NewsNK December - March 2022 - North Kesteven District Council
No change to Christmas bin collection days – pages 3 and 14
New community lottery –be in it to win it!
– page 3
Work starts on phase one of business park – page 9 The newspaper for all North Kesteven residents
Voluntary endeavour from across the District has been celebrated through the NK Community Champion Awards. Meet our 2021 Champions inside.
Recycling is improving in North Kesteven thanks to you
More waste is being successfully recycled within North Kesteven than ever before, thanks to residents’ e!orts to put the right things in bins.
By doing so, your’re playing your part in a wider, renewed focus on our earth and climate too.
The roll-out of a new purple -lidded bin District-wide for clean and dry paper and cardboard only represented the biggest change to household collections in North Kesteven for two decades.
It followed a successful trial with 7,200 households who moved over to purple bins in 2019.
Already the results are staggering with 98.5% and 99% of purple and purple-lidded bins collected on the first two Districtwide collections respectively and perfect quality paper and cardboard inside. This is being processed in Kings Lynn for new products, including this edition of NewsNK.
Wrong items in green-lidded bins are impacting on how much is recycled in Lincolnshire, however residents’ e orts in Norh Kesteven are turning the tide
Thanks to households putting only the right things in, there’s now a huge di erence in the quality of green-lidded recycling, which means more can now be recycled from these collections than could be before.
The positive impact of all this grows when combined with further e orts to reduce plastic use, re-use items and cut waste at home. See pages 12-13 for more.
You put paper and cardboard into your purple or purple-lidded bin.
It’s collected by our crews.
It’s then bulked up to be taken to the papermill in Kings Lynn.
There, it’s processed into the raw material needed to make new paper and card products.
It’s now back in your hands in this NewsNK on recycled paper from this source!
Once read, put this NewsNK in the purple or purple-lidded bin, to be recycled again.
Welcome to NewsNK – the newspaper for all North Kesteven District Council residents. Below is a quick guide to the sections inside this issue.
Hello and welcome to this edition of NewsNK, delivering the latest information from the Council and its partners direct into your hands.
The end of the year brings with it the chance to reflect, and for me this is an opportunity to say thank you for all you’ve done in our communities in 2021.
It’s only by looking after each other that we have come this far through the pandemic, and so I’m thankful for the care and consideration people in North Kesteven continue to show for each other.
“I’m thankful for the care and consideration people in our District continue to show for each other.”
Cllr Richard Wright Council Leader
o ered - thank you. You can read more on page 7.
Community Champion Awards - at
North Kesteven District Council, Kesteven Street, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 7EF. Main telephone number: 01529 414155
This newspaper is edited by the Council’s Communications Team. Each copy costs 21p per edition direct to your door – making your annual copies 42p per household.
Phone: 01529 308061
NewsNK is also available online at:
Want all the latest direct to your inbox? Sign up for e-newsletters at www.n-kesteven.
There’s the fantastic number of vaccine doses taken up by residents, with North Kesteven regularly appearing in the top ten and holding number one spots in England for uptake among di erent cohorts. It remains one of the best things we can all do to protect each other, so whether you’re ensuring you’ve had both your first and second dose or are fully vaccinated and looking to take the booster when
We’re also saying sincere thanks to groups, individuals and businesses in North Kesteven who do so much for others in our District with no expectation of recognition or reward. Various stories unfolded through the nominations for and celebration of the NK Community Champion awards this month. We championed 36 finalists across 12 categories, covering everything from coronavirus response and climate action to community spirit, safety, contributions to health and sport, and more.
It was a pleasure to thank them and see the breadth of voluntary good work going on across our District with over 100 nominations.
I am sure many more stories remain untold and I thank everyone who is contributing to their communities in any way.
Read more from page 16.
Please do consider nominating those who you know in the next NK
There’s now a more direct way you can support and thank groups in our District – through our new North Kesteven Lottery.
It’s live now with the first draw due on 4 December, and there’s more about this opposite, on page 3.
There’s one final ‘thank you’ I’d like to give – and that is to all you, our residents, on recycling.
Thanks to you putting the right things in the right bins we’ve seen an amazing di erence in green-lidded recycling.
There’s more paper and cardboard being recycled and being made into new products - including this very edition of NewsNKthanks to your e orts with the new purple and purplelidded bins too.
It’s not my thanks to you on this which matters, really, but rather what all these combined e orts mean for the future of our planet and everyone on it.
I hope you enjoy reading this edition of NewsNK.
Waste and recycling in North Kesteven in numbers
By putting the right things in the right bins you can do something direct, at home, every day to help look after the environment and tackle climate change. Thanks for all you’re doing on this.
745 tonnes of paper and cardboard collected from purple and purple-lidded bins Sept & Oct. 99% of purple-lidded and purple bins presented emptied in week beginnng 25 Oct.
91.5% of green-lidded bins presented emptied in week commencing 8 Nov.
60,000+ bins collected each week across the District.
384 tonnes of amazing recycling emptied from green-lidded bins in week of 8 Nov.
8.5% of green-lidded bins unable to be emptied in week of Nov 8, due to wrong things
New community lottery underway
You can help local causes in North Kesteven while being in with a chance to win a whopping £25,000 jackpot in our new NK Community Lottery.
Tickets are on sale for the very first draw of the North Kesteven Lottery.
Each ticket costs £1, with 60p from every £1 played
going to good causes in North Kesteven. The first draw is set to take place on Saturday, December 4 and the chance of winning a prize is a tempting one in 50.
A number of good causes in the District will benefit from the NK Lottery, with players able to choose
A plan is being shaped which will pave the way for investment in North Kesteven over the next three years, and a bright future for it beyond.
The NK Plan from 2022 to 2025 details exciting investment for the District acoss five key areas.
This plan is backed by our Community Strategy through to 2030, which aligns with the United Nations’ Sustainable
Development Goals, and this Council’s own Climate Emergency Strategy and Action Plan.
Both are already key documents in action and made more important following climate conference COP26.
We’ve also a sound financial strategy to steer our Council and our District through the continued challenges of the pandemic.
• Witham St Hughs (26th Lincoln)
• EDAN Lincs
• Branston Community Group - Good Neighbourhood Scheme
• Helpringham School Association
• Sleaford Navigation Trust
• Rainbow Stars
• Brant Broughton PTA
• North Hykeham Memorial Hall
• Sleaford New Life Community Larder
• 3rd Sleaford (St Denys) Scouts
• Carers First
• Heckington Living Community Radio
• Heckington Village Hall
• Sleaford Tennis Club
• Metheringham Hand in Hand Friendship Club (pictured, top left)
• Skellingthorpe Youth Centre
• 27th Lincoln Scout Group
• Citizens Advice Mid Lincolnshire
• Lincolnshire Traveller Initiative
• Metheringham Swimming Pool
• Jamie-Forever12
• Sleaford Little Theatre
• Lincolnshire Area Maternity and Birth Support
• Sleaford Navigation Trust (pictured left)
• Timberland Village Hall
• Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust Sleaford Area
• Hale Magna Village Hall
which they wish to support with their ticket purchase.
Half of each £1 played will go to the good cause chosen by the player and another 10p will go to other causes in the District. The 40p that’s left is split equally with 20p going to the prize fund and the remaining 20p
covering essential VAT and administration costs.
Any other local charities, clubs and groups interested in benefitting from the NK Lottery are encouraged to come forward and join in. You can play, apply or request information using the link below or just call.
Three new Councillors were elected on November 11, in byelections for the Metheringham and Sleaford Castle wards. Conservative Malcolm O er (pictured above right) secured both the District and Town Council seats for Sleaford Castle with 42% and 44% of the vote respectively. Meanwhile in Metheringham one seat
Christmas Colections
There’s no change to the days of your Christmas bin collections this year. Your collections will take place on the same days as usual, so you’ve no changes to accommodate this year.
Please do put your bins out before 7.30am on the relevant collection day to help our crews. There must be no side waste. Christmas can be a busy time with lots of waste generated, so we’ve put together a handy recycling guide. See the pull-out-and keep centre pages.
was won outright by Fran Pembery (Conservative, pictured left) with 23.7% of the vote.
The second available seat was decided by the drawing of lots after a tie between Dave Parry (Conservative) and Amelia Bailey (Lincolnshire Independents, pictured centre) – each having received an equal number of votes. Amelia Bailey was ultimately elected.
What do you do in your home, with friends or in your communities to spread some warmth in the festive season? We’d love to know. Pop us a message @northkestevendc and you could help shape 12 days of Christmas kindness that we’re wrapping up now ready to share virtually in December.
Correct as of 8 Nov.
A range of services are available 24/7 at uk including:
• Reporting problems
• Finding bin collection days
• Managing Council Tax, including a change of details
• Checking eligibility for help
If you can’t complete a transaction online, you can call us on 01529 414155. Our Customer Services Team are available on a Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 9am to 5pm, on a Wednesday from 10am to 5pm, and on a Friday 9am until 4.30pm, except Bank Holidays. We can now also welcome customers –by appointment only –on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Our teams can help any customers who need an appointment to book one. Please stay conscious of Covid safety when visiting. If you speak to someone from our teams, please continue to be kind. Our sta are working as hard as they can to serve our residents and communities.
challenge Chairman’s
Could you take on the longest zip wire in the world, hurtling mid-air at speeds of over 100mph?
Our Chairman Councillor Susannah Barker-Milan put herself to the test on Velocity 2, a 1.5km long zip wire, to raise money for her chosen charity, EDAN Lincs and its vital work supporting those who are a ected by domestic abuse.
The target is to raise £2,000 or more for EDAN Lincs during its time as
her chosen charity.
To add your support go to the Just Giving fundraising page by scanning the QR code or use the link below. Or call on 01529 414155.
See how the fundraising is going
For people experiencing domestic abuse –physical, emotional, financial or other forms of control or coersion –reaching out for help can be the biggest step. EDAN Lincs provides support services in Lincolnshire. They can help with confidence and self-esteem building, supporting a move to a safe place or remain safely at home. Also legal advice and court orders, planning safety strategies or anything else related to domestic abuse. Contact EDAN Lincs on 01522 510041 or visit www.
