February 2015 News of Kings Point

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News of www.newsofkingspoint.com

February 2015

The Power of Philanthropy

An Exciting New Way For Our Community To Help Those In Need By John Bowker A new charitable foundation is being developed for Sun City Center by a group of local residents headed by Walter Cawein. Three past presidents of the SCC Community Association are serving as officers of this new corporation’s board of directors. Cawein is president, Ed Barnes is vice president and Paul Wheat is serving as corporate secretary. The other board members are familiar names in town—Connie Lesko, Martha McTeague, Tom Ritenour, Sam Sudman and Dallas Tuthill. That group has a total of 90 years of residency in Sun City Center, and they represent 87 years of participation on various 501(c)3 organizations. Their initial goal is to establish the Foundation as a nonprofit organization that will either donate funds to other 501(c)(3) organizations, or will be a source of funding for its own charitable purposes. Filings with the state and IRS have already been submitted.

Corporate Secretary Paul Wheat at left discusses plans for the new Charitable Foundation with President Walter Cawein and Vice President Ed Barnes.

In an opening statement at a recent briefing, President Cawein established the mission of the new group as improving the quality of life for our senior citizen

residents and to help shape the future of our community by creating public awareness of the foundation. “We must develop resources and support initiatives

that address local needs,” he said. Cawein added, “We are designed to be a permanent resource and to be active partners in building a better community—now and in the future.” The effort will be to mobilize individuals, clubs and businesses to become active partners in the building of a better community, and to be a permanent resource for the needs of our community’s future. Cawein added that he foresees the establishment of a Legacy Fund that would offer all Sun City Center residents an opportunity to bequeath or donate money to show their appreciation for the years of happiness as a resident here. There will be a “Ewing Smith Beautification Fund” to carry on the work of the recently deceased Mr. Smith who did so much to improve the appearance of our town with careful plantings, new Power Continued on Page 2

A New Reading Program Benefits Children Taking Part in The Hope Fund’s After-School Activities


Wonderful things are happening at Bethune Park in Wimauma where The Hope Fund, a nonprofit organization, sponsors after-school programs for atrisk children. The children learn, grow, and have fun in a safe, nurturing environment. Most of the children speak fluent English and are bi-lingual. Many of the children have parents who speak no English at all. It has been found that children from homes where English is their second language have problems with reading comprehension. They may read words very well, but they do not understand what they are reading. This is due in a large part to a gap in their foundational (basic) vocabulary. These are the words usually learned in the home at a young age, but these children have not learned them in English. With this concern in mind, Janet Caruthers, Ed.S., a former classroom teacher for more than 25 years and an Academic Intervention Specialist in Hillsborough County schools, has come forward with a program

L to R: Janet Caruthers, the Tutor Supervisor of the Reading Program she developed to build basic vocabulary skills, June Wallace, the Founder of the SCC Community Campaign Against Human Trafficking, and Nancy Foster, Tutor Coordinator for The Hope Fund.

she created that focuses on building that basic, foundational vocabulary. She has written 5 books, a series of workbooks that the children enjoy using, along with tutoring guides for each workbook. The workbooks and books show pictures of items

common in everyday life—such as a hand, a dog, a tree, a person, a bicycle, a kitchen, etc. Each picture has the major parts of the object labeled. The labels are actually those foundational words that students need to know to understand what they

Editor’s Corner........................ 2 Bulletin.......................... 22 & 23 WITW........................................ 5 Sports............................ 25 & 30 33573............................... 6 - 10 Golf................................ 26 - 28 Poem .................................... 11 Bridge .................................. 31 Club News..................... 12 - 19 Care ..................................... 31 Faith.............................. 20 & 21 Military ......................... 32 & 33

read, as well as to talk about and write about their daily activities. As students learn these words, their reading comprehension should improve. Ms. Caruthers said, “Building vocabulary is very important because the size of a person’s vocabulary is a strong predictor of academic success, and it is a strong element in a child’s self esteem.” The vocabulary building workbooks, tutoring guides and Parts of Everyday Things books for kindergarten and first grade students were an anonymous donation from a member of the Prevention/Education Team of SCC Community Campaign Against Human Trafficking. The Education team is working to establish a relationship with area schools, so that they might present curricula and prevention programs that will help raise students’ self-esteem and diminish the possibility of students becoming targets of exploitation and trafficking. Many of their members are in area schools on a weekly basis to work in Reading Continued on Page 2


Arts & Entertainment..... 34 - 35 Crossword & Sudoku........... 37 Contract Bridge................... 37 Solutions to Puzzles.............. 37

2 Page

The News of Kings Point

February, 2015

Reading Continued from Page 1

The Editor’s Corner

What is it you love?

By E. Adam Porter Editor in Chief, News of Kings Point Confession time. I’m not a huge fan of Valentine’s Day. Sure, I embrace any opportunity to share my love with and for my sweetheart. And, as far as that goes, Valentine’s Day makes it easy. But, let’s be honest, Valentine’s Day is not really about love…maybe it never was. Love shouldn’t be so easy and prepackaged. It’s not a TV dinner, after all. Not a party favor or a plastic, prefabricated Dollar Store item. It’s love. A box of chocolates and a bouquet of flowers may say “I love you.” But they also say, “Hey, I was at the grocery, and they had this stuff too.” Stick a ribbon on a candy bar any other day of the year and it comes to the same thing, really. Love should be more than that … no, it is more than that. In that trip to the grocery store, it’s more than grabbing flowers and a card. It’s the memory that reminds us to pick the right candy and also the right meat at the deli and their favorite brand of toilet paper. It’s the messy every day stuff that fills our hearts and lifts our spirits. It’s so much more than romance. I love my wife. What a strange love is marriage. You connect with someone willing to celebrate and tolerate your particular brand of crazy and set out every day to do the impossible. To love better than you did yesterday, to delve the depths of a person who is always changing and attempt to find new ways to connect while you celebrate the ways that still do and wonder what happened to those that don’t work any more. Love in marriage is so complex we try to boil it down to greeting card missives and sitcom quips. And it’s so simple we often mistake the small things as trivial and inconsequential. Rookie mistakes all happily married folks can attest to surviving.

I love my kids. I don’t think it’s really possible to understand how much you can love your kids until you do. One day you have this vague idea of parenthood, then, suddenly, you have this constant, allconsuming need to know them, see them, be with them. The moment those tiny fingers close on your thumb you are entirely undone, forever changed. Over the years they test that love. Tantrums, rebellion and the myriad mistakes all people make when trying to figure out this thing called life. And you love them. From colanders on their heads and banging on Tupperware in the kitchen to puberty and that endless parade of firsts before they fly the nest. I love the beach. Not just the idea of it, but the visceral reality of it. The soft crunching of the sand, the sinus-clearing salt spray, the watercolor seas and the kaleidoscope sunsets. I love being out on the sea. The whip of the lines and the pop of the sails as they fill with wind. The unmatched freedom of standing on the bow or in the crow’s nest. I love the smell of saddle leather. The first time I was propped up on a horse I wasn’t sure how I felt about it, but I grew to love it. The creak of the saddle and finding the gait of the horse, then the instant gear-shifting as all that muscle and sinew bursts into a gallop. I love how the smell of fresh cut grass makes me want to tackle something. In my younger years, that smell meant chores. Acreage to cut and rake for the horses. Then I discovered football, and that smell became about summer camps and fall practices. Game night with all its blood, sweat and cheers. I love how meeting a stranger is as easy as asking them to tell you about something they love. Then they do, and you realize you just found a friend. I’ve told you what I love. So…what about you?

Scan the code with your Smart Phone to find us online at www.NewsOfKingsPoint.com.

classrooms and with individual at-risk students, as well as working with the Hope Fund in their afterschool program. The rest of the workbooks, tutoring guides and books for students in grades 2–5 were purchased by The Hope Fund. For many FREE tips and lists on helping children become better readers, and information about Janet’s books and workbooks for improving vocabulary for all ages, visit www.MakeReadingFirst. com. For more information about the Community Campaign Against Human Trafficking call Campaign President Sally Dittman 813-633-4647. There is also a National Human Trafficking Hotline: 888-373-3888. For more information about The Hope Fund, to volunteer to work with the children, or to make a tax deductible donation, call Carla Miles at 813-634-4268 or visit www.the-hope-fund.org.

Power Continued from Page 1

trees, and even a small park for relaxation and a quiet place to ‘get away from it all.’ There will be “Donor Advised” funds to allow individuals, families and businesses to centralize their charitable giving to a costeffective and expertly managed fund that will continue forever. The development of funds to provide money for upgrading donated computers for needy school children, a Christmas Toys Fund, and one to support the needs of at-risk pets and veterinarian services are in mind. Learn more about this Foundation by calling 813-3400533 at at their website www. charitablefoundationscc.org.

News of Kings Point online


News of Submissions The News of Kings Point is your community newspaper, exclusively serving, first, Kings Point, and then the greater Sun City Center community. We are dedicated to providing you with a local paper that has a “home town” feeling. We aim to represent every resident, business and organization with respect, dignity and equanimity. Submissions we currently accept include: Information about community events or businesses, club and group announcements, stories and poems, your favorite joke, song, photo, artwork or travel story. In fact, if you send us a photo of you on your travels holding the News of Kings Point and we guarantee publication. Do not format submissions. Simple paragraphs without ALL CAPS, etc. are preferred and will receive first consideration for publication. The publisher reserves the right to refuse or edit all submissions. Neither the publisher nor the editor of the News of Kings Point assume any responsibility for the return of advertising or submitted materials. Mailed photos will only be returned if a SASE is included with the submission. All content is subject to space limitations and other considerations. Mailed submissions should be sent to: The News of Kings Point, Inc. PO Box 6212 Sun City Center, FL 33573-6212 Electronic submissions are preferred and can be submitted through the SUBMISSIONS link at www.NewsOfKingsPoint.com. Letters or Comments The News of Kings Point will not publish political or religious letters to the editor, no matter how impassioned or well intentioned. We will publish thank-yous for good service. However, we do offer our readers an opportunity to comment on our feature articles. To do so, please visit www.NewsOfKingsPoint. com and find the articles published there. As a rule, we publish all front page, Editor’s Corner and Dixon’s Destinations articles. In keeping with our editorial guidelines, comments will be moderated to insure civility and polite language. Opposing opinions and honest commentary are encouraged and appreciated in this forum. Abusive or prejudicial language or conduct will not be permitted. Declarations The News of Kings Point is not affiliated with Kings Point, Kings Point Mgmt LLC, Minto Properties or the Federations of Kings Point Associations, Inc. No part of this news publication may be reproduced without the express written consent of The News of Kings Point, Inc. All editorial copy is strictly the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of this publication, its officers or employees. Adam Porter Editor in Chief

Staff and Contributors


John Wolf Advertising Sales



Nancy Jean Design and Layout


Debbie Caneen 33573 Events


2015, February The News of Kings Point

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Christmas Day Emergency Squad Crews

B & B Ladies Golf Donates to the Squad

The B&B Ladies Golf Group at Scepter Gold Club held their annual Christmas and Auction Party on December 13, 2014. The event raised $2,042 for the Sun city Center Emergency Squad. Pictured (L to R) Betty Lou Rosborough, Isabelle Salisbury, Assistant Chief Toria Smith and Betty Hill.

Christmas morning December 25, members of Team 7 reported for duty. Like any normal duty day, the Squad is here for the community 24/7, 365 days a year, including holidays. Pictured L to R are: Linda Eargle; Cathy Zurek, Dick Seagrave, Rosie Devish,, Russ Girgenti, Sheila Houlihan, David Watt, Kent Marchuk, Peggy Seagrave, Robin Watt, Walt Prouty, Vilma DeKing, Margie Qualkenbush, Jan Jozefak, Diane Felder and Lynn Warren. Not pictured, but on duty Christmas Day: Joe Plaskon, Shirley Ziemer, Chuck Ziemer, Deborah Croll, Andrew Hatcher, Frank Popovich, Tina Drury, Marty Altman and Ron Wecker. Our vehicle maintenance and sanitization crew was here first thing Christmas morning. They included: Mike McClintic, Jack Riley, Robert Bizzano, Joe Hannigan, Kay Bogart and Barry Bogart.

Charity Golf Cart Raffle a Success

By John Bowker Thanks to an anonymous donation, an Ez-Go golf cart was purchased from the West Coast Golf Cart business and raffled by the Sun City Center Community Campaign Against Human Trafficking organization. With sales of the raffle tickets being held at several local stores and with support of the local press, over $14,000 was raised to help with the campaign. The raffle winner was Brian Hastings. This group has been working with local schools, the FBI and Sheriff’s Office, and other organizations to provide support for the Tampa Bay Area Task Force on Human Trafficking. The goal is to help community and faith-integrated actions to end this dreadful activity in Hillsborough County. They are quite aware that this is hardly a visible crime within our town borders, but for the kids

John Bowker draws the winning ticket for Sally Dittman.

in Wimauma and Ruskin and beyond this is a daily threat to their well being. Lecture and movie programs are held locally; for example on February 20 Kelly Murphy of the FBI will speak here and, on March 27, the speaker will be one of the victims of trafficking who will bring home just what life was like during that period of her life. If you would like to attend one of their meetings or informal coffees, or to learn more about human trafficking, call Sally Dittman, President of the local community campaign at 633-4647.

ES is Looking For Everyday Heroes

Wanted: EVERYDAY HEROES. Everyday, Emergency Squad volunteers give their time to the community to assist local seniors during their time of need. Whether it’s an emergency call or a transport from the hospital, volunteers provide more than the Basic Life Support skills they’ve learned – they provide comfort, reassurance and a hand to hold when someone most needs it. If you’d like to learn more about being an everyday hero, contact the SCC Emergency Squad. We are always looking for new volunteers. You do not need to have a health care education or career – training is provided for all our positions. Interested? Call Toria Smith at 813-633-1411.

JSA Medical Group Sun City Center Activity Center


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10 am to Noon *SIX WEEK 1 to 2 pm EASY PLAY KEYBOARD 2:15 to 3:15 pm MUSIC LESSONS! 9:30 to 10:30 am MUST RSVP, LIMIT 11 am to Noon OF 12 FOR PROGRAM 3 to 4 pm 10 to 11 am; 11:15 am to 12:15 SQUARE DANCING CLASSES WITH pm INSTRUCTOR 1 to 3 pm MIKE COX ARE NOW AVAILABLE EVERY 9:30 to 10:30 am TUESDAY FROM 3 to 4 pm 3 TO 4 PM! 10 to 11 am REGISTER NOW! 1 to 2 pm 2:15 to 3:15 pm Check out our 10 am to Noon Facebook page! 1 to 2 pm 2:15 to 3:15 pm 9:30 to 10:30 am 11 am to Noon facebook.com/ 3 to 4 pm JSAMedicalGroup 10 to 11 am; SCCAC 11:15 am to 12:15 pm *LINE DANCING 1 to 3 pm PARTICIPANTS: Closed-toe shoes 9:30 to 10:30 am with non-stick 3 to 4 pm bottoms only permitted. No 10 to 11 am scented perfumes 1 to 2 pm & lotions to class. 2:15 to 3:15 pm Facebook Like Button

CMYK / .eps

10 am to Noon View the entire 1 to 2 pm February Events 2:15 to 3:15 pm Calendar online 9:30 to 10:30 am JSAMedicalGroup.com 11 am to Noon click Events tab 3 to 4 pm >>>


4 Page

The News of Kings Point

February, 2015

1509 Rickenbacker Dr., Sun City Center • 813-633-2020 • FAX 813-633-6403 MARGARET “MARGE” CONNOLLY, Lic R.E. Broker • Excellence and Integrity

Sun City Center & Kings Point

Delightful SUNRISE model home located very close to the Community hall. Exterior of home painted in 2015, Plumbing replaced, New Tile roof 2014, Central heat and air also replaced. New kitchen cabinets with great pull outs for storage as well as a pantry. Breakfast bar to enjoy your morning coffee and lots more for your enjoyment. $ 1020 Ardmore Way 156,900

Customized Waterfront TWINTREE model with over $50,000. in recent interior upgrades. 2011 brought new windows, verticals a CHA, 2012 New front door, 2013 New Garage door, Spring 2014 brought a new roof. Property is being marketed well under the price in it. Wide open plan with an expansive view of the water from the lanai or your open patio. $ 117 Wintersong Lane 159,900

This Custom modified single family LaSalle is a delight inside and out. Large fenced backyard offers great privacy with a rear screened porch and delightful Hot Tub for your relaxation. Screened front entry offers a view of water. Large kitchen has eat in space plus washer and dryer for your convenience. Great street presence In this home with 1900 heated square feet. 1807 El Rancho Drive PENDING

Kingspoint can be your destination for this lovely E x p a n d e d KINGSTON model. Immaculately kept and decorated this is a home you would be proud to live in all year or make it your snowbird nest... You decide, located close to the South Club house where you can keep as busy as you want to be, or pull up a chair and relax poolside. This one won’t last long. $ 2007 Acadia Greens Drive 153,900

For Sale

Rentals Annual • Furnished

2012 Captiva Court ............2/2 .........$289,000 ......................Captiva Golf Location+++Pool 1936 New Bedford Dr .........2/2 .........$250,000 ............... Islander Golf Course, Water View 1149 Emerald Dunes ..........2/2 .........$179,900 ............ Tavernelle Renaissance REDUCED 117 Wintersong ..................2/2 .........$159,900 ..............Twintree Water, Lanai UPGRADES 1020 Ardmore Way .............2/2 .........$156,900 ..... Sunrise New Ext Paint, Plumbed & Roof 2007 Acadia Greens ...........2/2 .........$153,900 .......................... Kingston Kingspoint Lovely 536 McDaniel......................2/2 .........$149,900 ...... Melbourne Laminate, Tile, Updated Kitc 1807 El Rancho ..................2/2 .........$142,900 ............ CUSTOM Hot Tub, Fenced Yards *** 2338 Nantucket Dr ..............2/1.5 ......$132,000 .............. Brockton Lots of Upgrades + Furn 612 Manchester Woods ......2/2 ........$129,900 ............Seabreeze Large Yard, CPVC, KPW 324 Green Manor ...............2/2 .........$125,000 ..Dedham Great Investment Tenant in Place 1008 Yellowbird ...................2/2 .........$121,900 ............Twintree A/C-2011 Hot Tub on Lanai 715 Thunderbird .................2/2 .........$119,900 ..................... DW37 UNIQUE Nice Features 912 Sun Key Court .............2/2 .........$108,900 ........ Somerset Freshly Painted, Encl Lanai 212 Stoneham Dr ...............2/2 .........$100,000 ..............Cozy Comfy St Andrews SuperBuy 1028 Apollo Bch Blvd 102 ..2/2 ......... $94,900 ............Anchor Point Condo Wtr & Boat Slip 803 Riviera Dr.....................2/2 .........$94,900 ........... Norfolk w Dining Rm 1500+ Htd Sq Ft 2012 Heathfield ..................2/2 .........$88,800 ............Brentwood Water/Conserv/PENDING 201 Kings Blvd A-23 ...........1/1.5 ......$29,000 .............Mansard Kingspt Wtr Loc PENDING


301 Andover H 187 .......... 1/1.5/1C .... Quiet-Golf View .................................................. $775 1500 Council.................... 1/1/1C ....... REC Across Street............................................. $800 406A Flanborough ........... 1/1.5/1C .... Close to Clubhouse ........................................... $800 301 Kings F 140 .............. 2/2/1C ....... New Kitchen – SHARP ...................................... $825 1903 Canterbury B3 ....... 2/2/1C ....... Golf Course ....................................................... $875 2308 Glenmore Cir .......... 2/2/2C ....... Terrific Windsor .................................................. $895 1309 Idlewood ................. 2/2/2G ....... Spacious on GOLF .......................................... $1300 1138 McDaniel................. 2/2/2G ....... Cornell - Very Nice .......................................... $1400 2262 Worthington Grn ..... 2/2/2G ....... South Club Proximity ....................................... $1500 2248 Preservation Grn .... 3/2/2G ....... Spacious and Lovely........................................ $1525 FAIRWAY PALMS CONDO- CYPRESS CREEK 803 Silverthorn ................ 2/2/2G ....... Unfurn or Furnished ........................................ $1200

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Where in the World is the News of Kings Point

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2015, February The News of Kings Point

Thank you so much for continuing to send all the exciting travel pictures! It continues to be a blast to vicariously relive your travels with you through those shots. See how much fun these folks are having? We hope their fun travel photos and stories will inspire you to go see some things and do some stuff…and when you do, take News of Kings Point along for the ride! Remember, if you send us a picture of you in your travels holding the News of Kings Point, you will see yourself in these pages.

t n i o P s g Tom and Bonnie Mackar visited Belfast Castle while cruising the British Isles.

A group from St. Andrew Presbyterian Church cruised to Grand Cayman, Mexico and Belize last December. Kings Point residents pictured include Mark and Dee Salmon, Kandy Byrd, Peggy Wiggins, Bob Mills and Rosie Clifton, Bill and Dotty Guerrera, and Betty Lonergan.

Rose Ricciardi visited New Orleans for Christmas and New Years.

