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News of www.newsofkingspoint.com

Save March 15 for FunFest

By Phyllis Hodges Susan Muise, FunFest Chair, has her 17-member committee hard at work planning for Sun City Center’s FunFest No. 15 set for March 15 (9 a.m. to 3 p.m.). This annual event is the community’s largest, drawing thousands to the Community Association’s Central Campus on North Pebble Beach Boulevard. Last year, an estimated 6,000 or so people descended on the Central Campus to enjoy the various club and vendor displays, food and entertainment.“In recent years, the committee created a theme; this year, we decided that we could not improve on the event’s built-in theme—FUN!” Susan said The very first FunFest back in 2000 was the brainchild of then Club Liaison Walt Cawein. He thought it would be a good way for the clubs to raise funds and to tell others about their activities. “As I recall, the weather was beautiful and we were overwhelmed with the huge turnout,” he said when reminiscing about those early

Committee members for FunFest 2014: (seated) Susan Muise, Mike Killian (L to R standing): Phyllis Hodges, Kelly Emerson, Judy Schings, Roxann Seeley, Hud Richard, Claudia Hinson, Lynne Murphy, Bill Barron, Lyn Reitz, Joe Elam, Dave Birkett, Bill Hodges. Not shown: Jane Keegan, Bob Powers, Joanne Baskinger.

days. No doubt subsequent years were easier in that organizers knew more about what to expect. Commercial vendors were not invited to that first event. Now, they are an integral part of the day and help “pay the bills” for permits, security, rented chairs/ tents, etc. Returning for her second year as chair, Susan said, “Most of

our committee members have volunteered for jobs they have done before. I don’t micromanage because they know what they are doing. Committee brainstorming always produces ideas for improvement.When new people join us, I’ve found that the person stepping down from that role has always been willing to offer guidance.This is a great group.”

February 2014

Local Writers Produce Anthology Ten writers walk into a bar, er… make that a library, and then the words really flew! No, seriously, what h a p p e n s when you get a group of writers together? Besides parsing words, it might result in a collection of short stories and poetry. That’s what happened when South Shore Librarian Frank Collia invited local authors and writers to join him twice a month to share their work and ideas. “It’s taken more than two years, but we’ve assembled a unique selection of poetry and short stories,” Frank stated. As “Editorin-Chief” Frank has taken a step many librarians only dream of – producing a work of the written Continued on Page 2

Blind Veteran Challenges Community to Join the Honor Ride

Annual Cycling Event Helps Make a Difference in the Lives of Healing Heroes

Ride 2 Recovery will kick off the 2014 cycling season in Tampa on February 1, 2014 at the second annual Honor Ride Tampa.The purpose of the Honor Ride is to support and celebrate Florida’s veterans and healing heroes and to raise funds and awareness for Ride 2 Recovery. The Honor Ride Tampais a self-paced, noncompetitive cycling event open to all veterans and the general public. “Ride 2 Recovery is honored to once again start the 2014 Honor Ride season with our mutual partners in Tampa and bring these fun and inspiring cycling events to local communities in 2014,” said John Wordin, founder and president of Ride 2 Recovery. “The Honor Ride Tampa raises awareness about cycling and its ability to improve the health and wellness for local injured veterans,” added Wordin. There will be more than a dozen Honor Ride community cycling events held across the country in 2014. One cyclist that is leading the charge for the Honor Ride Tampa is Kathy Champion of Tampa. Champion, a retired Lieutenant Colonel of the U.S. Army, is blind,

About Ride 2 Recovery Ride 2 Recovery, a 501(c) 3, helps injured veterans improve their health and wellness through individual and group cycling programs at military bases, as well as on seven longdistance challenge events staged each year. Cycling has proven to be a catalyst in the recovery process by providing a new physical challenge while concurrently helping to cope with the mental challenges. For more information, visit Ride2Recovery.com or follow us on Facebook or Twitter at @Ride_2_Recovery.

deaf in one ear, and at one point was told she would never walk again. “In 2006, I sustained injuries in Iraq that left me with weakness and limited use of my left side. I then lost my eyesight in 2008 due to a virus I had contracted when in Iraq. I knew that if I didn’t stay physically active, that mental depression could take over,” said Champion. She was motivated to try cycling as a means of physical recovery after

spinal surgery in 2012, and her mental and physical state has rebounded. Now, Champion rides and runs in triathlons and climbs mountains. “Cycling has helped me learn to trust again, and it gives me the freedom to enjoy the environment and be in the elements,” added Champion. “You hear about soldiers helping soldiers, but I want to pass that on to the community, where civilians


WITW ....................................... 5 Golf ............................... 16- 18 Poem ...................................... 6 Club News....................... 19-22 33573............................... 7 - 12 Faith .................................... 23 Crossword & Sudoku........... 29 Care ..................................... 13 Bulletin......................... 24 & 25 Contract Bridge................... 29 Emergency Squad....... 14 & 15 Military ......................... 26 & 27 Solutions to Puzzles.............. 31

can help and pay it forward. One great way to get involved is to come out to the Honor Ride and support the cyclists riding for this purpose,” noted Champion. Lt. Col. Champion’s dear friend, Dr. Allison Campbell, will travel from Washington State to be the pilot of their tandem bike at the Honor Ride Tampa. Other injured veterans motivated to ride in the Honor Ride Continued on Page 3

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2 Page

The News of Kings Point

February, 2014

Continued from Page 1

The Editor’s Corner

Low Flying Cupids

E. Adam Porter, EIC, News of Kings Point Ahh, February! In Florida that means the first vestiges of spring are in the air. Nearly every day is one of those postcard perfect reasons Snowbirds become permanent residents. Clear blue skies, bright green grass. Shimmering red strawberries piled high with whipped cream, the only white stuff the Sunshine State sees in February. February is also about red and pink, the colors of love, and its close cousin, infatuation. Valentine’s Day and all its trappings. The day people fall in love, dive into lust or renew their reasons to spend another trip around the sun with That Special Someone. Cupid, that precocious little cherub, is extra busy this time of year, shooting his arrows at anyone who stops for just a moment to admire … well, I’ll let you finish that sentence. Beauty is, after all, in the eye of the beholder. It’s no different for me, really. As soon as all those heart-shaped boxes start magically appearing at Publix, two trains of thought begin running through my mind. One: “Really, this already?” and, a second stream that works like a ViewMaster reel of reasons to stand still for Cupid again this year. My bride and I have celebrated umpteen years together and built a family and a love we both value more than anything else this ol’ world has to offer. Even if we occasionally forget to act like it. But when I think past all of Cupid’s higher ideas, those stratospheric, lifechangingloves that turn the course of our lives like a bend in a river, I uncover an endless flow of Cupid’s lower-flying arrows. I’m talking about connections and moments and snippets and recognitions that are just as worthy of “love.” Things that may not fly so high and arrows that don’t land so deeply, but still end up being things worth “loving.” Maybe it’s because the English language lacks imaginative synonyms for the endless varieties of “love,” but there are many things I “love” that involve neither high ideals nor the soul-deep

commitment of matrimony. I “love” watching my little ones play in a sandbox. Since my eldest son is already grown and gone, the idea that my two little guys will follow suit in short order is never far from my mind. I built them a sandbox the other day, mainly to keep them from turning part of the yard into a construction site on a daily basis. They love it, and when I watch them playing from my home office window, time slows down a bit. I can forget, for a few minutes, how fast sandboxes and Tonka trucks can be left abandoned in the inexorable march of time. I “love” swinging on the porch on rainy days. Some of my earliest memories are sitting on the front porch swing of my childhood home in Anna Maria as a summer storm boomed all around us and rain came down in buckets. Even today, when we get one of those thunderboomers, I can’t help but stop and head for the porch of our river house to swing a bit and listen to the rain. In those times, I always feel the past and present connecting a little bit. And I love even more that I can pass those memories on to my kids. I “love” football playoffs that deliver on the hype. As I’m writing this, both the AFC and NFC Championships have been decided in games that actually delivered watchable football. More importantly, it looks like the two best teams in the NFL will actually play for the Top Honors this season. Sure, the Bucs were terrible (again) this year, but anyone who appreciates good football has to be looking forward to this “Super” matchup. I “love” what passes for sweater weather in Florida. Now, I’m not talking about that 70 one day, 40 the next nonsense. I’m talking about that cool, crisp weather that sticks around for a few days, like a cheek kiss from winter, before giving us back our shorts and sandals forecasts. I “love” the first strawberries of winter and watermelons of summer. Fireflies and cool breezes and walks on the beach as the sun bleeds down behind the horizon. And a lover and friends to share it all with. I love those low flying Cupids.

word. “Today, technology allows us to share the work of many writers without going through the traditional publishing route. Our anthology includes the work of both published authors and firsttime writers. And the best part is that the reader will get a “taste” of many local, upcoming writers absolutely free. The group began meeting more than two years ago to share their writing, receive positive input and helpful critiques. In addition, the writers have learned about the latest in publishing and marketing their work. The anthology, “Tattle Tales” is available on Amazon and is a free download. Included in the book are works from local authors Lad Castle, Gayle B. Duke,Nicole Somme, Alan Breese Tisdale, Suzanne S. Austin-Hill, Ruthe Foy, Jerome Levy, Steve

Murray, Gloria Wilkerson, Michael Sonneveldtand Robin Watt. Other local writers participating in the book launching include authors James Paddock and Elysa Hendricks. A Book Launch party will be held on Tuesday, February 11th, from 6:30 – 8:30 PM at the South Shore Regional Library on Beth Shields Way in Ruskin. Local entertainer Sandy Nitch will sing several sets between readings from Tattle Tales. Drawings for free books from members of the writers group will be done throughout the night. The public is invited to come and bring their Kindles, iPads and other e-reading devices. The South Shore Writers’ Group meets twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Mondays from 1PM to 3PM at the South Shore Regional Library. The meetings are open to everyone interested in writing.

News of Submissions The News of Kings Point is your community newspaper, exclusively serving, first, Kings Point, and then the greater Sun City Center community. We are dedicated to providing you with a local paper that has a “home town” feeling. We aim to represent every resident, business and organization with respect, dignity and equanimity. Submissions we currently accept include: Information about community events or businesses, club and group announcements, stories and poems, your favorite joke, song, photo, artwork or travel story. In fact, if you send us a photo of you on your travels holding the News of Kings Point and we guarantee publication. Do not format submissions. Simple paragraphs without ALL CAPS, etc. are preferred and will receive first consideration for publication. The publisher reserves the right to refuse or edit all submissions. Neither the publisher nor the editor of the News of Kings Point assume any responsibility for the return of advertising or submitted materials. Mailed photos will only be returned if a SASE is included with the submission. All content is subject to space limitations and other considerations. Mailed submissions should be sent to: The News of Kings Point, Inc. PO Box 6212 Sun City Center, FL 33573-6212 Electronic submissions are preferred and can be submitted through the SUBMISSIONS link at www.NewsOfKingsPoint.com. Letters or Comments The News of Kings Point will not publish political or religious letters to the editor, no matter how impassioned or well intentioned. We will publish thank-yous for good service. However, we do offer our readers an opportunity to comment on our feature articles. To do so, please visit www.NewsOfKingsPoint. com and find the articles published there. As a rule, we publish all front page, Editor’s Corner and Dixon’s Destinations articles. In keeping with our editorial guidelines, comments will be moderated to insure civility and polite language. Opposing opinions and honest commentary are encouraged and appreciated in this forum. Abusive or prejudicial language or conduct will not be permitted. Declarations The News of Kings Point is not affiliated with Kings Point, Kings Point Mgmt LLC, Minto Properties or the Federations of Kings Point Associations, Inc. No part of this news publication may be reproduced without the express written consent of The News of Kings Point, Inc. All editorial copy is strictly the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of this publication, its officers or employees. Adam Porter Editor in Chief

Staff and Contributors


John Wolf Advertising Sales



Nancy Jean Design and Layout


Debbie Caneen 33573 Events


2014, February The News of Kings Point

Quilters Contribute to Alzheimer’s Quilt Initiative Once upon a time some gals from the Kings Point Quilters were lucky enough toattend the International Quilt Festival in Houston, Texas. Upon seeing largecrowds surrounding one of the booths, they decided to go see what all thecommotion was about. It turns out it was the Alzheimer’s Art Quilt Initiative(AAQI) booth. The Alzheimer’s Art Quilt Initiative is a national, grassroots charity whosemission is to raise awareness and fund research. The AAQI auctions and sellsdonated quilts, and sponsors a nationally touring exhibit of quilts aboutAlzheimer’s. All quilts are small wall quilts and each one is an original design. The AAQI has raised more than 1.1million dollars since January

Continued from Page 1

Tampa with Lt. Col. Champion include U.S. Army veteran Pam Kelly of Pinellas Park, who will be on a recumbent bike riding in her first cycling event. Kelly, injured in 2002, won five gold medals at the 2013 National Veterans Wheelchair Games as a member of the Bay Pines VA Healthcare System five-Veteran team. “Cycling is an activity that just about anyone can do,” said Linda Glassel, National

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Quilter Class Schedule

2006. AAQI has now closed as of December 30, 2013. Ami Simms of Flint, Michigan is the founder and executive director of the AAQI, a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit operated entirely by volunteers. She is a quilter. Her mother had Alzheimer’s. Dotti Sparks has headed up our group, spending countless hours collecting thefinished product, measuring to be sure they meet the size criteria, registeringand finally getting them mailed so they can be placed in the auction so somelucky person can bid on our “masterpieces.” Thanks to Dotti and all the KingsPoint Quilters who contributed a quilt, a total of $2,575.31 was raised to helpfight Alzheimer’s. Some day there will be a happy ending to the dreaded diseaseAlzheimer’s!

Honor Ride Director. “Honor Rides are fun, non-competitive events that bring communities together to make a difference - to raise funds and awareness for our healing heroes,” added Glassel. Ride 2 Recovery, produced by the Fitness Challenge Foundation, supports physical and psychological rehabilitation programs for injured veterans, featuring cycling as the core activity. Ride 2 Recovery helps injured veterans heal through

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Beginning to advanced quilters welcome. Individual and group projects. Instruction available. Varied techniques used and ideas shared. Charity projects for veterans, pediatric and neonatal patients. Show and tell. Shop hops, stabilizer machine embroidery group and think “out of the box” with the fabric arts group.We meet each Tuesday, from 1-3 PM. Dates and times are sometimes changed for special events. The following is the general schedule: 1st Tuesday Fiber Arts Room, Main Clubhouse 1 - 3 PM 2nd Tuesday Craft Room, Main Clubhouse 10AM - 3PM Open sewing for charity projects or personal projects. 3rd Tuesday Fiber Arts Room 1 - 3 PM 4th Tuesday East Social Room, Main Clubhouse 1 - 3PM Business meeting,social, show and tell and other events as planned. 5th Tuesday Possible shop hop or other special event. Contact President Sandy Nunn (813) 642-8961 for further information. Kings Point Quilters Stabilizers Machine Embroidery 3rd Tuesday of Month - 9AM - 4PM Location varies. Contact Bobbi Curtis (813) 633-8582. Kings Point Quilters Fabric Artz Group 1st Friday of Month - October thru April 1PM - 4PM Kings Point Main Clubhouse - Fiber Arts Room Contact Dotti Sparks (219) 861-2753 A group of non-traditional quilt artists who are eager to stitch and create “outside of the box.” Open to independent fiber artists who wish to share design ideas. the challenge of cycling over a variety of distances using hand cycles, recumbent cycles, tandems and traditional road bikes. Ride 2 Recovery programs include multi-day Challenges, one-day Honor Rides, Project HERO (Healing Exercise

Rehabilitation Opportunity) and Special Events in unique locations. Funds also support the equipment donated to each healing hero participating in the events, including bikes that require modification due to injuries.



FEBRUARY 2014 EVENTS *Register Now! (813) 419-5020 Mon 03:


10 am to Noon 1 to 2 pm 2:15 to 3:30 pm

Tue 04:

SilverSneakers® (MSROM)*

11 am to Noon

Wed 05:

LINE DANCING*: Beginners or Advanced (Classes Limited to 30 ppl)

11 am to Noon; 12:15 to 1:15 pm

Thu 06:

SilverSneakers® (MSROM)* WII BOWLING (NEW!)

9:30 to 10:30 am 2:30 to 3:30 pm

Fri 07:


10 to 11 am 1 to 2 pm 2:15 to 3:30 pm

Mon 10:


10 am to Noon 1 to 2 pm 2:15 to 3:30 pm

Tue 11:

SilverSneakers® (MSROM)*

11 am to Noon

Wed 12:

LINE DANCING*: Beginners or Advanced (Classes Limited to 30 ppl)

11 am to Noon; 12:15 to 1:15 pm

Thu 13:

SilverSneakers® (MSROM)* WII BOWLING (NEW!)

9:30 to 10:30 am 2:30 to 3:30 pm

Fri 14:


10 to 11 am 1 to 2 pm 2:15 to 3:30 pm

Mon 17:


10 am to Noon 1 to 2 pm 2:15 to 3:30 pm

Tue 18:


11 am to Noon 1 to 3 pm

Wed 19:

LINE DANCING : Beginners or Advanced (Classes Limited to 30 ppl)

11 am to Noon; 12:15 to 1:15 pm

Thu 20:

SilverSneakers® (MSROM)* WII BOWLING (NEW!)

9:30 to 10:30 am 2:30 to 3:30 pm

Fri 21:


10 to 11 am 1 to 2 pm 2:15 to 3:30 pm

Mon 24:


10 am to Noon 1 to 2 pm 2:15 to 3:30 pm

Tue 25:

SilverSneakers® (MSROM)*

11 am to Noon

Wed 26:

LINE DANCING*: Beginners or Advanced (Classes Limited to 30 ppl)

11 am to Noon; 12:15 to 1:15 pm

Thu 27:

SilverSneakers® (MSROM)* WII BOWLING (NEW!)

9:30 to 10:30 am 2:30 to 3:30 pm

Fri 28:


10 to 11 am 1 to 2 pm 2:15 to 3:30 pm


Classes are FREE and open to the community & JSA patients (Classes are subject to change) Some classes have limited space waitlists are available if full! Please call for availability. Please check your insurance coverage for SILVERSNEAKERS class participation eligibility. *MSROM: Muscular Strength & Range of Movement Classes LINE DANCE CLASS ATTENDEES: Please wear closedtoe shoes & no perfumes or scented body creams please. Visit us online for the rest of the monthly schedule of classes and events for October: JSAMedicalGroup.com Click “Events” Dominoes are always available to play at the SCC Activity Center!

Happy Valentine’s Day!


4 Page

The News of Kings Point

February, 2014

1509 Rickenbacker Dr., Sun City Center • 813-633-2020 • FAX 813-633-6403 MARGARET “MARGE” CONNOLLY, Lic R.E. Broker • Excellence and Integrity

Sun City Center & Kings Point

Bright and cheery one bedroom/one bath single family home close to all amenities is perfect for a couple or a single person. LOTS OF UPDATING has been done including appliances, kitchen cabinets and more. Lanai with easily accommodate a day bed for the unexpected guest.



1572 Council Dr

Location personified. This ST THOMAS MODEL home has both a water and golf course location. A two bedroom, two bath plus den split bedroom home features a breakfast area (with fabulous view) as well as a very functional desk in the kitchen, Hurricane shutters insure extra protection.

