April 2011 Kings Point

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News of

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April 2011

Residents Weigh In On Proposed Merger

A N@KP Special Report Sun City Center, FL. April 1, 2011: The recent announcement that association leadership is going ahead with proposal to combine the community associations at Sun City Center and Kings Point has created quite a stir in Greater Sun City. A community association board member, speaking on condition of anonymity, had this to say. “We anticipate a comfortable transition. Honestly, we doubt most folks will even notice.” Residents are not so sure. Many point to portions of the proposal recently leaked to the press, which, among other things, includes an increase in staffing at the KP main clubhouse and, eventually, a single pass key for all residents of both SCC and KP. Our source from the association, responded, “We cannot confirm if that information came from the current proposal. But, even if it had, we’re a year away from that, at least.” Though the association source

The disposition of the gates has been a major point of contention

The Kings Point main clubhouse could soon be welcoming a whole new clientele

would neither confirm nor deny the proposal’s authenticity, they refused to discuss a section that, in reference to both

communities, repeatedly used the term: “commiserate fees.” Another hotly debated topic concerns another repeated reference to “a customary, functional annexation.” That phrase is repeated multiple times in the section delineating rationale for the proposal. However, when asked for a specific definition of what was meant by “customary”

or “functional”, sources were unresponsive. This information remained unavailable at press time. Another important facet of this discussion – which side would be doing the annexing and which will be absorbed – also remained ambiguous. Officials also refused to comment on this aspect of the proposal, instead saying: “We do Continued on Page 5

Serving Those Who Serve

A Conversation with Jim Butner of Non Denominational Worship Services By NOKP Staff In a day and age when those pointing out fiscal waste and mismanagement find plentiful targets in politicians and preachers, Kings Point resident, Jim Butner and the group he organizes, Non Denominational Christian Worship Services, remain easily immune to criticism. And, in a community where hundreds cannot, for many reasons, travel to attend NCWS Donates to Lifepath a weekly church service, NCWS we have a good retirement. provides an invaluable benefit. And we have good health. “We are an itinerant outreach Now our focus is to give back, ministry. All volunteer. Every to do whatever we can for our penny we receive goes back community.” out.” Says Jim Butner, “We don’t That will to serve began at even maintain a bank account.” home, when Jim’s mother was Nor does the retired educator diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. get hung up on titles. “I’m not That experience revealed a ordained, so I ask that people need common to many of the not refer to me as ‘Reverend’ or area treatment facilities. “Some even ‘Pastor.’ I prefer ‘worship groups would come in for Easter, leader’…or simply ‘Jim’.” for Christmas – you know, at But even without the status special times. But there was of vocational minister, Butner no one coming in consistently, understood his calling. “We were weekly, to meet the spiritual blessed. We had good jobs, so needs of the residents.”


Jim & Nell Taze 33573...............13, 14 & 15 Dupty Chris...................... 6 Hard Knox...................... 17 CARE................................ 8 Dixon’s........................... 20 Golf.........................10 &11 Day Trips Investment..................... 12 Bulletin............21, 22, & 23

Adopt Highway Volunteers

Shortly thereafter, the Butners were heading to church one Sunday and noticed that many of their neighbors were still at home. Jim wondered how many of those folks were there by choice, so he approached KP management about beginning a weekly service in a room at the Rec facility. For the next few weeks the Butners saw more and more residents attending their services. Some came in scooters, others in wheelchairs. The group sang, shared from the Bible and spent a half hour attending to each other’s spiritual needs. Then, the inevitable. Another resident complained that the Rec Facility rooms should not be used for religious purposes. The Butners

Faith Bulletin.................. 24 Crossword..................... 25 Contract Bridge............ 25 Sudoku . ........................ 25 Horoscopes................... 27 Solutions to Puzzles....... 27

NCWS Donates to Alzheimer’s Auxiliary


continued to hold a service on Thursday evenings in their home for those who could not travel far and found an opportunity for an outside service at Belvedere Continued on Page 5

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