February News of Kings Point

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News of

Happy Valentine’s Day!


February, 2012

SCC Welcomes the GOP By NOKP Staff Prognosticators from across the media spectrum have, for better or worse, bulls-eyed Florida as the State that will “decide” the Republican nominee for President of the United States. As I sit here pecking away at this article I can’t help but be reminded that this was just about exactly the same thing they said about the South Carolina primary. Well, whether they are right or if this proclamation is just another promotional overstatement, none of us will know for sure until November. Regardless, as you sit reading this article the race for Florida has already been decided. We will know by then, barring another recount nightmare, who the majority of Florida Republicans want to be the President of the United States. And folks, just like you, right here in Sun City Center will have, once again, played a big part in the political process of the Sunshine State. They know we vote. And they know

we vote in numbers. Hence the town hall gathering held on January 26, 2012 at the Sun City Center Chamber of Commerce. Senator John McCain was in town to promote his presidential pick, former Massachusetts Governor, Mitt Romney. Senator McCain was graciously introduced by former state senate president, Tom Lee and received a hero’s welcome from the overwhelmingly friendly partisan crowd. Fittingly earned, when one considers all that the Senator gave to his country when he wore the uniform of the United States. Mr. Lee introduced A resident raises a national domestic issue. Mr. McCain as an independent thinker, a maverick and an understood authority on foreign policy. But Mr. McCain was not in town to sing his own praises or even to bask in the chorus of applause that greeted him. He came here to present the case for voting in such a way that would turn Governor Romney into President Romney. He McCain reacts to the crowd during Continued on Page 3

a local issue question.

In politics skepticsim is healthy.

Hope Fund Receives Grant From Interfaith Council of Sun City Center

The Hope Fund is pleased to announce that a $10,000.00 grant has been received from The Interfaith Council of Sun City Center. This grant will be used to fund scholarships for low-income families so that their children may attend the afterschool programs at Bethune Park in Wimauma. The Interfaith Council consists of people from nine houses of worship and is committed to helping people in Sun City Center and South Hillsborough County. The Council helps through scholarships and charitable donations to 501© (3) organizations on an on-going basis. Over one million dollars has been donated to the community since 1978. There is a fee to attend Bethune Park. For those who cannot afford the full cost, there are scholarships available. The Hope Fund spends about $2,000.00 a month on scholarships. This amount will increase as more children attend the Park. Money to cover the cost of the programs is raised through grants, taxdeductible donations, and fundraisers, mainly Breakfast and

CARE....................................... 6 Spotlight with Brenda Wiseman................... 6 Debbie Caneen 33573 ............................. 8, & 9 Deputy Chris ....................... 11

Mentor Sharon Gerlach using Legos to enhance Kevin Cruz’s technical skills.

Bingo which is held twice a year at Community Hall in SCC. The Hope Fund, a 501©)(3) organization, sponsors various programs at the Park, such as mentoring and tutoring, a running program called Marathon Kids, an arts and crafts class, a reading program, field trips, and much more. The Fund consists of volunteers who are dedicated to providing a safe, nurturing place for children to go after school while their parents

Golf......................... 12, 13 & 14 Bulletin.............. 18, 19, 20 & 21 Faith Bulletin................. 24 & 25 Dixon’s Destinations............ 27 Poem Submission ............... 28 Hard Knox............................. 29

Sondra Cohen, a tutor, working on subtraction with Daritza Mendez.

are working. Without these programs many of the kids would be home alone after school. In addition to its status as a 501©(3) organization, the Hope Fund is a club in Sun City Center. The Fund is run by a Board that works with tutors, mentors, running coaches (Marathon Kids), readers etc., as they help the children in Wimauma. Everyone volunteers their time. The Hope Fund is dedicated to helping children learn, grow, and have fun in a


Crossword & Sudoku........... 29 Contract Bridge................... 29 Horoscopes.......................... 31 Solutions to Puzzles.............. 31

safe, nurturing environment while their parents are at work. All funds raised through fundraisers, donations, or grants go to helping the children. The Hope Fund wishes to thank the Council for its help in coming to the aid of some deserving children. You can also help by volunteering, by making a tax-deductible donation, or by attending Breakfast and Bingo or other fundraisers. Call Carla Continued on Page 2

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News of Kings Point Patron

2 Page

The News of Kings Point

February, 2012

Continued from Page1

The Editor’s Corner Out With the Old In With the Timeless

By Adam Porter, . EIC News of Kings Point My wife finds it psychologically impossible to drive past a garage sale. Over the years of our marriage I have come to accept and even love this – a little bit – about her. When we first married I was one of those Neanderthal guys who ranked garage sales somewhere between root canal surgery and standing in line at the DMV on a scale of “no, wait, I think I’ll pass.” These days I have been sufficiently domesticated so that I no longer cringe when I see the standard array of unwanted stuff decorating some neighbor’s driveway. In fact, I have come to understand why my wife loves these sales, and, perish the thought, even I occasionally find myself motivated to stop and browse through a random stranger’s discarded knickknacks. This morning, in looking for an excuse to take my kidlets out for a spin in their new double stroller, I suggested, on a whim, that we should go garage sale hopping. The day was perfect for it, sunny with a breeze that was just cool enough to be refreshing. We visited two sales, picked up a bag full of books for less than five bucks and nearly bought a car. A good day. As we strolled back home my mind wandered, pondering the nature of garage sales. The items in question were once loved and are now being auctioned off for pennies on the dollar, sometimes by the folks who once loved them and, at others, liquidated by people who loved the folks who loved the stuff. One of the sales we visited today was evidence of the latter. An estate sale, the items put out for purchase included several shelves of books and a rather eclectic and numerous collection of handbells. Though we purchased none, these caught my attention. Handbells are a unique item to collect. Much like fairy statues or precious moments figurines or Elvis plates, they are a glimmer of light into the heart and mind of the collector. As I listened to the lady running the sale practically begging shoppers to go home with the bells, I wondered if she ever asked the deceased about them. I imagined the conversation going something like this:

“So, ma, why all the bells, anyway?” Mom might have just smiled enigmatically and responded: “Well, it was these or t-shirts.” Or, she may have launched into a life-defining story the likes of which her daughter had never heard. Either way, the estate sale lady had no use for the handbells and was content to trade them for cash to be donated to a chosen charity. I thought about how different we are, even when bound by blood. And I wondered what it was in all of us that makes us take something we once thought so important and pass it off for two bits to a guy who wants to resell it on e-Bay. Finally I thought about that impulse, that undeniable urge to stand on the brakes and jump out of the car to invade a stranger’s driveway and dig through boxes and paw through tables, wading though mounds of stuff we could not care less about in order to find that one thing, that one shining object of our affection…that we had no idea we were looking for. And yes, even I, the formerly unrepentant garage sale avoider have been snared a time or two. In fact, one of my most prized – and cheesiest – possessions was scored at a yard sale. The life-size cardboard standup of Humphrey Bogart used to stand in my foyer and greet visitors. Unfortunately, my toddler decided it was his mortal enemy. He began to routinely beat Sam Spade with his plastic shovel. Bogie now safely resides behind closed doors in my home office. And the haul today? No favorite things, nothing at all that would make me sing along with Julie Andrews. But I did find a book about the 50 states to share with my kids when we travel and another by a favorite humor columnist. Not too bad for a morning stroll through the neighborhood. By the way, nice stroller, though, when we load the 2 year old in the front it does pull a little to the right.

Miles at 813-634-4268 or Robi Jackson at 813-634-3980 for further information, or if you wish to volunteer or make a contribution. Also, check out The Hope Fund’s website at www.The-Hope-Fund.org. More Information on the Interfaith Council of SCC The stated purpose of the Interfaith Council of Sun City Center is to enhance and enrich lives on an ongoing basis while, at the same time, providing immediate relief when needed. Our driving force is to increase understanding among all people thereby making our community a more caring place in which to live. One the Council’s sources of

funding is the Nearly New Shop. The Nearly New Shop is a “mini department store” that carries a wide variety of items including clothing, shoes, jewelry, household items, electronics and furniture. The shop is located in the alleyway behind the main stores of Sun City Plaza. Items may be dropped off at the shop any day or arrangements can be made to pick up larger items. Hours of operation are Wednesday and Saturday 8:00 until noon. All merchandise sales revenue generated is returned to the community as charitable donations and scholarships. For more information about the nearly new shop call 813-6429099.

News of Submissions: The News of Kings Point is not just the news of your community – it is you community newspaper, exclusively serving, first, Kings Point and, then, greater Sun City Center. We are dedicated to providing a local paper that has a hometown feel. We aim to provide a balance of content for our readers, and it is our desire to represent each and every person, business and organization with respect, dignity and objectivity. We are interested in politics and appreciate faith, but are committed to remaining neutral in these pages. If your group or organization, no matter the affiliation, has an event or a story, we would love to print it – but we are not interested in starting, ending or facilitating “spirited debate,” no matter how well mannered. What we are interested in are stories that will enlighten and encourage. Community news and club events that show everyone why Kings Point is a great place to live and why the folks who live here make great neighbors. Share your events, tell us about your hobbies and take us to places you love to go. We will also publish thank yous for good service. If someone loved your story, poem or event, we want you to know. In fact, we want you to be able to clip it out and stick it on the fridge. The publisher reserves the right to refuse and/or edit all materials submitted for placement in the News of Kings Point. The publisher assumes no responsibility for the return of advertising, manuscripts or photographs. Mailed photos will only be returned if a SASE is included with the submission. The News of Kings Point is not affiliated with Kings Point, Kings Point Mgmt LLC, Vesta Management or the Federation of Kings Point Associations, Inc. No part of this publication or any included content may be reproduced without the written consent of The News of Kings Point, Inc. All editorial copy is strictly the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the attitude or opinions of this publication of that of the supporting organizations. Do NOT format submissions. We strongly discourage submissions with ALL CAPS or indented or double-spaced content. Simple text submissions preferred. Do not center text or create newsletter-formatted press releases. Simply send the message similar to the format shown below: Message Title Submitted by: Name of Person Contact number and/or email Message text in simple paragraph format here. Thanks for helping to make the News of Kings Point YOUR community newspaper. Electronic submissions are preferred and can be submitted directly through our website at www.newsofkingspoint.com. Mailed submissions should be sent to: The News of Kings Point, Inc. PO Box 6212 Sun City Center, FL 33573-6212. For additional information, call 813.938.8721. We look forward to serving you and cannot wait to hear from you! Electronic submissions (on or before the 15th of the month) are preferred, which you may send by email to: news@thenewsofkingspoint.com or mail to: The News of Kings Point, Inc. PO Box 6212 Sun City Center, Florida 33573-6212 Phone: 813-938-8721 Thank you for your support.

Adam Porter Editor in Chief

Staff and Contributors


John Wolf Advertising Sales



Karen Jones Contributing Editor


Debbie Caneen 33573 Events


Nancy Jean Design and Layout


2012, February The News of Kings Point

Page 3

Continued from Page 1

began by attempting to identify “fundamental differences” between his candidate, Mitt Romney, and President Obama, “We’re going to give the American people a stark choice.” These comments drew spirited approval. He spoke for a short time, the crowd listening with quiet respect. He talked about Mr. Romney’s history of success in business and in turning around the Salt Lake City Olympic Games. During his monologue, Senator McCain repeatedly compared Mr. Romney to and connected him – or at least his policies – with Ronald Reagan. It was clear by the subdued reactions and expression in the crowd that some in his audience heartily agreed and others were having none of it. Then the questions came. Local inquiries, larger domestic issues, foreign policy and, the most extensive and heated exchange, a series of questions and answers regarding Social Security. Perhaps the lightest part of the meeting came when Mr. McCain accidentally knocked the microphone for Bay News 9 off of his podium. As the mic crashed to the floor, the senator quipped: “Too bad for channel 9. They’re too liberal anyway.” Later, in another lighthearted moment, after a snowbird former resident of Massachusetts glowingly described her memories of living

McCain shares a laugh with . Tom Lee. The questions begin.

under Romney’s gubernatorial leadership, Mr. McCain paused and asked: “Are you busy later?” In the end, no matter which candidate is sitting pretty as the political winner of Florida’s precious delegates when this issue hits the stands, we know one thing for sure. Sun City Center residents care deeply about the direction of our country – and the politicians KNOW it. From the county and state representatives who ride in our annual Holiday

Cart Parade to the ivory tower senators who breeze through town to chat us up about the candidate they have chosen for the top spot, these individuals recognize that the residents of Sun City Center speak with a powerful political voice. Congratulations and thank you for your example. Whatever your particular political persuasion, you are making a difference.

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All the media reps were wearing these buttons.

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4 Page


The News of Kings Point

February, 2012



1509 Rickenbacker Dr., Sun City Center • 813-633-2020 • FAX 813-633-6403

Instantly appealing with spectacular WATER views. Island kitchen, great room with volume ceilings. Tile thruout.

This delightful CUSTOM BUILT home located in Caloosa Country Club Estatesoffers a split droom plan, double pane windows plus is situated on the Golf Course.


HANOVER - 2/2 Model with top of the line cabinets and countertops. Screened garage and lanai, high ceilings plus plantation shutters, reverse osmosis and softener.

SAHARA II - 2/2 Model offers a panoramic view of the water and golf course from the living room, enclosed lanai and master bedroom. Kitchen features a breakfast area.

630 Tremont Greens $112,000

2005 East View Drive $175,000

2033 Grantham Greens $174,900

2523 Locksley Street $119,900






This One bedroom 1.5 bath condo is a delight. Fully furnished and newly updated kitchen. Large bedroom for great comfort. Suitable for snowbirds or year round living.

A steal of a deal at the price. A little TLC will go a long way in making this your new home. Level lanai is used as dining room.

Quiet Kingspoint location with Water and conservation. Lots of birds and wildlife, interior recently painted. Ideal home for seasonal or full time.

Price reduced!!! ISLANDER model POOL home with a private location in Wedgewood 1. Home features split bedrooms, den and great room. A lot of bang for your buck.

301 Kings Blvd $25,900

2010 Hereford Drive $48,000

2020 Hawkhurst Circle $65,000

2011 Berry Roberts Drive $179,900

For Sale in Sun City Center & Kings Point 2004 Wedge Court



Islander-open floor plan, Bamboo floors

1415 Langley Dr


$ 89,900

Sunset II—Pond View, Stainless Appl

832 Regal Manor



Cezanne- Shown By Appt Only $123.Mo

833 Tremont Greens


$ 83,499

Charleston-Split bed, Grt rm, Enc Lanai

1530 Fort Duquesna



Limetree-Immaculate and Spac-Must See

1512 N Pebble Beach


$ 79,900

Dedham-Freshly painted, New garg door

415 Shellpoint E



Income Property with 2 Bed Apt

2009 Del Webb Blvd W


$ 78,700

Camellia-Sold As-Is, Great Potential

1906 N Pebble Bch



Twintree-+ Lanai Nicely updated

1513 Chevy Chase


$ 67,900

T-2 Full Furn-Nice Neighborhood

1611 Bentwood



Twintree Exp- New Paint in and out.

834 Oakmont Ave


$ 59,900

Del Webb 1-Great Price, OK for Fence

1705 Orchid Court



Windjammer-Courtyrd Entry,Cul de sac

2244 Greenwich Dr


$ 59,900

Stuart-Very Clean Snowbird retreat

204 Austin Hill Ct



Totally Updated, St Andrews Location

407-B Feltham Trail


$ 45,500

Windsor-Tenant in place. Ceramic Tile

1807 Orchid Ct


$ 98,000

So Pacific-Large lot, newer roof & A/C

306B Fowling Ct


$ 44,900

Windsor-Lite Bright Close to amenities

381 Club Manor


$ 92,000

Dedham, Large Lanai-Pond View

301 Kings Blvd F-130


$ 27,000

Mansard Furnished +Newer Appliances

1506 Desert Hills Dr


$ 89,900

DW52 Golf, Water new Kitchen Windows

202 Bedford Trl. E111


$ 24,000

Mansard I-Furnished & Ready for you.

1344 Bluewater Dr


$ 89,900

Twintree-Great Location, Screen Lanai




1301 Warwick Ct


Spacious Apt

$ 775

408 B Flanborough



$ 795

701 Riviera Dr


+ DEN – Terrazzo Floor

$ 950

307 Knottwood



$ 875

1611 Bentwood



$ 975

1715 Atrium


Capri- Lite n Airy

$ 875

1622 Faxton



$ 995

1524 Chevy Chase



$ 875

803 Silverthorn


Cypress Creek


2012 Heathfield


WATER Brentwood

$ 975

2125 Meadowlark




660 Allegheny



$ 985

381 Club Manor


Dedham - Wtrfront


1309 Idlewood


SAHARA 1800 sq ft


1214 Lakehouse


Dedham – ALL NEW


314 La Jolla




15001 Carlton Lake

4/3/2 CPT

3 AC in country


819 Oakmont




1809 Burlington





the Wo n i

News of


Page 5

Where in the World is NOKP?

d is rl

Whe r

2012, February The News of Kings Point

nt i o P gs

Beginning in June 2011, the News of Kings Point will debut a new feature called: “Where in the World is the News of Kings Point.” We know many of you folks love to travel almost as much as our resident wanderer, Eddie Dixon. So, when you go on the road or on that cruise in the coming months, be sure to take along your NOKP. Snap a photo of you or a loved one holding up the paper with the News of Kings Point header visible and send a digital image to news@thenewsofkingspoint.com so we can put your smiling face in the paper. Did we mention…THERE’S A PRIZE!!!! The esteemed travel experts at Legendary Journeys have generously agreed to sponsor this new feature by donating a. ONE-WEEK CARIBBEAN CRUISE. That’s right! Each year we will be drawing a name from our submitted photos and some lucky traveler will cruise the Caribbean courtesy of Legendary Journeys and NOKP.

