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News of

Happy Father’s June 19th


June 2011

June 6 — D-Day Observance to Feature Surviving Veterans

Submitted By Phyllis Hodges At 10 a.m. on June 6, 67 years to the day since D-Day, Sun City Center is honoring WWII veterans at the SCC Community Hall as part of the community’s 50th Anniversary Celebration. Korean War veteran Bob Black, who organized the event, will moderate the panel of five speakers. Four survivors who fought by land, sea and air will tell what it was like when our troops stormed the shores of Fortress Europe on June 6, 1944. Bill Boyd, an infantryman and member of a Ranger Battalion went ashore on Omaha Beach; Harry Powers, a Navy officer and frogman (now known as SEALs) crept onto land the day before D-Day on the threatening Pont du Hoc; Bill Eisenhart, a B-17 pilot was flying over Europe keeping German reinforcements from moving around; and Arch Bush, a Navy Hospital Corpsman on an LST, was on a team that cared for wounded being taken from the beaches to hospitals in England.” Eisenhart lives in St. Petersburg; the others are Sun City Center residents. The fifth member of the panel is Dr. Nick Steneck, chair of the history department at Florida Southern College in Lakeland, whose major area of study and research has been World War II and Europe after the war. He will outline what the invasion of Europe—D-Day—meant then and means to this very day. Members of “The Greatest Generation,” as Tom Brokaw named them, are fast taking their last salutes as most are in their high 80s or low 90s today. Sun City Center is proud to honor these brave men who fought for our country. Contact: Bob Black 813.633.1101.

Supreme Commander Dwight Eisenhower gives the order of the day “Full victory - Nothing else” to paratroopers of the 101st Airborne Division at the Royal Air Force base in Greenham Common, England.

More Pictures on Page 3

Paratroopers get final instructions before leaving for Normandy.

American paratroopers, heavily armed, sit inside a military plane as they soar over the English Channel en route to the Normandy French coast for the Allied D-Day invasion.

An Interview with a D-Day Survivor Adam Porter with John H. MacPhee John H. MacPhee lives in Kings Point. But, in the early hours of June 6th, 1944, he was in England, preparing to take part in the largest military invasion in modern history. Operation Overlord had begun; and 20-year-old MacPhee, a soldier in the 16th infantry of the 1st Division (the Big Red One), was in the first

wave to land on Omaha Beach. “I joined the First Division at the end of the Sicilian Campaign. We deployed to England for amphibious training. This was something new, the techniques we were learning had never been done before. Even the training was brutal…a lot of guys were killed in training maneuvers. The hardship was unreal. Those months in England during ’43 and ’44 were exhausting.”

And even with the plan in place and the training complete, there was still much outside the control of the Allies. “We were set to invade on June 5th, but the weather was terrible.” John’s ship was 12 miles out when the invasion was postponed. “It was like getting a 24-hour reprieve from the electric chair.” On June 6th, as John recalls, the weather was not much better. But, Eisenhower and

Bradley said it was time to go. That was fine by John and his fellow soldiers. “We were ready. Past ready. We just wanted to get this over with.” The soldiers of the Big Red 1 were issued 3 K-rations, one canteen and limited ammunition. They were told they were an invasion force, not an occupying force. That reinforcements and supplies could not come ashore if they were not successful. Continued on Page 3


Crossword..................... 21 Jim & Nell Taze Contract Bridge............ 21 Deputy Chris.................... 6 33573...............13, 14 & 15 Sudoku ......................... 21 CARE................................ 8 Dixon’s........................... 16 Hard Knox...................... 22 Ask Anne ........................ 9 Day Trips Golf.........................10 &11 Bulletin.................. 17 & 18 Horoscopes................... 23 Investment..................... 12 Faith Bulletin.................. 19 Solutions to Puzzles....... 23

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News of Kings Point Patron

2 Page

The News of Kings Point

June, 2011

The Editor’s Corner Universal Accessibility By Adam Porter, Editor NOKP I received a very polite letter a few weeks ago from one of the folks in Kings Point. This sweet lady explained that she was a snowbird and requested that we forward her copy of News of Kings Point to her address in the Great White North for the summertime. We have received a handful of these requests in the past. However, this is not a request we can fulfill. The first reason is logistical. The second is practical. First, because we want to make sure our paper is easily accessible and read by folks in Kings Point, we chose to direct mail the publication each month, rather than to drop it in your driveway, where golf carts, bicycles and rainstorms can turn the paper into wet confetti. This bulk mail application delivers the papers to addresses on the various routes in 33573. Therefore, because there is no specific original address, there can be no forwarding address. The logistics involved in creating an administration to catalog a list of folks leaving town for the summer and then the costs involved in mailing each of the papers out of state are prohibitive. But, that doesn’t mean folks can’t read the paper. This is where the practical part comes into play. Internet technology allows us to publish our entire newspaper each month at www. newsofkingspoint.com. You can read NOKP cover to cover anywhere you have an Internet connection. Because of this easy accessibility, our snowbird friends never have to miss an issue – and we can keep costs down for our advertisers. It’s a win-win! So, what does the paper look like online? Well, it looks pretty much exactly like the paper delivered to your mailbox each month. This is because the file we send to the printer is identical to the one we upload to the website. So, due to the magic of Internet technology and a program

called Issuu, all you have to do to read NOKP is go to www.NewsOfKingsPoint. com and click on the paper. Then you can flip through the pages, increase the size for easy reading and focus in on whatever catches your eye. It’s that easy! You may need to download a FREE computer application called “Flash.” You may already have it – if you don’t, your machine will let you know and ask you to download the program when you try to view the paper. But that’s FAR from the only reason to visit www. NewsOfKingsPoint.com. We are always working on the site to make it a better place for our friends in Kings Point to get valuable information, to ask questions and just hang out and read about the community they love to call home. On the ARCHIVES page you can read every issue of NOKP cover to cover. If you know someone who may want to ADVERTISE, there’s an easy link for information. And, if you are looking for a CLUB or GROUP to join, there’s a handy list of names and phone numbers right there on the site. And, if you want to add your CLUB or GROUP, simply add a comment to that page and we’ll get that up there for you. There’s also a list of IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS for you, so you will never have to search for the number for the hospital, the Emergency Squad or any government office or community civic organization. And, if you are looking for a place of worship of a SERVICE PERSON you can trust, keep checking the site. We are in the process of building a directory of FAITH COMMUNITIES and Preferred Service Providers, so that you have easy access to go where you want and get done what needs doing. So visit www. NewsOfKingsPoint.com today and send us a message to let us know what you think! We look forward to hearing from you.

Shown installing the new Flags on the poles are Patriots Club members Dick Person, Don Renwick and David Floyd

Flags along S.R. 674

The Patriots Club placed new flags along S.R. 674 to help kick-off the Sun City Center 50th Anniversary Celebration Parade. The Flags will remain up to Commemorate Memorial Day, Flag Day, and the 4th of July. STORMS THIS TIME OF THE YEAR OFTEN BLOW A FLAG OFF THE LIGHT POLE. IF YOU FIND ONE OF THESE FLAGS ALONG S.R. 674 PLEASE TURN IT INTO THE SECURITY PATROL OFFICE (and please give the location).

Thank you. Dave Floyd Patriots Club Publicity Chairman

News of Submissions

The News of Kings Point is not just the news of your community – it is your community newspaper, exclusively serving Kings Point, Sun City Center. We are dedicated to providing a local paper that has a “home town” feeling with family and community oriented stories. We aim to provide a balance of content for our readers. It is our desire to represent each and every person, business and organization with respect, dignity and fairness. Send us information about your special events. Tell us about your hobbies and take us to places you love to go. Community news, Club events and feature stories are always welcome! Please include photos. Mailed photos will only be returned if a SASE is included. We will also review creative submissions including stories – fact or fiction – and poems. Inspire us. Make us smile. Share your favorite story, joke or song. The publisher reserves the right to refuse and/or edit all materials submitted for placement in the News of Kings Point. The publisher assumes no responsibility for the return of advertising, manuscripts, art or photographs. The News of Kings Point is not affiliated with Kings Point, Kings Point Mgmt LLC, Sterling Management or the Federation of Kings Point Associations, Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of The News of Kings Point, Inc. All editorial copy is strictly the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the attitude or opinions of this publication or that of the supporting organizations. Pieces will be considered, subject to editing and depending upon space limitations Thanks for reading and for helping us make this truly YOUR community newspaper. We look forward to serving you and can’t wait to hear from you! Electronic submissions are preferred, which you may send by email to: news@thenewsofkingspoint.com or mail to The News of Kings Point, Inc. PO Box 6212 Sun City Center, Florida 33573-6212 Phone: 813-938-8721 Thank you for your support. Staff and Contributors

Follow NOKP on Facebook. Just go to

www.facebook.com/newsofkingspoint and click "Like"

Adam Porter Editor in Chief


John Wolf Advertising Sales


813-938-8721 Nancy Jean Design and Layout


Karen Jones Contributing Editor


Anne Pidgeon Horticulture Correspondent


Jim and Nell Taze 33573 Events


2011, June The News of Kings Point

Page 3

“General Eisenhower told us that our chances of survival in the first wave were slim. And, if we survived the landing we would have to fend for ourselves.” The invasion fleet set out to sea. The ship MacPhee was in had to keep circling, waiting for the line to form up. “Everyone was seasick and water was coming over the sides. The bilge was overwhelmed and we had to use our helmets to bail.” According to plan, the 9th Air Force was to shell the landing zones to create some holes in the Nazi fortifications and give the invasion force some places to shelter during the assault. But, because of the poor visibility and weather conditions, there was little help for the first wave of Allied troops. “There was no shelter at all. The Germans had been there for years. They had every square inch of Omaha

Beach covered with fire. I was sheer slaughter. So many lives lost in minutes…in seconds.” When MacPhee stepped down off the ramp of his landing craft he went straight down in water over his head. As he surfaced he heard officers “who hadn’t even gotten their feet wet yelling at us to keep going to move forward.” I was 20 years old, and I didn’t want to die. None of us did. But John lost a lot of good friends that morning. Looking back he says he simply can’t believe he is here today to talk about it. “It was plain luck I survived. That’s all it amounted to.” It speaks to the severity of that day to learn that the “luck” MacPhee describes includes being “knocked out on the beach.” A German 88 exploded nearby, knocking him down. “My legs and lower back were shot up, my arm was temporarily paralyzed and my glasses were blown right off my face. It’s a

miracle I wasn’t killed.” Eventually, John was taken to military hospitals in Europe and then the United States. “Those Army nurses were so hardworking. They never get enough recognition. There were 30 to 40 GIs to one nurse. Many wounded much worse than me, amputees and such. They took a lot of crap from the guys, but stayed so good-natured. They deserve the highest praise.” There is another group that John says do not get enough good said about them. “You know, you hear a lot of negative things about the French, and maybe that’s true in the bigger cities, Paris and such. But when you get out into the country, especially into Normandy, and those people are so thankful. They pass that down from one generation to the next.” John has gone back to France several times, met a lot of those people. He recalls standing with

U.S. Soldiers of the 8th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, move out over the seawall on “Utah” Beach, after coming ashore.