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6 Page

33573 33573 is provided by Debbie Caneen, Director of Admissions, Sun Towers from items submitted for publication. To submit events for future publications, send them by the 15th of the prior month. Debbie also publishes Ads and Events, a weekly e-mail containing information about what’s happening in 33573. Your event will also appear in the weekly Ads and Events e-mail and on the website www.SCCAdsAndEvents.com. Send all events by e-mail to sccfreeads@tampabay.rr.com. You only need to submit your Event one time each month for it to appear in both The News of Kings Point and SCC Ads and Events. SPECIAL EVENTS Please include all basic information, especially Price (or list it’s Free) and Contact Information (phone, e-Mail, or website). Six lines maximum. Send to: sccfreeads@tampabay. rr.com. As soon as space permits, we will put it in the weekly e-Mail and it will run until event date passes. You do not need to submit it again. PLEASE NOTE: This area is for SPECIAL EVENTS only. WEEKLY, MONTHLY, or ONGOING EVENTS are listed on our website under WEEKLY & MONTHLY MEETINGS at www.SCCAdsAndEvents.com which is updated every weekend. SUN. FEB 1 – FEB 28 HAVE A HEART CARING CASTLE 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Monday through Friday at JSA Medical Group, 787 Cortaro Dr. Food drive for 8 area food banks in Southshore community. Drop off nonperishable and canned foods, baby and hygiene items to the Activity Center where a “Castle” of donations will be built and distributed at conclusion of campaign. Contact Rosie Korfant at 813-419-5020. SUN. FEB 1 - PRACTICE YOUR DANCE STEPS EVERY SUNDAY AFTERNOON 2 – 3:30 p.m. the Dance Studio in the Atrium complex in SCC is open for those who want to hone their dance skills. This is not a lesson, just time to practice with some good music. The session is sponsored by the SCC Dance Club, is open to all members of the Community Association and residents of Kings Point. SUN. FEB 1 - OLDIES BUT GOODIES SOCIAL DANCE 7 - 10 p.m. in the Community Hall, 1910 South Pebble Beach Blvd. The group Bump in the Road will play 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and

The News of Kings Point

80’s music. BYOB and your own snacks. Cups, water, and ice are provided at each table. There is no cost to members and $5 for each nonmember. Be sure and save the date for Sunday, March 15, 2015 when Del and Gary provide their style music for the Club. Always a great time when they perform. Need more information, contact Joanne Baskinger at 813.728.1147 or by email jjlatenite@aol.com. SEE YOU at the Dance. MON. FEB 2 - ALZHEIMER’S & DEMENTIA SEMINAR WITH TEEPA SNOW 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. & 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. at St. John the Devine Episcopal Church, 1015 Del Webb Blvd East, Sun City Center, FL. Morning: Living life after diagnosis: taking care of everyone involved for better quality of life. Afternoon: Demystifying Resistance and providing care that works better. Brought to our community by Senior Helpers and Sun Towers Retirement Community. Nationally renowned Dementia expert Teepa Snow is coming to our area to present a special Alzheimer’s and Dementia FREE seminar for family members caring for loved ones with Dementia. Professionals are welcome at a small fee and CEU’s are being offered. Space is limited, call 813-677-1400 or to register visit www.seniorhelpers. com/UDC-Seminar-Series. MON. FEB 2 - THE KINGS POINT QUILTERS - Men’s Shirt Cooking Aprons 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. in the Craft Room of the Kings Point Clubhouse. At this time quilters may work on their own projects as well as help with the ongoing charity projects, namely veterans quilts and baby quilts for Tampa General’s neonatal unit. Membership is now in progress. For info about this group contact Sandy Nunn, President 813-642-8961. MON. FEB 2, 9 - “FOR TODAY” MEETING OF OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS 10 a.m. at the Sun City Chamber of Commerce meeting room (private entrance to meeting room is on the left side of the building). The only requirement for attending is a desire to stop compulsively eating. OA is an international 12step organization/program that addresses the emotional, spiritual and physical needs of those desiring to stop compulsively eating and/or overeating. No scales, dues or fees. This meeting is open only to those who have a problem with their weight or eating patterns. Please join us any Monday morning. Learn more about OA online at http://www.oa.org/ newcomers/is-oa-for-you TUE. FEB 3, 10, 17, 24 - LINE DANCING WITH A BALANCE 10 - 11 a.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Sun City Center. Do you like to dance but are worried about falling? Join our new FREE line dancing class lead by trained therapists. This weekly class will improve your balance and reduce your risk of falling. We can boot, scoot and boogie safely together and make exercise fun! For more information, call Debbie Caneen at 813-892-2990. TUE. FEB 3 - CONGREGATION BETH ISREAEL PROGRAM WRITINGS FROM PRISON 1 p.m. in the Henry Gibson Social Hall at Beth Israel located on Del Webb Blvd., Sun City Center as Charna Bogdany shares her experiences with women prisoners at the Hillsborough Correctional Institute. Charna volunteered to monitor and lead an art and writing group for the women inmates. This meaningful endeavor created an

outlet for the women to express their feelings and share what was in their hearts. It was the only standalone Faith and Character program in the state. It focused on retraining and education to give the women a better chance of creating a productive life after release. Please come and learn about this amazing program. Refreshments will be served and there is no charge. The public is invited and you may bring guests. If you need further information, please call or email Rochelle Lafer at 813938-3824 or email: rlafer@gmail.com. TUE. FEB 3, 10, 17, 24 - LIFE CHALLENGES SUPPORT GROUP 1 - 3 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Sun City Center. Live your life fully with zest and joy! Rid yourself of depression, anxiety, frustrations with family, children, friends, life changes, health problems, finances and more. Relief comes by sharing and receiving support and making a positive plan of action. All are welcome in complete confidence and free of charge. Your facilitators are Frank Koebrich, MA and Cheryl Lewis. Both are experienced and effective psychotherapists. We meet every Tuesday in the first floor lounge of Sun Towers. No appointment is necessary. Sponsored by the Coalition for Mental Health and Aging. WED. FEB 4 - THE SUN CITY CENTER CHAPTER OF THE HEARING LOSS ASSOCIATION (HLA-SCC) 9:15 a.m. for coffee and donuts with meeting starting at 9:30 a.m. at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, 1239 Del Webb Blvd. West. Jean Krause, PhD, will discuss ways to Help Others Understand What You Are Saying by Using Clear Speech. This program will benefit not only persons with hearing loss; but, also, their hearing family members and friends who wish to learn how to better communicate with them. Dr. Krause is an Associate Professor in the Dept. of Communication Sciences & Disorders at USF. CART – captioning - provided by Tess Crowder, Communication Access, Inc. HLA-SCC is sponsored by the Men’s Club of Sun City Center. Contact Clement Hill at cehill44@ gmail.com or Shirley Nauman at 8126525 for more information. WED. FEB 4, 11, 18, 25 - THERAPEUTIC TAI CHI OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 10 11 a.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Our therapists have advanced training in therapeutic Tai Chi for Seniors and will provide guidance in this healthy exercise. Tai Chi has been proven to increase strength and balance! This class will be offered EVERY Wednesday due to increased demand. For more information, contact Debbie Caneen at 813-634-3347. WED. FEB 4 – MOAA MONTHLY MEETING 11 a.m. on February 4, 2015, in the Florida Room at the Sun City Center (SCC) Atrium, retired Air Force Lt. Col. Sam Rorer will be the featured speaker for the Military Officers of America Association (MOAA) meeting/luncheon. Col. Rorer grew up along the seashore in Southern New Jersey. He enlisted in the USAF after graduation from high school and served as an aircraft maintenance crew chief. After completing his enlistment, he graduated from college and worked in retail management for several years. Answering a ‘call to ministry,’ he attended seminary and was ordained in the United Methodist Church. While serving as a local pastor, he joined the Ohio Air National

February, 2015

Guard as a chaplain. In 1993, he began his career as an active duty chaplain. His assignments included numerous stateside bases; Howard AFB, Panama; Kadena AB, Okinawa, Japan and five deployments in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. Sam will discuss Operation Desert Storm and the recent policy changes that have adversely affected the service chaplains. Reservations ($14) can be made by calling 6420497 and must be made by 6 p.m. Sunday, Feb 1st. For more information call Frank Kepley at 642-0801. WED. FEB 4 - OPEN HOUSE FOR RIBBON WINNERS ARTWORK 1 - 3 p.m. in the Art room gallery. February the gallery will be featuring the ribbon winners of the Art Club Annual Art Show. WED. FEB 4 - THE MONTHLY MEETING OF THE COA 7:00 p.m. in the Banquet Room of the Main Clubhouse. The speakers will be from three of the Kings Point Clubs. The Sportsman’s Club, The Woodchoppers Club, and the Model Railroad Club. After the meeting, everyone is invited to the Model Railroad Club, next door to the Banquet room, to see the Model Railroad Diorama and watch the trains run. THU. FEB 5 - LGBT SUPPORT GROUP 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. at the United Community Church, 1501 La Jolla Ave. SCC, corner of Pebble Beach and La Jolla. The group will continue to meet the second and fourth Thursday of each month. Any questions, please feel free to call Sandra McCaw, Life Coach @ 973-902-8401. All members of the LGBT community are welcome. FRI. FEB 6 and SAT. FEB 7 - RUMMAGE SALE (8th Annual) 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. Friday and 8 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. at Redeemer Lutheran Church, 701 Valley Forge Blvd., SCC. Lots of household items, crafts, clothing, baked goods. Collectibles, Hummels, Lladros. FRI. FEB 6 - FASHION SHOW AT ST. JOHN THE DIVINE EPISCOPAL CHURCH 11 a.m. at 1015 Del Webb Blvd. Sun City Center, FL. Save the Date! Tickets are $20 for the Fashion show by A’TU Jewelry & Gift Outlet plus a Luncheon to follow. Why not reserve a table for 8? For ticket information, contact Pheme Webb 813-633-2162. SUN. FEB 8 - TAMPA BAY CHILDREN’S CHORUS IN CONCERT 3 p.m. at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, 1239 Del Webb Blvd. West. Sun City Center, FL. TBCC’s most recent performance was Carmina Burana with the Florida Orchestra. In June they will be singing at Carnegie Hall in New York City. Ticket price is $10. For more information call the Church office 813-634-1252 or Judy Voorhees 813642-8125. SUN. FEB 8 - METAPHYSICAL SOCIETY CONCERT 5 p.m. in the Chamber of Commerce, Banquet Hall, 1651 Sun City Center Plaza, Sun City Center, FL 33573 “Metaphysical Society Concert featuring Armand and Angelina.” International performing artists, Armand and Angelina will offer a delightful afternoon concert combining classical, pop and original songs, stories and humor to create a once in a lifetime experience of love, laughter and music. Come and hear them sing their version of Ave Maria, Aquarius, Hallelujah, plus many of their original love songs as well as Native American Flute music! Open to the Public. Love offering requested. For info call: Jeannie at 813-938-5931 or Holli at 813-419-4704 SUN. FEB 8 - SINGLES SOCIAL DANCE CLUB 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. Atrium Bldg., Florida Room. Live music provided Continued on Page 7

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2015, February The News of Kings Point


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by Thor Stevens for your dancing pleasure. Members $3; Guests $5. Membership forms available. Dues are $15 and you must present a valid CA or KP badge. BYOB and snacks. Ice, water, cups and napkins provided. Dressy/casual attire (please, no jeans or shorts). Info: Janet 813-633-3558. MON. FEB 9 - THE KINGS POINT QUILTERS 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. in the Craft Room of the Kings Point Clubhouse. At this time quilters may work on their own projects as well as help with the ongoing charity projects, namely veterans quilts and baby quilts for Tampa General’s neonatal unit. Membership is now in progress. For info about this group contact Sandy Nunn, President 813-642-8961. MON. FEB 9, 16, 23 - METAPHYSICAL SOCIETY BOOK GROUP 1 p.m. in the Heritage Room, Central Campus. Book Group features “Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future,” by Bruce Lipton and Steve Bhaerman. No homework as the group reads aloud and discusses as they go. Open to SCC residents and their guests, and reciprocal communities. Free admission. For info call Alice at 813-634-9065. MON. FEB 9 – “MALE CALL FOR PROSTATE HEALTH” Sponsored by the Men’s Club of Sun City Center 2 p.m. at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, 1239 Del Webb Blvd., West. Our speaker will be Dr. Jack Steel, M.D. of Tampa Bay Radiation Oncology. Dr. Steel will discuss treatment of Prostate Cancer with Cyber Knife and other radiation treatment options. It is suggested that Patients, Partners and Physicians attend. Refreshments will be served. For questions and schedule contact Sam Smith 813-7461989 or Harry Benter 813-625-5328. MON. FEB 9 - SOUTHSHORE KIWANIS CLUB SPONSORING VALENTINES CHICKEN MARSALA DINNER 6 p.m. in the Florida Room located at the Sun City Center Atrium. Tickets can be purchased at the Kiosk in the SCC

Atrium every Wednesday & Friday from 9 AM until Noon beginning January 14, 2015. Tickets will also be available at the Sun City Center Chamber of Commerce during regular business hours at a cost of $20 per person. For ticket information call Karen at 813-634-6747. All proceeds raised will benefit TERRIFIC KIDS Programs at Apollo Beach, Collins, Corr, Cypress Creek, Ruskin, Wimauma, RCMA, Reddick, Sessions, Thompson & Doby Elementary. K-KIDS Apollo Beach Elem. & Builders Club @ Eisenhower college bound students for scholarships every year. In our community, we sponsor “Blood Pressure Clinics” on the 1st & 3rd Mondays in the Sandpiper Room in SCC Atrium. MON. FEB 9 - SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY CLUB MEETING 7:30 p.m. in the Caper Room, Atrium Building, 954 North Course Lane. There is no cost for guests; anyone interested in science and technology is invited. Fulvia Fiorani, who last season presented the SET club with her well-attended talk on the beautiful photographs and discoveries from the Hubble telescope, is back this year. Her talk, “Dark Energy and Dark Matter” presents the startling information that roughly 68% of the universe is dark energy and 27% is dark matter, leaving only 5% for all the “stuff” in the universe we can see (earth, planets, stars, comets). The observations that led to this conclusion (made by the Hubble telescope in 1998) will be noted, as will conjectures about what dark matter and dark energy might be. WED. FEB 11 - METAPHYSICAL SOCIETY PRESENTATION 10 a.m. in the Heritage Room, SCC Central Campus. “The Practice of Loving Kindness,” presentation with Ed Foote. The book A Course in Miracles says that if we are willing to see things differently, to see through the eyes of love, then we will be released from all forms of suffering

and fear. Ed will examine ways that we can see differently, so that we can extend and receive Loving Kindness. Open to SCC residents and their guests, and reciprocal communities. Love offering requested to benefit the Society. Info call Jeannie at 813938-5931 or Holli at 813-419-4704. WED. FEB 11 - DIABETES SUPPORT GROUP SPONSORED BY THE MEN’S CLUB OF SUN CITY CENTER 2 - 3 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Discover options to assist you in living with Diabetes. Please join Lisa Endick, RN from Nurse on Call Home Health Care as she facilitates our support group “Everyday Basics of Diabetic Care.” For additional info, call Debbie Caneen 813-892-2990. WED. FEB 11 - KP LINE DANCERS COUNTRY WESTERN SOCIAL DANCE 7 p.m. in the Borini Theatre. Wear your country “duds” and boots. No ticket to purchase, so mark your calendar. Open to KP and SCC residents and their guests. BYOB. Couples always welcome, plenty of room to dance. Call Jan 634-6226 for more info. THU. FEB 12 - FANFARE FOR FEBRUARY/ SOUTH SHORE CONCERT BAND 7 - 8:30 p.m. at Community Hall. The South Shore Concert Band will present Fanfare for February, including songs like The Trombone King, invicta, Maynard madness, Temptations on Stage, Blues Brothers Revue and more. Individual tickets ($5/person) on sale at ATRIUM-KIOSK M-W-F 9-noon. Open seating. Info 813-6422001. FRI. FEB 13 - NORTH KOREA ACT III: THE “YOUNG GENERAL” 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. in the Atrium’s Florida Room just off of North Pebble Beach Blvd. Residents of Sun City Center, Kings Point and Friends are welcome. The International Forum of Sun City Center is delighted to welcome Prof. Phillip Leto, who will lecture and lead a discussion on “North Korea and the “Young General”, Kim Jung Un.

Prof. Leto, formerly of the Dept. of Government and World Affairs at the University of Tampa and founder of “Sterling (Discovery) University Lectures”, will delight the SCC audience with his ability to relate the detailed and sometimes complicated subject matter of his lectures in a factfilled, understandable, and oftenhumorous manner. International Forum Board member, Gail Riba and her husband John Doellinger will also share a brief pictorial tour of their recent visit to South Korea and the DMZ in June of 2014. FRI. FEB 13 - THE ITALIAN CLUB HOLDS “CARNEVALE DINNER DANCE” Doors open at 4:30 p.m. in the KP Borini Hall with dinner at 5:30 p.m. This will be a “Banquet Masters Grand Buffet” consisting of appetizer table, hot hors d‘oeuvres, salad bar, beef bourguignon, chicken piccata, spinach & mushroom lasagna & onion crusted salmon, dessert, coffee, tea, soda -- BYOB. Full Circle will DJ. Cost for “2015 PAID UP” Members $18, Guests $26. You must be a 2015 paidup member to qualify for subsidy. Dress code is Dressy Casual. Join in the fun and wear a mask! Tickets sold in KP Borini Lobby Mon, Jan 26 and Tues, Jan 27 from 9 till noon. If unable to get to KP Borini, please call Mae Fleming 813-419-4790 or Jan Downey 813-634-2772. Tables of 8, please keep checks together. Cut-off date: FEB. 8th. FRI. FEB 15 - THE SUN CITY CENTER UNITED METHODIST CHURCH WILL BE SHOWING “SEVEN DAYS IN UTOPIA” AS ITS MONTHLY FRIDAY NIGHT MOVIE 6 p.m. the doors of the LEC building open at 1210 Del Webb Blvd. Sun City Center. Enjoy the aroma of popcorn and coffee followed by the sight of many kinds of homemade cookies, tea, lemonade as water. Seven Days in Utopia is about Luke Chisolm (Lucas Black), a talented young golfer on a pro golf tour that Continued on Page 8

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The News of Kings Point

February, 2015

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made a disastrous mistake on his first hole. Being devastated, Luke escapes the pressures of the game and finds himself stranded in Utopia, Texas, home of an eccentric rancher Johnny Crawford (Robert Duvall). Johnny’s profound ways of looking at life, love, and faith forces Luke to look at his past and put his directions into another prospective path. Will Luke continue his love of golf or will he give it up and go into another direction? You will have to come to the movie and see for yourself. SUN. FEB 15 - A VALENTINE’S DATE WITH KLASSICA 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. at Community Hall. Klassica presents A Valentine’s Date. Enjoy beautiful voices singing beautiful love songs. Wine-and-cheese reception included as part of ticket price. Part of Sunday series. Individual tickets ($12/person) on sale at ATRIUM-KIOSK M-W-F 9-noon. Info 813-642-2001. SUN. FEB 15 - WALKING THE WALK: HOW TO LIVE THE LOVE JESUS TAUGHT 3:00 p.m. in the Florida Room in the Atrium building, 945D North Course Lane. You are invited to a free onehour talk “Walking the Walk: How to Live the Love Jesus Taught” by Chet Manchester, a Christian Science lecturer who speaks to interfaith audiences worldwide. For further information, please call Lynn Knapp, 938-1065. MON. FEB 16 - MONTHLY MEETING OF THE SCC SCRAPBOOKING CLUB 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Armstrong Room, Atrium Bldg. 2015 Officers were elected by vote last month with Betty James-President, Jeanne RatliffSecretary/Treasurer, and Robbin Stratton-Upson is Publicity Chair. The club’s new consultant is June Murphy. 2015 Membership Dues are $5 made payable by check to ‘SCC Scrapbooking Club’. If you are interested in preserving your memories or family history, please contact Jeanne Ratliff at 642-9669 to join our fun group that meets monthly on the 3rd Monday. Reminder: per

CA/KP rules, please bring your CA or Kings Point ID badge. MON. FEB 16 - KINGS POINT QUILTERS BRING “TRUNK SHOW” 1 3 p.m. Banquet Room, Kings Point Clubhouse. Trunk show presented by Nancy Lindberg, teacher at Quilters Haven Quilt Shop, Ellenton. For info contact Linda Reader - 330-219-3474. MON. FEB 16 - PARKINSON’S SUPPORT GROUP OF SUN CITY CENTER 1:30 2:30 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive. (FREE Valet parking for car or golf cart available at Terrace entrance by blue awning.) USF Parkinson’s Disease & Movement Disorders Center facilitates this meeting. Dr. Orlando Portal will be our speaker. Dr. Portal is a full-service primary care physician in internal medicine; Dr. Portal assists his patients from wellness checks to complex disease management. Caring for his patients when they need them most, Dr. Portal visits his patients at Brandon Regional Hospital and South Bay Hospital. He will also have physician privileges at St. Joseph’s Hospital-South when they open in 2015. Dr. Portal is board certified in internal medicine and completed his residency at Michael Reese Hospital in Chicago, Illinois. He practiced medicine as a general surgeon for 10 years in Cuba before escaping to the U.S. for a better life. His extensive medical background as a surgeon allows him to assist his patients in his office with: Wound care Treatment of skin lesions Varicose veins EKG tests. Following several years of working for various hospital groups in the Tampa Bay area, Dr. Portal opened his own medical practice in 2014 in Riverview. If you have Parkinson’s, or are caring for someone with this disease, be sure to attend this support group! For additional info, call Debbie Caneen 813-892-2990. TUE. FEB 17 ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 4 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement

Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive. Bring Your Loved One For a Well Deserved Break. Facilitated by Aging Care Advocates. You will receive information while your loved one is cared for in our Secured Memory Care. Please RSVP no less than 3 days prior to 813-246-4120. For additional information, contact Debbie Caneen at 813-634-3347. WED. FEB 18 - METAPHYSICAL SOCIETY PRESENTATION 10 a.m. in the Heritage Room, SCC Central Campus. “Intuition, Psychic Abilities, Energy Medicine and Angelic Connections,” presentation with artist, writer, and angel psychic reader Joanne Healey. Joanne will share with us the basics of energy, how it flows in our bodies and our auric field, the importance of staying grounded, and how to raise our intuitive vibrations. Open to SCC residents and their guests, and reciprocal communities. Love offering requested to benefit the Society. Info call Jeannie at 813-938-5931 or Holli at 813-419-4704. WED. FEB 18 - LOW VISION SUPPORT GROUP 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. FREE VALET PARKING for Cars and Golf Carts at Terrace Entrance by Blue Awning. Our speakers for this meeting: Pam Insani, Community Relations Director at The Eye Associates and Becky Radford from The Tampa Lighthouse For The Blind. Learn about new technology that is being offered to those with low vision. If you have low vision, then this meeting is for you! For more info call Debbie Caneen 813-892-2990. WED. FEB 18 - CLASSICAL MUSIC APPRECIATION 3:30 PM, Kings Point main clubhouse, RIPPLE ROOM (across hall from South Social Room.) Free. All lovers of classical music are invited. Information: Arthur C. Joy, 813-6339783, acjjr@tampabay.rr.com. THU. FEB 19 - INTERESTED IN YOUR ANCESTRY? 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Drive, Sun City Center, FL.