The Christiansens visit their hometown in South Dakota each year. Here’s Mary with her News of Kings Point at Mule Creek Junction in Wyoming.

Millie Post and Merle Bowman took their News of Kings Point along with them to Park Güell in Barcelona, Spain this past October.

Contest runs from May 1, 2011 to April 31, 2012, so get those photos in! Details are available, by request, from new@thenewsofkingspoint.com. Ken and June Marbes made a lifetime of memories in Russia,Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. Here they proudly display their News of Kings Point at Trakai Castle in Vilnius, Lithuania.

Back in Rhythm After Heart Valve Surgery at Manatee Memorial

Three years ago, my physician recommended hospice care. My wife took me home instead. Now, with the help of heart valve surgery at Manatee Memorial Hospital, I am doing great. The warmth of the hospital staff is unmatched anywhere else I’ve ever been, and Dr. Golino’s care was excellent. He called my wife the night before my surgery just to check on how she was doing. I only had one complaint … they gave me too much good food while I was there. – Roger L. Hackbarth, valve surgery patient Roger L. Hackbarth (center) and wife Trude Hackbarth with Alessandro Golino, MD, Chief of Surgery at Manatee Memorial. Dr. Golino had a 100 percent success rate for mitral valve surgery from January 2009 through June 2011.* Nationally, the overall success rate for mitral valve repair is less than 60 percent. *According to data from the Society of Thoracic Surgeons

When the heart’s valve doesn’t close all the way, it can leak a small amount of blood. Surgeons at Manatee Memorial can access the valve through the breastbone and repair it to create a tighter seal. For more information about heart valve surgery at manatee memorial, please call

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Physicians are independent practitioners who are not employees or agents of Manatee Memorial Hospital. The hospital shall not be liable for actions or treatments provided by physicians. Facebook is a registered trademark of Facebook, Inc.

6 Page




Spotlight with nd

a Wi se


Kings Point – My Neighborhood, My Lifeline

By Brenda Wiseman, NOKP Correspondent As I sit here pecking out this story with one hand, I am so glad I have the Lifeline button around my neck! I am a lifelong advocate of Lifeline, especially for those of us who live alone, but never thought I would actually be pushing that button and telling the other person at the end of the line, “Yes, I need help. “ My feet got entangled with the computer chair’s feet and before you could yell, “Watch out!” down I went with a thud. Checking myself out, I saw my wrist and hand mimicking the letter “s.” I hit that Lifeline button and from then on, it was reaffirmed how caring and helpful the folks at Kings Point are. The Sun City Center Emergency Squad arrived in no time and there was one of our residents, Peg Noeltner, coming to my rescue with the rest of the Squad on duty. What would we do without them? I, for one, don’t ever want to find out. We made it to the hospital without incident and, while in the ER, I was greeted by hospital volunteers, many of whom were also King Point residents. These cheerful folks were volunteering their time to help others. In this case, those “others” were me. Then, when I was all patched up and it was time to go home, there was John Cortese who is, you guessed it, another Kings

The News of Kings Point

Point resident, with the wheel chair van to returned me to my cozy little home here in Kings Point. And that was just the beginning. Once I returned home neighbors called to offer assistance. What a relief! You learn quickly all the things you can’t do with only one hand, particularly when it is your dominant hand out of commission. And help continued to come from every direction. Patty Cacascci, delivered me news from the outside world. Bernice Nowak brought me key lime pie “just to cheer me up.” Martha Padron made sure I had enough Ibuprofen after I ran out. Dona Reina went to the grocery store so my cupboards were not bare…and opened bottles of water and soda. Bill Redding surprised me with bags of groceries. Tom and Bonnie Mackar took down my outside Christmas decorations. Juanita Lascola and Mike Hourican made sure I knew, whatever I needed, they were only a phone call away. Sheila Borchert and Inez Szczepanik helped out by standing in line at the post office to mail packages and offering to wash my hair Jan Stried carted me back and forth to the Doctor in Brandon. When you are in pain, it is a comfortable and safe feeling to live in a community where the people care so much and do even more. I have reaped the benefits of people’s generosity and want to encourage everybody to keep an eye on your neighbors and friends. Offering to do the smallest thing can have a tremendous impact on their lives. Thank you again to all my friends and neighbors. I look forward to lending a helping hand…once both of mine are back in shape.

February, 2012

Adopt a Friend That C.A.R.E.s

C J is dark colored tiger male with some black fur on his back. He is a middle-aged guy who was brought in with his companion, Faith. C J likes his afternoon naps on the cat tower and that is where he can be found most afternoons unless he is sunning himself on the lanai. This handsome guy likes to be petted and spoiled. Come in and see him and give him a loving forever home. C.J as part of his adoption has been neutered and brought up-to-date on his shots as well as micro chipped. DOB: 10/11/2006

Casey is a goofy Hound/Boxer mix who was abandoned by her owners. This poor girl lived in the woods for two months until someone gave her a helping hand. This is a really sweet and energetic gal. Half of her body wiggles when she sees someone approaching her kennel. Casey would be a wonderful companion for an active person/ family with a fenced yard. Casey is spayed, microchipped, and current on her shots. DOB: 2/ 2/2009


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2012, February The News of Kings Point

Feline Folks sets Record in 2011 for Spay/Neuters

Sun City Center, Florida – Feline Folks set a new record of 602 cats spay neutered and 206 adoptions of feral cats in the South Shore area in 2011. Feline Folks is a local organization dedicated to the protection and humane treatment of cats. A 501©, (3) nonprofit organization founded in 2007, Feline Folks strives to control the feline population in our community and eliminate the need for euthanasia. The community program advocates for humane methods of feral cat care, particularly Trap-NeuterReturn in South Shore Hillsborough County. This year they have served the communities of Sun City Center, Ruskin, Apollo Beach, Riverview, Gibsonton, Wimauma, Valrico, Boyette, Brandon, Plant City and Tampa. Feline Folks utilizes a Spay/Neuter Clinic “Operation Feline Fix” on the 3rd Saturday of every month in partnership with C.A.R.E Animal Shelter in Ruskin. They also utilize the spay/neuter services of A.C.T. (Animal Coalition of Tampa) and the Humane Society of Tampa Bay. Feline Folks lends humane cat traps to area residents who wish to participate in in the spay/ neuter program. A $15 fee provides for spay/neuter, rabies vaccination, ear tip and flea control for one cat. Feline Folks absorbs the remaining cost from grant awards. Since inception, Feline Folks has

Page 7

Swim Dancers Set to Perform for SCC 50th Submitted Barbara D’Entremont The Sun City Center Swim Dancers are busy rehearsing their numbers for the 50th year celebration. To remember the past years of synchronized swimming, the committee has decided to revisit some of the prior performances in the show titled, “The Way We Were”. “Good Old Summertime,” “The Way We Were,” “Syncopated Clock,” are just a few of the melodies that will be revisited by the swimmers. This year’s show is directed by Sue Muise. The swimmers will present their

annual synchronized swim show at the SCC Atrium indoor lap pool located at 961 North Course Lane (off North Pebble Beach Blvd) on March 10, 2012. Planning and rehearsals for the show began early in the fall, with the swim dancers practicing three times a

week. Choreography for each song was done by individual swim dancers interpreting the music combining swimming, rhythm and dancing. Each presentation and interpretation of music can be performed by a few or many swimmers and the Swim Dancers work as a team to produce this annual show. The Swim Dancers welcome anyone interested to join them as a member of the club. For further information about the club, please call President Ginny Williams at 813.634.1710.

Continued on Page 28

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The News of Kings Point

February, 2012

year and members enjoy reduced prices for club activities plus a post card of the next upcoming event before publicity starts. Contact Kathy Howell at 567-3358 THU. FEB 9 - GRIEF, LOSS OR DEPRESSION SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 – 4:00 pm Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive, Sun City Center. Facilitated by Edmond Dubreuil MSW, RCSWI mental health professional. Supported by: South Shore Coalition on Mental Health & Aging & United Methodist Church of SCC THU. FEB 9 - KP LINE DANCERS 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. Borini Theatre at Kings Point. A dance to celebrate and honor great dancers of the present and the past. Plus we don’t want to forget all of us current line dancers, we’re great dancers too. The theme is Top Hats and Pearls, so wear some of your fancy clothing, or black and white is good too. Tickets are $5.51, available at the box office, and open to KP and SCC residents and their guests. BYOB and setups Call Jan for info 634-6226 FRI, FEB. 10 - THE FABULONS 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. Community Hall, South Campus, $19/person. Info: 642-2001. Tickets on sale MonWed-Fri, 9:00-12:00 Atrium-Kiosk thru Feb. 3, then at C.A. office Mon-Fri 9:00-12:00, or at door day of show. Reserved table seating. Dance floor. BYOB & snacks. Open to public. Florida’s Favorite party band, playing Motown, 50s, doowop, classic rock, disco, R&B, Beach Boys, Beatles, & more. SUN. FEB 12 - THE CHAKRA CENTER PRESENTS A BOOK SIGNING EVENT WITH CAROL ANN LIAROS 2:00 PM -4:00 PM The Chakra Center, 137 S Pebble Beach Blvd, Suite 201, Sun City Center, 33573 Contact: 813-633-9400 or visit www.thechakracenter.net Auras & Colors is a new book by Psychic Carol Ann Liaros and Kevin Todeschi of A.R.E. Carol will give a short lecture, wine and cheese will be served. SUN. FEB 12 - FOLLIES BIRTHDAY BASH 2:30-4:30 p.m. Community Hall, South Campus. $5/person. Info: 642-2001. Reserved seats. Open to public. Tickets go on sale Monday, Jan. 16 (Mon-Wed-Fri 9:00-12:00) Atrium-Kiosk thru Feb. 3, then at C.A. office Mon-Fri 9:00-12:00, or at the door day of show. This show is part of SCC’s 50th Anniversary Celebration and will be performed by The Pelican Players. MON. FEB 13 WOMEN’S INTERDENOMINATIONAL BIBLE STUDY 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. in Creason Hall, 1210 W. United Methodist Church Del Webb Blvd, Sun City Center. In-depth studies are held and all ladies are invited! MON. FEB 13 - LIFE CONCERNS SUPPORT GROUP 1:30 to 3pm

every Monday at Homewood Residence, 3910 Galen Court, just off Upper Creek Dr. Bring your depression, anxiety, fears and frustrations either with family, friends or others to receive and give support, in full confidence and free of charge. Experience both healing and enrichment. Frank Koebich (813) 642-0773 and Harriet Susskind (813)633-9899 are both experienced psychotherapists. Sponsored by the Mental Health & Aging Coalition. MON. FEB 13 - S.T.A.R.T. (SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY ACTIVE ROUND TABLE) MEETING 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. Caper Room, Atrium Building, N. Pebble Beach Blvd. No cost; all who are interested in science and technology subjects are invited. At this meeting Jim Holm will lead a discussion entitled, “Gusher! Restoring America’s Oil Independence.” TUE. FEB 14 - VETERAN’S BENEFITS FOR WARTIME VETERAN’S AND THEIR SPOUSES 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive, Sun City Center. The Aid & Attendance Pension is offered from the VA to wartime Veteran’s and their surviving spouses if they need home care, assisted living or skilled nursing. Benefits range from $1094 - $2019 per month and even those with higher net worth may qualify. Our speaker Suzanne Stuart will explain who qualifies and how to apply. You served your country in its time of need. Let your country serve you in your time of need! TUE. FEB 14 - COPD SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive, Sun City Center. Joy Barlaan, ARNP and Jan Whitaker, LPN from Ace Homecare have over 50 combined years of experience and will be your facilitators. Your available resources are endless! TUE. FEB 14 - AMERICANS OF ITALIAN HERITAGE CLUB ANNUAL CARNEVALE DINNER DANCE PARTY 5:00 p.m. doors open, 6:00 p.m. dinner, 7:00 p.m. music. KP Borini Theater. It will be a buffet catered by Banquet Masters which will include an appetizer table, 14 item salad bar, Italian herb chicken, crab stuffed fillet of sole and lasagna with meat. There will be dessert on the table. There will also be coffee, tea and soda plus ice for BYOB. We will also have a wine table featuring 2 different wines. Members $22 and non-members $25. Please send your check made payable to A.I.H. to Annette Macdonald (6339697), 2450 Kensington Greens Dr., SCC 33573. Since there will be no tickets, no return envelopes will be needed. It would be appreciated if groups of 8 could put their checks together. Cut-off date is Feb. 9th 33573 Continued on Page 9

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any day, except Sunday, at the Classroom, 12:30 – 5:00 PM. Due to the popularity of these classes, and an enrollment limitation of ten students per class, early registration is recommended. These classes are open to any Sun City Center or Kings Point resident. MON. FEB 6 WOMEN’S INTERDENOMINATIONAL BIBLE STUDY 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. in Creason Hall, United Methodist Church, 1210 W. Del Webb Blvd, Sun City Center. In-depth studies are held and all ladies are invited! MON. FEB 6 - LIFE CONCERNS SUPPORT GROUP 1:30 to 3pm every Monday at Homewood Residence, 3910 Galen Court, just off Upper Creek Dr. Bring your depression, anxiety, fears and 33573 is provided by Debbie frustrations either with family, Caneen, Director of Business friends or others to receive and Development, Sun Towers from items submitted for publication. give support, in full confidence and free of charge. Experience both To submit events for future healing and enrichment. Frank publications, send them by Koebich (813) 642-0773 and Harriet the 15th of the prior month. Susskind (813)633-9899 are both Debbie also publishes Ads experienced psychotherapists. and Events, a weekly e-mail Sponsored by the Mental Health & containing information about what’s happening in 33573. Aging Coalition. TUE. FEB 7 - AAUW LUNCHEON Your event will also appear 11:30 a.m. Community Hall, S. in the weekly Ads and Events Pebble Beach Blvd, SCC. The e-mail and on the website Sun City Center branch of the www.SCCAdsAndEvents.com American Association of University . Send all events by e-mail to sccfreeads@tampabay.rr.com. Women will sponsor a Women of Distinction luncheon. Those to You only need to submit your be honored include: Doretha E. Event one time each month for Edgecomb, Jan Platt and Dolores it to appear in both The News A. Berens. The public is invited of Kings Point and SCC Ads and to attend and hear the reasons Events. these women were selected this SPECIAL EVENTS year. Tickets are $20.00 per person. Please include all basic Contact Judy Voorhees 642-8125 information, especially Price or Bunny Blackstone 634-6387. This (or list it’s Free) and Contact is a fund raiser for mature women Information (phone, e-Mail, or website). Six lines maximum. scholarships. TUE. FEB 7 - CONGESTIVE HEART Send to: sccfreeads@tampabay. FAILURE “CHF” SUPPORT GROUP rr.com. As soon as space permits, 2:30 – 4:00 pm Sun Towers Retirement we will put it in the weekly e-Mail Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive, and it will run until event date Sun City Center. Join our facilitator passes. You do not need to Shayne Kull, MSR, from Hometown submit it again. Homecare as she introduces you to cutting edge resources. This group PLEASE NOTE: This area is for is exclusively for those living with SPECIAL EVENTS only. WEEKLY, heart failure and their families and MONTHLY, or ONGOING EVENTS caregivers. are listed on our website under TUE. FEB 7, 14, 21, 28 - SOCIAL WEEKLY & MONTHLY MEETINGS BALLROOM DANCE CLASSES at . 5:30 p.m. Beginning - Cha Cha www.SCCAdsAndEvents.com. 6:45 p.m. Intermediate - Fox Trot which is updated every 8:00 p.m. Intermediate - Silver Waltz weekend. Sponsored by the Academy SAT. FEB 4 - “MEALS OF HOPE” Dance Club. Classes are held in FORMERLY “KIDS AGAINST HUNGER” the Dance Studio in the Atrium FIFTH ANNUAL EVENT 12:00 - 3:00 building off N. Pebble Beach Blvd. p.m. held in the Borini Theater in Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point, this fifth annual food Kings Point Residents. Couples and packaging event will provide Singles welcome. $5/per class. For meals to those in need in our local information call Bernice DuBro at area. Over 300 SCC volunteers 634-3205. help each year to package over THU. FEB 9 - “UNDERSTANDING 60,000 meals. Just drive into Kings WILLS” PRESENTED BY SPENCER Point and tell the people at the FAIRCLOTH 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. TRINITY gate that you’re going to the BAPTIST CHURCH in the Fellowship Theater and they will direct you to Room 702 Del Webb Blvd., Sun City parking. Volunteers are needed! Center FL. Led by Spencer Faircloth, Questions? Call Denny at 633-7733. retired Trust Officer of SunTrust Bank SAT. FEB 4 - LEAGUE OF WOMEN who has lived and worked in Sun VOTERS MEETING 2:00 p.m. at the City Center since moving here South Shore Library. You are invited from New York in 1989. The public is to attend. invited. Over the past 20 years over SAT. FEB 4 - TRIBUTE SHOW TO PATSY 5,000 Hillsborough County residents CLINE 5:00 & 7:30 p.m. Sarasota have attended these seminars. THE Classic Car Museum Theater. PUBLIC IS INVITED! Persons desiring SCC’s own Barbara VanEycken to register should call Jill at the will perform two back-to-back church office (813) 634-4228. incredible performances at this THU. FEB 9 - THE BRITISH CONNECTION nightclub-style venue. The museum 2:00 - 4:30 p.m. in the Armstrong is a non-profit organization Room at the Atrium on North dedicated to sharing pristine Pebble Beach Boulevard. The pre-owned classic and celebrity entrance to the Armstrong Room is vehicles with the public. Show at the back of the Atrium building. tickets are $15 (one beverage Wine and cheese will be served minimum) and can be purchased compliments of the board. We by calling 941 355 6228. can reminisce about Christmas Tea MON. FEB 6 or FEB 13 “USING YOUR and the Scottish Country Dancers DIGITAL CAMERA WITH YOUR as well as discuss whether to COMPUTER” 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 P.M. observe the Queen’s Jubilee and Classes will be held in the Computer other ways we can continue to Club Classroom in the Sun City celebrate our British Connection. Center Atrium Building. Register Dues remain only $5.00 for the

