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News of
May, 2012
Woman’s Club Honors Sponsors and Volunteers
The GFWC Sun City Center Women’s Club is known for community-wide fun and fellowship as well as its generous volunteer and charity work. The Club founded the Meals on Wheels program in Sun City Center in 1973 and has coordinated services since that time. In 2003, the Club began a partnership with Samaritan Services who now enroll clients and bill for Meals on Wheels services. Samaritan Services works with South Bay Hospital where the meals are prepared for delivery. The Woman’s Club has two Meals on Wheels Cochairs, one for Kings Point and one for Sun City Center. They manage an extensive network of coordinators from twelve SCC service clubs and churches to provide volunteer drivers who delivered 4,908 meals to Sun City Center and Kings Point residents in 2011. This past month the ladies took some time out to honor the
ABOUT GFWC: Founded in 1890, the General Federation of Women’s Clubs, an international women’s organization, has been a unifying force, bringing together local women’s clubs from around the country and throughout the world that are dedicated to community improvement by enhancing the lives of others through volunteer service. Visit them online at www.GFWC.org. For more information about the SCC chapter call 813-942-9555.
sponsors and volunteers that make all of this possible. Their annual Appreciation Luncheon shined the spotlight on the specific sponsors and volunteers responsible for giving life to the Club’s Meals on Wheels program. An added attraction at the luncheon was a display of the artwork of Renate Bartz. Her needlework was described by one member as “castle-quality.” She has won numerous awards, including a first place, statewide award. Members enjoyed the display before and after lunch. The Club has many fundraising and service projects throughout the year including a yearbook directory and newsletter. Sponsors and volunteers turn these efforts into the funds necessary to keep hot meals coming to those in need of nourishment and a friendly face at the door. These sponsors come from all over the greater Sun City area as well as Ruskin and Wimauma. At the Continued on Page 2
Resident Bequeaths Sizeable Amount to SCC Community Foundation
Mary Petro, a former resident of Sun City Center, passed away in 2009. As part of her final wishes, she bequeathed a substantial sum of money to the Sun City Center Community Foundation. The purpose of these funds was to form an assistance program for residents of Sun City Center and Kings Point in dire need of temporary assistance with food or pharmaceutical necessities. Mary Petro’s specific instructions for this fund were: “To provide temporary relief to residents who are in dire need of assistance with food and/or medicine.” These final wishes have become the Mission Statement for the Mary Petro Program. In cases where funding is given, it will be provided for a 30-day period. The maximum amount given during this period will be $500 for medication and $400 for food. In cases of dire need or extreme extenuating circumstances – as decided by program managers – funding may be extended to a maximum of 90 days in any 12-month period and maximum
Where In The World .............. 5 Deputy Chris........................... 6 Debbie Caneen 33573 ................... 8, 9,10 & 11 Golf..................... 12,13, 14 &15 Dixon’s Destinations............ 16
amounts expanded to $1,500 for medicine and $1,200 for food. While this program is incredibly generous, it does have a few specific requirements. 1. Potential recipients must be legal residents of Sun City Center or Kings Point. 2. Potential recipients must provide documentation that their taxable income falls within the guidelines of $16,335 for an individual or $22,065 for a couple. “Taxable Income” may be found on Line 43 of Form 1040, Line 27 of Form 1040A and Line 6 of Form1040EZ. 3. Potential recipients must have a “dire need” for food assistance and/or prescription drugs. Additional verification required may include the most recent IRS Tax Return, as well as a prescription from a doctor and verification of cost from a pharmacist if medication is needed. If a person qualifies
for assistance with food costs, he or she will be given a gift card to a local grocery store. If prescription drug assistance is needed, the cost will be paid directly to the pharmacy. The Mary Petro Program is designed to provide a perpetual source of benefits to qualified residents of Sun City Center and Kings Point. Each year the earnings of the principal amount of the program will be available for payout, but the principal of the program will stay intact. The appropriate procedure for gaining access to this service includes one of the following: • Have a referral from a. house of worship. • Have a referral from the SCC Community Association or the KP Federation. • Have a referral from a local service agency. • In specific crisis situations, clients may self-refer or be referred by a neighbor or friend. If you personally know someone
Bulletin.................... 17, 18 & 19 Military News . ..................... 21 Faith Bulletin................. 23 & 24 CARE..................................... 27 Contract Bridge................... 29 Hard Knox ........................... 29 Horoscopes.......................... 31 Crossword & Sudoku........... 29 Solutions to Puzzles.............. 31
you think might be eligible, you may call 813.634.8306 and request a brochure and an application to be mailed to you. Or you can pick these up at the Mary Petro Office, located at The United Community Church, 1501 La Jolla Avenue, just off Pebble Beach North, in Sun City Center. The Mary Petro Program office is open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 AM to 2 PM. Qualified volunteers are there to provide applications and help process them. Interested individuals can either stop by the office or call 813.634.8306 to make an appointment. Directions to office: Take SR674 to N Pebble Beach Blvd. Turn north and proceed to the intersection of N Pebble Beach and La Jolla Ave. The United Community Church is on the left. Enter the Mary Petro Program Office under the portico on the N Pebble Beach side of the church. See Ad on Page 25 for more details!
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