real estate owners with market leading 5G performance

Most resource & ESG-efficient

A neutral network vs. Several and (70% less energy than Active DAS)

Superior security

Built in security features ensures unrivalled security vs. other connectivity options

Market leading partners

We are only working with best practice vendors and subcontractors

Dropping calls here and there inside

Dropped calls when going in elevators

Dropped calls when going into garage

Frustrating indoor connectivity issues will be a thing of the past with Proptivity


We pay for purchases


Our Cars needs connectivity

We do video calls & watch videos

(100x data vs. voice)

We scan our items in store

current services reliant on mobile services will work seamlessly and with great user

Proptivitys futureproof system will propel the adoption of new mobile services that emerges with increased pace

The “Phygital” Shopper

The “Mobile First” Enterprise

Engage with screens

Digital Endless Aisles

In-store Navigation

Blink and Buy (AR ☺)

>250x indoor data need vs. what’s available from outdoor

Public WIFI not allowed

5G Laptops

5G Security as a Service

AR/3D Video Meetings

>100x indoor data need vs. what’s available from outdoor


Buildings are increasingly connected, and property owners must be proactive

good 5G coverage, capacity & performance is essential to stay on top and drive digitalization in the real estate sector
Vs. 20 150 Speed Speed 7.5x Faster 30x Capacity
Passive DAS 5G Active 5G network Our message

Spørgsmål & afrunding


Spaceti & Newsec

The new era of digital transformation in Scandinavia

Proptech og Markedstendenser

Proprietary and Confidential

Your Team

Max Verteletskyi

Co-Founder & CEO

Vladimíra Josefiová

Co-Founder & CFO

Evzen Balomenos

NordicsSales Manager

CEMS - The Global Alliance in Management Educatio

Copenhagen Business School

Prague University of Economics and Business


Harvard Business School

Prague University of Economics and Business


Ex-McKinsey & Company

CEMS - The Global Alliance in Management Educatio

Norwegian School of Economics (NHH)

Prague University of Economics and Business

Linnaeus University

Proprietary and Confidential

Leadership Team

Proprietary and Confidential Co-Founder &
CEO Max Verteletskyi
Ondrej Plevka
& CFO Vladimíra Josefiová Marketing Manager Maria Boichenko General Manager
Vasyl Bulyna Technical Sales Executive Jorge Gutiérrez
& CISO Tomas Bartak Co-Founder & CGO Aakash Ravi Fabrizio De Petris VP of Customer Success

About Spaceti 01 Proprietary and Confidential

Employees 40+ Square feet on our platform 30M+ Workplaces 200+

Proprietary and Confidential
50+ Spaceti
Top Enterprise Clients

Spaceti And Nordics


Proprietary and Confidential
Trusted by Large Organizations Globally

4.9 out of 5


Founded in 2016, Spaceti took 1st place as the best PropTech startup in the fourth annual MIPIM Startup Competition in 2019. Here’s an overview of some of the awards our technologies and our approach to business have earned.

TOP 21 most prominent workplace software platforms in 2020

The World’s No. 1 Proptech Startup According to MIPIM 2019

“Four Smart Buildings Startups To Look Out For” Forbes US in 2019.

Proprietary and Confidential

ISO 27001:2013

Data Security

Spaceti prioritizes your data security with ISO 27001 certification, GDPR compliance, and SOC 2 certification, ensuring the highest level of protection and confidentiality. Your data's security is our unwavering commitment.


SOC 2 Type II

Proprietary and Confidential
Proprietary and Confidential Certifications We are an Accredited Solution by WiredScore
Proprietary and Confidential
All-in-One Workplace Experience Platform
Proprietary and Confidential Passive Air Quality Analytics Active Interactive Energy Analytics Environmental Analytics Occupancy Analytics Space Utilization Space Management Smart Parking Visitor Management Community Engagement Facility Reporting Desk & Meeting Room Booking Locker Management Mobile Access Management Touchless Elevator Control BMS Automation & Control HVAC Control & Optimization Machine / Device Centric Human Centric Individual System Multiple, Integrated Systems Passive Interactive / Dynamic 3 Steps Guide to Your HolisticBuilding Experience Journey