US 301 SunCity Center

8 Page

C.R. 672 E. 31/3 miles east of 301 Balm, Florida 634-7790

2012, February The News of Kings Point

Page 9

33573 From Page 8 TUE. FEB 14 - THE VALENTINE PARTY AND ENTERTAINMENT 7:00 p.m. at the United Community Church in the Great Hall at 1501 La Jolla Avenue. Caz and Terry will entertain us with their Nashville Style and Light Show. Tickets are $5.00 and may be purchased following the 10 AM service on Sundays or on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 10 to 12 AM in the Narthex or at the door the night of the event. For further information, contact Paula Lickfeldt at 633-6739 or Karl at 634-7062. Remember everyone is invited and most welcomed. Refreshments will be available for purchase. WED. FEB 15 - LIFE AFTER LOSS BEREAVEMENT GROUP 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. Meets every first and third Wednesday, United Community Church Chapel For any one whose loved one has died. Facilitators are Cora Ruff, RN and bereavement Educator and Brenda Rebhan, RN For information call: 634-1654. No cost Sponsored by South Shore Coalition on Mental Health and Aging WED. FEB 15 - CLASSICAL MUSIC APPRECIATION 3:30 PM, Kings Point main clubhouse, East-West Social Room. Free. All lovers of classical music are invited. Information: Arthur C. Joy, 813-633-9783 acjjr@ tampabay.rr.com THU. FEB. 16 - 50TH ANNIVERSARY GOLF TOURNAMENT 11:00 a.m. registration with tee off at 12:30 p.m. at Sandpiper Golf Club. Sign up a team of four for just $200 at the pro shops at Renaissance, Sandpiper, Falcon Watch, Scepter, Caloosa Country Club and Caloosa Greens. Included in the entry fee: box lunch, free range balls, putting challenge on the practice green, longest drive contest and a closest-to-thepin challenge. A catered awards banquet is also included; it begins at 6 p.m. after the tournament play. Info contact: Chuck/Gerri Roth 642-0679 THU. FEB. 16 - POST POLIO SYNDROME SUPPORT GROUP 12:00 p.m. At Denny’s on RT 674. They meet at 12 noon for a luncheon meeting. The speaker this month will be: Herb Smith with Citrus Orthopedics speaking on bracing. All are welcome to come and join in this meeting and hear the topic of bracing. For more information please contact: Pam Vogelsang at 642-8707. THU. FEB 16 - “TITLING PROPERTY TO AVOID PROBATE” PRESENTED BY SPENCER FAIRCLOTH 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH in the Fellowship Room 702 Del Webb Blvd., Sun City Center FL. Led by Spencer Faircloth, retired Trust Officer of SunTrust Bank who has lived and worked in Sun City Center since moving here from New York in 1989. The public is invited. Over the past 20 years over 5,000 Hillsborough County residents have attended these seminars. THE PUBLIC IS INVITED! Persons desiring to register should call Jill at the church office (813) 634-4228. THU. FEB 16 - LOW VISION SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive, Sun City Center. Diane Lawrence, RN from Vital Care Home Health Care will facilitate this group. If you are facing the challenges of low vision or caring for a loved one facing this issue, this support group is a must! A FREE quick vision health questionnaire assessment will be provided. FRI. FEB 17 - INTERNATIONAL FORUM OF SCC 9:30 a.m. 9:30am in the Florida room of the Atrium building off North Pebble Beach Blvd and is open to all residents of SCC and Kings Point. The program, Update on China, will focus on today’s business climate, relationship to the European Union, energy requirements, current housing and education situation and outlooks for the future.

THU. FEB 17 - GALAXY 1 BRIDGE (NEW MEETING PLACE) 11:30 at the Sandpiper Grille on the South golf course. Call Jeanne 634-8284 or Doris 634-3395 for reservations. For those needing it, there will be transportation from the parking lot to the restaurant. Cost will still be only $11. FRI. FEB 17 - THE SINGLES SOCIAL DANCE CLUB 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. Meet in the Florida Room to dance to the wonderful, live music of Thor Stevens. Members $3; Guests $5; Join for $10 and save. BYOB. Ice, water & snacks provided. Proper dress requested. Info: Janet 633-3558. SAT. FEB 18 - RUSKIN AGLOW 10:00 a.m. Meet at Palm Gardens Facility at 3850 Upper Creek Drive, Sun City Center. Come early for fellowship, bring a friend and enjoy coffee or tea. For info call Gloria Crossman, 813-633-9613 SUN. FEB. 19 - SIMPLY STREISAND (Opening Act: Carl Guerra) 2:304:30 p.m. Community Hall, South Campus. $13/person. Info: 6422001. Reserved seats. Open to public. Tickets on sale Mon-Wed-Fri 9:00-12:00 Atrium-Kiosk thru Feb. 3, then at C.A. office Mon-Fri 9:0012:00, or at the door day of show. Carla DelVillagio, backed up by an 8-piece orchestra, recreates the excitement and drama of Barbara Streisand’s songs. Carl Guerra, who was a Showcase act from the past, will open the show. A wine-and-cheese reception is included as part of the price. SUN. FEB 19 - KIWANIS CLUB OF SOUTH SHORE WINE AND CHEESE PARTY 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. In the Florida Room. The ticket price of $7.00 will include wine, cheese, crackers, soda and water. There will also be door prizes and a 50-50 raffle. If you want to donate a door prize, bring it with you wrapped up, to the party. Ticket sales will begin at the atrium on Tuesday, January 17th and end on Friday, February 17th. The Sales are limited from 9a.m. to 12 noon. The Club’s College Scholarships Fund will benefit. SUN. FEB 19 - THE OLDIES BUT GOODIES DANCE CLUB 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. The dance is held at the Community Hall. Music from the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. Entertainment: Tony and Tricia. We dance from 7PM until 10PM. Dance club members are admitted without charge; $5.00 fee for residents who are not members of the club. BYOB and snacks. Ice, water and cups are provided. Please contact Barbara Gingrich if you have questions - 813-633-5649. MON. FEB 20 - LIFE CONCERNS SUPPORT GROUP 1:30 to 3pm every Monday at Homewood Residence, 3910 Galen Court, just off Upper Creek Dr. Bring your depression, anxiety, fears and frustrations either with family, friends or others to receive and give support, in full confidence and free of charge. Experience both healing and enrichment. Frank Koebich (813) 642-0773 and Harriet Susskind (813)633-9899 are both experienced psychotherapists. Sponsored by the Mental Health & Aging Coalition. MON. FEB 20 - SCC LOW VISION CLUB 1:30 p.m. in the Florida room of the Atrium Bldg. Our guests, The Lion’s Eye Institute has provided the gift of sight to more than 40,000 persons through the use of cornea transplants. They are the largest eye bank in the world. Their work continues 24/7 and they have five offices throughout Florida. They will discuss their work with transplantation and it’s future. Please come. Coffee and cookies..... TUE. FEB 21 - ALZHEIMER’S ASSOC. CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive,

Sun City Center. Join Katie Colwell Williams, MA, CMC from Aging Care Advocates. The needed resources are endless! WED. FEB 22 - DIABETES SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive, Sun City Center. Please join Rachelle Hatcher, LPN from Comprehensive Home Health Care as she facilitates our support group “Everyday Basics of Diabetic Care”. THU. FEB 23 - “USING TRUSTS TO MANAGE AND CONTROL YOUR MONEY” PRESENTED BY SPENCER FAIRCLOTH 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH in the Fellowship Room 702 Del Webb Blvd., Sun City Center FL. Led by Spencer Faircloth, retired Trust Officer of SunTrust Bank who has lived and worked in Sun City Center since moving here from New York in 1989. The public is invited. Over the past 20 years over 5,000 Hillsborough County residents have attended these seminars. THE PUBLIC IS INVITED! Persons desiring to register should call Jill at the church office (813) 634-4228. THU. FEB 23 - GRIEF, LOSS OR DEPRESSION SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 – 4:00 pm Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive, Sun City Center. Facilitated by Edmond Dubreuil MSW, RCSWI mental health professional. Supported by: South Shore Coalition on Mental Health & Aging & United Methodist Church of SCC SUN. FEB 26 - CANADIAN CLUB GOLF TOURNAMENT! 9:00 am Shot Gun Start Golf is at King’s Point Golf Course $5.00 for members (includes dinner) $15.00 for non members (includes dinner) Dinner is Pot Luck. Meat will be provides. Guest Dinner only $5.00 Call Ken 633-0271 SUN. FEB 26 - PREVIEW TO SAMSON ET DALILA 2:00-4:00 p.m. Rollins Theater, Central Campus. $10/ person. Info: 642-2001. Reserved seats. Open to public. Tickets on sale Mon-Wed-Fri 9:00-12:00 AtriumKiosk thru Feb. 3, then at C.A. office Mon-Fri 9:00-12:00, or at the door day of show. The St. Petersburg Opera Co. returns for their second of three concerts. SUN. FEB 26 STEPPIN’ STONE FARM PROGRAM 6:00 p.m. St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, 1239 Del Webb Blvd. West. Steppin’ Stone Farm a non-profit home for at-risk teen girls, will present a program where the girls will sing and speak; and Cindy Churchill, Executive Director, will describe the services and activities provided by Steppin’ Stones and answer questions about the program which includes structured residential care for a minimum of one year, character building through Christian education and the work ethic, year-round school on site, and counseling. Contact Shirley Nauman at 813-634-7280; www. steppinstonefarm.com SUN. FEB 26 - THE SINGLES MINGLE DANCE OF KINGS POINT 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. at the Main Club in the Studio to dance to the music of Thor Stevens from 6:30-9:30PM. Admission $5.00.

BYOB. Ice and water provided. Info: Jeannette 634-5560. SUN. FEB 26 - THE OLDIES BUT GOODIES DANCE CLUB 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. The dance is held at the Community Hall. Music from the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. Entertainment: Bump In The Road. We dance from 7PM until 10PM. Dance club members are admitted without charge; $5.00 fee for residents who are not members of the club. BYOB and snacks. Ice, water and cups are provided. Please contact Barbara Gingrich if you have questions - 813-633-5649. MON. FEB 27 - LIFE CONCERNS SUPPORT GROUP 1:30 to 3pm every Monday at Homewood Residence, 3910 Galen Court, just off Upper Creek Dr. Bring your depression, anxiety, fears and frustrations either with family, friends or others to receive and give support, in full confidence and free of charge. Experience both healing and enrichment. Frank Koebich (813) 642-0773 and Harriet Susskind (813)633-9899 are both experienced psychotherapists. Sponsored by the Mental Health & Aging Coalition. TUE. FEB 28 - SENIOR CONSUMER FRAUD PREVENTION AND AWARENESS EXPO 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Hillsborough County Sheriff Dept and Sun Towers presents this event at the Borini Theater in Kings Point for your education and protection. Join Seniors vs. Crime, AARP, State and Local government agencies to protect yourself from fraud. For more information, contact our local resource officer Deputy Chris Girard 813-672-7817 TUE. FEB 28 - CANCER SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive, Sun City Center. Dr. Craig Amshell from Absolute Surgical Specialists and Dr. Randy Kahn from Tampa Bay Radiation Oncology along with Gregg Mazza from BrightStar Lifecare will be facilitating this group for you. Attend and learn about the most innovative technologies available to fight and prevent cancer. If you are dealing with a diagnosis of cancer or know someone who might be facing this disease, be sure to attend this group that will take place on the 4th Tuesday of each month. WED. FEB 29 - ALZHEIMER’S EDUCATIONAL SEMINAR 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Learn more about Alzheimer’s Medical, Social and Research Updates. Speakers include: Patricia Suarez from the Florida Area Agency on Aging, Inc., David Morgan, PHD, CEO of USF Health Byrd Alzheimer’s Institute, Amanda Smith, MD and Eileen Poiley, MS also from the Byrd Institute, Haril Patel from Sunrise Pharmacy, Sean Scott, Elder Law Attorney and Robin Watts, Elder Affairs. Complimentary breakfast and lunch will be served. Adult daycare provided (no charge). RSVP: Samaritan Office 813-6349283 or Dolores Berens 813-6341418.

10 Page

The News of Kings Point

February, 2012


International Gold, Silver and Diamond Buyers paying on the spot for valuables in Ruskin, Brandon & Sun City Center ! By Debi Lambert

Other Items of Interest

STAFF WRITER Ruskin, Brandon and Sun City Center-area residents are in for a rare treat when the International Gold, Silver and Diamond Buyers (IGSDB) host an event here, from January 31st - February 4th, at the Ruskin Inn Tampa Sun City Center (Formerly Holiday Inn Express) and La Quinta Inn & Suites Tampa Brandon Regency Park and The Sun City Center February 6th - 10th. The company has identified this region as prime territory for purchasing your precious metals—especially gold and silver. The IGSDB estimates that local residents have millions of dollars worth of valuables that they no longer need or want. That is where the IGSDB comes in—they specialize in buying those items from local sellers in the U.S., Canada and Europe. Items like gold coins, scrap gold, sterling silver and tea sets also diamond rings are in high demand right now, and IGSDB is purchasing massive quantities of them on behalf of their global network of collectors, dealers and refineries. Currently on an international tour, IGSDB has included Ruskin, Brandon and Sun City Center on its list of stops. Residents are urged to mark their calendar for this special opportunity to meet one-on-one with gold, silver and diamond specialists. Because of IGSDB’s low overhead, extensive resources and massive volume, the company is often able to pay out more than other dealers and retailers. Many customers are surprised at how much they are offered for seemingly small amounts. “I had two bent herringbone necklaces, a class ring, and some outdated earrings that I brought to a show. I walked out with $425 in less than 15 minutes,” said a satisfied guest. Providing an economic boost to each region it visits, the IGSDB projects to pay out $350,000 at each event—a testament to the high volume of items they purchase and the prime prices being paid. Offers are made based on rarity, numismatic value, condition and market value. Company spokesman Matthew Enright says, “We just paid $4,700 for a loose 1.25—carat diamond. Our mission is to pay local residents on the spot for sterling silverware, fine jewelry, coins and precious metals— especially silver and gold.” The company has seen a huge influx of gold lately. “Customers have been scrambling to cash into the record-high value of gold,” adds Enright. For those who are unsure if their items are genuine gold or silver, or simply costume, company will test it for free. “The best strategy is to bring all items to the show for a free evaluation from our specialists. It always amazes me how a small handful of gold and silver can turn into hundreds of dollars in just a few moments. We test, weigh, and buy items right on the spot,” Enright says. At a recent show, a small—town dentist had a nice pay day. “I have been collecting dental gold for years from patients who didn’t want their extracted teeth. It really added up—my check is for over $31,000!”

While most people don’t have buckets of dental gold at their fingertips, they do have $750 worth of scrap gold scattered throughout their homes or mismatched earrings. In addition to scrap gold, fine jewelry and diamonds, coins are a big hit. Offers will be made on all coins dated 1970 and earlier—gold coins, silver, silver dollars, half dollars, quarters, nickels and dimes. Enright explains, “U.S. coins made before 1970 are worth more than their legal tender amount because they contain 90% silver. Rare dates and mint marks can make them even more valuable. We recently paid $78,000 for an amazing coin collection. One couple brought in a rusty coffee can filled with silver coins, sawdust, and a dead spider. The can had been in the basement for years. We were happy to send them home with a check for more than $700!” Ruskin, Brandon and Sun City Center -area residents should start collecting their valuables now to bring to the free event, which runs Tuesday the 31st - Saturday the 4th and February 6th - 10th. Deals will be made and money will be paid on the spot. Attendance is expected to be high, but no appointment is needed. Enright encourages everyone to take advantage of this special opportunity to meet directly with specialists from the International Gold, Silver and Diamond Buyers. He concludes, “It’s a great chance for people to cash in their old diamonds, jewelry, coins and scrap gold. This is a seller’s market, so don’t miss out!”