The Safe Spaces scheme enables anyone to approach the counter in a pharmacy and ask to use the Safe Space where information and a phone will be available. Boots, Superdrug, Well Pharmacies (and TSB banks) participate. Check
Alternatively look for the ‘Ask for Ani’ notice in the
window of participating pharmacies.
Women’s Aid is a charity that provides information and support, and represents a federation of local bodies. They o er live chat on their website, email support, a survivor’s handbook and a web forum. Find out more at
Telephone support is available from:
National Domestic Abuse Helpline – 0808 2000 247 – www. uk (run by Refuge)
The Men’s Advice Line, for male domestic abuse survivors – 0808 801 0327 (run by Respect)
National LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline – 0800 999 5428 (run by Galop)
Samaritans (24/7 service) – 116 123 Lincolnshire Police has a range of information at www.lincs.police. uk/reporting-advice/ domestic-abuse
In an emergency, call 999.
in store for our District
Parliament has approved the new electoral arrangements for North Kesteven District Council which will take e ect from May 2023.
Which bin for carrier bags?
COLLECTION POINTS AT SHOPS or, if not, the BLACK BIN to be turned into electricity.
For everything else check recycling
The Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE) completed the review during 2019/2021 and concluded residents should continue to be represented by 43 councillors.
The Council’s electoral ward boundaries across North Kesteven have been redrawn to ensure every
councillor represents a more equal number of voters.
From the local elections in May 2023, there will be 24 District wards in North Kesteven (two fewer than currently in place), which will bring changes to 18 current ward boundaries; with six remaining unchanged.
There will also be a significant number of ward name changes.
Further details on the electoral review, final recommendations and maps are available
on the LGBCE website at
The electoral review was needed as several wards in North Kesteven had too many or too few electors per councillor than the average for the Council as a whole.
There were 34% of wards with a variance of +/- 10% from the average electorate for the District; two wards had an electoral imbalance of over 20% and one ward had an electorate variance of -30%.
Paying tribute to our District’s armed forces veterans
Veterans in our District have been recognised for the contributions they make to life in our communities.
Traditionally the Council marks Armed Forces Day in June with a presentation of Veterans’ Badges to those eligible to receive one following any period of service in the Army, Navy, Royal Air Force, Merchant Navy or allied units, including through National Service.
Following the forced cancellation of the event
over the past two years, there was a presentation at St Denys’ Church in Sleaford on November 9 which included tri-service representation.
If you are a veteran in North Kesteven who has not received a badge, or you know of a veteran who has not been recognised in such a way and should be presented with one, please email our team at or call the Council on 01529 414155 For the latest Council
Proposed Parliamentary boundary changes could mean some communities move into a di erent constituency, under suggestions made by the Boundary Commission for England 2023 Review. If accepted, an MP would represent between 69,724 and 77,062 electors; and the number constituencies in England would go from 533 to 543.
The District could be covered by three constituencies: Sleaford & North Hykeham, Grantham and Lincoln.
The Sleaford and North Hykeham constituency currently has around 95,000 electors and so the proposal, with an electorate of 73,380, will make this a fairer number.
BCE proposed that
the Heckington Rural and Osbournby Wards should become part of the Grantham constituency. Some parts already fall into the Lincoln constituency; namely Skellingthorpe and Bracebridge and Waddington East wards, so this remains unchanged. Due to the changes to District Council wards (see page 4) this review could mean some wards are split across two constituencies.
Responses to initial proposals will be published in early 2022 and a secondary consultation held, followed by revised proposals in late 2022 and a written consultation. The final report is due in 2023. More information can be found using the link below.
Recieving badges at the ceremony were:
Beryl Dickinson – RAF tele-printer operator, 1967
Paul Renaud – Merchant Navy, chief engineer and training o icer, 1964 to 2018.
Donna Tinsley –Women’s Royal Naval Service, leading WREN education training and support o icer, 1980 to 1989.
Glenn Tinsley –Royal Navy, Logistics Commander, 1976 to 2006; Royal Australian Navy, leaving as a Captain in 2013.
Badges were sent to:
Richard Butterfield – Royal Navy, radar o icer and Chief Quartermaster, 1958 to 1967.
Gordon McKessick –Royal Engineers, 1969 to 1974
Patricia Spencer – Army Catering Corp chef, 1965 to 1966.
Regrettably Claude Chapman – chef in the Army Catering Cors, 1956 to 1958 – passed away before receiving his. Thoughts and sympathies of those present were extended to his family.
£8.25m of improvements at Holdingham Roundabout are due to complete in December.
Part-funded by the Council, it involves new approach lanes and tra ic signals to ease flow at the A17/A15 intersection.
Regarded as the busiest junction in the county these major changes will not only help ensure an even flow of tra ic from all directions, but will also support growth in the area over the coming years.
Finishing touches will
With winter weather now upon us, it’s good to know where information is on services and any disruption.
The Council has a special page on its website on such things at www.n-kesteven. and you can sign up for alerts on things like changed refuse collections or closures at uk/stayconnected
For flood information and to sign up for alerts go to check-flood-risk
Interested in working for us? Vacancies are posted at
Our Council has just been recognised for its focus on colleage health as winner of Active Lincolnshire’s Workplace Wellbeing Award for 2021; the second time we’ve won.
include tree planting, verge tidying, final fence installation and the monitoring and tweaking of the tra ic light timings to ensure good tra ic flow. It follows improvements at the Rugby Club Junction to again ease tra ic flow and enhance road safety. It’s involved 39,000 workforce hours, nearly a mile of new drainage and over 16,000 tonnes of tarmac, stone and other materials – plus deployment of the UK’s first electric excavator.
There was also recognition of one of our colleagues in the Active Change and Active Champion categories. Our Council has also been shortlisted for the Investors in People Employer of the Year (Gold 250+ employees) award, and we’re pleased to have been a finalist on health and wellbeing in the CIPD People Management Awards.
Which bin for wrapping paper?
If shiny or foil, BLACK BIN ONLY to be made into electricity. If not, PURPLE or PURPLE-LIDDED please.
For everything else check recycling
Page 5
To promote the sustainability, wellbeing, safety and health of North Kesteven’s growing communities.
annual fund available over five years to help community projects within five miles of Sleaford Renewable Energy Plant
Funded by operators of the plant –which generates more than enough renewable energy to power every home in the District – the aim is to improve the lives and wellbeing of people in the area and benefit the community.
This is in addition to opportunities to generate funds of their own as designated ‘good causes of the new NK Lottery – see page 3.
Grants up to a maximum of £5,000 are available to not-for-profit groups operating within the fivemile zone, with separate application forms for up to £1,000 and up to £5,000.
Details and application forms are at communityfunding
Recent beneficiaries have included electrical works at Ewerby Reading Rooms, kitchen refurbishment at Great Hale church and community hall building work at Heckington Methodist Church.
Which bin for blister packs?
community champions Thanks to our
North Kesteven is characterised by the resilience of its communities and we are again proud to have celebrated the community-minded endeavours of individuals, businesses and groups at our NK Community Champion Awards.
A total of 36 finalists across 12
categories were recognised in the celebrations, held at Doddington Hall. These were selected from 100 nominations which showed a huge breadth of good deeds taking place across North Kesteven.
It was a return to in-person celebrations, held cautiously with Covid in mind, after a virtual
celebration by video last year. See on Pages 16 - 21 more details of our worthy winners and finalists. Many more good deeds are done daily across North Kesteven and it’s our aim to recognise as many of these as possible, so do keep an eye on for the next nomination period.
The combination of plastic and foil can’t be recycled.
For everything else check
Do you care about road safety and are concerned about speeding in your area?
Community Speed Watch was brought in to allow parishes to display signs, including reactive ones; launched in 2014
Subsequently the ability to carry out their own speed checks and letters began in Sept 2018.
This is a scheme where local communities can tackle their own speeding issues by using highly visible passive notices, reactive speed indicating devices and high visibility roadside operations to educate drivers.
Police Community support O icers Ironmonger and Woolerton assist the rural villages with the active speed watch groups - roadside sessions are commenced and PCSO’s can prosecute speeding drivers along with other tra ic o ences.
The Sleaford Rural Neighbourhood Policing Team visit villages and carry outside roadside checks.
Details of how to join can be found with your parish council.
Outreach teams operating across the area are identifying and engaging with rough sleepers.
Through the Change4Lincs approach, it is easier for housing options teams to support rough sleepers, source accommodation and provide intense support, giving people a chance to escape homelessness and transition into settled accommodation.
Reports of rough sleepers can be made to 01529 414155 or 01529 308308 out of hours, or you can also email housingoptions@n-kesteven.
ActionFraud and its partners are sharing tips now to help ensure you have a Fraud Free Christmas if you’re shopping online.
From using a credit card on big purchases to benefit from the protection o ered by most credit card providers, to navigating those ‘too good to be true’ o ers, there are lots of tips for you at onlineshopping
We’re expanding our Digital Hubs scheme so residents can make the most of their devices. Users can bring their own device along to get free help with things such as accessing services, sending emails or video calling. The Hubs take place weekly at :
• Sleaford Town Hall, Quayside House, Navigation Yard, Sleaford NG34 7TW, every Tuesday from 10:30am - 12pm.
• Osbournby Village Hall, High Street, Osbournby, NG34 0DP, every Wednesday from 11am12:30pm.
• Heckington Methodist Church Hall, Church Street, Heckington NG34 9RF, every Wednesday from 1:30pm - 3pm.
• Ruskington Methodist Church, Chapel St, Ruskington, NG34 9DX, every Thursday from 10:30am - 12pm.
• Waddington Community Hub, High St, Waddington, LN5 9RF, every Thursday from 1:30pm3pm.
To attend, book first in advance by calling 01529 414155 or at
100,000 Covid booster jabs given in Lincolnshire (as of 5 November)
This winter is the first where Covid and flu may circulate fully at the same time, so it’s vital you get your Covid booster jab when o ered and flu vaccine if eligible. Experts are predicting that there could be a significant flu surge this winter coinciding with Covid. This is due to colder weather which favours transmission, increased social contact indoors and expected lower immunity to flu due to lower levels of it last winter. There are various options to get your Covid booster and/or flu vaccination including the county’s vaccination centres, GP practices and community pharmacies.
