May 2015 News of Kings Point

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News of May 10th

May 2015

Honor Veterans throughout the Year

By Kai Rambow As we pay our respects, and remember those who served on Memorial Day, we can honor veterans anytime we choose at the Veteran’s Memorial Park. It’s very close to Brandon, so the next time you head up there, you might want to visit the park first. It’s a peaceful and interesting setting by the water. Hillsborough County has wisely created different looking memorials for each war. The development of the park is fairly recent, and memorials are being added over time. When completed the park will serve as one collective place to honor veterans from all engagements. Driving Tip: You can easily miss the park, so consider using your GPS. Instead of turning right on 60 to go shopping in Brandon, turn left. At 301 turn right. You’ll cross a land bridge (think climbing a small hill), then make a large S curve, and once again have another small hill bridge.

Park entrance off 301. After the bridge, you’ll see a large barn on the left. Shortly after, you’ll cross a flat bridge; you’ll also see a large, blue water pipe on your right. As soon as the

Meet Our New Deputy


By John Bowker w/Jeff Merry Originally born in Atlanta Georgia, Jeff Merry lived in several states prior to moving to Gainesville, Georgia in 1990. He graduated from North Hall High School and went on to earn his Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science and Criminal Justice from Valdosta State University. He then began his law enforcement career with the Hall County Sheriff’s Office. His duties as a Hall County Deputy included jail deputy, patrol deputy, economic crime detective, and lead economic crime detective. During his law enforcement career, he has completed over 400 hours of specialized law enforcement training from the Georgia Bureau of Investigations, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, the National White Collar Crime Center, the Department of Homeland Security, the Secret Service, and the Southeastern Public Safety Institute. Jeff earned his Master’s Degree in Public Administration with a concentration in Law Enforcement Administration from North Georgia College

bridge ends, you’ll need to make a left turn into the park. Only five minutes from Brandon exit: Veteran’s Memorial Park, 3602 N. Hwy 301 in Tampa.

Veteran's Park Eagle.

Must Read Alert:

To All Sun City Center & Kings Point Residents

in 2005. After obtaining his Master’s Degree, he was an adjunct instructor at the college level teaching courses in Law Enforcement, Criminology, Juvenile Justice, and Criminal Justice. He began his career with Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office in 2011. While with the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office he has been assigned to patrol and the district intelligence unit. In addition, he served as a member of a Homeland Security Investigations task force which was comprised of the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office, the Department of Homeland Security, the

By Agnes Baker We want to make you aware of a program that provides services to senior citizens who may have been victimized, often times by businesses, service providers, even trusted friends. What a shame that we must be always on the alert in an effort to protect ourselves and our loved ones from those predators willing and ready to wreak havoc on the lives of seniors. Are they out there? Oh yeah! Is help out there? You betcha— and it is free! In 1989, the Florida Legislature ordered the formation of a task force to address crimes perpetrated against the elderly. The result of those findings was the Seniors vs. Crime “Office Program” initiated by the Florida Attorney General with the primary goal being to reduce victimization of our seniors. We know there are unscrupulous people in every community, willing to give ‘lip service’ for a fee; and no service once the money has gone from you to them. The good news and one we happily share with you is that

Editor’s Corner........................ 2 WITW........................................ 5 33573................................. 6 - 8 Club News..................... 12 - 17 Faith .............................. 29 - 32 Bulletin.................................... 3

Sports............................. 21 - 26 Golf............................... 22 & 25 Travel ................................... 20 Care ..................................... 27 Crossword & Sudoku........... 33 Military ......................... 18 & 19 Contract Bridge................... 33 Arts & Entertainment.... 28 & 29 Solutions to Puzzles.............. 35

Continued on Page 2

we have an office right here. The Seniors vs. Crimes office is manned by a group of volunteers ready to listen to the facts from all parties involved, for no situation is too small or large, with each case being handled on an individual basis. Confidentiality is maintained in accordance with the Florida Public Record Laws and the office works with Law Enforcement groups and state regulators so any offense deemed to constitute a criminal offense will be forwarded to the appropriate agency for further action. When an appointment is made, you will be expected to gather up and bring copies of all documentation - receipts, contracts, invoices, estimates, payment records, etc. At that time, a Volunteer Senior Sleuth will be assigned to you and your case. The Staff will review your information, conduct an investigation, if required, and attempt to resolve your case though informal mediation. This office cannot provide legal advice or assist you with judicial proceedings. They recognize that not all cases will be resolved

Continued on Page 2


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The News of Kings Point

The Editor’s Corner


By E. Adam Porter It may not be our first word, but, for most of us, it’s the first hand we hold…and the first heart. Mama is the Always There, the refreshing fountain to which we can return, again and again, for comfort, peace and empathy. She is the Story Teller, the Soft Shoulder and the Spoon Wielder. The place of comfort and discipline, who can simultaneously love us and express how much of a bonehead we may acting at that particular time. Her faults all considered, we grow up with a large soft spot and a healthy fear where Mama is concerned. It is, quite often, from her we first encounter compassion, empathy and service. From her we learn to sympathize with those who fall, and to shake it off, get up and try again. Then we all turn into teenagers and “hate” her for a couple years. But that never lasts. She knows all our secrets. Knows us all to well. Often better than we know ourselves. Mama is our constant, someone we cannot wait to escape, and someone we forever want to Be There when we need her. Mama is all those things, and it feels like she will be with us forever. But, before either of us is ready, Mama is gone. “There” is forever empty, though her voice echoes in our ears and her love hides in the deepest places of our hearts. Thankfully, I still have my Mama around, but I grew up with the reality that she had lost her Mama at far too young an age—a beautiful, vibrant woman snuffed out by a retched disease. So, I have watched others, including her, deal with Not Having Mama. There is emptiness there, a tiny void just behind the eyes where so many things should be—hope, joy, comfort, wisdom, security. That empty place is a constant reminder to listen to Mama while we can, to never take her for granted. Even when we’re frustrated, when we fight and can’t seem to find common ground. In those moments, all we have to do is step back and open our eyes. That common ground is there, right in front of us—that first hand… that first heart. So, this beautiful month of May, with spring flowers all around, we celebrate Mama. We lunch and we brunch. We pose for pictures and hug necks. We send greeting cards hither and yon. We pick up the phone…or we sit quietly and remember.

At some point in all this celebration and commemoration, most of us realize one day in May is far too small to contain all that Mama means. We carry Mama with us every day of our lives. We remember her love, her words, her face. Wherever we go and whatever we do, Mama is there. That imperfect but unconditional love that helped make us who we are…or at least tried to keep us from flying off the tracks along the way. Growing up, my Mama used to tell her boys, “very few things in life are fatal.” To me, that meant failure and pain were temporary, at least most of the time. We could choose to dwell or decide to move on. From Mama I learned a work ethic that has helped me succeed time and time again. She grew up on a farm, where they grew or raised what was served at their table and made many of the other things we take for granted. That ethic served her well building businesses or, after we bought the ranch, getting up with the chickens to get the chores done. My brothers and I learned that ethic with her and through her. It was an unstated expectation—get up early and Get It Done. I remember: “get your chores done before you play.” I hated that one as a kid, but it served me well then, and has continued to serve me well every day of my life since. I have made a lot of memories free of stress and guilt because what needed doing was done before I cut loose. When employers, coworkers or clients have been surprised by my diligence or timeliness or anything else I would consider “appropriate”, I’m always a bit surprised at their surprise. Mama expected nothing less, so we learned to deliver more. Diligence, excellence, honesty, creativity, selfreliance and self-control— these were the baseline Mama set for us, and it is the foundation on which I work to build my family. Mama is timeless. The love and lessons we learn in her arms, at her knee or through that spoon become the transcendent threads that tie our families and our communities together. So, this month, again, we celebrate Mama. Because it is deserved. Because it is right. Because it will never be enough.

May 2015

New Deputy Continued from Page 1

Must Read Continued from Page 1

Florida Department of Law Enforcement, and other law enforcement agencies. The task force was created for the purpose of investigating criminal organizations involved in Bank Fraud, Wire Fraud, Identity Theft and Money Laundering. Deputy Jeff Merry is particularly interested in the investigation of credit card fraud, identity theft, Internet scams, check scams, and other various forms of economic crime. You can reach him at (813) 242-5525 or at To report any fraud contact Debbie Vijil , Community Service Officer at the Sun City Center Sub Station, at (813) 242-5515.

to one’s satisfaction, but Seniors vs. Crime enjoys a very high success rate, recovering millions of dollars. Since this is an all-volunteer staff, the office is not open on a regular basis. Please call the number shown, leave your name and phone number, and the call will be returned so an appointment can be set up for you. These folks are here to help you, and there is no cost for this assistance. The office is located at 137 South Pebble Beach Drive (building behind CVS) on the second floor. An elevator takes you right to their office area. Phone number: 813-634-8666.

News of Submissions The News of Kings Point is your community newspaper, exclusively serving, first, Kings Point, and then the greater Sun City Center community. We are dedicated to providing you with a local paper that has a “home town” feeling. We aim to represent every resident, business and organization with respect, dignity and equanimity. Submissions we currently accept include: Information about community events or businesses, club and group announcements, stories and poems, your favorite joke, song, photo, artwork or travel story. In fact, if you send us a photo of you on your travels holding the News of Kings Point and we guarantee publication. Do not format submissions. Simple paragraphs without ALL CAPS, etc. are preferred and will receive first consideration for publication. The publisher reserves the right to refuse or edit all submissions. Neither the publisher nor the editor of the News of Kings Point assume any responsibility for the return of advertising or submitted materials. Mailed photos will only be returned if a SASE is included with the submission. All content is subject to space limitations and other considerations. Mailed submissions should be sent to: The News of Kings Point, Inc. PO Box 6212 Sun City Center, FL 33573-6212 Electronic submissions are preferred and can be submitted through the SUBMISSIONS link at Letters or Comments The News of Kings Point will not publish political or religious letters to the editor, no matter how impassioned or well intentioned. We will publish thank-yous for good service. However, we do offer our readers an opportunity to comment on our feature articles. To do so, please visit www.NewsOfKingsPoint. com and find the articles published there. As a rule, we publish all front page, Editor’s Corner and Dixon’s Destinations articles. In keeping with our editorial guidelines, comments will be moderated to insure civility and polite language. Opposing opinions and honest commentary are encouraged and appreciated in this forum. Abusive or prejudicial language or conduct will not be permitted. Declarations The News of Kings Point is not affiliated with Kings Point, Kings Point Mgmt LLC, Minto Properties or the Federations of Kings Point Associations, Inc. No part of this news publication may be reproduced without the express written consent of The News of Kings Point, Inc. All editorial copy is strictly the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of this publication, its officers or employees. Adam Porter Editor in Chief

Staff and Contributors

John Wolf Advertising Sales


Nancy Jean Design and Layout

Debbie Caneen 33573 Events

Scan the code with your Smart Phone to find us online at

May 2015 The News of Kings Point

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Lively Loafers Group Trip

The Lively Loafers Group is having a trip to Branson, MO November 12-15, 2015. To name a few of the entertainers: Johnny Mathis in Concert; The Lettermen in Concert; The Andy Williams Christmas Spectacular and many more. For more information contact: Elaine Novosel at 813-746-1051.

The Purple Butterflies Take on the Big Top Flea Market

Kings Point Bridge

The Kings Point Duplicate Bridge Association (KPDBA) celebrated Carol O’Connor’s accomplishment in accumulating the necessary points to become an ACBL(American Contract Bridge League) Life Master. This achievement is attained by earning black, red and gold points during many competitive bridge tournaments. The celebration occurred during a break in the bridge game in the Kings Point Card Room. Attending duplicate bridge players were treated to delicious cakes and coffee. Carol O’Connor, a member of KPDBA’s (King Point Bridge Association) Board of Directors, not only has attained Life Master, but chairs the Membership Committee, assists in theme design and decorations for the annual bridge banquet, and is a welcoming presence to newcomers to duplicate bridge. Ms. O’Connor has been playing bridge for nine years, seven of them duplicate. Asked why she has spent time, energy and money to attain this goal, she replies, “ I wanted an accomplishment for myself.” She loves the camaraderie of the game and keeping her mind active. She also credits her long term partners and other partners along the way. “You don’t accomplish this by yourself,” she freely admits. Her supportive and understanding husband was heard mumbling to himself, “Hallelujah.” For information about the games as well as membership in KPDBA call 633-9351.

Saturday, July 18, travel to The Big Top Flea Market in East Tampa where your shopping dollars go farther. Shop in air-conditioned sections as well as in the covered and outdoor areas. We will meet at Community Hall on S. Pebble Beach Blvd. at 8:45 a.m.; home 3 p.m. Put on your walking shoes and shop till you drop. This trip is open to the public; both non-member ladies and men who might enjoy the day shopping. Lunch OYO at the Flea Market. Cost of this trip is $15 – includes bus and gratuity. Checks should be made payable to “Purple Butterflies.” A sign-up sheet is on the front table at 610 La Jolla Avenue (self-serve and open 24/7) or phone Elaine at 6343479 for more information. Remember to let us know your special needs, if any, and whom you would like to sit with -- just write it in the Comment Column.

Jameson’s Mardi Gras Dinner

Jameson’s traditional Mardi Gras parade and potluck dinner took place on February 17th. Residents and guests decorated carts and themselves with Mardi Gras themed costumes, banners and masks. Parading through Kings Point, the revelers tossed beads and candy to parade watchers in the neighboring condo associations. Many of the parade viewers had driveway and block parties of their own. Stella and Gerry Crennan of Jameson organized, planned and set up the parade and dinner. Traditional jambalaya was one of many tasty entrees. Jameson residents thank the many Kings Point residents who lined the parade route to wave, catch beads, party and encourage the parade participants. See you all next year. Stella and Gerry Crennan planned, organized and hosted the event.

JSA Medical Group Sun City Center Activity Center


Dr. Korah

Dr. Lamielle

Dr. Tran

JSA Medical Group - Sun City Center Activity Center is open to the community & offers a variety of FREE community & patient events including Yoga, Salsa, health lectures, parties, line dancing & more! (*Classes are subject to change)

MAY 2015 *REGISTER NOW! (813) 419-5020

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Fri 01:


In Sun City Center has three primary care physicians to better serve you!

Our comprehensive primary care clinic includes imaging rooms, a community activity center, and a functional design which includes several comfortable waiting areas throughout the clinic. We also perform many services in-house including radiology and labs! There is no better time to become a member of JSA!


Mon 04: Tue 05: Wed 06: Thu 07: Fri 08:

Including Humana and CarePlus Medicare Advantage Plan Members


787 Cortaro Dr., Sun City Center, FL 33573

CALL US TODAY! 813.634.2500

Mon 11: Tue 12: Wed 13:

Thu 14:


10 to 11 am 11:15 am to 12:15 pm SLOW FLOW YOGA 1 to 2 pm GENTLE CHAIR YOGA 2:15 to 3:15 pm MONDAY MORNING MOVIES 10 am to Noon SLOW FLOW YOGA 1 to 2 pm GENTLE CHAIR YOGA 2:15 to 3:15 pm 9:30 to 10:30 am TAI CHI 11 am to Noon SilverSneakers® *NEW BOOK CLUB “REBEL READERS 1:30 to 2:30 pm SQUARE DANCING CLASS 3 to 4 pm 10 to 11 am; LINE DANCING*: Beginners or Advanced 11:15 am to 12:15 pm ® 9:30 to 10:30 am SilverSneakers *NEW ZUMBA GOLD® 1:30 to 2:30 pm EASY PLAY KEYBOARD LESSONS 3 to 4 pm SALSA DANCING 10 to 11 am ADVANCED SALSA DANCING 11:15 am to 12:15 pm SLOW FLOW YOGA 1 to 2 pm GENTLE CHAIR YOGA 2:15 to 3:15 pm MONDAY MORNING MOVIES 10 am to Noon SLOW FLOW YOGA 1 to 2 pm GENTLE CHAIR YOGA 2:15 to 3:15 pm 9:30 to 10:30 am TAI CHI 11 am to Noon SilverSneakers® SQUARE DANCING CLASS 3 to 4 pm * 10 to 11 am; LINE DANCING : Beginners or Advanced 11:15 am to 12:15 DIABETES/COPD SUPPORT GROUP pm *PLEASE REGISTER WITH ARLETTE 1 to 3 pm 727-828-2411 9:30 to 10:30 am SilverSneakers® *NEW ZUMBA GOLD® 1:30 to 2:30 pm EASY PLAY KEYBOARD LESSONS 3 to 4 pm

CMYK / .eps

Check out our Facebook page! JSAMedicalGroup SCCAC *LINE DANCING PARTICIPANTS: •Closed-toe shoes with nonstick bottoms only permitted *REBEL READERS BOOK CLUB: 1. Pick your book of choice from the JSA library selection 2. In two weeks share your opinion without giving spoilers to the other club members. • Exchange for a new book! Zumba Gold® is for active older adults looking for a modified Zumba® class at a lower-intensity! View the entire Monthly Events Calendar & our other events, on the JSA Medical Group website, click Events tab


4 Page

The News of Kings Point

May 2015

1509 Rickenbacker Dr., Sun City Center • 813-633-2020 • FAX 813-633-6403 MARGARET “MARGE” CONNOLLY, Lic R.E. Broker • Excellence and Integrity

Sun City Center & Kings Point

Kings Point- Mansard 2/2 with a large year round Lanai with a separate A/C unit. Kitchen has a breakfast area with extra storage. Home has a welcoming vibe as you enter and is within walking distance to the clubhouse and amenities. $ 301 Kings Blvd F-129 47,000 ED



DARTMOUTH model located in Manchester This 2/2 condo also has a DEN and 2 separate lanais for relaxing. Solar tubes inside make for a bright and enjoyable space. Convenient to all amenities including both clubhouses and the new fitness center. 1122 McDaniel Street NOW $149,900

For Sale






New on the market is this Windsor model which is a 2/2 with an enclosed Lanai overlooking both the GOLF COURSE and a POND. Neat as a pin and fully furnished this is ideal Year round or Snowbird living. $ 1903 Canterbury Lane B-3 69,900








Welcome to Apollo Beach!! This 2/2 condominium is located in a rapidly growing area of Water, Restaurants, Grocers and more. Anchor Point Condo has a pool, boat slips and more for your enjoyment. $ 1028 Apollo Beach Blvd. Unit 102 89,900