2115 Sterling Glen Ct.



ST ANDREWS ESTATES...Custom built Pool home features 3 bedrooms, 2 baths and is a split bedroom plan with a formal living and dining room, screened lanai, oversized garage also features a separate golf cart door. New 5T Air Conditioner was replaced in December 2013.

303 Cranston Place






Kings Point MONTICELLO This two story home has an upstairs retreat which can be your hideaway or a bedroom with its full bath & closet. A chairlift will carry you upstairs. Pond, Conservation & Golf course location is yours in this delightfully laid out split bedroom plan. Kitchen features include a separate breakfast area. Screened atrium entryway offers a serene place at enjoy the outdoors.

716 McCallister Ave



Kingspoint Cozy compact living can be yours in this delightful CONCORD model home with two bedrooms, two bath condo with vaulted ceiling in the Great room which leads to your enclosed lanai. Super location near the South clubhouse will be ideal for year round or snowbird living. $

2404 New Haven Circle


GREENBRIAR area is the location for this ISLANDER model 2/2 home with split bedrooms, great room, enclosed lanai plus inside utility room with a side entry double garage and lots more. This well cared for home still has the original owners.

703 Plumbrook Road






HALIFAX model condo features two master suites, 2 baths and a very open floor plan with transom windows in great room and master bath. Spacious laundry room has additional storage space. This pet friendly home in a quiet neighborhood is conveniently located to all amenities.

1234 Fairway Greens Dr.



Expanded TWINTREE with a spacious 1756 heated square feet. Upgraded Carpeting and vinyl flooring. Owner has never lived in this property therefor doesn’t have Sellers Disclosures. Home located in a lovely area with lots of activities for your enjoyment.

1611 Bentwood Drive

Rentals Annual • Furnished

307 Knottwood ................. 2/2/1C ............. Knolls-Private Pool ..................................... $875 2304 Lancaster................. 2/2/2G ............. Augusta Plan............................................ $1200 2116 Acadia Grns ............ 2/2/2G ............. Nearly New .............................................. $1350 912 Kings Blvd ................. 2/2/2G ............. +Den SGL Family.................................... $1300 2248 Preservation Grn .... 3/2/2G ............. Spacious / Lovely ..................................... $1525



Kingspoint Condo WINDSOR model unit features two bedrooms, two baths, enclosed lanai has double doors for golf cart storage and has view of Water and Golf course. Laminate wood flooring in living room and dining room. This home comes partially furnished.

1903 Canterbury Lane B-2



Rentals • Unfurnished

714 Thunderbird ............... 2/2/1G ............. T-2 .............................................................. $895 2001 Del Webb W ............. 2/2/2G ............. Comfy Corner .......................................... $1100 1402 Ingram Drive............ 2/2/2G ............. Laminate Floors ...................................... $1100 2125 Meadowlark ............. 2/2/2G ............. Twintree.................................................... $1100


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News of


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2014, February The News of Kings Point

Page 5

Where in the World is the News of Kings Point

Thank you so much for continuing to send all the exciting travel pictures! It continues to be a blast to vicariously relive your travels with you through those shots. See how much fun these folks are having? We hope their fun travel photos and stories will inspire you to go see some things and do some stuff‌and when you do, take News of Kings Point along for the ride! Remember, if you send us a picture of you in your travels holding the News of Kings Point, you will see yourself in these pages.

t n i o P s g Stephen Blesofsky and Marilyn Safian in Yangon, Myanmar.

Michigan Snowbirds - L to R: Bob & Sherry Walker, Dave Devries and Sharon Nead, Richard and Shelly Brooks, Stephen & Caroline Cooper, John and Sharon Skaryd, Mike & Cindy Baker. Front Row: Deb Bronson, Diana Franks, Valarie Whipkey.

Cynthia Rhoad and her daughter, Donna Eyler, cruised the Elbe River. Here’s Cynthia in Prague, Czech Republic.

6 Page

With Deputy Jason Castillo The Hillsborough County Sheriff Office recently investigated a string of burglaries in the Kings Point community. Three burglaries were successful, and one attempted burglary was stopped when the perpetrator was unable to enter the premises. In the case of the three successful burglaries, it is believed the perpetrators entered unlocked properties and before stealing items from the homeowners. HCSO would like to stress that

The News of Kings Point

this is, in no way, a crime spree or a burglary epidemic. There is no reason for residents to fear. Most crimes of this kind are crimes of opportunity. Crooks see an open door or find an unlocked door or window and go in to see what they can find. HCSO is asking that all residents of Kings Point and Sun City Center take extra precautions to be certain their doors to their homes and vehicles are locked, even when they are home. Pay particular attention to back doors and sliding

February, 2014

garage doors. The sliding screen doors on some garages are not sufficient deterrents to most crimes of opportunity. In addition to keeping your doors locked at all times, HCSO would appreciate residents’ help in keeping an eye out for any suspicious activity in your community. If you see any suspicious activity please call the HCSO Ruskin substation at 813247-0455 or the non-emergency main line, 813-247-8200. If you witness what you believe

to be a crime in progress, do not call the non-emergency number listed above. Immediately dial 911. Do not attempt to apprehend a suspect by yourself. Keep a watchful eye from a distance. Write down the description of the individual and, if applicable, the make, model and license number of their vehicle. In no instance should you leave your home to confront an individual you believe in the process of committing a crime. Be safe out there.

Chamber Board President Wants to Hear From You Submitted by Debbie Caneen, SCC Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors On January 10, 2014, I was installed as the new President of the Board of Directors for the Sun City Center Chamber of Commerce during our annual banquet and awards ceremony. Just a few days after my installation as President, I received a visit from Richard Herring, the President of the Hearing Loss Associationof Sun City Center. Richard pointed out that his group of members spend money in our community. He would like to know how the businesses of the chamber might better serve their needs. Richard has agreed to go back to the next group meeting and ask his members that very question. He then plans to share that information with me. As the new President, I would

like to receive input from all of our residents here in the Sun City Center area. Since our chamber members seek to grow their businesses, the wealth of information from our neighbors is extremely important. Do you have a need and are not sure who to turn to? Our Chamber of Commerce is here for you! Our Executive Director of the Chamber, Dana Dittmar is also eager to learn how she might match your need with our professional members’ services. The Chamber is conveniently located at 1651 Sun City Center Plaza, Sun City Center, FL (between the Payant Financial Building and the Post Office). If you would prefer to call rather dropping by, you may reach the Chamber at 813-634-5111. I may also be reached on my cell phone at 813-892-2990.

All Alone

The first time - left shocked, wobbly, disoriented, and afraid. He gently took my hand and guided me though a maze of blindness and despair. He brought His Light to my dark, uncharted places. And now, a second chance That same Light can be found in your eyes. At thoughts of His Goodness, our smiles connect. Infinitely many moments like this frozen; mindfully filed away. Conversation captures your care and concern and hold them hostage while a litany of loving actions prevails - apt, arduous and oh so adoring. Time on fast-forward; Forlorn and true... A nagging, soulful self-query: Should I remain, after you, who? ©2013 Suzanne S. Austin-Hill


Minto Debuts Ten New Model Homes at Sun City Center.



Sun City Center has been named a Where to Retire Magazine Hall of Fame Community. And with Minto’s introduction of ten new model homes including paired villas and single family homes, the best just got even better! These exceptional residences complement the refined beauty of an active master-planned community with six golf courses, a world of refreshing recreation, four grand clubhouses totaling 196,000 square feet, and easy access to the relaxed elegance of Florida’s Gulf Coast.

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minto creates better places to inspire life.

2014, February The News of Kings Point

33573 33573 is provided by Debbie Caneen, Director of Admissions, Sun Towers from items submitted for publication. To submit events for future publications, send them by the 15th of the prior month. Debbie also publishes Ads and Events, a weekly e-mail containing information about what’s happening in 33573. Your event will also appear in the weekly Ads and Events e-mail and on the website www.SCCAdsAndEvents.com . Send all events by e-mail to sccfreeads@tampabay.rr.com. You only need to submit your Event one time each month for it to appear in both The News of Kings Point and SCC Ads and Events. SPECIAL EVENTS Please include all basic information, especially Price (or list it’s Free) and Contact Information (phone, e-Mail, or website). Six lines maximum. Send to: sccfreeads@tampabay. rr.com. As soon as space permits, we will put it in the weekly e-Mail and it will run until event date passes. You do not need to submit it again. PLEASE NOTE: This area is for SPECIAL EVENTS only. WEEKLY, MONTHLY, or ONGOING EVENTS are listed on our website under WEEKLY & MONTHLY MEETINGS at www.SCCAdsAndEvents.com which is updated every weekend. SAT. FEB 1 – BEN FRANKLIN: BIGGER THAN THE LEGEND 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. at the South Shore Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way, Ruskin Fl. Dr. Rich Davis, as Benjamin Franklin, will entertain and enlighten with history, stories and fun as he discusses Franklin’s life and achievements. Funded by the Friends of the Southshore Regional Library. Free event--no registration required. For more information, contact the library at 813-273-3652. SUN. FEB 2 - FREE SUNDAY DANCE PRACTICE - EVERY SUNDAY! 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. in the Dance Studio in the Atrium (CA Central Campus, N. Pebble Beach Blvd.). Need a place to practice your dance skills to various types of music? This is not a lesson, just a time to practice with some good music. The session sponsored by the SCC Dance Club, is open to all members of the SCC Community Association and to residents of Kings Point. SUN. FEB 2 - SINGLES MINGLE DANCE CLUB OF KINGS POINT 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. Main Clubhouse Studio Room. Mingle and dance to the wonderful live n music of Thor Stevens. Admission $5.00. BYOB. Setups provided. Proper dress, please. Info: Janet 633-3558. SUN. FEB 2 - SINGLES SOCIAL DANCE CLUB 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. Atrium Bldg. Florida Room. Live music by Thor Stevens. Members $3.00; Nonmembers $5.00. BYOB. Proper dress, please. Info: Janet 633-3558. MON. FEB 3 OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS “FOR TODAY” – EVERY MONDAY 10:00 a.m. at the Sun City Chamber of Commerce meeting room (private entrance to meeting room is on the left side of the building). The only requirement for attending

is a desire to stop compulsively overeating. OA is an international 12-step organization/program, which addresses the emotional, spiritual and physical needs of those desiring to stop compulsively eating and/or overeating. No scales, dues or fees and all are welcome. Please join us any Monday morning. You can learn more about OA online at http://www. oa.org/newcomers/is-oa-for-you. MON. FEB 3 - METAPHYSICAL SOCIETY BOOK GROUP 1:00 p.m. in the Heritage Room, Central Campus. Featuring “The Power of Now,” by Eckhart Tolle. Facilitated by Alice Williams. No homework and the group reads aloud and discusses as they go. Open to SCC/KP members and guests - free admission. For info call Holli at 813-419-4704. MON. FEB 3,10,17,24 - SINGLES DANCE CLASSES 7:30 - 8:45 p.m. in the Dance Studio in the Atrium building off North Pebble Beach Blvd. Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point Residents. THIS IS A SPECIAL DANCE SESSION FOR SINGLES OR PEOPLE WITHOUR A PARTNER. We will be teaching a few Steps in the *TANGO*. Cost is $20 per person for all 4 weeks. For information call Bernice DuBro at 634-3205 or e-mail DANCEWITHBERNICE@GMAIL.COM TUE. FEB 4 - THE PHOTO CLUB PRESENTS: GETTING CREATIVE WITH INSTRUCTOR GAYLE FISHER 10:00 a.m. - noon in the Palm Room. In this class, you will learn about using various filter programs to apply creative effects to your photos. From border and frame effects to oil painting transformations, these easy to use programs are a fun way to give your images a unique and distinctly creative look. Several of the programs featured are available free and if you bring a flash drive to class, you can take them home with you. Sponsored Workshop. Lecture/ Demonstration, approximately 1-1/2 - 2 hours. Price: $10 members, $15 non-members. Minimum students = 3, Maximum students = 11. TUE. FEB 4 COFFEE KLATCH – EVERY TUESDAY 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. at 137 S. Pebble Beach (2nd floor conference room). Have a cup of coffee and share your life’s challenges with others. Learn to put a positive spin on life. Turn lemons into lemonade. Coffee and snacks provided. Offered by Wendy Burkhard LCSW, psychotherapist/counselor 813-4017452. TUE. FEB 4 - PRINCE OF PEACE WEEKLY MOVIE “THE OTHER SISTER” 2:00 p.m. Prince of Peace Catholic Church hosts their weekly Tuesday Movie in the Conesa Center. All are invited to come enjoy a film with friends and family. The movies are free of charge and open to the public. A small collection basket is available at the door for individuals who wish to provide a donation to help support the movies at Prince of Peace. TUE. FEB 4 METAPHYSICAL SOCIETY ENLIGHTENMENT THROUGH MEDITATION 3:00 p.m. in the Royal Room, Central Campus. Silent meditation, for this our first get together, followed by discussion. Open to SCC/KP members and guests - free admission. For info call Holli at 813-419-4704. TUE. FEB. 4,11,18,25 - SOCIAL DANCE CLASS Beginning - Cha Cha - 5:30 p.m. Intermediate - Fox Trot - 6:45 p.m. Advanced - Tango - 8:00 p.m. Classes are held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium building. Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point Residents. Couples and Singles welcome. $5 per class. For information call Bernice DuBro at 634-3205. WED. FEB 5 - HEARING LOSS ASSOCIATION OF SUN CITY CENTER (HLA-SCC) 9:30 a.m. at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, 1239 Del Webb Blvd. W. Paula J. Myers, Ph.D., CCC-A will speak on Resources for Veterans Who Are Hard of Hearing. Dr. Myers is Chief of the Audiology Section at the Tampa Bay VA Audiology Clinic. While veterans and their hearing spouses & friends are especially invited, Dr. Myers’ update on new technology and rehabilitation services will be of interest to everyone with hearing loss. CART provided by Tess Crowder,

Communication Access, Inc. & meeting room is equipped with an induction loop for those with a telecoil in their hearing device. HLA-SCC is sponsored by the Men’s Club of SCC. Contact Richard Herring at rhmann@ tampabay.rr.com or Barbara Riley at 634-1706. WED. FEB 5 - THERAPEUTIC TAI CHI OPEN TO THE PUBLIC – EVERY Wednesday 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Our therapists have advanced training in therapeutic Tai Chi for Seniors and will provide guidance in this healthy exercise. Tai Chi has been proven to increase strength and balance! This class will be offered EVERY Wednesday due to increased demand. For more information, contact Debbie Caneen at 813-634-3347. WED. FEB 5 - METAPHYSICAL SOCIETY PRESENTATION 10:00 a.m. in the Heritage Room, Central Campus. “Edgar Cayce on Raising One’s Consciousness.” Speaker Ed Foote shares insights, based on the Edgar Cayce readings, as to how we can raise our consciousness by following two paths: the Inner Path and the Outer Path, with specific examples of each. Questions are encouraged during the presentation. Open to SCC/KP members and guests. Love offering to benefit the Metaphysical Society. For info call Holli at 813-4194704 WED. FEB 5 – MOAA MONTHLY MEETING 11:00 a.m. in the Florida Room at the North Side Atrium Bldg. Colonel Luther R. (Luke) Lloyd, USA (Ret), will be the speaker. Reservations ($14) can be made by calling 6420947 and must be made by 6 pm Monday, Feb 2nd. Colonel Luther R. (Luke) was trained as a Middle East specialist while serving in the U.S. Army. He holds an MA in Arab Studies from the American University in Beirut, Lebanon. Later he lived and worked in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and served in DIA at the Pentagon and CENTCOM here at MacDill. He will speak on current developments in the M.E. and here at home. For more information call Frank Kepley at 642-0801. WED. FEB 5,12,19,26 - SOCIAL DANCE CLASS Beginning - Rumba- 12:45 p.m. Intermediate - Cha Cha - 2:00 p.m. Advanced. - Bolero - 3:15 p.m. Classes are held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium building. Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point Residents. Couples and Singles welcome. $5/ per class. For information call Bernice DuBro at 634-3205. WED. FEB 5 - FRONT PORCH PICKERS – EVERY Wednesday 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. at the Rollins Theatre, Cherry Hills Drive to play country, bluegrass, traditional and gospel music. Acoustic guitar, banjo, mandolin, fiddle, ukulele, dobro and bass fiddle players are welcome to join us. Listeners are welcome to enjoy the music and it is free. For more information: davidlickfeldt@rocketmail.com or 813-633-6739. WED. FEB 5 - SUN CITY CENTER AMATEUR RADIO CLUB MONTHLY MEETING 2:00 p.m. in the SCC Atrium Building Florida Room. Phone contact - 813-642-2071. Email sccarc@verizon. net.Meetings are held the first Wed of each month. WED. FEB 5 - FREE MANAGE YOUR DIABETES CLASS BY THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr Sun City Center. Attend Six (6) interactive, weekly sessions (last class scheduled 2/12/14) designed to provide the knowledge and support needed to better manage your diabetes. Topics include healthy eating and physical activity, how to monitor for complications and reduce your risks by setting goals you can achieve. Registration is required. Call Glenda F. Williams @ 813-3078071 extension 7111 today! WED. FEB 5 - MONTHLY MEETING OF THE KINGS POINT COA 7:00 p.m. in the Main Clubhouse Banquet room. The speaker will be Dr. Jeffery Lester, lead physician at Tampa General Clinic in Sun City Center. He will be highlighting the special care required

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with elderly patients. The Sun City Center Senior Care Corp. is working with Tampa General Clinic to assist in future complete Geriatric care including Pharmacy, Psychological, and Nursing care. We are also working toward an integrated system of record keeping to avoid duplication or confusion in the patients overall care. THU. FEB 6 - “A MATTER OF BALANCE” PROVIDED BY TAMPA GENERAL HOSPITAL AT SUN TOWERS 1:00 3:00 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Sun City Center, FL. A Matter of Balance (Eight-week Program) presented by: Suzan Mekler, AHFS, PRCS, NS, CPT, & Raina Trevanna, OTR/L, CHT, Tampa General Hospital. Do you have concerns about falling? A Matter of Balance can help reduce the fear of falling and increase the activity levels of older adults. Learning to manage concerns about falls and use of practical strategies to reduce this fear can lead to increased activity levels. Join us to learn techniques to view falls and fear of falling as controllable, set realistic goals to increase activity, exercise to increase strength and balance and other ways to manage concerns about falls. You must be over the age of 60 to register for this program. Registration is required and space is limited. Registration is required. Call 1-800-822-3627 to register. THU. FEB 6 - THE PHOTO CLUB PRESENTS: USING PHOTOSHOP ELEMENTS TOOLBOX 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. in the Palm Room. Cost: members $10.00 nonmembers $15.00. Confused by the Photoshop Elements toolbox, we will explore the most useful tools and get to understand how they work and how they can be adjusted to do a better job. Follow this class with “Basic Enhancements in Photoshop Elements.” Hands on class, 7 students max. THU. FEB 6 - SUN CITY CENTER REGISTERED NURSES CLUB MEETING 1:30 p.m. in Sun Towers main dining room at 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. SCC. The tour will include experiencing a “Virtual Dementia Tour”. If interested please contact Lynne Murphy Tel 813634-6707. The Registered Nurses Club of Sun City Center usually meets on the first Thursday of every month from Oct. through May. Usual time for the meeting is 9:45 a.m. with socializing time from 9:15 -9:45 a.m. Each meeting includes either a speaker or a trip. Dues are $5 annually. For further information contact Helen Tavares at 813-938-4694. THU. FEB 6 - AGING GRACEFULLY SUPPORT GROUP 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Drive. This is a support group for individuals who are learning to live with the effects of aging in a graceful, healthy manner with some humor to make it better! Facilitated by Kay Coburn Dyer, Geriatric Care Manager. THU. FEB 6 - RE-CREATION 7:30 p.m. in the Borini Theater, Kings Point. ReCreation is a non-profit organization whose main service is to America’s Veterans Affairs Medical Centers and State Veterans Homes. The voices, dancing, costumes and presentation are top-notch! Our audience was on its feet several times! Re-Creation offers something other groups simply can’t – a personal touch. Tickets available for $25 at the Kings Point Box Office. For more information, please contact 813-387-3447. FRI. FEB 7 - SAT. FEB 8 - RUMMAGE SALE - 7TH ANNUAL 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Friday, 8:00 to 11:30 a.m. Saturday at Redeemer Lutheran Church 701 Valley Forge Blvd., Sun City Center. Lots of household items, clothing, Crafts, baked goods. FRI. FEB 7 - THE INTERNATIONAL FORUM OF SUN CITY CENTER PRESENTS PROGRAM ON INTERNATIONAL HEALTHCARE 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. in the Florida Room of Sun City Center’s main campus on North Pebble Beach Blvd. Dr. Kathleen Gurney, a pioneering expert in the psychology of money and investing, will speak about the French healthcare system. Dr. Walter Continued on Page 8

