News Of Kings Point June 2013

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News of

Happy Father’s June 16th

June, 2013

Model citizens -The Kings Point Model Train Club Brings Imagination to Life

By E. Adam Porter News of Kings Point Walk into the North Clubhouse and hang a left down the hallway. You can’t miss it. Peek inside and find a world in miniature, men studying it with deep concentration. Some tinker with this and that. Others flip switches and watch as their tiny trains come to life, chugging quietly down the track. The engines and their cars pass through industrial areas, countryside and small towns, all wrought in whimsical detail. One glance and two things become abundantly clear – what you are looking at sure took a lot of work, and these guys are having a blast. One of the latest decisions by the club is a plan to move away from DC current to DCC current. Member, Jim Langdoc, explains, “DCC or Digital Direct Current will allow us to do more. The trains can be operated more realistically. Model railroads for years have been run on the idea that to move

Members of the Kings Point Model Railroad Club include Charlie Gause, Vic Dougherty, Erwin Weinstein, Martin Helveston, Jim Langdoc, Joe Collins, Carl Tournear and Lou Einhorn.

the train you turn the current to the rails on and off. With DCC the rails are hot the whole time. You can dial up or down the speed of the train, regulating the engine rather than the power to the rails.” The cost of the DCC conversion will be largely covered by a grant from the Kings Point

COA. “This grant allows us to prepare for the future. We can modernize the layout and prepare for new members who are accustomed to using DCC current in their own train sets.” Langdoc said. Though the setup – and it’s expansive – has Grand Central, Orlando and Kings Point

stations, the environments are not precisely modeled after any specific geographical or metro area. The guys just let their imaginations drive their creativity. “Some of it is industrial and some of it is residential. A large part of it is industrial because that is where it makes Continued on Page 21

There is Nothing Like a Dame

Sun City Center is fortunate to have two theater companies, The Performing Arts Company and the Pelican Players, to entertain audiences from the greater Tampa Bay area. Both companies have recently appointed women to lead the way. These women have great energy, are passionate about theater, and are excellent performers who are both dedicated to ensuring the future of theater in the South Shore. PAC President, Ellen Kleinschmidt and Pelican Players President, Linda Halperin have dynamic new approaches to theater growth and hopes for South Shore theater lovers. To borrow the title of a song from the popular Rodgers and Hammerstein musical, South Pacific, “There is nothing like a dame”. And when it comes to excellence in theater production and management, these two dynamic, dedicated “dames” are out to prove that they’ve got what it takes to get the job done!! Both Linda and Ellen come from strong, yet different theater backgrounds. Linda was a theater major in college where she learned all aspects of theater production. But her career for 25

Poem ...................................... 2 Emergency Squad................. 3 Where In The World............... 6 Dixie Destination ....... 6, 7 & 13 33573.............................. 10-12 Golf............................... 16 & 17

years has been as an oncology social worker. Her retirement goal was to become involved with a local theater company. Imagine her joy when she found the Pelican Players in her own backyard. Ellen’s career has been in music education, with 25 years spent as an elementary music specialist. She has spent the last 13 years learning everything she could about the world of musical theater, both onstage and off. Her playground has been The Riverview Little Theater and The Rollins Theater, home of the Performing Arts Company. A recent meeting between the two presidents focused on how each group could work together to contribute to the success of the performing arts in the South Shore. Plans discussed include cross advertising, promoting each others’ shows, syncing calendars to avoid overlapping of performances and meeting on a regular basis to brainstorm issues and new ideas. A director’s workshop, conducted by PAC Chairman of the Board and former NY actor and director, Lew Resseguie and sponsored by both theater companies, is scheduled for this summer. Part of the future will most

Photo by Jo Prater Ellen Kleinschmidt, President of the Performing Arts Company, and Linda Halperin, President of the Pelican Players are the two “Dames” who are working together to prove that they’ve got what it takes to get the job done when it comes to excellence in theater production and presentations.

probably cause the two companies to unite in some fashion in order to continue presenting musicals and plays to an audience that doesn’t have to drive 45 minutes to Tampa or Sarasota for their theater entertainment. Foremost on both women’s agendas is to make sure that the surrounding communities know that all


Club News ................... 18 & 19 Community Contributor...... 21 LEO Letter ............................. 21 Bulletin............................ 22-24 Crossword & Sudoku........... 29 Military.................................. 25 Contract Bridge................... 29 Care ..................................... 26 Solutions to Puzzles.............. 31

performances by both theater companies are open to the public. Everyone is welcome to audition and to attend all shows! The primary goal of the Pelican Players has been to provide college scholarships to high school seniors interested in pursuing a degree in the performing arts. Halperin

Continued on Page 5

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2 Page

The News of Kings Point

The Editor’s Corner

Why Local News Matters

By E. Adam Porter, Editor in Chief, NOKP Recently I was chatting with several reporter and editor friends about one of our favorite old saws… the “state of the media these days.” While it’s true that much has changed, much has remained the same. Because of the increasing immediacy of the appetite for breaking news, most national and international news is being consumed, discussed and shared online. Some larger metro publications are doing well, while many are suffering. All are trying to figure out how to mix web and print without losing money. Larger publications that are doing well have discovered a “secret” that folks like us knew a long time ago. People love local news. We pick up our community publications like News of Kings Point and News of Sun City Center because they are the story of us. We don’t have to ask why these stories matter, because they are about us and for us. They matter because we matter. Our communities, our friends, our neighbors. The places we like to go and the things we love to do. Local community publications protect what we value most. Community pride, local institutions, traditions and culture. They show us what is happening close to home and offer us opportunities to get involved. And, of course, we love to see ourselves in the paper. So, what is in this particular community publication this month? You may have already read about the guys having fun making those tiny trains run on time. Be sure to bring your grandkids by if they visit this summer. And about those classy ladies joining forces to bring great community

theater to Southshore and SCC. Pelican Players and PAC are doing amazing work both in and for this community. So, be sure to check them out and fill the seats at their shows. In this issue you can also read about the incredible SCC Emergency Squad, all the latest club and faith community news, and hear from Debbie Caneen about the countless ways you can connect with your community this month. There’s also some terrific stories about our local CERT program, our local veterans groups, an update from Deputy Castillo and, of course, our travel guru, Eddie Dixon, has more stories and pictures sent in from folks who took a trip, and took NOKP with them. Classifieds… Many readers have asked about NOKP printing classifieds. Some of you have contacted us online to share your support of the idea. Thank you for letting your voice be heard. We appreciate your input. Because we are a print monthly, we are looking into an Internet based classified system where residents of Kings Point, SCC and South Hillsborough can share information, buy locally and sell locally. We have not finalized our plan with regard to that, but we will keep you posted via our website at If you have not yet subscribed to our site, take a moment to do so right now. Go to www., scroll down and submit your email. I will announce our decision with regards to online classified ads in News of Kings Point in the July issue, but you will find out first on the website. So keep those opinions coming in via our submission form at the site. Happy summertime, friends. Have fun. Stay cool…and enjoy reading News of Kings Point cover to cover each month.

June, 2013

June Poem Submissions He Whispers… Leaves sway with divine syncopations; Chimes sing both silent and thunderous melodies; Pinwheels spin with dizzying splendor while flags dance in wanton celebration. With wind alight from Heaven, He whispers His loving purpose for all things. Suzanne S. Austin-Hill ©2012

News of Submissions The News of Kings Point is your community newspaper, exclusively serving, first, Kings Point, and then the greater Sun City Center community. We are dedicated to providing you with a local paper that has a “home town” feeling. We aim to represent every resident, business and organization with respect, dignity and equanimity. Submissions we currently accept include: Information about community events or businesses, club and group announcements, stories and poems, your favorite joke, song, photo, artwork or travel story. In fact, if you send us a photo of you on your travels holding the News of Kings Point and we guarantee publication. Do not format submissions. Simple paragraphs without ALL CAPS, etc. are preferred and will receive first consideration for publication. The publisher reserves the right to refuse or edit all submissions. Neither the publisher nor the editor of the News of Kings Point assume any responsibility for the return of advertising or submitted materials. Mailed photos will only be returned if a SASE is included with the submission. All content is subject to space limitations and other considerations. Mailed submissions should be sent to: The News of Kings Point, Inc. PO Box 6212 Sun City Center, FL 33573-6212 Electronic submissions are preferred and can be submitted through the SUBMISSIONS link at Letters or Comments The News of Kings Point will not publish political or religious letters to the editor, no matter how impassioned or well intentioned. We will publish thank-yous for good service. However, we do offer our readers an opportunity to comment on our feature articles. To do so, please visit www.NewsOfKingsPoint. com and find the articles published there. As a rule, we publish all front page, Editor’s Corner and Dixon’s Destinations articles. In keeping with our editorial guidelines, comments will be moderated to insure civility and polite language. Opposing opinions and honest commentary are encouraged and appreciated in this forum. Abusive or prejudicial language or conduct will not be permitted. Declarations The News of Kings Point is not affiliated with Kings Point, Kings Point Mgmt LLC, Minto Properties or the Federations of Kings Point Associations, Inc. No part of this news publication may be reproduced without the express written consent of The News of Kings Point, Inc. All editorial copy is strictly the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of this publication, its officers or employees. Adam Porter Editor in Chief

Staff and Contributors

News of Kings Point on Line

John Wolf Advertising Sales


Nancy Jean Design and Layout

Debbie Caneen 33573 Events

2013, June The News of Kings Point

Page 3

New Dispatchers

Chief Scores Second Hole-In-One

Noreen Schramm, Chief of the SCC Emergency Squad and also a member of Caloosa Greens Golf Club scored her second hole-in-one within three months. She used the same club, a three wood, on the same hole to score both aces.

L to R: Linda Conklin, Mgr. of Dispatch Training, Karen Crippen, Asst. Mgr. Dispatch training, Dick Seagrave, Peggy Seagrave, Judy Green, Cindi Russell, Mike Schramm and Steve Bullock.

Squad Chaplain Presents Donation

Jim Butner, Worship Leader for NCWS, is shown presenting checks to Noreen Schramm, Chief of the Sun City Center Emergency Squad totaling $1610. The donations were from the love offerings for the month of April. Jim also serves as Chaplain for the squad as well as an ambulance driver for Team 5. Chief Schramm commented, “It’s only through the donations we receive from our neighbors that we are able to continue our service to the community.” For more information regarding Nondenominational Christian Worship Services and it’s ever expanding ministries, please call Jim at 634-3114.

Adult Primary Care


In a State-of-the-Art New Facility! JSA Medical Group in Sun City Center is a comprehensive primary care clinic with many services offered in-house including radiology and labs! There is no better time to become a member of JSA!


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Six brand new dispatchers are currently being trained in the proper procedures for dispatching emergency vehicles to various hospitals and nursing homes. Their voice is the first voice you will hear when you call the Squad with a medical emergency. If you think this line of volunteer work might be something you’d be interested in, please give us a call at 633-1411 or visit our web site at or just drop by to 720 Ray Watson Drive. Continued on Page 8



JSA Medical Group - Sun City Center Activity Center is open to the community & offers a variety of FREE community & patient events! (Classes are subject to change)

June upcoMinG eVentS *Register Now! (813) 419-5020 Mon 03:


11 am to Noon 1:30 to 2:30 pm 3 to 4:15 pm

Tue 04:

SilverSneakers® (MSROM)* BEAD CRAfT ClASS (NEW!)

11 am to Noon 2 to 3 pm pm

Wed 05:

lINE DANCING*: Beginners or Advanced (Classes Limited to 30 ppl)

11 am to Noon; 12:15 to 1:15 pm

Thu 06:

SilverSneakers® (MSROM)* TAI CHI

9:30 to 10:30 am 2:30 to 3:30 pm

fri 07:


10 to 11 am 1:30 to 2:30 pm 3 to 4:15 pm

Mon 10:


11 am to Noon 1:30 to 2:30 pm 3 to 4:15 pm

Tue 11:

SilverSneakers® (MSROM)*

11 am to Noon

Wed 12:

lINE DANCING*: Beginners or Advanced (Classes Limited to 30 ppl)

11 am to Noon; 12:15 to 1:15 pm

Thu 13:

SilverSneakers® (MSROM)* TAI CHI

9:30 to 10:30 am 2:30 to 3:30 pm

fri 14:


10 to 11 am 1:30 to 2:30 pm 3 to 4:15 pm

Mon 17:


11 am to Noon 1:30 to 2:30 pm 3 to 4:15 pm

Tue 18:

SilverSneakers® (MSROM)* MEET & GREET Field Rep Erin Welch

11 am to Noon 2 to 3 pm pm

Wed 19:

lINE DANCING : Beginners or Advanced (Classes Limited to 30 ppl)

11 am to Noon; 12:15 to 1:15 pm

Thu 20:

SilverSneakers® (MSROM)* TAI CHI

9:30 to 10:30 am 2:30 to 3:30 pm

fri 21:


10 to 11 am 1:30 to 2:30 pm 3 to 4:15 pm

Mon 24:


11 am to Noon 1:30 to 2:30 pm 3 to 4:15 pm

Tue 25:

SilverSneakers® (MSROM)*

11 am to Noon


Please call (813) 419-5020, or go online for the entire schedule of classes and events:

Dominoes are always available to play at the SCC Activity Center! Some classes have limited space and may be full, but waitlists are available! Please call for more information (813) 419-5020 Please check your insurance coverage for SIlverSNeAkerS class participation eligibility. *MSrOM: Muscular Strength & range of Movement Classes SPeCIAl eveNt:

Meet AND Greet Congressman rooney’s Field rep, erin Welch. “WHAT yOuR TAx DOllARS PAy fOR” Assistance with federal Agencies: Veteran Services flag Requests Military Academy Nominations Internship Opportunities light Refreshments will be served.


4 Page

The News of Kings Point

June, 2013

1509 Rickenbacker Dr., Sun City Center • 813-633-2020 • FAX 813-633-6403 MARGARET “MARGE” CONNOLLY, Lic R.E. Broker • Excellence and Integrity

Sun City Center & Kings Point

Kingspoints finest HALIFAX model located with a POND view. Open floor plan with split bedrooms make for 2 master suites. One and a half car garage provides room for your golf cart. Bank appraisal recently done at $95,000.

2022 Acadia Greens



DESOTO 2/2 single family home centrally located with an oversized one car garage. On the closed North Golf course with a great POND view. Roof replaced in 2010, A/C & new screen room 2011, CPVC plumbing, electric 2003, & R-30 insulation over garage.

708 Reading Place

For Sale

Turn-Key well cared for 2/2 furnished condo which is clean, light & bright within walking distance to North clubhouse and its many amenities. Covered screened lanai with full size Washer/Dryer, covered parking close by and a Kingspoint appliance contract in place. 1801 Bedford Lane # 33 Only$27,500

This ALBANY model located in Kingspoint shows beautifully from the moment you enter through the courtyard everything is well planned and nicely decorated. Split bedroom plan with an enclosed extended 13x12 lanai overlooking the POND. Lots of tile for easy care.

4.17 Acres of vacant land with agricultural zoning. 178.6 feet on Little Manatee River located 1.3 miles from Tampa Bay lots of large oaks on the property.

Expanded ISLANDER with updated kitchen, Light Maple cabinets, Corian countertops, lots of tile. Situated on the 6th hole of the lakes course of Sandpiper. Oversized 2 car garage with side entry. Home has been re-plumbed, furniture available under separate contract.

102 22nd Street NW.





102 22nd NW St ..............VAC ...... $375,000 .......4.17 Acres..178 Ft on Little Manatee Rvr 1015 River Dr Sw ............ 2/1 ....... $250,000 ..........1.29 Ac 1950 home Near Manatee Rvr 2321 Lyndhurst .............. 2/2 ....... $235,000 ..................... Granville Pool Home PENDING 1916 New Bedford Dr ..... 2/2 ....... $199,900 ......... Islander-New Roof, A/C & more GOLF 1834 Wolf Laurel ............. 2/2 ....... $175,000 .............. Exp Islander Updated Kitchen, Golf 832 Regal Manor ............. 2/2 ....... $175,000 ..... Cezanne- Shown By Appt Only $123.Mo 2229 New Bedford Dr ..... 3/2 ....... $164,500 ......................... Yorkshire-Granite, PENDING 236 Amesbury Circle ...... 3/2 ....... $139,900 .............. Limetree Paradise Lost, PENDING 1604 N Pebble Bch ......... 2/2 ...... $129,000 .................. DW52 North Lake with upgrades 1205 Lyndhurst Greens .. 2/2 ...... $99,900 ......... Brentwood Park Like setting PENDING 2022 Acadia Greens ...... 2/2 ...... $95,000 ................. Halifax Open plan, 2 master suites 1912 Grand Cypress ...... 2/1 ....... $92,000 ................ Azalea-Encl Lanai, Jack & Jill Bath 751 Tremont Greens ...... 2/2 ...... $89,000 ................ Albany Beautiful decor, Pond view 2467 Nantucket Harbor . 2/2 ....... $79,900 ................... Cape Cod-Light & Modern, SOLD 2404 New Haven ............ 2/2 ....... $79,900 ................. Concord Split Bed, Vaulted Ceiling 1414 N Pebble Beach ..... 2/2 ...... $79,900 ............. DW51X Encl Lanai, Convenient to all 708 Reading Place ......... 2/2 ....... $74,900 ..... Desoto, Cul-de-sac, Lanai + Screen Room 2101 Hembury ................ 2/2 ...... $69,000 .............. Brentwood Golf & Water PENDING 2240 Greenwich .............. 2/2 ...... $45,000 ...................... Stuart-Nicely furn , large SOLD 2244 Greenwich Dr ......... 2/2 ...... $44,900 ................ Stuart-Very Clean Snowbird retreat 1907 Canterbury-19 ........ 2/2 ...... $44,900 ......... Stuart Well kept home, copper plumbing 306B Fowling Ct.............. 2/2 ....... $39,900 ............. Windsor-Lite Bright Close to amenities 201 Bedford #88 ............. 2/2 ....... $29,900 ................Mansard-Nicely updated, PENDING 1801 Bedford Lane #33 .. 2/2 ....... $27,500 ....................................Lovely economical living 202 Bedford Trl. E111 ...... 1/1.5 ...$24,000 ............. Mansard I-Furnished & Ready for you.



751 Tremont Greens

1834 Wolf Laurel Drive



Rentals • Unfurnished

Dorchester B 33 ..............1/1.5/1C ..... Golf Cart Park................................................... $775 509-B Foxglove ................2/2/1C ........ Attached Carport .............................................. $875 705 Indian Wells ...............2/2/1G ........ Affordable/Comfortable ..................................... $925 2709 Lancaster.................2/2/2G ........ Augusta – So Fine ......................................... $1100 1612 Faxton ......................2/2/2G ........ Beaumont-Spacious ..................................... $1100 2011 New Bedford............2/2/2G ........ Fab in Great Neighborhood ........................... $1300 316 Caloosa Palms ..........2/2/2G ........ Golf/ Perfect Condition.................................... $1400

Rentals • Furnished 1614 Council Drive ......... 2243 Grenadier ................ 206 Andover 93 ............... 305 B Friar Ct .................. 1903 Canterbury B3 ........ 1215 Chevy Chase .......... 1715 Atrium ..................... 2308 Glenmore ............... 307 Knottwood ................ 2236 Greenwich .............. 1303 Beach Blvd ............. 2022 Del Webb ................. 912 Kings Blvd ................ 520 Rimini Vista ..............

1/1/1C ..... Compact / Comfort ......................................... $750 1/1.5/1C .. Sharp & Comfortable ...................................... $775 2/2/1C ..... Minimal Carpet ............................................... $800 2/2/1C ..... Windsor .......................................................... $825 2/2/1C ..... Golf - Lovely .................................................. $850 2/2/1G ..... Close to Recreation ........................................ $890 2/2/1C ..... Lite n Brite ...................................................... $895 2/2/1C ..... Lite n Brite ...................................................... $895 2/2/1C ..... Knolls-Private Pool ......................................... $875 2/2/2C ..... New Kitchen ................................................... $890 2/2/1C ..... Swan Lake .................................................... $1000 2/2/2G ..... WATER ......................................................... $1000 2/2/2G ..... +Den single Family ...................................... $1200 2/2/2G ..... Renaissance ................................................. $2000

Rentals•Summer Furnished

206 Andover D 80 ........... 2/2/1C ..... Fixed Up To The 9’s ........................................ $850 401 Gladstone ................. 2/2/1C ..... Hampton w/ Screen Room ............................. $925 1215 Chevy Chase .......... 2/2/1G ..... T-2 For The Summer? ..................................... $975


2013, June The News of Kings Point Continued from Page 1

emphasizes that “My first priority as president was to ensure that we safeguard our commitment to our scholarship program. The Board of Directors is now in the process of creating a lifelong endowment to support higher education students majoring in the performing arts.” Says Halperin of her goals as president: “I would like to see The Pelican Players evolve and grow into a well-respected community theatre. “ The Performing Arts Company of Sun City Center is committed to staging full seasons of theatrical productions, conducting educational activities in acting, voice, dance and other theater skills, transforming The Rollins Theater into a first-class venue and, eventually, building a state-

of-the art theater. The vision of the Performing Arts Company is to one day become an Actors’ Equity Association theater company which will allow them to bring in NY touring companies, hire professional actors and produce the highest possible quality of theater productions, especially musicals. With the dedication, talent and commitment to excellence these two “dames” possess, audience members and actors alike are in for a fabulous season of theatrical excellence. “Both companies working together toward a common goal is a winwin situation”, says Kleinschmidt eagerly. With a future that looks exciting and bright let’s hear if for the girls and as they say in the theater, “BREAK A LEG, LADIES”!!!!

Page 5

Photo by Jo Prater Ellen Kleinschmidt, Performing Arts Company President, and Linda Halperin, Pelican Players President, met recently to discuss ways to open the curtain on a new era of theater growth for both theater companies whose theaters are located in Sun City Center but whose shows are open to the public.

The Performing Arts Company of S.C.C. Presents P.A.C. Lite Summer Variety Series The stage is set for a “Cool Summer of Red Hot Entertainment” at the Rollins Theater in Sun City Center. The Performing Arts Company of SCC presents a series of seven shows as part of their “P.A.C. Lite Summer Variety Series.” The public is invited to attend all shows at the Rollins Theater. The summer series kicks off on Saturday, June 1 at 7:00pm with an original musical called

The Toybox.

“The Toybox”, presented by drama students from Progress Village Middle Magnet School of the Arts located in Riverview. The evening will also include solos and ensembles by the talented 6th, 7th and 8th grade musical theater students from the school. “The Toybox” is a benefit show, with all proceeds going to The Progress Village drama department. Tickets for the benefit show are $5.00. Donations will be accepted with a chance to meet and greet the students following the show. Other shows in the series include: Southern Express Bluegrass Band which will take the stage on June 15 with foot stompin’ bluegrass favorites; Barbara VanEycken will star in her popular Patsy Cline Tribute Show on June 29. Singer and Songwriter, Lisa Palas will present “Life, Love and the Music Business” on July 13. Kathy Straub is “Broadway Baby” in a salute to Rodgers and Hammerstein on July 27. “The Kegg, starring Kelly Emerson and Gary Garbelman in “Just the Way You Like Them” will bring down the house with their classic rock show on Aug 10; and wrapping up the summer series is “Brotherhood”, a quartet show full of doo wop and pure a capella fun on Aug 24. All of these shows will be presented at 2:30pm and 7:00pm at the Rollins Theater, which is located at 970 Cherry Hills Dr in SCC.

Tickets for each show are $10 each (except the benefit which are $5.00) and are available at the SCC Atrium Kiosk, which will be open Mon, Wed, and Fri from 9am ~ noon, or via credit card by calling 813-220-7913. Season tickets are available for $60.00 for 7 shows. Season ticket patrons will also receive preferred seating for every show. For further information and details on all shows call the ticket line or visit the PAC website at The Performing Arts Company of Sun City Center is committed to staging full seasons of theatrical productions, conducting educational activities in acting, voice, dance and other theater skills, transforming The Rollins Theater into a first-class venue and, eventually, building a stateof-the art theater.

Southern Express Bluegrass Band.

Tuesday, June 11th

at Sun City Center Inn, Sun City Center



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he W t o in

News of


The News of Kings Point

June, 2013

The inaugural 2011-2012 "Where in theWorld is the News of Kings Point" contest was an unmitigated success. Scores of our enthusiastic readers submitted photos of themselves holding the News of Kings Point all over the world. Building on that success, we are announcing the Second Annual "Where in the World is the News of Kings Point" contest. We know that many of you folks love to travel as much as our resident wanderer, Eddie Dixon. So,when you go on the road or on that cruise in the coming months, be sure to take along your NOKP. Snap a photo of you or a loved one holding up the paper with the News of Kings Point masthead clearly visible. Send your digital image to so we can put your smiling face in the paper.

d is rl

Wher e

6 Page

t n i o P s g

Did we mention…THERE'S A PRIZE!!! The esteemed travel experts at Legendary Journeys have generously agreed to continue sponsoring this annual contest event by donating a ONE WEEKCARIBBEAN CRUISE. That's right! Each year we will be drawing a name from our submitted photos and some lucky traveler will cruise the Caribbean courtesy of Legendary Journeys and News of Kings Point. The 2012-2013 contest will run from June 1, 2012 - May 31, 2013. So get those photos in ASAP! Details are available, by request, from

James and Sandee Bernard sailed on April 1320, 2013 to the Bahamas and Bermuda. It was their first visit to Bermuda and they had a great time. Erwin and Hilda Karl sailed on April 13-20, 2013 to the Bahamas and Bermuda. They were returning to Bermuda after a 52-year hiatus. They had gone there on their honeymoon in 1961.

Dixon’s Destinations

The Jorgensens enjoy an adult beverage with the News of Kings Point_Eddie approves.

Judy Lawhon and Beverly Carnes at the Sofitel Resort & Spa in Nadi, Fiji.

Olive Schoonmaker cruised the Caribbean with her NOKP.

with Eddie Dixon This month in Dixon’s Destinations we continue the theme of catching up with some of our Where in the World is the News of Kings Point contestants. We got some great travel reviews this month, so sit back, grab your favorite cool beverage and get ready to get out of town. Caribbean Cruisers Paul and Linda Jorgensen joined friends from SCC including Mary Carter, Linda Warren, Ikuko Martatos and Dotty Shimizu as well as Janie Fitzgerald from Gardner, Kansas. This past April, the Jorgensens went with a big group of friends and neighbors from Sun City Center and Kings Point on an Continued on Page 7

Del and Betty Connell took their NOKP on a cruise in the east Caribbean.

2013, June The News of Kings Point

Continued from Page 6

eight-day cruise that took them to Antigua, WI, Puerto Rico and Nassau. Paul said his favorite moment was swimming with stingrays in Antigua. Another recommended stop was the Bacardi Distillery in Puerto Rico. One wish The Jorgensens passed along was that would have liked to spend more time in the ports. While that is not always controlled by the ships, tine in port may be something to ask about when you book your next cruise. Thank you Paul, Linda and friends for filling us in on your fun Caribbean Cruise. Looks like you had a terrific time! Friends in Fiji Judy Lawhon won an incentive

trip to Fiji through her company, Stampin’ Up. She invited Bev Carnes to travel with her. The friends took off on April 28 and got back to the USA on May 12. Judy and Bev spent five days in Fiji before moving on for nine days in Australia, where they visited Sidney, Ayers Rock and Cairns. They visited several native villages, two rainforests and the Great Barrier Reef. Bev had a great time snorkeling over the beautiful coral of the reef surrounded by fish “of every color you can imagine. While it was just the two of them, Judy and Bev worked with the travel company that handled the Stampin’ Up trip to book several additional tours. Bev’s favorite moments included the Sigatoka River Cruise in Fiji, where they enjoyed

Page 7

Judy Lawhon.

a native village welcome and lunch. Another favorite Fiji destination was the Garden of the Sleeping Giant. Bev said the people of Fiji were warm, genuine and friendly. “It is probably the thing that stands out the most from the trip. Everybody speaks to you wherever you are! As they say, you are ‘on Fiji time.’ Which is slow and pleasant!” Down Under they liked the Blue Mountains and the rainforests as well as Ayers Rock and, of course, the Great Barrier Reef. Bev said, of all the Aussie sites, Daintree Rainforest and the Reef were tops. Bev said Sydney is a bustling and interesting city. “We ate dinner in the revolving tower, 1000 ft. in the air and I got some beautiful shots of Sydney at night. Very unique foods there - kangaroo rump in


plum sauce, crocodile sausage and emu sausage along with veggies done in a ‘down under’ way and barramundi, a delicious white fish.” Bev warns folks traveling to Sydney to be prepared for steep prices. Almost everything there is more expensive than you might be accustomed to. Though they did find a taste of home Down Under. “There were McDonalds almost everywhere and in Australia, and there is Burger King but it is called Happy Jack.” We think it is terrific that so many of you are excited about taking your News of Kings Point along with you to so many exotic destinations, and we would love to hear more about your trips. We will continue to publish stories based on interviews I have Continued on Page 13


JUNE 6 - 8 LAST BUYING SHOW UNTIL OCTOBER STAFF WRITER You don’t want to miss Southern Coin & Jewelry’s last show in Sun City until October. The buying company that works with professional collectors from around the world to find all types of gold, silver, jewelry, old coins and currency will be heading north to the upper Midwest and Minnesota for the summer to search for all types of treasures and rare coins there. So search through your closets and drawers and make sure to get down to the Chamber of Commerce during June 6 - 8 to get the highest prices for your items.

8 Page

The News of Kings Point

Don’t Store Your Love Ones....

Continued from Page 3

The Interfaith Council of Greater Sun City Center recently awarded the Emergency Squad a grant of $5,000.00 to be utilized toward the purchase of 8 brand new AED’s. The Squad is very grateful for this donation because it helps to offset the total cost of close to $24,000. The new machines are lightweight and more compact. Each AED Lifepak 1000 comes in it’s own sturdy case with rugged handles.

June, 2013

Memorialize Them!

L to R: Noreen Schramm, Chief, Nora Merriam, Dir. of Ed., Terri Lance, Asst. Chief, Medical.

Emergency Squad And South Bay Meet Submitted by: Jan Huber, Asst. Chief PR

L to R: Mike Schramm, Treasurer, Nora Merriam, Dir. of Ed., Jan Huber, Asst. Chief PR, Linda East, Asst. Chief Personnel, Terri Lance, Asst. Chief Medical, Bob Rusnak, Deputy Chief, Noreen Schramm, Chief, SCC Emergency Squad, Sharon Roush, CEO, South Bay Hospital, Terri Jefferson, CNO, David Cantrell, CFO, Natalie Diez, Marketing Director, Gary Malaer, COO.

The administrative staffs of South Bay Hospital and the Emergency Squad met on April 30. The purpose of the meeting was to share information that could positively impact our ability to provide quality care to our patients. The Squad and South Bay Hospital share a great partnership in the community. Last year the Squad responded to 6800 emergency calls and the vast majority of the patients were transported to South Bay. It was interesting to note the excellent level of care that goes into servicing the patients as well as the components that make up a successful hospital stay with a good outcome. Interfaith Council Awards $5,000 Grant.

Did You Know ...

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Skyway Memorial Gardens 5200 US Highway 19 North, Palmetto, FL 34221


2013, June The News of Kings Point

Page 9

Health Group Sun City At veriMED Health Group, Sun City, you get more than just medical attention; you get our undivided attention. With complete health care services, we offer everything from routine checkups to treatment of minor emergencies. Above all, we offer patients the kind of old-fashioned, personalized service that’s hard to find these days. Dr. Geetha Krishnan, M.D.

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139 South Pebble Beach Blvd. Suite 207 Sun City Center, FL 33573 Regular Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 8 AM-5 PM Lunch: 12 PM-1PM SE HABLA ESPAÑOL

10 Page


33573 is provided by Debbie Caneen, Director of Admissions, Sun Towers from items submitted for publication. To submit events for future publications, send them by the 15th of the prior month. Debbie also publishes Ads and Events, a weekly e-mail containing information about what’s happening in 33573. Your event will also appear in the weekly Ads and Events e-mail and on the website . Send all events by e-mail to You only need to submit your Event one time each month for it to appear in both The News of Kings Point and SCC Ads and Events. SPECIAL EVENTS Please include all basic information, especially Price (or list it’s Free) and Contact Information (phone, e-Mail, or website). Six lines maximum. Send to: sccfreeads@tampabay. As soon as space permits, we will put it in the weekly e-Mail and it will run until event date passes. You do not need to submit it again. PLEASE NOTE: This area is for SPECIAL EVENTS only. WEEKLY, MONTHLY, or ONGOING EVENTS are listed on our website under WEEKLY & MONTHLY MEETINGS at which is updated every weekend. SAT. JUN 1 - VISIT CAMP BAYOU DURING NATIONAL TRAILS DAY PADDLING THE BAYOU 9:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. at Camp Bayou located 3 miles south of SR674 at the end of 24th St SE in Ruskin. Free nature activities on the ‘Big Lawn’ plus trail walks through 160 acres. Guided canoe tour- $25 rental per canoe or $5 donation if you have your own canoe or kayak. Canoe rental availability is limited starting at 9am. Canoe trip departs from the canoe dock at 9:30am. Estimated paddle time is 90 minutes. Introducing the new and improved photo contest for 2013. This year, winners will receive a prize as well as an award ribbon. Name the Turtle contest. What would you name a captive musk turtle like the one in the main aquatic tank in the nature center? Post your name suggestions on the Camp Bayou Facebook, on the Camp Bayou blog at or tweet @campbayou on Twitter. Lunch option available including drink, grilled cheese sandwich and chips for just $5 starting at 11:30am. More information is on the web at or call 813-641-8545. SAT. JUN 1 - P.A.C. LITE SUMMER VARIETY SERIES “THE TOYBOX” 7:00 p.m. Rollins Theater 970 Cherry Hills Dr. Sun City Center Fl. The Performing Arts Company kicks off its 7-show summer variety series with Progress Village Middle

The News of Kings Point

Magnet School of the Arts musical theater students who will present an original musical called, “The Toybox”, a musical journey about friendship and acceptance. All proceeds from this benefit show will be donated to the school’s theater department. Tickets for this show and all other shows in the summer series are available for $5.00 at the SCC Atrium Kiosk M, W & F from 9am - noon or with credit card by calling 813.220.7913. For more information, please contact 813-220-7913 SUN. JUN 2 - SINGLES SOCIAL DANCE CLUB 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. in the Atrium Bldg., Florida Room. Dance to live music by Thor Stevens. Members $3; Non-members $5. BYOB & snacks. Water and ice provided. Dressy/ casual (no jeans/shorts please). Info: Janet 633-3558. MON. JUN 3 – METAPHYSICAL SOCIETY BOOK GROUP 1:00 p.m. in the Armstrong Room at 953 North Course Lane, Sun City Center. The current metaphysical book is “Ask and It Is Given,” by Esther and Jerry Hicks. No homework and the group reads aloud and discusses as they go. Last meeting is today. Book Group will resume in the fall. Open to SCC/KP members and guests. Admission: Free. For info call Alice at 813 / 634-9065 MON. JUN 3 – METAPHYSICAL SOCIETY DRUM CIRCLE 6:30 p.m. in the Eberhardt Room at 909 North Course Lane, Sun City Center. Bring your drums, rattles, rain sticks, pots and/or pans and enjoy each other’s company in joyous revelry. Last Drum Circle is today. Drum Circle will resume in the fall. The Drum Circle is open to SCC/KP Members and Guests. Admission: Free. For info call Holli at 813-419-4704. MONDAYS ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS (AA) MEETING 7:30 p.m. at the Sun City Center Chamber of Commerce building at 1651 Sun City Center Plaza. This is an open speakers meeting. Anyone with, or who feels they may have a problem with alcohol is welcome to attend. MON. JUN 3 - SINGLES DANCE CLASSES 7:30 - 8:45 p.m. in the Dance Studio in the Atrium building. Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point Residents. . For information call Bernice DuBro at 634-3205 or e-mail dancewithbernice@gmail. com. This is a special dance session for singles only. We will be teaching a few steps in the Rumba. Cost is $20/per person for all four weeks. TUE. JUN 4, 11, 18, 25 - SOCIAL DANCE CLASS Beginning - Cha Cha - 5:30 PM Intermediate - Tango - 6:45 PM Beginning/Intermediate - Country Two Step - 8:00 PM Classes are held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium building. Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point Residents. Couples and Singles welcome. $5/per class. For information call Bernice DuBro at 634-3205. WEDNESDAYS - THERAPEUTIC TAI CHI OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 10:00 11:00 a.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Our therapists have advanced training in therapeutic Tai Chi for Seniors and will provide guidance in this healthy exercise. Tai Chi has been proven to increase strength and balance! This class will be offered EVERY Wednesday due to increased demand. For more information, contact Debbie Caneen at 813-634-3347 WED. JUN 5 – METAPHYSICAL SOCIETY MEETING AND PRESENTATION 10:00 a.m. in the Sandpiper Room at 945-E North Course Lane, Sun City Center. “In Service.” Susan Pagano, of Chapters Health System, Tampa, will speak to what Chapters offers our community through its many and varied services from postacute care for those facing lifethreatening or life-limiting illnesses and challenges, to in-home and community-based services for frail but independent seniors, to hospice and palliative care for

those dealing with end-of-life issues. Open to SCC/KP members. Admission: Love offering. For info call Holli at 813-419-4704. WED. JUN 5, 12, 19, 26 - SOCIAL DANCE CLASS Beginning - Swing - 12:45 PM Intermediate - Night Club Two Step - 2:00 PM Intermediate/Advanced - Rumba - 3:15 PM Classes are held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium building. Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point Residents. Couples and Singles welcome. $5/per class. For information call Bernice DuBro at 634-3205. WED. JUN 5 - PLANE AND CAR MODEL EXHIBIT 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Opening reception in the Art Room. Plane, Car, Boat & Train Models for new exhibit in SCC Gallery. Airplane, Car, Boat, Train models plus paintings of the same subjects Admission is free. Refreshments will be available. All are invited to attend. THU. JUN 6 ALZHEIMER’S CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP 10:00 - 11:15 a.m. at Homewood Residence, 3910 Galen Ct., (Just off Upper Creek Dr.) meets the first and third Thursday of the month. We’ll provide you with education and resources you need in a caring and confidential environment. Heather Comfort, Licensed Clinical Social Worker facilitates the group. Light Refreshments. Call Bev Hurley @ 813-633-4340 or bhurley@ THURSDAYS – MICHAEL McGOLDRICK DISCUSSION GROUP 11:00 a.m. in the Kings Point North Clubhouse – South Social Room (Tell gatekeeper you are going to the Clubhouse). This “Death and Dying” Discussion Group focuses on any facet – from the thought of one’s own path of dying or preparing one’s self and their family for their death.

June, 2013

Join them as they discuss and work through the various emotional issues of dealing with death and the events surrounding mortality. Open to the public. Admission: Free. For Info call Mike McGoldrick at 813-938-1252. THU. JUN 6 - AGING GRACEFULLY SUPPORT GROUP 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Drive, Sun City Center, FL. This is a support group for individuals who are learning to live with the effects of aging in a graceful, healthy manner. Facilitated by Kay Coburn Dyer, Geriatric Care Manager. SUN. JUN 9 - SCC OLDIES BUT GOODIES DANCE 7:00 – 10:00 p.m. in the SCC Community Hall. The entertainment is “White Hot Grill”. The cost is $5.00 per person for guests. OBG members are free. BYOB. For more info call; Barbara Gingrich at 813-633-5649. MON. JUN 10, 17, 24 - SINGLES DANCE CLASSES 7:30 - 8:45 p.m. in the Dance Studio in the Atrium building. Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point Residents. . For information call Bernice DuBro at 634-3205 or e-mail DANCEWITHBERNICE@GMAIL. COM. THIS IS A SPECIAL DANCE SESSION FOR SINGLES ONLY. We will be teaching a few steps in the Rumba. Cost is $20/per person for all four weeks. TUE. JUN 11 - SUN CITY CENTER PHOTO CLUB COMPETITION 6:30 p.m. in the Caper Room. The Sun City Center Photo Club is holding its second full photo competition. This is a great opportunity for community members to view digital and print photographs taken by our talented photographers. Media show “shorts”, created by our photographers, will also be shown. Community members and guests are welcome to attend. Continued on Page 11


Will you be one of the million 65 & older seniors who will need emergency assistance this year? The Men’s Club of Sun City Center & Philips Lifeline provide access to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through Lifeline Medical Alert Who will help if you fall or need assistance – whether medical, fire or sheriff? One push of a small button is all you need to do. What happens if I fall in the shower? Philips personal help button is waterproof – DO wear in the shower. Monthly monitoring fee as low as $25.00. No equipment to purchase and no contract. Provided by your Men’s Club of Sun City Center, a non-profit organization who sponsors Philip Lifeline as a service to your community.

Call the Men’s Club at 813-633-7091

or stop by our office at 1002-A Cherry Hills Drive

2013, June The News of Kings Point

Page 11

33573 From Page 10 TUE. JUN 11 - YESTERDAYZE 7:30 p.m. Kings Point Borini Theatre 1900 Clubhouse Dr. Sun City Center Fl. This five-piece band plays and sings the “greatest music” of the 60’s… some ‘New Christy Minstrels’ tunes and more. Tickets available for $12.50 at the Kings Point Box Office. For more information, please contact 813387-3447. WED. JUN 12 – METAPHYSICAL SOCIETY MEETING AND PRESENTATION 10:00 a.m. in the Heritage Room at 951 North Course Lane, Sun City Center. “Other Worlds.” Speaker Jack Alexander has been intuitively envisioning other worlds of our Galaxy since childhood, and will guide us today as we explore our other-world connection by tapping into cellular memories of our pre-existence in heavenly realms as Divine Beings, being One and the Whole to recall our commitment to manifest it “on Earth as it is in Heaven.” Open to SCC/KP residents. Admission: Love Offering. For info call Holli at 813-419-4704. WED. JUN 12 - DIABETES SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Please join Judy Naugle, RN from Nurse on Call Home Health Care as she facilitates our support group “Everyday Basics of Diabetic Care.” THU. JUN 13 - COFFEE KLATCH 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. at Sun Trust Bldg. 1525 Rickenbacker Dr. (conference room). This is a group where you can share life’s challenges with others and put a positive spin on things. Come share with others how to make lemons into lemonade, make life a little sweeter, happier. Coffee and snacks provided. Offered by Wendy Burkhard LCSW 401 7452.

THU. JUN 13 - CHRISTIAN WOMEN’S CONNECTION LUNCHEON 11:00 a.m. seating begins with program from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Club Renaissance, 2121 S Pebble Beach Blvd. Sun City Center, with Inspirational speaker Kelly Stigliano. Kelly will share “Incomparable, Unequivocal, Unconditional Love”. The program will be the “The Kidz Klub.” The Kidz Klub will entertain with their exciting, high energy music. Menu, Greek Salad plus Beverage and Dessert. Alternate meal of tossed salad with grilled chicken. If you desire this option, be sure to order it when you make your reservation. Cost is $17 inclusive. Reservations are required. Please call Tara Flood 383-7540 or e-mail Make reservations or cancellations before noon Monday June 10, 2013. THU. JUN 13 – NEUROPATHY SUPPORT GROUP 1:30 p.m. in the Caper Room at the Community Assoc. on North Pebble Beach. Are you suffering from pain and numbness in your extremities? Be sure to attend this group where Bre Medlock, OTR/L CLT will facilitate. Learn methods to deal with this condition and provide support for other members of the group. THU. JUN 13 - MENTAL WELLNESS SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. This group is facilitated by Edmond Dubreuil MSW, RCSWI mental health professional. Supported by: South Shore Coalition on Mental Health & Aging & United Methodist Church of Sun City Center. FRI. JUN 14 - MOVIE NIGHT “LOVE’S ABIDING JOY” 6:30 p.m. start (doors open at 6:00 p.m.) at the United Methodist Church; 1210 Del Webb Blvd. West, Sun City Center. You can be assured that it will be

worth seeing because it is a film by Michael Landon, Jr. This is the fourth of the “LOVE COMES SOFTLY” series. The film starts right after the rail road lines connect the states and Missie’s father (Dale Midkiff) is on his way to visit his little girl (Erin Cottrell). No sooner has the joyful reunion taken place when tragedy strikes. The faith and love of this family is once again challenged. For a time they have a rough go of it. It is only through the grace of God that they persevere. Now that they are back on their feet, so to speak, Pa can now go home in peace. Tea and cookies are also served. Although the movie is free, we would appreciate fair donations for the homemade cookies and other treats. This movie is captioned for the hard of hearing. SAT. JUN 15 - P.A.C. LITE SUMMER VARIETY SERIES “SOUTHERN EXPRESS BLUEGRASS BAND” 2:30 & 7:00 p.m. Rollins Theater 970 Cherry Hills Dr. Sun City Center Fl. The Performing Arts Company continues its summer variety series with “Southern Express Bluegrass Band”. If you like bluegrass music, you’ll LOVE Southern Express. Band members have shared the stage with some of Bluegrass music’s most influential pickers, including Bill Monroe, Lester Flatt, and many others. Tickets for this show and all other shows in the summer series are available for $10.00 at the SCC Atrium Kiosk M, W & F from 9am noon or with credit card by calling 813.220.7913. For more information, please contact 813-220-7913. SUN. JUN 16 SINGLES MINGLE DANCE CLUB OF KINGS POINT 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. in the Main Clubhouse Studio dancing to the wonderful music of Thor Stevens. Admission $5.00. BYOB. Ice, water and snacks provided. Proper dress requested. Info: Janet 633-3558.

MON. JUN 17 - PARKINSON’S SUPPORT GROUP OF SUN CITY CENTER - SPONSORED BY THE MEN’S CLUB OF SCC 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive. (FREE Valet parking will be available at the entrance.) Eden Feldman, MSW, Director of Outreach at USF Parkinson’s Disease & Movement Disorders Center facilitates this meeting. Through the summer months, we will have “Sharing is Caring”. Come with questions and leave with answers. If you have Parkinson’s, or are caring for someone with this disease, be sure to attend this support group! FREE Valet Parking available at Entrance. TUE. JUN 18 - “OH MY ACHING LEGS” PRESENTED BY MARTIN ALDRICH, M.D., F.A.C.C. 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive. Dr. Aldrich is a board certified cardiologist who will be discussing the causes of leg pain including signs, causes and treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease and Peripheral Venous Disease. TUE. JUN 18 - ETHICS AND VALUES IN THE BUSINESS WORLD 12:00 noon - 1:00 p.m. at the United Methodist Church of Sun City Center. Rev. Dr. Warren Langer is leading a new program for people working in the business world. There will be a monthly luncheon on the third Tuesday of each month beginning in April, from noon to 1 p.m. The cost is $10 for a hot lunch. Besides the lunch, there will be a short message and a discussion period about ethical challenges in the business community. The Cost is $10 for a hot lunch. Reservations can be made through the church office at 813-634-2539. Also, there are brochures available for you in the church office for distribution to the businesses you use. Continued on Page 12

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12 Page

The News of Kings Point

June, 2013

33573 From Page 11 TUE. JUN 18 - ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive. Bring Your Loved One For a Well Deserved Break. Facilitated by Aging Care Advocates. You will receive information while your loved one is cared for in our Secured Memory Care. Please RSVP no less than 3 days prior to 813-246-4120. For additional information, contact Debbie Caneen at 813-634-3347. WED. JUN 19 – METAPHYSICAL SOCIETY MEETING AND PRESENTATION 10:00 a.m. in the Heritage Room at 951 North Course Lane, Sun City Center. “Managing Life’s Stress.” Speaker James Lynch shares HearthMath’s techniques to manage stressful emotions and to improve our health, well-being and relationships. Open to SCC/KP members. Admission: Love Offering. For info call Holli at 813-419-4704. WED. JUN 19 - CRIME BRIEFING BY DEPUTY SHEFIFF JASON CASTILLO 2:00 p.m. in the SunTrust Board conference room in Sun City Center. Each month on the third Wednesday, Deputy Sheriff Jason Castillo will provide his monthly briefings on crime in Sun City Center. Please attend this monthly meeting to help him keep our community safe. WED. JUN 19 - LOW VISION SUPPORT GROUP WITH DR. OLIVA 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. This support group is facilitated by Ana Maria Oliva, M.D. Do you have an interest in cataract surgery or corneal transplants, have dry eye? Why not ask the Doctor! Dr. Oliva specializes in these and many other disorders and is ready to assist you! For more information, contact Debbie Caneen at 813-634-3347. WED. JUN 19 - CLASSICAL MUSIC APPRECIATION 3:30 PM, Kings Point main clubhouse, SOUTH Social Room. PLEASE NOTE NEW LOCATION. Free. All lovers of classical music are invited. Information: Arthur C. Joy, 813-6339783 or WED. JUN 19 - KP LINE DANCERS FREE “CELEBRATING THE FLORIDA LIFESTYLE” SOCIAL LINE DANCE 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. in the Borini Theatre. Open to KP and SCC residents and their guests. No ticket to purchase. Please sign in upon arrival. Sunshine, flamingos and other birds, palm trees, and alligators too are part of living in Florida. Dress in Florida costume, or come as you are. BYOB and setups Couples always welcome, plenty of room to dance. Call Jan for info 634-6226. THU. JUN 20 - DO IT HERSELF WORKSHOP AT THE HOME DEPOT 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. at The Home Depot #6951 Sun City Center, FL. Greetings! Come join us for the next DIH / Garden workshop. Bring a friend, enjoy refreshments and learn in comfort. How to build an Adirondack Chair plus how to select and plant a Butterfly and Hummingbird Garden. THU. JUN 20 - ALZHEIMER’S CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP 10:00 - 11:15 a.m. at Homewood Residence, 3910 Galen Ct., (Just off Upper Creek Dr.) meets the first and third Thursday of the month. We’ll provide you with education and resources you need in a caring and confidential environment. Heather Comfort, Licensed Clinical Social Worker facilitates the group. Light Refreshments. Call Bev Hurley @ 813-633-4340 or bhurley@ SUN. JUN 23 - SCC OLDIES BUT GOODIES DANCE 7:00 – 10:00 p.m. in the SCC Community Hall. The entertainment is “Reflections”. The cost is $5.00 per person for guests. OBG members are free. BYOB. For more info call; Barbara Gingrich at 813-633-5649. TUE. JUN 25 - AMPUTEE SUPPORT GROUP 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Facilitated by Ty Wilson, Patient Care Advocate with Orthotic & Prosthetic Centers. The

group is open to amputees, their family member, friends and involved medical personnel. It is our goal to enrich the lives of amputees and help them reach their full potential. The tools we use are peer support, education and activism. For more information, contact Debbie Caneen at 813-634-3347. WED. JUN 26 – METAPHYSICAL SOCIETY MEETING AND PRESENTATION 10:00 a.m. in the Heritage Room at 951 North Course Lane, Sun City Center. “Have you Lived Before?” Speaker Rev. Joe Kelly asks if we sometimes feel that some of those people in our life have been with us before. As a former psychologist who has used past life work for many years, he says that the odds are that there is a big answer to that question. Come and discuss this possibility and see what the answer is for you. Open to SCC/ KP residents. Admission: Love Offering. For info call Holli at 813-419-4704. THU. JUN 27 - COFFEE KLATCH 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. at Sun Trust Bldg. 1525 Rickenbacker Dr. (conference room). This is a group where you can share life’s challenges with others and put a positive spin on things. Come share with others how to make lemons into lemonade, make life a little sweeter, happier. Coffee and snacks provided. Offered by Wendy Burkhard LCSW 401 7452. THU. JUN 27 - MENTAL WELLNESS SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. This group is facilitated by Edmond Dubreuil MSW, RCSWI mental health professional. Supported by: South Shore Coalition on Mental Health & Aging & United Methodist Church of Sun City Center. THU. JUN 27 - MOONGLOW BALLROOM DANCE CLUB 7:30 9:30 p.m. at Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Members FREE; Visitors $5.00 per person at the door. Live Music by “Rudy Rosa”. Dressy Casual. BYOB & snacks, and we provide the Ice, water, cups & napkins. Singles Table(s) Available. We have our full 2013 Schedule of 12 monthly dances to Live Music! Information: 813-633-1297 OR 813642-8845. Email SAT. JUNE 29 - P.A.C. LITE SUMMER VARIETY SERIES BARBARA VANEYCKEN PATSY CLINE TRIBUTE SHOW 2:30 & 7:00 p.m. Rollins Theater 970 Cherry Hills Dr. Sun City Center Fl. The Performing Arts Company continues its summer variety series with Tampa favorite Barbara Van Eycken in an unforgettable tribute to the music of Patsy Cline. You will be moved by Barbara’s incredible vocals, authentic costuming, her interaction with her audience, her humor and her ability to start you wondering. “You begin to believe Patsy is really on stage”. Barbara has won numerous awards, has opened for major country artists and has been touring for over twelve years with her unforgettable tribute show. Tickets for this show and all other shows in the summer series are available for $10.00 at the SCC Atrium Kiosk M, W & F from 9am noon or with credit card by calling 813-220-7913 (also for information). SAT. JUN 29 - FRIENDS OF THE TAMPA BAY HERALDS OF HARMONY 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. performances at the new School of Music Concert Hall on the campus of the University of South Florida. The matinee will sell out fast, so order your tickets soon. Call 813-994-8787, or click on the website: http://www. We do offer substantial group discounts, so if your club or organization is interested in doing an outing, you have time to organize before tickets are sold out. SUN. JUN 30 - SINGLES SOCIAL DANCE CLUB 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. in the Florida Room located in the Atrium Bldg. Dance the night away to the music of Thor Stevens. Members $3; Non-members $5. BYOB & snacks. Water and ice provided. Attire: dressy/casual. Info: Bobbie 215-7127.

Freedom Plaza Update Submitted by MJ Rice Welcome news! As of mid April Freedom Plaza may now offer its residents the opportunity to be members of the Sun City Center Community Association. Fact, many long time residents of Sun City Center choose to move into Freedom Plaza because of the end of life care available and often miss the facilities SCC has to offer them. Although Freedom Plaza, a Brookdale Senior Retirement Community is a busy, active senior citizen campus that offers a variety of clubs and activities including golf and tennis (the new courts opened in April) many former Sun City Residents miss the associations they left behind. A long time coming, it has taken the better part of five years and many discussions between the CA Board and Freedom Plaza. Meeting many times over the years, representatives of both parties, Anne Marie LeBlanc, SCCCA, and Connie Lesko, FP Business Development Coordinator hammered out the new agreement. Approved and signed by both parties in mid April, 2013 Freedom Plaza (Brookdale) has agreed to pay a users fee for each authorized resident, which will be the same amount as the CA annual membership dues. With the signing of the

agreement between Brookdale and the Sun City Center Community Association residents of Freedom Plaza who wish to join the CA may now apply. After following a set procedure and when approved applicants will be issued a new yellow badge with FP following their name. Let the fun begin as FP resident who care to may now enjoy all the

facilities of their neighbor, SCC. Freedom Plaza Residents thoroughly enjoyed the Cinco de Mayo events that opened with the Chili Cook Off on May 3. Guests from other Brookdale communities were greeted by live “Burros on the Boulevard” as they came down American Continued on Page 13

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2013, June The News of Kings Point

Continued from Page 7

done with our “Where in the World” contest entrants. In these interviews, our travelers share favorite moments and places, travel tips and recommendations. So, if you are planning to submit your own “Where in the World” photo, when you send it in, please include the following information: Who all went (full names) Where did you go? What time of year did you go? Freedom Continued from Page 12

TheJorgensen with friends.

Judy Lawhon.

Eagle. Residents and guests alike were delighted with the festive decorations, the music, the Margaritas and of course, the Chili tasting! All this excitement was followed by a golf tournament hosted by Freedom Fairways the following Monday. A full field of golfers enjoyed, what else, Margaritas and Salsa in the pro shop following play. The Dance Clubs’ monthly event also featured the Cinco de Mayo theme. Amid colorful and bright decorations guests and residents danced the evening away to the sizzling music of Mario de Leon “The Merry Month of May” ended appropriately enough with the very first production by the new drama club, The Plaza Players. “The Radio Show WFPZ” was a rousing success as the cast provided comic skits from radio shows the audience could

Page 13

How long did you stay? Favorite moments? Not so favorite moments? Recommended attractions, food, shopping? And, as always, if you are interested in booking a trip to any of the destinations featured here, contact our friends over at Legendary Journeys to explore your travel options and book your trip. Call them in SCC at 813.633.4521 or find them online at easily relate to. “Who’s on First” (Abbott and Costello) always an audience favorite garnered lots of laughs were as did the skits from Fibber McGee and Molly, Baby Snooks and The Bickersons. Flash news reports relating to Freedom Plaza filled out the evening that took everyone back to the hay days of radio.

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14 Page

Hurricane Preparedness By NOKP Staff As Jimmy Buffett ably explained, you cannot reason with Hurricane Season. But you can be prepared. According to NOAA and the National Hurricane Center there are two keys to weather safety – preparing for the risks and acting on those preparations when alerted by emergency officials. Here are the steps as provided by the National Weather Service, NOAA and the National Hurricane Center. Gather Information Know if you live in an evacuation area. Assess your risks and know your home’s vulnerability to storm surge, flooding and wind. Understand National Weather

The News of Kings Point

Service forecast products and especially the meaning of NWS watches and warnings. Contact your local National Weather Service office and local government/emergency management office. Find out what type of emergencies could occur and how you should respond. Keep a list of contact information for reference. Many of these numbers are available at • Local Emergency Management Office • County Law Enforcement • County Public Safety Fire/ Rescue • State, County and City/Town Government • Local Hospitals • Local Utilities • Local American Red Cross • Local TV Stations • Local Radio Stations • Your Property Insurance Agent Plan & Take Action Everyone needs to be prepared

June, 2013

for the unexpected. Your friends and family may not be together when disaster strikes. How will you find each other? Will you know if your children or parents are safe? You may have to evacuate or be confined to your home. What will you do if water, gas, electricity or phone services are shut off? Supplies Kit Put together a basic disaster supplies kit and consider storage locations for different situations. Help community members do the same. Develop and document plans for your specific risks. • Water – one gallon per person per day for at least 3 days, remember this is not just drinking water • Food for at least a week •Battery or handcrank radio and a NOAA weather radio, extra batteries •Flashlight and extra batteries •Well stocked first aid kid •A whistle or megaphone to signal for help •Wrench or pliers to shut off utilities

•Moist towelettes, garbage bags and Ziplock bags for personal sanitation •Manual can opener •Solar power charger for cell phones and other handheld devices Evacuation • Review the FEMA Evacuation Guidelines to allow for enough time to pack and inform friends and family if you need to leave your home. FOLLOW instructions issued by local officials. Leave immediately if ordered! • Consider your protection options to decide whether to stay or evacuate your home if you are not ordered to evacuate. If you stay… Be on the lookout for tornadoes, which are often spawned by hurricanes. Also, the eye of a hurricane may make it seem as if the storm is over, but after the eye passes, the wind will change direction and return to hurricane force. *Information reprinted by right according to the Freedom of Information Act.

MODEL HOME GRAND OPENING! Minto Debuts Ten New Model Homes at Sun City Center. Sun City Center has been named a Where to Retire Magazine Hall of Fame Community. And with Minto’s introduction of ten new model homes including paired villas and single family homes, the best just got even better! These exceptional residences complement the refined beauty of an active master-planned community with six golf courses, a world of refreshing recreation, four grand clubhouses totaling 196,000 square feet, and easy access to the relaxed elegance of Florida’s Gulf Coast.

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2013, June The News of Kings Point

Page 15

Hurricane Tracking Map  


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16 Page

The News of Kings Point

June, 2013

Golf Scores - Hogans Golf Club Of Sun City Center and Kings Point

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Course: Sandpiper Palms-Oaks Play: A-Skins 1st: Tom Rosata, Rich Lucidi, Dennis Horne, and Hank Smythe - Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: Jenice Taylor - 61 Low-gross: Jenice Taylor - 83 Birds: Rich Lucidi - #12 Par 4; Dennis Horne - #6 Par 5; Mike Miller - #12 Par 4; Ron Doncouse - #12 Par 4

L to R: Ron Doncouse, Rich Lucidi, Hank Smythe, Dennis Horne, Jenice Taylor, and Tom Rosata.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Course: Sandpiper Oakes-Lakes Play: A-Skins 1st: Reggie Ryan, Burt Easter, Joe DeFelice, Erwin Karl, and Paul Maki - Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: Rich Lucidi - 63 Low-gross: Brandon Michaels - 85 Birds: Brandon Michaels - #10 Par 5

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

L to R: Ron Leombruno, Mike McClintic, Karl Wessinger, and Jim Goss.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Course: Sandpiper Oaks - Palms Play: A-Skins 1st: Hank Smythe - 1 Skin 2nd: Syl Amos, Mike Brock, Rex Gibbons, and Reggie Ryan - Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: Rex Gibbons - 59 Low-gross: Rex Gibbons and Mike Brock - Tied at 82 Birds: Mike Brock - #1 Par 5, #9 Par 5, and #13 Par 5; Hank Smythe - #17 Par 3; Joe Danielson - #17 Par 3; Rex Gibbons - # 8 Par 3; and Reggie Ryan - #7 Par 4

Back Row L to R: Syl Amos, Reggie Ryan, and Joe Danielson. Front Row L to R: Mike Brock, Hank Smythe, Rex Gibbons.

Course: Sandpiper Palms-Oaks Play: A-Skins 1st: Rich Lucidi - 3 Skins 2nd: Burt Easter, Sharlene Peter, Paul Maki, and Denny Wintersteen - Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: Rich Lucidi - 59 Low-gross: Mike Brock - 84 Birds: Sharlene Peter - #3 Par 4; Mike Brock - #5 Par 4; and Denny Wintersteen - #6 Par 5

Back Row L to R: Erwin Karl, Brandon Michaels, Rich Lucidi, and Joe DeFelice. Front Row L to R: Burt Easter and Reggie Ryan.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Course: Summerfield Crossings Play: A-Skins 1st: John Williams - 5 Skins 2nd: Bill Barron - 2 Skins 3rd: Burt Easter and Brandon Michaels - Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: John Williams - 67 Low-gross: Bob Jacobs - 88 Birds: Bill Barron - #18 Par 5

Back Row L to R: Denny Wintersteen, Burt Easter, & Paul Maki. Front Row L to R: Rich Lucidi, Sharlene Peter, and Mike Brock.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Course: Sandpiper Oaks-Lakes Play: A-Skins 1st: Rich Lucidi - 2 Skins 2nd: John Apsotolou, Hank Smythe, Joe DeFelice, Ron Doncouse, and Mike Brock Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: Mike Brock - 59 Low-gross: Mike Brock - 77 Birds: John Apostolou - #14 Par 3; Ron Doncouse - #15 Par 4; and Mike Brock - #5 Par 3

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Saturday, April 27, 2013 Course: Freedom Fairways Play: H-Skins 1st: Ron Leombruno - 4 Skins 2nd: Mike McClintic - 3 Skins 3rd: Karl Wessinger and Jim Goss - Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: Mike McClintic - 53 Low-gross: Mike McClintic - 68 Birds: Mike McClintic - #9 Par 4, #10 Par 3, and #12 Par 4; Karl Wessinger - #3 Par 4; and Ron Leombruno - #15 Par 3

Back Row L to R: Rich Lucidi and Mike Brock. Front Row L to R: Ron Doncouse, John Apostolou, Hank Smythe, and Joe DeFelice.

Course: Sandpiper Oaks-Lakes Play: A-Skins 1st: Burt Easter - 4 Skins 2nd: Ruben Jones and Bob Jacobs - Tied at 2 Skins 3rd: Andy Betz - 1 Skin Low-net: Bob Jacobs - 62 Low-gross: Bob Jacobs - 80 Birds: Bob Jacobs - #6 Par 4 and #10 Par 5 and Mike Brock - #10 Par 5

L to R: Burt Easter, Ruben Jones, Bob Jacobs, Mike Brock, & Andy Betz. Membership is required to play with the Hogans. Please contact us if you are interested in membership in the Hogans at: http:// The Club is open to all Sun City Center, Kings Point and Associated residents and their guests. Submitted by: Pam Jones Email: Phone: 813-419-4376.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

L to R: Mike Brock, Rex Gibbons, Rich Lucidi, Paul Maki, & Andy Betz.

L to R: John Williams, Burt Easter, Bill Barron, and Bob Jacobs.

Back Row L to R: Don Mowry, Ruben Jones, and Mike Brock. Front Row L to R: Joe DeFelice, Bob Jacobs, and John Apostolou.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Course: Sandpiper Oaks-Lakes Play: A-Skins 1st: Rich Lucidi - 4 Skins 2nd: Mike Brock, Rex Gibbons, Paul Maki, and Andy Betz - Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: Rich Lucidi - 58 Low-gross: Mike Brock - 78 Birds: Mike Brock - #3 Par 4

Birds: Mike Brock - #2 Par 4 and #6 Par 4; Ruben Jones - #4 Par 4; Bob Jacobs - #2 Par 4; John Apostolou - #12 Par 4

Course: Sandpiper Palms-Oaks Play: A-Skins 1st: Jim Sari and Andy Betz Tied at 3 Skins 2nd: Hank Smythe and Ruben Jones - Tied at 2 Skins 3rd: Rich Lucidi - 1 Skin Low-net: Jim Sari - 64 Low-gross: Jim Sari - 83 Birds: Jim Sari - #6 Par 5

Course: Sandpiper Lakes-Palms Play: A-Skins 1st: Rex Gibbons - 3 Skins 2nd: Ruben Jones - 2 Skins 3rd: Rich Lucidi and Don Mowry - Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: Rex Gibbons - 62 Low-gross: Mike Brock - 82 Birds: Rex Gibbons - #5 Par 3 and #12 Par 4

L to R: Jim Sari, Ruben Jones, Hank Smythe, Andy Betz, & Rich Lucidi.

L to R: Don Mowry, Rich Lucidi, Rex Gibbons, Mike Brock, & Ruben Jones.

Course: Sandpiper Oaks-Lakes Play: A-Skins 1st: Ruben Jones - 2 Skins 2nd: John Apostolou, Don Mowry, Joe DeFelice, and Hank Smythe - Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: Ruben Jones - 60 Low-gross: Ruben Jones - 79

Accomplished by: vvv Thomas Grate vvv

May 7, 2013

117 Yards 6 Iron Course: Challenge #5 Witnessed By: Melvin Bushart, Ralph Fuente and Harry Porter Accomplished by: vvv Vid Valiusaitis vvv

Saturday, May 18, 2013

May 4, 2013

125 Yards 7 Iron Course: Challenge #4 Witnessed By: Al Lozosky, Harry Porter and Ed Magnuson

2013, June The News of Kings Point

Kings Point Ladies Nifty Niners

Submitted by Lorraine Rings

Falcon Sands

April 25, 2013

Game: Scramble 1st Place Team with 39: Cathy Marquis Emma Gadd Lillian Black Two Teams Placed 2nd with 43: (1) Joyce Bissonette Mary Sundeen Barb Nault Dorothy Mulford (2) Nancy Manning Barb Warner Lorraine Rings

May 2, 2013

Game: T&F Holes Flight A Winners 1st Place Bev Buteau with 16

May 16, 2013

2nd Place Three Tied with 17 Sue Watkins Emma Gadd Nancy Manning Flight B Winners 1st Place Two Tied with 18 Judy Stevens Cathy Marquis 2nd Place Two Tied with 20 Lillian Black Rosemarie Quinn

Game: Even Holes Flight A Winners Sue Watkins 15 Bev Buteau 16 Marilyn Ney 16 Sally Repetti 16 Flight B Winners Mary Winer 17 Susie Potratz 19

May 23, 2013

May 9, 2013

Game: Odd Holes (Back 9) Flight A Winners: Sally Repetti 17 Marilyn Ney 18 Flight B Winners: Joyce Bissonette 19 Susie Potratz 19

Game: Tee to Green Flight A Winners Emma Gadd 21 Nancy Baron 22 Nancy Manning 22 Flight B Winners Mary Winter 26 Rosemarie Quinn 28

Page 17

Falcon Watch 9 Hole Ladies April 26, 2013

Game 123 1st Place Wally McIntosh 60 Terry Winne Nancy Baron 2nd Place Mary Keller 63 Marilyn Mc Cormick Nancy Stevens 3rd Place Jane Boccieri 64 Pat Conklin Sue Freed Mary Arpaia

Do You want to see your Golf League Scores & Photos Here? Send them to:

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18 Page

The News of Kings Point

Men’s Club annual Ladies Day Luncheon

June, 2013

KPAL Artist of the Month

Submitted by John Armstrong

Lily Marlane entertained members and their wives at the Men’s Club Annual Ladies Day Luncheon on May 15, in the Community Hall. She performed songs from the musicals “Funny Girl”,” Phantom of the Opera” and others. Her final song “ MY Way”, a Lily favorite, made famous by Frank Sinatra received a standing ovation from L to R: Jim Rottman, Men’s Club President, Lily Marlane, & Bill Kilman, the 200 plus guest. Prior to each Men’s Club Steward. song, Lily provide history about the song, which was informative and entertaining. Gary Bowman, Special Project V.P., reminded members that the Club delivers Meals on Wheels during July and members can call Gary at 633.8102 to volunteer. The luncheon was catered by Banquet Masters. Everyone had a great time and is looking forward Lily Marlane sings for the Men’s to the next Ladies Luncheon in Club members and wives at the December. Ladies Luncheon.

Pictures by Gary Bowman, V.P. Specials projects Members and wives mingle before the entertainment starts.

Marilyn Miller Bone was born and raised on a dairy farm in West Virginia. She graduated from Florida Southern College in Lakeland. Other than living in Atlanta for five years, she has lived in Florida. After retiring from a family-owned business, she started to fulfill her long time desire to learn to paint by studying with local watercolor and acrylic teachers. She is presently in Diane Simon’s class. Marilyn sums up her attitude about painting by simply stating. “Painting is all about having fun.” I hope you will find time to stop by the Art Studio window in the Kings Point North Clubhouse sometime in June to enjoy some of the wonderful paintings by Marilyn.

Scandinavian Club Show & Tell

The Scandinavian Club of Sun City Center held its annual Show & Tell last month in the Florida Room. A dozen presenters showed a variety of memorabilia, Scandinavian books and recipes, cooking utensil and pictures from generations of families to make it the most comprehensive show we have had. The beautiful women’s national costumes attracted keen interest among the attendees. Many thanks to all the presenters for their efforts and to Sew ‘n Sew for letting us use their mannequins.

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By acquiring innovative technologies such as MAKOplasty precision knee resurfacing and hip replacement surgery, orthopaedic surgeons at LWRMC can now offer more precise techniques that can allow for more consistency and ultimately a better result.

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The Orthopaedic Spine and Joint Center at Lakewood Ranch

8330 Lakewood Ranch Blvd. Bradenton, FL 34202

2013, June The News of Kings Point

Leathernecks Club & Patriots Club Benefit

Page 19

Democratic Club News Submitted by Regina “Gina” Hebert

Mary Mulhern spoke at the May meeting of the South Shore Democratic Club. Ms. Mulhern has announced her candidacy for the Hillsborough County Commission. Ms. Mulhern currently serves on the Tampa City Council. Her talk was titled “What it means to be a Democrat in Hillsborough County”. Pictured with club President Robert Price. For more information on the South Shore Democratic Club visit or Facebook at On Sunday, 5 May 2013, the Sun City Center Leathernecks Club and Patriots Club held a Benefit event at the SCC Community Hall, including a Variety Show provided by local entertainers, a BBQ of dogs/brats/pork chops, and a raffle. The proceeds from this event provided more than $10,000 for the construction of a SMART HOME for SGT Michael Nicholson, USMC. SGT Nicholson (seated) is shown with Jim Glass, Jim Haney, and Bill Stinchcomb (Taylor Mae BBQ) in the accompanying photograph. SGT Nicholson was on foot patrol when he was seriously injured by an explosive device in Afghanistan during 2011, causing him to lose both legs and his left arm, and suffer a brain injury. These proceeds were submitted to the Stephen Siller (FDNY) Tunnel to Tower Foundation for SGT Nicholson’s SMART HOUSE under their Building for America’s Bravest Program.

See Spot.


AMICI members socialized, laughed and tasted two very interesting dishes prepared by Chef Norma at the club’s last meeting for this season. Chef Norma prepared lemon flavored cheese tarts and a special lasagna family recipe from the Dolomite region of Italy. Attendees were delighted with the tarts, which featured gorgonzola and feta cheeses, lemon and basil. Eating lasagna with nuts, figs and poppy seeds was a first time experience for many of the members. Everyone received a copy of the recipes. The tastings, wine and socializing were the perfect way to end the current AMICI season. AMICI will return in September to begin another season of interesting and entertaining programs. Current members will receive notice of the new season at the end of August. New members are always welcome, as are new program ideas. For information call 634-0955.

See Spot Change.

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20 Page

Continued from Page 1

sense to run side tracks for switching.” Langdoc explained. When the Model Railroad Club began a quarter century ago, the setup was much smaller, modular and relatively portable. It had to be set up each time it was used and taken down right after. “Eventually this room became a club room and it was shared with a model airplane club, a model boat club, even a dollhouse club.” Langdoc said. One by one interest waned and those clubs concluded. Interest in the Railroad Club continued. Currently the group has eighteen active members. Subsequently the Model Railroad Club was granted the use of the entire room. Over a period of fifteen years the modular layout gave way to a permanent setup. A panoramic scene winds around the room creating a realistic backdrop for the model. A trio of Kings Point Artists – Pat Herzberg, Cynthia Wortmann and Bob Ewing – painted the backdrop. The club is in the process of building a new 4’ by 8’ portable model to take to schools, libraries, the Boy Scouts and other places that may be interested in seeing a model railroad demonstration. “This layout will allow us to spread the word about model railroading as a hobby.” Langdoc said. Club members said quite a few Kings Point residents bring their grandchildren by the room

The News of Kings Point

June, 2013

when they are visiting during the summer. “We love it when the kids come by.” Joe Collins said. “We had the woodshop make us this step stool to allow children to get a closer look at the setup.” “We just pull it up and let the kids climb up and see everything.” Langdoc added. “When the kids come by it’s interesting to watch them, especially the four and five year olds. When they see the trains come by we see them identifying the colors and counting the cars.” Collins said. The club also keeps Junior Engineer Certificates on hand to offer the kids who come by to visit. The stated goals of the club include maintaining and broadening an interest in model railroading, maintaining the layout, socializing with other members and just having a good time. I like a group that puts “fun” in its bylaws. If this sort of thing sounds like fun to you, membership in the Model Railroad Club is open to any resident of Kings Point. While use of the facilities is limited to members of the club, anyone is welcome to come by for a visit. Meeting days and times are posted on the door of the Model Railroad Club room in the North Clubhouse.

Charlie Gause and Lou Einhorn get the trains running.

Anyone interested is welcome to contact Jim Langdoc at 813.753.9598 or by email at

Jim Langdoc, Joe Collins, Carl Tournear and Lou Einhorn.

Charlie Gause, Vic Dougherty, Erwin Weinstein and Marin Helveston.

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Replace Old Drafty Windows & Cut Energy Bills With Special “No Cost Now Program" Sun City Center, FL – Michael Hollander, owner of WeatherTite Windows, announced a great savings plan for Sun City Center residents. His deferred payments, along with reduced pricing, are great for homeowners who are in need of affordable, replacement windows and doors. All homeowners who respond within two weeks from the date of this notice and purchase energy efficient money saving WeatherTite windows or doors are eligible to make this purchase with no money down and have a payment plan with no interest until 2016. Mr. Hollander emphasized the program is effective immediately – and he will be able to arrange monthly payments to suit the budgetary needs of every homeowner. This very special program features the finest tilt-in w i n d o w s m a n u f a c t u r e d t o d a y. WeatherTite Windows come with 6 great warranties, meet stringent codes

for hurricanes and provide year round security for your home. They are also very energy efficient and custom designed by WeatherTite, your window design specialists for a perfect fit in every home! Plus for the next 2 weeks, homeowners who purchase WeatherTite Windows will get an exclusive special. Buy two windows and get one FREE plus receive a FREE entry door, with minimum purchase. This is an offer that includes a special energy savings warranty and 100% financing. Kings Point owners should call as well. WeatherTite can design and build a window or door to meet your association requirements and work with your board for proper approvals. As always, WeatherTite is proud to offer a special discount to seniors and to retired military. Estimates are always FREE. Call tollfree 24 hours a day for a FREE in-home estimate. These offers will expire June 15, 2013.

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A train chugs its way through the countryside in the Model Railroad Club room. #CGC-1515541

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2013, June The News of Kings Point

The LEO Letter

With Deputy Jason Castillo Lock it Up Recently, the Hillsborough County Sheriff arrested a suspect in what officers believe to be a connected vehicle theft and separate vehicle burglary. We caught those we believe to be responsible and the property has been recovered. The purpose in reporting this crime is not to scare folks. We want to explain that these crimes were what could be called “crimes of opportunity. In both cases, the vehicles were left unsecured and unattended. In the case of the stolen car, the vehicle was left unlocked. The thief simply opened the door and was able to smash the lock on the console and get the vehicle to crank. Fortunately in these cases the stolen property was recovered. In an unrelated case, HCSO responded to a stolen golf cart in the community. Again, we believe this to be a case of criminal opportunity. The vehicle was left unattended and easily accessible. The lesson here is simple, lock it up. Even if you are “just going to be a minute,” lock it up. Even if you are “just running back inside,” lock it up. It is much easier to lock your doors or to secure your golf cart than to come out and find your vehicle gone. You may think you will be too quick for anyone to notice, but those are exactly the sorts of situations opportunistic criminal look for.

Beat the Heat We all know how hot it can be here in the summer time, but for some reason it always seems to surprise us. Each year HCSO responds to two very common heat-related calls. The first is heatstroke. Heatstroke can really sneak up on you. It’s a gorgeous morning so you decide to go out and weed the garden or mow the lawn. You may not even think about how quickly the heat can catch up with you. Every year many, many people learn this lesson the hard way. The time to get hydrated, even if you just plan to be outside a short time, is before you start working. Drink a glass or two of water before heading out into the heat. Then be sure to stay hydrated as you continue to work. The second common heatrelated call is pets left in cars. We all know that our dogs love to ride along with us in the car. What many people do not seem to realize is just how quickly your vehicle can turn into a danger zone for a pet left inside. Even if you “crack” the windows, this does not allow enough heat to escape. In the Florida summer sun, your car can become an oven in minutes. Your best bet is to never leave your pet unattended in any vehicle, ever. CRIME AWARENESS MEETINGS Do not miss the community Crime Awareness meetings coming up in June. The Kings Point meeting is on the second Tuesday of the month, June 11th at 1 PM. This meeting will be held in the Kings Point Fiber Arts room at 1900 Clubhouse Drive. The SCC meeting will be held on the third Wednesday of the month, June 19th at 2 PM. This meeting will be held in the conference room at the Sun Trust Bank in SCC.

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Page 21

Care For The Caregiver

Is Your Loved One At Risk For Wandering?

Are you anxious when you leave your loved one alone, fearing they will open the door, walk down the sidewalk and then disappear? Would you like to go the store and try on clothes but are again fearful that if you leave them standing outside the dressing room for more than a few minutes, they may wander away? Are you no longer able to attend a gathering for fear that if you need to leave your loved one alone to avail yourself of the washroom they may not be where you left them when you return? Do you have the same helpless feeling that I have when I hear about a “Silver Alert”? I hope and pray that the missing individual will be quickly located before anything unwanted takes place. A Frightening statistic that brings this dilemma to light: 94% of Alzheimer’s wanderers are found within 1.5 miles of where they were last seen (vs. 65% for elderly without Alzheimer’s). In addition, 75% were not found on standard roads, trails or other standard travel locations. You must certainly be vigilant as a caregiver of someone with Dementia, but if you would like some assistance, Deputy Jason Castillo with the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office wants you to know about SafetyNet™ by LoJack®. From their website, they state the following: SafetyNet™ by LoJack® addresses the risks associated with the growing number of people with cognitive conditions that wander and become lost. SafetyNet includes a bracelet worn by a client that has a condition such as Alzheimer’s, autism, Down syndrome and dementia and who is at risk of wandering. If the client goes missing, his or her caregiver reports the incident. Public Safety agencies that LoJack trains, certifies and equips with special SafetyNet Search and Rescue equipment are dispatched. These trained public safety personnel track the signal being emitted from the bracelet worn by the client. By using the SafetyNet™ service, public safety agencies can more effectively find and rescue People at Risk, eliminating traditional searches that often take countless man-hours. Caregivers gain peace of mind knowing that when a loved one wanders away, there is a way to bring them back safe and sound. For a onetime enrollment fee of $99.00, LoJack will dispatch Deputy Sheriff Jason Castillo to handle the enrollment procedure for you. He will take a picture of your loved one, teach you how to test the bracelet daily to confirm it is active and ready for use, review the emergency procedure with you and then will change the battery every 6 months as part of the agreement. The bracelet is waterproof and is to be left on for the entire 6 month period. This service costs either $30 per month or $330 per year. There is a 30 day money back guarantee providing all monies will be refunded if for some reason your loved one is unable to wear the bracelet. To find out more about LoJack, call 1-877-4-FIND-THEM (1-877-434-6384) or visit

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22 Page

The News of Kings Point

June, 2013

B U L L E T I N Adogable Celebrates Anniversary June 1st

Adogable Pets is celebrating one year of taking care of your “best friends” here in Sun City Center. In appreciation of our customers and their precious pets, Adogable is throwing an anniversary party – and YOU are invited! Come to our SCC location at 4884 Sun City Center Blvd (in the Publix Plaza next to Subway) on JUNE 1st, for discounts, deals, door prizes (while they last) and refreshments all day – 8 AM to 6 PM. Receive 10% off all merchandise, meet our pet stylists and tour our Adogable facility. Hope to see you on Saturday!

Sun City Center Photo Club

Instructional classes for the month of June

Class Title: “Introduction To The Nik Collection”

June 4th 9:30am - 11:30am Palm Room Tuition: $10.00 for member’s payable upon registration - Non-members may sign up four days prior to date of class if there is room available, $15.00 for non-members. Description: The Photo Club recently purchased a collection of powerful tools for editing and creative manipulation of your photos. This software has been installed on at least two computers in the Photo Lab and is available to Photo Club Members to use any time the lab is open. This class will introduce you to that software and help you understand what it does and how to use it to dramatically improve and transform your photos. Prepare to be amazed!

Class Title: “Introduction To Camera Settings”

June 25th 9:30am -11:30am Palm Room Tuition: $10.00 for members payable upon registration - Non-members may sign up four days prior to date of class if there is room available, $15.00 for non-members. Description: This is a beginner-level class designed to help you understand the most basic settings on your camera and learn how to set them (provided your camera has the capability). Settings such as image size, image compression (if shooting JPEG), focus modes, metering... and more if time permits... will be thoroughly explained. Bring your camera and manual if you wish. Mentoring program offered to members of club: Robert Winch an instructor with our photo lab mentors the first and third Wednesday of each month, Members only, no cost. Sign up at the photo lab Monday – Friday 9:00 – 12:00 noon.

Summer Retail Hours for Nearly New Shop

Starting in June, the Nearly New Shop, located At 1515 SR 674 (Sun City Plaza), behind the Bon Worth Store, will be open only on Saturdays from 8am-12pm. Normal retail hours will resume in September (open Wednesdays and Saturdays). Donations can still be dropped off between the hours of 7 AM and 2 PM, Monday through Saturday. Arrangements for large items to be dropped can be made by calling (813) 642-9099.

Weight Watchers Live Life Active Event Saturday June 1st

Just in time for summer, Weight Watchers invites you to attend its “Live Life Active” celebration on Saturday, June 1st. It could be the best move you make all year! Receive an introduction to Weight Watchers 360° program and join us as we celebrate a program 50 years in the making! This free special event will feature great offers, fun surprises and is open to the public. WHEN: Saturday, June 1, 2013 from 11am to 2pm WHERE: Weight Watchers Riverview, 10629 Big Bend Road Riverview, FL 33579 (Big Bend & 301 – behind Panera Bread) CONTACT: Janet Wright 813-672-0829

Medical Supply Drive to Benefit Local School

South Bay Hospital and American Momentum Bank are hosting a medical supply drive to benefit the South County Career Center in Ruskin. The medical supply drive will assist students who are enrolled in the Nursing and Emergency Medical Responder programs at the South County Career Center. This is a collaborative effort of support in conjunction with the Educational Partnership Committee for the SouthShore Chamber of Commerce. The current list of supplies needed includes: new or gently worn scrubs, lab jackets, digital scales, non-latex gloves, infrared thermometers, blankets, bandage wraps, and blood pressure monitors. Donations can be dropped off in the South Bay Hospital front lobby, 4016 Sun City Center Blvd., Sun City Center or at American Momentum Bank, 131 S Pebble Beach Blvd., Sun City Center. For more information on the medical supply drive, please contact Natalia Diaz at 813-634-0496.

Sun City Center Photo Club Competition

Tuesday, June 11 at 6:30 pm The Sun City Center Photo Club is holding its second full photo competition on Tuesday, June 11 at 6:30 p.m. in the Caper Room. This is a great opportunity for community members to view digital and print photographs taken by our talented photographers. Media show “shorts,” created by our photographers, will also be shown. At 6:30 p.m., we will begin with our media shows on a wide-range of topics. The judging of print and digital photographs begins immediately following. Community members and guests are welcome to attend. For more information on the club and its activities, please see our website at or visit the learning lab at 960D Cherry Hills Drive. Dues for the 2013 year remain at $20 per person or $30 per household couple and provide access to club activities, competitions and classes as well as the photo lab with computers, scanners and large format printers.

Political Discussion Planned

A round table exchange of ideas is planned for the next South Shore Democratic Club meeting to be held on Thursday, June 13 at the South Shore Regional Library 15816 Beth Shields way, Ruskin. The pros and cons of controversial local, state and federal issues will be exchanged in a stimulating town meeting type discussion format. What suggestions and thoughts will lead us to better political solutions to current county and state challenges? What should be changed? The meeting starts at 1:30 with refreshments at 1:00. All Democrats and likeminded persons are cordially invited to the meeting.

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2013, June The News of Kings Point

Page 23

B U L L E T I N Movie Night

Another great movie will be showing June 14, 2013 at the United Methodist Church, 1210 Del Webb Blvd. West, Sun City Center at 6:30 P.M. The name of the movie will be “LOVE’S ABIDING JOY”. This is the fourth of the “LOVE COMES SOFTLY” series. The film starts right after the railroad lines connect the states and Missie’s father (Dale Midkiff) is on his way to visit his little girl (Erin Cottrell). No sooner has the joyful reunion taken place when tragedy strikes. The faith and love of this family is once again challenged. For a time they have a rough go of it. It is only through the grace of God that they persevere. Now that they are back on their feet, so to speak, Pa can now go home in peace. The doors of our LEC hall will open at 6:00 to the aroma of coffee and popcorn. Tea and cookies are also served. Although the movie is free, we would appreciate fair donations for the homemade cookies and other treats. This movie is captioned for the hard of hearing.

Jazzmatazz adding a session

The Jazz Dance Club, Jazzmatazz, is adding another session to their weekly schedule. In addition to meeting on Saturday at 10:00 AM, the group will also meet on Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. at the Central Campus atrium dance studio. If you love to dance, you’ll love this dance experience taught by performing arts dancer, Diane Le Francois. The emphasis on technique will transfer to all of your dancing, and you will enjoy learning jazz dancing and choreographed performances. Beginners are welcome. Come for one or both classes, whichever works best for you. For more information call 813-634 6692.

Sun City Seniors Win On the Road

KP Line Dancers

Mark your calendars for the KP Line Dancers free “celebrating the Florida lifestyle” social line dance on Wed June 19, 7-10 PM, in the Borini Theatre. Open to KP and SCC residents and their guests. No ticket to purchase. Please sign in upon arrival. Sunshine, flamingos and other birds, palm trees, and alligators too are part of living in Florida. Dress in Florida costume, or come as you are. BYOB and setups. Couples always welcome, plenty of room to dance. Call Jan for info 634-6226.

Fireworks Offer Residents July 4 Fun

By Phyllis Hodges If your Independence Day holiday last year included the Sun City Center fireworks, you know they are a fantastic example of community residents coming together for an evening of community fun. If you weren’t there, no doubt you heard how great the evening was. Al Alderman, who is coordinating the fireworks this year, says the display will be even bigger than last year. ClubLink is again generously allowing the use of the closed golf course on N. Pebble Beach Blvd. Sandpiper Grill will be on the grounds offering food and music. Major source of funding is again coming from Minto Communities and Brandon Honda, supplemented by donations from members of the SCC Community Association and Kings Point Association. This is the third year for fireworks in the community; they were started in 2011 as part of the 50th Anniversary Celebration.

Moonglow Dance Club

Moonglow Ballroom Dance Club will feature the live music of “Rudy Rosa” for the first time at their monthly dance on Thursday June 27th from 7:30-9:30 p.m. at Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Sun City Center. The attire at Moonglow Dances is Dressy Casual. Members are FREE, and Visitors/Guests pay $5.00 per person at the door. Singles Table(s) are always available. Please BYOB and Snacks, and they will provide the Ice, water, cups & napkins. The Moonglow 2013 Schedule of yearround monthly dances has a great lineup of talented Entertainers they have booked for your dancing and/or listening to Live Music. Visitors are always welcome, so why not get your friends & neighbors to join you at a Moonglow Dance? If you think that you can’t Ballroom Dance, remember that we are not “Dancing With the Stars”. We each do what our bodies allow us to do in time to the music. For more Information call 813633-1297 or 813-642-8845, or if you would like to receive Moonglow Information by email, contact

On May 6, 2013 a scramble golf tournament was held at the Belleview Biltmore Golf and Country Club, in Belleview Florida, to support the Clearwater Free Clinic. The Tournament raises funds to help those that cannot afford medical care on their own. The Clearwater Classic has been held for many years at Feather Sound CC, but moved this year to the Belleview Biltmore GC. This year’s tournament had a full field of 144 golfers and our Sun City Golfers were the winning team at 17 under par scoring an amazing 17 birdies and 1 par, which set a new scoring total for the Clearwater Free Clinic Tournament. The second place team was at 15 under par, so there was not much room for error. The team from Scepter Golf Club is made up of Gene Newby (hdcp 5), Roy Caudill (hdcp 3), David Brown (hdcp 6) and Mike Almaguer (hdcp 2) were awarded trophies custom made by Dennis DeBon. These Sun City Seniors will be trying to make it two in a row by playing in the SCC Chamber Cup and have extended a monetary challenge against last year’s winners.

Thank You, July 4 Breakfast Volunteers

When Sam and Joanne Sudman put out the call for volunteers to man the July 4 breakfast, the community was quick to respond. They now have 110—about 90 percent of the number they need— to serve the hundreds of people expected at the breakfast on July 4, 7 a.m. to noon, at Community Hall on S. Pebble Beach Blvd. What a great way to start your July 4 celebration—a pancake breakfast with friends. They still have room for a few more volunteers, so give them a call at 633-3106 or email

Call me today to hear about these optional features: New Car Replacement, Accident Forgiveness and Deductible Rewards. RACHEL A WEISSMAN, CIC, LUTCF (813) 634-7100 955 Del Webb Blvd. E. Ste 102 Sun City Center RWEISSMAN@ALLSTATE.COM

Feature is optional and subject to terms, conditions and availability. Safe Driving Bonus won’t apply after an accident. Patent pending. Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company; Northbrook, IL. © 2009 Allstate Insurance Company

24 Page

The News of Kings Point

June, 2013

B U L L E T I N Computer Club Class

WINDOWS 8 WORKSHOP (Getting Acquainted With The New Operating System) Your choice of June 6 or June 20 9:00 AM – 12 NOON In the Computer Club Classroom Tuition $10 payable upon registration Pre-register in classroom 12:30-5PM, MON-SAT

Social Dance Classes

Sponsored by the Academy Dance Club Classes are held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium. Open to all Sun City Center CA and Kings Point residents. Couples and singles welcome. $5 per class. For information call Bernice DuBro at 6343205. TUE. June (4,11,18,25) - SOCIAL DANCE CLASS Beginning - Cha Cha - 5:30 PM Intermediate - Tango - 6:45 PM Beginning/Intermediate - Country Two Step - 8:00 PM WED. June (5,12,19,26) - SOCIAL DANCE CLASS Beginning - Swing - 12:45 PM Beginning/Intermediate - Night Club Two Step - 2:00 PM Intermediate/Advanced - Rumba - 3:15 PM

Singles Dance Classes

This is a special dance session for singles only. We will be teaching a few Steps in the rumba. Open to all SCC and Kings Point residents: DATES: Mondays (June 3,10,17,24) TIME: 7:30 to 8:45 PM COST: $20/per person for all four weeks. Taught by Bernice Dubro AND Tom Giannina. Call to register: 6343205 or email

Creason Children’s Center Dedication

Creason Children’s Center is the latest addition to the campus of the United Methodist Church of Sun City Center. Reverend Dr. Warren Langer, surrounded by children and youth of the church, dedicated the Center, formerly Creason Hall, to the memory of Reverend Walter Creason, founding pastor, and his vision and love for children. Creason Children’s Center houses the rapidly growing programs of the Children’s Ministry. For more information, contact Pat Hill, Director of Ministries.

CCC Will Offer Gift Certificates For Purchase

The Community Church College, located at 1501 La Jolla Ave. is pleased to announce that gift certificates will be available for purchase at the College Office beginning in September 2013. A gift certificate is a perfect gift to give to a friend, a relative, your spouse, or as a “welcome to the neighborhood” gift for new neighbors! A gift certificate is also a great way to say “thank you” too! Give the gift of fun and learning – one size fits all!! The price for one course is $25.00, and the recipient can select the course they wish to take. There is no limit to the number of gift certificates one may purchase. The gift certificate will be valid for one year from date of purchase. For further information please contact the College either by phone at (813) 634-8607, or by email at


813.633.8517 to schedule a complimentary hearing screening



CCC Looking For New Instructors

The Community Church College, located at 1501 La Jolla Ave, in SCC is looking for instructors in the following fields: Culinary/cooking techniques, demonstrations, Computer technology – IPHONE’s, IPAD’s, etc, Science and Painting – landscape or portrait. The courses are non-credit. The semester lasts for 5 weeks and each class will meet for one day each week. The Fall Semester will begin on Monday October 21, 2013 and run through Thursday November 21, 2013. The instructors will receive $75.00 per class per semester. If you are interested in sharing your expertise with your local friends and neighbors, please call Sally Erath, Academic Dean, at 813.634.3197 by July 1, 2013.


The next couple of months will be quiet but once September arrives, WATCH OUT! Enjoy your summer! The 2013-14 schedule of shows has been announced: Sunday Shows: Tribute to Elton John-November 10; Streisand/Mathis Holiday Show-December 8; Top 10 Rock-n-Roll Revue (REPLACES 3 Redneck Tenors)-January 12; Showcase-Wednesday, January 29; Jay White as Neil DiamondFebruary 9; and Finis-March 30. Friday Shows: Sounds of Soul-November 15; Flashback-January 24; Phil Dirt & the Dozers-February 14; and Fabulons-March 21 (DATE CHANGED). (Includes Showcase as shown in Sunday series above.) The brochures will be out by Labor Day so stay tuned. Prices for each series will be $70/person/series. And then.... Other Performances to look forward to (more details later): •September 28 (Saturday) and 29 (Sunday) - A Night at the Popera - presented by Klassika. Saturday (7:00-9:00) will be a nightclub setting, tables of 8, BYOB; Sunday (2:30-4:30) will be reserved theater seating. •November 17 (Sunday) Opera “Idol” - St. Petersburg Opera Co. •December 19 (Thursday) - A Christmas Concert - South Shore Concert Band. Info: 813-642-2001.

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702 Valley Forge Blvd, SCC • • 813.634.2328



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Mon.-Fri. 7:30 a.m. Sat. 8:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.

2013, June The News of Kings Point

Page 25

Military News Operation Helping Hand addresses MOWW

Bob Sawallesh, LTC USA, (Ret).

Photos by Frank Kepley L to R: Sheila Greason, Commander SCC MOWW and Bob Sawallesh, OHH.

Bob Sawallesh, LTC, USA, (Ret), representing Operation Helping Hand (OHH), was the guest speaker at the Military Order of the World Wars luncheon at the Plaza Club on May 16, 2013. Bob is a former Marine and a retired Army Lieutenant Colonel with 26 years active duty service. He participated in the Lebanon Operation in 1958 and served in Vietnam in 1967 with the 9th Infantry Division. In 1973-1974 he was assigned to the 2nd Infantry Division in Korea. He has been an Operation Helping Hand Volunteer for nine years and has been a volunteer at the James A. Veterans’ Hospital for 15 years with over 4,300 volunteer hours. Operation Helping Hand (OHH) was formed in the spring of 2004 to provide assistance and support for the families of the active duty wounded and injured. The active duty wounded and injured from Iraq and Afghanistan are being treated at the James A. Haley VA Hospital in Tampa. Many of the patients are at the hospital from a few weeks or months to over a year. OHH also helps active duty patients at the Tampa VA hospital who were injured in accidents worldwide.

MOAA presents award to East Bay High School Army Cadet

COL James Shumway, USA (Ret), is shown above presenting a Sun City Center Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) award to Army JROTC Company Commander Cadet 1st Lt. Salena Coffman. Cadet Coffman accepted the award for the winner, Cadet Andrew Hornacek, who was unable to attend the ceremony. The award was presented at East Bay High School on April 25, 2013, and consisted of a medal, certificate, L to R: COL James Shumway, USA and honorarium of $50.00. (Ret) and Army Cadet 1st Lt. Salena The MOAA program also supports Coffman. eight additional area high schools, which includes: Bloomingdale AFJROTC, Brandon AJROTC, Durant AFJROTC, Lennard AJROTC, Newsome AJROTC, Riverview NJROTC, South County Career Center AJROTC and Spoto NJROTC.

SW FL MOAA President Presents National Award to SCC Member

Jim Conner, Lt Col USAF (Ret), President of the SW Florida MOAA Chapters, presented CAPT Frank Kepley, USN (Ret), with the National Military Officers of America Association (MOAA) award for the best 2012 newsletter in the category of Legislative Affairs. The award was presented at the SCC Sandpiper Club on May 27, 2013, at a luncheon following the Memorial Day Ceremony at Kings Lt Col Jim Conner, USAF (Ret), Point. The luncheon was attended president of SW FL MOAA Chapters by SCC Chapter MOAA officers and CAPT Frank Kepley, USN, (Ret). as well as Jennifer Carol, LCDR USN (Ret), former FL Lt Governor, who was the guest speaker at the Memorial Day Ceremony. Larry Chambers, RADM, USN, (Ret) was also in attendance.

USAA addresses MOAA

Photos by Frank Kepley L to R: Shawn Rasmussen, Steve Seay and Lt. Col. Gene Morris, USAF (Ret).

USAA representatives, Steve Seay and COL Shawn Rasmussen, USA Reserve, gave a thorough presentation of United Services Automobile Association’s (USAA) mission, membership eligibility, products offered, and national ratings. USAA membership is a privilege earned by those in uniform; and it’s a privilege that can be handed down to their children. Because Florida is considered a high risk wind damage state, the rules for obtaining and maintaining insurance with USAA has been shifting significantly during the past several years. Those changes and their negative impact on the homeowner were discussed in Shawn Rasmussen, USAA representative. detail.

MOWW Provides 40 Florida Students with Trip to YLC in Tallahassee

Back row from left, student Ashley Wronka; Roy Conklin; Vern Elarth; student Cameron Clark and in front, Nancy Alguire.

The Sun City Center Chapter of the Military Order of the World Wars (MOWW) recently escorted 40 Florida high school students to Tallahassee, Fl. to attend the annual Youth Leadership Conference (YLC). The conference took place May 15th to the 18th. During their stay the students resided in a Florida State University dormitory. The topics covered during the conference were: Leadership; Civics the Founding of the Country; and Capitalism. They also toured the state Capital Building. Interspersed among the numerous classes were various team building exercises and classroom presentations by the students. The conference was one of 29 held throughout the country. Chapter funding for this conference was aided by generous grants from the “Community Foundation of Greater Sun City Center;” “The Interfaith Council of Sun City Center,” which operates the Nearly New Shop, and the “Retired Officer Corporation.”

26 Page

The News of Kings Point

June, 2013

Adopt a Friend That C.A.R.E.s Tippy is a gray and white kitten who was recently born to his mom, Sally at C.A.R.E. His three siblings, Juliet, Romeo and Grayson are also at C.A.R.E. Tippy is a curious little guy and is very playful and friendly. He loves to play with the other kittens at the shelter. But Tippy would like most of all to come to live at a forever home of his own. Please come and see this handsome kitten and give him that home. Tippy will be spayed, microchipped. He is current on his shots. DOB: January 2, 2013.

C.A.R.E. is open 10 AM to 3 PM on Tues. thru Sat. For directions visit: or call 813-645-2273

Feline Folks

My name is Emerald. I am a loving 1 1/1 year old light Tortie with deep green eyes. I am up to date with vaccines and fixed and ready to find my forever home. I need a home without other animals, and maybe an older single or couple. I have a lot of love to give.

trapped him and removed the bucket. Since arriving at the shelter, he has physically healed and gained weight. He is still quite timid around strangers. With time and kindness (a little cheese never hurts), Roscoe’s true personality surfaces. He is very sweet and goofy. He loves the doggy pool and to sit like a circus bear for treats. Roscoe knows many commands and is eager to learn. He also enjoys the company of the other dogs (except small breeds). Roscoe will need a patient, dog savvy owner who can give him time to trust and fully recover from his past. We are very optimistic that in the right hands, Roscoe will thrive. Can you be Roscoe’s hero? No apartments please. Roscoe is neutered, microchipped, and current on his shots.

Roscoe needs a hero!! Roscoe came to C.A.R.E. along with a terrifying story. His rescuers told us that a cruel person pushed his head into an empty cheese ball bucket! He was seen running around the woods with his head lodged in the bucket for four days. He was panting, emaciated, and scared. Finally, some persistent bystanders

DOB: January 2, 2011

Foxy Seniors Dance Club

The Foxy Seniors Dance Club is having a karaoke and dance on June 15, 2013 in the Florida Room in the Atrium Building. 7 PM to 9:30 PM. Enjoy an evening of fun where you can dance and sing. Hosted by ReAct Entertainment. Open to SCC and Kings Point residents and their guests. Couples and singles welcome. Members pay $3 per person. Non-members pay $5 per person. There will be a singing contest! The person voted the best singer and someone else attending Foxy will both win a prize. BYOB. Casual Attire.

Photos Jackie Irovando

Natalia is a sweet, loveable little 2-year-old buff tabby. She is very affectionate, and get along with other cats. She needs someone just that will love and pet her. She is also up to date with her shots and is fixed, and ready for her new home.

Feline Folks are a non-profit organization, committed to the human management of your Community Cats. Volunteers needed for Small Grant writing, feedings and transporting our furry friends. Monetary or food donations are always welcomed. Please help us to help our community Cats. Please call: Feline Folks @ 813-545-7611

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Feline Folks Volunteers Celebrate Victory

Submitted by Flo Vachon, President of Feline Folks Feline Folks Volunteers Laurel Swift, Janie Hadley, Dan Boyle and Wendy Arnio celebrate a huge victory for Hillsborough cats immediately following the Hillsborough County Commissioners 6-1 vote to implement a new Trap/ Neuter/Vaccinate/Release Program for feral cats. The pilot program called Be The Way Home will trap, neuter, vaccinate, microchip and release up to 2000 feral cats back into the community to reduce the euthanasia rate of cats at the Hillsborough animal shelters. The plan operates at no cost to taxpayers and Animals Services Director Ian Hallet stated that it is projected to save the county money as well as freeing up additional spaces so that

cats for adoption will have a longer time period to remain at the shelter before being euthanized. Be The Way Home advocates were out in big numbers supporting the plan with neon green t-shirts and many spoke at the meeting to advocate the plan which has been so successful in many counties across the country.

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2013, June The News of Kings Point

Charles ‘”Chip” Churchill Recognized Charles “Chip” Churchill of Freedom Plaza in Sun City Center, FL is among eight Rutgers University alumni have been designated Loyal Sons and Loyal Daughters by the Rutgers Alumni Association (RAA). The honorees were be inducted during a black-tie affair to be held at Neilson Dining Hall on the Cook/Douglass Campus of Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ on Saturday, April 13, 2013. The keynote speaker was the president of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Robert L. Barchi. A 55-year tradition, the Loyal Sons and Loyal Daughters of Rutgers are comprised of individuals who have made a meaningful and long-standing commitment to the betterment of Rutgers, The State University by exemplifying extraordinary alumni service or by making a significant impact on University life and culture. Nominations are made by existing Loyal Sons & Daughters, and the finalists named by a special selection committee and approved by the RAA Board of Directors. Founded in 1831, the RAA is the nation’s fourth oldest alumni association serving over 200,000 alumni on the New Brunswick/Piscataway campus of Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. Charles “Chip” Churchill,

L to R: Rutgers Alumni President Tom Carpenter, recipient Charles “Chip” Churchill, and Rutgers University President Robert L. Barchi.

Rutgers College Class of 1959 has been actively involved with his alma mater for many years. He participated and assisted with his class’50th Reunion in 2009. As President of the Rutgers Club of Sarasota/ Manatee in Florida, he led the Club as it earned the “most improved club” award from the Rutgers University Alumni Federation. Now one of the most active regional clubs, it hosts numerous events for area alumni and goes beyond social events to support local students with visits to college fairs, scholarships and book awards. Churchill created the club’s website and has written a number of newsletters for the club over the years.

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Brandon Regional Hospital Announces June Community Events

Brandon Regional Hospital has announced the following community events that will be held during the month of June. All events will be held in the Oakfield Medical Plaza on the campus of Brandon Regional Hospital, 119 Oakfield Drive, Brandon, Florida 33511, unless otherwise noted. •NICU Family to Family Support Group June 4 and 18, 6:45 pm, Brandon Regional Hospital, Women’s Center Lobby •Savvy Seniors – Lunch and Learn June 4, 11 am, The Bridges, 11350 Bloomingdale Avenue, Riverview, FL 33578 – RSVP by Friday, May 31 •Healthy Heart Nutrition June 5, 2:30 pm, Oakfield Medical Plaza, Classroom A, Suite 262 •Nutrition for Cancer Prevention & Treatment Class June 12, 2:30 pm, Oakfield Medical Plaza, Classroom B, Suite 260 •Weight Loss Options June 12 at 6 pm, Oakfield Medical Plaza, Classroom B, Suite 260 •Heartburn? Reflux? It’s Time to Talk June 18, 6:30 pm, Oakfield Medical Plaza, Classroom B, Suite 260 •Outpatient Diabetes Self-Management June 19, 8:30 am, Oakfield Medical Plaza, Classroom B, Suite 260 •Vascular Victories – Cardiac & Stroke Support June 25 at 12 pm, Oakfield Medical Plaza, Classroom A, Suite 262 •Surgical Solutions for Weight Loss June 27, 6:30 pm, Oakfield Medical Plaza, Classroom A, Suite 262 •Surgical Weight Loss Support Group June 27, 6:30 pm, Oakfield Medical Plaza, Classroom A, Suite 262 Seating is limited and reservations are advised. For more information and to register call 813-653-1065 or visit

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The News of Kings Point

Sun City Center Disaster Council Submitted by John Bowker We have some remarkable groups of locally trained people to provide service to the Sun City Center area in the event of a hurricane or other disaster. The energy exhibited at the annual Disaster Council meeting on May 9, organized by Bill Barron, President of the Sun City Center Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), highlighted the cooperative spirit and mutual communication abilities of each represented group. In addition to CERT, presentations were made by the County Sheriff’s Office, Emergency Squad, Samaritan Services, the security functions and amateur radio organizations of Kings Point and Sun City Center, and the management of both communities. The attendees in the Council meeting represented well over 1,000 volunteers in the two communities. The CERT volunteers are organized in teams with Amateur Shortwave and Automatic Packet Radio Reporting System equipment, four generators, chainsaws, fire extinguishers, heavy tools, medical supplies, backboards, cots, blankets, two light stands, and tents. In an emergency, their central rallying point will be in the Chamber of Commerce building in the SCC Plaza. The public should be aware that there are three phases of emergency responses to a hurricane. The announcement

June, 2013

Ask Pete your questions about

prostate cancer Why don’t women have prostates? It seems unfair to men! A— Here’s a tricky question!

Women do not have prostates— but in its place women have two ovaries and one uterus. So maybe it’s women who are unfairly burdened with organs that can become cancerous.

CERT President, Bill Barron, coordinates with Deputy Sheriff Jason Castillo prior to the Disaster council meeting held in early May.

of a Hurricane Warning by the National Weather Service (“NWS”) starts a sequence of assembling the teams to assure the expected personnel and support supplies will actually be available when the storm hits. The second phase begins when the NWS determines that wind speeds have reached 35 miles per hour. At that point, all volunteers and most county emergency personnel are sent home to ride out the storm. In fact, as was pointed out in the meeting, most of the homes in this area are safer for inhabitants than some of the organization buildings. In an emergency, our principal point of contact with the county is Deputy Jason Castillo at his local office, 813-672-7817. In the absence of uniformed (county or state) personnel, CERT is in command of the incident during

the initial recovery period and coordinates each of the Sun City Center volunteer field teams. Mixed in with all the worrisome aspects, are some good things. For example, you should tell your friends and family ‘up north’ to access the Amateur Radio website, to learn about conditions in Sun City Center if there is an emergency here. The website is located in Texas and can be accessed by our local radio folks using battery operated radios with antennas that could amount to little more that throwing a wire over the trunk of a tree that has come down. In fact, two-way message traffic can be handled on that website so inquiries from people out of town can be relayed by the radio operators to any local resident by telephone. More details on the Internet at

The prostate is considered a sex organ, part of the man’s reproductive system. Its function is to produce fluids that are needed for the transport and nourishment of the sperm at the time of ejaculation. For some reason that we do not understand, nearly all prostates will develop cancer over time. Another mystery is why some of these cancers become aggressive killers, while others are slow-growing and not likely to kill you. We seek the answers!

This information is provided by the Dattoli Cancer Foundation, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Submit your questions to: 800/915-1001 or

2013, June The News of Kings Point

Page 29

Contract Bridge Super Crossword



The military slogan “The difficult we do immediately. The impossible takes a little longer” would seem to apply perfectly to this deal. East won the opening heart lead with the nine and continued with the A-K. Declarer then had to decide whether to ruff the third heart high or low. Given that East had apparently started with six hearts, South decided to ruff with the ace on

Solutions on Page 31

the basis that West was more likely to have the greater spade length -- and therefore the queen -- than East. He then led the J-10 of trumps, finessing successfully both times. When East showed out on the second trump lead, however, it appeared that West -- who still had the Q-7 while dummy had the lone king -- had a sure trump trick. But declarer, undaunted, managed to find a way to do West out of his trump trick. Abandoning further spade leads for the moment, South crossed to dummy with a diamond and led a club to the jack. He then cashed the ace of clubs and A-K of diamonds before exiting with a club to East’s king. At this point only two tricks remained to be played. South had the 9-8 of spades, West the Q-7 and dummy the king of spades and nine of clubs. East, whose last two cards were hearts, was obliged to lead one. When South ruffed with the eight, West found that his apparently impregnable trump trick had been obliterated. Whether he ruffed with the seven or the queen, declarer was sure to score the last two tricks and so make the contract. South had accomplished the impossible. ©2013 King Features Synd. Inc.

30 Page

The News of Kings Point

June, 2013

Strange But True

By Samantha Weaver • It was French Enlightenment author Voltaire who made the following sage observation: “Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers.” • If you’re like the average American, you laugh 15 times every day. • Have you ever heard of an artist by the name of John Banvard? You’re to be forgiven if the name is unfamiliar; few people these days remember him. In the mid-19th century, though, he was something of a phenomenon. In 1840, the then-25-year-old man set off on a skiff down the Mississippi River. He spent more than a year on the river, sketching steadily along the way. After he completed the voyage, he spent another five years painting his “Panorama of the Mississippi,” an ambitious work that was 12 feet wide and more than 3 miles long. When completed, the painting was mounted on two upright revolving cylinders and displayed for the paying public throughout the U.S. and Europe, earning him $200,000 along the way. • In the 1960s, the miniskirt was still controversial. Both the Vatican City and Disneyland refused entrance to women wearing the short skirts. • If you’re a fan of the TV series “Dr. Who,” you probably know that the title character, a Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey, has two hearts. This may seem like science fiction (and, of course, it is), but it’s not unknown for a human to be born with two hearts. One such example was Giuseppe de Mai, born in Italy in the 19th century. The condition is rare, though; so rare, in fact, that the London Academy of Medicine offered de Mai $15,000 under the condition that it receive his body after his death. Thought for the Day: “Women are like elephants to me. I like to look at ‘em, but I wouldn’t want to own one.” -- W.C. Fields © 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.


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2013, June The News of Kings Point

Salome’s Stars

ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Although you might prefer moving forward at a steady pace, it might be a good idea to stop and reassess your plans. You could find a good reason to make a change at this time. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Just when you thought you had everything planned to the smallest detail, you get some news that could unsettle things. But a timely explanation helps put it all back on track. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Home and work continue to compete for your attention. But you handle it well by giving each its proper due. Someone you trust offers valuable advice. Listen to it. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Unsettling news creates a difficult but not impossible situation. Continue to follow your planned routine, but keep your mind open to a possible change down the line. LEO (July 23 to August 22) Lick your wounded pride if you like, but it’s a better idea to find out why your suggestions were rejected. What you learn could help you deal with an upcoming situation. VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22) Feeling a bit listless? No wonder. You might be pushing too hard to finish everything on your todo list. Cutting it down could help get your energy levels up. LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22) Taking time out of your busy schedule might be the best way to handle that sensitive private matter. It will help reassure everyone involved about your priorities. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21) Insist on full disclosure by all parties before agreeing to be part of a “great deal.” What you learn should help you decide whether to go with it or not. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) Your decision to protect the secret that was entrusted to you might irk some people. But it also wins you the admiration of those who value trust and loyalty. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19) Creative activities take on a practical approach as you realize you might be able to market your work. Ask for advice from someone experienced in this area. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb.18) If you’re suddenly a bit unsure about your decision, ask trusted colleagues and/or friends or family members for suggestions that could help resolve your doubts. PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20) A workplace situation could get stormy. But stay on course until there’s a solution that meets with everyone’s approval, and things can finally calm down. BORN THIS WEEK: You keep an open mind on most matters, making you the confidante of choice for people who need your honest counsel. © 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.

Answers to Puzzles from Page 29

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32 Page

The News of Kings Point

June, 2013

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