Landing ships putting cargo ashore on one of the invasion beaches, at low tide during the first days of the operation, June 1944.

U.S. Soldiers march through a southern English coastal town, en route to board landing ships for the invasion of France

Continued from Page1

a French family, three or four generations, holding a baby and being told that the child may not be there but for the brave British and American troops. “Over here we are forgetting, but in Europe they celebrate the D-Day invasion every year. People come from all over Europe.” “And,” says MacPhee, “this is something that should be remembered. It was the turning point of World War 2. If not for what we did that morning, we might not be talking today…or we might be speaking German.” John pauses. “I know it’s an experience I will never forget. Never.” Editor’s Note: The News of Kings Point and our staff would like to personally thank each and every brave member of our Armed Forces who have given so much that we might remain free. Thank you for your service. We remain in your debt.

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4 Page


The News of Kings Point

June, 2011



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This CUSTOM built home is in Caloosa Country Club Estates. Nicely landscaped lot with an expansive water view from screened lanai. Park like courtyard side yard also. Split bedroom plan witha den/ tv room off kitchen. Delightful home for easy entertainig with its nuetral colors, decorating is a breeze!!!

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This DEDHAM duplex home is conveniently located to all Sun City Center has to offer. $125. monthly fee covers water, sewer and lawncare. French doors lead from family room to lanai. New garage door and new paint.

Back on the market!! This delightful TWINTREE is clean, light and updated. 12x14 lanai and 12x10 screen room allows to to enjoy your home year round. Water softner replaced in 2010, sperate meter for lawn irrigation. The list goes on and on, this is a must see home. Newly reduced in price.

2102 West View Drive $199,000

1904 Canterbury Lane M-22 $35,000

1512 N. Pebble Beach Blvd $94,900

1321 Bluewater Drive $112,500

2047 Berry Roberts

3/3 $265,000

Worthington-Pool Home on Conservation

1512 N Pebble Beach

2/2 $94,900

Dedham-Freshly painted, New garag door

1913 E. View Dr.

2/2 $199,900

Custom Built, 4th Fairway Caloosa Club

2018 Del Webb W

2/2 $94,900

Camellia-Pond Loc-Vaulted Ceilings

2326 W. Del Webb

3/3 $199,900

St Croix 2 Story Waterfront, Garden Tub

619 Tremont Greens

2/2 $90,000

Albany-Golf Course plus water

2102 W, View Drive

2/2 $199,000

Custom Blt Water, Split Bedroom Plan

1506 Cherry Hills Dr

2/2 $84,900

DW37 Great Curb Appeal-New Paint

832 Regal Manor

2/2 $175,000

Cezanne- Shown By Appt Only $123.Mo

1513 Chevy Chase Dr.

2/2 $72,900

T-2 Close In Fully Furnished

2023 New Bedford Dr

3/2 $165,000

Berkshire Metal Rf 2004-Storm Shutters

2212 Hartlebury Way

2/2 $69,900

Sunrise-Large open back yard

415 Shellpoint E

3/2 $155,000

Income Property with 2 Bed Apt

702 Brockton Pl. E.

2/2 $54,500

DeSoto- newer roof ’07; plumbing ‘03

607 Oakmont Ave.

3/2 $149,900

DW-57 Golf and Water View

211 Glenellen Pl.

2/2 $49,900

Exp Hampton-Just Reduced Make Offer

1257 Corinth Greens

2/2 $139,900

Amherst Golf Course , Heat pump

411 Flanborough Trl.#B

2/2 $49,900

Stuart-Beautifully Furnished “Must See”

1705 Orchid Court

2/2 $127,900

Windjammer-Courtyrd Entry,Cul de sac

306B Fowling Ct

2/2 $44,900

Windsor-Lite Bright Close to ameneties

1611 Bentwood

2/2 $125,000

Twintree Exp- New Paint in and out.

305 Friar Ct. #A

2/2 $42,900

Windsor- Kingspoint Fully Furnished

641 Ft. Duquesna Dr.

2/2 $119,900

Custom-Updated, 2 lrg master suites

301 Kings Blvd F-143

1/1.5 $29,900

Mansard Nicely Furn Newer Kitchen

1321 Bluewater Dr.

2/2 $109,800

New Kitchen 2009, Sharp, + Hot Tub

2202 Clubhouse Dr. #174 1/1.5 $24,900

Gable I-Move-in ready – “cream puff”

644 Masterpiece Dr.

2/2 $108,800

Melbourne-park-like view,encl lanai

202 Bedford Trl. E111

Mansard I-Furnished & Ready

1/1.5 $24,000


641 Fort Duquesna



$ 1,100 Clean DBLGarage

1001 Yellowbird



$ 1,150 Waterfront

1512 Council Dr



$ 675

1811 Bedford G166


Man 1

$ 680 Near Clubhouse

1601 Brookton Greens



$ 1,200 All Tile New, New

2202 Clubhouse H174


Gable 1

$ 750 Walk 2 pool/club

1752 S Pebble Beach



$ 1,300 + Den, WATER

408B Flanborough



$ 750

Light & Bright

1306 Burbank



$ 750

Guest Bedroom

1801 Bedford B46


Man 1

$ 775

Sharp as a tack

120 Gloucester



$ 775

Level encl Lanai

617 LaJolla



$ 775

Cozy & Comfy

704 Riviera Dr



$ 775

New Appl & Paint

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Man 2

$ 795

Model perfect

714 Thunderbird



$ 825

Garage CLEAN

307 Knottwood



$ 850

Walk to Pool

610 Fox Hills Dr



$ 850

Very clean / brite

1715 Atrium



$ 875


509B Foxglove Cir



$ 850

New carpet

1004 Beach Blvd



$ 875

Walk to ALL

2232 Grenadier Dr



$ 890

Unfurn Spotless

705 Torrey Pines



$ 875

All TILE floors

211 Glenellen


X Hampton

$ 900

2 Screen Porches

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$ 875

Large LR clean

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$ 900

Handicap Shower

2003 Heathfield


Brentwd 2

$ 890


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$ 975

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1320 New Bedford



$ 925

Nice Furn + Den

705 Churchill Pl



$ 975


1201 Wildfeather



$ 950

Sharp corner 2G

1622 Faxton



$ 995

Split Bdrm Vault

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$ 950

South side

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$1,000 Large Bedroom

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$ 950

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$ 950

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$ 995

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Where in the World is NOKP?

the Wo n i

News of


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d is rl

Whe r

2011, June The News of Kings Point

nt i o P gs

Beginning in June 2011, the News of Kings Point will debut a new feature called: “Where in the World is the News of Kings Point.” We know many of you folks love to travel almost as much as our resident wanderer, Eddie Dixon. So, when you go on the road or on that cruise in the coming months, be sure to take along your NOKP. Snap a photo of you or a loved one holding up the paper with the News of Kings Point header visible and send a digital image to news@thenewsofkingspoint.com so we can put your smiling face in the paper. Did we mention…THERE’S A PRIZE!!!! The esteemed travel experts at Legendary Journeys have generously agreed to sponsor this new feature by donating a ONE-WEEK CARIBBEAN CRUISE. That’s right! Each year we will be drawing a name from our submitted photos and some lucky traveler will cruise the Caribbean courtesy of Legendary Journeys and NOKP.

Sheila Thurston lives in Lancaster II in Kings Point. On Mother’s Day, 2011 she was in Cancun, Mexico with four childhood friends. The ladies decided to get together for a week to catch up with each other’s lives. Says Sheila, “We have known each other our entire lives, which started 61 years ago. And what a wonderful time we had! We have decided to try and continue the vacation every year from here on out.” Well, we’re glad to hear you had such a great time, Sheila, and thanks for taking us along for the trip. We hope you will remember to take your News of Kings Point next year as well. So, dear readers, who will be our featured traveler next month? Keep sending those pictures in!

Contest runs from May 1, 2011 to April 31, 2012, so get those photos in! Details are available, by request, from new@thenewsofkingspoint.com.

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6 Page

The News of Kings Point

June, 2011

A Word About Civil Disputes By Deputy Chris Girard Communication and preparation are the key when preventing the possible loss of money in certain circumstances. Two recent real life cases illustrate this. In the first scenario, a homeowner hired a contractor to trim his trees. The individual trimmed some branches, received payment for the service and explained to the homeowner that he needed leave for a bit and come back later. The tree trimmer never returned. The resident was left with a yard full of limbs and was out of pocket the money for a job never completed. In this case, there was NO CONTRACT signed and the worker was not properly licensed or bonded. Because of this unfortunate lack of due diligence on the part of the trusting homeowner, the case became a civil matter. The homeowner was certainly cheated, but without a proper LEGAL AGREEMENT, the case could not be pursued criminally. That homeowner’s only hope is civil court, where, without documentation it will prove difficult to win the case. In the second scenario a woman hired an in-home nurse to help with her husband’s medical care and to help her around the house with cleaning, grocery shopping

and whatnot. Unfortunately, the woman did a poor job and, after receiving money for services not yet rendered, left. When the lady who hired the supposed caregiver contacted the HCSO, the only name she had to give us was a false alias the “caregiver” had provided. Again, without proper documentation we could not pursue the case as a criminal matter. So, here are few tips that will help keep you from becoming a victim of this type of scam: • Only consider representatives from reputable companies you can track via name, phone number, address and/or website • Only hire properly licensed, bonded and insured contractors * Contact the Better Business Bureau at 1.800.525.1447 to check up on the prospect • Insist on and check references, ask specifically what work was done • Insist on seeing a prospective serviceperson’s drivers or occupational license. This is not

rude. In fact, some professions keep their licenses publically posted If you end up in a civil dispute over work, or in a landlord-tenant issue or have a dispute with a neighbor that you are unable to successfully arbitrate, we strongly recommend the Southshore Community Justice Center. This free service is sponsored by the 13th Judicial Circuit Court and will assist you in civil matters. Call them at 813.672.7442.