Interested in Your Ancestry? Have you seen the TV show “Who Do You Think You Are”? If you would like to learn how to research your genealogy, don’t miss this opportunity to spend time with Tollie J Banker, M.A. and M.I.S., Faculty Librarian at Hillsborough Community College SouthShore Campus as she takes you through the steps to discover your past using free research tools! For more information, contact Debbie Caneen at 813-8922990. FRI. FEB 20 - 2015 SCC STAINED GLASS CLUB SHOW 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. in the Florida Room. 5th Annual Juried show of member’s pieces in a variety of categories. A People’s Choice Award will be determined by votes of the show’s visitors. Free Admission. Questions? Please call Julie Moran at 634-3314. FRI. FEB 20 - SAMARITAN SERVICES FUNDRAISER 6 p.m. In the Sun City Center Community Hall located at 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. We will be offering desserts by Moreno Bakery, Coffee and you may BYOB. The entertainment will feature the Riverview High School Vision Show Chorus, the Barrington Middle School Group from Lithia and more. The cost will be $12 per ticket to benefit Samaritan Services. The tickets will be on sale at the Atrium starting on Jan.19 from 10 a.m. – 12 noon on Monday, Wednesday and Friday ending on February 16. If you are a resident of Kings Point, ticket sales will be in the North Club House Tuesdays and Thursdays starting on January 27 through February 12 from 11 am - 1 pm. For more information contact Julie Floyd at 813-833-5622. FRI. FEB 20 - THE PUFFERS TO PERFORM AT UMC 7 p.m. in the church sanctuary at The United Methodist Church of Sun City Center as we welcome back the southern gospel duo The Puffers, Bob and Darlene Puffer. Bob Puffer spent 13 years in country music, beginning

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Men's Club of Sun City Center


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2015, February The News of Kings Point


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his music career in the nightclub business where he made significant progress toward a lucrative future as a performer and songwriter. In 1977, Bob succeeded in passing an audition to appear on the national television show, HeeHaw. Darleen was saved and gave her life to the Lord in 1985. She added a new dimension to the music ministry with vocals, keyboard, sax and clarinet. A donation of just $5 is requested at the door on the night of the concert. For more information about The Puffers, please visit their website, www.thepuffers.com. For additional information about this and other events and activities at the United Church of Sun City Center, please contact Jeff Jordan, Director of Worship Arts, at 813-634-2539. SAT. FEB 21 - 2015 SCC STAINED GLASS CLUB SHOW 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. in the Florida Room. 5th Annual Juried show of member’s pieces in a variety of categories. A People’s Choice Award will be determined by votes of the show’s visitors. Free Admission. Questions? Please call Julie Moran at 634-3314. SAT. FEB 21 - ACADEMY OF BALLROOM DINNER DANCE 5:30 p.m. for Dancing and cocktails (BYOB), 6:15 p.m. for dinner and 7:30 p.m. for dancing at Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach, SCC. Formal or Dressy Attire, BYOB. Everyone Welcome – Singles Table Available. You can reserve a table if you have 8 people, all 8 payable at the time of reservation. No lesson at this dance. Complimentary pictures taken upon your arrival. The Academy of Ballroom Dance will feature a Waltz and Quick Step exhibition by Bernice DuBro and George Hawn. This will be the first public routine Bernice has performed with George since he and his wife, Michelle, moved here a few months ago. The exhibition will take place during intermission at the 7:30 dance. (Dinner reservations must be made by February 15.) George is also assisting Bernice with the ballroom dance classes that the Academy sponsors each week in the Atrium Dance Studio. Information Contacts: Club—Charlie Brown 7120869; Dinner—Lenny Crooks 642-9975; Lessons—Bernice DuBro at 813-6343205 or dancewithbernice@gmail. com SAT. FEB 22 - SPRING MUSIC SHOW FROM GERMANY 2 p.m. in Community Hall on S. Pebble Beach. $15, call Mike Albanese at 634-5512. SUN. FEB 22 - SINGLES SOCIAL DANCE CLUB 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. Florida Room, Atrium Bldg. Music provided by Thor Stevens and his saxophone. Members $3; Guests $5. Forms for membership available for payment of $15 and you must present your valid CA or KP badge. BYOB and snacks. Ice, water, cups and napkins provided. Casual/dressy attire. (no jeans/shorts preferred) Info: Janet 813-633-3558. MON. FEB 23 - KINGS POINT QUILTERS GENERAL MEETING 1 - 3 p.m. in the Ripple Room, Kings Point Clubhouse. Here is where you will learn about what has been accomplished as well as learn about upcoming events. Show and tell is always a treat to see the talent this group has. MON. FEB 23 - THE MICHIGAN CLUB SPONSORS: “THE GREATEST PIZZA AND BEER PARTY EVER!” 5 p.m. at the Borini Theater. All are welcome to join us! Pizza, beer, salad, dessert and entertainment that will include Nancy Burridge. Members $10, guests $12. Ticket Sales every Tuesday 9am to noon KPN Lobby. Questions? Call 813.419.4080. WED. FEB 25 - METAPHYSICAL SOCIETY PRESENTATION 10 a.m. in the Heritage Room, SCC Central Campus. “The Gut/Brain Connection,” presentation with Kenneth Kuchar-Haas, Board Certified Acupuncture Physician, Nutritionist, and Reflexologist. Passionate about helping his patients find their individual path to good health, “Dr. Ken” discusses the role that nutrition has on digestive disorders, such as, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Dysbyosis, and Diabetes II, and recent research regarding dementia, Alzheimer’s and diet. Open to SCC residents and their

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ENJOY THE WA R M FLOR IDA SUNSHINE Y E A RROUND! guests, and reciprocal communities. Love offering requested to benefit the Society. Info call Jeannie at 813 938-5931 or Holli at 813-419-4704. THU. FEB 26 - HUMAN TRAFFICKING ADDRESSED 1:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall of St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, 1239 Del Webb Blvd. W. in Sun City Center. Area residents are invited to a free eye-opening program about the trafficking of young girls, boys, and even adults in nearby communities throughout Florida, and the world. The local Sun City Center/South Shore chapter of the Campaign Against Human Trafficking has over 100 members working to rescue those who have become victims. Cam McGary, co-chair of the Awareness Team, will give a PowerPoint presentation. Carol Liedberg, Coordinator of Physical and Spiritual Care Services for St. Andrew, encourages both men and women to view this shocking program about what is commonly referred to as “modern day slavery.” An informal question and answer period will follow the presentation. For information, call the church at 634-1252 and leave a message for Carol Liedberg. THU. FEB 26 MOONGLOW BALLROOM DANCE CLUB 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Members FREE; Visitors $5 per person at the door. Live Music by “Daniel Fugazzotto”. As a Special Treat, Daniel and his National Championship Amateur Ballroom Dance Partner, Janis Merluzzo, will perform a Dance Exhibition at Intermission. Dressy Casual. BYOB & snacks, and we provide the Ice, water, cups & napkins. Singles Table(s) Available. 2015 Membership details and Scheduled Entertainers for 12 monthly dances to Live Music available. Information: 813-633-1297 OR 813-633-6453. Email gail3357@ gmail.com FRI. FEB 27 - FREE MEMORY SCREENINGS 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Sun City Center. Provided by Dr. Mary Stedman from Stedman Clinical Trials, Wendy Burkhard, LCSW from Wyndbeach Counseling, Dr. Andrew Keehan, Neurologist Associate Director Roskamp Institute Clinic and Darla Freeman-LeVay, M.A., CCC-SLP University of South Florida (USF) Clinical Instructor and Speech-Language Pathologist. How much of my memory have I really lost? Are you interested in Clinical Trials designed to cure Alzheimer’s? Want to learn more about memory loss? Call 813-634-3347 to reserve your space today! FRI. FEB 27 - ROCKY & THE ROLLERS 7 - 10 p.m. at Community Hall. Join us for this fabulous rock-and-roll dance/ show. Part of Friday series. Tickets are $18/person; reserved tables of 10 (note: Main floor is sold out. Seats being sold in Room 4.) Tickets on sale at ATRIUM-KIOSK M-W-F 9-noon. BYOB/snacks. Info 813-642-2001. FRI. FEB 27 - JACK EDISON BIG BAND TO PERFORM AT UMC 7 p.m. in the church sanctuary at The United Methodist Church of Sun City Center, 1210 Del Webb Blvd. West where we welcome the Jack Edison Big Band. Jack Edison started his Trombone career at the age of 11. Later in life he played in a jazz group in the U.S. Army Band. Over the years he has played with numerous other jazz bands, and in 1971 he started the Jack Edison Orchestra that performed for 21 years. He recently came out of retirement and started the Jack Edison Big Band. The Band includes Gary Tatlock on piano, Ken Easton who leads the South Shore Concert Band on trumpet, Lenny Vidal on drums, Fred Dinse on bass, Neil Theriault on tenor sax, Dave Evans on baritone sax and Jack Edison on trombone. The public is invited to come out to hear the swing sounds that we all love. A donation of just $5 is requested at the door. For additional information about this and other concerts and recitals at the United Church of Sun City Center, please contact Jeff Jordan, Director of Worship Arts, at 813-634-2539. Continued on Page 10


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*Costs of trip including airfare and expenses will be reimbursed up to $500 after the buyer closes on a Minto home. Buyers must go to contract on a Minto home within 90 days of Stay & Play visit. Receipts for airfare and expenses must be submitted in order to be reimbursed for exact expenditures. The reimbursement cost is not to exceed $500. © Minto Communities, LLC 2015. All rights reserved. Content may not be reproduced, copied, altered, distributed, stored or transferred in any form or by any means without express written permission. Artist’s renderings, dimensions, specifications, prices and features are approximate and subject to change without notice. Minto, the Minto logo, Sun City Center, and the Sun City Center logo are trademarks of Minto Communities, LLC and/or its affiliates. CGC1519880 2/2015

The News of Kings Point

Community Church College United Community Church (in the Great Hall) 1501 La Jolla Ave. Sun City Center, FL 33573


Spring 2015 Semester

Adult Education Classes. These are non-credit courses with no previous education needed. Classes are open to everyone in the entire community & surrounding areas.

MONDAY 10:30-12 10:30-12 10:30-12 10:30-12 10:30-12 1-2:30 1-2:30 1-2:30 3-4:30 3-4:30

Beginning Sign Language (107) Basic Elements Of Floral Design (108) India - Ancient And Modern (109) Music “FUN”DAMENTALS * (111) The Words We Use (112) Continuing Sign Language (113) Addiction Is A Family Disease* (115) Reading The Bible With Hospitable Eyes (118) Manage Your Diabetes* (121) Bridge Basics 1 – An Introduction (123)


8:30-12 Economics Of Modern Investing (206) 10:30-12 World Cultures-Overview Of Belief Systems Around The World * (207) 10:30-12 Spanish Is Fun!!* (208) 10:30-12 MAH JONGG For Beginners * (209) 10:30-12 Tax & Estate Planning For FL Retirees (210) 10:30-12 Music Appreciation-What To Listen For!*(211) 10:30-12 The Zen Of Happiness* (212) 1-2:30 News & Views (213) 1-2:30 Take Better Pictures* (214) 1-2:30 Metaphysics-Questions You Always Wanted To Ask About?*(215) 1-2:30 Controversial Issues In American Life Of Today (216) 1-2:30 Tampa Bay History On Wheels * (217) 3-4:30 Introduction To Astrology * (219) 3-4:30 Overcoming Roadblocks To Retirement (221)


8:30-10 FL's History-Stone Age To Space Age * (302) 8:30-10 Interior Design (303)

SAT. FEB 28 - THU. MAR 5 - CRUISE WITH THE SCC SECURITY PATROL ON A FUNDRAISING CRUISE Time not given. The Sun City Center Security Patrol will board the “Brilliance of the Seas” from Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines. Sailing from Tampa to Key West and Cozumel, Mexico. Inside Cabin - $539.73 per person, Ocean View Cabin - $639.73 per person, Balcony Cabin - $739.73 or $789.73 pp. Deposit due $100 per person. Final payment due December 5, 2014. Not included: Transportation to Tampa - motor coach will be offered with a minimum of 30 passengers - additional cost. Contact us with questions: Travelworld - (813) 634-3318 or email jayne@ travelworld1.com. SAT. FEB 28 - SAT. MAR 7 - CRUISE WITH THE SUN CITY CENTER LIONS CLUB Time not given: The Sun City Center Lions Club

members, along with friends, and family will be sailing away from Tampa, on the newly refurbished Royal Caribbean Vision of the Seas. We sail to Cozumel, Costa Maya, Roatan and Belize. Prices for the cruise are $685.77 inside cabin, $705.77 ocean view cabin, and $1,215.77 for a balcony cabin. These prices include all port taxes/government fees. Each cabin will receive a $100 cabin credit to spend as you like on the ship. We are excited about this cruise and hope that you and your friends will choose to join the Lions, who are a fun group of people. We know it is not until February -- but it is not too soon to put a $250 deposit down to hold the cabin of your choice. For more information, please contact Jayne Kirse, SCC Travelworld at 634-3318 or Lion Ellen McGovern at 633-4202. Please join us. We are looking forward to seeing you on board.

w b a erry Ma r t S n o s r d ket o o Sweet Strawberries G Fresh Monday - Saturday 9 am to 6 pm Closed New Year Day and every Sunday

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less oxygen, thus working more efficiently. Does the idea of belting out a favorite tune while at the gym scare you? Well, it may scare away some of your exercise “buddies” too, but feel free to croon away while in your basement gym or your unconventional workout space. Don’t give up on the music making idea—use it while lifting weights, doing push-ups or other strength training exercises. Singing or not, your success is based on consistency! How about we start a ZING! group here? It’s a fitness craze moving across the country that combines voice and movement. ACE certified personal fitness trainer, Pam Peterson, merges her skills as a choreographer with breathing, singing and motivational tips forming a corporate interactive show and a fitness class. It’s a possibility, right? SOURCES: •Centers for Disease Control and Prevention •National Academy of Sciences USA •Nina Kate, National Academy of Sports Medicine •Magda Healey, M.S. – psychology, University of Gdansk •Science Times, The New York Times •Pam Peterson, ACE certified trainer and founder ZING!

From Page 9


By Rosie Korfant JSA Medical Group Activities Coordinator All those years of vocal lessons were a bigger bang for the buck than I realized! Little did I know that hitting close to a high “C,” I was helping to shed some unwanted pounds. Yep--you heard me right! Singing won’t give you the same results as pounding away on a treadmill, but if you sing standing up it burns lots of calories; almost as much as walking, yoga or even some easy house cleaning duties. UGH! Avoid house cleaning at all cost— SING! LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA …were you on pitch with me? Seriously, singing improves heart and lung functionality. Imagine those opera singers who practice expanding their rib cages daily, the stretch from their volume alone improves respiratory function. C’mon, admit it—you DO sing in the shower, right? Well, try it on the weight bench too--hum a few bars while lifting. You’ll make more out of your workout than you expected with a few notes of your favorite tune rather than going “mum.” Even if it’s only perception, it has been studied, and tested positive, that music making, would-be athletes perceive less exertion while working out. They need

February, 2015


Sing Your Way to Slim!


US 301 SunCity Center

10 Page



C.R. 672 E. miles east of 301 Balm, Florida 634-7790

Spring Semester 2015

February 16 through March 26, 2015 Early Registration online: at www.4lifelearning.org mid-January thru Registration day. PayPal available for unlimited all classes by credit cards only. Please note: there is a $1.00 handling fee charged for each class using this method.

Open Registration

Wednesday, January 28, 2015 9:00 AM-1:00 PM (in the Great Hall) United Community Church 1501 La Jolla Ave. SCC, FL 33573•813-634-8607 Regular courses: $25 for six 90-minute classes •Walk-Ins & Seminars: $6 per class Trips and Tours: Cost varies according to expenses involved. Credit Cards will be accepted at registration to purchase classes/trips processed through PayPal. No refunds unless the course/trip is cancelled!

8:30-10 10:30-12 10:30-12 10:30-12 10:30-12 10:30-12 1-2:30 1-2:30 1-2:30

Memory Techniques (306) Taxed To Death In America (307) Tampa General Health Series (308) Jazz – The Swing Era (309) Finding God Within You (310) Conversational Spanish * (312) Creative Writing Page-Turning Fiction (313) Android Tablets And Smartphones * (314)

1-2:30 1-2:30 3-4:30 3-4:30 3-4:30 3-4:30

*(all trips are limited enrollment) Dynamics For Living (316) Special Valentines Day Concert - Florida Orchestra Discoveries In Watercolor: Take A Dip! * (317) - Nat King Cole-Mahaffey Theater, St Petersburg Sudoku - Understanding And Loving It (319) Saturday, February 14th-Cost: $31 (Includes Bus Driver Tip)-Maximum: 39-Depart 12:30 PM Android Tablets And Smartphones * (320) this Valentine’s Day weekend with multi-award-winning vocalist Denzal Sinclaire and his satin-smooth voice celebrating How To Buy, Sell And Appraise Jewelry* (321) Share the heart-winning ballads of the great Nat King Cole. Basic Drawing: If You Can Doodle, Gypsy Gold Horse Farm Tour - Ocala You Can Draw! * (323) Friday February 20th-Cost: $39 (Includes Bus Driver Tip)-Maximum: 55-Depart 8:00 AM

Are You Considering A Copy Right Or Patent (315)


10:30-12 A Fresh Look At Genesis (408) 10:30-12 Computer Organization – Brighten Up Your Windows * (409) 10:30-12 Classical Music: Beautiful, Powerful, Inspiring (411) 10:30-12 Your Emotions: Understanding And Dealing With Them (412) 1-2:30 Diversified Dancing 101—A Life-Enhancing Experience (414) 1-2:30 Introduction To Great Poetry (415) 1-2:30 Wills, Trusts & Probate-What You Need To Know? (418) *Limited enrollment courses - do not permit walk-ins unless noted.


GIFT CERTIFICATES will be available for purchase on Registration Day January 22nd, and in the College Office thereafter. A gift certificate is a perfect gift to give to a friend, a relative, your spouse, or as a “welcome to the neighborhood” gift for new neighbors! A gift certificate is also a great way to say “thank you” too! Give the gift of fun and learning – one size fits all!! The price for one certificate/ course is $25.00, and the recipient can select the course they wish to take. There is no limit to the number of gift certificates one may purchase. The gift certificate will be valid for one year from date of purchase.


Late Registration: Jan. 29 - Feb. 16 in the College Office College Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday: 8:30-12:00 (during class sessions: 8:00-12:00) PLEASE NOTE: Office Closed on Fridays FREE CATALOG with full details for the courses and trips available at college office in the church, SCC Library and around town. For information Call: 813-634-8607 or Email: Tri-C@verizon.net Website: www.4lifelearning.org

Trips & Tours

Sit down with Dennis Thompson and he tells the story of how he and his late wife Cindy, discovered the Gypsy Vanner Horse Breed, as well as his interaction with the culture of the Gypsies. LUNCH on your own at : “Miz Kathi’s Cotillion Southern Café” Many of her authentic dishes are personal family recipes handed down through generations. On the way home have dessert or a treat at“Russell Stover Candy Factory Store”.

14th Annual Downtown Venice Art Classic & Farmers Market Saturday March 7th-Cost: $18 (Includes Bus Driver Tip)-Maximum: 39-Depart 9:00 AM

Venice Art Classic is set up along beautiful West Venice Avenue at the heart of Downtown Venice, Florida. Farmers Market: There's incredible tasty homemade baked goods, trinkets, crafts, soaps, flowers, plants and more.

Babcock Wilderness Adventures & Fisherman’s Village - Punta Gorda Saturday March 14-Cost: $44 (Includes tour & Bus Driver Tip)-Maximum: 55-Depart 7:45 AM

Enjoy a 90-minute Buggy Tour through the Babcock Ranch and Telegraph Cypress Swamp. Fisherman’s Village - A visit to Fishermen's Village is a gourmet's ecstasy!

“The Art of Norman Rockwell” at the Tampa Museum of Art Friday March 20th-Cost: $22 (Includes Bus Driver Tip)-Maximum: 54-Depart 10:15 AM

Norman Rockwell (1894–1978) was a keen observer of human nature and a gifted storyteller. Lunch on your own at “Sono” Restaurant or you may do a self-guided tour thru the galleries after your tour of “Norman Rockwell” exhibit

“The King and I” - Show Palace Dinner Theatre Saturday March 28th-Cost: $59 (Includes Buffet Lunch all Tips)-Maximum: 55-Depart 10:00 AM

The King of Thailand hires for his children a British governess, Anna. At first, Anna and the King struggle to find common ground between Thai and British attitudes. Soon though, the two opposites fall in love.

Websters Flea Market-Webster Monday March 30-Cost: $23 (Includes Bus Driver Tip)-Maximum: 55- Depart 8:00 AM

Webster Westside Flea Market has been a place to find everything imaginable! LUNCH on your own at Woody’s Bar-B-Q

Special Spring Cruise 4 Hour Intracoastal 6 Bridge One-Way Cruise Thursday April 16th-Cost: $62 (Includes all meals & tips)-Maximum: 55-Depart 9:30 AM

Cruises are along the smooth inland waterways of Pinellas County going under six bridges along the way. The vessel departs from the Corey Causeway in the Boca Ciega Bay and travels north through some of the most beautiful waterfront vistas of our Pinellas coastal communities. •·A mix of live entertainment bingo and a variety of other fun games. •·Late-morning appetizer of cheese and fruit. •·Enjoy a complete sit-down lunch with an individual choice of entree, prepared on board and served to your table.

2015, February The News of Kings Point

Page 11

News of Freedom Plaza By Peggy Burgess The traditionally “chocolatecovered” month of February will find Freedom Plaza residents turning their attention to other kinds of sweet treats in store for them this month and further into 2015. One of the most appealing— and appetizing—February treats is a dinner theatre murder mystery to be presented by the Plaza Players. It is certain to be enjoyable as were their several productions of last year. This current play, written by resident Judy Michael and entitled, “Love Boat,” is scheduled appropriately for February 14, Valentine’s Day. In that same theatrical vein, the 24th production of Freedom Frolics, an annual stage show benefitting the Freedom Plaza Scholarship Fund, was announced. Residents were given a choice between two comedies and cast their votes for “Gone With The Breeze”, a loose (a very loose!) parody of “Gone With the Wind.” It takes the stage on April 10th. Yet another Scholarship Fund benefit is one slated for February. This 10-day cruise will find a group of our residents basking in the Caribbean sun, and in the knowledge, as well, that their holiday is assisting Freedom Plaza employees toward their educational goals. Freedom Plaza is pleased to partner with the local AAA office in arranging

these annual Scholarship cruises, all of which have proven successful as both pleasure trips and fundraisers. Those residents planning to venture a bit further from home, on Freedom Plaza’s 2015 “Great Rivers of Europe” cruise with Grand Circle Travel, will enjoy a February luncheon to sample German food and discuss their forthcoming trip. Their 15-day excursion takes them from Amsterdam to Vienna via the Rhine, the Main and the Danube Rivers. Residents were happy to learn that several new programs introduced in 2014 will be continued in 2015, among them weekly chair yoga classes and periodic meditation sessions. Longstanding programs such as Grad School for Seniors and Opera Club remain on the calendar. Residents were also delighted to find that the SILL (Sarasota Institute of Lifelong Learning) video lecture series is again offered. SILL is a nonprofit organization, founded by educators, that sponsors lectures by world-renown experts on timely subjects. Freedom Plaza has selected the series of 12 video addresses titled “Contemporary Global Issues.” Sessions began in January and continue through February and into March. It is with pleasure that Freedom Plaza opens many of its lectures,

Facial Rejuvenation Seminar. Refresh. Renew. Reveal...The New You. Our Double Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Rich Castellano, M.D., has helped thousands restore their youthful appearance and achieve natural, lasting results. Dr. Castellano specializes in both surgical and nonsurgical facelifts, but also has fillers and other treatments available! The work we do will focus on rejuvenating your face, eyes and neckline to help you look and feel younger again.


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Freedom Plaza travelers gather around the statue of Thomas Edison on their excursion to Ft.Myers, Florida and the Ford-Edison Estates”.

programs, special events and excursions to our Sun City Center neighbors. Call 813-642-1213 or 813-642-1215 during business hours for full information on any

mentioned above.) We extend to everyone a cordial invitation to join us in relishing the sweet treats of February and the bountiful opportunities of 2015.

What a Mom Does...

Your days are full of to and fro; How you manage this I don’t know.

Awake before your ringtone’s crow; Alone you welcome sun’s soft glow. Quiet time with a cup of joe, Fuel for the soul, calm thoughts to sow. Holding this peace you’ll be hard put, Small ones, tall ones are now afoot.