Space Management Platform

Spaceti Software

Web Dashboard, iOS & Android App, Tablet Apps

Software Integrations


IoT Universe

Spaceti Hardware

Occupancy, Air Quality, Parking

Hardware Integrations

People Counting, Lockers, ACS

Proprietary and Confidential

Software Integrations

Proprietary and Confidential
Proprietary and Confidential ”Day In The Life” In A Smart Workplace/Building With Spaceti Reserve your spaceahead 01 02 Find your parking lot Access the building 03 Stay informed 04 Workplace analytics 08 07 Secure yourvisitor check-in process Easily check-in 06 Keep your belongings secure 05

Space Management Platform

Spaceti offersa unique full-building enterprise SaaS platform with software modules and compatibledevices

Resource scheduling & booking for shared resources (hotdesks, meeting rooms, parking spaces and other amenities within the offices)

Building/User administrationand management

Community engagement (newsfeed/events)

Real-time maps

Property/Incident reports

Services (food menus, discounts, etc.)

Proprietary and Confidential

Extended Modules

Space Occupancy, utilization, people countinganalytics

Air Quality Analytics & Alerts, CO2 , temperature, humidity, etc.

Meeting Room Displays

Smart Parking -booking, utilizationanalytics, billing

Smart Lockers -access, allocation, billing

White-label app with a branded design

Touchless Access & Elevators Control

Digital Reception

Proprietary and Confidential

ESG – Focusing on Operational Carbon

Proprietary and Confidential



National & local Codes







Manual Intervention

Building Performance

Design for Performance Place Activation


Intelligent Automations

Building Compliance


Security & Fire Alarm

MEP Engineering



ICT cabling

Building Infrastructure Design


User Intent

Digital Enablement

Metrics & Analytics

Building Tuning

Digital Twin

Operational Readiness

Workplace Technology

IoT Platform

Digital Workflows

Tenant Application

ICT Equipment Security





Middle Ware

Data Layer





Project Objectives Achieving the WELL Performance Rating requires 21 out of 33 measurable: Achieving the WELL Performance Rating requires 21 out of 33 measurable:

Provide Your Tenants With a Great Indoor Environment

Collect detailed data about CO2, temperature, and humidity levels to create the most productive work environment.

Evaluate the data in real-time and take immediate action to improve the environment.

Use Spaceti‘s proprietary wellbeing index to align yourself with the latest wellbeing standards for buildings and workplaces. (WELL, FitWell certifications).

Export charts and reports for different periods into standard formats (csv, xls).

Environmental Sensors

Use APIs to transfer data to third-party data systems. Wireless sensors measure advanced environmental parameters, including CO2, temperature, and humidity. Battery life - Up to 5 years

Proprietary and Confidential

Create a data-controlled transparent workplace and implement a social-distancing strategy. Constantly evaluate the use of the office and discover which areas are overused and which are empty. Make data-driven decisions about your space.

Analyse anonymized occupancy data about your workstations, meeting rooms, common spaces.

Acquire an overview of real-time use of space and flexibly make decisions according to the data collected.

Get a current overview of your building’s occupancy or browse data from selected periods.

Export charts and reports for different periods into standard formats (csv, xls).

Use APIs to transfer data to third-party systems.

Occupancy Sensors

Wireless sensors to measure occupancy of workdesks, meeting rooms and parking lots.

Proprietary and Confidential

People Counting - Prepare for the Future

– Transform your Space to the New Normal

Count the number of people in a specific area – sitting and standing. Prevent overcrowding with adensity tracker.

Comply with COVID-19 and fire permit related regulations regarding occupancy, healthy environmentand social distancing.

Trigger an alert: To call in a cleaning team after a space has been occupied. When air quality is poor, so people can take action.

Make data-driven decisions with Spaceti Analytics connected to sensors using visual recognition.

Actively measure

Occupancy: movement,number of people, presence

Air quality: humidity, temperature


Proprietary and Confidential

ESG – Energy

Cost per kWh total energy bill cost / kWh used

Energy use intensity, kWh used / Floor area

Significant energy users – breakdownof energy by user from sub metering

kWh and CO2 per buildingoccupant

tCO2e generated from energy use basedon national emissions factors

*Available Q1 2024

ESG – Water & Waste

Waste and Water


Water quality

Waste levels

Water use m3

Waste kg

*Available Q1 2024

Proprietary and Confidential

Recycling & Waste Management

We make energy efficient sensors with a low replacement rate (6-10 years for batteries and 12+ years for other components).

Safety and Social Responsibility

We take safety seriously. All the components that we use are RoHS compliant. Our hardware manufacturers are ISO 9001 certified.