Other important numbers to have on hand both before and after you hire someone or have a dispute with a neighbor include: Seniors Versus Crime (813.634.8666), the Consumer Protection Agency (813.903.3430) and Bay Area Legal Services (813.232.1343). All are non-profit community services working every day to see justice done. Be safe out there! Deputy Chris

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2011, June The News of Kings Point

Page 7

UMC Hosts Encore Performance of “Odd Couple” The United Methodist Church of Sun City Center, 1210 Del Webb Blvd. West, is proud to present an encore performance of The Odd Couple on Friday, June 3rd at 6:30PM in the church sanctuary. The Pelican Players recent production of the “Odd Couple” (female version) at the Borini Theatre was a tremendous hit with Sun City audiences, who filled the theatre with laughter for three performances in April. However, there were too many residents who did not have a chance to see the show - so the United Methodist Church is bringing it back on June 3rd for a one-night encore! The Neil Simon comedy featured Terry Fiset in the role of Olive, a carefree divorcee who lives life on her own (somewhat sloppy) terms, and Mollie Anderson, Olive’s neurotic friend, Florence, whose husband has had enough of her “cooking, cleaning and crying” and wants a divorce. Afraid of life without her “five foot three inch cowboy” of a husband, Florence threatens to end it all, turning Olive’s Friday night game into an hilarious “suicide watch.” In a weak moment, Olive invites Florence to live with her, which turns out to be the big mistake that propels the action. Ms. Anderson played Florence as Florence was meant to be played - as an

Florence and Olive arguing in Odd Couple.

annoying hypochondriac with a high-pitched voice whose compulsive behavior and incessant nagging would drive anyone over the edge. Olive’s mounting frustration with Florence’s craziness was hilariously portrayed by Ms. Fiset, whose initial annoyance slowly grew into a seething anger that her body could hardly contain. The two women (both seasoned actresses) delivered Simon’s witty dialogue with perfect timing, as the audience roared with laughter. A good deal of the plot involved two Spanish brothers, played by Jack Parry and Dan Tackitt, with whom Olive arranged a double date. The date was a disaster, but Messrs. Parry and Tackitt were a riot of confusion as they

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attempted, but repeatedly failed, to grasp what was going on around them. Special kudos were earned by the trivial pursuit players. Linda Halperin played the “dumb-blonde,” Vera, with just the right amount of deerin-the-headlight wonderment. As Mickey the Cop, Mary Ann Mosely (handcuffs hanging off her skirt belt) was spot-on as an exasperated law enforcement officer trying to control a situation that was clearly out of control. Marsha Lucidi (new to the Players) wheezed and whined as Simon intended, bringing the grumpy Renee to believable and funny life. Simon gave some of the shows funniest lines to the sensible Sylvie, who was played by Shirley Walker with a deadly

deadpan that would have made the playwright proud. If you missed this riot of a show during its run at the Borini, then make sure to capture the fun at the United Methodist Church on June 3rd. The address is 1210 W. Del Webb Blvd. Curtain is at 6:30. Tickets are $10.00. Call 813.634.2539 or 813.387.3458 for information and to reserve your tickets. For additional information about this and other events at the United Church of Sun City Center, please, please contact Jeff Jordan, Director of Music and the Arts, at 813.634.2539. To learn more about the United Methodist Church of Sun City center, please visit our website at www. sccumc.com

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8 Page

The News of Kings Point

June, 2011

Adopt a Friend That C.A.R.E.s

Chloe Are you ready for a more sophisticated relationship? Chloe is a beautiful female with vivid Calico markings. She is spayed, up-to-date on shots, microchipped and litter-box trained. She likes being with other cats and frequently shares her space with a friend. Chloe is shy and needs someone to dote on her. Come fall in love with a companion who will spend her whole life loving you! Take Chloe home with you and have a forever friend. Estimated DOB: May 2, 2004

Blaze Blaze is a handsome Shepherd mix puppy. He was born at the shelter along with 11 other brothers and sisters. Blaze has a spunky and outgoing personality. If there is a lot of puppy chaos going on, he is usually in the middle of it. Blaze loves people and will happily pop into your lap to snuggle. He also likes to swim in the doggy pool and knows how to sit on command. He is going to be a big boy so a home with a fenced in yard is preferred. C.A.R.E. is open 10 AM to 3 PM As part of his adoption, Blaze is on Tues. - Sat. For directions visit neutered. He is already current www.CareShelter.org on his shots and microchipped. or call 813-645-2273.? DOB: January 28, 2011 The Observer News • Sun City Center Observer • Riverview Current • November 12, 2009 • WELCOME BACK m 11

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2011, June The News of Kings Point




Dear Anne, I would like to plant a flowering tree in my backyard. What do you recommend? Anneswer: Definitely a crape myrtle! Summer is crape myrtle season. This plant puts on the best show we have going in central Florida. These are the reasons I love them: • Crape myrtle is our most versatile landscape plant for sunny locations. It is low-maintenance, drought and heat tolerant, has low fertilizer requirements, and blooms like crazy in a wide range of colors. •It is available at nurseries in many sizes and shapes, from bush to standard trees. Depending on the cultivar, mature height can range from 10 feet to 25+ in 10 years of growth. Unfortunately the dwarf varieties are susceptible to powdery mildew in our area, so I do not recommend them.

•Available in many beautiful, rich colors, some early, although June thru September is prime time. •Pruning requirements- DO NOT LOP the heads off your crape myrtles! We call this ‘crape murder.’ It leaves an unsightly tree, but is also one that is more susceptible to mildew and aphid problems caused by the unnatural dense foliage only at stump tops. •They should be lightly tipped at ends after bloom season to remove seed heads. Then, after the trees go dormant, usually Dec thru Feb and drop their leaves, cut out any branches smaller than a marker pen, crossing branches, branches growing too low, or suckers at base of standard tree. Do not do big cuts until all danger of frost is past in spring, since this causes trees to flush and the new growth would get damaged. •If your tree is reachable, you can tip off the spent flowers and it will bloom again. •They do not require a lot of fertilizer. Once in the spring and lightly in Oct. •Aphids can be a problem. A heavy blast of water can be enough to cut the population down. If not, soapy water is probably sufficient. •Powdery mildew can be a problem on susceptible trees. Cultural practices such as good air circulation and full sun are your best bet because chemicals for this are not available to homeowner.

Page 9

Crape Myrtle makes a beautiful addition to your landscape.

Anne’s Favorites

Tonto Fuschsia Red Catawba Best Violet/Prple Dynamite Bright Red/Wh eye Pink Velour Hot Pink Sioux Clear Medium Pink Muskogee Lavender Pink Natchez White Red Rocket Deep Red Tuscarora Coral Pink

Semi-Dwf --12’ 20’ in 10 yrs 15’ in 10 yrs 15’ in 10 yrs Narrow Shape 20+ Tight Spaces 25+ in 10 yrs 25+ in 10 yrs 20+ in 10 yrs 25+ in 10 yrs

Anne Pidgeon’s WONDERFUL WORLD of

July-Sept May-July June-Aug June-Aug July-Sept July- Sep July-Sept May-July June-Aug




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10 Page

The News of Kings Point

June, 2011

Hogans Golf Club (of Sun City Center and Kings Point) Tuesday, 5/10/11

Wednesday, 5/18/2011

1st: Rex Gibbons, net 63 2nd: Rich Lucidi, net 75

1st: Rex Gibbons, 4 skins 2nd: Dave Diehl, 3 skins 3rd: Rich Lucidi, 2 skins 4th: 1 skin each – Jim Stanton & John Apostolou Low-net: Rex Gibbons, 65 Low-gross: Ted Kratt (guest), 90 Also playing- Don Mowry

Course: Imperial Lakewoods Play: Match

Thursday, 5/12/2011 Accomplished by:

vvv Mike Sekol vvv May 23, 2011 Hole: Sands #7 115 Yards 7 Wood Course: Falcon Watch Witnessed By: Paul Hunt Bruce Conley Les Easton

Course: Cypress Creek Play: a-Skins

1st: J. Kirkland, 3 skins (incl’ng two natural birds) 2nd: 1 skin eachRich Lucidi, John Apostolou, Burt Easter, Rex Gibbons, Bob Layer and Barry Kolin Low-net: 3 skins eachRon Doncouse (66) and John Apostolou (67) Low-gross: J. Kirkland, 87 Also plating: Art Swallow, Fred Mayes, John Lackey and Jim Stanton

Friday, 5/20/11

Course: Summerfield Play: Match

1st: Burt Easter, 89 2nd: Ron Doncouse, 94

Course: Summerfield Play: h-Skins

Monday, 5/16/2011 Course: Bloomingdale Play: a-Skins (awards for nat birds)

1st: Bill Poirier, 4 skins (incld’s two birds) 2nd: Tom Convery, 2 skins 3rd: tied at 1 skin each – Rich Lucidi & Chip Wood Low-net: Tom Convery, 72 Low-gross: Chip Wood, 90 Also playing: Andy Betz

Thursday, 5/26/2011 Course: Cypress Creek Play: h-Skins

1st: tied at 3 skins each – Dave Diehl & John Apostolou 2nd: Ron Doncouse, 2 skins Low-net: John Apostolou, 70 Low-gross: John Apostolou, 94 Also playing: Rich Lucidi, Jim Stanton & Anna Kuhnley

Reservations are required to play with the Hogans. Contact ArtSwallow@aol.com or visit http://hogans-golf. com/ The Club is open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point residents and their guests. Submitted by: Art Swallow (Hogans President)

Do You want to see your Golf League Scores & Photos Here? Send them to:


JunePoem Submissions Happy Glen By Pete Kurdeka

St. George Errant By Pete Kurdeka

One morning, the lovely bromeliad lady of Happy Glen, Was joyfully repotting her flowers once again, When to her surprise Out of a pot there did drop, A little tiny toad, which did land right before her eyes. As she did bend down to pick it up, She thought she heard a tiny voice: “Kiss me, I am a prince in disguise.” As she hurriedly brushed the critter out of her lanai. She really was quite sure, She thought she heard the tiny voice again saying, “Without the kissin’ You will never know what you are missin”

Once upon a time we are told There lived a maiden fair, With lovely eyes and raven hair, One a glen called Happiness by name. One evening dire she did espy An unknown horrendous creature Hideous to the eye. Frightened and concerned, Fearful that her personal virtues Might be compromised, Upon her errant knight she did call. He, gallantly, and with no apparent fear, Upon his giant metal steed, did soon appear. He was shown where the noxious creature did abide. So into the chamber he did stride. His lance, a yard stick by his side, At the unknown, with a mighty flourish he did thrust. When from a crevice, out came a tiny chameleon, Much to his disgust, The moral of this ditty is to say, St. George does not have a dragon to slay every day.