1936 New Bedford Dr ........ 2/2 .......$250,000 ................... Islander Golf Course, Water View 1550 Mira Lago.................. 3/2 .......$249,000 ...............3 Car Garage, 2372 Htd Water/Pool 3604 Cresta Ct .................. 3/2 .......$189,900 .............................Custom Blt Schmidt, SOLD 1122 McDaniel................... 2/2 .......$149,900 ............ Dartmouth Den, 2 Lanais REDUCED, 709 Plumbrook .................. 2/2 .......$160,000 ........... Beaumont New Roof, Carpet, Grt Yard 2257 Worthington Greens . 2/2 .......$157,900 ....................Cornell Private Yard, Large Lanai 2007 Acadia Greens .......... 2/2 .......$153,900 ................. Kingston Kingspoint Lovely SOLD 536 McDaniel..................... 2/2 .......$149,900 ......... Melbourne Laminate, Tile, Updated Kitc 305 Stroll Lane .................. 2/2 .......$135,000 ............. Beaumont New Roof, Plumbing Paint 1227 Fordham Drive .......... 2/2 .......$135,000 .............. DW37 Clean, South Lake PENDING 2338 Nantucket Dr ............. 2/1.5 ....$129,900 .........Brockton Lots of upgrades + PENDING 612 Manchester Woods ..... 2/2 ......$129,900 ............. Seabreeze Large Yard, CPVC, SOLD 217 Genet Court ................ 2/2 .......$119,500 ...................Gantree 2 Spacious Nicely SOLD 715 Thunderbird ................ 2/2 .......$115,000 ..........................DW37 Nature Lovers Rejoice 912 Sun Key Court ............ 2/2 .......$108,900 ............Somerset Freshly Painted, PENDING 803 Riviera Dr.................... 2/2 .......$94,900 ............ Norfolk w Dining Rm 1500+PENDING 1028 Apollo Bch Blvd 102 . 2/2 ....... $89,900 ...............Anchor Point Condo Wtr & Boat Slip 1903 Canterbury B-3 ......... 2/2 .......$69,900 .....................Windsor Golf Water, & Furnished 301 Kings Blvd F129 ......... 2/2 .......$47,000 ...................Mansard Clean & Ready 4 Owners 201 Kings Blvd A-23 .......... 1/1.5 ....$29,000 .................Mansard Kingspt Wtr loc PENDING


Steal of a deal in Sun City Center This BEAUMONT floor plan offers two master suites, Spacious living room. dining room and Country kitchen. Freshly painted, Roof 2015, CPVC Plumbing 2015, new carpeting too. $ 305 Stroll Lane 135,000

Annual Unfurnished Rentals

1214 Lakehouse ............... 2/2/2G .........Cool Dedham ................................................ $1200 1803 Butterfly ................... 2/2/2G .........Twintree ......................................................... $1300 347 Caloosa Palms .......... 3/2/2G .........Golf/ 2 Story .................................................. $1500

Annual Furnished Rentals 1801 Bedford B 46........... 1/1.5/1 .........Open Corner Location .................................... $795 Clubhouse # 198 .............. 1/1.5/1C ......Furn or Unfurn................................................. $795 406A Flanborough ............ 1/1.5/1C ......Long Term OK ................................................. $800 301 Kings F 140 ............... 2/2/1C .........New Kitchen – SHARP.................................... $825 2308 Glenmore Cir ........... 2/2/2C .........Terrific Windsor................................................ $900 1012 New Point Lp ........... 2/2/1.5G ......Brockton-Pet OK ........................................... $1250 2309 Lancaster ................. 2/2/2G .........Spacious on Golf ........................................... $1300 1803 Adrean ..................... 2/2/2G .........WATER .......................................................... $1300 1138 McDaniel.................. 2/2/2G .........Cornell - Very Nice ....................................... $1400 2262 Worthington Grn ...... 2/2/2G .........South Club Proximity ..................................... $1500 2248 Preservation Grn ..... 3/2/2G .........Spacious and Lovely ..................................... $1525

Summer Rentals Furnished

401 Gladstone ................. 2/2/1C .........Hampton ......................................................... $975 101 Silverbell .................... 2/2/2G .........Twintree on WATER....................................... $1100


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News of


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Charles and Janet Rea toured the Basilica of Francis in Assisi in Italy, March 2015.

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Where in the World is the News of Kings Point

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May 2015 The News of Kings Point

Thank you so much for continuing to send all the exciting travel pictures! It continues to be a blast to vicariously relive your travels with you through those shots. See how much fun these folks are having? We hope their fun travel photos and stories will inspire you to go see some things and do some stuff…and when you do, take News of Kings Point along for the ride! Remember, if you send us a picture of you in your travels holding the News of Kings Point, you will see yourself in these pages.

Glenn Vance and Nancy Yates went on a 13-day, four island tour in Hawaii last December, and they took their News of Kings Point along. Aloha!

George and Betty Mulford enjoyed their time in Cozumel, Mexico but made sure to bring a little piece of home with them.

Now available … heart valve repair

without open-heart surgery The Valve Institute at Manatee Memorial Hospital is among the first hospitals in Florida to offer the highly advanced MitraClip procedure

When the heart’s mitral valve – which controls blood flow through the heart – does not close all the way, it can leak a small amount of blood. This condition is known as mitral valve regurgitation (MR). MR can cause heart failure, with symptoms like shortness of breath and fluid buildup. Now there is a treatment that can reduce symptoms and possibly extend lives – and it’s available at The Valve Institute at Manatee Memorial Hospital. Manatee Memorial is among the first hospitals in the United States to make MitraClip available to patients, after meeting rigorous criteria mandated by the Society of Thoracic Surgeons and the American College of Cardiology. Manatee Memorial’s MitraClip team consists of specially trained physicians in echocardiography, interventional cardiology, and cardiothoracic surgery. An important member of the team is the Valve Coordinator, Erin Crowell, BSN, CCRN, who acts as the hospital/physician liaison for patients and their families throughout the process. Ms. Crowell is present during the MitraClip insertion and follows patients from hospitalization to discharge.

Erin Crowell, BSN, CCRN Valve Coordinator

For more information about MitraClip at Manatee Memorial, please call Erin Crowell, BSN, CCRN, at 941.745.7388.

206 Second Street East Bradenton, FL 34208

Follow us

Physicians are on the medical staff of Manatee Memorial Hospital, but, with limited exceptions, are independent practitioners who are not employees or agents of Manatee Memorial Hospital. The hospital shall not be liable for actions or treatments provided by physicians.

6 Page

33573 33573 is provided by Debbie Caneen, Director of Admissions, Sun Towers from items submitted for publication. To submit events for future publications, send them by the 15th of the prior month. Debbie also publishes Ads and Events, a weekly e-mail containing information about what’s happening in 33573. Your event will also appear in the weekly Ads and Events e-mail and on the website Send all events by e-mail to You only need to submit your Event one time each month for it to appear in both The News of Kings Point and SCC Ads and Events. SPECIAL EVENTS Please include all basic information, especially Price (or list it’s Free) and Contact Information (phone, e-Mail, or website). Six lines maximum. Send to: sccfreeads@tampabay. As soon as space permits, we will put it in the weekly e-Mail and it will run until event date passes. You do not need to submit it again. PLEASE NOTE: This area is for SPECIAL EVENTS only. WEEKLY, MONTHLY, or ONGOING EVENTS are listed on our website under WEEKLY & MONTHLY MEETINGS at which is updated every weekend.

FRI. MAY 8, 15, 29 - DEMENTIA CAREGIVER EDUCATION GROUP 10 a.m. - 12 noon (weekly on Fridays) at USF – Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences, 3515 East Fletcher Avenue, Tampa, Florida 33613. The USF Memory Disorders Clinic is offering this group. Capacity is limited to 15 individuals per group please register early. $20 per group with a total of $80 for the full training. However, we have a discounted price and a “scholarship” for those who cannot afford it. For more information please call 813-974-8900. SUN. MAY 3 - BETH ISRAEL TO VISIT ELMIRA’S WILDLIFE ANIMAL SANCTUARY 12:15 p.m. Where members of our congregation will tour Elmira’s Wildlife Animal Sanctuary in Wimauma, FL. This sanctuary, entirely staffed by volunteers, provides loving care, life management and enrichment to exotic and wild animals. this will be an educational opportunity to increase community awareness of these animals’ needs. Before touring Elmira’s, there is the option of first meeting for breakfast at Rachel’s Country Kitchen on Road 674 also in Wimauma

The News of Kings Point

at 10:15 AM. Reservations are strongly suggested. Please call Judy Branch, Program Director, at 813-746-1222 for information and reservations, open to Beth Israel members. SUN. MAY 3 - SINGLES SOCIAL DANCE CLUB 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. in the Florida Room, Atrium Building., Come and enjoy wonderful, live music by Thor Stevens. Members $3; Guests $5. BYOB and snacks. Proper attire requested. NOTE: the dance scheduled for May 17 has been changed to May 24. Info: Janet 633-3558. MON. MAY 4 - “FOR TODAY” MEETING OF OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS 10 a.m. at the Sun City Chamber of Commerce meeting room (private entrance to meeting room is on the left side of the building). The only requirement for attending is a desire to stop compulsively eating. OA is an international 12-step organization/program which addresses the emotional, spiritual and physical needs of those desiring to stop compulsively eating and/or overeating. No scales, dues or fees. This meeting is open only to those who have a problem with their weight or eating patterns. Please join us any Monday morning. You can learn more about OA online at http://www. TUE. MAY 5 - GIVE DAY TAMPA BAY HOSTED BY SOUTH SHORE COALITION FOR MENTAL HEALTH AND AGING 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Sun City Center, FL. Visit with your favorite local non-profit and make a difference by donating today! Organizations committed to participate with this event sponsored by the Community Foundation of Tampa Bay include: SCC Emergency Squad, SCC Security Patrol, Mary and Martha House, CARE Animal Shelter, AMI Kids, Human Trafficking, Samaritan’s Alzheimer’s Auxiliary and RCDF (Ruskin Community Development Foundation), NAMI Hillsborough: National Alliance on Mental Illness and Kiwanis of South Shore/Sun City Center. Whether you have a heart for the arts or for critters or kids, this event is one you won’t want to miss! Spend time learning about how these organizations are benefiting our community. For more info, call Debbie Caneen 813-892-2990. TUE. MAY 5 – GIVE DAY TAMPA BAY The Sun City Center Emergency Squad is again participating as one the nonprofit organizations to which the community can contribute. The Emergency Squad is an allvolunteer ambulance service providing all free emergency Basic Life Support services to the residents of Sun City Center every day, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year including holidays. To contribute, just visit this link: https://www.givedaytampabay. org/#npo/sun-city-centeremergency-squad TUE. MAY 5, 12, 19, 26 - LINE DANCING WITH A BALANCE 10 11 a.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Sun City Center. Do you like to

dance but are worried about falling? Join our new FREE line dancing class lead by trained therapists. This weekly class will improve your balance and reduce your risk of falling. We can boot, scoot and boogie safely together and make exercise fun! For more information, call Debbie Caneen at 813-892-2990. TUE. MAY 5 - SISTERHOOD OF BETH ISRAEL MAY PROGRAM 11:00 a.m. at the Synagogue in the Henry Gibson Social Hall on Del Webb Blvd., Sun City Center. The agenda will include a closing brunch and the installation of officers. The meeting will begin at 11 am with the brief installation of officers, followed by brunch. Cost to attend is $5. Reservations need to be made by Monday, April 27, 2015 and sent to Rochelle Lafer, 2247 Oakley Green Drive, Sun City Center, FL 33573. For additional information contact Rochelle at 938-3824. TUE. MAY 5 - THE CROSS STITCH CLUB AT SUN CITY CENTER 12:30 p.m. in the craft building, room one. We help people learn to cross stitch and have beginning kits. Our club fees are $5.00 a year and this includes lessons and what ever help we can give. We meet every Tuesday. Come socialize with the group. Debbie Tarr, Secretary, PR. TUE. MAY 5, 12, 19, 26 - LIFE CHALLENGES SUPPORT GROUP 1 - 3 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Sun City Center. Live your life fully with zest and joy! Rid yourself of depression, anxiety, frustrations with family, children, friends, life changes, health problems, finances and more. Relief comes by sharing and receiving support and making a positive plan of action. All are welcome in complete confidence and free of charge. Your facilitators are Frank Koebrich, MA and Cheryl Lewis. Both are experienced and effective psychotherapists. We meet every Tuesday in the first floor lounge of Sun Towers. No appointment is necessary. Sponsored by the Coalition for Mental Health and Aging. WED. MAY 6, 13, 20, 27 THERAPEUTIC TAI CHI OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 10 - 11 a.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Our therapists have advanced training in therapeutic Tai Chi for Seniors and will provide guidance in this healthy exercise. Tai Chi has been proven to increase strength and balance! This class will be offered EVERY Wednesday due to increased demand. For more information, contact Debbie Caneen at 813-634-3347. WED. MAY 6 – MOAA MONTHLY LUNCHEON MEETING 11:30 a.m. at the SCC North Side Atrium Building. Larissa Scott will be the featured speaker at the Military Officers of America Association (MOAA) May luncheon. At 17, Larissa Scott married a Shi’a Muslim and was expected to convert to Islam and live a Sharia-compliant marriage. She was introduced to Sharia law with its strict code of conduct for women, gender apartheid, limitations on self-expression, and sanctioned physical abuse.

May 2015

The marriage lasted four years. Today she is an NRA-certified safety instructor for the Refuse to Be a Victim program, a graduate of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement’s (FDLE) Intelligence Operations Guide for Islamist Terrorism training, and a graduate of John Guandolo’s Understanding the Threat (UTT) immersion training for Train the Trainer program. She volunteers as a human rights activist and gives frequent presentations on the treatment of women under Sharia law. Reservations ($14) can be made by calling Doris Glass at 642-0497 and must be made by 6 p.m., Sunday May 3rd. For more information call Frank Kepley at 642-0801. WED. MAY 6 - SUN CITY CENTER ART CLUB PRESENTS LOWRY WARING ONE MAN SHOW 1 3 p.m. for the Open house in the Sun City Center Art Gallery. Lowry Waring has lived in the Tampa area for over 50 years. He has done art work since he was in grade school in Alexandria, Virginia. In high school he was the art editor for the school paper and the senior yearbook. Following a stint on active duty in the Naval Reserves, Lowry was a partner in a small advertising agency in the Washington, D.C area where, occasionally, He did artwork for his clients. He was self taught in art over the years using various books and videos. After moving to Tampa in 1962, Lowry sold a number of paintings through an art dealer in Tampa. Most of his work is in the folk art vein. Lowry enjoys his “old age” and the freedom it gives him to express his enjoyment of art. The public is welcome to view Lowry’s artwork and enjoy a snack and a glass of wine. WED. MAY 6, 13, 20, 27 - SUN CITY CENTER CHESS LOVERS CLUB 1:30 - 5 p.m. in the Heritage Room. A great way for beginners through master chess players to participate and to enjoy this classic game. This is a noncompetitive club and we invite all members of Sun City Center and the environs to join us every Wednesday for a stimulating and challenging afternoon to test and improve your chess skills in the friendly atmosphere of our club. WED. MAY 6 - THE SAMARITAN SERVICES ALZHEIMER’S MONTHLY MEETING 2 p.m. at the Redeemer Lutheran Church. Our guest speaker will be Jack Dudzik from SHINE (Serving Health Insurance Needs of Elders), he will be talking about help for Medicare, Private insurance and the Veterans Administration. Pizza party following meeting. For more information please call Doris at 634-3489 or the office at 634-9283. THU. MAY 7 - BETTER BREATHERS SUPPORT GROUP 10 a.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive. Our speaker this month will be provided by Senior Helpers, the creator of the award winning Senior Gems program where it’s local owner Scott Fox will be speaking. Need assistance in your home? Find out how Veterans benefits may Continued on Page 7

May 2015 The News of Kings Point


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cover some of the costs associated. Also Jennipher Lenoir, COTA will have therapeutic Tai Chi for this meeting. For additional info, call Debbie Caneen 813-892-2990. THU. MAY 7 - THE SCC REGISTERED NURSES CLUB ANNUAL NURSES DAY/SPRING LUNCHEON 11 a.m. in the Florida Room of the Atrium Building. We’ll begin with punch and conversation; lunch will be served at 12 noon. We have several special “surprise” guests. The cost is $16. The menu includes Asian chicken salad with butterscotch pie for dessert. You may BYOB. Please call Lynne Murphy, RN at 634 6707 or Lindy Langois, RN at 634-3250. TUE. MAY 12 - THE CROSS STITCH CLUB AT SUN CITY CENTER 12:30 p.m. in the craft building, room one. We help people learn to cross stitch and have beginning kits. Our club fees are $5 a year and this includes lessons and what ever help we can give. We meet every Tuesday. Come socialize with the group. Debbie Tarr, Secretary, PR. WED. MAY 13 - VIRTUAL DEMENTIA TOUR - YOUR WINDOW INTO THEIR WORLD 10 - 11:30 a.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Sun City Center, FL Walk a Mile in the Shoes of a Person Living with Dementia. Created by P.K. Beville, a specialist in geriatrics, this experience is designed to instill hope in professional and family caregivers, providing them with a tool to move from sympathy to empathy and to better understand the behaviors and needs of their loved ones and patients. Tours provided by Senior Helpers. FREE event but RSVP is required to 813-634-3347. WED. MAY 13 - DIABETES EDUCATION SUPPORT GROUP 2 - 3 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Have you been given the diagnosis of Diabetes? Are you unsure of your dietary future? Discover options that will assist you! Join Lisa Endick, RN from Nurse on Call Home Health Care as she facilitates this support group. For additional info, call Debbie Caneen 813-892-2990. WED. MAY 13 - SUN CITY CENTER EMERGENCY SQUAD HOSTING OPEN HOUSE 6 p.m. in the Squad’s Training Building at 124 South Pebble Beach Blvd. Interested residents are invited and can find out more about the Squad and the volunteer opportunities it offers. Coffee and cookies will be served. Many people are surprised at the number of options our volunteers have – if you were to consider joining the Squad, one of the first questions would be “What do you want to do? Answer the phone? Help clean the ambulances and vans? How about becoming a receptionist or helping with the kitchen? Our IT needs are significant. Volunteer assignments range from 4 hours to 8 hours, usually on an 8-day cycle. Of course, the main function of the Squad is to staff the ambulances and transportation vans. Training for those activities is handled locally and they will tell you all about it on the 13th.