INFORMATION 217.787.7767 INFORMATION 217.787.7767

What We Buy:



2012, February The News of Kings Point

Page 11

A Simple Step for Burglary Prevention

Submitted by Deputy Chris Girard Criminals appreciate unlocked doors. They are viewed as an invitation to easy pickings. But, in the absence of the unlocked door, some burglars will even break windows or kick in doors. Most of the time this happens in the wee hours of the night, when darkness cloaks illegal activity. However, from time to time, brazen offenders will kick in doors in plain daylight. Most exterior doors are solid wood, or steel laminates, and most locks are solid metal, but even the strongest doors have weak points. The hardware that holds the little, brass strike plate onto the doorframe is one such weak spot. Even the best lock in the world has to sink into the doorframe, and most of them attach at that brass strike plate. If the screws holding that plate are only ½ inch long (the industry standard), that only goes into the furring strip that runs along

the inside of the door frame. It looks prettier than a 2X4 board, but it is not very strong. That weak point in the front door has been successfully exploited by burglars for years. Most houses only have the standard lock with those ½ inch long screws. Older houses with replacement locks likely also have small screws holding the door together. As a result, most residential burglaries involving forced entry in recent years have been either kick in or pried open front doors. This one fault in most people’s home security can be easily remedied. You don’t need a licensed contractor or even a




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Decadent Dessert At Sun City Center VALENTINE’S STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE EVENT! Wednesday, Feb. 8 | 2 p.m. | RSVP by Feb. 6

Sweet Treats At The Courtyards AN AFTERNOON OF At Sun & CityCHOCOLATES Center CHAMPAGNE &The Courtyards

handyman. You just need a screwdriver and, perhaps, a drill. And you can do this yourself with only a few minutes of work. Just change out those standard short screws with 1 ½ inch, or 2-inch screws. WARNING: Be careful if you have a window beside your door. The Sheriff’s Office will not come out to your house and replace the glass in your window if you break it while installing those longer screws, so be CERTAIN to measure before you go to it. As always, there is no silver bullet

for absolute crime prevention, and you must still LOCK your doors for this step to help. There is no guarantee that the bad guys will not beat on your door and still break it down. But most burglars are not hard working, industrious people. That’s usually why they are bad guys. Make your house a little harder to get in, and you greatly reduce your risk of becoming a victim of forced entry crime. Be safe out there.

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12 Page

The News of Kings Point

Sandpiper Men

1/2/12 Team Quota Points 1st Place Flt. 1 Ray Parisen/Bill Yost/Frank Paris Walt Towner 1st Place Flt. 2 Paul Bromberg/Buddy Surloff Bill Salisbury/Joe Todisco

1/2/12 Low Gross 1st Place Flt. 1 Vid Valiusaitis (Tie) Buddy Farrell (Tie) George Fenwick (Tie) 1st Place Flt. 2 Ron Greiner

12/8 Two Man Alternate Shot 1st . ........... Ron Golik/Peter Brock 1st . .........Bill Pachler/Chuck Roth

1/9 One Best Ball on Odd Holes/ Two Best Balls on Even Holes 1st Place Flt. 1 Bill Savas/Jerry Cluthe Hal Schechmann/Walt Towner 1st Place Flt. 2 Jim Blanchard/Dave Norquist Chuck Weir/Jim Betts

1/9 One-Two-Three 1st Place Flt. 1 Jim Kinnear/George Fenwick Mel Bushart 1st Place Flt. 2 Dale Holstrom/Bob Bryan Marty Kain/Jay Wildasin

12/1 Club Championship Flt. 1............................Mike Gomes Flt. 2............................... Ron Pelow Flt. 3...................Harold Geldbach Flt. 4.......................... Carl Lingertot

12/15 Four Man Best Two Ball Net 1st Flt. 1 Tom Edge/Ed Dowdy/ Jerry Huebner/Ed Muller 1st Place Flt. 2 Harrison Homas/Jim Chick/Alex Trevino/Tony Torre 1st Place Flt. 3 Ted Bickel/Ron Pelow/John Haeger/Mike Cook 12/29 Four Man Scramble 1st Place Ron Golik/Gene Shively/ Ken Defreeuw/Chuck Roth 1/5 Four Man 1-2-3 1st Place Mike Sharpe/Rocky Pucci/ Harold Blosser/George Nelson 1/12 Four Man Chicago 1st Place Chul Kim/Zack Taylor/ Pat Deo/Peter Brock


11/29 Odd Holes ½ Handicap 1st Place Flt. 1...........Phyllis Wright 1st Place Flt. 2................Phyllis Lee 12/6 Team Two Best Balls Net 1st Place Joan Huebner/Linda Deslondes Phyllis Lee 12/13 1,2 Select 1st Place Annetta Pucci/Phyllis Wright Nancy Saunders/Gene Perry 12/20 Low Net with Christmas Card Bonus 1st Place Joan Huebner 1/10 Low Gross/Low Net 1st Place Gross Flt. 1 Cecile Young 1st Place Net Flt. 1 Annetta Pucci (Tie) Sue Wyckoff (Tie) 1st Place Gross Flt. 2 Judy Gilman (Tie) Loist Gluntz (Tie) 1st Place Net Flt. 1 Linda Deslondes

Scepter Men

12/12 Quota Points 1st Place Bill Savas/Greg Franczyk Harry Devoti/Bob Longabardi 12/19 Two Best Balls of Four (1 Gross + 1 Net) 1st Place Flt. 1 Ray Parisen/Mike Porta Frank Paris/Bob Belanger 1st Place Flt. 2 Chuck Weir/Mike Crabtree Bill Humes 12/26 Low Gross/Low Net 1st Place Gross Flt. 1 Ray Parisen 1st Place Net Flt. 1 Frank Lewis 1st Place Gross Flt. 2 Jim Blanchard 1st Place Net Flt. 2 Mike Crabtree 1st Place Gross Flt. 3 Clark McDow 1st Place Net Flt. 3 .... Bill Salisbury 1st Place Gross Flt. 4 .Joe Todisco 1st Place Net Flt. 4 . Ron Kingston


12/13 Two Best Balls out of Four (18 Hole Ladies) 1st Place Judy Frank/Isabelle Salisbury Jaye Roy/Mary Smith 12/13 Low Net (9 Hole Ladies) 1st Place....... Katherine Marcario 12/20 1-2-3 Best Ball (18 Hole Ladies) 1st Place Carolyn Avrett/Donna Burt Betty Thurston/Roe Murphy 12/20 Low Net (9 Hole Ladies) 1st Place Flt. 1..........Judi Gannon 1st Place Flt. 2 Katherine Marcario 12/27 Individual Quota (18 Hole Ladies) 1st Place Flt. 1......... Judy Fenwick 1st Place Flt. 2 . ......Betty Thurston 12/27 Low Net (9 Hole Ladies) 1st Place . .....Katherine Marcario 1/11/12 Two Best Balls of Four (18 Hole Ladies) 1st Place Flt. 1 Carolyn Avrett/Dolores Stieper Pam LeCrren/Sue Sussman 1st Place Flt. 2 Jan Magalski/Sally Mathews Ann Williams/Ann Clark 1/11/12 Low Net (9 Hole Ladies) 1st Place Flt. 1 Judy Gannon 1st Place Flt. 2 Katherine Marcario

Falcon Watch Men 12/5 Two Best Balls 1st Place Flt. 1 Jim McClafferty/Bill Meier Fred Mayes/David Gerow 1st Place Flt. 2 Fred Held/Bob Bryan Chuck Thelen/Tom Kuhn

12/12 Two Best Balls on the 3’s & 4’s and Three Best Balls on 5’s 1st Place Flt. 1 Manny DeBono/Bo Dahlgren Fred Held/Dave Boyer 1st Place Flt. 2 Dale Holstrom/Dave Hoffman John Scott 12/19 Two Best Balls on 4’s & 5’s and Three Best Balls on 3’s 1st Place Flt. 1 Buddy Farrell/George Fenwick Joe Spaziano 1st Place Flt. 2 Will Kuxhousen/Paul Hunt Ron Dunze/Mike Sekol 12/26 Two Best Balls 1st Place Flt. 1 Vid Valiusaitis/Manny DeBono Mac McClafferty/Hank Smythe 1st Place Flt. 2 David Gerow/Bruce Conley Jerry Sandusky

18 Hole Ladies

12/2 Three Blind Mice minus ½ Handicap 1st Place . ................ Ruth Gaughf 12/9 Low Gross/Low Net 1st Place Gross............ Ollie Keller 1st Place Net ................Ann Clark 12/16 Individual Points 1st Place . ............. Dorothy Turner 12/23 Low Net 1st Place . .................. Sue Watkins 12/30 Low Net 1st Place . .....................Ollie Keller 1/7/12 Throw out worst hole each side minus ½ handicap 1st Place . ................. Ruth Gaugh

9 Hole Ladies

12/2 Low Gross/Low Net 1st Place Low Gross Flt. 1 Jane Boccieri 1st Place Low Net Flt. 1 Emma Gadd 1st Place Low Gross Flt. 2 Lorraine Fritzel 1st Place Low Net Flt. 2 Tee Bomba 1st Place Low Gross Flt. 3 Connie Kehl (Tie) Kathy Boccieri (Tie) 12/9 Bum Shot Scramble 1st Place Emma Gadd/Meg Touwner June Krueger/Mary Arpaia 12/16 3 Clubs and a Putter Minus Handicap 1st Place Flt. 1 . ....... Margie Ditch 1st Place Flt. 2 . ..........Tee Bomba 1st Place Flt. 3 . .....Kathy Boccieri 12/30 Low Putts 1st Place Flt. 1.........Judy Delaney 1st Place Flt. 2............. Rosa Gerry 1st Place Flt. 3 . .....Kathy Boccieri (Tie)..........................Rosalie Killiam 1/7/12 One BB on 5’s, Two BB on 4’s and Three BB on 3’s 1st Place Emma Gadd/Meg Towner Pat Morton/Connie Kehl (Tie) 1st Place Wally McIntosh/Marilyn McCormick/Rosalie Killian/Jane Krueger

Renaissance Men 12/6 Team Quota Points 1st Place King Slater/Jim Johnson Chuck Lutz/Larry Kintz

12/12 Individual Three Clubs and a Putter 1st Place Flt. 1 . .......... David Liehr 1st Place Flt. 2 . ....... David Bartku


12/6 Step Aside Scramble 1st Place Anne Skinner/Karen Goldwater Betty McLoone/Mary Naylor

February, 2012

12/13 Alternate Red/Green Tees 1st Place Flt. 1 Kathy Sprowl 1st Place Flt. 2 Cathy Caunningham (Tie) Edie Pas (Tie) 1st Place Flt. 3 Susanne White 1st Place Flt. 4 Linda Torchia 12/20 Individual Low Gross Low Net 1st Place Gross Syl Oliveira 1st Place Net Kiyoko Ashendorf 1st Place Net Kathy Norton 1st Place Gross Flt. 2 Kathy O’Connell 1st Place Net Flt. 2 Betty Rollins 1st Place Gross Flt. 3 Betty McLoone (Tie) 1st Place Gross Flt. 3 Faye McKeown (Tie) 1st Place Net Flt. 3 Adele Quinlan

Kingspoint Nifty Niners

January 5th 2012 Best Ball Scramble Winning Team Nancy Baron Tee Bomba Rosalie Killian Bea Angelo Mary Winter With a Score of +3 Janurary 12, 2012 Flight A Emma Gadd 34 Carol Kowalski 34 Flight B Judith Trombley 39 Judy Marr 43 Rosemarie Quinn 43 Flight C Sally Repetti 36 Mary Winter 42 Flight D Susie Potratz 44 Peggy Flippen 47 January 19, 2012 T&F Holes Flight A Emma Gadd 15 Flight B (tie) Rosemarie Quinn 18 Judy Trombley 18 Flight C Sally Repetti 17 Flight D Susie Potratz 19

Accomplished by: vvv Lewis Briggs vvv

December 24, 2011

135 Yards 8 Iron Course: Falcon Watch . on #8 Cypress Witnessed By: Norm Tirsway & Royce Haley

2012, February The News of Kings Point

Page 13

Hogans Golf Club (of Sun City Center and Kings Point)

Saturday, 12/24/2011 Course: Freedom Fairways (par 63) Play: match 1st: Charlie Brown, 86 2nd: Ray Dahlquist, 87 Natural Birds: Charlie Brown (#10) Monday, 12/26/2011 Course: River Club Play: match 1st: Bob Drosky, net 70 2nd: Mike McClintic, 71 Low-gross: Bob Drosky, 85

Wednesday, 12/28/2011 Course: River Run Play: match 1st: Chuck Feldschau, net 74 2nd: Anna Kuhnley, 76 Friday, 12/30/2011 Course: Riverside Play: h-Skins (USGA Sec 3.5 on) 1st: tied at 3 skins each – Ray Dahlquist & Bob Drosky 2nd: tied at 1 skin each – Jack Duncan & Barry Meyers Low-net: Bob Drosky, 53 Low-gross: Bob Drosky, 79 Natural birds: . Ray Dahlquist (#10), . Jack Duncan (#4) . & Bob Drosky (#6)

Monday, 1/2/2012 Course: Summerfield Play: a-Skins 1st: Jim Sari, 3 skins 2nd: tied at 2 skins each Paul Maki & Rube Jones 3rd: Rich Lucidi, 1 skin Low-net: Jim Sari, 67 Low-gross: Jim Sari, 90

Tuesday, 1/3/2012 Course: Imperial Lakewoods (cold & windy) Play: a-Skins (award for nat birds) 1st: Charlie Strimpell, 4 skins 2nd: John Apostolou, 3 skins 3rd: tied at 2 skins each Ed Ristan & Frank Lamiano Low-net: 76’s – Ed Ristan & John Apostolou Low-gross: 93’s Jerry Stemas & Ed Ristan Wednesday, 1/4/2012 Course: Diamond Hill Play: h-Skins 1st: tied at 2 skins each Paul Maki & Steve Parks 2nd: tied at 1 skin each Jenice Taylor, Johm Grunwald, Art Swallow & Rube Jones Low-net: Jenice Taylor, 71 Low-gross: Rube Jones, 88

Friday, 1/6/2012 Course: Riverside Play: a-Skins (skins + award for natural birds) Group #1 1st: Rich Lucidi, 3 skins 2nd: tied at 2 skins each Dan Stephens, Lew Resseguie & Rube Jones 3rd: Doc Lamiano, 1 skin Birds: Tom Rosata (#12, par 3), Rich Lucidi (#15, par 4) Low-net: Lew Resseguie, 69 Low-gross: Dan Stephens, 85 Group #2 1st: Mike McClintic, 2 skins 2nd: Mike Arghittu, 1 skin Low-net: Mike Arghittu, 66 Low-gross: Mike McClintic, 94 Monday, 1/9/2012 Course: River Club Play: Skins 1st: Terry Seipelt, 5 skins 2nd: tied at 3 skins each Bill Anderson & Doug Seipelt 3rd: John Kirkland, 1 skin Low-net: Terry Seipelt, 74 Low-gross: tied at 90’s Terry Seipelt & Bill Anderson Tuesday, 1/10/2012 Course: Bloomingdale Play: a-Skins . (awards for natural birds)

Group #1 1st: tied at 2 skins each Jim Cox, Doc Lamiano, . Rube Jones & Steve Parks 2nd: Tied at 1 skin each Trav Lansberry . & John Apostolou Low-net: Jim Cox, 76 Low-gross: Rube Jones, 94 Birds: none Group #2 1st: Dick Hatch, 2 skins 2nd: tied at 1 skin each Jenice Taylor, Lew Resseguie. & Tom Kirchen Low-net: Tom Kirchen, 75 Low-gross: Tom Kirchen, 89 Birds: none

Thursday, 1/12/2012 Course: Buffalo Creek Play: a-Skins (skins & award for natural birds) Group #1 1st: Rube Jones, 2 skins 2nd: tied at 1 skin each Paul Maki, Tom Kirchen, John Schachte, Mike Arghittu & Dick Ihrke Low-net: Rube Jones, 70 Low-gross: Rube Jones, 85 Birds, 1 skin each: Tom Kirchen (#1, par 4), Rube Jones (#3, par 3) & Dick Ihrke (#7, par 3) Continued on Page 14

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14 Page

Continued from Page 13

The News of Kings Point

Birds, Honorable Mention: Tom Gotschall (#8 & #11, par 3’s) and Frank O’Brien (#12 & #17. Par 3’s) Group #2 1st: John Apostolou, 3 skins 2nd: Rich Lucidi, 2 skins 3rd: tied at 1 skin each – Doc Lamiano & Denny Wintersteen Low-net: John Apostolou, 71 Low-gross: Doc Lamiano, 91

Low-net: Bob Hull, 52 Low-gross: tied at 71’s – Bob Hull & John Schachte Monday, 1/23/12 Course: River Club Play: Skins . 1st: Joe Danielson, 12 skins 2nd: Charlie Brown, 1 skin Low-net: Joe Danielson, 68 Low-gross: Joe Danielson, 96 Birds: Joe Danielson, #13, par 5