2011, June The News of Kings Point

Kings Point Ladies Nifty Niners

Kings Point Ladies Nifty Niners

Submitted by Lorraine Rings

Submitted by Lorraine Rings

WINNING TEAM #1 with 26 Lee Leverett Karen Bergmoser Peggy Flippen WINNING TEAM #2 with 31 Emma Gadd Tee Bomba Nancy Baron Carol Kowalski

FLIGHT A WINNERS (Tie with 28) Tee Bomba Emma Gadd Lindy Langlois 30 FLIGHT B WINNERS Judy Trombley 25 Carol Kowalski 26 FLIGHT C WINNERS Mary Winter 29 Betty Reithoffer 31

May 5, 2011 Power Ball Scramble

Kings Point Ladies Nifty Niners

May19, 2011 Low Net

Kings Point Ladies Nifty Niners

Submitted by Lorraine Rings

Submitted by Lorraine Rings

FLIGHT A WINNERS Emma Gadd 36 Lee Leverett 23 FLIGHT B WINNERS Sally Repetti 25 Lorraine Rings 24 FLIGHT C WINNERS Mary Winter 27 Adele Moran 25

FLIGHT A WINNERS Lindy Langlois 33 Karen Bergmoser 39 FLIGHT B WINNERS Judy Trombley 36 Sally Repetti 38 FLIGHT C WINNERS Rosemarie Quinn 39 Bea Angelo 44

May 12, 2011 Points + Handicap

Page 11

May 26, 2011 Throw Out Worse Hole

Do You want to see your Golf League Scores & Photos Here? Send them to: news@TheNewsofKingsPoint.com

The Lawn bowling Club offers free fun-filled opportunities to socialize and exercise. Lessons are free.

June 13—Lawn Bowlers Invite Prospective Members

Submitted By Phyllis Hodges If you have seen the lawn bowlers at the SCC Community Association Central Campus on N. Pebble Beach Boulevard and it looked like fun, this 50th Anniversary year just might be the time to give it a try. Beginning June 13 and continuing throughout the year during the second week of each month, the Lawn Bowling Club will welcome prospective members with free lessons during the second week of the month from 9:30 to 11 a.m. Monday through Thursday. “They just need to show up,” said John Bailiff, president. “Our capable trainers, will explain the mechanics of the game and show how it is played.”

At the end of training, the “trainees” will be invited to play in the game with the rest of the members on Friday and Saturday. If you decide to join, the yearly dues of $90 will be prorated. The club has bowls for 25 cents per day until you buy your own. The club is enthusiastic about gaining new members during this special year. Bailiff says it’s an excellent opportunity to socialize with friends and meet new ones. On Tuesday night, a social evening consists of bowling and pizza afterward. Friday is a social occasion as well with hot dogs and covered dishes brought by members to share after bowling. Contact: John Bailiff 813.642.0012.


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12 Page

The News of Kings Point

Investment Ryan R. Hughes is a Senior Financial Consultant with Brownstone Wealth Management. He is available for consultation regarding all forms of wealth building and retirement protection vehicles. 813.961.6600.

What is your risk tolerance? By Ryan R. Hughes Senior Financial Consultant, Brownstone Wealth Management Group Registered Representative of INVEST Financial Corporation The most important thing to know about investing is that it involves risk. In fact, all investments carry some degree of risk. Even if you hide your money in a shoebox under the bed, there is still a risk that it might be stolen or that its value will decrease over time due to inflation. The best thing to do then is learn how to potentially minimize the risk, and make good judgments based on your individual risk tolerance. Here are some tips to help you identify your risk tolerance so you can make

smart investment decisions. First, identify your investment goals. Do your goals include retirement, college funding, or a major purchase, such as a home? Then determine your time frame for each particular goal. Generally, the longer the time frame, the more risk the investment portfolio can absorb, because there is potentially more time to recover from the ups and downs of market cycles. That means that your age and the length of time until your retirement might be a factor when you determine what types of investments to include in your portfolio. Time, however, is not the only

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indicator of your own personal risk tolerance. There are other important factors such as: your ability to tolerate stress, how much you worry about your finances, how much savings you need to have in the bank to feel comfortable, and how your financial decisions affect your family. Experts advise people to have at least six months worth of income on hand to tolerate cash flow emergencies like job loss or illness. When determining your risk tolerance for investing, the most important thing to consider is what is needed to keep your financial home safe. After that, your individual time frame can influence the decision of whether or not you can afford the investments with

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a little more risk. EDITOR’S NOTE: The preceding article is presented for informative purposes only. The information offered in this article is strictly that of Ryan Hughes, Brownstone Wealth Management and INVEST, not the News of Kings Point. NOKP is a community news publication and is, in no way, endorsing a particular financial plan or investment vehicle. Those decisions should only be made with the aid of a qualified financial advisor, not by simply reading a topical editorial.


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For more information, please call Ryan R. Hughes at 813.961.6600, Ext. 202, Brownstone Wealth Management Group, 207 E. Robertson St., Ste. A, Brandon, FL 33511. INVEST Financial Corporation is not affiliated with Brownstone Wealth Management Group. INVEST Financial Corporation does not provide tax or legal advice. Please consult your tax and/or legal adviser for guidance on your particular situation. Securities, advisory services and insurance products offered through INVEST Financial Corporation, member FINRA, SIPC, and affiliated insurance agencies.


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June, 2011

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2011, June The News of Kings Point

33573 is provided by Jim and Nell Taze from items submitted to them for publication. To submit events for future publications, send them by the 15th of the previous month. In addition to information about the event, it should contain cost, or state that it’s Free, and a contact name and/or e-mail address. Limit of six lines maximum. Jim and Nell Taze also publish Ads and Events, a weekly e-mail containing information about what’s happening in 33573. Your event will also appear in the weekly Ads and Events e-mail and on the website www. SCCAdsAndEvents.com. Send all events by e-mail to sccfreeads@tampabay.rr.com. You only need to submit your Event one time each month for it to appear in both The News of Kings Point and SCC Ads and Events. SPECIAL EVENTS Please include all basic information, especially Price (or list it’s Free) and Contact Information (phone, e-Mail, or website). Six lines maximum. Send to: sccfreeads@ tampabay.rr.com As soon as space permits, we will put it in the weekly e-Mail and it will run until event date passes. You do not need to submit it again. PLEASE NOTE: This area is for SPECIAL EVENTS only. WEEKLY, MONTHLY, or ONGOING EVENTS are listed on our website under WEEKLY & MONTHLY MEETINGS at www. SCCAdsAndEvents.com which is updated every weekend. WED. JUN 1 - YOUR FAMILY’S PLANETARY HISTORY, METAPHYSICAL SOCIETY 10:00 AM, Heritage Room, Atrium Bldg. Central CA Campus, FREE. Info: Ed Leary,813.383.7594, www.thechakracenter.net. Speaker: Theresa Phoenix, Astrologer, will talk on Dynasty in Astrology, which encompasses how every family is based on a particular planet. Each of

Page 13

our families has a corresponding planet, which can help us define ourselves, our part our karma, and our nature within our family. This lecture will be geared from beginner to intermediate. Questions are always encouraged. WED. JUNE 1 - DANISH ARMY BRIGADIER GENERAL TO ADDRESS MOAA 11:00 AM, Florida Room, SCC North Side Atrium Bldg. $14.00. Reservations can be made by calling 877.332.3016 no later than the Sun. before the Wed. meeting. Danish Army Brigadier General Jeans Praestegaard will be the featured speaker for the Sun City Chapter of the Military Officer’s Assn. of America monthly luncheon. Gen. Praestegaard who currently holds a position at MacDill Air Force Base, is a founding member of NATO WED. JUN 1 - “ARTISTIC JOURNEY” EXHIBIT AT THE GALLERY 2:00 - 4:00 PM. The Gallery in SCC. Admission is free and refreshments will be served. Additional news of the Art Club activities can be found at http://www.artclubofscc.org. Art Club of Sun City Center, the opening reception for a new exhibit. All welcome. THU. JUN 2 - CAREGIVERS’ SUPPORT GROUP 1:00 - 3:00 PM, Sun Trust Bank. Free. Info: Bernice Levine 633.1886 or Fern Frederick 634.7911. Are you responsible for the care of a spouse, adult child or parent? Is the responsibility too much for you? This support group can help. In a relaxed confidential and friendly atmosphere, people come together to share experiences. The group is moderated by retired mental health professionals. Group meets every Thu. In the future, go to www.SCCAdsAndEvents.com and click on Weekly and Monthly link. THU. JUN 2 - DIVINE FROLICS PRESENTS: “DANCING ON THE TOWN” 7:00 PM, St. John the Divine Episcopal Church, 1015 Del Webb Blvd. East. No charge Donations only to Benefit Lord’s Lighthouse Mission. Info: 813.645.1521. Directed by Brenda Coman, Featuring: J. J. Roberts Cloggers, Jane Cheevers and Pat Bostick - Silver Tappers, J. J. Roberts - Sunsations, Gerry Malden - Time Steppers, Diane LeFrancois - Jazzamatazz and vocalists: Bill Barker, Jean Brown, Troy Coman, Annie Hunter, Vince Robbio and Al Spatola. FRI. JUN 3 - COME LEARN TO LINE DANCE 5:00 PM, Palm Court Cafe at the Kings Point South Clubhouse. Call Jan for info 634.6226. Join in the fun. Jan will instruct and help beginners to learn to line dance. Not just country music line dancing has grown to all types of music. Every first Friday. In the future please go to www. SCCAdsAndEvents.com and click on Weekly and Monthly Events. FRI. JUN 3 - ENCORE PERFORMANCE OF “ODD COUPLE” 6:30 PM, United Methodist Church, 1210 Del Webb Blvd. W. tickets are $10.00. Info and to reserve tickets 813.634.2539 or 813.387.3458. The Pelican Players recent production of the “Odd Couple” (female version) was a tremendous hit with the SCC audiences who filled the theatre with laughter for three performances in April. However, there were too many residents who did not have a chance to see the show- so the United Methodist Church is bringing it back on June 3rd for a one-night encore. SAT. JUN 4 - OPTIMAL HEALTH AND HEALING WITH YOGA 10:30 AM, Florida Room, Atrium Bldg. Central CA Campus. Free. Info: Yoga Club President, Lynne Sells 813.658.5132. In celebration of SCC’s 50th Anniversary, the SCC Yoga Club is proud to host a free event for the community. Sharen Patel, Registered Yoga Teacher, Integrative Medicine, Moffitt Cancer