Yet every day things do get done Homework, practice, and even fun! You have but one thing on your mind, Abounding love - a mother’s kind. © January 2015 Suzanne S. Austin-Hill

Time is theirs in lavish doses, Bright eyes, smiles and runny noses. Paid Advertisement

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Replace Old Drafty Windows & Cut Energy Bills With Special “No Cost Now Program" Sun City Center, FL – Michael Hollander, owner of WeatherTite Windows, announced a great savings plan for Sun City Center residents. His deferred payments, along with reduced pricing, are great for homeowners who are in need of affordable, replacement windows and doors. All homeowners who respond within two weeks from the date of this notice and purchase energy efficient money saving WeatherTite windows or doors are eligible to make this purchase with no money down and have a payment plan with no interest until 2016. Mr. Hollander emphasized the program is effective immediately – and he will be able to arrange monthly payments to suit the budgetary needs of every homeowner. This very special program features the finest tilt-in w i n d o w s m a n u f a c t u r e d t o d a y. WeatherTite Windows come with 6 great warranties, meet stringent codes

for hurricanes and provide year round security for your home. They are also very energy efficient and custom designed by WeatherTite, your window design specialists for a perfect fit in every home! Plus for the next 2 weeks, homeowners who purchase WeatherTite Windows will get an exclusive special. Buy two windows and get one FREE plus receive a FREE entry door, with minimum purchase. This is an offer that includes a special energy savings warranty and 100% financing. Kings Point owners should call as well. WeatherTite can design and build a window or door to meet your association requirements and work with your board for proper approvals. As always, WeatherTite is proud to offer a special discount to seniors and to retired military. Estimates are always FREE. Call tollfree 24 hours a day for a FREE in-home estimate. These offers will expire February 15, 2015.

Call Weathertite WindowsToday!

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12 Page

The News of Kings Point

Eagle Audubon Society of Kings Point

The Eagle Audubon Society of Kings Point announces the second film of its 32nd Annual Outdoor Adventure Film Series, entitled “America’s Parklands”presented by award-winning filmmaker, Gray Warriner. The cinematographer exposes us to many of America’s treasures by beginning the journey in the soaring heights of Denali and tracing a transcontinental course ending in a major archaeological site on the Macon, Georgia plateau. The film will be shown on Saturday, February 21 at 7:30 p.m. in the Kings Point Clubhouse Borini Theater,1900 Clubhouse Dr. Open to the public, the tickets are $8 per person and may be purchased at the Kings Point Clubhouse Box Office, M-F or at the door just prior to the showing. For information call 813-387-3447.

Kings Point Hand Quilters

WANTED: ONE LUCKY WINNER by Jane Scully The Kings Point Hand Quilters have just finished quilting the beautiful quilt pictured here. This full size hand pieced, hand quilted antique quilt is from the 1940’s era. The quilt will be on display in the Banquet Room on March 20 as part of the Kings Point Spring Fling. In the meantime you will have an opportunity to purchase a chance to win this work of art. Tickets are available from any Kings Point Quilt member or stop into the Craft Room located in the Kings Point North Clubhouse any Monday during the quilters meeting time from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm to purchase your winning ticket. The winning ticket will be drawn during the Spring Fling and you do not need to be present to win. If you would like more information on this quilt or to purchase a ticket contact either Shirley Bennett 813-922-4503 or Donna Heath 813-658-0988.

g ! n C i t C a in S r b e l Ce Year!

February, 2015

Kings Point Duplicate Bridge Association (KPDBA)

The KPDBA hosted Vesta Management Employees at a December duplicate bridge game. This annual event recognizes North ClubHouse staff for all their efforts to keep the Card Room clean, safe and comfortable for KPDBA players. Each employee was presented a package of holiday goodies and applauded for their good work throughout 2014. The Kings Point Duplicate Bridge Association(KPDBA) celebrated Vladi Basch and Shirley Shane’s attainment of Life Master. The American Contract Bridge Association (ACBL) awards this title to duplicate bridge players who accumulate required points. Ms. Shane, also a certified ACBL teacher, has been playing competitively for 4 years in Kings Point. She credits her partner, Guy Merskin, for his support. Mr. Basch, a lifelong bridge player, has been playing duplicate for about 10 years.

SCC Sew ‘n Sews Sales Help Them Give

The SCC Sew ‘n Sews sell handcrafted items such as aprons, totes, purses, walker bags, doll clothes, Christmas ornaments, quilts, pillows, their famous potato bags and many other items. These are sold at announced sales, as well as, every weekday in the club room. The monies earned are used to maintain equipment, provide supplies, offset the cost of trips and luncheons, as well as giving to charities. This year they gave a total of $2,350 to Mary & Martha House, A Kid’s Place, SCC Information Center, SCC Emergency Squad, SCC Ride, Samaritan Services, SCC Security Patrol, SCC Community Association Holiday Gift Fund, and LifePath Hospice. The Sew ‘n Sews Club provides a place and equipment for experienced and novice stitchers or quilters to learn new techniques, to share in the joy of creating something beautiful, and to enjoy great fellowship. Membership is open to all SCC Community Association members and annual dues are $10. For information call Linda at 813390-2377 or email them at scc.sew.n.sew@gmail.com.

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Memorialize Them!



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2015, February The News of Kings Point

New York Empire State Club Valentine Dinner Dance

Tuesday February 3, 2015 at Kings Point Borini Room. 5 p.m. Entertainment by Daniel Fugazzotto, food by Banquet Masters. Appetizer Table at 5 p.m., buffet menu at 5:30 p.m. Menu: Italian sausage and peppers, stuffed shells Pomodoro, salmon filet with almond sauce, veggies du jour and a starch, salad, rolls and butter. Also enjoy a selection of desserts, coffee, iced tea and sodas. BYOB. Members $18.50 per person, guests $22.50 per person. Makes checks payable to “New York Club” and send to or drop off at Frank Gatto, 1925 New Bedford Drive in SCC or Phyllis Scali at 2030 Heathfield CR in Kings Point. Phone 813.633.8942.

Sitting L to R: Barbara Paugh, Past President and President Mary Lou Bogdan. Standing L to R: Patricia Godfrey and Josie Foky, Members at Large, Jane Sanfilippo, Secretary, Dee Kelly, Treasurer, Linda Nolder, Vice President.

Sew ‘n Sews New 2015 Board Members

The Newly Elected Officers of the Sew ’n Sews held their first Annual Board Meeting for 2015. Past President Barbara Paugh turned over the duties and responsibilities to the Newly Elected President Mary Lou Bodgan. The Sew ‘n Sews Club provides a place and equipment for sewers and quilters to learn new techniques and to enjoy great fellowship. Membership is open to any Sun City Center Community Association Member. Members provide quilted and sewn items donated throughout the community, as well as having many items for sale. They enjoy fellowship through sharing of ideas, giving classes, shopping trips to fabric stores and helping others in need. For more information, call Linda at 813-390-2377 or email scc.sew.n.sews@ gmail.com.

Page 13

Sawdust Engineers Club

We’ve been told the Sawdust Engineers Club is one of the bestkept secrets in Sun City Center. The woodworking shop has all the tools you might need to complete a beautiful new woodworking project or to repair furniture for your home. As a dues paying member you no longer need to buy your own drill presses, lathes, planers, saws and other woodworking tools. We have it all here in the shop. Plus, we have experienced woodworkers in the club and in the shop who would be happy to show you how to use all that great equipment. To use Sawdust Engineers tools you must take a training course, and all usage is closely supervised. The Sawdust Engineer Club sales room of the Sawdust Engineers has member, Dennis Wendt, inexpensive items such as breadboards, repairing a cabinet door. turned bowls, toys and many other wooden items that the members have made and donated. The club also supplies educational toys to local primary school teachers upon request. Watch for our next article and learn more about the Sawdust Engineer Club located at 1000 N. Pebble Beach Blvd. Sun City Center. Phone 813-642-2038.

Italian Club Free Ice Cream Social

The Italian Club will have an free ice cream social for it’s Election Night. This is for 2015 paid up members only. The event will take place at the KP Borini Theater on Tuesday, March 10. The doors will open at 6 p.m. The elections will be held at 6:30 p.m. Ice cream will be served after the election. Salvina will DJ until 9 p.m. Reservations are needed. To reserve your place, please call Tom Barba at 633-0264.

Bunka Exhibit

Please join us for a Bunka embroidery exhibit on Feb. 5 from 10 a.m. till 2 p.m. at the Kings Point clubhouse banquet room. Come and enjoy looking at the many beautiful pictures stitched by our Bunka artists! Light refreshments will be served and a raffle for one of the pictures will be held.

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14 Page

The News of Kings Point

February, 2015

Male Call For Prostate Health

Sponsored by the Men’s Club of Sun City Center, will host the next meeting Monday, February 9th, 2 p.m. at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, 1239 Del Webb Blvd., West. Our speaker will be Dr. Jack Steel, MD of Tampa Bay Radiation Oncology. Dr. Steel will discuss treatment of Prostate Cancer with Cyber Knife and other radiation treatment options. It is suggested that Patients, Partners and Physicians attend. Refreshments will be served. For questions and schedule contact Sam Smith 813-746-1989 or Harry Benter 813-625-5328.

Purple Butterflies 2015 Membership Drive

The Purple Butterflies of SCC, a chapter of the International Red Hat Society, has open membership for all KP and SCC residents. Dues for the 2015 calendar year are $10 made out to “Purple Butterflies.” Our goal is for ladies, of all ages, to join a fun and friendly group. Our club colors are red hat with purple outfit. We have year round, monthly, functions either in town or bus/carpooling trips. There are registration forms on the front porch at 610 La Jolla Avenue (self serve and open 24/7) or phone Elaine at 634-3479 for more information.

Sun City Center Audubon Club

Photo by Paul Davenport The Sun City Center Audubon Club will meet on Saturday, February 7, 2015, in the Florida Room. Come at 9:30 a.m. for delicious refreshments. The business meeting begins at 10. Our Native Florida Scrub Jay will be the star of the program presented by Brook Elias, a naturalist at Shamrock Park and Nature Center. He will discuss the life cycle, habitat, food preferences, predators and future outlook of the scrub-jay. The program will be followed up with a field trip on Tuesday, February 10 to Venice Rookery and Shamrock Park to view the birds. There is a $5 per person fee for a guided tour of Shamrock Park, but no cost for the Rookery. For more details about the field trip, contact Juanita Kent, 813-633-0830. Guests are welcome at all Audubon Club meetings. For information about the club, call Lynn, 813-938-1065.

Men’s Club Lifeline Volunteers of the Month

2014 Best of Show

By Barbara Strong The Potters’ Wheel Club invites you to see their Second Annual Pottery Show and Sale located in the Potter’s Studio on Friday (2/20/15) and Saturday (2/21/15) between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. You’ll be encourage to vote for one “People’s Choice Award” amongst all levels of pottery on display. Lyn Van Voorst, potter and teacher at The Clay Company of St. Petersburg, will be judging the show. Please stop by and see the work of your talented fellow CA members.




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By Jay Sparkman The Sun City Center Men’s Club is very proud of Lifeline, the club’s main service project. Lifeline thrives on the work of dedicated Volunteer Installation Professionals (VIPs) like the four members pictured here. These volunteers for the month of January are from left, Gary Bowman, VIP of the month, George Lott, for GoSafe training, Gene Raymond and Jim Frasier, for the additional support they provided with GoSafe installations. GoSafe is a mobile medical alert system that allows you the freedom to go where you want when you want due to GoSafe’s advanced technology. For more information about GoSafe and the Lifeline program call 813-633-7091 or stop by the Lifeline office in the Atrium area at 1002 Cherry Hills Drive in Sun City Center. There are currently 690 Lifeline subscribers in Sun City Center/Kings Point. The Men’s Club is open to residents of Sun City Center and Kings Point. For membership information call Jon Lehr at 813-260-3058.

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2015, February The News of Kings Point

Free Writing Contest

For Residents of Sun City Center and Kings Point $100 prize for a short story or memoir plus $100 prize for a poem All entrants must adhere to the rules and guidelines set forth by the Writers Club. Entries will be judged by a panel of five (5) appointed by a quorum of club members. Their decision will be final, with no other consideration. Guidelines: Cover page, name, address, phone number, email address and SCC or KP ID number attached to front of your entry. Do not include any of this information on your story/memoir/poem. Judges will not know this information. Short stories/memoirs: Maximum 800 words – must be typewritten using #14 font—double spaced lines. Poems: Maximum 200 words – must be typewritten using #14 font – double spaced lines. Content: No restrictions as to genre; no vulgarity. Entries must be the writer’s original work. The Club accepts no responsibility or liability for submitted pre-published material. Deadline: Must be received by the Club or postmarked by February 28, 2015. Winners will be announced March 21, 2015, 12 noon at the Writers Club booth during Fun Fest. You do not have to be present and in that case you will be notified by phone or email. Submit Your Entry To: Writers Club Sun City Center Community Association Office 1009 Pebble Beach North Sun City Center, Florida 33573 Writers Club Contact if you have questions: President, Alice R. Boose. Preferably by email: arb1615@gmail.com or phone: 813-9381266.

Page 15

Irish Connection Club Movie Night

Monday Feb. 9th 6:30 p.m. at the Rollins Theater. Feature: The Playboys. Starring: Alberty Finney, Aiden Quinn, Robin Wright and Milo O’Shea. A young woman scandalizes her very provincial town by having a child out of wedlock and refuses to name the father. Several townsmen vie for her affections and the drama intensifies when a traveling troop of theatrical performers come to town. Sparks fly. Subtitles not available. All in SCC are welcome, Irish or not.

Meals on Wheels

By Uta Kuhn, Woman’s Club Publicity Volunteers deliver nutritious meals to residents of Sun City Center and Kings Point, 365 days a year. The program which makes this possible is called Meals on Wheels. One meal is delivered to residents who order it and pay a nominal fee. Various churches and organizations are responsible for a certain month of the year. In December this responsibility was handled by volunteers from the GFWC Woman’s Club of Sun City Center. This is only one of many service projects which the Woman’s Club is responsible for. Due to the December holidays, it is the hardest month to get volunteers, so those who volunteered deserve a special THANK YOU. If you think you would like to become a member of the Club, please contact Pat Huisinga at 815-275-0001 for more information.

Scandinavian Club

The Scandinavian Club of Sun City Center will hold a meeting for its members on Wednesday, February 25, 2015 at 2:30 p.m. in the Florida Room. This time the program is for members to socialize. The refreshments will be wine and cheese; the admission is free. Also CA and Kings Point residents who are interested in a membership are welcome. Please call Fritz Brinck at 813.260.3422 for information about the club and membership.

News of Kings Point online www.newsofkingspoint.com

Back L to R: Angie Maze, Beverly Fletchall, Chloe Odom, Rosie Clifton, Linda Raymond, Joan Hartnett, Ellen McGovern, Rita Griffin, Barbara Gaines, Kathy Gray, Roz Cruthis. FrontL to R: Sally Bodmer, Anne Rankin, Sharon Nathan. Not in the photo: Fran Fallon, Stefanie Betz, Juanita Kent, Marsha Fader.

16 Page

The News of Kings Point

2015 SCC Men’s Club Executive Board

February, 2015

An Hour With Matt

The February 4 meeting of the Computer Club will be of significant value to PC users. Matt Batt has a hat full of tips to make your computing faster, safer and more fun. Come and hear Matt share them with you. This is your chance to profit from Matt’s many years of experience. The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Florida Room. All Sun City Center and Kings Point residents are invited. For membership and meeting information, contact Mary Boyes at 205-8025.

Computer Club Classes The 2015 Sun City Center Men’s Club Executive Board gathered after the first meeting of the year for this group picture. Board members are elected by club membership. Back row: Joe Elam, VP Healthcare; Don Murphy, VP Programs; Gary Bowman, Special Programs; Mike Albanese, VP Districts; Mike Brock, Treasurer; Jim Frasier, Secretary; Bill Kilmain, Steward. Front row: Art Smith, President-Elect; Ron Pelton, President; Robert Winters, VP Lifeline; Jon Lehr, VP Membership. Missing from picture Frank Nauman, Chaplain. Membership in the Men’s Club is open to residents of Sun City Center and Kings Point. For information call Jon Lehr at 813-260-3058.

Metaphysical Society Events

Board Meeting: Tuesday – February 3 – 12 p.m. – Banquet Room, Chamber of Commerce, 1651 Sun City Center Plaza. Meeting is open to Metaphysical Society members. For info call Vicky at 813398-7033. Presentations – Wednesdays – 10 a.m. – Heritage Room - Central Campus February 4 “Manifesting 2015,” presentation with inspirational speaker and author Rev. Elena Jones who will walk us through the steps to manifesting and creating what we want to come into our lives this coming year. What would you like to manifest? February 11 “The Practice of Loving Kindness,” presentation with Ed Foote. The book A Course In Miracles says that if we are willing to see things differently, to see through the eyes of love, then we will be released from all forms of suffering and fear. Ed will examine ways that we can see differently, so that we can extend and receive Loving Kindness. February 18 “Intuition, Psychic Abilities, Energy Medicine and Angelic Connections,” presentation with artist, writer, and angel psychic reader Joanne Healey. Joanne will share with us the basics of energy, how it flows in our bodies and our auric field, the importance of staying grounded, and how to raise our intuitive vibrations. February 25 “The Gut/Brain Connection,” presentation with Kenneth Kuchar-Haas, Board Certified Acupuncture Physician, Nutritionist, and Reflexologist. Passionate about helping his patients find their individual path to good health, “Dr. Ken” discusses the role that nutrition has on digestive disorders and Diabetes II, and recent research regarding dementia and diet. Presentations are open to SCC residents and their guests, and reciprocal communities. Love offering requested to benefit the Society. Concert – Sunday – 5 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. - Chamber of Commerce, Banquet Hall, 1651 Sun City Center Plaza, Sun City Center, FL 33573. February 8 “Metaphysical Society Concert featuring Armand and Angelina.” International performing artists, Armand and Angelina will offer a delightful afternoon combining classical, pop and original songs, stories and humor to create a once in a lifetime experience of love, laughter and music. Come and hear them sing their version of Ave Maria, Aquarius, Hallelujah, plus many of their original love songs as well as Native American Flute music! Open to the Public. Love offering requested. For info call: Jeannie at 813-938-5931 or Holli at 813-419-4704. Mondays, February 2, 9, 16, and 23 at 1 p.m., in the Heritage Room, Central Campus. Book Group features “Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future,” by Bruce Lipton and Steve Bhaerman. Open to SCC residents and their guests, and reciprocal communities. Free admission. For info call Alice at 813-634-9065. For General Info call Vicky at 813 398-7033; for Program Info call Jeannie at 813 938-5931 or Holli at 813 419-4704, and for Membership Info call Ludi at 813 9385686.

Preregister at Computer Club Classroom in Atrium Bldg. All classes are held in the Classroom. Windows 8 Workshops Your choice of February 16 or February 26, 9 a.m. – 12 noon February 25, an evening class, 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. $10 Members $15 Non-members This workshop is designed to familiarize you with Windows 8.1. In class we will show you how to navigate around and between the desktop and start screen. We will customize the start screen and play with some of the cool apps that are included. Among other subjects we’ll cover antivirus, Microsoft accounts, search, and hot corners. Basic iPad/iPhone For Seniors February 17, 9 a.m. – 12 noon $10 Members $15 Non-members The iPad is almost a computer, but not quite. You can check Email, carry your books and music around with you, and have fun playing games. Adjust the size of the readable text on the screen, too. We will go through the iPad setup to make your life easier and fun. This class could be used in conjunction with another class on how to get your music onto your computer and devices. Prerequisites: You need your own iPad that you bring to the workshop, along with the charger and USB cord. You will also need a Hillsborough County Library card in order to download a book from the library. You can get a library card at the library on 19th Avenue or, with a bit more lead time, here at the SCC Library. Tuning Your PC Workshop Your choice of February 19 or February 24, 9 a.m. – 12 noon $30 Computer Club Members Only Is your PC or laptop running slow, long boot times, do you wait forever for web pages to come up? This workshop will teach you how to remove spyware, viruses, browser add-ons, bad registry entries, junk files, and other problems that slow down your system. You will work on your own computer and be able to see the results immediately. You will also receive a disk with the programs you will be using in the workshop. The workshop will begin at 9 a.m., so come a few minutes early to set up your computer. Only six slots – register early. How to Backup your Data with “Synctoy” February 23, 9 – 11 a.m. $10 Members $15 Non-members Synctoy is a free backup tool that can make backing up your data so easy that you might actually do it. Synctoy can synchronize your important data files with backup copies, making the backup process quick and easy. Synctoy is a free application, from Microsoft, that can be downloaded and used with Windows 7 or 8. Synctoy provides much of the basic data backup and synchronizing features found in commercially available applications. This class will show you how setup and use Synctoy in order to create an easy to use process to back up your data. Introduction to Computers Four Weeks on February 20 and 27, March 6 and 7 10 a.m. - 12 noon. Member $20 Non-member $25 This class will cover hardware--internal/external devices. Software -- creating, saving, and transferring files; as well as operating systems. Some basic word processing. Using the internet web browsers, search engines, and how to do a search. Storage devices--permanent/ temporary. For further information please contact John Husinka at 678-648-6921.

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2015, February The News of Kings Point

The Greatest Pizza and Beer Party Ever

The Michigan Club is sponsoring another great event. All are welcome to join us Monday Feb 23 at 5 p.m. in the Borini Theater. Pizza, Beer, Salad, Dessert and Entertainment to include Nancy Burridge. Members $10. Guests $12. Ticket sales every Tuesday 9 a.m. to noon KPN Lobby. Questions? call 813.419.4080

L to R: 2015 Irish Connection Board Members Paddy Cooney, Sue Snell, Bonnie Matthys, Jim Weening, Eileen Cole, Joan Weening, Larry Vaughan, Robbin Stratton Upson, Jack Lyons, Kathy Lyons.

Irish Connection 2015 Election of Board Members

Elected to the board for the coming year are: President Paddy Cooney, Vice President Sue Snell, Secretary Bonnie Matthys, Treasurer Eileen Cole, Membership Joan Weening, Publicity Robbin StrattonUpson, Movie Director Larry Vaughan, and Social Director Kathy Lyons. Members-at-Large are Jack Lyons and Jim Weening. Anyone who is Irish, of Irish extraction, or anyone who has an interest in Ireland, are welcome to join the Irish Connection Club which was formed with the object to promote all things Irish, including Culture, History, and Music. For membership information, please call Joan Weening 813.633.5274.

Page 17

2015 Stained Glass Club Annual Show

The Sun City Center Stained Glass Club’s 5th Annual Show is scheduled for February 20 and 21 in the Atrium’s Florida Room. The show will be open to the public at no cost on Friday, February 20 from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. and on Saturday, February 21 from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Professional glass artist Eloyne Erickson from Grand Central Stained Glass and Graphics in St. Petersburg will judge the show for the second year. Members will display pieces in a number of categories including soldered panels, lamps, sun catchers, mosaics, fused work, jewelry and sandblasting. The judge will select the ribbon winners in each category and the Best of Show award. A People’s Choice award will be determined by votes of the show’s visitors. Last year the show had over 100 entries and over 500 viewers voted for the People’s Choice award. For more information stop by the Stained Glass Club in the Arts and Crafts Building between 9 and noon Monday through Friday, or call Julie Moran at 634-3314.