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The News of Kings Point

February, 2014

33573 From Page 7 Prouty, a retired biochemist, will describe the global pharmaceutical decision making process. Dr. Sandy Reynolds, a gerontologist teaching at USF, will speak on “Health Expectancy in Europe compared to that in the United States.” FRI. FEB 7 - THE IRISH CONNECTION 6:30 p.m. in the Florida Room of the Atrium Bldg. All are welcome. Anyone who is Irish, those of Irish extraction, or anyone who has an interest in Ireland, are welcome to join the Irish Connection Club. The club was formed with the object to promote all things Irish, including Culture, History, and Music. 2014 Irish Connection Membership Dues deadline is the 31st of January; please contact Joan Weening for information, 813.633.5274. THU. FEB 6 - COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN AT PRINCE OF PEACE CATHOLIC CHURCH Following the 8:00 a.m. Mass in the Conesa Center at 702 Valley Forge Blvd, Sun City Center. All women of the parish are invited to join us for a light breakfast and meeting. Our February guest speaker will be our own Rev. Augustine Mailadiyil who will tell us about the missions in India. At this February meeting tickets will be available for purchase for our Annual Spring Fashion Show to be held March 6th. Cost is $25.00 per person. Fashions by Patchington’s of St. Petersburg, Buffet Lunch by Banquet Masters. Also at this meeting, we will be accepting donations of beauty items to be put in baskets for this spring fashion show. For additional information, please contact Lynn at (941) 723-8431. SAT. FEB 8 - MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY ASSOCIATION 2014 MUSCLE WALK IN MEMORY OF DON SCHINGS 8:30 a.m. for registration at Raymond James Stadium. 10:00 a.m. walk followed by awards and party. This year we are walking in memory of Don Schings who was a huge contributor for our community. Come walk or roll

with us and show the MDA that Sun City Center supports their fantastic organization that helped Don and so many other handicap people in our community! For more info see: http://www2.mda.org/goto/ suncitycenter14. SAT. FEB 8 - METAPHYSICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL FUNDRAISER 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Community Hall, South Campus. “2014 Metaphysical Society EXPO.” Featuring six gifted spiritual speakers; artists; astrologers; authors; numerologists; aura readers; aura readers; metaphysicians; angel readers; mediums; psychics; and spiritual healers; vendors of books, crystals, crystal and brass bowls; pyramids; pendants; clothing; gifts; crafts; and so much more! Items and services are for sale by the Metaphysical Society. Drawings for door prizes! Open to the Public, free admission. For info call Holli at 813419-4707. SAT. FEB 8 – PERFORMING ARTS CO. PRESENTS: “WHATEVER BECAME OF MARY LINCOLN?” P.A.C. LITE OCCASIONAL VARIETY SERIES 2:30 AND 7:30 p.m. Rollins Theatre. Tickets $12 each. Buy tickets now at Atrium Kiosk Mon – Fri. 9:00 a.m. – Noon. Credit Card Orders 813-400-7803. www.PerformingArtsCompanySCC.org. Thered hot entertainment continues with Carlyn Laurent as Mrs. Abraham Lincoln, in a compelling true story. SUN. FEB 9 - METAPHYSICAL SOCIETY WHOLE HEALTH DISCUSSIONS 1:30 p.m. in the Heritage Room, Central Campus. Various topics on health issues will be discussed. Bring your own topic. Found a product that works for you? Tell us about it. Know of a new medical practice that serves you? Share it with us too! Found a regime that works for you? We might find it works for us too! Open to SCC/KP members and guests - free admission. For info call Vicky at 813398-7033.

SUN. FEB 9 - TRIBUTE TO NEIL DIAMOND 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. at Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Jay White (Las Vegas’s longest-running solo tribute act) performs Neil Diamonds’ hits. Tickets on sale Mon-Wed-Fri 10:00 a.m.-noon, at Atrium-Kiosk, $17/ ticket. Reserved theater seating. Open to public. Info 813-642-2001. SUN. FEB 9 - SINGLES MINGLE DANCE CLUB OF KINGS POINT 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. Main Clubhouse Studio Room. Mingle and dance to the wonderful live n music of Thor Stevens. Admission $5.00. BYOB. Setups provided. Proper dress, please. Info: Janet 633-3558. MON. FEB 10 - METAPHYSICAL SOCIETY BOOK GROUP 1:00 p.m. in the Heritage Room, Central Campus. Featuring “The Power of Now,” by Eckhart Tolle. Facilitated by Alice Williams. No homework and the group reads aloud and discusses as they go. Open to SCC/KP members and guests - free admission. For info call Alice at 813-634-9065. MON. FEB 10 - “MALE CALL FOR PROSTATE HEALTH” HOSTED BY THE MEN’S CLUB OF SUN CITY CENTER 2:00 p.m. at St Andrews Presbyterian Church, 1239 Del Webb Blvd., West. Our speaker will be Dr. Jack Steel, M.D. of Tampa Bay Radiation Oncology. Dr. Steel will discuss treatment of Prostate Cancer with Cyber Knife and other radiation treatment options. It is suggested that Patients, Partners, and Physicians attend. Refreshments will be served. MON. FEB 10 - THE IRISH CONNECTION MOVIE NIGHT 6:30 p.m. at the Rollins Theater. Feature: “P.S. I Love You” starring Hilary Swank, Gerald Butler, Kathy Bates and Harry Connick Jr. A young widow of an Irish immigrant has just lost her husband to a brain tumor and finds that he has left her a series of letters to help her cope and begin a new life that includes a trip to Ireland to meet his parents. A heartwarming story. Sub Titles available. All of SCC invited. Bring your friends.

MON. FEB 10 - SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY CLUB MEETING 7:30 p.m. in the Caper Room, Atrium Building, 954 North Course Lane. The Hubble Telescope is famous for the incredibly beautiful astronomical photos it produced as it unlocked myriad secrets of the universe. Fulvia Fiorini, former instructor at the US Naval Academy will present “The Universe through the Hubble Space Telescope” with stunning images and captivating explanations. There is no cost for guests; anyone interested in science and technology is invited. MON. FEB 10,17,24 - SINGLES DANCE CLASSES 7:30 - 8:45 p.m. in the Dance Studio in the Atrium building off North Pebble Beach Blvd. Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point Residents. This is a special dance session for singles or people without a partner. We will be teaching a few Steps in the tango. Cost is $20 per person for all 4 weeks. For information call Bernice DuBro at 634-3205 or e-mail dancewithbernice@gmail.com. TUE. FEB 11 - AAUW WOMEN OF DISTINCTION LUNCHEON 10:30 a.m. at the Sun City Center Community Hall. The Sun City Center/South Shore branch of the American Association of University Women will host this luncheon. Tickets are $25 per person and available in the Atrium, MonWed-Fri from 9 AM to noon. Or you may call Lois at 633-6484. Proceeds will benefit Mature Women’s Scholarship. For more information, call Roxanne at 746-1350 or Sandra at 642-0425. TUE. FEB 11 - “BETTER BREATHERS” COPD SUPPORT GROUP 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Drive, Sun City Center. Please join Lorrie Quistad, RRT who facilitates this growing group. The first half of each meeting consists of education for those learning to live with COPD. During the second half of the meeting, Physical therapists take Continued on Page 9

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2014, February The News of Kings Point

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33573 From Page 8 you through guided exercises to assist you in your recovery. If you would like to learn more about what is available to you, do not miss this group. Call Debbie Caneen at 813-634-3347 for additional information. TUE. FEB 11 - PRINCE OF PEACE WEEKLY MOVIE “ON VALENTINE’S DAY” 2:00 p.m. Prince of Peace Catholic Church hosts their weekly Tuesday Movie in the Conesa Center. All are invited to come enjoy a film with friends and family. The movies are free of charge and open to the public. A small collection basket is available at the door for individuals who wish to provide a donation to help support the movies at Prince of Peace. TUE. FEB 11,18,25 - SOCIAL DANCE CLASS Beginning - Cha Cha - 5:30 p.m. Intermediate - Fox Trot - 6:45 p.m. Advanced - Tango - 8:00 p.m. Classes are held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium building. Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point Residents. Couples and Singles welcome. $5 per class. For information call Bernice DuBro at 634-3205. TUE. FEB 11 - E-BOOK LAUNCH AT SOUTH SHORE LIBRARY 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. at South Shore Regional Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way. Free and open to the public. . Local writers and authors will be on hand for readings from the newly published e-book Tattle Tales, an anthology produced by the South Shore Writers group. The event will include entertainment by local singer Sandy Nitch, drawings for book giveaways and light refreshments. Contact Robin Watt at watt.robin2@ gmail.com or 813-843-1289. TUE. FEB 11 - SUN CITY CENTER PHOTO CLUB MEETING 6:30 p.m. for tutorial program, followed by the regular program at 7:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m., we will have a tutorial program, followed by the regular program at 7:00 p.m. in the Caper Room. This is an open meeting and you do not have to be a member to attend. Experience two speakers, a husband and wife team. Marla Frankford will present on butterfly photography. Captain Terry Frankford is our second presenter. Capt. Terry will talk about photography nature tours in the Sarasota area and we will view some of his amazing photos. Dues for the 2014-year remain at $20 per person or $30 per household couple and provide access to club activities, competitions and classes as well as the photo lab with computers, scanners and large format printers. For more information on the club and its activities, please see our website at http://www.photoclubscc.com or visit the learning lab at 960D Cherry Hills Drive. TUE. FEB 12 - CHARLES SCHWAB INVESTMENT SERIES 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Drive, Sun City Center. Don’t miss this opportunity to meet with Ann MacKay, CFP with Charles Schwab as she discusses: “How to Navigate:www.Schwab.com “ For more info: Debbie Caneen 813-8922990. WED FEB 12 - METAPHYSICAL SOCIETY PRESENTATION 10:00 a.m. in the Heritage Room, Central Campus. “Gospel of Thomas, Verses 21-30.” Member/ Speaker Don Smith, Ph.D., returns to speak on what some refer to as one of the missing books of the Bible. Questions are invited. Open to SCC/KP members and guests. Love offering to benefit the Metaphysical Society. For info call Holli at 813-4194704. WED. FEB 12,19,26 - SOCIAL DANCE CLASS Beginning - Rumba- 12:45 p.m. Intermediate - Cha Cha - 2:00 p.m. Advanced. - Bolero - 3:15 p.m. Classes are held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium building. Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point Residents. Couples and Singles welcome. $5 per class. For information call Bernice DuBro at 634-3205. WED. FEB 12 - DIABETES SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Please join Lisa Endick, RN from Nurse on Call Home Health Care

as she facilitates our support group “Everyday Basics of Diabetic Care.” For additional info, call Debbie Caneen 813-892-2990. THU. FEB 13 - SOUTH SHORE CHRISTIAN WOMEN’S CONNECTION LUNCHEON AND PROGRAM Seating begins at 11:00 a.m., program 11:30 to 1:30 p.m. at Club Renaissance, 2121 So. Pebble Beach Blvd. Sun City Center, with Inspirational speaker Julie Mariner. Julie will share “Many adventures that eventually led her to a destination that would change her life.” The program, Accessories Gone Wild by Bonnie Wild. Menu, Salmon Salad: with mixed greens, tomato & cucumber, Plus Beverage and Dessert. Alternate meal of tossed salad with grilled chicken. If you desire this option, be sure to order it when you make your reservation. Cost is $17 inclusive. Reservations are required. Please call Pat Butler, 938-4320 or e-mail aunt.butler@ gmail.com. Make reservations or cancellations before noon Monday February 10, 2014. THU. FEB 13 – DESSERT & CARD PARTY AT PRINCE OF PEACE CATHOLIC CHURCH 12:00 Noon at Conesa Center, Prince of Peace Catholic Church, 702 Valley Forge Blvd, Sun City Center. The Council of Catholic Women of Prince of Peace invites anyone who likes to play cards or any board game to make up your own table in advance and come to our dessert & card party. The Dessert & Card Party is the second Thursday of the month, from Noon until 3:30 p.m. in Conesa Center. Cards, pencils and tallies are furnished. For additional information call 633-2460. THU. FEB 13 – NEUROPATHY SUPPORT GROUP 1:00 p.m. in the Caper Room at the Community Assoc. on North Pebble Beach. Are you suffering from pain and numbness in your extremities? Be sure to attend this group where Elissa Deusner, DPT will facilitate. Our speaker this month will be: Dr. Darrin Tyson from the Sarasota Spine and Nerve Institute. Dr. Tyson was born in Washington DC and raised in the Florida Keys. He graduated from Florida Atlantic University with a Premedical degree in Biological Sciences in 2000. He then received his Doctor Of Chiropractic degree and a Bachelors of Health Sciences degree from Logan Chiropractic College in 2004. For more information, call Debbie Caneen 813-892-2990. THU. FEB 13 - MENTAL WELLNESS SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. This group is facilitated by Edmond Dubreuil MSW, RCSWI mental health professional. Supported by: South Shore Coalition on Mental Health & Aging & United Methodist Church of Sun City Center. For additional info, call Debbie Caneen 813-892-2990. FRI. FEB 14 - THE AMERICANS OF ITALIAN HERITAGE CLUB “VALENTINE/ CARNAVALE” PARTY 5:00 p.m. doors open in the KP Borini Theater. Banquet Masters will cater their usual delicious buffet consisting of Chicken Picatta, Salmon Almondine and Stuffed Shells together with Rice Pilaf and Broccoli. There will be both cheesecake and chocolate cake on the tables. The Club will provide coffee, hot water for tea, soda, water and ice. BYOB. Jack Brown will be the DJ. Members $21 and Guests $23. Tables of 8 kindly send checks in together. Please mail or bring checks made payable to A.I.H. to Gerry Barba (633-5589) 201 Glenellen Pl, SCC, FL 33573. Cut-off date is February 8th. 2014 $10 dues per person are now due. Please mail check made payable to A.I.H. indicating “2014 dues” to Tom Barba (633-0264) 2306 Grantham Ct, SCC, FL 33573. FRI. FEB 14 - THE LOST VALENTINE 6:00 p.m. doors open - movie begins at 6:30 p.m. at The United Methodist Church, 1210 Del Webb Blvd West. The movie begins as a young married couple is saying goodbye as Navy Lt. Neil Thomas (SEAN FARIS) boards a train to his base on Valentine Day, 1944. As the train is pulling away from the station, Caroline (BETTY WHITE), his pregnant wife remembers that she

has a valentine for him. Neil’s fighter plane goes down in the Pacific and he’s declared missing in action. Enjoy freshly baked cookies, popcorn, tea and coffee. The movie is free but a donation for the refreshments is greatly appreciated. FRI. FEB 14 - PHIL DIRT & THE DOZERS 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. at Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. A dance/ show with music from the 60s, 70s, 80s & 90s. Tickets on sale Mon-Wed-Fri 10:00 a.m.-noon, at Atrium-Kiosk. $20/ticket. Reserved tables. Open to public. BYOB & snacks. Info 813-642-2001. SAT. FEB 15 - TEA PARTY TO BENEFIT GOOD SAMARITAN MISSION 3:00 to 5:00 pm in the banquet room of the Sun City Center Chamber of Commerce, 1651 Sun City Center Plaza, Sun City Center, FL 33573. The public is invited to participate in a very special tea party to benefit Good Samaritan Mission in Wimauma. Tickets are $15.00 per person. Attendees will be treated to a selection of gourmet teas and their choice of sweet and savory refreshments. The program will include special entertainment provided by members of the Florida Boy Choirs. For information or to purchase tickets please call the Mission at 813-634-7136. Good Samaritan Mission is a 501(c) 3 organization located at 14920 Balm Wimauma Road in Wimauma. The Mission has been providing support to families in need since 1984. For more information about the Mission, please see their web site at www.gsmission.org. SAT. FEB 15 -THU. FEB 20, 2014 - SUN CITY CENTER LIONS ABOARD ROYAL CARIBBEAN BRILLIANCE OF THE SEAS Time not given. The brand new, updated Brilliance of the Seas leaves Tampa to Grand Cayman

and Cozumel. Come sail away with Sun City Center Lions, neighbors, and friends on the beautiful Royal Caribbean Brilliance of the Seas for five wonderful nights. Let the sunshine in -- this is the Brilliance of the Seas, a beautiful Radiance-Class ship that combines sleek swiftness, panoramic vistas, and wide-open spaces. With acres of glass enclosing the ninestory central atrium, elevators facing the sea, and floor-to-ceiling windows throughout, you’ll never be at a loss for an incredible view. Prices for the cruise range from $539.80 to $729.80 per person, depending on which type cabin you choose. For more information, please contact Jayne Kirse, Sun City Center Travelworld at 634-3318, or Lion Ellen McGovern at 633-4202. We are looking forward to seeing you on board! SUN. FEB 16 - THE OLDIES BUT GOODIES DANCE CLUB 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. Community Hall S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Sun City Center, FL. Music from the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and 80’s will be provided by the Latitude. The cost is $5.00 per person, Oldies but Goodies Club Members are free. You may bring your own snacks and the dance is BYOB. Please contact Sandi at the following email address for more information: sandik327@yahoo.com. MON. FEB 17 - METAPHYSICAL SOCIETY BOOK GROUP 1:00 p.m. in the Heritage Room, Central Campus. Featuring “The Power of Now,” by Eckhart Tolle. Facilitated by Alice Williams. No homework and the group reads aloud and discusses as they go. Open to SCC/KP members and guests - free admission. For info call Holli at 813-419-4704. Continued on Page 10