Center presents this program and include the opportunity to experience gentle seated yoga during the session. Learn easy and pleasant ways to become more turned in to our internal health resources. SAT. JUN 4 - ACADEMY OF BALLROOM DANCE CLUB DANCE 7:30 - 9:30 PM. Community Hall, 1910 South Pebble Beach Blvd. Members free, guests $6.00 Info: Jean Kostka 813.634.1235. Free Lesson at 6:30 “Hustle.” Dressy Casual. BYOB. Everyone Welcome. Singles table available. SUN. JUN 5 - SOUND THE SHOFAR 2:00 PM. South Shore Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way, Ruskin. Info: Pastor David 477.1517. Pastor David Jones of Ruach Ministries in Brandon will be speaking on “The Test Of The Promise.” Everyone is welcome. SUN. JUN 5 - SINGLES SOCIAL DANCE CLUB 7:00 - 10:00 PM, Florida Room, Atrium Bldg. Central CA Campus. Members $3, Guests $5. Info: Bobbie 215.7127. Dance to the music of Thor Stevens. BYOB. Ice, water and snacks provided. Proper dress (no jeans/shorts). MON. JUN 6 - MENTAL HEALTH and AGING COALITION SCREENING for DEPRESSION 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon, in the privacy of your home. To take advantage of this FREE service please contact Lucy Irizzary at 813.232.3200 extension 237 to make your appointment. You can leave a message 24 hours a day. All screenings are confidential. MON. JUN 6 - D-DAY OBSERVANCE TO FEATURE SURVIVING VETERANS 10:00 AM. A D-Day observance will honor WWII veterans at the SCC Community hall as part of the community’s 50th Anniversary Celebration. the program will feature a panel of five speakers, four of which are survivors of the invasion. The fifth is chair of the history Department of Florida Southern College, who will outline what the invasion of Europe meant then and to this day. TUE. JUN 7 - RIDING THE STORM - HURRICANE AWARENESS 9:00 AM -1:00 PM, SCC Chamber of Commerce. Don’t be left unprepared if one of these dangerous storms comes our way. Chamber will host “Riding the Storm,” a symposium on hurricane preparedness. Learn what you need to know, from protecting your possessions, knowing when and where to evacuate, what services are available, and how to recover from a storm’s damage. Come listen to part or the entire program. It’s free and open to everyone. SCC Kiwanis will provide food should you get hungry. TUE. JUN 7 & WED. JUN 8- COMPUTER CLASS: INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS 10:00 AM. Computer Club Classroom, SCC Atrium Bldg. Central CA Campus. $20 tuition payable upon registration. Info: Bob Wehrle 633.4516, bcwehrle@tampabay.rr.com for further information regarding the Computer Club’s Educational Programs. . Register any day except Sun at Classroom 12:30 - 5:00 PM. Classes consist of four, two-hour sessions, held on consecutive weeks. Enrollment limitation of twelve students per class, early registration recommended. Open to all SCC or KP residents. TUE. JUN 7 - DR. DAVIS SPEAKS ABOUT CATARACTS AND DRY EYE 10:00 - 11:00 AM. Sun Towers, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Free. Info: Info: 813.634.3347. Dr. Davis, Board certified Cornea Specialist from Manatee Eye Clinic will e here to speak about Cataracts and Dry Eye. Don’t miss this presentation. 33573 Continued on Page 14

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14 Page

The News of Kings Point

June, 2011

33573 From Page 13 TUE. JUN 7 - eBOOKS and eREADERS 6:00 PM. SouthShore Regional Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way, Ruskin, FREE. Registration Requirement. Call 273.3652, visit website www.hcplc.org, or ask at Library information Desk. WED. JUN 8 - OPENING UP TO CHANNELING HIGHER BEINGS, METAPHYSICAL SOC. 10:00 AM. Heritage Room, Atrium Bldg. Central CA Campus, FREE. Info: Ed Leary, 813.383.7594, www. thechakracenter.net. Speaker: Garner Cowan. Come meet Garner Cowan and enjoy “Conversations with Clara.” You will enjoy Garner’s warmth, empathy and caring. “Clara says...”flows freely exuding truth and all that God is: love, balance, forgiveness, peace and harmony.” Garner Cowan has been a clairvoyant and clairaudient psychic for over 20 years. TUE. JUN 7 - CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE “CHF” SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 4:00 PM. Sun Towers, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Free. Info: Info: 813.634.3347. Join our facilitator Shayne Kull, MSR, from Hometown homecare as she introduces you to a cutting edge resource group exclusively for those living with heart failure and their families and caregivers. TUE. JUN 7, 14, 21, 28 - SOCIAL DANCE CLASSES 5:30 PM Beginning Swing; 6:45 PM Intermediate Cha Cha; 8:00 PM Intermediate West Coast Swing. Sponsored by the Academy Dance Club. Classes held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium Bldg., Central CA Campus. $5.00 per class. Info: Bernice may 634.3205. Open to all SCC and KP residents. Couples and Singles welcome. WED. JUN 8, 15, 22, 29 SOCIAL DANCE CLASSES 12:45 PM Beginning Fox Trot; 2:00 PM Beginning/ Intermediate Slow Dance; 3:15 PM Intermediate/Advanced Cha Cha. Sponsored by the Academy Dance Club. Classes held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium Bldg, Central CA Campus. $5.00 per class. Info: Bernice may 634.3205. Open to all SCC and KP residents. Couples and Singles welcome. THU. JUN 9 - SOUTH SHORE CHRISTIAN WOMEN’S CONNECTION LUNCH/ MEETING 11:00 AM Doors Open, 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM Luncheon and program. Club Renaissance, 2121 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Cost $17.00 inclusive. Info: 813.938.4320 or 813.383.7540 or email aunt. butler@gmail.com. Reservations or cancellation before noon Mon. Jun 6. Pat Schumacher from Mary Kay will give advice on skin care and cosmetics. Inspirational speaker, Amy Peck, “Once believing she lived on the Good Ship Lollipop.”

All ladies welcome. Affiliated with Stonecroft Ministries. THU. JUN 9 - MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 4:00 PM. Sun Towers, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Free. Info: Info: 813.634.3347. Edmond Dubreuil MSW, RCSWI mental health professional facilitates this support group for those suffering from depression, loss or grief or are the caregiver of someone facing these issues. Supported by: South Shore Coalition on Mental Health and Aging and The United Methodist Church of SCC. THU. JUN 9 - INTRO TO GENEALOGY 3:00 PM. SouthShore Regional Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way, Ruskin, FREE. Registration Requirement. Call 273.3652, visit website www.hcplc.org, or ask at Library information Desk. FRI. JUNE 10 - P J ANDERSON GOSPEL SINGER 6:30 PM United Methodist Church, 1210 Del Webb Blvd. $5.00 donation at the door. Info: 813.634.2539 or www.sccumc. com. SAT. JUN 11 - SCC HOME TOUR SPANS FIVE DECADES 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM. For the 50th Anniversary Celebration, a special five-home tour representing the five past decades is planned. After the tour, visit the SCC Information Center at 1002 Cherry Hills Drive for refreshments and to enter the Home Tour ticket in a prize drawing. Ticket $5.00 are available at the Lifeline office, 1002A Cherry Hills Drive, or call Mike Brock, tour coordinator, at 365.0003. MON. JUN 13 - WINDOWS 7: INTRODUCTION AND COMPUTER BASICS 2:00 PM. SouthShore Regional Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way, Ruskin, FREE. Registration Requirement. Call 273.3652, visit website www.hcplc.org, or ask at Library information Desk. THU. JUN 14 - COPD SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 4:00 PM. Sun Towers, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Free. Info: Info: 813.634.3347. Facilitated by nurse practitioner, Joy Barlaan, ARNP and Jan Whitaker, KPN from Ace Homecare. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with COPD, then this support group is for you. With over 50 combined years of experience between the two facilitators, your available resources are endless. TUE. JUN 14 - SCC PHOTO CLUB MEETS6:30 PM. Media Show. 7:00 PM, judging of print and digital photographs begins by Sarasota photographer, Jack Winberg. Caper Room, Atrium Blvd. Central CA Campus. Info: http://www. photoclubscc.com or visit the learning lab at 960D Cherry Hills Dr. Dues for 2011 year remain $20 per person or $30 per household couple. Community members and

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guests are welcome to attend. Midyear photo contest. View digital and print photographs taken by our talented photographers. WED. JUN 15 - PARKINSON’S SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 4:00 PM. Sun Towers, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Free. Info: Info: 813.634.3347. Marcia A. McCall, M.T.S. retired Coordinator of Research Development of Neurology College of medicine USF and “co-author of 100 Questions and Answers about Parkinson’s” will be here for our Parkinson’ support group. WED. JUN 15 - KINGS POINT LINE DANCERS DANCE 7:00 - 10:00 PM Borini Theatre at Kings Point. Tickets are $5.51 available at the box office. Info: Jan 634.6226. Open to KP and SCC residents and guests. Couples always welcome. Plenty of room to dance. ARGH! The theme is Pirates of Kings Point. Wear your pirate gear; bring your own rum and treats. A special game of Pirate Bingo will be played during the evening, finding the treasure to win. THU. JUN 16 - WORD, FONT, PAGE and PARAGRAPH FORMATTING 12:15 PM. SouthShore Regional Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way, Ruskin, FREE. Registration Requirement. Call 273.3652, visit website www.hcplc.org, or ask at Library information Desk. THU. JUN 16 - LOW VISION SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 3:30 PM. Sun Towers, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Free. Info: Info: 813.634.3347. Alina Moser RN BSN will facilitate this group. If you are facing the challenges of low vision or caring for a loved one facing this issue, this support group is a must! A FREE quick vision health questionnaire assessment will be provided. FRI. JUN 17 - MEN’S LUNCHEON 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM. Sun Towers, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Free. Info: Info: 813.634.3347. Enjoy our Men’s Luncheon where you will be entertained by Thomas Drummond as he enlightens us on his Asian Travels! Men, this event is just for you! SUN. JUN 19 - SINGLES SOCIAL DANCE CLUB 7:00 - 10:00 PM, Florida Room, Atrium Bldg. Central CA Campus. Members $3, Guests $5. Info: Janet 633.3558. Dance to the music of Thor Stevens. BYOB. Ice, water and snacks provided. Proper dress (no jeans/shorts). MON. JUN 20 - COMPUTER CLUB ANNOUNCES WORKSHOP 10:00 AM. Computer Club Classroom, Atrium Bldg. Central CA Campus. Tuition is $10.00. For further membership, contact Bob Wehrle 633.4516. Special “Virus Removal Workshop” If you suffer from viruses, and wish to learn how best to remove them, this workshop

is for you. Three-hour session. All SCC and KP residents are invited to enroll at Classroom any day except Sunday from 12:30 - 5:00 PM. MON. JUN 20 INTERNET: INTRODUCTION and SEARCH TECHNIQUES 2:00 PM. SouthShore Regional Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way, Ruskin, FREE. Registration Requirement. Call 273.3652, visit website www.hcplc.org, or ask at Library information Desk. TUE. JUN 21 - ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCATION CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 3:30 PM. Sun Towers, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Free. Info: Info: 813.634.3347. Join Katie Colwell Williams, MA, CMC from Aging Care Advocates for our Alzheimer’s Association Caregivers Support Group. The needed resources are endless! WED. JUN 22 - DIABETES SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 4:00 PM. Sun Towers, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Free. Info: Info: 813.634.3347. Please join Shelley Tanner, R.N. from Angels Care home Health as she facilitates our support group “Everyday Basics of Diabetic Care.” If you have been diagnosed with Diabetes, don’t miss this group! Open discussion, great speakers and resources provided. THU. JUN 23 - ESTATE PLANNING WITH ELDER LAW ATTORNEY, AMANDA WOLF 10:00 - 11:00 AM. Sun Towers, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Free. Info: Info: 813.634.3347. If someone does not qualify financially for the government benefit programs, should they just give all their money away and then try to qualify? For answers to this and other estate planning questions, don’t miss this informative talk! THU. JUNE 23 - WORD: ADVANCED FORMATTING and MAIL MERGE 12:15 PM. SouthShore Regional Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way, Ruskin, FREE. Registration Requirement. Call 273.3652, visit website www.hcplc.org, or ask at Library information Desk. THU. JUN 23 - MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 4:00 PM. Sun Towers, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Free. Info: Info: 813.634.3347. Edmond Dubreuil MSW, RCSWI mental health professional facilitates this support group for those suffering from depression, loss or grief or are the caregiver of someone facing these issues. Supported by: South Shore Coalition on Mental Health and Aging and The United Methodist Church of SCC. FRI. JUN 24 - MENTAL HEALTH and AGING COALITION SCREENING for DEPRESSION 1:00 - 4:00 PM in the privacy of your home. To take advantage of this FREE service please contact Lucy Irizzary at 813.232.3200 extension 237 to 33573 Continued on Page 15

2011, June The News of Kings Point

Page 15

33573 From Page 14 make your appointment. You can leave a message 24 hours a day. All screenings are confidential. FRI. JUN 24 - C.O.A.P. CHILDREN OF AGING PARENTS 2:30 - 4:00 PM. Sun Towers, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Free. Info: Info: 813.634.3347. This is an ongoing support group for individuals who are assisting and/ or caring for older, adult parents. Facilitated by Mimi Buderas, owner of Right At Home in-home care and assistance. Mimi was the primary caregiver to her parents for 24 years and will provide numerous resources! For more information about the group, please visit: www. caps4caregivers.org. SUN. JUN 26 - PATRIOTS CLUB OF SCC SPONSORING CONCERT 2:00 PM. Community Hall, South CA Campus. Tickets $10.00 available at Kiosk, Atrium Bldg. starting Jun 6, M-W-F. Tickets also available at the door. Featured will be Mr. Ken McBride who is well known for his voice. He is a native Floridian, but has entertained groups throughout the Eastern United States. He will perform selections from operas, Broadway, Tin Pan Allen, and of course, songs from his native Ireland. His repertoire includes comedy as well. SUN. JUN 26 - SINGLES MINGLES DANCE 6:30 - 9:30 PM (Please note new times). Studio Room of the main clubhouse. Admission is $5.00. Info: Jeannette 634.5560. Music will be by Thor Stevens. MON. JUN 27 - INTERNET: SAFE BROWSING and MALICIOUS SOFTWARE 2:00 PM. SouthShore Regional Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way, Ruskin, FREE. Registration Requirement. Call 273.3652, visit website www.hcplc.org, or ask at Library information Desk.

TUE. JUN 28 - AVOID THE CRISIS IN RETIREMENT 9:30 - 11:00 AM. Sun Towers, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Free. Info: Info: 813.634.3347. Bob Martinez, Financial Planner, Teresa Jackson, Geriatric Care Manager, James Eggert, Elder Law Attorney and Edmond Dubreuil, Professional Mental Health Consultant present this seminar discussing actions that each of us can take to prevent or lessen life’s retirement issues in the areas of physical and mental health care and estate management. THU. JUNE 30 - SOUTH BAY HOSPITAL PRESENTS CATHY OCHAB, RN 10:00 - 11:00 AM. Sun Towers, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Free. Info: Info: 813.634.3347. Cathy Ochab, RN speaks on the important topic: “Preparing for an Emergency.” Learn what you should know before during and after you need the Emergency Room. THU. JUN 30 PUBLISHER: INTRODUCTION and FORMATTING 12:15PM. SouthShore Regional Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way, Ruskin, FREE. Registration Requirement. Call 273.3652, visit website www.hcplc.org, or ask at Library information Desk. SUN. JUL 3 - STARS and STRIPES FOREVER 2:00 - 4:00 PM. Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. $15 per person, reserved seats. Info: Judy 642.2001. A July 4th Celebration presented by Sarasota Concert Band. Tickets on sale at Community Assn, 1009 N. Pebble Beach Blvd. PLEASE NOTE: The Above Section Contains ONLY information about SPECIAL EVENTS. For WEEKLY, MONTHLY and ONGOING MEETINGS, click on the Weekly & Monthly Meetings link

Camille Mariani Publishes Astrid’s Place

The mystery of Astrid’s Place, Camille Howland Mariani’s latest novel, is whether a murder has been committed. The suspense, however, centers on a mad man who believes he can uncover a fortune in the new place that Astrid Thorpe has bought. That place is really an old Sears model home, now in disrepair, but Astrid intends to have it renovated by a highly recommended handyman, Abram Lincoln. The work is put on hold after Abram suffers a serious shoulder injury on another job. Because he has no place to recuperate from surgery, Astrid offers him temporary residence in her house. Their attraction to each other grows after the discovery of a diary, left behind by the former homeowner, describing the abusive treatment she received at the hands of her husband. As the pair read that diary, they begin to question what became of the man. In the meantime, a long-ago neighbor returns with a disturbing plan to do some excavating for wealth in that old house. Camille Mariani, former journalist and St. Lawrence Plaindealer editor, served as public relations director at the State University college in Canton, NY, for twelve years. She is a native of Belfast, Maine, and now resides in Sun City Center, FL. Astrid’s Place, the author’s eighth book, is available at www. AuthorHouse.com, as well as other on-line book sites.

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vited to attend.... n i e r ’ You Thursday Bridge

Seminar Lunch, Learn & Play This seminar is especially designed for social and party bridge players June 30, 2011 at 9:00 am to 3:30 pm Horizon & Caper Rooms $ 5 Includes Lunch & 2 Morning Lessons ( your choice) $ 3 Afternoon Games An experienced duplicate player will be available to help novices. Regular NLM games in Horizon Room. Call for Information & / or Reservations:

Ronda: 634-7393 Or Purchase Tickets in the Horizon Room, 12-12:20 Tues. - Sat.

Sponsored by SCC Bridge Club


Rebids by Openers John Foster

Rebids by Responders Pat Rippel

Play of the Hand Marian Howarth

Bidding after 1NT Virgil Eveleigh

16 Page

The News of Kings Point


Submitted by Eddie Dixon I am a World War 2 junkie. I love the movies, the books, the news…I love talking to the folks who were there, the soldiers, sailors and airmen of Brokaw’s fabled “Greatest Generation.” Needless to say I am a fan of the Spielberg/Hanks produced HBO series “Band of Brothers.” For those who have not had the pleasure to watch the show, it traces the story of Company E of the 501st PIR from recruit training to the end of the war. These men were true pioneers, volunteers who agreed to take part in a relatively new concept in warfare: the Parachute Infantry Regiment. Later, more seasoned iterations of these units would be described, autobiographically, as “Death From Above.” The day before D-Day, these men gathered on the tarmac, many with faces painted for war and heads shaved in mohawks. The Germans had been told these units were comprised of savage Native Americans ready to take scalps. Though they were regular G.I. Joes from Hometown, USA, these boys lived up to the reputation and then some. They landed, scattered all over Normandy, elite soldiers but still men, men who, behind enemy lines performed superhuman feats, disrupting supply lines and creating disarray that was vital to the success of Operation Overlord. The Toccoa Military Museum brings that humanity home. More than weapons, armor and artifacts of the war, the museum presents the human side of these pioneer soldiers. The centerpiece is an English stable where the airborne soldiers stayed the night before Normandy. Walking through each room brings the war and then men who won it close to home. In and around it you will find uniforms, medals, weapons, photos, maps and other priceless items. But Toccoa is also the home of Currahee Mountain, the standalone peak the loomed over Camp Toccoa, where the original 17,000 airborne soldiers trained. These men came from the 501st, 506th, 511th and 517th PIR and each and every one chanted the battle cry: “Three miles up. Three miles down.” This was the distance to the top of Currahee, which the men ran nearly every day in training. Each man ran up and down repeatedly, a six-mile round trip that eventually earned him the opportunity to leap out of an airplane 1,200 feet above Fortress Europa. Though the military base is gone visitors can still walk in the footsteps of these brave men, three miles up and three miles down. In addition, at the museum, visitors can view exhibiting displays from the Civil War, WW1 Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm and Operation Iraqi Freedom. You will find the Toccoa Military Museum at 160 N. Alexander St. Toccoa, GA 30577. Visit online at www.toccoahistory.com or call 706.282.5055 for more information.

Currahee Mountain

Museum entrance

The English Stable

Toccoa Museum

June, 2011

2011, June The News of Kings Point

Page 17

B U L L E T I N Ceramics Club Certifies

Kings Point Ceramics Club now has four certified instructors. Kings Point Ceramic classes are held every Thursday from 9 AM to 3 PM and every Friday from 8:30 AM to 11 AM, in the craft room.

KP Krafters Donate to Emergency Squad

The Kings Point Krafters recently gave a gift of $1,500 to the Sun City Center Emergency Squad. The money was raised by the Krafters through the sales of their beautifully hand made items.

Pictured are: June Crittenden, President of the Kings Point Krafters presenting a check for $1,500 to Noreen Schramm, Assistant Chief for Public Affairs of the SCC Emergency Squad.

Kings Point Condominium Owners Make Grant to Emergency Squad

From left: Fran Frazier, Lillian Marinello, Mary Anne Moseley have recently completed their ceramic instructor certification from Duncan University. Seated; Florence George, a long time instructor from Gare shows off some of the pieces they worked on for this certification.

June 26—McBride to Entertain at Concert Submitted By Phyllis Hodges

On Sunday, June 25, 2 PM, at SCC Community Hall, the Patriots Club will be sponsoring a benefit concert as part of the 50th Anniversary Celebration. Featured will be Ken McBride, a Floridian who can call the entire eastern U.S. his home. He’s been entertaining for many years at hotels, casinos, theaters and concert halls all along the coast, applying his amazing four-octave voice to the best works of opera, Broadway, Tin Pan Alley and songs of his native Ireland. His renditions from Phantom of the Opera are showstoppers. McBride’s repertoire includes comedy as well. Starting June 6, the $10 tickets will be sold at the kiosk in the Atrium (CA Central Campus, N. Pebble Beach Blvd.). Tickets will also be available at the door. Contact: David Floyd 813.633.3500.

The Kings Point Condominium Owners Group presented Chief Mike Jackson with a check for $5,000 earmarked to purchase two blood pressure machines for use on the Squad’s new ambulances. Chief Jackson in accepting the check said that if you put the word “medical” in front of equipment it automatically doubles or triples the price of equipment. He noted in his remarks that after delaying the purchase of ambulances for almost five years, the cost to maintain the current fleet had risen dramatically causing the Squad to purchase two new ambulances within a short period of time at a cost of $140,000 each. Both new ambulances have been received and a third one is one its way. The Squad, which is an all volunteer organization that does not charge for it’s services receives no public funding of any kind and is dependent on donations received from the Community. Chief Jackson is very grateful to the Kings Point Condominium Owners for their most generous contribution.

Stay Alive for October 5 Submitted by Rosie Clifton

On October 5 Sun City Center residents, who were born in 1941 and thus turning 70 this year, are gathering in Community Hall to party and celebrate their collective birthdays. So far, 23 celebrants have come forward, admitted their ages, and want to join the celebration. However, we’re still looking for more 41’ers! Gordy and Jan Bassett and Bob Mills and Rosie Clifton are now accepting reservations. So call their home telephone numbers. All are listed in the Sun City Center Membership Directory. Those turning 70 also will be able to invite a table or two of personal friends to the party. There is no cost to join in the fun. The party is BYOB and Potluck (appetizer, salads, vegetables, entrees and desserts). We are going to sell 50/50 opportunity tickets to help defray the expense of decorations and dining supplies. The evening will be filled with fun activities – food, 1941 remembrances, recognition, games, and entertainment. While neither our guests nor the celebrants have to entertain us, we’re hoping that some will want to. So far, we have residents who will tell jokes, sing, play the organ, twirl a baton, imitate Gypsy Rose Lee and dance. If you were born in 1941, be sure to let us know and join in the fun. We’ll show everyone how good 70 looks and how much fun we have!

Kings Point Duplicate Bridge Association

Duplicate bridge players in the Sun City Center area are invited to play bridge in Kings Point. Join friendly bridge players in a comfortable atmosphere. Games are held on a regular schedule: Mondays at 9am open games; Tuesdays at 12:45 PM. Non-life masters; Wednesdays at 12:30 non-life masters; Thursday evenings at 6:45 PM open game. Special games to be held: North American Pairs games June 6-10; June 27-30 (red points, under 500 points to play); Silver Tournament at Club games June 13-17. Show your ACBL membership card at the gate for entrance to Kings Point. For further information contact: Pat Filliater, Club Manager at 813.938.3154.

Pictured are (l to r) Sheila Houlihan, Chief Mike Jackson and Charles Hassel, President of COA

Cancer Concerns Group

Join us for a very special afternoon on Friday, May 13, 2011 at 1:00 PM. We are very fortunate to have an Associate Member Gynecologic Oncology from Moffitt Cancer Center. Patricia L. Judson M.D. is a new physician on staff and will speaking about all the latest information on the prevention, symptoms, and treatment of GYN cancers. The meeting will be at the United Community Church, 1501 La Jolla Ave. Sun City Center. For further information, contact facilitator, Hazel Martin at 813.642.9020.

SCC Dance Club

SCC Dance Club welcomes you to our Dance on Wednesday, June 15th. Community Hall, 7:30-9:30 p.m. Music by “dj” Darlene with a variety of music. Attire: Dressy Casual. Members Free. Guests $6 per person at the door. Singles always welcome. BYOB and Snacks. For more information call 813.633.7173.

18 Page

The News of Kings Point

June, 2011

B U L L E T I N South Shore SymphonyOrchestra Announces Second Season

The second concert season of the South Shore SymphonyOrchestra will begin with a concert in Ruskin, Florida on August 12,2011. Future concerts will be held in Ruskin, which is the historic hubof the South Shore community. The Symphony is forging new ties to theorganizations, which are currently at work to make a vibrant artistic communitycome alive in the South Shore area. 
The symphony thanks those patrons whohave made the symphony possible, and looks forward to the continued support ofthe Friends of the Symphony. Proceeds of ticket sales and Patron support have beenawarded to our dedicated symphony members, and have also helped to defrayproduction expenses. Your continued support will assure 
For further information about South us of continuedsuccess. Shore SymphonyOrchestra, concerts and tickets, volunteers and continued support, pleasecontact the South Shore Symphony Orchestra by calling 813.667.7776 or by visiting their website at www.thessso.org.

South Shore Democratic ClubMeeting Submitted by Ann Guiles

TheSouth Shore Democratic Club will meet on Thursday, June 9th at the South ShoreRegional Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way in Ruskin. Coffee, refreshmentsand social interaction are offered at 1:00 p.m. with the meeting beginning at1:30 p.m. All Democrats and likeminded people are welcome to attend. Thismonth’s featured speakers are Cheryl Schroeder and Aaron Carmella representing12 counties of the Greater Tampa Bay Area for the West Central FloridaFederation of AFL-CIO. Ms.Schroeder, Executive Director of the district, will talk about the recentlegislative session in Tallahassee and how what occurred there will affectworkers and unions in Florida.

Kiwanas Lobster Dinner

Barb Carlini and Art Swallow of the SCC Organ/KeyBoard Club played songs for the Kiwanas Lobster Dinner held at the Community Hall on Thursday April 28. Art played the organ with Barb accompanying him on the keyboard.

Lauerate Zeta Pi Honors

From the Editor:

I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who sends NOKP all the terrific news items for our Bulletin Board page each month. I would also like to offer a reminder about submissions. Please DO NOT format the submissions with BOLD, ITALICS or ALL CAPS to emphasize points in the text. This creates additional work for us, as we must remove these prior to typesetting. Also, please feel free to use the SUBMISSION form available at www.NewsOfKingsPoint.com. Thanks!

At the April 29 Founder’s Day Luncheon of Lauerate Zeta Pi, Sandy Council was Honored as the Community Woman of the Year for her energy, vision, and personal time given to make her community a better place to live. Her achievements are too numerous to list. At the same luncheon, Renee Chileno received a Scholarship Award of $500 to help him as he works toward a degree in nursing. Both of these people are truly deserving of these awards.

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Follow NOKP on Facebook. Just go to www.facebook.com/newsofkingspoint and click "Like"

2011, June The News of Kings Point

NCWS Begins 11th Weekly Worship Service

Nondenominational Christian Worship Services is pleased to announce the start of its 11th weekly worship service. The service will be held at the Irongate Senior Apartments in Ruskin. Claire Hadley, pianist, & Jim Butner, worship leader, are shown here on the Irongate property. The 30-minute service will begin the first week in May. Susan Read, property manager for Irongate said, “We are blessed to have NCWS coming to our community on a weekly basis. Our residents are looking forward to participating in the services.” For additional information regarding this outreach ministry please call Jim Butner at 813.634.3114.

CCC First Annual Spelling Bee

Sally Erath, Academic Dean & Wiley Mangum, 1st place winner

Bob Mills, 2nd place & Sally Erath, Academic Dean

John Gold, 3rd place & Sally Erath, Academic Dean

It was a great fun evening as the Community Church College celebrated their first Annual Spelling Bee. There were 16 spellers, 13 sponsors, 3 judges (Dr. Yvonne Ponsor, Dr. Michael Evans and Mr. Ed Barnes) and over 180 fans in attendance. Dr. Wiley Mangum won first prize-a one week time-share on the beach in Puerto Rico donated by Carolyn Deming. Admission for two at Disney World was second prize won by Bob Mills and complete dinner for four at McDonalds will be enjoyed by third place winner John Gold. Unfortunately, Tampa Tribune columnist, Steve Otto, was ill. A note of gratitude to Terry Hood for substituting as the pronouncer. Small gifts and refreshments were enjoyed by all. It really was a very special night--- OH, the winning word? CATECHUMEN!

Page 19

Mission of the Month AMI Kids?

Where do families and communities go to seek help when all else has seemed to fail? The faculty and staff at AMI Kids can help to answer many questions. AMI Kids is a non-profit program for at risk boys between the ages of 14 to 18. The facility Photo by Hazel Martin is located in rural Wimauma and combines education, treatment, Mission Board Member and behavior medication to provide Sally Morse and AMI Kids for the needs of the boys. ??They Executive Director Ralph know there is a future for every kid. Parker The United Community Church, http://www.uccinscc.org, 1501 La Jolla Avenue, Sun City Center presented a check for $1,145 to help make this mission possible. For further information, contact AMI Kids at 813.671.5213.

Life After Loss Bereavement Group

A group meeting is held at the United Community Church, 1501 La Jolla Ave, Sun City Center, in the chapel, for anyone who has lost a family member, significant other or friend. Come join us every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month from 2:30-3:30 PM. For information call: Cora at 813.634.1654 or Anne at 813.633.8638

Rosh Hashanah Special Gift

Beth Israel Sisterhood of The Jewish Congregation of Sun City Center, is offering a special gift package to celebrate the September 28th, 2011, holiday of Rosh Hashanah. The package consists of a gift boxed 8-ounce jar of honey, gift card and postage included. It is a wonderful way of celebrating the Jewish New Year for family and friends. Even though it seems early, orders must be in by August 10th so that you may receive your gift package in time. The price is $10.00 per box. You can call Carol Sisskin at 813.642.9266, to place your orders, or you can mail your check made out to Beth Israel Sisterhood, to Carol Sisskin, 1609 Laughton Place, Sun City Center, FL 33573.

Woman of the Year

United Methodist Church Starts New Boy Scout Troop

The United Methodist Church of Sun City Center, 1210 Del Webb Blvd. West, is proud to announce that they are organizing a new Boy Scout Troop for the South Hillsborough area. Troop #675 should be meeting regularly by the first of June. The church already sponsors Cub Scout Pack #675 and Girl Scout Troop #1300. Boys ages eleven to eighteen are eligible. Please contact Darryl VanderMolen, Committee Chair, at (813) 404-1163 for more information and to register your child or grandchild. For additional information about this and other concerts and recitals at the United Church of Sun City Center, please, please contact Jeff Jordan, Director of Music and the Arts, at 813.634.2539. To learn more about the United Methodist Church of Sun City center, please visit our website at www.sccumc.com.

Cancer Concerns Group

Join us for a very special afternoon on Friday, May 13, 2011 at 1:00PM. We are very fortunate to have an Associate Member Gynecologic Oncology from Moffitt Cancer Center. Patricia L. Judson M.D. is a new physician on staff and will speaking about all the latest information on the prevention, symptoms, and treatment of GYN cancers. The meeting will be at the United Community Church, 1501 La Jolla Ave. Sun City Center. For further information, contact facilitator, Hazel Martin at 813.642.9020.