Monday, 1/16/2012 Course: Summerfield Play: a-Skins . Set #1 1st: Rich Lucidi, 3 skins 2nd: Paul Maki, 2 skins 3rd: tied at 1 skin each – Jim Cox, John Schachte, . Rube Jones & Jerry Stemas Low-net: Rich Lucidi, 71 Low-gross: tied at 91’s – Rube Jones & Jerry Stemas Set #2 1st: tied at 3 skins each – Lew Resseguie & Mike Arghittu 2nd: Dick Hatch, 2 skins 3rd: tied at 1 skin each – Ron Doncouse & Tom Kirchen Low-net: Lew Resseguie, 64 Low-gross: Lew Resseguie, 89

Friday, 1/20/2012 Course: Riverside Play: h-Skins 1st: tied at 1 skin each John Schachte, Tom Rosata . & Dan Stephens Low-net: Rex Gibbons, 68 Low-gross: Dan Stephens, 88 Wednesday, 1/18/2012 Course: Diamond Hill Play: individual match . Playing until the rain: Joe Danielson, Joe DeFelice, . Bill Anderson, Trav Lansbury, John Schacter, Ed Ristan, . John Dykstra, Ray Dahlquist, Jenice Taylor, Tom Rosata, Chuck Feldschau, Austin Lacy, Ton Leombruno

Saturday, 1/14/2012 . (High of 58F and windy) Course: Freedom Fairways . Play: skins 1st: Bob Hull, 3 skins 2nd: tied at 1 skin each – John Schachte & Charlie Brown

Membership is required to play with the Hogans. Contact ArtSwallow@aol.com or visit http://hogans-golf.com/ The Club is open to all Sun City Center, Kings Point and Associated residents and their guests. Submitted by: Art Swallow (Hogans President)

February, 2012

Unique 50th Anniversary Event

Want to save $$$’s on some neat products? How about a bargain on a hot-air Balloon ride for to two . . . or four? Need a golf cart? What about a time-share get-away at a potential cost savings? OR, would you like to “bid for a bargain” at a fun 50th Anniversary event--something less expensive perhaps? And all for a worthy cause, the Community Association’s Capital Fund. Then be sure to look over the Catalog of donated items to be auctioned at the March 26, 2012, 50th Anniversary Silent and Live Auction. And to make the event even more interesting, free prizes will be awarded to lucky ticket holders throughout the evening. All of this and more will begin at 5 p.m. till? Tickets will be available for purchase on March 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 2012 in the Atrium from 9 a.m. till noon. Clublink, owners of the Renaissance golf and country club, will serve as our host and sponsor, providing complimentary hors d’oeuvres and wine for all ticket holders! (The Club’s cash bar will open for those who would like to purchase other drink preferences.) So, be sure and buy your tickets early---only 200 will be sold at $25 each--- and if it is anything like ticket sales for our other events, they will be gone in a matter of days, if not sooner. Cam McGary and Merlene Smithyman will be your hostesses. Ruth Warman will entertain you at the piano keyboard, so come and join the fun and festivities . . . hope to see you there!! For further information call 642-9800 or 634-8387.

Club Renaissance


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2012, February The News of Kings Point

Page 15

News of Kings Point

Entertainment Corner

The Entertainment season is still going full speed ahead. All shows are scheduled at the Community Hall (except for the operas, which will be held at the Rollins Theater), have reserved seats and are open to the public. Tickets are on sale at the Atrium-Kiosk Monday-Wednesday-Friday, 9:00 a.m.-noon, through February 3. Then tickets can be purchased at the Community Association Office Monday thru Friday, 9:00 a.m.-noon. Flyers are available at the Atrium-Kiosk, C.A. office, Community Hall and Kings Point North and South Clubhouses. Info: Judy Schings, 813-642-2001.

Entertainment Series Shows: Tickets on sale: Simply Streisand (Feb. 19/$13) Joey Arminio & Family (Mar. 11/$15).

Friday Dance/Shows:

Fabulons (Feb. 10/$19) Frankie Valli & the Four Seasons (Mar. 2/$21)

St. Petersburg Opera Co.:

Two operas are scheduled in the Rollins Theater from 2-4 p.m. Preview to “Samson et Dalila” (February 26) Preview to Marriage of Figaro (May 20). Tickets are $10/show/person.

Follies Birthday Bash:

As part of the 50th Anniversary Celebration, the Pelican Players will perform this show Sunday, February 12, 2012 , 2:30-4:30 p.m. Tickets are $5/person and on sale now.

Sarasota Jazz Project:

Swinging into Spring will be held Sunday, March 4, 2012, 2:00-4:00 p.m. (not 2:30-4:30). Tickets: $12/person will go on sale Monday, February 6 at SCC Community Association Office.

50th Anniversary Gala:

The closing event for the yearlong 50th Anniversary celebration will be held Friday, April 20, 2012, 7:00-10:00 PM, featuring Flashback Band. This will be a dance (tables of 10) and the theme is the 60’s; you are welcome to dress accordingly. Tickets ($20/ person) will go on sale Monday, March 26 at C.A. office; includes high-end hors d’ouevres.

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16 Page

The News of Kings Point

SCC Emergency Squad News Submitted by Jan Huber, Asst. Chief, SCC Emergency Squad,

Noreen Schramm Elected Chief

(L to R) Noreen Schramm, Chief, SCC Emergency Squad, Don Oneal, Pres. Travelworld and Jayne Kirse, Manager, Travelworld Noreen Schramm

Following a recent resignation, Noreen Schramm has now been elected Chief of the SCC Emergency Squad. Noreen has served on the Squad for the past 11 years. During her tenure she has been Assistant Chief for Public Affairs, editor of the Squad’s internal publication called “The Siren” and Chairperson of the Long Range Planning Committee. Noreen is also an EMT and a certified American Heart Association instructor. Our Sun City Center Emergency Squad is comprised of over 430 volunteers and has been serving our community for the past 47 years. Successful Fundraiser The SCC Emergency Squad held a very successful fundraiser cruise recently that resulted in a

generous donation to the Squad. This donation, in the amount of $3,125.00, was the combined result of Sun City Center Travelworld’s participation and support, along with Carnival Cruise Lines’ fundraiser donation. Both of these entities partnered with the Squad to provide a fun trip with a great benefit to this very important local cause. Over 40 SCC Emergency Squad volunteers, in addition to many members of the SCC community, joined together to cruise from Tampa to Cozumel, Belize, Honduras and Grand Cayman aboard Carnival Cruise Lines’ popular ship, the Carnival Legend. Jim Rottman, SCC Emergency Squad volunteer member, was instrumental in assisting Travelworld with this group and proved to be an efficient tour guide onboard.

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Replace Old Drafty Windows & Cut Energy Bills With Special “No Cost Now Program" Sun City Center, FL – Michael Hollander, owner of WeatherTite Windows, announced a great savings plan for Sun City Center residents. His deferred payments, along with reduced pricing, are great for homeowners who are in need of affordable, replacement windows and doors. All homeowners who respond within two weeks from the date of this notice and purchase energy efficient money saving WeatherTite windows or doors are eligible to make this purchase with no money down and have a payment plan with no interest until 2016. Mr. Hollander emphasized the program is effective immediately – and he will be able to arrange monthly payments to suit the budgetary needs of every homeowner. This very special program features the finest tilt-in w i n d o w s m a n u f a c t u r e d t o d a y. WeatherTite Windows come with 6 great warranties, meet stringent codes

for hurricanes and provide year round security for your home. They are also very energy efficient and custom designed by WeatherTite, your window design specialists for a perfect fit in every home! Plus for the next 2 weeks, homeowners who purchase WeatherTite Windows will get an exclusive special. Buy two windows and get one FREE plus receive a FREE entry door, with minimum purchase. This is an offer that includes a special energy savings warranty and 100% financing. Kings Point owners should call as well. WeatherTite can design and build a window or door to meet your association requirements and work with your board for proper approvals. As always, WeatherTite is proud to offer a special discount to seniors and to retired military. Estimates are always FREE. Call tollfree 24 hours a day for a FREE in-home estimate. These offers will expire February 29, 2012.

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February, 2012

Kings Point Duplicate Bridge Association (KPDBA)

The KPDBA held its annual meeting in the Kings Point Clubhouse Banquet Room on Wednesday, January 18. Members and guests enjoyed an evening of fun, great food and awards. The theme of the evening was Mardi Gras. Bridge members went all out with masks and costumes. The room was decorated with purple, green and gold table accessories and wall decorations. There were beads galore for all attendees and individual Kings’ cakes at each table. The 2011 King and Queen of the KPDBA, Ginny and Don Acker, in crown and regal robes, greeted the guests with beads, then entered the banquet room behind three lovely maids dressed in Mardi Gras attire. After a potluck dinner prepared by the members, bridge director and scriptwriter Lesley Green led four members in a skit entitled, “ A Director’s Worst Nightmares.” Bridge players hooted and laughed as the skit poked fun at situations all game players have experienced. After cutting the Kings’ cakes, each with a plastic object, according to Mardi Gras tradition, the lucky persons with the object will be on the planning committee for next year’s extravaganza (a new KPDBA tradition). Awards for this year’s achievements in bridge went to Roger Casey, Carol O’Connor, Leon Arndt and partners Kathleen Kelly and Robert Murphy. Members of the KPDBA voted for Walter and Delores Murphy for King and Queen, the Association’s ambassadors for 2012. Although the members of the KPDBA are serious at the bridge table, they know how to have fun outside the card room.

2012, February The News of Kings Point

Page 17

Good Samaritan Ball Scheduled For March 30, 2012 hospital and the Woman’s Club, provide financial assistance, respite care and answer medical questions. Samaritans Alzheimer’s Auxiliary has extensive services available for those diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Businesses, Organizations &.

Groups may reserve a table for eight for $1,000 per table. Individual tickets are still available and can be purchased for $125 per person by contacting Darlene and Larry Meadows at 813-633-7173 or djmeadows@ tampabay.rr.com.

SUNROOMS SCREEN ROOMS Excitement was the mood at the recent Committee meeting pictured above as they met to put the finishing touches on this year’s Good Samaritan Ball, which is scheduled for Friday, March 30, 2012 in the Borini Theatre at Kings Point. Darlene and Larry Meadows who chaired last year’s memorable event have promised another “Ball to Remember” and chose “COLORS OF OUR HEARTS” as this year’s theme. Greeting and picture taking will begin the evening at the champagne reception. The doors to the theatre will open to another sparkling, dazzling elaborately decorated theatre where a

gourmet dinner will be served with dancing to the famous DeLeon Entertainment group. This is the 27th Annual Good Samaritan Ball, a black tie event referred to over the years as “The Ball” is a fundraiser for Samaritan Services, Inc. a 501©3 charitable organization who provides free services including transportation with SCC-RIDE to doctor appointments both locally and as far away as Tampa, Brandon and Bradenton, as well as local transportation for trips to the grocery, pharmacy, doctors and other locations for people who are no longer able to drive themselves. They coordinate meal services with South Bay

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1544 27th St. SE. Ruskin, FL 33570 bratebuiltconstruction@yahoo.com


Thank You Pantry Volunteers

Submitted by Tom Bullaro, Pantry Director and Faithful Navigator Council 2533 The Knights of Columbus council 7282 and 4th Degree council 2533 of Prince of Peace Catholic Church in Sun City Center would like to thank all who have volunteered at Our Lady of Guadalupe food pantry for giving of their time, items and money to feeding the needy and doing God’s work in the Wimauma area. Tom Bullaro and his wife Anita have been the driving force behind the operations for the past three years and as the faithful navigator of council 2533, Tom oversees the work of approximately 64 volunteers who contribute their time unselfishly to helping their fellow man to the tune of 160 hours per week or 8320 hours per year. The pantry lists over 952 families on its books and feeds an average of 125 families each comprising 4 members for a total of 500 persons per week. This amounts to 6,500 families or 26,000 people per year. Over 71,000 tons (142,000lbs) of food has been distributed during the past year, which is paid for by the generous donations from the surrounding community. Contributions are collected once a month from an ongoing initiative called Project Hunger at both Our Lady of Guadalupe and Prince of Peace churches. Contributions are also received from The Foundation of Greater Sun City Center and The Interfaith Council’s Nearly New Shop. Again, a heartfelt thanks to all who have donated to the continued success of this worthy cause. Thank you and God bless you all.


Heart Month!

Heart Healthy Cooking Class Wednesday, February 8th at 10:30 AM 1901 Haverford Plaza, Suite 106, Sun City Center (behind South Bay Hospital) Learn how to prepare a heart healthy meal from Executive Chef Joel Meyers. This interactive and informative class will provide you with helpful tips to keep your heart in shape. Event is free but seating is limited. Call 1-888-685-1595 to make a reservation.

18 Page

The News of Kings Point

February, 2012

B U L L E T I N SCC Men’s Club December Ladies Luncheon

Kings Point Line Dancers February 9th

The Kings Point Line Dancers are having a dance on Thursday Feb 9, 7 - 10 PM, in the Borini Theatre at Kings Point. Open to KP and SCC residents and their guests, tickets available at the KP box office $5.51. The theme is Top Hats & Pearls, a tribute to great dancers past and present (including all of us!). Casual dressy attire, or black and white Couples always welcome. BYOB and setups. Call Jan for info 813-634-6226.

Fasching - What Is That!?

FASCHING means carnival. In Germany the spelling is changed to Karneval and is a three-month-long party! This party ends officially on Fat Tuesday and many of the celebrations include costumes and masks - mocking popular events, people and Pictures by Gary Bowman. political figures. The local SCC German-American Club is celebrating Fasching Ellen Kleinschmidt, Lew Resseguie and friends entertain the Men’s Club right here in town - in the Community Hall on S. Pebble Beach Blvd. members and guest on February 9th, with doors opening at 4:30 p.m. A catered dinner of Chicken Marsala will be served and there will be dancing to the band “The Bavarians” until 9 p.m. You will be surprised at the costumes your neighbors in Kings Point and Sun City Center come up with. There will be prizes for costumes - single, couples and groups! The cost for this fun-filled, BYOB evening is only $24 per person and tickets are available by sending your check made out to SCC German-American Club to Mike Albanese at 1808 Granville Lane, SCC 33573. If you have more friends who would like to be at your table, please make your reservations together.

Men’s Club Annual Valentine Dinner Dance

The SCC Men’s Club Valentine Dinner Dance is scheduled for Saturday, February 11, 2012 at 5:30 pm in the Community Hall on South Pebble Beach Blvd. Check your January 2012 Club News Letter for the details on ordering tickets. Darlene Meadows will provide the music for dancing. Banquet Masters will serve salmon or filet mignon, you can make your choice when you order the tickets. Tickets are available, but going fast, so don’t wait to reserve your seats. For your information the date in the newsletter is wrong. Remember the date for this event is Saturday, February 11, 2012 at 5:30 PM.

Fifth Annual Luncheon COA Luncheon Ellen Kleinschmidt sings to Club members John Smithyman, Ron Pelton and Don Murphy.

Gary Kaukonen, outgoing Club President, welcomed the 460 members and guests to the annual Men’s Club Ladies Luncheon. He bid his farewell as president and thanked the board and general membership for their support in 2011. He will be missed. Gary Bowman, Club Special Projects V.P., showed a power point presentation on the Men’s Club supported programs for the Greater Sun City Center Community. Favors for the ladies were made by Cam McGary. Entertainers Ellen Kleinschmidt and Lew Resseguie were the headliners and provided music and songs prior to lunch being served. The menu was prime rib or salmon with vegetables and was prepared and served by Banquet Masters. The SCC Men’s Club has a monthly luncheon meeting on the third Wednesday. If you would like to join or want information on the Men’s Club please call 634.6434. Members are encouraged to bring eligible guest to the meetings.

Duplicate Bridge Association . Annual Meeting February 8th

The Kings Point Duplicate Bridge Association will hold its Annual Meeting on Wednesday, February 8 at 11am in the Card Room of the Kings Point Clubhouse. All members are welcome to attend. The Board of Directors will review year 2011 and discuss and present some new ideas for 2012. For further information, call Board of Directors President Rosalie Murphy 813-634-1498. The regular Wednesday afternoon card game will follow.

AMICI Meeting February 8th

The next meeting of AMICI, the Italian Cultural Club of Kings Point, will take place on Wednesday, February 8 at 7pm in the Atrium Room of the Kings Point Clubhouse. Dr. Susan Taylor, Assistant Professor of Modern Languages at the University of Tampa, will speak on Italian Language and Culture. Dr. Taylor has traveled throughout the world and speaks Italian and Spanish. After graduating from the University of South Florida, she lived and worked in Florence, Italy for five years. Her interest in Central and Southern Italian dialects led to a study of the survival of the Sicilian spoken in Tampa. Dr. Taylor has lectured in the Tampa Bay area on Italian language and culture. AMICI welcomes residents of the Sun City Center area. Regular meetings are free to members, donations of $3 are requested from non-members. For information call 813-634-0955.

Submitted by Charles Hassell

The Kings Point Condo Owners Association will be hosting its annual luncheon on Saturday, February 11, beginning at 12 noon in the Borini Theater in the north clubhouse. Tickets are $12 each. Door prizes, including a 42” HD TV, will be awarded. Contact the COA for more information.

Kings Point Duplicate Bridge News

The Kings Point Clubhouse Card Room will be busy for the following events: Club championship games will be held Monday through Friday starting January 23 – play for extra points. STAC – Sectional Tournaments at Clubs, where players compete with club members throughout Central Florida for silver points will take place February 13 – 17. Check the website www.bridgewebs.com/kingspointassn for complete information about the club and its events.