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10 Page

The News of Kings Point

February, 2014

33573 From Page 9 MON. FEB 17 - PARKINSON’S SUPPORT GROUP OF SUN CITY CENTER SPONSORED BY THE MEN’S CLUB OF SCC 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive. (FREE Valet parking will be available at the entrance.) USF Parkinson’s Disease & Movement Disorders Center facilitates this meeting. . Our speaker will be: Darla Freeman-Levay, M.S., CCC-SLP (USF Speech Pathologist) Darla has been an instructor at USF for 12 years, is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh undergrad. She received her Master’s from Ohio State University and is also in a private practice within an Ear, Nose and Throat group. Her specialties include: Voice Disorders, Neurological Disorders and Accent Modification. At this meeting, Darla would like two volunteers to attempt Lee Silverman Voice Therapy (LSVT) during the meeting to see immediate results! Come with questions and leave with answers. If you have Parkinson’s, or are caring for someone with this disease, be sure to attend this support group! FREE Valet Parking available at Entrance. For additional info, call Debbie Caneen 813-892-2990. MON. FEB 17, 24 - SINGLES DANCE CLASSES 7:30 - 8:45 p.m. in the Dance Studio in the Atrium building off North Pebble Beach Blvd. Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point Residents. This is a special dance session for singles or people without a partner. We will be teaching a few Steps in the *TANGO*. Cost is $20 per person for all 4 weeks. For information call Bernice DuBro at 634-3205 or e-mail dancewithbernice@gmail.com. TUE. FEB 18 - THE PHOTO CLUB PRESENTS: THE HISTOGRAM WITH GAYLE FISHER 10:00 a.m. - noon in the Palm Room. The histogram is a very powerful tool in digital photography used to assist in achieving proper exposure. From using it on the camera to take the photo, to using it and manipulating

it in editing software, understanding the histogram is vital to helping you end up with the best images possible. This class will explain the histogram and show you how to use it to your benefit. Lecture/Demonstration, approximately 1-1/2 - 2 hours. Price: $10 members, $15 non-members. Minimum students = 3, Maximum students = 11. TUE. FEB 18 - SCI-BRAIN PRESENTATION 1:30 p.m. in the banquet room of the Sun City Center Chamber of Commerce. Nicci Kobritz of Sci-Brain will speak on the science of brain health and the findings of recent research. Free pie and coffee, sponsored by Village Inn of Riverview. Brought to you by the South Shore Coalition for Mental Health and Aging. For more information, call 813419-4902. TUE. FEB 18 - PRINCE OF PEACE WEEKLY MOVIE “THEY CALL ME SIRR” 2:00 p.m. Prince of Peace Catholic Church hosts their weekly Tuesday Movie in the Conesa Center. All are invited to come enjoy a film with friends and family. The movies are free of charge and open to the public. A small collection basket is available at the door for individuals who wish to provide a donation to help support the movies at Prince of Peace. TUE. FEB 18 ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive. Bring Your Loved One For a Well Deserved Break. Facilitated by Aging Care Advocates. You will receive information while your loved one is cared for in our Secured Memory Care. Please RSVP no less than 3 days prior to 813-246-4120. For additional information, contact Debbie Caneen at 813-634-3347. TUE. FEB 18, 25 - SOCIAL DANCE CLASS Beginning - Cha Cha - 5:30 p.m. Intermediate - Fox Trot - 6:45 p.m. Advanced - Tango - 8:00 p.m. Classes are held in the Dance Studio

in the Atrium building. Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point Residents. Couples and Singles welcome. $5 per class. For information call Bernice DuBro at 634-3205. TUE. FEB 18 - RED HEAD EXPRESS 7:30 p.m. in the Borini Theater, Kings Point. Redhead Express is a four sister act originally from Alaska, and now hailing from Nashville, Tennessee. The girls have spent the past five years touring with their family band across the country. Now they are poised for success in the country music industry as they prepare for the studio to cut their first album. Tickets available for $25 at the Kings Point Box Office. For more information, please contact 813-387-3447. WED. FEB 19 - “YOUR MONEY MATTERS” - “STOCK MARKET RECAP & ECONOMIC OUTLOOK FOR 2014” 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Drive, Sun City Center. Presented by Chris Redhead, CFP®,ChFC®,CFS®, Executive Vice President of Sequoia Financial Group. During these turbulent times many investors are plagued with challenging questions and difficult decisions that may significantly impact their family’s financial future. Join us each month on the third Wednesday as we share prudent strategies that have helped us guide our clients to achieve successful results through uncertain markets. For more info: Debbie Caneen 813-8922990. WED. FEB 19 - METAPHYSICAL SOCIETY PRESENTATION 10:00 a.m. in the Florida Room, Central Campus. “Opening to the Promise of 2014.” Shaman Elka Boren, with the help of Ascended Masters and Angelic Beings, shares her insights for these exciting times of far-reaching change when old impressions can be released, making room for new things to come into our life – greater clarity, courage, and happiness. Open to SCC/KP

members and guests. Love offering to benefit the Metaphysical Society. For info call Holli at 813-419-4704. WED. FEB 19, 26 - SOCIAL DANCE CLASS Beginning - Rumba- 12:45 p.m. Intermediate - Cha Cha - 2:00 p.m. Advanced. - Bolero - 3:15 p.m. Classes are held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium building. Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point Residents. Couples and Singles welcome. $5 per class. For information call Bernice DuBro at 634-3205. WED. FEB 19 - LOW VISION SUPPORT GROUP WITH DR. OLIVA - SPONSORED BY THE SUN CITY CENTER MEN’S CLUB 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. This support group is facilitated by Ana Maria Oliva, M.D. and Sponsored by the Sun City Center Men’s Club. Our speaker this month will be Dr. Oliva who plans to bring assistive devices for those with low vision for demonstration. If you have low vision, then this meeting is for you! For more info call Debbie Caneen 813-892-2990. WED. FEB 19 - METAPHYSICAL SOCIETY ENLIGHTENMENT THROUGH MEDITATION 3:00 p.m. in the Royal Room, Central Campus. Meditation style varies, format is open. Facilitators vary. Come and enjoy peace and unity. Open to SCC/KP members and guests - free admission. For info call Holli at 813-419-4704. WED. FEB 19 - CLASSICAL MUSIC APPRECIATION 3:30 p.m. in Kings Point main clubhouse, Ripple Room (across hall from South Social Room.) Free. All lovers of classical music are invited. Information: Arthur C. Joy, 813-6339783 or acjjr@tampabay.rr.com. WED. FEB 19 - CELEBRATE MARDI GRAS WITH THE KP LINE DANCERS 7:00 p.m. in the Borini Theatre. Open to KP and SCC residents and their guests. No tickets sold, so mark your calendar. Please sign in upon arrival. Continued on Page 11

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2014, February The News of Kings Point

Page 11

33573 From Page 10 FRI. FEB 21 - THE NASHVILLE HALL OF FAME CONCERT TOUR RETURNS 7:00 p.m. at the United Methodist Church of SCC. 1210 Del Webb Blvd West. SCC. Tickets $10 in advance or $15 at the door. Tickets are on sale at the church and at the Sun City Center Chamber of Commerce. For more info call Hal Jeffery at 813-741-3533 or email at hjeffery@verizon.net. SAT. FEB 22 - SCC STAINED GLASS CLUB SHOW 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. in the Florida Room in the Atrium Building. 4th Annual juried show of member’s pieces in a variety of categories. A People’s Choice Award will be determined by votes of the show’s visitors. Free Admission. Questions? Please call Julie Moran at 813-6343314. SAT. FEB 22 - FEED THE HUNGRY 12:00 - 2:00 p.m. at the Borini Theater, Kings Point. Volunteers are needed to assist in food preparation for this wonderful event that feeds so many in our area. Sign in at the door. If you have questions, please call Jim Wilmouth at Encore Bank 813-634-8001. SUN. FEB 23 - SOCIETY WHOLE HEALTH DISCUSSIONS 1:30 p.m. in the Heritage Room, Central Campus. Various topics on health issues will be discussed. Bring your own topic. Found a product that works for you? Tell us about it. Know of a new medical practice that serves you? Share it with us too! Found a regime that works for you? We might find it works for us too! Open to SCC/KP members and guests - free admission. For info call Vicky at 813-398-7033. SUN. FEB 23 - ELISE MOORE TO SPEAK ON “THE HEALING POWER OF THE BIBLE 3:00 p.m. in the Florida Room, the Atrium Building, 945-D North Course Lane.” Elise Moore, international Christian speaker from Nashville, TN, will present a one-hour talk titled “The Healing Power of the Bible”. Handouts will be provided that include examples of Bible verses and prayers that have proven to heal consistently.

We dance to all genres of music. From the beginner to the experienced line dancer, everyone is invited. Couples are always welcome. Wear Mardi Gras masks, costumes and colors. BYOB and setups. Contact Jan for more info 634-6226. THU. FEB 20 - INTERESTED IN YOUR ANCESTRY? 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. at Sun Towers Retirement, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Sun City Center. Interested in Your Ancestry? Have you seen the TV show “Who Do You Think You Are”? If you would like to learn how to research your genealogy, don’t miss this opportunity to spend time with Tollie J Banker, M.A. and M.I.S., Faculty Librarian at Hillsborough Community College SouthShore Campus as she takes you through the steps to discover your past using free research tools! This class will take place monthly on the 3rd Thursday from 10:00 – 11:00 am. but will break for the month of December. THU. FEB 20 MOONGLOW BALLROOM DANCE CLUB 7:30-9:30 p.m. Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Members FREE; Visitors $5.00 per person at the door. Very Special Live Music by “The Good Times Ballroom Fantasy Band” from the Orlando area. Dancers and/or listeners will love this 6-piece band of professional musicians. Dressy Casual. BYOB & snacks, and we provide the Ice, water, cups & napkins. Singles Table(s) Available. For information on our exciting 2014 Schedule of 12 monthly dances to Live Music call: 813-633-1297 OR 813-633-6453, OR Email gail3357@gmail.com. FRI. FEB 21 - SCC STAINED GLASS CLUB SHOW 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. in the Florida Room in the Atrium Building. 4th Annual juried show of member’s pieces in a variety of categories. A People’s Choice Award will be determined by votes of the show’s visitors. Free Admission. Questions? Please call Julie Moran at 813-6343314.

Moore has been in the Christian healing ministry for more than 25 years. Her talk is sponsored by the First Church of Christ, Scientist, Ruskin-Sun City Center. There is no charge for the talk and no collection will be taken. For additional Information, call 813938-1065. SUN. FEB 23 - SINGLES SOCIAL DANCE CLUB 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. Atrium Bldg., Florida Room. For your dancing pleasure live music by Thor Stevens. Members $3; Non-members $5. Membership for 2014 is $10. Must have CA or KP badge number. BYOB and snacks. Water, ice, cups and napkins provided. Please, proper dress. Info: Janet 633-355. SUN. FEB 23 - DANCE PARTY PRESENTED BY THE SCC DANCE CLUB 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. in the Community Hall, 1910 So. Pebble Beach Blvd., SCC, 33573. Dance to our Widely Acclaimed and Exclusive Playlist spun by Gerardo. Selections include East & West Coast Swing, Fox Trot, Slow and Line Dance, Latin variations, Waltz, Country and Polka. Enjoy complimentary coffee and our renowned home baked delicacies throughout the evening.

Attire is dressy casual. BYOB. You don’t have to be an accomplished dancer to enjoy this social evening out. Bring your friends, or come and make new friends. Free to members. Visitors/guests are $6 per person at the door. Singles tables will be available. For more info call 813-634-9074. MON. FEB 24 - METAPHYSICAL SOCIETY BOOK GROUP 1:00 p.m. in the Heritage Room, Central Campus. Featuring “The Power of Now,” by Eckhart Tolle. Facilitated by Alice Williams. No homework and the group reads aloud and discusses as they go. Open to SCC/KP members and guests - free admission. For info call Holli at 813-419-4704. MON. FEB 24 - THE MICHIGAN CLUB HOLDS ANNUAL - “THE PIZZA PARTY!!!” 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. at the KPN Borini Theater. Come join the fun! Beer, pizza, salad and dessert. Entertainment provided by Troy Coman and Kings Strings. Members $10 Guests $12. Ticket sales KPN Lobby every Tues morning 9am to noon. Questions? Call Paul - 634-8506. Continued on Page 12

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12 Page

The News of Kings Point

February, 2014

33573 From Page 11 MON. FEB 24 - SINGLES DANCE CLASSES 7:30 - 8:45 p.m. in the Dance Studio in the Atrium building off North Pebble Beach Blvd. Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point Residents. THIS IS A SPECIAL DANCE SESSION FOR SINGLES OR PEOPLE WITHOUR A PARTNER. We will be teaching a few Steps in the *TANGO*. Cost is $20 per person for all 4 weeks. For information call Bernice DuBro at 634-3205 or e-mail dancewithbernice@gmail.com. TUE. FEB 25 - THE PHOTO CLUB PRESENTS: UNDERSTANDING EXPOSURE 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. in the Palm Room. Instructor: Robert Winch. Cost: $10.00 members, $15.00 non-members. Not sure what an F-stop is, can’t figure out why ISO is important. Don’t know the relationship between shutter speed and aperture, in this class we will explore what makes a good exposure and give you some tips on how to move that camera setting off “Auto.” Lecture 15 students max. TUE. FEB 25 - PRINCE OF PEACE WEEKLY MOVIE “TREASURE BLIND” 2:00 p.m. Prince of Peace Catholic Church hosts their weekly Tuesday Movie in the Conesa Center. All are invited to come enjoy a film with friends and family. The movies are free of charge and open to the public. A small collection basket is available at the door for individuals who wish to provide a donation to help support the movies at Prince of Peace. TUE. FEB 25 - SOCIAL DANCE CLASS Beginning - Cha Cha - 5:30 p.m. Intermediate - Fox Trot - 6:45 p.m. Advanced - Tango - 8:00 p.m. Classes are held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium building. Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point Residents. Couples and Singles welcome. $5 per class. For information call Bernice DuBro at 634-3205. WED. FEB -26 METAPHYSICAL SOCIETY OPEN MEETING 10:00 a.m. in the Heritage Room, Central Campus. “Show and Tell.” Meeting will start with a guided meditation.

Members are invited to speak on and demonstrate their creative and artistic talents and show their various wares such as jewelry, crafts, sculpture, paintings, soaps, etc., or to share their gifted talents as readers, psychics, numerologists, astrologists, etc. Open to SCC/KP members and guests - free admission. For info call Holli at 813-419-4704. WED. FEB 26 - SOCIAL DANCE CLASS Beginning - Rumba- 12:45 p.m. Intermediate - Cha Cha - 2:00 p.m. Advanced. - Bolero - 3:15 p.m. Classes are held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium building. Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point Residents. Couples and Singles welcome. $5 per class. For information call Bernice DuBro at 634-3205. WED. FEB 26 - PHIL PROVENZANO & JAZZ XPERIENCE RETURN TO METHODIST CHURCH 3:00 p.m. in the church sanctuary at The United Methodist Church of Sun City Center, 1210 Del Webb Blvd. West. . A local favorite with a large following, Phil’s ensemble is a mainstream, straightahead jazz combo that was originally formed to perpetuate the West Coast jazz sounds of musicians like Gerry Mulligan and Chet Baker. Since its inception twenty years ago, the group has grown to include other mainstream jazz styles including their own unique sound. Concertgoers are encouraged to arrive early for a good seat, as the group is gaining a larger and larger fan base in this area. A donation of just $5 is requested at the door. For additional information about this and other concerts and recitals at the United Church of Sun City Center, please contact Jeff Jordan, Director of Worship Arts, at 813-634-2539. WED. FEB 26 – MARCH 8 PAC PRESENTS “VALENTINE’S ON ROUTE 66...A MUSICAL” Feb 26, 27, 28, March 1, 6, 7, 8 at 7:30 p.m. with a 2:30 matinee on March 8. Rollins Theatre. Tickets $12 each. Buy tickets now at Atrium Kiosk Mon – Fri. 9:00 a.m. – Noon.

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Credit Card Orders 813-400-7803. www.PerformingArtsCompany-SCC. org. “Valentine’s on Route 66” will take you on a magical, musical journey full of unexpected detours and bumps in the road. It’s all about a change of heart. WED. FEB 26 - TERRY JOHNSON, THE FLAMINGOS 7:30 p.m. in the Borini Theater, Kings Point. The Flamingos are known as the “Ambassadors for Romance” and are better than ever. Led by Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee Terry Johnson. The Flamingos perform their greatest hits including “I Only Have Eyes For You.” In concert, they expand their repertoire to include class songs from the American Songbook. It’s the king of show that seems to hit all age groups with pure entertainment. Tickets available for $25 at the Kings Point Box Office. For more information, please contact 813-387-3447. THU. FEB 27 - MENTAL WELLNESS SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. This group is facilitated by Edmond Dubreuil MSW, RCSWI mental health professional.

Supported by: South Shore Coalition on Mental Health & Aging & United Methodist Church of Sun City Center. For additional info, call Debbie Caneen 813-892-2990. THU. FEB 27 - A POPS CONCERT 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. at Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. The South Shore Concert Band performs music of Andrew Lloyd Webber, Les Miserables, Where No Man Has Gone Before, Sinatra in Concert and much more. Tickets on sale Mon-Wed-Fri 10:00 a.m.-noon at Atrium Kiosk. $5/ ticket. Open seating. Open to public. Info 813-642-2001. FRI. FEB 28 - FREE MEMORY SCREENING 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. provided by Dr. Mary Stedman from Stedman Clinical Trials and Wendy Burkhard, LCSW from Wyndbeach Counseling. How much of my memory have I really lost? Are you interested in Clinical Trials designed to cure Alzheimer’s? Want to learn more about memory loss? Don’t miss this opportunity! For more information, call Debbie Caneen 813-892-2990.

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2014, February The News of Kings Point

Adopt a Friend That C.A.R.E.s

Jazzy is a dilute calico who is one of our senior cats. She has a white front and is a very pretty girl. She was a C.A.R.E. cat many years ago and has had a home since then; however, she recently lost her home due to owner illness. She is very friendly and loves the attention of the volunteers. Her problem is that she is not used to all the other cats so chooses to stay in the cages in the adult room. Please come and visit with this senior girl; she would love to go to a forever home with you. As part of her adoption Jazzy has been brought up to date on her shots, and will be microchipped. She has also been spayed. approx. DOB: January 2, 2001.

Holly is a cheerful, joyful poodle mix. Holly is slightly shy at the beginning of introductions because she’s still trying to figure out why she’s at the shelter. Holly was surrendered to C.A.R.E. because her caregiver found it was too much to handle two young dogs. Holly is a dainty, elegant beauty who would love to be part of your life. As you talk to Holly she sits and tilts her head and listens intently as if she understands what you are saying. She’s a precious girl. Holly would be a great addition for anyone – single, couple or family! As part of Holly’s adoption she has been made current on routine shots, and will be spayed, and micro chipped. DOB: May 2, 2013.

C.A.R.E. Is Open 10 AM to 3 PM on Tuesdays thru Saturday For directions visit: www.CareShelter.org or call 813-645-2273

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Spring 2014 Semester

Adult Education Classes. These are non-credit courses with no previous education needed. Classes are open to everyone in the entire community & surrounding areas.