Resource Management

We are continuously optimising all our infrastructure to make sure that we utilise resources efficiently with minimal waste.

Enabling Sustainability

Our solution serves as a sustainability enabler and multiplier by providing energy savings and decreasing CO2 emissions by our clients.

Spaceti sustainability strategy is founded on four pillars, focusing both on internal processes and positive external impacts via our clients, partners, and contractors.

By nature, Spacetiis a sustainability enabler, eliminating 1150t of CO2 emission each year (the equivalent of ~8.8M km by car = ~242 trips around the world)1

Recycling & Waste Management Resource Management Safety & Social Responsibility Sustainability Enablement

• Our sensors are energy efficient and last at least twice as long as those from the competition. The battery replacement rate is low at 6 - 10 years, leading to less waste over time.

• Our sensors are solidly built so they can last decades . The only component that needs to be replaced is the battery.

• Every component in our sensors is recyclable . We give our clients a detailed manual with clear instructions on how to recycle our sensors.

• We inhabit an energy efficient LEED GOLD certified office building , minimizing our carbon footprint and energy waste .

• We practice what we preach: We are utilising our own solutions to save energy, minimize our carbon footprint, and create a great working environment .

• We frequently update our cloud infrastructure to make it more efficient and to minimise wasted computational resources .

• All our hardware products are made in the EU, so they adhere to stricter environmental standards and create a lower carbon footprint from transportation.

• Every component of our sensors is RoHS compliant , so there are no harmful or toxic components . Our hardware manufacturers are EU - based with ISO 9001 certification .

• We disassemble and recycle all of our leftover production materials and used sensors.

• By nature, our product portfolio helps clients minimise waste of resources (utilities, space, employee time, etc.).

• With our solutions, clients save ~3.9 GWh annually (the equivalent of ~17,000 laptops used 8 hours a day for a year) thanks to better utilisation .

• We will soon add features that will help our clients analyse their carbon dioxide footprint in real time and serve as their sustainability effort multiplier.


1. The average yearly electricity consumption per square meter of an office building is 140-160 kWh. Considering increased utilization of office space and our existing portfolio of clients, Spacetipotentially enabled the following annual energy savings: 150kWh * 130,000 m2 * 20% = 3.9M kWh per year) divided by 225 (assuming a conservative laptop energy consumption of 225 kW per year) 2. CO2 emissions saving: 1 kWh of electricity
295.8 g CO2 emissions (average for EU in 2016) 3,900,000 x 0.2958 = 1,150,000 kg of CO2 emissions = 1150 tons of CO2 emissions divided by 118.25g (CO2 emission by a new car sold in EU in 2017 (Data from the European Commission) to get a number of km by car / by 40,075 km = 242 of round the world trips
Jointly, the pillars of our sustainability strategy have a positive impact on the environmental, social, and economic levels.
Newsec White-label Solution 04 Proprietary and Confidential The premium way to connect with Employees and Visitors
Proprietary and Confidential Change the app’sname and icon to matchyour building. Customize the welcomescreen – the firstscreen after launch.

One App& Solution to connect Newsec portfolio

Proprietary and Confidential

Solution Overview: Occupant Experience

Booking App 05 Space & Amenities Booking App

Proprietary and Confidential

Start Your Booking

Book the space that suits your preferences and maintain social distancing if needed. Enjoy our key differentiator from our competitors,which is oursimple UX, real-time maps and Office 365/MS Teams/Google Integration.

Proprietary and Confidential
full control of your space. Book a desk, meeting room, or parking space.

Find the Right Workspace

Book the space that suits your preferences and maintain social distancing if needed. Enjoy our key differentiator from our competitors,which is oursimple UX, real-time maps and Office 365/MS Teams/Google Integration.

Pick the right workspace based on your personal preferences. Choose your preferred location

Proprietary and Confidential

Personal Calendar

See your work schedule and booked spaces. Edit the start and end times, including the date. Book the space that suits your preferences and maintain social distancing if needed. Enjoy our key differentiator from our competitors,which is oursimple UX, real-time maps and Office 365/MS Teams/Google Integration.

Proprietary and Confidential

Scheduled Space Availability

Book the space that suits your preferences and maintain social distancing if needed. Enjoy our key differentiator from our competitors,which is oursimple UX, real-time maps and Office 365/MS Teams/Google Integration.

Proprietary and Confidential
View your desk and see scheduled space occupancy on the map. Book your space immediately.