This year, people who are eligible for the flu vaccination include those aged 50 plus, two and three-year olds, school children
up to Year 11, pregnant women, health and care sta , people who are at risk and households of immunosuppressed people.
Anyone eligible can get their flu jab through their GP or by going to a community pharmacist.
You’ll be contacted by the NHS when it’s your turn for a Covid booster. You’ll be o ered it at least six months after your second Covid vaccine dose, so please wait to be invited before phoning 119 or going online to book.
Most people will be o ered the Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna vaccines for their booster, which may mean it’s di erent from your previous vaccines.
If you’ve been putting o your first or second Covid vaccine dose, you can still book at
Vaccine uptake in our District
North Kesteven is among the best in England for vaccinations and currently for first dose uptake in all aged 18 plus.
We’re Users If you are unfortunate enough to develop Covid symptoms, it’s still vitally important you self-isolate and book a PCR test.
If you have Covid and self-isolation means you will lose income because you are unable to work from home, there is still support available which you may be eligible for.
A Test and Trace Support Payment of £500 may be payable to you if you meet the criteria.
You can find out more about this and other support on our website at isolationpayments
As well as the assistance and advice o ered by the Council and its benefits and money advice team, from hardship support to Test and Trace Support Payments, there’s also Citizens Advice Mid Lincs who o er a range of help. You can: Call them on 0808 278 7942
There’s a public consultation exercise underway on the future of four NHS services. It’s The NHS Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group’s biggest public consultation to date, consulting on the following:
• Orthopaedic surgery across Lincolnshire
• Urgent and emergency care at Grantham and District Hospital
• Acute medical beds at Grantham and District Hospital
• Stroke services across Lincolnshire
Full details and all the ways to get involved are at
People are being advised to watch out for loan sharks and report them if they are approached by one. Loan sharks rarely give paperwork, extra amounts and interest payments are added at random, and items like passports are taken as security.
As the debts often cannot legally be enforced in many cases the loan sharks will resort to threats, violence and other tactics to extort money.
If you need hep, contact the Stop Loan Sharks 24/7 Helpline in confidence on 0300 555 2222.
North Kesteven is also in England for second dose uptake in those aged 18-34. In all aged 18 plus the District is in England for second dose uptake. All figures as reported 11 November.
Drop in: Money’s Yard Sleaford, Monday and Wednesday, 9.30am to 12.30pm.
The ONENK in-person provision is currently suspended.
Book your first dose or second at
For specific support, call: Universal Credit: 0800 144 8444 Food Bank Vouchers: 0808 208 2138
Consumer helpline: 0808 223 1133
Which bin for black/brown food trays?
Cannot be recycled locally. They get turned into electricity at the Energy from Waste Plant.
For everything else check
To promote the economic and employment growth of North Kesteven
distributed to 492 local businesses through Additional Restriction Grants from last November £3.4m
Two new schemes were introduced in September, the ARG Adapt and Revive and the ARG Start-Up grant.
The ARG Start-Up Grant is open for applications and focused on supporting newly established businesses or ideas, so if you’re looking at a new venture or your business started on or after April 12, 2021 do get in touch.
It’s for all sectors, however priority needs to be given to businesses that operate or will look to operate in retail, hospitality or leisure.
Applications will be viewed on a first-come-first-served basis and awards of up to £5,000 can be applied for.
Please refer to www. for more information, the policy and application form.
An eventful month of festive shopping and fun
A Christmas full of fun and great shopping is in store for Sleaford, and indeed across the District.
Using monies from the Government’s Welcome Back Fund the Council is looking to promote an Eventful Sleaford by sharing news of the activities planned by local partners and community-minded businesses. Look out for messages across social media, press and more to help promote all these festive goings-on in December. If you’re organising an event do email us at to share details.
Our website www.heartoflincs. com/eventfulsleaford will have listings of events and festive celebrations to help you enjoy an eventful Sleaford this Christmas. See also information shared by each of the event organisers through their own channels and means.
For example, Sleaford Town Council is holding ‘12 Market Days of Christmas’ events in Sleaford Market Place on Fridays, Saturdays and Mondays from now until December 20, bringing music, entertainment and family fun for you to enjoy.
Let’s stay connected
Did you know? We’ve an e-newsletter dedicated to all the latest business news in our District.
Which bin for food wrappers?
These go in the black bin for turning into energy, as they currently can’t be recycled at kerbside locally.
Sign up via the link below to get the latest on grants and available support, exciting news and more. Just head to to sign up today.
There’s also a Christmas market organised by the traders of Millstream Square and Bristol Arcade taking place on Saturday December 11 with much to do including live music, great shopping and more, 10am-3pm. This next use of the Welcome Back Fund follows promotion of an Eventful Sleaford on September 4, to link together and promote the events and activities organised by varoius partners in the town, and the localised ‘Shop Local Enjoy Local signs currently visible in a number of high streets across the District.
The Council’s Economic Development team o er a range of support, from business advice for start-ups to pre-planning advice and sites and premises services.
Christine Barnes and Janice Hix of Hix Partnership benefited from such support when they endeavoured to renovate a semiderelict warehouse in Sleaford.
The sisters first approached the Council in 2017 seeking advice after inheriting the premises, behind 68 Southgate.
They initially sought advice on where to begin in terms of renovation and what Sleaford’s local economy might need.
As they had no experience with
planning and were looking for ideas on potential future use, the Economic Development Team were able to o er support and guidance in a range of areas including contacts at the Council and LEADER team.
The Council’s Business Advisor Phil Means was equally and helpful as significant as he discussed how to set up a business and where to begin looking for funding. If your business is in North Kesteven and you could benefit from free business advice please contact Phil on 07920 472671 or He can assist with start-up advice, business planning, grant and funding and much more.
Our Economy
Work to start on first phase of park
Contracts worth a combined £10.5 million for works onsite to build phase one of the new eco-conscious Sleaford Moor Enterprise Park have been awarded to two local firms.
The Council is creating the £56 million enterprise park on land o! Pride Parkway in Sleaford to unlock new opportunities for our local economy and communities.
The Council also intends for Sleaford Moor Enterprise Park to lead by example with energy e!icient and environmentally conscious measures in place.
Units on the site will benefit from various features including solar panels, top quality
insulation and electric vehicle charging points or shelters.
Features on the site will include self-watering planting areas, bat boxes and a wildflower meadow.
Smith Construction, based in Heckington, has won the circa £8.5 million main build and construction contract to deliver phase one of the enterprise park, which consists of nine business units ranging from 1,292 to 2,034 sq ft in one plot and six grow-on units ranging from 3,003 to 5,102 sq ft in another plot.
This contract won by Smith Construction also includes the strategic infrastructure and construction works including the
Earlier this year we reached a milestone in the development of our £2.2 million scheme of new grow-on business units in North Hykeham.
Called Discovery Court, the scheme spans 1.25 acres and sits within the existing Discovery Park business area close to the A46, on Whisby Road.
The 15 units range in size from just under 750 sq ft to over 2,800 sq ft in size.
Throughout the pandemic the Council has focused on bringing forward investment such as this.
The units are currently occupied by a mixture of new and growing businesses, and following significant interest from the outset only a few units remain available.
The additional 15 units brings the Council’s commercial portfolio to more than 100 properties. If interested, please contact agent for the scheme Banks Long & Co.
civils and spine road.
Harlaxton Engineering based in Grantham has won a contract of circa £2 million to deliver the sitewide utilities connections, which will allow businesses to operate from Sleaford Moor Enterprise Park once built and operational. Work behind the scenes to deliver this has already begun. It means work to build phase one of the units can start as soon as December and is hoped to complete by the end of 2023.
To enquire about available space at Sleaford Moor Enterprise Park, contact William Wall at Banks Long & Co on 01522 544515.
Our shop local directory makes it easy to support local businesses.
The directory lists just some of the amazing retailers and businesses operating across the District, and it’s still growing.
From food and drink, hair and beauty to hospitality and more, you can use the directory to search by business type or location to find what you need. It’s at www.
Or, why not simply scroll through to perhaps discover a hidden gem?
If your business is located in North Kesteven and you’d like to be added to the directory, please send an email with your details to our Economic Development team at
Are you planning to shop locally this Christmas? There are wonderful buys to be had and ample opportunity to do so, including Small Business Saturday on December 4.
It’s a national campaign aimed at highlighting the importance of small business to the local economy and vibrance of our high streets, from retail and beauty to food, hospitality and more.
Last year a number of retailers o!ered a discount for the day to encourage people to shop and support local businesses, so it’s well worth getting out and about to start your Christmas shopping early or just to see what’s available.
We also want to encourage as many small businesses as possible to get involved.
If you’d like to take part with your small business you can register with the small business finder at www. to confirm.
Do let us know you’re taking part by emailing ecodev@n-kesteven. for possible promotion of your business. Use the same address to request an entry on the Shop Local directory.
This Christmas there are a number of events taking place in Sleaford. Look out for our promotion of them to ensure you don’t miss out!
Can’t be recycled in your purple or purple-lidded bin. Good for pet bedding and home composting though. Which bin for shredded paper?
To promote a sustainable, natural and built environment, where our heritage is preserved and celebrated.
the year we’re aiming for the District to reach carbon net zero.
Since 2008 we’ve been working on climate impact.
During the UN climate conference COP26 the Council shared details of some of its projects helping move the District towards a net zero goal.
For example in housing these include building all new council homes in North Kesteven to carbon-neutral standards and driving building for the future through the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan.
You can look back on it by searching @northkestevendc on social media, or help us build a better picture of all the climate action happening locally in our District by emailing
Not disposable through kerbside collection. Take to a Household Waste Recycling Centre for specialist handling.
Water power returns to Cogglesford Watermill
By the time this edition of NewsNK reaches your hands the waters of the River Slea will once more be turning the waterwheel at Cogglesford Watermill.
The mill has undergone a £51,000 two-part programme of repairs to the waterwheel and improvements to the visitor experience, which has been Council-funded, with work carried out by local firms.