8:30 - 10:00 Let’s Go Cruising 8:30 - 10:00 Floral Arranging * 4 WEEKS: 2/17, 2/24, 3/3, 3/10 10:30 - 12:00 Music “Fun”damentals * 10:30 - 12:00 Qi Gong 10:30 - 12:00 Sign Language-Beginning 10:30 - 12:00 Words We Use 10:30 - 12:00 US Civil War 1:00 - 2:30 Android Tablets & Smartphones * 1:00 - 2:30 Sign Language-Advanced 1:00 - 3:30 Living Healthy * FREE CLASS 1:00 - 2:30 Antiques/Collectibles * 3:00 - 4:30 Cooking Comfort Foods * 3:00 - 4:30 Ancient Rome – The End of the Republic 1:30 - 2:15 Basic Dog Training *

TUESDAYS 8:30 - 10:00 8:30 - 10:00 10:30 - 12:00 10:30 - 12:00 10:30 - 12:00

10:00 - 12:00 10:30 - 12:00 10:30 - 12:00 1:00 - 2:30 1:00 - 2:30 1:00 - 2:30 1:00 - 2:30 3:00 - 4:30 3:00 - 4:30

Tampa General Health Series Intro to Metaphysics Economics of Modern Investing Sudoku For Fun Essential Feng Shui Shakespeare Jewelry Basics – How to Buy/Sell * History’s Unexpected Outcomes Jewelry – Advanced *


8:30 - 10:00 8:30 - 10:00 10:30 - 12:00 10:30 - 12:00 10:30 - 12:00

Intimacy Should Be Fun! 1DAY ONLY: 2/20 Summer Olympics * Islam: Past, Present and Future If You Like Book Talks * Ancient Middle East – Greece, Persia and Rome 1:00 - 2:30 Probate/Wills/Trusts 5 WEEKS: 2/20, 2/27, 3/6, 3/13, 3/20 1:00 - 2:30 iPads For Fun 1:00 - 2:30 Hypnosis * 3:00 - 4:30 Diabetes Self-Management Education * FREE CLASS *Limited enrollment courses - do not permit walk-ins unless noted.

Intriguing Home Computer Applications * Memory Techniques Take Better Pictures * What’s God Got To Do With It? Coping Skills, Anger Mgmt & Healthy Retirement 10:30 - 12:00 Jazz – The Swing Era 1:00 - 2:30 Doodling For Fun FREE CATALOG 1:00 - 3:00 Organize Your Computer with full details for the courses and trips available 1:00 - 2:30 Economics Of A Free Society at college office in the church, SCC Library and 3:00 - 4:30 Astrology & Horoscopes * around town. 3:00 - 4:30 Buddhism/Meditation * For information Call: 813-634-8607 or WEDNESDAYS Email: Tri-C@verizon.net 8:30 - 10:00 Interior Design Website: www.4lifelearning.org 10:30 - 12:00 Astronomy for Beginners *


GIFT CERTIFICATES will be available for purchase on Registration Day January 22nd, and in the College Office thereafter. A gift certificate is a perfect gift to give to a friend, a relative, your spouse, or as a “welcome to the neighborhood” gift for new neighbors! A gift certificate is also a great way to say “thank you” too! Give the gift of fun and learning – one size fits all!! The price for one certificate/ course is $25.00, and the recipient can select the course they wish to take. There is no limit to the number of gift certificates one may purchase. The gift certificate will be valid for one year from date of purchase.


Page 13

Suncoasters Demystified

Submitted by Linda Hawken, Suncoasters Lawn Bowling Club At their Annual General Meeting, the Suncoasters Lawn Bowling Club’s members voted in a new Board consisting of (pictured, left to right) Diann Thomas (Tournament Director), Natalie Lanouette (Tournament Director), Annette Dispenziere (President), Shirley Hartz (Secretary), Corinne Bailiff (Vice President) and Ava Casper (Treasurer). “So just what is a Suncoaster?” you ask. The answer basically is “a lady lawn bowler”. However, there is one distinction between a Sun City Center Lawn Bowling Club lady bowler and a Suncoaster and that is one of affiliation. In order to be a Suncoaster, its members pay annual dues to Bowls USA, the governing body of lawn bowling in the United States. (Each country has its own governing body.) Membership in Bowls USA entitles a lawn bowler to take part in invitational competitive tournaments at other clubs across the USA. In the Suncoasters’ case they take part mostly in those at Sun City Center, Sarasota, Clearwater and Mount Dora in Florida. Once a year in March, the South East Open Lawn Bowling tournament is played at either Sun City Center, Sarasota or Clearwater, a six-day event featuring Singles, Pairs and Fours games. This year, the Ladies’ portion of the tournament will take place in Sarasota and many of the Suncoasters will be playing in some or all of these there. American members of Suncoasters LBC may also take part in the South East Playdowns, to determine players who will represent the South East Division of Bowls USA, with winners going on to the US National Championships, which are held each November. In 2014, the Nationals will take place here in Sun City Center with world-class players participating from each of seven Divisions across the country - an event that will make for excellent spectator viewing. If you’ve never seen the sport played before, this would be the perfect time to see what it’s all about. For more information about the Suncoasters, go to www. suncitycenterlawnbowlingclub.com and click on the “Affiliated Clubs” link or call President Annette Dispenziere on 642-0097.

Spring Semester 2014

February 17, 2014 through March 27, 2014 Early Registration online: at www.4lifelearning.org mid-January thru Registration day. PayPal available for unlimited classes by credit cards only. Please note: there is a $1.00 handling fee charged for each class using this method.

Open Registration

Wednesday January 22, 2014 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM (in the Great Hall) United Community Church 1501 La Jolla Ave. SCC, FL 33573 813-634-8607 Regular courses: $25.00 for six (6) 90 minute classes (unless otherwise noted) Walk-In’s and Seminars: $5.00 per class & seminar Trips and Tours: cost varies according to expenses involved. Payment made by check or cash only. No credit cards. No refunds unless the course/trip is cancelled!

Late Registration

January 23, 2014 through February 20, 2014 in the College Office

College Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday: 8:30 - 12:00 (during class sessions: 8:00 – 12:00) PLEASE NOTE: the office is not open on Fridays

Trips & Tours *(all trips are limited enrollment)

Tampa Bay History Bus Tour and Lunch at Columbia Restaurant Friday, February 28, 2014 Cost: $42.00 Maximum: 45 8:30 a.m - 3:30 p.m.

“Florida Fred” will be our guide for this fascinating bus tour. His narration will include over 200 amazing facts and sites as we travel through the city’s oldest neighborhoods – Downtown Tampa, Ybor City, Hyde Park, Bayshore, Old West Tampa, Tampa Heights and Palma Ceia. The tour will include two restrooms stops. After the tour we will have lunch at the Columbia Restaurant in Ybor City.

Historical River Cruise - Bradenton

Friday, March 7, 2014 Cost: $69.00 Maximum: 35 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

All aboard the Island Pearl “Jewel of the Manatee” for a two hour riverboat excursion into the fascinating past of our historic home waters. A local expert historian will tell stories of the river’s history and the people who lived along its banks. Following the cruise we will enjoy lunch at Pier 22 Restaurant located on the Manatee River. This cruise is a once-a-year event that supports Manatee County Historical Resources.

Winter Park – Morse Museum

Friday, March 14, 2014 Cost: $27.00 Maximum: 45 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

We will visit the Charles Hosmer Morse Museum of American Art for a docent-led tour of the world’s most comprehensive collection of works by Louis Comfort Tiffany. The Museum’s Tiffany Collection includes jewelry, pottery, paintings, art glass, leaded glass windows and lamps. The afternoon is free to enjoy the restaurant, cafes and shops along Park Avenue – often called “Little Europe” for its charm. Lunch will be on your own.

Bok Tower Gardens, Lake Wales, FL

Friday, March 21, 2014 Cost: $48.00 Maximum: 45 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

March is a lovely time to visit the Gardens! We will travel to Lake Wales for a one hour docent-led tour of the gardens entitles “Bok in Bloom”. A box lunch is included as well as a thirty minute Carillon Concert at 1:00 pm.

Manatee Performing Arts Center – Dinner Theater (please note times)

Thursday, March 27, 2014 Cost: $75.00 Maximum: 35 4:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. The Manatee Players present “Man of La Mancha”, a remarkable musical and one of the great theater successes of our time. Before the show at the new Manatee Performing Arts Center, we will enjoy a buffet-style dinner catered by the Pier 22 Restaurant.

14 Page

The News of Kings Point

February, 2014

Submitted by Jan Huber, Asst. Chief PR

Featured Volunteer Robert Leonard

After serving 20 years in the military, Robert decided to retire to sunny Florida. During his very first VFW meeting he met a Squad member who recruited him as an ambulance driver. Since he had operated emergency vehicles for the military, he accepted his invitation and joined the Squad in October 2010. Robert became an EMR in Nov. 2010 and soon realized he wanted to know much more about the medical field. He then went on to EMT school in 2012, graduating at the top of his class. Following this, Robert went on to Paramedic training. He now works part time at South Bay hospital in the ER department while continuing to volunteer his time on the Emergency Squad. Robert is also raising his three children while his wife finishes her military careen in Miami. We are indeed fortunate to have such a dedicated and committed individual on our Squad.

L to R: Linda Long and Chief Noreen Schramm.

Needlecrafters Support Squad

Linda Long, the President of the Needlecrafters, presented Chief Schramm with a very generous donation in support of the Squad’s activities.Chief Schramm expressed her appreciation and indicated that without community support, the Squad could not continue in their mission of “Neighbors helping Neighbors.” In 2013, the Squad responded to over 7,000 emergency calls right here in the greater Sun City Center area. This free service, she said, saves the taxpayers of Hillsborough County over five million dollars per year.

Squad to Host 50’s Dance Fundraiser

All are invited to a fabulous night of dancing to the great 50’s tunes by Del and Gary. The dance will be held at Community Hall on Wednesday March 12. Doors open at 6PM and the cost is only $10.00. Please BYOB. Poodle skirts and jeans are welcome. There will be singles tables available. Tickets will be available at the Emergency Squad as well as at the kiosk in the Atrium.

Your Emergency Matters

WHY WAIT? Quality Care from ER Experts

In an emergency, minutes can mean the difference between life and death. So, it’s vital that you get the quality care you need – 24/7. At South Bay Hospital, our ER experts know that. We have the staff, equipment and expertise to handle the most critical medical emergencies. And with average wait times that are consistently shorter than the national average, we can get you in and get you Text ER to treated promptly and efficiently…without waiting any longer 23000 for than you need to. Avg. Wait Time

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For 24/7 health information and physician referrals, please call Consult-A-Nurse at 1-888-685-1595.

4016 Sun City Center Blvd. I Sun City Center, Florida SouthBayHospital.com

2014, February The News of Kings Point

Emergency Squad Always Here For You

The Squad is always here, 24/7, 365 days per year, ready and willing to answer the call of those in need. During 2013, we responded to your medical needs over 7,000 times. We never close, we are here every single holiday. Our volunteers truly symbolize the Squad motto of “Neighbors Helping Neighbors.” If you ever thought about joining this caring and prestigious allvolunteer organization, please visit our web site at www.scc-ems.us or give us a call at 813-633-1411.

L to R: Russ Foti, Robert Mulcahy, Jonie Fleischman, Michael Wagner, Captain, Marty Gifford, Charna Bogdany, Naomi Layton, Louise Wagner, Ron Windsor, Jacqui Depompe, Duane Macum.

L to R: Harold Kline, Don Marotta, Mike Wagner, Jurgen Reutelshofer.

Don’t Store Your Love Ones....

Memorialize Them!

Page 15

Thanks to Emergency Squad Holiday Crews

Many people don’t realize that the Emergency Squad is available to the community 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. They are there even on those special days when most people are at home or visiting with family and friends. No one complains, it’s just what they do.As a matter of fact, they have responded to the community’s needs almost 7,000 times this past year.Special thanks go out to the Christmas Eve crew and to the Christmas Day crew. They truly symbolize the Squad’s motto of “Neighbors Helping Neighbors.”

L to R Christmas Eve Crew: Harold Kline, Alan Grimpe, Terri Lance, Elaine Shaefer, Don Marotta, Dick Marshall.

L to R Christmas Day Crew: Doug Gatchell, Bev Carnes, Justin Jamasin, Pete Blair, Jim Smith, Joyce Maloney, Martha Finley, Elsie Lalar, Charlotte Smith, Jim Malanowski, Joe Hannigan, Gert Affayroux, Linda East.

Have Fun and Learn to Play Bridge Better

Bridge Teachers’ Association Sun City Center Bridge Lessons for Players on all Levels Easybridge! 2: For Those Who Have Some Knowledge of Bridge

Did You Know ...

Skyway Memorial Gardens

Has Several Options For Cremation Memorialization? Cremation Benches, Granite Niches, and a Variety of Cremation Gardens Mausoleum & Ground Burial Also Available Affordable Payment Plans Available

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Please RSVP 941-722-4543

Skyway Memorial Gardens 5200 US Highway 19 North, Palmetto, FL 34221



10 weeks starting Friday, February 21st, 8:30 AM, Horizon Room, cost $2 Instructor: Kathy Smith, 480-3368, kathjosmith@gmail.com

Winning with Good Defensive Play

8 weeks - includes basic bidding and Play of the Hand review Starts Tuesday, February 4, 9 am, Horizon Room Cost is $50 which includes book. Instructor: Leslie Cox, 634-4296, lesliecox3@yahoo.com

Special Mini-Lectures to Improve Your Bridge Sign-up in the Horizon Room or contact the instructor

The Following Topics Start Monday, February 3rd 9 AM, Horizon Room, $5 per session

Feb 3 ....Bidding Messages Feb 10 .. Developing Tricks Feb 17 ..Hold-up Play Feb 24 .. Strong Opening Bids & Responses Mar 3 ...Slam Bidding Mar 10 . Pre-emptive Bids

Instructor: Pat Rippel,642-9216, patrippel@hotmail.com

The Following Topics Start Wednesday, February 26th 9 AM, Caper Room, $5 per session

Feb 26 ..... Signals Mar 12 .... Transfers Mar 26 .... Cuebids

Mar 5 ..... Forcing or Non Forcing Bids Mar 19 ... Takeout Doubles & Negative Doubles Apr 2 ..... Overcalls

Instructor: Ronda O’Farrell,634-7393, rondastart@aol.com

16 Page

The News of Kings Point

February, 2014

Golf Scores - Hogans Golf Club Of Sun City Center & Kings Point

Monday, December 16, 2013 Course: Imperial Lakewoods Play: A-Skins 1st: Rich Lucidi - 3 Skins 2nd: John Colgren - 2 Skins 3rd: Hank Smythe, Joe DeFelice, and John Schachte Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: Ray Curry - 66 Low-gross: Walt Weldon - 80 Birds: Walt Weldon - #10 Par 5

Low-net: Bob Hull and Erwin Karl - Tied at 52 Low-gross: Bob Hull and Ewrin Karl - Tied at 70 Birds: Bob Hull - #11 Par 3 and #15 Par 3; Bill Giblin - #9 Par 4 and #12 Par 4; Mike McClintic #14 Par 3; & Erwin Karl - #9 Par 4

2nd: Don Koester and Karen Jones - Tied at 2 Skins 3rd: Bob Hull - 1 Skin Low-net: Don Koester - 48 Low-gross: Don Koester - 72 Birds: Bob Hull - #3 Par 4 and #9 Par 4; Karen Jones - #8 Par 3 and #13 Par 3; Don Koester - #9 Par 4; & Charlie Brown - #18 Par 3

Back L to R: Frank O'Brien, Norm Caplette, Hannes Broschek, Walt Weldon, Bob Drosky. Front: Colleen Caplette.

Friday, January 10, 2014

L to R: Ewrin Karl, Bill Giblin, Bob Hull, Mike McClintic, and Ron Leombruno. Back L to R: Rich Lucidi, Walt Weldon, John Schachte, John Colgren, and Ray Curry. Front L to R: Hank Smythe and Joe DeFelice.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013 Course: Apollo Beach Play: A-Skins 1st: Syl Amos - 4 Skins 2nd: Jim Robertroy, Bob Hull, Jenice Taylor, and Dick Ihrke Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: Hank Smythe - 68 Low-gross: Fran Cordial and Bob Drosky - Tied at 83 Birds: Syl Amos - #2 Par 5, #7 Par 5, and #12 Par 3; Jenice Taylor - #9 Par 4; and Dick Ihrke - #17 Par 3

Back L to R: Syl Amos and Jim Robertroy. Front L to R: Hank Smythe, Jenice Taylor and Bob Hull.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Course: Summerfield Crossings Play: H-Skins 1st: Wilf Pennell and John Williams - Tied at 2 Skins 2nd: John Colgren and Dan Stephens - Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: Wilf Pennell - 68 Low-gross: Dan Stephens - 83 Birds: Dan Stephens - #10 Par 4

Saturday, December 21, 2013 Course: Apollo Beach Play: A-Skins 1st: Don Mowry - 3 Skins 2nd: Syl Amos and Bob Jacobs Tied at 2 Skins 3rd: Andy Betz - 1 Skin Low-net: Doug Banning - 70 Low-gross: Doug Banning 85 Birds: Doug Banning - #12 Par 3 and Bob Jacobs - #10 Par 4

L to R: Charlie Brown, Don Koester, Karen Jones, and Bob Hull.

Saturday, January 4, 2013

Course: Apollo Beach Play: A-Skins 1st: Joe DeFelice and Charlie Gebauer - Tied at 2 Skins 2nd: Rich Lucidi, Jim Hiller, and Bill Smythe - Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: Bill Smythe - 64 Low-gross: Bob Jacobs - 83 Birds: Rich Lucidi - #11 Par 5

Monday, December 30, 2013

Course: Imperial Lakewoods Play: A-Skins 1st: John Colgren and Erwin Karl - Tied at 2 Skins 2nd: Doug Banning, Ruben Jones, and Steve Parks - Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: John Colgren - 61 Low-gross: Bob Drosky - 84 Birds: John Colgren - #12 Par 4; Doug Banning - #16 Par 3; and Ruben Jones - #2 Par 4.

L to R: John Colgren, Steve Parks, Erwin Karl, Doug Banning, and Ruben Jones.

Back: Jenice Taylor. Front L to R: Wilf Pennell, Steve Parks, Norm Caplette, Walt Weldon, and Erwin Karl.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Back L to R: Joe DeFelice, Jim Hiller, and Charlie Gebauer. Front L to R: Bob Jacobs, Bill Smythe, and Rich Lucidi.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Course: Imperial Lakewoods Play: A-Skins 1st: Norm Taylor - 3 Skins 2nd: John Colgren, Jim Sari, Hank Smythe, Rich Lucidi, and Bill Konopasek - Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: Jim Sari - 67 Low-gross: Jim Sari - 86

Saturday, December 21, 2013 Course: Freedom Fairways Play: H-Skins 1st: Bill Giblin - 2 Skins 2nd: Bob Hull and Ron Leombruno - Tied at 1 Skin

Course: Freedom Fairways Play: H-Skins 1st: Bob Hull - 3 Skins 2nd: Don Koester and Andy Betz - Tied at 2 Skins Low-net: Andy Betz - 53 Low-gross: Andy Betz and Bob Hull - 73 Birds: Bob Hull - #3 Par 4, #5 Par 4, #10 Par 3, #14 Par 4; Charlie Brown - #3 Par 4; and Don Koester - #9 Par 4

Friday, January 3, 2013

Course: Summerfield Crossings Play: H-Skins 1st: Ray Curry and Joe Danielson - Tied at 3 Skins 2nd: Hank Smythe and Walt Weldon - Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: Ray Curry - 64 Low-gross: Walt Weldon - 83 Birds: Ray Curry - #6 Par 4

L to R: Don Koester, Andy Betz, and Bob Hull.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Back L to R: John Colgren and Jim Sari Front L to R: Bill Konopasek, Hank Smythe, and Norm Taylor.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

L to R: Dan Stephens, Wilf Pennell, John Williams, and John Colgren.