Lions Club News

In the spirit of the holidays, the Sun City Center Lions Club donated non-perishable foods for the Good Samaritan Mission. The SCC Lions Club continues to collect used eye glasses, which in turn are reprocessed and given to those in need of glasses. The Lions have many drop boxes in the Sun City Center and Ruskin areas: Sunhill Optical, Eye Associates of Sun City Center, Burger King, Winn Dixie, Sun City Center Emergency Squad, Redeemer Lutheran Church, Sun City Cataract & Eye Center, United Community Church, OptiMart, Elks Club, WalMart, Security Patrol Office, Sun City Chamber of Commerce, Kauffman Eye Institute, Aston Gardens at the Courtyards, Plaza Barber Shop, Sun City Center Library, Ruskin Eye Center, Aston Gardens, Freedom Plaza, Publix, Boggs Jewelers, and Sun Towers. If you have any questions, please call the McGoverns at 633-4202. The Sun City Center Lions Club meets the second and fourth Wednesday of the month at the Sand Piper Grille, 1702 South Pebble Beach Boulevard. Lunch is at 11 a.m.; meeting begins promptly at 12 noon.

Sun City Center Registered Nurses Club

Submitted by Anise Tuma Thursday, February 5, 2015. Sun City Center Registered Nurses Club will meet in the Caper Room of the Atrium Bldg. in SCC. Social starts at 9:15am. Business meeting at 9:45am. Speaker at 10 a.m. Speaker, Melissa Garrison, Nurse Practitioner will speak on the “Latest Trends in Diabetic Care.” Visitors are welcome. Club membership is open to all Sun City Center residents. Dues are $10. New members dues are $15 L to R: IC Members Don Lynch, Suzanne Lynch, Bud Bruebaker, and which includes magnetic name badges. A reminder to bring items Terri Bruebaker. from Sister Sara’s list for the Medical Van and Campbell Coupons for Shriner’s Educational Program. For information call Lynn Murphy: 813Irish Connection Christmas Party The SCC Irish Connection Club hosted their annual Christmas party 634-6707 or Anise Tuma: 813-633-0499. Thursday evening, December 11, 2014 in the Florida Room of the Atrium Building. After noshing on heavy hors d’oeuvres, President Paddy Cooney held a short meeting which consisted of the election of officers for 2015, followed by a showing of the spectacular ‘A Christmas Celebration’ by international music sensation Celtic Woman, who are celebrating their Tenth Anniversary in 2015. Members and their guests also enjoyed a short of the 2014 SCC WinterFest Golf Car Parade in which the Irish took first place, in the group category consisting of community organizations, with their remarkable entry of an actual working merry-go-round, superbly created by Ian Donnelly and Larry Vaughan. Anyone who is Irish, of Irish extraction, or anyone who has an interest in Ireland, are welcome to join the Irish Connection Club which was formed with the object to promote all things Irish, including Culture, History, and Music. For membership information, please call Joan Weening 813.633.5274 and for the latest online news, see the Irish Connection website, newly created by member Jack Lyons, at www.sccirishconnection.com.

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18 Page

The News of Kings Point

The SCC Men’s Chorus

The SCC Men’s Chorus had a very successful Christmas season. They gave seven performances, including one concert at Terra Siesta in Ellenton. The SCC Men’s Chorus is back in rehearsal getting ready for a very busy spring season. This spring the chorus will be doing shows in Ruskin, Apollo Beach and in SCC for our April 12th spring concert. To quote the director Lynn Hirschfeld, “all these appearances keep the chorus members on their musical toes.” For any newcomers to SCC and surrounding area the Men’s Chorus provides an opportunity for men, who like to sing, to get together to share their skill and talents with others and enjoy the camaraderie that comes with singing in a chorus. The chorus is one of the pioneer groups in our community. Rehearsals are held each Wednesday from 2 to 4 p.m. at the St Andrew Presbyterian church located on W Del Webb Blvd. If you have sung in a church choir, college glee club, community chorus, or any other vocal group, you are welcome to come and sing. There are no tryouts; you will simply be assigned to the section best suited for your voice. For more information about becoming a chorus member, or booking the chorus for a performance, call Bob Garrod President at 813.634.4110.

Sun City Center Patriots Club

On Saturday, January 11, 2015, the Sun City Center Patriots Club held its annual meeting. The members elected Uta Kuhn President, Don Renwick Vice-president/Treasurer, Dick Person Vice-president/ Membership, and David Floyd Secretary. The club will sponsor the flying of our US Flags along S.R. 674 during the patriotic holidays. The club will organize the living flag tribute to our deceased veterans during the Memorial Day Observance. The club will also sponsor fund raisers in support of veteran’s recreation at the Hailey Veterans Hospital. The club will continue to patriotism and our veterans. To join the club or request information, please contact Uta Kuhn at 813-6429555. The 2015 annual dues are being collected.

February, 2015

SCC Scrapbooking Club Annual Christmas Luncheon

Back L to R: Gail Woldridge, Jeanne Ratliff, Pam Simmons, Brenda Swank, Anne Fagan, Michelle Bowley, Betty Lu Heimbold. Front L to R: Robbin StrattonUpson, Ginger Addison, Terry Steele, Nancy Russell, Susie Gill, Betty James, Hana Husak.

The SCC Scrapbooking Club enjoyed a delicious Christmas luncheon on the 15th of December in the Armstrong Room of the Atrium with fourteen members in attendance. Dirty Santa was played with many fun gifts exchanging hands. The club’s new consultant, June Murphy, brought many scrapbooking gifts for each member to choose from by draw. The 2015 SCC Scrapbook Club Officers were elected by vote with Betty James-President, Jeanne Ratliff-Secretary/Treasurer, and Robbin StrattonUpson, Publicity. Membership Dues are $5, payable by check to ‘SCC Scrapbooking Club’. If you are interested in preserving your memories or family history, please contact Jeanne Ratliff at 642-9669 to join our fun club which meets monthly on the 3rd Monday, or with any questions. Reminder: per CA/KP rules, please bring your CA or Kings Point ID badge.

SCC Science Club Offers Lecture on “Dark Energy and Dark Matter”

Mon. Feb 9 - Science, Engineering & Technology Club Meeting 7:30 p.m. in the Caper Room, Atrium Building, 954 North Course Lane. There is no cost for guests; anyone interested in science and technology is invited. Fulvia Fiorani, who last season presented the SET club with her well-attended talk on the beautiful photographs and discoveries from the Hubble telescope is back this year. Her talk, “Dark Energy and Dark Matter” presents the startling information that roughly 68% of the universe is dark energy and 27% is dark matter, leaving only 5% for all the “stuff” in the universe we can see (earth, planets, stars, comets). The observations that led to this conclusion (made by the Hubble telescope in 1998) will be noted as will conjectures about what dark matter and dark energy might be.

2015, February The News of Kings Point

Page 19

Womans Club Donation

At the December BOD meeting of the GFWC Womans Club members in attendance decided to distribute some of the club’s earned interest money. Each Board member was asked to nominate an organization/ charity/entity. One of the charities was nominated, by a member who volunteers at The Wimauma Elementary School Media Center. She has volunteered at the center along with other members of the Club, and is impressed with the work the school does to create enthusiasm for reading. The money will be used to purchase new books to add to their collection and replacements for books that have gotten a lot of love. Many other donations were made including the following: 1. The Hope Fund 2. Community Campaign Against Human Trafficking 3. CARE Animal Shelter 4. Our Lady of Guadalupe Food Pantry 5. SPCA of Tampa When all of these contributions were added up, the total amount donated to the various worthwhile causes amounted to $6,750. The Womans Club also hosts events which are a lot of fun. It isn’t just all work and no play. They go on field trips, play Bunco, plan special trips including lunch, etc. If you would like more information about the GFWC Womans Club of SCC to become a member, please contact Pat Huisinga at 815-275-0001.

Hula Honeys Heat Up the Heartland

The Heartland Club of Kings Point (formerly the St. Louis Club) recently hosted a Hawaiian luau party at which the Hula Honeys, lead by Darlene Walters, provided the entertainment. Close to 100 members of the club attended and enjoyed a delicious meal catered by St. Pizza. Sylvia Eddens, the party organizer and one of the dancers, chose Vicky Bittner, Linda Schuler and Darlene to join her in the performance as they are all former residents of St. Louis. There are several more dancers who make up the entire troupe. With several authentic Hawaiian costume changes and a variety of hula styles, the Hula Honeys are always a great hit, wherever they perform. To book them for your event, call Darlene at 633.6839.

Art Club Gallery Exhibit

By Mel Solochek January the Art Club in Sun City Center, featured a gallery show which was open the all art club members featuring “ Safari Animals.” Members will brought art with a safari animal theme, featuring lions, tigers, zebras, elephants, rhinos, and many more surprises. The paintings were gorgeous, and the treats supplied by the many artists were delicious and fun to eat. Wine and other beverages also. The crowd was are largest ever for in art gallery opening. February the gallery will featuring the ribbon winners of the Art Club Annual Art Show, held January 22 -24. The ribbon winners will display their winning artwork in the Art Room Gallery for the month of February, for all to see. The February open house will be held in the Art room gallery on February 4, from 1 to 3 p.m. The public is welcome.

British Connection Annual Christmas Tea

The British Connection Club of SCC hosted their annual British Tea with a viewing of the movie ‘The Man Who Would Be King’ on Friday afternoon, December 12, 2014, in the Florida Room of the Atrium Building. Members and guests enjoyed the Academy Award Nominee action packed adventure starring Sean Connery and Michael Caine while noshing on traditional tea fare of various homemade finger sandwiches, sausage rolls, mince pies, Scottish shortbread, Christmas cake, egg nog, and tea, followed by the opening of the Christmas Crackers. Many thanks to the Committee Members for all of their hard work in keeping this lovely tradition alive! The British Connection is open to all residents and their guests of Sun City Center and Kings Point. For membership information, please contact Linda Peterson at 813-634-7545.


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20 Page

The News of Kings Point

Saint Anne Food Pantry / Giving Tree

Over 25 years ago Saint Anne Catholic Church in Ruskin began to provide food to people in need, less than 20 families per weekly. Since that time this ministry has grown into a Food Pantry distribution site in partnership with Feeding America. Additional support is given through private donations, Saint Anne Outreach Program, community grants such as The Simmons Foundation, The Community Foundations of Tampa Bay and of Greater Sun City Center, and The Interfaith Council of Sun City Center. Over the past several years the number of families served has grown to over 400 each week. During some weeks of November and December the number of families served has exceeded 500. To manage the continued growth each year, a new 4,000 square foot building has been built by Saint Anne Church. This new facility provides a larger work space and sufficient storage for food supplies including more fresh food products. Currently 6,000 to 8,000 pounds of food is needed each week to feed those in need. Recent food shortages in the USDA has impacted Feeding America. This adds additional problems for this Food Pantry to meet the growing needs. Recently food stocks have been supplemented by Food Drives at Saint Anne Church and four local communities: Andalucía, Mira Bay, Southshore Falls and Symphony Isles. With this additional food donation many families’ needs were met. Fourteen years ago a Saint Anne parishioner, in coordination with the Food Pantry started the Giving Tree ministry. This Holiday giftgiving project for the children has grown from 300 to over 700 this Christmas. Since this wonderful tradition began, over 7,000 children have received wrapped and decorated gifts for Christmas from the Saint Anne parishioners. All of these activities are accomplished by many volunteers donating hundreds of hours each year to make lives better for others in our community. Many thanks to all those who have donated their “time, talent and treasures” in support of these programs. For more information about Saint Anne Catholic Church, visit its web site at www.saintanneruskin.org.

Human Trafficking Addressed

Area residents are invited to an eye-opening program about the trafficking of young girls, boys, and even adults in nearby communities throughout Florida, and the world, to be held February 26 at 1:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall of St. Andrew Presbyterian Church in Sun City Center. The local Sun City Center/South Shore chapter of the Campaign Against Human Trafficking has over 100 members working to rescue those who have become victims. Cam McGary, co-chair of the Awareness Team, will give a PowerPoint presentation. Carol Liedberg, Coordinator of Physical and Spiritual Care Services for St. Andrew, encourages both men and women to view this shocking program about what is commonly referred to as “modern day slavery.” An informal question and answer period will follow the presentation. St. Andrew is located at 1239 Del Webb Blvd. W. and can be reached at 634-1252. For information, call the church and leave a message for Carol Liedberg.

February, 2015

Christian Women’s Connection Luncheon

Jo Ayers will be the featured speaker at the Christian Women’s Connection Luncheon on Thursday, February 12 at Club Renaissance, 2121 South Pebble Beach Blvd., Sun City Center. Jo will share why she is the “Happiest Girl in the Whole USA” and will present her special program feature, “Wired that Way.” A delicious meal featuring Chicken Picatta will be served or you may specify the alternate tossed salad with Grilled Chicken when you make your reservation. Seating begins at 11 with lunch served at 11:30. Please make reservations or cancellations before noon on Monday, February 9, by contacting Gail Green at 812-634-2159 or rgreen01@tampabay.rr.com or Pat Butler 813-98-4320. Price is $17 inclusive.

Interfaith Council Donates to Good Samaritan Mission

Theresa Cruz, left, Director for Seeds of Change at the Good Samaritan Mission in Balm, accepts a $7,500 grant check from Dawn Hennen, Sun City Center Interfaith Council member and volunteer at the Nearly New Shop in Sun City Center. The grant will be used towards the purchase of a new vehicle to be used to pick up donations. The Interfaith Council uses monies raised from the sale of donated goods at the Nearly New Shop to fund grants and college scholarships in the south Hillsborough County area. The current time period for accepting grant applications will expire January 31, 2015. For more information go SunCityCenterInterfaithCouncil.com or call 813-942-9099.

Interfaith Donates to Security Patrol

Congregation Beth Israel Program

Writings From Prison: Please join us on February 3 at 1 p.m. as Charna Bogdany shares her experiences with women prisoners at the Hillsborough Correctional Institute. Charna volunteered to monitor and lead an art and writing group for the women inmates. This meaningful endeavor created an outlet for the women to express their feelings and share what was in their hearts. It was the only stand alone Faith and Character program in the state. It focused on retraining and education to give the women a better chance of creating a productive life after release. The program will take place in the Henry Gibson Social Hall at Beth Israel located on Del Webb Blvd., Sun City Center, Fl. Please come and learn about this amazing program. Refreshments will be served and there is no charge. The public is invited and you may bring guests. If you need further information, please call or email Rochelle Lafer at 813-9383824 or rlafer@gmail.com.

Interfaith Council Donates to Kiwanis Club

Tony Petree, President of Kiwanis Club of Sun City Center, receives a $5,000 Sun City Center Interfaith Council grant check from Mary Ann Twitty, a volunteer at the Nearly New Shop in the Sun City Center Plaza. The grant will used for a service leadership program for kids through Hillsborough County College. The Interfaith Council uses monies gained from the sale of donated goods at the Nearly New Shop to fund grants and college scholarships in South Hillsborough County. The period for submission of grant applications will end January 31, 2015. For information go to SunCityCenterInterfaithCouncil.com or call 813-942-9099.

BETH ISRAEL The Jewish Congregation of Sun City Center, 1115 Del Webb Blvd. E. Sun City Center (813)634-2590



Kathy Woelfel, a volunteer at the Nearly New Shop in Sun City Center, presents a grant check to Bob Powers, formerly Chief of the Sun City Center Security Patrol, in the amount of $2,250 from the Sun City Center Interfaith Council. The Security Patrol will use the money for replacement of street signs in Sun City Center. Looking on is Don Hinderliter of the Security Patrol. The Interfaith Council uses monies from the sale of donated goods at the Nearly New Shop to fund grants to organizations in the South Hillsborough County area. January 31 is the cutoff date for the current grant application period. Go to www.interfaithcouncilofsuncitycenter.com or call 813-6429099 for more information.

Redeemer Lutheran Women to Meet

The women’s organization of Redeemer Lutheran Church (Women of the ELCA) will meet on Wednesday, February 18 beginning with refreshments at 9:30 a.m. The 10 a.m. program will be a presentation by Lutheran Services of Florida. Everyone is invited to attend. For more information, call 813-634-1292.

Prince of Peace Catholic Church

702 Valley Forge Blvd, SCC • www.popcc.org • 813.634.2328



Sun. 8am, 10am, 12n Sat. Vigil 4pm Daily 8:00 a.m.

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2015, February The News of Kings Point

The Puffers to Perform at UMC

The United Methodist Church of Sun City Center is proud to welcome back southern gospel duo The Puffers, Bob and Darlene Puffer, on Friday, February 20 at 7 p.m. in the church sanctuary. Bob Puffer spent 13 years in country music, beginning his music career in the nightclub business where he made significant progress toward a lucrative future as a performer and songwriter. In 1977, Bob succeeded in passing an audition to appear on the national television show, HeeHaw. In 1980, he made an appearance on the Joe Franklin Show. He later contracted for a major concert where he shared billing with the OAK RIDGE BOYS. He was often interviewed as an up-and-coming Country Music personality and had the honor of being written up in MUSIC CITY NEWS, the most widely distributed country music news magazine in the nation. Bob and Darleen currently travel extensively throughout the United States with their music ministry, performing between 150 and 200 concerts/services each year. Their music contains a variety of styles including traditional Gospel, Southern Gospel, Country, Folk and many humorous songs, which are often requested. A donation of just $5 is requested at the door on the night of the concert. For more information about The Puffers, please visit their website, www.thepuffers.com.

Gospel Bluegrass Family Band at UMC

The United Methodist Church of Sun City Center, 1210 Del Webb Blvd. West in Sun City Center, welcomes The Band Anastazja on Friday, February 6 at 7 p.m. Armed with a banjo, mandolin, fiddle, guitar, bass, the spoons, eight kids, Mom, Dad and Gramma, The Band Anastazja travels here, there and everywhere to entertain folks with their unique style of music and their genuineness in the real life stories that they tell. Mom, Stacey says that “We need to keep the old music alive, because if we don’t, it will be gone and forgotten.” You’ll hear songs from Loretta Lynn, Hank Williams and the Carter Family as well as some gospel and originals. A donation of just $5 is requested at the door on the night of the concert. For additional information about this and other events and activities at the United Methodist Church of Sun City Center, please contact Kevin Goodenow, Concert Series Coordinator at (813) 3620956 or Jeff Jordan, Director of Worship Arts, at (813) 634-2539.

Community Foundation Donates to Lady’s Pantry

Our Lady’s Pantry gratefully accepts $10,000 for food from the Community Foundation Tom Bullaro, co-director of Our Lady’s Pantry with his wife Anita, announced today that Our Lady’s Pantry has received a huge donation from the Community Foundation of Tampa (Sun City Center). “This $10,000 donation will go a long way toward feeding families, who come to the Pantry each Saturday for food,” Bullaro said. Our Lady’s Pantry is affiliated with Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Migrant Mission at 16650 U.S. Highway 301, Wimauma, Fl. 33598. If anyone you know is in need of food, please urge them to come to the Pantry any Saturday morning between 7:30 and 11:30 a.m. “We are so appreciative of all the donations we receive to feed those in need,” Bullaro said. “We could not do with work without the generous support of this community.”

UCC Hosts Shower for Athena House

By Jo Prater Naomi Circle of United Community Church Women’s Fellowship hosted a Shower for the Tampa Crossroads Athena House. They brought gifts of sheets, towels, toiletries and other items to a luncheon at Sandpiper Grill. The speaker was Morgan McKeown, Case Manager of Athena House, home for homeless female Veterans. She told how they help them with a place to live, find a job and get on their feet. We were surprised to hear that their average age is 52 years.

Page 21

Rummage Sale

Members prepare for the eighth annual Rummage Sale at Redeemer Lutheran Church located at 701 Valley Forge Blvd., Sun City Center. Dates of the sale are Friday, February 6 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. and Saturday, February 7 from 8 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. Lots of household items, clothing, and baked goods have been donated for the sale. Crafts and collectibles including Hummels and Lladros will also be available. For more information, call 813-634-1292.

Mardi Gras Masquerade at UCC

Come to the United Church of Christ at 1501 La Jolla Avenue to celebrate Mardi Gras. The party will be in the Great Hall of the church on Friday February 13 at 6 p.m. A donation of $18 per person, gets a Cajun Dinner, A Dixieland Band and many other surprises. You may bring your own wine to the dinner. The event is a Masquerade ball, in formal attire if revelers desire. Tickets may be purchased after worship on Sunday morning or on Tuesday or Thursday from 10 to noon in the Narthex of the church. The last day to get tickets will be February 10. Call Paula 633-6739 for more information or tickets.

United Methodist Brings Hope To Uganda

On January 16, Rick and Judy Maynard, representing the United Methodist Church of Sun City Center, joined a five member medical mission team traveling to Uganda, Africa bringing hope to the people of the Watoto Village. Uganda has 1.5 million orphans, and 50% of the country’s population is under the age of 15 due to disease, primarily HIV, and war. Many women were kidnapped as children to serve as child soldiers or child wives. Watoto, founded by Gary and Marilyn Skinner, has built orphanage villages, orphaned babies homes and rehabilitation centers for women to help train future leaders for Uganda and give women hope to support and raise their children. The Watoto Children’s Choir recently performed at The United Methodist Church. On this, their fourth Uganda mission trip, the Maynards are a part of a team who hope to provide medical treatment and disease diagnosis, educate in areas of health and medical wellness, and provide emotional and spiritual support to the women and children. As Judy stated, “Our team is small but hard working, and we hope to see about 500 women and children at our clinics. We look forward to renewing old friendships and making new friends.”

The Gospel Workshop of America Tampa Chapter O


Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Gospel Workshop of America, Tampa Chapter will be in concert at the

United Community Church, United Church of Christ, 1501 La Jolla Ave. The concert will be in the sanctuary of the church at 4:30 in the afternoon. A free will offering will be taken and given to the Gospel Workshop. For more information call Paula 633-6739


L to R: Morgan McKeown, Ruth Ann Phelan, Paula Lickfeldt & Sally Morse.