The mill’s historic stones had been turning using the site’s back up electrical motor to protect the waterwheel after issues were identified in 2018. The wheel
is now fully restored following £30,500 of repairs and powered once more by the Slea.
Where possible boards and paddles were saved and spaced out between the new ones. Luckily only a quarter of the oak frame of the wheel was damaged and needed repair.
Parts of the wheel which couldn’t be reused have been repurposed into unique furniture for the mill’s retail space, the perfect place for gifts and local food including honey, preserves, plum bread and the mill’s own stone-ground flour, or a drink and
The Council is inviting local groups and residents to join together to form an informal community climate action group.
The group seeks to help achieve the target of reducing the District’s emissions to net zero by 2030, which will take a collective e ort from communities, groups and businesses across North Kesteven.
The format is still up for discussion, but it’s envisaged that it will be a collaborative team of enthusiastic people that amplifies each other’s e orts and co-ordinates action.
Any person or group keen to expand climate awareness and positive action in North Kesteven can email to express their
interest in joining the group.
It’s the latest in the Council’s action on climate and engagement with residents, from the shaping and implementation of its Climate Emergency Strategy and Action Plan to on the ground conversations including at the Love Our Planet event in Sleaford in September and the Council’s presence at Heckington Show.
Visitors to the show were invited to make a ‘Climate Promise’, writing their pledge onto a paper leaf.
The most popular were to eat less meat, reduce food waste and cut plastic use and many young people were keen to do more active travel such as walking, cycling or scooting to school.
snack alongside the sound of the Slea’s waters.
Improvements of £20,500 to the visitor experience are also now complete, including enhanced visitor boards and a new first floor children’s area.
Further plans include more interactive activities, plus a wildlife space, exterior information boards and planters with help from local partners.
It’s open to visitors Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday 12pm to 4pm. Volunteers are wanted too, including currently any gardening enthusiasts.
Want to do something now about climate change?
Join a group of like-minded people at the click of a button, by signing up for our climate e-newsletter launching soon.
It’ll have all the latest environmentally-minded action from across the District.
Look out for more on this at
Fun family activities for you
Make some mince pies
There are lots of ways to have a festive season that’s jolly good for you and the environment. How about these ideas?
There’s one thing that says Christmas all over - mince pies! Here’s a recipe shared kindly by Cogglesford Watermill.
Recycle last year’s cards into gift tags. Be sure to ask for an adult’s help with scissors!
Use old magazines and newspaper to make snowflakes or paper chains.
Cut holly shapes from crisp packets or other soft materials that would go in the bin, and use to make a wreath or tree decorations.
Make your own Christmas tree decorations
There’s nothing better on a cold and dark evening than brightening up your home with some festive decorations.
Why not craft some of your own at home using salt dough?
It’s really easy to make and it’s a fun activity all the family can enjoy.
You can use non-toxic paints or food colouring to either create a classic Christmas look for your decorations or go all out using all the colours of the rainbow!
Why not share a picture of your creations with us?
Here’s what you need:
One equal part of flour
One equal part of salt
One equal part of water
To make the dough:
• Place the flour and salt in a bowl first and mix together.
• Slowly add some of the water and stir into the dry mixture. Once it starts to come together in a ball, use your hands to knead the mixture.
• If the mixture is too wet then add more flour, if too dry add more water.
• You can use non-toxic paint mix to add colours to your dough or leave it plain.
• Shape into anything you like - how about a star? You could even press things into it to make imprints, or add other colours of dough.
• Don’t forget to make a hole for your string!
• Let dry, thread with string and then hang up on your tree. Why not give one as a sustainable gift to someone?
• You can also put any spare dough in an airtight container and keep in the fridge for up to two weeks.
• Happy making and creating!
For the filling
• One large jar mincemeat (about 600g)
• Two satsumas, segmented
• One apple, finely chopped
• Zest of one lemon
• A little icing sugar
For the pastry
• 375g white Cogglesford Watermill flour
• 260g unsalted butter, softened
• 125g caster sugar, plus extra for sprinkling
• One large egg, plus one beaten egg for glazing Method
• Place 375g plain flour and 260g softened unsalted butter in a bowl and rub together to a crumb consistency.
• Add 125g caster sugar and one large beaten egg, and mix together.
• Tip out onto a lightly floured surface and fold until the pastry comes together, be careful not to over mix.
• Wrap the pastry in cling film and chill for 10 minutes.
• Scoop the large jar of mincemeat into a bowl and add two segmented satsumas, one finely chopped apple and zest of one lemon.
• Heat oven to 220C/200C fan/gas mark 7.
• Roll out the pastry to 3mm thick.
• Using a round cutter (about 10cm), cut out 16 bases and place them into mu!in trays. Put 1½ tbsp mincemeat mixture into each. Brush the edge of each pie with a little beaten egg.
• Re-roll out the pastry to cut 7cm lids and press them on top to seal. Glaze with the beaten egg, sprinkle with the extra sugar, then make a small cut in the tops.
• Bake the mince pies for 15-20 minutes until golden. Cool, dust with icing sugar and enjoy!
and waste in North Kesteven
Wheelie Bin
No thanks
• Takeaway pizza or food boxes
• Shredded paper
• Tissues
• Kitchen roll
• Books
• Cigarette packets
• Wrapping paper (glittery or foil)
Thank you for doing all you can to put the right things in the right bins. It’s something we can all do at home to help make a positive impact on climate and the environment. North Kesteven is leading the way on paper and cardboard recycling with almost all of it in purple and purple-lidded bins being of perfect quality – thanks to your e orts. With your help to ensure only the right things go in greenlidded bins, we can also make sure as much as possible is recycled from these too.
• Paper and
• Batteries
• Crisp packets or plastic bags
• Polystyrene
• Clothes/textiles
• Food pouches
• Black or brown
Twigs and branches
If you would like to sign up to the garden waste collection scheme visit www.n-kesteven. or telephone 01529 414155
No thanks
• Soil
• Food waste
• Plastic bags
• Animal waste
• Large planks/ pieces of wood
• Rubble/stones
Your most frequently asked questions answered
Lots of people have been in touch with us to ask questions about waste and recycling, which is fantastic.
From beer can widgets and washing powder boxes to gravy ganule tubs and juice cartons, it’s been great to answer your queries on which bin certain items should go in. We’ve also received lots of the bigger questions from you about how your waste is handled, and it’s been great to see so much interest in this too.
Do you collect di!erent things to other councils?
We collect the same items as all other district councils in Lincolnshire, besides one or two local di erences you don’t need to worry about locally. These items have been the same for a long time. The only change is to paper and cardboard, which goes clean and dry in your purple or purple-lidded bin. If damp, shredded or dirty it goes into your black bin only.
Why won’t you take soft plastics?
Not all plastics can go in your green-lidded bin, even if they carry lots of symbols or say things like ‘100% recyclable”.
It’s always best to check first against local information, like our Right Thing Right Bin leaflet. Soft plastics such as bin bags, carrier bags, film lids, crisp packets - any plastics you can scrunch - can’t go in your green-lidded bin. This is because there isn’t an outlet for them to be recycled in Lincolnshire. Soft plastics – like bread bags, fruit bags and wrap – can go to collection points in shops, as retailers are able to bulk them and recycle them through their own processes. There may also be local TerraCycle schemes near you for some items - check online at
If not possible, put any soft plastics in your black bin to be made into energy.
What happens to my recycling once you’ve collected it?
The contents of your green-lidded bin are taken to a waste transfer station where it is bulked up with the rest of the collections from that waste stream. It then goes to the recycling contractor locally to be sorted: plastic bottles, pots, tubs and trays, glass, and metals which are sent on to processors for recycling. Paper and card collected separately is bulked up and sent on to the papermill in Kings Lynn.
Is our recycling shipped abroad?
The contractors which deal with Lincolnshire’s recycling maintain high standards in how it’s processed and recycled. They are obliged to report on the end destinations of these materials that have been recycled.
Where possible all materials are recycled and used in the UK. If not, a small amount may be sent to Europe where they are used to create new recycled products.
All non-recyclable waste collected in Lincolnshire is sent to the Energy from Waste facility at North Hykeham where it is used to create renewable energy – not sent to landfill.
If you’re ever unsure which bin is best, there’s lots of information available including a brand new green-lidded recycling webpage at
It’s been created to help with any questions you may have around recycling in North Kesteven, and it’s regularly updated.
Thank you for helping improve the quality of recycling in our District. It all makes a di!erence!
Plastic bags
Take these to collection points at shops, or put in the black bin to be made into electricity in North Hykeham.
Pet food bags and pouches
Check or black bin, if not, to be made into electricity.
Blister packs
Too many materials to recycle, so pop in the black bin to go to the Energy from Waste plant in North Hykeham.
Plant pots
These are hard plastics so please reuse, donate or take to your HWRC. If not, pop in your black bin.
Takeaway boxes
If clear or light plastic tubs or trays – and clean – green-lidded bin. If not, black bin only please as they can contaminate other recycling.
Our Homes
To promote housing growth that meets the current and emerging needs of
North Kesteven
Passivhaus progress in Potterhanworth
to part of the most recent Central Lincolnshire Local Plan consultation
Residents and stakeholders have had their say on proposed changes in the local plan.
The comments will be published at https://central-lincs.inconsult. uk/consult.ti
All of the comments received will be reviewed and changes to the plan, its policies, and the supporting evidence are being considered in light of them.
An updated local plan will be brought to the Committee in early 2022 before it is again subject to public consultation and then sent to the planning inspectorate.
The future of house-building in North Kesteven is taking shape in the form of eight new homes being built to the highly ecoconscious Passivhaus standard.
The finished homes o Moor Lane, Potterhanworth, will have enhanced insulation, heat retention and draught proofing; meaning their energy demands, fuel bills and maintenance are as low as possible. They are also warmer in winter and cooler in summer.
The only requirement for conventional heating in them is a heated towel rail in the bathroom. During construction, great care is being taken over the quality of materials and insulation levels so
the building envelope is extremely airtight.
Construction started in March and is taking around 44 weeks, which is nearly twice as long as a traditional build. Lindum Group are building the homes on behalf of the Council.