THU. MAY 14 – CRIME AWARENESS MEETING Deputy Jeffery Merry, Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office Community Resource Deputy 9 a.m. at Sun City Center Security Patrol, Sun City Center. Open to the public. Learn about the monthly crime report and any hot topics for the community and law enforcement. Return each month on the second Thursday for future updates. THU. MAY 14 – DESSERT & CARD PARTY AT PRINCE OF PEACE CATHOLIC CHURCH 12 noon at Conesa Center, Prince of Peace Catholic Church, 702 Valley Forge Blvd, Sun City Center. The Council of Catholic Women of Prince of Peace invites anyone who likes to play cards or any board game to make up your own table in advance and come to our dessert & card party. The Dessert & Card Party is the second Thursday of the month, from noon until 3:30 p.m. in the Conesa Center. Cards, pencils and tallies are furnished. For additional information call 633-2460. THU. MAY 14 - NEUROPATHY SUPPORT GROUP SPONSORED BY THE SUN CITY CENTER MEN’S CLUB 1 p.m. IN THE Caper Room, 945 A North Course Ln., Sun City Center. Our speaker this month will be: Caroline McGrath MSc, ARNP, Care Coordinator at Lakewood Ranch Medical Center. Caroline was awarded her post-graduate degree as an Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner in adult and gerontological studies from South University. She has been a Nurse Practitioner for five years. Learn about what The Orthopedic Spine and Joint Center at Lakewood Ranch has to offer. THU. MAY 14 - DEMOCRATIC CLUB MAY MEETING 1 p.m. for social gathering and refreshments. Meeting begins at 1:30 p.m. at the South Shore Regional Library at 15816 Beth Shields Way, Ruskin. The Club will host Tampa Bay Times metro columnist, John Romano, Thursday, May 14, 2015, at the South Shore Regional Library. Topics to include politics and charter schools. All Democrats and like-minded persons are invited to the meeting. For additional information check out the club website: FRI. MAY 15 - MASTER GARDENER: LOW MAINTENANCE DROUGHT TOLERANT PLANTS 2 – 3:30 p.m. at the SouthShore Regional Library, located at 15816 Beth Shields Way Ruskin, FL 33573. FREE EVENT! Join Master Gardener, Virginia Overstreet, as she reviews the top picks of ground covers, perennials, trees, palms, shrubs, and vines that will tolerate the dry times while still adding beauty to the landscape. No registration required. MON. MAY 18 - MONTHLY MEETING OF THE SCC SCRAPBOOKING CLUB 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Armstrong Room, Atrium Bldg. If you are interested in preserving your memories or family history, please contact Jeanne Ratliff at 642-9669 to join our fun group which meets monthly on the 3rd Monday. The dues are $5 made payable by check to ‘SCC

Continued on Page 8

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The News of Kings Point

May 2015

From Page 7

Scrapbooking Club’. Reminder: per CA/KP rules, please bring your CA or Kings Point ID badge. MON. MAY 18 - PARKINSON’S SUPPORT GROUP OF SUN CITY CENTER 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive. (FREE Valet parking for car or golf cart available at Terrace entrance by blue awning.) USF Parkinson’s Disease & Movement Disorders Center facilitates this meeting. This month, the National Parkinson’s Foundation will be seeking research topics relating to your experience with Parkinson’s disease. Jennipher Lenoir, COTA will facilitate this meeting where your comments will be shared with the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation. Your presence is a must at this meeting if you are dealing with this disease. Make a difference and provide your input. If you have Parkinson’s, or are caring for someone with this disease, be sure to attend this support group! COMPLIMENTARY VALET PARKING AVAILABLE AT TERRACE ENTRANCE For additional info, call Debbie Caneen 813-892-2990. TUE. MAY 19 - ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive. Bring Your Loved One For a Well Deserved Break. Facilitated by Aging Care Advocates. You will receive information while your loved one is cared for in our Secured Memory Care. Please RSVP no less than 3 days prior to 813-677-1400. For additional information, contact Debbie Caneen at 813-634-3347. WED. MAY 20 – CRIME AWARENESS MEETING Deputy Jeffery Merry, Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office Community Resource Deputy 9 a.m. at American Momentum Bank, Sun City Center. Open to the public. Learn about the monthly crime report and any hot topics for the community and law enforcement. Return each month on the third Wed for future updates. WED. MAY 20 - LOW VISION SUPPORT GROUP 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. FREE VALET PARKING for Cars and Golf Carts at Terrace Entrance by Blue Awning. Our speaker this month will be Bill Wilson with James Haley VA VIST (Visual Impairment Service Team) Program. If you have low vision, then this meeting is for you! For more info call Debbie Caneen 813892-2990. WED. MAY 20 - CLASSICAL MUSIC APPRECIATION 3:30 p.m. Kings Point main clubhouse, RIPPLE ROOM (across hall from South Social Room.) Free. All lovers of classical music are invited. Information: Arthur C. Joy, 813-633-9783, WED. MAY 20 - KINGS POINT LINE DANCERS FREE SOCIAL DANCE 7 p.m. in the Borini Theatre. Root for your favorite sports team at a free social dance with the Kings Point Line Dancers. Dress to support

the team you like, or come as you are. No ticket to purchase, so mark your calendar. BYOB. Open to KP and SCC residents and their guests. Call Jan for more info 634-6226. FRI. MAY 22 - FREE MEMORY SCREENINGS 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Sun City Center. Provided by Dr. Mary Stedman from Stedman Clinical Trials, Wendy Burkhard, LCSW from Wyndbeach Counseling, Dr. Andrew Keehan, Neurologist Associate Director Roskamp Institute Clinic and Darla Freeman-LeVay, M.A., CCC-SLP University of South Florida (USF) Clinical Instructor and Speech-Language Pathologist. How much of my memory have I really lost? Are you interested in Clinical Trials designed to cure Alzheimer’s? Want to learn more about memory loss? Call 813-634-3347 to reserve your space today. SUN. MAY 24 - SINGLES SOCIAL DANCE CLUB 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. in the Atrium Building, Florida Room. Live music for your dancing pleasure presented by Thor Stevens. Members $3; Guests $5. BYOB and snacks. Dressy/casual attire requested. Info: Janet 633-3558. TUE. MAY 26 - MOBILE 3D MAMMOGRAPHY 10:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Sun City Center in the Mobile Mammography Bus! There’s no longer reason to put off having your annual screening mammogram, as we come to you. No rx required for a screening mammogram. 3D Mammography is proven to increase invasive breast cancer detection by 41% while reducing patient callback rates by 15%. We are FDA and ACR Accredited. Reports are read by a Board Certified, Fellowship Trained, Breast Radiologist. We are approved providers for: Medicare, Medicaid, Blue Cross Blue Shield, United HealthCare, Aetna, & Cigna. Don’t put your breast health off any longer. Schedule your appointment at: Or call 813-601-1925 for more information. Walk-ins Welcome. Just curious and need more information? Call Debbie Caneen at 813-892-2990. WED. MAY 27 - FAMILY CENTER ON DEAFNESS TELEPHONE DISTRIBUTION 1 – 3 p.m. at the SouthShore Regional Library, located at 15816 Beth Shields Way Ruskin, FL 33573. FREE EVENT! FTRI provides free specialized equipment and training to qualified Florida residents who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired. The equipment enables them to place and receive phone calls. Presented by Florida Telecommunications Relay, Inc. (FTRI). SUN. MAY 31 - SINGLES MINGLE DANCE CLUB OF KINGS POINT 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. in the Main Clubhouse Studio. Thor Stevens and his saxophone will present live music for your dancing pleasure. Admission: $5.00. BYOB and snacks. Proper dress requested. Info: Janet 633-3558.

Introducing GoSafe from Philips Lifeline Philips Lifeline, the #1 medical alert provider, presents GoSafe—a mobile system that allows you the freedom and confidence to go where you want, when you want. With our innovative button you’ll get access to help 24/7. Wherever you are.*

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Men's Club of Sun City Center


May 2015 The News of Kings Point

L to R: Ginny Rosette, social chairperson, and Mary Ann Dayton, Treasurer.

King’s Point Buckeyes Make Donation to the Squad

By Robin Watt The King’s Point Buckeye Club donated $200 to the Emergency Squad on April 14. The club, also known as the King’s Point Ohio Club, invites former residents and snowbirds from Ohio to get together for social events. The Squad appreciates every donation.

The Emergency Squad is Registered for Give Day Tampa Bay 2015

The Sun City Center Emergency Squad is participating in this year’s “Give Day Tampa Bay 2015.” “The Emergency Squad is very excited about this opportunity. Although we’ve had the community’s support for 50 years,” says Chief Dennis Floto, “inflation raises the cost of operations such as fuel, medical supplies and vehicle maintenance. We are always seeking new sources of donations. The recession of this past decade hit many of our seniors hard, having an impact on our financial situation. We believe this event will be particularly helpful for us.” The Emergency Squad has served Sun City Center for 50 years and has never billed anyone for its services. No one in the Squad has ever received a paycheck of any kind. “Our volunteers come from the community and they love what they do, but it still takes financial support to keep our ambulances on the road,” says Robin Watt, Asst. Chief of Communications. “Through Give Day, we are hoping to attract new donors and make giving easier through this event.” Give Day Tampa Bay is a 24-hour online giving event scheduled for May 5, 2015. It sponsored by the Community Foundation of Tampa Bay and Florida Next Foundation to grow philanthropy in the Tampa Bay area. This initiative will provide new opportunities for individual and corporate philanthropy, bolster charitable giving to the Tampa Bay region’s nonprofit community, and heighten awareness of the region’s entire nonprofit sector. Last year, the inaugural Give Day Tampa Bay raised $1.1 million in 24 hours for local nonprofits. Make a pledge now or get more information by visiting www.GiveDayTampaBay.Org.

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L to R: Linda Stone, Follies; Betty Richner, Assistant Chief, Human Resources; Rose Ostrander, Director of the Follies; Nicole Howell, Special Events Coordinator, King’s Point; and Eileen Peco, Chairman of Board, Emergency Squad.

The King’s Point Follies Donates to the Emergency Squad

Since 1980, the King’s Point Follies have been one of the most popular entertainment events held every year. Dancers, choirs, bands and solo singers from inside the community and from the surrounding area, participate in this spring event. This year the Follies raised $1,500 for the Emergency Squad.

Emergency Squad is Looking Everyday Heroes

By Robin Watt Wanted: EVERYDAY HEROES. Everyday, Emergency Squad volunteers give their time to the community to assist local seniors during their time of need. Whether it’s an emergency call or a transport from the hospital, volunteers provide more than the Basic Life Support skills they’ve learned – they provide comfort, reassurance and a hand to hold when someone most needs it. If you’d like to learn more about being an everyday hero, contact the SCC Emergency Squad. We are always looking for new volunteers. You do not need to have a healthcare education or career – training is provided for all our positions. Interested? Call Toria Smith at 813-633-1411.

Betty Richner, Asst. Chief Human Resources, King’s Point Krafters group member Cass Dagg-Murphy and Squad Board Chairman Eileen Peco.

Kings Point Krafters Donates to the Emergency Squad

Robin Watt The King’s Point’s Krafters has supported the Emergency Squad for many years. The group produces knit, crochet, bead and plastic canvas works of art. These items are for sale and the proceeds are donated to our local Sun City Center charities. Dedicated to giving back to the community, here the King’s Point Krafters presents a check for $1,500 to the Squad.

John Moore’s Flooring

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The News of Kings Point

Betty Richner Squad Volunteer of The Month

By Robin Watt Everyone who joins the Squad seems to come for a different reason. Betty’s was very personal, as she needed to call the Squad to care for her husband Bob. She was so impressed with the caring attitude, professionalism and dedication of the Squad members who cared for him that she decided to see if there might be a place for her. Betty joined the Squad five years ago and has been an Emergency Medical responder for Teams 2 and 6. She recently completed the Assistant Captains course and is assigned to this position as well on Team 2. Betty has been married for 35 years, has one daughter and three grandchildren. In her spare time she enjoys golfing, bowling and card games. “Being a member of the Squad,” she says, “is one of the most rewarding and fulfilling jobs she has ever had.”

May 2015

Aston Gardens Successful Fundraising Benefits the Emergency Squad

By Robin Watt On March 19, Aston Gardens broke out the cards and poker chips and held a very fun Monte Carlo night to benefit the Emergency Squad. The casino night games raised $1,601 to assist the Squad with the ever-increasing costs of operations, such as fuel, vehicle maintenance and medical supplies. The evening was attended by more than 80 people and prizes and gifts were auctioned off to the big winner. Gifts were donated by Sun Towers, Cypress Creek Golf Course and Club, Aston Gardens and many other local businesses.

Squad Hosts Information Meeting on Volunteering May 13

The Sun City Center Emergency Squad is hosting an Open House at 6 p.m. on the 2nd Wednesday of each month as an Information Meeting for prospective volunteers. The meeting will take place at the Training Building at 124 S. Pebble Beach. With this meeting, we invite interested residents to find out more about the Squad and the volunteer opportunities we have available. The Squad is always looking for dispatchers, Emergency Medical Responders, ambulance drivers and Emergency Medical Technicians. Other volunteer positions the Squad has available include IT specialists, vehicle maintenance volunteers, cooks and front desk receptionists. Each year the Squad provides Basic Life Support (BLS) emergency services to the community. In 2014, the Squad made almost 5,000 ambulance runs and approximately 2,000 medical wheelchair van runs. All of the Squad’s services are free, including blood pressures that are offered daily at the office from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Volunteers are the lifeblood of our community. Please consider joining us to learn about more about how we are “Neighbors Helping Neighbors.” Coffee and cookies will be served.

L to R: Marty Mallak, Linda East, Dick Morrison, Gert Affayroux, Jerry Mitchell, Eileen Peco, Dick Seagraves and Marianne Meeker.

Emergency Squad 2015 Board of Directors

Squad elections for the Board of Directors took place on March 12 at the Sun City Center Chamber of Commerce. The Board is composed of nine members serving staggered 3-year terms. All directors are active volunteers on the Squad. Returning Directors include Linda East, Marty Mallak, Dick Seagraves, and Marianne Meeker. Reelected Directors include Dick Morrison, Eileen Peco, Emily Lahti and Jerry Mitchell. Gert Affayroux is newly elected to a 3-year term.

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May 2015 The News of Kings Point

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Learn About Hearing Loss Challenges and Solutions

Seated L to R: Kathleen Shaefer, Carolyn Bell, and Linda Hughes. Standing, L to R: Dan Holtom, Ken Reid, Randy Anderson, Pam Zion, Tim Baker, Barry Bogart, Larry Lewis, M.J. Rickerts, Jan Huber, Glenda Foerster, Penny Baker Cindi Russell, Linda Kalpin, Larry Troutman and Susan Cordial. Not pictured: Barry McKee, Tom Murphy, Mary Wilkinson, Jim Ryan, Gary Kerckaert, Eileen Peco, Marci McKee, Mike Schramm, Carole Austin, Valery McKeehan, Julie Holtom, Kathy Zrodowski, Brigitte Austen and Margie Blair.

Easter Sunday Emergency Squad - Team 4

By Robin Watt Easter Sunday morning April 5, members of Team 4 reported for duty. Like any normal duty day, the Squad is here for the community 24/7, 365 days a year, including holidays.

Some Like It Hot

By Rosie Korfant, JSA Medical Group Activities Coordinator Sounds like a great title for a movie starring a legendary blonde, right? Or it could be the lead-in for a new cocktail to celebrate Cinco de Mayo! Well, give some thought to cayenne pepper instead! For years I’ve had an aversion to anything “spicy,” except maybe a gorgeous new dress! Lately, cayenne pepper and I are BFF’s. When I tell you where this research led me, you will hardly believe it. I’m guessing you’ve heard of a panacea for all things, right? Well, that’s just about what cayenne pepper has become. The name “cayenne” originated from a town in French Guiana off the northeast coast of South America. Christopher Columbus even realized its benefits and became a culinary hero when he found cayenne in the Caribbean Islands and returned with it to Europe where he substituted it for black pepper, which was much more costly. The list of its healing properties is long and diversified—such things as: sore throat, fever, gout, heartburn, scarlet fever, diphtheria, nausea, herpes, shingles, rheumatism, arthritis, pleurisy, bunions, psoriasis. It’s also been used as a tonic for heart, kidneys, lungs, pancreas, spleen and stomach problems. It helps fight the common cold, laryngitis—as a gargle, hoarseness, swollen lymph glands, cluster headaches, tonsillitis, toothaches, seasickness, malaria and even hemorrhoids. It has even been said to increase fertility and delay senility. Some key benefits of cayenne are that it regulates the flow of blood from the head to the feet, which balances the blood pressure and influences your heart immediately. Use of cayenne improves circulation, especially good for varicose veins, and muscle cramping, due to its anti-inflammatory properties. When mixed with honey and lemon in water, I know personally that it improves metabolism and gives me more oomph! I never thought I’d do without my caffeine boost of coffee in the morning, but since I’ve switched over to the cayenne combination, I’m caffeine free—yay! Cayenne, interchangeably called capsicum, is rich in capsaicin that also contains Vitamin C, B6 and E, along with potassium, manganese, and flavonoids, which add to its antioxidant properties. Further, capsaicin can desensitize sensory neurons that then deplete substance P associated with inflammatory pain. More good news—because cayenne aids in digestion and absorbs nutrients, it also helps reduce excess appetite due to something called malabsorption, that is common in overweight folks. Mostly it helps stimulate saliva, known to be a necessity for good liver functioning, which in turn, allows food to be absorbed and not just “inhaled.” It has also been tested to prove it’s an excellent source of beta-carotene—a powerhouse in antioxidants which helps prevent free radical damage. I may not be Rachel Ray, but I’m going to investigate more possible uses for cayenne pepper in my everyday cooking. Lookout, husband, I’m headed to the kitchen! SOURCES: Dr. Weil’s Healthy Kitchen Dr. John R. Christopher, author: School of Natural Healing Global Healing Center WebMD Medical News Today

Area residents who want to learn about techniques and technology for dealing with hearing loss are invited to an audience-participation discussion with the Sun City Center Chapter of the Hearing Loss Association of America, at 9:30 a.m. May 6 at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, 1239 West Del Webb Blvd. Moderated by chapter president Clement Hill, the discussion will include explanations of various types of hearing aids and other assistive devices such as telecoils, neck loops, and captioned telephones. Other topics may include types of professional practitioners, coping strategies, veterans benefits, and tips for partners of those with hearing loss. Questions will be encouraged, with responses by chapter members with expertise and/or personal experience with the topics at hand. Big-screen captioning will be provided by Tess Crowder of Communication Access, Inc. so attendees can see what they can’t hear. The meeting room is equipped with an induction loop for those with a telecoil in their hearing device. Come early for coffee and donuts. HLAA of SCC is sponsored by the Men’s Club of SCC. For information, contact Clement Hill at or Paul Courter at


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12 Page

The News of Kings Point

May 2015

Troy Coman Entertains Ladies at Men’s Club Luncheon

By Jay Sparkman Troy Coman, center, entertained over 200 SCC Men’s Club members and guests at the spring Ladies Luncheon meeting of the Men’s Club. Coman, pictured here with Ron Pelton, left, President of the SCC Men’s Club and Don Murphy, Vice-President for Programs, sang hit songs made famous by Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, Elvis Presley, The Platters and Perry Como among others. Coman is a Sun City Center resident and Men’s Club member. For more information about the Men’s Club call Jon Lehr at 813-260-3058

Michigan Club Kentucky Derby Party

Sun City Center Shell Crafter Club

Sun City Center’s Shell Crafter’s Club is very proud of our winners of the Sanibel Island shell crafter competition. Seated from left are: Debbie Durecki, Laura Akins, Jennifer Hammer, standing, from left is: Sally Trenski, Marilyn Schettle, Elaine Chicoine, and Susan Seipelt.