22 Page

The News of Kings Point

February, 2015

SouthShore Library

February Programs for Adults at SouthShore Library SENIOR LIFESTYLE SERIES: THERAPEUTIC APPROACHES TO KNEE & HIP PAIN WED. FEB 11, 2:30 – 3:30 pm A registered nurse and nurse practitioner from Lakewood Ranch Hospital will be on site discussing arthritic pain and orthopedic intervention. A question and answer session will follow the presentation. No registration required. MASTER GARDENER: TURF GRASS & FLORIDA LAWNS FRI. FEB 20, 2:00 – 3:30 pm Join Master Gardener, Jim Hawk, as he discusses the advantages and disadvantages to warm season grasses such as Bahia grass, St. Augustine grass, Bermuda grass, zoysia grass, and seashore paspalum. Other topics such as shade tolerance, fertilization, mowing, irrigation, and pest management will also be discussed. No registration required. STEAL AWAY: THE STORY OF A HOMESTEADER AND AN EXODUSTER SAT. FEB 21, 2:30 – 3:30 pm Celebrate Black History Month with a moving fictional dramatization by writer and performer Penny Musco, that weaves together historical accounts of those who sought free land by taking advantage of The Homestead Act, and the significant but nearly forgotten movement of an estimated 20,000-40,000 former slaves who headed north after reconstruction ended. Set in 1880, the story is told from the perspective of Priscilla, a white woman who leaves the East to homestead in the Plains with her husband and children. There she crosses paths with Abigail and her family, former slaves known as Exodusters. No registration required. Funded by the friends of the SouthShore Regional Library. MOVIE MATINEE: CENTRAL AVENUE REMEMBERED MON FEB 23, 2:30 – 3:15 pm Celebrate Black History Month with a film that explores the rich history of Tampa’s Central Avenue. It was more than a main street; it was a destination and a viable place for black businesses. During its hey-day between 1930-1960, many important figures appeared on Central Avenue: Hank Ballard, Ray Charles, Ella Fitzgerald, and Butterfly McQueen to name a few. No registration required. FAMILY CENTER ON DEAFNESS TELEPHONE DISTRIBUTION WED. FEB 26, 1:00 – 3:00 pm FTRI provides free specialized equipment and training to qualified Florida residents who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired. The equipment enables them to place and receive phone calls. Presented by Florida Telecommunications Relay, Inc. RAW FUSION: THE ART OF DELICIOUS NUTRITION FRI. FEB 27, 2:30 – 4:00 pm Join Dr. LJ Rose as she discusses raw fusion living and how to create healthy alternatives to favorite dishes. The program will cover all aspects of living a raw foods lifestyle, including how to have a health conscious mindset, cravings, and the four cornerstones of raw fusion. Dr. LJ will also demo some delicious recipes for attendees to taste and enjoy. No registration required. Funded by the friends of the SouthShore Regional Library. WHAT VINTAGE SPORT COLLECTABLES ARE IN YOUR ATTIC? SAT. FEB 28, 2:30 – 4:00 p.m. Join Michael Osacky, contributing writer for Parade and The Huffington Post, as he discusses his lifelong passion of collecting sports memorabilia! Mr. Osacky has appraised world championship athlete collections from the Chicago Bulls and New York Yankees and their athletes. At the end of the presentation, Mr. Osacky will provide a free verbal appraisal for attendees that bring in their vintage sports items. No registration required. Funded by the friends of the SouthShore Regional Library.

Walking the Walk:

How to live the love Jesus Taught What does it mean to live unconditionally? What does it take to forgive others? Is it possible to live without anger? This free one-hour talk by international speaker Chet Manchester explores the power of love to heal relationships and communities. 3:00 p.m. Sunday, February 15, 2015 The Florida Room, Atrium Building 945-D North Concourse Lane Sun City Center

Chet Manchester is a Christian Science lecturer who speaks to interfaith audiences worldwide. Sponsored by First Church of Christ, Scientist, SCC-Ruskin

Jameson Luminaries

Residents of Jameson Condominium Association in Kings Point, Sun City Center, have been lighting up their street with luminaries every year since 2005. A gathering of residents fills 500 bags with sand, inserts tea lights and places the bags every 5 feet throughout the community. At dusk, the residents light the tea candles, wish each other holiday good wishes and Happy New Year. Ron Pimble, resident photographer extraordinary, documents the event with photos and DVDs. The participating residents gathered for the lighting of the candles this year on New Year’s Eve and toasted each other with Champagne, truffles and cheese. Wishes for a healthy, happy 2015 abounded. Hopefully, they will gather again next December for their 11 luminary extravaganza.

Samaritan Services Fundraiser

Youth Supporting Seniors! The fundraiser will be held on February 20, 2015 starting at 6:00 pm. In the Sun City Center Community Hall located at 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. We will be offering desserts by Moreno Bakery, Coffee and you may BYOB. The entertainment will feature the Riverview High School Vision Show Chorus, the Barrington Middle School Group from Lithia and more. The cost will be $12 per ticket to benefit Samaritan Services. The tickets will be on sale at the Atrium starting on Jan.19 from 10 to12:00 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday ending on February 16. If you are a resident of Kings Point, ticket sales will be in the North Club House Tuesdays and Thursdays starting on January 27 through February 12 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. For more information contact Julie Floyd at 813-833-5622.

AAUW Announces 2015 Women of Distinction Award

The Sun City Center/South Shore Branch of the American Association of University Women proudly announces the annual Women of Distinction Luncheon to be held Feb 10, 2015 in the Community Hall at 11 a.m. The three following outstanding women will be honored. Each honoree will speak on the challenges of their success. Tickets are available for $25 per person. Tickets and additional information are available from Joan Weening, 633-5274. All proceeds benefit the Mature Women’s Scholarship Fund. Jennifer Orsi is managing editor of the Tampa Bay Times. She has spent nearly her entire career as a journalist with the Times, starting as an intern and joining the staff Jennifer Orsi full time in 1988 after graduating from Indiana University with a B.A. in journalism. At the Times she has held a variety of positions as reporter, followed by several editorial positions. Now as managing editor she oversees the day-to-day news operations of the newspaper, its website, and its nine bureaus. She serves as a juror for Pulitzer Prizes, and on several organizational boards. Jennifer grew up in the Clearwater area and now lives in Tampa. Susan Tamme began her fire service career in 1992. She serves as District Chief for Tampa Fire Rescue. Susan has earned her way through the departmental ranks serving as firefighter,

paramedic, lieutenant, fire captain and currently, district chief. She has a BA from Eckerd College and Masters of Arts in Education Susan Tamme from USF. In addition, she is certified as Fire Inspector, Urban Search and Rescue, and Fire/EMS instructor. Susan currently serves on the Executive Board for the International Association of Women in Fire & Emergency Services. She volunteers with Girl Scouts and “Friends” of the Honeymoon Island Park. Barbara VanEycken was raised in Long Island, NY. She always knew she wanted to be in entertainment, but attended a local Community College, “just in case.” This led to a very rewarding 17year career in the field Barbara of corporate VanEycken leadership. In 1985 her husband retired and they moved to FL. Here she has worked nine years with Weight Watchers, from which she plans to retire in 2015. Still remembering her original dream, she created three one woman shows which are a great success. Every year for the last six years she has offered her show as a fundraiser in two Florida Community Theaters and also done at least one annual benefit show for a worthy cause.

2015, February The News of Kings Point

Page 23

Robert H. Trivus Featured Photographer

Alzheimer’s & Dementia Seminar

Alzheimer’s & Dementia Seminar with Teepa Snow Monday, February 2, 2015 at 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. St. John the Devine Episcopal Church 1015 Del Webb Blvd East Sun City Center, Florida 33573 Nationally renowned Dementia expert, and creator of the Senior Helpers award winning program “Senior Gems,” Teepa Snow, is being brought to our area by Senior Helpers to present a special Alzheimer’s and Dementia seminar. The presentation is FREE for family members caring for loved ones with Dementia. Professionals are welcome at a small fee and CEU’s are being offered. Proceeds to benefit charities. Space is limited, call 813-677-1400 or to register visit www.seniorhelpers.com/UDC-Seminar-Series Premier Sponsors: Understanding Dementia Care: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Living Life After Diagnosis: Taking care of everyone involved for better quality of life. 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Demystifying Resistance and Providing Care That Works Better.

Smart Justice Summit

Janet Smith recently served on a panel at the Smart Justice Summit held Jan 12-14 at the Hyatt Regency in Sarasota. The panel topic was The Value of Reentry Services for the Females. Also on the panel was Felisha Dexter, Director of Bradenton Bridge Work Release, Heidi Holiday, a graduate of Bradenton Bridge, and Chris Southerland, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Reentry Programs for DOC. Mrs. Smith spoke to the value of mentoring in preparing female inmates for Reentry. She currently mentors three inmates in various locations from Ocala to Miami who were originally at Hillsborough C I. Pictured with Mrs. Smith is Barney Bishop, CEO of the Smart Justice Alliance. Formation of the Smart Justice Alliance is the latest development in justice reform advocacy in Florida. The Alliance is an outgrowth of Associated Industries of Florida’s Smart Justice Council, which was created to place greater emphasis on changes to improve public safety while reducing costs to the taxpayer.

Sun City Center Chamber of Commerce The Sun City Center Photo Club’s January and February exhibit at the Chamber of Commerce features Club President Robert H. Trivus. The exhibit is entitled “France and the Eastern Mediterranean.” Dr. Trivus is a photographer who frequently travels with a digital camera, searching for the ideal picture of something of meaning or of beauty, be it in a person, building or tranquil scene. The photographs he will be presenting were taken during many of his travels. His photographs have graced fifteen magazine covers. He has also been President of the Art Association of the American Psychiatric Association in 2010 and again in 2013. For more information on the SCC Photo Club and its activities, please see our website at www.photoclubscc.com or visit the photo learning lab at 960D Cherry Hills Drive.

FBI Specialist to Speak

Kelly Murphy, Victim Services Specialist with the FBI Tampa Division, will be the guest speaker at the February 20 meeting of the SS/SCC Campaign Against Human Trafficking. Ms. Kelly, has been with the FBI since 2003 and with the trafficking victims services for the past 10 years. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice and a master’s degree in Social Psychology and is well prepared to help human trafficking victims return to a normal life style when rescued. Her presentation will include the various phases of human trafficking and what needs to be done to alleviate this ever growing problem. The meeting is at 1 p.m. at the United Methodist Church. This will be a very informative and interesting presentation. The public is welcome.

North Korea Act III: The “Young General”

Friday, Feb. 13, 2015. The International Forum of Sun City Center is delighted to welcome Prof. Phillip Leto, who will lecture and lead a discussion on “North Korea and the “Young General,” Kim Jung Un. Prof. Leto, formerly of the Dept. of Government and World Affairs at the University of Tampa and founder of “Sterling (Discovery) University Lectures,” will delight the SCC audience with his ability to relate the detailed and sometimes complicated subject matter of his lectures in a fact-filled, understandable and often-humorous manner. International Forum Board member, Gail Riba and her husband John Doellinger will also share a brief pictorial tour of their recent visit to South Korea and the DMZ in June of 2014. This Forum program will be held from 9:30-11:30 a.m. in the Atrium’s Florida Room just off of North Pebble Beach Blvd. Residents of Sun City Center, Kings Point and Friends are welcome.

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12 Fabulous Shows • 3 Fantastic Series • Package Discounts Presented in the




February 2, 2015 Margo Rochelle & Rodeo Drive In their 15th year together, Margo Rochelle and Rodeo Drive have emerged as one of Florida’s most in-demand country music acts. In addition to regular performances at Disney World’s famous “Pleasure Island” concert series, in which they have performed with Trisha Yearwood, Pam Tillis and Tracy Byrd, they have appeared on major concert stages with Toby Keith, Tammy Wynette and The Oak Ridge Boys.

February 17, 2015 New Christy Minstrels The world-famous group, “The New Christy Minstrels®,” is still under the direction of Randy Sparks and is now BETTER than they were in their heyday. The NCM won a Grammy for their very first album and have Gold Records galore. The group, now officially seven members strong, is a mix of old and new and it’s now the best collection of performers ever to have been billed as The New Christy Minstrels. Each performer adds a diverse and unique talent to the pool.

March 9, 2015 Dulap and Pennington Both Dulap and Pennington are renowned musicians with impressive backgrounds. Together the results are amazing. At a recent concert one enthusiastic concert-goer said, “If you close your eyes, it’s like listening to an orchestra.”


FEBRUARY 5, 2015 FEBRUARY 25, 2015 Changes in Latitudes A Tribute Stayin’ Alive to Jimmy Buffet STAYIN’ ALIVE offers their Changes In Latitudes is the audiences the songs and sights of country’s premier tribute a full Bee Gees play list, singing show to the Mayor of blockbusters such as “Night Margaritaville, Jimmy Buffett. Fever,” “Jive Talkin,” “How Deep This nationally acclaimed Is Your Love” and “You Should Be Dancing,” among other band travels the country with great hits. STAYIN’ ALIVE is the largest and most definitive beach balls and leis flying, production of its kind. STAYIN’ ALIVE is the quintessential dancing conga lines and “Trop Rock” fun for all. It’s the tribute band to the Bee Gees, capturing the excitement of live ultimate beach party that’s good clean fun for all ages. performance and the tender subtleties of the human voice! MARCH 19, 2015 Joey Dee & Starliters The show features Joey Dee’s smash 1960’s hits “Peppermint Twist,” “Mashed Potatoes,” “What Kind of Love Is This” and “Shout.” The show incorporates some comedy and dance with 1990’s look and sound. The Starlighters have been hailed as one of the best bands in the country with their incredible playing skills.


February 9, 2015 Former Ladies of the Supremes With Scherrie Payne and Lynda Laurence, formerly of the Supremes, The FLOS are two genuine former members of the Motown signed and recorded Supremes. The third singer of their group is Joyce Vincent. This group can be traced to the group of yesterday. The history, the songs and most importantly the talent is there! Since their formation in 1986, they have acquired an impressive biography with recordings and sold out performances.


North Clubhouse

Residents Only on Friday, February 27 from 4-6 p.m. Open to KP & SCC Residents on Saturday, February 28 9-1 p.m. s, ntiquelothes, a p o Sh oods, c are, nw ng g sportiture, kitched furni books anre! mo much


New 2020 Centre Open House & Community Festival Friday, March 20th 2020 Centre and KPCH Front Lawn 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Tampa Bay Fresh Market Entertainment & Food Local Business Vendors KP Clubs and Groups Open to KP and SCC Residents

March 16, 2015 The Jim Stafford Show Jim launched his television career with the Jim Stafford show in 1975. His love for performing in front of a live audience brought him to Branson, Missouri where he owns his own theatre and entertains visitors all year long with his singing, song writing and his comic genius. Jim Staffords hits include “Spiders and Snakes,” “Wildwood Weed” and the wonderfully satirical “Cow Patti” written for the Clint Eastwood movie, “Any Which Way You Can,” in which Jim appeared.

March 30, 2015 The Ditchfield Family Singers Becoming known as one of America’s most versatile family ensembles, The Ditchfield Family Singers are acclaimed for their close harmony, warmth and wide variety of musical styles and presentations. They perform everything from the popular music of the ‘30’s, ‘40’s and ‘50’s, to Broadway show stoppers, to the best loved traditional and inspirational standards of our time.


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Sports www.newsofkingspoint.com

February 2015

Chet Przewosnik Receives Honor

On January 5th, 2015 the Sun City Center Tennis Association rewarded Chet Przewosnik for his dedication to teaching and encouraging tennis players in our town by naming a court in his honor. Court #10 on the tennis courts behind the SCC Community Hall will, henceforth, be known as “Chet’s Court.” Dozens of Sun City Center residents turned out to honor Chet, the 90 years young player affectionately known as the “king” of the SCC tennis complex. The Sun City Tennis Association held a ceremony to dedicate the court to their first ever lifetime member. Chet has played and taught tennis here for 30 years, coaching over 100 players. He is by far our most popular tennis association member. Ron Doom conducted the ceremony, which included unveiling a commemorative plaque above Court #10. The guest of honor was overwhelmed by the recognition. “Thank you so much. This really is an honor, and I so appreciate it,” Chet said.

Gibson Wins Match

Part-time Sun City resident and CTC Competitive Tennis Club member Anne Gibson won her home state of Maine’s 3.5 Women’s USA Tri-level tennis match and her team will be traveling to the New England Sectionals in Springfield, Massachusetts. Good luck, Anne!

Tennis Player Completes Half Marathon

Sun City Center resident and Competitive Tennis Club member Natalie Schiller participated in the Clearwater Distance Classic 13.1 miles Half Marathon on Sunday, January 18, 2015. Read her inspiring “no quit” story in her own words... I woke up at 4:30 this morning; raring to go. The breakfast to take me through the race was my fruit smoothie and a protein bar. We arrived in Clearwater and it was still dark, but the runners and walkers were pouring in. Runners of all ages, sizes, shapes, we’re arriving in handfuls every minute into Coachman Park. The park is small and intimate and sits right in front of the water. The first bridge stood above the start-finish line. I was informed a month ago that there will be two bridges to trudge over --- and the second bridge was said to be the most difficult. Which means: pace yourself. The walkers for all of the events were released from the starting line at 6:05AM. There were no where near as many walkers as there were runners. The runners were jumping in place, holding their chill bodies to keep warm, laughing, taking selfies with friends and family. It was a great atmosphere. At 6:50 a.m., the runners started taking their places in the corral. We were elbow to elbow, but it didn’t feel claustrophobic. We were all feeling the same emotions: excitement, anticipation and the joy to be running. The gun fired

SCC Tennis Association Newly Elected Executive Board

Back L to R: Dee Kelly (Secretary), Dave Mohl (President), Jim Kistler (Vice President), Bea Bohm (Treasure). Front L to R: Alice Friedlein (Membership), Pat Lacurci (Social), Deb Zieg (Social).

Competitive Tennis Club Membership Meeting

at exactly 7:05 a.m. to mark the start of the Clearwater Distance Classic. We circled around the courthouse, quickly getting into a strong pace to prepare for the first bridge. The bridge wasn’t that steep and made for a nice quick challenge. The sun was just rising, the sky turning bright pink, orange and red to make for a gorgeous sunrise as we headed to the Clearwater beaches. The views were stunning. The endless blue ocean, the palm trees Continued on Page 28

L to R: The new Executive Board members: Maggie Pliska, liaison; Debbie Zieg, vice president; Sue Smith, treasurer; Rolande Poulin, president and Nancy Williams, secretary.

26 Page

The News of Kings Point

Hogans Golf Club of Sun City Center & Kings Point

Saturday, December 20, 2014 Course: Sandpiper Lakes-Palms 1st: Bob Richmond - 3 Skins 2nd: Frank O'Brien - 2 Skins Birds: Frank O'Brien - #4 Par 5, #8 Par 3, and #12 Par 4; Rob Richmond - #11 Par 3 and #12 Par 4; Mike Greenwood - #5 Par 3

Back L to R: Mike Greenwood and Paul Swakow. Front L to R: Frank O'Brien and Rob Richmond.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014 Course: Sandpiper Lakes-Palms 1st: John Colgren - 6 Skins 2nd: Ruben Jones - 1 Skin Birds: Ruben Jones - #14 Par 4 and #17 Par 3; Jack Hugill - #14 Par 4; and John Colgren - #9 Par 4 Saturday, December 27, 2014 Course: Freedom Fairways 1st: Bob Harris - 3 Skins 2nd: Don Koester - 2 Skins Birds: Bob Harris - #1 Par 4, #5 Par 4, #8 Par 3, and #9 Par 4; Bob Hull - #7 Par 4 and #12 Par 4; Steve Belknap - #3 Par 5 and #12 Par 4; Don Koester - #9 Par 4 and #11 Par 3; Ray Bui - #9 Par 4

Back Row L to R: Don Koester, Bob Harris, Bob Hull. Front Row L to R: Charlie Brown, Steve Belknap, and Ray Bui.

Saturday, January 3, 2015 Course: Freedom Fairways 1st: John Schachte - 3 Skins 2nd: Ray Bui - 2 Skins Birds: Ray Bui - #3 Par 4, #9 Par 4, and #14 Par 4; Steve Belknap - #11 Par 3 and #18 Par 3; Bob Hull - #11 Par 3; John Schachte #6 Par 4; and Mike Brock - #11 Par 3 Friday, January 9, 2014 Course: Summerfield Crossings 1st: Jack Hugill, Doc Lamiano, and Wally Pomes - Tied at 2 Skins 2nd: Tom Rosata, Francis Hendrickson, Ruben Jones, Jerry Stemas - Tied at 1 Skin Birds: Francis Hendrickson - #7 Par 4

Standing L to R: Francis Hendrickson, Jack Hugill, Tom Rosata, and Ruben Jones Seated L to R: Jerry Stemas, Wally Pomes, and Doc Lamiano.