It adds to the Council’s existing two homes built to the Passivhaus standard in Heckington, and builds on a legacy of energye icient homes brought forward by the Council’s innovative and pioneering approach, going back to the first straw bale council homes in the world in 2009. Follow the Council at @north kestevendc to see the homes in Potterhanworth progress.
What makes a Passivhaus better for the environment?
Homes built to this standard are super insulated and highly draught-proofed. It means they require very little heating above the warmth they receive and hold onto from the environment, such as the sun, in-house appliances and occupants.
The homes are also fitted with Mechanical Ventilation Heat Recovery Systems which extract air from ‘wet’ areas such as kitchens and, using a heat exchanger, take the warmth from this air to heat fresh air into the living areas.
will be collected from alongside
bins. Any extra waste or recycling that won’t fit in your bin should be taken to a Household Waste Recycling Centre. Opening times are at
Tuesday, January 4, 2022
January 7, 2022
new housing scheme Countdown to
Preparations are being made to embark on a multi-million pound transformation of a former sheltered housing scheme in North Hykeham.
Grinter Close is a collection of 12 one-bedroomed flats in blocks of four, built in 1965. These flats and a detached bungalow on Chapel Lane will be demolished and replaced by 18 new homes including twobedroom flats, two-bedroom bungalows, two and threebedroom homes and a four bedroom house.
Grinter House, in Grinter Close, is a building made up of 14 onebedroomed flats for the elderly that has also su ered from low occupancy. Also built in 1965, it was last refurbished in the 1990s. It will be remodelled to create 16 a ordable flats, each with their own entrance and more space. The scheme will o er better quality homes for people’s changing needs in the District and be built to the Fabric First energy-saving standard. The work is due to start early next year following a tender
To apply for a council house, visit:
Four of the best examples of building excellence in the District have been put forward for the national Local Authority Building Control Awards.
Three of these were among the winners of North Kesteven District Council’s own awards for building excellence built, designed and conceived by customers of the Council’s Building Control Unit.
This year, the Council made nine awards recognising best construction professional, craftsman, extension, conversion, commercial building, a ordable housing, individual home and development and sustainability.
The national recognition is championing projects at Cranwell, Swaton and Heighington and celebrating the professionalism of builder Michael Wilson who works for John Martin Hoyes and has been instrumental in previously awarded projects at Branston Academy and in Eagle Hall.
A video featuring the winners of
the NK awards this year is at buildingawards
The Council’s Building Control Unit can be commissioned to ensure compliance with safety and planning considerations. In 20202021 it made 4,357 inspections on the day requested and issued 598 completion certificates. Of all new homes overseen by building control, 96% received an EPC rating of B or better; 91% of all full plans applications were checked within 15 working days and 100% of reported dangerous structures visited within 2hrs of the alert – day or night.
process, with completion expected in early 2023. There will be parking for the homes and entry will be along a newly configured access road. It’s only made possible by the understanding and vision of the 21 mostly one-person households from Grinter House and Grinter Close who, working together with us, have now mostly moved to new homes. This has taken place on an individual basis, with support from our teams, plus a home loss payment and moving costs covered.
For more than a decade the Council has deployed advanced insulation and renewable heating solutions to ensure its homes are as climate-conscious as possible. Now it has committed to a new CO2-sy standard to drive its investment going forward and Act On the aim of carbon net-zero by 2030.
In addition to the construction of eight new Passivhaus homes at Potterhanworth and improving homes to begin moving towards a zero carbon housing stock, the Council is also:
• Committed to every new council house being a Passivhaus, with top-rated thermal performance;
• Scoping a plan for the next 260 council homes up to 2030 being ‘net-zero in-use’ through enhanced spec, solar PV panels, electric vehicle charging, renewable heating systems etc;
Work has started on more than 64 new a ordable homes on the edge of Sleaford.
Longhurst Group is delivering them as part of the wider Handley Chase development in the town, working with construction firm Lindum Group.
The homes support the wider Sustainable Urban Extension to Sleaford.
As winter draws in, it’s important to stay warm to ensure you stay well.
Lincs 4 Warmer Homes outlines Government funding available for heating, hot water and insulation. You can refer or self-refer at www. or by calling 01472 326434.
The Council also has a Domestic Energy O icer who helps tenants with bills and switching to save on energy. Our Wellbeing team is available to support residents to stay warm and well too.
• A vision to retro-fit the rest of its 3,900-house stock to bring them in-line with zero-carbon as soon as possible;
• Mapping, through the Local Plan, for all new homes across the entire District and wider Central Lincolnshire to be net-zero too.
It all fits not only with the Council’s vision for a carbon net zero District but also its ongoing work to ensure North Kesteven has the high quality homes its communities, families and individuals need to live well.
Which bin for real Christmas trees?
Chop small for composting if you have a brown bin. Otherwise take to a HWRC.
The winners are...
Coronavirus Response
Sage Gardener, at Eagle Hall
Community Spirit
Mark Reynolds, from North Hykeham
Contribution to Climate Action
Benjamin Willetts, Old Wood Organics, Skellingthorpe
Community Safety
Dunston Yarn Bomb, Dunston
Good Neighbour
Chris Banks, from Sleaford
Young Achiever
Riley Pickwell, from Sleaford
Contribution to Health & Wellbeing
Tom Dunning, from Waddington
Contribution to Arts & Culture
Natalie Mason, from Sleaford
Contribution to Sport
John Davies, from Metheringham
Contribution to a Better Environment
Roberta Bray, from Ruskington
Community Business Manor Farm Shops, Leasingham
Contribution to a Group or Organisation
Helen Zealand, from Sleaford
Some of the best examples of voluntary community endeavour within North Kesteven have been celebrated at the annual NK Community Champion Awards.
Held in-person within the stunning surrounds of Doddington Hall’s Long Gallery, the evening saw 110-people come together in a Covid-conscious way to champion the contributions made by 36 finalists across an enlarged programme of 12 categories.
Celebrating the often-unsung e orts of people working quietly, tirelessly and voluntarily to make the lives of those around themand entire communities - better, the awards are a way for North Kesteven District Council, the businesses and organisations which generously sponsor them and appreciative recipients of the work undertaken who nominate them, to say thank you.
From almost 100 communitybased nominations, a panel of judges - made up of sponsor representatives - selected the finalists and winner in each category. All 36 finalists are champions of
their communities. From an eightyear-old whose gifts lightened lockdown to an 80-year-old who labours for hours every day to keep a bowls club going, meet them over these six pages.
This year a new Contribution to Climate Action Award was instituted and last year’s pop-up Coronavirus Response Award continued in the face of the ongoing need to protect and provide for communities.
The nominations barely scratch the surface of the phenomenal response we see across the District in strengthening our flourishing communitiesespecially over recent months.
They are all thoughtful, life enhancing actions which strengthen, support, unite and build communities. And they illustrate the depth of communityminded activity which helps to make North Kesteven so distinct.
The awards are only made possible through such thoughtful nominations and the generosity of the community-minded businesses which sponsor the event.
Although the live show is over, you can still be a guest at the Community Champion Awards evening – at home.
Having put together a ‘Plan B’ video presentation of all the finalists and announcements of the winners – just in case we couldn’t meet in-person – that video is available to watch now. Meet all of the finalists and share their inspiring stories. live-awards-show
We are grateful to everyone involved – especially Bright Spark Studios – and the finalists for making it happen.
Contribution to Climate Action
Sponsored by Sleaford Renewable Energy Plant / Greencoat Capital
Winner: Benjamin Willetts, Old
Wood Organics, Skellingthorpe
Through Old Wood Organics, Ben is creating a growing community (in both senses of the word) that champions sustainable horticulture and builds a happier, healthier life for himself, his family and volunteer learners with neurodiversity. His no-dig market garden is buzzing with biodiversity as it blooms into a beacon of hope for a lot of people and a better ecological future; inspiring others to live more lightly and consume less processed packaged goods in the interests of personal and planet health.
Feeling a responsibility to do the best he can for climate action, and for that to be done through maximising soil health, Ben has determined not to disturb the soil he’s built up from co ee grounds, hair and other organic material. Harnessing the natural microcosm of his deep compost beds and sequestering carbon for the healthy, input, fertiliser and
Compère Melvyn Prior praised the Council for continuing with its community celebration in di icult circumstances.
“I think it’s just great that after the incredible year or so we’ve had, we’ve been able to come together and recognise that in this way,” he said.
“Without the volunteers and people giving up their time, e orts and energies I don’t know where we’d be and how, in some cases. we’d have got through.
“Those things that often seem so small, do make such an incredible di erence in the lives of others and it’s heartening to share and celebrate that.
“There are so many people doing so much and while those who we’ve honoured don’t always want or anticipate any recognition, I do think it is important that we give it, as what they’re doing is truly amazing and life-changing.”
pesticide-free growth of salad crops for sale and donation to community food programmes, Ben is just as passionate about educating others on this sustainable system as he is putting it into practice.
His further hope is to increase accessibility for people to experience the regenerative powers of his organic operation.
“What I’ve set up is in reaction to a need we felt was there in the community and in realisation that we can build something incredible,” he said. “It’s also a great opportunity to educate people and to give them an insight into what can be done with a small piece of land.
“You can feed yourself, sequester carbon, have a huge impact on the environment and generate a whole system of health for people, soil, animals and insects.
“I’m really aware of the coming challenges and preparing resilience for what’s to come.”
finalists were:
• Les Parker, Quarrington –through his individual actions and instigation of Global Sleaford Les champions climate resilience in every way he can, engaging sensitively and bringing the facts to people in creative and impactful ways. Also at the forefront of championing safe cycling and pushing for better, healthier, greener travel options.
• Sleaford Climate Action Network – growing in size and impact as ever-more environmental groups join the network, collectively they are better-placed to increase their reach, engagement and influence. Friends of the Earth accredited, they’re connecting, inspiring and motivating actions and promoting future realities.
How do you or anyone you know contribute to Climate Action?
Nominate now for a 2022 award at
Tell us about it – email:
“Our Champions make a significant difference to life locally, showing you can achieve so much more when you join as a co unity.”