By Stephanie Casey Put on your fancy hats and mix up your Mint Juleps and bring them with you to the best Kentucky Derby Party in town. The Michigan Club of Kings Point is hosting their annual party in the Borini Theater of Kings Point on Derby Day, Saturday, May 2. The excitement begins at 4:30 p.m. Everyone in Sun City Center and surrounding areas is welcome to join in the festivities. Watch the race live on the big screen and enjoy a delicious and abundant grazing buffet. BYOB and have your friends and neighbors join you at the open-seating Cabaret style round tables. There will also be the traditional hat contest for both men and women. Prizes are awarded in several categories, including “prettiest” and “silliest” hats. You won’t want to miss the fun. Cost for members is $12 or $14 for non-members. For more information and ticket availability, please call Paul at 6348506. Hope to see you there.

Sun City Center Registered Nurses Club

By Anise Tuma Thursday, May 7, the Sun City Center Registered Nurses Club will hold their annual Catered Luncheon in the Florida Room in the Atrium Bldg. at 11 a.m. for social and noon for lunch. BYOB. Cost is $16. Reservation deadline has passed. Call Lindy Langlois for availability at 813.634.3250. Bring donations for Sister Sarah’s medical van and Campbells Coupons for the Shriner’s Education Program.

SCC Library Receives Men’s Club Grant

By Jay Sparkman Ron Pelton, president of the Sun City Center Men’s Club, presents a check for $6,067 to Elaine Birkinshaw, library administrator for the Sun City Center Library. The grant will be used for tables, chairs, and other furniture in the new reading room, which is part of the new construction at the library. Mr. Pelton and Ms. Birkinshaw are using the new furniture in the picture. The Men’s Club is open to residents of Sun City Center and Kings Point. Call Jon Lehr, 813-260-3058, for more information about becoming a member.

NY Empire State Club Meeting

May 5: The New York Empire State Club will be having their monthly meeting and this month it will be Cinco De Mayo Mexican Fiesta at 5 p.m. in the Kings Point Borini Room. Music by Gari and special entertainment with authentic Mexican dancers. Food by Banquet Masters which consists of beef, chicken & pork with fresh garden bar with fajita condiments, Fiesta corn, rice & black beans, dessert, coffee and soda. Members $18.50 guests $22.50 per person. For further information please contact Frank Gatto at 813-633-8942. The Irish Connection Club Movie Night Monday May 11 at 6:30 p.m. in The Rollins Theater. Feature: Song Tables of 8 only. for a Raggy Boy starring Aiden Quinn. An award winning drama set in 1939 at a reform school for boys in Ireland run by a religious order Minibus News Beginning May 1st the Minibus office will temporarily be operating of Brothers. A new lay teacher begins an uphill battle to confront from the kiosk in the Atrium on the Central Campus until renovations the severe discipline he encounters. No subtitles available. All in SCC at Community Hall are completed. Our office hours will remain the welcome. Bring your friends. Club website: same. Italian Club East Coast Pizza Night Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10 a.m. to noon and Tuesday and The Italian Club will be closing the season with an East Coast Pizza Thursday from 1 p.m. until 3 p.m. Also during this period all trips will Party featuring several kinds of pizzas, salad, beer and dessert on be leaving from the area in front of the old golf club building at the Tuesday, May 12. The event will take place in the Kings Point Borini north end of the N. Pebble Beach parking lot. Theater, and the doors will open at 5:30 p.m. There will also be coffee We do have some fabulous trips available for you. May 10 we will and soda and BYOB. Gari will be the DJ entertainer. Members $13 be celebrating Mother’s Day at Maggiano’s; Chorus Line at the and Guests $15. Tables of 8 please have your checks together. Per Show Palace is set for May 28; on May 30 we will be traveling to Ybor the front office, only tables of 8 will be allowed. For information, City Museum, Market and Brew Pub and May 31 it is The Illusionists at please contact President Tom Barba at 813-633-0264. Cut-off date the Straz. is May 6. As always, we also have some exciting overnight trips available. Purple Butterflies 2015 Membership Drive Spring into Summer has a few spots open for the May 6 and 7 trip, The Purple Butterflies of SCC, a chapter of the International Red Hat featuring Immokalee, Naples Botanical Gardens and a dinner and Society, has open membership for all KP and SCC residents. Dues for show at Broadway Palm. Seats are going fast for the October 18the 2015 calendar year are $10 made out to “Purple Butterflies”. Our 23 Smokey Mountain Get-A-Way and the December 1-3 trip, St. goal is for ladies, of all ages, to join a fun and friendly group. Our club Augustine Christmas. colors are red hat with purple outfit. We have year round, monthly, Mark your calendars to come in and sign up for some of these functions either in town or bus/carpooling trips. There is a registration extraordinary trips which you can enjoy without worrying about all form on the front porch at 610 La Jolla Avenue (self serve and open that traffic, parking etc. You can just sit back and enjoy the ride! 24/7) or phone Elaine at 634-3479 for more information. Remember - Come In, Sign Up and Climb Aboard!

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May 2015 The News of Kings Point

Friend & Neighbors Club Special Concert

Lunch and fun with FAN Club continues through the summer. “Friends & Neighbors” of Kings Point welcomes all residents to Bring Your Own Lunch and meet your neighbors in the Banquet Room of the North Club at noon on Wednesday, May 12 for a time of fun and friendship. Previous lunch gathering have featured State Celebrations, Florida on a half tank and an Introduction to Tai Chi. The May gathering will focus on summer reading. We would like several people to share about a book that they have read. Suggestions: Design a poster, read a fascinating paragraph or two from the book, dress as a character from the book and give a little monologue, bring the book to show and tell why you liked it. Please call Jean at 813-633-2615 and let her know you will bring a book review. Or grab a book at the last minute and share off the top of your head. No charge just BYOL, bring your own lunch. April 22 at 7 p.m. the FAN Club presents its “Concert and Dance Party” featuring Tom & Michelle ‘LATITIDUE’ at the Borini Theatre. Enjoy their “Coastal” music, including Jimmy Buffett songs along with John Denver songs and dance music. Open to everyone. BYOB & snack. Table set up will be provided. Tickets $15 should be purchased at the NC ticket booth during business hours.

SCC Audubon Club Elects Officers The Sun City Center Audubon Club announced its officers for the coming 2015-16 season at its April meeting in the Florida Room. It is sure to be a successful year with interesting programs and educational field trips. The Club will meet again the first Saturday of every month, November through April. All residents of Sun City Center are welcome to attend as guests or to join for $10 a year. For further information about the Club and its activities, please call Lynn at 813938-1065.

L to R: Denise Rosen, VicePresident, Programs; Linda Floyd, President, John Veinott, Treasurer; Dale Phelps, Member at Large; not pictured-Claudia Tennison, Secretary.

Woman’s Club Meeting

By Uta Kuhn At the Woman’s Club meeting held on March 19, 2015 the Theme was “Be Irish Today”. Many members attending were decked out in green outfits, hats, jewelry etc. to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. Lunch included corned beef and cabbage, potatoes and plenty of dessert. But the most exciting part of the meeting was a very special speaker, Maureen Belote, who is a well-known storyteller in the Tampa Bay area and in Florida. Maureen got the gift of gab from her southern born mother and Irish father. She became a professional storyteller in 1997, when she figured out that telling stories is a way to entertain audiences without needing a cast, scenery or special equipment. A quote from her, “As far back as I can remember, I’ve been telling stories and tales and getting in trouble for it.” True to form, Maureen did tell quite a few tales in a very animated fashion, with gestures, special facial expressions to make a point, and at one time even getting the audience involved. Everyone enjoyed her clever, memorable and captivating tales in keeping with St. Patrick’s Day. It was quite evident, that storytelling is definitely in her DNA.

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A Guest Speaker With a Very Special Companion By Uta Kuhn At the April 16 GFWC Woman’s Club of SCC Meeting, Cindy Moynihan, with her very special companion, was the guest speaker. Ms. Moynihan was born with genetic hearing loss, which grew progressively worse over time. Today she is considered “deaf” without the use of hearing aids. She graduated from HS and moved on to enroll in courses at Belmont University where she graduated with a Degree in Business. After several years of being in the working world, Ms. Moynihan returned to Belmont to get her Masters Degree. She is the proud mom of Matt and Stephen. Her number one passion is giving motivational presentations to assist and help others who are affected by hearing loss. Some of her credentials include – in 2011 she became a Canine Companion Hearing Dog Graduate Ambassador. In 2014 she graduated from the Certified Peer Mentor Program, she is also a member of the Hearing Loss Association of America (Tampa Chapter) and International Association of Assistant Dog Partners. All of these are great accomplishments in view of her hearing loss. Now to the rest of the story. Have you heard of service dogs who help their hearing impaired masters? Many of those in attendance at the meeting had not. So, as you may have figured out, her “special companion” was a mixed breed Golden Retriever/ Labrador who has been trained to help her. Thanks to an organization called “Canine Companions for Independence” Ms. Moynihan can live as independently as any person. This organization also makes dogs available to veterans and others, all at no cost to the recipient of the special companion.

L to R: Rosie Clifton presenting a check, Cindy Moynihan with her wonderful “Canine Companion for Independence LaRue.”

Obviously Ms. Moynihan cannot hear a phone/doorbell ring, a knock on the door, or hear a smoke alarm go off. The latter could have dire consequences. This is where LaRue comes in. He will make sure, due to his special training that he lets Ms. Moynihan know if the phone rings, the doorbell chimes, or someone knocks on the door, or if heaven forbid the smoke alarm starts to blare. Other than being a “service dog” LaRue is also a great companion. LaRue and her master gave a most wonderful presentation, and of course LaRue was the center of attention. As Ms. Moynihan explained, “a week from now you probably won’t remember my name, but I bet you remember my dog’s name.” Everyone truly enjoyed both the speaker and her beautiful companion. After her presentation Ms. Moynihan also answered questions from the audience. She is a great inspirational speaker and it was obvious she is very passionate about her mission to help others.

News of Kings Point online

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14 Page

The News of Kings Point

May 2015

South Shore Dems May Meeting

By Gina Hebert The South Shore Democratic Club will host, Tampa Bay Times metro columnist, John Romano, at its next meeting, Thursday, May 14, at the South Shore Regional Library. Mr. Romano’s topics will include politics /charter schools. Refreshments are served at 1 p.m. and the general meeting begins at 1:30. All Democrats and like-minded individuals are invited to attend. Please visit as well as Facebook at for more information. L to R: Kathy Hannell, Betty Good, Krista Conover, Pam Krieck, Linde Obernesser, Janet Stauffer, Cathy Lauro, Prince Harry, (Harry Oelgart) Caroll Moss, Vallie Cosper, B.J. Wilson, Marge Warchol, Heidi Oelgart - the Hostesss.

Bunco Anniversary Event

L to R: British Connection Brands Hatch Committee Members: Jennifer Johnson, Pam Treadwell, Linda Peterson, Robbin StrattonUpson, Sue Snell, Heather Holmes, Donna McLennan, Jackie Amos, Veronica Harris, Margaret Davis.

British Connection Grand Prix Event A Successful Sell-Out

By Robbin Stratton-Upson Eighty-two British Connection members and guests gathered for the nostalgic ‘British Grand Prix at Brands Hatch’ Dinner Party, chaired by Jackie Amos, on March 24, 2015, in the Florida Room of the Atrium Building. Following the jovial social hour, partiers dined on traditional British cuisine and race car themed cakes followed by the exciting race competition with plenty of cheering going on. Donna McLennan designed the fabulous racing centerpieces that graced the tables and Robbin Stratton-Upson created racing tags for each guest. Linda Peterson was gifted a beautifully designed shoulder bag for her years of service as President by the club and the winner of the ‘Fancy Fascinator~Stylish Hats’ competition, Marianne Strehar, received a lovely bountiful gift basket. The British Connection is open to all residents and guests of Sun City Center and Kings Point. For club membership information, please contact Linda Peterson 813.634.7545.

The Theme was “A Royal Reception” and twelve Ladies were asked to dress like royalty and to wear a hat or a Fascinator. A “Prince Charles” was on hand to open the car doors - guiding the Queens toward the red carpet where Prince Harry greeted each Lady “Welcome Your Royal Highness” and handed out a red rose. After a sit down dinner everyone was awarded a “Royal Title,” following two hours of rolling the dice, playing Bunco. There are so many different ways of enjoying “retirement,” this was a memorable event for all. Want some ideas how to make a BUNCO night a FUN theme event, call Heidi Oelgart at 908 347 2009 and she will be glad to assist.

The NY Club Enjoyed a Fun Luau in April

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May 2015 The News of Kings Point

Page 15

Irish Connection Enjoy Irish Music Performance

Neighbor Helping Neighbor on North Lake

Neighbor helping neighbor is a tradition on North Lake. The North Lake Yacht Club had its engine and boat maintenance day Saturday, April 11. A number of boats were serviced by a volunteer crew. Those participating in lubing, changing oil, changing plugs and pressure washing the boats were from left to right, Bill Hodges, Carl Hansen, Tone Cox and Steve Lucas

By Robbin Stratton-Upson The Irish Connection continued their celebration of St Patrick’s Day by donning their green at a March 27 spirited performance of nostalgic Irish and Celtic melodies presented by the talented Mike Donahue and his fellow musicians, ‘Third Man Out’, with special appearance of singer, songwriter, and multistring instrumentalist John McEwen, onstage at the Firehouse Pub of the Firehouse Cultural Center in Ruskin. After a warm welcome and special recognition of the Irish Connection L to R: Irish Connection club, the Irish folk musicians played member, Brigid Guarino, and vocalized a variety of songs complimenting R Mike including ballads, laments and foot Donahue on his group’s stamping pub songs accompanied amazing Irish musical performance. by an impressive variety of instruments including guitar, mandolin, flute and tin whistle. Everyone immensely enjoyed the show!

Men’s Club Hears LifePath Hospice Speaker

By Jay Sparkman The March meeting of the Sun City Center Men’s Club’s guest speaker was Melissa DeBrine, Professional Relations Representative for Hillsborough County Lifepath Hospice. Ms. DeBrine used visual aids to enhance her speech about Lifepath Hospice and various services provided as well as the continuous need for volunteers in the many areas of Lifepath Hospice services. Pictured, from left, Ron Pelton, President of the Men’s Club, Melissa DeBrine, and Don Murphy, Men’s Club vice-president for programs. The Men’s Club is open to residents of Sun City Center and Kings Point. For information call Jon Lehr at 813-260-3058. Licensed • Bonded • Insured • CFC1425759 PROMPT & PROFESSIONAL

Bill Young’s 1935 Ford Deluxe, with a sparkling bright amber finish, is April cruiser of the month for the Roamin’ Oldies car club.

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Glistening ’35 Ford Is Cruiser of the Month

With a sparkling bright amber sheen, Bill Young’s 1935 Ford Deluxe is one sweet-looking 80-year-old Ford. Handsome enough, in fact, to be selected as April cruiser of the month for the Roamin’ Oldies car club. With an upgraded GM 350 V8 engine, automatic transmission, air conditioning and power steering, it drives so nicely that Bill often uses it for errands around Sun City Center and leaves the new vehicles parked at home. He and his Ford also are frequent participants in area car shows and cruise-ins. The Roamin’ Oldies host a cruise-in from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. the first Thursday of every month in the Apollo Beach Winn-Dixie Plaza on US41, with a rain date the following Thursday. There is no charge for spectators or participants, who vote to select the cruiser of the month. About 100 of the area’s finest antique and collectible cars often take part, accompanied by classic oldies music played by DJ Joey Ferrante. The event is sponsored by Thompson’s Auto Parts and Sun City Center Funeral Home. For information, call Chet at 813-842-1511.

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16 Page

The News of Kings Point

May 2015

SCC Photo Club Announces Viewers’ Choice Winners

More than 2,000 votes were cast for the Viewer’s Choice at Fun Fest on Saturday, March 21. Congratulations to our Viewer’s Choice winner and our prestigious Top Ten! Fifty-Seven photographs were entered into this competition, representing the work of seventeen photographers. Our Viewer’s Choice winner was “Color Abounds” by Shel Yetman. Rounding out the top ten were: “The Gathering” by Jim Seaton, “Hitchhiker” by Rolf Sultzberger, “A Guiding Light” by Ted Giencke, “Kermit the Hermit” by Barbara Klimczak, Pitcher of Magical Lights” by Bobbie Ray, “Trestle Bridge” by Robert Winch, “The Children’s Table” by Rolf Sultzberger, “I’m Older So I’m Boss” by Rolf Sultzberger and “Ford ‘51 Double D” by Pat Jones. For more information on the club and its activities, please see our website at or visit the learning lab at 960D Cherry Hills Drive. Dues for the 2015 year remain at $20 per person or $30 per household couple and provide access to club activities, competitions and classes as well as the photo lab with computers, scanners and large format printers.

The Gathering by Jim Seaton.

Sew ‘N Sews

Hitchhiker by Rolf Sultzberger.

The Sun City Center Sew ‘n Sews recently gathered for a “sew-in” to make Chemo Caps for patients going thru chemotherapy. Members gathered fabric and embellishments for the caps so that each one would be a one-of-a-kind design. The Club has a long history of service to the community sewing items for many charitable organizations throughout the area. The Sew ‘n Sews is a nonprofit club open to all residents of the Sun City Center Community. They are located in the Arts and Crafts Building on Cherry Hills Drive. For more information on becoming a member, call Linda at 813-3902377 or email

L to R: Linda Smith, Phyllis Kimec-Wilhelm and sitting is Brenda Swank.

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Did You Know ... Color Abounds by Shel Yetman.

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May 2015 The News of Kings Point

Metaphysical Society Presentations and Activities

Presentations: Wednesdays at 10 a.m., Central Campus May 6 in the Heritage Room. “Curious About Essential Oils?” presentation with Judy Taylor. Learn about the oils: what they are; their characteristics; where they come from; the best ways to use them topically and internally; how they can benefit us physically, mentally, emotionally; and more. May l3 in the Heritage Room. “Change the World with the Start of your Breath,” presentation with Brielle Carter, Palmist, Tarot Reader, and Psychic. Brielle invites us to discover and recognize the behavioral patterns of what part of our body needs to “awaken” to the light and joy within to heal our self and others. Brielle is available for afternoon healing/reading sessions. May 20 in the Sandpiper Room. “Open Meeting.” Join in the fun, camaraderie, and fellowship as we feature our “Speed Meet” format where we have the opportunity to get to meet and greet each other as we rotate from table to table. May 27 in the Heritage Room. Practical Steps to Awakening, What It Is, and How to Get There” presentation with Jeanie Searle Welin, inspirational speaker, entrepreneur, and world traveler. Speaking from her personal experiences on the road to enlightenment, Jeanie shares some easy-to-do steps which we can use to awake spiritually by enlarging our capacity to see synchronicity and direct it in the way we want to live our life. Activities Sunday, May 3 at 2:30 p.m., in the Heritage Room, Central Campus Metaphysical Movie Sunday features the 1996 film “Michael,” starring John Travolta and Andie MacDowell, about two reporters from a Chicago-based tabloid, along with an “angel expert,” who travel to rural Iowa to investigate a claim from an old woman that she shares her house with a real, live Archangel named Michael. Discovering that her claims are true, they persuade Michael to return to Chicago with them. What they don’t realize is that the journey they are about to undertake will change their lives forever. Open to SCC residents and their guests, and reciprocal communities. Free admission. Facilitator: Vicky at 813 398-7033. Mondays, May 4, 11, 18, and 25 at 1 p.m., in the Heritage Room, Central Campus - Book Group features 1 p.m. in the Heritage Room, SCC Central Campus. Book Group features “The Spontaneous Healing of Belief” by Gregg Braden. No homework as the group reads aloud and discusses as they go. Open to SCC residents and their guests, and reciprocal communities. Free admission. Facilitator: Alice at 813 634-9065.

