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Flag Day June 14,2015

News of

FATHER'S DAY 6.21.2015


Disaster Council Meets

By John Bowker EachyearinMay,representatives of all the emergency response organizations in and around Sun City Center assemble to tell of their capabilities during and after a local disaster. The timing of the meeting is just in advance of the publicized “hurricane season” but the range of calamities that can befall a community extend well beyond a mere storm. The SCC-Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) organization has hosted this meeting for the past several years with participation from some two-dozen organized activities checking in so everyone hears what everyone else will be doing. This eliminates any ‘holes’ in the coverage, identifies who is in charge at each point in a recovery effort, while reducing the duplication of programs between volunteer and professional groups. The website www.w1wab.com is constantly updated with local emergency plans. SCC-CERT President, Bill Barron,

opened the meeting in the Atrium Caper Room with an introduction of each person and group, and then turned the discussion over to the SCC-CERT Vice President, Jim Frasier, who prompted each group leader to outline the specific tasks that group would be undertaking. Hillsborough County Sheriff Deputy Jeff Merry will be our first point of contact in the Sun City Center area; his telephone number is 813-2425525. The continuing role of the County Sheriff’s office is

explained in their website, www.HCSO.Tampa.FL.US. Communications among the groups and between residents during times of strife are essential. Members of the Sun City Center Amateur Radio Club will be assigned to key emergency responder locations in town – the hospital, Emergency Squad, Security Patrol, Sheriff’s Office and County Fire Rescue stations. Those organizations all operate with different radio systems and only the Hams can provide the Disaster continued on page 3

June 2015

Are You Ready for Hurricane Season?

By Kai Rambow While Christopher Columbus may have been lost, he was at least smart enough to pay attention to the natives’ warnings of huge storms. On his fourth voyage, Columbus noticed the signs of an impending hurricane. He warned Governor de Orvando not to let the fleet sail to Spain. Columbus sought shelter for his four ships and rode out the hurricane with moderate damage. De Orvando let the fleet sail; 25 ships and 500 men were lost. As the Spanish learned more about hurricanes, they still ran into major fleet losses mainly due to poor scheduling practices. Weather forecasts today give us a major advantage, however, most people still miss out on some basics. “You should prepare at the beginning of hurricane season. Be prepared to be self-sufficient for a week,” advises ABC’s (WWSB Sarasota Hurricane continued on page 10

THE HOPE FUND...What is it?


By Uta Kuhn Founded by Carla Miles, a member of the GFWC Womans Club of Sun City Center in 1995, The Hope Fund is a non profit 501(c)3 organization dedicated to helping children in Wimauma learn and have fun in a safe and nurturing environment. All Hope Fund personnel are volunteers who give their time and energy selflessly and with lots of love and compassion. The Hope Fund is in partnership with RCMA at Bethune Park in Wimauma. RMCA provides paid tutors for the children 5 days a week. The function of the HOPE FUND is to raise funds to provide financial assistance for children who could otherwise not afford to participate in the after school programs being offered. A short list of things being offered through fundraising efforts of the Hope Fund are: recreational programs, purchase of school/craft supplies, purchase of books, a fifteen-passenger van and tuition assistance Ninety men and women, provide one on one mentoring, tutoring and reading for children who need help. Other programs included are a health program, which counsels children on drugs, nutrition, family life, first aid and human sexuality. A Kids Cafe offers healthy after school snacks. Children also learn through indoor/ outdoor activities, field trips, concerts, speakers and other special activities. The Fund has also financed a pavilion at Bethune Park where children can enjoy a shaded place to work and play. The members of the Hope Fund help raise funds for all of the worthwhile activities by sponsoring Breakfast and Bingo twice a year. You can also make donations to this great cause by mailing a check to The Hope Fund, Carla Miles, 2105 New Bedford Dr., Sun City Center, FL 33573. Or you can call Carla at 813-634-4268. If you would like more information regarding The Hope Fund please visit their website at www.the-hope-fund.org. There you will find absolutely everything you would ever want to know about the wonderful work being done by the members who run this great organization. Scan the code with your Smart Phone to find us online at www. NewsOfKingsPoint.com

Sun City Center CERT volunteers activated and reported to South Bay Hospital for the annual Mass Casualty Incident drill. Standing L to R: M Jenkins, H Scheetz, R Troutman, D Cannistra, L Lloyd, J O’Connor, L O’Connor, R Brown, B Barron, L Kjollesdal, D Peterson, D Ferron, W Conklin, F Burns, J Kjollesdal, R Engles, D Frappier, J Frasier. Seated L toR: S Jenkins, M Hirsch, P Brown, J Lloyd, M Thibault, N DeWilde, L Conklin.

CERT Plays A Key Role In County Disaster Drill

By Bill Barron w/Kai Rambow Because preparedness can be the key to survival and assistance when a major disaster strikes, Hillsborough County conducts a rehearsal for catastrophe once a year. In Sun City Center, a key component is the 225-member Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). This year’s March 26 Mass Casualty Incident drill called for treatment in county hospitals of 400 injured victims of massive earthquakes in Georgia. South Bay Hospital was tasked with receiving and treating 18 of the injured (roles filled by University of South Florida students). The event tested South Bay’s

liaisons with community partners and CERT’s ability to activate, according to president Bill Barron. Members of the cooperating Sun City Center Radio Club set up their equipment beside the hospital incident command center to provide communication between other area hospitals, CERT and the County Emergency Management Center. “We’ve done this every year since 2004. It’s to help hospitals prepare for a mass disaster. There’s been a different scenario every year. This year was a first coordinating with South Bay Hospital to see how we could help them. People were excited CERT continued on page 10


Editor’s Corner........................ 2 Golf................................ 20 - 22 WITW........................................ 5 Care ..................................... 23 33573................................. 6 - 8 Arts & Entertainment.... 24 & 25 Club News..................... 12 - 17 Faith.............................. 26 & 27 Travel ................................... 18 Military.......................... 27 & 28 Contract Bridge................... 29 Sports.................................... 19 Crossword & Sudoku........... 29 Solutions to Puzzles.............. 31

2 Page

The News of Kings Point

The Editor’s Corner

Do You Wanna Dance

By E. Adam Porter, Editor in Chief News of Kings Point Summer won’t officially begin until June 21, but those of us who have walked outside recently know better. In Florida, summer peeks around the curtain sometime in March and steps out on stage for good sometime in May. Humidity takes over the morning, and afternoon showers chase us all inside for ten minutes before they vanish as if they never happened. In these days of summer before summer it can feel like the season will last forever. Like the heat and humidity have banished the gorgeous spring days like a distant memory. As June creeps toward July and the mercury inches ever higher, we find our wide-brimmed hats and sunglasses, we lather on the sunscreen lest that next trip to the dermatologist carry bad news. On those afternoons when you break out into a sweat walking in from the car, those cooler days feel like a dream, like they happened to someone else. I can remember another time when it felt like summer would last forever. When summers were all about cutting loose and having fun, about finding someone to love and trying not to think about what would happen when summer ended and They Went Back Home. In those days music provided a constant soundtrack for those hot summer days and long summer nights. For a kid from “the island,” beach music defined my summers. I grew up on the Beach Boys, Jimmy Buffett and Bob Marley. My teen years were punctuated by rock rhythms setting the beat while waves crashed against the shore and laughter harmonized with the melodies that became our summer soundtracks. In those days it seemed like summer would last forever, even when the Brian Wilson reminded us otherwise. “Won’t be long till summertime is through…” the Beach Boys sang, but we didn’t believe them. How could we? She was there, right there in front of us, and she was smiling…

Do you wanna dance and hold my hand… That was a song we could get down to. Worrying about tomorrow was something best left for winter. Summer is the forgetful season, the time when days seep into nights and the party never stops. Then, like that summer, the party does come to an end. It sneaks up on you and, when summer comes back round, you start to realize Those Days really are over. Around my house these days the party has to stop at a reasonable hour, because we have to get up in the morning. And recovering from all nighters feels more like getting over extensive surgery. But it’s easy to remember when the nervous anticipation of What Could Happen kept you running all night long and into tomorrow. You remember those nights like yesterday. Could they have really been so long ago? Must be, because when you get together with friends to swap “back when” stories, someone always says something like: “our kids are the same age we were when that happened.” But the spark is still there, the tingle that pushed us out the door on those summer nights, the feeling that the days would last forever and the nights would never end. A lot has changed since then, but that spark remains…and, with it, the music. Always there, always waiting, ready to be a time machine for memories, brining them right back into “now.” The body may not move quite as easily as it did, but, when the music starts, it sure wants to. The waves are calling to be ridden, and the girl – no, The Girl – is waiting to dance. Maybe that’s what this weather needs. Maybe it will feel a little cooler outside if I just crank up the stereo and move a little bit. Maybe I’ll feel a little cooler too. Nah, I was never one of the cool kids, but that’s okay. When the heat is on, the water is fine and the tunes are blasting…everyone has a little rock ‘n’ roll in their soul.

Fraud Forum

June 2015

With Deputy Jeff Merry The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office is committed to serving, protecting and defending the community and is continuing to do so by offering a monthly open forum on Economic Fraud and its growing trend with the advancement of technology. Beginning in June, the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office will conduct a monthly presentation on a different economic fraud topic. These forums will identify new and growing economic frauds occurring within the community. The presentations will include strategies for preventing fraud and resources available to victims. Each presentation will be conducted three times a month at different locations within Sun City Center: •The second Tuesday at the Kings Point Ripple Room, located at 1900 Clubhouse Drive, Sun City Center, at 1 p.m. •The second Wednesday at the Sun City Center Security Patrol Boardroom, located at 1009 N. Pebble Beach Blvd, Sun City Center, at 9 a.m. •The third Wednesday at American Momentum Bank, located at 131 S. Pebble Beach Blvd, Sun City Center, at 2 p.m. In June, the presentation will be about Technology and Social Security Number fraud. In July, the presentation will be about New Technology in Check Fraud. Each seminar is open to the public and will be sponsored by various businesses that will provide resource materials and refreshments. If you have any questions or comments please contact the Sun City Center Community Resource Deputy Jeff Merry at 813-672-7817.

News of Submissions The News of Kings Point is your community newspaper, exclusively serving, first, Kings Point, and then the greater Sun City Center community. We are dedicated to providing you with a local paper that has a “home town” feeling. We aim to represent every resident, business and organization with respect, dignity and equanimity. Submissions we currently accept include: Information about community events or businesses, club and group announcements, stories and poems, your favorite joke, song, photo, artwork or travel story. In fact, if you send us a photo of you on your travels holding the News of Kings Point and we guarantee publication. Do not format submissions. Simple paragraphs without ALL CAPS, etc. are preferred and will receive first consideration for publication. The publisher reserves the right to refuse or edit all submissions. Neither the publisher nor the editor of the News of Kings Point assume any responsibility for the return of advertising or submitted materials. Mailed photos will only be returned if a SASE is included with the submission. All content is subject to space limitations and other considerations. Mailed submissions should be sent to: The News of Kings Point, Inc. PO Box 6212 Sun City Center, FL 33573-6212 Electronic submissions are preferred and can be submitted through the SUBMISSIONS link at www.NewsOfKingsPoint.com. Letters or Comments The News of Kings Point will not publish political or religious letters to the editor, no matter how impassioned or well intentioned. We will publish thank-yous for good service. However, we do offer our readers an opportunity to comment on our feature articles. To do so, please visit www.NewsOfKingsPoint. com and find the articles published there. As a rule, we publish all front page, Editor’s Corner and Dixon’s Destinations articles. In keeping with our editorial guidelines, comments will be moderated to insure civility and polite language. Opposing opinions and honest commentary are encouraged and appreciated in this forum. Abusive or prejudicial language or conduct will not be permitted. Declarations The News of Kings Point is not affiliated with Kings Point, Kings Point Mgmt LLC, Minto Properties or the Federations of Kings Point Associations, Inc. No part of this news publication may be reproduced without the express written consent of The News of Kings Point, Inc. All editorial copy is strictly the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of this publication, its officers or employees. Adam Porter Editor in Chief

Staff and Contributors


John Wolf Advertising Sales



Nancy Jean Design and Layout


Debbie Caneen 33573 Events


June 2015 The News of Kings Point

Disaster from Page 1

connections between them. Hams will also have orange cards in their home front windows or doorways with a simple telephone image to remind neighborhood residents that, if the phones go out, they will be able to reach other people in town and across the country by getting in touch with the Ham Club resident. If you need help Samaritan Services will commit two automobiles to carry people and supplies to residents of Kings Point, and another two cars for use in Sun City Center; their telephone number is 634-9283. There are 17 primary Red Cross shelters in Hillsborough County. The Security Patrol will be on duty around the clock to provide their services within Sun City Center; their telephone number is 642-2020. Similarly, the security department in Kings Point will remain alert to see that those out on the street are helping solve local problems; their telephone number is 634-2063. Of course, a primary emergency contact will still be at the telephone number 911 for county-wide fire, police and rescue. The Emergency Squad and most other organizations close down during a major storm so their members can be with their families, but as soon as the winds calm down to 35 mph, all services will again be up and running. What should you do now? Residents should tell their

Page 3

Kings Point to Rename Theater On Memorial Day

Merry, Barron and Frazier.

families anywhere in the country that a website has been set up by the Sun City Center Amateur Radio Club that can be accessed for local updates. The website is located in the midwest so as to be well removed from our local weather problems. Our Hams can reach it with battery radios not needing any outdoor antennas. That website is www. sccarc.info. Participants in the Disaster Council meeting on May 12 were the Community Association, CERT groups from Sun City Center, Kings Point and the United Methodist Church, Chamber of Commerce, Disabled American Veterans, the Hillsborough County Emergency Operations Center and Sheriff’s Office, the Kings Point Federation, Management First Service and Security, Hillsborough County Radio Amateur Community Emergency Services, the Kings Point and Sun City Center Amateur Radio Clubs, Red Cross, Security Patrol, Emergency Squad and South Bay Hospital.

Kings Point residents will give the community’s impressive theater a new name, “Veterans Theater,” just prior to this area’s traditional Memorial Day Ceremony, at 9:30 a.m. Monday, May 25, in the Kings Point Clubhouse, 1900 Clubhouse Drive. “Our veterans have earned our lasting gratitude as we enjoy, every day, the life they have preserved for us,” said Liz Argott, President of the Federation of Kings Point Associations. “What better way to express our gratitude than to name our theater in their honor, and what better moment to rename it ‘Veterans Theater’ than just before the 2015 Memorial Day Ceremony?” Completed in 1981, the 850seat theater, with professional sound and lighting, has hosted Sun City Center’s Memorial Day Observance for many years. Tens of thousands of Kings Point residents and their guests have laughed, cried and applauded through hundreds of special events and celebrity entertainment in the theater. This Memorial Day ceremony is sponsored by the combined military veterans’ organizations of Sun City Center and is supported by the joint efforts of many participating community service organizations. After the renaming ceremony at 9:30 a.m. Monday, Sun City Center will observe its traditional

Memorial Day Ceremony starting at 10 a.m. in Veterans Theater at the main Kings Point Clubhouse, Sun City Center. Doors will open at 9 a.m. for open general attendance seating. All invited guests with reserved seating are requested to be seated not later than 9:45 a.m. This Memorial Day ceremony honors all former or present community veterans. 184 veterans who have passed away since last Memorial Day will be recognized by a Roll Call of Departed Comrades held concurrently with Sun City Center’s traditional Living Flag Tribute. The featured speaker will be U.S. Air Force Colonel Mike “Scud” Escudie. He is a U.S. Air Force Reserve officer assigned to the Office of the Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs, who is also a contractor with the U.S. Central Command (U.S. CENTCOM) Communication Integration Directorate in the Media Division at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Fla. Colonel Escudie joined the U.S. CENTCOM team as a major in 2003. As a public affairs officer, he has personally advised senior leaders such as General Tommy Franks, General John Abizaid and General David Petraeus. His numerous positions at CENTCOM include Chief of Media Relations, Chief of Coalition Public Affairs

Rename continued on Page 13

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10 am to Noon 2 to 3 pm 9:30 to 10:30 am 11 am to Noon 1:30 to 2:30 pm 3 to 4 pm 10 to 11 am; 11:15 am to 12:15 pm ® 9:30 to 10:30 am SilverSneakers EASY PLAY KEYBOARD LESSONS CANCELLED RSVP EVENT: Medicaid Seminar 2 to 4 pm >>> SALSA DANCING 10 to 11 am ADVANCED SALSA DANCING 11:15 am to 12:15 pm NEW NIA - NON IMPACT AEROBICS 2 to 3 pm MONDAY MORNING MOVIES 10 am to Noon NEW NIA - NON IMPACT AEROBICS 2 to 3 pm 9:30 to 10:30 am TAI CHI 11 am to Noon SilverSneakers® BOOK CLUB “REBEL READERS 1:30 to 2:30 pm SQUARE DANCING CLASS 3 to 4 pm * 10 to 11 am; 11:15 LINE DANCING : Beginners or Advanced am to 12:15 pm DIABETES/COPD SUPPORT GROUP 1 to 3 pm *PLEASE REGISTER WITH ARLETTE 727-828-2411 9:30 to 10:30 am SilverSneakers® EASY PLAY KEYBOARD LESSONS 3 to 4 pm SALSA DANCING 10 to 11 am ADVANCED SALSA DANCING 11:15 am to 12:15 pm NEW NIA - NON IMPACT AEROBICS 2 to 3 pm MONDAY MORNING MOVIES NEW NIA - NON IMPACT AEROBICS TAI CHI SilverSneakers® BOOK CLUB “REBEL READERS SQUARE DANCING CLASS

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4 Page

The News of Kings Point

June 2015

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Twintree model can be yours in this lovely split bedroom home with a family room and an enclosed lanai as well as formal living room and dining rooms. Large master suite features a shower. Great street presence. $ 1605 Bentwood Drive 129,500

Fairfield area of Kings Point boasts this moderately priced Windsor model with extended living room & Florida room as well as a bonus room which could house your golf cart. KPW gold plan in place can be pro rated for your worry free living. $ 411-A Faraday Trail 54,900

For Sale



Beautiful north lake can be yours in this Del Webb 52 Model. Corian counter tops and tile backsplash in the eat in kitchen, enclosed air conditioned lanai plus an extended screen room to enjoy the vast expanse lake view. $ 1507 Bunker Hill Drive 169,900

Kings Point your preferred location this extended Amhurst model home is stunning from your wrought iron gated entryway thru your beveled glass front door admire your entry foyer imported italian chandelier. Cultured marble sinks and counters. $ 1248 Corinth Green 179,500

1550 Mira Lago....................3/2 ......$249,000 ................3 Car Garage, 2372 Htd PENDING 2324 Lyndhurst Drive ..........3/2 ......$234,000 ........................... Fairmont Lovely Pool Home 1936 New Bedford Dr ..........2/2 ......$230,000 .................. Islander Golf Course, Water View 1248 Corinth Greens ...........2/2 ......$179,500 ................... Amhurst Crn Molding, New Wind 1507 Bunker Hill ..................2/2 ......$169,900 ...............DW 52 Short Sale Fab!! North Lake 709 Plumbrook ....................2/2 ......$160,000 .......... Beaumont New Roof, Carpet, Grt Yard 2257 Worthington Greens ...2/2 ......$157,900 ...................Cornell Private Yard, Large Lanai 1122 McDaniel.....................2/2 ......$149,900 ........... Dartmouth Den, 2 Lanais REDUCED 536 McDaniel.......................2/2 ......$149,900 ........ Melbourne Laminate, Tile, Updated Kitc 376 Club Manor ...................2/2 ......$139,500 ................Golf Course, New Kitch, Great flow 305 Stroll Lane ....................2/2 ......$135,000 .........Beaumont New Roof, Plumb PENDING 1227 Fordham Drive ............2/2 ......$135,000 ....................DW37 Clean, South Lake SOLD 2338 Nantucket Dr ...............2/1.5 ...$129,900 .........Brockton Lots of upgrades + PENDING 1605 Bentwood Drivew ........2/2 ......$129,500 .................. Twintree ENCL Lanai, Lots of Tile 715 Thunderbird ..................2/2 ......$115,000 .....................DW37 Nature Lovers PENDING 912 Sun Key Court ..............2/2 ......$108,900 .................. Somerset Freshly Painted, SOLD 803 Riviera Dr......................2/2 ......$94,900 ............ Norfolk w Dining Rm 1500+ PENDING 1028 Apollo Bch Blvd 102 ...2/2 ......$89,900 ................Anchor Point Condo Wtr & Boat Slip 1903 Canterbury B-3 ...........2/2 ......$69,900 ............... Windsor Golf Water, Furn PENDING 302 Canton Ct # 56 .............2/2 ......$62,900 ........... Gable II Golf, New elect box, a/c& cpvc

1683 Heated square feet can be yours in this FAIRMONT model home which features new Kitchen, Carpet and tile as well as a lovely screen enclosed SOLAR Heated Pool owner was remodeling to move in to. $ 2324 Lyndhurst Drive 234,000

For Sale

411 A Faraday Trl................2/2 ......$54,900 ............Windsor Lots of Updates Golf Cart Incl 3 01 Kings Blvd F129 ..........2/2 ......$47,000 ..................Mansard Clean & Ready 4 Owners 201 Kings Blvd A-23 ............1/1.5 ...$29,000 ................Mansard Kingspt Wtr loc PENDING

Annual Unfurnished Rentals

1503 Dickman Cir ................2/2/2G .............. Cul-De-Sac ........................................... $1050 1214 Lakehouse ..................2/2/2G .............. Cool Dedham ........................................ $1200 1803 Butterfly ......................2/2/2G .............. Twintree................................................. $1300

Annual Furnished Rentals

1801 Bedford B 46..............1/1.5/1 .............. Open Corner Location............................. $795 301 Kings F 140 ..................2/2/1C............... New Kitchen – SHARP ........................... $825 1802 Bedford C 57 ..............2/2/1C............... 2 Showers ............................................... $850 2308 Glenmore Cir ..............2/2/2C............... Terrific Windsor ....................................... $900 1012 New Point Lp ..............2/2/1.5G ........... Brockton-Pet OK ................................... $1150 1803 Adrean ........................2/2/2G .............. WATER.................................................. $1300 1138 McDaniel.....................2/2/2G .............. Cornell - Very Nice ............................... $1400 2262 Worthington Grn .........2/2/2G .............. South Club Proximity............................. $1500 2248 Preservation Grn ........3/2/2G .............. Spacious and Lovely ............................. $1525

Summer Rentals Furnished

101 Silverbell .................... 2/2/2G .........Twintree on WATER....................................... $1100


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June 2015 The News of Kings Point

News of


Page 5

Where in the World is the News of Kings Point

Thank you so much for continuing to send all the exciting travel pictures! It continues to be a blast to vicariously relive your travels with you through those shots. See how much fun these folks are having? We hope their fun travel photos and stories will inspire you to go see some things and do some stuff…and when you do, take News of Kings Point along for the ride! Remember, if you send us a picture of you in your travels holding the News of Kings Point, you will see yourself in these pages.

t n i o P s g

This group of Kings Point residents brought the News of Kings Point along with them when they traveled to Costa Rica in February.

Cash Award

Joyce and Morris Firebaugh toured Chile, Argentina, and Brazil for 17 days in April on a Grand Circle Tour. Here they are in Rio de Janeiro with their News of Kings Point.

Researcher seeks one hour, personal interviews, with recent retirees. The purpose is to explore financial and interpersonal issues important to retirees. The interview may take place at your home or a public location in Sun City Center. $50.00 cash award will be paid upon completion of the interview. The study is academic in nature, strictly confidential and not related to the sale or promotion of any product or service. Please call Betsy at 727-623-9695 to schedule an appointment.

Hip or Knee Pain? Relief is here

with MAKOplasty®! Are you living with hip or knee pain? Manatee Memorial Hospital offers advanced, minimally invasive MAKOplasty® surgery with robotic arm technology. MAKOplasty allows surgeons to treat hip and knee conditions with a new level of precision using 3D computer imaging. MAKOplasty partial knee resurfacing is an innovative new treatment option for people with early to mid-stage osteoarthritis of the knee. For people with degenerative joint disease of the hip, MAKOplasty total hip replacement helps to ensure precision and quality results.

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Individual results may vary. There are risks associated with any surgical procedure. Talk with your doctor about these risks to find out if robotic surgery is right for you. Physicians are on the medical staff of Manatee Memorial Hospital, but, with limited exceptions, are independent practitioners who are not employees or agents of Manatee Memorial Hospital. The hospital shall not be liable for actions or treatments provided by physicians. 150103

6 Page

33573 33573 is provided by Debbie Caneen, Director of Admissions, Sun Towers from items submitted for publication. To submit events for future publications, send them by the 15th of the prior month. Debbie also publishes Ads and Events, a weekly e-mail containing information about what’s happening in 33573. Your event will also appear in the weekly Ads and Events e-mail and on the website www.SCCAdsAndEvents.com. Send all events by e-mail to sccfreeads@tampabay.rr.com. You only need to submit your Event one time each month for it to appear in both The News of Kings Point and SCC Ads and Events. SPECIAL EVENTS Please include all basic information, especially Price (or list it’s Free) and Contact Information (phone, e-Mail, or website). Six lines maximum. Send to: sccfreeads@tampabay. rr.com. As soon as space permits, we will put it in the weekly e-Mail and it will run until event date passes. You do not need to submit it again. PLEASE NOTE: This area is for SPECIAL EVENTS only. WEEKLY, MONTHLY, or ONGOING EVENTS are listed on our website under WEEKLY & MONTHLY MEETINGS at www.SCCAdsAndEvents.com which is updated every weekend.

MON. JUN 1 - “FOR TODAY” MEETING OF OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS 10:00 a.m. at the Sun City Chamber of Commerce meeting room (private entrance to meeting room is on the left side of the building). The only requirement for attending is a desire to stop compulsively eating. OA is an international 12-step organization/program which addresses the emotional, spiritual and physical needs of those desiring to stop compulsively eating and/or overeating. No scales, dues or fees. This meeting is open only to those who have a problem with their weight or eating patterns. Please join us any Monday morning. You can learn more about OA online at http://www. oa.org/newcomers/is-oa-for-you MON. JUN 1 - MAKING HOMEMADE YOGURT 2:00 – 3:00 pm at the SouthShore Regional Library, located at 15816 Beth Shields Way Ruskin, FL 33573. FREE EVENT! Join local naturalist, Diana Kyle, as she presents an entertaining and educational program on how to make yogurt at home. Funded by the Friends of the SouthShore Regional Library. No registration required. TUE. JUN 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 - LINE DANCING WITH A BALANCE 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. at Sun Towers

The News of Kings Point

Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Sun City Center. Do you like to dance but are worried about falling? Join our new FREE line dancing class lead by trained therapists. This weekly class will improve your balance and reduce your risk of falling. We can boot, scoot and boogie safely together and make exercise fun! For more information, call Debbie Caneen at 813-892-2990 TUE. JUN 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 - UKULELE JAM SESSION 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. at Music Avenue, 3822 Sun City Center Blvd, SCC. Ukulele players are invited to jam weekly with other ukulele players. To reserve your seat at the studio phone Steve or Ruth, 633-9688. Space is limited. TUE. JUN 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 - LIFE CHALLENGES SUPPORT GROUP 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Sun City Center. Live your life fully with zest and joy! Rid yourself of depression, anxiety, frustrations with family, children, friends, life changes, health problems, finances and more. Relief comes by sharing and receiving support and making a positive plan of action. All are welcome in complete confidence and free of charge. Your facilitators are Frank Koebrich, MA and Cheryl Lewis. Both are experienced and effective psychotherapists. We meet every Tuesday in the first floor lounge of Sun Towers. No appointment is necessary. Sponsored by the Coalition for Mental Health and Aging. TUE. JUN 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 - SOCIAL DANCE CLASS Beginning - Waltz - 5:30 PM Intermediate - Tango - 6:45 PM Beginning/Intermediate 3 Count Hustle - 8 PM. Classes are held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium building. Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point Residents. Couples and Singles welcome. $25/per person for 5 week session. For information call Bernice DuBro at 634-3205. WED. JUN 3, 10, 17, 24 THERAPEUTIC TAI CHI OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 10 - 11 a.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Our therapists have advanced training in therapeutic Tai Chi for Seniors and will provide guidance in this healthy exercise. Tai Chi has been proven to increase strength and balance! This class will be offered EVERY Wednesday due to increased demand. For more information, contact Debbie Caneen at 813-634-3347. WED. JUN 3, 10, 17, 24 - SOCIAL DANCE CLASS Beginning - Tango - 12:45 PM Intermediate – Cha-Cha - 2 PM Intermediate - Slow Dance - 3:15 PM Classes are held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium building. Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point Residents. Couples and Singles welcome. $20/per person for 4 week session. For information call Bernice DuBro at 634-3205. WED. JUN 3 - SUN CITY CENTER CHESS LOVERS CLUB 1:30 - 5 p.m. in the Heritage Room. A great way for beginners through master chess players to participate and to enjoy this classic game. This

is a non competitive club and we invite all members of Sun City Center and the environs to join us every Wednesday for a stimulating and challenging afternoon to test and improve your chess skills in the friendly atmosphere of our club. WED. JUN 3, 10, 17 - THE FRONT PORCH PICKERS 2 - 4 p.m. in the Rollins Theatre, Cherry Hills Drive, to play country, bluegrass, traditional and gospel music. Acoustic guitar, banjo, mandolin, fiddle, ukulele, dobro and bass fiddle players are welcome to join us. Listeners are welcome to enjoy the music and it is free. For more information: davidlickfeldt@rocketmail.com or 813-633-6739. THU. JUN 4 - BETTER BREATHERS SUPPORT GROUP 10 a.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive. The speaker for the June Better Breathers meeting will be John Hickey the Director of Market Development with Pulmonx Inc. The topic is: Pulmonx’s LIBERATE Study evaluating the Zephyr® Endobronchial Valve for treatment of Severe Emphysema, a form of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The Zephyr valve is designed to reduce the volume of the diseased region of the lung. As a result, healthy regions may expand and function more efficiently, resulting in improved breathing. Annettia Simpson, RRT, Director of Sun Towers’ Outpatient Pulmonary Rehabilitation will answer any questions you may have regarding pulmonary disease management. Also Jennipher Lenoir, COTA will have therapeutic Tia Chi for this meeting designed to make living with pulmonary disease more manageable. Complimentary valet parking available at Terrace entrance. For additional info, call Debbie Caneen 813892-2990. THU. JUN 4 - FALL PREVENTION FOR THE ELDERLY 1:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall of St. Andrew Presbyterian Church to learn tips for preventing falls. This free presentation will be given by Robin Watt, an EMT with the Emergency Squad. Robin’s personal interest in fall prevention began when her mother began experiencing multiple falls with injuries. That, combined with the serious injuries she observed as an EMT with the Squad, led her to work with others in the community. Since starting these efforts, she has made over 200 fall prevention presentations in Sun City Center and throughout Hillsborough County. Robin’s insights may help YOU. St. Andrew is located at 1239 Del Webb Blvd. West and can be reached by telephone at 634-1252. THU. JUN 4 - UNDERSTANDING MEDICAID FOR ASSISTED LIVING AND LONG TERM CARE 2 - 4 p.m.at JSA Medical Group, 787 Cortaro Dr., SCC in the Activity Center. The presenters are: Patricia Henderson, Outreach Manager and Community Liaison, Senior Connection Center, Inc. and Amanda M. Wolf, Board Certified in Elder Law by the Florida Bar. The co-sponsors are: Cypress Creek Assisted Living Residence and JSA Medical Group. Patricia Henderson presents at

June 2015

2:00 p.m. “Accessing services through Senior Connections; understanding the long term care system.” Amanda Wolf presents at 3:00 p.m. “The truth about Medicaid for long term care” Refreshments will be served. FRI. JUN 5, 12 - COFFEE KLATCH 1 - 2 p.m. at United Community Church, 1501 La Jolla. Please note new place and time. Laughter is the best medicine. Come and join others in this free support group and share your life’s challenges and maybe get a new perspective. Our motto is to turn lemons into lemonade. Coffee and snacks provided. Offered by Wendy Burkhard, LCSW, counselor / psychotherapist. 813-401-7452. FRI. JUN 5 - BEGINNER UKULELE WORKSHOP WITH THE TAMPA BAY UKULELE SOCIETY 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. at the SouthShore Regional Library, located at 15816 Beth Shields Way Ruskin, FL 33573. FREE EVENT! Join members of the Tampa Bay Ukulele Society (TBUS) for a free beginners ukulele workshop! Learn about the instrument, how to tune, hold and strum, play chords, learn two songs, and meet other local uke enthusiasts. A limited number of ukuleles will be available to play at the program for the first ten customers. Bring a uke from home-- or check out a ukulele from the library’s new lending collection, made possible by TBUS! SUN. JUN 7 - SINGLES SOCIAL DANCE CLUB 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. The Atrium Building Florida Room. Live music provided by Thor Stevens for your dancing pleasure. Members $3; Guests $5. BYOB and snacks. Ice, water, cups and napkins provided. Casual attire for the summer months. Info: 813633-3558 or 813-334-1439. MON. JUN 8 - “FOR TODAY” MEETING OF OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS 10 a.m. at the Sun City Chamber of Commerce meeting room (private entrance to meeting room is on the left side of the building). The only requirement for attending is a desire to stop compulsively eating. OA is an international 12-step organization/program which addresses the emotional, spiritual and physical needs of those desiring to stop compulsively eating and/or overeating. No scales, dues or fees. This meeting is open only to those who have a problem with their weight or eating patterns. Please join us any Monday morning. You can learn more about OA online at www.oa.org/ newcomers/is-oa-for-you. TUE. JUN 9 - THE CROSS STITCH CLUB AT SUN CITY CENTER 12:30 - 3 p.m. in the craft building, room one, also the Bunka room. We are happy to welcome new members. We give free lessons and beginning kits. Come socialize and learn a new skill or pick up an old one put to the side. Our club fees are just $5 a year. Club is open to Kings Point and Sun City Center residents. For more information contact Ilene at 813 634 6262. WED. JUN 10 - VIRTUAL DEMENTIA TOUR - YOUR WINDOW INTO THEIR WORLD 10 - 11:30 a.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Sun City Continued on Page 7

June 2015 The News of Kings Point


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From Page 6

WED. JUN 10 - SENIOR LIFESTYLE SERIES: LIFE PATH HOSPICE 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. at the SouthShore Regional Library, located at 15816 Beth Shields Way Ruskin, FL 33573. FREE EVENT! End-oflife planning should be a part of everyone’s health care plan. Life Path Hospice discusses the benefits of hospice and palliative care, how advance care directives can impact the care you receive, and the importance of making these decisions now so that your loved ones know how you wish to be cared for in the future. THU. JUN 11 – CRIME AWARENESS MEETING WITH Deputy Jeffery Merry, Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office Community Resource Deputy 9 a.m. at Sun City Center Security Patrol, Sun City Center. Open to the public. Learn about the monthly crime report and any hot topics for the community and law enforcement. Return each month on the second Thursday for future updates. THU. JUN 11 - “A POSITIVE APPROACH TO ALZHEIMER’S AND DEMENTIA CARE” 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr, Sun City Center. Discover how to focus on what your loved one can do! Please join us as we share insight and tips from Teepa Snow (MS, OTR/L, FAOTA), a dementia care expert and registered occupational therapist with over 30 years of experience in geriatrics. Find out about Senior

Center, FL Walk a Mile in the Shoes of a Person Living with Dementia. Created by P.K. Beville, a specialist in geriatrics, this experience is designed to instill hope in professional and family caregivers, providing them with a tool to move from sympathy to empathy and to better understand the behaviors and needs of their loved ones and patients. Tours provided by Senior Helpers. FREE event but RSVP is required to 813-634-3347. WED. JUN 10 - SUN CITY CENTER CHESS LOVERS CLUB 1:30 - 5:00 p.m. in the Heritage Room. A great way for beginners through master chess players to participate and to enjoy this classic game. This is a non competitive club and we invite all members of Sun City Center and the environs to join us every Wednesday for a stimulating and challenging afternoon to test and improve your chess skills in the friendly atmosphere of our club. WED. JUN 10 - DIABETES EDUCATION SUPPORT GROUP 2 - 3 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Have you been given the diagnosis of Diabetes? Are you unsure of your dietary future? Discover options that will assist you! Join Lisa Endick, RN from Nurse on Call Home Health Care as she facilitates this support group. For additional info, call Debbie Caneen 813892-2990.

Helpers’ unique Senior Gems® program and the different stages of dementia. We will cover topics such as: How and when to seek help from a physician, the difference between Alzheimer’s and dementia and how different parts of the brain are affected by dementia. Our unique and positive approach to dementia care, Techniques to provide effective care. This informational gathering is for anyone and everyone who is providing care for someone living with Alzheimer’s or another type of dementia. Complimentary Lunch - RSVP Required at 813-634-3347. FRI. JUN 12 – “FROM WATERMELON INSPECTOR TO THE WHITE HOUSE” – Author Book Signing 2 to 4 p.m. at the SouthShore Public Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way, Ruskin, FL 33573. Come meet LtCol Spencer Faircloth (ret) as well as several other local authors. Learn more about the book and Spence’s adventures through life. MON. JUN 15 - MONTHLY MEETING OF THE SCC SCRAPBOOKING CLUB 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Armstrong Room, Atrium Bldg. If you are interested in preserving your memories or family history, please contact Jeanne Ratliff at 642-9669 to join our fun group which meets monthly on the 3rd Monday. The dues are $5 made payable by check to ‘SCC Scrapbooking Club’. Reminder: per CA/KP rules, please bring your CA or Kings Point ID badge. MON. JUN 15 - “FOR TODAY” MEETING OF OVEREATERS

ANONYMOUS 10 a.m. at the Sun City Chamber of Commerce meeting room (private entrance to meeting room is on the left side of the building). The only requirement for attending is a desire to stop compulsively eating. OA is an international 12step organization/program which addresses the emotional, spiritual and physical needs of those desiring to stop compulsively eating and/or overeating. No scales, dues or fees. This meeting is open only to those who have a problem with their weight or eating patterns. Please join us any Monday morning. You can learn more about OA online at http://www.oa.org/newcomers/ is-oa-for-you. MON. JUN 15 - PARKINSON’S SUPPORT GROUP OF SUN CITY CENTER 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive. Facilitated by the USF Parkinson’s Disease & Movement Disorders Center. This month, Jillian Chaykin, MPH, Clinical Research Coordinator, will speak about Roskamp Institute and introduce a new study for Parkinson’s Disease. The Roskamp Institute, located in Sarasota, Florida, is devoted to understanding causes and finding cures for neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders and addictions. The Institute utilizes a broad range of highly advanced scientific approaches to understand the causes of, and potential therapies for these disorders. Continued on Page 8

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8 Page


The News of Kings Point

June 2015

From Page 7

(FREE Valet parking for car or golf cart available at Terrace entrance by blue awning.) If you have Parkinson’s, or are caring for someone with this disease, be sure to attend this support group! COMPLIMENTARY VALET PARKING AVAILABLE AT TERRACE ENTRANCE For additional info, call Debbie Caneen 813-8922990. TUE. JUN 16 - ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive. Bring Your Loved One For a Well Deserved Break. Facilitated by Aging Care Advocates. You will receive information while your loved one is cared for in our Secured Memory Care. Please RSVP no less than 3 days prior to 813-677-1400. For additional information, contact Debbie Caneen at 813-634-3347. WED. JUN 17 – CRIME AWARENESS MEETING WITH Deputy Jeffery Merry, Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office Community Resource Deputy 9:00 a.m. at American Momentum Bank, Sun City Center. Open to the public. Learn about the monthly crime report and any hot topics for the community and law enforcement. Return each month on the third Wed for future updates. WED. JUN 17 - LOW VISION SUPPORT GROUP - SPONSORED BY THE SUN CITY CENTER MEN’S CLUB 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity

Lakes Dr. Rebecca Radford from the Lighthouse for the Blind will facilitate this meeting. FREE VALET PARKING for Cars and Golf Carts at Terrace Entrance by Blue Awning. If you have low vision, then this meeting is for you! For more info call Debbie Caneen 813-892-2990. WED. JUN 17 - CLASSICAL MUSIC APPRECIATION 3:30 PM, Kings Point main clubhouse, RIPPLE ROOM (across hall from South Social Room.) Free. All lovers of classical music are invited. Information: Arthur C. Joy, 813633-9783, acjjr@tampabay. rr.com WED. JUN 17 - KP LINE DANCERS CELEBRATE OUR GREAT STATE OF FLORIDA 7 p.m. in the Borini Theatre. No ticket to purchase, so mark your calendar. Dress for Florida weather. BYOB - Open to KP and SCC residents and their guests. Call Jan 634-6226 for more info. MON. JUL 20 - PARKINSON’S SUPPORT GROUP OF SUN CITY CENTER - SPONSORED BY THE MEN’S CLUB OF SCC 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive. (FREE Valet parking for car or golf cart available at Terrace entrance by blue awning.) USF Parkinson’s Disease & Movement Disorders Center facilitates this meeting. Speaker to be announced. If you have Parkinson’s, or are caring for someone with this disease, be sure to attend this support group! COMPLIMENTARY VALET PARKING AVAILABLE AT TERRACE



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ENTRANCE For additional info, call Debbie Caneen 813-892-2990. TUE. JUL 21 - ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP 2 - 3:30 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive. Bring Your Loved One For a Well Deserved Break. Facilitated by Aging Care Advocates. You will receive information while your loved one is cared for in our Secured Memory Care. Please RSVP no less than 3 days prior to 813-677-1400. For additional information, contact Debbie Caneen at 813-634-3347. SUN. JUN 21 - SINGLES SOCIAL DANCE CLUB 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. meet in the Atrium Bldg., Florida Room. Come to the dance to enjoy live music of Thor Stevens. Members $3; Guests $5. BYOB and snacks. Ice, water, cups and napkins provided. For the summer dances the dance code will be casual-wear. Info: Janet 813-633-3558; 813-334-1439. THU. JUN 25 - AUTHOR LINDA BURHANS PRESENTS “GOOD NIGHT AND GOD BLESS” 1:30 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Drive, Sun City Center. Author Linda Burhans speaks about her book titled: Good Night and God Bless, a heartfelt story about the joy and challenges of caring for a parent. As an expert in Caregiver Advocacy, Linda has facilitated over 1000 support groups and workshops for caregivers. She shares lessons learned and coping tools with

thousands of caregivers who attend her events or read her work. Her weekly blogs provide expert guidance on resources and best practices for caregivers all over the United States. For more info, call Debbie Caneen at 813-892-2990. FRI. JUN 26 - FREE MEMORY SCREENINGS 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Sun City Center. Provided by Dr. Mary Stedman from Stedman Clinical Trials, Wendy Burkhard, LCSW from Wyndbeach Counseling, Dr. Andrew Keehan, Neurologist Associate Director Roskamp Institute Clinic and Darla Freeman-LeVay, M.A., CCC-SLP University of South Florida (USF) Clinical Instructor and SpeechLanguage Pathologist. How much of my memory have I really lost? Are you interested in Clinical Trials designed to cure Alzheimer’s? Want to learn more about memory loss? Call 813-634-3347 to reserve your space today! SUN. JUN 28 - SINGLES MINGLE DANCE CLUB OF KINGS POINT 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. Kings Point Main Clubhouse Studio. Come mingle and dance to the music of Thor Stevens. Admission is $5.00. BYOB and ice, water, cups and napkins are provided. Dressy/casual dress code. For admittance through the gate for non-residents and any other questions, please call Janet 813633-3558 or 813-334-1439.

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June 2015 The News of Kings Point

Neighbors Helping Neighbors

By Brownie Hoffman I joined the Sun City Center Emergency Squad in 2014 after the death of my wife of 57 years. During the last years of her life, we were home bound due to her illness. She was very weak and had many serous falls. The Emergency Squad was always there and provided many trips to the hospital and to rehab for her. After her passing, I decided to join the Emergency Squad in honor of her, and to pay back, for all the Emergency Squad had done for us. It has been a comfort to me to be able to help my neighbors by serving on the Emergency Squad. The Emergency Squad services are available 24 hours a day 7 days a week. If they can’t recruit more people to volunteer, it’s possible they could not meet the needs of our community. The Sun City Center Emergency Squad is an all-volunteer organization and is funded by donations. I hate to think what would happen to our community if the Emergency Squad was unable to continue in providing the service they have provided over the past 50 years. If you are healthy and care about your neighbors, I ask you to please contact the Emergency Squad at 813-633-1411 or call me at 813-633-7501.

Page 9


t h g i e N 2 / y g a a k 3D etaway Pac w


Emergency Squad Featured Volunteer Ted Adamczyk

G h c a

By Robin Watt Ted Adamczyk, EMR, Ambulance Driver, CPR Instructor, U.S. Marine veteran, Rutgers University alumnus and NJ native came to Sun City Center via Boquete, Republic of Panama. After 35 years in New York book publishing Ted decided retirement should be an adventure so off to Tucson to fire up a new career in real estate. Soon after arriving he and his wife Kathy discovered and became deeply involved in literacy programs for Mexican immigrant children. “It was publishing roots for me. If they couldn’t read well by fourth grade, learning and life would become an uphill struggle. We focused on niños in grades 1 to 3. The kids were eager and such fun. Their parents, who spoke little English, were especially warm and appreciative. We were more than rewarded, we were smitten.” To celebrate their 50th anniversary, Ted and Kathy set off on another odyssey. Selling everything, with only luggage in hand they emigrated to Boquete where they spent the next year enjoying the Panamanians and their new lifestyle on a mountain coffee farm. Returning to the states in 2013, they jump-started their lives here in Sun City Center. Within two months Ted joined the squad. “I can’t sit still and the squad offered me a new quest and local involvement. I soon discovered it was much more. There are folks out here who really need our help and we eagerly respond on a moment’s notice. For me, it’s not only an ongoing learning experience, but more importantly, I can make a difference at a critical time in someone’s life. Let me tell you it’s Lotto winner time when one of our patients gently touches me and smiles ‘thank you’.”





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10 Page

Hurricane continued from page 1

Bradenton) meteorologist John Scalzi. “Some people are prepared for every possible disaster, however, most of us probably aren’t prepared enough. In 2005 and 2006 people probably prepared more because of the four hurricanes in 2004.” We haven’t experienced a major hurricane since then. “If the hurricane forms in the Caribbean or Gulf of Mexico, pay close attention,” notes Scalzi. “If it forms off the coast of Africa I still recommend you watch the forecast, but you don’t need to put up the shutters.” We have a low hurricane activity season prediction this year. “Don’t put too much stock into long range forecasts,” cautions Scalzi. “Andrew struck Florida in a relatively low hurricane season. It’s good for researchers and insurance companies, not for homeowners. No one can tell you the likelihood of a hurricane hitting your neighborhood. Every storm is different, so pay attention.” Preparation Steps “We really should prepare every year at the start of hurricane season,” suggests Bill Barron, who leads CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) here in SCC. “It’s important to replace water, batteries, food and prescriptions.” (Water does not age like fine wine.) “Since many SCC residents have pets, it’s important to make similar preparations for your animals as well.”

The News of Kings Point

Here is a Basic List of Items One Should Have in the Event of a Hurricane:

•Water, one gallon of water per person per day. If you have pets, remember to get enough water for them as well. •Food, non-perishable for at least three days. •Battery powered or hand crank radio and a NOAA weather radio with tone alert. •Flashlight. •Extra batteries. •First aid kit. •Whistle to signal for help. •Dust mask to help filter contaminated air. •Duct tape and sheeting for a shelter in place. •Moist towelettes, garbage bags and ties for personal sanitation. •Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities. •Manual can opener for food. •Local maps. •Cell phones with chargers, inverter or solar charger. •Critical medications and prescriptions. •Important documents, preferably sealed in waterproofed packaging or container. Additional preparations such as testing flashlights and the radio is important and won’t take much time. Don’t assume everything works – check. Some items can be replaced during the year. For example, many CERT members replace their SCC map when the new phone books arrive. They extract the map from the old phone book before throwing it away. Overlooked But Critical One of the most important decisions for you to make is determine if you are going to stay and ride out the hurricane or evacuate. Not only do you need to make this decision, but inform family members as well. “You don’t need your children or other relatives traveling here to look for

Hurricane supplies: Basic supplies one should check at the beginning of every hurricane season.

you, when you’ve evacuated to Atlanta,” shared Barron. The quickest reference is page 9 in your SCC telephone book. The best web site for preparing for emergencies is www.ready. gov sponsored by FEMA.

June 2015

CERT continued from page 1

learning about how they would help in an emergency.” Barron said. In response to an activation call from Barron, 31 CERT members assembled at the Chamber of Commerce. When the hospital requested volunteers via radio, they were dispatched immediately. Working with the hospital’s Incident Response Team, the volunteers met incoming patients, who had triage tags listing their simulated injuries on bar-codes so the hospital knew what volume and what types of patients would be arriving. “The SCC Radio Club has a set-up at the hospital. In an emergency, they’ll send a team to the hospital to provide communication support. They participated this year; they actually called us by ham radio to say, ‘We need help.’ CERT has their own ham radio, so we can talk to everybody,” Barron said. The volunteers escorted incoming patients to treatment rooms, helped concerned family members and assisted with communications. CERT was selected by the hospital as a local volunteer partner largely because of the first-aid instruction its members receive in their training classes, Barron said. Loren Labrador, South Bay emergency management director, said, “In my opinion the exercise went well, being this was the first time we utilized the SCC CERT.”

June 2015 The News of Kings Point

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Let’s Talk Turkey!

By Rosie Korfant, Activities Coordinator JSA Medical Group Yep, right in the beginning of summer we’re gonna talk about our favorite fall fowl! It would be hard to imagine a Thanksgiving meal without the statuesque bird gracing our humble table. Why, I wonder, don’t I ever think of offering turkey as a “regular” meal option at other times of the year? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm, how many are with me here? If you are, read on. If not, consider yourself blessed with one of America’s most popular fowls. In fact, the U.S. is the world’s largest producer of turkey meat at 2.5 million tons per year. Recent studies show eating about one to four ounces daily is associated with decreased risk of pancreatic cancer when it’s eaten with the skin removed. Turkey also contains selenium, essential in a healthy thyroid, immune system, and in limiting cancer-producing free radicals. Turkey now shares the spotlight with other high in protein foods like tuna in helping to keep post-meal insulin levels at a safe range. Now, let’s mention here that this is turkey without the skin, of course. Though cooking it (preferably baking) with the skin on for added flavor is desirable, it is wise to remove all the skin, which holds the fat content prior to biting in. Imagine the clout of 34 grams of protein in one 4-ounce serving of skinned baked turkey breast! (Consuming the dark meat, like the thigh, wing or leg, drops the protein level to about 21 grams.) In addition, turkey wins the prize for mineral content and eight B vitamins. Studies are beginning to show that eating turkey regulates the blood sugar levels and insulin metabolism—this, in turn, manages the blood sugar content--always good for my pancreas and yours! Avoid contamination by thoroughly washing everything (hands, cutting board, and utensils) with soapy water after preparation. I’m not sure how much of an adventurous spirit you have, but it has been suggested to “talk personally with your turkey farmer.” A big red flag went up because I don’t even know a turkey farmer! My next best option was the meat cutter at my local grocery store for questions about how the turkey may have been raised and was it true organic not just “range-free and “cage-free.” Learning all these different terms was empowering for me as I am not the cook of the house. So, when your pals say: “let’s go out for a burger,” your next question should be: “where do they serve turkey burgers? A fourounce turkey burger has about 200-250 calories and 30 grams of good ol’ protein to help build and maintain lean muscle. (Those prone to a condition known as gout—beware! Too many purines, which are found in turkey, can trigger it.) Tryptophan, found in turkey, is used by the brain to produce serotonin, which calms the mood and helps against insomnia. Thus, the well-known Thanksgiving nap! Hmmm, anyone ready for some zzzzz’s? SOURCES: www.diethealthclub.com www.fitday.com www.livestron.com www.bodyandsoul.com www.howstuffworks.com www.whfoods.com Megan Ware, RDN, LD, registered dietitian and nutritionist

Connie Lesko, community relations director, with resident, Bill

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Personalized Memory Care — Join us for these educational seminars —

Senior Brain Health and Intimacy Tips Wednesday, June 10 • 10 am

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Who will provide advocacy for you in the event of an emergency? Do you have a plan to age in place, regardless of where you call home? Teresa Jackson, a certified care manager with Aging Care Advocates, wants to make sure you are prepared for any health emergency.

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12 Page

The News of Kings Point

June 2015

German American Club Presents Donation to Kings Point Quilters

SCC Tai Chi

The Sun City Tai Chi Club gathered in the shade of the giant oak trees near the pavilion on Cherry Hills Drive to participate in World Tai Chi and QiGong Day on April 25. This event began 17 years ago. Each year on the anniversary, beginning at 10 o’clock in the morning all over the world, more than 86 countries participate in a vast wave that circles the Earth. Starting in Australia and ending in Hawaii people moving and breathing together makes this global event a profound experience. This global wave of goodwill provides a vision of hope and healing to a world hungry for a vision. The Sun City Tai Chi Club was organized in 1991 by Kenneth Faulk and meets regularly throughout the year.

Kings Point Quilters Opportunity Quilt

By Jane Scully The Kings Point Quilters’ skill was tested when one day they received an antique quilt dating back to the 1940’s. The quilt was unfinished and not in the greatest shape. Heads were put together and a plan devised as how to best complete the quilt. Many hours went into repairs before it was ready for hand quilting. Back in the 1940’s quilts were hand quilted so in following tradition the hand quilters were put to task. The quilt was attached to a large quilting frame and an overall pattern decided upon before the ladies could start hand stitching. It took many months of quilting before the finished quilt was ready for its next step. This beautifully finished, one of a kind quilt became the clubs “Opportunity Quilt.” Many tickets were purchased by folks hoping to become the lucky owner. The lucky winner was Dale West. Ironically Dale had just joined the KP Quilters this year. In an effort to give back to our community the proceeds from this quilt will be divided between two local organizations; The German American Club and the Sun City Center Emergency Squad.

On behalf of the GermanAmerican Club of SCC, Roger Clark, Treasurer, presents a check for $500 to the Kings Point Quilters. Local veterans are selected to receive these uniquely designed quilts, lovingly handmade by the Kings Pint Quilters. The GermanAmerican Club is comprised of members from both Kings Point and Sun City Center.

Photo by Glenn Laucks L to R: Roger Clark, Treasurer, German American Club, Sandy Nunn, Pres. and Donna Heath, Chairperson for Veterans Quilts of KP Quilters.

Elegant Gardeners Make Donation

The Elegant Gardeners Club of Sun City Center recently made a donation to the local office of LifePath Hospice. John D. Wilbur Jr., CFRE, Senior Major Gifts Officer accepted the check in the amount of $500 from Teri Brockway, President and Carol Sowers, Vice President of the garden club. The donation was the result of fundraising efforts this year.

L to R: British Connection Spring Tea Committee Members leading the lively British Singsong: Veronica Harris, Jennifer Johnson, Margaret Davis, Robbin Stratton-Upson, Terry Harris, Sue Snell, Donna McLennan, Linda Peterson, Pam Treadwell. Missing from photo: Jackie Amos.

British Connection Hosts Spring Traditional Tea

By Robbin Stratton-Upson April 22 found the British Connection Club hosting an afternoon tea social for fifty in the Banquet Room of the Kings Point North Clubhouse. The catered ‘British Spring Tea’ was a masterpiece of traditional tea sandwiches, classic scones served with butter, strawberry jam, and cream, fresh fruit kabobs, and quintessential high quality tea poured hot from the beautiful teapots on each table. The background music was provided by Barb Carlini of Smooth Keyboard Sounds. The guests, in their fancy hats and fascinators, socialized by playing a unique British name game ‘Guess Who I Am’, followed by everyone joining in on a traditional singsong, accompanied by Barb Carlini, to conclude the enjoyable day. The British Connection is open to all residents and guests of Sun City Center and Kings Point. For club membership information, please contact Linda Peterson 813.634.7545.

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June 2015 The News of Kings Point

NY Club

The June meeting will be on Tuesday, June 2, at 5 p.m., the first Tuesday of the month. We will be meeting at Asian Fusion Chinese Buffet Restaurant at Apollo Beach in the new shopping center on the left side of the road on US-41. RSVP to your callers when they call if you are going. Thanks, and hope to see you there.

SCC Photo Club Competition

SCC Art Club’s Artist Of The Month

By Mel Solochek Karen Butenschoen will be the featured artist for Sun City Center’s Artist of the Month for June. Karen was born and raised in Oregon. She attended Portland State and University of Oregon Dental School. Karen married her college sweetheart and raised three children in Oregon and then Ohio. She had taken Tole painting classes in Oregon and taught craft classes there. Karen and her family moved to Texas in 2000 and was very busy receiving h e r CPC for medical coding w h i l e working at Baylor. Finally she and her husband moved to Sun City Center in 2004 to be near family and friends from Ohio. Karen’s husband and daughter purchased art supplies for her and told her to now take art classes. Karen fell in love with oil painting and enjoyed painting sunsets, roses, cats and family members. She has also taken pastel, acrylics. She tries to attend the workshops the art club provides using new and different media. Last year she received several first place ribbons at the Art Show. Karen’s paintings can be viewed at the SCC library, the information Center and Samaritan Services Building, LaBeautique Style Salon, and the Art Club window. Her artwork can be seen during open hours.

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The Sun City Center Photo Club is holding its second full photo competition on Tuesday, June 9, at 6:30 p.m. in the Caper Room. Jim Mahoney will be judging digital and print photographs taken by our talented photographers. Jim, a member of the Photographic Society of America has been an active exhibitor in International exhibitions and camera club competitions. Jim’s favorite subjects are landscapes and model photography. He takes great pleasure in visiting our National Parks, National Monuments and State Parks searching for magical light and the perfect moment to record the scene. Along with architecture and tabletop photography, Jim enjoys working with models in his home studio. His photographs have been published in Tampa Bay Magazine and Delicious Dolls. He has also been listed in PSA’s Who’s Who. At 6:30 p.m. there will be a short tutorial along with club announcements. The judging of print and digital photographs begins immediately following. Community members and guests are welcome to attend. For more information on the club and its activities, please see our website at www.photoclubscc. com or visit the learning lab at 1203 N. Pebble Beach Blvd. Dues for the 2015 year remain at $20 per person or $30 per household couple and provide access to club activities, competitions and classes as well as the photo lab with computers, scanners and large format printers.

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Page 13

Sawdust Engineers Put Grants to Good Use

By Debbie Tarr and Stan Juczak The community Foundation of Tampa has given three grants to the Sawdust Engineers that have allowed the club to make the shop better and help people in need. Two of the grants, $6,000 each, were for the Personal Energy Transportation (PET) project. PET is a three-wheel bicycle that is hand operated and shipped overseas to mostly third world countries for persons who have lost their legs. The units are free and assembled in Tampa and other locations in the U.S. Our grant was to make all of the wooden parts for these units. The benefit to persons of limited mobility is beyond comprehension. The other grant was for a new dust collection for our shop. The old system was a single unit located outside with the ductwork in the attic. It was operated by a 15-horsepower motor. It was impossible to keep the shop cool because of the hot attic and the unit sitting in the sun. The grant of $7,500 paid for three units located in the shop with ductwork running in the shop. The new system has an efficient air unit that keeps the shop cool and the dust collection system is selfcontained and keeps the floor clean. This club is committed to local community service. They make items for the other clubs, many local churches and repairs furniture when needed. There is a toy room filled with toys made by the members that are donated to schools. Schools receive the toys for pre-k and first grade such as wooden alphabets and puzzles giving the children experience with eye-hand coordination. Two classes are available on Wednesday nights. The Ladies class is $40, and the women make two wooden cutting boards. This class teaches their students how to tell the different woods apart and how to work with each type. The other class in the intermediate wood class and is the same price but the members make a step stool. Yearly fees are $40. For more information call Don Wilbert at 813-634-4233.

Guests of the Wednesday ladies class.

Rename from Page 3

and Chief of Community Relations and National Outreach. A musical interlude and tribute to the military services will be provided by the Trinity Baptist Church Choir directed by Rev. James Feist. Colors will be presented by the East Bay High School J.R.O.T.C. Grand Marshal is Col. Roy Conklin, USA (Retired),

assisted by members of the Ruskin Boy Scout Troops 661 and 662, who will place the wreath at the flagpole outside the auditorium. As part of our annual tribute to our deceased veterans, and showing the great spirit of Sun City Center patriotism, the Patriots Club makes arrangements for and funds the display of U.S. flags on SR-674. This year the flags will fly until after the Fourth of July.


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14 Page

The News of Kings Point

Weavers News

Here’s Johnnie...Bates, that is! During the final meeting of the summer season, members of the SCC Weaver’s Club were treated to a surprise piano and singing presentation by one of their members—Johnnie Bates. The audience loved it! Music for her three selections, including Brian’s song, were arranged for her by her brother. One could tell by looking at the music that it had been used many times and truly represented treasured memorabilia. Singer, piano player, golfer (until recently), SCC Women’s Chorus member, Atrium walker, and an avid weaver for 25 years! That’s Johnnie - an allaround active member of Sun City Center where she has lived since 1978. Not bad for a 93 year old. Johnnie grew up in a musical family. Her mother was a singer and choir director, her father a singer. She and her brother attended Northwestern Music School in Evanston, Ill., so music has been an important part of her life. Thanks, Johnnie, for sharing your talent with us.

Back Row: Nan Ryan, Lynda Kolling, Mary Strangler, Patty Godfrey, Barbara Baker.Middle Row: Norine Brink, Minnette Hunt, Jane San Filippo, Phyllis Kimek-Wilhelm. Front Row: Linda Smith, Linda Bowker, Gloria Marlow.

Sew’n Sews News

Sew’n Sew members completed 20 dresses to be personally delivered to young girls in Tanzania, Africa by former member, Katherine Benoit. She and her husband have been actively involved in a project to build a school, library and science center in Tanzania, called the “The Kitenga Village Project”. To quote Katherine, “On May 24, a group of 10 ardent GEC (Girls Education Collaborative) supporters arrives in Tarime (about an hour from Kitenga) for a two day visit and celebration that culminates in a ceremony to dedicate both the Library and Science Center.” Visit the GEC website for more information: http://girlsedcollaborative. org/projects/the-kitenga-village-project/ Members were pleased to contribute their time and energy as every girl deserves not only an education, but also a dress. Sew’n Sews meets Monday through Friday throughout the year in the Studio in the Arts and Crafts Building.

Valrico Teen’s ’42 Ford Is Cruiser of the Month

Many Roamin’ Oldies Car Club members have grandchildren Austin Smallwood’s age, and there were smiles all around when the Valrico 16-year-old’s 1942 Ford Opera Coupe was voted Cruiser of the Month for May. In the 18 months since he found it as a non-running old street rod, Austin has completely rebuilt and upgraded the engine. He is now perfecting his welding skills to renovate spots of the bodywork showing the effect of years of neglect. Under the skin, the running gear is all Chevrolet, with a small-block V8 and automatic transmission, mounted on a 1957 Chevy chassis. The older club members, Austin says, “Have all been nice as can be, trying to help me out and give me ideas on how to improve my car.” The Roamin’ Oldies host a cruise-in from 6 to 9 p.m. the first Thursday of every month in the Apollo Beach Winn-Dixie Plaza on US41, with a rain date the following Thursday. There is no charge for spectators or participants, who vote to select the cruiser of the month. About 100 of the area’s finest antique and collectible cars often take part, accompanied by classic oldies music played by DJ Joey Ferrante. The event is sponsored by Thompson’s Auto Parts and The Florida Railroad Museum. For information, call Chet at 813-842-1511.

June 2015

Retired Lt Col and White House Committee Chair Publishes Page Turner

By Debbie Tarr, w/NSCC staff Lt Col Spencer Faircloth, USAF(ret) is an example of living history in Sun City Center. A former committee chair for President Nixon, letter writer for President Johnson and eyewitness to many landmark moments in the 20th Century, Spencer recently published his enthralling memoir, “From Watermelon Inspector to the White House.” Billed by one reviewer as “a ticket on a time machine with stops at many of the most important moments of the 20th century…and a fresh, first-hand perspective on the people and events that shaped the American Century…” the book is also a man making his way through life, learning lessons, finding love and trying to do the best he can. The book is available in hardcover, paperback and ebook formats from his publisher Xlibris, Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble. Spencer was born in Georgia in 1929. His life has been full of adventure and excitement that rivals most movies available today. He worked his way through college doing jobs such as inspecting watermelons for the state of Georgia and as a soda jerk in his father’s drugstore. He enlisted in the USAF in 1950 and had a 24 year career that included working for Presidents Johnson and Nixon. After retiring from the USAF, Spencer served as Assistant

Vice President at the Equitable Life Assurance Society, Vice President and General Manager of the development of Freedom Plaza, as well as the First Vice President and Trust Officer for Sun Trust Bank. Then, after retiring a third time, Spencer serves this community by giving estate planning classes, and working with the Community Foundation of Tampa Bay. Spencer’s charitable efforts extend to the Military Family Support Trust Mary and Spencer Faircloth Scholarship fund for the education of children of military families. He continues to support our community with no sense of stopping although he is 86 years young. This Legion of Merit retired officer also shows no limits in his ability to find ways to help our Sun City Center members when they are in need of medicine, food, or with many other needs. “From Watermelon Inspector to the White House” explores the type of American few of us will ever be lucky enough to know and call “neighbor,” but we here in Sun City Center can. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about this charitable man and read his book. To meet Spencer and purchase a signed copy of his book, join him and his co-author, Adam Porter, FRIDAY JUNE 12 from 2 to 4 p.m. at the SouthShore Library. Call Spencer at 813.634.8291, or order the book online at www. xlibris.com or www.amazon.com.

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June 2015 The News of Kings Point

Page 15

South Shore Dems June Meeting Announcement

The SouthShore Democratic Club announces its next meeting, Thursday, June 11, at the SouthShore Regional Library. The Speaker/ Topic to be announced at a later date. Refreshments are served at 1 p.m. and the general meeting begins at 1:30. All Democrats and like-minded individuals are invited to attend. Please visit www. southshoredemocraticclub.org as well as Facebook at www. facebook.com/SSDEMCLUB for more information.

Places of the Heart

By Patt Sulzberger This recently published book is for armchair travelers who will never be there; for future travelers who plan to be there; and for frequent travelers who have already been there. This is an author’s remembrances of just a few favorite and fascinating places the world has to offer. There is something wonderful and memorable in either the most ordinary or the most unconventional places, and those special moments in time you spend there may never come again. Patt Sulzberger was born in Milwaukee and moved to New York City after college, where she met her husband. Eventually they moved to Worcester, Massachusetts, where they started their own optical wholesale company, having branches in Boston and Haverhill. Patt spent most of her working life as a fashion copywriter editor for a mail order catalog in New York City, then assisted her husband in their own company. They retired and moved to Florida in 1994.

Metaphysical Society

Jeannie Polovoy, Director of Publicity Presentations – 10 a.m. – Wednesdays – Central Campus June 3 in the Heritage Room. “Massage: Therapy or Luxury?” presentation with Robin LeBleu Devling, LMT. Robin shares with us the many facets of massage in history to modern day and how it transcends thru Luxury and Therapeutic benefits. There are many varieties of massage and a purposes behind each. Find out what to look for in a therapist to be most comparable to your needs. Learn some self-help techniques to release tension. June 10 in the Heritage Room. “Developing a Successful Practice of Meditation,” presentation with Loren Shaffer, PhD, certified Reiki practitioner, medical meditation consultant, and holistic life coach. Recognizing that the physical aspects of disease and pain are but a part of the whole picture, Dr. Shaffer speaks to the core types of meditation, how they differ, the intent of each, and how we can best eliminate the pitfalls we encounter when we meditate. June 17 in the Sandpiper Room. “Dangerous and Safe Doorways to the Unconscious When Exploring Psychic Intuitive Areas,” presentation with Carol Ann Liaros. Ms. Liaros shares the importance of positive growth of our Psychic Intuitive skills while explaining that overlooking the negative aspects of exploring these skills is not the safe, sane, grounded way to enhance our psychic, intuitive abilities. Discussing both doorways brings clarity to one’s development. June 24 in the Heritage Room. “Hypnosis – Connecting with the Subconscious Mind,” presentation with Jean Batronie, PhD. Dr. Batronie explains what hypnosis is, how it works for some and not others, and demonstrates the power of our “Chairman of the Board,” the Subconscious. Presentations are open to SCC residents and their guests, and reciprocal communities. Love offering is requested to benefit the Society. Info call Jeannie at 813 938-5931 or Holli at 813 419-4704. Activities Sunday, June 7 at 2:30 p.m., in the Heritage Room, Central CampusMetaphysical Movie Sunday features the 2008 documentary film “Spirit Space,” with appearances by Fred Alan Wolf; Edgar Mitchell; Don Miguel Ruiz; Linda Backman; Skip Atwater; Linda Gabriel; Laurie Monroe; and Eden Marie James, that explores the latest developments in Life After Death, Reincarnation, The Spirit World, and Quantum Physics in regards to our own consciousness. “Spirit Space,” continues where the films “What the Bleep Do We Know” and “The Secret” end. Open to SCC residents and their guests, and reciprocal communities. Free admission. Facilitator: Vicky at 813 398-7033. Mondays, June 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29 at 1 p.m., in the Heritage Room, Central Campus - Book Group features “Life Reflections on Your Journey,” by Louise Hay. Open to SCC residents and their guests, and reciprocal communities. Free admission. Facilitator: Alice at 813 634-9065. Note: Book Group will be recessing effective July 1st for the summer and will resume in the fall. For General Info call Vicky at 813 398-7033; for Program Info call Jeannie at 813 938-5931 or Holli at 813 419-4704; and for Membership Info call Ludi at 813 938-5686.

Photo by Ray Webb

Audubon Club Dedicates Bench at Camp Bayou

Have you been to Camp Bayou lately? If not, you will find a bench to rest on as you enjoy the Butterfly Garden. Donna Carty manages the Butterfly Garden for the Eagle Audubon Club. She said the bench is in a nice, shady spot with a wonderful view of the garden. Sun City Center Audubon Club recently dedicated the bench in memory of members of the club. The families of two former members gave a donation to the Audubon Club in memory of their loved ones. After discussion of how to use these donations for their intended purpose, an idea was to add more funds from the club and remember all members. In April, representatives of the club met in the Butterfly Garden to install a plaque to the back of the bench, which reads, “In Memory of Our Members, Sun City Center Audubon Club.” Shown in the photo are Dennis Wendt of the Sawdust Engineers who attached the plaque to the bench; Linda Floyd, SCC Audubon President; Ed Clancy, Club Historian; Clara Clancy; and Suzanne Booth, former Club President. Paid Advertisement

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Replace Old Drafty Windows & Cut Energy Bills With Special “No Cost Now Program" Sun City Center, FL – Michael Hollander, owner of WeatherTite Windows, announced a great savings plan for Sun City Center residents. His deferred payments, along with reduced pricing, are great for homeowners who are in need of affordable, replacement windows and doors. All homeowners who respond within two weeks from the date of this notice and purchase energy efficient money saving WeatherTite windows or doors are eligible to make this purchase with no money down and have a payment plan with no interest until 2016. Mr. Hollander emphasized the program is effective immediately – and he will be able to arrange monthly payments to suit the budgetary needs of every homeowner. This very special program features the finest tilt-in w i n d o w s m a n u f a c t u r e d t o d a y. WeatherTite Windows come with 6 great warranties, meet stringent codes

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16 Page

The News of Kings Point

June 2015

Tax Club Sets New Record for Free Tax Returns Prepared

Men’s Chorus

Congratulations to Lynn Hirschfeld and his Men’s Chorus of Sun City Center, they sang at Tropicana Field the National Anthem Ray’s Baseball game on April 23. There were 5 buses of residents of our City that went to the game to support Sun City Center’s Men Chorus.

SCC Photo Club Presentation

On May 12, aerial and underwater photographer, Mary Whitworth, gave a live presentation introducing her recent purchase of a drone made by DJI. Mary said, “This is the most exciting news in the photography world. It is an inspire model that I plan on taking videos with instead of using helicopters.” The 4k video capabilities have made it definitely an inspiration! This resolution capacity will allow Ultra High Definition videos to be captured to play on TVs you haven’t even bought yet, since broadcasting hasn’t reached these realms of clarity at 4,000 lines per inch. Mary is the owner of Florida Aerial Services. She strives to provide exceptional aerial photography and video to the professional industry for planning, construction and marketing. For more information on the club and its activities, please see our website at www.photoclubscc.com or visit the learning lab at 1203 N. Pebble Beach Blvd. Dues for the 2013 year remain at $20 per person or $30 per household couple and provide access to club activities, competitions and classes as well as the photo lab with computers, scanners and large format printers.

By Bob Larson The SCC Tax Club completed its 27th year operating at the United Community Church, increasing its free computer 1040 returns volume by more than 10%. The club did this in spite of technical software problems, the need to replace obsolete equipment, and training issues arising from the continued federal government effort to administer complicated social programs through the income tax collection process. The Tax Club continues to be the largest free noncommercial tax return filer in Hillsborough County, filing 40% of the free 1040 returns prepared in the county. We are also the largest return filer among the 55 AARP sites operating between Hudson and Venice, including all of those in St Petersburg, Tampa and Sarasota. The Club trained nearly 100 local volunteers to prepare returns, take appointments, and to greet clients, helping them to gather the information necessary to prepare accurate returns for both the current and prior years at sites in Sun City Center, Kings Point and the County Family Service Center in Ruskin. More than 6,000 dependents and taxpayers were aided as we filed nearly 4,000 returns, generating $5.8 million in taxes and returning more than $2.1 million in refunds to the people and the economy in the greater Sun City Center area. About 98% of our returns are filed by computer, which empowers more accurate processing, simplifies recordkeeping, and speeds refunds that are often deposited directly into our client’s bank accounts within a few days. More than 84% of our clients were over 60 years old, surpassing our goals in the IRS and the AARP Foundation’s Tax Counseling for the Elderly Project, the program that directly funds our training and computer support expenses. We supported the local community by generating $236,000 in earned income credits and $168,800 in child tax credits. We schedule native Spanish-speaking tax volunteers several days each week to serve the 26% of Hillsborough County residents who identify themselves as Hispanic and we file more tax returns for noncitizens (ITIN returns) than any site in this part of Florida to serve the many low income wage earners hired by local farmers to work in the surrounding farms growing the crops we all enjoy. The IRS estimates our three sites saved local people more than $800,000 in tax preparation fees. We thank our volunteers who contributed more than 7000 hours in training and in preparing tax returns. We also thank their spouses for the sacrifices they made to contribute to this success.

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June 2015 The News of Kings Point

SCC Dog Owners Group 2015 Board Members

SCC Lions Donate to The Conklin Center

The SCC Lions Club recently made a donation to The Conklin Center, a Lions entity. The Conklin Center is the only facility in the United States that offers independent living and employment training programs, followed by optional lifelong support services, to help multi-handicapped blind persons lead dignified, selfsufficient lives. The adult students are taught skills and offered support to work in real jobs and live on their own in the community. The Conklin L to R: Robert Kelly, Executive Center provides facility-based Director, The Conklin Center, training services in Daytona Beach & Lion Nick Olson, President. and Orlando. Most students are Florida residents, but they also serve out-of-state students. In addition to The Conklin Center, the SCC Lions Club donated to the Hope Fund, Wimauma Elementary Library, Mary/Martha House, South Eastern Guide Dogs, Samaritan Mission, SCC Emergency Squad, Tampa Lighthouse for the Blind, Lions Eye Institute for Transplant and Research, and the Greater Tampa Lions Sight Fund. For more information regarding the SCC Lions, please contact Ellen or Terry McGovern 813-633-4202.

The Purple Butterflies Take on the Big Top Flea Market

Saturday, July 18, travel to The Big Top Flea Market in East Tampa where your shopping dollars go farther -- shop in air-conditioned sections as well as in the covered and outdoor areas. We will meet at the far end of the parking lot past the SCC Security Patrol, CA, Library buildings on N. Pebble Beach Blvd., at 8:45 a.m.; home 3 p.m. Put on your walking shoes and shop till you drop. This trip is open to the public; both non-member ladies and men who might enjoy the day shopping. Lunch OYO at the Flea Market. Cost of this trip is $15 – includes bus and gratuity. Checks should be made payable to “Purple Butterflies.” A sign-up sheet is on the front table at 610 La Jolla Avenue (self-serve and open 24/7) or phone Elaine at 634-3479 for more information. Remember to let us know your special needs, if any, and whom you would like to sit with, just write it in the Comment Column.

Is your

Page 17

The DOG Park’s new Board held its first membership and potluck meeting April 20 in the Florida Room. Bob Bagley announced the list of park improvements that will be completed during this year, e.g. new dog pools, security lights and grading of the paths. Bob Goetz, discussed the soon to be released website that will retain all the current site’s information and will provide more information and feature to the members. If you have any questions call Pat Jones 813-784-7435.

SCC Lions Club News

The Sun City Center Lions Club held their Installation and Awards Luncheon on Wednesday, May 13, at the Sandpiper Grill. Installing the officers for 2015-2016, was 1st Vice District Governor Elect, John Geary. The newly installed officers are: President Gloria Rodzielowicz, and her guide dog Billy; Secretary Pat Soja; Treasurer Eugene Deiss; First Vice President Nick Olson; 2nd Vice President Sylvia Colon; 3rd Vice President Bill Dierks. Also installed were Tail Twister Pete Colon, Lion Tamer Clarence Woodard, two-year Directors Kathleen Siminow and Char Treadway, one-year Directors Pat Schumacher and Beverly Hurley. A special presentation was made by Lion Suzy Stathas, Past Council Chair, to the Sun City Center Lions Club for their one page newsletter, The Lions Tale. This was the seventh time in eight years the club received Pres. Gloria Rodzielowicz & the District 35I Award and the SEGD Bill. Multiple District Florida and the Bahamas Award. Editor Ellen McGovern accepted the award.

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Up Close and Personal SCC’s Longtime Connection with The Florida Aquarium By Kai Rambow “When you talk to Uncle Mike, please ask him to take us back there next year. That was an awesome day,” exclaimed Mike Albanese’ nieces and nephews. A few times a month, Mike Albanese, SCC resident, drives up the aquarium, puts on scuba gear and helps clean the tanks. There is intense preparation activity every morning. “Every time we get into a tank,” Albanese explained, “we’re working against the clock because we need to be done before the aquarium opens.” Another SCC resident, Russ Merritt, led the way. His active involvement as a scuba diver resulted in Merritt being named Volunteer of the Year and serving on the board of directors. He also made national news when his 80th birthday was celebrated underwater in the shark tank. Merritt, involved from almost the very beginning, noted many changes made over the years on a recent visit. “Many things have been made even better,” he remarked. A Journey through the Water Cycle “If you follow the numbered trail on the aquarium map,” shares Merritt, “the concept is following a drop of rain.” The path starts in the Florida wetlands, through

the mangrove swamp, to the beaches and out into the deep ocean. It is thoughtfully laid out with just the right amount information for visitors to know what they’re seeing. The best aspect is how close you can get to most of the aquatic life. Habituated alligators comfortably lean right up against the glass. Florida birds we see so often at a distance are incredibly close. A minor challenge is catching some of the talks scheduled throughout the day. Staff does a great job of making it interesting, especially for children. The presentation at the big tank with the divers is a fun one to watch. “One of the rewards of volunteering for so many years,” notes Merritt, “is some of the funny incidents. Otters are playful, curious and intelligent. They figured out how to open the door, so they could leave the exhibit any time they wanted. Someone would need to chase them back out to the display area.” The doors were redesigned. Penguins Backstage Pass In this 30-minute experience, led by a knowledgeable penguin (actually biologist), everyone gets an opportunity to touch a penguin, see them waddle, jump in and out of the tank, and

see them swim up close. An extra event, while pricey, provides a wonderful opportunity to interact with penguins. Grandparents and parents were just as enthralled as their grandchildren and children. Bonus If You’re Prepared After you’ve seen everything, Explore-a-Shore is an outdoor water park with water jets, cannons and slides. Be sure to bring swimwear and sunscreen for the kids. There are change rooms right there and, most importantly, shaded sitting areas so you can comfortably keep an eye on the kids while they’re having a blast. This is included with your admission, but you’ll miss out and the kids will be disappointed if you’re not prepared. Tips for a Great Trip When to Go: Summer is a great time to make this trip since most of it is indoors. A weekday after school ends (we had 1,200 school kids during our visit) would be your best bet.

Driving: Easy to get to in downtown Tampa. Parking is right by the building ($6). Getting Something to Eat: Café Ray stretches beyond the typical fare at reasonable prices. Russ and I took advantage of the hot sandwich selections. We ate lunch, including something to drink for about $10 each. An allinclusive kid’s meal is available for $6. Best Pricing: If you’re a AAA member you’ll save a few dollars on each ticket. AAA prices are: $16.99 for seniors (60+); $14.99 for a child (3-11); and $19.99 for adults (12-59). For admission and penguin adventure, your best pricing is to book tickets online. The Florida Aquarium Open 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. 701 Channelside Drive www.flaqurium.org Tampa, FL 33602 (813) 273-4000

As close as you can get without being eaten.

Mike Albanese ready to enter tank.

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June 2015

The Kings Point Duplicate Bridge Club Sessions

The first event is STaC Games – Sectional Tournament at Club. This bridge event will take place in the Card Room of the Kings Point North Club the week of June 8. The regular bridge schedule will be followed. Duplicate bridge players compete for silver points. Come join your fellow bridge players for refreshments, great card playing and a chance to earn silver points right here in Sun City Center. The second bridge competition, North American Pairs, will take place in Kings Point the week of June 22. Players will compete for a chance to earn red and black points at regularly scheduled games.

Kings Point Mixed Bowling League

Pictured from left to right are committee members: Ronda O’Farrell, Carol O’Connor, Bobbie Carroll, Mike Molinari, Margaret Davis, Sue Batt, Jerry Harter, Cheryl MacPhee, Kathy Smith, Nancy Heston, Mary Lee Cremean and Mary Rutledge. Not pictured: Caroline Gulick, Gail Motala and Marianne Strehar.

“The Longest Day” Coming Soon!

June 21, 2015: Both Sun City Center and Kings Point Duplicate Bridge clubs are proud to announce that they have joined together in an American Contract Bridge League (ACBL) sponsored event supporting Alzheimer’s disease, care and research. All monies collected will go to the Alzheimer’s Foundation (Via ACBL) for this great and very worthy cause that affects many of us in one way or another. There will be an auction held during the day for many great prizes. Tickets for the event may be purchased in both Sun City Center and Kings Point duplicate bridge games. Cost is $20 a ticket, which includes participation in any or all of the following events: Games, Lessons, Meals and Happy Hour. Meals: Continental breakfast will be served from 7:30 - 8:30 a.m. in the Florida Room; lunch from 11:30 – 1 p.m., also in the Florida Room. Happy Hour will

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be held jointly in the Royal Room and Atrium Kiosk from 5:30 - 6:15 p.m. Bridge lessons: Pat Rippel will conduct a class from 8:30 - 9:00 a.m. on “negative doubles”; Sue Batt will hold a class from 12:30 – 1 p.m. on “listening to the bidding” and Marion Winsor will teach from 3 - 3:30 p.m. on “bidding with no HCP’S”. All three classes will be held in the Royal Room and are included in the $20 entry fee. Duplicate Bridge: Games for all levels. Open games: 8:30 - 11:30 a.m.; 12:30 - 3 and 3:30 - 5:30 p.m., all in the Horizon Room. 0-499 Games: 9 - 11:30 a.m. and 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. Both in the Caper Room. 0-99 Game: 6:15 – 9 p.m. in the Caper Room and finally; Open Swiss Team Game: 6:15 – 9 p.m. in the Horizon Room. Please contact Mary Rutledge or Gail Motala if you need a partner for any of the games.

Shown are the Alley-Opps who won the first 14 weeks. From L to R: the team members are Stuart Gibson, Arlene Gibson, Joe Kushnerick, Michele Guarnier, and Pat Thomas.

On April 29 the Kings Point Mixed Bowling League celebrated the completion of another successful season with a gala dinner catered by Banquet Masters and followed by a night of dancing to the sounds of Bob Siatkowski in the Veterans Theater (formerly Borini). The League season runs from October thru April yearly. Anyone 55 or older living in Kings Point or Sun City Center is eligible to join. If interested call 813-633-7034 or 813-419-4683. All 18 teams attended and awards were given for both team and individual accomplishments over the 28 week schedule

Flexercise/Aerobics Class

New schedule of days starting May thru August this year because of renovations at the Community Hall. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday: FLEXERCISE 8 - 8:45 a.m., AEROBICS 8:50 - 9:30 a.m. Our classes for these four months are in the new Dance Studio, the first new building right after the Lawn Bowling on North Pebble Beach Blvd. Come join us good Flexercise and Aerobics leaders, with music. Cost $16 per year. Needed for Flex a Mat (opt. hand weights). Come try us the first time is FREE!

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20 Page

The News of Kings Point

Hogans Golf Club of Sun City Center & Kings Point

Saturday, April 25, 2015 Course: Freedom Fairways 1st: Mike McClintic 6 Skins 2nd: Jim Hiller 4 Skins Low-Net: Mike McClintic 55 Low-Gross: Ruben Jones 70 Birds: Jim Hiller 1 Eagle Mike McClintic 1 Bird Saturday, April 25, 2015 Course: Sandpiper Lakes-Palms 1st: Don Mowry 1 Skin Low-Net: Don Mowry 61 Low-Gross: Don Mowry 83 Birds: Norm Taylor 1 Bird

L to R: Don Mowry and Norm Taylor.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015 Course: Sandpiper Palms-Oaks 1st: Hannes Broschek 3 Skins 2nd: Jack Hugill, Tom Rosata, and Jerry Egger Tied at 2 Skins Low-Net: Jack Hugill 60 Low-Gross: Paul Swakow 82 Birds: Hannes Broschek 2 Birds Jerry Egger 1 Bird

Saturday, May 2, 2015 Course: Falcon Watch Cypress-Challenge 1st: Sharlene Peter 2 Skins 2nd: Vic Scodese, Frank Harvey, and Jack Hugill 1 Skin Low-Net: Sharlene Peter 60 Low-Gross: Paul Swakow 82 Birds: Sharlene Peter, Ray Bui, Laura Parziale, Ed Brown and Mike Greenwood 1 Bird

Back L to R: Mike Greenwood, Ed Brown, Frank Harvey, Jack Hugill & Paul Swakow. Front L to R: Vic Scodese, Laura Parziale, Ray Bui and Sharlene Peter.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015 Course: Sandpiper Oaks-Lakes 1st: Vic Scodese 3 Skins 2nd: Paul Swakow, Rich Lucidi, Don Mowry, and Jerry Egger Tied at 1 Skin Low-Net: Jack Hugill 59 Low-Gross: Denny Sutphen 84 Birds: Jerry Egger 2 Birds Denny Sutphen, Rich Lucidi, and Don Mowry 1 Bird

CWGA 9-Hole President Cup Winners

Falcon Watch 18 Hole Ladies

Back L to R: Paul Swakow, Denny Sutphen, Jack Hugill, and Rich Lucidi. Front L to R: Jerry Egger and Vic Scodese.

Saturday, May 9, 2015 Course: Falcon Watch Cypress-Challenge 1st: Don Mowry and Bill Healey Tied at 2 Skins 2nd: Jack Hugill and Rich Lucidi Tied at 1 Skin Low-Net: Ruben Jones 65 Low-Gross: Ruben Jones 79 Eagle: Ron Doncouse Birds: Ruben Jones 4 Birds Rich Lucidi & Bill Healey 1 Bird

L to R: Don Mowry, Jack Hugill, Bill Healey, Rich Lucidi, and Ruben Jones.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015 Course: Sandpiper Lakes-Palms 1st: Don Mowry, Ruben Jones, and Rich Lucidi Tied at 2 Skins 2nd: Paul Swakow and Bill Healey Tied at 1 Skin Low-Net: Paul Swakow 65 Low-Gross: Paul Swakow 8

Back L to R: Hannes Broschek, Paul Swakow, Frank Harvey and Jack Hugill. Front L to R: Jerry Egger and Tom Rosata.

T-2nd: Lee Johnson, George Krauss Bill Markle, Dale Holstrom 21 T-2nd: Bill Meier, Will Kuxhousen Jim Lahti, Dave Hoffman 21

June 2015

Club Link One Membership More Golf Falcon Watch Men

Wednesday, April 15, 2015 Low Gross – Low Net 1st Flight Low Gross: 1st: George Fenwick 81 Low Net: 1st: George Krauss 62 T-2nd: Fred Held, Ron Doncouse & Bob Condon 66 2nd Flight Low Gross: Jim Mutolo 84 Low Net: 1st: Ron Kunze 59 2nd: Jim McClafferty 63 Wednesday, April 22, 2015 Two BB on 4&5’s -3BB on 3’s 1st Flight 1st: Bill Fitzhugh, George Krauss Fred Held, Jim McClafferty 34 2nd: Mel Bushart, Bob Condon George Fenwick 32 2nd Flight 1st: Bob Trombetta, Ron Kunze Hank Smythe 34 2nd:Vince Pirone, Jay Wildasin Sammy Samuelson, Paul Hunt 30 Wednesday, April 29, 2015 Scramble T-1st: Vid Valiusaitis, Mel Bushart Vince Pirone, Jay Wildasin 7 T-1st: Will Kuxhousen, Bill Meier Bob Trombetta, Lee Johnson 7 T-1st: Fred Held, George Fenwick Al Laforet, Paul Hunt 7 T-1st: George Krauss, Bob Ewing Jim Mutolo, Dale Holstrom 7 Wednesday, May 6, 2015 One BB – Par 72 1st: Bob Condon, Ron Doncouse Jim Mutolo, Hank Smythe 23

Friday, April 24, 2015 Low Putts 1st: Carolyn Schultes 29 2nd: Judy Roberts 34 Friday, May 1, 2015 Better Nine – Minus ½ HDCP 1st: Judy Roberts 22 2nd: Kathy Payne 23 Holes That Start w/ T or F Minus ½ HDCP 1st: Kathy Payne 28 2nd: Carol Schultes 34

Falcon Watch 9 Hole Ladies

Friday, April 17, 2015 Mystery Hole T-1st: June Krueger, Wally McIntosh 38 T-2nd: Donna Berger, Emma Gadd 41 Friday, April 24, 2015 Three Clubs and a Putter 1st: Mary McClafferty 41 2nd: Wally McIntosh 42 Friday, May 1, 2015 Low Net T-1st: Emma Gadd, Alice Chura Meg Towner 26 2nd: Wally McIntosh 27 Friday, May 8, 2015 Low Putts T-1st: Alice Chura 13 2nd: Rosa Ricciardi 15

KP Ladies Nifty Niners Thursday, April 16, 2015 Game: Tee to Green Flight A Winners Gail Bush 21 Judy Boyer 24 Janine Johnson 24 Flight B Winners Ellen Doncouse 23 Sally Repetti 25 Flight C Winners Liz Lister 33 Linda Hilts 36 Thursday, April 23, 2015 Game: Hate “em Flight A Winners Bev Buteau 23 Cathy Marquis 24 Flight B Winners Sue Watkins 23 Judy Stevens 24 Flight C Winners Paula Rezoagli 19 Joyce Bissonette 29 Thursday, April 30. 2015 Game: Low Putts Flight A Winners Gail Bush 13 Jane Maasen 16 Mary McClafferty[1] 16 Flight B Winners Dorothy Mulford 17 Sally Repetti 17 Judy Stevens 17 Mary Winter 19 Laura Schwander 19 Flight C Winners Janice Kincaid 21 Paula Rezoagli 23 Thursday, May 7, 2015 Game: Scramble Winning Team #1 with 27 Bev Buteau Mary McClafferty [1] Karen Crippen Joyce Bissonette Winning Team #2 with 29 Mary Winter Mary McClafferty [2] Janice Kincaid Karen Munford

Association 9-Hole President’s Cup for 2015 was Lorna Ruggiero (Second from the right) with a final score of 64 for 18 holes. The first runner up was Vorin Johnston (Left) with a score of 65. Looking at their scores before subtracting their handicap, they both also had the lowest scores of all who competed, so had this been the club championship, they would have won that too. Lorna shot a 106 and Vorin 107. WOW pretty impressive. Jean Fortier, (Second from the left) who chaired the tournament and Vice President, Wendy Marcotte (Right) presented the winners with beautifully engraved trophies, and we all helped them celebrate with wine and cheese after the game. Congratulations to Lorna and Vorin. Thursday, April 30, 2015 Game: Low Putts Flight A Winners Gail Bush 13 Jane Maasen 16 Mary McClafferty[1] 16 Flight B Winners Dorothy Mulford 17 Sally Repetti 17 udy Stevens 17 Mary Winter 19 Laura Schwander 19 Flight C Winners Janice Kincaid 21 Paula Rezoagli 23 Thursday, May 14, 2015 Game: Blind Hole Variation Flight A Winners Mary McClafferty [2] 36 Bev Buteau 37 Flight B Winners Ellen Doncouse 39 Lorraine Rings 42

Falcon Watch Play It Forward Results

Tuesday, May 12, 2015 Throw Out the Worst Hole - HDCP T-1st: Elfie Nolden, Noreen Schramm 17 2nd: Bucky Delving 18

Scepter Men

Wednesday, April 22, 2015 Team Quota 1st Flight 1: Larry Lutz, Bill Yost, Phil LeMasters, Duke Munford 1st Flight 2: Tom Costello, Jerry Buteau, Bob Nevin Wednesday, April 29, 2015 Low Gross 1st Flight 1: Ray Parisen 1st Flight 2: Steve Davis 1st Flight 3: Tom Costello 1st Flight 4: Bill McNamara 1st Flight 5: Joel Marquis Wednesday, May 6, 2015 2 Best Balls T-1st Flight 1: Ray Parisen, Duke Muford, John Lyons, Bill Yost T-1st Flight 1: Fletcher Wason, Bill Yucuis, Vince Taylor, Harry DeVoti T-1st Flight 1: Al Bulis, Kurt Hoffman, Tim Ellis, Bob Murman Club Link continued on Page 21

June 2015 The News of Kings Point

Ladies 18 Holes

Accomplished by: Jay Wildasin  May 4, 2015 Falcon Watch Golf Course -Challenge Hole #8 Yardage 145 Club Used Driver Witnessed By: Frank Neuwirth, Sam Zians and Lee Johnson

Tuesday, April 21, 2015 Quota Points 1st Flight 1: Liz Lewis 1st Flight 2: Mimi Choquette 1st Flight 3: Kathy McNamara 1st Flight 4: Marilyn McAllister 1st Flight 5: Mary Smith Tuesday, May 5, 2015 Better Nine 1st Flight 1: Heather McKown 1st Flight 2: Kathy McNamara 1st Flight 3: Jan Thumberg Tuesday, May 12, 2015 Best Balls T-1st: Liz Lewis, Paula Jimaki, Dottie Girardi, Carol Salowitz T-1st: Judie Schafers, Fern Duval, Lyn Yucuis, Pat Head

Ladies 9 Holes

Tuesday, April 21, 2015 Low Net 1st: Deb Watson Tuesday, May 5, 2015 Two Best Balls T-1st: Barb Meyer, Barb Kanoza, Alice DeSchryver T- 1st: Lindy Langlois, Ann Clark, Beb Buteau, Judy Stevens Tuesday, May 12, 2015 Oen BB on 4’s and 5’s 2 BB on 3’s 1st: Kareb Munford, Cathy Marquis, Ann Clark

Sandpiper Men

Club Link Continued from Page 20.

T-1st Flight 1: Phil LeMasters, Jim DesLondes, Doug Tanzer, Bruce Kanoza 1st Flight 2: Frank Neuwirth, Tom Giddings, Bill McNamara, Joel Marquis

Thursday, April 9, 2015 One-Two-Three 1st: Chuck Kim/Stan Senecal/ Les Easton/Bud Tolley Thursday, April 23, 2015 Texas Scramble 1st: Chuck Kim/Jerry Wick/ Bud Tolley

Page 21

Thursday, April 30, 2015 Two Best Balls of Four 1st: Bert Poulin/Floyd Harris/ Ken Defreeuw/Don Marlborough Thursday, May 7, 2015 Three Best Balls on the Corners, Two Best balls on the Rest 1st: Jerry Kelleher/Jerry Wick/ Ken Defreeuw


Tuesday, April 7, 2015 Individual Points to Par 1st: Annetta Pucci Tuesday, April 14, 2015 Throw Out Worst Hole Each Nine 1st: Cecile Young Tuesday, April 21, 2015 Low Net 1st: Lois Gluntz Tuesday, May 5, 2015 Individual Points Quota 1st Flight 1: Lois Pelow

Kevin McPherson, Dave Birkett, Gene Duval, John Anderson, Gordon Cummings, Jim Connolly, Ken Lightle, Clyde Schafer, Jerry Auger, Jim Johnson, Barry Bernicke, Gene Hemingway, Jerry Brynn.

Play it Forward

Tuesday, May 5, 2015 Scramble 1st: Armand Deluca/ Noreen Schramm/Rosa Ricciardi/ Claudia Woolley

Nancy Birkett, Erma Faron, Kathy Sprowl, Betty Rollins, Jeanie Shively, Syl Oliveira, Gloria Rice, Mary Club Link continued on Page 22 Weller.

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22 Page

Club Link Continued from Page 21

Caloosa Greens Men

Wednesday, April 1, 2015 Chicago 1st: John Mooney Wednesday, April 8, 2015 Low Net 1st Flight 1: Wayne Zellers 1st Flight 2: Mike Trach 1st Flight 3: Ken Rattray T-1st Flight 4: Jim Wagner & Bud Swift 1st Flight 5: Dave Wilkie Wednesday, April 15, 2015 Skins 1st: Wayne Zellers Wednesday, April 22, 2015 Two Person Shamble 1st: Wayne Zellers/Fred Schreiber Wednesday, April 29, 2015 Best Nine, Front or Back 1st: Frank Carlin Tuesday, May 5, 2015 Scramble T-1st: David Wilkie/Bill Schofield/ Vince Pater T-1st: Jim Fischer/John Mooney/ Bucky Delving


Thursday, April 2, 2015 Partner’s Best Nine 1st Flight 1: Claudia Wooley/ Joanne Edwards 1st Flight 2: Carol Slaughter/ Jan Schick Thursday, April 16, 2015 Three Club and Putter 1st Flight 1: Mary Miller 1st Flight 2: Elfie Nolden

The News of Kings Point

Thursday, April 23, 2015 Hatem 1st Flight 1: Janet Chick 1st Flight 2: Elfi Nolden Thursday, April 30, 2015 F & T’s Low Gross Flight 1: Janet Chick Low Net Flight 1: Mary Klopp Low Gross Flight 2: Carol Slaughter Low Net Flight 2: Noreen Schramm Thursday, May 7, 2015 Low Gross/Low Net Low Gross Flight 1: Phyllis Wright Low Net Flight 1 Sue Freed Low Gross Flight 2: Pat Johnson Low Net Flight 2: Elfie Nolden


Wednesday, April 22, 2015 Prize Fund 1st Flight 1: Kyle Creasy/Dick Zak/Mike Krodel/Terry Mosier 1st Flight 2: Sam Thompson/ Jim Stevens/Dick Prosman/Jim Scinta 1st Flight 3: Ron Bartlett/ Bob LeMaster/Hank Missenheim/ Sonny Durham 1st Flight 4: Dick Ducharme/Jack Reilly/Jim Connolly/Jim Warchol Monday, April 20, 2015 Three on Odd/Two on Even 1st Flight 1: George Wilkins/ Steve Lockom/John Rapp/Bob Beauchane Monday, April 27, 2015 One Best Ball of Two 1st Flight 1: Chuck Kim/Ken Deragon 1st Flight 2: Jack Stiles/Dave Bartku

Monday, May 4, 2015 Scramble 1st: Steve Lockom/Paul Baskwell/Mike Starrett/Jim Gengelbach Monday, May 11, 2015 Two Best Ball of Four 1st: Pat Gilbert/Ken Deragon/ Dave Birkett/Dave Bartku


Tuesday, April 21, 2015 Three-Two-One 1st: Kathleen Records/ Barbara Gaines/Sue Auger/ Emily Rohner Tuesday, May 5, 2015 6-6-6 Two Best Balls of Four 1st: Joann Beattie/Kathy Hannell/Kathy Brantner/ Emily Rohner Tuesday, May 12, 2015 Quota Points

June 2015

1st Flight 1: Kiyoko Ashendorf 1st Flight 2: Suzy White 1st Flight 3: Betty McLoone 1st Flight 4: Connie Murray


Friday, April 17, 2015 One Best Ball of Two 1st Flight 1: John Durm/ Deloris Durm 1st Flight 2: Paul Kip/Judy Kip Friday, April 24, 2015 Team Quota 1st Flight 1: Kyle Rollins/ Betty Rollins 1st Flight 2: Ed Barnes/ Nancy Barnes Friday, May 1, 2015 Texas Scramble 1st Flight 1: Kevin McPherson/ Diane McPherson 1st Flight 2: John Gaines/ Barbara Gaines


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June 2015 The News of Kings Point

Adopt a Friend That C.A.R.E.s

Ginger has the most heartmelting eyes. Her beautiful eyes match her auburn coat. Ginger is loving by nature and has a gentleness about her. She is slightly shy during introductions but after a few minutes she shines. Ginger has had several playmates since she arrived at C.A.R.E. - she is good with most other dogs, including puppies. Ginger’s maternal instincts surface whenever she’s around puppies. She can be found doing a full body wag through the fence at them, nose-to-nose. Ginger is a sensitive girl who is eager to have a home to call her own. As part of Ginger’s adoption, she has been spayed, is current on vaccinations, and has been microchipped. DOB: 1/2/2012.

Alley is a dark gray short hair young cat who was brought to C.A.R.E. with her three siblings, Magnum PI, Silver and Rascal. Her mom is the beautiful gray Mona, a real stunner herself. Alley is a true beauty and has the most luxurious soft fur. She loves to play with the other cats at the shelter and really enjoys sunning on the lanai. Her favorite place to be is on anything high; she loves the cat towers. But she would like to come to live at a forever home of her own. Please come and see this lovely girl and give her that home. Alley has been spayed, microchipped, and she is current on her shots. DOB: 7/2/2012.

C.A.R.E. is an all-volunteer, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization (593678003) registered with the FL Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, No. CH-14526. The shelter is funded solely through donations, adoptions, spay/neuter fees, fundraisers, and small grants. For more information, volunteer opportunities or donations, please visit our website (careshelter.org) or give us a call 813-645-2273. We are very grateful for your support. C.A.R.E. is open 10 AM to 3 PM on Tues. - Sat. For directions visit www.CareShelter.org or call 813-645-2273.

Feline Folks

Do you know what the group Feline Folks does for the community cats? Do you want to know? Would you like to donate dry and/or wet cat food to help feed the cats? Do you have a few hours free per month to assist us? If you have these or any other questions about the community cats, stop by the table in the Kings Point North Clubhouse any Thursday from 10 a.m. to noon to learn more. There is no obligation. Our only interest is to help the community understand what we do and why we do it. Possibly, you will decide to help. If you cannot visit the table but would like to learn more contact us at info@felinefolks.us. Sorry, we no longer have a phone so that all our money can go to helping the cats.

Learn About the “New” Pet Resource Center

Mary Jo (MJ) Maruca, Animal Control Supervisor, Animal Safety & Enforcement for Hillsborough County, will talk about the evolution of the Hillsborough County Animal Shelter to the ‘new” Pet Resource Center. MJ will also discuss animal safety, particularly critical during our hot summer weather. Join the Cat Lovers Club of SCC on Monday, June 8, 1 – 3 p.m., Armstrong Room to hear this timely presentation. MJ will be available to answer your questions as well. To help support local in-need kitties, cat food donations will be accepted at the meeting. All cat lovers are welcome. For more information, visit our website at www.catloversclub.org or call 813-442-3014.

News of Freedom Plaza

By Peggy Burgess Any attempt to select a Freedom Plaza resident whose life, career and accomplishments make good reading brings frustration: there are simply too many who more than “fill the bill”. Though space does not permit recounting their myriad successes, permit me to at least introduce them here. They are, alphabetically: Larry Chambers (Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy, Ret.) This prominent resident was invited recently to be guest speaker for ceremonies aboard the U.S.S. Midway (now a museum, anchored permanently in the San Diego Harbor) commemorating the 40th anniversary of the evacuation of Saigon, an honor well-deserved . While skipper of the Midway (then) Captain Chambers executed “Operation Frequent Wind”, a mission to rescue people fleeing Saigon, and he put his naval career on the line in an heroic humanitarian deed. When a Vietnamese officer flying his family to safety in a small Cessna, and low on gas, requested permission to land on the Midway (disallowed by the admiral on board), Chambers not only granted it but pushed millions of U.S. dollars in equipment overboard to enable it. Freedom Plaza residents know Larry Chambers as the hero he truly is…and they know him, as well, as an electronics-savvy neighbor whom they call on for help with computer problems. Freedom Plaza is honored and fortunate that he has chosen to make this his home. Larry and Sarah Chambers moved to Freedom Plaza in 2011. Spencer Faircloth, (Lt. Col. U.S. Air Force, Ret.) Many Sun Center City residents first met ”Spence” Faircloth in his office at Sun Bank’s local branch where, as First Vice President and Trust Officer, he helped guide their financial affairs. They remember his public parties recognizing local centenarians. They recall his sponsorship of numerous philanthropic projects, among them a local C.A.R.E. animal shelter and the first Hospice House in Hillsborough County. Now they can know him as author of the newly-published “From Watermelon Inspector

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to the White House.” The book chronicles the experiences of a young “Georgia boy” who worked as a produce inspector to help fund his education, enlisted in the U.S. Air Force and rose through the ranks to serve as letter writer for Presidents Johnson and Nixon and as a Director on the White House staff. Upon retirement Faircloth became a real estate broker and put that expertise to work when he functioned as the first Executive Director of Development for Freedom Plaza during its organizational stage. We were delighted to welcome him “home” as a Freedom Plaza resident in 2011. John Foster, nationally recognized poet. Adding to his plethora of poetry prizes, John Foster recently had the honor of being appointed a National Poetry Judge for the National Federation of State Poetry Societies. This came as no surprise to those who have participated in his poetry workshops, attended his poetry readings and own one (or all) of his three published books of poetry. What many may not know is that Foster’s profession was in education, as a teacher of French in several private northeastern schools. He holds diplomas from Middlebury College, Yale University and the Sorbonne in Paris. His teaching experience also includes bridge, in which he is a certified instructor and in 2013 was voted runner-up Teacher of the Year by the American Bridge Teachers Association. At Freedom Plaza he is a member of Plaza Players, on the Board of Directors of Freedom Plaza Scholarship Fund, active in Freedom Frolics and continually inspires residentpoets by encouraging their efforts. John and Lorraine Foster moved to Freedom Plaza in 2013. While Freedom Plaza offers an extended range of services and amenities, it is the residents, themselves—like the three mentioned here—bringing with them the experience to enrich the lives of others and sharing it generously, who truly give this senior life care community its distinctive lifestyle. We extend to this trio of residents our sincere congratulations on their accomplishments past, present and future.

Feline Folks Monthly Meow Mixer

The volunteers and friends of Feline Folks enjoyed their monthly Meow Mixer on Monday May 4 at the Loft in the Kings Point South Clubhouse. It is a great opportunity to meet other cat enthusiasts while enjoying snacks and a beverage. Everyone one is welcome to attend this event. Join us on the first Monday of every month at the South Clubhouse Loft starting at 4:30 p.m. No commitment! Just a meet and greet. Hope to see you there next month. Feline Folks is a not-for-profit all volunteer organization which feeds and cares for the community cats in Kings Point. Feline Folks can be reached at info@felinefolks.us.

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24 Page

The News of Kings Point

Kings Point Art League
Artist of the Month

June 6 – July 4 KPAL’s Artist of the Month for June is Dixie Kraft. Dixie came to Florida in 1982 from Dearborn, MI. She and her husband built a home on a canal on Pine Island in Southwest Florida near Ft. Myers. After many years working in the Dental field as an assistant and office manager, she quit working to help her husband in his Marine Repair business. Her hours became a little more flexible so she took up a passion from High School..... watercolor painting. Dixie took many lessons from local, as well as nationally known watercolor artists. She was a member of the Pine Island Art Association, the Fort Myers Art League, and the Punta Gorda Art Association. She also entered many shows and won some ribbons for her efforts. Her work was also displayed in various galleries on Pine Island, Matlacha, and Fort Myers.
 In 2005 they moved to Newnan,

GA where she quickly became a member of the local Art League. She painted there and displayed her work in local galleries and shows. She was invited to paint a fiberglass full size Thoroughbred Colt for a project by the Newnan Historical Society called a “A Horsey Affair”. In 2012 they moved back home to Florida, settling in Oakley Green in Kings Point, where she joined the Kings Point Art League, and enjoyed painting with Diane Simon in her watercolor classes. She is also in charge of the monthly displays of the artists in the Art Room in Kings Point North Clubhouse. Dixie is proud to be selected as “Artist of the Month” for June. The paintings she is displaying are watercolors done on Yupo paper. It is a synthetic surface different from regular watercolor paper giving a different look to the paintings because the color sits on top of the paper instead of being absorbed into it. She enjoys painting on this surface and hopes you enjoy viewing her display. You may see this wonderful display on Yupo paper from June 6th through July 4th in the Art Room window in the Kings Point North Clubhouse.

Rockin’ Thru The Years Dance Club

This new Kings Point Club held their first dance on Sunday, December 7, 2014. Due to your support, interest and “word of mouth” advertising this club has held successful dances every month since its inception. Thank you very much for all of your supportive comments and for attending the dances. I truly appreciate all of you! I hope that you will continue to Join Us for a Rockin’ Good Time at the Rockin’ Thru the Years Dance Club monthly dances held in the Borini Theater 7 pm to 10 p.m. the third Sunday of the month. The doors open at 6:30 p.m. You may bring snacks and BYOB. Cups, napkins, ice and water are provided on each table. Please contact Sandi at “rockinthrutheyears@gmail.com” for more information. Dates and Entertainers for June to August 2015 Sunday, June 21st--Daniel Fugazatto will perform a Dance Presentation and provide a dance lesson in addition to the dance music for our dancing pleasure. All of the men attending the dance will receive a gift for Father’s Day. Sunday, July 19th--Del & Gary will provide our dance music with a Country Western Night theme. Sunday, August 16th--Ocean Road Back to Rock and Roll. Tickets are $5 per person and may be purchased in the Kings Point North Clubhouse lobby Tuesday, June 2nd 12 p.m. to 2 p.m., Tuesday, June 9 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. and Tuesday, June 16, 12 pm to 2 pm. You may reserve a table when you purchase your tickets. Please continue to support your Kings Point Clubs.

SouthShore Library News

June 2015

By Allie Brazis, Senior Librarian Making Homemade Yogurt Monday, June 1 from 2 to 3 p.m. Join local naturalist, Diana Kyle, as she presents an entertaining and educational program on how to make yogurt at home. Funded by the Friends of the SouthShore Regional Library. No registration required. Beginner Ukulele Workshop Friday, June 5 from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Join members of the Tampa Bay Ukulele Society (TBUS) for a free beginners ukulele workshop! Learn about the instrument, how to tune, hold and strum, play chords, learn two songs, and meet other local uke enthusiasts. A limited number of ukuleles will be available to play at the program for the first ten customers. Bring a uke from home-- or check out a ukulele from the library’s new lending collection, made possible by TBUS! Senior Lifestyle Series: Life Path Hospice Wednesday, June 10 from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. End-of-life planning should be a part of everyone’s health care plan. Life Path Hospice discusses the benefits of hospice and palliative care, how advance care directives can impact the care you receive, and the importance of making these decisions now so that your loved ones know how you wish to be cared for in the future. Movie Matinee “Into The Woods” Thursday, June. 11 from 2 to 4:15 p.m. Enjoy a movie on the library’s big screen. Inspired by a choice selection of Brothers Grimm fairy tales, this plot centers on a baker (James Corden) and his wife (Emily Blunt) who incur the wrath of a witch (Meryl Streep) while attempting to start a family. Subsequently cursed by the vengeful hag, the hapless couple find their fates linked with those of Cinderella (Anna Kendrick),Little Red Riding Hood (Lilla Crawford), Rapunzel (MacKenzie Mauzy) and Jack (Daniel Huttlestone) of Jack and the Beanstalk. Johnny Depp, Chris Pine, and Lucy Punch co-star. Rated PG, 124 minutes.No registration required. Local Author Meet N’ Greet Friday, June 12 from 2 to 4 p.m. Meet some of your favorite local authors, ask questions about their work, network with other local authors and get your new book signed by the author. An Afternoon With The Tarot Monday, June 15 from 2 to 4 p.m. Discover the history, art, and uses of tarot with Certified Tarot Grandmaster, Christiana Gaudet. Learn about the different kinds of tarot cards, their structure, and their archetypes. No registration required. Elder Law Seminar Wednesday, June 17 from 2 to 4 p.m. This program will provide information and education regarding legal issues for seniors including planning for incapacities/long term care with emphasis on public benefits. No registration required. Family Center On Deafness Telephone Distribution Wednesday, June 24 from 1 to 3 p.m. FTRI provides free specialized equipment and training to qualified Florida residents who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired. The equipment enables them to place and receive phone calls. Presented by Florida Telecommunications Relay, Inc. (FTRI) No registration required. A Short History Of Tea Friday, June 26 from 11 a.m. to 12 noon Today, tea is the most widely consumed beverage worldwide second only to water. Join Shawn Geitner of Beleave Teas Inc. on a journey that begins in China where the tea plant “Camellia Sinsensis” was discovered over a thousand years ago. Attendees will learn Japan’s influence in tea history and see how tea consumption spread through Europe, Africa and the rest of Asia. No registration required.

June 2015 The News of Kings Point

KP Line Dancers

Come and celebrate our great State of Florida with the KP Line Dancers at a free social dance on Wed June 17, 7 p.m., in the Veterans Theater (formerly Borini). No ticket to purchase, so mark your calendar. Dress for Florida weather. BYOB. Open to KP and SCC residents and their guests. Call Jan 634-6226 for more info.

Singles Social Dance Club

Sun City Center Singles Social Dance Club “Where New Friends Become Old Friends.” Open to all residents of Sun City Center and Kings Point. Entertainment provided by Thor Stevens. 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. BYOB and snacks. Proper dress required, no shorts or jeans. Come dance and have some fun! For information call: Janet Doherty 813-334-1439. June 7 and June 21.

Foxy Senior Dance Club

Come and join us in lots of fun singing and dancing. Members $3, non-members $5. Coffee and deserts, water and ice bucket on table. BYOB and snacks. In the Florida Room on June 13, from 6:30 to 9:45. Call for more info 454-9572.Academy of Ballroom Dance By Patti Brown Saturday, June 6, in the Atrium Building Dance Studio. Attire is dressy casual, BYOB. Everyone

welcome. At 6:30 before the dance Bernice DuBro and George Hawn will be teaching a fun samba line dance lesson. Members free, guests $6, which includes the lesson. Music by Bernice DuBro. More information, call Charlie Brown at 813.712.0869 or email battman12@gmail.com.

Oldies But Goodies Social Dance Club

June 14, 7 p.m. till 10 p.m., the Oldies But Goodies Social Dance Club (OBG) will dance at the Kings Point (KP) Veterans Theater (formerly Borini) , 1900 Clubhouse Dr. The Dukes will play the music from the 50’s, through the 80’s. BYOB and your own snacks. Cups, water, and ice are provided at each table. There is no cost for OBG members and $5 for each non-OBG member. Be sure to save the date for Sunday, July 12, 2015 when Tony and Tricia (Good Stuff) will appear at the Veterans Theater (formerly Borini) in KP and play the dance music. Important Note: No tickets sold at the door on dance night. Non OBG Club members must purchase advance tickets before the dance. A ticket is required to enter KP and the dance. Advance tickets sold at the SCC Atrium Kiosk on June 8, 10, and 12, 9 a.m. until noon, KP Main Club House on June 9 and 11, 9 a.m. to noon. OBG Club members must show their club badge to enter KP. Limited number of tickets (150), first

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come first served, all ticket sales are final, no refunds. Need more information, check out the club website at sccoldiesbutgoodiesdanceclub. com or contact Joanne Baskinger at 813.728.1147 or by email at jjlatenite@aol.com.

Dance Classes In June, 2015

By Bernice DuBro Tuesday, June (2, 9, 16, 23, 30) Beginning - Waltz- 5:30 p.m. Intermediate - Tango - 6:45 p.m. Beginning/Intermediate 3 Count Disco/Hustle - 8 p.m. $25/person for the 5-week month. Wednesday, June (3, 10, 17, 24) Beginning - Tango-12:45 p.m. Interm.-Cha-Cha-2 p.m. Interm.-Slow Dance-3:15 p.m. $20/person for the 4-week month. Taught by Bernice Dubro & George Hawn. For information call 634-3205 or email dancewithbernice@gmail.com.

Moonglow Dance Club

Moonglow Ballroom Dance Club will feature the live music of “Daniel Fugazzotto” at their monthly dance on Thursday June 25 from 7:30-9:30 p.m. at the Florida Room, Atrium Building, Central Campus, Sun City Center. PLEASE NOTE that our location has changed because Community Hall is closed this summer for extensive renovations. I will be happy to provide directions if you need them. The attire at Moonglow Dances

is Dressy Casual. (No shorts or tank tops, please.) Members are FREE, and Visitors/Guests pay $5 per person at the door. Singles tables are always available. Please BYOB and Snacks, and the club will provide ice, water, cups and napkins. The Moonglow 2015 Schedule of year-round monthly dances has a great lineup of talented entertainers booked for your dancing and/or listening to live music. Visitors are always welcome, so why not get your friends and neighbors to join you at a Moonglow Dance? If you think that you can’t Ballroom Dance, remember that we are not “Dancing With the Stars”. We each do what our bodies allow us to do in time to the music. For more Information call 813-6331297 OR 813-633-2755, or if you would like to receive Moonglow Information by email, contact gail3357@gmail.com.

Square Dance Club Closes For The Summer

The Sun City Center Swingers Square Dance Club will not Dance in the months of June, July, August and September 2015. Our last dance for this season will be Friday, May 29. The club will begin dancing again on Friday, October 2. Everyone have a wonderful, healthy and safe summer – we’ll miss y’all. Stay tuned and we will see you in October.

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26 Page

The News of Kings Point

June 2015

Games! Cards! Dessert!

Photo by Vern Elarth L to R: Associate Pastor Dr. Ross Laidlaw, Missions Committee Chairman Frank Blaszczak, Missionaries Eric and Janet Johnson and Beth and David Roberts, and Associate Pastor Rev. Ed Schafer.

Trinity Baptist Church

Trinity Baptist Church recently hosted their supported missionaries from Mexico and Argentina. The missionary couples made presentations on their work during the Sunday evening service and then had time after the service to answer questions from the congregation. Missionaries David and Beth Roberts have worked in the province of Tucuman, Argentina, with a population of around one million residents, for five years. David has a background in criminal corrections and addictions. Beth taught third grade in the U. S. for seven years and taught English as a second language. Upon arriving in Argentina, they partnered with a church and helped it to grow and work through problems over the years. Drugs have become a major problem in Argentina, and David has become more involved in a rehabilitation ministry. He also visits hospitals and prisons. Beth connected with her neighbors through her five year old son. When her son started school, she became friends with the other children’s mothers. She noticed that her son was becoming very proficient in Spanish and realized that she needed to teach him English. The other mothers asked her if she would teach their children English as well. This lead to the formation of a very close group of parents and children. Missionaries Eric and Janet Johnson have worked in Mexico for over thirty years. They’ve worked in Mexico City, with a population of 24 million residents, and most recently served in Monterrey, with a population of four million residents. They primarily worked with pastors to strengthen churches and church leaders. They formed a group of pastors and their wives to share and work together. This has helped them lead their churches more effectively. They use a two-year Converge Worldwide program designed to strengthen churches. They work with pastors and church leaders to assess church ministries and develop ways to make the ministries more effective. Janet works with Pastor’s wives to form groups to support each other. Drugs, crime and corruption are a big problem in Mexico. There are two drug cartels in their area and there are frequent gun battles in their neighborhood between the cartels and the police. Trinity Baptist church is located at 702 West Del Webb Blvd. in Sun City Center. For information visit www.trrinitybaptistscc.com or call 813-634-4228.

Fashions By Bonworth: Christian Women’s Connection Luncheon on May 14

United Community Church United Church of Christ 1501 La Jolla Ave. • 813-634-1304

Chapel Communion 8:30 AM •Worship 10:00 AM REV. DR. TIMOTHY W. SHIRLEY

No matter where you are on Life’s journey, you are welcome here. A place where God is still speaking.


Photo by Paula Conners. L to R: Ed Socha, Richard Prieur.

Do you like to play board games or cards with friends or family members? The Council of Catholic Women of Prince of Peace Catholic Church invites you to come to its dessert and card party on June 11, 2015 from 12–3:30 p.m.at the Conesa Center. For additional information, please call (813) 633-2460 or visit www.popcc.org. Prince of Peace Catholic Church is located at 702 Valley Forge Boulevard in Sun City Center.

Pearl Harbor Survivors Visit

Trinity Baptist Church members Ed Socha and Richard Prieur recently got together for a visit. They are the two remaining Pearl Harbor attack survivors living in Sun City Center. Richard had lost his USS Maryland hat and during their visit, Ed presented him with a new one. It is interesting to note that they both served aboard the Battleship USS Maryland at Pearl Harbor.

Mary & Martha House Receives Interfaith Council Grant

By Jay Sparkman Laurie Kepler, left, executive director of Mary Martha House, and Jan Falcione, retail manager of Mary Martha House, hold a grant check in the amount of $7,600 presented to them on the behalf of the Sun City Center Interfaith Council by Mary Ann Twitty, a Nearly New Shop volunteer. The grant will be used to purchase two commercial washers and two commercial dryers. The Sun City Center Interfaith Council uses monies from the sale of donations at the Nearly New Shop to fund grants and scholarships in the South Hillsborough County area. For more information go to www.InterfaithCouncilofSunCityCenter.com or call 813-642-9099.

A Family of Volunteers Making a Difference

Six a.m. Saturday morning, Our Lady’s Pantry: It is still dark outside much of the year as Diane and Brian McNamara unlock the door to Our Lady’s Pantry. Along with almost a dozen other volunteers, they spring into action, as there’s much to do to get ready. Each helper heads in a different direction. They set up the registration tables and food trolleys. They bag donations of fresh bread and baked goods from Panera and Publix. They begin packing boxes of groceries to give out, once doors open at 7:30 a.m. Helpers include regular Pantry volunteers along with some of the folks who have come for food. Like an extended family, everyone pitches in to get ready for what is likely to be another busy morning, providing some food relief for about 200 families. Brian and Diane have been working at the Pantry for a few years now. “I have a need to work here, as much as the people we serve need a box of food,” says Brian. “It’s fun, too. And good exercise,” he adds, laughing, as he heaves a big box of food over his head to store on Pantry shelves. “With many of our regular volunteers heading north, the Pantry can use a few more helping hands,” says Anita Bullaro, co-director of the Pantry along with her husband Tom. “If you can spare a few hours, we welcome you to join our family of volunteers. We work on Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday mornings. And — like Brian says — we have fun.” Our Lady’s Pantry is located at Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Migrant Mission, on U.S. Highway 301, in Wimauma. We are in back of the classroom building on the far right-hand corner of the Mission Center. To learn more about Our Lady’s Pantry, please visit us at www.ourladyspantry.com.

Prince of Peace Catholic Church

702 Valley Forge Blvd, SCC • www.popcc.org • 813.634.2328



Sun. 8am, 10am, 12n Sat. Vigil 4pm Daily 8:00 a.m.

Mon.-Fri. 7:30 a.m. Sat. 8:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.

June 2015 The News of Kings Point

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Hosts Interfaith Council

By Jay Sparkman The Sun City Center Unitarian Universalist Fellowship hosted the April meeting of the Sun City Center Interfaith Council held at the Beth Israel Congregation. The Unitarian Universalists Fellowship holds meetings in the Beth Israel Congregation. The SCC Interfaith Council is made up of delegates from nine houses of worship in Sun City Center and sponsors the Nearly New Shop in the Sun City Center Plaza. Monies raised at the Nearly New Shop provide funding for grants and scholarships in South Hillsborough County. For information go to www.InterfaithCouncilofSunCityCenter.com or call 813-6429099.

Beth Israel Congregation Enjoys Outing

On Sunday, May 3, a group of congregants from Beth Israel Congregation enjoyed an informative program trip to Elmira’s wildlife sanctuary in Wimauma. After a congenial and delicious breakfast at Rachel’s Country Kitchen, the group drove to the sanctuary and was treated to a tour of the facility. The sanctuary is entirely volunteer run. The animals are rescued from many different situations and cannot be released into the wild. They are cared for by a loving and capable staff in habitats designed for their needs. Any gifts, visits, or tours are a great way to help these beautiful animals. Thanks to Judy Branch, Program Director of the synagogue, for arranging this trip. The website for Elmira’s is www.elmiraswildlife.org.

Women of Faith Meet and Greet

Over the last several months, women of faith in the Sun City Center community have been meeting to get to know each other a little bit better. These gatherings have been mostly social, but educational as well. The third such opportunity will be hosted by the women of St. Andrew Presbyterian Church. Dr. Mark Salmon, pastor, will be on hand to greet the women and share a few minutes of insight into the great similarities shared by all faiths and the differences of the Presbyterian tradition. This get-together is scheduled for Wednesday, July 29, 2015, at 10 a.m. in the church’s Fellowship Hall. There are 11 congregations located in our neighborhoods. The first to step forward to organize and initiate this idea were the women of the United Community Church, followed by those of Temple Beth Israel. There is great hope that women of faith of these congregations will expand their relationships while learning to appreciate the similarities and differences between their faith traditions. Women reading this article are invited to become part of this special community group – you need not be a member of any of the congregations in Greater Sun City Center. So, come and join us – we would love to meet you. Light snacks and refreshments will be served. For reservations or further information, please call contact Cam McGary at 813-642-9800.

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First Christian Church Welcomes Associate Minister

First Christian Church of Sun City Center is pleased to announce the addition of their new Associate Minister, R. Mark Huntley, a graduate of Great Lakes Christian College with a degree in Theology, and a graduate of Fort Hays University in Hays, Kansas with a Master’s degree in Psychology. Together with his wife Elsa they have served Christ in ministry for over 50 years. First serving as independent missionaries in the South American country of Chile for 22 years, and then followed by four pastorates in the United States. Mark enjoys arranging music and leading the congregation during worship time. They come to the area with the anticipation of being part of the exciting growth occurring at First Christian Church. The church is located just outside the back gate of Kings Point at 1707 33rd Street SE, Ruskin, FL. Please be our guest this Sunday. Worship service begins at 10:30am on Sundays (child care and children’s Sunday school available). Adult bible study begins at 9:15am. For more information, visit us online at www.FirstChristianSunCityCenter. com or call the church office at 813-419-4930.

Join Us for Baseball & BBQ

Members of St. Andrew Presbyterian Church in Sun City Center invite you to join us on June 6 at Steinbrenner Field in Tampa for a 6 p.m. game between the Tampa Yankees and the Clearwater Thrashers (farm team for Philadelphia). The admission price is $20 and includes all you can eat at a pre-game meal of BBQ chicken, hot dogs, hamburgers, cheeseburgers, pulled pork sandwiches, pasta salad, coleslaw, potato salad, chips, Pepsi products, bottled water, an exclusive Tampa Yankee cap, and a reserved ticket to the game. Parking is free if you drive yourself, or for an extra $20 you can ride a bus from Sun City Center. Stop by the office at back of the church at 1239 Del Webb Blvd. W. to buy your tickets. For more information, call 813-634-1252.

Fall Prevention for the Elderly

As we age, we’re more prone to falling and breaking bones. Join us at 1:30 p.m. on June 4 at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church in Sun City Center to learn tips for preventing falls. This free presentation will be given by Robin Watt, an EMT with the Emergency Squad, where she has served as a volunteer for almost 11 years, currently as Assistant Chief of Communications. Robin’s personal interest in fall prevention began when her mother began experiencing multiple falls with injuries. That, combined with the serious injuries she observed as an EMT with the Squad, led her to work with others in the community to develop a Fall Prevention Coalition, begun in 2007. These efforts were moved under the Emergency Squad’s umbrella of services in 2011. Since starting these efforts, she has made over 200 fall prevention presentations in Sun City Center and throughout Hillsborough County. Robin’s insights may help YOU. St. Andrew is located at 1239 Del Webb Blvd. West and can be reached by telephone at 634-1252.

Military News Larissa Scott Addresses Sharia Law at MOAA Luncheon

By B. F. Kepley, CAPT USN (Ret) Larissa Scott was the featured speaker at the Military Officers of America Association (MOAA) May 6 luncheon at the Florida Room in the Sun City Center Atrium. At 17, Larissa Scott married a Shi’a Muslim and was expected to convert to Islam and live a Sharia-compliant marriage. She was introduced to Sharia law with its strict code of conduct for women, gender apartheid, limitations on self-expression, and sanctioned physical abuse. The marriage lasted four years. She addressed the inexorable creeping growth of Sharia Law on a global basis. She delved into the tactics and surreptitious strategies being used to help insure that Sharia Law will eventually be the dominant way of life worldwide. She commented that Sharia Law devotees are using our own fear of offending other religions against us, which enables their unconstrained growth. She stated that if one looks at the world today, Sharia Law is gaining ground, piece-bypiece, country by country. Her comments were well received and exceptionally thought provoking. Today Larissa is an NRA-certified safety instructor for the Refuse to Be a Victim program, a graduate of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement’s (FDLE) Intelligence Operations Guide for Islamist Terrorism training, and a graduate of John Guandolo’s Understanding the Threat (UTT) immersion training for Train the Trainer program. She volunteers as a human rights activist and gives frequent presentations on the treatment of women under Sharia law.

L to R: LTC Charles Conover, USA (Ret); Cadets Andrew Phenes, John Cottrell, and Andrew Yates.

MOWW Presents ROTC Awards

By B. F. Kepley, CAPT USN (Ret) The Military Order of the World Wars (MOWW) recently presented awards to three University of South Florida (USF) Army ROTC cadets. The ceremony took place on April 9, 2015 at the C. W. Bill Young Hall. LTC Charles Conover, USA (Ret) (left) presented the Bronze, Silver and Gold ROTC medals to (from left) Cadets Andrew Phenes, John Cottrell and Andrew Yates respectively. They are Senior ROTC medals and are accompanied by a ribbon bar. The cadet recipients of the awards are selected by the USF ROTC staff for their outstanding achievements during cadet training. More Military News on Page 28.

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The News of Kings Point

Military News contined from page 27

June 2015



MFST Holds Luncheon For Scholarship Recipients

By B. F. Kepley, CAPT USN (Ret) The Board of Trustees of the Military Family Support Trust (MFST) held a recognition luncheon honoring its 2015 National Scholarship Recipients at the Freedom Plaza Club on Friday, April 24, 2015. There were seventeen (17) scholarship recipients from high schools around the nation. Six of the recipients were from Florida high schools. Recipients who were able to attend are, from left in photo: Mathew Hall, T.R. Robinson Sr. HS; Justin Garrard, Lebanon HS, Indiana; Daniel Erickson, Jefferson HS, Tampa; Karleigh Holbert, Winter Haven HS; Kylie Weaver, East Bay HS, Riverview; and Nicolas Mabilleau, C. Leon King, Temple Terrace HS. A brief discussion of the accomplishments of each winner was presented by retired Brigadier, Colin Howgill, (RM), chairman of the Board of Trustees, and photos were taken with each student and their parents and/or representative holding a plaque containing the names of previous scholarship winners as well as the name of the scholarship donor. The awarding of scholarships to military children and grandchildren is just one of the many charities MFST offers to our military families. MFST is a 501c3 charitable trust established in 1992 and headquartered in SCC Freedom Plaza. Using contributions the MFST provides significant benefits to both national and local individuals and programs related to military and federal employees. Some of the beneficiaries are JROTC cadets; scholarships to children and grandchildren; assistance to Homeless Women Veterans; Guide Dog training; the VA’s Operation Helping Hand; and other similar charitable endeavors.

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Stay & Play Getaway • Only $99!* • 3 days/2 nights in a Minto home • Golf for 2 • Dining at Club Renaissance • Full access to recreational facilities • Use of private golf cart during your stay • And more! Photo by Sandy Kepley L to R: MFST president Nancy Alguire, Kelly Kowall, and Trustee Frank Kepley.

MFST Presents Donation To My Warriors Place

By B. F. Kepley, CAPT USN (Ret) The Military Family Support Trust (MFST) presented a check for $2,000 to Kelly Kowall, the owner of My Warriors Place (MWP), in the Freedom Plaza auditorium on May 7, 2015. Kelly started the MWP project after her son was killed in Afghanistan and she realized that there were few places for veterans, Gold and Silver Star families, to help them overcome their grief from the horrors of war and/or the death of a Fallen Warrior. MWP plays an important role in the healing and coping process and the support that MWP provides through their programs is, at the very least substantial and certainly impressive. It is difficult to tour the grounds without feeling Kelly’s passion. Amenities of MWP include, but are not limited to, canoes, kayaks, fishing equipment, bicycles, basketball, workout room and a boat launch and dock. The property consists of five trailers, two houses, four RV pads and a small laundromat. The goal of MWP is to honor, support and promote healing of the mind and spirit in a relaxed environment out on the water at no cost to that “individual.” To make a positive difference in the lives of those “individuals” who loved and cared deeply for a military service member who died while serving in the Armed Forces. It is intended to be a safe haven where healing can begin. MWP is supported through donations. The staff is all volunteers. For more information you can visit www.mywarriorsplace.org. It is located at 101 22nd Street NW Ruskin, FL 33570. Telephone number is (813) 321-0880. MFST is a 501c3 charitable trust established in 1992 and headquartered in SCC Freedom Plaza.

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*Costs of trip including airfare and expenses will be reimbursed up to $500 after the buyer closes on a Minto home. Buyers must go to contract on a Minto home within 90 days of Stay & Play visit. Receipts for airfare and expenses must be submitted in order to be reimbursed for exact expenditures. The reimbursement cost is not to exceed $500. © Minto Communities, LLC 2015. All rights reserved. Content may not be reproduced, copied, altered, distributed, stored or transferred in any form or by any means without express written permission. Artist’s renderings, dimensions, specifications, prices and features are approximate and subject to change without notice. Minto, the Minto logo, Sun City Center, and the Sun City Center logo are trademarks of Minto Communities, LLC and/or its affiliates. CGC1519880 6/2015

June 2015 The News of Kings Point

Page 29

Contract Bridge Super Crossword



Many contracts fail because of unlucky distribution, but some of them can be salvaged despite a bad break. Take this case where you’re in six diamonds and West leads a heart. You win with the ace, expecting to make all the tricks, but when you play the A-K of trumps, West shows out, and you realize that even the small slam is now in danger. All is not yet lost, however, since East might have to follow suit when you next play the K-Q-10 of spades. If he does, you can discard a heart on the fourth round of spades and so make

Solutions on Page 31

the slam. Unfortunately, East ruffs the third spade and cashes a heart, and down you go. This is certainly an unlucky result, since the trumps could have been divided 3-2, or East might have had the simple decency to hold three or more spades. Nevertheless, the fact is that the contract might have come home with a slight variation in the play. After the 4-1 division is revealed, the best approach is to cash the king of spades and then lead the ten to the ace. When you next continue with the nine, it becomes far from easy for East to ruff, as he might think West has the queen. East might well decide to discard a club on the spade lead from dummy, thinking you might have started with something like: [S] K10 [H] 103 [D] AKQ542 [C] Q97 In that case, he would hand you the slam by ruffing the nine but would defeat you by discarding on it. If he does discard, you can then make the slam after scoring the queen of spades by crossing to dummy with a club and discarding a heart on the jack of spades. Your conscience might bother you for having stolen a slam you were not entitled to make, but the 1,390 points you enter in your column should dispel those feelings very quickly. Š 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

30 Page

The News of Kings Point

June 2015

Strange But True By Samantha Weaver

•It was a man named Thomas Jones who made the following sage observation: “Friends may come and go, but enemies accumulate.” •If you’re like the average American, you order meals to take away from restaurants more often than you actually eat inside a restaurant. •You may be forgiven if you’ve never heard of Violet Jessup, who lived a remarkably fortunate (or unfortunate, depending on your point of view) life. At the age of 23, Jessup was serving as a steward on the RMS Olympic when the luxury liner collided with a British warship and sank. She survived to continue her profession, taking a position on the RMS Titanic less than two years later, in 1912. That didn’t end well, as we all know, but once again, Jessup survived. Amazingly, she continued her oceangoing career, and during World War I she served as a nurse aboard the Hospital Ship Britannic. When the Britannic struck a mine and sank, Jessup was pulled underwater and hit her head on the keel of the ship. Despite her injuries, she was rescued once again. Three maritime disasters didn’t seem to faze her, though; she remained a stewardess for the rest of her career. •In 2007, researchers using Google Earth discovered the world’s largest beaver dam. Located in the wilderness of northern Canada, the dam is more than a half- mile long at 2,790 feet; experts estimate the structure was started in the mid1970s. •If you’re a resident of Ohio, please keep in mind that in that state, it is illegal to get undressed in front of a man’s portrait. ************************************ Thought for the Day: “The greatest analgesic, soporific, stimulant, tranquilizer, narcotic, and to some extent even antibiotic -- in short, the closest thing to a genuine panacea -- known to medical science is work.” --Thomas Szasz


© 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.



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June 2015 The News of Kings Point

Salome’s Stars

ARIES (March 21 to April 19) You might be a bit shaken by a friend’s request. But before the Lamb leaps to conclusions, insist on a full explanation. You still might say no, but at least you’ll know what you’re saying no to. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Seeing red over those nasty remarks by someone with an ax to grind? Of course you are. So get out there and give your supporters the facts they need to get the truth out. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) A changing situation should get you to reassess your vacation plans and make any adjustments as soon as possible. And don’t fret -- the change most likely will turn out for the better. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Don’t put off dealing with any negative feelings that might be left over from a recent confrontation. The sooner all is resolved, the sooner you can move forward with fewer complications. LEO (July 23 to August 22) Leos and Leonas might feel the urge to redecorate their dens, and that can turn into a good opportunity to strengthen family ties by putting the whole pride to work to make it happen. VIRGO (August 23 to Sept. 22) Look for the most efficient way to get a job done quickly and well. Taking more time than you need to make it look more challenging is a short-sighted move you might regret later on. LIBRA (Sept. 23 to October 22) Travel remains strong in your aspect. And this time, it could involve someone traveling a great distance to come to see you. Meanwhile, an important matter suddenly could need your attention. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21) A workplace situation becomes a lot more bothersome than you’d expected. Be careful not to be pulled into all that anger. Look for support among others who also want to avoid trouble. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) Cheer up, lonely lovers, wherever you are. Just when you thought you’d been deleted from Cupid’s database, the chubby cherub proves that’s just not so. Congratulations. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19) A casual relationship could take a more serious turn. Are you ready for it? Your stars say you are. Paired Sea Goats also will find a renewed richness in their relationships. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18) Meeting a collaborator with new ideas seems to be a dream come true. But for both your sakes, be sure all your legal i’s are dotted and t’s are crossed before you start working together. PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 21) A romantic overture flatters the usually unflappable Fish. But since it’s a sincere from-the-heart gesture, go ahead and enjoy it. A minor health problem responds well to treatment. BORN THIS WEEK: You have the warm heart of a Taurean and the sensitivity of a Gemini. You would make a wonderful leader. So go ahead: Run for office. © 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

Answers to Puzzles from Page 29

Page 31

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