February News of Kings Point

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Happy Valentine’s Day!


February, 2012

SCC Welcomes the GOP By NOKP Staff Prognosticators from across the media spectrum have, for better or worse, bulls-eyed Florida as the State that will “decide” the Republican nominee for President of the United States. As I sit here pecking away at this article I can’t help but be reminded that this was just about exactly the same thing they said about the South Carolina primary. Well, whether they are right or if this proclamation is just another promotional overstatement, none of us will know for sure until November. Regardless, as you sit reading this article the race for Florida has already been decided. We will know by then, barring another recount nightmare, who the majority of Florida Republicans want to be the President of the United States. And folks, just like you, right here in Sun City Center will have, once again, played a big part in the political process of the Sunshine State. They know we vote. And they know

we vote in numbers. Hence the town hall gathering held on January 26, 2012 at the Sun City Center Chamber of Commerce. Senator John McCain was in town to promote his presidential pick, former Massachusetts Governor, Mitt Romney. Senator McCain was graciously introduced by former state senate president, Tom Lee and received a hero’s welcome from the overwhelmingly friendly partisan crowd. Fittingly earned, when one considers all that the Senator gave to his country when he wore the uniform of the United States. Mr. Lee introduced A resident raises a national domestic issue. Mr. McCain as an independent thinker, a maverick and an understood authority on foreign policy. But Mr. McCain was not in town to sing his own praises or even to bask in the chorus of applause that greeted him. He came here to present the case for voting in such a way that would turn Governor Romney into President Romney. He McCain reacts to the crowd during Continued on Page 3

a local issue question.

In politics skepticsim is healthy.

Hope Fund Receives Grant From Interfaith Council of Sun City Center

The Hope Fund is pleased to announce that a $10,000.00 grant has been received from The Interfaith Council of Sun City Center. This grant will be used to fund scholarships for low-income families so that their children may attend the afterschool programs at Bethune Park in Wimauma. The Interfaith Council consists of people from nine houses of worship and is committed to helping people in Sun City Center and South Hillsborough County. The Council helps through scholarships and charitable donations to 501© (3) organizations on an on-going basis. Over one million dollars has been donated to the community since 1978. There is a fee to attend Bethune Park. For those who cannot afford the full cost, there are scholarships available. The Hope Fund spends about $2,000.00 a month on scholarships. This amount will increase as more children attend the Park. Money to cover the cost of the programs is raised through grants, taxdeductible donations, and fundraisers, mainly Breakfast and

CARE....................................... 6 Spotlight with Brenda Wiseman................... 6 Debbie Caneen 33573 ............................. 8, & 9 Deputy Chris ....................... 11

Mentor Sharon Gerlach using Legos to enhance Kevin Cruz’s technical skills.

Bingo which is held twice a year at Community Hall in SCC. The Hope Fund, a 501©)(3) organization, sponsors various programs at the Park, such as mentoring and tutoring, a running program called Marathon Kids, an arts and crafts class, a reading program, field trips, and much more. The Fund consists of volunteers who are dedicated to providing a safe, nurturing place for children to go after school while their parents

Golf......................... 12, 13 & 14 Bulletin.............. 18, 19, 20 & 21 Faith Bulletin................. 24 & 25 Dixon’s Destinations............ 27 Poem Submission ............... 28 Hard Knox............................. 29

Sondra Cohen, a tutor, working on subtraction with Daritza Mendez.

are working. Without these programs many of the kids would be home alone after school. In addition to its status as a 501©(3) organization, the Hope Fund is a club in Sun City Center. The Fund is run by a Board that works with tutors, mentors, running coaches (Marathon Kids), readers etc., as they help the children in Wimauma. Everyone volunteers their time. The Hope Fund is dedicated to helping children learn, grow, and have fun in a


Crossword & Sudoku........... 29 Contract Bridge................... 29 Horoscopes.......................... 31 Solutions to Puzzles.............. 31

safe, nurturing environment while their parents are at work. All funds raised through fundraisers, donations, or grants go to helping the children. The Hope Fund wishes to thank the Council for its help in coming to the aid of some deserving children. You can also help by volunteering, by making a tax-deductible donation, or by attending Breakfast and Bingo or other fundraisers. Call Carla Continued on Page 2

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