Councillor Richard Wright, Leader, North Kesteven District Council
The Community Champion Awards are our small way of turning the spotlight on the selfless many who contribute so much to making our lives so much richer in North Kesteven. It is always a pleasure to see the wealth of volunteering, caring, sharing and thoughtful acts expressed by our finalists and winners.
They each champion an aspect of community life that is so important to us all within North Kesteven, but of course they are merely representative of a huge many more, who – without a thought for themselves – freely give thousands of hours for others in our District.
Against ongoing uncertainties of the pandemic, it was important to us to maintain a celebration of this community endeavour, ensuring that those who make our District such a special place to live are not overlooked or forgotten.
From spearheading, coordinating and fulfilling phenomenal responses in the face of the pandemic; combating loneliness in the lockdown, initiating climate action, championing better mental health; spending years motivating young people and sports enthusiasts and raising the profile of community safety – these are the people who make our communities tick; who have kept us safe, connected and well-protected; who have fed, fetched, carried and cared for us; who have strengthened our communities – making them safer, happier and healthier places to live.
These are the champions of, from, and for our communities, and I thank them all, for all that they do.
I commend to you the chance to review their inspiring stories and examples of community endeavour, captured on film and shown at
How the sponsor judges picked
through all the nominations and distinguished one from another to select our winners I don’t know, but of course every one of the nominees is a winner in the a ections of the broader community and especially those whose lives they have touched and positively enhanced.
A comment made on behalf of finalist Sleaford Islamic Society, shortlisted for their expressions of Community Spirit, summed up for me the ethos of the awards in the way communities bound together.
‘When you join hands you can achieve so much more. You can achieve so much more when you join hands as a community.’
All of our champions and so many others make such a significant di erence to life locally by joining hands as a community. This is what characterises life in North Kesteven and I thank everyone – nominated or not – for all that they do.”
Other finalists were:
Contribution to Community Safety
Sponsored by the Police & Crime Commissioner for Lincolnshire
Winner: Dunston Yarn Bomb, Dunston
Through the actions of around 20 crafters, Dunston was transformed into a blaze of colour, a festival of crafting and a dynamic dialogue raising awareness of domestic abuse this summer.
By knitting, crocheting, stitching and engineering decorative elements for public display on benches, phone boxes, notice boards, bridges etc, the Dunston Yarn Bomb had everyone talking about the issue, raised £1,500 for EDAN Lincs, strengthened community cohesion and opened up channels of hope for those
• June Gwillym, Metheringham – Passionate about the need for communication and mutual understanding and engagement between police and community, June is pioneering new ways to promote information, following on from the community police panel she lead.
• Jade John, Sleaford – Instinctive in her response to an assault in Sleaford, Jade set up a ‘reclaim the streets’ night walk which drew 60 people in solidarity and has led to a Facebook community and monthly walk and talk meetings to further strengthen a united stance for safety and positive and sustainable outcomes.
Community Spirit
Sponsored by Lindum Group
Winner: Mark Reynolds, North Hykeham
Resident in North Hykeham from age three, Mark has a passion in enlivening the community through flowers and events which both serve to ‘brighten the town up and bring it together’.
Highly regarded for the monthly events he puts on at the Village Green, Mark’s never happier than when feeling he’s bringing people together.
“I love to stand on the edge of an event looking at people having a good time. That gives me a really good feeling,” he said.
Under his leadership, the Hykeham In Bloom programme and volunteer input has grown and flourished from five run-down planters to 17 displays across the town nurtured by a healthy crop of volunteers, all enthused by his own enthusiasm.
Through the medium of flowers, community spirit really blossomed as people admired the displays and connected in conversation
a ected by the issue.
Inspired by an Italian tradition, the initiative grew to engage and embrace the entire community plus crafters further afield; critically raising the profile of domestic abuse and encouraging conversations and a level of awareness that are unlikely to have happened otherwise.
It provided immense pleasure and entertainment, created a buzz and brought vibrancy, joy and colour to the community after what felt like months of grey.
“We are so pleased to have had such an impact on raising awareness of domestic abuse and related issues,” said Pauline Moore.
“It proved to be a real talking point and definitely got people talking. It lead directly to information getting into 31,000 homes locally and undoubtedly gave people confidence to open up.
“We are so proud of everything we’ve achieved and humbled to receive this award on behalf of the whole community and everyone involved, in helping to get this issue into people’s minds.”
with each other, Mark and those nurturing them. He’s expanding to wildflower planting, bat and bird boxes and litter picking across a more inviting, welcoming and safe town and won the East Midlands In Bloom Silver Award again this year.
“I have lived here since 1965 and as the town has grown the community has fragmented, which is one of the reasons I introduced the In Bloom to brighten the town up and bring people together. I just thought it was time for me to put something back,” he said.
A former town councillor and mayor, he acknowledged the broad support in making it all happen.
Sponsored by Ringrose Law
Winner: Chris Banks, Sleaford
Dedicating his award to the inspirational influence of those around him, ‘for making me a considerate kind of chap’, Chris said it was important to watch out for those around you.
From taking meals to the housebound, to climbing into a loft to isolate a water leak at 2am Chris has brought a high-degree of reassurance to his neighbours knowing he is so close and happy to help.
A kind and hardworking man who expresses his belief that we all have a responsibility to look after each other in kind and meaningful actions, he has set a great example for his four children to act similarly by baking cakes, making pictures and crafts for the elderly in their community and choosing to re-gift their Easter eggs.
Together they also facilitated safe and socially-distanced VE Day celebrations, Christmas lunch and movie nights with DVDs and treats of the children’s choosing. Chris wasted no time getting to know his neighbours; knowing the importance of building a kind, caring and respectful community. Motivated by his love, care and consideration of his Nan, he actively wants to know that those around him are protected and provided for.
Other finalists were:
• Zoe Ireland, Ruskington –building on the outstanding Covid support network she set up, Zoe led a local drive for Afghan relief, putting notes of welcome into the pockets of donated goods to ‘payforward’ that community spirit.
• Sleaford Islamic Society – instigating a phenomenal community response for Afghan refugees, the society puts community support, cohesion and outreach at the heart of its mission and purpose.
Other finalists were:
• Anni Hibbard, Bracebridge Heath – going that extra mile when asked to look out for a neighbour’s house she’ll sweep the path, tidy the garden and care for it as if it’s her own; a reliable and friendly support.
• Evie Ronie, Sleaford – aged just seven, Evie spontaneously dropped surprise crème eggs on neighbours’ doorsteps as ‘random acts of kindness’ in order to raise spirits amid the gloom of ongoing lockdown.
Coronavirus Response
Sponsored by North Kesteven District Council
Winner: Sage Gardener, Eagle Hall
Necessity is the mother of invention, so they say, and the lessons learned through adversity are inspiring fresh responses from Sage Gardener to better serve their community.
A small, supportive community, at the heart of their operation for people struggling with or wanting to improve their health and wellbeing is relaxed personal and human contact. Naturally this required an entire re-think of mechanisms for outreach in response to the pandemic.
Volunteers – some classed as extremely vulnerable themselves – are integral to Sage’s community approach for enhancing wellbeing, alongside learning and befriending within a therapeutic nature setting. With the client group forced to stay home and so too the volunteers, everyone found themselves testing new technology and extending beyond their own comfort zones to ensure
Community Business
Sponsored by Banks Long & Co
Winner: Manor Farm Shops, Leasingham
Over five generations the expanding operation of Manor Farm Shops has grown with community in mind, never more so than in response to customer need over the past year or so.
Continuing to o!er an exemplary level of community care and consideration which escalated into extensive home deliveries during initial pandemic lockdowns, Manor Farm Shops continues to ensure supplies are available whenever and wherever they’re needed, with home deliveries continuing for those still isolating or unable to get out.
Food parcels and free hot meals are delivered wherever need becomes known about and the service with a smile even stretched to a delivery guy helping to dust in customers’ hard to reach places! For years they have arranged a free Christmas carols gettogether, o!ering complimentary entertainment, food and drink and asking for nothing more than charitable donations. Known to
no-one went without provision of food, assurance or resources.
And doing so throughout the fluctuations in lockdown restriction and relaxation.
Halted in their tracks, they had to think, re-think and think again how to respond and cater for those most isolated and in need.
Founder Jane Newman said, ‘clients were amazed we got anything together but with a lot of voluntary input, energy and enthusiasm we did.’.
Activity boxes were packaged up at home, phone and Zoom calls deployed, afternoon teas dispatched and reticent and cautious drivers headed out in the snow and on long, unfamiliar routes to reach 900-clients – all to ensure everyone was provided for.
“Being able to support a community that was so needy and so appreciative made the world of di!erence. It has shown us the value in branching out more.”
always go above and beyond expectations, they are regarded as a real community lifeline.
“We have had more support than we could imagine,” said owner Gill Burton. “We are so grateful to those who have supported us too. We are part of this community and we have a duty to look after them.
It’s just what we’ve always done.”
Other finalists were:
• The Hume Arms, South Kyme – at the heart of their community owners Maeve and Vijay Shukla provide space, facilities and generous hospitality to countless village endeavours and ensured pandemic provision.
• Mother Nature Health & Herbal, Sleaford – a champion of plastic-free living, reduction, re-fill and re-use, they’re a much-needed solution to a growing problem and a lifeline for those with dietary needs.
Other finalists were:
• Branston Good Neighbour Scheme – emerging from a popup Covid support group, the Good Neighbour Scheme’s core of 32 volunteers carry out a myriad tasks and small jobs, run a food larder and o!er a befriending programme - reaching 350 people with 1,800 responses in 11 months under the current guise and 3,300-plus in total.
• Brant Broughton Brownies – thinking of others before themselves, the group’s 24 girls initiated and delivered goody bags to combat loneliness and connect with the isolated across four villages, undertook doorstep welfare checks, collected shopping, helped create 3,250 meals and set up distanced VE Day celebrations.
Young Achiever
Sponsored by Duncan & Toplis
Winner: Riley Pickwell, Sleaford
Living to the letter the slogan ‘all day I dream about sport’, at the age of 19, and on the cusp of lockdown, Riley set up a whole new football club.