Is your

Page 17


The TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) FL 0845 Annual Chapter Recognition of members was held April 2, 2015. Royalty member Bettie Peyton was the honored queen. TOPS division winners were Robert Cohen, Mary Ann Engel, Arlene Latimour, Barbara Floto, Esther Paul, Omerine Pettit & John Buch. The theme for the event was “Grow Your Own Success”. Each member was given a container and a vegetable or herb seed packet to plant. They were to take the pots home, fill them with rich soil, the carefully plant the healthy herb or vegetable seeds. Each week before they attend the meeting they should add a little water and watch for growth. Then just as the plant grows, it is to remind that we need to continue to grow with knowledge and efforts toward our weight control journeys. The seeds were specifically selected to grow plants that provide healthy accents for eating habits. Following the event all members celebrated with a healthy brunch in the Kings Point North Club Banquet Room. Currently this chapter meets in the Jubilee

HEART RACING to keep up?

L to R: Chapter President Robert Cohen, Parishioner Ginny Burrow and Chapter Co-Leader Rose Mary Buch.

Room of the Kings Point South Club on Thursdays beginning at 8:15 a.m for member weigh in and then our meeting/program beginning at 9:00 a.m. For more information please contact Leader Bob Cohen at: (813) 6348556. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Chapter FL 0845 donated several teddy bears to the Calvary Lutheran church’s Teddy Bear Ministry at their Chapter Recognition Day event 4-2-15. The bears help children and adults thru tough times. They are placed in police cars, nursing homes, memory unites and wherever they can provide a smile.

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18 Page

The News of Kings Point

May 2015

Military News MOWW Holds Benefit Golf Tournament

L to R: Mary Culliton & Bruce Burnham.

DAR Commemorates Vietnam Vets

By Jo Prater Col. George Mercer Brooke Chapter, DAR presented “50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War Commemorative Program.” The program coincided with the fall of Saigon, April 19, 1975. Speaker was Bruce Burnham, Armwood High School Teacher of “History of the Vietnam War.” Bruce is a Vietnam Veteran and recipient of the Bronze Star. There were many veterans attending the program and they were thanked for their service.

WWII Veteran Presented Quilt of Valor

By B. F. Kepley, CAPT USN (Ret) The Military Order of the World Wars (MOWW) held a charity golf tournament at the Freedom Plaza, Freedom Fairways Golf course on March 28, 2015. The Benefit Golf Tournament was held to provide funding for scholarships and awards for the Youth Leadership Program. The tournament featured an 18-hole scramble, continental breakfast, luncheon awards ceremony and door prizes. The first place winners were from left in photo, Rich Zak, Doug Krodel, Kyle Creasy and Mike Krodel. The first place winners won $50 apiece. Monetary prizes were also given for closest to the hole

on several holes and a putting contest. MOWW serves America’s youth by hosting Youth Leadership Conference activities throughout the United States at no cost to high school students attending. These students receive patriotic education on leadership in a free society, free enterprise system concepts, principles of democracy, the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and civic responsibilities associated with preserving American rights and freedoms. Students also develop leadership, public speaking and writing skills that help them be better citizens and future leaders.

WWII Navy Veteran Walter Berry was presented with a Quilt of Valor 4/18/15 by Sylvia and Gerry Lague of Kings Point.

Hillsborough Co. Veterans Services Representative Address MOAA

By B. F. Kepley, CAPT USN (Ret) Frank Strom, Project Director for the Homeless Veteran Reintegration Program and the Veterans Homeless Demonstration Project was the featured speaker at the Military Officers of America Association (MOAA) April 1 luncheon. The luncheon was held at 11 a.m. in the Florida Room in the Sun City Center Atrium Building. In 2004 Frank retired from the United States Marine Corps with 20 years of honorable service. He is a member of the State Advisory Committee for the Department of Children and Families Veteran Jail Diversion Grant, and is an advisor to the Hillsborough County Veterans Council and Museum Committee. Frank primarily discussed the

Department of Veterans Affairs benefit called the Aid and Attendance and Housebound Improved Pension benefit, known as A&A, which can cover the costs of caregivers in the home (including sons and daughters who are paid to be caregivers, though not spouses) or be used for assisted living or a nursing home. Eligibility for this program depends on the veteran’s income and assets, which are checked for three years prior to the application. Medical expenses paid to an Assisted Living Facility or Homecare Giver can be used to reduce the veteran’s income and help them qualify for this pension. Additional information can be obtained by calling (813) 272-5002.

Decorated CIA Officer Addresses MOWW

By B. F. Kepley, CAPT USN (Ret) Mr. Gary Berntsen, a decorated former CIA career officer was the featured speaker at the Military Order of the World Wars (MOWW) luncheon on Thursday, March 19, 2015. The luncheon took place at the Freedom Plaza Club in Sun City Center. Mr. Berntsen served in the Directorate of Operations between October 1982 and June 2005. He served as a CIA Station Chief on three separate occasions and led several of the CIA’s most important counterterrorism deployments. He was awarded the Distinguished Intelligence Medal in 2000 and the Intelligence Star in 2004. Mr. Berntsen also has authored several books on his area of interest. He provided his in-sight on the current world situation in the Middle East today and also emphasized the role the CIA played after the infamous 9/11 attack. He discussed how the

First place winners from left; Rich Zak, Doug Krodel, Kyle Creasy and Mike Krodel.

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L to R: Gary Berntsen CIA officer, James Warchol, Commander of local MOWW.

various generals involved in the war strategy coordinated the overall efforts of the four services, the CIA, and Special Forces in the fight against the Taliban. The discussion included the various weapons used to overwhelm the Taliban and keep them, at that time, on the run. He also emphasized that if the current war was a ten-chapter book, we would only be on chapter two. The presentation was very interesting and informative.



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May 2015 The News of Kings Point

Sun City Center Memorial Day Ceremony

Sun City Center will again observe our traditional Memorial Day Ceremony starting at 10 a.m. Monday, May 25 in the Borini Theater at the Kings Point Main Clubhouse, Sun City Center. Doors will open at 9 a.m. for free open seating. All invited guests with reserved seating are requested to be seated not later than 9:45 a.m. It is anticipated that our featured speaker will be from the United States Central Command, at MacDill Air Force Base, Tampa, FL. A musical interlude and tribute to the military services will be provided by the Trinity Baptist Church Choir & Friends directed by Rev. James Feist. Colors will be presented by the East Bay High School Jr. R.O.T.C. Subsequently, the Grand Marshall, Col. Roy Conklin, USA, retired, will be placing the wreath at the flagpole outside the auditorium. Prior to the Memorial Day Ceremony, the Borini Theater will be renamed the Veterans Theater.

NOAA’S Hurricane Hunters Visit Sun City Center, May 8, 2015

By CDR Roger Kennicutt, USN (ret) Friday, May 8 is the date; 11:30 a.m. is the time, and Freedom Plaza’s Plaza Club is the Place. The Silver Osprey Squadron #64, Association of Naval Aviation will host a member of NOAA’s Hurricane Hunters from its Aircraft Operations Center located at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa. Commander Peter V. Siegel III, NOAA Commissioned Corps, will speak to the Silver Osprey’s luncheon guests on air operation at NOAA, including the use of the WP-3D aircraft, shown in the picture below. C o m m a n d e r Siegel will discuss the use of this aircraft in hurricane reconnaissance, arctic research, air chemistry research, satellite validation and meteorological research. Prior to transferring to NOAA, CDR Siegel served as a Naval Flight Officer in the United States Navy from 1996 to 2004. While in the Navy he commanded, supervised and navigated classified electronic reconnaissance flights in the EP-3E Orion in the Middle East, Far East, including OPERATION SOUTHERN WATCH AND OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM. Later, as an Electronic Warfare Officer, he planned, coordinated and integrated all aspects of electronic warfare into comprehensive information operations plans that were in direct support of OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM AND IRAQI FREEDOM. His flight duties include WP-3D mission assignments in the various aspects of NOAA research. He is also the Maintenance officer for NOAA’ Flight Operations Center and is responsible for the

maintenance technicians that service these important aircraft. The Ops Center maintains a total of ten aircraft of five different types and configurations. Throughout the past year the Silver Osprey Squadron has brought active duty speakers from the Navy, Air force and Coast Guard to help inform its members and guests of current development in aviation. We have also had presentations on important events in our aviation history and updates on future advances in military aviation and training. May will be our last event of this season, but we will start back in the fall with our first luncheon scheduled for October 9. The Silver Osprey Squadron luncheons are open to the public. Our membership is also open to all those who have an interest in military aviation. If you have an interest in military aviation you should give us a look. For reservations, call Tom Harding, 634-1236. Members $14 and non-Members $17. If you would like additional membership information or just wish to be added to our email list for notification of events, please email CDR Roger Kennicutt, USN (ret), Commanding Officer. You can also visit our Web Page at and go to Activities; Veterans Org; Silver Osprey.

News Of Freedom Plaza

By Peggy Burgess April’s shower of theatrical events brought a cascade of mirth to Freedom Plaza residents. The Plaza Players’ encore production of Love Boat sailed in just as funny as the original, and Freedom Frolics’ Gone With the Breeze elicited gales of laughter from audiences at its two performances. That the Frolics also brought in considerable revenue for the Freedom Plaza Scholarship Fund put even broader smiles on faces. On May 7, at the annual Freedom Plaza Scholarship Awards Ceremony, those residents who participated in the Frolics will see their recent efforts come to fruition. Profits from the Frolics, along with those from other Scholarship Fund benefits, will be put to use. This year, twenty-six $2,000 educational grants will be awarded to deserving employees, totaling $52,000. This substantial grant amount is made possible by supplemental donations from residents and bequests from their estates. As well, several Freedom Plaza social clubs, plus the Retired Officers Corporation and Brookdale Senior Living, Freedom Plaza’s parent company, made contributions to the Fund. The guest speaker for this year’s Scholarship Awards Ceremony, to which all Freedom Plaza residents and families of the awardees are invited, is Dr. Sean Shanahan, local podiatrist. In 1993, as a young pre-med student at the University of Florida (and working as Freedom Plaza’s first EMT), Shanahan was the very first Freedom Plaza Scholarship recipient. He is delighted to return to Freedom Plaza in this new role, sharing his educational experiences and offering encouragement to this year’s awardees. During the final weeks of March and the first week of April it was necessary to cancel most activities taking place in the Auditorium as rehearsals for Freedom Frolics were in progress. While residents thoroughly enjoyed the Frolics, supported it and applaud its purpose, they were pleased to see their routine programs return. This was true of Freedom Plaza’s large contingent of

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Page 19

Col. Beauregard Grit ( Dave Looney) and Hominy Grit (Mimi Korfage) relax at Magnolia Plantation, their home in the stage play Gone With the Breeze.

opera lovers, and included some non-resident aficionados, all of whom welcomed the resumption of the Opera Club. This group meets bi-weekly, has no dues or requirements and is open to the public. Operas are seen --via video on our large movie screen-- in two separate sessions: the first, an enlightening commentary plus act one; the second, succeeding acts. Before Opera Club was put on hold, attendees had explored two of the so-called “A,B,C’s, of Opera”, Aida and La Boheme. When it resumed they thrilled to Bizet’s Carmen, and now look forward to “Pursuing Puccini” by viewing that composer’s captivating works. Just as April showers bring May flowers, the delightful deluge of Freedom Plaza’s April activities gives way to a bouquet of Maytime delights. We hope that all our Sun City Center neighbors, as well, will find the month of May to be a merry, merry one.

Starlett (Catherine Gusler) with her husband, Brett Rutler (Russ Kenyon) were characters in Freedom Plaza’s recent stage production Gone With the Breeze.

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Zoominations - A Visually Rich, Magical Experience Until May 31

By Kai Rambow “Wow, this is so amazing. I wish there were a video on how it was put together,” exclaimed one visitor. Zoominations, a Chinese Lantern Festival at Tampa’s Lowry Park Zoo, is a visually rich, magical experience. It’s 2,000 years of Chinese tradition, art and culture – and it’s modernized, customized and enjoyable. You’ll get some insights and tips here to maximize your experience. The zoo does a few things differently, and we benefit as a result. For example, the Lowry Zoo is a nonprofit organization and yet has one of the largest rehabilitation programs in the state. Over 200 manatees have been rescued and successfully returned to the wild. Similarly, while the Chinese Lantern Festival has been presented elsewhere, this is the first time it is in the Southeast, and the zoo had it customized. This was done for two reasons: (1) There aren’t too many large, open public spaces at the zoo. (2) The zoo wanted a more animal themed event. The combination of tradition (lanterns, archways, pagodas, dragons) and invention (animals, dinosaurs, plants) provides a wonderful variety. How It Was Put Together Forty Chinese artists flew here, examined the zoo’s spaces, sketched the frameworks and built the metal skeletons. Lighting was installed and then covered with silk. Not everything was constructed with the same materials. One of the pagodas is constructed with over 70,000 porcelain pieces. The Qilins (Chinese unicorns) have thousands of tiny bottles of colored water. These weren’t just built but crafted over a five-week period. There are over 30 different scenes. Some of the creations are exquisite, and you’ll find yourself marveling. Suggested Plan for Your Visit Check the weather forecast to ensure decent weather. Double check to ensure Zoominations is open (closed Tuesdays) and Acrobat show times. To beat crowds plan for a weekday. Plan to arrive shortly after opening at 6 p.m. Be sure to pick up a Zoominations map, especially if you plan on following this suggested itinerary.

Magical scene.

Note: Every scene has a red sign with white lettering explaining the symbolism and details about the creation. Directly in front of you will be the famous, recreated Manfeilong Pagoda (No. 6 on map). You’ll be able to clearly see the more than 70,000 porcelain plates, cups and spoons. Head left on the path towards the Acrobat show (No. 11 on map). You’ll be passing the peonies illuminations. They won’t be lit at this time, but look great in daylight as well. Watch for the clouded leopard exhibit on right. It was hiding during the heat of the day, but easily visible before the show. Also watch for the baby Indian rhino. You’ll probably arrive about 30 minutes before the start of the Acrobat show. Seating is limited and you’ll want to get a good seat. (There are drinks close by.) The show itself is light entertainment with some fun moments. Right after the show everyone will most likely turn left – turn to the right instead and work your way to the end (No. 30). You’ll be able to enjoy the view without crowds of people. At the elephants (No. 30), sit on the benches to pause and enjoy the scene as the sun sets. Once it starts to get dark, start working your way back. This time swing right (No. 9) along the one path you haven’t covered. Once you’re near the Acrobat show entrance again, turn right and go to the end. The big crowds should be dispersed by now. It should be quite dark by now, and these are some of the most spectacular scenes created. Tips for a Great Trip When to Go: There is only one month left (May 31) to catch these unique illuminations. Remember the sun will be setting later towards the end of the month. Tickets: This is a separate event from regular park admission. Your best discount bet is through AAA (approx. $20). There is no charge for parking. Driving: The Zoo is located at 1101 W. Sligh Avenue in Tampa, one mile west of I-275 (exit 48). You’ll probably encounter rush hour traffic, so plan on 60 minutes travel time. www.lowryparkzoo. org/lantern.

Who’s zooming who? – Clouded leopard.

Qilins: mythical, Chinese unicorns.

One of several different archways.


May 2015

Play It Forward

New League, Designed For Easier Golf, Starts at Sandpiper and Falcon Watch

First row: Greg Gonnella (instructor), Linda Price, Diann Thomas (instructor), Kathy Moore, Howard Baker (instructor). Second row: Darrell Price, Pauline Baker, Jeff Moore, Bob Fladung (instructor).

New Lawn Bowlers Take Advantage of Free Lessons

By Garry Higgins Sun City Center Lawn Bowling Club instructors completed the weeklong session of lawn bowling lessons for April. Lessons are conducted the second week of every month and are open to anyone who would like to give the game a try. This month, 5 people came out for a little fun in the sun and are now ready to join in regular play. For more information about the sport and the Club, visit suncitycenterlbc. com. Or stop by the greens (main campus) and any member will be more than happy to help you.

By Bob Black A new easier and faster way to play a round of golf—one supported by Jack Nicklaus, Arnie Palmer and Nancy Lopez among others—inaugurated its own league here in April. Tom Ritenour, ClubLink’s Director of Golf said play has started on Tuesday mornings at 9 a.m. alternating at Sandpiper and Falcon Watch with a schedule of different games (see below) being offered each week. “All ClubLink members are invited to play in the new league and handicaps will be adjusted by the golf professionals at each course for scoring purposes.” There will be no charges for league play for members as we launch the league. Ritenour said the purple women’s forward tees have been named after Nancy Lopez and the black men’s tees after Arnie Palmer, adding, “The new league in SCC would be called the Lopez/Palmer league,”

and noted that weekly sign-up sheets will be available at both Sandpiper and Falcon Watch. Palmer, Nicklaus and Lopez endorsed the ‘Play It Forward’ concept because more people could keep playing for a longer time and enjoying it more. “This will save a lot of people who love golf from hanging up their spikes,” Ritenour said. “If you have a passable short game and can putt decently, it no longer matters that you can’t hit your drive 200 yards,” he added. “Scores in the 60s 70s and 80s can be expected for those who play regularly at any age,” Ritenour said, “and we have members who are well into their 80s who are playing it forward.” The new Palmer tees are about 3,390 yards for 18 holes at Sandpiper versus 5,396 from the greens and about 6,000 yards from the whites. The purple Lopez tees are about 3,190 yards. Ritenour said the new tees have Continued on Page 23.