Course: Summerfield Crossings Play: A-Skins 1st: Steve Parks - 2 Skins 2nd: Norm Caplette, Jenice Taylor, and Erwin Karl - Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: Walt Weldon - 67 Low-gross: Walt Weldon - 81 Birds: Norm Caplette - #13 Par 4; Jenice Taylor - #2 Par 3; Steve Parks - #12 Par 3; and Wilf Pennell - #12 Par 3

L to R: Hank Smythe, Ray Curry, Joe Danielson, and Walt Weldon.

Saturday, January 4, 2013 Course: Freedom Fairways Play: H-Skins 1st Place: Charlie Brown - 3 Skins

Course: Riverside Golf Club Play: A-Skins 1st: Norm Taylor - 5 Skins 2nd: Colleen Caplette - 2 Skins 3rd: Hannes Broschek, Bob Drosky, and Frank O'Brien - Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: Norm Taylor - 59 Low-gross: Bob Drosky - 75 Birds: Norm Taylor - #10 Par 4 and #16 Par 5; Colleen Caplette - #8 Par 3; Frank O'Brien - #4 Par 3; Bob Drosky #2 Par 3; Walt Weldon - #17 Par 4; & Hannes Broschek - #1 Par 4

Course: Apollo Beach Play: A-Skins 1st: Syl Amos - 3 Skins 2nd: Mike Arghittu and Mike Brock - Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: Syl Amos - 69 Low-gross: Mike Brock - 80 Birds: Syl Amos - #12 Par 3 and Mike Brock - #4 Par 4

Mike Brock, Mike Arghittu, and Syl Amos.

Continued on Page 18

2014, February The News of Kings Point

Falcon Watch Ladies 9 Hole League Submitted by Rosalie Killian

November 15 2013

Lagging 1st Rita Fedock 46 2nd Sue Freed 38 T-3rd Rosalie Killian 34 T-3rd Alice Chura 34 5th Jo Alice Nieter 33

November 22, 2013

Beat the Pro Pro Marty Leahy 38 1st Sue Freed 33 2nd Kathy Boccieri 36 3rd Marge Ditch 37 T-4th Jane Boccieri 38 T-4th Alice Chura 38 T-4th Mary J. McClafferty 38

November 29, 2013

Low Net T-1st Jane Boccieri 33 T-1st Marge Ditch 33 T-3rd Wally McIntosh 35 T-3rd Alice Chura 35

December 6, 2013

Low Putts 1st Mary J. McClafferty 14 T-2nd Terry Wynne 15 T-2nd Donna Berger 15 T-4th Meg Towner 16 T-4th Rosa Ricciardi 16

December 13, 2013

Individual Points Plus HDCP Flight 1 1st Jane Boccieri 27 2nd June Krueger 26 T-3rd Marge Ditch 25 T-3rd Meg Towner 25 Flight 2 1st Donna Berger 29 T-2nd Alice Chura 28 T-2nd Jo Alice Nieter 28 T-2nd Kathy Boccieri 28 December 20, 2013 Ladies Choice of Tees - Gross Gold 1st Jane Boccieri 44 2nd Marge Ditch 49 3rd Rosalie Killian 53 Purple 1st Alice Chura 45 2nd Meg Towner 48 3rd Kathy Boccieri 51

December 27, 2013

Ladies Choice of Tees - Mulligan Chance - Gross Gold 1st Jane Boccieri 43 2nd Rosalie Killian 46 3rd Claudia Woolley 47 4th Wally McIntosh 49 Purple 1st Kathy Boccieri 52

Page 17

Kings Point Ladies Nifty Niners Submitted by Lorraine Rings

December 26, 2013 Game: Odd Holes Flight A Winner Lee Leverett 14 Flight B Winner Carol Schindler 20

January 2, 2014

Game: Low Putts Flight A Winner: Sally Repetti 14 Flight B Winner Lorraine Rings 14 Flight C Winner Lillian Black 14

January 9,2014

Game: Scramble Winning Team with 32 Cathy Marquis Betty Irwin Maureen O'Brien Mary Winter

Accomplished by:  Clem Bissonette  January 11, 2014 Kings Point Golf Course Hole 1 Witnessed By: Speed Guerin, Bruce Manning and Al LaForet

Do You want to see your Golf League Scores & Photos Here? Send them to: news@TheNewsofKingsPoint.com

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18 Page

The News of Kings Point

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Continued from Page 16

Monday, January 13, 2014

Course: Imperial Lakewoods Play: A-Skins 1st: Greg Brash - 2 Skins 2nd: Bill Konopasek, Norm Taylor, John Colgren, Walt Weldon, and Steve Parks - Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: Tom Gotschall - 63 Low-gross: Tom Gotschall - 78 Birds: Greg Brash - #14 Par 4; Jenice Taylor - #3 Par 3; John Colgren - #16 Par 3; and Walt Weldon - #4 Par 4

Back L to R: Tom Gotschall, John Colgren, Steve Parks, Walt Weldon, and Greg Brash. Front L to R: Bill Konopasek, Jenice Taylor, and Norm Taylor.

L to R: Ruben Jones, John Colgren, Jim Sari, and Steve Parks.

Course: Apollo Beach Play: A-Skins 1st Place: Mike Arghittu - 3 Skins 2nd Place: Rex Gibbons - 2 Skins 3rd Place: John Colgren and Norm Taylor - Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: Bill Smythe - 68 Low-gross: Norm Taylor - 92 Birds: John Colgren - #11 Par 5 and Doug McFaul - #6 Par 4

Friday, January 17, 2014

Course: Summerfield Crossings Play: A-Skins 1st: Walt Weldon - 2 Skins 2nd: Jim Cox, Hank Smythe, Tom Rosata, Norm Caplette, and Erwin Karl - Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: Colleen Caplette - 67 Low-gross: Walt Weldon - 83 Birds: Walt Weldon - #2 Par 3 and #16 Par 4

L to R: Bill Smythe, Norm Taylor, Mike Arghittu, Rex Gibbons, John Colgren, and Doug McFaul.

Back L to R: Frank O'Brien, Syl Amos, and Rex Gibbons. Front L to R: Jack Phillips, Joe Danielson, Bill Konopasek, Jerry Stemas, and Norm Taylor. Membership is required to play with the Hogans. Please contact us if you are interested in membership in the Hogans at: http://hogans-golf.com The Club is open to all Sun City Center, Kings Point and Associated residents and their guests. Submitted by: Pam Jones Email: mrspkjones@gmail.com Phone: 813-419-4376.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Course: Riverside Club Play: A-Skins Flight #1 1st: Ruben Jones - 2 Skins 2nd: Steve Parks, Jim Sari, and John Colgren - Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: Emmy Broscheck, Steve Parks, and Tom Rosata Tied at 70 Low-gross: Jim Sari - 84

February, 2014

Back L to R: Tom Rosata & Erwin Karl. Front L to R: Walt Weldon, Hank Smythe, and Jim Cox.

Course: Imperial Lakewoods Play: A-Skins 1st: Jack Phillips, Jerry Stemas, Norm Taylor, and Syl Amos Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: Frank O'Brien - 67 Low-gross: Frank O'Brien - 84 Birds: Jack Phillips - #16 Par 3; Rex Gibbons - #16 Par 3; Joe Danielson - #16 Par 3; Bill Konopasek - #16 #3; Frank O'Brien - #13 Par 4

Do You want to see your Golf League Scores & Photos Here? Send them to: news@TheNewsofKingsPoint.com

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Physicians are on the medical staff of Manatee Memorial Hospital, but, with limited exceptions, are independent practitioners who are not employees or agents of Manatee Memorial Hospital. The hospital shall not be liable for actions or treatments provided by physicians.

2014, February The News of Kings Point

Kings Point Art League Artist of the Month

Kings Point North Clubhouse, Art Studio, February 1, 2014 - March 1, 2014 Sue Goldenetzwas born in Defiance, Ohio and moved to Kings Point in 1999.Actually, she is a second generation ‘Kings Pointer’ since her parents had been here from the 1970’s. During her many visits with them, Sue was impressed by all of the activities and classes, and wanted to try everything. Three years ago, after a broken hip limited her pottery class, she diverted her talents to Art Classes. Currently, she prefers watercolors and acrylics, painting landscapes and buildings. Sue has been enjoying classes taught by Diane G. Simon, Arlene Egert, and Tom Haverfield, and hopes to continue learning and expanding her talents. Sue’s other hobbies are pottery and baskets. Sue’s wonderful artwork will be on display in the Kings Point North Clubhouse, in the Art Studio window, for the month of February.

Empire State Club Valentine Dance

The New York Empire State Club will having a Valentine’s Dance on Tuesday, February 4, 2014 in the Kings Point Borini Room at 5:00 PM. Food catered by Banquet Masters. Music by Gari. Appetizer table. Menu consists of salad, vegetables, glazed baked ham, salmon filet with almond sauce, lasagna with meat, coffee, dessert and soda. BYOB Members $17.50 and guests $24.50. For further information please contact Frank Gatto at 633-8942.

Page 19

The Oldies But Goodies Dance Club

Come Dance! When: Sunday, February 16, 2014 7:00 pm to10:00 pm Where: Community Hall S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Sun City Center, FL Music from the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and 80’s will be provided by Latitude. The cost is $5.00 per person, Oldies but Goodies Club Members are free.You may bring your own snacks and the dance is BYOB. Please contact Sandi at the following email address for more information:sandik327@yahoo.com.

Michigan Club Pizza Party

A party favorite! The Michigan club is once again hosting its annual pizza party - beer, pizza, salad and dessert. Entertainment will beprovided by Troy Coman and the Kings Strings. Join in the fun Monday Feb 24th from 5pm to 8pm in the KPN Borini Theater. Members $10 Guests $12 Ticket sales every Tues 9am to noon KPN Lobby. Questions? Call Paul at 634.8506.

Men’s Club Valentine Dinner Dance

Members be sure to save the date, Saturday, February 15, 2014, for the Men’s Club Valentine Dinner / Dance. Music for listening and dancing by Marc Chamberlin, well know entertainer in our area. Banquet Masters will cater the buffet dinner of Prime Rib of Beef, Crab Stuffed Flounder, or Chicken Florentine. Wine, soft drinks, tea, salad, and desert are included. If you want, you can bring your own bottle (BYOB) no problem. The evening starts at 5:30 p.m. in the Community Hall at 1910 South Pebble Beach Blvd and cost is $40 per couple. Reserved Seating. Check your Club News Letter on line at www.sccmensclub.org for ticket details. So, make your reservations early.

Come And Celebrate Fasching (Mardi Gras) Democratic Club News

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The South Shore Democratic Club recently voted for their 2014 Board of Directors. Pictured is incoming President Garrett Bosarge (left) being congratulated by outgoing President, Robert Price. The 2014 Board consists of: President, Garrett Bosarge; Vice President, Susan Vogt; Corresponding Secretary, Ernie Ciarrocchi; Recording Secretary, Patricia Viamonte; Treasurer, Adriane Lunny; Director of Programs, Arnie Frigeri; Director of Legislation, Robert Price; Director of Membership: Lyn Safian; Director of Publicity, Gina Hebert; Directors at Large: Sandy Miller, Tony O’Riley, Pat Diehl and Mary Duncan. The South Shore Democratic Club meets the 2nd Thursday of each month.

The German-American Club of SCC -- Friday, February 28th at the Community Hall on S. Pebble Beach Blvd. This is a fun-costume party – which originally was the last opportunity to celebrate and party before the fasting time of Lent. The local club knows how to have fun at their dance parties which also include a catered chicken-breast dinner buffet for the price of only $18 for members and $23 for non-members. Dance music will be by The Bavarians. Doors open at 4:30, dinner at 5:45 and BYOB. There will be prizes for costumes in categories of Singles, Couples and Groups. To reserve a ticket, or a whole table, send your check to Mike Albanese at 1808 Granville Lane, Sun City Center 33573.



C.R. 672 E. miles east of 301 Balm, Florida 634-7790

20 Page

The News of Kings Point

February, 2014

Computer Club Classes

WINDOWS 8 WORKSHOP Getting Acquainted With The New Operating System Your choice of February 13, 17, 18, 20 and 27. 9:00 AM – 12 NOON In the Computer Club Classroom. Tuition $10 payable upon registration. INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS February 14, continuing on Feb. 21, Feb. 28, March 7 from 10:00 AM – 12 NOON In the Computer Club Classroom. Tuition $20 payable upon registration. Pre-Register in Classroom 12:30-5pm, Mon-Sat.

Democratic Club Meeting on Current Political Issues Submitted by Gina Hebert

South Shore Democratic Club holds its monthly meeting, Thursday, February 13. Location is the Regional Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way, Ruskin. Program begins at 1:30pm with refreshments and a Meet ‘N Greet at 1:00p.m. Voter suppression efforts, pending immigration legislation and other Florida issues will be discussed by Joyce Hamilton Henry, Director of the Tampa Regional ACLU office. Ms. Henry, an excellent speaker, brings years of experience in dealing with these topics.All Democrats and like-minded individuals are urged to attend the meeting. Please visit www.southshoredemocraticclub.org as well as Facebook at www.facebook.com/SSDEMCLUB for more information.

We Love Our Security Patrol

Moonglow Dance Club

January 9, the Organ KeyBoard Club had the honor to play background music for the Security Patrol’s Breakfast. Pictured is Frank Guffin, a member of our club. Come learn music with us, every Thursday at 9am in the Florida Room, $3 per lesson includes music.

Scandinavian Club News

The Scandinavian Club of Sun City Center will have its annual “Show and Tell” presentation on Wednesday, February 26, at 2:30 p.m. in the Florida Room. Members will be showing Scandinavian items including clothing, decorations and memorabilia. Refreshments will include wine and cheese. There will be a fee of $3.00 for members and $4.00 for non-members.

SCC Photo Club Moonglow Ballroom Dance Club proudly presents a very special evening of live music by “The Good Times Ballroom Fantasy Band” at their monthly dance on Thursday, February 20th from 7:30-9:30 p.m. at Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Sun City Center. This 6-piece professional band from the Orlando area has played for Arthur Murray Studio Special Dances, and for numerous Ballroom Dance Events in Central Florida from the Atlantic Coast to the Gulf Coast. We decided to schedule this Special Dance during Snowbird Season to benefit the greatest number of ballroom dancers in the area. The attire at Moonglow Dances is Dressy Casual. Members are FREE, and Visitors/Guests pay only $5.00 per person at the door. Singles Table(s) are always available. Please BYOB and Snacks, and the Club will provide Ice, water, cups and napkins. The Moonglow 2014 Schedule of year-round monthly dances has a great lineup of talented Entertainers booked for your dancing and/ or listening to Live Music. Visitors are always welcome, so why not get your friends & neighbors to join you at a Moonglow Dance? If you think that you can’t Ballroom Dance, remember that we are not “Dancing With the Stars.” We each do what our bodies allow us to do in time to the music. For more Information call 813-633-1297 or813-633-6453, or if you would like to receive Moonglow Information by email, contact gail3357@gmail.com.

Meets Tuesday, February 11 at 6:30 pm in the Caper Room Experience two speakers, a husband and wife team, at the Sun City Center Photo Club’s February 11 meeting. Marla Frankford will present on butterfly photography. Her photos show how to capture those elusive creatures and she will cover her techniques with us. Marla’s backyard has been turned into her personal butterfly garden and it is home to over fourteen types of butterflies. Her presentations have been in high demand and we welcome her to Sun City. Captain Terry Frankford is our second presenter. Capt. Terry will talk about photography nature tours in the Sarasota area and we will view some of his amazing photos. He and Marla conduct nature tours, bird watching tours, photography tours and eco tours in the Sarasota area. This husband and wife team have a website of their photography. You can view their photos at www. wildshotsphotography.com. At 6:30 p.m., we will have a tutorial program, followed by the regular program at 7:00 p.m. This is an open meeting and you do not have to be a member to attend. Dues for the 2014 year remain at $20 per person or $30 per household couple and provide access to club activities, competitions and classes as well as the photo lab with computers, scanners and large format printers. For more information on the club and its activities, please see our website at http://www.photoclubscc.com or visit the learning lab at 960D Cherry Hills Drive.

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2014, February The News of Kings Point

Professor Presents to DAR

Page 21

British Connection Board Meeting

Submitted by Jo Prater, Publicity Chairman

Col. George Mercer Chapter DAR in Sun City Center welcomed Dr. Nicholas Steneck, Assistant Professor of History at Florida Southern College as the Speaker for their January meeting. He spoke of his early career as Assistant Historian, to the Daughters of the American Revolution, in Washington, D.C.

L to R: Jan Bassett, Recording Secretary - Dr. Nicholas Steneck - Mary Culliton, Vice-Regent.

All That Jazz

The Kings Point Jazz Lovers Group is going strong. On Friday,February 21st there will be a Jazz History session at 1:00 followed bylistening to a variety of your favorite jazz from 2:00 to 4:00 in theRipple Room of the KP Main Clubhouse. Everyone is welcome. You don’t have to be a member or pay any dues.Just love jazz and you may attend either or both sessions. For more information contact Bill Ferron at 938-3571 or by email, bferron2@tampabay.rr.com.

Irish Connection St. Patrick’s Dinner

Monday March 10,the Irish Connection St. Patrick’s dinner party, 6-9PM, in the Florida Room of the Atrium Bldg. A served dinner, with live Irish entertainment, which will include music and the notable Irish comedian, Danny Justice, is planned. A troupe of young dancers from The Irish Dance Academy of Sarasota will give a presentation. $25per person for members and $30 per person for guests. All are welcome, however, seating will be limited. 2014 Irish Connection Membership Dues deadline is the 31st of January; for additional information, please contact Joan Weening 813.633.5274 or Bonnie Matthys 813.642.8663.

Sun City Center Patriots Club

On January 11, 2014 the SCC Patriots Club members at their annual meeting for 2014 elected the officers for 2014. Shown left to right are: David Floyd – Secretary, Uta Kuhn – President, Rick Person – Vice President, and Don Renwick – CFO/Treasurer. The club will again sponsor the flying of the U.S. Flags along S.R. 674 for the patriotic holidays. The club welcomes donations for the flag fund. New members are always welcome. For more information about the club, contact Uta Kuhn at 642-9555. Licensed • Bonded • Insured • CFC1425759 PROMPT & PROFESSIONAL

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L to R Back: Pauline Smith, Margaret Lowell, Kathy Howell, Robbin Stratton-Upson, Jackie Amos, Dianne Zwicker, Pam Treadwell. L to R Front: Margaret Davis, Heather Holmes, Jennifer Johnson, Linda Peterson.