Find Out Which Of Your Team Members Is Coming In To the Office and Coordinate Schedules Based On Where They Are Sitting/Working

Proprietary and Confidential
"In the Workplace"


Bookings for Employees Who Don’t Want to Download Any Apps: Simply Scan the QR Code Available on The Desk/Room With Your Phone Camera and Book It For A Certain Period.

Proprietary and Confidential

Meeting Room Booking App 06

Proprietary and Confidential

Flexible Workplace Management

Prevent ghost reservations with a check-in system. Connect your company calendar system (Office 365 Integration).

Everyday Efficiency

Reserve any meeting room in just seconds using intuitive tablets. See whether a meeting room is occupied thanks to colour-coded displays.

Simple Use

Installation takes minutes and the interface is intuitive

Proprietary and Confidential
Proprietary and Confidential Visitor Management: Implement a Virtual Reception 07

Invite external guests using the Spaceti Building App.

Invite external guests. Once you create a meeting, add your external guest's email. Your guest will receive 2 emails. One from the calendar, andthe second from the Digital reception system with instructions for the onsite check-in.

Instructions will have a unique QR code, which is to be used during the check-in process. Onsite check-in will be done via an iPad application, which is used for the QR code scanning.

Once the external guest scans the QR code, the iPad app can optionally take a user's photo and check in the external guest. When the check-in is done, the meeting organizer will get an email and push notification with the information, that the specific visitor has checked in.

Proprietary and Confidential
Bookings Web, Multi-Day, and Instant Bookings 08Proprietary and Confidential

Health-check, QR-Code Check-in & Departmental-level rules

For Workplace Experience Managers

Have all the benefits of Spaceti’s personal booking application on the web portal.

Be More Efficient with Multiday Selector

You can now easily book your workspaces for the days you need with the new multiday selector.

Book Ad-Hoc Quick Meetings Instantly

Select a space and seamlessly book it for a limited period of time immediately.

Smart Parking 09

Proprietary and Confidential

Oversee the utilisation of your parking spaces to see how it serves the needs of your team members.

See the long-term and short-term occupancy of your parking lot and analyse individual floors and spaces.

Get a real-time overview of your parking lot’s occupancy.

Export charts and reports for different periods into standard formats (csv, xls).

Proprietary and Confidential

Parking Display

See current parking availability.

Decide quickly where to park using Parking Display.

Parking Sensors

Parking Sensor determines whether a space is occupied or vacant. Battery life: Up to 15 years

Proprietary and Confidential

Touchless Building Control

10 Proprietary and Confidential

Mobile Access

Access the buildingand meeting rooms easily usingyour phone.

Elevator Control

Use touchlesscontrols to call elevators and select the desired floor.

Proprietary and Confidential


Personal Storage and Deliveries Using SALTO x Spaceti Connected Lockers

Storage Management Creates Challenges

Deliveries are left unattended without notifying people.

Lockers are often booked for months, and workplace managers lack data about who reserved them.

There are more people than lockers: The demand for lockers is not satisfied. People cannot safely share lockers with colleagues.

It is not possible to charge for lockers nor oversee their usage regularly.

Proprietary and Confidential

How GANTNER BLE locks are integratedinto Spaceti software

Spaceti‘s appallows Mobile Access and to close lockers, pick up deliveries, and store personal items. Share lockers with co-workers anytime.

For Workplace Managers

Store and inform people about package deliveries.

Be prepared for high demand and proactively manage lockers.

Divide people into groupsand evaluate data across various time periods.

Generate a report for a range of usersor a single user in selected periods.

Use locker reports as a foundation for payrolls.

Building Incident Reporting System 11

Proprietary and Confidential

Work smart


For facility managers

Allow people to instatntlyreport any problems that happen within the building. Delegate themto qualified workers and collectfeedback about the space

Proprietary and Confidential
improveyourworkplace and communityby reporting any issue in the building throughtthe app

Case Studies

12 Proprietary and Confidential

"Collaborating with Spaceti on digitizing ourown headquarterhas been really inspiring and insightful for us. Thedigital infrastructure that Spaceti will provide for the Union is an important pillar in creatinga modern, flexible and healthy workplace experience"

Denmark wanted to implement a flexible workplace concept for their employees at their Copenhagen HQ


24 000 m2

Spaceti digitized the PFA Denmark HQ (1st Phase) which spans 10,000m2 . Additional 14 000 m2 to be digitized by the end of 2021 (2nd Phase).