SCC Tennis News

Get to Know the SCC Archery Club

By Paula Lickfeldt The Community Association (CA) officially approved the formation of the Archery Club in March of 2011. The range had its opening ceremony on April 27, 2011. Thanks to several very hardworking individuals who donated hundreds of hours to improve the range, it looks far different today than it did in 2011. The archery range is located to the southwest behind the dog park on the south campus. Go past the dog park and follow the signs to the range, which is open for member use seven days a week during daylight hours. The club is active year around. The archery club meets every Tuesday afternoon at 4 p.m. at the range. This time together is called “a club shoot” but actually it is more social than anything else admits club president Mark Erickson. The

club also meets the fourth Friday of every month at 2 p.m. in the Royal Room of the Atrium Building. The business of the club is conducted at these meetings. Anyone who is interested in archery is welcome to come to the weekly “club shoots.” The club has bows and arrows that can be used, and an instructor will be present for instruction and help. At the present time the Archery Club of Sun City Center has 48 members. To be a member, you must belong to the CA and pay an annual fee of $20. The archery club is working to organize competition between its members. They are also exploring shooting competitions between other clubs, especially the Archery Club of Kings Point. For info in the summer call Joe Mealey at 419-4026. In the winter call Joe Mugavero at 633-1230.

L to R are Edna Carlin, Lynn Seevers, Betty Zeller, Natalie Schiller, Debbie Zieg, Nancy Williams, Lee Greenlee and Rolande Poulin.

By Debbie Zieg Sun City Center Tennis Competitive Team celebrated their win against Plant City recently.

L to R: Ozzie Swett (Fun Day Organizer), Chet P. (TA life member and guest of honor) and Dave Mohl (TA President).

SCC Tennis Association Fun Day

By Jeff White On Saturday, April 4, the SCC Tennis Association held its annual Spring Tennis Fun Day. Approximately sixty TA members participated. This year’s event was planned, organized and directed by Ozzie Swett. Our guest of honor was Chet P., who handled this event for many years. The Association provided balls, sandwiches, chips and all ten tennis courts. The weather was great and a good time was had by all.

22 Page

The News of Kings Point

Hogans Golf Club of Sun City Center & Kings Point

Wednesday, March 18, 2015 Course: Sandpiper Palms-Oaks Flight A 1st: Cliff Bates - 3 Skins 2nd: John Schachte - 2 Skins

Flight B Course: Sandpiper Lakes-Palms 1st: Cliff Bates - 3 Skins 2nd: Russ Turell - 2 Skins

Wednesday, March 18, 2015 Course: Sandpiper Palms-Oaks Flight B 1st: Steve Belknap, Denny Sutphen, Erwin Karl, Bob Wright, Tom Kirchen, and Doug McFaul - Tied at 1 Skin

Standing L to R: Cliff Bates, Mike Arghittu, Walt Weldon, and Bruce Hawkins. Seated L to R: Russ Turell and Norm Taylor.

Friday, March 27, 2015 Course: Summerfield Crossings 1st: Greg Brash - 7 Skins 2nd: Tom Rosata and Joe Gast - Tied at 3 Skins Saturday, March 28, 2015 Flight A Course: Sandpiper Palms-Oaks 1st: Tom Rosata and John Schachte - Tied at 2 Skins 2nd: Joe Pickett, Rich Lucidi, Travis Lansberry, and Syl Amos - Tied at 1 Skin

Friday, April 17, 2015 Course: Summerfield Crossings 1st: Vic Scodese - 4 Skins 2nd: Doug Banning and Greg Brash - Tied at 3 Skins

L to R: Hank Smythe, Doug Banning, Vic Scodese and Greg Brash.

Saturday, April 18, 2015 Course: Freedom Fairways 1st: Steve Belknap and Bob Hull - Tied at 3 Skins 2nd: Charlie Brown - 1 Skin

Standing L to R: Denny Sutphen, Bob Wright, Tom Kirchen and Doug McFaul. Seated L to R: Erwin Karl and Steve Belknap.

Friday, March 20, 2015 Course: Summerfield Crossings 1st: Chris Heim, Mike Greenwood, Vic Scodese - Tied at 2 Skins

L to R: Chris Heim, Vic Scodese, Doc Lamiano and Mike Greenwood.

Monday, March 23, 2015 Course: Imperial Lakewoods 1st: Bill Smythe, Rex Gibbons, John Schachte, Tom Rosata, Doc Lamiano, and Vic Scodese - Tied at 1 Skin

L to R: John Schachte, Doc Lamiano, Vic Scodese, Tom Rosata, Chris Heim, Bill Smythe and Rex Gibbons.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015 Flight A Course: Sandpiper Oaks-Lakes 1st: Ray Bui and Emmy Broschek - Tied at 2 Skins 2nd: Doug Snow, Reggie Ryan, Allan Clark, and Hannes Broschek - Tied at 1 Skins

Standing L to R: Paul Swakow, Syl Amos, Travis Lansberry, Tom Gotschall and Joe Pickett. Steated L to R: John Schachte, Rich Lucidi and Doug Banning.​

Flight B 1st: Cliff Bates - 3 Skins 2nd: Bob Burman, Vic Scodese, and Francis Hendrickson - Tied at 1 Skin

Standing L to R: Vic Scodese, Francis Hendrickson and Cliff Bates. Seated L to R: Bob Burman and Laura Parziale.

Monday, March 30, 2015 Flight A Course: Imperial Lakewoods 1st: Jan Conley, Vic Szymanski, and John Schachte - Tied at 1 Skin

L to R: Vic Szymanski, Jan Conley, John Schachte, Nancy Phillips and Jack Phillips. Standing L to R: Bob Burman, Hannes Broschek, Doug Snow and Reggie Ryan. Seated L to R: Emmy Broschek and Ray Bui.

Monday, March 30, 2015 Flight B Course: Imperial Lakewoods 1st: Denny Sutphen - 3 Skins 2nd: Jack Hugill - 2 Skins

Friday, April 3, 2015 Points 1st: June Krueger 22 T-2nd: Wally McIntosh & Claudia Woolley 20

Scepter Men

Back Row L to R: Denny Sutphen, Francis Hendrickson, Jack Hugill and Doug Banning. Front Row L to R: Jenice Taylor and Wilf Pennell. Standing L to R: Doc Lamiano, Cliff Bates, Walt Weldon, Bruce Hawkins, Frank O'Brien & Chris Heim. Seated L to R: Paul Swakow, John Schachte & Reggie Ryan.

May 2015

Wednesday, March 18, 2015 Club Championship 1st Flt. 1: John Dowd 1st Flt. 2: Dave Brown 1st Flt. 3: Jim Betts 1st Flt. 4: Phil LeMasters 1st Flt. 5: Tim Ellis 1st Flt. 6: Jerry Cluthe 1st Flt. 7: Paul Kuzman 1st Flt. 8: Joel Marquis Wednesday, March 25, 2015 Low Gross 1st Flt. 1: Bob Sanicola 1st Flt. 2: Bill Salowitz 1st Flt. 3: Jerry Cluthe 1st Flt. 4: Robert Viohl 1st Flt. 5: Dave Hourigan 1st Flt. 6: Bill McNamara Wednesday, April 1, 2015 Two-Two Man Match Play

Bob McKown & Bo Schulte

Bob Ruffell & Gary Hookstra

Nick Spagnuolo & Bob Sanicola.

Dave Hourigan & Jerry Barrett

L to R: Charlie Brown, Ray Bui, Bob Hull and Steve Belknap.

Club Link One Membership More Golf

Falcon Watch Men

Wednesday, March 18, 2015 Two BB on Three & Fours, One BB on Fives – Par 124 T-1st: George Krauss & Bob Condon Al Laforet & Dave Hoffman Vid Valiusaitis & Marty Dain Ray Martin & Jay Wildasin Bill Fitzhugh & Bob Ewing John Carroll & Will Kuxhousen 23 Wednesday, March 25, 2015 One BB on Odd, Two BB on Even - Par 113 1st: Bill Fitzhugh, Al Laforet Vince Pirone 29 2nd: Vid Valiusaitis, Bob Ewing Bob Condon, Hank Smythe 26 Wednesday April 1, 2015 Three-Two-One Par 143 1st: George Krauss, George Fenwick Bill Markle, Dale Holtsrom 31 2nd: Bill Fitzhugh, Al Laforet Fred Held, Norm Cochran 25

18 Hole Ladies

Friday, March 20, 2015 Low Gross/Low Net Low Gross: 1st: Judy Roberts 98 Low Net: 1st: Sue Watkins 0 Friday, March 27, 2015 Low Gross: 1st: Judy Roberts 66 2nd: Sue Watkins 75 Friday, April 3, 2015 Odd Holes Minus ½ HDCP 1st: Sue Watkins 35 2nd: Judy Roberts 37.5

Falcon Watch 9 Hole Ladies

Friday, March 27, 2015 Club Championship Round Two Low Gross: 1st: Rosa Ricciardi 48 2nd: Sue Freed 49

Frank Neuwirth & Tom Grillo

1st Flt. 1: Bo Schulte & Bob McKown 1st Flt. 2: Gary Hookstra & Bob Ruffell 1st Flt. 3: Nick Spagnuolo & Bob Sanicola 1st Flt. 4: Tom Costello & Greg Franczyk 1st Flt. 5: Dave Hourigan & Jerry Barrett 1st Flt. 6: Frank Neuwirth & Tom Grillo Wednesday, April 8, 2015 Scepter- Renaissance Interclub 1st: Larry Lutz, Frank Wright, Mike Noone, Vic Linn City Championship Champions - Scepter Golf Club Mike Almaguer, Gene Newby, Gary Turner, Dick Jackson, JohnDowd, Bill Savas, Bob McKown & Bo Schulte

Ladies 18 Holes

Tuesday, March 17, 2015 24 Ladies Club Championship 1st Flt. 1: Judy Fenwick 1st Flt. 2: Carolyn Avrett 1st Flt. 3: Sharon Wallace 1st Flt. 4: Linda Suh 1st Flt. 5: Shirley Vilinsky Tuesday, March 31, 2015 Best Nine Holes 1st Flt. 1: Heather McKown 1st Flt. 2: Pam LeCren Monday, April 6, 2015 Seven Member - Member 1st Flt. 1: Joan Richardson & Heather McKown 1st Flt. 2: Kathy McNamara & Paula Jimaki

Ladies 9 Holes

Tuesday, March 24, 2015 Throw Out Worst Hole 1st: Roe Murphy Continued on Page 25

May 2015 The News of Kings Point

Kings Point Ladies Nifty Niners

Submitted by Lorraine Rings March 19, 2015 Game: Net Score Flight A Winners Mary McClafferty [1] 26 Lynn Byrne 28 Flight B Winners Nancy Manning 23 Janine Johnson 24 Flight C Winners Lorraine Rings 23 Linda Hilts 26 April 2, 2015 Game: Scramble Two Teams tied for 1st Place with score of 28 Team #5 Mary McClafferty [2] Laura Schwandner Linda Hilts Janine Johnson Team #6 Karen Munford Susie Potratz Joan Forman Two Teams tied for 2nd Place with score of 30 Team #7 Nancy Manning Mary McClafferty [1] Lynn Byrne Continued from Page 21.

been tested by a group of senior golfers and found to make them much happier than playing from the greens or red tees. The schedule for weekly play in May: May 5, Sandpiper,

Team #8 Maureen O'Brien Shirley Bush Lorraine Rings Liz Lister April 9, 2015 Game: Woods & Putter Flight A Winners Lynn Byrne 40 Karen Munford 40 Shirley Bush 41 Mary McClafferty [2] 41 Flight B Winners Laura Schwandner 43 Mitzi Walsh 44 Flight C Winners Cindy Vellante 50 Joyce Bissonette 52 Susie Potratz 52 April 16, 2015 Game: Tee to Green Flight A Winners Gail Bush 21 Judy Boyer 24 Janine Johnson 24 Flight B Winners Ellen Doncouse 23 Sally Repetti 25 Flight C Winners Liz Lister 33 Linda Hilts 36

Page 23

Nifty Niner’s Spring Tournament

Played Net Score, four weeks ending March 19, 2015 Winner #1................... Jane Maasen ............................... Total score 104 Winner #2................... Laura Schwandner ...................... Total score 110 Winner #3................... Joan Forman ............................... Total score 112

scramble; May 12 at Falcon Watch, throw out your worst hole; May 16 at Sandpiper, one best ball odd, two best ball even; May 23 at Falcon Watch, shamble; May 30 at Sandpiper, low gross/low net.


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24 Page

The News of Kings Point

May 2015

Caloosa Golf and Country Club (CWGA18) President’s Cup Winner for 2015

Karla Pia captured her first Hole- Scepter Club Championship in-One at the Caloosa Golf and Judy Fenwick wins second Country Club March 19, 2015. Scepter Club Championship in She shot a #6 Iron on the 106 yrds a two day stroke-play format 13th Hole. Present were friends shooting 85 both days. and Daniel Pia.

March 2015 Winners Womens Caloosa Greens Ladies League

Congratulating the winner: L to R: Kim Roush President CGCC(CWGA18), center Jana Roberts and John Tormoehlen President of the Caloosa Board of Directors.

Jana Roberts is shown embracing her Crystal Vase and Flower Bouquet after winning a 6 extra hole playoff against runner-up Lucille Lanese.

CGCC Hosts Caloosa Greens Executive Golf

L to R: Jane Fischer, President of CGLC; Sue Freed, the winner and Mary Miller the Organizer of Tournament.

Caloosa Golf & Country Club Ladies Nine Hole League hosted the ladies from Caloosa Greens Executive Golf Club for a Home and Home Golf Tournament on Friday, March 27, 2015. Included in the event were mimosas and breakfast snacks before the game and a box lunch or salad after play. The game was a four person scramble. The winning team was Helen Lewis, Loretta Gallagher and Mary Merril with a score of 39. Second place went to Wendy Marcotte, Shelley Welper, Mary Miller and Elfie Nolden – score 41. Jean Fortier, Marty Mallak, Joann Edwards and Mary Klopp tied for third place with Shari Reeve, Nancy Ventrone and Pat Johnson with a score of 42. There was a share the wealth raffle where all the proceeds were given back in drawing prize money to the lucky winners. The 28 members and guests in attendance had a good time, beautiful weather, exercise and lots of laughs playing together and getting acquainted with new people.

CGCC Couples Monthly " Happy Easter" Mixer Winners April 12, 2015

Annual Triangular Golf Tournament

L to R: Standing/Seated, Jerry/Roxy Gottsacker, Chuck/Akemi Schindler & Earl/Pat Smith.

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Club Renaissance hosted Scepter and Caloosa Golf and Country Club in the annual Triangular Golf Tournament on March 31st. Star Glock and Sue Auger of Club Renaissance posted a team low net of 56, helping teammates capture the traveling trophy for 2015. One hundred eight golfers enjoyed perfect weather, breakfast, lunch, and the opportunity for inner-club competition. The captains of the three clubs, Erma Faron, Judie Schafers, and Maryann Starrett, coordinated this year's exciting Triangular.

May 2015 The News of Kings Point

Monday, April 13, 2015 Texas Scramble 1st: Steve Lockom/Ken Deragon/Paul Baskwell/Chuck Lutz

Continued from Page 22

Tuesday, March 31, 2015 Two Best Balls T-1st: Colleen Savas, Sally Mathews, Barb Miller, Alice DeSchryver T- 1st: Darlene Gray, Ann Clark, Roe Murohy, Judi Gannon


Tuesday, March 17, 2015 Low Net 1st Flt. 1: Kathleen Records 1st Flt. 2: Maggie Jaccoi 1st Flt. 3: Deloris Durm 1st Flt. 4: Kathy Brantner Tuesday, April 7, 2015 Best Nine 1st Flt. 1: Kitty Matzkin 1st Flt. 2: Betty Rollins 1st Flt. 3: Marcia Karp 1st Flt. 4: Suzy White 1st Flt. 5: Kathy O’Connell 1st Flt. 6: Cheryl Cutlyer

Renaissance Men

Wednesday, March 25, 2015 1st Flt. 1: Gene Duval/John Anderson 1st Flt. 2: Jerry Auger/Barry Bernicke


1st Flt. 1: Jeanie Shively/Syl Oliveira 1st Flt. 2: Kathy Sprowl/Betty Rollins 1st Flt. 3: Gloria Rice/Mary Weller Friday, April 10, 2015 Couples Member-Member 1st Flt. 1: Kevin McPherson/Diane McPherson/Fred Kunkel/Joann McCally 1st Flt. T-2: Myung Park/Cecilia Park/Jerry Auger/Sue Auger Jim Glock/Star Glock/Lew Matzkin/Kitty Matzkin


Monday, March 23, 2015 Three-Two-One 1st: Steve Williams/Bob Majewski/Mike Starrett Monday, March 30, 2015 Modified Alternate Shot 1st: Vlad Michna/Bob Noelte Monday, April 6, 2015 One-Two-Three 1st: Dan Widener/John Durm/ Gene Shively/Clyde Schafer


Friday, March 20, 2015 Scramble 1st Flt. 1: Pat Hannell/Kathy Hannell 1st Flt. 2: Vic Linn/Judy Linn Friday, April 3, 2015 Team Quota 1st Flt. 1: Kevin McPherson/Diane McPherson 1st Flt. 2: John Gaines/Barbara Gaines


Wednesday, March 25, 2015


1st Flt. 1: Gene Duval/John Anderson 1st Flt. 2: Jerry Auger/Barry Bernicke

Page 25


1st Flt. 1: Jeanie Shively/Syl Oliveira 1st Flt. 2: Kathy Sprowl/Betty Rollins 1st Flt. 3: Gloria Rice/Mary Weller 1st Flt. 4: Nancy Birkett/Erma Faron Friday, April 10, 2015 Couples Member-Member 1st Flt. 1: Kevin McPherson/Diane McPherson/Fred Kunkel/Joann McCally 1st Flt. T-2: Myung Park/Cecilia Park/Jerry Auger/Sue Auger Jim Glock/Star Glock/Lew Matzkin/Kitty Matzkin


Monday, March 23, 2015 Three-Two-One 1st: Steve Williams/Bob Majewski/Mike Starrett Monday, March 30, 2015 Modified Alternate Shot 1st: Vlad Michna/Bob Noelte Monday, April 6, 2015 One-Two-Three 1st: Dan Widener/John Durm/ Grips & Installation



$ 00

Gene Shively/Clyde Schafer Monday, April 13, 2015 Texas Scramble 1st: Steve Lockom/Ken Deragon/Paul Baskwell/Chuck Lutz


Tuesday, March 17, 2015 Low Net 1st Flt. 1: Kathleen Records 1st Flt. 2: Maggie Jaccoi Tuesday, April 7, 2015 Best Nine 1st Flt. 1: Kitty Matzkin 1st Flt. 2: Betty Rollins


Friday, March 20, 2015 Scramble 1st Flt. 1: Pat Hannell/Kathy Hannell 1st Flt. 2: Vic Linn/Judy Linn Friday, April 3, 2015 Team Quota 1st Flt. 1: Kevin McPherson/Diane McPherson 1st Flt. 2: John Gaines/Barbara Gaines

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26 Page

Intergenerational Golf Outing

The News of Kings Point

Dante Davis and Rajay Parsers won the competition. The Retired Officers Corporation and Little Caesar’s donated products for the participants.

The annual Intergenerational Golf Outing was held at the Freedom Fairways on April 3rd, featuring golfers of the Freedom Fairways Ladies League and Kim Vickers’ youth golfers from the area schools.