Saturday, January 10, 2015 Course: Sandpiper Lakes-Palms 1st: Francis Hendrickson - 2 Skins 2nd: Ray Curry, Walt Weldon, Bill Barron, and Mike Arghittu - Tied at 1 Skin Birds: Francis Hendrickson - #1 Par 5 and #4 Par 5; Walt Weldon - #13 Par 5 and Jerry Egger - #15 Par 5

Standing L to R: Walt Weldon, Doug Banning, Bill Barron, & Fran Hendrickson. Seated L to R: Mike Arghittu & Ray Curry.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015 Course: Sandpiper Palms-Oaks Flight 1 1st: Ray Curry - 2 Skins 2nd: Walt Weldon, Tom Kirchen, Syl Amos, Joe Pickett, and Jim Reilly Birds: Walt Weldon, Frank O'Brien,

Caloosa Golf and Country Club

Turkey Shoot Wednesday, December 3, 2014 Flight 1 Kim Roush-Low gross: 84 Barb Struble-Low net: 66 Flight II Lynn Noyes-Low gross: 91 Judy Walters - low net 68 Maryanne Starrett 2nd low net: 71 Flight III Sarah Jones-Chambers Low gross: 96 Dottie Morgan-1st low net: 69 Aileen Engel(tie)-2nd low net: 70 Lolita Johnson(tie)-2nd low net: 70 Flight IV Lucille Lanese-Low gross: 104 Sue Daveler-Low net: 70 Flight V Dee Hanes-Low gross: 116 Jackie Wrigley-Low net: 76

Club Link One Membership More Golf

Sandpiper Men Low Net 1/1 1st: Les Easton 1.2.3 1/8 1st: C. Kim, Stan Senecal, Jerry Monnot, Carl Lingertot Ladies Individual 12/22 1st: Nancy Saunders One Best Ball of Three 1/6 1st: Annetta Pucci, Lois Gluntz, Cecli Young Caloosa Greens Ladies Hate’em 12/18 1st: Joan Camelio Points Plus Handicap 1/1 11st:Gerry Towers, Pat Johnson, Jane Fischer Men Mystery Hole 12/17 1st: Bud Swift

2 Person Scramble 12/24 1st: Fred Schrieber, Ken Rattray Mystery Hole 12/31 1st: Frank Hendrickson Team Shamble 1/7 1st: Frank Hendrickson, Don Marlborough, Ken Rattray Renaissance Prize Fund 1/13 1st: Flight 1 Bob Reith/ Pete Easter/Jay O’Connell/ Homer Hayley 1st: Flight 2 Greg Herr/Norb Miller/Robert Lowell/Bill Collins 1st: Flight 3 Chuck Lutz/Ed Kensy/Jim Johnson/Rick Johnson 1st: Flight 4 Chuck Kovacik/Frank Zahrobsky/Dave Bartku/ Pat Hannell 1st: Flight 5 Linda Majewski/ Nancy Birkett/Kathy Sprowl/ Betty Rollins 1st: Flight 6 Denise Rosen/ Mary Ann Harmon/ Joann McCally/Deloris Durm Men 1 Best Ball of 2 12/15 1st: Flight 1 King Slater/Rich Ricca 1st: Flight 2 Terry Collom/ John Richards 2 Best Balls of 4 12/22 1st: Paul Baskwell/Don Faron/Kyle Rollins/ Jim Gengelbach 1 BB 1-6, 2 BB 7-12, 3 BB 13-18 12/29 1st: Steve Williams/ Vic Morris/Rich Ricca/ John Richards 3 Best Balls of 4 1/5 1st: Dave Liehr/ Bob Majewski/Paul Baskwell/ Bob Noelte 3-2-1 1/12 1st: George Wilkins/Don Faron/Rich Vollrath/Kyle Rollins Ladies 3-2-1 12/16 1st: Ruth Kramer/Ilene Davidoff/Adele Quinlan Low Gross/Low Net 12/23 1st: Flight 1 Kathleen Records 1st: Flight 2 Kathy Leesman 1st: Flight 3 Ilene Davidoff 2 Person Blind Draw Quota 1/6 1st: Flight 1 Kathy Sprowl/ Betty Rollins 1st: Flight 2 Stacia Connors/ Nancy Herriges Couples Texas Scramble 1/9 1st: Flight 1 Greg McKeown/ Faye McKeown 1st: Flight 2 Kyle Rollins/Betty Rollins Scepter Men 1 Best Ball of 2 12/24 1st: Flight 1 Ray Parisen & Jerry Cluthe 1st: Flight 2 Nick Spagnuolo & Bob McClain Low Gross 12/31 1st: Flight 1 Bill Salowitz, Jim DesLondes, Larry Lutz 1st: Flight 2 Bill Yucuis 1st: Flight 3 Bill Yost 1st:Flight 4 Jim Morris 3-2-1 1/7 Tied 1st: Flight 1 Ray Parisen, Tim Ellis, Doug Tanzer, Vince Taylor, Bob Caceci, Al Bulis, Bert Nast, Jeff Stevens, Fletcher Wason, Kurt Hoffman and Jerry Cluthe 1st: Flight 2 Harry DeVoti, Bob McClain, Tom Grillo, Vince Sortino Ladies 18 Holes 2 Best Balls 12/16 1st: Flight 1 Debbie Lester, Carol Salowitz, Jean Jackson, Chris Sparks 1st: Flight 2 Grethe Lindman, Karen Tomle, Sue Sell, Sandy Bolt

February, 2015

Better 9 12/23 1st: Flight 1 Judy Fenwick 1st:Flight 2 Pat Eytcheson 1st: Flight 3 Celeste DeBono Quota Points 1/6 1st: Flight 1 Betty Hill 1st: Flight 2 Chris Sparks 1st: Flight 3 Dottie Girardi 1st: Flight 4 Linda Bessignano 1st: Flight 5 Kris Wells Pin Location 1/13 1st: Flight 1 Betty Hill, Joan Richardson, Ernie Stone, Sharon Wallace 1st: Flight 2 Marilyn McAllister, Jean Bushart, Edna McLemore, Kris Wells Ladies 9 Holes Low Net 12/16 1st: Judi Gannon & Judy Huss Low Net 1/6 1st: Alice DeSchryver Throw Out Worst Hole 1/13 1st: Darlene Gray, Judy Huss Falcon Watch Men Scramble 12/17 1st: Jim Shaffer, Will Kuxhousen, Ron Doncouse and Dave Hoffman 53.8 2nd: Bob Ewing, Al Laforet, Jim Mutolo and Hank Smythe 54.5 2 BB on 3 & 4, 1 BB on 5’s 12/24 1st: Mel Bushart, George Krauss, Sammy Samuelson and Lee Johnson -29 T-2nd: Bill Fitzhugh, Bob Ewing, Vid Valiusaitis and Mike Sekol -26 T-2nd: Jim Shaffer, Bob Condon, Ron Kunze and Dale Holstrom -26 1 BB - Odd, 2 BB - Even 12/31 1st: Jim Shaffer, Bill Meier, Jim Mutolo and Marty Dain -23 2nd: Jim McClafferty, Marvin Barnes, Ron Doncouse and Lee Johnson -22 2 BB – Par 144 1/7 T-1st: Dave Brady, Jim Mutolo, Bob Trombetta and George Krauss -26 T-1st: Bob Condon, Ron Kunze, Vince Pirone and Sammy Samuelson-26 T-1st: Butch Gadd, Mel Bushart, Paul Hunt and Lee Johnson-26 2 BB on 3 & 4’s - 1 BB on 5’s 1/14 Flight 1 1st: John Carroll, Vid Valiusaitis, George Krauss and Vince Pirone -34 2nd: Jim Shaffer, Bill Meier, Bob Condon and Will Kuxousen -29 Flight 2 1st: Dave Hoffman, Sammy Samuelson and Harry Porter-34 2nd: Al Laforet, Bill Markle, Bob Bryan and Lee Johnson -27 Falcon Watch 18 Hole Ladies Thrown Out Worst Nine 12/19 1st: Judy Roberts 32 2nd: Molly Walker 34 Throw Out Worst Hole On Each Nine 1/2 1st: Judy Roberts 83 2nd: Joy Dunn 90 Falcon Watch 9 Hole Ladies Low Gross 12/26 1st: Wally McIntosh 49 2nd: Mary McClafferty 52 Low Gross/Low Net Low Gross 1/2 1st: June Krueger 49 T-2nd: Emma Gadd, Pat Conklin, Mary McClafferty and Claudia, Woolley 51 Low Net T-1st: June Krueger, Donna Berger 31 2nd: Pat Conklin 32

2015, February The News of Kings Point

Kings Point Ladies Nifty Niners

Submitted by Lorraine F. Rings Game Played: January 15, 2015 Game: Gross (-) Blind Hole Flight A Winners Karen Munford 33 Joan Forman 34 Flight B Winners Lorraine Preveza 33 Jay Remec 36 Flight C Winners Lorraine Rings 40 Laura Schwandner 44

Canadian Club Golf Day

There will be a golf day sponsored by The Canadian Club on Sunday February 22, 2015. It will be a shotgun start at Kings Point at 9 a.m. There will be a $10 for non-ClubLink players and a $10 charge to everyone for the dinner to be held in the Borini Theater. Dinner participants are asked to bring a dessert for 6 to 8 people, a plate, cutlery, is BYOB. Contact Ed 260-3195 for tickets to enter.

ClubLink Announces “Tee It Forward” By Tom Ritenour, PGA, Director of Operations, Sun City Center Bob Black has agreed to spearhead a new golf league utilizing the new purple (Nancy Lopez) tees and the black (Arnold Palmer) tees created at Sandpiper and Falcon Watch golf courses. Black is a staunch supporter of the “Tee It Forward” concept created by the USGA and PGA of America to help golfers have more fun on the course and enhance their overall experience by playing from a set of tees best suited to their abilities. The program encourages all golfers to play the course at a length that is aligned with their average driving distance. Golfers can speed up play by utilizing tees that provide the greatest


playability and enjoyment. These new tees are going to prolong our members ability to continue playing golf and enjoying the course. The tees are in place at Sandpiper and Falcon Watch golf courses and the scorecards will soon reflect the Tee It Forward tees. League and mixed play will be open to Members of ClubLink courses at Renaissance, Sandpiper, Falcon Watch, Scepter and the two executive courses in Sun City Center. All play will be at Sandpiper or Falcon Watch, but scoring will be accepted from either course. If you are interested in participating, sign-up sheets are located at all ClubLink courses or you can email Bob Black at rgblack.scc@gmail.com.

Page 27

Caloosa’s Member / Member Tournament

L to R: This years “Overall Low Net Champions” were Steve Chesley and John Tormoehlen. The Gold Tee flight winners were, Mike Solito and Bob Skovronsky. Jim Tromblee and Richard Ventrone won the Bronze flight. Not pictured, Jose Rodriguez and Russ Rowe winners of the Green flight. Congratulations all!

CWGA-18 Club Championship Trophy Presentation

2014 Club Champion Bev Valentine (center) received her trophy and crystal from Tournament co-chairperson Carmen Fields (L) and Sue Daveler (R) at the Caloosa Golf and Country Club Women’s Golf Association meeting in December.


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28 Page

The News of Kings Point

February, 2015

Caloosa Golf and Country Club Champions

Caloosa Golf and Country Club held its Men’s Club Championship on November 18-20. On behalf of all of our 345 club members, Russ Stutz, Tournament Chairman, congratulates our club champions. Congratulations to all of our winners!

L to R: Dick Lanese, Green Flight; Roger Hebert, Gold Flight; Mike Goins, Club Champion; Les Clarke, Silver Flight; and Max Jessup, Bronze Flight. Continued from Page 25

Winners “Stars” Monthly Mixer

Winners of the January 11, 2015 "Stars" monthly mixer at the Caloosa Golf and Country Club included John Smithyman, Lou Cesarek, Vince Coniglio, Merlene Smithyman, Bobbie Cesarek and Shirley Coniglio. 90 members participated Score 68.

1st Place Winners of the CGCC “Happy New Year 2015” Twilight Mixer Friday, December 26, 2014

Standing L to R: Dick Lanese, John McCue and Angelo Valdez Seated L to R: Lucille Lanese, Jean Adkins & Kathy Dotson. Score 35.

stretching towards the blazing red sky as the sun rose to warm our bodies for the exertion that are bodies were being demanded of. The elite runners quickly took the lead by snaking through the sea of bodies. I was able to stay behind them, but never pushed myself. The path took us through beautiful sights from the city and turned. I felt confident, my body felt fresh and ready for this new challenge. At one point, I looked around and took a deep breath and thought, “I am lucky. I am lucky to have this air in my lungs. The ability to run in this race. To live the life I have. And there is so much more left to do and see.” At mile 8, we were hitting the second bridge, and it was the biggest obstacle. It was steeper than I thought it was going to be. As the land started to slowly elevate, I felt my calves start to stretch, my hamstrings cramping ever so slightly. I pushed on. I was NOT going to stop. It was still early in the race and I felt great. My lungs expanding faster to give my muscles the oxygen they were screaming for. The best parts of the bridges, of course, getting to the top and letting gravity do the work for you. It was the time to relax and let your legs take a minor break. The support was fantastic by the volunteers and spectators. The signs were especially funny: “Keep running! There are zombies behind you!” “I bet this sounded like a good idea 4 months ago” “You look skinny already!”

And my personal favorite: “Giving away free high fives” held by a brother and sister that were about 6 years old. A little after mile 9, it was time for the half marathoners to turn around and head back the way we had come. By mile 11, after crossing the second bridge, my legs were becoming numb. My calves and hamstrings receiving the brunt force of the run. I pulled any kind of hurting out of my mind like pulling a strand of string from a bundle of yarn, and cutting it. No time for such thoughts. I got lost in the lyrics of my music, the beat, the melody, letting it carry me. Mile 12: SO CLOSE! It was time to gather the rest of my strength and get up the last bridge. I slowed down further, listening to my body. When I felt my chest heaving, I looked to the sky. Took a deep breath. The air. The running. The race. Life. I felt my feet change into a quicker pace. When I reached the top, it was time to relax and have some fun. The finish line was right below my feet. Just less than a quarter of a mile. I’ve got this. I sprinted down the spiral pathway, pushed hard to the left towards the finish line. It was a straight shot run. I’ve got this. I sprint as hard and as fast as I can. I lift my arms to the air with the biggest smile on my face. I have this. I am rewarded by smiles, a bottle of water, and my medal. I crossed the finish line at 2 hours and 6 minutes. This was an incredible moment, and I am so proud that I ran the entire race at a run.

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2015, February The News of Kings Point

Page 29

Action on the Lawn Bowling Greens

L to R: Judy Botts, Margaret Healey and Donna Blaine.

L to R: Lon Gobell, George Mourousias and Jerry White.

KP West Lawn Bowling Club

King’s Point West Lawn Bowling Club held its first Mixed Triples Tournament the week of January 12, 2015. The team of Skip Margaret Healey, Vice Donna Blaine and Lead Judy Botts captured first place. Second place went to Skip Jerry White, Vice Lon Gobell and Lead George Mourousias.

Sun City Center Lawn Bowlers Visit Port Charlotte

As part of a friendly annual competition, eight teams of lawn bowlers from Sun City Center paid a visit to their counterparts in Maple Leaf Golf & Country Club in Port Charlotte. Two games of 12 ends each were played, one before and one after lunch, with delicious snacks and lunchtime add-ons kindly provided by the ladies of Maple Leaf. Keeping track of the wins and losses was Alice McLean and her husband Jerry.

They say that the home club has the advantage of knowing how their own greens play and that would seem to be borne out by the fact that the Maple Leaf teams won the majority of the games during the day. However, two Sun City Center teams were among the top six teams, those skipped by Cindy Higgins (with Garry Higgins and Tony Hawken) and Joe Mignogna (with Kathy Gonnella and Mike Perkins).

At the beginning of a week in early January, eight pairs of women and nine sets of three men competed in separate tournaments at the Sun City Center Lawn Bowling Club greens. The Suncoasters (ladies) club was holding its annual Pairs tournament in a single knockout format. By the third day of play, six teams had been eliminated and only two teams remained: Barbara Mignogna (Skip) with Cassie Krowl (Lead) and Cindy Higgins (Skip) with Corry McClellan (Lead). Cindy’s team got off to an early lead but Barb & Cassie soon evened the score and went on to win the title for 2015. At the same time, the Pebble Beach (men’s) club held its annual Triples tournament, also in single knockout format. At the end of the third day, two of these teams remained to play for the title: Glenn Baumann (Skip), Gary Heller (Vice) and Tony Hawken (Lead) against Ron O’Sullivan (Skip), Bob Mendrala (Vice) and Larry Mabee (Lead). After a slow start, Ron’s team took the lead after 6 ends and never looked back, although Glenna and his team did their best to stop them, winning by a close score of 17 to 11. Congratulations to Ron’s team for winning the title for 2015. Both Suncoasters and Pebble Beach Clubs are part of the Sun


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City Center Lawn Bowling Club. For more information about any of these clubs visit our website at www.suncitycenterlbc.com to find out more about this fun, strategic, easy-to-learn game that can be as competitive as you want to make it, or can be played just for fun, exercise and great company.

Barbara Mignogna with Cassie Krowl.

Photos: Linda Hawken Ron’s team.

30 Page

The News of Kings Point

February, 2015

Tara Profitt: USA Paralympian Table Tennis Player

I relocated to the area several months ago from the northeast. In trying to find a place to replace the table tennis clubs I managed in Connecticut I stumbled across the John Donnelly Table Tennis Center in Sun City Center. Being a Paralympic athlete I needed to find a place to play to prepare for an International table tennis tournament I had coming up this December in Costa Rica. If my results from the tournament in Costa Rica are any indication then the John Donnelly Table Tennis center will be a great place to prepare for my international tournaments because I came in third place in both singles and doubles. After being injured in a diving accident in 1979, I never thought I could be an athlete again. I was introduced to the sport of table tennis in 1983 at college in Ohio. I was a member of the USA Paralympic team in 1984, retired

from the sport for about 25 years and started playing again in 2008. I traveled the world playing in International table tennis tournaments from 20082011 in hopes of making the USA Paralympic team in 2012. I achieved that goal and it was an honor to represent the United S t a t e s again on the stage that so few can achieve. Wherever my future table tennis goals take me I am sure the John Donnelly Table Tennis Club and its wonderful members in Sun City Center will play a big part in my success.

SCC Swim Dancers

The Sun City Center Swim Dancers have a “Turf & Surf” practice menu as they prepare for their annual Swim Show on Saturday, March 14, 2015 at 2 p.m. in the Community Association’s lap pool, North Campus. They review and fine tune each song’s routine in the classroom before perfecting the execution of the swim/dance numbers in the pool. This year’s show is a murder mystery including costumes, TV theme songs from favorite police/detective shows, and guest senior swim dancers, The Synchro-Belles, from Palm Harbor.


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2015, February The News of Kings Point

ACBL Sectional Duplicate Bridge Tournament Coming Soon

Page 31

Adopt a Friend That C.A.R.E.s

Sun City Center Duplicate Bridge Association is proud to announce their annual American Contract Bridge League Sectional tournament being held in the Community Hall, South Pebble Beach Boulevard, beginning February 6th through 8th. Schedule for Friday 6th and Saturday 7th will be Stratified Open Pairs at 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.; 499er Pairs at 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. and 0-20 point Pairs at 10am only. Schedule for Sunday 8th will be a Swiss Team game starting at 10 a.m. playthrough. This is a popular tournament with Continental Breakfast and our special Homemade Cookies daily. Join us for Great Hospitality and lots of fun! For partners in the Open section call Dorothy at 813642-9005 and for the 499er call Kathy at 813-642-3368. For more information please check the website at www.sccbridge.com. Also please note: There will be an Open Swiss Team event on Sunday, March 1st in the Horizon Room. Bring an appetizer to share at noon and game will begin at 1:00pm. Please call Dorothy at 813 Mocha was born at the shelter 642 9005 for partnerships or, check our website. to her Bull Terrier mom Annie. Mocha and her two litter mates Mandy and Mindy enjoy tumbling around with each other and are active play pals. Mocha is the largest of the trio and is ready to venture out to her forever home. Come and see this cutie before she is gone. As part of Mocha’s adoption she will be spayed and microchipped. She is current on vaccinations. DOB: April 28, 2014

L to R: Leslie Cox; Marian Howarth; Pat Rippel; Joan Macholl; Kathy Smith; Ronda O’Farrell and Sue Batt.

SCC Duplicate Bridge Association Teachers

Michelle is somewhat shy, and prefers to lounge quietly in a little enclosure in the cat room. She will quickly come out of her shell when she has a peaceful and quiet home to live in, and a special lap to sit on. Come visit C.A.R.E to give this special little girl a forever home. As part of her adoption Michelle has been spayed and microchipped. She is also current on vaccinations. DOB: May 11, 2013.

C.A.R.E. is an all-volunteer, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization (59-3678003) registered with the FL Dept of Agriculture and Consumer Services, No.. CH-14526. The shelter is funded solely through donations, adoptions, spay/neuter fees, fundraisers, and small grants. For more information, volunteer opportunities or donations, please visit our website (careshelter.org) or give us a call 813-645-2273. We are very grateful for your support. C.A.R.E. is open 10 AM to 3 PM on Tues. - Sat. For directions visit. www.CareShelter.org.or call 813-645-2273.

Cat Food Donations

A large crowd was in attendance in the Horizon Room at the January 12th Sun City Center Duplicate Bridge Association’s second “Meet and Greet” program. Designed to introduce teachers and upcoming classes for the 2015 busy season ahead. Students and guests were able to enjoy coffee and continental breakfast while learning about the many classes being offered in addition to a personal discussion with the trained ACBL teachers. There are still availabilities in some of the classes, if you are interested please contact the appropriate teachers listed in our ad in this paper or check the website at www. sccbridge.com.

The Sun City Center Chamber of Commerce is a donation site for Feline Folks, a local nonprofit organization serving Sun city Center & Kings Point. All unopened bags and cans of cat food donated to this food drive provide food for your “Community Cats.” Please take a moment to stop and make a donation. If you cannot donate cat food, a cash donation may be mailed to Feline Folks, PO Box 6294, Sun City Center, FL 33571-6294. Please note on your check that it is for Kazzy’s Kloset.” 100% of all donations received are used for the care and feeding of community cats.

Please do NOT feed the Cats around the Kings Point North Clubhouse

Consider volunteering with Feline Folks to feed the community cats as infrequently as once per month. We will provide the food, training, and support. We miss our Snow Birds and a few of our regular feeders have illnesses that make them currently unavailable to feed. We are in great need of help. Do you have an interest in designing and implementing fundraising event? Do you want to expand your creative interests by developing special events? If so, contact us. Many thanks for considering this opportunity. Reach us at info@ felinefolks.us

When you feed them, you put them in jeopardy of being euthanized. The cats are well fed every morning by FELINE FOLKS. Our food has ingredients to treat for fleas and worms. We would love to tell you more about this and about an opportunity to help us care for the cats. Feline folks: info@felinefolks.us

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32 Page

The News of Kings Point

February, 2015

Military News

Silver Ospreys Welcome Captain Petrucci

Roger T. Kennicutt, CDR, USN (retired) Commanding Officer, Silver Osprey Squadron, 64 The Silver Osprey Squadron #64 will hold its second luncheon of the year at the Plaza Club, Freedom Plaza, Sun City Center on Friday, February 15, 2015. Meet and greet at 11:30 a.m., lunch at 12 noon. Captain Richard Petrucci will brief the attendees on the new Navy MQ4C Triton, unmanned aircraft s y s t e m (UAS). This s y s t e m provides real-time intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance over vast ocean and coastal regions. The aircraft is based on the proven Global Hawk UAS currently operated operating in the middle-east and other areas of the world. The Triton system incorporated and reinforced structural elements along with improved protection against icing and lightning strikes, allowing the aircraft to descend through cloud layers to gain a closer view of its surveillance targets if needed. Captain Petrucci has given a number of presentations to the Silver Ospreys and they have all proven to be interesting and well informed. After a career in the Navy which included a tour as Commanding Officer of VP 26, the Navy’s Postgraduate School and a tour in Washington, D.C. where he held several senior staff positions. Lockheed Martin Aeronautics as a senior engineer. On retiring from Lockheed Martin, Captain Petrucci was Chair of the math and Science Department of Sarasota Military Academy. He currently holds the rank of LtCOL in the Civil Air Patrol and is a Flotilla Staff Officer in the Coast Guard Auxiliary and

Coast Guard Air Auxiliary. He has acquired over 7,500 hours of flight time and is an active in several other Navy support organizations. Reserve March 15 on your calendar for our next luncheon featuring Lt Megan Dillon, USCG. She is a Coast Guard Helo pilot who finished Naval Flight School after graduating from the United Coast Guard Academy. Lt. Dillon plans to bring us up to date on both the Academy and the current process of Naval flight training which includes pilots from the Navy, Marine Corps and the Coast Guard. To my knowledge, Lt. Dillon will be the first female aviator that has spoken at one of our events and we are quite excited at the prospect. The Silver Osprey Squadron #64 is a chapter of the Association of Naval Aviation. Membership and attendance is open to all, military and civilians alike. You need only have an interest in Military Aviation, past and present. Our meetings are held at the Plaza Club, Freedom Plaza, 3922 Upper Creek Drive, SCC. Mail reservations ($17 for non members) to Tom Harding at 309 Noble Faire drive. Make your check payable to Silver Osprey Squadron #64. If you would like to be on our information email list or receive information about membership please contact Commander Roger Kennicutt, Commanding Officer at silverosprey@yahoo.com or call 813-260-3221. Visit our Web site at suncitycenter.com, click on Activities and then Veterans Activities.

News of Kings Point online www.newsofkingspoint.com

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TSgt. Brandon Shapiro Addresses MOWW on KC-135

L to R: TSgt. Shapiro, SrA Vernon Fowler, MOWW local Commander James Warchol and SrA Ned Johnston.