2000+ Occupancy sensors monitoring utilization

2000+ occupancy sensors to be installed which measure desk, meeting room and parking space occupancy. Thanks to this, PFA can analyze anonymized data, the usage of individual spaces, and filter for selected time periods.

250+ Environmental sensors analysing air quality

By installing 250+ environmental sensors, PFA can monitor the air quality, CO2 humidity and temperature in selected spaces and optimize the environment to increase the productivity and improve their people’s wellbeing.

Proprietary and Confidential

L’Oréal Workplace of the Future

Scope of the project

10,000 m2 building with 1000 desks and 1-1 desk to employee ratio

Why Spaceti

An occupancy analytics tool for data-drivendecisionmaking

A toolfor space-planning decisions that is wireless and easy to install The scalability to add new functions in thefuture

"We are able to offerour employees improved workspaces that havebeen adapted to suit their individual and collective needs and ways of workingwhile simultaneouslyallowing the workspaces to be flexibly and comfortablyadjusted to organizational changes when needed. Implementing a data-driven workplace has increased flexibility, improved spaceefficiency by 15%, and offered a hundredfold ROI"


15% more employeescan be fit in the same amountof space 20% of space now dedicated to silent areas, focus areas, and collaborativezones to improveemployeehappiness and productivity L’Oréal deemed the project a successand continues to scale thetechnology

Create a customized desk to employee ratio between0.6 to 0.8 for each department using data analytics

Proprietary and Confidential

Dassault Systèmes - Sustainable Offices

Dassault Systèmes, a world leader in sustainable innovation, provides companies and individuals with virtual universes allowing them to imagine sustainable innovations capable of harmonizing products, nature and life.

Dassault Systèmeshas 20,000 employees from more than 140 countries, and has 180 offices in 42 countries.

Indoor Air Quality

The installation of Indoor Air Quality measurementsensors to providefactual and contextualized elementson the temperature, humidity level and especially the CO2 level in the offices.

Occupancy Management

The installation of occupancy measurement sensors, particularly in meetingrooms to understand whether their sizecorresponds to the actualusage.

Data Reports

The reports drawnup by Spacetiprovide data whichhave made it possible in particular to detect and remedy anomalies or malfunctions in certainventilationsystems.

Client Insight

“Spacetioffers a complete and scalable platform allowing us to collect useful data for good knowledge of the use of our real estate assets.”

Deloitte returning

1000+ employees safely to work with Spaceti touchless building controls

Space Booking and Management

Manage digital plans and help Deloitte employees manage hybrid work

Digital Tablets

Deloitte's tablets streamline room reservations and food orders, with the app preventing ghost reservations through a convenient check-in feature.

Elevator Control

The mobile app cancall elevators and select thefloor people want to go to.

Digital Lockers

People can use their mobile phones to access lockers and can even share locker access with their co-workers.

Parking Billing

Each Deloitte employee has a number of hours allocated for each month and can view how many remain.

Digital Access

Replaceplasticcards for a mobile app. Proprietary and Confidential

"Spaceti proved incredibly quick to engage with and understandour vision and systems requirements. The scopeand aspirations ofour projecthave changed immensely over time, but Spaceti has been creative, flexible, and adaptable over the course of the project, working with us step-by-step and often coming up with new suggestions for systemsenhancements that could help streamline our internal operations. We look forward to continuing to workwith themto enhance The Music Station experience for our employeesand artists"

Warner Music Group

ConvertsHistoric Train Station to a dynamic Co-Working space with Spaceti’s Digital Workplace Solution

White-labelled Warner Music Group app.

Booking desks, meeting rooms, instruments, other amenities.

Smart Locker integration with Gantner locks

Access Control System Integration for digital cards.

Newsfeed, Café menus, events management within the app for live theater within the co-working space.

Booking policies and space management to support ABW.

Proprietary and Confidential
Sergio Mendez Head of Artists Services & Institutional Relations at Warner Music Spain

White paper

3 Steps Guide to Your Holistic Building Experience Journey

The Smart Building Development Processshould be seenas an IterativeJourney, rather than a Single One off TechnologyDeliveryProject.

Spaceti Help Section

The goal of support is to have an in-depth understandingof Spaceti’s technologies and to beable to answer frequently askedquestions. Ifthere’s anythingyou’dlike to know, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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Proprietary and Confidential Your Trusted Partner for Seamless Space Transformation
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