He threw himself wholeheartedly into the enterprise, forming a committee, securing a ground, finding a sponsor, fundraising and signing up to FA standards and initiatives as Sleaford United FC.
He also wanted to help his mates out, giving them playing opportunities and helping them through the mental health challenges of lockdown too. Never deterred, he’s done so much more than just getting 11 lads together to play.
Now with 50 players, two teams and chairman of his own club, he’s juggling this with university studies, life and playing sport himself. And with keen ambition for women’s, juniors’ veterans’ and further teams to play both Sunday and Saturday leagues, Riley’s initial concept expressed on an
X-box game has come a long way. Having lost confidence himself as a younger player, he is driven by a desire to provide an inclusive supportive, disciplined and collaborative space for young players. “I love sport, it’s what gets me out of bed and if I can use that to help other people too, that’s great,” he said.
Other finalists were:
• Keira & Cain Dodsworth, Sleaford –with their lives turned upside down overnight by their mum’s illness, the teenagers became key carers whilst also juggling school and the need to keep the home running.
• Laurel Mountain, Great Hale – turning tragedy to triumph, Laurel ran a marathon distance solo, aged 14, on local roads; raising £2,000-plus for a charity set up in memory of a childhood friend.
Contribution to Health & Wellbeing
Sponsored by Branston Ltd
Winner: Thomas Dunning, Waddington
By sharing candidly and in great detail the specifics of his own mental health journey Tom seeks to inspire others facing similar challenges in a sphere of influence that reaches globally.
Dedicating his win to everyone su ering a mental health problem Tom said, ‘there is no shame in talking.’ “This is evidence enough that as long as you share your story, people will listen. It’s something I am passionate about.”
Drawing on his own experience to inspire, motivate and help others in the realisation and expression of their personal situation, Tom is a mental health ambassador dedicated to supporting his peers. Through a running group where talking and support take precedence, blog posts, a no-holdsbarred autobiography opening up his own story, international public speaking events, talks within UK schools, colleges and workplaces and as a NHS service user governor he is helping to improve mental
Contribution to Sport
Sponsored by BETTER
Winner: John Davies, Metheringham
Represented by Bill Atkinson
Through mowing thrice weekly, watering, seeding, weeding and tending to organising matches and generally doing what needs to be done, John invests countless hours to keep Metheringham Bowls Club on the ball.
He’ll arrange the league games, sort the refreshments and when the chance arises even play.
Deriving great pleasure from seeing the matches played, he works alongside and in service to his fellow club and committee members to ensure the facilities are at the top of their game.
Modestly taking on intense hard work in order to alleviate the time, physical and financial burden on the wider membership, aged 80
health provision, awareness and recognition in far-reaching ways. His selfless mission is to make himself available to anyone in need and stress that ‘it’s ok not to be ok’.
“I very much believe that if one-in-four people su er with a mental health problem, then that means three others can help save a life. If I’m in that three-in-four just sharing my story to help save one person’s life, then it’s a job done. I want to do that for everyone if possible.”
Outside of work, Tom strives every hour to ensure no one goes through the suicidal depths of his own mental health, travelling across the UK to spark conversations and moving workshops online through lockdown which allowed him reach into the USA.
In his drive to build improved mental health services, Tom’s latest initiative is for runners such as himself to leave Samaritans guidance and contact details in high-impact locations nation-wide.
and facing a hip operation, John is at the club day in, day out in over a full six-month’s season in order to ensure everything is done and the club can operate.
This has been the case for 10 years since giving up golf. Club chairman Bill Atkinson says ‘he has done wonders. He works really hard and doesn’t complain one bit.’
Other finalists were:
• Shaun Fisher, Sleaford –whilst furloughed from work Shaun initiated a fitness community on Facebook, keeping people fit, active and connected with bespoke goals; just like Joe Wicks.
• Barry Howorth, Holdingham – from player to general manager, Barry has built up the Lincolnshire Bombers American Football Club, discerning ways to keep going safely as a contact sport in Covid-times.
Other finalists were:
• Judy Johnson, Sleaford – working tirelessly and instinctively across a range of responses in support of vulnerable families, providing for needs either personally or through connections and promoting student and family health, wellbeing and welfare; a reliable person to turn to when need arises.
• Sue Williams, Sleaford – co-ordinator of United Together, an umbrella committee of four adult Sleaford-based wellbeing and mental health support groups, Sue provides a vital link and level of understanding to ensure clients can access the right services easily.
Longstanding Contribution
Sponsored by Your Local Lincs Magazine
Winner: Helen Zealand, Sleaford
Marking her 25th anniversary with Scouting within Sleaford the week after the awards, Helen has served throughout the ranks and the sections and is now a Group Scout Leader.
Living, breathing and sleeping Scouts, she devotes to multiple evenings each week across multiple age groups as well as running the Group, planning, supporting other leaders, coordinating all activities and giving up weekends for camps. She also advocates for the group in many ways, securing funding, handling press coverage, recruiting and seeking out opportunities for activities.
The glue holding the team together, stepping in whenever and wherever needed and leading the Cubs too, over the years she has personally given thousands of children the opportunities to enjoy the outdoors and learn important skills.
Helen has given 35 years in total to the uniformed services, moving
over from Guides – where her mum served for 25-plus years –as ‘Scouting is more fun’.
Thanking the whole Scout Group and everyone she has worked with, in particular her mum, ‘who has always been there alongside me guiding me on,’ Helen said it was a ‘fantastic honour’ to serve.
Other finalists were:
• Gordon Forsyth, Lincoln –chairman of autism support group PAACT, for 17 years Gordon has been enhancing provision, awareness, and multi-agency connections and arranging fun activities.
• Thelma Smith, Leasingham – the driving force behind disability sports group La letics for 17 years, Thelma organises the activities, volunteers and facilitators, impacting positively on lives and confidence.
Contribution to Arts & Culture
Sponsored by Lincs Inspire
Winner: Natalie Mason, Sleaford
The time, energy and hard work invested privately by Natalie in securing and sharing a rare piece of school heritage has, she says ‘been so worth it’ in experiencing the pupils’ enthusiasm to join in.
Extending well beyond her role as a teacher, Natalie has rescued, repaired and re-interpreted the William Alvey School’s air raid shelter, preserving and curating a valuable asset for both the school and wider community.
Investing countless hours outside of school and personal expense in transforming the erstwhile store into a mini-museum, engaging with local groups, collecting oral history, raising money, repatriating medals and creating a lasting memorial to former pupils who fought and died.
She says the whole school community has contributed.
Largely forgotten over 80 years, the one remaining shelter is a sole remnant of the school’s wartime history that is more
Other finalists were:
Additionally.. these further nominations were made:
Community Spirit
• Louise Barrett, Ruskington
• Chris Clark, Holdingham
• Karen Elliott, Sleaford
• Simon Longson, Swinderby
• Andrew Vaughan, Nth Hykeham
• Sleaford District Scouts
Community Business
• Farrow Fields, Grantham
• Baker Plant Hire, Sleaford
Good Neighbour
• Kate Hopkins, Sleaford
• Robert Howe, Heighington
• James, Penny & Izzy Metcalfe, Ruskington
• Jonny & Emma Hoare, North Rauceby – making the grounds of their home available and investing energy, hospitality and active participation to provide Sleaford Little Theatre and hundreds of eager theatre-goers with a unique outdoor theatre experience; bringing Covid respite, relief, recreation and a welcome boost to theatre funds.
• Volunteers at International Bomber Command Centre, Canwick – critical to the operation of the IBCC, 500-plus volunteers, inpart worldwide, research, archive, guide, run tours and carry out educational outreach and administration; putting others before self in a fulfilment of the ethos of the community they seek to honour. broadly honoured and enlivened through Natalie’s actions as pupils connect with names from the past and research their forebears. Through Natalie’s endeavours the surface shelter museum is now a community resource, opened for Heritage Days and external visits. She also cleaned the grave and arranged a centenary celebration for a former Alvey Boy, enlivened the school and community and made exciting historical connections.
Contribution to a Better Environment
Sponsored by Doddington Hall & Gardens
Winner: Roberta Bray, Ruskington
Inspiring positive environmental action in her immediate area, Roberta is relentless in her reach and determined in her mission to achieve plastic-free status for Sleaford.
Motivated by frustration after watching Hugh FernleyWhittingstall’s War on Plastic, saying to herself ‘I’ve got to do something about this,’ she said ‘it just happened and within a few months 600 people were involved’. Now with more than 1,000 people and 15 businesses signed up as plastic-free champions and 20 further allies attracted over two years, her Plastic-Free Sleaford community campaign takes a proactive solutions-based approach and she seeks to lead the change by ‘being the change’. While Plastic-Free Sleaford is Roberta’s main concern, she also organises litter picks, liaises with schools, churches and groups, and runs a local Wombles group, plants and produce swap shop, seed library and TerraCycle dropo point for plastics.
Typical of her collaborative approach, her motivation is to inspire and support people
through change rather than telling and lecturing; finding solutions and making it easy for them.
Advising businesses how to reduce single-use plastics leads them to advocate with customers and suppliers in sustainable bottom-up conversations.
“Instead of being someone who just complained, I wanted to be proactive. If you want something to go di erently you have got to take proactive steps and I hope that by leading by example I can influence others to be the change too.”
Other finalists were:
• Trees for Heckington – advocating more trees for their myriad ecological, environmental and wellbeing benefits, the group aims to create accessible community woodland in or close to Heckington; having planted 20 trees and taken on the care of 31 others in the parish council arboretum they have ambition to do much more.
• The Walking Wombles, Navenby & Cli Villages – Set up as a Facebook group in response to increased littering during lockdown, the Wombles have grown to 92 individuals each spontaneously contributing to litter-free verges from Wellingore to Boothby Gra oe, and enhanced community pride, spirit and cohesion.