Marlus Johns, Photo by Hazel Martin

The Woman’s Fellowship of the United Community Church, http://www.uccinscc.org, 1501 La Jolla Avenue, Sun City Center selected Marlus Johns as their Woman of the Year. For the last two years, Marlus has served as Woman’s Fellowship President. During this time, the Women’s Fellowship published a wonderful cookbook and ran a very successful rummage sale. Marlus has served on many Boards, committees, and groups, participating on the Board of Deacons, singing in the Chancel choir and recently reelected as Clerk of the Church. Our church can always look to Marlus, as she is a team player and ready to volunteer, whenever needed. She’s not afraid of hard work and always unbeatable determination to get things accomplished. The community and neighborhood also benefit from her talent. She creates beautiful Bunka Art and serves as an officer of the group. The most beautiful and spiritual gift of Marlus is the care and concern she has for everyone. This is evident as she sits in medical waiting rooms, driving folks to appointments and when visiting a shut-in, she is definitely a favorite. Great fun, fellowship, and joy surround you when you visit her home. Laughter, delicious food, and fellowship abound. Marlus is truly a light and inspiration to everyone. Marlus also received recognition at the Florida State Women’s Conference in Sebring this spring.

20 Page

June 11 SCC Home Tour Spans Five Decades

The News of Kings Point

Memory Care News

Submitted by Debbie Caneen When you need answers, you go to the source, correct? Sun Towers Retirement Community is on the quest to introduce a specialized, state of the art Submitted By Phyllis Hodges memory care unit and the USF For Sun City Center’s yearlong Health Byrd Alzheimer’s Institute 50th Anniversary Celebration, a is our resource of choice. USF special five-home tour is planned is a nationally recognized on Saturday, June 11 (10 a.m. to Alzheimer’s research and 2 p.m.). A $5 ticket admits you program development leader, to the homes. After the tour, all and we have sought out to build participants are invited to the a partnership to better serve the SCC Information Center at 1002 community as a whole. In doing Cherry Hills Drive for refreshments so, the Sun Towers Executive and to enter the Home Tour ticket team visited USF to get a first in a drawing for a 50th Anniversary hand look at the cutting edge prize. (You do not have to be developments and meet the present for the drawing to win.) courageous people responsible. Del Webb built SCC as a Searching for the best in care “retirement community for for our residents and members people of modest means.” Over of the South Shore Coalition the past 50 years, architectural for Mental Health and Aging changes occurred to reflect an lead us to the USF Health Byrd expanded view of life for seniors. Alzheimer’s Institute. On the last The five tour houses represent Thursday of every month, USF each decade of the past 50 years. offers tours of their facility where Hosts are: 1960s—McElroy, 1001 the information is more than Andover Circle; 1970s—Keegan, abundant. Recently, I embarked 403 Blackhawk Circle; 1980s— to USF along with Edmond Arnold, 1819 Columbine Place; Dubreuil MSW, RCSWI and Sean 1990s—Andorka, 2134 Platinum Nelson, Executive Director of Drive; and 2000s—Leesman, Sun Towers. The experience was 1009 Regal Manor Way. At each extremely informative. home, a host will be talking about The increased prevalence of its history. Alzheimer’s disease is alarming For tickets or tour information, and early detection is critical call Mike Brock, tour coordinator, to ensure that treatment can at 813365.0003. Tickets are also be provided in time to best available at the Lifeline office, address the long-term effects of 1002A Cherry Hills Drive. the disease process. At the USF Health Byrd Alzheimer’s Institute, their highly trained physicians have a 90% accuracy rate when it comes to correctly diagnosing those people afflicted with Alzheimer’s disease. The early onset of symptoms can be discrete, hard to detect, and sometimes dismissed. The Byrd Institute has developed a series of memory screenings, along The Andover house with individualized sessions with trained therapists to provide the greatest opportunity for correctly diagnosing the disease. Breakthrough technology is now providing early detection through clinical diagnostic testing, which up until this point was not considered possible. USF has recently acquired a PET scan, which has the ability to detect our brain’s enemy, which The Leesman house is Amyloid Plaque and has been How architecture has changed! The directly linked to Alzheimer’s Andover house is representative of a disease. The exciting news is that house built in the 1960s. The Leesman USF now has phase three clinical house was represents the 2000s. trials of a process to remove this Five houses, each representing one plaque from the brain. decade, will be on the Tour of Homes The difficulty experienced June 11. by a caregiver in providing

Call 813.633.8517 to schedule a complimentary plimentary hearing screening


transportation for the Alzheimer’s patient for diagnosis and treatment can be challenging at best, not to mention the stress placed on the patient going to multiple medical appointments in different locations on separate days. That challenge is about to become a thing of the past. USF is now developing an entire floor of their facility to provide a full continuum of care for patient visits. Just imagine, on your first visit to their facility you will receive a full examination, see a neurologist and receive a PET scan (if needed), along with receiving an evaluation by an occupational therapist for assistance with your activities of daily living. While the patient is seen for the many visits in the same location on the same day, the family member or caregiver will be relaxing in a tranquil area designed just for them. I realize as a resident of Sun City Center, USF must feel as though it is a world away. For this very reason, the goal of the Coalition is to join forces with USF to request

June, 2011

funds from the Community Foundation of Greater Sun City Center to provide transportation to USF so that our local residents may receive the best care possible. The Coalition will also be hosting fund raising events in the near future to provide additional services. If you are interested in participating with the Coalition on one or more of the committees, your assistance would be welcomed. If you would like additional information about the Coalition or Sun Towers’ future Memory Care facility, please contact Debbie Caneen at 813.892.2990 or via email at dcaneen@suntowersretirement. com For information about memory screenings, patient appointments, or participating in clinical trials, please contact the USF Health Byrd Alzheimer’s Institute at 813-974-4355. To sign up for a monthly tour, call 813.974.5697. More information is available on the web at http:// alz.health.usf.edu.

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P U Z Z L E S &more!

2011, June The News of Kings Point

Super Crossword

Time Warp

Page 21

Contract Bridge


This hand provides yet another example of the importance of forming an overall plan of play before you proceed. Assume you’re declarer at six hearts and West leads the king of spades. How should you continue? Actually, the issue is decided by your first play from dummy! If you take the king of spades with the ace, you go down one, eventually losing a diamond and a club against normal defense. But if you trump the king of

spades, preserving dummy’s ace for later use, nothing can stop you from making the slam. Let’s see what happens if you ruff the king of spades. First you cash the ace of trumps, both defenders following suit. Next you lead the four of diamonds, giving West a choice of going up with the ace or allowing you to win with dummy’s jack. If West goes up with the ace, that is the only trick you will lose since you can later dispose of your J-10-7 of clubs on dummy’s ace of spades and Q-J of diamonds. And if West allows dummy to win the first diamond instead, you’re on equally firm ground. In that case, you’ll discard the king of diamonds on the ace of spades, give up a club trick and later ruff two clubs in dummy to bring home 12 tricks. The disadvantage of winning West’s opening spade lead with the ace is that it forces you to choose a discard from your hand before you’re ready to do so. By delaying the discard until later on, you put yourself in a position where, if West has the ace of diamonds, you can make the slam regardless of how he elects to defend. © 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.

Solutions on Page 23

22 Page

Strange But True By Samantha Weaver

• It was 20th-century Belgian writer and philosopher Raoul Vaneigem who made the following sage observation: “There are more truths in 24 hours of a man’s life than in all the philosophies.” • The next time you’re annoyed by a bad case of the hiccups, consider poor Charles Osborne. In 1922, when he was 28 years old, Mr. Osborne got the hiccups. For the next 68 years, he continued to hiccup, finally stopping in 1990, one year before his death at the age of 97. • Those who study such things claim that an average bank robber in the United States nets about $4,000 for every heist. No info at hand on how the researches acquired their data. • If you’re planning a trip to the United Kingdom in the near future, you might want to be sure Windsor Castle, located in the county of Berkshire, is on your itinerary. Built in the 11th century, it is both the longestoccupied palace in Europe and, with more than 500 people living and working there, the world’s largest inhabited castle. As a bonus, through April of 2012 you’ll be able to view a special exhibit on royal cakes. Yes, cakes. Amazingly, included in the exhibit are two pieces of cake from the wedding of Queen Victoria to Prince Albert, which took place on February 10, 1840. • Stephen Spielberg, who has earned two Academy Awards for Best Director, and three of whose films have set box-office records, was rejected -- twice -- when he applied to the film program of the University of Southern California. *** Thought for the Day: “Every man possesses three characters: that which he exhibits, that which he really has, and that which he believes he has.” -- JeanBaptiste Alphonse Karr

The News of Kings Point


June, 2011


© 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.

Hard Knox was created by Kings Point’s own Artist in Residence, Bob Ewing.

2011, June The News of Kings Point

Salome’s Stars

Week of June 6, 2011 ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Lots of possibilities begin to open up by midweek. Some seem more appealing than others. But wait for more facts to emerge later on before you consider which to choose. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Bravo to the determined Bovine. While others might give up, you continue to search for answers. Expect your Taurean tenacity to begin paying off by week’s end. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) You might want to consider stepping back from the task at hand for a while. This could help you get a better perspective on what you’ve done and what still needs to be done. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Your keen Cancerian insight should help you determine whether a new offer is solid or just more fluff ‘n’ stuff. The clues are all there, waiting for you to find them. LEO (July 23 to August 22) Being ignored is difficult for any proud Leo or Leona. But pushing yourself back into the spotlight might be unwise. Instead, let things work themselves out at their own pace. VIRGO (August 23 to Sept. 22) Trying to uncover a colleague’s secret under the pretext of showing concern is ill-advised. Control your curiosity in order to avoid raising resentment in the workplace. LIBRA (Sept. 23 to October 22) Expect to hear good news about a loved one. Also, be prepared for some changes in several family relationships that could develop from this lucky turn of events. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21) Some surprises are expected to accompany a number of changes that will continue through part of next week. At least one could involve a romantic situation. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) You might be upset by some of your critics. But most of your associates continue to have faith in your ability to get the job done, and done well. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19) A workplace goal that suddenly seems out of reach is no problem for the sure-footed Goat, who moves steadily forward despite any obstacles placed in his or her way. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb.18) Uncertainty about who is right and who isn’t might keep you from making a clear-cut decision. Wait until you know more about what you’re being asked to decide. PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20) Be careful to keep your emotions in check when dealing with a demanding personal situation. You need to set an example of strength for others to follow. BORN THIS WEEK: You have an extraordinary ability to rally people to do their best. You would be a treasure as a teacher. © 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.


Answers to Puzzles from Page 21

Page 23


24 Page

The News of Kings Point

June, 2011

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