By Military Correspondent B. F. Kepley, CAPT USN (Ret) Technical Sergeant Brandon Shapiro the non-commissioned officer in charge of internal information for the 6th Air Mobility Wing, Public Affairs Office, MacDill Air Force Base along with two Sr. Airman, Vernon Fowler and Ned Johnston, were the featured speakers at the Military Order of the World Wars (MOWW) monthly luncheon/ meeting, which was held at the Sun City Center, Freedom Plaza Club on Thursday, 15 January, 2015. TSgt Shapiro’s office manages information for internal and external communications between the base and the local community. He is a trusted adviser to the wing commander, ensures

MOWW Sponsors Golf Benefit at Freedom Fairways

By Military Correspondent B. F. Kepley, CAPT USN (Ret) The Military Officers of the World Wars (MOWW), Sun City Chapter, is sponsoring a benefit golf tournament at Freedom Fairways Golf Course (located at Freedom Plaza in SCC) on Saturday March 28, 2015. MOWW is a 501(c) 19 organization and is conducting this Benefit as a fundraiser for their Youth Leadership Program ($15,000 expense annually) that registers, transports, and escorts 40 high school Juniors to the Florida Youth Leadership Conference (YLC - 3 days - in Tallahassee, FL every May). Five students each have been identified by interview process from the following local Hillsborough County high schools: Bloomingdale, Durant, East Bay, Lennard, Newsome, Plant City, Riverview, and Spoto. 7:30 a.m. registration and Continental breakfast. Registration fee: $55 per person. 8:30 a.m. shotgun start (Scramble format). Noon lunch, awards, contest and door prizes. Please consider a sponsorship or donation to this event. Forms providing organizational objective, event details and sponsorship opportunities can be provided separately. Contact Major Jim Haney, USMC Retired, at jhhaney1@gmail.com or 813.220.8758 cell for more information.

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quick and proper dissemination of information to the media and local community and prepares and highlights military members at the wing level. He produces photographs and articles for military highlights and historical documentation. He has served four tours in Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom and was a direct contributor to Operation Bulldog Bite, 2010’s Rescue Mission of the Year. During this time he was responsible for over 380 American and coalition lives saved. The TSgt. and two Airman discussed the mission of the 6th Air Mobility Wing (KC-135 tankers), activities, aircraft and what the future may hold for their Mobility Wing.


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2015, February The News of Kings Point

Page 33

Military News Cam McGary Addresses MOAA on Human Trafficking

By Military Correspondent B. F. Kepley, CAPT USN (Ret) Cam McGary was the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) featured speaker in the Florida Room at the North Side Atrium Building on January 7, 2015. During her more than 15 years of full-time residence in Sun City Center, Cam has served on a variety of committees from fun filled Oktoberfest’s to black tie galas. She has now taken up the banner for the campaign against human trafficking, serving as chairperson of its Sun City Center Awareness Committee. Her passion for creating community awareness of this form of “modern day slavery” in our own backyard, as well as all over the world, has led her to many speaking

engagements and creative fundraising assignments. Cam spoke to the group about the human trafficking occurring in Florida and our local area, stressing the point that Florida is the third highest state, behind California and New York, for human trafficking. The reasons being it’s large migrant population, influx of visitors, geographic location (Miami being a port of entry), and various conventions, concerts, fairs etc. It is also the fourth highest state for runaways. She explained the numerous effective methods the predators use on the victims and why they succeed. She urged the audience to notify the proper authorities whenever and wherever human trafficking is suspected.

Sun City Center Veterans’ Roundup Dinner Dance

By Paul Wheat The annual Sun City Center Veterans’ Dinner/Dance will take place Saturday, March 7, 2015 in the Community Association’s Florida Room. It is sponsored by the combined Sun City Center veterans’ organizations. All veterans and friends are welcome. A social hour with appetizers will start at 5 p.m. A three entrée buffet (steamship round, fried chicken, pulled pork) by Banquet Masters with their famous dessert bar will follow at 6:00 p.m. The program will be a mix of patriotism and entertainment. Music and dancing will be provided by “Masquerade” featuring a fun filled, two piece band. Dress is casual country/western. No shorts or flip flops please. BYOB and setups; glasses and ice will be provided. There will be both 50/50 and “Happy Hour Basket” raffles. Cost is $26 per person. Tickets can be purchased through the American Legion (634-7777), DAV (634-1761), Leathernecks (634-6707), MOAA (2603257), MOWW (633-1063), Silver Osprey Squadron (260-3221), or for general ticket sales (260-3221 or email at sccveteransdance@aol. com). Checks should be made payable to “American Legion Post 246ww.”

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L to R: Cam McGary, Thom Brown, president of SCC MOAA.

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34 Page

The News of Kings Point

February at the Rollins Theater

The “RED HOT” entertainment continues at the Rollins Theater (970 Cherry Hills Drive SCC) in February. The Performing Arts Club of SCC is proud to continue its successful PAC Lite Variety Series with two great shows. In addition, The Performing Arts Company begins a two-week run of an all new “prize” winning musical comedy written by Ellen Kleinschmidt and directed by Lew Resseguie. On February 7, at 2 and 7:30 p.m. Richard Smith, Nashville’s international finger-picking guitar virtuoso, makes a special return engagement. A child prodigy, Richard has played the guitar

Richard Smith.

Join the fun at the Rollins Theater in SCC as US-41 South, a bluegrass band, presents Bluegrass at its finest.

since he was 5 years old. He played with the great Chet Atkins on stage at the age of eleven where he wowed the audience. Today, Richard tours around the US and Europe solo, with his cellist wife, and with his swing band The Hot Club of Nashville. On Saturday, February 21 at 2 and 7:30 p.m. the Rollins will be filled with the sounds of the Highway 41 South Bluegrass Band, a popular band that has played just about every bluegrass festival in Florida. Get ready to “CATCH THE EXCITEMENT” as The Performing Arts Company opens its theater season on February 26 at 7 p.m. at the Rollins with a “prize” winning original musical comedy, “The Poor Old Soles Club.” Taking place at the De Klomp Wooden Shoe Factory in Holland, Michigan and filled with popular, Broadway show tunes, audiences will embark on a delightful musical journey

with The Poor Old Soles as they form a lottery club and try to strike it rich in the Michigan Powerball Lottery. Play along with the wooden shoemakers, the secretaries, factory owner, Lars Vanderklomp and his ditzy personal assistant, Mitzie, as they go from rags to riches in a musical merry-go-round of ups and downs and highs and lows andD winning and losing and winning again. Show dates for “The Poor Old Soles Club” are Feb 26 at 7 p.m., Feb 27, 28, March 4, 5, 6, and 7 at 7:30 p.m. with a matinee on Feb 28 at 2 p.m. Tickets for ALL Performing Arts Club shows at the Rollins are $12 for general seating and $15 for reserved seats and may be purchased at the SCC Atrium kiosk with cash or check or with credit card by calling the box office at 813.400.7803. For further information go to www. performingartsco-scc.org.

February, 2015

KPAL Artist of the Month

KPAL’S Artist of the Month for February is Maggie Case. Maggie Case is a Snowbird from Northeast Ohio. After 30 years teaching special needs teenagers, she was finally able to pursue her love of art. Since moving to Kings Point in 2002, she has taken classes from Bill Greet, Sue Corbett, Lynn Bremmerman, Cynthia Wortmann and Diane Simon. Although her primary interest is watercolor, she also enjoys Zentangle, pastels, colored pencil and watercolor pencil. Her goal is to create beauty for others to enjoy. She is very grateful for for these years of retirement and for the Kings Point Art League where she has been able to practice her skills. Be sure to mark your calendar to view Maggie’s wonderful artwork, which will be on display in the Art Room Window at the North Clubhouse from February 7 through March 7, 2015.

2015, February The News of Kings Point

Kings Point Follies Are Coming

Submitted by Stephanie Casey The Kings Point Follies will be presented on March 6 and March 7 in the Borini Theater. Mark your calendars now so you don’t miss out on one of the biggest and best shows in the area. Many familiar and new faces are working hard to bring you an afternoon or evening of delightful entertainment. The Follies showcases some of the finest local talent around. This years production, A JOURNEY THROUGH THE 50’S AND 60’S, will take you on a wonderful trip down Memory Lane. The show features musical solos and ensembles, clever dance and chorus numbers, along with the added spice of comedy for your enjoyment. Tickets are on sale now at the Kings Point Box Office for $14. There are evening performances on Friday, March 6 and Saturday, March 7 as well as a Matinee on Saturday, March 7. For more information, you can call the Director, Rose Ostrander at 813633-1753.

Page 35

JAZZ February 20th

The Kings Point Jazz Lovers will be enjoying listening to Small Groups as Jazz progresses with great improvisors keeping the sounds of jazz alive. Friday, February 20th from 2 to 4 p.m. in the Ripple Room of the Kings Point North Clubhouse. For information contact: Bill Ferron, 938-3571.

Need a Place to Practice Your Dance Steps? Every Sunday afternoon from 2 – 3:30 p.m. the Dance Studio in the Atrium complex in SCC is open for those who want to hone their dance skills. This is not a lesson, just time to practice with some good music. The session is sponsored by the SCC Dance Club, is open to all members of the Community Association and residents of Kings Point.

Solo Line Dance Club

We invite you to join us for fun as well as good exercise every week at the Community Hall on Monday from 12:30 to 3 p.m. Intermediate OO-LA-LA….are you ready? The 2015 KPAL Annual Art Show, classes are held on Thursday from 1-3 p.m. Annual dues are $22, guests “Hommage Aux Artists” – (tribute to the artists) is coming up on Thursday, pay $2 per week. Contact Loretta, our instructor, at 813.642.9296. February 19 and Friday, February 20. Mark your calendars and stop by the Banquet Room in the North Clubhouse from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. to view the KPAL Artist’s accomplishments, talents, techniques, and passions. Again this year, we will have raffle tickets available for By Judy Schings charity, with a chance to win three outstanding paintings. Also, be Thursday, February 12: The South Shore Concert Band presents sure to vote for YOUR favorite painting for People’s Choice Award. “Fanfare for February” (7-8:30 p.m.) - $5 Our Judge this year is Laura Avery – an Instructor at Ringling Museum Sunday, February 15: A Valentine’s Date with Klassica of Art, Sarasota. Hope to see you at this year’s fabulous show! (2:30-4:30 p.m.) - $12 Friday, February 27: Rocky & the Rollers, dance Music Show from Germany Returns (7:00-10:00 p.m.) - $18 With Music in Spring – is the name of this year’s show. The entertainers New ticket sales in February: are back by popular demand from those who have seen previous February 9: Tony Pace the Vegas entertainer from last year’s shows. Singers whose names are well-known in Germany – are Edith Showcase will be here March 6 (7-9 p.m.). Nightclub setting Prock and Axel Becker and Rudi Ecker. In addition to the vocalists, 8 per table - BYOB. $15 per person. Peter and Marcel will provide musical entertainment on the guitar February 23: Sarasota Jazz Project presents March “Jazz-Ness” and accordion. The show in Sun City Center will be on Sunday, on Sunday, March 22 (2:30-4:30). Reserved theater seating - $12. February 22 at 2 p.m. in the Community Hall on S. Pebble Beach. The Sales at Atrium Kiosk. Monday-Wednesday-Friday, 9 to noon. cost for an afternoon of music is $15, and includes coffee and cake (642-2001) to be served at 3:30 p.m. Tickets are available by mailing or dropping Lawn Concert off a check made out to SCC German-American Club, to Mike Come listen to music of the 60s and 70s by Gari at the Bandstand Albanese, 1808 Granville Lane. Telephone is 634-5512. In addition to on Thursday, February 5, from 3 to 5 p.m. Free event. Bring your Sun City Center, the group’s Florida tour will take them to Brooksville, own chair or sit in your golf cart. Cape Coral, Naples, Lantana and Hollywood.

2015 KPAL Art Show

Entertainment Corner

36 Page

The News of Kings Point

Happy Valentines Square Dance

It’s February, the second month of the new year – and ya’ll know that brings Valentines Day – the ladies Favorite Day of the year. To help celebrate this very important day the Sun City Center Swingers Square Dance Club will hold a “Happy Valentines” Mainstream/Plus Square Dance on Friday Night February 13, 2015. Club Dancers will provide Chocolate Treats for all to enjoy. Beverages will be available. So guys heed the above warning, get your Red dance clothes on and bring your lovely date to this wonderful winter dance. This Dance, along with the Clubs regular Friday Night Dances, from now on will be held in the SCC Atrium Dance Studio, 945 North Course Lane (North Complex, off of N. Pebble Beach Blvd.). Square Dance Workshop 7 – 7:30PM, Mainstream/Plus Dance with Rounds 7:30 – 9:30 p.m. The Callers for February are Ron Reardon, February 6, 20; Marty Van Wart, February 13,27. Alice Bubel Cues all Fridays. Alice Bubel, assisted by her husband Gary, holds basic round dance lessons in the Atrium Dance Studio on Mondays 12:30 - 2 p.m. Advanced round dance lessons will be held 2 – 3 p.m. if so desired. Square dancers come join us for this Special Event Dance and every Friday night for great dancing, fellowship and refreshments. Square dance clothes or dressy casual is acceptable. For further information call Veanna at 941-776-0477 or Geri at 813-633-9742.

Oldies But Goodies Dance Club Ring in the New Year

While 2014 became history and 2015 became the present and future, the Oldies but Goodies Social Dance Club members and guest danced in the New Year. Three hundred and seventy members and guest attended the BYOB affair and crowded the dance floor from 7 p.m. on December 31, 2014 until 1 a.m. January 1, 2015. Everyone seemed to have a good time. Joanne Baskinger, Club President and the BOD would like to thank all the members and guest who helped make the New Year’s Eve dance a success. The Club’s 2015 schedule is different this year as to past years. The dances are still on Sunday evenings, but the location for some of the dances has changed. Dances scheduled through April 2015, will be at the Community Hall in Sun City Center. Dances scheduled from May 2015 through August will be at the Borini Theater in Kings Point. Then the dances will return to the Community Hall through the rest of 2015. If you want more information about the Club please call Joanne Baskinger at telephone number 813.728.1147 or email her at jjlatenite@aol.com.

February, 2015

Academy of Ballroom Dinner Dance

Featuring Exhibitions by Bernice DuBro & George Hawn February 21, 2015. Dancers are in for a treat at Community Hall on Saturday, February 21. The Academy of Ballroom Dance will feature a waltz and quick step exhibition by Bernice DuBro and George Hawn. This will be the first public routine Bernice has performed with George since he and his wife, Michelle, moved here a few months ago. Bernice, a SCC resident for nine years, said she is pleased to have George partner with her for this exhibition. The exhibition will take place during intermission at the 7:30 dance. The Academy’s Annual Dinner also takes place that evening prior to the dance. Dinner reservations must be made by February 15. George, like Bernice, is a certified dance instructor. Each of them had their own dance studios in Ohio before moving to SCC. Bernice has been dancing and teaching ballroom dancing for almost 50 years, nine of them here; George has been dancing and teaching for 35 years. SCC is fortunate to have such talent and dedication to making ballroom dancing a great experience in our community. Information Contacts: Club—Charlie Brown 712-0869; Dinner— Lenny Crooks 642-9975; Lessons—Bernice DuBro at 813-634-3205 or dancewithbernice@gmail.com The Dinner Dance will be held at Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach. Formal or Dressy Attire, BYOB, Everyone Welcome – Singles Table Available. You can reserve a table if you have 8 people, all 8 payable at the time of reservation. No lesson at this dance. Complimentary pictures taken upon your arrival. •5:30 p.m. - Dancing & Cocktails (BYOB) •6:15 p.m. - Dinner •7:30 p.m. – Dancing Mark your calendar so you don’t miss this evening of fun and lots of dancing. More information – call Lenny Crooks at (813) 642-9975.

Foxy Senior Dance

The next Foxy Senior Dance will be on February 7, 2015 in the Florida Room from 7 to 10 p.m. BYOB and snacks. Coffee, ice and water will be provided. Come and join us with lots of fun dancing, singing welcome our new DJ Tito and Deb, who will be providing the music.

News of Kings Point online www.newsofkingspoint.com

KP Line Dancers

Boot scoot with the KP Line Dancers at a country/western social dance on Wed Feb 11, 7 p.m. in the Borini Theatre. Wear your country “duds” and boots. No ticket to purchase, so mark your calendar. Open to KP and SCC residents and their guests. BYOB. Couples always welcome, plenty of room to dance. Call Jan 634-6226 for more info. Dance Opportunities Dance the night away Sat. Feb. 28. Those who love to dance will want to make it to the Dance Party sponsored by the Sun City Center Dance Club on Saturday, Feb. 28, at Community Hall. Dance to the club’s exclusive playlist, spun by Gerardo from 7 to 9:30 p.m. Please note: This event starts at 7 p.m., instead of the usual 7:30 p.m. Musical selections include east and west coast swing, fox trot, slow and line dances, Latin variations, waltz, country and polka. Highlight of the Evening: Karin & Lloyd Mumford, of Sun City Center, will perform two Argentine dances for us. They have been dancing Argentine tango for over 14 years. They started out in the San Francisco bay area with instruction from visiting Argentine tango masters. Enjoy complimentary coffee and home-baked deserts throughout the evening. Attire is dressy-casual. BYOB. You don’t need to be an accomplished dancer to enjoy this social evening out. Take your friends along, or come and make new friends. The dance is free to members, visitors/guests pay $6 per person at the door. Singles tables will be available. Dine and Dance Sat. Mar. 14. The Sun City Dance Club is now taking individual, and group reservations for a sit-down Dinner Dance on Saturday, Mar. 14 from 5:15 to 9:30 p.m. The entrée choices will be beef tenderloin, sliced with a Bearnaisé sauce or salmon en croûte with lobster cognac sauce. Dressy attire (jacket & tie for gentlemen), BYOB. Singles tables will be available. Members $25 per person. Visitors/guests $30 per person. For more information about the above events, call (813) 634-9074.


By Luigi Jannuzzi

March 12, 13, and 14 • 7:00 PM Saturday, March 14 • 1:30 PM Featuring: Fran Eckert, Linda Halperin, Dixie Kraft, Mary Anne Moseley, Jeanne Naish, Jack Parry, Candis Smith, Wendy Smith, Kevin Steinke and Mary Winter Directed by: Donn Keith

Tickets $15 available at The Borini Theatre Box Office Kings Point • Sun City Center Monday-Friday • 9-4 pm

Oldies But Goodies Social Dance Club

The Oldies but Goodies Social Dance Club always has great dance music and you are invited. The date is March 15, 2015, 7 p.m. till 10 p.m. and doors open at 6:30 p.m. The dance is in the Community Hall, 1910 South Pebble Beach Blvd. Del and Gary will play 50’s through 80’s music for your dancing and listening pleasure. BYOB and your own snacks; ice, water, and cups are provided at each table. There is no charge for members and $5 for each nonmember. Be sure to save the date for April 19, 2015 when the group Flashback will play the music for your dancing and listening pleasure. Need more information, contact Joanne Baskinger at 813.728.1147 or by email jjlatenite@aol.com.

Remember the King of Rock and Roll in the words of some women who knew him...

2015, February The News of Kings Point

Page 37


Super Crossword SITCOM MOMS

There is no simple rule governing the question of when a defender should cover an honor with an honor. In general, a defender covers when his side may gain a trick by doing so, and does not cover when it might cost him a trick to do so. Consider this deal where East wins the opening spade lead with the king and returns the five to dummy’s ace. Declarer leads the ten of clubs from dummy,

Solutions on Page 39

and the question is whether East should cover with the king. In the given situation, he should. Observe what happens when he doesn’t. The ten wins, and a club continuation gives South four club tricks and the contract. But if East plays the king on the ten, South makes only three club tricks and goes down one, since West’s nine becomes a stopper in the suit. East has nothing to lose by covering, but stands to gain, depending on declarer’s club holding. If, for example, South has A-Q-9-3, A-J-8-3, Q-J-8-3 or his actual holding, the failure to cover costs a trick, while covering gains a trick. Declarer can sometimes foil the defense by not leading an honor in the first place. Thus, in the present case, once South appreciates the futility of leading the ten because East will play the king if he has it, he should lead the deuce instead. When the queen wins, South returns to dummy with a heart and again leads a low club (not the ten). As it happens, East is obliged to play the king, and South’s worries are over, since he brings home four club tricks and the contract. © 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

38 Page

The News of Kings Point

February, 2015

Strange But True By Samantha Weaver

• Those who traveled by air over the recent holiday season may sympathize with political satirist Mark Russell, who made the following sage observation: “The scientific theory I like best is that the rings of Saturn are composed entirely of lost airline luggage.” • If you’re planning a visit to rural Texas anytime soon, you might want to keep in mind that in that state, it’s against the law to milk a cow that belongs to someone else. • The elephant shrew is more closely related to the elephant than to the shrew. • You may have heard of bridezilla, but what about momzilla? In a survey by David’s Bridal, 22 percent of respondents claimed that it was the mother of the bride who caused the most conflict when planning the event, while another 22 percent said that it was the mother of the groom. You might want to take these results with a grain of salt, though, considering the fact that the survey respondents were actually brides themselves. • Even an honest person might have some sympathy for the deceit attempted by a man named Corey Taylor in 2007. He was so desperate to get out of his cell-phone contract without paying the high fee that he attempted to fake his own death. Unfortunately for him, it didn’t work. • You may be surprised to learn that condoms date back to at least the 1600s. • If you’re afraid that peanut butter will stick to the roof of your mouth, you suffer from arachibutyophobia. ************************************ Thought for the Day: “My therapist told me the way to achieve true inner peace is to finish what I start. So far I’ve finished two bags of M&Ms and a chocolate cake. I feel better already.” -- Dave Barry © 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.


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2015, February The News of Kings Point

Salome’s Stars

ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Mixed signals could create problems. Make sure your views are presented clearly, and insist others do the same. Don’t let an unanswered question go by without a full explanation. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Financial pressures ease, allowing for more budget flexibility. But as the money-wise Bovine will appreciate, thrift still beats out splurging. Expect news from someone special. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Getting things done is what you do so well. But be careful not to overtax your energy reserves. Take time out to relax or to do something different to help keep them at optimum levels. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) This is a good time to satisfy the Moon Child’s growing sense of wanderlust. Choose a really special place to go to, with a very special person to share it all with you. LEO (July 23 to August 22) You love being in the spotlight. But be careful it doesn’t blind you to the truth behind a seemingly wonderful opportunity. Look closer and you might be sadly surprised at what you find. VIRGO (August 23 to Sept. 22) Isn’t it time to take a break from your hectic schedule? Sure it is. And the sooner you do, the sooner you can return fresh and more than ready to take on all those new projects. LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22) A recent family incident can help bring everyone closer, and there’s no one who’s better at making that happen than you. Accept (indeed, insist on!) help from others to get things off and running. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov.21) Long-held habits are often difficult to break. But the change from how you always did things to how you can do them now can be liberating. So, be flexible and give it a try. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) Someone you met in your professional world last year and thought you would never hear from again could make a sudden reappearance in your life, along with an interesting job offer. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan.19) Once again, you delight everyone by coming up with a solution for a problem that actually works. On another note, it’s not too early to get started on those travel plans. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb.18) Before you go ahead with finalizing your plans for your new project, check them over to see if you can make some improvements or if you can find ways to cut costs. PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20) The Fabulous Fish might have been out of the social swim for too long, and it’s time you plunge back in. Reinforce your old friendships and be open to starting new ones. BORN THIS WEEK: Your creative talents help bring beauty to the world and the people in it. On their behalf, thank you. © 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

Answers to Puzzles from Page 37

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