Men’s Club of Sun City Center . February 15, Meeting

The February 15, Men’s Club meeting will be in the Community Hall, 1910 South Pebble Beach Blvd. at 11:30 am. The guest speaker is Archie McKee, retired educator who has taught in and studied China for over 30 years. He was the secondary principal in a private international school from 1999 to 2000. He is an expert on China philately and postal history. Banquet Masters will serve a buffet lunch for $12. Members are encouraged to bring qualified guests to the meeting. If you are interested in joining or want information on the Club, please call 813.634.6434.

SCC Dance Club February 15th

SCC Dance Club welcomes you to our Dance on Wednesday, February 15th. Community Hall, 7:30-9:30 p.m. Music by “GERARDO” with a variety of music. Attire: Dressy Casual Members Free Guests $6 per person at the door. Singles always welcome. BYOB and Snacks. For more information call 634-9074.

Eagle Audubon Monthly Program

Thursday, February 16, 2012 at 1:30 PM. Kings Point Club House, Banquet Room. Program: “Aquaculture Lab.” Speaker: Carlos Martinez, State of Florida Ornamental Aquaculture Extension Facility. Eagle Audubon welcomes visitors. Refreshments and social time at 1:30, followed by meeting and program starting at 2:00. Contact: Sally Sutton 813-633-3916.

2012, February The News of Kings Point

Page 19

B U L L E T I N Audubon Society Adventure Film

The Eagle Audubon Society announces its second adventure film of the season entitled “Norway-From the land of the Vikings “to be presented on Saturday, Feb.18, 2012 at 7:30 PM in the Borini Theater of the KP Clubhouse. The film narrated by Travelogue Hall of Fame member, Dale Johnson, will provide us with a view of the entire country including it’s rich history, dramatic scenery and a unique culture with a vibrant and dynamic people. Tickets are $7.50 and are available at the Kings Point Box Office M-F and just prior to the performance.

Chamber Players Welcome . World-Class Violinist

The Sun City Chamber Players are proud to welcome world-class violin soloist Michael Jorgensen from Cincinnati, Ohio to perform 2 Concerts in Florida with the Sun City Chamber Players. On February 17 & 18, 2012, Michael will be joining the group of local musicians to perform all four of Vivaldi’s famous All New “FOLLIES” To Focus On. “Four Seasons” concertos for Solo violin and String Orchestra. Also Comedy And Great Music! The Pelican Players are introducing a new format for this year “Follies,” on the program is Haydn’s “Fifths” which will run for three performances on February16th and 17th at String Quartet. The Friday evening the Borini Theatre. There will be more comedy, less dancing, and concert (February 17th) will be a mixture of funny and fabulous songs, sung by the best performers held at the Sun City Center United in the area. Directed by Terry Fiset and Rose Ostrander, who just Methodist Church at 7pm, with a completed their super successful run of “Nunsense, the Mega- 3pm matinee performance on Musical,” the Follies will celebrate Sun City Center’s 50th Birthday. Saturday February 18th held at Audiences will delight as they follow a Minnesota couple (played by the Crossroads United Methodist Susie Potratz and Jim Klamer) on their search for the perfect retirement Church in Sarasota. Michael Michael Jorgensen (Violin Soloist) haven. With considerable help from their “Retirement Spirits” (played holds a bachelor’s degree from by Babs Comminoli and Bob Girod), the couple will learn “There’s No the Eastman School of Music, a master’s from the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London, and a doctorate from Florida State City Like Sun City.” Funny skits about love, marriage, and Sun City Center’s unique University. A member of the IRIS Orchestra in Memphis, he recently foibles are certain to have the audience laughing out loud. Featuring served as concertmaster for the 75th-anniversary national tour of the best Sun City Center vocalists as well as some outstanding Porgy and Bess. Don’t miss your opportunity to hear this wonderful music performed (surprise) guests, there will be humorous songs as well as beautiful by the Sun City Chamber Players along with our special guest songs woven into the comedy. Cabaret seating will add to the fun. soloist! Tickets – $5/person and can be purchased at the door Tickets are $10.00 and can be purchased at the Borini Theatre Box on the evening or afternoon of the concert. Contact for more Office, 813-387-3443 or visit Pelicanplayers.org. information: Shawn Snider, 941-323-9434. Sun City Chamber Players Webpage: www.suncitychamberplayers.com.

International Forum of SCC

Friday, February 17, the International Forum of SCC will meet at 9:30am in the Florida room of the Atrium building off North Pebble Beach Blvd and is open to all residents of SCC and Kings Point. The program, Update on China, will focus on today’s business climate, relationship to the European Union, energy requirements, current housing and education situation and outlooks for the future. Speakers will include Charles Steilen, PhD with over 20 years business experience in China; Bob Price, advisor on international energy projects; and Program Leader Archie McKee, an Educator who worked in China, continues to travel there and to keep us current on “all things China.”

Scandinavian Club Organ Concert . February 24th

February 24 is the date for the organ concert arranged by the Scandinavian Club of SCC. The concert will be held at Aston Gardens and members and non-members are welcome free of charge. For time information and transportation needs please call Fritz Brinck at 813.260.3422 or email the club at scanclubscc@yahoo.com.

Scandinavian Club News

The president of the Scandinavian Club of Sun City Center - Carl Johnson - is stepping down from his position as Michigan Club Pizza Party February 18th club president to move closer to his family in Were you were born in Michigan? Have you lived in Michigan? Jacksonville. Since Carl started two years ago Have you ever visited Michigan? Can you recognize the state to build the Scandinavian Club as a community of Michigan on a map? Whatever your connection with the for those with ties to the Nordic countries the “Great Lakes State,” Kings Point and Sun City Center residents membership has grown to 118 members. Carl are welcome at Michigan Club events. You’ll discover that it’s an with the support of committed Scandinavians active organization filled with fun folks. Membership is only $5. built the club whose members share a heartfelt On Saturday, February 18th, at 5:00 in the Kings Point North appreciation for his outstanding leadership in Carl Johnson Clubhouse Banquet Room, the Michigan Club will host a Pizza founding and being its first president. Party. The dinner will be complete with pizza, salad, lots of beer and soft drinks. The evening’s entertainment will feature Michigan Volunteers Needed for Cancer . music played on a unique musical instrument that is more popular Resource Center in Michigan than any other state in the nation. Even if you are very South Bay Hospital is recruiting volunteers for its new American familiar with this state, you might not know about one of the state’s Cancer Society Cancer Resource Center. Volunteers will provide best kept secrets. (We’ll let you in on it.) visitors and caregivers with information about prevention and Tickets for the party (as well as memberships) may be purchased detection, treatment guidelines and support groups. They will in the Kings Point North Clubhouse Lobby, Tuesdays 9am to noon, also help visitors find resources that suit their needs such as wigs, January 17th, 24th, 31st, February 7th and 14th. Cost: $8 members, prosthetics, camisoles, hats and more. Volunteers are needed on $10 guests. For more info call Sharon (813) 727-0007. Visit the club’s weekdays and hours are flexible. No experience necessary and informative website at http://michclub.com. training will be provided. If you are interested in volunteering, or for more information on the Cancer Resource Center, please call Sun City Center Veterans’ Sock Hop 813-634-0496. The annual Sun City Center Veteran’s Dinner/Dance will take place Saturday, March 3, 2012 in the Community Association/s Kings Point Quilters Florida Room. It is sponsored by the combined Sun City Center The Kings Point Quilters meet Tuesdays from 1-3 in the Fiber Arts Veterans Organizations. All veterans and friends are welcome. Room, at the North Clubhouse in Kings Point, Sun City Center, and A social hour with appetizers will start at 5:00 p.m. All veterans are gearing up for another busy year. Many interesting projects are and friends are welcome. A buffet by Banquet Masters with planned for 2012, including workshops, speakers, shop hops and their famous dessert bar will follow at 6:00 p.m. The program more. In addition to making charity quilts for the Veteran’s Hospital will be a mix of patriotism and entertaining. Music and dancing in Tampa, the Club has taken on a new charity for 2012. They will will be provided by (DJ) Darlene. There will be a mix of special be donating 9” x 12” quilts to the Alzheimer’s Art Quilt Initiative, a entertainment. Dress is casual — 50”s, patriotic, or military. No National grassroots effort to raise awareness and fund research shorts or flip flops please. BYOB and setups: glasses and ice will through art by direct sales or auction sales of donated 9” x 12” quilts. be provided. There will be both 50/50 and “Happy Hour Basket” The Kings Point Quilters will be exhibiting for the month of March at raffles. Cost is $26 per person. Tickets are available through the the South Shore Library. The exhibit theme, AMERICANA, will include American Legion (633-4059); DAV (634-1761); MOWW (642-9820); wall hangings, small quilts, and a Club “challenge” display of small Leathernecks (634-6375); MOAA (634-7777); VFW (625-7070); or Patriotic Quilts—all with the AMERICANA theme in mind. general sales (634-7777). Questions? Call Sandy Nunn 813-642-8961.

20 Page

The News of Kings Point

February, 2012

B U L L E T I N Lt Col Brockmeier to speak to MOAA

The February Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) meeting featuring Lt. Col. Jerry Brockmeier will be held in the Sun City Center Atrium Building in the Florida Room at 11:00 am on Wednesday February 1st, 2012. Reservations can be made by calling 877-332-3016 ($14) no later than the Sunday before the Wednesday meeting. In 1965, Lt. Col. Brockmeier enlisted in the USAF, and was sent to OCS in San Antonio, TX where he received his commission and was assigned to flight school. He received a B. A. degree from Kansas State (math and physics) in 1965 and a MA degree in San Francisco in 1976. He attended the USAF Air War College at Maxwell AFB in Alabama in 1981. He was awarded 2 Distinguished Flying Crosses and numerous Air and Commendation Medals, accomplishing over 3000 hours jet time. Some of his career highlights include being a member of JCS Rapid Deployment Force in 1982 at MacDill AFB, FL to assist in establishing US CENTCOM. He also served 12 years in overseas assignments, which included 4 years in Southeast Asia and 8 plus years in Germany. He served 20 plus years in the USAF retiring at Langley AFB, VA in 1986. From 1986 – 2010 he has been employed as Vice President—Investments: A. G. Edwards/Wachovia and Securities/Wells Fargo Advisers, Sun City Center, FL. He will be discussing the various, currently available investment strategies.

Dr. Michael Deebs, Civil War historian, addresses MOAA

Dr. Michael Deebs was the guest speaker at the January Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) luncheon, which was held at the Florida Room in the Sun City Center Atrium Building on January 4, 2012. Dr. Deebs has written four books on the Civil War and currently writes reviews for both the Civil War News and the New York Journal of Books. He published his first Civil War Photo by Frank Kepley era historical novel, Duty and Lt Col Paul Wheat, left, President of Honor in 2007. The second novel MOAA, shakes hands with speaker in this trilogy, Duty Accomplished Dr. Michael J. Deebs. was published in 2008, the third, Honor Restored in 2009 and the fourth, “The Lincoln Assassination: Who Helped John Wilkes Booth Murder Lincoln. He gave a very interesting presentation on the various Civil War conspiracies surrounding the death of Abraham Lincoln. Additionally, he provided interesting information relative to the 1876 post-war politics of the time. Dr. Deeb is married to Sally Dittman and is a resident of Sun City Center, FL. They have five children and ten grandchildren.

KP Residents Enjoy Dancing Class Cruise

Leathernecks install 2012 Club Officers

Ed Barnes, Community Association President, administers the oath of office to new officers for the Sun City Center and Kings Point Leathernecks Club.

SCC CA President Ed Barnes, a former Commander in the U.S. Navy, administered the oath of office to new officers at the January 17th club meeting. Left to right are: Jim Haney, George Maling, Don James, CA President Ed Barnes, Barry Myers, Jim Glass, Jim Weller Club Commander, and Tom Culliton. Membership in the club is open to residents of Kings Point or Sun City Center who have served honorably in the U.S. Marine Corps, or as U.S. Navy personnel attached to or supporting a Marine Unit. The club meets at 18:30 on the third Tuesday of each month in the Sandpiper room in the Atrium Building.

MFST Holds Luncheon For Community Leaders

The Military Family Support Trust (MFST) hosted a luncheon for the community leaders on Wednesday, January 11, 2012, at the Plaza Club at Freedom Plaza. The leaders represented Brookdale Senior Living at Freedom Plaza, District 4 of the Sheriff’s Department, Interfaith Social Action Council, Knights of Columbus, Leathernecks, MOAA, MOWW, Patriots Club, Retired Officer’s Corpotation, SCC Chamber of Commerce, SCC Community Association, SCC Emergency Squad, SCC Security Patrol, SAR and the Seabees. MFST is a non-profit organization that provides financial assistance to military families through scholarships, financial assistance grants, guide dogs, Homeless Women Veterans, JROTC awards and other programs. The organization has been in Sun City Center since 1992. Visit our website at mobconline.org.

Tampa Homeland Security Officer . featured at MOWW luncheon.

(Seated L-R) Richard Brooks, Caroline Cooper, Stephen Cooper, Sherry Walker, Bob Walker (Standing L-R) Bob Reinstema, Judy Reinstema, Betty Merrell, Shelly Brooks, Sharon Neadle, Dave Devries.

Fifty Kings Point friends and neighbors went with Bill & Donna Markland’s Couples Country Dancing Class on a Western Caribbean Cruise January 15-22, 2012. This group gathered around their recent issue of NOKP somewhere in the Gulf of Mexico at their first dinner on the Norwegian Star before they were distracted by cave-tubing, zip-lining, see-through kayaking, snorkeling, shopping, shows, food and other fun.

Learn to Play Bridge for FREE

Learn to Play Bridge lessons for people who have never played bridge before or for people who haven’t played bridge in a while and need a refresher course. The eight-week course starts Thursday, January 19, 9:30 AM in the Kings Point Clubhouse. All KP & SCC residents welcome. Call Jack 813-634-4213.

Sgt. Todd Anthony, a member of the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Department, spoke to the Military Order of the World Wars (M0WW) at its monthly meeting and luncheon held at the Sun City Center Plaza Club, Sun City Center, on Thursday, January 19, 2012. Sgt. Anthony was recently appointed a member of the Crisis Management Sub Committee with the United States Secret Service for the Republican National Convention to be held in 2012 in Tampa. He has also been a Hillsborough County Security Officer for many of the Raymond James Stadium Outback Bowls; State Fairs; Photo by Frank Kepley Strawberry Festivals and Gasparilla Sgt Todd Anthony, member Day Parades. of Hillsborough County In addition, Sgt Anthony has served Homeland Security Team on the Hostage Negotiations Team of the year for four separate years. He discussed myriad issues, such as the improved communication between the various agencies that must take place in order to maximize the effectiveness of homeland security measures during major national and local events. He also stressed the ongoing extensive training measures Tampa uses to prepare for all types of internal and external security threats.

2012, February The News of Kings Point

Page 21

B U L L E T I N GFWC SCC WOMAN’S CLUB Members and Guests Attend High Tea

Bridge Players Cruised The Seas

Kings Point and Sun City Center bridge players cruised the seas in December learning more about bridge, competing for points and having fun. Winners received accolades, points and tee shirts. Everyone enjoyed the cruise, the friendly competition and the time away from home to get to know each other. Lessons learned, and friendships developed will continue on land.

New TOPS Chapter – FL 845

Pictured left to right are (seated) Michele Hannigan, Joyce Olwin, and Norma Gillespie. Standing are Natalie Ross and Anne Rankin.

Nine guests and twelve members of the SCC Woman’s Club attended High Tea last month at the Lady Chameleon Boutique in Ruskin, as one in a series of “Lunch Bunch” events frequently held by the club. The ladies enjoyed sandwiches, scones, desserts, and special teas.

Bringing Home The Medals

There’s a new program in town to help residents of Kings Point and Sun City Center realize a healthier lifestyle. TOPS Club, Inc. (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), an international weight-loss network of support groups, has started a new local chapter, TOPS FL 845. Weekly meetings are held at 8:15 am to 10:00 am on Thursdays, at Kings Point South Club House. Doors open for weigh-in at 8:15 am with the meeting starting at 9:00 am. Learn how to lose weight sensibly while gaining knowledge from informative programs and various activities that promote life fitness! If you are interested in starting the New Year by making a healthy choice to lose weight and keep it off come join us. We offer a supportive, friendly, and nurturing atmosphere for all of our members. If interested you are encouraged to call Barbara Floto at (813) 938-1046 or Kathy Devine at (813) 938-1210 for more information. Visitors are welcome to attend their first TOPS meeting free of charge. Let your new year include a healthy choice toward being an active member of our new TOPS FL 845 chapter.

Learn to Play Cribbage for FREE

Free cribbage lessons at the Kings Point Clubhouse starting Friday, January, 20, 1 pm to 3 PM and will run every Fri, through March. Everything supplied. All KP & SCC residents welcome. Call Jack 813-634-4213. Participants in the Florida Senior Games and State Championships (L-R): John Sprainitis, Lewis Lange, Jane Michelin, Anne Smith, Walter Kuehn, Artie Chilvers, Carol Cuthberton, John Maddaloni, David Radford, Tom Cuthberton. (Absent from photo): Colin Meertens, Shalene Peter, Louann Dubendorf, Nadine Powers and Vincent Quintalino.