May 2015

George Roberts, executive director, with resident, Mary Lou

When I return to InspiredLiving


from taking my mom out, a staff member will often put an arm around Mom and

make her feel right at home again. First Row: Cindy Higgins (Instructor), Carol Finlayson (Instructor), Kathryn Glynn, Brenda Huntman, Tom Kilgallon, Barb Monroe, Diann Thomas (Instructor), Ron Wigginton, Judy Hapack, Howard Baker (Instructor). Second Row: Greg Gonnella (Instructor), Kathy Gonnella (Instructor), Doug Huntman, Joe Michaliszyn, Dana Galm, Al Hapach, John Glynn, Sharon Alvarez, and Art Alvarez.

Extra Hands on Deck for New Bowlers

By Garry Higgins The Sun City Center Lawn Bowling Club attracted 13 new bowlers to their training session for March. Participants attended classes then additional coaches were brought in to ensure that all attendees received lots of one-on-one instruction, on the green. As usual, fun and camaraderie prevailed during the entire week. For more information about the sport and the Club, visit Or stop by the greens (main campus), any member will be more than happy to help you. For more information about the free lawn bowling lessons, contact Diann Thomas, 813634-2981.

Personalized Memory Care — Join us for these educational seminars — Healthy Habits for a Healthier You Wednesday, May 13 • 10 am

Food, exercise, even our attitude – it all affects our health. Kim Schaub, a program specialist with the Gulf Coast Alzheimer’s Association, shares advice on what we can do every day to improve our health and wellness.

Seniors and Sexuality in the 21st Century Wednesday, May 27 • 10 am

The topic of seniors and sex is often taboo. Heidi Crockett, a geriatric care manager with Aging Care Advocates, will lead a frank discussion about the birds and the bees for mature audiences.

Light refreshments and door prizes

Call to RSVP (813) 579-1406 SCC Lawn Bowling Club Singles Champions

On Tuesday, March 24, the Sun City Center Lawn Bowling Club held the “Singles” championship playoffs. In the morning, Cindy Higgins won over Annette Dispenziere for the women’s title, and in the afternoon, Ron O’Sullivan prevailed over Roger Vandenabeele for the men’s champion title. This set the stage for the final singles match, to decide the overall Club Champion, which was played on Thursday. Reminiscent of their match for the same title in 2013, Ron and Cindy competed in very windy conditions in front of a very enthusiastic crowd of spectators. When it was all said and done, Ron O’Sullivan was victorious and is the 2015 SCCLBC Club Champion. For more information about the Sun City Center lawn bowling clubs and the sport of lawn bowling, visit

1320 33rd Street SE Sun City Center, FL 33573

(off Rt. 674, to the right of Bob Evans restaurant) ALF #12603

May 2015 The News of Kings Point

Looking for a Life Affirming Experience and Love Cats?

Consider volunteering with Feline Folks to feed the community cats as infrequently as once per month. We will provide the food, training, and support. We miss our Snow Birds and a few of our regular feeders have illnesses that make them currently unavailable to feed. We are in great need of help. Do you have an interest in designing and implementing fund raising event? Do you want to expand your creative interests by developing special events? If so, contact us. Many thanks for considering this opportunity. Reach us at

SouthShore Library Events

Steve Berry Author Skype Event Friday, May 1 from 2:30 p.m. - 4 p.m. International and New York Times bestselling author Steve Berry will appear at the SouthShore Regional Library’s first ever author Skype event to talk about his new book, The Patriot Threat, another great Cotton Malone adventure. This event, using Skype software, will be projected onto a large screen and provide a video chat so participants will have a chance to interact with the author as if he is appearing in person. Skype is a telecommunications software that specializes in providing video chat and voice calls from computers using text, voice, and video. Berry’s books have been translated into 40 languages with 19 million copies in 51 countries. They consistently appear in the top echelon of bestseller lists. Copies of the book with a signed bookplate will be available for purchase. Celebrate Elder Americans Month Friday, May 8 from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. The month of May is Elder Americans Month and the SouthShore Regional Library will be hosting a day of programs and information for seniors. Representatives from the Alzheimer’s Association, Hillsborough County Aging Services, Hillsborough County Extension Service, LifePath Hospice, Brookdale Senior Living, and Sun Towers will be in attendance. A variety of programs will be offered, including: caregiver information, stress management, self-help, genealogy, yoga demonstrations, poetry, and local authors. The library’s sound and video recording booth will be available for people to create “Legacy” recordings, sharing their memories for future generations. Movie Matinee Tuesday, May 13 from 2 – 4:15 p.m. Enjoy a movie on the library’s big screen. An unlikely World War II platoon has been tasked by FDR with going into Germany to rescue artistic masterpieces from Nazi thieves and returning them to their rightful owners. With the art trapped behind enemy lines, and with the German army under orders to destroy everything as the Reich fell, how could they possibly succeed? Starring George Clooney, Bill Murray, John Goodman, Matt Damon, Cate Blanchett, Hugh Bonneville, Bob Balaban and Jean Dujardin. Rated PG-13. No registration required. FREE EVENT! Senior Lifestyle Series: Seniors New at Golf Wednesday, May 13 from 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. Join Frank Hinson as he discusses how the Seniors New At Golf (SNAG) program can be beneficial for seniors. Learn how this lightweight equipment reduces strain to the body. Mr. Hinson will provide a complete demonstration of the equipment and the different strokes as well as answer questions from the audience. No registration required. FREE EVENT! Master Gardener: Low Maintenance Drought Tolerant Plants Friday, May 15 from 2 – 3:30 p.m. Join Master Gardener, Virginia Overstreet, as she reviews the top picks of ground covers, perennials, trees, palms, shrubs, and vines that will tolerate the dry times while still adding beauty to the landscape. No registration required. FREE EVENT! Family Center on Deafness Telephone Distribution Wednesday, May 27 from 1 – 3 p.m. FTRI provides free specialized equipment and training to qualified Florida residents who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired. The equipment enables them to place and receive phone calls. Presented by Florida Telecommunications Relay, Inc. (FTRI). No registration required. FREE EVENT!

Adogable Pets Pet Salon & Spa

Quality, Convenient & Dependable

Page 27

Adopt a Friend That C.A.R.E.s

Tammie is a Lab/Terrier mix that was found as a stray and brought to CARE. She has a deep chocolate coat on her body that changes to black on her head and legs. Tammie is a sweet girl with a calm and quiet disposition and seems to be wondering where her family is. She enjoys the attention of C.A.R.E.'s volunteers and is eagerly waiting for her new forever home. Tammie is current on her vaccinations and spayed. As part of her adoption Tammie will be micro chipped. DOB: June 2, 2009.

Kody was found as a stray kitten and has grown into a gorgeous cat! Kody used to be feral, and so he is shy and needs a patient owner who can work with him to boost his self-confidence. He doesn’t like to be picked up or held but he gets along well with the other cats. Come and meet Kody and you will fall in love! You will usually find him on the highest perch. He is a purrfect companion. He is neutered, up-to-date on his shots and microchipped. Estimated DOB: May 2006.

C.A.R.E. is an all-volunteer, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization (59-3678003) registered with the FL Dept of Agriculture and Consumer Services, No.. CH-14526. The shelter is funded solely through donations, adoptions, spay/neuter fees, fundraisers, and small grants. For more information, volunteer opportunities or donations, please visit our website ( or give us a call 813-645-2273. We are very grateful for your support. C.A.R.E. is open 10 AM to 3 PM on Tues. - Sat. For directions call 813-645-2273.

Cat Food Drive

By Rita M Bundas Cat Lovers Club will hold a cat food drive for Mother’s Day to “Feed the Tuna Chest”. A cat food drive will be sponsored by Boggs Jewelers, 4852 Sun City Center Blvd on Monday, May 4 through Friday, May 8 from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Saturday, May 9 from 9 a.m. – noon. All cat food donations will be distributed to local low-income residents and community cat caretakers through the Cat Lovers Club’s CatMeals program and the Mary Petro Fund. Please take a moment to stop by and make a donation - any unopened dry cat food and/or canned food would be greatly appreciated. For more information, contact

Why Feline Folks is so Important For Our Community

By spaying and neutering just one male and one female more than 2,000 unwanted births can be prevented in just four years. More than 2 million in 8 years. Chart represents unwanted, unsprayed cat reproduction: 1 year: 12 2 years: 67 3 years: 376 4 years: 2,107 5 years: 11, 801 6 years: 66,088 7 years: 370,092 8 years: 2,072,514 9 years: 11,606,077 You can HELP! Volunteer. Donate. Support our events. Email us at or visit our website

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28 Page

By Judy Schings

The News of Kings Point

Entertainment Blast

Another great season is over. Thanks to all for your support! Next year’s line up is: Sundays:

November 15-Jamila (singer with 6-piece band) December 13-Nutcracker January 10-Ryan Ahern (pianist with 6-piece band) February 7-Ambrosia (yes, the originals!) March 13-Rod Stewart Tribute.


November 20-Cristi Vale with Sequel Band January 15-Shindigs February 19-British Invasion Beatles (with opening band) March 4-The Torch. The Showcase is Wednesday, January 27. Brochures will be mailed out by Labor Day. See you in the Fall!

Foxy Senior Dance & Karaoke

May 2015

Moonglow Dance Club

“Mario DeLeon” at their monthly dance on Thursday, May 28 from 7:30-9:30 p.m. at the Florida Room, Atrium Building, Central Campus, Sun City Center. PLEASE NOTE that our location has changed because Community Hall is closed this summer for extensive renovations. I will be happy to provide directions if you need them. The attire at Moonglow Dances is Dressy Casual. Members are FREE, and Visitors/Guests pay $5 per person at the door. Singles table(s) are always available. Please BYOB and snacks, and the club will provide ice, water, cups and napkins. The Moonglow 2015 Schedule of year-round monthly dances has a great lineup of talented entertainers booked for your dancing and/ or listening to live music. Visitors are always welcome, so why not get your friends & neighbors to join you at a Moonglow Dance? If you think that you can’t ballroom dance, remember that we are not “Dancing With the Stars”. We each do what our bodies allow us to do in time to the music. For more Information call 813-633-1297 or 813-633-6453, or if you would like to receive Moonglow Information by email, contact

Happy Mothers Day Square Dance

Foxy will have their next dance and karaoke on May 9, 2015. By Dick Schultz Members will pay $3 and non-members will pay$5 per person. Come ‘Tis” the Merry Month of May, the month we all honor our and join us in a lot of fun of singing and dancing in the Florida Room Mothers. The SCC Swingers Square Dance Club will help doing from 6:30 till 9:30. For info call Angelina 454-9572. this by celebrating with a Happy Mothers Day Mainstream/Plus Oldies But Goodies Social Dance Club Square Dance on Friday Night May 8, 2015. Chocolate Goodies By John Armstrong will be served for the Dancers to enjoy. Beverages will also May 10, 2015, 7 p.m. till 10 p.m., the Oldies But Goodies Social Dance be available. Dancers come join us as we honor not only our Club will dance at the Kings Point (KP) Borini Theater, 1900 Club House mothers, but all mothers present on this wonderful night. The Drive. Bill “Elvis” Lindsey will play great dance music from the 50’s, 60’s, Caller for this Special Event Dance is Marty Van Wart. 70’s, and 80’s. BYOB and your own snacks. Cups, water, and ice are This Dance, along with the Clubs regular Friday Night Dances, will provided at each table. There is no cost for members and $5 for each be held in the SCC Atrium Dance Studio, 945 North Course Lane non-member. (North Complex, off N. Pebble Beach Blvd.). Dance Workshop 7 – Be sure to save the date for Sunday, June 14, 2015 when The Dukes 7:30 p.m., Mainstream/Plus Dance with Rounds 7:30-9:30 p.m.. will appear at the Borini Theater in Kings Point and provide the dance The Callers for May are: Ron Reardon May 1, 15, 29; Marty Van music for the Club. Wart May 8, 22. The Cuer for the summer will be announced Important Note: Nonmembers must purchase tickets in advance of ASAP. the dance. A ticket is required for entry to Kings Point. Advance ticket NOTE: Round Dance Classes will not be held in the summer and sales at the SCC Atrium Kiosk on May 4, 6, 8, 9 a.m. until noon, Kings fall. Classes will most likely begin again in January 2016. Point Main Clubhouse on May 5, 7, 9 am to noon. Limited number of Square Dancers come join us for this Special Event Dance and tickets (150), first come first served, all ticket sales are final, no refunds. every Friday night for great dancing, fellowship and refreshments. Need more information, check out the Club web site at Square dance clothes or dressy casuals is acceptable. or contact Joanne Baskinger at For further information call Veanna at 941-776-0477 or Geri at 813813.728.1147 or by email 633-9742 and /or see our website at



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May 2015 The News of Kings Point

P.A.C. Lite Summer Variety Series

The stage is set for a new and exciting “Cool Summer of Red Hot Entertainment” at the Rollins Theater (970 Cherry Hills Drive) in Sun City Center as the Performing Arts Club of SCC presents a series of six shows as part of their “P.A.C. Lite Summer Variety Series”. All shows are at 2 and 7:30 p.m. The public is invited to attend all shows at the Rollins Theater. The summer series kicks off on Saturday, June 6 with “MusiComedyImpressions” starring Kier. You’ll come for the Impressions, but you’ll leave laughing your head off. Great standup and spot-on musical impressions make this show rock. On June 20 The PAC welcomes The Richmonds in Live Music & More. “An adult contemporary sound, that doesn’t pound, but resonates with real life!” Tom Provenzano, L.A. WEEKLY MAGAZINE Other shows in the series include: July 11, Mark Maverick, stage hypnotist; July 25, PAC favorites, Teri & Alex Council with an original musical comedy revue; August 8, Tommy Treadway, musician & entertainer, Orlando’s best 2007-2010; and August 22, Kelly McDonald with his ridiculously clean and classy stand up comedy who has been featured on the Tonight Show, closes the Summer series. Season tickets, which include reserved seating for all six shows, are available for $78. Tickets for each show are $12 for general seating and $15 for reserved seats and are available at the SCC Atrium Kiosk, which will be open Mon, Wed, and Fri from 9 a.m. to noon, or via credit card by calling 813-400-7803. For further information and details on all shows call the credit card line or visit the PAC website at

Rockin’ Thru the Years Dance Club

Page 29

Social Dance Schedule

By Sandi Zoldi Our May dance will be held Sunday, May 17, 2015 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. in the Kings Point Borini Theater, Kings Point North Club House located at 1900 Club House Drive, Sun City Center, FL. Join us for a Rockin’ Good Time! Music will be provided by Tony and Tricia, also known as Good Stuff. You may purchase your tickets, which are $5 per person, on Tuesday, April 28, Tuesday, May 5 or Tuesday, May 12 in the Kings Point North Clubhouse Lobby 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. Tickets are $5 per person. You may bring your own snacks and BYOB. Cups, napkins, water and ice are provided. Please email Sandi at for more information.

Tuesday, May (5,12,19,26) Social Dance Class • Cha-Cha Beginning Level 5:30 p.m. • Triple Time Swing Beginning/Intermediate 6:45 p.m. • Rumba Intermediate/ Advanced 8 p.m. Wednesday, May ( 6,13,20,27) Social Dance Class • Single Time Swing Beginning 12:45 p.m. • Slow Dance Beginning/Intermediate 2 p.m. • Bolero Beginning/Intermediate 3:15 p.m. Classes are held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium building off North Pebble Beach Blvd. (SCC). Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point Residents. Couples and Singles welcome. $20/person for 4-week month. For information call Bernice DuBro at 634-3205.

Root for your favorite sports team at a free social dance with the Kings Point Line Dancers, Wed. May 20 at 7 p.m. in the Borini Theatre. Dress to support the team you like, or come as you are. No ticket to purchase, so mark your calendar. BYOB. Open to KP and SCC residents and their guests. Call Jan for more info 634-6226.

Follow NOKP on Facebook. Just go to

Social Line Dance and click "Like"

Fiesta To Be Held AT UCC

May 8 is the date! Join us for a fiesta to observe Cinco de Mayo. The party will be at the United Community Church, United Church of Christ, 1501 La Jolla Ave. on May 8 at 6 p.m. Doors will open at 5:30. The meal will be catered by Laura Schuler of Sun Coast Catering and consist of Mexican Salad with avacado dressing, Spanish rice and refried beans, mojo pork, chicken quesadillas, vegetable medley, and ice cream sundaes. Entertainment will be provided by a Mariachi Band. Mexican Games will be played by all who wish to participate. The cost of the meal and lots of fun is $18 per person. Tickets may be purchased at the church on Sunday morning after worship or on Tuesday or Thursday from 10 until noon in the Narthex of the church. The very last day to get your reservation will be May 5. Call Paula 633-6739 for information.

Grand Opening of the Little Free Library

By Uta Kuhn Thanks to the efforts and months of hard work by GFWC Womans Club Members of SCC Nan Dorsey, Jean Smith, Anne Rankin, and Carla Miles the Little Free Library at Bethune Park in Wimauma had its official Grand Opening. This project is part of the Hope Fund, which was started by Carla Miles in 1995. She is the President of The Hope Fund and deserves a lot of kudos for her work with these children. Some of the programs that are part of the Hope Fund include tutoring, reading to the children and mentoring children. The readers read to the children, and sometimes the tables get turned and the children read to the “readers.” So the Little Free Library has been an important addition to these programs. Chris Avella was the first member of the Hope Fund to start the “reading program,” with just six children. Since its inception nine years ago, the class has grown to

thirty-two children. Prior to the grand opening ceremony all of the children pictured in the accompanying photo and their readers were in the classroom being read to. Most of the adults in the photo are readers. Also included are members of the Womans Club and the Hope Fund. Chris Avella is a member of the Hope Fund and The Reader Coordinator. She has two assistants who help her coordinate the program. They are Terre Cochran and Sally Ann Barclay (who also happen to be members of the Womans Club) and without whose help the program would not be as successful as it is. If you would like to make a donation of children’s books suitable for K through 5th grade, please contact Cliff Oldham at 813-633-8789. Cash donations will also be gladly accepted. Should you want more information about the Little Free Library, please access the website at

Beth Israel Hosts Interfaith Council

By Jay Sparkman Beth Israel Congregation hosted a recent monthly meeting of the Sun City Center Interfaith Council. Guest speaker was Debbie Caneen, Admissions Director for Sun Towers Retirement Community in Sun City Center. Ms. Caneen spoke on memory care for senior citizens and her attendance at the White House Conference on Aging and learning how isolation and loneliness are two of the most prevalent issues facing aging adults. Pictured from the left, Marty Beverly, Debbie Caneen, Sandra Hurwitz, Erika Beverly, Rabbi Carla Freedman, Joanne Sudman, Jacqueline Schindler, Arlene Cohen, and Lyn Safian. The Sun City Center Interfaith Council uses funds raised from the sale of donated goods at the Nearly New Shop in the Sun City Center Plaza to fund grants and scholarships in the South Hillsborough County area. For more information visit www. or call 813-642-9099.

