ALSA Corner December Edition

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ALSA Car e 2016,whi ch col l abor at ed wi t h PKK, GOPTKI , Dhar ma Wani t a, AMSA, and ACMI , was t hemed “The Devel opmentofChi l d’ sNut r i t i on”.The t ar getofALSA Car e2016 wer et hechi l dr enandpar ent sofTK Per t i wiI IandI V.ALSA Car e2016 st ar t ed wi t ht he Pr eEventwhi ch was hel df r om Sept ember 31stunt i lNovember2nd2016t hatconsi stofsever al act i vi t i es,suchast heOpenRecr ui t mentf orAgentof Change,Phot oboot h,andBooksDonat i on. Af t ert hatPr eEvent ,t he Openi ng Cer emonywas hel donNovember10t h2016 wi t hsever alact i vi t i es, suchast hescr eeni ngoft heALSACar e2016openi ng vi deo,games,pi nat a,symbol i c handoverf r om ALSA Car et o FHUI ,and t he l astwast he acapel l a per f or mancebyBel l ef i l l e. The second day of t he mai n event was Nut r i t i on101 whi ch was hel d on November 11t h 2016.Theact i vi t i est hatwashel di ncl udesNut r i t i on Check byHer awat if r om PPG Tapos,Semi narr egar di ng t he i mpor t ance ofpar ent i ng t o suppor tchi l d’ s nut r i t i on by I r .RossiRozanna Sept i mur ni ,M. Kes. f r om PKK,and al so a Wor kshop F100 t hatwas i nt ended t ot each par ent st o make f or mul a 100 t oi ncr easechi l d’ snut r i t i onbyHer awat if r om PPG Tapos. The l astday ofALSA Car e 2016 was Nut r i f east t hat was hel d on November 12t h 2016.Nut r i f east consi st s,a wor kshop of“Si mpl e and Nut r i t i ous”by ACMI ,a t al kshow r egar di ng t he i mpor t ance of communi t y’ s suppor tt owar ds t he chi l d’ s nut r i t i on t hat was moder at ed by Bi anca Havi ka f r om AMSA UKI ,Rasmi at i ,S. Gz,RD asnut r i t i oni st ,and Dr .Dwi Lest ar iPr amest iAr i ot edj o as publ i cf i gur e and pedi at r i ci an,f ol l owed by an acapel l a per f or mance by Bel l ef i l l e,a donat i on handovert oTK Per t i wiVI ,and wascl osedbydonat i onhandoverf ort hechi l dr ensof TK Per t i wiI IandI Vi nt hef or m ofPMT.

1.Engl i shDevel opment: -Toef lPr epar at i ononDecember1st,2016 2.I nt er nalAf f ai r s: -Musyawar ahLokalonDecember17th – 18th, 2016 3.LegalResear chandDevel opment: -Nat i onalMootCour tCompet i t i onALSA I ndonesi aPI ALA MAHKAMAH AGUNG XX on Febr uar y10th – 13th,2017

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