Several Kings Point pickleball players traveled to Lakeland, Florida to participate in the Florida Senior Games and State Championships in December. The age group event consisted of double elimination tournaments for pickleball in Men and Women’s Doubles, Mixed Doubles and Singles competition. The following players from Kings Point earned medals at the games. John Maddaloni and David Radford won the gold medal for the Over 75 Age Group in Men’s Doubles, Artie Chilvers was the gold medalist for the 65-69 Men’s Singles bracket, and Jane Michelin and Anne Smith won the gold medal for the 60-64 Age Group in Women’s Doubles. Winning silver medals were Lewis Lange and Jane Michelin in the 60-64 Mixed Doubles, Colin Meertens and partner from Lakeland for the Over 75 Men’s Doubles, Walter Kuehn for the 55-59 Men’s Singles Division and Vincent Quintalino in the Over 75 Men’s Singles. Congratulations to the winners and all the participants in this year’s State Senior Games!

New TOPS Chapter – FL 845

There’s a new program in town to help residents of Kings Point and Sun City Center realize a healthier lifestyle. TOPS Club, Inc. (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), an international weight-loss network of support groups, has started a new local chapter, TOPS FL 845. Weekly meetings are held at 8:15 am to 10:00 am on Thursdays, at Kings Point South Club House. Doors open for weigh-in at 8:15 am with the meeting starting at 9:00 am. Learn how to lose weight sensibly while gaining knowledge from informative programs and various activities that promote life fitness! If you are interested in starting the New Year by making a healthy choice to lose weight and keep it off come join us. We offer a supportive, friendly, and nurturing atmosphere for all of our members. If interested you are encouraged to call Barbara Floto at (813) 938-1046 or Kathy Devine at (813) 938-1210 for more information. Visitors are welcome to attend their first TOPS meeting free of charge. Let your new year include a healthy choice toward being an active member of our new TOPS FL 845 chapter.

Sun City Center Vintage Babes Softball News Article & photo by Nancy Williams

The 1st & 2nd rows include the Hillsborough C.I. Turnover team who competed against the Sun City Center Vintage Babes softball team in the back row.

On a cold January morning, the women’s softball action was hot at the Hillsborough Correctional Institution in Balm. The Sun City Center Vintage Babes traveled to have their 1st game of 2012 on the newly renovated softball field at the women’s prison. The SCC Softball Club, which has donated softball equipment in the past, recently provided soil to renovate the 1970s prison softball field. Each inning the senior players continued to launch big hits that the young inmates would courageously catch. The bleachers were filled with cheering inmates encouraged by the sports teams from SCC that come to compete in softball, volleyball& tennis on Saturday mornings. After an exciting 8 innings of play, the SCC Vintage Babes prevailed 23 - 15. The 500 volunteers, which includes the sports teams, help to allow this 1st in the Nation women’s faith/ character prison have the lowest recidivism rate in the State. This facility was just awarded #1 in the State for the highest number of volunteer hours. Consequently, this is why there is another lobbying effort at the State level by the volunteer force to prevent another possible closure of HCI beginning February 1.

22 Page

The News of Kings Point

February, 2012

B U L L E T I N SCC Men’s Club Funds Hearing Loop

The Sun City Center Men’s Club continues with its goal of identifying and meeting needs of the Community Association and Kings Point residents. Recently, at its December meeting, the Men’s Club Board of Directors approved the funding to install the Hearing Loop system in the CA’s Community Hall and Florida Room. Plans are to have the system installed and operative by mid to late February. The Hearing Loop, as it is commonly called, is an Audio Frequency Induction Loop System installed in venues such as auditoriums, theaters, churches and most structures where the size of the room creates hearing challenges for those affected with hearing loss. Locally, the Hearing Loop has been in use in the St. Andrews Presbyterian church’s sanctuary and social hall with great success. Those who wear hearing devices with the “T” Coil technology hear speakers using microphones with virtually little or no background noise. Those who continue to use hearing devices without the “T Coil” installed will continue to receive sounds as usual. Those who may use the hearing devices when provided at meetings in the Community Hall will be able to continue to do so without any change to the way sound has been delivered to these devices in the past. Residents are advised to watch for signs at the entrances to these two meeting spaces when the Hearing Loop installations are complete. It is suggested that for those who may not have hearing devices equipped with the “T” Coil that they contact their audiologist for more information and/or Google “Hearing Loop” and follow the links to the many sites that discuss the hearing loop system.

SCC FunFest Planning Has Started!

The 2012 Sun City Center FunFest Committee is already hard at work planning for the Golden 50th Anniversary and St. Patrick’s Day celebration on March 17, 2012. This year’s FunFest, held annually, will be an extraordinary event since it is part of the community’s 50th Anniversary celebration that has been ongoing since last May and ends this April. Since the third Thursday of March 2012 falls on St. Patrick’s Day, the Irish green theme will be prevalent as well. It all takes place from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the buildings and grounds of the Sun City Center Central Campus, N. Pebble Beach Blvd. Members of the 2012 Committee include Jane Keegan (chair), Mike Albanese and Bill Barron (Safety/Parking), John and Linda Bowker (Welcome), Sandi Cassel (Assignments), Kelly Emerson and Lyn Reitz (Operations), Phyllis and Bill Hodges (Publicity), Dave Birkett (Marketing), Fred Kroog and Uta Kuhn (Sponsors), Joanne Sudman (Vendors), John and Sue Lea (Food Vendors) and Judy Schings (Entertainment). FunFest is open to everyone and folks from surrounding communities are encouraged to attend to see the SCC lifestyle at its best. Put it on your calendar!

Looking for musical good time?

The SCC German-American Club Singers invites residents of Sun City Center and Kings Point to consider attending one of our club’s rehearsals to see if this is what you would like to do. The 30-member chorus sings music arranged in four-part harmony and is now in the start-up mode, learning new music for the next season. Knowledge of the German language is helpful, but not necessary. The conductor is Mr. Lynn Hirschfeld and accompanist is Ms. Claire Hadley. This combination makes for a fun-filled and successful musical experience. Rehearsals are on Tuesday evenings from 6 to 7:30 p.m. in the music room at Redeemer Lutheran Church on Valley Forge Dr. and Rt. 674. Any questions: call Judy Quitsch at 642-0157.

Men’s Club January Meeting Report

Photo by Gary Bowman, Men’s Club Special Projects V.P. Left to right Don Murphy, Men’s Club V.P Programs, Paula Jefferson, RN BSN, Manatee Memorial Hospital, Dr. Kenneth Zide, MD, Manatee Memorial Hospital, Carl McGary, Men’s Club President, and Chris Fensterle, Director of Business Development, Manatee Memorial Hospital.

The Men’s Club January meeting was opened by Club President Carl McGary, who welcomed the members and introduced the Board of Directors. The guest for the January meeting was Dr. Kenneth Zide, cardiologist at Manatee Memorial Hospital who spoke on “Sparks in the Heart and Looking to Keep Your Heart in Rhythm”. The timely and detailed information provided by Dr. Zide generated a number of interesting questions from members in the audience. The buffet lunch was catered by Banquet Masters. Four new members joined the Club. For questions and request for information please call 634.6434.

Lapidary Club Showcase

The Kings Point Lapidary Club has a new showcase. Over the summer, the Lapidary window showcase was remodeled. Please stop by and see the results. It really accents the items on display. The items on display were all made by members of the Lapidary Club. They are available for purchase at reasonable prices. Come and see what Lapidary is all about. Maybe you will decide to join us.

Kings Point Jazz Lovers Group

The Kings Point Jazz Lovers Group is off to a great start. We invite you to join us if you like a variety of jazz sounds ranging from big band to small groups including a variety of vocalists. We meet in the main (North Clubhouse) in the South Social Room from 2:004:00PM on the third Friday of each month. Hope to see you at our next meeting. For further information contact Bill Ferron at 938-3571 or bferron2@tampabay.rr.com.


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2012, February The News of Kings Point

Page 23

Great year for the South Shore Symphony Orchestra Happy New Year: to all of the patrons and friends of the South Shore Symphony Orchestra. 2011 was a great year for advancement for the South Shore Symphony Orchestra. It has successfully made the transition to its new homes, performing at St. Anne Catholic Church and rehearsing at St. John the Divine in Ruskin along with its new Conductor Dr. Susan Bailey Robinson. It has become a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization and has joined the Chamber of Commerce in both the Sun City Center and the South Shore (Ruskin & Apollo Beach). It has also partnered with the Ruskin Community Development Foundation in the Firehouse Cultural Center project and also the South Shore Arts Council. The Orchestra has set new goals to bring music to not only the adults of the South Shore Communities but also to the Youth of the area with its new youth programs that will be introduced in the coming year. Mr. Dominick Galati, Founder, President, Assoc. Conductor, and Business Manager of the SSSO said, “In only its second year this organization has made great strides and the music has never sounded better. We are proud to have

also been recognized by many other orchestras around Florida as one of the new, up and coming orchestras to be heard in Florida.” He also said, “The SSSO hopes with our audiences support to thrive and that they can be part of this orchestra’s success by continue this musical journey with us.” On December 9th the SSSO performed the “Happy Holidays” Concert with great success, thanks to all that attended. We would like to invite all of them back to the next concert in the Winter Concert Series on February 10, 2012 and ask them to bring a friend. The orchestra has already started its rehearsals for its February 10, 2012 concert. This will be the first concert of the 2012 New Year but the third Concert in the series. This Concert is called “A Celebration of Love”, and features pieces like: Peer Gynt, Overture from Romeo and Juliet, Suite #2 from Carmen and That’s All I Ask of You from the Phantom. This concert is a celebration in another way. With this concert the SSSO will also be celebrating its 2nd birthday. The SSSO hopes that all will come and celebrate this concert with us. Come and Listen to the

wonderful music being performed by the South Shore Symphony Orchestra. The Winter Series Concerts remaining are: February 10, 2012 “A Celebration of Love”, March 23, 2012 “Saint Saen - Symphony #3” with organ soloist and on May 4, 2012 “A Tribute to America”. How can you get tickets? Tickets may be purchased by cash or check made out to the South Shore Symphony Orchestra form the following locations: St. Anne Catholic Church office, in Ruskin, the South Shore Chamber of Commerce (Ruskin and Apollo Beach) and the Sun City Center Chamber of Commerce in Sun The Pelican Players present...

let s laugh out loud ! Thursday, Feb. 16th at 7 pm Friday, Feb. 17th at 1:30 & 7 pm

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BYOB Tickets: $10 Reservations at www.pelicanplayers.org Tickets available at box office

City Center. All single tickets are $20.00 and $21.00 at the Door. Student Tickets are $10.00 (ages 9 to 16 yrs old with ID) Ages 4-8 are admitted Free with adult supervision. An extra service charge of $1 per ticket will be added when purchasing by Charge Card (Visa or MC only) on the SSSO Ticket Hot Line at Tel. # 813-667-7776, but not when purchasing tickets by mail. When ordering by mail, make all checks payable to South Shore Symphony Orchestra. Send to: S.S.S.O. P.O. Box # 5867, Sun City Center, FL 33571-5867. Please include concert dates wanted and telephone number when requesting tickets by mail. Co-Directors Terry Fiset & Rose Ostrander

24 Page

The News of Kings Point

Beth Israel Sisterhood News

Beth Israel Sisterhood holds their February meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 14th, 2012, at 1 P.M. The guest lecturer will be Dr, Cathy Hoffman, Clinical Director of Sensible Medicine, and founder of the Hoffman Clinic. Her topic and demonstration will be on “Chinese Medicine & Women’s Health”. Dr. Hoffman is also a certified Acupuncture Physician and Doctor of Oriental Medicine. Her experience has spanned over 35 years. The Clinic’s goal is to provide the best care possible by offering the very best of Eastern and Western doctrines. Don’t miss this intriguing subject. The address is 1115 Del Webb Blvd., Sun City Center.

Valentine Party & Entertainment at UCC

The community is invited to the United Community Church for another great Fun Brigade event. The Valentine Party & Entertainment will be held on Tuesday, February 14th at 7:00 PM in the Great Hall of the church at 1501 La Jolla Avenue. Caz and Terry will entertain us with their Nashville Style and Light Show. Tickets are $5.00 and may be purchased following the 10 AM service on Sundays or on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 10 to 12 AM in the Narthex or at the door the night of the event. For further information, contact Paula Lickfeldt at 633-6739 or Karl at 634-7062. Remember everyone is invited and most welcomed. Refreshments will be available for purchase.

The McDonald Family Singers to Perform at UCC

A very special occasion on Sunday March 4, 2012 at 2 PM, at the United Community Church, http://www.uccinscc. org/, 1501 La Jolla Ave. Sun City Center. The Fun Brigade has invited the McDonald Family Singers to perform in the church’s sanctuary. The McDonald Family will be presenting a free concert with various styles of music by Victor and Laurie and their 7 homeschooled children ages 11-26 from Orange, Massachusetts. Working together in family harmony their musical presentation includes bluegrass gospel, a capella, brass, instrumentals, sacred classical and more! You can also visit their website (http://www.macdonaldfamilysingers. com/) for more information about the family and listen to some of their music. Everyone is welcome to come for this concert and admission is free. There will be members of the Fun Brigade collecting a free will offering for the family. Church doors will open I hour prior to the concert.

Fun Brigade Potluck Rang in the New Year

Photo by David Lickfeldt

The Fun Brigade of the United Community Church, 1501 La Jolla Avenue celebrated the New Year by hosting a potluck dinner at noon on New Year’s Day. It was a fun and meaningful event to start the New Year by enjoying a meal and fellowship with church family. A great time was had by all.

Redeemer Women

WELCA, the women’s organization of Redeemer Lutheran Church, will meet on Wednesday, February 15th beginning with coffee and cookies at 9:30 AM. The program will be presented by Balm Good Samaritan Mission. We invite all Redeemer women/guests to come and hear about their programs designed to support those in need.

February, 2012

Winter Review Benefits . Outreach Programs

Organized to raise funds for St John the Divine’s outreach program, “A Winter Review, Florida Style”, was held last Thursday, January 5, 2012 in the Community Hall on the South Campus of Sun City Center. The evening’s entertainment featured many talented dance groups -Sunsations, Silver Tappers, Timesteppers, Sun City Center Cloggers and Hula Honeys - as well as several excellent vocalists - Bill Barker, Jean Brown, Troy Coman, Bob Garrod, Joan Goodman, Vince Robbio, Dee and Frank Weder - rendering holiday and other favorite songs. A special appearance was made by longtime tapper Shirley Goodman. Comic relief was provided by John Foster and the pianist for the show was Charles Wirick. The Hula Honeys are pictured below (left to right Sylvia Eddens, Linda Hawken, Eva Reisinger, leader Darlene Walters, Linda Schuler, Joan Leombruno and Val Kelly).

Community Church College . Semester Begins

Discover a great way to begin your New Year. The Community Church College is beginning a new semester with great classes, many are new, exciting tours and trips and offers the best opportunities to come, learn and enjoy. The classes are ninety minutes weekly for six weeks beginning February 20,2012 to March 29th. The cost is $25 for the six classes and the Tampa General Hospital Series is $5.00 walk in each week. There are 42 classes, five trips and tours and the hospital series. The classes are held at the United Community Church, 1501 La Jolla Ave. Sun City Center. Open registration is Tuesday, January 31, 2012 from 9:00 AM to Noon and 1:00-3:00 PM. You may register early online at www: 4lifelearning.org. Late registration is available February 1 thru the first week of classes in the college office, Monday thru Thursday: 8:30 to 12:00. The College office is closed on Friday. The catalogs are available in the church narthex, college office, libraries in Sun City Center and Beth Shields and in professional offices. Is it time to train the dog, learn to operate your new camera, I-Phone or I-Pad, Baseball Then & Now, review Keys To Healthy Aging and Live A Long Healthy Life? Truly fantastic learning. For further information, contact the College office at 813-634-8607.

Are You Ready to Listen?

Everyone is looking for solutions! Health, certainty, and hope are on everyone’s wish list. But can we hear the answers? “God is speaking—are we listening?” is the title of a free talk by national speaker, Jill Grimes, on Sunday, February 26 at 3 p.m. in the Florida Room at the SCC Community Association Building on North Pebble Beach Drive. Grimes will discuss the practical application of spiritual law and how it heals consistently and completely. These ideas are based on the teachings of Jesus as recorded in the Bible and discussed in the seminal work on spiritual healing, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. This talk is sponsored by First Church of Christ, Scientist, SCC-Ruskin. No offering will be taken. For further information, contact Virginia Lloyd-Jones, 813-634-2363.

A Great Day Away The CCC Way

Truly a great season of trips and tours are being offered by the Community Church College this season. Super exciting is the Giraffe Ranch in Dade City on Friday, February 24th. Is it “Out Of Africa?” No, Giraffe Ranch is a licensed working ranch specializing in exotic species as well as domestic animals. Just think, from the comfort of your tour vehicle outfitted with shade canopies and stadium seating, you will learn about the animals and their habitats from your tour guide. You can feed the giraffes, zebras and other animals from the comfort and safety of the vehicle. Lunch is included at “Pearl in the Grove”, a ranch house in the middle of a kumquat grove featuring homemade southern cooking using local ingredients. Registration is at the Community Church College, 1501 La Jolla Avenue, Sun City Center on Tuesday, January 31, 2012 from 9:00 AM to noon and 1:00 -3:00 PM. Then you can register in the College office Monday thru Thursday 8:30 to noon, the College is closed on Fridays. For further information, contact the College at 813 634-8607.

2012, February The News of Kings Point

Come, Learn & Enjoy

Page 25

Valentine’s Dance

Knights of Columbus St Anne Council 7210 invite you their Valentine’s Dinner Dance on Saturday Feb. 11, 6 p.m.-p.m. at St. Joachim Hall St Anne Roman Catholic Church - Ruskin, FL. The cost is $15 per person. The Night’s Menu: Prime Rib; Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, and Dessert. A Photo Keepsake of each couple will be included. Entertainment will be announced. Please keep this date open.

KP Resident Chairs Local . World Day of Prayer 2012

Photo and article by Rosie Clifton, 634-6786.

Women from several Sun City Center churches are busy planning this year’s World Day of Prayer, Photo by Hazel Martin which will be held on Sitting l to r: Administrative Dean Maureen Martinsky, Academic Friday, March 2, at the Dean Sally Erath, Office Volunteer Terry Hood. Standing. St. Andrew Presbyterian l to r Administrative Assistant Laura Martin and Trip Coordinator Church, 1239 Del Webb Carolyn Deming Boulevard West, Sun City Center. Jo Alice Nieter, The Community Church College, 1501 La Jolla Avenue, Sun (seated right) Kings Point City Center invites the entire community and surrounding area resident and St. Andrew to come, learn & enjoy. There are 42 classes, 5 trips/tours and member, is leading the Tampa General Hospital Series to offer many opportunities the planning. Pictured for your learning needs, enjoyment and yes, fun too. The also are two committee classes are ninety minutes in length, for six weeks beginning members – Sally McLeish, (seated left) also representing St. February 20, to March 29, 2012. Tuition is $25 for six ninetyAndrew and Carla Miles, representing United Community minute classes. The Tampa General Hospital Health Series is Church. presented on Wednesdays at 10:30. There is a $5:00 walk in Women, men, and children in more than 170 countries will each week and no registration is required. Open registration is celebrate World Day of Prayer (WDP). Each year a different Tuesday, January 31 from 9:00 am to noon and 1:00 to 3:00 pm. country sets the theme of the event. This year the women You may also register early online at www.4lifelearning.org. of Malaysia have chosen “Let justice prevail.” They are Late registration is available February 1st through the first week asking that on March 2, “let us resolve to work with God and of classes in the College office, Monday through Thursday 8:30 with each other to create a world in which each gender, to noon. The office is closed on Fridays. Catalogs listing the race, culture, religion, and state is honored, nurtured, and classes, schedules and instructors are available throughout empowered.” Services begin at sunrise in the Pacific and the community and at the College. follow the sun across the globe on the day of celebration. The It is really an exciting season ---Modern Investing, Qi Gong, local celebration will start at 10 am with a breakfast buffet, Baseball Then and Now, Acupuncture, Buying and Selling followed by the sanctuary service at 11:00 am. Members of Jewelry, I Pad I Phone and Computer Classes, Sexuality and the public are encouraged to attend. Aging, Digital Photography—reflect the diverse selection. Trips to Giraffe Ranch in Dade City, House Tour at Lakewood Ranch, Valentine Party & Entertainment Dinner at the famous Field Club in Sarasota, Opera “Carmen” The community is invited to the United Community Church at the Sarasota Opera House and a Starlit Luncheon Cruise in for another great Fun Brigade event. The Valentine Party & St. Petersburg are fantastic selections for a special day away. Entertainment will be held on Tuesday, February 14th at 7:00 For further information, contact the College at 813 634-8607. PM in the Great Hall of the church at 1501 La Jolla Avenue. Caz and Terry will entertain us with their Nashville Style and NCWS Offers A Community Service Light Show. Tickets are $5.00 and may be purchased following Jim Butner, Worship Leader for NCWS (Nondenominational the 10 AM service on Sundays or on Tuesday and Thursday Christian Worship Services) is pleased to announce the 11:00 mornings from 10 to 12 AM in the Narthex or at the door the AM Sunday worship service offered at Aston Gardens/SCC, night of the event. For further information, contact Paula is now open to the public. Located off Del Webb Blvd West Lickfeldt at 633-6739 or Karl at 634-7062. Remember everyone on Emerald Lake Drive, the 30-minute service is held in the is invited and most welcomed. Refreshments will be available ballroom. NCWS is an all-volunteer outreach ministry that is for purchase. not affiliated with any particular denomination. Jim said, “We are here to bring the Word of the Lord directly to the people Never Too Late To Educate in their own communities. Our services are only 30 minutes in Many opportunities remain for you to enroll in the United length, but, we pack quite a bit in that 30-minute time frame. Community Church College, 1501 La Jolla Ave, Sun City For many people, an hour service is too long for them to sit Center Spring session. There are 42 diversified classes, many through. And, our ministry, although all volunteer, is a full new this year, and five one day outings. The classes are ninety service ministry. If we didn’t have a good product we wouldn’t minutes in length and tuition is $25 for six classes beginning be doing so many services in the area. We are thankful that February 20 to March 29, 2012. The Tampa General Hospital Aston Gardens/SCC is allowing us to open the service there Health Series is presented at 10:30 on Wednesdays. There is a to the entire community. There is plenty of guest parking to $5.00 walk in fee each week and no registration is required. accommodate additional people.” For further information Late registration is available February 1st through the first please contact Jim at 634-3114. All are welcome. week of classes in the College office Monday thru Thursday 8:30 to noon. The office is closed on Friday. Catalogs listing the UMC Friday Movie Night classes, schedules and instructors are available in the College The United Methodist Church located at 1210 Del Webb Blvd. office and throughout the community. West, Sun City Center, will be showing another great movie For your convenience, you may also register online at February 10, 2012. The doors will open, as usual, at 6:00 P.M. www.4lifelearning.org. The College phone number is 813-634with the of mouth watering smell of popcorn. Also a whiff of 8607. The entire community and surrounding area are invited coffee and cookies will be in the air. Other beverages will also to “Come, Learn and Enjoy” because it is never too late to be served. The movie, “COURAGEOUS” will begin at 6:30 P.M. educate. “COURAGEOUS” is about four fathers and their challenges in life, and its effect on them, while being a parent. When tragedy strikes home, these men are left wrestling with their hopes, fears and the struggles of being fathers. Can the urgency of something striking so close home, help these men in becoming the dads that they were meant to be. Will they be able to give to their wives and children what has been missing as a husband and father? Come and see for yourselves!

26 Page

The News of Kings Point

February, 2012

Kings Point Federation Extends Vesta Contract

In a vote of confidence Jan. 6 for the firm that keeps Kings Point Sun City Center’s outstanding amenities and social life running, members of the Federation Board unanimously extended Vesta Property Services, Inc.’s contract by two years, to March 31, 2016. “We are sincerely honored by the trust the people of Kings Point Sun City Center have placed in us,” said Ginger Anzalone, Vesta vice president. “Kings Point is a private community of almost 6,000 homes that is still growing and we intend to continue to bring our ‘hospitality mentality’ to work every day. That means we strive to provide a wonderful lifestyle and treat everyone in this great community as though they are a guest in our own home” Anzalone said. Eileen Peco, Federation Board President said, “Vesta has been our Recreational Facilities manager since 2007 and is an integral partner in operating our clubhouses and other amenities. We look forward to our ‘next phase’ of community planning and working with Vesta on this important venture.” Vesta provides financing, management and ancillary services to developers of planned unit communities and resident associations in connection with clubhouses, golf courses and other amenity and infrastructure facilities and commercial real estate management. Headquartered in Jacksonville, Fla., Vesta offices are strategically located throughout Florida, with more than 300 associates who provide a wide spectrum of services to more than 60,000 residents, tenants, and unit owners.

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2012, February The News of Kings Point

Page 27

Fresh Greens & Fine Dining

By Eddie Dixon Recently a friend invited us out to an up and coming Farmer’s Market in the charming little central Florida town of Lake Wales. We’ve been trying to eat healthier so this sounded interesting…and any trip to Lake Wales gives us an excuse to visit one of our favorite out of the way fine dining restaurants, Chalet Suzanne. We cruised over to the market, located in Lake Wales’ downtown market square, on a crisp and sunny Saturday morning, the perfect sort of day for a drive. We found the market near the “historical district” between Stuart and Park avenues. As first pass it’s easy to miss, a single avenue stretching through downtown, rows of booths and small tents. We parked in an empty lot across the street and walked over to the market. The market here is a relatively new concept and there is a palpable excitement. Not only do the vendors sell to market-goers, but they seem to be bartering among themselves as well, a true, old-fashioned farmer’s market. Something refreshingly quaint and reassuring in the days of factory farms and skyrocketing fruit and veggie prices. In addition to fresh fruit and vegetables, the market offered delicious fresh-baked bread and a handful of vendors showing

beautiful handmade jewelry. In short order we were nibbling on fresh bread, courtesy of Tina Farewell and Elizabeth Bennett. To that we added homemade strawberry preserves and a quart of ripe, red berries. Then we met Sergio Cruz, the Guacamole Guy. Now, full disclosure, I am a nacho fan. I have savored chips and dips and quesos and salsas from far and wide. But this guy’s guac was out of this world. And the salsa was pretty good too. His booth not only offered “fresh and authentic” guacamole, but also the avocados from which Sergio crafts his excellent green nacho topping. If that sort of thing interests you, check out Sergio’s website at www.guacamoleguy. com. As the market wound down around lunchtime, it was time for us to transition from snacking on bread and berries and sit down for one of the best meals we – or you – will ever experience in Central Florida. Chalet Suzanne was started in the 1930s by an enterprising widow, Bertha Hinshaw, who had kids to feed and decided to make the most out of her special knack for making folks feel at home. She founded Chalet Suzanne, a Swiss-style B&B and fine dining room hidden away near the Lake Wales Ridge. Word spread. Soon dignitaries from across the country and,

Lake Wales Farmers Market.

eventually, astronauts from the Cape were landing at the Chalet’s airstrip for an exquisite white-tablecloth meal and the renowned Hinshaw hospitality. The menu items are a bit pricey, but worth every penny. The food is fresh, the selection outstanding and the ambiance is particularly memorable. We are among countless couples that have discovered the Chalet, given it a shot mostly out of curiosity, and then come back again and again and again. After a splendid meal of a Black Angus filet and chicken Suzanne with all the trimmings, we sipped coffee and nibbled at each other’s orders of Ann’s carrot cake and rum cream pie. I, for one, had to loosen my belt to clean my plate, but I was loath to leave even the tiniest morsel uneaten. All in all, it was a truly glorious day for a drive, for conversation, for browsing the fresh selection

Daniel Mountcastle, MD. Ohio State University Founder

You never know who you will meet at the Market.

at the market and for sharing a sumptuous meal together. By the time we pulled into the driveway we were already talking about doing it all again. Author’s Note: The Lake Wales Downtown Farmer’s Market is held the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month, from 8 AM to 12 noon. Learn more about Chalet Suzanne or make reservations by visiting www.chaletsuzanne.com or calling 863.676.6011.

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Summary: Several signs and symptoms indicate easily treatable vein problems in the legs. Most “vein patients” have NO visible varicose veins. Problem: Varicose and spider veins are the only signs most people recognize.

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SCC Medical Director: Naushin Jobe, MD., Chicago Medical School

Blue Feet and Discoloration

28 Page

The News of Kings Point

February, 2012

Continued from Page 7

February Poem Submissions Let ‘Em Stare By Valerie Kelly I sit here wonderin’ what to wear For New Year’s no expense I’ll spare.

spayed or neutered over 2430 cats and kittens, while socializing and fostering out over 767 cats & kittens to forever homes. Thank you to all the community residents and volunteers that have volunteered and participated

in our program in 2011. We are currently looking for volunteers to help feed local cats, serve on our board of directors, and help with fundraising efforts and community events. For more info. contact us at 813-944-7651 or visit the Feline Folks web site www.FelineFolks.us.

I’d like to dress a bit like Cher, Yet – I don’t want to shock mon père. Last thing I’d like to be is bare, Shivering in the evening air. And causing people to compare Me with Godiva on her mare. I’d rather sit upon a chair And eat a juicy Bartlett pear.

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Than sit a horse that goes nowhere While nosy neighbors point and stare.

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No, no – not me, not on a dare, Not for George Clooney (like he’d care). I’ll dress so all will be aware In shades of mauve with lace that’s rare.

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2012, February The News of Kings Point

Puzzles More!

Page 29


Super Crossword CD Collection

The impetuous player who plays first and thinks later must occasionally pay for his exuberance. Bridge is not the kind of game you can play impulsively and expect to get the best results. There are simply too many different hands and situations where relying entirely on past experience may not guide you to the right bid or play. Take this deal where it would be

very easy to go wrong. Let’s say you’re East and that your partner leads the ace and another club to your king. It is not difficult to recognize that West started with the doubleton ace of clubs and that you can give him a ruff. But if your thinking stops right there and you impulsively return a club, declarer makes the contract, losing only two clubs, a club ruff, a spade and a diamond. While you cannot know exactly what South’s trump holding is, you should conclude that if he has the K-Q of spades, your side will finish with no more than five tricks if you return a club at trick three. However, you should also see that there’s a real chance of stopping the contract if you play the ace and another diamond instead of a club at trick three. If you do this, South can do no better than lead a trump at trick five, which you take with the ace. Now you give your partner a club ruff, and he reciprocates by giving you a diamond ruff to put the contract down one. You can then “apologize” to your partner for having failed to give him a club ruff earlier. © 2012 King Features Synd., Inc.

Hard Knox was created by Kings Point’s own Artist in Residence, Bob Ewing.

Solutions on Page 31

30 Page

Strange But True

By Samantha Weaver •It was 20th-century American critic John Leonard who made the following sage observation: “To be capable of embarrassment is the beginning of moral consciousness. Honor grows from qualms.” •You’ve probably never heard of the Spanish village of Lijar, located in the south of that country. This village, though, was involved in a nearly 100year war that lasted well into the 20th century. It seems that in 1883, Alfonso XII, the king of Spain, made a state visit to Paris and received a less-than-royal welcome. Led by mayor Don Miguel Garcia Saez, the citizens of Lijar, after hearing that their monarch had been insulted and possible accosted by mobs, declared war on France. Though there were no casualties -- not even any gunfire -- the war lasted until 1981. That was when the town council ruled that it would end hostilities with France thanks to the warm welcome King Juan Carlos of Spain received in France in 1976. •The town of Adamant, Vermont, was once named Sodom. The townspeople voted to change the name in 1905. •The first portable computer was made available to the public in 1975. In this instance, however, “portable” was used as a relative term; the IBM 5100 weighed 55 pounds. •Only 5 percent of American men report that they feel satisfied with their looks. With women, it’s only 1 percent. •In 2008, a study was conducted in the United Kingdom to determine what, if any, effect the consumption of tomatoes had on the human body’s reaction to sun exposure. The university students enrolled in the study who consumed the equivalent of about five tomatoes per day were 33 percent less likely to get sunburned than those who ate no tomatoes. Thought for the Day: “Several excuses are always less convincing than one.” -- Aldous Huxley © 2012 King Features Synd., Inc.

The News of Kings Point

February, 2012

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2012, February The News of Kings Point

Salome’s Stars WEEK OF FEB. 6, 2012 ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Lots of mixed signals can create an unreliable situation in which to make decisions. Best advice: Hold off on making any commitments until you’re sure you know what’s going on. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) An apparently friendly offer comes with some strings attached. Be careful not to get tied into something you don’t really want. Thoroughly examine all your options before making a choice. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) If you’re not careful, distractions can interrupt your best efforts. Continue to focus on what you need to do. You’ll soon have lots of time to enjoy the rewards of your dedication. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Knowledge replaces suspicion as you begin to learn more about that “act of betrayal.” On a lighter note, someone close to you might be planning a pleasant surprise. LEO (July 23 to August 22) Control your sometimes-overactive jealousy gene before you find yourself saying or doing something that you could later regret. Best advice: Stop obsessing and move on. VIRGO (August 23 to Sept.22) It’s a good time to loosen up and do something wonderful and exciting before your more reserved nature resurfaces. A message brings news of imminent change. LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22) Cheer up. Things begin to improve significantly by mid-February. However, you might still need help to get through the rest of this sometimes-difficult period. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov.21) Something you learned last week takes on new meaning as you begin to relate it to another situation in your life. It’s best to keep this matter to yourself for now. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) Your energy level is climbing, and so is your self-confidence. Good for you, because you’ll need a good dollop of both to tackle an exciting challenge on the way. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan.19) A family issue might interrupt a career-linked project. Try to give the matter the attention it needs, but be careful not to jeopardize your workplace situation. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb.18) Some self-doubt shows up this week, causing you to question your ability to handle a new challenge. But you know you can do it, and this is your chance to prove it. PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20) A personal matter requires you to be as clear and forthcoming as possible in order to avoid misunderstandings. A career move is eased with the emergence of new facts. BORN THIS WEEK: You have a way of reaching people that makes them feel good about themselves. You would be an excellent motivational speaker. © 2012 King Features Synd., Inc.

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The News of Kings Point

February, 2012


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