News of
WITW 2011-2012 Inaugural Winner! Page 5
Happy Father’s June 17th
June, 2012
Oh, The Places You Can Go!
By Brenda Wiseman Recently, I decided to take a ride on the local tram and see what my neighbors are saying about this service. Here’s what I heard: “Without them, I would move!” “The drivers are wonderful and help everybody.” “The drivers should get a bonus.” These are only a few of the comments Kings Point residents shared with me. Not only did I hear about how friendly and helpful the tram drivers are, but Rose Sandberg waits in the Main saw for myself as we made our Clubhouse for tram.
A native Ohioan, Brenda moved to Kings Point to take care of her parents. Before the Spotlight move she was an educator, with including teaching on the Navajo Reservation, a court re bailiff, and director of a runaway nd a Wise shelter. After the move, she worked in Kings Point Security and at WMNF radio. Brenda is the author of Are All My Buttons Red? Thoughts From a Caregiver. She can be reached at
Dagmar on the trip home.
Tami assists Betty getting on the tram.
stops to pick up residents and take them on their errands. Tami McGowen was the driver for the trips that day to Publix and Walmart. She had recently returned from a visit with her family, which I learned as she stopped to pick up her 4 morning passengers. Everybody greeted her with a big, warm smile and questions about her trip. This was my first indication of how important the tram services are
to residents--not only are they taken where they need to be, but they are treated as family. A caring second family, a Kings Point family. We pulled out from the Main Clubhouse at 9:30 a.m. heading for our first stop at Gloucester Blvd. Tami jumped out to assist Betty by using the wheelchair lift and making sure Betty was safe in a tram seat. Then we Continued on Page 3
Excitement building for July 4 Holiday
By Phyllis Hodges Folks are all abuzz about another spectacular Fourth of July holiday in Sun City Center. Festivities begin with a pancake breakfast and include an afternoon BBQ and of course, spectacular fireworks. Why go anywhere else? You can start your day in the Florida Room, SCC Community Association Central Campus, N. Pebble Beach Blvd. (7 a.m. to noon) with delicious “red, white & blue” pancakes, sausage, eggs, toast, coffee and juice—all for only $5. Ann Marie Leblanc, who organized the breakfast last year, said they were elated when turnout was extremely high. They estimated 500, factoring in the absence of snowbirds and residents expected to leave SCC for the holiday. Actual attendance was nearly twice that, but all were fed and had a good time. Sam and Joanne Sudman, who are chairing the 2012 breakfast committee, said some changes are planned this year that will streamline the
Where In The World .............. 5 Deputy Chris........................... 6 CARE....................................... 7 Poem ..................................... 7 Debbie Caneen 33573 ........................ 8, 9 & 10
Sam and Joanne Sudman
serving line and expand seating capacity. The fireworks will start around dusk on ClubLink’s N. Pebble Beach Blvd. property that was the North Lakes golf course. Plan to come early to enjoy an oldfashioned barbeque and music provided by the Sandpiper Grill outside the North Lakes clubhouse. Nick Egarhos, owner, is eager to be a part of SCC’s holiday festivities. He said they will be grilling brats, chicken, Continued on Page 26
Golf................................ 12 &13 Dixon’s Destinations............ 16 Bulletin.................... 17, 18 & 19 Military News . ....... 20, 21 & 22 Faith Bulletin................. 23 & 24 Hard Knox ........................... 29
Map drawing by John Bowker. Fireworks watchers will be allowed anywhere outside the designated area (dashed line), which will be clearly defined. Watchers with chairs or blankets will be allowed inside a designated roped off area (shown on map with dotted lines). Organizers emphasize that this requirement is a safety “MUST ” and that violations can cause immediate shutdown of the display.
Inside Crossword & Sudoku........... 29 Contract Bridge................... 29 Horoscopes.......................... 31 Solutions to Puzzles.............. 31
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