You can nominate someone for a 2022 award in any of the categories – at
Contribution to Heath & Wellbeing
• Darren Altus, Navenby
• Ryan Blankney, Sleaford
• Julian Brooks, North Hykeham
• Natalie Cowell, Sleaford
• Penny Go e, Sleaford
• Hollie Kay, Sleaford
• Rebecca Mezzo, Wilsford
• Rainbow Stars, Sleaford
• Jack Walker Jnr, Birchwood
Contribution to Arts & Culture
• Anthony Brand, Sleaford
• John Dale, Sleaford
• Pauline Dobson, Sleaford
• John Marriott, Sleaford
• Millennium Art Group, Scopwick
• Norton Disney History & Archaeology Group
• Sleaford Classic Car & Motorcycle Show
Contribution to a Better Environment
• Mark Bamford, Sleaford
• Harriet Brand, Sleaford
• Daniel Harris, Sleaford
• Brian Holman, Nth Hykeham
Longstanding Contribution
• Brian Davies, Washingborough
• Jane North, Osbournby
Young Achiever
• Islay Bett, Sleaford
• Joshua Chadwick, Sleaford
Coronavirus Response
• Mike Forrest-Leigh, Bracebridge Heath
• Rev Mark Thomson, Quarrington
Contribution to Climate Action
• Steve Scrimmager, Sleaford
Contribution to Sport
• Kerry Swarbrooke-Coy, Sleaford
Cranwell Aviation Heritage Museum
In addition to all the usual attractions at Cranwell Aviation Heritage Museum, there’s a new exhibition which explores the pioneering early plastic surgery involved in supporting airmen who su ered life-changing burn injuries in the Second World War.
Rebuilding Heroes features the amazing and uplifting story of the Guinea Pig Club – a social club and mutual support network for British and allied aircrew injured during World War II. It’s running through to April 30 next year.
The museum portrays the fascinating story of RAF College Crawell from its early days as a Royal Naval Air Service base to the current day. With interactive exhibits including a Jet Provost flight simulator, Vampire T11 Cockpit, exhibitions and artefacts, the museum is a great place to spend an hour or two!
With Christmas approaching, the retail area is also a great place to find a unique present for any aviation enthusiast, or discover a great treat for yourself.
Every Friday throughout school holidays, the museum will provide a fun craft for all the family. Online at the museum website, there’s a wealth of rainy-day fun activities for all the family, as well as an archive of past exhibitions!
Christmas is coming and Sleaford is getting Eventful
There’s loads happening in Sleaford in the run-up to Christmas with 12 Market Days, family craft-making workshops, music, merriment and largerthan-life Marvel super-heroes strolling the streets doing their shopping too.
Cogglesford Watermill, Sleaford
Back open and back in action after a £51,000 programme of restoration and re-interpretation, Cogglesford Watermill o!ers an unusual and interesting trip out.
Open Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, 12pm-4pm, there’s not only the fascinating insight into flour production over 1,000 years but also an excellent selection of unique gifts, crafts and local-produce, as well as the chance to stop for a brew at the riverside location.
With its fantastic new children’s area, a visit to Cogglesford Watermill is an experience the whole family will enjoy as a pre-Christmas distraction or a holiday excursion.
Milling Day on December 12. Do check opening arrangements before a visit, just to be certain.
To make sure you don’t miss out on anything, it’s all being brought together in one place on a dedicated webpage at www.
The main event days are the Saturdays of December 4, 11 and 18 when there’ll be bands,
singing and Santa’s grotto and sleigh alongside all of the usual attractions and shopping opportunities Sleaford has to o!er.
There are also concerts in the church, pop-up food stalls and a living Nativity to behold.
Navigation House, Sleaford
is a Grade II listed building built in 1838, located opposite the Hub in Navigation Yard. This was once the HQ of the Sleaford Navigation Company, and home to the weighing machine as well as the O!ice Clerk. The Clerk would weigh the cargo that was
transported along the River Slea and charge a tollage, which for a short period (known as ‘Canal Mania’) made Sleaford a rich and prosperous town, and Navigation House is a reflection of this.
Navigation House today is a visitor centre which details the history of the Navigation and its impact on the town.
The charming shop is stocked with items made by local craftspeople, returning to its roots as the centre of trade for Sleaford.
This year, BIT Group produced a fantastic 360 tour of this amazing building – head over to www. to take a look inside!
Mrs Smith’s Cottage
Thinking of doing Christmas the old-fashioned way, making the most of sustainable resources? Look no further than Mrs Smith’s Cottage in Navenby. Pop in during opening times to pick up a monthly themed craft pack from the shop or book on to the NavenBEES preschool group. There’s also an ongoing exhibition of farming over the years Forthcoming events include:
• Christmas craft pack (throughout December) –With three di!erent festive decorations to make at home.
• Collage Christmas card craft (Sunday, December 5) – Chance to create a beautiful Christmas card, led by Harriott Brand.
• Christmas customs talk (Friday, December 10) – Join Tom Lane to learn the origin of various Christmas traditions.
• Santa at the Cottage (Saturday, December 18) – Santa will be visiting, to collect his letters and get to know the children of the Cli! Villages. Entry £2 for children; free for adults.
All can be booked at: www. Open on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday 12pm-4pm. Best to book in advance at
Craft and shop at the Hub
Festive arts, crafts, shopping and more at the Hub in Sleaford. In the weeks leading up to Christmas, the Hub will host a series of festive workshops and activities, a selling exhibition, and a Contemporary Christmas Pop-Up market.
Each Saturday, from now through to December 18, the newly refurbished centre will host Christmas at the Hub, o!ering visitors the perfect opportunity to buy handmade Christmas gifts or craft their own festive decor. With a fabulous new CaféBar and ground floor gallery, alongside its renowned shop and main gallery, Christmas at the Hub – or on any day – will be a wonderful visit.
1-4pm, £45, materials included but booking essential, 18yrs+.
Ceramic wax burner workshop
10.30am-12.30pm and 2-4pm £12, materials included, booking essential.
Saturday, December 18
Embroidered felt Christmas decorations
11am-3pm, £4, drop-in, 8yrs+. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Balsa wood brooch or badge 11am-3pm, £4, drop-in, 8yrs+,
children must be accompanied by an adult.
Woven straw star decorations
11am-3pm, £2, drop-in, everyone welcome.
Throughout December
Winter Trail
Free, self-led, everyone welcome.
Exhibition Craft Activity
December 19, 2021 – January 2, 2022
Free, self-led, everyone welcome.
Sleaford Embroiderers: All Stitched Up To November 28
Ground Floor Gallery
A celebration of stitching from the Sleaford Embroiderers, who meet and craft at the Hub. Visit for a sense of wonder at what can be achieved with imagination, shared knowledge, a needle and thread.
Crafted East Midlands
December 4, 2021 – January 9, 2022
Ground Floor Gallery
The Hub’s first Christmas selling exhibition in its new ground floor gallery will showcase work by nine selected artists All work on show will be available to buy.
To January 16, 2022
Ground Floor Gallery
A journey through a sculptural wonderland created by Michael Shaw, it includes a series of kinetic sculptures and optically changing artworks given life by you. The centrepiece U-too, a giant inflatable sculpture wrapped around the gallery structure, is one not to be missed.
Whisby Nature Park and the Natural World Centre are great to visit all year round to see the wonder of nature. At Christmas there’s even more to see, do, shop for and eat!
Little Elves Workshops, from 10am - 11am and 1pm - 2pm:
December 20 – Festive biscuit decorating workshop
December 21 – Make your own reindeer food workshop
December 22 – Paint your own clay tree decoration
Fun and messy play workshops
It’s £2 per session or book all three for £5.
Breakfast with Santa
December 23, 9.30am-11am
Enjoy a Christmas story and gift from Santa with a Christmas craft pack also included, music and lots of festive cheer.
Under 1’s - £5.95
Children aged 1 and above - £9.95 Includes a gift from Santa, cooked breakfast and unlimited squash. Adults £7.95 for full breakfast and unlimited tea or filter co!ee. Booking is essential as numbers are limited.
Christmas Lunches
December 3, 4, 5, 11, 12 and 13
A choice of one course for £9.95, two courses for £12.95 or three courses for £14.95. Available from 12pm until 2.30pm, served with co!ee and a mince pie.
Festive Afternoon Tea
December 22, 23, 29 and 30
A delicious Christmas themed afternoon tea with a selection of sandwiches, savoury and sweet treats and including mulled wine. £15 per person. Available 2pm to 3.30pm. Booking is essential as numbers are limited.
There’s also a creative colouring competition displayed in Whisby’s Boardwalk Bistro. Applications available from the Natural World Centre until December 12, for £1 an entry.
A festive brunch menu is available from December 18 until January 2. Opening hours will change slightly from 18 December so do check before visiting.
Whishby Natural World Centre, LN6 9BW is open daily 9.30am to 4pm. Booking at www. or on 01522 688688
Physical Wellbeing
It’s been a challenging year in all sorts of ways, and now it’s winter we’ve got the dark mornings and evenings to contend with too.
If you feel overwhelmed in any way, it’s important to remember that you are not alone and there is lots of help and support available.
There are also lots of simple things you can do to help you cope with how you’re feeling.
See for tips on dealing with pressure and coping with stress.
You can also head over to and answer five quick questions to get a Mind Plan with tips to help you deal with any stress and anxiety, boost your sleep and help your mood.
Don’t forget, our leisure partner BETTER has an app, in addition to all it o!ers in person.
There’s a huge variety of on-demand workouts available for free on the Better UK app, which is available from the Apple or Google Play stores, or at
It could be just the way to keep your body and mind healthy even if you can’ t - or simply don’t want - to brave the cold winter weather!
If you need to talk, there is a 24/7 helpline available in Lincolnshire on 0800 001 4331. You can also reach out to the Samaritans by calling 116 123 free. at home
Markets, music, merriment and a modicum of mayhem – Sleaford’s got it all this Christmas
Over the 12 (Market) Days of Christmas, the town’s traders, Town Council and the District Council welcome you to experience Eventful Sleaford
December 4
Gifted crafts at The Hub, Farmers’ Market and Millstream Pop-up
December 11
Santa’s Grotto in Bristol Arcade, Town Market, craft workshops at The Hub
December 18
Santa’s Sleigh, Band from County Hell, Living Nativity and loads more besides
Throughout December there’ll be music, discovery trails, craft workshops, street performers and larger-than-life Marvel walkabouts. Look up the Eventful diary at: