Kings Point January 2012

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News of

Happy New Year!

January, 2012

Fantastic & Eclectic: The Cart Parade Rings in the Holidays

By NOKP Staff On December 10, 2011, gas and electric motors gave the reindeer a break as the SCC Christmas Cart Parade rolled through the streets. Festively decorated carts carried holiday cheer where they would normally store golf bags and groceries. Smiling faces sang carols and called out Christmas wishes as kids and Commissioners tossed candy to crowds of parade goers lining the streets. Since its triumphant return in 2009, the Sun City Center Holiday Cart Parade has continued to grow both in spirit and across geographic boundaries. Residents from Kings Point are getting increasingly involved in what is fast becoming a true community event. As warmfor-December tropical breezes played through the palm trees, clubs, groups and individuals all displayed their holiday cheer. This year, 40-plus carts were decked out for the event in

Best Original Design - Chris & Vickie Robinson (not pictured)

Best Anniversary Theme - Ernie & Jean Cuzzi

red and green…and pink and yellow and tie-dye too. As has become customary, several local and state dignitaries took part in the parade. Al Higginbotham, Kevin Beckner, Ken Hagan and Rhonda Storms greeted folks along the parade route, shaking hands and tossing out candy along with holiday wishes. HCSO Major Ron Hartley was greeted warmly, but the largest ovation from the crowd for the VIPs was offered to SCC Community Association President Ed Barnes. By far, the largest group represented in the parade was the all-volunteer Sun City Center Emergency Squad. Outgoing Chief, Mike Jackson, led a procession of holidaygarbed Squad volunteers who laughed, waved and sang, joking with each other and with the crowd as they passed. The Emergency Squad escorted one of their Continued on Page 3

Emergency Squad Elects New Leadership

By NOKP Staff This past December heralded more than angels singing “glory to the newborn king.” It also heralded a transition of leadership at one of Sun City Center’s premier volunteer organizations. The Sun City Center Emergency Squad is an all-volunteer first responder unit initially formed in 1964 as a team of Red Cross trained “first aiders.” Today the team consists of over 400 volunteers made up of licensed Emergency Medical Technicians, First Responders, First Responder Drivers and Dispatchers. The team also includes a vital support staff of receptionists, mechanics, washers, sanitizers, instructors, technicians, maintenance and administrative staff. According to the Emergency Squad website, “Your Sun City Center Emergency Squad is ready to help you in any medical emergency. We will respond to your call for emergency medical assistance 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.” As you might imagine,

CARE....................................... 6 Spotlight with Brenda Wiseman................... 6 Debbie Caneen 33573 ........................ 8, 9 & 10 Deputy Chris ....................... 11

considering the tens of thousands of residents in 33573 and nearby areas, this is a tall order requiring exceptional dedication to e x c e l l e n c e Ken Wolfert and service. A tall order, says incoming Chief, Ken Wolfert, that the Squad’s newly elected team of executive and administrative leadership are well prepared to face. Candidates for the Squad’s leadership positions are put forth in November and elections are held in December by anonymous, secret ballot from among those nominated for the various positions. Newly elected leadership includes: Chief, Ken Wolfert. Secretary, Peg Noeltner Treasurer, Michael Schramm Director of Education, Diane Simon. Three “at large” board members were also elected, including:

SCC Emergency Squad volunteers wave to folks along the parade route at the recent Holiday Cart Parade.

Marty Mallak. A former Chief, who will also serve as Wolfert’s Deputy Chief. Sam Brandes Harold Kline With the exception of the Chief, who serves a 2-year term, each of these well-deserving individuals will serve in their elected capacity for one year. The 2-year Chief term is a fairly recent development. Says Wolfert, “It’s really necessary to serve two years, if you want to get anything done as Chief. Otherwise, just a few months after you begin your term, you are already having to think about re-election.”


Golf............................... 12 & 13 Bulletin.............. 18, 19, 20 & 21 Faith Bulletin......................... 24 Dixon’s Destinations............ 27 Contract Bridge................... 29 Hard Knox............................. 28 Horoscopes.......................... 31 Crossword & Sudoku........... 29 Solutions to Puzzles.............. 31

Wolfert brings more than simply his two years as Deputy Chief to the position. He has volunteered with the Squad over six-and-ahalf years. “Until (outgoing Chief) Mike (Jackson) asked me to be his Deputy Chief, I was more than content to be a ‘worker bee’. Was never really interested in the politics side of it. But, because Mike asked, I agreed.” But, says Wolfert, the on-the-job experience he received serving as Deputy Chief changed his mind, particularly when Jackson took a leave of absence to recover from a medical Continued on Page 22

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News of Kings Point Patron

2 Page

The News of Kings Point

January, 2012

The Editor’s Corner A New Local Tradition for 2012 By Adam Porter, . Editor in Chief, NOKP Hey friends, this past Christmas season I received several letters, suggestions and submissions imploring, cajoling and encouraging folks to shop locally and buy American made products and services. Great advice for holiday shopping, surely, and folks choosing to do so have made a huge difference both in our local and national economies and, even more so, in the lives of thousands of workers who would, otherwise, be out of work. But, here’s the thing… Like many other habits and ideals we celebrate during the holiday season, this commitment to support our friends and neighbors by “shopping local” should not just be a Christmas thing. While, yes, many retailers do a huge chunk of annual business between Black Friday and Christmas Eve, they do the rest of their business in the other 11 months of the year. So, here’s my call for you and yours to join with me and mine to commit to shopping and buying local and American made throughout 2012. This is a resolution that you can actually keep…and it’s easier than you might think. To help all of us follow through with this unique New Year’s resolution, NOKP has put together a short list of several “shop local” ideas to get us all started with a habit that will make 2012 better for everyone in our community. For instance, if you are looking for… A place to go on vacation? Legendary Journeys offers incredible deals to amazing destinations. They have offices all over Florida, including one right here in 33573. Call them at 813.633.4521 to book your next trip. New carpet, wood, laminate or tile flooring? Skip the big box outlets and shop a local institution. John Moore Floor Covering has been serving this community for decades. When you go there you know you are getting expert advice and the highest quality products. Give them a call at 813.633.7116. And if you need to get that carpet cleaned, so it looks better next to your new tile, give Oxi-Fresh Tampa a call at 813.600.7308. Need a place to replace your aging golf cart? Sun City Golf & Cars is right around the corner at 1605 Sun City Center Plaza. Call them at

813.633.7843. Someone to make your car look and smell like new again? Check out Auto Pros Mobile Detailing. They come to you, but you have to call 813.778.3544. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to local service. If you are looking for more ideas, check out our Preferred Service Provider list on the website at http://newsofkingspoint. c o m / p r e f e r r e d - s e r v i c e / . This allows you to keep your money in your community and do business with folks you know you can trust. But shopping local is definitely not just about dependable local service. What about eating local? There are countless “mom and pop” eateries in our community that depend on your patronage to keep their doors open. And, remember, many so-called “chain” joints are owned and operated locally as well. And, if you are interested in picking up some fresh produce while you grab some lunch, head on over to Goodson Farms Strawberry Market. Open seasonally, Monday Through Saturday, Goodson is famous for strawberries every way you like them, Cuban sandwiches and fresh from the field produce. Find them at 12405 County Rd. 672, Balm, FL 33503. Call them at 813.634.7790 to learn when the berries are freshest. And if you need to make some changes, improvements or seasonal updates to your landscaping, Colorfield Farms is the place. Right down the road and owned by a certified Floriculture expert, the folks at Colorfield have the answers to all your landscaping needs. Colorfield is located at 8221 Hwy 674 Wimauma. Call 813.833.2545 or click for more information. But what about gifts? Well, one of the letters I received had some interesting suggestions. Think about places you go already that offer gift certificates. Barbers, hair stylists, gym memberships (don’t give this to your wife, fellas), golf, local restaurants, computer repair, house cleaning, oil changes…the possibilities are endless. And some are literally in your own neighborhood. Think about all the clubs and groups, from quilters to woodworkers to painters, who would love the encouragement they receive when you turn one of their creations into a gift for a loved one. And what about the many terrific performing arts groups

here in town! From musical theater to seasonal sounds, The Performing Arts Club of Sun City Center nearly always has something cooking on stage at the Rollins Theater. To learn what’s on the bill this month, check out www. and, for tickets, call 813.642.0606. Then there are the Pelican Players (www.pelicanplayers. org), who regularly play at

the Borini Theater in Kings Point, and several other local entertainment groups. For more ideas, check out the Clubs & Groups link on our website at clubs-groups. These are just a few easy ways to begin the New Year’s habit of choosing to support local businesses. Have a Happy New Year shopping, eating, playing and relaxing “local!”

News of Submissions

The News of Kings Point is not just the news of your community – it is your community newspaper, exclusively serving Kings Point, Sun City Center. We are dedicated to providing a local paper that has a “home town” feeling with family and community oriented stories. We aim to provide a balance of content for our readers. It is our desire to represent each and every person, business and organization with respect, dignity and fairness. Send us information about your special events. Tell us about your hobbies and take us to places you love to go. Community news, Club events and feature stories are always welcome! Please include photos. Mailed photos will only be returned if a SASE is included. We will also review creative submissions including stories – fact or fiction – and poems. Inspire us. Make us smile. Share your favorite story, joke or song. The publisher reserves the right to refuse and/or edit all materials submitted for placement in the News of Kings Point. The publisher assumes no responsibility for the return of advertising, manuscripts, art or photographs. The News of Kings Point is not affiliated with Kings Point, Kings Point Mgmt LLC, Sterling Management or the Federation of Kings Point Associations, Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of The News of Kings Point, Inc. All editorial copy is strictly the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the attitude or opinions of this publication or that of the supporting organizations. Pieces will be considered, subject to editing and depending upon space limitations Thanks for reading and for helping us make this truly YOUR community newspaper. We look forward to serving you and can’t wait to hear from you! Electronic submissions (on or before the 15th of the month) are preferred, which you may send by email to: or mail to The News of Kings Point, Inc. PO Box 6212 Sun City Center, Florida 33573-6212 Phone: 813-938-8721 Thank you for your support. Adam Porter Editor in Chief

Staff and Contributors

John Wolf Advertising Sales

Karen Jones Contributing Editor

Anne Pidgeon Horticulture Correspondent


Nancy Jean Design and Layout

Debbie Caneen

33573 Events

2012, January The News of Kings Point

Continued from Page1

ambulances. Then came the parade of carts. In keeping with the growing diversity of the community, the Christmas spirit was as ecumenical as it was enthusiastic. Packers faithful from the Wisconsin club led Lions and Bucs and Bears in some literal Christmas cheers, while Red Sox fans in the New England Club showed transplant Rays fans some holiday love. And, speaking of fan favorites, the Mele Kalikimaka cart was back and its island crooner was in fine voice again this year. And the groovy “Peace Mobile” led a train of Christmas carts that was bookended by a manger scene celebrating the birth of the Prince of Peace. The Irish Club led a cottage with a towering, inflatable Emerald Isle lad waving at onlookers. Cadets held a banner as they escorted the Freedom Plaza cart, packed with veterans looking spiffy in their dress uniforms. There were several renditions of Santa and his elves as well as a few tiny, fluffy canine reindeer. Kids sang carols as Santa strummed a guitar. And one cheeky Kings Point resident filled her cart’s “gift bags” with bedpans and other similar paraphernalia. As the last cart passed, the parade parked by the SCC bandstand. Cart drivers and parade watchers mingled and sipped hot chocolate. A

combined choir of girls from Summerfield and Summerfield Crossing elementary schools serenaded the gathered crowd with Christmas carols and holiday tunes. On the other side of the bandstand Santa strummed a guitar and led folks nearby in holiday songs and sacred hymns and of the season. Political speeches were blissfully absent this season. Instead, neighbors from both communities chatted and admired each other’s holiday handiwork. Then came the awards presentation. Awards were given in four categories this year: Kings Point residents, Chris & Cultural Award - New England Club Vickie Robinson won for “Best Original Design.” The “Cultural Spirit Award” went to the folks in the New England Club. The “Best Holiday Theme” was awarded to those fantastically spirited cheeseheads in the Wisconsin Club. The top “SCC Anniversary Theme” award went to Ernie & Jean Cuzzi. Congratulations to all the winners and a big holiday “THANK YOU” to the terrific parade organizers for pulling off yet another fun Christmas event. Kudos, and Happy New Year too! More Pictures on Pages 14 & 15

Best Holiday Theme - Wisconsin Club - Go Pack Go!

Friday, January 20th United Methodist Church 1210 Del Webb Blvd. West Sun City Center, FL

Page 3

Doors open at 11:00 A.M. and movie starts at Noon. Free Lunch, Free Health Screenings, and Free Inspiration to become a champion!

About the Movie

Age of Champions is a documentary that follows a group of athletes—a 100 year old tennis champion, 86 year older pole vaulter, octogenarian swimmers who are all chasing the gold at the National Senior Games. This movie will inspire you to follow your dreams and find the champion in you.

RSVP required. To Register call 1-888-685-1595.

4 Page

The News of Kings Point

January, 2012

Happy New Year!!!




1509 Rickenbacker Dr., Sun City Center • 813-633-2020 • FAX 813-633-6403

Bel Aire model located in Popular St Andrews Estates. This home has a nice street presence with vaulted ceilings in living and dining room, kitchen has been modernized with oak cabinets and Granite counters. Large garage for the handy man as well as a cul-de-sac location for privacy, Moderate annual

Located in Kingspoint this STUART model 2/2 with aGable roof offers very comfortable seasonal or year round living. Home is owned by Snowbirds who have kept air conditioning going therefor no musty closed up smells. Replumbed in 2004, A/C and roof about 3 years ago. Great home for the money.

Located in Cypressview this DORAL model offers a nice view from the corner lot. Vaulted ceiling in living room, light Oak cabinets in kitchen, covered patio off dinette area. Freezer and extra storage in utility room. Newer range, refrigerator, micro, washer and dryer. Large entry opens to a great room effect.

1807 Orchid Court--This delightful SOUTH PACIFIC model is located on a large lot. A great floor plan makes this 2/2 home very desireable with 1750 square feet of living area. Roof and A/C are newer. This home is private and peaceful but so close to all Sun City ameneties.

2244 Greenwich Drive $ 59,900

1740 Atrium Drive $115,000

1807 Orchid Court $98,000

fee of $25.00 to St Andrews.

204 Austin Hill Ct $ 117,500

2011 Berry Roberts 2/2

$ 199,900

Islander-Private loc, Split Bedrooms

1506 Desert Hills


$ 89,900

DW52-Golfm Water, Nice Updates

2005 E View Dr


$ 187.000

Custom-Golf Course, Split Bedrs

833 Tremont Grns 2/2

$ 83,499

Charleston-Splt Plan, Enc Lanai

2004 Wedge Court 2/2

$ 179,000

Islander-Open Plan, Bamboo Flrs

1512 N Pebble Bch 2/2

$ 79,900

Dedham-Fresh Pt, New garage door

832 Regal Manor


$ 175,000

Cezanne-Appt Only $123. Mo Fee

2009 W Del Webb 2/2

$ 78,700

Camellia-Great full time or seasonal

1530 Ft Duquesna 2/2

$ 165,000

Limetree-Open Plan, New windows

2212 Hartlebury


$ 69,900

Sunrise-Large open back yard

415 Shellpoint


$ 155,000

3/2 & 2/1 Rental apts

1513 Chevy Chase 2/2

$ 67,900

T-2-Fully Furn, Nice Neighborhood

1806 Allegheny


$ 139,500

DW54 North lake with Island view

2020 Hawkhurst


$ 65,000

Brentwood 2-Water & Conservation

1705 Orchid Court 2/2

$ 120,000

Windjammer-Courtyard, Cul de sac

2244 Greenwich Dr 2/2

$ 59,000

Stuart-Nice Updates, Snowbird Res

204 Austin Hill


$ 117,500

Bel Aire-St Andrews-Nice Street

2010 Hereford Dr


$ 48,000

Somerset-Sold As-is, 1.5 Garage

1740 Atrium


$ 115,000

Doral-Cor Lot Covered Patio

407-B Feltham Trl


$ 45,500

Windsor, Grt Inv.Tenant in place

1823 Granville


$ 112,500

Pinehurst-Cor Lot, CPVC Plumbing

306B Fowling Ct


$ 44,900

Windsor, Lite, Bright Close to all

1611 Bentwood


$ 110,000

Twintree-Freshly Painted+ Lanai

411 Flanborough


$ 43,900

Stuart-Beautifully Furn Must See

1807 Orchid Ct


$ 98,000

South Pacific-Large lot, Newer roof

301 Kings F-130


$ 27,000

Mansard Furn-Newer Appliances

381 Club Manor


$ 92,000

Dedham- Encl Lanai, Pond View

301 Kings F143


$ 25,900

Mansard-Nicely Furn, New Kitchen

1415 Langley Dr


$ 89,900

Sunset II-Pond View Stainls Appls

202 Bedford E111 1.1.5

$ 24,000

Mansard-Furn Cozy, close to all




$ 795




$ 795




$ 975




$ 875




$ 975




$ 875




$ 995




$ 875







$ 975








$ 985








$ 1100







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the Wo n i

News of


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Where in the World is NOKP?

d is rl

Whe r

2012, January The News of Kings Point

nt i o P gs

Beginning in June 2011, the News of Kings Point will debut a new feature called: “Where in the World is the News of Kings Point.” We know many of you folks love to travel almost as much as our resident wanderer, Eddie Dixon. So, when you go on the road or on that cruise in the coming months, be sure to take along your NOKP. Snap a photo of you or a loved one holding up the paper with the News of Kings Point header visible and send a digital image to so we can put your smiling face in the paper. Did we mention…THERE’S A PRIZE!!!! The esteemed travel experts at Legendary Journeys have generously agreed to sponsor this new feature by donating a. ONE-WEEK CARIBBEAN CRUISE. That’s right! Each year we will be drawing a name from our submitted photos and some lucky traveler will cruise the Caribbean courtesy of Legendary Journeys and NOKP. Contest runs from May 1, 2011 to April 31, 2012, so get those photos in! Details are available, by request, from

John and Rosemary Buch moved to Kings Point in January 2010. They “love Kings Point and love the News of Kings Point.” It shows. John and Rosemary took their copy of NOKP with them on a recent trip to Italy.

Barbara Phillips and David Hoffman joined some friends on a Caribbean cruise. They took their copy of News of Kings Point with them to the port of Willemstad, Curacao.

Anne & Ed Bryant also took their News of Kings Point along to Willemstad this past November.

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6 Page






Spotlight with a Wise

Spotlight on Safety

Submitted by Brenda Wiseman Just a few reminders on how you can make living in beautiful Kings Point a stress free time for yourself and your neighbors. Visitors Since you have chosen to live in a limited access community, nobody arrives at your house without your permission. This means you must call the gates to get your best friend through the gate or that new furniture delivered. Your visitor must know your address, because that is how Security files your information—not by your name. Golf Carts If your cart is going faster than 20 mph, you are speeding and it is no longer considered a golf cart. It is now a low speed vehicle, which means it needs a license plate, among many other things. The driver must be at least 14 years old. A golf cart cannot be driven out of Kings Point between sunset and sunrise. (That can result in a huge fine.) And, all the rules of the road must be followed by golf carts, including obeying stop signs. Badges Your Kings Point badge is your “ticket” to the facilities— be sure you have it with you at

The News of Kings Point

all times. If you have guests who will want to use the clubhouses, make sure you get them a guest pass/badge. These can be obtained at either clubhouse. Pools All pools will be closed in bad weather, including the indoor pools. If children are still in diapers, please make sure they do not use the pools. For the safety of all children under the age of 18, an adult must be with them at the pool. It is always good to have a friend with you when you are swimming. Speed Limit The speed limit in Kings Point is 25mph or less. Even though it is tempting to travel our roads faster than this, please don’t. We are an active community with many cyclists, joggers and golfers also using the roads. A speeding car can do lots of damage to others on the road. Emergency Vehicles When you hear an ambulance or fire engine siren--pull over. Your consideration could help save a life. Vial of Life Make sure you have an up-to-date vial of life in your refrigerator. Are you wondering what that is? You can get a container from our very own Sun City Center Emergency Squad into which you can put all your medical information—meds, etc. So if there is an emergency, you won’t have to try and remember that information as you are dealing with the emergency. Kings Point is a great place to live—we can all help keep it that way!

Feline Folks will conduct its Low Cost Spay/Neuter Clinic (OFF) Operation Feline Fix for free-roaming cats on Saturday January, 21st 2012, at C.A.R.E 1528 27th St. Ruskin. Charge is $15 per Cat or Kitten. Kittens (Must weigh 4 pounds or be 4 months old.) No Carriers allowed. ALL Cats must be in a Trap. Only one Cat per trap. Reservation Required Call 813.633.7302. Drop-Off time at C.A.R.E. is 7:30 AM. Pick-up Time is 2:30 PM.

Mobile Dog Grooming Pet Sitting Adogable, LLC - Laura

January, 2012

Adopt a Friend That C.A.R.E.s

Lou is an adorable Chihuahua. He had a home for five years. Sadly, his owner dumped him when she decided to get two new dogs. If you are patient and gentle with Lou, he will warm up to you. He likes to cuddle under your chin. He has a sweet personality. Lou loves to play fetch with his stuffed ice-cream cone. He gets super silly if you lie down on the ground and play with him. Lou’s old owner told us that he is used to cats and housebroken. He would do best in a single dog home. Lou is neutered, microchipped, and current on his shots. EST. DOB: November 2, 2006

Scoppy (pronounce Scope-ee) is an very friendly boy who is partially gray with a lot of white who would like to find a forever home. He was brought in to the shelter quite suddenly and is adapting well even tho' he is a newcomer. Scoppy is a very sweet disposition cat. He was named by one of our volunteers after another cat that they had once owned. Scoppy has been neutered and brought up-to-date on his shots and as part of his adoption will be micro chipped. Est. DOB: 5/02/2011


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2012, January The News of Kings Point




Dear Anne, We are snowbirds and just returned back to Florida. What should we do, or not do in our yard and garden at this time of year? Anneswer: This year has been unusually warm. One key thing to remember is that these overly warm temperatures result in significantly dryer conditions. You must monitor your newly installed plants as well as your established plants for drought stress. This drought stress can result in greyish leaf color, wilting leaves and wilting flowers. To correct this your plants should be “deep watered” as necessary. Deep watering is defined as applying water very slowly with a hose trickling over a several hours so that the entire root ball gets totally wet, even in the center. Most irrigation systems are

designed to apply about a half inch of surface water to lawn grass. During periods of little rainfall, this is not enough water to reach deeper seeding roots. Citrus trees especially need to be monitored since they will soon be flowering. If we have any really cold weather you may want to over-seed your lawn grass since it may have turned brown and become dormant. Now is the time to apply an over-seeding of winter rye grass. Do not double seed. Follow package directions because too much seed will cause fungus problems in the existing lawn grass. Citrus can be lightly pruned to remove damaged leaves caused by leaf miners. The trees will soon re-flush and flower again. You can cut off any old crape myrtle blooms, but wait until February to do your major pruning. Roses should be trimmed by one-third then fertilized. Also in February you should cut your tea roses back by two-thirds then fertilize. If you have azaleas or gardenias be sure to correct the soil’s P.H. for the best flowering. If your plants are yellowing it is a good bet that your P.H. is higher than seven. No iron is available for the plant if the P.H. is ever above six and a half. I like to use pelleted sulfur that releases slowly to lower the P.H. Then any good quality balanced fertilizer with minor elements will work well once the

Page 7

P.H. is lowered. Winter is a great time for vegetables and herbs, IF you pick the right ones! Try vegetables like cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, collards, beets, carrots, lettuce, chives, onions, peas, and radishes. Tomatoes are cold sensitive but worth the trouble if you protect them on the colder nights with a proper covering of plastic over cloth. The plastic must go all the way to the ground and be fastened down with weights

or ground staples to trap the radiating heat from the earth below. Cool season herbs include cilantro, parsley, sage, fennel, rosemary, and sweet marjoram. Thyme and dill also enjoy the colder weather.

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The News of Kings Point

January, 2012

WED. JAN 4 - SAMARITAN SERVICES ALZHEIMER SUPPORT GROUP 2:00 P.M. Lutheran Church. Relax, destress, get fit while you sit chair yoga with certified yoga instructor Gary Lenza. For more information please call the Samaritans at 634928 WED. JAN 4 - NEW EXHIBITION AT THE GALLERY 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. The reception for the opening of the new exhibit at The Art Gallery In SCC will be a one-woman show featuring the works of Anne Walker. Everyone is invited to attend. Admission is free and refreshments will be served. Her works will remain on display through the end of February. THU. JAN 5 – THE WOMEN’S CHORUS SPRING CONCERT REHEARSALS BEGIN 9:00 -11:00 a.m. St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, 1239 Del Webb W, Sun City Center. Pictures, videos and comments fill our Facebook page - SCC Women’s Chorus. Betty (813-633-3862) or Mim (813-6341148) would be delighted to provide you with additional information. It is not necessary to reside in Sun City Center or Kings Point to join. Come a few minutes early to meet us, pick up your music, find a seat, make new friends and get ready to make beautiful music! THU. JAN 5 - SUPPORT FOR CAREGIVERS 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. Join us at Homewood Residence 3910 Galen Ct. SCC for our Alzheimer’s Support Group. We’ll provide you with the education, information and resources you need in a caring, confidential environment. Anna Lively, MS, Registered Mental Health Counselor, will guide the group and answer questions and concerns. Light Refreshments. For Information, Call Bev @ 813-6334340 or bhurley@brookdaleliving. com FRI. JAN 5 - C.O.A.P. “CHILDREN OF AGING PARENTS” 4:00 - 5:30 P.M. Sun Towers 101 Trinity Lakes Drive Sun City Center 813-634-3347. This is an ongoing support group for individuals who are assisting and/ or caring for older, adult parents. Facilitated by Laura Burch from Hanson Services, In Home Care. For more information about the group, please visit: www.caps4caregivers. org THU. JAN 5 - ST. JOHN THE DIVINE EPISCOPAL CHURCH MUSICAL EVENT 7:00 p.m. at the Community Hall in Sun City Center and is to benefit the Outreach Programs of St. John the Divine Episcopal Church. Community Welcome! (Note: the 3rd Frolics of 2011) Freewill offering accepted. SAT. JAN 7 - DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Ozzie’s Buffet, 3074 E. College Ave. Ruskin. $30 fee to cover the fullday workshop, handouts, lunch and 2 snack breaks. Must register

in advance, NO tickets sold at door. To register, call Allen Maser 813.480.3576. Open to all interested persons in the area. SAT. JAN 7 - ACADEMY OF BALLROOM DANCE MONTHLY DANCE 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Community Hall, 1910 South Pebble Beach Blvd., Sun City Center. Members free, guests $6.00. Dressy Casual Attire. BYOB. Music by Bernice May. Singles Table available. 6:00 - 7:00 Celebration of recent marriage of Bernice & Tom. All members and other friends are welcome. For further information, call Jean Kostka at 813-634-1235. SUN. JAN 8 - SHOWCASE HIGHLIGHTS 11:00 - 5:00 p.m. Community Hall, South Campus. $11/person. Tickets on sale MonWed-Fri, 9:00 - 12:00 Atrium-Kiosk (Note: Kiosk closed week of Dec. 27) or at door day of show. Open seating. Open to public. Info: 6422001. Come see 15-17 acts “strut their stuff”. Each act has 10-12 minutes to perform for booking agents (and you). A fun-filled day. Come and go as you please. Food available for purchase (by Softball Club). Note: If you bought the Sun or Fri series, you already have a ticket for this show. SUN. JAN 8 - PIANO AND ORGAN RECITAL 3:00 p.m. St. Andrew Presbyterian Church 1239 Del Webb Blvd. West, Sun City. Kenneth Dake Organist will present a piano and organ recital. Tickets available at the church office or at the door day of the concert at a cost of $9.00. Future monthly concerts are the instrumental trio ETA3, pianist Naomi Niskala and the USF Chamber Singers. For further information call the church office at 634-1252, Judy Voorhees at 6428125, or John Scott at 642-9554. SUN. JAN 8 - SINGLES SOCIAL DANCE CLUB 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. To meet in the Florida Room to dance to the music of Thor Stevens. Admission: Members $3; Guests $5; Join now for $10 and save. BYOB; Ice, water and snacks provided. Ongoing collections for our troops: one-use items such as eye-drops, soaps, etc; hard candy; pj bottoms XL; tee-shirts L& XL, small stuffed animals. Info: Janet 633-3558. MON. JAN 9 - LIFE CONCERNS SUPPORT GROUP 1:30 to 3pm every Monday at Homewood Residence, 3910 Galen Court, just off Upper Creek Dr. Bring your depression, anxiety, fears and frustrations either with family, friends or others to receive and give support, in full confidence and free of charge. Experience both healing and enrichment. Frank Koebrich (813) 642-0773, and Harriet Susskind (813) 633-9899 are both experienced psychotherapists. Sponsored by the Mental Health & Aging Coalition. 33573 Continued on Page 9

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Dance Club. Classes are held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium building. Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point Residents. Couples and Singles welcome. $5/per class. For information call Bernice DuBro at 634-3205. TUES. JAN 3 - STARGAZING PARTY 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. SouthShore Regional Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way Ruskin, FL 33573. Join us for a stellar stargazing party! Astronomy enthusiast Craig MacDougal will lead a brief discussion on stars, planets, and moons. Immediately following on the Harkins Plaza, will be a viewing of the night sky through telescopes as we search for these celestial wonders. Funded by the Friends of the SouthShore Regional Library. FREE admission! If 33573 is provided by Debbie questions call (813) 273-3652. Caneen, Director of Business WED. JAN 4 - HEARING LOSS Development, Sun Towers from items submitted for publication. ASSOCIATION OF SUN CITY CENTER (HLA-SCC) 9:30 a.m. St. Andrew To submit events for future Presbyterian Church, 1239 Del publications, send them by Webb Blvd. W. Joan Haber, Peer the 15th of the prior month. Mentor for people with hearing Debbie also publishes Ads loss, will discuss where to start to and Events, a weekly e-mail begin addressing hearing loss. containing information about what’s happening in 33573. FREE hearing screenings with audiometer will be provided by Your event will also appear Patricia Paddock, Brandon Hearing in the weekly Ads and Events Center before and after the e-mail and on the website meeting. CART provided by Tess Crowder, Communication Access, . Send all events by e-mail to Inc. Contact Richard Herring at or You only need to submit your Barbara Riley at 634-1706. Event one time each month for WED. JAN 4 - METAPHYSICAL it to appear in both The News SOCIETY 10:00 a.m. Topic: Open of Kings Point and SCC Ads and meeting and Metaphysical Society Events. Presidential and Board of Directors SPECIAL EVENTS election. Everyone will also have Please include all basic the opportunity to share their information, especially Price personal experiences, book reports, (or list it’s Free) and Contact spiritual insights, an interesting Information (phone, e-Mail, or website). Six lines maximum. article, newsletter or e-mail. Come to the Heritage Room in the Sun Send to: sccfreeads@tampabay. City Center’s Complex, 1009 North As soon as space permits, Pebble Beach Blvd. For Information, we will put it in the weekly e-Mail please contact Ed Leary, 383-7594. and it will run until event date WED. JAN 4 - THERAPEUTIC TAI CHI! passes. You do not need to 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. Sun Towers 101 submit it again. Trinity Lakes Drive Sun City Center 813-634-3347. Therapeutic Tai Chi PLEASE NOTE: This area is for open to the public! Our therapists SPECIAL EVENTS only. WEEKLY, have advanced training in MONTHLY, or ONGOING EVENTS therapeutic Tai Chi for Seniors and are listed on our website under will provide guidance in this healthy WEEKLY & MONTHLY MEETINGS exercise. Tai Chi has been proven at . to increase strength and balance! This class will be offered EVERY which is updated every Wednesday due to increased weekend. demand. SUN. JAN 1 - ST. JOHN THE DIVINE WED. JAN 4 - JANUARY MILITARY EPISCOPAL CHURCH 8:00 a.m. Holy OFFICERS ASSOCIATION OF Eucharist Rite I SCC church-1015 AMERICA (MOAA) 11:00 a.m. Del Webb Blvd. 9:00 a.m. Holy Sun City Center Atrium building Communion Rite II - Festival of in the Florida Room. Dr. Michael Lessons and Carols Ruskin 11.00 J. Deeb, a distinguished Civil War a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II-Festival of author. Reservations can be made Lessons and Carols-SCC by calling 877-332-3016 ($14) no MON. JAN 2 - LIFE CONCERNS later than the Sunday before the SUPPORT GROUP 1:30 to 3pm every Wednesday meeting. Monday at Homewood Residence, WED. JAN 4 - SOCIAL DANCE 3910 Galen Court, just off Upper CLASSES 12:45 p.m. Beginning Creek Dr. Bring your depression, Fox Trot 2:00 p.m. Intermediate anxiety, fears and frustrations - Rumba 3:15 p.m. p.m. Beginning either with family, friends or others Silver - Quick Step Sponsored by to receive and give support, in full the Academy Dance Club. Classes confidence and free of charge. are held in the Dance Studio in the Experience both healing and Atrium building. Open to all Sun City enrichment. Frank Koebrich (813) Center and Kings Point Residents. 642-0773, and Harriet Susskind (813) Couples and Singles welcome. 633-9899 are both experienced $5/per class. For information call psychotherapists. Sponsored by the Bernice DuBro at 634-3205. Mental Health & Aging Coalition. WED. JAN 4 - THE INS & OUTS TUES. JAN 3 - CONGESTIVE HEART OF PUBLISHING 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. FAILURE “CHF” SUPPORT GROUP SouthShore Regional Library, 15816 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. Sun Towers 101 Beth Shields Way Ruskin, FL 33573. Trinity Lakes Drive Sun City Center Local author Dr. Fran Orenstein, 813-634-3347. Join our facilitator will be leading an informational Shayne Kull, MSR, from Hometown workshop on the various elements Homecare as she introduces you to of publishing. Topics discussed cutting edge resources. This group will include: agents; changes in is exclusively for those living with publishing in the last 20 years; heart failure and their families and ebooks; books on demand; caregivers. traditional vs. small presses; pros TUES. JAN 3 - SOCIAL DANCE and cons of self-publishing; honing CLASSES 5:30 p.m. Beginning - Swing your craft; and presenting your best 6:45 p.m. Intermediate - Waltz 8:00 product. FREE admission! Register in p.m. Beginning/Intermediate - Silver advance at 813-273-3652. Waltz Sponsored by the Academy

US 301 SunCity Center

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C.R. 672 E. 31/3 miles east of 301 Balm, Florida 634-7790

2012, January The News of Kings Point

Page 9

33573 From Page 8 MON. JAN 9 - ART CLUB IN SCC MIXER 3:00 p.m. in the Florida Room, The Art Club In SCC will offer the second in its series of Social Mixers. Featured at this ‘Mixer’ will be films and discussion on some art related topics. All welcome. Admission is free and membership in the Club is not required. Popcorn will be available, and BYOB, if desired. TUES. JAN 10 - CANCER DETECTION AND PREVENTION 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. Craig Edward Amshel, M.D. is East Hillsborough’s first fellowshiptrained Colon & Rectal Surgeon performing Colon, Rectal, General and advanced Laparoscopic surgery and endoscopy in our area with an office located directly behind South Bay hospital in Haverford Plaza. Attend this informative session where you will learn valuable information that could one day save your life! Sun Towers 101 Trinity Lakes Drive Sun City Center 813-634-3347. TUES. JAN 10, 17, 24 AND 31st MICROSOFT EXCEL (4 SESSION CLASS) 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Held in the Computer Club Classroom in the SCC Atrium, Tuition of $20 payable upon registration. You may register any day, except Sunday, at the Classroom, 12:30 – 5:00 PM. Enrollment limitation of 12 students per class. Open to any SCC or Kings Point resident. For further information call or email Bob Wehrle, 633-4516 - bcwehrle@ TUES. JAN 10 - DEPUTY GIRARD PRESENTS KINGS POINT CRIME AWARENESS MEETING 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. East Social Room in the Main Clubhouse. Learn about any crime happening in your area and be aware of how to prevent it! TUES. JAN 10 - COPD SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 4:00 P.M. Sun Towers 101 Trinity Lakes Drive Sun City Center 813-634-3347.Joy Barlaan, ARNP and Jan Whitaker, LPN from Ace Homecare have over 50 combined years of experience and will be your facilitators. Your available resources are endless! TUES. JAN 10 - SOCIAL DANCE CLASSES 5:30 p.m. Beginning - Swing 6:45 p.m. Intermediate - Waltz 8:00 p.m. Beginning/Intermediate - Silver Waltz Sponsored by the Academy Dance Club. Classes are held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium building. Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point Residents. Couples and Singles welcome. $5/per class. For information call Bernice DuBro at 634-3205. TUES. JAN 10 - SCC PHOTO CLUB MEETS 6:30 p.m. the SCC Photo Club will feature a special presentation by two of the area’s foremost nature photographers, Lou Newman and Ron Mayberry. At 6:30 p.m., we will have a tutorial program, followed by the regular program at 7:00 p.m. This is an open meeting and you do not have to be a member to attend. For more information on the club and its activities, please see our website at or visit the learning lab at 960D Cherry Hills Drive. WED. JAN 11 - SOCIAL DANCE CLASSES 12:45 p.m. Beginning Fox Trot 2:00 p.m. Intermediate - Rumba 3:15 p.m. p.m. Beginning Silver - Quick Step Sponsored by the Academy Dance Club. Classes are held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium building. Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point Residents. Couples and Singles welcome. $5/per class. For information call Bernice DuBro at 634-3205. WED. JAN 11 - MASTER GARDENER: FLORIDA LAWNS 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. SouthShore Regional Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way Ruskin, FL 33573. This presentation explores many depths to lawn care in Florida. Topics include: the advantages and disadvantages to warm

season grasses such as Bahia, St. Augustine, Bermuda, seashore paspalum. Co-Sponsored by the Hillsborough County Extension Service. FREE admission! If questions call (813) 273-3652. WED. JAN 11 - KINGS POINT LINE DANCERS - COUNTRY WESTERN DANCE 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. in the Borini Theatre in Kings Point. Country/ western attire, or come as you are. Tickets available at the KP box office, $5.51 each, open to KP and SCC residents and their guests. BYOB and setups Call Jan 6346226 for info. THU. JAN 12 – GRIEF SHARE SUPPORT GROUP 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Meets this winter at the United Methodist Church of Sun City Center. The facilitator is Rev. Dr. Bill Moon, will meet each week for 13 weeks and is on a rolling system so people could join at any point during the session. The support group is open to anyone coming to terms with death of someone close to them. Each may relate to others in a non-judgmental atmosphere where grief is valid. To register, call the United Methodist Church at 634-2539. THU. JAN 12 - SOUTH SHORE DEMOCRACTIC CLUB 1:00 p.m. South Shore Regional Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way in Ruskin. Coffee, refreshments and camaraderie are offered at 1:00 p.m. the meeting begins at 1:30 p.m. All Democrats and like-minded people are welcome. Speaker will be Dr. Jason W. Wilson, MD, Attending Physician, Associate Research Director, USF, Emergency Medicine Residency. He will discuss the Affordable Health Care Plan. THU. JAN 12 - GRIEF, LOSS AND DEPRESSION SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. Sun Towers 101 Trinity Lakes Drive Sun City Center 813634-3347.Facilitated by Edmond Dubreuil MSW, RCSWI mental health professional. Supported by: South Shore Coalition on Mental Health & Aging & United Methodist Church of SCC THUR. JAN 12 - “YOGA FOR A STRESS FREE YOU” (EVERY THURSDAY) 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Homewood Residence & South Bay Hospital partner with Certified Yoga Instructor Gary Lenza For Beginner Yoga Classes. $20 per 4-week session. Meets at the H2U Office 3909 Galen Ct. Call Bev to reserve a mat! 813-633-4340. Limited Space. FRI. JAN 13 - THE INTERNATIONAL FORUM OF SCC PRESENTS “TWENTYFIRST CENTURY CANADA”. 9:30 a.m. in the Florida Room of the Atrium Building off North Pebble Beach Blvd and is open to all residents of SCC and Kings Point. Philip Leto, J.D. Professor of Government and World Affairs at the University of

Tampa will present. FRI. JAN. 13 - PHIL DIRT AND THE DOZERS 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. Community Hall, South Campus, $18/person. Tickets on sale MonWed-Fri, 9:00-12:00 Atrium-Kiosk (Note: Kiosk closed week of Dec. 27) or at door day of show. Reserved table seating. Dance floor. BYOB & snacks. Open to public. Info: 6422001. You’ll be transported to the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s in a high-energy romp or contagious good humor, dazzling musical talent & amazing recreations of the hits you love best. SAT. JAN 14 - REVOLUTIONARY WAR RE-ENACTMENT 11:00 a.m. The SCC Branch of the American Assoc. of University Women will host a luncheon in the Florida Room of the Atrium Bldg on North Course Dr., Sun City Center. A Revolutionary War Re-enactment will be presented by Charles and Dorothy Churchill in Colonial attire. After the meeting lunch will be served followed by the presentation. Contact Mary Marro to reserve, 707 Ward Circle, SCC. Phone 634-5483. Reservations must be received by January 8. SUN. JAN 15 - THE OLDIES BUT GOODIES DANCE CLUB 7:00 10:00 p.m. The dance is held at the Community Hall. We dance from 7PM until 10PM. Dance club members are admitted without charge; $5.00 fee for residents who are not members of the club. BYOB and snacks. Ice, water and cups are provided. Please contact Barbara Gingrich if you have questions - 813-633-5649. MON. JAN 16 OR MON. JAN 23 USING YOUR DIGITAL CAMERA WITH YOUR COMPUTER 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. A three-hour mini course, your choice of two dates. Held in the Computer Club Classroom in the SCC Atrium, Tuition of $10 payable upon registration. You may register any day, except Sunday, at the Classroom, 12:30 – 5:00 PM. Enrollment limitation of 12 students per class. Open to any SCC or Kings Point resident. For further information call or email Bob Wehrle, 633-4516 - bcwehrle@ MON. JAN 16 - LIFE BIO IS BACK 11:00 - 1:00 p.m. Sun Towers 101 Trinity Lakes Drive Sun City Center 813-634-3347. Our accredited Life Bio instructor will take you through the steps of creating your personal life history in a lovely presentation to pass down to future generations. This four-week class will end with a graduation ceremony. Don’t miss this opportunity to record your past for the future! RSVP is a must! MON. JAN 16 - SCC LOW VISION CLUB 1:30 p.m. In the Florida Room, Atrium Bldg., Central CA Campus. Info: 813-385-5590. Our guest speaker, Mr. Patrick Soja, is

well educated and experienced in dealing with problems associated with individuals with low vision and blindness. He is an Orientation and Mobility Specialist and his presentation will be on ideas to assist with everyday living and hopefully make life a little easier. Come and listen and share with us. Coffee and cookies. TUE. JAN 17 - IS VITAMIN B-12 FOR YOU 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. Presented by Deborah Rodriguez, R.N. Certified in Geriatric Medicine Director of Patient Services, AllianceCare Tampa. Vitamin B-12 may be something to consider as it has been known to improve memory, alleviate the symptoms of fatigue, improve skin texture and appearance, and slow the aging process. Learn the risks and benefits and what to consider before deciding to add it to your daily regime. Sun Towers 101 Trinity Lakes Drive Sun City Center 813634-3347. TUE. JAN 17 - SOUTH SHORE COALITION FOR MENTAL HEALTH AND AGING 1:30-3:30 p.m. at The United Methodist Church, 1210 Del Webb Blvd W (813) 634-2539 FREE - Learn the results of The Coalition for Mental Health and Aging’s assessment of the mental health concerns in our community. Hear from the professional caregivers who are providing direct services to our neighbors. The finale presentation will include a question and answer panel to answer questions from the audience. TUE. JAN 17 - KP CANADIAN CLUB MEET AND MINGLE 2:00 - 4:00 pm, KPCH Banquet Room. All Canadians residing in Kings Point and Sun City Center are invited to attend this wine and cheese event. Cost $3.00 at door. For info call 6338023 TUE. JAN 17 - ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. Sun Towers 101 Trinity Lakes Drive Sun City Center 813-634-3347.Join Katie Colwell Williams, MA, CMC from Aging Care Advocates. Her skills as a Geriatric Care Manager will provide valuable needed resources! TUES. JAN 17 - SOCIAL DANCE CLASSES 5:30 p.m. Beginning - Swing 6:45 p.m. Intermediate - Waltz 8:00 p.m. Beginning/Intermediate - Silver Waltz Sponsored by the Academy Dance Club. Classes are held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium building. Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point Residents. Couples and Singles welcome. $5/per class. For information call Bernice DuBro at 634-3205. 33573 Continued on Page 10

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The News of Kings Point

January, 2012

33573 From Page 9 FRI. JAN 20 CABARET DANCE CLUB 6:30 – 9:30 p.m. Florida Room at Community Association, Pebble Beach Blvd. SCC. For more info contact Angelina at 813-634-1865. SAT. JAN 21 - 50th ANNIVERSARY FUN RUN/WALK 9 a.m. ‘til noon, Mon, Wed, Fri Jan. 2 through 13. Register in the Atrium. Sponsored by the GFWC SCC Woman’s Club. Registration is $5 which includes a T-shirt and refreshments at the end of the race. Everyone who participates in the 3-mile Fun Run/Walk will receive a 50th Anniversary Ribbon. TUES JAN 24 - CANCER SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. Dr. Craig Amshell from Absolute Surgical Specialists and Dr. Randy Kahn from Tampa Bay Radiation Oncology along with Gregg Mazza from BrightStar Lifecare will be facilitating this group for you. Attend and learn about the most innovative technologies available to fight and prevent cancer. If you are dealing with a diagnosis of cancer or know someone who might be facing this disease, be sure to attend this group that will take place on the 4th Tuesday of each month. TUES. JAN 24 - SOCIAL DANCE CLASSES 5:30 p.m. Beginning - Swing 6:45 p.m. Intermediate - Waltz 8:00 p.m. Beginning/Intermediate - Silver Waltz Sponsored by the Academy Dance Club. Classes are held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium building. Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point Residents. Couples and Singles welcome. $5/per class. For information call Bernice DuBro at 634-3205. WED. JAN 25 - SOCIAL DANCE CLASSES 12:45 p.m. Beginning - Fox Trot 2:00 p.m. Intermediate - Rumba 3:15 p.m. p.m. Beginning Silver - Quick Step Sponsored by the Academy Dance Club. Classes are held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium building. Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point Residents. Couples and Singles welcome. $5/per class. For information call Bernice DuBro at 634-3205. WED. JAN 25 - DIABETES SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. Sun Towers 101 Trinity Lakes Drive Sun City Center 813-634-3347. Please join Shelley Tanner, R.N. from Angels Care Home Health as she facilitates our support group “Everyday Basics of Diabetic Care”. THU. JAN 26 - SOUTH BAY HOSPITAL PRESENTS: STROKE AWARENESS KNOW THE SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. Join Kim McKell, RN, MSN Stroke Coordinator at South Bay Hospital as she shares valuable insight into this subject. Why wait until it’s too late Sun Towers 101 Trinity Lakes Drive Sun City Center 813-6343347. THUR. JAN 26 - SCC DISABLED VETERANS CHAPTER 110 12:00 p.m. Caper Room of the SCC Association Hall, North Pebble Beach Blvd. and meets on the fourth Thursday of each month for coffee, soda, pizza and fellowship at 12 P.M. with the General Membership meeting beginning at 1 P.M. We sincerely invite all disabled veterans to attend our meetings. THU. JAN 26 - GRIEF, LOSS AND DEPRESSION SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. Sun Towers 101 Trinity Lakes Drive Sun City Center 813634-3347.Facilitated by Edmond Dubreuil MSW, RCSWI mental health professional. Supported by: South Shore Coalition on Mental Health & Aging & United Methodist Church of SCC FRI. JAN 27 - FANTASTIC FRIDAY! 6:00 p.m. Welcoming back celebrity ventriloquist, Margaret Davis, who will fill your hearts with laughter at the United Community Church, 1501 La Jolla Ave. Sun City Center. The catered menu will feature an Italian Feast including Salad, Italian Roast Beef, Chicken Parmesan and Pasta Primavera and all the trimmings. The

dinner/show tickets are $17.00 per person and the show is only $5.00. Tickets are available for purchase following the 10 AM service, on Sundays or on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 10 to 12 AM in the Narthex. Last day to purchase dinner tickets will be Tuesday 1-24-2012. SAT. JAN 28 - SNO-BALL GALA 5:00 p.m. Social hour, dinner served at 6:00 p.m. Michigan Club’s most elegant event of the season - the SNO-BALL GALA - in the Borini Theatre KPN. Social hour at 5pm, BYOB, sit down dinner served at 6pm with dancing at 7pm. Ticket Sales 9am to noon Tuesday January 3, 10, 17 and 24. Sun City residents are welcome - use the visitor entrance to Borini Theatre. Members $27 and Guests $29. Questions Call Paul at 634-8506. SAT. JAN 28 - THE TARANTELLA DANCERS OF ST. PETERSBURG 7:00 p.m. Banquet Room at Kings Point Club House. AMICI will be sponsoring The Tarantella Dancers of St. Petersburg. Members’ tickets will be free. Each member may purchase one guest ticket for $5. Tickets will be available in the Kings Point Club House lobby on Wednesday, January 4th and Wednesday, January 11th from 11am to 1pm and on Monday, January 23rd from 10 am-noon. A limited number of

tickets are available. There will be a wine and cheese reception after the program. SUN. JAN 29 - SINGLES MINGLE DANCE CLUB OF KINGS POINT 6:30 9:30 p.m. Singles Mingle Dance Club of Kings Point will hold their monthly dance in the Studio from 6:30-9:30 PM with music by Thor Stevens. Admission $5. BYOB. Ice and water provided. Ongoing collection for our troops-small stuffed animals, pj bottoms XL & t-shirts L & XL, hard candy, and one-use items. Info: Jeannette 634-5560. TUES. JAN 31 - SOCIAL DANCE CLASSES 5:30 p.m. Beginning - Swing 6:45 p.m. Intermediate - Waltz 8:00 p.m. Beginning/Intermediate - Silver Waltz Sponsored by the Academy Dance Club. Classes are held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium building. Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point Residents. Couples and Singles welcome. $5/per class. For information call Bernice DuBro at 634-3205. PLEASE NOTE: The Above Section Contains ONLY information about SPECIAL EVENTS. For WEEKLY, MONTHLY and ONGOING MEETINGS, go to www. and click on the Weekly & Monthly Meetings link.


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WED. JAN 18 - SOCIAL DANCE CLASSES 12:45 p.m. Beginning - Fox Trot 2:00 p.m. Intermediate - Rumba 3:15 p.m. p.m. Beginning Silver - Quick Step Sponsored by the Academy Dance Club. Classes are held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium building. Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point Residents. Couples and Singles welcome. $5/per class. For information call Bernice DuBro at 634-3205. WED. JAN 18 - DEPUTY GIRARD PRESENTS SUN CITY CENTER CRIME AWARENESS MEETING 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. At the Sun Trust Bank 1525 Rickenbacker Drive. Sun City Center. Learn about any crime happening in your area and be aware of how to prevent it! WED. JAN 18 - ELDER LAW SEMINAR 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. SouthShore Regional Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way Ruskin, FL 33573. This program will provide information and education regarding legal issues for seniors including planning for incapacities and long term care with emphasis on public benefits. Medicaid, Medicare, and V.A programs will be discussed. FREE admission! If questions call (813) 273-3652. WED. JAN 18 - PARKINSON’S SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. Marcia A. McCall, M.T.S, retired Coordinator of Research Department of Neurology College of Medicine USF and “coauthor of 100 Questions and Answers about Parkinson’s” will be here for our Parkinson’s support group. Sun Towers 101 Trinity Lakes Drive Sun City Center 813-634-3347. WED. JAN 18 – CLASSICAL MUSIC APPRECIATION 3:30 PM, Kings Point main clubhouse, East-West Social Room. Free. All lovers of classical music are invited. Information: Arthur C. Joy, 813-633-9783 THU. JAN 19, 26, FEB 2, and 9 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS (4 SESSION CLASS) 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Held in the Computer Club Classroom in the SCC Atrium, Tuition of $20 payable upon registration. You may register any day, except Sunday, at the Classroom, 12:30 – 5:00 PM. Enrollment limitation of 12 students per class. Open to any SCC or Kings Point resident. For further information call or email Bob Wehrle, 633-4516 - bcwehrle@tampabay. THU. JAN 19 - POST-POLIO SYNDROME GROUP OF SOUTHERN HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY (NEW MEETING LOCATION!) 12:00 p.m. at Denny’s on RT 674 in Sun City Center. The group will still meet on the 3rd Thursday of the month September through May, with NO meeting the month of December. This group also meets the first Friday of every month, year long, at 10am at Sun City Cafe, RT 674 in Sun City Center. For more information please call: Pam Vogelsang (813) 642-8707. THUR. JAN 19 - PASTRY NIGHT AT KINGS POINT BORINI THEATER 6:30 p.m. Reservations are being taken for our Pastry Night with cut-off date: Jan., 14th so hurry! Choice of Cannoli or Fsogliatelli w/demitasse & Sambuca. Entertainment by Salvina. KP Borini Theater. Doors open 6:30 PM. BYOB. Members $3 - Nonmembers $5. Make check payable to A.I.H., indicate choice of pastry and mail to Annette Macdonald (633-9697) 2450 Kensington Greens Dr., SCC 33573. FRI. JAN 20, 27, FEB 3 AND 10 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS (4 SESSION CLASS) 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Held in the Computer Club Classroom in the SCC Atrium, Tuition of $20 payable upon registration. You may register any day, except Sunday, at the Classroom, 12:30 – 5:00 PM. Enrollment limitation of 12 students per class. Open to any SCC or Kings Point resident. For further information call or email Bob Wehrle, 633-4516 - bcwehrle@tampabay.


✪ To Sun City Center ý

2012, January The News of Kings Point

Page 11

Don’t Miss The January Crime Awareness Seminar Submitted by Deputy Chris Girard Folks move to Kings Point and Sun City Center for many reasons. But, for most of them, their motivations are their own version of “retiring in style.” They want less stress and more fun. They want to know and trust their neighbors and feel comfortable in their own community. And, for the vast majority of SCC and KP residents, that’s the lifestyle they enjoy every day. But that doesn’t mean you should not be vigilant. There are still those out there who seek to take advantage of your relaxed attitude to your life of fun in the sun. But, as with anything else, a little knowledge can go a long way toward keeping you and yours safe in this new year. To assist you in getting the knowledge you need to stay safe in 2012, the HCSO will be hosting

two Crime Awareness Seminars this month. Both of these seminars offer you the opportunity to learn about crime happening in your area and to be aware of how to prevent it! Tuesday, January 10th join me from 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. in the East Social Room in the KP Main Clubhouse. Wednesday, January 18th join me from 2:00 – 3:00 PM at the Sun Trust Bank 1525 Rickenbacker Drive. Sun City Center. Don’t miss these opportunities

to learn not only what sort of criminal activity has been happening in your community, but also about preventative measures you can take to protect yourself, your family and your home and to help prevent yourself from becoming a victim. Another upcoming event to look forward to is the grand opening of our new HCSO substation here in 33573. We are moving our offices to 948 Cherry Hills Drive, SCC. That’s east of the lawn bowling greens in between the wood shop and the ceramic shop. And, finally, there is an additional matter that needs to be addressed this month. It concerns handicapped parking. Recently I have noticed many occasions where more than one vehicle is attempting to park in

a single designated spot. This is illegal. Regardless of the size of type of vehicle, only one vehicle is permitted per designated space. This also includes the exterior lines that surround the handicap-designated space. Even if you believe there is room or you will, “only be a minute,” do not double park. To be clear, this applies to golf carts and scooters as well as other vehicles. When you try to squeeze into a spot, particularly if you park on the lined pavement around the actual space, your vehicle is restricting access to those who use those areas to safely exit their vehicles and traverse the parking lot. Thank you for your attention to this and see you at the Seminars. Happy New Year and be safe out there.

Annual Outdoor Adventure Film Series The Eagle Audubon Society of Kings Point announces it’s 29th Annual Outdoor Adventure Film Series for 2012. Each of the films is narrated by the filmmakers themselves and brings their personal storytelling styles to their travelogues. This year’s 3 films will be on the Saturdays of Jan. 21, Feb. 18, and Mar.10 in the KP Clubhouse Borini Theater. Tickets are now available at the KPCH Box Office, M-F, and cost $7.50 for each film and $18 for the entire series. Tickets may also be purchased just prior to the 7:30 PM performances. The first film on Jan 21st starts us off in the United States as we join our travel guide and award-winning film producer, Steve Gonser, on a journey to explore the diverse attributes of the fourth largest state, Montana, in a presentation aimed at revealing the scenic wonders of the state’s many wild areas and uncovering the special qualities and history of the Big Sky Country in a film entitled “Majestic Montana.” The second film on Feb.18th

moves us to a land of exceptional seamen and explorers and a country with a landscape endowed with magnificent fjords, snowcapped mountains, lush pastures and vast moors. This film entitled, “Norway, From the Land of Vikings,” is narrated by the highly accredited film producer, Dale Johnson. The final film of the series on Mar. 10th narrated by Sandy Mortimer, an award-winning travel documentary producer, introduces us to the Maya of yesterday and today. In the film “Worlds of the Maya, “ we explore Belize and Guatemala and visit ancient cities, temples, and caves to learn of the ageold rituals and ceremonies of the native peoples that hold the stories of a great classical past. This is another unique series of adventure films that should satisfy the travel and adventure curiosity of almost everyone. The Society’s proceeds from the series are used for annual grants to a number of Florida’s conservation organizations.


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News of Kings Point on Line

Debbie Bates, CIC, LUTCF, CLTC (813) 633-0006 837 Cypress Village Blvd. Sun City Center © 2011 Allstate Insurance Company

12 Page

The News of Kings Point

Bi-Annual Meeting & Dinner - Hogans Golf Club (of Sun City Center and Kings Point)

The Hogans Golf Club held their bi-annual (every two years) meeting on Monday, December 5, 2011 in the Florida Room of the Sun City Center Atrium building. There were 43 members (and their spouses) attending the very short business meeting after which a buffet dinner was served. Entertaining the attendees was Frank Guffin and his Rolland keyboard on which he played styled and unique scoring of Christmas numbers. Frank is President of the Organ & Keyboard Club and he donated his talents to the Hogans for the evening. Traveling trophies were presented to two “most improved golfers.” The male winner was Bill Poirier and the female winner was Jenice Taylor. Also recognized were the Charter members Art Swallow, Rich Lucidi, Jay Sparkman and Karen Jones. Additionally, original members Dave Diehl, Charlie Strimpell (up North) and Dave Worthington were honored. Officers and Leaders - president Art Swallow, treasurer Andy Betz, VP Rich Lucidi, Scheduling – Terry Upson,

January, 2012

Falcon Watch Captains Cup Overall Winner


League Rube Jones (Syl Amos and Doc Lamiano not present), and auditor Terry Frank Guffin at the Seipelt were keyboard: recognized for their contributions to the success of the Hogans. A random drawing for a golf caddy concluded the ceremonies (won by newly wed Roy Clark) Next meeting will be held in 2013 but informal dinners and get-togethers will be held all year long. The Club is open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point residents and their guests. Contact or visit Submitted by: Art Swallow

Marty Leahy, Golf Professional at Falcon Watch congratulates Harry Porter for being overall winner in the Captains Cup for 2010. Other winners by flights are 1st Flight Bill Fitzhugh, 2nd Flight Vince Pirone,3rd Flight Bob Gondon, 4th Flight Harry Porter, 5th Flight Jerry Emmrich, 6th Flight

Hogans Golf Club (of Sun City Center and Kings Point) Saturday, 11/26/2011 League #1 Course: Riverside Play: match 1st: Bill Anderson, net 68 2nd: Rich Lucidi, 69 3rd: Trav Lansberry, 73 League #2 Course: Freedom Fairways Play: match 1st: Ray Dahlquist, net 65 2nd: Charlie Brown, 78 Tuesday, 11/29/2011 Course: Imperial Lakewoods Play: h-Skins 1st: John Apostolou, 6 skins 2nd: Dick Hastch, 3 skins 3rd: tied at 2 skins each John Grunwald & Dana Judy 4th: Bill Anderson, 1 skin Low-net: John Apostolou, 60 Low-gross: John Apostolou, 83 Wednesday, 11/30/2011 Course: Diamond Hill Play: h-Skins 1st: Trav Lansberry, 4 skins 2nd: Paul Maki, 2 skins 3rd: tied at 1 skin each Charlie Brown & Jerry Stemas Low-net: Jerry Stemas, 75 Low-gross: Jerry Stemas, 90 Friday, 12/2/2011 Course: Riverside Play: match 1st: Tom Gotshall, 88 2nd: Chuck Feldshau, 97 Saturday, 12/3/2011 Course: Greenfield Plantation Play: match 1st: Dick Ihrke, net 79 2nd: Karen Jones, 80 3rd: Mary Ihrke, 84

Monday, 12/5/2011 Course: Summerfeild Play: a-Skins 1st: Ray Dahlquist, 4 skins 2nd: Dave Britton, 2 skins 3rd: tied at 1 skin each – Lew Resseguie & Jerry Stemas Low-net: Dave Britton, 69 Low-gross: Dave Britton & guest Dan Driver, 87’s Natural Birds: Jerry Stemas, #6 Tuesday, 12/6/2011 Course: Imperial Lakewoods Play: a-Skins . (awards for birds + Skins) 1st: Trav Lansberry, 2 skins 2nd: tied at 1 skin each John Apostolou, Jerry Stemas. & Dick Hatch Low-net: Trav Lansberry, 65 Low-gross: Jerry Stemas, 81 Natural Birds: Jerry Stemas, 3 . (holes #2, 7 & 16) Trav Lansberry, 1 (hole #14) Wednesday, 12/7/2011 Course: Diamond Hill Play: match 1st: Chuck Feldschau, 106 2nd: Jim Kistler, 116 Thursday, 12/8/2011 Course: Buffalo Creek Play: a-Skins 1st: Denny Wintersteen, 77 2nd: Dick Ihrke, 79 3rd: John Apostolou, 80 4th: Mary Ihrke, 86 Natural Birds: Mary Ihrke (hole #7), Dick Ihrke (hole #14) & Denny Wintersteen (hole #4)

Saturday, 12/10/2011 Course: Riverside Play: match 1st: Rich Lucidi, net 67 2nd: Jim Sari, 69 3rd: John Schachte, 72 4th: Fred Zizleman, 79 Saturday, 12/10/2011 Course: Freedom Fairways Play: h-Skins 1st: Bill Anderson, 10 skins 2nd: Ray Dahlquist, 3 skins Low-net: Bill Anderson, 51 Low-gross: Bill Anderson, 62 Monday, 12/12/2011 Course: River Club Play: match 1st: Bill Anderson, net 66 2nd: John Kirkland, 70 3rd: Chip Wood, 72 Low-gross: Bob Drosky, 82 Tuesday, 12/13/2011 Course: Bloomingdale Play: a-Skins (award for natural birds) 1st: Rube Jones, 5 skins 2nd: Steve Parks, 2 skins 3rd: Dan Stephens, 1 skin Natural Birds: Rube Jones, #17 (1 skin) Low-net: Rube Jones, 69 Low-gross: Rube Jones, 86 Friday, 12/16/2011 Course: Riverside Play: individual match 1st: Dan Stephens, net 67 2nd: tied at net 69’s Rube Jones & Lew Resseguie 3rd: Rich Lucidi, 72 Low-gross: Dan Stephens, 79

Monday, 12/19/2011 Course: Summerfield Play: h-Skins 1st: Bob Hull, 3 skins 2nd: tied @ 2 skins each Chuck Feldschau, Ray Dahlquist & John Schachte 3rd: Dan Stephens, 1 skin Low-net: Bob Hull, 73 Low-gross: Bob Drosky, 83 Natural Birds: John Schachte (hole #8), Bob Drosky (hole #8) & Dan Stephens (hole #2) Tuesday, 12/20/2011 Course: Imperial Lakewoods Play: match 1st: Jenice Taylor, 91 2nd: Jim Byrne, 94 3rd: Jon Blanchard, 104

Note: Jenice holds the 2011 2nd place - overall trophy among all Hogans members Wednesday, 12/21/2011 Course: Diamond Hill Play: match 1st: Ed Ristan, net 61 (senior T’s) 2nd: John Dykstra, 76 3rd: John Schachte, 82 Low-gross: Ed Riistan, (senior T’s) Thursday, 12/23/2011 Course: Buffalo Creek Play: a-Skins 1st: tied at 2 skins each – Tom Convery & Mike Griffin 2nd: tied at 1 skin each Karl Wessinger & Denny Wintersteen Low-net: Lou Resseguie, 72 Low-gross: Bob Drosky, 86 Submitted by: Art Swallow

2012, January The News of Kings Point

Page 13

Scepter Golf Ladies Partied & Celebrated!

Scepter golf ladies, on December 13, partied and celebrated a combination Captain's Cup Champions and a Merry Christmas taco party at the Kings Point South Club House. The flight winners (pictured from left to right) from the two day "net score event" on November l5th. and were: Judie Schafers.........1st. flight.............. 144 Judy Frank...............2nd. flight............. 154 Barbara Bogg..........3rd. flight.............. 147 Carol Salowitz.........4th. flight.............. 142 (overall winner) Karen Tomle............5th. flight.............. 148 Jan Thumberg.........6th. flight.............. 149 (not pictured)

Congratulations to all winners Tuesday Scepter Ladies day is open to all members. Sign-up by Friday or contact our Golf Professional, Lisa Lipnicky, at Scepter. We specialize in golf, social activities, and competition.

Carol Salowitz, overall winner!

The flight winners (pictured from left to right) Judie Schafers, Judy Frank, Barbara Bogg, Carol Salowitz and Karen Tomle.

Merry Christmas taco party.

Introducing The Smile Our Smile will put you on the road in style. For urban travels, weekend cruises, grocery getaways or downtown dashes, our Smile features all the latest NHTSA safety equipment like AS1 automotive windshields, DOT-approved seatbelts and programmed to travel up to 20 mph. Great for security, police or just moving people with clean, green electric power.

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Automotive AS1 Windshield Wipers Rear Trunk Removable Door with Glass Window Removable Roof 4 Wheel Hydraulic Brake System Urgency-Electric Break Switch, Charge-Stop Switch 91”L x 53”Wx68”H

14 Page

The News of Kings Point

January, 2012

Peace on Earth Freedom Plaza with another festive float

Mele Kalikimaka sounded great… bringing the islands to 33573

Christmas carts follow the star in SCC

KP resident Kathy McClannan waves hello

Santa is a Packers fan…hmmm

Minto Communities

1st Annual


CAR ! W n SHO ratio egist

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(Next to the Community Association North Campus Parking Lot) Join Minto for a Winter Festival full of fun! Featuring a car show, live music, ready to eat food for purchase and much more! Bring your pet along and enter the pet contest at 1 pm! Don’t forget to bring your lawn chairs to relax and enjoy the music.

For More Information, Please Call:

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If you are interested in participating as a vendor for this event please contact Channa at 813-314-2190, ext. 1223 or email

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Details subject to change without notice. CGC 505726, CGC 1519880, CGC 019736. © 2011 Minto Communities, LLC All Rights Reserved.


2012, January The News of Kings Point

Santa Clause is comin to town

Page 15

Outgoing ES Chief Mike Jackson shares a laugh with ‘Santa’

Happy 2012!


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16 Page

The News of Kings Point

January, 2012

Interfaith Council Honors Scholarship Recipients

The Interfaith Council of Sun City Center recently held its Annual Holiday Luncheon at the Redeemer Lutheran Church in SCC. Attending the luncheon were Council Members of the IFC and volunteers who work at the Nearly New Shop. Special guests included 20 out of 50 recipients of the College Scholarships awarded to them for their continuing education. Now attending colleges such as Florida State, University of South Florida, University of Central Florida, University of Tampa, Hillsborough Community College, and other colleges, all are graduates of Lennard High School or East Bay High School. They shared their stories on how the scholarships have made a difference in their lives. All were grateful for the generosity of the community for supporting the Nearly New Shop that generates the funding for the scholarships through the sale of donated items. The Interfaith Council has awarded 50 new and continuing scholarships this past

Scholarship recipients that attended the luncheon. 1st row (L to R) J. Tatlock, L. Hernandez, K. Eastep, S. Zipperer, L. Rankin, C. Jokisch, B. Davis, B. Rotger, A. Leon, S. Sierra, 2nd row (L to R) P. Bhakta, E. Blue, R. Bansil, J. Kropac, R. Hall, B. Seifer, K. Leeper, T. Franch, C. Zipperer, M. Mobley Kelly Leeper, a recent graduate of the University of Tampa, is a 4-year continuing scholarship recipient with a BA in Accounting, sharing her appreciation

year, for a total of $100,000. These scholarships are given to graduating seniors and to successful college students on a continuing basis. In addition, many charities and organizations received grants from the council this past year from proceeds generated by the Nearly New Shop.

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News of Kings Point on Line

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Sales: Comfortmaker and Lennox Service: All makes and Models Free Second Opinions Visa/MasterCard/Discover/American Express

o t P n r l a a e y L B d r n i dge Be a n u F Bridge Teachers’ Association Sun City Center Bridge Lessons for players on all levels


Courses are $50 & Include textbook • Register Now!

call or email the Teacher or email: Ronda O’Farrell at

Beginning Bridge, for the Starting or Novice

9 week class, Starting Monday, Jan. 16, 9 a.m., Royal Room Instructor: John Foster, 634-3240

Declarer Play, for Returning Players

9 weeks, Starting Tuesday, Jan. 10, 9 a.m. Horizon Room Instructor: Pat Rippel, 642-9216,

Winning with Good Defensive Play

8 weeks, (includes review of basic bidding and play of the hand) Starting Wednesday, Jan. 11, 9 a.m., Horizon Room Instructor: Leslie Cox, 634-4296,

Strategy: Squeeze, End Plays, Throw Ins 8 weeks, Starting Tuesday, Jan. 10, 9 a.m., Royal Room Instructor: Virgil Eveleigh, 642-9005

“What Every Bride Player Should Know”

8 different topics as advertised on the Horizon Room Bulletin Board Starting Thursday, Jan. 12- $5/session, Royal Room Instructor: Marian Howarth, 642-0719

2012, January The News of Kings Point

Page 17

Keeping The Resolution To Be Healthy

Submitted by . Rev. Dr. Warren Langer A popular practice in December is to create a list of New Year resolutions to improve one’s life for the upcoming year. One of the most popular resolutions is to lose weight. With over 2/3 of all Americans being overweight this is an important goal for many. Unfortunately, over 80% of Americans who have lost weight, weigh more within two years. These results leave many Americans feeling helpless with their weight issues. The problem lies in having the wrong goal. The goal should not be a number of pounds to be lost but a change in lifestyle. If one does not change one’s way of eating while losing weight the individual will be back to the same weight he/ she was before the weight loss. To be successful a person needs to choose a program that assists in the change of

eating habits so one does not return to the weight he/she was. Even surgical procedures to lose weight require a change in eating habits to be successful in keeping weight off. Weight loss is not just about lowering one’s calorie intake. There is a fine line between losing weight and the body believing it is starving. People who have dramatically lowered their calorie intake gained weight instead of losing it. The body believed it was starving and was turning any food received into fat. A person needs to be careful about the diet program that is chosen. Not all programs are the same. A study of various programs will reveal that the pounds lost in a week varies from less than a pound to 5 pounds a week. The average cost among the major diet programs in the country varies from an average cost of $833 to

lose forty pounds to over $3,700. Programs that require doctor visits or surgical procedures can cost much more. The ability to lose forty pounds can fluctuate from two months to over nine months depending on the program. No program to lose weight should be done without consultation with one’s physician, especially if the person is taking medications or has other health issues. A loss of weight may require adjustments in levels of medication. If the medications are not monitored properly it could create other health problems. Many people who reach a healthy weight experience a decline or

elimination in the prescriptions they need to take. There will be an information meeting about weight loss on Monday, December 12th at 6:30 p.m. at the Apollo Beach office of South Shore Chamber of Commerce which is located in the Sweet Bay shopping center on US 41 between Apollo Beach and Ruskin. Rev. Dr. Warren Langer is Senior Pastor at Sun City Center United Methodist Church and a health coach for Take Shape for Life. In 2011 he helped over 70 people lose over 4,000 lbs. and come off of over 100 prescriptions. Dr. Langer can be reached at Wlanger@verizon. net or 813-846-5844.

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18 Page

The News of Kings Point

January, 2012

B U L L E T I N Michigan Club Sno-Ball Gala

Kings Point and Sun City Residents, plan to attend the Michigan Club’s most elegant event of the Season: “The Sno-Ball Gala.” Saturday January 28, 2012. Borini Theatre/KPN. Social hour at 5PM BYOB. Sit down dinner served at 6pm by Orange Blossom Catering: stuffed white fish or sliced tender beef burgundy. Dancing at 7pm to the music of the Bruno Connection from Sarasota. Ticket sales 9AM to noon Tuesday January 3, 10, 17 and 24th. Members $27. Guests $29. Sun City Residents use Kings Point “VISITORS ENTRANCE” to the Borini Theatre. Questions? Call Paul at 813-634-8506.

Sun City Center Photo Club Announces Winners

The Sun City Center Photo Club is proud to announce the winners of its annual Best of the Best competition. The Grand Prize winner is Worker Bee by Rolf Sulzberger and the Judge’s Choice Award went to Nancy Williams for her photo, Snowy Beach at Lake Tahoe. There were 116 entries for this competition. Award winners in each class were: Beginners: First place, Snowy Beach on Lake Tahoe by Nancy Williams; second place, Played Out by Ron Shackleford; and third place (tie), Exit Glacier on a Cloudy Day by Bev Shackleford and St. Louis Cathedral by Ron Shackleford.

Sun City Center Photo Club Meets . Tuesday, January 10 at 6:30 pm

The January 10 meeting of the Sun City Center Photo Club will feature be a special presentation by two of the area’s foremost nature photographers, Lou Newman and Ron Mayberry. Dr. Lou Newman has always had an interest in photography. It was a leisure time activity throughout his years as a rancher and veterinarian in Montana. He has been a veterinary pathologist, professor, clinician, diagnostician and administrator and in all of those roles, his photography was part of his work and his relaxation. From Africa to Alaska, professional photographer Ron Mayberry has pursued his passion for photographing wildlife. He leads seminars and wildlife trips and has entertained us in the past with his stories and his photographs. We are extremely fortunate to have Dr. Newman and Mr. Mayberry with us on January 10. For more information, please visit their web sites: Lounewmanphotography. com and At 6:30 p.m., we will have a tutorial program, followed by the regular program at 7:00 p.m. This is an open meeting and you do not have to be a member to attend. Dues for the 2012 year remain at $20 per person or $30 per household couple and provide access to club activities, competitions and classes as well as the photo lab with computers, scanners and large format printers. For more information on the club and its activities, please see our website at or visit the learning lab at 960D Cherry Hills Drive.

Kings Point Chorus

Snowy Beach on Lake Tahoe by Nancy Williams

Intermediate: First place, Sunset on Tampa Bay by Rose Stack; second place, Pompeii by Allen Maser; and third place, But if e=mc squared by George Seeley. Advanced: First place, Worker Bee by Rolf Sulzberger; second place, Great Blue Hunting by Rolf Sulzberger; and third place, Overlooking Key West by Marianne Wexler.

Kings Point Chorus would like to thank all the people who attended our first cabaret-style-concert, “A Holiday Party in our Town,” presented December 11, 2011. It was a sell-out crowd that warmed the hearts of all chorus members. We worked very hard to present beautiful holiday music with the audience participating and having a good time. We also want to thank all the businesses that put up our posters, and the newspapers for giving us the “press” that we so desperately needed. Final thanks have to go to our director, Chuck Wirick, who was able to take a group of people and come up with a chorus capable of giving a performance pleasing to the audience. Our next concert will be in April. We hope to see you there! Do You Like To Sing? Come join Kings Point Chorus starting on January 9, 2012 as we begin rehearsals for our spring concert. There are no auditions. We rehearse Mondays from 1:45 to 3:30 PM in the East West Social Rooms of the North Clubhouse. Bring a sweater and water. The dues are $10 for each concert. The spring concert will be April 14, 2012. For more information you may call Brenda at 813.447.0388.

MOWW Features . Brigadier Colin H. C. Howgill at Luncheon

Left, Brigadier Colin Howgill (Ret) and right Lt Col Zahrobsky, USAF (Ret)

Brigadier Colin H. C. Howgill spoke to the Military Order of the World Wars (M0WW) at its December meeting and luncheon held at the Sun City Center Plaza Club, Sun City Center, on Thursday, December 15th, 2011. General Howgill, a 31-year veteran of the United Kingdom Royal Marines, provided the group with information Worker Bee by Rolf Sulzberger on Britain’s activities in Borneo, Aden, New Hebrides (now Vanustu) and Ireland in the 1960’s and 70’s. He provided firsthand insight into Divine Frolics Variety Show the transition of New Hebrides into what is now called Vanustu. Come see this “Florida Style” Winter Review on Thursday, January General Howgill was commissioned in May 1958 and served both 5th, 2012. The show starts at 6:30 PM in the SCC Community Hall as a helicopter pilot and a Commando Special Forces infantry and costs $8 per person to attend. Tickets available at the door. officer. He possesses extensive, worldwide combat experience in Entertainers will include: Bill Barker, Jean Brown, Troy Coman, John security, counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency operations. He Foster, Bob Garrod, Vince Robbio, Dee & Frank Weder and Charles has been awarded numerous combat decorations. He was also Wirick. Groups performing include the Hawaiian Homeys, Silver appointed the Royal Marines Aide-de-Camp to Her Majesty Queen Tappers, SCC Country Cloggers, the Sunsations and Time Steppers. Elizabeth. He retired from the Royal Marines as a one-star officer in All proceeds for this event go to St. John the Divine’s out reach April 1989 and settled in the USA becoming a US Citizen in 1997. programs.

2012, January The News of Kings Point

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B U L L E T I N Dr. Michael J. Deeb to Speak at January MOAA Meeting

British Connection Plans Scottish Celebration

The January Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) meeting featuring Dr. Michael Deeb will be held in the Sun City Center Atrium building in the Florida Room at 11:00 am on Wednesday January 4th, 2001. Reservations can be made by calling 877-332-3016 ($14) no later than the Sunday before the Wednesday meeting. Following graduation from Aquinas College, Michael Deeb earned his Master’s Degree from Michigan State University. The emphasis of both degree programs was American History. This was Michael Deeb followed by twenty years of teaching at the high school, college and university levels. During this time he earned his doctorate from Wayne State University. For the next twenty-five years Dr. Deeb owned an accounting and investment advisory practice. Upon retirement from his business activities, Dr. Deeb returned to his first love, American History. He published his first Civil War era historical novel, Duty and Honor in 2007. The second novel in this trilogy, Duty Accomplished was published in 2008, the third, Honor Restored in 2009 and the fourth, “The Lincoln Assassination: Who Helped John Wilkes Booth Murder Lincoln. Currently, Dr. Deeb is writing book reviews for both The Civil War News and the New York Journal of Books.

The British Connection of Sun City Center invites all residents of Sun City Center and Kings Point to join us on Tuesday, January 24, 2012 for a Scottish Celebration showcasing the Sarasota Scottish Country Dancers and featuring Charlie Murray playing the bagpipe. The event, from 6 pm until 9 pm, will be held in the Florida Room at the Atrium on North Pebble Beach Boulevard. BYOB and a main course dish to share for six (6). Cost for the event is $3.00 for members and $5.00 for guests. The price includes salad, dessert, tea, coffee and non-alcoholic beverages including soda for setups. Attendees will be encouraged to participate in a Scottish reel and sing-along to Auld Lang Syne. For reservations, contact Kathy Howell at 567-3358 no later than Friday, January 20. Send a check payable to The British Connection to Ms. Howell at 316 Green Manor Drive, Sun City Center, FL 33573. The British Connection is a group of people from Sun City Center and Kings Point who are British (English, Irish, Scottish or Welsh), of British heritage or who have traveled to Great Britain and are interested in its culture and history. The purpose of the club is to meet with like-minded individuals to enjoy various British-themed activities organized by the Club. Each year, the British Connection hosts a traditional Christmas Tea for which Board and Committee members prepare authentic British food. The tea leaves are hand delivered from England. Membership and participation in the club is open to all residents of Sun City Center, Kings Point, and Freedom Plaza.

The Men’s Club Of SCC Health Care Program

First Annual Minto Communities Winter Festival

On January 9, 2:00 P M, at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, Del Webb Blvd. W. Will have Dr. H.E. “Pat” Crow speak on “The development of a geriatric service and its effect on the quality and cost of medical care for our aging population. Dr. Crow, certified and re-certified in family practice has had numerous appointments in academic medicine, written extensively about the practice of medicine and has spoken to groups in the past about medicine for seniors and problems with over medication. This year he will talk about his efforts to establish a geriatric service here in collaboration with USF Medical School, and how this will effect the quality and cost of medical care under the impact of the new health care law. Refreshments will be served.

Join us for a Winter Festival full of fun! Featuring a car show, live music, ready to eat food for purchase and much more! Bring your pet along and enter the pet contest at 1pm! Don’t forget to bring your lawn chairs to relax and enjoy the music. This is sure to be a day full of exciting outdoor activities for all to enjoy! The Winter Festival will be held Saturday, January 28, 2012, from 12pm – 3pm, at the North Lakes Golf Club – 1225 N. Pebble Beach Blvd., Sun City Center 33573 (located next to the community association north campus parking lot).

Writers Club News

AMICI The Italian Cultural Club

AMICI will be sponsoring The Tarantella Dancers of St. Petersburg on Saturday, January 28, 2012 at 7 PM in the Banquet Room at the Kings Point Club House. Members’ tickets will be free and each member may purchase one guest ticket for $5. Tickets will be available in the Kings Point Club House lobby on Wednesday, January 4th and 11th from 11am to 1pm and on Monday, January 23rd from 10 amnoon. A limited number of tickets are available. There will be a wine and cheese reception after the program.

South Shore Democratic Club

The South Shore Democratic Club meeting will be held on Thursday, January 12, 2012, at the South Shore Regional Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way in Ruskin. Coffee, refreshments and camaraderie are offered at 1:00 p.m. the meeting begins at 1:30 p.m. All Democrats and like-minded people are welcome. This month’s speaker will be Dr. Jason W. Wilson, MD, Attending Physician, Associate Research Director, USF, Emergency Medicine Residency, whose interests are emergency department utilization, patient flow, critical medical anthropology and health policy and public service. He will discuss the Affordable Health Care Plan.

International Forum of SCC

Friday, January 13, the International Forum of SCC will meet at 9:30 AM in the Florida Room of the Atrium Building off North Pebble Beach Blvd and is open to all residents of SCC and Kings Point. Philip Leto, J.D. Professor of Government and World Affairs at the University of Tampa will present a program on Twenty-First Century Canada.

SCC Dance Club

SCC Dance Club welcomes you to our Dance on Wednesday, January 18th Community Hall, 7:30-9:30 p.m. Music by “GERARDO” with a variety of music. Attire: Dressy Casual. Members Free. Guests $6 per person at the door. Singles always welcome. BYOB and Snacks. For more information call 813.634.9074

Eagle Audubon Society Monthly Program

Thursday, January 19, 2012, 12:30 PM. Kings Point Club House, Banquet Room. Program: “Discover Tampa Bay.” Speaker: Don Clark, Instructor at USF. Our January meeting is a potluck luncheon. Visitors are welcome. Bring a serving for 8 people and a serving utensil. Tableware and beverages are provided. Meeting and program follow the luncheon.

Betty Winn Fuller (left) was the first to respond to an ad in a local paper asking for writers interested in forming a club. The ad was placed in 1991 by Grace Houston (right). Yvonne Ponsor (seated) was the second president of the Writers Club (originally, Creative Writers) of Sun City Center. The three women attended a recent 20th Anniversary Party for the founding of the club, which is still in existence and meets regularly. For membership information, call Grace at 634-1766.

Popular Memoir Class To Start Soon

If you’ve resolved that this is the year that you will write about your family history but you don’t really know how to begin, it’s time to join the popular class at Hillsborough Community College/SouthShore in Ruskin called “Write Your Life Story.” In this eight-week course, students write about the important milestones in their lives, describing childhood events, educational and career choices, greatest influences, parents and siblings, romances and proudest achievements. You will learn how to create stories that your heirs will actually read using literary devices so that the stories will be entertaining as well as truthful. This non-credit course attracts people of all ages and writers are pledged to hold all that they hear in class in strict confidentiality. The course runs 10:00 AM-12:30 PM on Fridays from February 3 through March 30. Registration is limited and can be done on-line at or by calling for more information 813259-6010.

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The News of Kings Point

January, 2012

B U L L E T I N Country/Western Dance

The Kings Point Line Dancers are having a Country/Western dance on Wed Jan 11, 2012, 7 - 10pm, in the Borini Theatre in Kings Point. Open to KP and SCC residents and their guests, tickets available at the KP box office, $5.51. Wear your country/western attire, or come as you are. BYOB and setups. Call Jan 813.634.6226 for info. SCC Bridge Association Invite

SCC Bridge Association Invite

Play and learn bridge - a course for beginners (or relative beginners). Sponsored by the SCC Bridge Association, this 9-week course offers a thorough introduction to bidding and play. $50 fee includes textbook and all materials. 9 - 11:30 AM Mondays beginning January 16th in the Royal Room. Instructor, John Foster, has introduced the game to more than 800 residents of greater Sun City Center. Space is limited; register early. Phone 634-3240.

SCC Rotary Installs . 2010-2011 Officers, Directors

Women’s Chorus News

Did you attend The Women’s Chorus Christmas Concert? Did you sit out in the audience and think “wow, I would love to be a part of that fun group”? Well you can! Spring concert Rehearsals begin on Thursday, January 5, 2012, from 9:00 to 11:00 A.M., at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, 1239 Del Webb W, Sun City Center. If joining The Women’s Chorus is on Joyce Moloney and Jerri Garretson are your “to do” list for the New all smiles after final “warm-ups” for The Year, be sure to circle the Women’s Chorus Christmas Concert. date on your calendar. Take a look at our Facebook page, SCC Women’s Chorus. It’s filled with pictures, videos and comments about the chorus. Betty (813633-3862) or Mim (813-634-1148) would be delighted to provide you with additional information. It is not necessary to reside in Sun City Center or Kings Point to join. Women from surrounding communities are always welcome. Come a few minutes early to meet us, pick up your music, find a seat, make new friends and get ready to make beautiful music!

Tickets on sale:

Amy Kopstad, Rotary Vice President Bob Rubin, Juan Monshave

Rotary Club of Sun City welcomed East Bay High School students Amy Kopstad and Juan Monshave to their weekly meeting on December 13th at Freedom Fairways Golf Club. The two students were chosen to attend Rotary’s Seminar For Tomorrow’s Leaders at Florida Southern College in Lakeland. The students spoke about their experiences at the leadership development seminar and described it as a life changing experience. The event helps participants to increase their self-confidence, practice & engage in team building, appreciate different leadership styles, and improve vital communication skills. Founded in 1964, Sun City Center Rotary club is an affiliate of Rotary International. Among its local projects are college scholarships for high school students, dictionaries for school children and semiannual participation in Kids Against Hunger, which produces thousands of meals for the needy in our community. Founded in 1905, Rotary International is a volunteer organization of business and professional leaders who provide humanitarian service and help build peace and goodwill throughout the world. Membership is by invitation.

Italian Heritage Club Carnival Party

The Americans of Italian Heritage Club is having a Carnival Party on Tuesday, February 14th, 2012 in the KP Borini Theater. It will be a buffet catered by Banquet Masters which will include an appetizer table, 14 item salad bar, Italian herb chicken, crab stuffed fillet of sole and lasagna with meat. There will be dessert on the table. There will also be coffee, tea and soda plus ice for BYOB. We will also have a wine table featuring 2 different wines. The entertainment will be Just the 2 of Us (Brian & Dori). Costumes and/or masks are encouraged. The doors open at 5 PM, dinner at 6 PM and music at 7 PM. Members $22 and non-members $25. Please send your check made payable to A.I.H. to Annette Macdonald (633-9697), 2450 Kensington Greens Dr., SCC 33573. Since there will be no tickets, no return envelopes will be needed. It would be appreciated if groups of 8 could put their checks together. Cut-off date is Feb. 9th.

Organ & Keyboard Club News Submitted by Barb Carlini, Publicity Chairperson

The organ/keyboard club played Christmas Songs for The Christmas Walk, Dec 3, Stained Glass Christmas Party, Dec 4, and The Hogan’s Christmas Dinner held on Dec 5. Organs, KeyBoards, & Piano’s were used in various ways to interpret the songs for the Holiday Season. Members of the Organ/KeyBoard Club enjoy sharing our music with other clubs for their parties & dinners in SCC. Call us for your up and coming events that you would like music for. Call Barb Carlini 813.633.2022. It’s one club doing for another club in our wonderful community of Sun City Center.

• Entertainment Series Shows: The remaining Sunday shows are the Showcase (Jan. 8/$11); Van-Dells (Jan. 29/$16); Simply Streisand (Feb. 19/$13); and Joey Arminio & Family (Mar. 11/$15). Friday Dance/Shows are Phil Dirt & the Dozers (Jan. 13/$18); Fabulons (Feb. 10/$19); and Frankie Valli & the Four Seasons (Mar. 2/$21). • St. Petersburg Opera Co.: Two operas are scheduled from 2-4 p.m.: Preview to “Samson et Dalila” (February 26) and Preview to Marriage of Figaro (May 20). Tickets are $10/show/person. • Follies Birthday Bash: As part of the 50th Anniversary Celebration, the Pelican Players will perform this show Sunday, February 12, 2012, 2:30-4:30 p.m. Tickets are $5/person and go on sale Monday, January 16 (wrong date in article last month). Atrium Kiosk. • Sarasota Jazz Project: Swinging into Spring will be held Sunday, March 4, 2012, 2:30-4:30. Tickets: $12/person will go on sale Monday, February 6 ... At C.A. Office. • 50th Anniversary Gala: The closing event for the year-long 50th Anniversary celebration will be held Friday, April 20, 2012, 7:00-10:00 p.m., featuring Flashback Band. This will be a dance (tables of 10) and the theme is the 60’s; you are welcome to dress accordingly. Tickets will be $20/person; includes high-end appetizers. (Date of ticket sales to be decided later.) • Sarasota Concert Band: There are three performances scheduled in 2012, 2:00-4:00 p.m.: April 22, 2012: Russian Romance May 20, 2012: Latin Rhythms July 1, 2012: Victory Celebration Ticket prices are $18/person/performance or buy all three as a mini-series for $45/person) will go on sale Monday, February 6 at the SCC Community Association Office). Hold The Date: September 30, 2012, 2:30-4:30 - America, the Beautiful by the Tampa Bay Heralds of Harmony (Date of ticket sales/price of tickets to be decided later).

Kings Point Lawn Bowling News Submitted: by Suzanne Maguire

Santa Claus arrived early & with a big bag of gifts for the LB members. Dinner was served at the Banquet Room, wherein the new slate of Board Members were sworn in by Past President, Rene Aube. President – John Robek 1st VP - Doug Crippen 2nd VP – Sam Giliberto Recording Secy – Joan Kelly Treasurer – Karen Crippen Greens Keeper – Bill Moore Members at large – Irene Williams. Gretchen Johnson, Ed Bryant President Robek made special mention of John Copenhaver, Jackie Heckle, Bill Moore, Carole Robek & Joe White for their dedicated efforts on behalf of the club and the green. Frank Crowley will be starting lessons for beginners interested in the sport on January 16th at 1 PM and will continue on Monday, Wednesday & Friday. Call Frank at 938-4757 for all details. January 21st, the club will host a Krazy Kards Party at the Banquet Room. This will be a fun night and all are invited to join in. Do yourself a huge favor, check us out, you will not be disappointed. Anyone, at any age can play and play well. It is fun, exercise and a day out in the beautiful Florida weather.

2012, January The News of Kings Point

Page 21

B U L L E T I N Organ/KeyBoard Club new Officers for 2012

South Shore Symphony Orchestra Seeking Board Members

The South Shore Symphony Orchestra Inc. (SSSO) is a not for profit organization in its second year of existence. The SSSO is seeking five new members to join their Board of Directors. The Board of Directors makes decisions affecting all aspects of the orchestra. The SSSO needs board members with various types of experience who wish to assist in the facilitation of the many aspects of the organization. The SSSO is seeking new board members with experience in writing of grants and ability to locate foundations willing to support one or more of the symphony’s many programs. Mr. Galati, President, Founder, and Assoc. Conductor of the Orchestra said, “I feel there are a lot of potential board members with all kinds of useful experience, in the South Shore area, who would like to be a part of and assist in the building of this orchestra to be one of the best in Central Florida.” “The SSSO needs to bring the board to its full potential”. To apply for a position on the Board of Directors of the SSSO: Please a send letter of intent to: South Shore Symphony Orchestra, P.O. Box 5867, Seated left to right: Linda Hawken, Vice-president & Mira Beck, Sun City Center, FL 33571-5867. In your letter, please include your Secretary Standing left to right Bob Mulcahy, Treasurer, Kathy Katz, background as well as what you feel are your best qualifications for past president and Frank Guffin, President. a position on the SSSO Board of Directors. The club is open to all SCC & Kings Point residents. It is designed Future concerts are: for beginners through advanced players. We meet every Thursday February 10Th - “A Celebration of Love” with the Fantasy Overture at 9AM for a group lesson in the Florida Room. Everyone receives from ”Romeo and Juliet.” and keeps the music that is taught that day. Cost is $3.00 per lesson. March 23rd -Saint-Saens “Symphony #3” with Organ For information call Barb Carlini 813.633.2022. May 4th – “A Tribute to America” with Dvorak’s “Symphony # 9” From the New world.

GFWC SCC Woman’s Club: . 50th Anniversary Fun Run/Walk

Jeanne Nenarella (left) and Cyrille Cobe plan to walk in the GFWC SCC Woman’s Club 50th Anniversary Fun Run/Walk on January 21. Registration will be held Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9 a.m. until noon at the Atrium from January 2 through 13. The three-mile Run/Walk will be held on the old North Course golf cart path. The entrance fee is $5 and provides a T-shirt and refreshments at the end of the race. Everyone who participates will receive a 50th Anniversary Ribbon. For more information, please call Monica McPhillips at 813.642.9157.

Entertainment Corner

You still have a variety of shows to choose from to keep you entertained for the next several months. All shows are scheduled at the Community Hall except for the operas, which will be held at the Rollins Theater. All shows have reserved seats and are open to the public. Tickets are on sale at the Atrium-Kiosk Monday-WednesdayFriday, 9:00 a.m.-noon, through February 3. Then tickets can be purchased at the Community Association Office Monday thru Friday, 9:00 a.m.-noon. Flyers are available at the Atrium-Kiosk, C.A. office, Community Hall and Kings Point North and South Clubhouses. Info: Judy Schings, 813-642-2001.

Computer Classes Scheduled

The Computer Club is now accepting enrollments for . its Winter 2012 classes. • Using Your Digital Camera With Your Computer A three-hour mini course, 9:00 AM - noon. Tuition $10 Your choice of two course dates, January 16 or January 23. • Introduction To Computers A four session class, on four consecutive weeks. Your choice of: January 19, January 26, February 2 and February 9 or January 20, January 27, February 3 and February 10 10:00 AM – noon. Tuition $20. • Microsoft Excel A four session class, on four consecutive Tuesdays January 10, 17, 25, and 31. 10:00 AM - noon Tuition $20. Classes will be held in the Computer Club Classroom in the Sun City Center Atrium Building, beginning at 10 AM. Tuition is payable upon registration. You may register any day, except Sunday, at the Classroom, 12:30 – 5:00 PM. Due to the popularity of these classes, and an enrollment limitation of twelve students per class, early registration is recommended. These classes are open to any Sun City Center or Kings Point resident. For further information regarding the Computer Club’s Educational Programs, call or email Bob Wehrle, 813.633.4516,

News of Kings Point

on Line


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22 Page

Continued from Page 1

procedure. “I’ve already thanked Michael publicly for the opportunity to gain such valuable experience and am glad to do so again in print. As Deputy Chief you are responsible for a lot of the inner workings of the whole operation – the building and grounds, the facilities – you get to see and be a part of all of it.” That, says Wolfert, goes a long way toward preparing a person for the Chief’s responsibilities. “Being a part of the administration is a great stepping stone. That hands on experience is truly invaluable.” The News of Kings Point caught up with Ken as he enjoyed a Christmas vacation with his family in North Carolina and took the opportunity to ask him his plans for the coming term. “Well, first, Merry Christmas. As far as what we have planned for the coming year, everyone is primarily concerned with keeping the Squad staffed with enough fully trained volunteers so that we have the numbers we need to take care of business. We’re open 24/7/365, and, particularly in the summer months, there can be a drop off. This can add a lot of stress to those who are here yearround.” According to Wolfert, the age of the Squad is another motivator to keep recruiting new volunteers. “The unofficial average age here is 72 years old. To stay fresh, we need to keep bringing in new recruits. And, in doing so, we must

The News of Kings Point

maintain the excellent reputation the Squad has in the community.” Maintaining that excellence at every position is another of Wolfert’s goals for 2012. “We’re providing excellent, quality care first and foremost. Our personal standards go along with that. Each volunteer’s skills must remain high. We want the best-qualified help we can get, and the inservice training and educational components must remain at the cutting edge. That’s why I’m excited to have Diane Simon as our Director of Education. She took over in an interim capacity several months ago and did a great job. We are fortunate to have this bright, sharp, hard worker directing the Squad’s educational efforts.” Each Emergency Squad volunteer goes through necessary re-certification classes every two years, but the Squad also maintains weekly refresher courses. “We revisit the same skills every 15 to 20 weeks to keep the knowledge fresh and everyone up to date.” But Wolfert understands that education and skills are not enough to keep the Squad performing at peak levels. The all-volunteer group must stay personally encouraged and motivated, committed to giving their optimal effort each and every shift. “We have the best training regimen and the best equipment, but if morale isn’t high we cannot perform at our best.”

And that is not always the easiest chore. “We are an all-volunteer Squad, each person blocking off 8 to 12 hours in a given day for a shift every 2 weeks. And, no matter what, there are scheduling conflicts. While most of their friends and neighbors are enjoying the holidays, Squad members are working on Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, New Years Day. And, again, they’re volunteers. No one is getting a paycheck. The only motivation is a desire to serve.” That is why, says Wolfert, the Emergency Squad attracts “the cream of the crop and the best of the best.” And not just from 33573. “Used to be just residents from Sun City Center or Kings Point. Now we have team members coming in from Brandon, Tampa, Riverview, even Bradenton. But, no matter

January, 2012

where our volunteers come from, we look forward to getting some good things done together. One person can’t do it alone.” If you are interested in learning more about the Sun City Center Emergency Squad or you would like to learn what it takes to become a volunteer on the Squad, call 813.633.1411 or click over to or stop by the office at 720 Ray Watson Drive Sun City Center, FL 33573. Editor’s Note: News of Kings Point would like to congratulate Chief, Ken Wolfert, and the entire newly elected SCC Emergency Squad leadership team. And we would like to offer a sincere thank you to outgoing Chief, Mike Jackson, and his outstanding team. Thank you, all of you, for your tireless, dedicated and enthusiastic service to our community.

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2012, January The News of Kings Point

Page 23


Chambers to Recount Navy Career

On Friday, February 3, Rear Admiral Larry Chambers, USN Ret. will recount highlights of his 37-year Navy career. One occurred when he was a Captain and Commanding Officer of the Carrier Midway, CV-41. This was in 1975-1976 and during the fall of Saigon. The Midway was the first step to freedom for over 3,000 South Vietnamese. Helicopters made untold trips carrying refugees from the roof of the American Embassy to the deck of the Midway. Eventually it became impossible to escape from the Embassy. Admiral Chambers will tell you how a resourceful family of 7 escaped to the Midway in a different way! Many of the lunch meeting attendees are retired aviators and air crewmen, but all persons with an interest in Military Aviation are welcome. Wives are welcome. We often have Air Force retirees as guests and occasionally as speakers. The membership of the Silver Osprey Squadron has indicated that they would especially like to hear speakers from the following three categories: 1. Women Aviators. They could be Naval Aviators, or others such as airline pilots, air show stunt pilots, or astronauts. 2. The non-flying Chiefs and First Class Petty Officers, and Commissioned Officers, who were essential to keep the

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EXPOSING aircraft flying. These include men and women with the ratings that maintained, armed, launched, and retrieved the aircraft. Air Controllers would be included here. 3. Pilots that flew for the CIA and Air America during the Viet Nam war period. If any of you readers are in any of the above categories, or if you know anyone who is, please e-mail us at silverosprey@yahoo. com. To make reservations for the February 3 lunch meeting, please contact Bill Shanks by phone, e-mail, or regular mail. His phone is 813-634-3194, e-mail is and mailing address is 1010 American Eagle Blvd. #750, Sun City Center, FL 33573.

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24 Page

The News of Kings Point

Divine Frolics Variety Show

Come see this “Florida Style” Winter Review on Thursday, January 5th, 2012. The show starts at 6:30 PM in the SCC Community Hall and costs $8 per person to attend. Tickets available at the door. Entertainers will include: Bill Barker, Jean Brown, Troy Coman, John Foster, Bob Garrod, Vince Robbio, Dee & Frank Weder and Charles Wirick. Groups performing include the Hawaiian Homeys, Silver Tappers, SCC Country Cloggers, the Sunsations and Time Steppers. All proceeds for this event go to St. John the Divine’s outreach programs.

January, 2012

Serving The Needs of Teens

The United Community Church Board of Mission member, Alice Tolley, presented a check to Melvin “Mac “ MacNeel, Senior Executive Director of the Foster Angels of Hillsborough County, Inc. The funds were Grief Support at United Methodist Church directed to the “Aged Grief Share is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk Out Program”. United alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. Community Church Grief Share groups meet across the US, Canada, the UK, New Mission Board has Zealand, Australia and South Africa. In Sun City Center there supported this specific is a group that will meet this winter at the United Methodist program in previous Church of Sun City Center. The group support meeting will years. It serves the begin on Thursday January 12. The group will meet from needs of teens in the 10:00am until 11:30 am. The facilitator is Rev. Dr. Bill Moon, a foster programs that have reached the age retired clergyperson. The Grief Share program will meet each week for 13 weeks. of 18 when DCS stops However it is on a rolling system, and people could join at any all funding on their point during the session. The support group is open to anyone behalf. The “Aged Photo by Hazel Martin coming to terms with death of someone close to them. It is an Out Program” tries Board Member Alice opportunity to meet where others are feeling the same way. to help all of those Mission Tolley and Melvin “Mac” MacNeel Each may relate to others in a nonjudgmental atmosphere that “age out” by Executive Director of the Foster Angels of where grief is valid. To register, call the United Methodist supplying basic living Hillsborough County necessities, but as an Church at 813.634.2539. additional incentive to those that finish high school, they give a $100 gift card to Redeemer women to meet offset graduation costs like their yearbook, cap and gown. The women’s organization of Redeemer Lutheran Church This program is strictly a volunteer endeavor. None of the (WELCA) will meet on Wednesday, January 18th beginning “staff” receive any salary. That means all the donations go with coffee and cookies at 9:30 AM. Following a devotion directly to the children in the form of gifts and funds. The and short business meeting, those interested will tour Steppin’ “Aged Out Program” is a continuation of the Foster Angels Stone Farm, a Christian program for at risk teen-age girls. All of Hillsborough County that originated in 1988. They currently Redeemer women/guests are invited to attend. have 2,396 children on their Angel list. Please donate with your heart.

Rummage Sale

Redeemer Lutheran Church of Sun City Center, 701 Valley Forge Blvd., will hold their annual Rummage Sale on Friday, February 3rd and Saturday, February 4th. There will be many household items, crafts, and baked goods for sale.

Men And Ladies Ancient . Order Of Hibernians

The sisterhood and brotherhood of decedents (or by marriage) of Irish Catholics will be holding the first meeting of 2012 on January 3rd at Prince of Peace Conesa Hall, Sun City Center, 7:00 PM. New officers, new ideas, social and charity. Join us at our meetings, enjoy being a part of Irish history, meet good friends. Refreshments will be served.

Fantastic Friday

Do not miss the January Fantastic Friday, it will be an absolutely sensational evening. Welcoming back celebrity ventriloquist, Margaret Davis, A delightful Christian entertainer who will fill your heart with laughter. The event to be held at the United Community Church,, 1501 La Jolla Ave. Sun City Center. The event is on 1-27-2012 at 6 PM for dinner and show beginning at 7:15 PM. The catered menu will feature an Italian Feast including Salad, Italian Roast Beef, Chicken Parmesan and Pasta Primavera and all the trimmings. The dinner/show tickets are $17.00 per person and the show is only $5.00. You can also purchase this show and the next two shows (March 16th and May 11th) for $50. Tickets are available for purchase following the 10 AM service, on Sundays or on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 10 to 12 AM in the Narthex. Last day to purchase dinner tickets will be Tuesday 1-24-2012. Show only tickets are also available the night of the performance. For further information, contact chairpersons Entertainer Margaret Davis & her friends Paula Lickfeldt at 813.633.6739 or Karl Buffington at 813.634.7062.

Saint Anne Church - Ruskin . 2011 Giving Tree

Saint Anne Church in Ruskin completed their “Giving Tree” Advent tradition for the 11th year. Since this program began over 6,000 children in need have received beautiful Christmas gifts from generous parishioners and other generous donors. Many volunteers worked diligently since October to make this program successful once again. In the true spirit of Christmas this program continues the Saint Anne tradition of reaching out to those in need.

left to right: Marge Fultz, Ann Allen, Kathie Baryza, George Fultz and Jessica Rolewicz.

News of Kings Point

on Line

2012, January The News of Kings Point

Page 25

SCC Woman’s Club Hosts Reporting Workshop the state totals to the international organization, the General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC) located in Washington, D.C. Each year, the members of over 3200 clubs in the United States and overseas raise an average of $42 million dollars to fund charitable projects. Over

104,000 club members of GFWC contribute 5.5 million hours of service annually. Last year, the GFWC Sun City Woman’s Club contributed $12,710 in monetary and in-kind donations to support our community. Club members contributed 23,531 hours of service through club work alone.

Pictured are club officers who served as committee members: (Left to right) Nancy Russell, Arts Chair; Helen Zeiders, Home Life Chair; Carla Miles, Education Chair; Ann Bohachek, Hospitality Co-Chair; Connie Williams, VP Hospitality; Dorothy Myers, Treasurer; Peggy Person, Recording Secretary; Janet Cardulla, President; Jeanne Nenarella, Conservation Chair; Nell Elliott, Membership Secretary; and Linda Smith, Opportunity Tickets Chair.

Submitted by Roselyn Cruthis The GFWC Sun City Center Woman’s Club recently hosted a District 8 Reporting Workshop for the 13 Woman’s Club chapters in the district. The attendees were served a continental breakfast of various sweet rolls and breads made by committee members and were served lunch by Banquet Masters. Joann Podgurski, entertained with several songs meaningful to women.

The local club was honored to have Teddy Hulse, President of the Florida Federation of Women’s Clubs, as the workshop presenter. The purpose of the workshop, held in the Florida Room, was to learn the proper technique to report all the hours of service work and dollars of donations made by each club in the past year. These eleven end-of-year reports are sent to the Florida Federation, which then reports

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Blue Feet and Discoloration

26 Page

The News of Kings Point

January, 2012

Duplicate Bridge Club Classes Offered Bridge is a great “retirement” hobby and you can really get hooked on this challenging game. New bridge classes are being offered this winter. Some brand new classes, as well as our regular beginning, intermediate, and defense classes. A beginning bridge class- nine weeks- is being offered by John Foster, beginning on January 16, every Monday from 9 until 11:30 a.m. in the Royal Room. This class is for beginners and novices. John is well known for “getting people hooked on bridge” with his comfortable and knowledgeable style of teaching. John always wants to speak to new students prior to the beginning of the class, so call him at 634-3240. A class on declarer play is being taught by Pat Rippel beginning on January 10, every Tuesday morning from 9 until 11 in the Horizon Room. This 9 week class teaches how to develop tricks by promotion and length, finessing, trump management, discarding, transfers, slam bidding, preempting, responses and bidding over preempts. An eight week class on Defense will begin on January 11, offered by Leslie Cox. For those who play bridge, you know that we play defense twice as often as we are declarer. This class includes: how to make a defensive plan, how to interfere with declarer’s play, signaling to your partner, how

to develop defensive tricks, and opening leads. This class includes a review of basic bidding and play of the hand. These classes will be on Wednesday mornings at 9 a.m. in the Horizon Room. A new class is being offered by Marian Howarth on “What every bridge player should know.” This is eight weeks of mini lessons, each for $5. The topics are: overcalls, two sessions on loosing trick count, two sessions on negative doubles, takeout doubles-the most used and abused bid, when to leave a double in and when to bid, and bidding over preempts. These lessons will be offered on Thursdays in the Royal Room, beginning at 9 a.m. on January 12. Sign-up sheets for each class will be in the Horizon Room on the counter. These lessons stand alone, so anyone is welcome to sign up for individual lessons. A brand new eight week class on Strategy will be taught by Virgil Eveleigh on Tuesday mornings, beginning at 9 a.m. on January 10 in the Royal Room. This class will include squeezes, end plays and throw ins as well as many other topics. Books are included, interested students are invited to call or email the individual teachers or the Director of Bridge Education, Ronda O’Farrell, rondastart@aol. com to register or to ask further questions. 8 or 9 week classes are $50; Mini lectures are $5 per session. All materials are included.

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2012, January The News of Kings Point

Page 27

Manatee Village Historical Park

By Eddie Dixon Okay, I admit, I’m the history buff in the family. I drag my missus to as many historic villages, battlegrounds and history museums as she escorts me to boutiques, antique stores and art museums. But finding good balance is what life’s all about, right? Anyway…if you are new to Florida – and that’s a good bet last time I looked at the numbers – or even if you’ve been here a few years but hail from cooler northern climes, the Manatee Village Historical Park presents the opportunity for you to get a peek into the soul of the Sunshine State. Why? Because this little historic burg will transport you back into the turn-of-the-century days of hardy Cracker pioneers and cow hunters and teach you the story of the taming of a frontier every bit as rugged as the Wild West. This is more than just a collection of restored buildings, it’s a window into life before automobiles, electricity and indoor plumbing. The village is a jointly administrated project, overseen by the Manatee County Historical Commission, Manatee County Clerk of Circuit Court, the Manatee County Board of County Commission, and the City of Bradenton. Visit the circa-1903 Wiggins General Store where you will find the park offices and a museum collection of period artifacts. From there you can find the 1912 Stephens House and get an insider glimpse at how Cracker pioneers spent their lives. It’s a far cry from gated communities with guards, golf courses and swimming pools, let me tell you. Inside the village you will also find a well where you can

Cabbage head steam engine

Wiggins store

The Stephens House

pump fresh, clear water just like the pioneers did. There’s also a two-seater, yes two-seater, outhouse. No, you don’t have to use that like they did. Back in the days before interstates and highways, most folks used local rivers for the fastest possible means of transportation for themselves as well as trade goods. The village’s Fogarty Boatworks is a clue to how important the Manatee River was to the lives of local residents. Another slice of local Cracker life is the combination smokehouse and sugar mill. The smokehouse was used to preserve meat in the days before refrigeration and the mill turned sugar cane into syrup for the settlers’ sweet tooth. One of the oldest buildings in the village is the circa-1887 church. The first parishioners were Union Congregation, but the church was later used by Southern Methodist-Episcopals. Another antique building, the beautifully

The Methodist Church

preserved courthouse was used for all government activities in the 5,000 square miles of wilderness surrounding the village. Think about that for a moment. A huge swath of wild and untamed land separating the settlers from civilization. Standing outside the courthouse today and looking around it’s hard to get a handle on just how remote it must have been for these folks. Now, earlier I mentioned cow hunters. No, these were not cattle bounty hunters or guys shooting herds for sport. “Cow hunter” was the preferred term for Florida’s version of what was called a “cowboy” in Texas and, some of the time, a “vaquero” in California. These boys lived hard and worked harder, scouring the Florida scrub for the cattle that supplied beef both for the Caribbean islands and points north. Their legacy is represented in the village by a Cow Hunter bunkhouse, a

structure similar to those that once dotted Florida’s infamous “sawgrass prairie,” offering the cow hunters rude respite from the oppressive Florida heat and unfriendly wilderness. The village’s resident steam engine is nicknamed “Old Cabbage Head,” so called because of the distinctive rounded smokestack. The engine worked in the North Florida turpentine industry before being purchased by the Manatee-Nocotee Crate Company. Admission to the Manatee Village Historic Park is free. The park is open Monday-Friday: 9:00 AM-4:30 PM and the second and fourth Saturdays of the month, from 10:00 AM-4:30 PM. Closed most holidays. The village is located at 1404 Manatee Avenue East, Bradenton, Florida 34208. For more information call 941.749.7165. Hope you visit and have fun with history. Happy travels, folks.

28 Page

The News of Kings Point

January, 2012

Phil Provenzano & The Jazz Xperience Perform at UMC The United Methodist Church of Sun City Center, 1210 Del Webb Blvd. West, is proud to present Phil Provenzano and The Jazz Xperience on Friday January 27th 2012 at 6:30PM in the church sanctuary. Phil’s ensemble is a mainstream, straight-ahead jazz combo that was originally formed to perpetuate the West Coast jazz sounds of musicians like Gerry Mulligan and Chet Baker. Since its inception twenty years ago, the group has grown to include other

mainstream jazz styles including their own unique sound. The Xperience has performed all over the Bay area and has had

the privilege of performing with such jazz greats as Ted Farlow, Herb Ellis, Nick Brignola, John La Porta, Phil Urso, Manfredo Fest, Billy Cobbham, Ira Sullivan, Richie Cole, and John Allred. This concert is part of a Fourth Friday Jazz Series that includes the Mike Markaverich Trio on Friday, February 24th and the Boulevard Jazz Orchestra on Friday, March 23rd. Jazz buffs won’t want to miss any of

these three stylistically different ensembles. are Concertgoers encouraged to arrive early for a good seat. A donation of just $5 is requested at the door. For additional information about this and other concerts and recitals at the United Church of Sun City Center, please, please contact Jeff Jordan, Director of Music and the Arts, at 813.634.2539.

Hard Knox was created by Kings Point’s own Artist in Residence, Bob Ewing.

News of Kings Point

on Line

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2012, January The News of Kings Point

Puzzles More!

Page 29

Contract Bridge By Steve Becker MIND GAME

Super Crossword Gift RAP

Whenever possible, a defender should try to divert declarer from the winning line of play. East did exactly that in today’s deal and talked South out of what appeared to be a surefire fourspade contract. West led a heart, and East took the first two tricks with the queen and ace. Declarer noted immediately that his potential club loser could eventually be discarded on one of dummy’s diamonds, so his only real concern was to make sure he

did not lose two trump tricks. Since he could lose a spade and still make the contract, he could afford to try the standard safety play with this combination: cash the ace, cross to dummy with a diamond, lead the nine of spades and let it ride. If East started with Q-J-x-x of spades, this would limit South to one spade loser, while if West won the trick, this would mean the spades were originally divided 3-2. Declarer would therefore have made his contract easily had East returned a heart, a diamond or a spade at trick three. But East, who was well-versed in safety plays, decided not to sit idly by while South overcame the 4-1 spade division. After collecting his two heart tricks, he blithely shifted to the nine of clubs! This unexpected development gave South pause for thought. The nine of clubs had all the earmarks of a singleton. If it was, attempting the safety play would risk the contract. If West started with the Q-x or J-x of spades, he would return a club after winning the second spade, and East would ruff to sink the contract. So after taking the nine of clubs with the queen, declarer led a spade to the ace and then cashed the king. When West showed out on the second round, South realized, to his chagrin, that he had been had by East’s clever ploy. ©) 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.

Solutions on Page 31

30 Page

Strange But True

By Samantha Weaver • It was American journalist and satirist Ambrose Bierce who made the following sage observation: “There is nothing new under the sun but there are lots of old things we don’t know.” • Those who study such things say that when a ladybug is frightened, it squirts a foulsmelling goo from its knees. • You might be surprised to learn that approximately 40 percent of the oxygen in the world’s atmosphere is provided by the verdant plant growth of South America’s Amazon River basin. • Mayan artwork dating back as far as 700 A.D. shows people preparing chocolate beverages. Chocolate was so valued by the natives of the Americas, the Maya even used cacao beans as currency. • For reasons that aren’t quite clear, in 1960 Macy’s department store introduced a vending machine that dispensed men’s underwear. After an initial flurry of shoppers coming to see the new contraption, the machine was doomed to obscurity due to lack of interest. • Here’s a question for the ladies: Are you a philematophobe? If you’re a woman who hates to be kissed, you are. • In 1958, then-Vice President Richard Nixon made a state visit to Venezuela. It seems he wasn’t terribly popular there, and one of the protesters spit on him. The Secret Service detained the man, and an irate Nixon kicked him in the shins. • Only about 37 percent of the newspapers published in the Unites States are recycled. • The next time you’re thinking about getting a new pet, consider this: Animal behaviorists say that a puppy can’t hold a memory for more than 45 seconds. • Researchers at Yale University have determined that people think more efficiently in the winter than in the summer. Thought for the Day: “A bore is a man who deprives you of solitude without providing you with company.” -- Gian Vincenzo Gravina © 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.

The News of Kings Point

January, 2012

Comics More!

Call me today to hear about these optional features: New Car Replacement, Accident Forgiveness and Deductible Rewards. RACHEL A WEISSMAN, CIC, LUTCF (813) 634-7100 955 Del Webb Blvd. E. Ste 102 Sun City Center RWEISSMAN@ALLSTATE.COM

Feature is optional and subject to terms, conditions and availability. Safe Driving Bonus won’t apply after an accident. Patent pending. Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company; Northbrook, IL. © 2009 Allstate Insurance Company

2012, January The News of Kings Point

Salome’s Stars Week of Jan. 2, 2012 ARIES (March 21 to April 19) The New Year brings challenges that can change many things in your life. You need to be prepared not only to confront them, but also to deal with what happens afterward. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) You have what it takes to set your goals quite a bit higher this year. Learn what you need to know and put what you learn into your efforts. A partner offers loving support. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) In true Gemini Twin fashion, you’re conflicted about a decision you know you’ll have to make in this New Year. Best advice: Get the facts before you make any commitment. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) A friend offers you an exciting opportunity for the New Year. Although your positive aspects are strong in most respects, caution is advised. Investigate before you invest. LEO (July 23 to August 22) You can make this New Year a roaring success. Start by readjusting your goals to reflect the changes in the economy. Your den-mate offers both wise and loving support. VIRGO (August 23 to Sept. 22) The New Year brings new opportunities for change. But you need to be ready to move from the comfortable status quo to the challenging unknown. It’s up to you. LIBRA (Sept. 23 to October 22) Your most important New Year’s resolution should be to work out problems with a family member in order to avoid continued misunderstandings. Do it soon, for both of your sakes. SCORPIO (Oct.23 to Nov. 21) The New Year has much to offer the intensely determined Scorpian, who isn’t afraid to take on challenges and stay with them until they surrender their rewards. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) You’ll have many fine opportunities in this New Year. But be warned: Reject offers of “help.” You work best when you’re free to be your own creative self. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19) The New Year offers changes that you might feel you’re not quite ready for. Best advice: Deal with them one step at a time, until you’ve built up your self-confidence. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18) Travel is a dominant aspect of the New Year. This could mean relocating to another city (or even another country) in connection with your education or your career. PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20) This New Year brings news about a change you’ve been anticipating. You might have a problem persuading a loved one about your new plans, but he or she will soon go along with them. © 2012 King Features Synd., Inc.

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Answers to Puzzles from Page 29

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32 Page

The News of Kings Point

January, 2012

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