30 Page

The News of Kings Point

Our Lady’s Pantry Needs a Professional Fundraiser

Can you help? Our Lady’s Pantry has been serving families in Balm, Wimauma, and Sun City Center for more than 15 years. But more of our neighbors are coming for food all the time. We must expand if we are to meet the needs of these families. We estimate that the cost of construction will range between $150,000 and $200,000. We hope to begin construction when about half of that money is in hand. Thus far, we have received $22,355 toward the new Pantry. Do you have a background in fundraising? Would you be willing to donate your time and expertise to guide this important effort? We would be ever so grateful. For more information about the Pantry expansion, kindly call Our Lady of Guadalupe at (813) 633-2384 and leave a message for Tom Bullaro, co-director of the Pantry, along with your name and phone number. He will return your call at his earliest opportunity to answer all your questions. Thanks so much for your assistance. To learn more about Our Lady’s Pantry, please visit us at

Prince of Peace Hosts Interfaith Council

By Jay Sparkman Prince of Peace Catholic Church of Sun City Center hosted a recent meeting of the Sun City Center Interfaith Council. The guest speaker was Nancy Alguire, President of the Military Family Support Trust, an organization that received an Interfaith Council grant to support the Women Veterans Homeless Prevention Program. Pictured from left are, Nancy Alguire, speaker, and members of Interfaith Council from Prince of Peace, Connie Nichols, Regina Montagna, Father Augustine Mailadiyil, Elaine Gibbs, Leo Pelzel, and Pat Pelton. The Interfaith Council uses monies from sales of donated goods at the Nearly New Shop in Sun City Center to fund scholarships and grants in the south Hillsborough County area. For information call 813-6429099 or go to

Local “Worship” Leader Building Community

Jim Butner Worship, Leader for NCWS (Nondenominational Christian Worship Services) is the host of a weekly radio Bible study. The first broadcast debuted on September 17, 2014. Entitled “A Journey Thru the Scriptures,” the program is broadcast every Wednesday night from 8-8:30 p.m. on Sun Radio WSCQ 96.3 FM. “I’m really excited, thankful and blessed for the opportunity to share God’s Word from the Old and New Testaments over the radio waves. The program is also being streamed at An advantage of this type of format is the fact that if you miss a session, which he hopes you don’t, each week is a separate entity, so you’re not lost when you listen the following week. Jim’s ministry, NCWS currently provides eleven weekly worship services in Sun City Center and coordinates the following programs in the community: 1. Two Adopt-A-Highway Programs, 2. One Adopt-A-Family Program, 3. A Role Model Program at Reddick Elementary School for 5th grade students 4. Provides 2 persons of Pastoral volunteer staff at South Bay Hospital for visitations on Thursday afternoons and as needed. At services where the attendees agree to participate, a love offering is made available. 100% of every monthly love offering goes to a local non-profit organization. As of January 2015, these are the local organizations that NCWS has supported: 1. Elmira’s Wildlife Sanctuary 2. LifePath Hospice of SCC 3. Mary & Martha House, Inc. 4. My Warrior’s Place 5. Patriots Club of SCC, 6. Reddick Elementary School 7. Samaritan Services 8. Samaritan Alzheimer’s Auxiliary 9. SCC Emergency Squad 10. Sun Radio 96.3 FM 11. Visions of Hope International As of March 31, 2015, NCWS has contributed over $115,833 to local non-profit organizations. For more information regarding “Journey Thru the Scriptures” please contact Jim Butner via email jbutner@ or call 813-634-3114.

United Community Church United Church of Christ 1501 La Jolla Ave. • 813-634-1304

Chapel Communion 8:30 AM •Worship 10:00 AM REV. DR. TIMOTHY W. SHIRLEY

No matter where you are on Life’s journey, you are welcome here. A place where God is still speaking.

May 2015

United Community Church Welcomes Ruskin Library Manager

On Tuesday, April 14th United Community Church Women’s Fellowship heard an excellent presentation on the Ruskin Library branch of our South Shore Library. Bill Harris, Director of the Ruskin Library branch told the group about all the new acquisitions and services that are available at the library. He addressed the media rumor that libraries are going to disappear, but that statistics show that 90+ percent of people do use the library. The library is a dynamic and service oriented facility for more than just books. It also provides different enriching courses free, helps with computer access to all the library has to offer, provides meeting space for community groups, has a genealogy expert present three days a week, etc. All women of the SCC/Kings Point community are welcome and invited to attend the Women’s Fellowship group at the church for their activities. For more information, call Marlus Johns at 642-8914.

Christian Women’s Connection Luncheon

Please join us for Fashions by Bon Worth and featured speaker Linda Moore at the Christian Women’s Connection Luncheon on Thursday, May 14 at Club Renaissance, 2121 South Pebble Beach Blvd., Sun City Center. Linda will share “If the Going Gets Rough, Is Shopping Enough?” A delicious meal featuring southwest chicken salad wrap will be served or you may specify the alternate tossed salad with grilled chicken when you make your reservation. Seating begins at 11 with lunch served at 11:30. Please make reservations or cancellations before noon on Monday, May 11 by contacting Gail Green at 813-634-2159 or or Pat Butler 813-938-4320. Price is $17 inclusive.

Beth Israel Plans Trip

Beth Israel, The Jewish Congregation in Sun City Center, has planned a field trip for its members! On Sunday, May 3, at 12:15, members will tour Elmira’s Wildlife Animal Sanctuary in Wimauma, FL. This sanctuary, entirely staffed by volunteers, provides loving care, life management and enrichment to exotic and wild animals. This will be an educational opportunity to increase community awareness of these animals’ needs. Before touring Elmira’s, there is the option of first meeting for breakfast at Rachel’s Country Kitchen on Road 674 also in Wimauma at 10:15 AM. Reservations are strongly suggested. Please call Judy Branch, Program Director, at 813-746-1222 for information and reservations.

United Community Church Names “Woman of the Year”

We are pleased to announce that Sally Erath has been named “Woman of the Year” at its recent Women’s Fellowship Brunch. The award was given for Sally’s continuous and outstanding service to the United Community Church’s Church College, and for her leadership as Dean of the Church College in bringing many interesting and outstanding teachers, programs, and trips to the Church College for the whole community to enjoy.

Prince Of Peace Holds Fashion Show

On Thursday, April 9.2015, the Council of Catholic Women (CCW) of Prince of Peace Catholic Church held their annual Spring Fashion Show. The show “Celebrate Spring” was held at Community Hall. CCW President LynnWitmer presented a check for $1,000 to Kelly Rossi of Eckerd’s Raising Hope at the event. The show featured a buffet lunch catered by Banquet Masters. After lunch a style show with fashions from Patchington’s was presented. Models for the show were Barbara Bukowski, Nancy Cleary, Kris Colette, Della Edborg, Bridgid Guarino, Karen Jean Renzi, Susan Torey and Kathy Vore. Karen Sochon was chairperson of the event.

Prince of Peace Catholic Church

702 Valley Forge Blvd, SCC • • 813.634.2328



Sun. 8am, 10am, 12n Sat. Vigil 4pm Daily 8:00 a.m.

Mon.-Fri. 7:30 a.m. Sat. 8:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.

May 2015 The News of Kings Point

Change in Nearly New Shop Donation Hours

By Jay Sparkman Due to the theft of donated goods at the Nearly New Shop, the Sun City Center Interfaith Council and the volunteer workers at the Nearly New Shop are only accepting donations during the following times. Monday - Friday 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Saturday - 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Sunday - No Donations The Interfaith Council and volunteers thank the many donors and supporters for their donations and cooperation with this new schedule

Page 31

Community Church College Email Notifications

The Community Church College (, 1501 La Jolla Ave, Sun City Center, Florida, has begun a new service for our community. In our efforts to make everyone aware of the college activities, class schedules and trips, we have started a college email lists. The email list is only used for college purposes. All emails will have the recipients email in the blind copy address, so no one sees anyone else’s email address. To be added, send your email to tri-c@verizon. net. Any time you wish to unsubscribe to our mailings there will be an unsubscribe link in the emails.

What Do The Ten Commandments Mean In Sisterhood of Beth Israel Contemporary Society? Announces May Program By Paula Lickfeldt and Marion Sharkey Thursday May 28 a panel discussion will be held at St Andrew Presbyterian church, 1239 Del Webb West, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. to discuss this question. Panelists in the discussion will be Rabbi Carla Freedman of Temple Beth Israel, Rev. Tim Shirley of United Community Church and Rev. Mark Salmon of St. Andrew Presbyterian Church. Questions covered will include “How do our different faiths understand the Ten Commandments?” “How do we incorporate them into our lives today?” and “Are there additional commandments to add to the list in view of our time and its challenges?” This will be a lively discussion with questions and comments from the audience. All are invited and all are welcome. Refreshments will be served after the discussion.

Samaritan Services Board of Directors

Samaritan Services elected their Board of Directors for 2015 on March 1, 2015. The Board then met on March 19, 2015 to elect their officers for 2015. This was a very special Board meeting as it was held in their new conference room located in their building at 1207 North Pebble Beach Blvd. In the first row seated from left to right is Cathy McGrath, Secretary; Carrie VanGelder, Treasurer; Doris Ragland, President; and Lee Leverett, Vice President. Standing from left to right is Julie Floyd, Donna Loverro, Chris Hubbuch, Dolores Berens, Liz Argott and Fred Wiswall.

The Sisterhood of Congregation Beth Israel Sun City Center, will hold its final program meeting on Tuesday, May 5 at the Synagogue in the Henry Gibson Social Hall on Del Webb Blvd., Sun City Center. The agenda will include a closing brunch and the installation of officers. The meeting will begin at 11 a.m. with the brief installation of officers, followed by brunch. Cost to attend is $5. Reservations need to be made by Monday, April 27, 2015and sent to Rochelle Lafer, 2247 Oakley Green Drive, Sun City Center, Fl. 33573. For additional information contact Rochelle at 938-3824.

Trinity Missions Committee Meeting

Trinity Baptist Church Missions Committee members meet monthly to discuss the work and needs of the supported missionaries and their families. Also, by email and correspondence they provide emotional and prayer support to families who choose to preach the Gospel, in countries of multiple languages, culture and faiths. Presently, the church gives financial support to more than 25 missionaries around the world. The church is located at 702 Del Webb Blvd. West. Sun City Center. For information visit or call 813-634-4228. Continued on Page 32.

News of Kings Point online

32 Page

The News of Kings Point

May 2015

Continued from Page 31

Prince Of Peace Easter Egg Hunt a Roaring Success

On Saturday, March 28, Prince of Peace Catholic Church held their first ever Easter Egg Hunt. The event was a roaring success, and fun was had by all! The children, ages 0-10 could hardly wait for the instructions to be read before dashing off to collect the over 1,300 eggs. Within five minutes, the hunt was finished and the children happily showed off their full baskets to their parents. The volunteers were excited by the number of families that walked in the church doors. This Easter Egg hunt is just the beginning of many things to come for the families and children in the Prince of Peace community. Thank you to all who helped make the event successful.



Last chance to Buy a New Home in Sun City Center Marge Yarger (left) presents a check to Cam McGary. June Wallace looks on.

Human Trafficking Was Topic at St. Andrew

By Rosie Clifton The Presbyterian Women of St. Andrew Presbyterian Church recently learned more about the crime of human trafficking. The talk was given by Cam McGary, a member of the church and of the Community Campaign Against Human Trafficking (CCAHT). June Wallace, founder of CCAHT, spoke also. After the presentation, Marge Yarger presented a check to CCAHT on behalf of the Presbyterian Women. St. Andrew is located at 1239 Del Webb Blvd. West in Sun City Center and can be reached at 634-1252. Paid Advertisement

Introducing Verona at Sun City Center After 50 years as one of America’s most popular active adult communities, historic Sun City Center unveils our final neighborhood featuring innovative new homes by Minto, Florida’s premier homebuilder. The unique gated enclave of Verona offers its own private, resort-style amenities and all the pleasures of this Where to Retire Magazine Hall of Fame Community.

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Replace Old Drafty Windows & Cut Energy Bills With Special “No Cost Now Program" Sun City Center, FL – Michael Hollander, owner of WeatherTite Windows, announced a great savings plan for Sun City Center residents. His deferred payments, along with reduced pricing, are great for homeowners who are in need of affordable, replacement windows and doors. All homeowners who respond within two weeks from the date of this notice and purchase energy efficient money saving WeatherTite windows or doors are eligible to make this purchase with no money down and have a payment plan with no interest until 2016. Mr. Hollander emphasized the program is effective immediately – and he will be able to arrange monthly payments to suit the budgetary needs of every homeowner. This very special program features the finest tilt-in w i n d o w s m a n u f a c t u r e d t o d a y. WeatherTite Windows come with 6 great warranties, meet stringent codes

for hurricanes and provide year round security for your home. They are also very energy efficient and custom designed by WeatherTite, your window design specialists for a perfect fit in every home! Plus for the next 2 weeks, homeowners who purchase WeatherTite Windows will get an exclusive special. Buy two windows and get one FREE plus receive a FREE entry door, with minimum purchase. This is an offer that includes a special energy savings warranty and 100% financing. Kings Point owners should call as well. WeatherTite can design and build a window or door to meet your association requirements and work with your board for proper approvals. As always, WeatherTite is proud to offer a special discount to seniors and to retired military. Estimates are always FREE. Call tollfree 24 hours a day for a FREE in-home estimate. These offers will expire May 15, 2015.


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*Costs of trip including airfare and expenses will be reimbursed up to $500 after the buyer closes on a Minto home. Buyers must go to contract on a Minto home within 90 days of Stay & Play visit. Receipts for airfare and expenses must be submitted in order to be reimbursed for exact expenditures. The reimbursement cost is not to exceed $500. © Minto Communities, LLC 2015. All rights reserved. Content may not be reproduced, copied, altered, distributed, stored or transferred in any form or by any means without express written permission. Artist’s renderings, dimensions, specifications, prices and features are approximate and subject to change without notice. Minto, the Minto logo, Sun City Center, and the Sun City Center logo are trademarks of Minto Communities, LLC and/or its affiliates. CGC1519880 5/2015

May 2015 The News of Kings Point

Page 33

Contract Bridge Super Crossword



Good partnership defense rests largely on standard leads, plays and discards. But one should not rely exclusively on general rules, for the fact is that a player who has information at his disposal that tells him that doing the “normal” thing will not work should be prepared to deviate from the norm. Examine this deal where West had to choose a lead against two notrump. Had he led a top

Solutions on Page 35

spade, which seems the natural thing to do, South would have scored at least 10 tricks -- four hearts, four diamonds and two clubs. But West donned his thinking cap and concluded that his best chance to stop two notrump was to avoid an opening spade lead, despite its magnetic attraction. He reasoned from the bidding that South was likely to have three spades to the queen and that North probably had a doubleton spade. It followed, therefore, that leading the king or any other spade was counterproductive. So West led the jack of diamonds, hoping to connect quickly with East in that suit and thus draw the killing spade return. In a sense, West guessed wrong, since it turned out that East had no diamond values at all. But West was clearly right in reasoning that a spade lead would have been fatal to the defense. Once the diamond was led, declarer was a dead duck. He hopefully played a heart to the jack at trick two, but East won with the ace and returned the eight of spades, and West ran off seven tricks to put the contract down three -- 300 points. © 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

34 Page

The News of Kings Point

May 2015

Strange But True By Samantha Weaver

• It was 19th-century French historian Edgar Quinet who made the following sage observation: “Time is the fairest and toughest judge.” • The Guinness brewery in Dublin, Ireland, has a 9,000-year lease on the property -- and the rent is a mere 45 Irish pounds per year. • Researchers at Yale University have determined that the most recognizable scent to American adults is coffee, followed by peanut butter in the No. 2 spot. • In 1941, the British entered World War II, much to the relief of the USSR. One Soviet admiral was so grateful for the help that when a British naval captain on the submarine HMS Trident commented that his wife had a hard time pushing the baby carriage through the snow in Britain, the admiral declared, “You need a reindeer!” -- and presented the sub’s crew with one. Dubbed Pollyanna, the reindeer spent six weeks aboard the sub, where it reportedly liked to sleep under the captain’s bed. Pollyanna eventually ended up at the Regents Park Zoo. • The state of Mississippi takes its name (unsurprisingly) from the river. But how did the river get its name? Etymologists say that the modern pronunciation is from a French variant of “meshi-ziibi,” which in Algonquian Ojibwa means “big river.” • Those who study such things say that 20 percent of modern relationships that end in marriage begin online. • The red panda is a vulnerable mammal species found in parts of Asia. It’s about the size of a house cat, but its tail can grow up to 19 inches long. • When the Crayola company was approaching a production milestone, executives asked Mister Rogers to come to the factory to pour the wax for the one billionth crayon. ********************************** Thought for the Day: “Imitation is the sincerest form of television.” -- Fred Allen


© 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.



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May 2015 The News of Kings Point

Salome’s Stars

ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Don’t be put off by a seemingly too-tangled situation. Sometimes a simple procedure will unsnarl all the knots and get you in the clear fast and easy, just the way the Lamb likes it. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) It’s a good time to go through your work space -- wherever it is -- and see what needs to be replaced and what can be tossed (or at least given away) without a second thought. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Someone who disagrees with your position might try to intimidate you. But continue to present a fair argument, regardless of how petty someone else might be while trying to make a point. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) You might find yourself exceptionally sensitive to family matters this week. An issue could come to light that you had overlooked. Ask other kinfolk to discuss it with you. LEO (July 23 to August 22) You might have more questions about a project (or perhaps someone you’re dealing with on some level) than you feel comfortable with. If so, see which can be answered, which cannot, and why. VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22) It’s a good time to clean up and clear out what you don’t need before your tidy self is overwhelmed by “stuff.” Then go celebrate the Virgo victory over clutter with someone special. LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22) You might feel a mite confused about why something you were sure couldn’t go wrong didn’t go all right either. Be patient. Things soon move into balance, exactly as you like it. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21) At this decision point, you could be moving from side to side, just to say you’re in motion. Or you could be considering making a move straight up. What you choose is up to you. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) Although your finances should be in an improved situation at this time, thrift is still the savvy Sagittarian’s smart move. Advice from a spouse or partner could be worth heeding. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19) Taking on a new challenge brings out the Goat’s skills in maneuvering over and around difficult spots. Best of all, the Goat does it one careful step after another. (Got the idea, Kid?) AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18) Your well-known patience might be wearing thin because of a disturbing (and seemingly unending) problem with someone close to you. This could be a time to ask for help. Good luck. PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20) Be careful about a new venture that lures you into a “just-lookand-see” mode. Be sure that what you’re being given to see isn’t hiding what you should be seeing instead. BORN THIS WEEK: Aries and Taurus give you the gift of leadership and the blessings of care and concern for all creatures. © 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

Answers to Puzzles from Page 33

Page 35

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