The British Connection held its first Board Meeting of the year on Monday, January 13th, 2014, in the Kings Point Le Perk Bistro. All board positions were filled for the new year with the exception of Events Chair, which remains open for anyone interested. The 2014 Board is as follows: President-Linda Peterson, Vice President-Heather Holmes, Treasurer-Margaret Davis, Secretary-Jennifer Johnson, MembershipKathy Howell, Publicity/Printing Chairman-Robbin Stratton-Upson, newly added position of Board Members-at-large for Events, filled by Jackie Amos, Dianne Zwicker, and Margaret Lowell with assistance from Pam Treadwell, and Events Decorating Chairman-Pauline Smith. Special recognition was given to the past officers for their year of service. The first event of the year is the 21st January with Gourmet Pizza by Steve followed by a concert of traditional and contemporary music, presented by the East Bay High School Chorus. Please call Kathy Howell at 813.567.3358 for information. Also, 2014 British Connection Membership Dues deadline is the 31st of January.

Jewish Club Meeting

Monday February 10th We will be entertained by a singer of Broadway tunes with live piano accompaniment. We will be serving choice of sandwiches from Lucky Dill. Pastrami, corned beef, roast beef, turkey along with sides. Pastries will beserved during intermission. $16 for members, $20 for non-members $5 for those who wish to listen and have pastries only. Please have payment and selections in by January 31. Please call Gary Natbony at 813-260-3295 for more information.

Nurses Club Tour

The Sun City Center Registered Nurses Club will be touring the Sun Towers Alzheimer’s unit on Thursday Feb. 6. Members will be meeting at the main dining room at 1:30 PM. Plan on being there at 1:15. The tour will include experiencing the Alzheimer’s experience in their lab. If interested please contact Lynne Murphy at813-634-6707. The Registered Nurses Club of Sun City Center usually meets on the first Thursday of every month from Oct. through May. Usual time for the meeting is 9:45 AM with socializing time from 9:15 -9:45 AM. Each meeting includes either a speaker or a trip. Dues are $5 annually. For further information contact Helen Tavares at 813-938-4694.

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22 Page

The News of Kings Point

February, 2014

Irish Connection General Meeting

The Irish Connection held its first General Meeting of the year on Friday, January 3rd, 2014, in the SCC Atrium Florida Room. In the absence of President Fred Lofland, Secretary Tony O’Reilly gave the welcome and thanks to all for coming, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. All board positions were filled for the new year: President-Paddy Cooney, Vice President-Susan Snell, TreasurerEileen Cole, Secretary-Bonnie Matthys, Publicity-Robbin StrattonUpson, Membership-Joan Weening, and a newly added position, Board Member-at-large, filled by Kathy Lyons. Special recognition was given to the past officers for their year of service followed by an informative and at times humorous presentation of Ireland and its’ history by Paddy Cooney. The social committee provided a generous amount of appetizers, sandwiches, and desserts, which were thoroughly enjoyed, after a prayer of thanks by Paddy Cooney. The February General Meeting will be held February 7th, 6:30PM, in the Florida Room. All are welcome. Anyone who is Irish, those of Irish extraction, or anyone who has an interest in Ireland, are welcome to join the Irish Connection Club. The club was formed with the object to promote all things Irish, including Culture, History, and Music. 2014 Irish Connection Membership Dues deadline is the 31st of January; please contact Joan Weening for information, 813.633.5274.

L to R Back: Kathy Lyons, Paddy Cooney, Eileen Cole, Sue Snell. L to R Front: Robbin Stratton-Upson, Bonnie Matthys.

Americans of Italian Heritage Ice Cream Social

Newly-elected President Paddy Cooney speaking on the “History of Ireland”.

The Americans of Italian Heritage Club will be having an Ice Cream Social on their Election Night on March 10th, 2014 in the Kings Point Borini Theater. Coffee, tea and soda will also be served. The doors will open at 6:00PM. Our very own Salvina will DJ for your listening and dancing pleasure. There is “no charge” for this Election party. This is a “Members Only” and “Reservations Only” party. Please send your names to Gerry Barba (633-5589) 201 Glenellen Pl, SCC, FL 33573. Reservations must be made! Cutoff date is March 5th.

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2014, February The News of Kings Point

Rummage Sale

Page 23

Sisterhood Bingo Fundraiser

All are invited to attend Please join us on February 4th at 1PM at the Beth Israel Synagogue on Del Webb Blvd. in Sun City Center for a fun afternoon of Bingo.This event will take place at Beth Israel Congregation on Del Webb Blvd in Sun City Center.Mark your calendar and plan to be in the Henry Gibson Social Hall at 1PM. The cost will be $5 forcards, snacks and treats. Extra cards will be available for an additional fee.You can pay at the door.We look forward to seeing you.

Redeemer Women to Meet

The women’s organization of Redeemer Lutheran Church (Women of the ELCA) will meet on Wednesday, February 19th beginning with refreshments at 9:30 AM. Robin Watts from Sun City Center EMS will present a program on Fall Prevention. Everyone is invited to attend. For more information, call 813-634-1292.

The picture shows women preparing for the 7th annual Rummage Sale at Redeemer Lutheran Church located at 701 Valley Forge Blvd., Sun City Center. Dates of the sale are Friday, February 7th from 8 AM to 1 PM and Saturday, February 8th from 8 AM to 11:30 AM. Lots of household items have been donated for the sale. Crafts, clothing, and baked goods will also be available. For more information, call 813-634-1292.

Prince Of Peace Weekly Movie Schedule

Every Tuesday beginning at 2:00 p.m., Prince of Peace Catholic Church hosts their weekly Tuesday Movie in the Conesa Center. All are invited to come enjoy a film with friends and family. The movies are free of charge and open to the public. A small collection basket is available at the door for individuals who wish to provide a donation to help support the movies at Prince of Peace. The following movies will be shown during the month of February: “The Other Sister” on February 4th; “On Valentine’s Day” on February 11th; “They Call Me Sirr” on February 18th; and “Treasure Blind” on February 25th. Prince of Peace Catholic Church is located at 702 Valley Forge Boulevard in Sun City Center. For more information, please visit www.popcc.org or call (813) 634-2328.

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of SCC February Schedule

Feb. 6 Rev. Robert Tucker, Ph.D., In the Presence of Greatness. A tribute to George Washington. Feb. 13 John Foster (Kings Point member) Poems of the season. Feb. 20 Ryan Cragun, Ph. D., What you don’t know about religion but should. Feb. 27 Prof. Philip Leto, End of life legal issues. The Fellowship meets at 7:00 PM Thursdays in the Henry Gibson social hall of the Beth Israel Synagogue on Del Webb Blvd., East. All are welcome.

Dessert And Card Party

Do you like to play cards or board games with friends or family members? If the answer is yes, the Council of Catholic Women of Prince of Peace Catholic Church invites you to come to our dessert & card party on Thursday, February 13th from 12:00 noon until 3:30 p.m. The card parties take place each second Thursday of the month in the Conesa Center. For additional information, please call (813) 6332460. Prince of Peace Catholic Church is located at 702 Valley Forge Boulevard in Sun City Center.

Saint Anne Food Pantry Receives a Grant

As a result of a significant donation to Feeding America made by The Community Foundation of Tampa Bay, the Saint Anne Food Pantry is pleased to announce that it has recently been awarded a $1,000 grant to be used toward the purchase of food. The food pantry, located at 106 11th Avenue N.E. in Ruskin, has been in continuous operation for more than 20 years and currently provides food to more than 400 families each week. Parish volunteers also organize and facilitate the distribution of food through the Feeding America Foundation once a month. The growth of this volunteer ministry over the past 2 decades has necessitated the need for the food pantry to expand into a larger facility that will store both perishable and dry goods at appropriate standards as well as to better serve the community in a dignified manner. The Saint Anne Building Committee has made steady progress toward this goal: building plans have been finalized, permitting is being secured, and a request to build has been sent to the Diocese of St. Petersburg. As soon as all initial requirements have been satisfied, work on the expansion will commence. Meanwhile, Saint Anne volunteers will continue to serve the community at its current site.

Irish Connection Supports Saint Anne Food Pantry

Elise Moore to speak at SCC Atrium

The Bible has brought healing and solutions to people for centuries, and it still does today. Elise Moore, international Christian speaker from Nashville, TN, will present a one-hour talk titled “The Healing Power of the Bible” on Sunday, February 23 at 3 p.m. in the Florida Room, the Atrium Building, 945-D North Course Lane. “My own spiritual journey began with a love of the Bible,” says Moore. “I’ve experienced physical healings from Bible study. We’ll talk about theological concepts of baptism, being reborn, and salvation, and explore how this relates to physical cures.” Her talk will include the teachings of Jesus as recorded in the Bible and scriptural insights from theologian Mary Baker Eddy from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. Handouts will be provided that include examples of Bible verses and prayers that have proven to heal consistently, as well as several articles on effective prayer and healing. Moore has been in the Christian healing ministry for more than 25 years. She has been a chaplain for a homeless shelter, organized after-school programs for disadvantaged youth, organized adult literacy programs, and participated in interfaith organizations. She has given talks in a variety of venues in 13 countries and more than 300 cities. She teaches classes in Christian Science healing and is known for giving step-by-step practical tips in her talks, which anyone can practice in their own life. Moore’s talk is sponsored by the First Church of Christ, Scientist, Ruskin-Sun City Center. For additional Information, call 813-938-1065. There is no charge for the talk and no collection will be taken.

Prince of Peace Catholic Church

702 Valley Forge Blvd, SCC • www.popcc.org • 813.634.2328



Sun. 8am, 10am, 12n Sat. Vigil 4pm Daily 8:00 a.m.

Mon.-Fri. 7:30 a.m. Sat. 8:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.

Father John, Carol Bryant, Dick McCaffrey, Paul Wiskotoni, with other volunteers.

The Irish Connection recently presented a generous donation Father John, Carol Bryant, Paul in support of Saint Anne Roman Wiskotoni. Catholic Church’s Saint Anne Food Pantry located in Ruskin. The food pantry helps feed the hungry in the community with 425 bags of food distributed weekly. Pictured is Father John, the Very Rev. John F. McEvoy, V.F., Pastor, accepting a check from Irish Connection Member Carol Bryant with SAFP Volunteer Paul Wiskotoni looking on.

BETH ISRAEL The Jewish Congregation of Sun City Center, 1115 Del Webb Blvd. E. Sun City Center (813)634-2590



24 Page

Kings Point Mixed Chorus Rehearsing

The Kings Point Mixed Chorus has begun rehearsals for their Spring Concert but it is not too late to join. We continue to welcome new and returning members. Any soprano, alto, tenor or bass who enjoys singing choral music is encouraged to come and share in the fun. There are no try-outs. The Chorus is open to all residents, Snowbirds included. Rehearsals are held every Monday afternoon, from 1:45 to 3:30 PM, in the KP main Clubhouse. We would be delighted to see some new faces and hear some new voices. Our Spring Concert will be held on Saturday evening, April 5th, in the Borini Theater at KP. If you love to sing, this is your chance to become a part of our chorus. Seasonal dues are $10.00,which help defray music and concert expenses. We perform using musical notebooks. Charles Wirick directs the group, accompanied by Ruth Hewitt. The Welcome Mat is out. We would love to see some new faces. For more information, please call Rose at 813-633-1753.

The News of Kings Point

February, 2014

Volunteers Needed for South Bay Hospital Outpatient Center

South Bay Hospital is seeking volunteers for their Outpatient Diagnostic and Rehab Center, located at 4051 Upper Creek Dr., Suite 103 in Sun City Center. Volunteers assist with the registration of rehab and diagnostic patients. If you have the desire to help others and good communication skills, this could be the perfect opportunity for you. Volunteers are needed on weekdays and hours are flexible. No experience necessary and training will be provided. If you are interested in volunteering at South Bay Hospital, please call 813-634-0187.

Celebrate Mardi Gras with the KP Line Dancers

Celebrate Mardi Gras with the KP Line Dancers on Wed Feb 19, 7PM in the Borini Theatre. Open to KP and SCC residents and their guests. No tickets sold, so mark your calendar. Please sign in upon arrival. We dance to all genres of music. From the beginner to the experienced line dancer, everyone is invited. Couples are always welcome. Wear Mardi Gras masks, costumes and colors. BYOB and setups. Contact Jan for more info 634-6226.

2014 KPAL Annual Art Show Submitted by Kathy Pruschen

What: Kings Point Art League 2014 Annual Art Show Where: Kings Point North Clubhouse, Banquet Room When: February 25, 26, 2014 Time: 10am - 4pm The Kings Point Art League 2014 Annual Art Show will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday, February 25th and 26th, 2014, in the Kings Point North Clubhouse Banquet Room from 10am - 4pm. This year’s theme is “Palette of Dreams”, and the show promises to be just as fabulous as always. Introducing our exciting new category, “Small World”, also this year we are offering our member’s 5x7 matted artwork FOR SALE. Show is open to the public, so mark the dates on your calendar, and join us for a raffle of 3 beautiful paintings by some of our finest artists for charities, refreshments, and the wonderful art of our members.

Whatever Became Of Mary Lincoln?

On Saturday February 8, the Performing Arts Company proudly presents Carlyn Laurent who will portray Mrs. Abraham Lincoln in “Whatever Became of Mary Lincoln?” at 2:30p.m. and 7:30p.m. at the Rollins Theater, which is located at 970 Cherry Hills Dr in SCC. Tickets are $12 and are available at the SCC Atrium Kiosk, Mon - Fri from 9am - noon, or via credit card by calling 813-4007803. “Whatever Became of Mary Lincoln?” is a one-woman play, which will have its premier performance at the Rollins. Through many of Mary Todd Lincoln’s own words, audiences will relive her troubled childhood, her time as a merry socialite, through her years as a young mother, vilified presidential wife, grieving mother, and shattered widow. Ms. Laurent’s has performed on radio, television, telethons, in commercials, and entertained at conventions. She has been writing professionally for 40 years: weekly newspaper and monthly magazine columns, feature articles, advertising copy, theatrical publicity, as well as the historical play “Whatever Became of Mary Lincoln?” For further information and details on all shows call the ticket line or visit the PAC website at www.PerformingArtsCompany-SCC.org.

Metaphysical Society Annual EXPO

A Special Treat for Your Spiritual, Mental, and Physical Interests February 8th • 10 am – 5 pm

Spiritual Speakers (Hourly), Authors, Artists, Intuitives, Astrologers, Numerologists, Aura Readers, Metaphysicians, Aromatherapy, Angel Readers, Mediums, Psychics, Reflexology, and Spiritual Healers Vendors: Crystals, Reading Cards, Drums, Pyramids, Crystal and Brass Bowls, Pendulums, Clothing, Pendants, Gifts, Crafts, and much more!

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International Forum Meeting

The International Forum of Sun City Center will present a program on International Healthcare on Friday, February 7, 2014. Dr. Kathleen Gurney, a pioneering expert in the psychology of money and investing, will speak about the French healthcare system. Dr. Walter Prouty, a retired biochemist, will describe the global pharmaceutical decision making process. Dr. Sandy Reynolds, a gerontologist teaching at USF, will speak on life expectancy in Denmark, Japan and the Netherlands compared to that in the United States. The program will be held in the Florida Room of Sun City Center’s main campus on North Pebble Beach Blvd. from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Residents of Sun City Center and Kings Point and friends are welcome.

Social Dance Classes

Sponsored by the Academy Dance Club.Classes are held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium. Open to all Sun City Center CA and Kings Point residents. Couples and singles welcome. $5 per class. For information call Bernice DuBro at 634-3205. Paid Advertisement

Paid Advertisement

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2014, February The News of Kings Point

Jameson Mardi Gras Parade

Tuesday, March 4, 2014. Leaving Jameson at 1PM. The decorated golf carts will parade through these associations: Lyndhurst, Maplewood, Oakley Greens, Portsmith, Grantham, Corinth, Acadia, South Club and Kensington. Join your neighbors for some fun while viewing the parade and catching beads and candy. For information, call 9384647 or 634-1835.

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Empire State Club St. Patrick’s Day party

March 4: The New York Empire State Club will hold a St. Patrick’s Day dinner/dance at 5:00 P.M. in the Kings Point Borini Room. Music by Gari. Catered by Suncoast Catering. Menu consists of Corned Beef and Cabbage, Chicken Piccata, Carrots, Potatoes, Bread Pudding with Bourbon Sauce, Bread and Butter, Coffee, Iced Tea and Soda. BYOB Price will be $16.00 for members and $18.50 for guests. Please contact Frank Gatto at 633-8942 for further information.

Valentine’s On Route 66, a New Musical, at Eagle Audubon Society Announcement the Rollins Eagle Audubon Society Meeting and Program The Performing Arts Company proudly presents “Valentine’s on Route 66”, a musical comedy, at the Rollins Theater on Feb 26, 27, 28, March 1, 6, 7 and 8 at 7:30pm with a matinee on March 8 at 2:30. Tickets are $12 and are available at the SCC Atrium Kiosk, Mon - Fri from 9am ~ noon, or via credit card by calling 813-400-7803. The show was created and stars the team of Teri Council and Ellen Kleinschmidt. Also featured are PAC favorites Dan Tackitt, Bev Carnes, Babs Cominoli, Jeanne Naish, Michael Boyer and Kathy Straub. Filled with colorful characters, shady bad guys, laughter, tears, triumph, fears and great songs, “Valentine’s on Route 66” will take you on a magical, musical journey full of unexpected detours and bumps in the road. It’s all about a change of heart! For further information and details on “Valentine’s on Route 66” call the ticket line or visit the PAC website at www.PerformingArtsCompanySCC.org.

The News of Freedom Plaza MJ Rice, Correspondent GRADUATE SCHOOL – 2014 “Be a student as long as you have something to learn, and this will mean all of your life.” - Henry L. Doherty The Freedom Plaza Graduate School for Seniors will begin February 10, 2014. This year the annual adult education program will offer a wide variety of 6-week classes. The eleven courses offered cover a variety of subjects and are sure to pique your interest. All Classes are just one hour long and are taught by local experts in the subject. Cost on the curriculum is $10.00 per course. You may choose one or more classes, it fits your schedule and the classes do not meet at conflicting times. Continuing education is a popular event in our community. You will want to register promptly. Registration for Graduate School will take place in the Atrium at Freedom Plaza, 1010 American Eagle Blvd. Sun City Center. Dates are Monday, February 3 and Tuesday, February 4 from 9:00 AM - Noon. (both days) Classes will begin Monday, February 10. For more information you may call (813) 642 – 1215. (Freedom Plaza Resident Programs) Brief Course Description Choice of courses include, Constitutional Law, a look at

Supreme Court decisions taught by Sam Fuller, retired Lawyer, part time teacher and retired Fellow, American College of Trust and Estate Counsel. You may like to learn more about the state of health care in the U.S. taught by Frank Slesnick who holds a PHD in economics and spent 36 years teaching at the University level. Want to learn more about China? Archie McKee of Apollo Beach lived in and studied in China for more than 35 years. How about some basic instruction in Art 101 – Learn to Draw a Straight Line? Teacher and artist Ray Adams has been active in the Freedom Plaza art league for some time, his work has been shown and sold in a gallery in Sarasota. A course on Judaism and Christianity will explore the relationship of the “siblings”, growing up in the same house but going their separate ways. The teacher will be Rabbi Carla Freedman, serving the Beth Israel Congregation in SCC. Perhaps you are interested in the origin of all those familiar sayings so often repeated. If so, Origins of Sayings is for you. Teacher, Bill Smith, a theologian promises an enjoyable time as the class explores sayings we all use and love. If you love games and everyone

Thursday February 20, 2014 at 1:20 P.M. Kings Point North Clubhouse, Banquet Room (Sun City Center) Program: “Birding on Tampa Bay” Speaker: Eric Plage, Bay Watch Environmental Scientist and Birder Audubon welcomes non-members.Free program follows social time, refreshments and meeting. Contact: Sally Sutton 633-3916.

Singles Dance Classes

This is a special dance session for singles or people without a partner. We will be teaching a few Steps in the tango. Open to all SCC and Kings Point residents: DATES: Mondays (February 3,10,17,24) TIME: 7:30 to 8:45 PM COST: $20 per person for all four weeks. Classes taught by Bernice Dubro and Tom Giannina. Call to register634-3205. Emaildancewithbernice@gmail.com.

around you is playing Bridge, this last just four weeks. class is for you, Beginners’ Bridge Baffled by the Muslim religion? will be taught by Marian and Presented by Colonel Luther Hugh Howarth, Master Bridge R.(Luke) Lloyd, USA (Ret.) “The players. Realities of Islam” is an insider’s Refresh your love of music look at a perplexing religion. with A Crash Course in Music Colonel Lloyd has an impressive History. Chuck Wyrick, a well- military career that covered known Director of Music with much of the Middle East and has several SCC organizations from written/published two books on Churches to community theatres the subject. will look “Through the Eyes of Last, but by no means least, Great Composers” from Bach to a lesson in history, “The French Berstein. Monarchy (1315 – 1815): will Interested in your family be led by Dr. Reynold Koppel, roots? Sign up for “Beginning Emeritus Professor of European Genealogy.” Explore the many History. Dr. Koppel is well versed avenues of research with Donald in European history. He coWinston Churchill, who has authored “Classroom Guide to taught basic and intermediate Teaching about the Holocaust” genealogy at the SCC in 1987 and has written/published Community Church College. books and many articles dealing Note each session for this class is with aspects of European history. one and a half hours long and will Class Schedule Beginning February 10, 2014. CONSTITIONAL LAW MONDAY 9:00 AM HEALTHCARE IN THE U.S. MONDAY 10:30 AM CHINA TUESDAY 9:00 AM ART 101 PLUS TUESDAY 9:00 AM JEWISH RELIGION TUESDAY 10:30 AM ORIGIN OF SAYINGS WEDNESDAY 9:00 AM BEGINNER’S BRIDGE WEDNESDAY 10:30 AM CRASH COURSE IN MUSIC HISTORY WEDNESDAY 10:30 AM BEGINNING GENEAOLOGY THURSDAY 9:00 AM ISLAM FRIDAY 9:00AM MONARCHY IN FRANCE (1315-1815) FRIDAY 9:00 AM Beginning February 10, 2014, all classes are one (1) hour for six (6) weeks. Please note, there is one exception, Beginner’s Genealogy will be one and a half (1 ½) hour sessions for four (4) weeks only.

26 Page

The News of Kings Point

February, 2014

Military News NAWCTSD Executive Officer Visits Silver Osprey Squadron #64

MOWW Honors Nancy Williams and Sharon Whiddon

L to R: Nancy Williams; LTC Harry Lascola; Sharon Whiddon; and LTC Charles Conover, Commander, MOWW. Capt. Naylor,with Barry Dyer (L) and Tom Porter (R).

You may not know it, but the Navy’s most advanced training programs originate in Orlando. That was the message delivered by Capt. Wes Naylor, Executive Officer of the Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division (NAWCTSD) when he visited Silver Osprey Squadron #64 in Sun City, Fla. on Friday, January 10, 2014. Naylor, who is slated to become the Training Systems Division Commanding Officer in June, explained why he accepted the invitation to speak to the Silver Capt. Naylor with Col. Bill Shanks. Osprey Squadron. “It is important for those of us who are serving today to remain connected to our heritage,” he said. Naylor pointed out that when we think about Navy’s economic impact in Florida, usually the first locations that come to mind are Pensacola and Jacksonville. He says “Don’t forget Navy Orlando which adds about $5 billion dollars per year along the I-4 corridor. NAWCTSD Orlando’s mission is be the principal Navy center for research, development, test and evaluation, acquisition and product support of training systems, to provide Interservice coordination and training systems support for the Army and Air Force. In describing NAWCTSD’s role, Naylor said, “We are more than just an aviation command. “In addition to the aircraft simulators that we are known for, our products and services support Sailors in all areas of the Navy. For example, our Littoral(coastal)Combat Ship (LCS) training systems that we support, allow Sailors to use synthetic training to qualify and certify before even setting foot onboard their ship. He explained the benefits of training systems, including the ability to train Sailors in a safer, more cost-effective environment. This makes the actual on-the-job training much more efficient. These training efforts are primarily in Aviation, Surface, Undersea, and Cross Warfare programs. Naylor highlighted one of the NAWCTSD’s premier accomplishments, the military’s largest simulator located at Naval Training Center Great Lakes. The USS Trayer is a 210-foot-long three-quarter-size replica of a guided missile destroyer. The Trayer sits in its own “ocean” of 90,000 gallons of water, inside a 157,000-square-foot building. It has its own special effects lighting, heat generators, motion generators, surround-sound audio, and even the smells of ocean water and diesel fuel. During the test, recruits are subjected to a host of at sea emergencies, modeled after lessons learned during real emergencies such as the USS Starke and the USS Cole. Naylor closed with a look at some of the Navy’s newest aircraft, including the P-8 Poseidon, which is replacing the P-3 maritime patrol aircraft that he piloted during his career. He also discussed the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter and the Navy’s Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Following his remarks, Naylor took questions from the audience, and enjoyed discussing Naval Aviation with the highly supportive audience. The Silver Ospreys meet on the second Friday of the month at the Freedom Plaza Golf meeting room off Upper Creek Drive. The next meeting will be held February 14th. Interested parties may receive more information and make reservations by contacting Tom Harding at 813.634.1236.

Story and photo by Frank Kepley, NOKP Military Correspondent

At their December 19, 2013 meeting/luncheon held at the Sun City Center Freedom Plaza Club, the Military Oder of the World Wars (MOWW) presented Certificates of Appreciation to Nancy Williams (left in photo) and Sharon Whiddon (2nd from left), who spent many hours providing services to incarcerated, forgotten women confined to Hillsborough County jails. Among other things they made it possible for the women to participate in sports, outside the jail grounds. Also, to prepare them for their release back into society, they provided them with holiday gifts, scarfs and various other personal items. The community is grateful for their continuing efforts to significantly improve the women’s environment while incarcerated and make it possible for them to successfully return to the community. Over 400 volunteers assisted in this project.

2014, February The News of Kings Point

Page 27

Military News Riverview High School JNROTC instructor SCC American Legion Post #246 Hosts East Bay High School JROTC speaks at MOWW luncheon.

L to R: Steve Nesthus, Charles Conover, Lt col, USA (Ret), MOWW Commander. Story and photo by Frank Kepley, NOKP Military Correspondent

At their November 22nd membership meeting, American Legion Post #246 hosted the East Bay High School Jr. ROTC. Instructor LTC Heriberto Garcia and Cadets Selena Coffman and Ryan Rannie presented a program outlining the benefits for students and themselves of being members in the ROTC. Each spoke extensively of the merits of both the leadership and scholastic programs, also the discipline, physical fitness, teamwork and communication skills. All combine to help each student in their development on the path to becoming future officers or better citizens.

At their January 16, 2014 meeting/luncheon held at the Sun City Center Freedom Plaza Club, the Military Oder of the World Wars (MOWW) heard retired Navy Lt Commander Steve Nesthus give a presentation on the Spoto High School, Riverview, FL JNROTC program. After Steve’s commissioning, he was stationed at the Office of Naval Intelligence in Suitland, MD. During that tour NSA (National Security Agency) and the CIA requested that the Navy detail him for six months to those organizations to assist them by heading an effort to conduct information gathering in the Persian Gulf after the USS Stark was attacked. Steve spent several years working for the NSA experiencing huge successes for satellite support to military SteveNestlhus, Lcdr, USN (Ret) operations (worldwide). Upon retiring In June 2001, he opened the Flanagan JNROTC Unit in Pembroke Pines FL. He spent six years there and his JNROTC students went to 3 state championships and 4 national championships and were crowned the National Champions the fourth year. Steve then moved to Gulf High School in New Port Richie, FL to invigorate a JNROTC program that was about to be discontinued due to poor performance. He did just that and four years later was hired at Spoto High School in Riverview, FL. Steve presented the group with information relative to the training of the JNROTC student, i.e., the techniques, type of training and ultimate goals of the program, emphasizing academics, military skills, discipline and respect of country.

Photo by Tom Culliton L to R: LTC Heriberto Garcia, Cadets, Selena Coffman and Ryan Rannie.


The season is flying by! Hope you’ve been able to attend some of the shows. With great acts, affordable ticket prices, free parking and no gas to get to the shows, you just can’t go wrong. Reminder, the Atrium-Kiosk hours are Mon-Wed-Fri, 10:00-noon. All shows are at the Community Hall unless indicated otherwise and are open to the public. Hope to see you! •SUNDAY SHOWS (2:30-4:30 p.m.) Jay White as Neil Diamond-February 9 ($17); and Finis-March 30 ($15). Ticket price includes a wine-and-cheese reception, sponsored by Brandon Honda. •FRIDAY DANCE/SHOWS (7:00-10:00 p.m.) Phil Dirt & the Dozers-February 14 ($20); and Fabulons-March 21 ($19). And then.... Other Performances to look forward to: •February 27 (Thursday) 7:00-8:30 p.m.A Pops Concert - South Shore Concert Band. Tickets on sale now - $5/person, open seating. •March 2 (Sunday) 2:30-4:30 p.m. The Platters, Coasters, Drifters and Temptations Salute. Tickets on sale now - $20/person. Reserved theater seating. •March 23 (Sunday) 2:00-3:30 p.m. Seven Most Unwise Moments in Opera -St. Petersburg Opera Co. - Tickets on sale now - $12/ person. Reserved seating at Rollins Theater. •March 28 (Friday) 7:00-9:00 p.m. Patrick & Matilda - A fabulous ventriloquist act performed in a nightclub setting; BYOB. Reserved tables of 8. Tickets go on sale February 24 - $12/person. •April 6 (Sunday) 2:30-4:30 p.m. Big Band Jamboree - Sarasota Jazz Project. Tickets go on sale March 3 - $12/person. Reserved theater seating. •April 27 (Sunday) 2:30-4:30 p.m. Billy Joel Tribute - Tickets go on sale March 24 - $15/person. Reserved theater seating.

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28 Page

The News of Kings Point

February, 2014

Join TGH at the Community Church College in Sun City Center 1501 La Jolla Avenue • Sun City Center, FL 33573 ReGiSTRATioN NoT ReQuiRed

Check-in & Refreshments: 10:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Lecture: 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. • Questions & Answers: 11:30 a.m. – Noon

February 19, 2014 Robotic Surgery for Prostate Cancer

March 12, 2014

Trushar Patel, MD, Assistant Professor, Minimally Invasive and Robotic Urology, Department of Urology, USF Health Morsani College of Medicine

Robby Beauchamp, RRT, RPSGT, Sleep Disorders Program Coordinator,

The prostate can be removed laparoscopically by performing the operation through small puncture holes in the abdomen and removing the prostate through a small incision around the belly button. Since 2000, however, a new form of laparoscopic prostate cancer surgery, performed with the assistance of a robot, has rapidly gained popularity.

There are many reasons why older people may not get enough sleep at night. Feeling sick or being in pain can make it hard to sleep. Napping during the day can disrupt sleep at night. Some medicines can keep you awake or you may have insomnia, sleep apnea, or a movement disorder. If you don’t get a good night’s sleep, the next day you may be irritable, experience memory problems, feel depressed, have more falls or accidents, and feel sleepy during the day. Join us to learn what you can do to get a good night’s sleep.

February 26, 2014

Atrial Fibrillation: Diagnosis and Treatment Options Arthur J. Labovitz, MD, FACC, FASE, FACP, FCCP, FAHA,

Chairman, Department of Cardiovascular Sciences, Director of Cardiac Imaging, USF Cardiology, Professor of Medicine, USF Health Morsani College of Medicine and Michael G. Fradley, MD, Assistant Professor, Department of Cardiovascular Sciences, USF Health Morsani College of Medicine

If you are diagnosed with atrial fibrillation, the best treatment option for you depends on many factors. The goals of treating atrial fibrillation are to reset the heart rhythm or control the rate and prevent blood clots. The treatment strategy you and your doctor choose depends on many factors, including whether you have other problems with your heart and if you're able to take medications that can control your heart rhythm. In some cases, you may need a more invasive treatment, such as surgery or medical procedures using catheters.

March 5, 2014

Exercising With Arthritis Larry Collins, PA-C, DFAAPA, ATC, Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine, USF Health Morsani College of Medicine

Exercise is crucial for people with arthritis. It increases strength and flexibility, reduces joint pain, and helps combat fatigue. Of course, when stiff and painful joints are already bogging you down, the thought of walking around the block or swimming a few laps might seem overwhelming. Join us to learn about how exercise can fit into your current treatment plan and learn what types of exercises are best for you depending on your type of arthritis and which joints are involved.

Getting A Good Night’s Sleep Tampa General Hospital

March 19, 2014

Cancer Screenings: Which Cancers Can Be Found Early? Jeffrey Lester, MD, Internal Medicine Physician, Tampa General Medical Group

Screening can help doctors find and treat some types of cancer early, or before they cause symptoms. Generally, cancer treatment is more effective when the disease is found early. However, not all types of cancer have screening tests and some tests are only for people with specific genetic risks. Join us to learn more about what cancers you can screen for and prevent at this informative presentation.

March 26, 2014

Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement Arthur J. Labovitz, MD, FACC, FASE, FACP, FCCP, FAHA,

Chairman, Department of Cardiovascular Sciences, Director of Cardiac Imaging USF Cardiology, Professor of Medicine, USF Health Morsani College of Medicine and Fadi A. Matar, MD, FACC, FSCAI, Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, USF Health Morsani College of Medicine, Director, Cardiac Cath Laboratory, Tampa General Hospital

A transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) is a minimally invasive approach to valve replacement. This treatment option is for patients with severe aortic stenosis, who are not candidates for open heart surgery. The TAVR procedure allows the placement of a balloon-expandable heart valve into the body via a catheter, usually through the leg. Research shows that inoperable patients who undergo TAVR have improved heart function, survival rates and quality of life, compared to patients who do not receive a new valve and continue with standard medical therapy. Join us to learn more about TAVR.

✄ The Community Church College collects a $6 fee per person, per class, payable in cash at the door. All fees benefit the Community Church College. For additional information, please call 800-822-3627.

2014, February The News of Kings Point

Page 29

Contract Bridge Super Crossword



In general, more contracts are won or lost on the opening lead than at any other stage of the play. But while it is true that some players are more successful than others in choosing leads, there are times when no one would find the winning lead. Take this case where South opened with five diamonds. West felt strongly tempted to double, but followed the more conservative course by passing. He had no clear-cut opening

Solutions on Page 35

lead, and, after considerable thought, chose a club. This was not a resounding success, because declarer won the club, played the ace and another heart -- which he ruffed in dummy -- and discarded his last heart on the ace of spades. South then led a diamond and lost two trump tricks to make exactly five diamonds. Irritated by the outcome, West later polled 10 experts to see what they would have led against five diamonds. As usual, there was a lack of unanimity among the top players. Seven of them agreed with the opening lead, two favored a low heart, and one chose a low spade. All of them thus missed the only lead that could set the contract: the ace of diamonds, followed by the queen! Against this opening salvo South is absolutely helpless and, in fact, winds up down two! It just goes to show that even the expert has an Achilles’ heel. When it comes to opening leads, he, in common with lesser mortals, will frequently fail to find the most effective one. Lessaccomplished players will no doubt take some satisfaction from this. Š 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

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The News of Kings Point

February, 2014

Strange But True

By Samantha Weaver • It was Lebanese poet Kahlil Gibran who made the following sage observation: “I have learnt silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet strange, I am ungrateful to these teachers.” •In Japan, black cats are considered to be good luck. • If you’re ever longing for the “good old days,” you might want to keep this tidbit in mind: In 19th-century America, one of the most popular cure-all remedies was “snail water,” which was made by pounding earthworms and snails together, adding the paste to beer and boiling the whole thing. Those in need of a tonic drank it. •Sea turtles can breathe through their backsides. •If you could leap over the St. Louis Arch unassisted, you would have jumping power equivalent to that of a flea. • If you’re planning a trip to Oregon, you might want to stop off in Gold Hill to see the Oregon Vortex, where strange phenomena are said to occur. In the mid-20th century, a scientist and mining engineer named John Litser conducted experiments on the property and came to the conclusion that the site contains a spherical field of force and 15 crisscrossing magnetic fields. Before his death in 1959, he burned his notes, reportedly saying, “The world is not ready for this.” Those who tour the attraction today might see balls roll uphill or brooms stand on end. Some people appear to be much shorter and some much taller. There are even those who say visiting the Vortex eases back pain. • Before he became famous, singer Rod Stewart briefly had a job as a grave digger. •••••••••••••••••• Thought for the Day: “Television makes so much at its worst that it can’t afford to do its best.” -Fred W. Friendly © 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.


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2014, February The News of Kings Point

Salome’s Stars

ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Taking some time out of your usually busy social life could be just what you need to help you focus on putting those finishing touches on your plans for a possible career change. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) A misunderstanding about a colleague’s suggestions could create a delay in moving on with your proposal. But by week’s end, all the confusing points should finally be cleared up. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) You might feel overwhelmed by all the tasks you suddenly have to take care of. But just say the magic word -- help! -- and you’ll soon find others rushing to offer muchneeded assistance. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Finishing a current project ahead of schedule leaves you free to deal with other upcoming situations, including a possible workplace change, as well as a demanding personal matter. LEO (July 23 to August 22) Turn that fine-tuned feline sensitivity radar up to high to help uncover any facts that could influence a decision you might be preparing to make. Devote the weekend to family activities. VIRGO (August 23 to Sept. 22) A state of confusion is soon cleared up with explanations from the responsible parties. Don’t waste time chastising anyone. Instead, move forward with your plans. LIBRA (September 23 to Oct. 22) You might feel obligated to help work out a dispute between family members. But this is one of those times when you should step aside and let them work out their problems on their own. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov.21) Your ability to resolve an on-thejob problem without leaving too many ruffled feathers earns you kudos from co-workers. You also impress major decision-makers at your workplace. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) Newly made and long-held friendships merge well, with possibly one exception. Take time to listen to the dissenter’s explanations. You could learn something important. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan.19) Be prepared to be flexible about your current travel plans. Although you don’t have to take them, at least consider suggestions from the experts in the travel business. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to February 18) A problem with a recent financial transaction could lead to more problems later on unless you resolve it immediately. Get all the proof you need to support your position. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Daydreaming makes it difficult to stay focused on what you need to do. But reality sets in by midweek, and you manage to get everything done in time for a relaxing weekend. BORN THIS WEEK: Your ability to reach out to those in need of spiritual comfort makes you a much-revered, much-loved person in your community. © 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

Answers to Puzzles from Page 33

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The News of Kings Point

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February, 2014

Sun City Center’s Only Golf Cart Superstore


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32 Page

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